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Name: 20071011_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 11, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
There have been new big developments in the Ed and Elaine Brown case.
In the last few minutes, the feds ended a
Press conference that was not carried by local radio or TV that we could find.
We are waiting for either individuals that were at the press conference, local patriots, local members of the truth community to call into this show to let us know what happened.
We're waiting for the mainstream media to file stories on what the feds reportedly said,
The local TV stations generally post later file reports with snippets from the news conferences, so you will be assured that in the next three hours during this transmission, we will detail exactly what happened to them.
We know this.
At around 7.30 Eastern last night, the Feds in over 40 SUVs descended on the Browns' home.
They claim that no violence took place.
The neighbors say they didn't hear shots.
That sounds like, that's the way I figured the feds would take them if they were successful, quote, local patriots visiting them that were able to get in, that the feds opened the roadblocks for, would then draw down on them, taser them from behind, beat them from behind, you know, put guns to their heads and apprehend them that way.
I do not yet know if that is the case, but I'd say there's about a 90% chance that that is the case.
We hope that's the case because they could have actually been violent with them with firearms and then just told the neighbors to lie or the neighbors may not have heard the gunshots if they were inside watching television.
We don't know exactly what happened.
The AP, Reuters, the local newspapers are reporting a tense five-month standoff ended peacefully last night when U.S.
Marshals took custody of
Convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown at their Plainfield home, authorities announced.
We had no identification that the Browns intended to voluntarily surrender.
Marshal Stephen Monnier said in a statement, so we had to move forward with an operation that promised the safest possible outcome.
That day was today.
The arrest occurred without incident around 745.
He said, high-profile situations like this are always difficult, but they don't have to be tragic.
I'm glad no one was injured and that the community remained safe throughout the operation, Monnier said.
The Browns were turned over to the U.S.
Bureau of Prisons last night and will begin serving their 63-month federal prison term, Monnier said, in June.
He said the Browns would eventually be charged with obstruction of justice for resisting arrest.
Now, this is stuff he said last night.
This came out in the early morning hours.
This Boston Globe report is nine hours old.
So I guess that came out about 2 or 3 in the morning.
Were you at the press conference there at the federal courthouse?
Have you seen local news reports?
Because, again, there's too much for us to keep track of here.
Specifically, if you have documented evidence of what they said at the press conference that we don't even know took place an hour ago.
They said they would do it last night.
Were you there in Plainfield?
Can you call in right now?
Please, don't call in.
About any other subject right now, I want to know about this.
We don't normally screen calls, but John, find out what they're calling about.
Obviously, I have a lot of other really big news to cover here.
And coming up on the show today, we have Dave Mustang, the lead singer, the founder,
The writer for Megadeth, reportedly going to be joining us.
He's on the road.
And they guarantee if it isn't today, it'll be Monday.
But we'll see if Dave Mustang joins us.
Generally, these hard-to-pin-down guests do.
Because he's come out with an anti-New World Order album.
And why?
But what's interesting is, he was doing anti-New World Order albums 16, 17, 18 years ago.
So we'll be talking to Dave Mustang today.
Ron Paul, too, in the second hour.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've been a little busy today.
Because I found out that somebody in the chain of custody in Austin or in New York ripped off a copy of Endgame and we're starting to put it up on the web.
I guess they mean well, but that will really devastate us here if someone does that.
I mean, we put this stuff out for free, but first we've got to sell a few DVDs and have it for members, folks, in higher quality.
So I've been busy dealing with that, scrabbling around.
And don't worry, it's been taken down, folks.
And I've been scanning for it.
It had been up a few hours before I caught it.
I mean, stuff like that happens, there won't be a film to come.
You understand?
We're that close to the margin of being able to operate here.
But that's a side issue.
Whoever does that, or whoever's got copies, if I catch you distributing copies before it comes out, I'm going to come after you.
So you need to know that.
I spent 14 months, and let's just say,
Well over what Terror Storm cost.
I don't even want to say how much.
I have exhausted my limited treasury making Endgame.
And I need to make money back so I can make another film.
Anyways, I was just enraged early this morning to discover this.
Totally enraged.
And then I was very upset to hear about what happened to Browns.
We've got Dave Mustang of Megadeth coming up later because he's gone totally anti-New World Order.
And it looks like 9-11 Truth will have him on, Lord willing.
Ron Paul will be on with us in the second hour today as well.
We have two notoriously sketchy guests popping in, and I'm sure one of them will.
Because they're both busy.
One of them's on the road, one of them's in Congress right now and running a presidential campaign and just raised close to six mil
I think so.
But in the first segment I was saying we couldn't find the newscast online, we couldn't find the press conference by the Feds.
Paul Watson did.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Paul Watson was able to find the press conference, he was able to find the reports.
And so, oh, Steve Watson was as well, so it's up on Infowars.net, that's Infowars.net, originating at Infowars.net, and on PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Browns were duped by Trojan horse marshals posing as supporters, open door policy allowed officials,
You mean Feds to walk in and arrest Ed and Elaine Brown.
Tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown were tricked by U.S.
Marshals who entered their home yesterday afternoon posing as supporters.
And I kept saying that.
I mean, you know, you'll have the Browns with 20 people around them.
That pistol in your belt meant nothing.
And they're just going to pull it out and pistol whip you and it's going to be the end of it.
Remember I said 10 minutes ago there's a 90% chance that's what happened.
Well, here it is.
Tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown were tricked by U.S.
Marshals who entered their home yesterday afternoon posing as supporters.
The Marshals entered the house at a time when there were no other supporters present and catching the Browns off guard were able to arrest them and remove them from the property.
As we reported earlier this morning the speculation was the Browns were infiltrated and tricked before violently subdued as authorities refused to provide any details behind their arrest beside the fact that they did not peacefully surrender.
And it still goes on, but it has now been reported by WMUR News that, here's the quotes from the federal marshals, and we'll go to Paul Watson, let's see if we can get Steve on because he saw this.
Ultimately, and then go up to Infowars.net right now for me,
John, go ahead and grab that newscast.
Ultimately, the open-door policy that they seemed to have, which allowed the Browns to have some supporters bring them supplies, welcome followers, and even host a picnic, this proved to be their undoing.
They invited us in, we escorted them out.
That's exactly how it happened.
A small team of marshals pulled off the ruse
Assisting the Browns without incident on the couple's front porch, Monnier told local press.
Reports are suggesting that weapons had been seized at the property, including explosive devices, booby traps, which were placed in the woods.
Monnier added the Browns may face further charges relating to the weapons.
Monnier also added that officials, officials, authorities, we're the slaves and servants,
Paul Watson, thank you for coming on with us.
Do we have Paul Watson?
Call him back.
Guess we lost the line to England, because I know he and his brother have been working more on this in the last 45 minutes, so we will get him on to, again, give us his take on what's happening there.
So, top story on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net right now.
Browns were duped by Trojan Horse Marshals posing as supporters.
This is up right now.
On Infowars.net.
The problem here is that they had massive support, and everyone was against the Feds going in and murdering them, Waco style.
But then when the Browns started saying, well, we're shooting into the woods and we see movement, well, what if a family was coming in to support them, or a neighbor, or somebody walking their dog?
There's houses, you know, 100 yards away, 200 yards away.
That's not proper firearm safety.
And the police, if they were just randomly shooting into the woods, we'd call for their arrest.
It's unsafe.
And you can't do that, especially when you're inviting people onto your property.
Now, they made the announcement that anybody coming on their property is going to be shot at before we know who you are.
Then, it would still be very negligent.
But, I mean, what are you supposed to say and do?
That's when I had to say, look, I advise people not to go out there on the property.
I've been saying that for a couple of months now.
And people are like, why aren't you supporting the first and second picnics?
I'm like, this isn't a picnic, folks.
This is people out there with .50 caliber rifles that are saying they're going to kill anybody that comes on the property.
Joe, it's now a war zone.
You don't have families out there running around eating hamburgers.
I'm not going to send people somewhere where they can get killed.
I said, if men want to go out there, that's your business.
And I said, we ought to have press conferences and get attention.
And I commend Randy Weaver, in fact, let's try to get him to pop in today, for going up there and trying to bring attention to this so it could end peacefully.
But the feds are in the wrong here.
They are private mercenaries.
That's the fact.
But then the Browns did a series of things, no doubt being advised by feds.
I mean, if you go to a militia meeting, you go to any of these things, half of them are feds there.
And you'll know who the feds are because they'll be calling for violence.
Or trying to sell you some army surplus they got a good deal on.
It's going to be stolen equipment.
You're going to go to jail.
I mean, they've got the... I see this over and over and over again.
And I just thank God the Browns weren't killed, that no Feds were killed so they could turn them into martyrs.
Oh, we now have Paul Watson back.
Paul, are you there?
You've been able to see the newscast, read more of the reports that just now came out.
It's up on prisonplanet.com right now.
Anything I didn't cover that you've discovered?
I haven't seen the newscast, Alex.
They were going to have it streamed live on WMUR.
New Hampshire 9 TV station website but then they changed the location so it wasn't streamed live but they're saying it's going to be up on their website soon so I haven't seen it but what we do... We just now got it so we'll IM it to you so you can post it in your brother's report on InfoWars.net but go ahead.
Yeah we just got all the press reports that came out about an hour and a half ago.
So I was up on the prison planet about, you know, an hour ago.
So, yeah, basically they, they, uh, as we predicted earlier, because obviously I woke up and learned that they'd been arrested.
So a lot of times the best information that you can get when nothing's being reported on something is by going to the message board.
So I went to the prison planet message board and people were speculating that
You know, because Ed Brown had said he would fight to the death rather than surrender, how was it possible for the Marshals to go in and peacefully, as we're told, arrest them?
So, obviously, the logical conclusion was that they posed as supporters and just went in there as a Trojan horse, and it turns out that that's exactly what happened.
Well, I mean, that was obvious.
If the Feds wanted to get the Browns, when they had those 300 people on their property, I'll bet bottom dollar there were 20 marshals and FBI there then.
And they've had FBI coming in in overalls, posing as hillbillies, and then openly saying, I'm FBI, you, you, you, you, you, Constitution Rangers are wimps.
I mean, it's just total fed up.
And a lot of the people getting them rounds to shoot their mouths off about violence no doubt were feds, and we've tracked that back.
And I'm just so tired of watching patriots fall into traps, but I'm just glad that they weren't able to go in there and murder all of them.
Yeah, I thought the Feds wanted to have this quiet down and try to end this peacefully until they flew the helicopter low for eight hours at 30 feet before they shot people with tasers, shot at Danny Reilly.
And then now this seems like a de-escalation that they didn't cap them.
And I think that's because the Marshals are genuinely worried about people coming after them.
And that is the safer move and the right move to not bust a cap in both of them, as we know the Feds are apt to do.
Anything else, Paul Watson?
Uh, just that people are still asking questions which haven't been answered about, you know, if they were violently subdued because the U.S.
Marshal Monnier admitted that they had not surrendered, which suggests that they at least put up some resistance.
So people are asking questions about how they were subdued before their actual arrest.
But we don't know what happened yet.
I can tell you what happened.
You got about five people around the Browns, all of a sudden they pull guns out and
Sharpest are whipping them.
Alright, Paul stay there.
I've got one or two other questions for you on the other side.
We'll be right back, right here on the Houston Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've got some of the press conference.
It's been posted up on prisonplanet.com.
The Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe have all reported that documents have come out that indeed Israel attacked the USS Liberty knowing it was a U.S.
And we've got one of the people that's most angry about this coming on in the next segment.
Then Ron Paul, then Dave Mustaine of Megadeth.
Yes, it's a big show lined up for you today.
But going back to Paul Watson,
As bad as this is, Paul, this is better than a shootout.
It's better than federal martyrs.
It's better than the Browns being martyrs.
Now we've got to make sure they don't get railroaded too badly, but they're in the clutches of the authorities, the officials, the gods.
What do you think of this whole saga?
Well, I mean, they live to fight another day, but, you know, it's 63 months in prison.
No doubt they're going to
Keep on a bunch of other charges, because now they're already, the Monier was out saying that they'd found explosives and high-caliber weapons and that the whole property was booby-trapped.
So no doubt that 63-month prison sentence is just, you know, just for starters, but obviously it's a relief that it didn't end in bloodshed.
Maybe it's a portent for how they'll treat similar cases in the future.
And if there are more Ed and Elaine Browns out there, you know, if there are so many, then it gets to a point where they can't keep track of everyone.
So their example stands out as a shining light to everyone.
And the courage that they displayed throughout the whole standoff was admirable.
Their courage is admirable.
But I wish they wouldn't have let themselves be set up.
Because there's no doubt that the feds were in there trying to provocateur and get them to shoot their mouths off.
And there's no doubt now that they fell into that trap.
Because if they would have been peaceful in their statements all along, there wouldn't be all these added
I think so.
When Brown and others were openly shooting their mouths off about this, let me tell you, it was not helpful for those of us that were trying to de-escalate the situation.
Well, no, and the Fed seized on that for intimidation purposes after they started arresting the Browns' supporters because of this violent rhetoric, so yeah, they could have played it differently in that sense, and obviously the dwindling amount of supporters
Well, they wouldn't even let the media in anymore, and that's just plain stupid.
You always want to get people to keep talking.
Well, yeah, but I mean, if you've obviously got to look at it from their perspective, if you've been
hold up there in their home for that amount of time with all the threats flying around then you're going to get paranoid but and that's going to you know affect your thinking and affect your strategy so I just look at them as being incredibly courageous but relieved in a sense that it didn't end in a in a Waco 2 but now they live to fight another day after they eventually get out of prison
Well, I think they're going to be in prison a long time.
We need to make sure that they get support in a proper defense.
I mean, they're going to try to put all sorts of sentences on them now because of statements that were made and things that were done.
But I'll be interested to find out who was posing as patriots all along and was really FBI and federal marshals.
In all these newscasts and clips, I'm trying to read through them, Paul, do we know how many people first subdued them before all the hundreds of police came on the scene?
All it says is a small team of marshals, so I'm guessing, you know, three, four, five.
Because if they get a big group of guys walking up to the house, obviously they're going to get suspicious, so I don't think it would have been any more than four or five individuals, maximum.
Well, I tell you, a lot of bravery on both sides.
Because usually the feds would just burn the building down in the past, like they tried at Ruby Ridge, like they did at Waco, because they're too scared to actually get up close to their quarry.
So while I despise the feds for their criminal actions, I am at least glad they didn't kill them, and I'm glad they didn't burn the place down.
They'd be true cowards.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big John.
Big John.
Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John, Big John, Big Bad John, Big John Nobody seemed to know where John called home He just drifted into town and stayed all alone Didn't seem like he was kinda quiet and shy But he didn't spoke at all, he just said, Hi, Big John
Somebody said he came from New Orleans, where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen and a crashing blow from a huge right-hand San Luciano fella to the promised land, Big John.
Welcome back, thank you for joining us today.
Big John!
New revelations and attack on American spy ship.
Veterans documents suggest U.S.
Israel didn't tell the full story of the deadly 1967 incident.
That is out of the Boston Baltimore Sun.
That is also a Boston Globe story here.
Another one out of the Chicago Tribune.
New revelations of an attack on an American spy ship.
Veterans documents suggest U.S.
Israel didn't tell the full story of the deadly 1967 incident.
And it continues that Bryce Lockwood, Marine Staff Sergeant, Russian language expert, recipient of the Silver Star for heroism, ordained Baptist minister, is shouting into the phone, I'm angry!
I'm seething with anger.
Forty years and I'm still seething with anger.
Lockwood was aboard the USS Liberty, the most highly decorated U.S.
history, I would add, a super-secret spy ship on station in the eastern Mediterranean when four Israeli fighter jets flew out of the afternoon sun to strafe bomb and then the virtually defenseless vessel on June 8, 1967, the fourth day of what would become known as the Six-Day War.
ship in U.S.
Yeah, they attacked with Mirage, they attacked with Daesan missile re-bombers, they attacked with patrol boats, they attacked and attacked and attacked and attacked for hour after hour.
And now there have been some big new developments.
Now we've interviewed admirals involved, and we've interviewed the judge advocate generals involved, and those who were told to whitewash the whole thing.
We've interviewed so many people, many of them have died now.
The captain of the ship, and we've interviewed Admiral Thomas More, later to become Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
We've interviewed so many.
Really, I've been interviewing people for 10 years, but this has been going on for 40.
And joining us is that individual who was in the Chicago Tribune and other papers around the country, and who was on that ship 40 years ago.
Bryce Lockwood.
Sir, I appreciate your service to this country, and I appreciate your continuing to honor those that died that day and those that were wounded that day by speaking out.
Thank you, sir.
Instead of me getting into these new revelations, if you could, just set the table for those that don't know what happened with the Liberty in a few minutes, and then walk through the denials, the attacks on the heroes, those that have spoken out, and then what this new info means.
Well, basically, the new info is transcripts of voice intercept tapes that were taken by both a Navy airborne collection platform and an Air Force airborne collection platform.
National Security Agency had denied for years that they had the tapes, and yet here they turned up under a Freedom of Information Act after 40 years has expired.
They're pretty damning.
The Israelis clearly identify the ship as American and attacked it anyway.
And this is outside Israeli waters, in international waters, in the Mediterranean?
We were about 13.7 miles off the Sinai coast when we were attacked.
There are some of us now that think the primary reason for Israel attacking us, they had captured an entire Egyptian brigade, somewhere in excess of 850 men.
Forced them to dig their own graves.
Many of them had their hands bound behind them after they dug their graves and were massacred by the Israelis on June 8, 1967.
With Ariel Sharon overseeing the operation?
I understand that, yes.
And here comes the US spy ship.
Now we've got a problem.
Now, that's the report I always got from the admirals and the captain and people ten years ago.
Over time, though, most of the heroes of the Liberty also believed that there was a plan to then go ahead and blame it on Egypt and then escalate the war.
That is quite likely.
We don't know all the details.
There is a... Operation Cyanide messages were passed between Washington, D.C.
and the captain of the ship.
Captain McGonigal.
They were labeled Captain's Eyes Only.
Just the very label, Operation Cyanide, sends a chill through your veins.
We don't know what that was all about.
There's been some speculation.
There was a Scottish reporter that wrote a book on Operation Cyanide on a Liberty attack.
And that was pretty much his premise.
By the way, a people who knew what cyanide was will start talking about it and then die within hours of heart attacks.
That's a possibility, I'd say.
Well, we've seen that.
Every time it comes up, it's a very dangerous subject.
And I know that McGonigal wouldn't talk very much about that.
Captain McGonigal, I firmly believe he very much deserved the Medal of Honor for his entire conduct
Throughout the attack and until Admiral Kidd came aboard.
From the time that Admiral Kidd joined the ship before she even reached Malta, a lid was clamped on everything.
We were ordered not to talk about it.
Captain McGonigal was in his last cruise.
He was going to be forced to retire after this cruise where Liberty was attacked.
Suddenly he's awarded the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
He's promoted to full captain and given his choice of duty.
And it sure sounds to me and many of the other crewmen that the captain was paid off to keep quiet.
Now walk through specifically, and again we're talking to USS Liberty hero and survivor Bryce Lockwood.
Bryce is a young Marine officer on that ship.
What were you doing?
I was a Russian linguist until I was enlisted.
I was not an officer.
But I was a Russian linguist, and that was my primary responsibility.
There was a group of Soviet Tu-95s stationed at Alexandria, Egypt.
And the Soviets had pretty well told the world that they were manned by United Arab Republic crews.
They weren't.
They were manned by Soviets in United Arab Republic uniforms.
And our job was to locate
By radio, those Soviet aircraft, and to get the goods on them if we could.
Incidentally, just seconds before the torpedo struck, my watch relief was a gentleman by the name of Jim Lupton.
Jim comes excitedly into the processing and reporting area, and he says, Hey Sarge, I got them, I got them!
I said, Got who, Jim?
He said, I got the Ruskies!
I said, You're kidding!
He said, No man, I got them, plain language!
And within
Just a matter of seconds the torpedo struck and killed him.
So you guys didn't know you'd already been approached by torpedo boats.
The captain saw their attack angle and was already trying to take evasive action.
If he wouldn't have, no doubt, you would have been completely destroyed.
Can you describe, because the media always waters it down and says a few planes dropped a few bombs lovingly on you.
Can you walk through why it's the most decorated ship in U.S.
Well, a few bombs.
There were 840 large caliber strikes on the ship.
A couple of those were napalm that destroyed all of our life rafts.
There was nothing left of the life rafts but shreds from the napalm.
The torpedo boats, there were over 3,100 large caliber machine gun strikes.
50 caliber machine gun strikes
Actually, I think they say they're a 30mm cannon, but it's about equivalent to the American .50 caliber machine gun bullet.
She was riddled!
And for the Israelis to say it was a case of mistaken identity just flies in the face of anyone that's ever been at sea.
We had home markings on there, GTR5.
Before you fire the ship at sea, you look up on Jane's Fighting Ships and find out the target that you're firing on.
It would be just like walking downtown with a pistol in your hand and finding a cop and throwing his head away and then claim, well, I thought he was robbing a bank.
That's about the equivalent of what the Israelis were doing to us.
Go to James Fighting Ships, look that number up, GTR-5, it will say in there, Auxiliary, which means she's a non-combatant, General Technical Research, in the fifth ship of her class, the newest and most modern of her class.
Well, what, five, six years ago, an Israeli pilot came out and admitted that three times he refused to fire, and they said go ahead and do it, so that was, you know, open and shut there, but now we have these communiques released.
Or they come right out and identify it.
As an American ship.
Flying an American flag.
And talking to the others, but this is for memory, I want to make sure I'm correct, because it was a war zone, wasn't the ship flying an unusually large flag?
The flag that was flying in the initial air attack was knocked down.
Then the holiday flag was run up, which is the largest flag you have aboard ship.
I'm not exactly sure of the size, but I think it's something like 20 feet by 30 feet or 16 by 30 feet, something of that nature.
And what did they do to the holiday flag?
Oh, riddled it with shellfire.
Riddled it with shellfire.
There's been all these defenders and debunkers who've tried to write books and tell lies and say horrible things about the vets.
And the Heroes of Liberty, boy, they really are eating crow right now!
Well, I hope they are.
But I'm sure there's still... The one in particular, Jay Kristol, incidentally, he's an admiral in the United States Navy Reserves.
He's probably retired by now.
He's the one that wrote the thesis for a doctorate from the University of Miami, and that never should have been granted because
I understand that he was there for economics, and yet he wrote this thesis on the liberty of how it was an accident, quote-unquote, and got his doctorate.
That should have been withdrawn.
Now, how many hours did this now confirm deliberate attack?
This is huge news, ladies and gentlemen.
How long did they accidentally bomb the ship?
Somewhere around two hours.
Some say more than that, some say a little less than that.
I think, actually, from the time that the first shot was fired until the last shot was fired, was very close to two hours.
You know, sometimes when we have a news story this big on air, I don't have words to describe just how important it is.
This has been a 40-year fight for justice.
Here it is, out in the open, NSA aircraft intercepts,
Can you specifically go through more of, and you know, plus you were trained in intercepting different intercepts, so you're specifically the perfect guest for this, not just one of the heroes and victims of this, but also you're an expert in intercepts.
Can you speak to us how these are intercepted, why they're so important?
Well, the Israelis had a nuclear weapon, and I suppose were threatening to use it.
And the Soviets had, excuse me, an ICBM submarine off Israel loaded with nuclear weapons.
There's a book out about that.
I think the number of the submarine was SB-151, but I may be wrong on that.
Yeah, that's it.
But the captain of that submarine was ordered, if Israel uses the nuclear weapons, incinerate it.
So here is the makings of World War III right on the doorstep.
And for anyone with a lick of common sense to think that we're not going to make sure we've got all the bases covered is rather presumptuous.
We had Air Force reconnaissance planes, we had Navy reconnaissance planes, we had the USS Liberty making sure that all the bases were covered, that if any information was out there of impending hostilities it would
Border on World War 3.
We need to know about it.
Because it's World War 3!
You'd want to know about that.
You're... Well, I started using X-Men.
So, all this is being recorded, probably more tapes than just these aircraft, obviously.
You've got the big hot zone in the world at that time, a major war going.
Now, what about hours later when the Israeli commando helicopters show up with commandos on board
In their assault gear, a lot of the other heroes of the Liberty and officers believe that it was the Russian spy ship observing this that did finally cause the Israelis to abort because they knew the Russians would report that.
There was a Russian destroyer that had been shadowing us our entire trip from the time we left the road to Spain until we were on station.
There was a Soviet destroyer that was shadowing us.
And it's quite obvious that they were keeping an eye on things and listening in also.
As a matter of fact, they were one of the first ones to offer us aid, which the captain refused.
I heard the helicopters come over.
I did not actually see them myself, but I heard the helicopters coming over, and I was lying on the deck in the radio room.
Every transmitting antenna we had had been destroyed.
A couple of Commander Lewis's, he was the operations officer, Commander Lewis,
A couple of his men went up topside.
Terry Halbardi was one of them.
I forget who the other is off the top of my head right now.
And strung a long wire while these torpedo boats are riddling the ship with machine gun fire.
If that's not bravery, I don't know what is.
Came back down in the radio room and got a mayday off.
And I was there listening to it.
This is Rockstar!
Rockstar under attack by unidentified surface and naval air units.
Require immediate assistance.
And as soon as the carrier Saratoga acknowledged it and said help is on the way, the shooting stopped.
I say it stopped.
I saw three sailors carrying the old World War II cork life rafts.
We had three of those inside the ship.
They were taking those to put over the side and get the most seriously wounded off onto them.
I saw them go through the radio room, over to the port side of the ship.
I heard an engine rev up.
And more machine gun fire, and I found out later that the Israeli torpedo boats had riddled those life rafts and carried off what was left of them.
Now see, I've been told that by the admirals, by the first mates, by the doctor, and then I get attacked by the news media saying I just made that up.
That they didn't shoot up the life rafts.
Well, I heard the shooting.
I didn't actually witness it first hand.
But I've interviewed the people that did, and they're on record too, and the media just lies and lies and says we're liars.
You gotta protect Israel.
This is incredible.
What are they going to do that now all these NSA intercepts have been released that the Israelis were identifying it as a U.S.
ship anew?
I'm pissed about their attack on Lebanon last year.
There was no call for that.
Literally thousands of Lebanese were killed and the entire country of Lebanon destroyed by the Israelis.
Because two Israeli soldiers were captured?
Give me a break!
It's unbelievable.
Stay there, sir.
We've got a break.
We're going to come right back to you after a couple of minutes.
Bruce Lockwood, he was in the Marines on that ship, in the spy box, down in the ship, seeing all this unfold 40 years ago, and now the truth's come out.
We'll be right back when the truth is exactly what these heroes said it was.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Boom, boom, bop-a-boom.
Boom, boom, bop-a-boom.
Boom, boom.
Bryce Lockwood, Marine Staff Sergeant, Russian Language Expert, recipient of the Silver Star for Heroism, Ordained Baptist Minister, is our guest.
He was on the Liberty 40 years ago.
I've got the Chicago Tribune here in front of me, and it's got the Chicago Tribune, one of their experts who, you know, deciphers Israeli, who's Israeli himself, reading it, and he's just going over, listening to the tapes.
And it says it's an American ship, just as the pilot years ago had said.
And they're told, but it's Americans.
And they're told, no, go ahead and attack it.
And we're going to read part of this transcript coming up in the next hour.
Now, if it can be shown that American naval officers and politicians knew about all this beforehand, which we know in Executive Session they did, I think there needs to be criminal charges against them.
I mean, this is covering up war crimes.
This is becoming accessories after the fact.
Is it not, sir?
Your phone just got a gigantic hum on it.
Did you switch phones?
Uh, no.
I'm not calling for the best phone I've got in the house.
I'm sorry.
You can just get closer to the jack, sir.
That's okay.
I apologize.
I'm having to stop you.
Go ahead.
We were talking during the break, what are some of the other key points that need to be made here about war crimes?
The machining of life rafts, machine gunning of life rafts, machine gunning of stretcher bearers and first aid personnel while they were trying to rescue wounded, the use of napalm, the ignoring of internationally recognized
Signs of friendly ships at sea.
All of those are major war crimes.
The USS Liberty Veterans Association, through legal counsel, retired Navy Admiral Merlin Starring, and another retired Navy Admiral by the name of Mark Hill, drew up the war crimes charges for the Liberty Veterans Association and they were presented formally
On June the 8th of 2005.
It is the duty of the Secretary of the Army to investigate any war crimes charges that are brought by United States citizens or military personnel.
By the way, the guys writing it up have been at the highest levels of the naval JAG hierarchy.
You've seen the... I'm sure you've seen the show... Many of your listeners have seen the show JAG.
It used to run on CBS.
This is a guy with a big, broad, gold stripes on his sleeve.
The head JAG officer.
Merlin starring Admiral Merlin starring.
And the Secretary of the Army has ignored those war crimes charges.
It is his duty, under public law, to investigate them.
But they can't do it!
They can't do it now!
The NSA intercepts have been released!
Well, he certainly should, all the same.
Well, we still have some survivors around.
There ought to be an investigation made by Congress.
They have never investigated it.
In spite of all of the Israeli backers stating, oh, there's been 15 investigations, there's been 17 investigations.
No, there was only one.
There was only one investigation, and that was the one conducted by the Admiral Kidd Court.
And the conclusions were predetermined by the Johnson administration.
Actually, I believe Lyndon Johnson himself.
Well, Lyndon Johnson, I talked to the two admirals that heard it, came on the line and said, that Judy ship's going to the bottom before we help it.
So, I mean, there you go.
He was, he knew exactly what was going on when the aircraft carrier sent fighter jets to go save the ship.
He said, turn it around.
Did he not?
I was made a back to the carrier America.
Along with the operations officer.
Stay there, we've got a break for 70 seconds, sir.
We'll come right back and talk about that and get into this transcript.
I'm Alex Jones.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congressman Ron Paul is scheduled to pop in later in this hour.
He's in Congress right now, so it's fluid.
He could come in early, could come in later.
Dave Mustang, the founder of Megadeth, formerly with Metallica, one of the biggest rock bands in U.S.
history, will be joining us coming up in the middle of the next hour because he's written an anti-UN, anti-New World Order album that does not mince words.
Just like we had one of the chief guys and the main songwriter for another huge group, of course, on a few weeks ago.
Just more and more people going public
Duran Duran, by the way, against the New World Order.
Huge news right now, ladies and gentlemen, out of the Chicago Tribune a few days ago.
I mentioned it, but I really wanted to save it, the story, until we got this particular gentleman on, who we haven't interviewed before.
We've interviewed much of the survivors of the crew, from first mates to doctors to admirals who took the calls from LBJ.
The NSA has released spy aircraft tapes of the Israeli pilots to ground control.
Being ordered, they're saying it's an American.
Look, attack the ship.
And that they did know from the onset of the attack in 1967, 40 years ago, what was happening.
And so joining us is Bryce Lockwood, Marine Staff Sergeant, Russian language expert, recipient of the Silver Star for Heroism.
This is a short segment, so let's get into that.
I remember interviewing two of the admirals who were on the ship, took the call.
Talking to others who had talked to them about it and their admissions So but but people hear this and they still can't believe it and the two different stories are only differ in a couple of words It's either LBJ says over the phone.
I told you to recall those planes.
Don't help that ship I don't care if it goes to the GD bottom to I want that ship going to the GD bottom and those tapes of those admirals and people saying that are all on my website Now I know you were in the belly of the ship under attack in the spy box, but what happened?
Well, perhaps I should try and give you some quotes from Commander Lewis, who is the operations officer.
We were both medevac to the carrier America.
While we were there, Admiral Geist, who was commander of Sixth Fleet, called Commander Armstrong into his stateroom and swore him to secrecy.
He said, you're not to say anything about this conversation until after my death.
But I want you to know, we did our best to get rescue aircraft to you.
And then he quoted President Johnson as saying, I don't care if the GD ships sinks and every man drowns, I will not have my allies embarrassed.
Now, you were told that to your face.
No, I was not.
It was told to Commander Lewis that Commander Lewis passed it along to those of us Liberty survivors at our reunions.
Now, what about the quote I've had?
I'm going to look up which admiral it was.
I've had so many on the show that said, I want that GD ship on the bottom.
I don't want our allies.
I mean, there's a slight difference there.
Have you heard that version?
No, I've not.
I just want to try to flesh that out a bit.
But regardless, he's saying, I don't care if it goes to Judy Bottom, I don't want to embarrass our allies, and he indeed ordered the aircraft back.
It's my understanding that Admiral McCain, Senator McCain's father, at the time was commander of U.S.
forces in Europe, U.S.
naval forces in Europe.
I believe he was at London, England at the time.
Admiral McCain is the one who ordered the aircraft back.
Admiral Geist, who was Commander Sixth Fleet, said, this is an American ship, it's under attack, I want to hear that from higher authority.
Robert McNamara told him the same thing, get those rescue aircraft back.
And Admiral Geist said, I want to exercise my authority to appeal to the highest level of command, the President of the United States,
It's my understanding from the conversations between Admiral Geist and Commander Armstrong that the President told him, I don't care if the GD's ship sinks and every man drowns, I will not have my allies embarrassed.
Now think about that.
That's LBJ for ya.
Ladies and gentlemen, what a traitor, what a piece of filth.
And McCain, another piece of filth.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling the distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're good.
We'll be posting this interview up on our website, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, and you can go through the transcript of the tapes, and the NSA has declassified.
It's 40 years later.
Tons, every month, of declassified transmissions and documents are being released.
People are going into the stacks.
You still have to get special authorization, unless you do a FOIA request, then you get it.
And digging through them,
And we find things like Operation Northwoods.
A plan Kennedy said no to, and then it was mentioned why he was killed, to hijack jets by remote control, bomb DC, kill Marines, carry out sniper attacks.
This was an operation that got green-lighted all the way through McNamara to the President.
He said no.
In there it also said blow up a ship and blame it on enemies.
I was just curious, Bryce Lockwood, who was on board the USS Liberty and highly decorated, have you ever heard of Operation Northwoods?
No, sir.
Does it surprise you to know that that was declassified a few years ago?
No, it actually doesn't.
I have a copy of a transcript from the Kennedy years of a conversation between then General Curtis LeMay and the Commandant of the Marine Corps, General David M. Shoup.
And the conversation went something along the lines of setting up a ship to be attacked by the Soviets and blaming it on them and then
precipitating a major world event.
Now, see, I didn't know that, and that's why history is so big.
It's wet than breath.
It's so huge.
You try to study one period and say Roman history or Japanese history, you'll, in your whole lifetime, you can't learn it all.
And there, I just learned from you, you just learned from me.
Yeah, Operation Northwoods, they were gonna basically carry out 9-11 style attacks, and
We even have people board aircraft, but they had all sorts of stuff.
Kill astronauts, blame it on the Soviets.
Yeah, just Google Operation Northwoods, ABC News, Baltimore Sun reported on it.
Very, very interesting is all I can say.
That particular incident is news to me, but I'm certainly going to try and look that up.
I know I'm catching you off guard, but maybe after the show you can think of where it is and tell me, sir, or email me.
Where specifically can I find the head of the Air Force, who is an admitted psychopath, talking to someone else about staging events?
That was Commander of the Marine Corps, General David Shoup.
I'll have to do some digging to find that for you, Alex, but that shouldn't be that much of a problem.
I can come up with that and see to it that you get a copy.
Our folks can probably look forward to it and post it in the Prison Planet Forum.
War crimes.
Let's talk about war crimes.
We started mentioning that earlier in the segment, but now we have the transmissions of the Israelis.
I'm sitting there looking at them in the Chicago Tribune saying that, just as the pilot said years ago, that it was an American ship.
There should be a complete investigation done by Congress.
You can't get a Congressman to touch it.
I think that if you go through the records of most Congress people, where their contributions come from, they're required by law to be made public.
I think you'll be shocked at how much money our Congress people and Senators are getting from the American-Israel Political Affairs Committee.
It is absolutely shocking how much power they have.
I just found out recently, I graduated from the same college as Dr. Jerry Falwell, Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, and I was just informed recently that
Jerry Falwell was paid off quite handsomely by the Israelis for his complete unquestioned backing of the State of Israel, to the tune of a Learjet aircraft worth 1.6 million dollars.
Yeah, all total, Israel's given him over 4 mil that we know of.
Jerry Falwell?
And it's the same thing with other preachers around the country, and
Now we have known dual citizens running almost every major federal department.
It's pretty bad.
I wasn't aware that there was quite that much money that had been given to Dr. Falwell, but that would certainly explain why he comes on television even after his death and advocates people donating $350 to get a Soviet person of Jewish extract to
Travel back to Israel and set up their citizenship in Israel.
Well, you know, I've been criticized because I don't hate Israel.
I know most governments are corrupt throughout history.
I'm a Christian.
You know, I brought up a Baptist.
I'm really non-denominational now.
Excuse me for interrupting, Alex, but I don't hate Israel.
I really don't hate Israel.
I really want your listeners to make sure of that.
I think they have every right to exist.
Oh no, let me stop you, sir.
I mean, I'm agreeing with you.
I mean, I'm saying I'm brought up a Baptist, I'm brought up, you know, literally being taught to worship Israel at church, and I have Jewish friends, I know half the folks in Israel are against all these wars, but yes, it's just like we've had criminal governments, just like Germany's had bad governments, it is not a sin, and you're a pastor, and so tell me if I'm correct to say that
To rebuke Israel when it's corrupt and evil.
Isn't that what all the prophets did?
And they should be rebuked very strenuously for the war crimes that they've committed against the people of Lebanon, against the United Arab Republic back in the Six Days War in 1967.
I don't understand why
Excuse me, I'm getting some age on me now.
My mind gets a little fuzzy from time to time.
I can't recall who the President of Egypt was at the time of the Six Days War, but he was anxious to get back to Sinai Peninsula after the war, and there was the accords with Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter, and the President of Egypt were all given the Nobel Peace Prize for settling
Well, I've had the
That's a real good question.
I know that there are some people, we had a discussion here in Springfield at one of the major Springfield libraries last fall.
Dr. Ray McGovern, who is a retired CIA senior officer, it was his job to brief the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, I believe, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and the President on Tuesday and Thursday.
It was Reagan and Bush, yeah.
It was Ray McGovern with his responsibility to brief these most senior people, the President,
Hey, it's okay.
I understand there's a lot going on.
Looking here at the Chicago Tribune, going through the transcript, it has the aircraft bombing
And they bomb it the first time.
They've already said it's American.
They say they don't want to bomb it.
And the teletype, it says the transcript, Block remembered seeing, we're teletypists, way beyond top secret, some kind of pilots did not want to attack, Block said.
The pilot said, this is an American ship, do we still want to attack?
And the ground control came back and said, yes, follow orders.
And it goes on to say after the ship had gotten radio out, that they panicked and wanted them to finish off the job.
You know, that after you guys were able to string a wire and get the message off, that then the Israelis really panicked and said, hurry up, kill them!
I don't doubt that in the least, Alex.
Oh gosh, I'm sorry, my mind just keeps going blank.
And it says right here, it says, but sir, it's an American ship!
Some of those pilots were trained right here in the United States.
And they certainly must have had some friendships they struck up while they were going to pilot school here in the United States.
Well, here's the question.
Why did Geiss send the following orders?
I mean, at least he questioned, unlike others.
I mean, why did the Israelis follow orders?
I mean, at least they did question.
Yes, they did question.
Incidentally, we had a reunion in
1992, it was our 25th anniversary reunion in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Joe Tully, Captain Joe Tully, was the skipper of the USS Saratoga.
And Captain Tully called me over to him and shook my hand.
He says, Marines said, I want you to know, we did our best to get help to you, but I was overpowered by the President himself.
Captain Joe Tully, skipper of the Saratoga.
But still, if I was a naval officer and the President said, stick children into meat grinders, I wouldn't do it.
I guess it's that training?
I mean, to follow an order to let your own people die?
I don't know what to say about that.
Well, for anybody that doubts that in this corrupt society now that our police won't follow orders and things like that, you better think twice, folks, because
Because I'll just follow orders no matter what.
It just really causes bad things to happen.
Lyndon Johnson and Secretary McNamara should have been tried for treason for the Liberty incident.
Stay there.
I want to come back in a final five-minute segment with you, sir.
Quick break.
I really appreciate Bryce Lockwood, one of the heroes of the USS Liberty, for joining us.
To talk about any other key points that we've missed or have a discussion on the other side, then we're scheduled to have the Congressman Ron Paul popping in for the segment and then Dave Mustang.
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We are joined by Bryce Lockwood.
We have one little short segment left here, then Congressman Ron Paul is going to be joining us.
Absolutely incredible story.
Incredible that even the Chicago Tribune has got the transcripts where they didn't want to attack, were ordered to, just as one of the pilots went public seven years ago and admitted.
But still the neocons said, no, no, Israel-levelism was sweet when their own pilot admitted it.
They were ordered three times, attack.
And they did attack.
But George Butler, who has a show right here on the Genesis Network Saturday nights, a friend of mine for many years,
I guess I ought to talk to people more.
I didn't know... I knew George had been in the military.
I didn't know George was involved with the Liberty.
At least heard some of this and saw some of it happen.
Uh, George, we've just got a few minutes here.
Tell your story real fast to, uh, Mr. Lockwood.
Okay, uh, Mr. Lockwood?
Yes, sir, George.
I was ASA.
I was in Germany, West Berlin, uh, Torfelsberg and all that, but I was out of the service in the 66, but I had friends at Azmera.
And they were monitoring that ship's, uh, communications during that attack.
And so I don't know if these recently released intercepts are showing any traffic being monitored from Esmera or not.
I don't know.
The transcript that I have is from off the Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska.
Now talking to your friends, George, who are in your old unit, what did they say they heard?
Well, we have a meeting monthly, we used to up in Richardson, Texas, with a bunch of Army Security Agency people, and discussing it, you know, with them.
They were hearing the attack, and they were hearing sometimes both sides of the communications.
This is up on a high mountain there, close to Ethiopia.
What did they think while they were hearing all this?
Sure, sure.
They understood very quickly, within hours, that there was an attack.
What did they say?
It was a concerted attack, intentional attack, by Israel against a U.S.
Were they mad at the cover-up?
Oh, they were mad as hell, but NSA has a memorial site, is that right, Mr. Lockwood, on NSA?
Yes, yes.
But you know what they've done to that site?
They made it more inaccessible than it used to be a few years ago.
Hard to find on the NSA site than it was three or four years ago.
You have to dig down into the NSA site to really find the Liberty Memorial section.
Not surprising.
I've been after this thing for years myself.
Like, Carl Wickersworth came out years ago and I sent him a bunch of information, KTSA and San Antonio, so this has been really dear to my heart too.
Thank you so much for calling, George.
Anyway, I understand your predicament, and you being there on The Best Will I Know, it was really... George, you ought to... You really get a kick into the truth, don't you?
You ought to get Bryce Lockwood on your show.
If it's alright, I can have John at the network.
Bryce, is it okay if we give George your number?
You bet.
Yeah, well, get that to me, and then we'll have him on the show as soon as we can.
Okay, well, we'll give you the number right now.
John, please give him the number while you're busy dialing Ron Paul.
Thank you, George.
Good to hear from you.
I mean, what a small world.
I know George.
He's a great guy here involved in the Freedom Movement.
That is amazing.
That is absolutely amazing.
Alex, I thank you so much for this opportunity.
Perhaps I've aired some things that, I don't know, maybe should have been said, but I tried to tell the truth as much as I possibly could.
Well, no, sir.
I mean, you've told much of what we already have confirmed by other sources in the new developments and a few other interesting tidbits, but the bottom line, what are the defenders of the bad actions of Israel going to do now?
I mean, this is incredible.
They can't just run and hide.
I didn't realize that this would also run in the Boston Globe.
I mean, this is a quarter of the American population that have had this story for the first time in 40 years.
It's in a bunch of newspapers.
If you type USS Liberty into Google and click on News, it'll search News, and it's dozens of hits.
It is all over the newspapers.
Let me look here.
Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun.
There's one more here that I printed out, and I only printed a few of these.
My goodness.
So this particular article by John Crescent.
John Crookson is all over the place, and a bunch of other articles have been written about that.
I'd say it's in the hundreds now, sir.
Incidentally, John Crookson is a Pulitzer Prize winner for journalism, so this is no fly-by-night author of this article.
You know, I didn't know that.
We called him up and he gave us your number, and he was real nice.
I didn't know I was talking to a Pulitzer Prize winner.
I've got a... I didn't either when you first called me.
I found out from a third party.
Actually, it was Jim Ennis, who is the author of the book, Assault on the Liberty, that informed me that...
Mr. Crutzen was a Pulitzer Prize winner.
Well, I'm going to call Crutzen back and get him on and maybe you on and get George Butler on at the same time.
God bless you and thanks for coming on, Mr. Lockwood.
Thank you so much, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
You bet.
You know, most of those men haven't lived to see the truth come out, but a lot of them have.
And it's bittersweet, but at least there's some sweet to the bitter.
That's better than nothing.
I tell you, the people that told lies about this look really bad right now.
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In constant sorrow His face I am the man of the hour
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, one of the top rock bands out there.
Formerly with Metallica as well.
He'll be joining us in the next hour.
He has gone anti-New World Order.
His whole new album is all about the New World Order and how he must defeat it.
And we have one of the top guys, of course, from Duran Duran on a week ago.
It's just everybody is starting to wake up and one of the people driving that is the Ron Paul revolution.
And the doctor, the Vietnam veteran, the family man, the father, the congressman with the best voting record in modern U.S.
history, the guy that would get us out of the United Nations, the man that would abolish the Federal Reserve, the person that would put us back on to sound money principles,
He is definitely the medicine this ailing country needs is Congressman Ron Paul.
And they just raised a record five plus million dollars in the last quarter dwarfing what many of the other top tier candidates made.
They're now six to one in major Las Vegas odds with a trajectory
Of winning if his growth rate in the next 50 to 90 days continues.
If this is it, I want to see everybody intensify your giving.
I see yard signs all over.
When I'm in L.A.
or New York, I see signs, Ron Paul signs up.
When I'm in Dallas, I see them.
They're all around my business where I'm based.
Congressman, we salute you, and I salute everybody that's supporting you.
This Ron Paul revolution is just absolutely going into overdrive.
Well, thank you, and we have to salute all those supporters who have endorsed these views in the Constitution.
That's what really is at stake here, and I'm so pleased to find out that our strength is that good, you know, and that there are that many people who care, so there's reason to be optimistic.
This is a lot better than you even thought it was going to be, Congressman.
What did you think on
Well, I always think there's, you know, that you can't predict the future and therefore I never say, oh, you can't win or I will win, so I sort of avoid the two extremes.
But I would say that it's doing much better than I had anticipated.
I was rather cynical about it all, because you and others have always said, run, run, run.
And I said, well, I don't know if our numbers are strong enough, and I don't know whether the young people will rally.
So I was too pessimistic, and there were more people who were already informed.
I'm really impressed by how many new people come in.
The new people are flocking to us, and I think this means that the young people are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.
They're realizing that we've dumped on them, and they realize, look, they're inheriting.
So I think this has all just come together, and then with radio talk shows and the Internet has just made this thing grow by leaps and bounds.
It's growing exponentially.
Though every time your name gets mentioned on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, they say, yeah, but he can't win.
Within seconds, they blurt it out like it's a talking point, Congressman.
But that seems, well, A, do you think it's a talking point?
And B, that seems to be enraging the public even more and backfiring on them.
Well, it does.
It doesn't discourage our supporters.
It sort of energizes everybody.
And now that we have proven that we could raise money, you know, they always claimed there were just a few of us out there that cared and that they were bloggers and they were manipulating the Internet.
And, well, you can't manipulate to the point where you get 35,000 new donors who average about $40 a piece.
You know, the other ones that raise a lot of money, you have to realize they get their money from those who want to buy government, you know, the special interests.
That's why they'll invest 60, 70, 80 million dollars.
The miraculous thing about this is people are coming to us just to be free, you know, just to be left alone, to be able to keep their own money and do the necessary things like sound money and
We're good to go.
In about a third of the country, but still, if the poll numbers are high enough, they're not going to be able to steal elections.
I really know, intellectually, following this trajectory, that if the growth continues at this current rate, and that's what Las Vegas is saying, and they can't be wrong because they got bets being placed on it, you're going to get the Republican nomination.
Well, you know, that is a distinct possibility, but I also know that a lot of work has to be done.
We have to translate what we've done so far into actual voting in the primaries.
So, it's not smooth sailing, but it certainly is possible, and at the rate we're going, there's a very good chance.
Would you say that it's accurate to make the statement that you are definitely, that we are definitely with you in the fight?
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
I think that the group of people who are with us are growing all the time.
You know, the media always wants to ask me, what is your target?
When are you going to drop out?
Do you have to be first in New Hampshire before you'll drop out?
I said, no, I haven't even thought about things like that.
As long as we keep growing and improving and our numbers are growing and we raise the funds, you stay in there until mathematically something forces you to be excluded.
Well, by every indicator of grassroots, whether it's IP one-vote internet voting, which I think is more scientific than a lot of the, you know, Angus and Reed and Gallup-type polls, by every other indicator of grassroots, whether it's MySpace or YouTube or Meetup or Town Hall or Facebook, you are dwarfing, in almost every case, you have more members and more supporters in all those grassroots communities than all the other candidates combined with both parties!
It makes you wonder how the polling is done, because if the polling is honest, then you wonder where's the disconnect.
But maybe the polling isn't absolutely accurate, maybe they're not polling the people that are likely to vote.
But I think once we get a supporter, the percentage chance of them voting are much greater than those who are so disgruntled.
The disgruntled Democrats and the disgruntled Republicans.
I foresee a low turnout if you don't have somebody there that will really champion our cause and really want to change in direction, because I think the longer this campaign goes on, the more mellow everybody becomes.
They just mush.
They say nothing.
The Democrats get worse, and even our other Republicans are not saying that much.
They're not fiscal conservatives.
They don't want to talk about monetary policy, and there's so little said.
So for that reason, I think
The people get more disgusted than those people who have finally figured it out that we're going in the wrong direction.
I think they're coming to our campaign.
Congressman, I said this...
Six, seven months ago when you first announced, it was common sense to me, but now the oddsmakers have said it, a lot of political analysts have said it, the Republicans really aren't running against Hillary.
They know the baton's being passed.
We've never seen a discrepancy where we've got, in any election, where one campaign has got double what the other party does.
Hillary's got that now.
Clearly, the establishment's saying this is a non-campaign, but then all the oddsmakers and experts are saying, but Ron Paul, he could beat Hillary.
And that's what Vegas is saying.
They're saying that if you, they've been always right in the past, could get the nomination, you would beat her because you're anti-war and you're pro-Second Amendment and you're pro-control the borders.
You've got the liberals and conservatives and libertarians supporting you.
Why wouldn't any Republican get behind you knowing that only Ron Paul can beat Hillary Clinton?
You know, you wonder about that because now the move is right now is to try to close the primaries.
Do you think they're sincere when they say they want to have a big tent and invite new people in?
They can invite a lot of new people in, but they don't want constitutionalists evidently, because they want to make it tough to vote in a Republican primary.
So that doesn't add up.
It just sort of confirms the fact that, you know, the control of this whole system has been one party, so to speak.
You know, it's one group of people who have controlled both parties.
And right now I think the people are getting disgusted with it, and they're starting to wake up.
Congressman, do you think that they're accelerating?
Again, we're talking to Congressman Ron Paul, running for president and gaining steam to get the win for the nomination as Republican here and defeat Hillary.
Do you think that they're trying to speed up the primaries and bring them in earlier as an attempt to try to block you and other populist candidates?
I don't think it's just me, because that has been started for a while.
But I think, generally speaking, the two major parties, the leadership, do not want competition.
This is the reason third parties have never survived very well, because it's hard to get on ballots, they won't let you in the debates.
And now, they're speeding this up, so if you're a grassroots-type candidate, they don't want to give you much time to get traction.
But they didn't realize that you can get traction some other way, such as through the internet and grassroots campaigning.
So I think that's a bit of a secret weapon that's interfering with their plans.
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Congressman, do you think the Republican Party is starting to panic because they have been intensifying their attacks on you?
Do you think they're starting to get concerned?
They're also trying to change their rhetoric a little bit more, it seems, towards a more constitutionalist, freedom-based
Yeah, I think they've already adapted.
I don't know whether they've panicked, but I think they're at least showing some concern, where at first, you know, it was totally ignoring what we were doing.
And then, of course, they made fun of it.
And now I think the challenges are much tougher, and I think we can expect it to get much rougher as time goes on.
Only time is going to tell, but I think we should all be thankful that the ideas of liberty are alive and well in this country, much more so than I ever dreamed, so I'm very pleased.
I want to spend the six minutes we've got left with you, and I want you to know, Congressman, I know how tiring it is to do five, six, seven, eight interviews a day.
I have no idea how hard it is to do the things you're doing, and at 72, good thing you're in such good shape.
So I appreciate the time, and I know the listeners do, and we thank you because we are your base here, as you know.
The economy, I mean, it's like you're a prophet, but you've been saying this for 25 years.
Now everything you've talked about is coming home to roost.
The dollar plunging in value, the Federal Reserve making announcements that the dollar is going to go down, knowing it would drive it down further.
A, does that help your campaign that everything you've talked about, the hidden inflation tax, is now becoming
That's the second question.
Yeah, I think it's going to help a whole lot.
Like you say, I've been talking about that for a long time and I think it's so important because the monetary issue is pervasive.
It involves every single transaction we have, you know, whether it's pricing of labor or pricing of goods and services, that's how key it is.
Then when people understand how the Fed screws up the economy and causes all the
I'm getting a lot more calls, even on the business stations, and that of course will be the most challenging.
Once they know the American people have awakened to the con game that's been going on, I think those who run the banking and monetary system aren't going to be too happy, nor will the people who benefit.
You know, the people in the military-industrial complex and now in the medical-industrial complex, they get to use that money first.
They depend on this deficit financing.
So I suspect that we're going to be talking a lot more about this, because although the dollar's down sharply right now,
The secondary effects of rising interest rates and also the cost of living going down here, that's yet to come, so in the next 12 months I think things are going to get a lot worse.
That was my next question.
Most of the experts who are in the constitutional line of thinking, or the von Mises of you, are saying middle of next year is when the really bad numbers and the debt really starts piling up.
What do you see happening?
You say 12 months?
Well, and that's one thing that Austrian economics teaches is that you shouldn't be so bold as to say in three months this is going to happen because I made a calculation.
Because there's a human element involved.
There are very many objective facts, like when you print money the value goes down, but that doesn't mean that exactly tomorrow the people will know the value of the money is down.
It takes time, and people panic, and there's emotions involved, and we don't know what kind of international event that might precipitate a crisis.
You know, if Bush is foolish enough to go and start bombing Iran, that might precipitate such a crisis as oil going to $200 a barrel.
Well, we've already seen a massive decline in value.
I mean, there is the prediction come true there.
How far, just in general gauging, do you think it's going to go down?
Well, that's hard to say because it depends on what the reaction is.
If they continue to do exactly what we're doing, it's going to go to zero.
We're going to have runaway inflation.
All paper currencies eventually self-destruct and they're ruined.
And we're in uncharted waters right now.
This is the first time in the history of man that you've had no solid currencies around the world.
And this has been going on for 35 years.
So we don't know how this is going to play out.
But in the past, most governments usually had to stop, start over again, develop a new currency, put some trust behind it, put some backing to the currency, and start over.
In this case, it's going to be more difficult, because it's going to be a worldwide crisis, and that's why people who own things are going to be better off than those people who own dollars.
Well, Joseph Stiglitz, Chief Economist, World Bank, said the same thing as you're saying last year.
And he said, we're going to have a global depression unless they change things.
And I said, well, are they changing?
He said, no, they're accelerating.
And that's what I see now.
The establishment really seems to think they can just set up a police state and then let everybody know they've been robbed.
And then if anybody complains, they'll just shoot us in the streets.
Well, hopefully it doesn't get that bad, but they're going to use the fear factor.
You know, look at what they do about the fear of these third world nations going to bomb us and we have to invade them.
The fear of another 9-11 attack, so therefore you give up all your civil liberties.
And they do that in economics, too.
There's this tremendous fear and a breakdown.
They're not going to admit the truth.
They're going to say, you know, markets don't work.
What we need is somebody to take care of us.
And what we have to fight for is to make sure that people won't give up their liberties.
So you're saying they could use the financial crisis, then pose as saviors and give us even more government as a fix.
Oh, I think they will.
They've done that.
Look, it's really started wholesale, you know, in the Depression.
That was the whole thing.
You know, scare people to death instead of blaming the Federal Reserve for the Depression.
We're good to go.
Well, according to him, it's not a lie, and according to the way they measure it, they don't think it's a lie, but according to the facts, it's a lie, because they're, of course, inflating the money supply.
They won't even tell us they're inflating the currency by 13% if you look at M3, and even the price inflation, which is not the actual inflation.
If you go by the old CPI, it's going up 8 or 10%, so he's certainly deceiving us.
Congressman, we salute you.
We pray for you and Carol and your whole family.
God bless you.
Go with God.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you.
All right.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, which I will admit I liked listening to when I was in high school.
Can you imagine what a crazy person I looked like with a big black Stetson and a Megadeth t-shirt cut off?
And stilt-toe boots?
Anyways, he's going to be joining us, and the reason he's joining us, coming up in about 35 minutes, is because he has got a new album out, and the whole thing is absolutely dead-on anti-New World Order.
And I remember, being about 15, while we were driving around doing donuts in fields in the middle of nowhere, like a bunch of heathen,
Listen to the Megadeth lyrics and it wasn't like other heavy metal stuff devil this devil that wasn't about that It was about evil world government evil New World Order I guess it was kind of subliminally telling me it was evil Back before I even woke up a few years later to the New World Order I remember getting the lyrics out of the out of the CD case CDs had just come out and then in reading, you know so so this this new one and
I think so.
He yells at me or whatever when he's coming up in 35 minutes or even pops on the show, but reportedly he knows about the show, knows of the show, and he's on the road right now, so we'll see if he's there.
It turned out Ron Paul thought he was on earlier today than he was, but that's how it always is with these guys that are really busy.
Frankly, it's the same way getting me on a radio show now.
It gets harder and harder.
You just get burnout, you get tired, you get radio interviews piling up until Kingdom come.
I'm not like Ron Paul and Dave Mustaine.
I've just stopped doing them, most of them.
Because I can't do all the other work I'm doing and do this, but there's a bunch of news I haven't even covered yet today.
I'm going to do that in the next 30 minutes and take some of your phone calls on the Browns, on the U.S.S.
Liberty, on the things Ron Paul just said, 1-800-259-9231.
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I don't know.
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Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're now into the third and final hour and Lou Epton's just now firing up his show.
He did this about once a year.
KLAV out of Las Vegas, a fine radio station with a great lineup.
Lou is one of the granddaddies in the Patriot Movement, Truth Movement, Freedom Movement in this country.
I've been interviewing Lou, and he's been interviewing me going back, I don't know, 15 years or so, ever since I first started even getting into this movement, right when I got on earth.
I think it was about 13 years, but I'd heard of Lou before that, and we're simulcasting right now.
Lou Epton, are you there, my friend?
Right here, my friend, and it's great to be back with you.
It's been too long.
Well, I'm really honored to be on your show, and it's great to have you here with us.
What are some of the things you want to talk about this hour?
You know, I've got this big headline up on PrisonPlanet.com.
FBI thought bombs brought down towers on 9-11.
Working premise, the truck bombs aided WTC collapse.
Dovetails were the arrest reports that were later buried.
Later, if you'd like, in the hour, we can actually play that clip.
In fact, John, why don't you go up to Prison Planet, I forgot to tell you, and go ahead and grab that clip, newscast, so we can play that later.
Lou, what do you think of that?
Alex, you know, we think so much alike because I'll never buy what the government wants us to regarding 9-11.
I love it.
Now what you have and other people I've spoken to, there is not a doubt in my mind that this wasn't something we were heavily involved in.
When I say we, I mean our supposed representatives, our own government.
Well, the reason I bring that up and was talking about it long before 9-11, as you were, is that it's declassified that criminal elements of our government, i.e.
the CIA, Defense Intelligence, staged terror attacks in Iran to blame it on their leadership and overthrow them.
In Europe, they declassified in 2001, before the attacks, that the U.S.
headline planned to stage terror attacks as a pretext for war with Cuba and the Soviets, Operation Northwoods.
The USS Liberty, our government with Israel, staged that attack on the ship as a pretext to attack, of course, the Arabs, mainly.
So there's so many examples they now have declassified that it was a staged attack and that nothing really happened that got us into the Vietnam War with the Gulf of Tonkin.
I mean, Lou, there are so many examples where they've done it in the past and then radiating the atomic soldiers, radiating 4,000 American children and killing them in radiation tests, telling parents they were getting x-rays and killing them to test radiation, our government funding Israel to do it.
I mean, the cold-blooded stuff they've done before, why wouldn't they do 9-11?
Then you look at the evidence and
Sure enough, it's an inside job.
We've been involved in, we've helped plan, it's all taking us toward this one world government, and the latest thing to happen, and I believe it's worth discussion, is what they call the Lost Treaty, the Law of the Seas Treaty, turning most all of the water on the planet over to the United Nations.
I tell you what, we've got a break in a minute and a half, but let's come back, get into this new 9-11 information, and then let's get into these treaties.
Law of the Sea, Law of the Sky, the SPP, the meeting Bush had a month and a half ago, they even released those documents.
We are going under United Nations control!
No question about it.
We've got internment camps right here in our own area of Southern Nevada.
They've got them, I think, mostly all across the nation already for those, well, for folks like you and me.
Well, absolutely.
And, Lou, before we break, tell folks about your fine station, the frequency, and how my listeners, who may have never heard it around the country when they're in Vegas or around it, can tune in.
Okay, thank you, Alex.
KLAV is one of the older stations here in the Southern Nevada market.
It is a unique situation in that they allow people such as yours truly to come on the air and expose what we know to be fraud.
I've been with them.
Well, I started with KLAV back in 1991.
I mean, boy, time goes by.
And they've been absolutely wonderful in every way, shape, and form.
I've gone to a couple of other stations for short periods, but I always keep on coming home.
Well, they're a big station.
They're an old station.
I hear about it all the time, and I listen to clips of you on the web.
Lou Epton, stay there.
We'll be back in three minutes to get into 9-11 and the Globalist Takeover!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now, we reported on this years ago, but it broke again this weekend with some new developments, new clips that resurfaced.
So it's big news right now.
FBI thought bombs brought down the towers on 9-11.
Working premise that truck bombs
Aided WTC collapse dovetails with arrest reports that were later buried.
According to Terror Expert interview on USA Today on 9-11, the FBI's initial working premise was that trucks packed with explosives aided the collapse of the Twin Towers.
The fact that dovetails with reports of Middle Easterners being arrested after running away from truck bombs that later exploded that day.
Now, Lew Epton, are you there, my friend?
Lou, we had Arabs telling the local newspapers the week before those buildings won't be there the next day.
We had Odigo, Haras reporting in Israel, calling and saying, you know, we got a warning.
We told our employees, the Israeli employees, to get out.
We had FBI agents arrested for doing insider trading.
We had Buzzy Krongard in trouble with Blackwater covering up arms smuggling right now, involved in insider trading.
It seems like everybody knew
But then the President said he'd never heard of any such plan, and then on top of it, of course there had to be bombs in the buildings.
I don't believe truck bombs, they were too well placed.
You can see the squibs.
But at least the FBI, because a lot of them weren't involved, obviously, it's a compartment of the government, thought there had to be bombs because it was obvious, and they were reporting that bombs were going off in the towers, including Building 7.
For the goodness sakes, the firemen, those who survived that horrendous event, are telling us that there were bombs in the building.
I gotta tell you, I've watched buildings come down here in Las Vegas, what they call controlled demolition.
It was identical to what happened at the old Boone's Hotel.
I mean, it came straight down.
The same thing happened with the Twin Towers.
There are so many unanswered questions regarding what really went on that fateful day.
Tons of evidence.
You have tons of evidence.
We both have lots of questions, and there's nobody there to answer them, and the commission they put in place to report on what they say happened was rigged, and we both know it.
I mean, there was no doubt in my mind, and I hate to say this, but there's not a doubt in my mind about what went on
That fateful day of September 11th.
Those buildings were planned for destruction.
They were both loaded with asbestos.
It would have cost a veritable fortune to try and clean that asbestos out of the buildings.
What better way to get the job done and save money?
And then there's a story of, I believe his name was Silverstein, who took over the buildings and insured them for a few million dollars and collected billions of dollars after the demise.
There's a story of a reporter from the BBC, get this, standing in front of Building 7.
Live, on the air, reporting to the people in Great Britain that Building 7 had already collapsed.
It did?
Well, what in hell was that standing behind her?
It's incredible.
We're talking to KLAVAM 1230 talk show host in Las Vegas, Nevada.
He's been on since 1991.
16 years there.
I remember him interviewing me 13 years ago.
Again, he was out there on radio on a big station when literally nobody else was.
Lew Epton pioneering fighting the New World Order.
We are so honored
So honored to have him on air with us today right here on the GCN radio network.
Lou, how about we play this couple minute clip of USA newspaper television that day interviewing a terrorism expert about truck bombs in the buildings.
Before we do, let me just add something.
It is my honor to be on the air with you.
You're a young man, like I've never known before in my life, who is standing up for the truth, exposing the fraud of what's going on, and it's an honest pleasure just to be able to share the airwaves with you wherever the world we're being heard.
Well, Lou, you're a sweetheart, but I'm not as young as I used to be.
I've definitely put a lot of miles on the odometer, but again, I'm just glad folks like you were out there before I was fighting the globalists.
And again, you've done so much for this country, my friend, so God bless you as well.
Here is that first clip, and the next one is of Dan Rather.
Here it is.
Joining me is Jack Kelly.
Now, he is a foreign correspondent, war correspondent, and just came back from Israel.
He has some information about these attacks.
Jack, what can you tell us happened first in New York?
Apparently what appears to happen was that at the same time two planes hit the building that the FBI most likely thinks that there was a car or truck packed with explosives underneath the buildings which also exploded at the same time and brought both of them down.
Now that's the first time we're hearing that.
So two planes and explosives that were in the building, is that correct?
That is the working theory at this point.
That is still unconfirmed, but that is what the FBI is going on at this point.
Now, here in Washington, can you tell us what happened with this jet?
We believe it's an American Airlines jet that was going from Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles.
Can you tell us about that?
At approximately 945, the plane hit the side of the building over there.
There are confirmed deaths at this point.
This is thought to be part of a coordinated attack.
This is the first time that U.S.
officials will actually say that this is part of a coordinated attack, and I don't think it's exactly over yet.
Is this... it is not over yet?
I don't believe it's actually over yet.
They're taking precautions.
Within the last couple of minutes, the White House has approved sending two aircraft carrier battle groups, one into the Chesapeake Bay, the other outside of the New York City area, to prepare and defend for possible future attacks.
Now, Jack, as these battleships are headed out, does this mean war?
Lawrence Eagleburger, the former Secretary of State, just told us that this is a declaration of war as far as he is concerned.
He said this is the biggest attack against the U.S.
since Pearl Harbor more than 60 years ago.
So, why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia where 14 of the 19 hijackers came from?
Even if you believe the official story, why are we going to Iraq?
Just like we're about to go into Iran, and Lou, they think the public's so dumb, they keep saying Iran, love them or hate them, is an Al-Qaeda country, and aids Al-Qaeda.
Iran is run by Shiites, the opposite group of Al-Qaeda, the Wahhabis, and they hate them, and they hate Saudi Arabia.
How dumb do they think the public is?
Well, obviously they think they're as stupid as a box of rocks, and you know what?
On occasion, I gotta think, you know, I hate to say this, but we've been so dumbed down
That we're willing to accept anything the propaganda machine known as television and mainstream press is willing to tell us.
I mean, how many people you talk to that really question anything they hear on TV or read in the daily?
I mean, what they're not telling us is so much more important than any of the dribble that they're releasing.
And if you want to get into the 9-11 situation in a big way, you know, if you find one real flaw, then you've got to question the whole thing.
And I'll tell you what I think was the most glaring flaw of all.
Well, I
I'm sorry, you'll never convince me that that was hit by a 737.
Quite the opposite, I think it was hit, in my personal opinion, a missile.
Well, certainly, they won't release the good videos they've got, so they definitely want that to be a deepening debate.
It is very suspicious, that 16-foot.
But Lew, what about the admissions by Colonel Butler, the head of the Defense Language School, that they trained three of the hijackers there in spy training?
What about the two embassy heads, Springman and the other one, I've interviewed both of them, saying that they were told the hijackers were U.S.
government agents and that their terrorism designation was a cover and that they were supposed to let them back into the country by the State Department and the CIA?
Or MSNBC and Newsweek reporting that the hijackers were trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station?
That has all been proven!
I mean, the fact that they were trained at bases and then we're supposed to not talk about that, or that the official story's a fraud, or that Bush said he never heard of a plan to fly planes into buildings, and it turned out the British, the U.S., everybody done drills of it.
In fact, John, did you grab that clip today?
I forgot to ask you.
John's running a show up in Minnesota.
I'm in Texas.
The clip with the BBC.
We're back in the 60s.
They ran the drill of flying a jet into the British Petroleum.
And do you have the Dan Rather clip?
Let's play the Dan Rather clip.
This is him, that same day, now, reporting on how they caught all these people with trucks, and explosives residue, and maps, and box cutters, and all this stuff, and then it's admitted that they were Mossad agents.
And I'm not saying Mossad did it.
I'm leaving that open for debate.
The point is, why isn't this back in the news?
Here it is.
...very recently tonight, within the last few minutes, repeated that he believes that there are some people still alive, and they're all looking around the World Trade Center.
And word late tonight that two suspects are in FBI custody,
After a truckload of explosives was discovered around the George Washington Bridge.
That bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson River.
Whether the discovery of those explosives has anything to do with other events today is unclear, but the FBI has two suspects in hand, said the truckload of explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge.
But they arrested the two suspects and they're questioning them as we speak.
President Bush says the death toll at the Marching Center into danger.
Uh, Lou Epton.
Then they caught him in Tennessee.
They caught him in Mexico City with explosives.
This is pretty darn suspicious and then the media was ordered to shut up about it.
How about that?
And the media takes its orders and marches right in lockstep with whatever they're told.
Lou, what do you think the establishment is going to do, though?
I mean, in major polls, more than half the public thinks it's an inside job.
84% of the scientific polls believe they're being lied to about 9-11.
What is the establishment going to do?
They carried out these attacks.
We don't have all exactly what happened, but we know that the official story that it was done by guys from a cave is a lie.
What are they going to do now that we've taken their favorite tactic of staging terror and basically destroyed it?
Well, I think they're just going to keep marching the way they are and ignore whatever the public wants to know about, and they've gotten by with it so far, there's nothing to force them to come out and admit any wrongdoing in any way, shape, or form.
So, you know, unless... and it's not easy to get the public really aroused enough.
You know, I'm not...
Sitting here saying, oh, we've got to have a revolution.
Nothing like that.
Because in the history, I think of the planet.
Unless people are, first of all, hungry and homeless, they're not about to do anything.
And the majority of our citizenry still lives fairly well.
So they're just going to go along and hope that somebody else will figure it out and expose it.
And nothing much else is going to happen.
But, I'd like to think, maybe, just maybe, you know I'm one of these rare people, I do believe in our Lord, I do believe He's watching what's going on, and I do know for a fact that in the end we're going to win.
But I have this bad feeling it's going to get a lot worse before it starts getting better.
Lew Epstein, I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Let's get into that subject you wanted to raise, the Law of the Sea Treaty.
The whole international takeover of our governments, the handover of the infrastructure, the ports, the roads, the power plants.
It's all happening across the country, across the planet.
We're talking to Lou Epton, ladies and gentlemen, from KLAV AM 1230 in Las Vegas.
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In 2005, President Bush signed the REAL ID Act.
We're good to go.
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This is a short segment, long segment coming up with Lou Epton.
We could take some phone calls, Lou, from Las Vegas.
Who knows?
You can give out the number and you can air them from your side or I can give out the number 1-800-259-9231.
On any subject you want to discuss, 1-800-259-9231.
He's out there in the grasslands.
That's what Las Vegas translates into, I'm told.
The grasslands of
Skyscrapers and casinos and swimming pools.
We're here deep in the heart of Texas in Bush-controlled, New World Order fake conservative country as we defend the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Lew, I'm glad you brought up the Law of the Sea Treaty because I don't talk enough about that and there's so many international takeovers.
What, 74% of the world's surface is covered in
Saltwater and another 1% is covered in freshwater.
They claim now under this full control of the oceans and want to tax all cargo and fishing and actions that go on it.
This would really give them a big part of the global tax they want.
They're pushing for the other part of course right now through global warming, man-made global warming hysteria and fraud and all these new taxes.
But fill folks in on the Law of the Sea Treaty, Lou.
Pretty much.
I mean, I can't go into great detail because I don't know all that much more about it except that it'll put the water, which is the majority of the planet we live on, under the control of the United Nations.
Which, by the way, from where I sit, has never been a friend of the United States.
Not since day one.
But if you look at the overall picture, which is globalism, and we're well on the way there right now, and this is the agenda of what's going on.
They want the open borders.
They want to first turn our area into what they call the North American Union, merging Canada, Mexico, with the United States.
But that's not the end of it.
Once they've achieved that,
Then I'll go for step two where the end result is a one world government with a very few elite at the top and then there'll be the rest of us and we'll do exactly what we're told.
We won't be able to buy food or anything else.
It's really that simple.
Between the biochips they've got and this credit card situation they've got running where, as Risa likes to say, money slows us down.
I mean, come on!
We're being invaded right now by how many illegals?
Not what the government wants you to believe.
I personally will tell you, as far as I'm concerned, we've got over 30 million
Illegals right now running rampant across the nation.
Now we're offering them all of our freeways and highways to the Mexican truckers, whose trucks are not up to standards, whose drivers are not up to standards, which is not my idea, but which is admitted by almost everyone.
And what will that do to the American truckers?
Well, obviously it'll
Call for lower wages because you can't compete with the kind of monies that they get if they're working through Mexico.
I mean the whole thing.
The invasion?
This idea that, I love it, Hillary's proposing national health care again, that's socialism or communism by whatever name you want to stick with.
Which gives them total control, she says you have to go to the doctor each year, they're going to decide what you're injected with, they're going to have social workers that watch you and your family, that give you visits, this is all about kidnapping your children, getting them into the system, this all-powerful state,
That tracks everything you buy, tracks everywhere you go and what you do, that can turn your national ID card off for buying and selling, which they're now pushing, which can inject you with whatever they want.
I mean, this is nightmare control, and you got all these fools out there that think the state cares about them and loves them, when all it wants to do is get full control over you.
By the way, Alex, you know what the whole movement, what the equality movement for women was honestly all about?
Tell me, Len.
To destroy the American home.
Let them all run out and work so the state can raise your children.
Come on!
One of the biggest industries in the country today is called daycare centers.
Do you really think they give a damn about your children?
Well, we know they don't.
We've interviewed Charlotte Isserby and others.
High level in the Department of Education.
It was all about breaking down the family.
Of course, now she admits it.
She's written a book about it and been questioned about it and admits it.
Gloria Steinem was approached by the Central Intelligence Agency in the early 1960s to go start Miss Magazine in the late 1960s.
And so they could get women out of the home and get the children and then double tax.
And then she went out and got married and had children and everything else.
Told other women not to, though.
Again, CIA operative, 110%.
No question about it, unfortunately, but look what they've done.
Do you know the strength of our nation when we went into World War II?
The real strength, what made America the greatest nation, as far as I'm concerned, on the face of this planet?
The family.
Think about that.
We had families up until World War II.
And when the guys all ran out to enlist, I mean, everyone wanted to go out and help this country because it was their home, a great country.
I don't know how to say this sometimes, Alex.
I get very frustrated.
But I am a believer in family and family value, okay?
They've worked against us for so long and so hard.
It's an uphill battle from here on out if we have any chance left at all.
Lew Epstein is our guest.
We're simulcasting with KLAV right now.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back and take some of your phone calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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1-800-259-9231 is the number to call in here.
Lou, why don't you fire out the phone number if folks want to call into the Vegas station?
Well, we've got a couple here.
Our local number, of course, is 731-1230.
Our toll-free is 1-866-820-5528.
Alex, if I may just mention real quickly, we have Leon online.
Is it okay?
Let's take that call.
Leon, good morning.
You're on with Alex Jones.
Yes, good morning, Lou, and good afternoon, Alex.
I hope he's there.
Yes, I'm here.
Come ahead.
Oh, great.
Hey, what I was wondering about, you've been able to maintain such a great sponsorship with your program for so long.
I'm wondering how the Luetkin program can take advantage of those same ideas, and wondering how important it is for listener support in your radio program, so folks listening to the Luetkin program get that also.
And I'll listen out the air.
Let me first say, Alex, believe it or not, you've got a large following right here in Southern Nevada.
People absolutely love you, and I totally understand it.
Well, they're fantastic folks.
I'm just trying to do my job and get the word out.
But I do have quite a few sponsors.
We have a large audience.
We're on over 50 A.M.
in Anthem Station, Shore of the Internet, Satellite, things like that.
But, I mean, really, it's just the listeners out there taking the audio files from the show, getting the word out that lets us continue our operation.
But obviously, you're doing a decent two, Lou, if you've been there since 1991.
But yes,
Supporting talk shows, spreading the word about the talk shows, that is so important.
And when you've got a great AM host, like Lou in your area, I know most of you already know this, but every day, don't forget, tell somebody else at a red light, tell somebody at school, tell somebody at work, hey, at lunch, tune in and listen to Lou Epton.
That's how we spread the word.
Tell folks about loueptonshow.com.
We've got a link to it up on infowars.com.
Nothing can beat that word of mouth.
The key for the success of a show is to have good information, obviously,
But also that the listeners spread the word.
Okay, let me ask you something, Alex.
How did you first begin getting involved in broadcasting?
I think a lot of people would like to know.
I'm so grateful you did, and I'm so grateful that you're there and you're on, because I can't think of anyone else that hits a nail on the head as well as you do.
Oh well, there's a lot of folks better than me.
I mean that, but go ahead.
I just outpost work as much as I do.
In 1994, about a year or so after the massacre at Waco, I got really informed about the New World Order to a certain extent.
The Federal Reserve being private, kind of a mainline Ron Paul,
I think so.
I think so.
I think so.
And then by 96, early 96, I'd been on the air a while, about a year, and I got approached by folks that were about to switch a rock station to talk, and they put me on three hours Saturday night.
It got good ratings.
They put me on weeknights.
And then there was a little fledgling shortwave slash satellite network called Republic Broadcasting.
I interviewed Mark Kornke and John Stattmiller.
And they said, you know, let us carry your feed, your weekday feed and your Saturday feed over the telephone line over this.
And then it just exploded from there.
And then that went belly up, I think, in like 98.
And Ted Anderson, been their biggest sponsor, they asked him, hey, please help us stay on, start something new.
And the rest is history.
He did that.
Here we are, Lou, but enough about me.
That's really kind of boring.
But I started out on AXS TV.
Now I was just curious because it's such a, to me, it's a great feeling to know that you're there, you're out there, and you're getting the word out in large fashion, and I only wish there were a couple hundred more like you.
Unfortunately, I can't think of anybody else that comes anywhere near what you're doing.
We have another caller online right now, if it's okay, though, Alex.
Yeah, let's go, Tom.
Okay, Stephen, good morning.
You're on with Alex Jones.
Yes, good morning Alex and Lew, my two favorite talk show hosts.
I'm really proud of you guys getting together and attempting this.
Alex and Lew, Lew doesn't know it yet, I've been started producing, or not really producing, putting together kind of a synopsis of your three hours and sending it out.
I've got about 50 or 60 people that I email it to and ask them to forward it.
I try not to do too much editorializing, but just try to identify what could be the really good points for them to consider listening.
If I can get them to listen to an hour, they're probably going to be hooked.
That's what happened to me about six or seven months ago.
A friend said, do you ever listen to Alex Jones?
You can listen to it on my computer and I've been hooked ever since.
Well that's how it works.
We also have the podcast and the people can download for free.
I've been sending it to Aaron, what I've been doing.
I haven't received a response, hey quit doing that.
I'll send you a copy of it.
We just want to get the word out my friend.
Thank you for what you're doing.
That's where it's at.
I appreciate both your efforts.
Thank you, Stephen.
You're about to be rewarded, I'm sure.
Take care.
By the way, Alex, did you cover the Aaron Russo film?
It was absolutely magnificent.
You know, I'm glad you raised that.
I knew that you were friends with Aaron, and his passing is really a sad thing, but what a legacy he left.
I mean, what a life worth leading.
I mean, somebody at the end of his life, people say, God bless him, instead of, who cares?
Yeah, and how.
But that video, I mean, that film, I just wish we could
Well, speaking of films, you can go to whatistheendgame.com or endgamethemovie.com or go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com
There's big links to watch the three movie trailers.
We're going to have the official, you know, really fancy trailer we did coming out at the end of this week.
But we've got three trailers.
One of them is the intro to the film.
The other two are little minute-long synopses of different sections of the film.
And Endgame gets into the global master plan to exterminate 80% of the population.
We all know that.
We have the Autobahn Society quotes and the World Wildlife Fund quotes and Prince Philip and Ted Turner.
We're good to go!
Alex, it's an honor to speak with you.
I was thinking about that show, that review.
Yeah, I think so.
Well, again, Rosie tried to get him on, tried to get William Rodriguez on, and she was told no.
She was offered more money not to leave, but told we'll have editorial control.
And again, I disagree with a lot of things Rosie believes in, but I admire her passion and her courage to turn down a multi-million dollar a year contract and leave because she wasn't allowed to say or do what she wanted.
Imagine if the whole Loose Change crew were to get this copy of the endgame.
Not just the Loose Change crew, but the We Are Change movement and all chapters of the We Are Change movement were to have their own personal copy of Terror Storm Special Edition and this endgame coming out.
Have both filmed.
Well, supposedly in a few months you will probably, I mean they're tweaking it right now, it's a great film, the final cut of Loose Change, so we'll see how that develops.
Richard, thank you so much.
Dave in Connecticut.
Dave, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi Alex, Big Fan Show.
I was wondering, Bradley Butler once said that banks loan countries money, and when they don't pay they get invaded.
Yes, he said war is a racket.
Yes, he wrote a book about it.
So is the U.S.
being set up to be invaded since we have such a huge debt?
Well, that was called gunboat diplomacy, and that went on from, say, 1850 through the 1930s.
And what would happen is they would land the Marines in total, I think, what, eight, nine different countries over those 60, 70, 80 years, and they would give a loan to a dictator knowing he wouldn't pay it back.
I think so, yes.
And they go in and then get the infrastructure, the water, literally the people are signed over as collateral, and then they get control.
And so on a billion dollar debt, a nation will end up paying, like Nigeria, 60-something billion in interest on that, loans made in the 70s, and then they get just full ownership of the country.
And then that's fiat currency issued out of nothing, backing up the IMF and World Bank.
So the bankers just create it out of nothing.
Lew Upton?
Yeah, no, no argument.
You know, you talk about the film put out by Loose Change, which is really... I've got a copy, it's outstanding.
But I was going to ask you, Alex, are you also familiar with Dave Monclay's set of 9-11 in plain sight and his newest 9-11 ripple effect?
He's got a lot of important people on that and they're all verifying what we've been talking about, that this whole situation of 9-11 was a set-up job.
Oh sure, I'm aware of those films.
Dave's a nice fellow here on the network.
Lou, let's go ahead and take another call.
Thank you, Dave.
Joe in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Hello, gentlemen.
Go ahead.
It's a pleasure to speak with you both.
Alex, I have some information for you.
It's not too old, but here in a talk show that goes on in the morning in Santa City,
Uh, called Tell Somebody on 90.185.
They were interviewing, uh, the mayor, Mark Funkhouser, Mayor of Kansas City, Mark Funkhouser, and they were speaking about the, uh, Napa Superhighway.
Oh boy.
They, the host questioned him about it, and of course, the mayor denied knowing anything about the highway, but he did admit that they do have plans to use the railroad, uh, from Mexico
To bring all the goods in from Mexico.
Mexico already took over the former second largest train station in the country.
Right there in St.
Louis, that's official news, in the official TxDOT and Federal Transportation Department documents, they call it the NAFTA Super North American Highway, North American Integration, and now when they get heat, they just deny it exists.
I mean, this is the incredible, but again, the massive lie, then we spend all day debating and talking about how they're liars.
Listen, a month ago, an international tribunal ordered the U.S.
to open up to Mexican trucks, and it started happening.
International tribunals, every couple days, have more power than Congress because they signed it away.
I mean, we're under United Nations regulations on our national parks.
They're talking about international regulations on over a 3,000 square foot house, you'll pay taxes.
It's already in place in England.
I mean, they're just doing it right now.
They're talking about, we always said they were going to come out with a new gas tax, and fuel tax, and energy tax.
Now they're announcing it.
They keep saying, do something about global warming, and I tell people it's a tax, and they would deny it was a tax a year ago.
Now they're announcing it's a tax, but then saying there is no tax.
They say it is a tax, but it doesn't exist.
I mean, that is a psychological warfare tactic just to take you back, and they know that
60% of the public doesn't read or check anything out, so they just hear that and want to rationalize and procrastinate and say it isn't true.
I mean, Lou, what do you think of just the unbelievable lying that's going on now?
Well, it's not new.
It's been going on for decades.
I wish more people were more aware of it, obviously.
But, you know, we talk about the NAFTA highway.
Let's call it what it really is.
You see, highways and freeways are under state control.
This is going to be a corridor.
Is there a difference?
You better believe it.
Corridors are under federal control.
And this one is under international offices, so it's key arteries of control and taxation to control movement.
How did Rome control Germania, Gaul?
How did it control Judea?
How did it control Greece?
How did it control North Africa, Egypt?
How did it control its holdings?
It owned the roads and used them as tax and control and checkpoints to regulate, and they admit that they're going to use the money from this to fund North American integration infrastructure.
So right there, the money for this goes to build up their infrastructure, not the old infrastructure of the states and the federal level.
I mean, it's global government taxation in our face.
Yes, we are.
I feel like I've been very lucky having been born when I was, and I just hate the thought of the kind of world we're growing up in.
Well, good people are getting involved thanks to people like you, Lew.
Let's talk to Mark in Canada.
Mark, you're on the air.
Hi, how are you doing?
Go ahead.
Good, sir.
Hello to Lew, too.
I've never heard you before, but I'm happy I'm hearing you now.
I've got two comments.
The first is, you know the art of war, the expression, you can't start a revolution on an empty stomach?
I think we're at the point now where we're at the Thanksgiving dinner and we haven't left yet.
We're that dumbed down by just the entertainment, the distractions, everything else.
And to all the police brutality that's coming out and the tasering and everything else, I think the only protection we have now is to carry a camera, whether it be a cell phone camera, a little hand cam, anything.
And if you're just going to stand there and do nothing anyways, at least have the courtesy to record it.
I don't know.
The only thing that's protecting them is it being recorded and put out on YouTube.
And by the way, it's now admitted the cops were hitting people trying to stage a riot so they could attack peaceful protesters.
That's now mainstream news.
A major victory against government-sponsored terror.
That's what that is.
They're having a North American Union Summit.
They don't want people protesting.
They see no protesting in the city.
People show up anyways, and they're more sophisticated than Burma.
Instead of just coming out and shooting everybody, they have their guys dressed up, starting fights so they can then shoot rubber bullets at everybody.
That is a training aid and a prelude to real bullets being used.
Will you let them?
You know, you stop and think about it.
People keep hollering about the war that's going on right now over in Iraq.
Do you know how many American service people are left here in our country?
Protecting our shores.
Did you know that they have well over 200,000 plus foreigners who were illegal aliens, many of them aggravated felons, now in our military?
Think about that, because it's really important.
Right now, we do have a call online from our area, if it's okay, Alex.
Let's take it.
Mark, that would be you, and we say good morning.
You're on with Alex Jones, and yours truly.
Hey, gents, how are you guys doing?
Hey, hey, hey, I'll tell you what, Lou, we've got a break for the final break.
Let's come back to him, okay?
Hey, you're going to be back in three quick minutes.
We'll go right to Lou's caller, and then I've got to wrap it up with Lou Epton.
We need to do this more often, not just once a year, Lou.
Okay, you've got a deal, Alex.
We'll be right back.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us, PrisonPlanet.com.
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Well, I really appreciate Lou Upton coming on with us.
I'm into the final segment here.
Before we take that final call, Lou, I just wanted to add that
If you go to PrisonPlanet.com, it says, FBI thought bombs brought down towers on 9-11.
In the DIG comments there on the DIG message board, they're saying, oh, we thought it was ceramite, we thought it was bombs in the buildings.
You're saying, no, it was truck bombs.
We're showing that the FBI, the way the buildings blew up, thought there were bombs too, because it looked like controlled demolitions.
And then they arrested people with explosives in trucks, and were ordered to let them go.
That's what we said.
We need to add that so people can't spin what we're saying.
We're showing the official story as a fraud.
Lou, you want to go to that crawler?
Okay, we've got him.
Mark, you're on, and let's go for it.
Hey, it's good to hear you guys together.
I live here in Las Vegas, long-time listener of
The Alex Jones Show.
I just wanted to bring you guys to the attention.
Alex, you might be interested in this.
There's a book that came out recently.
I don't know if you're familiar with it.
It's called Falling Off the Thin Blue Line.
And it's about the steroid problem in law enforcement.
Yeah, they've done federal studies.
It's the highest level group of any profession on steroids.
Yes, and these people, they go on steroids and give them the right rage.
It's like, no wonder they're going crazy, Alex.
So I thought that might be of interest to you.
It sounds like it might be a pretty interesting guest to have on sometime, Alex.
No, there definitely a lot of them are on ROID.
They got the water buffalo hump on their back, fatty muscle, and long-term guys that really screws up your endocrine system and your male organs, and you don't need that to be tough.
You can see it.
And not only that, they shouldn't even be doing that.
If there's somebody who they need to take down... It's a Schedule III.
It's the same as cocaine.
They should call backup if there's somebody who's bigger than them they need to take down.
There's really no reason.
It's all about trying to intimidate us, Alex.
Yeah, they look at us as the enemy, I guess, Alex.
No question about that.
Well, I think we're out of time.
Lou Epton, I want to really thank you for having me on your show, and I want to thank KLAV, AM 1230, for having you on for the last 16 plus years.
And I would invite them, I know they can't pick up my weekday show, it's on the same time as you, they ought to pick up the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m.
Well, I'll find out.
By golly, if it's a possibility, it'll be doable, and you'll hear from us.
I mean, I come in every Sunday.
I've been doing it for about eight months.
We've got about 14 affiliates.
It's growing.
And Lou, who knows?
Maybe we should get you to talk to the network and see about getting a rebroadcast of your KLV or something on KLAV here on the GCN Radio Network because you are just so fabulous, my friend.
Thank you so much, Alex.
God bless you.
And by the way, you have more outstanding videos that I hope people are taking advantage of because it explores, it explains reality of what's been going on, okay?
God bless you.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me on your show this morning and for your being on my show this morning or this afternoon, whatever, wherever people might be.
If I might mention my website, it's a very difficult one.
It's simply theleweptonshow.com.
There's some information on there.
A real tribute to the late Aaron Russo.
We've got a link to it up on infowars.com.
Thank you, Luke.
God bless you.
Thank you so much, Alex Jones.
Take care.
You bet.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, that's it for today.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight central here on the network.
On the internet, you can listen and restream 24 hours a day.
I get into the most horrible thing I've ever seen on television in my life in the first hour of the day.
So tune in right now.
Go to InfoWars.com.
We have the network streams right there.
And I, the whole hour, really go over a key analogy of life today in our society.
It was such an important hour.
I want you to tune in right now and listen to the first hour of the show.
If you don't have time, you can catch it as it airs concurrently until the next live show tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central, or get the free podcast.
God bless you all!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.