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Name: 20070608_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 8, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live.
It is the eighth day of June 2007.
I bullhorned continually for more than three hours yesterday protesting Governor Rick Perry.
So I hope, it's a good thing it's a Friday, I'll get a one-day break tomorrow.
Hopefully my voice holds up, but we've got Ed and Elaine Brown coming on in a little while.
We are connected to their home line right now, thanks to Luke Rudowsky and fullwars.com, and we are Change.org Reporter, who is inside right now and on the line.
We're about to go to him.
Frankly, I'm a little ashamed of the Patriot Movement, and of just everybody, frankly.
Concern, including myself.
Because I didn't buy the propaganda completely, but I still hesitated for a moment when they lied to us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have the AP articles here in front of me.
The state police and the feds said there was no siege, they were not on the property, they never had a plan to serve a search warrant, they never had a plan to seize the property, they never were there, that everyone's having a conspiracy theory.
This is when they block roads off a mile away, threw reporters out,
Grabbed people, had two hovercraft, four armored vehicles, and over a hundred armed police.
This is when they cut the power, and cut the phone line.
I mean, now you can be completely surrounded with your phone line, and everything cut off, and if the feds say, oh no, we're not there, we just buy into it.
Okay, now we've got a lot clearer picture of what has actually transpired.
We're about to go to Luke Rudowsky.
And when Ed and Elaine Brown are finished doing interviews in a few minutes, they've got local television inside their house, we will also get Ed and Elaine Brown on.
For you, for those that just joined us, Ed and Elaine Brown have been beat up, they've been tortured, they've been harassed for years.
You can go to their blog and read what happened.
It all started just huge raids out of the blue to their house.
Years ago and so they've now been convicted of quote tax evasion to the private Federal Reserve and they've said this far and no further and so now when they try to start a new Waco the police surround you and they say we're not surrounding you we don't exist.
Last night we went to protest Rick Perry at a big charity ball he was having.
He was on the program cover.
We know employees inside who frankly were involved in management.
Rick Perry was there
And the police came out and said, he's not here.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
And they said, we're going to arrest you if you don't leave on video.
Then later they told reporters when they showed up that it isn't true.
We're lying.
They never said it when we have it on video.
It's pure lying.
Nothing but lying.
Rick Perry doesn't exist.
We didn't threaten to arrest you.
There are no SWAT teams.
This is not an amnesty bill.
I mean, they are just
I'm blown away by the level of lies.
I almost believed the police when they said, Rick Perry's not part of this.
Rick Perry's not on the roster.
You're crazy.
And I had to second check and then sure enough he was.
They even introduced him and were cheering for him inside.
We got that on video.
It's just they lie.
They love lying.
They figured out the key is lying to people.
Ed and Elaine Brown are under siege right now.
Their power's been cut, their phone's now been turned back on, their internet has been cut.
When Luke Radowski went in with live internet feed last night, arriving at around, what, 10 or 11 o'clock at night, from trying to leave New York at 5 o'clock rush hour, and as soon as they drove into the property, their internet cut off, all their internet feeds, Ed and Elaine Brown's internet, their wireless was cut off at the exact same time.
They're now jamming.
I don't know how long we'll be able to even have them on air with us.
They could attack him today, they could attack him next week, or a month from now when we all forget about it and move off the property.
I want to commend Luke Rudowsky and others that are with him.
I'm told Tom Foley's with him, and Matt Lepacek for their ongoing courage.
We'll talk to those guys on the other side.
Live coverage from inside the Brown home.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Massive breaking news.
Call everyone you know.
The Brown siege is worse than we thought.
And the gentleman that we had on Drew Rains yesterday,
Who is a villain host for Jack McClam was accurate.
It was very accurate.
He did get a call from a militia member inside the house who doesn't wish to be named because of his family.
He's at another location nearby.
That shots were fired in the morning.
But with all the other things that were coming out and going out, I still didn't know if that was accurate or not.
Drew said he didn't know that was accurate.
And we've now confirmed, ladies and gentlemen, Marshall's fired rounds at Ed Brown's Dog Walker before planned siege.
And we have the video clip of that up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be playing that in about 30 minutes, the audio of that.
We have confirmed with Ed and Elaine Brown and InfoWars.com reporter on the scene, Luke Radowski, that indeed, that indeed, again I bullhorned over three hours yesterday, so bear with me,
That indeed, this is the case.
Elaine was in the shower at that time.
Ed Brown did hear it.
Others inside the home, being called a compound, that's how they dehumanize you, did hear it as well.
And it's the classic thing, same thing on Ruby Ridge, where they sprayed, you know, the young boy in the back with bullets.
And then they tried to shoot people that went down there.
And we're going to have Jack McClellan on later, who's ended that siege with Colonel Bogright.
He was there.
He went into the house with Vicky Weaver's head blown off, basically, under the people with gangrene, babies.
It's just unbelievable.
We've dealt with this before, and we're trying to stop a revolution from exploding violently when this happens.
But we can only come in and pray for Ed and Wayne Brown, who are making their stand.
Live free or die.
Liberty or death, as he said yesterday.
When I was on the air with him, when we did an interview on RBN, from the 4 to 6 p.m.
show, this is just unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
And then the spin here, and we're going to them, but I want you to let this burn into your brain, the propaganda.
Just like Waco, when they ran down over a third of the building on the back side, and there's video of the dead bodies they're running over.
You have the blown up, you know, aerial photos that the FBI released, you can see dead bodies run over there.
And as they're running over bodies and machine gunning people, they're saying, this is not an assault, and they've got infantry troops and infantry maneuvers on the back flanks, using the APC's as cover, firing their M16's as Delta Force attacks.
Now, I'm telling you folks, they'll go in there, they'll gun down everyone, they'll burn that place to the ground, and they'll, while it's burning, they'll say it's not an assault.
Okay, this is a military tactic.
It's camouflage.
That's all it is, they will say.
And the state police are criminals in New Hampshire.
There's photos of them with their machine guns.
By the way, the feds called their vehicles tanks.
They have tanks out there.
That's AP.
The state police said they're tanks.
They said, oh, our tanks were up by their front gate to do reconnaissance.
We're not there for a siege.
They were on the property with ghillie suits.
Danny Riley only walked about 50 yards into the woods walking the dog at about 8 a.m.
and then somebody in a ghillie suit pops up right in front of him.
He turns and runs.
Bullets are fired.
He literally heard them whiz past his ear.
They tasered him, took him and then gave him a bus ticket and said get out of here.
He's lucky they didn't kill him and they're not as bad as the FBI guys at Ruby Ridge.
These are federal marshals who tend to not be as bad.
Uh, as FBI murder teams.
Uh, but I'm gonna shut up and go to Luke Rodowski.
Luke Rodowski!
Uh, there at the scene of what could be the new Wounded Knee or the new Waco.
Uh, you're there.
You got, uh, where they've been firing on people.
And that is confirmed now from triple sources.
That is confirmed.
And we're in the middle of this incredible psy-op where they're saying, we're not there.
We never planned anything.
We're not on the property.
That is a complete lie.
Luke Rodowski, you're there on the scene.
What does it look like?
What's happening?
I'm here right now, and I just came here on the scene actually last night.
Me and Matt Lipasek are here right now.
We came late last night, and we really couldn't sleep with what's going on here.
It's a very scary situation.
It's a very not understanding situation, and we were up just trying to take a look at things, and we were up all night just being on the lookout.
We saw some things in the bushes.
We saw some things in the trees, and
And it's really weird here.
And you know, we're just here making sure Ed and Elaine Brown are safe.
We're going to keep looking out there.
We're going to keep reporting for you.
And we're here for their safety, man.
And no matter what happens, we're here.
Now, what did you see in the trees?
What did you see in the bushes?
We saw some random movements.
But we saw, you know, just some random movements in the trees and bushes that, you know, was pretty weird to me.
They're admittedly crawling all over the place out there, you know, with over 100 federal and state goons and locals, armored vehicles, aircraft.
Now this got aborted because Danny Riley, again, was walking the dog, and they were creeping up on the house doing reconnaissance.
We're about to move, clearly.
You say that when you got on the property, your wireless internet cut out, you were doing live webcam?
Yeah, that's the weird thing.
We were doing live video streaming just for our safety, just so people could watch everything that we're going through right there.
And as we were entering the house of Ed and Elaine Brown, we had perfect internet connection.
I don't know.
And adds satellite internet.
And they love it.
It's all a laboratory.
They admit it.
To how to kill Americans, how to surround farmhouses nationwide, how to bring us to our knees, how to get our property.
I'll never forget the video I was shown and not allowed to put out publicly because it would have revealed who shot it.
This is about six years ago now of Marines, maybe seven, training in San Antonio to mow down hundreds of demonstrators.
They were role players.
And I've shot some of the video and put it out publicly, but this was even worse.
Because here they just said, you know, they said open fire.
There were peaceful protesters saying this is America.
Don't take our land.
And the U.S.
Marines practiced killing Americans.
And I mean, it's unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
They are training to kill you and your family.
They are training to take America down.
They are not our police anymore.
They are New World Order 110%.
And I'm not saying there aren't some good individual cops.
I'm telling you, big state police, federal forces, the marines, it is the facts.
Now in Police State 2000, I've got them training to kill Americans and admitting it and saying, watch us execute this guy, and it shows them doing mock interrogations and they're saying, I'm from San Francisco, and they're screaming, I'm an American citizen, help us, not the camp.
But, I mean, I've seen footage where they're practicing mowing us down, folks, and I mean with heavy machine guns.
Luke, now again, have you tried to get up to the higher ground, to the little watchtower they've got there at the home, the little observation tower?
Have you, you know, have you gone there?
I mean, what have you done?
Have you tried to boost it, or you had full shell boost link, and it just went dead?
We were at full boost.
We had full internet access.
And then it just shut down the minute we got in here.
And then later on that night, we started getting a signal and then losing it, getting a signal and losing it.
It just keeps going back and on right now.
Now we don't have it.
But it seems it's most likely they are jamming the internet signals.
Because we had perfect internet access coming down here.
And the minute we came in the house, we lost it.
We lost the live video feed that we had.
We have live
We had live video.
We had live video.
WeAreChange.org on the internet.
Look, I want to just say this right here.
If you hadn't made your bones in the Info War, as somebody who in just the last couple of years has got more, more marks, you know, more Messerschmitts in the Info Wars, shot down, more Redcoats dealt with in the Info War.
If you were a fighter bomber, you'd just have hundreds of, you know, stickers, decals on the side for, you know, enemy sunk.
And I'm telling you right now, you are just becoming a super ace, very rapidly here, confronting Hillary, that's what Votie did, your organization, you guys confronting Giuliani twice, his people, just all these other presidential candidates, David Rockefeller, and now,
I'm here.
Elaine, what is it like for you to have them on your property, to have the shots being fired, and then to have them taser and grab Danny Riley, who we've got the number of.
He's at work today.
We're going to try to get him on later.
What is it like for you to know all of this is going on and to know the feds are on the news saying, we never went out there.
There's no preparation for an assault when they'd already cut your power and cut your lines earlier.
Well, Alex, I'll tell you, it's pretty disheartening.
I mean, what they did to Danny was totally inexcusable.
I mean, he was standing there with his hands in front of, you know, held out in front of him, wrists together, saying, okay, you've got me, put the cuffs on, and then they come up and they tase him.
So this is just, you know, the boys with the toys.
I'm having fun.
They had no reason to taser them.
Well, these are men who like to hunt men.
These are hunters.
And most of these special ops type cops don't know that.
They're not conscious.
Literally, guys, go get a hog hunting lease.
Go get a deer hunting lease.
I mean, hunt hogs with spears.
And that's really, if you're into that, don't hunt us.
I mean, I've seen it so many times where they say, they just taser people for fun and laugh about it.
I've got video of it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Total criminals!
Now I was watching Marshall Moynihan's interview on the internet this morning and it just brightened my eyes.
They were here to serve a seizure warrant.
They had at least 13 agents out along my driveway in full camouflage with rifles.
They had overhead
We were at least four APCs, multiple state police vehicles, four roadblocks on my road.
All this to serve a piece of paper?
Oh, come on.
How stupid are we?
If Danny had not accidentally walked into that, they would have been down here and we would probably be dead right now.
Because, as you know, we will not volunteer.
We will not go into their prisons for a non-crime.
We have committed no crime.
There's only two ways they can have jurisdiction over us, Ed Brown.
That is, either we submit and just give in and turn ourselves in, through volunteering, or by force of power.
Ed Brown, stay there.
I want to come right back to you, your wife Elaine Brown, an InforWars.com reporter on the scene with Matt LePacek.
This is amazing.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
Massive news, ladies and gentlemen.
We have his video blog up on the web.
We've confirmed from Ed and Elaine Brown.
We've confirmed by some of Danny Riley's friends as well that he briefed him afterwards.
We've got Danny's number.
We're going to be getting him on soon.
We're going to be airing that audio coming up in a little while.
Jack McClam is joining us.
He's really our resident expert.
He defused with Colonel Bo Grites.
Went into the house with the 500 armed troops aiming guns at them.
The entire Ruby Ridge situation.
He'll be joining us, contributing here on the GCN Radio Network.
Because folks, this could start a new revolution.
And the point here is, our revolution's already started.
We're already winning the Info War.
And if the Globalists attack us, we've defensively got to protect ourselves.
But we don't want to draw up first blood here.
So we're talking to Jack McClam.
Marshals fired rounds at Ed Brown's dog walker before planned siege.
I would change that.
I mean, it's a good headline, but I would change it to Ed Brown's... to the Brown's guest, who's walking the dog, but whatever.
And you can go read it right now on prisonplanet.com.
This is huge news.
Going back to Ed Brown.
Ed, please continue with what you're facing, sir, and how many armed thugs you saw in the aircraft, and your wife is saying that you did hear the shots.
This is just incredible.
I'll give you a quick chronology from the previous night.
Which was, we had, during the previous day, a couple of biplanes circling wide circles, two or three passes, then leave.
Then at nine, approximately 9.15 that night, the night before last, we saw a Global Hawk fly over the straight trajectory from west to east in a very, very bright light.
God, you'd almost think it was a flying saucer for crying out so weird.
Except that it had absolutely no sound coming out of it, flying at approximately 5,000 feet.
But then that was confirmed in fact, that they did have that go over the night before.
Somebody slipped on the tongue again.
By the way, the AP said that it was 50,000 feet to make you sound stupid, like you could see a plane that high.
Well, okay, if it's 50,000 feet or something, then that's right.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's 5,000, you're right.
I'm just saying, that's how they twist things, but go ahead.
Yeah, who cares?
The fact of the matter is, they're using a very expensive aircraft to do what?
Take a picture of our beautiful property?
Our beautiful land here on the farm?
At any rate, that night after that, the power went off late in the evening, and then again in the middle of the night.
Of course, we're totally off the grid at any time that we wish to be.
Woke up the next morning.
When I did, I noticed that the dog was missing Zoe, along with my houseguest, Dean, out of New York.
Just a visiting plumber here, anyway, brought us some food over and stuff, you know.
And by the way, we weren't sure if he could be, I mean, I was just saying, obviously, looking at him, listening to him, now learning about him, assessing him, he's no fad, he's a hero.
Oh yeah, he's absolutely, absolutely, he's a hero.
He's a wonderful, wonderful man.
I stood on his steps for about a minute, looking to see if he was up by the barn or coming around the circle of my driveway, it's a big circle of driveway I have, and I didn't see him, but all of a sudden I heard, boom, boom,
Off to the woods, up toward my mailbox.
Now of course I've been here 17 years, I know the sounds, I know the difference, and I've been around guns all my life.
So I know the sound of a gunshot.
But I heard the two shots, then I see the dog a few seconds later come tearing down the driveway, around the corner, and straight at me.
Now normally she would run right up to me, but instead she ran right by me and she ran into the house.
So then I knew there was something wrong there.
Of course, now you saw the video on the blog, then you can tell ya.
They did, in fact, fire.
He walked right into a total of 12 Jilly Seated Special Operations of Black Ops team that was approaching the house here.
And he, of course, is just walking the dog because it's a beautiful morning.
And he walked right into them.
Of course, that exposed their clandestine operation.
That point there, one of them stood up there and told him to freeze and get out of the ground and whatever the case may be.
And he did.
Of course, he panicked.
He turned and ran.
He said, don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't have any guns.
And of course, the story, uh, then the shots were fired.
So he reconfirmed the fact that what I did here was in fact shots.
And he said they literally went right by his ear.
And by the way, I've been... I've had idiots before when we're out hunting, shooting in my general direction, you do hear them fly right over you.
It's like a buzzing.
And he said he could even hear them hitting leaves right by his head.
So that means to say that their intention to come down here was to kill us.
If they were going to kill a one-armed man at the end of my driveway, then they had intention to come down here and kill us.
So now, the whole complexion has changed.
Because now they lied to us.
They have no honor.
Now, to be clear, you didn't know until this video blog went up last night.
You just heard the shots, and that's why we got the militia report out of your house, that the gunshots had been heard, just as Drew Raines said, early in the morning, or right after light.
And then, now, we've got this up, and now, thank God they didn't kill him, because frankly, if it had been an FBI team,
They would have put him on his knees and shot him two or three times in the back of the head.
Oh, sure.
It was probably federal marshals or it might have been a state police team, but they did taser him.
Now, reportedly, he got on his knees and put his hands up.
That wasn't enough.
They went ahead and tasered him for pleasure purposes, but that's better than like they did to that Marine last year who did nothing when they got him on the ground and pumped three rounds right in his chest, point blank, for pleasure.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Look at your young men fighting.
Look at your women crying.
Look at your young men dying.
The way they've always done before.
Look at the hate we're breeding.
Look at the fear we're feeding.
Look at the lives we're leading.
The way we've always done before.
Coming up in the third hour, we'll give you about a 20-30 minute report on what happened at the big demonstration against what's happening to Ed Brown, the Trans-Texas Corridor, the HPV live cancer virus that is killing girls across the country.
That's Judicial Watch's own internal documents out of the CDC.
It was very fitting we bullhorned Perry at this mansion, then we went to a quote, children's charity.
So they do that to look good, and then they're really there killing the children.
These people are pure evil.
That's coming up.
Ed Brown's on with us.
We've also got Luke Rodowski, reporter for InfoWars.com, bravely there on the heels of being grabbed, and of course,
Matt Lepacek being kidnapped by the state police in charge of the criminal trespass and Infowars.com camera being smashed.
We'll be talking to him as the show continues.
Ed Brown, Elaine Brown on the line right now.
I want to bring Jack McClam in a moment to debrief you guys or ask you any questions or with his experience from Ruby Ridge and of course many years on the Phoenix force in Vietnam, any advice he can give you.
But right now, Ed, finishing up what you were saying, sir.
Uh, finishing up, yes.
Obviously, they were heading down here.
They got exposed.
They couldn't do anything about it.
So, about 15 minutes after I heard the shot, the bug came back.
And then I got a phone call saying that they, uh, somebody had seen two APCs and, uh, six state police troopers heading our way.
Six cruisers heading our way.
So, I know that they were coming down here.
So, that was obviously the blue cameras at the end of the driveway, I thought.
But obviously they'd been being watched probably for two or three days previous because they knew we had a .50 caliber down here that they had obviously seen us firing the day before.
And I guess that made them a little apprehensive.
Then they had, uh, were down at the office in West Lebanon and they totally surrounded that empty building with the same amount of firepower and personnel carriers and so on.
Working in collusion with Massachusetts State Police, Maine State Police, New Hampshire State Police, a few federal officers, and Lebanon Police Department.
Just for an empty building.
That's the point here.
And the fact that men in Massachusetts were in here colluding with them.
Yeah, that's totally, totally violation of the 10th Amendment.
Completely criminal.
Now it's a trans-state multi-jurisdictional task force.
And if you saw what you thought looked like a Global Hawk or some type of predator drone...
Which we know there are over a hundred of them now patrolling the U.S.
This is definitely a federal operation, just like Waco and Ruby Ridge, guaranteed it's going to end up being CENTCOM running this whole thing.
Again, Newsweek reported what we told you, what Patriots told you, during the Waco siege, and that was Israelis, French,
Russian, Dutch, British.
It's a big laboratory.
They call them war fighting, domestic asymmetrical war fighting laboratories.
But they do it in the real situation.
Really, really well.
I didn't have a father or a mother either.
Well, I didn't go that way.
Well, I'm not saying people are bad if they don't have a father or a mother.
My point is I've done the assessment of a lot of these guys and so they want to go out and make their bones, okay?
They're not charging German machine gun nests.
They're not fighting real warriors.
They like to go around killing families and tasering people.
Before I start ranting and raving, Ed, finish up your point and I'm going to bring Jack McClam up.
The point is that we don't have warrior class people here fighting a legitimate war.
What we have here are a bunch of cowards.
That's why they're sneaking around and using an omnipotent type of power or force, a number of people, like the Russians did, the KGB did, and so on, military force.
We don't care any longer, Alex.
We're all done.
We're through talking with these people, and I don't mean just my wife and myself here.
I'm talking nationwide.
There's an under-the-radar number of people here just trying to absorb everyone that gets involved with seditionist manner in this country.
And we are identifying who they are.
Also, Ed, you know the local state police and others are on record saying they are trying to keep, quote, aid from getting to you.
They are trying to keep anyone from coming in, any media from coming in to cover what's happening.
Yes, sir.
But it's too late already.
I mean, it's really way too late for them now.
Anything happens to my wife and myself because of their actions, we will be reciprocal.
We don't have any choice any longer.
For the Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Brown here, and our cat and our dog, we will protect for the sake of our community and our nation.
That's why we did this in the first place.
Remember, as the United States Constitutional Arranger of Law, lawfully, the TXU 42-453 by the Library of Congress,
We are obligated to protect this nation under a lawful form of government.
And we will do so at any and all cost at this point.
Ed, you're right.
There's no doubt that a foreign private corporation, publicly now, owns and runs the government and is completely illegitimate.
And just because a bunch of brainwashed state police and feds are ignorant of that doesn't make it lawful what they're doing.
I've gotten all these emails and seen blog posts.
We're about to go to Jack McClam.
All these emails and posts and everything else saying that, well what are we going to run the government on?
They don't know there are hundreds of other lawful taxes.
They don't understand that the feds admit that every cent of your income tax goes to debt.
Which is designed to bring money out of the economy in the fiat systems maintenance.
This is... Ron Paul's written about it.
It's an absolute fact.
They don't understand that this funds the false corporate government.
Let's bring up Jack McClam.
Jack, things have gotten a lot more serious now that we've learned and confirmed what Ed Brown did here yesterday was the gunshots.
They fired at this guy, he hit the ground, put his hands up, they tasered him, then they interrogated him, gave him a bus ticket and told him don't come back, and he's now put up a video blog, and he's Danny Riley, and I assessed him, I'm 99% sure this is a plumber from New Jersey, this is the real deal, a great patriot, a hero.
What does this mean now, Jack?
Well, this is coming from the top of our government, from what you're telling me about using the drones and the satellites and everything.
This is being directed by the very top of our government.
We've got to try to think about what they're trying to do with this.
Are they trying to get us to all react and go there with our guns and start a revolution?
Yes, sir.
Yes, they are.
I think that's what they're trying to do.
I know that, but remember, understand that my primary... Jack, just a moment.
My primary target, that's the word they like to use, my primary target are the Freemasonry in this country.
A lot of people don't like to say that, but we know for a fact of record that is our problem.
Yes, when I was in the military and in law enforcement, the top people in law enforcement and in the military are in the Freemasons.
There you go.
All of them are 33rd degree or higher.
Or higher.
And they're Satanists.
Yes, they are.
But the equipment they're bringing on you, brother, tells me that it's operating from beyond the White House.
You know, above the White House.
Right from the Vatican or right from England.
We understand.
From Germany.
So, this is the situation.
They want an incident.
to cause all the American people to go your way with guns so they can call it an insurrection and put us all under martial law and the constitution for good.
Bush will stay in as emperor
Of America, there won't be any more elections.
Let me just add something, and then let Ed Brown chime in here.
We've seen the entire preparation on this.
We've seen the Military Commissions Act, who seize and arrest and secretly torture and execute American citizens, says it word for word.
All the top lawyers have read it and agree with our analysis that we put out first here.
Just on record, we don't make this stuff up, folks.
Weeks after we did the analysis, exact mirror analysis from top Princeton lawyers, professors, jurisprudence, you name it.
Uh, then...
On top of that, we saw the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
More important, it actually put us under activated martial law, not just the soft overall emergency martial law we've been under since 1933 in the War Powers Act.
And it actually removed the governors during insurrection or any other rioting or any other protest.
This is all word for word.
And now Bush got the funding last year with John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
Now on
May 9th, he activated PDD 51 and openly announced himself over the Congress.
They're now cut out of continuity of government, total treason.
Headline, the President granted himself new powers.
That's called dictatorship.
Yes it is.
Ed Brown?
Yes it is.
It's over, folks.
For all intents and purposes, there is no law left in this country.
It's a done deal.
Well, Ed, I can't blame you and I can only commend you for how they beat you up and how they assaulted you and all the hell you've been through.
Maybe we should briefly recap that.
You finally just said, and you finally said, I'm going to my property, I'm holding up, stay away from me, leave me alone, I'm just a free human being, you know, I'm Edward.
And I'm a creature of God, just leave me alone, I don't belong to you people.
And then here they come with hundreds of people, and six APCs, and fixed-wing aircraft, and drones, and helicopters, and you're saying, leave me alone.
Defense is totally honorable, and we understand, but do you see what Jack's saying?
That it's clear that we're beating them in the info war, so they want to overturn the chessboard, they want to cheat,
What we have to do, Alex, is we have to now focus on the Illuminati slash Zionists slash Freemasons.
This is Freemasonry at its finest hour.
But it's its last hour, and it's too stupid to know any better.
We must focus on those people who are the members of it, and let's bring it to their houses.
Let's bring it into their businesses.
Let's bring it... They want to make it personal?
Let's make it personal.
No more talking about this thing.
I would like to see everybody go absolutely silent.
Identify who these people are in your own town, county, state, and country.
And one day when they push too far, because no one's going to set this off except them.
So when critical mass forms up and it pops, because nobody knows when critical mass is going to pop, like they found out during the Russian Revolution.
Ceausescu, Ceausescu.
Yes, so when this thing pops, everybody now in their own town goes and warms up every Freemason that they know, put them behind bars, and then
Well, Judge, I'd be laughing at him for the rest of my life.
For the rest of tomorrow.
99% of the Masons never get above the 32nd degree.
They believe they're worshiping Jesus.
They have no idea that at the higher degrees it's open worship of Lucifer.
They haven't read what their own Grand Supreme Masons have written, that they do worship the devil.
Jack, you want to break that down?
Jack McClam?
Jack may have walked away from the phone.
I'm here, brother.
I mean, the key here is it's compartmentalized.
We say all the nations.
I mean, Ed, you've studied them.
You know that most of them are useful idiots and don't know.
Yes, I deal with the useful idiots every day here at our two police and military associations.
The guys at the bottom tell me, and of course I saw this when I was in law enforcement in the
Six largest city, Phoenix, Arizona, that they're promoting the most evil and criminal guys up to sergeant, lieutenant, captain, chief, you know, on up through the ranks in local law enforcement, in state law enforcement, and in the federal law enforcement, of course, because it's pure pure satanism and criminality at the very top.
So they only trust those that are criminals.
And so, but what's the problem is, like in the Phoenix Police Department, they would call us in for in-service training, and they would teach us how we must think as a group, like a gang.
So the guys that are the beat cops and the guys at the lower levels, which you will not have there, they'll have them directing traffic.
These guys will be directing traffic.
They always have the sheriff and his team out directing traffic.
And they bring in the assassins in the SWAT teams.
They're top assassins that'll do anything.
They'll shoot their mother for a nickel and see which way she'll fall.
And those are the guys that are surrounding your house right now.
But the regular guys out there who haven't proven yet that they're willing to do anything, if they're told to do it, they won't allow them near you.
And I saw them up at Ruby Ridge on the outskirts when we finally brought the Weaver family out and walking down the trail with them in our arms, the little girls.
A lot of these guys in the face paint and the ghillie suits were literally crying.
The tears were pouring out of their eyes because they truly thought they were going to be told to come in and kill all of us.
And, um, but they won't allow those guys around you.
You see, they, they want guys in there that when they tell you, tell them to hit you and kill you, that there is no qualms about it at all.
In other words, it's like 50 or a hundred lawn Haruchis, you know?
And the guy that shot Vicky Weaver and shot half her face off while she was holding her baby, I saw her body underneath the table there.
Mr. Haruchi?
Yeah, Horiuchi Yamauchi was the assassin who said on the witness stand that he would do it all again.
They promoted him to lieutenant for what he did to Vicky and the family.
So those are the guys that are surrounding you right now, but here's the thing to keep in mind.
If they do not get to use you,
To summon the people across the nation to come there with their guns so that the president can say to all the public, ah, here comes the terrorists.
Here comes the terrorists in to help this terrorist.
It's probably Al-Qaeda in among them.
It's an insurrection.
I must put the nation under martial law.
That's exactly what they hope happens here.
Because they've got to stop the Infowar.
We're winning that and they know it.
They've got to use you.
Ed Brown, Jack McClain, stay with us.
Let's come back and give Ed Brown a chance to respond to all this and ask Ed Brown where he thinks all this is going to go.
Ed and Elaine Brown, also Luke Radowsky reporting from Infowars.com.
Jack McClain, GCN Radio host reporting here as well with his great expert analysis.
Couldn't have a better expert on this than Jack McClain right in the middle of Ruby Ridge.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Hello friends, Alex Jones here.
I want you to imagine waking up one morning to find out you've been burglarized.
An intruder has taken your personal possessions.
Credit card numbers, social security cards, banking information, and more, all in the hands of a total stranger.
What's worse is, you realize he got it through your front door, because you left it unlocked.
We're good to go.
Come, you masters of war!
Yeah, they build the big guns.
Yeah, they build the death planes.
Yeah, they build all the bombs.
Yeah, they hide behind walls.
Yeah, they hide behind desks.
I just want you to know I can see through your masks.
Welcome back.
Let's go ahead and go to Ed Brown, literally under siege.
Shots fired.
One of the people out there supporting him tasered.
And the media, AP, everybody, this is broken factual news, witness on record, and they heard the shots.
Cops grabbed him, his name's admitted, and not in the news.
It's not newsworthy.
They're on property firing their weapons and tasering people, and then they tell the media, oh, all those armored vehicles?
They call them tanks.
The tanks?
The hundreds of police?
Oh, that's for reconnaissance.
We're not going to raid anybody.
There's headlines.
That one high-level cop, I've got to dig it out, I've got like literally 30 or 40 articles here in a stack.
I've got it all highlighted.
This was saying, we're not out there, that's a conspiracy theory.
What are you two people, there's no Bilderberg.
This isn't an amnesty bill.
Rick Perry isn't here.
It's all lies, folks.
They just lie and lie to you now.
Because it works on most of you.
Ed Brown, you were commenting on what Jack McClamson is saying.
If I could jump in briefly with your comment about lying.
Danny Riley was told by the marshals to come here and lie to us and tell us that he was actually arrested by two policemen.
And he was threatened with 20 years to life in prison if he tells anyone else, if he tells anyone the truth of what happened.
Yeah, he's real scared.
We're trying to get him on, but you know, he's gone on the blog.
He's gone on the blog now and told the truth.
Yes, he did.
Yes, he did.
By the way, see that's terrorism.
That's terrorizing someone with terroristic threats of imprisonment.
Listen, we shot at you.
We did all this.
Don't tell anybody we were here.
Tell everybody two policemen got you, and then they go lie to the media, and they give them a bus ticket.
My God, these people are such crooks.
Hodo, tell us more about this, about Danny Riley, who was fired at, being told, if you tell anybody what happened here, you're going to get 20 years of life in prison.
That's how they operate.
Jack McClam, this is standard operating procedure, isn't it?
Standard operating positions there are being taken all over the situation, and here's the thing.
If they do not get their insurrection of the people, they've got a very bad situation.
They're going to set bombs off.
Because if they go in and kill you guys, they know that it will magnify by two, three times the freedom movement, just like Ruby Ridge and
Waco did, so they've got a bad situation.
I'm looking at my wife right now.
Jack, that's exactly what we intended to do.
Let them do it.
We are reciprocal and so are the people that we deal with.
So if they wish to take our lives, they're going to send us to the Creator sooner.
It will do them far, far more damage than anything else that we could possibly do.
Far more than anything you could do.
And that's what we intend to do.
So we took all of the safeties off the property to let them come in.
And we're going to give them one hell of a fight as we go down.
Because we know we can't beat them.
And there's no way in the world that they're going to be able to arrest us.
So that's why we call this the Little Alamo.
Well, this is... They can't win, just like the Alamo.
And of course, fictionalize with, you can't win, Darth.
You strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into the second hour on this live Friday edition.
The sixth day, the sixth month, the eighth day of June 2007.
It is Friday the eighth day of June 2007.
I'll be live this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
with continual coverage of what's happening there.
And you gotta love how the lies work.
They just come out.
They have six APCs, 50 plus state police, a bunch of federal marshals, all these different drones flying around from miles away.
We got the photos and video now.
Armored police with stub nose, short M-16s blocking off the road, searching cars, troops running around in ghillie suits, AP reporting dozens and dozens, scores of men in camouflage and what they called ghillie suits.
Well, the AP called it something with the wrong name.
They said Big Fluffy.
Supporters don't know.
Green suits.
I've got to pull the actual quote up.
It was so funny.
And then they're going, oh, we're not here for anything.
We're serving a search warrant 10 miles away.
And they all run and stand around in their ghillie suits in front of a dental office.
That's why we were doing all this.
No, they were about to move in on that house, and they got backed off.
I just don't want him to kill the Browns.
And our reporter, Luke Rudowski, is in there.
Jack McClam is joining us.
I appreciate him giving us all this time, continual coverage.
He helped end the Ruby Ridge siege.
He walked in and literally carried out those baby girls himself with Bogreich and saw all the carnage.
And I want him to recap that today, what he saw, so people know what this can turn into.
And then Ed Brown and Elaine Brown on the line with us right now.
Ed, you were talking when we went to break.
Go ahead.
Um, Alex, this is Elaine.
Ed had to step away for a couple of minutes.
That's fine.
Go ahead, Elaine.
Any other comments or statements?
Well, boy, where can I start?
All I can say is don't believe anything any of these guys tell you because they lie, lie, lie.
For months, Gary DeMartino, the U.S.
Marshal, he calls Ed every week, week and a half or so, and they chat for a while.
I have continued to assure us that they have no intention of coming in here.
And by the way, don't believe us.
There's the AP headline from, what, a month ago.
I'm trying to paraphrase.
It's here in the stack.
It's Marshall's.
We will not raid Brown House.
No intention to raid house.
What's the exact headline?
Let me dig it out.
You remember seeing that headline, right?
They've been saying that to us all along anyway.
Please continue, go ahead.
The entire judicial system is no longer, is now really a department of injustice.
There are no courts left.
We know from our personal experience during a trial, before a trial, that
The only time they observe the law is when it is to their advantage.
All they do is you've got a bunch of uneducated guys that want to be tough guys who get off on the power trip and they get off on the gang member system of ordering other people around under them and citizens
And they work for a totally criminal private corporation that has removed the last vestiges of the Bill of Rights and Constitution in many areas of society and growing, and they just enforce everything by the barrel of the gun.
No patriot mythology, no paperwork, no facts, no Bill of Rights, nothing means anything.
Here's an example.
We were on the sidewalk protesting last night.
The city, the county, the states lost all these suits over arresting people for protesting.
They've tried to claim it's an unauthorized protest.
They told us that.
I said, it's authorized by the First Amendment.
We're not on private property.
And they said, the cop said on video, he said, I'm going to have you all arrested.
And then the media gets there and he tells them, that's a lie, I never said that.
And the media comes over to me and goes, and looks at me like I'm lying and goes, he didn't say that, or he says you didn't say that.
And I'm just like, my God.
And then they start going, Rick Perry's not on the meeting, he's not on the program.
And then we have the program and there it is.
I mean, it's just, it's just stay there, Elaine.
I'm gonna come right back to you and Ed Brown and then Luke Brodowski and of course, Jack McClam.
It's just, it's unbelievable.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Here is the headline from April 26, 2007.
No plans for armed standoff.
Since U.S.
Marshals legally took custody of convicted tax evaders Edward L. and Elaine A. Brown this week, the closest agents have got to the Plainfield couple is from the other end of a telephone line.
And he goes on to have them say, we're not going to go there and create an armed confrontation.
Monier said yesterday, noting that the Browns are armed and have threatened a Waco-style conflict if marshals try to serve them with federal arrest warrants.
Rather, law enforcement.
They're not public servants.
They're not lawmen.
They're authorities.
Not public servants.
We're civilians, many of whom are under military rule.
All these words mean things.
Rather, law enforcement are biding their time and keeping their distance from the couple.
They say that it doesn't pose a flight risk and, by all accounts, has been living in a sort of self-imposed exile at their hilltop home.
And it goes on what Ms.
Brown just told you.
The Browns pledged to remain in their house despite regular telephone calls from a member of Monier's staff, who so far has been unsuccessful in prodding the couple to turn themselves in.
You don't know what the couple's been through.
If you go to their blog, fill yourself in on all the things that have happened.
We have links to it up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
For those that don't visit my sites, Ms.
Brown, why don't you, Mrs. Brown, why don't you tell people about the web address and how people can visit it?
About the web?
I'm sorry, the website?
Yeah, tell us about your website.
Well, I guess there are a few of them up right now.
The newest one, Make the Stand, a young fellow out of New York has been putting together.
The original one, Quest for a Fair Trial and Conquer New Hampshire, that was the original one.
And that got pretty unwieldy, I think, with all kinds of stuff being put on it.
But then there's MySpace, which has the interview with Danny Reilly and also with
Sure, basically folks, if you go to PrisonPlanet.com, the entire front page is coverage of this.
So is JonesReport.com, as well as InfoWars.net and InfoWars.com.
But Prison Planet and InfoWars are just completely jam-packed.
I know WeAreChange.org is going to have a lot of this stuff.
I think so.
Just in a nutshell, in a two minute soundbite if you can, for people that don't know, tell them how this all started, what you guys have been through, the raids, the harassment, the lies, and then what made you guys finally decide to just make your stand.
I mean, the mindset of not just shooting your mouth off, but being there, ready to die, and saying bring it on, we're ready to die.
Two minutes, huh?
Well, let me be clear.
Two minutes on what happened to you in the past, and then as much time as you want on the mindset of getting to the point of just saying, I'm ready to die.
Well, briefly, in 1994 we started writing the IRS asking them to deal with the law requiring any of us to pay an income tax on our earnings.
We sent them, you know, Supreme Court decisions, statutory law, congressional records, etc., supporting our position that we did not find that that was a requirement.
They never answered us, never answered us.
In 1996, we decided the only way to handle it is to take a stand and stop paying the taxes.
We're good to go.
And full armor, fully armed, IRS agents, U.S.
Marshals, Postal Inspectors, Lebanon Police, State Police, and they also had a sniper up on the hill behind my office.
All that to download a computer in an office that was staffed by seven women.
Following that, Ed and I filed a tort suit in Grafton Superior Court, suing these people for all the egregious things that they had unlawfully done to us.
Judge Gene Berling sent it over to federal court and Judge McAuliffe, who was, as it turns out, the judge in our trial, dismissed the case.
Then in May of 2006, Ed and I were arrested as part of a sting between the U.S.
Marshals and the City of Lebanon and the Lebanon Police Department.
And we went into trial in January.
We submitted about 45 motions before pre-trial.
Every single one, except one, was denied.
Many of them denied without any opposition, without any objection being filed by the prosecutor.
During the trial, it became apparent that this was a kangaroo trial.
We were not allowed to do adequate cross-examinations, present witnesses or evidence.
The jury was informed by the judge that they were not to consider the law, that he would tell them what the law was.
They could only judge the facts of the case.
Midway, Ed and I did not return for the fourth day of the trial.
And at that time, Ed decided he would not go back into court.
I decided I would go back into court and finish the case.
When I went back into court that following day, the judge told me that
I was not allowed to go back to my home.
I would have to go to my son's house and be in his custody with an ankle bracelet on.
If I did not agree to that, I would be immediately incarcerated.
I therefore agreed to go to my son's house and I stayed apart from my husband for a month and four days at my son's house under judge's order and under supervision of the probation department.
After that time, I decided I could no longer be apart from my husband.
It was a terrible, terrible thing.
To separate a husband and wife like that.
So I just said to hell with this, and I packed my bags and I came home.
This is where I've been since February 20th.
And obviously knowing, because you knew what your husband Ed had said, he was going to fight to the death.
He was just going to sit there and wait for these creatures to come.
That's right.
And, you know, he was going to be in charge.
He was going to make the decision.
He was, I mean, that's, I mean, he definitely is going to win either way, no matter what happens here.
I mean, what is it like to know that any day now, or it could be a month from now, when everybody kind of settles down, that they're going to come?
Well, you know, Alex, it's not something that you stay in a high state of tension on.
You can't maintain that all the time.
It's physically and mentally impossible.
For the most part, we're very much at peace.
We are with the Lord, and we are with the Lord's laws, which is the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and His orders.
We have turned our backs on the courts and on man's laws because we know they only work to the advantage of the lawmakers and even to the point where any mail we get from any administration, including the court, we just return it saying, not at this address.
We don't even open it.
We don't acknowledge their existence.
Oddly enough, one little point, at the end of the trial,
We submitted a notice of appeal to the court, along with the $455 fee.
Between then and the sentencing, Ed and I came to the decision that we would not appeal, that if we did that, we would be placing ourselves back into the jurisdiction of the court, because we have since placed ourselves under the jurisdiction of God, and we will not go by man's
Criminal Laws.
So, when the deadline to file the Notice of Appeal happened, and we did not refile it, Judge McAuliffe filed it for us.
Very strange.
However, the fee was not sent in.
And we had until June 6th to send in that fee in order to stop the appeal process.
Of course, we did not do that.
And it was the day after that that they came in here, yesterday.
I don't know what that means.
Elaine, I just want to tell you that I understand the type of peace you're talking about.
Just in the one or two cases that I've been in like this briefly when I knew the feds were coming in and I was there with the family.
It is peaceful to just turn loose and to know that you're doing the right thing.
I guarantee you these enemies of liberty are not at peace and I can really feel the Spirit of the Lord that is with you when you talked about the peace that you're having.
Well, you know, he was watching over us yesterday morning when Dan accidentally walked into them.
Otherwise, we might be dead now.
So, he was with us yesterday, that's for sure.
And you guys don't have locks on the gates?
The gates are... We have no gates.
So, everything's open and you're just waiting for them?
Yeah, people still come and go.
What are you going to do if you've got infiltrators in your midst and suddenly they put guns to the back of your head and everybody swarms in on you?
Well, unless they can physically get us before we can, you know, get to pull our gun out or something, we're going to, you know, die trying, die fighting them.
There's always a possibility, and you know that Alex, and I know Jack does too, there's always a possibility that you've got an infiltrator.
I'm here brother and I'm just thinking of past soldiering during the Vietnam War and I lost seven of my brothers in the war in South Phoenix while I was on.
These people are true American heroes.
I want to scold my brothers and sisters out there surrounding their houses because they are not heroes.
They're gangs.
They're into group thinking.
They're not allowed to think on their own like these people.
And they're a bunch of gangs.
And I want to say something to Sheriff Prozo that's hiding out right now.
I called him yesterday several times.
And the lady... Stay there, stay there, stay there, Jack.
We've got a break.
We've got a break, Jack.
Quick break.
We'll come right back.
You can speak directly to that horrible sheriff there that's advocated his responsibility.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Marshalls fired rounds at Ed Brown's dog walker before planning siege.
Testimony proves yesterday's event was not just preparation for siege, it was a siege.
This is huge news!
The headline really, we just have another article,
Police caught lying.
Feds caught lying.
They were about to assault.
They fired on someone.
They threatened him with 20 years to life in prison.
If he spoke out, he's Danny Reilly.
We've confirmed this with the Browns now.
They heard the shots.
This has been up for a couple hours on PrisonPlanet.com.
It hasn't even gotten 200 digs.
It needs to be their top story.
Get in there.
Dig it up.
Give them a front page of digs.
We can get national attention on this.
We read other articles up about massive media cover-up and they say there was no plan for a siege, no police there, when they evacuated homes for upwards of two miles and shut down highways and had six armored vehicles, we now learn, swarming around.
And then they go, there's no siege going on here.
There's nothing happening.
I had this police, one of their officers, one of the commanders, walk with me yesterday at the protest at Rick Perry, at this function he was speaking at, and he goes, listen, I'm going to have you all arrested if you don't leave.
And I said, but we're on the sidewalk, this is city property, he goes, I'm going to have you leave.
And he said, he whispered, but I had cameras right by me, my camera guy's got it, he goes, listen, you're all going to be arrested.
And then he starts telling the media, oh, I didn't say I was going to arrest anybody, this guy's a liar!
And I just said, you're a degenerate piece of filth.
I just heard screaming at the cops.
You think it's all military tactics.
They go, well, lying is just a tactic.
It's, you know, you got to the citizens and then you lie and you plant a gun, you plant a switchblade, you shoot a black guy in the back here in Austin, you plant something on him.
I mean, you guys make me sick.
I mean, you really make me sick and I'm tired of it.
And they're getting more and more.
The whole society is getting criminal, though.
Going back to Jack McClam.
Jack, this is huge news that they fired at him.
This is huge news they then told him to get on his knees and tasered him and then told him, if you tell anybody we were here in ghillie suits on the property, you're gonna get 20 years to life in prison.
That's a terroristic threat!
I mean, there's all sorts of crimes being committed, and the big story here is how they can just lie to the media and put out national hoaxes!
Uh, Jack?
The media is owned by the same people that own America and our military and our law enforcement.
So I'm not surprised.
But the fact is, is that this is bigger news than the bimbo eruptions are on television every day, talking about
These gals that are drunk driving, these Hollywood stars and so forth, this is big news.
Jack, I had CNN on for like three hours last night doing work in the background until like 2 a.m.
and it was just all Paris Hilton.
I mean, they know people don't want that.
That doesn't get ratings.
It's a diversion.
Go ahead.
Well, I want to say something to my fellow brother in uniform, Sheriff Michael Prozo.
Sheriff Prozo, I know you're listening, you are a coward.
You're a coward because we sent you from Aid and Abet Police Military Newsletter six months ago, our Sheriff's video, and our Sheriff's Newsletter, showing that you are the sovereign police power in that county, elected by the people to stand and protect the people, and you did not have to turn over that county to the feds.
And now you say you're out of town, probably gone fishing.
You're not out of town, brother.
We know you're hiding out.
And I just want to tell you to stand up and go and take command of this situation.
Protect this family that has done nothing criminal.
Nothing criminal.
I know, Sheriff Prozo, that what they've done is absolutely according to law.
Because I tell you what, I know IRS agents who have told me personally that there is no law
That they are required to pay income tax or you either, Sheriff Prozo, or me.
So get out of your hiding place and get out there.
If not, I hope they vote you out.
In the next election.
Well, Jack, what about just the lying?
And jump in any time, Elaine Brown.
I mean, the lying of God.
They got all these, they call them tanks, the state police did.
Tanks and helicopters and aircraft and guys in ghillie suits on the property.
And then they just tell the news, we weren't going to raid anybody, which doesn't exist.
We haven't evacuated for two miles.
I mean, it's nuts!
Well, one thing we know for sure, they lie all the time.
You know, and they're going to continue to lie about these things.
But I'll tell you what folks, we have the bravest people I've ever seen in America on the radio this morning.
This couple knows if they get killed that boy George Bush and the gang are going to be in bad trouble because the freedom movement is going to grow tremendously if they go in and kill this couple.
That's why the Bush crime family wants us to march in arms
I want to ask Elaine Brown and Ed Brown, if she can get him back on the line, what they want us to do if they go in there and kill him in cold blood or burn the place up and claim... You might want to get on record that you're not planning to burn yourself up.
They'll have a helicopter dumping gasoline right on you.
On video, it won't matter.
They'll just say you burned it all up.
They'll claim you were flying the helicopter.
These people are incredible.
But we'll talk about that on the other side.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Going back to Jack McClam,
And going back to Elaine Brown, and I'm so flustered here with so much news coming in, so much happening.
Before the break, I was asking a question and we went to break.
What was that question, Jack?
Do you remember?
Alex, I think you know what I want, what we want people to do.
Yes, yes, yes.
What do you want people to do if they come in and kill you?
I mean, what's on your mind?
I mean, you know, obviously, the great responsibility.
Have you thought about, you know, Ed knows they want the revolution to start now.
I mean, what do you want people to do if they strike you down?
Well, two answers to that.
Number one, scenarios are already in play that if we are killed, other people are going to die.
It's going to be as personal for those who participated in our demise as it will have been for us.
And that's not only the law enforcement people, but the people, the courts, the IRS, anyone involved in our situation who have broken the law and destroyed us for non-crime.
The second part of this answer is what I want is for Americans to stand up.
You know, it's said that all that is needed for evil to abound is for good men to do nothing.
Well, there are a lot of you good people out there, but a lot of you are doing nothing.
Get off the desk.
Who cares about Paris Hilton?
There's a lot more going on in this world, in this country, than Paris Hilton.
Get up, stand up, say no.
Uh, that'll slow them down.
What are they going to do if everybody stops paying these unlawful taxes?
It's lawful.
They don't have to do anything, uh, over a covert or aggressive.
Just stop.
Just walk away.
Shun them like they did in the olden days.
Walk away.
Turn your back on them.
Now, Ed Brown, what do you want people to do if they come in and gun you down?
Not to gun me down.
I know that.
What I want the people to do, my wife pretty well said it, we'll take care of business here.
We'll give them something to remember us by here.
They'll show us respect that day, I'll tell you.
After that, other steps are in place anyway, so nobody has to be concerned with that.
I want everyone to remember us
And simply, hey guys, we'll see you on the other side.
We're all going to stand before those privy gates one day.
And we are going to stand under the judgment of the High Judge.
And we're going to have to answer for our actions in our lives.
Very true.
Somebody has to stand, guys.
Somebody has to stand.
Now all these people that say, we're behind you, Ed.
Yeah, I know.
I keep hearing them.
They're behind us about two miles.
Well, now, Infowars.com reporters Matt Lepacek and, of course, Luke Rudowsky are there.
They're standing right beside you.
That is correct.
They are here.
They're good men.
Good men.
Yes, they are.
They're wonderful.
They're wonderful young men.
Very brave, brave men.
Truly, yeah.
We're very proud of them, and we're praying for all of you right now.
Now, I noticed that even the state police and others were trying to cover their faces yesterday.
They are scared of the world seeing and knowing the crime they've committed.
Only people that are ashamed of themselves cover their faces.
That's right, brother.
That's right.
I was up at Red Beckman's place when he was being raided.
Colonel Bowen and I were there and we led a team of guys up there and they were going to come over the hill and come down and take out the Beckman family here about ten years ago and we showed up with about twelve guys and we knew that they had the tanks coming in and they had the four or five hundred paramilitary police from state and the federal government and so
We thought about it and we decided that we would put our guns away and go to town.
We sent a guy to town and we bought mops and buckets.
Mops and buckets.
I remember that.
Mops and buckets.
Remember that?
Yes, I do.
Then we lined up out front, all twelve of us, with our mops and buckets and they were going to come over the hill and shoot us if we had our guns.
And we were going to shoot back, of course.
But they never came because they didn't know what to do.
They had TV cameras and everything and we're standing there
In line in formation with mops and buckets.
And what we were going to do is we had buckets full of soapy water.
When they came down the hill and attacked us, we would put the mops in the buckets of soapy water and put the mops up underneath their face shields and soap their eyes real good.
And if they shot us all down, we were willing to die for America.
But it would have been the worst thing they could have done on television because we're standing there with mops and buckets.
For those that don't know, Red Beckman, he's the father of the Fully Informed Jury Association.
We'd have Red back on.
I know his health's not too good.
He's taking care of his wife.
But Red, highly decorated World War II vet, high level military officer, he found out about this stuff back in the 50s.
And there they were going after Red and his wife in their little bitty trailer.
Yes, but the sad thing is, after we left in about three days, they came in with a bulldozer and just bulldozed his house down.
So if people come, Ed, and I'm talking to all the people out there, if anybody goes to help Ed and Elaine, you've got to plan on staying.
You've got to stay, because once you leave, then that's when they come in.
And that's what happened to us.
We finally had, you know, we had fathers and
People had to go back to their families, and after three days we left and they came in with a giant bulldozer and just bulldozed his house down.
Now again, it wasn't about getting the back money owed the Federal Reserve, which is a fraud.
It was about showing power to an old World War II vet who literally sent out books, pamphlets, at cost, and ate beans.
It was about bulldozing his little bitty trailer with his sick wife.
Of course.
That's it.
Yeah, but so anyway, I just talked to military people and I've talked to law enforcement people here and I'm telling you, you have got them over the barrel because man, if they come in and slaughter all of you guys, they are in bad, they're going to be worse off than if they left you alone because the freedom movement is going to
Grow by leaps and bounds, just like you did after Ruby Ridge and Waco.
But let's say the whole thing does start.
What are they going to do when there's millions of Gordon calls out there from Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm 1 and 2?
I mean, they're all quietly just waiting.
I hope the feds and police know this.
You know, your banker masters do.
They plan for you to be chewed up.
Do they know what's going to happen to them?
Do they know that one gorilla is worth a hundred bivouacked fortress troops?
Alex, thank you very much.
That's exactly the point we're trying to get across to everybody.
One trained, well-trained individual is worth a thousand untrained ones.
And he can keep an entire battalion down on the ground flat with his knowledge and skill.
And we already have thousands of them.
So, we don't care.
Let them go ahead and do their thing.
That's okay.
I've got people chomping at the bit out here for years.
Would love to go out there and duke it out with these people.
Would just love to do it.
In the name of their country and their God.
Some of them, of course, I don't know if they're a God who believes in God or not, but they'll duke it out.
They hate these people.
Their lives have been destroyed by these people.
For many reasons.
So you're right, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
I agree.
But, that's phase one.
We are meant to win the battle physically against them, and then they're going to bring in hardcore martial law.
Mainline Army Times.
Mexican, Canadian, Dutch, British, Russian troops.
Folks, it's now mainstream news they want to bring them in here.
You know they do.
That's why I said we're not going to do anything.
Let them start it.
We have every right to protect and defend, and we will do that.
Defend and we will do that.
But remember, the enemy has us surrounded, but they have nowhere to hide.
When do you think, Jack, from your past, seeing many of these come and go, when do you think they'll strike?
I think it'll be in a month or two on a Saturday morning at 4 a.m., when everybody's kind of forgotten about this.
Well, they've got to go back now, since they were not able to get the, what they call the
Insurgents and the terrorists all across the land like me, you, and everybody to march in there to New Hampshire so Bush can declare martial law.
They know they can't go in and just kill Ed and Elaine.
Because if the feds go in and kill them, then they've got a major problem with the freedom movement.
And so they've got to go back to the drawing board and figure out how they can win this thing.
If they were just not so stupid and so satanic, they would know the way they could win this thing is just leave them alone.
Because it's just one couple out there.
Yeah, they could have ignored this months ago, they could have dropped it like they've done with millions of others, left them alone like the Gray family, but they haven't done that.
Well, if they don't do that, they're in deep kimchi.
I mean, they're in deep trouble if they go in and kill this family, since they couldn't get the revolution started, which they wanted to do by using Ed and Elaine.
So Ed and Elaine is much safer than if we went in there with, you know, 200,000 of Americans coming from every state in the Union, because now it would be time to bring in the foreign troops.
It'd be martial law.
The Constitution and country would be over, but now, because Elaine and Ed have some friends with them, it's a local issue, and boy, George Bush can't declare martial law, even if the shooting started there.
Hey, Jack, it goes like this.
We've got a large number, but we've got a small number.
As Sun Tzu says, if you're small, appear large.
If you're large, appear small.
Well, maybe we don't have the capabilities.
We never lie, but maybe we do.
I mean, do we lie?
I'm not sure.
But, however, this is George Bush and Reid, uh, Cheney was talking about a few weeks ago on some, uh, you know, they're saying a lot of words, but saying nothing.
But Sun Tzu and the Art of War is a wonderful book.
It is.
And we study it hard.
And we do care about everything, and no, we don't want to get hurt, and we don't want to hurt anybody, guys.
But we now know that they've left us no choice.
They wanted us to be the postal group couple in this district, this area here during tax time, and it didn't work.
But they couldn't see that, so now they've made it personal.
And I think you're right.
They want to see chaos and anarchy.
But we knew that ahead of time, Jack and Alex.
We've got some pretty smart people here from a military perspective.
So now with that position in mind, knowing that that's what they wanted, now we totally stand back and let them go ahead and do their thing, because we know they're going to lose.
And if you look at our interviews in the past, you'll see that that's what we've said and been saying right along, is that, hey, we're here all by ourselves.
But the question is, the question is, when do you think they're planning to move in, or Jack, do you think they're going to drop it now?
I don't think they will.
If they were not so satanic and evil, they would use their logic and just drop it and back out.
Because it's one couple.
And if they go in and kill this couple, they're going to have 10 million, 20 million people join the freedom movement across this nation to deal with.
More people to deal with.
And so if they were smart, and if they had military tacticians in there, that weren't so satanic and evil,
They would tell them, leave this couple alone because if we go in and kill them, we're going to have down our throats another 20 million Americans or 30, 40 million Americans joining this freedom fight because we went in and killed these people, murdered them.
And so I hope and pray, Alex, they're listening to this program this morning, that they're smart enough to just leave one couple alone and walk away
Because the damage that Ed and Elaine can do to their system if they're alive, and just speaking out about that there's no law, which we have IRS agents, ex-IRS agents, speaking out saying there's no law.
Criminal agents.
Much less!
Much less than what's going to happen to them if they go in and kill this couple.
We need to get Joe Bannister on.
He was a treasury agent and he heard a radio show saying it wasn't a law and he went to disprove it and found out it was all true.
He went into his supervisors and they said, yeah, but don't tell anybody.
We work for an offshore corporation.
Keep it quiet.
And he said, no way.
I mean, this is crazy.
And he found out none of it went to the country.
It all went to foreign banks.
Folks, we have been hijacked for a long time.
I just hope and pray this... Jack, how big is it that they fired shots at this guy?
They tasered him and then told him they'd put him in prison if he spoke out to anybody.
When we get back, I want to hear from you, get a final comment from Ed and Elaine Brown, and then I want to get into some of the news surrounding this that I'm going to get you guys back on later in the next hour.
I want to give you a break though, and I also want to
Find out more from our reporter there on the ground, Luke Rodowski.
It's also Matt Lepacek.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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Alright, the next hour I'm going to give you a big overview of what's happening.
Get into some other international, national news.
What happened last night with the Rick Perry protest.
And we do have a guest coming on who had his son taken by CPS for being in 9-11 Truth.
That's not allowed now.
That's terrorism.
We're not kidding.
This country's almost, it's just, it's so evil, ladies and gentlemen.
The average person has no idea.
You gotta go out and experience it for yourself to really see what's happening.
Elaine Brown, I'm gonna let you guys go so you don't get exhausted as you get into some other interviews and things, but any closing comments about what's happened?
Yeah, we just wish everybody well.
We thank them for all the help that they've done, Alex, including yourself, and hey, guys, the worst comes to worst.
Like I said earlier, they'll see you on the other side.
Well, I want to say this, we love your courage, and we love you and your wife, and we're all praying for you.
And I'll just say on air right now, I ask God Almighty, I ask Yahweh that He put up the heads of protection around you, that He touch the hearts of these men that have been given over to wickedness, if there's any good left in them, that they literally like Saul of
We're good to go.
They shouldn't fear the New World Order that can kill their bodies.
They should fear He who can kill their souls.
And how they don't know they're on the side of evil, I'll never know.
But I just ask that God's will be done in this, and if it is God's will, that this thing turn out alright, and that divine intervention and guidance be involved in here.
And Ed, God bless you.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, Jack.
Bye-bye, guys.
Bye-bye, folks.
And we're praying for you.
Do we have Luke Radowski now via cell phone?
Okay, we're going to bring Luke up when we start the next hour and then about 15 after.
If he's still there, I want to get the father on who's had his child CPSed over being involved in 9-11.
I want to keep Jack on with us in the next hour if he can.
If he needs to take a break, that's fine.
But Jack, I mean, isn't this really down to God?
I mean, for the evil ones, the fools, they say there's no God.
They've never had those spiritual experiences.
They've never had the experience I guess we've had.
Or like Butch said, you know, knowing when the shelling was about to start when he was in Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam and black ops.
They've never, I guess, stepped through the veil.
They don't know what's really going on in the universe.
But, I mean, this is a battle about God.
I mean, this is all part of God's plan, and I guess we can't know what that is.
Yes, it truly is.
And with a godly people that are absolute, tremendous American heroes and heroes for God and country there, Elaine and Ed,
God is working through these people and he's got to work through us too at the same time and he is working through us right now and we've caused, or not us, but the enemy of God has caused themselves to be put in a horrible dilemma right now because they did not get the reaction from the American people they wanted to put us under martial law.
Now they've got to try to figure out what to do with this family.
I really feel, Alex, that
And I'm praying, of course, that they do not kill this family because it's the worst thing they could do for their side.
Now, it's the best thing they could do for our side if they go in and just massacre this family like they did at Waco and Ruby Ridge.
But are they that stupid?
You know?
Are they that stupid to do this?
We're going to lose people on our side in this war against Satan and his minions.
And we may lose Ed and Elaine, but God will work out His plan through them, and is working out His plan through them right now.
So, anyway, Alex, I wanted to tell you, I've got an appointment at 12, and that's Pacific Time here.
I've got about a half an hour left, and I've got to get out of here.
I've got a very important appointment to go to, so I can't stay any more than a half an hour, brother.
Absolutely, I understand.
So we'll keep you just a little bit more, Jack, to get some final comments, and then I do want to set you up now to come on my Sunday show.
It's out of the KLBJ 590 Studios, which is syndicated to a few stations around the country and on the short way to the internet.
That's coming up Sunday as well.
Lord knows what's going to happen.
We're going to come back, finish up with Jack, and then we're going to talk to Luke Rudalski.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he's the hero, one of the heroes, along with Bo Bright, so the Ruby Ridge Sheege.
Help end it peacefully with only a few people being murdered and the family dog.
One with a baby in her arms having half her head blown off.
But he did get those little girls and children out of there.
And he's been to many other of these programs.
The enemy loves to surround some patriot or some civil matter.
They love to kill.
They love to scare everybody.
They love to show everybody who rules.
It says, just like Bob Dylan says, democracy don't rule the world.
This world is run by violence.
You better get that through your head.
Maybe we should play that song later.
Jack, I want to let you get to your appointment.
I also want to bring up Luke Rudowsky.
You say you can stay with us about another 15 minutes or so, Jack?
Sure, I can.
Alex, I could stay to the bottom of the hour, but then I've got to get out of here.
I'm a half an hour up a mountain, and I've got to get out.
No, that's perfect, because I want to...
I want to get Mr. Schwab on, who had his son taken because he was out with 9-11 signs and CPS has decided that's illegal.
But yeah, it's freedom here.
But I want to bring up Luke Rudowski.
Luke, I want to get Jack's take on your report.
Luke, what are you seeing, without giving numbers of personnel or how many are at the house and the defensive positions, but I mean overall, what's your take on everything you're seeing?
What's it like to be in the middle of this?
I mean, one, of course it's scary.
We don't know what can happen.
Anything can happen at any time.
We do see a lot of weird things do happen, just like with the internet.
Just like looking into the forest and seeing some weird things.
But right now, what I'm doing, I'm happy to be live on the radio right now, because right now, I am here, where they shot the fire, where they were shooting at this one gentleman.
I am here right now, walking, and I'm scouting.
I'm outside Ed and Elaine Brown's house right now.
I'm actually walking around, scouting, and I'm looking.
I'm walking around and I'm looking for any of these... You know what you ought to do?
I bet money during the hysteria when they shot their M16 .223 round or whatever, they didn't pick him up.
Man, you ought to go out.
He said he was only... We're going to play the tape coming up.
But I would go out and walk up and down that path and look where you see disturbed twigs or where it looks like people have been milling around, Luke.
I would look for shell casings.
No, I think you said it well.
That's it.
Any pressed down grass or anything like that where they've been sitting and waiting.
Moving around, of course, and that's where you'll find the expended rounds, right there.
And it would be good to capture those, because... And also, by the way, do not touch them, because there's fingerprints on them.
So, pick them up with your pen, and put them in a baggie, or... Yeah, take a twig and put them in a baggie, and then don't ruffle the baggie on the bullet.
That's right.
Because there's going to be fingerprints on them.
I'm walking around right now, and it's good to be live, just if anything happens right now, you know, just to have everything on record.
And, yeah, I'm looking around here.
I'm in the exact location where everything went down yesterday, and it's just quiet, and it's just, you know, peaceful.
A little bit bizarre, a little bit scary, but, you know, we're here doing, you know, it's the informal work, and we've got to keep fighting it.
Is Matt LePage with you?
There's a couple feet away from me right now.
We're going to go to break.
Tell him the same thing we just told you.
Don't touch any casings.
Don't get into the ruffled areas.
Look for areas in the grass or in the leaves of the woods where it looks like a fat hog's been laying there.
I mean, that's what it looks like.
It looks like where deer have been sitting.
It'll be spaced out.
There'll be an area where they've pressed everything down, where they've been sitting there in their ghillie suits.
And just look around for those shell casings.
Sometimes they have ejector nets so they don't lose them when they're doing these black ops.
But just look around for casings.
Now if you see a casing that's weathered and looks tarnished and oxidized, that'll be the Browns bullet casings.
I doubt they're out there though.
Look for shiny brass.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in 20 minutes.
We're going to spend about 10 minutes on it.
I'm going to spend an hour.
Raymond Schwab is a pastor, a minister.
He's thirty-something years old.
He's married to his wife.
The son is seven years old from her first marriage.
It was the summertime, and she would come out every week on their walk across the nation and, you know, come see him with an RV.
It's the summer.
They homeschool.
In fact, he's getting year-round education.
They, uh, CPS came.
Everywhere they go, the police harass them, detain them, tell them to turn their cameras off.
We've played the video here.
It's been on Google Video.
And, uh, they, uh, came with CPS and took him.
Now, since that happened a week ago, uh, Grandma's finally got the child, but now CPS is back trying to take the child away again, you know, under state custody.
They've got social workers trying to
Tell the child, you know, to say bad stuff about your parents, his birth mother and his stepfather.
The child's calling, all scared, freaked out.
This is America.
I mean, folks, I want you to understand something.
Things have happened to me.
You know, yesterday I was yelling and screaming at cops.
I was nice to them at first, and gentlemanly, and tried to be friendly, until one of the higher-ups arrived.
We've got video of it.
He walks up and he says, listen, I want to ask you to go.
You know, you're really disturbing things.
And he was being real nice, but I saw it was fake.
And I said, well here comes the threat and he goes, or he winks forward and he goes, we're going to have you all arrested.
But luckily we had cameras and shotgun mics right on him, right over my shoulder.
We're reviewing the tapes now with my guys.
One of them had headphones.
He says he got it.
We got like nine hours of footage now with three hours a piece from three cameras.
And we're about to go to Lucas in the Woods looking around for shell casings right now.
We are a Change.org reporter along with Matt Lepacek.
We got arrested a few days ago in the same state, New Hampshire, for asking Giuliani's people a question.
But it made me so angry because then the reporters ran over to him when I was bullhorning saying, we've been threatened with arrest, we don't leave.
And the cop said, that's a lie.
He's a liar.
I didn't say that.
He's crazy.
I didn't say that.
He practiced this sweet face.
He really was a good liar, like Bill Clinton.
I just walked up and I said, you degenerate piece of trash.
I mean folks, about the only time I lie is if my wife's wearing something I don't think looks good and she asks me, I know better than to tell her it doesn't look good.
Or I might, I mean, I do do white lies and frankly I've gotten to the point where I don't.
I just go, no, I don't like your food.
You know, like if I'm at my parents' house, my mom goes, is that good?
And rarely it isn't.
Sometimes I go, no, it's not that good.
I mean, I've tried to train myself, not even to lie in small ways.
That's what makes me so mad when people accuse me of being a liar.
Because it's easy.
I live by my memory.
I live by the truth.
It's so good.
I remember being a teenager and, you know, my dad, did you get in the liquor cabinet and drink that bottle of scotch?
Oh, no.
You know, I mean, I've told lies, but it feels great not to be a liar.
And I try to not be a liar.
We're built to be liars.
We were fallen.
Jack, I want to go back to Luke who's out there going around the woods right now.
Luke, keep looking for areas, see if you can find some scuffle areas.
But you get my point about having them lie and then accuse me of being a liar just absolutely made me explode.
Absolutely, brother.
I know we all struggle with that, but I just want to remind everybody out there that
There are times that God blessed liars in the Bible.
You know, Rahab the harlot that lied to the government.
And send them the wrong direction.
God bless Rahab the harlot tremendously.
And the Hebrew midwives that lied to the king, the ruling authority of the day.
God bless amazingly.
Well, I want to be clear.
If they're coming, you know, and saying all their children in the house and they want to seize them to rape them, obviously you lied.
I mean, that's a military thing, but I'm saying they've taken that same idea and given it to the police to say, you're not allowed to be here.
We're going to arrest you.
And then they lie.
That's evil.
I mean, so there are specific cases, but yeah.
If you're on the side of evil, and on the side of God's enemies, and you're a liar, you're going to pay harshly for that.
Very harshly.
But if you're on the side of God, and you're sending God's enemies in the wrong direction, or you're misdirecting them, that is not a lie that God's going to punish you for.
Read the Holy Bible.
He blessed people that misled His enemies.
And so we need to remember that.
We have people that say,
Oh my goodness gracious, I can't take the witness stand and lie to save somebody's life from these enemies of God and man, but yes you can, and God will not punish you for that if you're lying against having people be killed or be destroyed, or our society be destroyed, or Christians to be fed to the lions.
Yes, you can lie up to court one another.
But then there's the reverse.
One of the ultimate sins is bearing false witness to send somebody to jail or kill them.
That's right.
That's altogether different.
Altogether different.
That is a sin out of the pits of hell, and you're going to pay horribly for it.
Let's go to Luke Radowsky, and we're going to let Jack go here in a minute.
Luke and Matt Lopacek, have you found anything?
Any disturbed areas?
Any shell casings?
I wish I was there.
No, we're looking right now.
We're also doing a scout of the roads to see if they're still set up on roadblocks or not.
Look, look, look.
I don't want you to get grabbed or shot by him.
I'd stay away from the main road where it empties out.
He said he was only a little bit way into the woods when these ghillie suit guys... It'll be so important if you can find shell casings or a bubble gum wrapper or any... I mean...
I know you didn't grow up in the woods, but maybe you've got some training in this.
It's so obvious.
Let me ask you a question.
Is it sporadic grass and leaves?
Is it gravel?
Is it rocks?
What are you seeing off the forest path?
Off the gravel road?
Or is it paved road?
Tell me what the road looks like.
The road is just gravel.
Just plain gravel.
What do you see five feet off the road?
Is it mainly leaves?
Is it grass?
What's the forest cover?
It's predominantly leaves, brush, and a whole bunch of trees all over the place.
Okay, that'll be really easy.
He said he wasn't very far up the path, you know, maybe just 20-30 yards.
Start at the beginning of the path and just look.
Look for, imagine what it would look like if you were laying there for an hour and, you know, in the grass, in the leaves, and just look for leaves and things that are matted down.
Jack, you want to describe this to him, what he's looking for?
Well, I think you've described it very well, Alex.
It's anything out of the ordinary.
There may be gum wrappers.
They're not allowed to smoke on these details because it's too easy to be seen with scopes, you know, when other people have scopes pointed at you.
So they won't be smoking, but there will be chewing gum.
Even eating a candy bar.
I mean, you know, so there could be something there.
But remember, do not touch it with your own fingers.
Pick it up with some twigs or something and put it in a container.
Even in just your pocket, if you don't have a container with you.
Sometimes you have film containers with you, though, you can stick it in.
And so, preserve that, because it'll be good evidence one day.
Depending on what they do in this.
Well, this is going to be able to... This will finally conclusively prove they were shooting and doing this.
And the reason you're looking for a bubble gum wrapper, or a Mars Bar wrapper, or a Capri Sun thing, or something small like that, the reason you're looking for that is because then that's where you look for shell casings, okay?
That'll be a bigger sign of something else.
But most of these guys stick the things in their pocket, but in the dark sometimes it doesn't go in their pocket.
Now, again, they weren't very far off the path.
He was on the path.
The guy popped up right in front of him.
So, Luke, where are you right now?
Right now, I'm on the main road right now.
We're going to go back and do a perimeter area check of everything.
We're going to look through all the little details.
We're going to make sure we didn't lose one step.
We're going to check everything out.
And we're going to be on the phone with Ed and Elaine Brown at the same time we're doing that.
And, yeah, man, we're going to look at everything.
We're going to look everywhere.
We can't just find this thing, man.
Good job, but listen, he had just started up the road, the road that goes out to the main road, the gravel path.
And again, it's going to be that first 30-40 yards, right in there on both sides.
You want to be scanning for anything matted down, any type of garbage.
Anything now if you pick up garbage and it's got dirt inside of it and it looks faded you know that's old look for fresh wrappers look for if you see a shell casing though another pretty fastidious don't leave shell casings around I've asked them off-air if you see like a you know what an old shell looks like it's gonna be grayish looking it's gonna be oxidized you want shiny brass
Yeah, we're going to do a complete sweep of the area.
We're going to make sure we don't, you know, lose anything.
We're going to make sure we find and look through everything.
And that means getting... Look, I'd have you get down on your hands and knees is what I would do.
Each one of you needs to get on the side of the path, look for areas, and then creep along and let those leaves blow and cover things.
If something looks a little disturbed, move the leaves around.
Any other tips, Jack?
Yes, there should be somebody in the area and maybe even Ed and Elaine might have a metal detector.
You know, to run over those leaves.
And so that would be a great idea if somebody could bring in a metal detector.
Like I say, many people have those today.
A lot of the people up here in Ockmeyer have metal detectors.
And if these brass pieces are under the leaves, you may have trouble finding them.
So, it'd be good to sweep the area with a metal detector.
It is important to find that, and I can tell you, being in these situations before myself, when you're going in to arrest somebody and attack somebody, you don't have time to police your area after you've fired a couple shots.
So those brass shell casings could very well still be there.
That's a big deal, folks.
Shots were fired.
That's confirmed.
They lie to the media, which is criminal.
And they threaten the person who they fired at and tasered.
It's not telling anyone they're 20 years of life in prison.
Jack McClam, thank you for spending time with us.
Brother, I'm just, I'll be in prayer.
All of our people here will be in prayer for you and everybody and Ed and Elaine out there.
And also, we're going to pray for these people running this
The evil action against the Ed and Elaine Brown family, because if they are logical, they will just back off and leave this family alone.
It's the way they can win, and they're going to lose if they go in and kill this family.
So, pray that they have common sense and logic, and they'll just back off and leave this family alone.
Thank you so much, Jack, for the great analysis.
Thank you.
Luke and Matt?
I just wanted to say one thing.
Ed and Elaine Brown are true American heroes.
They are so nice.
They are so hospitable.
They are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my life.
They are so generous and nice.
I can't even explain that.
And to call them criminals and to do this to them is really horrible.
I think the real criminals are the ones outside, are the federal marshals.
Luke, I'm only going to keep you for one more segment and I want to talk to you and I want to talk to Matt and I'm going to let you go so you can look for those cases and you can stay there.
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That toll-free number again?
It's time to get that weird song out of my playlist.
I'm joking.
Alright, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Really serious stuff going on and I'm not going to keep Luke and Matt LePacek too much longer but Luke again man I've said it ten times I mean it I appreciate you deploying out there for InfoWars.com
I mean, they're so peaceful, they're so calm.
I mean, I'm nervous as hell.
I mean, I'm really nervous here and I don't know what's going to happen.
And these guys are trippy.
I mean, very spiritual, very loving and so passionate.
And you know, it's such a beautiful thing to be here.
And even before you even told me to come out here, it was a gut feeling to come out here.
And you know, it's not just about me, but other people should come out here and support these guys, man.
Because that's what it's about.
I mean, these people are giving everything up, you know, for truth and justice and for the right cause.
And the least thing we can do is support them.
That's why we're out here.
Just to support them.
Just to report it.
You know, we were supposed to be doing it live, but shut down the internet.
But we're going to be here no matter what and we stand behind them.
How many cameras do you have now since they broke one of them?
We left one in New York and we have one with us right now.
And I have, I shouldn't say this, I have a hidden camera also on me now.
So you have two cameras?
You have the hidden camera that was donated and the other camera I sent you.
Are you able to dub tapes when you get back?
Now that one camera is broken?
Is it dubbing or is it just not video?
I should, I should be able to borrow a camera from a friend at NW.
Well no, I just got to go to the store and buy you more cameras and get them in the mail.
In fact, I'll send somebody to buy two more cameras today.
We can't wait though, because no one's even seen the Hillary confrontation.
No one's seen the Al Gore confrontation.
No one's seen the John Edwards confrontation.
No one's seen the Gergen confrontation.
No one's seen the... I mean, there's all these confrontations.
I'm going to talk to Ed and Elaine and see how they're comfortable with me being there and if they want us to stay and we'll decide
I'm going to talk to you off air and find out exactly what's going on out there.
Not like it's a secret to the government, but the point is, is that we do need a lot more people out there.
And if you're going to go, folks, you need to be ready to stay a few months.
Let's say you're a retiree, just like a minute man, you know, down on the Texas border, or California, Arizona, New Mexico.
Same thing, you know, go bring your tent, or you can stay in the house, they've got a big house.
You know, bring a tent, bring whatever.
Be ready to stay a month, and then recruit somebody else to come replace you.
We need those eyes and ears there.
Frankly, it sounds like heaven to me to go hang out there and sit around for a month, but I'm going to stay here and battle all this.
If I think they're about to come in, though, I'll jump on a plane and come up there.
It isn't my first time to be inside one of these things while it's happening.
It's the waiting that gets to you.
Have you guys found any shell cases or anything yet?
Nothing yet.
We're going to do a bigger perimeter scan soon, and we're just going to scan every little piece there.
We're going to look at everything there.
Well, you know, it's not the perimeter.
It's the start of the path.
We're going to look through everything.
We're going to look through everything.
Just telling you that right now.
Let me talk to LePacek real fast.
All right, Matt.
Here you go.
You're live.
This is Matt.
Hey, Matt.
How you doing, my friend?
In jail a few days ago for asking a question in New Hampshire.
Now you're out there in the middle of the supposed compound.
Yeah, Valley of the Beast over here it seems.
Quite an interesting evening and developing day.
We're having some terrible internet problems over here.
I'm ashamed we don't have this broad live access for you guys like we keep saying we are over and over, but we'll get this thing worked out.
Hey, doesn't matter.
You're there, you're on the air with audio telling us what's happening.
Just to sum it all up, what's it like?
Well, you know, it's surreal to be honest with you.
I mean, we're over here
And this compound that yesterday was surrounded by the U.S.
We're trying to offer whatever assistance we can and making sure that the rights aren't violated and everything online.
Right now, this shell, we're going to get a couple of dogs out here and see what we can find in terms of possibly locating some of this ammunition that was shot at this guy.
I don't know.
I just... I'm hoping that nothing goes down.
At the same time, I think I'm hoping the opposite.
So we'll see exactly what happens over here in the hours and days to come.
Stay there, Matt LePacek.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got his phone number.
We're lining him up.
Definitely for the Sunday Show, not Monday.
Marshalls fired rounds at Ed Brown's dog walker before planned siege.
The siege was ongoing.
We have the video of his deposition there, up on the website, PrisonPlanet.com right now.
This is huge news.
You understand that they lied to the media, said it wasn't a siege, they weren't going to move in when they're firing at people.
Then he got on his knees, they tasered him, and then told him that he'd go to prison for 25 years or life if he told anybody.
He's now gone public.
We're about to go to somebody who had his son CPS'd, and thank God now things are in a little bit better position, but the harassment continues.
And then I want to briefly tell you about what happened with the whole protest of Rick Perry and the Bilderberg Group last night.
But finishing up with Matt LePacek and Luke Rudowsky, I want you to know we just bought two more.
Or to be technical, I just sent them to go to Best Buy to get them.
Two more Sony cameras, two more video cameras, and more batteries.
And we're... I just signed a check for $1,000.
And so when you guys get back on Monday or whatever, it's being FedExed.
I gotta find out from you if I can FedEx that today overnight or you won't be back.
Or if I should FedEx it three day or something so it gets there Monday.
But you guys need to get back and get all that video dumped and people need to come there and relieve you
Because you've got so many duties and we don't have enough personnel in this fight against the globalists.
In the battle for the republic, as Ron Paul said, this is the final battle.
It's all coming to a head right now.
Everybody feels it.
But Luke Lopacek, I mean, should I send this three day?
We have to do all this on air, folks.
We're so limited in time.
Or should I do this overnight?
How do you want these cameras and checks sent?
Well, actually, on the camera side of things, if I could talk to you off the air afterwards.
You know, we're planning on being back in New York on Monday, but we're really planning to be here at this point.
God knows anything could happen at any point in time over here, so we're staying here.
Well, we already broke one of the cameras, and now you've only got two, and it's just, you need more.
That's our weapon.
That's our ammunition.
And you're just getting low there.
I'm trying to send you more ammunition and funds to pay for the rent car and the food and everything else.
I want you guys to be somewhat comfortable with supplies.
In fact, I meant to ask you how many people are there off air.
I got busy talking about cameras with you.
I'm going to put you on hold.
Tell John Harmon how many people are there so I have an idea to see what I need to call for.
And we won't put it on air how many are there, but just roughly.
Are more people arriving?
What's happening?
Because I don't have time to keep you on hold until the next break, so I'm going to put you on hold, Matt.
Tell John Harmon at the network, who obviously he's a great guy, won't tell anybody except me, so I can get an idea with some intelligence on what's going on there.
Something everybody, including the feds, knows except us.
And we'll find out, okay, Matt?
Okay, go ahead.
And then I'm going to call you in about 25 minutes when the show's over, okay?
Alright, anytime, Alex.
Alright, alright.
John, get that information from him.
We have Danny Reilly now.
This is huge.
Now, Danny was obviously upset when he did the YouTube.
A little bit of profanity.
Please don't do that here, Danny Reilly.
I've got to ask our guest whose son's been kidnapped, but last week he did get the son back, but he's still under, quote, government custody.
CPS is taking him every few days from the grandma to interrogate, to get dirt, try to make stuff up.
We're going to go to him in a minute.
But Danny Riley, ladies and gentlemen, headline news.
They told him 25 years to life if he tells you what you're about to hear.
This is incredible.
He was shot at and they tasered him.
Danny, thank you for coming on, Mr. Riley.
Thank you.
It's good to be with you, Alex.
This is huge breaking news, obviously.
Again, this has been confirmed by the Browns, confirmed by others.
Brown heard what he said was two shots.
Just tell us, blow by blow, in a nutshell, who you are, why you went out there, and the story of walking the dog in more detail.
Just boil it down, and then being shot at, exactly how it happened, when they tasered you, then what they told you, and who they were.
Okay, first of all, I live just outside Albany, New York.
I'm just an average guy.
I go out there to support Ed because I believe in the cause, of course, just like you do.
And I was out there visiting and yesterday morning I was going to leave, you know, around noon.
So I got up and I seen a pot of coffee had already been made.
Nobody else was around.
I just got myself a cup of coffee and I noticed the dog wanted to go out.
So I walked outside.
It was a beautiful, sunny morning.
You know, no wind.
Everything was great.
Walk in and me and the dog started walking up the driveway.
And the dog scented something.
He was like looking in the woods and then he would look back at me.
And he did that like four or five times.
We walked all the way up to the end of the driveway where it meets the road where the mailbox is.
And so that forms a T. Red driveway hits the road and the road goes by.
It forms a T.
And if you keep looking straight, as if you came up Edge Driveway and just didn't take your right turn and went straight into the woods, that's where I noticed the guy in the woods.
He was like messing with his car.
Let me stop, let me stop, because I misunderstood the video I saw of you earlier.
Or maybe it's a short driveway.
You described you'd just gone into the woods when this happened.
Where do they look for shell casings?
We need to find the shell casings.
I'll tell you exactly where they are.
Okay, where the mailbox is.
Go up to where the mailbox is, where it meets, uh, what is it?
Center of Town Road?
Right there where Ed's driveway meets that road, look straight into the woods.
As if you gotta take a right to go to town.
If you go straight, you're into the Supreme Court Justices' land there.
Look straight in there, you'll see it.
They cleared, they cut all the branches out for a clear shot, and I seen the guy in the woods.
So just like deer hunters, they cut a little avenue, a little track.
When I bow hunt, I cut the branches away so my arrow won't hit none.
Same thing.
So I noticed that.
I didn't notice that yet.
I looked.
I seen the guy in the woods.
He was looking.
Let me just stop you.
Let me just stop you.
This is for idiots like me to explain it.
I'm standing right in front of the mailboxes looking out towards the main road.
The mailboxes are the center of a watch dial, you know, 1 to 12.
Okay, the mailboxes are the center of the watch dial, and 12 is looking out towards the main road.
Where do we go on the watch dial to find the casings?
Okay, if 12 is pointing down the main road from the mailbox, if you came out to the top and hit the road and took a right, pointing that way, it would be at about 4 or 5 o'clock.
Right at the end of the driveway, Alex.
If you're coming down your driveway and you gotta take a right to go down the road or else you go straight into the woods,
If you kept driving, you'd go straight into the woods, and that's where the guy... So they were across the street on the other property?
Them two, the first two I seen, yes.
On the other property.
Who took the shot at you?
Uh, it was either a guy who was laying on the ground, I assume, that popped up right in front of me, because at that point, um... These guys really had bug fever, they couldn't shoot you up that close.
He told me he missed me on purpose.
Okay, good.
That's what the sniper said to me.
So, uh, then, um, you know, at that point, I said, what are you doing, turkey hunting?
Because last time I was up there, turkey hunting was going on, but I was under the assumption that the season was over.
And then I noticed the cut branches, and I was like, uh-oh.
At that point, the dog came up alongside of me and took one or two steps off the ground, the road, the dirt road, into the underbrush.
At that point, the guy sprung up literally two feet in front of me, right in front of me, Alex, and said, freeze.
And then I turned around, running full speed.
Actually, my hamstring, I think I pulled it.
Running full speed and... And then I was running... I was screaming at the top of my lungs, don't shoot him!
I'm armed!
And all of a sudden, on each side of Ed's road, all these guys popped up out of the woods.
And now I know why the dog was sent and hit... This is the best way.
Let's say the center of the clock.
Twelve o'clock, okay, and six o'clock is behind you at the Browns' house.
Twelve o'clock is across the street into the other brush.
Twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock is where Browns Road meets, twelve o'clock is where Browns Road, Ed Browns Road meets the county road, or meets the main road.
Okay, where did the shots come from in relation to the center of the dial?
Let's put it this way, by the way, it makes a T. His road makes a T, his driveway hits the main road and it makes a T. Right at the top of the T.
So if the driveway was going off, you'd go over there.
Ok, ok, ok.
Luke, and then when you call them back right now, you've got their cell, John, please.
Call them and tell them it's at the top of the T, where Browns Road ends and hits the main road.
Go right over into there and look around.
Did it sound like a 223?
You know, more of the... Yeah.
No, it sounded like a 223.
So it sounded like 223, not 308?
So, uh, yeah, and once he gets up to the top of the driveway, you're looking at the T, the top of the T, like if, you know, you go off the T, if it was a cross.
But anyways, right there, you'll see all the brush that they cut.
It's still gotta be cut.
You know what I'm saying?
You'll see all the fresh cut limbs.
Right there is where the guy was laying, where he popped up.
And, uh, so he shot at me, so they should be to the right of that.
It should be right to the right of that.
You'll see it immediately when you get to the top of the driveway.
You'll see all the cut branches.
I understand.
So they're... So they're... Luke Rodalski's got to get video of that.
John, tell him to get video immediately of the cut branches.
And he's got to get back to New York or to a hotel.
Tell him, get to a hotel with high-speed internet.
Get raw footage.
He doesn't have to do fancy music and cutaways.
Raw footage of those cutaway branches.
Of where those... These criminals were hiding out.
Now, what happened to you next, sir?
Alright, when I was turning around, running from my bike basically, I was expecting the next shot to go through my back, you know?
They popped up on each side of me.
Freeze, freeze, freeze, all their guns.
So now you're running back into Brown's property, and these guys were on his property?
Actually, Ed has an easement.
So he just owns his driveway, not to the left of it, it's his neighbor's.
I understand, but my point is they were off the main road into the area that Brown's property is on.
They're now on the other side of the road.
They were on private property, yes.
Okay, I understand.
So they popped up.
And I was like, you got me, you got me, and I put my hands forward, and I dropped my coffee cup, and I put my hands forward, you got me, you got me, and then I heard some guy say, tase him!
And then I was hit, and I was on the ground squirming like a fish out of water.
I retched my hand up to grab the taser.
When it hit me, it was my first instinct.
My hand all swelled up.
And what they do to you then is they shoot you, claiming you went for a weapon.
They just love to tase us, folks.
No, I didn't go for a weapon.
I put my hands out straight.
No, I understand what I'm saying.
I read all the cases where
They pull up to the wrong house for a drug raid.
There's a Marine back with no criminal record, you know, Marine officer and they just run up and tase him three times and they tell him put your hands up and he can't and he's vomiting that they've hit him so many times and they just put a gun right to his chest to read three rounds.
It's like real sick games they play.
You saw him, he wasn't under control.
I've seen them let police dogs sit there and bite people while they're tasing them and they're laughing.
You guys are all going to get cancer.
Your kids are going to die in car wrecks.
It's not us going to do it.
God's going to do it to you.
And I'm telling you, that's how the world works.
I hope you know you've not gotten away with any of it.
Sorry, sir.
Go ahead.
So then they tased me.
It felt like an eternity.
Then they laid on top of me and put their knee on my head.
My head had a big bruise on it.
They just coughed me up and dragged me into the woods.
Then they all went back lying down.
And then they rushed in a black SUV with tinted windows and threw me in the vehicle.
Now, were they federal?
Who were they?
They were all marshals.
Federal marshals.
And I'm told, the Browns have told me this, they told you that you'd get 25 to life?
Have you told anybody about it?
They said if I talked to the media, I'm looking at 15 years.
I'm risking everything.
I'm risking everything, you know, but I'm willing to stand... Well, this is the new America, where you're just out there to see what's happening.
They attack you, they shoot at you, they taser you, and then they tell you, what were their names?
I mean, describe what they looked like.
What did they say?
They all had them, I'd say, they had them ghillie suits on.
You know, the military wears, you know, them ghillie suits, they call them.
Anybody can Google it and get a picture of it.
Yeah, they look like walking mops, like sheep dogs.
Go ahead.
Right, and underneath it on their front, they just have like regular green uniforms on.
And it just said Special Operations Unit, U.S.
And then they rushed me out of there.
We went down and they parked me at a garage.
I think so.
I think so.
Three state police roadblocks with full, you know, M-16s, all that.
A helicopter landed in the field.
There was ambulances.
Now, let me tell everybody what they were planning to do.
They were planning to go up and snipe Ed and Elaine Brown through their windows or in their front yards.
They were going in to do snipe-kill ops.
There's no doubt about it now.
Definitely we're going to snipe and kill people.
You probably would have got killed with them.
Your life is saved, buddy, because of this.
And right now, I'm going to tell you, now we know what was going on.
Those snipers wouldn't have pulled the trigger.
They didn't already have shoot-to-kill orders.
They were already fully authorized to use deadly force, ladies and gentlemen.
And we know what the main attack is going to be.
It's going to be sniper attacks, concerted, just like Lon Horiyuchi and Ruby Ridge, or he was at Waco as well.
It's going to be sniper attacks on that house.
There is absolutely no doubt now what is going to happen.
And then their sniper operation got exposed, so they shut down the roads and everything else while they were trying to extract their people.
That clearly is what happened.
And you know what?
I'm going to have to reschedule the fellow with the CPS.
I've done this three times to you, twice, but I have to.
I'm going to have him up in about one minute in the next segment so you can get the numbers of the CPS to back off, but I promise you I'll have you up on Sunday, on the Sunday show or on Monday.
Mr. Schwab is waiting there.
This is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen, and this is the end of the Republic, or it's the beginning of the reclaiming of it, depending on how you look at it or where we go from here.
But, uh, and then of course they lied to the media and claimed that local police just happened to pick him up.
Imagine how obvious it is.
There's tanks and troops and helicopters and they're saying, there's no raid, there's no plan.
And the media goes with this lie.
Now, is it accurate that they told you to then go lie and say that local police had picked you up and it was no big deal?
What did they tell you to do next?
Uh, after I went back to, uh, they said they were bringing me back up to help negotiate with Ed.
After they drove me back up, uh,
I witnessed a bunch of personal APCs with all kinds of guys, you know, in that fancy gear they wear.
How many APCs?
I think four.
Okay, five.
In the Massachusetts ones, there was regular ones that just said SWAT on them.
They were all, like, black in color.
You know, they were all... Were they four-wheeled or six-wheeled?
I think they were four-wheeled.
Were they big tractor tires or small ones?
A little bit smaller ones.
Those Tinker Toys will be in deep trouble.
Alright, um... Well, yeah, then they brought me, then they told me change of plans.
They're going down to the Tateman of Lebanon Police Department.
And yes, it is true.
They told me to go back to Ed's.
And they said, uh, tell them that, uh, the U.S.
Marshals were serving a warrant via the mailbox.
And, uh, they whistled you to come over and talk to them.
And when they flashed the badges, you turned around and ran.
And they tackled you to the ground.
And when I, and I went down there and, uh,
Ed already knew everything that happened, pretty much, because all the locals and everything was calling him already.
So I just told Ed what had happened, the truth, you know?
And then after I left Ed, I had a rendezvous with him again.
They told me, you know, and if I stay there and re-bunker up with Ed, you might as well kiss my life goodbye, they said.
You know, pretty much I'll spend the rest of my life in jail, you know, if I don't come back out.
So I went back in there, got my stuff, you know,
Just cried when I left, you know, because I think the next time I'm going to see him, you know, it might not be a good situation.
But anyways, I left.
I re-rendezvoused with him.
And they said, who was the guy who left in the minivan that just left?
I said, I think his name is Bernie or Brian or something.
And then I said, OK, you're free to go.
They looked around my car a little bit, and then they let me go.
So then I was driving through the mountains of Vermont.
I had no cell phone coverage.
And then when I came back, I had a message.
I checked it.
It said, Danny, this is Bernie.
I mean, um, the police got me.
Call me on the number that pops up on my, uh, popped up on your screen.
And, uh, no number never popped up on my screen, so I never called them.
But, uh, my understanding is Bernie was picked up, too.
And he was just going into town to get groceries.
And by the way, anybody even taking pictures of the police in the city are interrogated and grabbed out of their cars.
Just a pack of un-American scum running around enjoying themselves while illegal aliens get total tax amnesty under the new amnesty plan.
Final segment straight ahead.
Stay with me, sir.
It's here!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
As the situation develops, I may do another live show on Genesis during my 9 to midnight slot.
That's generally a rebroadcast, if need be, this evening.
I'll definitely be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
And I really want to apologize to Raymond Schwab
That's Shalom Ministries who had his son taken by CPS at a wedding.
We're about to go back to Danny Reilly in the last few minutes we've got.
You certainly understand this could be the beginning of a revolution.
People have already been shot at.
We're talking life and death.
That's why I've been moving you around.
But I just want to bring him up for just a moment.
Raymond, what do you think about all the things that are happening here?
Not just your son being stolen, now you guys have gotten him back, but only to the grandmother.
They're talking about even taking him from there now.
Where has all this taken place?
This is in Kansas.
I'm actually in Missouri still walking across the country because of our ministry.
They're pretty much now telling me that I need to quit my job and come back to Kansas and stay there with no way to support my family.
No way to fight this legally so they can observe me with my son.
I'm about to get off the phone with you and call some attorneys.
They've split my family up.
Of course, it never ends there.
They're always looking for dirt.
Now, your son's not young enough.
They like to get them really young to rape them.
Most of these groups are open pedophile rings.
I'm serious, folks.
That's why we're so freaked out.
By the way, Kansas is one of the worst.
It comes up on our radar quite a bit.
Florida, of course, is the king.
Texas is pretty bad.
Give out your phone number for folks that might want to help you or people in Kansas.
Give us the name of the town and how we can help you.
The town's Manhattan, Kansas.
We're currently, like I said, still walking across the country.
We have a court date, June 28th.
Our website's on InfoWars.com.
It's BatesShalomMinistries.org.
But I mean, Ryan, people can go watch videos and get the whole story.
But basically what's happening is they met.
First they grabbed the child.
Then they said, okay, you can go to the grandmother.
But then now they're trying to fully, you know, now even take the child from her.
Well, they won't even let my wife sit alone with him, which is ridiculous.
You're saying being involved in 9-11 Truths, I've talked to you over there, and the fact that during the summer he was going in the RV with you, that he's seven, that homeschooling is illegal.
It's an incredible story, I promise.
We'll have you up for at least 45 minutes on Monday, okay?
Thank you, sir.
Unless there's some big giant shootout or something.
Well, let's hope not.
I pray for the Browns and I know it's important as well.
Absolutely, thank you.
Going back now in the closing minutes here,
There's a huge story, folks.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com, get this.
They fired at them, and then they claim that no police were there, and that nothing happened.
They shut down roads, evacuated everyone.
They're firing at people, grabbing people.
They're like, we're not there.
We don't exist.
There's no amnesty.
By the way, they're bringing the amnesty back up next week, by the way.
It could even be this afternoon.
I mean, just endless lies, endless evil.
Daniel Reilly, anything else you need to add, sir?
I could say, you know, you say I saved my life, but I feel as if I'm not out of the woods by far.
I feel as if they're going to come back for me after, you know, they get the big fish, they're going to come for the small ones.
Well, they terrorize people.
That's terrorism to say we're going to put you in jail if you don't do what we say and go lie to the media and go lie to everybody.
They're criminals.
And they've lied to the media and said they weren't there and it's going to be exposed what they've done.
If Luke or any of them need more advice or they can call me, I believe you've got my number Alex.
Yes, you're going to give your number to Luke and them and this is a serious situation as it develops.
We'll continue to watch it, we'll continue to cover it.
I think you've seen the most complete coverage of anywhere with Jack McClam, the Browns, Luke Rudowsky, Matt Lipasik, and now of course Danny Riley on the line.
Just Infowars.com is the website.
Three hours of continual coverage will come after this and of course the podcasting at Infowars.com.
But the biggest thing you can do listeners is get the truth out of the media cover up here that there were shots fired, they were about to do sniper attacks.
That's what they were preparing for on the house.
There's no doubt of it with this ghillie suited thugs.
We know that's the M.O.
We've got to stop them.
We've got to get the news out.
They wanted to do this quietly and kill everybody.
God bless you all.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.