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Name: 20070822_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 22, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is an extremely important Thursday edition.
It is the 16th day of August 2007.
This is one of the most important radio broadcasts I will ever do.
The pieces of the puzzle are complete.
I can say with declarative assurity and assurance that
The globalists intend to go to full martial law in the United States.
They intend.
I have seen the balloons go up.
They have now engaged their operation.
They have now gone to green light.
The trigger is now in play.
The cartridge is in the chamber.
It is pointed directly at the Republic's head.
They have accelerated every one of their ops a thousand times.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, they are online with a trajectory to stage some type of event in the next six months.
It could even be within the next month.
We right now are in a prime position.
Call everyone you know now.
Call every radio station, TV station.
You tell them to tune in to this show right now.
And you need to call your family, your neighbors.
You need to email your email list.
You need to go on your MySpace.
You need to go on the Dig message boards.
You need to tell everyone to tune in to this show now.
We don't have any guests today.
We've canceled any guests that we had.
Because I want to get into this news and information.
This is mainstream television headline, Homeland Security Enlist Clergy to Quell Public Unrest in Martial Law Ever Declared.
Now remember a year ago, we broke this news here on the GCN Radio Network with Pastor Butch Paw.
And some pastors that he knows, they sent us classified documents.
They had been secretly recruited.
13,000 plus pastors.
That was only phase one.
They've now doubled that number to 26,000 pastors.
They have been told to tell their members to turn their guns in, to give their children over, to go to different areas of camps, to get on trucks.
We have the documents.
Now, somehow they tracked back who had leaked them.
And when he went into his office, there they were on his desk, and they were waiting for him, and he's scared to death and won't talk to us after that.
The news here is that if Homeland Security told preachers to go ahead and go on the news with this, we're talking red-level emergency.
I debated a top neocon, one of the people writing up the quote and codifying the new law, the Anti-Bill of Rights law,
Just this Sunday, he's the head of St.
Mary's Anti-Terror School.
I debated him Sunday.
I noticed that CBS Television wanted me to debate him on TV.
See, they're now putting this out everywhere.
They're now talking about it all over the news.
So that's just one little indicator, one little indice in all of this data we've got
You couple that with the gear up for Iran, you couple that with the plunging stock market, the plunging housing prices, now at 20-year lows.
It was just a 10-year low two days ago.
You couple all that together.
Remember, I said they'll go to martial law when there's an economic downturn.
That's the key.
When they've got their ships lined up ready to attack, that's the second key.
And when they've completed their preparatory phase to move against us with the troops and when they have NORTHCOM in full operating capacity, that's the key.
The triple keys, all three keys, and there's other sub-keys which are all now in the launch
control panel.
They have now turned the keys to green light.
They now have their hands on the triggers, ladies and gentlemen, to launch death-blow decapitation of the United States of America.
They have already overrun, debilitated, and paralyzed the nation.
They are now preparing the complete severing of the head.
That is not hyperbole.
The axeman, the executioner, is above us now.
Cloaked in black, a wicked smile behind the veil curls across his black teeth.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The New World Order is going for broke.
Let me start with the least of it and then get to the most important and most extreme as we go into martial law.
Domestic use of spy satellites to widen law enforcement getting new access to secret imagery.
Two days ago they announced, hey, the NSA and Naval Reconnaissance Office and NASA and Space Command
They're going to start giving that data to local police, even, and using it to surveil the American people.
And then they announce two days later, hey, we're going to use it for everything!
We're going to watch all of you!
You see, NORTHCOM is now in full control.
We are now under martial law.
And you notice under Martial Law, the borders stay wide open.
That's why they want Martial Law, because then they'll have full control of the press, they'll get rid of the borders, they'll set up a North American Union.
They have said that during the next crisis, you heard Dr. Corsi a few days ago, you heard last week Dr. Roberts saying the same thing, Martial Law, and that they want the Martial Law so they can then carry out all these policies.
It has nothing to do with security, nothing to do with keeping you safe, nothing to do with protecting your family.
Now why have I been on top of this really the longest of anybody who's prominent and still active today?
Because I went to urban warfare drills in Texas and in California and then got video from Maryland and North Carolina and all over the country where the U.S.
Marine Corps with foreign troops were trained to take over city halls, were trained to take over
Uh, county commissioners' courts and courthouses and would say it's for America.
Now we videotaped them giving a press conference saying it was for Macedonia or Iraq, but then we would watch them train for America, and then we got people in when they thought it was just citizen-tourists of the drills, where they would admit it was for the United States and fighting, quote, American terrorists and militias.
And so I came back to you in the late 90s and I said, my gosh, I've talked to SWAT team commanders, county emergency managers, police chiefs, let me just name them, Lieutenant Beck of the Travis County SWAT team, Vietnam veteran sniper, who didn't believe me when I first told him about this, and they visited him, and he called me in his office, he said, it's all true, yes, they're setting up martial law, they want us to work with them, how did you know about this?
And then, of course, he got fired after that.
But he was still an American and he knew what treason was.
And then Al A. Philippus, Chief of Police in San Antonio, former Army Intelligence himself, Delta Force came in with bags of cash, tried to buy up the city, take over that way.
Philippus said no, kicked them out, they went above him, still came into the city and did the drill.
We went down to cover it, had MPs come up and stick guns to our chest and grab our videotape away, in San Antonio.
And my cancer started arguing, so they just slammed him on the ground and threatened to blow his head off right in front of me.
And that got picked up by World Net Daily, by the way.
So, this is the type of stuff Thomas Sanchez, Vietnam vet himself, emergency manager in Kingsville and the surrounding areas, and they brought him in and he said, well, I don't want to go on with this Delta Force Op, and they said, let us show you a classified PDD-25.
And they showed him, and they said, I'm not for gun confiscation drills.
And I've interviewed Sanchez, he's on record.
Since then, hundreds of these people, that's why we've been concerned!
All they've been doing is gearing up for this and saying, in the late 90s, there's going to be a terror attack, we're going to re-engineer the society, we're going to then set up Homeland Security.
Bill Clinton gave a speech in 1993 about Homeland Security.
The CFR by 96 put out policy reports calling for it.
All of their 51 recommendations have been adopted, either partially or completely.
It is a total grid!
And we're talking about Space Command controlling the U.S., FEMA command bunkers they built in 99 being threat integration centers to federalize the county and city with a CIA and FBI liaison tied into the Pentagon.
In 98, we got classified internal documents because the FBI screwed up.
Uh, up by Waco on I-35 and, uh, gave Mike Hanson, who's driving down the street.
He starts videotaping troops, searching people.
Uh, FBI pulls up and says, get out of here.
Here's the press release.
The fools, because later they tried to get it back, gave us the wrong document.
That's in our martial laws here.
It's a three on the Richter scale story, which now is six, folks.
See, we told you it's a continuum.
It's going to be done gradually, but then once you get to the end, it accelerates.
And it says, we're secretly operating in 77 counties, we're doing gun confiscation, we're supporting police, and whenever the police call them, helicopters land, troops get off, they're doing drug raids all around you.
That's just to create the relationship.
It was totally illegal.
By the way, they haven't gotten rid of posse commentatus.
It specifically authorizes, in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of last year, that there is no more posse commentatus, but that didn't supersede the previous law.
So, very, very, very, very, very serious.
And then we learned last year, what we'd already gotten rumors of, but we got the actual documents, that they've recruited 13,000 key preachers in key churches.
This particular preacher that we first talked to in Ohio, then another in Pennsylvania, then another who first learned of it, Butch Paw, in West Virginia.
We need to get him on today, by the way, just to pop in.
himself in black ops in Vietnam.
But the point is, you've got a big problem once this stuff starts, and I think you know that, but that's your plan too.
We'll get into that later.
And that's a problem.
There's too many people that were in black ops, folks, who now see the same things they did overthrowing third world countries now happening here.
It's simple.
The military industrial complex said, why should we just completely run everything?
And they're doing it.
The fall of Rome is what you're seeing right now.
It is unspeakable.
And so we got the hundreds of pages of documents.
We could only post a few dozen because he didn't want it to be able to track them back.
He didn't even fax it from his church.
He faxed it from a store in town.
The feds, Homeland Security, went into that store and interrogated them and asked, who faxed this?
And they tracked it back to the bill.
And the day had been sent two weeks before to us.
And they went in there, boy, and he wouldn't talk to us again.
They really got in his face.
That preacher was scared after that.
He just said, I'm not coming on air anymore, and it's worse than you think, after they came and talked to me.
Now imagine, in America, they come and recruit a prominent preacher.
He goes and secretly faxes us the secret training manuals.
Gun confiscation, how to take your babies away from you.
They're going to break your families up, folks.
They're going to put you in camps.
They're telling them all this.
No matter what town you live in, they've recruited your top preachers.
A lot of them are cowardly, evil, wicked people, living in big carcinogens, driving fancy cars, and they're scared, and they know what they're doing is wrong, but they think they're going to be okay.
Just like in Red Dawn, where they got the mayor and the preacher working for them, folks.
It's the exact same thing.
These are collaborators.
These are enemies of America.
And the resistance has to publicly announce itself.
I don't mean you individually, but you've got to call news stations, you've got to send emails, we've got to let the New World Order know, and we've got to announce ourselves at this point.
We are the legitimate government of the United States.
We are the American people.
As the Declaration of Independent States, it is our right, our duty, to abolish criminal forms of abusive, oppressive government and to re-establish new systems.
You have completely butchered our Bill of Rights, you have openly set up martial law, and on a daily basis now, you know, we're not just going to listen to you without warrants, we're going to take every prescription you get and upload it instantly, and we're going to have spy satellites watch your every movement, then the Pentagon's going to run your life.
I mean, just total, that is martial law.
When they suspend the basic Bill of Rights, that's martial law.
But it's what degree?
It's what degree of that?
I mean, when they double and then triple the number of cops from 300,000 10 years ago, or 12 years ago, to a million plus today, and they're trying to double that right now in the next year, and the cops are all crazed out looking at you, and it comes out in mainstream news that New York cops are being paid to, quote, be more aggressive and meaner to citizens.
It's all by design.
And we've talked about this for a long time, so I'm going to get into the new information and the new presentation.
All the new data that just came in when we get back in the next segment.
I want you to call every radio and TV station.
I want you to tell them to go to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Click the Listen Live button.
If you hear this later today, we're going to keep restreaming it after the show ends until we come back live tomorrow at 11 a.m.
I want you to tell people to tune in.
This is serious business!
I'm putting my life on the line to be a leader in the front lines of the fight against this.
I saw the threat a long time ago, and it wasn't hard to see.
You go to an urban warfare drill and see Marines trying to break up our families and take our guns, I'd read enough history, and I'd read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by, uh, Scherer, and I knew what it meant.
I mean, there wasn't any debating it.
They were saying, we're gonna take your guns, we're gonna break your families up,
And we got video Marines putting a U.S.
militiaman on his knees and shooting him in the back of the head.
Now, it's a role player, but he's playing the part of a California militia member, and they set him down on his knees, this is in Police State 2000, and they blow his head off.
Now, I'm telling you, the Marines are trained to engage the American people in hot treason!
The Army has been trained in hot treason!
They are ready to engage in high treason!
Most of them are gang members or illegal aliens!
The others are retarded!
You can't talk sense to them!
Now all I want is to continue to live my life.
And to continue to spend time with my family, and I don't want any of this to happen.
And it's gonna happen unless we get the word out of the peaceful information war now, like our lives, and our economy, and everything depends on it, because it does.
All of you that thought I was extreme all these years ago, it was because you didn't have troops put guns to your chest or chase you through the woods, that wasn't even on a military base, in Brooksville, Florida.
You didn't witness Marines trained to take over your cities.
You didn't witness them trained to blow your heads off.
I've been there, I've seen it with my eyeballs.
They have spent tens of billions of dollars per year since the 60's in preparation for what they're preparing to do right now.
Just like they overthrew Iran.
Just like they overthrew Guatemala.
Just like they overthrew a hundred other countries.
They're getting ready to do it here.
Are we going to let the CIA overthrow our country?
We'll be right back.
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All right, let me start at the latest information.
I'm going to walk through all of them.
We've got a bunch of audio clips, a lot of key areas I want to go over.
We are going into martial law.
We're already into very deep stages of it.
Only speaking out against it, only giving people the big picture will cause the military industrial complex and its private financiers to back off.
We're going into receivership right now.
They're imploding the economy by design.
They're only infusing enough capital to have it be a gradual slide.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We need to dig this.
For those that don't know what that is, it means vote it up to the main page of Digg.com because millions can see it there.
This is such an important story.
It is of the utmost importance.
Paul Watson has written it.
Feds train clergy to quell dissent during martial law.
Now, we broke this here on Genesis a year ago.
We broke it on the web at PrisonPlanet.com.
Thanks to Pastor Butch and his contacts.
We got the documents.
Secret documents.
Secret deals with the feds and preachers as secret police and agents of influence and spies.
I mean, that right there is high treason.
They should all go to prison right there.
The people running these operations.
I mean, that is not America, folks.
And see, it has nothing to do with fighting Al-Qaeda.
When are you going to get that straight, America?
They hired the former head of the East German Stasi, Marcus Wolf, in 2002!
Folks, the media and the government have now gone completely nuts.
I have MSNBC piece where they're saying lead-covered toys is good for children.
That's coming up.
I mean, they have reached a level of propaganda that I can't even believe right now.
Okay, let me just stop there.
Now, Paul Watson wrote this article and I called him up this morning and I said, you know, this isn't hardcore enough.
We get accused of exaggerating or embellishing because I happen to have an upset tone when I talk.
But then people also like the show because I am upset and it's real.
I mean, I'm mad right now, folks.
There's something wrong with us if we're not mad about the end of our country and a pack of murdering scum that are going to be ruling over us having their way with us.
I mean, if that doesn't get your hackles up, I mean, why is the dog growling when somebody's sneaking around in the backyard?
Or when somebody starts trying to knock that door down?
Well, the new order isn't knocking the door down.
They already knocked it down.
They already took over.
But they tricked us to let them in.
I mean, you read this article, and it's not even half as hardcore as it really is.
I commend Watson, but my point is, you call up telling us, you know, we exaggerated.
No, no, no.
It's far worse than this article.
Shocking KSLA 12 news report confirms story we broke last year.
Pastors to cite Romans 13, Hitler's favorite verse, for public to obey government orders, relinquish guns, and be taken to camps during state of emergency.
Now that's what the documents say, and that's what the newscast says.
That isn't us!
And by the way, they're going to take your children from you, folks.
And I know a lot of you are going to sit there and bray like sheep when they take your babies away.
A shocking KSLA news report has confirmed the story we first broke last year that clergy response teams, is what they're called, are being trained by the federal government to quell dissent and pass it on to citizens to obey the government in the event of a declaration of martial law.
Now, they say that.
We don't.
In May of 2006, we exposed the existence of a nationwide FEMA program which is training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police officers.
Read the number.
It's 13,000, not 26,000.
To become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to obey the government in preparation for the implementation of martial law, property and firearm seizures, mass vaccination programs, and forced relocation.
A whistleblower who was secretly enrolled in the program told us the feds were clandestinely recruiting religious leaders to help implement homeland security directives in anticipation of a, it's a typo, AA, a potential bioterrorist attack, any natural disaster, or nationally declared emergency.
The first directive was for pastors to preach to their congregations.
This is the government directing the preachers how to preparatorily preach to them as propagandists.
I mean, that's right out of Nazi Germany, folks.
The federal government recruiting preachers secretly, telling them what to preach.
I mean, that right there is off-the-chart tyranny, off-the-chart Soviet Union, off-the-chart Nazi Germany, off-the-chart un-American, just with all the fake news purchases and the agents of influence.
I mean, oh, this is freedom?
The first directive was for pastors to preach to their congregations, Romans 13.
Now the headline, we should have hundreds of headlines on this.
Each line is a huge news story.
Preachers secretly recruited, and I should add, in many cases paid, and told what to preach.
And they love it, folks.
They even give them little badge cards.
Oh man, we are in so much trouble.
I have not even gotten to the tip of this story.
Then we have the newscast audio where they talk to these preachers.
See, that's the news.
That they now are rolling them out publicly across the country now, admitting what they're doing is just... Man, that is the balloon going up.
That is so bad.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
We're good.
Charity has always been the way of the world.
In 6,000 years, liberty only appeared once here in our republic.
Incredible success, amazing wealth, and then came decadence and lethargy and wickedness and tyranny.
And now the cycle goes full circle as we plunge into the depths of tyranny.
There's open calls to censor the internet, open calls daily on national radio to arrest me, to shut me up.
I've been called out by name hundreds of times.
That's how real this is, ladies and gentlemen.
They know that you're aware that they are the enemy.
They have marshaled their armies against us.
And I've got a lot... Veteran works right here just got out of the Air Force.
And he said earlier, when I got into the fact that most of them are gang members or illegal aliens, are military.
He said that's absolutely true.
They're criminals, they're illegal aliens.
I said the majority is gang member or illegal alien.
The rest are now at close to retarded.
75 IQs.
About 20% of the new recruits have 75 IQs.
That's basically retarded.
Right on the borderline of being retarded.
And they'll do what they're told.
Now, we have the audio of them gun confiscating.
We have the audio of them training to gun confiscate even before Katrina.
The big news here is we put out the documents.
We broke the news here on Genesis last year because I've gotten contacted by preachers that they've been recruited by FEMA and that FEMA had said we want you to help us with Romans 13 and preach to people to hand in their guns when the martial law comes and that they're going to go to relocation centers and we're going to split the families up but they never give me the documents.
Pastor Butch got a preacher to listen to his show who has a church and also ministered as the chaplain in a major hospital.
He got recruited by Homeland Security.
He gave us the documents.
They tracked back by listening to the show and the documents who he was and they fired him from the hospital.
But now it has come out in mainstream news.
So I want to play this chilling audio and then go to Pastor Butch Paw who broke this news first and then we put it out in Medical Supernova last year.
And many of you tonight, even our listeners, couldn't believe this.
This is one of the major TV stations in Louisiana for New Orleans and Shreveport.
And you can go up to PrisonPlanet.com right now and get both the story we wrote about this and their story.
Homeland Security was clergy to quell public unrest if martial law ever declared.
Now, the news here is this is a secret program.
First 13,000 preachers and they were to double that to 26,000 by this year.
They were to be ready to go by this summer.
Now, and we said that last year, now you notice they're announcing it.
And the fact is,
All over the news now, they're having newscasts.
In Austin, San Antonio, just where I live, they're having the announcement.
And all over the country, they're making the announcement.
Well, martial law may be coming.
And they're reporting on it like they're talking about some new Chevy truck that came out.
Or they're reporting on it about some, you know, farmers' fair they're going to be having.
Or what the price of tea in China is.
And that's the concern here, is that they're announcing it, and this is like something out of The Running Man you're about to hear.
They're announcing it nonchalant, and they're talking to multiple preachers who haughtily say it's of the Lord to do this.
So, A, we're going to get a pastor, and a veteran, to comment on that, but mainly just on the source, how we first broke this here, and then now, what it means to see this happening.
But let's go ahead and play this little two-minute newscast.
Here it is.
Law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
And as KLA News 12's Jeff Bell discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
From my cold, dead hand!
Charlton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value.
The overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived.
Something far easier to do even now thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
The primary thing that we say to anybody is let's cooperate and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government,
Versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to defuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
Romans 13.
Because the government's established by the Lord.
Do you know?
And that's what we believe in the Christian faith.
That's what's stated in the scripture.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect the suspension of their rights might last.
Jeff Beryl, KSLA News 12 reporting.
According to Tuberville, during Hurricane Katrina, the clergy response team provided 38 chaplains a day, around the clock, at eight different camps.
At eight different camps.
Now, let me just walk through the notes I wrote.
I'm going to go to Pastor Butch.
Black Ops in the Air Force, Vietnam.
Pastor, business owner, family man, good friend of mine.
Friends, of course, of the Gibsons.
Here you have it.
They keep saying, needs of the government and the public.
See, the needs of the government versus the public.
They say versus twice.
So now you see they're drawing the line.
There's the government, and what it needs, and what it's going to do, and then there's us.
And how we need to be quelled.
And how let's just get it over with.
Let's get the crisis over with.
But see, martial law won't be over with.
Let them overrun.
Let them take control.
Let them do what they want.
And then, we can talk about it later.
Once they've got your guns and Alex Jones has been gunned down or taken to a camp, or once I got a Jack Bauer going to work on me so they can drug me up for six months and roll me out on TV to, you know, tell everybody to submit to them.
And believe me folks, that's how they roll.
And they show video of martial law from the film The Siege.
They openly talk about gun confiscations.
How the U.S.
and then they talk about Romans 13.
Folks, Jesus was killed for not following the civil government and the religious government.
11 of the 12 disciples were killed.
Boiled in oil, killed by the sword, crucified upside down, beaten to death.
The prophets always came to criticize the corrupt government.
And they would say, if you don't do what God says, you're going to go into bondage.
Hitler's favorite quote was Romans 13.
Take it completely out of context.
We're going to spend a few minutes on that and then get into what all this means that they're announcing it.
But, Pastor Butch, it's good to have you up on this, my friend.
Well, thank you.
It's good to be with you.
And you cannot overemphasize what you just played on the news clip.
This has been going on since last year.
Pastor Walt Mansfield from Pennsylvania, or Ohio, contacted me.
He contacted you, come on the radio, said this was going on.
He warned us a year ago this was going to happen this summer.
It's happening.
It's now in the news.
You cannot overemphasize this.
And the church in this country as a whole, and I'm going to say it just like it is, I'm a pastor myself and I've been preaching for 30 years.
The pastors in this country as a whole are useless as tits on a boar hog.
They have no, no backbone.
They are dumbed down by the society of this country.
The news media controls them.
They believe the damnable lie of Romans 13 to talk the way they want to hear it talked.
On my website, PastorButch.com, there's a free video that's three hours long, rendering unto Caesar explained, that they can watch for free if they want to do it, on PastorButch.com.
I can tell you now that any man
That surrenders his rights to any corrupt system, has stolen from his creator, and has damned his soul to hell.
Now that's Bible.
I can prove that.
Well, Butch, I want to get more into that, because they're using the preachers now, 26,000 of them.
Now, remember, the pastor said, and I talked to several others last year, and we got the documents, that they had 13,000 of them.
They were going to double the number, and they had to be ready by May and July of 2007, and that that was the go-day.
And we wrote articles and put the documents out.
Now, think about it.
You think the economy's going down by accident, right when they had to be ready?
You think the aircraft carriers are ready to attack Iran by accident?
No, they are green-lighted folks to go there.
And the shepherds, people won't trust their pastors.
They won't trust them.
And the pastors are part of the problem.
This is also biblical.
It's been prophesied.
It's in the Bible.
They're destroying the flocks.
They're not leading the flocks.
It's called false prophets.
They're freezing the flocks.
And they're well-paid whores, not just the way it is.
They're prostitutes behind the pulpits, and they're well-paid.
And they're paid through the 501c3 Corporation.
They won't stand against the law because they'll lose their taxes and give status.
I've been warning about this for years, personally, on my radio broadcast, and in the ministry.
And now it's coming together, and I say, Hallelujah to God, because He's proven us right again.
His servants are always vindicated.
The truth will come out.
And by the grace of God, I've been on the radio for over 14 years, and 95% of what I've said is going to happen.
It's happened already.
I'm not a prophet.
I just know what's going on.
I study and I read like you do.
We're trying to warn the people.
If they don't listen...
Then the blood's on their hands, but Alex, we have to tell the truth.
But here's the analogy you've given.
When you were over in Vietnam and the artillery was coming in, and of course Jack McClann's talked about this, even before artillery comes in, even before they start firing, you know when it's about to come.
And in your gut, and everybody I've talked to feels this too, even people who aren't Christian or aren't even spiritual, everybody feels this anxiousness that I've never felt at this level.
Well, I haven't either, and again, when I was over there in Nome and other places, there were situations that always led up to the forthcoming event, where it may be.
You knew it by watching what was happening around you, perhaps holidays coming up, different things.
You knew something was going to come, and you knew it was just imminent.
Now this is coming, and it's been mounting for years!
And I've been screaming for years, and now it's at our door!
In my spirit, I say my gut feeling, but it's the spirit warning me to emphasize strongly every day, folks, this is it!
If we don't come together now, we will not have another chance.
If there's an election in 2008, if we make it that far without martial law, which I seriously doubt, if there's an election in 2008 and we don't change this immediately, bloodlessly, then the only thing left will be
God forbid, hand-to-hand fight in the streets, and that's what's coming to you.
Well, Butch, they're going to have a problem though, because there are millions of veterans like yourself who are intelligent, who are informed, and then I look at the numbers where 20% plus of the new recruits are borderline mentally retarded, the rest are gang members and criminals.
Now, the globalists have admitted that they intend for them to get basically killed by us, and then they're going to bring the foreign troops in next wave.
Absolutely, and that's already been set up.
As a matter of fact, a bunch of them are already here.
Y'all already know that.
They're just waiting for the signal.
I mean, we already have Gorbachev in place, doing his part.
We have extasy agents now in Homeland Security.
What else do we have to show the people to prove that we know what we're talking about?
And now the pastors are being told to tell the people to obey the government, go to the camps, let them separate husbands from wives, and moms and dads from children.
Over my dead body!
That's right!
But see, most pastors are going to go along because they've been trained by their ecclesiastical leaders to obey government.
That's what the Bible says.
That is what the Bible says, but that's what they believe, because it's easy to believe that
Well, wait a minute!
I mean, the entire Bible is about standing up to corrupt government.
All through the Scriptures.
But you quote him in ago.
You said you didn't quote the Scripture, but you've proven from your comments in Hosea 4, 6, and 7.
It said in Hosea 4, 6, and my people were destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4, 7 says that the people prospered, so they forgot him.
Well, guess what?
Nothing new in the Son.
The same thing happened to Israel has happened to America.
Well, our liberties brought forth great prosperity, prosperity brought forth decadence, decadence brought forth apathy, apathy brought forth complacency, complacency, dependency on government, and now we're back to the same change we were 200 years ago.
Not as much prosperity as I can put it.
Well, you know, most of these soft yuppies have never lived through anything really tough.
They've never been in combat, they've never even been in a fistfight, budge.
They've never gone and even helped people at a soup kitchen.
They haven't lived, and I don't think they have any idea what it's like to be ruled over and to be oppressed.
No, they do not.
They have no idea.
And they have no internal spirit to discern what's happening.
Even the ones who call themselves Christians, and I hate to use that word anymore because it's been used the wrong way so much that the word gay has become perverted anyway.
They don't know because they really don't have the spirit inside them.
They don't know the scriptures.
They take somebody else's word for it.
They do not study to show themselves approved.
No, I mean, it really is true.
If you don't have the spirit, you're blind.
Without the Holy Spirit in us, we have no hope.
And that's why we've been deceived into the National ID Card System, and into the NAI system, and the RFID tracking.
That's how we've been deceived.
Right now, we talk about the charge that people have traveled through cities, extra taxes.
All this you talk about, I talked about years ago, is coming about right now in our very lifetimes, right now as we speak.
They're putting together a mechanism to bring us to our knees to put RFID chips in the license tags on cars to track you by the mile.
RFID chips in your driver's license to track you as you travel down the highway.
A tyranny the likes of which the world has never seen.
The mark of the beast technology is already here and the mark of the beast is ready to be put in your hand next year.
May 2005 folks.
Go to pastorbush.com and check it out for yourself.
Just read it for yourself.
It's all there.
This has happened in the last, really the last, since 9-11, all this has come together phenomenally fast.
I cannot even begin to describe.
Well, listen, I'm going to come back and go through all the facts and all the clips and all the evidence and how this thing goes together for people that are tuning in.
But again, Pastor Butch here on Genesis broke the news and was kind enough to give us the documents to get the big exclusive with the pastor who we then interviewed on air.
Now all confirmed with classified documents.
Secret program to not just recruit the preachers and tell people to turn their guns in and go to camps.
And that's in the documents.
You can read them on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Not just that!
But also telling them in a preparatory how to preach and what to say to get people ready for it.
I mean, if the general public listening doesn't know that that's 180 degrees from freedom, and if they don't know that that is good old-fashioned hardcore tyranny, I mean, that right there should bring the house down.
Alex, go to PastorButch.com, go under Church News.
The documents are under Church News on PastorButch.com.
They're there.
Yeah, in fact, we only scanned in a few dozen.
You've got hundreds up there.
They're there.
They can check them out for themselves.
We're not making this up, folks.
I would to God we were wrong.
I wish I'd been wrong for the last 14 years.
You'd love to ride around in your four-wheelers and do some more deer hunting.
I would love to, yes.
I'd love to be fishing today, to tell you the truth, or out cutting grass or anything.
Other than trying to, because I'm only a man, I get tired.
Running for Governor here in the state of West Virginia, trying to make a difference for the Constitution Party.
Trying to get on the ballot to have another platform to speak from.
We have got to stand.
Win or lose, it's none of our business.
Duty is ours.
Consequences are God's.
That's the way we must look at it.
But the good news is, Butch, they can kill our body, they can't kill our souls.
They cannot touch our souls.
And we know in the end we're going to win.
I read the last chapter.
You're right.
Good to hear from you.
Talk to you soon, brother.
I appreciate you, Butch.
Butch is a great guy.
Great person.
Good, good, sweet, smart person.
I mean, we just love him and Jack McClam to death, and we're so honored they're here on the Genesis Network.
I'm telling you, cops and military, those that aren't so dumb, you can understand me.
Look, this is bad.
And it's all about taking your pension funds.
That's why they want martial law.
It's all about having their way with all of us.
And how many years have you heard me warn about exactly what would happen?
I told you there'd be stage terror.
I told you we'd have a police state.
And I told you they'd bring us into martial law.
Now listen to me, and listen real good.
When I get back, I'm gonna lay this stuff out in sequential order and break down what we're facing and how we can stop it.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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I mean, how can you not just look at the New World Order?
Look at their minions.
Hillary Clinton.
Dick Cheney.
George Bush.
Chucky Schumer.
Arlen Specter.
And not know their evil.
How can you not just see it?
And then you look at all the evidence.
And what they're setting up and all the lies and all the lies we've caught them in.
And now no martial law is upon us.
Think about that newscast we played earlier.
Hey, let's play it one more time.
Listen to a newscast, how nonchalantly they talk about martial law and the government versus the people, and how the government's boss, and how the preachers are recruited, and how they're there, and how they're going to be in the camps.
And, you know, the camps are good.
It's for your safety.
The border's still wide open.
You know, terrorism isn't real.
It's manufactured.
But that's okay.
You know, the government's here to take control.
Roll it one more time.
Law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
NFK's latest 12 Jeff Bell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
Back it up, start it over again.
The biggest problem
This is for the government, the police, all of them.
Now you notice the cops have changed in the last 20 years.
It is us.
We're the problem.
You see?
We're here to be treated like fat cattle.
Hey listen, cops!
You're going to get sucked dry just as well.
You just remember that.
You remember that real good.
Let's go ahead and go back.
Start it over with that whore of the New World Order spewing her propaganda.
Start it over.
I mean, just think about it.
You're calmly hearing them announce pure evil like it's no big deal, nonchalant.
Getting everybody ready.
Here it is.
Will law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
And as KFLA News 12's Jeff Beryl discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
From my cold dead hand!
Charlton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value, the overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived, something far easier to do even now thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
Stop right there!
See how they just announced that?
Now how long we been telling you they've gotten rid of it?
By the way, this has got the preachers who were sworn to secrecy when they signed up for this.
This is a secret program.
Now being announced with two different preachers.
And now we've just discovered, to our horror, this is being announced all over the country.
In newspapers and other places.
Oh, man, folks.
And they've been secretly telling the preachers how to preach.
I mean, that is not freedom, folks.
I know I keep saying it.
I just... Go back to it, please.
That forbids U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
The primary thing that we say to anybody is, let's go out there and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government,
Versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to defuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest... Let's stop right there.
When we come back, we'll finish it.
In many cases, the clergy's already known in the neighborhoods in which they'll be operating in.
That's a Judas gun.
A Judas goat.
A Judas goat.
I'll tell you what a Judas goat is when we get back.
And that's exactly what that pig is.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you ever wanted to know what it would sound like when they announce martial law, they're gonna do it real nonchalant.
Hittin' in plain view, just... Yeah, we're... We got Pentagon spy satellites watchin' the American people.
We're mergin' the police and the military to watch ya.
Associated Press, ABC News today.
Yeah, we built some camps for ya.
We've secretly hired the preachers to tell you to go to them and to submit and turn your guns in.
What's the big deal?
We're just the government keepin' you safe from Al-Qaeda or other emergencies.
I mean, what's the problem?
And they're really putting the screws in now.
Let's just play this newscast end-to-end instead of me interrupting it, but just listen to this newscast.
Where they admit that, we told you this a year ago, but they've been recruited.
And they're told what to preach in preparation for all this now.
And you look at these preachers on here, they're on such power trips.
And they're Judas Coats.
I told you I'd give the definition of a Judas Coat.
When the preacher talks about, well we're in the community, they know us, they trust us.
A Judas goat is the ram.
A Judas goat is the male, dominant male, in a herd of sheep.
And you train him, you feed him special little goodies, little range cubes and things.
And you don't, you don't, whenever you're sending some off to the slaughter or shearing or whatever, he's trained to follow you and he likes you and you never kill him.
Until he gets old and you finally get rid of him.
And he leads the other sheep into the pen.
We're good to go.
They were able to stop the bird flu or whatever that was spreading in Cincinnati or Chicago or San Francisco.
Yeah, it was kind of tough.
The economy went down for a while, but then a few years later, the real martial law comes in.
This is part of your bathing in evil.
All part of your basting.
Go ahead and play it.
Law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
And as KFLA News 12's Jeff Beryl discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
From my cold, dead hands!
Tarleton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value.
The overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived, something far easier to do even now thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Jeff, the primary thing that we say to anybody is let's go out there and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government,
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to defuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
Romans 13.
Because the government's established by the Lord.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect the suspension of their rights might last.
According to Tuberville, during Hurricane Katrina, the clergy response team provided 38 chaplains a day, around the clock, at eight different camps.
We'll be right back with analysis of what this means.
The fact that they've announced this secret program, and we've now confirmed they've done it in multiple places simultaneously, and they're following key scripting terms we've seen in secret documents, means we're headed into hell on earth.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, in occupied North America, the United States, under the globalist controls since 1913, they had control of the central core banks.
Now they're expanding full physical control over the American people themselves.
And capturing the United States as an engine of their tyranny.
For those that just joined us, we broke last May, more than a year ago, the secret documents here on this broadcast, here on this network.
That 13,000 preachers have been secretly recruited to give speeches and tell their flocks to hand in their guns, to let the government take their children, to submit to martial law.
And that it was coming by the next summer.
Here we are.
We wrote the articles, we posted the documents, and here we are.
It's next summer.
Now, I was just talking about this earlier this week.
Now, the news all over the place is talking about, well, martial law is probably coming, but it's for our safety to fight al Qaeda.
And yeah, they've recruited all these tens of thousands of preachers to be agents of influence and convince people to submit locally to the needs of the government.
The government's got a problem, it's the people.
These are statements.
And it's all posed, here's the script, could martial law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, chemical attack on U.S.
soil might trigger just that.
KSLA News 12 has discovered the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
Now notice it says, oh we fear after another attack it will happen but the government says they're going to do that.
Well fearing means that we're against it but then they say but the government's going to do it.
What did Tommy Frank say
When we now know he was getting $455,000 once he, quote, retired to go around on CIA payroll.
Remember all the fake news purchasing?
Well, that was one of the purchases.
Close to half a mil a year to make all those hundreds of appearances on local TV, to speak at colleges, to go on national Fox and CNN, to be on the cover of Cigar Aficionado.
And to say, you know, I fear after another chemical, biological or radiological attack,
The people are going to want martial law.
We're going to set aside the Constitution for a military form of government.
He was being paid to say that, to acclimate.
If he'd have come on and said, martial law's good, people would have gotten mad.
But he said, I'm real sad to have to tell you, beginning that fake Texas accent from Midland, we're going to need a little martial law.
That's what the people want.
You see, that's another indicator.
It's scripted.
And then, I was debating, he's uploading it right now, we finally got the tape of it.
Hey, Trey, how far away am I from getting that audio?
20, 30 minutes?
Jack McClam is going to be joining us coming up in about 20 minutes, folks.
But I've got audio from when I was on Sunday on San Antonio.
And they said they were going to send me a copy.
We haven't gotten it yet, but one of my employees' mother's taped it.
She lives in San Antonio.
CBS News in the morning, and they had me on to debate one of the top neocons who puts out this new thing of, well, we need to guard freedom, that's why we need troops ruling everything.
You see, that's how they pose it.
Well, we need to be reasonable.
And reasonable is martial law and Congress running nothing.
You see, the average person hears, well, that's reasonable.
That'd be like if I took an ax to your head and said, this is reasonable!
And your blood's spewing out and you're going, well at least it's reasonable.
So they just add these terms onto things.
That's how you can tell we're dealing with a real spook who's been trained in this stuff.
Now let's be reasonable, Congress shouldn't be allowed to see the secret martial law plans.
Let's be reasonable, Al Qaeda's attacking!
And this guy's a former JAG officer, like four degrees, he knows it's a violation of federal law, he knows it's a violation of every canon of a free society, but he's gonna sit up there in a nice suit and just real calmly, forehead shining, he even shined his forehead up.
There I am with three hours of sleep, up at 7 in the morning debating him, but up until 3-4 in the morning, and I'm just on the phone all upset, see, and they know how that comes across.
But I don't care.
I'm going to let it all hang out.
I'm like, you're setting up Marshall Long.
You know what he's all calm.
Everything's fine.
We are going to need it probably, but it's going to be just fine.
I'm wearing a suit.
I ran ops in Latin America and Asia.
I like having power.
I like fooling the indigenous.
That's what he was actually thinking.
It's all a big joke.
As long as they're in control, they're happy.
You gotta ask yourself, why do they want the martial law?
Why do they want it?
And then I play this clip every few months, and people say, well that shows they didn't do it in the 80s.
They set it up in the 80s, they set the plan up, they're sort of building the apparatchik to do it.
They said they'd pump in illegal aliens, they would then induce them to riot, and then declare martial law and really go after their political dissidents.
Under that smokescreen.
And then they get to run everything and not be questioned at all.
And don't think that they won't just set all this up and pass it on to Hillary.
Let's go ahead and play the Congressman Jack Brooks clip, then it goes to Congressman Henry Gonzalez after that from my film, America Destroyed by Design.
Here it is.
Colonel North, in your work at the NSC,
Were you not assigned at one time to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?
Mr. Chairman?
I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area.
So may I request that you not touch upon that, sir?
I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because
I read in Miami Papers and several others that there had been a plan developed by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of an emergency that would suspend the American Constitution.
And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was the area in which he had worked.
May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage.
If we wish to get into this on certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.
And tragically the only member who got close was Jack Brooks and he was stopped by the chairman.
But the truth of the matter is that yes you do have those standby provisions and the plans are there and the statutory emergency plans are there whereby
You could, in the name of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, in times of passion and in times of great fear, what to the eyes of the person and the mind of a person in time of relative peace and stability seem impossible, become very real, very logical, very possible.
So we have the stock market plunging, we have housing prices plunging, we have new home starts plunging to record lows.
We have five aircraft carriers, three mainline, two support, in the Gulf, ready to hit Iran.
We have wall-to-wall talk about how their Al-Qaeda sells, the New York police chief says the Internet's evil and Al-Qaeda's operating in it and needs to be regulated.
We've got
Open talk about how I need to be arrested by national talk show hosts everywhere.
We have just wall-to-wall illegal aliens running all over us, giggling and smirking and laughing, waving Mexican flags.
I saw it this morning.
And I'm telling you right now, you've got to get the word out.
You've got to call every radio and TV station.
You've got to send them the PrisonPlanet.com article from last week, the tyranny timeline, or the timeline to tyranny.
We need to get them all these video clips and show them how we reported this a year ago.
And explain to them, the Feds secretly buying off preachers and having them give sermons, 13,000 of them, now 26,000.
26,000 preachers, coast to coast, giving the sermons.
And I've seen the sermons on TV, I've read about them, they're giving them.
Submit to the government, turn your guns in, do what the government says.
Cops are all over the news saying it.
I hear people calling in to talk radio saying it.
They don't know why they're saying it.
They don't know that 26,000 people were hired to go out and tell everybody to get ready for it and submit to it.
Folks, handing your guns in has nothing to do with dealing with crises.
In fact, they've done major studies showing that it's guns that stop riots from spreading.
And they know that.
Are they going to have the illegal aliens torch the cities?
Are they going to plunge the economy?
Are they going to set a nuke off?
Release a bio-weapon?
Attack Iran?
They may do any one of those, or a couple of those items, or they may do them all.
The point is, when they shut all this up in the 80's, they didn't have the apparatchik.
They hadn't recruited.
They hadn't announced that domestic spy satellites were watching the American people, or that local cops had been put into fusion centers and FEMA centers, and the CIA was over every major city, or that there were 10,000 plus
FBI spies recruited to, quote, fight terror and crime.
There's no real terror.
Or that school children have been given ID cards and tattletale cards.
They get 200 bucks every time they turn in someone in their neighborhood or even their family.
I mean, they're recruiting the children, the spies, the police, everybody, while drug cartels run the government and run the banks.
The government's completely criminal.
Almost four trillion, last time I checked.
It's growing.
It's missing from the Pentagon.
They've sucked out all the pension funds and put them offshore.
And they're getting ready to tell you, you don't have a pot to you know what in.
And if you riot and complain, they're just going to gun you and your family down.
New Orleans was a dry run.
Hold back the help, hold back the police and firemen, hold back the food and water, hold it back for five days, watch police commissioners while their mama dies, begging for food for five days in a nursing home.
These cops will follow orders while their mama dies.
By the way, 20, 30 years ago, they had the Marines do chants about killing enemies and killing commies.
Now they have them do chants that have been in the mainstream news about killing American children.
Go out in the playground, toss the candy round, mow them little bastards down, shoot them in the head, shoot them in the head, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot the American children in the head.
That's a chant.
They chant about the murder of American children.
These are monster demons prepared to be released.
And all these yellow ribbon people are going to support us.
Oh yeah!
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The resistance is too strong in this republic still.
They're not going to succeed.
But like every other tyrant before them, they're going to make a run for it.
You can't call them tame and you can't say they don't have a lot of will or daring.
These dark captains must be faced head-on on the high seas of life.
And we are going to face them.
A lot of adventure in life.
We've got all these unhappy yuppies who are unhappy with their Porsche 911s.
They're unhappy with their condos or their girlfriends.
Meanwhile, the real world goes on around them.
Meanwhile, the skies are sprayed with poison.
Their water and their food is poisoned.
Meanwhile, a eugenics elite hellbent on their destruction is creeping around setting up the grid of control all around them.
There's a larger and larger segment of the public waking up, becoming fully energized, and getting involved in the flow of history.
Becoming active participants in history.
Putting their will, and their honor, and their love, and their passion, and their drive in the way of the globalists.
And I'm so honored and so blessed to count myself among you great companies.
I count myself among such wonderful men and women.
All those old black men out there listening right now, all those old white men, all those young women, all those Hispanics, all those people in Europe, all those people in Asia, who see the tyranny and hate the tyranny and dream and think about freedom.
Think about how they want a good future for their children.
Think about how they want to be treated like human beings and want to be able to have a decent job and earn a good living and just be left alone.
They're rising up.
A great sleeping giant.
The New World Order will fall.
The New World Order will fail.
Martial law is upon us.
They're busy pushing it everywhere.
We've got this audio clip about ten minutes long.
It's coming up in the next hour where I debated this Jeffrey Atticott, this New World Order minion about martial law and how Congress not being involved in the government's okay and how the president runs everything and he tries to make it all sound reasonable just like this other newscast.
Well, yeah, the preachers have been recruited to make everybody submit to gun confiscation nationwide.
Ah, but it's good.
They say it real calm, see.
And then I'm supposed to sit here and calmly report on it.
Well, yeah, they're doing it.
But, you know, even if I say it's a bad idea, I'm supposed to just say it real calmly.
No, we're going to act like normal people when a pack of murdering criminals are taking control of the society.
And we're going to speak up and say no to this today.
And that is the solution.
The solution is going to the shooting range today.
Believe me, that's all tracked by the government.
They know basic numbers.
Call your friends up on the phone, just talk about how you're going to defend the republic.
They have keyword computers listening.
They don't listen to you specifically, they have aggregates.
Like, what's the mention today about resistance?
Oh, it went from one million yesterday to five million today.
They gauge all that.
Let them know.
Call the White House, tell them we know you're a foreign body, we know you're criminals.
Don't stage any more terror attacks, we're fully aware you're behind that.
And don't try to carry out martial law, you will be held accountable.
And call the Congress.
Call your Congressman.
Call their local office.
Go down to their office today.
A lot of them are back in their districts right now.
And go knock on the door and say, you know what?
Here's 20 news articles about martial law and a newscast.
I don't want this.
And I want you to go demand a CPDD 51.
You can make it the number one issue on the internet right now.
We've made Ron Paul number one.
You can go get the Timeline to Tyranny.
You can get all the hundreds of articles we've written about martial law.
You can get our article about this martial law today.
You could make it number one on Digg.
You could get it out to everybody.
That's what it takes is getting aggressive!
I mean, I want you to go to PrisonPlanet.com right now, and I want you to print off a hundred copies.
Just put it on disk, the article, take it to Kinko's.
A hundred copies of a five-page article might cost you, I don't know.
20, 30 bucks, I don't know.
Just start handing them out.
Just start going down the street.
Martial law, martial law.
Because by doing that, they're not going to be able to carry it out.
See, right now, they've hired the preachers, 26,000 of them now.
They've got them all over giving sermons.
I told you last year, go in your church and you need to stand up and say, hey, I got a news article here saying preachers have been recruited by the government secretly to push martial law.
Were you recruited?
And believe me, if you go to the biggest churches in town, they have been.
You go to medium size, they have been.
And I'm telling you folks, you need to just, I mean, you need to squeal like a stuffed hog right now.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, welcome back.
Very important broadcast.
Call everybody you know, and tell them we're going to retransmit this show for 21 hours until the next live show tomorrow.
We'll be talking about this tomorrow as well.
We've known they've been setting up martial law for decades, but now all the pieces are coming together.
Now we can see them making their move.
You see, there's intelligence decisions are made in secret by the globalists, but then the manifestation, the troop movement, you can put it militarily,
Uh, he is obvious to all, and we're gonna break, I'm gonna recap the basics, go to Jack McClam, into the next hour, open the phones up for you.
Next hour, they are really gearing up for martial law right now, we'll tell you why in just a moment.
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Alright, recapping.
In May of last year, we got hundreds of pages of documents.
We scanned in several dozen, which Paul put in hundreds.
They're on his website.
The pastor has a pretty big church there.
Uh, in Ohio, another we talked to in Pennsylvania, and he said, yeah, it's a secret recruiting, here's the documents, we're gonna tell people to turn their guns in, to submit to government, to hand your children over, to go to FEMA camps, uh, for terror attacks or biological attack or uprisings.
Uh, we had him on, by the way, then they tracked back his voice and found him, fired him from the hospital, he still has his church.
Threatening you won't talk to us anymore, but then other preachers called with it.
And we have the documents, 13,000.
And then I pick up in a few news articles, they whitewashed it.
Now we have major Louisiana TV and suddenly it's being announced other places.
Yeah, there are 26,000.
Now they've doubled the number of them.
And they were telling us last year that they were being told be ready by next summer for martial law.
Well, we're now next summer.
And lo and behold, they're on the news.
So I'm going to air this two-minute piece one more time, and I want Jack McClam, founder of Police and Military Against the New World Order, Vietnam-era vet, of course, most highly decorated police officer in Bing, Sarasota, history cop of the year twice, saw this a long time ago, to give us his take on it, and how we get the word out and hopefully avert it.
Because what's dangerous is, they're now announcing it.
You see, back when they planned Rex 84 in the mid-80s, they didn't have 26,000 breachers.
Recruited and trained to have you turn your guns in and submit.
They didn't have CIA in all local communities.
They didn't have the NSA and naval reconnaissance satellites watching the people.
They hadn't announced the end of the Fourth Amendment and domestic spying.
They hadn't announced more than 10,000 FBI Stasi spies in the Associated Press.
Quote, fighting crime.
See, first it's terror, then that goes out the window, and then it's crime.
I mean, folks, they admit that over 10,000 in Wave 1, they plan to go up to 50,000, they're told, write dossiers on your neighbors.
This is in the news.
Listen to them.
Over the fence.
And you log in, even if your neighbors aren't even bad, the government wants to know, and they have secret logins on their local FBI website, where they just write dossiers on all the neighbors.
Remember, in 2002, they hired
Marcus Wolfe, the former head of the SCSI, now East German Secret Police.
Now, when I saw that in some alternative news, I didn't believe it.
I spent days, and I actually found the federal government legislation is part of the spending package, and in the line item in there, for consulting, and then we discovered it was far worse.
They didn't just hire Primakov for $1.5 million for a two-year consulting contract.
They didn't, I mean Marcus Wolfe, they also hired Primakov, the former head of the KGB, and a bunch of other former SCSI.
Now, you cannot make stuff up like this.
This is so incredible.
You know what, we're going to play this clip in a minute.
Let me just go ahead and bring Jack McClam up.
Jack, I know I called you 30 minutes ago.
Have you heard the newscast yet, where they just announced it all?
I've heard a few over the months, Alex, but I haven't... I don't think I've heard the one you're talking about.
This is new.
Listen carefully, because you'll notice it's the same script Tommy Franks was putting out three years ago when he left the military, and we've since learned, Associated Press, that he was on secret CIA payroll to propagandize and say this.
So we know this is a government script they're reading.
Here it is.
Will it ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
And as KFLA News 12's Jeff Beryl discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
Hit pause, and back it up a few seconds.
Jack, let's just do this in pieces.
Now they repeat, I said twice, it's actually three times, that the American people are the problem.
Government versus people.
You want to comment on those first ten seconds?
Well, we here at our two police and military associations heard that almost a year ago, that they would be recruiting the preachers.
And some of the preachers have said they've been contacted already.
So, yeah, that's going on, and it's interesting, if you read the history of Nazi Germany, how Hitler used the preachers to get his message across to the people, too, to get them to stand down.
And so this is nothing new.
It seems like everything they do, they borrow it from the fascists or the communists.
Now, by the way, you're exactly right.
Later, he actually says, they have two preachers, and one says, stand down, submit, and then we'll figure it out later.
Of course, there is no later.
Once your children are already gone, your guns are gone.
Here it is.
From my cold, dead hand!
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
The primary thing that we say to anybody is let's go out there and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government,
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to defuse that situation.
Because the government's established all the law.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect the suspension of their rights might last.
According to Tuberville, during Hurricane Katrina, the clergy response team provided 38 chaplains a day, around the clock, at eight different camps.
So, see, that's 2005.
It was already in place, and that's what we now are.
In 2004, they set it up.
They had a cadre of 13,000.
It was to be doubled by this summer.
They were told by July of this year, they had to be ready, that martial law was going to happen this summer.
Now the economy's plunging.
Again, not by accident.
As the father of Reaganomics has told you, as
Dr. Jerome Corsi, PhD, in this has told you, and now they've got the carriers all lined up.
I'm telling you, and folks, I never get on air and say it's going to happen now, but I'm telling you, and I haven't said this the last few years, if it's going to happen, the next few months are absolutely key.
Jack, I want you to talk about that clip you just heard, the Judas Coat comment about how they're in the communities, we can trust them, the part about go ahead and submit, it'll be alright, but we have the documents, and I've read hundreds of pages of them,
It says they take you to the camp first, then they take your children and put them in another camp to control you.
And I'm just going to tell everybody something.
Your dad, if you try to come and take my kids and me, and I know you too, Jack, you going to let them take your grandchildren so they can have their way with them?
No way, brother.
No way.
Yeah, it's been about three years now.
They've been setting up for this day, this martial law scenario.
Giving our little wannabe dictator, Boy George Bush, all the powers that his handlers are going to need.
He doesn't do any of this.
He's a puppet.
But his handlers, like Vice President Cheney and others, that actually make the decisions.
They're setting it up for martial law.
And our soldiers and our intel people that contact us have been telling us, brother, that
They're recruiting more of these 40 Nation Special Forces mercenaries, which they call them private contractors over there.
I told one of our PSYOPS agents we had 100,000 in Iraq alone, and he told me, no, 120,000.
And now they're recruiting more to come here in the United States and actually lead
Many of these neighborhood organizations.
Well, that's what they're doing.
In fact, a lot of documents we got from the 80s show they would build up cadres in foreign nations, then go to a merc army.
And so we got 20% of the military is illegal aliens, mainly Latin America and Filipino.
Some are Ukrainian.
They'll do whatever they're told.
The rest are gang member types or are literally borderline retarded.
They've now reported that a little over 20% again of those are below the army rate.
You've got to have an ADIQ that's now been reduced to 75.
That's been mainline news.
So we've got either retarded people, illegal alien American haters, or gangbangers, or foreign highly trained mercs.
That's right brother and also we've been told by our soldiers coming back that have psychological problems because seven or eight now I think we're up to eight now has told us that they've been assigned
And given commands to kill men, women, and children religiously... Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!
I'm going to stop you.
That was in the Ithaca Journal in 2002 with Private Gruckheimer bragging that they exterminate every man, woman, and child in Afghanistan in every village they were sent to.
And then on Fox News, the Pentagon confirmed that they do that.
Go ahead.
Well, and these soldiers are being told that we have Al-Qaeda, Al-C-I-A-D-A, here in the United States in our neighborhoods now, and they're going to be brought back to fight against Al-Qaeda, and they're already being trained and have been trained to murder men, women, and children, non-combatants.
And so many of our soldiers are very scared about these soldiers coming back and getting involved in law enforcement here, and
Getting involved in these neighborhood organizations with the private contractor mercenaries in charge of them.
So we've got a very dangerous situation, brother.
They're going to be able to pull off a execution of whole neighborhoods
Uh, when this thing gets set up, if they have to, you know, they certainly will go door-to-door and pick up anybody that's ever bought a, uh, Patriot publication or, or, uh, shown any patriotism at all and taken them away.
Yeah, any NRA members, you're going to camps.
You're going to have to fight, folks.
Look, we're just being honest with you.
You're going to have to fight.
That's right, brother.
That's right.
Because this is not the Boy Scouts coming to your door, knocking on the door.
These are killers who have been killing for years.
And the foreign mercenaries will have no trouble killing you because they don't have any connection.
And let me stop you.
From New Mexico to Mississippi to Louisiana to Maryland, we have video as early as 95 of Czech Republic and other troops training to kill Americans and take our guns.
Go ahead.
Yes, very true, brother.
So, we have clear information coming in from our intel people that love what we're doing here at Aid and Abet Police Military Newsletter and have been with us for a number of years.
Of course, if the government knew it, they'd be handled like Pat Tillman.
You know, they'd get three shots to the head.
So they have to be very careful.
We've got three PSYOPS agents that are in communication with us and talking to us about how they phony all these intel reports.
They make these intel reports for the President, whatever he wants.
And now he wants all this stuff about Iran is involved in Iraq, so what they're going to do as soon as we have the next false flag
Operation in America, and they're talking now about blowing up, having kind of a Tet Offensive here, and blowing up every National Guard unit in the nation, all simultaneously, like in the Tet Offensive.
You notice they're putting that out now.
They're claiming there's thousands of Al-Qaeda, they're about to hit every city.
We actually know that Bush Sr.
and Clinton, as we said years ago, did bring in 5,000 Iraqis.
They may even use them as front men.
Oh, sure!
Yeah, yeah, they have Iraqis that they have also sent through, according to our PSYOPS agents, the Clear Eyes Program, Government Clear Eyes Program, and they are Muslim, and they don't know it, but they're brainwashed, and they're sitting out there waiting for their order, their phone call, to go blow up this, blow up that, and that's called Operation Open Eyes, the super-secret government program,
That turns a person, anybody, you or me, Alex, anybody they can get a hold of for an hour, they can put a program in your head after an hour of, just one hour of programming under
By the way, I'm going to stop you again.
We're talking L.A.
Times, Washington Post.
They brought in 5,000 Iraqi Republican Guard, 3,000 under Bush Sr., 2,000 under Clinton.
They're the ones bombing Oklahoma City, at least on the surface.
You've heard Colonel Craig Roberts here.
He was there in the police investigating it.
They are in place right now.
And they do not work for the Muslims, as you've heard.
That's right, that's right.
So they do have Muslims that they've put under this Operation Open Eyes program by hypnosis and they're waiting to kill and do anything that they're told to do when that phone call comes.
So yes, those 5,000 Muslims coming in are very important to them because they can sell the program that it's Iran and Syria right now that's doing this to us.
Also, we've heard from our Border Patrol
Uh, and also the sheriff's deputy just contacted us and said that the government is salting the border down there.
They're salting the Rio Grande with all Iranian money, Iranian jackets, Muslim prayer rugs, and they're salting the Rio Grande so that they can sell this to the American people.
Look here, look here, all these Al Qaeda and all these Iranians are here.
Stay there, martial law, when will they trigger it?
How can we stop them?
We'll be right back, stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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You know, a lot of average folks out there who aren't aware of what's going on call in and they say, why would the government do bad things?
They do good things!
You have a criminal elite who already have shut trillions out of the Pentagon, have stolen, have transferred our industry offshore.
They openly are pushing for the end of the country, writing best-selling books about it.
They need crises over and over again in their own public publications.
PNAC and books by Rockefeller.
They say, Dick Cheney, we need terror attacks, we need crises.
It's such a fundamental thing, but so many people out there don't understand this.
And the point we're making here is that they're making preparations for it.
They're gearing up.
And now, they're on the news.
Chang, it's a good thing and we need it.
We're going to be taking your calls in the next hour, 1-800-259-9231 on this subject.
We're talking about solutions and ways to turn this around.
Jack, just listening to that newscast and to what I thought to myself this morning, I thought, you know what, I'll find more of this, of the balloons going up.
And sure enough, they're all over the place pushing it right now.
Well, Marshall Law's good.
It's actually a good thing.
And it's no big deal.
They're reporting on it like they're talking about, you know, changing their tire or something.
Like it's just some nonchalant... They're doing it very calmly.
And you can see it's the federal talking points.
I mean, they're not doing that for no reason.
A, Jack, do you think they're going to go ahead and go ahead with it?
B, do you think they'll get away with it?
And what do you see coming out of it?
And then C, is there a way to stop it?
Well, we were in communication two weeks ago with another intel fella, high up in the government, who says it's going to be a three-month deal.
For the next three months, they're going to be getting ready, getting everything in place.
As we see, the pastors are already working on the people to turn in their guns.
And they're having Bush write executive orders now that the Congress is standing down and letting him take over everything.
So this Intel person told us that it would be three months and then they're going to blow up America like we've never even thought about.
They're going to blow it up in numerous, numerous places and kill at least 100,000 of Americans, if not more, and just put the fear of God in everybody.
They also told us that Internal America, the Middle America, looks at New York City, when the Twin Towers blew up, they looked at it as a foreign country.
And same here in the Northwest, where I live, in Idaho, people couldn't relate to New York, part of New York blowing up.
It's kind of like a foreign country.
So this time they intend to blow up Middle America.
And seriously blow it up.
They've talked four times in the media about Al Qaeda and Iranians coming to blow up our school children.
So we've heard that that's what they're intending to do, to blow up school buses and our school children, to really tick off
The American people.
And then there'll be a nuking of Iran.
Then there'll be a nuking of Iran and off the races and mass arrests and just mindless people running around waving American flags.
But I mean, hell, it should be obvious to the average dumbo out there that the globalists are behind this and are gearing up for it.
Well, it's not, brother.
Even in my own family, I have people that think I'm absolutely crazy because they listen to TV every day and they read the newspaper every day and they believe they're informed.
And also their pastors are telling them to obey government, obey government, obey government, all governments of God.
That Romans 13 thing, as you know, if they just keep reading Romans 13 instead of stopping where it says obey government leaders, they would find out that we're only supposed to obey godly government leaders.
People that are
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up at the halfway point of a ten-minute debate I did with one of these neocons about how martial law is a good thing, Sunday on CBF television.
Jack McClam joins us in the next half hour.
He's got his own show.
7 o'clock weeknights here on the GCN Radio Network.
Jack McClam, police and military against the New World Order.
We're taking your calls right now and we'll get into more solutions on how to back this off, how to stop it.
Coming up in the next segment, I've got some other audio clips I want to play.
We're going to go to Mike, Tom, Steve and others.
Right now, Charles in Louisiana, a good friend of mine, fighting the New World Order.
He was there to see the gun confiscation in New Orleans.
And, uh, it's all starting to unfold, and right there, down there in New Orleans, and the surrounding area on TV, they're saying, yep, martial law's coming, and the preachers have been recruited to tell you to hand your babies and your guns over.
Charles, welcome, sir.
How you doing, Mr. Alex?
I hope your family's doing fine.
How you doing, Mr. Jack?
Hey, brother.
Good to talk to you.
Yes, sir.
God bless you all.
And I want to tell you the truth.
I am sick of American people for letting it go this fall.
I am sick of it.
What I see now here, the rest of the country better not do what happened in Louisiana.
There was no resistance whatsoever.
And I agree with everything you say.
And what gets me mad is when people disagree with you about one little statement or one little line.
These people make me sick.
You and Jack, people like you, have been putting your life on the line for years, and somebody wants to disagree with you about some figure or some sentence.
Listen, companies, the Patriots, I don't know what's wrong with them.
I really don't know what's wrong.
Sometimes I just feel like giving up on all of them.
Well, we can't give up, Jack.
I mean, they're coming for us.
No, brother, and I'm proud to say, and you know this too, Alex, that man, oh man, I have so many people, many of them police and military, still active duty,
That want to go to Washington with our guns now, in clean house, and I've been putting it off, putting it off with them, telling them after the First Amendment is gone, we can no longer have our non-violent redress of our grievances, and that will be the time when they'll get their war.
Exactly, and the longer we can keep it peaceful, and hopefully forever, but we all know that's not going to happen, the longer we can keep it peaceful, the bigger our numbers get, the more advantage we have.
That's right brother we're getting a thousand people or more a day joining us and probably many more than that but that's what we've calculated here at our two police military associations and so if we can keep this going again for three months or a year
We're going to have millions more on our side.
But that's why the enemy openly says that we're taking over, that the people are waking up, that they're in trouble.
They're openly saying that now, publicly.
So that's why they're moving so quick now.
That's right.
That's why they're doing it, because they know if we go another three months or a year,
That they're going to have a very hard time taking over.
And so these government ministers, some of these government ministers that are licensed by the state, licensed by the federal government, are also waking up too and saying, wait a minute, you know, I'm watching the enemy take over this nation.
I've got to start speaking out about it.
But of course, the minute they do, the government comes in and raids them and says 501c3 is gone.
And so many of these government ministers are now schooling the people on how to serve as slaves to this Antichrist system that's being set up right now because they don't want to lose their 501c3 tax-exempt status.
And so, but, uh, praise to God, we're getting so many calls and so many email here from soldiers and police officers that are ready to go to war.
And, and they wonder why we haven't done it earlier.
Well, we are winning.
I say it's going to be too late, Jack.
We didn't talk ourselves into a grave.
If we don't move today, it's over.
I don't think so, Charles.
I don't think you're right, brother, because the government is moving quickly because we're awakening hundreds of thousands of people a month, and they can't afford to have more people awaken to get back on the side of God.
We'll be right back.
Charles, anything else?
Yeah, remember New Orleans, though, Jack.
No resistance.
Remember that, Jack.
No resistance, Mr. Jack.
Stay there.
We're going to come back.
Stay with us.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This much is clear.
They're gearing up for total martial law.
They're announcing no more warrants to spout on the American people.
The spy satellites are to watch the people.
The spy satellites will be in the local FEMA centers.
The county emergency centers are really FEMA centers.
How many years ago did we tell you this?
Now it's ABC News AP.
The point is, if it's not going to be this month or six months from now, it's going to be in the next few years.
But I'm telling you, in my gut, I can see them trying to move right now.
Dick Cheney's had five heart attacks.
He is running things up there.
Bush is a total puppet.
Cheney is a Rothschild puppet.
Slash Rockefeller puppet.
And, uh, they're going for broke.
They're being blocked on their amnesty.
They're being blocked on Iran.
They need to attack us.
And you've seen all the propaganda of Al-Qaeda's here domestically.
Al-Qaeda's gonna have hundreds of bombings.
I remember years ago, we had sources saying that would be what the feds would do next.
Either a nuke attack, or hundreds of bomb attacks to create fear, targeting schools, targeting the military, the police.
And that's exactly the material in the intel that Jack McClain's getting.
By the way, Jack is the real deal.
Jack's one of the few dozen people out there that I really trust as info.
And if Jack's telling you he's getting that intel, it means it's accurate.
I hope to God this isn't going to happen, but when they start announcing, with a federal script I've seen before, that the preachers have been recruited to have us turn our guns in and submit
And that they've been retroactively training them to tell everybody to submit.
We already knew that and reported that when they started announcing it.
See, that means they're getting very close to going operational.
And so, you have to take a threat like this serious.
People are always saying, martial law next month, next week.
We never put dates on it.
One time I've got on air and I said they're going to attack the World Trade Center in the next few months.
They're going to blame it on their asset, Bin Laden, and it happened.
I put a warning out last year that if we didn't get the word out, they were going to do it the next month.
You got the word out, folks, and I believe we averted it.
I'm here to tell you this is the third time in six-plus years that I put a warning out.
Well, it's not even me saying it.
The Feds are saying we're going to be attacked.
They're putting out new fake Al Qaeda videos.
It turns out they are fake.
The government's manipulated them.
I saw them on TV.
I saw Woolsey on TV last night.
It was a YouTube clip of him a week ago, saying that Iran is behind the Wahhabis.
Again, that's not true.
That's the opposite group.
I mean, their lying is so incredible.
Right now, that it makes your head spin, and most people will submit when the gun confiscations happen.
It's just that, as word spreads of what's happening to the family, some people still haven't gotten their children back, CPS gets involved.
I just want you all to know, folks, that there's a good chance you're never going to see your children again, and you're never going to see your guns again.
I mean, they had gun confiscation in New Orleans, in the high and dry wealthy areas, and the military went in and took them, and those people never got their guns back.
Real fast, Charles, because I want to get to all the other calls and get Jack's take on all this.
Finish up what you were saying.
I've been with you eight years, and all these people that call up that you don't disagree, that pick the littlest thing on.
In eight years, you're going to make mistakes.
But these people are looking for a reason to criticize you and try to bring you down, which they don't do nothing.
You did everything for this country.
You and Jack and so many others like you.
And these people want to disagree on one little subject.
They make me sick.
Well, what he called in and said is, you said Bush signed an executive order blocking McCree from being here.
I heard that, Wim.
A, I don't think I ever said that.
B, I pulled the article up and it was a veto.
What does it matter?
He kept it in.
I know, he's a little wimp.
He ain't probably doing nothing in the way.
Thank you and Jack for what you're doing.
And I want to tell us about the police.
They will take the police's guns, too.
Especially the ones retired.
They took them in New Orleans, and the police's marks drop.
They took their guns, too.
Yeah, the police, they can expect it, too.
That's right, brother.
And listen, Charles, thank you for all you've done all these years, too, brother.
I know you're a warrior, and you're an activist, and so thank you from Alex and me for all you've done.
I couldn't have made it without you two.
Thank you.
Alright, let's go to... Alex, let me share something with you here real quick.
One of our latest contacts, well, it's been some months now, with a Psywar agent,
Uh, of the federal government said this to me.
He says,
He says, Auster McLam using new computer technology and taking a video and a voice print of you, Auster McLam.
In just a couple hours, we agents could have you on TV, dancing on top of a pile of dead Catholic nuns, with you shouting to the top of your lungs that you had just purchased 100 WMDs from the Boy Scouts of America.
You name it, we can create it.
So, you're right, brother.
They create all these tapes, and I always laugh at night when I'm watching the television to see if they bomb the shit.
And they have these Al-Qaeda guys jumping through hoops and rolling and shooting, and they all have very white arms.
There's nobody in there with a black hood that have dark arms like we know the Arabs have.
So it really makes me laugh.
All these white guys in these black hoods acting like they're Muslim.
Well also when they saw Nick Berg's head off, and that was real, but it was believed he was killed a little bit earlier, being shot outside the compound.
So they said, well let's make him a hero, saw his head off, because he was Mossad and CIA.
And of course he gave his laptop to one of the hijackers, and that's Mainline News in Oklahoma.
Uh, that it's a bunch of overweight guys with wide arms, and the Al-Qaeda leader that supposedly cuts his head off has two legs, but the Al-Qaeda leader they said only has one leg.
Let's get to more of these calls.
Mike, where are you calling us from?
Yes, Mike, go ahead, where are you calling us from?
Las Vegas.
Welcome, go ahead.
Here in Las Vegas, about a month ago, we had an airport blackout here, and the generators didn't come on.
And also the whole area around the airport is blacked out.
So I'm wondering if they were bringing something in to the airport, like a nuclear weapon?
Well, here's the deal.
Why would they turn the power off bringing a nuclear weapon?
Well, not necessarily a nuclear weapon, but just something... Well, you know that the civilian non-commercial aviation doesn't even go through detectors, so it doesn't matter.
Listen, this is what happens.
We've got mainstream news with FEMA camps, we've got mainstream news saying spy satellites are spying on us, foreign troops are here, and then what happens is our listeners, and I'm not knocking you, they start seeing boogeymen behind everything and then focusing in, I don't even know what to call this psychosis, focusing in on things that can't be proven or are nebulous.
Jack, you know what I'm talking about?
I do, brother.
I do.
Even when I'm watching television, and I've been at this 28 years now, deciphering and reading between the lines, sometimes they can get me wrapped up with some of the things they're saying and doing.
So you've got to be real careful if you're reading the newspaper and you're listening to your neighbors who've been listening to Fox, the propagandist for the Republican Party.
Getting wrapped up in believing what you hear.
And this is what's going on across America, but praise God, my email, Alex, has doubled in the last year.
It's 300 a day now.
It's an exponential growth.
Tom, they don't need to sneak a nuke into the airport.
Okay, the feds have got the nukes.
I appreciate your call.
Steve in Colorado, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex and Jack, you guys have done a beautiful job communicating this stuff.
I really appreciate the work you've done.
I just wanted to say that you just talked about email.
That was why I was calling.
I believe we need a 10 million man cyber march on Washington, D.C.
You know, we've complained, we've talked about things, but we're not using the kind of pressure we need to put on Congress to get after this.
They've been completely asleep at the wheel.
Well, Congress, chronicling all this, Homeland Security has tried to see the continuity of government plan that they've always been purview to and been involved in.
And Bush says, no, you're not involved.
Jack, how important is that to have him fund martial law last year in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act?
And then to say it's for domestic dissent in the American people, no mention of Al Qaeda.
And then, they're just throwing it out the window now.
They're saying, yeah, we built this apparatchik up, it's for you.
And then they, he signs PDD 51 saying he's God Emperor.
Yes, I know it.
It's all coming in place, brother.
Everything's coming in place, and our Democrat and Republican Congress is just sitting back in the Senate, sitting back, letting him do it.
So, what we found out through some very fine Jewish brothers and sisters in the military and law enforcement is that
When we send that four to twelve billion dollars a year out of the country over into Israel in the hands of the communist Zionists over there that control Israel, the Israeli people don't get any of that money.
They put it in their pockets and then they put about four billion dollars back in AIPAC and they come in and secretly put it in the secret bank accounts of our congressmen and senators
To stand down or to vote for anything that benefits this Antichrist world government system.
And so we literally are funding our own demise as we've always done.
We funded communism for 70 years over in Russia and it would have fallen if we hadn't funded it.
And so we're doing the same thing now with that $4-12 billion going to Israel into the hands of not the Israeli people at all, but coming back much of it into the pockets of our congressmen and senators.
And then to the ADL to push in by gun anti-Israeli speech stuff.
Yeah, $2-3 million a year we've heard in each congressman and senator's pocket.
Okay, got to jump.
They won't lose that.
The only thing that scares them, Alex, is when the people get up in arms
And we threaten to throw them out, and they won't get that two, three million dollars a year.
Okay, let's get one more caller in.
Thank you, Steve.
Tom in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, thanks for waking me up.
Real quick, I'm a father of five kids here in Southern California in Orange County, and I'm trying to make an exit strategy.
I'm thinking Southern Utah, and I wanted to know your opinion on that as a safe location.
And number two, is it time to
Liquidate some cash and get precious metals.
Well, look.
I mean, you should have done that a long time ago.
I mean, mainline media says put 10% of your money into precious metals.
I'll put it in gold and silver.
Personally, but I'm not saying, you know, run wild with your hair on fire.
Martial law might not come for a year, two years.
We're going into it, though, when they're violating the whole Bill of Rights and Constitution wholesale in front of everybody's face.
So stay there.
Let me try to comment on that and get Jack McClam's take on it as well when we get back.
But Jack's up in Idaho, so that's where he's at.
Certainly, you need to have several escape routes out of your city, bare minimum.
And I couldn't think of a worse place to be than in New York City or in Los Angeles.
So here in Austin, I've got several ways to get out of the city.
If anybody gets in my way, he's going to have a big problem.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I'm going to keep taking calls in the next segment and play part of this debate from Sunday with one of these neocons pushing martial law.
And I will read some of these martial law questions I'm getting from the prisonplanet.com message board.
Going back to
Was it Tom in California?
Tom, you were asking where you should go, what you should do.
Jack, what would you do?
Well, brother, ten years ago it hit us that this is coming and we're not going to be able to stop it because actually it's in the Bible.
This is.
And so, we decided to form these Christian Constitutional Communities up here in Idaho County, Idaho, after two years of searching America and finding the safest place to be, and the place that had everything we needed to survive during the worst of times.
And so we have 11 Christian Constitutional Communities up here now.
Actually, I'm sorry, we have 11 constitutional communities and 4 Christian communities now and they're growing by leaps and bounds and we're setting up a barter system where we don't have to buy or sell, we don't have to take the mark that we can live off each other, grow our gardens and share everything and grow our own chickens and milk our own cows and everything.
But what I want to tell this listener, if you're trapped in the city and you can't move out to a good, safe location, location is so much of survival, though, as you know, Alex, location is very important.
But if you can't, if you're trapped in the city, I want you to do this.
Save your money, go out and buy night vision equipment that you put on your head so you can walk after dark.
Get yourself a 72-hour pack for your back for every member of your family.
Get them night vision equipment so that you can walk out at night and get into a safe location.
If the balloon goes up and the gates are closed, as they're planning to do, they're planning to clamp down the city tight overnight.
And you wake up in the morning and you can't drive a car.
Even your SUVs won't get out the way they're planning.
Well, you'll notice that in Texas and across the country on the interstates, they now put up big cable barriers on the roads now.
Yeah, that's right.
The only thing you can do is walk out at night and you don't want to have a flashlight, of course.
So use your night vision equipment.
Some of it's very cheap today.
It's come down tremendously in price, praise God.
And put your back on your pack and take your weapons and you walk out at night and don't walk the road.
You walk in the wood.
You walk in the
In the fields and things, but do not walk where people travel with bicycles.
Or you'll have a big army truck with a bunch of gang members pull up laughing, wanting to have their way with your wife, as they do in Iraq.
Did that answer your question, Tom?
Yeah, just one last thing, Alex.
Is there anything that you would say would be a telltale sign that we're getting close, that, I mean, it's imminent?
I know you said...
Yeah, let me let you go and try to answer that.
It's everything.
It's that the economy's plunging.
They always coincide those.
They're saying Al-Qaeda's going to hit us.
We've never seen such propaganda.
All the admitted fake videos that are coming out.
The aircraft carriers masked.
Having the preachers come out and announce that they're having martial law.
Well, it's very close, Alex.
Very close.
But they're not finished yet.
I suspect they leave these three months, but on my show,
And we're asking people to pray that God finds their hands and slows them up and stops them at this point, because we needed more time.
We need more time to awaken more people.
So don't forget prayer, folks.
Don't forget prayer.
God is in His heaven and on His throne.
He's in control of all this, and He can slow them up, He can stop them.
And that's what we're praying every night.
I'm asking the people on my show to pray every night that God steps in and stops them at this time so that we can continue to waken God's people as it's happening right now.
Praise God for Alex and Jack Blood and Genesis Communication Network and all the good people out there that are activists doing what Psalms 94-16 told us to do.
And that's be activists!
Stand up!
Speak out!
And to awaken people, and it's happening right now, so I think that we've got a good chance that God will step in, brother, and give us more time.
That's all we can hope for.
That's all we can hope for.
Jack, we're out of time.
I want to thank you for spending time with us.
If you just type Jack McClammon to Google, folks, his Police and Military Against the New World Order website will pop up.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
Okay, brother.
Thank you so much for everything you do, Alex.
God bless.
Thank you.
Yeah, I mean, I got up this morning and went down and saw the newscast and saw the report that the media is openly announcing that they've trained the preachers to tell us to hand our guns in and go to the FEMA camps, and they even say, in the camps.
They even say, in the camps.
Now, we already knew about this program, but, you know, we're those kooks that actually get documents and sources.
Now that they're announcing it,
Is the big concern.
I'll recap the top stories, play some other clips, play part of this debate, and read some of these questions from the PrisonPlanet.com forum.
Listen, make copies of my films.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I am.
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What do you mean?
Well, I'm working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Well, at least I'm making money 24-7.
But I never have to go to work.
So, what do you do?
Not very much at all now.
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In constant sorrow, his face I hollowed out.
I've seen trouble all my days.
I bid farewell to old Kentucky.
When the globalists are willing to openly say a bill is an amnesty bill, but that it's secret,
Oh, the bill's secret!
And then you get it, and it's total, complete pardon of aggravated felons and tax...cheats, in the government's perspective.
You know you're in trouble.
I mean, they flew those planes into those buildings and blew them up!
These are killers!
The government is completely criminal and completely illegitimate.
And the newsflash here, I'm gonna recap, it's top story on prisonplanet.com,
Is that what we told you about over a year ago is now declassified.
Now we gave you classified documents.
Secret recruiting of the preachers right out of Red Dawn to tell their flocks to hand their guns in and go to FEMA camps and let them break their families up.
It's all in there.
By the way, I called phone numbers on the documents.
I couldn't believe them and actually got FEMA and FEMA was asking how I knew and stuff.
I mean, believe me, I didn't want to believe these when I got them.
You never want to believe it.
Now it's on the news... and that spy satellites are watching American people in local police departments under CIA control, and face scanning and lip-reading cameras are going in everywhere, the software is going in.
And they're building prisons everywhere and announcing FEMA camps for the American people?
And then it even comes out that these Al-Qaeda tapes are fake and still it doesn't matter, they just put more fake ones out!
I want to play this clip first before I forget.
We're going to go to Reuben, Cliff, Skip, Rob.
I've got a bunch of comments.
I love the new message board because I remember years ago seeing news articles where the police, if they had over 100 IQ, weren't allowed to be police because they want
Basically dumb people who are mindless to do all this.
Well, dozens of links in news articles from all over the U.S.
and other countries where, yeah, cops that are smart aren't allowed.
You go to the Prison Planet Forum, there's links on InfoWars and Prison Planet to it.
It's forum.prisonplanet.com.
Then you're on the main page, which is live questions for the Alex Jones Show.
And I put the question out to you.
See, this goes two ways.
Because I looked for five minutes yesterday and didn't have time to find it.
I was like, I can't find it.
You did find it.
And there are 90 plus actions or views and five posts there.
But then you link off to more links from there.
So there you go.
News articles about how they only hire mindless idiots now.
It's just so scary, folks.
It's so scary.
And I've played this probably 20 times.
I'm going to play it again, and I'm going to play the new clip.
First they said they took the mercury out, then we told you they put it in, and then they put five times of it in, then they said the mercury was good for you, then they said they took it out again, now they've added it again, now Bush has vetoed it to where they won't take it out.
But then they're going to tell you they took it out, or that it's good for you.
It's multiple lies.
Here is CBS locally, but this was federally produced because it was all over the country, but locally read.
Understand, it was all over the nation.
CBS Broadcast Center made up the script, but read local, so you'd trust it more.
Here they are saying Mercury's nutritious.
Mercury-containing vaccines may have on kids.
A life-saving device wins over-the-counter approval by the FDA.
And sick of your glasses and contact lenses?
A new corrective eye surgery is approved today.
It's tonight's medical headlines with medical watch reporter Shima Mathur.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Now here's the new one from CNBC two days ago.
Where she's saying, hey, so what if there's lead?
So what if the food's poison with melamine, plastic, totally shuts down your kidneys?
So what if everybody's having these problems?
We need it to be cheap goods, that's what's important.
So now, poison for our children is good.
I mean, again, martial law is good, secret police is good, the government telling the preachers what to preach is good.
This is freedom.
Here it is.
About inflation, that's another interesting point because a lot of people like to say, uh, scaremonger about China, right?
A lot of politicians, and I know you talk about that issue all the time.
I think people should be careful what they wish for on China.
You know, if China were to revalue its currency, or China is to start making, say, toys that don't have lead in them, or food that isn't poisonous, their costs of production are going to go up.
And that means prices at Walmart here in the United States are going to go up, too.
So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now.
They're keeping prices low, and they're keeping prices for mortgages low, too.
Now I want you to hear that again.
This is a CNBC correspondent, and he's on there, and you can watch it on Prison Planet, it's got her name and everything, and this is the new... and by the way, I have Fox News clips saying the same thing, wait till I'm done to play it all.
I mean, this is what it's come to.
Mercury's good, lead for children's good, poison's good.
She actually says if we have them take the poison out of the food, the economy's gonna be hurt.
No, it's been dealing with China that's wrecked our economy, but it gave you guys centralization of control.
So this is the new system.
Martial law is good.
Poison is good.
Mercury is good.
Here it is.
But inflation, that's another interesting point because a lot of people like to say scaremonger about China, right?
A lot of politicians, and I know you talk about that issue all the time.
I think people should be careful what they wish for on China.
You know, if China were to revalue its currency or China is to start making, say, toys that don't have lead in them or food that isn't poisonous,
Their costs of production are going to go up, and that means prices at Walmart here in the United States are going to go up too.
So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now.
They're keeping prices low, and they're keeping prices for mortgages low too.
And by the way, they told her to go on and say that.
The psychiatrists are deciding to make it so insane that they just condition you to accept ridiculous lies.
If they start making food that doesn't have poison in it, or toys that don't have lead in it, well, we're in trouble!
I mean, this is spin at levels untold.
And it was the same spin.
We're going to play part of this.
The rest of it is going to go up on JonesReport.com in the next few hours.
I just ran out of time because I want to go to your calls and take some questions.
Like this one.
Will they shut down the internet immediately after declaring martial law?
They will claim that it caused a panic and a shutdown.
And this is one of the ways they could do it.
The most probable, okay, from my analysis.
Which I'm really getting sick of being inaccurate, folks, and that's uncanny.
I just got them figured out.
What they'll do is, they'll claim because of the problems of the nuke attack or the rioting, that a lot of it will, quote, shut down.
They'll launch mass hack attacks, things, a lot of things will go down.
It'll be major league disrupted.
I mean, one peer-to-peer transfer, you know, Cogent Level 3 connection problem will shut down half the web.
Then after a few months, they'll say, oh but don't worry, we have Internet 2.
They'll already have the Internet software packages to get you online with that.
And then you'll be allowed onto the controlled web.
They'll completely shut the old one down.
That's how that'll work.
No more Prison Planet.
No more InfoWars.
No more none of it.
So just download the sites now.
Save them on hard drives.
Save them on disk.
You can then hand past the websites out on disk in the future and say, see what they said.
See how they predicted it.
See the documents.
That's why the DVDs are so important.
I haven't even plugged those.
I didn't plug my films yesterday.
I haven't plugged them yet today.
I'm so busy.
That's how you support us.
You want to get Terror, Storm, Final Cut, Loose Change 2nd Edition, America Freedom from Fascism, get them at InfoWars.com and get them to make a thousand copies.
I'm not.
Go get a PrisonPlanet.tv 15th Century Day membership.
Get in there and start downloading my films and burning them to disk like your life depends on it because frankly our whole civilization does.
If they get knee-deep in Terror Storm DVDs and Martial Law DVDs and Road to Tyranny DVDs and audio files of this show, they're not going to get away with it.
Look, it's up to you.
Are we going to let these scumbags just get away with more and more and more and tell us that lead paint's good for kids?
And tell us that plastic in their kidneys is good?
And tell us that mercury's good?
I mean, it's ridiculous!
It's not freedom to have our preachers
Being secretly told what the police done!
It's not about Al-Qaeda, it's about us!
Have you figured it out yet?
Just, just, just go to this, just go to the CBS report.
I can stop it every ten seconds to make comments, but just, he sits up there all calm, acting reasonable.
Well, Congress doesn't need to know about the takeover.
Well, blah, blah, blah, here it is.
More news has come here on Eyewitness News this morning, including the latest on terrorism in this country.
We're going to sit down with two very different views on the war on terrorism with a debate on its effect on how we live our lives.
That's part of this morning's Newsmaker.
Stay with us, it's 713.
In the future, every major city will have a high-altitude blimp tethered to a cable with ground-penetrating radar that looks right through your walls and gives the government a black-and-white image of the inside of your home.
We live in a post-911 world.
Security higher.
We're a country at war.
Not an ideal situation for anyone, but there are some that say if we have another terrorist attack on American soil, the U.S.
will be under martial law.
On the phone we have with us the man you just saw on the video.
That is Alex Jones, a man who has set forth to expose these supposed indiscretions by the government.
We also have with us terrorism law expert Jeff Atticott with us.
Thank you both for joining me this morning.
I appreciate it.
Let's first talk with you, Alex, by phone.
Alex, you feel America is going to be under some martial law pressure as soon as we get attacked again, is that correct?
Well, back in 99, I met with your police chief and we drew Delta Force out.
They brought in large bags of cash and tried to buy them off.
Then I talked to emergency managers around the country when I was fighting this then and found out there was a covert plan to take over all of our major cities.
Now that's been in the Associated Press.
The Homeland Security Committee and Congress with the highest level security clearances are not allowed to see the details of PDD 51 signed May 9th of this year that literally makes the President a dictator and last year the President funded
The John Warner Defense Authorization Act for domestic oppression of the American people.
It actually says that it is for domestic insurrection and rebellion.
This has nothing to do with terror.
This is the military industrial complex waging war on the people.
But let's talk about that presidential directive number 51 that you're talking about.
Mr. Atticott, he's talking about the one that basically gives the president some power to go in in case of an emergency and establish some sort of order.
Is it as bad as Mr. Jones calls it?
I don't think so.
He's a lawyer for the people that were there in 99.
Presidential directives are nothing new.
I mean, the Clinton administration had a continuity PDD itself, and this president has simply replaced that one with this one.
It's interesting because a lot of the annexes to the document are classified, so I don't know how this gentleman has had access to those where he can tell us about what it says.
But basically, if you read section 9, paragraph 9, it indicates that
The executive branch has a responsibility for continuity, and the judicial branch has a responsibility, and also the legislative branch.
So it's really not the boogeyman.
This is nothing new, nothing to get upset about.
It's actually the responsibility of the government to do this.
Mr. Jones, you were just alluding to the cameras, and I think we heard a little bit at the top of the show about you talking about the blimps overhead.
Do you really think we're going to get to that point?
I have not seen any blimps in my neighborhood.
I don't really fear my police force.
Sure, let me break this down.
That is a Pentagon announcement of 2004, and they do now have them over D.C., L.A., and other areas.
And yes, they are mounting high-altitude blimps.
These are so high, you can't even see them without a telescope, where at night you can see them because of the atmosphere and the sun going over the edge.
But I already have Google.
I can actually Google my own home, you know.
Let's stop right there.
It's a really bad hum.
I don't know why.
We're going to get the video up on the web for you later.
But U.S.
to expand domestic use of spy satellites, see?
And that's Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, all have a similar headline.
And it says the spy satellites that in the 60s could read the date on a penny from space, now with even more power, are going to be accessed by police departments in their threat centers.
Okay, so big jokes, haha!
Nothing watching us.
There's already at least seven of these blimps over the U.S.
right now.
In, uh, low Earth orbit, basically.
They're right in the edge of space.
Shut up!
I'm tired of your lying and your snickering and your joking!
Back to the tape.
Listen, listen.
You know, Mr. Anaconda's not stupid.
I looked into him.
And he knows what he's doing.
Uh, we have the memos written by John Yoo and the Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, saying they can torture children with pliers.
That the President is... It says that with pliers.
It says the President is above the law and that all law flows from him.
And NPDD 51, he is saying he is in command of Continuity of Government, and then Congress is able to... Yes, I mean, obviously he is in command, that's what the executive does.
All the administrative agencies are under the executive branch.
I mean, all administrative agencies are under the executive branch, so why would that be surprising that he is issuing policy memos to agencies within his control?
We would expect him to do that.
No, no, he is saying that he will command the entire infrastructure.
That's not what it says.
But he's a president on his way out as well.
There's going to be a change in presidency here, Congressman.
If you go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or JonesReport.com, you can see the body of evidence.
Or go to Google and type in Martial Law 9-11 Rise, The Police State, or Terror Storm.
You can watch my films for free.
Google Terror Storm, folks.
I have a better idea.
You can go to Google and pull up PDD 51 and read it for yourself.
And read paragraph 9, which talks about the responsibility of each branch of government and not executive takeover.
Don't you remember the four members of the Homeland Security Committee in Congress who have been able to see part of it and then want to see the classified areas because they're saying that it looks like it's a martial law plan?
That's members of Congress and you're counting on folks not going and seeing what the AP and the Oregon
Mr. Jones, if I can interrupt for a second and ask Mr. Atticott, does the mentality or what Mr. Jones is pushing here, does it incite maybe us?
Is it a fear-mongering thing, or does he have some validity to his points?
Well, obviously in time of conflict, and we are definitely in a conflict with Al-Qaeda, I mean, they want to kill tens of thousands of Americans if they can, that's a fact, and our government has a responsibility to protect its citizens, but I think Mr. Jones is correct.
And that has to be balanced against civil liberties.
And where you draw that line is something that we need debated.
I think voices like his are important.
That's enough.
You can watch the second half up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It gets even worse.
See how he sounds reasonable?
Oh, we need to balance civil liberties.
There doesn't need to be a Fourth Amendment.
And Congress doesn't need to run anything.
And, you know, John, you's a good guy.
And then, oh, that's reasonable, but people don't know what reasonable is.
This is all unreasonable.
Secretly recruiting all the preachers to tell their flocks to hand their guns in.
The feds and, I mean, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And now they're regulating them with 501c3, and telling them what to say, and telling them to send people to the FEMA camps.
This is the type of thing I'm talking about.
Another question here, they say, is loose change on track?
Yeah, loose change will come out whenever they want it to come out.
They're taking their time making it, and they should have something done by September 11th, a rough cut, and done by the end of the year.
I'm sure everybody asked me that question, and c'est la vie.
There's another one here, Alex, would you please schedule another interview with Cliff Carnicon?
Yeah, I've been trying to get Cliff on.
We'll do that.
College wants me to take a meningitis vaccine.
Yeah, well the illegal aliens are bringing in stuff, and the legal ones are bringing in stuff that's drug-resistant, super meningitis, and the shots have been connected to even worse problems, so, uh, my answer is don't waste your money on worthless college with a bunch of illegal aliens running around.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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The disciples asked Jesus in Matthew 24, What shall be the signs of thy coming, and the end of the world?
You shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
And there shall be famines, disease, and earthquakes in many places.
We are living in this time of earth's history.
We're good to go.
The Bible says, we'd like you to receive this new offer, Packet B, The Unholy Alliance.
These materials document the global leaders, political and religious, behind the scenes.
You will receive information regarding America in prophecy, tyrants and wars, the new world order, and much more.
As always, these materials are shipped to you at no charge.
Please call 1-888-211-1715.
That's 1-888-211-1715, and ask for Packet B.
Look, this isn't a joke.
It's not a game.
The Russ Limbaugh's, the Neil Bortz, the Hillary Clinton's of the world.
They're just going to ride this thing through.
They're not.
You better get the word out.
You better expose what these criminals are doing.
I mean, look what we've learned to live with.
No Fourth Amendment.
Merciless, arrogant cops running around everywhere, foaming at the mouth, feeling sorry for themselves.
Illegal aliens running all over us, waving their foreign flags with crazed looks on their faces.
I mean, I'm tired of it!
We've become a laughing stock, and I'm telling you, we're in an emergency right now.
This isn't a drill!
This isn't a joke!
Bullhorn's pretty loud here in the studio.
Let's try to jam a few calls in.
Reuben in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Cliff in Florida.
Go ahead.
Uh, I'm in Idaho.
Okay, you're in Bangladesh.
Go ahead, sir.
Okay, I know Jacqueline Lamb.
I've known him, uh, when he first started out as a cop in Phoenix, Arizona.
I was trying to get on to talk to him.
And, uh, I'll tell you something.
Jacqueline Lamb is one hell of a good person.
He is a good guy, man.
We got Marshall Law coming down on us.
What do you think of him secretly recruiting 26,000 preachers?
Yes, we do.
I know how he started out when he was just a little punk cop.
And the man that put him on the right road was from Sun City.
And I hope you're listening, Jack.
He told Jack that he didn't know a damn thing about the Constitution, and the man showed him, and that's why Jack is the way he is today.
And something else, Jack also knows that I'm the one that's seen Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols at the SWAT meeting in Kingman, Arizona.
I've tried to get back to you, Alex.
But, uh, Timothy McVeigh... I'm out of time, I gotta jump.
Cliff, I appreciate your call.
Uh, Skip, where you calling us from, Skip?
You know, I desperately try to take your calls, folks, but you gotta talk when I go to you.
Robin New York here on the air.
You gotta wake up, folks.
I know you've been drinking fluoride, but come on.
Robin New York, go ahead.
I just have a comment about the whole martial law deal.
Sure, go ahead.
Come on, let me hear you get mad, man!
We just recently got three or four cameras that are supposedly for our security.
Yeah, the feds are paying to put control grid crammers in everywhere.
Hell, I mean, we're in an emergency!
And I saw this on the news and I immediately thought, this is complete bullcrap and this is... This is just a lie.
It is complete bullcrap!
And it's... I'm trying to tell my neighbor and my family and everyone else that this crap's going on and... It's a federal slave grid tracking system!
Like, I burned a copy of your Martial Law and your Terror Storm first edition for my dad and he said they were great films and
They went over quite a bit of stuff, but he's just curious about the credibility of, uh... Well, he'll find out, won't he?
The credibility?
He can check out everything we claim right there for himself.
Good job.
You planted the seeds, that's all you can do.
Duty is ours, consequence belongs to God.
Good to hear from you, Rob.
Look, you gotta get mad.
You gotta get awake first, okay?
I don't know, bang your head against the wall a couple times.
Maybe that'll get you going.
I mean, this is... I'm looking at the end of our way of life.
Everything being destroyed!
Even the patriots out there don't respond like you should.
This is serious stuff!
This is it!
Look, man, they're not playing games, alright?
The trajectory, everything's accelerated.
I mean, just at the incremental pace, we're gonna be in real live martial law within six months.
Get the word out, get the stories at presentplanet.com out there!
And tell people to tune in!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.