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Name: 20070516_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 16, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
As much as I love Congressman Ron Paul and his valiant push to become president,
I was heavy into video editing last night in one room on my film Endgame that I've got to get done by September so we can get off to the manufacturers so we can have it for you by October.
Endgame that exposes the globalist master plan to exterminate the majority of the population.
But we had it on in the other room, and Aaron Dykes was in there taking notes to write an article that he did post last night, or I should say this morning, at about 2 a.m.
up on JonesReport.com.
But I couldn't control myself with the introduction and the full debate and the final comments after it, close to two hours long.
I did end up watching about 45 minutes of it off and on.
30 minutes of it at one time.
It kind of kept me from work.
Yesterday and then I off and on watched another 15 minutes.
Since then, this morning, I watched the highlights that I hadn't seen.
So I've seen most of the debate.
I had Greg Pallas coming on today, a BBC, ABC News reporter, exposing a lot of key issues.
But I'm rescheduling him because I'm going to give you the callers the full three hours to call in as we analyze this debate, as we play news clips.
I know that I sat there for 30 minutes and I said, well I'll just stop for a minute and I'll just wait until I get to see Ron Paul speak and then I'll go back to business.
I waited 30 minutes and Ron Paul finally, they finally got around to him.
Giuliani spoke three times in that 30 minutes.
I know Giuliani got more time than Ron Paul and basically everybody else for that matter.
And I got up this morning and sure enough, articles have been written saying that Giuliani clearly got more time.
We are going to, I don't really have a big staff, I wish listeners would do this, we could do it quicker.
I know the whole debate's online.
Will several of you get a stopwatch and time that out and just tally out, you know, just write down the ten names and then stopwatch how long each person gets and then add it together?
And I'll bet you that Giuliani probably got at least four or five minutes more than anybody else because everybody else was getting one little comment and then Giuliani got to go three times in the 30 minutes that I watched before they went to Ron Paul.
I also noticed they would ask the question and Giuliani was ready for them and would look down instantly and read off a note.
He had been given the questions beforehand.
There is no doubt of that.
And again, this is just what I watched I picked up on this.
Then, I said I watched about 45 minutes total of the debate, 30 minutes at one sitting.
I then basically caved in and got no work done by about 10.30 and just ended up watching an hour and a half of coverage.
It was so cartoonish.
It was so over-the-top.
I mean, this is like if they made a Hollywood movie about a future global Soviet and what propaganda news would be like.
Everyone was attacking Ron Paul.
Everyone was attacking him.
Almost every candidate they'd interview was attacking him.
The left, the right were attacking him.
The head of GOPAC was saying he doesn't care what the people want.
He didn't care if Ron Paul was winning the poll.
That was at about 11 o'clock at night with 30% of the vote.
But the Republican Party didn't want him, and so he needed to be thrown out as a candidate.
They were all scared, though.
They were all completely terrified.
Ron Paul was extremely emboldened.
I've never seen him, you know, basically oozing confidence and euphoria, but you could see that when they were interviewing him.
Oh, they also, I noticed, and I saw three or four of the other post-debate interviews, they gave him the shortest amount of time, caught him red-handed in that.
I saw that.
And then they would ask him a question about how he was saying America deserved it, and then said, oh, you can't answer, we're cutting you, just to leave that question hanging out there.
It was just off the charts.
Off the charts is the only word that could be described.
We're going to go through all of it.
We saw a staged event last night, a completely staged event.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Fox News is the traitorous, treacherous White House.
Carl Cameron's wife, of course, works in the White House.
We've seen the famous footage of him during the 2000 election interviewing Bush behind the scenes about how they go shopping and golfing together.
He's up there saying Ron Paul's the evil traitor and everybody hates him when he's winning the polls and tries to basically spin all that.
They've got Brit Hume, the guy that goes golfing with the President, goes to private dinners with the President up there.
But Fox News itself really is a Pentagon front.
You've got Roger Ailes, the head of Fox, with Zia Dinn, formerly of the Justice Department, who wrote the
Patriot Act on its Board of Directors.
You've got Ailes and Rupert Murdoch meeting weekly for the last four years.
Just broke two years ago secretly with Hillary.
They're doing campaign finance for her, raising money and giving her strategy.
And we've seen them attack Obama on Fox and others to position Hillary.
They are pure scum!
They again will attack the Clintons in due season when it has no effect while in the real season supporting the establishment candidates to ensure
That someone like Giuliani, who was definitely their little darling last night, but he ended up getting a paltry, what, 12% by the end of it?
McCain had like 5%.
Mitt Romney, when the poll closed, had 28%.
Ron Paul at 26%.
But literally, ladies and gentlemen, I was here when the poll closed, and Ron Paul was still winning at 28%.
So after it closed, just like Fox called the election for Bush back in 2000,
Well, no one else did, but everyone deferred to the Defense Department News Channel.
I mean, if anything's Defense Department, ladies and gentlemen, it's Fox.
By the way, CNN's been admitted since 2000 to have Army Psychological Warfare, over 150 officers in it full-time.
I mean, this is not even hidden.
Every time I talk about it, I get emails from people going, yeah, I was in that base, or I was in CNN.
I can tell you all about it, but we ought to respond to those people who are just so busy.
We do read the emails, but it's been in the Washington Post, reporting it like it's no big deal that troops run it.
I remember Gordon Vidal was on CNN one time.
He said, I want to come in CNN this time.
It's the first time I've been on here in the last few years.
There hasn't been some full-bird colonel in a suit giving everyone orders and telling me what I can and can't say.
I mean, that's what's going on, folks.
Full-bird colonels and PSYOPs stomping around.
And psych warfare experts with 170, 190 IQs.
And they're right in teleprompters, they're skewing and all, but because the jig is up, because people know it's a projection, it's like once you see a mirage at a distance, it looks like a lake, it looks like a pond, but once you get up closer, oh my gosh, it was just water vapor, I see.
How was I ever fooled by that?
It was such a spectacle.
I really think this is going to backfire on them.
George Norrie last night was saying he likes Ron Paul because of the clear-staged event.
I mean, that brought him over to Ron Paul.
Everybody I know in the left and the right on the grassroots likes Ron Paul.
Seventy-five percent in Gallup polls are against the war.
Ron Paul has all the popular positions.
He's winning all the debates.
Again, he was winning for the two hours until they closed it and magically lost by two points, but he is second place in a field of 10.
He won all the other polls.
Fox wouldn't have any other polls other than this one because they didn't want to show over and over again that he was winning.
But in other polls conducted by other groups, Ron Paul won handily.
He won by 94% the MSNBC poll in a 10-way race. 94%!
And the entire thing, and I'm going to give you a chance to respond to this, for the full three hours, we also have six different clips from the debates.
We're going to be playing one on torture first, here in just a moment.
I want to commend Erin Dykes, she was up here until about four in the morning last night.
He's not here now.
He's, I'm sure, sleeping well as ever, but he got all these clips up on JonesReport.com.
If you go there, there's one article he wrote that's got the most clips of any place I've seen.
He even took time to upload them all last night to YouTube.
And there's also massive coverage on PrisonPlanet.com.
Fox News rigs entire debate to savagely attack Ron Paul.
Texas congressman targeted by Giuliani had the incomes as pre-screened audience applauses torture and waterboarding as well as warmongering Fox limits post-election polls to three hours and no internet voting yet Paul still successful.
In a sickening display of cronyism and as a consequence
Of the sheer terror elicited amongst the establishment after his previous success, Fox News rigged last night's entire presidential debate in an act of desperate abandon, I would add, in a crass effort to smear Ron Paul.
Yet, the Texas congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll.
And he was clearly the darling.
It went on and on.
The sickening softballs.
Just over and over again.
Oh, I want to add something.
Oh, I want to respond to that.
Again, we're going to time this out.
Didn't have time last night.
I was watching it, though.
Everybody else has written about it.
But we've got to time it.
And I'm asking you to time it.
And then send in your results.
We'll double check them.
Aaron just actually just popped in.
Just came to the window.
I guess he's back.
Once you get addicted to this stuff, I guess you just stop sleeping.
But to make a long story short, Aaron says he's timing it out.
You need to time it out too, folks.
Don't believe us.
Time it for yourself.
Because I guarantee you, folks, I saw it.
And I mean, Giuliani, just his ugly snake head, that guy looks like a demon elf.
That Lord of the Sith continued to pop up the entire time.
And I'd be walking back from the bathroom, I'd be walking to get some paper, I'd be walking back into the main office to get something, to get a drink of water, and, uh, there he is, just constantly.
I mean, I'll take a wild conservative stab, I bet he got four minutes more than everybody.
I mean, it went on and on and on.
That little sniveling worm.
And after everything he did to the police and firemen and emergency workers, and after he covered up the dust and clearly involved in the attacks, to watch him always wrap himself in the mantle of it, he is such a sick freak.
If you thought the MSNBC debate was somewhat unfair towards Ron Paul, then this was an absolute debacle.
Oh yeah, MSNBC was just glowing professionalism, and it was horrible, of course, and twisted and spit everywhere.
Uh... but uh... this is just... it's in all... this is all in a whole other galaxy.
But again, it's so cartoonish, but targeting the low-grade morons who are on Prozac and, you know, fourteen other drugs and sitting there just waiting to die that watch Fox News, I guess it works on them.
It's just the sophomoric reassurance.
The audience for the debate was clearly pre-screened and pre-selected to include
Only geriatric 75-year-olds plus Fox News viewers who are scared of their own shadow.
How else can the bizarre applause for warmongering and torture, which polls show are both clearly opposed by the majority of Americans, be explained?
Well, they keep claiming that Bush and Cheney's town hall meetings, and then even cabinet official meetings, are open to the public.
And then it turned out that literally hundreds of these in the last six years, they take your driver's license, they make a Xerox copy of it, a photocopy, they have you sign a pledge
If you don't believe me, just Google it.
It's been literally hundreds of articles.
Most of them are saying it's good, though.
You sign a pledge saying you support the President and you aren't going to heckle.
And then also, people in the parking lot have anti-Bush stickers.
That's then run.
They're out there videotaping that live time to a computer, loading it into a watch list.
When you go through, they then arrest you, trying to get in, saying, you're a liar, you have an anti-Bush sticker.
So, of course, this is going to be a Pentagon run-off, just like those town halls are, that they show people regionally and say, oh look, the Vice President takes questions from the people.
And if you happen to sneak in and didn't have a bumper sticker, or they didn't have your political views in their database, in their threatrix, in their matrix, threat matrix, database, just coin a new term, your threatrix.
My new Ebonics here on the radio, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean to see it!
The spectacle of running man level stage game shows.
But they can't not have Ron Paul in because Ron Paul's supporters, the majority of Americans, have bowled their way to the four and it would be even that more obvious if they didn't.
So they thought they'd drown him out by putting Brown back in.
I mean, did you see Brownback and others?
They look like cartoon characters, literally.
They were like that fake corporate, how you doing?
Good, alright.
I think that's great.
Alright, a bunch of them.
That fake corporate schtick I've seen a million times.
How you doing?
Well, let me tell you, you know, talking to us like that,
Just off the charts when most of them are probably thinking about their leather gimp suits they want to get into when they get back home.
The audience for the debate was clearly pre-screened and pre-selected to include only mainly geriatric 75-year-olds plus Fox News viewers who are scared of their own shadow.
How else can the bizarre applause for warmongering and torture, which polls show are both clearly imposed by the majority of the American people, be explained?
And it goes on.
Guantanamo Bay is uniformly abhorred, even to the point where George W. Bush himself said he wanted to close it down.
And yet, Romney is clapped a huge round of applause for saying he would like it to be doubled.
Are these audience members robots, or did Fox News dub the audio to include the applause?
Remember at that baseball game when Bush Sr.
got booed?
They had like a 20 second delay on it?
And they faded that down and ran applause over it?
Remember that?
I got caught two years ago doing that?
Oh, absolutely.
That probably was added too.
But all you've got to do is script the audience and it doesn't matter.
Julie Donnie clearly endorsed torture and the mindless drones in attendance rapaciously lapped it up.
Fox News manufactured a fictitious scenario to rig the debate.
The notion that terrorists are about to detonate a nuclear bomb and only torture can lead to its discovery.
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The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
Welcome back.
We're going to go to your calls right now and I'm going to go through the debate, break it down.
We've literally got
More than six different clips, I've now been told, we're going to be playing, analyzing the open induction of the American people into darkness, the public endorsing of torture.
But it didn't matter.
It was steadily rebuked.
Ron Paul got second place.
We have screenshots up until the close of debate with him heartily winning.
Magically, when they closed the poll, things suddenly magically changed to where he got second place.
Maybe that's really the case, but the point is, out of ten people running,
And his views are not only constitutional, they're extremely popular with the American people.
But the news here isn't just Ron Paul.
The news is this dog and pony show that blew up in their face big time.
I mean, we're getting hundreds of emails.
It's all over talk radio.
I heard it being discussed this morning.
People calling into mainline stations saying, you know, that was staged.
We're angry.
They were giving Giuliani too much time.
They're showing everyone who and what they are.
I'm telling you folks, only Ron Paul can defeat Hillary Clinton.
None of these other Republican candidates can win because the Republican Party is extremely unpopular with its own base and the Democrats as well.
Ron Paul is popular and has huge grassroots support in both parties.
He is the only candidate that can beat Hillary and he's a godsend.
Now, we are honored today.
I'm sure he's upset by Ron Paul's great showing last night.
He hasn't called in months.
We are honored to have Troy from West Virginia.
Calling in, Troy.
You didn't call in first, but I know you probably disagree, so you go to the head of the line.
Troy, it is always interesting to have you with us.
How you doing?
Doing pretty good, sir.
You're as crazy as ever, aren't you?
Well, why am I crazy?
You think that Fox News rigged the debate to attack Ron Paul?
Fox News doesn't care about Ron Paul.
Fox News doesn't care about you people.
You people are a joke.
Next to nobody knows who Ron Paul is.
You won't get but 2-4% of the vote.
Accept it.
Keep going, brother.
Tell us who you are.
Troy from West Virginia.
No, I mean, let us know what's in your heart.
Go ahead.
I just told you Ron Paul has no chance of winning anything.
Well I was on hold with you.
I asked six people I worked with, have you ever heard of the name Rudy Giuliani?
And of course all six said yes.
Have you ever heard of the name Ron Paul?
Who's that?
Don't you understand us dumb sheeple out here across the country?
Us sheeple?
Nobody knows who Ron Paul is!
He ain't gonna win nothing and the man made a fool of himself last night.
He made an absolute fool of himself and I commend Rudy Giuliani for speaking up after Paul made that disgusting comment about
You know, he insinuated that it was our fault that we got attacked because we have our police... Hey, did you know Giuliani not only has made hundreds of millions off his anti-terror firm now, but he... I don't care what he's made!
Let me add something.
He's also the lawyer for Centra, the Spanish company taken over the roads in Texas.
I doubt that.
You don't know what you're talking about half the time.
Oh, really?
Let me write a note on that.
Just for you, we're going to post...
Up on PrisonPlanet.com today.
Yeah, but the America-hating stoners over in England are going to write some goofy column that nobody cares about.
No, no, no, that's been in the Texas newspapers.
By the way, the Watson Brothers... The stoners in England... They don't smoke marijuana.
America-hating stoners in England, who cares?
No, back when I was... They live in some cheap apartment, nobody cares about them.
Yeah, the average person doesn't have any power, huh?
No, they don't.
People like you sure as heck don't.
We don't, huh?
You're a freak!
You're a... You're a... You're a... Can we tell you why you're a freak?
It's so hard not to listen to you because you say some of the most craziest things I have to listen.
Yesterday, you said...
You said the same people that planted the explosives in the World Trade Centers are the same people that are threatening Luke Rudkowski.
Do you have any idea how insane you are?
Do you have any idea?
What I said is the people threatening him not to go protest at Silverstein properties could be connected or could, yes, have been involved in the attacks.
They could.
Quit lying, big boy.
Quit lying.
You ain't gonna fool this old feller.
What do you mean?
I know what I said on air.
I don't back off that statement.
I'll repeat it.
You just implied your intellectually dishonest.
You just implied that I was backing off and you just won some type of great maneuver with your pike.
Tell you what, stay there, Troy.
You grace us with your just amazing psyche.
And you really give us a window into what we face, ladies and gentlemen.
A serious fight for the Republic.
Tooth and nail, ladies and gentlemen.
While we cry for the country, he laughs.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
David J. Smith for Newswatch Magazine.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Wide open telephones today at 1-800-259-9231 with your take on the debate last night.
We're going to try to move quickly through your calls.
We're going to play a bunch of clips.
In the next two and a half hours that we've got left, the public endorsing of torture, you name it.
We're talking to Troy in West Virginia.
I hope he's still there gracing us with his...
Interesting mindset.
Troy, so do you endorse torture as they brought it forward last night and where nine of the ten candidates endorsed it and why Tom Tancredo said, yeah, where's Jack Bauer when I need him?
You know, mixing fantasy with reality as the controllers do.
Do you support that, Troy?
The hypothetical that they brought forward?
Yeah, absolutely.
One hundred percent.
One hundred percent?
Tell me what you do to them.
Tell me what you'd do to the suspect.
Waterboard him.
Um, I'd take a... Well... Let's see.
These people want to kill me.
They want to kill my wife and all my kids.
I'd probably take a hot iron to their eyeball, probably.
Is that... Is that fair?
Yeah, sounds, uh, sounds like, uh, well, something to... People... People want to kill me for no reason?
Yeah, absolutely.
Without a doubt.
Please continue.
You've got the floor, Troy.
I've answered the question.
And once that precedent is set, where do you stop torturing people?
Is it just in the nukes at a shopping mall?
Because that's what they used to brainwash our troops as far back as the 60s.
They ended up torturing children.
I don't believe in torturing people's children, but the people that want to kill me... I've never watched 24.
They would use those analogies and those situational ethics.
If there's nukes or anthrax about to be released at a shopping mall, and you've got the terrorist's child, would you torture them?
So they're already introducing this to the police minds.
This is a PSY-OPT, sir.
In reality, you're never going to have that actually happen.
So it's a situational ethic.
Once they've convinced you that torture is okay when there's a nuke or anthrax, then you see it can be used on a wider scale.
When you're a conservative Christian protester praying who won't get on the paddy wagon, they will do pain compliance.
We have video.
And they will take nunchucks and twist your arm till it breaks.
It's at the end of my film, Martial Law.
You can watch it free on Google.
It's in the extras.
Or you're, say, an anti-war demonstrator.
You're laying down on the sidewalk.
You won't get up.
They taser you for upwards of 15 minutes, over 75 taser shots.
But let me guess, you're going to say I'm a liar about that too?
I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if you just got everything all jumbled up again like you always do.
So will you go to Google and type in martial law extras and will you simply watch the first 15 minute segment on torture and you will see Christians, men and women, with nunchucks wrapped around their arms, the police breaking them and compound fractures and celebrating.
No problem.
No, I mean, this is serious business, sir.
Because you have to understand.
Now, I'm asking you a question.
Do you believe that Roger Ailes has not been advising Hillary on her campaign, or do you even know who he is?
And then I will expand out.
Do you believe Rupert Murdoch is now pushing global warming world tax with all of his major publications that's been announced by him and he is behind Hillary Clinton?
I don't know.
I don't care.
This conversation is probably going on a while.
Now hold on, Troy.
The Washington Post admitted that CNN has over 150 Army psychological warfare officers from the US Army alone stationed in CNN Center in Atlanta and CNN Center in New York.
Well, maybe in your mind they do.
No, World Net Daily even reported on that in 2000.
You just need to face the fact America is the greatest country in the world.
If you don't like it,
Well, hold on, Troy.
Bush and the Republicans, I've got the article today, are going to go ahead and try to vote on amnesty next week.
It could be as early as this week.
Total amnesty.
And that's the end of the country right there.
And we're in the North American Union.
They are using the roads to bind the three nations together and as a taxing moat.
Sir, that's admitted.
Do me a favor.
Do you think Judicial Watch is bad?
I don't know anything about Judicial Watch.
Well, you'd probably like them on certain issues, because they're trying to debunk Pentagon stuff on 9-11.
Yeah, as a missile, right?
Yeah, yeah.
But, I mean, did you... They got the four-year documents in January of this year, from September to last, where it's the official North American Union secret meeting in Banff, Canada,
And they're there and we have the minutes of it where they talk about setting up a regional carbon tax and they talk about not letting the public know they're setting up a North American Union and how they've got to keep it secret.
Yeah, they're doing this and that, but guess what?
It ain't ever coming to fruition.
Everything you say ain't ever coming to fruition.
Everything you say ain't ever coming to fruition.
Everything you say ain't ever coming to fruition.
Everything you say ain't ever coming to fruition.
Everything you say ain't ever coming to fruition.
Everything you say ain't ever coming to fruition.
Um, that Cho guy was a mind control drug that was a black op.
Okay, yeah, I've heard all your craziness.
I get a kick out of it.
There's massive evidence that it was.
Massive evidence, yeah, the government did it!
The government did it!
Hey Troy, I wanted to just find out if a listener was correct.
Is it, uh, because somebody in West Virginia who says they work with you sent me a video of someone they claimed was you beating up a fat guy in a ring.
I mean, somebody sent me a video clip of a guy in a ring in a kickboxing match beating up a fat guy.
Was that you?
Okay, good.
In fact, we had an argument a few months ago here at the office, and I said, no, that's not Troy.
But they were saying that it was you, the people in West Virginia.
I figured it was a prank.
I was just asking you.
I'm not going to show you it was a prank.
Troy, here's the confusing thing.
Do you believe in the First Amendment?
Freedom of speech?
To a certain extent.
I think you should be thrown out of the country.
That's what I think.
All you nut balls should be thrown out of the country.
380 years ago I had two different branches of my family on the Mayflower.
No one at Jamestown, though.
I don't care about 380 years ago.
I think they should throw your butt out of this country immediately.
My family on both sides were founders of Texas.
I should be thrown out, right?
Because I'm a traitor, right?
Um, yeah.
Yes you are, actually.
Yes you are.
Now, now, you've called many times and, you know, given the police code for murder.
Oh, man!
You're a... Oh, come on!
You're a freakin'... Oh, my God!
Hold on now.
You know what they do on the web?
They go, they go get all the actual threats you've made where you've said, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll come up and pop John Connor in the face.
I'll see you there, buddy.
You're gonna get your butt kicked.
But you'll run to the cops.
They're gonna get all those clips and they're gonna put it together with you just saying, I'm nuts and made that up.
Have you seen yourself on YouTube?
Have I seen myself?
Have you seen yourself or seen myself?
How they take you contradicting yourself and threatening and then saying you don't threaten and how they put it all together on YouTube.
Have I threatened you?
You said that I'll see you there at Ground Zero and you'll probably run to the cops to help you.
You said are you going to beat me up and I said possibly.
Yeah, there you go!
No, no, that was three calls ago.
Before that, you even made clearer ones.
No, I didn't.
There you go lying again.
Why do you have to lie?
I'm not lying.
Why do you have to lie?
Did you call up, and did you tell John Connor, Mark Dice, a.k.a.
Mark Dice, did you tell him that if you're there saying that stuff on the street, that you're going to get slugged in the face by me?
No, I did not.
No, I did not.
Oh, what did you say, Troy?
I said to him, be careful who you say those things to, because if you say it to me, you're going to get punched in the face.
That's exactly what I just said.
No, you didn't!
Jesus Christ, no, you didn't!
Let's not take the Lord's name in vain, police officer.
No, you didn't!
You didn't say that!
I just said that you threatened to attack him.
30 seconds here.
Give me 30 seconds.
Mark Dice goes to college with the stupid kids, he calls them sheep or whatever, and they ignore him.
I challenge Mark Dice to go to a biker bar, do his goofy thing, and then call them sheeple and MTV watchin' punks.
And you tell me Mark Dice won't get punched in the face.
Because he's a coward.
He'll do that to stupid little college kids.
He won't do it to men.
Oh, sure.
That's the truth.
That is the truth.
So only... Tell him what it's like to go to a biker bar.
Oh, I know.
Keep saying biker bar.
Put him on hold for a minute.
So you're saying only men are at biker bars.
That's what you... You know, to me, I see a man who's working three jobs, taking care of his family, busting his butt, you know, out there painting his house because he didn't have money to hire a painter.
And let me tell you, I'll stack that man, who never shot his mouth off in his life, up against your bikers at a biker bar.
Let me tell you, you go in a biker bar and you tell people, and you mean it, that they start getting in your face about 9-11 not being an inside job, and you go ahead and you talk to them straight and they'll probably just ask you to leave.
You sit there and you shoot your mouth off is what you do.
And you're all into intimidation.
Everybody heard your double think right there that you just said.
You're a fat man.
Let me make myself clear.
Are you going to be in New York City?
I've already said that I'm going to be in New York City on 9-11.
I hope to be there, too.
Let me assure you, when you meet with me, you're not going to like me, but there will be no violence.
Totally non-violent.
Well, that's good.
I'll be there.
Set your mind at ease.
Set your mind at ease, sir.
Set your mind at ease.
My mind's at ease.
I wasn't going to go, Troy, until you put the challenge out.
I'll be there.
What hotel are you staying at?
Pardon me?
What hotel are you staying at?
Uh, no.
I'll probably set that up a few weeks before.
Well, hopefully I'll communicate to the same hotel.
And that's not a threat.
That's not a threat.
Oh, I know.
You understand that is not a threat.
Hey, Troy, we don't traffic like you do.
That doesn't intimidate me.
I love it.
No, you don't.
You're something else, man.
I was a little tired today because I worked so late, but now I've got energy all day long because I know who I'm fighting for, for my family.
Listen, you're going to live to be 75.
Your wife's going to live to be 75, and so are your children.
There's nobody out there to kill you.
Nobody cares about you.
Accept it already, you freak.
Well, I don't have a big view of myself, Troy, but frankly, how many visitors do you think PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com get?
Probably thousands a day by the freaks of the... Thousands, thousands, thousands a day.
I'm sure they do by the freaks.
The people listening to us right now are all freaks.
Troy, over a million a day.
How many?
Over a million a day.
A million?
Okay, probably.
Yeah, and it's growing exponentially because most people aren't weak-minded like you, Troy, and they know, and they hear you, and they know what we're facing, and they're going to take action to get the word out even more.
Look, nothing's going to change until the day you die at the age of 75.
You know, it's funny that you make jokes about Luke getting threatened.
Uh, it's funny.
And then you call up with your veiled threats at me.
Did I, did I veiledly threat you today?
I'm trying to make it very clear to you.
I'm not threatening you.
I'm not.
Oh, that's clear.
Whatever I tell you.
Where's your hotel?
And that's not a threat, but I will punch Mark Dice in the face, but I didn't say that.
I mean, come on, you're double.
Don't make it sound like it, I'm just like... Do you believe your own... More advice, if you show up, I'm gonna punch you.
That's not what I said to you.
Do you believe your own double think?
Listen, Troy, Troy, it's been fun, and it's nice talking to you.
I want you to routinely call in, please.
No problem.
It's always good to hear from you.
Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
He's basically saying Luke's making all this stuff up.
We have men on tape.
Commanding New York police officers who walk up and say, I'm going to say you have a bomb if you don't get out of here.
I know you don't have one, but you're going to get 30 days in the hole just the same.
And then they call police saying they think he has a bomb, a serious felony at the state and federal level.
And we listed all the New York felonies and the federal felony on that.
The Hoax Terror Report Act of 2003 that's federal.
We posted it all and it's on tape.
It's chilling.
It's chilling, ladies and gentlemen.
And, uh, Luke's, one of Luke's friends, his father was a 9-11 victim, firefighter who died, did mysteriously die.
Ladies and gentlemen, we call Luke on the phone now, because they do this when they want you to know, this is what it sounds like, doesn't matter if it's landline or cell.
And then, oh, excuse me, and you'll, you know, I've had that happen to me before.
Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be on the line, Mr. Jones.
You know, stuff like that.
His family's all getting threats.
You can tell it's gotten to him a little bit when you talk to him.
And then you got people off in complete la-la land, going, everything's good, everything's nice.
And I go, hey, they're tasering people.
They're breaking their arms.
They go in and say, give a urine sample in Miami, and the guy won't give it, so they taser him repeatedly while he's chained down.
You heard about the Texas Youth Commission?
You heard about 3,000 children missing in Florida they've stolen?
The Wall Street Journal's reported they're killing people every day who are paralyzed, neck down, begging for food.
I mean, they're talking, saying, please don't kill me, but the state is their wards, and so they kill them by dehydration.
But you're just going to say, no, there's no threat, everything's fine.
And then when your kid's sticking on nursing home, and you have that stroke when you're 72, Troy, or however old you'll be, and come the first week once, and then a month later, and then once a year, and you're dying in bed sores, and the state takes you as a ward, and you're sitting there begging, chained down, I want you to remember, God forbid that happened to you.
I've been there and opened the door at the hospital when a family has called us and the cop is choking a woman, telling her sign the document.
I've lived it.
I've seen it.
I've had my guts torn out.
I've gotten on my knees and sobbed a long time ago.
I've gone way past that to total commitment.
And you can't take someone who's authoritative.
You can't take someone who's got will, and someone who isn't going to live in a la-la land, and I know it freaks you out, and that giggling, that snickering, and that cackling makes me sick for you!
And it is true that you've got over half the public that doesn't know who the Vice President is.
80% in some major polls.
I mean, it's incredible.
It's true that over half of the people over 40 don't know what year 9-11 happened.
Gallup poll last year.
So yeah, about half the people have no idea.
And I'm sure your La La Land, Birds of a Feather Fly Together, they're at your car dealership where you work and everybody's feeling good.
Of course you don't know anything about politics, you don't know who Ron Paul is.
But thinkers in this country know all about him.
That's why he won the debate, the last two.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time, and the Mississippi River, she's a ghost drive.
The interest is up and the stock market's down, and you only get mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see A woman and the kids and the dogs and me I've got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive And a country boy can survive Country folks can survive
I can plow a field all day long.
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn.
We'll make our own whiskey and our own smoke too.
Ain't too many things these old boys can't do.
We'll grow good old tomatoes and homemade wine and the country boy can survive.
Welcome back!
Glad that you joined us.
Art, I apologize that we spent so much time with Troy.
Coming up in the next hour, I'm going to play a bunch of the clips.
Torture being endorsed, Ron Paul being savaged.
One of the other big issues is I saw the Republican Party head of GOPAC, the biggest Republican political action committee.
I forget his name.
I printed out an article.
He's a black fella.
Large black fella.
And he just was with pleasure.
He said, I don't care if he's won in the poll.
And I don't care if the people want him.
We got it on tape.
He said, the Republican Party doesn't want him.
He doesn't need to be in this party.
He needs to be out of this party.
And I mean it was just, there you go.
They don't want us folks.
They want the death of this country.
And they're going to get it if they're able to.
By the way, we've got horrible gun control news, horrible amnesty news.
It's got to be covered.
It's coming up.
Let's talk to DeWayne in New York.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, good afternoon Alex and thank you for taking my call today, sir.
Thanks for calling.
What's on your mind?
Well, okay, my best friend of mine has found and sent to me a very interesting MSNBC News video report piece about the future of biometrics.
Now, this video report I received that has been reported by Mr. Tom Costello of MSNBC News... Yeah, we've got it.
It says that everybody's going to have implantable chips soon.
Exactly, and with the report and stuff... I've got it in the queue.
We have time to play it in the third hour, but go ahead.
Well, I wanted to play it for you, it was just right here and stuff, but we're in this video report piece that propagandizes the health of the hospital industry.
No, I mean, every week there's a major TV show saying we all need to be forced to take chips.
It's the Christian thing to do.
I mean, we're living in a fruit land, and with the fruits running things, the inmates running the asylum, and folks like Troy think we're nuts because we're worried about FEMA camps, and he just says they don't exist.
Well, I could just tell Troy from Western Virginia that everything that you've talked about and reported in your previous documentary films is all true.
Listen, I wish to God every day I was wrong.
I try to prove myself wrong.
It's worse than I can say.
It's like we were reporting on the cops slamming this guy's face in the ground because he was protesting illegals, and now we have confirmed since last night, and indeed we're working on getting the people on.
They arrested anyone with signs, anyone protesting the illegals.
That's America, folks!
You see?
The illegal aliens can come here and do this, but citizens can't, and it was worse than what we first reported.
But you see Alex, it's all just part of the North American community that they just wish to build and stuff and add three of our continents together.
I agree.
Dwayne, did you watch the debates?
Yes, I did watch the debates, sir.
Stay there.
I want to get your take briefly in 45 seconds on the other side.
Just a quick take on it.
Then I'm going to go to Mark, Joe, Roger, and many others.
I will accelerate for your calls.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The battle for the Republic is joined.
Only Ron Paul has the right stuff and the potential to win the Republican nomination and defeat Hillary Clinton.
If anyone else wins, you're going to end up with Hillary Clinton, ladies and gentlemen.
Even Rush Limbaugh has stated that fact, and on that he's telling the truth.
Hillary is a shoe-in.
Only the dark horse, and by that, that's the political term for, you know, out of nowhere, the deus ex, only the deus ex of
Ron Paul.
That's the unseen hero that comes in the nick of time.
Literally the deucex.
Only Ron Paul can get enough liberal, libertarian, and real paleo-conservative votes.
He has appeal across the spectrum.
That's why he won
In the MSNBC poll, by 94%, he was winning by 30% in a 10-way race.
Many points ahead of everyone until the poll closed, and magically Mip Romney went above him by 2 percentage points.
He got second place in a 10-way run, and that was after 3 hours of them demonizing and bashing him after the debate closed.
That drove him down a little bit, and then Fox freaking out.
Look, he's winning!
He's winning!
Can you believe it?
So clearly, either they stole it poll-wise or by their electioneering, very skewed that happened.
I'm going to go over all of it.
Huge articles, the best analysis you're going to find anywhere at PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com and Infowars.com.
Aaron's done a great article and is adding to it right now titled, Ron Paul upsets controlled media debate as clear winner.
We'll get more into that also.
We're going to get into the Paul story.
Fox News rigs the entire debate.
Savagely attacks Ron Paul.
And, uh, you know, it's so hard to get through Ron Paul's people.
Last time he was on for an hour with us, he goes, told me during the break, he goes, listen, I've got all new staff because of federal election laws.
You have to change things up.
Uh, just tell them, you know, you have trouble getting, getting me on.
Tell them Ron Paul, you know, to tell them, you know, the Congressman says put him on.
But it doesn't matter.
It's all new people.
We've been calling for a week and, uh,
The head media guy goes, oh yeah, I'm a fan.
He's just so busy.
We'll get him on.
The head of the campaign goes, yeah, we know you are.
We know you're the biggest supporter.
We want to get him on, but you've just got to go through this person.
And we can't even get through the secretaries.
They're just, yeah, we know who you are.
So, but we're trying to get Ron Paul on for you, ladies and gentlemen, to give you his take on what happened in the debate, unfiltered, uncensored.
So, when you're calling them to support them and make a donation, tell them, hey, come on the Alex Jones Show.
Let the folks answering the phones know that.
I know how it is.
I mean, I have my own small organization.
It's hard to get through to me, and I'm not getting probably 100th the contacts Ron Paul is right now.
I don't even have time to go to the fundraiser I was officially invited to now here in Austin, but I hope you go to that this weekend coming up.
Jimmy Vaughn and Robin Vaughn are going to be out there.
Jimmy's going to be playing.
Great folks.
I'll be busy here in the cave editing here in the Batcave, but we do want to get Ron Paul on so we can get his angle out on what's happening.
We are taking his press releases from RonPaul2008.com and getting them up on PrisonPlanet.com.
I do want to support everybody and thank everybody out there that is supporting him.
When we get back, I'll let Dwayne finish up what he had to say, then I promise we're going to hurry through Mark, Joe, Roger, George, and others.
Calls, be ready, because I'm going to give you each about a minute and a half.
I want to talk about the debate.
I want to talk about what you saw in the debate.
Again, I've watched different clips of it.
I've analyzed it.
I watched part of it live.
There was so much evil that I was just writing notes the whole time.
It was all spin, all attacks from the pundits, the Fox News people, the other candidates.
They know who the enemy of the New World Order is.
They know who the champion of the people is.
They know who David is fighting Goliath on that field there.
They know it is Ron Paul.
That's why we've got to get behind him now, and you've got to get the stories off prisonplanet.com and jonesreport.com and 4Windit right now with the email, the Myspace, the message boards.
You think you've taken action before?
Redouble your effort!
This and a lot more, straight ahead!
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the next two hours we will play all these clips of Ron Paul and the attack dogs savaging him.
He still won the debate.
He was winning when they closed the poll out, and magically he was given second place.
He, hands down, won the last debate.
They were all attacking him, showing him again he is the champion.
The nine nothings, the nine people no one will remember, the nine people whose ancestors will despise them, all like a pack of hyenas going after the lion, Congressman Ron Paul.
Pathetic, weak, powdered, you know, oiled little slugs.
Alright, Dwayne in New York, finish up with what you thought of the debate.
Well, what I thought of the debate was, I've noticed from the last two, and this is the second round that happened, that the subject of the National ID Card and stuff, that when they started speaking and stuff, I noticed that they talked about the National ID Card and then they'll have to profile the illegals, which this is not just for the illegals, this is for everybody in
The country and stuff, as well as for the North American Union, that you'll have to have this card in order to cross across the three borders of our nation that the North American community and stuff reported on in their CFR documents, which are online and public.
But Ron Paul clearly just, you know, cleaned the clocks of these people and stuff like that.
And he just told the truth and he kept it honest and he just kept it basic and stuff.
And I think he did a pretty really good job and stuff, and I'm proud of him.
He did.
I appreciate your call.
That's a whole new level of deception in the MSNBC and now this Fox debate.
You're absolutely right.
What they do is, they go, we need the Real ID Act to stop the illegal aliens.
The banks don't ask for driver's license.
That's only for citizens.
They are exempt from it by bank policy and the federal government, Homeland Security, has reviewed it and said it's fine.
It's been going on for at least four years, but when it broke a few months ago, Homeland Security reviewed it and said it's fine.
But they sit up there and go, this is to stop illegals.
People go, oh, well then I'm for it.
And they all know that's not the case, and I did see that last night.
I saw that on the MSNBC debate.
So somebody like Troy from West Virginia sits there and watches that, and they just totally buy into it.
It all sounds reasonable.
I mean, these are professional liars!
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark.
Mark, where are you calling us from?
Yes, Mark, where are you calling us from?
Okay, go ahead, sir.
Okay, um, yeah, last night, uh, I thought I was watching a nightmare, Alex.
It was a complete callous disregard for tact, civility, professionalism.
Um, I can't believe Jimmy Irons got away with what he did.
Ron Paul should have been like, okay, you want to go in?
Let's debate, you know?
Um, I'll just bring up your record and bring up mine and I'll hold you to it.
Don't you agree?
It was just disgusting.
But Fox was panicking because they would demonize him.
Look at him.
Giuliani called him out.
And then there's Giuliani, you know, way down at 15 percent and Ron Paul up at 30.
Well, he was struggling.
He was doing terrible.
He knew that.
And he kept trying to slam the Democrats.
And the questions he was being asked, they were like, the moderator was like, hold on, I'm not even asking those questions.
And he was doing terrible.
So what he had to do, he had to cater to people's emotions and appeals.
About 9-11 and, you know, torture and all that.
And, um, appeal to the most baseless crowd out there.
And, uh, that was... I'm not really too much into conspiracies, but last night it's hard to think that wasn't completely staged.
Uh, every act of it was.
It was just, uh, it was appalling.
And I want to kind of, um, give you a suggestion and all your listeners.
Jam the phone lines of Rudy Giuliani's campaign office, his secretary, his, uh,
His father was a mob boss.
I don't doubt it.
Yeah, and people, a lot of people out there have that misperception of the government.
You know, they should give the government all kinds of power to do whatever they want in the war on terror.
They need to think what restrains the government.
It's a document that's just been literally spit upon anymore called the Constitution, and it limits the government and what they can do.
And much of what they've done in this whole war on terror has been
I'm kind of serious, and I truly believe it's nothing about foreign enemies.
It's not about the Muslims, because the Muslims are like the testing subjects, you know what I mean?
Next it'll be Christian conservatives.
I hear you, I appreciate it.
You know, reading, researching, and watching what's going on in this country, because I'll never watch, I'm ashamed to say I grew up a Republican.
I'll never watch them again.
I appreciate your call.
Well, it's both parties, that's the problem.
They own both the fighters and the match, all the horses and the races, they say.
And if we don't shatter that left-right paradigm, it's over, folks.
That's how they keep gaming us.
That's how they keep winning.
It's a rigged shooting match.
Now, for those of you out there that have told me you're not going to support Paul, you're going to support Tom Tancredo because he's anti-open border.
Tom Tancredo, who I've interviewed probably, it's probably been 15, 20 times, he really has changed in the last couple of years.
That Jack Bauer thing, he looked down.
He knew the torture question was coming.
He looks down at his notes and comes back with, where's Jack Bauer when you need him?
And everybody, oh yeah, because that's the pro-torture program on Fox.
Now here's an example of this.
Here's a great example of this.
They, just a few months ago, had a Homeland Security celebration on C-SPAN with Homeland Security thanking Jack Bauer and Fox in the Show 24 for giving moral authority to torture.
Now, the Nazis tortured people, but they did it underground at faraway camps.
They were secretive.
They didn't even keep records.
They knew it was bad.
The Soviets would torture you, but they kept it secret.
Only America
The last time this type of stuff went on was 600, you know, years ago, 700 years ago, 500 years ago during an Inquisition.
Spanish Inquisition, French Inquisition, before that the Byzantine.
And still it wasn't that public.
It was done in subterranean pits.
Not anymore, folks.
They are trying to sell you on evil.
Because if they can sell you on torturing people, it's over.
And they always use the analogy with the troops, and everybody else, and now the public, and the police.
Well, hey, they've got a nuke at a shopping mall, they're going to kill everybody.
They've got anthrax, they're going to kill everybody.
Would you torture their child?
The answer is yes.
Once you've made that moral decision, it's over, folks.
Once you start down that path.
Of course, there's never going to be the real case of... There might be a nuke go off sometime, and I assure you, it'll be Al-Qaeda, not Al-Qaeda.
Same thing, but we'll separate the two.
Verbally, there.
And, I mean, there may be a nuke, but you're not going to have somebody you can torture to find out about it.
Or, there might even be some anthrax.
You're not going to have the chance to torture them to find out.
And, of course, if it really was that case, that type of thing would come up and might even happen.
But the point is, you don't codify it into law and set it in stone.
It's a... it's a mind game.
This is brainwashing, folks.
This is how they twist your soul.
They just... oh, only in this case, but... I brought Troy from West Virginia.
Well, they torture pro-lifers, they torture anti-war people, they torture Christians, they torture everybody now, and they call it pain compliance.
Pressure compliance.
I mean, cops have been told it's okay to break arms.
Just break it.
Just tater somebody who's tied down until they answer questions.
This is in the news.
They put it out like it's normal.
But they know how to sell it.
Let's go ahead and get into this clip.
Audience applause as Giuliani, Giancredo, and Doris Waterboarding torch.
We'll play some of this, come back with the rest.
Here it is, Fox Pentagon broadcasting last night.
Welcome back to the Cogar Center for the Arts on the campus of the University of South Carolina.
The questions in this round will be premised on a fictional, but we think plausible, scenario involving terrorism and the response to it.
Here is the premise.
Three shopping centers near major U.S.
cities have been hit by suicide bombers.
Hundreds are dead, thousands injured.
A fourth attack has been averted when the attackers were captured off the Florida coast and taken to Guantanamo Bay, where they are being questioned.
intelligence believes that another, larger attack is planned and could come at any time.
First question to you, Senator McCain, how aggressively would you interrogate those being held at Guantanamo Bay?
If I knew for sure that they had that kind of information, I as the President of the United States would take that responsibility.
That is a me into one scenario.
But only I would take that responsibility.
The use of torture we could never gain.
As much we would gain from that torture as we lose in world opinion.
We do not torture people.
When I was in Vietnam, one of the things that sustained us as we underwent torture ourselves is the knowledge that if we had our positions reversed and we were the captors, we would not
impose that kind of treatment on them.
It's not about the terrorists.
It's about us.
It's about what kind of country we are.
And in fact, the more physical pain you inflict on someone, the more they're going to tell you what they think you want to know.
It's about us as a nation.
We have procedures for interrogation in the Army Field Manual.
Those, I think, would be adequate in 999,000 cases.
And I think that if we agree
To torture people, we will do ourselves great harm in the world.
Mayor Giuliani, the former Director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, the current head of the CIA, have both said that the most valuable intelligence tool they have had has been the information gained from what are called enhanced interrogation techniques, to include, presumably, waterboarding.
What is your view whether such techniques should be applied in a scenario like the one I described?
In the hypothetical that you gave me, which assumes that we know there's going to be another attack and these people know about it.
Back it up a little bit.
Enhanced interrogation techniques.
Supplicating somebody.
By the way, police coast-to-coast torture people.
They got the yogurt shop murdered.
People that say they did it, now they've been found not guilty, of course.
Turned out DNA showed it wasn't them.
We know it was government officials that did it, according to all the info we have.
It was the human sacrifices that took place here in Austin.
And, uh, it doesn't matter.
The cops took the gun out, put it right to their head, and said, I'm gonna kill you if you don't sign that.
They signed.
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This just in, mainstream news, a college student stood up like the Abu Ghraib, famous photo, put a bag over his head and a
Blanket over him, standing on a milk carton, milk crate.
Army recruiting office came out, they physically assaulted him, called the cops, cops watched it, then walked up after he'd been beaten, and arrested him saying it was a criminal act of disturbing the peace.
And you're going to see more and more of that, just like you saw with the illegal aliens.
The guy protested them, and now it turns out anyone protesting in Seattle was arrested.
Anyone who went out with a sign peaceably to say they were against open borders was arrested, and in many cases have their faces slammed in the concrete.
This is the new America!
All right!
Well, let's go ahead now.
Don't you go to the Army Recruiting Office and do that.
We're under Pentagon control now.
I'm not going to be put up with it, you understand?
I'm sure those officers that came up and just got back from Iraq, they probably support the whole thing.
They showed that enemy combatant that this is Abu Ghraib.
Let's go ahead now and go back to Giuliani with the torture situation.
George Tenet, the current head of the CIA, have both said that the most valuable intelligence tool they have had has been the information gained from what are called enhanced interrogation techniques to include, presumably, waterboarding.
What is your view whether such techniques should be applied in a scenario like the one I described?
In the hypothetical that you gave me, which assumes that we know there's going to be another attack and these people know about it, I would tell the people who had to do the interrogation to use
Every method they could think of.
Shouldn't be torture, but every method they can think of.
I would, and I would, well, I'd say every method they could think of, and I would support them in doing that.
See, he is presidential scumbag material.
It's double-think.
Everything is double-think.
Oh, I believe in the First Amendment, Alex, but you should be banned and thrown out of the country.
Oh, I'm not for torture, but I think any means necessary, including waterboarding.
Worst form of torture there is.
It elicits the panic response.
The death response.
Let's go back to it.
This is literally 1984, folks.
We're only inches away from myself and everybody else getting arrested who criticizes these monsters.
And at that point, we have to defend ourselves.
I mean, they have criminals working for them, folks, and they're not playing games.
Here it is.
Well, I'd say every method they could think of.
And I would support them in doing that because I've seen what
I see what can happen when you make a mistake about this, and I don't want to see another 3,000 people dead in New York or anyplace else.
Governor Romney, I'd like to draw your attention... Good pause.
That sounded fake.
Do you hear that?
It came up so strong real quick, it went right back down.
But maybe it's real, because it is, I'm sure, a vetted Fox News audience.
We can look at them and... Oh God, these poor people.
Just go back to it.
Yeah, first of all, let's make sure that we understand that the key in electing the next president is to find somebody who will make sure that that scenario doesn't ever happen.
And the key to that is prevention.
We've all spent a lot of time talking about what happens after the bomb goes off.
The real question is, how do you prevent the bomb from going off?
And that's what I've spent my time doing as a governor over the last four years and serving on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.
And that means intelligence and counter-terrorism.
Now we're going to have, you said the person's going to be in Guantanamo.
I'm glad they're in Guantanamo.
I don't want them on our soil.
I want them in Guantanamo where they don't get the access to lawyers they get when they're on our soil.
I don't want them in our prisons.
I want them there.
Yeah, God forbid you have to show that they're actually a terrorist or them have a trial.
We need dungeons where corrupt government can just grab whoever they want.
Yeah, that's a really good idea.
We need to double the amount of people at Guantanamo Bay.
Where they admittedly torture people to then confess to the Lindbergh baby and to blowing up the Hindenburg and to
Sinking the Lusitania and sinking the Titanic.
I mean, that's what those people did.
They just confessed everything.
You know, hundreds of crimes.
They confessed to bombing buildings that were built after they were arrested.
And it doesn't matter.
The government just says, yeah, it's all real.
Because you've got a public, on average, who literally doesn't even know what the three branches of government are.
Just continue with the travesty.
I don't want them in our prisons.
I want them there.
Some people have said we ought to close Guantanamo.
My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo.
We ought to make sure that the terrorists...
And there's no question but that in a setting like that, where you have the ticking bomb, that the President of the United States, not the CIA interrogator, the President of the United States has to make the call.
Enhanced interrogation techniques have to be used.
Not torture, but enhanced interrogation techniques.
By the way,
They're being very, very particular.
Notice he is on the Homeland Security boards and he knows this.
The President signs open orders to the Secretary of Defense and then down the whole chain of command to the doctors that do the torture.
The doctors.
Meet Dr. Mingala.
He's got some... Now you're going to tell us you're with Al Qaeda.
I mean, they admit that they tortured people's children?
That's been in our news.
Oh yes, he certainly confessed all the crimes after we tortured his seven and twelve-year-old sons.
We're the good guys, by the way.
I mean, this is so sick.
God help us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Look at your young men fighting.
Look at your women crying.
Look at your young men dying.
The way they've always done before.
Let's go.
Look at the hate we're breeding.
Look at the fear we're feeding.
Look at the lives we're leading.
The way we've always done before.
This is not a joke.
I first learned of this five years ago in Oregon, where they CPS children at birth or try to force abortions.
This is London Guardian, the biggest paper in Europe.
Unborn babies targeted in crackdown on criminality.
That is their headline.
Blair launches policy imported from the US to intervene during pregnancy to head off anti-social behavior.
It includes
Serotonin reuptake inhibiting drugs in utero.
You see, somebody like Troy in West Virginia doesn't even know what in utero means.
We have entered the ninth circle of hell, ladies and gentlemen, and we have just entered, by the way.
It's kind of like when it's a horrible rainstorm and tornadoes are out and it's raining so hard you can hardly drive, but you go under the underpass and momentarily there's a calm.
We've entered the night circle, but we are in the eye of the storm.
My God, what is the point of even having to do this radio show?
But I guarantee you, if I went on some mainline show and even read this London Guardian article, people would call in and go, What's a Guardian?
There ain't no such!
Oh, heaven help us.
Army recruiters just walk right out and beat the living daylights out of somebody on the street of Boston.
We're standing there in an Abu Ghraib outfit protesting him.
And the cops come and say, you're being arrested boy.
You're facing felony charges.
You disrupted things.
We say that your outfit scared people and they thought it was a bomb.
Because in Abu Ghraib, of course, the guy's wearing the blanket with a hole in the head, with a hole in it for the head to go through and a hood over his head and he's got two wires in his fingers.
Everybody knows what that is.
Now you get beat down by the army on the streets of America.
And the cops that sat there in the squad cars and watched it.
There's even photos of it.
And they just walked right up and took him to jail.
And they said, your life's over boy.
We're the good guys.
And I'm supposed to like that.
You know, I'm supposed to feel real safe and just go along with it.
Stick a I support the troops sticker on my car, which means I actually don't support them.
Means I feed them through a meat grinder for the oil companies that have all moved to Dubai or to England.
Yeah, your precious Halliburton.
I just want to tell all you yuppies and all the old folks that support Fox News and the New World Order and all the liberal trendies that like Hillary.
You're all going to get what you deserve and it's not going to be at my hands.
They're going to take everything you got if they win.
Hell, even if we fight them, it's going to be bad.
You fools.
I take one little bit of sick solace and that's this.
It's knowing you're not going to get away with what you've done.
Not the people running the system, and not the people that went along with it.
None of you are going to get along with it.
None of you are going to get away with it.
Not you in West Virginia, Troy.
And I'm not going to have to do anything to you for you to pay for what you've done.
Let me tell you something.
The truth is the truth.
And you reap what you sow.
And you've behaved in a way, and you've said things, and you've done things, and you've put out a lot of evil.
Let me tell you something.
On one level of me, I say I
I get a little sick smile about it, but actually I repent of that.
I'm sorry for what's going to happen to you.
What the New World Order that you love so much is going to do to you.
For this world and the flesh you love so much.
And this world you love.
So you just keep, you just stay in the city my friend.
You won't even be given a reprieve if you try to get out of the city, but still turn back wantonly.
Because you love that evil city.
Me, I'm just completely blown away.
Folks, I've got stacks of news here in front of me today that is all so insane, so off the charts.
I saw some website attacking me saying I was a liar, going, Mr. Jones tells incredible lies about the government wants to give us shots that have viruses in them that brain damage you.
He's a liar.
My God, it's been all over AP, Reuters,
London Telegraph.
They're trying to force the kids in Europe to take it.
It has a live virus that attacks the receptor sites in some of the areas that regulate the dopamines that deal with narcotic molecules.
This website's saying I'm a liar about BT, corn, and Monsanto having live pesticide.
My God, I'm reading Associated Press!
I just can't believe it.
My God, they're going to be aborting babies forcibly because their parents were criminals or were violent or had some record.
Or forced drugging them in the womb.
It's already happening in America.
That's just one of the many stories we've covered and have gashed on and glazed over.
Started it five years ago in Oregon.
My God.
My God.
We can have the CDC's own documents about the girls taking that papillomavirus and all the horrible autoimmune diseases they're getting and the deaths that are resulting.
It doesn't matter.
These mamas watch the news.
We're unable to reach them.
We're not on enough AM and FM stations.
We're not able to get to them.
They don't see our website.
Or if they do, they laugh at us.
And so many of them call the office crying.
We don't even have time to call most of them back.
Going, I didn't believe you.
My neighbor told me.
And that's the only reason I'm calling you now.
She took it.
She took it.
She's having seizures.
Can you help me?
My daughter's having seizures now every week.
She's got bloody welts all over her.
Help me!
I've tried to help you!
I've tried to help all of ya!
Tell you what, I'm gonna go to Carl's in a minute.
I said I'd go to him.
Let's go ahead and go to the defamation of Ron Paul.
This is just a small compilation, only five minutes.
Hell, if it was the whole thing, it'd be an hour long of the pre thing and the post three hours.
But here's some of the defamation around.
Paul, in there you'll hear one of the head Republicans, the head of GOPAC, saying, we don't care about polls.
Republican Party don't want him.
Because that's what it comes down to.
It's you pack of scum that run the Republican Party and use it as a tool to pacify conservatives just long enough until it's too late to save this country!
Go ahead and play the clip!
By the way, here's a look at the early results of our text message poll.
In first place, Ron Paul, surprisingly, 33-30%.
In second place, Governor, you're in second place with 27%.
Third place, Mayor Giuliani, with 16%.
And so we'll be watching and monitoring those numbers for you all night.
Ron Paul coming in with the win on the text message election, at least in the early returns.
is almost in line with the attraction that he's caused for the press.
It seems that by getting slapped by Rudy Giuliani for his assertion that the U.S.
effectively asked for the 9-11 attacks, for bombing Iraq when it was under sanctions, he's going to get a lot of ink.
So Ron Paul, quite by the actions of Rudy Giuliani's attack,
Maybe doing quite well.
And as for the text messaging, maybe he's a little bit better organized and having his organizers do the necessary dialing for all of that.
Mitt Romney coming in a strong second above Rudy Giuliani and John McCain not yet placing in the early return.
Suggested folks have begun to sort of get a grasp for the top tier with the exception of Ron Paul.
Close to 20,000 votes, and the percentages are still staying pretty consistent.
In first place, Ron Paul, 29%.
Mitt Romney, closing in on 27%.
In third place, Rudy Giuliani, 16%.
And joining us now is California Congressman, Presidential Candidate, Duncan Hunter.
Thank you, sir, for being with us.
Hey, how are you?
Appreciate it very much.
Great to be with you.
What is it that Ron Paul, who had that big confrontation tonight with Rudy Giuliani, had a very different point of view on so many issues than every other Republican on the stage yet.
First in our texting tonight in this vote.
I think there was a lot of entertainment there, and I think people are looking for entertainment.
So you think that's what it is?
You don't take him seriously?
Well, when he says we started 9-11, no.
Well, I didn't say he started.
He said our policies may have led people to disagree with us.
I'll tell you why I disagree with that.
You know, the last country that we saved in a military operation was a Muslim country, Kuwait.
So the United States, rather than being viewed by the Muslim world as a nation that's been aggressive toward Muslim countries, saved a Muslim country, and our reward was to get hit on 9-11.
And we have 16th for Giuliani.
In my view, Congressman Ron Paul did not win that debate by any stretch.
I'm not surprised to hear Sean Hannity say that.
I disagreed with Ron Paul winning that, but I haven't sent in my text poll yet because I've been busy at work and I haven't seen it.
Here's a good look at the results of our text message poll.
In first place, Mitt Romney, 27%.
In a very close second place, Ron Paul, 26%.
In third place, Rudy Giuliani, with 18%.
And back with us now, former Democratic pollster Pat Goodell and GOPAC Chairman Michael Steele, both are Fox News contributors.
Michael, what is it saying?
That here you have, throughout the night, Ron Paul slipping just 1%, but has been
Ahead all night, perhaps the most controversial statements of the entire debate, and at variance with everybody else in the Republican field.
What does it say that he's doing so well in our text messaging among those watching Fox News?
To be honest, it says absolutely nothing.
It says that he's got a lot of folks out there who's going to text message for him.
In my view, there was clear separation between those who should be in this campaign and those who shouldn't.
Based on what?
Well, based on their responses to the questions, their responses to where they're going to move, like to move forward.
You should not be in the campaign then.
Well, that's a judgment the party's going to have to make.
In my view, I think Paul, in my view, hurt himself tonight a little bit.
That's because of that text poll.
Well, again, I'm not going to look at a text poll.
I'm going to look at my reaction to it.
He did not win that debate.
He did not win it.
But more importantly, I think what he said is outrageous.
And I challenged him on it here.
The suggestion here is that it's our fault.
That's crazy.
Prominent South Carolina Republicans are already suggesting that one of the things that's likely to be accelerated by this debate is the possibility that the field will winnow, at least in terms of future debates.
The idea that Ron Paul did not acquit himself well.
The Texas congressman, when he suggested that 9-11 was the result of U.S.
occupation and presence in Iraq when it was under sanctions.
There's been some criticism of Duncan Hunter and Mike Huckabee for just simply not being able to cut through this second tier tonight
Uh, in a lot of minds, may have sort of slowed things down for the top tier because of the exchange rate.
I think Ron Paul basically, for me, it's done.
Is there not room in the party, though, with someone who's got a different point of view on Iraq, who's totally anti-war?
I mean, I think that's perfectly fine, but we have to understand fundamentally what we're engaged in.
I think that other candidates responded to that.
You can have that opinion, but I think, you know, you need to do more than finger pointing back at the U.S.
I do want to get in on that.
Yeah, Rudy Giuliani should send him a contribution, I've got to tell you.
That was one of the best moments.
One of the best moments in the campaign.
I want to stick with that, because that was the applause line of the night.
Well, why was it so powerful?
Well, let me tell you why.
Because I thought, I couldn't believe how Giuliani was so contrapted over his thing about abortion against divorce.
And suddenly, something, all of a sudden you saw him.
Not somebody who looked like he was trying to canonize it.
Boy, he was really mad.
It came through.
Okay, all that Giuliani worship interspersed with attacking Ron Paul.
Now, frankly, we can go get Ron Paul's comments.
Where he said the government could stage something or use a staged attack to go and die in Iran.
Ron Paul knows exactly what's going on on terror, folks.
He's not stupid.
But that would be political suicide because he wants to be as wide-reaching as possible.
But, you know, so even if you take the mainline story, obviously the globalists being all over the Middle East, attacking those countries, all those things going on.
Yes, that's why there is some real organic terrorism.
I mean, I wrote so many notes on what you just heard.
Maybe it's just better to take your calls.
You hear Carl Cameron, the White House operative, admitted operative.
I mean, look at Tony Snow, formerly a Fox Pinger PR person.
He said that Paul got slapped down by Giuliani, so that's why it happened.
You heard the Republicans' others going, oh yeah, it was so entertaining, that's why they voted for him.
That's what the head of GOPAC, the big Republican PAC to Political Action Committee, said.
They also went on to say that America was, quote, asking for it.
Also, with poll trends, again, he went as high as 33 percent, he dropped down to 30, 28, then the poll closed and he went down some more.
That's not how poll trends normally act.
Also, you hear Carl Cameron and the other operative, Sean Hannity, and I saw it all night long.
Saying, yeah, well, conservatives are just now getting in there to text.
People are just getting in there to text against Paul.
It's just despicable what he said.
Let me just say, I'm Sean Hannity here.
I think what he said is despicable and I've got to get in there and text.
I haven't had time to get in there and text against him.
And Cameron said that too.
They're calling in the troops.
Get in there and text!
Hurry, text!
Trying to skew it.
So he won during the debate.
He won until it hit right before poll close.
And I think they probably stole that too.
They just could not have him winning it like he did every other major poll in the last one.
And they kept saying it was an upset that he was winning.
There's no upset that he was winning.
He's winning everything.
Just like
Our videos are routinely number one on YouTube and Google and then you just erase our stats over and over again so we can't win.
It's like I'm a horse in a race and I'm a lap ahead of you and you make me stop and let them get a lap ahead.
And you cheat, you cheat, you cheat, you cheat, you cheat us.
And Yahoo and MySpace admit they're censoring our bulletins and everybody else admits they're censoring Ron Paul.
It's real simple.
We just redouble our efforts and figure out ways to get around it and just continue to redouble and triple and quadruple to get our emails and faxes and word of mouth out and copies of DVDs.
You know, I've got an hour and 49 minutes.
I haven't even plugged my films yet.
When we come back, I'm going right to your calls.
If you believe in this show and you believe in what we're doing and you believe in the word we're getting out, you need to support us.
But that's secondary.
Number one, I've made some great films, and Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terror, is available right now.
It is my most powerful film.
There aren't very many left of it, because when it sells out, we're not going to offer it anymore, because Second Edition's coming out at the end of summer.
There'll be a while where this won't even be available.
It looks like they're going to sell out soon before we get the new one.
It's done, but it's gone off to be manufactured.
Man, because it's going to go in stores nationwide, it takes a few months for that to happen, so we can't release it until late July.
We've got a little bit of TerrorStorm left at Amazon.com, and a little bit left at InfoWars.com.
Every copy, we'll get a little signed card with it, that you buy from InfoWars.com, or you can save a few bucks and get it at Amazon, it won't be signed.
Again, InfoWars.com or Amazon.com, you can link for the sub-page to get TerrorStorm at InfoWars.com and your support.
I mean, I'm just going on faith here.
I'm expanding, hiring more people moving forward.
And, uh, exhausting any capital we have in different ventures and producing one video that's going to be coming out soon, making my own video.
And, uh, it's just, we need your support, ladies and gentlemen.
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And I'll give you the mailing address when we get back as well.
I do want to thank everyone that has supported us.
You've made it all possible.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I just want you to know... I just want you to know I can see through your lies.
You's that ain't never done nothing.
You's that never done nothing.
Except build to destroy.
But build to destroy.
Oh yeah, tell them.
Crank it up.
You play with my world.
Like it's your little toy.
You put a gun in my hand.
I mean, look at this gaggle of frat boys.
It's like a king's court.
They all think they're so important in their $5,000, $3,000 suits, all trying to get the
Attentions of the Kings, which are just puppets themselves, all so self-important, they're nobodies.
And they back up a system that's killed millions of innocent people.
Brett Hume, all of them, Hillary, just all those pieces of garbage.
They're all trash.
They're all criminal parasites.
And they're gonna be defeated, ladies and gentlemen.
They're gonna be hated in history.
They're gonna be scorned.
See, there's people who aren't into building things and constructing things and doing good things and fighting for what's right.
There's people who are just yes-men who go look for the biggest power conduit and try to just burrow themselves into it.
Because all they care about is trinkets and baubles and signets and logos of power.
I'm watching a bunch of little painted strumpets on that debate last night.
I mean, all of those other Republican candidates were just chicken-necked, cowardly weaklings.
All of them!
They were little effeminate twits!
Pieces of garbage!
Make me sick!
I know how bad McCain is, but at least he had an honorable comment on torture.
But still said the President might, you know, decide.
Oh my God.
Alright, let's just blast through your calls.
If you want to write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Joe in Pittsburgh, then Roger, George, Adam, Trina, Todd, and others.
Go ahead, you're... Who's up first?
Is it Joe?
Joe in Pittsburgh, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I watched the debate last night, and from the get-go I could tell it was
Definitely not going to go in Ron's favor.
He had McCain and Giuliani standing right next to each other and it was supposedly, they said at the beginning of the debate, a computer randomly picked where each candidate was going to stand.
And then the first question that Brit Hume asked Ron Paul, it wasn't any kind of a real question, it was, do you think you're running for the wrong party, party nomination?
I mean, from there... Yes, basically, you're not one of us!
We're scumbags!
We're here to destroy America, North American Union!
We're the gun control Republicans!
We're the people that blow out the currencies!
I eat dinner at the White House every month!
I'm a piece of filth, Paul, and I'm calling you out!
Well, Ron Paul, if I'm not mistaken, he does advocate for a new independent investigation of 9-11.
Is that true?
Yes, he does.
Does it bother you at all that he sort of towed the official line about Osama Bin Laden and the 9-11 attacks?
It does at a certain level, but I know exactly why.
He's just going along with the official fable on this show.
He said different.
And, uh, you know, he's just saying that, hey, if we weren't being this empire, it wouldn't be happening.
Which is true.
We didn't have an empire.
We wouldn't have criminals running it who carry out terror attacks.
Good call.
We'll be right back with the rest of your calls.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You cannot joke about things like this.
I learned it five years ago.
I will cover it later in the show.
Babies to be charged with crimes in the womb.
Folks, it isn't The Onion and it isn't the National Enquirer or News of the World.
It is the most respected newspaper in Europe, the biggest paper in Europe, the biggest paper in England, London Guardian.
Now, I already have the documents on this and covered it five years ago and you couldn't believe me.
They are to face the death penalty for their crimes.
God Almighty!
I mean, no flesh would be spared, I guess the Bible says.
This is just, uh, if he was not to make the days shorter.
I just, uh,
I don't even know what to say anymore.
I forgot we have a caller who disagrees, so we'll jump ahead of all the others to get to him, and then we'll go back to everybody else.
Who is it that disagrees out of this long list?
Todd in Kansas.
Go ahead, Todd.
Alex, there's only one small thing that I disagreed with.
I've heard the boy Troy from West Virginia before, and I really get tired of the time spent on this guy.
This guy is a total out-of-the-loop freak.
I want to tell you, Troy, my son's best friend and a real good friend of the family was just tased to death yesterday in a small, filthy, inbred Kansas town.
And I guarantee you, it's going to touch Troy sometime real hard.
Two gods with badges tased this boy, tall, skinny, well-likable guy with
illegals all over the place working and I just cannot stand to hear this giggling and snickering from people like Troy when I see a young young person I've listened to you a long time Alex I understand exactly what you're talking about when it comes to the Madison Avenue and what they want you to be these poor young people have no opportunity
Nothing to look forward to, and these cops, you know, just kill them!
Forget the torture, they just kill ya!
Well, I mean, they'll torture you for an hour until you get up off the ground, and then you can't by the fifth or sixth stage, and they call it... It doesn't matter if they... It doesn't matter... They knew this... They knew this boy.
It's a small town.
It's not like he's a stranger.
They've known him since he was... when he was... came out of the hospital born.
They just killed him.
Why'd they kill him?
They said he was acting bizarre.
The first cop pays him.
They said he was struggling and charged another, which is not his nature.
We know him.
He's sat at our table.
He's been at our house.
We have him in our family films.
And the other officer charged him, subdued him, and so said, well, noticed he needs medical attention, take him to hospitals, and he's dead.
And they've made the tasers stronger now.
They're not enough deaths.
They want every couple days.
You know, Troy, you need to get real, because it's going to touch you, buddy.
It's going to touch you hard.
Oh, he's guaranteeing, and I pray to God every day I do the right thing so I don't get judged.
I know how this universe works, and people like Troy, my God, I feel sorry for him, because, man, I don't want the things that are going to happen to him that are going to happen.
Evil people, folks, and people that giggle, especially if you make fun of it,
You make fun of evil and like revel in it?
That's really bad.
Well, you're exactly right, Alex, when it comes to this Madison Avenue look and outlook these young people are supposed to have.
And these young kids don't have a chance with people like Troy running around.
At all.
No chance.
Maybe it was a good thing, but maybe in the future
Troy, he needs to go back to his holler and shut up.
Well, I appreciate your call.
I do.
I'm sorry that your friend died and was killed.
And you have to experience it.
You have to see it.
And I'm doing this, I've seen a lot of it, folks, and that's where the anger comes from.
Yeah, Troy is going to have to learn for himself.
And I know he will.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I'm going to recap in a few minutes exactly what happened to Ron Paul last night and coming up later I've got a compilation of debate highlights about ten minutes long
And then there's three or four minutes that he was interviewed on Hannity and Combs and some of the tricks that Hannity tried to play.
So that is coming up.
Right now let's get some more of your great calls out of the way and then I'll get to the headline.
Unborn babies targeted and cracked down on criminality.
They're to begin on a death penalty.
You didn't just tune into a satire show.
This is real.
What I just said is a real headline.
This is serious news.
Death penalty.
It's already happening in the U.S.
It says, England adopting U.S.
My God.
My God.
Oh, man.
It's bad.
It just freaks me out every time I see how fast they're moving, folks.
And all I want to do is try to warn people and get you to wake up and discover what I've discovered and millions of others have discovered.
Because this thing's coming on like a ton of bricks on us and like a runaway freight train.
Like a typhoon, hell-bent for leather.
And I just hope you're braced for it and ready, because it's already hit us, but it's just going to get stronger.
Let's get to these calls quick.
Roger in Key Westman, holding for Eons.
Go ahead, Roger.
Hi, how are you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Troy, it's a good thing breathing is an involuntary reflex, or he would have been done a long time ago.
It is sad, though.
He's really a sad person.
Yeah, that's enough time spent on that idiot already.
You know, I watched the whole debate last night, and I had my girlfriend watch Ron Paul for the first time.
She's always been a conservative, but she never heard of him.
And she couldn't believe it.
We watched that entire thing.
I mean, for the longest time, he wasn't asked a question.
Well, I mean, I watched it, and I went back and watched the rest this morning, and literally, we're timing it out to do an article for later today, but... You had four questions the whole night.
Yeah, four questions the whole night, and Giuliani was getting more time than anybody.
Oh, yeah, and then, plus, he could bite in with it.
When in a beat, can somebody just jump in and start, you know, asking another person questions?
I never saw that before.
Well, when you're Giuliani...
You know, I mean, he's part of the Black Op, man.
He gets special respect from the boys in the Defense Department that carried out the attack.
Yeah, I mean, it was absolutely ridiculous.
At least the last debate, I thought they were fair in how many questions he asked per person.
Yeah, I think this is going to backfire.
This was so over-the-top, Kafkaesque.
It was obvious to anybody, even if you were a Giuliani fan.
I've been reading the blogs here, and I just got off an ABC poll.
19,000 exchange votes for Paul.
The next closest was Mitt Romney at 317 votes, and just under him, Giuliani at 315.
Yeah, do me a favor.
We're trying to post all those polls.
Send them to Aaron with two A's at Infowars.com and to Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
We're creating a whole Ron Paul section, continual Ron Paul coverage every day on the site, but one big page with it all on there.
And the latest, updated multiple times daily, will be at PrisonPlanet.com.
Hey, one thing I want to ask you is, you know, Ron Paul is running with the Republican Party, and I keep hearing this thing, well, they don't want him there.
How would they get rid of him?
Well, he was elected in the 70s as a Republican, then he left Congress, then he ran as a Libertarian in 88 and lost, then he got in a few years later.
I've been interviewing Ron Paul since I got on air, and he is a Republican, he's a conservative Libertarian,
They can't prevent him from running.
I mean, he gets voted in.
No, no, no.
They're trying to do group think.
They have a lot of Republicans.
They're Republicans, not conservatives.
And so they think they're ostracizing him.
They're trying to create a herd mentality that, oh, he's not one of us.
He's not good Fox News, Pentagon, fake Republicans that run the Hillary campaign.
He's not good traitor like us.
Enemies of everything.
He's not scum, he's not criminals like Brett Hume.
Thank God for the internet because he would not have a chance.
With the internet, he has a possibility of winning.
He could be a dark horse, unless they fix the polls.
Well, that's always there, but at least he'll interject real issues into the campaign and you never know if you don't fight and don't get on the field.
I appreciate your call.
We don't have a choice in this great game, as they call it.
I mean, even if the enemy's got, you know, I mean, if you're throwing a gladiatorial ring, and the gladiator, you've got a fighter wearing full armor, got a full shield, and a trident, or a big sword, and all you've got is a short sword, you know what?
You're going to go ahead and fight.
You're going to go ahead and fight, folks.
And he just might even, you know, he might land that trident in your shoulder, but you're digging into your own meat to grab it and jerk away from him, and you use adrenaline to ram that dagger, that short sword, right into his throat.
You just might win your freedom that way, folks.
Don't go run over in the corner of the ring and just lay there and wait for him to come over and have his way with you.
Don't turn your back on your father's face, ladies and gentlemen.
Don't forget who your people are.
Don't forget what it is to be a man.
Don't forget what it is to be an American.
Don't forget what it is to be a human being on this planet.
These are a bunch of murdering scum and we're gonna beat them!
All right, let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's go to George in Indiana.
George, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, something on Troy.
If he could just focus down on one thing, forget all this other stuff.
Let's just say that his sheriff came in and said, Troy, there's a lot of car thefts that are happening off of car lots, so I want you to leave your doors open.
And by the way, I've got to take that gun.
You can't have that anymore.
And I'm going to go catch these guys that are going to break into the car lots.
I'm going to go over to Indiana, and I'm going to stalk out some places over there.
And if I find somebody walking the streets, I may torture them to see whether or not they've got plans to come and rob you.
Our borders are wide open, and yet we're fighting a war thousands of miles away, making everybody angry, leaving the borders wide open so they can come in and do the damage that Bush and all these people want to have happen!
And Troy can't see that!
I mean, isn't it obvious that we got a welcome sign in Mexico saying, come on terrorists, come on in, do your damage?
Well, on top of that, they got recruiting stations for at least seven years from Manila, Philippines to Mexico City, Mexico to the Ukraine.
I mean, this is a complete joke!
It's all a complete joke.
The country's gone.
Halliburton, who they think is red, white, and blue, has moved to Dubai.
They're destroying the people, telling us, follow them, they're keeping us safe from terrorists.
Ooh, the bombs, the bombs.
And you've got a better chance of drowning than being killed by terrorists, even if they're real.
I mean, it's obvious to anybody who's got half a brain or any street smarts.
Then you get history, then you start researching this stuff, it's 100% total proof.
Well, thanks Alex.
You're doing a great job.
Troy, you need to go fall on your head again.
God bless you, man.
I appreciate you holding to talk about that.
I mean, literally, folks, I'm not scared.
I'm concerned.
I mean, I'm freaked out every night when I go to sleep.
I'm freaked out every morning when I get up.
I've got pretty much unlimited energy because I'm in constant war mode.
You should have seen me 15 years ago before I was into this.
I'd love to sleep 12 hours.
I love to sleep on the weekends.
I like to go bowling and go hiking and lift weights and date girls.
I was all about working my 40 hours in leisure.
Now I'm a completely different person and it gets more and more intense because I know what we're facing.
I just, I just can't understand it.
I mean, this stuff is so bad that I can't even articulate how bad it is.
It's off the chart!
It's off the chart!
Well, that's a case where you still love, because they know if they kill people like me, it'll make it even more obvious, and they're now starting to get scared, folks.
But don't worry, if they have their way, believe me, I'm gonna be dead or worse.
And there are worse things than death.
Believe me, folks, I'm high up on the list to be killed.
And so are a lot of other leaders in this movement.
But please don't tell me, oh, I've done some great thing in this.
How could you not fight these people?
It should be an automatic, instinctive, reflexive response.
You got a pack of scum running things, murdering people, doing every form of evil you can imagine, and we get thanked for fighting them?
I mean, I don't deserve that.
I don't deserve that.
Oh, my God.
I just don't even know what to say anymore.
I'm speechless.
I'm going to cover this now.
I promise we'll get to Adam and Trina.
And others that are patiently holding, we've got a bunch of other clips, and when I start going to your calls now, get ready to have like a minute or so, because I've just got to cover everything else here.
They're about to vote on total or complete amnesty, looks like they may get that, hate crimes bills.
I mean, it's just off the charts.
Now, I learned about the governor of Oregon in his own press release.
This wasn't some news article, this was the governor's press release.
It said they may force abortions
Or drugging in utero, and then they started it.
He's a psychiatrist, the current governor, who was there, he was the current governor five years ago in Oregon.
And it was a UN World Health Organization funding program that was doing it.
It's global.
This is right out of Brave New World.
But Huxley told you his brother ran the UN.
That's a UNESCO program on eugenics.
That's why he wrote Brave New World in 1933 before the UN was even founded.
And that's why it's coming true.
Because there they drug the fetuses in utero to have the dumbed down subclass.
Uh... but some will be given the death penalty but they claim they're not human so they deserve... now see it's going to be the state killing your babies.
Now all you pro-choicers thought it was just going to stop with your choice.
No, it doesn't stop there.
It doesn't stop there in China and it isn't going to stop... it doesn't stop there in the Philippines and it isn't going to stop there in Brazil and it doesn't stop there in uh... what was the South American country?
They sterilized half the women there.
Or forced abortions on hundreds of thousands of others.
See, it doesn't stop.
But they'll tie it to pro-choice, so you'll be for it, I understand.
That's how evil works.
First, let's just torture people with Gitmo, then let's tase her to the lady because she's anti-war.
Until she dies.
Unborn babies targeted in crackdown on criminality.
This is London Guardian.
Biggest paper in Europe.
Blair launches policy imported from the U.S.
to intervene during pregnancy to head off antisocial behavior.
Intervene during pregnancy with criminal charges on the children.
Of course, they have it both ways.
They say it's not a human, but they do take it into criminal custodial custody.
We'll be right back.
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Hello everybody this is Jimmy Vaughn and I want to invite all who love liberty to come out Saturday May 19th from 630 to 10 p.m.
and support the only man for President Ron Paul.
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Yeah, here I come again, baby!
Comin' straight to New World Order!
Every day I just gear back up, power back up, with a prayer, and set sail right against the enemy camp.
Forget the maneuvers, we go straight at em'.
No, and we're going to get that prize.
I said I'd finish this up, but I promise we're going to get to
Everybody that's patiently holding Joe and Adam and Trina and Troy and Bill.
It's probably going to be it for calls.
I've got a bunch of clips and some other news.
Unborn babies targeted in crackdown on criminality.
Now this of course is a complete whitewash.
But you can go pull up the Oregon stuff and the UN stuff if you want the full deal.
Glad I saw this.
I'd forgotten about this.
I'm up to the eugenics section at the end of my film.
End game.
And this will be added.
This will be in the film.
Blair launches policy important for the U.S.
to intervene during pregnancy to head off antisocial behavior.
Now see, that's guilt by association, guilt in absentia, that is penalizing the group, and that's eugenics, that's genetic behaviorism, and when of course they'll tell you, the real science is 90% of it's nature and nurture.
90% of it's nurture in the nature-nurture equation.
I mean, you can take somebody who's got really aggressive genes, but so much of it is how they're raised up.
But here you go!
Unborn babies judged to be at more risk of social exclusion and turning to criminality are to be targeted in a controversial new scheme to be promoted by Downing Street today.
Let's tape the news and try to catch this.
In fact, I've got somebody in England.
I know it's nighttime over there.
Can you get this on tape for me, folks?
Can you help me?
Mail it to me?
In an effort to intervene as early as possible in troubled families, first-time mothers identified just 16 weeks after conception will be given intense weekly support from midwives and health visitors until the unborn child reaches two years old.
That means CPS there to grab it, Department of Family and Services, they have different names, and again, drugging of the children, and in some cases they're going to call for forced abortion.
That's in the U.S.
It goes on, unveiling the findings of a Downing Street review, Tony Blair will make clear the government is prepared to single out babies still in the womb to break cycles of deprivation and behavior.
He will also acknowledge the state must do more to help minority families and will stress that the support they need cannot come through the promotion of marriage.
Yeah, I can't promote marriage, and that's evil.
And you gotta make sure they watch more TV so they can't talk, is the study show.
In an attempt to draw a clear division between labor and conservatism, Mr. Blair will say that making marriage the primary focus of family policy will be ineffective and could lead to discrimination against children whose parents have split up or died.
The whole goal is to ruin the family.
That's in the state of government documents, you'll see.
They kind of restated it there, but in a sideways way, like a crab.
The Nurse Family Partnership Program is the most striking attempt yet to preempt the problems.
Now, I've got to go pull the original gubernatorial stuff from five years ago, because you won't believe me.
I've got to go find... Maybe you can find it to help me, listeners.
In fact, email it to Aaron at InfoWars.com because I'm going to walk out of here and work on this when it's over.
And thousands of us working together will be better.
It was in press releases by the Governor's office five years ago.
I forget his name.
He was a psychiatrist governor.
I don't think he's there anymore.
And then we led back the World Health Organization and the United Nations Family Fund.
And it's going on in several states.
I've seen it pop up.
But it's drugging of the mothers and then they also push and try to force abortions.
Supporters of the policy say the risk of stigmatizing unborn infants and potential failure of victims of troublemakers is outweighed by the advantages of helping poor families build on aspirations they have for their children.
Under the program, which has been copied from the United States, young first-time mothers, this is New Freedom 2, will be assigned a personal health visitor between 16 and 20 weeks into their pregnancy.
They will continue to have a weekly or fortnight visit until the child is two.
Far more than the few postnatal visits generally on offer.
See, now they're trying to make everybody get three CPS visits a year under New Freedom.
So this dovetails under that with another name.
Which is horse drugging, of course.
This support includes help with giving up smoking or drug use in pregnancy, followed up by focus on bonding with the new baby, understanding behaviors such as crying, and encouraging a mother to develop her skills and resources to be a good parent.
It's like the mafia.
We want to drop by and give you a loan.
We want to help you.
The program is voluntary and the intention is to capitalize on the so-called magic moment when parents receive or support themselves with a baby.
And it goes on to talk about it.
I haven't read the whole thing yet, they just brought it into me.
Uh, doesn't get into forced drugging or abortions.
This is a total whitewash.
Alright, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, we got some clips from last night's debate we haven't gotten to yet.
Some other important hot news concerning total blanket amnesty that'll be billed as conservatism and you're evil liberal if you're against it.
And I know we got a lot of your callers, Trina and others, that I'm going to go to here in just a moment.
If you believe in what we're doing, you need to support us, folks.
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Prison Planet, ladies and gentlemen.
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It's gotta be 30 or 40 other films that have been authorized to post.
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Use that as a factory of resistance.
Burn four or five copies every night, just take it 20 minutes or so, and know that's a powerful weapon you've just created.
And use it.
Give it to people.
Prison Planet dot TV and don't forget I have an online video and bookstore with Terror Storm the final edition excuse me is coming out in July This is Terror Storm the first edition.
It's excellent 17 minutes have been added to the final edition Which is the second cut there won't be any more cuts after that we're done with it
But it's excellent.
But there's not many left of the original terrorist form and I'm doing a little signed card with each one.
It's a collector's item.
So you can get those at InfoWars.com.
Now to get them from Amazon, they're not signed.
Though they're a couple dollars cheaper than you'll get them at InfoWars.com.
So two different ways to do that.
We want to drive it up the Amazon chart before it sells out.
In fact, it's almost sold out there on Amazon.
There's a few weeks left, maybe less.
So Amazon.com you can order it or again as I said at Infowars.com American Freedom to Fascism loose change second edition so many items available right now at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139 and you can also write to us at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin Texas 78704
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Alright, let's go ahead now and just get through all these great callers I've been holding for a while here.
Let's go ahead and go to Trina in Colorado, then we'll go to others.
Hi Alex.
I'm a big fan of yours.
I think I've got all your videos, and I've been a fan of yours for two or three years now.
And because of you, I'm wide awake and fell down the rabbit hole, you could say.
And I have a couple questions for you, but I want you to know, because of you, things
that are all around us in perfect daylight and are happening and we wouldn't even realize that if it wasn't for you and your shows and I've actually seen about two weeks ago I was in Wyoming out in the middle of nowhere pumping gas I mean literally out in the middle of nowhere and I looked up and a Halliburton truck goes by and there's one of those mobile prison things on the back of the truck
I know.
They've bought millions of units, literally, from a bunch of different companies.
They've built them everywhere.
We're in deep trouble.
Yeah, and about two years ago, I was driving down on my way to Denver, down I-25, about 8 o'clock at night.
I look over, and there's one of those mobile gas trucks that gas people, and you have that on one of your videos.
And I turn my head and I look over, and there it is.
I have a Corvette, so I pulled behind it.
And that's why they're trying to sell us on torture right now, is so they can do that here domestically, and Sean Hannity and these butchers can sit up there and giggle and smirk and act like the good American good boy, just to fool the old folks that are watching until it's too late.
For those that don't know, Halliburton is in the Houston Chronicle, building the giant camps for American citizens.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and finish up.
You said you're in your Corvette.
What do you see?
Yeah, I was in my Corvette.
I pulled behind the white truck, and it had those little gas things under each window.
They were black thick windows, like bulletproof looking, and I pulled behind the truck, and there were no plates on it, and then I kind of did a box around it, and I pulled up to it and to the driver's side, and it had US little red letters on the side.
and some numbers next to it, but there are absolutely no plates on the thing.
And I thought, well if I drive down the street with my Corvette with no plates on, a cop would pull me over and I'd be in big trouble.
So, you know, that's what's going on in Colorado and Wyoming, and people just, it's right under people's noses, and they don't even realize it.
Last week, now two weeks ago, they merged the EU and the American Union and shed it on television.
I have the video, and it was all over, and it's just, yep, we're doing it, and no one even knows.
Yep, yep.
Well, my other question for you... Cause Sean Hannity, Sean says it's all okay.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, I apologize.
I didn't mean to interrupt you.
No, go ahead.
I've always wanted to talk to you, and I could talk to you for hours.
I have a lot of questions, but my one question is, and it might be a question you don't know, but
When do you think they're going to disarm the United States, in your opinion?
Well, they're already doing it incrementally.
There's basically a gun ban on magazines in Illinois, where they've already registered, and then they ban them.
And they're trying to demonize it everywhere, and that's the one big thing holding them back.
So that's why the Democrats are going to put the Democrats in power.
They're going to have a bunch of mass shootings, and they're going to try it.
I appreciate your call.
Look at New Orleans.
They just claim a bio-attack's happened and we gotta have you turn your guns and we know that's one way they're planning to do it.
Good to hear from you.
Call in again sometime when we have more time.
Thanks for holding, Trina.
That was great to talk to you.
Let's talk to Joe in Pittsburgh.
Thanks for holding yourself.
Go ahead.
Yeah, he's been holding so long.
I'm gonna put him on hold so he can come back.
He's probably listening on the radio and there's a delay.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Tony in Vegas, you're on the air.
God bless you, Alex, for what you do.
In all the years I've been listening to Painted Politics, I'm 40 years old, I've never seen a clearer defined David versus Goliath than what is happening with Ron Paul and what occurred last night.
Did you see them all pile on, all try to blackball him, all attacking, you know, just like they did all the prophets and anybody who did good before, just like the Redcoats did to the first Patriots.
It was so obvious who the good guy was as that barrel of crooks attacked him.
I've never.
I mean, I've watched politics for years.
I was a little boy, enamored with it in the late 1970s and early 80s with Reagan and my family being, you know, pro-life conservatives and everything else and watching the rise of the religious right and all this and then being awakened to the New World Order by several people, but you were incremental.
God definitely used you in that, waking up and seeing through the paradigm.
But the evidence of it, I've watched a lot of political stuff and I've never
I think so.
We called everybody we know in Vegas to text in tonight with the debate last night.
But they were stunned.
They were absolutely stunned.
And then they acted like it was bad that people rallied for Paul.
That's the whole point of one of those polls.
It's who can rally?
Who has the people?
They dismissed it.
But that's the funny thing, too, because the reporter, I forget his name, that they kept going to on the floor, he kept saying, well, he's got a network.
They didn't mention that about him.
Yeah, that's Carl Cameron, the Bush operative.
His wife works for Bush.
Oh, does he?
It explains a lot.
And they all work for the Defense Department, but yeah.
I think so.
And my call topic was simply, are there any conservatives in the Republican field?
Because I'm sure you know you've got to give them Jim Jones.
You have to lie to get on those shows.
And I was going to hammer Ron Paul, but I just encourage everybody, please get to these neocon talk shows, call in, and hammer it with Ron Paul, because I've got people who are Republicans asking me about, well, who do we have?
Because clearly Giuliani's not it.
I'm talking true conservative Republicans.
Oh, anti-gun, pro-abortion, he'll be the man, yeah.
Oh, amen.
And thank God for Ron Paul.
This is... I've never... I mean, really, we've got one for the first time.
I mean, even Reagan, if people go to him, you've got snapshots of him at Bohemian Grove.
Ron Paul is so far outside the loop, and so where... He's founding father material.
I just hope his campaign people are up to it, because they keep talking about how he has the people.
He has a tiny campaign staff, completely overwhelmed.
Instead, they imply he's got some super network.
It's pure bull.
Good to hear from you.
I may not even play clips, folks.
Let me just continue with your calls at 1-800-259-9231 to get you on board.
Is Joe in Pittsburgh back or is he gone?
Joe, last chance.
Anything else?
Okay, he's gone.
Who's up next?
Bill in New Jersey.
You're on the air, Bill.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, go ahead.
Oh hi, um, oh, when I saw the GOP thing and everything last night, I felt like I was going to puke.
Between Rudy Giuliani and Sean Paul, I mean, it's total 1984.
Anyway, uh, when I saw and heard those audience claps during it, the pro-torture segment, I mean, I think the audience was bussed in.
Oh, absolutely.
There's no doubt.
They stage all the town halls.
They've admitted that.
You sign a form swearing that you're not going to heckle and that you support George W. Bush's presidency.
But, I mean, here, they just... small audience.
It was all just Fox News family and CIA and defense contractors and there were probably a bunch of Titan security people in there and, you know, a bunch of Blackwater folks.
It was just, you know, they just... yeah, that's all it was.
It's like, I mean, do you know Will Ford?
Because she went on, I think she was on ESPN or CBS, and she was talking about how for a lot of shows, audiences are busting, and the host was like congratulating her because that was something that hosts are never allowed to mention or whatever.
That was pretty interesting.
I have a clip of that.
But do you know Andrew Wilkow?
I know the name, yes.
Yeah, he won against, he won because of the movement against Virgin Airlines that they showed loose change and everything.
Well, I actually spoke to him back in 2004, during the Republican National Conventions, and he basically totally bashed me on the radio, because I was talking about how, you know... Sure, sure, let me let you go there, because that's off-subject.
Since you brought up the loose change thing, that was not a big deal, to have it played on the Virgin Airplanes, okay?
And no one pushed, and no one lobbied for it, it just happened.
Okay, and then some neocon show on Sirius with no listeners takes credit for getting it cancelled.
And then they run around saying they've had some great victory against free speech.
It's almost like Virgin took it on just to cancel it to diss the film.
And then the neocons run around like that's some big victory.
No, the problem is we should have known they would have done that, and we should have told people to think virgin, but we're not in the business of trying to manipulate free speech, so we didn't do that.
When we get back, I may just play clips, I don't know, or we may take a few calls.
And there's also the amnesty bill coming up this week.
The Ron Paul stuff is all very important, but we can't get distracted off of some of the other big political things that are happening.
Because they're doing their best to break this country down while they dance around in suits and say they're conservative and love the troops every 10 seconds.
They're corporate chiefs of foreign corporations bringing the country down, telling you what you want to hear with fancy PR slogans.
Figure it out.
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We're good to go!
Final segment.
We're going to talk to Adam, Doug, and Robert.
That's all we have time for.
We'll get to the other clips tomorrow.
We'll continue this whole discussion tomorrow.
This is Vic.
He has a chance to win.
He's clearly won the last two debates.
He won the polls the first time.
Second place this time.
Clearly winning the debates, clearly on top, clearly the most popular, so the establishment's massively demonizing him, because it's the establishment against the people.
It's the establishment destroying America.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com and get the article headlined, Fox News rigs entire debate to savagely attack Ron Paul.
It points out all the key areas for people
And it's got 508 digs.
You get 200 digs, folks, in the first few hours, you go on the main page.
We've had them now with 2,000, 3,000 that don't go on the main page.
Everybody go dig this.
Vote it up on the dig page.
And we've already admitted they censor.
We've already got them to admit they censor.
We've already gotten them to admit what they're doing.
But let's just show everybody what they're doing.
You see, it's not just censoring and cutting Ron Paul short and demonizing him.
Anybody that supports him is being censored.
MySpace has been caught doing it.
MySpace admitted.
I haven't even really talked about this.
Last Friday, and I mean, this is on the MySpace moderator, said, yeah, Prison Planet is banned from bulletins.
It's because they want to stop you.
It's because we have a chance to beat them.
They're scared.
So go get the article we wrote, go get the one Aaron put together under it that are on PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com and help us get it out to everybody.
May be able to stop at a Dig and Yahoo and everywhere else in my space, but they can't stop you emailing it out, they can't stop you getting it on other message boards and going on the ABC message board, the Fox message boards, calling into that scumbag Sean Hannity Show.
Adam in Oklahoma, thanks for holding here on the air.
Go ahead, Adam.
Yeah, I got some good news for you about the REAL ID Act here in Oklahoma.
Yesterday the House here voted unanimously and today the Senate unanimously to forbid Oklahoma compliance with REAL ID.
That is very good news.
Now it's 36 states claim they're going to do it.
I know three have already voted.
That would be a fourth if that's confirmed.
That's good news.
Yes, they also, in the bill that just was voted on this morning, it says that all biometric information that the state of Oklahoma has collected has to be gathered and deleted from the servers because
Hey Alex, I really appreciate your show and I want to give a kudos to your producer because you get the best guests on there of pretty much any radio show.
And I want to plug my site.
I've got a couple CD images up on IntenseGrid.com.
That one for Ron Paul.
It's a whole bunch of videos about the Ron Paul candidacy.
Okay, IntenseGrid.com.
What else is on your mind?
Apparently, since they're running these polls shorter, I'm going to have to watch these things live, because I don't know how many people like me, but he reaches a
Huge amount of internet.
Yeah, they did a short poll because they didn't want the real grassroots to get involved.
Right, because a lot of us wait to watch the thing on the internet.
And well, apparently that didn't work this morning.
I'll tell you how you vote.
You go to PrisonPlanet.com and you get the article about how Fox rigged it and you four-wind it.
Alright, that's how you stop them.
I appreciate your call.
This is the best article out there.
Two great articles, one by Paul Watson, one by Aaron Dykes.
Aaron set up until four in the morning putting this together and uploading like five YouTube clips for you.
They're all there right now.
Final caller, Robert in Arizona.
You got 45 seconds.
Alright, I got a meme for the Ron Paul campaign.
And I'm going to be putting it on my website at simmeringfrogs.com.
Okay, give us some info.
Mr. Smith is going to Washington.
His name is Ron Paul.
Mr. Smith is going to Washington.
His name is Ron Paul.
Remember Jimmy Stewart?
Sure, sure.
I would just say Mr. Paul is going to Washington to be a true meme.
Kind of an international logo is what you're saying.
I understand what you're saying.
Thank you.
We are out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight on the network and the big birds.
And 24 hours a day on the internet at InfoWars.com.
In fact, the full three hours starts over right now.
You can also get the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
Get out there and take them on!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.