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Name: 20071016_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 16, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Once again, live from Austin, Texas, it's Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones.
Today is the 16th day of October, 2007.
And Alex is on the last day of his little mini-vacation, and he will be back tomorrow, and then I can go back to selling toilet parts and things.
But until then, once again, I am here.
My name is Bob Dacey.
I am the host of the Simple Truth cable access TV talk show in Austin, Texas.
For those of you in the Austin area, it's on from 6 to 7 on Monday nights.
We were on last night.
And the show is produced by Kelly Taylor and Jeff Kantoff.
And we've been on the air.
We're in our ninth season now.
And we cover pretty much the same politically incorrect topics that Alex covers.
And as I said before, a couple of times in the last few days, I, you know, Alex Jones was the guy that woke me up to the reality of the New World Order.
And the John Birch Society was the vehicle I chose to
Fight the New World Order.
Things have gone a long way since those many years ago when I first met Alex in my office.
I was trying to assess him and he was trying to assess me.
Gee, at that time when I met him in my office, I was giving him stuff that I was starting to look up.
For example, my son's high school textbook.
He was a senior at Anderson High School, and I looked at his government textbook, and right there they were teaching him that the Second Amendment doesn't mean what it says.
And so I showed a copy of that to Alex, and he said, Can I have this?
And I said, Sure!
And then that Friday night, he was on the air on his local radio show.
This was way before he got to be such a big deal.
He was reading it to an audience all over Austin, and I was thinking, Hey!
Hey, I got media power now, you know?
So I gave Alex stuff like that for a while and yesterday I talked about that Unidear article that I gave him many years ago where the United Nations disarmament arm was talking about making sure that civilians could not have military-style weapons and that would make it easier for the state to retain or regain the legitimate monopoly of force.
I talked about that yesterday.
And of course, Alex, at that time, was able to spread that all over his website and, um, like, hey, more media power!
And here I am now, 2007, sitting in the Central Texas Command Center here, deep behind enemy lines, at the microphone, talking to millions of people in the last few days, and now we got real media power!
And I'm just tickled pink about it, and I'm honored that Alex, um,
Ask me to do this every once in a while.
I think it's great.
When he deserves a break and needs to take some time off with his family, well, gee, I'll be in here.
I can't resist the opportunity to spout off to that many people and give my opinions.
Alex puts no restrictions on what I say.
It's just straight.
He doesn't edit what I write.
It's just pure.
So, you know, yesterday I was bashing the UN unmercifully, as they deserve, and I talked about the fact that the Council on Foreign Relations started the UN, really.
I mean, they were the principal organization that got it going, said that over 40 members of the CFR were at the founding conference, and that the CFR member, Alger Hiss, was the acting Secretary General of the founding
I haven't finished
Explaining the CFR.
I want to go after the CFR a little bit more.
And I will do that.
Start after the break.
This is Bob Jones.
This is Bob Casey for Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I don't think I bashed them enough yesterday.
That's what I think the problem is.
People don't seem to understand, and maybe I didn't emphasize enough yesterday, that the Council on Foreign Relations runs everything.
They're the behind-the-scenes people that actually make the U.N.
One of the callers was saying that the U.N.
is nothing but a shill group, you know, a puppet or whatever, a whipping boy.
Well, the people that make the U.N.
work are the people of the Council on Foreign Relations.
I kept talking to the guy about, well, who runs them?
Who runs them?
Who runs them?
And he thinks that there's a left-right situation going on when there's no such thing.
The fellow, one of the callers, was saying that it's those right-wingers and
I think so, yes.
The true scale is liberty versus totalitarianism.
Anarchy versus totalitarianism.
No government, which is horrible, because everything falls apart, and then you get a big government to fix it.
And you get totalitarianism, where they tell you what to do, whether you're in Soviet Russia or in Adolf Hitler's Germany, it doesn't matter.
They run everything.
Whether they call it fascism or communism, it doesn't really matter.
You still get the boot in the face.
But somewhere along in there, there's something that works.
And what works is a limited government.
You know, the way we were raised here in the United States, that the government needs to be limited and chained down by the Constitution and split into three branches so that the three branches can split power and fight amongst themselves all the time and keep themselves weak so that the people can prosper.
And yes, we have democratic underpinnings, that's for sure.
You know, we democratically elect representatives to go to the House and to the Senate to supposedly to do their constitutionally restricted duties, although they seem to have gotten a little out of bounds in the last couple of hundred years.
And another important thing, it's very unpopular with people because they were they've been lied to all their lives about the word democracy.
Democracy is not what this country is.
We're a republic.
You know, in a democracy, hey, that's mob rule, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, and the mob's not too smart sometimes.
I'm sorry, the mob is just not too smart sometimes.
They want stuff, they vote for stuff, and all of a sudden, nobody has any stuff.
And then they vote themselves into an oligarchy, and then we're all in big trouble.
So, you know, we have Democratic underpinnings, but the whole point of the House and the Senate
is to filter the will of the majority and to protect the rights of the minority.
And that's what a republic is.
And that's what we are.
And that's what we're trying to preserve.
However, my friends at the Council on Foreign Relations want just the opposite.
They want an oligarchy with them at the top and everybody else at the bottom.
And that's what they were founded to do.
Yesterday I talked about Edward Mandelhouse, Wilson's right hand man, his Henry Kissinger, principally one of the main founders of the CFR back in 1921.
And these guys have been up to mischief ever since.
Before I go into a little bit about the CFR, and of course I'm going to use one of their own documents against them, that's what I love to do.
I'm going to read a news report here, which kind of relates.
This is from the Jones Report today, written by Aaron Dykes.
You can go to JonesReport.com and check it out.
Secretary Rice, CFR, usher in Pan-American community.
Trade agreements for Peru, Colombia, and Panama have concluded, forming an unbroken chain of trading partners from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic Circle
That will level U.S.
Boy, I'm excited now, aren't you?
Our wages are going to be leveled.
How about that?
This is a quote from Secretary of State Condoleezza Royce from the article.
Quote, the founding ideal of our Pan-American community, born across many centuries and carried by us still, is the hope that life in the hemisphere would signify a break with the old world
And a new beginning for all mankind.
Gee, I just think she said New World Order in a little different twist.
A break with the old world, yes.
And a creation of a new system of international politics based on mutual respect and cooperation among independent nations.
Yeah, right.
Independent nations all linked together under a one world government are not independent, Ms.
Condoleezza CFR, right?
And then we have another quote down here, apparently from her.
Today we are making a similar strategic commitment in our hemisphere to the success of our Pan American community.
This commitment has begun in the last decade by leaders of both parties.
It is now being advanced further.
Well, you know, the John Birch Society, many years ago,
We're good to go.
of an infrastructure project meant to link the whole Western Hemisphere.
And a year later, the Birch Society sent me to Waco to go to this conference at Baylor University, the Free Trade Area and the Americas Conference, and lo and behold, everything I knew was confirmed by the luminaries there.
They were talking about building a big superhighway system
They needed the infrastructure to link the whole area together so everyone could participate in the trade area.
That was Dr. Supachai Panichpakthi, the former head of the United Nations World Trade Organization, said that.
So I, you know, we knew about it a long time ago.
We knew what was going on a long time ago, and of course now, seems like everybody's starting to figure it out.
And by the way, let me make an announcement here.
The second hour today, on the second hour today, you want to be sure and
Stay tuned for that.
We're going to have John McManus, the president of the John Birch Society, is coming on, and we're going to discuss the Birch Society's efforts to stop the North American Union.
And then later on in that same hour, Kelly Taylor is going to join us.
Kelly Taylor, of course, locally, is one of the two producers of the TV show that I host, The Simple Truth, and Jeff Kantoff is the other producer.
And but in the Birch Society, Kelly is kind of like the official spokesman for the Birch Society on the subject of the NAFTA superhighway and how it relates to the North American Union.
So we're going to have a discussion with Mr. McManus first, then Kelly Taylor will join us.
And then after that, we'll probably take some phone calls and see how that goes.
So anyway, I digress.
That's OK.
I'm allowed to.
I got the microphone.
Okay, so we have Secretary Rice here, CFR member, talking about this Pan-American Union, which again, that's what the FTAA is, ladies and gentlemen.
They're trying to create this FTAA, this Free Trade Area of the Americas.
I guess they think the North American Union of Canada, the United States, and Mexico is a done deal, huh?
Well, I don't think so, but they do.
Now listen to this.
Here's Condoleezza Rice again.
She asked that U.S.
workers facing dislocation and insecurity update their skills and pursue retraining, suggesting that the role of community college in giving people a second or even third or sometimes fourth start on a different kind of career.
So yeah, we know you've got a nice career and you've been doing stuff and you've been making widgets and you've got this company and everything and well, we're going to have the slaves come in and make it instead and we're going to export your job to China and then that stuff you used to make is going to come through Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico up the trans-Texas corridor and be bought in the stores and you won't have a job anymore.
But hey, don't worry about it.
We're going to send you to community college and retrain you to take a crummy job.
And this will be good for you, America.
You don't really want a middle class, do you?
Come on!
And then apparently Mr. Bush, our imperious leader, makes this remark.
I understand that if you're forced to change a job halfway through a career, it can be painful for your family.
I know that.
That's why I'm a big believer in trade adjustment assistance.
It helps Americans make the transition from one job to the next.
The community college system, for example, will be able to train that person for jobs which actually exist!
Oh boy, Mr. President, I'm just getting so excited.
So you're doing this trade deal so that we can cream American jobs, destroy the middle class, and then we get government assistance to train for a crummy job, right?
You know, I envision a future in America, if Bush gets his way, that in order to get a degree,
At an American, say, community college, you will have to learn this phrase.
Would you like some fries with that, sir?
That's how you'll get a degree.
You'll be able to, you know, work flipping burgers and that'll be your degree.
You can say, would you like some fries with that, sir?
And then, you know, if you, let's say you're really good at that, you know, you're really good at upselling with the fries, you know, well, then you can go back to community college
And then you get a master's degree and in your master's degree what you need to learn how to say is you can supersize that with 39 cents you know that'd be great I mean you know America will be so dumbed down that that's what all we'll be able to do the problem is with my plan is
That those jobs are going to be taken by all the illegal aliens coming up here.
So I don't know what we're going to do.
You know?
I guess the middle class is in big trouble, but hey, Condoleezza thinks it's a great idea.
Well, when we get back from our break, I am going to continue to bash Condoleezza Rice, the CFR.
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Okay, Bob Basie, back on the Alex Jones Show.
For the break, we're talking about Condoleezza Rice and George Bush and how great it's going to be to take out the American middle class and have them get government assistance to re-educate them for what we don't really know.
What kind of jobs are going to be out there since they're taking all the high-tech stuff and shipping it to India and they're taking all the manufacturing and shipping it to China and all the service jobs are being taken up by the illegal aliens
So, I'm not exactly sure what all these high-tech jobs, I mean these jobs that President Bush say actually exist are.
I'm not real sure what those are going to be.
Maybe we can just, you know, sell each other services.
Okay, back to this article.
Here's another quote from Secretary Rice.
These trade agreements will benefit U.S.
workers and businesses enabling them to compete on a level playing field in new markets to create jobs and opportunity in our nation and to address the wealth of all in our economy.
What the heck is that supposed to mean?
I think that was what you call gobbledygook, I believe.
And then Aaron Dykes says, the meaning of a level playing field was not clarified, but perhaps it relates to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's recent call for lowering U.S.
wages and opening the borders on David Letterman's Late Show.
Now here's a quote from Alan Greenspan.
We ought to be opening up our borders to skilled labor from all parts of the world, because if we were to do that, we would increase the supply of skilled workers that our schools have been unable to create
And as a consequence of that, we would lower the average wage of skills and reduce the degree of income inequality in this country.
Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Taking us down, taking our standard of living down, lowering our wages, letting foreigners have the job, exporting the stuff to China, bringing the illegal aliens in.
Hey, man, it's all great!
If you're a New World Order type trader to the United States of America,
And, you know, there's another article here I'm not going to get into, but I just want to read the first couple of sentences.
This is from Scoop Independent News.
It was actually a press release from the U.S.
State Department by Condoleezza Rice, and it's her remarks at the Organization of American States, the OAS, one of those groups.
Here's her opening remarks.
I would also like to thank the Council on Farm Relations for hosting this event and for inviting me here to speak with you.
I have to say, I never have seen the Council's Washington offices, just despite the fact that I have been a member of the Council for many, many years.
Yes, Condoleezza Rice, you have been a traitor to your country for many, many, many years.
Now, I told you I was going to do a little CFR bashing.
I'm holding in my hand something that I got from the CFR a long time ago.
You know, Alex asked me to bash the CFR a little bit, so I dug, you know, my goodie bag from a long time ago and I am holding the Council on Foreign Relations 1999 Annual Report.
This is an old one.
It doesn't matter how old it is because the organization has never changed.
They've always been a bunch of traitors and that's just what they are.
They're just a bunch of traitors and if you look in their annual report you can see the treason all over the place.
And you know I can flip around in this book and I can see that
You know, some of the directors of the CFR back then were people like Rune Arledge, remember him, of ABC?
And George Soros, back then he was the director.
And Maurice Greenberg, George Mitchell, Warren Rudman, Jessica Einhorn, a lot of famous people.
Robert Zoellick, ever heard of him?
Yeah, how about that?
Richard C. Holbrook.
Very, very powerful people.
Very powerful people.
So, you know, oh yeah, and the director emeriti, one of them is David Rockefeller, the honorary chairman of the CFR, and we all know what David Rockefeller thinks about the United States of America.
You remember that quote that he made in his own book back in 2002, Memoirs, on page 405, he states that some people actually accuse his family of
Being a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States in order to form a one-world government.
And if you'll recall, Mr. Rockefeller said, if that is the charge, I stand guilty and I'm proud of it.
Admitted traitor.
David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus of the CFR.
So when we come back from this break, we're going to clobber them with their own book.
This is Bob Daisy for Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, birth is dominated by a powerful leader.
He's known as the Builder Bird.
Both their objective being world domination.
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the Elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Dillberg is making great progress toward a world order.
Only an educated and informed public can stop them in their tracks.
Alex, can you shut up yet?
For the first time, all the pieces have been put together.
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Earth's ruling elite believe they have discovered a fountain.
But before they can attain it, 80% of us must die.
A psychopathic technocracy is establishing world government so there can be no escape from their plan.
The New World Order is the Old World Order.
I mean, it's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what aphrodisiac is.
I was pulled off a plane in New England.
They interrogated me for four hours.
Some shots were fired.
I need you to move out of the province.
Their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
That's Alex Jones Endgame.
His latest, greatest achievement.
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And you want to pre-order it.
Get your copy.
Watch it and spread it out and let everybody know about it, because I know that Endgame is going to be fantastic.
And so you go to Infowars.com and pre-order Endgame right now, okay?
Or maybe not right now, maybe just after I get through talking or something like that.
Anyway, okay, before the break I was talking about my friends at the Council on Foreign Relations, and I'm using their own book, their annual report, to illustrate what they're really all about.
They talk about some of the speakers.
Listen to this list of speakers from back then.
Madeleine Albright, Kofi Annan, now we all know about Kofi Annan from yesterday, you know, he supposedly was, he was, he's not, he isn't now, but he was the Secretary General of the UN.
And he freely admits, in his own words, that you don't have any rights.
Even your own press corps doesn't have any right to freedom of the press if they disagree with UN practices and policies.
You know, so Article 29, Section 3 really applies.
If you disagree with the UN, you don't have any rights.
Nurse Kofi Annan, he's one of the speakers before the UN, James Baker III, Henry Kissinger.
I mean, Henry Kissinger is like, you know, he's up for slimeball of the year every year.
I mean, you know, the guy
Yeah, Henry Kissinger.
It's amazing how he survives administration after administration, you know.
You got George Shultz, Bill Clinton, John McCain, John Kerry.
They're all in the club, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why, with the exception of, you know, Ron Paul, the real viable candidates for president are all hooked up with the CFR.
You know, they pick the candidates, ladies and gentlemen.
Except for Ron Paul, they pick the candidates.
It'd be nice if we could pick Ron Paul this time instead.
It's going to be interesting to find out how that goes, because the mainstream media, which these guys control, is having a hard time keeping his message from getting out, although they're trying their best.
They're failing.
They're failing.
These people are not invincible.
There's cracks in their little shell, and we're putting them there.
So, anyway, that's some of their speakers that they have, and, you know, they have, there's a letter from the Chairman in here, and he talks about their wonderful things that they do, and I love this quote.
The debating and making of U.S.
foreign policy used to be a New York thing a long time ago, and then it was mainly a Washington matter, but as the world turned more complicated, and as an increasing number of interests asserted themselves
It became clear that a national dialogue would be needed to create a useful and coherent U.S.
foreign policy.
And of course, that's what the CFR says that they do.
My question to these guys is, who elected them to represent me?
Where do they get, where does it say in the Constitution that we have a fourth branch of government, which is a bunch of, which is a bunch of unelected elites pulling the levers from behind the scenes?
Where is that in the Constitution?
But that's what they claim their role is.
You know?
As always, our new national members will be leaders in this country and will represent varied backgrounds, expertise, and political points of view.
Now that's a crock right there, representing political points of view.
What do you bet that the gun owners of America is not in the CFR, hmm?
What do you bet that the John Birch Society is not in the CFR?
What do you bet that Alex Jones would never be allowed to join the CFR?
All they want is committed globalists and camp followers and bootlickers to promote globalism.
That's what they're all about.
That's what they were founded to do, is promote globalism, one world government, and destroy
The National Sovereignty of the United States of America.
Only thing you get socialist and totalitarian views is what you get.
You know, Dick Cheney, but Dick Cheney's a Republican!
He's a poser.
He's a totalitarian posing as a Republican.
So, well, George Bush isn't in the CFR, and he's too dumb to be in the CFR.
You've got to be smart to be in the CFR.
You know, you've got to be pretty crafty to be in the CFR.
Bush is a puppet.
He surrounded himself
Or should I say CFR members have surrounded him to make sure he behaves himself.
All right.
OK, then they have a letter from the vice chairman.
And back then it was Maurice Greenberg.
And he says, for as far as I can see, the countries that could represent major strategic challenges, the United States are concentrating on economic growth.
I think there are good grounds to believe these nations will not become our strategic adversaries once again.
I don't think so.
Here's a good one.
The organization of our military forces and U.S.
defense policy have to be rethought, and the Council is involved in that, too.
Yeah, well, who gave you the right to be involved in that?
Again, you're not elected anything.
You're a fourth branch of government.
See, they're operating outside of Constitution.
We have to examine the idea of a standby U.N.
force created globally for peacemaking and peacekeeping operations.
Oh boy!
There we have it, ladies and gentlemen.
The UN, you know, their version of peace is not your version of peace.
The UN version of peace is opposition, is a lack of opposition to their will.
Basically, it's a boot in your face, a gun at your head, and it basically is the peace of what I call, shut up or I'll shoot you.
That is peace, according to the U.N.
Lack of opposition to their will.
And who runs the U.N.?
These guys!
These guys.
Whether they're so-called Democrat-posers or Revoltican-posers, it doesn't make any difference.
They run the U.N.
Let's see.
More study needs to be done on how to deal with aftershocks of a terrorist attack on American cities.
Listen to that!
This was a 1999
We're good to go.
Okay, so then they have the President's Reports and this is what they do.
They recruit people from all parts of life to get in there and screw things up for the rest of us.
This was a President's Report written by Leslie Gelb many years ago and he says, we also have our International Affairs Fellows
The idea is to take scholars and give them a year in government or younger officials and provide them with a year for reflection and research in a think tank or academia.
And the CFR infests everything.
And they just, their people move in and out of government at will because they just, because it's, you know, the big, the big good old boys club, you know.
So they have tremendous political clout.
Okay, now let's see what else I got in here.
Just to give you a flavor of what the CFR is all about.
Oh, we have a little blurb about disarmament.
We have a United Nations Roundtable and these discussions seek to develop recommendations for UN leadership in setting new norms for human rights and disarmament.
Of course, disarmament, that means you.
We talked about that yesterday.
That means you.
You need to hear the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research openly stating they want to take all semi-automatic weapons away from Americans.
Those guys.
And they want, again, in their own words, which we discussed yesterday, they believe, CFR believes, and their globocop, their machine, the UN believes,
In government monopoly of force.
But the CFR, that's great, because that's what they want.
Because they think they're going to be the government.
So again, they're heavily involved in the UN disarmament stuff.
They have a rule.
When you're a CFR member, they have a rule called the Rule on Non-Attribution.
And basically what it means is anything that we talk about behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.
And they say, well, it's for a free and open discussion and you can't be revealing the stuff we talk about behind here to the press or anybody that might be talking to the press or a reporter or an author or anything because, you know, we'll kick you out.
This kind of reminds me of that old Charlie Rich song, No One Knows What Goes On Behind Closed Doors.
So you have a semi-secret group of people meeting in secret to discuss how to screw the United States over and you know that's just cool and their excuse is well we want open discussion and we don't want anybody to be embarrassed by what he might say.
I'm looking at their historical roster of directors and officers.
The first one that jumps out was Isaiah Bowman.
He was a director from 1921 to 1950.
Well, he was the guy who first proposed the U.N.
Isaiah Bowman!
That's him!
Right there!
You know?
So, you know, when you think U.N., you have to think CFR.
That's just the way it works.
And yes, the caller yesterday was talking about how the U.N.
can't do anything without the acquiescence of the American elite.
Well, that's true, you know, but he doesn't understand the American elite is left and right.
It's not just what he thinks is the evil right wing.
And, you know, I wish I had talked to that guy yesterday a little bit more.
He made me mad because he just kept spewing lies.
But what he doesn't seem to understand is that these elitists, which he was talking about, you know, these right-wingers can't stand communism.
That's a joke!
These elitists funded Lenin!
They funded Lenin!
There's no way, there's no way these rich American capitalists, pigs, would ever fund Vladimir Lenin.
That can't be!
But all you gotta do to prove that to yourself is go get a copy of Armand Hammer's autobiography, Hammer, by Armand Hammer, and go read it.
He goes over to Russia back in 1922 or whenever and meets with Vladimir and he falls all over himself.
There's pictures in there, me and Vlad!
You know, I mean, it's ridiculous!
He got the concessions to go over there and build pencil factories and asbestos mines and all this stuff and opened up a flood of these super-rich elitists, funding what?
The most diabolical, one of the most diabolical, evil, mass-murdering communists to ever exist on the planet?
Armand Hammer!
Yeah, you know, just don't believe me, believe them, okay?
Some of these other people, uh, April Harriman, he was a real good buddy with Joseph Stalin back in the day.
John McCloy, ooh, former chairman of the board.
John McCloy.
Man, that was the guy that brought all the Nazis over after World War II.
Operation Paperclip?
John McCloy.
He was on the Warren Commission to cover up what happened to President Kennedy.
When he ran afoul of his elitist masters and stopped behaving himself.
A lot of guys, I'll tell you what.
And of course the membership percentage.
This is important to understand the membership percentage.
This is very important because it's not just super rich guys.
You've got people in business, including banking, mainly including banking.
26% of their membership back then was that type of people.
And we're talking about the heads of all the big corporations, too.
The big ones.
You know, they're CFR.
So then you've got academic scholars.
21% of their membership back in 1999 was academic scholars.
And that's very important.
You've got people like nowadays Robert Pastor, the guy who is one of the chief promoters of the North American Union.
He would be considered an academic scholar.
I would consider him a traitor.
Yes, I do.
We're good to go.
How can you be a government official, U.S.
government official, who's supposed to swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution?
How can you be that and then be a member of the CFR whose sworn duty is to destroy the Constitution?
I think there's a problem there.
There's a disconnect.
I don't understand how a government official can be a member of the CFR.
That seems to be like, you know, conflict of interest if you really want to represent your country.
I think?
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We're good to go.
Yeah, we want to make darn sure that the peace train doesn't get derailed by the New World Order because they're trying to drive this train, which is our country, over a cliff and wreck the whole thing.
So join in with us and try to stop these people because guess what?
If the U.S.
That's it, ladies and gentlemen.
And, of course, the chief organization in the U.S.
that's trying to destroy the U.S.
as an independent nation, which is based on the constitutional rights and the idea that our rights come from God and that the purpose of government is to protect those rights.
That concept is going to be in big trouble, is in big trouble.
And the CFR, of course,
That 500,000 Iraqi children dying because of our policies after the first Gulf War was a good price to pay?
You remember that?
I mean, you're talking about total scum.
Looking at a few more of these people.
Who we got?
Tom Brokaw.
Let me see.
You know, that's at the end.
You got all the big shot reporters.
I don't know.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a member of the CFY.
You want to talk about a Nazi?
Man, that guy's a Nazi.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, he's the guy that wrote that book, The Grand Chessboard, about how we need to go over there and take over the Caspian Basin so we can get all that oil, and how we need to build a pipeline through Afghanistan, and how the problem is that Americans are too
Democratic at home to be autocratic abroad and absent, something that shakes our sense of domestic security like a Pearl Harbor event.
Americans won't agree to us going over there and taking all that stuff over because democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.
That was Zbigniew Brzezinski.
William F. Buckley, the guy so many conservatives think is a conservative.
Yeah, he's a member of the CFR.
Big phony.
Dick Cheney, a member of the CFR, you know.
But he's a conservative!
No, he's not.
He's a globalist traitor.
You gotta get your terminology straight, see?
He's a globalist traitor posing as a conservative who likes to shoot lawyers in the face with a shotgun.
At 15, 20 feet.
You know?
Remember that?
He was over there in Texas and he shot the lawyer in the face with a shotgun and the mainstream press all lied about the distance.
The guy had 200 pellets in his face and the shotgun he was using was a 28 gauge shotgun and Alex Jones went out and bought one and did some ballistic tests on it.
Sure enough, as we all knew to begin with, when you fire a shotgun at 90 feet,
I don't know.
Unless he was using those lawyer-seeking shotgun shot.
Cheney shot the guy at close range.
Anyway, here's your CFR membership.
And after this little short break we'll be back and talk about a few more.
And then hopefully we'll be bringing on John McManus of the John Birch Society.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Once again, this is Bob Dacey, the host of the Simple Truth TV show in Austin, Texas.
A local member of the John Birch Society in Austin, Texas.
A very rare occasional writer for the New American Magazine.
Substitute hosting for Alex Jones until tomorrow.
He'll be back on the 17th and you'll be able to listen to him again instead of listening to me.
I've been doing this for the last three days and I've been enjoying the heck out of it.
Before the break, I was talking about some of these CFR members that are on the roster, just to give you a flavor of the type of scum that infests this organization.
Actually, the whole organization is a roach hive, so you can't say they infest it, they just live in it.
Some people you wouldn't even think of.
Jimmy Carter, James Earl Carter, is a member of the CFR?
Yeah, he sure is.
See, he gave away the Panama Canal.
Uh, the Rockefeller protégés back then, along with, uh, Zbig.
And, uh, you know, when he was running for president, he promised not to give away the Panama Canal, and the first thing he did when he got to be president was start the process of giving away the Panama Canal.
That's Gemma!
Yeah, so, you know, you have Gemma Carter there.
That's, that's him.
He's one of them.
Uh, who else we got here?
Uh, of course, Bill Clinton.
That would go without saying.
The perfect globalist.
A man of unctuous rectitude.
I mean, he used car salesmen in modern parlance, exactly what Cecil Rhodes intended when he set up the Rhodes Scholarship Program back over a hundred years ago.
He's looking for people like Bill Clinton, used car salesmen to con the rest of the world out of their assets and transfer them over to them.
Perfect, perfect man for that.
Who else we got here on this list?
We got Viet Dien.
Remember Viet Dien?
He was one of the authors of the USA Patriot Act.
You know, that thing which trashed the Constitution, which trashed the Bill of Rights to protect you from the evil terrorists?
Yes, Viet Dien is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Go figure.
Go figure.
Richard N. Gardner, I think he was the one who wrote that tome called Hard Road to New World Order or something like that.
I think that was him.
I could be wrong about that.
The deal about doing an end-run about national sovereignty is much more effective than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Yeah, they got Supreme Court members up there.
That's very, very, very dangerous.
I think there's three or four of them up there now that are members of the CFR.
That is very dangerous because when you have Supreme Court members, a member of an organization that's bound and determined to take down the U.S., that's a bad, bad situation.
Who else we got here?
Richard Holbrook, you remember him.
He was a U.N.
Jesse Jackson.
Yeah, Jesse Jackson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
But wait a minute, he's a screaming black liberal elite person.
He is not a liberal.
He's an elitist.
What he does is he keeps the black people down, making them think that they have to go through him to get anything.
You know, that's his job.
And Jesse Jackson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And of course, one of the big, fat, gigantic members of the CFR, of course, is Henry Kissinger.
You know, as I said yesterday, he's wanted in several countries as a war criminal, because he is one.
Henry Kissinger, who abandoned the US POWs in the Vietnam War and just let them rot.
That guy.
You know?
I'm telling you, this club is very exclusive.
You know?
Very exclusive.
And who else?
George McGovern.
Remember him?
Lots of people.
John Negroponte.
Mr. Evil himself.
Remember the CFR?
What we're going to do.
We have John McManus.
The President of the John Birch Society is going to be up next with us.
We're going to talk about the Birch Society in general and the Birch Society's efforts to stop the North American Union.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones and I'll be back after the break.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, live from Austin, Texas, it's Bob Dacey.
Welcome to the second hour of the Alex Jones Show here on the Genesis Communications Network.
I have as my special guest John McManus, the president of the John Birch Society.
We're going to be discussing the Birch Society in general and what the Birch Society is doing to stop this North American Union.
John, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you very much.
Nice to be with you.
I know we met once or twice before here in Austin.
I'm glad you're here.
I think it was last year when Kelly Taylor did all that work to get you down here.
Yeah, that was a nice evening, very good.
You know, I can't say.
I don't know.
I've been traveling so many years.
First time in a long time, then, at least.
That's probably more accurate, yes.
So we have the president of the John Birch Society in the liberal bastion of the whole state of Texas and doing quite nicely on it.
I want to get into some of the basics about the society first, because a lot of people don't know anything about the John Birch Society.
Give us a rundown, like who founded it and some of the history.
Well, Robert Welsh is a man who founded it.
He had written a book called The Life of John Birch about a genuine American hero in World War II.
And when it came time for him to form an organization that he felt needed to help inform the American people about what was really going on, he asked the parents of John Birch if he could use their son's name as a symbol, and that's how we became the John Birch Society.
And John Birch... That occurred in December of 1958.
So we're coming up next year, we'll have our 50th anniversary.
Alright, now who was John Birch?
Everybody wonders, who the heck was this John Birch guy?
He was a young Christian missionary from Georgia who had gone to China in 1940 to work for his religious convictions.
When World War II broke out, he volunteered for service with the American forces and became a legend in his own time.
As an intelligence operator, working behind the Japanese lines, he could speak the Chinese language.
He was not of very large stature and could fit very well into the Chinese population at the time.
So, he became extremely valuable reporting on rescuing downed fliers, including Jimmy Doolittle, by the way.
And, oh, so much about him that I could go on and on, just to say that
He was a legitimate hero, but he was killed ten days after the war ended in August of 1945 by Chinese Communists.
Yeah, now I want to remind people who might not know their history.
The Doolittle Raid was the raid where James Doolittle took some B-25 Liberators and bombed Japan in World War II.
That was very early in the war, and the mission was a very dangerous one because they left from aircraft carriers
They didn't have enough fuel to get back.
They were told to drop their bombs, to let the Japanese, they weren't going to get away with this, what they had done at Pearl Harbor and other places.
And then to fly to China, and when you run out of fuel, bail out of your plane.
Let it go.
And they did.
And Jimmy Doolittle was then rescued by John Birch and brought out.
Not all of the pilots of all of those planes made it out.
Some of them were captured by the
Japanese tortured and killed.
Others were never heard from again.
Yeah, I think that portion of that history was kind of recreated in the latest Pearl Harbor movie.
You know, that was a few years ago.
But yeah, so John Birch helped to rescue Colonel Doolittle.
That's correct.
And when Colonel Doolittle came out, he told General Claire Chennault, the man who was the leader of the famous Flying Tigers.
He told him about this remarkable young American and they sent word.
They said, we got to talk to him.
So he came out and he said he'd be happy to join the forces.
He wanted to be a chaplain.
They said they didn't need a chaplain.
They had one.
They needed him as an intelligence operator.
So they commissioned him as a lieutenant, United States Army Air Corps, on the 4th of July, 1942.
He spent the rest of the war, practically every day, working behind the Japanese lines.
True American hero.
He never knew what the John Birch Society was, though, did he?
No, he didn't.
But his parents did.
I met his parents.
They were living in Georgia.
And they were very happy to be initial members of the John Birch Society.
And we're proud to have him as a symbol for our organization.
What is the basic purpose of the John Birch Society?
Why was it formed?
It was formed as an information agency, really.
But it was formed to preserve the American system.
We were immediately known as an anti-communist organization, which we certainly were.
But we were always more than that, more than just anti-communist, anti-any form of totalitarianism.
Communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, any of those isms, and also opposed to a gigantic bureaucracy building in the United States that was taking our country into totalitarianism.
And this was foreseen by Robert Welch 50 years ago.
He was successful in alerting an awful lot of people to the problems that were facing our country, most of which were coming from within.
But the society got branded because we call it a conspiracy.
You're not supposed to do that!
Yeah, that's one of those things that is interesting.
When I was a conservative Republican type,
Which I was raised as a conservative Republican and in 1998 is when I actually started to wake up.
And again Alex Jones was the guy that actually woke me up.
I was trying to get a hold of a video of the Waco debacle, Waco Rules of Engagement, and I was at a gun show in 98, and I couldn't buy the thing at any of the stores.
Nobody would sell it to me.
Nobody would special order it.
Nobody would carry it.
And they all kind of took me aside and said, hey, man, we're not carrying that thing.
But I saw that video on this table at a gun show in Austin and I looked up and it said John Birch Society, Chapter 444, Austin, Texas.
And I went, Hey!
Those are the crazy right wing extremist wacko conspiracy theorist guys I've heard about all my life.
And I was kind of like almost at that point like, well, I want to buy this thing.
I want to put it in a little brown paper bag and don't let people see me in front of this table.
You know, because all that I'd ever heard about the Birch Society was that right-wing extremist thing.
Can you explain this thing about why the Birch Society has been called right-wing extremists all the time?
Well, you know, it's an old tactic.
If you can't answer the objections of your adversary, then start calling them names.
Lenin popularized that strategy.
So we would call every dirty name you could imagine.
Racist, anti-Semite, like the Communists, like the Klan, like... You know, anything you could say, none of which ever had any validity whatsoever, but it was said so often, and by so many prominent people, that a lot of Americans began to believe it.
One of the greatest of those who condemned the Burt Society was William Buckley.
And he did more to keep people away from the John Burt Society than any 50 Communists who ever lived.
And, of course, I was mentioning just before you came on that William Buckley is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Well, that's true.
And, you know, your initial reaction to the Birch Society is not too dissimilar from my own, but quite a few years earlier, in 1962, I was a devotee of William Buckley's magazine.
And I was waiting for him to comment about all of the huzzah I had heard about this John Birch Society had just been formed, secret fascist organization and so on.
So finally he came out with an editorial, and the editorial said that the Burt Society has a lot of good people in it, but they ought to get rid of that screwball Robert Welsh, who was leading it.
And I read that thing very carefully, and I jotted off a note to him and thanked him for it.
My golly, they published my letter in the magazine!
Because they did, a member of the Burt Society tracked me down, and he asked me, he said, are you basing your attitude on
about the John Birch Society and Robert Welch on what the Society and Mr. Welch have stated or what others have said of them?
That's an awfully good question.
So I wrote back to the man, surprised him, and I said, if there's something you think I need to see, I'll be glad to take a look at it.
And there began what I call a torturous re-evaluation.
And I began to detect that William Buckley was not being honest about a lot of things.
So I started stuffing things in a file and I eventually wrote a book about William Buckley.
I call him the pied piper for the establishment.
Which is what he really is.
And always has been.
I had a similar awakening about the Birch Society.
I kept going... I had this booth at the gun show, from a hardware store.
I was selling... I wasn't selling guns, I was selling gun safes.
Little gun safes.
And the Birch Society always had a booth at the gun show.
And every month I'd go back and I'd buy another piece of literature off of that table.
And then I would take it and I would take it home and read it.
And I'm going, just wait a minute here.
You know, these guys are the crazy rotting extremist wackos, because I've been told that all my life.
But I kept reading the literature and fact checking the notes and whatnot, the footnotes, and I'm going, wait a minute.
These guys are preaching baseball, hot dogs,
Apple Pie, Chevrolet Ford, Dodge.
Uh, waving the flag, uh, wholesome American stuff, uh, the, the, the Republic, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, strict construction of the Constitution, limited government.
I'm going, wait a minute.
That's what I was taught was the right way when I was growing up.
And I was trying to find this, the crazy right wing, famous wackos.
And I couldn't find them.
They weren't there.
They weren't there.
And, but I still, I still, you still have that, uh,
What you talked about, alluded to earlier, the C word.
You know, the American people have been so conditioned to think that when you say that, you're a tin full hat wearing kook.
How do you address that word conspiracy?
Well, I tell you what, before you do that, I hear the music.
And the music means that we've got to get interrupted.
And so, think about that, John.
I'm going to call you John because we've met before.
Yes, sir.
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What is it about conspiracy, John, that people just can't handle?
Well, they can't handle it because it indicts people.
Way back in 1956, more than 50 years ago now,
J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI at the time, wrote an article for the Elks magazine, and in it he said, Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.
That's pretty much what's happened to a lot of people in our country today.
But if you discount conspiracy as you look over history, you have to rewrite history.
Because history reeks with it.
So what is conspiracy?
Well, it's very simple.
It has three elements.
More than one person, secrecy, and evil.
If you have more than one person getting together,
And they have a secret plan to accomplish an evil goal.
That's a conspiracy.
No, that never happens!
Well, it happened in Watergate, didn't it?
Didn't they call that the Watergate Conspiracy?
Oh, it happens all the time.
Haven't they talked about conspiracy with the Mafia and some of these other things?
Conspiracy is the norm, actually.
If conspiracy doesn't exist, then a lot of the things that are happening to our country are simply stupidity.
And I don't believe that the leaders of our country are stupid.
I believe that they know what they're doing, and I believe that they have a secret plan.
And, you know, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that this is secret.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership met in Montebello, up in Canada, just back in August.
I went to Canada.
I went to Montebello.
I couldn't get in.
No, you weren't also.
I know that Mr. Corsi went up there.
He and I, we were together.
Y'all were together.
I didn't know you were with him.
Well, we were together.
But he had made previous arrangements for press credentials.
And William Jasper, who also writes for our New American Magazine and I, we thought we could get press credentials when we got there.
We didn't.
They wouldn't give them to us.
They said the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have to do a complete background check on you and you don't have time because
How long has the New American been published?
The New American started in 1985 and we had two magazines.
We had a monthly American Opinion, we had a weekly The Review of the News, and we merged them and came out with a whole new magazine and a new title called The New American.
So that was a new name for an older magazine that's been published even longer than that.
Oh yeah.
But you didn't get press credentials?
Well, actually, I think we might have been able to get them if we had asked ahead of time.
But anyhow, we went to Montebello hoping that we could get in with Jerome.
The time that we did go, he didn't get in then either, but he got in the next day.
We ran into a phalanx of police and military people, all of them shoulder to shoulder with weapons, all dressed up looking like Darth Vader.
It was really eerie.
But we couldn't get near the place.
Well, gee, that sounds like a conspiracy to me.
Well, more so is to go back to September of 06, when you have a meeting held in Banff in Canada, way up in the Rockies.
Big resort hotel in Banff.
And this is a meeting called the North American Forum.
Closed door meeting.
No press allowed.
Uh, who's there?
Well, only, uh, Ronald Rumsfeld and George Shultz and Carla Hills and, uh, U.S., uh, Deputy Secretary of State Shannon and a bunch of other people, uh, and counterparts from Canada and Mexico.
Well, somebody at the meeting decided he didn't like what he was hearing, and he blew the whistle.
A man named Mel Hurtig from Canada.
And he came out, and he brought out copies of the agenda that these people were talking about.
What were they talking about?
They were talking about integration of the three countries.
Very simple.
But this was a secret meeting, you see.
They weren't allowed to publicize it.
So, is that a conspiracy?
Well, if you believe that merging Canada, U.S.
and Mexico is a good idea, then it's not a conspiracy, because it's not evil in your mind.
But if you're like me and you believe that the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are important, then destroying those is evil and that's a conspiracy!
There you go.
Definition of conspiracy.
Well, John, we're up against another break.
And I think in the second half of the hour, Kelly Taylor is going to be joining us.
Kelly Taylor is the writer for the New American on one of the subjects of the North American Union, the NAFTA superhighway.
So when we get back from the break, we'll have Don McManus and hopefully Kelly Taylor will be joining us as well.
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Well, you were sleeping.
They came and took it all away.
I've been talking with John McManus, the president of the John Birch Society.
And we're talking about this North American Union and the Banff Conference in Alberta, and of course they got the notes out of there and they were talking about evolution by stealth, which sounds to me like a conspiracy.
What exactly is the problem with this North American Union, John?
What is the matter with a nice economic pact between Canada, the United States, and Mexico?
Well, it's fine, you know.
They came up with NAFTA back in 1993, North American Free Trade Agreement, and that was the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Now, at the time, the greatest trading partner of the United States was Canada.
Who needed it?
In fact, all during my lifetime, the greatest trading partner we've had is with Canada.
Who needed it?
But then you look into NAFTA and you find 900 pages of regulations.
Now, imagine calling something free trade when you've got 900 pages of regulations.
What you find is that this free trade and this whole free trade thing going on worldwide has very little to do with trade and very much to do with compromising the sovereignty of nations and bringing them under an umbrella organization, as has happened in Europe.
And some of the people promoting this North American Union, Vicente Fox for one, and several others certainly, have said that they want the United States, Canada, and Mexico to become part of an arrangement very similar to the European Union.
Well, look into the European Union and what do you find?
You find that this is the greatest concentration of political power in the history of mankind.
That's greater than Suleiman the Magnificent, or Hitler, or Stalin, or Genghis Khan, or you name it.
It's unbelievably important.
And a lot of Europeans are beginning to realize that their countries are no longer independent.
They now take orders from Brussels, the head of the European Union.
And this is what is planned
For our country and for the entire Western Hemisphere.
So what is the problem then?
A lot of people are talking about, well, what's the problem?
You have an old-fashioned idea about the sovereignty of nations and that this is passe in this modern, globalized world.
What are you so afraid about?
What are you so afraid of?
Well, I'm afraid that if you put all concentration of all power in any single repository, I guarantee you it will end up as tyranny.
And you could have a saint
In the position of the leader of the world who would be shot and the man who takes his place would be a criminal and there would be tyranny.
So you got to go back to, you know, I believe that we're involved in a spiritual struggle and the spiritual struggle to me is one of the elements of it is to destroy individual nationhood.
Now where did nationhood begin?
I would guess a lot of your listeners are people who understand a little bit about Holy Scripture.
And you go back to the Tower of Babel and you find that there were some people trying to build a world government and trying to reach to the sky and supplant God Almighty and so forth.
So what did God do?
He confused the tongues.
The people could no longer all of them speak to each other.
And so some of them who could communicate went off and formed a nation here and others another nation here and another nation over here and so on.
Nationhood began at the Tower of Babel and the European Union's European Commission has published a poster which they say that they show the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel.
It's very significant.
Here they are saying in this poster that they want to redo what was attempted many hundreds of years before Christ at the Tower of Babel.
Yeah, I think so.
Nationhood, as far as I'm concerned, is a good thing.
And you want competition amongst nations to be the best.
Sometimes you will get competition to be the worst.
That's what they call free trade.
Well, what's the difference?
But it's free trade.
What could you possibly have against that?
Well, I'm not opposed to free trade, as long as it's fair trade.
But what we see is not free trade.
What we see is, as I've mentioned previously, 900 pages of regulations in NAFTA.
The European Union has tremendous numbers of regulations.
I got a letter from a fellow in England.
They formed a small political party.
They're trying to keep England independent.
He said the European Union was sold to the British people as a trading agreement and has turned into a political union which is changing our basic laws and traditions.
Bingo is right!
So that's what's happening there.
Now, I wrote an article in the latest edition of the New American Magazine where I talk about free trade, what it is and what it isn't, and that's in our North American Union edition of the New American.
Anybody can get a copy of that by simply going to the web.
Go to thenewamerican.com.
The New American, all one word, dot com.
And you can download the entire magazine.
And we invite people to do that.
And you'll see in there that article by me about free trade.
I wrote another one about what America is supposed to be and how we're losing it.
But there's articles in there about
The Trans Texas Highway, the NAFTA Superhighway, there's articles about the European Union and so on.
Download the merger and the making issue of the New American and order some.
Get the magazine.
Order a bunch of them.
Go to the newamerican.com.
Go to jbs.org and get these things and pass them out to people who can think.
Speaking of authors in this latest edition, the North American Union Edition of New American, we have another one of these people online.
Kelly Taylor, are you there?
Thank you.
How are you today?
Hey Kelly, how are you doing?
Long time no see.
I know, ever since yesterday.
Ever since yesterday, we're doing the TV show.
Kelly Taylor is one of the producers of the Simple Truth TV show that I'm the host of here in Austin.
And Kelly Taylor is the author of one of the articles here in this new North American Union edition having to do with the NAFTA superhighway.
And Kelly and Jeff and I, Jeff Kantoff, the other producer of Simple Truth, we've been
Well, first let me say it's quite intimidating to be following anything Mr. McManus has to say.
He can address the overall picture better than I ever could.
But as you know, we deal with the Trans-Texas Corridor
issue as a microcosm of the bigger NAFTA superhighway.
There are so many things wrong with it on so many levels that they can't be covered in one show, but you know, I kind of chose three things I'd like to mention about it and Mr. McManus has addressed a couple of them already, that it undermines America's ability to compete trade-wise.
Free trade, as he said, has to be fair trade.
And under this scenario, the playing field is not level.
Everything is weighted against American interests.
And how the Trans-Texas Corridor plays into that scenario in this way is that it's providing the beginnings of the NAFTA superhighway
As a conduit for trade from China through the ports on western Mexico, one of which is Lazaro Cardenas, and that bypasses the ports on the west coast of America, which gives manufacturers a less expensive way to transport their cheap Chinese slave goods into America.
I said a lot there, didn't I?
Yes, you did.
The goods are cheap.
And that undermines American competition.
Well, it also undermines the truckers and the longshoremen who would deal with the products coming into the West Coast.
Of course.
Now they'll be coming in through Mexico.
You know, there was a meeting just recently in Denver.
A trade conference.
And they had some Mexican officials there.
One fellow who's the mayor of Ciudad Acuna.
It's across from Del Rio, Texas, I guess.
His name is Evaristo Lenin Perez.
Interesting middle name.
And he's very much in favor of all of this.
He wants a European Union-style merger of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
He's in favor of the superhighway that you're talking about, and so on.
And he's confirming all of the stuff that is being called a simple conspiracy theory.
He's confirming it all.
He recently has the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox.
He's confirmed it all as well in recent appearances that he's made on television.
The Hudson Institute, a prominent think tank out of the New York area, has come out with a paper, a big white paper, called Negotiating North America, all about the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
And they're talking about integrating a
I don't think so.
Packaging or something like that.
We're getting all upset about it.
That was the Canadian fellow, Harper.
He joked about it.
He said, we have Canadians who are producing jelly beans and Americans are producing jelly beans.
And if one can't sell the jelly beans in the other's country, then obviously we need some sort of cooperation here.
And that's what this is all about.
And so that's why you had the President of the United States and the President of Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada working on the jelly bean problem, right?
Yeah, we're working on the jelly bean problem.
That's right.
And, you know, what they're doing is they're really thumbing their nose at decent, honorable people who want very much to do the right thing.
When I was in Canada, I was reading the Ottawa Citizen, the big newspaper there in the capital city of the country.
There's an article by David Wilkins.
He's U.S.
Ambassador to Canada.
And right in the middle of his article he said,
While conspiracy theories abound, you can take it to the bank that no one involved in these discussions is interested in or has ever proposed a North American Union, a North American superhighway, or a North American currency.
That's absolute lie!
Big, ball-faced lie!
I was asked about it at a press conference.
I said, the man's making Pinocchio look like a piker.
Pinocchio, of course, famous for lying and his nose kept growing.
This is uncredible that the men would come out and say that.
Well, they're hiding.
They're hiding something.
They were hiding in Banff.
They're hiding at Montebello.
They were hiding here.
They're hiding there.
They're hiding their motives.
But other people are speaking out.
The Mexicans are speaking out.
There's been some Canadians speak out.
There's a wonderful Canadian leader, a new political party, a woman named Connie Fogle, F-O-G-A-L.
And she was with us at the press conference we held in Ottawa.
She's right on board with all of this stuff.
She's terrific.
She's now reading all the Burt Society materials and very glad to have it.
We've had a lot of interesting experience, Kelly and I did, back in July with the Texas Transportation Forum where we tried to get in as a local TV press to cover the thing as the future of transportation in Texas.
The TxDOT wouldn't let us in.
They wouldn't give us press credentials as local press.
So we had our back-up plan.
We were with Gary Benoit, the editor of the New American, and so he applied for press credentials for us, and they backed off.
And they said, OK, well, OK, we'll let him in for New American, I guess, even though the New American didn't meet their criteria for what is press.
But we got in, and what happened there, Kelly?
Oh, that was just it, wasn't it, Bob?
When we got there, boy, the things we learned.
I tend to look at things on a real specific local level, but here's a couple of things that happened.
We learned that some of the people in the regional mobility transportation committees along the border that you spoke to, Bob, once again referred to the Rio Grande
As a street with water in it.
As he wanted to erase the borders to facilitate the growing trade region of northern Mexico and southern Texas.
Incredible, isn't it?
And then we learned that so many of the transportation and security and engineering and financial interests gathered at the forum were really watching
What was happening in Texas?
Because as it goes in Texas, so will it go in the rest of the country.
Washington is watching the legal ramifications and the legislative happenings regarding the portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor to set policy on how they develop the remaining
Yeah, it all figures.
And of course, this is why the border has not been closed.
Mr. Bush went on television, I think it was in May of 2006, and he very loudly proclaimed his intention to shut the border down.
He was going to have electronics eavedropping and drones and all this kind of stuff.
And of course it hasn't been done.
Congress passed the law, gave the funding and everything else to build a fence down in Southern California area.
About 10% of it has been built and it's not going to... I saw an interesting piece today in the New York Times and that is that people who want to leave Cuba are not heading across to the Keys in Florida or to Miami.
What they're doing now is they're going to the western part of Cuba and they're going over to Mexico
And then they come up through Brownsville, Texas and into our country.
And Cubans are allowed in our country.
And so, as soon as terrorists figure this out, they're going to start coming in through, uh, go from Cuba to Mexico and then into our country that way.
Because the border is just, remains completely wide open.
Imagine five years after 9-1-1, the greatest terrorist attack on our country ever, the border remains open.
Yeah, that shows you they really don't care too much about our national security at the federal level, do they?
Okay, once again, we're up against a break.
And after this break, we will return on the Alex Jones Show with our special guest, Don McManus, and we also have Kelly Taylor, writer for the New American, on the subject of the NAFTA Superhighway.
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This is Bob Dacey back substituting for Alex Jones Show on the Alex Jones Show on October the 16th, 2007.
Substituting for Alex who is going to be back tomorrow.
Fear not, the Info Warrior himself will return tomorrow and I'm sure he'll be rested and ready to re-engage the New World Order crowd as he has done
So vociferously for the past several years, and again we have John McManus, the president of John Birch Society, and Kelly Taylor, writer for the New American, we're talking about the North American Union, NAFTA Superhighway,
John, how do you fight the inevitability argument?
I mean, I've been hearing this from so many people.
You look around, these people are just completely ignoring the Congress.
They're completely ignoring the Constitution.
They're building all this stuff.
They're doing all these deals.
Walmart's doing the deal down there at Lazaro Cardenas to expand the port.
They're doing it come hell or high water.
Pushing these toll roads through to fund the SNAP, the superhighway system.
And we just keep trying to stop them.
And what I hear from people is it's inevitable.
There's nothing you can do.
If those people had been in charge 220 years ago, we'd all be speaking British today, wouldn't we?
And the idea that has to be implanted in people's minds is that history is made by the dedicated few.
For good or for evil.
We intend to make it for good.
Evil is always organized.
The good people usually say, well, you know, I just want to go about my business and mind my own business.
And some people like you say, say it's inevitable.
No, it's not inevitable.
It can be stopped.
And that's what we intend to do.
So what we do is we publish a lot of information.
We go on radio shows.
We put out videos and DVDs now.
And we have every kind of educational tool you could want and imagine.
And we ask people to take a look.
And if there aren't enough people who get indignant, who get angry about what's being done to them and to their future and for their kids and grandchildren, then, indeed, we are lost.
But I don't believe that's the case.
I believe that there are plenty of Americans left who we can energize and organize, and that's what we want to do in the John Birch Society.
Well, what can the... The first thing you can do is to go to the newamerican.com website and download this magazine.
The entire magazine.
You can download it and look it over.
And if that doesn't get your ire up, then I don't know what will.
But I know that a lot of people will read that and say, I gotta get involved.
I gotta do something.
What we urge that you do is get into the John Burt Society.
Help us out.
You'll be very happy.
You'll meet some wonderful people like Kelly Taylor.
And we're glad to have Kelly as a part of our team.
So Bob, thank you very much for the time on the radio here today.
It's getting close to the top of the hour.
I guess you're going to sell some more products or something?
Well, I'm going to sell some more products in a little bit.
Are you going to be able to hold on the next hour or are we going to let you go?
Oh, well, I hadn't planned to do so.
Okay, I guess I can.
We could take a few phone calls if you've got the time to do it.
Alright, I'll hang around.
Kelly, are you going to hang around too?
I can, sure.
That's what we'll do.
We'll hang around.
We'll discuss a little bit more about what we can do to stop this stuff and then we'll take a few phone calls and just see how it goes.
That's the neat thing about radio.
It's just live and impromptu.
It just keeps going and going.
That's right.
So, once again, this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones and we're going to be back, oh, I don't know, after a very short break to continue this discussion about the North American Union edition of the New American and what you people can do to get a hold of it.
Read it, spread it around, and help stop this North American Union.
Just stop the train wreck before it's too late.
Because, believe me, you don't want what's going to happen after that.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey, third hour, coming up.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
One of these days that canned announcer is going to have to get it straight.
It's live from Austin, Texas, Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones.
Okay, we're talking with John McNeister of the John Birch side again with Kelly Teller.
Kelly, I wanted to give you a chance to give your two cents worth about some things that people can do to help stop this North American Union.
What are your two cents worth on that?
You know I've been waiting for this opportunity.
Well, here you go!
My favorite thing to do is tell people, encourage people to do some things in their everyday, daily lives that can really strike a blow if enough people do it.
And I know you get tired of listening to it, but here we go again.
The first rule of battle, of course, is if you're in a hole, stop digging.
And how do we do that to stop this influx of
Cheap Chinese slave goods that are fixing to create a tsunami of freight in our country.
Quit buying them!
That's a concept.
Quit buying them!
It is possible to have a China-free household.
And it doesn't sound like it's a very sexy thing, but it's got a lot of teeth.
And it's hard to get people to do that kind of thing, and it's inconvenient, and it hurts, and all that.
But we need to really not support these barbaric regimes that are going to sell the rope, or we're going to sell them the rope to hang us with.
And the second thing, which is very important, is keep in contact, on a first name basis, with your representative.
You know, our guy is sick of hearing from us, isn't he Bob?
It's an important thing and I want to share some numbers with people here.
It really takes so little to have an influence on your representative.
At the state level, your state representative usually realizes he's got an issue stirring in his district if he gets as little as a couple of dozen letters from his constituents.
That's 24 letters.
That's not very much.
At the national level, a representative pays attention if he gets 100 letters.
And it's becoming more important, even for those people who monitor these things and tell us how this works, that phone calls to the local offices of your representative, not the Washington office, but the local office, are becoming more and more important because they know they're more on the ground
That's not a bad idea.
Not a bad idea at all.
And speaking of phone numbers, I want to give out the phone number.
I don't know.
John, what do you think about Kelly's suggestions?
Oh, they're all good suggestions.
But, you know, reaching out to your fellow citizens is also very important.
Energizing them.
And how do you energize them?
Well, you energize them with a video, or a DVD, or a pamphlet, or the copy of this magazine.
Hardly anybody now doesn't have a computer.
You can just tell all the people you know
Look, hey, go to thenewamerican.com.
You can download that whole issue of this magazine these people are talking about.
You can find out whether it's a conspiracy theory or a conspiracy fact.
It's certainly, uh, it's there in that issue of the magazine.
Kelly Taylor's article is one of the best in all of the magazines.
And I'll guarantee you it's a conspiracy fact.
And once again, we're up against a short break here.
And after this break, we will continue.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Once again, Bob Dacey, substitute hosting for the inimitable Alex Jones.
You might want to check out his new website, truthnews.com.
That's a great website to go to.
But also, while I'm on the subject, what you need to also do is check out www.jbs.org.
They've revamped that website recently, that's the John Birch Society website, and they have a news feed up there, and they post articles that the Birch Society considers to be most important to read.
So, if you go to www.jvs.org, you'll be able to look at the John Birch Society news feed.
It's similar to, say, WhatReallyHappened.com, and Alex's new one, TruthNews.us.
So, you want to check that out.
Okay, we're going to be taking a few calls here.
Uh, and we'll just see how it goes here.
We have, uh, up first we have Richard in Alabama.
Richard, are you there?
Uh, one of the reasons that the United Nations supported our invasion of Iraq is that the UN claims a security interest in all of the subsurface Iraqi oil, the theory being that Iraq violated the United Nations inspection regime, and so Iraq owes, uh,
Penalties and interest, which will be collected in oil, and I guess they're astronomical by now.
So wouldn't it be a good idea to just pull completely out of Iraq and give all the oil back to Iraq so the UN can't get that money?
John, you want to feel that?
Well, I've been asked on a lot of radio shows, what should we do about Iraq, and I always say, if we can get all the troops home by midnight, that would be soon enough.
You sound like Ron Paul there, John.
Well, Ron's a good friend.
I've been with him on many occasions.
He's spoken at a lot of the Bert Society functions.
I agree with what he says about it.
He agrees with what I say about it.
In fact, he was quoted in the New York Times Magazine saying, Oh, John Bert Society, they're good people.
Richard, thank you for that call.
I appreciate that.
Let me make a further comment to Richard here.
He said, uh, the United Nations, I forgot how he phrased it, but what he needs to know is that the day after we went into Iraq, back in March of 2003, our U.S.
ambassador, Jan Negroponte, he was the ambassador of the U.N.
at the time, he delivered a letter to the Security Council stating, uh, the Security Council resolutions that authorized, that was his word, that authorized what the United States was doing in Iraq.
Now, there are people in this country who think that Congress gave permission to the United States President to do what he's doing.
What they did was simply say, okay, you can do whatever you think, and so forth.
Never mind declaration of war required by the Constitution.
But the war was authorized by the United Nations, and so was the Desert Storm War, and so was Vietnam, and so was Korea.
Which is why the John Birch Society from day one has said, get us out of the United Nations.
Well that sounds like a good idea to me and I want to thank Richard from Alabama for that call.
It also brings up a question that I wanted to ask John McManus.
The Birch Society does not endorse politicians.
That's correct.
However, the Birch Society and the latest issues of the New American has been giving Ron Paul a whole lot of favorable press.
How do you explain the two different philosophies?
Well, what we do is we comment on the news of the day, and Ron Paul's run for the presidency has been... It's already attracted a lot of the people that you never would have guessed.
It is a newsworthy event.
He has raised all kinds of money, he has attracted a tremendous following via the internet, and for us not to report on that kind of a news event would be derelict in our duty.
So we report on it.
Which is exactly what the mainstream media is not doing, being derelict in their duty, because they won't report what's going on.
Well, a lot of them won't, no.
You have to search in vain, almost, to find Ron Paul's name mentioned in
Some of the big newspapers and magazines.
But I think that's even changing because he has become such a force.
Now, the Birch Society's attitude is we don't back candidates, we don't nominate candidates, we don't finance candidates.
We don't have to tell our people who to vote for.
They already know.
Now, if we were to go ahead and endorse candidates, we would be violating our charter as a non-profit education organization.
Okay, so what we're doing here is we're... You can't.
Now, we might be non-profit, but we've never taken the tax deductibility.
We do not serve at the pleasure of the United States government, in other words.
So basically, you're just reporting the news.
That's correct.
And very few people are reporting the news properly.
Alright, okay.
We have, next up we have Dave from New York.
Dave, are you there?
Yes, hello.
The first thing I'd like to say is, the takeover is not inevitable.
And the evidence of that is, they wouldn't be trying to convince you that it's inevitable.
They want you to quit.
They don't want you to play.
There will be no surrender.
Not now.
Not ever.
And we can win.
And you saw that we did win with amnesty.
So it is not inevitable.
They're trying to get us to quit.
It's never going to happen.
John, what I want to ask you is, the CFR has been around for a long time.
They never had the power they seem to be getting now.
Do you think it is the multinational corporation that's adding to this coalition, that's giving them the boost that we're seeing now?
There's a North American Competitiveness Council that is part of the SPP, NAU structure, and corporations, Walmart,
Ford, General Motors, all of these big corporations, they've sold out.
They don't have any loyalty to our country.
Their loyalty is off to the bottom line.
So they're more of a factor than you would say, than the CFR and the Bill of Rights.
Well, most of the leaders of these corporations are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
But they never had this kind of power that they do now.
Well, they've always had a lot of power.
They're coming more out of the woodwork now.
You know, you go back to
1952 is the first time that the Democrat and Republican nominees for president were both members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
That was 52.
And almost every year since then, every four years when we have a presidential election, you've got a candidate from the Council on Foreign Relations, or you've got somebody who's surrounded by people who are from the Council on Foreign Relations.
So, I like your attitude about things not being inevitable, and I agree with you totally,
But, as far as the presidency is concerned, we say we take our country back through the House of Representatives.
Now, Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution, all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House.
If the House will not originate a bill to fund U.S.
membership in the U.N., that's it.
Or the Department of Education, or foreign aid, or undeclared wars.
If the House of Representatives will not originate the bill to fund any of that, there's nothing the Senate, the President, the Supreme Court, or the New York Times can do about it.
Not even the New York Times, Dave?
Now that's power!
Thank you for the call, Dave.
I appreciate that.
That was deliberately set up by the Founding Fathers, the House of Representatives, the most powerful portion of the federal government.
They have proper leadership, and if they would exercise their power.
Yeah, and so that's another thing people can do is contact their local, uh, representative.
Make sure you get a good congressman.
Get your congressman and tell him you don't want this North American Union, and you don't want this NAFTA superhighway, and you don't want the Amaro, and you don't want all the other garbage that goes along with it.
And believe me, they pay attention when they think you're looking.
When they think you're not looking, they'll do whatever the heck they think is in their best interest.
Well, good.
Boy, when they think you're looking, they pay attention.
They jump through hoops.
I mean, look what happened two months ago when our article hit the New American Internet site, when we said that tech stocks have been caught lying about the NAFTA superhighway.
They wanted a federal government to fund, to let the states toll the interstate highways.
When we put that out, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison herself
We're good to go.
And she thought, well, this is a good idea to show that I'm trying to stop the tolling of the interstate highways and make herself looked at.
Well, fine, great!
Let's put her feet to the fire and make her do it, not just talk about it.
Because I'm fortunate.
You might remind your Texas listeners, since it's all about Texas, of course, right?
Of course, everything's about Texas.
Although it's not quite obvious on the face of things when you kind of dig into the issue, which is what you and I do,
Constituent pressure was probably 100% responsible for
Our legislature backing off of the Trans-Texas Corridor this last session.
That's right.
We absolutely got their attention.
We had that big march up the Congress Avenue to State Capitol and these big hearings and everybody was mad about this Trans-Texas Corridor and our local officials, our local legislators went, uh oh, I think they got woke up.
I think we better maybe do something about this if we want to keep our jobs.
Well, Ann, Bob, you and I and many others were in their offices.
That is true.
We go in there, we knock on doors, and we start talking to them.
Actually, we like to give them copies of the New American, as a matter of fact.
Did they put out the coffee pot for you and welcome you and say, please sit down, we're interested to know what you have to say?
That's it.
Yeah, some.
Yeah, some.
As a matter of fact, yeah.
Some of them don't really care for it too much, but hey, you know, it's political activism, you know, one-to-one, face-to-face.
And can be effective.
Okay, we have Dave from Tennessee up as our next caller.
Dave, are you there?
Dave, is that you?
It's me.
From Tennessee.
Yes, sir.
Here's what I first want to say.
There was a case in 1941, in the judgment by the, or the opinion by the federal judge, that a conspiracy can be a party of one who can or cannot manipulate the parties of two or three.
I think that your guest needs to research and find that particular case because it doesn't need more than one party.
It merely needs one party and you can have your conspiracy.
The second thing is that a few weeks ago I bought some socks from Walmart and they gave me a tremendous rash on my leg and I couldn't walk for two weeks almost.
We're coming up on a break.
You want to hold that thought, we'll pick you up after the break.
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In this particular case, the rights of Americans, United States citizens, to keep our experiment going and to keep it from being flushed down the toilet by the New World Order crowd.
Okay just before the break we were talking to Dave from Tennessee and he said something about he's got some problem with some socks that he bought.
What was that Dave?
It sounds kind of simple but it's very very basic and it can affect and it does affect every person in this country because we all buy from the same stores whether it be Walmart, Target, Kmart, Sears and Roebuck, Penny's, Goody's, any of them.
And I bought a pair of socks and they destroyed my legs up to the sock line and when I went to the doctor they said I had Agent Orange effect.
And I said, I've never been in Vietnam.
And I realized what probably happened.
The Walmart buyer bought some socks at a price from someone someplace in the world who then shopped to make a profit.
We are the victims of that profit.
And we are the quality assurance of Walmart.
We put that particular item of clothing on.
And when I went back, I took pictures and I showed the Walmart people and they said, we'll give you a product liability claim.
I said, that doesn't help the child or the mom.
Or anybody else who puts this quality, sub-quality product on.
I said there's no quality assurance of anything you get from anywhere in the world, except if you buy in the American public.
From the American public, you will get American goods in the American cycle.
The next thing I want to throw up, another idea on that is the lead-based paint items that we've had recently.
Hang on, I saw a cartoon in the paper the other day that showed a couple of women looking at the toy store and they asked the lady behind the counter if they could see the Barbie dolls and she looks at them and she says, leaded or unleaded?
That's exactly right.
And you know, we've unloaded a lot of deadbeat worthless machinery onto the Chinese who have only one customer and that's us.
And so if they want to debase the American economy, they also debase their entire economic structure at this point.
And it gives us an opportunity to rebuild if we choose to.
How does that help or harm the lower income individual?
Well, what we've done by buying from Chinese goods is that we've disabled the lower income person from the ability to move forward in an economical way
Thank you for
And how does that relate to how we make buying and shopping decisions?
Well, Dave just explained it.
If we're supporting these regimes with our consumer dollars, what are we doing?
You know, not only is China a barbaric regime with forced abortion and infanticide and organ harvesting.
Don't forget the organ harvesting.
Don't forget the organ harvesting.
Can a Christian explain that at the pearly gate?
If they're buying Chinese products.
And if you're standing in a store, you know, having an argument with whether I should buy the Chinese product or the American-made product, and you're standing in a Walmart doing that, you've got a whole other problem.
Because Walmart, in addition to just, you know, being China's main customer,
Is expending a fortune investing in the deep dredging of the port at Lazaro Cardenas in order to increase its ability to import Chinese goods?
It's absolutely true.
Walmart, the Mexican government, and the Chinese are all involved in that port of Lazaro Cardenas.
And as I was told at point-blank range at the Texas Transportation Conference by the
The head of the Houston Port Authority, Tom Cornegay, he told me that port's going to have more capacity than the Port of Houston took in last year.
It's going to be a monster.
Okay, once again, we're up against a break, and after we get this break done and sell some soap or whatever, we'll be back with John McManus, the president of the John Birch Society, and Kelly Taylor, our writer for the New American.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, Bob Desi, back.
On the Alex Jones Show, we've been discussing the North American Union with John McManus, the president of John Birch Society, Kelly Taylor, writer for the New American, and I think we have Ray in Arizona up next.
Ray, are you still there?
Hey there, guys.
Hey, Ray, what's going on?
Well, let's see, I've got three things.
Yesterday, I called MoneyGram to check on some money orders.
I wanted to make sure they were valid.
And immediately when the lady came on the line, she started talking to me in Spanish.
I said, excuse me, you don't speak English?
Oh, yes, sir.
Of course, you know, she was definitely had a Spanish accent.
I thought that was rather annoying, but interesting at the same time.
And to
With United Nations, you know they're building a major communications center in Babylon, which is in Iraq, you know.
Well, they're building a lot of things in Iraq.
They're building gigantic military bases because they actually don't have any intention of ever leaving.
No, I'm saying the UN is building a major communications facility in Babylon.
No, I'm not familiar with that.
This was on...
Some months ago I heard this on PBS, their perspective program on Sunday morning.
I just happened to tune in and listen and there it was.
I thought that was rather interesting.
And I don't know, what is it besides telling people, hey, you've got a North American Union and they laugh at you, what else can we do?
Just keep going after them.
John, you want to feel that one again?
If you run into somebody who doesn't want to listen and doesn't care and so forth, then fine.
Go someplace else.
Go to a stranger.
The worst progress you're going to make are people who know you and they're going to say, how come all of a sudden you're so smart?
Reach out to people in your community.
Follow your money.
You deal with a local baker, a local shoemaker, a local whatever.
Go to those people.
Say, hey look, I've been doing business with you for a long time.
How about you taking a look at this too?
This is important.
Those people will pay attention to you.
I wanted to also mention that he mentioned the United Nations facility being built in Babylon, meaning Iran.
Excuse me, Iraq.
The United States is building a huge embassy complex right in the center of Baghdad.
It's going to be more than a hundred acres, and it's supposedly got room for a thousand desks.
And obviously we don't need a thousand desks to have an ambassadorial post in any country.
But, so what's this all about?
Well, it turns out that what it's about is that this is going to be the headquarters for the Middle East Free Trade Area.
The only part of the world that doesn't yet have free trade zones that are compromising the sovereignty of nations is the Middle East.
And they're building this so that they can then begin to entice some of the other countries, including the oil-producing countries, into this new free trade zone.
Which will compromise their sovereignty and then make it easy for them to be brought into the New World Order.
Yeah, you've got to merge every single segment of the globe into the New World Order for it to become the New World Order, and you wonder where all the violence is in the world.
It's where the people are resisting it.
Right, and it's for this that two, three, five, seven Americans are dying every day over in Iraq.
Yeah, that's absolutely horrible.
It never should have been started.
It was started on a lie, several lies.
There were no weapons of mass destruction.
There were no ties to Al-Qaeda.
There was no attempt on the part of Saddam Hussein, as bad a man as he is, to harm America.
All of the reasons that were given for this have been shown to be false.
So now, the new reasons are we've got to spread democracy.
Now do you spread democracy at the point of a gun?
Even if you're spreading democracy, you're spreading poison.
Our country is a republic.
Our country is a republic.
That's true.
Okay, we next have up on the line, we have Brent from New York.
Brent, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Brent, are you there?
Yes, I am.
First of all, I wanted to comment on the one guy talking about Agent Orange coming in on his socks that have been imported from God knows where.
What's up?
I think that's what they talk about when they say the chicken is coming home to roost.
If I ever knew what that meant, that's what it means to me.
I had a question.
I'm in my 20s and I've been living in New York for 10 years and it's been a strange time to be here.
More from the, you know, from the 50s or around the Cold War era.
And I was wondering, you know, Mr. McManus, I know he served in the military, and I was wondering what he thought about people like me that have grown up in my whole life distrusting the government, and I personally won't serve for these, you know, I don't even believe that these are sovereign forces that I would be enlisting in if I joined the military.
And people from your generation that fought in
Well, I can't say I blame you.
I wouldn't want to be part of building the New World Order for these people with my life on the line.
No, I wouldn't want that either.
But, you know, there are other ways of fighting for your country and, of course,
The way I recommend is to be involved in an organization that has a chance to be able to turn this thing around.
That being the John Birch Society.
It's kind of an army without guns.
The ammunition we have are books, pamphlets, DVDs, and so forth.
And yet, the war is very much real, and if you're not part of it, we certainly urge you to become a part of it.
You go to JBS.org or go to thenewamerican.com and get started that way.
Well, you've definitely opened my eyes and I've already checked out the website and it's given me a lot of ammunition for thought.
Also, I have been active the best I can.
I was one of the first here in New York City to join the 9-11 movement out here.
From day one, I didn't think you could fly a paper airplane into the Pentagon.
It just started from there.
It just turned into a cataclysmic awareness of just how bad things have gotten.
Well, you know, you're like a lot of the young people that are signing up into the Ron Paul revolution, I guess he's calling it, and that's very, very helpful and very encouraging to me.
That and the growth of the private homeschool movement is also a very big encouragement to me.
And the fact that the John Birch Society is becoming more recognized for what it really is rather than the caricature that's been placed on it, that encourages me as well.
So there's a lot to be encouraged about and we just keep working as hard as we can and praying as hard as we can and we do it at the same time.
Thank you very much, Brent.
I appreciate it.
That was Brent from New York and next we have Raven from Oklahoma.
How are you doing, Raven?
I'm doing just fine, Bob.
Thanks for taking my call.
I appreciate you calling in.
I'm sorry?
I appreciate you calling in.
Oh, thank you.
I just wanted to make a distinction between free trade and fair trade because I don't think it's been covered completely in this discussion.
Go ahead.
Free trade is actually Orwellian doublespeak.
It's not free at all.
The people who promote this type of trade depend on quantity, not quality.
So what they're actually doing is promoting disposable goods and disposable lives.
Because the people who work in the factories in these poor countries, their lives are not being benefited from what they do.
They don't receive any benefits, and they don't receive any health care, they live in poor conditions, that type of thing.
Now, fair trade is the opposite.
It actually promotes
Fair health care, fair housing, fair wages, working living wages for these people.
And those people, you know, when you buy stuff that is from fair trade, you know that these people's lives are being benefited.
And they promote quality above quantity.
So you're saying that when you buy from Communist China, where they have a bunch of slaves as their employees, that you are participating in a false free trade?
Very good.
She's absolutely correct.
Anything else, Raven?
That's it.
I just wanted people to understand the full thing about fair trade and free trade.
Most people think free trade means these people's lives are being benefited, and ours are too, and that's just nonsense.
Before you go, Raven, go to the computer and go to thenewamerican.com.
Don't download the magazine.
And you'll see an article that I wrote about free trade and fair trade.
I sure will.
There you go.
Okay, that was Raven from Oklahoma.
And up next, I think we have Jim, but I forgot what state he's from.
Jim, where are you from?
New York.
Jim from New York.
A lot of New Yorkers calling in today.
How are you doing, Bob?
Yeah, I guess so.
I'm doing alright.
Well, the first thing I did, that lady Kelly was right.
My mother found this thing for third.
I was introduced to this 30 years ago.
I used to subscribe to American Opinion, before it was the New American, and Spotlight, a lot of stuff.
So I have a general understanding of what's going on.
But, you know, the lady was right.
Unless you're actually poor, buy American.
There's sites, you can Google it in on your computer, and you can locate sites and things like Carhartt's,
Uh, the shoes that are all made in America, you know?
There's a lot of products, and they're consumed in a very competitive and good.
Uh, in any event, what I want to say to you, Bob, yesterday I heard that guy, John, you know, the misinformed guy?
Oh, yeah, that guy.
Yeah, that guy.
Well, he, you know, there's a lot of people I've run, over 30 years I've run into this.
You know, my family.
Some of my family think I'm cracked, and that's their problem.
You know?
I sure don't come to me when, you know, the stuff hits the fan.
What I would have said to him is that, this is the book that opened my eyes, Wall Street, he was falling for the false paradigm, left-right, and he didn't understand, which you tried to explain to him, but to me, what opened my eyes was, and it blew my mind, I didn't like it 30 years ago, was that Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, when Anthony Sutton explained how monopolistic capitalists
Uh, more money went to the Bolsheviks.
It wasn't a popular uprising of the people.
A lot of nonsense.
You know, so whether it's left or right, it really doesn't make much of a difference.
My question to John, and here's what I see as a very big problem.
A lot of people don't talk about it too much.
These secret societies, okay?
Down in the porch, brethren.
Down in the lower level.
Okay, you understand what I'm saying, John?
Yes, when I say that?
There's a lot of people that probably call in from the South that are very nice people,
But don't understand.
Nevertheless, when you... See, to me, a con game operates on larceny.
If you look up a something or nothing, which most of them... What it usually turns out to be a job, or this or that.
I've talked to black people up below.
I see the ring and all this stuff.
And they're looking to advance themselves.
That kind of a way.
And that may be as far as they go.
But they're still soldiers and have to do what they want.
And I am telling you, they're all over the place.
I have friends that have... My friend's brother worked in homicide in Suffolk County.
In New York, and various other people I know, and it's all over like cockroaches.
And these are the people that are going to do, like what these cops are doing, beating people up.
They're not philosophical.
You know what I mean?
They just want to keep their job.
They're maybe a little squirrely and amoral.
How are we going to deal with this kind of a situation?
Well, there's more good people than bad people.
That's my answer to you.
Yeah, but they're not lackadaisical.
Well, that's right.
We've got to energize them.
How do you energize them?
I don't know.
30 years.
Fear is the beginning of wisdom, they said.
Fear of the Lord, of course, is the beginning of wisdom.
But fear of mankind.
That's the bottom line.
Fear is the bottom line.
I mean, to me... You come from New York?
I did.
I grew up in Brooklyn.
Yeah, that's where I was born.
But that's where you lived your life.
I mean, I don't know the exact street, but I mean, you live in Long Island, New York State.
Where am I now?
No, no.
You live in Brooklyn, New York?
I live out near Fort Hamilton.
Yeah, I know the area.
But in any event, you know, there was a guy out here in the island that had a chapter for the JBS, you know, over in Winebench, in a factory over there.
Navy guy.
But any which way, without people being educated, you know,
I've heard Alex a few years ago, and I'm not saying it's right.
You know, my grandpa was a so-and-so-and-so.
You know, I think he thinks different now.
You know, Tex Mars, I don't know what you think about it.
Everybody's got their own degree of extremism.
But the one thing, when these people are grouped together like this, it's a very powerful bunch.
You don't need that many people.
It's like the sleepers they claim are in Oklahoma.
Hey, it works both ways!
No, it works both ways.
You've got a powerful group of people, not that many of them, they're working for evil.
You've got to oppose them with the same kind of thing.
You've got to have a powerfully organized group of people working for good.
I've been a member of the John Burke Society for about nine years and up until recently I always felt like we just continue to fight, continue to fight, and we keep backing up.
We're doing a delaying action whenever, backing up, backing up.
I kept fighting, kept fighting, kept doing my thing.
But now I feel as though the tide is starting to turn.
I feel like we are advancing and the New World Order crowd is backing up now.
Good for you Bob, you're right.
Bob, may I speak to that?
Go right ahead.
I was thinking, as the gentleman was talking, that the same thing I said at our chapter meeting a couple of nights ago, that I am very encouraged, as is Mr. McManus, over how easy it is to get people to listen these days compared to 40 years ago.
I have kind of an unusual position of having been
I've been a de facto member of the Birch Society all my life.
The level of concern and awareness is very much raised over how little it was many years ago.
Largely due to the internet, I think, but dedicated birchers who have kept in the fight.
You just can't go anywhere without being able to get somebody's attention.
It's quite encouraging.
And that is a change.
It is a change.
I've noticed it and I'm encouraged by it.
We've been fighting this trans-Texas corridor thing down here in Texas and we think we're the front lines of the infrastructure battle against the North American Union and we have made some tremendous, tremendous progress.
And the rest of the country is
I'm grateful to what you folks have been able to do in Texas.
Yeah, you've got those people in Oklahoma up there marshalling to stop that thing if it ever gets through Texas.
I mean, it's an awesome thing.
Okay, we're going to be back after this break for the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
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It is a big idea.
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Don't their objectives mean world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
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Their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
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You have been warned.
Okay, Bob Dacey, back on the Alex Jones Show, the last segment.
John, we're almost out of time.
Any final thoughts from the president of the John Birch Society?
Well, the final thought is that America is worth saving.
And it isn't going to be saved by people who just don't get involved.
It's got to be involvement.
Freedom isn't free, as they once said.
Freedom is eternal vigilance.
All of these clichés, they're true.
They make sense.
So, people who have been born and raised in this luxury that we have here in the United States, the freedoms that we still enjoy, they want to pass it on to their children and their grandchildren.
A lot of them better get involved, and I mean fast.
Yes, sir.
Because we're running out of time and the forces of evil are consolidating and they have their plans all set, but they can be defeated and that's the point that I want to leave.
All right.
Thank you, John, very much for coming on the Alex Jones Show.
I appreciate that and he's absolutely right.
You go to jbs.org, go to thenewamerican.com, download this copy of The New American.
Yes, we're good to go.
In the Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, fighting the New World Order, and giving Alex Jones the Info Warrior Park Salons a chance to recuperate.
He will be back tomorrow, and I'm sure he'll be full of vim and vigor, and I guess what I want to sign off with here, this is Bob Daisy for Alex Jones, Alex Jones Show, and saying, Death to the New World Order!
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.