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Name: 20070821_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 21, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've been on national television, I don't know, 60, 70 times over the years, on different programs.
Some of those programs have aired 20, 30 times a piece, like the Trio Network Masters of the Universe piece that I was in, that John Ronson did.
So a lot of times I don't even tune in when I'm on television.
I really don't watch a lot of TV.
I don't like watching myself.
But last night I sat down and I did watch the History Channel piece.
And I have to tell you, it has won quite a distinction with me as the worst hit piece, the most multi-faceted, multi-layered hit piece I have ever seen in my life.
And I don't mean a hit piece towards myself, the worst of any hit piece I've been the victim of, or that I've had directed at me.
This is the worst hit piece I have ever seen on any subject with any individual.
Brad Davis, the producer and the director of the piece, an NBC producer, we learned after the fact, with deep searching on the internet, I did confirm with him that it was the case, is a specialist in deception.
He's the guy that got the big Dateline NBC piece on Michael Jackson, who snuck up to him, who got into his confidence, and got the crews to be able to follow him around, only to drop the boom on him.
And that's fine.
You're a snake, and you go after other snakes like Michael Jackson.
The difference is, I am not a snake buddy, and you are a liar.
Brad Davis is a liar, and I know he's listening right now, and he is a coward, and he knows his film is a fraud and a lie, and you have destroyed your name forever.
Not me.
You tried to destroy me.
I'm the main target of the piece.
You tried to destroy me.
And you've destroyed yourself.
You will be known now as the Yellow Journalist Forever.
Your name will go down in history, if anybody ever checks it, as working for Hearst Publishing, NBC.
You will be known as putting out a fraud and a lie.
And we're going to have piece after piece on this.
We're going to have the clips of the video to analyze each lie.
We're going to go over every bit of it in the months to come, and we're going to be talking about you five years from now.
You're going to have your little History Channel piece that five million people watched last night.
I checked out the ratings.
That's in that slot, generally four and a half to five and a half million.
I haven't seen the ratings yet for that particular two-hour period, but we know that Monday nights, eight to ten central, nine to eleven eastern,
Is the absolute prime time for History Channel.
Routinely audiences of four and a half to five and a half mil.
It's going to air again tonight at midnight.
It's going to air this Saturday at 8 o'clock at night.
It's going to air Sunday in the evening.
It's going to air over and over and over again.
I've looked at this particular series, that time slot.
They will generally air it 15 times this year alone and then air it another 10 times next year.
You know, they air stuff over and over again.
Over the years, it will probably air 30, 40 times.
Tens of millions tuning in.
Just last night and tonight, tens of millions will be seeing it.
A tissue of lies, a manifest fraud of slander, of defamation, of libel.
It is off the charts.
I have never seen anything even approaching this.
And I told 9-11 truthers.
I said, this is a hit piece.
Once he showed up, I said, he's lying.
I told the Austinites.
I said, this is a hit piece from hell.
No, it's not.
Brett Davis is nice.
And I told other people who were in this piece being attacked.
I said, it's a hit piece.
Oh, I think it's too soon to say that.
Well, hey, it ain't too soon to say it now, is it?
You know, I got a pretty good brain inside my skull.
Did any of you predict 9-11 before it happened?
Any of you reach as many people as I have?
And all I'm saying is, I don't want to command people, I don't want to be your leader, but at least you ought to listen to my advice.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, in the future we'll play clips of this Hearst Publishing yellow journalism abomination that we've just now gotten back into work today and have the video so we'll be doing that over the next few days and we'll take our time dissecting each technical lie and each technical fraud
But that's not where the main body of the of the lying sets.
Paul Watson, I had about a 45 minute discussion with him today.
In the next hour up on PrisonPlanet.com we are going to post the definitive article out of the gates about this hit piece.
My behind-the-scenes discussions with the director and producer Brad the Deceptive Davis.
We are going to be going over all of the information.
It will be in there and it's important that you get this particular article and that you forewind it to every MySpace account, every Yahoo account, every email list that you posted on every message board.
Because whenever somebody types in, by the way, notice they kept the name secret, because last time a copy of the Popular Mechanics hit piece got out a month before it hit print, and it was totally debunked before it came out.
So notice they were calling it 9-11 Conspiracies, but the real name was 9-11 Conspiracies Fact or Fiction.
Even on their own website they didn't show the full name.
Now they've got a bigger page up.
And by the way, Neocons on Dig, a few weeks ago it was going to be showing on the 9th,
I don't know.
They took it down!
And then we pointed out, oh look, they took it down!
And neocons wrote articles saying, look at these delusional liars!
They took it down!
No, they're saying they took it down because of them!
It's just some broken link on the History Channel website!
Look how nuts the twofers are, as they call us!
That's what the different, quote, quote, debunking websites said.
No, we
Have Brad Davis, in shorthand, everything he said in that conversation, on speakerphone, Aaron Dykes, writing it all down.
We have it all written down, and yes, you're going to see articles, and you're going to see the information, and it's all going to come out.
And he was gulping and begging for me, well, let me just go through this step-by-step.
Let me just go through this step-by-step, okay?
And this isn't because it's about Alex Jones.
It's because it's about 9-11 truth, and it's about dishonest media.
This is why mainstream corporate media is losing many of its viewers.
It's why they're in rapid decline.
It's why even cable television has lost 20 to 30 percent of its viewers in the last five years, depending on which channel it is.
It's why that acceleration is intensifying.
Because people know you've got an agenda.
They know you're a pack of twisters and spinners and, in this case, outright fabricators and liars.
So, you can pull all the tricks you want all day long.
It's not going to work.
First off, let's talk about dishonesty.
Popular Mechanics called me two years ago.
Months before the piece came out, and the person was stuttering and gibbering on the phone so bad that I didn't believe it was Popular Mechanics.
So I called and asked to speak to Benjamin Chertoff, who was the editor over the piece, and he said, Mr. Jones, I swear to you it's not a hit piece.
I swear to you it's not a debunking piece.
I haven't used that term.
I said, is this a debunking piece?
He said, no, no, no.
We're just showing both sides.
It's about your movement.
He goes, I give you my word.
There's no agenda here.
And I had been interviewed hundreds of times by newspapers, fifty-something times by TV by then, and I had never called to see if it was fake.
I mean, I thought it was maybe a high school student for a newspaper doing a prank interview or something, you know.
Or I thought it might have been some radio talk show, because some of those comedy shows do it where they act like they're fake reporters.
I mean, I thought it was because it was like, what you think about the seismography?
And I was like, excuse me?
And then the reporter would bring up a point, he sounded like he was about 13, I'm not joking when I say that, that's not a figure of speech or hyperbole.
And I would bring up a fact and he'd say, you wrote this article saying that the seismograph showed this.
I called the seismograph people, they say they not talk to you.
And I said, well tell me the headline, I pulled it up and I said, I didn't even write that.
I said, that's another article written by American Free Press.
And I said, and yeah, we posted the story.
Can't you see it says Christopher Bolin?
Can't you see it says his name?
OK, let's move on to something else now.
I mean, I'm not kidding.
So I said, hold on a minute.
I said, I'll have to call you back tomorrow.
So I call.
I get the number to Hearst.
I asked for the editor.
And then they called back like an hour later.
Hello, this is Michael Chertoff.
I mean, this is Benjamin Chertoff.
Oh, Alex, we promise you!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
So they lined there.
Then this Brad Davis calls up here.
I'm really busy working on ten other things.
You know, I'm told, oh, this is a nice fella.
You ought to, you know, talk to him.
I'm like, oh, yeah, right.
And I said, just tell the guy I know it's a hit piece, but I'll do it.
You know, I don't shrink from a debate.
By the way, unlike popular mechanics, they've been invited on the show.
I've called in when
Megs, the editor of Popper Mechanics, used to edit like the video review TV guy, he's the expert, was on another show here on the network with Jack Blood, and I called in and said, you won't debate me.
He's like, that's right, I won't debate you, because it's no point debating you, you disagree with me.
And I said, well, you're with Hearst Publishing, Yellow Journalism, CIA, he didn't rebut that.
So, that's another point.
I will face them on the field, they will not face me on the field.
They will not face me on the field where it's one-on-one and a live debate.
They've got to have it, which by the way, someone who's honest craves a live format.
I love going on CNN a few times I have live, or Good Morning America Live.
Now they delay those even slightly, like ten seconds, but I'm already digressing here.
And we've got big North American Union, SPP Summit news in the next hour with Dr. Corsi and other reporters on the ground.
Quite a few big developments there, but I've got to walk through all of this right now.
Let me do this.
Let me just state the basic facts as simply as I can and then go back through them.
A, Popular Mechanics lied and said it wasn't a hit piece.
We know it was.
And it was dishonest and it's been debunked.
This guy calls up and I didn't do the searching to check, hey, who owns History Channel?
After I did, after he came to town, I figured out it was a hit piece.
Oh my gosh, Hearst Publishing owns a controlling interest and directs operations.
Okay, because they're a news organization, so they're in the catbird seat.
And they use it for infomercials for their books and other trinkets and things they put out.
So it's a product placement vehicle for them too.
And then I learned this guy is a master hit piece artist who does hit pieces on people and sneaks around in the background, highly respected at NBC, and he did the big famous hit piece where they tricked Michael Jackson to let them follow him around.
He's the one that tricked Michael Jackson to trust him.
And man, when I brought that up to him a few weeks ago, we saw it on the History Channel saying,
Well, these people are basically nuts.
We debunk them.
We disprove them with experts.
I said, that's a Popper Mechanics single.
And by the way, you're owned by Popper Mechanics.
You're owned by Hearst Publishing.
And he said, well, he said, I know that does say that it's biased, so I'm having them take that down.
We're working on it right now.
And I said, you know, you did the Michael Jackson hit piece.
And he literally went, oh!
And I went, is that true?
And he goes, yes!
How did you know that?
Literally, he's going, and I know you're listening right now, buddy.
I mean, they think they're just going to assault us?
Because wait until I get into the lies.
You think you're just going to broadside us to tens of millions of people?
Five million in a pop?
Over and over again, and we're not going to fight back?
Wait until I get into what they did!
I've never seen anything like it!
This was the dirtiest pool!
Editing tricks!
It's unbelievable!
This makes Fox News look fair and balanced, folks.
This makes... Here's the analogy.
Fox News is a one-month-old baby that can't swim or even sit up.
And this Brad Davis is an Olympic swimmer who can swim across the English Channel in winter and back.
By the way, nobody can do that.
I mean, that's the level of this.
I mean, that's the separate... I mean, this is... The entire thing was a giant abomination.
And guess what?
They had Lester Holt, NBC Nightly News anchor.
He anchors the weekdays when somebody's on vacation, and he is the weekend anchor for NBC News Saturday and Sunday nights.
I mean, a national broadcast anchor narrates it and is in it attacking us.
And I mean, folks, they make declarative statements how we've been debunked, how it's been disproven.
They, they, they, it is, I have never seen anything like it.
So, A, he lies and says it isn't a hit piece.
And promises and cajoles and says I'm going to show both sides in equal time.
He conceals the fact that he's a hit piece expert.
Now, let's just get into the basics.
Trick edits.
They had the 9-11 Symposium here in Austin and I think it held about 500 people.
When I spoke, 99% of the seats were filled.
I mean, any seats that weren't filled were a few people at the bathroom.
I mean, there might have been one or two seats open, because I've got the video of it.
When I spoke, completely jam-packed.
That was a two-day event.
There were times when they would have hour-long, 30-minute breaks, things like that.
They have kind of third string speakers up there where you might have a hundred people in the stands.
In this show, they show a hundred people in the stands, and then they cut to me.
Total dishonesty.
Trick at it.
Also, they got video.
Well, wait until you hear about this.
I'm just going to go into the messing with the video part first.
And then I'm going to go into all the technical lies, and all the tricks they played, and all the disinfo they put out.
It goes on, and on, and on, and on.
We'll be right back.
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The creature man says it's the end of time, in the Mississippi River she's a gold drive.
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Country folks can survive.
I can plow a field all day long.
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We make our own whiskey and our own smoke too.
Ain't too many things these old boys can't do.
We're good to go
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
That's right, Hearst Publishing and you carpet-bagging New World Order types.
We're going to be around a long time after your propaganda has been debunked.
We're going to be here years from now exposing you.
When somebody Googles the name Brad Davis, they're going to find out what a big, fat snake you are, boy.
We're more than happy for you to assault us and lie about us.
That's why you've been exposed.
That's why the mainstream media is plunging.
That's why you have no credit.
Nobody trusts you anymore.
It's the same thing with your great granddaddy, the founder of Hearst Publishing, that cold baron, robber baron, William Randolph Hearst.
That's why all of your publishing arms, all of it, are a big joke, and we're going to tell everybody about it.
As if you weren't already mistrusted.
As if Fox News wasn't already anathema and a joke.
Well, you're an even bigger joke, Hearst Publishing, and the History Channel, and A&E, and all of it.
Let me just run down through it.
Alright, they do stuff like trick edits where they would show me giving a speech,
And they wouldn't show the crowd when it was completely jam-packed.
They'd show when it was during a bathroom break.
A 10, 20 minute, 30 minute break.
They had some hour-long breaks for lunch.
They'd just show it when it's on break.
And then even zoom in for like 10 seconds on empty chairs while myself and others are speaking.
Like, oh look, they don't have any people.
I saw Dylan Avery on the video of Luce Shange and he suddenly looked like he'd gained about 8 million pounds.
And again, I've been on all these TV shows, I've been in these newspieces, I've made 16 films, I know what it looks like with the Avid system, or with whatever other system, it looks like Avid editing that they used.
They took the video of Dylan Avery and they blew it up!
And they blew it up where it looks like Frankenstein.
It's a close-up of his face.
And then they stretched the video.
I mean, you could take a bean pole and make them look like they weigh 800 pounds.
And it's a really disconcerting look.
I mean, it makes it, you know, the person be irritating to look at because it's like a funhouse look.
They stretched his face out.
And then made it look real creamy white.
And then with me, they put a, uh,
Liver failure look, you know, when you got hepatitis, that real yellow look.
And my wife goes, that doesn't look like you.
And I said, look at the stretching.
And with me, they went into the video and they stretched it out.
And then there's this part with video of people at Ground Zero on the 5th anniversary.
And folks, that's our video.
That's from Terror Storm.
I know it.
It's shot high def.
They took that video.
It's from Terror Storm 2nd Edition.
Crystal clear and they blew it up to make okay and they and they took a clip from it where the crowd looks like 10 people not 2,000.
That's a conservative folks are saying 3,000 it wasn't 3,000 it was 2,000 and they blow it up and then they
Just turn the blacks all the way up till it looks like blown out 1970s VHS or something and have my head glowing red and then just hammered video and hammered audio.
So, I mean, every trick in the book, they started with, this is Alex Jones, bleugh, red face, I mean, so, so, so, that's just the visuals and it went on and on.
My mouth was hanging open during this.
Because I know what they did with these computers.
And then they would cut to popular mechanics, glistening marble, stainless steel makeup, double-breasted $5,000 suits, and compare that to blown-out, ripped video, glowing yellow heads!
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talkin'.
I'll be gone, like I said.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been sayin' all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar cryin', cussin' mawn.
Understand your man.
I'm tired of your bad mouthing.
Understand your man.
Alright, let's hear one more verse.
You can give my other suit to the Salvation Army And everything else I leave behind
I ain't takin' nothin' that'll slow down my travelin' While I'm untangled in my mind I ain't gonna repeat what I said anymore While I'm breathin' air that ain't been breathed before I'll be as gone as a wild goose in winter
I tell ya, I just love that song.
Just lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Oh, man.
Welcome back, folks.
More shocks.
I've been told that John Gibson on the national radio show of the, I call him the albino vampire of Fox News,
He is, he is attacking me on a daily basis, I've been told.
I haven't heard it.
Now, during the break, it was on YouTube, him attacking me and playing clips of me getting upset and mad.
To have Popper Mechanics, because I'm the supposed demon leader in all this, in the program, and to have him attacking me in nail boards, and... You gotta know I'm under surveillance, and you gotta know that they're really getting worried about me, and, uh, because I'm reaching a lot of people, and they think they can just destroy my name, and that'll slow us down, and it won't!
Because I've never made this about me.
I've just tried to wake up as many people as I can as fast as I can with the truth.
But it is a little bit daunting sometimes to just know these people are evil.
They know what they're a part of.
And to understand they've made the decision to be evil because they think they're on the winning side.
And it's just disgusting.
It's depressing is what it is.
I'm not even afraid of them.
Let me walk through the rest of the hit piece.
It'll be up on PrisonPlanet.com in the next hour.
Detailed by Paul Watson.
Everything I'm telling you now, I've told him and written for him, and he's putting it all together.
This is a very important article that is coming up.
So start your engines and get ready to dig into the front page, try to go over their variable grade, try to get past their censors, and just ram it through the whole web.
And I think we're going to be next week giving up the number of Hearst Publishing and History Channel and just giving them another dose of their own medicine.
All right, and I've also noticed the COINTELPRO outfits all attacking me in unison now.
I mean, I am just under massive attack, and it's good.
I mean, I'm really actually pleased to be knowing we're having this big of an effect.
I mean, we're definitely over main targets, and we're getting this much flack shot up at us.
My only concern is that I'd like my own personal life a little bit, but
Shalavi, as they say.
I've got to persevere, and as I said, I passed the point of return a long time ago, and it is in God's hands, Yahweh, Jesus, Jehovah.
Hey, we're talking about the man upstairs, folks.
We all know who we're talking about.
And that's who I put all my faith in, and just ask God to help me be a good vessel in all of this, and to do His will.
That's all I try to do, is follow the will of God.
Alright, so,
I was watching the video.
They were cutting the foreheads off and blowing and stretching the video up and manipulating the color levels and the brightness and sharpness levels on Jason Bermas, on Dylan Avery, on Cory Rubb.
They did it to me real bad.
They did real unflattering shots from down at the floor, like up at my belly while I was in the radio studio.
They would, at Ground Zero and other places, only show two or three people, or they would show video of the end of a line of people, and show like two or three people in black shirts.
They would also show people at Ground Zero yelling and screaming.
They'd been in arguments, but just the person on the other side.
They also showed a video from like three years ago of an interesting individual who's like an auxiliary fireman.
He claims, kind of like a, it's like a, and he would show up and yell at people and they say, oh, see the firemen are mad, but it isn't even a fireman.
And they showed like two, three year old footage of loose change, but it said it was just a few months ago.
Uh, that was a mistake they made.
I'm sure it was on purpose.
It was off loose change, his own extras.
That's how they even had it.
Um, and it just went on and on and on and on.
They would also do things like call James Meggs, who was the editor of a video rental review magazine.
I mean, they would call him an expert, and they would show Professor Jones would say one line.
And they would show one hesitant line, like part of a sentence cut out where it made no sense, and then they'd cut to
The quote, expert.
And it would say, expert.
The expert responds, it's false, it's debunked.
And the expert would be James Maggs.
Just sitting there going, he's the expert!
Editor of Popular Mechanics, yellow journalist.
He would just say, oh it's not true, this is why it happened.
And it was all like, how sad we are, and how pathetic we are, and how delusional we are, and how we're afraid of Al Qaeda, so we want to say it's the government, because that brings some order and closure to it.
No, it doesn't bring closure to it, thinking there's criminals running our government.
Believe me, I wish it was some people in a cave.
And, and... So they pull that out.
And I've got all these notes here.
They would also show the authors of the U.S.
government reports, who it turns out are on defense contractor payrolls, themselves have all been individually debunked.
They claim that NIST says fuel oil tanks brought it down.
NIST says they didn't.
They then claim that NIST says the building fell into it, made it come down.
That's been withdrawn.
It was incredible!
I mean, I can't even describe
Oh, and then they've got one of the Popper Mechanics hacks up there saying that they've got David Ray Griffin on there reporting that some of the, and he's neurotic about documenting everything, that some of the phone calls were made from cell phones, not air phones, from above 40,000 feet.
That's impossible!
And they just have one of the popper mechanics guys, looks like he's about 15 years old in a fancy suit, says, well that's not true.
Phones work, and they have Megs echo it, phones work from 50,000 feet.
At that time, they say, quote, at that time, phones worked at 50,000 feet.
Well, they just announced last year they want to try to make them work to 20,000, and that's going to take special cell phones you buy.
They're not even sure it'll work.
I mean, your cell phone won't even work in your own house half the time.
I have done it over and over again on takeoff and landing.
I've never gotten above 2,000 feet.
How do I know?
There are 2,000 foot radio towers a few miles from the airport and I can look and see one in parallel with them.
There's some mega towers around here and you'll be at the same level of the tower and that cell phone went out when you were at 1,000 feet and now you're at 2,000.
Oh, you know, you call your wife, you call your friends.
Okay, I'm going to see how long this phone stays connected.
And then you just set it in your lap so the stewardess doesn't see and whoop!
Once you're at 2,000 feet, you go, hello baby.
Hello, you there?
Or, hey Bob, you there?
Whoever you're calling, and it's gone.
It's disconnected.
Oh no, they work at 50,000 now!
No facts, no documents.
I mean, they just say, expert analysis.
In big black screen, white letters.
And then it cuts to them and they say, oh, phones work at 50,000 feet.
At that time.
Boom, done.
Doesn't matter they don't work at 2,000.
Doesn't matter.
Boom, they work it.
And then they said, well, out of 40 plus phone calls, only two were from cell phones anyways.
It's the reverse of that.
A minority of the calls, and that's in the news, were from air phones.
The AT&T records, the records that are out there, the phone records are public.
It was their personal cell phones calling.
Because people said, hey, those are fake calls.
And because they say they're fake calls, they went and said, no, no, look, we have the phone records.
It was their cell phones.
Their personal cell phones.
And Professor Jones, I've talked to him about the show even before it aired.
All he talked about was Thermate.
All he talked about was these little iron balls.
All he talked about was the samples.
All he talked about was the video of the metal pouring out.
They literally had like four clips of him for ten seconds a piece saying nothing.
It's the same thing with me.
They just edited and edited and edited to where I'm basically saying nothing.
Also, I gave like an hour speech and only ranted and raved right at the end, and of course that was the part they put in the film.
But the biggest thing they do, there's two things.
Here are the big ones.
There's about literally 50 other notes.
I mean, I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 pages of handwritten notes.
10 pages of these.
I've covered maybe one page.
But let me tell you the worst things they did.
You've seen at the end of Braveheart, true story, where Longshanks is having the drawn and quartered, the guts torn out of William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, to recant his rebellion and just call for mercy and say he's guilty.
And they'll chop his head off and let him get out of pain, instead of burning his entrails in front of him.
They take your guts out and wheel them around a stick and then burn them in front of you in medieval type torture.
That's how Wallace went down and they stuck his head on the London Bridge.
I've been there.
British are real proud of it.
The government's got a huge spike there.
And they brag and talk garbage about him at the... I've taken two different tours there and they just brag about the enemy and how he was killed and how good Benedict Arnold was.
It's just disgusting.
But anyways, I'm digressing.
The point is, is they whisper over him, say mercy, admit your guilty.
And this is what I've seen Fox News and others do.
They will claim we've recanted when we haven't recanted.
Like, I told the Loose Change guys, you know, because they were taking a long time getting the film done, which is fine, I told them to take their time.
You know, Charlie Sheen had said he'd narrate it after he saw it.
So the press spun that and said, Charlie Sheen's not doing it anymore.
No, Charlie said, yeah, I'm probably gonna do it, I gotta shine on to it.
You know, I gotta see it first.
Well, they took that and Fox News, Charlie Sheen backs out.
Charlie Sheen has recanted.
They said that.
Charlie Sheen doesn't believe in 9-11 truth anymore.
Hundreds of news articles were written.
Charlie Sheen's backed off and admitted he was wrong.
Totally made up!
That's what this piece did last night.
They were around Dylan and Corey and Jason for days in L.A.
when they were out there and days at their home.
By the way, they brought cops, they brought, you know, victims there, trying to get them to be interviewed.
No, they didn't want to talk to them.
The BBC didn't want to talk to them when they were there doing a hit piece.
We'll get to that later.
That's the next thing.
And this guy convinced them, folks.
He told them, oh, I'm your friend.
Oh, no, this is a fair piece.
And remember a few weeks ago, I was arguing with the one on there.
I was like, dude, it's a hit piece.
I mean, tell you, Brad Davis would lie right to your face.
You've got to learn how they are.
I mean, I had to learn this years ago.
When I was 24, I had to believe his lies.
Because he just, oh, I promise it's a fair piece.
No, no.
We want to know about your movement and who you are.
This is a phenomenon.
No, no, no.
We'll have people on the other side.
But no, no.
This is not an attack piece.
Oh, no.
We promise.
See, that's how bad his lying was.
I mean, he fooled Michael Jackson, folks, into letting him in.
This guy's a snake!
And I only bring that up to illustrate the deception.
And so in the piece, they say that Dylan and them have recanted controlled demolitions in Tower 1 and 2.
Now all they really said, as I've heard them say it on their own show and here on this show, is, well, we focused on controlled demolitions mainly in the last film.
We're still going to cover that, but we can prove it's a demolition, but then they can argue and debate all day.
What we're going to focus in on is how the hijackers were U.S.
government agents, trained at U.S.
military bases, Mohammed Atta getting $100,000 from
General Mahmoud Ahmed, the head of Pakistani intelligence and the U.S.
troops, Mass in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and the 9-11 drills, because people don't know about that!
Which I think is smart to do!
Well, they just took Dylan and Corey and them out of context and strung three sentences with the three of them, going, yeah, well, you know, we focused on that in the last show, now we're going to focus on other things, and they
Cut it into another one of the three saying, well, you know, we just cover a lot of the views and ideas out there in the first film or in the second edition.
Now we're really honing it down.
But see, they cut that.
They cut the end off that.
And then they stuck it with somebody else saying, yeah, yeah, we're not doing that now.
And they made it look like they said we were wrong.
And then they say, they admit they were wrong, but others still don't.
And it cuts to me.
Horrible side angle shot.
Blown out.
Blown up.
Deformed, stretched video.
I saw the cameras they were using.
I know what they did.
And they cut right into me.
They cut right into me.
Oh, it's been disproven.
It's been... And then you hear Lester Holt.
The NBC anchor.
National anchor.
Oh, so trusted!
Sit up there and go, now that they've been debunked, they still don't stop.
Because it's a cult religion.
And it went on and on and on.
Then they say the firemen and police hate us, that we bring up the pain.
They say the families hate us.
They cut to this individual.
And then they cut to this one woman saying, every time they bring it up it makes me think of losing my family member.
It makes, I hate them!
And then it cuts to the popular mechanics, young punk, Mr. Corbin.
And he goes, this is the part that makes me sick as a journalist, I try to not get emotional.
But these people are despicable!
And it cuts back to me.
Oh yeah!
I gave them the names.
I gave them dozens of phone numbers to victims' families and Bill Doyle, the head of the biggest group, 7,000 plus members, admitted biggest group, who says the majority of their members think inside job and he thinks it too.
Lost his son Joey.
I remember him going, what do you think about the families?
Saw him get mad.
And I went, really?
The majority agree with us.
And wanted another investigation and said that it's an inside job.
None of that in there.
Just, the families hate the 9-11 truthers.
See, that's the most despicable thing, is you set them against us and demonize us to a national audience.
And that's where you've defamed me.
That's where you're in big trouble.
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We've got Michael Medved attacking me yesterday for whole segments.
We've got John Gibson attacking me for whole segments.
Other reports pouring in of how I'm being attacked.
Again, they get talking points memos, ladies and gentlemen, many of these guys.
And they're going after me something fierce.
I have really made them mad.
And the History Channel is hitting on all cylinders with the most slickly packaged, because it's so multivariate.
I mean, from blowing out the video, to sneaky edits, to claiming the families all hate us, and literally having people cry, and, you know, now I'm like the devil.
I'm making them cry.
Uh, and, uh, Dylan Avery and them have recanted, uh, and, uh, when they didn't recant, so they literally edited it to where, like, they made a mistake, and they're bad, and they admit they were wrong.
And they've backed off and lying to get the interview and saying it wasn't a hit piece and then all the technical stuff.
I mean I've got page after page after page right here of just the technical lies and we're going to mention some of those in the new article but it's coming out on PrisonPlanet.com but it's going to be the next article
The next story that Paul does in the next few days, as he himself and others have time to analyze, it's a two-hour program, a lot to digest, but my mouth was hanging open.
I mean, it was all lies.
Cell phones work at 50,000 feet in 2001?
I mean, that is just... They say, Popular Mechanic says, well everybody knows cell phones work at 50,000 feet, it's documented.
Now, I'm not talking about the article that Paul wrote that says viewers see History Channel 9-11 piece as straw man hit piece.
He just took your comments and quotes and what Stephen Jones said and other things put together.
That's an important story.
But the one that's coming out next hour, that is the important one that you've got to get out to everybody.
Because we are just... Listen, 5 million saw this last night.
About 2 million will see it tonight when they air it later in the evening.
When it airs Saturday, another 5 million.
They go above 5 million many Saturdays on History Channel.
I pulled their numbers.
Then they're going to air it again two more times after that.
I mean just over and over and over again.
5 million each prime time viewing, a couple mil each off prime time.
And these people just sit there on their backs, these are the TV heads, and they see women crying about their dead son, and I'm the one that did it.
I'm the one that makes her cry.
And then you realize this is being produced and run by NBC, owned by General Electric, that makes the bombs and the weapons and the spy systems, and by Hearst Publishing, and by the way, there were sleeping pill ads, serotonin reuptake inhibitor ads, there were Marine Corps ads throughout the piece,
I don't normally see this many.
This is like specially produced.
I mean, it was jam-packed with high-dollar ads.
And then they had weird... I can do a story about that.
Anti-cash ad.
Showing people with cash how they hold up the lines.
Actually, cash is quicker, studies have shown.
Plus, you know that.
You don't give them a twenty, you give them a change back, and then it's quicker.
Swiping and waiting and putting your code in and then signing.
About how cash is dirty and evil and bad from Visa?
I mean, this was just wall-to-wall.
Marine Corps ads, Get Rid of the Cash, Mark of the Beast ads, drug ads, Navy ads, Air Force.
I mean, I've never seen anything like it!
I have never seen anything like it.
And it was just, it was hitting on all cylinders.
And by that, it wasn't hitting with one angle or two angles or three angles or four angles or five angles.
And I mean, and then to have Lester Holt, NBC News anchor, nightly news anchor, introduce it on camera and then voice the whole thing.
Brought to you by the Marine Corps.
Brought to you by Prozac.
Brought to you by Let's Get Rid of the Cash.
And see, these guys love being on the winning team.
Lester Holt and this punk producer.
They love it, man.
They love being up in New York, looking down on us little people.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Dr. Jerome Corsi reported yesterday from Montebello in Ottawa on the Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit pushing for the expansion and continual integration of the North American Union Superstate.
He went to the security perimeter this morning.
It is a total police state lockdown and he's not answering his cell phone.
He's always been very punctual, so we hope he is
Not been detained.
They also admit that sometimes they have in these secure areas cell phone scramblers.
Or it might not be working from inside the big structure he's in.
So we'll continue to watch that.
Connie Pogle of the Canadian Action Party is also there.
She's going to be popping in.
We've been able to get a hold of her.
Also, Camille McWhorter, she is the mother of one of my graphic design people, Michael McWhorter, and she started listening to the show, finding out about this.
She's a mainline, nice, conservative lady.
She went up there to observe it for herself with her friend, and they're actually in Montebello.
They were able to get in, and she's going to be joining us coming up in about 30 minutes.
Then we've got Dr. Michael Coffin for 30 minutes to talk about his new film exposing man-made global warming as a global tax fraud.
And then Sean Costello in the studio.
We're also, we're going to have ABC local in here.
I'm talking about the toll roads they call us when I come over here or whatever.
Showdown or hit piece.
But c'est la vie, I don't even care anymore.
Just put the enemy in front of me and I'll do the interview.
I will be on the field.
I will not back down from a fight.
So, jam-packed broadcast lined up.
If you heard me earlier getting into the mother of all hit pieces, and I mean the mother of all hit pieces, if you go up to PrisonPlanet.com and you go there, you can read Viewer to See History, Channel 9-11 piece is a straw man hit piece.
Paul's got another article coming out off of my notes that I wrote watching it.
It is the biggest, most out-of-control hit piece I've ever seen.
But I want to come back and play John Gibson.
Fox News attacking me yesterday.
I don't have time to play Medved or The Ill Boards or all the rest of them.
But this is, this is what they're doing.
They are coming after me, folks.
And they're doing that because they know PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and JonesReport.com.
I've been able to get people motivated, they've been able to get people to take action, and they want to somehow, I guess, destroy my name, thinking that will somehow hurt the movement, and that is not going to work.
And what you do is you realize we're hurting them.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
They are doing this and some of us get crushed in the process.
I know I'm putting myself out there.
That's what men do.
We're supposed to do that.
I can't help it.
These are evil people and they must be fought.
And the bottom line is this.
Everybody knows the mainstream media lies now.
Everybody knows they're a pack of crooks.
And when I say everybody, I mean 80 plus percent now.
I'm sick of it all.
Both parties have 14% or lower approval ratings.
It's shot!
And the jig's up and your scams don't work anymore.
And I want Popular Mechanics and Hearst Publishing and NBC and this Brad Davis liar to know that you've just discredited yourselves and all the trick editing and all the trying to make me look like a walrus and make no one ever look like a space alien isn't going to work.
And you are what you are.
You're scum.
You're pathetic, anti-American liars.
And people are going to find out cell phones don't work at 50,000 feet like you said they did.
And they're going to find out that the fuel oil tanks didn't cause Building 7 to come down.
Nish admits they didn't, but you say they say that.
And they're going to find out that you're a pack of liars.
They've already found out.
They're going to find out that it's not just some bias, liberal or conservative, it's a Pentagon bias.
And then we're going to find out that the Pentagon doesn't work for America anymore.
As the head of the Naval War College says, you work for the foreign banks.
And then we're going to take this country back.
People are going to find out the NAU exists, the SPP exists, Amnesty exists.
We're going to beat you.
You understand that?
We're coming for you!
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After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is a definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I told you we'd play this John Gibson clip where he attacks me, phony conservative that he is, desperate that his audience is learning about what a bunch of traitors they are and how they're behind the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Mainstream New York newspapers have reported that.
The jig's up.
You've been exposed.
Okay, it's over for you.
Just get that through your punk brains.
You may have a few Prozac heads who are 90 years old, but you don't have the rest of the country.
We've understood the threat.
We know what's going on.
That's coming up.
We were able to get him.
He is inside Montebello.
He is inside.
At least he was earlier when Connie Fiddle said she saw him go in.
Joining us is Dr. Jerome Corsi, a real conservative, a real patriot, a real American.
Welcome, sir.
Great to be with you, Alex.
I just got out of the press conference.
It lasted about an hour.
President Bush, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico.
They're actually ending this summit early.
It's probably the shortest of the three.
They're all in a weak position right now in their governments.
Bush is lame duck.
Harper is a minority.
Prime Minister under a lot of pressure from the other parties in Canada, especially over issues of security and prosperity.
Well tell us what they said, tell us what you witnessed, tell us the security, give us the rundown.
The major thing was that they got asked by Fox News if the North American, if the NAFTA superhighway was real, if the North American Union was what they were doing, and Bush just ridiculed the ideas.
Bush's whole approach was to say
It's a conspiracy theory.
It's just a political tactic to scare the people.
You put out this political scare tactic of a conspiracy theory.
Just like they claimed that the amnesty plan wasn't an amnesty.
It was a denial, but it didn't refute any of the substantive arguments.
Bush did not talk about the Trans-Texas Corridor.
He didn't talk about the RFID chips being put all up and down Interstate 35 by Lockheed Martin and Hutchison Wampoa.
None of the specifics were addressed.
He just ridiculed the idea.
And Stephen Harper said, you know, our discussions are really pretty mundane and boring.
We had a lot of discussions, Harper said,
About jelly beans.
Because jelly beans are made different in Canada and in the United States.
So we talked about how to make only one kind of jelly bean for North America.
So Harper reduced the whole discussion to a discussion of jelly beans.
And Bush ridiculed the idea.
Well, they talk to us like children.
They always do that.
Always do.
The only one who said anything intelligent on the issue was Calderon.
And Calderon said, you know, the governments need to talk to their people and need to be honest about what's going on.
They said we need to have frank discussions.
That's right!
The Mexicans admit what they're doing down there!
They admit what they're doing, and they say that, you know, they need to have these discussions, and they're willing to have them, because they see a need.
They've got 10% of their population living in the United States as Mexican citizens, and Bush wants to say, oh, no, no, it's just a conspiracy theory.
We're not a dual nation.
Don't worry about it.
Be happy.
Don't think about it.
It's all okay.
That was Bush's answer.
It was remarkable.
I mean, I thought it was astounding that he scoffed at it.
He ridiculed it.
So I also see here there's a strategy.
You've got now Vice President Cheney saying there's no superhighway.
We're getting attacked, attacked brand new as being conspiracy theorists.
We're the conspiracy theorists, even though
Uh, the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
Here it is.
Do you believe that there is a conspiracy afoot among officials of the Bush administration?
No, no, no.
George Bush himself to merge the three countries, Canada, the United States and Mexico.
There is a, dare I say what I think of him, Angry Rich, or should I just play him, and the audience will assume my point of view about him.
Speak the truth about him.
He is a nut!
He is totally out of his mind, foaming at the mouth.
He might even be a bit on the rabid side.
In other words, you know, don't get dinner with him and have him like double dipping in the guacamole.
He's a tin foil hat wearing jackass is what he is.
His name is Alex Jones.
Ah, here it is with Gibson who looks like Count Dracula.
He thinks that 9-11 was an inside job and that Bush and company are now trying to merge three countries into NAFT-merica.
You phony conservatives need to be strung up once you've been found guilty of high treason!
For getting rid of our borders, for the North American Union.
You know, James Woolsey sits up there and talks about defending America.
Now we got a glass parking lot, the Arabs all day.
But he's not for controlling our borders.
In fact, he was for the amnesty plan.
And he was up there at the BAMF Canada meeting last year, running the SPP and the NAU.
It's only getting worse.
He's got a little problem, doesn't he?
These people aren't patriots!
They're not defending the Republic!
Alright, let's go back to Jerome Corsi.
So we're Illuminati nuts here.
Now James Woolsey didn't go to the meeting last year, Dr. Corsi.
Well, Alex, you just heard the new strategy.
And I'm sure it's going to be orchestrated from the White House down that will be attacked.
Anyone who discusses how Europe went from a
The Coal and Steel Agreement 50 years ago, 1957, to a European Union is delusional to think it could happen in the United States.
And unfortunately, Alex, the American people aren't going to buy the dismissal and the ridicule any more than the American people bought the idea that we needed a sham misty bill passed in the Senate.
You can't fool the American people by laughing at somebody's idea.
Laughing at somebody's idea does not defeat the idea.
And Bush, and Cheney, and John Gibson, or anyone else, want to talk about the issues that have been raised.
You know, why Governor Perry vetoed the two-year moratorium that's been overwhelmingly passed by the Texas legislature to block the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Why did he go to Bilderberg?
Why did he go to Bilderberg?
Why, in fact, is NASSCO, with Lockheed Martin,
Uh, and, uh, Hutchison Rompola, the communist Chinese port managing company, putting RFID sensors all up and down Interstate 35.
Uh, why have our borders not been secured?
Why are 10% of all the people...
Born in Mexico, living in the United States today.
Why are Ramos and Compion in federal prison for shooting after a fleeing Mexican drug smuggler?
These are questions that won't go away.
Why did the TxDOT and the Federal Department of Transportation, MAPS, call it the Napa Superhighway?
Why did the Federal Highway Administration General Counsel write a letter to the Texas Department of Transportation
Threatening that if there were a two-year moratorium to block the trans-Texas corridor, the Federal Highway Administration was going to take federal highway funds away from Texas.
Why did Congress pass a law saying that they can't use federal funds to build the NAFTA highways?
Why are millions of U.S.
jobs going to China?
With cheap, inferior Chinese goods coming in here in massive amounts in containers.
A lot of the four-year documents that we got last year through Judicial Watch from BAMF say they want to keep it secret from us.
I mean, does John Gibson, and obviously these are White House talking points, they're all saying them, they must have gone out yesterday, they're all saying it now.
I mean, it isn't going to work!
Well, I'm sure that somebody in the White House came up with the plan or they held a few focus groups
And they were advised that they just go ridicule us, and ridicule anyone who mentions these ideas.
But Alex, it isn't going to work, because just take a look at Europe.
Europe did go through the process, is right now in the European Union, has a common currency, and we're along the same elite path.
We're now back, you know, in 1962 or 63 with Jean Monnet advising the European Union politicians not to openly discuss their objectives and to ridicule anybody who suggests that their aim might be to destroy German sovereignty.
We're about to break one of the final segments with you, Dr. Corsi, so you can go through any other developments that have happened, but tell us about security getting in there and what you witnessed.
We have another lady coming on who's there, just a family friend who happened to be there, and she says it was helicopters, troops, machine guns, rioting anarchists.
What have you seen?
It's all of that.
I mean, this is like a lockdown here.
You've got two wire fence barriers, one of which is an impossible to climb mesh wire fence,
With security cameras on it.
You've got Securité, the Quebec, being brought in in busloads with machine guns.
You've got the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who are in charge of the whole security operation.
You do have helicopters.
You've got boats up and down the Ottawa River.
It's a total security lockdown.
These three leaders are here and this meeting is going on.
And once you're in this complex, it's so isolated, it's so out here in the middle of the, you know, Canadian woods, that you wouldn't know if there was protest going on.
The press would never see it.
There's no way the press would even hear about it.
And yesterday, when I was out in the streets, I saw the police with the riot gear on.
I saw the tear gas.
We'd come on scene after the
Uh, pepper spray and the pellet bullets had been used.
We were talking to people who described the whole issue to us, and we photographed it.
So it's a document of fact that the protests, uh, turned into a nasty police action, uh, and, uh, largely that's been downplayed.
Well, I know that you'll have thousands of peaceful protesters and always center 15 of these communist anarchists.
I don't know how they're communists.
They want total government, but are also anarchists.
And we've documented, Dr. Corsi, that the liberal think tanks fly them around and house them so the cops can then attack the peaceful people.
Well, I was over at Parliament Hill, which is over in Ottawa, and the peaceful protests there were strictly political.
And there were other parties opposing the North American Integration Union under the SDP.
It wasn't radicals, it was politics as normal opposing North American integration.
Stay there!
Dr. Corsi on the other side will tell us more about the press conference he just attended, and more about what he witnessed up in Canada.
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I think so.
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Look at your young men fighting.
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The way they've always done before.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Dr. Corsi is our guest.
Camille McWhorter will be popping in.
She's in Montebello right now.
Also Dr. Michael Kaufman next hour.
Sal Costello as well in the last 30 minutes.
New NAFTA Superhighway toll road information.
You heard Dr. Corsi talk about Lockheed Martin.
Putting up transponder tracker chips, taxation chips.
They're announcing on local radio and TV, oh yeah, we're going to have chips in your cars, you're going to pay that way.
But by the time it gets to Fox News, it doesn't exist.
Dr. Corsi, other key points you'd like to report on concerning just what you witnessed there on the ground, what they said in the press conference, the mood of the press, the mood of the Canadians you spoke with.
There's one critical issue we've got to report on that came up in the press conference.
Bush confirmed
That military assistance package for Mexico to help fight the Mexican drug war, help the Mexican military fight the drug war, is under serious consideration.
Unprecedented escalation of bilateral military action.
And even Harper said, and this is, you said, one of the reasons we have to meet is because now we've got a continental problem that we can only solve if we all combine together and the solution is going to be a military solution.
George Bush said the package was under discussion.
Like I reported in WorldNetDaily, they weren't ready yet to disclose what it's going to be, but it clearly involves at least military equipment and training.
Bush said it wouldn't be 10,000 troops on the ground, but it will be a package of military assistance.
Well, that's how they always, that's how Vietnam started.
That's how Vietnam started and how, and additionally, I don't see how, I continue to raise this question, how we're going to
The reason Mexico's military is losing the drug war... Because they're running it.
Because they're running it.
Half the Mexican military is in cahoots with the drug lord.
That's like saying you're going to hire Satan to deal with Belzebub.
Well, you know, this is again one of the major disconnects.
George Bush doesn't get that his open border policy has allowed 10% of Mexico's population.
One out of every ten people born in Mexico to be living today in the United States.
And they have, on average, four children, so that ten million is now, like we know, forty million.
And it's going to be one out of every five people born in Mexico living in the United States as a Mexican citizen by 2010 and 2015.
And George Bush cannot see, evidently, or does, he just, he can see it, he just doesn't want it talked about, that we've already become a dual nation.
He doesn't want to ridicule
Alex means that he doesn't want the subject discussed.
Because George Bush knows that if the subject is discussed, he loses on the argument.
Well, that's it.
Out of sight, out of mind.
They want it to, you know, basically the leech has been put on us.
It's going to take us over and kill the country.
It's close to doing it now.
Even if we removed it now, we're in dire straits.
They know that if we can admit we're ill, we can then heal the country.
They want it to go to the point of no return.
Yes, and I mean, it's the fait accompli.
When George Bush allows one out of every ten Mexicans to live in the United States as Mexican citizens, he comes to Congress and says,
I can't solve this problem that I created.
I can't round up 12 million people.
Will he let them in in the first place?
Well, that's what Robert Pastor keeps saying, is we're going to use crises to bring in the North American Union, economic, military, law enforcement, as you've been saying, and now they're doing it.
But I get from you earlier that things didn't go well, that there was something in the air, that it was a failure.
What makes you say that in closing?
The three leaders this time were the most distant I've seen them.
They were all three wanting to get out of here.
This ended quickly, on the excuse that the hurricane that came through the Yucatan created a crisis that Philip E. Calderon has to go home for.
But it was quite clear to me that these discussions are being bothered, dragged, carried, you know,
But the dissent to creating a North American Union, the NAFTA superhighway, all these issues that George Bush wants to ridicule and go away are significant roadblocks in what SPP wants to accomplish.
And whether they want to acknowledge it or not, they're going to have to deal with the issues and answer the questions.
Ridicule isn't going to solve the problem.
So you got from this that they're now starting to go into the defensive, that they're unhappy?
And then in closing, the Mexicans are never going to put up with U.S.
troops down there.
They've been invaded by us twice, and Mexico City's been sacked by the Marines and by Grant.
I mean, they're not going to put up with this.
And also, both Bush and Harper are under increasing domestic pressure for why they're involved so deeply in the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
Neither one has sold this completely closed-door process to the people of either country.
And Mexico appears to be the only one that wants to talk about it.
Mexico is the only gainer.
Would you say that if we fight back, there's no way they can win?
100 percent, Alex.
Thank you.
Fight back with the truth.
Thank you for reporting from Canada for us.
Thank you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Come, you masters of war!
Hear the bell of big guns!
Hear the bell of death planes!
Yeah, John Gibson!
You can hear my voice, can't you?
And you know I truly am angry.
You can hear it, can't you?
I am rabid.
I want you to know that we are for real here.
We're not playing games.
We know you're traitors.
We know you're enemies of this country.
We know you're phonies.
And we're going to continue to expose you.
So go ahead and lie and say there's no North American Union.
Go ahead and lie and say there's no amnesty.
Go ahead and tell whatever lies you want.
But we're going to beat you.
And we're going to expose your New World Order.
You can set your watch and warrant by that, my friend.
I want to tell you about Brave New Books.
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I think so.
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It is excellent and I certainly hope that you will get that from Brave New Books.
Now before I go any further and go to our next guest also it might be good to occasionally plug that I have an online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com
And if you're here locally, you can go to Brave New Books and get Terror Storm 2nd Edition or any of the 15 films I've made.
When Endgame comes out in October, it'll be available at Brave New Books.
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Alright, let's go ahead now and go to Camille McWhorter.
And I remember a few months ago, Michael McWhorter, who works for a big graphics company here in Austin, but he did a bunch of graphics for us on Terror Storm and on Endgame, said, yeah, my mom's woken up to this stuff, she's learned about the North American Union, she's going to go up there with one of her friends, you know, she's a prayer warrior, a Christian conservative, and she's going to go up there and see this for herself.
And she did indeed go up there, and she did indeed go to Montebello and through it all,
And they banned people getting in most hotels, most restaurants shut down.
She was able to call a bed and breakfast and say, look, I'm just coming up here to see what's happening.
Not going to be a protester.
And the guy said, OK, you can stay here.
And so she stayed at a bed and breakfast and she's there right now.
Camille, thank you so much for popping in and joining us.
Well, hello, Alex.
Am I on?
You are.
Well, I'm in the most beautiful spot you can imagine.
I'm looking down off of a railing on a terrace at two little deer, three little deer feeding under me.
I'm right on a lake.
And Montebello sits right on the Ottawa River.
And it's a beautiful little spot.
It is so pretty.
The weather's gorgeous.
And if for no other reason, that's why I'm glad I'm here.
Well, you and a friend went up there.
What did you think of the security?
What did you think of what you witnessed?
I was talking to Mike and he said that you saw like police dogs going down the railroad track.
I'll tell you exactly what we saw.
We came in Sunday and as we came in, as you're coming into Montebello on 148 from Montreal, as we got near Montebello we began to see the police guards.
The Canadian police, along the side of the road, a couple of miles before you get to the Montebello Lodge, which is where they held the Summit.
And we had a little bit of trouble getting through in Montreal, getting through the airport, because the guy was questioning us about whether we were coming to the Summit or not.
And I said, you mean the Christian Summit?
And he looked at me like I was crazy and let us through, you know.
We thought two dumb little ladies are coming up here.
They have no idea what's going on.
But as we came in, this was Sunday, there were guards at both entrances of the Montebello Lodge, which is 6,500 acres of property.
And so that was Sunday.
They were already in place.
And we got up Monday and we went downtown and it was incredible.
They had probably more police
In Montebello, then there were demonstrators and protesters which came in about 12 busloads that day.
And they were from everywhere.
And they were all, you know, came with their soap boxes, but they were from everywhere.
But it was incredible because lined up on one side of the street was a line, one right after another, making like a fence.
of policemen with all of their gear on, the shields, the face masks, the clubs, everything.
It was, and then there was a railroad track adjacent to the Montebello Lodge and they had guards standing on the railroad track with police dogs.
They had erected a fence around the property.
There was already one that was about 8 feet tall.
This must have been about 12 feet or more
They had erected around this property so that no one could get in of course.
They had the police helicopters circling.
We tried to get a boat to go down the river to see the lodge and they said they had actual bombs like mines in the river so you couldn't get anywhere near the riverside of the lodge.
They wouldn't let any boats by.
They had cameras all down the fences.
And this is all because the state has now become the enemy of the people.
What else did you witness?
Well, then we interviewed, because we were up here to get the different perspectives on this SPP.
And they had a parade of protesters come through, Bush go home, Bush go home, Bush go home, that kind of thing.
And we interviewed some of the people who were demonstrating, were very sharp and knew what it was all about, thought they knew what the whole agenda was, and that was to form the North American Union.
And they had these huge posters they were carrying with a picture of all of North America with the red, white, and blue flag coloring it.
And they were protesting that, what they thought was the agenda behind the meeting.
But I'm told there were also some random mob anarchists causing problems.
There were.
There were.
And the interesting thing to us is that it was on all the news up here.
And I think only one channel in the United States had carried it.
I haven't heard of anything else.
And that was our educational channel, the Jim Lehrer News Hour.
Carried about 20 minutes, not of anything that they took pictures of up here, but they were interviewing for 20 minutes the past Prime Minister of Canada and the past President of Mexico.
And they interviewed them for 20 minutes.
We did not see a single, they said CNN was here because they tried to stay in one of the bed and breakfasts and take over and they wouldn't let them have it, but we did not see any
Uh, cameras.
Any TV people from the United States.
Well, when they met last year, it was secret.
The meeting itself was in Banff, but then local media said, why are there thousands of people, all these top government people, and then we got the minutes, part of them out, then Judicial Watch sued and got the rest, and I don't know if you've read those, Mrs. McWhorter, but I mean, it says right there that they want to, quote, keep it secret how they're integrating the three countries.
We were told that Bush had in his entourage with him a group of business leaders and that much we found out.
Oh yeah, that's what they do.
We don't know who they are, of course, but they were business leaders and one of the
The protesters, what they were so outraged about was that there was no representation of the people.
Yeah, that's the point!
They have a secret meeting with corporate leaders led by a Northcom for the government, and that finally came out in mainstream news yesterday, what we put in Endgame, that this is really a Northcom op, and you got James Woolsey, the CIA spook,
Who is there is one of the top people.
And then again, the agenda is secret.
We got the minutes and it's ending our countries.
So, I mean, just right there, what do you expect of a secret America?
Mrs. McWhorter, anything else you'd like to add?
I really appreciate you popping in with us.
We were really interested in the comparison of who were the most dangerous that we saw yesterday.
And here were these police all with the clubs and so forth, and the tear gas, and the protesters who had none of that.
Of course, some of them wore gas masks because they were planning on causing a problem.
But I thought, who am I more fearful of?
Because I was right in the middle of the mob scene.
Oh yeah, it's the overkill!
And I said, I'm far more fearful
Of this, the police car, and they spent $80 million on security to bring these leaders in yesterday.
To have a secret meeting, the North American Union.
To have a secret meeting, and my husband totally is, you know, on the side of having it because he thinks it's all about improving the trade alliances and so forth.
But it's secret.
There's a group that sees the conspiracy and there's a group that absolutely looks at it practically from a trade point of view.
But if that's the case, why is it secret?
Why are governments meeting in secret?
That's the bigger... Mrs. McWhorter, I heard you... It wasn't any secret in Canada.
Everybody knew about it up here.
Sure, I mean the contents of the meeting.
I heard you're going to give your son Michael some of the video.
I'd love to put it up on prison.
I did get some footage, and I did interview some people, and it was really interesting to get the different perspectives.
Well, if you send us that, we would love to post it on the website, and I really appreciate you being up there and getting your unique perspective.
God bless you.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Take care.
Thank you for coming on with us.
Yeah, that's great!
Just a small world to get to have her pop on with us for just a moment as well.
Now, joining us is Debbie Morrow.
I haven't had her on in weeks.
And with this hurricane, here's an example.
Hurricane Susan isn't over.
With the flooding we've had all over the country, with water supply shut down, I mean, four or five towns around Austin for months haven't had good water.
And they've been saying, boil it.
But that's not the reason to get a water filter, folks.
The reason is that the fluoride, the arsenic, the mercury, the pesticides, the herbicides, the motor oil, the chemicals, all the dead bacteria, because the chlorine just kills the bacteria.
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And it works out really good for everyday as well for in case of an emergency.
I know that recently down in Corpus Christi they had E. coli in their water and within just two or three hours the shelves were empty of bottled water in all of the stores.
So, you know, it's a prime example.
You don't have to wait for a hurricane or anything to happen before you have issues with your water.
The people who had Berkey water filters didn't need to worry because the Berkeys will take E. coli out to a non-detectable level.
Bottom line, there's constant water problems, but the bigger issue is what's already in the water.
You gotta call.
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They're just, with two filters, they do what?
6,000 gallons in their life.
Folks, that'll last you years and years.
Just give Debbie a call.
Debbie, stay there.
I want to talk to you during the break.
It's been a while since I talked to you.
I appreciate you coming on with us.
We'll be right back, folks.
I'm going to play the John Gibson piece.
I'm just going to come out of break playing the John Gibson.
I promise to play it.
We'll go ahead and play it with his propaganda.
He's upset that we're upset and we realize he's the enemy of this country, him and the scumbags that run Fox News over there at the CIA.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Do you believe that there is a conspiracy afoot among officials of the Bush administration?
No, no, no.
George Bush himself to merge the three countries, Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
There is a, dare I say what I think of him, Angry Rich, or should I just play him, and the audience will assume my point of view about him.
Speak the truth about him.
He is a nut!
He is totally out of his mind, foaming at the mouth.
He might even be a bit on the rabid side.
In other words, you know, don't get dinner with him and have him like double dipping in the guacamole.
He's a tin foil hat wearing jackass is what he is.
His name is Alex Jones.
Ah, here it is with Gibson.
He looks like Count Dracula.
He thinks that 9-11 was an inside job and that Bush and company are now trying to merge three countries into NAFT-merica.
Bush and the Illuminati.
And that anybody who doesn't see that is just a plain traitor.
You phony conservatives need to be strung up once you've been found guilty of high treason!
For getting rid of our borders, for the North American Union.
You know, James Woolsey sits up there and talks about defending America.
Now we got a glass parking lot, the Arabs all day.
But he's not for controlling our borders.
In fact, he was for the amnesty plan.
And he was up there at the BAMF Canada meeting last year, running the SPP and the NAU.
Man, this only gets worse.
He's got a little problem, doesn't he?
These people aren't patriots!
They're not defending the Republic!
They're here overturning our country!
I thought, you know, I listened to that and I was like, I've heard this before.
It was in a movie, one of my favorite movies.
It was the big Lebowski!
It was John Goodman!
And then they come, and they pee on your f***ing rug!
Am I wrong?
Am I wrong?
Yeah, but... Okay then.
They want to line you and your family up and take your assets, and they want to gun you and your children down and throw you in pits.
Chertoff family ran ops in Russia.
I'm telling you, it's John Goodman straight out of the Big Lebowski.
I'm talking all the neocons out there that think this is all real funny.
The death of my country!
The death of your country!
Tough talk, big man.
Like, is he, let's say, like Ted Nugent, who really does it?
Let's be honest.
He's the type of guy that would soil his drawers if I looked at him the wrong way.
Joining me now, Jessica Wilson from the Houston911truth.org organization.
It says here you're an expert on the North American Union, and I know that you went and ambushed President Fred Thompson about last month.
What's all the foaming at the mouth about?
First of all, I'm not an expert.
I'm actually new to this stuff, similar to many of you, and I don't know why you said I was foaming at the mouth.
I was dragged away after asking the question.
Well, no, I think Alex Jones is foaming at the mouth.
Oh, he's really angry about it, and he has every right to be.
Well, he's foaming at the mouth.
You know what?
I have been concerned about the Trans-Texas Corridor because this is something that is being jammed down the throats of Texans by a Republican, Rick Perry.
I'm very disappointed in Rick Perry.
First, he tried to get every 12 year old to take some pill.
Without any expert opinion on it, just his decision.
Fortunately, that got turned down.
I'm a little worried about this Trans-Texas Corridor.
However, the whole idea that this is conflating into some sort of amalgamation of the three countries strikes me as absurd!
The Trans-Texas Corridor is part of the Napa Superhighway, and the U.S.
has had a history of using low-wage or slave-wage labor, and this is just an extension of that.
Wait a minute, a history of doing what?
Low-wage labor, like slave labor and low-wage labor.
It just continues with that.
Our middle class is being hurt.
India, China, Mexico, Vietnam.
Stuff comes in from China and India and Bangladesh and Vietnam to L.A.
and the Port of Seattle every single day.
It hits our unions in California.
It hits our unions in California.
No kidding!
But what's a North American union?
The North American Union is a part of all of this.
I mean, come on!
This is all gobbledygook!
Yes, we're bringing in stuff that costs sheeps!
Alright, alright, hey Gibson, shut up!
We got the documents!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win Mahatma Gandhi.
Said that back in the 30's.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
Dr. Michael Kaufman is going to be popping in with us for a 30-minute visit, but I'm going to have him on for a full hour next week.
An incredible new documentary he's put together, Global Warming or Global Governance, and it really just cuts it down to the bone, documenting with all the scientific evidence how it's a fraud.
And it is available, of course, at InfoWars.com.
Dr. Kaufman joining us here in just a moment.
By the way, he is the main voice, other than mine, in Endgame.
He ties it all together and
We won't be out until mid-October.
It's just unbelievable the great job he did.
So he's an integral part of Endgame.
But History Channel hit piece, Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies, and Journalistic Fraud.
I've never seen a hit piece like this one.
It was so dishonest.
Paul Watson just chronicled some of it.
There'll be a part two, of course, as we analyze the video clips themselves and the scientific fraud they put out.
But please go to PrisonPlanet.com now and get this article and get it out to everybody so that when they type in the name of Bradley Davis
The liar who said that it wasn't a hit piece.
They can find out the truth about this guy and find out the truth about Hearst Publishing.
You supply the pictures, we'll supply the war.
Yellow Journalism, uh, Founding Fathers.
Alright, we're about to break, but I want to shift gears to... Dr. Michael Kaufman.
I tell you, Dr. Michael Kaufman, I, uh...
I knew you were making this video, and I carry several of the others, and I said, I want to carry it.
That's it, because I knew the research you were doing.
I saw it, and I'm glad we are carrying it now.
It's just amazing how you cut to the chase with this, and how strong the evidence is.
We've got a minute and a half before we break.
Just sum it up as a statement, and then I'll come back and detail it.
What's really behind man-made global warming?
Is it real?
Is it a fraud?
Well, man-made global warming is a fraud.
We are having global warming, but it's natural.
We'll talk about that later.
It's a fraud, it's contrived, and it's designed basically to install another piece, another chunk of the global governance agenda of the United Nations and the global elite.
In 60 seconds, describe your new film.
Basically, what I've done is I've taken interviews from dozens of scientists and professionals, even politicians and so forth, to take the viewer step-by-step through what the real science is showing.
Now, this isn't the contrived science that you're seeing in the daily news and so forth.
This is the hard science that is really showing how they're twisting it to make it look like we're having man-caused global warming, and it literally decimates Al Gore's
Inconvenient truth.
I use that as the basis and show you step-by-step how he is incorrect and wrong and so forth without really denigrating his name.
It's suitable for showing to any person and it is having a major, major impact on people who really are starting to believe the man was causing global warming.
These are not the religious fanatics that believe the man is causing global warming.
You're never going to get to them.
But anyone who has an open mind and is believing the man is causing global warming because of what they've heard
This will literally turn them 180 degrees and make them laugh at Al Gore.
Well, Al Gore admitted before Congress that this is all to get two different climate taxes, a cap-and-trade tax and a carbon tax, and the globalists have wanted this for 50 years, and they openly say, even in the Banff County documents from SPP, that it isn't real, but that by saying it's man-made, they can get a continent-wide and then worldwide
I think so.
It's just unbelievable what they do.
Dr. Michael Coffin is our guest for the next 25 minutes.
When we get back, we're going to just shotgun, blow-by-blow, issue-by-issue, through his new video, Global Warming or Global Governance.
And by the way, we have these.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Three weeks ago, Bob Dacey went to the Texas Department of Transportation.
He's a New American writer.
Magazine was another writer from that publication.
And he witnessed them openly talking about how they had to keep it secret from the public.
When they have meetings and the press is there and they say keep it secret and the mainline press knows to keep their mouth shut or they won't get the story next time.
That's how a lot of the control of the low-level people works.
Is that you just go along with the lie or you'll never get another interview from these politicians and to them that's the news story is having Governor Rick Perry answer your question.
Oh, you've been graced.
Well, they are going to fund the North American Union with the roads.
That's another one of their funding mechanisms.
They've openly said it in the documents.
It's being announced on our news.
And it's all part of the whole globalist system.
Sal Costello joins us in about 20 minutes in studio and local television is here covering it because there's a meeting coming up fighting all of this in the next few days as we fight the toll roads on existing roads.
But this all ties in together with the move for a global carbon tax in the name of stopping global warming.
Dr. Michael Kaufman goes right through the facts in his new video, Global Warming or Global Governments.
And we were looking for the top expert to have on our film, who had wide-ranging knowledge.
It was Dr. Michael Kopp, and he's in my new film, Endgame, coming out.
That's how powerful his information is in his research.
And he helped shoot down the Convention on Biological Diversity that would have brought us under U.N.
regulatory control in the mid-90s.
He's been instrumental, so I'm just really thankful to have him in Endgame and to be carrying his new video.
And the reason I raise this point is, he goes through the admitted ice core studies, the admitted climatologist information.
This is not debated science.
And it correlates exactly with the sun activity.
It correlates with multi-discipline sciences exactly.
It's conclusive that 9,000 to 4,000 years ago in that period, it was many degrees hotter than it is now.
The poles shrunk massively.
That created the new agrarian rise that led to civilization.
That piece of evidence right there
Well, it is an astounding film.
I have to say that even though we put it together
We've had calls coming in from people that have already purchased this, basically saying they've given it to friends who die hard.
We are man-caused global warming because Al Gore says so, and it's proved on his video, Inconvenient Truth.
And when they see this video, they go into a state of shock, and they realize they have been fleeced, because we literally take his video apart, piece by piece.
Thank you.
CO2 is a limiting factor for plant growth, tree growth.
All of the vegetation growth of the earth required carbon dioxide in order to grow.
And we can produce 20 to 50% more food by doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
And it's been demonstrated time and time again.
And we have interviews with scientists and so forth that show this conclusively.
Yeah, for those that don't know, mammals like higher oxygen, but only to a certain point, healthier, live longer, have less cancer.
Those are long-term studies with mice and guinea pigs.
But we know plants, it's just exponential.
They just get healthier and healthier and grow better and better with higher levels of carbon dioxide.
It's conclusive.
It's conclusive.
There's no one that can argue.
They tried to tear it down.
They came out with a study about eight months ago that tried to shoot it down and saying it really doesn't do that much.
And immediately new research was done to show that they were totally wrong.
And this has been the story of this global warming.
Yeah, what they did in Europe is a 20-year study.
This is the one you're talking about.
They limited water supply to the plants.
And then the plants they found actually were healthier and were able to live longer, but didn't grow quite as fast.
Yeah, right.
That's just one of several that they used to try to prove that carbon dioxide really wasn't that beneficial.
They have since shown that it is very beneficial.
In fact, with higher levels of carbon dioxide, you can grow the same crops in drier conditions and get better production than you would if you didn't have carbon dioxide.
Well, I've seen several big studies.
I know you cover some of these, but I wanted to, because this is your specialty, is in forest ecology, that the real reason we've had the desertification in North Africa accelerating, you know, there used to be crocodiles in the Sahara right in the middle of it, is because we've become carbon dioxide starved.
Yes, absolutely.
They're really seeing that.
In fact, NASA has photographs, and I showed one of them in the video, that shows that the northern hemisphere is green.
It's becoming much greener over the last 15 years.
That really is due to carbon dioxide and the fact that we are getting a little bit warmer.
And we are.
We have global warming, but it's natural.
So you step by step, why it's natural.
We started cooling 4,000 years ago.
Thank God we're going back into a cooling cycle.
Yes, absolutely.
In fact, the last 10,000 years, if you look at the last 10,000 years, we've been gradually going downhill in temperature.
We've had ups and downs.
We've had warmer periods and colder periods.
In fact, in 1700, we had a much colder period than we're in right now.
We're recovering from that, what's called the Little Ice Age, that occurred back in the 1700s when the Thames River in London froze over.
Uh, annually.
They used to have ice parties and so forth.
It never freezes over now.
And it didn't in 1200 A.D.
when they had what's called a solar optimum when the Renaissance started.
And it was much, much warmer.
It was a couple degrees warmer than we're seeing right now.
Well, I know they've also done big studies.
Major universities have.
That if we had a cooling period right now, went into even a mini ice age, we would have a problem feeding our six and a half billion.
So it's almost, I mean, it's great that we're warming right now because we need that food.
And all the scare stories that you're hearing, and I know we don't have a whole lot of time now, but all the scare stories that we're hearing about global warming are just plain bunk.
There's no other way to describe it.
We're not going to have more hurricanes.
What about the science study where you put ice cubes brimming out of a glass, but when they melt,
The glass is lower because ice displaces more volume than water.
And we know that especially Antarctica, most of it is underwater.
So they've done studies that if it actually completely melted, we might even get sea drops.
Yeah, especially in the polar ice cap.
But the polar ice cap has disappeared in the past.
The polar bears did just fine.
Antarctica is actually growing, it's becoming colder in Antarctica, with the exception in the western part of Antarctica.
What Al Gore is saying about ice flooding, or ice melting and flooding, just isn't going to happen.
What about in Greenland?
You've got a, tell folks that story about the airplane.
Well, in 1942, a squadron of P-38s flew across over to Great Britain during the war.
They got trapped.
They couldn't land in Iceland, and they had to go back to Greenland, but they couldn't find the airport.
By that time, it was fogged in there, too, and they had to land on the Greenland ice cap.
And they went back in 1982 and tried to start finding that.
They finally found them in 1992, 268 feet below the ice surface.
That's how much ice had accumulated from 1942 to 1992 in a 50 year period, is 268 feet.
We're not seeing a shrinking of the Greenland ice cap.
We're seeing a growth of the Greenland ice cap.
It's actually contracting along its edges.
We're good.
Or it was called Albion then.
He's looking at Albion and he's seeing glaciers, you know, there on the continent in between the English Channel and in Norway in places.
And, you know, he's describing the collapsing ice.
I mean, as it piles up, glaciers always push out and fall into the sea.
And I love these shows where they show that polar bears can't swim.
And, oh my gosh, they're having to run from ice to ice.
It's all melting.
Polar bears can swim over a hundred miles.
They haul in beluga whales.
These are incredible creatures!
They're saying they can't swim on TV!
I know.
It's disgusting how scientists are corrupting the scientific method.
It's just awful.
Because there will become a time when we will have a problem that we need to address and people aren't going to believe scientists.
Because once they understand that this whole man-caused global warming thing was a hype,
That was because the earth was cooling a very brief period of time between 1945 and 1975 where the earth was cooling.
So they were just projecting that and saying we're going to have another ice age.
Well it didn't happen because we have a variable climate.
And I explain at least one very leading theory right now as to why we have warming and cooling in the DVD.
There's actually several that are starting to formulate right now.
But let me assure you folks
More and more scientists are coming over to the fact that man is probably not causing that much global warming.
We probably do have an influence, but it's very minor.
I'm just taking anthropologists and archaeologists' overlays, maps, of when we had human population spikes and when we had civilization development spikes, and it overlays perfectly with warming periods, duh!
It does, and it's not too surprising, is it?
So, it's an easy equation, is it not doctor?
Is that too simple to say, a warmer planet is better for humans?
Yes, in fact, in all times, as you just said, we have a very big advancement of civilization, always occurs during these warmer periods.
And we're entering one of those warmer periods right now, and we ought to be thankful because we're able to feed the world right now.
If we went back to temperatures of 300 years ago, we'd be starving.
We'd have massive crop failures, because that's what happened
In the 16 and 1700's they had massive crop failures.
It's what pushed the Vikings out of Greenland.
Right now where there's ice and frozen ground, the Vikings were growing crops in 1200 A.D.
And that's why suddenly they descended on everybody in huge hordes, robbing them and taking over their land in England, and what's England today, and Ireland, and even into Europe, because they had to have the land.
They had to have the land.
All right, we'll be right back with Dr. Michael Kaufman.
He's going to be with us a full hour next week, maybe even longer.
So we have time to really go through all this global warming or global governance.
A very important presentation.
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The thing that we need to recognize is that there is global warming, but man is not causing it.
That is the key point.
And the fact that we're having elevated CO2 and so forth is a good thing.
It's not a bad thing.
In fact, it'll help the environment, it helps ecosystems and so forth tremendously, and it also will produce more food, cause more food production, and actually feed the poor, especially in these starving nations of Africa and so forth.
They can produce more, as much as 20 to 30 to 40 percent more
With the same amount of water and everything else that they have right now, we have an increase in carbon dioxide.
So it's a free fertilizer.
It can help alleviate starvation.
And yet we are condemning it.
We're ready to declare the polar bear an endangered species, which would make carbon dioxide a pollutant, and therefore under controlled substance.
And of course, carbon dioxide is absolutely necessary for life on Earth.
You cannot do it.
And once it's controlled by the government, they are controlling life.
And that is a very horrifying concept when you start to think about it.
They're backing in the back door in order to gain control over how food is produced and so forth, in order to control you and me.
It all has to do with global governance.
It is a key factor.
In fact, we were talking earlier in this half hour, the fact that Al Gore wants to put carbon taxes and so forth in place of payroll taxes.
I took a quote directly out of the Commission on Global Governance's report back in the 1990s.
Where they actually said that this is a goal that we must be promoting to get these carbon taxes in place and so forth, almost verbatim, Vice President Gore said that in Congress, or in the U.S.
Senate testimony that he gave on March 21st of this year.
Oh I know, we have it in an endgame where he's sitting there talking to Hillary Clinton, and this is what's so amazing about it, the Club of Rome and others say they don't want
Industrial development because they don't want the third world populations.
They literally want to reduce them.
And the globalists aren't stupid.
They know the earth is going into a booming cycle.
They know it's going to help third world peoples.
So they're trying to block fuels and things they need to develop and build themselves up.
And so this is really just a race against human life right now by the New World Order.
And speaking of polar bears, I just saw the numbers.
Their numbers are up right now, but that won't stop them.
They declare stuff endangered all the time that isn't.
Absolutely, and that's true with many, many of the endangered species that are listed because they have these little caveats in the legislation where if it's a
That's right, they'll have one little sector where there's a small number of this diminutive size cougar in the Everglades or this salamander can breed with this salamander but this little variety in this little pool has five spots on his belly and not six
Or this little perch has four spots and not three.
And it's the same perch.
It's a variety.
And folks, they've caught them planting animals that don't exist in certain areas.
They'll claim regional endangerment.
It is amazing how they will literally use any excuse to bring control over our property rights, over our industry in the case of global warming, and CO2 control, almost anything.
They want to gain control so that the government, and that they control, controls us, and what we can do, say, and otherwise.
It is a controlled society we're heading for, and we're not very far away from it.
I'm glad your in-game video is coming out because it's
It is horrifying to think what we're going to be like in four or five years if we don't get this thing stopped right now.
Well, they're making their move.
Did you hear about how I debated?
We got him on the show.
Well, my producer did by not telling him my name.
But, you know, we just did a syndicated radio show, Kel B. J. Austin, instead of syndicated, but it is Kel B. J., so it's true.
But we got the Rothschild Aeron, and I said, well, why is Mars' ice caps melting?
Why are the moons of Jupiter and Saturn melting?
And he said, well, that's because those planets are closer to the Sun.
And I said, no, Jupiter and Saturn and Mars are after Earth.
And he said, no, they're not on air.
Just absolutely amazing.
And he's not that dumb.
He thinks our audience is dumb.
Yeah, right.
But he is ill-informed.
And it's just a game to him.
So he really doesn't know the facts.
All he's doing is parroting the party line, as it were.
And it is true.
It is amazing what you can do if you get these people off guard.
What they will tell you and admit to that shows very clearly that this is an agenda that has nothing to do with reality whatsoever.
Well, he had to lie!
He couldn't get on air and just say, hey, the planets that are further out are melting conclusively.
That's the sun's radiation increasing.
That's why Earth has gotten hotter.
And he just says, oh, no, no, no, those planets are closer to the sun.
Dr. Michael Kaufman, the new video is Global Warming or Global Governance, available at InfoWars.com.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
You're welcome.
Glad to be with you.
We'll talk to you next week if we're able to schedule you.
All right, folks.
We'll be right back to get into more on 9-11 and then, of course, the Trans-Texas Corridor with Sal Costello.
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I wish that I could fly, into the sky, so very high, just like a dragonfly.
I'd fly above the trees, over the seas, in all degrees, to anywhere I please.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I want to get away.
We've got the local news channel in here with us and we've got Sal Costello on his way here to be in studio for this interview today.
But right now I wanted to go ahead and get into this big hit piece
That is up on PrisonPlanet.com, the History Channel hit piece, Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies, and Journalistic Fraud.
And that is exactly what they have done.
The real story behind Brad Davis, NBC, Popular Mechanics, and the History Channel, media whore stooges who engage in deliberate deception, manipulation, chicanery to please their corporate bosses.
The History Channel 9-11 special that aired last night was by far the worst hit piece we have ever witnessed.
A complete, savage, dishonest, and deceptive abomination, replete with dirty tricks, malicious lies, and a level of journalistic fraud that goes way beyond simple bias.
And they did it all, folks.
They took video interviews with us and blew out the video, blew it up, stretched our faces till our faces just filled the screens like some type of nightmare monsters.
And then when they would cut the popular mechanics trying to debunk us, they would go, now the experts!
We're talking $3,000-$4,000 suits, glistening marble, stainless steel, huge offices with picturesque windows of Manhattan, perfectly lit and shot.
And they'd cut to us and they would blow out the video and warp it and have it glowing red.
And then they would just... I mean, that's only one facet.
I mean, it went on and on and on.
I have never seen anything like this in all of my years.
And folks, I've probably been in 50 national hit pieces.
So, it's just off the charts, and I hope that everyone will go to PrisonPlanet.com and check this out.
Now, we are joined in studio by Sal Costello.
He is the head of Texas Toll Party.
We are joined in studio by my good friend Sal Costello.
He is the founder and head of the Texas Toll Party, formerly just the Austin Toll Party, and now all over the country, people are following suit with his research.
His grassroots tactics to fight foreign multinational corporations coming in and literally buying off politicians, seizing control of the infrastructure.
Sal Costello, thank you for coming into the studio with us.
Good to be here, man.
You bet.
I appreciate that.
Sal, there's some big meetings coming up in the next few days.
I want to talk about those.
But also, I want to get into, they've announced they want $9 million from TxDOT, our money,
And TxDOT's already tried to keep this secret from the legislature saying they can't see their agreements with Cintra.
Well now, they want to take $9 million of our money and they want to try to use that money to propagandize the people of Texas to accept all of this.
That's my first question for you.
Then secondarily, Bob Dacey, New American writer who also lives here in town, he went to the TxDOT meeting a few weeks ago and he's got them on tape talking about how the people are mad, they're upset, we've got to sell them on
Yeah, I mean, it's absurd.
They claim to have no money.
And in the past they've done this too, but this is the first time that it's finally being reported that this nine million dollars of our tax dollars, they claim they don't have, is going to be used to sell us on freeway tolls.
That's shifting our freeways to tollways, and that is the new animal here.
And that's the disturbing part, because if you want to drive an expressway, you're going to have to pay the toll.
And these are roads we've already paid for, right-of-way we've paid for over decades.
If you want to go to work, school, and shop, you're going to have to pay a toll, and they force you to.
I got an email from a guy from Dell just last week that said, hey, when we get off of work at Dell now, we're forced to get on this toll road.
5,000 people getting off at Dell at the same time.
So this is how they're working it in.
They say they're not going to force you, but they do.
They say they're not going to toll existing roads, but they do.
That's what they're working on, and since 2004, we've been fighting this.
Again, they're coming up with another vote.
They've already had tens of thousands of people tell them no.
They just don't get it.
They just don't understand that we do not want our freeways to be tolled.
Let's go through the specifics here, because first they claimed that Central wasn't foreign, and now it's here.
Then they claimed they weren't going to put tolls on existing roads.
Now they're admitting that they want to do that.
What do you think the people of Texas, especially Central Texas where so much of this is centered,
are going to do when they learn that they were lied to two years ago and that now they've decided to get a nine million dollar propaganda package they're not just taxing us to build the roads and then taxing us to hand them over to people and then taxing us to use them now they want us to pay to be propagandized and we've been lied to?
I mean my god!
Well every step of the way they won't tell you the truth.
The elected officials on CAMPO that tonight there's the first public hearing at Covington here in Austin
Those people, if you ask them, are these toll roads, if you got them, are those going to be sold to corporations?
Oh no, they'll tell you.
But that is what will happen.
That is what is happening throughout Texas.
Once the toll road's in place, then they go out and shop it around and see who'll buy it.
And it's really offensive and absurd the way they continue to lie to the public.
Tell us about the meetings tonight, how important that is.
We think that this is the final stretch.
We think that this is the final vote for these Phase 2 tolls, and they're not even calling them Phase 2 tolls anymore.
They call them something else.
And by the way, they don't call the toll roads toll roads anymore.
They call them managed lanes, so that they don't raise any red flags.
But managed lanes are toll roads.
And see, that's the spin.
Oh, we're never going to put a toll road on Mopac, but we're going to put managed lanes and charge you.
Hey, a toll's a toll!
Oh yeah.
It's really offensive how they continue to lie.
But tonight there's this first public hearing.
It's the only one in southern Austin.
And it's going to be at Covington.
And I think that's at Convict Hill.
So if you did a Google search, you might find it there.
Or you can go to my blog if you Google Sal Costello or Muckraker.
We've got links up on Infowars.com too.
But I mean this is becoming almost a joke if it wasn't so serious.
We get official TxDOT documents and it shows
Fourteen different stretches of seven different roads, but at multiple points, with toll roads.
I live in southwest Austin, right by you.
I mean, if you or I were going to go anywhere, you know, there in that William Cannon Mopac Corridor, we'd have to go through toll roads to go more than a mile, in any direction or less.
And then they say, well, we're allowed to put toll roads on these roads because we added a shoulder or something.
I mean, they're playing so many games.
Were you at the TxDOT meeting where they were, because Bob Dacey was, I wasn't there, but he said he was at TxDOT that they had a few weeks ago and they were talking about the people are mad and we've got to sell them on this and we've got to ask the feds to change the law.
So we can put roads on existing toll roads, or tolls on existing roads.
I wasn't there at that meeting, but I've been to many of those meetings, and it's really, it's always the same deal.
And you know, the tollers will say, well hey, you could drive down below on the service roads with the stoplights, there could be congestion that we're never going to fix.
You can go down there for free.
But that is not a reasonable alternative to the expressway that we've already paid for above.
But I've already been through the few toll roads that are there.
I've tried to go around them.
I can't find out where I'm at.
I'm just out driving around in the middle of nowhere.
Yeah, North Austin.
You know, I go up there once in a while and I try to get somewhere and I try to go free and it's like a bowl of spaghetti.
It sends you somewhere else.
And you can't even get to where you need to go unless you get on that toll road.
And that's how they plan this.
They plan all of this because this is free money for them.
It's unaccountable taxation.
Did you hear the KLBJ news piece Saturday?
I was just driving along.
Of course, I'm on the air there, so I pay attention to what they're doing.
And they were talking to the state and they said, oh yeah, the state says, don't worry.
We're not going to put toll roads on Mopac.
We're not going to put toll roads on these other roads.
That is not physical toll booths.
We're going to put transponders in your car.
Now the last two legislatures, they had it in the bills to put it in the inspection stickers.
Then we talk about it and they say it doesn't exist, but now TxDOT's going to local news stations and saying, yeah, don't worry, we're going to put chips in your cars.
Do you have any new info on that?
I don't have any new info on that, but yeah, I mean, they will adjust
To whatever they have to do to get into your pockets and to be able to track and trace you to market you on whatever they want to sell you.
Now we've been told there's a two-year moratorium but it looks to me like they're not stopping and with Perry's veto and the quote compromise it just seems like they claim that we won but they're moving forward with the toll roads.
The two-year moratorium, it's like Swiss cheese, it's useless in my book.
I mean, I've looked at it, and it's not a two-year moratorium.
So would you say it's a pacifier for the public?
Yes, it's another word game they play, it's another lie they play, and it's just, it is not a moratorium.
Where do we go from here?
Are you going to speak out against this plan to spend nine million dollars of our own money to go out and sell more toll roads to the people of Texas?
Absolutely, but the kicker is they've been doing this for years.
I've been reporting this on the blog for years, but finally the mass media is catching on to this one
I can't get away from it!
It's a movie theater!
I've been at the movie theater with my wife and I'm looking at the movie screen and it's some big expensive animated piece about how the roads are all clogged with these toll roads make it all better.
I mean, I don't appreciate that.
The toll roads aren't going to make congestion better.
The toll roads are a revenue generation scheme and if you look at the congestion in Central Texas, most of the congestion is on I-35.
And this toll plan of theirs, this solution of congestion has nothing to do with I-35.
The reason is it's a revenue generation scheme.
They want to track toll and trace you and just charge you.
Just keep having families pay and pay.
Consistently in polls, scientific polls, we've seen over 90%, as high as 97% in polls opposed to the toll roads, and that's what the public, having limited knowledge of just how pervasive these 4,000 to 8,000 miles are going to be.
What do you see long-term, or even in the mid-term, as people learn just how pervasive this plan is, and that they have been lied to?
Well, I mean, I don't know if people are going to find out they've been lied to.
I mean, we've been lied to for years and years about all kinds of things, but that's a tough question for you to answer.
I mean, as the media, mass media, mainstream media picks these things up and starts telling the story, that's helpful.
But will they continue to tell the whole story?
That's the big question.
I don't think the mainstream media has a choice.
I keep going back to this lying issue.
We've gotten to where we supposedly accept being lied to.
I remember the official Text.Documents three years ago saying they were going to put toll roads on Mopac.
I mean that's their maps we got.
Oh sure.
And their employees leaking them and things like that where they're saying we're going to do this.
And then you go to these meetings and they get up and lie and say there's no plan and then now in 2007
They come out and they say, yeah, we're going to do it, but it's not a toll road, it's a managed lane and you're going to pay for it.
That's right, and we're going to shoehorn another lane within the existing lanes to put the managed lane, so that's a road we've already paid for, and it's a managed lane, but it's a toll road.
And it makes it much more dangerous because they're shoehorning all those lanes.
Well I've seen the plans!
How do you take an expressway where you drive 70 miles an hour and then just suddenly have it merge into one other lane?
You can't.
They've done the same thing in California.
Highway 91.
It was a total nightmare because people have to get onto that express lane in the middle and that slows down traffic for the free lanes and then they have to get off.
We're good to go!
But here in Texas, it's a brand new thing.
We want to do it.
But, you know, it's all about money.
And all these politicians, they take contributions from the special interests, and they force-feed us these things.
Even though we've told them since 2004 that we don't want this nonsense, here they are again, asking us again.
And Kirk Watson, Senator Kirk Watson, is out there saying, Phase 2 is dead.
This is a whole new plan.
But it's the same roads, it's the same toll roads or managed lanes,
I mean, how offensive is that?
Well, that's what they do.
They say, it's not Amnesty, it's a guest worker program.
They say, it's not a North American Union, it's an integration.
David Rockefeller famously said about ten years ago, he said, I'm not for global government, I'm for global governance.
Well, I mean, in the dictionary it's the same thing.
Yeah, and so Senator Kirk Watson, who's the chair of CAMPO, is a masterful
Uh, word sniff, but he, if you just, if you're just awake and you pay attention to what he's saying, it's, it is total hogwash.
Well, remember back in the late 90s, he rammed through that 15,000 acre land grab claiming it'd be a huge park, and all these Austinites said, oh my gosh, a huge park?
You go out there, it's luxury mansions.
Oh, sure.
And they just gave the land, basically, to their buddies.
Oh, sure.
I mean, this guy, he'll end up being governor or president, because they love him.
He just always carries the ball for them.
His first little dirtbag mayor flew in here, and now dirtbag at a higher level.
I mean, I'm sorry.
I mean, Kirk Watson is a dirtbag.
Oh, he is, man.
And you know, if you met him in person, which I have.
He's a demon.
I was actually at a urinal stall at one of the Campo meetings, and he stands up.
He gets up to the stall next to me, and he goes,
Yeah, it's a hell of a day, isn't it?
I looked over and I'm like, oh man, you're a sack of... But anyway, he's just, he's real charming, he's real charming, and if you met him in person, you'd think he's the nicest guy, and there's no way he'd lie to you.
But the guy... He wasn't too friendly one time out in the parking lot with me.
But he starts believing his own crap, and he's just selling it.
That's what he does.
He's selling managed lanes, he's selling freeways, toll freeways.
Well, here's the deal.
He may have been able to sell a bunch of well-meaning hippies on stealing a bunch of private property, but now they all hate him and they woke up.
He's not going to be able to continue to sell people toll roads on existing roads.
I don't care what perfume they put on that pig, it is still a pig.
But most people don't know it's a pig because they're not calling it what it is.
They're not even calling them toll roads anymore, Alex.
Tell us about that meeting tonight.
That meeting is at Covington School.
It is on...
It's between 6 and 7.
It will be a great time for you to get there because it goes until 9 o'clock.
We need bodies there.
We absolutely do.
Folks can just go to your blog to find the address, right?
It's on Convict Hill in South Austin.
It's right over where we live.
Right off of Brody.
That's right.
It's really easy to find.
Covington, Convict Hill.
You Google that and you'll find it for Austin.
And I'll be there, and a number of people will be there.
We got late notice of this, and this is how slippery they are.
This is the first public hearing.
You had your public notice?
You had ten minute notice?
Yeah, ten minute notice.
Well, here's the slippery part.
For all of West and South Austin, this is the only meeting.
And it's the first one, and they announced it very late, so we weren't able to tell people the way we should have.
And that's it.
Now, public feedback ends on the 14th of September, and I think it's the 10th of September is the big Campbell meeting that we need everybody to go to.
And they want to be able to go to the media and say, look, everybody loves it because nobody knew about it.
Sal Costello, stay with us into the final segment.
Key meeting tonight.
Ladies and gentlemen, a whole nest of toll roads they want to bring in.
They told us we beat these last year.
No, they're always going to keep coming back.
We've got to keep fighting these vipers.
Thanks for joining us.
Final segment coming up.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
Final segment, Sal Castillo in studio here with us.
They try to wear us out.
That's what they do.
They just come back over and over and over again until we finally just give up.
But we ought to be happy that we keep beating them and cutting back what they're doing and resisting what they're doing.
And they're not going to stop until they've tried it 10, 15 times.
We're just in a round 2 or 3 with these people.
Let's make that clear.
We just had local news here.
Who were they with?
KXAN I think?
It all blurs together.
Oh my God, that's Ronald.
If they didn't know, he used to own that.
Now he's over at ABC, isn't he?
He does not like me.
I don't know.
But she was telling us stories off record.
I can't say anything.
It was pretty interesting.
I'll just leave it at that.
Oh my, Kirk Watson, man.
I tell you what, he is something else.
Kirk is not selling a very good product right now, though.
What do you see happening long term with him as kind of the kingpin trying to sell this locally?
Well, Kirk's in a great position at the moment.
I think he's going to be vulnerable in his upcoming elections if somebody steps up that happens to have some money.
He basically bullied Berrientos to leave as Senator.
He basically told him that he was going to come in and take him out so he needs to retire and Berrientos retired.
So Kirk Watson stepped in without any opponent, any major opponent.
He had a Libertarian, I think, run against him.
You know, he's changed the names of toll roads.
Now, tolls are taxes, especially when they're freeways.
But you've gone from tax to toll to managed lane.
And when people hear managed lane, and when Ben Weir from the Austin Statesman writes managed lane,
You know, no red flags raised, and people go, okay, manage lane.
That sounds harmless.
I don't know what the hell that is.
No, that's taking existing lanes.
And again, folks, this isn't just Austin or Texas.
No matter where you're at in the U.S., Canada, Germany, Russia, Mexico, and it's Cintra, and a few others, they're doing this everywhere.
I mean, this same scam is happening everywhere.
This is big money.
It's a lot of money when people pay, you know, 5, 10, 20 bucks a day to drive their car to work, to school, to shop.
Tell folks what time that meeting is again tonight.
Well, the meeting tonight would be a good time to get there anytime between 6 and 7, but if you can't get there until after 7, that's cool.
It's at the Covington School on Convict Hill Road in South Austin.
I really think this is one of the last hurrahs of this Phase 2 nonsense, because they have been beaten down, and it's been three years now, and from what I've heard, I think that Watson is smart enough that he really wants to move on from this.
He wants to compromise with a vote that's going to be coming up very soon, but we need to be heard, we really need bodies there, so if you can make it
At the Covington School on Convict Hill in South Austin.
Please be there tonight.
And Texas really is the front line.
Chuck Costello, thanks for coming in.
Thank you so much, Alex.
You've always been a super, super supporter and we thank you for all your help.
Oh, you bet.
We'll have you back in as this fight develops.
Thank you.
Folks, we're almost out of time here.
At the end of the show, I've never seen a hit piece like it.
History Channel hit piece, Dirty Tricks, malicious, malicious lies, disinformation, it just is a fraud.
Just lies and journalistic fraud like I've never seen it.
Go read the bullet points in this big article, and I'm asking you to beat the Dig Brigade, to go vote this thing up to the top on Dig, and about every other way you can, because this History Channel piece is meant to hurt the 9-11 Truth Movement, so the globalists can continue to carry out and stage their terror attacks.
Bottom line, they've got to somehow discredit government-sponsored terror.
They wouldn't talk about Northwoods in the piece.
They wouldn't talk about any of the real issues.
It was a completely one-sided fraud.
And they lied and said it wasn't a hit piece and engaged in a hundred times a hundred.
I mean, it was just dirty trick after dirty trick.
Video, jump edits, sneakiness, misrepresentations.
Just go read it all at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Central Standard Time here live.
And don't forget, if you want to hear about all the popular mechanics stuff that just happened, I covered it in the first hour and that's about to start back over on the web at InfoWars.com.
So be sure and tune in for that.
And I want to thank all of our affiliates as well.
God bless you.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.