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Name: 20071003_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 3, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is the third day of October 2007.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
The young man up in St.
Louis, Missouri,
Who got tired of driving through checkpoints and so he took a video camera with him and the police threatened him and yelled at him and that became famous on the internet and was picked up by major newspapers.
Then he got pulled over another time by an officer who said, I can frame you for resisting or assaulting me.
I can ruin your life and began taunting him with pleasure.
Now the police are in trouble because they went on the police message board there at the local law enforcement website and said they wanted to kill him.
So there's a big police investigation into that.
And more police are getting into trouble.
And now they're parking outside his house and following him all on video.
I mean, what is wrong with these guys?
Don't they know they're going to get in trouble?
Why can't they stop?
That is coming up later.
Also, Glenn Spencer from American Patrol, American Border Patrol, to chronicle the latest developments in the battle for the Republic.
And that dovetails with one of our top stories today.
Flag of Mexico flown illegally over Reno business.
And the owner of the car dealership flew on the same flagpole, a big Mexican flag, over the American flag.
And it became a big issue on Craigslist, a big issue on talk radio.
Right when the local TV crew showed up, a veteran cut down a Mexican flag and was standing there with the army knife in his hand, telling the owner to come out and fight me for it.
And the owner did not.
Folks, this is how it's going to start.
And this vet was ready.
Did want to stab somebody, and that's wrong.
We do not need that.
We do not need a race war to start in this country.
But do you know what Mexicans would do to you if you went and opened a business, if you could even get a business in Mexico?
Basically, it's illegal for foreigners to own land or businesses there until about 10 years ago, but still it's quasi.
They take your business or property a lot of the time.
They would kill you so fast it would make your head spin.
Because despite the fact that Mexicans live in bondage, they have not been completely conditioned to have no nationalistic tendencies.
Contrary, they are one of the most nationalistic nations on Earth.
You know, this vet who lives in Reno better not come around
Austin, Texas, because there's Mexican flags flying with no American flags flying.
There's Mexican flags on top of American flags.
I see city and state buildings flying Mexican flags as high as the American flag.
So, I guess up in Reno, they haven't been completely gelded to the point of not getting upset about this.
And this is a symbol, and it means something when this type of thing happens.
And the owner said he did it because he likes Mexico.
And that's the problem here, is that we're told there's all these little sweetie pies in this country who just want to work, and I have no doubt they want to work.
Hard-working folks, compared to Americans nowadays who've gotten pretty decadent.
But I also have no doubt that they absolutely, a large portion, hate this country with a boiling, frothing, volcanic vengeance.
And that's put out in the literature, and that's
There's no hiding that, it's publicly proclaimed.
And I refuse to go along with this.
I refuse to shut up and act like it's not happening.
I refuse to watch my country torn down.
Right in front of me.
And a lot of other people refuse as well.
We'll get into this story and a lot more on the other side.
There's a lot of big news today!
Stay with us!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Flag of Mexico flown illegally over Reno Business above the American flag.
The desecration and destruction of our country continues.
Seven registered mentally retarded young men are returning for the War on Terror show trial.
FBI provocateurs tried to get, in their words, dip bleeps in a warehouse to blow up the Sears Tower.
They got their M.O.
They were on welfare from the time they were little bitty babies.
They were retarded street children.
The leader of the group had about an A.D.I.Q., so he was not mentally retarded, but a moron.
And moron, by the way, is taken on a bad connotation.
That's the technical term for it.
He's a moron.
Remember a couple years ago it was an army of destroyers.
It was back in June of last year, a year and a half ago.
An army of hardcore killers.
They wore uniforms.
They swore allegiance and took orders directly from Osama Bin Laden.
They were soldiers.
They were going to destroy the Sears Tower, blow up the FBI building in Miami.
Attack the Capitol!
They were going to hit in all 50 states.
Turns out it was less than 10 street kids who were on top of being registered with the state on welfare as being mentally retarded, were marijuana heads on top of it, and were into Rasta music, and they were Christian.
But the media heard for a week, hardcore black American Al Qaeda.
They are going to hit us, and they had to admit a week later, quietly, in the retraction section, okay, they were street kids, they were set up, they were given over a hundred grand, over a year and a half,
The lease was set up by the FBI.
They were told, you'll be given more cash when you put these uniforms on, when you march.
First they were marching for Jesus, then they said, just say you're with Al-Qaeda, and go with this video camera and videotape the FBI building in Miami, and you'll get another 40 grand.
How's that sound?
And they said, Hail Al-Qaeda!
Ranging from ages of 15 to 19.
Seven mentally retards return for war on terror show trial.
FBI provocateurs tried to get, you can read their quote, dip bleeps in a warehouse to blow up the Sears Tower.
The prosecution's argument is seven men plotted to bring down the U.S.
government by poisoning salt shakers and bombing landmark buildings in the trial of the Liberty
City 7 underscores the ludicrous pretense of the war on terror and the callous obedience which the media unquestionably reports the farce.
And why did the FBI go out, and it's admitted, find these guys and create this organization?
It's the bridge.
First, it'll be those Muslims, those brown-skinned Central Asians, those Arabs to the west of them.
Then it's the blacks there with Al-Qaeda.
And now they're saying the militias, ADL and FBI are saying, the right-wingers, those guys that talk about the North American Union, they're in it too!
Those evil white hillbillies and people.
The blacks, the Muslims, see, but it's just them.
It's the minority hillbillies, we all know they're bad.
It's the evil blacks, we all know those Rastafarians are bad.
And it's those evil Arabs and evil Persians and evil Central Asians, they're just running around everywhere.
Let's go over a brief refresher course on the details of the alleged plot to blow up the Chicago Searstower.
Seven semi-retarded pot-smoking wannabe gang member Rastafarians in a warehouse are approached by two FBI agents posing as Al-Qaeda terrorists.
By the way, the government got on the warehouse.
Al-Qaeda terrorists and promised $50,000 if they start talking about waging a holy war in America.
Well, it's
Again, people think we exaggerate in articles.
This article isn't one-tenth as bad as it really is.
One of the plots the ringleader dreams up, in his impotent wisdom, is to march to the White House, knock on the door, and announce, here I am.
That's an exact quote.
The gang decided to go along with the agents in a bid to con them out of money before disappearing, at which point the announcement that a plot to overthrow the government has been averted is saturated across the media as another sterling reason why the war on terror is necessary.
Literally retarded street kids.
After the true capability of the mentally retarded becomes out,
And the butt of a national joke, Jon Stewart labeled them seven bleepers.
The feds have to admit that the plot was not possible, rather than operational.
Again, aspirational rather than operational.
Well, I aspire to grow wings and fly around and see the planets.
Maybe I'll fly out to Alpha Centauri.
I aspire to
Be a walrus for a summer and swim in the Arctic.
I mean, this is just ridiculous.
So they were aspiring rather than operational, quote, and posed no threat because they had neither al-Qaeda contacts nor means of carrying out the attacks as reported today by Reuters.
Defense lawyers said the charges were nonsense, scripted by the government, orchestrated by the paid FBI informants.
They call con man number one and con man number two.
The report continues.
In almost every single major terror bust or sting that we have covered, the individuals providing rhetoric, the means, the money, the leadership to actually foam in and carry out the terrorist plot have been government informants and provocateurs.
And it goes on, but not on Fox and CNN.
The news is back.
Hardcore soldiers trained in the deserts of Afghanistan.
Men so deadly.
I mean, it's just... And your average American's kind of halfway got the TV on while they're cooking dinner, while they're folding laundry, or while they're shining their golf clubs, or while they're making fly fishing lures.
Or while they're smoking pot or whatever they're doing.
Or they're stumbling around at work.
Or you hear Bubba at the water cooler say, Did you hear about them black Al-Qaedas?
They were going to blow everything up.
No, I didn't hear it.
I'm glad the government stopped them.
I am too!
Do you hear about Iran backing Al-Qaeda?
Yeah, I heard it.
But it's more like yuppies saying, Did you hear about Al-Qaeda?
Running operations with that alchemy denigrate is terrible?
I mean, I had to sit there on an airplane with a airline pilot who was reading a history book, seemed quasi-smart, but then he was willfully ignorant in certain areas, because I'd go, yeah, but they claim Iran's backing Al-Qaeda, it's opposite groups.
He goes, well, whatever, they're with Al-Qaeda.
No, no, they're with Al-Qaeda.
They're with them, that's it.
They just aren't.
I mean, this is the problem.
Adults think they can decide the way things are, instead of intellectually and scientifically and historically trying to find out what the truth is, or at least as close to the truth as you can get.
I mean, I don't go around just thinking, oh, I'll decide what reality is.
I'll just decide.
I've seen this type of magical thinking in businesses I've worked in with other people when competition's beating their butt across the street or it could be across town or another city.
They'll make excuses.
Oh, I hear their business is going down.
Oh, I hear they're having problems.
Oh, I hear they're not going to be doing too good.
And I hear other losers in life always saying that about whoever's doing the best or whoever is the most successful.
I always hear the losers claiming that person's falling or claiming that person's in trouble.
Or I'll see losers celebrate when somebody else, who isn't even their competition, does badly because somehow that makes them feel big.
See, that's just another window into magical thinking.
Hoping that the dollar is strong doesn't make it strong.
Hoping that President Bush is a good Christian conservative and that bombing Iran will go well isn't the reality when it's meant to widen into World War III.
See, hoping Iraq would end up having democracy and being free and happy and the troops would be home by Christmas
Isn't going to happen because the official Pentagon plan was to keep our troops there forever, at least a hundred years, and to break the country in three parts, and so death and destruction.
And so you've got a nation of individuals, I mean I saw reports yesterday, oh it's incredible hysteria, we're having parties on Wall Street, the Dow has gone up to all time record highs!
Following the devaluation of the dollar, because it takes more of those dollars to buy the same stock, the stock market is actually now below 8,000 pre-2000 numbers.
You can just draw two graphs beside each other, you can take a calculator and average it out in about 10 seconds.
It's at around 7,800 right now.
Now, if you think that's cause for celebration,
I can't help you.
Do you understand that's why oil prices are going up?
And I'm not being condescending to my general listeners, but to those who are just tuning in for the first time, who think they're so smart, and who are running around.
I see them writing editorials, calling into talk shows, going, I don't get why these liberals are saying the economy isn't good.
Look at the stock market.
I think Bush has done a fabulous job.
Number one, there is no separation between the liberals and the conservatives at the power level.
A. You immediately put everything in a liberal versus conservative false paradigm so you can feel like you're having a victory because Bush is in office when they own all the horses.
C. You're magically believing what you want to believe, not what reality is.
You're not going out and assessing and testing and prodding and poking and looking and canvassing.
You're just, you're just stumbling around believing whatever you want.
That's the same thing with the dollar.
I mean, there are neocons on Dig right now.
I was reading last night saying, on the web saying, I'm making it up about the economy being troubled.
And I'm a traitor because I say it's in trouble.
I mean, you guys are nuts!
You're nuts!
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I think so.
We're good.
Welcome back!
I think it's better out of Reno, Nevada.
We were on the station there for like four years until it sold and changed formats.
Man, great people in Reno.
Small town compared to big cities, but pretty good size.
Huge response.
I wish we were back on in Reno.
But this is what happened in Reno.
Here is the audio from the local news.
Here it is.
Thanks for joining us tonight.
Good evening.
I'm Joe Hartz.
And I'm Shelby Sheehan.
This afternoon we received a call from a viewer who said a business near downtown Reno was flying a Mexican flag above an American flag, which in fact is illegal.
This after photos and comments about the flag were posted on Craigslist as early as 11.30 this morning.
When we were able to have a photographer go and check everything out, we found the story to be true.
It also didn't take long before the situation provoked a strong reaction.
We're now going to show you, unedited, just what happens.
That is what happened right there.
I'm Jim Brossard.
And I took this flag down in honor of my country.
With a flag, with a knife, from the United States Army.
I'm a veteran.
I'm not going to see this done to my country.
If they want to fight us, then they need to be men.
And they need to come and fight us.
But I want somebody to fight me for this flag.
They're not going to get it back.
Alright guys, so what do you think of that?
No comment?
What do you think of that?
What are you trying to accomplish, Alex?
That man you saw walk away from our camera at the end of the video is the owner of the business and while he would not talk on camera, we did speak with him over the telephone this evening.
He said he did not know what he was doing is against the law.
The owner says he bought new flags last week to replace his old ones and had put the Mexican flag on top to support the Hispanic community.
He says he is an American citizen and is happy the incident did not lead to any violence.
Now there are several federal laws which have to do with the presentation of the American flag.
According to federal law, it is illegal to fly any flag above an American flag on the same pole.
If on separate poles, the flags must be of similar size and the same distance off the ground.
The penalties for breaking these laws vary from state to state and range from a fine to up to 30 days in jail.
We spoke with the Rio Plains Department and they told us that a person who stole the flag could also face charges if the business owner files a police report of what happened this afternoon.
And right now on PrisonPlanet.com, Steve Watson has done a story, Veteran Removes Illegal Flag May Be Charged.
It's actually 4infoWars.net, but you can also find it at PrisonPlanet.com.
This is a military attack.
And that's what the symbol means.
When you put your flag above somebody else's flag, it means that you have conquered them.
And the illegal aliens know this.
Now do you notice how the owner said he did this for the Hispanic community?
Because in his mind, the Hispanic community wants the Mexican flag above the American flag.
The Hispanic community
Doesn't like America.
Now, I'm not saying that, but from his point of view, he believes that.
And I would say, my own guesstimation, I would say about 90% of the illegal aliens are lovers of Mexico, haters of the U.S.
They write books about it, spray paint it, it's all over the Mexican radio.
My wife speaks Spanish, she says it's just off the charts, unbelievable.
I've read translations in the newspapers, 680 something billboards in L.A.
is now Mexico.
saying L.A.
I mean, there's the message.
And I'm supposed to go, no, no, no.
They love America.
I just feel sorry for Hispanic Americans who love this country passionately.
And all the evidence shows that.
And they have to sit here and watch the illegal aliens act like this, and their supporters, and then they're going to end up getting the blame by the rest of America.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Devil's Spear!
You found it!
Frontlines of the Info War!
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
A fitting intro to the news we're covering.
Flag of Mexico floating legally over Reno business.
And in Steve Watson's article, he posts a few of the examples.
Similar incidents have previously been videotaped.
These are the ones that were documented on tape in Maywood, California.
I would also add San Diego, Los Angeles, Tucson, Arizona, Jupiter, Florida, public schools, post offices.
I mean, in some cases, hundreds.
Well, in a couple cases, several thousand illegal aliens and their supporters will come storming through, they will tear down American flags, scomp on them on video, and raise Mexican flags!
I mean, what is that?
Well, if I'm politically correct, I'm supposed to say, like Sergeant Schultz, I know nothing.
I know nothing.
I see nothing.
I'm supposed to just say, oh, they love America!
Look, they're kissing it right now, the American flag.
People say, well, it's just a flag.
Yes, but it symbolizes the country.
It symbolizes the Constitution.
It symbolizes the Bill of Rights.
Now, what do the illegal aliens have in common with George Bush?
They want to end the United States.
They want Mexico to take over the United States.
Bush and his controllers want to merge it, which is what's really going to happen.
And they're both for amnesty.
You see?
Because they're bought and paid for by the New World Order.
Mexico is an old world nation.
And by old world, it's old-fashioned.
And they haven't lost their nationalism, and they are taught in schools.
And the average Mexican goes to school until the sixth grade.
They are taught, most of it's propaganda.
They don't want people knowing reading, writing, and arithmetic.
They are taught that the Southwest belongs to Mexico.
Now, I happen to have read more than ten books on the subject.
I don't claim to be an expert on it, and I've had Texas History and college and a few other things like that, dare say more than the Illegal Aliens, and I happen to have read Mexican histories translated into English, so I've seen both sides, and let me just break down how this works.
They teach the Mexicans that America was this evil demon nation and that we had slaves and Santa Ana didn't want slavery.
They didn't call it slavery in Mexico.
You just lived in a shack and if you got uppity, the landowner's men would kill you.
So you're right.
You weren't slaves.
You were serfs or peons.
So let's just get that little fraud out of the way.
Let's continue.
There were less than 5,000 Spanish citizens living in the entire Southwest, and they were being run out, and the missions were being burned, and they couldn't keep them.
And so the Spanish made deals in the 1820s into 1830.
With Tennesseans, Alabamans, South Carolinians, Georgians.
And gave them free land, or in some cases, like my dad's family, 10 cents an acre.
To come in and to kill the natives.
And by kill them, it wasn't like some wounded knee thing in the 1860s or 70s or 80s.
It wasn't like a mopping up operations.
It was 3, 4, 5, sometimes 10 times the numbers of Native Americans overrunning whole towns, killing everyone.
That's the stuff they don't teach.
And I'm not taking either side.
I'm giving you an objective view of history.
I mean, you know, the great Indian Wars.
That went on from 1810 right through the 1840s.
That's when they were finally beaten.
I mean, you'd get the tribes unifying.
You'd get them from Illinois, Tennessee, Florida, five other states, all en masse, with guns, given to them by the French.
In some cases, by the English.
You'd have whole towns, whole groups of Anglos completely wiped out and the Indian tribes that were fighting with the British.
And by the British, I mean Americans.
You also had the British then, you know, from England funding.
But it was predominantly British and then German and then Dutch were the main ethnic groups, but it was mainly, it was an English culture.
The point is, is that that's what happened.
I mean, incredible battles with Sam Houston with arrows sticking out of him, fighting brave, swinging their tomahawks and being hacked.
Again, arrows sticking out of his chest and rear end.
Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone, that's why these guys were already famous when they went down to the Alamo.
I mean, they liked it.
They loved it.
It was that whole Napoleonic age, you could say, of just loving battle.
And don't worry, the Native Americans loved it too.
They were a warrior culture.
So it was just constant war and slaughter and death.
And frankly, the Spanish just couldn't get it done!
You had 5,000 people up here from Texas to California.
The Russians were claiming California from San Francisco up.
The Mexicans claim all that today.
There were, I know it was more than 15 leaders from the time that the
Spanish got kicked out until Santa Ana got in.
I mean, they would have a different leader every month for a while.
I know it was six leaders in one year at one time.
Corruption, incredible... See, they had no history of freedom.
No inkling of liberty.
Or even private property for mid-level people.
No middle class.
So they couldn't get stability.
Santa Ana was a general.
He was able to take over, get some control.
And by then, he looked up to the north.
Of course, the Spanish were just trying to raise money and clear out the natives by bringing in the Anglos.
And Santa Ana looks to the north and he sees them all there and he says, OK, you've got to convert to Catholicism and you've got to hand over your guns.
And that's when even more people poured in.
One of my ancestors was in New York at the time, some of the others came in from Tennessee before that, and he got a Bible, a ship full of thousands of Bibles, sold the land, the name was Ayers, that the UN's on today.
I mean, he owned that whole swath there.
He was wealthy.
He sold it all, bought thousands of Bibles, brought an entire ship, because back then books were expensive, brought an entire ship into Galveston, started trying to proselytize right there,
And they tried to kill him.
He had to run to Nacogdoches.
He, of course, raised Colonel Travis' son after he was killed.
I heard those people running around claiming the Catholic Church runs everything, and I'm secretly involved in that.
I was listening to one of those interviews one time, and I heard them saying that the Texas Revolution was about getting Catholics to take over America.
I mean, what a lie!
It was over the fact of kicking the Catholics out.
That's what I mean, just incredible lying.
I mean, that's kind of what shocks me about people that sit around on history and pontificate.
They sit around like, oh yes, this is what happened.
The evil Texans came in, Catholic devils.
Yes, all of them.
They all came in to bring in and overrun America with the Catholics.
Oh boy.
Anyways, I'm already digressing.
He's just the type of gribble that is put out as history.
But then other schizophrenic lies of, but Andrew Jackson's good!
Andrew Jackson, from his meeting at the Hermitage with the Texians, namely Houston, set the whole thing up and funded it.
But, side issue,
So we have all this going on.
By the way, in Endgame, the extra, 17 minutes long, is called Battle for the Republic.
The Battle for the Republic.
And it is a piece with the illegal aliens saying, we're gonna bring down America, we're gonna destroy you, ha ha ha.
And then beating Anglos in front of police with the police support.
And the police saying they support it.
So, I mean, that's, we have that in Endgame, that's a, the film isn't too long, we added that, but it's an extra, so the film's really 2 hours and 40 minutes long, almost.
But a 2.20 is the actual runtime.
But, um, so every time a Mexican's living in a dirt shack, poor, drinking poison water,
Every time they're in trouble, every time they have problems, they're told, oh, it's all because of the gringos.
It's all because of the Americans.
We would have been rich.
We had the wealth of America.
Actually, Mexico, per hectare, per acre, per mile, square mile, whatever calculation you want to make, has triple the diamonds, the oil, the gold, the timber, the volcanic soil that the United States has.
It was the liberty and the freedom and the ideas and the middle class that generated this wealth.
But they tell them.
And it's in the official textbooks.
Oh, they took all the wealth and that's why you're poor.
And they came down here to Mexico City and they burned down, downtown.
General Grant did.
Yes, after Mexico attacked the United States and drove all the way up into Oklahoma.
After Mexico snuck up a hundred to one, in some cases, and slaughtered platoons of soldiers.
After Mexico ran its little backstabbing sneaky attacks.
You're absolutely right.
And it took almost eight months just to drive Mexico out of Texas and Oklahoma.
Back into Mexico.
And they told
The Mexican leadership, you better stop now, and they said we're not going to.
So they had to go all the way down there.
And by the way, who ran Mexico?
Maximilian, the Austrian prince.
And that's why Germany built the railroads down there, and that's why Germany, and I'm not attacking Germany, it's just history.
And that's why, in World War I, they had the plan of San Diego to have Mexico attack the U.S., and Mexico did attack and kill 23 Americans in one night, hundreds over the month-long attack from California to Texas, and it was kept very quiet.
And that's when the Texas Rangers went down there and slaughtered everybody!
But that was because it was a policy to kill all whites,
All white males, 16 and up.
But what were they going to do with little girls in those farmhouses?
They went ahead and killed little children.
So Mexico, then in World War II, Hitler tried to run the plan of San Diego again, but they put Marines on the border and caught them with explosives trying it.
The Mexicans have attacked this country over and over and over again.
They hate it like Jesus hates the devil.
They are brought up to hate this country 110%, and the media knows the average American doesn't know our own history, much less Mexican history.
The average American has no idea what's going on.
The average American has no idea how war-like Mexican culture is because of the Aztec wars that went on for thousands of years in the Mayan cultures between those different tribes.
And it was a complete warrior culture of death and destruction and total police state to a level never before seen before or since.
Then you take corrupt Spanish coming in with their system
A mixture of the worst of European barbarism and the Moors and the Arabs' barbarism, and you've got one incredible mass down there of slaves with completely corrupt cutthroat Machiavellian... There are more billionaires in Mexico than in the U.S.
Did you know that?
Mexico has more billionaires than the United States has produced.
Bill Gates is the richest man in America.
He is not the richest man in the world.
There are now, not one, but two Mexicans ahead of him.
And by the way, that's just who you hear the richest are.
None of those guys are really the richest.
Real money has it all hidden.
This is the bottom line.
And that's why all over the country, every chance the illegal aliens get, they jerk down American flags and stomp on them on the street and run their flag up that's got killing on it.
You ever seen a flag, anybody else out there, that's got killing on it?
Yeah, the Nazis.
I mean, symbols mean things.
A death threat.
It's got an eagle killing a snake on it.
And you know what the original flag was?
And this is in the official Mexican government website.
It was an eagle tearing a human heart out of a sacrifice.
It was a human body laid over a cactus with an eagle tearing its heart out.
So that's America's curse, folks, to have Mexico sitting to the south of us, one of the most corrupt nations, the wealthiest per capita nation on Earth, literally bathing in wealth.
And at that time, the borders of Mexico were going up, they were going down, they grabbed a bunch of southern nations.
And, but it doesn't matter.
The big conglomerate-owned Spanish stations, owned by old white guys, are buying billboards saying, bring down America.
And ha ha ha, Raza's taking over, we're gonna getcha.
And HBO has got people on there, and they start the show making fun of white people.
And we're just supposed to sit here and go, oh, how sweet!
How darling of you!
How cute!
But in the final equation, know this.
It's just so we're all peons.
That's the only reason.
Oh, they're using their nationalism, they're using their fur with their anger to bring down the United States.
But in the end, you'll be slaves.
But you'll have your precious Mexican flag!
They'll have that precious flag.
Oh, the Texas Civil Rights Review, when I talked about how they wanted to kill all the whites, they said, well of course, whites are evil!
Of course!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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I'll be right back.
I'm getting some Calix for my heels.
Welcome back!
We're back live.
You see, this isn't some pot-bellied neocon George W. sticker guy.
Watching the video of him, it's an old, good old boy with a big long gray beard.
With his knife.
And he said, come on out here and fight me.
You've been there a while.
But what would have happened if the cops had shown up?
They probably would have gunned him down.
What would have happened if the illegals came out with knives and had a knife fight with him?
Could have been on right there.
And then it gets serious from that point on.
And then the New World Order gets what they want, a conflagration.
Let me tell you something, if you're black and you love your children, you better fight the New World Order.
If you're Hispanic, and you love your children, you better fight the New World Order.
If you're white and you love your children, you better fight the New World Order.
If you're like half the population I see out there, and you can't even tell what you are, you're just a human being.
Your mama's black and Hispanic, your daddy's Asian and white.
It's like New York City, those folks, a lot of them don't even, you know, they're just human beings.
You better fight the New World Order.
Because it knows whose side it's on.
It's on its own side.
Let me tell the illegal aliens and all the Marie Conquistas something.
Whether you like it or not, the facts are the facts.
You work for the New World Order.
You're doing exactly what they want when you shoot your mouth off about the U.S.
Don't worry, it's falling.
It's going to fall right on top of you and right on top of me, you idiot.
That goes for all you liberals, too, who think this is all cute and funny.
I mean, to be accurate, the Texas Civil Rights Review said, well, yes, I mean, the plan of San Diego does say kill all the whites, above 16 and older, all the men, but I mean, they're fighting racism!
I mean, what do you expect?
I mean, yeah.
Gee, I mean, just what is your problem?
Guaranteed those liberals don't know about Germany shutting up, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire setting up Mexico.
You don't know anything!
So shut your stupid mouth until you're informed!
People need to know that Mexico sided with the Nazis.
People need to know they've attacked this country twice in this last century and before that.
And the Mexicans need to know that.
The Mexicans know that we attacked them, we took them over, we humiliated them.
Yeah, and back then there were six million, seven million Mexicans.
There's a hundred and something million now.
You're not those people.
You're owned and run by the New World Order, just like we're being brought down by them.
And their enemy is the middle class.
Their enemy is a strong dollar.
Their enemy is this country's border.
This country is being destroyed right now!
Where are you going to run?
If Mexico's so great, why didn't you stay there?
Oh, well, because the U.S.
is Mexico.
No, it's not.
We've got due process, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not under Napoleonic law.
We're not under the Roman civil law, though we're going under it now.
And do you like it?
Or do you like the Anglo-Saxon common law adopted from Mount Sinai?
And that is a historical fact that when the Christians, quote, arrived in England and other places, they said, we're here to teach you the common law.
And they said, we already know it.
How did they already know it?
It's amazing.
We'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two, Glenn Spencer from American Patrol.
He'll be with us for the next 30 minutes.
Then we have a young man who videotaped police engaged in corruption.
They're now threatening him.
He's now being stalked.
That is coming up.
But the police won't touch our precious illegal alien friends.
They're too important part of the fall of the U.S.
and the birth of the North American Union.
They don't have to have I.D.
cards to get bank accounts or house loans.
But citizens do.
Big story up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Veteran removes illegal Mexican flag, may be charged.
In Arizona, a high school honor student removed the Mexican flag that had been run up.
The American flag had been torn down and stomped on.
He was arrested.
There have been many of these cases.
And that's what the system does.
It defends the destruction of the U.S.
because those running this government want the fall of this country.
Just like the corporations that aren't even Mexican-owned put up 670-something billboards, or 80-something billboards, I forget the exact numbers, saying, California, L.A.
is Mexico.
Also, coming up, we have confirmed this.
It's been in the news.
I have the curriculum, right here in Texas.
They're going Spanish only in schools, in some cases that are only 25% illegal alien.
25% foreigner.
They're, again, destroying the culture by design, making them go to Spanish only.
Oh yes, and I have an email here.
My grandson just started preschool this year at Patterson Elementary in Houston, Texas.
He speaks very little Spanish, but because his mother is of Hispanic origin, he was put in a class that only teaches in Spanish.
He has less than an hour of English class a day.
All his homework is spent home in Spanish, which my son is supposed to help him with.
My son, nor I speak much Spanish at all.
Well, that's nothing.
We now have the AP reporting what we told you about months ago, where from Oregon to Texas, right here in Austin, they say science, math, and English will all be, it's not English anymore, writing, will be taught in Spanish only.
Core curricula.
No more bilingual, no more two different sets of classes.
They're just telling Americans that don't speak Spanish, you've got to.
Glenn Spencer, welcome.
Alex, good to talk to you again.
Now, we're going to come back and get into the DREAM Act that went in the country, and Amnesty, and the rest of it, but the minute or two we've got left, what do you think of the veteran removing the Mexican flag, and now they're talking about arresting him?
Well, you know, about five years ago, almost six now, in Washington, D.C., I took the Mexican flag right out with about 40 people, right out in front of the Mexican Embassy,
Uh, and burned it, right?
Uh, and I had the Secret Service there and Washington, D.C.
police, and they held everybody back while I did this.
Uh, now, uh, I don't know if taking somebody's property may be a crime.
That's one thing.
Well, they had it above the American flag.
Oh, they did?
Yeah, this was in Reno.
Uh, it was flying, uh, at, um, a business, huge flagpole, big flags, above the American flag, and the owner says he did it.
Well, it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.
I went to that page to see to get the report that's been removed, but I'm so proud of this fellow for doing this.
He showed some real courage, and we would defend him if they tried to sue him and take him to court and put him in jail.
We'll try to defend him.
You know what?
You're right.
That had the video and the story has been jerked down.
I guess it was politically incorrect to show the Mexican flag.
It's been pulled.
Well, not before we grabbed it.
I wonder why they did that.
I'll go to their main page and see if they reposted.
Well, we've got the story.
We've got the story and images of it up on Infowars.net and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Lynn Spencer, stay with us.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
For those that don't know, what's happening in Reno is happening in Farmers Branch.
It's happening all over the country.
Illegal aliens are running around everywhere waving Mexican flags, screaming La Reconquista.
I mean, I've been there.
I've seen it.
I've talked to chefs in LA.
If you're not an illegal alien and don't speak Spanish, you don't have a job.
They're saying pilgrims go home.
Illegal aliens are all over the place on double, triple welfare on top of their fake names.
The Mexican government fosters all this by issuing fake IDs under any name they wish.
Then Bank of America and others accept those, Wells Fargo, New York accepts them.
This is the planned destruction of our country.
Then they go into a McDonald's and arrest a bunch of illegal aliens, and by the way, if they arrested 100,000 a year, and they're not even arresting a fraction of that, it wouldn't even scratch the surface of 4 million immigrants a year, 3 million illegal, a million legal.
But here it is, protest marked, planned for Wednesday over McDonald's raids.
That's out of Reno.
See, they had a couple raids there, and so, oh, let's take down the American flag and put a Mexican flag over it.
And then that's what caused this to happen, and then notice that the News 4 then decided to take it down.
They decided, and I've got the story printed, it's pretty dry here, but it does, it says, the flag of Mexico floating legally over Reno businesses.
But they don't care.
I wonder why that was taken down.
I wonder why that happened, Glenn.
I guess we're not supposed to talk about this, are we?
That's correct.
It's too inflammatory.
So we won't tell the people the truth.
Because this is what they're afraid of, you see.
I said 11 years ago in a meeting in Los Angeles,
You won't know you're being invaded until you try to stop it.
And now America's putting up resistance, and they're fighting back.
And it's going to get worse.
So they're putting up their flag, they're demonstrating, they're striking, but they're going to do a lot more before all of this is over.
As Shakespeare says, all's well that ends well, this isn't going to end well.
Now, when the illegal aliens burned down every major city in the country, from Chicago to Austin,
What will the response be?
Total capitulation and apologizing about the establishment?
I think the likely scenario is that there's going to be set off a kind of major riot, especially in Los Angeles.
And I think that once that happens, the illegals and their allies will essentially carve out part of Los Angeles and say, you're not coming in here.
This is Mexico.
And then they're going to try to negotiate a settlement.
That's how I see this thing culminating in that kind of major upheaval in the United States.
Now this is horrible for Hispanic Americans who are extremely patriotic.
It's almost a stereotype.
I mean, they're great Americans.
They're totally freaked out.
I remember being 12 years old, visiting my cousin in San Antonio, who grew up in Guatemala, so he spoke Spanish, though he's Anglo.
And I remember thinking that his Mexican friends, who were middle class and owned businesses and were Americans and had the bronze stars on the wall from Daddy in Vietnam, I thought they were testing me, because I was this young, liberal, modern American, when they would talk bad about all the illegal aliens and how they hated America.
Now, this is twenty-something years ago.
What about them?
I mean, they're really upset.
Of course.
But they're going to be swept away.
You just have to watch Spanish language media, as I have for years, to understand the kind of propaganda that is being pushed into that community.
And while there are those who are reasonable, and there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, there's still a huge core, I believe, of people who do not believe the United States has a right
To protect its borders, and that they have a right to come here.
After all, a major, you know, Zogby poll found that the vast majority of Mexicans believe this is their land!
That they have a right to come here.
And that's what they're told day in and day out.
And that's what their Mexican government is telling them.
You know, the Mexican president said, wherever there's a Mexican, there's Mexico.
So, and Video said ten years ago,
I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders, and that Mexican migrants are an important, a very important part of it.
That was a declaration of war!
In 1997, and you know, I produced the documentary, The Conquest of Oslo, how Mexico is trying to re-change the Guadalupe.
That was to reverse the Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty of 1848, and place the Southwest under its jurisdiction.
And it's well on the way to doing it!
It's incredible, my friend, to see all of this begin to unfold and everything you've talked about come to fruition.
Is there any way to avert, I mean, you know, the key to this is our government, our media, big radio chains, they foster, they love the Lariza this, Laraza that, Marie Conquista this, Oslon that, the billboards, what is it, 670, 680 something they put up in L.A.
saying L.A.
was Mexico.
That was a, you know, Jewish-American pay to put that up.
I mean, the establishment wants a North American Union.
They want to bring down the U.S.
And don't the Mexicans know that they're not going to get their Aslan?
They're just being used?
Well, I talk to them and they say, yeah, we're using the New World Order.
We know that.
I mean, what do they think they're going to get?
Well, basically, they see America being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.
And basically what they're saying is, oh, well, we don't care about that, but while you're at it, we'll just take this part.
That's essentially what is going on.
Yeah, it's amazing.
It's absolutely amazing.
Oh yeah, well, we've been talking about this for how many years, Alex?
I've been at this 17 years full-time.
17 years, and it's essentially playing out just as we thought it would.
But it's like we're sitting ducks.
I mean, I remember learning about this 15 years ago, and then learning just how bad it was, and then finding out, I mean, and how it's taught in the schools that America's bad and will fall and be destroyed, ha ha ha, and that it's all over the Mexican radio and TV, and then we're not supposed to talk about it.
I mean, this is sick!
That is correct.
When you watch, if you watch Spanish language news in Los Angeles, 80% of the news
Has to do with illegal immigration, how to fight the law, how to defeat the law, and why the Mexicans are victims.
On the other side of the English language television, maybe 3%.
You have two groups of people in Los Angeles.
They see the world through different eyes and through different reports and information.
And this is very dangerous.
I wrote an editorial in the Daily Brew in UCLA about ten years ago, and I talked about this.
I said, we have got to shut down the Spanish-language media in the United States that's using the public broadcasting airways.
Well, let's be clear, I'm always for free speech, but when you've got multinational corporations calling for destroying the country, and calling for a huge group to bring down the nation, that is treason by any...
That's how they're able to have these huge marches in Los Angeles and all across the country.
I mean, let's be clear, folks.
If I was on air saying, end America, bring us down, North American Union, hand over our infrastructure, that would be treason.
You see, that's when you do arrest people.
That's when you do send them into exile.
That is it.
It is literally the standard, the definition of insurrection and treason.
Well, there's no question about it.
I now see that yourprisonplanet.com has got that up there and the Mexican flag on top.
Yeah, that was a great American who tore that down.
We're trying to get a hold of him desperately right now in Reno.
But they've since taken the video down.
Because they've done that, we do this just to document what's happening.
Here is a piece of the newscast that's been censored.
Here it is.
Yeah, they killed it because it was too inflammatory.
Let me just play the audio.
It's like the Montebello school system situation, where the students at Montebello High School went out and raised the Mexican flag and the American flag, not only below it, but upside down.
Let's go ahead and play this.
Here it is.
Thanks for joining us tonight.
Good evening.
I'm Joe Hartz.
And I'm Shelby Sheehan.
This afternoon we received a call from a viewer who said a business near downtown Reno was flying a Mexican flag above an American flag, which in fact is illegal.
This after photos and comments about the flag were posted on Craigslist as early as 11.30 this morning.
When we were able to have a photographer go and check everything out, we found the story to be true.
It also didn't take long before the situation provoked a strong reaction.
We're now going to show you, unedited, just what happened.
That is what happened.
Right there.
I'm Jim Brossard.
And I took this flag down in honor of my country.
With a flag.
With a knife from the United States Army.
I'm a veteran.
I'm not going to see this done to my country.
If they want to fight us, then they need to be men.
And they need to come and fight us.
But I want somebody to fight me for this flag.
They're not going to get it back.
So what do you think of that?
No comment?
What do you think of that?
All right.
And it goes on with the guy who hates America.
I mean, obviously he's saying he'd put it up there because he supports the illegal aliens.
And by the way, we found a video online where somebody else had grabbed it.
I'm not sure how long it's going to be up there.
But it's a top story on PrisonPlanet.com.
Copy the video everywhere before they pull it down again.
The story is being censored.
Dig it to the top.
Push it up to number one on Dig.
Everybody go dig it right now.
Digtheinfowars.net story.
Veteran removes illegal Mexican flag, may be charged.
Reno resident cuts down Mexican flag flying above U.S.
flag after outcry.
This is military.
And what he's saying is true.
Hey, you're doing something military.
You're saying it's your country.
Come on, let's fight!
Because, I mean, this is our country!
That's not a political statement that this is Mexico and not the United States.
It's under attack!
It has prevalence and domination over the territory.
That's what they're saying with that statement.
And they believe it!
And this is what the American people have to understand.
You have millions of people in your midst who don't think you belong here!
And they've got global corporations that aren't even owned by the Mexicans telling them this out of Europe.
This is the dagger in the heart of America, folks.
They're killing the country.
They're being used to do it.
They must be stopped.
Glenn, stay with us!
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While you were sleeping, they came and took it all away.
The names in the middle.
While you were sleeping.
The places where you.
They came and took it all away.
It was an insurance job.
Glenn Spencer, we got links to his website up on Infowars.com.
He is the premier organization on lobbying, defending, surveilling the border, documenting.
And we really are thankful for him.
I want to explain something.
I believe the pie gets bigger.
I love everybody.
And that's what makes me so mad, that it's like football.
Cowboys versus the Oilers or something.
But this is life and death.
And the illegal aliens, it's like their football team.
And everything that's wrong and everything that's bad is the gringos' fault and is America's fault.
When your country is more wealthy than ours, you have triple the resources, more billionaires than we have.
That criminal government uses us as a steam valve.
Chase Manhattan Citibank literally owns much of Mexico.
They've got a deal to bring this country down.
You've got 30 million people.
It's perfect.
They're here.
They're nationalistic.
They teach Americans not to be nationalistic, which lowers our national
Well, it's like we're a body, and it's like we have AIDS.
We don't have an autoimmune response.
We've been taught to be liberal and, oh, I love you.
And then, meanwhile, it's in another language, going, we're going to get them, we're going to kill them, we're going to Oslob them, we're going to run over the pilgrims, this is our great victory!
Well, yes.
I mean, Glenn, how frustrating it is to know this is going on, and even mainline national hosts who are fake conservatives, they don't tell their listeners one-tenth of how bad it is.
That's correct.
It is frustrating, and I get disappointed, but I never get discouraged, because what's plan B?
Where do you go to surrender?
You've got to stay and fight.
Well, I think the illegal aliens are shocked now that the pathetic
Chicken-necked Americans are at least willing to stand up to him now.
Well, we had one soldier who did.
Where does the attitude come with hatred to go pull an American flag down at public schools and then they grab the young man that puts it back up?
I mean, it's just horrible.
What total disrespect, not only for our flag, but for our people.
That they think they can get away with that.
You know why they think they can get away with it?
Because they're getting away with everything else.
It's a lawless country.
There are no laws.
It's anarchy.
Glenn, what do we do?
I mean, I don't have the money, the infrastructure to have Spanish broadcasting.
If I did, I couldn't get on any stations.
I mean, why... I mean, when I'm able to individually talk to the foreigners, they can understand.
They're not stupid.
I mean, how do we get the message out to them that they're not beating anybody?
They're helping the New World Order!
Well, I'd call people and tell them to log on to your website and listen to your program.
That's how we get the message out.
Well, I'm on AM and FM stations.
Used to be on Noreen over four years until the station sold.
Now it's Neocon Radio and they won't tell people one... I mean, look at Bush!
He's back with the amnesty plan!
Where is this DREAM Act going to legalize all the illegal... Well, that's been dropped in the Senate.
They said maybe in a month or so, but they pulled it.
They just had no support for it.
So that's gone for the time being.
But it doesn't matter, it's a stalemate, because we've got 30 million illegals here.
That's right, and Chertoff is telling people that he's got the border, he's securing the border.
We're the only organization in the country, I fly the border, I'm the pilot, once a month at 500 feet I fly from El Paso to San Diego, over 700 miles.
We document every foot of it.
They're not protecting the border, and he's not telling the truth.
How many miles did they really build?
I think it's around 54, but I've got so much data I'm going through, I won't have the final number.
Now, in one state, they claim they put up 200 miles in the news.
He told the Senate, he told the people last June that they're going to have 150 miles of fencing.
He could only have meant they're going to have 150 miles of new fencing, because that was the way the question was put to him.
But now he has said, oh, we only put up, we put up 70 miles.
Well, I'll tell you what.
They put up about 54 miles.
And 33 of those miles, let me tell you where it is.
It's a little pedestrian fence along the southern border of the Goldwater Bombing Range.
And any, we've documented hundreds, if not thousands, of tire tracks coming off of Mexican Highway 2, driving on to the Bombing Range.
But anybody, nobody in his right mind
We're trying to walk there.
It's a desert followed by an impenetrable mountain.
You'd have to drive up through the passes in a vehicle.
You would die.
Of course, they put the fence where it would do no good.
It wasn't needed.
And where they put a few miles of real fence, they put giant animal passes under it that a man can walk under.
They built it right up against the mountain and right up against trees.
All you have to do is climb over the trees and drop down.
It's unbelievable.
Glenn Spencer, do ten more minutes with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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That's 1-800-875-4254.
Specifically on the destruction of our borders, if you'd like to call in, it's 1-800-259-9231.
We're talking with Glenn Spencer.
If you go up to PrisonPlanet.com you can see the censored story.
They've pulled down the video and the text of the newscast off of the local news station.
We'd already written an article about it and had some screenshots and someone else had uploaded the video.
We have that linked.
So all that censored material is available right now at Infowars.net and PrisonPlanet.com.
Going back to Glenn Spencer and then again we're going to take some of your calls on this subject.
Glenn, tell people about your websites and how people can support what you're doing.
Well, there are a couple of them.
AmericanPatrol.com has been around for a long time.
That's my website.
I pay for it.
I also run American Border Patrol.
It is a non-profit corporation.
We're right here on the border.
Since I talked to you last, I bought a 100-acre ranch right on the border.
I own the property with a half-mile frontage on the border.
And I've got American Border Patrol in there now.
And we're setting up our own virtual fence.
We have a Cessna 206, a 2U-206 that we fly the border with.
Right now, we've got a new group of Minutemen called the Patriots Border Alliance.
Isn't that the answer?
To have all the veterans, we've got millions of retired veterans, to even though they buy two acres near the border, just a migration of veterans?
If this isn't defending the country, I don't know what is.
And just get everybody to move in on that border.
Well, it would be nice, but there's very little private property on the border.
Most of it is government.
I was lucky to find a big chunk, a hundred acres, right on the border, right in the middle of a smuggling area.
That's where I live.
That's where I am right now.
You know, we've got the Minutementer down here.
We're out working with them, providing them with communications capability.
We have a thing called a Gully Watcher we developed, a thermal camera on a big mast.
We'll be out there working with them tonight.
But that's part of it.
You know, the Patriots, borderalliance.com, these are great people.
They come down to the border and provide the eyes and ears.
And I was on the radio with them the other night.
We don't have enough thermal cameras and most of the traffic here is at night.
But they could hear a group speaking Spanish and just by hearing them, can you believe that?
They were able to bring in the Border Patrol.
So they're doing a great job.
Now, Bush has called them evil vigilantes, but at the same time, then it says, tattle and spy on your neighbors.
And the FBI from North Dakota, Texas, is putting ads in the paper saying, come to this meeting, we're going to teach you how to fight terror and crime.
You get there, they give you secret logins to spy on your neighbors and literal Stasi.
So we have domestic Stasi for, quote, crime, but then you're evil if you go to the border where drug dealers and murderers and criminals are pouring across and killing cops.
Right, and there's never been in the two, over two years that they've been coming down, it was mostly in two years, about two and a half years ago, there's never been one incident or anybody charged with a crime.
It's absolutely off the chart insane.
And it has been insane for so long.
And what I want to tell people is that, you know, you and I have been talking about this, I've been at it for 17 years, and there are people, and I could name names,
And organizations, and I can name the organizations who did this to us.
They say, oh, the Border Patrol, the immigration system is broken.
No, it's not broken.
It was broken.
It was deliberately subverted by the people in government.
You know, it's funny Glenn, that you just raised that.
You know, Lou Dobbs has the show Broken Borders.
Well, I mean, if I go and decide to blow up a dam, it's not broken.
I decided to destroy it.
And so it's not broken.
You know, they say the war on drugs is
No, it's designed to bring more drugs in and drive up the price and imprison people.
It's working.
The Pentagon's own plans in Iraq should break it in three parts, so sectarian violence.
They're doing exactly what the Pentagon plan was.
They just told the public something else.
So, with the situation with the border, this is exactly what the Carnegie and Ford and Rockefeller Foundations called for, and just as Pasteur says, this is for their North American Union.
This is to balkanize and destroy the culture of the United States, and they're doing it.
But you see, this last June, when the Senate of the United States killed that amnesty bill, it was a major turning point.
And you know, I was so proud.
Senator Dole, who was given two minutes just before they took the vote, and she got up before the Senate and she said, last year we passed the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
We're supposed to build 700 miles of fence.
You know how much they've built?
She said, two miles.
You know where she got that information?
The only source of that information?
With our survey!
We were the ones who reported that.
And I think we helped bring down that amnesty.
And I think we helped make the turn, turn the tide.
See, I was going off last year's numbers.
Now it is 50.
That's why I was thinking 50.
I thought it was 2.
And you guys went out and actually... You know, that's 54 miles of single-layer fence.
We still stick with our 2 miles of the double-layer fence that the Secure Fence Act calls for.
It says build 700 miles of two-layer fence.
But they had to shut that down because they only had illegal aliens working on it.
You know where the defense material was built?
In Mexico.
It's manufactured in Mexico.
And I had a customs officer tell me.
In Yuma.
That they wouldn't release the material until the President finally had to get involved and get the material released out of Mexico.
So the government had paid Mexico to build the fence and then Mexico wouldn't ship it.
Wherever down there was an official or whatever, they couldn't get it out of Mexico.
That's how much those people down there hate this country.
That is correct.
I mean, it is a cultural icon.
It is the big driving force.
It is the culture.
I was down in southern Mexico last year
No it was January of this year and my wife was there and I got her to ask the guys behind the counter selling chips and stuff and and we were like yeah the US is in trouble the new order is taking over you know what do you think about illegal immigration and the guy just said yeah we're gonna destroy your country and kick all of you out for laughing at us and just right to our face I mean right to our face man just
And to your face now, in the United States!
With their flag put up on top of McDonald's, Mexican flag on top, American flag on the bottom.
But don't they understand that they're slaves in Mexico?
Look, look, once a Mexican, always a Mexican.
I'm going to tell you something that's very strange, that I've learned over the years.
One of the reasons that we have such a problem is, there's never been any immigration into Mexico.
They're so insular.
They are all, the nationalism, Mexican nationalism runs deeper than anything we can conceive of.
And they believe in Mexico, and they believe in their nation, and they are very rabid on this issue.
We're going to be facing problems beyond anything we could have dreamed of.
I have studied nations, and they are more nationalistic than Iranians.
They are more nationalistic than Libyans.
They are more nationalistic than Russians or Japanese.
I mean, they literally worship it, but at the same time,
They get shot out in the street if they try to protest.
I mean, they won't take their own country back.
Well, they may.
There's something afoot.
There's something blowing in the wind.
And I think that if we shut down this border, they might clean up their country.
As a matter of fact, that's the only way they'll do it.
No, I mean, definitely they're rebelling down there and don't like it, but my point is, how could they be smart about their government being bad and it needs to be dealt with, but then we're bad?
When their government wants the end of the... I mean, our own... I believe that about 70, 80 years ago, actually before then, the Mexican elite made a decision.
There was investment, Standard Oil, other people were investing big time in Mexico.
And they decided, either we're going to be overwhelmed by gringo dollars, or they're going to be overwhelmed by our people.
They chose the latter.
So they deliberately have subverted their own economy, not allowed investment, put great restrictions on investment, knowing
If that would cause unemployment and people would flood north.
And by the way, in publications they call their public cockroaches.
And the average Mexican, I mean, I've watched video and it's scunned online and on Mexican TV of their Congress.
Everybody's above six foot two.
Most of them got blonde hair and blue eyes.
They got names like Fox and Schmidt and everything.
And they call their people cockroaches.
But I guess they're people like that.
Well, apparently.
But they are told that they have a right to come north.
They're encouraged to come north.
The Mexican government publishes documents in comic book form that tells them how to do it.
This has been going on for years.
But our government doesn't care because we're being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.
They are putting us at risk for the benefit of the rich and powerful.
Well, it's not that they don't care.
They love it.
They love sticking the dagger in us.
Glenn, I know you're a really busy man.
Do you have time to take some calls?
Robert in California.
Oh, it's Rob Bunn.
Boy, I got that wrong.
Robin in California.
Go ahead.
San Diego, California.
How you doing, bro?
What's on your mind?
Oh, not too much.
And then everything all at once.
It seems like a big old chaotic scene down there at the border.
I mean, I can't believe this shit I just heard about the flag.
Pardon my French.
I got to let you go, sir.
I appreciate that.
Who's up next on the phone?
Art in Kansas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I'm just reading this American Free Press, this recent thing about the CIA installing Pinochet in Chile.
Sounds as though they're doing the same thing here.
You have hurting the economy and generating social upheaval.
They frighten the local people into accepting troops in the street.
No, no, that's it!
Literally, the big central banks have made deals with Mexico to flood us with illegal aliens, then our media fills them full of hate of America, and it's used to bring us into this new world order.
I know, but it's the same thing that happened in Chile is happening here!
Well, that's the big problem, Glenn, is after the illegal aliens riot on cue and burn everything, the police state's going to be used against American citizens, not them.
Well, it could.
You know, that's a real possibility.
Because this thing is going to be really messy.
And, uh, uh, uh, you know, as I say, this is not going to end well.
Anything else, Lewis?
Yes, Art, go ahead.
Uh, you should get in touch with Bruce DeLay in Tulsa, 1170 AM.
He's on top of this immigration thing, and things are really heating up in Tulsa.
They're heating up everywhere.
They're heating up in Canada.
Thanks for the call, Art.
We'll go to Lewis in a minute.
Glenn Spencer, yeah, in Canada, the illegal aliens are running up their Mexican flags, and the Canadians are starting to freak out.
Well, yeah, they're flooding north.
Canada's very liberal.
They probably started welcoming them with open arms, just as we do.
Well, they better be concerned because
I mean, I've seen the federal and state statistics.
I'm going from memory.
Tell me if I'm right, but doesn't the average illegal alien get on three different welfare checks under at least two different identities?
And, uh, what is it, 40% of those in the L.A.
jails are the illegal aliens?
In the Southwest, it's over 30% on average?
95% of the outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles County are for illegal aliens.
And we also hear that the illegal aliens contribute to the economy, but I've seen the numbers about how the average illegal alien takes out, what is it, 20 grand more a year than they pay?
See, we presented these numbers on a 48-hour news broadcast.
Now, listen to this.
In December 1992, okay, 17 years ago, I was working with demographers and
My co-founder, Shirley Lertzman, has since passed away.
Nice Jewish lady, member of the L.A.
County Grand Jury, totally with us.
The demographer, a nice Jewish lady, so don't say the Jews aren't all behind this.
Totally with us.
So, yes, we presented this same information 17 years ago.
And it's worse.
Because of the cover-up by people like the Los Angeles Times.
And they are the worst.
Well, I'll tell you who's behind it.
It's the entire establishment.
It doesn't matter if it's a British globalist company, or it could be a Jewish person, or it could be anybody.
It's the whole system is behind this, because it's the elite waging war against the middle class.
Lewis in New Jersey, you're on the air with Glenn Spencer.
Yes, thank you for having me.
I wanted to just congratulate him on the effort he's been undertaking and wish him Godspeed and everything.
I am out here in New Jersey supporting the Ron Paul campaign for obvious reasons, this being one of them.
And I just wanted to get on here and thank him and also you as well, Mr. Jones.
And I wanted to also mention something.
It's slightly off topic, but I got an interesting message from comments at WhiteHouse.gov recently.
And I don't recall ever sending them a message, and I just wanted to put that out there.
I had sent an email about it to the contact channels for Infowars.com.
I tell you what, I'm going to put you on hold so we can flesh this out in a little while.
While my guest is on, I want to stay on this.
Mike in Louisiana, you're on the air with Glenn Spencer from American Patrol.
Hey Alex, hey Glenn.
Go ahead, sir.
Are you there?
Yes, we're here.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, there's not a whole lot I can tell you that you don't already know.
Over here in Louisiana, I live in South Louisiana.
I hear it's not as bad as Del Rio yet, but I can tell you what.
They're here in strength.
If they're here, they're everywhere.
I just want to say that to all the listeners out there it's kind of like preaching to the choir but there's not going to be room for any of us to sit the fence anymore and as individuals we're going to have to start looking for things we can do as individuals and as a group and I'll take my answer off air.
I appreciate your call, Mike, and don't think that giving us your report didn't do any good.
It's important.
Glenn, what are some rapid-fire things that individuals can do?
Isn't it calling immigration and demanding illegal aliens get picked up from the day labor sites?
Well, yeah, but more important than that, Alex, I think that what we have to do is demand that these candidates for President of the United States take a stand, a specific stand, on this issue.
And will they enforce our immigration laws?
Will they stand up and finish this fence that more than two-thirds of the Senate and House voted for and the President signed?
Will they enforce our laws and will they reject amnesty?
We should demand clear answers out of these people, Republicans or Democrats.
And also the Congress.
We have somebody working, running for Congress.
What is their position on this issue?
We must be like a drumbeat!
Tell us!
Tell us!
Tell us!
Tell us!
Tell us!
And then at the local level, people can get into these new enforcement provisions.
And I think it's important for people that speak Spanish to translate the things, you know, the clips on the radio where they're giggling and snickering about taking over and killing people and stuff.
And when you see illegal aliens out at these rallies wearing Plan of San Diego shirts like we've done, show video of it and go, Plan of San Diego is the plan to kill everybody.
I mean, folks, this is hard core.
These people are hard core, a lot of them.
And we need to, like, create our own websites, our own webpages, get the data out, monitor Spanish TV and radio, take clips of it, decipher it for people, show them what's happening.
I mean, isn't that important too, Glenn?
Right on.
Glenn, give people your toll-free number for folks that want to call and join us.
Okay, it's 1-800-600-8642.
Glenn, I want to thank you for spending time with us, my friend.
God bless you.
You keep the fight up in the defense of the Republic.
I really appreciate you.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay with me.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
First they indoctrinate us to not be nationalistic, to not want to defend the country.
Then when we're desperate and hungry for nationalism, they give us a false nationalism of attacking a sovereign country that has done nothing to us.
Like Iran.
Or Iraq.
Or Afghanistan.
And I say attack, because special forces have been inside Iran for three years, and they're commanding Al Qaeda forces against them.
Official White House press release.
And again, I am not an enemy of the Mexicans.
And in Gallup polls, 68% of Hispanics, it's been even higher, but I'm using one from a few years ago,
Are against the open borders and all the illegal aliens running around.
They know it drives down their wages and at the end of the day, that macho hootspa or whatever you want to call it, isn't going to put food on your family's table.
And it isn't going to make you have a better life.
It's going to hurt you.
It's going to hurt me too.
And I want you to have a good life.
I want a rebellion in Mexico.
I wish it was a free market.
I wish the people liked me down there.
I wish I could go down there and buy property.
It's beautiful.
I wish we could get along.
Now, that's not the way humans have acted in the past.
You know, just like in towns.
One Mexican town fights the other town.
Or in Africa, one group of blacks across the river from the other group kill each other.
I wish we could be smarter than this.
I wish we could fix this.
But I'm sorry.
You want to run around waving your flag, saying you're going to kill me.
Saying you're going to take over.
Ha ha ha ha.
You're going to run into big problems.
And what could stop this is a Hispanic American speaking up, but they're trying to just stay out of it.
And they're just embarrassed by it.
And I'm embarrassed by it, too.
But, um... I've had enough of being looked at with hatred, being told I'm bad, and that I'm a gringo, and ha ha ha, and I'm an idiot, and all this business.
You know, just because somebody was rude to your granddaddy or something.
Again, I'm not saying sins of the past are okay, too.
I'm telling you the New World Order is behind you, and the New World Order doesn't care about you.
The New World Order puts the same poison in your vaccines as they put in mine.
The New World Order puts the same stuff in your water they put in mine.
And I'm just telling you right now that you need to join in the fight against the New World Order if you want to win.
And we're facing desperate odds.
This whole illegal alien thing isn't even going to have time to play out before even worse stuff happens.
Things have accelerated too fast.
By the way, if you go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, you can link through to the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar, or you can go to the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar's website, just OriginalAlamo.com, and you can link through and buy your tickets for the 24th, 5th, and 6th of this month, and then on the November
Or is it 4th, 5th, and 6th?
Six more showings and that's it.
And I'm only going to be at the first of each showing each week.
I'll be at two more showings.
I've got to spend time with my family.
I've got to spend time launching Endgame and finishing Loose Change Final Cut, working with them.
I've got to spend time doing all the other things I do.
So I can't be there for all of them.
I will be there for... But everybody keeps saying, show it more, show it more!
Those six showings sold out.
We're going to show six more.
That'll be 12 showings.
I guess I've done five showings actually, and then six, that's 11 showings.
And then that's it!
That is it, ladies and gentlemen.
And so that's all I'm going to be showing in-game here in Austin, Texas.
And if you want to get the tickets, they're available at InfoWars.com.
Actually, I've been asking for several days for my guys to put links up to it, but they're busy with stories and things.
There's not links up there yet, I just looked.
So I'm going to call both Webmasters and InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com right now, and ask them to put a link somewhere.
I'll get it up on the in-game website, too.
And you can start pre-ordering Friday.
The DVD will be shipping November 1st.
And October 26th, it's going to be out at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We will continue with your phone calls in this hour.
After we talk to Brett Darrow, who I promised to get on the show.
He is the fella.
How we doing?
What's going on?
Why are you parking here?
It's a commuter lot, right?
Can I park here?
Yeah, but we have problems at night time.
We're breaking a car.
Do you have any idea how to do it?
Can I do something wrong?
Yeah, I do.
You're in a suspicious vehicle right now.
I'm what?
You are in a suspicious vehicle right now.
In a commuter parking lot?
Yeah, you are.
Because we have car thieves in here.
Yeah, you're right.
You're wrecking Park right here.
You want to come out of the car?
Come on.
Come on.
Yeah, you want to try me?
You want to try me tonight?
You think you have a bad night?
I'm going to ruin your night.
You want to try me?
Do you want to try me, young boy?
You want to try me tonight, young boy?
You want to go to jail for some stupid reason I come up with?
You want to see who knows the law better?
Me or you?
My experience compared to your young a**?
If you ever get smart, I'll let a cop again.
I'll show you what a cop does.
You want to scam me?
Try and talk back.
Talk back to me again.
Maybe I can say you resisted arrest or something.
You want to come up with something?
I can come up with 9 things.
Do you want to try something?
Wait here.
I'm going to give you a ticket for that.
You want to come up with some more?
When you turn again, you need to be able to use your turn signal, the right turn signal.
You want to try and do some more?
Come on.
Give me an attitude a little bit more.
I bet you, I can guarantee I can close this car by the time I'm done.
You wanna try me now?
Give me a little bit more lift.
Come on, boy!
Come on, boy!
Give me some more lift!
You're done?
You're about ready to get it.
You already started your attitude.
You can have a bad night, boy.
Answer me, or I'll lock you up and fire you in a police officer's command.
You want me to show you?
You want me to lock you up and show you that I'm right and you're wrong?
No, I don't.
You want me to show you the ball?
I mean, I know Don.
Don is the worker.
You mean my buddy?
Don who?
My best friend?
Okay, here's my best friend.
Where you gonna call him from?
Oh, good!
You can't make this part of the deadline.
You see what he says?
If you got lucky, he'll walk away from you.
I don't think anybody's gonna walk away from me.
What do you do with a camera if you're a car thief?
There you go.
We have Brett Darrow on the line.
We're about to break, but first off, Brett, I salute you.
This all started when you got tired, I guess, of being pulled over to checkpoints.
They set up to search everybody, and then it turned into you having the camera every time they pulled you over, and now you're being stalked, but millions of people are aware of what you're doing, my friend.
Yeah, I know.
It's great.
I'm getting a lot of support.
You're a great American man, not a young boy!
Thank you.
You know, I've read some of your comments and seen some statements, but is that accurate?
I mean, why did you start going around videotaping the police?
Well, basically it was.
It was a couple instances I had with them, and they just overstepped their power, what I believed.
And I thought, well, nobody's going to believe me.
I'm a young person, and nobody's going to believe me over a police officer, so I might as well get some evidence of it.
Now, it seemed like six, eight, nine months.
I don't remember now.
I played that first clip where you're coming up to the checkpoints, you turn the camera on, they're searching all the cars, and you say no.
I want to come back and go through that story and kind of chronicle, blow by blow, in the next 20 minutes or so, exactly what's happened and some of the things that you've dealt with and faced.
Is there a particular website or place where you've got all this posted in one spot?
I've got the videos on video.google.com.
Yeah, they're great folks.
We've been linking and carrying their stuff as well.
We'll be right back with Brett Darrow.
One man and a camera can make quite a change.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
That's 1-800-890-3525.
One of my friends, who I've known for about eight, nine years, done some video work, some camera shooting for us.
He drives a wrecker.
And he got tired of cops pulling him over, being mean to him, and saying weird things to him.
He said most cops were nice, but some were just crazy.
So he started carrying a camera,
He's in his car!
And then cops yelled at him about that so he hid one in the glove compartment with a pin camera and the cops pull him over but he did that in his private car and they want to search his car and he tells them they can't but they go ahead and do it and this is on YouTube this happened like a year ago and they're digging around and he just goes man you know the cop says I'd like to kill him I'd like to shoot him
And the female cop laughs with him.
I mean, that's not normal.
My friend was being polite, wasn't even being mean to him.
And they saw the InfoWars sticker and they're like, you work for Alex Jones, don't you?
You work for Alex Jones, don't you?
He's like, no, I've done work for him before.
I mean, and then they get in the car and they're so dumb.
Oh, you do.
And he talks about how he'd like to kill him.
Because he didn't want you searching?
I mean, what does it come to?
It's like they're Blackwater or something and we're Iraqis!
Going to Brett Darrow.
Brett, describe the incidents that started all of this, why you started carrying a camera, and those checkpoints they set up on the highways, and then just walk through.
You're now being stalked by the police.
Break it down for us.
Well, basically, you know, I got stopped at a couple of checkpoints.
I just thought it was kind of ridiculous in the middle of the night.
I did nothing wrong.
I basically had to go along and get along, though, to get out of there without being falsely arrested.
And I got a couple traffic tickets I knew I didn't deserve, and I thought, well, you know what?
I'm just going to put a camera in my car, and it's going to be the proof of what happens if anything else does happen.
So, I got stopped at a checkpoint about a year ago, and basically the first question out of the police officer's mouth at the DWI checkpoint was, where are you headed?
And I politely said, you know, I don't really want to discuss that with you.
Well, he thought that I was questioning his authority or not showing him enough respect, I guess, that he got me out of the car, detained me for almost 20 minutes while he had somebody try to move my car, laughed about not being able to drive a manual transmission, did it anyway, burnt up the clutch a little bit, and just kind of laughed about it.
They just thought it was all a big joke.
I was also, when I asked why I was being detained there, they
They told me I better stop running my mouth before they find a reason to lock me out.
Yeah, that's on tape.
And then, so this last time, basically, I get stopped.
I pull into a 24-hour commuter lot.
It's basically like a 24-hour rest stop or a grocery store or anything.
It's public property.
It's open at that time of night.
It was about 2 a.m.
I was there to meet a friend.
I passed the police officer as I was pulling in, and as soon as I pulled in, he decided he was going to come back there.
What I thought at the time, he was just looking for trouble.
So I basically go in there and he comes up to my car and asks me what I'm doing there and I said, you know, nothing.
And he goes, well, that's your license.
In fact, it turns out you were there to see someone that he even knows.
No, actually, he didn't know them.
Well, you say I'm here to see such-and-such, and then he says, oh, my friend.
Yeah, actually, I had just brought up somebody, my neighbor, actually, to work with that police department, because he was so irate, I was trying to do anything I could to calm him down before, basically, he hurt me.
So, I just threw out that, you know, I knew... Okay, see, I was confused watching that video, so go ahead.
Yeah, and so, anyway, I basically asked, you know, did I do something wrong?
Or, you know, why do you need my ID?
And he said I was a suspicious vehicle, and I was like, you know, why?
In fact, the blinkers are still on and speeding up.
That's the ticking in the background.
And, uh, basically, he, uh, that's when he starts to get up closer to me and, uh, basically pushed me, or almost pushed me.
I was up against my car and, uh, he's up against me, yelling at me, telling me that he's gonna, he starts up with, he's gonna make up all these charges.
This is like a drill sergeant routine.
And I, you know, I'm just, I'm this citizen on, in a, in a public area at night.
It was, it was kind of ridiculous.
And he says, I can make something up.
I can put you in jail.
I can show you, boy, who's right.
And he's telling me that he's going to charge me with resisting arrest even before he tried to arrest me.
And I think of that as, well, that's going to be his excuse to basically rough me up a little bit and say that I resisted arrest.
And then send you to prison for it like that.
Oh, by the way, for all the people that were on the Dig message board,
We're good to go.
wanted to control the situation and that's just standard to break someone's arm and it says she didn't touch him he just and the cops say this is okay he wanted to be in control he just wanted to feel like he was in control and so it's admitted that she didn't touch him and he broke her arm and now she has been arrested for attacking him now that is pure frame-up pure false witness pure evil in fact I meant to call Steve Watson he's the one who's been covering this
That was in the Daily News.
I think it's in my stack today.
I'll have to find that.
But the point is, the police say, and their report says, that girl didn't touch him.
And then they go tackle a young man who had a camera phone and beat him up and charged him with assaulting him.
I mean, cops!
It's not good to beat us up or to break our bones for no reason!
Much less than frame us!
We're humans!
We have families!
We have children!
We have parents!
We don't deserve our bones broken!
Because you feel like being powerful!
You know, the scary part about this, Brett, is that they're now... more and more cops are acting like it's normal to frame us and normal to beat us up.
I mean,
And they said that he wanted her to comply, and then he felt like she wasn't complying and picking up all the cake, and then he wanted to, quote, control her, so he broke her arm.
See, it's all about, I'm gonna taser you because you won't answer questions.
This is torture!
It is.
It's really sad that it's come to this, where, basically, if you don't have the proof, either, of what's happened, that there were pursuers, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Continue with what else happened now that he has you cornered yelling at you.
Well, you know, he kept yelling at me, telling me he's going to make up all these charges.
I'm just trying to defuse the situation so I can get out of there.
Then he sees my camera.
He asked me what that's for.
You know, I told him that I got lots of cameras on my car.
And he goes, well, that's fine.
He says, I'll just arrest you and tow your car and rip all your cameras out.
So I'm thinking right now, I've definitely got to try to get out of here.
Otherwise, he's just going to steal my camera.
And that's when I told him it was uploading to a secure source.
It really wasn't at the time.
But, uh, he thankfully he bought it.
By the way, that's the next thing.
I don't want to say what we do.
But for businesses, because most of them aren't going to have scramblers to block it, and cars, it's very inexpensive now if you've got good shell area, but you want to dial the phone when you do it into the server because they'll break up, they'll fall off.
You'll know because a green light will come on.
You just hit a button in your car, you've got cameras and audio on them, and it is going to a secure server.
And I'm frankly trying to have everything installed with this.
I only have some things installed with it.
Because I'm literally bristling with surveillance now.
Counter-surveillance on the enemy op.
And that's how we caught the BATF in...
I learned about this five or six years ago.
The case in Tucson, where they came into the reputable gun dealer.
He didn't know, they just outside the county annexed and done a law for pawn shops, which he was in a registered pawn shop.
So they came and stole hundreds of guns and they were stealing them, going, Hey man, I can get two grand for this one.
Hey, great.
No, that one's mine.
And it's the criminal BATF arguing over the booty.
And boy, they got in big trouble for that.
So, I mean, this is how we're going to beat them.
Yeah, you definitely need to have the proof.
Otherwise, like I said, it's just... There's nothing you can do.
And even if you do have the proof, like I do, I'm still being questioned about certain things by the Chief, and he's trying to say that I set him up because I had cameras.
And I was like, no, it's just because I needed protection.
Now, let's expand on this.
What did he do once you told him that it was uploading?
Well, he started to basically change his attitude a little bit.
He wasn't quite sure if I was being serious or not, but I looked him in the eye and I told him.
Go ahead and tow my car.
I said the news will love to see this because you're not going to get the video.
And then another police officer arrived and he immediately saw the camera and didn't say hardly one word because he knew everything was being taped.
So, they, you know, basically trying to get along with me a little more, you know, this is why I did this and that, hoping that I don't show the video anywhere, which I already knew at that point I was.
But you did the right thing in telling you weren't.
Yeah, yeah.
I was just like, you know, we're just gonna, you know, that's fine, just let me go, and you know, I'm sorry, whatever, if we had a misunderstanding.
I just had to get out of there before things got really bad.
Now, since then, tell folks what's happened.
Well, basically, when I uploaded it to the internet, people were outraged.
It spread across the internet like crazy.
It made it to the chief.
They had over 500 calls the first day from people that were upset.
And by the way, we weren't giving the number out.
We were one of the chief places putting it out.
It was just spontaneous anger.
Exactly, and you know, I don't know where it was coming from, but I just know that people were just so upset, and I've gotten thousands of emails from people that have actually gone through similar stuff either with this officer or just anywhere in the country.
It's just going to be like Romania.
I mean, they can live in their own delusional world all day.
The revolution's coming.
They're not going to stop us.
And, you know, so, but I had the video, so basically I had a way to get back against this type of behavior.
I want to hear about your meetings with the Chief.
I want to hear about what happened to this officer and how you're being stalked.
Oh yes, the conclusion with Brett Darrow, a real hero right up in St.
Louis, Missouri.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
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To fight the hordes!
To sing and cry!
Well, hello, we am coming!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Portraying you, caterwauling, as I do best.
Ha ha ha!
I'm so stupid.
Brett Darrow, doing a great job, joins us.
Alright, so they get 500 calls, hundreds of thousands of views on the web within days, hundreds of versions of the video now up there, I would imagine millions of views.
And now everybody's starting to do this.
We've been doing this for more than a decade.
It's now spreading coast-to-coast.
What is the... Well, we'll get into what you think the establishment is going to do now with their torture and corruption and bribery and frame-ups and all this is coming out.
Their police state's coming out that their masters told them to carry out.
Get into the police chief.
You said you had a meeting with him.
What happened?
Tell us.
I had a meeting with him the next day after all this really got started.
I filed a formal complaint.
And I also asked him, I said, you know, can I see the officer's dash cam video?
He makes mention to it several times that he's recording the whole entire stop.
At that point, the chief told me that the tape was just, they couldn't find it.
They didn't know where it was.
He didn't know if the officer destroyed it or if he lost it or what happened.
He had every other tape from that officer except the one from that night.
So thankfully, I had my version of what happened.
But notice you said the Chief said you were bad for taping it, but it's good when they tape.
Yeah, it's good when they tape.
That's what I told them.
I said, you know, if they can tape, then what's wrong with me taping?
I said, you know, especially when you have situations like when their tape disappears all of a sudden, when something bad happens, you know, it's only used to help them.
And so, if they do something wrong, that tape's probably not going to be around.
So then I went ahead and I filed the formal complaint.
Since then, the officer has been fired.
There was just so much pressure.
It took them about two weeks.
They voted.
Tell folks the name of the city, the name of the department.
It's St.
George Police Department.
It's the suburb of St.
Louis area.
It's a little town.
I think it's a fifth of a square mile total.
28% of their total revenue comes from traffic tickets.
There's no reason to have... How many officers are on the Bossog Force there?
I think there's four full-time officers.
And wasn't this guy like one of the commanders or something?
Yeah, he was actually a sergeant.
If that's the way a sergeant was acting, I don't know how the other officers were acting.
Actually, the chief himself has been found guilty of inappropriately using his power back in 2000 to try to solicit
I think so.
I've caught them a couple times.
They just sit outside my house.
I live on a small, dead-end, quiet street.
I don't even have a cul-de-sac to turn around.
Now, is this St.
George or is this other gods?
This is actually St.
Louis City Police Department, who have posted on
A St.
Louis area cop talk website about harassing me.
They posted a map of my house.
They talked about shooting you in the head and now they're at your house.
Yeah, they said they were going to put lead through me and basically put a drop gun to justify shooting me and you know now people said when that was posted, oh that's not really going to happen and now when I got them outside my house
I go out there to film and they speed off, make illegal turns, ran a red light trying to get away from the video camera.
Well, you know the answer.
You just mount a 24-hour camera there.
Right, I'm already, I got a security system up my house.
Ah, don't, don't.
Let them, let them take the bait.
Yeah, I know.
They're too stupid to even listen to the show and worry about it.
Yeah, I know.
I doubt they are.
They think it's normal to frame people and break arms and do all this.
See, that's what's sick about it.
It's not normal to break a little girl's arm for no reason when she didn't touch you.
I can't believe the cops in California said, oh, it's normal to do that.
Yeah, it's okay.
I mean, I think they've gone crazy.
And they're mad at us that we don't want to be searched anymore and we don't want to be prodded and bossed around anymore and that we're tired of it.
And by the way, it makes all the good cops look bad.
I mean, most cops are not complete... I mean, most cops pulling me over are polite and nice and do their job, but I still get pulled over sometimes, and they're like nuts, man!
They'll stomp over and start yelling at you, and I'm like, I was going five miles over the limit.
What's going on here, officer?
Don't you talk back to me!
I'm like, what on... I'm like, let's get something straight right now.
You think you're in control of this situation, and you are in control of it.
But if you get out of control, you're not going to be in control of it.
You're going to get in a lot of trouble.
Now leave me alone right now.
Alright, a few more minutes with you on the other side.
I want to hear where this is going.
They're on the web saying they like the murdering.
And plant guns.
Posting maps to his house.
Now they're there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think so.
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The so-called conservatives that bury everything that we get posted on Digg.com, D-I-G-G.com, again, number 40-something on the web, millions of potential readers for Infowars.net and PrisonPlanet.com, unable to go to their personal sections and they're bragging how they have defeated the Veteran Removes Illegal Mexican Flag, may be charged.
Again, they're all pro-war neocons, and we're noticing they kill immigration stories.
See, these are government ops, folks.
A real conservative, even a deluded one, would not do that.
There may be some way to beat them if masses of people go to PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.net and even sign up to dig.
It takes about a minute or two.
Become a dig member and then go in there and dig it.
That is, vote it up to the main page.
Now, we've got to get 500 digs to get on the main page.
Regularly, something with about 100 digs in an hour will get up there.
But see, they have moderators.
The moderators also jerk our stuff down.
They call it spam.
All the hundreds of major national stories we've broken, all the information we know.
We are spam.
MySpace admits they censored us.
They claim they've taken our censorship down.
They haven't.
They're censoring now basically all 9-11 truth.
We are censored by Wikipedia.
We are censored by Dig.
Any chink in the armor.
We need to start using Facebook.
We haven't tried that yet.
And look, I mean, look, we're trying to get the word out here.
We're trying to expose how the illegal aliens are running up, taking down American flags all over the country, stomping on them, or putting Mexican flags on top of American flags.
If the word gets out, we can stop it!
But we can't!
Because there's censors everywhere!
All I'm trying to do is defend this country and our liberties and freedoms.
I don't hate illegal aliens.
I don't hate cops.
I don't hate any of you.
I'm tired of you urinating all over the country.
I'm tired of you running all over me, and saying you hate me, and saying I'm your slave.
I'm not!
Brett Darrow, any other points you want to add?
Anything you want to say?
I mean, it got picked up by local newspapers.
It is confirmed that it's the cop posting website.
They said, here's his house.
Let's go kill him.
Shoot him in the head.
Plant a gun on him.
And now, repeatedly, they've been right in front of your house.
You come out.
They speed off.
You got that on video.
You're in grave danger.
Now, you know that.
These people are mentally ill, and they will kill.
What are you... I mean, have you called the St.
Louis Department and said, please don't kill me?
Or what are you doing?
I mean, I contacted the FBI about the threats, and they basically blew me off.
They said that they were too worried about other things, like terrorism was their main concern right now, and they really didn't care about it.
And I'm just kind of like, well, what do I do now?
I've got the proof of it, and this is all just because I wanted to basically assert my basic constitutional rights.
Well, you were very polite at the first checkpoint.
You go, oh, here's another checkpoint.
You turn the camera on, and there's all these flashing lights, and they're stopping everybody.
It's a major highway, and you're just like, man, I don't want to answer your question.
I'm just going down the road.
Alright, buddy, get out!
You know, we could set you up.
Then they mess your car up and laugh about it, it's like 30 minutes long, and then you're sick of it!
You're sick of it!
You're not a slave!
That's right, and you know, I just, I've got the camera.
It's not like I'm going out and trying to start trouble, and that's what a lot of people are saying, but I tell them, you know, asserting your constitutional rights is not starting trouble.
It's what everybody should be doing.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
In fact, silence when it comes to the defense of liberty is not gold and it's yellow.
Well, I mean, I can't believe so-called conservatives are blocking us on Digg so that people can't find out they're flying Mexican flags over American flags.
And openly saying, because this is Mexico.
I mean, why?
It's the very same law and order types that got federally laws passed where you touch a cop where they say you did, you get ten years in prison.
And then now the cops can frame everybody.
I mean, it's... I don't know why they hate this country so much.
Brent, where do you see this going?
Um, I don't know.
I mean, you know, it's... I could see them actually killing me, just because, uh, basically I'm standing up for my rights, and they don't like it.
They think that I'm, uh, I'm messing with their system, and that makes them very upset.
Well, it's a game.
And it's just like if you told the Eastside Vatos they couldn't shake down shopkeepers in East Austin, they'd probably burn down your business or put a cap in you.
And you'd mess with the Eastside Locos, basically.
And they want to let you know, hey, I joined to have power and beat people in the head.
And we don't like you surveilling us, boy!
I mean, I mean, they said they're going to kill you!
They said they're going to plant a gun on you!
They said, here's the map, and now they're at your house!
How many times, I know you've caught them on tape a couple times, how many times have they been parked out front of your house?
Uh, that I've seen, uh, three.
My parents have seen a couple times.
I also talked to my neighbors, uh, who are out pretty often, and they said they've seen a definite increase in police activity since this all happened.
All times of the day, during the night, though.
Yeah, they may be waiting to follow you and get you out and have their way with you.
And they're so dumb, they're going to end up going to prison if they kill you.
But they've done this before.
They just, they kill police chiefs that fire them.
I mean, it's, they kill other cops that blow the whistle on them or try to.
I mean, they're just nuts.
It's probably a minority of the officers too, but the others won't stop them.
It is, and I've gotten lots of emails from
From police departments, from other police officers across the country, so thank you for getting this officer off the street.
We don't want police officers like that.
But then there's just a few that I assume may do the same type of thing, and they're kind of scared that they're going to be caught next.
So that's why I'm a threat to them, basically.
Well, it's very inexpensive now.
You can put a hard drive with a power pack, or have someone install it.
It costs a couple hundred bucks.
A 20-30 gig hard drive.
You get one of these cheap... Well, I mean, describe how you... I guess you haven't wired it up for wireless transmission.
A cell phone, $25 a month, hooked into it with a cell pack that they've got on the laptops.
You could do this... You could do it for $1,000.
You could do it where it wouldn't be guaranteed.
I mean, if you're going to do this, you want it to really work for $300, $400.
I would spend $1,000 and install it.
Do you know how to put in a wireless system?
Well, I'm working with some people to actually maybe get something together.
I've had so many people request this because of similar situations and I think that's... Well, I mean, you know about the systems that plug into your laptop and then there's a camera wired out of it and then it transmits out?
And then you just got to have a server data dump point that is, you know, grabbing it as it comes down.
You got to test it and make sure it's working right and tweak it.
That's right, I mean you can just, you know, there's a few different ways that I'm looking into them and I think that's going to be the way that people are going to need to protect themselves is to have video that's not available for the police officers to steal.
Well that's what loose change, not loose change, that's what we are change folks do and that's how they were wiring it out when the cops said I'll plant bombs on you or I'll say you've got bombs.
I know you don't have bombs but I'm going to say you've got bombs.
And I mean, they're saying this on video.
I mean, that's how nuts they are.
They think... He got fired, by the way.
They think it's normal to say, I'll plant bombs on you.
I mean, how crazy is that?
It's scary, really, when you think about it.
And they're nuttier than fruitcakes!
You're not allowed to break a little girl's arm if she didn't lick your boots!
You're not allowed... I mean, this is craziness!
They're crazy!
I know I keep saying that, Brett.
Anything else you want to add?
I mean, just, uh, I'm pretty sure I'll have some more video from them doing something else here, because I just know I can just feel the tension from them and me.
Oh, no, not really.
It's getting bad, and I assume they're going to do something, so I'm going to make sure it's on tape.
Well, I wouldn't go out until you've got a wireless unit.
Oh, I know.
Like I said, I've already got a
I'm just going to say really is that I'm protected right now as far as cameras are concerned.
If you did it maybe five times with a tail down the street you could probably catch them.
That's the best way is with a tail.
And then the cops get in between you and the tail and you catch them that way.
Oh man, you are in trouble, you know that.
But they can't get us all, and they can't stop us all from videotaping them.
And you notice how they dig their hole deeper?
They can't just stop?
Now they've got to harass you and stalk you?
Yeah, it's kind of... I don't know why they're doing it.
They know I've got national attention.
Well they're so used to everybody cowering and shaking in fear.
And that creates a drunkenness.
It is, and that's what they've been trying to do with me, but that's not going to work.
Were there any little threats while you were at the department of, you better drop this, you better shut up?
It's just, you know, they were telling me that it wasn't any direct threats, but it was just kind of insinuated, you know, this isn't, you shouldn't be doing, you shouldn't be going out and videotaping police officers because, you know, it's just not good and that could cause problems.
Meanwhile, the Mayor Bloomberg says they're going to put up millions of cameras, watch everything you do, and it's ridiculous if you don't like it.
They're going to put cameras in the school bathrooms, the school rooms, surveil everybody with the smallest thing, throw the book at your child, but then don't aim cameras at us?
Oh no!
I mean, how ridiculous is that?
If they're not doing anything wrong, they shouldn't have anything to worry about.
It is.
It's the same thing they tell us.
It's sick beyond belief.
It's sick.
Okay, Brett Darrow, I want to thank you for coming on the show today.
And I want to thank you for your dedication and everything that you have done, my friend.
And just keep it up.
And please contact my office if anything happens.
We've got, you know, pretty good size listenership.
But the key is they're active men and women who love freedom and hate tyranny.
And we will come to your support.
And I want to tell the police
That if they do hurt you or kill you, that they're going to end up going to prison.
There's too much attention.
And somebody needs to contact the St.
Louis Police.
Is it East St.
Louis or St.
It's the City of St.
Louis Police now that are outside of my house.
That if they kill you, they're going to end up going to prison.
And I think the problem is they'll get out of control.
They're like mad dogs.
And they won't realize what they do.
You just be careful, my friend.
You be real careful.
I will.
Thanks for having me.
God bless you.
We're going to get an article out on this and hopefully call for them not to kill him.
But I'd say 20% chance they'll kill him.
I mean, if this was Arkansas, it'd be 50% chance.
They love killing you in Arkansas.
They just kill, kill, kill.
Oh, it's so sick.
Here's his house.
Let's go kill him.
Now there's cops there every day.
He walks out and they just speed off.
And I've seen the video.
And they're parked right in front of his house at a dead end.
Staring at him with pure hatred.
He says they just stare at him.
You can't really pick it up on camera.
Just, like, where I'm going to get you.
I mean, what is wrong with you?
We're not here to be abused by you.
We're not here to be your slaves.
I just can't believe that the Dick Berry Brigade doesn't even want people to know that
Major businesses in Reno are flying the Mexican flag above the American flag.
Businesses all over the country are doing it.
And they just don't want that known.
They just want that buried.
Because their Lord George Bush is for it.
And I just can't believe that they get to engage in their censorship and get to win, win, win over and over again.
And stopping us from getting the word out.
We did get a dig in.
I think so.
When Paul updates, you take those two or three key articles, you dig those up, you take Jones Report articles, you do it.
By the way, the enemy listens.
They've got all these talks I do posted.
They all team up.
They're for Abu Ghraib.
They have sites saying that's great.
Sites saying nuke Iran's good.
They're for immigration.
They believe global warming's man-made.
Really, it's got to be government ops.
They're for every government policy.
I can't believe these are real
Just misguided conservatives.
It cannot be.
Because it's not just us.
They don't let anti-global warming stuff out.
They don't let anti-torture stuff out.
They don't let anything against corrupt cops out.
They don't let anything, anything decent, anything pro-America.
It's just nothing but party line.
Global warming's real.
Global warming by man is real.
Alex Jones needs to be arrested.
Ha ha ha.
They're truly sick individuals.
Truly sick individuals.
I haven't plugged any sponsors today.
I haven't plugged really anything today.
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I'm going to be honest, I went and bought some of the really expensive green foods at Whole Foods and places and they make me get a stomachache or a headache.
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This is just 20 plant and herbs, but mainly plants, vegetables and fruits.
And it doesn't taste bad in juice, whereas the other stuff did, but it's still got the algae and the things you need in there.
It's just amazing and the whole office is taking it.
I think I've seen everybody taking it, liking it, sneaking off with it.
So I think the whole office, I know Aaron takes it every day, I know Rob's taking it.
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Wonderful folks as well.
And then, Paul said he's getting it up.
I don't know if it's up yet.
He could have got tickets the last couple days.
Yeah, it's up now.
If you go to Prison...
Look at the banner at the top.
You can go there and link through to the Alamo Drafthouse and buy tickets before it sells out.
I'm going to have three showings October 24th, 5th, and 6th at the Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar.
Then three more showings in November and then that is it.
That is it.
You want to see it cinematically in the theater
And I'm sure here and there around the country people are going to show it or I'll show it.
But for Austin, that's it for now.
People begged for this to come back.
If you want the tickets, you can go to the Alamo Draft House and get them.
And I'd get them now.
I mean, they always sell out a few days before.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Final segment, final notice.
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You know, I get so busy on the show, covering news, covering topics, that I forget to announce really big things.
If you go up to PrisonPlanet.com right now, we have the official trailer.
The official trailer for Endgame.
Rob's sister was having a baby, so he was gone the last few weeks.
He had a bunch of vacation built up anyways.
He was also double working.
He was doing both things, working and visiting with family in New York, and getting all the footage from We Are Change for a film we're making.
But I'm already digressing.
The point is, is that we'd made a few trailers around here in the office, Aaron and I, and we'd taken the intro from the film and made a trailer out of that.
This is the official trailer.
This is an awesome trailer.
You know, the other unofficial trailers have gotten like 100,000 plus views and stuff on YouTube alone.
Go to EndgameTheMovie.com.
You can watch it in super high res.
But right now it's up on YouTube.
I'm asking you to get this out to everybody.
They can't censor that for now.
All new official Endgame trailer.
It's two minutes long.
Here's the audio from it right now.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Builder Bird.
Won't their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Dillberg is making great progress toward a world government.
Only an educated form of government can stop them in their tracks.
For the first time, all the pieces have been put together.
The dots have been connected, and the picture is crystal clear.
Earth's ruling elite believe they have discovered the fountain.
But before they can attain it, 80% of us must die.
A psychopathic technocracy is establishing world government so there can be no escape from their plan.
The New World Order is the Old World Order.
I mean, it's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
A pull-up a plane, a new one.
They interrogated him in four hours.
Some shots were fired.
It's easy to move off the front.
Their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
Oh yeah, it's powerful, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, just go watch the trailer.
People all over YouTube keep asking, where's that music from?
Where's that music from?
I paid to have it all composed!
We made it all!
The film!
I mean, we're getting more and more professional here.
I always bought the audio beforehand, but I'd buy those, you know, music library stuff you get to use, the copyright-free, uh, and pay for it.
I mean, this, I went and had this composed.
I had all this made.
That took months.
By the way, there's gonna be a soundtrack for the film.
Grant Reynolds is doing that.
Uh, the all-new, official, in-game trailer is up there.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
You have been warned!
What are you going to do about it?
Get in there, get this trailer and get it out to the four corners of Earth!
And let the people know!
And don't let the media and the neocons and the fake liberals stop you from seeing the illegal aliens hail the death of this country!
We're unstoppable if we simply take action!
You missed the first or second hour of this transmission.
It's about to restart at InfoWars.com.
We restream at 24-7.
I want to thank all of you out there.
God bless you all!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.