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Name: 20070921_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 21, 2007
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Kidding, talk radio.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the 20th day of September 2007.
If you were looking for the InfoWar, if you were looking for the front lines in the fight for liberty and freedom worldwide, the tip of the spear, my friends, you have parachuted right into the middle of it.
I'm Alex Jones, your InfoWarrior.
Here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Going out on a growing list of wonderful AM and FM affiliates across the country.
The latest 1330 out of Cameron, Texas covering Waco and much of Austin, Texas.
1330 AM, simulcasting on three different satellites, the Internet at Infowars.com and PrismPlanet.com, and WWCR, 11 to 2 Central, and retransmitted 9 to Midnight Central.
That's when the network retransmits us is 9 to Midnight, then again at 1 AM to 4 AM.
But you can listen 24 hours a day to the Internet streams.
21 hours a day, we restream until the live show starts again, and that's at 2 p.m.
If you missed any of the show, you can always tune in and listen during the restreams, the refeeds, or you can simply go to InfoWars.com and subscribe to the free podcast through your MP3 or iPod device and listen how you want, where you want, when you want, giving you full control.
Not just over when and how you listen, but also when it comes to sharing it with others.
All right, very important broadcast.
As the events get more and more serious, as things accelerate, every day just gets more amazing here.
Every day we're seeing bigger financial moves than a few years ago we would see in a full year.
I mean, the events taking place every day are earth-shaking when it comes to the financial world.
And then, of course, the financial world touches us in every sector of our lives and every other facet of society.
So we'll be going through that.
Fears of dollar collapses.
Saudis take fright.
Dollar hits new all-time low against the Euro every week.
The further plunge continues.
Bernanke, federal act to curb fallout of credit bills.
Yeah, give us more rope to have a longer drop.
Oil hovers at 82 a barrel on worries of supply crunch.
Total propaganda.
retailers see weak growth this holiday season.
Dollar tumbles against the Canadian dollar.
It's now worth more than the dollar for the first time in history.
This is what we're dealing with, but the yuppies are dancing around as the stock market went up, which is an illusionary gauge, an illusionary graph, an illusionary meter, an illusionary speedometer, however you want to put it.
I first discovered this about eight years ago.
This is what I'm going to cover first.
We'll get into financial news, bottom of the hour, in about 25 minutes.
I first saw this in Tucson, Arizona in the Star, there in their paper.
I then saw it in Texas.
I then saw it in New York, California.
Then England.
And I would cover mainline news articles eight years ago and get emails and calls and people would laugh at me and say that I was making this up.
They wouldn't go check out my claims.
They would just say it wasn't true.
Here's WorldNet Daily, folks.
Highway Checkpoint asked drivers for blood, saliva, travelers outraged by private research group's request.
And they had police there trying to intimidate them, trying to threaten them into giving blood and saliva.
And then, of course, the public's ignorant.
It's not saliva.
They're swabbing the inner cheek, the largest cells in the body.
It's like an amoeba single cell, and thousands of times the size of a red blood cell.
Well, they're not amoeba sized, but they're big.
Inside the cheek.
And that's where they get them, for their DNA databases.
And so, this is back in the news.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all part of the National DNA Database, International DNA Database.
Get into this.
If you're 34 years old, you're in it.
We'll explain why and how when we get back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, we got SWAT teams raiding the Amish.
Terrorizing children.
We've got the police out trying to tell people they've got to give blood and saliva checkpoints, randomly.
This has been going on a long time.
It's back in the news.
They admit that the pneumonia vaccine has spurred a superbug that's killing children.
That's Fox News, but hey, just keep taking the injections, you know.
Wired News, a wired Russian mind.
Says control research behind Department of Homeland Security contract and mind control.
It says in a dungeon-like psychological research institute in Moscow.
I mean, it's hardcore, folks.
And we've got autistic teen tasered.
They love going after folks that can't really respond.
It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on here.
German government publication promotes pedophilia as health, as healthy and sex ed.
That sounds like the U.S.
Unbelievable here, ladies and gentlemen, the news that I've got in front of me.
Congress investigating corruption of the State Department.
That's just some of what's in that stack.
Then I've got the financial news and so much more.
I do want to go over a lot of the great questions too that have been posed to me on the PrisonPlanet.com forum.
But right now, let's just go ahead and get into checkpoints.
I couldn't believe it in 1999.
When I saw the Tucson Star at first, it said the police would randomly pull people over at checkpoints and then they would say that we're going to take blood from you on the side of the road.
And it got in the news because somebody refused and they beat him up.
Now mind you, this isn't they're taking to jail and they're demanding blood.
This is blood on the side of the street.
And the cops were in the article going, hey, it's just blood out of your finger.
It's just a small little needle.
It isn't into a vein or artery.
Can you imagine pulling up and there's cops with needles?
In this one case, it was in the dark.
They had flashlights, and they just beat the daylights out of him, charged him with resisting, and that was the end of it.
And people couldn't believe it.
Then, I started talking to Mike Hanson and others, when he was driving in from Gonzales, where he lives, back to Austin, where he also has a home.
And how, and I talked to other people I know, how they just set up checkpoints down that major highway, and now it's happening all around Austin, and they have text out there, and the cops say, you will answer the questions.
And then they block a couple of lanes of traffic, and then back it up for miles to do questionnaires, and they order you to answer it.
People say, well there's no law, I got a Fifth Amendment.
You know, there's a few Americans, maybe out of a hundred, that know about the Fifth Amendment.
You don't have to answer questions of some bureaucrat.
This isn't Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.
Or Chinese, Communist China?
Communist Chinese system?
But they don't care, they just order it.
Now, before I get into this article, what do you think they do with the vaccines?
Every year, in August, starting around August 1st, it is in every newspaper in the country.
I mean, I've randomly checked newspapers, it's everywhere.
It's on every TV station, in every town, every city.
Thousands and thousands of reports, almost every day, saying report to Zilker Park if you're in Austin, report to this gymnasium, report to the DC Community Center, report to the... And they'll announce on the news, it's the law, you've got to get your shots or no school, and you're arrested if you don't.
There is no law, you've got to take any vaccines.
But they get up on TV and they announce, it is the law, you will be arrested.
We've played 30, 40, I don't know, of different TV reports here on air where they say, it's the law, it's the law, it's the law.
And I've actually called up Austin news stations and I've said, let me guess, is that package news that was sent down by ABC or CBS, NBC, whatever station I've called?
I've called them all.
And they'll go, yeah, yeah.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Oh, you were talking to the news director at the time.
And they'll say, yeah, Alex, how you doing?
I like the show.
And I go, oh, you like the show?
What are you doing running those news packages?
Well, you know, they're news packages.
They come in with the video and the text.
And with downsizing, we just read off what they say.
And I go, but you know there's no law to take shots.
And they'll usually say, well, I'm just doing my job.
I'm not going to debate that with you.
Or they'll say, well, don't you think shots are good?
Shouldn't we try to get people to take them?
Yeah, let's lie to people because it's for their best interest.
You see, where is it going to end?
I mean, if they get on the news and say, we're going to take your children, and at some hospitals, they do take them.
There's no law.
But the hospital just says, that's neglect, not giving a shot, and they take your children.
Now, at wealthy hospitals and upper middle class hospitals, they don't, because around 40%, I've talked to the doctors here locally, wealthy people in the upper middle class are educated, and they don't.
Janie McCarthy, the Hollywood star,
She's got a book out right now about how her third child, you know, got autism from the shots.
I mean, you're not going to cover this stuff up.
You're not going to be able to cover it up forever.
When we go from 1 in 25,000 people having it, to 1 in 75.
Again, last year it was 1 in 168.
And I make this point because it's such an important public service announcement.
When you go see Ratatouille at the movie theater with your children, my children have been to, I think, two movies.
They've been to, because I don't want to totally not let them have any experience, you know, of cinema.
We don't let them watch television, except maybe once every two weeks or so now.
But usually it's some documentary about whales or monkeys or wolves, but... To make a long story short, I'm digressing, you go to Ratatouille, and I'm not kidding, folks,
There were probably 30 autistic children in there of a theater of about 250.
I mean, they were everywhere.
Lines of them.
The whole front row in their wheelchairs.
And then the lesser brain damaged as you went back.
And I sat there while my wife had the children in the bathroom after the showing and I was watching them come out.
And yeah, it was more than one in 75.
I mean, when there's half of us can't talk?
Are we going to say there's a problem?
20 years ago, there might be one autistic child in a big high school.
Now they'll have 3, 4, 5 rooms full of them at medium sized schools.
They'll have 30, 40, 50 at a school of a thousand.
Just since I was in high school, 16 years ago,
You go to high school events, you go see some family member graduate, there's autistic children wall to wall.
You know, you're out there, you see it.
Now, there's no law you gotta take those mercury filled shots, but they'll tell you all day there is.
There's no law you gotta answer questions at checkpoints, but they'll, you get up and they're gonna taser ya!
And they're gonna charge ya!
After you flop around on the side of the brush, a fire ant's biting your body.
They're going to go ahead and put a resisting arrest on you.
If you're lucky.
And those cops, they don't care.
They give their children the injections.
They'd buy into the whole thing.
Highway Checkpoint asks drivers for blood, saliva, travelers outraged by private research group's request.
This is World Net Daily.
Motorists in Colorado are expressing outrage over a weekend stunt.
Notice how it's always a stunt.
Every time there was a Delta Force drill taking over a city, it was always the first time it had happened.
They always told the locals.
It was always an accident.
It was always a stunt.
And if you've studied it, there have been thousands of such drills.
Thousands that I know of.
Literally 30, 40, 50, sometimes 100 a month, and that's going back 10 years.
Every town, medium size and up in the country.
You know, what does it have to do with blood checkpoints?
See, just, once you learn the propaganda, you see it everywhere.
And I'm not saying World Daily's involved in it, they're regurgitating what the authorities told them.
See, they all have psychological handbooks on how to handle you, what to say, how to phrase it all.
Motorists in Colorado are expressing outrage over a weekend stunt in Gilpin County, about an hour's drive west of Denver, where highway checkpoints were set up so a private organization could ask for samples of blood and saliva.
I don't think they're authorized to do what they're doing.
No, they stop you where you're going, they block you with the police, you are under arrest, you are detained.
That's what state law says, in federal.
When the lights go on, you're under arrest.
Folks, they arrest you, and then make you talk to a bureaucrat.
I don't think they're authorized to do what they're doing.
Well, if you knew your rights, Roberto Sequeira, you would.
And he obviously does, to some extent, more than most Americans, because he understands that.
He doesn't know exactly why, though.
And I view it as a gross violation of law enforcement protocol,
No, see, they can change protocol any day, but the Bill of Rights, they can't, Roberto.
51 told reporters for the Denver Post.
He said he and his wife were detained for about 15 minutes, even after they protested they wanted to get home because of a sleepy child in their car.
You're not leaving!
You're under arrest!
Just like those cops in Indiana beat up that city councilman and the news claimed the councilman started a fight.
After the Councilman got in a fight, cops took him down.
When the fight was the cops attacking him from behind.
See the mind control spin there?
They don't even call this an arrest in the Denver Post or World Net Daily.
They just say, oh well, they got stopped for 15 minutes, wouldn't let them go.
Sheriffs' officials, see how every word is propaganda.
They're not officials, they're servants.
They're public servants.
But see, they removed that term.
Sheriff's officials were apologizing after they helped set up and run five separate checkpoints over the weekend.
They said drivers for the Institute for Research and Evaluation
That workers from the Institute for Research and Evaluation were overly persistent in their demands of innocent travelers.
Of innocent travelers.
There were cops there.
It's the same thing.
This has been going on for eight years, I know of.
And the cops will say, what's wrong?
Get the blood.
Oh, you're hiding something.
Let me search.
And it goes on into all that.
This is how they operate.
This is what they do.
This is who they are.
Look, they're telling you it's the law to take shots and they'll take your kids when there's no law?
Of course they're gonna be out there trying to literally suck your blood!
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Welcome back.
The bigger story here isn't just that they're out there at a checkpoint holding families for over 15 minutes demanding they get blood and breathalyzer samples.
It's that they then try to spin it and say, well, our officers were out there, but we weren't really stopping people.
Oh, come on.
You beat people up when they don't do it.
I mean, it's been in the news before.
And it goes on here to describe it, uh, the group doing the testing said, uh, peer officials, they're officials, C2.
The people just from the survey group are officials now.
They're always officials.
You're a civilian.
They all call themselves military now.
And you're a civilian.
They said such statistics are important to gauge the impact of laws and enforcement policy to see who's on drugs.
What's happening?
Their questions began over the summer and will continue at other locations around the nation through November, they said.
And they say, what's the big deal?
We've been doing this to thousands of people, said John Lacey of the Alcohol Policy and Safety Research Center.
And it goes on, the families begged to leave and were told they weren't allowed to go.
And so they repeatedly asked if they could leave.
The law enforcement official said he was not
Interested in leaving, but was told he could not leave.
It's just going to get worse and worse and wait until it's foreigners that are all the cops.
And the troops are already a huge portion of them, a huge percentage is already foreigners.
It's going to be biblical, man.
Oh, man.
You talk about being slaves.
I mean, I laugh about it because
It's all so over the top.
By the way, I have four or five articles along these lines today.
Don't have time to cover them all, I'm sorry.
I'm just going to cover one.
But you can type vaccine reaction, vaccine death into Google every day and read hundreds of mainstream articles if you'd like.
But it never gets on the big nightly news.
It's kind of back burner and maybe 5% of people actually read news on the web.
I think what they say, like 14% of Americans read one book a year or something.
And the rest don't even read books.
So, you know, it doesn't exist.
Just take the injections.
Pneumonia, vaccine, spurs, superbug, infecting children.
Kind of like the swine flu killed tens of thousands.
That vaccine, but that was kept quiet.
Nah, just enjoyed.
Chicago Associated Press.
A vaccine that has dramatically curbed pneumonia.
See, it's good.
And other serious illnesses.
Really, I just happened to see a statistic a few months ago that pneumonia is at all-time levels in the U.S.
And people are getting all sorts of strange pneumonia, it's almost killing them.
One of the people that works in this office, dad almost died from a super pneumonia.
And they're saying it's these drug related ones.
No statistics, no facts, they just say pneumonia's down.
No, actually it's increasing.
A vaccine that has dramatically curbed pneumonia and other serious illnesses in children is also having an unfortunate effect, promoting new superbugs that cause ear infections.
But don't worry, they have an injection for that.
On Monday, doctors reported discovering the first such germ that is resistant to all drugs approved to treat children and ear infections.
Nine toddlers in Rochester, New York have had the bug, and researchers say it may be turning up elsewhere, too.
I'll give me a break.
It is a strain of strep bacteria not included in the pneumonicological vaccine.
And it's Reece Prevnar, which came on the market in 2000, is recommended for children under age two.
Doctors say parents should continue to have their toddlers get the shots.
Doesn't tell you what doctors.
It just says doctors, you know, from the drug companies.
And the vaccine prevents serious illnesses and even saves lives.
But the new
Resistance scrub is a worry, and it goes on to say that, yeah, the vaccine caused it, but that's okay.
And it says antibiotics caused the problem to begin with, but hey, you know, who doesn't like flesh-eating bacteria?
That's nothing, though, to the live virus vaccines.
And I was just walking through the radio station, suddenly, and there was the statesman with a woman that took it and killed her.
It was an Ebola-like death of days of tortured pain as it ate her body.
Autoimmune response.
She took an experimental live virus.
They say the next wave, they say all the vaccines are going to be special live virus shots.
Like the HPV, but they got ads with happy girls jumping around.
It must be good.
I mean, the government wouldn't lie or hurt you.
The government cares about you.
That's why they're hiring Russian mind control experts to help run Homeland Security.
That's why they hired the former head of the Stasi, the East German secret police to help set it up.
Or Primakov, the former head of the KGB.
Because our government is run by really good people.
The same folks that ran the Russian Revolution.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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By the way,
There are more than 100,000 Amish in Illinois and Ohio alone.
And a few years ago, I had a well-known medical doctor on to go over those public statistics from Chicago.
Was it Dr. Feisenstein?
And did you know there's not one case in those two Amish communities
Of Illinois and Ohio, not one case of autism.
And you know, they have a longer lifespan than the people that live in the cities.
And they have no major medical treatment.
No futuristic, modern treatment.
Doesn't matter though, the CPS nationwide, doesn't matter if it's from Kansas to Connecticut,
They are going after all the Mennonite and Amish communities big time everywhere.
And that's forced the Amish and the Mennonites now to start going on YouTube, start defending themselves, start buying video cameras.
And I agree, they should detest the video cameras, they should detest computers, they are all very dangerous and have been used for great evil.
But you're going to have to use them or you're going to be destroyed.
You're going to have to fight fire with fire or it's over for you.
It's real simple.
You've got to keep them sequestered and isolated.
I mean, I envy your lifestyle, quite frankly.
But you have to use this stuff to fight the New World Order.
By the way, I love technology, but I understand how it destroys community, how it destroys family, and how it is designed by its architecture, the way it was used to do bad things.
And to see them under attack,
Because they don't want their children to be taught pedophilia in the schools.
As it is taught, I have news articles today, because they don't want their children to be taught how to smoke marijuana and snort cocaine.
And that's what the schools are.
They really teach you how to do that and put you in prison when you're dumb enough to use it.
They teach you how to feel inadequate and need to wear, you know, all of the fancy clothes and dress like whores when they're ten.
And they don't want, uh,
Their children end up going to prison or end up brain damaged and the New World Order's got another plan for them.
So that's something we should do some shows on is how they're attacking the Amish.
I've got a clip.
One of the first times the Amish are actually going on television to defend themselves because of the attacks that they're under in Jefferson County.
This is on a WTOV 9 television.
And then we've also got the Amish uploading stuff to YouTube now.
I think what the Amish ought to do, if they want to keep technology out of their communities, is they should barter, as they've always done with the outside, with a liaison local patriot, but someone they've known their whole lives, someone who lives on the edge of the boundaries of the Amish lands, and then use that Ron Paul type, and they're everywhere, especially in these rural areas, as a liaison to be their reporter, to be their go-between,
And that's what happened here.
They called in somebody they knew to do it and go upload it.
And that's good.
So I would tell... I know the Amish listen.
I know you're not really supposed to have radios and be listening, but I know a lot of you do listen.
That's good.
And the Mennonites are a little more free with technology, a little more reasonable it seems like.
I know they listen.
And you just better start doing that or it's over for you.
It's over for everybody, period.
I mean, they got checkpoints now sucking blood out of families, but... I mean, we're just entering the gates of hell here.
And, uh...
I tell the Amish, too, don't go to FEMA camps and don't go along.
I would be getting guns.
Just to defend yourselves, because they really see you with all that prime property you've got and it's put in the news, they're trying to take your land all over the country.
I'm already digressing off into the Amish.
I'm so sick of watching the New World Order have their way with people over and over and over and over again.
Oh boy.
So we'll go over that coming up here.
I want to tell you about a sponsor, then I'm going to get into the financial news.
And I've got a lot of other police state news like this one.
Millions of CCTV cameras in England, yet 80% of crime unsolved.
Less crime is solved now in England than before they put in 4 million cameras in London and over 10 million nationwide.
But if you push an intruder, if you even push them while they're raping your wife, you go to prison and then they sue you to get your house.
The government comes after you if you resist in any way.
The Britoners, the British, are being trained to completely and totally be submissive, groveling worms.
In fact, George Harrison chanted Hare Krishna while they were beating up and trying to rape his wife a few years ago before he died.
He was dying of cancer at the time.
He finally broke a lamp.
You go read the press reports over the guy, and then he got in trouble.
When someone's stabbing your wife, you don't fight back!
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The banner of course is on the right hand side again of www.prisonplanet.com
All right, let me get into the news, the financial news right now.
The next hour I'll get into all the other police state and war news and Achmed Dinegi news.
But right now, let me just get into the financial stack.
Now, the globalist controllers, the social architects, know that the average American thinks on a day-to-day basis.
So, the central bank
Bernanke, head here in the U.S., the head of the Bank of England, the head of the Exchequer in England, the head of the German Central Bank, the head of the French and the Swiss Central Banks, they all came out last Friday through yesterday, and they're still doing it today, saying the dollar is over, the dollar won't be the world reserve currency anymore, it looks like it'll be the Euro, the stock market's going to have big trouble next year.
I know I've already covered this, but I'm recapping before I get into the new news.
Housing prices are going to go down by 10 to 30 percent.
The economy is not growing fast.
Inflation could be hyperinflationary.
It's going to get worse.
Ten years ago, Greenspan said one of those things the economy would have tanked.
Now they are all piling on, putting up the worst news they can.
They know exactly what they're doing, while simultaneously they know that will make all the investors start dumping in major
Credit problems and major flight from the dollar.
But then there's that layer in the financial publications, and then on CNN and Fox, Greenspan says we're going to do fine for the general public.
See, there's different levels of propaganda.
For the somewhat educated, they just come right out and say, kill the economy.
But for the general public, Fox News Limbaugh, Greenspan's great.
He loves us.
He cares about us.
He said cut the interest rates and Bernanke did it.
But it's only a short-time fix.
It's going to get tough later.
They're trying to save us, but it's our fault as Americans that we're lazy that this is going to happen.
So see, they're pre-positioning themselves as the saviors, as the economy continues to tank, while they openly make the dollar plunge to new levels, trying to push it down under the waves, but it's been so buoyant that it keeps coming to the surface, but now it looks like it's gone under a mark that it's just going to keep falling now.
It's not pretty.
And quite simply, this is done because you have the A-level banks, the real banks that control the governments, that issue the currency and issue the credit, and they opened up the floodgates more than ten years ago, unlimited lending, wild-eyed lending, and then in the last two years, they started saying, oh, what horrible policies of the U.S.
and British and French governments, when the governments don't run that policy.
The Federal Reserve, the central banks do.
And then they start shutting down basically the brokerage houses, the different groups that are out there, getting the credit from the very central banks that issue it, and then going out and getting the general public into debt.
And all they're doing now is blowing out their competition.
All the central banks are doing right now is artificially restricting credit, artificially cutting off the spigot,
Popping the real estate bubble, which has been a cash sink.
That was keeping the dollar somewhat afloat, because even though the dollar had been massively devalued, we hadn't seen the major inflationary trends.
It was still massive, but nothing like the ultra-massive stuff we're seeing now, because you were able to still put it into overvalued real estate.
But, see, that wasn't completely fiat like the Federal Reserve, no.
Or like stocks.
And so they're trying to get you out of real assets, and they've done a pretty good job of that because now when they pop the real estate bubble, which is now imploding, then they're going to try to artificially destroy that value and then pick it up for pennies on the dollar.
But that's only a small part of it.
The federal government has massively increased the debt ceiling.
Meaning they're going to issue more treasury bonds and treasury notes and different types of U.S.
government securities, meaning that they're going to raise the debt ceiling and let the big central bankers issue even more debt, which then we have to pay interest on the national debt for.
It's a really sick system.
The bankers credit out of nothing, they now get to
Again, there's so many angles to this, but bottom line, two months ago they stopped letting the brokerage houses, they stopped letting the big companies that bundled up and sold the millions of housing loans in the Ponzi scheme, they're not buying those loans.
And so that creates the credit crunch because the money isn't flowing through.
Then the very central banks that did that stand around acting like they're bailing the economy out when they've already stolen trillions of dollars.
Then they pump in four hundred and something billion back into
Some of these smaller banks, which actually have to pay those back as loans later, and those very loans, that very money, is backed up by the taxpayers.
So basically, it's just a total fiat scheme with paper that these handful of families get to issue to everybody, and then they orchestrate the implosion of the economy, pose as the saviors, and consolidate all the wealth.
And the Financial Times of London put that pretty simply yesterday, but I was trying to get into more of the facets and more of the details of it.
But when you're standing around with a know-it-all liberal or conservative, you know, yuppie type, and they're going, just thank God for Greenspan coming in when he did.
I don't like that Bernanke.
They're all lockstep together, just slap that yuppie verbally upside the head and go, you idiot!
Who do you think gets real assets and gets to gobble up all these mortgage brokerage firms and gets to gobble up all these hedge funds with hundreds of billions apiece of loans in them?
They literally, the big central banks are just creating a credit crisis so they get to gobble it all up and then it gets backed up by the government which is backed up by us and then the bankers sell it as if it's something you demanded a lower interest rate
So that it spurs more lending, which then only drives the dollar down even further.
And at the end of the day, this diabolical plan is carried out, and the general public is thanking Alan Greenspan and talking about how wonderful he is.
Meanwhile, their traitorous, un-American, hateful thing... I mean, it's one thing if they're going to have a fiat system.
And they were good guys.
It'd be dangerous.
It'd be volatile.
It'd be corrupt.
It would destroy our value.
It would destroy your savings.
It's a horrible hidden tax.
But it'd be one thing if they tried to keep it going, and tried to ease it in, and, and, and, uh... But no, they're up there screaming, the dollar's gonna plunge, the economy's gonna fall apart.
They're up there trying to kill the economy so they can consolidate, while out of the other side of their mouth saying they're saving it.
I mean, that is so sick!
It's just like they carry out 9-11, and we've got to sit there and watch them pose as saviors.
It just gets too rich.
Fears of dollar collapse as Saudis take fright.
London Telegraph, Saudi Arabia has refused to cut interest rates and locked up with the U.S.
Federal Reserve for the first time, signaling the oil-rich Gulf Kingdom is prepared to break the dollar currency peg in a move that risks setting off a stampede out of the dollar across the Middle East.
Now, neocons put out this info that we've got to attack Iran because they've dumped the dollar.
They did that years ago.
Iran is nothing compared to Saudi Arabia.
And, but again, they're going to blame all this, as they're doing, on the Iranians, when it's our good buddies, the Sauds, that are doing it.
Why do you think Dick Cheney is moving to Saudi Arabia and getting another house in Dubai?
They're all leaving, folks!
I mean, almost every corporation is leaving now.
You thought they were leaving before.
They are in full stampede flight right now.
They talk about how they love America.
But it doesn't matter.
That's all that matters.
As long as they just say that, the yuppies fall down.
And worship them.
This is a very dangerous situation for the dollar, said Hans Redeker, currency chief at BNP.
Saudi Arabia has 800 billion, 400 billion pounds in their future generation fund.
We'll be right back folks.
It's all happening right now.
Greenspan said dump the dollar on Sunday.
The Saudis followed suit on Wednesday.
We're getting hit hard.
The U.S.
is going down!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, I've explained this with too much detail.
Let me just break it down simply.
The central banks took over the United States in 1913.
They set up state police.
They federalized everything.
They set up a globalist system to destroy any
Independence of a nation by getting our infrastructure completely moved offshore, our jobs moved offshore, our high-tech jobs.
They told us, oh, you'll have a service economy.
Don't worry, you've still got the world reserve currency.
Then we used our worthless dollars that got us more in debt, because to create them creates debt, folks.
It's a black hole.
It's designed to do this, to buy Chinese slave goods that don't work half the time and are covered in poison paint.
The very bankers that got us fully in their clutches
Came out on the weekend and announced the dollar was going to die.
And Venezuela dumped the dollar yesterday.
Saudi Arabia is not pegging itself.
It's oil reserved for the dollar.
That's the only thing that backed it up.
Folks, I mean, this is... It doesn't matter, folks, on Neocon Radio.
They're just going to talk about Nuke and Iran all day.
And they even say, well, it's about getting our dollar back up.
They even tell them that lie.
It's the Saudis doing this.
It's Alan Greenspan that announced it was going to go down.
It's them doing it, not the Iranians!
The enemy is here, inside the country, running things out of New York and D.C.
What does it take for you people to understand that?
You don't care, though.
You just want to stick George W. stickers on your car.
You want to stick Hillary Clinton stickers on your car.
You want to drive around and feel official and powerful and just believe the stuff you read in the newspaper and see on TV.
If you'd wake up, we could turn it around.
Let me give you the newsflash again calmly.
Alan Greenspan came out over the weekend on Sunday and said that the dollar would probably be replaced in the midterm
By the Euro.
It started a huge slide on top of the slide we've had in the last seven years.
It accelerated its downward spiral.
Then, today, the Saudis dumped the dollar, and it's pegging it to the petrodollar.
The Venezuelans, the biggest oil producers in the Western Hemisphere, dumped.
The elite have more oil than in Saudi Arabia and Alaska and they won't let it be pumped.
It has nothing to do with the environmentalists.
We have oil company documents on it, you idiots!
I'm talking to neocons out there.
We are completely being sold out and destroyed.
The New World Order hated us!
Just like the New World Order brought down Russia because they didn't like the Tsars because they were sovereign.
We're being brought down, folks, and they're putting in a bunch of commissariats over us.
Like Chertoff and the new Homeland Security Chief.
I mean, these guys are scary, folks, and their families literally ran the Red Purges in Russia.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
The Red Terror.
You cannot make it up how much trouble this society and this country is in.
It's simple!
Our own government came out and the central banks that own this country came out and said, we're a bad investment.
They'd already been trying to hint and push and get the economy to implode.
They'd been doing everything they could.
Basically, it's the equivalent of Greenspan shooting us five times in the chest if the country was a person, and then putting a Band-Aid on a bruised knuckle, or a bug bite.
He comes in and shoots us five times in the heart, and blood's spraying out, and he smiles and says, but I take care of you, and sticks a Band-Aid on, and the media hails it.
That's how absurd this is!
Thanks a lot, New World Order.
And the public can't even understand.
The general public hearing this for the first time doesn't even know what I'm talking about.
Just see them do this to our country.
All we had was that stupid dollar, folks, and they're taking that away from us.
Do you know what this means?
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Hello, folks.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Second hour, it is Friday, the 21st of September 2007.
Uh, this Mio Khan, he's written editorials and blurbs and is a minion of Rush Limbaugh.
He is a fake conservative.
He has said I should be arrested for treason.
You know, I set him up a few days ago for the show, and I wanted to have him on for a long time, but I've got so many other guests coming up, the economy's in so much trouble, I'm not going to spend too much time with him.
I'm really just going to let him sit there and speak his mind, so you just get an idea of who we're dealing with, because there's a lot of these people.
I'd say about 10% of the country literally think open borders is conservative, they think world government's conservative, they think none of it exists, they think tripling the size of the federal government's conservative, they think Bush is good, they think gun control's good,
And they think I'm a treasonous trader.
So, he's coming up on the show with us.
Right now, let me just get into this.
We'll get more into this with Walter Berrien later.
One of the big aspects of destroying the dollar is that it allows foreign corporations and the Fortune 100 to come in, because the last couple of years they've positioned themselves into the Euro, into other currencies, a basket of currencies.
We're good to go.
The country 20 years ago passed the line of being more foreign-owned than owned by Americans.
Well, now there's almost nothing American.
All these companies have got no-bid contracts because they're American.
You know, like Halliburton and the rest of it have moved to Dubai.
They've moved to Saudi Arabia.
It's gone.
Most of the movie theater changed.
Hollywood is owned by the Arabs and the Israelis for some reason.
But the actual financing, I've looked into it, is mainly Saudi and Jordanian and the folks from Dubai and Qatar and a few other places.
And then British, of course.
And what was left was defense industries and stock markets.
And I knew the Arabs owned the majority of some stock markets, but I was reading the Financial Times of London and learned that the majority of world stock markets are now owned by the Arabs.
But as if it wasn't enough that two Middle Eastern countries own 49%
Of the London Stock Exchange.
Now they're about to bid and own the majority.
And that's just two countries.
If you add them all together, the Arabs own it almost outright.
70 plus percent.
And the same thing with Dow Jones.
Because Arabs own Fox.
You see, you didn't know that, did you?
You didn't know that Arabs... Murdoch's only got a minority stock now.
But the way the agreements were set, he still has board control.
But Saudis own more than he does.
But there's one Saudi with 14% last year.
So the point is, they just own everything.
They control the whole deal.
Now it's defense stocks, though.
And they're going to destroy their neighbors.
You think Israel hates the Iranians?
Oh, nothing like the Wahhabi-Assadis.
They hate those Shiites so much.
Al-Qaeda is based in Saudi.
Bush announced three months ago that he's using Al-Qaeda to attack Iran, but then on the news they say Iran's behind Al-Qaeda!
I mean, you couldn't make that stuff up!
No movie could be that ridiculous.
No one would believe it.
No book could be that crazy.
No fiction.
So crude oil went above 84.
Gold went to 735.
It's going up right now.
I mean, I've got a stack of news here.
LSE Fresh Bidding War.
50% of London Stock Exchange is now in the hands of two rival gulf states battling for the region's leader in the global consolidation of exchanges.
Carlisle sells stake to Dubai.
The Bin Laden is already the second biggest shareholder.
Man, you couldn't make this stuff up!
It's fire sale!
You can basically announce this conference gone.
We'll be right back.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling the distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Tell them Jack Blood sent you.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, there's so many of these clips that we're going to be playing them a little bit later in the hour.
One of the clips, Gordon Bloyer, is just kind of like
The archetypal example of a Rush Limbaugh type fake conservative says that I should be arrested for treason.
And we have that clip.
We have another where he said Keith Oberman should be arrested for treason.
And he challenges the President to arrest Keith Oberman.
I mean, you can't make this type of stuff up, as I keep saying.
And then he's got some other clips saying similar things, and he's written similar things.
And this is what that beatnik Michael Weiner Savage, who wrote, you know,
I'm not even going to get into it.
Love novels, we'll just leave it at that.
Back in the 60's, has to say.
And these commissariats have always wanted to be able to take over the country, so what they do is they pose as conservatives to be able to do that.
And I don't even think Gordon Bloyer's a bad guy.
I mean, he did photography for Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., been on some trips with him, and, you know, writes a million articles for him.
I really think he's the type that believes all this.
In fact, during the break I said, let me guess, there's no North American Union, no plan for one, there's no Council on Foreign Relations, and he said, yes, it doesn't exist.
I mean, I was just talking to him.
I said, he said, it doesn't exist!
It doesn't matter if they openly write books saying, in the U.S.
It doesn't matter if we've got Dick Cheney.
In fact, get that clip queued up where Dick Cheney says, you know, I'm secretly the former head of the CFR, but I didn't tell my constituents that.
And they laugh on C-SPAN.
I mean, it's a big joke, but see, Bloyer, when we posted that video a few years ago of Cheney saying that, there were actual posts saying it was fake.
They said, oh no, Dick Cheney, he fights the CFR.
But see, Boyer's a different type of animal.
He's the old-line Limbaugh type, with the Cook detector, who just says it doesn't exist.
Gordon, it's good to have you on with us.
Oh, I'm nice to talk to you, Mr. Challenge Only.
I didn't say it didn't exist.
It doesn't, it doesn't, not doing what you say it's doing.
CFR exists.
So does the Trilateral Commission.
So does the Bilderberg Group.
But they don't do what you say they do.
Well, wait a minute, wait a minute.
I said to you word for word, I said, so there's no North American Union, no CFR, and you said that's correct.
Yeah, there's no North American Union.
We're not going to join it.
We're not going to be turning our dollar into euros.
We're not building a highway from Mexico to Canada.
That's all nonsense.
It's not going to happen.
So you think... I would think you'd like Dr. Corsi.
He shot down Kerry and wrote Unfit for Command.
He has all the documents.
I have all the documents.
Have you read the thousands of pages of SPP documents?
No, I haven't read those at all.
You're just going to say it doesn't exist?
No, I didn't say it didn't exist.
I said it's not going to happen.
Now, you know, the interesting thing is you and I agree on a lot of stuff because I've been listening to... yesterday was the first day I really listened to your whole show and I looked up a lot of clips on you and
And we agree on closing the borders.
We agree on homeschooling.
We agree on gun control.
I agree with 90% of what Ron Paul says.
I agree that you can't trust the government.
Matter of fact, on my show locally here, I brought down the mayor here who was a corrupt mayor.
I brought down the assistant police chief who was a liar.
Matter of fact, in today's paper,
Uh, locally here, they solved a murder that I named the murderer five years ago with the corrupt police department covering it up because he was an informant for them, but he just happened to die last year.
Tell us where you're based, and tell us about your radio show.
I have a TV, it's a local TV show on Comcast here in Portage, and I'm going to be expanding it to the internet very soon, doing a TV show on the internet.
And do similar things, and I'll be talking probably about almost all the same things you're talking about.
Well, let me just ask the network, do you have the clip where he calls for me to be arrested?
Okay, well let's play the one where he talks about arresting Keith Overman.
Do you have that one?
Go ahead and roll it.
Here it is.
This is Lawyer Portage, Indiana.
I have a question for all the Republican candidates.
During the Civil War, President Lincoln closed down a newspaper in New York and exiled a congressman from Ohio for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
The New York Times has printed lies about this war and it's given aid and comfort to the enemy.
Keith Olbermann and a number of the reporters standing in this room tonight have given aid and comfort to the enemy.
You, as the Republican President, will you enforce the laws against treason?
So, you think Keith Olbermann should be arrested for treason?
You do agree treason is in the Constitution, don't you?
You know, my friends, the Founding Fathers clearly stated that people had the right of total and complete free speech, and there's been no war declared, and just because you say Lincoln arrested some people, that is seen by all in jurisprudence as a complete abhorrence and a fraud in the darkest days when this country basically ended
The First Amendment does not protect lives, does it?
Lies are not an opinion.
They're not a point of view.
They're not criticism.
They're just lies.
And you're going to decide what a lie is, right?
No, I'm not going to.
A jury is going to.
And you're going to have to present your evidence to the jury.
You know, the people in the Middle East use your words and your attacks on our government
And you're giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
You know, did you see the California Deputy Attorney General in 2002 on the eve of the war?
He said, Calhoun, he said, no protest is allowed.
It was in the Oakland Tribune.
Because he said, he's a Democrat, when you protest a war, that aids Al Qaeda.
And you were giggling and snickering the other day, I noticed on a video clip I saw.
First, making fun of no one, you know, only 5,000 anti-war protesters, implying the majority of people are for the war, which you know isn't true, and then you snickered about them being arrested.
Do you think anti-war protests should be banned?
No, definitely not!
Matter of fact... No, wait a minute!
That gives aid!
That gives aid!
No, it doesn't give aid and comfort to the enemy.
What it does is it gets some publicity, but it sure doesn't.
In 1969, during the Vietnam War,
If you remember, there was a big October moratorium.
And, uh, they marched into where I was living at the time, Monterey, California, and there's a major front page store and a Monterey Herald.
How I spit on those war protesters as they moved in through the gates into the Monterey Plaza.
You know, I have had to fight people like this for years and years.
By the way, by the way, that's assault.
That's assault to spit on somebody.
Well, you know, I wasn't arrested, but... Yeah, I know, because it's all selectively enforced.
If I spit on somebody, they'd beat the living daylights out of me.
Now, let me stop you, Gordon, for just a moment.
You say that I should be arrested.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
Here it is.
Hi, Gordon Boyer here.
Hey, it's September 11th.
It's time to remember when two planes went into the towers in New York City.
When one plane went into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
and one plane went down in Pennsylvania.
The fact is these things did happen as you saw them on television.
There was no conspiracy.
There is no bombs placed in the World Trade Center.
The facts are clear.
There are no unanswered questions.
There is no conspiracy.
People who are out there lying, like Alex Jones,
are undermining our efforts to fight these terrorists.
They are committing treason.
When you lie at a time of war, you are committing treason.
Remember, friends, there is a lie.
It's not a point of view, and it's not an opinion.
It's just a lie.
And a lie in a time of war is treason.
It's giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
It's time for Alex Jones to be arrested for treason and tried.
In a jury of his peers.
We need to prosecute these nutcases.
Alright, prosecute the nutcases.
So, A, if I was just a nutcase, do we go out and arrest all the schizophrenics off the street corners?
Gordon, let me finish here.
No, we don't do that.
Now, A, there are a lot of examples, like Kermit Roosevelt went on NPR before he died, and he admitted the CIA staged terror attacks in Iran and blamed it on their leader, Mohammad Mosaddegh.
I was called a conspiracy theorist about Gulf of Tonkin, now it's declassified, the government staged that event that led to the Vietnam War.
There are Operation Northwoods, the official U.S.
government plan to hijack jets, bomb D.C., blame it on foreign enemies.
So, we have a history of government-sponsored terror.
Hitler staged an attack on his own base to start the war with Poland.
That's mainline history.
And so, because criminal elements of our government have staged attacks before, or staged provocations, they just caught Canadian police attacking other police, dressed up like anarchists.
That was admitted now by the police.
That's in the Canadian newspapers.
I mean, that's all real, sir.
So you just say, I'm a liar, but you don't have any proof.
Well, we're going to let you, you know, if they were to arrest you for treason, you would be able to try to prove that in court.
However, you know, talking to you on this is like talking to a Holocaust denier.
They can come up with all kinds of people that say that the Jews couldn't have been killed in that massive amount.
They can come up with reasons why that gas didn't do this, that, or the other thing.
But when you put out a movie that says that the British commandos, or the British intelligence, or the people that planted the bombs in London,
That is sheer nonsense!
The fact that when you say that... But let me just stop you, let me just stop you.
I've interviewed, I don't know, what four or five top British commandos, formerly with SAS assigned, who said that at the higher levels the IRA was complete British intelligence and that they did carry out many of the famous bombings.
Are you aware that's all over BBC and London Telegraph?
Yeah, I'm aware of that, but also...
Janet Cook and Jason Blair printed stories that weren't true until they found out they were lying.
Oh, excuse me.
No, no.
It's now admitted.
They've had government hearings on it.
The government admitted they planted bombs to kill their own people?
Yes, it's come out.
I don't think so.
Oh, did you hear the Jerusalem Post came out with the declassified documents, that whole staged deal with Idi Amin?
Well, number one, Gordon, did you know that Mossad admits they put Idi Amin in, in Uganda?
Let me stop you.
That was fake.
Now admit it.
Stay there, Gordon Lawyer.
Stay there, my friend.
And I'm going to have you up in the future for a full hour.
We've got a break.
I mean, all I'm doing is looking at all these declassified admissions of terror.
And then, lo and behold, I see it again happen.
It comes out.
And then you're saying I should be arrested.
By the way, under the new Homeland Security Act and the Military Commissions Act, I wouldn't get a jury.
I could be tortured.
I mean, it's incredible.
You think you're... Jack Bauer!
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Well, Gordon Boyer, he's really harmed the course.
Millions of people say I should be arrested.
Along with
Keith Oberman, The New York Times.
With their total establishment.
Don't hold your breath on that, Gordon.
But I wanted to ask you, you said that there's not a North American Union, it's not taking over.
The UN is going to decide if Russia gets the North Pole.
An international tribunal just said that the Mexican trucks get to come into the US above our courts.
They are building the Napa Superhighways.
It's in, I have all the official text dot and federal documents.
You just say you haven't read them.
I mean, Gordon, you just keep saying we're lying, but we're not.
You're not informed, buddy.
25th, 2001, you said we were about to go under martial law.
You've said that on numerous occasions on your show, and I don't remember us ever going into martial law.
I could point out... Really, you didn't...
Well, let me just stop you there.
I missed it.
Did we impose martial law on us someday?
When you have free speech zones, and you have people being tasered for unauthorized demonstrations, and when you have doubling and now a tripling of the police, and when you have Bush... Okay, well, hundreds of mainstream newspapers have now said we're in an effective dictatorship.
Are you aware of PDD... Mainstream newspapers?
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
Hold on.
Hold on.
PDD 51.
He says that the President is above the Congress in continuity of government, even conservative world net daily says that, and he's now given continuity of government over to the UN.
And I also said in the full article you're quoting from that it would be an incremental continuum, a slide into martial law.
Yes sir, we are under, actually we've been under martial law since 1933.
Well, let me quote you again.
You tell me to wake up, don't listen to the mainstream media, and there you go, quoting the mainstream media.
You're telling us how good it all is.
You use the mainstream media as your source, and then you say you don't believe the mainstream media.
Now, that's the oldest tactic in false debating I've ever heard.
Oh, really?
When I say, there's different types of media.
You've got the known pundits, like Tommy Franks, illegally being paid close to half a million dollars a year to go out and say Marshall Law is the next step.
Do you remember him going out and saying that?
Tommy Frank said martial law is the next step?
No, I don't think so.
You didn't hear about all the fake news reporters?
You didn't hear about the tens of billions of dollars spent on fake news?
No, I didn't.
You didn't hear about Armstrong Williams?
Oh, sure, I heard about Armstrong Williams, and you're highly exaggerated.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
The Congressional Budget Office, in one buy, said one illegal news purchase was $1.8 billion.
They gave Armstrong, Armstrong Williams was paid $244,000 a year.
Right, to do some advertising.
No, to covertly lie and to go say that he was for the socialist program of Head Start.
No, see there.
And no child left behind.
That's where you get it all backwards, see.
You know, somebody could give me a quarter of a million dollars to advertise something, but I'm going to advertise it as true.
Hold on, hold on.
So the Pentagon and others aren't out there with secret media buys and propaganda placement?
Let me ask you this.
First they said they were torturing.
Hold on, hold on, Gordon.
First they said they were torturing.
Then they said they weren't torturing.
Are we torturing?
Is torture good?
Oh, first of all, you have to define torture, and I don't really define torture the way you do.
Which Gonzales, the Metro La Raza leader you like, says that someone can die and it's not torture, right?
No, no, somebody can't.
First of all, torture is what happened to John McCain.
Hanging him up by his arms so that his shoulders are whacked out today that he can't hardly walk.
Putting people in naked pyramids is not torture.
It might be humiliation.
I believe in humiliation.
That was a Psy-Op.
They released that.
The Army and General Tagumbu's own report, Newsweek, said it was raping them with battery acid dripping objects.
Who said this?
General Tagumbu.
Don't make fun of his name.
He's a Filipino-American.
Two-star general.
It's the official Army report.
It said that they were raped and tortured.
Well, I don't condone any of that.
No, you just tried the scion... I've been on waterboarding, and I don't believe those are torture.
Oh, you don't think waterboarding... No, I don't.
Drowning someone is... Oh, okay.
No, I don't.
Let me tell you something, Boyer.
You're an un-American piece of trash.
I have every right to say what I want.
No, you're a monster, and let me tell you something.
No, you're a huckster.
Well, oh yeah, here I am.
I saw your... You know, the one... You know, how I really found out about you was there was one
The thing that you did, and it was a... How dare you, lawyer, sit there and say I deserve to be arrested!
How dare you say I deserve to be arrested when we have all these declassified admissions of government-sponsored terrorism!
How dare you claim you're a conservative when you lick the boots of this phony government and George Bush and his daddy who called for a one-world government, New World Order!
You people make... Next you're going to be telling me Tinkerbell and the Toothbrusher... Next I'm going to be telling you Limbaugh's an Oxycontin addict!
One thing we can agree on, Bill Clinton did have sex with that woman.
Oh, very funny.
Yeah, one thing we can agree on is the Bush's vacation with Bill Clinton, and they recruited him into Bilderberg in 1991, and Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, your favorite guys, are financing Hillary.
Let me quote you again.
Hey, let me tell you something, lawyer.
Lawyer, listen to me for a second.
Listen, you're not a real conservative, you're a weak-minded individual, and you are the treasonous traitor when you attack the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Read the Founding Fathers.
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We are armed!
What would you do if you knew all the things we knew?
Would you stand up for truth?
Or would you turn away, too?
And then what if you saw all of the things that's wrong?
Would you stand tall and strong?
Or would you turn away?
What would you do if you knew all the things we knew?
Neocon Michael Savage has called for our arrest.
Sean Hannity, that little traitor who says all militias should be arrested and everyone should put chips in their children, continue to pose as conservatives.
But their days of treason are up.
Real conservatives, real libertarians, real Americans know the Federal Reserve is private.
They know they're destroying the dollar and they will be exposed.
And we don't need to go arrest all these people.
We're going to expose them as the criminals they are.
You've got a lot of weak-minded people that don't know that Bush tripled the size of the VATF.
They don't know that Bob Barr, NRA board member on this show, said that it's more anti-gun now than under Clinton.
They don't know how gun shops everywhere are getting hit and getting hit hard.
They don't understand how Bush radically increased funding for the CPS to grab children, or blocked taking mercury out of the vaccines.
They don't even understand that.
Or that Bush is using Al-Qaeda to attack Iran, while at the same time claiming that Iran is Al-Qaeda, when they're Shiite, while Saudi Arabia buys up the whole country.
It's incredible the treason we're seeing, and instead, because I sit here and put my life on the line, somebody like Gordon Bloyer goes out there and makes dangerous statements about how I should be arrested.
I found other clips of other neocons online saying I should be arrested.
And the danger is, is some goon will listen to that, some mentally unstable person, and come after me physically.
Now, Bloyer, I think you're a fool.
I think you're a well-meaning fool.
That's what's so pathetic about you.
But, you know, you should really back off your un-American statement that I should be arrested and tried in this system for saying 9-11 is an inside job.
It's unbelievably incredible.
But not just me.
I say a lot more radical things than Keith Oberman.
Why should he be arrested?
Thank you.
Keith Overman just lies on a daily basis, but you know where I really found out the truth about you was in your Death of America Part 1.
You can go on YouTube and you can see that.
Well, it's just here, you can hear it anyway.
And when you were in this was the, I guess you recorded this the day that the Patriot Act passed again.
And you came on with your Jimmy Swaggart story about, oh, people, I couldn't sleep last night.
I was up four or five times.
I woke up during the night.
And I looked at it.
That's true.
I don't believe that for a minute.
And then you started crying your Jimmy Swaggart act.
You know, you're worse than Jim Baker and his wife ever were.
Those guys all support what's happening.
You do this for money.
Those preachers all support your neocon stuff.
Let me just stop you.
I don't get $289 million contract plus merchandise.
Like Limbaugh.
I don't make one ten-thousandth of what Limbaugh makes.
And I do have employees.
And frankly, at the end of the day, I do need to make money.
I thought you were free market.
I thought you were a conservative.
Oh, I just have to point out you're a huckster.
I'm for those guys making money, too.
I mean, all those TV preachers making money, but they shouldn't be lying about it and stealing the money.
Now, you know, Ward Churchill was one of your supporters, and he was an Indian until he found out he was lying.
Well, Ward Churchill, my friend, is not one of my supporters, and I don't think the people in the Towers were Nazis.
He believes what you believe, that Al-Qaeda attacked us.
Listen, Boyer, I appreciate your call.
I really do.
I mean, there you go, folks.
And he said on his website he was going to attack me and say I was a huckster and all that money stuff.
You know, I put my films out for free.
You can watch all 16 of my films on Google Video.
I can snap my fingers and have none of those up there.
I haven't even made the money back from Terror Storm.
And I think I spent 30 seconds in the last hour plugging my videos.
And don't worry, Walter Beran, I'll hold you over in the next hour if need be.
Or we'll get you up later next week for a full hour.
Walter Beran's holding me.
We've got all this serious financial news out there, but I need to have the enemy on.
I need to give them a place you can hear from them and hear what they have to say and hear the denial that they're in.
But, yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, I like driving a decent car and I like living in a comfortable house, but that's not what I worship.
If I worshipped that, I would have been a Neocon talk show host.
I mean, I got offers for
Literally 10, 12 times what I make a year.
I guess it'd be about 12 times, yeah.
And back then it'd probably be 20 times what I make.
Back when I got these offers.
Yeah, it'd be about 20 times.
Back then I was probably making about $40,000 a year.
So that offer would be about, I don't know, what's 1.2 million a year?
How many times 40,000 is that?
But I opened myself up to this attack.
I mean, I wanted him to come on and say this.
I wanted him to come on and do this.
I wanted him to have a chance to come on the show.
See, Peter Jennings put out the establishment line and made $10 million a year.
And Dan Rather put it out and made $8 million a year.
And Limbaugh does it and makes $20-30 million a year.
This is over $30 million a year.
Tommy Franks gets to get four hundred and fifty something thousand dollars illegally to go lie and say I'm just saying this individually I'm not part of the Republican Party but I think martial law unfortunately is what we need next and they can run around and do all of that and Halliburton can have no-bid contracts and move over to Dubai and make hundreds of billions of dollars a year and then I'm not supposed to make films and then lose money and put them out
I mean, you can watch them in high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv, a lot better than Google Video.
We wish you would.
It'd be nice to make the money back on Terror Storm.
In game, I'll probably never make the money back on it.
It was so expensive to make, but it's a love affair.
It's like a work of art.
It's something I have a passion for.
Something I put, literally, 10 hours a day into, on top of all my other duties, total of about 16, 17 hours a day for 15 months.
I didn't see my family sometimes for days on end.
I went home with black circles around my eyes, totally exhausted.
My wife is freaked out and for years has been saying we should get out of the country.
We've looked at New Zealand.
A couple nights ago, I literally woke up with acid reflux, which I never had before, totally freaked out about the economy and what they're doing with the dollar.
And what does he say?
He says, I am Jimmy Swagger.
Because I'm freaked out by the Houston Chronicle reporting they've built FEMA camps for the American people.
There's talk show hosts all over the country saying I should be arrested.
I mean, if that isn't enough, they built camps and people are on national radio saying I should be arrested.
It's unbelievable.
It's absolutely incredible.
That we've gone this far.
I mean, they're overrunning our borders from Texas to Oregon.
The official language is going to be Spanish.
I mean, Spanish only is to be taught.
This is on the news.
In science, English, and math.
I mean, they're not just having bilingual now.
They're just saying we're going to go all Spanish in schools with 10% illegals.
I mean, you talk about trying to dumb people down and break the country up.
Mexican trucks are driving all over the place.
The economy is unraveling.
The dollar is plunging.
The Fed chiefs are running around bad-mouthing the currency, trying to drive it down further.
We're on the edge of worldwide depression.
The mainstream media is even saying that.
They're putting their spin on it.
And you've got this guy.
I want you to hear him because he's got that giggling.
It's funny.
He's got the same little twinkle-eyed stare.
The same little piggy face.
They all have it.
It's like a spirit or something.
And it's just, oh, there's it now!
No, the North American Union isn't real.
It's not happening.
It's not going to take over.
My gosh, almost everything is foreign owned.
Foreign courts control what we do and trade.
The U.N.
is going to decide if the Russians get the North Pole.
Hundreds of national parks and other areas are under U.N.
I politely asked park rangers about it and they threatened to arrest me.
20% of the countries on Prozac and Ritalin type drugs.
1 in 75 now have autism from 1 in 25,000.
The sperm count's down by 85%.
Diabetes is up by over 3,000%.
The UN's openly talking about sterilizing everybody and one-child policies in the West.
Everything's falling apart.
I'm totally freaked out.
And this guy's just making jokes about how I should be arrested.
And that's who they are!
And we'll wait until Hillary or one of the Democrats gets in.
I mean, it's gonna... all these Democrats that didn't like the police state are gonna be real happy.
All these Democrats that can see the corruption now, they're not gonna care.
I mean, we're in for hard times.
And people like Gordon Boyer are making jokes about it, and talking about how Fred Thompson, I was talking to him during the break, is going to save us from Hillary.
The guy's an actor.
It's totally staged.
But they need the Democrats to blame the tripling of the BATF, and the amnesty, and all of it.
And Thompson was for amnesty?
Thompson's for war with Iran, just like Hillary?
Just go ahead and admit that side-by-side they're the same on all the issues!
Except maybe one or two football issues that they never intend to decide on, like abortion.
Or gay marriage.
Alright, I'm going to take my time here plugging this sponsor.
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Two weeks before it's out.
October 24th is now the launch date.
That's when it'll go out and then it'll come out the first week of November on DVD.
So PrisonPlanet.tv for all the members out there, and it's a factory of resistance.
Remember, enemies like Bloyer are out there.
They desperately want full control.
They desperately want to overthrow the country and bring in their one world government.
I don't know if Bloyer wants that, but his master certainly does, and he certainly wants to arrest people that are fighting it.
So go get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership and download all my films in high quality and just start burning copies of them aggressively.
Burn a copy when you go to work.
Burn a copy in the evening.
Takes a few minutes depending on your computer speed.
Make copies of all my films.
Make copies of comprehensive annual financial reports exposed with Walter Berrien.
I made a documentary with him.
Go, burn hundreds of copies of it, get it out to people.
I mean, you tell somebody like Bloyer, hey, the government's got a second set of books, 75 plus percent of the stock market's government owned, it's all a big scam, here's their documents, he'll just giggle and snicker and laugh and say it doesn't exist.
Well, a lot of people will listen, and will check into it.
Gordon will laugh and say the Federal Reserve isn't private, we'll expose it and prove it is.
So go to PrisonPlanet.tv and get a membership, and folks,
Take action and realize they want to arrest me and others.
And they want to arrest Keith Olbermann.
They want to shut down free speech in this country.
They desperately can't win the fight.
They're being exposed for being big government pimps.
They're being exposed for being New World Order.
They're being exposed for selling out this country.
They're being exposed for moving our companies offshore.
And so they can't win the fight intellectually.
They want to arrest us.
So I want you to go to PrisonPlanet.tv and get a membership, and I want you to make hundreds of copies of Terror Storm Final Cut.
I want you to buy the super high quality DVD off the secure shopping cart on InfoWars.com.
I want you to make hundreds of copies of it.
I mean hundreds.
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I mean, David Rockefeller and all these people say they're abolishing the U.S., setting up world government, they're getting rid of our country.
Quite shiny, saying that he's CFR and that he wanted to keep that secret from his constituents, people like Bloyer.
Go ahead.
It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
See, it's a big joke, and Bloyer types went on the YouTube site when we posted that, and said it wasn't real.
They email me and say that I make up the passage where Rockefeller says that he's guilty as charged that he wants to set up world government.
And you guys are gonna fail.
I mean, people like Bloyer, they don't look the stuff up.
People like Savage and Limbaugh, they know.
They know full well what they're doing.
They're there to pacify conservatives.
They're there to neutralize conservatives.
I mean, I heard Neal Bortz two weeks ago say, this Federal Reserve isn't private and he's not going to talk about it.
I mean, its charter is admittedly private.
It is private.
They are the ones that have devalued the currency.
They are the ones selling out our sovereignty.
They are the ones that have set up the economic atmosphere and written about it to make it very conducive to offshore and to cause the country to be bought up by foreign interest.
They are the ones plunging the dollar right now.
And people like Boyer cannot admit that Limbaugh is a traitor.
They cannot admit that George Bush Sr.
is not a conservative.
They cannot admit that George Porgy is a globalist.
They cannot admit that Saudi Arabia is tied in with Israel and tied in with England and is openly running ops against Iran.
I mean, neocons get up every day and say Iran's funding Al-Qaeda.
Iran is the opposite of Al-Qaeda.
That's just a fact.
They're corrupt mullahs, they're a corrupt government like every other government.
But they're a banana republic.
But I mean, you just can't get on air and say that Shiites are Wahhabists.
You can't do that.
And then have Bush as a White House announcement that they're using five terror groups to attack Iran, and the number one group is run by the number three in Al-Qaeda.
I mean, that's how dumb they think these people are, and I guess they are!
I mean, it's just in your face!
Walter Berrion, straight ahead.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, here's the deal.
I got the city councilman that got punched, pushed, knocked over, the cop jumps on him, beats him up, and the media says the councilman's evil and been arrested for being beaten up.
He'll just be joining us for like 5-10 minutes because I want to just go ahead and keep Walter Burien right through to the end of the show.
But I'm going to be interspersing news in between that.
Then I'm just going to have Walter up for a full hour sometime next week because so much is happening.
Walter Burien, he can tell you about his bio, who he is.
I made a video with him, comprehensive annual financial reports exposed.
And the film is now available on DVD, by the way, on InfoWards.com.
You can watch it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He's made some other documentaries, and we'll tell you about his website as well today.
And there's so much to talk about, but Walter, in a couple minutes we've got before we start the next hour, and then I'm going to get the councilman on for a few minutes, and then we'll go back to you, and I appreciate you doing that, because we've just got so many guests today, but we just can't do this in 20 minutes.
We need to have you longer, so I'm going to keep you longer, and I appreciate you doing that.
In a nutshell, tell us in 60 seconds who you are, what you did, what you discovered, and then we're going to get into it more in the next hour.
And then, what's happening right now in the economy, in the basics, then we'll walk through more detail in the next hour.
Well, Alex, just a quick note.
I was listening to you with that other person who was doing the doublespeak, and you were doing an excellent job.
I was sitting there applauding him.
The game he was playing was just simply a distraction and diffusion, trying to misdirect.
Alex, you're spearheading right in the heart of the problem, which is
The corruption, the money, and the takeover by government.
The growth by government.
You asked who Walter Burien is.
If you do a search on Google, punch in Walter Burien, you'll get about 47,000 hits.
You'll see my writings, my articles.
You'll learn how I think and what I'm writing about.
Bottom line, government took over, Alex.
They've been laughing all the way down to the bank for the last 65 years.
They've constantly distracted the public.
They constantly misdirected the public.
They constantly attack anyone who brings up the points of their growth, their expansion, and their takeover of the wealth.
And it's just a business as usual for them, Alex.
They complain about you making money.
You're making a grain of sand on a grain of sand on the beach, compared to what government is doing.
And what the players inside government are doing.
And now they're scratching each other's backs, cutting multi-million dollar deals every single hour.
Laughing all the way down to the bank, as the public sits there scratching their heads saying, there's something wrong here, but I just can't figure it out.
We're about to break, Walter.
Walter, we're going to get into the root of it in the next hour.
Right now, what we're seeing with the Fed intentionally trying to kill the dollar, are they making that move to totally blow out what's left of assets, so the foreign investors can buy up what's left?
It all has to do with manipulation of the money and investment.
They have the majority of the investments.
They control the majority of the derivative positions.
So they're schooling.
They're schooling the public as minnows, back and forth, so they can feed.
That's exactly what's going on.
The sharks are feeding.
Now, I'll explain the game when we get back on.
Now, the reason I'm so freaked out is this is the biggest move I've seen in my lifetime, and it looks like they're going to go ahead and go for broke in the next year.
Do you agree with that?
Right now, I follow the dollar index.
I've been telling people for the last four years that it's going to drop down to probably a low of about $75, $76.
Yeah, you said that last year.
Yeah, it just didn't to the $77 range yesterday, or the high $77 range, low $78.
So, I give it another, you know, week or two.
You're gonna bottom out probably in the 75, 76.
You may take a shoot back up to the 80, trying to break 80.
It probably won't break.
It'll come back to the 75, 76.
At this point in time, what I'm looking for is maybe a low tick of about 73, 72, 80.
I mean, putting that in layman's shoes, it's gonna, put it this way, they're gonna drive it down a little bit lower, and then they're gonna start working it back a lot higher.
As they play their game, liquidating everybody else with their money.
Now again, only about 20% of the wealth is left in what you'd call middle class hands.
This is all a contraction like a python.
When you take a breath out, it squeezes tighter.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we're going to be switching back and forth here in this hour in between world financial news.
Currently, as it comes in, we're gold's at where the dollar's going downwards.
Gold up.
Crude oil above $84.
I mean, it's breaking every record ever known.
Walter Burien worked, of course, in the stock exchanges, in the commodities.
He learned about this in the early 1990s.
He's going to go through his story because this is the biggest game in town.
It's absolutely the heart
of what we're facing with the Federal Reserve and where we're going in the future.
Walter, we've got five more minutes before the guest comes on and then we're going to bring you back.
Now, set it up in a nutshell, because I want to get into what's happening currently, how you woke up to this, what the biggest game in town is, how the scam works.
Put it in the most basic terms.
We have a lot of new listeners since the last time you joined us.
Okay, let's qualify one thing about the Federal Reserve right up front.
The Federal Reserve is, is, without question, a private organization.
It is in the Federal Government's own Consolidated Finance Report.
On the front of my webpage, tamperone.com, you'll see a link to download the Federal Consolidated Financial Statement.
Within their appendix index, it lists their enterprise operations.
Now, they give reference to the Federal Reserve, but only, only that they appoint several of the directors.
Within the Federal Reserve.
In other words, the Federal Reserve is a private organization.
The Feds, in their own report, say we do not own it.
We only appoint several directors to the board, as advisors and consultants.
End of story.
The Federal Reserve.
Most people do not understand what the Federal Reserve's job is.
Their sole job is to maintain the value of the dollar.
The dollar is the bartering tool used.
Now if styrofoam balls were picked out as the bartering tool, it would be the Federal Reserve's job to maintain the value of styrofoam balls.
As good a job as they've done on the dollar.
This is the equivalent of Jesus saying he worships Satan.
I mean, this is the opposite of what they claim they set it up for.
They are literally destroying the very fiat system they built.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, if styrofoam balls were the bartering tool, you know, if a truckload of styrofoam balls blew out onto the highway, everybody would be saying, Look!
Styrofoam balls!
Grab them!
Throw them in the truck!
I got a trunk load of styrofoam balls.
I'm going to buy a new Mercedes.
Well, the dollar is a piece of paper.
It is not backed by any physical commodity.
The Federal Reserve, though, by pulling dollars in, or letting dollars out, maintaining balance on those digital zeros on the computer systems, they maintain the value of the dollar.
Now, there's only a very minute amount of dollars in circulation compared to the entire value of, say, the United States.
If you took the actual value of all the property in the United States, printed up $100 bills, you'd have a stack 50 yards wide going up to the moon.
The currency in circulation is very minuscule compared to the value within this country.
Now, the Federal Reserve has been maintaining that value.
Now, people, when they say, well, the dollar's worthless as a piece of paper, you know, they're extremely backwards on that point, because if you can buy an island with those dollars,
It is not worthless.
It is not backed by anything.
People want to go over to the gold standard.
But I keep telling people about the golden rule.
He who controls the gold makes the rule.
Do we really want the people that own the gold, which is not the United States?
The international banking cartels, large international insurance companies, they're the primary, the cabal, the cabal is the primary.
That's why they've driven down gold prices for the last 80 years to consolidate.
They've been buying up all of the physical gold and they're now at a point within the next several years, they're going to do a transition into gold-backed currency for the dollar.
Which, with them owning all of the gold, and gold shoots up to $3,000 an ounce, they thus convert the value of everyone's holdings... Tell you what, stay there.
We're going to get your perspective on this on the other side after we talk to the City Councilman.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Black Berkey purification elements are more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These awesome elements are used in Berkey purification systems and they can also be used to upgrade most other gravity filtration systems.
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I think?
I doubt it.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live on the network.
The network retransmits us from 9 to midnight on the AM and FM dial, satellite, shortwave, internet.
And of course we restream the show 21 hours a day consecutively until we come back live 11 to 2 at InfoWars.com so if you missed any of the interview with Ron Paul's media guy or Ron Paul confronting the Fed Chief in the first hour or you missed any of my debate with Gordon Bloyer saying I should be arrested for treason
In the last hour or any of this hour, you can just listen to it consecutively until I'm back live Sunday evening, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Time with the Sunday edition that we syndicate through MS Communications and Genesis.
Coming up in the next segment for the balance of the show, getting into the world financial meltdown.
We're going to have an expert on this from a very interesting perspective of the double set of government books, Walter Burian.
He's waiting in the wings, I appreciate that.
Right now, David Schneider.
You've all seen the video, until the media demanded it be taken down everywhere, of Councilman David Schneider, who'd been calling for the police to be disbanded or new leadership because of corruption.
They tell him to leave, scream at him.
He's very genteel at the city council meeting.
The mayor tells him to leave.
He's very genteel, doesn't raise his voice, moves very slowly and deliberately.
I guess he knew he was in danger.
He walks out and right as he's going out the front door, the police chief, they're called marshals in Indiana, just north of South Bend there in Roseland,
Hits him in the back, knocks him down, and then the person with the camera has to run up and get in the doorway, and by the time they get over there, the police chief, the marshal, sitting on him, full power, pounding him in the head.
Now, we miss about 10-15 seconds while the camera's running up to catch what happened, but the witnesses say that he sort of pounded him in the back of the head.
And then you also see some woman with a camera going, get him, get him, get him, there's a little celebration around the councilman who's knocked out, and then the big story here is,
The NBC affiliate spun this and said, well, Councilman got arrested for fighting.
That's like if a woman got arrested because a thug hit her in the head with a lead pipe and raped her.
I mean, this is a new spin, folks, when they go, well, he got arrested for fighting.
The marshals took him down for fighting.
No, the marshal attacked him.
They're desperately trying to get that video.
I've never seen news media go around to small websites and demand it be taken down.
Not just killing the YouTube vid.
Somebody's scared in that town.
And so to tell us exactly what happened is David Schneider.
By the way, they charge him with a felony.
Not only do you get to get shanghaied, bushwhacked from behind, jumped, sneak attack, cowardly backstab, every other term you can use, now you get charged for it.
Are they just going to set a gold throne up and make the Marshall King of the town?
Maybe Boss Hogg?
What's going on, Mr. Schneider?
Well, we have a lot going on here.
Lobbitt really is the local county party, the Democrat party machine, and they have been trying to besmirch and to demean both my wife and myself for about three years.
We are outspoken critics of the local party machine, and we're trying to bring forth change to this whole area, this county of St.
There's a lot of positive things here, the biggest one being the University of Notre Dame, and they're trying to keep things just as they are instead of growing into the 21st century, let alone the 20th century.
And a lot of it's just plain political.
Walk through!
You're told leave for no reason.
You're politely talking.
They just say, and they're all yelling and screaming at you like a bunch of dogs chasing a rabbit.
You leave and then the marshal knocks you down.
Why did this deity do that?
Well, it's all my opinion, of course, but they had a big meeting over at the President's house on his back porch Wednesday preceding the Friday meeting and they took
Gestapo tactics.
Now, by the way, I've investigated a lot of videos, so I'm an expert on this, and that's what I noticed in the video.
The two cops get around you.
They're all juiced up.
They're all fired up.
You have no criminal record.
You're being very genteel.
You stand up.
It looks like you realize something's real serious.
They follow you like wolves and then attack you from behind.
How did... I mean, did you get a feeling they were about to do this?
I did, after I was aware Thursday that they had the big meeting at Charlie Shields' house, at his back porch.
With the attorney and both council members present, and other members of the cabal of people filled with evil and hatred, I knew something was going down.
They had planned it.
They had planned this before, back in April, when they abused my wife, the same Marshal.
Oh, I didn't know about that!
Walk us through it, please.
On April, I think it was 22nd, there was a council meeting, and these people,
Decide they're going to break the United States Constitution and not allow people to have a video tape recorder going.
And my wife has always used a video recorder since the current county prosecutor recommended she do that when the then town council president, who's the same one, started attacking her and her little dog when she was out walking them.
It's a pure matter of civil rights.
We have a right to go into a public meeting and record it.
And these people are trying to deny the citizens of Roseland and our greater community the right to come in and record and also to give testimony.
They have clamped this town down for whatever reason they have.
Well, walk through what you're alleging he did to your wife.
What he did to my wife is, it was not visible to me when I was at the council table, but I watched the video later.
He was handcuffing her because she had a video camera.
Because she had a video camera.
She pulled, he pulled her left hand up above her head with a handcuff, tearing her rotator cuff.
Oh yeah, that's a little thing.
They did that to me a long time ago.
Oh really?
Yeah, it stays with you for life.
Oh thanks, I didn't want to hear that part.
I'm sorry.
Well what happens is you roll over at night and then it causes electrical shooting pain.
It doesn't hurt unless you put pressure on it.
But yeah, that's a trick they do.
It's a little gift they leave you, but go ahead.
Well, anyway, we have a good sports orthopedic doctor here in town who's doing surgery on her October 2nd.
Hopefully they'll cure it.
Okay, so, but by the way, they're allowed to all have cameras and snicker and giggle.
Please continue.
That's right.
Thank you for that correction.
And then when Jack Tiller, Marshall Tiller, threw her in the back seat of his squad car, he hits her head on the jam of the door after having sprained her left elbow and wrist.
That's when he tears her rotator cuff when she hits the back of the car.
You know, the man's a bully.
It's been done twice.
It's been documented twice on video.
And this county prosecutor, who is part of the problem, does not prosecute this man, nor this town council, that allows it to continue.
Well, let's walk through what actually happened to you that day.
How did they set this whole deal up?
They set this whole deal up where they won't give me my civil rights to speak the length of time that is granted to me as a representative, an elected representative of the people.
When you are elected to a legislative body, operating under Robert's Rules of Order, you have the floor until you surrender it, unless the council agrees beforehand that you only have so many minutes.
The President here sets his own time limit.
For me, I'm different from everybody else.
I don't get to speak so many seconds.
Everybody else has the floor unlimited.
So they knew that I would protest that again because I have protested in the past to protect the rights of the voters.
And so they set it up for me to be escorted out of the room again.
But this time, during the day when Marshall Tiller is not on duty, they had him here because he is the bully
He has the least amount of IQ, in my opinion.
I'm surprised you didn't break his hand.
I mean, he was pounding you full force.
Now, let's describe the part.
The cops get around you.
They're all in attack stance.
They know they're about to get you.
You walk to the door peacefully.
You're being very careful.
What made you... I mean, I could see the body language.
So I guess you picked up on the same thing, how they surrounded you?
Yes, I did.
I was very concerned for my safety at that point because I could see that Jack Tiller's eyes were absolutely mad.
He did not have self-control.
Alright, so you get to the door.
What do you do next?
I turn around and somebody yells Hitler at me.
And I see Jax there on the edge of control and I say, oh, it's the bully again.
And that's when he lunges at me.
Now, he's already hurt your wife, reportedly, so you have a right to say he's a bully.
I already called him a bully outside the hospital when I gave my wife medical attention on the way to jail.
Well, how dare you be mad?
But he's God.
He's allowed to.
Now, we only have a few minutes left, Councilman.
What happened next?
He then lunges, and I think he actually falls down the hallway, because he can't see in the reflection of the window glass.
And the lunge forces me into the doorway, going to the outside.
Upon impact with the door with my head, I pass out.
I then fall through the door, supposedly, and I land on my back side in the parking lot, on the back of my head.
And this is now caught on video, and he just jumps on and starts pounding with full power.
Yes, but I understand that it's not on the video, they kicked me in my ribs too, and it feels like it, my left side ribs.
Yeah, by the time that's been reported, they were kicking you and then he got on top to get full power leverage on you while you were knocked out.
How bad are you hurt?
Pretty bad.
I have a concussion.
I have a black eye.
They did full rib x-rays and did an x-ray of my mandible.
But that wasn't enough.
They arrested you for assaulting the king.
That's right!
And you can see by the video, I never raised a fist to him.
Now, did you ask the media why they said you started a fight?
No, I have not.
So, but I would guess the media is in league with them then.
I would hate to make that accusation, but I wonder sometimes at the stories they write or publish.
Well, you know you're in danger.
I mean, once they start boss-hogging in a town, it's just like a federal government.
Once they go bad, they go south quick.
Now, where is all this going?
Are you going to... I mean, they dropped the assault charge because it's so asinine.
They've still got other charges on you, though, don't they?
They have two misdemeanors remaining, and I go before the judge on October 4th, I believe, at 8 a.m.
How can people contact you if they want to support you, Councilman?
I think the best thing to do is to leave word on the blog, on WNDU, or to email me at XK180.
Alright, sure.
We are going to follow your case.
I'd like to have you back on as this develops.
Please let me know.
Thank you, Councilman.
That's the freedom of the New America!
There you go!
We'll be right back.
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Walter Burien, expert on the financial system of the New World Order.
That's with us for the rest of the broadcast today.
I'm going to have to back up next week because so much is happening so we have a lot of time to flesh all this out.
By the way, gold hit 740 an ounce today before it settled back down to 740.
Settled back down to 739.5.
I mean, that is incredible.
Walter, you know, so much is happening.
I want to get into what the comprehensive financial reports are, how they set it up, how the scam works.
You talk about the sharks feeding on the schools of minnows.
I used that analogy earlier this week, except I was using the example of dolphins that do the same thing.
Birds do the same thing, too.
Some of the aquatic birds.
Well, let's go back to the end of the 40s, 1940s.
World War II was ending.
The money that was changing hands due to the war was massive.
Government, it was known that government was always the number one tool for collecting money.
Up until the 40s, government was a pay-as-you-go structure.
A group of bankers, brokers, politicians, lawyers got together in the mid-40s and they decided to structure government as a for-profit enterprise.
They shifted out of the normal operation of government
So, one of the attributes they needed to accomplish this objective, to turn government into an administrative clearinghouse for revenue collection, they wanted to put government on the same corporate level as any other corporation.
Johnson & Johnson, AT&T, IBM.
Now, a public corporation, a corporation has an annual financial report.
Up until this point, government was just doing a cash and carry budget report.
In 1946, a group called GFOA, Government Financial Officers Association, nice sounding government acronym, just like the Federal Reserve, but totally private, started promoting the annual financial reporting and accounting structure to local governments to get them off the budgetary cash and carry structure.
Well, the first large entity to go on the comprehensive annual financial reporting and accounting structure.
For government, they added one more word, comprehensive, at the beginning.
Instead of just calling their report an annual financial report, they put on their comprehensive annual financial report, or the acronym, CAFR.
Now, when I first started with disclosure, back in 1998, for national disclosure, I did a Google search on CAFR.
Walter, we're low on time.
Also sounds like a vacuum cleaner and a helicopter are taking off in the background.
Is there any way for you to get to a quieter place?
Is that better?
A little bit.
Now, just, we need to boil it down for people, we need to get into context for what's happening right now, because we've gone over this, just explain to them, 75 plus percent of corporations are owned by governments.
Water districts, school districts, states, the feds, every agency, and that's all off budget.
Explain how that scam works.
Well, to be able to do something that somebody doesn't want you to do, you have to be able to do it behind their back.
The Comprehensive Annual Finance Reporting Structure, what it did was it gave them the ability to shift all profit centers, all investment accounts, to be only reported on through the Comprehensive Annual Finance Report.
And what was presented to the public for the last 65 years was the Budget Report.
Now a budget, a selectively created budget report,
A budget report is what they're planning on spending for the year on a selected grouping of accounts, period.
The annual financial report shows the cumulative wealth over decades, all operations within that local government,
All investment funds from within that local government.
It shows the whole picture.
And here's an example.
TxDOT two years ago said we are in the red, a billion dollars on our budget.
And then someone in TxDOT, this came out in the Statesman, it was confirmed to be accurate, said no, we've had a six billion dollar surplus
Going back to ten million some years, two million other years, and that they actually had over a hundred billion dollars in liquid investments that wasn't pension funds, folks.
Liquid off-budget.
Now that was just the Texas Department of Transportation.
Meanwhile, they're saying we gotta have toll roads because there's no money.
So that's what it boils down to, folks.
We're going to tie it in with Walter Buran to what this means now.
And Walter's the guy that discovered this.
Hidden in plain view.
Now since he's talked about it, a lot of people know about it.
But this is just another example of how
The financial system you know is like the matrix.
It's a projection.
It's false.
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We at The Bible Says want to alert the world to the topic of the Mark of the Beast.
Soon it will be upon us as an overwhelming surprise.
The world is pressing toward a forced one-world religion.
The real issue behind this is the union of church and state nullifying our First Amendment.
Americans will have to give up their peculiar beliefs and accept what the new world religious leaders prescribe.
In 2005, President Bush signed the REAL ID Act.
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Which seems to parallel the no buying and selling of Revelations 13-17.
In Revelations 14-9, speaking of the Mark of the Beast, it says, If any man worship the Beast, take notice.
It says, Worship the Beast.
This issue is about worship, not economics.
I hurt myself
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm about to go straight back to Walter Burry and this is tying us in with the current economic news.
I'm going to recap some of that.
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All right, going back to Walter Murien.
Walter, listen.
I know you're going over the basics of this and the history of this and how it started in Chicago and how it moved the armed services.
Give them basic numbers.
Well, first use an example of a few school districts, actual examples you like to use.
And then let's look at states, back when you first looked at it in the trillions, and cities in the trillions.
Cities with trillions extra, folks.
Yes, we're not playing games here.
This is the level of just opulence and wealth they've got.
While they always tell us we're broke, we're broke, we need more.
And now they don't even need the free market anymore because they've sheared everything away and they have total wealth almost.
There's only 20% left.
That's what these contractions are about.
Walter, break that down.
Let's qualify a few numbers as far as how many individual entities are out there.
Just in local government, there are 84,000 plus
Comprehensive annual finance reports, or annual finance reports, produced each year.
Every city is a separate entity, a county, a state, a school district, enterprise operations, even your local, you know, county, city, state golf course is a separate operation.
Each with their own report, each with their own investments, all separate from each other.
Now, I put a large one up on my front page, the New York State Retirement Fund Capper, which is a government fund for a retirement fund, but I use that one due to the fact that retirement fund cappers show a listing of the investments.
Every single investment, both international and domestic equities, real estate, loans, bonds, investments, the whole nine yards.
It's all broken down.
And you can click on that list.
It says I have 2001's up there, but you can also see 2006.
Oh, and by the way, let's be clear, Walter.
Walter, when I first learned about you ten years ago,
I didn't believe it, and I went and got the Texas Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, I got the Travis County, I got the Austin Independent School District, I got the Navy's report.
It was all on the web.
It was hidden in plain view, and then I would bring it up to city council, and it was like you had shown a giant crucifix to a vampire and dumped holy water on them.
They would literally turn white and gulp.
Now they don't seem to care if people didn't really, I guess, take notice like they should have.
But understand, folks, it is the whole financial system is a complete fraud.
What you're taught has nothing to do with reality.
Now, Walter, just briefly, tell us... What you're taught is a big fraud.
The financial system is not a fraud because they're maintaining value and they're operating under it.
So, that gives it a viable nature for working.
What you're told about it is 100% fraud.
Well, that's what I meant.
The system we all operate in, the debt slave system, is a trap with a rigged game.
Well, let's go back to the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve's sole purpose is to keep the value of the dollar.
By not having a dollar backed by a commodity such as gold or silver, and that's why they went off in 1963-64, because there wasn't enough gold or silver to back the amount of dollars they wanted to print, or had in circulation, if they were called in.
So here, under the Federal Reserve Usury Notes, they can now print off as many as they so desire, as long as they do it at a level where they can maintain value, which is monitored by the Federal Reserve.
So now, government can expand to the nth degree.
They can build the housings, buy property.
Take over countries.
Unlimited capital!
Just put it up.
But that's not for us though.
Bang, bang, bang.
It's a rigged game against... It's for them.
And they were able, government on the local level, was able to take over everything by investment.
The stock market, the insurance industry, the banking industry.
Government is now the marketplace.
Government is now the primary investor with the banks.
Government is now the primary funder and investor with insurance companies.
But let's be clear, in a revolving door, key corporate captains are the city managers and the Air Force managers and the Federal Reserve managers, and then they do the deals with their cronies and then place the power into global corporate hands that are merging the governments and the Fortune 100.
And vice versa, and you know, but government is the actual controlling regulator, so they have to have full control over government.
But again, the ultra-rich, the ultra-elite rich use the government to force our tax money into investments to them.
And the government then determines its policy to make a profit on those investments.
If you look at that New York State Retirement Fund Capital List of Investments, you'll see the number one profit makers.
The war industry groups, the banks, the pharmaceutical companies, the oil companies, for 500% profits!
Now, this is a slight, tad, conflict of interest.
Here, government, who's setting policy, is buying up these industry groups.
Government was promoting to the Fortune 500 companies to outsource to India, to China, to Russia, wherever, because
By taking advantage of that five, ten cent an hour labor, governments own investment funds would go right up through the roof.
People have been saying, the stock market can't maintain the level it is.
Earnings don't match these prices.
It's got to come down.
They've been saying that for the last six, seven years.
The reason it keeps going up is government wants to inflate their own book value and maintain their own book value.
And I keep telling people, when you own the cookie jar, you determine the price of the cookies.
And government owns the cookie jar!
When you look at, like I said, the New York State Retirement Fund, that's just one report!
Give them some numbers!
Microsoft Corporation, 44 million shares!
Exxon Mobil, 1.5 billion dollars!
Go down the list!
You're moving too fast!
Walter, stop!
You're moving too fast!
This is what government owns in them!
Now this is just from one report!
How much government owns?
Out of a thousand!
We've got to stop you, Walter.
You've got to go slow for people, okay?
Explain to them... Let's go back, okay?
Let's go back here.
Explain to people, when you first learned of this, and I looked the numbers up, it's even worse now, how much New York State versus Manhattan, how much pure cream money and investments they had off-budget.
That's not your pension fund investments, folks.
Well, the very first report I looked at was New Jersey's.
The second report I looked at was New York State's.
New York State had approximately $635 billion total in liquid investment assets.
This is total liquid investment assets.
I then looked at the
Manhattan Metro Caffer, which includes Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island.
The Manhattan Metro Caffer had 1.2 trillion dollars in investment assets.
Twice that of the entire state!
Now, this was how many years ago?
Uh, that was 1998, I was looking.
Now, let's just stop right there.
They tell cops, you've got to go out and write more tickets, the state's broke, we've got to have the money to pay you.
The average cop doesn't know that the average cop brings in over $200,000 a year, they're paying him $35,000 a year.
Then they take the lion's share of that, hire more cops to go write tickets, and then invest the rest in these bank accounts of these private groups that are controlling the government.
So see, cops think they've got to go out and write tickets, and the poor fools don't know, but it's the same everywhere.
They've been laughing all the way down to the bank every single year as the public is masterfully entertained.
They keep the public looking off in right field as they conduct business as usual and left.
And if you want to see what business as usual is, you have to look at their actual financial reports.
What percentage does government own of global investments now?
Government is the marketplace.
Now, your report, Gafford's exposed.
By the way, I just saw that for the first time about a year ago.
Someone finally sent me a copy.
But, you said in the report, there are $60 trillion in surpluses.
Well, at that time, there were $60 trillion in liquid investment funds.
How much of that is surplus?
A full audit would have to be done.
Now, currently, there probably is about $60 trillion in surplus, because with the unrestrained investment arena the government's been playing in, multiplying their profits over and over again each year,
The liquid investment funds of both local and federal government are well up around $110 trillion at this point in time.
You know, because we're talking that $60 trillion mark was back in the 1998 mark.
The government, through the biggest monopoly on the face of the planet, has been taking over the investment arena.
You know, they utilize their own pension fund monies to take over different countries and industry groups.
They utilize self-insurance funding, bond repayment accounts.
Most states now have structure to be self-sufficient on their own debt.
Okay, I'm going to have you up next week to go through the history of this, because a lot of people don't know, want to recap it.
But now, let's get into the current news, because I agree, they're going to drop the dollar down again, then bring it back up a little, drop it down again, then bring it back up a little.
A constrictor, whether it's a python or a boa, when it grabs a little pig or grabs a deer or grabs an alligator, which they do, every time you breathe out, they squeeze tighter.
And the banks have written policy reports how what they're doing now is blowing out all the small banks, all the small brokerage houses, and we would think of them as gigantic and the tens of billions apiece.
They're blowing them all out.
You know what the bottom line is, Alex?
Explain it to them.
The bottom line is, okay, as everybody else is getting burnt, like I said, government is doing this.
The government investment funds are doing this.
You have to look at their reports, just as in 9-11.
9-11 occurred.
The private sector on their IRAs, 401K plans, they lost big time over the next year.
Some lost 40-60% of their equity.
Well, if you look at the government investment funds, they didn't miss a heartbeat!
They all showed a profit!
The bottom line is, who benefits?
Who profits?
And if you look at, as this manipulation of the dollar occurs, most people don't realize that governments are benefiting from the lower dollar.
Their investments now, they have massive investments in Asia, the Soviet bloc countries, South America, Mexico, all in foreign currency.
So as they're taking advantage of that cheap labor making significant profits, they also compound and double their profits
The way I likened it, Walter, is you know they're a species of beetle that certain larval insects like to lay their eggs on their chest and then they burrow in and eat the beetle's insides out to form their next phase of life.
And that's all this really is.
literally has formed the yolk
The U.S.
Let's go back a few years to one of our first programs we did.
Remember when you said Walter?
The scope of the government's size right now.
It's okay, let's use a dog.
If we have a 100-pound dog, government has turned into a parasitic tick.
And we have a 300-pound tick being drug around by a 100-pound dog.
Government, you know, communism.
I've learned the scope and the total gross income of government, both local and federal.
I put a note up on my website immediately.
Do you ever wonder why Gorbachev went Democratic?
He looked at the boys in the United States and said, oh, they have more control than we do, and they're making 10 times as much.
Yeah, we wrote the blueprint for communism based on government ownership.
We have the entire population now chasing a carrot on the treadmill, generating 100% energy and 85% of that energy is being tapped off by government in one way, shape, form or another.
And we've allowed government to grow.
And here's the problem.
Break it down.
That's why you have no effect in the courts.
You have no effect in the legal system.
You have no effect with your politicians because they're only concerned with their paycheck, their inflated budgets, their inflated pensions.
There has been no accountability or consequence.
Well, what's happening currently?
I mean, clearly they admit they're consolidating.
The Financial Times admits the big banks are basically implementing all this.
How deep do you think this current sucking is going to go?
Until they accomplish their final objective, which is the One World Government, One World Order, and One World Population Control, and a standard for every single person in the world, with them in control.
I agree, that's the scary part, is everything they said they'd do, they've done.
They wrote books about it.
You can't get mainline neocons or liberals to listen, they just giggle at you.
And these globalists are cold-blooded geniuses who do everything they say they're going to do, and they say they're going to, once they get world government, they're going to hit us with controlled bioweapons and kill everybody.
Let's qualify one thing.
Do you know why they giggle?
The only thing they're giggling about is they have their pockets so damn fat with $100 bills.
Yeah, so what?
I got $50,000 in cash in my back pocket from cooperating with this deal.
So what?
It's not hurting me any.
The corporations, the CEOs, the bankers.
Hey, hey!
I got stacks of $100 bills in my back pocket!
Yeah, but it's based on cops taking little children to go be sold into sex slavery.
It's based on old people being euthanized.
It's based on them taking farms and ranches.
It's based on black ski masks in FEMA camps.
As I mentioned back in 2005, you know, my own son was grabbed out of our arms by our armed force.
I have not seen him since November 23, 2005.
The cop after he grabbed my son,
He goes, you know why I work in New Jersey?
This happened back in New Jersey.
He goes, because I get paid more here.
It's money.
Pure money.
We'll be right back with Walter Beran.
Pure evil.
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By the way, you can get the comprehensive annual financial report exposed, made back in 2000, at InfoWars.com.
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And it just goes over the basics of how the double set of books works and the fraud.
And that is available again at InfoWars.com.
You can watch it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Walter, how do folks go to your website and how do they support the work you're doing?
Run that question by me again there, Alex.
How do people visit your website and how do people support you?
If you go to my website, right on the top, you'll see an icon that says, Support Caffer One.
And click on that icon.
It gives my mailing address, gives the information, and also I put out a request on February 14th for people to buy Caffer One.
Well it's incredible that so many yuffies out there and others want to just keep going along with the system.
But that's one of my last questions to you, Walter, and I'm going to get you on next week when you're on the landline.
How many people in government in the system are aware of the real system?
Very, very, very, very, very small percentage.
99% of the government employees are just going downstream with the current and collecting their paycheck and dreaming about their luscious government pension.
Now, the globalists openly say, though, that they plan in the near future on not giving them the pensions and imploding things and just giving them a police state.
When do you see that happening?
Well, I put up a link.
You'll see it has to do with if they drop the Federal Reserve and drop the fiat dollar and go to a gold-backed dollar exclusively, that's a big problem.
Everyone in this country will lose their wealth, because the wealth now is based on the dollar, which is not backed by any single commodity.
If you want to throw a big hiccup into the plans of the globalists, you make the dollar a commodity index backed currency.
Not just exclusively gold, but gold, silver, copper, commodities, grains, crude oil.
You can even throw in a real estate index.
If you make the currency backed by actual physical commodities, a full spectrum, an index,
Then it throws a big wrench into the gears of the Globalist.
And it makes it very hard to manipulate.
They've bought a pile of gold over the last 60 years.
Makes it very hard to manipulate when it's not a one-crop system.
Yeah, and very few people in the United States own gold.
Most people don't own gold.
It's the globalists that bought up all the gold.
They've been manipulating for the last 60 years to get all of the cash gold in their possession.
Walter, I want to talk to you... If they collapse the dollar and then go on a gold standard, they take over.
Walter, we're out of time.
I want to talk to you when the show ends here in about 45 seconds, so please stay there, and I appreciate you coming on, and we'll get you on again in the next few weeks to be able to walk through exactly how these work.
And, my friends, you can go look this up for yourself, okay?
When they tell you they gotta put, like USA Today did today, that the states are broke, they gotta have toll roads on all the roads, it's just a complete lie.
They're just greedy, and they don't know how to stop, and it's the most corrupt system ever seen, and they're raping you right now, they're destroying the dollar right now, they're engaging in high treason right now.
I'll be back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
right here on the Genesis Network.
You can listen on the internet or on your local amarantham station like LBJ 590 from Dallas down to San Antonio.
You can listen to it.
And the show starts again in one minute at InfoWars.com.
We re-stream it out.
You can hear my analysis of what's happening currently in the economy, and Ron Paul standing up to Edward Bernanke, and we had Ron Paul's campaign on as well in the first hour today.
That's coming up right now in about a minute.
And then on top of that, in the second hour, I have that Gordon Bloyer on who says I should be arrested for treason.
So be sure and tune back into that if you missed it.
God bless you all.
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