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Name: 20070601_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 1, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Alex Jones coming to you live from the coastline of Texas.
Miliburgs are meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.
You did hear it here first from Jim Tucker.
Breaking news between PrisonBlinded.com and American Free Press.
Thanks to Jim for being here and reporting with us.
He was correct yesterday.
It's now all over the major Western newspapers, literally scores of them, from Istanbul to Texas, from New York to Miami, from London to Jakarta.
I mean, it's really going on.
It's just, there's news stories everywhere.
Now confirming it is the Ritz-Carlton, the army, police, it's a big hotel up on a hill that is the Ritz-Carlton.
They put this info by design in a local Turkish paper a few days ago, saying it was the Classus Hotel, who now are putting out articles saying we should worship the Bilderberg Group.
Huge news on PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com.
We're gonna break here in just a minute or two and come back and do one more segment with you and let you get back to your important work pooling with reporters.
But what happened today?
Well, uh, several dramatic things happened today.
Uh, the, uh, the term was, uh, surrender was used in referring to your President Bush.
He opposed... Now, remember a little history here.
Years and years ago, Bilderberg, the sons of smokestack industries, embraced, uh,
Ecology, long before it's fashionable to be a treehugger, caused the potential for immense profits.
Bush had rejected, altogether, the Kyoto Treaty, as he should have.
I mean, Mexico would be exempt, so our factories could move down there without the burden of ecological demands, along with the low wages, and so forth.
And they're saying that Bush has now surrendered to that?
Twenty-fifth, the Bush administration officials again totally rejected the Kyoto Treaty.
Now, in Washington, Bush has proposed to get major nations to agree on global emissions goals by 2008.
That's next year.
And so this is the big news out of Bilderberg, is that they're agreeing, the U.S.
is now agreeing to get on board for the global tax, which of course is the carbon tax.
That would be a follow-up that's always on their agenda, and it's been pending before the United Nations for at least three years, but the Americans who read their daily newspapers do not know that.
So, it was their term, quote, surrender, quote,
On that issue.
But then, Bush is quietly, and that will have to surface even in the Ketz press sooner or later, but Bush is now quietly pushing the so-called Law of the Sea Treaty, which he has opposed.
Clinton... Which will also be a global tax, for those that don't know, a global tax on all maritime activities and put the UN over 74% of the Earth's surface.
Absolutely, and it would be a major surrender of sovereignty when the, well, some international group, obviously, under control of the U.N.
Now remember, Clinton signed the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Stay there, Jim Tucker, we're going to come right back with a final segment.
This is the news he's getting from inside Bilderberg with his sources he gets every year with infiltrators.
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Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday, Congressman Mon Paul, on this show, May 31st, yesterday, it's now June 1st, said that if Rick Perry went to Bilderberg, he hadn't yet seen the Dallas Morning News.
He said that that does look like a violation of the Logan Act, which is criminal.
It's a federal felony, punishable by large fines and prison time.
He also said that it shows that he's definitely part of the quote, one world government conspiracy, the plan for a one world government, that he's part of the international conspiracy.
And if you go up to PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com and especially JonesReport.com, just unbelievable reporting there.
He will see all of this and of course we also broke yesterday.
I'm so proud of this and so honored that Jim broke this here that it is confirmed and they finally reported today that it is the Ritz Carlton there in Istanbul.
Jim has got sources inside.
Jim was getting into what you could already see him starting to move towards publicly capitulating.
Of course, they were just getting the Americans ready.
Bush was always for it.
He signed back on to UNESCO three years ago.
United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization.
They were getting us ready for this.
And we got the SPP.gov documents through a FOIA request last year.
Judicial Watch did and it said in there they were going to use global warming, hysteria, and fear
They said use the fear to get a region-wide carbon tax.
Going back to Jim Tucker, please continue on that point, sir, and you were also getting into some other points.
Well, on the energy-related part, the U.S.
was told to increase gasoline, to hike gasoline taxes.
Enough to make the prices cost to exceed $4 a gallon at least.
They prefer it to be about $5 a gallon.
And that would be, of course, to reduce carbon monoxide emissions and make us all healthier, see?
Now, before we laugh at this proposal with the boot of America paying record high gas taxes now,
Adjusted for inflation.
Considered it in the early 80s.
The Junior Barter and Tile Out Commission meeting in San Francisco called for an increase in gasoline taxes, a federal gas tax increase of 10 cents a gallon.
Shocking to most Americans at that time because that was one of those get in line and wait for gas at sky high prices time.
So, you'd think offhand that they politically could not do that.
Now, the Tridental Commission meeting ended with farewells on a Monday morning.
All the work done, they tell each other goodbye on Monday morning, and head for the airport.
On Tuesday, the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post, in its editorial, not some op-ed column, the columnist giving his opinion, but the official position of the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post,
On Tuesday, an editorial called for a gas tax increase of ten cents a gallon, and it came to pass.
So, let's not take this too lightly.
Now, before the break, Jim, you were trying to get into Bill Clinton.
You were saying, remember Bill Clinton in connection with the Law of the Sea Treaty, which allows the UN to seize 70 plus percent of the Earth's surface, of course being the oceans and seas of the world, and inland seas, and being able to levy taxes and have paramilitary global coast guards running around controlling everyone.
This is a massive
I think so.
along with Portugal, but that certainly meant something down the line.
Now with society being accelerated and everything happening, instead of over a hundred years, you know, the change that happened in a hundred years is now happening in a year.
This is very, very serious to anyone who's going to be alive in just ten years.
So please get back in the law of the sea, sir.
What's the intel you're getting from inside Bilderberg?
Well, remember that Reagan did outfit with humor and would not sign off on it.
Bush in the original, even though he was under Bilderberg control, did not dare push it too hard in his term, and Bill Clinton signed it and told us how wonderful it would be.
Of course, Bill Clinton was annoyed by Bilderberg when he attended their meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in 1991, and he tells us what a wonderful thing it would be.
So the Senate had a test vote, they call it, on ratification, and it was rejected 95-0.
So Clinton pulled back his request for ratification, for political reasons obviously, on a treaty he had signed off on.
Agenda where 9-11 is used to do absolutely anything and everything, and that was before the fake man-made global warming hysteria where we've got to turn everything over to the UN, and man-eating meat, and start restricting people to one family, one child.
That's all being called for right now.
The Chinese model is the New World Order model.
Jim Tucker, any other key tidbits you're getting from your sources inside Bilderberg?
That's about it, but the fact that Little Bush is going to embrace the Law of the Sea Treaty is something that will have to emerge in the fullness of time in the cut press also, but you heard it here first.
And of course you heard it here first that they were not going to attack Iraq in 2002, as the Washington Post said they were, and as the media unanimously said it was going to be in 2003.
We heard it here first from you, Jim, on the Berlin Wall was going to fall on a staged event.
We heard it here first on every single issue.
These guys pulled the shots.
Jim told you three years ago they were going to double oil prices.
It indeed happened.
These guys are setting the policy.
Jim, on a whole separate issue, just on media coverage, it is in newspapers globally.
I did a search under Bilderberg on Google News this morning and it came up with hundreds of hits.
We see exponential coverage of this from 10 years ago the media said it didn't exist, 7 years ago... American media?
Because I've not seen an American newspaper since I left Washington.
Yes, Dallas Morning News front page, many other US newspapers front page.
Magazines, Jim.
Some of the top movies at the box office make jokes about Bilderberg.
It's just all of a sudden, it's all over Texas television.
We have video clips up on prismplanet.com from News 8 Austin.
There's also a Dallas piece.
I'm told the Senate's... It's wonderful, this breakthrough, because you know as well as I do about the near total blackout we've had in the United States.
The European newspapers and broadcasters have had a lot of fun.
I've had very few moments today where I'm not staring into somebody's camera and yacking away.
Well, see, that's the difference.
I mean, before, when you were doing this 30 years ago, and physically, what, at 29 of these meetings, Jim?
Something like that.
So, I mean, literally 5, 6, 7, 8 years ago it didn't exist.
Then last year in Canada, because they arrested me and a few other things, it blew up nationally there, but it never really been in our press.
Now, for the first time, Jim,
And again, you get most of the credit on this.
It is everywhere.
Do you think they're happy about this?
Oh, they've got their dickers in, and not to be sure, because their salad years have been, they could be absolutely secret until now their very existence.
And they're doing everything stupidly, perhaps, to
Trying to suppress coverage like the lie they planted in that newspaper story we talked about yesterday.
Six paragraphs deep inside the paper, very polite, and saying that it was going to be a classic resort.
Well, there's also big Turkish papers saying, big deal, so they're world leaders meeting.
The point is they tried to keep it secret all these years.
We've gotten their minutes.
We know they're securing global events.
We know that they are very corrupt.
Jim, what type of security did you see outside of the Ritz Carlton?
Typical, tremendous show of uniformed police, all of course armed, surrounding the whole hill.
Of course, many of them at the front gate, but then you don't take three steps without a couple of cops confronting you as you walk all the way around that hill.
So it's a lot heavier than Canada?
I'm trying to remember Canada.
Well, yes, yes, it was heavier than Canada.
And of course, they had the guys on the top of the roof with their binoculars.
And our photographer thinks he was able to shoot David Rockefeller where he blows his photographs up.
He'll be sure.
But so far, they've tried to keep the list secret.
But we've got just got all of them accounted for.
And they may end up putting on a website, say Monday, just to
Get rid of the questions and all that jazz, but I'll bet you we've identified people that they will not put on that website that were confirmed by, their presence was confirmed by our site.
By that you mean there's always people on, who are there who aren't on the list?
How big is this to have Rick Perry, by the way, who's embroiled, a Bilderberg member by the way, has been indicted in connection to literally the biggest
a takeover of government and private owned power plants in Texas.
It's powering much of the surrounding states.
It's already been a big scandal.
It turns out Rick Perry's involved in all that and with Bilderberg Group members in the grabbing of 8,000 miles of roads.
Literally, Bilderberg is grabbing the infrastructure of Texas, the fastest growing state in the union, the second most populous.
What does this mean for Rick Perry?
I mean, is it that they're positioning him for president later?
Or is this more that he's just one of their gangsters?
Well, first of all, as I mentioned yesterday, they would consider him a potential president, a useful tool and fool in the future, and that he would not be invited next year if they decide to throw that shoe away, because about 110 to 115 of the Bilderberg are the regulars, typically there's five or so newcomers, most of whom are not invited back.
Yeah, I think so.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Waiting in the wings, we have American filmmakers Andrew Neal and Luke Meyer, also Romanian filmmaker Paul Duranu, and Daniel Estelan coming up later.
This is just absolutely amazing.
And of course, Jim Tucker right now.
Jim, you said there's so much more
And obviously, when you get back to town, we'll do a full hour and debrief you properly, and American Free Press is going to have photos and articles about it, so is PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
But just in closing, before I go to these other reporters, Jim, I want to thank you for coming on.
I want to thank you for your 30-plus years of covering this, 29 years physically covering it, or is it 35, covering it total.
You said there was a whole other European side.
Give us just a taste of some of the things that you're going to be writing about, some of the things you've learned from your sources.
Well, you've been reading about the Turkish troops massing on the border with Iraq to invade the Kurds in Iraq.
The Turkish, Billerberg said, there is no massing of our troops on the border with Iraq and there will be no invasion of the Kurds.
In Iraq... Well, they're always having Kurds engaging in incursions, so they've always got troops there.
Yeah, but he said the newspaper was all wrong about the bashing of the border and the potential invasion.
Another Kurd said that... I mean, another Turk said that he'd like to be portrayed as begging to enter the European Union and pointed out that a lot of Turks
are opposed to the European Union because they'd have to surrender too much sovereignty and there's so many nationalists.
Well, nationalists, which is their synonym for patriots, are demeaned by Bill O'Brien.
To be a nationalist, a patriotic to your own country, you're horrible.
So they've had that little kind of interchange to
The Europeans support the invasion of Iraq, but still, I mean, of Afghanistan.
Nothing this year so far, but I'll be back tomorrow.
I guess I better turn you over to those old-timers who've had some good adventures today.
Absolutely, Jim.
Thank you so much.
Are you still being followed?
Okay, you're welcome.
Oh, yes.
They pointed out a different set of cops today.
All right, sir.
We'll talk to you this weekend.
Very good.
Have fun.
There goes Jim Tucker from his hotel in Istanbul, the Orient.
It's overlooking the nearby Ritz Carlton.
We now go, we're about to break, but I want to go ahead and introduce them to Andrew, Neil, and Luke Meyer, and they're in a hotel room filled with other reporters.
Gentlemen, thank you for coming on.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
Thanks for having us.
Thank you for coming on.
What have you seen?
What is this like covering Bilderberg?
Well, it's been pretty wild, you know.
We got here on Tuesday, Jim got here on Wednesday.
We came here to follow Jim's
Jim's a journey, and we've been with him pretty much every waking moment of the day when he's been on the move, and it's been pretty incredible.
Like, there's cops following him, and when we went over to the Ritz, it cordoned off the entire area.
With riot gear and things kind of roped up with barricades so you can't go on the sidewalk.
There were some guys with, like, submachine guns and stuff, and you couldn't even get close to it.
That's normal.
Yeah, no, for Luke and I, we'd never seen anything like this, so for us, it was kind of mind-blowing.
Well, I was about to add that that happened every other time, but when I went to Canada.
But go ahead.
So yeah, that was kind of a shock to us, and then we were in the car with Jim, traveling around the city to be followed by police.
Certainly nothing that has ever happened to me.
Before, and so it was kind of startling.
We got some good shots of that.
Jim is just kind of inspiring.
He's still on the move.
I can't believe he's got the energy to keep going.
In fact, he's got more energy than us.
It's hard to see what's going on inside there.
They seem to have established a really good perimeter.
It's all buttoned up.
We spent some time out in front.
Look at all the entrances.
Yeah, there's like three entrances that, you know, different people are going in, but you couldn't, we couldn't, we didn't see any, we weren't able to get any clear shots of anyone in particular.
Now, is this Andrew or Luke I'm talking to?
This is Andrew, sorry.
Okay, no, no, no, I just wanted to learn the voices.
Okay, go ahead, Andrew.
Um, so anyway, you know, that, we kind of left with Jim, and then, um, and then, uh, well, there's another filmmaker here, uh, Paul, that's sitting in the wing, too.
Yeah, we're going to talk to him on the other side, but stay there.
I want to talk to Luke, too.
Andrew, I just want to, uh,
You know, get your take on the whole experience, the press coverage, what's happening.
Talk about the film you're making about Jim Tucker.
And we'll be right back on The Other Side.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
I want to thank my producer, Trey Kincaid, and also my wife's been doing producing, Violet Jones.
I want to thank everybody who's been joining us, Jim Tucker, Aaron Dykes for the stories he's been doing, Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Ryan Slickheisen, everybody on the crew for doing such a fabulous job, Mike Nelson, the list goes on and on.
people, everybody.
Going back to Istanbul, we're talking to American Documentary Filmmaking Crew, who are making a film, I guess, about people that cover these type of events.
Great guys, they called a few months ago, I never got back with them, like everybody else I don't get back with, but now I'm definitely getting with them here on air, and it's Andrew Neal and Luke Meyer.
They're in Istanbul, we really appreciate their work, and they're in a hotel room with Romanian filmmaker Paul
Duranu, I believe that's the right way to pronounce it, and we're just again very thankful to have them there with us from Istanbul.
Gentlemen, give us the lay of the land, what your trip was like getting over there, how the papers first reported that it was the classes to divert everybody, now that same paper's putting out disinfo pieces worshipping Bilderberg about how good they are, and then just basically what you witnessed, how the riot police were dressed,
Some of the physical things that you saw, because I know you're not really doing a thing on Bilderberg, you're doing it on people who cover Bilderberg.
But I think now, is this kind of convincing you about the wickedness of Bilderberg?
Do you see all their security?
One of the most interesting things, I think, for Luke and I, and I guess Jim was talking about it some too, is that in America, you hear very little about these issues.
This is pretty newsworthy.
I mean, when Devos meets, and there aren't even as many elites there, I mean, this is the creme de la creme.
Devos is a step below this.
I mean, that's a big international spectacle.
Why is it this news?
Yeah, it was interesting.
Jim was saying, you know, that he felt as though, you know, that there was a lot, actually, there was a lot more coverage of it.
Oh, this is the breakthrough year.
I mean, last year was the break in the ice, and that got a hole in their armor, but that was the kink in the armor.
This year drove a huge spike right into their heart.
How's it being covered back in the States right now?
It's all over the newspapers.
It's literally... I mean, we're talking about less than 20 mentions in the last 50 years in U.S.
newspapers, and there's more than 20 articles and TV reports on it in just the last day.
So there's been more coverage in the last 24 hours in the United States than there has been on Bilderberg in the last 20, 30, 50 years.
It's amazing.
Yeah, well, there's an energy to it here as well.
I think obviously some of the regulars that come from the United States or other parts of Europe probably weren't able to make it because of the travel expense, you know?
But there was a lot of buzz about it, and every day at 4, Jim is mobbed at his hotel.
People showing up, taking pictures.
I mean, he's practically like a celebrity here.
And then we're running around after him, too.
There's kind of a bit of a circus running around after Jim.
He's probably not as covert as he might be, but he still goes to meet his sources by himself.
Now, who are you guys making your film for?
Because this is something I definitely want to carry when it comes out.
We're an independent production company, so we're trying to acquire funding for it.
We're getting going, trying to make a promo or whatever.
You know, basically the film is about the people who are trying to bring the New World Order concept into the mainstream.
Our producer, Tom Davis, who worked on some of our other films, started talking to Luke and I about it, and we didn't know that much about it.
We got kind of interested in it, and then started surfing the web and stuff.
I'm interested because you guys obviously came to this as virgins to it all.
Now do you think it's nefarious?
Do you think it's dark?
Do you think it's happy-loving?
Well, it's definitely not happy-loving.
I mean, there's a lot of policemen around and you don't have any idea what's going on inside the gate.
Highly secret, highly protected.
Yeah, Luke, pop in and give us your take on all this.
Well, I mean, I just, all I know is really what I'm seeing right now and that's how full force the police is out to anyone.
And it makes you wonder why things are that way.
Yeah, the secretive stuff certainly isn't very, it doesn't give you a whole lot of confidence and, you know, I mean,
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
We know that the New York Times and Washington Post heads have been going to Bilderberg for at least, well, since its founding in the 50s.
And then I can show you multiple articles where they say in the past it didn't exist.
And you're insane if you say it exists.
That proves it's nefarious right there.
Then we get their minutes out of the meetings.
They literally created the European Union.
They ran the whole deal with Prince Bernhard and the royalty out of England.
They ran the entire
My point is, is that there's no way to be neutral on this.
It'd be like being filmmakers and either you're for Hitler or you're against Hitler.
You know, you're either for Stalin or you're against Stalin.
And I understand you're trying to make an objective film about the movement and let people decide on their own.
I'm not putting you on the spot.
I'm just telling you, as human beings, can you not see who these people are?
This is the enemy of humanity.
Yeah, well, we're just, we're really at the very beginning of our stages of getting to know this, and we're trying to get to know it through our characters, you know, but in my opinion, you know, there's a lot of unanswered questions that over the course of the next year, you know, I would hope I would get the answer to some of those.
And really, you know, for me as a filmmaker, and I don't know if you agree with me, but like, we're just really interested by, you know, basically you guys, you know, and the amount of work and effort
I'm finishing endgame in the next month and a half.
If you guys want to come to Austin, Texas,
Sure, sure, well I know you tried to contact me a few months ago and I never got back with you because I'm flooded, but come to Austin and if you want to do some limited footage swap, because I'm going to do an update in the film before I finish it just about how Perry went, it's going to be like
Probably two minutes of my film that, oh by the way, in 2007, Perry went.
But if you guys want any of my footage from last year, I'd be happy to swap it.
But it's got to be quick if we're going to do it, because Endgame's almost done.
But yeah, you guys turn around and get down there.
We'll be back early next week, so maybe we can get in touch with you then.
Yeah, basically, I've got Pitcher Lockheed in one month.
And then I've got to have Graham Reynolds do the music.
He's already working on it.
And I've got all the graphics houses.
I've got two different graphics houses doing graphics on it.
I'm trying to up my films.
And, you know, Terror Storm was the next level.
This is going to be the next level after that.
But the point is, you've got to rush down and get a few selects of Jim being mobbed or the police, and then I'll be glad to give you guys quite a bit of my footage, because I'm all about getting the information out.
That way you'll have Canada.
But that aside, anything else you want to add before I get the Romanian filmmaker who's waiting on the wings on?
Yeah, I mean, just one thing, you know, maybe Alex, you could give us some recommendations and we'd love to talk to you too, but, you know, we're looking for more people.
You know, Jim is obviously the oldest guy, but we're looking for younger guys who are also in the movement.
Daniel Estolan, but you know, of course, he's got a sick family member.
This is one of the first times.
Yeah, he couldn't make it this year and we were looking forward to talking to him.
Yeah, first time in 15 years.
Yeah, that was unfortunate.
We were looking forward to talking to him, but maybe we'll get a chance to see him in the future, or maybe Bilderberg next year.
We've been thinking about trying to follow... Well, there's a fella in England who I've interviewed who has Bilderberg.org.
He'd be good to interview.
Obviously, I'd be good to interview.
You've already been trying.
And then there's... I can think of just a few others, but there are quite a few.
I know Michael Piper's covered it quite a bit.
All right, cool.
We look forward to touching base with you next week, and do you want us to get Paul on the line here?
In fact, I would... When are you guys flying out?
Because I'd like to get a report from you guys Monday or Tuesday, kind of debrief you on air once you get back.
We're leaving Monday morning.
Not sure of the flight time, but sometime on Monday we'll be flying back.
Okay, well then that means I'll have to have you on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Let me just have my producer call you when this interview's over to make sure I've got all your contact points, not just there at the hotel.
That's all I've got to tell you.
Okay, cool.
I'm good.
Yeah, fantastic.
All right, great.
Should we just put Paul Wright on?
Yeah, and is it correct to pronounce his name Paul Dorano?
Okay, thank you.
Yes, buddy.
Thank you.
Thank you, gentlemen.
I appreciate you, Andrew Neal and Luke Meyer.
Thank you for reporting for us from Istanbul.
Okay, is this Paul Douranou?
Yeah, that's what's right.
Hello, Paul.
Thank you for coming on with us.
Tell us about what you witnessed there and what your film is about.
Well, I checked first thing in the morning the classic photo because Jim Tucker had thought that that might be
The actual site for the board meeting and I went there and there's nothing.
I also was asked by the lady in the lobby to go to the Classes Golf and Country Club which is like 10 miles north from there and I checked there but still nothing there.
So everything happens at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel where like the other guys said basically it's packed with policemen, armed guards, securities,
Actually, I managed to get stills and video shots with people on the roof of a side of a building where there were securities, military men with binoculars that were looking at me, and even civilians.
There were groups of people talking there on the roof.
And basically, I think we can get later.
Uh, look at the pictures on the computer and see more details of what I got.
Pictures are now starting to come out online on different websites, different Turkish newspapers of the usual suspects, David Rockefeller and others.
Have you been able to see Texas Governor Rick Perry yet?
No, no, no.
I haven't been able to see anyone actually, but only got pictures of a black limo who entered the second gate, which is the gate on the street, which is blocked.
You can't enter that street.
So I think from this point of view, the Ritz-Carlton site is perfect for that situation because
Nobody can actually get very close to the main entry.
There's a large ground.
Tell us about yourself.
Is this your first time covering Bilderberg, Paul?
Yes, this is the first time.
I have my own website, which I launched a couple of weeks ago, Infocon.ro.
Spell that out for people.
Spell out your website, please.
Info, I-N-F-O-E-O-N dot R-O.
It's a new website and I've been listening to your show and watching the websites for a couple of years now.
Oh fantastic!
So you've been taking pictures and you're going to upload those to your website?
Yes, yes.
So we'll try.
The problem is that here the internet is very, very slow.
I understand.
Well listen, get those up as soon as you can and we'll post them as well if that's okay with you and write an article about it.
Yeah, probably Sunday night when I get back to Bucharest because I drove here with a car.
Okay, spell that out slowly for people because if I had trouble covering it, others are.
Spell out your website.
I-N-F-O-E-O-N dot R-O.
No, Infocon.ro.
R-O from Romania.
Dot R-O.
So it's Infocon.ro.
That's exact.
Okay, well we'll be watching that Sunday and we'll do a report on it, sir.
I mean, describe... I was hearing that there are riot police out there.
Yeah, there's lots of police and what I understand that they actually were afraid of riots because I understand that people, Turkish people, do easily get together and start riots and
Uh, big meetings.
Uh, actually, there was, uh, a couple of days ago, a meeting, uh, in a square near the Rich Carlton Hotel from an organization, I don't know the name, uh, something like, uh, Global Peace, and, uh, um, I don't remember exactly the name, but, uh... Oh, that's major news!
You're... Now, now, now, state that again.
Exactly what happened at the Rich Carlton?
You're saying it was some type of protest?
Yeah, there was a small protest, not at Ritz Carlton, but in a square near Ritz Carlton, not very far, like under one mile.
People protesting Bilderberg?
How many?
Bilderberg and anti-nuclear things.
Sure, how many people?
I think there were like up to 100 people, something like that.
I'm not sure because I got late.
That's got to be the biggest Bilderberg protest I've ever heard of because they're so secret.
Of course, 100 will probably be 10,000 next year, wherever they have it.
And after that it was a press conference in Turkish about this protest that was organized.
And Jim was there too.
What inspired you to cover Bilderberg?
Well, I think the same thing as you do.
I want people to find out about this stuff.
Lots of people do not believe Bilderberg exists.
And it's a way where I can actually prove that they do exist, that there's something going on.
If I can describe this Bilderberg meeting is similar to a conference that has taken place in Bucharest in Romania in September.
That is, the francophonic meeting where, like, presidents and ministers from a lot of countries, at least a couple of dozen countries, countries that do speak French, came to Bucharest.
So basically the Parliament building where was the meeting was sealed off, all the streets around it, lots of policemen, snipers on the buildings, and so on.
I mean, is this freedom?
Is this a free society with elites meeting in secret and our politicians present themselves like vegetables or fruit at a fruit stand to be squeezed on and smelled and examined to see which person they want to buy or back?
I mean, there's no doubt there's... No, no, clearly it's not a free society.
We should know about what they are talking there, because they are going there on our expenses.
They are public figures, which are elected by us, so we have to know what's happening there.
I said public figures that were elected, not everyone is elected, because let's consider Barroso, which is the President of the European Commission, which is not elected by name.
Deborah Rosso was just over here a few weeks ago with Bush, openly announcing a merger of the EU and the American Union.
It was on C-SPAN, and we read an article about it, and people couldn't even grasp how big it was.
I mean, when I say a story is big, folks, it's big.
And this stuff is just happening right out in the open, America and the world.
Sovereignty is dying, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Well listen, we're going to watch your site, sir, and we'll get a report out on your photos as soon as that's okay.
And is it alright with you when we link to your site?
Because your site might crash if we send 5 million people there.
Is it okay if we go ahead and post your photos on prisonplanet.com?
Yes, that's right.
I think I'll get in contact with you and send you a link where I can upload some photos, good quality photos for you.
Do that!
Listen, Aaron at InfoWars.com.
He is the guy that's working the hardest right now in the organization.
Aaron at InfoWars.com.
Two ways.
Sure, we'll do that.
And, uh, absolutely.
In fact, if you send them to us, we'll get them up and put a link to your site, sir.
And, of course, we'll probably crash your site.
My email is, uh, my email is paul at info.com.
So you know.
Okay, well, sure.
We can just go to your site and contact you that way.
Then we will send you your contact, uh, our contact info, and it's great working with you, and God bless you, and I look forward to interviewing you.
Thank you for having me on your show.
You bet.
Let me just, just hand the phone back briefly if you can, if they're still there, to Andrew Neal.
And the guys, I don't want to let them go quite yet, okay Paul?
Okay, okay, okay.
Thank you.
And then we're scheduled to have Daniel Estelin on from Spain.
He's got apparently a member who's very sick, but I want his analysis.
He's one of the, I'd say the foremost analyst, he's the best-selling author of Club Bilderberg.
We've got him coming up in the next hour.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Alex Jones.
I wasn't going to take a day of vacation.
Not doing it now.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Live from Istanbul, ladies and gentlemen, we've interviewed Jim Tucker, we've interviewed Andrew Neal, Luke Meyer, Paul Durananu from Romania, Daniel Estilans has a family member on death's doorstep, but he has still got great contacts inside, he's the
Most informed on Bilderberg and covering for 15 years.
He's going to be with us in the next hour.
We're about to go to him in about 60 seconds.
But just saying bye to Andrew Neal and Luke Meyer.
Gentlemen, American filmmakers, were you able to see any of the Bilderberg group or is there just too much security this year?
Uh, we were not able to see really anyone because the barricades are so far away.
But Jim was saying something about how they let them in, like, I think they, like, tried to stagger it and stuff so you couldn't, like, so you couldn't see, you know?
There's no helipad, there's no, like, uh, motorcade of cars going in, there's just... And we were, we were usually with Jim, but there were a couple that, like, Paul, for instance, that was just on was out there, you know, all day.
I want to thank you gentlemen for the great job you've been doing and I appreciate it and I look forward to debriefing you next week.
We'll talk then.
Okay, cool.
Thanks so much Alex.
Take care and God bless.
Alright, now going to Daniel Estillon and coming up in the next hour, folks, I've got huge reports of my own with Rick Perry and massive corruption.
This stuff, violating the Logan Act, Bilderberg group members that are under indictment that Perry's involved with in business.
This stuff is huge.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Daniel Estillon, I feel guilty twisting your arm to come on with your mother-in-law in deep trouble, but we should all pray for her.
Thanks for coming on with us.
Alex, great to be invited back to your show, and it's always a pleasure.
Well, thank you.
I'm sad you can't be there, but you are still on the phone, you're on the internet, you've got the sources, you've got huge news on Zolocal.
Give us the info.
All right, I just jotted down a few points.
I'll just start going.
When you get tired of listening to me, just tell me to stop.
We're going to break here in a minute.
We'll just come back and continue.
Go ahead.
Okay, now Robert Zoloc and the World Bank nomination.
Now, the U.S.
...is standing unanimously behind Robert Zoellick's candidacy as an ex-president of the World Bank.
Now, Zoellick is a 53-year-old Wall Street executive.
He's a former administration official and a free market fundamentalist.
Now, during the Bill of Rights meeting yesterday, he pledged to work to restore confidence in the bank.
Now, he said, we need to put our differences aside and focus on the future together.
I believe, Zoellick said, that the World Bank's best days
I think so.
According to a source at the conference, European Bilderbergers are not at all pleased, Alex, with continuing the status quo in which the U.S.
nominates a single candidate after informal consultation with the bank members.
The nomination also appears to short-circuit burgeoning calls for reform of this selection process at the bank, one of the cornerstones of a global financial architecture as designed by the
According to our sources at the conference, one Belgian Bilderberger proposed what he said, a merit-based selection process without regard to nationality, something which will obviously be discarded by the inept Bush administration.
What is rather quite remarkable is that on several occasions, European Bilderbergers have openly rejected the current model, saying that the nomination reeks of double standards, especially because the United States and the World Bank preach
We're good to go.
Would remain in the hands of the Americans.
Daniel Estillan stay right there.
Daniel has been writing incredible reports.
This sounds like one that hasn't even been published yet.
He's giving you the scoop here first.
We'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
More than...
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is now hour number two.
We had four different reporters and journalists on, including Jim Tucker, in the last hour from
The Bilderberg meeting covering it in Istanbul, Turkey, formerly Constantinople.
Why I mention that?
I'm just into history.
The point is, Daniel Esselen joins us from Spain.
He's been to the last 15 meetings.
But he has a family member on death's doorstep.
We need to pray for her.
So he's unable to attend, but he is continuing with the best analysis.
And he's huge in Endgame.
Wait until it comes out.
We couldn't do it without him.
Daniel Estillan also, of course, has his website.
We have links to it on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
A week and a half ago, he got the entire guest list
His info is always checked out.
He's giving huge news on Zelikow, a very dangerous globalist.
Somebody that I was informed of 10 years ago, they said, watch this guy.
He is very, very important.
And there's all these other people involved as well.
Going back to Daniel Estolán, please continue with that analysis you were going over, sir.
Well, it's funny Alex, you should say that you were informed of Zelik's dangers to the international community ten years ago.
I too was told by people who are close to the deliver community that Zelik's name also raises eyebrows among development groups.
For his close ties to the Yes Establishment as well as his relationship to the corporate interests.
One of the attendees at the Bilderberg Conference, and I have not had the confirmation as to who this individual is, asked Zolbek how he was planning to patch up relationships with third and fourth world nations when he is best remembered during his tenure as United States Trade Representative for arm-twisting poor nations' governments to adhere to United States-imposed intellectual property laws that make medicines, for example, unaffordable to the developing world.
Uh, Zola didn't say anything, which again, rhetorical questions.
Uh, snickering was heard in the room.
Now, he has been also a close friend to the brand-name pharmaceutical industry and the bilateral trade agreements he has negotiated effectively block access to genetic medication for millions of people, meaning basically that millions of people will die because they do not have access to cheap medicine.
Which goes back to the population control agenda, correct?
However, what has really riled up both the American and European delegates is the fact that the World Bank's dirty linen is being washed in public, thanks in great part to Paul Wolfowitz's ineptness, which, incidentally, Wolfowitz has blamed on the American press.
That's quite cheeky of him.
Now, I'd like to go over a little bit for your audiences, exactly explain what the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank stand for, what they are, because I think a lot of people think that they're good institutions that are supposed to be helping humanity, when in fact they've done more damage to the human race than any other financial institution in history, if I may.
Yes, please continue.
Alright, now it's widely but mistakenly believed that the purpose of the World Bank, controlled by the United States Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund,
The obvious result of the SAPs from the World Bank and the IMF
The money lent to the destitute nations were used to make immediate interest payments to Western banking institutions, something that both Jim Tucker and I have been saying for years.
Furthermore, by ordering third world economies to focus on production for export purposes, the World Bank and the IMF channeled over almost $200 billion of third world financial resources in the 1980s and early 1990s into a servicing dollar denominated for debt.
Obviously, that doesn't help the third world economies.
Now, these programs are being implemented in over 73rd world countries from Nigeria to Jamaica, from Hungary to Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, etc, etc.
And they're subjected to 566 IMF and World Bank stabilization and SAP's.
Daniel, final segment with you when we get back.
By the way, folks, they're raping the 3rd world, now they're subdividing the assets of the United States, treating us like a 3rd world nation.
We are now on the chopping block, stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we're going to re-air the Ron Paul interview from yesterday, where he talked about the international conspiracy to overthrow America.
Then the Stephen E. Jones, new information about thermite in the buildings and bombs.
That's coming up in the third hour.
Of course, Sunday I'll be on the air from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Time.
Out of the studios of News Radio 590K LBJ and across the country on wonderful AM and FM affiliates.
The United Nations officially is saying the dollar could collapse.
And when you actually read the document, they say they think it is going to collapse.
Then of course, look about the Amaro as the answer to counter the European Union.
The Trilaterals wrote about this in 74.
When the organization went public, they were actually set up in 73.
It's all happening
Right now, when I tell you the information on PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com is of the utmost importance, folks, you can bank it.
Go read the articles.
There's so many that Aaron has written, that Paul Watson has written, that Steve Watson has written.
They're all huge.
Everything that Ethel is saying is huge.
What the guest said in the last hour, that was stuff from inside Bilderberg with Jim Tucker.
You understand, folks?
You can bank it.
Over and over again, it's been accurate.
These are the people steering the world's future.
We're not talking about what some
We're good to go.
We're talking about the economy imploding.
We're talking about troops in the streets.
We're talking about martial law.
We're talking about World War III.
We're talking about one world government.
We're talking about biblical-type stuff here, okay?
This is the real deal.
Daniel Estillin, please continue, sir, in the last few minutes we've got with you.
Great to be back again.
Now, one of the key, Alex, sticking points, as far as Zoellick's nomination is concerned, is, again, has to do with Africa.
African states unable to compete with Western multinationals
They've been forced to withdraw from the health sector as part of the free market economy.
Now, again, it goes back to what you were saying about the Malthus, about the population reduction, etc.
Now, this has put African children at the mercy of unscrupulous international organizations
And pharmaceutical transnational corporations who are thus at liberty to use them as guinea pigs for testing various drugs and vaccines.
Now, on a case in point, in January 2001, the U.S.-based pharmaceutical, PNC-Pfizer, used an experimental drug on about 50,000 children suffering from meningitis in Kano, Nigeria, without official authorization.
As a result of the epidemic, almost 15,000 people died, while many others became deaf and blind.
Needless to say, we haven't heard about it,
In the United States, nor have we heard about it in Europe.
But just a couple of other items on the agenda, which we're following from the Bilderberg Conference, about the European relations with Russia, is, needless to say, the key sticking point, not only in Europe, but also in Central Asia.
We'll have a complete report on that next week, once the conference is finished, with Moscow making a deal... And Daniel, let me stop you right there.
Now, you graciously let us post all your stuff at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, but tell folks the address for your fabulous news site.
It's www.danielestulin.com, E-S-T-U-L-I-N.
Today, by the way, Alex, the Turkish edition of my Bilibur book is out.
And on the 1st of September, the American edition of the true story of the Bilibur will be out in the United States.
Needless to say, I'll be there to promote it.
It's already published in what, 24 countries?
It's published in 42 countries in 24 languages.
It has sold a million and a half copies worldwide.
So a lot of people need us to say it's not nearly as popular as American Idol, but we have enough people and we don't need a lot.
We just need 3% of the American population.
That was my next question for you, 3% won the Revolutionary War.
I want to give you the bottom line from you, the globalist strategy to try to bring down the US, the last piece in their puzzle.
You talked about it last year, how important it is for them to get this amnesty.
uh... to to to finally bring in the new world order with the North American Union and what you see the key things are we need to do as people of the world against our enemies only a couple hundred of them and what they're going to try well one of the key things we need to understand is how money works that's one of the things that one of the bankers who actually is a member of a billboard club and an intimate friend of mine he told me if you want to do something about these people you cannot stand up shoulder to shoulder with others
Pick up a gun or an arm and try to fight them.
You can't physically win the battle.
What you need to do is to understand how money works.
And once you understand how money works for you, you can actually do something against these people.
Because what we're doing by putting money into major financial institutions, we're feeding the monster who sooner or later will destroy us.
So what we need to do, as he told me, is to take the money out of the bank and take the power of the money away from these people.
That'll be the first step.
And that is actually the anathema to what most people believe, because everybody thinks that the bank is the safest place to keep one's money.
Take the money out of the bank, convert it to gold, convert it to silver.
Don't give these people the power to destroy us.
I mean, why leave it there where they have control of it?
I mean, obviously, hedge.
Be diversified, folks.
Most of us aren't diversified.
I'm so busy, I have no chance to diversify my meager nest egg.
Daniel, last year you spoke about the North American Union and the key to that.
Being the open borders, how important is that today?
I think it's more important than ever.
I think you're seeing what... Europe is a guinea pig.
Europe is an experiment.
You can see what is going on in Europe.
They're actually using the same blueprint and they're putting it into practice in the United States.
The American Union is... it's just a matter of time.
It's a question of time.
And I think unless people realize what is going on, this thing is
The North American Free Trade Agreement, which was actually put into practice in the early 1990s, talked in clear details about how this whole thing was going towards North American Union, and you could see 10 years or 15 years later how we're almost there.
But again, I think there's still time for us to wake up, and this General Awakening hopefully will have enough reason for the people who actually stand
Together and present this thing for action.
Shame reactions.
You know, last year I was with you in Canada in Ottawa, their capital.
That's right.
And there was, it was in dozens of papers, I don't know, probably 20 papers up there.
Hundreds of websites, foreign news, but nothing in the U.S.
The U.S.
press has always been the most locked down.
Now it's all over Dallas Morning News, all over other major U.S.
newspapers, just like Bilderberg and the Google Click News, folks.
It's all over Texas TV.
I mean, how big is the bill?
What are they saying?
What are they saying in the Dallas Morning News?
Okay, the Dallas Morning News is talking about how the Governor Rick Perry went over there and how it's a super secret meeting and it's been on television.
I'm going to play a TV clip here in a minute.
And other reports are admitting that the world's elite are meeting in secret.
And it's in quite a few U.S.
and British and other newspapers.
All I'm saying is we're seeing more coverage right now in one year than we've seen in decades combined.
So this is exponential.
What's it going to be next year?
I just hope we have enough time to put a stop to this.
But is that encouraging to you to see this type of coverage?
Well, it is.
But again, I think the interlock mechanisms that these people actually need to bring about their new world order, I think it's in place.
It's just a question of how quickly they can organize it.
Because again, one of the key issues is the power of money.
As long as we have the money, we more or less are free.
As soon as they destroy the economy, and that's one of the things that they've been talking about in Europe,
Bringing the world, you were talking about Barroso a few minutes ago.
Now, Barroso, a few months back when they were presenting, unveiling the new European energy policy, talked about it's time to bring the world into the post-industrial age.
Now, when I heard that phrase, Alex, I almost fell off my chair.
That's what you talk about in Endgame.
This is the new feudal state.
This is where they see middle class as their enemy, whether you're Hispanic, black, white,
They don't care, folks.
Understand that.
They want to destroy you.
Do you understand that?
That's exactly right.
You just said it, Alex.
The post-industrial age is a symmetrical twin to the pre-industrial age, where you and I worked the fields.
We died, our children worked the fields.
They died, their children worked the fields.
For an oligarchical elite of 1%.
Now, to bring the world to the post-industrial age, what you need to do is to destroy the world economy.
Now, they're saying it as an excuse.
That is a global warning.
The warning, that's what they're using as an excuse.
Needless to say, we know that is not the reason.
Now, to destroy the world economy, somebody will have to work in the post-industrial age.
My question to you and to the audience is, who is it going to be?
David Rockefeller or you and I?
Well, bottom line, look at Mexico as a model.
Richest country per capita in the world.
Triple the resources of the U.S.
They have the smallest and richest elite.
Most billionaires in the world, folks.
And it is a religion down there to have 50, and 100, and 200,000 acre ranches.
Vicente Fox has a 40,000 when he's low level.
And they literally, it's a religion.
Just like the British had.
A religion of their slaves out there working.
It's so sad.
And now they're using those very people who I want to be free, instead of having a revolution in Mexico, they're using them to slit the throat of America, Daniel.
Needless to say, Mexico, as an even-handed trading partner of the United States, is a great benefit to the United States and to Mexico.
But it's much better to have Mexico as a slave working as a third world wages.
Exactly, instead of us working together to overthrow the government of Mexico that's corrupt, and to get our government back, here in the U.S.
Again, I'm talking about that as a microcosm.
Same thing's happening in Europe.
You wrote about how they do use the Muslim extremists, how the Bilderberg Group is behind them, because, again, it's a destabilizer for the Middle East.
And then if we criticize the, quote, Muslim extremists, some Muslims think, oh, we're against them.
You don't understand, folks, those revolutionaries are controlled by the globalists.
DanielLesterLund.com, spell that out for people, Daniel.
Daniel, E-S-T-U-L-I-N dot com.
And in closing, everybody should pray for your mother-in-law.
I want to thank you for coming on.
Do you think the Globalists are mad right now that all this coverage is out there?
I'm not sure, Alex.
The fact that Barroso, the President of the European Commission a few months back, actually showed his hand.
If you're in a poker game, you show your hand because no matter what the other one has,
You can always win.
And what they've done a few months back is they actually showed their hand by saying that it's time to bring the world into the post-industrial age.
Now this is the first time, I think, in history that they've openly admitted what they've actually been trying to do.
And they're going to do that with a new carbon tax, which means one child policy, no more meat.
I mean, hundreds of rules.
It's all mainstream media now, folks.
When you hear carbon tax, oh, let's ban the light bulbs.
See, that sounds reasonable, but it's once they've set that precedent, folks, it's total feudalism, micromanagement of your life under new environmental laws.
Absolutely incredible.
Now, Daniel, where and when did Barroso say that?
Because I'm going to get that.
Well, he actually said it.
I got it off the BBC the first day.
I don't have the date right now, but he said it a few months ago at the unveiling of the latest
Thank you so much for coming on.
Daniel, I have one final thing.
Okay, well stay there.
Stay there because we've got to come back to you.
Just a quick break if you want to finish up.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Daniel, finish up your point, my friend.
Just a couple of points before I go.
Bilderberg is not a conspiracy.
I think it's very, very important that people understand that.
They exist, they meet, and then what they decide is executed on the world stage annually.
And as most of the things that are actually decided are very, very short term, because there is no long term, I think we can actually see the things that I say, the things that Jim Tucker says, things that you do.
People can, we don't need to go 800 years into the future.
These are short, three, six, one year decisions, one year into the future decisions, and we can actually see just how right we are about the things that we say.
This is a world governing council.
This is the World Government Council run by the Europeans and the Americans, which is a NATO alliance.
Now, you said a few minutes ago, is there anything we can do?
Do we have a chance?
I think we do have a chance, but the thing is that these people are slightly ahead of us.
They started about 500 years ago, shortly after the Treaty of Florence was signed, which established the idea of nation-states.
So they've been at it for 500 years, and they know exactly what they want.
Now, the thing about us, the people who are trying to organize the resistance against what the Bill of Rights are trying to do, is that we're not as well organized, and needless to say, we don't have a purpose in mind.
They do.
Their idea is, not so much a one world government as a one world company.
That's their final objective.
Yeah, that's right.
A bunch of blocks owned and run by the same people.
Go ahead.
That's what George Ball said in 1968.
Ball was the sub-secretary of economic affairs of Johnson and Kennedy.
He said, how do we create a world company which will give orders to governments?
In other words, how do you create a Halliburton-type company which will supersede and empower every government on earth?
It's not up to God.
It's up to us to do something about this, and I think we can.
As long as we can stop watching American Idol and whatever else is out there, which has a lot to do with dumbing down of society and very little to do with the idea of freedom.
Daniel Esselstyn, I want to get you back up in the next few weeks as soon as your family problems are concluded.
God bless you, my friend, and thank you for your great work.
Thanks so much for having me.
What a great gentleman.
I wanted to play this clip, but we don't have time now.
You can go up to PrisonPlanet.com and watch the Newsday Austin piece about Rick Perry and the Bilderberg Group.
I mean, this is on local Texas news.
By the way, I'll admit, we called him up and said yesterday and said, you know, it's in the Dallas Morning News that he went to this.
By the way, it's illegal.
It's a violation of the Logan Act.
We have articles on PrisonPlanet.com about the Logan Act being violated.
That needs to be gotten out to people.
He could get in trouble for this.
Hillary got fined $300,000.
A few years ago for this stuff.
Okay, this is serious.
We've got news about Giuliani being heckled and booed by 9-11 members, family members.
That is important.
So he stops using their name, you know, to wrap them around himself.
Help us get that out.
We've got this huge article that Aaron Dyke stayed up until the middle of the night doing last night.
It's unbelievable.
Governor Perry summoned to Bilderberg.
While insider trading charges mount in related Texas buyout, we're talking about indictments, folks, with Bilderberg members involved in his handing over of the water systems, the biggest power plant grab ever, the roads, everything.
I mean, folks, this is happening.
I mean, this is going on right now.
This is huge stuff.
I just want to hurt them.
I want to expose them.
I want to get my fellow Americans, people of the world, my fellow Texans, to see what's happening.
That is all I want.
Please help us at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And I know my team works really hard, but we need to... I mean, look at this breaking news with what Tucker said last hour.
That's the stuff that's going to happen.
We need articles on that.
Help us listeners.
Write up your own articles about what we said.
Send them to Aaron at InfoWars.com.
JonesReport.com right now has the most reporting.
It's all up there right now on the site.
Just help us get this out.
All I want to do is expose these people.
All I want to do is stop these people.
That is what we're doing here, and they're evil.
They're bad.
We're exposing them.
It's starting to come out in the news.
We need to arrest all these people.
These are evil, evil, evil people.
They're destroying my country.
They're destroying my state.
They're destroying your nations, no matter where you live.
And they're playing us off against each other.
We have got to defeat them with God's help.
We have to at least put up a fight against them or they're going to run all over us.
So please, go get the video clips, get the materials, get the information.
It's all free on PrisonPlanet.com.
And yes, in closing, because Ron Paul's coming up, it is live.
We are Friday.
It is June 1st, 2007.
We're a year halfway through already.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.com and buy some of the books and videos.
That's how I pay for things.
That's how I'm able to hire more people.
That's how we're able to go on trips and go places and get you this information and bring it to you.
So please get PrisonPlanet.tv memberships or if you've let yours expire, get another membership or give it as a gift.
I want to thank those that have supported us.
Buy the books and videos from us.
Make copies of the videos I've made.
That is so important.
Get in there, and to everybody, the whole team, John Harmon up there at the network.
That guy's got the best attitude, can do, takes action.
Good job, John.
And I just love working with all of you and being in this historical fight.
We got good on our side.
They're the bad guys.
If we expose them, with God's help, we cannot lose.
Get to PrisonPlanet.com, get the articles, get them out there.
Unleash your power!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Way up north to Alaska, way up north to Alaska, north to Alaska, go north for Russia's home.
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Big Sam left Seattle in the year of nine.
Ladies and gentlemen, presidential candidate on the Republican Party ticket.
He is the true people's candidate.
A constitutional populist is the term I would use to best describe Dr. Paul, Veteran Ron Paul, Congressman Ron Paul, Grandfather Ron Paul, Husband Ron Paul, Patriot Ron Paul, who's got a perfect conservative voting record, literal founding father material.
He is a very humble man.
He doesn't like hearing that.
I know I cringe and people compliment me, but you know what?
He is the real McCoy.
I mean, people say he's in the mold of Barry Goldwater.
Frankly, I've looked at Barry Goldwater's voting record.
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1-800-RON-PAUL is the number to donate.
The Congressman joins us now for the rest of this hour, the next 25 minutes.
Congressman, thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you, Alex.
Good to be with you.
So much has happened.
Just out of the gates, what is most important to Congressman Ron Paul and presidential candidate Ron Paul?
Well, of course, the exciting thing is that the message has caught on.
I think one of the more interesting things about
Who's responding?
And it's the younger generation, which I think is good news for the country.
You know, it's the younger generation that is bearing the burden.
They're starting to recognize what we're dumping on them, whether it's the war in the Middle East, whether it's our foreign policy, whether it's an entitlement system we can't pay for, our financial system, the monetary system.
Young people are starting to wake up.
Besides, they like their privacy, which is delightful.
So I never dreamed that the young people would respond
Thank you for having me.
I gotta bring this up because I've probably gotten, I don't know, 500, 600, I don't know, emails, 50 calls on air.
All I know is it's a lot.
Oh, we gotta protect him.
They're gonna Bobby Kennedy him.
Ask him how we support him.
Do we donate for bodyguards?
And I go, I don't want to get the congressman on and bring something like this up.
I go, he's a smart guy.
You know, he knows there's a risk.
You know, in everything you do, but obviously the new old order does not smile on people in the past who are actually making a run at their throat.
I think if you do win the nomination, let's be honest, I think you are going to be in danger sir.
They would like you to address that.
Well, I think that's real.
I think we're at a point right now where they're still hoping I will go away, but the fact that they've started to attack me means that we are annoying them to say the least.
But I'm still working on the assumption that my automobile may well be a lot more dangerous than me being attacked.
But like you say, if we get a little bit closer to really achieving success in the political sense, then I think there's reason to be concerned and to be alert.
Well, they went after George Washington.
They went after Andrew Jackson.
They've gone after a lot of people that are patriots.
And George Wallace, who wasn't exactly in our camp, but he sort of resented the establishment, and they finally did something with him, too.
Yeah, and look at the big kingfish.
Look at Mr. Long.
Mm-hmm, that's right.
They'll do it.
So there's a lot at stake.
You know, if we shake up the establishment,
What is at stake for us is our freedom.
What is at stake for them is the money and the control and the power and the monetary system.
So this is high stakes.
So yes, they will be very determined, but I think right now they're going to just
Try to ridicule and to, you know, make me a fringe candidate.
That's their approach.
Coming into the debate, I know you've been pretty public about your strategy, liberty, freedom, less government, constitutional principles.
In the next debate, I talked to Aaron Russo.
He told me he talked to you.
Obviously, you probably, I've seen your campaign already attacking Giuliani.
I mean, that is the smart thing.
You don't need our advice, but what about going after him about the dust?
I'm good.
Giuliani on saying he's a hero of 9-11 as he did last time with you when in major polls and articles the firefighters and police unanimously pretty much ate his guts.
Well the likelihood of me initiating that in a debate where time is so limited and that takes a little bit of explanation, I'm not likely to.
The fact that he made a charge which was unbelievable that he had never heard
Yeah, I think so.
I don't know.
Unless it lends itself.
If I'm asked a question, obviously I can take advantage of the opportunity.
Well, if I was a betting man, I would guess he'll wrap himself in 9-11 again and bring up what a hero he is.
He said he was a victim, which he wasn't last time.
Just amazing stuff.
I'm just saying, if he brings that up and says, hey, why are they all mad at you for covering up the dust?
You knew about that.
I think that's a winner.
I think you're right.
I have to be ready to use it if the opportunity presents.
Obviously, Dr. Paul, I defer to your knowledge.
You've been up on the Hill for many years and you've experienced all this.
You know ten times with half your brain tied behind your back that I do about strategy.
What are you planning to bring up in the debate that's coming up next week?
You know, if I have an opportunity to direct this discussion, I would probably follow this line of thinking.
You know, I've made the case for the more arguments against our foreign policy, and the politics of it, how bad it is for us as Republicans, and how unconstitutional it is.
But I'm going to start talking more about, to sort of needle away at the conservatives, how this is not conservative.
We don't even have any money.
We borrow every penny to fight this war from the Chinese.
The Chinese can bring us to our knees because of our monetary system and our trade policies, and yet nobody says anything.
And the conservatives call this a conservative philosophy?
At the same time, they're running up these huge deficits.
I'm going to put the burden back on our Republican leadership for not being exactly what they say they are, and trying to make the point
That instead of making me the strange Republican, I think I'm a mainstream Republican.
I still believe in balanced budgets.
I think they're radicals.
I think they're radical in their foreign policy.
I think they're radical in endorsing the Democratic proposals for entitlements.
They're radical when it comes to taxes and entitlements.
I need to run up these deficits and continue this fraud that exists in the Federal Reserve System to keep printing money to pay the bills, which literally wipes out the middle class.
So I'm going to emphasize the economics of this war, since we have talked about the other conditions that have given us trouble.
The dollar is continuing its unbelievable plunge.
And then I saw Bloomberg as the Mexicans are panicking because the peso is surging up the charts, gaining on the dollar.
This has never before happened.
And maybe that is a reflection of what they see coming with the North American Union.
Maybe they're betting they're going to be successful.
And you know, this immigration bill is pushing that bill along too, this whole idea of the North American Union.
And if they're going to combine our currencies, that means that you would be betting on the peso gaining against the dollar.
You know, it's a guessing game, too, because none of the currencies are anything other than paper currency, so there's a lot of political guesswork being done, and yet, I hope I'm wrong on that assessment, but it well could be some speculators thinking that they're going to be pushing us into this North American Union, which obviously we have to continue to fight.
Well, when the peso starts running up against the dollar, we know... There's something wrong.
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong.
Talking about the economy, I mean, now even Alan Greenspan is saying serious recession coming, which is what you've been saying for a few years.
And you said a few years ago you saw that happening in the next three to five years.
Do you still give us that prognosis, Doctor?
Yeah, I think so.
And, you know, the evidence today is there.
Our growth in the economy is .6% annualized, and those figures are always fudged to make it look better than it really is.
But there's an interesting statistic that shows that we're actually in negative growth because our population grows at 1.5%, so if you want even growth, you know, just holding our own, you have to grow at 1.5%, and yet we're at .6%.
So we're in negative growth right now in real terms.
Well, doesn't the federal government also cook and fix a lot of the economic indices and datum that they add into the whole inflation and growth scales?
Yeah, I don't really believe any of them and I don't know.
Who puts them all together and whether they sleep well at night, but I don't really trust him.
I think this website that John Williams has out is very good.
He keeps tabs on real growth and money supply.
He's the one that put this M3 money supply together, and he also talks about the PPI and CPI in real terms.
If you just use the old
You know, we have an inflation rate of 7, 8, 9 percent, you know.
So, what happens is, it's sort of like the money supply.
They don't want us to know.
They cancel it or change it, and they do that with these other statistics, too.
But that's why I think people are much more disgruntled than the government statistics would indicate.
You know, everything is wonderful, according to government reports.
At the same time, you know the people and what they're complaining about, and they're not all that happy.
They know that their liberties are being undertaken and removed at the same time their economic conditions are getting worse.
Congressman, last year the Defense Authorization Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, moved us much closer to
The president controlling the governors in emergencies, even environmental, then of course, and of course you've written about this, but for the listeners, recapping, we saw the Military Commissions Act, which all the top law professors looked at and said, yes, they strip citizens of citizenship and then can secretly use torture in a court of law.
Uh, in one of these kangaroo courts against you.
Now, with Presidential Decision Directive 51, Bush, quote, gave the presidency, I don't know how the president does that, the new power to circumvent Congress during, quote, environmental emergencies or any emergencies he sees fit.
In the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, they use the term during insurrection or rebellion.
So please speak to the overall dictatorship that you've talked about that now is being set up and then can you expand on that too?
Is the elite doing this so they can bankrupt the economy and fully suck us dry or are they doing it because they've drunkenly overspent and now they can't control it and they're afraid of when it implodes people are going to riot.
Can you speak to that?
I think my first guess would be that they're preparing for bad conditions, and they know what we know, although they deny it and wouldn't say it, and they expect turmoil.
And, you know, when the entitlement system breaks down, there's going to be a lot of chaos.
And I think they also know that the Chinese could bring us to our knees if they desire to, and they could destroy the dollar, and there's going to be a lot of unhappy people.
So, in some ways, the executive branch always overextends, but the Congress is derelict, because when they passed that change in the Insurrection Act, in the DOD budget,
They literally said it would be okay, so it has become law now with this recent executive order.
He's just putting it down in black and white, in concrete, and he's telling us exactly how they can do it, and yet nobody seems to care.
Is that a public... I had a reporter here yesterday, and he said, is that hyperbole, Mr. Jones?
He said, I heard you say this is an open declaration of dictatorial powers.
I mean, that's what it is.
Yeah, but they don't say that.
They just say that they can take over the function, but it is military dictatorship, is what it is.
It's authority, and it doesn't have to go through the Congress.
But for those in Congress, I mean, for those of us that study this and are into this and are informed, it is an open declaration.
Well, yeah, even though I'm just saying they don't use those precise words, but in reality it is, you know, and they have this authority.
But it's been incremental.
This seems to be a big burst of energy to solidify the power in the executive branch.
And I guess we can't look into the minds and souls of everyone that's doing this, whether they say, oh, I love dictatorship, I want it, or whether they're just preparing for rough times and sincerely believe this is the way to do it.
Well, that's what concerns me, sir, is that, you know, we saw preparations 20, 30 years ago, but it was
It was very small, it was emasculated, it wasn't robust.
Now, everything they do is clearly being done to set up classical police state, you know, frontline oppression that you've warned so much about.
And now they pass John Warner Defense Authorization Act, which openly says for insurrection and to dominate the public.
They pass the Military Commissions Act.
They do this.
I mean, do you think they're getting ready to try it?
Well, it's hard to say, but they are prepared.
And you know, this whole idea of getting rid of habeas corpus means that
You know, if they need this type, or they're going to use this type of power, I mean, they're not going to want to be handicapped by all of us going before a judge and forcing them to explain why they're holding us.
Now they can hold an American citizen without habeas corpus.
That, to me, is one of the most atrocious changes in our law recently.
That and the change in our foreign policy where we start preemptive wars.
These two things, one international, one domestic, is a real threat to us.
Is that not what Hitler and Stalin did?
I mean, that's what Napoleon did.
When you start saying there's no habeas corpus, you're guilty until proven innocent, and I'm going to preemptively attack whoever I want, I mean, what is that called, sir?
Well, it is.
It's tyrannical.
For them to succeed, though, they're going to have to really attack the Second Amendment because that is the ultimate test of whether the American people will stand up to this abuse.
So we'll have to wait and see if there's any extra
As a matter of fact, there are some gun laws being prepared now as a consequence of this recent school episode, so they are going to make some more attempt.
But still, the American people are armed, and we still have access to radio talk shows, and we still have the internet, so our voices can be heard, and I think that's a lot about what this campaign is about.
Congressman, is it fair to say that the Republic is in the fight of its life, literally for its very existence?
Well, I think so.
I think it's been going on a long time, but it seems to be coming to a head.
And that's why, you know, what we do now is crucial.
That's also the reason I'm encouraged that our information is getting out better than ever before, and the young people are waking up, and that's great.
Congressman, the Logan Act, the cover of the Dallas Morning News, Texas Governor Rick Perry to attend Bilderberg meeting, and they say it's super secret, and that he's flown over there to meet.
Yeah, well, that sure is a sign that he's very much involved in the international conspiracy.
And, of course, he's been the promoter of the highway.
But wasn't it pretty neat how the people in Texas spoke out and the legislature also all of a sudden, you know, backed away and put a moratorium on that?
That means that people do have a voice.
But this information about him going over there and violating, if that becomes the case, the Logan Act and getting involved, I'm just very impressed that that's in the ordinary media.
So that's, to me, I think that's encouraging, too.
So go ahead and ask another one, but I gotta go.
Okay, Congressman, stay there just one moment.
We've got you scheduled at the bottom of the hour.
If we're unable to, that's fine.
I need to speak to you for one moment off air.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul.
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Alright, we had Ron Paul penciled in for 30 minutes, but we got him for 20.
They were talking to the other radio show he was about to go on during that break.
I did get a chance to get the question in to him, should there be an investigation under the Logan Act of Rick Perry going to the Bilderberg Group meeting, and he said yes, that he would call for an investigation.
By that, he wasn't saying, I'm calling for one, because he had to go.
He was saying, yes, I'm for an investigation under the Logan Act on this.
So there you have it.
Congressman Ron Paul is saying this should be investigated under a violation of the Logan Act, because you can read it in clear black and white.
See, I thought I had another five minutes with him, so I was going to get into the New World Order conspiracy, the New World Order program, this entire system.
But we did not get that question in.
I should have gotten the big question out up front.
But it didn't matter.
We got the Marshall Law information discussed and we got other key areas brought forward there with Congressman Ron Paul.
Absolutely amazing!
We've got Luke Rudowsky coming up and we've got a new second confrontation that he had with
Rudolph Giuliani, about 9-11.
The first one was with Sabrina Rivera.
Before I end this hour, my friends, I do want to encourage all of you
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're talking about mainstream media, from the nightly news to human events, reporting on
The fact that President Bush has just publicly announced he's a dictator before there was a cloak.
It was shrouded somewhat.
But now all pretenses have been abandoned.
And with the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, with the Military Commissions Act, with Patriot Acts 1 and 1.5.
With all that we have seen, it is clear that they are
At the bare minimum, considering open martial law.
Now, we're in martial law.
The mechanisms have been laid.
When CPS is grabbing children coast-to-coast without a judge, a jury, without due process, when police are openly on the street talking about framing people, when the government says, we don't care if it violates the law, we're just by fiat legalizing all the illegals and telling the police departments not to arrest them.
All the lawlessness that you've seen.
I mean, there's just so many examples by the government.
Well, they say it's not lawlessness because it is directives, it is policies of the state police that are chartered federally under federal funds and chartered under the War Powers Act of 33.
I'm sorry state police around the country, if you didn't know your history, let me just give it to you now.
All of this, but you see, they're now getting ready to exercise it and to have Bush announce
With the military funding and are now in place and NORTHCOM set up, Homeland Security set up before 9-11.
That's now even been on ABC Nightly News that it was set up before 9-11.
Then they announced it after 9-11.
And now martial law has been set up, but now they're announcing it.
Hey, the governors, you have no authority, the president runs everything.
Congress, you have no authority.
Now understand, we're supposed to have co-equal branches of government.
Legislative, executive, and judicial.
The President has literally crossed the Rubicon, as Caesar did when he brought his troops across that river, which violated the Roman Senate because they knew if a leader brought in his troops, Rome knew to not trust the military.
That's what overthrew all these other weaker nations.
Militaries were always running coups and crowning themselves king this, king that.
That's all Caesar means is king, emperor.
And so you weren't allowed to bring your troops over.
And sure enough, he brought them over, made himself dictator, and that was the beginning of the end of Rome.
Well, Caesar didn't cross the Rubicon here.
A group of private merchants and bankers took over in 1913, set up martial law in 33, set up shadow government in 47, and have expanded their power ever since, and are now just ready to go for broke.
Get rid of, you know, even their puppet government.
Get rid of the facade!
They're just, get that facade out of here!
Just get rid of it!
And they carried out the attacks of Oklahoma City and 9-11, 7-7, to scare everybody into going along with this, to acclimate you to it.
They had a thousand different TV programs, different episodes of every show you can imagine.
Torture, secret arrest, police, martial law, getting you acclimated.
And I don't know if they're going to do it, but they certainly are, certainly have spent trillions of dollars setting it up, and certainly are now announcing it.
Just letting Congress know, hey, by the way, you now are useless.
You now do nothing.
It's the first American empire openly announced.
I mean, Bush may go give a speech someday after an attack.
Newt goes off in L.A., Newt goes off in Chicago or Dallas.
Those are prime targets.
The CFRs brag, criminals love to brag about what they're going to hit.
Denver, Cleveland, Dallas, L.A., New York.
And he'll go in there and he'll give the speech, ladies and gentlemen.
And every CIA analyst, everybody in the government is going to know who did it.
But they'll fall down on their knees in front of him.
And all the evil we've seen is just going to pale in insignificance.
So I'm glad everybody now knows that we're under martial law.
Okay, where it's not coming, we're in martial law.
Bush is a dictator.
Now the question is, is he going to act like one?
Is he going to use the powers?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You talk about a war room, during the break I just learned some unbelievable information, but I can't talk about it on air.
So I'll find out more during the next break and uh... find out what I can say, I'll just put it to you that way.
But amazing.
And yes, the person listening that just told me, don't worry I won't say anything.
Ah, it's crazy.
We've got Professor Stephen E. Jones waiting in the wings with the new
Controlled demolition information he has.
The new white paper he's put out.
It's incredible.
And this is just news that the debunkers are running the other direction away from.
And that was the challenge we put out yesterday on PrisonPlanet.com as we challenged the debunkers to try to debunk this.
Just in closing, in the third hour, I'm going to talk more about this.
The headline from Global Research, New Presidential Directive Gives Bush Dictatorial Power, National Security Homeland Security Presidential Directive Establishes National Continuity Policy.
WorldNet Daily Headline, Bush Grants Presidency Extraordinary Powers, Order for Emergency Apparently Gives Authority Without Congressional Oversight.
And you can go to the whitehouse.gov and just read it.
Just type Presidential Directive 51 into Google, you'll be on the White House website.
And read it.
It's in no uncertain terms.
And it dovetails with everything else they've been doing.
And they're not setting this up for no reason.
This is very serious.
And now I'm glad that people are talking about it in grocery store lines, that I'm getting phone calls, you know, cluing me in on the new development.
It is not a new development.
It is simply the announcement
By that, I mean, it's not a new development in the architecture of martial law.
It is a new development, though, that they are announcing.
That is a big new development.
And it just goes on.
It makes the National Continuity Coordinator under President Bush the most powerful person in the federal government.
In fact, it makes it like a legate.
Now, the term legate was the emperor would have one or two generally old, trusted men
Who had been in power for 30-40 years, who could speak for the Emperors, so they could be sent to different corners of the Empire.
And then a General would have a Legate, a Centurion would have a Legate, but you had Imperial Legates, and you had Caesar level Legates, Senatorial Legates, and that's all this is, is it sets up an Imperial Legate,
Who can then give legate power under the Emperor's direction.
And when I use terms like that, uh, Bush is the first Emperor of the United States.
That would be a nice headline.
But it's not a joke, you see.
I'm not saying have a headline like that because it's a joke.
Ron Paul, the last four or five times he's been on, by the way, he's on next Tuesday.
We got his campaign director on tomorrow, has said, we're in martial law, we're in tyranny, and Bush could become a dictator, they could put us in camps.
He said those exact words on the show, and then my writers are so restrained that they've written headlines that just say, Ron Paul warns of martial law.
So I'm done talking about that for now.
He's on vacation.
I didn't know that when he agreed to come on, so I'm sorry to, uh, when he's out on some family trip, twist his arm, but it's such big news.
I mean, it's huge!
And there it is, hidden in plain view, right in front of everybody, that, uh, the government blew up the towers and firebombed them, and, uh, just, I want to make this clear.
First off, he saw the airline, aircraft, government, NASA photographs.
I think?
Are just off the chart.
I mean, we're talking 500 plus degrees hotter than jet fuel even can burn.
You got people standing in the wounds of the buildings.
They're not burning, but giant four-foot-round columns all snap off and aerosolize.
But right before they snap off and the explosions start, you see founts, gouts of molten metal
Burning, pouring out at the same light intensity and the same fluorescence and the same type of ejections of smoke, the signature of steel being melted in a thermate reaction.
Then they get all these different samples and then samples from ground zero victims and it's little perfectly spherical and some not perfectly spherical globulins of frozen metal.
You're going frozen.
It's not cold.
Steel freezes at another temperature, folks.
Not what water.
We tend to think in that term.
But it's frozen.
A piece of steel is frozen.
It's in its frozen form.
And it's got the elements in it, the exact signatures.
And when you see the video presentation we've got up on PrisonPlanet.tv, it's in the article that Paul wrote yesterday.
And by the way, Paul did weeks of research on the physicist's own research.
Uh, just so we would, you know, do a proper job on the article.
It was that important and it's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now in the News in Focus section.
This is information that the debunkers are running from.
And so joining us is Professor Stephen Jones.
Thank you for joining us, sir.
I'm glad to be here again, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, my friend.
I've tried to put it in a nutshell, but can you, as the doctor, as the physicist, can you condense down just in a maybe five-minute statement exactly how you got into this, what you discovered, and then the research every time is confirmed.
I mean, this is like a classical Sherlock Holmes deal, where it just keeps spinning.
Yeah, it is.
It just keeps rolling in, and now we're using state-of-the-art equipment, electron microscopy with electron microprobe.
And as I tell people when I talk about this, this will be on the exam.
So, you know, it's called EDS.
And energy dispersive spectroscopy.
You do a much better, actually Alex, you and Paul's article, Paul Watson there in Prison Planet, very well written.
But let me just see if I can then get at the results with this state-of-the-art equipment.
So now we're looking at these spheres.
I think I mentioned in my talk that I first saw spheres just, well several months ago now,
By the naked eye, there's some of these spheres you can see.
They're about sixteenth of an inch in diameter.
And then there's a lot more, though, as you go smaller, which you look at with the electron microscope.
And then probe to look at the elements inside these spheres.
So the very fact that these are iron rich, I mean, you know, 50-75% iron, already tells you that there was a very high temperature reaction.
Something high temperature because, as you mentioned, iron melts at high temperature in steel, mostly iron.
But iron melts at around 2800 Fahrenheit.
1500 centigrade.
You just can't get anywhere near those temperatures with ordinary fires, that is, burning church at fuel, type of kerosene, or wood, paper, whatever you have in your office there.
Not going to reach anywhere near the temperatures to
I think?
Hardens, it freezes, solidifies very quickly as it goes through the air.
And yeah, we're looking at these.
I found one today actually, it's on the electron microscope.
Well, I was looking over the shoulder of the guy who runs it and we found a hollow sphere that had cracked open so we can actually look inside one of these spheres that was hollow.
And I'm puzzling over just what that means to have a hollow sphere now.
But this sphere is only about, well, 50 microns, 70 microns across.
I'm looking at the photo here.
This is very tiny.
You couldn't see that with the naked eye.
Well, maybe just barely.
A little speck.
Well, the bottom line here is that you have temperatures way in excess of what these type of low-burning fires could do.
And we also visually see that the fires are almost out.
We have the audio of the firefighters, who are experts, saying that small fires can be knocked down by two teams.
And then suddenly these buildings
Turned to dust and you've got founts of metal spraying out.
I mean, this is ridiculous!
This is in your face, and then now you've got all these samples, and then you show the chain of custody on this.
I mean, it's unbelievable!
I mean, this is something the debunkers don't want to touch, is it?
That's correct.
And look, we have another dust sample that we looked at yesterday from the World Trade Center.
It also shows the iron-rich spheres.
One thing I need to emphasize,
Alex, as we talked about these little spheres in the dust, is that this is not just steel.
These spheres show high aluminum and sulfur content.
And so, that you wouldn't have in steel.
I mean, we're talking, the spheres we're looking at this morning... That's the signature of the accelerant in the thermate, and you've done the side-by-side thermate versus these spheres, and ladies and gentlemen, on these graphs, I mean, with metals, because I've researched this now and looked at it, they're always different.
These things fit like, like, like, like jaws of a Tyrannosaurus together.
I mean, they're exactly the same!
This is unbelievable!
Right, right.
Aluminum, sulfur, iron is the signature for thermate.
We've looked at the spheres made by thermate independently.
I did some experiments.
When thermate goes off, you get the flow and you get the sparks, which turn into spheres when you collect them, which I did.
They show the same signature, Alex.
That's the point.
I just don't know how the debunkers are going to get around this.
I don't know how jet fuel causes giant steel columns to fount and spark and spray molten metal everywhere.
I'm really going to need to figure that out because again, or the wood-burning stoves I know about, I don't know how they're not founting and exploding too.
Uh, because, you know, Mr. Gibson on Fox is still... still melts in fire now.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
By the way, I'm going to clear up some rumors right now because I just got another call during the break about it.
You are not going to see the Loose Change guys on The View tomorrow.
And people are calling me up saying, oh, because they put out a press release and you talked about it.
That's why it's canceled.
As of yesterday, it's still on your TiVo.
It's in your TV guide that Loose Change is going to be on there.
Okay, they called him, they told him, they put out a press release, ABC News put out a press release last Wednesday.
Okay, ABC News, abc.go.something.
In fact, I'm going to post it, that's it.
I'm going to post the ABC press release on jonesreport.com.
I'm going to have him post it in the next ten minutes.
We'll just put it up there without any comments, their press release.
I mean, that's not right to the guys that ABC announces it so that they've been being quiet about it.
And we believe one of the producers there leaked that so that there would be neocon heat and complaints, so it would get cancelled.
And that indeed is what happened.
But, I mean, I'm getting calls here, you know, and other Genesis hosts are going around saying bad stuff about the loose change guys.
It's just wrong.
That's why I don't particularly like some of those individuals.
It's just so annoying.
Let's stay focused on fighting the New World Order.
So there's a bunch of ninnying people who are salivating over getting on The View and basically they're just mad that it's not them or it's not William Rodriguez getting on.
They're just mad that it's William and the loose change guys that are scheduled.
It was ABC, they put out the press release, and they've backed it off, and I don't know what's going on.
Well, I do know what's going on, I'm not going to lie.
But I'm not going to talk about it, I'm just going to leave it alone, and I'm not going to worry about it.
Because we're getting the word out regardless.
We're winning the fight.
Professor Jones, I'm sorry for having you hold during that.
It's just, I don't like something said about my friends that isn't true.
Of course, you've been contacted by him, too.
I didn't ask you during the last break when you're going on, but I don't want to know, let's just leave it at that.
And see what happens, Professor Jones.
Getting back to the thermite, sir, what do we do with this evidence?
I mean, you've got it, you've written a new paper, it's out there, what do we do?
Okay, well let me put this in a little bit of historical perspective.
This truth about 9-11, Alex, is big, and it's, I believe, unstoppable at this point.
There is so much data now, not just the thermite, but also the collapse of Building 7 and
And the put options.
I mean, we could go through the list.
But there's so many evidences now.
And of course, all the things going along with it.
As you mentioned, this NAU and what were you, I see you were talking about the martial law thing going on.
It's just amazing, appalling at the same time.
But it fits together as people start connecting the dots.
It can't be stopped.
And I was thinking this morning about Galileo.
He was part of a revolution in his day, which led to the Renaissance, by the way.
So, you know, it pulled people out of the Dark Ages, really, to get a new viewpoint and to realize the truth.
I'm actually kind of excited about that as I think about the historical parallels, the opportunities we have here to contribute to this truth effort.
Through his telescope, he pointed it at Jupiter, and he saw moons going around Jupiter.
Of course, at that time, everything was supposed to revolve around the Earth.
The Earth was the center of the universe.
Talk about an egocentric point of view, I guess, but that was the view in that day.
We now recognize that as a popular myth.
It wasn't true at all.
You know, it was widely accepted, just as the myth about 9-11 is widely accepted worldwide today, and yet it's breaking down, just as the Earth-centered view broke down in Galileo's day.
And what broke it down was observations such as he made, science.
And so he got out his telescope and he reported that, you know, look, these moons are going around Jupiter, they're not going around the Earth.
Furthermore, the Earth
It makes, if you look at all the data, it makes sense.
The earth is going around the sun, not vice versa.
And of course, the authorities in his day didn't like his bringing out these facts and they threatened him.
You know, they threatened him with torture.
He was shown what it would be like.
Well, they said we're going to kill you and then they still put him on house arrest.
They still put him on house arrest.
He did verbally recant, and that is to say, he said, OK, I'm not going to fight this battle right now.
But as he left the trial there, he said, nevertheless, it does move.
That is, the Earth is really moving, not stationary at the center of things.
Sure there, let's talk more about Galileo, because to know the current times and the future, one only need understand the past.
It is literally a time machine forward.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, talking to Professor Stephen E. Jones, a doctor of physics, and he is one of the leading physicists in the world.
He doesn't like to toot his horn, but if you pull up, you know, the major scientific journals, he's been published in the biggest in the world.
He's made major discoveries, multiple major discoveries that were announced, you know, back in the 80s and the 90s on the nightly news.
I mean, he's a top scientist.
And he wasn't told he was going to be killed, at least not by the government directly.
He wasn't sent away to be locked in his house, but he did, you know, get shown the door and told to move on, basically early retirement, for daring to say that the Earth is not the center of the universe, or for daring saying that, you know, basically I guess that the Pope isn't infallible.
And we're going to go back to him in just a moment.
I hope you will visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
On PrisonPlanet.com, in the News and Focus section, it's got yesterday's news.
And 9-1-1 debunkers hide from slam-dunk evidence of controlled demolition.
We put this out yesterday.
Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site proves thermate, proves collapse of Twin Towers, was an act of deliberate arson.
This is big news!
And it's not going to be big news unless you get out there and push it.
Unless you go get this article, and IM it, and email it, and dig it.
They did make Dig's front page, but then Dig itself censored it and did take it down.
We've learned how to track that.
Google Video, by the way, did pull Loose Change and Order of Death off.
We did track that it had enough views to stay in the top 100, both of them.
Order of Death hit number one two days ago.
Normally, when you hit that, it stays there.
They knocked us out again and cheated, because they weren't watching, and it got up to number one, and they took it out.
Yeah, it's just so sick.
But it doesn't matter, because the truth will out in the end.
And you cannot stop the New World Order from you emailing this article and Professor Stephen E. Jones' new expanded paper with all this new added material that we link to in the story.
You cannot be stopped from getting the Order of Death film on DVD, our leader's bizarre activities and belief systems, very dark,
Now, in that film, that was number one on Google.
You can buy the DVD at Infowars.com and have it in high quality and support us.
You can get Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terror.
There are only a few hundred of these left, and when they're gone, they're gone, because the second edition, by the way, has the new Thermate Spheres info in it, I would add.
That'll be out in July, late July, but I'm sending a signed card with every one of these that goes out.
Until they're gone.
There'll still be some left at Amazon, but that's almost sold out, too.
Those are not signed.
So you can get TerrorStorm First Edition at Amazon.com before it sells out, or InfoWars.com.
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3-1-3-9, and there's another little side note, for those that are, for some reason, 9-11 community, some of the people, Professor Jones has been lashed out in the past too, some of the very same crowd has been claiming that the Loose Change guys got everything cancelled by going on my show last Friday and talking about how they were going on The View.
We had them on two days after ABC News had a press release and announced it on The View.
It's in your TV guide right now if they're still coming on tomorrow.
That is not the case.
And William was going to be on with them.
William Rodriguez, one of the heroes of 9-11.
The last guy to get out alive.
But... Who knows if they're going to be on?
I mean, the word is I've got... You know what?
I'll make an announcement in the middle of the next hour.
I've got to make sure what I can talk about here.
Because it gets... I know a lot of stuff would be big headlines, but it's not just about making headlines here.
It's about...
My God, if ABC announces they're coming on next week, I'm guessing I'm not going to talk about it.
Because I'm evil if I do.
Really, it was about people in the Non-Living Truth Movement jealous that the guys, the men that made this film and Willie were going to be going on air.
That's really what it was all about.
But I'm already digressing.
Just, I wish we weren't like this.
And I wish that we honored great filmmakers and great scientists like Professor Jones.
And I know we do.
But we just need to keep our eyes on the prize and move forward and know we don't even need the view, folks.
We don't need the mainstream anymore.
We are growing exponentially.
And in closing, before I go back to Professor Jones, I appreciate joining us.
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Let's go to our guest, who, again, I'm really honored he's taking time out on his vacation to join us.
Please continue with Galileo.
Where do you see 9-11 Truth going?
Again, just in layman's terms, sir, how big this scientific, now peer-reviewed, with other scientists with you looking at it, chain of custody control, multiple samples, I mean, I just, I'm not trying to hype this, folks, this is huge!
Please continue.
Yeah, I agree.
You know, along with these other evidence, evidences that we've pulled together, Alex, through the years, yourself included, of course, we just have an overwhelming
I'm very excited about the iron-rich spheres in the World Trade Center desk because they carry this message, you know, this is how a very high temperature is required to form me.
Look at me, see what I'm carrying, more information, and there's the sulfur and the aluminum and the iron in there.
And in a number of them, we also see potassium and manganese in large quantities.
I mean, where'd that come from, all this potassium?
Now explain, that's an unbelievable signature.
It is.
And by the way, with other molten steel, other molten alloys, you're never finding these stuff together.
That's right.
I mean, this is off the charts.
This fits exactly with the thermate test you've done.
It does exactly.
I've also melted steel.
We have a small sample of World Trade Center steel that was sent to us from some folks.
Maybe I won't say where, but I do right on the air because I have to get their permission.
But to be public, you do have chain of custody with photos and everything from the lady.
Briefly explain that.
It's a different... The steel... Let me just finish that thought.
So we melted some steel then with an oxy-acetylene torch and you do get sparks which form into spheres and these now are steel spheres because they're produced from the steel melted.
We compare those with the
Particles found in the dust and we find
The overwhelming majority of the particles in the dust do not look like steel spheres at all because they have this high aluminum and sulfur content along with the iron, which is the signature on the other hand for thermite.
So again, I want to emphasize that what we're seeing is not melted steel in the dust.
There will be some of those and we have found, I think, one out of now dozens of spheres that we've looked at.
That one that looks like steel.
You expect that because the thermite cuts through steel, so you're going to get some melted steel in there as well.
But predominantly it is not the melted steel, it's the residue that matches the chemical signature from thermate.
So, you know, I'm sorry that science, well, it's not so complicated really when you think about it.
You cut through steel with a chemical reaction, you're going to get mostly the chemical reactants.
And it's not like looking at thermate as some new thing.
It's the first thing they look at with arson, because arson is love.
Arsonists do it for pleasure.
Because they're pyromaniacs or whatever it's called.
I mean, just doing a Google search on thermate and arson, all the time they go buy it, they mix it, and they love to go burn it, and they love the explosive power of it, and so they always test steel in buildings that have been burned for this, but they didn't on this event, did they?
No, and that's a good point, Alex, that the termite is spelled out in the
Fire code for investigations, NFPA 921, if you Google on that and then search for thermite, you'll find it's in there.
They're supposed to look for high-temperature accelerants.
In particular, thermite is specifically mentioned, along with magnesium.
You see those are two that are used.
But thermite, you can buy on eBay.
I mean, I'm sorry that it's so easily available, but it's a well-known reaction.
It's been used for over 100 years for good.
And it can also, of course, like most things, be used for evil as well, arson.
And that's what we're saying, is that now we have looked for these residues, and now that the secret's out, Alex, I'm hopeful that other scientists, I know of one group, I probably won't mention which university, but there is another university now looking at the spheres and the dust, and so we just have some
Preliminary results.
But the point is, they will want to publish, we will want to publish in the scientific, the larger journals.
I will say that our Journal of 9-11 Studies has just taken off since January.
I was looking at the numbers.
I point people to that because if they want the, shall we say, the meat of this, the science, the rationale for
These studies and these announcements, you go to the journal of 911studies.com.
That's where my latest paper is on these microspheres.
I talk about those there.
Anyway, we've had 43 papers just so far this year.
Last year we had 16 papers.
We started the journal last June.
16 papers last year and so far we've already had 43.
Give that website out again.
For some reason, InfoWars is linked to Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice.
Is that a good one to link to?
Well, yeah, but then they linked, and that is a good one, and they linked to the journal.
But the journal is quite independent.
No, I know your journal.
I guess my webmaster got that wrong.
I'll get a link up on InfoWars changed over to that.
Give that address out again for people.
Journal of 9-1-1 Studies.
And it's just all one word there.
And I believe in the article we wrote about your findings that we do have a link in that one that's up on presentplanet.com.
Going back to Galileo.
Just, I mean, not even too many years after he died, it did, you know, came out and people said, yes, the earth orbits the sun and the sun, you know, is orbiting, you know, around a larger, you know, galaxy.
All this came out.
And he was vindicated, and people don't remember the kooks and the folks that were wrong back then that tried to persecute him and other scientists.
They remember Galileo, and I would imagine you take some heart in that, not that this is about being remembered, but that knowing that the enemies of truth, they're going to be in the dustbin of history, and those of us that did take the bold stand, we're going to be on the winning side, even if it's long after we're dead, but I don't think we're going to have to wait that long on this, because the dam is breaking.
That's right.
You know, truth has that way, and we see it historically, Alex, that dictatorships often try to repress the truth because it threatens them.
But as the truth comes out, then people are freer.
Last time we had the Renaissance, and it just occurred to me as we've been chatting about this that, you know, if we can get the
Not if we can.
As we get the truth out, because it's invincible, you see, historically.
It comes out.
People keep, they want the truth, they want freedom, and it comes out.
Those two go together.
So, I'm hopeful that, the question is timing, of course.
What kind of difficulties do we have to go through?
Do we have an Inquisition type thing, like they had back, you know, Dark Ages, to repress the truth and freedom?
Or can we get through that
Faster this time and get on to a renaissance.
Look, this New World Order, as you mentioned, the powers that be, as people wake up to this, they must be terrified by the truth and by the concept of a renaissance that would clean the slate.
But that gives me hope!
I agree.
It gives me incredible hope.
I think it's very profound what you're saying.
We're on the same page here.
This whole police state apparatchik they're trying to put into place is an attempt to head off a new hyper-renaissance.
They've got to have ignorance and degradation.
Fox News though, almost every day now,
says that fire does melt steel and that small fires can melt it.
And they just stated this fact.
I mean, that's like stating that crocodiles fly.
I mean, it's just... No, it's ridiculous.
But, you know, I think they're getting desperate to say such things.
Well, how dumb do they think their audience is?
I don't know.
I mean, you know, I guess they try to dumb down the
The audience and so on but you know as the evidence builds and the facts it's just it's going to be unstoppable and I think there is hope of a we had to come up with a name for this now a second renaissance or a it may take several years to get there and there'll be difficulties I'm sure as we get as we break through but it I'm confident that it will come I'm not
I'm not worried about that at all.
I think there's a great light at the end of the tunnel here that we can press towards.
Well, there's the old saying that people don't even appreciate their freedom until somebody tries to take it away.
And the tighter they squeeze, the more resistance they're going to form.
I mean, people thought I was like a three-headed space alien ten years ago talking like this, and now, I mean, almost everybody I talk to knows there's a problem, and mainstream news says that the president is now a dictator.
Can you believe that he openly signed a presidential decision directive saying he's a dictator?
I saw that.
And it's amazing how blatant they're getting, frankly, on this.
And the NAUSPP, you know, that's been hidden, and they've worked toward it, but now it's coming out.
If we can just get people galvanized to work towards eliminating these steps that they're taking and then I think we can break through and clean the slate here and get some
Well, not having a choice is a big motivator.
We don't have a choice.
It is a big motivator, Alex.
Listen, great talking to you.
Hey, I want to thank you so much for coming on and spending time with us.
And when we get back, I'm going to plug where people can go and get your latest paper.
And we'll talk to you soon.
Thanks for all the research.
Let me speak to you one minute off air, and we'll talk to you again in the future.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes of The View.
We can't tell you about a lot of it.
But William Rodriguez is going to pop in here in just a moment to try to fill us in.
I mean, obviously it's no secret now that he talks to Rosie, he's friends with her, he's met with her.
We've written an article about that.
And he was scheduled with a loose change crew to be on tomorrow.
That is not happening.
Though it's still on the main website of The View and on ABC television site.
And somehow I got accused of being the one that put this out.
It's not the case.
This was out days before we reported on it.
I know there's folks in 9-11 Truth that want to find some chink in my armor to claim I did something bad, but you've got to look for something else.
Frankly, there's plenty, too, if you knew where to look.
Nobody's perfect.
Let's go back to Professor Jones.
I'm going to let you go, sir.
I know you're on vacation, but tell us again about your new paper, where we can read it, on the Journal of 9-11 Studies.
Okay, thanks, Alex.
I would like to encourage people to look at... David Ray Griffin has a paper there this month, May, and I do, and you'll find papers by Kevin Ryan and
Others that, you know, these are solid efforts at scientific truth and scholarship.
So the journal is simply journalof911studies.com and that'll get you right into that.
Nearly 60 papers now by scholars there, professors and engineers.
And by the way, people hear scientific paper, they think boring.
This is riveting stuff to get in there and look at the studies, look at the photos, look at the videos, look at all the exhibits, and really know the science, not just take our word for it.
Please, go read his paper, which is, you know, thanks to the internet, full of clips and audio and diagrams and scans.
Yeah, I appreciate that Alex.
We're trying to do that on the journal.
Since it's an electronic journal, we're able to bring in photos and clips.
William Rodriguez wants to say hi before you leave.
Let's bring him in.
William, say hi to Professor Jones.
Oh my God, what a beautiful opportunity to say hello to my great friend, Professor Jones.
It's great to talk to you, William.
Great to hear your voice.
You are so good, thank you.
We did a presentation, we met in Irwin, California.
Yeah, we did.
A month ago.
And it was such an experience, and him and his wife are just such a bunch of beautiful people.
I mean, I love them both.
Well, thank you.
I love you too, brother.
You know, we get, there's a camaraderie in the 9-11 Truth effort that is so important.
And, you know, we love Alex, too.
You may remember that at the time that we did the presentation in California, you told me that you were going to have this experiment working out and basically you were going to put yourself in Communicado for several months because you were going to be so involved in doing all the tests.
We're good.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Let me add to that that the important thing about the work from Professor Jones, you know, I've been accused and basically words have been put in my mouth many times by debunkers and everybody else that I have said about, you know, basically explosives in the building.
I never said that.
I am not an expert in explosives and that's where the professor and his studies and his
You said you heard explosions before the plane hit.
I mean, that's just... Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, that's right.
And now we have the hard physical evidence to go along with it.
It's the work of physicists like Professor Jones that have come forward to validate some of that information.
Not me, because I'm just a simple janitor on the World Trade Center.
You're a great hero.
Well, listen, we've got to end this segment.
We're going to come back with William Rodriguez.
We've got to say bye to Professor Jones now, because he's got to go.
Professor Jones, thanks for coming on with us.
Thanks, Alex.
God bless.
We'll be right back.
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