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Name: 20070911_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 11, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, live from Austin, Texas, it's Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones because once again Alex is up in New York participating in the big 9-1-1 truth event at the sixth anniversary of the mass murder of about 3,000 people on September 11, 2001.
Mass murder by criminal elements
Within the United States government and others unknown blamed on a guy in a cave in Afghanistan so that they could scare us into believing that if we don't give up our liberty we won't be protected from the boogeyman.
Well the boogeyman is here not over there and for the majority of the Alex Jones Show today we're going to be discussing September 11th.
I plan to take a lot of calls
And I know Alex is going to be calling in more frequently, I think, today than he did yesterday.
He only called in one time yesterday.
But again, before I get started with all that, I just want to let you know a little bit about me.
Again, my name is Bob Dacey.
I'm a local TV talk show host here in Austin.
I host a TV show called The Simple Truth.
I've been doing it for eight years.
It's produced by Jeff Kentoff and Kelly Taylor.
We talk about stuff that you're not supposed to talk about.
I've known Alex for about nine years now.
Although our styles are completely different, we're pretty much on the same page with most things.
The reason I do this, because I don't make any money doing it and I don't get paid for it, is because I was raised as a conservative American to love the flag and to love the country.
And all that, I'm motivated by the fact that I see what's going on in the country and there's an assault on our liberty.
There's an assault on our freedoms.
And I think Lincoln said something about if we ever have a problem with our country, if we ever lose it, it's going to come from within.
And I can see that it's coming from within.
And so I am motivated by my desire to keep that from happening.
You know, my father, George Dacey, who is still alive by the way, was an exemplary father and an exemplary example.
He was a captain in the United States Marine Corps in World War II and he served in two of those monstrous engagements over there, Peleliu and Okinawa.
And, you know, so he was my hero growing up, still is.
You know, because of just the luck of the draw, he had to go to war, you know?
Because of my luck, the Vietnam War ended.
I was still in high school, and gee, I didn't get to go get shot at.
So I was still kind of guilty about that.
So I'm trying to serve my country in a different way.
You know, they say the pen is mightier than the sword.
Right now the one of the biggest electronic pins that ever existed Alex Jones radio show so normally I use the simple truth in Austin and I do want to remind the listeners to this show that my my TV show the simple truth that I host
I think so.
and up they'll pop and you can actually watch the simple truth now worldwide anytime you want so that's a new development and of course I would be remiss if I didn't mention that to Alex Jones giant audience also while I'm mentioning things you can buy Ron Paul signs at my store in Austin at 8650 Spicewood Springs Road for two dollars so anyway I get those announcements out of the way when we get back
I'm going to assault the camper board because what a bunch of lies happened last night.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, Bob Basie, back again, sitting in the Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, substituting for the
The one and the only Alex Jones while he's up in New York promoting the 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
Okay, before the break I told you that I was going to attack CAMPO.
Just to remind you, CAMPO is the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization in the Austin area.
They're the ones that are daring to consider tolling roads in this area that we already paid for.
Now I told you, we covered that extensively yesterday.
I told you there was going to be this big meeting down at the state capitol and that meeting occurred.
I was there and listen, I woke up this morning, first thing I did was pick up the local rag, the Austin American Statesman, which I always do.
I use it, I don't have any birds in my house so I can't use this rag for birdcage liner, however I do use it.
To find disinformation and then report it.
I used to do that on my TV show, but gee, now I have the opportunity to do it before a nationwide, worldwide audience.
Hey, what a nice coincidence.
Front page.
Austin American Statesman.
September 11, 2007.
Front page, top story.
Tollway backers out in force.
Okay, so Ben Weir of the Austin American Statesman staff
They put a big, fat, giant lie up on the front page of the American Statesman.
And I want to tell you what really happened there, because this is balderdash.
Can you still use that word?
Is that an old word?
I don't know.
I was there.
The meeting room was absolutely packed.
And I just want to go through this story.
The statesman, by the way, didn't even report
Back in 2003, the bill being snuck through the state legislature to authorize toll roads in the first place.
To authorize the Trans-Texas Corridor.
They didn't even report it.
But they can put this trash out on the front page of the paper today.
Okay, let me excerpt from this article.
At a hearing during which toll road opponents might have been expected to hold sway, as they did when a similar plan was on the table in 2004,
Supporters of a 1.45 billion second wave of Austin-area tollways instead filled much of the Capital Extension Auditorium.
Out in somewhat smaller numbers were those who opposed toll roads in general.
Now listen, that is not true.
That is a big, fat lie, and this Mr. Ben Ware knows it.
Yeah, what happened is there were a lot of supporters for tolling roads you already paid for in the room.
They got their forces out.
You know, the people that want to make money on toll roads, the developers and the builders and the contractors and all their people.
Yeah, they were out enforcing.
Let me tell you how this happened, alright?
Kirk Watson, the chairman of the Campo Board, is a slick son of a gun.
He's a smart guy.
You've got to give him that.
You know, I guess going up to the UN all the time like he does, and hobnobbing with the globalists and the one-worlders has really honed his skills at deception.
What happened was, in order to sign up to speak at this thing, it was a chronological deal, right?
Okay, but you had the official sign-up to speak was at 5 o'clock.
However, in order to get good position, you had to be there at 4.
Now I, because I have, you know, I'm an independent businessman and I can control my days off, I was there at four and I was like, you know, second in line or whatever with another anti-toler.
But, you see, your average person in Austin can't just get off work and drive down to the state capitol and get there at four and get in line.
However, if you work for these people who are going to make money off the toll roads, and you work for these developers and builders who think it's going to be great for their business, well, you can go down there for sure, because you're trying to make money off of everybody else's misery, off of doing something immoral, which is tolling roads we already paid for.
So, basically what happened is, Kirk Watson, by the way they carefully crafted how you sign up, was able to get the majority of the speakers at the very first part of the meeting to be pro-toll.
Very slick, Mr. Watson.
Very slick.
And, of course, this ragged American statesman is acting like, oh, this was a natural occurrence.
Let me just continue here.
A contingent of people in yellow t-shirts who specifically don't like the elevated tollway plan for Okilla, Southwest Austin, blah, blah, blah.
That faction kept up a drumbeat of catcalling, hissing, and hearty clapping throughout the evening.
And one toll opponent, Georgetown resident Randy Marshall, briefly brought the meeting to a standstill.
This is a quote from him.
He was, he shouted this from the audience.
This is a stacked deck and you know it.
The voters of this town don't want your stinking toll roads.
Yeah, that created quite a big stir.
Of course, they want to make all of the people who don't like tolls look like a bunch of agitators.
I think the reason people are agitated is because they can see the sham.
I will guarantee you a dime to a donut or whatever you want to bet that the people that were against the tolls in that room vastly outnumbered the people that were for it.
There's no way.
As a matter of fact,
I got to speak second there, and I guess they were, you know, because I had signed up earlier and they canceled it.
But I, at the end of my little speech, I basically conducted a quick little poll.
I said, all in favor of tolling roads we already paid for, say aye.
And there was this little, you know, minor little nothing.
And then I looked at the Campo board and I said, not too good guys.
You know, so look, you know, I wished I had had the, the forethought to have people stand.
I really do.
I regret not doing that because our side outnumbered their side.
I would say two to one, at least maybe three to one.
And the American statesman is a big fat lie machine.
And let me see what else it says here.
Now that they're, and what they're doing is they're putting out false propaganda to make the people of Austin think we want to toll these roads.
That's what they're doing.
Political momentum on the board appears to be in favor of charging tolls on these highways.
Yeah, that's because the people that couldn't get off of work and get in line at 4 o'clock showed up later and signed up.
Of course!
Anyway, I just had to address that here on this national radio show.
Because what you've got here is complicity between a lying rag, the American statesman, and the pro-toll people.
And Kirk Watson, the chairman of the Campo board, who is apparently a professional liar.
This was rigged in terms of chronology, and the statesman has magnified the lie.
The majority of people in that room were dead set against these tolls, and you know, the only thing that really matters, really, is the votes.
And if we do our job, we're going to be able to eliminate these CAMPO board members from their jobs.
Like we did with one of them about a year and a half ago, Karen Sonnleitner, who was a 10-year Democrat incumbent county commissioner.
In Travis County, Sal Costello and his group, Texas Toll Party, mounted a campaign to accurately paint her as a toll queen, and she was blown away in her own primary.
You know, I mean, we're coming after these people if they vote to toll these roads.
We are going to make them political pariahs in the state of Texas.
You know, I don't, and again, the bottom line is the feds are forcing
People don't want toll roads.
The feds are behind all of this.
They are diverting federal funding of highways to their north-south
We're good to go.
Just back up on any level, to toll a road that has already been paid for is immoral, disgusting, indecent, un-American, vile, and pathetic.
You know, so, regardless.
So, anyway, I had to cover that because, you know, it's kind of lucky I'm sitting here talking to millions of people right after the Campbell Board holds their hearing and the statesman lies about the fact, the so-called fact that, oh, all of a sudden Austinites want to be told, yeah, we want to be treated like lab rats and charged everywhere we go and set a national precedent for everybody all over the country to be victims of the same thing.
Sure we do.
Okay, I'm done with that.
I'm done with that.
We're going to go on and mostly talk about September 11th today because it is the anniversary of that horrible event that killed so many people in the interest of globalism and geopolitics.
Now I have in my possession an editorial that was in the paper yesterday by Leonard Pitts, Jr.
of the Miami Herald.
And this is his contribution to the anniversary.
He's got an article called When Everything and Nothing Changed.
And I'm going to excerpt from this article.
And I don't know, the break's going to interrupt me, but I'll come back to it.
Six years ago, we saw people rushing to the World Trade Center site to search for survivors and recover bodies.
Heroes, we said.
Six years later, largely removed from public attention,
Many of those same heroes are sick and even dying.
Poisoned by the soot and dirt they breathe.
Now I want to make a comment about that.
Yeah, heroes.
There were a lot of heroes that day.
Including, and one of the best ones, was William Rodriguez.
The head janitor at the North Tower.
You know, the guy who saved all those people's lives.
Got his picture in the paper with George Bush and Hillary Clinton.
Made a big hero out of him until he started talking about his experiences.
So when we get back we'll relay some of his experiences to you and then I'll continue with this article by Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones, Alex Jones Show on the GCN Communications Radio Network.
We're good to go.
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Waging war on corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, you want to talk about waging war on corruption.
We're going to wage war on corruption for the rest of today.
Again, this is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones on September 11, 2007.
Okay, before the break we were talking about this article by Leonard Pitts in the Miami Herald about when everything and nothing changed.
And he was talking about all the heroes, that there were all these heroes that, you know, came forth on September 11th.
And I was talking about William Rodriguez, the
I think so.
I mean the guy's a big national hero.
He was and he still is.
Tremendous fella.
But he started talking about what happened and he said that he was in like sub-basement level one when a massive explosion beneath him caused all the ceiling tiles above him to fall onto him and all the people in the room that they were gathered in and they said you know it's like an explosion from underneath them like lifted them off their feet just about and a few seconds later a guy comes running into the room
With his skin all burnt off, screaming, uh, explosion, explosion, explosion.
This is way down deep in the tower, and then a, and then a, they, they feel the impact of the first plane hit the North Tower after the big explosion underneath.
And this is not some crackpot with, that can't corroborate this.
There's tons of corroboration for it, that a massive explosion in the North Tower preceded the plane hit a thousand feet above.
Yeah, you're right, Mr. Leonard Pitts.
There were heroes on September 11th.
Let me go on here.
Six years later, largely removed from the public attention, many of those same heroes are sick and even dying, poisoned by the soot and dirt they breathe.
All right, that's true.
That's absolutely true.
It's a horrible thing.
You know, the dogs died first, and then the people started getting sick and dying.
I don't know.
All you are is a bunch of peons.
Um, we need to clean this mess up.
So, hey, don't worry about the air.
It's clean.
It's just fine.
So go out there and do your work.
And if you get sick, who gives the rats behind?
Because you're just a bunch of peons and we got to get to that gold on the bottom of that pile.
You know?
Man, that's got to be some kind of crime.
But of course the government
Has exonerated itself of any responsibility for lying to the rescue workers.
Nah, you know, just so what?
You're just a bunch of peons.
Just go clean up the mess and when you get sick, who cares?
Okay, continuing with the article.
Six years later, our president is trailed by angry demonstrators wherever he travels.
Well, I say to that, good.
Six years ago we vowed revenge on Osama Bin Laden, the wealthy Saudi who masterminded the attacks.
Okay, well that's a blatant, big, fat, monstrous lie.
Osama Bin Laden is not the wealthy Saudi who masterminded the attacks.
And again, that's probably what we're going to be talking about all day long today.
All the vast evidence that indicates that this was an inside job.
You can't study September 11th extensively.
and come up with any other conclusion not if you can think with a logical mind you know if you think that your government is you know perfect and and they can do no wrong and they would never hurt us and you set that up as your your benchmark or whatever okay you can believe the nonsense that they didn't pull this off that a criminal element within the United States government didn't pull this off if you actually back up and look at the facts
There's no way you can come to any other conclusion than that a criminal element within our country, within our government, with help from others, too, pulled off September 11th for geopolitical reasons.
Okay, continuing on.
The terrorist attacks of six years ago this week are sometimes compared to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 66 years ago this December 7th.
Well, yeah, Mr. Pitts, that's absolutely right.
Because, you know, put the tinfoil hat on me, man.
I'm saying it.
You know, September 11th was a Pearl Harbor, and Pearl Harbor was a Pearl Harbor.
Same idea.
They were con jobs.
Roosevelt goaded the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor and left Kimmel and Short out of the information loop.
We had hundreds of full-time codebreakers ringing the Japanese Empire, listening to everything they were saying.
They let it happen.
They let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor to get us into World War II.
So, all right.
After this break, we're going to continue with this article with Leonard Pitts.
Once again, Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
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I don't know.
I think so.
All right, Bob Dacey back for Alex Jones.
All right, it's September 11, 2007, and we've been talking about an article by Leonard Pitson in the Miami Herald called, When Everything and Nothing Changed.
Now, the next thing he says, I actually agree with.
Those feelings of shock, disbelief, and anger became instead the building blocks of a political machine that duped the nation into a war of choice that had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks.
eroded American civil liberties under the guise of protecting American lives and branded as traitors those who said, hey, wait a minute.
You know what?
That's absolutely a true statement there.
And so he says, so it is worth pausing here to remember that just six years ago, we were attacked.
Six years ago, people leaped from flaming skyscrapers.
Six years ago, flaming skyscrapers fell.
And I would add, so did Building 7.
Six years ago, dust-caked people wandered the streets of New York City.
And I would say one of those dust-caked people was Barry Jennings, the Deputy Director of Emergency Management Services for the Housing Division of the City of New York.
Who was in Building 7 that morning trying to get into the command center on the 23rd floor along with the Corporation Council of New York.
He got in there and guess what?
Hot coffee, but no people.
Made a phone call or two.
Somebody told him, get the heck out of there.
This is when both towers are still up, by the way.
I want to repeat that.
Both towers still up.
So Barry Jennings, this emergency management official of the City of New York, goes downstairs, takes the stairway, and when he gets about to the 8th floor, BOOM!
Big giant explosion beneath him takes out the stairway landing he's on.
So he has to climb back up and find another way down, and when he got down to the lobby,
He has said, publicly and openly, that the whole lobby was destroyed.
This is building 7, ladies and gentlemen.
This is building 7, in the morning, before either of the two big towers collapsed.
They'd both been hit by planes, but they hadn't fallen down yet.
So, he said that the lobby of building 7 was completely destroyed.
So I want to know how the debris from the North Tower destroyed the lobby when the North Tower hadn't fallen down yet.
Somebody, somebody glue me in on that one.
He said that the lobby of Building 7 was so destroyed that it looked like King Kong had gone in there and stomped on the whole thing.
He also said
That there were dead bodies in the lobby.
And he also said that the fire department had to knock a hole in the side of the building to get him and the other fella out.
So I just wanted to remind you that one of the dust-caked people wandering the streets of New York City was Emergency Management Officer Barry Jennings.
I just had to throw that in there.
Six years ago, an airplane tore a hole in the Pentagon.
What was that that Norman Mineta said about that young officer that kept talking to Dick Cheney in the command bunker at the White House?
Sir, the plane is 50 miles out.
Do the orders still stand?
Sir, the plane is 30 miles out.
Do the orders still stand?
Sir, the plane is 10 miles out.
Do the orders still stand?
And Cheney whips his neck around and says, of course the order still stand.
Have you heard anything different?
Yeah, that's right.
Something smacked into the Pentagon.
And apparently the order still stood not to shoot it down.
That's what the logical interpretation of that is.
Why would why would the order to be to shoot it down?
And the guy keeps questioning.
Hey, what are you?
Are we going to shoot it down?
Come on.
I mean, you know, somebody needs to get all that young officer and put him under oath.
And then some of these that clap Dick Cheney in irons.
Six years ago a hijacked plane crashed.
But was it shot down?
Or did the hijackers nose it?
Or did the passengers struggle with the hijackers and nose it into the ground?
Who knows?
I don't know.
Way too much disinformation on that particular scenario out there.
Six years ago Searing
Airless shock was followed by a resolve.
Clear, cold, iron-fisted resolve.
And I would say resolve to do what?
To go blame Osama Bin Laden and go steal the oil in Afghanistan?
To build a stupid pipeline?
To get the poppy crops growing again?
Get the opium production back up again?
You're conning the American people into thinking that it was a moral and just thing to do.
Six years later, the shock is gone, and it seems like the resolve is, too.
Do we remember?
You couldn't prove it by me.
Well, I'll tell you something, Mr. Leonard Pitts, Jr.
You ought to go up the New York route now, sir, and see who remembers.
The 9-1-1 Truth Movement, an ever-growing, ever-expanding movement, remembers.
And they remember who did it.
And it wasn't some crazy Arab in a cave using box cutter knives.
Enough with that.
Now I've got another article.
This frosted me when I got this.
Again, this is out of the Austin Statesman this morning.
I didn't intend to do this today, but here's this article.
It's an editorial and it was written by Thomas H. Keene and Lee H. Hamilton as a special to the Washington Post.
It's entitled, Six Years After 9-1-1, America Isn't Safe Enough from Terrorism.
Now just to remind you people, Thomas Keene is the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission and the vice chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission was Lee Hamilton.
So here you have these two Council on Foreign Relations members
I have to point that out too.
The ones who want the global government to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and put us under a one world order with them at the top and us at the bottom and to eliminate our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our individual liberty and our freedom because they can take care of us and make us safe.
This is the guys that wrote this thing.
I mean excerpt from this and comment of course.
And I would translate that.
Have we given up enough of our liberty yet?
homeland confronts a persistent and evolving terrorist threat, especially from Al-Qaeda.
The U.S.
And I would say Al-C-I-A-D-A.
According to a National Intelligence Estimate in July.
How is it possible that the threat remains so dire?
I would say it's possible that the threat remains so dire because the foxes are still guarding the hen house.
That's, you know, since criminal elements within the U.S.
government pulled off September 11th, and since they're still in power, and not arrested, and they're not rotting in jail after a fair trial, I think that's how it's possible that the threat remains so dire myself.
Back to this editorial.
We face a rising tide of radicalization and rage in the Muslim world, a trend to which our own actions have contributed.
The enduring threat is not Osama Bin Laden, but young Muslims with no jobs and no hope who are angry with their own governments and increasingly see the United States as an enemy of Islam.
That's actually a true statement.
But the question is, you know, why do you have this rising tide of radicalization and rage in the Muslim world?
Why is it in an area of the world that's so rich with oil that you have all these people running around with no jobs and no hope?
Could it be because the United States and Britain et al prop up a bunch of crooked governments that suppress their own people and steal their natural resources and don't give them any of them?
Think maybe that might have something to do with it?
Alright, later on in the article, no word is more poisonous to the reputation of the United States than Guantanamo.
I agree with that, that's true.
Later on the article, finally, no conflict drains more time, attention, blood, treasure, and support from our worldwide counter-terrorism efforts than the war in Iraq.
It has become a powerful recruiting and training tool for Al Qaeda.
And I would say to that, even if you believe there is an Al Qaeda separate from the CIA, there wasn't any Al Qaeda in Iraq before we went in there and made everybody mad.
Now, I'm telling you, you know,
Two American people, the Arabs are crazy.
They don't think like we do, and we don't understand them.
But I do know this about them, that if you go over there and beat on them with a stick, they're going to come after you.
They're from that land of Hammurabi's code from back in ancient history, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and all that stuff.
They really resent us going over there, propping up crooked governments, instilling the natural resources, and they get squat.
They don't like it!
You know?
Put the shoe on the other foot.
You wouldn't like it either.
Alright, and then he talks about his standard mantra here, Mr. Keene and Mr. Hamilton, the nightmare scenario, a nuclear weapon in the hands of terrorists.
Military power is essential to our security, but if the only tool is a hammer, pretty soon every problem looks like a nail.
I like that.
That's a good statement.
I'm going to read that again.
Military power is essential to our security, but if the only tool is a hammer, pretty soon every problem looks like a nail.
America's long-term security relies on being viewed not as a threat, but as a source of opportunity and hope.
Well, I agree with that too.
We're going to talk about my friends here, Hamilton and Keene.
Back on, what was it, March 31st, last year, Thomas Keene, the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission, was in Georgetown, Texas, which is just north of Austin, at Southwestern University.
He was given a speech, the same type of speech he's given here about, oh, the terrorists are going to get us with a nuclear weapon.
That's my biggest concern.
Al Qaeda is going to get a nuke and we're all going to die.
He's been promoting that for years.
And he gave a speech to the students at Southwestern University.
Well, I went up there.
I think so.
I think so.
And I had the opportunity to ask him a couple of questions, and that kind of got out.
It kind of got out everywhere.
We're going to play a clip of my first question to him.
I think we have time before the break to play the first segment of this.
This is my first question to Thomas King.
The Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission tells me that the reason why
They didn't investigate the money trail of who bankrolled the evil hijackers, who paid for September 11th, who put these people up, who financed them.
The reason that they didn't investigate it is because they did it on the cheap.
It only costs $500,000.
Gee, I did the math on that and it comes out to $166 a dead person.
And so if you follow Thomas Kean's logic,
He's the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission, the head guy.
His logic is that if you do a contract hit on somebody, be sure and not pay the guy more than $166.
And then the cops will think that it's not worth finding out who paid for the hit because it costs so little money.
Who cares who paid for September 11th?
We got millions of dollars to investigate what happened that caused the murder of 3,000 people and the destruction of all that.
All those buildings, but you know, if you do it on the cheap, we're not going to worry about who bankrolled it.
We don't want them to go to justice because we are the 9-1-1 Commission and we were hired to find out everything about September 11th, what happened, why everything went wrong, and what we're going to do to stop it in the future.
But don't follow the money trail, for goodness sake.
That's a little practical.
We were able to find pieces of the $500,000, but it came in very small pieces.
The FBI agent Robert Wright was on the money trail of money coming from Saudi Arabia, from the Arab countries in this country to finance terrorist operations here in the United States.
He's trying to go public and the FBI shut him up and threatened him.
Did he testify before the commission?
I believe so.
We had over 2,000 witnesses.
Well, we had anybody who had any information, but there wasn't a word of what he said in your report.
That's what I want.
Well, there may have been.
There may have been.
We would not allow him.
Because of security reasons, when the informant was part of the FBI or the CIA, he mentioned the names of those agents.
Okay, stop it right there.
Stop it right there.
Okay, you've got to back that up.
We're going to play that after the break here.
Okay, so the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission is not really sure whether they interviewed FBI agent Robert Wright, the guy that was on the money trail, tracing the money from the Islamic charities coming from Saudi Arabia.
That supposedly financing these guys and he was studying it real and he went and he was trying to tell everybody about it and they said shut up and don't do this he goes public the FBI threatens his job and so you you can't be saying stuff like that he gets a press conference there he's got judicial watch with him and and he's he's been muzzled by the FBI don't you say anything Robert we're out about the money trail don't you say anything
And the FBI agent, Robert Rotz, crying there on TV, and the only thing he can say is, all I can say is that the Bushes vacation with the Bin Ladens.
But you know, Thomas Kean said, well, for national security reasons, if we talk to him, we can't reveal that.
They always bring up national security all the time.
Whenever they're getting their hand stuck in the cookie jar.
Oh, we can't.
Do we interview?
Oh, no.
Well, we might have interviewed him.
Well, it's not in the report.
Well, maybe it was.
National security reasons.
Well, you know, listen.
I mean, the guy, the guy's answer to my question was lame.
Did you?
And our exchange there, it was pathetic.
I mean, I'm sure he didn't expect to get any real questions.
I'm sure that he expected to get these softball questions like he got from the Austin American Statesman.
You know, oh sir, may I kiss your ring?
Oh yes, how are you?
Aren't you wonderful?
Save us from the terrorists.
How do you, how do we save us from the terrorists?
Can you give us advice on how to save us from the terrorists?
Is America safe?
You know, standard baloney questions from the mainstream media.
He didn't expect to get hit with the real thing.
When we get back from this break, we're going to play the whopper question that I asked him and his lame answer to that.
We're talking about Building 7.
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Yeah, that's exactly what you get when you go to public school nowadays, thought control.
All right, this is Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones on GCN Radio Network on September 11th.
We're talking about, we're playing clips from an exchange I had last year with Thomas Keene, the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission.
The report that David Roy Griffin famously called the 571 page lie.
And what we're going to do now is we're going to play you the question that you never, ever, ever ask the Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission.
This is a taboo question and fortunately there were three cameras in the room when I asked him this question and Kelly Taylor's camera was right on his face and his beady little eyes were going back and forth.
As I was asking the question about Building 7.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the question about Building 7 asked to Governor Keene, the Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission.
Go ahead.
4,600,000,000,000 or so, 47-story modern-framed steel skyscraper, that no plane hit, collapsed, and made a little pile onto itself.
And exhibiting all the characteristics of controlled demolition.
Uh, the guy who owns the place, Barry Silverstein, belatedly admitted on a documentary on PBS that he got together with the New York Fire Department and pulled the building, which is a book, which is a demolition cart for taking it down.
FEMA, in their investigation, didn't say that.
They said that the fire was to knock it down, but they couldn't figure out how.
Uh, video evidence shows
What appears to be explosive squids going up the south building from the south to the north.
From the bottom to the top as the building collapsed.
We didn't see any evidence of the kind of thing you're talking about.
We thought that was part of the tragedy of 9-11.
Later on, there was not a lot of loss of life in that building.
Okay, there you have it.
Okay, lie after lie after lie.
He wasn't expecting that question.
While I was asking it to him, his beady little eyes were going back and forth and you could just hear his thoughts.
Get me out of here.
Oh boy, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes.
And his first response there was a complete and total lie.
The first thing he said was he didn't
He wasn't aware of anything I was talking about.
This guy is the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission, and he doesn't know anything about Building 7 collapsing?
That is ludicrous.
Now I am holding in my hand the book, Debunking 9-1-1 Debunking, by David Ray Griffin.
And there's a sec... He relates an interview by an Evan Solomon
With the Vice Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission, Lee Hamilton, and I want an excerpt from this because, well, gee, it kind of puts the lie to Mr. Keene's statement there that he had no idea about what I was talking about.
Hamilton revealed himself to be even more ignorant in relation to WTC7.
Solomon asked,
Why didn't the Commission deal with the collapse of Building 7, which some call the smoking gun?
Hamilton replied, well of course we did deal with it.
This is amazing.
One of the main criticisms of the Commission's report has been its failure even to mention the collapse of this building.
In my critique of the report, for example, I wrote, and when we get back from this break, I'm going to tell you,
What, uh, Evan Solomon wrote, and we're going to talk about Building 7, The Big Lie, The Smoking Gun of 9-1-1.
So again, this is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones.
Be back very shortly.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones, and welcome to the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Here on this September 11th, the 6th anniversary of the mass murder of 3,000 Americans at the hands of a criminal elite at the head of our government.
Before the break, I was talking about an interview that Evan Solomon did with Lee Hamilton, the Vice Chair of the 9-1-1 Commission.
Now let me just continue on with that.
Uh, he, uh, Hamilton, er, Solomon is quoting something he wrote.
The Commission avoids another embarrassing problem, explaining how WTC 7 could have collapsed, also at virtually free-fall speed, by simply not mentioning the collapse of this building.
Building 7 of the WTC was 47 stories high, so it would have been considered a giant skyscraper if it had been anywhere other than next to the 110-story Twin Towers.
But the collapse of such a huge building was not even considered worthy of comment by the Commission.
And then he goes on, David Ray Griffin says, If Hamilton had regarded the Commission as a truth-seeking body, and if he had hoped that its report was devoid of factual errors, he surely would have been motivated to read some critiques of it.
Had he done so, he could hardly have avoided coming across passages such as this.
And yet he evidently believed that the Commission's report had discussed the collapse of WTC7.
Solomon later came back to the question during which the following exchange occurred.
Solomon, you said that the Commission report did mention World Trade Center Building 7 in it.
Did it mention it or didn't it?
Hamilton, the Commission reviewed the question of the Building 7 collapse.
I don't know.
That was a specific discussion in the Commission and we rejected the idea of putting Building 7 in.
I don't recall that.
So I presume that the report was written without reference to Building 7 at all because of all the tension was on the Trade Tower buildings.
Okay, so there's the exchange.
Again, Hamilton, the Vice-Chair, I don't recall, I don't recall about Building 7.
I just don't recall.
See, I'm only the Vice-Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission.
I don't recall.
You know, we were looking at the other two buildings there, and I just don't recall.
But however, he does, when he does say this, Hamilton, quote Hamilton, the Commission reviewed the question of the Building 7 collapse.
Well, if Hamilton is saying here
That the Commission reviewed the question of the Building 7 collapse, then how can Governor Thomas Keene tell me he didn't know anything I was talking about?
You see, there's a little problem there.
You know, what's the old expression?
You know, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive?
When you tell lies,
You get exposed by other people's comments.
So, there you have Thomas Kean caught in a lie.
He didn't know anything I was talking about.
Okay, that's a lie.
That's one of the lies.
And then, the second thing he says is that there wasn't a loss of life in that building.
Well, yes there was.
If you believe Barry Jennings, the
Deputy Director of Emergency Management Services of the Housing Division of the City of New York, who when he arrived...
uh... at the lobby of building seven after having come down a second group of stairs from the eighth floor where the landing blew up underneath him and the sixth floor landing was destroyed.
He says there was bodies littered in the lobby.
Thomas King, you really got a problem with your credibility.
Alright, when we get back we're going to be taking some questions.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're going to be taking calls for a lot of the rest of the show.
Alex is hopefully going to call in a few times and disrupt that.
Quite frankly, I hope he does.
Once again, the number is 1-800-259-9231.
We're concentrating on September 11th today, so I would appreciate it if most of these calls had to do with that topic.
of September 11th.
Once again the number is 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to be discussing September 11th.
I understand that I have Ruth from North Carolina on the line.
Ruth, are you there?
Ruth, what's up?
Well, I didn't want to ask a question.
I wanted to listen to what you're saying.
I'm unable to hear the whole program today.
And I've been trying to listen when I couldn't hear it in the daytime, at night, and I want to know where can I get it at night.
The old frequencies, I just can't get them anymore.
Well, I'll tell you, I know that if you have a computer, you can go... I don't have a computer.
Well, I'm not sure if the show is rebroadcast.
I'm just a hired help temporary today, so I don't know the answer to that question.
However, you've got to get a computer or go over to a friend's house who's got a computer and go to Infowars.com and click on the Listen Live button.
See, this show is rebroadcast over and over and over again on Alex's website, Infowars.com.
As soon as it goes off the air, they play it over and over again.
Listen, I'm 80 years old.
Well, unfortunately that computer is the thing now.
The internet is the wave of the future and that's where all the real news is now.
Well, I hear a great bunch of stuff that they're trying to destroy that, too.
Well, yeah, but they haven't done it yet, and really, really, the Internet is where you get the real news.
If you know where to filter out all the garbage, and, of course, people like Alex Jones know how to filter out the garbage.
You have the correct websites.
That's where the information is.
I apologize.
I do not know right off the top of my head if Alex's show is rebroadcast on any shortwave stations, but I appreciate the call, Ruth.
Thank you very much.
Okay, we've got Frank in New York calling in.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Yes, it's raining in Manhattan today, in Brooklyn, and as I glance out my window I can see lower Manhattan.
No, I just wanted to say a couple things.
One of the most damning and glaring omissions from the official 9-11 Commission report was the fact that
The order regarding the security decision-making that for over 40 years had rested with NORAD in the event of any attack or any kind of direct, I guess, defense against an offensive air attack, the Central Command would make that decision, yet it was
Bush's administration, most notably Vice President Cheney and Rumsfeld, that in May had changed that order.
Now that meant that NORAD, even though they testified in front of the Commission and in front of several panels of Congress,
They never disclosed that.
So ultimately, that's probably the most damning smoking gun.
And also the fact that this occurred when major war games and simulations were occurring.
And the fact that there was an aircraft carrier about 175 miles off the coast of Long Island that could have sent F-18 Hornets after the first hit on the World Trade Center.
To protect New York City.
And I think that alone should be massive impeachment for everyone involved in that.
Nobody got in trouble for anything.
That's absolutely correct.
There's something going on here when the standard defense for the so-called screw-ups is we are competent professionals and we know what we're doing, we do it all the time, but the truth of the matter is we is stupid.
That defense has come up over and over again.
The we is stupid defense.
And weren't we unlucky that day, Defense?
You know, we, yes, of course, it's standard operating procedure when a plane goes off course and refuses to respond to the radio.
It's standard operating procedure.
You don't have to call the White House.
You don't have to call Dick Cheney.
You don't have to call Donald Rumsfeld.
You just call NORAD like they do dozens and dozens of times and say, well, flight XYZ has gone off course and it's not responding to the radio.
And so for decades, they were at system with the failsafe defense.
Yeah, that was actually designed in the late 40s.
And what's very interesting about it is that if that isn't a smoking gun that shows direct complicity or some type of knowledge in this act, also, that apparently someone knew Bush's Air Force One code name during this event, which is supposedly why Bush was rushed to different military bases during the day of September 11th.
The only person that would have had access to that code would have been someone within the highest levels of the CIA, the Secret Service, and the government.
Well, Frank, you neglected to say something there.
What did I say, my friend?
Well, you said that he was rushed, but you remember the rush didn't happen until after he sat there like a bumblebee.
Reading the story in the little book about the donkey to the student.
My pet goat.
You know, you want to talk about a smoking gun.
Frank, thank you for the call.
Thank you.
I'm going to elaborate on that.
Appreciate the call.
That one right there.
Here you have the President of the United States of America.
Our imperious leader and the leader of our illustrious armed forces.
We are under attack on September 11th.
One plane has already smacked into a building.
Our imperious leader is in the Florida classroom.
reading my pet goat to the first graders another plane smacks into the tower and he just sits there like the bumbling fool and where is the secret service their entire job is to protect the life of the president of the United States if you believe the horse manure that is the official conspiracy theory about September 11th that the crazy Arabs with Osama Bin Laden in the lead in the cave in Afghanistan passing out box cutter knives
If you believe that line of burl...
Then that means that we were under attack from forces unknown.
And there's an airport just a few miles away from where the President was.
His visit was publicized.
Everybody knew where he was going to be.
The crazy Arabs would have known where he was going to be.
And for all they knew, they had a jet laden with explosives and crazy Arabs heading straight for him.
Or maybe a van full of Libyans or something like that from that movie.
Driving down the street to attack the President of the United States.
And the Secret Service sat there and did nothing, ladies and gentlemen.
Their job is to protect the President of the United States.
Heck, their job was to protect the little kids.
If the President was a potential target, which of course he would have been, then they would have grabbed him immediately and got him out of there.
And what was the lame excuse for them not doing it?
What was it?
Well, you know, we didn't want to upset the little children.
What a bunch of horse pocky.
Come on.
You know, that's another smoking gun.
I'm glad Frank steered me into that.
Because that's another smoking gun.
And what Frank said is true.
What he said is true.
The standard operating procedure for what to do when an airplane goes off course and won't respond to the radio was changed shortly before September 11th.
And the responsibility, I think, was put with the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense.
You know, again, one of those, well, gee, wasn't we unlucky defenses?
Well, gee whiz, how fortunate for them that the standard operating procedure was suspended just before September 11th.
That's one of the things I think about September 11th.
I think that in order to believe the official bull, you have to be not a conspiracy theorist, you have to be a coincidence theorist.
That this lot of coincidences that oops just happened to happen like Frank mentioned the drills.
They had these drills going on that day simulating hijacked aircraft all over the United States.
What a coincidence!
Oh and it confused our air defenses because they were having hijacking drills going on at the exact same time
That the real thing happened.
What a coincidence!
The problem with September 11th, you have these coincidences stacked on coincidences, stacked on coincidences, stacked on coincidences, until, if you know anything about math and probability, the official story is an impossibility!
I think?
It's impossible.
I mean, I think they did a mathematical study on what the odds of that were, and it was like some kind of grain of sand in the ocean type result.
It's impossible.
So, again, Frank, thank you for that call.
You pointed out some really good things.
Let's see who we have next.
We have Steve in Colorado.
Steve, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
I have three quick questions for you.
Yes, hi there.
The first one is,
The exchange that you were talking about between Norm Mineta, Transportation Secretary, between Cheney and the aide, now where did that take place?
There's apparently an operations or command bunker in the White House basement and Cheney arrived there and there's a big dispute about when he arrived there.
Yeah, that's what I was, I was wondering what is
Do you know what video that is on?
Well, I'm sure there's lots of stuff.
I would just suggest you go to Google Video and type in Minetta.
You know, pop!
It'll pop right up, you know?
Oh, okay.
And he's relating that they're in the bunker, this plane is approaching Washington, and this young officer's going in there saying, hey, hey, the order's still standing.
It's getting closer and closer.
That was Norman Minetta.
Listen, Steve, let me hold you over.
You got anything else to add?
Yeah, I do.
Let me hold you over until after the break and we'll be back in a few minutes with Steve from Colorado.
This is Bob Dasey on the Alex Jones Show, Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Yeah, I had two other quick questions.
What university was it at where you asked the questions of Tom Kane?
The American Statesman is the paper in Austin, Texas.
It's a huge mama.
They have huge subscribers.
They've been the rag in Austin forever, since I was a little kid and before.
So they are a big paper.
They're not a mom-and-pop shop at all.
Oh, I see.
They are totally controlled by corporate globalist interests, completely.
I see, okay.
Well, hey, I'm glad you're mentioning that the people, or some of the people that you've mentioned so far are CFR.
I'm glad you are pointing that out carefully.
Well, you know, I'm one of those tinfoil hat-wearing kooks who actually believes that the Council on Foreign Relations is a bad thing.
I mean, I've studied them for years, and I've read their reports and their papers and their pronouncements, how they have to erode national sovereignty piece by piece because it's more effective than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
I'm aware of their pronouncements, like, for example, their CFR wannabe, Christopher Hayes, the writer for The Nation magazine, who's publisher, editor, and owner, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, is a long-time member of the CFR, and their statements about how the Rubes, now the Rubes, that would be you and me and other Americans, are concerned about the lack of dialogue about post-national America.
Post-national America.
America after it's a nation.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I don't like to see how far.
I really don't.
Call us useless eaters, too.
Yes, we're useless eaters, useless feeders.
We're cattle that need to be herded into little containers where they can milk us.
Nothing like terms of endearment.
Thanks a lot.
I appreciate the call.
That was Steve from Colorado.
Their latest craze is wanting to stick new cow udders on all of us in the form of tolling us for everywhere we go all over the country.
They just start charging us for everywhere we go.
That's another topic.
Anyway, back to September 11th.
I have Larry from Idaho on the line.
Larry, are you there?
Yes, I am, Bob.
Uh, how is it possible that the Pentagon was hit an hour and twenty minutes after the attacks started?
Well, that's because we're stupid.
Don't you know?
Well, oh yeah, there was no response from Andrews Air Force Base.
It's only ten miles away.
Larry, we have a country full of military professionals, okay?
The Pentagon is the most secure military facility in the world.
It is the command center of the United States military, and what happens when it's under attack is they send the fighters out over the Atlantic, see?
Oh yeah, over in Atlantic, completely away from the Capitol.
Yeah, you know, buildings have been attacked, New York's been attacked, there's incoming something or other coming into Washington, so the fighters, they go out over the Atlantic to look for commies, I guess.
You know, it's the we is stupid defense.
We is stupid, give me a promotion.
I don't think he actually is.
I think he's got a lot of CFR ties, but I don't think he's actually on the list per se.
Well, it's not in the official published list, the last one I got, but I guess you could say he's at the very least a CFR wannabe.
Larry, you got anything else?
I believe that's all.
Larry, thank you very much.
I appreciate the call.
Up next we have Tony in Florida.
Tony, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you, Mr. Dacey, for taking my call.
Nobody calls me Mr. Dacey except my dad.
Nobody calls me Mr. Dacey.
That's my dad.
That's not me.
I'm Bob.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm Southern.
It's just part of it.
Oh, that's all right.
I understand.
This is a very interesting day.
Take a look.
And we'll be back with Tony from Florida in about three minutes.
And we're talking about September 11th and all the inconsistencies in the official fairy tale.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey.
We're returning after the break for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
That's new bumper music.
I hadn't heard that one yet.
We were talking to Tony, and before I go back to Tony, I want to read the results of an MSNBC poll that came out the other day.
This is MSNBC.
This isn't the crazy, crazy, wacky, kooky people or anything.
This is MSNBC.
This is a live vote.
The question is, do you believe any of the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S.
government was somehow involved in 9-1-1?
Now this was the results as of September the 8th, when I printed this off.
You have
Almost 85,000 responses to this question.
Do you believe any of the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S.
government was somehow involved in 9-1-1?
65% of the respondents said yes.
The government has left many questions unanswered about that day.
Only 29% said no.
Wow, we're making progress, aren't we?
Okay, back to Tony in Florida.
Tony, what did you want to contribute?
Yes, sir.
For me, the Pentagon is declaring omission right there at the Pentagon.
Specifically what?
Because I've always been leery of the Pentagon thing because of the lack of credible information that's coming from the government and all the conflicting eyewitness accounts and the conflicting
Discussion about whether or not the plane could have been flown by an amateur pilot, and whether indeed it was a plane, and the lack of evidence coming out from what else it possibly could have been.
So I'm a little fuzzy on that.
What is your take on that?
My take on it from, and I think people who have served in the military or served as some kind of civilian people who work within it, for me, and this is something that my buddy that was
I don't
I mean, that's just obvious.
So what you're saying, let me see if I can put some words in your mouth here, what you're saying is regardless of whatever it was that supposedly smacked into the Pentagon, because it's so heavily defended, it never could have gotten there.
Sir, there's no way.
That's what you're saying?
There's no way that after an hour and a half of a plane that was reported to be removed, there's no way that nothing should have been scrambled around the Pentagon.
Especially after two attacks, that's just completely
There's the level of complacency within the government to allow that is just glaring.
So you're saying that the we is stupid defense doesn't fly in that case?
Oh, no, absolutely not.
But people buying into that.
It's amazing.
How do people buy into that?
How do people buy into the thought that well after both towers had been smacked into, the Pentagon takes a direct hit?
How can the people buy into that?
Well, the people, as you know, the people have been subjugated to just, their minds have been completely muddled with so much disinformation, so much propaganda, and basically not only the chemical pollutants that are forced into their food and the atmosphere, but their level of engagement at the educational system is just non-existent.
There is no critical thinking.
They don't think critically anymore.
The transponder was turned off and so the military couldn't track the plane.
Well, in a sense, that's true, but my question is, if that was a reality, then why wasn't their military being flown around in the skies protecting those things?
The White House, the Pentagon.
It's just completely ludicrous to think that this could have oops happened by a bunch of people who lived in caves.
Just don't buzz.
Also, if indeed the military couldn't track the jet, a big monstrous, was it a 757 or something like that, coming into Washington, if they couldn't track it, then what's the young man asking the Vice President over and over for a serve?
The plane is 50 miles out, does the order still stand?
Sir, the plane is 30 miles out.
Does the order still stand?
The response was, have you heard anything different?
Yeah, come on.
They were tracking that sucker.
Look, Tony, you make an extremely valid point.
You say you were in the military.
I want to kind of just say something.
This issue, 9-11, is the reason why that I crafted, two weeks later, papers to get out under conscientious objector, because I knew what was coming.
Let me just say, let's kind of bring everybody back.
Do you remember what happened in 1990, that whole invasion of Kuwait?
Remember that whole thing?
Let's don't forget.
Let's don't forget now.
If you type in internal look, if you type in internal look, you'll bring back
An exercise, a military exercise that simulated, guess what, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
That exact moment that Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Let's don't forget as well that Cheney was the Secretary of Defense during those times.
Oh boy.
We've got to look that up.
You say it's internal look?
Internal look, yes sir.
It's right there.
Vaney Craft, the Secretary of Defense, it's completely... In 2000, in Southern California, the Seabees were commissioned to go
And build up these mock urban cities, okay?
There was a war game that was going on, and it was called Operation Blue Shield, or something like that.
Basically, it was the Blue Team and the Red Team.
The Red Team was, you know, the United States forces who were coming in into a Middle Eastern country who had a dictator.
There were supposed weapons of mass destruction, so we had to go in
Yeah, and of course what you're saying, I'm unfamiliar with exactly that scenario, but I don't doubt it.
But the thing is, there's a lot of information out that we had military forces surrounding Iraq
No doubt.
And surrounding Afghanistan, I mean, before it ever happened, before September 11th happened.
No doubt.
And the orders to attack Afghanistan were sitting on the President's desk before September 11th happened.
You know, again, Tony, you pointed out some really good, glaring inconsistencies about the Pentagon, and I appreciate and I agree with your assessment of the Pentagon thing, regardless of whatever that was,
That smacked into the building, whether it was the flight itself or whether it was a missile or whatever all the wacky theories are, you know, a space beam or whatever.
Whatever it was, it never should have happened that far after the attacks in New York had taken place because the Pentagon is so well defended.
Tony, thank you for the call.
It's a real good call.
I appreciate it.
Okay, next up we have DB in California.
DB, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, I just wanted to make sure all the info warriors out there are stepping up their game today and handing out those DVDs, talking to people.
Don't sit around on your couch talking with people who already know about this stuff.
Go out and while you're in line at the store, or you need to talk with people that might not get this information because the media is stepping up their game on putting out the propaganda.
They always put out a propaganda, but the problem is they're having a problem with it.
I mean, I just read the MSNBC poll.
That was taken just a couple of days ago where 65% of the American people believe that the United States government was somehow involved in September 11th.
I mean, again, the mainstream media is losing their grip, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, definitely.
It has to do with the Internet, like you were just telling that other caller.
When you can't... But then, when you have, like, my father told me that after this bin Laden speech, he's telling me I sound like bin Laden now, you know?
They got this...
Whoever wrote that speech, you know?
Isn't it funny how Bin Laden keeps popping up every time they need him?
Yeah, exactly.
It's amazing!
Bin Laden pops up every time they need him.
You think Bin Laden is like a little puppet on a string or something.
Things are going wrong.
They're fixing to launch a 9-1-1 truth event in New York.
Bring on the Bin Laden!
And by the way, dye his beard this time.
Come on, you know?
Well, he used to have a lot of gray hair in his beard, but this new Bin Laden videotape, he looks kind of younger and his hair is all black.
Actually, there was even a cartoon in the American Statesman today.
I couldn't believe I saw it.
There was a cartoon in our local paper showing Bin Laden getting ready to make a speech and someone's putting Grecian formula on his beard.
That appeared in the Statesman today.
That's kind of funny.
That's strange.
A lot of times we sit and talk about it amongst ourselves.
They put us in our little protest areas where we're caged away from anyone even seeing what we're doing.
We need to go out into the streets and we need to tell everyone about this.
Well, I'll tell you what, dude.
It's happening 65% already on that poll.
We're doing it, man.
We're doing it.
And the other side is a little worried.
I mean, look, think about that.
If these people actually do get caught and, you know, things evolve such that judicial proceedings happen against these people,
Can you imagine the people that were complicit in helping them cover this up?
The people that weren't probably actually involved in the original attack at all, but people like Thomas Kean, the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission, putting together this tissue of lies to cover up what really happened.
You can imagine what kind of trouble they would be in, couldn't you?
And it would probably be them that would be in trouble, you know?
Oh, definitely.
Keep it away from the actual people who were actually
I mean, they're going to try to fall on a sword.
I don't know how you fall on a sword like that.
I mean, you're talking about killing 3,000 Americans in order to go build a pipeline in Afghanistan and get the poppy fields going and morph it into a war in Iraq so we can go steal their oil and send it to the Chinese so that we can fuel their industrial revolution and steal more American jobs.
I wish you could see how much heroin is coming into Southern California right now.
You're talking about a crime of unimaginable consequences.
That's a problem.
The average American, they're nice people, you know, and they just want to be left alone and they figure, you know, you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone.
Kind of like a golden rule thing, do unto others.
They don't have a concept of the evil that's out there.
They cannot conceive of the thought that a criminal element within our government would actually do this to us when, in point of fact, they've done it to us many times.
Oh, and it's been documented, and it even comes on the media, and they still, it just goes in one ear, right out the other.
Well, you know, Vietnam, when Lyndon Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and no, the North Vietnamese patrol boats really didn't attack the ship in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin, and they just admitted that they made it up.
I mean, it's in the LBJ library here in Austin.
You know, he admits it.
They made it up.
Oh well, so what?
That was back in the early 60's and stuff and 58,000 American servicemen died over there but golly gee that was then and they wouldn't do that to us now.
They wouldn't kill 3,000 now even though they did kill 58,000 of us and a million or two Vietnamese based on a whopper of a lie that they just made up.
Well, and what gets me is why the American people can't grasp that.
I think it just, it upsets them so much that they reject it.
You know?
Yeah, it's too much.
It's just too much for them.
DB, thank you very much for the call.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, I'm listening to you on TV in Cameron, Texas.
Well, good.
I appreciate that.
Take care.
All right, now.
Where are we at here?
We've got a little bit more time here in this segment.
We've got Butch from North Carolina on the Alex Jones Show.
Butch, how are you doing?
Good afternoon.
Several questions.
I've been trying to find any information, DVDs, books, pamphlets, on the people who have made money on 9-11, like selling short.
Well, the 9-1-1 Commission addressed that.
You see, one of the big deals, this is even reported in the mainstream media, when everybody was scrambling to figure out who done it, when they reported those options on United and American Airlines, that just those airlines, that the stock was going to drop, that were placed just way in excess of normal trading, it was like a real spike, and so the deal was, whoever placed those options
Must have known that those planes were going to crash, and they were trying to make some money.
And you know, it turned out, if I remember, that the options were placed at the A.B.
Brown Deutsche Bank, which was formerly run by the Deputy Director of the CIA, Buzzy Cronegard.
But it never went anywhere.
And the 9-1-1 Commission obliquely addressed that.
That's how they blew it off.
It's in the 9-1-1 Commissioner Report.
That trade had no possible conceivable connection to Al-Qaeda, so it was not significant.
That's how they blew that off.
You know, they blow Building 7 off by refusing to acknowledge its existence.
And they blow this suspicious trade thing off by saying, oh, that guy wasn't Al-Qaeda?
Don't worry about it!
That's ridiculous.
Also, the people who were conspicuously absent from the World Trade Center,
Yeah, it was not well populated that day.
I know, but is there a list of the people who happened to be absent that day?
I am unaware of it.
I can't find it.
I hear there's a book out on it.
I remember there was that little kid in the schoolyard not very far away that told his teacher, you see those two villains over there?
They're not going to be there next week.
Remember that urban legend that turned out to be true?
Yeah, a little kid in the schoolyard knew about it, but gee, our government didn't.
You know what's funny?
Go ahead, go ahead.
I hear nothing about the Port Authority, but they're the ones that were in charge of the World Trade Center.
Well, actually, the security.
For the World Trade Center.
The security for the buildings was Securicom Corporation.
Yeah, Securicom.
Wait a minute.
On the board of Securicom was George Bush's brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker III.
What a, again, coincidence theory.
You know?
Oh, it's just a coincidence.
It's just a wild coincidence.
You tinfoil hat wearing kooks, just shut up.
It's just a wild coincidence that George Bush's brother was a principal in the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center.
It's just a coincidence.
One other thing.
If you consider the Federal Reserve the beginning of a
pyramid scheme at the point that, say, the countries that loan us money decide to base it on something like the euro instead of the dollar.
How does 9-11 play a part in allowing the pyramid to fall apart?
That's a good question.
Butch, appreciate the call.
I can't answer it though.
We're coming up on break.
And when we get back, we're going to go with a few more phone calls.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
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Okay, we're back on the Alex Jones Show and things are hopping right now.
We've got Richard Reeves calling in from Ground Zero in New York.
We're going to get a quick update from him and then we're going to go
After him, we're going to go to John in South Korea.
But right now, we've got Richard Rees.
What's going on up there, Richard?
Well, I'll tell you what.
It's all going on down here in New York.
We're having a big march.
Alex Jones is leading us around the World Trade Center area complex.
We're visiting different Silverstein properties and letting them know that they're murderers in the Silverstein group.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it.
So we got together with the fire department and watched the building collapse, right?
That guy?
As a matter of fact, one of our chants was, PUT IT LARRY!
And so we did.
The very group that tried to shut Luke down before.
We covered that.
That's right.
That's the same group that tried to shut Luke down.
The same group of guys that shut Luke down about, I don't know, three or four months ago.
Alex was interviewing Luke over that.
Yep, I remember that.
Alex says he's going to be coming on in, you know, in the next, at the top of the next hour, I think is what he told me.
Is that correct?
Yeah, I think he said early in the next hour he's going to come on.
Okay, good.
So y'all are doing your thing there, huh?
One of the things they tried to do was put out a fake bomb threat to try to disperse the crowd and to try to squash our parade here.
The rain's dampened it a little bit, but we're the ones that are actually raining on that parade.
Who put in a fake bomb threat?
They tried to kind of put out a fake bomb threat.
Who's they?
Yeah, they did on Luke before.
Remember when, Luke, I said, I think you got wires in your backpack.
I think it's a bomb.
Oh, that.
Remember that?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, I remember that.
They falsely accused Luke of having a bomb in his backpack in order to give him an excuse to arrest him.
Yeah, man, that's what they were trying to do earlier in the day.
But so far, the police have done a pretty good job.
They're actually escorting us around town.
Right now, we are at Pine Street.
And, uh, looks like First Avenue, Pine Street and First Avenue.
We're making a march.
Coming over here up on a big church, one of these big cathedrals.
Actually, Broadway and Pine Street.
And we're coming up on a big church here and we've got all kinds of media.
All kinds of media.
And we've got, uh, in the hundreds of people, I'm not sure how many, but we lined up wall to wall about four or five feet from one end of World Trade Center 7, the new World Trade Center 7.
We were lined up and we were definitely booming against those walls and we had a big audience inside World Trade Center 7.
I'll come downstairs and it's like they were taking pictures of us.
Y'all gotta be careful about that World Trade Center 7 because if anybody strikes a match on it, it'll fall down.
You know, that thing is subject to a sympathy collapse.
World Trade Center 7.
You know, it might just fall down.
Yeah, you gotta be careful.
Here's Alex.
Here's Alex.
Alex, you there?
We're going from Silverstein property to Silverstein property, then the Federal Reserve, to let them know that we know who the real bosses of this are.
When we get in position in the next 15-20 minutes, I'll call them over the report and let you hear some of the chanting and what's happening right now.
There's about, I don't know, 400, 500 of us.
I don't know how many are here.
And we're, uh, there were bigger crowds than that earlier, but it rained cats and dogs.
So we're headed now down the roads.
We'll be calling back in with a full report.
And of course we'll be back in Boston tomorrow.
So thank you for filling in.
You're doing a great job and we'll give everybody a report coming up.
Alright, well that'll be Alex.
Alex will be calling in a little bit.
Okay, thanks and thank you Richard.
Okay, I have got a caller from South Korea.
John in South Korea, since he's calling from so far away.
Let's take John in South Korea.
John, are you there?
Yes, sir.
How are you doing?
What are you doing in South Korea?
What's with that?
I never got a call from that far away before.
I'm actually a teacher in a small village outside of Jeonju, South Korea.
All right.
What do you have to add to our little discussion?
I actually just have a couple of questions.
I've only actually just started recently listening to Alex Jones and watching him over here.
You just ran into a break.
Guess what?
You know, you hear that music?
That means I'm going to have to hold you over to the break.
So hang on to your questions.
I apologize for that, but we've got to sell some soap or something.
So John in South Korea will be back with us on the Alex Jones Show after this break.
It's going to be a real short break, John.
It's only going to be about a minute.
So we'll be back real soon.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we're moving hot and fast here right now.
This is Bob Dacey, third hour of the Alex Jones Show here on the sixth anniversary of the tragedy of September 11th.
I've been talking with John from South Korea, but before I go back to John, something popped into my head during the break.
You know, Richard Reeves was there with Alex over there at Ground Zero next to Building 7, and I kind of joked and he said, well watch out, if they strike a match to Building 7, it'll fall down.
Uh, I just, uh, that's the new Building 7.
I was just thinking, you know, but if, but I really don't think they have anything to worry about because all you got to do is tune into the BBC.
Because if, if Building 7, uh, is going to fall down, BBC will report it down before it ever happens.
And that way they won't have anything to worry about.
So you guys up there in New York, just tune into the BBC and they'll tell you that the building has fallen down before it falls down.
And then you'll have time to get out of the way.
Okay, we got John in South Korea.
We're back with you, John.
What were you going to comment on?
Well, okay, I've been listening to Alex Jones for a short time, and everything inside of me screams, don't listen to this, this can't be true, it can't be true, but the evidence is overwhelming.
I'm wondering how many people could possibly be involved in this cover-up, and how long could they stay quiet for?
And my second question is, what would happen if
If there were another attack in the United States and martial law was declared, what would happen to the Bush presidency under martial law?
Well, you're asking me to speculate and I don't like to speculate.
However, I can give you a generic answer to the first question.
How many people were involved in this and how can they keep quiet?
It doesn't take a lot.
It just takes a few people in the right places to do the wrong thing to affect
You know, okay, I did it.
I killed 3,000 people.
You know, you're not going to get that.
You're not going to get that.
It seems like the mainstream media might pick up more on it.
The mainstream media, if you're new to this, the mainstream media is totally and completely controlled by these people.
If you look at the heads of all of the big newspapers, the big radio stations, the big TV networks,
They are, and this is not a theory, you can just go look it up, they're members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
ABC, CBS, NBC, you know, they're all CFR members, and the CFR is of course the global elite club in this country.
They work actively toward destroying national sovereignty of the United States of America.
So, you know, Thomas Keynes is a CFR member, the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission.
Well, Hamilton's a CFR member.
There's several other CFR members on the 9-1-1 Commission.
It doesn't take that many people to divert something and to keep something quiet.
Especially, like for example, an editor of a newspaper can quash a story.
You know, he can say, well, okay, one of my reporters found out something that we really don't want out there, so it just, it never goes out there.
So it's the top dogs manipulating.
They can't do everything.
I think so.
They pull off another 9-1-1 attack and Bush declares martial law?
I don't know.
I don't know how that would transpire.
I hope enough of the American people, including the military and including the police, would do what the hippies suggested back in the Vietnam War era.
You know, like, hey man, what if they gave a war and nobody came?
You know?
What if they gave a martial law and nobody would cooperate in the military and in the police?
Wouldn't that be awesome?
Alright, thank you very much John from South Korea for the call and it looks like we're coming up on yet another break and soon Alex is going to be calling in to fill us in on what's going on in New York.
Bob Basie for Alex Jones, Alex Jones Show, GCN Communications, Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, once again, this is Bob Dasey substituting for Alex Jones on September 11th, the 6th anniversary of the disaster.
Alex is up in New York and he's going to be calling in very shortly.
Before I go to the next caller, Art, hang on there, I'm coming to you.
Before I go to the next caller, I'm looking at a Zogby poll that was posted on September the 6th of this year.
A Zogby poll, 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush and Cheney regarding 9-1-1 attacks.
Tell you what, ladies and gentlemen, we are making progress.
I can just hear the jail door slamming.
Okay, Art in Kansas, you're up next on the Alex Jones Show.
I wish you had your own show every day.
My problem with having my own show every day is that I have to make a living and I don't get paid for this.
I am very honored that Alex asked me to host this show when he's away.
This is the eighth time I've done it within the year.
Well, maybe you'll stay away more often then.
It's been on for eight years and now it's gone to Google Video.
Yeah, I think so.
No, I'm afraid I can't afford to do this unless I get humongous, gigantic bucks, and that's just not going to happen, so I just have to do it for free.
Okay, now, if your protesters there in New York will go to St.
Paul's Chapel at Fulton and Broadway and go in there, you see George Washington's pew, and above that pew is an oil painting of the original seal of the United States.
It is not the seal that's on the dollar bill.
Is that right?
James Jones may also be.
I did not mention yet that Petraeus is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
I wasn't sure.
But he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
I looked it up the other day.
He is on the membership list.
So our illustrious four-star general, I know you're not supposed to say bad things about your military people.
I know that it's kind of like a taboo.
General Petraeus is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
You can ask him.
He'll tell you that he is.
It's not a secret that he is.
So my question is, how did he get to be a four-star general?
Hmm, okay.
There's that James Jones, the other general, that's shooting his mouth off.
I don't know if he's a member or not.
There is a James Jones on the list.
All you've got to do if you want to find that out, and here I'm doing the radio live so I'm not going to find that out right now, but you can go to CFR.org, their own website.
Yes, Virginia, the Council on Foreign Relations has a big website where they put all their globalist drivel, and you can type his name into the search engine and you'll see if it's the same guy.
Now there's a woman that's been all over television lately.
She's an Iraqi American.
Who was held captive over there and just released.
They've been doing news shows all last week about her.
The Ayatollah intervened and got her released.
So she's back here.
Her name is Holly Esfandiari.
H-A-L-E-H, Holly.
She is CFR.
So they were holding her over there.
How do you spell her last name?
I'll have to look that up and see if she's on the list.
I don't have my CFR book in front of me.
Oh, she's on the list!
And guess who NBC sent down there to interview her yesterday?
Old Mrs. Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell, who's also a member.
Well, those CFR members, they sure do tend to get around, don't they?
That's amazing.
They are an active bunch, aren't they?
Do you have anything else to add to the show today?
Well, Caroline Kennedy is a member.
Shirley Temple is a member.
Shirley Temple Black.
That's true.
She is a member.
Caroline Kennedy, Ms.
Patriotic, is a member.
Well, they have a lot of members, unfortunately.
Like, for example, Fred Thompson, who just declared his candidacy for president.
The actor is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He's a globalist.
Barack Obama's wife, Michelle.
He's a member of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.
It used to be called the CCFR and now I think it's called the Chicago Council on International Affairs.
So Barack Obama's wife is in kind of a sub-organization of our globalist elite club.
And of course, people wonder, how in the world, you mean all the Democrats and all the Republicans are all CFR?
Well, no.
Not all of them, just most of them.
And of course, Ron Paul is a notable exception to that.
He's the only one that's running for president in either party.
Well, as far as Chicago, the CFR there uses Northwestern University as their playground.
The president of Northwestern is CFR.
No, that wouldn't surprise me.
Most of the presidents of most of the major universities are Council on Foreign Relations members.
Most of your big shots in the press are Council on Foreign Relations members like, for example, Barbara Walters, people like that, and Paula Zahn.
She's awfully good looking, but I'm afraid she is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Of course, every once in a while they want to candy up the thing, kind of sexy up the CFR.
So because of Angelina Jolie's work with the U.N., she's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And Diane Sawyer.
Oh yes, Diane Sawyer is a member also.
And our illustrious governor out here, Kathleen Sebelius, she pronounces it.
I think so.
A bill prohibiting Kelo versus City of London seizures in Texas.
That guy, he's promoting his trans-Texas court in After Superhighway.
Hey, we're getting a little bit off the topic here in the air, but I'll tell you what, I appreciate the call, I really do, and we're going to let you go, and we're going to go to Mark in Canada.
Mark, are you there?
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, it is.
I sure am, eh?
No, I was at the march the day before and I did see a lot of
Picture taken by unmarked people, you know?
You thought you might have seen some Argentine provocateurs?
That march was actually pretty calm, but I mean there was about 400 marchers and about 400 cops.
I think that it would be a real good idea for, you know, my advice to the Canadian security people,
Well, what's not mentioned is that on the QP photos
I think so.
We're good to go.
And the guy's got a bottle in his back pocket.
And that was not mentioned.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious.
Maybe he was just having a little something on the side there while he was at work, or maybe he was going to throw it at somebody.
I don't know.
I think he was going to throw it.
That's an assumption.
For example, the guys with the rocks in their hands, the policemen that were disguised as protesters with the rocks in their hands, now those guys, they were probably just picking up rocks.
Well, according to the SQ, the Sirtida Quebec.
The Sirtida Quebec?
A protester handed him the rock, but not even the SQ is saying that.
So there's no photographic evidence.
It's just what they're saying.
Yeah, well, you know, I know the official explanation.
Yeah, they had rocks in their hands, but they weren't going to cause any trouble.
Now, the reason I'm calling is because I wanted to add to what you were saying about the Minetta testimony.
What is not mentioned, and I think a lot of people should pay attention to it, is when the guy is going, the plane is 50 miles out, the plane is 40 miles out, the plane is 30 miles out,
It's pretty clear that he knows what the target is, and I think that's very important because it doesn't get mentioned much.
Absolutely, because how do you know where the target is, unless you know how far out it is, then you know where the target is.
I don't think Cheney was at the Pentagon, I think he was at the White House.
He was in the White House.
So it was not 50 miles from where Cheney was.
It was obviously 50 miles from the target.
Mark, that's a great point.
We're coming up on a break.
Mark from Canada, thank you very much for the call.
And when we get back, we're going to take some more calls.
And hopefully, Alex will be calling in.
And we've got about a four-minute break here.
And we'll be back in four minutes on the Alex Jones Show, September 7, 2007, on the GCN Communications Radio Network.
Bob Basie, back in a few.
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Okay, this is Rob Dasey, back on the Alex Jones Show on September 11th, the 6th anniversary.
of the big disaster and before I go to the next caller I wanted to expand on something I was joking about a while ago about the BBC.
It is true and this is another one of these anomalies about Building 7 which totally makes no sense.
It is true that the BBC had a reporter
In New York, covering the disaster, and at about 5 o'clock, she was in a communication with the anchor guy at the BBC desk in London, and they called Building 7 down on the ground, and they told us why it fell down, and when it fell down, and what it was, and they called it down before it actually fell down.
It's just bizarre.
No building has ever collapsed because of a fire.
How did they know it was going to come down?
Apparently they screwed up their timing or something.
The most charitable thing you can say about that is that somebody fed them a story that the building had come down with all the details and they
We're good to go.
About September 11th.
Okay, Alex is coming up at the bottom of the hour, so right now we have Mike from Wyoming calling in.
Mike, are you there?
Well, thank you for holding.
Yeah, sure am.
What's up?
Well, just a couple things about 9-1-1.
I was curious after I saw the debunking show on, I think it was History Channel.
Yeah, I saw that too.
And they just waved off the matter of being able to make a phone call from a cruising altitude in a plane, as everyone knows that.
Well, I didn't know that, and having seen loose change, I was pretty dubious, so I just tried it.
About a week ago, I flew from Salt Lake City to Phoenix, and as soon as we got up above a couple thousand feet, in other words, high enough so that I wouldn't mess up the
I turned on my cell phone and I was not able to get any signal all the way through the flight until the time we landed.
That is nonsense.
What the 911 debunkers do is they make a half-truth or they pick something that's kind of weak or kind of nebulous and go after it.
I think?
Okay, and there wasn't really any planes.
Those were holograms and all that nonsense.
They try to broad brush us with the nonsense and, you know, guilt by association.
And, you know, I watched that thing and it just reeked.
I mean, it was just full of lies.
And another thing they do, they lie about omission.
I mean, they just lie by omission.
Have them interview William Rodriguez and all the people that were around him that morning.
Why not?
Why not, you know?
But it was very poorly done, and I think even if you were on the fence, or even if you actually leaned toward the government conspiracy theory, I think you could have seen through that, because they kept going back to these two editors,
One of them looked like he was barely old enough to be out of college.
And then they had the other people that were on the other side in bad camera angles and bad lighting.
It's a subtle technique, but I was wondering that myself.
That guy, that young man that kept popping back, he was an expert on everything.
Who crowned him expert on everything?
For the lady, the 80-year-old lady who called in, if you indulge me for a second here, I looked at Alex's website and these times are all central times, I believe.
to midnight all three hours are rebroadcast on 5.765 megahertz and during the day from 11 a.m.
9 p.m.
to 1 p.m.
Central on 9.985 I hope I'm not going too fast but
During the evening, they switch frequencies.
Well, Mike, I appreciate you.
We're coming up on a break, and I appreciate you letting that 80-year-old lady know how to listen to Alex, and we're going to let you go.
And after the break, we're going to have Alex Jones himself coming up on the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hi Bob, thank you.
Can you hear me fine?
I can hear you just fine.
Four friends called me just a week or so ago, including our own pastor.
They range in age from 38 to 73, and they called after viewing 9-1-1 Ripple Effect.
On WUWF.TV and all of them were thankful that I informed them to watch it.
They're very shocked at the factual information and all of them were very very angry for believing this specious information and outright lies concerning September 11th that have been promulgated through media sources for the past six years and they're very glad they watch it and they're spreading the word to others.
I've been most impressed with that documentary as well as I was also with Loose Change, but William Rodriguez, as you mentioned earlier, he was honored at length and he's right in front of UCLA campus speaking and he goes, BOOM!
The explosions drove he and the others upwards is the full explanation.
They talk about Telemundo and Univision, how they've had the complete truth.
My wife is Hispanic, she's seen it, it's being spoken in Spanish, however the
English media is replete with lies from day one.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, PhD, was there with several others, Dr. Fetzer and many others, on the video.
He stated, you know, we're supposed to believe that an airliner waltzed around for over an hour, while two other aircraft hit the trade centers, then the third aircraft meanders into the most controlled airspace on the planet, crashes into the Pentagon, the most protected and photographed building in the world,
A mere 10 miles from Andrews Air Force Base.
We're supposed to believe this.
These elitists think we are stupid.
Yeah, but again, that is exactly the defense that they have.
If you boil it down to the bottom line, they caught us by surprise.
We were napping.
We were confused.
We had drills going on about simulated hijacked aircraft, and everybody got confused, and we was just plain stupid, and that's why that plane, a humongous jet aircraft, smacked into the Pentagon,
Because we just don't know how to protect our own most secure military facility in the history of the world.
I mean, you know, for people to believe that, you're right, you're absolutely right.
How can people believe that?
Go ahead, go ahead.
You know, we're not stupid.
I grew up in the 50s and 60s and I remember Galileo's Law of Falling Bodies.
1608, a distance equals 628 times second squared, and that's all over loose change.
Any idiot can free-frame the video and work it out for himself.
No building falls at 9.2 seconds in an atmosphere for those two tall buildings.
They refuse to talk about Building 7, and you brought it up earlier, the BBC coverage.
That video footage is on 9-1-1 Ripple Effect right there for any nitwit to watch.
You've got BBC coverage right there at 10 p.m.
They've split the screen.
You've got New York on the left side, and there's your female correspondent.
Trying to explain how the building fell.
She steps aside and the building is still standing.
It hadn't fallen.
It's still up.
Somebody forgot to tell the building.
You know, you mentioned that.
That reminds me of something about Building 7.
In one of the many missed explanations of why Building 7 collapsed, they keep coming up with new ones, you know.
What they did was they took what they saw in the video, what they saw, and then they tried to craft an explanation
Of it, that comports with their predetermined theory of what happened.
That's not scientific.
That's like what Jamie McIntyre has recently done.
Because on the day of 9-1-1, when he and his cameraman were there filming the Pentagon burning before the roof collapsed, when it still had the 16-foot hole, that a supposed 757 went into a 16-foot hole, and he's reporting there's no landing gear, there's no wings, no nothing, no nothing, no nothing.
And then recently he's come back and tried to refute all that.
He makes himself look like a fool.
And that video footage is on 9-1-1 Whirlpool Effect also.
What I was going to say about Building 7 was the NIST explanation, one of them.
I'm not kidding.
This is the essence of one of their explanations for why Building 7 fell.
You see, what happened was there was some fires in the building.
And they attacked some very important steel columns.
And then, when the North Tower fell, a chunk of debris from the North Tower entered into Building 7 below the 13th floor, and went over and tagged THE column, THE column in the building that already had fire on it,
And this piece of debris came in and tagged that column, causing that column to collapse, which caused the roof ups above it, 47 stories, to come in, and then everything just went down from there.
You're playing on the ignorance of the American public.
Half my wife's relatives live in Manhattan and Queens.
That building is four blocks from the trade centers.
You know, this is like the magic bullet.
No, it's crazy.
Can you picture that people would actually think... I think actually a steel frame skyscraper would be more built like an erector set, you know?
And to think that you can tag one column on the twelfth floor and the whole thing is going to come down like a bunch of Jenga blocks is preposterous!
It's worse than preposterous.
A 9-1-1 ripple effect shows Building 4, 5, and 7, they were obliterated on the front but still standing
Because they were close to the two trade centers, and yet Building 7, the farthest away, nothing hit it.
When it comes down, it's the most perfect implosion I've ever seen in my life.
I did a full career in the military.
I served most of the Navy SEALs.
I know a little bit.
These people are going to answer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when they leave this planet.
I pray for them, because they're going to end up in a place I do not want to go.
Stephen Florida, thank you very much for the call.
That was a real good call.
I'll tell you what, today has been great.
I haven't had any kooks calling yet.
What's the matter?
Well, I shouldn't say that.
Peter in Los Angeles.
Peter, you're up next on the Alex Jones Show.
What's going on?
Hey, Bob.
I got three things.
I want to add to your information about the security of the World Trade Center.
It was not only Securicom, but it was also a company called Kroll Incorporated.
Look it up on Wikipedia.
Tell me.
What about it?
That is the company that John O'Neill was hired by Jerome Hauer to run the security for the World Trade Center, and you know who John O'Neill is.
Yeah, John O'Neill was the FBI agent who was directly tracking the terrorists' network over in the Middle East, and he complained vociferously, I think, was it in January of 2001, that the Bush administration was hindering him from doing his job?
So he quit?
He quit, and his new job was the head of security with Kroll, I think it's incorporated, but if you look on Wikipedia it tells you about how... For the uninitiated, tell us what happened to the former FBI agent John O'Neill.
Well, I think his second day on the job was September 11th.
He died that day.
Yeah, he died.
Oh, now there we have it again, see?
That's what I'm talking about.
This repeated thing of coincidence theory.
Well, John O'Neill wasn't a big-shot FBI agent, and yes, he was tracking Islamic terrorism, and yes, he complained that Bush was impeding his investigations into the bin Laden's, and yes, he got a job at the World Trade Center that day, and yes, he died, and it's all just one big fat coincidence.
That's another one of those coincidence theory nonsenses that keeps coming up about September 11th.
What else, Peter?
Also, you just need to look at the company, Kroll, and what they do.
They're a corporate CIA.
Just research them.
Oh, really?
Okay, so all you info warriors out there, let's get on Kroll, K-R-O-L-L incorporated, and see if we can find some spooks in there.
There's an interesting movie called, Who Killed John O'Neill?
It's a free movie you can watch, and whoever made it,
Yeah, I heard about that.
Something on the 14th of October or something, there's going to be some sort of a what?
Tell me about that.
The entire command, about 100,000 active duty airmen, is standing down training flights and many other operations as part of a command-wide safety day.
This is an area that I, as a person who digs into what's already happened in FACTS, this is a speculation thing.
However, here's, I think, what you're coming from.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Because every time something nasty happens, it turns out that our government has been conducting drills having to do the same thing on the same day at the same time.
It kind of makes you nervous.
It does.
I'm not saying something's going to happen, but that's something to watch out for.
Yeah, and I think it's good to get information out.
To the powers that be that we're on to the drill thing.
Oh, gee, there was a drill of hijacking aircraft flying across the United States on September 11th on that morning.
Oh, gee, there was a drill about catching bombers in the London subway right exactly when it happened.
Oh, gee, the Pentagon, they practiced a drill about what happened if a plane flies into the Pentagon.
That trick doesn't work anymore, and it's good for us to get that out.
One more thing.
I just want to say for everyone who wants to serve their country and love America, serve your country by fighting the new world order.
That's exactly what we're doing.
Peter, thank you very much for the call.
I appreciate it.
That's Peter from Los Angeles.
Yeah, you know, it's all well and good for us to be here on the radio or on TV or wherever we are telling you all this stuff.
And, you know, Peter's right.
Whatever you're comfortable with, get in the game, you know, in terms of informing people.
Buy Alex Jones' videos and duplicate them often as you like and pass them out to your friends.
Whatever you want to do, whatever your talent is, do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, the United States of America is the last bastion of freedom in the whole world.
Everybody else is some form of slobbering slave.
Now, a lot of them are comfortable slobbering slaves, like the people in England, but nonetheless, they're slobbering slaves.
They just haven't had the hammer put on them yet.
You know, they're working in the big house and they don't really realize that all those six billion cameras that are looking at them are not their friends.
And so, we in the United States are the last bastion of freedom in the whole world and there is no place to run.
I've heard a lot of people say, well I'm going to move to Costa Rica.
Well, I've got news for you.
You can't put up a sign in Costa Rica that says, New World Order, Stay Out, and expect them to honor your sign.
So, whatever you want to do, whatever your talents are, you've got to join this fight if you haven't joined it yet.
I know a lot of people just like to listen to Alex Jones.
Or whatever.
That's not enough.
I can give you a suggestion.
If you're very conservative, go to the John Birch Society website.
John Birch Society has been putting out information on the New World Order longer than anybody.
I mean, do that, you know?
A lot of people don't like the Birch Society.
Some of them say that we're too conservative.
Some of them say that we're an evil CIA plot or something like that, but that's a bunch of nonsense.
I've been a member for many, many years, and what we are is sticklers for accuracy.
Do they make mistakes?
Not very often.
So, you know, that's an idea.
Go to JBS.org.
What else?
Again, buy Alex's videos.
Pass them out to everybody and his brother.
I mean, it's getting real easy now.
You know, the proof of September 11th is so overwhelming that it was an inside job.
I mean, I'm looking at stuff.
I've got stuff all over this desk about all these smoking guns of September 11th.
They can't all be just coincidences, you know?
Okay, I'm going to let you go and I understand that Alex Jones has called in.
Alex, are you there?
Okay, right now he's got me on here now.
Have you run into the last break yet or come out of it yet?
I am about, where am I right now?
I've got about five minutes until the next break.
Well, we're down here at the police headquarters.
This is Richard Greaves, by the way.
This is Richard Greaves, right.
We're down here at the police headquarters and the city hall.
And we've got, uh, our hundreds of people down here.
We've got different people from We Are Change and victims' family members making speeches.
And I'll tell you what, we really gotta hand it to the, uh, New York Police so far.
They've been excellent.
They've led us around all over town.
You can hear the crowd in the background.
And, uh, the police have just, actually, they've just literally escorted us.
They've treated us, they've given us the VIP treatment so far.
Maybe that's because they know you're on their side.
I'll tell you what, you know, we've got Alex himself.
He's speaking to these tens or maybe even hundreds of police here and they're getting to hear it all, so it's uh...
Really good and I'll tell you what, you know, leaving Friday in Austin, I was a little bit concerned and when checking into my hotel, I made sure and left them emergency phone numbers in case I were to just kind of disappear.
But, you know, at this point, I'm not worried about that at all.
I can save you.
Yeah, you can hear him chanting, we are changed.
We got a changed tent, 9-11 cover up, 9-11 inside job, and we just
Really let the city of New York, really let the city of New York know what's going on here.
Well, again, it's important to let the police know what's going on because... Bob, here's Alex.
We're about to run into the last break.
Alright, Alex, you there?
Bob, we live on air?
Yeah, we're live on air.
We got about two or three minutes until the next break.
Well, my friend, I'm just exhausted.
I've been yelling and screaming, marching all over the city.
Got arrested a few days ago.
We're here at the big police headquarters, gigantic structure.
Um, and, uh, we just had one of the last demonstrations today.
About two hours, we'll be down at Ground Zero for one last one.
You have a sound permit to bullhorn there.
It's just been an absolutely incredible, uh, three or four days here.
Well, Richard says the police are treating you pretty good right now, is that right?
They've been behaving themselves.
Yes, they are.
I think it backfired on them arresting us for no reason the other day.
Well, you know, the thing is, you're actually on their side whether they know it or not.
I think we're supposed to go this way, aren't we?
A lot of them died on September 9th.
We're out here in the middle of like a thousand people, and we're, uh... Got any questions, Bob?
About what's going on?
You want to interview me?
Well, I just want to know, uh, have you, you, you recovered from your arrest, right?
You're okay on that, on that regard, right?
Yes, I am.
And have, have you, I guess all the, is, is this the last, when is this thing over, by the way, this, uh, 9-1-1 event?
Kevin McPadden, last time I interviewed him, you know, people heard about him, but I actually interviewed him, an Air Force paramedic who responded, and he saw the countdown, and we talked to other firemen and people that heard the countdown.
That famous footage of Golding 7, Amy Goodman, before she was even well-known to the local TV, when she got the word that it was going to come down on September 4th, and she starts running.
I've now talked to people that were there, when it came out on the radio, the countdown,
We're good to go.
Okay, we're coming up on a break here.
We've got Alex Jones down there in front of the New York Police Department.
And when we get back from this break, as long as our connection holds, we're going to go back to Alex for what's going to be the final segment here on September 11, 2007.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones, GCN.
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Alright, Bob Dacey back for Alex Jones in the final segment on September 11, 2007.
I believe we still have Alex on the line.
Alex, you still there?
Yes, sir.
I am here, Bob, and I'll be back tomorrow, probably in studio.
Maybe rebroadcast tomorrow if you want.
You can come in tomorrow, but I'll make it.
But I really appreciate you.
I appreciate everybody's support out there.
Again, I have been yelling and screaming.
We haven't had bullhorn permits off and on for the last few days, so my voice will be a little bit deeper next time.
That's why the voice keeps getting deeper.
It's lacerating the vocal cords.
It's just, we're here marching right now.
We've been walking all over the city.
But it was just good.
I need to exercise.
How did your end game premiere up there go in New York City?
It went fantastic.
We're going to show it one more time coming up next Monday, the 17th.
The Alamo Draft House.
That isn't already sold out.
I know it was close to being sold out when I left.
When is that going to be available for general distribution on InfoWars.com?
You'll be able to start ordering in October and then we'll mail it in late October.
It's being mass produced next week.
And then it'll take a few weeks for it to get shipped to us, and then we'll release it.
Damn it, it really is my best film.
It covers eugenics, the key angle of why the globalists could kill 3,000 people on 9-11 and not feel bad about it.
But I'll be focused and on marching to the rain coming up in the next few days on the show.
We're going to have a lot of guests on from here in New York.
People who witnessed what happened.
And there's going to be, of course, if you just type Alex Jones or New York Protest into Google and into YouTube, and click Data Added, you can get all the latest videos.
I know Paul Watson's got a section up on prisonpanda.com, up on infowars.com, for all the latest videos.
There's hundreds and hundreds of citizen journalists here with their own video cameras.
They go home to the hotels at night, to the hostels, and they upload the video to the web of what's been happening.
Really historical stuff.
But today,
Go into Silverstein's building, New Building 7 they built, and just put a stop at the house of people, excuse me, chanting that it was an inside job, and then he pulled it, and the very same security people, except for the guy that got fired, Port Authority people and others that had tried to claim that 9-11 hitlers had bombs, and then admitted that they knew that we didn't, but just wanted to say that we did, they were out there again, just looked completely beaten.
So, it's certainly letting these killers, the New World Order higher-ups,
No, we're aware that their activity is absolutely essential to stop future false flag events.
This is literally...
A life and death situation.
I just want to thank my family, and the Genesis Network, and you Bob, and Trey, and everybody there at the office, and Mike, and Tim, and Weldon, everybody there holding down the fort while we've been gone.
And I just want to thank God for protecting us, and ask God to continue to protect us, and put a hedge of protection up around us.
Because this is pure evil we're fighting, but to see all these champions stand up for liberty and freedom of every race, color, and creed, blues my soul, and I really salute everyone involved, those who supported,
Alex, thanks a lot, man.
We've got about a minute and a half left before we've got to get out of here.
I tell you what, I really salute you, Alex.
You are the premier info warrior.
Everybody knows that you are the grandfather, the father of the 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
You're the guy that called it even before it happened, and I just admire the heck out of what you're doing.
I remember, Bob, you said you thought I was going nuts for that one.
Yeah, but you weren't.
You were right again, and I can hear that exit music coming up here pretty quick.
So listen, I wish you well.
Be real careful coming back, and take some medicine for your throat.
I guess you'll be back here tomorrow or something's going to happen tomorrow.
I don't know, but I appreciate the opportunity to host the show while you're gone.
Godspeed to you, my friend.
Thank you.
Once again, we'll be back tomorrow one way or the other for the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey signing off.
Death of a New World Order at 9-1-1 was an inside job.
Take care.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-300-7645.