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Name: 20070619_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 19, 2007
2477 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Government-sponsored terrorism is the central theme of this transmission against tyranny.
Because it is the central theme of control, the pretext, the lever, the foundation, the organizing force of the New World Order Dehumanization Control Grid.
And we have been covering 9-11 since before it happened, detailing the black op that was to be launched, and here we are, almost six years later.
That's right.
Next month, on the 25th, will be the 6th anniversary of Operation Expose the Government Black Op.
Expose the Government Terrorist.
We'll be re-airing some of those transmissions on the 25th.
Big news today!
Huge 9-11 triple salvos!
First off, WeAreChange.org, InfoWars.com reporters
Valiantly, got into a pre-screening of Chico, Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore's new film.
And they politely approached him three times about 9-11 being an inside job and were rebuffed.
Suddenly, Michael Moore, before he leaves, turns.
You can even see him.
I watched it over and over again until about two in the morning last night as Aaron Dykes and I put together this article.
And Aaron comes, and Michael Moore comes over, and you can tell he's got his eyes looking down, you can tell that he's afraid, you can tell he wants to get something off his chest, and he just dumps.
He spills his guts all over the ground, and it's a beautiful thing, and I gotta tell you, my respect for Michael Moore shot up exponentially from this point.
He's done a lot of things I haven't liked,
A lot of things I've known about behind the scenes that we really didn't even cover here concerning some of the firefighters and people with his film Sicko and some of the things he did.
But I tell ya, this is, but you know, when he sees Rosie O'Donnell go public, he sees Charlie Sheen go public.
And I know Michael and Charlie have had dinner before and talked about things.
I've known some things behind the scenes about more
That I've never talked about because those are private things, but I've known that Michael Moore has known all about this.
We know Michael Moore ordered, we tracked it, we saw the address, and it really said Michael Moore back in 2002, a full year plus before his film came out when he was just in research.
He did get my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Not only did Michael Moore order it to his home in Michigan, but he lives between Michigan and New York, those two homes.
He also, we know that listeners in that area of Flint, he lives right outside Flint, did indeed hand deliver him Road to Tyrannies and my other films.
So we know Moore knew.
But I don't just know from him ordering my videos, I know from other Hollywood sources.
Actually from triple sources.
Three different Hollywood sources that Moore's been confronted with this stuff.
And then we saw him in the last few years put 9-11 truth links on his website.
So I did soften towards Moore a bit and haven't even gored him with some information about sicko here on air because I'm frankly not a big fan of the pharmaceutical companies.
So I've softened towards Moore.
Now I am, unless he does some retraction under heat, I am really appreciating him right now because when you've got the
The nerve to admit you've been wrong because in his film Fahrenheit 9-11 comes out and implies that Bush is just a complete idiot who was fishing and is a bumbling fool and you know on month-long vacations and we always hear this, well he can't run Iraq right?
How can he run 9-11?
They've run Iraq with such precision it makes my head spin.
But it's not the precision of liberty and freedom and happiness and flowers and smiling children.
It's giant torture camps.
Hundreds of thousands dying every few months.
Mass extermination.
Total enslavement.
Orphanages filled with starving children.
That's up on drudge.
Concentration camps.
Order out of chaos.
Order out of chaos.
The Big Michael Moore News, Big Building 7 News, and other news.
It's unbelievable.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m., we're here.
And then at the end of each live transmission, for all the tens of thousands of podcast subscribers, it's free.
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Very important topics discussed every day.
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Really the keys to how human activity works, how civilizations integrate, and who is in control of the social architecture of our society.
A very destructive, very greedy, very self-centered, extremely wicked lot.
Uh, whose pleasure is seeing you suffer, whose pleasure is seeing you die.
We are here in opposition to them head on.
They've declared war on us.
We have taken the challenge.
There is no quarter, ladies and gentlemen.
It is mortal combat.
And you should understand the stakes.
This is life and death.
There is no greater or more real battlefield on this physical plane than the fight, the crusade, against the forces of the N.W.O.
Now, huge news!
I knew about a month ago that they had been contacted, that they had vetted, that they had confirmed, but I have sworn to secrecy not to talk about it.
You know, I'm one of the executive producers on Loose Change Final Cut, which we're taking our time on.
You know, I'm not trying to steer or control the situation.
I'm just helping with some financing and consulting and some footage, but I told them to take their time on things and I'm glad they're doing that.
We'll sell no wine until it's time.
This film is so important, but it should be done in the next few months.
Because they're starting to get these type of bombshell interviews, this guy is an executive, we'll just say that, with a major company.
Top tier executive.
With a Fortune 500 that was in Building 7.
He was on the news on 9-11.
He was in Building 7 and the things he heard and saw are off the charts.
Now, he's scared.
And he's got a reason to be.
I personally think he's wrong to not want his name out and who he is.
But he doesn't want the hundreds of calls and hundreds of interviews.
Now his name and who he is will be in the film.
He signed all the releases and done all that.
But with the proviso that his name and likeness not be shown, we can give you the audio, and if you're smart, you'd know where to find it.
Because the video's out there already, he's put on the news.
But he knows that there's a chance you'll discover who he is.
But for now, he doesn't want to go through two hits of going public now, and then having to go through all the media, and then go through the media again.
I think he's wrong.
This is dangerous stuff, he should go public now.
But whatever, we do what people ask us to do.
We happen to know how the media works from the alternative media and the international media, the mainstream media level.
I mean, I've been inside and out of it, but I'm glad a few people, mainly Ron Paul's office, are starting to ask me to consult with them in an unofficial capacity because I think they figured out that I happen to know a little bit about the media.
But side issue, the point is that he doesn't want to be known yet, so fine.
But we have confirmed who he is.
We have his name.
We have his documents.
He was on the news.
We'll stop right there.
We're going to play some of the audio.
You're going to hear it today in the second hour.
And then they do their own show here weeknights at 8 o'clock Central.
Here on the GCN Radio Network.
I listen to it all the time.
I can't remember the time it's on.
They'll tell you.
They're going to play the rest of it.
Part 2 of the story on their show tonight.
That, of course, is Dylan Avery.
Jason Burmiss and Corey Rowe.
Of course, Corey is the behind the scenes guy.
You don't usually hear him on the air.
He's the Iraq slash Afghanistan vet who's a good friend of mine and kind of the business guy behind running the things behind the scenes.
But Dylan and Jason are the fellas you see up front.
Dylan, of course, is the director and Burmiss is one of the producers.
They'll be on with us coming up in the second hour.
You're going to hear me more and more on this show, kind of filling people in on basics and who people are and who this person is and who that person is.
That really felt good.
I just spilt absolutely scalding hot coffee from across the street in my lap.
It felt really good.
They just brought me in hot coffee from across the street.
I just spilt it right in my lap.
That felt good.
That wasn't waving my arms around like a spastic.
That wouldn't have happened.
Hey, I'm awake now, folks!
I am, uh... I am big time awake now.
Oh, that was interesting.
Might as well take a little bit of the hair of the dog that bit me and I'm gonna drink a little bit of the coffee that's left.
All right, continuing with the, uh, mm-mm, feels good.
Continuing with the radio broadcast here, you'll hear me reintroduce basic things because I'm beginning to realize that we've got so many new listeners every day that most of you are going, yeah, we know who Jason Bermas and Corey Rowe and Dylan Avery are.
We don't need you to tell us, Alex.
But remember, even when you call into the show, you need to state the basics first because a lot of people don't know what we're talking about.
So if somebody's driving down the road and they don't know who I'm discussing, I want to fill them in on it.
We got this interview last week in New York, and you're going to be hearing the audio of this huge Building 7 development coming up in 1 hour and 15 minutes exactly.
Later in this hour, we're going to play the audio of the video of Michael Moore, a few days ago, at a sneak peek of Chico that's coming out in two weeks.
In New York, as We Are Change reporters, and there's so many of these great reporters now from We Are Change that then also reports for InfoWars.com, that we would have loved last night to have written into the article exactly who this is, but they didn't say on the video or on the posting.
So I'm talking to Luke Rodowski right now about getting him on the show today.
Maybe even the reporters that did this, we've got so many now that are reporters we don't even know all their names, just not waiting for orders from headquarters.
They're going to sound the guns, as they say.
So, uh, I like to give them credit as well.
Or perhaps they don't want that.
And if they don't, that's fine too.
Got all this great video from Istanbul.
One of them shot by Paul, who does want credit.
We've given him credit from Romania.
The other fellas don't want credit.
So it's kind of weird putting their video in endgame and not giving them credit.
I'm sure someone will run around going, Look!
He didn't give people credit!
Well, sometimes folks don't want credit.
You know what I mean?
They want to do the good deed and they don't want the credit.
Now, we're going to be getting into that Michael Moore news coming up.
I'm still recovering from the scalding coffee.
That Michael Moore news is coming up in about 14 minutes at the bottom of the hour.
We will calmly, succinctly go through this huge development.
The news story is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
If you go to PrisonPlanet.com right now, it is the top story that Aaron and I put together in the wee hours last night.
This is a big deal.
Michael Moore, 9-11 could be an inside job.
Discussed explosions in buildings, demands
100 angles, a Pentagon video, and calls for a new investigation.
They haven't even told us half the truth.
Michael Moore told Infowars.com, we are Change.org reporters.
Absolutely bombshell.
And it's up on the site right now.
And folks, if you don't help us spread this, if you don't dig this, if you don't get this out to all the message boards in MySpace, you're nuts.
I mean, now we've got Rosie O'Donnell.
We've got Charlie Sheen who hit the barbed wire first.
with the chain reaction we've got uh... all these other hollywood people starting to go public and i told you the hollywood people who i know are well i told you russ willis knew about this i knew russ willis knew last year i didn't expect rick linklater to talk about it on air i didn't even push the hollywood director rick linklater uh... who lives in austin my personal friend uh... he probably told me hey you know i gave your videos we watched them on the set of fast food nation
And, uh, what was the other one they were shooting to at the time?
To Bruce Willis, he said it really freaked him out.
In fact, here's a new email from him today back in L.A.
saying it's really woken him up and changed his political paradigm and he isn't going to be used by the Republicans anymore.
He sees both parties are bad.
He's now awake to the new world order.
Well, I didn't even ask Rick to come on air and talk about that.
I didn't say, hey, we talk about that on air.
Because I don't push these people.
I'm a gently, gently catchy monkey, as they say.
I didn't push Charlie to come on this show.
Because that won't work.
Plus, I can't handle the anxiety of even trying to push him.
It's kind of like if you're fishing and you've got a big bass you're reeling in.
If you freak out and decide that you might lose it, it's almost like it wills the fish to get off the hook.
It's like when you're back in college, getting a date with that beautiful girl, you know, there at the bar or whatever.
You've just got to be calm about it.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
What's the point here?
I told you Bruce Willis was aware of 9-11.
Well, Rick Linklater just came out on air and said it, and the neocons went and lied and said, well, we talked to somebody who knows him, and they say Bruce says no comment.
See, it's all lies!
And then Bruce Willis comes out in Vanity Fair last month with a huge cover article saying he believes the government killed Kennedy and that the people that killed Kennedy are running the government today.
And that our whole government's been overthrown.
Gee, Bruce Willis worshipped the government, worshipped the neocons to the whole government's been overthrown, the people running the government now are the ones that killed Kennedy.
Now that's the Vanity Fair.
With photos of the interview.
I'm telling you, Bruce Willis, and I know more than that behind the scenes, knows all about 9-11, all about everything now, and is totally obsessed with it, and is constantly researching it.
Now, I told you the other names, they're bigger than Bruce Willis.
People I have talked to, but they don't want to go public.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
In fact, two of them are the biggest actors in Hollywood.
I'll just leave it there.
They're one and two, yeah.
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We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Renegades!
We're the Reneg
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Michael Moore 9-1-1 could be an inside job.
The media, they're smart, will try to contain this.
I don't think they can.
And I just, the We Are Change team is so big I just wish they got the websites up in the middle of it.
I know that people don't like to do that but the problem is Fox News is already twice as well as MSNBC taking the video we've gotten and then they edit it the way they want and then no one ever sees the
Websites, so we can then have people visit our sites and find out the truth.
But regardless, it doesn't matter.
We're taking action.
That's the key.
And Michael Moore has now gone public on 9-11.
That is coming up in the next segment.
Now Amy Goodman is a complete chicken-neck coward.
She was there when Building 7 fell, covering it.
She ran away from it.
She knows all about it.
She just rudely says, I'm not going to talk to you, I'm doing another interview, and she isn't really even doing that.
Or she could have said, I'll talk to you in a minute.
You can see how afraid she is.
Her eyes get big.
She knows.
She's big Ford Foundation fake liberal.
There to pacify the left.
She's another gatekeeper.
She's just a Rush Limbaugh of the left.
That's who they are.
They're there to pacify people.
And I'm frankly, I'm sick of them.
Get rid of all these left-right issues, all these labels.
Just become human beings, folks.
And demand justice and demand the truth.
So first, they come up and talk to her and she brushes them off.
They've already talked to Moore three times and he's brushed them off.
But this time, he approaches them.
And you can tell, he just walks up, spills his guts, it's off the charts.
That is coming up in the next segment.
Right now I've got to give you the sad news, and notice how even the so-called conservative publication spins this.
We really need an article out on this right now.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Illegals like border fires to sidetrack U.S.
Border Patrol agents seeking to secure the nation's border in some of the country's most pristine national forests are being targeted by illegal aliens who are using intentionally set fires to burn agents out.
...of observation posts and patrol routes.
The wildfires have destroyed valuable natural and cultural resources.
The national forest system imposed an ongoing threat to visitors, residents, and responding firefighters, according to federal law enforcement authorities and others.
Now, let's just stop.
The hardcore anti-human enviros will go in and burn out homes, car dealerships, ski lodges, and they'll do it when nobody's there, and they'll get 20, 30, 40 years in prison, and they should.
It is terrorism.
That is terror.
Arson is a very serious issue.
But I happen to read New Mexico, Arizona, and South Texas news, and I happen to know, and again, when I saw this ten minutes before I went on air, I didn't even have time to IM Steve Watson, I hope he's listening, Steve Googled homes burned, cars burned,
Google more than a dozen fires set by immigrants.
I'm going from memory the last two years.
I've seen probably more than 20 articles where the illegals are burning down houses, part of neighborhoods, cars.
I mean, folks, we're under attack.
It's the plan of San Diego, which they launched in 1917 during World War I. In one night they killed, what, 23 Americans?
And they're doing it now.
That's why they're driving around in Austin waving Mexican flags and weaving down the street and acting all crazy.
Everybody's seeing it.
It's, it's let's get it on pre-fight celebrations.
That's why they want to get this immigration now, before they burn everything down.
Then it'll be hard after.
I want to get a final.
They've already got enough to bring the country down, but they want a double helping to ensure our defeat.
They're rushing the gate right now.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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What do they say?
God bless John Wayne?
God bless Johnny Cash?
There's gotta be somebody wrong.
There's gotta be something wrong with somebody who doesn't like Johnny Cash.
Illegals like border fires to sidetrack U.S.
Now this is the Washington Times, and this is how they spin it.
Folks, if you light a fire where you know there's people that are in danger, you can get life in prison or the death penalty, and you should.
Okay, arson is a big deal.
And I see the Texas papers, I see the Arizona papers, mainly New Mexico papers, it's happened some too, where the illegal aliens will just go crazy and burn down a bunch of houses and cars in one night.
What, they set 14 fires, I actually pulled it up during the break.
Fourteen fires in Arizona, almost two years ago, in one night, in response to increased border patrol in the area.
They just got mad, and they went in and they burned down a bunch of houses and cars.
They went into the biggest fire, it was in an 18-wheeler lot, and burnt down a bunch of 18-wheelers.
And we got foreigners running around, setting fires all over the place, and the newspapers, nationally, can't even call it what it is!
But I got state police on video pulling over my listeners out of their own squad car video and finding pocket constitutions and thinking that constitutions are illegal.
That's how warped and bent and screwed up things are.
We got illegal aliens killing sheriff deputies.
It was five Texas sheriff's deputies I know were killed on the border in just 2006 alone.
Remember that being in the paper.
I had sheriff's on who've been there when the Mexican troops come across the border as far as two miles and aim guns at them and say, we're going to kill you if you don't give us that truckload of marijuana back.
And they handed over.
I mean,
People say, oh, be friendly.
Mexico loves us.
Oh, these illegal aliens love America.
There might be some of them that do, but I can't find them.
I mean, I'm supposed to just sit here and believe the lie and listen to a bunch of people shooting their mouth off about how they want to bring my country down while they run around and set fire to stuff.
And while the government gives them more tuition than citizens, more welfare than citizens,
Everything to incentivize the destruction of this country, because the people running Washington and Mexico and Canada want a one world government, and they're doing it.
By the way, all these flag-waving Mexicans need to know something who are over here.
You're coming under the new old order system now of euthanasia and infanticide and abortion, and look what your government's legalized now, and look at how your quote being modernized, look at how your women are now becoming modern, they're going and getting their babies cut out of them, and they're getting sterilized.
You don't care about your Raza.
I care about your Raza a lot more than you do!
So don't you give me your macho bull anymore about your La Reconquista!
And don't look at me sideways when I sit here and call you out for what you've been doing.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!
I want you to live good.
I want your families to do good.
All I want is justice.
And I'm telling you, you're taking part in the destruction of the best country in the world.
And I can't stand your Mexican flags anymore.
I literally am starting to feel very aggressive when I'm driving around seeing them everywhere.
I don't like it.
By the way, you're being set up in something you're going to lose in.
I hope you know that.
But we're going to lose too, Americans, whether you're Hispanic, Black, or White, or Asian.
But you're going to be the real losers, you nationalistic, pro-Mexico people.
And I don't mind if you love your country, and you like Mexico, but stop walking all over the American flag, and stop shooting your mouth off all day about my country.
Man, I'm just getting so mad right now.
I lost control Sunday.
I mean, I'm really getting mad.
I want to just literally, just, ugh.
I mean, it's starting to really get to me, folks.
I cannot handle it, because I look at the numbers.
800 people in 2005 died.
The numbers always come out like a year and a half later.
We don't have the numbers for 2006 yet.
They're due out soon, in the next few months.
820-something people, I'm going for, I know it's over 820, 824 is what comes to mind, but don't believe me.
Just go look it up for yourself.
I know it's over 800.
On the Texas-Mexico border alone, on both sides.
Now granted, over two-thirds of those were on the Mexican side, but it was 200 plus on our side.
And I mean, car bombs, machine gun attacks, I mean, it's a... In college, we used to go down there to Laredo, Nuevo Laredo, and you know, stay in the big hotels and stuff on both sides.
Man, it is just horrible out there.
There's no tourists.
I've been down there since.
I mean, it is just dead.
Rocket attacks, machine guns going off every day, mass kidnappings, the army called in, dead cops all over the place on our side.
Los Zetas is doing hits and car bombings in Dallas, and it's like a one paragraph... I mean, we got bombs going off, folks!
We got cars blowing up, and it's a paragraph!
Now, you bet if some Muslim was involved, it'd be international news, Tony Blair giving speeches about it, Bush running around, Chuckie Schumer, Hillary just total hysteria!
Meanwhile, we got fires, machine guns, rockets, truck bombs, everything else!
Mexicans running around, waving flags, crazed-eyed!
Last year, when they had that Rob Allen & Co.
Bush-sponsored multi-million march that went on for two months straight, I mean, up in Mesquite, in Dallas, it was in the local papers that the Mexicans were attacking people and dragging them out of their cars.
I mean, that was kept real quiet.
That's why Farmer's Branch said, that's it!
Get out of here, illegal aliens!
The stuff like that was happening in Farmer's Branch.
I mean, the yuppies are starting to wake up, folks!
So keep doing it!
Keep dragging people out of cars, and keep beating people's cars up, and keep running around waving your green, white, and red.
Just keep doing it!
Because I'm getting rid of it, including Hispanic Americans.
I've been in San Antonio, and he was like 12, and I was like 13.
I usually go down there about two weeks every summer.
Or a couple summers.
And we're all his friends.
And we'd be over at their house, swim in the backyard, swim in the pool or whatever, and they would start bringing up, man, these illegal aliens, they're going to hurt the country, they don't like America, because these people are all military, you know, a lot of their dads or their older brothers were all in the military.
And because they can speak Spanish, and they go, you know, these, and they use the term wetback, and I thought it was some test.
I was like, I was thinking, because I was, you know, a little white yuppie kid, you know, taught to be guilty, and literally, you're walking around talking about your bad.
No, about 90% of us are these bleeding heart little knee knocking.
Oh, please don't hurt me.
I'm so sorry.
I'm bad.
And my cousin who was brought up in Guatemala, of course, spoke fluent Spanish.
He's been a bartender in the past.
He said, you ought to hear these Mexicans come in and just, I hate America, look at this scumbag gringo, we're going to be killing all these people soon, and my cousin will snap back.
I've been in the hotel room with my cousin on a road trip, and he dreams in Spanish.
You'll hear somebody speak in Spanish, he'll wake up, and it'll be my cousin over there talking in his sleep.
He was a little baby in Guatemala when my uncle lived down there with my aunt.
But to make a long story short, he hears it, we all hear it, we all know it, and I first heard about how dangerous the illegal aliens were from Mexican-Americans.
Okay, so they know.
They're sitting there hearing all this, we're going to destroy America, ha ha ha, and Mexican-Americans go, who by the way always want to be called Americans, they don't call me a Mexican-American, I'm an American.
And then what group I am comes after that.
Because they know, folks.
They're hearing what my wife hears because she speaks Spanish.
They're hearing what my cousin hears because he speaks Spanish.
I guess I've been blessed to have my wife, who grew up in Spain, and then my cousin grew up in Guatemala, and so they can go, oh yeah, it's bad.
And he was a bartender.
They'd walk up and say, give me a Dos Equis, or give me a Rum and Coke, and then, look at this stupid little gringo.
I can't wait till we kill them all.
My cousin would snap back.
And they'd all apologize and give him a big tip.
I mean, just stop it, okay?
We're sick of it.
We know what you're saying about us.
We know what you're doing.
Knock it off!
Just knock it off!
The Michael Moore clip's coming up.
But this story, illegals light border fires to sidetrack U.S.
Now, every few weeks they shoot up Border Patrol vehicles, they shoot up National Guard, they chased the National Guard off the border a few months ago.
I mean, American colors never ran before.
Now we're running, the cops have been told to run, the local police, the sheriff's deputies, the Border Patrol, the military, are told to run.
And the military's not allowed to have bullets, they're not allowed to have cartridges.
But they sure do when they run checkpoints inside the U.S., though.
Well, I've seen them, locked and loaded with live rounds.
But that's only for scumbag Americans, not for the precious doiling illegals, the implement of the destruction of the United States, the precious dagger the New Order kisses and loves on as it plunges it over and over again into our back.
And America's been a big ol' strong bull, but we can't take being stabbed over and over again forever, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, we're on our knees right now in a pool of blood.
The country may not even be able to be brought back, but at least we can try to salvage something.
At least the crash landing won't be a fiery destruction.
Maybe we'll just break the landing gear off and slide and everybody gets off this thing.
But, I mean, we're in trouble here.
And now they are finally admitting what's been in the local papers.
This is the first time I've seen an actual story about all the burning.
And they're burning stuff in South Texas.
They're burning in Arizona.
They're burning everywhere.
In the Coronado...
National Forest, Arizona, with 60 miles of land along the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S.
Forest Service firefighters sent into battle fires of clear wildfire areas are required to be escorted by armed law enforcement officers.
Armed smugglers of aliens and drugs have walked through the middle of the active firefighting operations, the authorities said.
The Border Patrol's Tucson, Arizona sector, which encompasses most of the Colorado National Forest, has the highest incidence of cross-border violations in the nation.
Nearly 500,000 illegal aliens were apprehended last year alone.
They say they get 10% of them, maximum.
So what's 10 times 500,000?
Five million.
Now, the Fed number's three million, but their own calculation would be
You know, like, the Feds put out weird numbers.
They say, well, we catch about 1 in 10, but we think 3 million cross there at that one spot every year.
But if you catch 1 in 10, that'd be 5 million.
Let's just say 3 million.
Nearly 500,000 illegal aliens were apprehended last year, more than 30,000 a month.
In addition, nearly 100,000 pounds of marijuana with a street value of 200 million was seized, and it was halted as it was halted at the Colorado National Forest.
And it goes on to talk about how they've caught them catching fires and
And how they've assaulted, dramatic rise in assaults against Border Patrol agents, up more than 100% over last year.
Criminal activity, both illegal immigrants and citizens, and forest on the border is a threat to members of the public trying to use their public lands, and to our employees trying to manage these lands.
He said law enforcement personnel were assaulted, threatened with weapons, and shot at, and their vehicles have been rammed by cross-border violators.
And these guys don't want to lose their jobs, so they've been rammed, and they don't even shoot back.
Let me just give everybody a newsflash.
Somebody starts ramming my car, and I got a gun.
I'm gonna pump those rounds right into your windshield, right into your chest.
Oh my God, he says if someone's trying to kill him, he'll fight back.
Oh, it's so evil!
Nope, not our cops, man.
They stick their tail right between their legs, and they run, because they've been ordered to.
They got armored vehicles for the Brown family, but the illegal aliens get tax amnesty.
There needs to be Abrams tanks, helicopter gunships, blimps surveilling everything.
And somebody comes across that border with a weapon, that's a military intrusion, and they need to drop precision-guided munitions on those people.
I want cluster bombs dropped on them.
That's what our military's for!
That's what you got a military for!
I want to go down there and kick the butt of any of these military intruders!
But no, it's not our government, it's not our military.
Our military is in there lobbying for blanket, total, complete amnesty.
Major police departments are now trying to hire illegal aliens to be cops.
Santa Fe amongst them.
Over 20% of the ground force in the army in Iraq is illegal alien legalized.
We're in mayday crisis.
We're being attacked from below by the illegals.
We're being attacked from the high ground by our own degenerate government.
That is not our government.
And I've had enough, ladies and gentlemen, I have had enough.
So, bottom line, the U.S.
is under military attack.
The illegal aliens that are in this nation, many of them see themselves as fighters.
They openly write about it.
And they have been told that when the word comes down, that they are to set fire to every major U.S.
And they will do it.
Do you know what a thousand special forces commandos can do with just gasoline and things like that?
They could bring this country to its knees.
And don't think for a minute they're not Chinese.
Here they've got over 5,000 front companies that are PLA.
Don't think for a minute that there aren't thousands of Russian commandos here in the U.S.
at any one time.
And folks, the point is they can use them and they probably are.
The New World Order is going to destroy this country one way or the other.
And I know you're thinking, oh, it can't happen here.
It is happening here.
But the greatest threat is these illegal aliens, folks.
They cannot wait to burn this country down.
Now, they're firing, they're killing, they're burning.
Hundreds of fires, which is arson.
This is a military assault.
You hear it?
Burning out their watchtowers.
Burning out the border patrol stations.
Burning them!
If you or I went and burned out a border patrol station, and we were an American citizen, it'd be international news.
But they gotta keep this quiet.
They gotta get their amnesty, folks.
Which, by the way, they're set to pass tomorrow.
We've got that news.
We are in red-level crisis.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This is the final last ditch defense of the Republic.
The nation is being absorbed into the New World Order.
Foreigners are being brought in who have been brainwashed with the craven hatred of this country.
We are in grave peril.
And I pray that God will move your hearts and move your intellects to face the true crises that we are now entering.
And I want every single illegal alien who can understand English to understand me, or anybody who can speak Spanish, to warn these people.
They're being shut up.
See, they've been told all the evils in the world were caused by America.
In a way, that's true because the big banks that run us have done horrible things to Mexico.
Your elite is very corrupt.
They've totally enslaved you.
They forced all the natives off their lands in the South.
They sell the UN biosphere land.
Whoever wants to buy it, I've been down there.
They force them all up into Mexico City and then up into the U.S.
And they're using us as a steam valve.
But the Ford Foundation and the Pentagon's funding all of it.
This is a plan to hurt us all.
And I just want to reach out to these people, but it's so tribal, just like the Germans, or just like the British, or anybody else who's tribal.
They're so tribal.
I've talked to Mexicans who call themselves Mexicans first, and they go, yeah, I know what you're saying, Alex, but we don't care.
We're going to defeat the New World Order.
We're going to go ahead and take over.
They think they're using us, but we're going to get them, too.
No, you're not!
No, your people are in prison.
You're being brought into the system.
No, you're not.
You can't overthrow Mexico.
You're certainly not going to overthrow the New World Order.
You're going to be used.
And it's the craziest thing, because I've talked to Mexicans, who are Mexicans.
They call themselves Mexicans.
And they know about the New World Order.
They know about microchips.
They know about a lot more than the average white yuppie does.
But they still can't get past their Raza.
And then they go, it's all about the familia, it's all about the Raza, and I go, yeah, but this isn't for your family, this isn't for your race, this is for the New World Order, you're being used.
And they'll just say, ah, that may be the way it is, literally, and then they just, the guy will be talking to us, and then just step back into the crowd, we'll have Mexican flags, he goes, that's just the way it is, just smiles.
See, you're giving yourself over to tribalism, just like a Nazi.
You can see the chess game, but then you just decide to just be absorbed by it and go, I don't care.
Like you're under mind control.
And I just can't believe it, because... And that I'm supposed to play along and act like you're not doing this, you're not saying this, you're not burning things down, you're not shooting people, you're not doing racial attacks all the time, right here where I live, you're not doing all this stuff.
I mean, I was brought up, my parents taught me about history and everything, but I wasn't brought up to dislike any other group, so it wasn't until years later that I realized that when, I say five, it was really four Mexicans, one of them stood by, broke my leg.
That was a racial attack, but do I blame all Mexicans?
Because for no reason, four Mexicans attacked me when I was 16 years old and broke my leg.
Yeah, I beat up about three of them and then they finally all jumped and tackled me and then just with boots on purpose, knew how to fight, broke my leg on purpose.
And then kicked me in the face and laughed at me and I was so conditioned that I didn't even see it as Mexicans attacked me.
Even though they were saying gringo while they did it.
And then years later I went, oh that was a racial attack.
But see, the media would never say that or never do that.
It didn't matter, this gringo at least gave you a fight and split some lips and busted some eyes and
You know, again, ladies and gentlemen, I have been physically attacked by anti-American Mexicans.
Do you understand that?
I've been in, I've had to go in and have my, you know, with the bone about to stick out of my leg, I've had to go and have surgery.
And then that was all an ordeal with the anesthesiologists.
Basically, I almost died thanks to the actions of illegal aliens.
I never really come right out with that, but that's another reason.
I have physically been attacked by them.
You understand that?
They're burning, they're killing, and they're doing whatever they want, and they're protected by the government.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, huge news.
We're going to play the audio starting in the next segment.
Michael Moore.
9-11 could be an inside job.
Illegals light border fires to sidetrack U.S.
agents as part of a military attack on the United States.
They are set to vote for total legalization tomorrow.
Bush has arrogantly said, and I'll see it in the signing statement, they're using the playing possum or playing dead tactic of claiming that it's been beaten, so most conservatives are saying, oh no, that was beaten.
Again, the military tactics our government uses on them work quite well.
And it's not our government, it's the criminals that run it.
We'll be going over all that.
Huge Building 7 developments from the loose change crew.
Dylan Avery and Jason Burmas will be joining us.
An executive at a Fortune 500 company who was in Building 7.
Going public, ladies and gentlemen, about bombs in the building.
Explosions before Tower 1 or 2 even collapsed.
This is huge breaking news and I'm very honored they're going to break much of it here.
They'll have some Part 2 of that tonight on our own show here on the GCN Radio Network.
That's coming up in 30 minutes.
Also, I want to... I'm trying to get all the Luke Radowsky or any of the We Are Change crew, because I want to give them the credit for the great work they did with this Michael Moore video.
Michael Moore, 911 could be inside job, discusses explosions in buildings, demands 100 angles of Pentagon video, and calls for new investigation.
They haven't even told us half the truth yet.
We'll be covering all that when we get back in the next segment.
Right now, I do want to encourage all of you
To cease any procrastination that is going on and to support us.
Plus you get powerful videos.
America, Freedom to Fascism.
Luce Chainz 2nd Edition.
9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
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Have the original.
Support the artists.
Support people who put this out.
Also, riddles and stone about the globalist mindset and what makes them tick.
Very important to have.
Excellent film available at InfoWars.com.
Terror Storm, first edition.
We literally got about 30 more in to fill some mail order back orders and they're all gone.
Because we got down to just a couple.
They're only available, what we've got left, in combo orders.
Because, again, we don't want to break up those combos and get rid of those specials, so we have it available in a few of the combos.
If you get the combos, you can still get the first TerraStorm, plus the combos are radically discounted.
And I'm sending a signed card with each of the final first edition TerraStorms that go out.
Secondarily, we do have the final cut, the special edition TerraStorm, with over 17 minutes of new footage and information on Building 7 and the BBC and CNN reports about how it fell before it did fall.
Uh, Gore Vidal, of course you get the interview with Jesse Ventura in there, the key snippets, interviews with Bill Christensen, the CIA going public about 9-11, high level CIA officer, case officer, section chief.
Family members going public on 9-11.
It's all in the new final cut of Terror Storm, the 2007 edition.
You can pre-order that.
It'll be shipping next month to you.
Your orders will go out first.
So again, InfoWars.com.
You can get the old Terror Storm or the new Terror Storm for a limited time.
Then forever, it'll just be the new Terror Storm.
Get a signed Collector's Edition Original Terror Storm First Edition right now at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, to get the new Terror Storm or the old Terror Storm or to get loose change or any of the films at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Or again, PrisonPlanet.TV.
15 cents a day, all 15 of my films, all my other videos, interviews, in-studio reports, the TV show, PrisonPlanet.TV.
And Endgame will be up there a few weeks before it's available anywhere else.
Coming up in early October, it'll be up and won't be able to get the DVD until late October.
So get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership and that is really what's funding us.
So thanks to all the support for you out there that are members.
So again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back with a Michael Moore bombshell.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know what?
Let's just play the whole ten minute clip.
It starts out with WeAreChange.org, InfoWars.com, and PrisonPlanet.com reporters going to a sicko, this new film about the big pharma scams, screening.
Just a few days ago.
Now breaking, now up on Google Video.
If you want to see the video, go to PrisonPlanet.com.
There's two stories out on it.
The story under the top headline is by Aaron Dykes.
That's the one we really need to focus on and dig.
Again, dig is hundreds of times bigger than the Drudge Report.
If you get on their main page, millions of people will see it.
It can break into mainstream media that way.
There's a dig brigade who brags that they try to ban any story we put out.
Now, it is very newsworthy that Michael Moore says 9-11 could be an inside job.
Discusses explosions in buildings, demands 100 angles, a Pentagon video, and calls for a new investigation.
They haven't even told us half the truth.
This is huge!
In the whole chain reaction of Charlie Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell and all the other people that have been going public.
There's a lot of others that have been going public.
James Broland and the list goes on and on.
Christina Ebersole and
The dam is now breaking, and this is big because he's totally respected, he's mainline liberal, mainline democrat, and he's the biggest documentary filmmaker in the world.
Michael Moore saying what he said is absolutely huge.
Now at first,
The bodyguards keep people away, like three times, Moore gets away from them, and then he just comes back, like looking for them, and comes back and says, okay, you can see him, you can tell he's just decided to go for it.
You can literally tell that Moore is tired of covering up.
By the way, we've known for a long time he knows all about it.
I'm just going to leave it at that, how we know, but we know, from triple sources.
So, he just goes ahead and spills his guts.
Now, we don't need the Digberry Brigade to be able to stop this.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com and get this story.
Get both the stories.
Michael Moore, 9-11, could be an inside job.
Get that one.
And also get the Michael Moore has serious questions about 9-11.
The one Steve just did.
Also, Paul Watson, I can now announce, has been in China for the last week and a half.
I didn't know Paul wanted to announce that.
But he is in China.
He's there covering things and working on some stories.
And he's first-hand experiencing the censorship on the web.
He's got a big article, what the Chinese style internet will look like.
And that's what's coming here.
That's his report from China.
He put a story out last week from China about how they were threatening to attack us on their news there.
And he was watching this on television.
And he was there with some Chinese folks.
They were able to translate it.
He's reading it in English.
So that's why in that report, dig at international attention.
Dig at several million readers.
So good job, Paul Watson, reporting from China.
New report from China, from Beijing.
Also, Michael Moore has serious questions about 9-11.
Those are the two top stories.
But dig the one that says, Michael Moore, 9-11 can be an inside job.
That's the one.
There's a dig fight going right now as they desperately try to shoot this down.
Here's just the whole thing.
The first four or five minutes, they mill around.
Amy Goodman looks at them with hatred and looks scared, says, I'm not going to talk about it, and runs off.
And then it gets to Michael Moore.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
This is at a SECO premiere, or a sneak peek screening.
Not really a premiere.
That's not for a week and a half.
In New York, Michael Moore.
This is historical.
Here it is.
Yes, we'll have a lot of good stuff.
How can we help?
The way you can help is to get involved in these organizations.
Support the, what's their website?
What's the best website for them?
Healthcare Now.
California Nurses Association's got a good website.
And for John, what's the best website here for them to help them out and respond to?
I'll have links on my website to all of these groups.
Uh, get people to go to this movie.
A lot of people are taking people out, having discussion groups.
Move On is getting behind it and having discussion groups.
A lot of different groups are doing that and using the film to organize.
Leave living at the movie.
Feel free to show up at theaters.
It's a leaflet.
Say I said so.
Do like the guy with the deaf daughter did.
Just say you have a close personal relationship with me.
And I said okay to set up a table at the theater or whatever.
And if they don't, I'm right around the block.
You know, something like that.
Anyways, thank you all.
Thank you very much for being here.
Let me carry you.
Yeah, we got one.
We're on the way.
He's got to go.
He's got to go.
Let me know.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
You gotta go.
Have you looked into some of the reasons that the 9-11 workers are sick, Michael?
I was hoping for your approval to take a picture with the guy.
I know you was.
I couldn't agree more.
It's all downhill after this.
Enjoy it.
It was great meeting you.
Thank you so much.
Get up behind her.
Get her.
Michael, can I get your comments on 9-11 being a inside job?
They made a movie about it, Michael.
Can I get your comments about that?
Did you know that the rescue workers have pulverized concrete in their lungs?
Who was the force that pulverized that concrete?
I know you were present for this event.
Can you comment on World Trade Center 7 coming down?
We know you were there for it.
Sorry, I can't talk right now because we're just working out.
Just your comment.
How do you think it came down?
We're just about to do an interview, so we have to just keep going.
If you could just give me a yes or no.
Do you believe that it came down?
I do right now.
Thank you.
Okay, can't answer one question?
No, we're busy working on it.
Oh, really busy.
I understand how it works.
Building 7 ablaze at the moment and apparently getting ready to collapse.
I'll tell you what, hit pause for a minute.
I should have described this in the video.
It's just raw video.
But then they add in the local news station showing Amy Goodman reporting from Building 7 as it blows up and collapses.
But she won't talk about it, because she's New World Order all the way, folks.
They have to control the left and the right.
Just like they control the NRA, who actually Judascoats us for gun control.
And people can't believe it.
So, the Michael Moore thing is about to start.
We'll play some of it, then come back from break and play the rest of it.
Then we've got the Loose Change crew on.
We've got a huge 9-11 development.
It's kind of the day of 9-11 developments.
Let's continue.
My hearts go out to all the people affected by this.
They don't deserve this.
These are innocent people.
Then it cuts back to inside of the facility.
We want to focus on government corruption.
We see that as being the problem.
I really liked how you were not focusing on Hillary so much.
You showed how basically Bush and Hillary are equal.
And your last movie really dropped a lot of hints.
We want to get some ideas, your comments on 9-11 being an inside job.
Because since your last movie, which gave us a lot of information, we now are in possession of all kinds of other facts and evidence.
And we know that 9-11 is an inside job.
So we want to get your comment.
Well, I've had a number of firefighters tell me over the years, and since apparently 9-11, that they heard these explosions, that they believe that there's much more to the story than we've been told.
I don't think the official investigations have told us the complete truth.
They haven't even told us half the truth.
And so, I support, and I hope, you know,
If there's a new administration or somebody could open up a new investigation before we get too far away from it to find out the whole truth.
Let me just give you one thing that I've asked for for a long time.
I've filmed before down at the Pentagon before 9-11.
There's got to be at least a hundred video cameras bringing that building in the trees everywhere.
They've got that plane coming in.
How come we haven't seen?
I'm not talking about stop action photos.
I'm talking about the video.
Back it up a minute.
I mean, do you hear this?
Bombs and buildings.
It only gets more powerful.
The conclusion of the Michael Moore bombshell interview.
On the other side.
New World Order.
You already know it.
We're going to beat you.
One way or the other.
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Day after day,
The man with the foolish grin Is keeping perfectly still But nobody wants to know him They can see that he's just a fool And he never gives an answer But the fool on the hill Sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head Sees the world screaming
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
The Loose Change Info War Commandos will be joining us coming up in the next segment.
Back to Michael Moore, talking about firefighters seeing bombs going off, explosions, and he just basically comes out and says the Pentagon's impossible.
This is getting bigger and bigger by the moment.
Here it is.
Focus on government corruption.
We see that as being the problem.
I really liked how you were not focusing on Hillary so much.
You showed how basically Bush and Hillary are equal.
And your last movie really dropped a lot of hints.
We want to get some ideas, your comments, on 9-11 being an inside job.
Because since your last movie, which gave us a lot of information, we now are
We are in possession of all kinds of other facts and evidence.
And we know that 9-11 is an inside job.
So we want to get your comment.
Well, I've had a number of firefighters tell me over the years and since 9-11 that they heard these explosions, that they believe that there's much more to the story than we've been told.
I don't think the official investigations have told us the complete truth.
They haven't even told us half the truth.
And so, I support, and I hope, you know,
If there's a new administration or somebody to open up a new investigation before we get too far away from To find out the whole truth.
Let me just give you one thing that I've asked for for a long time I've filmed before down at the Pentagon before 9-11.
There's got to be at least a hundred video cameras
We're good to go.
Uh, if you're off by that much, you're in the river.
To hit a building that's only five stories high, that, that's the plan.
Uh, I believe that there will be answers in that videotape, and we should demand that that tape is released.
The idea is that the hole is about eight feet wide.
You see, I'm not very good at the physics and all that, but I, but I, believe me, the questions need to be asked.
You have a lot of unanswered questions.
Oh, and I intend, in my own way, to find
Thank you for whatever you're doing.
What do you think of Ron Paul as a candidate for president?
I don't know much about him.
I'm genetically prohibited from voting for anybody.
Transcend left, right.
If we can get beyond left, right, I think we have a real chance.
He's got the wrong letter in the alphabet by his name.
I think it's more than that, Mike.
Okay, the paradigm is shifting on this 9-11 issue.
If we can force Fox News to bite, because they still think they have all this power, but then that'll cause it to go supernova on the web, and then all the liberals, the mainline liberals, are going, I mean, when Michael Moore goes public, folks, and he's there saying, look, the Pentagon's really suspicious, people
We're good to go.
And if we can get this on the main page of Dig, it will go supernova.
But the Dig Brigade, the Bury Brigade, they brag.
They say, we're here to censor any truth.
And they love it.
I mean, just anything.
Any real news, anything criticizing the government, they bury it.
And they're on there laughing and giggling.
But lately, we've been able to defeat them when you take action.
But it's not happening right now.
They're winning right now at PrisonPlanet.com.
The second story from the top, left-hand side, Michael Moore.
9-1-1 could be an inside job.
I need everybody to go there and dig this story onto the main page and beat these people.
They're giggling, they're snickering, they're saying, ha ha ha, we're going to bury you.
They do it all the time on there.
I mean, imagine just living on the web, being a protected little minority group whose votes count more than others.
Buries do count more than votes up.
And he's going on and cheating everyone, the millions that are on that main page of Dig, from seeing the truth.
Finding out that they're idle.
The big leftist, Michael Moore, is now crashing through the left gatekeeper system and going public.
This is big, it's important, and it's on PrismPlanet.com right now.
We stayed up until 2, 3 in the morning to get this out to you.
Please help us get it out to the people.
We'll be back with huge Building 7 news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, we're getting the Loose Chains crew and True Info Warriors lined up.
Here's a little bit of Metallica.
On a lonely, lonesome highway East of Omaha I listen to the engine moaning out this one old song I think about the woman The girl you knew the night before
Well, your thoughts will soon be wandering the way they always do.
When you're riding 16 hours, there's nothing much to do.
And you don't feel much like riding, you just wish the trip was through.
On the road again.
Here I am.
Upon the tears.
Here I go.
This I am.
Here I go.
We walk into this restaurant, I'm struck out from the road.
Can you feel the ice upon you?
I'm just shaking out the cold.
Pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode.
Make your stand!
Welcome back.
Massive Building 7 news from an eyewitness, an executive of the Fortune 500.
We're going to give you all the details with the loose change crew.
And more details will be posted, I'm told, later today on their message board at LooseChange20's LooseChange911.com.
We're going to be doing a big article today, thanks to the great work of Steve Watson, who's been pulling double time while his brother's been doing special reports from Beijing, China.
Big news up on PrisonPlanet.com there.
What the Chinese-style internet will look like.
He might have some other interesting things when he gets back from China.
Paul just wants to go ahead and blow his cover.
He is there inside the Wicked Command Base right now, filing reports from China.
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Then, of course, ladies and gentlemen, there is eFoodsDirect.
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The organic rules are such sticklers that
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My friends, listen very carefully.
We have to store food for our families if we're going to stay free and stay alive.
Remember the Superdome?
Remember everywhere else?
The U.N., the federal government?
Just type in food as a weapon into Google.
All these Pentagon documents, all these U.N.
documents saying they'll use food as a weapon in the U.S.
to control you.
Not me, Jack!
I got gold, I got silver, I got guns, I know how to use them, and most importantly, I got a bunch of water filters, and I got places to bug out to, and I got really, I guess, four years supply of food with all the purchases I've made.
Some of it's about to be no good, though.
It's about seven, eight years old, and I want to give it away to the food bank before it's not good.
But it doesn't matter.
If you forget and ten years later it's not good, just dump it.
That's what you do with insurance anyways.
You never even use it.
This is insurance that if you want, you can guarantee to use and it's great.
Alright, I'm belaboring that.
1-800-409-5633 or efoodsdirect.com And before we bring them up, I do want to remind you that I'm a documentary filmmaker and Terror Storm First Edition, only a few copies left, literally.
In a couple days we're going to have to pull it out of all the specials.
You'll never be able to get the first edition again.
It is a great film and I'm sending a signed card with each copy that goes out.
It's only available in combo deals right now.
But then the special edition final cut of Terror Storm, we now have it in stock but can't ship until the middle of next month.
You can pre-order Terror Storm, 17 extra minutes, absolutely mind-blowing.
Go watch the sneak peek on the website and that's all available at InfoWars.com.
And two big announcements.
I will be tomorrow night at Brave New Brooks at the end of the drag on Guadalupe, downtown Austin, or by the University area.
I call all that downtown.
It's not technically downtown.
And center of the city.
And plenty of parking around there in the area.
You may have to pay a couple bucks for it, but whatever.
There's some parking garages as well.
Uh, and you can park at the Dobie Parking Garage across the street, and uh, it's just right there at the end of the drag on the south side of the drag.
Great facility, great people.
I'll be there giving a speech, showing about ten minutes of in-game, and uh, signing documentaries and books.
They've been asking me to come down there.
Great folks.
I said, why not?
We're gonna do it.
We're gonna be there videotaping the speech, put it on the web as well.
And then the next night, I'm gonna show a little over an hour, I'm saying an hour, maybe more, of in-game.
Did you pop in my ear, John?
Okay, something just popped in.
They're in Minnesota and I'm in Texas.
People sometimes say, who are you talking to?
I don't hear them.
They're not real folks.
They're on Pluto.
But going back, going back.
We're going to show an hour or so of in-game, about 30 minutes with the new 17 minutes of footage in that 30 minutes of Terror Storm final cut, and there will be some surprises too.
I'll just let you know that.
So I hope to see you there Thursday night, and we've always had every showing sell out.
People always get mad.
You better go to m4awards.com and link through to the Alamo Show and get your tickets now.
Okay, uh, let's, uh, and I'd love it to be free, by the way, but I have to pay the theater to be there.
We four-wall it, as they call it.
Okay, who do I got here from the illustrious crew?
Do we have, uh, Burmus and, uh, Avery?
Do we have, uh, Rowe as well?
No, man, he just got me and Jason.
Well, that's great.
Uh, how are you?
How you doing, Alex?
Man, there's too much out, but what do you think of this Michael Moore stuff?
I'm going to bite my tongue on this one.
You know, Alex, I personally think it's great.
Dylan's a little more hesitant, but the fact that he's talking about the Pentagon issues and explosions in the buildings of the World Trade Center is only a positive push, and it'll continue to open more minds, and they're not going to be able to stop that story on Dick.
Well, I mean, my point is, we know Michael Moore's not perfect, and I know years ago, I've talked to several Hollywood people who've had dinner with him.
He knows all about it.
He's put 9-11 truth links on his site before.
But, I mean, you know, better late than never, at least.
I mean, I understand I'm in no love affair with him as well, but, you know, he's going to get a lot of heat for this.
Dylan, I mean, do you have anything to say about it?
Well, no.
Like I said, well, actually, like Jason said, I'm glad to see that he's finally mentioning this stuff.
It just seems... I don't want to say too little too late.
I don't know.
I don't really know.
Let's see how it pans out.
I mean, I certainly agree with you, but again, better late than never.
Yeah, exactly.
Better late than never.
So, good for him.
By the way, I saw a rough cut.
You guys aren't done until it's even better now, but it was incredibly powerful.
Just the first half of the film, you've got most of it done, but you're sweetening, adding new things.
Because you're going and still getting more interviews up to the minute,
This is huge, folks.
Just to fill you in, Dylan or Jason, just give them the background.
You've confirmed who it is.
He's well-known.
He was on television, hint, hint.
But he doesn't want to be known publicly until the film comes out.
He will reveal himself in the film.
It's just that he doesn't want the... He's a high-level executive.
Well, Alex, here's the deal.
We're not a high-level executive, but when you see who this man is... Well, he's an executive at that company.
He was the boss.
Well, it wasn't a company.
See, this was somebody...
Who was called to the OEM building.
That's what I meant.
I don't want to give away too much.
You do it.
You do it.
Yeah, I'll just explain how this came about.
Dylan and I had been looking for this guy for some time.
Didn't even know his name.
Had basically just watched, you know, hundreds of videos of eyewitnesses explosions at the World Trade Center.
And we came across this one.
And Dylan, why don't you tell people how you fished his name out?
I just, I dug around, man.
I don't want to give away too many details.
And, um, the main reason that we don't want to give away too many details, you know, I read some comments on 9-11Blogger, people were like, oh, this seems more like a sales technique than, you know, searching for the truth, and that's not the case at all.
We're trying to keep this guy's life, you know, somewhat normal until the film comes out, because God knows, when this man goes public and people know who this guy is, all hell's gonna break loose in this guy's life.
Not only are people on our side gonna be trying to track him down,
People like Mark Roberts are probably going to call him up and be like, well, I think you're lying and here's why.
This guy is now on record that day being in World Trade Center Building 7 with another individual.
Basically, we can prove without a shadow of a doubt that not only was he there,
Everything he's saying is true.
And I can say this with full confidence because we've done our homework on him.
And not only that, he actually spoke to the 9-11 Commission, Alex.
So when Thomas Kean says that they don't have any evidence of explosions going off in World Trade Center 7, this guy sat down with them.
And we sent you a couple clips.
We're going to play a couple more tonight, but basically he goes through an amazing account of what happens to him that day, and then later on goes into detail about how he told this story, how no one seemed to listen to him, and he didn't really care because he was telling the truth.
And it's just an amazing account, and like I said, we have him on video that day.
It's going to be a great lead-in, and it's really the knock-it-out-of-the-park interview that proves that Building 7 was demolished.
Gentlemen, all I can say is excellent detective work, Dylan and Jason and Corey, but Dylan, I mean, how good did it feel when you're watching all these hundreds of videos of police, security people, stuff, I mean, just massive, you know, info,
I don't know.
But as long as you guys have got the video, frankly, I'm worried about your safety.
But that will make you a little safer, I guess, by at least playing the audio and, you know, privately, some people you can trust knowing who his name is and who he is.
Plus, if people do real detective work, they can track down the video clips out there and who this is.
So I'm not second-guessing, not releasing it, but I know why people are doing that.
But now that I understand the angle of the enemies out there going after him, trying to make him renege, that is a real threat.
So maybe you guys are right.
Well, that's why we're trying to keep this as low-key as possible.
And like you said, the publicity twice would just be crushing.
This guy's a family man.
I mean, he's literally just a few years away from retirement.
And like I said, when people find out who this guy is, it is going to blow the lid off this thing.
There is no doubt.
That building 7 was rigged with bombs.
Explosions took place before the demolition at 520.
And when you play the clip, you'll find out this guy goes up to the Office of Emergency Management on the 23rd floor, where it was literally manned shortly before he got up there.
But play the clip.
And it'll speak for itself.
Tell us as much as you can, because jabbering you last night, while you're on the cell phone, you know, jabbering this morning, I get things confused.
Well, Alex, let's just play the clip.
I mean, he does it better than me.
It's a 90 second clip, and it'll go over right up to the point of the first explosion, and then we'll take it from there.
Yeah, because we've got two clips, right?
Okay, let's play the first clip.
Here it is.
I was asked to go and man the Office of Emergency Management.
At the World Trade Center 7 on the 23rd floor.
As I arrived there, there were police all in the lobby.
They showed me the way to the elevator.
We got up to the 23rd floor.
We couldn't get in.
We had to go back down.
Then security and police took us to the freight elevators where they took us back up and we did get in.
Upon arriving into the OEM EOC, we noticed that
Everybody was gone.
I saw coffee that was on the desk.
The smoke was still coming off the coffee.
I saw half-eaten sandwiches.
And after I called several individuals, one individual told me to leave and leave right away.
So I came running back in.
He said, we're the only ones up here.
We've got to get out of here.
He found the stairwell.
So we went to the stairwell, and we're going down the stairs.
When we reached the 6th floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way.
There was an explosion and the landing gave way.
I was left there hanging.
I had to climb back up and now I had to walk back up to the 8th floor.
After getting to the 8th floor, everything was dark.
Well, I'm just confused about one thing and one thing only.
Why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place?
I'm very confused about that.
I know what I heard.
I heard explosions.
The explanation I got was it was the fuel oil tank.
I'm an old boiler guy.
If it was a fuel oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.
When I got to that lobby, the lobby was totally destroyed.
It looked like King Kong had came through it and stepped on it.
And it was so destroyed I didn't know where I was.
And it was so destroyed they had to take me out through a hole in the wall.
A makeshift hole that I believe the fire department made to get me out.
Me and Mr. Hess out.
I do have one more question.
And that's basically both clips right there, Alex.
And he follows it up by saying, you know, they were stepping over bodies and the firemen were literally telling them not to look down.
That dispels the no-loss-of-life-in-Building-7 theory.
He discusses also with us how while he was trapped on those floors, he was talking to firemen prior to both collapses of the World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2.
As each building collapsed, they ran away from it.
You know, as everybody did.
You know, so those explosions that he got trapped on the 8th floor happened before both towers fell.
He heard many other explosions during the whole thing.
The entire lobby was blown up.
There were dead bodies in Building 7.
And none of that is a part of any official count of the story.
Now notice Mr. Hess.
Explain to people who Mr. Hess is, who he's with.
Well, Mr. Hess now actually works for Giuliani Partners.
And, uh, he was, uh, he was a local government guy.
You know, he was there to see the mayor.
I mean, Barry also tells us how he was there because Giuliani apparently was in Building 7 earlier that day.
Now, let's be clear.
This is an explosion before Tower 1 and 2 even fall.
That's what's key about this.
That's absolutely right.
Now stay there because Steve Watson is going to write an article about this.
That's why I want to debrief you about as much as you can say or what I can say from our private conversations.
I don't want to drop the ball on this.
Dylan and Jason stay with us.
And tonight on their show, right here on GCN, they're going to play even more of the clips.
This has got my heart beating fast.
Folks, this is so big and it's dangerous.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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All right, let's go back to our guest.
Dylan Avery, you know, these are young men and they live under incredible stress.
And, you know, Cory is a battle-hardened combat vet at two different theaters.
And Dylan was, you know, what, 22 years old when he got into all this, or 23, I forget.
And Jason Burmiss, and they're just doing an exemplary job.
And they've been real quiet the last few months, you've noticed, because they've been busy little bumblebees.
But I assure them, they're under surveillance, and they know that, and we're under surveillance, and there's no way to fully keep this secret, so they have to bring out as much as they've had now.
It's really a catch-22.
Poor safety.
Because the type of interview they've got is the type of interview that sends men in black with silencer submachine guns to your house.
And then you hear there was a gas explosion.
By doing this, they are a lot safer, and so is this gentleman.
I understand it's a catch-22 of release it, don't release it.
We'll see, but it's not going to be a travesty if it leaks out.
People are pretty smart.
But we'll see what happens.
We'll be careful.
What specifically, to contain this and make sure the news gets out that you have it, so it doesn't endanger this guy with the public or the crazies or whatever.
Specifically, what can Steve Watson put in the article today?
Well, he can basically say that we have an eyewitness that was in the World Trade Center Building 7 prior to both collapses.
He witnessed a explosion on the sixth floor, literally almost died there.
He talked to the firefighters before both towers went down, watched them run away, walked over bodies in the lobby, and was taken out by the fire department.
He also tells us that when he got out there, the fire department told him that he needed to get 20 blocks up, and this guy's knees were blown out at the time, and he's like, I can't walk 20 blocks, and he said, well you better crawl because explosions are still happening.
So, you know, that just ties into what Morse said.
A lot of these firefighters know there were secondary explosions.
They know they haven't been told the truth.
And it's just so obvious that, you know, 7 was demolished in on itself.
Now, roughly what time was he in the command center when he saw the half-eaten sandwich, the smoking coffee?
I think that's prior to the second plane impact, right Dylan?
That is prior because he was in the building when the second plane hit.
That's right.
He literally got a call saying that they thought a small Cessna type plane had hit the World Trade Center.
Well that's what all the initial reports said.
Some people said it was a small commuter plane.
And then let's be clear, the command center, everyone's pulled out, luckily they're down the street with tripod 2 running a terror attack grill on the complex.
And actually, we did get his comments on Tripod, which he was also involved in after 9-11.
Before 9-11 as well.
Well, he said they were setting it up before 9-11, but he actually did have involvement in Tripod after 9-11, and describes it pretty much the way that we all know it, that was a bio-terror attack drill.
And that terrorists were going to release these things and basically he would be around while other people drilled the scenarios.
Now I got confused talking to you in the morning on the cell phone about the executive and a couple of things.
We're going to leave that out because my God, guys, I mean you know you're literally sitting on a giant stack of dynamite right now.
Absolutely, and that's why we've taken the precautions to secure other copies in case something does happen to the original.
And this is going to see the light of day at some point, and we hope it's with the final cut of this film, because like I said, this guy's a family guy.
He was very gracious to us.
He was very aware of our work.
I mean, we went in there very skittish, Alex.
We tracked this guy down, not sure exactly what he was going to say.
I had an idea.
That's what real police investigators do.
You knock on doors, and you never know when somebody's going to spill their guts.
Stay there, man.
Folks, you're not going to believe who this guy is.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Loose change, final cut, out sometime this fall or early winter.
Absolutely incredible.
I've seen the workings of it.
Uh, the preliminaries, and now it's much more advanced, and we've got to hook up since I can see these interviews, but this stuff is so secure I'm going to have to travel to New York just to see it, but just absolutely amazing folks.
Someone involved at the highest levels being sent to the security area, the bunker, with a city official, high level,
And, uh, all of this happening and, uh, just, just, it's off the charts, gentlemen.
I mean, you guys have got lightning in a bottle on this.
How much more will we learn about this tonight and give folks the showtime?
Um, the show time is 7 to 9 Central, 8 to 10 Eastern, and basically you're just going to hear what me and Dylan talked about.
We're probably going to play, we're going to play the two clips that you played here, and we'll probably play another 30 to 90 second clip of his experience going through the lobby and possibly with the 9-11 Commission itself.
But I mean, this is a 20 minute interview, this guy is straight up, I mean he literally has the key to the city, Alex.
I mean, it's wild, and you know, this is exactly what the 9-11 Truth Movement needed.
There can be no doubt, World Trade Center Building 7 was rigged with explosives prior to the plane hitting, and they exploded, and it blew up at 5-20 in a controlled demolition.
The people that try to debunk that, I mean, they have to say tricky things like up to 25% of the building is scooped out.
So really it doesn't have to be 25%.
It could be 5% or 10% or even less than that.
But it's not even that.
Like one little corner had a little bit of damage.
I mean, there was blast damage in the back of the building.
I suspect that's probably from this massive explosion that this individual experienced that day.
You know, it coincides with the
Fires on the 7th and 11th floors.
Now, he was in the elevator when it blew up.
Absolutely not.
He was actually in the staircase because they couldn't get down the elevator.
Basically, when he came in, World Trade Center Building 7 already had police officers all in it.
When they went up into the regular elevator, he was unable to get access to the OEM.
He went back down.
When they came up in the freight elevator, the police who escorted him left with that freight elevator, so they had no access to that.
The Office of Emergency Management, the FEMA Command Bunker.
That's right.
Also known as Giuliani's Bunker.
That's right.
And, uh, so they actually had to take the staircase and he, you know, he basically said, uh, because the other guy was slower, he saved his life because they would have been, uh, either on the 6'4 or below when that explosion took place.
Is he scared?
You know, I don't know if he's scared, but he's very concerned.
He's concerned, he's concerned that, you know, how people are going to view this, how much his life might change when this goes public.
Well, at the same time, he had seen the second edition of our film.
And, uh, he was a fan.
Now that's incredible.
You contact him, and boom, he's already awake.
Yeah, it was pretty amazing.
Uh, you know, me and Dylan were sitting there, small-talking with him, and, uh...
He made a couple comments about the film we had made and we said actually, you know, we're the guys that had made that film and it was pretty funny because other people would come into his office and he would be like, hey, these are the guys that made Loose Change and remember we watched that together and they were like, wow, you know, so it was a very interesting experience.
I know you guys are smart.
But you better know this, this one is dangerous.
And I don't know, you better put your heads together.
I guess you've thought this out since you got this interview last week.
When did you get this last week?
Uh, what was it, Tuesday, Dylan?
Yeah, Tuesday.
Well, just make, I know you've got it all over the country and a few other spots, but I would, uh, I would, uh, get that out to people like, well, you know what to do.
I mean, this is just a very explosive,
And, uh, obviously I think letting some of it leak out keeps you safe, because I guarantee the government knows.
Uh, going fully public, uh, will probably be the greatest protection, but at the same time then they could really intimidate him or threaten his family and try to extract some recant.
I don't know.
You'll have to really put your heads together because I've got a pretty good brain when it comes to this stuff and I am conflicted to say the least.
So what a responsibility.
With great power comes great responsibility.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
We are now eight minutes into this third and final hour.
Huge Michael Moore developments on 9-11.
Even dwarfing the Michael Moore situation.
Building seven developments.
We're going to play those clips a little bit later in the show.
Again, this is all extremely delicate, all of this, and we're talking to Dylan Avery and we're talking to Jason Burmiss.
Gentlemen, anything else that needs to be added?
Any other facets that need to be added about this whole bombshell development?
I'd just like to point out that guerrilla journalism has grown so much in the past few years that it's actually given us the opportunity to get interviews like that, and I would just like to encourage everybody out there to do the same thing we're doing.
I mean, WeAreChange.org, Student Scholars for 9-11 Truth, your guys confronting Michael Moore, we need to keep it up and we just need to keep active.
Well, when I started doing guerrilla journalism 12 years ago, it was, I'm not claiming I'm the father of it, but it was literally unknown.
I mean, reporters didn't go up and accost people, they didn't go up and... or they didn't go get guerrilla interviews, they didn't have a venue to put it out!
And when I started doing this, I was editing on a reel-to-reel, you know, three-quarter inch, you know, hand splice deal, and now, just look at the exponential change!
I mean, Tony Blair came out and said, let's regulate free speech, shut down the free web.
They're panicking, aren't they?
Well, they better panic, because we're able to get this information out at a lightning speed, and it really does end up taking on a life of its own.
I mean, you saw what happened when Giuliani was confronted with his prior knowledge of the building collapse and how it worked its way into his, you know, promo man lying yet again for him, and actually arresting somebody for asking a question.
I mean, these things snowball into a movement.
And that movement is to get an independent investigation into 9-11 so we can sit there and watch these war criminals be prosecuted and punished for their crimes.
Dylan, your comments on the, I mean, we say it all the time, but I want people to really consciously realize it.
Give me your angle on how the alternative media is just, with you guys leading at the forefront, is just going supernova every day.
Yeah, man, we definitely are the new media, and I think both
Both independent media and both the 9-11 Truth Movement has made leaps and bounds since day one.
And I don't think it's going to slow down at any point soon.
Now, I'm going to get back into the huge developments you guys have broke, but I don't want to keep you too much longer.
We don't hear a lot from you guys because you're so busy getting interviews, putting the film together, and I've been honored and blessed to be in a position to be able to see this as it grows and develops.
It's just been a wonderful experience, and I'm glad you guys are taking your time.
That's what I've been trying, as an executive producer, to tell you guys.
Take your time.
Make the film that you want to make.
Don't rush it, but at the same time, get it as quickly done as possible.
I mean, what are we talking about, late fall, early winter, something like that?
That's what it's looking like.
And like you said, it is a Catch-22 because we are so eager to get this movie out there.
People don't understand how we just want this movie out there and us to move on to the next project in our lives.
However, we're not willing to compromise our quality.
You know, if something needs to be in there, and it needs another week, well, we've got to do it.
Because this movie has to be absolutely as airtight as possible, because once again, if we can make this the number one movie in America, we can make it the number one issue in America, and we can really make change in this country, and that's what we're all about.
Um, Burma said it best, man.
I'm sorry, I got a cold.
I don't feel too good.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
How was, uh, how was Tennessee?
It was great, man.
It was definitely great.
Yeah, it was a good time.
It was a nice little breather.
I actually, on another front, got to meet Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine.
I handed him a copy of Loose Change 2nd Edition.
And I hope he watches it.
You know, that's another thing you can do.
You know, celebrities, unfortunately, reach more people than CIA agents or physicists or, you know, actual scholars.
So we have to keep hitting them up as well.
Well, I mean, that's why this Michael Moore thing is so important, because he's such an icon for the left.
If he starts saying, yeah, explosions in the buildings, yeah, the Pentagon's impossible, yeah, there's a cover-up, I mean, that right there, that is huge!
And I think that the reason that he's talking about it now is because Cindy Sheehan has went public on your show and discussed the fact that, you know, she's watched Loose Change.
She thinks it looked like a controlled demolition.
She has her own questions about the NORAD stand down.
And, you know, she was a pretty big supporter of Moore and they've done some events together and met several times.
So, you know, we just keep pushing them over like dominoes, Alex.
Well, that's right.
Their base is literally disintegrating and coming over to the side of truth, just like mainline conservatives are blowing out their paradigm and just becoming freedom fighters, constitutionalists, freedom lovers, truthers, and bigger than 9-11 truth.
We're just into truth, we're into what's happening, and I tell you, this is a David vs. Goliath story.
What I've been able to do, what you guys have been able to do, what everybody in the alternative media, 9-11 Truth, has been able to do, I mean just the story, and that's why it really captures people's imagination, of three young guys, really starting with one, just Dylan, being able to put out a film like Loose Change 1 and 2, now the final cut coming out, all of this, you know,
International media firestorm and now bigger and bigger interviews and the people you go and you reach out to high-level people you find out know all about it and those bridges are there.
It shows we have made with God's help inroads that are just mind-blowing.
That's absolutely true, Alex.
It's just a testament to what one person, two people, three people, you know, four people, five people can do.
It's unbelievable.
You gotta realize ain't nobody ever got none who didn't raise their voice and push.
And that's what we're trying to do.
We're raising our voice and we're pushing the only way we know how, and that's making good movies.
Now, how do folks support you in the interim?
You're not even really out there with any capital.
I've tried to support you guys.
Can folks go to the Loose Change website and buy some of the DVDs?
Well, they can always get a 10-pack for $40, so they can hand them out to their friends.
They can get the hard copy and the case for $20.
We, of course, have the Investigate 9-11 shirts.
We've got bumper stickers.
We've got Investigate 9-11 stamps.
You know, really just the gorilla merchandise to get out there and
Well, while we were at Bonnaroo, we were literally taking loose change bumper stickers and InfoWars bumper stickers and plastering them all over the urinals.
Because, you know, everybody's got to go to the bathroom.
You know, you've got to use your mind.
You've got to know what people are going to be.
And you can reach people through symbolism.
I'm touched!
You guys were sticking InfoWars stickers up?
You know it, Alex.
Somebody sent us like 500 loose change stickers.
We've been sticking them in the packages we send out.
Yeah, send me some more.
I'll put them in the packages.
Well guys, I want to talk to you during the break in about three minutes and I'm going to let you go and get back to your work.
So I don't have to call Dylan and you up today and have another meeting because I haven't really talked to you guys except on the phone last night and this morning since you got back from Tennessee and since you got back from New York.
But I do want to talk to you about one or two issues and specifically a few final questions I've got about what I can put in this article that Steve Watson is doing.
Also about those clips.
Not really, man.
I've got to get back to work.
Yeah, I am.
It's just mind-blowing to me to see that you guys got an interview this big, and I guarantee you there's going to be more and more of this happening.
Absolutely, and it's just like the domino effect that I talked about earlier, Alex.
As people see more prominent people going public and telling their true experience about 9-11, it will domino to people that were actually in on the war games, which I believe were the operational arm of this attack.
You know, it's only a matter of time
Until it just snowballs until you can't stop people from going public.
And I think we've already reached the snowball point.
I think it's the point of no return was crossed when Charlie Sheen went public.
Everybody saw his courage, knew he was putting himself on the line.
And I'm sure the establishment knows that almost all of Hollywood's awake.
So many military officers I've talked to privately.
I mean, retired two-star, three-star generals.
Conservatives, no.
Now, I mean, my God, this is just... When do you think the total breaking point will be?
Honestly, I do think it'll be after the administration leaves.
I think it's irrelevant whether Republicans or Democrats take the presidency in 2008.
I think once that happens,
And once Kucinich's investigation gets off the ground this September, I mean, he's claiming he's going to do it.
Let's see what he brings up.
I'm hoping at the very least.
He brings up Cheney's stand-down order.
We'll see.
Well, I agree with Michael Moore, though, that, I mean, I hope you're right, that, you know, before this gets too old, he's got Fahrenheit Part 2 coming out, which could be a 9-11 truth movie, we're told.
Before this gets too old, that they could, or another big terror attack, God forbid, happens, which they may do just a smokescreen 9-11 truth, but then that could backfire on them, too.
I don't think that they'll be able to carry out another terror attack in this country.
I mean, there's the possibility of, you know, south of the border, or maybe even Canada.
Possibly Europe.
I don't see them attacking.
They've used Europe quite a few times.
People are getting hip to their tricks over there.
So I think that we have a small window.
Obviously, I'm not going to be too cocky about it.
We're still pushing to get this movie done as quickly as possible.
But it's limited.
It's not going to take the 13 years it took
For the new JFK investigation to take place, and it's not going to be where no one's prosecuted.
People are going to pay for this crime, Alex.
I truly believe that.
Well, I agree that they're using the 40-50 year old model of propaganda.
It's not working.
They're using JFK style propaganda when they killed the president.
And just like Bruce Willis said, the same people that killed JFK are in power today.
I mean, when Bruce Willis wakes up, who totally served them, it's over for him.
I mean, he is a real canary in the coal mine for their biggest supporters waking up.
I mean, the man is literally in live-free or die-hard this summer, which I'm sure will be a terrorist propaganda picture.
I can't imagine it being anything else.
I'm sure it's going to be going after the terrorists.
And, you know, the guy's an action hero that has served the establishment for so long, and now he's finally speaking up against them.
Gentlemen, I'm going to talk to you during the break and then let you go.
There goes Jason Bermas and Dylan Avery of LooseChange911.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
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We're good to go.
Alright, we're back.
Coming up, we're going to play those audio clips, uh, again.
And again, uh, just the, you can't imagine the stress I'm under.
I'm not asking for your cries, your pleads, your, oh, thank you, Alex.
I want you to know why sometimes I sound a little nuts.
Why sometimes I'm bumbling around.
Spilling coffee on myself in the studio.
It's because this is real, folks.
I mean, the crimes of the New World Order are so manifest, so legion, so all over the map, so frequent, that I don't even know where to start anymore.
And these guys have got an interview that is totally confirmed with a super high-level official.
Well, someone with super high-level government people.
And it's so big, in the Emergency Management Center, it is confirmed, and it's unbelievable.
I mean, we are living history here, right now.
And you can hear those guys from 8 to 10 Eastern, right here on the GCN Radio Network, that's 7 to 9 Central, and they'll have even more for you in another clip that you didn't hear.
Those clips are coming back up during the next break.
During the next segment.
I do want to take some calls.
On the Michael Moore going public.
On this new Building 7 info.
On those specifically.
Or if you want, on the Browns.
Very successful press conference yesterday.
ABC Nightly News National.
CNN reportedly picked it up.
I've seen the ABC.
AP and hundreds of newspapers around the country today.
And thank God the Browns are smart and took my advice about the press conference.
There was not even going to be a press conference, which I couldn't believe with some of the other strategists.
Oh, no, no.
We had the press conference.
Very successful.
Now there's a lot lower chance they're going to go in and kill those people in the near future.
I just don't want the Browns to get killed, and I don't want the retaliations that are going to come from it.
You know, people popping innocent cops out on the street, which is what some yahoos are talking about doing.
And believe me, that is not going to help fight the New World Order, folks.
Okay, we need to defeat the criminals that are running at the top, not the average schmoes out here.
So, uh, it's just all wall-to-wall.
What I'm going to do is we're going to come back, and air just the two minutes or more, right when he starts talking about the firefighters filling their explosions in Building 7, and the Pentagon.
We'll play just about a minute and a half of that, then I'm going to replay.
Uh, the, uh, clips that, that had the world exclusive here.
I'm so honored that the Loose Change crew did that.
And again, I am one of the executive producers on the film.
So honored they invited me into this whole thing.
And, uh, they're doing really great for men this age, uh, with this much stress on them, because I've been doing this for 12, almost 13 years, and it still makes me grind my teeth in my sleep and, you know, makes me, uh, get pretty aggressive, because that's what I do under stress.
And just pray for all of us, because I know that's what sustains us.
That is the spiritual bread, the spiritual water.
And if you don't believe in that, you're just an idiot.
Okay, folks?
I've lived, I've seen a lot of things.
It's real, folks.
The world orders into the spiritual because it's real.
There's something going on beyond this dimension.
And we're here fighting pure evil, and we ask God to be with us.
And I never tell God what to do, like all these other fake Christians out there, and they have these name it and claim it.
I just say, God, do what you want with me.
I think the most selfish prayer I've given is I've asked God is just to take me first.
Never let the new Lord have my children.
Anything but that.
That's all I've ever asked God is to protect my children.
If that's God's will.
That's the one thing I've asked God to do and that is selfish.
I really don't think, in my spirit, I don't think you're supposed to ask God for things or tell God what you want.
Just say, God, leave God and direct me.
Use me as a vessel.
Take me over.
Use me.
Make me your tool.
And I've always said that prayer.
Because my dad, you know, saying grace every night over dinner would always just say, leave God and direct us and, you know, use us in your work and to help others.
And I always thought everybody was sweet and good and Christian.
Even, and I've learned in the real world that most of these people that say they're Christians really aren't.
And I never, growing up, realized that my parents really are saints.
And so much that who I am is because of my parents.
I've been a much more worldly and a much more evil person than my parents ever were.
They're very sweet people.
Very, very smart.
Very good people.
And I never realized growing up, I thought they were nerds.
I thought they were stupid.
Uh, but their stamp's certainly on me too, so I want to thank my parents.
They really are.
My dad especially is a saint.
And, uh... I don't know why I'm talking about that, but it's just... That's just the way it is.
Alright, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
Look at your young men fighting.
Look at your women crying.
Look at your young men dying.
The way they've always done before.
Look at the hate we're breeding.
Look at the fear we're feeding.
Look at the lives we're leading.
The way we've always done before.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
What a jam-packed Tuesday edition.
Just going to get even more powered back throughout the week as we intensify our war against the New World Order.
We're about to take some calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Popping in will be Luke Radowsky.
We finally got a hold of him at WeAreChange.org, so we can give proper credit to the reporters.
Still don't know their names, reporting for WeAreChange, who got this Michael Moore bombshell report up.
That's there at PrisonPlanet.com right now and WeAreChange.org.
Right now, I want to tell you about ENERFOOD.com.
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And I'm taking it.
And let's just go ahead and go to your calls right now.
Well, you know what?
I've got to play these clips.
Here is the clips.
We're going to have another one of these tonight.
This is the first two, though, of the three.
Someone called to the Emergency Management Center.
He gets there, steaming coffee, sandwich on the table.
Because I learned that from outside the interview.
He talks about the steaming coffee and a bomb going off.
Things exploding when they're in the stairwell because the elevators were shut down before the second plane even hit.
This is absolutely off the charts, ladies and gentlemen.
Here it is.
Do we have that clip?
I was asked to go and man the Office of Emergency Management at the World Trade Center 7 on the 23rd floor.
As I arrived there,
There were police all in the lobby.
They showed me the way to the elevator.
We got up to the 23rd floor.
We couldn't get in.
We had to go back down.
Then security and police took us to the freight elevators where they took us back up and we did get in.
Upon arriving into the OEM EOC, we noticed that everybody was gone.
I saw coffee that was on the desk.
Still, the smoke was still coming off the coffee.
I saw half-eaten sandwiches.
And after I called several individuals, one individual told me that to leave and leave right away.
So I came running back in.
He said, we're the only ones up here.
We got to get out of here.
He found the stairwell.
So we subsequently went to the stairwell and we're going down the stairs.
When we reached the eighth or the sixth floor,
The landing that we were standing on gave way.
There was an explosion, and the landing gave way.
I was left there hanging.
I had to climb back up, and now I had to walk back up to the 8th floor.
After getting to the 8th floor, everything was dark.
The IRS was there.
Well, I'm just confused about one thing, and one thing only.
Why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place?
I'm very confused about that.
I know what I heard.
I heard explosions.
The explanation I got was it was the fuel oil tank.
I'm an old boiler guy.
If it was a fuel oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.
When I got to that lobby, the lobby was totally destroyed.
It looked like King Kong had came through it and stepped on it.
And it was so destroyed I didn't know where I was.
And it was so destroyed they had to take me out through a hole in the wall.
A makeshift hole that I believe the fire department made to get me out.
Now let me be clear about this.
He is called, he's there with a city official, he's in security, we'll just leave it at that.
He is called up into the office of emergency management, the federal slash state city command bunker.
He gets in there, there's steaming coffee, sandwich on the table, everybody's gone.
This is just minutes after the first plane hit.
Everybody's already out.
Then the elevator isn't working, it's shut down, so he starts going down the stairs.
There's an explosion.
He gets down to the lobby.
Now this is the part that isn't in the tape yet.
They have a 20 minute interview, you've only heard a few minutes of it.
There's dead people all over the place, and the firemen are saying, don't look at that.
They've been told, the firemen and the police have already been told, no one's to see all these dead people.
See, that's the globalists.
They've already moved out with their tripod to terror attack exercise at the end of the pier.
Are cops listening?
You know what this means.
Now, we already knew much of this, but here it is.
They've already moved out that morning before anything even happens.
They're already out of the building, running their command center and mobile command centers for a, quote, terror attack.
Remember the head of FEMA, Kennedy, who was there the night before, the regional head, said, yeah, we got there on September 10th the night before and responded that morning after the attack?
They're running tripod to, with the city.
You have this big spook building, CIA, FBI, Defense Intelligence, Army, Navy, IRS, NSA, they're all in there.
They're all gone.
There's a huge explosion.
There's dead people all over the lobby, and the cops are saying, don't look at them, because remember, they say nobody died, but then people publicly knew the name of a prominent, high-ranking Secret Service agent, and their family said, yeah, he died in seven.
So they went, OK, there was one death.
Remember, two years after, they said, OK, there was one death.
No, there were a bunch of deaths.
A lot of people think that's actually where O'Neal was, because first he said they found his uncharred body, then they said they didn't find his body.
FBI high-level deputy director, remember he gave a speech a month before when he quit, the FBI saying, our government's going to let Al-Qaeda attack New York as a pretext to get the oil?
Well, yeah, let Al-Qaeda.
Folks, we have them!
This is so huge!
I don't even know how to describe how big this is.
This is off the charts.
And they will be revealing in the new film who he is, because he doesn't want the publicity right now.
He's afraid they'll come after him now.
I don't know.
I don't know if I agree with that.
I don't even know anymore.
This is all just off the charts.
But I don't tell the loose change guys what to do as executive producer.
People are confused about producer, executive producer.
Executive producer is just kind of consulting, helping out, and financing some things.
But I think what they're doing is pretty darn smart overall.
And they've obviously had good instincts.
But without them even telling me, I figured out who it is.
Because again, you heard him.
He's been on TV before.
He was there, interviewed.
It's unbelievable.
This is so big.
It's just... Oh God, I can't stand it anymore.
Oh my God.
This is all just... I'm actually speechless right now.
You know, I want to play country boy.
I can't survive.
Can you dig that up?
And we're going to go to Luke Rodowski for just a few minutes because I've got to get through these callers as promised.
Skipped, Ed, Carl.
Tried to get Luke on for the first hour, but we weren't able to get him, which I understand he's a busy little bumblebee.
But we'll definitely have him on tomorrow with the reporters that got this interview, if we can, who I want to give credit to, unless they don't want credit.
We Are Change has uploaded this and they don't say who they are on there, but that may be because they want that.
I need to settle down a little bit though.
This is all becoming overwhelming now.
Just praise God all this is coming out.
This is such good news.
Please don't let the Dig Barrier stop our Michael Moore.
9-11 can be an inside job story.
It's the second from the top on the left-hand side of presentplanet.com.
Get it.
Dig it.
Get it out to everybody.
Don't let the Dig Brigade stop us.
I'm going to play just part of this song, and then we're going to go to Luke Radowski briefly, and then we're going to go to some of your calls.
Here it is.
The preacher man says it's the end of time, and the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive.
The interest is up and the stock market's down, and you only get mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see A woman and the kids and the dogs and me I got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive And a country boy can survive Country folks can survive
I can plow a field all day long.
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn.
We make our own whiskey and our own smoke too.
Ain't too many things these old boys can't do.
But we grow good old tomatoes and homemade wine and country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
Because you can't starve about and you can't make a grunt.
Cause we're the small boys raised on shotguns.
We say grace and we say man.
If you ain't into that we don't give a damn.
We came from the West Virginia coal mines and the Rocky Mountains and the western skies.
And we can skin a bus, we can run a trot line, and a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
I had a good friend in New York City.
He never called me by my name, just Hillbilly.
My grandpa taught me how to live off the land, and his taught him to be a businessman.
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway nights, and I'd send him some homemade wine.
But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife.
For $43, my friend lost his life.
I'd love to spit some beets, nothing that could die.
But shoot him with my old .45, cause a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive!
We're from North California and South Alabama And little towns all around this land
So much is happening, and I just thank God for all of it.
Luke Rodalski, I want to get you up for a full report tomorrow.
Who are the reporters of We Are Change?
You've got so many great folks on the team now, unless they don't want to be public, who got this with Michael Moore.
This is a big deal, as you know, my friend.
Yeah, man, we're building up a lot of great people here, and We Are Change is really growing as a group, and that great member was Tom.
I don't remember his last name.
I don't know if he wants me to put his last name out there.
But Tom did an excellent job confronting Michael Moore.
He also confronted Amy Goodman.
And he's a great WeAreChange.org member.
And he's been doing this for a while.
He's been coming down to Ground Zero every Saturday.
And that's what it's about, man.
He's done a great job.
You've got a bunch of other videos that are going to be going up soon.
You're on fire.
Another exemplary example of the Citizen Corps Info War Militia that is bringing the Info War to the enemy and it's just having great effects, my friend.
Yeah, we're working very hard.
I mean, I'm in Washington D.C.
right now actually doing some scum hunting.
We're here just looking for more senators.
We're actually in close proximity to Joe Biden.
We're probably going to see him in a minute also.
We're doing a lot of great work and I just want people out there not to look up to us, but to do what we do and make us look like nothing.
Step it up and create change.
Well, that's what it's all about my friend.
Luke, when you were watching Police State 2000 and waking up five or six years ago, did you ever think you'd be doing this?
I never thought it in my wildest dreams, man.
I never thought anything like this would happen.
You know, I think it's a blessing.
I feel so good doing this and it's one of the best feelings in my life that I... You know, it really makes me feel alive doing this.
You know, confronting the evil.
Confronting, you know, these... It feels great and I just want to encourage people out there to do it.
And it's going to be the best feeling you had in your life.
I agree.
Folks shouldn't just let their lives pass them by.
You should join the fight against the Empire.
You only live once, folks.
Make it count.
And it is good to be alive.
It is good to be taking action.
It is good to be part of change.
And that's what WeAreChange.org is doing.
Did you get the two additional cameras and the cashola I sent you?
Yeah, we got the two additional cameras that we're actually working with right now.
Taking a little break here out in the sun.
And, you know, thank you for everything.
And you've been a huge inspiration to all of us.
And it's an honor working with you.
Well, for every camera they break, we send you two more, my friend.
That's the rule.
And every battery they take from us, we get two more.
And that's what it's about.
And we thank you so much for those cameras.
And they're really going to come in good use, and we're going to make you proud of them.
I'll tell you that right now.
No, you've done well.
Look, I just hadn't talked to you since we sent those, and I appreciate you.
I want to get you on tomorrow with whatever new escapades against the New World Order you're involved in.
But again, I commend you, my friend.
Thanks for joining us.
Keep up the great work, and thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
There goes Luke Rudowsky, the founder of We Are Change.
He got run out of the local liberal 9-11 troop, and he just reconvened and energized it up to 10,000%.
That's called a victory vector.
We're moving in for victory.
Final segment, we'll take three or four calls from Skip, Eddie, and Carl.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here.
I want you to imagine waking up one morning to find out you've been burglarized.
An intruder has taken your personal possessions, credit card numbers, social security cards, banking information, and more, all in the hands of a total stranger.
What's worse is, you realize he got it through your front door because you left it unlocked.
We're good.
We're good to go!
I just want you to know... Let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Oh, let's play this one part.
I just want you to know...
Alright, let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Skip in California, thanks for holding.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Alright, after hearing the Michael Moore clip and then listening to Jason Verma say probably the best effect we can have is getting celebrities because people listen to them,
On July 26th to the 29th, in San Diego, in the Gas Plant District, there's going to be the San Diego Comic Con.
This is a very big deal.
One of the biggest conventions ever.
It's the big comic book convention, yeah.
It's not just comics, though.
No, it's going to be video games, movies, I know.
It's one of the biggest media things in the world.
Just to give you an idea, each movie studio will spend a million dollars just on a booth.
I was there two years ago.
Now they, uh, tomorrow is the Transformers movie.
They had a full 18-wheeler decorated just like Optimus Prime.
So what's your idea?
We're almost out of time.
I bet.
Bumrush it.
Get as many 9-11 truthers to go there.
Any celebrity you can imagine will probably be there.
Get them copies of Loose Change, Terraform.
Hand them out to them.
Get them to see it.
Anyone in the comics industry, everyone will be there.
Fabulous idea!
Call me back tomorrow, write up a press release.
I'll support a local San Diego group to go do that.
Buy tickets.
We'll send somebody.
I've been invited to that a few times by a few producers.
I know they say it's wild.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eddie in Los Angeles.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on Alex?
I was on your website right now and I'm looking at the Chinese style internet.
article that you have on here?
Yeah, by Paul Watson.
Excuse me?
By Paul Watson, yes.
Yes, and they're already talking about legislation in the states already about this, right?
Yes, sir.
And I was wondering, do they need a popular vote to get this bill passed?
No, they have the bought off Congress.
Okay, so is there any way we can stop this from
Yes, they're going to try to smoke screen it and call it different things, but we know what it is.
We don't need net neutrality to stop.
We don't need internet taxes.
We don't need taxes on email.
I appreciate your call.
We need to stop this now and get people educated and realize it is happening.
They almost passed it last year.
Now they're saying they're going to pass it this year.
Same thing with total complete amnesty.
They're looking to pass that today or tomorrow.
They're just going to keep trying.
We've got to keep fighting.
I warn everybody, it's not dead like they're telling you.
That's a complete lie.
By the way, we've got a big event coming up tomorrow night at Brave New Books, off the drag.
We've got a banner up on InfoWars.com to it.
And Thursday night I'm going to have a sneak peek of the endgame at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, 7 o'clock.
Just wanted to throw that plug in.
Carl in Montana, last caller, go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
I'm in Montreal, not Montana.
Okay, Montreal, wherever.
You're in Canada, go ahead.
I have a couple things.
First of all, I'd like to talk to you off the air, because I need a lot of time, but I'll try to make it quick.
I was imprisoned in the United States.
I got almost five years of time for harassing phone calls on trumped up charges.
I came to Canada trying to cross Nunavut into Greenland, and they detained me.
I'm going to fight the Immigration Act, which is racist here in Canada based on 9-11 being an inside job, and I need support.
I hear you.
Send me some info.
Sorry, email me at aaroninfoawards.com and send me your details, okay?
We're out of time.
Sorry to all the other callers.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, here on the network and restreaming 24 hours a day at InfoWars.com.
Don't forget the free podcast there.
And don't forget, you can get the new Terror Storm that's out at InfoWars.com right now.
So please support us.
We need your support.
We're supporting a lot of other people.
And I will see you tomorrow night at Brave New Books in Austin, Texas.
And the night after that, Dalamo Draft House, South Omaha, where I'm going to be showing an hour of in-game and 30 minutes of the new Terror Storm and giving a speech and some other surprises.
All right, get out there and take on the New World Order!
God bless you all!
Good job, everybody!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.