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Name: 20070827_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 27, 2007
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GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends welcome and thank you so much for joining us today.
It is the 27th of August 2007 we're going to be here with you live the next three hours Aaron Russo Patriot extraordinaire a true maverick not just in the fight for liberty and human dignity in the ongoing battle the eternal battle against bullies but also a maverick in entertainment music and
We're good to go.
And some of the, well, we believe, we've done the search and looked it up, the last video interview that he did, a long hour-plus sit-down he did with us in January of this year, just about seven months ago in Houston, Texas, where he was undergoing experimental cancer treatments five-plus years into cancer treatment.
By the way, we've never aired the entire interview here that we did.
We're going to air half of it, about 30
Five minutes today in the third hour, and then I'm going to air the other 35 minutes tomorrow.
Congressman Ron Paul is also scheduled to be joining us live on air tomorrow.
But in one of the three hours tomorrow, we will be airing
That last video interview with Aaron Russo, who will live on forever in our hearts and minds.
And every time we fight the New World Order in tyranny, we'll remember Aaron Russo because he was certainly the type of stuff that liberty is made of.
And he certainly is a archetype or a role model for us all in the fight against the New World Order.
And I know that Aaron's smiling down on us from heaven.
I know I'm pleased, still here, alive, fighting on, to see just the amazing outpouring of support for the family and the sadness that we've seen from everyone as well, but also a sense of celebration at the end of his life, of a life well-led and of somebody who did the right thing and that the old maxim of the man who wins
You know, has the most toys, is really a fraud, is the person who dies and who's been the best father, the best mother, who stood up against adversity, who stood up against tyranny, who stood up against peer pressure, and who has helped widows and orphans, and who has helped those being oppressed by bullies, by tyrants, by the tyrannical system.
And that's why Aaron Russo is a true hero, and will be remembered hundreds, if not thousands of years from now.
I can guarantee I can see that happening with the way the news and information is trending.
Versus people like George Bush who will be a minor footnote in the history books as a terrorist leader like Nero who staged terror attacks in his declining Rome as a pretext for greater control against the population.
And again, it isn't the fact that Aaron Russo didn't fight tyranny, so he'd be in the history books someday.
It really doesn't matter in the final equation.
What matters is he did the right thing, and so as a byproduct, he will be remembered finally in history.
Even though the tyrants will write false histories today, the truth always comes out.
You can cast something, as the Bible says, into the deepest part of the sea.
One day it will be thrown up onto the shore, into the light of day, and the light of the sun at high noon.
So, coming up, in the third hour today, I'm going to do a eulogy for about five minutes to Aaron Russo, talk about his life, talk about my personal experiences with him.
Then we're going to air that historic interview.
In the meantime, I have canceled one guest because the other guest from the Netherlands, it's an attack on free speech, so we're having them on.
But I want to open the phones up, give you a chance to respond to this and a bunch of other news.
Market crash forecast suggests new 9-11.
Tell you about that when we get back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Aaron Russo died Friday at the age of 64.
He was born back in 1943 and he died in the early morning hours at the hospital in Los Angeles.
Coming up later in the show, I'm going to air a few minutes from the last radio interview.
He was on several other times, popped in as a guest for about five minutes or called in on his own propulsion
You know, just tuning into the show to comment on issues, but we're going to play a few minutes from the last interview that I did with Aaron Russo.
The network had the great idea to start erasing, they used to keep shows back a year, and they decided to not buy new hard drives and just start erasing all the classic shows that were even just a few months old.
Not John Harmon.
He's great.
I'm actually publicly spanking the network for this.
So we're going to be playing like a 16-bit internet stream of it here on air, but just for stations out there, I apologize.
But this is the audio we've got, and it's what we've got of Aaron Russo, so we're going to be playing that.
We do have higher quality audio of the video interview we did with Aaron Russo, the last video interview that he did with anybody.
And we'll be playing that in its entirety today and tomorrow.
Coming up in the third hour, we'll play again 35 minutes of it.
And then tomorrow, we'll play 35 minutes of that as well.
And there were several versions of that that we put up on the web.
It was like a two-hour interview.
And this particular long version only had like 20,000 views.
Others had hundreds of thousands of views.
A little shorter clips.
But I went and looked at the Google counter today and it was a pleasant surprise to see 60,000 plus views.
On Saturday alone, and then it was in the top 20 of Google Videos, it since then dropped to about 116 in the Google Videos.
But I hope you'll go up to PrisonPlanet.com and go into the tribute page that we've built there for Aaron Russo, right at the top of the page, the Aaron Russo tribute page, and we hope that you'll get that last video interview that he did.
It's the full version.
I think so.
And it's up to us to traffic in that information and to spread that so that he lives on through his commitment to liberty and freedom and that he lives on through the interviews that he gave us and so many others.
But again, that is coming up later in the broadcast.
We'll be airing the audio from that video interview back in January and then our last interview on the radio with him, full interview, May 23rd.
Just about two and a half, three months ago, here on air.
And then about a week or two after that, he made the announcement that he wasn't going to be involved in politics anymore, was going to relinquish the reigns of some of the organizations that he built to others, and was going to really try to face and beat this cancer, because he'd had a very close dodge with death and almost died there in late May into early June.
But Aaron almost died, he told me, back when he was making American Freedom from Fascism, and no one knew that.
He was keeping his cancer and his fight with it very, very quiet, and asked me not to talk about it at that time.
He told me, feel free to talk about it, if he indeed did die.
And then I did talk to him, and he talked about doing an interview, and I went down to Houston and did an interview with him days after he had another emergency surgery.
Uh, because he had a tumor in his bladder blocking his kidneys release, and a bunch of other things.
I don't want to get into too many gory details.
Well, I'm already getting into the whole story.
I'll get into a few things you haven't.
I heard about Aaron Russo and a few of the things that we can now talk about since he's sadly passed.
But as I said earlier, there is also a celebration there in this life, led to the fullest, in someone who stood up against bullies and who was effective in it.
And he had a great spirit.
He was just full of life.
It's a sad passing.
But in his death, we can all celebrate life and live each day to the fullest and realize that it can be your last.
Kiss your children goodbye, you know, when they go to school in the morning.
Realize they could die on the school bus.
Kiss your wife.
Kiss your husband.
And don't be so petty, folks, because life is transitory.
It is a precious jewel, and it is so fragile.
And there's so many wonders around us.
And we have a sense when, you know, the reason you have nostalgia, the reason you like things that are old, antiques, the reason there's a feeling of awe to go
to say a Greek temple that's 2,500 years old or to go to the square in London and see that big monument to Lord Nelson or the reason to go in an old church feels reverent is because it's a sense of all those that came before you and that deep subconscious and even spiritual understanding that we all have
That life is just a twinkling.
But it's through our ancestors and through our progeny to come that we have a true sense of immortality in the species.
And that's why the New World Order is such a great threat.
It's because they openly seek to take control of the development of the species and to dumb down a large portion of the homo sapien sapien
And then to kill the remainder, around 80%.
And when you learn that eugenics governs the entire planetary actions of governmental institutions and corporate institutions at the Fortune 100 level and above, you realize that the entire species is under direct assault by a subspecies, an aberrant subspecies within our own species, basically a psychopathic guild
A society of ruthless individuals who see themselves as rightful rulers through social Darwinian philosophy that it is their right to be as ruthless as they wish.
It is their right to start wars and seed the planet with depleted uranium and detonate thousands of hydrogen and atomic bombs above
The surface of the planet and poison the earth and to radiate children and to have black men die of syphilis through Tuskegee and to test pesticides on inner-city children right now in the United States.
They think it's a beautiful thing they're doing and I say they're a bunch of psychopathic scum and they want to wage war on us?
I declare war right back on them.
And I'm not going to let their propaganda dent my resolve.
I see clearly who they are and what they're doing.
And I am just begging all of you to wake up to it and face up to it and resist it.
Now I'm going to cover some of the news as briefly as I can, but I want to give you, the listeners, a chance to respond and talk about Aaron Russo.
I know that a lot of you, and again, if he was alive now and could see it, I don't know when you go to heaven if you can look down and see what's happening here, but I know this, if he was alive today and could see it,
He would really be heartened and he would feel really good about the outpouring of gratitude and thanks and love that Aaron's gotten just in the weekend in the last two or three days since he passed over, didn't pass away, since he passed over to the next plane of existence Friday morning.
And so the toll-free number
Talk about Aaron Russo.
You can talk about the History Channel hit piece.
You can talk about whatever you want.
You know that, folks.
We don't screen your calls.
But I would imagine you'd want to talk about these issues.
The History Channel hit piece.
Aaron Russo is passing away and now over to the other side.
And, of course, you can get into really big news.
I talked about it on the Sunday Show yesterday.
The police now admit that the Federal Police, the Royal Mountain Police, in Ottawa,
There in Montebello, up in Canada, up in Eastern Canada, for the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the North American Union Treason Summit.
Treason Summit number three.
We're indeed undercover and we're dressed up like anarchists and we're hitting cops with rocks.
This is terrorism.
Folks, if you or I in Canada or the U.S., and I've looked at both federal laws in both nations, throw a rock at cops, they will call that terrorism, in a political format.
In a political context, it's called terrorism.
That's how they've broadly defined it now.
I mean, they're charging people with terrorism for protesting.
And imagine the criminality of having police dressed up like anarchists, leading a troop of 15 foundation-funded scum.
That's how it works.
You'll have the big foundations, Ford and others, openly have training camps for these anarchists.
Average age is about 20.
I don't
In some cases by local police, in the case of Austin, and in some cases by special forces.
By Delta Force.
That was in the Seattle Papers in 99.
It's in my film, Police Take You to the Takeover.
I mean, you cannot make stuff up this bizarre and this criminal.
It's just mind-blowing to me.
As long as I've been studying this.
I mean, I've been there, in a crowd, and seen cops starting fights and shoving people dressed up like anarchists.
And I see him giving hand signals to riot cops about to send them in to attack the peaceful group, and I just start screaming, they're cops, they're cops!
By the way, I keep saying this.
We're going to find the video.
We aired it on Austin Television.
What was it back in early 2000?
I remember the Fortune 500 was here in Austin.
And I know we did a TV show on it, and I know we have the DV cam tapes around here somewhere.
We used to, we didn't hardly label things, they were just thrown around in big piles.
Now we're better about organizing.
I know Mike Hanson has edited versions of it because he can't find it.
I know that it's here at the office somewhere.
It's like there's this stuff, there's all this footage of me confronting the Ku Klux Klan.
And call them big fat federal agents, and it turns out they are feds, and the cops threaten us.
All we found was a ten minute edit down of two hours of that.
I can't find that.
It's driving me crazy.
And I've got the cops provocateuring here in Austin on tape, and I can't find it.
It's driving me crazy.
We're gonna find that.
The Hairlip's the Admiral.
I mean, I'm gonna find that.
We're gonna put that on YouTube and Google or PrisonPlanet.tv.
But when we get back, let me get into this.
Because now they've been caught red-handed again and we do have a video of what happened last week.
So that's coming up.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Hey, my griping just did something.
They did find the Ku Klux Klan.
We have three hours of it.
We're not confronted them, just one of the many confrontations.
The Waco confrontation.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's right.
Aaron, I'm not talking about the Ku Klux Klan confrontation in Austin.
I'm talking about the Ku Klux Klan confrontation in Waco.
That's the really good one where they threatened to kill me and then the cops, it turns out, are with them.
That was not fun.
But I'm gonna find the Fortune 500 footage from like seven years ago here in Austin.
Now we just had the situation in Seattle then, where you had 60,000 peaceful demonstrators
And they were against the World Trade Organization getting more authority than Congress over our trade.
They were liberal.
They were conservative.
They were libertarian.
It was breaking the political paradigm.
That was something the establishment could not and would not put up with.
They were very, very angry.
And so in comes Delta Force, quote, running security.
Ford Foundation and others, this was on local news, trained about 60 or 70 anarchists at a base in Oregon.
Then they bust them up, house them in a five-story government building.
One area of the place was being leased.
They even let them take over what somebody was leasing, and the cops just said, stand back.
The anarchists then go throw bottles at the cops, burn trash cans, knock out windows.
Now remember, there's other real anarchists there, the Green Block and the Red Block.
No, no, this was the Black Block.
And for all these years I had arguments with the other anarchist groups.
They now apologize and have emailed and been posting on our message board at presentplanet.com and saying, OK, you're right, we've seen it now.
I'm not saying all the anarchists are, but the key members of the black bloc were Delta Force in Seattle and state police and National Guard and others.
It came out in the news.
It's all in Police State 2, the takeover.
And so for a day, they attack the police, they do all of these horrible things, and then the cops
Are then told, okay, now you can attack everyone on the second day.
And the national media for 24 hours is saying, why don't the police do anything?
Why don't they get tough?
Now remember, the Feds had just come in, issued the black helmets, the black masks, the black armor.
It was all federal grants nationwide.
Everybody was getting the stuff and suddenly there's a riot to introduce everyone.
Literal training films were shot by the police, edited, misrepresented to departments all over the country.
In the next six months on See the Threats Real, departments that hadn't yet taken the federal grants got them.
And now they got all this equipment.
How to take people to FEMA camps is in the federal training.
How the cops drive big buses.
How they use orange netting to scoop up whole crowds of people.
How they put in emergency round-up centers like Pier 57 in New York or here in Austin at the old Robert Mueller Airport.
They put in a camp there with porta-potties and barbed wire inside and cots on the floor and an old hanger there.
Every major city and even mid-sized towns like Austin had these put in.
This was all done in 99.
So they had to stage riots to be able to say, see, and we have the clips on the news in Police State 2 The Takeover where they're saying, free speech has now been banned in the city.
You're not allowed to have free speech.
The First Amendment ended.
That's an exact quote.
The First Amendment ended in Seattle today.
And the cops are searching bags of people on the street, looking for no WTO pins.
Saying, well that's what caused the riots, and now there's... and so they're searching purses, and searching bags.
I'm not kidding!
Checkpoints, searching cars!
I mean, we got it all on video!
All of that was a PSYOP.
Admit it now!
And admitted PSYOP with less than 10 special forces troops dressed up, leading the hired anarchists brought in by foundations to stage an event to then set up free speech zones, start banning demonstrations, start restricting speech, start restricting where you can have banners, what you can do.
And now we've seen the reign of terror, the attack on the First Amendment.
All set up, all scripted, all prepared.
A few months later, I'm in Austin for Fortune 500.
Many Austinites saw us air this many times on Austin television.
Other independent media were out there.
I remember Austin Independent Media got even better footage than we got of all this happening.
And I've seen these huge guys, and one of them had to be 6'5", 6'6", in black masks, anarchist outfits, shoving people, trying to start fights.
And I went, by God, you're cops!
Look at you!
I mean, one of these guys had like 1% body fat.
Look, I mean, total cops, rock-ready military stance.
I thought they were feds.
Turned out they were Austin cops.
Austin cops run over when we get in their face, stage their detainment, turns out they're cops.
They put two more cops into our group, just like we saw six days ago in Canada, the video that's out.
Now admitted.
So when we get back, I'm going to cover that briefly, then get to your calls.
And the other big news, market crash forecast suggests new 9-11.
I had a caller to the Sunday Show bringing this up, but he couldn't say the source, so I was like, hey man, I don't know if that's real.
Turns out it's Dow Jones Financial News.
So this is really scary.
We'll cover that when we get back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five
But I am still alive.
I was a sailor.
I was born upon the tide.
With the sea I did abide.
This one's for you, Aaron Rochelle.
I sailed a schooner around the whole of New Mexico.
I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a float.
And when the yards broke off, they said that I got killed.
But I'm living still.
I was a dam building, across a river deep and wide.
Where steel and water didn't collide.
A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado.
I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below.
They buried me in that grey tent that knows no sound.
But I am still around.
I'll always be around and around and around and around and around.
I'll fly a starship across the universe divide And when I reach the other side I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can Perhaps I may become a highway man again
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I know we've got loaded phone lines.
We're going to be going to your calls here in just a few minutes at 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are jonesreport.com, prisonplanet.com, prisonplanet.tv.
Just finishing up with what happened in Canada.
This is a big, big deal.
Because it was caught on video last Monday.
Basically the only news that the international media even covered was, oh look, a bunch of dirty hippies in black outfits and masks, everybody knows criminals wear black masks, running around rioting, starting problems.
And of course it turns out it's cops and a couple of their little greaseball followers.
And you see these huge cops, these muscular cops, one of them's like the Jolly Green Giant, one of them's got a huge rock in his hand, he's running over and pushing on the cops and pushing on people and trying to get a riot started and hitting on police.
Now folks, you're not a cop and you walk up and hit a cop with a rock, they're going to kill you.
Let me just give you a newsflash, you're in the U.S.
or in Canada.
With the new training.
Used to they'd billy club you and fight you, you know, fight back.
Now most of the time they'll just pull a gun out and kill you.
You're lucky if they just taser you and stomp on your head.
No, they're beating on cops and you can see them like pro wrestling.
They'll walk over and whisper something to them and then go, die!
Start hitting them with a rock.
And then you've got middle-aged doctors and the heads of major unions coming over who aren't stupid.
Normal people who are there, liberals and conservatives, they're saying no to globalization, no to secret groups, meeting in secret, deciding on policy for the three nations, a trilateralist system.
And they come over and say, we're sick of you!
Many of you have seen the video on prisonplanet.com.
They say, we're tired of it!
You're cops, and they grab the mask and jerk it down.
You can look at the video still, and it's this cop.
Face just turns red.
He's so upset, he starts trying to cover his face.
And then they go to plan B. The cops run over to the other cops.
You see them talk, confer.
You see some hand signals.
And then they stage fighting with each other, and they grab them.
They don't take their mask off.
They don't take their backpacks off.
They take them, and you can see them back in the back being released.
Now, activists looked at their shoes.
And they notice that when the cops are supposedly cuffing the other cops, the other three cops, who are posing as anarchists, that the boots have the same yellow insignia on their heel.
And that that's the type that the federal police are issued standard in their riot gear.
And by the way, you can see that some of them are wearing, some of the cops are wearing issued riot knee pads.
I mean, they got cop gear strapped on anyways.
That's how dumb they think we are.
And of course, the Neocon website said, oh, that's ridiculous.
They just happen to be wearing the same boots.
You know, the cops, the riot cops, and the federal cops.
It is just a coincidence.
Well, no, now the Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest.
Quebec Provincial Police admitted Thursday that three of their officers
Disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American Leaders Summit in Montebello, Quebec.
And it goes on to admit that their police and federal police, and it's got stills off the YouTube video, that it was indeed cops.
I mean, give me a break.
These guys all have arms the size of mid-sized trees.
And they've got a group of ravenous foundation kids who paid high salaries to run around and run anarchist ops, and they're there to chill our free speech.
You are the highest form of scum and criminal.
You're trying to rob us of our free speech, rob us of our First Amendment,
You are there to destroy any chance the people have of speaking out.
You're there to make sure the media, every time, can demonize demonstrators as a bunch of black-masked thugs.
And the bigger question here is, how do the police, how do police dress up and go out with rocks and hit other cops and stage events so they can spray rubber bullets, in some cases killing people, in many cases injuring them,
So you can just attack innocent crowds of people.
I mean, I've got video of them in Portland, Oregon, after hired anarchists staged up.
Cops run up and spray babies in baby carriages and then yell, shouldn't bring an effing baby.
I mean, I've got, you've all seen it on YouTube.
I mean, I've got cops targeting babies, folks!
They go after babies!
What is their malfunction?
I mean, it's not enough that you crooks, you un-American cancer, you are, you're cancer to this country, it's not enough that you're out there destroying the First Amendment saying, see, we keep having riots, we gotta have free speech zones, and once they get you in the free speech pen, then they come and attack you, whether it's in New York in 2004, or whether it's at any other big event we've been to.
I mean, I've seen it happen, and I've seen all the videos of it happening, and it comes out in the news now!
These criminals do this!
I'll never forget, what was it, about two years ago, that Portland, Oregon footage, and I've seen it in other places since, where they come up with huge fire extinguisher-sized bottles.
I mean, big ones!
of high-powered pepper spray and mace and I mean up to the baby carriages and right on the babies.
I mean the babies almost die, folks.
The video of the babies and snots all coming out and the parents are crying and a cop will run up and kick a woman and laugh.
I mean, I got video of it.
It's in police state to the takeover.
They went into neighborhoods and would run up to old ladies with billy clubs.
Just run up.
And the woman with this eye fall, breaking bones.
And then the woman hits the ground.
Old women, young women, the cops seem to focus in like predators on weak and just going, just stomping me.
Folks, you can kill people doing that.
When I was younger, I didn't know what I was doing.
A few times in Dallas, and people started fights with me.
And they wouldn't stay down, and I was scared.
I'd go ahead and stomp them.
And I'm not going to get into what results that had, but let me just tell you.
It ain't good.
You can kill people doing that, ladies and gentlemen.
And I mean, I'm talking big men, full power, grunting.
I mean, think about that!
Just slamming their boots down into women, and you see them testifying before city council!
I mean, they went into the neighborhoods, folks, anyone out, just... The clubs!
Particularly women!
Running up to babies, spraying them in the face!
All done after they provocateured and staged it.
And I've been at events all over the country, folks.
Those little anarchists are protected.
You see the cops standing back.
You see nods.
You see the leader of the anarchists, always a huge cop.
And you see him giving the orders, hand signals.
And the anarchists, right at the key point, will just walk up and start hitting cops.
The cops go, alright, move back.
They get their shotguns up and rubber bullets.
And start shooting the crowd.
The anarchists, you can always tell, they start the fight.
The cops let them remove themselves.
Before the news cameras will show anarchists breaking things and hitting cops, the national news gets their CIA shot of that, then the anarchists retreat, go take the mask off, stay in their hotels, lavishly paid, led by the police, in many cases Delta Force, and then they just open fire on the crowd, and it's just RAAAARGH!
Beatin' old women and RAAAARGH!
Kickin' people in the guts!
I mean, this is what we've turned into!
And I have to see these criminal cops swaggering around.
It's so much fun to kill America.
It's so much fun to kill Canada.
And I want you to be our friends.
I want you to help save the country.
God, all you're doing is saving your own pension funds, your own stock market.
Don't you know they want to take us down to destroy the economy and consolidate?
Anyways, it's big articles.
It's now in the news and focus section on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net.
It is now admitted, just like it was in Seattle, but we need to get this out to people next, we have a video on top of it, that they were cops, they were staging it all.
And I demand CNN and Fox
I saw both of them, I'm sure the other channels did it too, who showed the anarchists, and I remember seeing the cops on TV starting fights and hitting people.
I demand you now admit those are cops.
You see, everybody at their dinner tables or at work or at the coffee cooler or whatever, they just saw, look at those bad protesters.
Well, I'm glad the cops are in Darth Vader outfits.
You see, the feds issue the Darth Vader outfits, and then magically, riots start.
And magically, it's the cops.
I'm just so sick of it.
I'll never forget in Austin, I was going, they're cops, they're cops, and all of a sudden this red-haired guy comes up, pulls his mask down, and he shoves me right in the chest.
And I mean, he said it with, you know when somebody means it.
And he said, I'm gonna kill you.
And I went, oh, you work for those guys up on the building.
They have binoculars looking at us.
He goes, yeah, we do, Jones.
And he said, no, we're going to kill you when we take over.
He just bumped into me.
He said, you just wait.
And man, you could tell that guy has that guy's been there.
I mean, I could tell you can't fake that.
And I went, my God, these people are criminals.
I mean, they want your family, folks.
That's why I get up here on air and tell you this.
They want everything you've got.
They want to have their way with you.
When you find out that the criminals running our government funded Stalin, funded Hitler, I mean, even Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, wrote in Tragedy and Hope that the Milner Group in England financed and created Hitler knowing everything he was going to do.
He killed more than 20 million people himself, over 20 million Germans died in the process, millions of Jews and Poles and Gypsies and Russians, what, 400 and something thousand Americans?
I mean, you start getting into the numbers.
Just cold-bloodedly, they just funded him!
Knowing everything he was going to do!
And then you find out that they sent all this money and all these people from Brooklyn over to set up the Russian Revolution.
And that they did that whole thing and killed all those people!
And then you watch History Channel, where they brag and admit, they have the old CIA section chief on there admitting they put Mao in.
The guy killed 60 million people!
And I know last week that John Gibson of Fox TV with his radio show and I know that Michael Medved and all them played clips of me saying they're coming for your family they want to get you and they laughed and giggled and said it was funny.
You know what's scary is those guys know full well about the New World Order.
They know full well who they're working for.
They know full well.
And I guess they just get a giddy excitement out of it all.
It's just... I don't know about you guys, but I'm depressed and freaked out.
You know, they played a clip of me saying that and going, oh look, we have victory.
He's depressed and freaked out.
You people are sick, man!
You people are sick!
And let me tell you something.
You can get up on the air and you can say there's no North American Union.
Limbaugh can say it.
Medved can say it.
Hannity can say it.
The truth is, the people now have the SPP documents.
It's public.
You've been exposed as liars, as fake conservatives.
They're to neutralize the American people.
And we're going to expose you.
Alright, I'm going to shut up and go to your calls.
And then we're going to get into the financial news that's really big.
Market crash forecast suggests new 9-11.
I had a caller last night who called the radio show.
And he brought this up, but he didn't have a source.
So I said, listen, I'm in it right there.
Thank you for the call.
I can't say that there's some big news report out that there's going to be a crash if I don't have at least where it came from.
Because then it'll turn into rumors.
And somebody emailed me and said that was wrong.
No, if I don't have something and I can't prove it and they can't say what the source is, you know, I can't put it out here.
But sure enough, it was not saying the caller's bad.
He sounded legitimate.
He just didn't have a source.
Well, sure enough,
Did some looking into it.
Mystery trader bets market will crash by a third.
Put out by Dow Jones Financial News, which now is owned by Fox, Rupert Murdoch, so now it's completely suspect.
The fact that they're putting this out means they're probably gaming the market themselves and does make the pucker factor go up quite a bit.
Mystery trader bets market will crash by a third.
We're going to get into this later.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Let's go ahead and take some of your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, thanks for holding her on the air.
How are you doing, my friend?
I wanted to talk about Mr. Russo first.
I really feel like I really lost a great man.
I passed out, I don't know, quite a few of his tapes.
I don't have my records in front of me.
But he was really a true patriot, a person that loved the United States, and loved his country, and loved God.
And I want to say something else.
Sherry Johnson, the colored woman from the IRS, they arrested her and seized everything she had.
Do you know that?
No, she was the former IRS agent who was speaking out against him.
They went after her, too.
Well, they arrested Bannister and then he beat him in court.
He was a former Treasury agent who found out it was all fraud.
Yeah, well, see, they're going to have a raffle for her, Ms.
Sherry Johnson, I think her name is.
She seized everything she's got.
I wanted to let the people know that.
And maybe some of these listeners might help out.
Well, we've interviewed Sherry before.
We'll get in touch with her if somebody's got new contact info.
Give it to us and we'll get Sherry on and try to support her.
I suppose, yeah, well we can send them the information on how to help out and all that.
I'm going to try to do what I can down here.
And Mr. Jones, the policemen
They want to kill you.
They get this power.
If they give them a billy club, they feel like they have to use it.
They give them a gun, they want to use it.
Policemen... I talked to one yesterday.
Me and my wife went to a restaurant.
They feel that we're their enemies.
They strive in this.
They feel they're better than us.
That we're supposed to lick their boots.
And policemen are not like they used to be.
But they're going to destroy this country because they're protecting the evil ones.
But how do cops go out and attack their own cops just so they can fire rubber bullets into women's faces?
I mean, don't they know that's criminal?
Well, they don't care, Mr. Jones.
We're living in a sick world.
It's an up-against-them mentality, yeah.
I want to say something to these people out here, the ones that criticize you.
And the ones that you got to tell them about the hit piece.
You've been on this show for years, putting your life on the line.
Now, I've said that before.
People don't realize that.
They say, oh, he's blowing smoke.
But you've been out here for eight years, as long as I can remember.
I remember when I got your first tape.
Stay there, Charles.
I'm going to let you finish up, and I promise we will get to everybody.
Bill, Terry, many, many others.
Stay with us.
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I hear the train a-comin' It's rollin' around the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine I don't know when I'm stuck in Bolton Prison And time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps a-rollin' On down to San Antonio
Thank you, Johnny Cash.
We are back live.
Yeah, the cops will blast shotgun rubber pellets right into your children's faces and into old ladies' faces and purposely spray babies just to watch you in pain.
Just like Johnny Cash is talking about somebody shooting somebody just to watch them die.
Look, I know there's still good cops.
I was driving down I-37 and saw a state trooper out changing a lady's tire.
I was like, thank God!
By the way, that change in attire will do him more good than it'll do her, being a good servant, a good person.
But we're an evil society now.
That's why they got Jack Bauer up there as a role model to sell everybody on torture and evil and wickedness.
And let me tell you, I've seen cops trying to start riots, man, I've seen it!
And it's admitted!
Charles, you know, you've lived quite a bit, I know you well, and you've witnessed a lot of this from the inside.
I just don't know how these cops... My mom's pretty well read on history, and we were talking about this this weekend, the provocateurs, and she said, look, it's just an us against them.
To them, it's like a team.
It's like they're going to go out and have some fun.
They don't like the protesters, and this is just what they're going to do to get them.
I mean, in Canada, in the U.S., in Europe, everywhere, they're doing this.
They staged riots in Genoa.
What, five years ago and then killed a bunch of people, ran over them with armored vehicles and shot them in the streets?
And it turned out the cops staged all that?
I mean, Charles, it's getting really bad when they're just doing it right out in the open, man!
Mr. Jones, in honor of Mr. Russo, couldn't I ask the listeners to please get his tape from you and to show it to their family and their neighbors?
In honor of this man, what he did, tried to do for this country,
Couldn't everybody just get his tape ordered from you and it'll help you out and it'll wake up the neighborhood.
We don't have much time no more.
We don't have that much time.
I don't want people to go through what I've been through.
That's why I get on the air and I beg them.
Give these tapes out.
Give new articles out.
Tell people about the program.
I'm so tired of asking.
I'm so tired of doing, Mr. Jones.
I know you're tired too.
Was it a wake-up call for you when they started torturing you?
Well, after I was waiting for trial, I realized, you know, how quick the system was.
But when I got there, I went there without an appeal.
I wasn't supposed to be there.
And I told them I didn't want to be here without an appeal.
I was supposed to wait.
Prisoners there locked me up for 15 days, one meal every 10 days, and then one, three.
I wouldn't put on a stripe, so they started cattle-prying me.
They stripped me naked.
Tell folks about the bag over your head for the confession.
So, oh yeah, they put the bag over my head and they put a pinhole in it and it goes down in your throat like a little tube.
And they tie your hands behind your back and they put a broomstick.
That's just standard procedure at almost every police department.
And what it is is waterboarding, but it's with a bag.
It has the same effect.
I don't remember all what I saw, Mr. Jones.
I kind of went out of it, you know?
I was kind of half there and half not there.
Well, I signed stuff on myself.
I don't know what I signed.
They told me about it later and I was guilty.
My trial only lasted an hour and thirty-five, thirty-seven minutes.
All because you helped somebody who you found bleeding in a parking lot?
Well, they were dead.
I just went and tried to help them.
Charles, God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
All right, we're going to try to hurry through more of your calls now.
I haven't gotten to the financial news yet.
It's big.
It's important.
It's coming up.
But more of your calls in 70 seconds when we get back.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into our number two.
Serious news on the stock market and the housing market.
Yeah, Alex, first I would like to
Give my heart out to the Russo family that I don't have the words to express how I feel about such a fantastic person.
Another thing I wanted to see if you knew about this.
Members of the 1st Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery have mobilized for active duty for a year in Washington, D.C.
Where did you get that information?
I got it.
I emailed this link to your webmaster, and it's on wesh.com, which is the, I think it's the NBC Orlando local news station.
Wow, that's amazing.
What web address did you send it to?
Which webmaster?
The one on prisonplanet.com.
Okay, Paul may have missed that, or it would have been up.
Why don't you, can you send it again to Aaron at InfoWars.com with two As?
Okay, where do I find that?
Two As, just Aaron at InfoWars.com.
Aaron at InfoWars.com, I'll do it.
And it even has the little video clip where they actually showed it on TV.
What's the, what's the headline, and I'll find it.
Local troops deploy to nation's capital.
And it's an air defense artillery unit.
Well, you know, President Bush announced himself dictator back in May with that PDD-51 and the accompanying executive order, and now it's openly being talked about.
You would expect air defense, but I guess this is ground missile batteries or Patriot batteries?
Let me see here, I'm reading it.
I'll find it.
Yeah, look, give me that.
What do you want me to email that again?
Aaron at InfoWars.com.
A-A-R-O-N at InfoWars.
Okay, I'll do that.
And, uh, it even shows, yeah, it shows the little TV clip and everything.
I can find it.
In fact, we can just Google, uh, local troops deployed at Nations Capital.
We'll, uh, get that by hook or by crook.
Uh, very interesting.
What else, uh, is on your mind?
Well, I was just wondering what's up with that, man.
Uh, something's
Kind of.
Anyway, that just blew my day when I heard about that this morning.
Well, they have announced that they've gotten rid of Posi Comitatus.
That is announced on the news.
And they videotaped before 9-11 troops training to take our guns and troops training to put us in FEMA camps and take our children.
And now we've had preachers on air and it's now come out in the news that they have been hired, 26,000 of them, to give speeches and to preach, to give up your guns and submit and go to the FEMA camps.
I mean, I just can't believe what's happening either, but this is the sickos that run things and they couldn't have done it without all the fake mainline liberals and all the fake mainline conservatives lying everybody into submission and just trying to neutralize everybody.
Now, they're in a lot of trouble, though.
Karl Rove leaving, Gonzales leaving.
They're throwing things overboard, trying to keep the ship afloat right now.
But also, they're trying to depoliticize the Patriot Act and the martial law provisions and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act and the Military Commissions Act, all of these tyrannical acts that have taken place.
So they can then grandfather in everything that's happened without it being politicized, and then Hillary or whoever comes after can actually implement all this.
But no doubt they are gearing up for really bad stuff.
And you're going to hear Rush Limbaugh and Michael Medved and all of them saying, look, turn your guns in.
It's the good conservative thing to do.
And support Lord Hillary.
After all, Fox News is behind her.
They admit that.
We'll be right back.
Thank you, sir, for the call.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Aaron Russo is our guest for the rest of the hour, and Bob Dace is going to ride shotgun for just a couple more segments with us, as well as we talk about Ron Paul, how they're trying to censor him, how they're trying to block him, the victories, by the grace of God, and your action that we've had.
The open calls for more of our troops to be made up of foreigners who are legalized to join the military.
Now an open talk of hiring Mexican police to patrol the United States.
They've had these interchange programs, exchange programs for a long time.
Now they're officially talking about doing it.
What's happening with the war.
Also the Senate saying they're going to drop the amnesty for a week or two and then secretly try to pass it.
Hey, thanks Alex.
It's a pleasure to be here, and let me tell you something.
Chance is a cakewalk.
Let's put what we've got to face with the government.
I mean, hell with the cancer.
What we have to face is the government.
I know, but I just want folks to know you're a real trooper.
And I appreciate Heidi.
I appreciate Heidi letting you do these interviews.
Well, it is a little bit of a struggle, honestly, with her.
How's your family doing?
My family's great.
You know, they love me and I love them.
I have a wonderful family.
And how's Shockey the dog?
Ah, you remember Shockey?
Shockey's the coolest little dog.
My family is great.
I have a great family life.
The problem
We all face the problem of this government going wild, going crazy, destroying our lives, and the future is really bleak.
I want to hear what you have to say about the victory we had.
Elaborate on it, because that's a big deal, how they tried to ban and bar Ron Paul, and where you see this campaign going.
And then Bob Dacey's here.
He wanted to also comment on the solution and Ron Paul, and how big a piece of the puzzle that is.
But Aaron, you've got the floor.
Lay out what we're facing here with Ron Paul.
Well, with Ron Paul, I think we have a hero in our corner that mostly everybody who has any sense will get behind.
And so that's a big plus for us.
We haven't had that.
We've not had anybody in the debates before.
And so having that is something that for people who believe in the freedom movement, as you and I both do, is unique.
And we can't lose that.
And they saw the effect that it had on the debate the other night, because we won in those polls.
And the fact of the matter happens to be whether they were accurate or not doesn't matter.
What matters is they see that there's a groundswell for Ron Paul and that it can build.
And that the light that Ron Paul shines on America is a light that's going to attract a lot of people.
And so we have to make sure that he stays on the base.
And I think the other day we did a very good job of doing that.
And at this point on now, I mean, I said I spoke to Ron.
And I think what Ron has to do right now is go after Rudy Giuliani.
I think the way the press played what happened in the last debate is they made it out to be as if Ron Paul gave Rudy Giuliani the election.
And they handed him a gift.
And that's the spin they chose to put on it.
But if you understand the press and how things really work in this country, it's the other way around.
Giuliani gave Ron Paul a gift.
And if Ron Paul, um, that's what he has to do now.
See, what, what, what, what, what Rui Giuliani did is he put Ron Paul's name on the list of people who never heard of Ron Paul before.
He gave him tremendous, uh, uh, awareness.
I mean, they're even talking about him on their view, right?
I heard it again yesterday, I heard it last week.
He's going to be back on Bill Maher this Friday night?
He's going to be back on Bill Maher, all that.
He's getting tremendous press out of it.
What he's got to do now is, in the next debate, he has to go after Rudy Giuliani.
Because Rudy opened the door for Ron to go after him now.
I agree with you.
I think he needs to go after Rudolph Giuliani even before the debate to grab those headlines again.
He's not going to get the headlines unless it's on the debate.
You see, him going after Rudy Giuliani and putting out a press release or whatever, they're not going to write about that.
But if it's on the national debates, that everywhere in the world is watching.
Now obviously he's a smart guy, Dr. Paul's smart, but so are you politically.
Did you give him that advice?
And the point is that by going after Rudy Giuliani in the next debates, that's going to be the flashpoint that the press is going to write about the next debate.
In other words, except for my talking on the air now and giving them a strategy, but the fact is that when people walk away from that debate, if one attacks Rudy properly in a smart way,
The press is going to be all about it.
In other words, it's not just Rudy Giuliani attacking Ron Paul.
Ron Paul can speak at a turn and attack Giuliani.
The things that Giuliani has done, and Barry Giuliani, and all of a sudden people think, well, not only is Ron Paul a smart guy, but he's got guts.
I think you should go after Giuliani on how he's profiteered off 9-11.
I would come out and say, you know, you helped cover up the toxic dust, and that's now been documented, and you give an example.
And you have made over 50 million dollars, you can get the numbers, it's actually more than that, off of out pimping yourself as a hero on 9-11.
Why have you profiteered from 9-11?
My gosh, that'll explode like a supernova.
That's a decision Ron has to make, what he's comfortable talking about, you know?
I know he's not a nasty, mean person, but this is war.
He needs to go directly for Giuliani's throat.
Exactly, and only Giuliani.
Alright, that's one of our last interviews with Aaron Russo.
He was actually on a few weeks after that with us, and we'll be airing that in the next few days.
Coming up in the next hour, I'm going to air half of the video interview that we posted at presentplanet.tv, 35 minutes of it, and one of the other 35 minutes tomorrow.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Terry in Canada, you're on the air, welcome.
Alex, hi, thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
You know, I'm very sorry to hear about Aaron Russo.
You know, he's a life well lived and I thank him for everything he's done.
He did and I also thank you because each day as I get up you keep me appraised of the changes that are happening, happening fast.
The reason for my call, Alex, I am a member of Connie Fogel's caucus with the Canadian Action Party and I was up in Ottawa.
For the march and the rally, unfortunately I had to work on Monday, so I missed... We're going to get to the individuals, one of them a union head who identified the police and exposed the false flag riot they were trying to stage.
But as a Canadian witnessing this, what's your view on it?
Unprecedented police presence is happening up in Canada right now.
There were snipers on the building, there are great Royal Canadian Mounted Police walking around with video cameras on me, on everyone.
I mean, we're going to be on the terrorist watch list with no flyers.
It's all about intimidation.
It's all about getting you to not go out and exercise your free speech.
I walked around the Parliament on Tuesday, the second day of the summit, and the police presence was huge.
I photographed a lot of police, and I also found some very interesting equipment.
A truck up from Oregon, which I believe you spoke about, that focuses high-frequency sound waves to make the public sick and go home.
Well, I know that the police and law enforcement magazines brag about how they go with devices.
This has been in law enforcement magazines, and they actually sell them in Shomer Tech and other places to make everybody nauseated.
Are you saying they had one of those there?
I took a whole bunch of pictures with the license plate up from Oregon.
Oh, was this the big sound cannon truck?
I believe so.
Large, white.
Oh, yes.
That's a separate device that we did photograph in New York back in 2004.
Those are the sound cannons.
And then they also have now the microwave trucks they're going to use on the Canadian and American people.
And the head of the Air Force said just a few months ago that we need to quote, use these on the American people first, because under the Geneva Convention, we can't use them on foreign armies, but we can use them on our people and then set the precedent.
I mean, it's just unbelievable the things that are happening and how the government is declaring itself enemies of the people right out in the open.
But yes, send them to Aaron with your comments.
We'll get them posted right now.
Also, one other comment.
I work with Canadian Airlines here, and one of the things I was subjected to if I wanted to go to work was biometric screening, so I have to give a thumbprint or a retina scan to go to work.
As a flight attendant on board the aircraft and also the flight deck, the pilots, they have to do so as well.
So we're at high-level screening, because we could be terrorists.
However, our cargo is still not screened.
Which is where you'd actually have an attack if it was real, and our borders are completely wide open.
Again, showing how it's staged.
We've got to be taught how to be good little slaves and, you know, basically have a proctology exam.
But they, on the other hand, you know, the illegal aliens are above reproach.
The war on terror is a war on our liberties, period.
Yeah, it certainly is.
And I went down to my MP's office and he laughed at me.
Alright, my MP, that's our congressman up here.
He laughed at me and wondered what I had to hide.
Why I shouldn't be biometrically scanned.
Oh yeah, that's the police state attitude.
Hey, let us track and trace and control you.
Trust us.
No, the point is, we don't trust you.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate it.
Rishi in Louisiana.
Thanks for holding your on the air, Rishi.
Rishi, just hung up.
Let's talk to Mark in Atlanta, Georgia.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, bro.
It is with dread and apprehension that I hear the footprints of the writer with the scales of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse rapidly approaching.
I did a paper in seminary about the Mark of the Beast and one thing I tried to be clear and precisely is that when people have a choice between eating some meager sustenance with the Mark of the Beast or starving without, when people have a choice between being homeless without the Mark of the Beast or having some kind of
What is it like for you as a Christian, because I'm a Christian, to see though the mainline church literally worshipping the New World Order police state?
Well, one thing that I, in my view of eschatology, there are people who believe there's going to be an end-time revival, and others who believe there's going to be an end-time apocalypse.
I view it as both will be happening at the same time, as the persecution is God's way of spreading wheat from the chaff.
You know, that basically those that never really had a legitimate relationship with Christ will show themselves to be what they really were all along.
And likewise, the people who were legitimately died with Christ and lived with Christ.
Stay there, I'm gonna let you finish up on the other side.
Then we'll talk to others.
Stay with us.
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While you were sleeping, they came and took it all away.
Let's jump straight back into your calls.
Mark in Atlanta, finish up what you were saying.
Well, what I'm trying to be clear of with my view of eschatology, excuse me, soteriology, is that each of us is responsible
We're good.
Would be willing to have somebody do work in exchange for a place to stay and eat because I know... Sure, well I would post that on Craigslist.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Just wanted to hold you over so you could get the plug in.
Thank you.
Let's go ahead now and who's up next on all these people?
You're on the air.
Ronald in Missouri.
Go ahead, Ronald.
Yes, Alex.
First, I want to thank you for what you're doing and I really feel sorry for
Aaron Russo, man I think so much of him.
That's right, I really appreciate it.
But anyway, I was watching, I just tuned in and this fella called you in about this
It's called the 1st Battalion 265 Air Defense Artillery.
Yes, and it was in WESH Channel 2 NBC News.
Did report it out of Dayton Beach, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Local troops deployed in Nation's Capital.
Go ahead.
And it says that the 265th is part of Operation Noble Eagle.
That kind of stood out to me when you watched Webster Tarpley about all these different
Well I know they've had Stingers and I know they've had Patriot missiles.
On top of the Pentagon and the White House and the Capitol for at least, well they've had Stingers for 20 years and they've had Patriots out there for just as long and they didn't use them on 9-11.
So then they made a big show out of announcing they had them there afterwards and it looks like this is just a rotation and a redeployment of another group.
So I don't think this is as ominous as some people
I really appreciate your show.
It really keeps up to date.
I really appreciate you Alex.
I know how you felt over the years.
I've been in this battle since 1964.
And I know how it is to be out kind of feeling like you're the only light out there in the middle of the countryside.
But I appreciate you.
I want you to know that, partner.
Well, I appreciate you, too.
It's good to hear from you, my friend.
And let me just make it clear that that lone light out there in the middle of the countryside sure looks good when you've been on a long trip.
And so there's not so many lone lights anymore.
There's quite a few of us now, and I appreciate everybody out there.
Let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Chris in Texas.
Chris, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I was just curious about the resignation of Gonzales.
Sure, I should have spoken of that.
It's in the stack.
It really doesn't mean much.
Gonzales ran nothing.
People, even Attorney General level, are just complete puppets, and they have all these hundreds of newscasts and pieces of news about how they made this decision, or how they wrote this memo, or how they made that decision.
The Council on Foreign Relations think tank takes the orders from the Bilderberg Group, they then write up the policy, and then it's implemented word for word.
CFR wrote up Homeland Security plans in 93.
They wrote them up again in 2000.
Every one of the 51 points they recommended were adopted by the 9-11 Commission, which was shared by two CFR members.
One of them had been a member of the Hart-Rubin Commission itself.
So, basically, these are just functionaries.
Kind of like a major takes orders from a general, but a general takes orders from a major general.
And then a Major General takes orders from the head of the Army or the head of the Navy or the Marine Corps Commandant.
And then he takes orders from somebody.
But the fact that they're throwing dead weight over means that... Tell you what, stay there.
Let me comment on it.
I'm glad you brought it up.
I'll briefly comment on that.
Let you comment, Chris.
We really appreciate you chiming in.
Then we've got a guest popping in for about 10 minutes to talk about attacks on free speech.
Globally very important what happened.
And then we're gonna get it more into Aaron Russo in the third hour.
I haven't covered this financial news yet.
It's up on Prison Planet.
It's very serious news.
We'll be covering it as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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People shuffling their feet.
People sleeping in their shoes.
There's a warning sign on the road ahead.
There's a lot of people saying,
I'm going to let Chris finish up what he was saying here in just a moment and go to our guest, the mini guest, Edward Grieve, who was over in the Netherlands at The Hague with others, Americans, Dutch, English, out there protesting, demonstrating on
The 11th of this month, and they walked up and told them they couldn't protest, they couldn't demonstrate, they had to be in free speech zones.
This is an example of the type of tyranny spreading across the planet, which led out of the staged riots that they started in Seattle and now every other place.
See, the cops stage it under federal orders, and it's happening in every major country in the West, and it's happening overseas, even in Asia as well.
They're using this as a crackdown measure, and they say, oh, you got speech!
In a park 10 miles away.
And then a lot of times they go arrest you there.
We posted the video up on PrisonPlanet.com, the YouTube video they put up of it.
But it is important.
We appreciate Edward popping in here in just a moment.
And I've got to get into this financial news.
It's very, very serious.
A market crash forecast suggests new 9-11.
Mystery trader bets on a huge downturn that could only be preceded by catastrophe.
I just want to live my life.
I hope this isn't the case.
But everybody can feel it.
Everybody can see the build-up.
Hopefully by getting the word out on this, we can back them off and have them decide to not go ahead and crash the economy and go into Iran and God knows what else the military-industrial complex is going to be pulling.
But this designation of the Iranian Military Guard as a terrorist group
With legalese, some could argue the White House gives them the authorization to attack Iran under anti-terror auspices, so we'll talk about that too.
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I don't know.
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Okay, going back to Chris, he had brought up the point of what does this mean to have Gonzales leave?
And I want to get his take on it.
Uh, we've got a bunch of articles posted on the sites, what the pundits are saying.
Gonzales wrote the memo saying they could torture children, and his designate, John, you wrote the memo saying they could torture them with pliers.
And he wrote all these memos.
Just saying hellish things, saying that the President was above the law, that all law flowed from him.
He said that the Fourth Amendment didn't bar them from warrantless searches here in the U.S.
And so now there's this big public celebration in Barack Obama, the constant insider saying he was an evil police state pusher and did all this for his own gain and for political power and that it's good that he's gone.
And Chuckie Schumer, the anti-gun New World Order chieftain, is celebrating.
He's talking about liberty and freedom.
But you notice the Congress, the House and Senate, passed into law what Gonzales had said the President could do.
They went and said, okay, retroactively, you can illegally spy.
So they actually endorsed it.
But now they're going to hang him out to dry and make him the whipping boy to take all the blame.
And then everything... He's like a sin-eater.
We had these people in England who, you know, 200, 300 years ago, they've had them just up until 100 years ago, it was in Europe too, but just type Senator into Google and they would go and when somebody had died, they would eat a piece of bread that had laid on the chest of the deceased and then they would supposedly eat the bread and then that would take the sins off your dead loved one.
Total quackery, total kookdom.
And that's all he is.
He's a sin eater.
They're just going to put it all... He's a distasteful little Enron lawyer.
Total criminal.
Totally wicked.
Totally evil.
But that's... He's nothing.
He's birdcage liner.
I mean, do we want to discuss the bird that's pooping on us?
Or do we want to gripe at the birdcage liner?
Yesterday's newspaper.
Last week's newspaper.
And that's what Gonzales does.
That's what throwing Karl Rove overboard does.
And that's what Tony Snow leaving who got death in his eyes with serious colon cancer does.
And that's what this whole exodus does.
All it does is, oh, see, that's them, and now all the horrible things they helped put into place, but that Congress was the architects of as well, co-architects, now that gives them some respite going into the election with both parties with 12% approval ratings.
Both parties are on fire, totally shot, left-right paradigm shattered forever, and they're just desperately trying to throw people overboard.
They're bailing as the ship's sinking.
That's all it is.
So it is substantive that they threw him overboard.
Just like Rumsfeld.
But as for him being gone and that being a victory because he personally is gone means nothing.
And believe me, Karl Rove hates it when you say what he is.
A puppet who runs nothing.
The architect of nothing.
Gonzales, the architect of nothing, runs nothing.
He's a toady pot.
That's somebody who toady's after.
With the poop pot after the king.
I mean, that's literally it.
Just a chambermaid of the New World Order.
That's all Gonzales and all these people are, are toadypots.
And that's what they do.
Look up toadypotter.
Look up toady.
And you can find out exactly what these people are.
They run nothing.
Want to talk about who runs things?
David Rockefeller.
Want to talk about who runs things?
Elizabeth Sachs-Coburg-Gotha.
Her endless name, you know, the Queen of Orange, Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands.
You want to talk about who's running things?
That's who's running things.
Alright, I'm digressing.
Anything you'd like to add, Chris, in Texas?
The only thing I was worried about was that these people that are close to the President might be positioning themselves to
Be a part of the shadow government that may be related to the New World Order or the North American Union.
And with what you're saying, it doesn't sound like that's true.
Basically, Gonzalez was a shield for Bush, who himself is a shield for the bigger financial interests.
They want you to talk about him and Hillary all day.
And when the shield gets all battered and dented and holes are in it, they throw it down and grab another one up.
They just threw down a shield.
That's it.
I mean, we're here with a mace and we're just battering the shield in and the new order just throws the shield down and grabs up another one.
It's pure military psychology.
I mean, they write memos on it, textbooks on it.
This is like the British Empire would have some local toady running some third world despotic system and then they put all the evils on him with their newspapers and then remove him and put a new one in.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Now, with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was a Marine, we got from inside sources, and then it came out in the newsletter, he wasn't going along, and so they removed him.
And so Secretary White was totally corrupt of the Army.
He was an Enron thief, involved in the highest levels of scamming, but he said, well, wait a minute, you want to bring democracy to Iraq, we need 500,000 troops, and they said, you're fired.
Okay, listen, I'm going to move on to my guest.
Thank you, Edward.
Edward Grieve is our guest here, and I appreciate Edward holding while I've been babbling about Alberto Gonzales.
Edward, tell us what you witnessed over in the Netherlands there at The Hague, my friend.
Yeah, well, I was just outside The Hague, actually, but we went into the center of the city.
This was last Saturday night.
Are you on an IP phone?
Uh, yeah.
I'm having really a lot of trouble hearing you now.
Just, it's kind of distorted.
Can you back off of it?
Uh, yeah.
Is this better?
Not really, but just, just, just, uh, your video's up on YouTube.
Tell folks about what happened.
It's another illustration of the attack on free speech.
Yeah, we were in The Hague, and, uh, we had the big 9-11 sign.
It's not actually that big.
It's just the size of, like, a placemat or so.
And we've got a bunch of flyers, and we had our regular t-shirts that say 9-11 inside job on them.
And it's myself, a Dutch guy, and an Irish guy.
And we're out there passing out these flyers, and about ten minutes, these cops come up in their car, lights flashing and everything, and they say, uh, you guys gotta get out of the street.
Need a permit to do anything like this.
And so, we said, well, we asked at the City Hall, we said, do we need a permit to go out there and give out flyers to people?
And they said, no, because it's part of free speech here.
And the cops said, oh, well, you need a permit to do that, absolutely.
And they told us to get out there for our own safety.
That was, you know, their words.
When we questioned them if we could put our sign down and put the flyers away, and just talk to people on the street about it, because we had the shirts on, so we figured we'll get some talks going anyway.
They said, oh, you actually need a permit to wear the shirts, because that's considered a demonstration.
Now let's be clear, you're in a major, major Dutch city, considered globally to be very liberal.
There are people openly on the streets selling heroin, cocaine, you name it.
There are whorehouses with public whores in the windows.
Anything you can imagine, stuff most of us haven't.
But you can't have a shirt saying what?
Uh, well, we have three sheriffs.
It's a 9-11 inside job and 9-11 truth.
So, uh... And so the police... Now, were these city police or... I mean, can you describe exactly who they were?
Yeah, they were police from the city itself.
And, uh, this is actually, like you said, a big city, but it's, um, I mean, it's the head seat of government in the Netherlands.
It's the biggest city, uh, it's the head of the UN, actually.
And, uh, so a lot of stuff goes on in The Hague.
And when the cops came out, they're from, uh, they're from The Hague itself.
The cops here are broken up in all different areas, so they don't have, like... Now, let's be clear.
They were, though, off of The Hague grounds, though?
No, no.
They were in The Hague.
They were on The Hague.
Okay, so who came up to you?
Because you weren't at The Hague, you said.
No, no.
Uh, we're not from The Hague, but we were in The Hague.
Sorry about that.
Okay, so you were out on the sidewalk?
Yeah, right.
And what did they say to you?
Um, they basically just said, get your stuff down and get out of here.
But, uh, what was funny about it was that they were, um, two of them anyway, were pretty nice cops.
And they said, oh yeah, we've seen these movies and we support what you're doing and that kind of stuff.
And they even took our flyers and our DVDs.
So, apparently, you're allowed to go out and protest as long as you only give cops your materials.
But we actually had people come up while we were talking to the cops and say, can I have a pamphlet?
And the cops would look at them real stern and say, no, they can't pass them out here.
But I mean, that's a double think.
Oh yeah, we like what you do, we've seen the 9-11 films, but we're still just following all of those, and you can't do that.
Right, and what's funny about it is, while we were standing there passing out these flyers, and the cops were telling us we couldn't,
There were at least three other guys passing out flyers for all sorts of things just down the block.
And they didn't have permits either, because they're just bums passing out, you know, flyers about homeless stuff or religious stuff.
Now again, The Hague is a publicly open, giant, sprawling complex.
I mean, describe geographically where it's located and the city it's in.
Well, we were standing in one of the biggest squares in the main town, right down in the center city.
And for those who haven't been to Europe and the States, European cities have really big squares.
Where there's just nothing in there, just people standing around.
And people for hundreds of years, and that's why Christians went to the Netherlands, because they had more freedom than England, for hundreds of years you can hand out pamphlets and talk in the squares.
Now, literally hundreds of years of culture is being reversed.
Yeah, absolutely.
The cops actually told us when they came up that they'd follow us on the closed-circuit TV from when we got off the station.
Because the whole city, actually, we looked at this as we were walking back to the station, and I've been there since and looked around, and the whole city is covered with this huge blanket of closed-circuit TV cameras.
They're just every which way you look.
There's cameras all over the place here.
So there they are using Big Brother Grid to suppress your free speech with selective enforcement there in a major city.
The cops here actually told us when we were talking to them that some groups are actually restricted from protesting altogether.
Now it says in the Constitution, I've read the Constitution since we've talked to the cops, it says you have these rights and they're supposed to be, you know, inalienable, they're your rights.
Well, see, it starts with just the Nazis are banned.
And then it's, well, you're saying global warming isn't real, you're banned.
And then, oh, you're protesting against gun control, you're banned.
Oh, I mean, that's...
They arrest people in England now, BBC reporters, that say rural communities deserve the same rights as, quote, gays.
And they said, when you said that word, it was meant hatefully.
So I'm arresting you.
Stay there.
Stay there, because when we get back, I want to hear more from you, and I really appreciate Edward Grieve, an American who's over there witnessing all of this.
And they got video of it, and it's been up on the web, and we posted it last week up on presentplanet.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Well, it's exciting to see people in England, in the Netherlands, in Germany, in Japan, in China, in Brazil, in Mexico, standing up for 9-11 Truth, exposing it, to be the inside job that it is.
And Edward Grieve is an American over in the Netherlands right now, and to see their account and to read about it, and I'm told they're going to be uploading more video,
There were several people there with cameras soon.
There was just an article out this weekend about an $80,000 settlement with an individual who was arrested at a public rally for wearing an anti-Bush shirt.
And I saw last week a couple more articles about people in North Carolina specifically being arrested for having impeached Bush signs.
The cops just say that's not allowed.
They think that that's what America is.
I mean, they go out and they stage riots to try to attack protesters.
I mean, we are so far gone.
And I witnessed in New York, in 2004, cops riding scooters into crowds and then charging people with assault.
They would just drive their scooters into people, fall off, stage a wreck.
You know, they'd be going two miles an hour and then beat the daylights out of a bunch of people and just arrest whole masses of reporters.
AP reporters, Village Voice reporters, it didn't matter.
There's a documentary film crew here from New York, and one of the guys here was arrested there for no reason.
Were they just randomly arrested people?
This is what's happening.
And they provocateured back in 99, now 8 years ago in Seattle, riots that the feds staged.
That's documented.
They did it again last week in Canada, but got caught in the act and had to back off.
And now they've tried to globally say you can't protest, or you can't wear a shirt on a major street corner in a major metropolitan city!
Okay, this is Big Brother, it's here!
Edward Greve, you were telling me during the break you want to get in touch with Luke Radowsky.
I'll have my producer call you and give you his number.
But it's really exciting to see what you and others are doing.
In the minute or two we've got left in this hour, anything else you want to add about how all this ended?
Well, it ended with us sort of with our tails between our legs going back to where we're from, which is just a little town about 10 kilometers to the north.
But what was really interesting was as soon as we got back to our hometown, which is called Leiden,
We went out into the little square there, where we had done the same protest the week before.
And as soon as we got off the train into the square there, cops were right on us.
And I think that probably they got a call from the police down in The Hague, because they took all our information, like I said last week.
And they knew we were heading home to Biden.
And they were probably just waiting for us when we got there.
This is incredible!
So secret police everywhere, using the CCTV cameras to track everything you do.
What did you say to them?
Well, we told them the same story we told the other cops that we asked at the City Hall, and they said it was okay.
And these cops sort of left us alone.
They were a bit more... Well, I'm not saying you were wrong to not challenge it, because, you know, you're out there handing stuff out, and that's great.
You're doing more than 99% of people are doing.
But I would have gone ahead and let them arrest me.
In fact, I've had to do that in New York a few times and said, look, it's First Amendment.
I'm going to be forced to sue you.
And I think if you would have told them, go ahead and arrest me for your shirt,
I think it would have become an international incident.
But listen, I'm not criticizing you.
You did a great job, Edward.
And you know, I'm going to be in New York coming up on the 9-11 anniversary coming up in a few weeks.
And my mission there is to do interviews and document what's happening.
And I haven't decided yet what's going to happen when the cops march up and tell me you can't videotape in the city now.
But I've pretty much decided to let them go ahead and arrest me.
Uh, it's, it's, but we can't let that be a chilling effect.
Everybody has to go to New York with a camera, even if you weren't going to go, because it's a frontal assault on the First Amendment.
Edward Grieve, we're going to get a story out on this.
This is even worse than what I originally saw on the web, and we appreciate you spending time with us today.
Absolutely, thank you very much.
I want to ask you when we come back if there's any websites you want to plug.
Stay there.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you just joined us, if your station just joined us, Edward Greaves, an American living over in the Netherlands, he went out with an Irish fella and a Dutch fella,
A small town and demonstrated with small signs handing out flyers about 9-11 made government black up inside job.
They were wearing t-shirts that said 9-11's an inside job, 9-11 truth.
And when they went into the major city there at The Hague, in the major town square, where historically, I mean, that's where Christians in England went when they were persecuted, where they had more freedom than England had 200 years ago, 300 years ago.
They just said, no, no, you can't have shirts on in the city!
Saying 9-11 is an inside job!
Now get out of here!
When they went back to their little town, cops were waiting for them there saying, no, you can't.
This is a big deal, folks.
This is a big deal.
It's happening everywhere.
It's the same thing.
Oh, we've got a protest area and that shirt's a protest and so now you can't be in the city square or we're going to have to arrest you.
Same thing they're now saying in New York.
It all started in Seattle.
In my film, Police State to the Takeover, you'll see police searching bags for 9-11, excuse me, for
Anti-WTO pins.
The police are searching bags looking for anti-WTO pins and confiscating.
Saying no protest is allowed.
I think we ought to find that particular part in the film and play it.
Coming up here tomorrow.
In fact, I know Paul Watson and Steve Watson both wrote articles about it and actually put that video link up there.
from police state to the takeovers.
You can go up and watch that for yourself.
Again, precedent-setting, globally, the exact same nomenclature, the same handouts, the same thing is done.
I'm going to cover the financial news when we get back in the next segment.
Then I'm going to play 35 minutes of an Aaron Russo interview, his last video interview he gave.
And we're going to air 35 minutes of it today, and the second half, 35 minutes tomorrow.
Ron Paul is also scheduled to join us.
In closing,
Talking to Edward Grieve.
Edward, any emails, any addresses?
I think people in the Netherlands, hundreds of people ought to email you right now.
We have a big listenership over there.
We get hundreds of thousands of readers a month just from the Netherlands alone.
We can track that, the IP, where people are coming from.
You can go to Alexa and see which percentage of our visitors are from there.
And we can track the folks coming in, just the general, that it's from the Netherlands.
And see that on the graphs.
We know it's hundreds of thousands.
If a fraction emailed you and got hooked up with you guys, how about a hundred of you?
How about a thousand of you?
Show up out there for free speech!
And then do a demonstration where, you know, have shirts on, say, save the whales down the street, and show how they don't get stopped, but you get stopped for saying 9-11's an inside job.
You want to give out contact info for 9-11 Truth in the Netherlands?
Yeah, absolutely.
I have a couple of plugs for protests we're putting up and I actually did get a really big response from the article I wrote on 9-11 blogger and then if I can have just a second after that I'd like to plug another thing which is related to what you've been talking about.
We've got one minute.
Do it right now.
Okay, absolutely.
Well, there's a big protest coming up that's going to be Europe-wide, so everybody in Europe needs to get out there and look this up.
In Brussels, on 9-9, that's the Sunday before 9-11, and go to Zapruder.nl, Z-A-P-R-U-D-E-R.nl,
And the other thing is that, I just want to say this real quick, the reason that the government is playing with anarchists as the opposition to police is because the real anarchists are the academics.
They're the academic community.
And people need to get over to Mises.org and check out the Austrian School of Economics and read about that as well.
Now, do you want to give out personal contact info?
Yeah, you can reach us through one of our teammates, the Blogspot website.
It's thefreedomchannel.blogspot.com.
His email is on there.
You can email him and contact him at that link.
Now give it out slowly.
The Freedom Channel.
Listen, I don't think you should wait till the 9th.
I mean, I think you guys ought to have one in four or five days from now and get a hundred people out there and show people the tyranny.
Don't let them attack free speech or they're going to win and you're going to be in Nazi Germany.
Alright, thank you so much, Edward Grieve.
Absolutely, thanks for having me on.
Thank you so much for all you've done.
We salute you for going out and
Illustrating how serious the police state's gotten.
We'll be right back.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Ease the T-Rex in political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I'm going to air about 35 minutes of this interview and the second half of it tomorrow.
But I'll be popping in a few times with comments and then in the last five minutes of the show I'll get into this financial news because I realize I need to go ahead and get to the Russo
Peace or I'll never have time.
Just a little prelude, though, to the financial news.
Right before 9-11, there were put options, that is, bets that the stock was going to go down, placed not against the airline industry, but against American and United specifically, into the billions of dollars total.
And they were bets that the stock was going to plunge.
They were placed in the four days before 9-11 and then it led back to Buzzy Krongard and the CIA.
That was in major financial papers in England and Germany.
It was mentioned in a couple news wires here but never hit the major news on television or radio really outside of this show and a few others.
And even mainstream media is calling this a Bin Laden or Al-Qaeda type purchase.
Because it's so large, and the only time they saw this was right before September.
Last time.
So, we'll be going over that after the Aaron Russo interview.
But Paul Watson has written it all up in a headline, Market Crash Forecast Suggests New 9-11.
By getting the word out on this, and this is serious, by getting the word out on this, we may be able to avert it happening.
And I really should have been talking about this all
I'm honored to be interviewed by Alex Jones at Shoe Seeker.
Fighting for justice in America.
When did you start to think something was wrong in the world or start to find out about the whole banking cartel and the Federal Reserve System, the New World Order?
That was a progression of events.
I've always been a very independent person.
I've always believed in individuality and that we were put on this earth.
We're good to go.
And I created the first Navy's Bikini Panties back in 1963, actually.
And then I opened up a nightclub in Chicago called the Electric Theater.
That opened up the day Martin Luther King was assassinated.
And so the city of Chicago was in flames the day my club opened.
And nobody came out to the club.
And what happened was that
That was the year of the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968.
And so my club became a hangout for the hippies.
You know, because they wanted to go to Chicago and protest what was going on.
And I was having a concert at my club one night to raise money.
And the police raided the nightclub.
My club for no reason at all.
And I was standing outside in my office overlooking the street.
And I saw all these paddy wagons pulling up in front of my club.
And I was a 24 year old kid.
You know, I had no experience at all, really.
I said, what are these paddy wagons doing here?
And then I saw all these cops getting out of the paddy wagons coming into my club.
I said, oh my God, they're raiding me.
And so I ran down to the stage and I got on the stage and I stopped the band from playing.
And I said to the people in the audience, we're being raided.
You know, so sit down on the floor, cooperate, you know, and plot your identification and cooperate with the police.
And as I said that, two of the cops from behind threw me onto the floor and grabbed me and started dragging me out of the club.
And I'm going, you know, victory, victory!
You know, playing the floor was worth it at the time.
I was a kid.
And then I saw the fight department there.
I don't know.
And I went to the paddy wagon in gigantic pain, and the next person that came into the paddy wagon, as he was stepping in, the cops took their billboards, smashed them on the head with it, and just spilled a skull.
You know, for no reason.
I mean, there was nothing wrong.
So that was kind of your awakening?
That was my awakening.
Like, what is going on?
I thought this was America.
So I initially waved it on Chicago.
I made a daily thing.
It was just that it was Chicago.
And anyway, I went to the headlines of the newspapers the next day.
You know, there's my picture in the newspapers.
Headlines, electric theater short-circuited.
It was raided.
And in the article, they went ahead and they said that the reason they raided the club was because the fire department came there and saw it was messy, full of garbage, and the hippies started attacking them.
Which is totally not true.
It was totally false.
It was a complete fabrication.
They ran a false flag on you.
Yeah, of course.
And I was in shock.
I said, people lie like that?
People actually do these things?
I couldn't believe it.
It was an awakening to me.
And I went on television.
I told people on television that they lied.
Nobody cared.
Nobody cared what the truth was.
It was shocking to me.
And then about a week or two weeks later, I forget exactly what it was, two cops come to see me, a lieutenant and a sergeant.
No, a captain and a sergeant.
And they said, Mr. Russo, we're sorry if you got hurt that night at the club and the raid, but we're here to tell you that if you want to keep the club open, it's going to take $2,000 a month and we're going to come see you once a month.
And whenever we have to raid you, we're going to call you.
You know, and we'll let you know we're going to come in tonight and raid you.
This was Mafia.
Well, the police mafia.
You know?
And, uh, actually, it was actually more interesting than that.
They said, listen, there's the A plan, there's the B plan, and there's the Super Deluxe plan.
And this one, of course, each one, of course, is that much money a month.
Which one do you want?
What was the Super Deluxe?
That's the one I took.
That was a $2,000 a month plan.
And I took that plan, and, um...
I paid them $2,000 a month and they left me alone.
And whenever they were going to raid the club, they would come and say, we're going to raid, we're going to have a phony raid tonight, you know, just to look good for the people in the neighborhood.
You know?
So that was your first big education?
That was my education into corruption and government.
You know, but I really thought that was basically Chicago.
I didn't realize the whole country was like that.
And so that was my wake up call that people lie and cheat and steal.
And I thought everybody was always
Honest and nice and decent and I had no idea about any of these things.
Finally one day they came to me and they said, look, we can't take your money anymore.
I said, why, what's up?
They said, we have to close your club.
What's going on?
This election is coming and all the men in the neighborhood don't want you open anymore.
So we can't take your money.
So I had to go to court and fight them and they were trying to close the club and then one night there was a fire and the club never reopened again.
The club just closed and that was the end of the club and they burned me down.
And that was the end of my experience.
And then I moved back to New York, where I met Bette Midler.
And I ran into her at a little nightclub she was playing called The Improv.
And I thought she was fabulous.
And through a series of events, I began managing her.
And as soon as I started managing her, her career took off like a rocket.
You know, just fortuitous, I guess.
And we became very, very successful.
And through managing Bette, I started producing shows on Broadway where I won the Tony, and I produced a television show where I won the Emmy with Destin Hoffman and Bette, you know.
And then I produced The Rose for her, where she got Academy Award nominations.
And then that led me to producing Trading Places, which everybody knows.
That makes the best Eddie Murphy movie.
Well, it's a good one.
I don't know if it's the best, but it's a really good one.
And I'm very proud I made that movie.
And so in my mind,
I feel as if I made a classic comedy in Trading Places, a classic musical in The Rose, and a classic documentary in Freedom to Fascism.
So I'm very proud of my work that I've done as a filmmaker.
Back in the late 80s, I was a pretty big silver trader and gold trader.
I don't think I've ever told this story on tape before.
I was a pretty big silver and gold trader.
And I always paid my taxes.
And I took what was a legal tax deduction on my silver trades.
And a few years later, I think it was 88 or 89 or something, the IRS claimed that what I did, and other people did as well, was now illegal.
We couldn't do it anymore.
But they made it retroactive.
I said, what do you mean retroactive?
It was legal then.
I did what was legal.
He said, yeah, but now we're making it illegal retroactively.
And that's not good.
So you owe us $600,000 or $800,000.
For what?
It was legal.
How could you make something retroactive?
Change the law backwards in time.
It makes no sense.
Well, we're doing it.
And so everybody said they can't do that.
So he went to court.
A class action lawsuit.
And the judge agreed with the IRS, and so they could do it retroactively.
And that's when I knew that there was something wrong in America with the IRS and the system here.
Aaron, you were telling me this story last night, and before you even finished saying, in the late 80s, the tax law said retroactive.
And I knew that because they literally ruined my dad, but he paid.
He didn't know.
He still thought this was America.
And it was legal tax law, what you're supposed to do.
They said retroactively you owe and with, not just retroactively, but they said you also have penalties and interest.
That's right.
So how do you have penalties and interest on something when they retroactively change the law?
Well, first of all, you can't retroactively, how can you do something retroactively?
Penalties and interest are a farce.
Don't think because they do whatever they want to do.
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And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
Penalties and interest are a farce.
Don't think because they do whatever they want to do.
And that's when I realized America is not America.
It's not the land that I was taught it was.
Because they can do whatever they wish to do.
And there's nothing a citizen can do about it.
Now you've made America Freedom of Fascism.
I want to walk through that film and I want to encourage everybody out there to get a copy of it on DVD.
It was also in theaters around the country.
I think the best film out there in the Federal Reserve and the IRS and the whole Bankers' Scandal.
I want to discuss that with you here.
But I wanted to
Go back a little bit to the point that we discussed last night where you don't advise people to not pay.
And I do the same thing.
People say, well, wait, you're saying it's a scam, but you're saying go ahead and pay it.
And I like the way you summed it up.
Well, it's really fairly simple.
I mean, uh, since making that movie, you know, many people come to me and ask me whether they should pay their income taxes or not, you know, and I never advise people not to pay.
And the reason I tell them, I say, look, I've done a lot of research.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the IRS has no authority.
There isn't.
The 16th Amendment did not give the IRS the authority to tax your labor and your wages.
That's a fact.
The Supreme Court is the law of the land, you know?
And the IRS does not trump the Supreme Court.
However, that being the case, the fact is if the Mafia would come to you and say, we want $2,000 a month or we're gonna hurt you,
I would not advise you not to pay them.
Because you may get hurt by not paying them.
Whether it's legal or not, doesn't necessarily matter.
You're going to get hurt if you don't.
It's the same thing with the IRS.
They can hurt you.
They can put you in jail.
They can torture you.
So if you don't pay them, you may get hurt.
So I never advise people not to pay.
I tell people, yeah, pay your taxes.
You know?
Look what happened to Congressman Hanson.
Yeah, Congressman Hanson's a great example.
Pay your taxes.
But you know what?
Shut down the Federal Reserve System and eventually you won't have to pay those taxes anymore.
See, the IRS is a symptom of the problem.
The real problem is the banking industry and the bankers in this country.
That's where the real problem lies.
That's the root of our problem.
That's why we've lost America.
So yeah, pay your taxes.
Because if you don't pay them, you might get hurt.
And I've heard all the arguments, you know, about what tax protesters say, and so on and so forth.
And I don't call them tax protesters.
I call them the Tax Honesty Movement.
Instead of being honest, you know, at least.
But the fact of the matter is, you're being forced, you're being compelled to pay it, because you're facing jail sentences, you're facing time, you're facing corruption of the courts, if you don't pay.
And so you pay it.
Just like you pay the Mafia.
But with the Mafia, at least you have the government to call and try and help you.
To get past the Mafia, to protect you.
Here you have nobody to protect you.
The American people are living in a matrix.
They don't understand the truth of how things are working in this country.
You know?
And let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.
The very fact is, if you ask a hundred people on the street, what kind of government is America supposed to be?
99% of them will tell you a democracy.
America is supposed to be a democracy.
But that's a lie.
That's an illusion.
The word democracy is not written into the Constitution at one time.
It's not in the Bill of Rights.
It's not in the Declaration of Independence.
The Founding Fathers hated the idea of a democracy.
They thought it was the worst form of government there is.
And I agree with them.
Because in a democracy, 51% of the people control 49% of the people.
If you're part of the 49%, you're not free.
America was founded as a constitutional republic.
And in that Constitutional Republic that we have, 99% of the people can't take away the rights of 1%.
You have your rights because you were born with them.
You have God-given human rights that nobody can take away from you.
The government, the majority, no matter who they are, I can't take away your rights.
And that's what our founding fathers gave us.
But the psychological operations that they do to us, they make us believe that we're a democracy and that majority rules.
You see?
And they want you to believe that.
Because then they tell you, this poll says, this many want this, and this many want that, and this many want this, and it doesn't have anything to do with anything.
Well, Hitler was elected.
Hitler was elected.
Hitler did everything legally.
And in a constitutional republic, a minority is protected against a majority.
Wasn't it Benjamin Franklin, to paraphrase, that said, democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner?
And then he also said, in a republic, the sheep would have a gun.
To protect himself, you know?
And that's the truth.
America's not a democracy.
But you ask the most intelligent people, what form of government America's supposed to be, they'll say democracy.
That's what they've been brainwashed.
They've been psyoped into believing that.
They believe that we're in Iraq.
They believe we're in Iraq to promote democracy.
The word democracy, you hear George Bush saying, democracy means freedom.
Democracy equals a new world order.
Democracy equals slavery.
Democracy is not synonymous with freedom.
It's the opposite of freedom.
Democracy is the worst form of government you can have.
It's majority rule.
And the government can tell you exactly what they want to tell you to do.
Because the majority wants it.
I don't care what the majority wants.
I live my life as I choose.
And if I don't commit violence, theft, or fraud against another human being, I can live my life as I wish.
That's my choice.
And I'm allowed to make mistakes.
Because when you make mistakes, you learn from them.
You grow as a human being.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Morning, neighbor!
Hey, shouldn't you be at work?
As a matter of fact, I pulled another all-nighter.
I am.
What do you mean?
Well, I'm working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Well, at least I'm making money 24-7.
But I never have to go to work.
So, what do you do?
Not very much at all now.
About a month ago, I heard about this website.
It's DidYouRobBillGates.com.
It's got a funny name.
That is funny.
Yeah, you can earn $1,200 to $12,000 a week starting the very first week.
Oh, is that how you bought that new mower?
Yeah, and the motorcycle I've always wanted, too.
You should log on.
Find out how you can become financially free.
So, what was that website?
It's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com Just wait, I'll go get a pen so I can write that down.
You don't need to write it down.
It's easy to remember.
That is easy!
It's easy, and the money is awesome!
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The disciples asked Jesus in Matthew 24, What shall be the signs of thy coming, and the end of the world?
You shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
And there shall be famines, disease, and earthquakes in many places.
We are living in this time of earth's history.
Many people are trying to understand the climactic world events in light of human wisdom.
But without the wisdom of God, this is impossible.
2 Peter says, We have a more sure word of prophecy.
We're good to go.
Because when you make mistakes, you learn from them.
You grow as a human being.
We're put on this earth to become the best individuals we can be to fulfill our God-given potential.
We're not here to put on a show so the government can tell us how to live our lives and what we must do.
We put into these systems and these paradigms.
The same thing in health.
You know, if you're sick, you have to have a certain protocol.
You know, be individuals.
Think for yourself.
Have critical thinking.
You know?
And so what's happened is that because they've taught everybody that we're a democracy, which is not true, now, so then in 1913,
They bring the Federal Reserve System into being.
And now you have this Federal Reserve System, which in 1913 got the right to create money for the government, when before that the government created its own money.
Now the government, when it needed money, had a borrower from this private bank called the Federal Reserve, which is a private bank owned by individuals, incorporated in Delaware.
And so, um,
What happens is, now the government borrows money from them to fund the government, and the government says, well, we have to pay these people interest.
How are we going to pay them interest?
Let's impose a tax on the labor of the American people, which never existed before, to pay the interest of the bankers.
In fact, in 1980, Ronald Reagan said, not one red cent.
Your income tax money goes to run the country, it all goes to the Federal Reserve.
Well, it was the Great Commission report that said that not one nickel goes to the infrastructure of the country.
I guess Reagan quoted that.
But the point I'm trying to make is that by creating this Federal Reserve system, the government now became dependent on these private banks for money.
And they started taxing us.
You see?
And so now what happens is that in 35, I believe it was, Social Security started.
And they gave you a Social Security card that said not to be used for identification.
A Social Security number right on the card.
And through Social Security, they started deducting money out of your paycheck.
That was the first time they were ever to take money out of your paycheck.
Which people agreed to because they thought it was going to their retirement fund.
And so then when they instituted the income tax again, it's not taking money out of your paycheck, because Social Security could do it.
And then they could do it again.
You see what I'm saying?
And so now they've even taken control of the tax, the tax payment itself.
I mean, literally like you're a slave, they're taking it right there when you make it.
They don't even trust the public enough to go and pay it themselves.
So they take it out automatically, because they know people aren't going to want to pay it.
So what's happened is that through the implementation of the Federal Reserve System,
The government has become vested in these bankers.
And they get their money from the bankers.
And so, then they impose a tax on us, which makes us more slaves, makes it more difficult for us to survive.
Giving them more profits.
And now, what's happened is that through the Federal Reserve System, the bankers have pretty much taken control of our government.
It doesn't matter Republican or Democrat anymore.
Because they're both the same.
Neither one of them are talking about shaming the federal reserve system, or stopping the payment of taxes, you know, or any of the big issues that face Americans, right?
So, I had a friend, Nick Rockefeller, okay, who's one of the Rockefeller family, and he, when I was running for governor of Nevada, he came to me, introduced himself to me through an attorney, and we became friends.
We started talking about things.
And I learned an awful lot from Mr. Rockefeller.
And one of the things that we used to talk about was the ultimate plan of the banking industry, what they wanted to accomplish.
And the goals of the banking industry, not just the Federal Reserve System, but the private banks in Germany and England, all over Italy, all over the world, they all work together.
They're all central banks.
And they're all part of the Communist Manifesto.
You know, central banking is one of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto.
We talk about America being a capitalist country, but yet at the same time we have a central bank that plans everything for us.
And the graduated income tax is another plank of the Communist Manifesto.
So right there you have two major planks of the Communist Manifesto that have been brought in because of the Federal Reserve System.
So, the ultimate goal that these people have in mind
Is the goal to create a one world government run by the banking industry, run by the bankers.
And they're doing it in sections.
The European currency, the Euro, and the European Constitution is one part of it.
Now they're trying to do it in America with the North American Union.
And they want to create a new currency called the Amero.
And the whole agenda is to create a one world government
Where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them, all money is to be in those chips.
There'll be no more cash.
And this is getting me straight from Rockefeller himself.
This is what they want to accomplish.
And all money will be in your chips.
And so, instead of having cash, anytime you have money in your chip,
They can take out whatever they want to take out whenever they want to.
If they say you owe us this much money in taxes, they just deduct it out of your chip digitally.
Total control.
Total control.
And if you're like me or you, and you're protesting what they're doing, they can just turn off your chip.
And you have nothing.
You can't buy foods.
You can't do anything.
It's total control of the people.
And that chip's connected to a database that has your purchasing records, what you do, what you sell.
Everything is in there.
You know?
And so they want a one world government, controlled by them, everybody being chipped, all the money in those chips, and they control the chips, and you become a slave, you become a serf to these people.
That's their goal, that's their intentions.
Eric, can you be specific about when you met Rockefeller, how it happened in these discussions?
I met Rockefeller through a female attorney I knew, who called me up one day and said, uh, one of the Rockefellers would like to meet you.
I'd made a video called Mad As Hell, and he'd seen the video and wanted to meet me, and knew I was running for Governor of Nevada.
So sure, I'd love to meet him.
And I met him, and I liked him, and he was a very, very smart man, and we used to talk and share ideas and thoughts.
And he's the one who told me, eleven months before 9-11 ever happened, that there was going to be an event.
Never told him what the event was going to be.
But there was going to be an event, and out of that event, we were going to invade Afghanistan, to run pipelines for the Caspian Sea.
We were going to invade Iraq, you know, to take over the oil fields and establish a base in the Middle East.
I think?
For people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and all these places.
And there's going to be this war on terror.
Which is no real enemy.
And the whole thing is a giant hoax.
You know, but it's a way for the government to take over the American people.
He told you it was going to be a hoax.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
There's no question.
There's going to be a war on terror.
And he's laughing.
Who are we fighting?
I mean, why do you think 9-11 happened and then nothing's happened since then?
Do you think that our security is so great here that these people who pulled off 9-11 were able to knock down another plane?
It's ridiculous!
Come on!
9-11 was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to perpetuate the fear of the American people into subordinating themselves to anything the government wants them to do.
That's what it's about.
And to create this endless war on terror.
And that was the first lie.
And the next lie was going to Iraq.
You know, to get Saddam Hussein out with his weapons of mass destruction.
That was the next lie.
Now, specifically, this was a little over 6 years ago.
This was 11 months before 9-11.
And Nick Rockefeller, who's a lawyer, he's become your friend over the previous years.
And he's saying to you that there's going to be this big event and then out of that we're going to have a war on terror and it's just going to go on and on.
An endless war on terror without any real enemy.
So you can never define a winner.
Did he say that it's going to be perfect because you can't define an enemy, it just goes on and on?
Yeah, because you can't define a winner.
There's no one to beat, so it goes on and on forever.
And they can do whatever they want.
They scare the hell out of the American public.
Look, this whole war on terror is a fraud.
It's a farce.
It's very difficult to say it out loud, because people are intimidated against saying it.
Because if you say it, they want to make you into a nutcase.
But the truth has to be, the truth has to come out.
That's why I'm doing this interview.
The fact of the matter happens to be that the whole war on terror is a fraud, it's a farce.
There is a war going on in Iraq, because we invaded Iraq!
And people over there are fighting!
You know?
But the war on terror, it's a joke!
And until we discover what really happened on 9-11, and who was responsible for 9-11, because that's where the war on terror emanates from.
You know?
That's where it comes from.
It was 9-11 that allowed this war on terror to begin.
And until we get to the bottom root of 9-11, the truth of 9-11, we'll never know about the war on terror.
Aaron, you said that he was, and I think it's important, and I know this about the Rockefellers, from Dr. Dennis Cuddy and many others, you literally, you'll be 20 years old in a lunch line at college, and notice they're Rockefeller.
And they're experts at recruiting and getting what they call players, and that clearly he was,
Make it specific and just get you to reiterate what you said last night.
Yes, that did happen.
I was definitely being recruited.
Yeah, I think so.
You know, I would have to get a letter to join them, but was I interested in that?
And, uh, you know, just, just stuff, you know, leading you on.
And, uh, I used to say to him that I never really did that because, well, that wasn't where I was coming from.
You know, as much as I like you, Nick, you know, your ways and my ways were the opposite side of the fence.
You know, I don't believe in enslaving people.
You know?
And, um... And he would come back with, oh, I do?
Or... Well, it would be more like, you know... It's better for them.
Well, it's more like, you know, um... How do I put it?
It was like... What do you care about them?
What do you care about those people?
What difference does it make to you?
Take care of your own life.
Do the best you can for you and your family.
What do the rest of the people mean to you?
They don't mean anything to you.
They're just serfs.
They're just people.
It was just a lack of caring.
And that's just not who I was.
It was just sort of like cold.
It was just like cold.
And I said, what's the point of all this?
You have all the money in the world you need.
You have all the power you need.
What's the point?
What's the end goal?
And he said, the end goal is to get everybody chipped.
To control the whole society.
To have the bankers, the elite people, you know, the bankers and some governor, controlling the world.
And they said, all the people in the Council on Foreign Relations believe this way, you do this way.
No, no, no.
Most of them believe they're doing the right thing.
A lot of them believe it's better off being socialistic.
You know, we have to convince people that socialism is really capitalism.
America's becoming a socialist country.
It's a communist country today.
Well, one of the things they told me was that he was at the house one night and we were talking and he started laughing.
He said, Aaron, what do you think women's liberation was about?
And I said, I had pretty conventional thinking about it at that point.
I said, I think it's about women having the right to work, getting equal pay with men, just like they won the right to vote.
And he started to laugh.
He said, you're an idiot.
And I said, why am I an idiot?
He said, let me tell you what that was about.
We the Rockefellers funded that.
We funded Women's Lib, you know?
And we're the ones who got all of the newspapers and television, the Rockefeller Foundation.
He says, and you want to know why?
He says, there were two primary reasons.
And they were, one reason was, we couldn't tax half the population before Women's Lib.
And the second reason was,
Now we get the kids in school at an early age.
We can indoctrinate the kids how to think.
It breaks up their family.
The kids that look at the state as the family, as the school, as the officials.
Tomorrow we're going to come back right here at this point and air the second 35 minutes of the roughly 70 minute interview that we posted.
And we did about two hours with him.
We also did an interview at lunch nobody's ever seen.
It's only about 10 minutes long, and I think we're going to dig that out of the computer and upload that to the network and play that in the next few days as well.
And there's so much I want to say about Aaron Rusch.
You know, I think I'm going to... Aaron Dykes and I are going to write something up today that's a little more expansive than what Paul and I put together up on PrisonPlanet.com, so that should be up tonight.
But I think I want to properly eulogize him, and I've already done that Sunday and a little bit today.
We'll talk more about him as an individual and spend more time on that tomorrow and the day after that.
I want to specifically hear from callers about Aaron Russo tomorrow.
We are scheduled to have Ron Paul on with us as well.
We're going to come back and get into the financial news that I've been mentioning all day.
I'm probably able to show up with it tomorrow.
I should have spent more time on it.
It's so important.
But at the same time, it's coming out of Fox Television.
Fox now owns Dow Jones.
Makes us suspect.
But regardless, we're going to cover it in the next segment.
I want to tell you about SaferJelly.com.
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The rest of it, not looked at at all, folks.
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And it's American made Royal Jelly, ladies and gentlemen, at a very fair price.
And it's SaferJelly.com.
We have a link up on PrisonPlanet.com, too, if you forget the name.
Jealousine Gold is the particular copyrighted name of this American jelly.
And it's SaferJelly.com.
It has enzymes and 23 amino acids in it, amongst many other things.
When we get back, we will get into this financial news.
And in closing for this segment, I want to remind you again, we've got an online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com.
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Where does this come from?
Where did this all start?
Dow Jones.
Dow Jones is where this all started a week ago.
This came out more than a week ago, August 16th, and I guess this was before Fox had taken it over.
It doesn't matter, there are already neocons over there at the Wall Street Journal and the rest of it.
Mystery trader bets market will crash by a third.
An anonymous investor has placed a bet on an index of Europe's top 50 stocks, falling by a third by the end of September as world equity markets plunge for a third day and volatility hit a three-year high.
And they go on to basically say that they call this the Al-Qaeda index.
And of course they blame that on Al Qaeda.
It led back to the U.S.
government and other allied groups vetting against United and American in the week before 9-11.
And this is the type of put option that's so gigantic.
And the mere fact that normally if Dow Jones didn't want it to go down, they wouldn't be even writing about it.
That's how they work.
But by exposing this, it may actually back it off and stop it from happening.
This didn't get to be big news until late last week, and then I just heard about it Sunday because I was out of town, and then I said, I've got to check into that, and we did, and Paul Watson wrote a big article about it.
Market crash forecast suggests new 9-11, and this goes through why it's important and why it should be looked at, but by speaking about it and exposing it, instead of them just hyping it and saying it's going to crash, who knows?
We could back them off from doing it.
Mystery trader bets on huge downturn that could only be preceded by catastrophe.
A mystery trader risks losing around $1 billion after placing 245,000 put options on the Dow Jones Euro 50 index, leading many analysts to speculate the stock market crash preceded by a new 9-11-style catastrophe could take place within the next month.
And that's what Dow Jones and Mainstream News said.
We're not the ones saying that.
The anonymous trader only stands to make money if the market crashes by a third to a half before September 21st, which is when the put options expire.
A put option is a financial contract between two parties, the buyer and the writer, seller of the option, in which the buyer stands to benefit only if the price of the asset falls.
The sales are being referred to by market traders as Bin Laden trades, because only an event of scale down 11 could make the short sell options valuable.
Before it's financial blogger Mark Parent.
Dow Jones Financial News first reported on the story.
And it just goes on.
Please get it at PrisonPlanet.com.
Get it out to everybody.
So that if they do pull this, we know who's behind it.
And believe me, it isn't Osama Bin Laden.
Or the Easter Bunny.
Or the Gingerbread Man.
God bless everybody out there.
And God bless you Aaron Russo.
We're all thinking about you.
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