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Name: 20070916_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 16, 2007
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Prepare yourself for a talk radio experience like no other.
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He stands for truth.
He stands for justice.
He stands for what's right.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now.
Hold free at 877-
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is the 16th day of September 2007.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours.
By the way, I'm going to be on KLBJ
93.7 for two hours tomorrow morning with Dudley and Bob.
Look forward to doing that for local listeners in Austin, Texas.
They're listening to us on our flagship station, News Radio 590 KLBJ.
I want to say hi to all the stations across the country.
Picking up the broadcast, AM, FM, shortwave, internet, satellite.
The websites are jonesreport.com, prisonplanet.tv, and infowars.com.
Well, today is no different.
If you're looking for the information war, you have found the very front line, the tip of the spear.
We're here defending this constitutional republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
Both parties are bought and paid for by international interest.
And are literally destroying the very fabric, the currency, the sovereignty, the borders of this country, and we're defending it from all the fake liberals and all the fake conservatives who are really there bought and paid for to tow the party line, the status quo, which is the destruction of our beloved United States.
Here is the news in front of me, top stories, ladies and gentlemen.
For the last six years, they have tried every year to pass draconian total amnesty legislation.
And now we have discovered that they have come back with a vengeance and have tagged it on, scheduled to be voting on it early this week.
In fact, as early as tomorrow, the 2008 defense spending package.
This is unbelievable news.
Total, complete, absolute amnesty.
We'll be going over it.
And this time, you don't hear talk radio abuzz with this information.
In fact, very little is being said about it.
It's called the Dream Act.
Kind of like they called the Patriot Act the Patriot Act.
It was the opposite of patriotism.
It was the opposite of a free society.
Well, this is called the DREAM Act.
We'll be telling you about that today.
Senate to consider Secret Open Borders DREAM Act.
We'll be going over that report for you today.
Also, a month ago, there were runs on U.S.
Runs on several different banks, countrywide, leading that problem, starting that escalating problem.
The Federal Reserve has put in more than $250 billion in an attempt to bail out U.S.
mortgage banks and different funds that have been investing in the mortgage bundles, and bundling that with other derivatives and other paper assets that have been fully leveraged.
Well, now it's been runs on the British Bank, where they have a strong pound, but they're so heavily invested in different U.S.
assets that first there were runs on Countrywide, then three weeks ago runs on French Banks, and now runs on British Banks.
Here are the headlines.
Run on the Bank.
That's the Times of London.
Here's CTV out of Canada.
Mortgage fears drive run on British Bank.
Here's another reporter.
London Observer.
Fears grow for British economy as panic over Northern Rock spreads, the fifth largest bank in England.
Associated Press today.
Fears spread among UK bank customers to other banks.
Another report here.
Out of this is Scotland.
The day the panic came to High Street.
That means the big banking district, the City of London within London.
And in other economic news we'll be covering, oil industry is sleepwalking into crisis, says the head of Dutch Royal Shell, with oil prices now over $80 a barrel.
So we will continue to cover that information later in the broadcast.
Getting into the war news stack, again just a prelude of what's coming up, Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil.
Alan Greenspan is a liar, and we'll tell you why.
Oil is a small part of it, but to say that it's oil, or to say Bush ran it all, this is what we predicted.
We said, when they start dumping all the sins onto Bush, their little puppet, you know we're in deep trouble.
So the establishment is definitely hanging Bush out to dry with this.
All the other signs were preparatory, and only signposts towards this.
When the Grand Poobah
Alan Greenspan makes this statement.
You know we're in for very serious times.
That is just some of the news that we have here on the war front.
Proxy war could soon turn to direct conflict, analysts warn.
strikes on Iran predicted as tensions rise over arms smuggling and nuclear fears.
And now they're claiming that that week and a half ago bombing
30 miles inside Syria by Israeli warplanes was some type of nuclear weapons fuel cash that had been delivered by North Korea.
So we will walk through all of that today.
Again, we've got the banking run news.
That's when people line up to get their money out.
Oh, by the way, they wouldn't give it to them!
I forgot that part!
Computer glitches nationwide.
Stop people from ringing them and get their money out.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge I'll sell you on the surface of the sun.
Just give me a call after the show.
It's only a million dollars.
I'm selling oceanfront property on the surface of the sun and the moon while we're at it.
And Pluto, if you want to throw in a little extra cash.
Kind of like that international star registry.
I'll sell you the stars.
I mean, you know, come on.
We've got the war drums beating louder than ever.
It looks like they're giving the green light to go ahead and start the war there.
The top news today is they're back with Total Amnesty and we'll walk through that news.
And in the second hour, Terry Melton, who I've gotten to know over the last few years, he's done some camera work for us several times.
In fact, you'll see some of his work in Endgame at the very end of the film when I'm bullhorning the Governor's mansion at
He moved out shortly after, and probably has another residence now.
Bullhorning his mansion at about 10.30 at night just a few months ago for his treasonous activity going to the Bilderberg Group meeting to sell out Texas sovereignty on our border and our infrastructure, water, coal plants, and roads to the foreign banks like Centra of Spain.
And that's Terry's work there.
Terry had several times gone up to cover
The Brown situation in New Hampshire right outside Plainfield.
I'm sure you've heard about it.
It's made national headlines on Fox and CNN and of course Coast to Coast AM has covered it.
We've covered it here.
We've had the Browns on several times.
The Fed said they haven't paid their income tax and so they're going to come in and arrest them.
The Browns are saying they're not going to go without a fight and it's escalated to Homeland Security helicopters flying over the property.
The press has been stopped from going in there now this weekend.
That's been in the news.
Four men who were accused of aiding and abetting the Browns, who'd been on the property and done some shopping and things for them, were arrested last Wednesday afternoon.
And amongst them was Terry Milton.
Now, he wasn't indicted.
It was four men arrested and indicted.
Terry was visiting with one of the men, Danny Riley, who we've interviewed here as well, and was making a documentary film about the Browns, and was in New York about to go with Danny out of the property, when they got raided.
And the story is what the Marshal said to him, what they did to him,
You would expect this out of the Sopranos, you would expect this out of Scarface, but you would not expect this out of the good old U.S.
of A. So it's a nice window into the secret police here in the U.S.
And I would add, in the past amnesty bill and the new one, I'm looking at the subsection right here, the illegal aliens are given total tax amnesty.
And a felony of aggravated assault, arson, and child molestation.
It's actually all in here.
They're given total blank... Amnesty isn't even a word.
This is a presidential pardon.
Congressional pardon.
Not U.S.
citizens, though.
Where are the cattle?
Where are the hogs?
The Christmas hogs to be hung up and bled.
We've been bred and trained to be slaves that think we're free, and we've got to be taught who the boss is.
So we'll get into that for about 30 minutes in the next hour as well.
It's absolutely, totally jam-packed.
We'll cover the high treason, the attempt to legalize 30-plus million illegal aliens, and their entire families.
They're back again when we return.
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Ted Anderson from Ritus.
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Raging for the truth.
Exposing corruption.
Dismantling a false left-right paradigm.
He's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
Well, last week, 100, and that's just a start in the first six months and it's unlimited, Mexican trucking firms are allowed to drive unhindered anywhere in the lower 48.
And on top of that,
They're given, each time they come in, a six-month unlimited visa.
And on top of that, they're under Homeland Security and the NAFTA agreement, and so they don't have to pull off to the scales where the state police, and everybody knows this, feeds on them and gives them massive tickets and fines.
I know truck drivers right here in Austin, Texas, some of them I've known 12-plus years, who have brand new, nice trucks, and the police will stop them, they will literally wipe their finger on the tailgate, and they call that leakage or spillage.
And give them huge tickets.
Not if you are from Mexico, baby.
This is the New World Order.
It's all about unfair trade practices.
But that's only the beginning.
They're building a port.
That is almost twice the size of the port of Houston, the biggest port in the U.S.
right now on the Pacific side.
They want to use U.S.
taxpayer funds, this is all public, to build the Napa Superhighways, to bring all these goods in.
They're going to fund it with tolls on existing roads.
This is all public!
That we're going to pay for our own destruction.
Now, I thought I'd just add that little caveat to what North American Union living is all about.
This is from Free Market News.
I also have JBS, I also have Associated Press, and I have the Heritage Foundation, as well as Wikipedia, and this time their entry on this is accurate.
And I've gone and read the bill for myself.
This is high treason.
Now, the census six years ago said that there were 14 million illegal aliens.
Excuse me, seven years ago, in 2000.
Now, that's just who they were able to get to answer the census.
The federal government and other agencies have said they believe it's more close to 25 to 30 million, and that number's two years old.
If 3 million illegal aliens get in illegally each year, according to Homeland Security, another 900 plus thousand are brought in legally.
That's 3.9 million a year.
And so yes, in the last six plus years, we're talking well over 30 million illegal aliens in the country.
Under this bill, Senate Amendment 2237 to the Defense Authorization Act of 2008.
They fund it in 2007 for 2008.
Last year, they funded the end of the Republic, the end of states' rights.
It openly says for revolts, for martial law, that the President is above
The Governors, it preemptively made him dictator.
Then earlier this year, May 9th, Presidential Decision Directive 51, the President came out and said that Congress isn't involved in Continuity of Government now.
He is above them.
And then, three weeks ago, or was it four weeks ago now, at the Security and Prosperity Partnership Third Summit up in
Canada and Montebello, and this is public, they released this, the United Nations is over Homeland Security!
And so first the President, unlawfully, treasonously, takes the authority away from Congress during continuity of government, a power he doesn't have, but they're following orders, they did it.
Just like Hitler didn't have the power to announce himself dictator, but it happened.
And now it's not just the President is above the law, now he's given it over to United Nations control.
So the treason just continues.
Now, for the last six-plus years, President Bush, every year, has brought in legislation for total amnesty.
Now, three months ago, they lied and said it's not amnesty, but for the first time in U.S.
history, a mainline bill is secret.
No one can see the Senate bill.
Then, Senator Sessions and one other Republican senator did the right thing and released the bill, and they got in trouble for it.
But they said, look, I'm releasing the bill.
We got the bill and it was worse than any amnesty previously seen.
Anyone who had ever been here, even if they were a convicted, aggravated felon.
We don't mean some non-violent white collar.
I mean, it listed child molestation, arson, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon.
I challenge police listening who don't believe this to go read the bill.
I challenge you.
It was all over the news.
You cannot make this up.
There were, what, the 20 smoking guns, is what Senator Sessions called it, of the bill.
Just type in Senator Sessions 20, 20, no, 20 loopholes, in the letter he said smoking guns, in the article he wrote, and he gave each subsection.
That's the best road map.
And then I found stuff that he didn't even find, and other people found stuff I didn't find.
I mean, it was hundreds of pages long.
You cannot, it's so bad, you cannot even believe it.
Reality is much worse than fiction.
So first they say it's not amnesty, and then it's true!
It wasn't just amnesty, it was total, complete capitulation.
It allowed them to bring in twelve family members.
Their first visit, they were given social security cards under the bill, and completely legalized.
Well, guess what?
That was narrowly defeated.
And what have they done?
They quietly, last week,
And I would have been on this earlier in the week, but I was in New York until Wednesday.
So I just learned about this on Friday.
They introduced 2237, Senate Amendment 2237, to the bill sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat, Illinois, a treasonous traitor, into the quote, Dream Act, which would grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
And then they go through
I spent two hours Friday, another hour today, reading and checking the claims of this Free Market News article, Free Market News Network, and it's actually worse than what they say.
And it is the same thing, but with one little added.
In the earlier bill, they said, well if you're an aggravated felon, just sign a pledge promising you won't do it again.
Or, sign a pledge you've been here for five years and you can stay.
But everybody knows the illegals have already lied to get here.
They're already criminals.
And so, and there's no vetting or checking on this.
Now they claim, claiming it's educational, oh, if you claim you were here since you were 15, you could be 45, 56, it doesn't matter, then you're instantly legalized and it says you can bring 12 family members within one year to the United States.
So, they have also added a similar bill to the Farm Bill, H.R.
See, what they're doing now is just hitting us with a bunch of torpedoes, hoping one of them hits.
This is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
Senate Amendment 2237 to the bill, sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin.
Bush says he'll sign it.
In the DREAM Act, and talk about a
It's a nightmare act for the American people, which would grant amnesty to illegal aliens that have maintained continuous presence in the United States for five years, and was not yet 16 years old upon entry.
And it just says that they signed a pledge saying that was the case.
No proof, no nothing, there you have it.
And if you just type into Google, there's literally hundreds of articles on this, if you just type into Google the DREAM Act,
Uh, it will, uh, pop up.
You can click on News, or click on Web, and you get different results for each one.
I've got eight different stories here, and the bill.
The end of this republic.
Meanwhile, they said we've got to go have war with Iran to save America, but the borders are more open than ever.
The same people destroying our sovereignty are the very ones launching these wars that destroy our good name and bankrupt our treasury.
When we get back, I'm going to cover the unbelievable war news.
We're on the very edge of war with Iran, and Greenspan now trying to demonize Bush.
Talk about Satan calling me Elsie Bob Evil.
And your calls, I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with me.
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Heart and body extract
You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Corruption never had a worse enemy.
You're locked into the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, my friends.
Okay, let's get into the war news.
Alan Greenspan, who was Fed Chairman for close to 20 years, has now come out with a new book
Where he says that Bush was horrible when it came to the economy, and put us into all this terrible debt, and that the war was done because Bush and the oil companies wanted the oil.
Dick Cheney, part of PNAC, Project for the American Century,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder of the Trilateral Commission, National Security Advisor, and many others, and the Pentagon, War College, the Naval and Army and Marine, all the major war colleges, told us why.
It was never widely distributed on the news, but they were quite honest.
They always have their version for academics that's the truth, or close to truth, and then what they tell the public, who can't find Iraq on a map or know what a Shiite or a Sunni is.
I mean, they know you're ill-informed.
I'm here trying to inform you.
I know a lot of you are more informed than I am, but generally the public's not informed.
And that was that they wanted to break Iraq into three parts.
This is the official plan.
And then spread sectarian violence into Iran and Syria, and bring down the whole region into third world status, and then actually reduce the amount of oil being pumped out, because so much oil has been found in Russia, so much oil has been found in Mexico, so much oil has been found in the North Sea, all over the world, that there is a glut of oil, too much oil, and they're trying to create artificial scarcity.
Meanwhile today, the Times of London,
Has the head of Dutch Rochelle saying, oh my gosh, peak oil, there's not enough oil, we're running out of oil, oil's going to go up to 160 a barrel.
That's because they want to have unfair profits through a oligopoly.
That's groups getting together and forming a monopoly.
Well, we know 12 years ago, the BBC and Greg Pallis reported that they got the documents from Dutch Rochelle where they created the peak oil fraud.
So, again,
They're running scams.
They claim it's little environmentalists in Alaska blocking oil being pumped out.
They just use them as their fronts to blame, ladies and gentlemen.
The oil companies don't want that oil pumped out because, again, there's too much oil.
We got the documents in 2000.
AP did.
Uh, during lawsuits.
And it turned out, these were documents from 95 and 96, the big five oil companies in the U.S.
Exxon Mobil, Chevron, list goes on and on, saying we need to buy up the 200 plus refineries that are privately owned and close them because there's too much oil, this will create a bottleneck.
Again, it is not the little, uh, hippies up there in Alaska blocking the oil being pumped.
They're used as the front.
I want to explain this to you.
Well, it's the same thing here.
Greenspan has a lot more power than Bush ever did.
Greenspan works directly for the private shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve that took over this country in 1913.
Greenspan wrote books about it in the 1960s.
In the 70s it was republished in a book by Ayn Rand, a collection of essays titled, Capitalism the Unrealized Dream.
Two essays written by Greenspan admitting the Federal Reserve is private and runs everything and is criminal.
He was such a powerful economist in New York and hurting him, and owning a gold brokerage firm, that they came and bought him off.
That's part of the record!
Greenspan was like Alex Jones!
Except a top economist.
Not somebody with a draw from Texas.
Bottom line, I mean, I don't want to hear from you the Federal Reserve isn't private and run by offshore corporations and running scams.
Alan Greenspan wrote a book saying it.
The thing is a best-seller.
It's at Barnes & Noble's.
Capitalism, the unrealized dream.
I don't want to hear it!
I go off lawsuit documents, AP.
I go off Dutch Royal Shell documents, BBC.
I go after the actual people that are saying it and doing it.
And I get mad because they're hurting our economy.
They're hurting the average family out there.
I mean, it's hard for me to fill up.
I filled up today.
There's plenty of oil.
Well, now they're trying to put all the evils, and they do this at the end of every administration, just like they did with Clinton.
Clinton's evil, didn't like him exposing, but he was a puppet.
And it's like birdcage liner, that's my analogy.
They're the bird inside the cage, they soil it, and then everything that's blamed on the birdcage, not the bird, they remove it, they blame everything on Bush, who is a horrible person, but still a puppet, and then they move on from there.
And this is the Times of London, it's Reuters, it's all over the news.
Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil.
America's elder statesman of finance, Alan Greenspan, has shaken the White House by declaring that the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil.
You actually read the PNAC documents, oil was only one part of five major reasons.
It was mainly about putting troops in Iraq to project power into Iran and Syria and to destabilize the region, and then secondarily it was about oil, cutting off the oil supply so they could drive up prices.
Remember what Saddam was in trouble for?
Do yourself a favor, don't believe me.
Go to the UT library, or if you're in Kansas City, go to your local library, and go to the microfiche, and pull up, in the months before the invasion of Iraq,
Washington Post, New York Times articles, I remember it.
And I've gone and done this.
I've gone and pulled the articles.
And we've covered them on my television show here locally.
We've covered them on the web.
They went and
He said to Saddam, stop over-pumping.
You've driven oil prices down to 85, 90 cents a gallon of gas, and we don't appreciate this.
He said, I owe 30 plus billion dollars to the U.S.
You're over-pumping.
alone for loans you gave me to attack Iran.
I'm a good known CIA agent.
You trained me when I was 18 years old.
He publicly gave speeches.
I'm pro-America.
Why are you doing this to me?
I'm not defending Saddam, folks.
I'm giving you the history.
They set him up because he was over-pumping.
And then, of course, it's about hundreds of billions a year in no-bid weapons contracts now up to 1.2 trillion in the last four and a half years.
That's official numbers.
We currently have spent 1.2 trillion.
And growing.
And, of course, it was also about demonizing the U.S.
worldwide to make the E.U.
the new power center so they could play the good cop when the families that run the E.U.
are the very same families that own our private Federal Reserve.
So, Greenspan's being hailed right now for coming out and attacking Bush.
And I've said it over and over again the last few years, when the central bankers, Bernanke and others, and Paul Volckler, former head of the Federal Reserve, was doing this two weeks ago, when they start coming out and putting all the blame on Bush and saying we're going to have a recession and it could be a depression, and when they start saying the subprime woes aren't our fault, and when they start posing as the saviors, when they engineer, they run the country, not the President.
When this starts to happen,
You get ready for really serious times.
And I'm freaked out right now.
They're doing it, the balloon is going up, and I am completely freaked out.
That's all I can tell you.
This is absolutely incredible.
And other news, top experts who watch the developments towards war say that they believe that it's a green light for war with Iran.
Later in the next hour, I'm going to get into that.
Israel blew apart Syrian nuclear cash.
Times of London again.
Uh, this is not news of the weird saying this.
This is mainstream news.
Uh, probably more disinfo.
But, uh, we'll go over that for you later.
There's also the bank run news I'm gonna get to later.
But right now, let's get to some of your phone calls.
Let's talk to Mario in New York.
Says he disagrees that I'm crazy.
Mario, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I wanted to know when is the exchange final cut coming out?
Well, where are these documents?
Nobody's seen them.
Well, it sounds like you haven't looked for them.
I just told you Associated Press in 2000 had several articles and links to the documents about the oil companies wanting to shut down 200 plus refineries in the U.S.
saying in their own documents, in an antitrust suit, saying that they wanted to reduce supply.
So hold on, hold on!
Just because you're ignorant, and just because you haven't tried to look for them, you just call in and say, where are these documents?
They're on PrisonPlanet.com.
They've been engaging in corruption like this for years, but it's never come to fruition.
Oh, so now they've been corrupt for a long time, but... I mean, listen, you can hardly talk.
And all you people that disagree with me are like you.
I mean, you don't know anything!
You're like one-fifth of Americans who can't find the U.S.
on a map!
Listen here, punk!
All I do is research!
I know what I'm talking about!
I'm here warning you!
You understand me?
You shut your little punk mouth!
We're gonna be right back.
Stay with us.
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1-800-373-0402 1-800-373-0402 This is the GCN Radio Network.
Home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Crushing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I rarely blow up at somebody who disagrees.
In fact, we disagree to go to the head of the line like Mario did.
But, I mean, he's a complete moron!
He calls in and says I'm basically not telling the truth about stuff, then he goes, ah, corruption's always been there.
Yeah, and it comes to a head and you get a Hitler, or a Stalin, or a Mao.
Look, we're losing our freedoms here, and I'm upset about it!
Hey, but he's not as bad as some people.
This guy is a little fake conservative,
You know, I like Ronald Reagan in many ways, and it's a shame that people like this guy, you know, did photography for Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr.
as well.
He writes little articles for the neocons, and he put up on YouTube that I should be arrested for treason and fried.
So I should be killed!
No, I'm a real conservative.
I've studied the documents.
I know that most terrorism is government-sponsored and inside jobs.
I know the people running our country want to bring in a new world order, and they've said they want to.
Okay, I'm defending the Republic.
I'm upset about what's happening.
And all over the place, top national talk show hosts have called for my arrest.
They've said I need to go to a concentration camp.
Michelle Malkin has said people who disagree with the government should go to a concentration camp.
It is so un-American to then claim, we're in a time of war!
And so, because Lincoln arrested people, Alex Jones should be arrested!
It's incredible!
And that's the argument they're pushing, and that's, uh, there have been a bunch of news articles about neocons pushing this and wanting this and saying this.
Let's just go ahead and play about 30 seconds of this, uh, creature.
Here it is.
Gordon Bloyer here.
Hey, it's September 11th.
It's time to remember when two planes went into the towers in New York City, when one plane went into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and one plane went down in Pennsylvania.
The fact is, these things did happen as you saw them on television.
There was no conspiracy.
There are no bombs placed in the World Trade Center.
The facts are clear.
There are no unanswered questions.
There is no conspiracy.
People who are out there lying like Alex Jones
Are undermining our efforts to fight these terrorists.
They are committing treason.
When you lie in a time of war, you are committing treason.
Remember friends, a lie is not a point of view and it's not an opinion.
It's just a lie.
And a lie in a time of war is treason.
It's giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
It's time for Alex Jones to be arrested for treason and tried.
You little soft blowhard!
You fake conservative.
The people that have introduced Senate Amendment 2237 for total complete amnesty of 30 million illegal aliens who can then bring 12 family members apiece.
What is 12 times 30 million?
That's more than 300 million.
That's more than is already here.
There's six and a half billion people.
They all want to come here.
This is admittedly to bring in the North American Union.
We have the official documents and neocons are all over talk radio denying it exists!
And I'm just here desperately... I mean, I remember three weeks ago we learned that continuity of government had been handed over to the U.N.
First Bush takes it away from Congress, then he gives it to the U.N., and it's declassified!
And then we got people like this, because I'm here exposing government-sponsored terrorism.
Hey, buddy, I was saying 12 years ago Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
It's now completely declassified.
The LBJ tapes of him on the phone from the ranch in Johnson City up to McNamara in D.C.
about how they were going to stage it are released!
It's on C-SPAN!
The Israelis just declassified, but they staged that hostage crisis with Idi Amin.
That's Jerusalem Post!
It's incredible!
And what do the Pentagon documents say?
They say we're going to... P-2-O-G is the name of the whole Pentagon office.
Six billion a year.
They say we're going to go into Iraq, we're going to blow the place to bits, we're going to destabilize it, and then it's going to create real terrorists, which we want to then spread the crisis!
That's a Pentagon document!
P... Letter P... Number 2... O... G!
It's real easy!
Google it!
Five years ago!
A year and a half before the invasion!
How long ago was that?
I don't know, 2002.
Almost five years ago.
You know what?
Play the CNN clip.
Now literally, I have like 30 or 40 of these.
I haven't counted them up.
I've got the cops on local TV in New York saying, liquid steel melting and rolling and...
Jethro doesn't do that, folks.
I have the firefighters, police, emergency workers, EMTs, military people saying they were told to get back from Building 7, the 47-story building, that the government was going to blow it up.
And the owner goes on PBS and says, yeah, we gave the order to pull it, gave the order to wash it, come down, demolition term.
And then next they cut to the demolitions expert going, yeah, pull it means we blew it up.
Just in the last few seconds another building, building number seven, one of the buildings in support of the World Trade Center towers has collapsed.
Now, what did you just hear?
You heard CNN with two cops on tape, 200 yards, in front of Building 7, saying, get back, keep your eye on that building, they're about to blow it up, it's about to come down, they're about to blow it up.
On video!
Now, we didn't just stop there, we went and interviewed the cops!
I was just in New York!
Guess what I did?
And we interviewed the EMTs!
And we have a big... Let me see here.
How many pages?
Seven page article with video and audio links to all the people we interviewed because they tell you about the 22nd countdown!
I'm just supposed to ignore that!
That Building 7 is down the street, that it's got the CIA and FBI based in it, that now the Deputy Head of New York Emergency Management has gone on record and been interviewed for the loose change final cut, and he says that they blew it up,
Oh, and then I interviewed an Air Force EMT who responded, who was there, Kevin McPadden.
And we've got the video of that.
I wonder if we have time to play that.
We'll probably play it next hour.
I want to get to some calls right now.
And he was saying, yeah, they were there and the Red Cross,
We're good to go.
And then building 7 came down.
Play those cops one more time.
These are police videos saying get back, they're bringing the building down, they're going to blow it up.
Here are the cops!
Just in the last few seconds, another building, building number seven, one of the buildings in support of the World Trade Center towers has collapsed.
Now, let me give you a little news flash, folks.
I had opportunities seven, eight years ago, five years ago, to go do big national radio shows and be a fake neocon.
And I said no.
And believe me, living in a big fancy house and driving around in nice cars, living in LA or New York, wouldn't be against my fancy.
But I didn't do it.
And I get to have little scumbags, like Bloyer, saying, I should be arrested and fried, executed, because I talk about this.
My gosh, I mean, I've got all these cops, and all these firemen, and EMTs, and emergency workers, we could play the clips all day, saying, yeah, they told us they were going to blow it up and had a countdown.
We were asking, how did you get bombs in the building?
Takes weeks to... They tried to blow up the Intel building here in Austin for two months, wired it, and it didn't fall.
In fact, one-tenth of buildings do not fall when they try to blow them.
Type in Demolition Fails Google Video.
You'll see sports stadiums, skyscrapers, Las Vegas stuff that doesn't fall.
Isn't that beautiful?
In its footprint.
47 story building.
Then they ask, well why'd they blow it up?
I don't know why they blew it up.
The point is they blew it up!
The point is the official story is a lie and a fraud.
You think it's fun to be Alex Jones?
You think it's fun to have all the eyes on you?
You think it's fun?
To be fighting a new war at this level.
I'm in this too deep, folks.
I'm the past the point of no return a long time ago.
I do this because somebody's got to fight this evil.
I mean, it isn't my opinion that the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, and gave them the detonators.
And I know conservatives listening, well, that might be okay, because Clinton ran that.
No, it isn't about partisanship.
The Feds orchestrated and provocateured the first attack.
And they did the same thing.
With 9-11.
And just because you say it isn't so, doesn't make me wrong.
You better check out my claims.
Alright, I know I haven't gotten a lot of your calls.
Burton, Justin, Antonio, Paul, Isaac, Derek.
Everybody, your calls are coming up.
Also, a harrowing tale of somebody once they got grabbed by the federal marshals for being a reporter.
For engaging in the First Amendment.
We'll be right back.
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We are now into our number two.
After this guest is in the studio with us, I promise I'm going to get to all the patient crawlers.
I will get to every one of you that's on hold right now.
Then I'm going to get more into 9-11 because we have
A whole bunch of firemen, emergency workers, EMTs saying they were told to get back from building 7 was going to be blown up.
We've always had the video of them saying it as it happened.
And the owner saying he blew it up, and this is all hidden in plain view.
But now we have all these other eyewitnesses.
That is all coming up.
Also, I'm going to get into runs on British banks, what that means here in the U.S.
There have been runs on U.S.
More and more evidence comes out this latest, some have been live in video, is fake.
Even mainstream media analysts, top computer experts, graphics, special effects experts, all over the map are saying this is staged.
And also, all over the United States and England, children are being fingerprinted.
In some cases, the parents aren't even being asked.
This is all part of getting you into the system, and we have the documents.
It's not for your safety, as you've been hearing.
So that is coming up as well.
Terry Melton.
I've known Terry off and on, seen him at events for a couple of years.
Really got to know him this year.
He's done some video work for us out at events as a freelance videographer.
And let me just start the story this way.
This is a story up on
Feds step up actions in Brown case.
Supporters arrested.
And it goes on.
The AP reported on the incident.
Four men accused of helping obstruct justice in the case of convicted tax evaders, Ed and Elaine Brown, have been arrested.
Marshal Steven Monier said, Monier said the men are Serena Reno Gonzalez, 30, of Alice, Texas.
Danny Riley, 40, of Albany, New York.
Pay attention to that name, Danny Riley.
Jason Gerard, 22, of Brookhaven, New York.
And Robert Wolfe, 50, of
Randolph, Vermont.
Charges range from accessory after the fact to possession and use of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence.
Now let's just stop right there.
This case has got a lot of attention because he's out there, Mr. Brown and his wife, the multi-millionaire contractor and his dentist wife, who found out that the IRS was private for the Federal Reserve, which is true.
Regardless of how you want to argue about it, that is a fact.
They took over in 1913.
That's the history of our country.
They write books about it.
Greenspan's written a book about it.
This is public.
That's Alan Greenspan for you, folks.
But again, I know most of you don't read, so they're not worried about it.
And to make a long story short, the Browns have said, we're not leaving, and we're out here armed, and we're going to defend ourselves, we're not going.
And they've had some rock concerts out on their property, two of them.
And I've never been there, but I've covered it, and I remember watching on a video cam live at the event a few months ago, the Homeland Security helicopter at below tree level.
I mean, it was lower than the trees, right over crowds of people for eight hours.
I watched it for two and had to go back to work trying to be provocative.
Danny Riley, who'd been out there following the events a few months ago, was in the Associated Press and other local publications.
He's a local of New York, went there and he was walking the dog by the fence and guys in ghillie suits shot at him.
Then he jumped on the ground, they tasered him, they first lied about it, now they admit that they lied, and that's true.
And they're just really trying to escalate this into another Ruby Ridger Waco.
Which we don't want to see happen.
I don't want anybody on either side to be hurt.
And the illegal aliens in the bills are given at least five years of tax amnesty.
And that's been in the last amnesty bill and the new amnesty bill.
Why can't citizens get this?
And are we going to get dead citizens and dead federal marshals and dead FBI?
But if the FBI are running this over us, I mean, is this worth it?
They don't want that, no.
When we've got crime just rampant, almost four trillion, missing from the Pentagon.
But the reason we have Terry Melton here today is because he's a member of the press, and he's out professionally shooting video of all sorts of events.
It's what he does for a living.
And he was about, he went to New York to cover the 9-11 event, the anniversary, and then he met up with Danny Reilly to follow him back out to the Browns to do one more interview because he was making a film about it.
By the way, since this happened last Wednesday, when they SWAT teamed him and grabbed him in New York, they've told local news they can't go and interview the Browns anymore.
And they've shut the place down, and that's a violation of the press.
And this is getting very serious.
This is a huge escalation.
We've got a few minutes before we've got a break.
We're going to come back and finish your story.
But, Terry Melton, there is a reason that you've decided to go public.
In fact, you told me privately that if they had just detained you and let you go and hadn't threatened you, you would have, you know, you're a member of the media, you wouldn't have made a big deal out of this.
But this has really changed your life.
I mean, you were telling me earlier that you knew there was tyranny in this country, but to experience it for yourself has really changed your whole view on the world.
So, in a synopsis, run through what happened.
It was a pretty unpleasant experience, to say the least.
Go ahead and start over.
I'm sorry, we didn't have your mic up.
It was a pretty unpleasant experience, to say the least.
Uh, you know, we went through the whole process where, um, you know, the, the, the marshals came in, uh, didn't hear any warrants or, you know, any, any form of, uh, idea of knowing, uh, why they were coming in.
Uh, there were just a bunch of, uh, marshals and, and ATF.
You know, that mic seems to be bad.
Will you swing the other mic over there, Amanda, for us?
Just, just stay there.
I'm sorry.
Just stay where you're at.
It's a bad mic.
I don't know what's going on here.
We'll turn that mic off and turn the other one on.
All right, let's start over.
Go ahead.
We should have checked this beforehand.
I didn't know the mics up here.
Other mics weren't going to work.
Okay, you can go ahead now, sir.
All righty.
Start over.
Start over.
From New York or from Danny's?
Just the whole story.
Go ahead and start over.
Well, I went to New York with Danny Riley, you know, just to experience the whole 9-11
I think so, yes.
I went off to do a job, he's an electrical contractor, and I pretty much was just sitting around the house watching the news, hoping that the 9-11 Truth Movement would get some coverage.
Obviously there was no coverage.
As I'm working on my camera, because my camera got wet from all the rain, Danny Raleigh had returned probably back about 1 or 1.30.
Describe what happened.
Well, I hear a bunch of cars screeching, doors slamming, a lot of screaming, and I initially thought it was Denny's neighbors fighting.
I go to the window and the whole street is full of marshals and cops and people in suits, and the first thing I thought was, okay, I'm right in the middle of a raid.
And I turned around after looking out the window and seeing all this, and then I see the three gentlemen with their sniper rifles aimed right at me.
I could actually see the guy's eye through the scope, and it was pretty surreal.
You think you saw him wink?
Well, yeah.
Yeah, it was a pretty surreal moment, to say the least.
I proclaimed myself, you know, as a guest of Danny Reilly, and so they, you know, they pulled me over to there, they put me in cuffs, took me downstairs,
Yeah, I think so.
What's supposed to be a court courthouse or federal building.
I'm not sure which one it was.
I believe it's federal because the marshal that came in did not want me to talk about where I was at.
So, um... Now, we're going to come back and talk about how they threatened to rape you.
Abu Ghraib style.
And you weren't going to talk about any of this until they threatened to rape you.
I was cooperating, giving them all the questions, answering all the questions they wanted.
But this is the new America where they watch Jack Maurer and they think rape's good.
Okay, homosexual rape threats.
This is the country run by people like the Senator Craig.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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From the capital of Texas, broadcasting the truth coast to coast and worldwide, this is the Alex Jones Show.
By the way, the Army's own report they commissioned on Abu Ghraib stated they raped people with large objects dripping with acid.
Go read the General Togumbo Report.
The Filipino General, the U.S.
General, has put that out.
And of course, now the CIA says they're going to stop waterboarding.
That's where they ground you.
But people watch these TV shows that are Pentagon funded, where they torture people, torture children, get their parents to talk.
That now has entered into law enforcement.
And continue with your story, because
Again, I mean, I told you, hey man, you don't need to come on my show.
I mean, if you want, just lie low and you're like, no, I have to talk about this because people have to know what this country's turned into.
And you also described how you weren't scared of the guns.
It was the threat of rape.
Yeah, it was a threat from the marshal to destroy my life and my livelihood if I went back to Texas and continued on with the story of Edna Lane Brown.
Oh, he was telling you don't make a film?
Oh yeah, yeah.
He said if somebody offered me $50,000 to make this film, that he'd come after me and he'd basically sodomize me.
But that's a huge issue in America.
You're just a filmmaker.
They've now banned the AP from the property.
I mean, are they going to rape AP reporters?
Is that what we're coming down to?
I sure hope not, Alex.
Well, go through it blow by blow, exactly what he said.
By the way, he never even told you his name.
No, well, it changed just about every time I talked to the gentleman.
It was interrogation.
They asked me all kinds of personal questions.
They never read me my rights, never told me why I was being detained.
They put me in handcuffs, humiliated me in front of all the local neighbors there.
But now you're in the federal courthouse, what happened next?
Yeah, now I'm in the federal courthouse and he's going through all these questions and they go out, they come in, they go out and the gentleman makes a statement, well we're going to give you a pass, we're going to let you go and you should consider that a favor.
And then he said, you need to go away, you need to shut up.
If you talk about this on air, if you make a video like Danny Reilly did... That's the secret police.
Yeah, they said they would come right up my bottom end.
And then you said he went clear, he said, I will rape you.
I mean, you can't say it on air, but specifically, what did he say without saying the words?
He said he would come right up my effing bottom end and ruin my life.
Now, whether it was metaphorical or whether he really wanted to, you know, anally rape me, well then... What was the exact quote, though, on coming after you 13, 15 years later?
That he would come after me.
He would ruin my life.
Even if it took 15 years, he would come after me and destroy me.
And he said, you need to understand how serious I am about that.
And that's when I got frustrated.
That's when I was like, this isn't happening to me.
I'm not hearing this from a U.S.
I mean, this is America.
You know, I can understand him doing his job.
This isn't Russia.
Right, yeah.
I mean, you want information, get information.
But you don't threaten me.
You don't tell me that you're going to destroy my life.
You don't tell me what you're going to do to my physical body.
He crossed the line there, and that's why I felt like I needed to get on the radio and get this information out.
These things that Alex Jones talks about, you know, that some of these guys are out of control.
It's true.
I mean, I bear witness to that this weekend when all this stuff happened.
It's unbelievable.
This was Wednesday?
Correct, correct.
And I'm still... Now the key here though, a major civil rights violation, is to tell you, do not make that film, or I'm coming after you.
I mean, he's telling you, don't make a film about something?
He also told me, he was asking questions and I said, you know what, I don't feel comfortable, I'm not sure if I understand all my rights, and I'm going to get an attorney.
And he said, I didn't need an attorney!
He told me I did not need an attorney.
He said, shut your mouth, go away, and stay out of this.
I'm not going to tell you to come on the air or not, but I told my writer, let's hold off on this until I talk to him.
It's all gang mentality.
It's just like Eastside Vatos.
I'm going to show him.
And that's exactly how it felt.
It felt like a school bully.
You know, when the other cops, I think, were away, that's when he was coming in and saying, don't mess with me or I'm going to bust you up.
And that's why I felt like I needed to get on air and tell this story.
What did he look like?
He was a tall gentleman, probably about 6'3", 6'4".
He was pretty stout.
I think he was bald, I think.
He said he was from New York.
He said he had a go team?
Um, he may have had a goatee, I don't remember if he did or not.
I just remember what he said.
A few days ago he told me he did, I guess memory.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I'm still, you know, still trying to deal with it.
Did any of the others make any threats?
Um, the local cops, and it was probably this good cop, bad cop situation, said, well, you need to cooperate with the FBI.
Because Danny Riley is up for treason.
They were basically putting the fear into me for when this gentleman came in.
Our first reason, I played a YouTube clip earlier where a well-known neocon is calling for my execution.
I mean, that's what they think, so they can get rid of our borders, so they can debase the currencies, so they can turn us into a police state, so they can fingerprint all our children, so they can just rule us.
That's what tyranny is.
We're just slaves.
It's dead serious, and people need to wake up.
It's dead serious.
Any other points you'd like to make about what happened to you?
No, the primary thing that I just want to get out is I want to get legal counsel, legal advice on this.
When you have a U.S.
Marshal threaten your life, threaten to do physical things to you, even if it takes 15 years,
You tend to be looking over your shoulder a whole lot more than you would normally.
And again, you're a filmmaker.
By the way, they have now cordoned off, they're like a mile away, blocking reporters and TV reporters.
I mean, everybody from Fox News, nationally, to George Norie, to the Associated Press have interviewed him.
They've sent reporters out there, Fox News has and other people, and they're now telling him, no, you can't go, and they've done nothing violent.
You know, they say here, charges range from accessory after the fact.
You weren't charged, the other four guys were.
I think it's just a bunch of gentlemen that like guns and like to go hunting and whatever they're doing with their guns is their business.
And, you know, the Fed's trying to make it into aiding and abetting as if, you know, they're going to, you know, stand by Ed and Wayne Brown with the guns.
You know, they're trying to create intent in this whole situation.
Well, on top of that, they've had helicopters flying at lower than tree level for eight hours.
Very dangerous.
They've already tasered Riley and grabbed him once and told him, you're going to work for us, you're going to prison.
They said, you're going to be our informant and we're going to set you up and send you to prison.
They told him that.
I guess they're doing that now.
Meanwhile, the illegal aliens are running all over us.
There's all sorts of crime in government.
And you just said this is an interesting film, and you wanted to make... How many times have you been up to the Brown property?
I've been up there twice.
This was going to be the third and final trip.
Both times I was up there, I didn't really have a chance to interview Ed and Elaine because there were so many people there showing support.
Did you ever talk back to His Majesty and say, hey, it's my right to go interview people?
Um, no, I just, I pretty much was yes sir, no sir, because I just wanted to get out of there.
But now you're doing this to get, uh, what I believe is a crime, to tell the press, don't make a film, don't do a story, that's like Mexico, that's like Russia.
That is where he crossed the line.
That's Russia, where they imprison and kill people for reporting.
That's where he crossed the line with me.
I'm just a videographer doing my job, and to threat me with rape.
We're out of time, thank you Terry Miller.
Yeah, thank you so much.
We'll be right back.
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The end.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Raging for the truth.
Exposing corruption.
Dismantling a false left-right paradigm.
He's Alex Jones.
I'm going to go to your calls now and hit some final stories in the 30 minutes we've got left, but in closing on the situation in Blainfield, New Hampshire, I have called for calm from the start.
I have tried to de-escalate things.
I have tried to calm the Browns down, but they're surrounded and ready to go to Valhalla.
But to see them fly the helicopter low, to see them shoot somebody in Taser Room when they run armed, which they now admit they did, to have them grab a camera guy who goes, man, that's an interesting film!
I mean, that'd be like getting into Waco before it happened.
That's a good idea for a film.
And to say, no, you're not going to make your film.
I mean, you know, Terry is a professional guy with big cameras in the whole nine yards.
He's made other productions.
And that's what it's come to in America.
Hey, you're not going to make a film about this or we're going to ruin your life.
uh... is really scary and it lets you know the mentality and where things are going just like this guy well-known neocon writes editorials for the neocons uh... photographer for george bush senior this is what he says about me they're not playing games you got that clip of uh... that fell already yep here it is hi, Gordon Bloyer here hey it's september eleventh it's time to remember when two planes went into the towers in new york city
When one plane went into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
and one plane went down in Pennsylvania.
The fact is these things did happen as you saw them on television.
There was no conspiracy.
There is no bombs placed in the World Trade Center.
The facts are clear.
There is no unanswered, there are no unanswered questions.
There is no conspiracy.
People who are out there lying like Alex Jones
are undermining our efforts to fight these terrorists.
They are committing treason.
When you lie in a time of war, you are committing treason.
Remember, friends, a lie is not a point of view, and it's not an opinion.
It's just a lie.
And a lie in a time of war is treason.
It's giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
It's time for Alex Jones to be arrested for treason and tried.
In a jury of his peers.
We need to prosecute these nut cases.
They are an enemy to the United States of America.
That's what we need to do.
Try them for treason.
Now, it's funny.
Right after 9-11, they were having anti-war demonstrations about a year later.
And the Deputy Attorney General of California under Lockyer, John Calhoun, said no anti-war demonstrations because when you protest the war,
You're aiding Al-Qaeda because the war fights Al-Qaeda.
Wrong country.
You see, this is the new mindset.
Don't talk about us, don't criticize us.
Let me tell you what's treason.
Treason is trying to legalize 30 million illegal aliens and claiming you've built hundreds of miles of fence when you built two miles using illegal aliens.
And earlier I got into why 9-11 is an inside job.
We have all these first responders, firemen, police, military, EMTs, saying they were told, get back from Building 7, the government's going to bring it down.
And then you ask, how did they get bombs in it?
And then you ask, why did they cover that up after the fact?
Then you find out NORAB was ordered to stand down.
Then you find out that these supposed hijackers were trained at U.S.
military bases.
That's not me, that's AP.
That's Newsweek Magazine.
That's the San Jose Mercury News.
That is the Physical News Journal.
That's why I've made 9-11 Road to Tyranny and Martial Law and Terror Storm.
You can see all three of my 9-11 films on Google Video.
Just type Alex Jones and 9-11 Road to Tyranny or Terror Storm into Google.
I mean, I put them out for free because I want to warn you!
I just want to warn people.
I'm putting my life on the line here because
We know the official story is a fraud.
We know that the government and PNAC and the Northwoods documents... Type in Northwoods.
It's ABC News, Baltimore Sun, U.S.
government plan to stage 9-11 attacks, hijack jets.
I mean, we're just covering real news here.
I'm sorry that the world is this way.
I'm sorry it's getting scary.
But if we stand up to this tyranny, it will dissipate.
If we go along with it, it's going to get ten times worse.
I've got a bunch of first responder audio I want to play, but we just don't have time.
You go to PrisonPlanet.com on the right hand side.
It says News and Focus.
It says 9-11 First Responder Heard WTC7 Demolition Countdown.
Air Force Special Operations Research and Rescue Expert Witnessed Officials Attempt to Conceal Planned Nature Demolition.
He heard the countdown.
He told everybody to get back.
Then I've got all these other police and firemen on video saying it.
I mean, I've got cops in uniform on video as it's happening saying, get back.
We're bringing it down.
We're about to blow it up.
I mean, I don't know, that one video clip and there's a whole bunch of them here!
I mean, this is big news!
What, am I supposed to just shut up about this?
I'm not going to shut up about it.
Alright, let's go to the calls here.
Ah, who's up first here?
Who should I go to first?
Let's talk to Isaac.
And Isaac, where are you calling us from today?
I'm calling from Murfreesboro, Illinois.
Welcome, go ahead.
I just wanted to call and tell you something you might be interested in.
My teacher, I'm not going to say his name.
You might get arrested.
Go ahead.
Freedom, go ahead.
Freedom to be arrested.
Land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
Go ahead.
Mr. White, my teacher in Murfreesboro, Illinois.
Look, I wasn't challenging you to say his name.
My point is that this climate of fear shows how far we've gone.
Go ahead.
Oh, no, I understand.
Go ahead.
He's been showing 9-11 Mysteries and Loose Change in my AP English class and in his Advanced Research and Composition class.
And he's challenged the students to do their own research based around the guidelines of the class.
Colleges and high schools, coast to coast.
I know of hundreds that have films on 9-11 million inside Jabba's curriculum.
Yeah, and he's asking them to write a research paper either
I think we're good.
Well, we now have hundreds and hundreds of architects and engineers going public in their organization, exposing how it's impossible.
Tower 1 and 2 were impossible, but you get to 7, which they announced they were going to blow up, and they did.
With cops and firemen, everybody else on tape, and all the after-the-fact interviews we've done.
And then how they called the firemen and police in and told them, shut up, you're going to be fired if you talk about this.
I was at Ground Zero on Tuesday, on the 6th anniversary, and cops, I was bullhorning them, and I would say, you all heard the countdown, some of you.
And some of them got tears in their eyes and were nodding their heads.
They know!
I mean, I'm right there!
They know!
It's amazing.
It's amazing what fear will do to people.
But some of us have got to not have fear.
It is, it is.
We used to be known in America for not having fear.
At Bunker Hill.
Lexington and Concord and the Alamo.
And Iwo Jima.
But not now.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Justin in Alabama.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Justin.
Hey, Alex.
Me and my brother made a trip up to D.C.
for about a week, Sunday through Thursday, for the 9-11 Truth Movement.
And people for sitting in the park were arrested and landed in the free home of the brave.
Well, I wasn't there for any arrest.
I mean, we got harassed by some Nazis, but it wasn't, you know, I wasn't there for the 15th.
What did you hear about all the big arrests?
I heard about them, and I actually, well, I had to leave on the grounds that I could not continue to support something that had faulty leadership that had been infiltrated.
Oh, the left is totally controlled by the big tax-free foundations, Ford and others.
Ford Foundation.
Well, whenever we went, there was a politician named Bob Bowman, there was an author Webster Tarpley, several other authors.
We went and sat through this briefly through a panel discussion and they were talking about how they needed a general strike and I called them out on that.
You know, you're starving people to death if you have a strike.
Another guy wanted a social, like, he called it some kind of BS, like, social ownership of the means of production, which, you know, called him right out on... And then let me guess, next Ron Paul was bad?
Yep, next, yeah, exactly right.
Ron Paul won't set a view, and I mean... No, absolute crud.
Yeah, I've just had enough of it.
Yeah, I will support no one who attacks Dr. Paul.
Yeah, just because the mainstream media is full of baloney doesn't mean the alternative's good.
And yeah, I've had enough of this stumping against Ron Paul.
I may have to start an info attack on those that are attacking him, because I've had enough of it.
More of your calls straight ahead, stay with us.
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Corruption never had a worse enemy.
You're locked in to the Alex Jones Show.
I haven't confirmed this yet, but we're looking through the links.
It looks like the U.S.
Marshal, who allegedly made threats to Terry Melton, did a tour in Iraq for the Marshal's service about the same time as the Abu Ghraib abuses were happening.
We will look into this.
Very, very serious.
And yeah, one of the marshals was threatening Terry saying, I lost a friend or a family member at Ruby Ridge.
And it turns out that one of them is the son of a marshal who was shot at Ruby Ridge.
We're going to look into all this, folks.
We're going to find out exactly what's going on.
But when the press starts becoming under attack, you've got to know it's extremely serious.
Look, of all the audio clips I've got today concerning 9-11, I can't get to all of them.
This is a clip of former Air Force fighter pilot Russ Wittenberg who flew over 100 combat missions in Vietnam, sat in the cockpit for Pan Am and United for over 30 years, just retired, and previously flew two of the actual airplanes that were allegedly hijacked on 9-11.
And he does not believe the government's official 9-11 conspiracy theory.
And I've talked to dozens of pilots, there's hundreds now, members of groups, saying these are impossible maneuvers for these individuals who couldn't even get Cessna's off the ground.
Here it is.
I flew the two actual aircraft which were involved in 9-11, the flight number 175 and flight 93.
The 757 that allegedly went down at Shanksville and flight 175 is the aircraft that's alleged to have hit the South Tower.
I don't believe it's possible for, like I said, for a terrorist, a so-called terrorist, to
Train on a 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757, 767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding its design limit speed by well over 100 knots.
Make high speed high bank turns, exceeding probably 5, 6, 7 G's, and the aircraft would literally fall out of the sky.
I couldn't do it, and I'm absolutely positive they couldn't do it.
Well, there you have it.
Another reason to investigate 9-11.
That's all we're asking.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carl in Montreal.
You're on the air from Canada.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I have a news article I want to share with you.
It's been an issue up here in Canada the past few weeks over immigration up here.
It was in yesterday's Montreal Gazette about how they're purging all the religious books from the U.S.
jails because they say that these books encourage militancy, they discriminate,
Well, that's free speech!
I've seen that too, Christian material being taken out of the prisons.
It's just part of the course.
I hear you.
It's very important.
Let's talk to Derek in Canada, News Breaker.
He says about put options.
There's a record $4.5 billion put option on the NASDAQ European arm.
Betting that by the 22nd of this week, we would see at least a 30% drop in the stock market.
There isn't a 30% drop.
Whoever placed this put, we should have investigations on who did that.
It's being called a Bin Laden trade.
We saw these similar trades against American and United in the week before 9-11.
Right when the stocks were at all-time highs and shouldn't have had put options against them.
That investigation got killed.
Dirk Spiegel, big German paper, reported on it.
So did the BBC when it led back to the CIA.
And so we should definitely be looking at that.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Derek.
Alan Greenspan.
What a great name for a centralized world banker.
I wonder if that's some sort of inside joke or something.
The man that expands the green.
You've got a point about it says here about the put options.
The record put option coming up for this Thursday.
Well, you pretty much just summed it up.
I was kind of curious as to the parallels between that and the put options that were placed prior to 9-11.
Well, I mean, by Friday, it's got to go down 30 percent.
By Friday, it's got to go down 30 percent, or they lose $4.5 billion.
I said Thursday.
And we're watching this closely.
I mean, Dow Jones Industrial News has covered it.
It's been in the mainstream news.
It's amazing.
Also, in regards to Alan Greenspan's book, Capitalism, where he talks about the Federal Reserve being privately owned and implemented in 1913, there's another interesting parallel.
Here in Canada, two days after they implemented the Federal Reserve Act in the United States, they implemented a centralized banking system here in Canada.
And it's owned by the Bank of England?
That's publicly available knowledge?
That's right.
But most people don't know that.
Well, they need to find out that central banking is everything.
If private banks can run the issuance of money and the control of credit, then they can take over the entire society.
It's like if I lived in Austin for 20 years and I had a money machine, I could end up buying up the whole town.
Well, they literally own the money machines, folks, and they get your real assets when you don't pay on those, so they orchestrate booms and busts to consolidate wealth.
Yeah, and that's not a good thing for working class people.
It's not good for anybody, folks.
Your dollar's been devalued by more than half in the last six and a half years, and now it's accelerating, and I'm not happy about it.
And this is the same New World Order that's running the fake wars, same ones getting rid of our borders, same ones that got Mexican trucks driving around under rules that are less strict than our truckers.
I mean, it's all the New World Order.
Let's go ahead and
Take a call from Richard in California.
Richard, you are on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
How are you doing?
Go ahead.
Then I'm going to go to Antonio.
Yeah, I just wanted to share my experience.
I went to the 9-11 Truth Conference in Oakland, and I was talking to Richard Gage and... That's Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, yeah.
And anyway, I attend actually UC Berkeley.
I just got in here.
And after class on Tuesday,
I bring out Stephen Jones documents and just pass them out to all my teachers.
Physicist Jones, yes.
And I was just curious is there anything that I could personally do to just propagate the truth?
I would get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
It's 15 cents a day.
And I would download high quality versions of Terror Storm that look a lot better than Google Video.
We put it up for free on Google Video too, but if you want to support us, download them and burn them all day to disk at PrisonPlanet.tv.
That way it's high quality and give that to every professor you can.
And it's a very inexpensive way.
That's even better than giving them the scholarly white paper.
Okay, so PrisonPlanet.tv?
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
I mean, you can go download them at Google, too.
They're just not very good.
I'm going to kind of knock myself out of business where I can't even operate, assuming they are high quality enough.
But for now, you can still buy the DVDs at InfoWars.com or get a 15-cent-a-day membership at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It is an arsenal of resistance in the information war, ladies and gentlemen.
Let us now... Yeah, I want to go to all these calls, but there was some other final news I wanted to hit on.
See if we can do both.
Speaking of the economy, they've had runs on banks here in the U.S., starting with Countrywide and others, and they had total bank shutdowns in France three weeks ago.
Then Friday, in England, there was a major run on the fifth largest bank in England, Northern Rock, Britain's eighth biggest bank, fifth largest mortgage lender, excuse me.
This is the generous plugging financial market spread to the high street for the first time yesterday as thousands of panicked
Savers quelled to withdraw millions of pounds from Northern Rock, Britain's 8th largest bank.
And you read in deeper here, it says that a, quote, computer malfunction kept them from being able to get their money out.
Yeah, right.
I mean, so we're not only having bank runs, we're having banks unable to give them their cash.
And now I have an AP report saying it spread to more banks because of that.
Fears grow for British economy as panic over Northern Rock spreads.
Experts warn the decade-long borrowing binge has left Britain dangerously exposed to the fallout from the global liquidity crisis.
And meanwhile, Greenspan comes out and blames Bush saying the war is for oil, which that is not the whole story, it's about a lot of other things.
You can read what Dick Cheney said it was for, it's even more evil.
When Greenspan is definitely in an echelon above the Bushes in the whole puppet system.
I mean, the Federal Reserve is what owns this country now.
They want you in debt.
That's why when you're literally living on Ramen Noodle, working two jobs and going to college like I was 15 years ago, I got credit cards two or three times a day in the mail.
I get them every few months down the mail now, because I'm not in a bunch of debt, and I pay credit cards off quickly.
I mean, I've got a few, you know, just as backup.
And they don't want me.
In fact, I had a bank card.
Was it bank one years ago?
I don't want to use it like three times in a year, and they just said we're canceling you.
And I even got a little mark on my credit.
They said, well, not using it and paying it off, that's a mark against you too.
So see, the country's the same.
They want us in debt.
It's fiat debt they issued out of nothing.
And then when things bust, they get to get it all back for pennies on the dollar.
Or they even get to grab the liquidity out of, say, a $500,000 house, which is a shoebox in most parts of the country now.
Talk about inflation.
20 years ago, a $500,000 house would be a 10 bedroom mansion in the best part of town.
Now a $500,000 house is a 4 or 5 bedroom in the middle class area.
That's in Austin.
Another area of the country, it's $3 million for a 4 bedroom house.
Like California, L.A., San Francisco.
I'm out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
Of course, it's the weekday show coming up this week.
We fight for the First Amendment.
We defend the Republic from enemies foreign to domestic.
And I'll be back here next Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
I come in here Sunday because there's so much news over the weekend.
I have a burning desire to get the truth and the information out.
I want to thank all the sponsors, the affiliates, A.M.
and F.M.
I want to thank the great folks over at PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com.
I want to thank Trey Kincaid and their running the show, and Amanda as well.
God bless you all.
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