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Name: 20070809_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 9, 2007
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GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I remember interviewing him about 12 years ago, and I've interviewed him off and on since then, but it's been a couple years since I've had him on, and he's a retired FBI agent.
He was the head of the L.A.
sector, also the head of the Dallas sector.
He'll be joining us coming up in the second hour.
He's Ted Gunderson.
He'll talk about a host of issues, government-sponsored terror, government child kidnapping rings, and much, much more.
That is... Coming up in the second hour today, we'll also have open phones for that guest.
Here we are, my friends.
It is the ninth day of August 2000.
And seven, and here is the mighty stack of news that I have in front of me, AT&T censor anti-Bush lyrics during live broadcasts.
This is the level of control and censorship in place over broadcast TV and internet transmissions, because AT&T is the National Security Agency.
They are the NSA.
9-1-1 Commission ignored firefighters' accounts of explosions inside WTC7, WeAreAtChange.org, and the Loose Change crew together did an interview with another New York City firefighter who hasn't yet spoken out, now has, and it's a 49-minute interview.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to read over some of the excerpts of the interview.
That's important news as the 9-11 cover-up continues to implode in on itself.
The biggest, one of the biggest French banks has frozen its accounts and basically shut down.
That's from Bloomberg Financial.
Also, world stocks slide on fresh U.S.
credit concerns.
Another headline, stocks plunge on rising credit anxiety.
Really two ways for saying the same thing.
Modern living to blame for cancer epidemic.
Also all the loving mercury in your shots.
And all those delicious little cancer viruses they lovingly dole out.
I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.
Also, potential flaw is found in design of fallen bridge.
Now I thought it was because we didn't hand all of our roads over to foreign corporations.
Because I've been hearing since Saturday.
We predicted.
It wasn't hard to predict they'd be saying it was because we hadn't handed them all over to foreign multinationals, but they're still telling us that's the answer.
If your child has a cold, just mail some money to the Bank of England or maybe hand over your backyard to a foreign company and it'll fix the cold.
Same thing with the bridge, but a lot of evidence and even some local witnesses said they saw a big plume of smoke and
An explosion.
Our witness is saying, and I haven't seen video of it actually happening, seen video of it collapsing.
But some are saying that the bridge was blown up.
I mean, I don't know.
They were doing work on it and they were saying the bridge was already in danger.
So I just don't know.
But what we do know is they're using it to push for handing it over to foreign corporations and foreign companies.
But now it turns out potential flaw is found in the design of fallen bridge.
Well, they're saying 70,000 plus bridges and trestles are on the verge of collapsing.
And I've told you, every week we see something collapse.
I mean, it's just usually not some gigantic six-lane highway bridge over the Mississippi River with a bunch of commuters on it.
So we'll lug over that.
Also, homeowner arrested after the burglar he confronted falls 30 feet.
Now, again, I've become desensitized to this.
Every few weeks I see an article in England.
Now they're starting this here though, too.
Where somebody can come in and be raping your wife and you stab them with a butcher knife.
They get your house and you go to prison.
Well, it doesn't matter.
Even if I live in England, you come in my house, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands.
You can't have guns over there, but I will kill you with my bare hands.
I will tear your head off.
We'll be right back and talk about that, too.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into this first hour of transmission, 9th day of August, 2007.
You know, before I get into the slow but deliberate slide of the world economy into the jaws of the international banking cartel and the fact that, what, in now at least 15 states, whites are the minority but will still be called the majority and treated as such.
Foreigners are now the majority in at least six states.
All part of the globalist plan.
Before I get into all of that, let's just have some fun.
The video of this is up on prisonplanet.com and it's interesting for several different reasons.
A, video technology has gotten so inexpensive, computing power has gotten so
Inexpensive and there's such a large cadre of people who are self-taught now and there's so many programs available that photoshopping and faking video and manipulating video to where it's very hard to tell it's fake is becoming more and more commonplace.
For those that have seen The Running Man back in the mid-80s,
Based on a science fiction novel written in the 60s, you have fake newscasts, fake video.
Well, by the time that film was made, they indeed had that technology where it was almost indistinguishable to the human eye, and now it is indistinguishable to the human eye.
And the government is creating fake newscasts.
They are creating fake video.
Now, they always do it under the auspices of a test or a drill.
A test or a drill.
I remember during the Kosovo attack that I was watching CNN, I'll never forget, and I saw this two separate times when I watched more TV back then, and they said simulation, computer simulation, was very small in the corner of the screen, and it showed a computer-generated Abrams tank driving around in villagers, and it was so crisp
That I couldn't tell the difference, though I then saw them air it again an hour later and noticed that the mud coming out from the treads looked a little pixelated.
I called CNN because back then they had their newsroom number public, and I said, so what is that?
And they said, let me pass you on to somebody.
CNN Center in Atlanta.
And they admitted that, oh yeah, we're running some video simulations.
Now they show simulations all the time where on purpose it looks computer generated and boxy and looks like some type of three dimensional model.
Now, you know about the, I kept saying 1.6, that was one purchase done in 2003-2004, so I just tend to rattle off that number.
Actually, that year it was over $2 billion, and total, from the numbers we were able to get publicly, and most of this is still secret, it's over $6 billion domestically in fake news.
And I don't just mean the fake
News packages where they didn't say it was government produced, that they actually paid local TV stations to air.
The disinfo is that the stations didn't know.
And they just took money to air something they thought was real.
No, they knew.
But it was also thousands of reporters.
You hear about Tommy Franks being on the payroll, you hear about Armstrong Williams, different programs.
And you can really learn a lot from this because once they're exposed as government
Prevails agents of influence then you can hear exactly what the government script is and martial law is coming after the next attack.
It's good We need to have the feds take over education You know just basically federal takeover.
That's what the parrots say now as if we didn't already know that they weren't on the payroll
I mean, I've been on Armstrong Williams' show many times as he attacked me and tried to play games and mess with me.
I can tell you it was a show right there.
I didn't come out on air and say it because, not that I couldn't prove it, but people couldn't handle the truth yet.
So I just stuck to what was publicly already admitted.
Now, you don't have to buy off your local TV reporter because they've just got a head full of hairspray and they're trying to figure out how many people are going to have sex with tonight and how far they're going to jog so they look good for their neighbors and so they can go to cocktail parties and feel powerful.
And they'll just read whatever's off the teleprompter and never ask a question.
And then the news is packaged in D.C.
or New York or Chicago or L.A.
from their head offices and then pumped back to them and they just regurgitate it.
I said I was going to have some fun and air a clip.
It just made me think this morning, watching this clip, how easy it is for the government to fool people, because this is just some little website superimposed a reporter on the White House Rose Garden lawn asking President Bush about zombies attacking.
Of course, it's pure fiction, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not saying zombies are really attacking.
We're playing a parody here, but they edited Bush in with a video where it looks like it's real.
And the reason we haven't done a lot of this ourselves, though we could, is because then it adds to a climate of pretty soon people don't know what's real anymore.
Where, even though it's fiction, it kind of runs together with reality.
And the same thing is with 24 and all these CSI, all these other shows.
You go into suspended disbelief and your brain, after just a few minutes, is accepting this and acquiescing and taking it in as if it's reality.
And you're rooting for the hero who cheats and tortures and kills, and even tortures children.
And now they're saying Jack Bauer is going to fight global warming this year and get a global carbon tax to save the children.
I mean, this is pure propaganda arm.
And for any liberals out there who are still supporting man-made global warming and their quote, solution of global tax,
While every manner of environmental degradation goes on pell-mell, Fox News, Fox TV is now... I've seen Fox News say it's real.
And again, it's the cartoon network version of propaganda.
It's meant for the brain dead.
CNN's meant for a little bit more high-grade, but it's just as bad or worse.
And I know that the people know it's a lie and a fraud, but even though you consciously know it, you're still not fully grasping and then finding out what the truth is.
You know you're being lied to, but you don't know what the truth is.
See, just to know something's a lie, to know that that's a fog bank in front of you, doesn't still tell you what's behind the fog.
See, that's what we're trying to get you to look for and look at.
Because from my limited intellect and perspective, I can't tell you exactly what's behind the fog everywhere planetary-wide.
I'm not omniscient.
But together, together, we can wherever we're at on the planet find out what's behind the fog.
And we can go in mercilessly, without any even prime directive from some central source, and go in and move forward with the liberty revolution of freedom and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit to dehumanization.
So here's a three minute little zombie clip
On a spoof on Bush's fear-mongering.
But this is just from a few weeks ago, folks, where he said, he did say August could be the big month of terror, and we pray that this month elapses without that happening.
But here it is.
Mr. President, in your recent budget, just to make sure I understand, you're asking for a $50 billion emergency defense supplemental to protect America from zombies.
I believe this is the great challenge of the beginning of the 21st century.
Who eat brains.
Just so I know we're on the same page here.
That's what they do.
That's what they've said they want to do.
They have objectives.
With all due respect, Mr. President, are you sure this wasn't a movie you saw?
I mean, why... Because they're real.
Yeah, but why is that a danger to the American people?
It's a danger to your children, Jim.
Sorry, my name is Barry.
Uh, Chen.
No, Barry.
It's Barry.
Just think of blueberry or strawberry, that way you'll always remember it.
Like I said, they are a direct threat to the United States, and I'm going to keep talking about it.
The zombies.
You say they're eating our brains.
They need to be eating US beef.
It's good for them.
They'll like it.
For the sake of argument, even in the movies, zombies seem to move really, really slowly.
Why couldn't we just outrun them?
If we leave, they follow us.
But really slowly.
I mean, shouldn't we be focusing more on Bin Laden?
They're dangerous.
And I can't put it any more plainly, they're dangerous.
Does this explain reports that you attacked people who were on the White House tour?
I knew this was going to be an explosive issue.
Yeah, you removed their heads.
I wanted to remove even more.
Over the months, you've decapitated 11 tourists.
You now say we're all zombies.
I thought it was interesting how you started your question.
Over the months, I think you said.
Over the last months.
Forget the time period.
It's not the time span the concern was.
Let me finish, please, sir.
And I'll roll here.
And, uh, they have made it abundantly clear what they want.
Human brains.
Because you see,
What they're going to try to do is kill as many innocent people as they can.
You're claiming the heat of the moon causes the dead to rise from their graves and walk among us?
And so, yeah, it could be a bloody, it could be a very difficult August, and I fully understand.
Is there any proof, any scientific evidence of an actual biological difference between these zombies and, say, just slow-moving tourists?
They cut to Dick Cheney, Mr. President.
They are a threat to your children, David.
How exactly can we recognize one of these zombies?
Is it their... their pallid complexion?
The lizard-like stare?
How about their general overall creepiness?
Ha ha ha!
And it cuts to Dick Cheney there, literally at the Rose Garden, standing off in the distance, watching Bush give the speech.
Lizard-like stare.
Heaven help us.
But the reason we played that is that the mainstream news, a lot of what they're reporting is just as legitimate.
The Shiites are not backing Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
That's the opposite group.
And it's just as ridiculous as zombies.
I mean, I go on the message board and I see the people on Dig and stuff attacking us, and they gotta be sent, Tom.
I mean, it's just the same thing.
Tinfoil hat, you wanna be a Muslim and worship the Muslims.
And let the Muslims get us.
Then you say, well, why is Bush bringing so many Muslims in?
And they just keep saying, tinfoil hat, tinfoil hat, tinfoil hat.
We'll be right back.
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August 9, 2007.
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Morning, neighbor!
Hey, shouldn't you be at work?
I am.
As a matter of fact, I pulled another all-nighter.
What do you mean?
Well, I'm working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Well, at least I'm making money 24-7.
But I never have to go to work.
So, what do you do?
Not very much at all now.
About a month ago, I heard about this website.
It's got a funny name.
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That is funny.
Yeah, you can earn $1,200 to $12,000 a week starting the very first week.
Oh, is that how you bought that new mower?
Yeah, and the motorcycle I've always wanted, too.
You should log on.
Find out how you can become financially free.
So, what was that website?
It's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com Just wait.
I'll go get a pen so I can write that down.
You don't need to write it down.
It's easy to remember.
DidYouRobBillGates.com That is easy!
It's easy and the money is awesome!
All I'm asking you to do is start looking twice.
Then maybe a third time.
Start questioning why you're being told what you're being told.
Start questioning why they're putting cameras up in your neighborhoods.
Start questioning why there's so many police.
Start questioning why there's so many illegal aliens running around waving foreign flags.
Start questioning why your dollar's not worth as much.
Start questioning everything that's happening.
And then question again.
Because believe me, you're gonna find something out you don't like.
All I've been doing now for 15 years, plus since I woke up, I guess longer than that, and 12 plus years on air, is questioning and then finding answers.
Speaking of manipulation of media, AT&T censors anti-Bush lyrics during live webcasts.
This is out of the Chicago Tribune today.
A live internet broadcast of Pearl Jam's performance at Chicago's Lollapalooza Music Festival Sunday went off without a hitch until singer Eddie Vedder criticized President Bush.
And folks, they had people buy the switch.
Even for the web.
Lyrics critical, the President did not make it past editors of the show's webcast.
The band complained Wednesday on its website.
And AT&T admits they censored it.
What did Eddie Vedder say?
The performance sponsored by AT&T Incorporated and carried on AT&T's Blue Room site omitted the lyrics George Bush leave this world alone and George Bush find yourself another home as part of a version of the song Daughter according to Pearl Jam website.
Fans had complained to the band about the possible censorship.
The site said, when asked about the missing performance, AT&T informed Lollapalooza that portions of the show were in fact missing from the webcast and that their content manager had made a mistake in cutting them.
Kind of like cops will walk up to you when you're on the sidewalk in New York and just grab your head and slam you right in the wall and go, give me that camera and just go
And smash it!
And literally, just literally, America just starts bleeding to death when they do it.
And they just, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Oh, it's so good!
Oh, you're flying an upside down flag!
I'm gonna beat you up and arrest you!
Ha ha ha!
Oh, it's so good!
I mean, that is their attitude.
And then when they, when it comes out in the news they've done things like this, and when I was there in 2004, folks, I mean, cops would come up to
American spectator reporters.
And I make that point because I mean pro-Bush people.
AP reporters.
I interviewed and then saw a video that was shot by another person.
His stuff was confiscated.
A national talk show host for Pacifica.
I mean, all in like eight big cities.
And he was just there recording what was going on.
And they just walked right over, grabbed him, slammed him to the ground, and took all his audio recording equipment, his camera, and all the little bubble chips, all the little
Memory sticks, and just took him to jail, never gave him back.
That's what they did.
And you've got to experience the tyranny, folks.
That is so anti-America.
That's what they do.
It's how they operate.
And just to let you know, tyranny is getting closer and closer.
And Bush can punch one button.
When Hillary gets in, she can punch one button.
If the Ron Paul revolution doesn't succeed, either way we win, because the info gets out.
They come in, they've got every radio and TV station, that is every broadcast system, cable, everything wired in under total FEMA control since 1997.
All the telecommunications and internet, they have blocking hubs and they can censor and shut down whenever they want, whenever they want.
And we just need to be conscious about how far they've gone, the things they've done.
And how they're launching regulation on the internet, and taxation on the web, and it's all passing the states right now.
It's very close.
Well, it failed by two votes in the House last year.
Senator Stevens is now about to be indicted.
He's in a bunch of trouble for scams in Alaska, but he's still moving forward with censorship of the web this year.
Looks like they may get it.
I mean, we are in a tooth and nail fight, and if you just wake up and join the fight, we'd win!
But I mean, look, there's a minority of us who are on the field fighting against overwhelming odds, and we're having victories.
Because we're fighting for our lives.
We're fighting for survival.
We're fighting for liberty.
So we're fighting like hellcats.
You, as I said, some of you out there can still spend 5, 6, 7, 8 hours acting cool a day.
But you need to spend a few other hours a day
Fighting the New World Order.
It is so important right now.
I mean, we're on the edge of total financial collapse and depression.
And that's just not me saying.
That's top banks, top mortgage lenders, governments.
We're on the verge of martial law.
The President has declared himself dictator.
That's mainstream.
We're on the verge of nuclear war with Iran, nuking them preemptively.
We're on the verge of so many serious things.
This is the time to be frosty.
This is the time to be awake.
This is the time to be focused.
We'll be right back with some of my favorite Johnny Cash.
Then we'll take some of your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A lot of the world
Has the attitude of never getting any love.
So I need you to hear this song.
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You've got someone to blame.
You said one love, one life, when it's one me.
In the night One love, we get to share it It leaves you, baby, if you don't care for it Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love And you want me to go without Well, it's too late tonight To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same.
We get to carry each other.
Carry each other.
Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead?
Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?
Did I ask too much, more than a lot?
You gave me nothing now, it's all I got.
We're one, but we're not the same.
But we hurt each other, and we're doing it again.
You say love is a temple, love the higher law.
Love is a temple, love the higher law.
You ask me to enter, but then you make me crawl.
And I can't be holdin' on to what you've got.
When all you've got is hurt.
One love.
One blood.
One life.
You've got to do what you should.
One life with each other.
One life.
But we're not the same.
We get to carry each other.
Yeah, that's Johnny Cash doing a cover song.
That's for U2.
It's good music.
You know, that's in the context of a man and a woman, but just as a society, as the enemy likes to say, so below, so above, and vice versa, as a society, people that you live around, you work with, and it's getting worse as society gets more and more evil, you know, they claim that they want love, they claim they want to give you love, they ask you to enter, but then all they give you is hurt.
And you see that more and more out there, and a lot of these people, folks,
Do act like they've never had love.
And they want us that have had love to do without.
You see, it's their nature.
And that's why the New World Order wants an evil, abusive, corrupt society.
Because it creates minions for them.
It creates these damaged type individuals who basically are unconscious.
And are even unable to understand truth when they see it right in front of their face.
I want to hit something like a two-by-four upside the head.
Anyways, I was listening to that song the other day on the radio and I thought, you know, I'm going to play that on the show.
So there was some of it.
Alright, I know I gave the number down.
We've got a lot of phone lines here and we're going to go to your calls here in just a second.
You know, I've really already said much of what needs to be said about the economy right now.
Freezes Funds as Loan Losses Royal Markets Bloomberg Financial, BNP, SA, France's biggest bank, halted withdrawals from three investment funds because it couldn't fairly value their holdings after U.S.
subprime mortgage losses roiled credit markets.
The fund has about $1.6 billion
And it goes on to say a pedestrian passes at BNP Bank Euros 2.2 billion of assets on August 7th of a declining 20% in less than two weeks.
Spokesman Jonathan Mullen said today the bank will stop calculating a net asset value for the funds
We're good to go.
Pulled the benchmark European Stock Index lower by more than 2% and helped U.S.
Treasuries rally from their first time in four days.
Investors are shunning bonds backed by home loans after late mortgage payments by borrowers with poor credit histories rose to the highest level since 2002.
So they're running out of private securities right now to rotten U.S.
government securities.
Which are making, what, four or five percent a year, depending on which time you bought them.
Man, this is just amazing.
Running from one rotten thing to another, looking for safe harbor.
The complete evaporation of liquidity in certain market segments of the U.S.
securitization market has made it impossible to value certain assets fairly, regardless of their quality or credit rating.
I mean, that means that
The other shoe is dropping.
It means that, I mean, you could never rate them fairly.
They were all leveraged 10, 20, 30, 40 times.
It was always a fraud.
I mean, they were at fraudulent index levels.
The indexes were fraudulent in their price earnings ratios versus what securities and stocks and commodities have been trading at.
For 20, 30, 40 years they've been out of whack.
I mean, it just gets worse and worse.
Now it's Alice in Wonderland, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Pop the Magic Dragon, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Greek God level.
I mean, I don't even, and again, you try to talk to a Yappie, they don't even know what that means.
They just say, stock market $13,200.
Stock market was $11,000.
A couple years ago.
And they just say, hire.
Don't you understand that?
And I go, don't you understand they've devalued the currency.
And they say, no I don't.
I just know I'm wearing an Izod shirt and I've got golf clubs in the back of my Beamer.
And people think I'm cool.
And I'm like, yes, but if you would actually get involved in fighting the New World Order, you could save your hind end and mine too.
We've got to work together.
And they just giggle and laugh and literally just start skittering like monkeys or something.
Tittering and skittering and hooping and... But don't worry, they're going to find out real soon how far it's dropped.
Basically, they've thrown us off a 200 foot cliff.
Sometimes you survive those drops.
And me, I'm trying to get my legs springing beneath me.
I'm trying to make sure I just break my legs and my hips.
And instead of breaking my head and dying, and the yuppies are in a nosedive, diving downwards, smiling and laughing, and I'm going, you might try to flip around right side up and just break your legs there, Buster Boy.
And they're just giggling, going, whoo, isn't this fun, whoo!
And just a minute, they're going to try to pull their ripcord and find out they're on a parachute.
And I'm just like going, oh man, you ever been in a really bad car wreck and right before you fly off an embankment into a bunch of oak trees or right before some big truck, the Mack truck slams into you?
My dad got hit by a Mack truck one time, he said it was like slow motion.
A Zales Diamonds Mack truck ran a red light and almost killed my dad.
But anyways, he said it was like slow motion.
Just watching that big old truck come through there and hit him.
It's kind of like that.
I'm sitting here in slow motion.
I mean, literally, everything had been accelerating and going real fast.
Last few months, though, things have kind of slowed down a little bit around here, because I'm kind of going, oh boy, this is going to hurt.
This is going to hurt bad.
I had a tornado come out of nowhere, what, a year and a half ago, out by Stonewall, right before Johnson City.
State police informed us that a tornado had come across.
It had torn up some barns.
We hadn't noticed.
We hadn't noticed a tornado came by.
And knocked me off about a 30 foot embankment, and then we flipped around, hit an oak tree, flew through a fence, and rammed into a bunch.
And it happened all in about five seconds.
It seemed like a minute or two.
And it's that same feeling, before we hit those oak trees.
By the grace of God, we hit butt backwards, or the cop, the police said we'd have been dead, me and my dad.
He still got a concussion, and I got one, but I've had so many, I just kind of felt like I'd drunk a few beers.
Uh, but, uh, he spent the night throwing up, but that's better than dying.
I guess throwing up and crawling around on the floor, mom, he said.
But, uh, it's kind of like that.
Kind of like when I was flying off that cliff with that Tahoe butt backwards towards those oak trees at the bottom.
Crushed about half the car in.
And again, I don't love money, but I do love what it's able to do, and that's hire more webmasters, put up bigger websites, get better bandwidth, make films, pay my employees, and maybe have a little bit of money to go on a vacation once or twice a year to spend time with my family.
And I realize that half of what I have, my meager savings, is devalued.
Half of it's gone.
It's like somebody went into my children's two savings accounts and took more than half their money.
And a little bit of money I got in two checking accounts has been devalued.
And you know what?
I said I'd go to your calls and I just end up talking about this every day now because it's such a big deal.
It's such a big deal.
And they've done this.
They announced it.
They were going to do it five years ago.
And they did it.
And they've done it to us now, and when they finally announce how bad it is, it's going to be all over TV, and I'll be at the local restaurant, or I'll be walking down the street, or I'll be at the bank, and I'll have to hear know-it-alls in their prep outfits repeating what they heard on Hardball, or repeating what Kramer said, or repeating what O'Reilly said about why it happened, and boy, I hope they send those fund managers to jail.
They caused it all.
It's a mixture of feeling sorry for him and also wanting to slap him upside the head.
Because this stuff wasn't hard to figure out.
Alright, I'm done talking about it.
I've got a world stock slide on fresh U.S.
credit concerns.
This is out of AP.
Global equities turned sharply lower Thursday, led by heavy falls to leading European stock markets as worries resurfaced about a weak U.S.
subprime mortgage sector.
It's not that, it's now jumbo loans and standard loans.
That's over $400,000 loan.
Nearing the halfway stage, London's FTSE 100 index of leading blue chip shares slid 1.6%.
Frankfurt's DAX 30 shed 1.46.
The BNP died 3.17.
82.74 in Paris.
Bank of England Governor Marvin King said the credit problems being experienced in the U.S.
did not amount to an international crisis.
Yeah, just a crisis here.
But then, uh,
The biggest bank in France clamped down today.
Later I'm going to get into modern living to blame for cancer epidemic.
That's the headline.
Homeowner arrested after the burglar he confronted fell out a window.
We're going to go over that right now.
Let's just get to your calls as promised here.
Oh my gosh.
Get all my call lists screwed up here as usual.
Who's up first here?
Will in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, first time caller, been with you since 1999.
Ever since I first, you know, saw America destroyed by design.
I wanted to share with you and the listeners a story that just happened to me yesterday.
Generally as a rule, I sit here, I have two different websites that I've been working on and... Okay, what happened to you?
Well, I went to go try and get a job as more or less an exercise in exerting my constitutional rights.
And I ran smack dab.
I mean, I want people to understand how easy it is to run into one of these new world order groupies that are implanted in our society all around us.
It's not just the people in Washington.
It's not just, you know, Bush and company.
You can run into these people anywhere you go.
Are you kidding?
The biggest graduate program they've got at A&M now.
is for running spying databases on US citizens.
I mean, type in Patriot Act Compliance, and there are thousands of businesses.
Everyone's having to comply.
They're all reporting on you.
Talk about no Fourth Amendment.
Talk about Bush spying domestically.
Everything from your prescriptions to your banking, it all goes directly to the government.
So what happened?
An illegal alien didn't have to have an ID, but you had to.
What happened?
Well, um, that's exactly the point.
Um, I'm working on my first documentary project myself and, um, it's going to be called How to Use Your Constitutional Rights to Create a Mexican.
And, um, this story that I'm about to tell you is going to be up on my website, uh, by the end of the day today.
Okay, just go ahead and plug it.
Just go ahead and plug it.
Alright, uh, well, basically what happened was is I went to a, uh,
I don't want to name the exact automobile dealership.
We're almost out of time, brother.
I just want you to get your story out.
Well, I ran smack dab into this manager and what I decided I was going to do in any job that I apply for here was that I was not going to use any kind of social slavery number in obtaining this job.
And I decided that I was going to give a complete resume.
Well, I didn't see any while I was there.
It was a well-to-do kind of automobile dealership that's just about a block from my house.
When I went in, I put in my application.
I filled it out completely.
I didn't put down any social security number or anything, or any kind of driver's license.
And what did he do?
What happened?
First thing he says in the interview is, well, we have something in common.
We were in the Army.
And we started reminiscing a little bit about Fort Hood.
And then this guy goes off into going off with the CIA to South Africa to kill little babies back in the early 80s.
Well, look, I'm going to be able to give you 60 seconds on the other side to finish your story and plug the website if you want, because I've got to move on to a bunch of other callers as interesting as this is, Will.
We'll be right back.
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I tell ya, I'm playing almost exclusively hillbilly music.
In 1814 we took a little trip along the Colonel's Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't by as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they forget to run it.
Oh, down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
We looked down a river and we see the British come.
And there must have been a hundred of them beating on the drum.
They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring.
We stood beside our cotton bales and didn't say a thing.
We fired our guns and the British kept for coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run.
Oh, down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Welcome back.
That was a key American development.
The British and the French and others began firing at each other at a great distance.
Your aim, the power of the round,
Didn't have as much effect, but if you wait until they got up close, devastating effect.
Now I'm getting off into war history.
I really shouldn't be doing that.
Okay, well this is all very interesting.
I want to read your story.
What's the website?
Because you've been alluding to it.
Just go ahead and get the plug out and finish your story.
Yes, sir.
It's fortworth911truth.com and it will be posted up there on the main page with a link to the full article.
Now in 60 seconds, finish the story.
Okay, well, uh, in short, uh, this guy told me that, uh, it started going into his detailed military history after we reminisced about Fort Hood a little bit, and he, and, you know, told me all about how he had gone off to South Africa in the early 80s with the CIA, and, uh, I told him, yeah, that was a really terrible time over there with apartheid still going on and everything, and them necklacing people and putting tires around their necks and, and setting them on fire and stuff.
Well, that was the communists that did that.
Yeah, but anyway, he just didn't even hear what I said.
He started going off about going over there and killing little babies, and he got this glassy look in his eye.
He said killing, but he said, I like to kill babies.
Well, he said killing children.
So I was just disgusted and revolted immediately.
And eventually, throughout the course of this interview, me telling him,
Uh, trying to inform him about certain things under the law and constitutional rights in the process of this interview.
He eventually got so agitated that by the end of the interview, he was practically coming over the desk at me, leaning up over the desk.
I thought he was going to come over the desk at me.
Listen, I hear you and I appreciate your call, sir.
Look, I mean, that's just part of the course.
People get damaged by the things they do and they either repent of it or they get to where they like it more and just turn themselves over to it and habitualize it and it's over.
And that's a lot of our cops.
They've been running checkpoints and taking people to Abu Ghraib in Iraq, and they're coming back to be our gods, be our rulers.
From freedom to fascism, I think they call it.
Thank you, Will.
I wasn't trying to be rude there.
I just wanted to get your story out.
Let's talk to Anthony in Arizona.
Go ahead, Anthony.
Hey, Alex.
I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller.
Um, I've known about this conspiracy to undermine the U.S.
government and Constitution all the way back in when I was in high school.
Well, it's coming to a head now.
Well, you're right about that, and I just want to encourage you for what you're doing because
To me, you're the only one really out there that's really putting it out on the line, and a lot of people, you know, there's a segment of people out there that think that you're not, but you are, and I just want to congratulate you on that.
Well, you've got to watch most of these patriot groups, and when I say most, probably 50-60%, all they do is nanny about the other patriot groups.
That's because a lot of them are COINTELPRO or they've picked up the propaganda of COINTELPRO and NINI.
If you notice, we spend about 5% of our time NINI-ing here in minding and sewing, circling and whining and all these losers wonder why they're not effective fighting the New World Order.
It's because they spend their time NINI-ing on the telephone and NINI-ing on websites.
We spend our time fighting the New World Order.
Stay there Anthony, I'll let you finish up.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Retired FBI agent, section chief, Ted Gonderson, gonna be joining us.
Coming up here in about 10-15 minutes.
A ton of world news to be covering.
Stay with us.
It's all important information.
Anthony in Arizona.
Go ahead, sir.
You got some points you want to make.
The reason why I was calling, like I said, I've known about the conspiracy all the way back in high school.
And the book that actually got me, awoke me from, you know, from my sleep was a book written by an attorney in Michigan.
Her name is Constance Cumby, and she wrote a book called The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.
And I don't think it's... it's still in print, but you can get it on, you know, if you go on Google.
No, no, I've read it.
It's all about how the New Age is really a Pentagon movement to bring in all the darker cultism.
Well, what it is, it's actually... it's actually the deep organizations behind everything that you see going on right now.
No, it's a good book.
I read it about... I probably read that 12 years ago.
Yeah, it's a fantastic book because it outlines exactly what they want to do as far as comparison to what the concentration camps that we have now presently with FEMA, the detention centers, because in it she quotes Barbara, was it Barbara Marks Hubbard?
Yeah, and they advised Delta Force and the Earth First Battalion, and by the way, that's a Pentagon term, they created all that, not the mainline group Earth First, but the Earth First Battalion, and about how they're the pale horse of the beast, how they're going to bring mass slaughter for Gaia, mm-hmm.
Correct, and now when you see what this group... By the way, I have the military training manuals, where they taught them how they were going to do all this for Lucifer, but go ahead.
Well, what I'm trying to say is, now you see the global warming thing coming into effect, and all the propaganda mechanisms going into play, and then you say, you know what?
This lady was onto something back then.
And this conspiracy is now out in the open.
A lot of your listeners don't know this.
Well, most of them do, but I'm telling you, a lot of people in America are still blind to it.
You've got the president at a press conference hinting that something big might happen in August.
Now, you know, what does everybody
You know, you sit there and you listen to this, and then you say to yourself, either there is a war on terror, and there really are terrorists that threaten our way of life, or there isn't.
This is a design.
This is a perfect design, where these people are systematically plugging an agenda.
And when you put on your website yesterday all the abuses going on since the Patriot Act, on down to the Military Commissions Act, you see a design.
People need to wake up!
It ain't a game anymore!
Well, they're going to find out, and that's why we're going to beat the enemy, because if they do go ahead and go ahead with it, then all the people who didn't listen will remember.
And see, that's what we're doing right now.
We're putting in stopgap measures, kind of like emergency landmines in the Info War, where a lot of this stuff isn't going to sprout until the heat gets up.
And I appreciate your call, sir, and I know, I mean, let me tell you, I'm freaked out.
I mean, they're not... These people,
Look, I don't say it for hyperbole.
I don't say it for a game.
Look, people ask why I fight them so hard, why I'm so bold.
Because they've sworn to kill us.
I mean, you've got to fight back against them.
Believe me, people, I wish this wasn't true or I'd be deep sea fishing three or four times a year and scuba diving and hanging out and camping out and have a telescope out looking at the stars at night and I'd be barbecuing and marinating stuff and
You know, doing stuff, farting around, folks.
That's what I like doing.
I don't.
I mean, I work 16, 17 hours a day.
I went home last night and collapsed at 7 o'clock.
I'm just burnt out.
I can't do it anymore.
I gotta get this endgame done, and then you're gonna not see me work as much for a while.
Still look like more than most, but... I, uh... I mean, this is down to the wire.
These people, who are in control right now, their daddies, their mommies, their grandpappies, killed 200 million people.
And folks, I got them all in books bragging about it.
They like it.
They respect each other because they've killed.
Kissinger's respected because he killed a lot of people.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is respected.
I mean, that's why they respect these guys.
Because they have pulled the strings for mass death.
To them, this is like a laurel.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey, thanks Alex.
I would just like to say two things.
First off, I'm 15 years old.
And we're going to defeat this New World Order.
And I'd just like to give a plug out to my website here, youthfor911truth.co.nr.
And another thing I want to mention is a protest that will be on at 9-11 in Austin, Texas.
It will be from noon to dark, and it's at the Texas State Capitol.
So if you can't make it in New York, you can make it in Austin.
Now, did you organize that?
No, I did not, but a friend of mine did.
Well, just tell him that the Nassara Act isn't real.
All right.
Somebody emailed me this banner and it was on 9-11 blogger and it says the Nassara Act.
I've been hearing about that for 15 years.
There is no secret national reorganization of patriots in the government to save us.
It isn't real.
All right.
And it's just one of those things that floats around that I've always got to go out and explain.
I mean, it's like Leo Wanta.
It's like any of that stuff.
It's made of the same thing as tooth fairy dust.
But fantastic, my friend.
Yeah, there's going to be demonstrations all over the country on 9-11-07, the 60-year anniversary of the tragic military-industrial complex strike against the American people and the people of the planet.
And I hope folks will come out to that.
Thank you so much.
And I got Luke Rodowski coming on tomorrow.
He's spearheading with WeAreChange.org.
He approached me months ago about doing something in New York.
I know the Luce Chains Crew was planning to do something in D.C., but we twisted their arm into doing it in New York, and we're all doing it in New York.
Everybody's converging there, and I would encourage you, if you can, come to New York.
But certainly, if you're in Virginia or Texas or anywhere else, please be involved in the other one.
Uh, in any of the other ones that are going on.
It is so important that we take that day back away from the perpetrators that use it for their own aims.
Uh, who's up next in this long list?
Kyle in Iowa!
Welcome, go ahead!
How's it going, Alex?
Good, sir.
I got, uh, two really, really quick questions, and then one, if you could elaborate.
Um, the first one is, I want to go down to the straw poll in support of Mr. Paul, but I won't be able to get down there until 5, and it closes at 6.
Will I still be able to vote?
Second one is I was listening to an MP3 of you and Jordan Maxwell.
You guys were talking about the Schofield Bible and how that's been pretty much twisted and corrupted and that's the Bible I read out of.
Could you recommend a better one?
Yeah, King James, original King James.
Okay, and the last one is what do you know about the Lucifer Project?
Kind of stumbled upon it.
I don't know a whole lot about it yet, but I was curious if you could elaborate on it.
Well, there's three Lucifer projects I know of.
Which Lucifer project?
The one where they're planning on dropping the... Igniting Jupiter?
Well, Saturn, actually.
They already did Jupiter, but the Cassini probe, where they got the 202... No, I know, but I mean, I heard that baloney hype then, and it's baloney hype now.
First it's going to be Jupiter, then... No.
I mean, just because the high-level mason put that in his book,
2001, and then the next book after that, where, you know, the aliens ignite it and create a second sun, that doesn't mean it's real.
I mean, just because the Illuminists write about things doesn't mean they're going to do it.
So, no, that Lucifer project... I was wondering if you were talking about the UN project, the Lucifer project, or the other Lucifer project in the Pentagon.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, it just sounded kind of creepy if they're going to try to ignite Saturn and put a second sun in our solar system.
That sounded kind of...
It's scary, but I just heard about it, so I didn't know it.
Yeah, as far as I can tell, it's not true.
I appreciate your call.
Your phone's really bad, man.
I'm going to let you go.
Let me try to break this down.
Major newspapers have admitted they've built FEMA camps for the American people.
Major publications have written about Bush announcing that he is a dictator.
And I mean, he really did.
He really told Congress, hey, you're not involved in continuity of government anymore.
I am.
And no, you're not allowed to see the plan.
Now, that's it.
That's the big enchilada.
That's the red balloon going up.
What happens is, in our movement, there's a whole genre, the media, dominant media tries to merge the two, of flying saucers and chupacabras and all these other fantastical creatures that sneak around under your bed at night.
And fine.
I think that's all for good radio.
That's interesting.
I wish people luck.
I hope they enjoy themselves.
But let's get one thing straight.
My show, this broadcast,
He's about what we can prove.
When I tell you that they are devaluing the dollar by design, I don't just have mainstream articles and government documents and IMF and World Bank documents.
I bring you Joseph Stiglitz, chief economist, former chief economist at World Bank, Nobel Prize winner.
I bring you Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, father of ergonomics.
I bring you George Humphreys, very successful businessman and degreed economist.
I bring you many other economists.
So when we give a declarative statement, in the past we've been about 95% correct, and believe me, I want to be wrong.
You know, I'm totally exhausted from working 16, 17, 18 hours a day, and I went home last night, crashed down on the couch at like 7, you know, ate dinner and just laid down.
Woke up about two, worried about the New World Order for about an hour, made myself go back to sleep.
The point is, I mean, this is URGENT, folks.
I'm waking up in the middle of the night over it.
I mean, this, and believe me, I sleep like the dead.
You can have three alarm fires going on, and my children can jump up and down on me in the morning trying to get me up, and I'll sleep through it.
I mean, I literally sleep like a zombie.
I sleep like somebody in a grave, and I've been waking up over things.
Everybody can feel it.
Everybody knows that we're on the verge of something really big, and it's not wonderful.
Something wonderful.
Like they say in 2001.
Or that's the next 2000.
I forget the number.
It's not wonderful.
Believe me.
And it's our job before the New World Order goes into the next really bloody phase of what they're doing.
Everything else has just been all... This stuff's been birth pains.
It's been setting up the dominoes.
It's been rigging the whole system.
Setting the table for the feast.
And they're rolling free humanity out like a roast hog with an apple in its mouth out of the table.
And I'm not partaking of it.
I mean, we have got to have an explosive, aggressive awakening.
It's already happening, but not fast enough.
So, I mean, I'm not here giving you orders from headquarters.
I told you we did the ten part, the timeline to tyranny.
It's been up for two days on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's in the news and focus section on the right hand side.
Please get that out.
I mean, people need to see that.
And you need to write your own articles.
And I'm telling you, martial law is the focus.
I said 9-11 is the focus.
Day one when it happened I said we got to expose this as an inside job or they're going to carry out more attacks.
And I believe it's because we have exposed this as an inside job that they've been afraid to carry out big events here domestically.
And I predicted attacks in England or Europe and you saw 7-7.
I mean I've got these people pretty well figured out.
You eat, breathe and sleep something.
And anybody can get to the point where they understand this stuff to the level I do.
They just have to spend less time ninnying and more time researching.
I mean, I'm telling you right now, look, I made a prediction two months before 9-11, they were going to stage an attack, probably use Bin Laden as the fall guy and attack the World Trade Center.
And then I said on 9-11, I said a very good chance they're going to launch a bio-attack to create more fear, and what happened?
I mean, I've got them figured out.
And I said last year, right before the midterm elections, I said they're going to stage something big in the next four months unless we get the word out.
And you know what?
You got the word out, folks.
You got the word out.
Fox News reported on my warning.
Now, and I said in that warning, if you get the word out, they won't do it.
And then people said, oh look, it didn't happen, he predicted it and it didn't happen.
No, I said if you get the word out, it won't happen.
Now there's only been two of those predictions.
I'm not even going to make one now.
I'm just going to tell you the no's knows.
Not just my brain, not just my intellect, but my gut.
We're good to go.
And the controllers aren't listening to their advisors who are telling them back off.
They're telling them back off!
Even Brzezinski's coming out and saying, you're going to blow the whole thing.
He's a mass murderer, folks.
He's as evil as they come.
He testifies in February, the government could stage an event to get us into war!
Adolfo Tonkin or worse!
Alright, I'm telling you folks, that the people pulling the strings, the people giving the orders, may go ahead and just say, you know what?
It's like a bully who's never lost a fight, and they're just saying, well, this guy's giving us a good run for our money, but I'm just going to keep coming.
And they are going to keep coming.
And we all see this in our daily lives with people that think they can take advantage of you or push you around, and then you finally stand up to you.
I mean, you finally stand up against them, and then they stand right back up to you, and then you've got to go ahead and put them down.
It is the same thing.
They aren't going to stop.
I don't think they're going to stop.
So the next best thing we can do is just go ahead and put out on the line who's behind the finances, who's behind that crisis, who's behind the war, who's behind the terror, and just get the word out on them as much as we can and put the word out to everybody about who's behind it so when they go ahead and do it, that it's going to be their undoing.
And their collapse
It's like the old fable of when you kill the evil wizard, his palace collapses.
So when we strike the enemy down, we gotta hightail it out.
Cause the castle's gonna be falling down.
And it's not gonna be pretty.
With all the yuppies clinging to its pillars.
Like little urchins.
We're gonna come back with Ted Gunnarsson.
Get to all your calls as well.
Stay with us.
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Well, I haven't interviewed him in a couple of years, and he's done such prolific work.
He was a Senior Special Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, California.
Special Agent in Charge Memphis, Tennessee, Dallas.
Of that sector.
He was Chief Inspector before that.
Assistant Special Agent in Charge New Haven, Connecticut, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This is going back.
He got in the FBI in 1951, 1960, as a Special Agent.
Ended up in 1980.
And he's been on the Los Angeles Olympic Committee.
In the 1980s, he won for the AFL-CIO, another law enforcement officer of the year award.
And he was a real favorite until he found out about some pretty wild stuff.
And Ted Gunderson, I've got you on through into the next hour, and I appreciate you coming on with us today.
We're going to open the phones up later.
But in this short segment, first off, I want to say hi to you, and good to speak with you.
And our mutual friend Jack McClam says hi.
But just out of the gates also, just want to get into how you woke up the New World Order.
But Ted, it's good to have you on.
Thanks, Alex.
You're the guy that deserves accolades, not me, believe me.
But no, I had a very lustrous career, 27 plus years in the FBI.
I see in the FBI there are 164 categories that we investigated, and if a matter came in within those 164 categories, we investigated it.
Did we?
We didn't.
There was a certain limited amount of intelligence
I think so.
Nothing, nothing.
I mean, it didn't even touch the surface.
And so I retired in 1979.
I had over 700 personnel under my command and acquired 16 offices on the West Coast and so forth.
And I went into private practice.
And my first case was the Dr. Jeffrey R. McDonald case.
And that's M-A-C-D-O-N-A-L-D.
He's a former Green Beret doctor who was convicted of murdering his wife and two children in Fort Bragg, February 17, 1970.
And he had been tried, convicted, sentenced to three consecutive life sentences.
And his defense team came to me, will you investigate it?
And I said, yes, I will.
Providing he's innocent.
And if he's guilty, I don't want to have anything to do with it.
And within 10 months, I obtained a signed confession from a girl named Talena Stokley.
In fact, the confession is dated October 25, 1980.
And she told me that he did not commit the murders.
They were committed by her satanic cult group.
It was her initiation into the cult that night.
I went public with the information, Alex, across the nation on radio and TV and so forth.
I've been on a number of radio shows.
In fact, I've just been monitoring my show with Geraldo.
It was back in the 80s.
People just came out of the woodwork from all parts of the country to give me the same basic information, same story, didn't even know each other.
And that's when I woke up.
You know that old ad with the light bulb, the poor dad has a better idea?
Oh yeah.
Well that was what happened to me.
And these people have just, I've been like a magnet ever since.
I have so much, I have over 300 boxes of research.
And because people have just been feeding this information to me, feeding it to me.
And from there it went into corruption, of course, within the government, and then into drugs.
And then when I really realized it, and it's really a serious problem,
Is that there's two elements within the government, the covert and the overt operation.
And of course, I was part of the overt operation out in front, you know, radio, TV shows and so forth.
The covert operation involves the people who are recruited out of special forces, trained as killers and trained in the in the cults and trained in the drugs.
And it's it's unbelievable.
And the number of deaths
Well, let me stay there, we're about to break, but here's an example everybody can check out.
The finders case that you helped break was in the major DC papers.
They did go to the CIA warehouse, there was all the child porn, the satellite uplinks, the kids have been gotten out because they'd gotten word.
There's hundreds of other admitted cases.
There's 3,000 plus children, CNN reported, missing in Florida that CPS took.
They found a lot of them dead, ritually killed, heads chopped off.
It's kept very quiet though.
Came out a few places.
I mean, we're talking about numbers like that and it's just barely on the radar screen.
Well, that's right.
That's right, Alex.
It's just absolutely unbelievable and it's being covered up.
Of course, we have the mainstream media.
People like you, thank God for you, Alex, and a few other people like you.
There's not enough of you, unfortunately, who are exposing this.
You know, and also in the McMartin case out in Manhattan Beach, California, that was where they had the preschool, and the kids said that they were taken under tunnels, into tunnels, and up into the Triflex next door, the trap door, and taken out in the community and processed.
These were two, three, four-year-old kids.
And sure enough, you found tunnels.
Stay there.
Ted Gunderson is our guest, and we're going to be taking calls in the next hour.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I gotta tell ya, I really woke up, I keep saying 15 years ago, I've been saying that for years.
I woke up about 5, 6, 7 years before I got on air, so... It's gotta be like 20 years ago now.
No, I woke up about 16, 17 years ago, about the Federal Reserve and the New World Order, and I went and read books at the library and documented it.
World leaders had really said the things they'd said.
And then, I kept running into Satanism, Satanism, Satanism, the occult, the occult, the occult.
And, I mean, even up until the late 1990s, I really wouldn't get into it.
About as radical as I got is I would have Ted Gunnarson on to talk about documented cases where I had newspaper articles like the Finders case in the late 80s that we'll talk about.
But then the British media came to me.
They were scared to sneak into Bohemian Grove, Channel 4, National British Television.
They said, well, you sneak in and I did sneak in.
Let me tell you, it was done with pageantry.
It was done like a play, but that's where plays come from is, you know, the people in the crowd, the folks on the stage doing the ritual.
But the old men in the crowd were taking it very, very seriously.
Then I had a lot of occult experts, even mainline university professors who were secular say, oh yeah, this is a Babylonian slash Egyptian slash Greek human sacrifice ritual, the mullet.
That happened back in 2000 and since then I've gotten all these books written by prime ministers and presidents and it's been in all of the British papers that Tony Blair every morning flops around on the ground while he is possessed by a spirit
And then he has the Spirit of the Light, which is Lucifer, enter him.
His wife is a witch.
They go to weird underground temples.
They go to Egypt.
They go to Asia.
They go to Aztec temples.
I mean, just to get the power.
And that the press, we're stating a lot of the press with Blair and them screaming and yelling and an Aztec demon ritual being reborn.
I mean, this is crazy!
But that's in the major papers!
And it's going on.
Now, the question is, you know, you've got your normal schizophrenics out there who think this stuff's happening to them, and that Martians are pouring acid on them, and the sun's orbiting satellites, shooting laser beams at them.
That's going on out there.
But then you've got thousands of real cases in Dime Corps in Halliburton, now two years ago, in the front page of the
Chicago Tribune admittedly running giant child kidnapping rings, and then nothing happens to them.
And we have Senate hearings where it's brought up, and Rumsfeld doesn't deny it.
He says, man, that's the way we roll.
So joining us is somebody who was there really, you know, back in the 80s exposing this.
Right through to today, Ted Gunderson and how he woke up.
Ted, walk through it and then let's get into the finders, the rest of it.
I should tell people your website is tedgunderson.com.
We've got a link to it on Infowars.com.
That's Ted Gunderson.
Gunderson is G-U-N-D-E-R-S-O-N dot com.
Ted Gunderson dot com.
So what was this like when you start investigating this murder on Fort Bryan?
Of course, that's where, now even mainstream news admits, the biggest concentration of Satanists
Well, that's a good assignment, Alex.
Let me also mention, speaking of websites,
We give away, my associate and I, Clarence Malcolm, we give away free DVDs to try to get the word out and that website is 1-FREE-DVD.com and we're giving them away so try to educate as many people as possible.
Well, what's going on is you talk about the missing children and so forth.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children out of Washington, D.C.
is an adjunct of the U.S.
Department of Justice.
And they, on their website, last time I checked, which was several months ago, claim that there's 91 Americans disappear every year, excuse me, every hour.
91 Americans disappear every hour, and it is estimated that 85 to 90 percent of those disappear are children.
Now, if you add that up, it's over 700,000 a year who disappear.
And, of course, this Finders case broke back in the 1980s, late 1980s.
I have a copy of the Customs, U.S.
Customs report that states that it was investigated internally by the CIA.
And this is good documentation.
I mean, this is right out of U.S.
And that report is available on my website, by the way.
So, we have all these people, these Americans disappearing, most of them are children.
And what happens to them?
Well, they are being auctioned off.
I have sources who tell me that there's auctions outside of Las Vegas, about 50 miles, in an abandoned airfield.
I've got to stop you now.
Now, you've been saying this for decades.
There were a few mainline news articles this year talking about auctions of women kidnapped out of Europe and the U.S.
So, it's now been in mainstream news they have auctions.
That's right.
That's right.
And another auction location was in Michigan.
Another one is a barn outside of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Toronto, Canada.
And I have this information direct from kids who've been at the auctions.
One of my sources, I asked him, I said, how many children are auctioned off at these various auctions?
How many of you attended?
He said, I've attended six auctions.
And as few as six and as many as 36 children were auctioned off at up to $50,000 each.
And I said, well, how do they do that?
He said, they put them on a stage with their underwear up to 21 years between, you know, infants up to 21 years of age, and they put a tag around their neck with a number and people come in to this location, wherever it is, and auction on each one of the kids.
And then they put these kids in some instances, one source said,
That in outside Las Vegas at the airfield, they put some of these kids on an airplane.
And there were people with the turbines who auctioned off what these kids could barely afford.
Now, since you've been saying this for 15 plus years, it's now been all over BBC, all over foreign press, that the jets land in Saudi, and land in Riyadh, and do disgorge 10 year olds, you name it.
I mean, this is now mainstream news.
Yes, that's right.
And so, you know, what do they do with these kids?
Well, they auction them off.
They use them for sex slaves.
They use them for body parts.
They use them in satanic ceremonies.
And the kids are not put on airplanes.
They put them in campers, what have you, and they dope them up, and they're stopped by the police.
Well, let's go back.
That's how Finders got blown.
Tell folks how that got blown.
Well, Finders was exposed because back in, I think it was February 1987, there were two well-dressed men and six children.
Ages two to seven, noticed in a park in Tallahassee, Florida, and somebody called the police.
The police went out and checked on it.
The kid said they were moved to Mexico to a smart school, but they didn't know how to use telephones, didn't know how to use toilets or anything, and they said that they were from Washington, D.C., and they only were fed when they were good and so forth.
That's how they were rewarded, and were able to come in and sleep inside.
Otherwise, they had a problem sleeping outside.
Now again, also from your report, and this even came out in the news, there were dirty mattresses, dirty clothes in the back of this van, guys in suits.
That's right, yeah.
And one fellow's name was Ammerman, and the other's name was Holloman, I think it was.
And, uh, anyway, so they traced the organization that had Virginia license plates on the van, traced it to Washington, D.C., uh, to two different locations, and the police in Washington, D.C.
raided it, and, uh, they found all kinds of paraphernalia.
They found evidence of, uh, uh, cults and kidnapped children all over the world, in Europe and Asia, and, uh, I recall there were two kids that were in the process of being adopted out of Hong Kong, uh, and, uh, into the United States, or out of the United States, I forget which.
And by the way, back then it was a big deal.
There was a jumbo, high-def, satellite uplinks.
So anyway, and so this was basically exposed.
Now fortunately, it took a couple of years, but U.S.
News & World Report did finally have an article on it, and so there is good documentation.
As far as I know, nothing's come of the case.
Because it got clamped down.
Tell folks about that part, how it got clamped down.
Well, I have my report with the U.S.
Customs report plus other documentation, information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
I compiled this in a report with my name on it, and I'm an ex-FBI chief, and I should have credibility.
I'm not some guy with a grocery basket looking for a recycling center.
And I've technically given it to the FBI on at least a half a dozen times, Alex.
And as a matter of fact, I have it on a tape recording where I gave it to them and made a record of it, and I've also faxed it to them, and I have been ignored, completely ignored.
Now we have here children being kidnapped
And children being sacrificed, obviously, internationally, contacts around the world, and the FBI's doing nothing with it.
That's so disgusting, I can't believe it, of course.
Well now, we have the tape, we ought to play it next hour.
Can you dig that out where Cynthia McKinney's asking Rumsfeld about the child kidnapping rings?
And then he just says, well, we're not going to do anything about that.
I mean, that is Chicago Tribune, AP, Reuters, that was in the press.
And then it said that they have lobbyists on Capitol Hill lobbying for the Pentagon to not stop them because they're using U.S.
I mean, that's Chicago Tribune!
I mean, everything you're saying now, Ted, used to be wild.
Now it's passé!
What was the date of that article, Alex?
There were two in the Chicago Tribune, early 2006, and it was in... Oh, there's hundreds.
It was all over the foreign press.
If you want, you can Google search it and find it or I can send it to you.
But I mean, that's my point, is that now, the stuff you used to talk about is just all over the news.
Well, I've been talking about this for 28, 27, 28 years.
And nobody's listened to me, really, basically, until I guess maybe a few people are listening now.
I just finished a 16-city lecture tour, by the way, from Portland, Oregon, all the way to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
And, uh, and I brought up this Finder's case, among other things, and also the terrorist movement, the phony terrorist movement, I should say.
Uh, and, uh, you know, the reaction from the public is, uh, is overwhelming once they see the documentation.
Uh, but getting it out is something else, unfortunately, because of shows like yours and some others, uh, that I've been on and, of course, other people have been on.
Uh, we are getting it out gradually, but... Now... Go ahead.
Let's just bring up Bohemian Grove for a few minutes and any other cases you want to hit on.
But I remember you talking about Bohemian Grove before I ever snuck in there.
I remember, of course, John DeCamp, state senator, highly respected Republican, friends with the CIA section chief, CIA director.
He gets hired by the Republicans to go, he has this huge career, he gets hired to go whitewash and disprove that there's sex rings going out of the savings and loan.
He finds out it's all true, they kill his chief investigator,
And then he goes public, and then he's got survivors, who he went and got their notebooks, as you know, where they describe Bohemian Grove, and then it fits like a hand in a glove.
I mean, it's just... Can you speak to all that?
Oh yes, of course, because I was a part of that investigation.
I was asked to come back in the late 1980s from Los Angeles back to Nebraska and to investigate this because I was told that this John DeCant guy didn't know what he was talking about.
On the contrary, I found out that John didn't know exactly what he was talking about.
And this was the Franklin Savings and Loan out of Omaha, Nebraska, which was established for minorities.
And what happened is, the IRS and the FBI raided it because there was $40 million missing, and there was publicity, and 80 children came forward and said, oh, mommy or daddy or whatever the case might be, that man molested me.
They were having pictures of Larry King on the front page of the Omaha World-Herald.
And from the 80 children, four gave statements.
Of the four, one of them disappeared.
The other one died in a hospital, maybe overdosed.
We're good to go.
And, uh, they basically told us, uh, about the fact that these kids were being taken.
Now, now, now, now this is the guy that sung the Star Spangled Banner at the Republican National Convention.
This is a black guy, he's not Larry King on CNN.
And, uh, and, and, and if memory serves, and it was in the newspaper, I have the newspaper articles, they did, the FBI grabbed hundreds of videos and photos, and then, and then they, uh, they declared national security, correct?
That's right.
And, and, well, the, uh,
There was all kinds of documentation.
There were pictures.
They were taking kids out of orphanages and foster homes.
They were driving them to Sioux City, Iowa.
And then later, over a decade later, the very boy's town they mentioned came out in the news.
The exact stuff was happening.
That's right.
See, that's the thing.
Time is the great avenger, folks.
All this stuff's coming out now, backing up what you said, Ted.
Go ahead.
And then they would fly them from Sioux City, Iowa to Washington, D.C.
for six hours, usually with Congressmen and Senators.
Now, I interviewed Paul Bonacci.
I have a five-hour interview tape of him, by the way, talking about the Mind Control Program, which is available on that 1-3-dvd.com.
And I also interviewed Rusty Nelson, who is the, quote, official photographer, end quote, of the group.
And Rusty claims to have these pictures stashed around the United States, hidden in caves and what have you.
And so, fortunately, there were some pictures that did come forward.
They were presented to the courts.
The judge in Lincoln, Nebraska said, well, we're going to put a gag order on these.
Johnny Camp was allowed to go and look at them only, but can't talk about it.
We're putting a gag order on these pictures because we don't want reputable citizens to lose their reputation because of these pictures.
That's a joke, by the way, of course.
And those pictures have been sealed.
Nobody can get to them.
But Gary Karagora, you mentioned him.
He was the pilot and he was the investigator for the Senate Committee in Nebraska.
And he met Rusty Nelson in Chicago.
Rusty ended up being a good guy.
He was concerned about what was going on.
He was the official photographer, as I said.
And he would slip his own film in there every once in a while and take pictures on his own and then not let them know about it.
So that was his insurance policy.
And so Rusty was hiding out in Arizona and Gary Caridora, the investigator for the John DeCamp and that group, got heard about it.
Rusty got a hold of him.
He and Rusty met in Chicago and Rusty gave him the pictures of the politicians having sex with some, you know, children and what have you in Washington, D.C.
And so, Gary Caridore was flying back that night, about 1.30 in the morning, right outside of Chicago, and there was obviously a bomb in the plane.
The FBI claims that the plane just fell apart in the air.
But a farmer saw an explosion.
The debris fell down.
A sheriff's deputy was the first one on the scene.
He was picking up these pictures.
And an FBI agent came along and took the pictures from him and told him to keep his mouth shut.
Apparently he didn't because a month, a year later his wife was murdered.
And of course Gary and his 11-year-old son both died in the crash.
That was what happened.
That's when I came into the scene.
Now to be clear though, to be clear, John DeCamp was hired.
The Senate didn't believe it.
John DeCamp didn't believe it either.
He went in and said, oh my gosh, that's the perfect type of witness, isn't it?
Where it's someone who's credible and an official and they were hired to disprove it.
Well, Johnny Camp is a hero.
I mean, he absolutely says, hey, wait a minute, I don't believe this.
But then once he started investigating, he realized it did take place.
He, at one time, was described by the Omaha World Airlines as the most influential politician in the state of Nebraska.
Well, in the meantime, he's no longer in office.
They've destroyed his name and reputation.
He's had to move from Lincoln, Nebraska, to a small town south of there, about 35 miles.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Also, they'd stop doing this to children, which includes blowing their heads off.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
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TedGunnerson.com is the website.
We're going to go back to him in just a moment.
I want to make it clear.
There's a lot of disinfo out there on this subject.
But I did look at it, research it, and I continue to look at it, and... Oh, by the way, John, I forgot to ask you up there running the show in Minnesota.
Did you find the Cynthia McKinney clip?
You did fine.
We're going to play that later.
Not only do they admit that trillions are missing from the Pentagon, and we're not going to tell you where it is on the tape, we're not going to air that part, but they also just say, yeah, okay, they're running child kidnapping rings, and we're not going to stop them.
I mean, that's the incredible part about all of this.
And when you understand the mindset of the New World Order, it becomes very, very clear
I just hope you'll get my new film, Terror Storm.
It's now out on DVD, the special edition, 17 minutes.
I've added information on 7, 7, and 9, 11, being inside jobs.
We're going to get Ted's take.
I know he's an expert on government-sponsored terror.
I've been speaking out on it for many years.
But Terror Storm is available on DVD at InfoWars.com.
You can get it for half price or $9.95 when you get it with America, Freedom to Fascism, or Loose Change 2nd Edition.
There's a lot of different specials right now at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and the Secure Shopping Cart on all the videos I've made, the books and films that we carry from other great researchers and filmmakers.
So again, peruse the online video and bookstore shopping cart at Infowars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Going back to Ted Gunderson, Ted, when you first woke up, I mean, what was it like, A, for you to be able to deal with this?
Because it's even hard for me to deal with it.
I mean, I wish that this stuff wasn't going on.
For a normal person, it completely freaks you out, at least it freaks me out.
Uh, to realize that yeah, there's evil out there, but there's also just so much of it, and it's in so many high places, Ted.
What did I, what was my reaction to that?
Well, uh, I've been an investigator for 55 years, so I, uh, I can handle the emotional aspect of it.
And basically it was just, once somebody told me about it and I became involved in it, as you do Alex, any good investigator or investigative reporter does, you want to know more and more and more and more.
And number one, in addition to that, you have to document it.
So I went on a journey to document this information, and it is well documented.
By the way, I pulled up the last page of my finder's report, the U.S.
Department of Treasury, U.S.
Cousins report.
Can I read this to you?
Yeah, go ahead.
It's a barn burner.
This particular investigator with the Cousins, on April the 2nd, 1987, went to the Metropolitan Police Department at 9 a.m.
for a final briefing.
I'm going to quote right from this report, quote,
I was advised that all passport data had been turned over to the State Department for their investigation.
The State Department in turn advised the Metropolitan Police Department that all travel and use of the passports by the holders of the passports was within the law and no action would be taken.
This included travel to Moscow, North Korea, and Vietnam from the late 1950s to the mid-1970s.
By the way, Alex, it was against the law to travel in those countries at that time.
Paragraph, quote, the individual further advised me of circumstances which indicated, listen to this now,
That the investigation into the activity of the Finders had become a CIA internal matter.
The investigation had become a CIA internal matter.
And then continuing with that paragraph.
The Metropolitan Police Department report has been classified secret and was not available for review.
I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counterintelligence Division had directed the Metropolitan Police Department not to advise the FBI Washington Bureau Office of anything that had transpired.
No further information will be available.
No further action will be taken.
No action will be taken on the basis of this report.
That's the final report that's available to the public.
I've given this report
To the FBI a half a dozen times, and I have been ignored.
And by the way, that was in the DC newspapers, and it's a lot worse than what he was just saying.
We'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ted Gunderson.
Special agent in charge Los Angeles, California with 700 agents under him when he retired then he got into private security practice and investigations and found out Well, there's a whole nother world out there from what he'd been dealing with bank robberies and things like that And he joins us now for the full third hour.
We appreciate him coming on I wanted to get into government-sponsored terror and any other facets or areas that he wants to discuss and
But again, I'm always honored to have a chance to speak with him.
Ted, you were continuing with reading the actual final report by Customs on how they were ordered to shut down and turn over this whole warehouse of child kidnapping operations in D.C.
and just shut the investigation down.
And now, it's just commonplace knowledge.
It's all over the news that
There was 1.2 million, and this was in 2002, the last numbers I saw, women and children kidnapped out of Central Europe alone.
We know a lot of children taken by CPS just disappear, that's mainstream news, but then it's a footnote where they're found, and that's when their heart's cut out and their head's chopped off in Europe or, you know, in the outback of Australia or here in the US.
They're flying them out of the country, they're doing all manner.
How many of these people are in our society from your studies, Ted Gunderson, and how big really is it from your 27 years of research?
Alex, it's mind-boggling.
You know, the Franklin, in addition to the Franklin cover-up, by the way.
Well, by the way, before I leave the Franklin cover-up, let me just mention this.
That John DeCamp lived in Lake, Nebraska, town of 200,000.
And a car rolled into his house, into his yard one day, in front of his child.
And that little dog was there.
They ran over the dog back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
And the driver of the car said to the little girl, if your dad doesn't back off, this is what's going to happen to you.
Tell your dad that.
John had to move 35 miles south of there to a small town, Claytonia.
296 people, by the way.
And so John had to do that in order to, you know, to protect his family.
And I lived two blocks from John, I might mention, because I was being poisoned a year ago last May and April and May, and I knew it.
They were pumping poison into my condominium in Las Vegas.
And John said, you better come on out here.
So I moved out there, too.
So I'm living in Claytonia, Nebraska, too.
I remember whenever you went to the hospital, yeah.
And I had arsenic and cyanide in me.
I was suspicious.
And I took blood tests.
And I documented it.
And like you, Alex, any good investigator is going to document it.
You can't just shoot off the top of your head without the documentation.
So I took the blood test, and I had arsenic and cyanide in me.
I went on a crash vitamin program, and fortunately my system's been cleaned up.
But anyway... How were they poisoning you?
I mean, did you find out how they were doing it?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I figured out how they were doing it.
I lived in a condominium in Las Vegas, Nevada.
And they were pumping poison in through the wall next door.
Somebody had come in.
I never did see anybody ever live next door, but I think they came in in the middle of the night.
And they were pumping it through the walls.
And I could smell it.
It was a real sweet smell.
And then I started losing my memory.
I'd sit at my desk.
I'd say, what did I think?
What am I doing?
What am I supposed to do next, you know?
That's unbelievable, Ted.
So you've been through hell.
Well, I've been through not only that, Alex.
Back in the early eighties, when I first became involved in these issues, I had three occasions when gunmen were waiting for me.
I remember that, yeah.
And then I had the FBI investigating me.
Under my Freedom of Information Act, I obtained a documentation that they had three investigations going on me.
That didn't work, because they were trying to prosecute me.
And then they put a girl on me and tried to set me up on a drug deal, Pam Fawcett.
Do I hear music?
Yeah, we're going to come right back.
Stay there.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that's why I don't let a lot of people get around me, because other people drop stuff on me too.
It's not fun.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
We're going to get into government-sponsored terror with Ted Gunnarsson as well.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
He sounded credible.
I had a lot of news articles backing up his claims.
But when I interviewed this guy like 12 years ago,
In fact, Kevin, one of the very first interviews I ever did when I first got on radio, I frankly, in the back of my mind, just, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it.
And now I believe it.
No, it's much worse than even what he's discovered.
And, and, and that's what's, I mean, I can take it calmly and deal with it, but it still is freaky to know that there are psychopathic demons, just like the big serial killer they just caught up in Missouri, who'd been the big public official all those years.
And, uh, you know, he loved to torture people and all that.
He acts so friendly, so charming, so nice.
They're all around you, folks, in positions of power, and it's their guild.
It's their little secret club.
It's their big joke.
And I remember Ted Gunderson saying they bring in male prostitutes, they run whores out of the White House and out of Bohemian Grove and they're doing all this and now it's been in the front page of papers.
Top gay porn star services moguls at Bohemian Grove, New York Post.
It's been in the newspapers that Jeff Gannon, this male madam, is going in and out of the White House.
uh... and you know whoever he really is and that there's hundreds of visits after midnight and uh... i mean you can't make this type stuff up this is going on now and it's everything that ted gunderson would say for all those years uh... ted getting into the male prostitutes and from my research and this is just an estimation it does seem like democrats like women
Well, yeah, of course there's a lot of good Democrats, a lot of good Republicans, a lot of good FBI agents and all sorts of things.
But this covert operation, the Republicans in the covert operation, the secret societies, which is satanic of course, the Illuminati, whatever you want to call it, they go for the boys, they go for the little boys and they call them toys, T-O-Y-S.
And the covert operation with the Democrats, you're right, does seem to go toward the female aspect of it.
By the way, I might mention, Alex, that
John DeCant had a one million dollar judgment against Larry King because of the Franklin cover-up case and he's standing on a street corner in Lincoln, Nebraska and a stranger walks up to him and says, if you ever collect that money you won't live to spend it.
So that's when John, and of course that was a combination of that plus running over his dog and everything, that he went down to Claytonia, Nebraska.
But you asked me how many there are.
I have a number of sources, confidential sources around the country that I'm in contact with.
I can't talk to them on the telephone because all our phones are tapped.
And I have documentation that, as a matter of fact, I have sued GTE in Los Angeles and collected an out-of-court settlement for tapping my telephone back in the late 1980s.
My sources tell me that there's at least 4.5 million practicing Satanists in America.
Now, here's where I reach, how I deducted that figure.
In Manhattan Beach, California, which was where the McMartin Preschool was, and the kids talked about, you know, adults in robes without clothes on, they're enchanting them, and cutting up brown babies, we think they were Mexican babies, and obvious satanic ceremonies.
In the Manhattan Beach, California area, about 200,000 people,
And my informant tells me there's about 3,000 in that area.
Lincoln, Nebraska, 200,000.
Another informant tells me about 3,000 in the Lincoln, Nebraska area.
By the way, you folks need to buy the Franklin cover-up book.
That really documents what we're talking about here today.
And that's available on the website, by the way.
People should go directly there and get it.
You know, that's a book we ought to carry.
I don't know why we're not.
TedGunderson.com, yes.
Yeah, you should, Alex.
In fact, there's a second edition out right now.
Well, it's the fourth or fifth edition.
Okay, well, it's one of the newest editions.
He sold like 180,000 copies of it.
And the mainstream bookstores, they start carrying it first and now they won't carry it, because it's so devastating.
But anyway, my third source, Iowa City, Iowa, that's a town of about 100,000, and that source says there's about 1,500 or so, and if you were to project those figures, the 3,000, 3,000, 3,000... Yeah, take those microcosms and then multiplex it across, you get your number.
Beg your pardon?
I mean, take those sources from different cities and then basically estimate for... You go ahead and tell folks how you did it.
Yeah, that's right.
You arrive at the figure of about four and a half million people across the country, and you are practically saying this.
And how many do they sacrifice?
You know, they have human sacrifices.
They sacrifice between 50 and 60,000 Americans every year.
In this country, and that's from three different sources.
Now, by the way, by the way, I'd always heard this about that big abortionist there in Kansas, the other one in Missouri, that they were eating babies and doing all this weird stuff.
Now that came out in the mainstream news and the guy just said, Oh, I was just joking around eating them.
And then he considered each one a sacrifice.
So there's also that going on.
Oh, absolutely.
That's, that's part of the ceremony.
And, you know, this is going on right under our noses.
The FBI refused to investigate it, and I personally feel that our intelligence community and our government in Washington, D.C.
has been infiltrated by the Illuminati at the highest level.
I don't want to say that there's one behind every mailbox, but the people in a position of authority are definitely involved in some of these covert activities.
There's no question about it.
Now I want to bring up some other issues here because I live in Texas so I've been hearing about this ever since I was a child.
I remember reading Texas Monthly when I was like 15 years old.
I remember seeing it in the newspapers when they found in one, at one ranch by Boquias
Across the Texas-Mexico border, over 100 bodies that had been sacrificed with their hearts cut out of adults, mainly U.S.
college students and others.
And then I remember they dug up over 200 bodies in the sand just across the U.S.-Mexico border.
And this is in the news in El Paso.
And then they dug up over 100 more bodies.
This was in the news, but again, minor footnote.
Matt Morris down on the Texas-Mexico border on the coast and this I've just grown up seeing this in the paper and they tell college kids watch it because they grab you and do this but it's also Mexicans and it's funny that you should and the reason they got busted down in Boquillas was because a guy escaped who they were cutting up and killing.
And also, they couldn't make him cry and beg and have fear, so they freaked out and left him and kind of let him go.
And the guy went nuts.
He was sacrificing him and freaked out and was screaming out to Satan.
And that's just the mainline drug dealers down there into human sacrifice.
So can you imagine if there's... How many is that?
That's 400 dead bodies, hearts chopped out, just found on the Texas-Mexico border.
How big is this, Ted?
Oh, it's huge.
As I say, it's mind-boggling.
By the way, I have some, on film, some satanic ceremonies that are available, and they're pretty gruesome, and I don't recommend that you allow your children to watch them, but they're actually pictures.
They were given to me by one of my informants, two of my informants, actually.
So, you know, I have the documentation on it.
Describe the rituals for us.
Well, what they do is, first of all, they dope the victim.
Dope them up.
First of all, they kidnap them, of course.
And then they immediately dope them up so they can control them completely.
And then when it comes time to sacrifice them, they put them on what they call the altar.
And then they have a certain way that they cut them up, like they go at the top and they go on down and they cut across through their stomach and so forth.
And then what they do is they take the liver out of the individual, and they pass it around, or body parts, they pass it around to the whole group, and it's a ceremony of 13, usually 13 people, and they all take a bite out of the raw liver, and then in addition they drink the blood, they drain the blood from the victim, and they drink it out of a chalice, they pass it around, and then they do the Hail Satan and all that sort of thing,
And that's it.
And then, of course, they dispose of the body.
They have so many ways of disposing of the body.
It's unbelievable.
One of the ways of disposing of the body is to put it in acid, put it in a big base of acid.
Another one, of course, is they bury them sometimes and they chop them up, take them out in the middle of the ocean someplace and dump their body parts.
And, you know, it's just, it's sickening what's happening to these people.
And these are victims.
Now, I recently ran across the case of John Van Meters, his name.
He was a Wisconsin woodsman.
He was in Sonoma County, Alex, where you were, this Bohemian Grove.
He's a woodsman, so he went out in the woods on October 31st of 2004, and he noticed a caravan of five and six cars and about 20 or 30 people coming in.
And he saw a woman in the nude.
Now, this is on Shaolin or Samhain.
Beg your pardon?
Shaolin, the High Holy Day.
Yeah, right, right, right, right.
This is Halloween, right.
And so he saw this caravan coming, saw this woman who was in the nude, and he realized it was a satanic ceremony.
They spotted him, and they started shooting at him, and he got his gun out, and he shot back.
He killed four of them, according to him.
And he chased the leader into the woods.
They had a running battle and the leader from a distance said to him, I have a get out of jail free.
We have the police and the FBI in our hip pocket in this area.
And if you do anything to me, you're going to live in a 10 by 10 cell the rest of your life.
And so on and so forth.
And he was shot himself with the shotgun pellets and also with three different nine millimeter weapons.
Anyway, in the meantime, the girl was able to escape, and she jumped in a car, had keys in it, and took off, then in the car in Oakland, and called her brother.
Her brother came, picked her up, and so on and so forth.
Anyway, so he reports it to the police, and they wait three days to go out to the site, and he finds out through their police report, and then they say that this never happened, even though he was shot three times by different 9mm weapons, and they file a charge against him.
Ted, stay there, stay there, but I never told this story.
I'll just tell it before we even go to break.
When we get back from break, I'll tell it about when I went back out to Bohemian Grove in 2003 and all the weird things that happened there.
Some of it I've told, some of it I haven't.
But we actually got shot at.
And that's the kind of thing you don't talk about.
But it wasn't the Bohemian Grove shooting at me, folks.
Since Ted told that story, I'll just tell this one.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
And we shall return on the other side.
And I want to shift gears and get some into Government Sponsored Terror and take some of your phone calls for Ted Gunderson on Government Sponsored Terror or on the Satanic Elite.
Those two subjects.
I want to talk about those.
We'll be right back.
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The elite are predators.
It's that simple.
They have a religion of predator behavior.
And they just think it's their right to kill us and feed on us and just like the ancient Greeks would go out and grab a young helot and sacrifice him because it was from the lower class.
I got news for the New World Order.
I'm not your slave.
And you're the ones that are going to end up being dog meat.
Now, uh,
I snuck in there in 2000.
We were back there in 2003.
I put little clips of that in the Order of Death film I put out a couple years ago.
But there's not a lot of gas stations or restaurants around there.
I mean, you'll drive for 20 miles before you see one.
So we pulled over on the side of the road.
Myself and Kevin Booth said I needed to, you know, urinate.
And there's nobody around.
There's like some shack a hundred yards up in the woods.
And I'm just up against a tree doing my business.
All of a sudden, boom!
Somebody shoots a shotgun and it hits in the leaves right above me.
I saw them flicker.
I saw holes appear.
And I run over to the car window.
I go, somebody's shooting me.
He goes, no they're not.
And he steps out and he goes boom again.
We hear pellets.
But by then they'd gotten weak, bounce off the car.
And I mean that's how nuts.
You think there's hillbillies in Texas or West Virginia or
Or the Carolinas, folks.
The Hillbillies are in Northern California, but just a little side story.
Ted, please continue.
We're going to play the Cynthia McKinney clip here in just a minute.
Well, anyway, so the girl fortunately was rescued by jumping in a car.
And anyway, so that John, by the way, he called me six, eight months ago because my name and reputation wanted some advice on this.
And so John chases the leader down and ended up shooting him, and he took a business card out from his hip pocket after he was dead, and he called it the next day, and a woman, female, answered, Federal Bureau of Investigation, it was a 202 number, which is Washington, D.C., by the way.
And then the day after that, she hung up when he didn't apparently give the right code word.
And then the day after that, he called again, and that phone number had been disconnected.
So, the police in Sonoma filed charges against him for filing a false report.
He ended up, instead of going to a jury trial, or leaving it up to the judge because he was afraid of corruption and so forth, given 20 years, his attorney said, you better just say no local contendere and pay a $10,000 fine and get the hell out of there.
Pardon me for saying that.
And then, that wasn't the end of the story.
A year and a half later, a year ago this last summer, in 2006,
He's in the woods in Wisconsin and two guys come after him there and he has a shootout with them.
He gets hit also like three or four times with two different weapons.
And these guys get in the car and take off and so forth.
So the girl, by the way, that escaped, one of the females, Satanist, obviously Satanist, whispered in her ear, I'm going to drink your blood.
That's what she told John, of course.
Now, John's being charged with filing false report in Wisconsin also, and his trial's coming up in November, and I told him I'd go testify for him.
But that's what's going on.
It just so happens that John ran into that situation, and even though he was shot with different caliber weapons, the authorities are covering it up, obviously, and refuse to recognize that this takes place.
Well, at the same time,
All I know is that the locals criticized us for sneaking in there, the quote, local hippie groups that protest against them, against the Bohemian Grove for politics.
They said, there's nothing occultic, we're dumb, we're bad, and then we went out there in 2002 and guess what we caught on video?
Well, it's in the order of death.
They're out there with a literal witch's pot, hundreds of them, marching in circles, firing spells in there, doing all this.
This is the very group that didn't want us to talk about the occult.
And then I talked to some police and others out there and they said, oh yeah, man, there's dead animals, pentagrams in all the woods, that supposedly that area is the biggest concentration in the country of a cultist.
Well, I believe it.
I believe it.
But you see, these people have infiltrated every level of society.
I have people who write me letters all the time and identify the leading cultists and Satanists in their community.
Usually these letters are anonymous, so I can't go back on and interview them.
And they have identified judges, law enforcement, prosecutors, leading businessmen, a big Ford dealer in Orange County, and the list just reads, and politicians of course.
Now for some reason I have this gap in my brain.
What's the name of the
Big serial killer up in Kansas and Missouri area who was a big local official.
What's his name?
The BT killer.
The BT killer, is it?
You're talking about Kansas, yes.
Yeah, that's it.
That was Wichita, Kansas.
I was just reading about his case the other day and I couldn't remember the name, but it was just like how satanic he was and how many people he killed, but how he fooled everybody.
He was, uh, the initials were, uh, Kidnap, Torture, and Murder.
T-K-M or something like that.
That's why they called him that.
And, uh, and fortunately they got him, but... Do you think he was part of this group?
Oh, I don't think there's any question about it.
And these school shootings are part of this group, too, uh, Alex.
Alright, alright, well, we'll stay there, stay there.
Uh, that's why they want our guns so bad, folks.
You can't give them up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're going to play this clip from Cynthia McKinney bringing up the giant child kidnapping and adult kidnapping range.
And Lumsfeld says, yeah, well, we usually put them in the penalty box.
She says, yeah, but you haven't put them in the penalty box, which they haven't.
It's admitted this is going on.
They don't even get in trouble.
Then, of course, even worse stuff came out later.
Then we're going to get a little bit of the government-sponsored terror, and I promise Dave, Mel, Lee, Kenny, and others that are patiently holding.
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Also, as you know, I've made 16 films now.
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You can, again, that number 888-253-3139.
I always get accused of giving it out too fast.
You can also write to us.
This is not our physical office, folks.
I've had a Dropbox mailbox in there for 15 years, or 12, 14 years.
So, people keep showing up over at this office.
This is not my physical office.
I can't have everybody at my physical office.
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People keep showing up at the other one.
It's annoying them.
I'm probably going to have to just go to a peer PO box because of it.
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And I do hope that you will get the books and videos.
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PrisonPlanet.tv and I want to thank all of you who supported us.
I want to thank those of you that we really haven't asked but you've done it.
We've just been sent donations that really help us.
I think so.
But just in a nutshell, two or three minutes, government-sponsored terror, Oklahoma City, 9-11, 7-7, can you speak to government-sponsored terrorism?
Of course.
You want me to do that right now?
Yes, sir, go ahead.
I have documentation that on March the 20th, 2001, that FBI agent Keith Kutrea of the Williamsport, Pennsylvania Resident Agency was punished.
The identification of an individual in New Jersey, Patterson, New Jersey, as a matter of fact,
Who was coordinating forthcoming terrorist attacks in the United States.
They had information on the movement of Soviet-made fired missiles in the United States, coordinating skyjackings, bombings, espionage, knew the identity of sleepers, and so on and so forth.
My source, an ex-CIA agent, also told me that he gave this information not only to the FBI, but also he told them that he had a source inside the Arab world who was preparing false IDs for 4,500 terrorists
And the FBI could grab a hold of this individual and get this information.
They had an opportunity to do this.
They didn't bother to interview him until after 9-1-1, and then they threatened him with prosecution and deported him.
So, I'm telling you right now that the FBI normally knew in advance about 9-1-1, but they were furnished information they could have developed with a little bit of legwork.
And they could have exposed and probably prevented 9-1-1 from occurring.
My source says he is sure that if the FBI had moved on this at the time, March 20th, 2001, six months prior to 9-1-1, that 9-1-1 would never have occurred.
Instead, on two days after 9-1-1, September 13th, 2001, Agent Kutcher came back to my source, my ex-GIA agent buddy,
And I said that he was seeking publicity, wanting to know why he's bothering the FBI wasting his time, anti-FBI, anti-government, so on and so forth.
So, I'm telling you right now, there's no question about the FBI knew in advance of 9-1-1, and they could have prevented it, and they did not.
Well, a bunch of agents were told to back off, and that's been mainstream news.
That's right, and there were two Chicago agents, his name was Wright and Vincent, who were told that they could not continue their criminal investigation of Osama Bin Laden.
And they sat across the table from a supervisor from Washington, D.C.
who yelled and screamed at them, do not, under any circumstances, investigate this man.
This was prior to 9-1-1.
Well, that was the special directive
That Bush put out, Clinton also issued the same directive, W199I, and they told them in Phoenix, they told them in Las Vegas, they told them in Dallas, they told them in Oklahoma, they told them in Minneapolis-St.
Paul, they told them in Chicago, they told them in San Diego, they told them in Miami, they told them in New York.
Leave these people alone!
Those, of course, were just the drones, the front people, the legends, the people creating the histories.
With all of that, but yeah, I mean, everything you just said is on record.
You just added more to that picture now.
And it is, and in fact, I talked to right off air.
I talked to his lawyer, Shippers, and when he went on the National Press Club, he started crying and he said, here's the letter.
I'll be arrested if I tell you what I know.
He said, all I can tell you is the Bush's vacation with the Bin Laden's.
Now, now, now, come on, police, what do you think about the average cop out there listening right now?
I mean, do you think cops are waking up to this now, Ted, or do you think they just still believe the government's run by a bunch of saints?
Well, I, no, I don't think the police are waking up to it.
I think some are, some aren't, but the ones that are waking up to it, like, for example, I have a source
Who has contacts inside the Philadelphia Police Department, and his source inside the Philadelphia Police Department says we don't dare talk about this because we don't know when we talk to the individual whose side he's on or she's on, you know?
So, it's questionable as to the extent of the knowledge that is being passed around among the law enforcement officers.
Now, as far as the FBI agents are concerned, I know they're not awake.
They're not.
Even the retired agents think I'm a traitor to them.
I've been kicked out of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI.
I've been chastised.
I've been accused of being a turncoat.
Everything you can imagine.
I filed a Freedom of Information request in 1995.
I still haven't received any information on it.
Uh, so, uh, no, I'm very pessimistic about these people because of mainstream media.
Mainstream media controls the information.
These guys don't look any further than beyond their noses.
We tired FBI agents, instead of doing what I'm doing, doing their research, finding out what's going on, caring for their country, are out playing golf.
No, I hear you.
Let's play a clip right here.
This is from two and a half years ago.
They went after her after this, but Rumsfeld doesn't deny that this is going on.
He just says that they're in the penalty box concerning DynCorp and others involved in all this stuff.
Here is the Armed Services Committee hearing.
Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003.
In which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade.
The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business.
But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children.
While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox, manthrax vaccines.
And is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.
Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S.
government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?
That's my first question.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, according to the Comptroller General of the United States, there are serious financial management problems at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Cooper alluded.
Fiscal year 1999, $2.3 trillion missing.
Fiscal year 2000, $1.1 trillion missing.
And D.O.D.
is the number one reason why the government can't balance its checkbook.
The Pentagon has claimed year after year that the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, is who has the contracts today to make those systems communicate with each other?
How long have they had those contracts?
And how much have the taxpayers paid for them?
Finally, Mr. Secretary, after the last hearing, I thought that my office was promised a written response to my question regarding the four war games on September 11th.
I have not yet received that response, but would like for you to respond to the questions that I've put to you today, and then I do expect the written response to my previous question, hopefully by the end of the week.
Thank you, Representative.
First, the answer to your first question is no, absolutely not.
The policy of the United States government is clear, unambiguous, and opposed
To the activities that you described.
The second question.
Well, how do you explain the fact that Dyncor and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?
I would have to go and find the facts, but there are laws and rules and regulations with respect to government contracts.
And there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period.
There are times, then, that under the laws and the rules and regulations passed by the Congress and implemented by the executive branch, that corporations can get out of the penalty box, if you will, and be permitted to engage in contracts with the government.
They're generally not barred in perpetuity.
This company was never in the penalty box.
If you could proceed to my second question.
And it goes on and on.
You can watch that video at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and it goes on and on.
Then it came out last year, about a year and a half ago, Chicago Tribune and a few other publications.
That DynCorp and Halliburton both do it, and they have, of course it's been, and you ask for papers, hundreds of foreign papers, BBC, Times of London, just everywhere, millions of children it's said.
I mean just the numbers, it's just a stagger of the mind where they're all going.
Mainly Israel, Saudi Arabia and Asia, where they run these industries, these hell pits.
It's not that we need to invade folks, it's Saudi Arabia and Israel and places like that.
But again, they run us, so it's the opposite, these hell demons.
uh... but uh... that they have a lobbyist full-time to lobby that criminal uh... charges not be put in place uh... quick comment ted gunderson we're gonna go to calls
Well, this doesn't surprise me, Alex, because I know this has been going on, and I know the people in the government are aware of this, and I know the people in the government are covering it up.
And it's a major, major catastrophe.
It's a crisis, and we need to...somebody has to do something about it.
I don't know who's going to take care of it, but it's been ignored, totally ignored across the board.
I mean, they like to rape and kill children, and they're going to do it right in front of us and even have it in the newspaper now.
You know, I got a bunch of phone calls when I was first talking about this three years ago with the Dying Corps.
Well, I guess four or five now, because it was in foreign press.
And I'd get threats of lawyers, then people calling up saying, you're going to die.
So I decided to talk about it every day.
Well, you know, let me just go back a minute.
I'm missing children, and the 91% disappear every hour.
You know, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, they pass out these cards on the missing kids.
And they've been in business for like 25, 26 years.
And as of a year ago last fall, they used to put on the card the number of children they've located.
And as of that time, they had located like 139 children in 25 years.
And their budget is around $49 million a year.
Now, I did a survey.
I took these cards.
I took 94 of them, all that I had available to me.
And I charted the months that these kids disappeared.
And I found out that of the 94, 47 disappeared during the months of June, October, and December.
June is the summer solstice, October is Halloween, and of course, December is the winter solstice.
Three major... Well, you know that in criminology.
I mean, I took a few courses in college, you know, peon level, not even cop level training.
And I know that the police know that during Halloween and other key occult holidays, that's when all the craziness goes on.
That's right.
But, you know, it's there.
I mean, the facts are there.
The truth is there.
And those are the three major holidays when they commit human sacrifices, the cults do.
And this is going on across the country.
And as of 1970, there were like 500 satanic cults in the New York City area alone.
I don't have a recent figure on that.
That was from one of my sources at that time.
And they just run things, and they're just going to shut up a police state and have open Satanism, and all I know is they're going to get a fight.
I guarantee you, you scumbags, you're going to get a fight.
Let's talk to Dave in California.
Dave, thanks for holding.
We'll go to Lee, Kenny, and others.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Dave.
Good morning, my brothers.
This is David Short from remote northern California of all places.
Well, David, how are you?
I'm fine, thank you, and it's nice to hear your conversation, Mr. Gunderson.
God bless and protect you and your families, and that goes for you, too, Alex.
Well, thank you.
Do you have any points or anything on that?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Gunderson, what is the best and clearest evidence that exposes the highest level child-killing perverts, and does this go all the way to George Herbert Walker Bush?
Let me tell you this.
With the Franklin cover-up case,
Uh, goes right into the White House.
Went right into the White House.
Uh, there was one person who was prosecuted, Larry King, uh, not Larry King live, but a black man, high-ranking man in the Republican Party.
Nobody else was prosecuted on that case.
It was definitely exposed, it was documented, as I mentioned earlier in the show.
Even the Washington Times read the headline, underage cowboys, go ahead.
That's right.
I was going to say the Washington Times, it came out with headlines on this, not the mainstream media, but the Washington Times, pretty mainstream media I guess in the DC area, and it says that they were running cowboys on the Bush and the Reagan administration.
And then we had Jeff Gannon, who was running a cowboy operation, a homosexual cowboy operation.
He was a suspect because he was asking soft questions at presidential conferences, presidential press conferences.
And somebody had a little background on it, found out he had a homosexual website, and was probably, and could very well have been, the young kid, Johnny Gosch, who was kidnapped back in 1982, and was obviously a mind control victim, and I know Maureen Gosch very well, she's actually got a book out called Why Johnny Can't Come Home, and yeah, this goes right up to the White House.
I can't, I hesitate to say George Bush,
Just look at him.
He looks like Ted Bundy.
Alright, thank you, David.
Lee, Kenny, and a few others on the other side, but Ted Gunderson, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I'm good.
Lee in Indiana, you're on the air with Ted Gunderson.
Final segment.
We'll go to Kenny here in a moment to be our telegunner.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Ted, it's great to hear you vindicated from all those attacks you had here in 2003.
I got a question.
Since BBC has come out and identified Bush as a, uh, his grandfather is a Nazi working with the Nazis back in World War II, the eye observers identified the Bush family as the Sherfs, Zionists, working with the, you know, the Nazi fascist regime.
And they've got so many of them in the administration.
Can you talk about just how dangerous it is for these people, the head of the Commissars, KGB and others, who murdered 66 million Christians in Russia, to be running the show again now?
Well, I think your comment speaks for itself, Lee.
You see, as far as I'm concerned, and based on everything that I've been able to develop over the last 28 years, I became involved in these issues right as soon as I got out of the FBI in 1980 on the McDonnell case.
So I've been involved in this for like 28, 29 years.
And at the beginning, as Alex said, people thought I was nuts.
Well, now I'm being vindicated.
I've learned that there's not much difference between the KGB, the CIA, and the Mossad.
Well, at the top, they're all the same people.
That's my point.
That's exactly my point, Alex.
They're all involved.
As far as I'm concerned, there's a big conspiracy.
They're working together.
And there's no secrecy between them.
I attended a social function here not too long ago.
And there were some Russians there, Russian immigrants.
This is in Los Angeles.
And this one woman there was a very attractive lady, the blonde, and she was talking to me about her father.
Her father was head of the KGB chief in Moscow, had been for years, is now retired.
He was about my age.
I'm 78 years old.
And she told me that her father came over here on undercover operations in Washington, D.C.
and in Los Angeles.
He came to Los Angeles when I was head of the FBI there in 1978-79.
So, you know, yeah, it's very prevalent.
By the way, Ted, you don't look like you're 78.
Let's talk to Kenny in Wisconsin.
Last caller, go ahead, Kenny.
Thank you, Alex.
Hi, Ted.
Hi, Kenny.
Symbolism, roadside symbolism.
I won't get into a long oration on anything.
I'm aware of a 6-6, a second 6 being forked.
Let's go directly to, let's say, the color of a mailbox.
Can you offer any insight into that?
Are you talking about red and black?
I'm talking about blue.
I don't have any knowledge on that.
Let's get into this.
Police admit that hanging shoes off a line in many cases means there's a drug house or like a sweater hanging on a fire hydrant.
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, I'm talking about they, them.
How do they communicate or let someone know that someone like them lives there?
You know, on the Satanist, the cult side.
Well, I can't address that issue because I'm not sure that I know about that, but I do know this.
If you look at the Republican logo, the elephant, look at the three stars, the point used to be at the top, now it's, it's been in, uh, used to be at the top.
Yeah, they changed that.
They changed that six years ago.
That's right.
Thank you, Penny.
Call us, call, come back later this week, tomorrow, or Sunday show, because I want to learn more about that.
I mean, I know about it, but I want to get your take on it.
And, yeah, notice all the stars, almost everything, have now been inverted.
Uh, Ted Gunderson, tedgunderson.com, links up on infowars.com.
Thank you for spending an hour and a half with us today, sir.
Yeah, listen, also, Alex, I want to mention there's a Guatemalan CIA covert operation involving a cutout by the CIA, Carlton Kaufman, and we exposed him on our website, and they immediately went off the internet.
Well, listen, I'm going to have you back up in the near future, okay?
Okay, thanks.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
There goes Ted Gunderson, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, the show starts over right now at InfoWars.com, retransmission, and you can also get the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
God bless you all.
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