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Name: 20070614_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 14, 2007
2300 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, yesterday we talked about how England is discussing regulating and shutting down free speech on the internet.
Open discussion of it.
And today, here in the U.S., I have a CBS News headline, NRA Democrats Team Up to Pass Gun Control Bill.
And I tell listeners that the 1968 Gun Control Act
Was spearheaded by the NRA and they tell me I'm a liar.
Just like when I tell you Bush lobbied and said he would sign the assault weapons ban that failed last year.
They, uh, call me a liar.
Well, I'm gonna tell you if you jump off a 5,000 foot cliff onto jagged rocks below, you're gonna die.
You can call me a liar.
I know you don't want to believe the truth.
I know you don't want to face how much trouble we're in.
Frankly, I don't either.
I wish everything was just blue skies and roses.
But I have woken up and I have smelled the coffee.
And if we don't all wake up, it's going to allow the globalists to do some really bad things to all of us.
So we all hang together or we hang separate, as Patrick Henry said.
Here's the headline, NRA Democrats Team Up to Pass Gun Control Bill After Virginia Tech Shootings, House Passes Bill to Strengthen National Background Check System.
Did you hear that?
And the average person isn't even aware of this.
Here's another report.
This is from CNS News.
It's the conservative news service.
Found them to be pretty accurate folks, even though they're neocon-ish in flavor.
They do report accurately.
Repeal the Second Amendment, analyst advises.
And it is a neocon group calling for it.
Now a lot of good old boys are going to tell you pretty soon if you don't hand your guns in, you're with al-Qaeda.
This is how they operate.
They don't, they're not conservatives, they're not Republicans.
They're neocon followers and they'll do whatever they're told, whenever they're told, however they're told.
The military, as you know, has been lobbying for the total amnesty bill.
The cover of Time Magazine, the new Time Magazine, you can see it up on
PrisonPlanet.com right now says why amnesty makes sense and it's got a manipulative, fruit pickers, worn hands and we're all supposed to feel sorry and buy into the propaganda.
It's got an agrarian, hard-working Mexican on the cover and I do have empathy for those people.
But I do not have empathy for the grand plan that is sure, as I'm standing here today, just as sure as the sun came up this morning, is the jewel in the crown, the battering ram of the New World Order to finally bring this country to oblivion.
Now that's where we stand.
Our military is not our military.
They're enemies of the Republic, publicly sworn to destroy our sovereignty.
Every major general is a Council on Foreign Relations member, sworn to destroy the United States.
They're all traitors.
They're all guilty of treason.
Every single two-star general and above is an enemy of the Republic.
That isn't hyperbole.
That is a fact.
Almost every governor is an enemy of the Republic, and bought and paid for by the New World Order.
They are moving against us with military lockstep precision.
We are under attack.
Now, we're going to have open phones today.
I wasn't going to have guests today, but I am going to get Randy Weaver on for about 10-15 minutes, because he is saying he's made the decision to go to the Brown property.
I want to get the Browns on for a quick update from them.
Maybe get them on with Randy.
I've been having trouble calling them their numbers.
I thought I had the wrong numbers, but we called and checked.
We've got the right ones.
I don't know what's going on.
We've got your calls coming up and so much news.
Stay with me.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to have open phones today at 1-800-259-9231.
While we go to your calls, we're going to move to you quickly.
So I have your question, your comment ready.
Randy Weaver has said on record he is going to the Brown property.
And so that is good news because that will really bring a lot of national attention to this.
I'm told, I didn't hear it, I was working at the time, that I believe that Elaine Brown, that's what I was told around coast-to-coast AM last night, but I am unable to confirm that.
Trey said he was half-asleep listening to it and thinks, you know, heard a lady on there talking about the situation and he thinks it was Elaine.
We're trying to get a hold of them right now so they can come on with Randy, just for 20 or 30 minutes or so,
Because the Feds did, this is confirmed, did tell them two days ago, it's up on PrisonPlanet.com, that they're going in!
And people are emailing me and asking me, hey, what's the big deal here?
There's standoffs all the time.
Well, this is a famous case, this is good people,
And a lot of folks are saying they're going to retaliate if the Feds go in there.
And so that's what makes it a big deal.
Number one, this man and woman's life are in the balance.
Number two, they haven't broken any law.
Number three, they've been railroaded.
But number four, this could trigger something much larger.
That's why we're watching it very closely.
Last week I said this could trigger a revolution.
And I don't just say things to say them, or say it for effect.
I try to tell you what I really think.
And POTOC, the head analysis minion, strategy minion over at Southern Poverty Law Center, said that they don't want the Feds to go in because this could trigger an explosive growth in our movement and could start national violence.
And it really could.
And again, it does nothing for the Patriot Movement, nothing for those that want to fight the New World Order, if some military and some cops and some FBI get holes put in them.
The New World Order could absolutely care less, okay?
That's part of their larger plan.
I've got so many public quotes and private quotes from Henry Kissinger and Rockefeller and the rest of them, calling our military dumb animals that are meant to die.
Look, we're having an effect in the information war, and I'm trying to do everything I can to keep it in that realm.
Because once it goes hot, we're in deep trouble.
By the way, they want a hot war, and they're either going to stir up some type of revolution, or they're going to give the illegal aliens the order, through their different chieftains, they're totally in control of the globalists, to literally set fire to most major U.S.
cities, or they could completely plunge the economy by itself, but from all the analysis I've seen, from the Financial Times of London and the Washington Post,
Kind of the New World Order organs of propaganda where they tell you what they're going to do to you, but they put their spin on it.
They plan a slow, gradual crash.
A slow, gradual decline.
We're going to be talking about that today.
But once you start the decline, they could even lose control and have an overnight crash.
And they don't want that, because if you find out you're third world overnight, you'll riot.
They want it to be slow and easy as they beef up the police, as they build prisons everywhere, as they shift the economy over to a police state grid.
That's all part of the larger plan.
I'm going to be going over that today.
But the news here that I have in front of me is repeal the Second Amendment.
Analyst advises, CNS News, the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individuals to own guns and for that reason should be repealed according to a legal affairs analyst who opposes gun ownership.
The Second Amendment is one of the clearest statements of any in the Constitution.
Benjamin Witts, a guest scholar at the Center Left Brookings Institution, acknowledged in a discussion Monday, we had decades of sort of intellectual gymnastics to try to make those words not mean what they say.
He goes on to say, but they do mean you have that right, we should take it.
So see, it's just like Tony Blair doesn't deny that there's free speech in England, he just says we're getting rid of it.
He doesn't deny there's a Magna Carta, he just said I'm getting rid of it and I have.
England's not free anymore.
And we're not to a great extent.
We're falling.
Literally we are seeing the fall of the West into what could only be termed corporatism.
And I don't use those words lightly.
We're in crisis.
And you watch, when they put a Hillary in, most of the liberals that were fighting Bush in the New World Order are going to suddenly love it.
And we are in for very dark times.
Just like conservatives couldn't see Bush's corruption, the liberals won't see Hillary's or Obama's.
And it is going to be a reign of terror.
And again, it's the Republicans and Democrats passing the baton, the deal's been struck,
They're deliberately letting everybody into the debates to weaken the field where no one really stands out.
Then they put in the so-called leaders that have got more skeletons than a mortuary.
Mitt Romney and Giuliani as frontrunners.
And they're just going to take a dive just as sure as the sun came up this morning.
We're in a lot of trouble, folks.
But if we're able to face up to it, and able to recognize who the enemies of the Republic are, and able to get the word out, mouth to mouth, person to person, if we're able to get the word out, and we work really hard, the globalists are testing the waters, and they've kind of, kind of like they're at the edge of a clip, and they're hesitating to jump in.
You know, they're 200 feet up, and they know it's going to hurt when they hit that water.
They know they've got to jump, but they're hesitating.
That's because they see the mounting resistance, but it's a catch-22 because they've got to go ahead and bring in their total tearing, because if they don't, we're going to take it back from them.
And so, but they're beginning to sense that they could lose.
They're beginning to realize that.
Now is the time that do try men and women's souls, and now is the time for you to put the full exertion in.
The full exertion in the info war.
The Second Amendment guarantees the right of individuals to own guns, but he goes on to say, which, I want to get him on, who said he has no particular enthusiasm for the idea of a gun culture, so that rather than try to limit gun ownership through regulation that potentially violates the Second Amendment, opponents of gun ownership should set their sights on repealing the amendment altogether.
And you're going to see things you never thought you'd see, folks.
You're going to see them out in the open soon.
And you'll see them simultaneously raid hundreds of gun shops and gun owners down.
And just make examples.
And you will see mass fear.
Good old boys lined up around the block to hand their guns into cops.
Who will, in most cases, be foreigners.
You don't think that's gonna happen?
It's already happened, folks.
It's gonna be hellish bondage.
We're going into bondage.
I know!
Laugh at me now, cry later.
See, that's what I've got on you, Neocon listeners, is I can predict what's going to happen, and when it happens, you'll remember, and then you will finally convert to being a constitutionalist.
You will finally join us.
You will finally become Ron Paul Republicans.
You will finally repent of what you've done, probably when it's too late.
But that's okay.
At least in your heart, you'll know the truth, and that's what matters.
Because the New World Order is all about our psyches, all about our souls, folks.
Rather than debating the meaning of the Second Amendment, I think the appropriate debate is whether we want a Second Amendment.
Which said, he concluded, however, that the political likelihood of getting the amendment repealed is pretty limited.
Then he goes on with a strategy to get our guns.
Now, why did I raise that today?
I mentioned in the last segment that
Three years ago, the NRA argued for national gun registration in a federal court case.
I read the court case and the filings on air, and I got hate mail.
People cannot believe it.
They will not believe it.
They were about to ban people under 18 from being able to own any type of firearm.
It was going to ban Junior Olympics in Texas.
It was going to shut down private sales, period, in the newspaper, at swap meets, at gun shows.
And we got together with the Texas Rifle Association and we got together with other people and we were down there, had rallies with close to 1,200 people at some of them.
I know the paper said it was more than 1,000.
And boom!
The NRA came in and was lobbying against us.
I was at the legislature.
We caught bribery, it made national news.
We caught actual cash payoffs in the hallways.
Just incredible stuff.
I got attacked by the Texas Newspapers, by the Newspaper Association for it, because the men being paid off were black, and they said I must be racist because they're black being paid off.
I mean, it was just bizarre propaganda.
But they know the dumbed-down public would just read that and, well, would Mr. Jones have shown the bribery if they'd have been white?
It was a white guy paying them off.
Mr. Smith.
NRA was in there lobbying against us, and then I saw on the Dallas Morning News, they said, well, we're neutral on these bills, but these radical groups there that are lobbying against it are extreme and off base.
I think that's the exact quote.
So see, they were covertly lobbying.
And their lobbies were saying, no, no, no, pass this.
But publicly, they said they were neutral, but showed they weren't neutral.
See, that's double speak.
Oh, I'm neutral, but the guys that are for not banning the guns, they're extreme.
And again, I tried to warn you, and again, on a few key subjects, like Pat Robertson saying he's pro-abortion in China, I got hate mail.
I lost radio stations.
They said, well, okay, he did say it, but he's of the Lord, and just basically, you don't take him away from us.
You and your Southern Baptist Convention and all the cult stuff they teach you.
So, fine!
Okay, hey, I'm against abortion.
You can be for it if you want.
I'm not for it.
And, uh, I'm not saying the convention is, but they shouldn't support preachers and leaders who are.
And again, it's double speak.
He'll say he's against abortion, but then support it in the biggest country in the world, the most populous nation with a billion and a half people.
It's the same thing with guns.
You cannot believe it.
You do not want to believe it.
And I've been confronted in a gun shop and I've gotten letters and stuff saying I'm lying, Bush wasn't for the assault of his van.
Yes he was.
And there has been a huge development.
And you notice you didn't get alerted to this by any of the major gun groups.
NRA Democrats team up to pass gun bill.
Notice this just came right out of the blue.
Like everything else of importance.
Come back.
It's bad.
It's real bad.
And as usual, no one is going to talk about it, but maybe they'll show a couple others.
That's just how it is.
We'll be right back.
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I don't think so.
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
Welcome back!
We're going to get Ed and Elaine Brown on, coming up in the next segment with Randy Weaver to give you an update on what's going on out there, and Randy is going there.
He's going to be traveling there.
Very historic.
In R.A., Democrats team up to pass a gun control bill, and this is basically how they're phrasing it.
And see, you wondered why the shooting took place.
Always conveniently, even Limbaugh's had to admit, it's always when there's some new gun initiative, magically it happens.
And President Bush said, something's got to be done.
Well, now they're fusing the state databases, which by the way are being used as larger databases for the matrix system, as it's called, and for the Total Information Awareness Network, that is a larger umbrella.
We've already seen this happening.
And they're putting all your traffic stops, bank information, family tree, census info, major purchases, bank deposits, you know, over $10,000 and that's just a start.
What prescriptions you're on?
This is really already in the federal databases.
It's all illegal, but they do it.
They do it in plain view.
It's all part of the new national ID card system.
Well, see, oh, he was mentally ill!
Now remember right before Clinton left office, hundreds of thousands of WWII Korean and Vietnam vets suddenly couldn't buy guns.
A lot of famous cases, they couldn't buy their grandsons a new .22.
In one interview we did, because their files were pulled, and especially Vietnam vets,
They would show that they collapsed of heat exhaustion.
For whatever reason, people would wonder why they were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress.
They said, oh, you've got post-traumatic stress.
You've got post-traumatic stress.
You've got post-traumatic stress.
Now they tell cops that.
That's because they then revoke your Second Amendment right, calling it a mental illness.
So you think, oh, they passed a new federal law
That means crazy people.
You know, like the street folks you see who are talking to themselves.
You know, somebody who's been committed before.
Somebody who's a registered schizophrenic, can't own a machine gun.
Oh, that makes sense.
You wonder why they have the new Freedom Initiative to test all the school children?
And they're introducing it now as, oh, a free psych test.
Everybody gets it.
No, it's really law.
Law that they push.
It's not law, you gotta do it.
It's to get you in the system.
It's why do they have, literally, some years more than a hundred.
It was a couple years ago I saw the numbers.
They had more than a hundred new psychological designations and mental illnesses in one year.
I don't think it's that much every year, but I know it's a whole bunch.
Over a hundred in one year.
What was that, 2003?
I think they had over a hundred that year.
Going from memory.
Go look it up for yourself.
But the point here is, they have all these new psychological designations to get everybody in the system.
And so it has passed the House of Representatives to massively increase BATF funding with local communities, to merge their data collection, and to go back and data mine a lot of you that were able to buy guns.
Oh, you went to get that college loan, and they told you go do some psychological testing, and then the college psychologist said, oh, you've got this, and you really don't, but this is how you're going to get funding.
This is how you're going to get even more tuition.
Does that sound good to you?
Oh yeah, sure.
Oh yeah, you got ADHD.
See, now they're saying you won't be able to own a gun.
Any psychological designation.
You thought it was cute to have a designation.
Everybody on the sitcoms has one.
They teach you.
It's like some type of feather in your cap.
It's no feather in your cap.
This is how they're going to take your rights.
By designating, you know, we got into these fights when we were 14.
Cops came and broke us up and told us to stop it.
And we left off and they pushed us up against the car, teach us a lesson.
That's fine.
They let us go.
Or you got in a fist fight in the field house and the coach would just grab you by the hair and slam your head in the wall?
You wouldn't do it again?
Oh, you'd go to prison nowadays.
No, no, no.
Now you go to prison!
You get into the system and you never get out.
And they're just building prisons everywhere.
We've gone from less than 1 million in the system 12 years ago to over 7 million in the system currently.
4 million in prison and another 3 million plus.
That's a couple-year-old number.
I'm told it's growing again.
On probation or in the system.
So, they have passed it in the House.
It's going to the Senate.
We'll try to get Larry Pratt or somebody else on in the third hour.
And it is the federalization of the data collection and it is for any psychological reason that any doctor... Oh, that's why Texas and other states are trying to pass laws which a doctor without a judge, a jury, nothing can just instantly say you're mentally ill and it's on your record.
Remember that a few months ago we talked about?
So, this is it!
The new Soviet model.
Total gun control.
We'll tell you a little bit more about it when we get back.
Then we'll talk to the Browns, Randy Weaver and others.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That toll-free number again?
Yeah, can you hear me, Randy?
Randy, let's say you're an M4Warriors.com freelance reporter so that you can see an eliminating and a betting chart.
Do you want to do that?
Okay, Randy, yes, here we go.
We have Elaine Brown on via
We're good to go.
We are joined today by these folks.
We are joined by Ed Delaney Brown and Randy Weaver.
And Randy is going to be leaving tomorrow night.
He is going to be going there to get there by I guess late in the weekend.
And I just want to say here I was talking to Randy during the break, we are going to, he is an InfoWars.com freelance reporter.
He's welcome to say he's a Genesis reporter.
I would imagine that he would like to report for other people.
He is a freelance reporter reporting to the American people.
He is going there to cover the event.
He's going there to try to diffuse the situation.
And frankly, I think everybody owes him a debt of gratitude for his incredible courage after what he's already been through.
And I mean, I owe him that.
The country owes him that.
The Browns owe him that.
And especially the Feds.
Because we need national attention on this so their bosses tell them to back off and try to come at this from another angle because they have been inside.
They sent in this FBI guy we've identified posing as a quote white supremacist and I guess trying to get dirt on the Browns.
The Browns told him we don't agree with that get out of here.
He matches the MO according to Mr. Riley of the FBI agent who's in command.
We have that in triplicate now.
But bottom line, he works for the Feds.
We know that they didn't cut their power right after he called them and called them wimps.
After he left their home, he called them back and they said, we know you're a Fed.
And he said, well, you're basically a bunch of wimps.
And they said, fine, whatever.
We're just here standing up for our freedoms.
We are wimps.
It's other people you've got to worry about.
I'm paraphrasing the history of what's happened, trying to condense it here.
If we can go to Randy and the Browns.
On top of all this, the Feds called them a couple days ago and said, we are going to be coming in on you.
And then locals have told them, some of the locals in Stabulary, that yeah, they're telling them they're going to use robots or swords.
So that's where it stands, and they're such liars that it may mean they're never going to come in.
They made back off what they did with the Gray family in 2000.
Here we are seven years later, and they've left the Grays alone.
They're 44 acres.
They're on the Trinity River in East Texas.
But going to Randy Weaver.
Randy, and we'll also bring up Elaine Brown right now.
Randy, you're planning to head out tomorrow?
Yes, probably later tomorrow evening, or early Saturday morning at the latest.
Now Randy, you're located where?
How long will it take you to get to the area of New Hampshire?
I'm in Arkansas, and from my home place, I figure it'll take me upwards of 20 hours.
Well, I think because of the situation you're going into, speed is important, but also, you need to probably stop and get some rest.
We don't want you all tired out when you get there.
I wanted to say this much, Alex.
My daughter, 15-year-old daughter that lives with me, Elizabeth, the one that Vicki was holding in her arms when they killed Vicki, I put her on a plane this morning.
She's out to visit her sisters for the summer in Montana.
And they give her the total pat down, they checked her bag with the little swabs for, you know, dynamite or whatever they checked for.
And she got, she was totally embarrassed and disgusted.
She said, why'd they do that, Dad?
I said, well, welcome to George Orwell's 1984.
They can't profile, so supposedly, just every other so many people they'll pick, pull out and do that to.
I said,
Hopefully, he was just random and that they don't have dry eyes.
You know, I've seen literal foreigners who can hardly speak English in bright blue commando outfits in San Francisco jabbing with their finger at a World War II vet who was flying out, a bunch of them were flying out, this was like five years ago, four years ago, to a Pearl Harbor remembrance.
And this guy looked like he literally was about to collapse and die.
I mean, he looked like death warmed over.
And this foreigner was just relishing jabbing that vet.
That's America, buddy.
Well, I think, you know what, it appears to me that the foreigners have taken over our government, period.
Oh, that's it, yeah?
They cannot claim to be Americans the way they run this country.
And I was just reading a book recently, and it was talking about IQ.
And it says that sometimes IQ can be a detriment.
Because if these people run our country, they're supposed to be the illuminated people, and have such high IQs,
They're sure ruining this country and they're working with this one world government which will totally ruin everything for everybody, the common man.
So that doesn't show that high IQ does us any good, does it?
I agree.
I'm going to be going into the Washington Post saying the economy is beginning its collapse.
This is serious news.
But they admit in there, they say, so the elite can consolidate.
See, that's where the real power and the profits come from.
They print the money and they set it up as a Ponzi scheme every generation or so to consolidate.
And this is the final global consolidation.
I know, I know.
I cried, and even after all this time, when I think of that situation that family endured, I still cry.
It was a horrible, horrible thing.
And I have so much admiration for Randy, and such gratitude to him for coming out here to help us and be with us.
Elaine, you're not alone.
We've all shed a lot of tears.
But there's going to be more tears coming, and it won't be just our side doing it.
Uh, you bet.
You bet.
Things are in play, you know?
I mean, they, they, they phoned down to Gortonwood.
They, they, a week ago today, they let us know they're coming in here to kill us.
And there's certainly no doubt about that.
So... Well, we're going to try and stop that.
Well, yeah, I, I, we'd all like it to be stopped, certainly.
But, uh, we're going to change our stance.
We will not come out.
We have committed no crime.
It was a total scam trial.
The whole thing was just fabricated.
Had we committed a crime, fine, we'd do the time, but we have committed no crime.
We've done nothing wrong.
Randy, you did nothing wrong.
That was entrapment right along.
Yes, well even if it wasn't entrapment, the gun thing is totally a farce anyway and totally unconstitutional.
Of course it is.
By the way, as you hear, they now are completely federalizing gun purchases, even at point of sale.
And if the government gives you any psychological designation now, you won't be able to own a gun.
Oh, they really are stepping up their program.
Legally, you won't be able to own one.
But that's going to be a different story.
Yeah, very different, yeah.
Don't ever get all the guns.
Well, it is the gun issue, just like 1775 with Lexington and Concord out in your neck of the woods, Elaine, that triggered it.
Because let's say 99% of people roll over.
I think it'll be about 95.
But if 1% stand up, that's 1.6 million fighters.
Randy, where do you see this?
I mean, we never talk about your military training.
What is it like for you, who served your country, the best of the best, the Green Berets, to then just suddenly be, them tell you, you're going to be our informant, you're perfect, you're going to go into these groups for us, and you say no, so they come out and set you up and kill your family.
I mean, it's just, I mean, where do you see the world going?
Where do you see all this breaking down?
Well, I originally joined the service, I thought I'd make a career out of it.
But by the time I had gone on, well into just my second out of three years, I was starting to see things I didn't like.
And, you know, the old time military boys would sit around and get to discussing things and they would complain about the civilians, the civilians and how bad they were.
And I'm thinking, you guys are here to serve the civilians.
And that just didn't sit well with me.
So what kind of things would they say?
Oh, it's just complaining about everything.
The civilians do this and they want that and they won't let us do this and just on and on and on.
Well, you know, the way things are, that's the way it's supposed to be.
The civilians are supposed to control the military.
Everybody wants free rein, Randy.
Well, they've got it!
Government's got free reign, and they literally... Folks, when I say this, I mean it.
They literally have already destroyed the country, okay?
I mean, I just want to give people a newsflash.
It's already gone.
It is.
It is.
I don't know if we can get it back.
You know, the court system is just so corrupt.
I know exactly what the Browns are talking about.
They don't have to convince me of what I... I can see it in my own mind, visualize what happened, and it's...
They are.
They're afraid that we don't want to go along with their program, and that's why they're doing this.
They're going to try to scare us into bowing down and doing everything they say.
Well, there's some of us out here that are just, you know, when they say when you're 18 you're an adult, you get away and now your parents aren't in control of you anymore.
And that's when people are supposed to start thinking for ourselves.
And if you have any common sense and use any reasoning at all, you can see that
This country, like you're right, it's gone.
We have no constitutional republic anymore.
Well, we've got members of Homeland Security admitting that to police, saying the country's really going to be gone soon, and they've been convinced somehow that's good.
Randy, you should be there by Sunday.
I'm on from 4 to 6 p.m.
Sunday with a syndicated show I do.
I'd like to get a 10-15 minute report Sunday, somewhere between 4 to 6 central, that'd be 5 to 7.
Yeah, that's what we need.
Well, let's just say that you're going to have a press conference at 2 o'clock.
That's perfect for news time at 5.
Let's say you're going to have a press conference at 2 o'clock on Monday, there in front of the House, and invite national media there.
We should all call the media.
Randy, I'm sure you can get there by 2 o'clock on Monday.
How about we just put out the announcement that you're going to have a press conference at 2 p.m.
out front the Brown House coming up this Monday?
That's fine with me.
Okay, well there you have it.
Randy, we were reporting for Genesis Communications, Infowars.com, We The People Radio Network, Republic Radio Network, they got that free speech network.
All of them, just Randy there, reporting for the American people, reporting for duty, a great patriot, going above and beyond the call in the fight for this Republic.
Now when I say the country's gone, you know, it's kind of like if somebody was throwing a baby out the window, and you dropped them for a second, and you might have a second to still grab them.
I mean, it's kind of like the cartoon where Yosemite Sam or Wile E. Coyote walks out off the cliff, and he figures out he's walked out over the cliff, and as soon as he realizes it, he falls.
Now, that isn't how reality works with gravity, but that is how it works with the economy and politics of the New World Order.
If we realize we're out over the edge of the cliff and jump back, we can still do that for a very limited time.
Randy, Mrs. Brown, do you agree with that?
Yeah, absolutely.
People are going to have to move.
People are going to have to move.
Alex, I'm not a religious man, but I believe that people do evil things and they do good things, and I believe that miracles can happen, and people have to make it happen.
People have to do it.
Well, Randy, you always say I'm not a religious man.
I know you were a very deeply religious man growing up.
Yes, I come through the whole gamut, but you know, at the time Ruby Ridge came down, Vicki and I
We had given up our fundamentalist type Christian beliefs by the time that happened, and we were pretty much what you might call Yahweh-separatist beliefs back then.
And if Vicki was here today, we studied together and we would learn things together, and we changed.
There was never more than two weeks apart where we'd have to discuss something until we'd come to an agreement on it and we could see the truth in it.
And we were studying and learning, and we were working our way right out of religion, Alex.
Yeah, it was more spiritual than a religious thing, Randy.
I understand.
I don't know if there's an afterlife.
I haven't had any proof of it.
But I know one thing, Elaine,
If there is a creator, and he loves his children more than I love my little boy when I pick him up and lay him in my arms when he's dead on the road down there in the woods, if he loved me more than that, I can pull a lot more stinkies yet and still be in good state with you old boy.
Or woman, whatever he is or she is or whatever.
You see, I don't know.
But I know one thing, he'd give us, or we are given, I should say, and
Our parents and DNA are weird.
We're born with brains and we're supposed to use them in reasoning and education.
And we have to, you know, even the scripture, I know the scripture pretty good.
Even the scripture says, studies show yourself approved.
And I have found out why you should study for sure.
Because it helps you with your reasoning.
Now when you study, you just get smarter.
Well, men are educated.
Well, I mean, it makes the brain work better the more you use it.
Well, that's right.
Use it or lose it, like anything.
And I do stand with the Lord and do believe that there is an afterlife.
And these criminals who are coming here, you know, one day we all stand before those gates, before that ultimate judge, and they had best be prepared.
Well, I'm going to tell Randy this.
Randy, I wasn't looking for it my whole life, but I have had experiences and things I don't talk about on air.
Believe me, it's real.
Well, that's fine, but I guess I'm going to have to be forgiven then.
You know, and personally, I believe that that's real possible if it's going to go that route.
Well, we know you're a good man, and we know you've got a good heart, and we love you, Randy.
Well, you know what, I'm not a lick, one lick worried about it.
I'm not afraid to death anymore, Alex.
Not one bit.
I'm only afraid of not being able to continue my work.
I just hope that if they shoot me, that they prove later in the autopsy that it was from the back again.
Why do they like to shoot people in the back?
It's easier and that way if they miss, there's less possibility you're going to see where the shot comes from again.
Who knows?
One final segment with both of you.
This is historic.
Randy Weaver, one of the survivors of the Ruby Ridge Massacre, is getting ready to get in his truck and getting ready to point it northeast.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Yeah, I was talking to Randy during the break and I talked to him a few days ago.
And we're sending him in there as an InfoWars.com reporter.
That way the feds can't trump something up and try to say he's aiding and abetting or something.
Of course, the Browns haven't done anything either.
We just want to diffuse this.
We want to leave them alone.
We don't want bloodshed on either side.
And Randy, again, I can only commend your courage.
You're going to be leaving tomorrow or the next morning, and we'll have a press conference.
We'll announce...
Well, let's shoot for 1 o'clock more, I think, about it Monday, because that way we can carry the press conference live via cell phone in the last hour of this show and on any other shows.
That's when Ed and Elaine normally do their call-in to a show as well.
So we can do it all Monday at 1 o'clock, as long as it's in the afternoon.
That's perfect for the media.
Next Monday, 1 o'clock Central, 2 o'clock Eastern, so it'll still be 2 o'clock for you, Randy.
Mrs. Brown, Elaine Brown, anything else you want to add?
We're just anxiously awaiting Randy's arrival.
We're looking forward to meeting Randy.
Having you with us.
My oldest daughter, Sarah, I talked to her yesterday on the phone and she wanted to come out there too.
If she could get off work, but she's had to take a lot of time off recently for some other business and she wasn't
Really didn't think she could, but she just wanted to come so bad, and I wish she could be there, too, because my daughters are so sweet and courageous that I'd love to have her there with us.
I imagine that they are.
Well, Randy, I wouldn't blame you if you kept your daughters that you got left out of this.
You already lost your son and wife.
You know what?
My daughter is 31 years old, and she has a lot of her mother in her, and she knows how to reason, and she knows
Right from wrong, and I would be proud of her to be there.
I would not discourage her.
You're an amazing man.
I really admire you, because I'll tell you right now, I'm ready to die in a minute for this country and this planet, but my children just... The worst thing that can happen is lose your children.
Oh, I can't, yeah.
It'll tear your heart out.
Well, anybody ever messes with my kids, they better get ready to die, because I'm coming for them.
Well, I'm coming to see you, Lane, and you just hold tight.
Okay, we'll have the light on.
Well, we won't have the light on, will we?
We'll probably have a flashlight.
I'll put a candle in the window.
I'll call your cell phone.
You might even buy a $30 track phone, because what they do is they find the number and they jam it, or they call, they've confirmed, and have phones turned off.
So if I was you, I'd have one of those Walmart phones charged out of the package that they don't know about, because we may be in the middle of an interview once you're there, and they'll turn that off.
It has to be accessed before you get here, because
We have no landline to activate it.
Yeah, so you might go to Slate Mart or wherever and go ahead and activate it, Randy.
And God bless you and I'll call you later when you get one.
I know you're about to go out and we'll get that from you as well, my friend.
Okay, keep in touch.
Now, Alex, can I talk to you for a minute after we go off the air?
Sure, Elaine, absolutely.
And do you need to talk to Randy or do you guys have each other's contact info?
Yeah, exactly.
Okay, so you have her contact info, Randy?
No, I don't.
I do not have his either.
Well, that's exactly what she's bringing up.
We'll do this.
We'll exchange each other's numbers right now together when we go to this break and we'll give you guys that info.
So I guess we're all thinking on the same page here.
And again, this is so historical.
I literally just admire Randy Weaver more than I already did, if that's possible.
I absolutely admire him.
And it feels so good to have people that you can see as a model of true patriotism, true manhood, and real strength.
They killed his wife and his son, ladies and gentlemen, and he is going back to put himself in the same position.
It just makes my heart beat.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into the second hour.
We just had Randy Weaver on of the Ruby Ridge Massacre and Siege with Elaine Brown of Edna Lane Brown up there in New Hampshire.
And Randy is on his way, packing up tonight and tomorrow to leave tomorrow.
We're going to have him on the Sunday Show, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central for a report and we'll be carrying the press conference.
We need to get a press release out
On that at Infowars.net or PrisonPlanet.com as soon as possible.
That he's going to be going there to try to defuse the siege.
And I think we ought to invite the Feds out of their hiding place and stop posing as white supremacists so they can demonize.
That's all they're doing.
Get the Browns to agree so they can then come out and say they're white supremacists.
They need to demonize them.
Maybe the FBI should show up at the press conference too and everybody can just be human beings.
The IRS is private, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a governmental-funded, quasi-governmental organization.
But you write your checks directly to the Treasury, they're directly deposited in the Federal Reserve, that is private.
And I don't know how else to explain this to people.
Now, I said we were going to have open phones today.
We are.
I'm going to take calls for this hour.
Then I've got the NRA lobbying, and they've now passed out of the House one of the biggest gun control acts since the 1968 Gun Control Act.
I am... See, you just wake up now and they announce they're going to start restricting free speech in England and banning media, and you wake up and they're passing gun bills here, and you're going to wake up and they're going to pass the amnesty.
That's just how they operate.
And it'll be some conservative leader you thought you could trust saying it.
Look, they're playing their ace cards right now.
They're pulling out all the stops right now.
And I don't know how I get this message through to you.
I could care less about shekels or about property or about junk.
I'm not here telling you to buy my videos because I want to sit there and wash my car and feel powerful.
I could care less.
I'm doing this because I have a burning desire to fight the New World Order, and frankly, I need your support.
It's getting to where I don't even plug my videos anymore, and they don't even move out the door.
Because that's how we get them out to people, because they're good.
They wake people up.
How many people do you hear on this show, and I ask them, hey, how'd you wake up?
They go, your radio show, your films.
I mean, congressmen, state reps, doctors.
Other media activists.
I mean, literally, folks, because of you taking action and taking the materials we put out, we have spawned, I've got to be honest, probably about half the strength of the movement you see.
And I don't even like to announce that because there is danger.
I think the Newell Law already knows that, but there is a danger.
It's kind of like wearing, you know, a General's insignia, you know, the star is on your cap when you're walking around on the front line.
I mean, I don't, but at the same time, we have to give you the good report
of the effect we've had, and we need your support ladies and gentlemen.
We'd hire more people, have a bigger effect, do bigger projects, have bigger websites, better websites if we have the support.
You don't have to support us by buying Road to Tyranny, or Martial Law, or my Police State films, or Loose Change 2nd Edition, or American Freedom to Fascism, or The Order of Death at InfoWars.com.
No, you don't have to do that.
You can just tell your MySpace members about it, send out a bulletin, send out an email, tell people that you're at work about InfoWars.com.
That's how we grow.
That's how we reach more people.
If all of you listening today, I know there's diehard folks out there that do do it, and you do more than everybody else combined, but for those that haven't, tell your neighbor about InfoWars.com.
Tell your wife about PrisonPlanet.com.
Tell your
Workmates, your colleagues, about InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com.
And go to the websites and get the videos and make copies of them.
But for heaven's sakes, go download them for free at Google Video.
They're not really high quality, but c'est la vie.
Burn those to disk.
Listen, if we expose the New World Order, they may back off.
If we don't, it's gonna be bumpy.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This just in from Pat Grossman, New Hampshire Union leader, newspaper.
Feds say they can outwit the Browns.
Well, I hope that's their attitude, that they're not going in.
But they can't help themselves and it's like a pyromaniac with a bottle of gasoline, a can of gasoline and matches.
They're going to burn something down.
Feds say they can outwit the Browns.
That's what it's all about, about outwitting.
See, criminals are always into outwitting and how smart they are and how good they are and how they can fool everyone.
That's the whole culture.
The federal government is attempting to make everyday life for convicted tax evaders, Edna Lane Brown, so uncomfortable, yeah, in their two million dollar house, that they will surrender and begin serving their 63 month federal prison sentence.
Now this is the same feds that told the media there's no plan to go in, they didn't have them surrounded, they didn't shoot at somebody, they didn't taser them, and there's no amnesty, and George Bush loves Jesus, and
And again, they're saying they're not going to go in again, which probably means they're going to go in, but this is bad news.
Steven Monier, U.S.
Marshal in New Hampshire, said yesterday that the government has severed their telephone service, internet access, and power to their hilltop home in Plainfield.
He acknowledged, however, that other people are supplying the Browns with laptop computers, providing them with internet access.
Ed Brown also built his home with solar panels and windmills for power, and also has backup generators.
But Monier said, patience is a virtue, and the federal government is prepared to wait out the Browns.
Well, that's great news.
That way nobody gets hurt.
We have no intention of assaulting the House, but
Remember that the Demartino, Federal Marshal, told them we are going to come in.
Now he said, in fairness, we're not going to be violent.
That means they're going to come in opening fire probably.
Again, we just statistically, I'd say about 90% of the time it's the opposite of whatever they say.
They tell the truth about 10% of the time just to throw you off balance.
And they swap lies and how to lie and how to manipulate it.
It's all real fun.
But Monier said patience is a virtue and the federal government is prepared to wait out the Browns.
We have no intention of assaulting the House.
He began yesterday.
We are committed to end this peacefully.
He said there are no federal agents in Plainfield or surveillance team in camouflage watching the fortified home at 401 Center of Town Road.
Pure bull.
The internet is rife with rumors, he said.
Yeah, this FBI guy goes in
We identify him as the same person that interrogated Mr. Riley.
The Browns got the phone call and they told them that we are, you know, this is the federal marshal who admits he's been calling them.
We are going to come in.
The local police tell them, yeah, they are saying they're going to use robots.
And they had all these armored vehicles and all, and they're in the woods.
And the local reporters reported three days ago when they walked in, they did see and hear people in the woods.
But again, none of that exists.
I'm going to go to your calls in a minute.
The internet is rife with rumors, he said, and they have just these blurbs.
Says, Brown felt federal raid was imminent.
Police assembled by Brown's home.
Federal agency's Lebanon dental office.
Ed Brown says feds have no jurisdiction in New Hampshire.
That's past articles.
On Tuesday, his office was swamped with callers, he said.
At one point, about 200 calls an hour were being handled, expressing sentiments such as, don't kill the Browns, leave them alone, and they didn't do anything.
The calls, he said, were prompted by a website urging people to call his office, as well as that of the Sullivan County sheriffs and the governor.
Whose website do you think?
PrisonPlanet.com, folks.
The Browns have been holed up in their homes since last July, last January, after their convictions.
Ed Brown has threatened violence if federal agents attempt to arrest them.
That's, uh, well, they have said they will do that.
I'm not in their position, so I'm not going to second guess them.
Last Thursday, dozens of heavily armed police agents and state troopers, including SWAT teams and military and explosives vehicles converged on Plainfield.
Agents had a court order to enter the West London Building, housing Elaine Brown's dental office.
See, that was their spin.
Oh, it was 10 miles away, but they went to the other house where they lived, and in front of Mr. Riley, he saw the FBI agents say, yeah, we're going to claim that we weren't doing a raid since they know about us.
We're going to
Go ahead and since we know about the raid, we're going to go ahead and go on over and seize the dental office and have a big show there.
That morning, a man walking the Browns dog inadvertently came upon a surveillance team of U.S.
federal agents in camouflage.
I thought they just said they weren't doing that up here.
In the woods, at the end of the couple's driveway, he was taken into custody, questioned at length, and was released hours later and uncharged.
Ed Brown said he was convicted, convinced,
Someone can't read today.
Ed Brown said he was convinced that federal agents were going to storm his home that day, but Monier denies that.
The Browns were convicted of plotting to hide their income to avoid paying federal income taxes on Elaine Brown's income of $1.9 million between 1996 and 2003.
They're also convicted of using
215,890 in postal money orders, cash in smaller amounts to avoid reporting levels, to pay for their home and their dental office.
The Browns were sentenced to 63 months in federal prison in order to forfeit 215,000 to the federal government.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
And I've got all this other news on the economy, gun control, it's all very important today, but let's go to your calls.
Tony in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, go ahead.
Um, well, I'm 42 years old.
My wife is pregnant with my first child.
She's due in August.
I'm not the richest guy in the world.
She decided to call Medicaid and try to get some help from them.
They got a nice little letter from them saying, you must do this and you must do that.
And if you don't contact us within 10 days, we'll have somebody come knock on your door.
That's pretty scary, man.
Everyone who puts their child in Head Start now gets three CPS visits.
And, uh, what they're going to do is try to get you into the system, and if you don't follow every order, uh, because they also profile you in a computer, uh, they will take your child at gunpoint.
Well, you know what I did?
I said, you call them people back, tell them I got a better job and we got our own health insurance.
Thank you very much.
So I'm hoping that put an end to it.
Well, all these women out there, you better listen to me.
If you want to keep your babies,
You don't want child kidnappers, hardcore child rapists, and statistically it's the highest saturation group of them.
In your life, you better stop thinking you're gonna get free money.
You don't get free money.
You look what they've done to the black communities, they've destroyed them.
And now they're doing it to everybody else.
Yeah, I think I'd rather go pick up cans than I would have somebody, you know, micromanaging my life like that.
Look, here's the deal.
If you go in there and just try to have the baby at the emergency room, the hospitals don't like it.
And they will probably CPS you right there.
That's how they target.
Just don't go to Seton, don't go to Breckenridge, don't go to any city thing.
Just show up somewhere nicer.
Well, we did not go... But let me just stop you.
Let me just stop you.
And because the secret police are everywhere, sir.
I mean, this is really how it is.
Okay, this is what they do.
Now, the illegal aliens, they don't take their kids.
They go in, no questions asked, free health care.
Blacks, whites, or U.S.
citizens of any type are, and now again, it's like that on every subject.
And I'm glad you're learning about this.
So they told you, you come in here and do everything we're telling you, or we're going to CPS you.
Go ahead and finish up.
Well, what I said was, we found a midwife.
We're working with a midwife who's willing to work with us, and you know, let's make payments and things like that.
Baby's healthy.
It's fine.
It's gonna be born at home.
It's gonna be schooled at home.
I'm not going to put this kid in a public system that's going to turn it into some kind of mind-controlled slave.
Well, listen, it's simple.
You don't have to eat out and eat the junk food they sell that's, you know, $30 to go eat.
You don't have to have baubles.
You don't have to have a big television set.
And it's your job, no matter how bad the economy is, hey, work three jobs if you have to.
Kill yourself.
And by kill yourself, who cares if you collapse of a heart attack when your kid's 15?
I agree.
As long as you take care of them, you just run yourself into the ground.
I've got my garden in the backyard.
That's what men are supposed to do.
Stop watching television.
I'm not saying you watch a lot of it.
But you'll find out how much more time you've got.
Take on a second or third job.
And it's called breaking your back.
And it feels good when you do it for your family.
It does.
It's good to know that you're doing something, you know, that takes care of yourself and not have to worry about other people doing it for you.
Well, sir, absolutely.
And God bless you.
And just make sure you've got your family around you.
If you've got family living in a smaller town,
You know, instead of living here in Austin and paying $1,000 for a tiny apartment, you can probably move to some country town somewhere but have family in the area.
You can still go to good old boy areas, and the good old boy areas would snatch people's children they don't know, but if you've got family that's even well known, and members of the church locally, then you won't be open season.
So if you've got some small town with ancestral family in it, and you can go, and manipulatively, you have to understand, you have to get into the community immediately, act friendly, compliment people, because they're predatory.
They're only feeding on outsiders that come in.
The big cities are really bad.
Now, you may go to the wrong town, but Austin's real bad.
They grab tens of thousands of children a year.
If you're blonde-haired and blue-eyed, folks, and you go to a government hospital, they will come after your children.
Because they're getting over $300,000 for that baby at adoption.
Now, your child normally isn't completely brain-damaged, though, because if they get the black babies and the Mexican babies, they'll put them on average on seven drugs from birth, because the local CPS housing units would get more money off that.
And they literally just house them.
And they mainly just watch TV and lay on a dirty mattress and then they start having seizures at around 6 or 7 and then they end up being in a medical facility and they usually die by the time they're about 30.
Where a lot of times they dump them out on the street and that's who you see looking completely insane.
Alright, we'll be right back.
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George in Florida, you're on the air.
George, welcome.
Yeah, thank you, Alex.
It took a couple days to get on the air with you.
What's on your mind, sir?
I guess, um, I've been looking.
I looked at your Texas state constitution.
I looked at the Florida constitution.
And, you know, I was kind of thinking, I'm like, can we, I want, I want to call on all the good cops in Austin or anywhere around the country.
You know, you have the Centennial Fox giving awards to mayor, city council, police chiefs for
Allowing their illegal aliens to break the law and terrorize the good citizens of these cities.
I just want to know if... I call on the good police officers, if they could all just say, I about had it, and arrest their supervisors, the police chief, and the mayor and the city council for treason, because treason is a state crime too, just as well as a federal crime.
But that's just as dangerous a tyranny.
That's what you're going to end up having.
We'll probably have some dictatorship here in the U.S.
It'll be in the name of stopping all this.
That's just as dangerous.
We need the people to get involved, the grand juries, to get involved and start indictments.
And that's already happening.
We're starting to see more and more indictments, more and more corruption charges.
We should see a thousand times what we've seen.
Instead, the feds are all busy running around and going after people that didn't pay their income tax.
And, you know, also, too, is like, we, my county,
They said, well, we need a new penny tax for to pave the roads and all that stuff, for new squad cars, new firehouse, may have to close the firehouse.
Well, some men did get a hold of the comprehensive annual financial report.
They found out my county has enough money to pave a new interstate going through the state.
And he's going to try to bring that to the people because... Good!
Well, what you do is you bring it to the City Council meeting and they all know that.
Most of them have got Swiss bank accounts.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
For those that don't know, there's a double set of books.
I'm going to get into the economy after we take some more calls, but let me just... You know, I'm going to do it later.
I'm going to break down what's really happening.
Pat in New York.
Pat, go ahead.
God bless you.
You're a breath of fresh air to us dealing with this issue of the New World Order.
And I just want to say to any listeners out there who haven't ordered Terror Storm, you gotta get a copy of Martial Law.
These things are a must-have.
And for anybody that has the Police State videos, the trilogy, or hasn't watched them in a while, you need to watch them.
I just recently went through them again, and I just can't believe, you know, I've watched them.
Through the years of owning them, and I'll tell you, if you haven't watched them lately, go through them again.
Well, that's what's scary, is that I made the first one in 1999, the other in 2003 and 2002, and you watch them, and it's more pertinent today than ever, because it's all come true!
It's actually pretty amazing.
It's almost as if, it's almost like a time warp.
It took me a little back going through those because I've watched them so many times and just recently I said, let me go through some of my older stuff, and I'll tell you, it's as relevant today as it was when you produced them.
But anyway, I had a couple of rebukes I wanted to do here, and I'm not against the police department, I'm not the type of person that has a bone to pick, but I would just like to say to any police officers out there,
This system is going to affect you.
It's going to affect your children.
It's going to affect your wife.
And like the last caller said, I implore good... Where I'm from, I have a lot of friends who are police officers.
I know quite a few police officers.
And I know a handful of them that are gentlemen.
They're good men.
They're good people.
I think they serve their job well.
On the other hand, I do know quite a few of them, or a handful of them, that frankly leave a lot to be desired.
And some of them are plain old out of control.
And that's, you know, if any of my friends are listening to me today, I'm sorry if that offends you, but some of you guys are just out of control.
The checks and balances that are in place are crucial for all of us, including police officers, because someday you're going to retire.
You're not going to be a police officer forever.
And if you have little children, or you have mothers, or you have wives...
You've got to stand up for what's right, guys.
I can't tell you how many 75, 85-year-old men I've talked to who've come up and gotten tears on their eyes on the streets of Texas, where I live, in the United States, and who say, listen, I'm real sorry.
I used to be one of them evil men, and I hear you warning people, and these young'uns just don't know.
I did so many bad things, and so many bad things have happened to my family since, and I just hear what you talk about, and I wish they'd listen to you.
We're good to go.
And then that CPS is going to try to take him, and he's going to find out it's the shots.
And he's there with that baby drooling, never coming back.
He'll remember.
That's just how it is.
You believe in the world, you go right ahead and believe in it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Are you lacking energy on a daily basis?
Do you feel tired all the
I think so.
We're good to go.
I think so.
They're going.
My friends, we're about to go back to your calls.
I will be getting into this big news on the economy, and believe me, I'm not pleased by it, but I can't believe the Washington Post is honest that the global elite are going to collapse the economy for a feeding frenzy of consolidation.
It's absolutely amazing, but first I want to tell you about Shellacine from Solutions from Science in Thompson, Illinois.
The website is blacklistedherb.com, blacklistedherb.com, or check out their banner on prisonplanet.com on the right hand side, right above news and focus, solutions from science.
And Thompson, Illinois has come up with a great deal for our listeners.
I asked them to give you the best deal and they've done it.
A three-month supply of their product called Chilicene on an open special line of credit for my listeners, so you don't have to pay anything up front.
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Be sure and check them out.
And then of course there is eFoods Direct, ladies and gentlemen.
And they are the name.
I hope we don't have a depression.
I hope we don't have natural disasters, but you never know what's going to happen.
I hope we don't go into martial law.
But there's a pretty good chance one of those is going to happen.
And let's say four or five years down the road it hadn't happened.
Praise God.
Thank God.
You just start taking it on camping trips or give it to the food bank.
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But I get rid of mine every five or six years.
I think so.
Give them a call at 1-800-409-5633, or check them out online at efoodsdirect.com.
That's E, the letter E, foodsdirect.com, or 800-409-5633.
And just briefly, I would encourage all of you, the listeners, to not wait around.
To get my videos, to get the Police State Trilogy, you just heard the great caller talk about, to get Terror Storm, which is, we've only got like 15 copies left now, and you can't buy it individually, it's sold with the combos.
And you can get it with the combos, which are discounted.
So you basically end up paying like most of the combos, about $10 a DVD, Loose Chain 2nd Edition, American Freedom to Fascism, Terror Storm together, and you can still get it.
Frankly, I didn't think to do it this way, it's just that I've run out and I don't want to take it out of all my specials, but in a couple days it won't be available there either.
Now I'm trying to secure from a bookstore that had like 50 extra that they might sell back to me, so I might keep it going, but today or tomorrow I'm going to have pre-orders up for Terror Storm Special Edition, Final Cut, I decided to call it Special Edition.
I don't want to confuse it with loose change final cut, but it is the final cut of it.
And it's 17 minutes extra footage.
It's not available yet, but if you want the original Terror Storm, and I'm signing each one that's going out, you can still get it as part of a combo deal at InfoWars.com.
But it is almost gone.
I think it was 15 left this morning when I asked, so I don't know how long it's... I might get 50 more, probably not.
That hasn't happened yet, so I'm going to have to pull it out of the combos here very quickly.
The point is, Terror Storm is gone.
It's gone.
It's going, going.
I think there's a little bit left at Amazon.com, but those aren't signed, but those will be gone soon, too.
So, I guess I forgot about that.
You can get them there still, but you can get them signed at M4Wars.com as part of the combo or call toll free 888-253-3139.
You can also call me
At 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100.
You can also call me.
My cell phone's ringing.
That don't vibrate.
I'm trying to turn it off.
You can call me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
You can write to us there and get it that way.
Or you can call 888-253-3139.
Or you can go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
Why is PrisonPlanet.tv so good?
It's 15 cents a day.
And if you get a yearly membership, you get three months free, so it's even cheaper.
And it allows us to pay for the websites and pay for the bandwidth.
That's what PrisonPlanet.tv does.
And yeah, you can watch my films on Google Video for free.
But it's like watching a television through five feet of slightly muddy water.
You ever seen the old cartoons where they're underwater and they put that atmosphere in there, like that blurring?
It's kind of that look.
And I personally don't like that.
I mean, it gets the word out and it works, c'est la vie.
And that's why they're out there and why we upload them and put them out for free.
By the way, I thought about putting Endgame out for free immediately on the web.
Or putting it on PrisonPlanet.tv in high quality, and then that's the whole point.
PrisonPlanet.tv is really clear.
It's really crisp.
It's download so we can be crisp and clear.
People want us to add streaming back.
We've got more servers for that now, and we are adopting soon.
That probably means 15 years from now, but whatever.
No, we're trying flash video streams, which are really high quality and use about a third of the bandwidth.
And so we'll be adding that soon.
But the point is presentplanet.tv is a great deal.
And Endgame will be up there available to you weeks before it's even available on DVD.
And then of course everyone immediately snatches it and goes and puts it up on Google.
But then there is the effect of us not selling a lot of videos.
But I don't care.
Really, I get thrilled when I look at my videos being seen by millions.
That's what we want.
That's the whole
Game here, but we're like killing ourselves to do this basically financially.
So do support us.
Get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
It is bittersweet.
The best of times, the worst of times.
Oh yeah, we're reaching tens of millions and we are losing money.
But again, PrisonPlanet.tv, because the great thing about it is you'll get a membership.
You can download the videos in super high quality.
I mean, it looks
Almost as good as DVD.
It's really excellent.
And you can just burn them to disk all day long with the downloads you get at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The TV shows, the in-studio interviews, the 15 films, all the other films, we've been authorized to post.
My book, Paul Watson's book that's out of print, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, I've said enough about that.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Danny in New York.
Danny and then Charles and others.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Hey, what's up, man?
Listen, I don't know if you heard about the news article that happened on my alma mater, where I went to Cottonville High School in Staten Island.
There was a kid, and his first name was Osama.
And last year, he was pushed to attempt suicide because kids were teasing him, calling him a terrorist.
And not only the kids, but the faculty and the teachers as well, even worse.
And I spoke to the boy's mother this morning.
I called her up to show some support and she told me that it was the kids that were calling up the house after this happened saying that it's not right and um stuff like that and it's all the teachers and faculty there.
So this shows like the post 9-11.
Well I mean Osama, Osama is like John or David in the Middle East.
Yeah but it's a common name and you know what the worst part about it is he's not in school anymore he had to leave and now he's uh I think he's like 16 or 17 now he's uh
He's planning on going to some school in Brooklyn.
He lives in Staten Island.
He's got to travel to Brooklyn to go to some school for Muslims.
And his father changed his name legally to Sammy.
So now the kid has to lose his identity, lose touch with his ethnicity.
Because, you know, people have this, you know, this ignorance.
And it's more the teachers than anything.
It's the worst.
You know, and I spoke to his lawyer and I brought it up at a change meeting last night.
We are changing and, you know, I got some support from them.
I want to contact the mother and the lawyer.
I don't want to contact the PTA and the parents of that school because it's close to home.
I graduated 2000 from there.
Well, you've got to be mindless to blame somebody for their name.
I mean, there's a lot of Mexicans, old men I've met, named Adolf.
It doesn't mean they're Adolf Hitler because Adolf Hitler had that name.
Like Forrest.
Forrest is a family name.
A lot of men in my mother's family, great grandfathers and stuff like that, were named Forrest.
I got an uncle that's got Forrest in his name.
And I almost named my son Forrest, but it's like Forrest Gump basically ruined it.
Hello, Ms.
Yeah, let me just tell the network, these calls are really distorted on this new board they've got me on.
Something's going on.
I have to turn them down so low where I can't even really hear them and then it's distorting.
Go ahead, Charles.
Yeah, Mr. Jones, what's really important to me, you know, is this Browns right now.
I couldn't be up there, but I have donated money for Raymond Weaver to get up there and I'm trying to call people to donate more.
But we need to put all our effort behind this, because these people are doing what we should be doing.
And if we can't be there or something, we should give them every support we possibly can.
Because they're doing it for us.
Well, we've been giving them a lot of support, trying to stop them from raiding them and trying to defuse the situation.
I mean, thousands of phone calls.
Did you hear them?
I think they said 200 calls an hour.
Or did they say a minute?
I've got to pull the article out.
An hour.
200 calls an hour.
And they said from one particular website.
Well, we were not bragging.
It's just the power of our listeners.
I'm bragging for you.
No brag, just fact.
From PrisonPlanet.com
Well, you're playing the big part in this.
The reason I'm not there, I'm just not running my head, is I don't have the money to get there, but I gave what I could.
And I think these listeners, if you're selling tapes or not, to support these programs, this is the only thing they got left.
They don't know how long they got it.
We better get on the ball, and everybody better start doing something.
Because, I mean, I really feel it's really winding up.
We ain't got that long to go, Mr. Jones.
No, I understand.
Everybody feels it.
I mean, I've never felt like this.
I'm mad.
I want to be fishing.
I want to be out eating enchiladas.
I want to, you know, be out at the beach.
I want to be visiting with my grandmother.
I don't want to be having to fight these scum, but you have to because they won't stop.
What can I say in Duval to wake the listeners up?
I'm not worried about the public no more because
I gave everything I had for that for eight years.
Now I'm worried about the listeners.
That's the only ones I'm worried about.
They need to put a little effort, a little bit more effort.
You shouldn't have to ask them to buy your tapes.
They should be buying the tapes.
My God, we were fighting a war here.
Why do we have to beg those who believe to support us?
I don't understand this.
You know, I've been here.
I've cried.
I've called thousands of times.
I did everything possible.
I went down to New Orleans.
If they would have seen what I've seen, the gun grab, this image stays in my mind day and night.
Ever since I was there and seen them, these people giving their guns up, Mr. Jones, so fearful, it just stays in my mind.
Can you understand that, sir?
No, I believe me, just watching video of the FBI on flatback trucks leading armies, leading army, regular army and National Guard and police from all over the country with enjoyment, slamming people down and going into even the rich neighborhoods and taking their guns.
They just want to rule us, man.
But look how cruel it is to say, hey baby, you thirsty?
Give me some water.
Show me something.
Just raise your glass if they got one bottle of water.
Underneath it, they've got two bottles of water.
This was our military and our police sitting up there laughing!
Laughing at them!
No, I've seen video of it.
It actually came out in the news that women would be on top of houses, drowning, begging for help.
Now, not all of them.
My cousin was there rescuing people, you know, with the helicopter.
But it is true.
The large percentage, most of them are illegal aliens or gang members.
I mean, that's just our new military.
Well, if these people think
The Browns shouldn't go to prison and go through the horror, but there's a prison cell for everybody out there listening.
Now, they might not believe it.
They might say, well, that'll never happen to me.
But when they're there, and they're going to be fighting the world by themselves, nobody's going to be there.
They're not going to be able to call InfoWars.com, help me out.
They won't even be able to get to a phone.
If they can get something to eat decent.
This is what they've got planned for these people.
These people are listening to this,
They're still driving their cars, watching television, going to ball games.
They've never seen our hard times yet, but I swear to them, I hope it don't happen, but I know it's coming, Mr. Jones.
They better support their programs.
They better start talking to their neighbors.
They better do something.
That's all I've got to say for today.
Thank you for what you're doing.
Thank you, Charles, and God bless you.
What a great guy.
It was hard times it made this country, though.
Again, the people that we come from, folks, it doesn't matter what color you are, everybody came here through adversity.
And it was the strongest, it was the criminals, it was the whatever that came here.
It was the black sheep.
And for all our problems, we've been the best there was.
And anybody else in the world had this type of luxury, this type of success, this much food, they'd turn soft a lot faster.
And we've gone from the best to the most rotten, wicked, shallow, demon people.
There's demon people everywhere.
I mean, I look at them.
I hear the conversations they're having.
I mean, the Hollywood elite, most of them, Charlie Sheen isn't like this.
The Hollywood folks I know aren't like this, but the mainline ones.
To them it's about going to exclusive clubs where even other Hollywood people get turned away.
It's about the exclusivity.
It's about the status.
I was watching video last night of the Queen's visit for clips we're putting in my film and I was watching again Colin Powell come in and when he announced that he's an Order of the Garter, Order of Bath of the Garter, Supreme Knight Commander,
And he just said it with pleasure.
They were taking pictures of him and he was enjoying it.
He was turning his face one way and turning it the other way and he was in this big tuxedo all proud.
Now don't get me wrong, I like nice things but I don't, I'm almost embarrassed.
That's why a lot of times folks, you see me, I almost walk with my head down and it's not because I'm insecure, it's it feels weird to stand up straight and stick my chest out and stick my chin up.
I don't know how to explain that because I would be embarrassed
Because I am a proud person, but I try to keep it in check, to act like a peacock.
And I just watched him going into that thing, and I mean, they were, they were just feeling the flashbulbs and loving it.
You know.
Me, I'm just thinking about...
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Okay, well, we told you this last year.
Now it's in Reuters.
Also on MarketWire.
New Security and Prosperity Partnership records
Records reveal proposal for U.S.-Canadian funded grants to Mexico from toll roads and other taxing mechanisms in the U.S.
We'll tell you about that in the next hour.
Also, the House passed the most draconian gun control law since the 1968 Gun Control Act.
And the NRA, of course, supported the bill.
And while we're busy spending six months convincing conservatives that this really happened, they'll pass it in the Senate.
And then I've got a really important article here with quotes out of the Washington Post about where the economy's going.
I will cover all that coming up in the next hour.
It's official, the crash of the U.S.
economy has begun.
Global research, Richard C. Cook did a great article on this, but it's mainly quotes out of the mainstream news.
I'm going to try to read the whole article on air.
But don't worry, global arms sales boom, that will continue.
And so are every police state stock imaginable.
It's the new economy.
I hope everybody enjoys it.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Michael in Florida, then Robert, Louis, Danny, John, and others.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hi Alex.
I want to share some information for you, a few articles here.
One of them is the Commission on Integration and Cohesion.
Uh, plans for every young person in Britain to enroll in a national volunteering scheme that could become compulsory.
Nice double speak there.
Uh, yeah, well it's called the Compulsory Service Act here in the U.S.
and they go, but it's not a draft.
And again, you gotta dumb public, but as long as you tell them that it's a draft, but you gotta go do it, they'll go, it's not a draft.
It's not amnesty.
And normally we're about four years behind Britain, so that could be right.
Look, I'll talk about it next hour.
They're going to blow the economy out so bad, by design, that you're going to want to be a jail guard.
You're going to want to go get blown up by bombs in Iraq, okay?
That's how they get control.
That's what serfdom is all about.
They print the money, folks.
It isn't about money.
Go ahead.
The next article is by John Ashcroft.
And now the Attorney General now has an investment firm, and that investment firm sunk some money into a company called Selox.
And basically it is to authenticate a child arrival and departure system through fingerprint scanning.
Also has a database telling when their parents are late picking up their kids, or how many times the kids have been tardy.
And then next it keeps how much, what their diet is for CPS.
I knew about that, he's also involved.
Look, they all, not only run the government, they all personally make money off the private companies that are mandated.
So they make you pay for your own enslavement and then laugh at you.
Lastly, Child Protective Services employee accused of child molestation, that was, I believe his name was Corey Hinesman.
Sir, you drop that search into Google, you'll do thousands of, I mean, that's, it's never ending.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
That is statistically the highest saturation of these people is in CPS.
Well, this person worked at the YMCA, the Boys Club, any place that he could find young children.
Where do you think these people go?
That's the whole point.
That's exactly where you find them.
And then they're the ones, supposedly, over our children with a no-due process.
Shut up!
I mean, the Texas Youth Commission is literally like something out of a horror movie.
And they've done nothing.
They fired a few people, and they just say that's the way it is.
Well, I'd like to thank you for your time, and those articles can be found on www.fought-criminal.org.
Thanks a lot, Bubba.
Alright, we'll be right back with the third hour, and I'm going to go to Robert, Lewis, Danny, and John.
Then I'm going to, in great detail,
Getting to what's happening with the economy.
And just remember, while you're struggling to make ends meet, the government's building roads in Mexico to ship stuff in to take your jobs.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number three.
The biggest gun control law, victim disarmament law,
Since the 1968 Gun Control Act has passed the House, and this hit us completely out of the blue.
Some of the people saying, oh look at the Virginia Tech, nothing happened, see we're, man we're really winning.
Well, no that's not the case.
They've learned to just not make a big deal out of it.
Not to push it, they just do it.
Just like one of these neocons just came out, he's a top neocon, and said let's ban guns.
I mean, how else are they going to put us in sports stadiums and have their way with us, like they did in Soviet Russia or Communist China?
That's who these people are!
It's what they do!
They're the ultimate control freaks, and the ultimate control freak likes to kill people en masse.
I mean, to them it's like going out and, you know, buying a new dress, or a new suit, or a new... You know, it's what it's... Oh, I'll just kill a bunch of people!
Oh, I can just get all their land!
Oh, yeah!
I'll kill!
Oh, yeah!
And then you're like, oh, that can't be true!
Well, look at human history!
Look at what governments do!
And now it's happening here again.
They're just running around smiling and enjoying themselves.
And they're making their move on a thousand fronts.
We're going to take some more calls.
I'm going to get into the economy, the Second Amendment news, and much more.
Let's go ahead and who's up next here?
Robert New York, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jones, how are you doing today?
Good, sir.
A couple quick things I thought you'd find interesting.
I'm kind of gridless here, so all I have is public access television and I don't know if you watch Frontline at all?
I've watched PBS and I've seen the show, yes.
Okay, well, this past Tuesday it was the Lost War in Iraq.
Well, at the end of it they had a preview for their upcoming Tuesday Frontline, which is called Endgame.
Thought you'd find that interesting.
What's it about?
It's going into
The whole Bush administration's failure in the Iraq war.
But see, it's not a failure.
It's an absolute precision job.
Well, that's what I said.
I know it's all propaganda, but one of the only ways I can keep track.
Well, see, people see shows like that.
Like, I did see a Frontline when I was out in L.A.
a few months ago.
When I had some time, I sat back and I was watching it.
I don't know why I always describe where or when I saw it.
The point is, I did see Frontline.
And it was a special about the wiretapping and the spying?
Yeah, I taped it.
But they spun it like, yeah, it violates the law, yeah, but is it to keep you safe?
You see, they put in the false premise, or the false equation, that giving up liberty gives you security.
It gives you the opposite.
When you give up liberty, the greatest type of insecurity, government abuse and tyranny, always happens.
It's a guarantee.
And so, I mean, if you fight as hard as you can, do everything you can to have liberty, you might have it.
But if you don't even know what freedom is, it's over.
You're going to the very bottom.
It's the race to the bottom immediately.
But, I mean, that's what they were doing again, was people want something done, people want action.
In fact, there's an article today about Bloomberg and Schwarzenegger, the mayor and the governor.
They're getting stuff done.
They're making their city and their state green-friendly.
And then, oh, they're setting up all these new taxes.
Oh, it's for the earth, aren't they?
They get stuff done.
And then the media says they're winners.
They get stuff done.
I mean, by that equation, Hitler's a winner.
He gets stuff done.
Well, I'm up here outside of Rochester, New York, the lovely home of the HPV vaccine.
And, uh, it's just, it's a complete bubble around here.
People are just blind to everything, and I'm having a really hard time waking people up around here.
Well, I mean, everything's left.
Kodak, you name it, so I'm sure they're enjoying themselves.
You know, my father's a Vietnam vet, but he still... I don't know, I'm having a hard time opening his eyes.
My mom's on board.
She listens to you all the time now.
Well, good.
Daddy will come around soon enough.
God bless you.
I tell ya, when Daddy'll come around is when the stuff gets so bad he can't deny it anymore.
He'll go, you know son, what you said's right.
But uh... Look, it's said best in the Matrix.
One cannot be told about it.
One must see it.
One must experience it.
They must feel it.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lewis in South Carolina.
Lewis, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
Alex, I just wanted to call you from the land down here of the Sheeple here in South Carolina, as you obviously saw in the second presidential
Yeah, cheering for torture and mass enslavement.
Oh, I feel safe!
My government has secret death camps and tortures.
Oh, I really feel good now.
Boy, that's always a good sign.
Everything's wonderful.
Man, I thought that was sick.
I mean, even the Nazis didn't publicly admit it.
They knew to hide it.
No, no, America always likes to go further than anybody else has, and we have.
Yeah, I think it's sick.
The people here in South Carolina are pretty much asleep.
Well, if they think that government will do that to their friends, they're going to enjoy amnesty and gun bans.
Well, Alex, the main reason why I was calling, I wanted to just bring these two points real quickly and ask you a question.
I'm Hispanic.
I'm originally from Columbia, South America.
And I just wanted to know, what do you know about concerning how does Columbia play
In regard to the New World Order or how America is controlling the... Do they have any control over there?
Yes, they control the government of Colombia.
Let me let you go and answer your question.
It's a great question.
You have wealth.
For some reason, no one ever knows why.
Why it's in certain areas and not in others.
Like South Africa has more wealth than all Africa.
And South Africa and Zimbabwe.
The amount of mineral wealth in Mexico is triple.
That's a conservative number.
Triple that of the United States.
Canada has more resources in the U.S.
for some reason.
Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brazil, I mean, has got every type of resource from oil to diamonds to
Every other type of alluvial deposit, gemstone, to population, very intelligent population, everything!
But because of their colonial style governments, because they had very corrupt Spanish or Portuguese governments, and they never had a revolution like the U.S.
had, I'm not saying the U.S.
is perfect in its history, I mean, comparatively speaking,
Here, we had a crop of people who were willing to get in a gunfight with you if you tried to tax them or take their land.
And that broke up the elite, and so you had a new elite, and so incredible wealth was generated.
And with that wealth came freedom.
Middle classes bring freedom.
They bring independence.
So first off, Latin America never got off to a good start because it had Spanish and Portuguese, old world, serf rule.
And it fit in quite nicely with the Native Mesoamerican cultures who had also been feudal and top-down.
It's the way humans organize themselves generally.
Tyranny is the normal dish that's served.
It's a very special dish to find liberty.
Very rare.
Don't find that in all of the restaurants.
Just horrible analogies.
I can't help it.
So that goes into a whole history of Latin America, which is so complex and so large in volumes that I've probably read 10-15 books on the subject of Latin American history, and I am a complete idiot.
But again, compared to the general public or even the average Latin American, I know more than they do.
I mean, I find this stuff ravenously interesting.
I can't turn loose of it.
Like, here's an example.
The Mexicans think, a lot of them, that they own the Southwest.
Hey, Mexicans, did you know that about half of Southern Mexico today belong to countries that don't exist now?
And that Mexico took those by force?
Hey, did you know that?
Did you know you never really held the Southwest?
I mean, see, this is just basic history.
So, when you say the U.S.
controls Latin America,
Yes, the U.S.
when the empires of Spain and Portugal receded, England had never had a great influence because of their historical fights with Spain and others in Portugal with Latin America.
Germany and France had a bigger influence than Britannia's empire did.
Because, again, historical alliances, the British were not trusted.
And rightfully so, of course, in those areas.
So the United States, by about the 1870s or so, started sending in marine expeditionary forces, taking over government, setting up puppets all over Latin America.
Now the U.S.
has been seized, and so when you say the U.S.
is manipulating, or are they manipulating, Colombia,
Yes, in that we're being used to.
In fact, I'm getting into the economics right now.
This is a perfect time to get into it, then I'll get to everybody else coming up.
And it's called gunboat diplomacy.
Gunboat diplomacy.
After the Marines in the 1860s
Marched into Mexico City and cleaned their clocks.
3-1 by the way.
It was just the difference with Anglo-Saxon military history.
They just didn't turn around.
Didn't run.
And beat the Mexicans 3-1 in two of the major battles.
A couple of them were more evenly matched.
By the way, the Mexicans did have Irish and Germans with them.
Because see, Mexico was really being run by Germans.
We'll get into Maximilian later, he was Austrian Prince and the rest of it, but I'm already digressing here.
So, it's so complex to even try to get into history.
You're asking, is there influence?
What, about 80 plus percent of the geographic area is controlled by the United States, and hence by its banker owners.
The government is a puppet, you know, in stalled dictatorship.
They claim that you have elections.
They're not real.
We've seen major studies, international groups have looked at that.
About 20 percent of the country is controlled by the guerrillas, the FARC, the commies.
And Richard Grasso, head of the Stock Exchange, went there in 99, Reuters photo of him hugging the head of the FARC, this, you know, commie with a big gray beard.
The communists run around with death squads, killing people to serve them out of fear.
The government runs around killing people.
Just government's bad, as usual.
Both sides are horrible.
And that's in the news.
It's admitted that we have lost hundreds of soldiers there in an ongoing 15-year war that's been escalating.
No one knows the real numbers.
We know there's been a lot of deaths.
It's a war with the FARC going in and burning the West.
Oh, by the way, Grasso, it's legal.
Did you know it's legal for drug dealers overseas, public drug cartels, to invest in the stock exchange?
And Grasso, before they escalated the war, remember it escalated after that in 2000, he had a public meeting and he said, I'm here, invest your cocaine money with us, and hundreds of billions a year,
Just with the FARC controlling 20%.
And we will, just in that one region, we will let you, you know, launder it.
And it was in the Reuters.
It said, yeah, it's legal.
See, I mean, everything, see, just like the illegal aliens don't have to have a driver's license, but you do.
See, it's all a big joke, folks.
It's all a big joke.
And they just right out in the open, Richard Grasso, the known mob boss,
Mob bosses now run the stock exchange.
He doesn't anymore, but a new mob boss does.
And they just go down there and say, invest your cocaine money with us.
And the FARC said, no, we're going to invest it where we want.
And so the spring and the paramilitary attacks, and it's in the news that the U.S.
jets and Colombian finance jets, they fly around and with GPS, they spray this coca plantation, but they don't spray the one right next to it.
And they spray, just with scientific precision, theirs.
It's just an economic war, because, well, you know, if you're not going to invest with us, then we're going to spray your product so it doesn't jack up.
I mean, so you don't drive down the price, because we're in competition with each other.
I mean, publicly, our government runs the drugs.
There's no even debate.
It's in Reuters.
Hidden in plain view.
But still, some cop,
Will pull me over and say, I want to search your car.
And I just start laughing at him.
I go, no.
Well, what do you got to hide?
I go, nothing, Mac!
Stop trying to violate my Bill of Rights!
Well, I'm just doing my job.
You need to get out of the car.
Hey, listen.
Now it's time for things to get serious.
You need to not violate my rights.
You want to get a dog.
You want to trump something up.
I don't use the products your bosses ship in.
And they'll always kind of smile.
Because they're not stupid!
I don't use your prescription drugs or your illegal drugs.
I don't use any of your crap.
So don't you ever, ever try to claim I'm using your trash.
Thank God I never took a liking to drugs the few times I tried marijuana and stuff back in high school.
Thank God that I had examples seeing friends of mine, not thank God they got hurt, but going from the best football player on the team with a beauty queen to literally being homeless crackhead in Dallas.
I don't use your trash and don't you ever imply I do.
And don't you, it's just so sick, these SWAT teams risking their lives, killing innocent people, shooting their own officers, looking for drugs.
And if you wouldn't make the drugs illegal, it wouldn't have all these criminals and dirt associated with it.
And I tell the young people, you know, when they have the stupid South by Southwest staged event here in town, you know, the trendy, windy event, total rip-off.
And you see all these young teenagers lined up for miles, you know, in their little costumes, their little outfits, their little stylish outfits.
And I just think about them all with their drugs in their pockets and the cops getting them and filling the jails up full of them.
You're not radical using that trash.
Stop using it.
Go out and start hiking up a mountain every day.
Go out and get a job.
Save some money.
Get you a woman.
Be a man.
Go work in a soup kitchen.
Don't use their trash ever!
Never use it!
Any of it!
We'll be right back with the economy.
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Oh, what a beautiful melody.
Maybe I should just sit back and listen to it.
I don't want to read this next article I got in front of me.
It just tears my heart out to see the New World Order win.
We're good to go.
The shock heard around the world.
It's official!
The crash of the U.S.
economy has begun.
And I agree.
Global Research, Richard C. Cook.
It's official.
Mark your calendars.
The crash of the U.S.
economy has begun.
It was announced
The morning of Wednesday, June 13, 2007, by economic writers Stephen Perlstein and Robert Samuelson, in the pages of the Washington Post, one of the foremost houses and organs of the U.S.
monetary elite,
Fertilstein's column was titled, The Takeover Boom About to Go Bust, and concerned the extraordinary amount of debt versus operating profits of companies currently subject to leveraged buyouts.
In language,
Remarkably alarmist for the usually ultra-bland pages of the Post, Perlstein wrote, It is impossible to predict when the magic moment will be reached and everyone finally realizes that the prices being paid for these companies and the debt taken on to support the acquisitions are unsustainable.
When that happens, it won't be pretty.
Across the board, stock prices and the company valuations will fall, banks will announce painful write-offs, some hedge funds will close their doors, and private equity funds will report disappointing returns, some companies will be forced into bankruptcy or restructuring.
Further falling stock prices, this is from the article, will cause companies to reduce their hiring and capital spending, while governments will be forced to raise taxes or reduce services, and revenue from capital gains taxes declines.
And the combination of reduced wealth and higher interest rates will finally cause consumers to pull back on their debt finance consumption.
That's the chickens coming home to roost.
It happens.
It happened after the junk bond and savings and loan collapses of the late 1980s.
It happened after the tech and telecom bust of the late 1990s.
And it will happen this time.
Samuelson's column, The End of Cheap Credit, left the door slightly ajar in cases the collapse is not quite so severe.
He wrote of rising interest rates as the price of money increases, borrowing, and the economy might weaken.
The deep slump in housing could worsen.
We could also discover that the long period of cheap credit has left a nasty residue.
Now it gets really serious when we get back.
And again, I've literally read hundreds of articles following the economy the last few months.
This particular one is important because it's something we're about to get to, and then we will continue with your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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To see the once great United States on its knees, run by a bunch of foreign criminals, foreign lobbyists overrun with third world hordes,
Literally falling down it's face in a pool of blood makes me burn with rage.
Yeah, let's roll the rest of the song.
Yeah, says it all, doesn't it?
Now you better stop.
Reaping all your ruin.
That's what they're doing, they reap the ruin.
Let's go ahead and continue with this article.
These are excerpts out of the Washington Post.
I want another one out of the New York Times.
Other writers, it continues.
Less prestigious platforms in the post have been talking about an approaching financial bust for a couple of years.
Among them have been economist Michael Hudson, author of an article on the housing bubble titled, The New Road to Serfdom.
That's the plan.
In the May 2006 issue of Harper's, very respected, Hudson has been speaking in interviews of a break in the chain of debt payments leading to a long, slow economic crash.
Exactly what the Financial Times of London has said, exactly what Warren Buffett has said, exactly what all these big planners, they want a slow crash so they can comfortably position
Our transition from first world to third world, and I mean that when I say it.
I don't use that as an effect.
Oh, we're going to be a banana republic, we're going to be third world.
No, we are basically there now, you just haven't felt the effects yet.
And believe me, you go, speak for yourself, Jones, we're feeling it.
Uh-uh, none of it, believe me, this is, this is the, we're in the eye of the hurricane right now, okay?
You look out about a mile and you see that vortex and that, those 150, you know,
150 mile an hour winds and all those water spouts around the edge of it?
We're going into that!
We're sitting here in this green sea, gently bobbing around, and you think you've hit the, you think you've hit the squall, you hadn't even gone into it, folks.
Now I'm giving, uh, arcane allusions to green sea and old, I guess, saying for going into really bad weather.
As if anyone will know what I'm talking about.
Continues here, other writers with less prestigious platforms in the post have been talking about the approaching financial bust for a couple of years now.
The new road to serfdom in a May 2006 issue of Harper's, Hudson has been speaking in interviews of the break in the chain of debt payments leading to a long, slow economic crash with asset deflation, mass
Defaults on mortgages and a huge asset grab.
Now that's the key.
Asset grab.
That's what happened after the Great Depression.
But the rich were able to protect their cash through money laundering and hedging with foreign currency bonds.
Now let me just stop right there.
Now I don't know exactly what's going to happen because things have never been this wild, this jacked up.
We passed a key point middle of 2006 when the private debt, individual private debt, family debt, was greater than that in late 1933 that had been the all-time record for the United States history.
When the ratio was much greater of debt versus savings or assets.
Now, we far surpassed that and have now been racing past that point since last year.
And by the way, that's with crooked federal numbers.
It's far worse.
I mean, we're talking about a few billion in debt and a few billion in problems in 1930, 1929.
The obligations a year ago were over $97 trillion.
And by the way, five years ago it was only $44 trillion.
That was the Dallas Morning News, and a top economist, and some government economists, and different governmental offices.
$44 trillion.
Within five years, what was that, 2002?
Yeah, about five years, it has gone to over $97 trillion.
And I see articles about the deficit's been reversed.
Folks, that is... It's just lying.
It's just the lying is so incredible!
And that's why they've just pulled out all the stops.
You know, I said like 10-15 years ago they would lie a lot because there was no alternative media to challenge them.
Since then, the last 5-6 years, they were spinning and just trying to twist things.
Now, they still spin a lot and twist, but mainly it's just bald-faced lying.
Just pell-mell, foaming at the mouth, over the edge of the cliff, lying about everything.
It's absolutely amazing.
So, let's talk about what we're really facing.
The New World Order set up the economic policies in this country to do what they've done in hundreds of third world countries over and over again.
So they've done it thousands of times.
And this is thousands of times in every twenty years or so.
I mean they're doing it every 5 to 10 years in third world nations and they've done it in 160 plus nations over and over and over and over and over again.
They fly in publicly, they publicly hand over cash to the dictator or the corrupt politicians who then put 90% of it in their bank account publicly and retire to Switzerland or to Spain or the Bahamas or New York.
I knew stuff was bad though when they all started moving out of New York and L.A.
and places.
Like that.
We're even evacuating here now.
And they signed contracts handing criminally the entire land, infrastructure, roads, water over to private interest.
And they'll camouflage it as claiming it's a privatization deal on their news.
They're now doing that here.
And I know they did it some in the past, but now, I mean, it's wastewater, water, reservoirs, roads, timber, national parks, state parks, scientific institutions, universities.
I mean, it is just total.
I mean, everyone's leaving.
Everyone's moving.
I mean, before it was a slow, continual evacuation.
Now, it's just ripping out kitchen sinks, man.
It's just, you know,
They're just pulling the wallpaper off the walls.
I mean, they're just gutting the whole deal, and they literally run over a hill and have got their hands over their heads like something's about to go off.
I mean, they literally are running and jumping for cover.
Jumping and rolling up in fetal positions and screaming, incoming to each other.
When I say that most of them are hardcore Satanists, folks, I mean that.
That's how you get in the club now.
Before, the Satanists were just here and there.
Now they've got complete control, okay?
Complete control of the government.
They can do whatever they want, and they like to kill, and they like to blow stuff up, and they like to kill a couple hundred million.
And that's what they do every time they can.
Now, if you don't want to call Stalin or Hitler or Mao a Satanist, fine.
Evil people, folks, they got red banners, they wear black uniforms, and there's lots of piles of dead people everywhere they go.
And everything they're doing is to set the world up so they can have a massive consolidation.
Everything they do is so they can pull out the economy and pull it out from under itself to have it be as bad as it possibly can so they can consolidate and move forward in the next phase.
But everything is now accelerated.
Everything is telescoped.
Everything is moving quicker.
Stuff that used to take 50 years is taking 5 years.
But they won't go to martial law, and they won't blow the economy out.
They would have already done it.
And they won't do all this until they think you're going to go along with it, and until they think they can pose as the saviors again.
We're good to go!
As they reap their ruin.
As they are wreckers.
They do it in the South China Sea.
England would do it.
Some of the richest towns, richest families made their money wrecking.
And you'd put lighthouses up on your reefs in foggy weather.
You'd light them.
And big ships would come in and crash.
And then you'd have the laws where you got to salvage them.
And then you'd just go steal everything they had on board the ship.
And usually a British ship would pull up and say, by the way, all your sailors are our slaves now.
You're being pressed into service.
The British were the best at it.
And did it more in some of the more modern times.
Americans did some wrecking, but it usually got shut down.
These are wreckers, folks.
And the New England Blue Bloods are good at it.
With their British cousins, and they're just wrecking the hell out of us.
That's what they do.
They like it.
You understand David Rockefeller doesn't like it that you're young and beautiful?
He doesn't like it that you're happy.
He doesn't like that you can go wherever you want.
All he does is talk trash about you, and how he wants you to have a bad life, okay?
They're here to hurt you.
That's why they're in control.
Because they're ruthless.
They got screws loose, folks, and they like it.
And they got a bunch of stupid people that work for them who don't see the big picture, who believe all the propaganda.
And let me tell you, all their servants, you're in for the biggest rude awakening.
So when you're reading this article, mass defaults and a huge asset grab, you see, because you think they're grabbing up all the assets and all the ports and all the waterways and handing them over and all the companies are going offshore like Halliburton.
Well, they're all switching into Euros themselves now.
They're all shifting into oil.
They're shifting into other currencies.
And now when the dollar goes down to almost nothing, they can come in with their foreign currencies and buy anything left up.
And you'll be so poor and so broke, you'll have to do it.
And then all that we're going to be is a propaganda production factory for the world, because we still have that image and have the infrastructure, and the United States is going to serve as the new Germany to supply the armies, the new Hessians.
We're going to be broke up internally and merged with a large North American Union.
We're going to have one-child policies, it's not going to be called, that'll be called a carbon tax on children.
And you don't think they will do it?
Everything's accelerated now.
Everything happens quicker now.
And this is all their plan.
It's all being announced.
Austin, Denver.
They're all announcing it's going to happen.
New York.
Schwarzenegger saying California.
It's all happening.
The new way of life.
And folks, it's bad.
And you're going to have to have jobs.
And the only jobs are going to be make work.
But it won't be building highway rest stops and dams.
It won't be doing things like that.
It's going to be being jail guards and troops.
And the shows are all going to be 10 times worse than 24.
It's going to be super hyped.
The guys in the black uniforms will see the hottest women dating these men on TV.
That image.
And a lot of you are going to have to watch your daughter say, I don't care, Daddy.
I don't care, Mommy.
I love him.
And it's going to be sick.
And if you get a problem, she'll point you right out.
They'll take you to a camp.
Don't think your families aren't going to turn you in.
Don't think it isn't going to be bad.
Now that's what they're planning.
When we come back, we'll take some final calls.
There's more on the article up on presentplanet.com.
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Alright, I will come back, briefly finish up this article and take a few calls.
I'll try to get to as many of you as I can.
There's some big news on CNN too.
They censored a story.
We'll briefly mention that.
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If we are able to expose the New World Order, they will not plunge the economy, they will just continue to puff up the balloon.
But, they think they can get away with it, they're starting to deflate it.
I'm just telling you, right?
You stupid yuppies, you could have saved this country, even for your own self-preservation, you greedy little creatures.
If you just would have spent ten minutes not looking in the mirror at yourself, or playing with your golf clubs,
It doesn't matter, though.
You deserve what's going to happen to you.
In a way, I'm kind of glad.
You know, God always wins in the end, one way or the other.
Those left holding the bag will be ordinary people whose assets are loaded with debt, such as tens of millions of mortgages, millions of young people with student loans that can never be written off due to the reformed 2005 bankruptcy law, or vast numbers of workers with 401ks or other pension plans that are locked into the stock market.
In other words, it sounds like 2000, 2002, except maybe on a much larger scale.
And it goes that this was only the 10th worst bear market in history, but over a trillion dollars in wealth simply vanished.
And then it just goes on.
So we are looking at hard times.
But I don't know if real estate has gone down by about 10% the last year.
I don't know if it's going to go down again.
Because the dollar is so devalued that yes, even if your real estate goes up, it still doesn't meet inflation and so I don't know what's going to happen.
The problem is even with inflation and the dollar being devalued, people still have less of it and so they can't afford the house, though the house is probably valued properly.
Like a house is valued at a million bucks, it's really ten years ago it would have been $200,000.
Isn't that nice of a house?
But it's worth a million dollars!
See how that works?
So things are... this is like somebody who's on 50 different medications and frankly nobody knows what's going to happen.
They can just keep printing money and keep it all pumped up until they want to pull the plug.
And maybe not even that.
I want to take calls here at the end, but I don't know how I'm supposed to cover all this.
This is from Yahoo News, Reuters.
MarketWire News Security and Prosperity Partnership Records Reveal Proposal for U.S.-Canadian Funded Grants for Mexico.
It goes on as they build their martial law infrastructure for influenza, build their roads.
They've got all these gun bills that went through.
This is a huge story on JonesReport.com and PrisonPlanet.com that I should have spent hours on.
I'm sorry, out of time.
Can't take calls from Germany and everywhere else.
Call me back tomorrow.
Just out of time.
official, Samara attack may have been inside job.
Now that was CNN.
That was up for about five hours, and then we sent it to Steve Watson, and he sent us an email back going, what do you mean inside job?
It doesn't say that.
CNN put something completely different up.
Well, we had, thank God, screenshotted it.
Aaron said he had the instinct to screenshot it for some reason, because people wouldn't believe it just in our format.
We have it screenshotted up on Jones Report and Prison Planet right now.
official, Samara attack may have been inside job.
Authorities have evidence that Wednesday's bombing of Al-Ardaisiyah Mosque, always pronounce it wrong, in Samara, Samara was an inside job and 15 members of the Iraqi Security Force have been arrested, a U.S.
military official said.
But then that got shut down and taken down.
They didn't retract it!
No, they took it down.
Alright, I should have spent all day on that.
Get it.
It's big.
It's important.
Dig it.
It's at the top of PrisonPlanet.com.
And no, I'm not a daddy-o hippie.
It's a website called Dig, folks.
For those who don't know.
And please get my videos.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
And support us.
And also, pray for Randy Weaver going up there to the Browns property.
Pray for the Browns.
Pray for everybody that's going with him.
And, of course, I'll be back tomorrow live.
Also, Sunday, I'm going to have Randy on my Sunday show with me.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back tomorrow.
Don't forget, you can listen 24 hours a day at InfoWars.com.
God bless you all.
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