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Name: 20070925_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 25, 2007
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You have the power.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now 40 seconds into this first hour.
It is Tuesday, the 25th day of September 2007.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
If you've been looking for it, you certainly found it.
This is the tip of the spear, the very front line in the information war.
I'm Alex Jones.
My website's InfoWars.com.
Well, here's the news I have in front of me today.
We'll be going over.
We'll also open phones.
Examiner-exclusive Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton and other top Democrats.
And that dovetails with the hundreds of pieces of evidence we already have.
Also, Bush homosexual allegations resurface in new book.
So we'll be discussing that today.
Also, MySpace censors anti-war websites, as well as PrisonPlanet.com, and they admit PrisonPlanet.com is blocked from any bulletins being sent, all part of a web of censorship that we are under.
Dovetailing with the Bush homosexual story that I just mentioned, I went back and pulled out this article
Remember the headline, Bush prefers Martin's spokesman to his own, and Prime Minister Martin walked up in public and kept saying, you're good looking man, man you're good looking, man you're good looking, man I'd like to hang out with you, you're good looking.
Just in the kissing on Gannon in public, and it just never ends ladies and gentlemen.
It never ends.
FCC proposes fake news fine.
There's so much fake news put out there by the mainstream media.
Global majority wants action on climate change.
Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed the UN saying we must move on climate change.
Later today, I'm going to air a video clip of a gentleman who was a big environmentalist in Denver.
Very successful mainline businessman.
He was privy to some of these big environmental meetings in the early 90s.
And he breaks it down.
This was taped actually in 1992.
He tapes what went on at the meeting with David Rockefeller, Maury Strong, and others.
And it dovetails with official documents and things we have, but to have him talking about it really gets into the eugenics and the Malthusian master plan.
So later in the third hour, I'm going to be getting into that as well.
Lucas Grader is going to be in studio for about 30 minutes in the third hour.
He's a local filmmaker and he went out and did this little piece where he
Asked, what, four questions of a bunch of different people and most of them didn't know the basics.
Most of them didn't even know who the Vice President was.
And so we'll be illustrating just the mass mind control and dumbing down what's going on.
Also, a mini guest in the second hour, Dean Puckett, one of the British filmmakers, arrested with me in New York, and it just took a few weeks for us to finally get him on.
But an interesting perspective from them on the 9-11 6th anniversary and their arrest.
So they'll be popping in for the show coming up in the second hour.
I never got to it yesterday.
I'm going to try to play some of the audio of the confrontation last week with Alan Greenspan and WeAreChange.org and InfoWars.com's own Rob Jacobson.
But we'll see if we have time to do that.
I also want to play Bernie Sanders confronting Alan Greenspan right before he left office last year.
But when we get back, Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton, top Democrats, along with the evidence that
This is literally a staged intelligence operation.
And I don't know how people don't understand that.
I mean, when you get to this level of power, it's going to collude together.
They're going to stick together.
And that's illustrated by the 10% congressional approval rating right now.
They have to circle the wagons completely against the American people and the people of the planet as they try to birth the first planetary world government run by the sociopathic killers of the New World Order.
PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton and top Democrats.
We're going to get into that.
Also, Bush's homosexual allegations resurface in a new book.
And I just thought we'd go over some of the other evidence of Bush's hypocritical activities.
That are being alleged and evidenced by more and more.
Certainly where there's this much smoke, you know there's fire.
So we'll walk through that.
But before I do, I want you to know that I've seen ploys by other filmmakers and by writers and by other websites that if they have a technical difficulty with their server
Or they don't pay a bill or they've got some subdomain on some larger site and it gets suspended that they say they're being censored.
And I would say about 70 plus percent of the time when I've researched what's actually happened to sites and different organizations that they're not being censored.
But 25 or so percent of the time there is censorship going on.
There certainly are sites that are being censored, and there's admissions of censorship.
Digg, earlier this year in January, admitted that they banned all posts of PrisonPlanet.com news articles.
They admitted it, there was a huge protest, and they reversed it, but then began, when we did get on the main page, people weren't digging us down, they would just remove us.
We're good to go.
And we've been basically, I don't think we've had a front page dig, which was a major chink in their armor, in about a month.
They've got air superiority on us now.
They've had a victory there in the info war for now.
Wikipedia is number 9 on the web.
I'd have to say 98% of pages on the New World Order, global government, Kennedy assassination,
Republican sex scandals, anti-war sites, anything about Fallujah massacres, it's just all gone.
Not just us, it's just... Just the sites that the trolls brag they've deleted, and they're allowed to operate as moderators on Wikipedia, they list their victories, and they talk in slang and gutter.
I mean, it's certainly not, you know, people editing it because they're encyclopedia analysts.
I mean, it's just vitriolic.
They go off military call signs.
A lot of them, you go to their websites, personal pictures of them.
Hey, I'm with CENTCOM in Florida.
We're in the propaganda war.
I mean, it's a great celebration of evil.
They have devastated Wikipedia.
And then they go out and post this info.
We've cracked the very same people.
We'll delete mainstream scholarly news pages that are well-documented and written in a neutral fashion.
And then they'll go on Wikipedia and say, I'm a cocaine addict.
And just for the record, that's a complete and total lie.
I've never used hard drugs.
And I've smoked marijuana and don't like it.
My friends here in Austin, where everybody's a pothead, certainly know that.
It's just another irritating thing, but they just go and put that on there with no source, no nothing, because they're CENTCOM.
And CENTCOM's minions.
So, we've been basically knocked off Wikipedia, but so has everybody else.
And replacing it has been Fox News, the CIA, the Defense Department, and the WikiScanner documents this, but they don't care, they've just taken it over.
We are being censored everywhere.
Google admits that they have erased our page views many, many times when we get up into the millions of views for Terror Storm and Martial Law and other films I've made.
Which again, puts us in the top 100, where then everybody can watch it and see it and know what we're doing.
I mean, I put a lot of time and energy into this, and we try to use the internet to get the truth out about what's happening in this country.
And if we write articles about the North American Union off their own SPP documents and their own admissions of integrating the continent and the three nations, it's deleted off Wikipedia.
It's deleted off of Digg.
It's deleted off of MySpace.
Now MySpace
Admits that we're censored.
One of their top moderators admits it.
It's official policy.
They have not deleted our page yet that has 36,000 members and I really haven't promoted it.
I think we let new members in like once a month or something.
We don't do a lot of updating on our MySpace page other than the bulletins which are updated daily.
So it's a good site.
You can leave your members.
You can go post in there.
But MySpace admits that they censor us.
And we have an article up on PrisonPlanet.com about this, and I want to ask you the question, do you want to let MySpace and Digg and Wikipedia and all these other major mega sites continue to pose and claim that they're free market and free speech and electronic democracies when they're not?
I mean, they're scared.
They're worried about PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
That's why they're censoring them across the board.
And I want to ask you,
Are we just going to give in to this?
Because used to there'd be admissions of censorship and people got upset.
Now we're getting to where we're just comfortable with it.
Well, that's just how it goes.
And hey, Sally Field, she used to, they could let the stars get up and make comments about how the government's corrupt if they wanted to.
That was an American tradition.
Now they just delay you out.
I mean, are we going to accept this?
Are we going to be silenced?
I'm asking you, the info warriors out there.
Only about half the truth sites actually spend time on news and information and warning people and getting the information out and trying to get people to take action.
The rest are all COINTELPRO or influence COINTELPRO out ninnying, getting everybody to fight with each other.
So we've only got half the sites to begin with and we're having major victories with those.
The enemy's trying to infiltrate our movement at every level and they literally are.
I could waste the whole show.
Sometimes I think maybe I should just get into all this to explain to people how it works, but then I remember we have all these new listeners who are tuning in for news and information.
The bottom line is InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com have actual hack attacks where we see them get through holes in the servers where they go in and turn servers off with command orders to erase things.
We have to have things triple backed up.
We've had people hack in, bring down sites, post a naked woman on a motorcycle on the page.
I mean actual
Red-handed, hardcore hacks, denial of services, a bunch of other types of attacks that I'm not even going to get into, where they do things in your name.
I mean, it is sustained, it is continual, it saps a lot of our resources, but it's made us stronger overall.
I have to spend a lot of money on backup cripple servers for everything, and content distribution networks now, and frankly, it's made us stronger.
But we're under attack every day, and I don't waste your time talking about it.
So we're under physical internet attack, direct assaults on the servers, okay?
A. B. Every major site is censoring and blackballing us.
And you bet they are.
We go in and point out, hey, former top CIA analyst run the Intel Center and they're posting fake Bin Laden videos.
And we give the evidence.
When the London bombing took place, we wrote articles about it, broke the news about the drills.
Picked up on the chatter, put it up there, became major news, and for months you typed in London bombing, PrisonPlanet.com was number one.
So they're moving against us big time, folks.
You think when they stage the next terror attack, they want you to be able to go out and see PrisonPlanet.com?
You think they want it to be a number one marquee site?
There is no doubt they are suppressing the growth of the site.
There is no doubt that their actions, gatekeeping and blocking us at every major chink in their armor, is having a suppressive effect on us.
We are still growing exponentially.
According to every graph.
Our own internal server data, and of course the major gauges out there.
And the establishment lies, Limbaugh's gone from number 1,000 on the web three years ago to number 18,000 on the web today.
Sean Hannity's gone from number 5,000 on the web to number 40-something thousand.
On Alexa, and you can get the same numbers from other places, similar numbers.
The gauges differ a bit.
And there's a million three hundred thousand plus Indians, Chinese, and others coming on the internet every day.
That's why, in the past, Alexa and other gauges were Euro or Amero-centric, Anglo-file-centric.
Because most of the traffic in the world was coming out of the West.
That's now shifted the last few years, but Prison Planet's been able to stay in the top 10,000, while all the other big sites...
We're good to go.
Plus a million, or 370-something million a year.
That'd be almost 400 million.
No, more than 400 million a year.
That's the type of shift, seismic shift we're seeing, but we're still growing exponentially despite that.
So, I'm just giving you this report.
The enemy is imploding.
They've lost all credibility.
And I want to give the enemy this little note.
You cannot stop the truth.
You will not be able to suppress it.
The evidence is the 10% approval rating in Congress, the all-time record low, breaking the low of 12% a month ago.
You are in free-fall position.
The President is in free-fall position.
You are hated.
You are known to be an enemy.
You are known to be in business with Hillary.
Your whole matrix illusion is beginning to crumble.
The people don't have all the details, but they know you're in cahoots together, and they know you're liars, and they know it's a fraud.
And so I want to just tell CENTCOM and everybody else, it's too late.
You're not going to be able to block us.
You can't stop us all.
No matter how many COINTELPRO disinfo infighters you put out, it's out of the box.
The genie's out of the bottle.
Pandora's box is open.
There's nothing you can do.
You can buy yourself some more time.
That's it.
There's nothing you can do.
The majority now know that the terror is government sponsored.
The majority now know you're a bunch of sick freaks.
We're gonna come back, finish up with this, get in the bush behind Hillary Clinton.
Stay with me.
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lift to Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big John.
Nobody seemed to know where John called home.
He just drifted into town and stayed all alone.
He didn't say much, kind of quiet and shy, but he just spoke it all.
He just said hi to Big John.
Somebody said he came from New Orleans, where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen and a crashing blow from a huge right-hand St.
Louisiana fella to the promised land of Big John.
Welcome back!
Alright, I'm going to finish up on the censorship issue.
You go up to Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, you can read this article.
MySpace censors anti-war websites.
PrisonPlanet blocked this model of government regulated internet too.
Gets a dry run.
It's very important to understand how they do this, but basically no one's allowed to send out the name PrisonPlanet.com on MySpace.
Or you've got to trick it and put a space between the dot and the com and things like that.
But this is an indicator of the effect that we're having and how successful we're getting against these people.
Always before, and I know most of you know this, but we've got to get the good news out to people.
We should do an article about this on PrisonPlanet.org, maybe Jones Report.
Always before, and I've been watching elections since I was a little kid, and I've studied elections before that, you'd have one party with 55-60% of support, and the other party with 40-45%.
One party would be in, one party would be out.
People really thought there was a difference.
They thought there was a choice.
Lesser of two evils, at least.
For the first time ever, in the last 6-7 years, they started getting down to 20-30% approval ratings.
Then down to 15, then down to 12, then down to 10.
And that's Gallup polls!
Which is generally establishment leaning.
10% approve of the job Congress is doing on every major issue.
Okay, the government has 10% approval.
And it's going to go down further.
And there's nothing you can do.
You can stage another terror attack.
For our own good, so we unify as a country.
Like you say in your neocon documents, yeah, we know it's for your good.
Your children's future, not ours.
Set up your world government.
To wage war on the people.
You're the new world order that's destroying our country.
Again, it's a simple equation.
The neocons, their controllers, the federal government is destroying our sovereignty, merging us into a global government.
A hostile global corporate takeover.
They're not our friends.
They don't care about the Islamo-fascists like they parrot all day.
In fact, they radicalize them.
The history's plain on that.
But to finish up, they are losing.
Newspaper circulation in the last decade is now down more than 65% on average.
It's dropping by as much as 10% a year.
Last year, most newspapers, you can go pull the numbers up, something like 6 point something percent they dropped that year.
They are plunging downwards.
Television, even cable viewership is dropping.
And what's growing?
Alternative news.
It's exploding.
It's even supplanting porn.
You can do alternative news tracks on Google and some of the tools they've got, and then do it, type in, you know, pornography next to it, and you can see that some days, alternative news is defeating pornography, which no one ever thought could be supplanted as the dominant force on the web.
Hence the quote,
We're surpassing porn.
People grab that quote of mine.
It's all over the web.
People go, what does that mean?
We are!
So, that's what's happening.
The enemies try to put background noise, disinfo, into the alternative movement, alternative news.
They try to put infighting, confusion.
But it doesn't work because people have developed a palate, a taste for what's real.
They have instincts.
They have discernment.
They want news and information, they want analysis, they want investigative reporting, and they're getting it from a growing group of activist news sites.
And men and women, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, Canadian, German, Chinese, American, Mexican, it doesn't matter, all over the world, Chilean, are going on the web every day and starting their own blogs, their own sites, and they're good people.
And they know they're good, and they know they're taking action.
And you're taking over the web.
So they can target me all day long and try to knock us down.
But they can't stop you from starting your own news sites, your own video blogs.
That's what we need.
That's what we need.
We're gonna come back, get in the bush behind the Clintons, mainstream news, and a lot more, the economy, you name it.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right.
Let's go ahead and get into this news.
Set the censorship.
MySpace publicly admitting that they have banned PrisonPlanet.com from being promoted on the web.
On the, what, fifth biggest website in the world?
Let me go ahead now and get into Bush and the fake news.
Examiner exclusive.
Mainline newspaper.
Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton and top Democrats.
Now, before I get into this, let me just recap.
What I would talk about, and when former CIA officers, very credible individuals, would talk about how they were at MENA, and how the Bushes were involved, and how the Clintons were involved, and how the cocaine was being flown in and out,
And then you go, and that's covered in Clinton, Bush, and the CIA.
And then you go and you learn that Clinton was recruited as a Rhodes Scholar, which is an open British intelligence recruiting arm, and that he was then brought into the CIA when Bush was at the CIA.
Then you find out that Clinton had all these intelligence connections.
You learn that they met
11 times before Clinton even got in the race, and then had meetings during the race.
You find out that Bush Sr.
didn't even really campaign.
You see, Bush knew that he had raised taxes, he'd launched the war, he'd done all these things.
He was unpopular.
He had to pass the baton to Clinton and then carry it down the field.
They're on the same team.
And there are hundreds of pieces of other evidence
But then you expand out on that, the fact that Bush Senior described himself in the 70s as a Rockefeller Republican, a top officer of the Rockefeller crime syndicate, going to China, getting the one-child policy put in, he makes himself under Nixon, ambassador to the UN, after ambassador to China.
I mean, this is a Rockefeller boy, 110%.
describing himself as a Rockefeller Republican.
And then you have Clinton, when he gave the Medal of Freedom back in, what, 1999 to David Rockefeller, and he's there saying there were only two people in 1968 that thought I could be president.
By the way, he was going to college then.
And that was my mama and David Rockefeller.
And he started crying, yeah, new David Rockefeller in 1968.
I've got to find that clip.
I've got it somewhere.
Only two people thought I could be president.
My mama and David Rockefeller.
Thank you, David Rockefeller.
I've got that somewhere.
Years ago, I played it on TV.
We got it right when he did it off CNN.
Broke down crying at a CFR meeting, giving the awards out on CNN.
David Rockefeller knew who he was in 1968, didn't he?
Yeah, Rhodes Scholars are selected to be knights of the realm, ladies and gentlemen.
Enforcers, grand knight commanders.
That's what Cecil Rhodes stated mission for it was in books he wrote.
I mean, excuse me that I read David Rockefeller's memoir published three and a half years ago.
Excuse me I read Rhodes' memoir published over a hundred years ago.
Excuse me that I actually read what they say.
None of it's secret.
You've just got to go read what they write and what they say.
It's like you can read Dick Cheney saying we need terror attacks to launch our world government in the PNAC document, September 20th, 2000.
Rebuilding America's defenses.
Go read it.
He doesn't mince words, but he knows you're not going to go read it.
At least mainline yuppies isn't going to.
Maybe they will as they figure out how dire the straits are.
So we have that nexus point, and then now there's no doubt.
I started talking to folks in New York, talking to people inside national radio at the highest levels, going, look, I know this stuff's real.
But, you know, Alex, I can't talk about it.
Talking to executives and people I know.
And that Roger Ailes, the Fox News Kingmaker, the Limbaugh Kingmaker, the head of Fox News, the top executive of News Corp under Rupert Murdoch,
Murdoch even kicked his own son out and put ALS in back in over him.
Demonic creature.
RNC hack going back 50 years.
Operating on a couple brain cells, but still evil genius burns there.
Jabba the Hutt-like creature.
And that they were behind Hillary strategizing, running and all.
They couldn't believe that they'd been to internal meetings and Hillary had been there.
This is the type of stuff I was getting five, six years ago.
Well, people didn't believe me then a year ago.
See, if you ever give these sources up, you never get them again, folks.
I don't kiss and tell.
And so, about four years ago, it starts coming out.
New York Observer, conservative, highly respected publication, but known for big stories.
You know, they broke skull and bones, got that video, for ABC.
That Roger Ailes and Murdoch were having four hour long, once a week meetings with Hillary.
Every week in New York, and if she was out of town, one of the two would fly to meet with her.
I mean, they got big plans for Hillary.
And then Murdoch backed her senatorial campaign.
Well, it came out he'd done that in 2000.
And then it came out that he backed her again in 2006, and conservatives went, what?
That was all over New York Times, Washington Post, and the New York Post wrote articles about it saying, yeah, well, we think she's good for New York.
Then it started coming out in mainstream news that Fox News was advising her on her campaign.
And then last year, it starts now a year and a half ago, 2006, that
The Clintons were vacationing multiple times, sometimes for a week to two weeks, with the Bushes, staying in Paris, staying in Kennebunkport, visiting in Texas, just constant, they can't keep their hands off each other.
Boating, everything else, dinners, they love each other.
Oh, and Bill Clinton's a surrogate son.
He's always been like a son to us.
Yeah, since you recruited him in 68.
You got the Rockefeller Republican,
Being put into Congress by the Rockefellers, right at the time that they're picking Clinton out of Arkansas, out of Winthrop, Rockefeller-run Arkansas.
His mama's a known prostitute.
That's admitted.
And then it gets into that whole story.
Prostitute to the mob, high-level.
Bimbo is a more proper term.
Not a street hooker, let's put it that way.
And he's crying, saying, thank you David Rockefeller.
I mean, come on.
I'd always heard that he was Winthrop's son, and I knew that she was in the same town and did go to poker parties with him right at the time little Clinton comes along.
But then he starts crying and saying, my mama and David Rockefeller.
But look, I'm digressing.
We know all of this.
And then it comes out that Bush says Hillary's going to win.
Then we've got Geinrich.
Hillary's going to win.
They're all saying Hillary, Hillary.
She's raised more money than any Republican ever has.
She's raised massive amounts over what any Democrat has raised.
I mean, this is Hillary Clinton.
This is Mrs. Anti-Gun.
This is Mrs. New Order.
This is Mrs. You're going to have to go to the doctor every year.
You're going to have social workers over you.
You're going to have to have health care to have a job.
All the control that comes.
And do you see the Republican machine in full drive to stop her?
You're going to have another fake election in Hillary Clinton.
With a Republican base, oh by the way, MySpace admits they've censored Ron Paul, so has Digg and everybody else.
So they're not just censoring me, it's Ron Paul too.
And then we have this, Examiner Exclusive, Bush quietly, you bet they're quietly,
Advising Hillary Clinton and top Democrats.
President Bush is quietly providing back-channel advice to Hillary Rodham Clinton, urging her to moderate her rhetoric so she can effectively prosecute the war in Iraq of elected president.
In an interview in the new book, the evangelical president, White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolton said Bush has been urging candidates, don't get yourself too locked in where you stand right now,
If you end up sitting where I sit, things could change dramatically.
So this is all for public consumption, like what he listens to on his iPod, and how he prays to Jesus every morning and cries, and this is all to explain to people why he talks to Hillary.
Then notice Hillary gets asked, hey, will you pull out of Iraq by the end of your first term?
She says, no.
There's no end to this.
The official Pentagon plan said, break Iraq in three parts, exterminate the people,
Run a genocide op and just control the executions and the no flowing water and no electricity from the command bunkers.
Citadel Fortress mentality.
They're doing it.
Literal techno-spires in a third world wasteland.
Exactly what the globalists are going to do on a planetary scale.
They're going to reduce our resources, our food.
Again, I gotta make an Endgame 2.
I didn't even get into all that in Endgame properly.
Bolton said Bush wants enough continuity in his Iraq policy that even a Democratic president would be in a position to sustain a legitimate presence there.
Well, of course the Democrats are bought and paid for by the same interests.
Many of them have been more hawkish on Iran and Iraq than Republicans.
Any sovereign nation will be blown to bits.
Look at Serbia.
So that's their spin right there.
Don't forget that the congressman
Burton and others were going to go after Clinton when Bush got into office for pardoning cocaine dealers, mafiosos, Chinese generals in the White House, and remember it was headlines, Bush orders Congress to drop it, Dan Burton tells him to drop it, and it all ended.
Again, protecting Bill Clinton.
And you bring this up to neocon followers, they just snicker and giggle and get little buggy-eyed looks at you.
You bring up to them, hey, Bush said he wouldn't sign campaign finance reform restricting free speech, but he did.
Doubling what corporations could give.
And, uh, Bush said he wouldn't move to the assault weapons ban, but then he lobbied for it and pushed for it.
And first they'll deny it, then you can pull up news articles and they go, well, you gotta have some gun control.
Hey, Bush is pushing total amnesty.
Well, you know, he's gotta make compromises.
The Mexicans won it.
Oh really?
Almost 70% of Hispanic Americans are against amnesty.
In different Gallup polls.
It's 67, 71, it's been different numbers.
91% of Americans average together in Gallup.
But they just say, oh well it's popular, he's gotta do it.
It is not popular!
With no one who's got half a brain!
But the ignorant third-world masses that have come in here, who have kept their nationalism, but we've been told not to have ours.
See what the new order does?
This country's like a body.
They lower our defenses, they lower our immune system, they tell us to be multicultural and all loving and guilty and sappy, and then they lower our defenses, pump in third-world nations, while the Ford Foundation and others pump radical nationalism, tribalism, racism, saying, Loree Conquista, you're the god race, you're gonna take over.
And the Mexicans don't want to do that.
They don't want to be part of that, but they cram it down their throats in the schools.
Mexicans, on average, you can say groups have certain attributes, are very family, very conservative, very hard-working, very smart, great ingenuity.
They've lived under tyranny for 300 plus years.
And they're sick of it.
And so,
What do the schools do, though?
They tell them every ill and every problem is America.
They tell Mexicans that the New World Order is America, instead of the New World Order has taken America and is using it.
I mean, the globalists are killing our currency, they're killing our housing prices, openly, publicly making declarations doing it.
They're destroying our military, they're destroying our name worldwide, and the general neocon public, the 25% that's left, cannot figure that out.
Now, I don't cover this a lot here on air.
I knew about this 15 years ago, but frankly I couldn't believe it myself.
But now we've seen Senator Larry Craig and Barney Frank and Foley and all the different Homeland Security Deputy Chiefs and Federal Prosecutors and U.S.
Attorneys and Deputy Attorneys and Preachers and
I mean, every day or two, they catch them in a bathhouse, or in a bathroom, or their dominatrix goes public, or, you know... I mean, it goes on, and on, and on, and on.
There are thousands of examples of this now.
But it can't be on Wikipedia, because the trolls have deleted it all.
With Wikipedia's blessing.
And it can't be on Dick, because they deleted it.
And it can't be on Myspace, because they deleted it.
But Skull and Bones, and I mean, it's even in a movie that Robert De Niro did, that got, you know, five stars or whatever, or four stars, and people that have been in Skull and Bones are saying, oh, it's incredibly accurate.
You know, the media is saying, what an accurate, and they got him dressed up as Satan with crowns on, you know, in wrestling and manure being urinated on.
It is confirmed, and we know out of the rituals in other Skull and Bones houses, other dark lodges, as they're called in Europe, where they have been busted in the past, that they... I don't even want to say what they do, because I know there's children listening, but... I mean, if it's true that Bush is off having sex with ambassadors, male ambassadors, that's nothing compared to what we know goes on at Skull and Bones.
The rite of passage is sexual death rites.
And part of this has been videotaped by the New York Observer and been on ABC News.
But they show it to you in plain view and then act like it's no big deal.
The ritual rape and murder of people.
And again, they're ritualized.
They're not actually doing it.
It's mock.
Aleister Crowley did mock sacrifices.
So did Anton LaVey.
Have Anton LaVey mock human sacrifice?
You'll find him on YouTube explaining that they do the mock sacrifice.
Bush homosexual allegations resurface in new book.
I don't know if this Ms.
McConnell is telling the truth.
I mean, she better know what she's doing is so dangerous it's unbelievable.
But I know that the mainstream news reports top gay porn star service moguls at Bohemian Grove.
I know Skull and Bones does this.
I know that hundreds of times, top gay porn stars and male madams and male whores have been in the White House.
Not just with Jeff Gannon, but before that, back in the late 1980s, they got caught with underage callboys at the White House.
So... I mean, we've got the story up on PrisonPlanet.com
Reportedly, Bush enthusiastically performing homosexual sex acts on the ambassador to Poland.
And it just fits in.
I mean, it's a guild.
You have to be in it to be a member.
You have to be in it.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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You're listening to the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Live Monday through Friday, 11 to 2 Central.
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We are being censored by Digg, MySpace, Wikipedia.
We are under massive assault physically with the servers being attacked almost on a daily basis.
I would just ask you, the listeners, to redouble your efforts to tell your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, your family about InfoWars.com and the streams and the podcast and the show and the news articles and they can't censor your email list.
You can physically go and copy and paste articles still onto the front pages of your MySpace.
It's just you can't send the bulletins out.
Just try to get around it.
When we post something and dig it, help us, right when it goes up, dig it so we can get it on the main page, and before they slap it down, a lot of people can see it.
The goal here is to get the word out on these people.
The goal here is to wake this country up, and this is life and death.
That's why I've been so freaked out the last month.
The fact that they've made the decision
To come out every day and say housing's going to plunge, and then housing started plunging.
And to say the dollar's going to plunge, and the dollar started plunging faster.
And to say the economy's in deep trouble, so the economy, it is a confidence game.
You see, they created a Ponzi system, they created a fraud, they got us completely... I'm not going to say it, by the hairs, folks.
It's just that the analogy fits, you've got to use it.
I mean, they have really got us around the throat.
Okay, they've got us bound.
And then now they're doing this to us, and they're in the open!
A week and a half ago, Greenspan comes out and says, the dollar's gonna plunge, the dollar's gonna plunge, and it starts plunging!
They want to create economic problems.
They get the economy all puffed up into fiat, and then now they pull the rug out from under us, and the Financial Times of London was honest.
Maybe your friends and family won't listen to me, but a week ago, the Financial Times, what, last Monday, eight days ago,
Nine days ago, came right out and said, yeah, the big central banks are doing this and making money off of it, and then spun it like it was good.
Not making money, they're getting real assets.
I mean, I'm up... I mean, folks, I'm mad about this.
I'm freaked out.
I'm more freaked out than I've ever been.
I was walking around in a daze last night at my house.
My wife's like, what's wrong with you?
You never act like this.
I'm like, my gosh, they're doing it!
I mean, I really love this country!
Because I live here!
We got family land here!
I mean, all of you here, you're part of this nation!
This is where you live and there's not many places better!
In fact, there aren't!
And just to see our country fall, to see the new world order bring it down, because they've got a bunch of other things they've said they're going to do after this.
We've got a guest coming up, but after we do that, maybe I should spend five minutes at the bottom of the hour talking about what comes next.
So in about 30 minutes I'll do that.
I'm going to write a note here to not forget.
I've got all this other news to get to.
Financial news, war news, Ahmadinejad news, your calls.
So much going on.
We've got a guest coming up in about 15 minutes or so.
Then I'm going to take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
And this is the GCN Radio Network.
PrisonPlanet.com is the website.
Please spread the word.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
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Waging war on corruption.
You're listening to GCN.
Alex Jones.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Last hour, we got into MySpace censoring anti-war websites and PrisonPlanet.com.
Most homosexual allegations resurfaced in new book.
And I'm going to get more into that later, but I also want to cover what's happening financially in the news.
Oh, did we get Dean Puckard on?
I forgot to tell you that, John.
Let's go ahead and get that guest on.
He's over in the United Kingdom.
He got arrested with me for just videotaping there in England.
He came over from England.
He got arrested in New York City.
For just videotaping the police arresting me for basically no reason.
So I thought we'd have him pop in and tell that story and what it was like being in the jail and basically as a look back because I wanted to have this on record historically for what developed up in New York City a week and a half, two weeks ago.
I guess I was arrested more than two weeks ago now but left New York about a week and a half ago.
Also we've got Lucas Grater coming on.
He's a local Austin filmmaker.
And he went out and asked four questions of Austinites, basic questions about who's the Vice President, who's the Defense Secretary, what's the First Amendment, and most of them, many of them couldn't answer those basic questions, showing how ultra-massive the dumbing down in the society has become.
Also, last hour we got into how President Bush is quietly advising Hillary Clinton
Good to see you again, Alex.
Yeah, basically, we're a British film crew making a documentary about the 9-11 truth movement called The Elephant in the Room.
And, yeah, we went out to New York to basically cover the Let's Make History event, We Are Change event, and ended up getting arrested with you, basically.
Yeah, and that's the story, I suppose.
It was an incredible, incredible event.
Met a lot of incredible people and got some amazing footage.
I bet it is.
Have you been contacted by Discovery?
They want me to give them my footage, and I'm happy to give them the footage of the protest.
I mean, they got the arrest on tape, but they want the footage where we're all out there demonstrating, and I gotta dig through my stuff and send it to them, but you might want to see about giving your footage to them just so you're better represented when it shows you being arrested.
And again, I knew History Channel was a hit piece.
This Discovery piece
It's by a director I'm actually a fan of, and I'm not a fan of many people.
He's made a bunch of top films and so you might want to give him that footage, but that's a side issue.
Yeah, well I mean if they contact me, all you can see really is just me, I've got you in the shot, and you're getting led away, and then you just see this kind of chief and he goes, right, get these two, like that, and then you just see my camera go, and get kind of knocked out of my hand.
No, I figured that might be an angle they'd want, but also the main footage is the people chanting surrounding the
We're good to go.
We're good
I guess from your perspective, did you see them assaulting the Discovery Channel crew and other crews?
They knocked Rob Jacobson, my cameraman, down on the ground.
I want to walk through all that, and then what it was like in the jail, and really it was historical.
The people surrounding the precinct, the 1013, and chanting for our release.
It's all coming up.
With Dean Puckett, British filmmaker, joining us from London.
And then he'll be with us for just the next segment.
We appreciate him coming on.
Then I'm going to get to your calls and all the other news.
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It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know,
All the time, I'm not thinking.
I've got this British filmmaker, got arrested, and I'm saying, Hey!
Dean Puckett!
If you've got a good angle of the protesters outside on video, you want to give that to the media.
But he was arrested inside.
My brain is completely out of it, folks.
There's so much stuff to talk about and think about.
He got arrested with me.
And I believe his cohort got arrested as well.
I don't know, it's all a haze now.
So that's why I wanted to get his perspective on everything that happened.
He's making a 9-11 film about the 9-11 Truth Movement.
So am I, small world!
And he was there two weeks ago in New York on that Saturday night when all this came down.
So I wanted to get him on with his unique perspective.
And he's now back in England so he can do that.
Dean, walk through what you saw, what you witnessed that night, and then how you got arrested, and what exactly happened inside.
Okay, well, let me give you a little bit of background about how I ended up being there as well, because it kind of adds to the story a bit.
For the last six months, I've been making this documentary about the 9-11 Truth Movement.
It's meant to be a totally impartial film, you know, just showing it for what it is.
I watched Loose Change, I wasn't 100% sure, then I watched the BBC Conspiracy Files show, and I was like, you know, what is this all about?
I'm a filmmaker.
I'm going to make my own thing.
It's impartial.
It's not biased.
And, you know, in the last sort of five months, I went across Europe with William Rodriguez.
I've been filming Cynthia McKinney in London to name but two.
Annie Michon, the ex-MI5 whistleblower.
And on the plane over here, I was saying to my co-producer, Salman Jethro, wouldn't it be great if we could get an interview with Alex Jones?
And then, obviously, I ended up basically sharing a jail cell with you.
So it was quite crazy.
But, I mean, on the night, well, you know, you turned up and obviously got them all going.
And, yeah, we did a circle, didn't we, of Times Square.
We all kind of... I was walking backwards.
It was mad.
The shots were amazing.
It was really exciting, chanting.
You know, 9-11 was an inside job.
The whole way around
And they run a street fair so as we march down there it's red skies in the background as the sun sets with all these flashing jumbotrons and neon and prostitutes everywhere and piles of trash, huge heaps of trash and garbage all over the streets.
Talk about apocalyptic.
Trash trucks driving by, Discovery Channel filming us, hundreds of cameras are out there.
I'm talking about how it's like soylent green
And then we start bullhorning.
Well, we didn't have the bullhorn yet.
We start chanting at the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Recruiting Center.
Yeah, keep going.
Yeah, yeah.
It was exactly.
It was like being in a film.
And for me, obviously, from London, all the films were shot in New York anyway, so I actually felt like I was in a film.
It was crazy.
We walked around and then I think somebody found out Gerardo was doing a newscast and we stopped.
Do you remember when we walked past also like some kind of event for police officers or something like that?
I don't know.
He just got a little bit bullhorn happy.
They were shouting.
It was amazing.
He hijacked the show completely.
He didn't know what to do.
He's talking about some stupid... And we walk up.
There's all these women scantily clad as their anchors.
And I go, it looks like they're prostitutes.
And it turns out a top porn star was one of the women.
And Geraldo's strumpeting around with his big mustache, pretty boy, saying that we're gay bathroom sex people.
I mean, it was just...
Yeah, walk through all that.
Yeah, so we're all shouting at them.
He's kind of looking a little bit uncomfortable, shiftyly, and I think when he went to an ad break, he starts, you know, scratching his nose, giving us all the finger.
You've got to remember as well that my whole perspective is just through the little screen on the Z1, so I'm kind of, I'm always on you, and you're shouting, and you get the bullhorn, and obviously you're calling him Corraldo, and, you know, it's like you're addicted to that thing.
You're really giving it to him big time.
And then, yeah, then I turn around and they're slapping, I can't remember, I didn't see exactly what happened, but they're slapping the cuffs on you.
And obviously I thought, well, I just want to get a great shot of him, you know, getting put into the car.
So I run around the front and I'm walking backwards as you're getting led towards the car.
And I think I must've walked into one of the police officers or something like that.
And then on the camera, you just see one of the officers.
No, you didn't.
I saw when it happened.
They just, they just attacked you.
They didn't want cameras on them.
No, well, exactly.
It was just, he literally just, you see on my footage, and you'll see in the film as well, he just said, get these two.
I mean, you just see my camera go, and if you watch closely on the clip, you can see my co-producer and sound man, Jeff Roe, his boom, because we connected to each other via wire, but they don't know.
They just grabbed our arms, pulled them back, you know, coughed us up.
And as they did that, the wire kind of got pulled, and the boom just swings around and hits one of them in the face.
And they're going, you know, are you connected?
I mean, it was crazy.
They're going, are you connected?
And me and Geoffrey just had this one moment of, like, we just looked at each other.
We're standing, like, in New York, and we just got arrested.
We were like, I can't believe this.
And then they kind of bundled us into the back of this Jeep.
And as they bundled me in, my, um, my hands in the cuffs, they put those cuffs on really tight.
And as they put me in, my hands were twisted in the wrong direction in them.
And I was like, ah, like that.
And then the guy turned around and he,
He basically swore at me.
He was going, shut the F up on this journey!
Shut the F up on this journey!
Like that in my face.
I felt really fat and like he was going to punch me pretty much at any moment.
And then I, you know, I just shut up.
He was going, I'm four years away from retirement.
Your guys are running away from, running towards trouble.
I'm running away from trouble.
It's always, it's a peace march.
There's always going to be wars and all this.
And I was just like, okay, whatever.
They scream and yell and tell you you're bad for your free speech, but then you're not allowed to talk back because they think it's all the Marine Corps and that you've signed up for drill camp.
But expanding on that, what I was seeing as they were arresting me, Rob Jacobson was videotaping, the head cop knocks him down, he gets back up, he hits him again in the shoulder, this time punches him, knocks my camera guy on the ground,
Then, the Discovery Channel, staying back, they run over and assault the French camera guy, Etienne, knocking him down.
He falls down with a $100,000 camera in his hand, jumps back up, starts filming again in this huge, high-def, you know, I mean, again, just the lens, he says, is like 80 grand, knocks him back down to the ground, and then they're just going wild, attacking the crowd.
It was a police riot!
They walk up, they say, get off the bullhorn, I get off the bullhorn, they say, put him in cuffs, and then they just drag me off,
And it was just, again, an attack on free speech.
Well, the moment for me which was the most surreal, I mean, you know, I've been researching this for over a year, all these issues.
I've been making this film for six months, and obviously I'm aware of you and what you do, and I'm standing with my friend Jethro, and all of a sudden they lead you in, and all three of us are standing there in front of the bar, in cuffs,
That's inside the police station.
Describe this.
We're like a 100 year old police station and we're in there with these cops in their third world police uniforms.
Keep going.
It was incredibly surreal for me.
You just kind of looked over and you were like, hey guys.
I was so mad.
I was trying to get an interview with him and I ended up being arrested with Alex Jones.
I'm not a hard man.
I'm not going to pretend I was really cool.
You know, get you cuppa.
I was really, genuinely scrapping myself.
I was hyperventilating.
I'm not very good with small spaces and, you know, having my arms kind of behind my back.
Anyway, so then they take me through this big kind of door and it's like, you know, they open it up, they lead me through and I mean, Alex, the cells were horrible, weren't they?
They were absolutely, they were just like brown all over the walls, like water on the floors.
They basically had a drinking, this was the most disturbing thing, it was like a toilet
And then the drinking fountain was on top of the system.
So I don't know what water you were drinking, but it was like basically the same water that was going through the toilet.
Well listen, I mean the cell, they put me in an overflowing toilet and crap everywhere.
And it was not fun, you know.
No, it wasn't fun.
And then you didn't stop though, Alex.
I've got to give it to you, man.
You came in and you were basically telling those two black guys that had been arrested for marijuana about how the government had ministered aid
You didn't change.
I don't think so.
That's great.
Yes, we interviewed him too.
You know, just in closing, then they told me that I'd probably be there till Monday morning when the judges came, and then all of a sudden we hear the chanting, the people all surrounding.
I mean, to hear people chanting, let him go, let him go, I mean, that is like right out of the movies.
It was, wasn't it?
It was, in a way, it was a mix with mixed emotions that I heard that, because, you know, they were going, let him go, let him go, and I was like, oh, this is either going to mean one of two things.
We're either going to be in here definitely overnight,
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
Because for some reason I had this wallet in my back pocket and then I just had so much stuff on me I gave it to somebody to carry and put in their backpack because I don't like having keys and wallet and plane tickets and money in my pockets.
But it was amazing.
Well listen, Dean, as it develops we will certainly have you back on the show.
Yeah, that would be great.
Can I just put in one little plug, which is the We Are Change UK guys, we've got a radio show starting on Sunday on Resonance FM.
It's 104.4 FM.
In London.
It's on Sunday between 6 and 7.
And also you can get the podcast of it on wearechange.org.uk.
And next week I'll be doing a section about my experience in New York.
Well, that's exciting.
That's exciting, my friend.
And let me see the film when it comes out.
Thank you.
Maybe we'll carry it.
Dean, thank you for being there with me in jail.
And it was a good meeting you, my friend.
And I was there with you.
You too, Alex.
Take care.
I'll speak to you soon.
You bet.
We'll see you.
Alright, we're going to come back and we're going to get into more of the news and your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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If we put all the evidence of President Bush being a pervert into this article, it'd be a thousand pages long.
If we put all the evidence of the Republican Party having some type of weird rite of passage, and by pervert, regardless of the type of sex someone's having, sex in coffins with other men, women, piles of manure, urinating on each other.
I hate to have to get into all this, but that's admittedly what goes on at Skull and Bones.
And then all these Republicans being caught in bathrooms, and being caught trying to have sex with five-year-old children, and being caught trying to pick up other children, and all these Homeland Security deputy heads.
I mean, who else do you think you're going to get that's going to carry out terror attacks?
They're totally compromised, they're totally selfish, extremely hyper-worldly people.
That's who the New World Order has as their minions.
And we've got this article, Bush Homosexual Allegations Resurface in New Book.
Miss McConnell releases tell-all memoirs.
Allegations that George W. Bush performed a homosexual act on current U.S.
Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe, in the mid-1980s have resurfaced in the tell-all memoir of a woman who first made the claim.
Leola McConnell, former Liberal Democrat candidate for Governor of Nevada and a one-time prostitute for hire, was met with deafening silence on behalf of the majority of the corporate media last year when she sensationally alleged that Bush and Ash regularly hired bisexual men for secret sex sessions in the 1980s when Bush was a private citizen.
And then she goes through it all.
And see, this stuff is so dangerous that I can really tell, I mean even talking about it is flirting with death.
I'm not flirting with death.
I mean, frankly, at a certain point, you don't want to believe this is going on, but Diane Kor and Halliburton have been caught, and Giant Child, and of course, a full-grown adult female, kidnapping rings, make sure he knows.
I mean, it goes back over and over again.
Every couple years it pops up, going back into the mid-80s with, you know, underage cowboy scandal.
The credit card receipts, the Washington Times.
I mean, we're talking about 15-year-old callboys.
Same thing with Barney Frank running the whorehouse out of his three-story townhome.
And he gets up and says, hey, I'm giving you a press conference.
Anybody bust me, anybody takes me to jail, I'm going to start naming names.
Now back off!
And that was because local cops found out and busted him, did their job, and higher-ups said, no, you're not going to do it.
I mean, it's hard to believe how rampant this stuff is, because normal people are not involved in this.
But what do you know about Rome?
I don't watch a lot of television, but I did buy on DVD both the first and last Rome series on HBO, because it's very accurate.
Other than a few things they do with the story, personalizing the two Roman centurions, who are the heroes, or kind of the thread,
Very accurate.
And I mean, it was just killing their neighbors, stabbing, intrigues, poisoning.
By the time it started declining, right around the time of Julius Caesar, it took another 400 years to fall.
410, so I guess 450 years.
When Alaric the Visigoth chieftain sacked Rome, but side issue, that's history.
I mean, that's what went on.
And then in Rome, it was weird sex cults were always vying for control.
And then, of course, Caligula later,
Many generations after Caesar, the bestiality cult was dominant in the elite at that time, so he married his horse, kicked the Senate out, and then they would have the... This is just history.
This is mainline history.
They would have the priests then, in the Senate, read the horse manure.
You've heard of reading tea leaves, reading the bones, reading the dice, reading the crystal ball, portents, staring, you know, the quackery.
Cuckdom, magical thinking.
I mean, it was just, you know, reading manure, sex with horses in public, running around insane.
Now, a hundred years before Caligula, two hundred years before Caligula, you were involved in stuff like that, they'd kill you.
It was illegal.
Rome was extremely pious.
They would, it was more, they would, it was Spartan without the gay sex.
I mean, the men would sleep without much covers, just to be strong.
They would eat raw foods.
They worked 15, 16 hours a day.
That built Rome, and then, oh, that was the no-no, so then that became the delicacy.
It's the same thing today, folks.
And, uh, Jeff Gannon in the White House hundreds of times after midnight?
Gay Madame?
I mean,
A bunch of people in that White House are using these whores.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of worth, or scared of losing their job.
The dollar by the nickel's worth.
Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter.
Punks are running wild in the street.
There's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know.
The air is unfit to breathe.
Our food is unfit to eat.
We sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!
We know things are bad.
Worse than bad.
They're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest.
I don't want you to riot.
I don't want you to write to your congressmen because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write.
I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the streets.
All I know is that first, you've got to get mad!
You've got to say, I'm a human being!
My life has value!
I want you...
To get up now.
I want all of you to get up out of your chairs.
I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'm as tired as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!
I want you to get up right now.
Get up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell,
I'm as tired as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!
You found it!
I'm as tired as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!
You found it, my friend.
The front line.
The very front line, the very tip of the spear in the Info War.
I salute you for joining us!
Now let's get informed, let's get focused, let's take action, let's not wait for orders from the headquarters, let's start pulling the New World Order down bricks by bricks!
I want you to get in the streets and I want you to demonstrate against them taking people's farms and ranches under the guise of fake environmentalism.
And I want you to get in the streets and I want you to demonstrate against real environmental crises like wild cross-species chimera, engineering, and genetically modified food, over 75% of the food on the store shelves.
And I want you to get out there and say we want the B.A.T.F.
And we don't want any gun control laws!
We want the people to be able to defend ourselves from the criminals!
And we want these America-hating illegal aliens kicked out of this country right now!
First you've got to get mad.
We can take down this New World Order, but we've got to stay focused and not let them get us in fighting the rest of it.
You know, I haven't taken the bait.
I'm going to go to your calls in a minute and get into the news.
I haven't taken the bait.
About a year ago, I got this call from someone I never have trusted.
And they said, Alex, you've got to go on air.
You've got to expose these no-plane people that say no planes at the World Trade Centers and they were holograms projected out of a
Mickey Mouse Lunchbox.
You've got to go on air, and you've got to expose the space beam.
People that say particle beams from space blew up the World Trade Centers.
It's disinfo.
It's discrediting our movement.
And I said, if I go on air, and I start spending my time discrediting that, it's going to give it attention, and people are going to go look at it, and it's going to become a major issue.
Well, that very individual I've heard on air saying space beams did it, saying no planes hit.
I've heard wall-to-wall Ron Paul attacking out of a whole camp of people and I saw him do it simultaneously, calling him a fascist, saying he's a racist, saying he represents evil.
I've seen it out of a whole camp and it frankly freaked me out to see them all activate at once and to reveal themselves as honest to goodness
Real Deal Operatives!
And they shouldn't have all done it.
And there's a couple hundred other key points here.
But it hit me like a ton of bricks.
It was part of the reason I was so depressed last night.
And this dog I love.
Please don't.
I'm not trying to get your sympathy.
I'm just telling you why.
You know, you love a dog.
It makes you think of how you're going to die.
Your family's going to die.
How we're all going to die at one time or another.
And you think everybody else you know that's died.
And you think about should I put the dog down or put it through chemotherapy.
Which 80% of the time doesn't work.
And it tortures the dog.
And uh...
And then I just think about, you know, it clicks, and I'm like, man, I made the decision not to counter these people, and now it's grown, and now they've got government-funded disinfo films out, which the media will use to discredit us, and I just, it's just, but at the same time, I see all the success we're having, and I just want the New World Order to know something right now.
You'll never take away from Ron Paul, no matter what happens to him,
That he did the right thing and that he's borne great fruit for over 30 years.
And every ounce of his action and every bit of my discernment and everything about me tells me I know he's the real McCoy.
And good.
And I know he's a good man.
And he cares about people.
And he's got a system that's based on the Constitutional Bill of Rights.
And for people with no evidence to lie about him is despicable.
But what do you expect from these people?
Government agents and their quacking followers that repeat and parrot what they say, many cases unknowingly.
And you're not going to defeat us.
You can censor me all day long.
You can attack the sites that only made us stronger.
You can delete everything off Dig and off MySpace and off Wikipedia.
You're not going to stop the truth.
You have a 10% approval rating government.
You are criminals.
The jig is up.
People know what you are now!
You may have over half the public dumbed down zombies who don't know what day of the week it is, and don't even know who their grandfather was, and who don't know how many continents there are, and don't know that Iranians are Persian, and don't know anything.
But let me tell you, 30% or so, it could be more, but I can say 30% know there's a world government, know there's a tyrannical elite, and 10% of that 30%
Or 10% of the total is really aware, hardcore aware, and the rest of that other 20% or so are in the process of waking up right now, and we're in the process of waking them up.
And I just want every one of you out there to know the New World Order is on the ropes.
They're in trouble.
And it is so important that this doesn't fall on deaf ears.
If you've got Terror Storm, or you've got Martial Law, or Order of Death,
Or you tape my local TV show.
Or you can download them on PrisonPlanet.TV.
I want you in there aggressively to be part of this revolution for survival.
That's all it is.
This is a forced revolution against the usurpers.
They overthrew our government.
They took it over.
We're restorationists.
But we have to revolt to overthrow their current system.
And I want that to be peaceful.
And when the enemy makes it physical, which they will do,
They will throw a fit.
They know they're losing.
At least enough people will be awake then that once they start the fight, we can literally mop the floor with them.
It could be quick.
A Ceausescu type situation or what happened in Poland.
There have been many revolutions or what happened in Algeria.
And I'm telling you right now, folks, that's why they're putting in the control grid.
When you see a government, cynically, putting in a Pentagon-designed surveillance tracking grid of the citizens, and saying it's for a revolt, and funding, revolt funding, to suppress the public, what do you think the government was planning years ago when they built this apparatchik?
And said they had to have it fully in place by the fall of 2007.
In the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
And I'm not saying they're going to pull the trigger this fall, but I'm telling you, they said it had to be fully in place.
It is in place.
But it's made up of a wet paper bag.
It's intimidation.
It's the man behind the curtain.
And by what happened in Algeria, I had read about what happened in Algeria.
I'd never seen the battle for Algiers.
That's the capital city of Algeria.
They're on the Mediterranean, big Arabic nation, French colony.
It wasn't the violence at the beginning that caused the French to have to leave.
It was when the mass of people finally just quit going along with it.
It was when the mass knew, it was when 90% knew the French government was criminal and using them and sucking off of them, and the French just had to leave.
See, that's what I want to do.
I don't want to hold up in some house in the woods and shoot a bunch of dumb feds who are just complete little power-tripping soldiers who, frankly, are low-grade morons.
That doesn't hurt the New World Order.
That'll give them martyrs!
Believe me, I don't want cops and feds to be hurt.
I want them to wake up.
And I know some of them are evil and they won't wake up, but a lot of them are and can be woken up.
Now I'm not blaming the Browns, their back is against the wall and they don't have a choice in what they're in.
But see, non-violently, nine people were just found not guilty in a huge multi-million dollar trial in Las Vegas with 160-something counts.
Because the word's out, see, the people, the juries know it's a fraud, which is why the American Bar Association is trying to get rid of that right now.
That's why the American Bar Association itself, for seven years, since 2000, every year at their annual meeting, calls for ending juries.
Because then there's no hope, and the lawyers can just suck off of you and plea bargain you into a pit.
Because the juries are judging the facts as well as the case now.
See, I'm seeing all these indicators, and believe me, I'm a pessimist.
I always try to see the worst possible analysis from our perspective.
And by that I mean I don't try to see the new order's action as bad as possible.
I always underestimate that.
I mean, I try to see the road we've got to go as hard as possible.
And I'm seeing nothing but good indicators everywhere.
I want to go to your calls.
I said I'd go to your calls.
I got tons of news, too.
Got another guest coming up next hour for about 20 minutes.
I'm going to play a clip of him going out and talking to Austinites who are completely dumbed down.
Just to illustrate how far we've fallen.
And then I want to play about five minutes or so from a clip of a gentleman who went to some of the New World Order meetings back in 92, George Hunt, UN, UNICEF, Earth Summit.
And he went to some of these, first learned about it in the late 80s, he was a big environmentalist, big liberal, but successful businessman.
And he, I'm trying to see if he's even still alive, I'm having trouble getting contact with him.
But he went to some of these meetings, and again,
I have the documents.
I have the official UN documents.
I've put them in in-game.
We know this is all true.
But it's to hear his perspective being at the meetings about what they're going to do to us.
And remember, this is 16 years ago.
16 years ago.
So that's all coming up in the next hour as well.
If you realize the power that you have individually out there, and if you simply use it, with your pocketbook, what you buy, who you support, who you don't support, with talking to your neighbors, there's nothing more powerful than making copies of films.
I mean, I'm asking you, get a dual DVD burner, they're maybe a hundred bucks at the electronic store, and buy a bunch of blanks, and just make three or four copies a day.
Give them to people.
Leave them on police car windows.
I don't care.
Just get it out to people now, folks.
This is life and death.
Hold on.
I said I'd do this and we'll get your calls.
I may have to... The guest is in there in the green room.
I might... I'll get him on about ten after.
That way we have time to get your calls.
I said I'd talk about earlier in the last hour.
We know they're orchestrating the financial
Consolidation that's going on right now.
They openly brag they are.
In the establishment publications and then in the mainline stuff they tell us how they're saving us.
Different conduits of info.
But what comes after all this?
That's why I'm very unsettled, very vexed, very disquieting.
Is because they've done everything they said they do.
They keep their promises.
And next we're going to see in the next five years the slow decline, deeper, deeper, deepening recession with utter mind control of them announcing on the news that we're in an uptick while everything's falling apart, as they're doing right now.
And we're just going to see more and more CPS taking children, ruling over one's social workers, ruling over us.
Probably unless we continue to expose government-sponsored terror, that's why it's such a key thing to attack.
They'll stage more terror deposes, saviors to expand their control, launching wars against other nations, other third-world countries, further demonizing the U.S.
name, building the euro up as the world standard.
And then next is controlled bioweapon releases that they'll claim some are natural, others they'll claim shadowy terrorist groups released.
In the first waves, they plan to kill millions.
They may have another preparatory that just kills tens of thousands to create fear, teach you how to be locked down, teach you how to go under quarantine.
And then, as they've got the preachers, 26,000 of them ready for gun confiscation control.
They'll call it civil emergency, then release it, it won't be a big deal.
Oh, see, that wasn't so bad.
Then have another one.
They're kind of Kool-Aid drinking drills is what they have the whole country doing, basically.
Getting you used to doing something that
Is it bad until they actually drop the hammer?
Drop the boom, lower the guillotine?
And then at the end of it, just world government orchestrating neo-feudalism in a highly controlled, totally tracked police state where you've got security zones with high technology and security clearances to even access it.
Literal, physical, techno-spires, for ten years I've given that analogy because it's what I've seen in their literature and what they're building.
They actually will build, you know, the central cities as physical spires and then also the technology will be higher and more advanced in those areas.
Oh, I'm a member of the elite.
I don't get cancer.
I had that fixed when I was five years old.
Or I had that fixed in the womb.
Or I was screened.
I was a screened baby.
The elite openly say they have to separate themselves fully from us so that they can then enjoy life extension.
You think the public's going to put up with elites, and we're talking only 10-15 years with current technology from them having this, that means they probably already have it suppressed, from people being able to live to be about 140?
I mean, if you're 20 years old right now and you're healthy, and you end up with hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth and power, you're going to end up being able to live to like 200, folks.
And if you can live another 100 years, you're not going to die.
Right now.
You understand?
Because by then, it's going to be so advanced.
And that doesn't even mean you'll still be yourself.
But your memories, your data, brain graphs, they've got all... cybernetics, genetic engineering, a lot of the original memories of who you were will be in there.
And you will be, quote, an evolved creature, in their words.
But, I mean, this is it.
That's all the elite talk about.
I mean, the wealthy, the Hollywood, they all go to these private meetings, thousands of them.
This is all they talk about.
This is all they're into.
Endgame covers it.
Well, think about it.
And really, it is a high-tech model of the ancient feudal system, where they're in the castle, they're a foot taller, they live 20 years longer, they're healthy, they got all the food and medicines, and you're in a dirt hovel, starving to death.
See, that's the New World Order.
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Alright, uh, hey, it's not just the callers I haven't been getting to today.
I didn't plug my videos in the first hour, didn't really plug them in the second hour.
Not plugging sponsors, it's like pulling teeth to get me to do that because I just want to keep warning you.
That's my instinct, is to want to go over all this evidence.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lloyd in Canada.
Bruce and Dan hung out.
We'll go to George and Rick.
Lloyd, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Big fan.
Yeah, I just wanted to talk.
Have you heard of the Toronto 18?
It rings a bell.
Tell me about it.
Well, it happened about a year and a half ago.
Oh yeah, that's the teenagers they delivered the ammonium nitrate to.
Yeah, yeah.
What happened, well, actually, an update on their case is their preliminary hearing has been, uh, cancelled.
And they're going straight to trial.
And, uh, basically, you know, the Crown Prosecutor won't say why.
They, uh, you know, it is shaky grounds.
And, you know, so, their proving hearing's over.
They're going about a year before they actually go to trial.
Well, that's what they do.
They arrest these people when it's provocateured.
Remember the black guys in Miami who were literally on city welfare?
It's how they knew their names.
They were black street kids who'd been on the streets since they were like 15.
They were Rastafari dopeheads.
And the FBI came and said, you're Christian fighters.
Here's marijuana and a hundred grand.
We're putting you in a warehouse.
Wear camouflage.
You get more money.
Videotape the FBI building and you get another twenty grand.
And that's all admitted.
And then the news said Al-Qaeda was planning to hit every city.
They were soldiers, black Americans, serving Al-Qaeda.
And it turned out they were retarded black street children, literally, low-grade morons, and then they had to drop it all, but not before an army of soldiers in uniforms, planning to destroy the United States.
Uh, it's just like the FBI went out and found with the BATF, the Viper Motorcycle Gang, a group of white trash, toothless, meth cookers, and said, you know, that name Viper is perfect, we'll make them a militia, and with money and guns and things, the BATF guy became the head of it, and then they were able to say on the news, Viper Militia.
They wanted that word.
I mean, again, these are called stunts.
Anything else, Lloyd?
I know, yeah, I just, uh, you know, I, uh, 9-11 happened on my first day of high school, and, uh, you know, it was a, uh, real eye-opener, because it didn't seem right when it happened, what, what they were telling us.
It's certainly not right, my friend.
Thanks for the call.
George in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I am calling on behalf of Greg Pound of FreeOurKids.com.
Yeah, do me a huge favor and turn your radio off.
Alright, sorry about that.
I just want to be able to hear you.
I want to respect you so you can be heard.
Yes, I'm calling on Greg Pound's behalf.
He was a previous guest of yours.
Yes, we had him on.
Tried to give him as much support as we could.
Yes, he's in court right now fighting for the life of his family.
And I'm trying to get a hold of Governor's Office Charlie Crist.
Who was the Attorney General of Florida at the time when they found these 3,000 kids were missing.
And the woman that took his children to begin with was convicted of lying to send other children, but it doesn't matter.
They're still keeping his, what, three children?
Four children.
Four children.
And the fifth child is being hidden with the wife.
We don't know where she's at.
Yeah, that's right.
The baby they had to flee with, yeah.
I'm asking if we can get callers to call the Governor's office, tell them to back off.
You know, the best thing to do is to actually have Mr. Pound back on, because if I just give a phone number out, nothing's going to happen.
I appreciate your call, George.
I mean, he won't do anything to just... To get our listeners to make calls and take action, we have to... And then...
Thousands of other people are going to call and say, well, make calls for my child.
And that no one would listen if it was just a show giving phone numbers out.
It's all got to be balanced.
I try to expose the child kidnapping.
I try to expose the 3,000 plus children Florida took.
Many of them found dead.
You can't make this stuff up.
Some flown out to the Saudis to enjoy themselves.
It's the pedophile ring, CPS workers.
God help us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in about eight minutes, I'm going to play some audio.
It's on the streets here, background noise, but it's pretty good.
Of all these Austinites, you can watch the video up on prisonplanet.com, it's the same around the country, who don't know what the First Amendment is, who don't know who the Vice President is, who don't know anything.
We're going to be playing some of that coming up and talk to the filmmaker, Lucas Schrader, local Austinite taking action.
I think this is his third film now, and they get hundreds of thousands of views on Google.
Another example of what you could be doing before they shut down the web and start clamping down on free speech there, they're already starting to do to us.
But right now, let's go to Rich in Canada.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hi, go ahead.
I was just wondering about Ahmadinejad coming to the States.
We know there's troops in Iran right now.
How is he even allowed to
Yes, but the United Nations is an international zone.
He tried to go to Ground Zero and they told him no.
He was able to go to the university because it's right by the United Nations and it's a very, very bold
It makes him look like he has a lot of courage.
Action by him.
It makes him look humble.
That's big for the Muslims.
That only made him look good internationally.
Everyone booing and calling him names and insulting him, and then he gets up there and is nice.
And so it's a big blow to America, as usual.
But for the domestic fools, they all love it.
I don't trust Akhmedinejad, by the way.
But the point is, as they say, under every Mullah's skirt is a Union Jack, as our guest said yesterday.
Do you think he would be a puppet of the Illuminati then?
It's all very suspicious, and that would take hours to go through the evidence about how they flew the Eiffel and Khomeini in after the Shah was already basically falling out of Paris to take over.
I mean, why didn't they blow his plane up?
Why didn't they kill him in Paris?
I mean, there's a lot of things going on.
I mean, when you get into intelligence, you get into all this, it's very, very confusing.
I know Ronald Reagan did new arms for hostages deals.
They did pay them to not release the hostages for weapons.
Very suspicious stuff.
I know that Clinton, through Iran, funded Islamist groups in the attack on the Serbs.
As a pretext, there's a lot of evidence they're actually a client state.
But these groups always flip-flop.
It's like Saddam was CIA, then they told him to invade Kuwait, then they set him up when he did.
So you never know.
It's like it's Mafia, and they're constantly shifting.
That's why it's called cloak and dagger.
All I know is the North American Union must fail.
All I know is the Second Amendment must be reaffirmed.
All I know is the CPS is federally controlled and kidnapping children outside the purview of due process and is a criminal organization and the family courts aren't legitimate.
All I know is that Mercury is brain damaging children and I can expose and fight all that.
Yeah, just one more thing, man.
The MySpace is not censoring Prison Planet in Canada.
It's only censoring InfoWars.
So it's just like, when you post a bulletin, it's like www..wars.com?
So, I don't know, maybe it's different up here.
Well, MySpace admits that they have censored, on their page, they admit, they say that Prison Planet and InfoWars are spam and are hacking.
And, uh, because we break major news stories that end up in newspapers all over the country.
No, we are real, legitimate news with a much better track record than the mainstream media, but who are they to say what's news and not?
Who are they to say we can't use the bulletin system to send it out to people that have joined our membership?
You see, people join us, and then they won't let us send bulletins out to our 36,000 friends, which makes it worthless to use.
You understand?
You send bulletins out?
Yes sir, and they're blocking those.
I appreciate your call.
What I suggest you do is go to PrisonPlanet.com and read the lengthy article written about censorship with direct links to MySpace admitting they're censoring us.
Because the neocons are on dig right now saying that they don't censor when they admit they censor.
So these are the issues we're discussing.
Alright, we're going to try to get our guest in studio here after this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones, stay with me.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Lucas Drader is with us at the bottom of the hour, and I'm going to play about 10 minutes of a clip from 92 of a local big environmentalist in Denver, a businessman, who went to some of the globalist meetings and got out of the movement because he found out it was about neo-feudalism.
And a smattering of other news in the last 30 minutes.
We'll also take some calls in if we have time.
But I've met Lucas Grater around town a few times.
I've seen quite a few of the mini-docs and documentaries he's made.
He makes them, puts them out for free on Google and YouTube.
And now he's gone to the next stage.
He's going out with a camera and doing quite a few things.
There's a lot of bus noise.
It's downtown, a little bit noisy, but you can certainly hear it all.
And joining us is Lucas Grater.
Lucas, tell the listeners how you got involved.
Hey, welcome to the New World Order.
And this is some of the other films you've made that people can watch up on Google and YouTube.
And then why this is so important, I've noticed Counterpunch picked it up.
That's a big website, big news site.
Alexander Cockburn, L.A.
Times writer, runs that.
So that's, I mean, I'm glad it's getting attention.
And this is something we did, of course, for Endgame at a limited level.
And I'm going to be doing this more and more.
I'm starting up a new series for my TV show.
I've decided at least once a month to go out and show the ignorance on different subjects with maps and things.
You can say, here's Saudi Arabia, and you can point it, or here's Iraq and point it at Australia, and 80 plus percent will say, let's nuke it, because they don't even know that Saudi Arabia is not an island, neither is Iran or Iraq.
Tell us about yourself, how you woke up, and then about this new little mini-doc.
Well, basically, the first time I heard the term, New World Order, was back in 1985.
I lived in California.
Some friends of mine and we were at a party that got raided by the police and we ran away to my friend's house and his mother said, well you better take advantage of your freedom now because in the future the New World Order is going to put a chip in you and you're not going to be able to do this kind of stuff.
So 1985 was the first time I heard the term New World Order.
I started investigating stuff probably I'd say in the early 90s when the internet first got popular.
I called the Universal Product Code Office to find out about their so-called 666 in the actual product code, and they actually have a documentary that they'll send you in the mail that shows how 666 accidentally got encoded into the UPC code.
And that kind of struck me strange, so I started doing more research into it.
And I put it on the back when I researched.
I really didn't become an expert.
The algorithm has to be 666.
That's right.
Well, it's the guide bars.
The three bars.
Yeah, the three on the bottom is the basic setup for the bars.
So that kind of got me interested in it.
Like I said, I really didn't get active until I saw 9-11 Mysteries was the first movie I saw.
And I realized then that we've already gone past the part of not being able to be active.
You know, you had to actually... So you just got involved lately?
Yeah, well, yeah, I got really involved actively about two years ago.
The first thing I did was that I did the Hank Hill video.
Remember the Hank Hill speaks up?
Yeah, I did that.
Then I just started taking it from there, started talking to people, started trying to educate the public about what's going on.
Then I decided to make The Ultimate Con.
I saw a lot of different documentaries.
I probably saw 50 or 60 documentaries and I realized that everybody was
I'm trying my hardest to debunk the different documentaries, so I decided to make a documentary that you couldn't debunk because it had no theory or conjecture to it.
It was basically just the news clips and articles from that day that everybody missed, and I put it in a way so that people could view it and wake up.
It's really for newbies and beginners.
It's not for the seasoned truther, because we already know all this stuff.
That's the key to the whole thing.
And it's not strawman either that the establishment, their favorite trick, will claim we've said something we haven't said, or have one of their disinfo operatives go out and say ridiculous things, or even laugh at you off the side and go, ah, we're going to get you.
Ah, you know, it's real funny to them.
I had that happen in New York.
I mean, they're admitting they're feds, and they're discrediting us on purpose, and then they'll blame us for what they've done.
But no, this is just their newscast admitting it all.
Yeah, because on the day of September 11th, they didn't
They didn't have quite a handle on all the reporters and all that, and a lot of them slipped up and did things.
Obviously the BBC thing, where they called it 13 minutes before it actually happened.
So there were a lot of slip-ups, and if you had the knowledge how to find this kind of stuff,
I think so.
Yeah, so they've really tried hard.
Right now they're in a process of divide and conquer.
Right now what they're doing is they're trying to, that's where you get what you were talking about when I was on the air with you yesterday, about the whole Vatican thing and all that.
It's like they want to divide us up into smaller little groups, okay?
And they do that by trying to cause distrust.
And all the different, you know, little branches of metal.
And sending Jesse Jackson down to get the blacks and whites fighting.
And between that and the media blitz that's happening, a media blitz is basically when they hit you with one story after the other.
For instance, they talked about Cheney waterboarding, okay?
And then a week later, Mark Foley's scandal comes out.
So they bury the Cheney waterboarding stuff in the Mark Foley scandal.
Another scandal, and another scandal, and your mind never really has a chance to digest all the different scandals.
It just, and most people, that's why people are tuning away from the news, is because they don't want to deal with it.
I want to play part of this nine-minute mini-doc you did, and frankly, you found smarter people than I found.
I went downtown and nicely looked for smart-looking people, and do you know what the North American Union is?
Have you heard of the SPP?
Do you know about NAFTA Gap?
And they were just like, we don't know anything.
These people in business suits and stuff, uh, cops, just I know nothing.
And then tell folks what you found in this latest little video you did.
Well, I asked four questions.
Who's our Vice President?
What year did 9-11 happen?
What does our First Amendment to the Constitution pertain to?
Who is our Secretary of Defense?
And in that, I found that 9 out of 36 people, no, it wasn't 9, no, 7 out of... Now, the answer is Robert Gates is the Defense Secretary.
The answer is September 11, 2001, Dick Cheney, and the First Amendment, of course, is the right of the press, the right of religion, the right to assemble, the right to demonstrate, the right to petition, all of that.
And those are the statistical numbers that a lot of people know.
Well, 7 out of 36 people didn't know who the Vice President was.
And that's what... I don't have the actual percentage in front of me, but... And what was it?
12 out of 36 people didn't know what year September 11th happened in.
That's 33%.
17 out of 36 didn't know what the First Amendment of the Constitution pertained to.
And 33 out of 36 didn't know who the Secretary of Defense was.
And how many people out of the 30-plus you talked to got all the questions right?
Three got all four questions right.
I want to tell you, they've done national polls, and even higher levels, don't know who the Vice President is, even higher levels, was the majority, remember, over the age of 40, didn't know what year 9-11 happened.
AP did that last year.
So, you actually ran into some smart folks.
You know, it's all because of... You become disfranchised with government.
Say you got a... Say you're with a girl and she all of a sudden starts lying to you.
Well, after a while you're going to look at her and say, you know, I don't want to hear anything you have to say anymore.
And that's what the government has done to the American people.
But they want that.
They want us... Just like with rats, disassociating, they found in hundreds of studies that they can shock them, make them cold, make them hot, you know, put noise into the cage, and finally they just get catatonic and roll over on their back with their little pink feet up.
And that's what they want us to do, folks.
We cannot let them do that.
Yeah, they want us to become very disenfranchised with government and just turn our mind off to it so they can do whatever they want in the background, like the Wizard of Oz, basically.
You know, hide behind the curtain and... We've got to start getting to this clip.
We're going to play part of this, come back in the next segment and play a little bit more of it.
I want people to hear the First Amendment question because it's just unbelievable.
This is in Austin, Texas, and when did you shoot this?
Oh, I believe it was on the 20th.
So you just put this together?
Folks, tell them the tagline so they can put it into YouTube and find it.
It's called the Disillusionaries.
The Disillusionaries.
We've got links to it up on InfoWars.com.
Here it is.
Who's our Vice President?
Who's our Vice President?
Right now.
I'm blanking out his name and facial expression.
I'm embarrassed.
I don't know who he is.
Who's the Vice President of the United States?
Who's the Vice President of the United States?
The Vice President?
Um, I forget.
Who's our Vice President?
You think?
Vice President, right now?
And who's our Vice President?
Who's the Vice President of the United States?
I don't know.
What year did 9-11 happen in?
Uh, 9-11?
Nah, that's too long ago.
What year did 9-11 happen?
What year did 9-11 happen in?
Uh, 19, uh, 2011.
What year did 9-11 happen in?
Uh, 2000.
Let me ask you, what year did 9-11 happen?
Uh, I can't say, but I can say around 2000.
And what year did September 11th happen?
2001, I believe.
Okay, and, uh, what's, uh... No, wait a minute, wait a minute, we just have to take that verse.
Hang on, hang on.
So what year?
Uh, 97.
What year did September 11th happen in?
Uh, 2002?
What year did September 11th happen in?
What year did 9-11 happen in?
Uh, okay, more?
Yeah, 9-11, yeah.
What year did 9-11 happen in?
2000 and... Don't help her.
What year did 9-11 happen in?
We'll come back and play a few more minutes of it.
We don't have time to play it all.
You can see the rest at InfoWars.com right now.
Our guest, Lucas Drader, on the other side.
Then I'm going to get into all the other news.
And this interesting clip from back in 1992.
Which, according to these people on the street, happened in 2047.
We'll be right back.
There's a guy coming up who thinks 9-11 happened in 2011.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
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Housing sales fell 6.6%.
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Investors cast doubt on investment banks.
Credit protection insurance for mortgage lenders are skyrocketing due to the increased risk.
The U.S.
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Lucas Drader, I want to thank you for coming in.
We've got to go ahead and play the rest of this clip, then go out to break.
What was it like to have people not even knowing what year it was?
You were going up to normal-looking people.
It wasn't like you were going up to, you know, homeless people that were mentally retarded.
Well, it was pretty discouraging, actually.
You know, there's a whole segment of the U.S.
population that's just completely dumbed down.
Well, they go through life like they're not interfacing with the world, like it's all just entertainment there for them.
And they don't understand that life is about being involved and making change and being dynamic.
I mean, I enjoy life so much, it's like electrical.
I can't believe how good it is.
I can't believe what thought is like and these complex ideas I have.
It's so intricate you can't even describe it.
Meanwhile, these people don't even know what's going on.
Yeah, they're all stuck in their own little bubble.
That's what they've done to our society.
Here's the definition for divide and conquer.
In politics and sociology, divide and rule, derived from Latin, divide and imperia, also known as divide and conquer, is a combination of political, military, and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up
We're good to go.
Yeah, they've broken our whole society up into a whole... And then, at the same time, they say, oh, but the government unifies you all and it's good.
And then they're the arbiter over all the groups.
And it's a form of rule called divide and conquer.
And basically, by getting in there and causing turmoil between a bunch of different groups, I mean, everything you can think of when I go to the different forums and blogs,
People fight about everything now.
Pro-dogfighting, anti-dogfighting, you know, everything.
Well, they're trained to do that.
They're trained to do that.
Listen, we've got to get you back in here sometime.
I want to thank you for coming in, my friend.
Really interesting interview, and we're going to take what you've done and slap this interview on the front of it and get it out there on the web.
Great, man.
We really appreciate you coming in.
God bless you, man.
Let's go ahead and go back to his clip.
You've got to go watch it on the web to get all of the facial expressions and the rest of it and people who think it's 2012.
Here it is.
What year did September 11th happen in?
What does the First Amendment pertain to?
I don't remember.
What does the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
I'm not sure.
What does the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
I have no idea.
What does your First Amendment pertain to?
I don't know.
What does our First Amendment pertain to?
The citizenship of the United States, the freedom.
Okay, yeah, but what does it pertain to?
To the people of the United States.
What does the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
What does our First Amendment pertain to?
The First Amendment.
What does that pertain to?
The First?
What does the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
Uh, I can't remember, but I should know that.
Yeah, everybody should, actually.
What's the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
What's our First Amendment pertain to?
Oh, God, I know that one.
And what does the United States First Amendment pertain to, or the Constitution?
How about the First Amendment to the Constitution?
Do you know what that pertains to?
I don't know which one it is.
What does our First Amendment pertain to?
Oh, First Amendment.
The fourth is freedom of speech.
The first, right to bear arms.
And what does the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
Oh man, you know what?
I can't remember that one.
I get you, sir, man.
What does the First Amendment pertain to?
The First Amendment?
Freedom of speech?
And what's our First Amendment pertain to?
We don't like to wear armor.
What's the First Amendment of the Constitution pertain to?
I have no idea.
Who's our Secretary of Defense?
I don't know.
Who is the Secretary of Defense?
I don't know.
Who is the Defense Secretary of the United States?
I have no idea.
Do you know who the Secretary of Defense is?
I would love to.
Who's our Secretary of Defense?
Uh, it's the...O'Connor, Lisa, Rice?
Who's our Secretary of Defense?
O'Connor, Lisa, Rice.
Who is the Secretary of Defense?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Yesterday, Paul Watson had a headline story on PrisonPlanet.com where now Google admits that they use the built-in microphones and video cameras that are in most of the new computers and many of the old ones to watch you, track you, listen to you, but it's okay.
Only keyword software is getting data.
And the Houston Police Chief wants a camera in every home, but the police can watch you.
That was the Houston Chronicle.
Again, you can't make this stuff up.
And they reported it like it was a normal statement.
Well, people on message boards and other places I saw a few said we were lying about this yesterday, the new development.
We only got it from the company announcing it on the PR Newswire.
AP did cover it by last night.
It did come out after we reported on it.
New service eavesdropping on internet calls.
Talk about every move you make, every breath you take.
And we're going to go over that coming up after I play this video clip, the audio of George Hunt talking about the UN and UNICEF, Earth Summit 1.
This is back in 1992.
This is the neo-feudal system for all of us.
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You can start pre-ordering in about two weeks, but it's not going to ship until November 1st.
It's coming out a little bit later than we thought because we got behind.
You'll be able to see it October 24th at PrisonPlanet.tv, but I digress.
The point is Loose Change 2nd Edition, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions, Riddles in Stone, Jerome Corsi's book The Late Great USA on the North American Union,
All the best books and videos out there that I've read, that I've seen, plus my 16 films, my book, Paul Watson's book's now out of print, but they're all available at InfoWars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
And you can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
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So, 888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com or 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 79704.
Now, feudalism, I should pull up the actual definition, but my definition will be near it.
To paraphrase, is a system of government used in medieval Europe and Japan, that was really used in other places, but the dictionary says that for some reason, of the lords and their designates ruling over the population and keeping them sequestered on certain lands.
It was keeping people on subsistence level, small little swaths, where they were at starvation level, where the elites lived in the armored keeps and controlled them and ruled over them.
And that's what the globalists want to set up again.
So they're talking about Maury Strong, the public occultist, good friends with David Rockefeller, heads up some of the UN agencies to this day.
And this is, George Hunt was a well-known businessman, is a well-known businessman in the Colorado area.
He was an environmentalist.
There are environmental problems.
We should be concerned.
And he went to these meetings and found out they were, quote, taking the whole thing over.
He was a little naive.
They started the whole deal.
They were the first.
Eugenicists founded.
This is in the encyclopedia.
It's in the entry books.
Eugenicists founded genetic engineering.
They founded every major science there is.
They founded conservationism, the term sustainability.
They founded every single one of these movements.
And again, it sounds reasonable, but at the end of the day, it's about total domination, total control by this elite, who then simultaneously own the big genetic engineering firms that are destroying everything.
See, I mean, they're very destructive people.
So, uh, this is powerful stuff.
The whole interview is up on JonesReport.com.
Hey, Aaron!
I'm having to yell through the window because he's got his headset on.
Uh, you got this, uh, George Hunt thing up, right?
It's on Jones Report?
Awesome, good job.
It is on Jones Report, so after the show today, you want to go watch the 35-minute long piece he did, you can do that.
And, uh, we don't have the personnel.
If you want to do a review of his, and maybe write an article and get the accompanying documents that are out there and link to them, because my guys can't do it.
We're too overwhelmed.
This is important stuff that needs to be written about.
That's another thing, um... We have an email address and I forget it.
I know we've been getting some submissions out of it.
Is it submissions?
at InfoWars.com?
Hey Aaron!
Is that web address submissions at InfoWars.com?
Poor guy.
He has to take his headphones off to hear me.
Is that new web address for people to send articles?
They write submissions at InfoWars.com?
And we're getting articles every day by you great men and women out there, so keep it up.
I want to thank you for what you're doing.
This is important.
Because everything he talks about, I've already documented and have my own documents.
It's just interesting to hear from somebody who found out about it in the 1980s by going to their meetings.
Again, here's a few minutes of it.
Today is May 1st, 1992.
The subject of this video message is the
UNCED Earth Summit, the meeting which is to begin on June 1st, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.
The acronym UNCED stands for the United Nations Committee for Environment and Development.
It is pronounced unsaid and perhaps indicating the secret agenda of this meeting.
This is the logo of the Earth Summit.
This is not a dove in their Earth Summit logo.
It is a hand.
And the hand is holding the world with the slogan, in our hands, alongside of it.
In whose hands?
Who is the we in this motto?
The hands of the world order.
These elitists convened this unsaid meeting in the first place, and for a bad purpose.
This video will show strong evidence that the persons running the Unsaid Earth Summit are actually setting a net to place the power over the Earth and its peoples into their hands.
Brave, bold deeds by the citizenry are needed quickly.
Once a government signs their treaties, their citizens are de jure in the hands of the world order.
There's that motto again, in our hands.
Whose hands?
The same world order families that planned World War I and World War II.
That tricked the third world countries to borrow funds and rack up enormous debts.
The same world order that stole much of the money borrowed by Africans and other nations and hid it in Geneva banks.
They are the persons who financed Hitler, manufactured the Holocaust, and managed to blame the terrible deeds on the German people.
They can be credited with manipulating famines in Ethiopia and elsewhere and purposely creating war and death to bring societies into their control.
The World Order crowd are not a nice group of people.
My name is George Hunt.
I'm speaking to you from a video studio in Boulder, Colorado.
I have attended some of the meetings and caucuses leading to the Unsaid Earth Summit.
I am a business consultant and a college teacher in small business management.
I own an environment company too and am very familiar with the environment hypocrisy that the world order crowd has taken over the environment movement.
I am aware of their plans.
Please pardon me as I read my script.
I'm not a professional actor and my memory will not serve me with the things that I want to say.
The World Environment Movement will soon be in the hands of the world order if you and others do not respond with action after you view this video tape.
Action may constitute showing this to five others.
It may constitute showing it to a judge down the street or a city councilman who you know in your town.
Pray for guidance, hoping that something good might come of your actions.
Somebody is going to set the spark off.
I really feel that it is not too late.
When I served as an official host at a key environment meeting in Denver, Colorado in 1987, I was surprised to see David Rockefeller, Edmund de Rothschild, Secretary of State Baker, then Secretary of the Treasury, Maurice Strong, Waste Company Chairman and EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus,
UN Secretary General in Geneva, McNeil, and various World Bank and IMF officials there.
What were the rich elite and bankers doing at an Environment Congress?
Listen carefully.
I will now attempt to show you how their enactments will work against you.
Trust and foundation income is the cornerstone of the world order.
They command politicians to do their bidding.
And presidents, judges, and legislators lick their boots.
Their swollen egos and bellies are never satisfied and their lust for more is insatiable.
Now world power and authority is in their grasp.
Are we going to give it to them without a confrontation?
Or, like they did to the Germans, will they blame the environment holocaust on you and get away with it?
What is the World Summit meeting and who is behind it?
The UNSED World Summit, that's U-N-C-E-D, World Summit, is a key event in a series of environment meetings which have occurred since 1972.
Maurice Strong, a UN official and an employee of the Rockefeller and Rothschild Trusts and Projects, convened the first Congress in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972.
Twenty years later, Maurice Strong is the Secretary General and Convener of UNSED.
In the 1970s and 1980s, numerous conferences created political action decrees, eventually to lead to the UNSED Earth Summit.
I attended two meetings in Colorado in 1987 and 1991.
Friends attended others in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Des Moines.
Here's a paper from the Des Moines meeting where Maury Strong was in charge.
Representative Gephardt's telephone number appears on the meeting documents.
Here are some phrases from the document of the Secretariat for World Order which were distributed at the Des Moines unsaid meeting.
We are the living sponsors of the great Cecil Rhodes will of 1877.
In which Rhodes devoted his fortune to the extension of British rule throughout the world.
And colonization by British subjects of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.
We stand with Lord Milner's credo,
We too are British race patriots, and our patriotism is the speech, the traditions, the principles, the aspirations of the British race.
Do you fear to take this stand?
You know what?
Go ahead and record the whole thing.
I'm going to air that in parts this week, John.
It's too important.
Now, Lord Milner, when you read Tragedy and Hope, Carol quickly admits that the Milner Group financed and funded Hitler to wreck Europe.
This guy, George Hunt, had done his research in 92.
I'm just now discovering all this.
Now, I knew the British and US banks funded Hitler, but not beforehand.
I mean, before he even came to power, they knew everything was going to happen.
These are smart people.
And again, Clinton's Rhodes Scholar.
In with the Bushes.
Bush is now saying he's advising Hillary.
And they're nuts, folks.
I mean, they are nuts.
They want to kill 80 plus percent of us, and we are in deep trouble.
And this is what they gave out at the meeting!
This is, he's there!
David Rockefeller's there!
They're handing these out, I have these documents!
You can't make this stuff up, and you try to go tell a cop, hey, they want to overthrow America, it's a best-selling book by David Rockefeller, he says it, and the cop will just say, shut up!
You're a liar!
I'm not saying all the cops, but that's why I get so mad!
Look at this, global majority wants action on climate change, Reuters.
Schwarzenegger urges UN to move on climate change.
Pope to make climate action a moral obligation.
It's the global tax.
It's total control.
It's one child policy.
We'll come back and finish up with this.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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I knew we were in trouble on Live Earth Day when they had all the continents, all the big cities, the rock bands, the movie stars.
And then they cut to the Vatican with a religious service to save the Earth and stabilize the climate.
It's a global tax and they're going to have a billion Catholics now line up and go along with this eugenics agenda.
But I guess the old rat singer was Hitler Jugend so it fits in.
Pope to make climate action a moral obligation.
The Pope is expected to use his first address to the United Nations to deliver a powerful warning over climate change and a move to adopt protection of the environment as a moral cause for the Catholic Church and its billion-strong following.
And it says the New York speech is likely to contain an appeal for sustainable development.
See, that means government regulating how you live, everything you do, and it will allow an unprecedented
We're good to go.
Rich and poor nations must get over their disagreements about how to fight climate change.
See, total fraud, not man-made, not a problem.
And forge a new pact to replace the Kyoto Protocol, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said Monday.
And now they're announcing, we want fines if you have more than one child.
If you want to remodel your house in England, you've got to get government certifications and pay special fines and promise it'll be green.
See, feudalism, serfdom, controlling growth, ruling over you.
Here's another PR propaganda.
Global majority want action on climate change.
There's all these Hollywood movies, Day After Tomorrow, the rest of it.
Almost two-thirds of the world's people say there must be urgent action to tackle global warming.
A poll by BBC World Service showed 65% of 22,000 people polled in 21 countries.
I don't believe that poll for a minute.
But regardless, if 60-something percent love Lucifer, it doesn't mean I'm going to fall down in worshiping.
We're in deep trouble, folks.
They are moving big time with global tax.
That's what this is.
And that's why Endgame is such an important film.
The film's been done for weeks.
It's been mastered.
The cover's done.
All that's done.
I'm always so busy that I never do the proper promotion after a film's done.
But the trailer for Endgame is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
There's a big banner right up at the top.
And I'm asking you to forward that page around to everybody.
Because I beat my brains out making these films.
And I've spent more money on this film, more time, more energy.
It's heads above everything I've ever made.
It is so important.
It's really three films in one.
It covers it all.
It covers their master plan.
It's done professionally.
It must be seen by everyone.
It must be seen by everyone now.
I mean, we have got to get this out to people now.
And when it comes out at the end of October, I want everybody to get it.
And so please get the trailer, get it out to everyone you know.
I need your help.
We're being censored by every major website out there, all the big ones, because we're hurting them, we're growing, we're having an effect.
And by the way, when the show ends in about one minute, I want everybody to know you can go to InfoWars.com if you miss the first hour on your AM or FM station or shortwave or internet.
Well, you can just go tune in, or satellite, you can go tune in at Infowars.com, and for the next 21 hours, we're going to restream the show consecutively, as we do now.
So if you missed that first hour, where I went into how we're being censored, I went into Bush, and all the news about the homosexuality,
I gotta do a bunch of key news in that first hour.
Very important hour.
So if you missed it, please record it.
Give it to people.
Help us get the word out.
So, the show starts again in 70 seconds when the show ends.
You go to the InfoWars.com stream.
You can listen right there.
And please spread the word about the broadcast.
We're being censored.
We need your help.
This is a life and death situation.
We've got to get the word out to more people.
And frankly, I think we're doing the best job out there.
Doesn't mean we're perfect, but frankly, we're doing the best job out there.
So we need your continued support, and we need you to redouble your efforts to spread the word.
Get out there!
Take on the New World Order!
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