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Name: 20070621_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 21, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, welcome to the first hour of this live, 21st day of June 2007 edition.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Now it has gotten out on the web, the identity of the emergency manager, extremely high level, in New York, who has gone public with the fact that Building 7 exploded, bombs went off,
Before one of the towers had even fallen and before the second plane even hit.
This is huge news and I've got to get a hold of the Loose Change crew to see if it's all right with them if Steve Watson posts an article that he is completing writing right now.
I mean obviously yesterday we had the crew back on.
I'm going to recap what's happening there, what's happening with the source and they've already authorized me to
Go public with it once it got out on the web on some major news sites, which it's now done.
But at the same time, they're not going to ever confirm until the film comes out that that's indeed the full interview they've got because that's their promise to him.
But I knew as soon as it was announced that listeners out there are smart enough to figure out who this is because he's prominent.
And he was with an even more prominent member of the New York Constabulary and the New York Emergency Management System.
And he's been on TV before, so people are going to hear that voice and they're going to start scouring.
We've got millions and millions of listeners.
There are millions of people that are part of 9-11 Truth and
When we put our minds together, they're really... Hitting the cough button there, folks.
I'm sure this will be what ends up being on television.
About once a month, I end up coughing on air, having a coughing fit.
I'm having one of those now.
We got Discovery Channel here.
videotaping us.
I bet money if this is a hit piece, this will be on TV, me coughing here.
Continuing, when we get back I am going to go over these new developments and then we're also going to get into a story that is just as big concerning 9-11.
It seems that when it rains, it pours.
FBI knowingly allowed Bin Laden to personally charter flight after 9-1-1.
Newly released documents prove agency let Osama's family go at his request without even questioning them.
This is confirmed.
There's no way for anybody to spin this.
And you notice now, the 9-11 dam is breaking on just a host of fronts.
Every day, there are major reports, major bombshell pieces of evidence coming out.
And I think in a way, even myself included, we're getting desensitized here.
To where we're just hit with so many smoking guns, so many bombshell, red-handed, caught with the hand in the cookie jar evidence of government-sponsored, black-op-sponsored, false-flag terrorism.
There are so many examples of this now that it's just off the charts.
It's completely and totally off the charts.
So when we get back,
I'm going to get a drink of water during this break.
When we get back, I'm going to restart and go into all of this today.
And we're going to have wide open phones for the full three hours.
Minus the time we spend with Steve Watson with huge breaking news coming up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
As many of you know, Ron Paul has been barred from a big Republican function in Iowa.
Turns out the person doing the barring is a campaign manager for John McCain.
Dirty Pool will be doing a report on that later today, ferreted out by our great researchers here.
Also, a USA Today sponsored Gallup Poll.
New Gallup Poll data shows confidence in Congress at all-time low.
Since the Gallup Poll has existed for many, many decades, Congress has never had an approval rating of 14%.
I would add that Dick Cheney has an approval rating of 12%, and the President now in Gallup polls at 28%, which have in the past been a little pro-Neocon and pro-Republican.
Bush in many polls has a 19-22% approval rating in polls that have shown themselves to be more indicative of the actual mood of the country.
So we're going to be talking about what this means, that not just Bush, but the democratically controlled Congress, House and Senate, with a 14% approval rating.
Generally, you've got one party in favor, one party out of favor.
This is the first time in U.S.
history, in modern U.S.
history, and one of the most standout examples in history of this nation, 230 plus years period, where both parties are hated and distrusted.
That's good news.
Because that's what the Founding Fathers and common sense dictates, that we should not trust government.
It is a very, very dangerous master, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a fearful servant and a dangerous master, and we've been too trusting too long.
Now the people finally get it.
Now the tag team, WWF Wrestling, where they just tag team us, and it's basically a staged theatrical event, isn't working anymore.
The people know it's fake.
They know it's staged now.
14% approval rating right now for Congress, and you've got also a low approval rating for the President.
Universally, across the board, distrust of the government.
We'll be going over that news for you today.
Now, one of our top stories, we have two top stories today.
One is concerning the incredible revelations of a high-level emergency manager in New York
Talking about bombs, talking about explosions inside of Building 7 before either tower had fallen and before the second plane even hit one of the main towers.
This is huge news that is coming up, but I've got to do some more research on that and find out exactly how much I can bring forward and make public at this time.
We are going to have open phones today as well at 1-800-259-9231.
Up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com are two big news sites right now.
This is by Steve Watson who will be joining us from London, England in about 20 minutes.
FBI knowingly allowed Bin Laden to personally charter flights after 9-11.
Newly released documents prove
agency let family go at his request without even questioning them now remember that Miami papers and the Orlando papers and the Tampa papers and TV stations from all three of those cities
shot video of chartered passenger jets with people in Islamic dress piling onto them and they got the local airport manifest and admitted that it was Bin Laden's brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles all told over a hundred and sixty of them the day after and the second day after 9-11.
We have multiple chartered planes when all commercial and private air traffic is frozen for three days.
Only military jets, only government AWACS are in the skies.
But the Bin Ladens are able to fly out of the country.
Then the government went into spin control.
They didn't deny the report.
They said, oh, it's a misunderstanding.
Yes, we authorized some of the Bin Laden family, it's a big family, to leave.
Twelve and fourteen days after?
Everyone could fly then.
There were more Bin Laden flights weeks later after the ban had been lifted.
So they did a bait-and-switch.
They didn't deny the flights the day after and two days after when all the air traffic was banned.
They went,
You're mistaken!
Everybody can fly!
Yeah, some of the Bin Laden family flew out.
They're not involved in 9-11.
And then they bait-and-switched and talked about something that happened weeks after with some other flights.
They had it on CNN, we saw it on Fox, and they tried to... They had Bandar Bush, the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Prince Bandar, nicknamed Bandar Bush, I'll never forget on Larry King Live, going,
This is all lies!
Michael Moore is a liar!
He's a liar!
Saying he's a liar, when it was in all the big Florida papers, on Florida News, admitted that the FBI didn't even check him, and signed a special waiver, this is admitted fact, to let them leave, and they called Michael Moore a liar.
That's like saying if I got up here and said George Washington existed, and people said that I was a liar, or if I said that
George Bush exists, or the Queen of England exists, and they say I'm a liar.
It's like saying, hey, the sun came up this morning, and they go, you're a liar.
It is admitted fact, absolute fact, that over 160 members of the Bin Laden family and their entourage were allowed to fly out on multiple flights out of Florida and out of North Carolina and out of D.C.
And they converged
That was the day of 9-11.
They all flew down to Florida.
They converged and got on a flight and went back to Saudi Arabia.
And there's film crews there from the local news videotaping them, getting on the planes, leaving the country.
And what's the Bush administration and James Baker?
They're legate.
And what's the Saudi ambassador saying?
What are they doing?
They just come right out and say, doesn't exist.
It's a conspiracy theory.
Well, now new government documents have come out, and not only does it show that when all other private and commercial traffic was grounded, that the Bin Ladens indeed were allowed to make their getaway, but Osama Bin Laden chartered the flight.
Osama Bin Laden.
Ask the government to let his family leave.
My God, this is absolute proof of government involvement.
Not like we don't have it from a hundred other angles.
This is so massive right now, ladies and gentlemen, and you need to go today.
To PrisonPlanet.com and get this story and put it out to the four corners of the earth.
Put it into the four winds right now.
FBI knowingly allowed Bin Laden to personally charter flight after 9-11.
Within 34 minutes they were all over the news.
We've timed it.
Simultaneously saying it was bin Laden.
And after they're claiming that he ran the attack, which we know he didn't.
After they did this,
They have the nerve to let him charter a flight out of the country.
Absolutely amazing!
The FBI were aware that Osama Bin Laden may have chartered one of the flights that took Bin Laden family members out of the U.S.
in the days after the 9-11 attacks.
Yet allow the planes to depart, and that's a documented fact, without even questioning them, news agency documents reveal.
But they had lots of random federal goons in black ski masks with submachine guns, Heckler and Koch MP3s running around, MP5s aiming machine guns at people.
While all other air traffic had been grounded for days by the authorities, they knowingly allowed the immediate family of their prime suspect behind the attacks to get into planes and fly out at Bin Laden's own request.
In previously confidential documents, PDF links, we have a direct link to it, have been obtained by judicial watch.
Now again, that is a conservative watchdog group that helped get Bill Clinton impeached.
This is not some liberal group.
This is not Michael Moore.
As the neocons, I love to deny everything.
It's even Judicial Watch trying to whitewash the Pentagon stuff.
The previously confidential documents have been obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act and ongoing litigation.
The document states on 9-19-01 a 727 plane left LAX.
This is a separate flight from the ones flying out of Miami.
The flight was Ryan FLT 441 to Orlando, Florida.
See, because they kept leaving from different parts of the country through Florida.
W slash ETA estimated time of arrival of 4 to 5 p.m.
It continues.
Plane was chartered either by the Saudi Arabian Royal Family or by Osama Bin Laden.
The LAFBI searched the plane, redacted language of which nothing unusual was found.
Traffic control reports show the plane made four stops to pick up passengers and was then allowed to depart the United States for Paris, where all passengers disembarked on 9-20-01.
Now again, these are some of the later separate flights.
There were flights in the two days after 9-11.
So, so, we just absolutely have them in triplicate here.
The documents reveal that the FBI did not consider a single Saudi national or any of the FBI, any of the Bin Laden family worthy of investigative value.
Furthermore, Judicial Watch's examination of the documents has revealed that they contain numerous errors and inconsistencies which show the FBI's investigation of Saudi flights to be woefully inadequate and almost non-existent.
When we get back, we will cover this in more detail.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Stay with us.
Baby, baby, I'm gonna leave you
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Massive breaking news, ladies and gentlemen, as we continue our war against the globalists and their main tool, their main weapon, government-sponsored terror.
We're taking that tool away from them, and we're breaking it.
Right in front of them.
All right.
Continuing with this article, and Steve Watson will be joining us from London coming up in the next segment,
For example, in one document the FBI claims to have interviewed 20 of 23 passengers on the Ryan International Airlines flight, commonly referred to as the Bin Laden family flight, while a second FBI document claims only to have interviewed 15 of 22 passengers on the same flight.
Eight days after the worst terror attack in U.S.
history, Osama Bin Laden
Possibly charters a flight to whisk his family out of the country and it's not worth more than a luggage search and a few brief interviews as Judicial Watch President Tom Fenton.
Again, this is a separate flight when flights were authorized.
There were flights when airspace was locked down before that.
Those are the ones Judicial Watch needs to look at.
This is big news, but Judicial Watch needs to look at the other flights.
Clearly, these documents prove the FBI conducted a slap-dash investigation of the Saudi flights.
We'll never know how many investigative leads were lost due to the FBI's lack of diligence, said Judicial Watch.
District Court Judge Richard W. Roberts ordered the FBI to resubmit proper disclosures to the court and Judicial Watch.
And it continues.
We actually have screenshots of the documents in the article leading these incredible findings.
It was revealed that the FBI has previously redacted Osama Bin Laden's name from the records in order to protect privacy interests.
In the past, when they redacted it, they gave a note while they did it, and it said, Privacy Interest!
Oh, Bin Laden chartered the flight.
We're redacting his name for privacy interest.
Note the previously blacked out Osama Bin Laden privacy interest.
Get real.
The documents provide clear proof the FBI was protecting the Bin Ladens.
And Osama Bin Laden himself, all the rest of the world was being told that he had masterminded the biggest terror attack in history.
The FBI then attempted to cover up this fact.
An FBI spokesman said the information in the documents is inaccurate.
There is no new information here.
See, they don't deny these are FBI documents.
But they say the information in it is inaccurate.
It's our document, but it's inaccurate.
There is no new information here.
Osama Bin Laden did not charter a flight out of the U.S.
FBI Special Agent Richard Calico said.
No, the question is that he chartered a flight out of California to Florida, to Orlando.
And then they got on another plane.
See, that's how they play games there.
It's a bunch of lawyers.
Calico then cited the 9-11 Commission Report, which determined that the FBI did conduct a thorough enough investigation, despite the fact that in its own documents contradict each other on the basic facts, such as how many people were on the plane.
Remember also that the same, and this is key, 9-11 Commission Report failed to even mention the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that wasn't hit by anything on 9-11.
And in which many people lost their lives according to eyewitnesses.
Perhaps the FBI allowed Bin Laden to charter the flight and take all of his family members out of the U.S.
because they know he is not a suspect.
The FBI's most wanted page for Osama Bin Laden still does not include any appropriation of blame for 9-11.
And there has still been no formal indictment of Osama Bin Laden almost six years later after 9-11, for 9-11.
Let me put that in layman's terms.
Bin Laden is not listed as a 9-11 conspirator or mastermind and is not indicted on the FBI website for 9-11.
You think, well, maybe they don't indict you until they arrest you.
He is indicted for the coal bombing.
He is indicted for the Africa Embassy bombings.
He is not indicted, and he is not on the FBI's most wanted list, with some of the hijackers that are, for 9-11.
And Vandar Bush, the Saudi Prince, Prince Vandar, proper name, nicknamed Vandar Bush, when he got up on national television making the rounds, they would be calling Bin Laden a coward, scum, and he'd go, let us be clear, he is not a coward.
Because he's a very prominent member of Saudi society.
His family is one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia.
They built all the big U.S.
military bases in the Middle East.
I mean all of them.
They are, until the Iraq invasion, they were the main builder.
So now they're just out in the open saying, leave him alone!
Don't talk bad about Bin Laden!
I mean, they got a lot of nerve, folks.
Remember Bush said, we gotta catch him at any cost.
We gotta catch Bush and... I mean, excuse me, Bin Laden.
And then they said, oh, we don't ever want to try to catch him now.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All of time shall come
All right, welcome back.
We're talking to Steve Watson.
From the United Kingdom, don't forget, the continual news coverage is all up on JonesReport.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We now go to Steve Watson in the United Kingdom, joining us from his home in London, reporting there for us.
His brother is in Communist-controlled China.
Right now, reporting for us, he's been reporting on net censorship there, where he literally can't do keyword searches on Google or Yahoo, dealing with the New World Order or Chinese corruption, where everything goes through filters, even supposed high-speed internet is slower than dial-up, he writes articles about it, saying he's in China, and people email us saying that he's clearly not in China and we're making it all up.
As if China isn't censoring and China isn't controlling the web, and as if that isn't admitted already.
This is the level of denial that people are living in.
You know, for Paul's protection, we weren't going to announce he was in China, but he went ahead and announced himself in an article a few days ago because he was getting ready to get out of there.
But let's just put it this way, Paul doesn't like it.
Even living in police state England, or police state America that he's visited, he does not like the communist-controlled Chinese mainland.
Where Mao killed conservatively 60 million people, and they have mobile execution vans, 24 mobile execution vans per major city, 24 hours a day, murdering people for their organs.
But side issue, just that coverage is up on PrisonPlanet.com as well.
Steve Watson, PrisonPlanet.com reporter and weekend editor, joining us.
FBI knowingly allowed Bin Laden to personally charter flight after 9-11.
Newly released documents prove agency let Osama Bin Laden's family go at his request, even without questioning the family.
Steve Watson, obviously this is big news.
It's out from Judicial Watch.
Broke yesterday.
No one seemed to pick it up.
We've now done a more detailed report on it, and it is going supernova as we speak.
Steve Watson, break it down for us, my friend.
Well, hello, yes.
Thanks, Alex.
It was picked up, I think, by the AFP, the French press agency.
And, um, yeah, it's big news because it basically shows the Judicial Watch have released documents that they gained as part of their litigation under the Freedom of Information Act.
And it basically shows that not only did the FBI know that, you know, the hundreds of bin Laden brothers and relatives were being flown out
They also knew that at least one of the flights has been personally chartered by Osama Bin Laden himself.
And this wasn't, you know, one of the earlier flights.
This was on the 19th of September.
So, you know, it's a good week after the attacks have taken place and it's been, you know, drummed into the millions watching that Osama Bin Laden's behind the whole thing.
I mean, at this time, Bin Laden is 24 hours a day, his face is exclusively superimposed over the collapsing towers on TV perpetually.
Exactly, yeah.
So, quite why, you know, they decided not to... I mean, they didn't even question any of the people on the plane.
The documents Judicial Watch have released contain inconsistencies
In themselves, in that the FBI doesn't seem to know how many people were even on the plane.
In one section it says, I can't remember the number, something like 23 people were on the plane.
And then later on it says, you know, 26 or 27.
So they can't even correlate between their own documents, you know, basic facts such as how many people were on the plane.
Well, they do that on purpose with Oklahoma City and many other events.
They just file so much paperwork that it ends up confusing everyone who tries to investigate.
Well, yeah, I mean, but, you know, you've got a plane full of relatives of the person who's supposedly just masterminded the biggest terror attack in history, and you don't even question them.
Well, that sounds like a thorough investigation to me.
I mean, Steve, at that same time, from Dallas to New York City, they were randomly pulling families out of cars and checkpointing everyone, and men in black uniforms scurrying around telling us our freedom was dead, we all had to basically stand by for a proctologist exam.
But don't worry, when Lydon was just flight after flight, from the day after right through ten days later, just continual flights out of the country, and the FBI
At first I wasn't even searching them and then did a cursory search here and well we think Bin Laden may have chartered this but that doesn't matter.
A bunch of Saudi family members chartered by Bin Laden.
I don't see any need for an investigation.
No, I mean they've really done a good thorough job there.
I mean the 9-11 Commission corroborated that fact that they've done a superlative investigation there.
Not even
questioning anyone, just doing a sort of luggage check like they're sort of baggage handlers or something.
So, and the other thing with this is they've attempted to cover up this fact in their own documents as well because the documents that were eventually released to Judicial Watch and have been made public now, you know, they've had the documents for quite a while but it's been ongoing because
Things were blacked out in the documents, and they wanted them redacted and released fully.
And when you look at the documents, you see that the words of Salma bin Laden have been blacked out.
And then, sort of, you know, the black has been taken back off them.
And the reason that they did this was for privacy interests.
Now, since when has the government been interested in the privacy of anybody?
Well, Steve Watson, what we need to do is go get all those video clips, not just the quotes, because people won't believe it.
I know we've got the video clips.
We posted them online of Bush in the weeks and months and even a year after 9-11.
We're going to hunt Bin Laden down in his holes.
We're going to smoke him out.
Bin Laden, we will hunt this killer down.
He will be captured.
That's our number one priority.
Bin Laden is our number one priority.
We're going to capture him.
We're going to get him.
Bush said it over and over and over again.
Remember, folks, when Bush said hundreds of times, and his whole administration said it, it's got to be thousands of times total.
Hunting down Bin Laden is the number one thing.
We are going to capture him.
We are going to kill him.
We are going to get you, Mr. Bin Laden.
And then a few years later, Bush said in press conferences, they said, what about Bin Laden?
Are you going to capture him?
I'm not really worried about where he is.
I'm not really worried about capturing him.
You know, I don't really care.
I don't really think about Mr. Bin Laden.
And he's done that several times.
We need to show people those clips with this article, so they remember.
Now, we're going back to the time when Bush was saying, we're going to hunt down these killers, these evil-doers, this dark cult of evil that thrives off of human suffering from his Pentagon speech he gave at that memorial a few weeks after.
And at the very time he's giving these speeches, you've got Osama Bin Laden chartering a plane, another plane, one of many, flying his family out.
The FBI does their job, partially, and at least admits, okay, it looks like Bin Laden chartered this.
And then the FBI has to release the documents, and they black out Osama Bin Laden's name for his privacy.
We have to have privacy for Mr. Bin Laden.
How dare Judicial Watch?
How dare the agency French Press?
And how dare PrisonPlanet.com?
Take the privacy of Mr. Bin Laden!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Steve!
You're hurting his privacy right now!
Well... I don't much care... No, no, you're despicable!
You're despicable!
You've hurt Mr. Bin Laden's feelings!
How do you sleep at night?
Go ahead.
Well... Really, that should say business interest, shouldn't it?
It shouldn't say privacy interest.
Because, you know... As we've documented exhaustively...
The Bushes and the Bin Ladens have extremely close business relationships.
Oh yeah, Bush said arrest anybody with any connection to Bin Laden and there's no one in the West that has greater connections than Carlisle Group.
In fact, the London Guardian, NAP, reported that on the morning of 9-11, where was George Bush Sr.
having breakfast and at which table was he sitting, Steve?
He was sitting at a table in the Ritz Carlton Hotel with Shafiq Bin Laden.
The brother of Osama Bin Laden.
Oh, oh.
And they were doing business.
They were doing Carlisle Group business.
Carlisle Group is a defense contractor.
And of course, about a month and a half before 9-11, the Wall Street Journal, in the front page of its editorial section, called for Bush Sr.
to get out of business with the Bin Laden family.
Yeah, and that happened after 9-11, when Bin Laden sold their shares.
You know, Steve, how much more obvious does it have to get now?
Does Bush have to be caught?
In a hot tub with Bin Laden?
I mean, does he have to be caught on a golf course with him?
Does he have to be caught playing footsie?
I mean, does he have to be caught, you know, maybe with a wheelbarrow of money with Bin Laden scooping thousand-dollar bills into it?
I mean, what does it take to show everyone that Bin Laden is admittedly CIA, codenamed Tim Osman, that he led the Mujahideen and the CIA up, starting in the early 80s, against the
Soviets, that the guy helped lead the attacks on the Serbs as the pretext for the invasion of Kosovo.
I mean, it never ends!
This guy is an admitted crisis creator for Western intelligence and his family were one of the first families shut up in business with Lawrence of Arabia and British intelligence when they shut up the House of Saad.
The truth is, the Saudi Arabians and the radical Wahhabist Al-Qaedaites, the Al-Qaeda Brigades, are an arm of British intelligence.
Well, that's right, and they're the best enemy money can buy, aren't they?
I mean, it was revealed in the W1999 document that the FBI themselves were told to back off the bin Laden's because, and they put this in their own document, quote, connections between the CIA and Saudi Arabia
And the Bush men and the Bin Ladens.
That's why they were told to back off investigating them.
And the documents that we've covered today that have just been released, the FBI says that they're not important because they looked into members of the Bin Laden family and they didn't find any terrorist links or any terrorist connections.
But the document, the 1999 document released in November 2001,
...specifically states that a brother of Osama Bin Laden was connected to the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, which is a terrorist organisation.
So there you've got a direct contradiction as well.
Well, they're highly tied into New York and London and Paris social life.
I mean, we've got Bin Laden's sister posing and, you know, walking down the runway and in Glamour magazines.
I mean, they need to all be arrested if we believe that, you know, they're in any way connected to the 9-11 attacks, which, of course, they're not really.
They're just there as patsies to take the blame.
Bin Laden, of course, we know from CIA and Council on Foreign Relations sources, died shortly after 9-11 of kidney failure.
So he's the perfect boogeyman and he kind of took the hit to be a hero in the Muslim world, a hero to a hobbyist, and at the same time to be the boogeyman for the West.
Yeah, in this article I've put a picture of the Bin Laden family, you know, all dressed in western garb, gathered around a nice big pink Cadillac.
And Osama Bin Laden's there, smiling away.
And that's an admitted authentic photo, and the point here is, is that when he goes and puts on the Wahhabi Halloween costume, that's all it is.
No offense to Muslims that actually wear that, and I respect that.
My point is, to him, it's a Halloween costume.
It's just as authentic if I dressed up in it and said I was a Wahhabi, as which I'm not.
Okay, go ahead, Steve, sorry.
Yeah, the point is that they are business people, and they, you know, they're
They're not people that live in caves in Afghanistan like a lot of people seem to think they are.
No, they're the folks that did the air conditioning job on Mecca.
They're the people that have built, up until 9-11, every major US military base in the Middle East.
Every major facility.
I mean, every major facility.
There were a few previously built before them, but I mean every major new facility.
They even got the contracts to fix some of the buildings supposedly bombed by some of Bin Laden in Saudi Arabia.
He bombs it, the family rebuilds it.
This is a complete joke and press reported that the Bin Laden stock went up and they made basically three billion dollars in extra money off of their assets surrounding what happened on 9-11.
I mean this is sick.
Yeah, and you know, not a mention of this in any of the investigations.
This is why it's absolutely imperative that an independent investigation takes place and these kind of things are looked into.
Because once you look into them, beyond the surface, you know, it's like, it's like an underground cavern.
It just opens up and there's vast amounts of space and, you know, all this information is down there and all you've got to do is look below the surface and there it is.
My friend, I heartily agree with you.
Uh, just looking forward to how the mainstream media here is going to try to handle it.
Do you think they'll either A, ignore it, or B, try to poo-poo it and make excuses and create some type of, uh, smokescreen?
And then after that question, where is it all going in the future?
I mean, how is the establishment going to deal with senior emergency managers in New York coming out and saying there were bombs and explosions going off in Building 7 before the second plane had even hit?
How are they going to deal with any of this as just more and more mountains, more and more eyewitnesses, more and more people go public?
Well, firstly, with this one, I think from what I've seen so far, they're going to try and ignore it.
That you can't... There's no excuse here.
The FBI, all they've said is, no, there's nothing to see here.
This is nothing new.
I mean, blatantly is.
They even say, move along.
They don't even try to decipher or discredit the info.
They just say, move along, move along.
That's right.
I mean, there's, you know... There's no excuse.
They can't... There's nothing they can say apart from, no, and just flat deny it.
So, I think the mainstream media is going to have to just ignore it.
Um, but we'll see.
Secondly, what are they going to do?
Where's it going?
Well, we know for a fact now that they can't ignore it anymore.
I mean, Prison Planet is now, I think, the highest in the rankings it's ever been.
It's just daily, I'm absolutely deluged with information and I can't write enough stories.
You know, I could
If I could sit here and have no sleep, I would just churn them out.
But I can't do that.
But the point is, the information is out there and it can't be ignored.
So, what are they going to do about it?
Well, we've seen people like Tony Blair calling for total restriction of the internet.
And we've put an article out, Paul put an article out from China, detailing what restrictions they have in place.
We've written reports before where we show that what is being called for over here has happened already over there because that's the model.
So that's what I expect to see.
The only way they can stop the information is to literally
Just restrict it.
Stay there.
Let's do one more segment with Steve Watson.
Then we'll start the second hour, get into Congress's 14% approval rating, and take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking to Steve Watson of Infowars.net and PrisonPlanet.com.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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I think that a parasitic dream will never come back.
It painted my hands and my face blue.
And suddenly I saw all the life I owe.
We're good to go.
Alright, welcome back.
Going to Steve Watson.
Steve, this shows a major victory.
I mean, for them, we know they're trying to restrict the web, we know they're trying to tax it, we know it's for reasons of censorship and because we are hurting them.
But to have Tony Blair and now have Trent Lott come out and say, not only is talk radio running America, but he means alternative, not the neocon.
And to declare that the web's running America, and to have all these politicians saying, we've got to shut it down, we've got to do something.
A, this shows that we're really hurting them, and that they're now starting to get scared.
But B, I liked it when they had hubris and thought they were invincible because I knew history and I knew we could beat them and I knew the inroads we were making.
I think now they're actually listening to their technicians and their think tank people that have been warning them for a decade that it's probably already too far gone for them.
But now their counter-strike or their empire strikes back against us.
I'm really worried about it with Tony Blair and Bush and all of them talking about censoring the Internet, Democrats talking about it.
Well, I mean,
It's, you know, it's hard to say what's going to happen, but from what we see happening at the moment, we are having major victories and, you know, the information's getting out to more and more people.
More and more people are doing their own research into it off the back of what we put out.
So, like I said before, the only thing that they can do to stop that spread of information is literally to start shutting down avenues where it's being spread, such as the internet.
And if they try and do that, then, you know, they're going to face a lot of opposition, so although, you know, they are striking back, it's very hard to see that they're going to be able to do that kind of thing, but we have to keep being vigilant and just keep spreading the information as far and wide as we can get it.
But to be clear here, they struck free humanity first.
We began fighting them.
They drew first blood.
But again, they're now... I see it in their eyes, the fear.
They were arrogant a few years ago.
I'm concerned that they're now realizing how much damage we've done to them because now they're actually going to mobilize and get more serious.
So we're in for a fight, folks.
You better understand that.
It's kind of like a boxing match where they've beaten us into a bloody pile.
We rallied, got up, punched them in the chin, knocked them down, but now they're getting back up.
And so you better just get ready to gut up and go in full bore, America, England, worldwide, everybody.
From France to Russia to China to Japan to Nicaragua and El Salvador and Venezuela.
This is the fight for free humanity against the Global Crime Syndicate.
This is the fight of our lives.
Mortal combat.
They mean to kill 80% of us if they get their control grid in place.
They're racing right now to complete it.
But you can see now that they're bleeding.
They're human.
They can be defeated.
Steve Watson.
Yeah, you can see that they are bleeding as you say because
You know, we're hurting them, and the more we can spread this information around and get it out to more people, then the harder impact we're going to have on them.
In the same vein, the harder they're going to fight back, so it is becoming more intense in that way.
But the more they fight back, the more they show themselves as tyrants.
Alright, Steve Watson looking for that other big report coming up today.
God bless you.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Huge breaking news today on the WTC7 controlled demolition on 9-11 coming up.
Gallup polls showing Congress has the lowest approval rating ever, and President Bush has a lower approval rating than even Richard Nixon when he was in... well, when the impeachment was about to start and when he resigned.
Even Bill Clinton, when he was impeached, that is, indicted but not convicted by the Senate.
So we'll be going over that coming up.
Right now, let's start going to your calls.
Thanks for holding.
John in Iowa, you're on the air.
Alex, how are you today?
Great, sir.
Thank you for calling.
I just want to let you know that I'm the Meetup Support Organizer for the Ron Paul campaign here in Iowa.
Did you know we've discovered the guy stopping him from being able to come and speak at that Republican event is a John McCain campaign manager?
Yeah, I discovered that, too, and I find that really interesting.
It's sort of like the Supreme Court Justice saying, no, you don't have a case when his dad is sitting on.
One of the board of directors of the company you're suing.
Or saying you can't get documents from Cheney's Energy Commission divvying up the Iraq oil fields before 9-11 even happened because I duck hunt every other month with Dick Cheney and he flies me around with $10,000 gifts.
I mean, they might as well just start taking bags of money in public.
Meanwhile, Scalia's doing mafia gestures to everyone.
We're completely screwed.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Well, I just want to let your listeners know that there seems like there's going to be a big rally here in Des Moines the 30th of June during the presidential forum that they've excluded him from.
From what I gather on the internet, there's a big surge to come here and I just want everybody to understand to come here peacefully and not
Provoke any...
Sure, sure.
We're doing a write-up on this.
We're getting Ron Paul on next week for his monthly visit with us.
But yes, their attempt to exclude him from a forum that will be carried on national television is going to fail and we need to start having the cries of foul.
This is very bad ethics to have John McCain campaign managers excluding Ron Paul.
That's because they're afraid of him.
They're trying to write muckraking
You know, mudslinging reports on him right now.
It's not working.
So folks can go to the Meetup website and go to the Ron Paul Meetup and they'll find you.
Yeah, and you'll get to me.
Also, I want to let your listeners in Iowa know that in the Des Moines Register today, Mr. Failure, whoever his name is, for the tax people, said he only received one email from people from Iowa, or one phone call.
I want the people in Iowa to call him.
at his office or email him saying, hey I'm in Iowa, I want to hear Ron Paul speak.
Okay, tell people his full name, his info, who he is and give the number out.
Gee, I don't have the number.
You don't have it in front of you?
We're going to get a blurb out on Jones Report, okay?
I'm going to let you go.
I'm going to let you go though.
So we'll get that information out and get it out to the people.
Let's take a call from Jay in Minnesota.
You're on the air, Jay.
Yes, Alex.
First of all, I just wanted to thank you for sending me on air.
There was a documentary that I watched for those who are still in doubt about what's going on.
It was based in the early 90s where it completely documented the history of the Federal Reserve.
And you can dig it up on Google.
It's called The Money Masters and how the Federal Reserve... Yeah, it's like three and a half hours long.
It's excellent.
Yes, and people need to watch that because it shows how the founding forefathers at the beginning have been fighting
These private bankers have been taking control of our currency from the beginning.
And then Andrew Jackson, they tried to kill him a bunch of times.
And they love him or hate him, the point is he didn't let them take over.
And that's the reason why they killed Lincoln, because Lincoln, he... He said no and was printing Lincoln Greenbacks.
Stay there, stay there.
I'm going to come back to you on the other side, my friend.
Stay there, Jay.
And then Bart, then Dwayne, Charles and many others.
That's why I love taking your calls.
You take us in so many different directions, so many different angles.
It's like spinning the Wheel of Fortune.
You take us down some new great avenue of discussion.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks, welcome back.
We are here live and now into this second hour.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Let's go back to Jay in Minnesota.
He was talking about different documentaries about the Federal Reserve.
I think the best and most concise is American Freedom to Fascism that we have available, by the way, at InfoWars.com because it's under two hours long.
But yeah, the Money Masters
I'm going to change the name now.
It's excellent.
It's just over three hours long, and it's very accurate.
They go all over the world.
They show the history of money, how it works, who they are, how they run the manipulation.
While they've got us busy wanting fast cars and big houses and baubles and literally killing each other over paper money, they, the globalists, worldwide control the central banks that control the issuance of the money.
And so if you or I owned a money machine for a few months that was legal tender and people would accept, we could buy up the town overnight.
Well, imagine having it for 80 plus years in the US, hundreds of years in England, hundreds of years in Germany, hundreds of years in France, hundreds of years in Japan, hundreds of years in Russia.
I mean, they figured this out 3,000 years ago, how to money manipulate.
The one time Jesus got mad was the money changers.
It wasn't just that they were selling sacrifices, overpriced doves, you know, at the temple.
It was that they made you buy a certain type of coin that was very rare.
They would only accept that coin to buy sacrifices.
And so they'd make you pay 10, 20 times in silver or gold the actual weight of that silver coin of that particular shekel to buy the sacrifice.
And see, that's the money changers.
People misinterpret that historically, and they're always mad at people in the temple selling stuff.
You know, the corrupt preachers, you know, they're begging for money.
The televangelists, which obviously is obnoxious.
No, it's the money manipulation.
It's the currency, fractional reserve banking, that Christ got mad at.
But going back to Jay.
Jay, go ahead.
That is completely correct, Alex, but one thing I noticed, because I stayed in Minneapolis and I was going downtown the other day and there was a ball game going on.
And you know, it just makes me sick to my stomach that people are hurting and packing themselves jam-packed in the Metrodome to go see a baseball game when our country is being destroyed.
I mean, completely destroyed.
I mean, it's just like, and this is the attitude of majority people, they're just like, oh, you know, well, you know, and then, you know, it's like they don't care, but I'm just like, you know, if you have any decency left in you, and you care about your family, your kids, and your kids' future, you need to make time.
I understand people, they, you know, have to work, you know, the price of living went up because of the money changes.
But you have to make time, because if we don't turn this back, there will be no more ball games.
None of that will ever exist anymore.
Well, bottom line, I agree with you, but it goes even further.
It's not just if you've got any decency and care about humanity.
I mean, even for yuppies, who literally, I talk to a lot of yuppies, and they'll say, I only care about myself.
That's how I get ahead.
Yes, we are.
And truly selfish to care about others because that creates a good society and a happy society.
Now people who tend to care about others have that instinct and we feel love and empathy but that's actually an instinct ingrained in us to care about those around us because that's our tribe, our fellow humans.
It's just a good instinct for good living.
Okay, so yeah, it feels good to be a goody two-shoes, and it feels good to help old ladies across the street, but that's ingrained in us.
God put that in us, put it in our genetics, because that's how you have a good, successful society.
When people care about each other, people don't put up with evil, and people aren't cowardly, and people stand up for their neighbors.
And so to all these people that don't care,
I just care about my ballgames.
The caller, Jay, is absolutely right.
That if you let the system keep growing, you're not going to have those ballgames.
And all the things you care about, all the baubles you care about, are in great danger.
Plus, do you like being conned?
Do you like being in a false reality, financially and spiritually and psychologically?
Do you like not knowing how things work?
Do you like being lied to?
Do you think it's cute?
Do you think it's funny?
Do you like going into fascism?
Because believe me,
You know, the people in China were hard-working, good people, but they didn't really get a choice.
They got taken over from one bad system to another, from the corrupt system they had to an even worse system, and over 60 million of them got killed.
Most Germans believed Hitler's bull.
You know, most Germans weren't bad people, but they got lulled in, and it ended up millions of them dying.
Over 20-plus million people died in that war.
Tens of millions of people.
Millions of Jews, millions of Gypsies, millions of Christian Germans, millions of Poles, millions of Russians.
Millions of people, over half a million allies, from England and the U.S., combined.
And Canada, all together over half a million.
I mean, this stuff isn't a joke, folks.
When you stop caring, you just give in to government, and give in to strongmen, pretty soon you're living in Nazi Germany.
You understand that?
Once you sink to the bottom, once you jump off the bottomless pit cliff,
I mean, folks, there's no end to the level of evil.
Once you get into evil, it goes all the way into the bottomless pit.
Please continue, Jay.
One other thing.
For those who doubt steel, all you have to do is familiarize yourself with your Ten Amendments.
And if you look at that, and you look at the Declaration of Independence, basically, it was the complaints against the king, and you compare them to the things that Bush then done
Clearly you see what is going on.
I mean, you can't deny that.
There's no denying it.
I was up the other night for about four hours reading this, and it brought me to tears.
It brought me to tears.
And I just know that if our founding forefathers of this country is seeing this, they're rolling in their graves.
And that's why the media demonizes them.
They were in a different time.
They weren't perfect.
But compared to everybody else in the world, they had great new ideas.
They'd studied history, and that's why the elite hated them.
That's why founding fathers didn't put up with Alexander Hamilton, who tried to overthrow everything.
They took him out in the street and had a duel with him, and dealt with him.
Berger did.
And people could demonize Jackson all day.
He certainly wasn't perfect.
Look at the time he came from.
But the point is, he was fighting the bigger corruption.
I mean, the organized evil, folks, of the true New World Order.
And that's why they want to demonize our history so bad, because they're threatened by people relearning what brought you to tears.
And it's brought me to tears many times.
And I understand that feeling of just getting into the knowledge, getting into the history, and you can't turn it loose.
I mean, that's another thing.
People, reality and history is addicting.
Being informed, really learning how the world works, and learning how much you don't know, it's just opening your mind up to the universe.
It's so wonderful!
And I talk to executives, I talk to people with 160 IQs, 170 IQs, who are making millions of dollars a year, but they're so specialized in their own little area, and they're so obsessed with baubles and crap,
That they don't even know what... I mean, they're stupid!
They're educated idiots!
They don't have a wide spectrum understanding, and that's what I want people to get.
Don't believe me, just unlock your mind.
Don't believe what I say, just check into it for yourself.
Find out, and find out we've got an elite that has written hundreds of books saying they want to kill us as soon as they can.
And every place they get a chance to, they created the Communists, they created the Nazis, folks, they're behind it all.
They love to kill people!
I mean, my God, we gotta fight them!
Anything else?
Yes, um, this, you know, it was, um, an HBO, um, show going on about Rome, and, um, this was during the time, the, uh, the Punic Wars, when, uh, Rome was actually fighting Hannibal, and one of the sentence said, um,
One of the generals who was in charge, he said, if Rome falls, the world falls.
People, the founding forefathers, when they were fighting the money changers, they knew if they got their hands on America, and if America fell, the world fell.
So if America falls, people, the world falls.
We are the last shining light of hope and freedom to the world.
And if America falls, then
I mean, I can only just... I mean, I don't even want to imagine, you know, what the world is going to turn out to, but... It's going to make the 200 million killed by the globalists last century look like chump change.
They're going to go absolutely wild.
It'll make the Red Terror and the Nazi Menace look like a cakewalk.
It is going to be hell on earth with a world trained by the new ethics of 24 to torture children, murder, kill.
Hell is going to be released, ladies and gentlemen.
I appreciate your call and I love your spirit, Jay.
God bless you, my brother.
We are all brothers together in this fight.
Absolutely, and I say that because I can feel his heart.
I can feel his intellect.
I am a kindred spirit with Jay.
Bart in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Well, knowledge is power, and that's why it's always being denied to us, and why it's always hidden from us.
But, you know, the reality is, is right now, we all have a chance to make an impact.
And commenting on what you were talking about in the previous hour with Steve Watson,
If they shut down the internet, if they shut down everything, all they're going to do is decentralize the movement and force us to go into the streets.
All the people that are online pushing this stuff right now, they would be decentralized, they would be put in the streets because they would have no other options.
And that will actually cause our victory, you know, it'll actually accelerate things.
We are in revolution right now, and we've already won the info war.
So, you know, I wanted to make that comment.
But, what I really want to talk about is, Alex, on any given day, you've said you have between two and three million listeners.
Is that correct?
If each one of those people, or even half of those people, would send ten dollars to the Ron Paul campaign, we could instantly catapult Ron Paul financially onto the same level as all these corporatist shills.
I know, but people don't have the faith.
Well, Ron Paul's campaign set on air, the majority of their donations is from the show.
My God, I wish I got some of those!
I could barely pay the bills, but uh... Yeah, no, we, uh... You're a great audience.
Stay there, I'll let you finish up on the other side.
No, we, uh... You're it, folks.
But he's got all those campaign people around him.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back.
Alright, Bart, finish up your comments.
What I was going to say was, you know, we are accelerating.
And either there's going to be some kind of manufactured event to try and take us deeper into this, or we are going to win.
We are going, the forces of liberty are all over the country now, we're a decentralized movement, we can't be co-opted.
You know, tonight my crew and I, we're coming up to see Endgame.
You're doing the first preview.
We're going to try and get some footage of that for the public access station down here.
That's what we need.
You know, you talk about it all the time.
Everybody has to take decentralized action.
Whether it's just going to your neighbor's house, putting a Ron Paul sticker in your front yard.
You know, every day I drive down 59 here in Houston and there are people up above the freeways with huge billboards saying 9-11 was an inside job.
Vote for Ron Paul and Peach Bush.
That's what we need now.
Everybody has to take at least one day out of their week and go, you know, it freaks me out because I'm on the public access station.
I'm talking about all this stuff.
Everybody calls in and agrees with me.
But I'm not special.
I want to know where everyone else is.
Everyone has to choose their fight.
And there are a lot more of us out there than anybody realizes, but the first step is getting out of the computer, getting out of the manufactured, you know, reality of just sitting in your office listening to the information, because that's its own way
of taking our power away from us.
When you become so obsessed with just finding the information, then you deactivate yourself.
It has to be, it has to be dual.
You have to educate, but then you have to become proactive.
I hear you, my friend, and you're absolutely on target with that, and I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Duane in Arkansas.
Duane, you're on the air.
Thank you very much.
Like millions of other Americans,
I was glued to my TV set on September 11th and I saw a couple of things that day that I have not seen since.
One was the video taken at the airport in Miami of the Bin Laden family getting onto a private type Learjet type aircraft and the reporter at the time, you know they had all the other planes grounded
Made the comment that they had been allowed to leave because they were flying out over the ocean, therefore did not create a threat flying over the land.
Yeah, that video is on the web and we need to get that and put it up in Steve's story.
But no, no, we're talking two days after 9-11, shows that Bin Laden's flying out, and then the media all focuses on the flights days after that, when the restrictions have been lifted.
And now that's news in and of itself, because it shows that Bin Laden chartered one of those planes.
And, oh, we're not going to search it.
Bin Laden's a good person.
We're going to let his people go, and we'll let him charter planes.
It's just off the charts.
But we're going to search Americans,
I don't want to be a slave.
First off, they were dressed in the finest western attire that you could probably buy.
The second thing was, on 9-11,
Uh, there was a video clip of Rudy Giuliani walking away from his secure command center down the street, uh, leaving World Trade Center, Building 7.
And the interviewer asked, well, why are you leaving the, uh, control center?
And he said, well, they said that the building's going to come down.
And you can see, standing beside him, the, I believe he was headed over high up in the police department.
They both have looks of, you know, of confusion on their faces, but his answer was Giuliani said that they've told us the building is going to come down.
We had to get out.
Which, you know, I always talk about how evil Giuliani is, but unless they're great actors, it looks like he was told after the attacks that it was an inside job, or go along with the story, because he certainly played along and lied, and tried to change the story.
He told Peter Jennings, I was told, get out of 7, the Tower 1 and 2 were going to collapse.
I was told the Towers were going to collapse.
FEMA said, yeah, we got there the night before for a terror attack drill, and we're set up already.
Then they tried to lie and say they didn't, and the documents came out, and they said, okay, we were there the night before for a terror attack.
I mean, again, they've got everybody in position.
We're not saying they're even part of the attacks.
But he is certainly guilty after the fact of helping cover things up.
Well, by the look on his face, Alex, and the look of his head of the police, some high up in the police department, I believe that it was right at that particular time he became aware that we're in trouble.
This had to be somebody on an inside job type situation.
No, I tend to agree.
I mean, I can't stand Larry Silverstein.
But then you've got to ask, did he know they were going to blow up those buildings because he's on TV?
And he goes, yeah, they called me and said they were going to pull it, and they made the decision to bring it down and brought it down.
I mean, you've got to... Somebody who was involved wouldn't be doing that.
It's like, they're just told, yeah, we're bringing it down, sir.
You need to get back.
That sucker goes down.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Of course, the CIA was in that building.
They have their offices there.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome back to the middle of the second hour.
We are taking your phone calls.
Couple plugs for you right now.
Don't forget that I am a documentary filmmaker and I have made 15 documentaries.
And of course you can get the Order of Death and Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove combo DVD for the price of one film, $19.95.
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Yes, we are.
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So I went back in a few years ago and re-cut it, remastered it, digitized it, used the original tapes.
Yeah, yeah.
1995 available at Infowars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or see it all in super high res quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can get a membership to see all 15 of my films, hundreds of my weekly TV reports, all my in-studio special interviews we've done, all my audio interviews, PrisonPlanet.tv, my book, Paul Watson's book in e-book form,
Fifteen cents a day, get a monthly membership for $5.95 or get a yearly membership and get three months free at PrisonPlanet.tv and there's a second added addendum or caveat or proviso that by buying the books and videos that I've written or that I've produced or the other books and videos I carry by other great researchers and filmmakers like Aaron Russo and Dylan Avery and everybody else, 9-11, Mysteries Demolitions,
Let's now go ahead and go back to your calls.
Let's talk to David in Tennessee.
You're on the air, David.
Thank you for holding.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I was just looking at that report at Judicial Watch, and I was kind of confused why it said... It has this thing and it says where either the Saudi Arabian Royal Family or Osama bin Laden had charted the flight.
It's like they didn't know which one
Whether it was one or the other who did it.
Well, I mean, the Saudi Arabian government and the Bin Ladens, the Bin Ladens were there at the founding of Saudi Arabia.
With Lawrence of Arabia.
Okay, with the British, shut up.
When Britain literally just took the nomadic tribes, picked one tribe, gave them hang grenades and submachine guns and said, you're royal now.
You own everything.
And the Bin Ladens were one of the rich merchant families at the time.
And so they were there on the ground floor and they've
Basically, so the two are inseparable.
Do you think this weakens the case this is making by putting either this or these people on it?
Well, I mean, that's what the documents show.
We're just posting the FBI documents.
And then there's something else on the smoking gun today, too, which I didn't know much to make of it, but I didn't know if you had seen that today.
That's all I was calling in about.
There's something else on what on the smoking gun?
It's, some of it, his picture in an FBI memo.
Okay, we'll send that over to Steve Watson.
We'll check that out.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go ahead now and go to Tom in California.
Tom, you're on the air.
Hey, yeah, I was in the airport the other day seeing a buddy off, and right before he entered the checkpoint,
We're good to go.
I don't fully understand my rights.
I mean, I didn't speak out, but it really upset me.
You know, I'm still upset about it.
Well, see, look, these checkpoints and now the Viper teams on the streets, it's to train you to be upset.
It's to train you.
Light up, slave!
Show us your ID!
This is a prison shutdown!
Get out of your cells!
Light up!
That's what the public schools are about, the thumb scanning to get school lunches, all of it, but then the illegal aliens are exempt from all of it.
Again, not attacking them, just showing that it's not about security, it's about controlling it.
Yeah, right, and I do not accept that, and I wasn't sure what would happen.
Well, let me describe this.
So you're walking up to the checkpoint, you hug your buddy, good luck, and just like this former Secret Service agent,
She actually, you know, they want to see inside the milk for her baby.
A little bit spills.
You can watch the video, it's clear.
But they've learned the public can't judge themselves.
So the TSA says, this didn't show what she said.
Then it showed it and it did show what she said.
And to get ready for it, Secret Service agents, doesn't matter.
You're going to have people with GEDs with weapons make you get down on your knees and grovel and lick their boots.
Yeah, screw that.
I'll die first before that happens.
Well, let me describe what happened.
Describe what happened to you exactly.
Well, I said goodbye to my buddy, and he entered the checkpoint, and I turned to leave, and the woman said, wait, sir, you stay there until he goes through.
And I, man, I was infuriated, but I kept my mouth shut, because I didn't know, I didn't know what would happen if I said no.
Well, it was your slave training, and you did the right thing.
Listen, so did I. That's why I'm calling you, because I want to know.
Listen, I was leaving LA.
I was at LAX.
And I'd just taken a shower, because I'm a clean freak, at least I used to when I had time, but I took a shower that morning, and then I was flying out at night, and I'd been hot and doing stuff, so I took a shower, and then I got a cab to the airport, and I walked right in, clean, brand new shoes I'd bought for the trip, you know, brand new black socks.
Point is, I don't stink.
And I walked, and they said, take your shoes off.
Again, you said it was voluntary.
Now they want you to take your shoes off and walk through the athlete's foot.
People don't want to walk around at gyms.
They talk about a biohazard, but they don't care.
Take it off and I put my shoes in and I walk through and these big old guys get around me and they start laughing and they go, Mr. Stinky Feet!
Got some stinky feet, don't you?
And they start laughing and they go, you got a problem Mr. Stinky Feet?
And I said, no, I don't have a problem.
And I wasn't even humiliated.
I was well past that.
I felt sorry for them.
I saw how they were going to have any pension fund they ever had taken from them.
I saw how their children would be taken from them.
I saw how they would live in a hellish America.
And I saw how they were enjoying it, but I just felt sorry for us, and I kind of felt sad for America.
Land of the slaves, home of the scum.
And I just knew we were slaves, and I just looked at them with pity.
And I just felt sorry for them.
Poor, pathetic, ignorant souls on a power trip.
He probably did the right thing.
They will physically assault you on camera, and then if you even lay there and don't even resist, smart people now get on their knees, cross their hands over them and get in a fetal position.
They will stomp you to the head directly on camera, taser you, Billy Club, have police dogs bite you.
I've got video of this.
You can have blood spilling out of your body, and then they will say, he assaulted the officers!
Each charge, you're facing at least 10 years in the penitentiary.
And they will charge you, they'll go home and have a big dinner and feel good while you're in jail, sending you to prison.
The destruction of America, the destruction of freedom is so important to them.
The petty power they have, that they won't even think about you as they ruin your life as they falsely charge you.
They love it!
I mean, just like Tulea, Texas.
They love it!
There's thousands of examples of this.
50 plus black people, no criminal records, done absolutely nothing wrong.
One racist informant cop who went all over Texas doing this.
No jobs left in the cotton community.
All they have is a local prison.
They literally wanted to put the blacks in the prison so the whites could have jobs.
And what did they do?
They just went around dropping cocaine on people with paddy wagons.
Just grabbing something like 20% of the black population.
I mean old men didn't matter and they certified it cocaine.
Sent them all to prison.
Later came out, none of them had drugs, none of them used drugs.
They don't care, folks!
That's the new America.
That's the new America.
That's what it is.
And then whatever group is in control of whatever sector, they then get to do it to the minority.
They also use those politics.
Whether this was black guys laughing at me, making fun of me at LAX, well then in Julia, Texas, it's pot-bellied rednecks doing it to black people.
Or, if it's in areas in South Texas, it's the Hispanics doing it to the blacks and the whites.
You see, and this is all race politics, perfect for the New World Order, all of us with imperial politics, divided up in our own little sectors, our own little areas.
A Hispanic here in Austin yesterday accidentally at a Juneteenth parade, bumped a child, the child wasn't even hurt.
The black folks pulled him out of the car, started beating him to death.
Another Hispanic came in and tried to help.
They killed him, beat him to death.
See, this is the new politics, folks.
In the name of multiculturalism, we're actually all made aware of our differences.
Our pigments differences.
We're all made aware.
It's so sick, folks.
It's a country's gone, unless we turn around and realize this.
Did you hear about that happening in Austin?
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Uh, Tom, uh, so, so, I mean, describe, what did they do?
Did they come up and jab on you, or what'd they say?
No, I didn't do anything, because I stood there.
I complied, you know.
It was just a submission, exactly.
You, you, you, you'd done your slave training, and, and, and, and so describe what happened.
They, well, they made me stand there for about ten minutes while he went through and got searched.
Describe what happened.
And then she told me, it's okay, you can leave now.
And I was, you know, man, I just wanted to go off on the lady, you know?
It's okay, slave, you submitted to me.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So, I mean...
Is there anybody I can complain to?
Who should I call?
Well, they get promoted when you complain on them.
The more brutal... No, I'm not kidding.
No, no.
I believe you.
No, no.
I mean, did you hear about the federal marshals last year saying that they're told to put quotas of terrorists and terror threats?
So if someone takes a picture out a window or a picture of their child for life, they're in a terror database.
If somebody pulls out a specific type of food or perfume, they're put on a terror list forever.
And they're not even a court allowed to profile, so it's everybody they're doing it to.
And that just means everybody gets their rights violated.
Did you hear about the federal marshals going public about that?
Yeah, I read about that.
Yeah, the air marshals.
That's the new system.
I appreciate your call.
And we have to recognize that's what zero tolerance is all about.
You write the word gun in your eighth grade essay and you're arrested.
It's not about keeping you safe, it's about getting you into the system.
And then when there is a mass shooting, the cops stand down for three hours.
Whereas before we had all this, the cops would charge in and stop it.
But see, they had to wait until the feds got there and gave the go-ahead hours later.
See, everything's under federal control now.
Let's go ahead and talk to, uh, who's up next here?
Tony in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Afternoon, Alex.
You know, I've been trying to distribute information, tell people about the 9-11 truth for a long time now.
One of the main arguments I come up against all the time is that, well, this is just way too vast to ever have been kept secret.
Well, number one, it hasn't been kept secret very well.
And number two, it doesn't take a whole lot of people to pull off what they pulled off on 9-11.
It hasn't been kept secret.
What happened is very clear.
We know it's an inside job.
We know the official story is a fraud.
Some of the little details we can't vet out because it's a quasi-secret operation.
But it's the same thing.
I remember five or six years ago, major newspapers saying, I was a kook.
I believe Bohemian Grove exists.
I believe in the Bilderberg Group.
Well, now it's in the Dallas Morning News, but they still call it a conspiracy.
They'll go, secret group of world elite meeting with the leaders of the U.S.
and Europe.
That's a secret meeting, but conspiracy theorists say it's bad.
Well, it violates federal law for these politicians to be going there and setting policy.
It violates the Logan Act.
I mean, what's the conspiracy theory?
They're involved in a conspiracy.
I mean, if I go conspire with five guys to go, you know, do something corrupt, it's a conspiracy.
But go ahead.
Well, anyway, I wanted to get on another subject, too.
There's a very good book, it's been out for a long time, by Leonard Peikoff called The Ominous Parallels.
It's about the shift in philosophical teachings at the institutional level in pre-Hitler Germany that allowed Hitler to come to power.
Hitler was elected.
He didn't
Yes sir, and that book also relates how that shift took place in Germany before Hitler became the power.
And the same shifts in philosophical teachings at the institutional level have taken place in America over the last 100, 150 years.
The Weimar Republic shifted into being more authoritarian, more centralized.
He also talks about Kant and Hegel and the philosophies that drive all this.
Problem-a-reaction-solution, crisis-creation, the Hegelian dialectic of the philosopher Hegel.
Antithesis-synthesis, where they set up the two
You know, basically the right-left paradigm, and they're both set up by the same people.
The money that goes into the Republican coffers is the same money that goes into the Democratic coffers.
And they play both sides against the middle, and we think we have a choice.
We have a choice between Coke and Pepsi, oh boy.
Ford and Chevy, and they're all made of the same factory?
Yes, sir.
Well, anyway, I just want to say, keep up the good work, and the message is getting out, man.
Nobody's believing these idiots anymore.
I hear you, and here's the proof of that.
Let me cover this now.
This is from the Gallup poll, highly respected.
You can find polls that show their approval rating as low as 9%, and the President as low as, again, in the low 20s.
New Gallup data shows confidence in Congress at all-time low.
Just 14% of Americans have a great deal, or quite a lot, of confidence in Congress.
This 14% Congressional Confidence Rating is the all-time low for this measure, this indices, which Gallup initiated in 1973.
The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of 1991 to 1994.
Congress is now nestled at the bottom of the list of Gallup's annual conference and confidence indicators, rankings, along with HMOs at just 15% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in HMOs.
By the way, to contrast, 69% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the military, which tops the list.
More of this at galluppol.com.
Come back and tell you what that means.
I'm sure you already know what it means, but we'll go over it.
Break it down.
This is the exciting news, ladies and gentlemen, because usually they, it's like changing horses or express riders.
They wear out one politician and jump to the next and then fool you when they're all owned by the same people.
Now that paradigm's blown out.
You guys' cover is blown.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Hello friends, Alex Jones here.
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Big business, friends, and they're going down like a dinosaur.
Well, they kissed the club food in Kansas, and they went and rode on the moon in Iraq.
I can see the day coming when you and your whole family's gonna be in Iraq.
Get this through your head.
Democracy doesn't rule the world.
It's run by violence.
Alright, let's go ahead and
Well, I'm going to go back to your calls here in just a moment.
Don't forget, I've got a big Alamo Draft House showing coming up tonight.
And, uh, I think it's already sold out.
You can check at InfoWars.com and see if you're able to buy tickets.
There were just a few left online.
They usually hold 30 or 40 back and sell those at the door the hour before, so you can try to line up and do that, or you can buy a ticket to another movie and just sneak in and have it all jam-packed like it usually is.
But, uh, come all, sneak peek at Endgame and the new stuff from TerrorStorm 2nd Edition, which you can now order, by the way, at InfoWars.com.
Let me put this as simply and succinctly as possible.
Before, you would have a president who had advanced the globalist agenda for four, six, or eight years.
They'd usually get into office with a 65% approval rating, and it dropped like a 35% or so when they left.
And then people would go, oh, the Democrats will save us, and Congress has got a 70%, and the president has a 30%.
It's generally ratios like that.
And then people get mad at Congress and theirs goes down to 25 and a new president gets elected and he's at 75 or 85 and then over time he drops and they go back up.
And really it's just tag team wrestling.
They're just fooling us.
They're making us think we've got a choice here.
Well now people just, no, we don't trust any of you.
We know you all work for the same people and you all get approval ratings that aren't above 20.
And that's it.
And that means there's a very small percentage of the public they can still fool.
That means you've blown it, boys.
You have gone so far with your corruption and your crap that no one is buying anything you're doing anymore.
And the CEOs and the people that run this and the globalists need to slow down.
I mean, you really have gone too far.
And you really have discredited yourselves.
Now, I know that's part of a larger plan.
You think you can just demonize America and make the world think that it was just the U.S.
that did all these invasions and carried out the terror attacks, but people are now waking up that, no!
You're not going to be able to just make the E.U.
look like the good cop or the last man standing after you've used us to set up your empire and then basically slit us, slit our throat.
Not working anymore.
It's not working anymore.
Your crap's not working anymore.
And you've really gone too far.
You've overplayed your hand with hubris.
And your New World Order is in deep trouble.
Now I know you're not going to listen.
You're used to always having power and getting away with everything you do.
So you're going to continue and intensify your attack on liberty.
And that's why you're going to fail.
So that's it.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Well, we're about to break it in the shower.
We'll come back in 70 seconds and go to
James Indiana, Jeff in Pennsylvania, and many others that are holding the toll-free number to join us today is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm told Jeff in Pennsylvania disagrees.
When folks disagree, they go to the head of the line here.
We don't screen your calls.
At most, we'll tell you first-time caller day or don't call more than once a week.
We just ask first name, where you're calling from.
And we want to get you up on air, but if you want to volunteer that you disagree with me, you go to the head of the line at 1-800-259-9231.
Alright, Jeff, in Pennsylvania and others, you are straight ahead on the other side of this quick break.
The third and final hour with, I think, some big 9-11 news as well.
Straight ahead.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are now back.
We have returned.
We are now into the third and final hour.
Wide open phones in the shower.
I also have some economic news I want to go over.
Some new 9-11 developments that I do want to talk about that I am going to cover coming up in this hour and of course your phone calls.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
I'm told that Jeff in Pennsylvania disagrees, so he goes to the head of the line.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I've heard you speak of World War II vets at an airport getting hassled.
Yeah, I've seen it.
Well, you've got to understand that officer safety is a number one priority in law enforcement and security.
The youngest person to kill an officer was seven years old, the oldest person was 97, so you've got to be careful when you're dealing with people, because post-9-11 world, you don't know what to expect.
So, you know, one of these vets could very well just say, hey, I don't like the war.
Yeah, I could kind of get al-Qaeda's message.
You know, I don't like this security, man, and you have an incident, so I really don't see a problem with tough security at our airports.
Well, what I saw when I was out in San Francisco three or four years ago now,
Was these foreigners, and they hardly could speak English, in these bright blue outfits with berets and black boots, and there was a group of World War II vets, survivors of Pearl Harbor, because they had the hats on, the jackets, a whole bunch of them getting together on a flight, probably 20, 30 of them, to go to Hawaii.
And they were having checkpoints after you'd gone through the gate.
Secondary checkpoints, just harassing people, just sitting there.
And I watched them make this old man get up.
I don't want to get into too many details, but it was a type where you can tell they're close to death.
Where the eyes are coming back and peeled over, it's all red.
And he could barely stand up, he was on a walker, he had oxygen.
And he had some daughter who looked elderly, probably a daughter helping him.
And the guy was like... Like poking at the... Telling her to sound, and the guy's going...
Like this?
Like poking at him?
And I was just like, my God!
And I wanted to go over and say something, and Colonel Craig Roberts, one of our guests, said he saw the same thing in a
It doesn't take much effort to pull a trigger, but
Have you ever put on a black uniform?
Because I have a cousin that's on the Pittsburgh SWAT team, and I've gone along with him to one of the drills they've had, and it's... This is a joke call.
This is a joke call.
You're not serious.
But with your illegal immigration views, there's a business opportunity here.
These guest workers, you know, you've got to think as an entrepreneur, and
It's cheap labor, guest worker program.
There's an opportunity to make money here.
The reason why they're coming across the border is they want to work.
My only point is that they're not
Under the same rules as everybody else.
Citizens are harassed.
They want a blood type, basically, now.
They get on an airplane or walk down the street.
But then they go, oh, we don't arrest illegals for drunk driving or no driver's license.
I appreciate your call.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
More calls on the other side.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Remember Mr. Schwab who was walking across the country and then when they went to a wedding they took his son, his wife's genetic son, but his son
His stepson away from him and said, we're giving it to a grandmother.
But we're trying to take it even away from the grandmother, the seven-year-old son.
Well, now they told him, stop your walk across the country.
Stop your walk across the United States.
Or we are going to take them completely.
Well, they point blank told him.
They came to the grandmother's house, took the seven-year-old, crying, to foster care.
Away from family now.
Grandma can't have him.
Because, they said, you shouldn't have gone on the Alex Jones Radio Show.
And they said, now we're going to punish you.
Now, now, that's a crime right there they just committed.
But see, they don't care.
There's hardly any checks or balances to stop them.
And I say hardly any.
There are some, but they think they're invincible.
Oh, you want to go on the radio about us saying you're not allowed to be a 9-11 truth and have children?
Well, you went on that show, and so we're just going to completely take your child, because you went on the radio.
I mean, if that isn't terrorism, if that isn't official oppression, if that isn't Soviet gulag... I mean, we are a Soviet gulag.
Well, they don't mess with a big fish like me yet.
But they're out there grabbing everybody else, having their way, enjoying themselves, feeling real good.
It feels good to take a near-death vet fighting to go to his Pearl Harbor remembrance and jab and poke at him.
Because his hearing aids are, you know, can't let him hear you because he's so near, I mean literally, on death's doorstep.
Shaking, barely able to stand up.
Never forget that.
I was like, my God, is that person jabbering in a foreign language?
Poking a World War II survivor of Pearl Harbor?
The hells I've seen!
And I guess I was there at that time.
I'm meant to see that.
And Raymond Schwab, no criminal record, a lay pastor.
Oh, we're taking your son away from you and your wife to give to your grandmother for now.
We may take him completely.
Oh, that's it!
You went on the radio.
You are a danger going on the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking him.
That's it.
He's gone now.
Kidnapping's what it is.
We're kidnapping your child because you were in 9-11 Truth and went on that show.
They're government kidnappers.
But they run the media and the culture, and they got killers with guns that'll do whatever they're told.
But don't worry, killers with guns, you'll end up just like thugs in Russia, or Germany, or China.
Statistically, you're fed on by your own system, when they have lots of purges.
So just remember, when nobody's helping you, that you reap what you sow, what comes around goes around.
Let me tell you something.
You don't have to wait to die to go to hell.
There's a law to this universe.
Let me tell you something.
When you do evil, and you hurt innocent people, and you hurt children, when you're dying of cancer, or when you're in that car wreck, smashed, dying, and you're dying as the ambulance pulls up, and your leg's chopped off, it's how the universe deals with you.
And right now, you're scared.
You don't even believe in God, but right now, deep down, you're scared.
You know why?
Because you know, I'm telling you the truth.
So I've got that little bit of solace that people that take people's crying children because they engage in their First Amendment right have got God to deal with.
Get me the Johnny Cash song.
I'm playing it for that Kansas CPS group that took Raymond Schwab's son from his crying wife and now have completely taken the child.
Let's play a little bit of Johnny Cash for them.
You got that ready?
This is for you and what you've done, and Raymond's so freaked out he doesn't even know if he wants to come on air and talk about it and give their numbers out.
It's all Mr. Schwab can do now.
Oh, you went on the air!
You, uh... You did something that was wrong!
You, uh... You did something bad!
Well, you're gonna... You're gonna pay for that!
You're gonna get in a lot of trouble for that now.
You're gonna learn this is Russia!
Under Stalin!
So, he goes and he has 9-11 truth signs.
They take his son and give him to the grandma.
And then they said, oh, you want on the Alex Jones Show?
Talk about it.
Now we're taking him completely away from your family for going on the show.
And they commit the crime of saying they're taking his child because he went on the show.
So, this is, uh, what's gonna happen to you.
We'll be right back.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Go tell that long-tongued liar Go and tell that midnight rider Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter Tell him that God's gonna cut him down Tell him that God's gonna cut him down
Well, my goodness gracious, let me tell you the news My head's been wet with the midnight dew I've been down on bended knee Talking to the man from Galilee He spoke to me in a voice so sweet I thought I heard the shuffle of angels sweet He called my name and my heart stood still When he said, John, go do my will Go tell that long-tongued liar Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter Tell them that God's gonna cut them down Tell them that God's gonna cut them down You can run on for a long time Run on for a long time Run on for a long time Sooner or later, God'll cut you down Sooner or later, God'll cut you down
Well, he may throw you a rock, hide your hand, workin' in the dark against your fellow man, but he sure as God made black and white.
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time, run on for a long time.
Sooner or later it's gonna cut you down, sooner or later it's gonna cut you down.
Go tell that long-tongued liar, go and tell that midnight rider,
I want everybody to pray for Mr. Schwab's family.
And pray for his sweet little seven year old son.
A dear sweet person kidnapped by criminals.
Taken into foster care.
God knows what they'll do to him.
But he's seven, he's old enough to speak out against them.
But they kill so many children, they torture so many children.
Five times more likely to abuse children than any other group.
The most dangerous place for a child is with these killers.
And, uh, I'm saying the system itself is killers.
I don't know these particular scumbags, but I know that it is criminal.
To go, yeah, you shouldn't have talked to the media!
Now we're taking him all the way from you.
That is pure wickedness.
But that's what Jack Bauer would do when he's fighting Al Qaeda.
You're not fighting Jack Bauer.
By the way, they're sending us a video as they try to walk across the country.
They told them, stop your walk or we're taking the child, leaving him away from the grandmother.
At a house, with family, happy.
They've already taken him.
Taken him to family.
And there he got CPS.
I told him I'd do the next step.
You don't talk to the media.
You don't talk to nobody or you're going.
We're taking him all the way away.
And he kept the walk going.
Meanwhile, cops walk up to him.
We've got this on tape now.
He's sending it to us.
Walk up and they're on the street corner preaching and saying, turn the camera off.
And they say no and they go, I'm going to charge you with wiretapping.
Wiretapping is sneaking in somebody's house and putting a tap on it.
Wiretapping is intercepting someone's private communique, not preaching on the street with a video camera, and that cop knows that.
But again, it's a direct stab right at the heart of America.
Just picture that cop with a big old dagger right at the heart of America, just plunging it in.
Die, America!
Kill America!
Oh, yes!
Oh, die, die, die, die, die!
I hate America!
I hate America!
I like it!
I love killing it!
I mean, that's who they are.
Let me take the World War II Pearl Harbor vet and jab him in the arm.
You know, let's do what we want.
We're gonna run things.
We'll take your child.
You didn't submit, Taz.
I mean, they're just evil, man.
These people are evil!
They're a bunch of low-grade moron scum.
But I ask God, please intervene.
For the courage of the Schwab family, when they told them, stop the walk, or we're taking them completely, they didn't stop the walk.
They went on the show.
They had courage.
They had faith.
You know that.
If it's in your will, maybe it's in God's will that we all see this evil.
I don't know, but just whatever your will is, please, I just pray that even if the child is taken, even if they do horrible things to the child, if that's your will, God, at least comfort the family's heart.
I don't even know.
Maybe it's God's will.
You never know.
I mean, you know, maybe there's attention on this case.
Who knows what they'll do to the child?
And that'll come out.
You know, it's just, there's so many of these children.
They just have their way with them.
Pure evil.
Directly out of the very pit.
The crack of hell.
But I know one thing.
I don't have to ask God for this.
They're gonna have justice done on them.
It's absolutely assured.
Absolutely assured.
We'll be right back.
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Hey, there's a drug store!
I'll be right back.
I'm getting some Cal-X.
Ted Anderson for Midas.
June 21st, 2007.
Gold 6.56.10 and one ounce gold coins can be purchased for 6.77.38, 3.34.25 for half, 1.67.13 for quarter.
That's 6.67.38, 3.34.25, and 1.67.13.
70% of China's one trillion reserves are in dollar, now purchasing 250,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran in euro.
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That's research-herbs.com or call 1-800-973-1482 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
I was sittin' in traffic, listenin' to the radio.
George Strait was singin', seashores of old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
Longstar State should be renamed Texaco.
So long Texas, hello Mexico.
I'm gonna swim the Rio Grande at El Paso.
I'm leaving tonight, I ain't gonna pack.
I'm only taking the clothes on my back.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
I'll drive a rattle-trap car with no liability.
I'll demand equal rights, though I'm there illegally.
I'll protest in the streets, till they finally grant them.
Sing English words to their national anthem.
Hey, Vincent Day, what's right for your people, should be right for me.
There's no controlling that tide that keeps flowing across the line.
This old Texas cowboy feels like my home state's no longer mine.
Welcome back!
Turnabout's a fair play.
Heck, I already love the food and tequila.
I'm gonna fly that Longstar flag in Old Flora every day.
I'm gonna celebrate every Fourth of July.
I'm going to make them print them forms in English just for me.
I'm going to marry me a pretty senior reader.
We're going to have free medical care and free education for all our kids.
Heck, playing my old guitar is the only other skill I got.
I wonder if we'll see old George Strait over there.
Hey, Gringo!
You're swimming the wrong way, man!
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Hey, amigo!
Hey, amigo!
You got a sister?
Of course, you try it over there, they'll beat your brains in and throw you in a dirt-bottom jail for you to die in a coma.
That's not how it works.
They carry machine guns and they will kill you.
But America is land of the cowards, home of the slaves, designed and made and minted to be taken over and to have absolutely no rights.
And to have CPS take people's children because they come on the show.
Shouldn't have gone on Mr. Jones' show.
We're taking your children.
Raymond Schwab.
I don't know if he wants to come on the show yet.
He's just calling up freaking out.
Obviously, I know why.
This is the new world order.
This is the gates of hell upon us, ladies and gentlemen.
This is their pleasure, having their way with us like they do every day in so many ways.
Here's a story, uh, this is, uh, out of the, uh, Examiner newspaper.
Military Reviews?
They know what I mean.
This is kind of like Bush grants himself new dictator powers.
He grants himself the Military Reviews, placing special ops on U.S.
Of course, there's an 1878 law barring them, but they've conditioned the public and had drills thousands of times until we're prepared for it.
Military reviews placing special ops on U.S.
soil that matter if it's a criminal violation of policy commentators that just don't care.
Military Command in charge of protecting the homeland asked the Pentagon earlier this year
For a contingent of special operations officers to help with domestic anti-terrorism missions.
Like when they go to the local peacenik group and have special ops criminally in Houston, Texas or in San Francisco.
Military infiltrate and spy on American citizens who are going and protesting in front of the foreign company Halliburton, now based in Dubai.
They were handing out cheese sandwiches.
And they had special ops illegally doing that.
But see, now we're under martial law.
Bush is just easing us into the water, though.
Yeah, you got a federal law bar on this?
I do what I want!
We're gonna destroy your country!
And he'll probably just hand it over to Hillary or somebody else when he leaves office.
It doesn't matter.
He's just setting it all up for you.
Tell you about this when we get back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Wake up boys, there's a light at the window I can hear someone knocking on the door
There are voices in the street And the sound of running feet And they whisper the word REVOLUTION There are men coming down from the valley There are tall ships lying on the coast And they carry the light
It's been so many years
So many tears we have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
We're good to go.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
That's for the people out there that kidnapped a pastor's child because he was part of 9-11 Truth and he came on this show and they said, we're taking your child because you went on Alex Jones' show.
That is the Soviet Union America.
That is what we've turned into.
That's what we are now.
As the evil goes on all around us and as all the well-fed yuppies and the rest of the scum just keep marching on into oblivion.
Well, we're not going along with it!
We're not standing for it!
We can see what it is, and we've said not just no, but hell no!
Alright, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
James, where are you calling from?
Welcome, sir.
Hey, Alex, I was looking over these documents that the FBI just released through Judicial Watch.
And there is a huge smoking gun buried in those documents, and you need to know about this.
Okay, here it is.
Um, one of the top Al-Sayyidi guys in, uh, Qutb al-Bay, he's being tortured, his name is Zubidai.
We should talk about this guy.
Anyway, this guy named who he was working for.
He gave three names and their phone numbers.
This is not a secret, there's lots of articles on this, there's even books about it.
All three of those guys suddenly died.
Anyway, the first name he gave was Prince Ahmad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.
Because he wanted them to know this because he thought he'd be released once they found out who he was working for.
Now, if you look on page 11 of those FBI documents, it says, and I'm quoting, the Saudi Arabian group was headed by His Royal Highness Prince Ahmad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.
It's the same guy.
What this means is the head of this group
Is who those guys in Cuba were working for?
No, I remember all of it.
I can confirm that.
This is ultra-massive.
I hope Steve Watson is listening right now for a part two on that.
My other reporter is in China right now.
And I've got two others here, but we're getting ready for a showing tonight and a bunch of other circuses that are ongoing.
But that is certainly big.
Yeah, I mean, this is... The guys are being court-tortured.
They said who they worked for, and it's the guy that the FBI helped out of the country.
He was the head of that group.
This needs to be reported.
It wasn't just a little mistake.
These guys weren't nothing.
Everybody knows they should have been stopped and interrogated.
And now we know why they weren't.
Because that is the head of those guys down in Cuba.
That's who they were working for.
Yeah, that is just massive.
That is so huge.
And it's easy to find too.
There's lots of news reports.
No, I know.
I remember reading them all.
I know you're right.
Listeners, he's right.
I've got to go dig it all up now.
Go to Infowars.net and it says contact Webmaster.
Send all that data just to help him so he can get it out quicker.
I've already sent it.
Yeah, send it to Steve Watson.
Send it to Waddy Watt, Paul Watson.
Send it to Aaron at Infowars.com and we'll send it over to Paul and we'll get that out.
Well, good job, my friend.
I really commend you for that.
Yeah, let's see if the Digberry Brigade's been able to stop our story, FBI allowed Bin Laden to personally charter flight after 9-11.
You'd think that'd be newsworthy, but no, it never made popular.
It has been buried.
Because, you know, everything we say is made up, and our news is spam, according to the Digberry Brigade.
Maybe you can go stop them.
Maybe you can go ram it through the top on them.
But it's absolutely amazing that this is going on.
So I hope that everybody gets this article and gets it out to people and we will get a part two out on that.
That is just huge.
As for the identity of the
Alright, I'm going to be calm about this, because I'm a man of my word, I respect the wishes of others, and I tend to actually agree with them in many respects.
But there's a few issues that I'm torn on.
I like to be decisive.
And when you get into delicate things, sometimes you've just got to be decisive, even if it isn't the right decision.
It's better to be decisive than to be indecisive.
So, if I had my druthers, because it looks like the guy's kind of agnostic on his name being in the public.
I would go with it.
But I understand the arguments for not going with it.
We know the name.
We've done the interview.
By we, I'm the executive producer of the film, honored to be part of it, with the individual who's going to be in the loose change final cut, who was a high-level city official in emergency management, I'm just going to leave it there, who was in building seven and the first tower had been hit and then he goes to the emergency management center, he's outside of,
There's steaming coffee, half-eaten sandwiches, nobody's in there.
He calls another command post.
They say, get out of there!
Get out of there!
And he starts trying to get on the elevator.
It's shut down.
He goes into the stairwell.
Makes the floor collapse under him.
He goes down.
It's all destroyed.
Dead bodies everywhere in the main foyer.
He gets out.
Firemen get him out a hole in the building.
By then the second tower's hit and they collapse later.
And these are explosions in seven big ones.
I mean, and they're saying there were no dead, and of course he's seen all the dead, that's later been admitted.
All this is going on, this is a very prominent person.
He was on TV that day.
And then to see us put out the report, because Dylan and them want to get the news out, but at the same time they don't want to have this guy get crushed or deluged or... Then the anti-truth people, they've already found out who it is, they're already running their spin-off.
I have seen quite a few blogs and sites that are running their spin-offs.
And then others in our own movement that are yelling at us for not saying who it is and saying it's clear it's this guy.
They've matched the voice, the videos.
But I'm man of my word.
We're not putting it up yet.
I know Steve's doing an article.
And then, I mean, I guess once it's in 20 websites, we'll put it up.
But the main reason I want to see it out is because I can't believe there's disinfo people saying we're making this up.
I mean, this is a pretty high-level official.
And it's powerful!
This is a smoking gun!
And I'm an executive producer, Lou Shane, but that doesn't mean I control the decisions or what goes on.
And again, I tend to agree with what they're doing, and it's their call.
And I'm just glad they came on and did some coverage of it here.
But for their own safety, they had to do that.
So instead of us all being undecisive, it's a good decision for now, and the people figure it out, they figure it out.
Dylan got challenged a few nights ago about this, and then some callers called in and backed it up and basically brought out who it was.
It's out there.
But we're just gonna wait, because it's true.
If I put it out on PrisonPlanet.com, it will be gigantic.
I mean, huge.
And this fella doesn't really want his name out in the public yet until the film comes out.
But then you've got the added thing of safety.
It's safer to have it completely out.
Again, I err on releasing and going all the way, but I respect and understand the other reasons and other ingredients that go into this, but this is dispensable.
This is one of the big smoking guns, folks.
This is one of the big ones.
This is as big as Silverstein saying they gave the order to pull it and watch the building come down.
This is bigger.
This is creme de la creme.
This is huge.
And I want to bring this out, and Steve has completed the article, but I told him to wait on it.
We're going to wait.
We're going to wait.
Who knows?
You might hear about it in a few months, you might hear about it in five hours.
I don't know, but it gives me a headache.
Just thinking about it because my whole instincts are just open fire, fire and forget, get the info out, fire torpedoes, you know, I mean, that's basically it.
I see the enemy, I fire torpedoes.
We got smoking guns, we drop them on them.
That's what we do.
And, but I fully understand all the reasons because, you know, the film, it makes the film a lot stronger, plus the film doesn't want the stuff out yet, but I mean, what do they think it's going to do?
I mean, for their safety, they had to report that they had this.
It's a ball of wax.
It's a can of worms.
It's a barrel of snakes.
It's whatever you want to call it.
Let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Who's up first here?
John in West Virginia.
You're on the air.
God bless you, Alex Jones.
It's good to talk to you.
God bless you, my friend.
What's on your mind?
Well, I had something happen last night.
I've watched many of your films and we're pretty much in the fight here too.
I just wanted to share something with you in detail to your listeners on what happened last night.
We were coming back from some friend's house approximately 1148 last night.
We stopped at a red light facing east.
I noticed a cruiser heading toward my direction coming west.
I proceeded to turn, we were going right there to the convenience store at the intersection.
I pulled in and I pulled a little bit slightly to the left of the store.
All I noticed, the police cruiser pulled up behind me.
Now there was no lights, no sirens or nothing like that on the police cruiser, so he never pulled me over.
We were already stopped.
I guess 30 seconds to a minute later, another cruiser pulled up behind him, again with no lights or sirens.
Um, my wife was in the store, um, and the lead officer, uh, Kingsley, uh, he had a silver swat pin.
He come up to my driver's side door, knocked on it, and said, I heard your daughter crying, so I wanted to check it out.
I said she's fine, she's just overtired.
That was his first story for approaching my vehicle.
He ends up changing it like three times.
Anyways, he just tried to argue with me, saying that my daughter wasn't in her booster seat and so on and so forth.
Oh yeah, they get hundreds of thousands into the system snatching children, folks.
And now, when they come up, they'll literally start licking their lips and that's a big color.
How do I get this guy's kids?
How do I kill America?
I mean, literally, that's the whole attitude.
They've got to let us know they're the boss.
We're all criminals.
They're the good guys.
And so this continues.
Well, my wife came out of the store.
She approached the passenger side of the vehicle.
He's already up at my window and already started knocking on it and asking me if I could step out of the vehicle to talk.
I just kept telling him, no, you didn't pull me over.
You can talk me through the window.
Yeah, it's just paramilitary goon forces just crawling all over us, and they're just racing to hire even more.
And that guy's probably been running checkpoints in Iraq two years ago.
He's probably been kicking down doors.
And man, it just feels good to be back in Fallujah.
Please continue.
Well, after about two minutes or so, he started to get very irate, because I wouldn't let him in.
So he went around to the passenger side with his guy's nightstick out over my wife and daughter and he was going to come get me through the passenger side.
So I just went ahead and got out of the vehicle to protect my family.
So he's men... that happened to Mike Hanson, one of my camera guys.
He starts menacing the car with a nightstick.
Yep, yep.
God Almighty.
He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the rear of the first cruiser.
He had a really firm grip on me and he said he smelled alcohol.
Oh yeah.
He was wanting to get the breathalyzer out.
I said, that's fine, that's fine.
Well, this is not... So basically, he got the compliance.
That's a form of torture.
They've got pain compliance, what they call torture, when they twist your arm now.
But instead, this is menacing the family.
You're now complying.
What happened?
Well, basically, he gave me the breathalyzer.
And as he was pulling it away, I seen a thumb over a button on the right side.
I looked down, the digital read said 0.09.
Well, I seen him changing it.
He moved it up.
He was pushing this button on the right side of the device, and he was raising it up, and I know it was a 10 or a .10 or better, and I quickly called him out on it.
I said, I seen what you did.
I watched him raise it much higher, um, so he could get me for the DUI.
Um, and I'd say it was probably around a .15 after he got done breathing.
You mean they put controls on those?
Yes, sir.
I guarantee it.
I've seen him do it.
I know I've seen it.
Oh my God.
As my witness, I've seen it.
So what happened?
Um, well, I yelled out.
My wife was in front of the store with my daughter and I said, I yelled out, I said,
Um, he breathalyzed me and I said, I blew a .09 because that was the first number I saw.
So that's what I said.
It was a .09.
Now the limit, I guess it's the national limit now, it's .08.
Finish the story!
Finish the story!
Well, um, they were just trying to scare me and they got onto that I wasn't resistant and I wasn't feeding into their garbage and I kept saying, no, you're violating my rights.
You didn't have no probable cause to approach my vehicle?
You mean they said you were resisting, or you weren't resisting?
I was resisting, and they gave me all that garbage.
So how did it end?
Well, basically, we called my father-in-law, which is actually the one that turned me on to listening to you and Bible prophecy and everything.
They really couldn't do nothing.
I mean, once he showed up, their story changed again for the third time.
There was two witnesses in the store that seen the whole thing go down.
They just, bottom line, wouldn't let me drive my vehicle, even though they still didn't... Well, look, you're just lucky to get out of there.
My experience is, don't argue with them.
Frankly, roll the window down, go through the motions with them.
They're totally brainwashed.
They're ruined people when they act like that.
And just realize they're damaged, brainwashed zombies.
Not all cops, but cops that act like that are.
And just try to not upset them.
Because it's all about how their daddy was mean to them, or somebody beat them up once, or a lot of them are really big wimps, so they try to get into being tough.
Whereas a truly tough, aggressive man learns to hold back and actually goes the opposite direction.
That's what these fools don't know.
I mean, the meanest person out there is some nice guy bouncing a baby on his knee.
And so the key is, you just want to stay out of their system.
And sir, never drink.
If you're going to drink, do it in your house, okay?
And that's not even safe now.
Just stay out of their system.
The country's going into hell, and you're lucky.
You're lucky they didn't take your child right there.
I appreciate you calling.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Final segment, couple final calls, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, let's just go back live right now.
Let's just go ahead and cut down the music and go right to the calls.
Let's talk to... We want to hurry as fast as we can.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Texas.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I'm kind of curious about some of the things you've been talking today about, you know, especially like the Johnny Cash song.
I just have a couple of things I'm going to read.
I'm not going to... If you're listening, you want to
Track them down to see where they're at.
Sure, go ahead.
Where I've got them, it's uh... uh... The Lord who comes will bring both... He will bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts.
I think one of the things I often hear on your show is people call in and they ask for strategy and should we form some underground movement or something like that and I think you've been dead on accurate when you've said that this isn't about a revolution, it's about
Bringing to light and exposing the evil of the New World Order and the goons that are trying to take it over.
People say, what's the solution?
You expose them and let them stop having the moral high ground and point out how out of control they are, they will fall!
Absolutely, and I think that is, I mean, most importantly for what?
All these things you're trying to do.
This isn't a revolution.
It's our country.
The revolution is the New World Order taking it over.
We're counter-revolutionaries.
We're restorationists.
We're preservationists.
We're trying to keep our liberty and move forward with that as our code into the future.
Anything else, sir?
People can take part.
They are going to lose as long as there are enough people who are willing to expose and fight for the truth.
They will lose.
Absolutely, my friend.
I appreciate your call.
Jeremiah in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Jeremiah.
Or Joshua, go ahead.
Joshua, yes.
Alex, thank you so very much for taking my call, because the subject matter of my call is very important to me.
We only got a few minutes, go ahead.
We only got a few minutes, and I would much rather want to call tomorrow to talk to you about this.
Let's do that, call me tomorrow then.
Let's talk to Carl in Montreal, Canada.
Carl, you're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
I've been researching this and exposing this for several years.
There's a couple articles, I don't know if you have copies, of speeches
I think you should look him up if you can.
One was President Bush's speech in August 1st, I think it was August 1st or August 2nd of 2002 in a meeting with King Abdullah where Bush was talking about getting rid of religion.
And the other was over in Liberia with the former warlord Charles Taylor when he was leaving Liberia to head to Nigeria he gave a speech and he was saying how he was being forced from power because he wouldn't agree to the one world government.
I don't know if you have copies of those.
I remember reading both of those.
I don't think I have them in front of me.
Send them to me.
I believe it's part of the bigger picture, getting rid of religion and this growing movement all over the internet and the news to get rid of religion and recent comments made by Elton John last year.
But that doesn't mean get rid of religion.
It means replace it with their new global tyranny.
I hear you.
I've got to let you go.
It's the end of the show.
Thank you so much.
I'm going to have more powerful guests and information tomorrow.
We may be having breaking news on 9-11.
We'll see what happens with that as that develops.
I really just want to broadside the debunkers right upside the head with all this info.
And I will see you tonight down at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar for a screening of an hour of in-game and of the new edition of Terror Storm.
By the way, the new edition of Terror Storm is available.
You can order it at InfoWars.com.
We'll be shipping those out in a few weeks.
We can't ship them for a few weeks because of the distributor rules, but we will soon.
The new edition of Terror Storm, 17 minutes of new powerful info, available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or call toll-free to get the films.
That's 888-253-3139.
And never forget PrisonPlanet.tv.
What a great activist center.
Go there.
You can download all the films in super high quality bandwidth and burn them to death and get them out to people.
Alright, get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.