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Name: 20070828_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 28, 2007
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This year is already way past, half over, or elapsed, hard to believe.
Still feels like 2004 or something to me.
It is the 28th day of August 2007.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Congressman Ron Paul is scheduled to be popping in with us sometime during the third hour.
He has a lot of duties, of course, on the floor of the House.
And with his campaign and of course his wife having a pacemaker installed a few weeks ago but he should be joining us coming up with his monthly visit with us sometime in the third hour today.
Occasionally he shows up a day late but that's standard for congressmen and women because of their busy schedules.
I only say that because we have a TV crew, film crew here and they're very hot to
Now that they've learned Ron Paul's coming on the show, while they happen to be here too, they'll be able to catch that as well.
Okay, we're also going to play the second half of the last video interview that Aaron Russo did, coming up in the second hour of the broadcast.
Damn near about 30 more minutes of that.
And who knows, I might even get his wife Heidi on.
I just noticed that she emailed me yesterday.
I just got that this morning.
She was thanking us for the tribute we have at PrisonPlanet.com.
I'd forgotten this morning to call her.
I'm going to call her during the break.
She might even pop in on the show today, if not today, tomorrow.
We need to pray for Aaron Russo's family, but no need to thank me, Heidi Russo.
I want to thank you for the support you gave Aaron and for all the great contributions he made.
I mean, all of our praise is really paltry in comparison to the great work that Aaron has done and continues to do through the speeches he gave, the interviews he did, and the film he made, America, Freedom to Fascism, as well as founding the Constitution Party.
Let's get into the news right now.
Retired General Al-Qaeda attack is coming.
We hear this every day out of some neocon as they hype the fear to near fever pitch.
And then I cover
What they're saying, and I cover their fear-mongering, and then supposedly I'm the fear-monger.
I saw a Dig comment last night on one of our stories saying, Alex Jones says Al-Qaeda is going to attack every month, and they never do.
I'm sick of it!
I'm sick of him claiming they're going to attack and they don't.
Let's get this straight.
I said one time,
That we were going to have a major terror attack in this country, and that it was probably going to be on the World Trade Center Complex, and I said that on live TV and radio on July 25, 2001.
And guess what had happened?
Because I had the pieces of the puzzle, the intel, the information, and it's on record.
It's on record.
Last year I said that they were getting ready to launch an attack on Iran and stage an attack in the next few months if we didn't get the word out about it and the globalists pulled back their horns because of you taking action.
But that's it.
So please, when I get up here and I read Dick Cheney and U.S.
News and World Report saying we will be nuked in the next six months, that was back right before the 2004 elections,
That's not Alex Jones saying that.
We're covering the news.
I'm not saying this is going to happen.
Retired General, Al Qaeda attack is coming.
NBC News Military Analyst General Barry McCaffrey was asked about recent statements by intelligence officials about another Al Qaeda attack is on the way.
McCaffrey said the warning should be considered credible.
So we're going to get back and get into all of this, the latest fear-mongering, and how it dovetails with Francis Sarkozy saying, hey, Francis IV attacking Iran, the neocons are beating the drums like never before, and Pat Buchanan says the Democrats are going to back that attack, and another prominent Republican says it could lead to World War III!
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A lot of people, obviously, in the last 24 hours have asked me what I think of Alberto, I Love Torture, Mingela Gonzalez and his exit from the Justice Department coming up in mid-September.
Last day being September 17th.
It really doesn't mean anything at all.
Because the very Democrats, the very Senator Chuckie Schumer and others that are up there criticizing him for his police state activities, the warrantless searches, the torture, the uh...
Saying President Bush is above the law, all the memos he wrote, the findings he wrote for the Justice Department, and before that when he was Bush's Chief Legal Counsel, mean nothing!
The guy is a toady, he's a minion.
The very Congress now criticizing him and putting all their sins on him are the ones that just voted a few weeks ago
To end the Fourth Amendment and to say the NSA can spy on the American people, and then the White House announced they're using spy satellites to watch us.
Now they've been doing that for decades, administration after administration.
The point is, they're just now announcing it.
And Paul Watson wrote an article, Birdcage at Leiner changed.
Illegal spying stays.
Gonzales' exit does little to undo the damage inflicted on the Constitution.
But I'm seeing
Victriolic celebration from Air America, and they're all about to be back into power.
I'm now seeing vitriolic celebration from people like Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, who I personally like, but now he's talking about just going into NFL football commentating, because now the Democrats are in, and he's a Democrat, so he can't talk about their corruption, so his job's over!
Well, she will still be here once the Democrats are in power.
If Ron Paul, God forbid, doesn't win, and Hillary's running around in a new reign of terror, we'll be exposing her as a puppet.
And that's all she is.
And when they're done with her, they'll remove her out of the birdcage.
Because she's a birdcage liner, ladies and gentlemen.
We need to start looking at the creature that's actually secreting the problem in our society, and not the birdcage liner or the shield, the shill itself.
The birdcage liner has been changed, but the illegal spying, warrantless wiretapping, and torture embracing precedence remain following the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Minghella Gonzales.
Reading from Paul Watson's article on PrisonPlanet.com, the ineffective liberal left celebs are celebrating the exit of Gonzales like it's some major victory, when in fact it changes nothing.
And every assault on the Constitution that was crafted with his help remains on the books.
Why are the left so naive as to believe that just because a token figurehead is toppled, this somehow makes amends for the fact that the infrastructure of a totalitarian state has been implemented over the last six years.
And I would add accelerated the last six.
The foundations built under Eisenhower and Kennedy and Nixon, big time, LBJ before him,
And right through to Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, it really expanded, because George Bush Sr.
was really running things, and then George Bush Sr.
This has been a slow, gradual eroding of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, but now it's reached the flashpoint, and it's all burning up before our very eyes.
And there are several mainstream news stories out from the Register and other publications saying basically what we're saying, that, well wait a minute, all of the horrible, draconian precedents that have been set are being cemented into place and the Democrats, in some cases, outvoted Republicans for it!
And this is what Democrats have to get ready for.
You know, you've finally been able to recognize globalization is bad, the new world order is bad, you've finally grown up a lot.
And I know a lot of liberals that have been out literally buying guns the last few years, you know, in case we went to martial law to protect ourselves.
That is legitimate.
That is an insurance policy against that tyranny happening.
You're living in an empowered life now.
But as soon as Hillary comes in, just get ready for the peer pressure to switch back in and the rhetoric, and now it's your girl, now, you know, go Hillary!
And she's a pro-war, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, piece of filth!
Unfortunately, Gonzales' incompetence will live on in a string of dubious legal arguments, largely rubber-stamped by compliant Congress and maintained through claims of executive privilege and state secrecy, writes Burke Hanson of the Register.
He wasn't incompetent.
And the only reason Gonzales is leaving now is because he has become useless.
They put all the sins they could on him.
They loaded him up.
Everything was blamed on him.
He was the source of all evils.
He was the progenitor.
He was the father of all this evil.
He did it!
And it wasn't even Bush or Cheney.
And now he can go quietly into the night and go back to corporate Enron type jobs like he first had with the Bushes.
And then he'll be well taken care of in a few months when everybody forgets about this.
It's called Falling on Your Sword, and Negroponte, and Ashcroft, and all these people have been blaming Gonzales.
This is classic.
This is what they do.
It is theater.
The whole world is a stage, and each of us players on it, as Shakespeare said, and this is more true than ever.
Remember, Roosevelt said, in politics, nothing happens by accident.
If something happens, you can bet it was planned to happen.
I mean, you plan, if you're going to get another mortgage, you plan where you're going to go on a trip, and where you're going to stay, and where you're going to eat dinner.
You plan what school your children are going to.
Don't you know the elites of the world are in control because they're into planning, and they're into organization, and they're into theater?
And they wrote books and white papers on it two hundred years ago, a hundred years ago, on how to have imperial puppets, on how to gain control of democratically elected leaderships, of how to put in your own oligarchies.
Your own plutocracies.
That's what they've done here.
And the Clintons, again, were good friends with the Bushes before they ever ran for office.
That's come out in books and videos and was well documented.
People couldn't believe them, I'd tell you about it ten years ago.
Now it's mainstream news that they vacationed together before the election ever happened.
That Clinton was recruited into CIA right out of Oxford.
Rhodes Scholar, for heaven's sakes.
I mean, that's directly recruited by the British Empire.
To serve as a head functionary in the Council on Foreign Relations.
That's the roundtable groups that Bill Clinton's later mentor at Georgetown, Carol Quigley, wrote about.
I mean, this is how the world operates.
They admit this is how it operates, but you have a general public.
Different stratas of the public.
You have a large group, I would say 30-40% of the public, just from studying different
polls I've seen and other scientific studies I've read and just interfacing with the public in the last 13 years on air I can say that about 35-40% and it's also regional and has to do with demographics but on average about 35% or so of adults literally don't even know what their state capital is.
They don't know what
land masses are.
They don't even know what the Caribbean Sea versus the Mediterranean Sea is, much less where the Atlantic is, or where the Pacific is, or where the Arctic Ocean is, or the Antarctic Sea.
I mean, they have zero, they don't know what constellations are.
They don't even know the basic order of the planets.
I mean, they don't know the basics of the incredible wonder that's all around us.
They've got cell phones and trinkets and baubles and just all sorts of petty little trinkets and little logos and symbols of their power and they just run around from one bestial satiation to the next.
And they have no conception of reality.
Then I'd say you got about another 30% that think they're quasi-informed, but they've been fed the mainline narrative, the mainline matrix news that has a lot of truth in it, but it's spun with lies mixed in.
And words and their meanings have been changed to where their basic understanding is upside down, but they've been hanging upside down so long they can't tell they're upside down.
And then you've got about 25-30% of the population left.
And if you look at those numbers, there you have the evil people and you have the good people.
And I would say that about half of that 25-30% you've got left is wicked, knows what's going on, and has made a conscious decision to be completely nihilistic
Live as if today is their last.
Screw everyone around them.
Laugh at everything.
Be cynical and climb the ladder and serve the man and find the most powerful people you can and burrow in and associate in those groups and climb at any cost.
They're the most unhappy people you'll ever find.
And then you've got about 10-15% of people who are informed, who have big hearts, who have passion, who want to defend the weak, who want to build things, who enjoy seeing others succeed.
And we are the minority, ladies and gentlemen, but we have got to struggle against this elite, and we've got to defeat them.
And the key is, we can probably wake up 10-15-20% out of the brainwashed, totally brain-dead mass,
We can get in there and revitalize and get them to jumpstart their minds, their intellects again, and show them the matrix around them.
And by recruiting out of those groups, we can then mobilize and defeat the New World Order.
And that's the big fight.
So the 10-15% that serve the New World Order, they are actively in there trying to recruit and lie and dumb down the general public and keep them on the plantation, keep them on the reservation, keep them confused, keep them neutralized and incapacitated so the agenda can just roll forward.
And they are the gatekeepers.
And they're in the left, they're in the right, they're in the libertarian movement, they're everywhere.
And they serve the system.
A lot of them just out of fear.
They think, yeah, things are dangerous, things are scary.
I'm going to serve the power structure.
I'll be safest there.
When we get back, I'm going to illustrate this.
Miss Teen USA pageant, Miss South Carolina.
Well, just wait until you hear this, and then we'll get into the... They're trying to cook up World War III right now and a lot more.
Stay with me.
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I think so.
I don't know.
Want any cash for ya?
Call him Drunken Ira Hayes Ira Hayes Ira Hayes Call him Drunken Ira Hayes Evil answer anymore Not the whiskey-drinking Indian Nor the Marine that went to war
Gather round me people, there's a story I would tell.
About a brave young Indian, you should remember well.
From the land of the Pima Indians, a proud and noble band, who farmed the Phoenix Valley in Arizona land.
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Call him Drunken Ira, he's evil, that's her anymore.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
What we're talking about here...
I mean, there have always been people who weren't informed, but now those that aren't informed are uninformed to a level that is just unspeakable, and then even those that
claim they're informed have been literally downloaded a false political universe, a false political paradigm.
And it is false.
You can prove that it's false from pillar to post.
I mean, just general basics about our lives.
And if we're going to win the fight for the future of humanity to be a beautiful, wonderful thing,
Then good people are going to have to get involved and start educating the dumbed-down masses.
And people are going to say, well, you know, it's some young, dumb, wannabe bimbo.
Who cares if she gives some mindless, bumbling answer?
What do you expect?
But the issue here with Miss South Carolina is that they're specifically asking her about the fact
That in a major poll that came out just a few weeks ago, one-fifth of high school Americans can't even, when shown a map with borders but not names, cannot, and I saw that study a few weeks ago, couldn't even find the United States on a map.
Now we've talked about the other polls that come out each year in university studies where
Ninety-something percent of adults, when asked, didn't even know what the Second Amendment or First or Fourth was, and they've got polls where 80-plus percent of adults and high school students, even worse, don't know who the Vice President is.
But let me tell you something.
They will corner you, and they will tell you their opinion on Iraq, though.
Now, Australian TV crews have gone out in the U.S.
It's a famous video.
It makes Jay Leno's jaywalking look tame.
They're going, should we attack Iran?
Should we attack Iraq?
And the people are pointing out Australia, and they're going, yeah, let's blow that island up.
I mean, just totally mindless.
But they know who Jack Bauer is, and they know heroes torture children every episode.
Just like a cop.
He'll pull you over and tell you, by golly, it's a privilege to drive.
You know, you may have all the Supreme Court rulings.
He doesn't even know what a Supreme Court is, folks.
I'm not knocking the cops.
They're just as dumb as the general public.
And that's why major police departments coast to coast have policies where they won't hire a cop with over 100 IQ.
Because they want somebody who is dumb.
And they want somebody who will follow orders.
And they want somebody who will do what they're told.
So when we get back, we'll get to it directly.
This is South Carolina Teen USA.
When she's asked this question and her response, and let me tell you something, she's indicative of the general public.
This poor little thing is just about like 35% of the public.
I mean, she literally is lucky if she can tie her shoelaces.
So, this is what we're facing, this is what we're dealing with.
Then we'll get into, uh, they're saying Al-Qaeda's gonna attack, give up all your rights, we gotta attack Iran, Sarkozy's saying it.
This is really serious, we'll get to that too.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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You've got someone to blame You said one love, one life When it's one need in the night
One love, we get to share it.
It leaves you, baby, if you don't care for it.
Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad
You act like you know and you want me to go without.
Well it's too late tonight to drag the past out into the light.
We're one but we're not the same.
We get to carry each other, carry each other.
Welcome back my friends!
Think about that.
Think about that line.
You act like you've never had love.
And you want me to do without.
And that's what's happened.
We've got a nation and several generations of people who have no idea what liberty and freedom or being an American or what our heritage is all about.
And you want us to stand down.
You want us to back off?
You want us to shut up?
All our country, and our sovereignty, and our borders, and everything we've ever been, and everything we'll ever be, is being destroyed!
You got the nerve, you neocons, on the message boards, and Digg, and on Talk Radio, and Michael Medved.
To call us traitors and call us conspiracy theorists just because we're informed.
And you knowingly lie to your audience.
And you knowingly try to keep them from the truth.
And you try to keep them from learning the serious peril this nation and this planet is in.
And all these people do have is hurt.
That's all the New World Order is.
That's all they're ever going to be.
A bunch of murderin', killin', stealin' film.
And they run around and they roar.
Seeing who they can devour.
Trying to intimidate people into submission.
I say it's time to stand up on our hind legs and grow a spinal column.
And let them know that we're not gonna bow down to them.
We're gonna fight them.
If we're gonna die, it's gonna be on our legs, not on our knees in some ditch.
Alright, so we were talking about the dumbing down of society, and I was never raised to be sardonic.
I'm not sardonic.
I don't have some elitist attitude.
The elite do.
They look at the dumbed down mass, which they help dumb down.
I mean, people like to live in squalor, and a large segment of the public likes to be dumbed down and decadent and slovenly, and that's just the way we are as a species.
But the globalists write handbooks and textbooks on how they want to accentuate that and make it as bad as they possibly can.
So the mass is more easily managed.
And they've done a great job at this.
I can't imagine parents from middle-class families who would want to raise their daughters to not be informed, to not know about their country's history, to not know about basic geography, to not want to learn about the mysteries of the world.
I mean, it's interesting.
But they were never taught the love of knowledge.
They were just taught how to put on makeup, and how to dress like whores when they were five years old, and their sons were taught how to act tough but not truly be strong, and how to just be mindless fake plastic people.
And you get something like Miss Teen USA pageant with Miss South Carolina, and this is her being asked a question about a major poll that just came out, where they asked high school seniors if they knew
Where the U.S.
was on a world map in one-fifth.
One out of five couldn't even say.
I mean, that is un... Don't even know what their country looks like on a map.
That is... I mean, I know retarded children that know that.
I mean, my son, when he was two, knew where Austin was on a map, folks.
This is just, just, just... Our honor students were the C-plus students 20 years ago.
30 years ago.
But, but, but... Here it is.
Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S.
on a world map.
Why do you think this is?
I personally believe that U.S.
Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and Iraq, everywhere like such as, and
I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S.
should help the U.S., or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children.
Thank you very much, South Carolina.
Hey, South Carolina, it's Americans that don't know where America is, okay?
The Iranians, the Iraqis know with dread from where the evil dumb people come.
And the South Africans know with dread.
And the whole world knows with dread where the captive, controlled, Hessian, mercenary slaves of the New World Order march from.
Believe me, they know.
It's you.
But notice, that's that condescending attitude.
It even comes through.
I mean, she can't even talk.
She just knows how to say South Africa and Iraq and we need to help them with maps and the U.S.
needs to help them.
Just utterly mindless.
I bet she couldn't find the U.S.
on a map.
Now, we shouldn't feel elitist, those of us that know how to find the U.S.
on a map.
We should feel horrified because the majority of people, the vast majority, that is the largest one group, I'd say 35-40%,
But the largest group of people out there, of the different strata that are in society, it's the largest group.
Literally have no idea.
And I keep making this point week after week because it's a big deal, folks.
And I want you to make it to others.
The heads of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, the heads of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, excuse me,
have been asked on the news, what is a Shiite, what is a Sunni?
Is Al-Qaeda Shiite or Sunni?
And they say Shiite.
Now, that's like saying Superman is Lax Luthor.
Or that's like saying Batman is the Joker.
I mean, it is diametrically opposite groups who wage war against each other.
It is the Sunni and then the Wahhabi sect from which the Al-Qaeda myth itself emerges.
But they don't... I mean, I see the news every day.
I got an article today talking about how Iran is launching al Qaeda attacks.
Iran is mortal enemies with the Wahhabis.
They've got Wahhabis in the eastern part of Iraq, in the western part of Iran, under CIA command.
Mainstream news admits the White House two months ago signed a public statement saying, yes, we're backing A, B, and C groups.
A, B, C, and D, four different groups, and they're the most radical Wahhabis.
One of them's number three in Al-Qaeda.
troops, special forces, literally arming them and sending them in.
Al-Qaeda is working for our government, as they always have, in Serbia, in Afghanistan, everywhere.
It's always the same.
And that's how sick it is.
We've got the criminals that run our government literally funding and commanding Al-Qaeda, trying to have them overthrow Iran, and then the media says Iran is Al-Qaeda, the opposite group!
And of course, play Miss Teen USA South Carolina again, because I'm telling you, I hear these women and these men on talk shows.
I heard people yesterday calling into KLBJ 590 when I was driving home on Jeff Ward's show, and they sounded just as dumb as her talking about how she was dumb.
See, because you've got low-grade morons making fun of complete idiots!
Because they can read the newspaper, the headline, and repeat it.
I mean, if I see one more yuppie repeat a headline at me, I think I'm going to strangle them.
They think just we're being able to repeat a head... and again, this all ties into the war.
The reason I'm starting the show today and spending thirty-something minutes on this is because
This leads into the fact that Sarkozy... I mean, France is saying we need to go ahead and hit Iran.
That's a big deal.
They got top neocons out saying Al-Qaeda is about to hit us.
I've got all these articles about the economy on the edge.
I hope to God this doesn't happen.
They're the ones... I mean, when Fox owned... Dow Jones is saying we may have a crash in September.
That means they're trying to do it!
I mean, these people want to start a war, they want to crash the stock market, they want to do all the... I mean, I don't even love the status quo, but let me tell you, I'll take the status quo over what they're trying to put us into.
You know, I'd take the status quo Adolf Hitler 1933 over an Adolf Hitler 1942.
I don't like either one, but I'll... I'll take the evil we got going on right now to the escalation that they're trying to give us today.
And we're in a crisis, folks.
Play Miss South Carolina again.
And folks, I've watched these before, years ago.
They're all just as dumb.
I mean, these people have not a brain in their heads.
And I don't know, I guess it's generations of people raising their daughters to be broodmares to just go out and find a rich guy.
And I mean, I don't know how you would not... And notice this modern feminist society designed by the CIA, admittedly now.
Miss Magazine funded by the CIA.
Laura Steinem admits it.
She's out telling women don't have a husband, but she sure got one in children.
It was to make sure that the other half of women, the other half of the population, women, had to pay taxes, and so they could work till 6, 7 at night, so the children would be under the state's control.
They wrote textbooks on it.
We interviewed Charlotte Isserby, number two, Department of Education, head of policy.
That was the stated plan when she was there.
She got the documents out to the public.
And notice in this feminist world, women are complete sexual objects now.
They are completely debased.
They are completely unhappy.
And they're completely stupid!
And the men are even dumber!
And it's accelerating.
It's like the idiocy is breeding.
I mean, I listen to people in convenience stores.
I listen to people at church.
I listen to people in the movie theater.
I listen to people at the mall, at the grocery store.
And I mean, they're starting to chirp and click and monkey noises.
I mean, it's like... And it's just kind of like gestures.
And it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
And meanwhile,
You talk about, hey, the Bill of Rights, hey, the Magna Carta, hey, posse commentatus, habeas corpus, they go, corpus porpus?
Bilderberger cheese on it?
He says there's an elite!
What's the new conspiracy?
And they can have Popular Mechanics, Hearst Publishing, the fathers of yellow journalism, set up on TV and go, everyone knows cell phones work at 50,000 feet!
And the idiot public just sits there and believes it!
You can verify in two minutes when the airplane takes off that it cuts out at 2,000 feet.
I mean, they treat you like complete morons.
And that's what the conspiracy theory label is.
It's just anyone questions anything.
I mean, I'm waiting to go into a restaurant and my soup's got a fly in it.
Or maybe a ball of hair in it.
And I'm waiting to
Have the manager come out and say, you're a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, I guess there could be a pile of rat turds in your soup.
And you'd say, there's rat turds in my soup.
And they'd come out and say, no, those are capers, sir.
Hell, there could be a dead rat in your soup.
I think that's what it is.
It means denial.
Denial about the plastic in the food.
Denial about the lead in the toys.
Denial about
Wait a minute.
Play that clip from last week of MSNBC.
It's a CNBC contributor on MSNBC.
Can you dig that out, John?
And she's on there.
And she just goes, we need to quit criticizing poison food and lead.
It's good!
I got another clip where they're saying mercury's good!
In fact, line them all up.
Mercury's good.
Lead's good.
Poison food's good.
You're bad if you say it's bad.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
And if you say Iran is the opposite of Al-Qaeda, it doesn't matter if that's an absolute fact, completely documented, no debating it, they'll just say, hey, shut up!
Because they're invincibly ignorant.
They can't find Iran on a map.
They don't know anything.
But they've got an opinion, though, just like this witch.
This lady works for CNBC.
Listen to this.
About inflation, that's another interesting point because a lot of people like to say, uh, scaremonger about China, right?
A lot of politicians, and I know you talk about that issue all the time.
I think people should be careful what they wish for on China.
You know, if China were to revalue its currency, or China is to start making, say, toys that don't have lead in them, or food that isn't poisonous, their costs of production are going to go up, and that means prices at Walmart here in the United States are going to go up, too.
So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now.
They're keeping prices low, and they're keeping prices for mortgages low, too.
Mercury-containing vaccines may have on kids.
A life-saving device wins over-the-counter approval by the FDA.
And sick of your glasses and contact lenses?
A new corrective eye surgery is approved today.
Here's tonight's medical headlines with medical watch reporter Shima Mather.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
So there you have it.
And folks, I've got more clips than these.
If we stop having poison in the food and lead in the toys, it's going to hurt the economy.
Now that's a quote.
In fact, just play Miss South Carolina.
Listen to the babbling mindlessness.
And I heard idiot women calling in to Neal Bortz yesterday and the local Jeff Ward.
I heard it in the morning going to work and going back to see my family in the afternoon.
I heard women calling in, defending her, and saying she's smart.
I mean, you're idiots.
And your kids are probably going to be ruined because of it.
I mean, my God, if you try to have your children grow up right, chances are this world's going to ruin them.
You're just idiots.
I'm talking to the neocons and the liberals out there.
I mean, it's time for you to wake up and for all of us to have collective shame.
I mean, I am ashamed.
I'm not that smart.
Superbrain compared to most people.
I mean, this is insane!
This is insane!
My God, mercury isn't good for you!
Poison isn't good for you, but just play it.
Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S.
on a world map.
Why do you think this is?
I personally believe that U.S.
Americans are unable to do so because, uh, Salma
People out there in our nation don't have that, and I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S.
should help the U.S., or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for us.
Thank you very much.
We'll be back!
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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We're good to go.
We're going to open the phones up in the next hour, but I specifically want to talk about the economy, the looming war with Iran, Aaron Russo.
I'd really like to hear from the listeners on some of those key subjects.
You talk about the Gonzales departure, whatever, but I'd like to talk about some interesting issues here.
It kind of gets out of control with the plugs.
It almost becomes Craigslist on the show.
A couple of program notes.
There's going to be five engagements total to see in-game in theaters.
Now, later in a few months there might be some theaters around the country.
There's already some saying they want to show it, but the point is the guaranteed events that you're going to be able
We're good to go.
That's almost sold out right now.
Go to InfoWars.com, you can link through and buy tickets, or PresentPlanet.com, you can link through the Alamo sub-page.
Makes it easy to navigate and you can buy tickets there.
The second day is getting close to selling out.
The third day's got a lot of tickets left, but they always sell out.
Get them online now.
A little secret, they hold 20 tickets until the hour before.
So, if you're there in line, a lot of times you can still get them at the door.
They sell to a certain point and keep 20.
But a lot of people get turned away each time.
If you live in Austin, go ahead and drop by the Alamo Draft House and get them.
Then I go to New York.
We're going to be showing it on the 9th.
The local group, We Are Change, is going to be putting it on.
I'm donating all proceeds to the firemen and police, the victims, their families, to the Feel Good Foundation.
There's several groups that they're giving it to, so I'm just going to that event.
And then, of course, I'm going to come back on the 17th.
One more showing of In Game at the Alamo.
And this isn't going to be out on DVD until mid-October.
And the way things are going, maybe not even then.
The film's done, but a lot of other things going on.
So, folks, I hope to see you next week for those three engagements of the double feature Monday night and then Tuesday and Wednesday night.
I don't know, what's the fourth, fifth, and sixth?
The fourth is a... No, it's Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday there.
I'm looking at a calendar across the room, so it's Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
Just go get your tickets at InfoWars.com.
You can find all the dates and info there.
And if you want to support us and the work we're doing and everything that we do here daily and we're trying to expand and I'm trying to pay the bills around here and take care of my employees, team members, crew members, we might call them employees, please buy the videos.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Terror Storm, the final cut, 17 minutes of new added footage, the definitive work on the history of government-sponsored terror.
I mean the first 35 minutes or so is just admissions of where our government staged terror attacks all over the world to blame it on their enemies.
So again, Terror Storm, final cut is available at InfoWars.com.
America, Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo is available
As well, at a big discount, at InfoWars.com, Loose Change 2nd Edition, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions, Riddles in Stone Part 2 of America's Secret Beginnings set, we have both of those available.
Just all the best films, all the best books that I have seen or that I have read are available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
Again, that number that you can call, they can answer your questions, tell you about the combos and specials that we have, and take your order if you wish to order over the phone, 888-253-3139.
And then don't ever forget PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's 15 cents a day, all 16 of my films are up there, my book, Paul Watson's book, hundreds of my TV shows, and all it does is it allows us to put it out for you in high quality.
It just pays for the bandwidth and the webmasters.
It pays for itself and that's good.
So I want to thank all of you that are members of presentplanet.tv.
We've added a forum there for members, and it just continues to be improved.
So please, if you haven't had a membership, get a trial membership for a month, or get a yearly membership and get three months free.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back with the second hour in the war news.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm going to go through an analysis of the build-up for war with Iran that we've been hearing about so much.
In the last few years.
And then, I'm going to go to some of your phone calls.
We're going to air part of that Aaron Russo interview, the last video interview that he did.
He did it with us.
And remember him.
We're going to be playing that coming up.
Then Ron Paul is scheduled to pop in sometime during the third hour.
So that is coming up today on this live 28th day of August 2007.
A top Bush administration official and envoy to the U.N.
is saying that an attack on Iran could trigger World War III.
We'll get to that later when I'm able to dig it out of the stack.
Looking around here.
Just had it.
But here's the other news.
Retired General.
Al-Qaeda attack is coming.
Here is another one.
Francis Sarkozy raises prospect of Iran strikes.
Very serious news out of Israel.
Pat Buchanan says Democrats will fall in line with popular war on Iran.
Here's another headline from Newsweek Magazine.
We're going to get hit again.
And then on top of that, on the heels of all of that, Army lures thousands of recruits into deployment with $20,000 bonuses.
Not just recruits.
I know people whose contracts are completely up, but they're offering $40,000 to go back.
Folks, what is 40 grand if you're breathing depleted uranium and you're killing innocent people and you're getting your arms and legs blown off?
I mean, this is pure mercenary activity.
So let me just go ahead and go through this now.
The worst news up front.
There is a huge flotilla of three major aircraft carriers, two support carriers, and several armadas.
You can't just call this an armada.
This is two big groups of ships, two armadas,
Floating around out in the Persian Gulf, constantly getting right up in the edge of Iranian waters, trying to start a provocation.
Remember, Iran has been overthrown once by the United States, in England, by the US and England staging terror attacks to overthrow their elected government, and to blame it on that government, in 1953.
Then they set up a Shah who tortured 200,000 people to death.
That's their conservative numbers.
That's the British unconservative numbers.
Incredible oppression.
Bush admits that for three years they've had special forces in Iran carrying out terror attacks and leading Al-Qaeda forces against Iran.
These are number three in Al-Qaeda leading the attacks.
Admitted White House announcement.
Hidden in plain view.
You've got a general public, as we talked about last hour, that doesn't even know what Central Asia is.
Can't find the Middle East.
Doesn't know.
I mean, folks, they know nothing.
They just know there's some brown people and you're in a pro-America if you're for killing them.
It's just absolutely incredible.
And now Francis Sarkozy raises prospect of Iran airstrikes.
And of course Sarkozy is an admitted Zionist.
Sarkozy's father was a Zionist.
And he is an Israel firster and he wants war.
And Israel wants war.
A lot of the Israeli people don't want war.
It's around half depending on the poll you look at.
Sometimes it's higher.
From a low end, it's half, but the government doesn't care, they go forward.
They got a parliamentary system to freeze out anybody who wants to have sensible action.
And this is the globalist trying to fail forward, escalating us into World War III, and that's what this is meant to go into.
To then have the economic collapse and all the problems, and say Iran caused it, to stage a string of terror attacks, to have a big military clampdown here domestically, which they indeed are geared up for.
And just like Iraq, remember they said the attack was going to happen in 2002, and there was almost a year-long build-up, and then it didn't happen in late 2002, and then it was actually 2003.
It's the same thing here.
They just wear you out.
So when we get back, we'll tell you what Sarkozy said, we'll tell you what the retired general says, we'll tell you what Pat Buchanan has to say, and we'll get into study U.S.
preparing for massive military attack against Iran.
This is big medicine.
And these are the times that try men's soul.
We'll be right back.
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It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
When the news is saying poison food and lead and mercury is good, and when a large portion of Americans can't find the country on a map, you're gonna have tyranny.
It's an absolute guarantee.
If you know history, if you've studied civilizations, it is a guarantee.
It's like, if you live in the South,
And you've got big buckets in the summer, outside in the shade, there's going to be mosquito larvae in there.
After a few weeks.
And then you're going to have a whole pastel of mosquitoes in your backyard.
That would be like if you, for five years, threw garbage around all over your house and left the doors open.
You're going to have flies and cockroaches real fast.
And that's what the American people have done.
We've just left our doors, windows open.
Just left piles of food all over the floor.
And somehow got convinced that cockroaches and rats don't exist.
And there's rats biting us and climbing all over us on the easy chair and we're throwing them off of us saying, okay, rats are good!
The rats are wearing little police uniforms telling us how great they are and everything they do for us.
It's just a joke.
It's a complete and total sycophantic joke.
And I'm sad to see this country go into the fire.
But I'm telling you, it looks like it's going into it.
I'm going to get into the war scenario and then I promise we're going to get to Randy and Stan and Chris and Andrew and Jerry.
I'm going to at least get to you guys before I play this Russo interview and then Rob Bowles coming up.
Before I do that, I wanted to tell you about a couple sponsors.
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I just lavish those sponsors.
I'm supposed to give them about a minute apiece, and I'm talking about two minutes apiece about them, but I just believe in them, so...
Well, let me just start with Sarkozy here.
Francis Sarkozy raises prospect of Iran airstrikes.
In his first major foreign policy speech, French President diplomatic push for world's powers to rein in Tehran's nuclear program is only alternative, it's just an alternative to Iranian bomb or bombing of Iran, as his quote Reuters.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy
A. Zionist plant, just like our new Attorney General is going to be.
Good old Chertoff.
His family literally ran Stalinistic extermination ops.
I mean, you couldn't ask for more evil people to be around in this country.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Monday a diplomatic push by the world's powers to rein in Tehran's nuclear program was the only alternative to an Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran.
In his first major foreign policy speech, Sarkozy emphasized his existing foreign policy priorities, such as opposing Turkish membership of the European Union and pushing for a new Mediterranean Union that he hopes will include Ankara.
He also presented some new ideas, such as possibly renewing high-level dialogue with Syria and expanding the group of eight industrialized nations to include the biggest developing states.
And there's another article here where he's calling for a super-Europe with military domination.
And look, I'm not saying Israel is the end-all be-all of evil on the planet.
Governments are.
Just like the Bible tells us.
Wickedness in high places.
I don't ever want to hone in on one group because from my historical studying, it isn't one group, one race, one subgroup that dominates everything.
We're very fair here and we try to be accurate.
Israel is completely wicked and engaged in every form of evil you can imagine, and is a terrorist state.
Staging terror attacks, running white slavery, shipping in cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy.
They are a really corrupt country, just like Mexico is.
Our government is completely corrupt and out of control.
The German government is completely corrupt and out of control.
The Russian government is completely bad.
The Chinese government is bad.
The Iranian government is corrupt.
You see, they like to have it like, U.S.
good, Iran bad, or Iran good, U.S.
It's just wickedness in high places.
No, no, no.
That's... Evil tends to get into power positions throughout history.
That's the nature of it.
As the Founding Fathers told us.
And there's all these cliques and subgroups, and you've got to say it's only the Jews running things, or you've got to say
It's the Reptoids from planet Klu Klon, and I'm serious, they really believe that, running things.
Or you've got to believe that the Vatican and the Jesuits run everything, and only them.
Or you've got to believe that only the British run things.
Or you've got to believe that only the Saudis run everything.
Or you've got to believe that it's secret.
Japanese Mafia run everything.
And that's all a fraud.
That's a lie.
Israel is incredibly corrupt.
The Vatican has been corrupt for just eons.
Unbelievably corrupt.
England, the British Empire, unbelievably corrupt for at least 500 years.
I mean, it's the nature.
The Chinese have been corrupt for 5,000 years.
Chinese government, not their people.
Hard-working, good people.
Smart people.
You know, it's like when I criticized the Queen of England, I'd get emails saying, how dare you bash the British people?
I'm not bashing the British people, my last name's Jones!
I'm saying it's a corrupt system!
Just like when I bashed China.
I remember when I was, and others were going after China for all their espionage in the mid and late 90's that were seen in headline pieces about, you know, is there hatred?
Is all this China bashing anti-Asian?
No, it happens that China's a million plus people, they're very corrupt, and they're running game on this country, taking over this nation!
So, rather than make it racial, and rather than make it bigoted towards one group or another, I mean, I'm not here to alienate Jews.
I've got Jewish friends.
I like Jews.
I'm not here to alienate Catholics.
I have Catholic friends.
I like the Catholics I know.
I'm not here to alienate Protestants.
I'm a Protestant, born and bred, my whole family.
Going back to the Mayflower, folks.
I'm not here to alienate any of these groups.
I'm telling you, evil people are running the hierarchies.
I mean, I've got so many Mexican friends.
I really like Mexican people.
And I have racist Mexicans who go, yeah, you all say that, hey, whatever, gringos, just be enemies.
And I have to talk about how La Raza means the race.
And how the Mexicans, a large portion, are running around saying they hate America, they're going to take us down in Spanish.
And it's painful to me to have to do that, but I've got to do it!
I don't like, because I know how it's going to be interpreted, to talk about how it's well known that Chertoff is a Mossad agent.
Man, the guy basically runs this country!
I don't like having to attack Sarkozy and mention that he's just an Israeli plant.
But he is!
It's dangerous!
Israel's out of control, folks!
I don't like having to get up when some black professor says, let's kill all the white people.
And talk about how 15-20% of blacks, especially in New York, say let's kill all the whites and believe in Khalid Mohammed.
I mean, because I know in a way that only creates more division.
But we've got to talk about it.
We've got to address it.
I've got articles here today where they've got the Aryan Nations, the Nazi Party, known FBI front groups, are going to be out
Demonstrating against the illegal aliens of the Mexican Consulate.
Folks, I've seen them here in Austin.
They're admittedly cops.
Just like they are up in Montebello and last week trying to start riots.
I mean, I've seen them.
They are cops.
There's no debating they're cops.
I've seen other guys who I know are members of the ADL wearing Nazi outfits.
They've been caught doing it.
Here is the Orlando Sentinel.
February 15, 2007.
Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant.
And it says an FBI full-time informant leads the Nazi group, runs the websites, and runs the organizations.
And that's why when you go out, the cops protect them, and they have a big spectacle, and it's meant to stir up the community, and then they always have a call for taking free speech away.
Here's a new one.
This is out of Action 3 News out of Omaha.
The Nazi group to protest illegal immigration in Omaha.
See, now if you're against open borders and a group usurping us, oh, you must be with Nazis.
And I'll bet you my bottom dollar, every one of the ten people that are going to show up at this,
And we can document the local clans, FBI.
The National Socialist Movement will shut down Dodge Street Saturday to protest illegal immigration.
The Nazi protest at the Mexican Consulate is becoming a cause of community concern.
So much concern, in fact, that white supremacist groups will stream a police escort in and out of Omaha.
Well, of course they protect their own officers.
So I've had enough of it!
Stop it!
And I am not going to hone in on one group and say one group is the cause of it all.
I am not going to be part of it.
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The point I was trying to get at... The point I was trying to get at is that elites have always tried to break revolutions or resistance movements into factionalized groups.
I mean, I'd say about half the Patriot or Truth movement doesn't ever really put out any news stories or have any rallies or events or any plan of action.
They literally sit around ninnying at each other saying, you know, this guy doesn't get it right or this person doesn't get it correct or this person, you know, this person won't say that the people running the New World Order are Jews or this person won't say it's the Jesuits or this person won't say it's that group.
And, you know, the fact is, is that elites
Not by and large, but universally, have corrupt people running them.
And so I'm here exposing all of it.
When Israel carries out false flag terror, I expose it.
When they attack the USS Liberty and try to sing it to blame it on Egypt, we expose it.
When it came out that they staged terror attacks with Idi Amin, which we already knew, but it came out in Jerusalem Papers, we talked about it.
And, you know, we've had Barry Hamishon, and we've had all these other
People on, Tex Marr is on, talking about the Vatican and the Jesuits.
And I'm convinced that it is Israeli groups that come out and attack me and say that I'm a secret Jesuit and all this stuff.
Because I've kind of tracked those people back in a little bit of research and they basically admit it.
It's really not basically, one of them comes out and says it.
See, because they can't attack me on
How I'm fighting the New World Order and trying to mobilize people and try to get them involved and try to stop an attack on Iran.
They can just try to factionalize the Patriot Movement and get you busy ninnying and spending your time fighting with each other.
Man, we got corruption in high places.
We need to reduce the size of government.
I tell you, the Israel Firsters exposed themselves attacking me, though, because they also attacked Ron Paul while they were at it, and that really showed.
Again, they're just mad that we're trying to stop the attack on Iran.
Which isn't going to be good for anybody, including Israel.
It's just insanity.
So, we've got Sarkozy, this Israeli agent, running around, wanting to attack Iran, and on the heels of that, just coming out last night,
Newsweek, we are going to get hit again.
Now, let me make clear, that's not Alex Jones saying that.
That's Newsweek, okay?
I'll get emails today, oh, you said we'd get hit again.
Al-Qaeda has an active plot to hit the West, again, Al-Qaeda.
The United States knows about it, but doesn't have enough technical detail.
So see, they're kind of getting us ready for why they're going to fail.
To issue a precise warning or raise the threat level, says Vice Admiral John Scott Reed, who heads the government's National Counterterrorism Center.
And believe me, somebody at this level knows good and well that 9-11 was a black op.
But see, they're generals, and to them, it's the sacrifice the pawn move.
Well, to save America and mobilize us to fight the Arabs and Islam in the future,
We gotta go ahead and let 9-11 stuff happen, because we'll save more in the long run.
N justifies the means, and N does not justify the means.
That's a very evil maxim.
In an interview at his headquarters near Washington, D.C., Reid told Newsweek's Mark Hosenball and Jeffrey Barholt that the country is better prepared than ever to counter such threats, but he also believes another successful terror attack on U.S.
soil homeland is inevitable.
Newsweek people and various agencies have said that since the Torah War in 2001, they at no time have had a 50% confidence that they knew where Solomon Bin Laden was on any particular day, and therefore, they have been unable to mount any operations to go get him.
Is that wrong?
Folks, Bin Laden died before 9-11, kidney failure.
I mean, I saw Bandar Bush, Prince Bandar, the Chinese, the, uh, Chinese, the, uh,
Saudi Arabian Ambassador, on Larry King Live, months after 9-11, saying, don't you bad mouth Bin Laden.
He's a very brave person.
I mean, it's just, it's just, that's so sick, man.
The Bush's best buddy.
I mean, on TV, they admit who they are.
I mean, it's such a farce.
It is so staged.
And then he goes into hell, Bin Laden's out there, and he's going to get us again, and it's going to happen, and we've got to attack Iran, and you can read all that up on PrisonPlanet.com.
And then the really serious article is a raw story that we've also got up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
preparing massive military attack against Iran.
Think so?
Big British government study.
We're going to go over this briefly when we get back and take some of your calls and start the Aaron Russo interview.
Into the next hour, then Ron Paul is scheduled to be popping in with us today.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I was sittin' in traffic, listenin' to the radio.
George Strait was singin', seashores of old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
Longstar State should be renamed Texaco.
Let me briefly cover this article, then I'm going to race through your calls when we get to the Sharon Luceau piece.
Second part of the last video interview we ever did.
preparing massive military attack against Iran.
The United States has the capacity for, and may be preparing to launch without warning, a massive assault on Iranian uranium enrichment facilities.
Well, Bush has said he may do that.
As well as the government buildings and infrastructure using long-range bombers and missiles, according to new analysis.
Well, Cy Hirsch reported three years ago that U.S.
Special Forces are in Iran carrying out attacks right now, and using
Sunni Al Qaeda groups to attack the Iranian military and police.
And Iran lays there in Texas, because they know it's all a provocation.
And then they claim Iran's Al Qaeda.
It's just too rich.
The paper...
Considering a war with Iran, a discussion paper on WMD in the Middle East, written by a well-respected British scholar and arms expert, Dr. Dan Plish, Director of the Center for International Studies and Diplomacy, which is commissioned by the British government to do studies, of the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London,
And Martin Butcher, a former director of the British American Security Information Council, and former advisor to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, was exclusively provided to Raw Story late Friday under embargo.
And it just gets into, an attack is likely to be on a massive multi-front scale, again Cyrus reported this two years ago.
They're going to have a two-month-long, thousands of Sardis the first few days, hundreds each additional day, attacking the entire infrastructure, power plants, water treatment, universities, anything that could support war-making capabilities, basically a de-industrialization.
The globalists are mad.
The IMF and World Bank don't own Iran, one of the few countries they don't.
It's become first world.
It's like New York and many of its cities.
I mean, it's... and I read the British reports and people that go to them, it's just glistening.
It's not going to be for long, folks.
It's going to be bombed into the Stone Age.
Again, no infrastructure... this is about controlling technological development more than anything.
Any attack is likely to be on a massive multi-front scale by avoiding a ground invasion.
Attacks focused on WMD facilities would leave Iran too many retaliatory options, see?
So their entire military, everything has to be hit.
Leaving President Bush open to the charge of using too little force and leaving the regime intact.
bombers and long-range missiles are ready to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in just a few hours.
ground, air and marine forces already in the Gulf.
And Iraq and Afghanistan can devastate Iranian forces, the regime, and the state at short notice.
Some form of low-level U.S.
and possibly U.K.
military action, as well as armed popular resistance, appear underway inside the Iranian provinces or ethnic areas of the Arzi, Baljistan, Kurdistan, and Kundistan.
Yeah, they're leading Al-Qaeda forces against them.
And Iran's being bombed, shot, killed.
They just take it.
Real terror is being launched daily.
Iran just lays there and takes it, knows it's a provocation, and calmly takes it.
And I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Iran was unable to prevent sabotage of its offshore to shore crude oil pipelines.
It goes on, nuclear weapons are ready, but most likely to be used, unlikely to be used by US and UK and Israel.
The human potential and environmental effects will be devastating while the military value is limited.
And it goes on for page after page.
It's basically what we already knew, but it's restated by the British.
And if Iran fights back in any way, I mean, if they shoot anti-aircraft weapons in the air, it's going to be called a terror attack.
Now imagine, thousands of thousand-pound bombs, cruise missiles, raining down every day, and if Iran fights back in any way, it'll be called, Can you believe the terrorists fired back?
Oh, they're so evil!
They're Al-Qaeda!
Meanwhile, Al-Qaeda forces are attacking Iran all over the nation.
Hundreds of dead a week.
Just full-scale war.
And Iran keeps, we're dealing with the insurgents, yes, we caught the U.S.
supplying them over the border, and the U.S.
comes out and says, yep.
Again, it's not really the U.S., it's those that now control our country.
They go, yep, that's right, we're funding number three in Al-Qaeda to attack.
And it's, and by the way, you're Al-Qaeda, Iran.
By the way, our public doesn't know which way is up.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
I mean, it's just, again, you've got a public that gets up on TV and says poison and food is good, mercury and vaccines is good, and a public that doesn't know where the country is, even our own country, and so they're tailor-made for this!
I mean, they know nothing!
They just know, we're the good guys, it's like it's a ball game, let's go kill them Iranians!
Meanwhile, they're hiring more troops for 20,000 bonuses to enlist.
Pat Buchanan says the Democrats are all for it.
No kidding.
Chuckie Schumer will criticize Gonzales, who's a horrible person.
I'm not defending Gonzales, but he's nothing but a puppet.
But then Gonzales, of course, leaves.
Meanwhile, Schumer voted for all the wiretapping, and he's okay, and he grandstands.
I mean, these people are sick.
Pat Buchanan, Democrats will fall in line with popular war in Iran.
Former Congressman Joe Scarborough discussed the possibility of an American attack on Iran with guest Pat Buchanan, an old-line conservative who has often been skeptical of Bush administration policies.
On his MSNBC program Monday, both men agreed that an attack on Iranian Revolutionary Guard camps was not only likely, but would be generally popular with the American people.
And they've designated them as terrorists now, so with the old authorization of 2002 by Congress to use military force to enforce UN resolutions in Iraq and fight Al-Qaeda.
So by saying they're fighting and designating them terrorists, it doesn't matter if it's the opposite of Al-Qaeda, literally the opposite, it doesn't matter.
Because the general public literally is totally braindead.
It's not even braindead, just mesmerized.
Hey, how's it going Alex?
Yeah, I think your buddy Joe Rogan said it the best one night when he was doing stand-up.
You know, Miss South Carolina, you can look into their eyes and see the back of their skulls, dude.
There's not much... You can't... But it's not just the beauty pageant ditzes.
I'm not knocking everybody's in a beauty pageant, but you know what I mean.
I mean, it's the general public, sir.
I mean, have you talked to the general public now?
Yes, I do, and you know, I try to spew some of the stuff you say, you know, and
I get people that just don't want to hear it.
They don't care.
They believe me.
They just don't want to care.
I've gotten into fights over this, dude.
I need help here.
I don't know where to go.
They like being slaves.
They like being fools.
They like being conned.
But really in the final equation it's really that they have no
view of themselves.
They see themselves as complete spectators with no power.
That is so pathetic!
I mean, what happened to Americans?
Well, our forefathers gave us liberty, and so we got prosperity, and then we turned into decadent slobs.
Yeah, and that 9-11 hit piece that we saw on the History Channel a couple nights ago, my buddies that are not even, they don't quote-unquote conspiracy theorists, you know, they're not into that.
They saw it, and they were even complaining about it.
They're like, they didn't say anything, you know, scientific about this, or
You know, they don't, they didn't draw out any... They would just call some 20-year-old zit-faced kid on there in a suit, an expert.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, that, that, you know, that one little guy with that coat on that was saying cell phones work at 5,000 feet.
Go up there and do it.
He said 50,000.
50,000, excuse me, 50,000 feet.
Go up there and do it.
You might as well say they work on, on Jupiter.
I mean, it's just, you know, and Godzilla's real.
I mean, it's just...
Well, I'm a big supporter of yours, Alex, and I listen to you all the time, and this is the first time I've ever called in, and I want you to keep doing what you're doing, because you're a good guy, and I, you know, I'm for America.
I'm an American, and here right now, I'm in California, otherwise known as Mexico, or whatever, you know.
God bless you, Randy.
It's good to hear from you, and I'm glad you're out there.
Keep spreading the word.
Andrew just hung up, so we'll go to Stan next.
Stan in Missouri.
You're on the air, Stan.
Hello, Alex.
I wanted to call you and let you know how bad the real estate market is down here in Pettis County and Sedalia, Missouri.
They've got hundreds and hundreds of homes for sale around Pettis County and Sedalia, Alex.
And what's happening is this month they've only sold five homes, and they've got 50 homes that have been abandoned, and they're going to foreclose on them in the west wing of a courthouse in Sedalia, Missouri.
It's all part of the prosperity of NAFTA and GATT, which don't exist, just like the SPP doesn't exist.
You're right, Alex.
Well, Alex, you were talking about these kids being really dumbed down.
Well, you're a smart individual.
I'll tell you what's happening to these kids.
They're caught up in the Harry Potter culture, Alex, and they're getting caught up in the witchcraft and the cult.
Wicca is the fastest growing religion right now in North America.
Well, the drug culture is taking a hold of these kids too, Alex.
These lower income kids, they don't see any future out there and they're doing drugs.
I just got through talking to a young lady there, she's 44, her son has no discipline in the home and he's caught up in the drug culture and sooner or later they're going to get busted, Alex.
Well, it's mainline families that were middle class 20 years ago are now falling into
Uh, poor squalor.
Nothing wrong with being... Nothing wrong with being... The poverty situation in America is a lot worse than the individual banks.
Well, let me be clear about this.
There's nothing wrong with being working poor.
In fact, that's admirable.
And you can raise people good, you know, if you've got your head screwed on straight and you're poor.
The point is, is that you got white trash poor...
I don't
And I'm talking about white kids, it doesn't matter.
And literally now I hear the youth in stores and things and they do little like animal calls to each other.
It's almost to the point of not even talking.
It's like grunting and it's everything George Orwell talked about, reducing the language.
And look, the social planners know what they've done!
They complete!
They've destroyed us!
I mean, they've got newscasts saying poison's good for you!
Well, let me tell you something, Alex.
I knew when I was ten years old, a former army captain from Arkansas, Fort Chappie, Arkansas, I've known about this plan from the United Nations to put foreign troops on the streets of America since I was ten years old.
They've had this plan for years, Alex!
They've had plans for, uh, Los Angeles Police plan for food rights back in 1950s.
My friend, we are in serious trouble.
We're looking at major food shortages in this country.
Right now, New Zealand and Great Britain and the United States are having major droughts.
And it's not transportation costs or raising the price of his food, it's the fact that our food is going to become very scarce, my friend.
Well, it's just a lot of different things, and... It is.
It is.
And there's no doubt, and I appreciate your call, Stan, that we're getting into more serious times.
Chris in Texas, you're on the air.
Yes, go ahead.
Hey, okay.
I totally agree with Randy.
I totally agree with everything that you've been saying.
People are being dumbed down.
I'm out campaigning for Ron Paul, and I actually had the pleasure of meeting him last Sunday, which I asked him the exact same question that I'm about to ask you.
I go out here and I campaign for Ron Paul trying to wake people up to what's really going on, and I get the same answer from the Democrats.
Oh, I always vote Democrat.
Or from the women.
I'm going to vote for Hillary because we need a woman president.
They don't care about the facts.
It doesn't matter if she's a war-mongering, mafioso criminal.
As long as it's go-go, fine.
Let them be slaves.
But here's the deal.
We do our duty.
And consequence belongs to God.
We're going to do the right thing and imagine how much worse things would be if you weren't out there campaigning, if you weren't out there educating.
So never give up and realize that we're not going down without a fight.
Go ahead and ask your question.
Next question is, I've been doing a lot of research and it seems that every walk of life
Is, uh, saying the same thing.
We're about to get hit again.
Nuclear terrorists.
Everybody from the alternative media to the mainstream media... Well, that's the terrorists who run our government, saying that, yeah.
Right, right.
Well, they did a book, The Day of Islam, and there were seven cities that got named.
Houston was one of those cities, and I live in Houston, so of course I'm a bit concerned.
How likely do you think that Houston is going to be a target, and why would they want to target Houston?
Okay, thanks for the call.
Houston is a major target of government-sponsored terror.
The oil companies are definitely in the higher echelon.
Houston they totally control.
It would be a great place to stage an event.
There's a lot of naturally occurring disasters by that, you know, non-terror related, that kill people all the time.
They could blame it on terrorism.
Their whole agenda is stalling, and so every time their agenda stalls, they bomb Oklahoma City, or they bomb the World Trade Center, or they fly airplanes into it.
It's what they do.
They stage a Gulf of Tonkin.
Or it could be an economic disaster.
The point is, they need one.
Their memos say they need one.
People would always ask me, why would the government stage an attack?
Explain it to me!
And I'm like, well, read the Vice President, why he said in PNAC documents, September 2000.
Rebuilding America's defenses.
Read what Brzezinski said, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission.
Council on Foreign Relations member.
National Security Advisor.
Read what the Republican memos say, and the news articles and editorials about how another 9-11 would help us.
I mean, they're telling you why it would help them!
That's how dumb they think you are!
They sit up on TV and radio, talking about how good the terror is going to be, and how it helps their agenda.
And then you ask me, how does it help them?
How did it help Hitler to firebomb his own Reichstag, right after he got elected President?
Then he abolished
The Presidency had made himself pure.
The upper and lower chambers of the Reichstag, of the Parliament, President and Chancellor.
I mean, why do you, why do cops frame you?
Because they want to send you to prison for some reason.
It's called a frame-up, folks!
Just like up in Ottawa last week, the police have now admitted that they were dressed up like anarchists, attacking police, so they could attack the peaceful demonstrators.
Because they work for the New World Order, and they're there to make sure there's no free speech and no First Amendment.
And they're there to make sure demonstrators look bad.
So the SPP can roll on.
Because they don't work for us!
And they'll tell you that.
I got cops on tape now going, yeah, we work for ourselves, yeah.
Yeah, we're not public servants.
You're a civilian.
Shut up!
Most of them just came back from Iraq.
Half of them don't like it, the other half like the power they have.
They like checkpoints.
They like dragging women around by their hair.
They're coming back here to rule over you.
They're dumb as dirt, and by God, they love it!
They like it that we're a white trash scum nation of idiots.
In fact, cue that up again where they say that poison is good for us, we need to have poison in the food.
Can you cue that up again?
We come back out of break, I want to play it.
Then we're going to play the Aaron Russo thing.
I'll try to go to Jerry, too.
I've got Ron Paul coming up.
We'll come back out of break.
Just stay with us.
Infowars.com, JonesReport.com are the websites.
Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm just here watching the complete destruction of society.
There's a big peanut gallery of neocon traders like Michael Medved and Limbaugh and all of them.
They know good and well what their job is.
They're there to pacify conservatives until it's too late.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
It's here.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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About inflation, that's another interesting point because a lot of people like to say, uh, scaremonger about China, right?
A lot of politicians, and I know you talk about that issue all the time.
I think people should be careful what they wish for on China.
You know, if China were to revalue its currency, or China is to start making, say, toys that don't have lead in them, or food that isn't poisonous, their costs of production are going to go up.
And that means prices at Walmart here in the United States are going to go up, too.
So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now.
They're keeping prices low, and they're keeping prices for mortgages low, too.
Oh yeah!
Mercury is good for your child's brain, but we took it out, but we increased the level, but it doesn't exist, well it's a conspiracy, but it's good for ya.
And hey, uh, poison food, lead paint for kids, it's all good.
And the conspiracy theorists need to shut up, or our mortgages are gonna go bad.
That's right.
It's admitting the food's poison that's causing the housing market to have a problem.
It's not that the government and media are trying to hype the housing market down.
But I have arguments with people.
They think mercury's good for your brain now, because they have those federal studies put out saying it.
Good Lord.
I mean, I've watched neurons under an electron microscope, because universities online have put the electron microscope video up, and no other heavy metal does this.
Normal heavy metals kill the cells but then plaques are created and it doesn't keep eating through.
Mercury acts like an acid.
There's an electrochemical shortage that happens.
It causes the cells to blow out electrically and then it just accelerates through the tissue.
It just keeps eating and eating and eating the brain cells.
And see, when you eat it in fish and things, you pass most of it and it's bound to the food.
And most people have the proper genes that block absorption in the gut.
That's why a lot of boys get it naturally, quote, from just fish and foods, not just vaccines, because it's genetic that boys tend to have the missing gene that causes the absorption.
That's how they lie to people, and they go, no, your son didn't get it from shots.
Look, statistically, it's boys that get autism, nine times out of ten, so they play that trick.
They don't tell you it's because of a blood-brain barrier, same gene that affects the tissue in the intestines, and absorption.
But I'm already getting off
There's just, again, you try to explain that to somebody, you're talking to a public, who literally doesn't even know the basics of the planet.
I mean, they don't know anything!
And I know I keep saying that, we have to come to the realization, we are literally talking to zombies!
They know how to act cool, they know how to shine their car, they know how to strut around at the country music bar, or they know how to, you know, play bumpity bump boom boom mac daddy music, and jiggity jig.
And they know how to strut their stuff.
But that's about it.
They know how to run up credit cards and wallow around and be horrible parents.
They know how to cram Prozac down their throats.
They're just scum.
And we have to realize that they have joined forces with the New World Order through their ignorance and they're enemies of the people.
And those of us that are thinkers and are involved, we have to wage war against them and the New World Order.
And by wage war against them, we've got to shove the cattle out of our way and just try to defend our families as best we can.
Because for a lot of these people, they're just too far gone.
I mean, you can't even talk to them.
They're just... I mean, just like a bunch of squealing hogs.
Jerry in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'd like to express my sympathy to Aaron Russo's family.
He certainly established himself as a great American.
And over the years, when I first saw him, one of the things that stuck out to me, and impressed me, was his sincere honesty, which came forth from him.
Stay there, I'm gonna... 60 seconds, we'll cut to 70.
We'll come back and talk to you, sir.
I wanna hear what you have to... what you have to say, my friend.
And then we're gonna get into the Ron Paul interview, second part of his last video interview he gave.
And then, uh... Ron Paul is scheduled to be popping in.
We'll be right back.
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Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, God's going to cut you down.
All right, let's go back to Jerry in Pennsylvania so he can finish up talking about Aaron Russo.
Then we're going to come back and air about another 30 minutes of the Aaron Russo interview.
We don't finish it because Ron Paul's coming up in 30.
We'll finish it up tomorrow.
But go ahead, Jerry.
Yeah, his directness, his honesty that came forth, you can see it.
It's a shame that this cancer attacked him and stopped him from doing more.
One only wonders what else he could have contributed to the cause of American freedom.
And I would encourage you, for those of us, there are a lot of people who don't have computers, I would encourage you to, Alex, to take any of his video, any of the video interviews that you did with him,
And put them on a DVD and have them available so others could see what he was like.
We have probably had 50 requests to buy the hour and a half, roughly, long interview total that we did with him back in January, the last video interview he gave.
And I'm just so busy trying to finish Endgame and get it out.
But I'm strongly considering putting out that interview with some of the audio interviews
Please do so.
Alright, well, we have time, we'll do that to get some... His contribution, it's one of these things that's going to sit there and it will be appreciated as years pass by, those within the freedom movement, and those that we are introducing into the freedom movement.
I've been on this thing for a long time, and it's difficult, it's hard, and he's one of the greats.
I'm at a loss for words.
It's sad.
Here again, one wonders if it weren't for that rotten, filthy cancer that ate into him and destroyed him.
What else he could have contributed to the Freedom Movement?
Well, the good news is he did lead a full life and he did get America Freedom to Fascism out while he was battling cancer in his own work.
I mean, privately, he almost died while he was making it.
Nobody even knew he had cancer.
He was undergoing treatment.
And so he certainly, and then at the end, he was constantly listening to my show every day.
He was calling in all the time.
He was involved.
He wanted me to get involved with his national organization.
I was just too busy to do it.
Well, that's all I have to say.
Really appreciate your phone call.
Alright, let's just go ahead and play a minute of this.
We'll go out to break with Aaron, come back in with Aaron with the last video interview he gave, so we can get as much of this out before Ron Paul joins us.
Here it is.
And so, those are the two primary reasons for women's love, which I thought up to that point was a noble thing.
You know, when I saw their intentions behind it, where they were coming from when they created it, the thought of it, I saw the evil behind what I thought was a noble venture.
Aaron, did you know that Gloria Steinem in one of her own books now admits the CIA funded Ms.
No, I had no idea about that.
No, I never heard that.
Yeah, we're gonna... CIA funded Ms.
...funded Ms.
Magazine with the stated goal of taxing women and breaking up the family.
No kidding!
I never heard that.
Well, then Nick told me.
I mean, I know it, but not because I know the CIA was involved in it.
Well, she... Gloria Steinem was proud of it.
Oh, the CIA wanted to help me help women.
So they funded it, yeah.
And of course it's to buy and conquer.
And what they do is they focus in, obviously, on real problems.
Women were getting shafted in many ways, but the elite wasn't planning to help them.
They were planning to really shaft them and take men away from them.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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No, I never heard that.
CIA funded Ms.
Funded Ms.
Magazine with the stated goal of taxing women and breaking up the family.
No kidding.
I never heard that.
Well, then Nick told me.
I mean, I know it, but not because I know the CIA was involved in it.
Well, Laura Stein was proud of it.
Oh, the CIA wanted to help me help women.
So they funded it, yeah.
And of course it's to buy and conquer.
And what they do is they focus in, obviously, on real problems.
Women were getting shafted in many ways, but the elite wasn't planning to help them.
They were planning to really shaft them and take men away from them.
Look at what they did with black families.
You only had about 10% illegitimacy 50 years ago in black communities, and now it's over 90%.
And look at welfare.
We're going to give you some money, but you can't have a man in the house.
And so it was further to degrade the family.
Totally destroyed.
And now illegitimacy is over 50% in the general population.
Well, see the whole thing is, these people control the money.
So they make all the rules.
And they put whatever rules they want into effect.
You understand?
And the truth is America has really become a socialist, communist country.
And everybody says it's a capitalist country.
It's not a capitalist country.
You know, how can it be capitalistic when you have a central bank?
That's the first thing.
It's a planned economy.
It can't be.
It's a planned economy.
It's a phony.
If they want to create prosperity, they just print dollars.
They just make dollars or put digits into the economy.
And now you have prosperity.
You don't have real prosperity.
You don't have real manufacturing.
You just have money being injected in.
It's an infusion of credit.
Which only makes the government go into more debt.
Into more debt?
My friendship with Nick Rockefeller,
It was one where we expressed ideas to each other and thoughts and philosophies and he wanted me to become part of what they were doing and for me to become a member of the CFR and offered various business opportunities for me to get involved in and for me to not take up the fight or the battle that I've been taking up in the past.
You know, to drop that idea because what was the point of my fighting for the people?
I was a guy who was very successful in the movie business.
And I saw the truth of what was happening.
I tried to express it to the people.
And rather than having me express it to the people, they wanted me to join their side because I was a mover and a shaker.
And rather than me opposing them, to join them.
It was real simple.
And he tried to recruit me into that situation.
I didn't go for it.
Did he get angry when you didn't go for it?
And, uh, you know, it's like, you know, I remember one time he said to me, you join us so you have an ID card, Aaron, you know, you have a chip, and your chip will say KMA on it.
And, uh, I said, what does KMA mean?
He said, it means kiss my ass, and anybody stops you, a cop, whatever, and you show them your card or your chip, and, uh, they'll not only leave you alone, because you're one of us.
You know?
And, uh, you know, why are you fighting for the people for?
What is that about?
The people just, you know, they have to be ruled.
They have to be, you know, the Constitution, what you're standing for,
It's only for a few people.
It's only a few individuals that can live that way.
You know, and we believe that it's best for society to be ruled by an elite people who control everything.
And I said, I don't believe that.
You know, I believe God put me in this earth to be the best person I could be.
And put everybody in this earth to be the best they could be.
Not to be a slave and a sheep to you and these people.
And I don't understand why you want to control everything.
What is the need for that?
You know?
So it's compartmentalized within the elite structure as well?
What's going on?
They just did they join the CF offer because it's prestigious.
They think it's good for business It's good for this, you know, they don't know what's really happening.
You know the evil that comes out of it That's emanating out of it, you know, and to me, you know The biggest evil is what's happening right now because This is what happened on 9-11 is a phony and
You know, and we've never learned the truth about 9-11.
That's the question I wanted to follow up on.
He tells you 11 months before there's going to be an event, all this is going to happen.
What did you think on the morning of 9-11?
Where were you and did you think about Nick Rockefeller and what he had told you when you saw those towers fall?
No, I was actually in Tahiti when 9-11 happened and I got a call from my son and my son said the Twin Towers
Yeah, I think so.
There was no television, so I had to run inside the island to a hotel and it was all on television.
That's when I first saw the stuff on TV about it.
I didn't immediately equate it to Nick, but when I realized that we were going to go into Afghanistan, Iraq, as I developed, I realized what it was.
To me, I see people like
And I see how much they control the media.
Like there's this girl on Bill O'Reilly the other night from an organization saying the world can't wait.
And this girl was spot on.
Everything she was saying was the truth.
And all Bill O'Reilly could do was call her a lunatic.
He couldn't challenge the facts.
They just call people names.
And until we just find out, look, this world, we're heading into a world of danger, possible
Nuclear wars, you know, because the banking industry is trying to take over the world.
9-11 is the beginning of the war on terror.
That war on terror is leading us into Iraq, which is the next lie.
So you have the lie of 9-11, how that happened.
Nobody knows how Building 7 came down.
Okay, we know 9-11 was a fraud.
The American people don't know it, but more and more of them are believing it.
So that was the first lie.
I'm not going back to the inception of the Federal Reserve, that original lie.
But 9-11 was the first lie in this present state we're in.
9-11 is the kickoff of the war against the American people and the people of the world.
9-11 was a phony.
It's a fraud.
It didn't happen the way they told us it happened.
Now because of 9-11, we then had the authority to go into Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction.
So that was the next lie.
Now they're talking about going into Iran.
Now how would you feel if you were Iran, and you had this big powerful country, America, go into your next door neighbor, take over, take over their oil fields, right?
Wouldn't you be worried about what they were going to do to you?
Of course you're going to be worried.
But the people of America don't think about it from Iran's point of view, they think about it from our point of view.
So now we're going to send more troops into Iraq, and keep building up, because they want Iraq and the Middle East to become part of the New World Order.
And Iraq was using Saddam Hussein, they started using Euros instead of Dollars, right?
He was messing up their whole consignment.
Iranists want to start using Euros instead of dollars.
They are, they are.
So I'm saying, what they're trying to do is preserve their power.
And one lie leads to the next lie, leads to the next lie.
And until you get to the root cause of 9-11, which is supposedly the war on terror, we'll never solve our problems here.
Should we send more troops into Iraq?
Should we not send more troops into Iraq?
Well, the truth is,
The fact is that it all goes back to this war on terror.
Where did 9-11 come from?
That's the root cause of everything.
And until we have a full investigation, find out why Building 7 fell down, why they shipped all the steel out of America so quickly, you know, from the buildings, why all the things that don't make any sense about 9-11, until we find out why it really happened,
Yeah, I think so.
I don't think I have the authority to say who's going to die and who's not going to die.
But they felt that they wanted to reduce world population.
And he felt that it should be reduced by half.
He even mentioned to me once that they were having a real problem trying to solve the Israel-Palestinian problem.
And he talked to me once about they were playing with the idea of bringing Israel to Arizona.
And taking all the people from Israel and giving everybody a million dollars.
And setting up Israel in the state of Arizona.
To end that problem.
That's a problem that they're not in charge of.
In a sense.
They're not controlling our problem.
They're very arrogant.
They can do whatever they want to do.
We've given these people the authority to create money out of thin air.
And through that device, they control everything.
And if you want to win the battle to stop that, you have to deny them the ability to create money.
It's only because they can make money that they have all this power.
They literally have the money machines.
They have the money machines.
They can print it.
They can do whatever they want to do.
They own everything!
We take over pretty quick.
We were the guys that issued the money.
Everybody had to come give us real assets for the use of this money we just printed up.
You know, people... I tell people, you know, why in the world does the American government borrow money from the banks when they have the ability to create themselves without borrowing it and paying interest on it?
And nobody can answer that question.
Not one politician ever raises that.
Why does the American government borrow money when they can create it without paying interest?
Well, we did create it up until 1913.
And so people say, well, because if the American government does it, it will create inflation.
That's the answer.
I say, well, let's look at it.
The American government has the Federal Reserve do it, which creates the same inflation as if they did it.
But also with the inflation, now you're getting massive debt.
So with the Federal Reserve you have inflation and debt.
Now if the American government made the money, backed by gold, which is nearly the amount they could make,
You would have debt and you would have inflation.
But inflation was only about 50% from the 1780s, I've looked it up, until the late 1800s.
And then we had the central banks already trying to cause some panics, which they then used to push the Federal Reserve.
And if we look at inflation since 1913 into 2007,
Uh, it's exponential.
In fact, a dollar is worth about two pennies to what it was worth in 1913.
Federal Reserve Chairman, former Federal Reserve Chairman Helen Greenspan doubled the money supply from 2000 to 2006.
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We're going to go back to my late great friend Aaron Russo here.
We'll have about 10 minutes left of the interview that will air tomorrow.
We're going to play some other clips of radio interviews we did in the last few months with him as well throughout the week remembering Aaron Russo.
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Uh, that's going on.
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Let's go back to my interview in January of this year, about seven months ago, with the late, great Aaron Russo.
Inflation was only about 50% from the 1780s, I've looked it up, until the late 1800s.
And then we have the central banks already trying to cause some panics, which they then used to push the Federal Reserve.
And if we look at inflation since 1913 into 2007, it's exponential.
In fact, a dollar is worth about two pennies to what it was worth in 1913.
Federal Reserve Chairman, former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, doubled the money supply from 2000 to 2006.
And then Edward Bernanke, the new Fed Chief, came in and said he's going to double it again in the next few years.
And then he said, now I'm going to make the money supply numbers secret.
And so now we don't even know.
But the evidence is they are just... I mean, in the curve of inflation, it gradually grows.
And then suddenly at a point, it goes straight up.
And it seems we've been out... It's parabolic, yeah.
But the thing is, the only thing I disagree with you on, from
I don't
There was no problem.
It was only since 1913 when the Fed came in that we've created massive inflation and massive debt.
So then what you said earlier, that there really wasn't inflation.
There was no inflation.
So you don't get inflation when the government issues the money, at least in the U.S.
Not if it's backed by gold.
Well, exactly.
But I'm talking about, and I did look this up, and I believe that if you look after the country was set up, and
Some of the things happened with Andrew Jackson and the rest of it.
There were points where it spiked and there were manipulations.
There were points.
Mostly during the Civil War.
And that's because Lincoln printed so much money.
That's right.
But basically there was no inflation during that short period of time.
I mean, of course the same thing.
People could plan their lives.
Today, they plan inflation.
Now you have two parents working.
They can't afford to pay for their family anymore.
The kids are going to state-run schools now.
The kids are being indoctrinated how to think.
They're being given Ritalin.
They're being given all these drugs.
The whole country is being dumbed down.
It's all because of the Federal Reserve System.
And the Federal Reserve System and these bankers are responsible for the demise of America.
And if we ever want to win this battle, you mush it down to the Federal Reserve System.
And we mush it down to these bankers and we store sound money to this country.
Can you talk a little bit about some of the families that own the private Federal Reserve?
The stock in it?
I mean, obviously, you say you're not a big expert on the Bilderberg Group, but
You talk about how it's the same system worldwide.
It is the same families.
They meet and kind of set the policy each year.
And then it goes to the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England.
It goes to the CFR in the U.S.
And then these are their management bodies where they wield control.
Really, the de facto Congresses over
The nation.
So I would like for you to speak some about the families that own and run the Federal Reserve and if you can't connect it into these other international bodies.
I can't speak to those families.
I just want to speak about what I know for a fact.
Everything else is speculation and I don't like to speculate.
I know about Rockefellers.
I was friends with them.
We talked about it.
I can tell you firsthand.
What did Rockefellers tell you about the Federal Reserve and their family owning and burning?
Well, uh, he said the New York Fed is the main controlling interest of the Federal Reserve System.
They control the bulk of it.
So the New York Fed is really the Federal Reserve System, even though there's 12 different banks, it's run by the New York Fed.
And the New York Fed is basically the Federal Reserve System.
So it was everyone in the New York Fed, and the families that control it, control the New York Fed.
Folks, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Well, he is a very gracious individual.
He is, of course, a veteran of the Air Force, a obstetrician, gynecologist, delivered more than 4,000 babies.
And he has the most conservative voting record in modern congressional history.
They have tried to demonize him and manufacture lies.
None of it has worked.
They've tried to drive wedges into the fact that he comes on long-standing radio shows like this one he's been going on for 12 years and the congressman responds, hey, I come on Fox and I disagree with you.
So we're really honored to have him, especially with his really busy schedule.
It's 72 years of age.
I said 74 last time.
What a foible.
And his wife just had some medical care done as well.
So he's a very, very busy man.
We all need to be praying for him and giving him as much support as possible.
This campaign has gone much better than any of us thought it would.
Regardless, he is doing his duty and consequences up to God.
And RonPaul2008.com is the website.
My wife, I came in last night, it was on the computer, a huge PayPal donation without me even telling her to give another one.
I even said, honey, that's a little big, you might cut that in half.
We don't have that much money.
But the point is, is that I've given money again to Congressman Ron Paul last night, and I think you really should.
I mean, if you're going to put your money ever into a political campaign, this is the time.
Congressman, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Oh, fine, thank you.
Good to be with you.
Let's get right into the two wicked twins, the economy and Iran.
Aircraft carriers massed in the Gulf for months.
We have the new leader of France, Sarkozy, saying an attack may be needed.
We have British reports coming out that the Pentagon, Sy Hersh has confirmed this as well, a New Yorker, does have a plan to go ahead and destroy the entire infrastructure of the country, including power plants.
A. Do you think they're going to go into Iran?
B. What would the aftermath of that attack be, militarily and economically, in your studied view?
Well, if I were betting man, I would bet that they will attack Iran before the end of this administration, which means in the next year or so.
The plans have been laid, just like the plans were laid to go into Iraq a long time before they did, but they had to wait for the right opportunity.
I was very impressed with Paul O'Neill's statement on the first meeting of the cabinet in this new administration.
They talked about Iraq, nothing else.
It was the opportunity that they were waiting for with the 9-11, and it fell in their laps, and they used it to the hilt, and the very next day they were talking, the other neocons were talking about the war in Iraq.
I think similar things are going on right now.
The radical neocons are still there.
They may have been diminished a little bit, but they're still very, very influential and very, very powerful, and they have the President's ear.
So I think they're just laying the plans, waiting for the opportunity.
I don't think the opportunity presents itself right now.
I don't think we're going to wake up tomorrow morning and find it happened unless they can blame the Iranians for something else.
And of course they're setting the stage for that by declaring that their guard unit over there is a terrorist organization.
So anything now is possible and they'll blame it on the Iranians and make that excuse.
I've talked to some military people and some historians that know the region.
They think it would be the most disastrous thing that we could do for our own sake.
That it will jeopardize the lives of our men in Iraq.
They literally could box them in and trap them from getting out of the Persian Gulf and, you know, at the Straits of Hormuz.
And that the Iranians have capabilities.
If they are attacked and they see that there's been an act of war committed against them,
They then will feel obliged and obligated, you know, to go and attack our vessels and do their best to close down the Persian Gulf.
And hopefully we come to our senses and that won't happen because it's absolutely unnecessary from our viewpoint.
It's very, very dangerous for our own national security.
If there is an attack, how do you see it playing out?
I don't think they're planning or would they expect to send in troops on the ground, but they want to be destructive.
They want to try to destroy this regime and they want to destroy any hint that they might be doing nuclear exploration, nuclear technology.
The irony of all this is that
We pretend that we want to overthrow Ahmadinejad, and I imagine they're serious about that, but everything we do strengthens him, because there are undercurrents in that country that would like to get rid of him.
They're not even sure he can win the next election.
But when a country is attacked from the outside, just as we were attacked on 9-11, you know, Americans didn't fight among themselves.
When that happened, we came together.
And that's what's going to happen, and that's what is happening in
In Iran right now.
So I see our policies actually doing exactly the opposite of what we want it to do.
I agree with you.
Is this a failing forward, though?
I mean, if Iraq is disintegrating, falling apart, when we know they wanted to break it in three parts and show sectarian violence and bring it back to the Stone Age, that was the Pentagon plan a long time ago.
They never really meant to, quote, bring democracy with the big D in there.
But it seems like that they've overdone it towards totally disintegrating.
And so, like Napoleon or Hitler turning east, they need to expand and kind of fail forward
And they've seen the past polls that patriotism, false patriotism, rises every time they strike somebody.
So is, in your view, do you agree that that is at least what some of the neocon planners are thinking?
Well, it's possible only because I consider them not very logical.
You know, logic would tell them not to do it because the American people are sick and tired of Iraq.
70-some percent want us to come home and quit that war.
So to start another one doesn't make sense, and if they do have another front, are we going to send in troops?
Well, we don't even have the troops for Iraq.
So it's a suicidal mission for us to pursue this.
At the same time, they're still foolish enough to do it.
But if they can get the incident that really excites and incites the American people, they'll have a draft.
Before they give up on it and say, look, this is it, this is the final blow and stir it up and stir up the animosity instead of just flat out coming home and bringing peace to the region.
We're liable to have a military draft and do all kinds of things that we can't even predict right now.
PDD 51 openly states that the president is over continuity of government and quote grants himself new powers and the new war czar has said that a new draft would be good.
They've reauthorized the draft boards three years ago, refunded them, and even Clinton had congressional studies recommending one.
How are they going to even continue this war without some type of new compulsory service?
I don't think they can.
I think that's why I'm really talking a lot more about the draft and why we don't need it.
We tried to defund it a little bit a couple weeks ago and got very, very poor results in the Congress.
We had just a little over 100 votes willing to pick a couple dollars out of selective service.
And I did happen to bump into the guy that runs Selective Service, and he was rather cocky about the whole thing.
He said, well, I have 16 million people on my list between 19 and the age of 26, and if necessary, we will, you know, do the job.
And, you know, it just sort of scared me a little bit about
Uh, how ready they are, and uh, they're talking about it all the time.
Well, that's this doublespeak, Congressman.
I mean, the SPP documents from the four-year release from Banff meeting last year...
We're good to go.
It's like the Tooth Fairy!
Yep, and the only way they can get away with it, because they do not have public support, in spite of how much power they have and what they do to it, they still have to come around to getting some public support for these things.
You know, they did, remember, before we went into Iraq, there wasn't much support here, but then the war propaganda came and people got behind it.
So they have to get, they can't ignore that, but that doesn't mean that they can't do it.
I mean, that's why I keep worrying about some incident,
Providing the opportunity for them to not only spend more money, expand their war, and use a draft, which would be, you know, the most disastrous thing this country's looking for.
You want to bring on the bankruptcy, that'll be it.
I want to talk about the economy and the plunging dollar, everything you've predicted, the housing market, the rest of it looking like the worst is to come.
Most experts agree, a very bearish market, but I want to
Specify specifically my question to you, sir.
The congenital lying, it has now reached crescendo levels.
Every time I think it's gone to a new height, it just gets worse.
Where they say the amnesty bill isn't an amnesty, and we get it, and it's more than an amnesty.
It's a pardon of violent felons and legalizing criminals.
They lie and say there's no North American Union, no NAFTA highways, when we have the official federal and state maps.
I mean, can you just
Well, it sounds like newspeak.
It sounds like 1984 predictions are just coming a little late.
It's a shame that there's so much gullibility for the people to believe this, but that's also our job, is to get the truth out there and explain to people, because when they hear the truth, they say, well, that makes a lot of sense.
Why are we doing this?
Why can't we come home?
And that, I hope, is the message that we can get out and say that there is an alternative to this foreign policy.
You think the lies are backfiring?
Well, I think so far the lies are generally ignored.
I think they have so much power to promote war propaganda.
They've been successful in the past.
But yeah, I think more people are waking up to it.
The big question is how many?
Is there 20% of the population that have awakened to what they're listening to and they know it's not true?
Or a lot more?
My response in our campaign, at least on the Internet, is that a lot of people are waking up
But it hasn't been confirmed either by the votes or by the national media.
Of course, the national media, we wouldn't expect them to admit what's happening.
But I don't think the final answer is in yet.
I think we're still counting Americans on which side they are, but the one thing I'm encouraged about is if they do hear the truth, they'll respond favorably.
We're talking to Congressman Ron Paul, and you can go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
We have big links at the top of each page directly to RonPaul2008.com.
Get involved, get yard signs, get out there and support
Because this is just one more front, but the major front, bottom line, in educating the people about real issues, which he is doing.
I want to talk about the campaign.
We've only got about five minutes left.
But first, the economy.
I mean, you've been talking for more than a decade about the inflation tax, the devaluation of the dollar.
Now, more devaluation of the dollar in five years than in the previous 20 before it.
A massive acceleration of that.
The housing market.
A new home starts imploding.
Condo building.
What do you see happening in the economy?
A. B. I get mixed signals from the elite.
You see them bailing things out, but it seems only enough to stop catastrophic dives, which the Financial Times of London said the elite wants a slow decline of the U.S., just not a fast one.
So is the elite just putting brakes on a plunge, but they want a slow decline, or is it just out of their hands?
They think they can control it, but eventually they can't.
As powerful as they are, eventually the markets are more powerful.
They couldn't keep the dollar gold price at $35 an ounce.
That had to break down.
And that whole situation is going on now with the dollar.
It can't be kept in check because eventually it will come unwound.
But I think the most significant figure that we've heard in the last few weeks is the measurement between 2000-2005, the clear-cut admission,
That real income has gone down, which is a reflection of the dollar.
But that's the only measurement we have, I'm sure, in the last seven years.
That is the case, which means that the dollar is plunging, no matter what you read and hear about, and no matter how hard they work to keep the bubble going, the only way they can do that is creating more money.
So, instead of that causing the dollar to go down even faster, the market seems to be reassured.
You know, there's a contrivance to try to hold this together.
So, with the massive influx of reserves in the last two weeks, the markets on Wall Street seem to have been reassured to a degree, but it won't last.
Eventually, it's going to collapse, and we're going to have inflation.
This empire that we're trying to manage will come to an end, not because we'll finally get everybody in Washington to wise up, but we won't be able to afford it, and that's what we're witnessing right now, the early stages of that collapse.
Are we in danger of the establishment desperately trying to emplace some type of martial law to shore things up, in their words, that'll be their spin, during some type of massive correction or even crash?
Well, I think we certainly have to.
They've had a lot of power, you know, in the last 75 years, but in 1990, well in 2006,
In the DOD budget, they essentially repealed the Insurrection Act and opened up the doors to declaring a national emergency in martial law for almost anything.
Civil disruption, medical reasons, a terrorist attack, not real insurrection.
This discord allows the President to declare a national emergency and military law.
And now PDD 51 says for any economic reason on the planet.
So they've set the stage for it.
That's right.
It's hard for me to believe, because I don't want to believe it, that that's going to happen tomorrow or the next day.
But they're always laying plans.
So if in six months or a year there is total chaos, who knows?
What they might try to do, but the most important thing is the American people wake up.
That's why I have talked a whole lot about habeas corpus.
The fact that all of a sudden we can, as American citizens, be taken in and be held without our attorneys and without a writ of habeas corpus is a very, very dangerous sign.
So they're just laying plans, but precisely or not, on whether it's going to be next month or next year, and maybe they think they'll prevent the crisis, but in case it comes...
Uh, they might want to use these powers.
Why would they change them if they didn't want to eventually use them?
And give them massive funding in the current defense budget.
In closing, Congressman, that's all I've said is they're making preparations to attack Iran and saying they may do it.
They're making preparations for total dictatorship.
We have to address it.
And we have to ask everybody in the military and everybody in the police force to follow your oath to the Constitution and to defend the United States, not defend a corrupt government.
In closing, I believe you can win the Republican nomination if there isn't chicanery.
Your numbers, your trajectory shows you winning.
They're trying to demonize you, but you are charmed.
It is bouncing off of you.
We've got to ask God for divine providence here.
Congressman, I think you can win.
What do you say to that?
Well, I think the answer is yes.
One like myself can win.
I'm not a betting person.
And I don't know the future, but I do know what my obligations are, is to continue this process.
And as you say, if we continue on this trajectory, things look very, very favorably.
But we have to just wait and see, and see if the money comes in.
We're not truly competitive yet, but if we do with the funds, we run the campaign right, I think the issues are with us, and I think that's why on the Internet we do so well, because people do study it, and read it, and understand the issues.
And they don't get their information from the major networks.
There is no doubt that you have the intelligentsia, the hard-working people of America, and that the establishment, unfortunately, has the potato, couch potato people, and I think it's a fight between the couch potatoes and the informed.
Congresswoman Ron Paul, we're all praying for you and your family.
Tell your wife, Carol, that I said hi, and God bless you.
Thank you very much.
Good to be with you.
Take care.
There goes Congresswoman Ron Paul.
Final segment and final comments on the other side, right here, on the GCN Radio Network.
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What, 1330 AM?
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I mean just insanity that is unbelievable.
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