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Name: 20070903_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 3, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, there is a radio station owner, great guy, I keep playing phone tag with him for weeks, I talked to him years ago, who put me on in Southern California going into San Diego and several other cities.
He's a Texan, and he just got a new radio station, 1330 AM, out of Cameron, Texas.
And I just thought, hey, I'll tune into that today.
Rather than to work, and guess who I heard?
I heard Gary Brownfield coming in pretty good in South Austin in my car.
It's in Cameron.
It covers quite a few towns.
Cameron's way outside Austin, but it covers large portions of Austin very good.
It starts cutting out a little bit in South Austin, but it's nice to be on there in the week in Austin again.
You know, I'm doing a Sunday show in Kelby J. They wanted me to do a weeknight show and syndicate it out of there, and I just said, look, I can't do another show five days a week.
Let's do a syndicated show on Sunday and that's been very successful.
Very thankful to all our affiliates out there that are picking that up.
But very excited to have KMIL.
I believe that's the right call to him.
I'm going from memory.
I want to get that station owner on, because that's really important to be able to be heard in Austin.
Pretty good in your car, not too good inside your office, but hey, it is better than nothing, and it's a great station with a great lineup, and it's carrying a lot of Genesis broadcast.
So we are very excited about that, and I want to get the station owner on the show as a guest.
He wants me to cut some liners.
I was looking for him on my email.
I don't know if Ted sent me those yet, but I want to have him on the show, because we've got a lot of great affiliates out there.
Some of them are very near and dear to me, like the Sunshine Network in upstate New York.
We've been on like 8 years.
KCXL, we've been on about 8 years.
Stations like WBCR, we've been on 8 years.
And a few others, we've been on 5, 6, 7 years, a lot of others.
But just to have one in Austin.
Because this goes back to LBJ.
Speak of the devil.
He, when he became a congressman, made sure that about half the licenses for radio that should be given out for Austin were given out.
And this is part of the mainline history books, and he made sure that only one TV station was given out.
Until the mid-70s, there was one TV station in Austin, and that was, it's now the Fox affiliate.
And then that monopoly got broken up.
My mother growing up here only had one TV station.
They'd go visit family in Dallas and see five, six stations and thought they'd run the Valhalla.
Can you imagine having...
Uh, but my mom said it was weird because they'd air like the news back-to-back.
You get ABC, CBS, and NBC News back-to-back.
Some nights, the Johnsons felt like it.
Sometimes, if he was out at the ranch and wanted to see something, he'd call the TV station up and say, play that newscast again.
I mean, it was like his own little private tinker toy.
And he owned KLBJ.
Not owned by him anymore.
You wouldn't hear me on there.
Boy, I bet Lady Bird was flopping around in her last days hearing me on there.
Uh, but, um, because you said one word about the Johnsons, you were fired in two seconds.
But I'm already digressing.
So there's not as many talk stations.
There's really only two in Austin.
And KLBJ is big all over the state.
It's one of the tops in the top five stations in the state, listener-wise.
You can hear it in Dallas, Antonio, Houston, everywhere.
It's got a great broadcast thing.
But to be on 1330 is just so amazingly exciting.
Because you can hear it in your car pretty darn good.
A lot of areas in Austin, it comes in crisp and clear.
But see, I hadn't tested it when I was listening to Genesis programming.
You hear Genesis shows on blasting in.
But like I said, it's exciting.
So 1330, I am done salivating over that.
Dr. Michael Coffman will be our guest when we get back on the other side.
But that is just so thrilling to, in this town, where we've woken up so many people and where so many people watch the TV show and tune in on the internet or the local micros on 90.1, doing a great job during the week.
But to, at 100.1, but to be on the AM, that is exciting.
To get past the Johnson blockade in every way!
I mean, I'm on KLBJ, getting past the blockade, and I'm on another station coming into Austin, getting around the blockade.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he's got a new documentary.
Film out!
It's global warming or global governance.
And we had him off about 20 minutes last week, but I wanted to have him up for a full hour today.
Then we're scheduled to have Aaron Russo's widow, Heidi Gregg, on to talk about him for about 30 minutes in the next hour.
So that's coming up as well.
And in the last 30 minutes, I'm going to talk about economic issues.
And what is happening right now with the stock market, with the dollar, with the inflationary bubble.
Big article up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
Stock market will eventually collapse.
Also a big story going up on Jones Report in the next hour or two.
JonesReport.com with a big rundown of the events and what's going to be happening in association with We Are Change and others in New York on the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.
And I'll be there the 8th through the 11th.
I'll depart on the 12th and we're going to be premiering Endgame up there in New York and all proceeds go to firefighters and police.
I'm not even handling that.
It's just going to them there with the ticket proceeds.
So I get not a zip, not a nickel.
I want to make that clear.
I'm not saying, oh we're good, we're giving them money, but I just want to make that clear so you know that it goes to them.
Continuing here, this is so important because
I talked about Neil Bortz in the last hour, a big national talk show host that attacks us almost every day.
He gets up there and he says, oh my gosh, ANWR is the size of a quarter up in Alaska compared to a big area rug in your living room, and it won't hurt the environment to drill, but the environmentalists are stopping us from drilling.
But then we have the oil company documents where there's so much oil that they created the fraud of Peak Oil 12 years ago.
Dutch Rochelle financed it through Russian and British and U.S.
That's public.
They've been caught.
No debate!
I mean, caught!
It's staged!
There's too much oil!
And they also finance the major environmental groups to actually go shut off other areas of, say, clean burning coal in Idaho.
I could run the country for hundreds of years.
That was a big thing that Clinton did.
Idaho went into several states below it.
They run all sorts of scams, and they only allow a paltry amount of oil to come out of Alaska, and 80 plus percent of that, depending on the year.
Some years it's 80 percent, some years it's 85 percent.
It fluctuates on a daily basis, but 80 plus percent goes to Asia.
So it's a planned economy.
We're not saying the environment doesn't have problems.
What we're saying is that the modern mainline environmental movement was founded by the Rockefellers, is all pushed by eugenicists, it's neo-feudalism, and they say this in UN documents.
And the man that we interviewed for like three days when he was here for Endgame, and who you see throughout the film on multiple issues, because it's all tied together, is Dr.
I am always happy to come along with you, Alex.
It's always a good show.
I know most of our audience are experts on this, because they've heard you and many other people who've been on the inside of this studying it throughout the years.
But for the general public tuning in for the first time, can you break down what the globalists, who they are, what their agenda is, and how they're using environmentalism, and what the global tax is and what it's going to mean?
Over the last 100 years, almost 150 years, there have been
The royalty of Europe and the international industrialists and the financiers, primarily the banking financiers, excuse me, that have created a monopoly, basically, on a lot of different areas of trade, international trade and so forth, and they've become extremely powerful, and they are looking towards actually controlling everything.
Just as you were describing about big oil,
They're looking to control almost every aspect of our society, how you and I can behave, what we can do, what we cannot do.
It's called the global cartel.
Carol Quigley wrote about them back in the 1960s, that basically defines the fact that they are a globalist effort that bring all power unto themselves.
They're using the United Nations as an affront.
If the United Nations doesn't work, they'll discard it and create something else.
In order to maintain this control over us, and they're using a variety of different international treaties to establish the international law and the bureaucracy that is not accountable to the American people or to anybody else in the world that will define what we can and cannot do.
Much of this is actually outlined in what's called Agenda 21 that came out of the 1992 Earth Summit.
Our listeners are always wanting to know more about that, and since I covered it 10 years ago and you've been covering it forever, later in the shower make sure you set some time aside, Doctor, to kind of focus in on exactly what Agenda 21 is.
In fact, you can get into that now if you'd like.
Well, Agenda 21, I think, is a 42 or 40 or 42 chapter document that basically defines everything about what we can and cannot do in the world.
It defines our social morals.
It defines exactly what we can do, what kind of activities we can have, what kind of property rights we can have.
It defines almost everything.
It's a soft law.
In other words, it doesn't have teeth to back it up.
But it was attempted to actually implement it by creating and bringing in what is called the Earth Charter, which is a religious document that defines based on religious purposes... Would you call it a game plan or manifesto or blueprint?
It's a blueprint.
It's really what it is.
And it literally, if you read it, it is incredible reading.
Well, I mean, reading biological diversity treatises and other things that I got directly from the library, what's the particular one, I've got it in Road to Tyranny, where they say we need to reinstitute human sacrifice on a mass scale?
Yes, in fact the documents that we gave the U.S.
Senate back in 1994 to stop the ratification of the Biodiversity Treaty actually talked about the fact that there were human sacrifices as a way of maintaining... By the way, we're not joking!
These are official U.N.
documents that say we can stage wars, old societies and human sacrifice, that's a good idea.
I mean, these are nuts!
They really are.
And they actually have a plan to reduce the world population from the six and a half, seven billion people now, down to one to two billion people.
They say it has to be done.
And those of you who are net consumers and so forth are going to be the ones that go.
It was very interesting, Alex, when this first came back out in the 1990s, and I was just getting started, I wasn't very well known, I had a chance to talk with the mid-level environmental leadership and so forth at dinners and so forth, and I'd ask them, why is it that you want this to do, want this to happen, and you don't volunteer yourself up for this on the altar of sacrifice?
And they, to the very person, I was five or six people that I did this to, and every single one of them looked at me with shock and basically said this, that we need to be around to make sure it gets done right.
They're going to have all the resources!
They're special!
They're going to... These are the sickest filth, and they are so arrogant and wobble around, and I just want to knock their teeth out!
Because, I mean, these are aggressive, wannabe killers!
These are wannabe Nazis!
The Nazis were big into environmentalism!
Well, very big into environmentalism.
In fact, they were very much into the occult.
Most people don't realize that because you won't find it in your history books, but if you dig down into some of the original documentation behind Hitler and many of the Nazi leaders... Yeah, that's even on mainline TV now.
In fact, going back, particularly the names of those UN documents and charters where they call for the human sacrifice, because I want to... I mean, my memory failed me.
What's the specific document?
The one that I gave to the U.S.
Senate to stop the ratification of the treaty was called the United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment.
That's the one I've got, yeah.
And I can't remember what page it's in.
I could probably find it again, but... I mean, it's in Road to Tyranny.
Official U.N.
You can go get it at the library.
public stuff.
I went to the library.
Somebody mailed it to me, and I didn't want to believe it.
I couldn't believe it, so I went to the little U.T.
library, and it took like three hours, and they went back in the stacks and brought it out.
Official U.N.
Yes, absolutely, and we need to recognize
That these people are very serious about what they're doing, and they think that the only way that they can survive is with them being in control.
There's no intention of the climate leadership and so forth for them to take the draconian actions to cut back on their use of carbon and so forth, as they're demanding that you and I do.
And that's right in this DVD that we're going to be talking about here in the next 45 minutes.
That these people have no intention of ever doing any of the things they're demanding us to do.
They already lead us.
Let's just get into it right now.
We covered this last week, but it's so important.
People hear, oh my gosh, greenhouse gases, they're going to kill us, but it's the ultimate joke because carbon dioxide is one of the two keys to all life on this planet.
Can you break that down?
In fact, it's really a miracle gas when you get down to it.
The more carbon dioxide that we have, the better plants grow.
Trees, shrubs, flowers, and food crops.
It's been a proven fact now.
They'll try to deny it.
They'll try to throw out research that denies it and so forth, but it's always discredited.
Also, photoplankton, that's the key to the entire food chain in the ocean.
That's correct.
And the carbon dioxide, if you double the carbon dioxide, as they're predicting to happen in the next 90 years or so, you will actually increase food production by 20 to 50 percent.
It is a major, major benefit
Thank you.
In order to increase food product, but they don't want that.
They want people to starve.
And this is, it is ironic that in this particular global biodiversity assessment, this United Nations document, it actually says that we have to reduce the amount of fertilization, we have to reduce the amount of biogenetics materials and so forth, because it hurts planet Earth.
And therefore, and they admit right in their document, that if they did that, it would reduce the food production by at least one half.
Now Dr. I wanted to bring that... That's an incredible statement there.
Let's come back and get more of that after break.
And also, some of the studies I've seen about gas loss into space.
So we know that the gravity pull holds much of the atmosphere in, but we know that as with Mars, it lost its atmosphere and that the Earth does lose atmosphere every minute
And that actually it is life forms here regenerating, quote, greenhouse gases that continue to bolster our atmosphere.
And so I want to understand this tax on life, and a literal tax on the planet's life force, that living sheet, that living ribbon of life that's on the surface and in the atmosphere.
We'll be right back with Dr. Michael Kaufman on the other side.
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Dr. Michael Kopp is our guest.
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It is powerful and it's very simple the way he lays it out.
Lay it out for us, but before you do that, let's get into
Well, we're talking about cutting food production by half.
That is going to get rid of at least 20-30% of the population.
We already have millions starving to death a year, conservatively, Dr. Kaufman.
And then on top of that, the scientists say we need the life forms, plants and animals producing more gas, because aren't we losing and leaching gas into space?
Yes, we are.
On a very constant basis, as you indicated before the break, Mars has basically lost its atmosphere.
For two reasons.
First of all, it doesn't have the gravitational pull.
But secondly, it did not have any life forms on it to replenish that gas and to keep it going.
And as a consequence, it has lost its atmosphere, while the Earth still has an atmosphere, a lot of oceans, a lot of water.
Water vapor makes the atmosphere heavier, and it helps keep things down, as it were.
But otherwise, we would start losing a lot of these gases and it would become more and more difficult for life here on Earth.
But the big studies I've seen show that compared to 10,000 years ago, 100,000 years ago, that we're actually in an oxygen and carbon dioxide starved level.
Why would the elite want to block the blooming of key gases?
You know, I make that very point in the DVD, is that carbon dioxide is almost a miracle gas.
We can go up to five or six times the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and it would only provide better health to our environment, and better health to our plants, and better crops, and so forth, more food production, everything else.
It's a positive.
There are almost no negatives.
Instead, we've had a tiny fractional increase.
A fractional increase, and it's meaningless, but yet they have spent over $50 billion, $50 billion since 1989, trying to make this link between mankind and carbon dioxide and so forth, and global warming.
They have not been successful.
You look at most scientists, they will basically say that the linkage between man-made carbon dioxide and so forth, and
Global warming is very tenuous at best.
Less than half of the scientists, contrary to what you hear by Al Gore and everybody else, less than half of the scientists that have any knowledge about what's going on at all will tell you that we do not know enough about global warming to be creating policy.
Most of those people that are on the other side of the fence believe it's a natural cycle, and this is what's irritating to those people who have really looked at the science hard.
Is that if you go back 450 to 600,000 years, just like Al Gore did in his big 30-foot screen in his Inconvenient Truth, you will see carbon dioxide and temperature.
You will not see them superimposed, but you will see them one under the other, basically making the claim that there is a high correlation.
Well, there is a high correlation, but that does not necessarily mean cause and effect.
I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that there's 100% correlation that every person who breathes air is going to die.
Think about it for a second.
Every person that breathes air is going to die.
Eventually, in 60 or 70 or 80 years, we're going to die.
We're good to go.
Let's be clear, I mean, they just had the big global warming swindle documentary, and many others with top climatologist scientists, top ice scientists, top planetary scientists, sun scientists, you know, all the experts out there who study these things, and all the disciplines agree, which is very rare, that there is a cause and effect.
Things heat up, there's a life bloom, and within 600 years, you see an increase in carbon dioxide output, and so that's the correlation, is that heat causes more life.
That's exactly right.
And what we see when you do this analysis, and actually superimpose these two graphs, the United Nations doesn't superimpose them, Al Gore doesn't superimpose them.
Because if you superimpose them, you would immediately see that carbon dioxide changes occur after the temperature changes.
And it's for primarily two different reasons.
One, as you just described, you have more growth, you'll have more plants and so forth.
We're good to go.
Photoplankton, it accelerates the entire chain, and you have a huge lifebloom.
Oh my gosh, isn't that horrible?
It's a summertime for the planet, folks.
It's good!
But no, we need a global tax to counter that.
Stay with us, Dr. Kaufman.
By the way, folks, you can comment right now in the message board for questions of Dr. Kaufman, and I'll ask him the questions on air.
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I think so.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Dr. Michael Kauffman is our guest for the new film, Global Warming or Global Governance.
I'm looking here at the message board, comments, questions.
It says, Alex, take it easy on me and other soldiers.
When I talk about soldiers with ADIQs that will confiscate guns and do things, I'm talking about the bad ones.
That they've lowered standards and they're admittedly recruiting people with criminal records, gang members.
I should be clear on that.
But no, we support good constitutional military.
And we support not feeding the troops into meat grinders over there by design that are only meant to demonize the United States and bring in the one world government.
It's all part of a larger plan.
We'll be taking questions from Dr. Michael Kaufman there on the message board.
If you go to forum.prisonplanet.com, it says live questions for Alex Jones, live show forum.
And later, in the last 30 minutes of the show today, I'm going to go through some of the other questions.
There's hundreds a day there.
I can only cover a few of them.
But the good thing is, when you ask those questions there on the site, then there's a lot of really smart people listening to this show.
And you get all sorts of interesting answers.
Some of them are right, some of them are wrong, some of them are part right.
There's big discussions there, and I really like all the activity going on.
There's like 15-something thousand posts now in the forum.
And we're really excited about that and glad that people are using it there.
Dr. Michael Coffman, please continue with the line that you were going over there.
Well, we were talking about carbon dioxide and temperatures, and the fact that carbon dioxide always follows temperatures by a few hundred years.
In almost every case, if you go back to 450 to 600,000 years, and Al Gore goes back, the United Nations goes back,
If you superimpose this, you will see this very literally, and I talk about this in the actual video.
The realization that carbon dioxide has never driven temperature, the Earth's temperature, has always been the reverse.
But you don't hear about that in your evening news or in the newspapers.
We're good to go.
That carbon dioxide is the lifeblood of this planet, and if they control that, they control everything.
Our economy, everything else.
And that's why they're so desperate.
They are so desperate in trying to convince you that unless we control this carbon dioxide, we're all going to die.
And then they can literally, in fact, even mainline, the New York Times called it a tax on breathing.
This is literally what it is!
It really is.
And, you know, you can take this to the extreme, and I doubt that this is going to happen because it would really, it would really start stirring people up.
Is that by your life, by your living and so forth, you are a pollutant causer.
And as a consequence, you could be taxed, you could be held in the... Well actually, that's what they're saying.
They have said that first we're going to get taxes on carbon emitters like cars, lawn mowers, airplanes.
But they've now announced in the U.S.
and British papers, Fox News endorsed it.
Fox News said children are bad, having more than one or two is bad, and there should be a tax on having children.
Well, in 1975, the one-child policy started as a tax on more than one child, and then in 1981, it became, under IMF and World Bank agreements, George Bush, Sr., by the way, as ambassador to China, pioneered this.
It's in State Department Memorandum 200, 2000, excuse me, where they come in with this whole plan
And that's what the Chinese model is.
So at first, they just call it a tax on more than one child.
This is the one-child policy.
They're doing it!
Yeah, absolutely.
But what I'm really concerned about is if they don't like you.
I mean, it could eventually come to this.
I doubt that it will.
But if they don't like you, they can hold you for criminal activities because you breathe.
Because they're very close to declaring carbon dioxide a pollutant.
If they declare the polar bear endangered,
What we're going to find out is that carbon dioxide is causing the melting of the polar ice cap, and so forth, and therefore it's a pollutant.
And then the doors are flowing wide open to control almost everything that we do.
Well, they have a Penn & Teller piece, and Penn & Teller can lie about 9-11 and a few other issues, but they tell the truth on... In fact, cue that up.
Let's play a minute or two of that, if you can find it, John.
I'm always throwing John in front of the bus and asking him to do something on the spur of the moment to find it.
You know, putting them in the spotlight or on the spot, as they say.
But they go out and they give the scientific term for water and they say, shouldn't we ban that?
And everybody says, ban it.
Yeah, ban it right now.
I mean, that shows the ignorance of the public.
I'm sure you heard about Miss Teen USA from South Carolina being asked, why can't one-fifth of Americans find the U.S.
on a map?
And she couldn't even talk.
She just babbled.
I mean, they have really dumbed people down by design.
Yes, they have, and of course that goes right back to their educational policy, back to the 1920s, even the 1910s, to our deliberate attempt to begin to gun down our educational system so that we have nothing but people who they can pour information into, has nothing to do with education, it has everything to do with indoctrination.
Dr. Kaufman, there's a question here, and I never brought this up to you.
They say, what about chemtrails?
Now, we know that some people think every condensation trail is some secret chemical trail.
But clearly there have been thousands of declassified admissions of high-altitude, low-altitude spraying, weather modification.
I've had the father of weather weapons, meteorologist Ben Livingston on, who got Stanford Research Labs in 1966 certified that they can control hurricanes, create them, or kill them, or weaken them.
We know there have been newscasts where the government has admitted, okay, we're doing a secret program.
Textbooks are now saying there's a secret program to, quote, spray the sky as a sunscreen to keep us safe.
I mean, have you looked into that?
Yeah, I've only basically looked into it.
I really have not studied it.
I really don't have the qualifications to address that issue.
I am very concerned about it, but there's unfortunately only a limited amount that one person can do at a time, so I'm not the right person to ask.
I mean, these things are all so specific.
All I know is, in 1996 and before, a jet trail would normally form in the winter or fall.
It would form above 20,000 feet.
It would disappear in a minute or so.
Now, I can sit out in the backyard in the middle of a summer day and watch trails at 5,000 feet, and I just don't, and I don't know why they stay there for five hours.
Right, it's a long time.
I think it's something that needs to be investigated.
I'm very concerned about it, but I just don't have the knowledge to be able to address it.
Well, I mean, nobody really knows.
It's really a mystery wrapped in an enigma, so we do need to investigate that.
Think about what they're also going to do with all this global taxation power, with the trillions of dollars, and they say it would be trillions a year, that they would raise with this.
What is the United Nations saying from your research that they're going to do with all this money?
Well, basically, they would be able to tighten down and be able to administer their treaties that they're called upon to do.
And to do it, they need to set up a huge international bureaucracy.
In fact, the European Union is attempting to get an environmental protection
We're good to go.
Nothing else.
And this is what they want these trillions of dollars for, is to have this huge international environmental bureaucracy, social bureaucracy, financial bureaucracy, you name it, it's across every single segment of our society, and they want to have control over it with this international bureaucracy.
It is horrendous.
One thing, and I don't support him on a lot of things, but one thing I do support President Bush on is he refused the global tax back in 2002 at the Monterey Conference on Development and Sustainability.
But that's because he had to because of conservative and libertarian and scientific pressure here.
A week before he announced it, Jim Tucker got info out of Bilderberg 2007 that Bush was about to reverse himself.
He announced on this show he would reverse himself and say he was for a global carbon tax and now Bush has announced it just on time and now they're pushing forward.
Yeah, I know.
What we're seeing here is if it doesn't work this year, they're going to try it.
They'll put it in a different language or something like that.
Try it next year or the year after.
These people have literally hundreds of billions of dollars to spend on implementing their agenda.
Most of it's taxpayer money, believe it or not.
Most of it you're supporting.
You're supporting your own demise through your tax dollars.
And what they're doing is if it doesn't work this year, they're going to try it next year.
It will keep coming back, and keep coming back, and keep coming back until they get what they want.
They will, in the meantime, try to create this, like they're doing with this global warming thing, some sort of catastrophe to convince you that you have to do it, this Hegelian dialectic concept, that they will then use to be able to move you off of where you are right now, into where they want you to be.
How do we stop them?
I mean, what's your take from studying this?
What have you seen that's effective to expose these people?
How do you see this fight playing out?
Well, you know, there's a number of directions, and I want to hit just on this global warming one for an example.
One of the reasons I did this global warming one, and it is a very powerful DVD.
I'm not in it very much.
Most of it are scientists and politicians and experts and so forth that I have interviewed or had somebody else interview that gave me the footage.
And in that, it describes exactly what is causing this warming.
We're good to go.
That goes into determining what your climate's going to be like.
Well, just last week, the computer models were, they had like 15 different ones at the NOAA website and the Hurricane Center, and out of 15 models, most of them had it hitting northern Mexico or south Texas, and only one model had it, well actually, one of the models got kinda close to where it actually went through Yucatan and then into southern Mexico.
So even, I mean, 15 computer models, one of them was halfway right.
That's right.
And if you take that as an example, you know about their accuracy.
I'm glad we have them.
You know, I do think that they have value.
Oh yeah, they're a lot better than a hundred years ago, not knowing a hurricane was coming in and it kills 20,000 people in Galveston.
That's exactly right.
I mean, they do have their advantages.
However, they cannot be used for policy formulation.
And by the way, nine times out of ten, those models are way off.
And that's just dealing with one issue like a hurricane, not to mention the global interactions.
And speaking of hurricanes, there's all this clamor going on with hurricanes, that carbon dioxide in global warming is causing hurricanes.
That's bull.
I can say that straight out.
Well, I mean, do you see... I mean, I want you to be able to talk about that, but I mean, just piggybacking on that now before I forget.
I mean, now, if there's a puddle, they act like... I mean, now the people calling me in Austin are saying, are we all dead if Noah's Ark been built because we had a bunch of rainfall?
I mean, they act like everything's the end of the world, every tornado's the end of the world.
Go ahead, sorry.
You're absolutely right, and if you go back in history, you're going to find these kinds of events, droughts, floods, and so forth, all scattered throughout U.S.
history for the last 200 years.
It's nothing new.
These things do happen on a periodic basis.
Well, 80 years ago, the Mississippi killed tens of thousands of people and destroyed, you know, from the top to bottom, all the cities around it.
But to continue on with hurricanes, what we're seeing here is really a recurrence of what happened back in the 1930s, 40s, and early 50s.
There were a lot more hurricanes in those three decades than there were in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and early 90s.
We have been going through a very dormant period of hurricanes and now we're coming back to normal.
So what's all the excitement about?
In addition, all your hurricane scientists, I think every single one of them, will tell you that global warming cannot, cannot, cannot cause an increase in hurricanes.
And there's a very simple reason for this.
Yes, your ocean temperature is warm, and that's a very key factor in hurricane formation and strength.
However, according to the carbon dioxide theory, and I described this very clearly in the DVD, according to the carbon dioxide theory, at the mid-levels of the troposphere, that's where carbon dioxide is supposed to be accumulating and causing the heat trapping.
So the upper, the mid-part of the troposphere is supposed to warm faster than the surface of the Earth.
Well, you have to have a strong temperature gradient between the surface or the ocean and the upper atmosphere in order to cause a hurricane.
And what you're seeing here, according to the theory of carbon dioxide global warming,
That would not happen.
It would be just the reverse.
You would have warmer temperatures than you would have at the surface, and you would not get any storms forming.
Well, that's what always... I mean, that's what forms... I mean, that's one of the bases of meteorology, is that it's the collision of different temperatures that causes the violent effects.
That's right, and according to the global warming models,
All of these temperature gradients are diminished.
They're not increased.
And so you're going to have fewer storms and fewer hurricanes and so forth and so on.
Not more.
We've actually been having milder winters.
Yes, we have.
Isn't that nice?
And milder summers.
And I go back and look at the numbers, they'll lie and call it the biggest drought ever.
And you go back and look and it was a 10-year one in the 50s or, you know, in the 1830s it was even worse.
I mean, it's just, it's endless lying and endless twisting and just unbelievable propaganda.
A question for you.
Have you ever seen the 1989 film, Global Warming film, After the Warming?
No, I had not.
I know I've seen films that were made back in the 70s where they claimed we were going to be in Ice Age by now.
That's right.
And that's of course in the DVD as well.
I talked about all the propaganda and so forth trying to tell us that we were having a mixed Ice Age.
And it's the same group of people, the very same group of people back in the 1990s that were saying that we're going to have global warming.
It's an agenda, folks.
We're not having global warming, but it's all natural.
It has nothing to do with man or man's activities.
Here's another question.
Was the IPCC conference scientific or political?
It was totally political.
100% political.
The scientists that were writing those, and this of course is explained in the DVD I think very well, the scientists really didn't have any choice in the matter.
The actual summary for policy makers that you read in your newspapers in the evening news and so forth, were written by politicians.
They were written by bureaucrats.
And they were actually telling the scientists what they had to say in order to support their summary for policymakers.
Now, for those out there listening, say, on 1330 AM that just turned us on in Central Texas, and they're going, what are you talking about?
They claim that 2,000 plus global scientists have signed onto a paper saying global warming is man-made, it's going to kill us all if we don't have a world tax.
Now, hundreds of those scientists have said, I wasn't even addressed, I wasn't even called, my name was just added.
Others who were there said, I didn't agree, I just went to a meeting, and it turns out the UN just wrote that up and the whole thing's a fraud.
Yes, the whole thing's a fraud.
In fact, the United Nations for the very first time, and I don't know if it was political pressure or what, just this last week released all of the comments on this last set of comments, commentary and so forth, that just came out this past year.
More than half of the comments were negative against what the United Nations was saying, and of course Al Gore says there was 100% unanimity that all these scientists were proclaiming that man is causing global warming, when over half were saying that these statements were not correct.
Stay there with us in this next segment, and maybe one more and then we're going to get
Heidi Ahn, the wife and mother of Aaron's children, his widow, joining us coming up in the next hour.
Then key financial news in the last 30 minutes.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Going back to Dr. Michael Kaufman and global warming or global governance, in the three or four minutes we've got left here and the five minutes we've got in the next segment, break down any other key points about the film or about this monumental... As a scientist, and I'm not even a scientist, but I've interviewed a lot of other scientists, it's so simple that this is a scam, but for you it must be even crazier.
I mean, what is it like for scientists like yourself and other scientists you talk to to see this fraud going on?
Well, you know, I was back in the 1990s, I was actually leading a multi-million dollar research effort in the effects of global warming on our nation's ecosystems, and I rubbed shoulders with many of these scientists that we talk about today, as well as the government bureaucracies and the environmentalists, and it became very obvious to me very quickly, and that's actually why I left my research position, is this was a fraud.
There was no question about it.
This is why I left my job, is to start trying to tell the American people that this thing is part of a huge agenda to create world government,
That will be on your backs telling you exactly what you can and cannot do because it was very obvious to me at that time that it was based on nothing but fraud and there's nothing changed.
In fact, the science has really gotten much stronger now to actually refute man-caused global warming and they still ignore it.
In fact, they just increase the shrill level because they know their time before the American people really wake up.
And that's why I did this DVD.
I started on this a moment ago, or during the last segment.
That's why I did this DVD, to show you from a scientific standpoint, using real scientists.
These are the same scientists that were on the global warming swindle of Channel 4 of England.
I can tell you, walk you right through the real science of what's going on, and then on the end of this, I actually go into the global governance side of it, and I put it in a way that is not conspiratorial.
You use their own documents, their own video clips?
I use their own documents, and so forth.
This is why your film is so important.
You don't just expose that global warming man-made is a fraud, or that it isn't a bad thing anyways.
You also go the step further and show the agenda behind it.
Show the agenda behind it in a way that the average person, and this is key, that the average person can start believing.
If we come across too strong, they're just going to say we're black helicopter nuts and so forth.
But if we do it this way, and this is from reports I'm getting back, people who used to believe in man-caused global warming are now converts, they're skeptics, and they're furious that the government is trying to do this on them.
And that's what we want to have.
Stay there five more minutes with our guests and we're going to get
Aaron Russo's widow on.
He, of course, passed last Friday.
Passed over.
In a better place now.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Third hour straight ahead.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got St.
John Hunt coming up to get into the Part 2 interview about his father, the Black Hawk Commander, CI Section Chief,
We're good to go.
And because the statistics are 3% of the times when doctors at hospitals say somebody's crazy and they want them committed, 3% of the time the cops will respond and go get a judge's order.
Because the mental patients are the doctors and the psychiatrists.
Which is good!
And I guess cops usually don't buy into it.
Well now they want to make it where without a judge, a jury, without anything, even a judge, the doctors or their medical staff can see to the loony bin.
Huge news in Texas, and they're doing similar things across the country.
We'll talk about that in the last 30 minutes today.
Right now, Silverstein warned not to come to work on 9-11.
9-11 Truth Activist says security guards spill beans while one gets fired for calling in a false bomb threat to frame demonstrators.
That's the report.
New York 9-11 Truth Activist Luke Radowsky claims WTC Complex owner Larry Silverstein and his daughter got a warning on the morning of 9-11 not to come to work that day.
His source?
Silverstein's own security guards.
Radowsky and his protest group, we are changed, protested Silverstein outside the new WTC7 building last month and were confronted by Silverstein's security entourage who
Proceeded to harass the group before calling in a fake bomb threat to the NYPD in an attempt to have the demonstrators arrested.
Now, I know Paul just threw this together real fast.
Great job, Paul.
We need to add here, as we always do, we kind of work in progress, that we have the three witnesses that were there.
You can barely hear it on the tape, but we'll just go off the witnesses, saying we're police officers.
And then they call the police, and the cops come and they are taking direction from them.
Because, you know, Silverstein's the big head honcho around there.
And I guess that's how it works in New York City.
The cops just follow what these guys say.
We talked to their private security staff.
We talked to the people who were there with Larry Silverstein on 9-11.
They said he got a phone call telling him not to show up to work, and he called his daughter up, and his daughter also never showed up to work.
Radowsky told a radio show this past weekend.
Obviously, Silverstein arrived later in the day
But the claim that he was given foreknowledge of the accident, of the incident, at the World Trade Center before the first plane had crashed is a bombshell revelation, perhaps even shadowing his infamous pullet comment.
In addition, it has since come to light that one of the thug security guards who intimidated We Are Change protesters during a demonstration outside the WTC7 and called in a false bomb threat, and he did, he said, I think he's got a bomb, he's got a bomb, I'm calling the cops.
You're going to go to jail.
Called in a false bomb threat to frame the group.
Has recently fired by Silverstein Properties.
Radowsky is now seeking legal representation to explore a possible lawsuit against the security guard.
Yeah, I mean, look, who knows?
Do what you want, but I think him getting fired is enough.
Just because these are serious people.
Kind of a rule.
You trounce them, but then
I don't know.
I've got a thing about to stick in and in them, you know, once they're on the ground.
Radowsky is now seeking legal representation to explore a possible lawsuit to see if you sue him or be a counterclaim.
That's my reason for instinctively saying that.
I'm just not reading this.
I just got this.
I hadn't heard about it before it went on air, but I didn't know Paul would have it out this quick.
Radowsky is now seeking legal representation to explore a possible lawsuit against the security guard, who also threatened the activist with 30 days in the hole.
As well as claiming their cell phones were guns.
And that was New York cops actually did that.
And when they grabbed the camera and the stuff.
So they should get in trouble too.
And the wires coming out of their bags were bombs.
In life PD officer later arrived to investigate the bomb threat.
But the protesters were left alone.
They were actually detained for one hour.
They were actually taken into custody.
As it immediately became apparent that the security guard had made a hoax bomb report.
A serious crime.
Such knowingly misleading and false information is not only malicious and immoral, but it's also been made illegal under the Anti-Terror Act, Anti-Hoax Act of 2003.
We'll be right back.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's a huge news Monday, let me tell you.
They've done brainwashing torture drills in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA Today.
Teachers staged a fake gun attack on children.
Don't tell them that it's a drill.
Turn the lights off.
Tell them that they were basically going to be killed.
Had a guy in a mask going around to terrorize them.
That is classic torture.
Right out of the CIA files.
That's Scales Elementary.
And that is Murfreesboro, and that's the release, it's all part of federal funding.
Silverstein, the claim, warned not to come into work on 9-11, and that dovetails with the Wall Street Journal reporting the same thing, which again was in my stack, but they give his alibi, which he suddenly wants to go give the Wall Street Journal a headline article about.
Oh, headline!
Why he didn't go to work that day?
We just want you to know!
And there's no doubt they're surveilling us.
I talked to Luke about that conversation two weeks ago and I guess he talked to more security guards and they repeated it.
We're going to get a hold of Luke and get him on if we can to vet more of this out.
But very important article up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
I cannot stress how important all these articles are.
New WTC footage reignites BBC Building 7 controversy.
They reported that Building 7 had fallen before it had fallen.
We'll get to that later.
But for the next hour and 15 minutes or so,
We're going to talk for about 15-20 minutes, then we're going to take your calls.
But listen, I want to talk about the JFK assassination, or Bay of Pigs, or you can talk about the Plumbers if you'd like.
But really, JFK.
And usually I say it's open phones, but on this subject, I'm telling you it's topic specific.
We've got him on, he's gracious enough to give us this time.
He's St.
John Hunt, the oldest son of E. Howard Hunt.
He was the CIA Section Chief in Mexico.
And that was also for surrounding countries.
They didn't have section chiefs in every Latin American nation.
He was the head of the Bay of Pigs op.
He was the head of overthrowing Ardennes successfully, the 1954 coup in Guatemala, taking cues from Kermit Roosevelt, the black op, of course, overthrowing Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran.
He was involved in overthrowing several other nations.
He was a black op commander, of course.
I didn't mention this last time, and it's admitted in Mission Impossible from the TV show Mission Impossible.
From the 60s.
That's about E. Howard Hunt.
That's why it's called Ethan Hunt.
E. Hunt.
And, of course, the writers of the original show admitted that later.
That's E. Howard Hunt, folks.
He's supposed to be the gray-haired guy in there who's commanding the people.
That's E. Howard Hunt.
And so he literally ran hundreds of operations.
He's known for basically the Bay of Pigs, but they weren't given their air cover.
And then, of course, he's known for, oh, he screwed up with the plumbers.
No, that was the Cubans, over and over again.
Just getting confident.
But he's not known for all his major successes.
Which I'm not defending those successes.
The point is, this is the guy.
This is Mr. Mission Impossible.
And here is his son, which I didn't add.
And he's such a gentleman, he didn't point it out.
Hidden on his website.
I'm gonna make sure a link's put up to this today.
I told my webmaster too, I think it's up there now on InfoWars.com, that he has a video out.
Which is very historical and very well done.
A little presentation that St.
John Hunt does that all of you need to get while it's still available.
Who knows what could happen or what could develop.
You need to get this for your library.
And that's at his website, stjohnhunt.com.
And St.
John, thank you so much for coming on with us, sir.
Alex, thank you very much for having me back again.
You bet.
First off, just out of the gate, tell us about the presentation video you did and how people get it.
Well, you can go to my website, www.stjohnhunt.com, and there will be a prompt there that you can order a DVD.
That I had produced just a few weeks ago actually, maybe a month ago.
It's an interview, it's about a little over an hour long in its length and what I do, what I speak about on the DVD are the most important elements of the information that my father gave to me before he passed away regarding the JFK assassination, how I came about
That information, what the study was, why he told me, when he told me, and then I show the handwritten memos that my dad wrote to me outlining his participation and his knowledge in that operation that, well, I guess eventually resulted in the removal of a president and the ushering in of a new era in government.
How do folks get the video?
They're on the website.
If you go to stjohnhunt.com, I think it's sort of self-evident there.
In fact, I'm on the website right now, stjohnhunt.com.
I just wanted to get that out for people who wanted that information and who want to get the DVD.
Thanks, Alex.
Now, last time we covered how your father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.
I was just talking to you during the break.
I don't know.
I mean, and only up to Vice President LBJ and that Nixon isn't involved.
No, you're just putting out what your father said, what he knew, in his compartmentalization.
Certainly you're not saying that there weren't other groups higher up involved.
Well, yeah, certainly not.
And I'm certainly not saying that there weren't other assassination plots that may have even been in motion at the same time as this one.
I think it's well documented that there were a lot of factions that wanted the removal of President Kennedy.
You know, some of the more classic ones are the mafia plots and the
Yeah, I think so.
I think so.
It was in Miami and elsewhere, so that gives me an indication that there was other places where this could have been carried out and perhaps where other teams may have been stationed to carry this out had the one in Dallas not worked.
Well, in fact, from the JFK researchers that have been vetted and really done their research, we know there were more hit teams down the route.
I mean, they weren't going to stop, but they were going to get him.
Yeah, yeah, I agree with that.
And of course the government always, you know, why buy one when you can buy five?
Or, you know, buy two, as they say.
Of course they had other operations going, and I guarantee you they had other Patsy ops going in case things went wrong, they were going to hang other groups out to dry.
I mean, that's synonymous with black ops.
That is classic standard procedure.
You always have a plan B and a plan C in place.
Yeah, I think so.
Uh, you know, properly than, uh, he was in a position to move Plan B into.
Well, we know that, uh, the black-op arm of the Pentagon that Colonel Fletcher Prouty would have been over, but he was sent to, uh, sent to the pole.
Uh, we know that they even had soldiers in the air.
I mean, there's no telling what they were planning.
That's right.
That's right.
It was a huge conspiracy, but it wasn't necessarily that there was a huge amount of people involved in the conspiracy, because if you have just a few key people in the right places... Yeah, compartmentalization.
Yeah, compartmentalization, absolutely.
That's the standard procedure in that kind of intelligence community.
You need to know.
And were you going to say something else?
I interrupted you.
I was just going to say that there may have been, you know, not as many people as some people theorize involved.
I mean, you know, some people speculate, oh, well, you would have to have hundreds of people involved in this conspiracy.
It just would never have been possible.
But that's just not true.
You have a few key people in positions of control, in positions of authority, and you can make a lot of things happen.
Getting into... There was a lawsuit with your father against the Liberty Lobby a long time ago when they said that me, Howard Hunt, had been one of the tramps.
Now, clearly there's the photo that woke you up that you saw hanging on that telephone pole that time you were in that phone booth.
But, you know, as you pointed out to me during the break, that suit was lost.
Yes, my... Well, he lost that suit.
He won the initial judgment and on appeal he lost the appeal decision.
Now Mark Lane handled the...
Uh, the defense of Liberty Lobby in that second trial and he wrote a book called Plausible Denial.
Uh, there was some testimony, I mean, they, they, they had, you know, they had a lot of, uh, circumstantial evidence linking my father to his, uh, uh, to his role.
Now, of course, if your father didn't sue, the CIA would know he wasn't being loyal and would probably have eliminated him.
Yeah, you know, he had signed, you know, of course, the standard, you know, secrecy agreements that all intelligence operatives have to sign, so he was treading a very fine line there, you know, how can you sue, you know, how can you call the government as a witness to your, you know, to your whereabouts if you can't, you know, if you can't list them, you know, officially as
You know, in whatever capacity you were working for them for.
So, you know, he was kind of out on a limb there and he lost that lawsuit.
It cost him a great deal.
And they had witnesses that placed him in Dallas on that day.
Some were credible and some weren't so credible.
But, you know, I've had... But now it doesn't matter because he went public.
And we have his son, St.
John Hunt, on with us.
When we come back, I want to talk about where you were.
On that fateful day in 1963, some of the other little stories that are just amazing about different things you witnessed growing up in the Hunt household.
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John Hunt, the eldest son of E. Howard Hunt, the spymaster, now admittedly involved in a support capacity, in his words, with the JFK assassination back in 1963, now almost 44 years ago.
And going back to St.
John Hunt, who has the website stjohnhunt.com.
John, before we get into some of the things that happened in your youth, helping your dad one time clean off spy equipment,
I don't
That was 1963.
I was in 5th grade.
I was at Bookmont Elementary School.
So I have a vivid recollection of, and I think most people that were at least, you know, 8, 9, 10 years old recall the events of that day.
President Kennedy has been shot!
Yeah, and school was closed and we were sent home where I waited with the, you know, in my house with my mother for
Yeah, I think so.
Well, everybody I know, my mother, my uncle, my dad, they all remember exactly where they were when it happened.
Yeah, yeah.
And that was the key weak point in the trial at Liberty Lobby where once Mark Lane got my father on the witness stand and hammered away at his alibi.
It just crumbled, changed several times, and it's never been
I don't know.
Well, something sick definitely was happening.
Now, many years later, I guess, or a few years later, you were a little bit older and your dad arrived one evening and wasn't in his normal gentlemanly or well-kept demeanor.
What happened in conjunction with you helping him clean up some equipment?
Well, that was the night of the DNC break-in, when my dad's Cuban crew were arrested over there at the DNC.
It was June of 72, as I said.
And I was asleep down in my room in the basement, a room which my father had constructed for me.
And he came in, flicked the light switch on, and I sat upright
He was standing at the foot of my bed, you know, just in a high state of anxiety, sweating, jacket frumpled, tie loosed around his neck, and he just gave me the instructions to not ask any questions and come immediately upstairs to the master bedroom as quick as I could.
I threw some clothes on and ran upstairs.
I knew there was something terribly, terribly wrong.
My father, I've never seen him lose his composure before and this was, this was, he was clearly lost all his composure.
He was frantically moving things around, trying to make phone calls, changing his clothes and I went up there and he
I think so.
I think so.
I sat in that room for 45 minutes and I wiped all manner of stuff down.
Wires, little boxes, walkie-talkies, microphones, various stainless steel poles, tripod things.
When I had it all done, we wiped the entire suitcase off on the outside.
And he said, okay, let's load that up in the car.
We threw it in the back of his green Firebird and drove it out to the canal locks out River Road in Potomac, Maryland, and we tossed it in the water.
Stay there, my friend.
We're going to be right back.
Just an absolutely amazing story.
I want you to finish that up, and we're going to open the phones up.
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Told three number to join us on air for the next 45 minutes with St.
John Hunt, son of E. Howard Hunt, who's now released a tape and written pages before he died to his son, has gone public with them about what experts had known for close to 40 years that E. Howard Hunt was in the catbird sheet.
Running much of that operation as he had done many other serious operations overthrowing other leaders around the world.
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There, I've just put myself into quite a position to say I'll sign all those, but I will.
I don't think so.
That is available right now on InfoWars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Alright, going back to St.
John Hunt, son of Spymaster, Section Chief Commander, Black Ops Commander E. Howard Hunt.
One more question before we go to BL and Richard and David and Century and everybody else.
Kennedy, growing up in a household, later, did you ever hear comments about Kennedy or being around your father and other CIA or other black ops people, defense intelligence, other folks that dropped by?
I mean, any other things you haven't talked about or that you have talked about that you haven't elaborated on, any caveats or addendums or key pieces of info, just about what they thought of Kennedy or
Did you ever ask your father before he went public to you, or just any other little tidbits?
Well, growing up in a household with my father, as a child you grow up sort of becoming a little version of what your parents are, so it was well known in our family household that Kennedy was a hated persona.
It was interesting because for a time I went to the same private Catholic school that the Kennedy children went to.
So that was always a source of fascination and amusement as well as some irritation to my parents because the Kennedy kids would be dropped off from their limo.
And we would be dropped off in our vehicles and we'd sort of brush shoulders with Caroline Kennedy.
And, you know, I hated her dad and didn't really know at the time why I hated her dad, but I found out later, you know, why the, why the animosity ran so deeply.
What kind of things were said?
I mean, just without any profanity.
I mean, just an example.
Well, just, just that... I mean, not to imply that your dad was using profanity.
He was quite genteel, I know, but please.
Well, actually, he was a man with, you know, he could traverse both ends of the vocabulary spectrum.
So, you know, it wasn't uncommon to hear him use profanity sometimes.
But one of the things he liked to say around the house was, let's finish the job, let's hit Ted, you know.
That's something I've never revealed before and it doesn't really speak to me.
Oh my God!
Your dad would say, let's finish the job, let's hit Ted.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I know you said it, but elaborate.
I mean, in what context?
Well, in the context that, you know, JFK had already been removed, RFK was gone and, you know, his motto was, let's finish the job, let's hit Ted.
I don't think so.
You've driven the car off the bridge at Chappaquiddick with Mary Jo Kopechny in the backseat who drowned in that terrible tragedy.
So there was a real hatred of the Kennedys.
I mean, you'd be around the house and he'd just see Ted Kennedy on TV or... Yeah, oh yeah, he'd see Ted Kennedy on TV or read something about him in the paper and he would smirk, you know, and go, we should finish the job and hit Ted.
So, you know, I mean, that's everybody's... Oh my God, that's brand new info!
Yeah, I mean, you know, it's not the most savory piece of information.
I don't like to make my dad look like he was, you know... I know, but it's so important to shatter the whole JFK myth, because everybody else is built on that.
Yeah, that's right.
But, you know, and he had a lot of, you know, when his Cuban friends would come over and
You know, our teammate would be there, Manuel Arquime, who was to have been the next president of Cuba.
He would come over for dinner, and we'd, you know, try to keep politics out of the conversation, but it would always drift into, you know, what could we do?
You know, what could be done with this country?
You know, that kind of thing.
Anti-Kennedy rhetoric.
Now, when did they finally admit to you that, hey, Daddy's CIA?
When I was 16.
I was 20 and 74, so I was 18 and 72 when Watergate happened.
Had you already had your own suspicions?
I really had no idea.
The cover story was that he worked for the State Department.
That's why we traveled so much.
When I was 16 they thought that I was mature enough to be able to be told the truth as long as I didn't mention it to any of my friends.
So that's when they told me I was 16.
Now did he start making the let's hit Ted and finish the job comments after that or was he just making these out of the blue before that?
It was sometime later.
It was probably around 1968, 1969 when he was saying those kind of things.
I couldn't place an actual date on it, but yeah.
So you'd be driving down the road with your dad and he'd hear something about the Kennedys and say, finish the job?
Or was it in front of the television?
I mean, do you remember one specific case?
No, I don't remember one specific case, but there was a lot of cases where he said disparaging remarks about Bobby Kennedy or John Kennedy, Teddy Kennedy.
He just hated that whole family and everything they stood for.
They were bad people, bad folks to him.
What was your dad's guiding worldview?
What was his politics?
Hardline anti-communism.
Cold warrior, super patriot, the ends justify the means.
If the end is to depose a communist or even a popularly elected president of a country that was leaning towards communists, let's have him removed from office by any means necessary, even if it means
You know, the casualties of hundreds, if not thousands, of the civilian population.
Collateral damage, no problem.
I asked him one time, what about all the people that...
That's right.
Did he have remorse later in life?
He told me that the only thing in his life that he felt bad about was that the Bay of Pigs and the assassination of Fidel Castro were not successful.
So, no, he went to his grave.
He died without feeling any guilt.
I think so.
Why did he then go public about Kennedy?
Why didn't he?
No, I mean, why did he go public about Kennedy with that tape then?
Oh, well, because I think it was important to him.
I think it was something he may have been very proud of.
And I think, you know, after having been accused of being a part of that operation in one fashion or another, either being a paymaster or being one of the tramps or being one of the orchestrators, he'd been accused of a lot of things by a lot of people who had made a lot of money using his name in speculative terms.
I think it was important for him
Not as a matter of so much to clear his conscience, but just as a matter of saying, well, look, you know, I did this, I was involved in this, and I knew about this, and this was a successful operation.
So I think he went to his grave feeling, you know, no remorse about that, certainly.
Do you think in a way he didn't want to be known for the plumbers?
He wanted to be known for JFK?
Well, certainly he was, you know,
He wasn't happy that part of his public legacy was to go down in the history books as a third-rate burglar for the plumbers.
So this certainly may have been a way of elevating his status.
Now we begin to get to the meat.
Very interesting.
This is riveting.
BL in Texas.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air with St.
John Hunt.
Hi, Alex.
Mr. Hunt, I
Don't think I can properly express my gratitude for learning the truth about the JFK assassination in my lifetime.
No sir, thank you.
I wonder if you ever met or associated with any of your dad's personnel around the time of the Kennedy assassination?
At the time of the Kennedy assassination?
No, but following the Kennedy assassination, guys like Frank Sturgess, Bernard Barker, Manuel Artime, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, you know, that whole Cuban crew, they were well known to our family household.
Also, Gordon Liddy, James McCord,
All these people, you know, Charles Colson, I met all of those folks.
Any military personnel?
Military personnel?
Well, Jack Singlob was a good friend of my dad's for many, many years.
I met him recently at my dad's memorial service, but not back in those days.
I didn't know who he was.
I thought I might have met a member of your dad's team two Sundays before the assassination in Dallas.
I was at the Irving Rifle Range with my father, and there was a man there.
He was obviously military, vaguely resembled Lee Harvey Oswald, and he had a Mannlicher chrono rifle and was making a big scene so everyone would remember him.
Oh, I've heard of a story along those lines where there was at least one person impersonating Oswald.
He was shooting the other guy's target, yeah.
Yeah, he was shooting the other guy that reported that.
Actually, the FBI came to interview me and there was an elderly agent who was retired who had been called back, and a young man, and when he heard what I had to say,
His face turned ashen gray, he tore up his notes, and he told my father to never let me speak to anyone about that again.
Yeah, I've heard those words myself.
Because the man at the rifle range, he vaguely resembled Oswald, but he was military, and I won't go into all the gory details.
I'm going to write it up as a statement and try to get all the detail in there, but basically
He ranted and raved like a madman and then whispered under his breath, it's okay kid, I'm not going to hurt you, go on, get out of here.
And he had hand-loaded cartridges for the Monleasher Carcano Carbine that were improperly loaded, obviously intentionally, because they had a slow powder and they would throw out big balls of unburned powder that would explode every time he fired.
And it made a big scene at the Rifle Range.
It attracted a lot of attention.
A lot of people tried to intervene because they thought he was going to hurt me.
By the way, I know BL.
BL, you never told me this story.
I know you're a credible person.
Why don't you let up and get it to me immediately?
We'll be right back with more calls straight ahead on the other side for St.
John Hunt.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
John Hunt, son of E. Howard Hunt, black ops legend, joins us.
Blowing the Kennedy conspiracy theory of the government wide open.
Let's go to Richard in Texas.
Richard, you're on the air with St.
Go ahead.
John Hunt.
Hello guys, and St.
John, thank you very much for your bravery and coming out with all of this.
It's very, very important, I think, as to what's going on today.
I'm curious about two things.
One, if there was ever any detail mentioned by your father with regard to the assassination of RFK, and the players truly involved in that.
And also it seems to be that he's not mentioned Bush Sr.
as far as any role in the JFK assassination.
There is a picture of him outside the Texas Depository that appears to be him, and also his statement that he doesn't recall where he was the day that Kennedy was assassinated.
There's also the FBI letter saying that a George W. Bush was in the CIA, but go ahead.
From Hoover, right?
Yes, go ahead.
Well, I can't offer any speculation about that.
My father never mentioned anything about George Bush.
And what was your other question?
Regards to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy and what role and who the players were with that assassination?
No, he never discussed the RK assassination other than he was, you know, glad that it happened, you know.
I think that's a huge new development.
You're saying your dad, I mean, how did he express his enjoyment of him being dead?
Well, he just, he felt no sadness.
You know, the rest of the nation was in a
Yeah, I think so.
Well, I mean, but earlier, to be specific, you said that he was glad.
I mean, were you watching TV or did he say, oh, you know, or hey, that's good, or oh, well, who cares?
Well, he was glad in the sense that when the news came down or came over the television, he was just pleased, glad in the sense that he didn't say, well, this is a great step towards the fulfillment of his dreams, but he was certainly not unhappy about it.
I mean, did he say anything or did he just smile?
I can't recall anything specifically that he said, but... You just know that it was a good day.
It was a good day for him.
We grew up hating Kennedy, and so if this was one less Kennedy that the world, that the country was going to have to deal with, it was a good thing.
So that was very clear.
That is a great question you brought up, Richard.
Anything else?
Yeah, just to be curious if he might have ever mentioned anything with regard to Manchurian candidates and the use of these type folks to commit these crimes.
Well, it's not even Manchurian.
They had Sirhan Sirhan just stumbling around on an amnesiac, and the official LA coroner said that Kennedy had been blasted a bunch in the back, Sirhan's at the front, and it was blowing holes in his jacket.
You've got to be a foot away to do that.
They just shot him right in the back and then grabbed a mental patient and trotted him out.
It's real simple.
I mean, you just, you know, I mean, I mean, I guess I mean, if the government would go along with it, I could go grab a mental patient and go bring him to an event and then shoot somebody in the back and then show the mental patient did it or the police played along.
John, we'll get your comments on that.
It sounds like you have something to say about that.
We've got 20 minutes left or so with just an amazing individual who I'm so honored has decided to spend this much time with us, and we'll have him back up again, and he's St.
Richard, stay there.
We appreciate his courage going public.
John Hunt.
The website's stjohnhunt.com.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got him here just for you to take your phone calls, though some other huge revelations have just come out.
In the last hour, we'll recap before he leaves us with St.
John Hunt.
He's got a hour-plus video presentation he did that's excellent, that is incredibly historical, that you need to get, and it's available at stjohnhunt.com right now.
He's St.
John Hunt.
Again, his father is what the character in Mission Impossible TV show and movies based on, Ethan Hunt.
E. Howard Hunt, who overthrew elected presidents, who ran Black Ops, Bay of Pigs, and now admits in a deathbed tape that he was involved in the JFK assassination.
And again, didn't people in our own movement try to spin it and claim he said he wasn't?
Just because they're so afraid of big news coming out, or I guess they just want to keep saying it's a conspiracy theory, and they're the experts and they've got all the answers?
Pretty amazing, when clearly, and his son agrees, he's saying, you know, I was involved, but in a management position, not as a, you know, in the rodeo, but as a rodeo announcer.
And then people say, well, you're saying that the buff stops at LBJ.
Clearly Nixon was involved.
We're just going off the CIA under the President.
Of course we know there were people above it.
We've had the experts and the witnesses and the lawyers and the mistress and all on about that.
And we know the British Intel is involved.
We know they were all brought to the table.
But again, that's just the classic type of criticism that this show gets when all we try to do is do our job.
And again, I commend St.
John Hunt.
I've heard some criticism of him.
Going, oh, he puts out this thing with his dad saying he wasn't involved but knew about it.
No, he says I was involved and brought in because I was trusted and known to be honest in the organization.
And I was a benchwarmer.
He was there managing things.
That's what that means.
You're in the game, you're at the stadium, you're just not there pulling the trigger.
They call it bench warming or they call it in the bleachers, I've also seen it in some publications and documents, when you're not pulling the trigger.
When you're on the ground managing things.
John Hunt, any comment on that?
No, I don't have much of a comment on that but I certainly agree with you.
And of course my father also told me, and this is in a...
There's an additional portion of audio tape which I haven't made public yet, but he goes into saying that there was more information that he had that he wanted to give me, but he was going to do that at a later date, and of course that later date never came, so this could have been much, this would have gone deeper and been farther reaching, but I'm very fortunate and feel my father was
I was on the right track here.
And he told you... Sorry, go ahead.
No, that's it.
And he told you that the operation's name, not just code he was using, was you, but the operation's name for killing the President, or the name of that was the big event?
Yes, indeed.
The big event.
Well, we've got Kennedy revelations with Bobby here.
We've got your father saying we need to finish the job with Ted Kennedy.
We've got...
You know, the number two guy from Cuba.
I had dinner with you guys.
What an amazing interview.
I just want to thank you.
I know I keep saying this for your courage, because obviously you're not stupid, and the evidence is clear.
They blew your mother up in that plane landing in Chicago.
I mean, you know what you're doing is dangerous, but what was really dangerous was you having that tape and having this info in the intermediate time and, you know, getting ready to talk about it.
Yeah, since January of 2004, actually since the summer of 2003, I carried this information around with me, kept moving it from one location to another, just kind of had a nagging worry gnawing away inside me that this was a huge amount of weight to be carrying around while I'm trying to lead a fairly normal life as a student and as a musician and as a caregiver.
Stay there.
We've got to break.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Our listeners, very well read and informed, are bringing us a lot of good questions and taking us to a lot of places that I wouldn't have thought to go.
Our guest again is St.
John Hunt.
He is the son, the eldest son of Spymaster E. Howard Hunt.
Blowing the JFK assassination to kingdom come.
Already over 90% of the public in major polls.
The media keeps going over 80%.
That's like five years ago.
So over 90% in new polls.
In the last few years, I know it's an inside job.
And now there's, it's fair to complete.
Everybody knows the truth unless they're the few talking heads on TV still saying it's a conspiracy theory.
John, I heard you did Glenn Beck.
I didn't see it or hear it.
How did he treat you?
I had somewhat of an apprehension about Glenn Beck because he's kind of a wild card on that show, but he was very, very respectful, very knowledgeable, and treated me with great respect, and I couldn't have had a better show with him.
It was a brief 15-minute appearance on his radio.
He's a little more sophisticated than mainline neo-cons like Limbaugh or other people like that.
He mixes in a little of the conspiracy stuff because he knows that's where the whole audience is.
That's the thing about Glenn Beck, though.
I know he knows about all the stuff.
He's a smart guy.
He makes the decision to water everything down, so I'm glad he treated you well.
I just did a segment for Inside Edition which is going to be aired next week I think.
So finally we're forcing it out, because we've been reporting this for a couple of weeks, really a few months now since the Rolling Stone.
In fact, that was my last question that I had on my list that I didn't get to, St.
You had 60 Minutes come to you, others, but then they were afraid, or what happened?
Well, I don't know what they told me as far as 60 Minutes goes.
They came out to talk to me, they flew me down to San Francisco, put me up at a nice
I'm going to have Andy Rooney talk about cake baking.
Yeah, exactly.
And the LA Times came up and did a six hour interview with me in Eureka and then I was still down after a month of waiting for that article to come out to a kind of a smear article about my brother and myself and how none of the information was verifiable, how none of it was... And then you released the tape, not just the written pages, and blew them out of the water.
Yeah, that's correct.
So, uh... I mean, let me be clear about this.
I mean, I've read about you.
I've assessed you.
You're a good guy.
I mean, who cares if when you were a teenager they found some weed or something?
I mean, I love this.
You know, Bush is running around drunkenly on cocaine, but he can be our president.
But they always want to say, this person had a crooked toenail once, so we can't listen to him.
But is it just that I trust you and I believe you and you're giving us, you know, your view from your perspective on this?
I've interviewed all the experts.
I've done, you know, many shows on this, hundreds, TV shows.
I'm from Texas.
I've interviewed all these people who were eyewitnesses and everything.
So everything you're saying already checks out to what I knew.
And so it's just, you're just confirming.
You have total credibility in my book.
Well, thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I think if, you know, credibility was based on
You know, never having lived or made a mistake in your life, I don't think there would be anybody that could qualify as credible then.
Let's go ahead.
And of course, it's always that guy who has no record, never been in trouble, never been wild, wears the perfect suit, and you find out there's 50 bodies in his basement.
Let's talk to David in California.
David, you're on the air.
Hi, St.
Hi, Alex.
Glad to be here at the show.
Hey, I was, uh, the last caller kind of asked you about, uh, Bush, um, the name ever coming up in your house.
I know you said that you'd never met the person.
I'm just kind of curious.
I mean, um, Zapata Oil was Bush's famous Bay of Pigs fiasco.
And I'm just kind of curious, you never heard the name Bush or Zapata in the household at all?
Anything that's your dad to Bush at all?
No, I never did.
And by the way, I believe St.
John, I mean, he may have told his son when he was 16, I'm CIA, and had him clean up some equipment once and make a few jokes about the Kennedys, but you don't just walk around going, Operation ZQ-9, Zapata Operation Oil Rigs, George W. Bush, you know.
No, I understand that.
I was just kind of curious if maybe you'd overheard it ever.
I mean, there's a great film online about the Bush oil connection or counting Zapata oil and how he's tied to the JFK.
Yes, JFK 2.
It's up on prisonplanet.tv and I appreciate your call.
Clearly, I can say that we know George Bush Sr.
didn't just become the director in 1976.
We know he was in the CIA at the time.
He was out of Skull and Bones, where most of the leadership came from out of Yale.
The photo is him, you can tell.
I mean, it's even clearer than Scourges and Hunt in the photos.
Clearly, he's a black operator.
And that's just the way it is.
But I totally believe that E. Howard Hunt wasn't walking around talking about George Bush all day.
Right, right.
Our house was like a miniature CIA organization.
There was very little talked about and certainly no sharing of information with regards to any kind of political operations going on.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Uh, in your description of cleaning up the suitcase and what have you, and what you say is true, you very well could be an accessory to, uh, one of the most famous murders of our time.
No, no, no, the suitcase is the plumbers.
Right, the suitcase is Watergate related.
The suitcases, the plumbers, when the people, some of them had been caught and he was having his son, because his son's fingerprints weren't on record, as Hunt's of course would be with the federal government probably, he was having his son clean up the briefcase from some of the gear used in the surveillance operations on psychiatrists to find out dirt on Democrats.
Yeah, my apologies.
Thanks for clarifying that.
I came in at the tail end.
I was curious how this jibe with Galen Ross' book
All right, Dovetails, exactly.
I appreciate your call.
He names E. Howard Hunt and basically anybody who's a real researcher does.
Let's go ahead and talk to Josh.
No, it's John in Ohio.
John, go ahead.
Yes, there's another story that's out right now about Luis Posada, the notorious terrorist who has blown up a Cuban airliner, bombed Cuban hotels, plotted to blow up Panama University, was convicted for that, bragged about bombing Cuban hotels, yet just last Tuesday he was freed, given total freedom, even from the technical immigration violation.
Now he's joined his co-conspirator in blowing up this Cuban
We're good to go.
I think Dirty Griswold, who was in the National Committee investigating the JFK assassination, and she points out a lot of people believe that he was involved, one of the trigger men, in Dallas at the time.
Let's ask the question, he admitted CIA terrorists, that's a BBC headline, our government blowing up passenger planes full of Olympic athletes just because they were mad that the Cubans had won some gold medals.
I mean, that's the level of this, you know, doing that.
Luis Posada Cornelius, in my film Terror Storm, did you ever meet him?
Ever hear about him?
Did you ever see him?
No, no sir, I did not.
What I wanted to mention is that he was part of this Operation 40 that many believe was the trigger man involved in the Kennedy assassination.
Porter Goss was part of that.
He's now head of the CIA, appointed by Bush as head of the CIA.
Luis Posada,
And Felix Rodriguez, these people were involved with George Bush in the Iran-Contra funding of the death squad regimes of Central America and the Contra terrorists at the time.
They have intimate connections, and I think we may have right in our hands now a man who was one of the trigger men, as well as a terrorist, who was blackmailing Bush.
He was in prison in Texas, and then they ordered him released.
They just said, we're releasing you, King Zachs.
He's gone.
Yeah, I mean, it's incredible that this could happen, and it shows the control of the media.
Something as huge as that should be on front page headlines for weeks has been completely shoved aside.
They could be giving that long history of him blowing up.
Sir, I understand.
We made a film about it.
We exposed it.
I talked about it last week.
It's a travesty of justice.
But do you have any comments about JFK's assassination?
Well, yeah, I'm just saying that this man, many believe, was involved in the Kennedy assassination in Dallas at the time.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Mike in Wyoming, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, hi, Mr. Hunt.
Two quick questions.
You mentioned that your dad had a deep hatred of communism.
Did he understand that communism was basically a boogeyman created by big internationalist bankers?
He never expressed that to me, no.
Okay, the other question, there was a book that came out a couple years ago called Regicide, and I dismissed it at the time in favor of Michael Piper's book, Final Judgment, about the JFK assassination.
But Regicide purported to be a book based on the notes of a dead CIA operative, and he claimed that there was a lot of resentment
Towards Kennedy, both Kennedy's, John and Robert, because of their coziness with the Communists, particularly Khrushchev, it was claimed that they had passed on some secretive type information to kind of check this out.
And they were finding out that all the confidential and top secret stuff that they would pass on to both the Kennedys would somehow manage to make its way to Khrushchev.
And so it lends a lot of support to the theme of that book, Regis side.
Well, that's also how the Globalists would manipulate their attack dogs, is they would leak it.
I mean, it's well known that our government gave the A-bomb to the Soviets and then fried the Rosenbergs.
I mean, it's constant.
I mean, now they have a CIA section chief on History Channel admitting our government put Mao in.
I already knew that, but to see him admit it was just... Tell you what, St.
John Hunt, one more segment with our guest, let you finish up, Mike, on Wyoming.
On the other side, maybe one or two other calls.
We got Dr. John Breeding in studio with some other big developments.
Ah, it's too much to cover.
We'll be right back.
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In 1814, we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British killed us.
John Hunt is our guest.
Again, I appreciate him joining us.
I appreciate his courage.
stjohnhunt.com is the website.
If you missed it, links are up on infowars.com in the guest section today, right now.
Mike in Wyoming, finishing up your comment about
Leaking and activities with the Communists.
I know from what's even been in books I've read, what's been on Frontline, and some documentaries I've seen, that the Kennedys did not want nuclear war, and the Cuban Missile Crisis freaked them out.
They knew that war was about to happen.
The Joint Chiefs had submitted, came in and said, let's start nuclear war.
It was like Dr. Strangelove, and the President's like, I will not go down in history as the greatest mass murderer since Adolf Hitler.
That is reportedly basically a paraphrase of what Kennedy said,
And so he basically, it's admitted, gave them memos saying, look, there's going to be a coup, they're going to kill me, and they're going to nuke you.
Do not play games with these people.
In fact, I saw that on Frontline.
I also read about it.
And the Soviets actually backed off at that point.
Now, what the Kennedys didn't know is the whole time, the higher level, kind of the Bilderberg-level type group, had their agents everywhere, and they were feeding technologies back, because the military-industrial complex here actually wanted to build up the Communists.
It came out in 1991 that Bush Sr.
actually tried to keep Mikhail Gorbachev in power instead of Boris Yeltsin, to keep that whole thing going.
But any other comments, Mike, or any comments, St.
No, I don't have a comment on that.
I think that's all really fascinating and there's just such a tremendous amount of material out there that it's kind of hard to get a handle on everything, but I know that my family, my father was an anti-communist, meaning that any
Yeah, I think so.
And of course, that's always a perfect emotional salve.
Oh, we've got to do all these evil things because it's for the greater good.
The Machiavellian view of the end justifies the means, which they now teach everybody in special ops and above that into the black ops that are run by the shadow government.
It's the perfect excuse, but they also compartmentalize that, whereas the CIA section chief in China
You know, before he died, I could go on History Channel and say, yeah, we actually put Mao in.
Well, I bet that would freak people out like your dad if he was to see that, because I know that aired before he died.
Did your dad ever hear about anything like that?
No, no, I don't know that he did or not.
Yeah, it's probably unfair for me to ask St.
John to, you know, to shed any more light on the Kennedy administration.
I'm actually a couple years older than him.
He's up there with Lincoln, one of those people that you feel like you've entered a house of mirrors when you try to figure him out.
There are a lot of us who have tried to... We looked at some of the evidence that maybe he was starting to churn.
We knew he went to the London School of Economics.
He was raised as a good little socialist.
There is at least those apocryphal stories out there that he was trying to change the currency around and he was going to destroy the CIA.
He made those statements.
He signed those orders.
He did those things.
I appreciate your call.
What do you now, as a middle-aged American, St.
That's a good question.
John Hunt, what do you think of JFK?
I think he was a man certainly well before his time.
I don't know if his time will ever come around again, but he was obviously very popular with the public and very unpopular in the military-industrial complex.
And I think that brought about the greatest conflict.
And I think you have to view the Kennedy assassination as the link point, the watershed event that brought about an illegal change in the U.S.
I remember what I wanted to bring up.
I know my videos got to
Got to Bruce Willis because my friend Rick Linklater, the director, made a film with him last year and he told me that he woke him up and read me an email over the phone and then on air he later talked about it.
I'm actually just sort of trying to get in touch with Willis.
I say that.
I haven't tried yet.
We should be, but I'm so busy.
But Bruce Willis woke up to 9-11.
I know that now.
But on record he told Vanity Fair that the government was overthrown and that the same people that killed Kennedy are in power now.
Did you hear about that?
No, I didn't hear about that.
That's interesting.
Yeah, the mainstream media, of course, won't touch it, but it's in this month's Vanity Fair.
Other than that, we wrote some articles at PrisonPlanet.com.
Do you have a comment on that?
Well, we've been having a little bit of a difficulty with the mainstream media ourselves.
I think the mainstream media is still slow to react to the information that I've been giving in terms of what my father told me before he died.
You know, next week on Inside Edition, they're going to run a six or seven minute segment with these disclosures.
So it's starting to break.
I want to thank you for coming on with us, stjohnhunt.com.
God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
All right.
Take care.
You bet.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
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The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
Texas is the front lines of the New World Order's activities here in the United States on so many fronts.
From the Animal I.D.
Act to the North American Union's funding mechanism of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the NAFTA Superhighway, or the New Freedom Initiative for psychological testing and drugging of all the school-age children from age 4 to age 18.
We are the front line in so many cases.
Second most populous state online as we pass California in the next 10 years.
27 million people.
And this is happening around the country, and we're going to be telling you about Legislative Action Alert, dealing with doctors being able to be judge, jury, and executioner, and commit you.
No more judge, no more jury, no more investigation.
They'll just do whatever they want, when they want.
Before we go to Dr. John Breeding who is here in the studio with me to cover that and then I'm also going to recap top stories before the show ends.
Huge Larry Silverstein news just came out.
It's on InfoWars and Prison Planet right now.
That's PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
It's funny, when I finally talked to the folks that interviewed I found out they tried to contact me about advertising of course.
They said more than two years ago.
Couldn't ever get a hold of me.
That's how small my organization has been and how unfocused on even capitalizing we are, though now we realize how important that is.
And then I found out that we're friends with George Humphreys, a former city council member, economist, good friend of mine here in Austin.
And then I'm sitting here going, hey, I'm going to plug this interfood to Dr. Breeding sitting right across from me.
And he goes, oh, Steve Sinclair, he's my longtime personal friend.
Because you see, this company is now based in Colorado, but it used to be right here in Austin, Texas.
So, these are really good anti-New World Order, pro-freedom people.
And I do take some vitamins and things.
I know most vitamins, even the more expensive natural ones, don't absorb well.
It's all about the mixes.
And I read the ingredients closely, and a lot of them just taste too horrible for me to even eat.
This is made of the best vegetables and plants and
Thank you.
I don't think so.
We're good to go!
Absolutely, it certainly is.
Again, folks, it's a new sponsor.
I think so.
We're good to go.
I think so.
I think so.
Yeah, they've got a whole product line and my wife bonkers over it and it really is good stuff and it's also very well priced.
So that's interfood.com or 866-762-9238.
Give them a call today.
Going to Dr. John Breeding.
Dr. Breeding, I have the actual bill here in front of me.
And I also, let me just read over this first and then have you, the expert, go over this.
And I'm glad you made a special trip down Sunday.
Or I guess it was Saturday.
I got here Saturday night to do editing work and they said, hey, a guy came to the door and tacked this up and said it was important.
And I said, OK, let me see it.
And boy, is it important.
Then I went and read the bill.
And your little handwritten note was that I need your help with this one.
This is the worst thing I've seen yet.
And it is.
Every day it comes to some new horror.
Legislative alert.
You're actually needed immediately.
Your civil liberties are at risk.
It goes on House Bill 405 in Texas.
It's moving rampantly through the Texas Legislature.
This bill is the biggest threat to civil liberties that we've seen in many years.
It allows an emergency room physician to detain you for 24 hours without a warrant, without a court order, without any involvement from law enforcement.
Imagine showing up at the hospital and then turn them into prisoners, which is the plan.
Imagine showing up at the hospital for urgent care and then being told you cannot leave and you're being held under mental health detention.
This is the same thing in New Freedom in Illinois, the only state ahead of Texas, where in this one aspect where they come into the pregnant women to decide if they're mentally ill and then CPS the kids.
According to Sgt.
Kitty Hicks of the Texas Travis County Sheriff's Department, mental health deputies are often called to emergency rooms, she wrote, that according to her statistics, out of all the calls they get from emergency rooms, maybe 2-3% of them would the deputies take and commit the person, even though the medical doctor disagrees.
Folks, this goes into so many things.
This plugs into destroying the Bill of Rights, the Constitution.
We have now guidance coming out from the Food and Drug Administration admitting massive increases in suicide and violent psychotic breaks on serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
We told you this for so many years.
Now, they're saying, oh, it's really bad for young people now, and it isn't as bad when you get older.
But you actually read it's very bad when you get older because you have more self-control.
The point is, they get kids on drugs and there's more suicide.
Then they say, oh, we've got a crisis, we've got to have more testing to put 50% on the drugs, then there'll be more suicide.
I mean, just everything they do is about ensnaring us in the system.
Walk us through this, Dr. Breeding, what they're doing, because this is, I've read the bill.
I mean, I've got it here, right in front of me, and it is just off the charts.
Yeah, the legislature has really taken major steps backwards in terms of civil liberties and human rights right now.
You know, they already passed a bill that expanded the order of protective custody from 24 to 48 hours where a cop can have you detained for 24 hours, but at least then you've got the mental health cops from the Sheriff's Department that are involved and at least they have some discernment that they're supposed to be doing there.
What even the Sheriff's Departments are saying right now, you mentioned Kitty Hicks,
The other Sheriff Sorensen from Round Rock has testified on this thing.
They're saying that 98 out of 100 of the referrals that are made by the ER docs are invalid even by their standards.
And what that means is that more and more people sent right over.
See what the docs want is to get people out of the hospital.
We've had listeners that pull up to clinics with 9-11 stickers and they call the mental health people on them.
You know, 9-11 inside job stickers or people don't want their baby to have shots when they're newborn with all the mercury and they call CPS and say you're mentally ill.
I mean, there's no law here.
This is just a whole new thing.
There's no law and this makes a doc, a cop, and a judge and a jury, like you said, it takes somebody, it locks them up for 24 hours.
Once you're in that system,
You're vulnerable because anybody can declare, based on their opinion, that you're... Everything started in Nazi Germany, as you know, with the psychiatrists and psychologists and doctors.
Same thing in Russia.
So somehow this... By the way, in China, every day I read about this guy didn't agree with the government, so he's now in a mental health camp.
Yeah, the psych lobby is really strong.
The psych hospital lobby is really strong.
Somehow they pushed this thing through the house.
We have about two days to kill this thing in the Senate by making a big noise.
Basically it says ER docs can detain you based on their opinion.
They can arrange private transport, take you to the psych lockup.
They are provided immunity from prosecution.
In other words, you cannot go back and sue them for that action.
It's a setup for disaster.
98% of the cases, even by the standard mental health practices, are invalid.
Most of the cops, most of the docs I've talked to don't want to be cops.
You know, the judges, even the probate, mental health court judges are against this.
The advocacy groups, everybody.
We need to shake these senators up and let them know that this is not going to happen in Texas.
We need help from everybody in Texas, but we also need help from everybody around the country who's listening that wants to not have this set as a precedent.
And by the way, Alex says Texas leads the way.
They do, and in a few days,
We're trying as fast as we can to get this up on the web.
Hopefully it'll go viral.
You can be assured, folks, I've seen this in similar states.
They're trying to pass it.
They're going to continue to try to pass it here in Texas.
This is going to be an ongoing fight, so this is an alarm bell for the rest of the country.
You know, we're kind of on the outpost when the enemy comes in like a flood, but you can know when we ring the alarm bell, this is for the whole country.
So we have two numbers.
Is the Texas Lieutenant Governor?
I'm going to give the area code too, because anybody anywhere can call and help us with this.
It's area code 512.
The number is 4630001.
Opposing House Bill 405.
The other number is Senator Nelson, the chair of the committee that this is going to go to in the Senate.
Area Code 512, 4630112.
Oppose House Bill 405.
This is an assault on civil liberties.
This needs to stop.
That's the message.
It's real simple.
I mean, as if the police aren't already overwhelmed.
Now we're going to have them having to go up anytime some doctor or medical worker who's on a power trip.
And I mean, seriously, this keeps coming up.
There's a lot of great doctors, a lot of great nurses.
Same thing when I'm bashing the police.
It's not you individually, it's the system.
You know, there's even some good psychiatrists and psychologists out there.
The point is, on average, a lot of them are control freak nuts.
And, you know, doctors already think they're God.
And because they're so used to that.
And we just need to put a stop to this.
I mean, we need to put a stop to this and put a stop to this now.
That's right.
A lot of times, the ER doc, he just wants him out of the hospital because he's already overloaded in the emergency room.
So he said, I'll just shut it off.
Well, you're also going to have people that are being disruptive or unruly when their finger chops off when they got the flu or when they're dehydrated or when they're going into diabetic shock and they're throwing fits.
I mean, folks, how many of you have been sick before and it's been hard to deal with?
I mean, frankly, I have been before.
You got it.
You got it.
At least 40-50% of the people who get diagnosed with psychiatric labels have some verifiable, treatable medical condition that's going unseen.
And part of what this thing does too, apart from just the huge civil liberties thing and the human rights thing, which is enough.
This is a whole new CPS for adults and kids.
This is going to be used by CPS.
And it's going to scare people away who really need help.
You want to go see a doc because you need help, not because they're the cops and they might detain you.
Well, I mean, I've had the flu before, walking flu, and I've been stumbling around having, you know, seeing Mickey Mouse basically, but nobody went and committed me.
It was because I hadn't had any water in four days.
So we're down there at the legislature fighting this and right now I'm saying we need your help.
Last year, last session, you guys helped us kill the new Freedom Commission implementation in the legislature by putting thousands of calls into the switchboards there.
We need that right now on this one.
House Bill 405.
Lieutenant Governor Erica 512-463-0001.
We're going to get these numbers posted up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPundit.com right now as soon as I can get a hold of my guys and get that done.
They do such a fabulous job.
I wanted to shift gears and we'll go back into this in a moment.
USA Today today had the headline
I'm trying to find the actual article.
I've got Yahoo News.
They've all got different articles.
Where did it go?
Here it is.
I just had it.
This is Yahoo.
It's all looking fine right now.
Teachers stage fake gun attack on kids.
These are sixth graders.
They didn't tell them they were going to do it.
They turned the lights off and said, a man's coming to kill you.
He was wearing a black mask.
The children cried and screamed and thought they were about to die.
This went on and on.
They're doing these drills federally funded all over the country.
Uh, this is classic trauma-based mind control.
I'm telling folks, NCI torture manuals that have been classified from the 60s, Copper Green and others, they have different continuances of torture.
The next to worst to actually waterboarding, where you actually physically are dying, is the threat of death and putting in blindfolds and saying they're going to blow your head off.
As a psychologist, I mean, your take on this, when they just calmly have federal drills, coast to coast, federally funded drills, where they come in unannounced, in some cases with third graders, screaming with guns to their heads, teachers have had to go to psychiatric facilities, people, they don't even tell teachers in some cases, this time though it was teachers doing it, not even cops.
What do you have to say about that?
Oh, it's awful, you know, what everybody needs to remember and always remember is that
If your child goes to the public schools, and this is true to a large extent for private schools too, but the public schools remember that this is a government school and the people who work for the school are government agents.
Now that's bad enough just in terms of school business as school business, but when the government is going down the road of tyranny
We're good to go.
Well, I mean, I have the articles for listeners who don't believe this.
In Michigan, they ran up and put fake blood on them and said they were going to be killed.
And I mean, the kids literally defecate all over themselves.
I mean, this is terror!
And I've seen video of them pointing at guys and they're crying and begging.
I mean, that is literal, that is classical.
When you read about the CIA mind control, that is what they do.
I mean, this is so off the charts and the principals are in the papers going, well, it's for their safety, they need to know how to respond.
But then when there's really a shooting, the cops won't go in.
Yeah, yeah.
The end result of the conditioning, one new level, is that authority equals terror.
So you're conditioned to be terrified of authority, which makes you passive, obedient, unwilling to speak out in challenge.
You know, it's the same thing with being afraid of an ER doc that they might commit you, being afraid of any kind of authority that they might unleash.
It isolates you, it makes you afraid, it makes you passive, it makes you timid.
That's the end result, and that's very much a mind control and conditioning dynamic.
And again, it's the feds paying for this.
I don't even think the cops locally and the teachers know what they're doing.
They just take the money.
I mean, some of these grants are like $100,000 to go terrorize people, but it's always unannounced.
Can you imagine your 9-year-old, the door busts open and men come running and screaming at guns, I'm going to kill you.
Well, this sounds really extreme, but if you just back it up and think about all the teachers who are going along with this thing called high-stakes accountability testing.
This whole perversion of the educational system with these tax tests and this teaching to the test and this whole system and going along with it even though they don't like it, even though they know it interferes with real teaching.
These Prussian brainwashing models.
The people who participate in those systems tend to be conditioned to go along with the system, you know, and to obey the authority and not to be too loud and raucous about resisting it.
Well, the Prussians literally bred the Hessians, the mercenary slaves, who were under such mind control, it wasn't like a black slave would run off if you let him go.
These Germans were proud to be slaves.
They were actual slaves, warrior slaves, and that's where they developed Kindergarten, and it was the by-rote brainwashing to make them, you know,
No, no, no.
We'll be right back ladies and gentlemen.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I tell you, this broadcast today went by at warp speed.
The final segment with Dr. Breeding.
Final segment, period.
They're also voting on Animal ID Act.
They're having a big committee meeting today on that.
In E1.012.
And that's going on at 3 p.m.
So it's in about an hour and five minutes at the Capitol.
HB 461, federally tagging everything.
The Big Agra doesn't have to make all the changes.
It's meant to shut all the small farms and ranchers down and shut organic farming down.
They're moving on every level.
Dr. Brittany, you have statistics here from the police departments, from the state of Texas about up in the police state of Round Rock, how many times the doctors called the crisis intervention team up there, just in a little town north of us.
Yeah, Sergeant Sorensen sent us this data.
He's really against this bill for the same reasons of overwhelm and inappropriateness.
Just one hospital, Ramrock Hospital, last year, 556 referrals for mental health referrals.
That means the sheriff's deputies, mental health deputies are called in 556 times just in that one hospital.
Now considering that 98% of those calls are invalid,
We're good to go.
I don't know.
Probably tomorrow or the next day in the Senate Human Health and Services Committee, House Bill 405.
We want you to call the Lieutenant Governor, 512-463-0001.
And the chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Jane Nelson, 512-463-0112.
If you're from Texas, tell them to stop the bill.
If you're from anywhere else, tell them you don't want a president anywhere in this country, which at least in name is supposed to be about liberty and freedom and that you're fighting for that.
Stop House Bill 405.
Please make those calls for us.
Again, Dr. Breeding, I want to thank you for coming in today.
We're going to be posting an article about this.
We'll also post the text of that alert that's got the phone numbers up on the side as soon as the show ends.
So again, thank you for coming in.
Thanks, Ben.
I'll tell you, that stuff with the guns to the heads, they're doing it all over.
It's just beyond terrible.
There's no end to it.
Ladies and gentlemen, huge article up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Larry Silverstein warned not to come into work on 9-11.
This has now come out.
They've also learned that that was a Larry Silverstein security man, claiming they were police.
The one claiming he had a bomb has now been fired, according to Silverstein Security.
But the bigger news here is this statement about being warned not to go into work from Larry Silverstein's security people.
That dovetails what it looks like they're surveilling what we're doing.
They put out a story Friday in the Wall Street Journal saying, oh yeah, you had to go to the doctor that day.
A Wall Street Journal article about Larry Silverstein going to the doctor.
I mean, that is an obvious pre-positioning.
This stuff is really, really getting bad.
We didn't have time to play the audio and the video.
Uh, of a new BBC, uh, Building 7 report.
And in that whole area, uh, we have the giant report out of USA Today that we've, uh, analyzed and recapped with flashbacks, what's really behind it.
They keep acting like they keep having these brainwashing terror drills to terrorize the children how to submit to the tyranny, but it's just happening organically all over the nation at these schools.
No, it's federal grants and we have the documents.
I think so.
So many other incredible developments.
I'd say this has been a AAA five-star show.
And we'll see you back tomorrow at the same time.
Don't forget we have a free podcast of the show that serves out at the end of each show at InfoWars.com.
And please get my films.
That's how you support us.
Thanks for all the support.
God bless you all.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.