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Name: 20070910_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 10, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Bob Basie.
Alex Jones is up in New York.
For the 9-1-1 event, the sixth anniversary of the disaster in New York and Washington, D.C., I'll be sitting in for Alex for the next couple of days, and so you're just going to have to put up with me and study him.
Just to recap something about myself, if you don't know who I am,
I am a native Austinite, and what I do for a living is I am the owner of Hardware Store Incorporated in Austin, Texas.
I'm the, oh, you say the Hayes, Howard Cunningham of Austin.
That's what I do.
I peddle hardware for a living.
I was raised as a conservative Republican.
I've always been a conservative Republican, but something happened to me back in 1998.
I ran into
Crazy man named Alex Jones, and I thought he was a nut.
And basically I checked out what he had to say.
Turns out he was a very animated young man, but he was actually telling the truth.
So it shook me up.
I joined the John Birch Society very shortly thereafter in order to help fight the New World Order.
You know, many of you know that John Birch Society was the first organization founded actually to fight the New World Order back in 1958.
They were a very, very staunchly conservative group, and that's the way I am.
I'm not wild and crazy.
I'm just really staunchly conservative.
And it wasn't very long after that that I got a TV show on cable access in Austin called The Simple Truth.
And I'm still doing it.
I'm in my eighth year as the host of The Simple Truth in Austin, Texas.
Anybody who's in the Austin area who has Time Warner cable access TV
Can watch that show from six o'clock to seven o'clock on Monday nights on Channel 10.
That's Time Warner Cable.
And so that's what I've been doing for the last eight years.
My show that I host is produced by two of my really good friends, Jeff Cantoff and Kelly Taylor.
And both of us are members of the Birch Society, and we're just doing our thing and having fun doing it.
I have been an occasional correspondent for the New American Magazine.
I've written a couple of articles for them.
Actually, I've talked about both of them on Alex's shows, both a couple of years ago and just very recently.
I've made numerous appearances on various Alex Jones shows, both on the radio and on TV.
I've written a bunch of articles as a, I guess you'd say, a contributor.
To Infowars.com.
So that's a little bit about me.
Again, my name is Bob Dacey.
And what we're going to be talking about next two days, I know this is the anniversary of September 11th, but we're going to talk about that.
But we're also going to talk about some other extremely important things that are going on right now.
And among among those things are this Trans-Texas Corridor NAFTA superhighway fight.
Which is, of course, occurring in Texas right now.
This is a nationwide battle.
It's a worldwide battle, really.
But Texas is the front line in that battle.
And we're going to be talking about the current skirmish that's going on in that battle.
It's very important.
It's going on today.
And when we get back from the break, I will talk about it.
However, as you probably know, the first thing I want to talk about when we get back from the break is the fact that Alex Jones, you may or may not know, was arrested on Saturday night in New York City.
Yes, the Infowarrior got hauled away to the Hoosgow, and we are going to play a couple of clips from that.
Just to let you know right now, Alex is okay.
He's out of the Hoosgow.
And everything's alright.
So when we get back from the break, we're going to talk about Alex Jones getting arrested.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey back in the command center deep behind enemy lines substituting for Alex Jones.
I am in the Central Texas Command Center right now because Alex is up in New York.
For the 9-1-1 Mega Event, which is going on up there for the next several days.
As I said before the break, Alex Jones got arrested Saturday night.
It seems as he was running around New York with a bunch of 9-1-1 truthers and they got behind Geraldo Rivera's program on Fox News.
Geraldo had some sort of an outside program with a big giant screen behind him.
And, well, gee, Alex was arrested by the police.
And they hauled him off.
And what's interesting is there were so many cameras in the area that Alex's arrest was up on YouTube within about 20 minutes.
It went everywhere.
So they took him.
The charge, as it turned out, the charge that Alex was charged with was using, I think, an enhanced audio device without a permit.
I think that translates into bullhorn.
I understand, I'm given to understand that they tried to get a permit for their activity, you know, as the local New York people require, but of course the officials in New York didn't want to give them a permit, so, you know, Alex figured, well, you know, there is this thing called the First Amendment, and so he went out there with his bullhorn and did his thing, and a lot of 9-1-1 truthers got behind Geraldo Rivera's little outdoor stage
And disrupted Geraldo's program.
Now, Geraldo's program was very deep, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a very serious program.
He was discussing why the young lady was not allowed on the Southwest Airlines jet wearing the skimpy little outfit.
It was very serious, hardcore Geraldo journalism.
Geraldo looks back and makes some comments about the 9-1-1 truthers that are behind him.
You see, the problem is they're holding up signs that say, you know, 9-1-1 was an inside job.
And they were in the view of the Fox viewers.
And you can't have that on the Fox News Network.
You know, that's just unacceptable.
So I'm going to play a clip here.
Now listen.
Now we're going to play this clip.
And this is Geraldo.
I'm sorry.
This is Geraldo.
Making some rather bizarre accusations about who this group of protesters is, what they like to do in their spare time.
So, y'all, you wanna roll that one, guys?
We don't have any disagreement here.
There's no disagreement at all.
You agree.
You know, deport them if they're criminals.
Don't kill them is the point.
When we come back, we'll take you into the secret world of restroom gay sex.
I think these demonstrators are all into restroom gay sex.
Welcome back everybody.
We've been surrounded by an activist, radical, I don't know, communist group.
I don't know who the hell they are.
Uh, but let me go on to our planned program.
First, he said he was going to step down after allegedly approaching an undercover cop for sex.
Uh, as this group of misfits behind me continue their, uh, their chanting, oh, I wish I could go... Let's go to, uh, Mark Geragos.
I think it's quieter in Los Angeles.
We're here in Hollywood.
There's plenty of places to go have anonymous sex.
As long as you want crazy protesters, Geraldo, we have them up here as well.
You're absolutely right.
It's the hypocrisy of it all.
It's all about hypocrisy, no question about it.
Let's take a break.
We'll explain why the ladies are all wearing these outfits.
It's a crazy night here in New York after this.
Welcome back live.
All hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
You know, you need a permit to protest or demonstrate here in New York, but this anarchist group came forward.
They really are one of the least attractive groups of demonstrators I've ever seen.
One of the leaders, I guess.
If violence breaks out, don't worry, we can handle it.
Our Fox News team can take this bunch of... I don't want to use any foul language, but... I think you pretty much already did, Geraldo.
I mean, okay, ladies and gentlemen, Geraldo Rivera, the multi-millionaire paid hack for the Fox News Network, a prostitute par excellence, actually said, on the air, live,
That the protesters behind him did bathroom gay sex.
Now, uh, didn't Don Imus get fired for using the words nappy-headed?
I think accusing people of, uh, having bathroom gay sex is much more serious than saying somebody is nappy-headed.
I don't know, but you know, I don't know.
That's just me.
Geraldo Rivera, what a piece of work.
You know,
Back during the run-up to the war, the second Gulf War, when all the mainstream media was just acting like cheerleaders, just totally spewing out whatever the government told them about the shock and awe, Geraldo was one of the worst.
I remember on my local TV show, The Simple Truth,
You know, I have the ability to, you know, it's TV so you show pictures.
I stuck his head on a cheerleader and put it on the air, you know, because that's what he was doing.
Just cheerleading for this, for the war.
You know, just cheerleading for this war that's based on lies.
So anyway, that's Geraldo Rivera.
What a guy, you know?
You know, Alex Jones is an anarchist who likes gay bathroom sex and is part of the scummiest group I've ever seen.
Wow, what a professional journalist, what a professional journalist Geraldo Rivera is.
Now, what happened with Alex, they arrested him, they took him to the local precinct.
Well, the 9-1-1 truthers obviously found out where he was and they went and surrounded the place and they were wanting to let him go and again, this thing went all over the internet immediately and people started phone calling in to the precinct and he was not in there very long.
I mean, he was out really quickly.
And if you want to watch some video of it, just go to Google Video and type Alex Arrested and I'm sure you'll find all kinds of clips of it.
But anyway, he's okay.
I think they let him out because, gee, we were jamming up their phone lines and they couldn't communicate.
Screwing up their whole operations because of Alex's massive support from all over this country.
And so anyway they let him out and they gave him a ticket for using a bullhorn without a permit.
And of course I guess you know if you really think about it is that's that's the last thing I saw Alex on Friday.
I came to the studio on Friday and the last thing he told me before I left the studio was he was worried about the New York police arresting him.
Amazing how that
How that happened.
And of course, you know, it gave it gave him more publicity.
I mean, you know, what's a what?
Why can't you have a first of noon in this country?
You know, and Geraldo, why can't you do some serious journalism for a change?
OK, I just want to get that out of the way.
I just want to make sure you knew all about about that.
I think we got both clips and into one there, because the second clip we're going to play was him was Geraldo accusing everybody of being anarchist, which they weren't.
They're just 911 truthers that just want the truth out about September 11th.
And if you've done any research at all about September 11th, you know that the government story, the official conspiracy theory, is a giant web of lies.
You know, I'm sorry, we're going to be getting into that in the next couple of days.
I'm going to be here for two days.
But before we get into that, there's some other really important news that I have got to talk about.
And I've got a bunch of announcements here, and I'm going to go through some announcements just to say I did them and get them out of the way.
The first one, and this sounds like a local announcement, but it's not, because anybody in the country can contribute to this.
The Austin Ron Paul revolution is going to be giving out pocket constitutions the week of September the 17th and the 23rd here in Austin, and the cutoff date for them raising money to do so is today.
So, if you go, you can go online right now and write this down.
Get a pencil and paper and write this down.
The web address is www.patriotcalendar.com forward slash constitution.
That's www.patriotcalendar.com forward slash constitution and you don't have to be from Austin to donate to this thing.
They're just trying to raise some money so they can buy these pocket constitutions and stick Ron Paul stickers on the front of them and pass them out to motorists.
And any of you out there in the other parts of this country, this is a real good idea.
Y'all could participate in this too.
You could also call Pam Farley
With the Austin Ron Paul Revolution Grassroot, she's a grassroots supporter, Austin Ron Paul Revolution at area code 512-219-8080.
That's area code 512-219-8080.
But you've got to do this today because the cutoff date for paying for these calendars is today for this event that they're going to be holding the 17th through the 23rd.
Go online right now www.patriotcalendar.com slash constitution and contribute to this thing.
Let's get this Ron Paul revolution even in higher gear than it already is right now.
Okay, that was one announcement and my next announcement is going to actually is going to be a segment of this part of the Alex Jones Show.
It has to do with the Campo meeting.
Now this is not local, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not local.
The CAMPO Board, that stands for Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.
They are the organization which doles out federal money for highways and road improvements in the Travis County, Williamson County, and Hayes County area here in Austin.
But why is this not a local issue?
It's not a local issue because you know in this fight against the North American Union, you know that the NAFTA Superhighway
is a necessary feature of the North American Union.
They have to have it to make the North American Union physically possible.
And Texas is the battleground and today in Austin is a skirmish.
So when we get back from this break, listen carefully because I'm going to tell you all about what's going on in Austin this evening at six o'clock.
Again, this is Bob Dacey on the Alex Jones Show.
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All right, this is Bob Desi, back on the Alex Jones Show on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
And Alex's websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com.
So you want to go to those websites and
Check out everything Alex is doing because the man knows what he's doing.
Believe me, I've known him for years and he may be wild and crazy, but he's really not crazy.
He's just wild and he's accurate.
So anyway, before the break I was talking about this huge announcement.
However, I forgot to make another huge announcement.
You know, here I am talking to two million people and I forgot to make a huge announcement.
So I'm going to get back to this Campo announcement in a minute because I want to concentrate on it.
But I want to let you know, everyone listening, that The Simple Truth, the television show that I host,
I don't know.
And he set up, all you've got to do to watch the show now is just to go to Google Video and type in Bob Dacy, D-A-C-Y, and Simple Truth.
Just type that in and we've got two shows up right now, one from August the 20th and one from August the 27th.
So, the Simple Truth has gone global, y'all.
How about that?
And what an opportunity to advertise it.
I want to write that down.
The Simple Truth TV show with all of its errors and bumps and bruises and bells and whistles and all the mistakes we make at the whole nine yards is right up there for you to see.
And eventually there will be an actual official website.
But for right now, just go to Google Video and type in Bob Dacy, D-A-C-Y, Simple Truth.
And you can watch our local cable access TV show whenever you want to.
So I just want to let you know about that.
I would be remiss if I didn't tell the world about that because we, The Simple Truth, have gone global.
Also, I forgot on my Ron Paul announcement to tell you that my hardware store, The Hardware Store Incorporated,
8650 Spicewood Springs Road here in Austin, which is the intersection of Spicewood Springs Road and 183 in Northwest Austin.
We sell Ron Paul yard signs, those big ones that have it on both sides.
You know, Ron Paul for President 08.
We sell those yard signs for $2 a piece.
And I also have a few Ron Paul shirts, the Ron Paul Revolution and
We also carry Alex Jones' videos.
So, you know, get over to the hardware store and check it out.
Those yard signs cost me a whopping $2 a piece.
And I sell them for a humongous profit.
I sell them for $2 a piece.
Because the idea is to get the word out because the Ron Paul revolution is real.
So anyway, just wanted to let you know that.
Now let me get back to this Campo thing.
I have got to talk about this.
I'm going to probably talk about it in the next segment too.
There's a meeting tonight at the State Capitol and all of you who are in, I don't know, driving range of Austin, Texas, if you can get to the Capitol by 6 o'clock, the State Capitol in the middle of Austin by 6 o'clock, that's when this meeting starts where the local authority that doles out the federal money to fix and improve roads
Wants to toll existing highways.
You got that?
They want to toll three existing highways.
Three of the big ones in Austin.
183, east of H35, and parts of 290, and parts of 71.
They want to toll existing highways, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a national, nationally significant event.
We backed them off back in January, but they're back again.
They don't seem to understand that they're supposed to be listening to us, and this huge public hearing is going to be held in that auditorium in the Capitol Annex, north of the main structure.
It's the Capitol Extension Auditorium, room E1.004 at 6 p.m., and if you can get there earlier than that, there's going to be a rally, and you can sign up to talk, we think.
We think you can sign up to talk.
I'm a little nervous about that.
Again, the reason why this is nationally important is because we are trying to stop the Trans-Texas Corridor.
If we stop the Trans-Texas Corridor, we stop the NAFTA Superhighway.
The NAFTA Superhighway is an essential infrastructure link necessary
To link Canada, United States, and Mexico into one big happy slave country.
So this is vitally important.
Texas is the front line in this battle.
If you listen to Alex, you know that.
But right now in Austin, Texas at 6 o'clock today is the current skirmish in the war.
So when we get back from this break,
We're going to talk specifically about what's going on with Campo, and I am going to read a speech.
That's right, I have a speech prepared for Campo that I'm afraid I might not be able to give.
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Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
That's right, Jimmy.
We don't want any shackles on us.
That's Jimmy Vaughn.
He sang that song on the South Steps of the State Capitol on March the 1st, I believe, when we had that giant rally against the Trans-Texas Corridor and the National Animal Identification System where thousands of Texans of all political stripes came up Congress Avenue
to tell our local state legislators that we want to get rid of the Trans-Texas Corridor.
It was an awesome event.
Jimmy was there and he performed that song there to a very wildly enthusiastic crowd.
Again, that same venue, that same site is going to be the site of the current skirmish in the battle against the Trans-Texas Corridor and the NAFTA Superhighway.
Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, all this tolling craze that's festering all over Texas is coming from the feds.
Uh, and it's all so they can divert their money to their NAFTA corridors.
That's what it's about.
They want to fleece you so they can divert more of their money through every dot in the country.
TxDOT or ArcDOT or Louisiana DOT or whatever.
Department of Transportation.
So that they can build their north-south corridors.
Now, let me tell ya.
I got, this is a long segment here on this show.
I'm gonna just rant and rave.
If you can get to this state capitol, do it.
Get in your car right now and come.
If we can fill that auditorium with a bunch of very polite, but very angry people, if they try to tow these roads around here, if they try to get away with it again, despite the fact that we said no over and over again, if we can
Back them off with this monstrous crowd of people, we will have achieved another victory in the fight to destroy the Napa Superhighway, to destroy the Trans-Texas Corridor.
And also, if we can get a big crowd down there, and I'm promoting this nationwide all over the Alex Jones Show, although I know that only a few of you can actually get there from all the millions that are listening right now.
However, I get brownie points, okay?
So, come on, let's go.
Let's go to the Capitol.
Thing starts at six o'clock.
All right.
Nationally important issue.
All right.
If you can't get there, call your friend that lives in Austin.
Tell him to get there.
Six o'clock at the State Capitol.
In the big auditorium in the underground complex there, north of the main structure.
Now, I'm going to be there.
But I need to tell you a story.
I need to tell you a story.
I signed up to talk at the last big meeting they had.
And I knew there was a procedure you had to do in advance.
And so I signed up.
And this was back in January.
We backed them off the first time.
Well, maybe not the first time.
This is the last time we backed them off was in January.
And the Campo board, all 20 some odd of them, were sitting up there on this dais or whatever in this big auditorium.
And I got to speak at Citizens Communication, which is something they always have where they got 10 citizens can talk for three minutes each at the beginning of the meeting.
Well, I knew you had to sign up in advance, and so I did.
And they didn't like what I had to say.
A lot of them didn't.
And as a matter of fact, one of them tried to set me down
I don't think so.
I put an editorial in the Austin American Statesman the next day or two saying that we shouldn't listen to these conspiracy theorists.
We don't have time to listen to these people.
And of course nothing I said was theory.
It was all documented fact about the NAFTA superhighway and the Trans-Texas Corridor and what it was really about.
All of that stuff was documented.
I even passed out documentation to every single member of the board back in January
Documentation, mainstream news, everything, documenting this North American Union thing and this Trans-Texas Corridor as being part of the NAFTA Superhighway.
But Kirk Watson had to say, don't listen to these conspiracy people.
Well, I assumed he was talking about me since I'm the one that brought it up.
Anyway, I tell you that story so I can tell you this one.
I knew about this new meeting that's going to be held tonight in Austin at 6 o'clock.
And so I wanted to sign up for Citizen Communication again.
So I called them, and I emailed them, and the fellow that was helping me, his name was Art Zamorano, he got back in touch with me and said, by email, and said, OK, Bob, in order to sign up, you have to wait until 9 o'clock on September the 3rd, which is a week before.
And then you can sign up by email, or you can sign up by telephone.
So 9 o'clock, September the 3rd, which is Labor Day,
My email was ready, and I fired it off, plus I called.
And then I fired off the email again.
But since it was Labor Day, nobody was there, so I thought, well, I'll call the next day.
I called on September the 4th.
So I did.
Talked to Art Zamorano, and he said, Yes, sir, Mr. Dacey, I got both of your emails, and I got your telephone message, and you are now officially signed up to be speaker number two.
At the Campo hearing at the State Capitol on September the 10th.
And I said, fine, great, I appreciate that.
He hung up.
Five minutes later, he called me back and said, Mr. Dacey, what is the topic, what do you want to call your speech, your three minutes?
We want to put that on the agenda.
And I said, well, I want to talk about local control issues, the illusion of local control.
He said, OK, fine, well, we'll put that up there.
So he hung up and I thought, great, it's all set.
I'm going to get to blast the campo board again.
Five minutes later, the man calls me up and he says, well, no, we're not going to have citizens communication this time.
So, you know, I'm kind of conspiratorial nature.
I thought, now, why don't they want me to talk?
Gee, I don't know.
Maybe I think Kirk Watson must have had something to do that.
I believe that's my that's my theory.
And according to Sal Costello on his big announcement about this day, he calls it T-Day, the chair of CAMPO, Senator Kirk Watson, is pushing a new tax scheme that shifts our freeways to tollways.
The Watson-Texas Toll Plan also diverts $700 million tax dollars intended for free roads into toll roads.
It is important to note that freeways have never been shifted to tollways in the history of our country.
So I'm thinking, you know, if Sal Costello is right, and he usually is, you want to talk about an obnoxious fellow.
Boy, that guy's like a bulldog.
He gets on your rear end and he never lets go.
I like old Sal.
He's alright.
I don't want to get on the other side of an issue of him, though.
You can go to TexasTotalParty.com and check that out, or go to Sal Costello's blog.
That's Sal Costello blog spot.
You can go to that and see what's going on.
But, anyway, I was thinking, maybe, uh,
The reason why they don't have citizens communication at this hugely important meeting is because they don't want to set the tone with ten people blasting them right out of the bat.
So I'm afraid that even though I was officially signed up for five minutes as the second speaker, I won't get to give my speech.
Now what they're going to do is now you can sign up to speak later on in the evening now if you show up at five o'clock.
And I'm thinking, well, let's talk about chronology here.
If you show up really early, do you get to go first?
And there's no guarantee of that.
I remember very, very vividly, I remember back in 2001, I went to a hearing at the state capitol.
A legislator was proposing a bill to ban the gun show loophole.
And the hearing room was packed.
I mean, standing room only.
95% of the people in the hearing room were against his bill.
But the legislator, of course, wanted the bill.
I was the very first individual to show up.
I was there first.
I'm always there first.
And I signed up to talk.
I was the first person to sign up.
Out of a whole bunch.
But they made you say whether you were for or against the bill.
Well, I said I was against the bill because it was right there on the form, you know, for or against.
Well, all these people signed up and when the hearing started, lo and behold, the people that were for the bill got put on the top of the stack and the legions of people who signed up to talk against the bill got put on the bottom of the stack
And I must have got put on the bottom of the bottom of the stack because I never got to talk.
It was the biggest rigged sham deal you ever saw.
That was the same event where Alex Jones and friends caught a couple of the witnesses that the anti-gun people brought to testify getting paid off in cash outside the room.
That very same afternoon, right after they gave their false testimony to the committee about how horrible it is to let people wander through gun shows and just buy stacks of guns at wholesale prices, Alex Jones and I believe the local leader of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms ownership caught
These guys being paid off in cash by one of the leaders of an anti-gun group, Texans Against Gun Violence, back in 2001.
So what I'm saying, why I digressed that way, is because I'm afraid that Slicko Kirk Watson is going to pull something like that.
Now, I don't know if he's going to.
I don't know.
But the question is, is chronology going to matter about signing up or are they going to put all the lobbyists and pro-toll people and the highway contractors and the Chamber of Commerce people on top of the stack tonight and then bore the heck out of everybody until finally our guys get to talk way late into the wee hours of the night and then they kick us all out because of curfew?
I'm worried about that.
So, as a result of that, I am going to read my speech.
To a nationwide, worldwide audience, just in case I don't get to read it tonight.
I figure I can talk to two million people just as well as I can talk to five or six hundred, right?
Okay, here we go.
This is my speech.
It's called The Illusion of Local Control.
I am addressing the Campo boards, the people that are having the temerity to try to toll existing highways in Austin, Texas and therefore set a national precedent.
Alright, here goes.
The illusion of local control.
My name is Bob Dacey.
I am the host of the Simple Truth TV News talk show here in Austin, and I'm a freelance writer for the New American Magazine.
This past July, I, along with my colleague, Kelly Taylor, attended the Texas Transportation Forum put on by TxDOT at the Hilton.
TxDOT, of course, is your Campo partner.
While at the conference, I discovered the document Forward Momentum.
Where TxDOT reveals its plan to toll existing interstate highways in Texas.
I posted the story on the New American website in early August and appeared on the Alex Jones Show twice to reveal all the bloody details to a nationwide audience.
Alex even scanned parts of the document and put it up on the web.
I sent the story to Sal Costello and he posted the New American story on his website.
In late August, WOAI News in San Antonio picked up the story and took it to the mainstream.
The stuff hit the fan.
Now TxDOT is faced with explaining why they have been lying to us all these years just as they are launching their PR campaign to tell us how great toll roads are.
I bring this up because TxDOT is your Campo partner.
And because my grandfather, Joe Dacey, always told me you were known by the company you keep.
What he actually said was, if you play with stuff, you get some on ya.
TexDOT sent their spokesman, Chris Lippincott, out to do damage control.
He proclaimed that tolling local segments of interstate highways would not occur without the approval of local officials.
Lippincott, by the way, is the same individual who denied press credentials to my TV show when we applied for credentials to cover the conference as local TV news.
Kelly and I got in as freelancers for The New American.
The way things turned out, he should have tried harder to keep us out.
The point is, we, the people of the Capital Area, have told you repeatedly, and by overwhelming margins, that we do not want you to approve tolling existing right-of-way.
You people are elected officials.
We put you in those chairs.
If you refuse to listen to us, local control is an illusion, and TxDOT's assurances will be exposed as yet another TxDOT lie.
You tell us we have no choice, that federal money is drying up.
I'm telling you the feds are behind all of this so they can divert funds to their high priority projects, the north-south routes, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the NAFTA Superhighway.
Mike Kruse is fully aware of this and is in agreement.
There is no money for our roads, but just watch them use our money to build Mexican roads to link up to the TTC.
If you won't listen to us, then listen to what is best for your own political skins.
If you vote to toll these roads, people like Sal Costello will do a Karen Sun-Latner on you.
We will vote you out of office.
You will all become political pariahs in Texas.
You will not even be able to run for dog catcher.
Thank you.
Now, there.
I have given my speech.
To a much larger audience than I was going to be able to do at the state capitol.
I'm going to try to give this speech tonight.
I'm going to try.
But if Kirk Kwatson has his way, I don't know.
I might not be able to just squeeze it in.
Just so you know, some of the references I made here on a national level, you might not know who these people are.
Mike Kruse is the state legislator who got the Trans-Texas Corridor legislation snuck through the state legislature in 2003.
Mike Kruse is a real piece of work.
uh... he is in the pocket of the highway construction lobby in texas the vast majority of his campaign money comes from highway contractors and the like so he's he's quite an interesting gentleman uh... and he'd be published a report in two thousand four an interim report to the texas legislature where he said that we need to go along with this north south
High-priority corridor stuff the feds are doing and all their money is going to be devoted to that and we need to you know agree with that and go along with that.
Hence the Trans-Texas Corridor.
So Mike Creasy knows exactly what's going on although he probably wouldn't admit it but his own report admits it.
So at any rate that's my speech that I'm going to try to give tonight.
I will be down there and I'm going to try to sign up and we'll just see what happens.
So, I'll tell you what, this is radically, radically important.
What I'm going to do for the rest of the show, I'm going to talk a little bit about the Ford Momentum Document again to remind you of what happened and the latest news about what happened when WOAI San Antonio took my New American story to the mainstream.
It is quite a huge thing.
I mean, I was so pleased that Jim Forsythe of WAI got my story and ran with it because what a stuff storm was created because of it.
So, I'll talk about that after the break.
Once again, this is Bob Dacey on the Alex Jones Show on GCN Communications Radio Network.
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I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears the hole
Alright, a little bit of Johnny Cash here at the Alex Jones Show here on September the 10th, the day before the 6th anniversary of the deliberate mass murder of 3,000 people.
In order to do a few geopolitical aims.
I want to talk about the fallout from WLAI going statewide and even national with the story that I wrote for the New American back in early August.
I want to read the relevant portions of my story that I posted on the New American back in August.
It was called Highway Robbery Online Exclusive.
This is also on John Birch Society News Feed back then.
This is what WOAI picked up on.
The forum was attended by what amounts to Texas Governor Rick Perry's constituency, highway construction companies, related contractors and subcontractors, civil engineers, attorneys, bankers, international investors, and various state and federal bureaucrats all seeking dollar signs in their eyes as they came together to discuss strategy and tactics aimed at conning the people of Texas into paying for their own economic and national demise
By forcing Texas motorists to pay tolls on new and existing highways.
The deal there is to forcing them to pay on new highways.
And later on in the article I say this.
On Friday morning a session was held concerning the availability of federal funds to assist in the construction of Texas highways.
Presenters presented a bleak picture of the ability of federal dollars
Asserted that our national transportation system was in crisis and pushed the idea that the Fed should get out of the way so as to enable the state DOTS to provide the solution to the crisis.
The solution proposed, of course, was public-private partnerships to build and control highways and for tolling of new and old highways to pay for it all.
A publication, Forward Momentum, a report to the 110th Congress, first session,
We're good to go.
And allowing, quote, states to buy back or reimburse the federal government for its share of federal investment in interstate segments, end quote, so that states can slap tolls on roads originally built with a prohibition against tolling them.
You read that correctly.
Now that was the segment.
What I did was I sent this story.
You know, Alex had it up.
Of course, the New American had the exclusive on it.
Alex had it up.
He had me on the show twice.
His guys scanned portions of this document that I'm holding.
Oh, by the way, you know, I have in my hand right now THE document, THE one, that caused all the trouble.
Texas Department of Transportation Forward Momentum.
Hey, maybe I can put this thing on eBay and make a lot of money with it since it's become so famous.
Okay, well, after the break we'll come back and continue with this and then we're gonna morph into September 11th in kind of an odd way.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, once again, this is Bob Dacey, sitting here in the Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, holding down the fork while Alex Jones is in New York with the 9-1-1 Truth Movement, doing all kinds of wonderful things up there.
They're making the New York debut of Alex's new film, Endgame, which I haven't seen yet, but I'm sure it's awesome.
Every time Alex comes out with a film, it's better than the last one.
So that's debuting.
I understand that Loose Chains, The Final Cut is debuting up there in New York.
I'm dying to see that one because I'm told that I'm in it.
I'm not sure about that.
I'm kind of out of the loop.
I'm the last one to know anything.
But anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with that.
It's a big event up there, 9-1-1 Truth, and I'm going to morph into that during this broadcast here sometime during this broadcast.
Alex is going to be calling in in the second half of the third hour today, so you want to stay tuned for that.
But again, this issue of killing the trans-Texas corridor
It is vitally important, and I've got to stay on it for a little while because I've got to get all this stuff off my chest.
It's not every day you get to sit in the command center of the Deep Behind Enemy Lines with two million people listening to you and say what you want to say.
I am honored that Alex trusts me to do this.
This marks the seventh and eighth time within a year that I have hosted the Alex Jones Show.
And I am honored and really humbled that he trusts me with this microphone of his.
That is, I cannot express how gratified I am that I'm doing this.
Okay, now back to this thing about WOAI.
They took the story that I wrote about TxDOT's plan.
They're going to toll the interstates, even though they've been lying to us all these years about how they weren't going to do it.
You see what they were doing?
They were passing this stuff out to all these investors and bankers and people that were attending this conference.
They put a price tag so high on getting into the conference that, you know, the average Joe is not going to show up.
And, you know, we got in as freelancers for the New American.
So, we got in, they're passing this stuff out, and I'm going, lo and behold, what?
Tech stops running on the interstates.
Hey, they didn't tell us that.
So, anyway,
W-O-A-I, I think they got it from Sal Costello's website.
Because Sal posted the article, with my byline on it, on Texas Toll Party and on Sal Costello's blog spot.
I think that's where W-O-A-I picked it up.
And W-O-A-I took it mainstream.
W-O-A-I, for those of you who do not know, is a blowtorch news radio station based in San Antonio.
It's a mama.
It's a whopper.
So, I want to read a few pieces of their story.
Secret tech stop plan to toll existing interstates.
Internal report to Congress, obtained by 1200 WOAI News, urges Congress to repeal laws prohibiting tolling interstates by Jim Forsythe.
This was posted and broadcast on Wednesday, August 29, 2007.
I'm going to excerpt from the article.
At the same time, local officials assure us that tolls will never be charged for traveling on existing highway lines.
1200 WOAI News has obtained a Texas Transportation Commission report in which TxDOT officials discuss ways to impose tolls on existing interstate highways.
That's right!
Your state tax money would be used to buy back highways your federal tax money has already paid for so the state could charge you tolls to drive on that highway.
Chris Lippincott of TxDOT confirms the language in the report, but stresses that any tolling would not be done without the consent of local officials and the public.
The report suggests that if Congress authorizes states to implement interstate tolling options beyond current pilot programs, it would allow revenues from toll finances to be used for other critical system needs.
When we get back, we'll talk about what those other critical system needs are.
Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
I'm good.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, once again, this is Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones while he's up in New York for the big, gigantic 9-1-1 Truth Event.
Okay, before the break, we were talking about this, uh, W-O-A-I.
We're talking about mainstream media.
In this case, mainstream media really is helping us out.
It's kind of a neat thing, you know.
Uh, my New American story was all over the alternate media everywhere.
And, of course, millions of people heard it when I was on the Alex Jones Show.
But it hadn't hit the mainstream, and WOAI Mainstream Station took it mainstream.
And you all talk about a stuff storm.
Listen to some of this stuff.
Again, I was just talking about how the report suggests that if Congress authorizes states to implement interstate tolling options beyond current pilot programs, it would allow revenues from toll finance facilities to be used for other critical system needs.
The translation of other critical system needs is Trans-Texas Corridor.
So, anyway, that was the exclusive that WOAI News broke.
An exclusive on my exclusives, by the way.
However that works out.
Then they came out with more.
This is another WOAI.
Outrage is reaction to 1200 WOAI News total exclusive by Jim Forsythe.
And they said the reaction to their big story was immediately and talk about everybody griping about it.
The 1200 WAI news exclusive has now been copied by newspapers across the state.
Toll road opponents jumped on the report as evidence that TxDOT cannot be trusted.
Terry Hall of Texas Turf, an anti-toll road group, said they want to shift all of our current highways into tollways and double taxes for the rest of our lives.
You can't trust them.
One minute they're telling you, no, we have no intention of tolling existing roads, and then the next minute they're sending reports to Congress asking for that very thing.
I don't think you can trust the agencies that are trying to toll our roads at this point.
You can't believe a word they say.
That's right, Terry Hall.
You can't believe a word they say.
And that's why it's so important for everybody to get to that meeting who can get to the state capitol by 6 o'clock tonight.
Or even by 730.
Just come!
You know?
Show a force.
Let them know that we're not going to put up with them tolling our existing roads here in Austin.
Then WOAI put out another one.
WOAI Interstate Toll Exclusive Prompts U.S.
Senate Action.
Look at that!
Vows to introduce a bill to prohibit tolling of interstates.
Entire TxDOT tolling plan in jeopardy by Jim Forsythe.
Way to go Jim!
I like this guy!
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison today vowed immediately to introduce a measure that would prohibit states from tolling existing interstate highways under any circumstances.
The WOAI news report appears to have possibly fatally damaged TxDOT's toll road initiatives, especially the already controversial Trans-Texas Corridor.
Now, I love that thought.
I love it.
I'm going to read it again.
This is from Jim Forsyth, WAI News.
The 1200 WOAI news report appears to have possibly fatally damaged TxDOT's toll road initiatives, especially the already controversial Trans-Texas Corridor.
Now, that's a nice thought, but I think that's a little premature victory there.
They're not going to give up so easy, although we have given them a monstrous black eye.
It's beautiful, and I'm loving it, and I think it's great that WOAI took this to the mainstream.
Now, again, then WOAI comes out with another one.
The WOAI News Toll Report prompts calls for a Congressional investigation.
And Congressman Ciro Rodriguez says, Today I contacted the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee to ask for a Congressional hearing to look into TxDOT's proposal.
Boy, did we stir up a storm, huh?
Here's another one.
This is from WOAI.com.
Lawmaker questions TxDOT pursuit to toll existing interstates.
And this is Dallas Republican Senator John Corona, who is the chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, calls it a dreadful recommendation and says taxpayers have already paid for those roadways.
Here's one.
Again, Dallas lawmaker rips TxDOT plan to toll interstates.
This is from the Dallas Morning News.
They picked it up.
Let's see who else we got here.
We got Houston Chronicle picked it up.
TxDOT plan would convert some interstates to toll roads.
Plan includes buying interstates and charging drivers a toll.
Talks about the 24-page plan outlined in Forward Momentum.
Again, I've got the copy that caused the dollars.
Right here, I'm looking at it.
You really think it might be worth something on eBay?
THE copy that caused all this problem?
Well, wouldn't that be awesome?
The agency's attempt to influence Congress comes on the heels of its multi-million dollar advertising campaign touting the lightning rod
Trans-Texas Corridor Plan and Other Toll Roads.
All right.
And this Chris Lippincott says that he's surprised by the fact that everybody's mad at him.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I just want to tell you something.
Chris Lippincott, the TxDOT spokesman, who is quoted in these articles trying to defend this indefensible position that they've been lying to us all these years.
They've always planned to toll our existing interstate highways, and they've always told us they had no such intention.
Poor Chris Lippincott.
He's the guy that's trying to defend this lie.
And he's the same guy, the very same gentleman, that refused to allow myself and Kelly Taylor credentials as Simple Truth TV, as local TV news.
He refused to allow us credentials to cover the Texas transportation form.
Same guy, Chris Lippincott.
It's funny, as I said in the speech, gee, he should have tried to keep us out as New American correspondents, too.
If it hadn't been for the John Birch Society and the fact that we are, literally, Kelly and I both have written for the New American as freelancers, we wouldn't have gotten in this press.
So we're thankful that Gary Benoit of the John Birch Society was ready to back us up and send a letter in there and said,
Let Kelly Taylor and Bob Dacey into your conference as freelance correspondents for the New American Magazine.
And I guess the text doc didn't want to pick a fight with the National News Magazine, so they let us in.
Too bad they did, huh?
Found the old document and passed it out to the whole world that they've been lying to us all these years.
And you know what?
I'm just loving it.
I'm just loving it.
Okay, more headlines on this.
This is funny.
You've got to hear this.
You know, Alex Jones is always talking about doublespeak.
I'll say one thing and say something else, and they say that there's no conflict in the two statements, but there obviously is.
This is from News 8 Austin when they picked up the story.
That's a local cable TV, Time Warner cable TV station.
They said this.
The department is lobbying Congress to pass a federal law that would allow the state to buy back parts of interstate
Come on Ricky boy, you can't have it both ways.
You can't be asking the United States government to let you tow the roads and then lie to us about how you have no intention of doing so.
And then, of course, AP picked the thing up.
I'm loving this.
Boy, you get into the mainstream, and they all are like, you know, when one gets it, they all want it.
This is great.
You know?
And Senator Hutchison's bill to prohibit the toll roads?
You can go to the Thomas Government Document Locator.
That's https://thomas.loc.gov and type up Bill S-2019.
And I'm telling you, we've got the Senator herself to say, hey, this makes me look good.
I'm going to put up a bill to stop this nonsense.
Of course, now, she's not your buddy either, but still, she's grandstanding to make her look good.
But in this case, you know, we're happy about it.
I've got a poll here from KTEC 56 NBC, which is a TV station in Texas, a Richmond area, a Richmond-Tyler area.
I'm sorry, Tyler, Texas.
They put up a poll.
The Texas Department of Transportation wants to turn some existing roads into toll roads.
Do you agree?
93% said no.
That's about the same number that said no in Austin, Texas.
And here we have it again.
Once again, I hate to repeat myself, but 6 o'clock tonight, state capitol, Campo, the local
board consisting of county commissioners and mayor types and state representatives and state senators and what not they're going to decide on how to spend like seven hundred million dollars and they want to convert some of our existing roads around here to toll roads.
You'd think that after all this hit the fan with TxDOT getting caught doing it that these people wouldn't have the cojones to try to do it again right there at the state capitol but that's what they're going to try to do tonight ladies and gentlemen and you need to get down there at six o'clock state capitol
The Extension Auditorium at the north end of the new area below ground.
And of course MSNBC picked the story up.
I mean this thing went viral.
I'm looking at an MSNBC article.
TxDot seeks to buy back federal roads and put tolls on them.
I'm so happy about that.
And somebody on a blog at the San Antonio paper, MySanAntonio.com,
He says that this is the obituary of the Trans-Texas Corridor.
I thought that was funny.
He says that news of the plan didn't surface until recently.
It unmasked the real goals of the TTC.
Squeeze money out of a citizenry whose lives revolve around highway travel.
And he says the TTC is dead.
It's not dead.
Don't think it's dead.
It's going to be plain possum.
There's too much money involved.
And the stakes are too high.
You know, you have to have the Trans-Texas Corridor and the NAFTA Superhighway to merge Canada, United States and Mexico into one country.
They're not going to give up.
But we are smacking them in the rear end right now.
Of course, they got picked up also by the San Antonio Express News and the Houston Chronicle.
And again, Lois Colcourse, who was a good guy,
He said this is not only double taxation, it's a violation of the trust that should exist between citizens and government.
Existing Texas highway lanes built with our tax dollars should not be converted to toll roads and taxed again.
Okay, I'm going to morph this into September 11th in a little bit.
You just watch.
I'll be back in a bit.
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We're good to go.
One more point I want to make about this.
Fact that we have exposed the Texas Department of Transportation for the liars that they are.
The timing of this could not be better.
You don't want to talk about feeling good.
You're always worried about whether the New World Order is pushing us back.
Right now, we're pushing them back, okay?
And it's an exciting time.
One of the things at the conference that I attended with Kelly Taylor,
You could tell what they were trying to do was they were firing up this PR campaign to snow job everybody into thinking that tolls are just wonderful.
It was a big PR campaign they're gearing up.
And right as they're gearing up for this big PR campaign, we hit them in the face with the fact that they've been lying to us all these years about never wanting to toll existing highways.
Mainstream media takes it, it's gone ballistic, it's gone all over the place.
And like for example, now they're mad at him for their PR campaign.
Now they're jumping on him for that.
It says, this is from MySanAntonio.com, more lawmakers add voices to outcry over toll road plans.
A firestorm ignited by recent news about state officials eyeing tolls on interstates and spending $9 million to advertise toll road plans continued to roll through San Antonio on Tuesday.
This is just from the 4th.
So, again, it's illegal for them to be promoting toll roads with taxpayer dollars, Leibowitz said.
A nine million dollar pain pill is what they're selling us to buy into their plan, Farias said.
You know, everybody's dumping on them for everything and they deserve it because they're a bunch of liars!
And they're trying to steal your money so they can build their trans-Texas corridor!
So that the private Spanish company can run it!
And take the money to Spain!
And that you can, you know, you can have the cheap Mexican-Chinese goods come up from Mexico and throw more Americans out of work!
You know, those guys!
Then a Congressman Ciro Rodriguez from Texas, quote, TxDOT's plan is basically to retax Texas drivers is just plain wrong and their use of taxpayer dollars to fund a pro-toll PR campaign is an outrageous waste of taxpayer dollars.
How about that?
And I just want to point out again that Kelly Taylor and I were working as freelance correspondents for the New American Magazine
When we start all this up, and all you people out there, all you TXDOT people, and all you New World Order crowd, and all you globalists and one-worlders, I want you to know that the source of your problems right now, with this horrible publicity you've been getting, comes from the New American Magazine.
Just wanted to let you guys know that.
Us guys in the John Birch Society are kicking your tail.
Now, we're going to change the subject a little bit.
Christopher Hayes of The Nation magazine, on the August 27th issue of The Nation magazine, he's a big shot writer for The Nation.
His title is Puffin Writing Fellow.
For the Nation Institute.
That's his official title.
The Puffin is a bird, by the way.
He wrote this big article in The Nation.
I talked about it on Alex Jones' show.
I wrote an article blasting it after it came out on Infowars.com.
And he wrote this ridiculous article saying that the Trans-Texas Corridor, the big
for football field wide monstrosity was real but that the NAFTA superhighway was a myth.
You remember that he said that the trans-texas corridor is real the NAFTA superhighway is a myth and I was trying to figure out
Just where this guy was coming from.
His story, A Privilege of a Nation, was called An Absolute Highway.
I was trying to figure out how in the world a sentient human being who studied the issue could actually come up with that conclusion and be comfortable with himself.
When we get back from the break, what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a little bit about his story and then I'm going to
I promise.
I'm morphing this into September 11th in a minute.
So once again, this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones on the GCN Communications Radio Network back in a few.
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Okay, once again, Bob Dacey sitting here substituting for Alex Jones on Genesis Communications Radio Network while he's up in New York.
We're good to go.
and go mano a mano with me on his ridiculous assertion that there is no NAFTA superhighway in the works and that those of us who believe it are all a bunch of tin foil hat wearing kooks.
You know, he came to town and interviewed me and Kelly Taylor for a couple hours at some little cafe down on Congress Avenue a few months ago.
I gave that guy more proof than you can shake a stick at.
Ridiculous, you know?
So, anyway,
Trying to figure out what motivates this guy, why he came up with this cock and bull story.
And sure enough, by the way, his boss, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, is a Council on Foreign Relations member.
That'll give you a clue.
And her family is deeply involved with the CFR.
There's three Vanden Heuvels on their list.
And so, you know, I'm thinking, well, gee, maybe that has something to do with it.
But I couldn't pin it down because he flip-flops so much in his own articles that it's kind of hard to figure out where he's coming from.
I invited him to come on the show, and he very politely said that he thought he would sit this one out.
And he said for me to, you know, feel free to rake him over the coals, you know, in absentia.
And of course, that's what I'm doing.
That's what I'm going to do.
And I emailed him back and I said, I'm sorry you couldn't, wouldn't come on, but listen to the show and bring, you know, bring some marshmallows.
That's what I told him.
So Chris, if you're listening, this one's for you, buddy.
All right.
Now, what I want to talk about here, Chris has been blasted, pilloried,
In his own Nation Magazine blog, his own blog, for his ridiculous story.
Again, the essential number one argument against his ridiculous assertion is that you have this monstrous four-football field wide monstrosity cruising through Texas and when it hits the Oklahoma border,
I guess all the rail lines and all the communication lines and all the freight lines and all the truck lines and all the passenger lines just stop.
And they just don't go anywhere.
What a crock!
Same thing goes for Mexico, you know?
The guy is totally, totally out there in left field, quite literally.
But anyway, he's been getting blasted all over the place.
Well, the other day on September the 2nd,
Christopher Hayes was on C-SPAN, Washington Journal, and a friend of my TV show had recorded the event and sent it to me.
You can go to c-span.org and look at their recent televised events that go down to September 2nd and watch the whole thing yourself.
I have a clip from that that we're going to play you here in just a minute.
Which pretty much slam dunks it from where Christopher Hayes is coming from.
Guys, roll that clip.
I think it's clear from the callers that there's a lot of anger and a lot of distrust, a profound distrust of this kind of neoliberal agenda, that you have these meetings behind closed doors with the leaders, and the fact that corporations are essentially in the driver's seat of what's going to happen with transnational trade and things like that, and I think that has kind of curdled into some very dark, conspiratorial feelings, but the kernel of it and the reason that people are
Calling up and getting angry is because we don't have a public debate.
You don't hear it in the presidential elections.
A public debate about what the direction of this sort of post-national America is going to look like.
And whether it's going to be a post-national America.
And people are upset that that isn't part of the conversation.
I think that's a really legitimate fear that we don't talk about these issues.
Christopher Hayes, did you just expose your philosophy?
What was that he just said?
People are concerned that there's not a debate about the direction of post-national America?
Is that what you're after, Chris?
We're in a post-nation period and the people just don't understand it and so they're all getting paranoid.
Post-national America?
I was educated.
I have a degree from the University of Texas in communication and I got that in 1977.
Graduated with highest honors by the way.
Radio, television, film.
And I could swear that post in that context means after.
Post-war, that's after the war.
Post-national, after the nation.
Post-national America, Christopher Hayes, you have coined a new phrase, sir!
So that's what it's all about.
The people are upset because
They don't understand why there's no dialogue about dissolving the United States.
Because we're in a post-national era.
Now we know where you're coming from, Mr. Christopher Hayes.
And I guess now we know where your boss is coming from, from the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, the ones who are pushing this whole thing, David Rockefeller and his crowd.
And I think one of your other puffin writing fellows at the Nation Institute, what's his name?
Chris Hedges?
He's actually a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, too.
Hey, Chris, are you bucking for membership, good buddy?
Oh, well, hey, you had the chance to come on and defend yourself, but you elected not to.
Now, I'm not done with you yet, Chris.
I am not done with you.
You concoct this preposterous story that the NAFTA superhighway is a myth.
You know, terrible.
Your own liberals have gone after you on this.
They say you've gone over to the conservatives because you're lying about this corporate land grab.
I just want to make a comparison here.
Now, you've got Christopher Hayes talking about post-national America, talking about, you know, there is no Napstablook Highway, although there is a Trans-Texas Corridor,
His boss is CFR.
Some of his associates are CFR.
And on his blog, he flip-flops and goes back and forth.
You ought to go to his blog.
I don't want to get into all that right now.
But he says he believes his own thesis.
He told me he actually believes the garbage that he was spewing out.
I would think, if a puffin writing fellow at the Nation Institute would shovel out that kind of garbage, my question, my question is, what other kind of garbage would he shovel out?
So, I told you I was going to morph this into September 11th, didn't I?
And I'm going to do that right now.
Christopher Hayes of the Nation, as it turns out,
Wrote an article back in December for The Nation.
Another big story, and I'm sure he got a big ol' fat paycheck for being a professional prostitute.
An article called, 9-1-1, The Roots of Paranoia.
So Chris Hayes writes a garbage piece about the Trans-Texas Corridor and Afro-Super Highway?
Would it be a stretch that he might write another garbage piece about the 9-1-1 Truth Movement?
Let's get into that.
I'm going to go through some of his article here.
Christopher Hayes, 9-1-1, The Roots of Paranoia.
According to a July poll conducted by Scripps News Service,
One-third of Americans think the government either carried out the 9-1-1 attacks or intentionally allowed them to happen in order to provide a pretext for a war in the Middle East.
Okay, Chris, it's actually way more than that.
It was not just to allow them to have a war in the Middle East at all.
It was so that they could pass things like the Patriot Act and
And tell us the boogeyman was going to get us unless we gave up our rights, and things like that.
Things like Dick Cheney and his buddies making all kinds of money with Halliburton on no-bid contracts, and selling all kinds of military hardware, and bankers getting to lend all kinds of money, and making all kinds of money.
It's not just a war in the Middle East, Chris.
It's way deeper than that.
You as a Puffin Writing Fellow should know.
It's way deeper than that.
Okay, back to Mr. Hayes.
This is at once alarming and unsurprising.
Alarming because tens of millions of Americans really believe their government was complicit in the murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens.
Okay, Chris, back to me again here.
No, we don't believe our government was complicit in the murder of 3,000 of our fellow citizens.
We believe a criminal elite in the top structure of our government
is responsible for the murder of 3,000 of our fellow citizens.
Chris, let's get it straight.
Let's not generalize.
We want to get specific here.
Back to Chris.
Even though tens of millions of people apparently believe they're being governed by mass murderers, by and large life continues as before.
Unsurprising because the government these Americans suspect of complicity in the 9-1-1
has acquired a justified reputation for deception.
Weapons of mass destruction, secret prisons, illegal wiretapping, what else are they hiding?
Okay, now, let's get it straight here, Chris.
We've got, for example, the weapons of mass destruction, which you quite correctly identify as a whopping lie.
Now, the people who
Put forth that lie, that criminal elite within our government, who put forth that lie, that con job, in order to justify invading Iraq, knew darn well that thousands of Americans would die if they got away with their lie.
Do you understand, Chris?
They knew that if they got away with their lie about weapons of mass destruction,
Thousands of American soldiers would die.
And they used September 11th as the catalyst.
You think that if they would that cavalierly throw away the lives of thousands of American soldiers, they would give a rat's behind about throwing away the lives of 3,000 American civilians?
Mr. Hayes?
Okay, let's go on with the article here.
The so-called 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
He says that the danger of it is that it will discredit and deform the salutary skepticism Americans increasingly show toward their leaders.
Interesting comment.
So, if you seek to find out what really happened on September 11th, that's going to mess up the good skepticism about the fact that our government lies to us all the time.
Is that right, Chris?
The Truth Movement's recent growth can be largely attributed to the internet-distributed documentary, Loose Change.
Yeah, that's right.
And guess what?
Loose Change, the final cut, is premiering, I think, today in New York City.
Chris, I'm dying to see it because I think I'm in it.
I questioned the chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission last year in Georgetown, Texas at Southwestern University.
And I asked him a couple of questions that the mainstream media will not dare ask the Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission.
I asked him why he said that the matter of who financed the deaths of 3,000 Americans on September 11th was, quote, of little practical significance, end quote.
And his lame answer was that because it cost a little money.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the 9-1-1 Commission didn't follow the money trail.
They didn't follow the money trail.
You got it?
It was of little practical significance.
The other monster question I asked him was the Building 7 question.
You know, I laid out what happened to Building 7, how it came down, all the controversies surrounding it.
No building like that had ever collapsed before.
You know, explosive charges looked like it's going up.
It exhibits all the characteristics of controlled demolition.
Molten metal was found in the basement.
No plane hit the darn thing.
It was 47 stories tall, modern frame, steel skyscraper.
The whole nine yards collapses into itself.
Never happened before.
It's part of the World Trade Center.
Larry Silverstein says that he and the New York Fire Department decided to pull the building.
FEMA said they couldn't figure out what knocked it down.
So, after laying all that out for the Chairman of the 9-1-1 Commission, I ask him the question, why is there not a word about what happened to that building in your report?
Now, no mainstream press outlet would dare ask that question.
I ask it, and I think that's the one that's going to be in loose change, but like I say, I don't know.
Anyway, I digress.
I'm attacking Christopher Hayes now for his article 9-1-1, The Roots of Paranoia.
Okay, so he says the recent growth of the truth movement can be attributed largely to loose change.
I would say it could also be attributed largely to Alex Jones.
uh... and all the videos he put out about it, 9-1-1, Road to Tyranny and successive videos, Terror Storm, all these things that Alex Jones put out.
Because Alex Jones is the father of the 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
Absolutely, no doubt about it, because he called it before it happened.
There's no question about that.
I was listening to his TV show when he, I think it was July 25, 2001, when he said that his sources
We're telling him that there was going to be an attack real soon, and it was probably going to be in New York, and they were probably going to attack the World Trade Center, and they were going to blame it on Bin Laden.
And when Alex did that, I said, man, Alex, you don't make predictions like that.
What are you doing, man?
And sure enough, just a few weeks later, he was dead on accurate.
So Alex Jones is father of the 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
Christopher, hey, you should have done a little research there.
Loose Change has done a great job, but Alex Jones is the father of the 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
End of discussion.
Over and out.
Okay, now back to Christopher Hay's article.
Complimenting Loose Change are more highbrow offerings of a handful of writers and scholars.
Two of these academics, retired theologian David Ray Griffin and retired Brigham Young University
Physics professor Stephen Jones, he talks about them.
I don't know why I didn't mention Alex.
Alex should feel hurt.
This is terrible.
The truth movement's relationship to truth may be tenuous, but that it is a movement is no longer in doubt.
Tenuous, Chris?
There is nothing about September 11th, the official theory that isn't tenuous.
The whole official theory about what happened on September, the official conspiracy theory of September 11th is tenuous, Chris.
It's not as though there's one thing out of place.
About September 11th.
It's not as though one or two things don't add up and so a bunch of tin foil hat-wearing nuts are going, see, see, see?
The government did it!
Oh, no.
It's way, way more than that, Mr. Hayes.
No, no, no.
And if you were honest, and if you did your research, you would know that.
Alright, so I hear that we're fixing to have another commercial here pretty quick, and when we get back, we're gonna continue
With Christopher Hayes, The Roots of Paranoia.
And remember, he wrote the nonsense about the Napa Superhighway.
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Before the break I was reading from Christopher Hayes, the Puffin Writing Fellow at the Nation Institute, in his article about the roots of paranoia.
Having to do with September 11th, and I'm going to continue to do so.
Truth activists often maintain they are simply raising questions and as such tend to focus with dogged persistence on physical minutiae.
And they then use these perceived inconsistencies to argue that the central events of 9-1-1 are not what they appear to be.
The entire official story of September 11th, Christopher Hayes, is an inconsistency.
It's such a whopping lie, and there are so many inconsistencies, I could go on for hours and hours and hours about them.
And it's not physical minutia to talk to somebody like
William Rodriguez, the head janitor in the North Tower, who, with a whole bunch of other witnesses who will back him up, say that the first explosion that happened in the North Tower took place beneath him, and he was in the basement.
That's not physical minutia.
He says he felt the strike for the plane several seconds after the big monster explosion underneath him, which also caused another worker to get burned all over his body.
Felipe David runs into their little building down there, their room down there in one of the sub-levels and says, Explosion!
Other eyewitnesses says that the garage area had been completely destroyed by an explosion.
Come on, Chris.
Do your research, man.
You're a puffin writing fellow, for goodness sake.
Come on!
Then he throws this one in.
They always throw this one in.
The people that like to debunk the truth about 9-1-1 always throw this in.
It's in their playbook.
Like, how to debunk 9-1-1 truth.
Some don't even think there were any planes.
You gotta throw the kooks in.
I'll give you that, Chris.
I will give you that.
There are kooks in the 9-1-1 Truth Movement.
There absolutely are.
And Alex, people like Alex Jones have nothing to do with them.
I've run into several of them over the years.
You know, but just because there are kooks that think that holograms flew into the towers or whatever, don't paint us with that brush.
Because, you know, we're not there.
You know, we deal with solid, forensic, hardcore evidence
But they always like to throw the real tinfoil hat wearing kooks into our movement to try to discredit those of us who are actually doing real work and real scientific and real analysis of what happened on September 11th.
And then Christopher Hayes tells a whopping lie here next.
He says, To the extent that there is a unified theory of the nature of the conspiracy, it is based in part on the precedent of the Reichstag fire in Germany
The consensus among historians is that it was, in fact, the product of a lone, zealous anarchist.
That fact changes little about the Nazi regime or its use of the fire for its own ends.
It's true the Nazis were the chief beneficiaries of the fire, but that doesn't mean they started it, and the same goes for the Bush administration and 9-1-1.
Now that is a giant, colossal, whopping pile of horse hockey.
Mr. Hayes, and you know it.
And when we get back from the break, I'm going to continue with that line of thought.
We'll be back in about 70 seconds.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, welcome to the third hour of the Alex Jones Show here on this 10th day of September, 2007.
A date which hopefully will live in glory for the people of the United States if we can get the Campo Board down at the State Capitol to back off tolling our existing highways tonight.
Again, that meeting is at 6 o'clock at the State Capitol.
And if you can get there, boy, you can really help out.
I mean, this is something, citizen activism is something you can do.
So, try to get there.
Okay, once again, I was busy bashing Christopher Hayes of the Nation Magazine for his ridiculous article called The Roots of Paranoia about why people are so paranoid about September 11th even though there isn't any evidence that anything went wrong there.
We were just caught by surprise, right?
Okay, let me continue all of this.
He claims that the Reichstag fire was caused by a lone, zealous anarchist.
That's a bold-faced lie.
Pure and simple.
Just a lie.
And then he says the Nazis benefited from the fire, but they didn't cause it.
Well, you know, I guess Christopher Hayes must believe in the gee-aren't-we-lucky theory of geopolitics.
These evil men do things, rotten things, like Hitler's people and whatnot, and they just luck into things happening to benefit them.
Well, look!
A lone, kooky anarchist burnt down the Reichstag.
Hey, cool!
We can use that for our benefit.
We can blame it on the Jews and whatever.
Come on, Chris, do you really believe in the gee-aren't-we-lucky theory of geopolitics?
I suppose you probably believe that when Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote his book, The Grand Chessboard, Mr.
C.F.R., Mr. David Rockefeller protege, Mr. Nazi himself, wrote a book called The Grand Chessboard in 1997, where he said that we need to seize all the oil in the Caspian Basin, and we need to build the UNICAL pipeline through Afghanistan.
He even had a map of it in his book.
And he said, America needs to be autocratic abroad.
We need to go kick the butt of all these people over there, keep them fighting amongst themselves, and get control of all that oil.
But the problem is, America is far too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad.
And absent an event which just scares the ever-living bejesus out of the American people, and rattles their sense of domestic safety,
Gee, that's going to be a hard thing to accomplish.
And I guess Christopher Hayes would say, Oh, look at there!
September 11th happened and Zbigniew Brzezinski just had that aren't we lucky theory of geopolitics and lo and behold, September 11th happens and they get their Pearl Harbor event.
How lucky can these super rich banker types
Yes, we are.
A catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.
And lo and behold, in the gee-aren't-we-lucky theory of geopolitics, September 11th comes along and gives them their excuse.
Man, I wish I could be that lucky to get my way all the time just by pure luck.
Alright, going on with this article from Christopher Hayes.
The problem is continuing to assert the existence of a conspiracy, even if the evidence shows it to be virtually impossible.
Hey, that reminds me of your NAFTA superhighway argument.
It's a preposterous statement.
We'll be back in a few.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, and the 9-1-1 Truth Movement is kicking the New World Order in the tail quite effectively lately.
Quite well.
We're doing quite well.
More and more people are waking up to the fact that the official conspiracy put out by the power elite about what happened on September 11th is a big crock.
And again, I'm talking about Christopher Hayes and his ridiculous article called Roots of Paranoia.
I'll go on with this.
He quotes the Popular Mechanics article saying, oh, well, Popular Mechanics disproved all the nutty conspiracy theories.
Yeah, Popular Mechanics, the guy that wrote it, is the cousin of Benjamin Chertoff, the Homeland Security Director.
Give me a break.
A little nepotism there, you know, going on there.
And he talks about one example.
Here's his example about how, he says, to pick just one example, steel might not melt at 1500 degrees.
Yeah, tell me all about Building 7 there, Chris.
Tell me how all that jet fuel that was enveloping Building 7 from the plane that didn't hit it.
Tell me about how all those big gigantic skyscrapers that have never fallen down
from a fire before.
All those raging infernos that have happened in skyscrapers and they don't seem to want to fall down.
Chris, tell me about that.
Tell me all about that.
Can you tell me about that?
And, you know, another thing.
Structural failure.
You talk about the structural failure of Building 7.
Talk about a physical anomaly.
You know, they say that it was damaged by, you know, some falling debris from the North Tower 100 yards away and that that combined with fires inside
uh... building seven knocked out the one column right around below the twelfth floor that held up the whole building and then it fell down.
What a crock that is.
I mean that was one of the NIST's many conclusions that that fire in the building caused by collapse of the you know that when the plane hit the north tower fire got into the number seven uh... combined with debris from the collapse of the north tower
Tagged THE column holding up the whole place.
You know, it's preposterous.
You know, you think of a modern 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that's built like a bunch of Jenga blocks.
Knock out one and the whole thing comes down.
Also, an engineer friend of mine points out that you can't have a symmetrical collapse from an asymmetrical failure.
Asymmetrical damage does not generate a symmetrical collapse.
And also, use your common sense.
Even looking back to Building 1 and Building 2, you'll watch those videos over and over and over again.
How did you have instantaneous concrete being blown into microscopic dust particles within a nanosecond?
Somebody tell me how a structural failure caused by the collapse of some weakening
Steel supports is going to cause those concretes in the floor pans of every single area there to just instantly turn into powder.
What kind of energy must be required for that to happen?
Watch the videos!
The things exploded!
They didn't just collapse.
But anyway, Building 7 is still my favorite because, you know, hey, no plane hit it.
No giant monstrous jet fuel either.
Okay, so he goes on.
He says that the public opinion trend lines are moving in the truthers direction.
That's right.
After the official 9-1-1 commission report was supposed to settle the matter once and for all.
And then he admits that the commission was a whitewash.
He's crawfish in here.
He admits that it's a whitewash.
How about that?
And then he says this about the press.
He says that the press isn't doing their job.
He says that when the government speaks, particularly about the enemy, it must be presumed to be telling the truth.
From the reporting about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction to the current spate of stories about how dangerous Iran is, time and time again the press has reacted to official pronouncements about threats with near total absence of skepticism.
Each time the government announces the indictment of domestic terrorists allegedly plotting our demise,
The press devotes itself to the story with obsessive relish, only to later note on page 822, or in a casual aside, that the whole thing was bunk.
So again, he's arguing against his own self.
He says the government lies all the time, and the press eats it up.
And that's a problem.
Then he says that, meanwhile, those who realize that this was the White House's M.O.
from the beginning, have been labeled as conspiracy theorists.
In terms of people who these feds continue to break the law and mess things up and the press keeps eating it, you know, keeps buying it.
During the 2004 campaign, Howard Dean made the charge that the White House was manipulating the terror threat level and recycling old intelligence.
The Bush campaign responded by dismissing Dean as a bizarre conspiracy theorist.
A year later, the Homeland Security Secretary, Tom Ridge, retired.
He admitted that Dean's charge was indeed the truth.
Once again, Chris Hayes flip-flopping over to our side.
Continuing, conspiracy theories that claim to explain 9-1-1 are wrong-headed and a terrible waste of time.
But the skeptical instinct is, on the balance, salutary.
It is right to suspect that the operations of government, the power elite, and the military-industrial complex are often not what they seem, and proper to raise questions when the answers provided have been unconvincing.
Given the untruths to which American citizens have been subjected these past six years, is it any surprise that a majority of them think the government's lying about what happened before and on September 11th?
Yeah, you got a good point there, Chris.
So, what he's saying here, the government lies to us all the time, and people die because of it, but let's trust them on September 11th.
This doesn't make any sense, Chris.
The danger is,
This is him again.
The danger is that the more the government's cynicism and deception are laid bare, the more people, on the left in particular and among the public in general, will be drawn down the rabbit hole of delusion of the 9-1-1 truth movement.
Yeah, you know, the government lies to us all the time, people die because of it, but you've got to trust them on September 11th.
Chris, your argument doesn't make any sense.
He says that the antidote ultimately to the truth movement is a press that refuses to allow the government to continue to lie.
Well, Chris, we already have a press that refuses to allow the government continue to lie.
Alex Jones is the chief representative of that press.
The alternative media refuses to allow the government to continue to lie.
It's not you.
It's us.
It's us.
And again,
How can he say, the government lies all the time, but we need to trust them on September 11th?
I don't know, I just... And why, Chris, do you lie yourself about the NAFTA Superhighway?
You make up this monstrous lie about it, that it is not in the works, yet all the proof says it is.
All of the proof says it is, and you sit there and make up a monstrous lie.
Aren't you guilty of what you're accusing
The press?
Of being guilty of?
Aren't you your own worst enemy here?
So, anyway, he says that because the mainstream press reports government lies as truth, the one time the government tells the truth, about September 11th, we don't believe him, and so we're a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy kooks.
Hey, whatever.
I guess that's, you know, what you get when you get to be a puffin, um,
You know it must be real hard to be a professional journalist and to try to concoct lies like that and then put them in an article and expect people to buy them.
I guess it takes talent because I'll never be a puffin writing fellow with the Nation Institute and I'll probably never get into the CFR either.
I'm sure that, like I said before, I think Chris is bucking for CFR membership, like one of his associates, Chris Hedges, Christopher Lynn Hedges, another Puffin writing fellow, who is a member of the CFR.
Both of them working for Katrina Vanden Heuvel, who is a member of the CFR.
And I want to point this out, too.
I have a copy of The Nation magazine that has the article about the Napa Superhighway in it.
And there's an ad in here.
They're trying to get you to subscribe.
This is funny.
Are you sitting down?
Well, after all this, exposing what a, what a ridiculous prevaricator Christopher Hayes is, and exposing that he is one of these proponents of the post-national America, you know, with no more America as a nation, post-national America on C-SPAN the other day.
Listen to this ad trying to get you to subscribe to the nation.
Nobody owns the nation.
Not GE, not Disney, not Murdoch or Time Warner.
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of our own conscience.
No, you're a wholly owned subsidiary of the Council on Foreign Relations.
This independence is why great writers have always used the nation as an early warning system to expose before it's too late the frauds, the felonies, and the follies of the all-too-private enterprise we call our government.
Well, gee, Chris, you sure screwed up on the NAFTA superhighway thing.
You continued to promote the myth that there isn't one in the making.
Hmm, interesting.
Later on in the ad, it says, If you believe, as our readers do, that the highest form of patriotism is demanding to know exactly what your government's doing in your name, why not sign on today?
Absolutely unbelievable.
You want to talk about a media outlet that sits there and lies all the time?
I think you find one.
In this CFR controlled rag known as The Nation Magazine.
Now I understand, I hope it's true, Alex is going to be calling in in the last, in about 10 minutes.
So we're going to be taking some, I hope he'll call in and we'll see what's going on up in New York.
Once again, this is Bob Basie for Alex Jones and Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Back in a few.
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You've got someone to blame You said one love, one life When it's one need in the night
Okay, I'm back again.
This is Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones here on this 10th day of September 2007.
We're going to try to open up the phone lines for some phone calls.
I'd like you to call in either about September 11th or potentially about the NAFTA Superhighway deal, whichever.
The number is 1-800-259-7000.
If you want to try to get on the Alex Jones Show, 1-800-259-9231.
Once again, 1-800-259-9231.
If you want to contribute to a conversation about September 11th or something having to do with the NAFTA Superhighway, this event going on here at the State Capitol here this evening.
So, anyway, you know,
I guess what I'm trying to say about Christopher Hayes, if I was to sum the whole thing up, you've got a guy who's supposed to be this highfalutin journalist.
He graduated from Brown University, one of those eastern establishment places where they filled his head full of globalist propaganda.
You know, he works for the CFR rag, and he runs around getting a lot of money writing nonsense.
You know?
He's a good writer, but he writes nonsense.
On the one hand, he writes that the trans-Texas corridor is real.
It's a real thing.
Yet, he claims that there's no evidence that they intend to hook it up to go north or south of Texas.
I mean, total BS, if you'll pardon my expression.
And then you flip around, he writes on September 11th, too.
So, I'm saying, if he would make up such a whopping lie about the Trans-Texas Corridor, so transparently false, what do you think he's doing about September 11th?
You know?
That's what I'm trying to say.
And you know, you can go read his stuff yourself if you want to.
I'm sure he loves the publicity.
He said that all publicity is good publicity.
I'm kind of disappointed in him that he didn't come on the show because, you know, had he come on the show, I'd have been able to ask him a lot of questions like, what the heck did you mean by post-national America?
My goodness.
That sounds like that's right out of David Rockefeller's playbook, you know?
Americans are concerned about the lack of dialogue on post-national America.
You know, I guess I must be a hayseed or something, I guess, because I believe in national America.
I don't believe in post-national America.
I believe in the Constitution, strict construction of the Constitution.
I believe in the Bill of Rights.
I believe in individual liberty.
I believe that liberty flows from the individual, not from the group.
I believe that if you protect the rights of the individual, you protect the rights of everybody.
I believe that this democracy that they shove down our throats is a lie, that we are not a democracy.
We are a republic with democratic underpinnings.
In a republic, the rights of the minority are protected.
A democracy in its purest definition is mob rule.
Whatever the mob wants, they get.
And they've been shoving that down our throats for years and years.
The more the elites got a hold of our educational system, the more the feds got a hold of it, the worse the end product became.
You know?
And we are, yet we are classified as
You know, provincials, or we just don't get it, or don't you understand the new globalism?
You know, you're just a bunch of Luddites and you want to go back to the good old days, yet global transnational trade is here and you just need to get over it, you know?
They want to demonize us that way, that we're just dumb and we need to be told what to do and shut up and don't you like free trade, you know?
And of course they
These were free trade as if it were really free.
It's nothing but a bunch of bureaucratic regulations that they intend to impose over and above the wishes of the American people.
They want to put bureaucratic law on top of our law, on top of our Constitution.
And we don't like that and therefore somehow there's something wrong with us.
That's the problem.
It's a sick thing that they think we are backwards because we don't like totalitarianism.
It's bizarre.
You know?
So, when we get back, we're going to take some phone calls and maybe Alex will call in.
Who knows?
Who knows what's going on up in New York?
Bob Basie for Alex Jones on the GCN Communications Radio Network.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hey Bob, thanks for having me on.
Thanks for doing the show.
You did a fabulous job.
I'm walking along in Soho in Manhattan.
And I'm getting ready to go over to the local theater where I'm going to be speaking later.
They're going to have the premiere of Liz Chang's Final Cut.
Say, when did you turn into an anarchist?
When did I turn into a communist?
Yeah, when did you turn into a sex pervert?
I'm trying to figure all this out.
I hard it on the mainstream news Alex.
Well, that's why they have no credibility now.
We're there protesting and we have 9-1-1 through signs.
And Geraldo Rivera decides to slander everyone.
He's breaking up.
He just, I just lost him.
Are you there?
Bob, can you hear me now?
Yeah, yeah, I can hear you now.
Go ahead.
Going back to what I was saying.
He's gone again.
And the people surround the police station and are chanting, let him go, let him go.
And he'll be there until Monday.
I was in a substation, and on Monday I was admitted to the court.
But I was out in about two and a half hours, thanks to all the people.
So it was absolutely amazing.
God bless you all, and thank you for your support.
The bigger issue isn't me being arrested.
The Discovery Channel cameraman was assaulted.
Rob Jacobson, one of my camera guys, was assaulted, hit by the police before anything even happened.
They didn't like being videotaped while they were arresting me, so they just assaulted
Three different camera people, a British crew was there, and they arrested two of them for videotaping it.
So that was a direct attack on the First Amendment, a frontal assault on free speech, the core, the heart of our cherished republic, and that's what's so disgusting about this.
But the good news is we have illustrated that this country is in dire peril by showing how close our basic
Yeah, you're still breaking up a little bit there Alex, I can hear most of what you're saying.
How is your cameraman?
Is everybody out of jail now, or are you the only one that got out?
None of my cameramen were arrested.
There was a British film crew here who literally did nothing.
It was on national television.
The police shot them down to the ground and grabbed their camera.
The Discovery Channel cameraman was 20 feet away.
They assaulted him and knocked him down twice.
I saw the officer in charge punch my cameraman, Rob Jacobson, in the arm and then push him down.
He would have hit the ground.
If there hadn't been people behind him that he fell into.
So basically, it was a police riot.
The police didn't like the fact that we took over live FOX television.
And we did it because they were having an outside event.
We were not on their private property.
We were able to get right behind their shot and chant.
We were able to take over.
The police were already threatening to arrest us then.
I said, they're threatening that.
Give me that bullhorn.
It was an unpermitted march.
And so we got that bullhorn and we let off a big dose of the First Amendment.
Cramming it right down their throat.
Yeah, but you know you were disturbing Geraldo Rivera's report on scantily clad women on Southwest Airlines, Alex.
Yeah, that's important news, isn't it?
Yeah, come on now.
We wanted to watch the scantily clad women.
You know, give me a break.
Bob, what have you been covering today in office?
I was covering this stuff about this Campo meeting that's going to be tonight at the State Capitol and how it's a big national issue because of the fact that we are the current skirmish in the battle to stop the Trans-Texas Corridor and the NAFTA Superhighway.
And then I actually went after Christopher Hayes again because he wrote an article about September 11th calling it the roots of paranoia and I went through there and I think I thoroughly thrashed the boy.
I invited him to come on the show, actually, and he refused to come on.
He was polite.
He said he would stay home and watch me roast him, or listen to me roast him.
So that's what I did.
I went after Christopher Hayes.
I figured if he lies about the NAFTA or Superhighway, he must be lying about September 11th, too.
Yes, there's been a separate article saying that we can't deal with a post-nation terror.
We can't deal with the end of our country.
And it's not just the end of our country.
The new system doesn't have due process as a result of the rights of the Constitution, which again we can see being manifest right now.
Folks, the revolution for liberty and freedom is taking place right now in New York City, and all across the planet, in Austin, Texas, and all the points of the compass.
The war for the people's minds is on.
The people are now beginning to awaken to what's happening.
And I'm going to let you get back to calls.
I'm going to do a report from Ground Zero tomorrow for a longer period.
I'll do a couple of call-ins.
Tomorrow, Bob, from the huge demonstration that kicks off at about 8 in the morning.
Get there at 10, get there at 11, get there whenever you want.
At Ground Zero, it's going to be running right through to about 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
So everybody, get over here to Ground Zero.
I know a lot of people came to New York just yesterday after they saw me get arrested from Maine and Michigan and all over the place.
So they certainly were roused by seeing that attack against free speech.
So again, Bob, thank you so much for all your great coverage.
And I just want to thank all the listeners out there for all their support of what we do in this organization.
Their support is what makes it all possible.
And so again, long live the Constitution.
Death to the New World Order.
We shall prevail.
Alright, thank you very much.
That's Alex Jones reporting live from New York City.
Alex Jones, the modern reincarnation of Patrick Henry and Paul Revere all rolled up into one.
Okay, now we're going to try to take some calls here in the last few minutes of the show.
I think we have Roger from Pennsylvania.
Roger, are you there?
Yes, thanks, Bob.
Going back to that first hour again, I just had to comment on the incredible steamy richness, the hubris of Gerald Rivers, I mean, Geraldo Rivera, in his febrile attempt at labeling those demonstrators as being people who solicit sex in men's rooms.
I feel like in the position of trying to state the obvious, but a little historical perspective for anyone listening that might be under 10 years old, let's say, is that after year after year after year of him having served up this endless trail of human debris, a la Maury Povich or Jerry Springer, etc., you know, lesbians who had sex with their mothers and all this kind of dreck,
Then Rupert Murdoch decides to send him over to Afghanistan in another febrile attempt to, I guess, rescue him.
To legitimize him.
Yeah, and so it had all the comic aspect, if that's possible, of Mike Dukakis popping his head out of an army tank.
Yeah, and your central point here is?
But nevertheless, you know, he was grateful.
He did his due diligence in trying to rescue his self-tarnished reputation by trying to put lipstick on that pig that is the Afghanistan war as well.
It came over kind of flat.
Wasn't it the same reporter who in the previous Gulf War was in some American combat unit and he gave away his position?
That might not have been him.
I don't know if that was him.
There was something like that with him as well.
I think you're right.
I think it was.
I don't know who coined the word, but I like to use it.
The guy's a prostitute.
That has like triple entendre, what you just said.
That's what he is.
Now, I don't know what the lefty mix was in that New York protesting contingent, but
Since when has Geraldo ever met a leftist or a pervert that he did not like?
How are you doing?
Hey, I'm here.
I've just been listening to you.
I'm glad that you were on the show today and talking about the Campbell meeting I plan on attending this afternoon.
Great, great.
Yeah, I was wondering if you might be able to make some copies of that document you got from that thing you're at.
Are you talking about the Ford Momentum document?
Yes, sir.
All you got to do is just Google it, Forward Momentum.
Actually, I think Sal Costello, if you go to salcostelloblogspot.com and scroll down, he's got all these news articles there.
He actually has the link to the Texas Department of Transportation website that has the document online.
So you can actually find it yourself.
Forward moment.
Now you can't have this copy though.
This one I've got is the copy that got him in trouble.
I'm looking at it right now.
I'm going to sell it on eBay and make a lot of money.
It's the copy.
It's got all my notes and everything.
It's the copy that got TextOut in trouble.
But you can very easily find that, the actual TextOut document online.
It's not a problem.
Anything else?
Well, I'd just like to say to any people out there in Central Texas to come out tonight and support and let these traders know that we're watching and we'll take action accordingly.
Well, do you have a problem with paying tolls on roads you already paid for?
What's the matter with you?
Oh yeah, I'm sorry.
I'm a sheeple, you know.
I'll lay down and be slaughtered.
Well, don't you want your car to have a tracking, tracing device on it so that everywhere you go they can just ding you a quarter no matter where you go, no matter what you do?
What's the matter with you?
That sounds pretty convenient actually.
I might like that.
Pretty soon I'll just be able to stick a camera up on a pole and just as you drive by, you know, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching, you won't even have to worry about it.
They'll just send you a bill, son.
What do you got against that?
Uh, nothing.
That sounds like a great idea.
You know, I mean, think about it.
You could be a human lab rat.
Think about it.
What a great future for America.
Everywhere you go, you get told.
Think about it.
Boy, I'm looking forward to that.
Thank you very much for the call.
I appreciate it.
Now, we've got Fred in Philly.
Hey, Fred, do you ever meet people down there at the Eagle in Philly?
I don't know what you mean by the Eagle, Bob.
I went to Sam's Restaurant last night.
Wanamaker's Eagle down there downtown in Philly.
Everybody says, meet me by the Eagle.
That big eagle statue down there.
Do they still have that?
No, but what I have been doing is I went to
I went to Sam's Restaurant at six in the evening, six to ten, last night and I met Dave von Kleist.
Oh, you met Dave!
Oh, yeah.
Is he in Philadelphia now, you said?
He was yesterday.
Oh, really?
And he was in a suburb called Glen Olden, Pennsylvania, which is right outside of Philadelphia, and I hope he comes back and keeps
We're good to go.
Now, what I want to bring up is the fact that I actually had a certain amount of success in confronting one of these big media people.
She's either one of the top editors or one of a group of editors that knows all about the North American Union.
Mary Anastasia O'Grady.
She works for the Wall Street Journal.
Had you met her?
Well, I didn't meet her, but I called her.
It was difficult to get her on the phone alone, but I called her at work about a year ago after I heard about Jerome Corsi's, after we talked about the secret meeting up in Bay of Canada.
And it was very revealing because she wouldn't even basically come out and say that that was
You know, in an official meeting, it was not supposed to be on the record, but she was dancing around, basically not trying to admit that she had attended it, but she did.
Oh, she was there?
She was one of the attendees, huh?
Yeah, and so was all the people that Jerome has been talking about.
Well, Fred, you have to understand that someone probably wouldn't want to admit
That they attended a meeting where they're planning on dissolving the United States of America.
I think there's a word for that.
I think it begins with a T. When Judicial Watch did that FOIA request and got the minutes of that meeting,
Wherein they sit there and say they want to build this infrastructure project, the NAFTA superhighway, first before they spring the North American Union on us, so that the infrastructure is in place before they spring it on us, and they use the word evolution by stealth?
I think that was somewhat damning, I think.
And if I attended a conference like that run by George Shultz, CFR member and former Secretary of Everything, I would be a little hesitant to admit that I was participating in an act of treason against the United States of America.
So I understand her position completely.
Yeah, and another thing I just want to say is that I kind of know, I can kind of tell you what technique Mr. Hayes
It's a partial, basically a partial truth, partial lie kind of technique.
And that way, since they know that the government does use secrecy, they just piggyback onto that secrecy.
Yeah, well, Hayes, as far as I'm concerned, just read his stuff.
You just go right through it.
He flip-flops around both sides of the issue, and then he comes out defending.
He rails against crooked government, but in the end, he supports the crooked government.
So he doesn't even start at the right point.
He doesn't even start at the point of citizen journalism.
Oh, come on, Fred.
You know they lie to us all the time.
Trust them a lot, September 11th.
Come on.
That's all I had to say, Bob.
Well, I appreciate the call, and you tell my mother-in-law hello, okay?
You take care, Fred.
All right.
We've got Billy in Tennessee.
Billy, you are live on the Alex Jones Show, and 16 million people are listening to you.
Are you nervous?
Oh, Billy dropped.
I guess he got too nervous, huh?
Okay, I've got Bradley in Oregon.
Bradley, are you there?
Hey, I'm here.
How are you doing?
I'm doing just fine.
What have you got to add to this discussion?
Well, I own a gay bathhouse called the Blue Goose, and I don't know if it's the same guy or not.
His name is Geraldo Rivera.
He always likes to wear these black chaps, a pirate hat, and he has a little turtle tattoo on his butt.
His favorite game is Bohemian Butt-Baby.
Okay, thank you very much, Bradley from Oregon.
I'm not going to touch that with a 10-foot pole.
Sorry, that ain't going anywhere.
Okay, we've got one more.
Final segment here before we get out of here.
We're going to take a couple more phone calls.
The number is 1-800-259-9231 on the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment after the break.
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Alright, let's get right to it.
We're in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones.
We have now on the line, we have Richard Reeves from Austin, Texas.
Richard, how you doing?
Hey, Bob Dacey.
It has to be divine providence that you would be sitting there in Alex Jones' chair today and covering this Campo and Trans-Texas Corridor topic and mainstream media.
And having Alex on and talking about his arrest.
We've got video of Alex's arrest.
We've got Geraldo giving us the one-finger salute.
On video.
We should have that up on YouTube at some point pretty soon.
Yeah, calling us gay bathroom sex people.
Yeah, that was good.
Oh man, there's no telling.
Man, he ought to be fired for that, don't you think?
Well, I guess we're going to have to wait and see.
I'll tell you what, as far as this lamestream media, you're talking about this rag periodical, this fish rap, this birdcage liner.
I'll tell you what, my tack is we're just going to obsolete you guys.
Y'all just keep doing the poor job that you're doing.
Just keep telling all the lies that you're doing and we're just going to obsolete you.
So how's that?
Well, I'll tell you what, though, in the case of WAI, I don't know what happened there, but when they took my New American story and took it to the mainstream, they actually did us a big favor there.
So, you know, I was like, well, how did that happen?
You know?
Well, see, that's another thing, too, is they are having to react and they are changing.
I drove up to the Texas draw poll.
A week or so ago and as I'm driving up there during drive time between 4 and 6 p.m.
you've got the big-time Dallas-Fort Worth Neocon Talk Station 570 KLIF.
You've got a talk show host there that sounds like Bob Dacey or Alex Jones or Sal Costello about toll roads interviewing John Corona saying you're not going to take I-35 and put tolls on it.
Yeah, you just know how gratifying that is.
It's just awesome.
So we're affecting everything.
And I'll tell you what, there's at least two things that people can do at home to help us out, and that's if they go to texastollparty.com, texastollparty.com.
If you can't make it to Campo, go to texastollparty.com and send an email to stop these toll roads.
I mean, these are not the answer to congestion.
Look at Orlando, Florida, 28th largest metropolitan area, and more toll roads than any other city in the United States, yet it's
9th worst in annual hours per delay per traveler.
9th worst?
It's all about revenue generation, period.
They're just trying to get more money out of you.
You know, Richard, one thing I'm going to do tomorrow, I'm going to this thing tonight.
You know that.
I'm going to this Campo meeting tonight.
And if Senator Watson tries to pull some shenanigans there,
Which we think he might.
Absolutely, he's already done it with the Citizen's Comment.
Yeah, he's already kicked me out of Citizen's Comment already, but I want to tell you something.
If he tries to pull any shenanigans, there's this big radio show called the Alex Jones Show that goes nationwide, worldwide, five days a week.
I'm going to be hosting the Alex Jones Show again tomorrow, and Senator Watson, you try to pull something, the world is going to know about it tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.
You got it?
I'll tell you, that's awesome.
And that's another way is they can go to email at CampoTexas.org and email Kirk Watson right now.
Just send him some emails about what's going on and tell him that you're not satisfied with the situation here with them trying to take existing roads.
And folks all over the nation
The reason Austin and Central Texas' existing roads being usurped is so important to you is because your roads are next.
That's right.
We're the battleground.
Right now we've got to stop them.
Right now.
You get down to that meeting at the State Capitol at 6 o'clock.
We're out of time on the Alex Jones Show.
Once again this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones saying I'll see you tomorrow and we're going to do this again at 11.
Primary concentration is going to be on September 11th.
But let me tell you something.
If Kirk Watson, the Chairman of the Campo Board, tries to pull anything, we'll be the first to report it to you.
Once again, this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones, Genesis Communications Radio Networks, with websites Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv, and JonesReport.com.
Take care, and I will see you guys tomorrow.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.