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Name: 20070504_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 4, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I know I say it every Friday,
But you know it's true.
Everything is accelerating.
The days are being made shorter and shorter.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is Friday.
And yes, it's already the fourth day of May 2007.
That in and of itself is amazing.
Already in the fifth month of this year.
We're going to have wide open phones for the full three hours.
We've got a lot of different important audio clips as well.
We're going to be playing some of the highlights of the Republican presidential debate last night, and I would love to hear from you on that subject.
Who do you think did the best job?
Who was the apple of your eye?
I thought Congressman Ron Paul did a very good job.
I think he was a little bit restrained.
You know, he's got new advisors up there, but he did stick to constitutional principles and was heads above and shoulders above everybody else up there.
Also, when he was talking about not violating habeas corpus in the Constitution, we saw it happen live.
Aaron Dykes is in there still isolating out all the audio clips to upload them to the network here in the next few minutes.
In fact, I can look at Aaron right out the window here in the office.
Busily, like a little bumblebee in there, getting the clebs.
Doing a great job.
Giuliani laughing and snickering like the demon that he is with talk about the secret arrest and the rest of the things that are happening in the violation of habeas corpus.
So we'll be playing that as well.
There's also some comments about, look at Governor Schwarzenegger here in the audience.
Total staged event, propaganda placement by MSNBC, and tell him you won't repeal the Constitution so he can run for President!
So they're still pushing that, and three of them said, well, I can't say no to Arnold, no, can't say no to the gun confiscation, abortion loving, open border promoting, Republican, of course you can't!
You're good Republican scum!
Okay, some of the other news that we have here before us.
Interesting article out of the Associated Press.
Potential terror jurors cite 9-11 doubts.
Many political jurors in the Jose Padilla terrorism support case say they aren't sure who directed the 9-11 attacks of 2001 because they don't trust reporters or the federal government.
And it goes on to say that the majority
Of the 160 people who've been questioned individually for jury selection, the majority of them say they don't know who carried out the attacks.
They don't trust the government.
This is the AP reporting that they think it's an inside job or they don't trust the media or the government.
You see New World Order?
You really went too far.
And by the way, we're not done.
We've just started.
Cleaning your clock.
We've just started marching against you.
We've just started moving against you.
The soul of humanity is just now beginning to realize that you're not invincible, that you're not infallible, that you're made of flesh and blood and bone and guts and hair, and that we're going to run over the top of you with God's help.
You understand that, New World Order?
Bottom line, it is our duty to stand up against tyranny, ladies and gentlemen.
And you tell your fake preacher that tells you to lay down to evil and rejoice that evil is growing because it means you're going to be teleported out of here.
You tell that wicked, devil-worshipping, devil-possessed preacher.
You tell them to look at Nineveh.
And you tell them, we're going for that reprieve.
But again, even the secular world just has this idea that you can't fight City Hall, that you've got to just give in.
Well, that's the case.
Just crawl in a hole and die, America.
To the whole world, if you've lost your spirit of resistance and vibrant energy, then just crawl in a hole and just get out of my way.
Because as for me, give me liberty or give me death.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Later on in this hour and into the next, we'll play clips of Ron Paul and others at the Republican presidential debate last night.
The Queen of England, the German Queen, the cousin of Queen Beatrix, the ruling class of the planet, and there's no difference between them and the Rothschilds, they're all intermarried, came to Virginia Tech with her ghoulish Head of the World Wildlife Fund husband, Prince Philip, who has openly said that he wants 80% of the world's population killed in a book he published.
Well, to be technical, he wrote the foreword to If I Was an Animal in 1987, saying he'd like to kill 80% of us.
You gotta love it.
Oh, but he's so concerned about 30-something dead.
Oh, you poor Americans won't ban your guns.
If you Americans just didn't have those guns in 1776, I'd be ruling you now.
Let us ghoulishly come feed off your dead.
Prince Philip with his New Old Order whore wife.
Nothing but just a big bucket of scum that thinks they rule us.
A queen.
Give me a break.
Queen begins visit by meeting Virginia Tech survivors.
And it goes on, Queen Whore the Second.
And I mean they are.
She's a bloody whore.
She sups off blood, ladies and gentlemen.
She is a demonic creature.
And I mean that in a spiritual sense when I say she's a whore.
Whoring with every wickedness you can imagine.
Just radiating pure evil, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, the Queen!
The Queen!
Queen Elizabeth II, with her fake name for her moron subjects.
Queen Elizabeth II.
Elizabeth... I mean, you ought to see her name, her real name.
I'm just giving you the last end of it.
It's like 20-something names.
of everything she rules and feeds on.
Her name represents whole baronies and countries and sectors and goodies.
Queen Elizabeth II began her first visit to the United States in 16 years with a message of sympathy and sorrow for the victims of last month's massacre at Virginia Tech, while her ghoulish husband openly says 80% of us should be killed trailed behind her.
We've got to get an article out on this.
My heart goes out to the students, the friends, and the families of those killed, and to the many others who have been affected, some of whom I shall be meeting shortly.
She said Thursday, in a speech to the General Assembly in Virginia, where she had come for the commemoration of Jamestown's 400th anniversary,
On behalf of the people of the United Kingdom, my slaves, I extend my deepest sympathies at the time of such grief and sorrow.
That's a quote from Hermannus, the slave part.
The Germanic ruler of Earth,
Excuse me, the Conqueror of England, the Queen, then met for several minutes with students and the faculty from Virginia Tech, including three who were wounded in the April 16th shooting rampage that killed 33.
Let me just say this.
Again, to have this piece of trash that owns British Petroleum and literally hundreds of other corporations, 40% of the land in Canada, all the major roads and waterways in Canada, England, and scores of other Commonwealth nations, huge gold mines and diamond mines, involved in every evil you can imagine.
And we haven't seen movies about her with some Hollywood actress out pimping herself, and then they endlessly cover it on every news channel for three months, and of course the film's a complete bomb.
No one goes and sees it.
That's the good news.
You can propagandize all day, you're still a complete failure.
Everyone knows you're pure trash.
These are the people putting cancer viruses in the vaccine.
These are the ones who sit there and don't want people to be able to think and have minds, who are so selfish and so threatened by the dynamic human spirit that they brain damaged most of the world's population.
They're the ones genetically engineering the crops.
They're the ones putting the poisons and everything.
These are the enemies.
Do you understand why I hate them?
These are people that hurt innocents.
These are people that have their way with us.
And I'm sick of it!
And as an American, they are our ancestral enemies!
And instead we have a population of ninnying, cowardly scum who love these people!
They're your enemy!
Your sworn enemy!
They write books and give TV and magazine interviews saying they hate you and saying they want to call you.
Now do you think they care when they're over here pushing for gun control?
They want your guns so they can have their way with you!
Their intelligence forces carry out terror attacks!
Alright, I'm gonna settle down.
We've got a video clip, we're gonna play the audio of later, of this, this bloodthirsty whore, and then we're going to, uh, we've got Colbert talking about torture, and we've got, uh,
The debate, as I've said in a lot of other things today, and I'll get to Jim, Jamie, Derek, many others that are holding.
The total free number to join us, wide open phones today is 1-800-259-9231.
I mentioned there's a big call to fire Lou Dobbs now.
We'll tell you why.
Virulent new strain of TB raising fears of pandemic.
Washington Post.
This ties in with the illegal immigration.
House sends sweeping immigration reform bill to Governor's desk in Oklahoma.
I'm sorry my father's having a heart attack.
She was speeding to the hospital.
Cop went ahead and still attacked her.
I mean, in the past the police would help you.
This is the new mentality.
Oliver Stone unveils new ad calling for Iraq withdrawal.
I wish I could tell you what I learned when I was out in LA last week, but can't tell you.
I want to get into the illegal aliens getting trounced by the police, and I'm against what happened to them.
Yes, I am.
And it's all part of the mass psychology I've warned you about.
We'll break that down too.
Let's just go to calls right now.
Jim in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
Big fan.
I watched the debates last night, and I gotta tell you, obviously, Ron Paul came out ahead, but I'm not the only one to think so.
If I could encourage your viewers to go to MSNBC.com and click on Rate the Candidates in the upper right-hand corner, they'll see that by the numbers of the 45,000, roughly, on average, who voted, Ron Paul is statistically the highest-rated candidate.
What website is that?
Yeah, we'll get a blurb up on that.
So you're saying, out of all of the candidates up there, that he is, now, so obviously they haven't announced yet that he's the winner, but how many votes has he had out of the 40 plus thousand?
Well, it's split around between 43 and 45 thousand in different questions, like who stood out from the pack.
Ron Paul got 28 percent, followed by Mitt Romney at 25 percent.
Who showed the most leadership qualities?
He kind of tied him up there.
Who is the most convincing candidate?
Ron Paul, 26%.
Mitt Romney, 24%.
So in every category he's leading or tying or in the top running.
So you average that together, he's the winner.
And we'll get a screenshot of that and get that up.
And same thing if you go to the interactive voting poll.
He's the top one there.
And of course, they'll probably pull it.
He's won every major internet poll, and then they jerk him, claiming that it's a Ron Paul activist.
Well, yeah, that's the whole point.
Ron Paul's got the popular support, and he's got a fundraiser coming up in Austin in a few weeks.
I won't be able to attend.
I was invited.
But everybody should definitely go to that.
It's $100 a plate.
He needs the capital.
Yeah, Ron, he definitely came out ahead.
Keith Olbermann did a quick mention of that at the end of the debate yesterday.
If you watch the thing, I think there's an upload of it on YouTube or Google, the video at Google.com.
Yeah, and tell folks what Olbermann said.
Basically, the Ron Paul supporters must be out on forced bait, something to that effect.
Alright, good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead now.
And take another call.
Let's talk to Jamie in Canada.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, uh, hi.
I think maybe there might be something big here, uh, maybe on the scale of that BBC, uh, footage.
There was, uh, a video just posted a couple hours ago, uh, on YouTube and it was of, um, ABC News in the morning of 9-11 talked about
Okay, there was a... John Cochran was the reporter.
He was traveling with the President that day and he said that before... They were giving word before it even happened that a plane hit the building.
Yeah, before he even came to the school.
Yeah, we posted that four days ago.
See, here's the problem.
We report all this bombshell incredible news now and there's so much of it that it's up to you the activist on the website to get the material and make sure everybody gets it.
It doesn't become a story unless you do what you're doing now and here's an example.
It's one of the biggest stories of the decade that the JFK assassination has totally unraveled.
Salon Magazine coming out with the fact that Bobby Kennedy knew that his brother was killed by the government
We're good to go.
Who ran the op?
This is the smoking gun.
And have you seen it anywhere in the mainstream news?
And what does it have on our website?
Maybe 400 digs?
I mean, that's pathetic, ladies and gentlemen.
But I can literally post something about, is Britney Spears a Satanist?
And it'll, you know, get 5 million readers.
But some earth-shattering, incredible, historic thing gets almost no attention, is completely pathetic, and frankly, I'm at the point of slamming my head into a wall.
And by the way, that poll that Ron Paul had, he was, uh, before the debate, he was 9%.
After, he was like 41%.
He won.
He won the whole poll.
Oh, so they had another poll last night, just a quick poll, and he won 41%?
Well, you can see it before the debate and after the debate.
Yeah, I just don't have... Well, send it all to us.
Send it all to Aaron at InfoWars.com or Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
We'd love to report on all of it.
We just don't have the staff.
Write it up for us.
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Paul Watson is working overtime
And I just called him during the break.
We were incorrect.
I was incorrect.
It was CBS News that some of the researchers out there uncovered over the weekend, last weekend, that reported that Bush was talking about a plane flying into the building before he even got to the school.
And then now, if the listener was saying,
What, Jamie?
Jamie was saying it's now up on YouTube with ABC saying it too.
The way the internet works is people tend to not pay attention to text, they pay attention to video.
Jamie, send that to Watson at PrisonPlanet.com or call back in if you can get in.
I don't think you can now, but... And tell us specifically the name of that clip so we can get a blurb out on it.
And then we'll combine that with the CBS News and
You've got to state it simply in the headlines.
You're all in the info war with us together.
We're all here strategizing on how to present this, how to get this out to the public, how to put it in clear terms for the public to be able to understand it.
I mean, how would you explain this?
How do you put it in words in a headline that Bush said that he saw the first plane hit the tower,
and said boy that's a bad pilot when there was no video of it for six months until the Nade brothers released their video of the first plane hitting.
There was no video that first day or the next day or the week after it of the first plane hitting.
Then he changed his story and said that he never said that a plane had hit and that he didn't even know when he went out there to give the speech and to talk to the children at Brooker Elementary that
That he didn't know anything until they came out and told him the second plane had hit.
But then the principal of the school said no.
He was behind the scenes in the green room being briefed on it.
And then Times of London photos were released.
We have those in Terror Storm and Martial Law.
Showing Bush over his shoulder looking at a big television.
You know how they have them in schools on those on those roller racks so they can be rolled around from class to class?
There's a big TV on a rolling shelf and there you see the two World Trade Centers with one of them smoking.
So we know he's lying about it and now if he knew before he even got there
If you look at the timeline, that's right around the time that it... He may have even been telling reporters it had been hit right before or right when it got hit.
Now, by the way, it had been announced for over a week that he was going to be at Brooker Elementary.
It had been in the news.
And, folks, if there's tornadoes in Texas, the Secret Service will cancel his appearances or pull him out.
If there's been any type of school shooting or a criminal on the loose in a city, they will cancel his appearances.
It is standard.
They don't wait.
They basically give the President the orders, and they will drag him physically out.
And I know this has all been hashed over, but it's just so important, because we have the
Secret Service... I mean, if he knew that a plane had hit, and then now he's been caught twice lying about it and changing the story, this will be a third time.
We need to have those timelines checked.
And we have two different reporters saying it.
This is a big development.
And I don't know how you crystallize it down and simplify it with a headline to capture people's attention and then break down the facts for them.
But that's important.
That needs to be an article we need to do.
And then Ron Paul winning the debate, and we have pulled up the poll numbers.
It looks like that he did win in some of the categories.
I know there's some screenshots out there on the web showing him winning by 40 plus percent in the hours after, but now the neocons are all busy voting, trying to drive him down.
And make no mistake, the establishment doesn't want Ron Paul to have his cronk showing.
He probably got a whole sitcom
We're good to go.
Well, he is positioned, but we need to show people that he is positioned to now be in the next round of debates, because they're going to start eliminating people.
You can tell by the body language that the snickering gangster, the son of a mob boss, only in America, Rudolph Giuliani, was snickering and giggling like the penguin whenever Ron Paul talked about not getting rid of Posse Comitatus.
On Monday, they announced that they're merging the EU and the American Union.
It's gotten almost no attention.
JBS wrote a story about it.
We haven't even done that.
I mean, it's just wall-to-wall insanity.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Right, let me give you one last final tip.
I'm ready.
One last... Right.
Let me give you one final tip.
I need a prop here.
Let's have a producer come and join me.
I need a prop.
Come and join me.
Come and join me.
Imagine... Imagine you're the Queen.
You're the Queen.
Everyone's always asking me, how are you supposed to greet the Queen?
How do you greet the Queen?
So you're the Queen.
The Queen's hand always comes out first.
I go to, but I don't grab it.
Because if I grab it, I risk crushing her fingers.
So she will do the shaking.
We wouldn't want that.
And that's exactly it.
When I want to bow to her... This is not Japanese royalty, so there's no... It is a simple, straightforward... And you walk backwards.
Thank you, ma'am.
Oh, and that's another thing!
This is what we've been reduced to.
We're going to play nine minutes of this filth as the American people are indoctrinated on CNN on how to bow and curtsy and worship the literal mother tick, the mother whore of this whole evil system
And remember it came out eight plus years ago that members of the White House aren't allowed to look Hillary in the eye, and you've got to approach her on her right hand or her left hand.
That all goes back to royalty.
You're not supposed to look her in the eye.
She extends her hand to you, the dog.
You're like a trained dog.
And then you bow to her, bow to her evil, to the bucket of evil.
And her sickening husband behind her, Prince Philip, who wants to kill everybody.
And the rest of her literally retarded family.
But what's genius is the sick, dark chalice that holds them.
The whole apparatchik that supports these literal monsters.
And Bush and Kerry are their cousins.
They're all related.
It's a sick, disgusting brood of trash.
And if you don't hate your ancestral enemies, if you don't know, these are anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-English.
This is the German parasitic
Creatures that have dominated England for hundreds of years and turned it into a cesspit and broken down its borders and flooded it.
And all they're doing, all they're doing is trying to destroy the British culture and destroy our culture.
That's all they ever do.
They want a massive, massive peons squirming around beneath them.
You know what?
I'm supposed to work on music for my new film today with the composer.
I'm supposed to edit the film, do contracts on the deal I'm doing with another film.
I'm not whining.
This is my frustration.
I'm letting you in on it.
I want to spend some time with my family.
I'll be here probably until 2 in the morning like I was last night.
And I want to write an article about the ancestral enemy of America, grandstanding and acting like she cares about 33 dead in Virginia Tech, and here basically pushing for gun control and addressing the Virginia Legislature.
With her husband right behind her who openly says more of us need to be culled.
Prince who calls for 80% of the world to be killed.
Claims he cares about shooting dead.
Milking it.
Just milking it.
Just appearing like some type of dark carrion bird to sup on the entrails of those dead.
They traffic in our souls.
I'm tired of them!
Ancestral enemy of the United States.
By the way, you know why she was here for Georgetown 400 years ago?
That was a chartered British Crown expedition.
And that's when they set the flag up and claimed the United States is theirs, okay?
There's a reason that she was there in Virginia, sneaking around.
So I, for one, have just had enough of her.
You know, we're going to play all of it in the third hour, but you know what?
Back it up a little bit.
Let's hear the American people being trained by this simpering purveyor of etiquette and gentlemanliness, which I'm not against being gentlemanly to a certain degree, and I was actually brought up to be gentlemanly, but I have thrown that to the wayside.
I still open doors, and I believe in things that are genuinely good, that aren't part of dog training.
But a true gentleman stands up for women and children in distress.
A true gentleman is just simply a man who stands up for the weak.
Not those that can do dog tricks, and you don't look at her Lordship, you don't her Royal Highness, you let her extend her hand like you're extending a treat to a dog, and you don't accept the treat until she gives it to you, and then you back away from her.
You don't turn your back on that.
I'll turn my back on you, you degenerate scum!
Just go back and hide in your castles like you did in the last 50 years.
We don't like you.
We detest you.
Why don't you crawl in a hole like your queen mother and die?
Crawl in a hole.
All the people you've killed, all the millions you've killed with your eugenics and your sterilization and your HIV and all the garbage your eugenics husband has funded.
You're a piece of trash!
You need to be in front of a Nuremberg Tribunal, you little wicked witch!
And all the peerage and all the scum that feeds on the British people of Britannia, that feed on the English people over there, where you sit there and sconce in your palaces, and every day you shut down whole areas of London, and say you can't use this street, you can't use the river today, because I'm the Queen and I own it, as you exercise your precedent over us, you piece of trash!
You're the enemy of the people!
You've got to learn to start hating your enemies, ladies and gentlemen.
Recognizing them.
But hate them because you love your family.
Hate them because of the ancient enmity between us.
Learn who your enemies are.
They know that you're the enemy.
They still have a grudge against the United States.
Because George Washington and Andrew Jackson kicked
Their butts!
When they hauled their German warrior slaves over here, and they hauled their redcoats over here, we ran them into the ground!
In fact, get me in the Andrew Jackson song.
I'm gonna play that.
I'm gonna play a part of that, and we're gonna go to a few minutes of us being trained to be little dogs, little corgis, Welsh corgis, at this dark witch's knee.
Here it is.
The Andrew Jackson 1814 took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson on the mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we fought the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.
You know that one?
I mean, I have just had it up to here with these chicken-necked, bloated, buckets of weakness with their crazed eyes on power trips.
These are predators.
And they just see us like some pigeon they seize up and break our necks.
Well I'm not some pigeon for you to seize me around the neck and have your way with me you witch!
You predator!
I see you as a keen-eyed predator you are!
You got it now?
Sometimes the computer is sluggish.
Ted has some East German computers designed in 1951.
I'm being sarcastic.
I always heard G. Gordon Liddy joke about CBS when he was out of CBS.
CBS equipment at the network.
So just a little nod to the better days of G. Gordon Liddy.
I guess we don't have it.
Well, let's at least go ahead and just start... Oh, you have it?
Well, let's play the Queen first.
I mean, let's play how we're being trained with dog tricks.
Here it is.
Let me give you one last final tip.
I'm ready.
One last... Right.
Let me give you one final tip.
I need a prop here.
That's my producer.
Come and join me.
I need a prop.
Come and join me.
Come and join me.
Imagine... Imagine you're the Queen.
You're the Queen.
Everyone's always asking me, how are you supposed to greet the Queen?
How do you greet the Queen?
So you're the Queen.
The Queen's hand always comes out first.
I go to, but I don't grab it.
Because if I grab it, I risk crushing her fingers.
So she will do the shaking.
We wouldn't want that.
And that's exactly it.
When I want to bow to her, this is not Japanese royalty, so there's no... It is a simple, straightforward,
And you walk backwards.
Thank you, ma'am.
Oh, and that's another thing!
You call her ma'am, and it's ma'am as in spam, not ma'am as in farm.
Ma'am as in spam, not ma'am as in... Not ma'am as in... No, no, join in with me, please.
Ma'am as in spam.
Ma'am as in spam.
Not... Not... Ma'am... Ma'am... Ma'am as in farm.
Okay, madness and spam, we've got it.
We know how to address the Queen.
Next time we come in to our Royal Highness and we see her whether on the streets of the United States or on the streets of London.
Richard Quest live for us in Jamestown.
Richard, thank you.
Let me tell you what I'll do if I see the usurper.
The, uh, Germanic ruler of England and the planet.
If I see her, I'll, uh, tell her that we're human beings and that we know she's wicked and sups on the blood of the innocents and that she's going straight into hell when she dies.
And that we know she's wicked and she doesn't have a spool with all those little, little hats she wears.
And we know exactly what her and her wicked brood are all about.
And then humanity will struggle out of her grasp, and out of her kin's grasp.
And again, I play this for her royal highness, her royal whoredom.
Here it is.
In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it on down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
We looked down the river and we seen the British come And there must have been a hundred of them beatin' on the drums They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring We stood beside our cotton fields and didn't say a thing We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin' There wasn't as many as there was a while ago We fired once more and they began to runnin' On down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Don't crease it, we can take them by surprise.
If we didn't fire musty still we looked them in the eye.
We held our fire till we seen their faces well.
Then we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave them well.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it.
From down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
I think so.
We fired our cannon till the barrel melted down.
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round.
We filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behind.
And when we touched the powder off the gator lost his mind.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it.
On down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
That's a bit of a comical song, but if you've actually read about the War of 1812, Colonel Jackson, out of Tennessee, led the militia down there and was outnumbered at least, and this is even the British history, 10 to 1 against the British Corps of the Invincibles, who'd never been beaten.
They had of course beaten Napoleon, you name it, on and on and on, and the troops led by Colonel Jackson beat them, and beat them all the way down, larger forces, all the way down
Two New Orleans and then more British troops landed and literally Colonel Jackson, described as the British, is like some type of dark spirit in black.
It wasn't really dark, but that's how they saw him, stood up.
Handmade wooden battlements they built in just a few days against at least ten times the numbers of the British.
And the British tried to breach it.
They tried to come over.
Again, that was back when you had real leaders, Andrew Jackson up there, literally fighting them, and that's what he'd done his whole life.
When you learn about Andrew Jackson, whose mother died because of time in a British concentration camp, both his brothers died due to time in the British stockade, because back then they'd just stick you in one outdoors and let you die.
He was a sentry and ran messages for the Continental Army from the time he was 11 to 13 years of age.
Before he joined, the British came into their town in the Carolinas.
His father died when he was very young.
They were Scotch-Irish immigrants.
His father died of exhaustion clearing the land, so he was pretty much an orphan.
His mother was a widow.
Raised him alone in the frontier.
And the British colonel came in and told him to clean his boots.
Uh, while he was wearing them and Jackson said no, so he slashed him across the face with a saber with a cut from the back of his head all the way down to the corner of his chin, a huge gaping scar for the rest of his life.
And of course, uh, Davy Crockett was involved.
Uh, and that's when people used to, that was, I used to be our hero, 56 years ago, people like Davy Crockett.
Davy Crockett didn't just die at the Alamo, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, he fought with the British, against the British with Colonel Jackson.
He was in hundreds of huge Indian wars.
And folks, that wasn't, you know, the 1880s stuff you see about 1860s they put in Hollywood movies.
This is when you'd be fighting three, four, five times, you know, that number.
And, you know, just amazing.
I mean, the point is that these were amazing individuals.
And that's why the Redcoats didn't have a chance.
It's just an amazing story, and to see this country, to see this country turn into a bunch of dog training to the Queen of England, who hates this country, makes me absolutely sick.
It makes my stomach turn, and it's even more disgusting, the audio we've got of this, what we've been debased down to, what we have been
What we've been, you know, turned into and it's just amazing.
Also, Andrew Jackson had been in multiple duels.
He'd been shot repeatedly and almost blood to death several times.
Just the stuff this guy was into.
And he'd been in a bunch of sword fights and uh... you know, it's funny, rude to him.
You know, swords are hacking at each other on the street.
He was also quite genteel at the same time.
Uh, but uh... I mean, the description of him, he would just wear like this big black cloak and uh... he would ride for like three days without sleep.
You know, he was going to have a fight with somebody.
And just an absolutely amazing individual.
Absolutely amazing individual.
And those British accounts of him standing up there with the cannons firing at him in black.
Like they said some type of spectral entity.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I've spent enough time on our ancestral enemy, I'm going to get into it more later.
They had a lottery to get to touch the Queen, to have her shake your hand.
Thousands strive for a close view, but only 54 VIP tickets will be given to watch the brief walk in Richmond.
I mean, they just treat us like total cattle.
We've fallen so far, ladies and gentlemen.
They're behind the Planned Parenthood, all of it.
These death mills that people think are like special little treats in your town.
Special little goody rights that you have.
Sure they are.
Look at all this news.
I've got potential terror jurors.
Site 9-11 doubts.
I'm going to get into that in the next hour.
Virulent new strain of TB.
Raising fears of pandemic.
A bunch of news on the illegal aliens.
We've got a police state audio of a video we've got posted we're going to be playing where the woman's
Family members dying of a heart attack and she's trying to rush the hospital.
She says I'm sorry.
My father's having a heart attack What happened there?
Jam-packed I promise all we did take some calls earlier, but I'll get to Derek and Everybody else is patiently holding when we start the next hour here in just a few minutes.
I Do want to tell you that Paul Watson and his brother are gonna work overtime to have a North American Union article an article about how they want to fire Lou Dobbs that's coming up up an article about this
The Disgusting Degenerate Queen, or maybe I'll do that, and we almost got thrown out of the tower because Paul Watson was getting sick.
When you walk in, they've got this big video before you see the jewels from all the people they've robbed, and it's being projected, her being coronated, and it's going,
This is disgusting.
This woman goes, it's our culture, how dare you be against our culture?
He goes, it's not my culture.
Let me tell you, those people went and dominated the people, and enslaved them, and slaughtered, and took their property, and kept anyone in England, or Ireland, or Wales, or Scotland.
They took your tribal lands, just like they did the Native Americans here.
They enslaved you.
They put you on tiny pieces of property.
You know, skeletons from 1,500, 2,000 years ago are almost all over 6 feet with men.
Do you know that the average height for a man went down to 5'3 by 1,500 because of them?
They were actually stunting us and they wrote manuals on it, how to keep people at starvation level to control them.
My literal bones hate you, Saxe-Koburg-Gotha, and all of your scum!
The tutors before you, going back to William the Conqueror, all of you!
We are not your slaves' scum!
And I pray you all die of cancer.
Alright, if that's wrong to do, I apologize.
I need to be loving.
They're just enemies!
I don't pray they all die of cancer.
I just hope God has His will with you.
Okay, that's all I'm going to say.
I retract that.
I do hope you're brought to justice, though, you scum.
I don't know.
I mean, I hope people are in Dyncor and Halliburton have bad things happen to them for all the kidnappings and murders and all the slave camps.
I mean, I don't know.
What do you think?
I've just had enough of these people!
By the way, if you want to support us, go to InfoWars.com and give us the treasure we need for our arsenal, our treasury.
Fund us with the Federal Reserve notes, the rapidly devaluating confetti, so we can fight the New World Order, go buy American Freedom of Fascism, Terrorist Storm, Loose Change Second Edition, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions, Riddles in Stone,
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This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, they're calling for the firing of Lou Dobbs.
Drug-resistant, drug-immune TV spreads could cause pandemic.
Washington Post.
More on the debates.
Alright, I'm going to your calls right now.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Derek in Texas, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, what a pleasure.
Hey, you shouldn't feel too bad about harsh New England.
This is the same country that was serving Negro slaves to their guests just 300 years ago.
I didn't know that.
Where did you read that?
A guy I teach music lessons to brought it to my attention.
I researched it, and they claim that Africans are cannibals.
Well, they're not the only ones.
Well, the point is, it's not the British people.
It's not the English or any of those tribes that were dominated.
It's the fact that this particular elite group is the enemy of humanity.
No, no, I'm not indicting the English people.
I mean, I'm a... I mean, hell, most people are, yeah, most people who are white in this country are, you know, I mean, the biggest ethnic derivation there is, you know, is from those isles.
Yeah, me too.
But, hey, I wanted to talk a little bit about the debate last night.
Ron Paul was the only one that dropped the word Constitution, was the only one that wasn't dropping the Ronald Reagan bomb on everyone right and left.
He was the only one up there and beating on his chest.
Well, he was gentlemanly, and I think he did do a good job, and we're going to play some clips of that coming up later.
And another thing I want to bring up, I went to a global warming symposium put on by Oxford and TCU a couple weeks ago, April 23rd, at the Hilton Hotel in Fort Worth, and I got to meet the man behind the curtain, an Oxford Ph.D.
physicist named Dr. Dave Frame, and he's the one that's putting on these models that have over one million lines of code that project the global warming.
And I asked him about the lack of the scientific method that's involved in assuming that man-made carbon dioxide emissions is the cause of global warming.
And they cut the panel off, because I was the last person to ask the audience, from the audience of 150, that question.
And he came up and we argued about 20 minutes after the symposium
And he never could answer my one simple question is, where's the scientific method and proof that carbon dioxide causes global warming?
Well, they're also saying it's a pollutant when it's actually a life-giving gas for photosynthesis that then creates oxygen.
And this is the whole cycle.
And carbon dioxide increases in all the ice core and all the other major studies.
I mean, this is absolute proven fact now.
It's been proven in quadruplicate that the carbon dioxide follows, follows a heating period.
Because of an increase in life and then breakdown in life, with its byproduct being carbon dioxide, 200 to 800 years in that span, it always follows the increase in heat on the graph.
It's just that Al Gore merged the two and put out a deceptive graph.
Their line's come.
Yeah, funded by the IPCC, as well as Dr. Frame.
And one last thing, can I plug a political-religious event that I'm holding in Marlin, Texas in a couple weeks?
Sure, go ahead.
It's at the Marlin Palace Theater, May the 26th, on a Saturday night.
It's actually a musical performance from 7.30 to 10, but at 7 o'clock I'm going to give a 30-minute speech on the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Good, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and put another one in here.
Lucas in Texas.
Go ahead, Lucas.
Hey, how's it going, Alex Brother?
What are you doing today?
Live radio show.
Okay, well, I wanted to point out two specific items I wanted to talk about.
One is we need to be much more thorough in our efforts when it comes to promoting things.
Like, for instance, the reason why Loose Change was pulled from the itinerary of the Virgin Atlantic was not because of Michelle's squawking, mocking rant.
It was because we were not thorough enough in promoting it.
When we found out about that, we should have had thousands of people call in and praise them for it.
Instead, we just expected that it would just happen.
For those who don't know, that's also in my stack.
And you're absolutely right.
I'll cover that when we get back.
Appreciate it, Lucas.
Eric and George and Tammy and everybody else, your calls are coming up.
We'll be right back and I'll break it down.
Let me dig it out of my stack here.
Stay with us.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Uh, the caller raises this point.
It was about two weeks ago, um, I was talking to Tim Spark, who's the far-end distributor of Loose Change, current cut and the final cut, so I'm a consultant on the project.
We were, uh, talking and he said, yeah, Virgin Atlantic, which he was joking he'd just flown over here on,
Approached him and said they wanted to carry it as one of the in-flight movies.
Now, they have like 40 movies in-flight, but I let everybody celebrate and get all excited.
People kind of thought of it as THE in-flight movie.
Now, Virgin has like a on-demand deal.
And again, I didn't talk about it because I wanted to wait and see.
And then, yeah, earlier this week it came out in their official playlist.
Uh, that they were offering it, and they were offering it prominently on the selection menu.
So it was on for a while.
And, uh, the media buyers hire up Invergence, and they believe in the film, and they wanted people to see it.
Well, the neocons, who all they do is talk about firing this person, cancelling this film, cancelling that film, arrest this person, arrest that person, arrest Alex Jones, arrest Mark Cuban, arrest, arrest, arrest, let's arrest everyone, let's ban free speech.
They yelled and screamed and squawked, and the listeners probably right, it's probably not because they complained, it's because we didn't lobby.
But here's the problem.
I can tell my listeners, hey, this JFK story with E. Howard Hunt's really big.
We've now aired the tape.
He's gone more public here than he's ever gone public anywhere else.
James Hunt.
Please go get the story.
Make it big.
And if I said five other stories this week were big, which they were, people get kind of fatigued and, eh, we're not going to promote it.
Well, if I got up here and said, see, I don't have that many rounds, basically.
The audience isn't big enough.
It's big, and you guys are great activists, but we need to do more.
And yes, I'm sure that if we would have said, lobby this, lobby that, call Virgin, tell them good job, that this wouldn't have happened.
But again, it's the nature of the world.
I wouldn't say it's our fault, though, that the neocons did this.
Neocon Threats From Virgin To Pull Loose Change Free Speech Hating Slugs Smear Documentary Linked 9-11 Truth With Nazi Propaganda Virgin Airlines To Pull Loose Change From Their In-Flight Movie Roster After A Cadre Of Neocon Slugs Bullies And Enemies Of Free Speech Sent Threatening Complaints To The Company Smearing The Documentary And Comparing It With Nazi Propaganda Films
Virgin Airlines has pulled a controversial internet documentary on 9-11 from its in-flight entertainment system after complaints from bloggers and radio shows reports a technology website.
Well, it didn't take long for Virgin to backpedal.
While we fully understand and support Virgin's decision, we also fully understand that they signed a legally binding contract so, essentially, they paid us for the rights not to show the movie, says Dylan Avery on his loose change block.
But they only got... Well, I don't know how much they got paid.
It's a pittance.
It goes on to say, uh, but the complaints were nothing to do with scaring passengers by offering a movie primarily about airline terrorism.
They formed a coordinating campaign on behalf of a government bootlicking brownshirts who throw their toys out of the... Paul keeps saying pram.
You need to say crib.
People don't know what a pram is in the U.S., Paul.
Every time anyone interrupts their bedtime story, the government's official tooth fairy fable of 9-11.
And the story goes on and on and on.
The source of the neocon revolt was seemingly Michelle, but every Muslim American in a concentration camp for our safety.
Malkin's hot air blog, an electronic compound for Bill O'Reilly's acolytes and frothing Bushites who spew threats and intimidation whenever their precious waving plastic American flags made in China war cheerleading illusion is challenged by anyone who dares question the government.
And it goes on and on.
I thought that since Virgin Airlines was going to give us a chance to make up our own minds with regard to 9-11 attacks on America by showing Loose Change movie and flight, we all would greatly appreciate seeing the works of Lenny Refenstahl, so we can make up our own minds about the Nazis, wrote One Sheep Californian.
And it goes on.
And how about all those wonderful German documentaries from 39 and 45 showing how
Subhumans are destroying European culture and about Germania as a bulwark against Bolshevik hordes and jazz-spouting American apes.
That's what it says here.
Playing the Holocaust card and attempting to smear 9-11 truth has all but replaced the
Insulting to the victim scam that has largely been dropped since it was the government itself who egregiously insulted and endangered the heroic first responders in the very hours after 9-11 by lying and telling them the toxic dust and air was safe to breathe.
Again, it goes on and on.
I'm not going to read it all.
Talk about Nazi tactics.
It's Nazi tactics by the mainline left and the mainline neocon conservatives.
All they ever talk about is censorship.
All they ever talk about is arresting people for speech.
All they ever talk about is boycotts.
In fact, this was out of the Sun and New York paper.
Headline, Jewish group urges firing of CNN's Dobbs over Nazi remarks.
Now when Ludovic has polls, they're almost always above 90% for the pro-freedom position.
But I've seen them at 99% against the North American Union, 99% against toll roads that are foreign-owned.
Doesn't matter, see, 99% of us don't matter.
It doesn't matter if 90 plus percent of us know the government killed Kennedy, and it's now publicly admitted by commanders that ran the op, and mistresses, and LBJ's personal lawyer of 15 years.
It doesn't matter.
You could have a film of LBJ released saying, you know, he ordered the black op, and they'd say it wasn't real.
Well, they just wouldn't cover it.
Well, here it is, and by the way, there's big drums beating to have Lou Dobbs fired, and they try to whirl that into Imus and all the rest of it, or Imus and the rest of it.
A Jewish group is calling for the firing of an outspoken CNN anchor, Lou Dobbs, after he accused advocates for illegal immigration of using propaganda techniques employed by Nazi Germany.
Well, the corporate funded La Raza and Mecha groups do use big lie techniques.
And it is a Nazi technique, or a technique used by the Nazis, to say fire someone for their speech.
And to say that only Jewish groups can talk about the Holocaust, only Jewish groups can talk about Hitler.
Hey, let me give you a newsflash, ADL, and the rest of you.
Who, by the way, don't represent most Jews, I would add.
Let me just tell you something.
My grandfathers both fought in the Air Corps.
We were both in the Air Corps.
My dad's dad was in B-17s.
I'm an American, I'm not a Nazi.
You've done a pretty good job in convincing the general public to be guilty, and we're all Nazis, and we all got, of course, if you're a real Nazi, and hand out records of Hitler, and worship him, and dress up in Nazi uniforms like Arnold, you're praised, but if you fight Nazism, you're called Nazis by the very Zionists who actually funded Hitler, and those documents are now public, and it's mainstream news.
So you're the Nazis, and I've had enough of it.
I mean, I really have had enough of it, and it's a Nazi tactic,
Because they're desperate.
They know they're losing, so they use the limited, you know, few million brainwashed neocon followers they've got, who are all extreme activists, to go get people fired, to get films in trouble, to shut down the airing of things, to get professors arrested.
O'Reilly brags about it.
I've had a lot of national neocons call for my arrest.
They're serious.
They all need to be arrested for pushing up borders.
They need to be arrested for pushing the North American Union.
They need to be arrested for treason against this country, you know, according to their yardstick.
But I'm not saying that.
Let these traitors shoot their mouths off.
Comparisons to Nazis, especially in this day and age, are abhorrent.
The President and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Gideon Araof, said in a statement yesterday, Mr. Dobbs has crossed the line between responsible television commentary and hate speech.
See, they want hate laws, hate speech.
Arrest him, fire him.
Oh my gosh, he's saying that people are using Nazi-like tactics.
No, no, no, you're supposed to be the Nazis.
You're supposed to be guilty, America.
You were the Nazis.
You see how it's all twisted?
Mr. Dobbs has crossed... I'll call whoever I want a Nazi.
Hebrew Aid Group?
Who pulled your bacon out of the fire after your brethren shut Hitler up so he'd drive the Jews out into your arms so you could feed on them.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Gideon...
Aerof said in a statement yesterday, Mr. Dobbs has crossed the line between responsible television commentary and hate speech.
Propaganda on his own, keeping him on the air, is essentially, turn the page, sanctioned by CNN, which is why we're asking CNN to remove Dobbs from his very public platform.
In a broadcast last week, Mr. Dobbs has announced immigrant rights groups are portraying a crackdown on illegal immigrants as a threat to foreigners who live in America legally.
They might as well work for Herman Goering.
Well, that's true.
There's not anybody going to kick out the legal immigrants.
I mean, it's just a lie!
It's a big lie!
They might as well work for Herman Goering, as Mr. Dobbs said.
I mean, they're running so much propaganda, trying to confuse the debate, the national dialogue, by talking about immigrants rather than illegal aliens.
Well, you see, the problem is, it is a Hail Israel group.
It's a Jewish American who put up the 678 billboards saying, L.A.
is Mexico.
Because it's race politics.
They want to play everybody off against each other, and they want to race as many illegal aliens as they can in here to have the divide-and-conquer strategy.
We're being Balkanized.
And it's a jewel in the crown of the big banks and the big corporations in many special interests, the military-industrial complex to have the troops that are predominantly illegal aliens now legalized.
This is the jewel in the crown.
They've got to get this, so they are using Nazi tactics of lies.
I mean, it's a Nazi tactic.
You can have video of the illegals beating people in the Hebatuba forest, and the cops come and arrest those being beaten in the Hebatuba forest.
You can have Border Patrol agents trying to defend themselves, and then a lying drug dealer with the Mexican government behind him sends them to prison.
So that's the Nazi tactic.
The police wearing black uniforms and black masks is a Nazi tactic.
The cameras everywhere is a Nazi tactic.
The whole culture.
Homeland security.
That's a Nazi term.
Why don't you point your finger at real Nazis like George Bush Sr.'
's grandfather?
Or Arnold?
But you won't do that, because the truth is, there's a big dirty secret in Zionism that it funded Hitler.
And if you talk bad about Hitler in conjunction with Zionism, you're anti-Semitic.
Well, I'm just here to stop tyranny and fight organized crime.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Ron Paul's opening remarks of the debate and some of the samples of him responding to questions and some of the other statements.
That's coming up.
Right now, we're going to go back to your calls.
Then I'm going to get into the TV news.
Virulent news train of TV raising fears of pandemic.
Got a bunch of other audio clips we're going to be playing.
Right now, let's go ahead.
Who's up next here?
Eric in California, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
Hey, I called in Monday about our plight down here.
The illegal immigration fight down here in San Diego.
And, uh, the case of John Monte, a school teacher who was attacked by nine-day laborers.
Yeah, and the video's on his site, but the police, when he went and complained, are now going to charge him.
Yeah, that's because he filed a grand jury investigation to the San Diego police about their, uh, lack of, uh, pursuing the, uh, um, forced, uh, um, underage prostitution ring that was going on down there in that canyon.
But, uh, I'd like to talk about the rock and roll debate.
Yeah, I'm a supporter of Ron Paul, and I'm signed up on his website to be involved in his campaign and whatnot.
But last night, 15 minutes before the debate, I get an email saying that he's been invited to go to the May 15th Fox-Rupert Moloch-hosted debate in South Carolina.
And then five minutes later I get an email saying that he's been kicked off of it because they don't consider him a viable candidate.
I've got some phone numbers here.
Now was that email from the Ron Paul campaign?
No, it was from a friend.
There's a lot of disinfo.
We probably got 30 phone calls here at the office, could barely do business.
Hundreds of emails saying he was canceled last night.
There's a lot of disinfo.
And I can't just keep calling Ron Paul's office and bugging them to find out what's true and what's not.
You will hear about that from his offices if that's the case.
Yeah, well, just in case I've got... No, no, no.
See, I don't want to give out people's phone numbers and accuse them of something they haven't done and we haven't confirmed it.
I gotcha.
That's called going off half-cocked.
I gotcha.
And I do that sometimes, so I've learned my lesson.
I know.
I should...
Take your advice here, but you know, this is a fight for our lives, Alex, and we've got to get involved in the Ron Paul campaign.
You know, we can do this.
This is like our fleeting moment in history to save the republic, to get involved, to leave a legacy for our kids, and take back this country.
Good, I hear you, and I appreciate your calls.
I understand, and I appreciate your call, sir.
And I hope you're not angry with me, it's just that yesterday we were all told he was not in the debate.
And even after I said on air, no, he is going to be in the debate tonight.
He's listed.
We've talked to his office.
He continued here all day until he showed up on the debate, okay?
And so once this stuff starts, now if he gets kicked off the Republican debate that he was invited to at Fox News, we will give the Fox News phone number out.
We will do that.
But he made a strong showing yesterday, and he has won many of the polls about the debate, and so if they try that, it's going to really stick to high heaven and be obvious.
But we need to wait until they do that.
Now if you want to call Fox and thank them, thank the CIA, you see the government can't not have him now, it's too obvious, so they're going to try to just minimize him.
But if you want to call News Corp,
I really should say MI6 News, but it's wired to the CIA.
If you want to call them and thank them, that's fine.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to George in Indiana.
You're on the air.
Yeah, Alex.
A couple of things about 9-11 that I have a guest request for you.
First thing is, I don't think Bush lied.
I think he really did see the first plane hit the building because I think those people had their own cameras set up watching it happen.
So I think he told the truth there.
Well, Bush has had them bring a bunch of snuff films into the White House from Abu Ghraib, quote, to see how bad it was.
Yeah, right.
The thing about the Denae brothers, my report says that they gave their film later that day to the Gamma Press Agency, and it was shown for the first time at midnight Washington time on 9-11, so he couldn't have seen it.
You know what, I guess when I was reading that they released all the footage, I think six months later, but I think you're right.
Now, the guest I'm requesting here is, I think you cover 50% of this problem.
The other 50% is religious.
And I found what I would call the Alex Jones of clergy.
This guy is Professor Walter J. Veith.
He's got a
A series of seven films.
You can see it on YouTube.
No, on Google Video.
Amazing Discoveries.
It's called Total Onslaught 1-7.
This guy goes all over the world of the different governments and different churches and shows the tie-in with the government versus the religion.
World Council of Churches.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, the heads of all the major denominations are open, New World Order pushers.
Thanks for the call.
We'll check into that.
I've heard of him.
I think I've watched a clip of that on the web.
Okay, religion's a big part of it.
We'll be right back with a bunch of clips, news, and your calls.
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There's also a podcast that serves out Sunday nights after my 2 to 4 p.m.
excuse me 4 to 6 p.m.
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I want to thank all those affiliates as well with the Sunday show that I do.
I know we've got Tammy and Joshua and Chris and Carlos and
Tony and many others that are patiently holding.
We're going to get to you.
But let me go ahead and play some clips right now.
In the next hour, I'll play the six-minute intro and compilation of Ron Paul and what he had to say last night.
But here is a two-minute compilation of a couple of the candidates talking about the National ID Card, the Real ID Act, as they sell it to the American people, the Federalized National ID Card already in place that they claim is coming in a few years.
You don't let a horse know he's in the trailer going to the glue factory until he's already in the trailer.
You don't let him know you're trying to put him in there until he's already in there to lock that bolt down.
And that's what they've done.
But here's Ron Paul, the only one that responded right to saying he didn't want a national ID card.
Here it is.
We're at the last round.
It's going to be 30-second responses.
I want to start with Mayor Giuliani.
Something you've come out for, I believe.
I want you to explain it and defend it.
A national tamper-proof ID card.
Yeah, I think that's critical to having immigration security.
Every single person in this country who comes in from a foreign country should be identified, should be in a database, it should be a tamper-proof card.
I probably have the most experience in dealing with security.
I had to take a city that was
We're good to go.
To sensibly create security is to have a tamper-proof card, a database, and then kind of back up from that.
Well, how do we get there?
That would allow for a fence, a technological fence, border patrol, having people come forward, people who are paying taxes, or who want to pay taxes, God bless them, let them pay taxes.
Governor Romney, I think, are you with him on that tamper-proof ID card?
I had the occasion, as you know, following the
The great disaster on 9-11 to help organize the Olympic Winter Games, bring people from all over the world together in Salt Lake City, organize the first national special security event following that tragedy, and brought together law enforcement from all over the country, coordinated them in a way that we could communicate with each other.
There's no question, as we deal with the issue of immigration, having a national special card that indicates a person's name, date, birthdate, biographic information, and an indication of their work status will allow us to know who's here legally, who's not, who can work, and who cannot.
Is someone against this on libertarian grounds, the idea of a national ID card?
Senator Brownback?
I don't think this is the way to go, and I don't think we need to go this way.
And I've been serving on the Judiciary Committee and working on these immigration issues.
What we need to do is secure the border with a fence.
And then interior-wise, we need to make sure that that social security number means something.
We already have a social security number.
How's that different than a national ID card if it works?
Because we don't need a new system and we don't need a new ID card.
Senator McCain!
Senator McCain!
Are you for a national tamper-proof ID card?
That's one of the recommendations of the 9-11 Commission, and absolutely, if someone wants to work, they have to have a document that's tamper-proof, and any employer who employs someone else with any other document, like a bogus Social Security card or birth certificate, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
No, I am absolutely opposed to a national ID card.
This is a total contradiction of what a free society is all about.
The purpose of government is to protect the secrecy and the privacy of all individuals, not the secrecy of government.
We don't need a national ID card.
Mr. Tancredo, do you agree with the need of a National Pemberton ID Card?
I do not think we need a National ID Card, much for the reasons that Dr. Paul said.
We absolutely need a verifiable Social Security Card.
They are two separate things.
I believe that we can accomplish the former without jeopardizing individual business.
Alright, now I could have written ten pages of notes on what you just heard.
Snake Giuliani
You notice he says we need a national ID card for the foreigners.
This isn't for the foreigners, by the way.
They're all left alone and exempt from this, basically.
Then he says we need a fence, a technological fence.
That's what Homeland Security has said.
That isn't real.
It's a Tinker Toy sensor system they don't even use and they cut back on Border Patrol.
Now, when you all hear him say, oh, but let's bring the immigrants, let them work, let them pay taxes,
You're not going to need a fence anymore because they're all legalized under the Guest Worker Program.
Here's a National North American Union ID card.
See, this is how they play these tricks.
This has already been unified with Mexico and Canada.
So, just like Robert Pasteur said before Congress a few weeks ago that Lou Dobbs played, you know, saying we need a continental security perimeter and borders around North America, not internal borders.
That means the end of the country.
By the way.
But the average person watching this isn't going to understand the lies.
It sounds good.
Yeah, let's have those immigrants have one of those.
The immigrants don't have to have any U.S.
ID or any form of ID to be given a bank account.
All they gotta do is put cash in a bank.
And then a month later, after they've had a bank account a month, that bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, 800 plus other lenders, Associated Press, will give them housing and car loans.
That's right, because if somebody runs off and doesn't pay for the house, they've just got to repossess it.
They don't care.
Now, as a citizen, three forms isn't enough.
I was using a business card to buy some stuff the other night, some video cameras for Luke Radowski at Best Buy, and I gave the lady my stuff.
For some reason, the debit card didn't work.
I checked it the next day.
It was working.
It just, their terminal wasn't working.
And she started taking it away from me when it didn't work.
I said, look, the manager's all here, fans of the show, go get them.
And she's like, I know who you are, but I'm still going to take it.
And I had to kind of, you know, use the mind trick on her.
And I said, give me my card back now.
And she gave it back to me.
I didn't say it meanly.
I just looked at her and said, give me the card now.
And then she scurried off, and the manager was walking up.
He said, hi, Alex.
And I just walked out.
And I guess I just order stuff online, but everywhere I go, it's like that.
We're treated like scum.
I won't even go to CompUSA anymore because they like to search you when you leave.
I just tell them up front, look, if you're going to search me, I just bought the junk.
Your employees are responsible for over 60% of your thieving.
You got all these cameras in here, I'm surveilled, and I'm, I don't know, I just... We're just such a scumbag country, folks.
The people are scum, the government's scum, everything's scum.
I mean, there's still a lot of good, there's a lot of beauty, but there's just so much scum.
Here's the next clip.
It's only a minute long.
If you listen carefully, the police officer, she says, my father's had a heart attack.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to the hospital.
And the police, she goes, my father's had a heart attack again.
And the policeman says, good.
He replies, I'm glad he's having a heart attack.
And the police are the right thing.
The police chief has suspended this guy.
And cops never acted like this in the past.
I mean, there have been examples of like where the cops pull over a woman who left a bar in Detroit.
Same office has done it a couple times, similar things.
And he starts pulling her jacket off violently.
He starts slamming her head in the car because it won't come off because it gets tied around her arms.
So he takes a pocket knife and savagely slashes with so much hatred it chopped off two of her fingers.
That's not easy.
I mean, you've got guys on roids, folks.
I mean, they're scary, too.
I don't know.
And by the way, they've done national studies.
The Feds put one out two years ago.
The group that they found with the highest incidence of steroid use is you bet cops, because a lot of them are wimps who think they need to be tough and think they need steroids.
They don't know long-term that makes you weak, actually, and that just by being aggressive, you can actually increase your normal testosterone level, if you don't mind your hair all falling out.
And with full-body exercise, you can boost your testosterone level.
You can really double it.
I don't want to get off into it.
Years ago, I used to be into weightlifting.
You don't need the drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
But it doesn't matter.
The point is, they just go nuts and attack people.
After Deputy Kevin Stabins stopped Melissa Langston a second time in a hospital parking lot, video from the cruiser dashboard shows him yanking her from her car and slamming her against it.
Please let me see my dad.
She cries as her handcuffs her.
If it was your dad, he says, Stabens cuts her off saying, no you're not going to see him, you're going to jail.
Stabens 29 was suspended for five days without pay for using excessive force.
Hillsborough County Sheriff's David Gee signed off on a suspension Tuesday.
He said Stabens will begin serving on May 22nd.
He needs to be fired, folks.
It says charges against Langston 37 were dropped.
I printed this and the front page was lost.
Well, you can read the full story at PrisonPlanet.com.
Here it is.
That was, that was much more.
I have to get there!
I'm sorry, but... Put it in the trunk.
Put it in the trunk.
Put it in the trunk.
Out of the car.
Stay behind your back.
Now you're going to jail.
So what happens is, she's pulling into the parking lot.
Okay, and he stops her.
And then he says, give me your stuff, and she says, my dad's having a heart attack, and she pulls off and pulls in to a parking space.
He runs up, jerks her out, slams her around, slams her in the car so hard her feet come off the ground.
And then he starts basically pleasuring himself with power as she's screaming hysterically.
I mean, you know, cops used to know how to deal with hysterical women.
But, uh,
Instead of just letting her go, okay, go ahead.
No, no, no.
He's gotta let her know who's boss.
But a pack of illegal aliens could have marijuana, cocaine, drunk, grabbed her, whatever they want.
He's been told, leave them alone.
No, no, no.
This is one of the dumb cattle to be fed on.
This is one of the people we suck off of.
Oh, by the way, yesterday... I tried to call in to the local talk station that I'm on.
But you know, people always love to be on petty power trips, call screeners.
No, Alex, you've got your own show.
I'm like, well, does the host not want me on?
No, my decision.
You can't come on.
But they were talking about red light cameras going in all over Texas and Dripping Springs and several other areas.
It wasn't Dripping Springs.
What's the name of it?
Marble Falls.
Has put one in right when you're leaving town, hidden in a sign by some trees, where you can't even see it.
And if you go any mileage over the speed limit, it gives you a ticket.
And I wanted to call into the show, and the discussion was still ongoing about it.
It wasn't like they had enough calls, and I called in at the wrong time, but that's an excuse for them not to have you on.
And I called in and I said, well Lockheed Martin got thrown out in San Diego because it's actually
against state and federal law you have to have precedent you have to have an officer riding up the ticket and visually being a witness not the camera
And also, Lockheed Martin was caught shortening the yellow lights from four seconds to two.
It increased accidents, including fatality accidents, massively.
In fact, it almost doubled them, not quite.
This was all over the San Diego Herald Tribune and other papers.
So it was thrown out there in other areas.
But see, by the time, towns can put these in, and by the time you sue them and stop them, two, three years later, they've already made, I mean folks, one camera can make twenty-five, thirty million a year.
I've heard of some making more.
So, you know, they put in 10-15 cameras.
We're talking 100 mil.
And, of course, that then goes into real estate scams with the mayor and the rest of it, especially in these small towns.
A little extra goody for the boss hog.
And it actually causes more fatalities, more deaths, more wrecks, because they shorten lights.
And mainly defense contractor companies sell these packages and monitor them and run them.
You know, they're taking over.
Why not?
They're taking over the planet.
Why not here?
And I just tried to call into that show and just say, you know, it's actually been found uncivil and illegal.
And just imagine somebody who didn't want me to be able to tell people that.
It's just so frustrating to not be able to even reach out to people.
I mean, I want to warn the American people.
I have a burning desire.
I mean, literally, I can be home at 9 o'clock at night.
I've gone home to see my children for three hours.
They go to sleep after dinner.
I am totally tired.
Years ago, I had no discipline compared to that.
I would have gone to sleep.
You know, when you're really tired, folks, and I'm sitting on the couch, I just get up, I go get in the car, and I drive to work because I want to warm people.
And I'm not even saying I'm that good of a guy.
It's a passion.
You know they're brain-damaging children.
You know, every day, 18-month-old babies get their third round of shots and go into a coma for a few days and then come out of it with the seizures and brain damage forever.
Millions of them.
Conclusively documented.
Hundreds of studies.
Absolute fact.
I have a burning desire on that issue alone that I want to tell people, don't take the shots.
And they go, but I heard they took the mercury out.
I could show them even Associated Press.
They didn't.
They increased it four to five times depending on the shot.
That's how evil they are.
I have a burning desire to warn you that there is no law.
You've got to take shots, but they're lying in mass and creating precedent and color of law and nine-tenths possession rules and customary law under common law by simply exclaiming it's the law.
I want to warn you.
I want to warn people.
That's all I want to do.
I hate the fact they're putting these red light cameras up and Austin's talking about doing it.
And there's going to be more wrecks.
And they're going to shorten the lights like they've done in every place.
I hate it.
I hate the fact that mobsters run my town.
I hate the fact that they're turning all my main roads into toll roads, including MoPac.
And they lied about that and said they never would, and of course they would.
We have the documents.
I mean, it's scary to know that Dying Corps is based right here in Austin, and I've been told repeatedly with threatening phone calls and things that I'm gonna sleep with the fishes if I don't shut up about their child kidnapping rings, but I'm not gonna shut up!
My God, can you imagine the terror of those two and three and four and five-year-olds?
You know it's scary for me.
I've got children.
I know what the New World Order's capable of, but I've just gotta do the right thing!
Then I see people in this movement who don't have their heads screwed on straight, who aren't taking action, who don't have the burning desire, who are in this for ego.
Let me tell you, this is serious stuff that will get you killed.
If you're just getting into this for ego, and you're just getting into this to fight the man just because you feel like it, let me tell you, you might just go ahead and get out of it.
Or if you're in this because you want credit for something, you've got a big problem.
You've got a big problem.
This is real, ladies and gentlemen.
This stuff is nauseating.
I mean, you talk about the New World Order, if you could spiritually smell it, it's like the stench of a billion rotting bodies.
You ever smell rotten flesh, I mean, just on a hot day, out there in the heat, boiling off of it with the flies all over it?
That's the New World Order.
It is a giant mass of stinking detritus.
And they revel in the power.
They revel in their fancy royal outfits and their crowns and all their crap.
And they revel in exercising power on the innocent and grinding out innocents and destroying beauty because they're twisted and wicked.
Oh man, I'm honored to fight these people.
How could you not fight them?
Help us fight them.
Spread the word with the work we're doing.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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We're good.
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Look out your window, babe, I haven't seen you like this yet.
Bandit St.
Dixie, man's got his hand out to tip.
Could be the feudal, could be the local priest.
Well, there's sometimes, sometimes, you know we come as a man of peace.
Welcome back.
Thanks for joining us.
A couple of comments off my Myspace account.
The Iconoclast says, I'm dead wrong about Pitbulls, and has a picture, I guess, of his Pitbull bringing him a bone.
I didn't say that all pit bulls are killers and like to eat children, like to savage children, but literally 90% of the time that I read about animals just in a park, or walking down the street attacking people, or eating people's children, it's pit bulls.
Other times it's bull mastiffs.
I'm saying as a breed, it is trained to fight, it is instinctively a biter, and a biter that bites to kill.
And there are a lot of people walking around with them who like to go down the street menacing people.
Now, if you're not one of those people, fine.
I'm not talking about you.
But it is, I am sick of pit bull owners who just say that I'm wrong about it and they're sweet and they're all good.
Oh, God.
Reminds me of that guy who wanted to go live with the grizzly bears and said they were sweet and you could get to know them.
You know, one of them ate them.
I'm not saying there aren't grizzly bears, you can't train, you can't pet on the tummy, that are, you know, play with a beach ball with you, but most of them will kill you dead in a hammer.
Now, I'm done with that issue.
There's another person here, let me scroll down.
I've now let a computer back in the studio, so the distractions are now beginning.
It says, I was quite shocked to hear your comments about illegals on your radio show.
Both the United States and the UK have hugely benefited from a growing economy, partly due to the hard work of immigrants.
How do you know if someone is an illegal or a contributing member of society?
I do not believe the police
Well, Alice, let me bring you into the real world, okay?
And I told you it's a paradox for me.
I don't dislike the illegals by and large.
Hard-working, nice family people.
They like the show for some reason and know about the New World Order, even though I say they should be kicked out of the country.
There are 5 plus billion people, actually there's 6,500,000,000 right now, that's the new census projection for 2006.
It's not out for 2007.
There's 6.5 billion projected to be next year, 2.6 plus billion.
I mean 6.6 billion.
So if we've got 6,500,000,000
There are six billion, two hundred million people outside the country.
Ninety percent of those live in third world squalor.
And they have drug immune TB, they have wet leprosy, which by the way is spreading all over the United States right now.
They're setting up sanitariums right now.
There's a good chance a lot of people listening right now will be given incredibly expensive, very poisonous
We're good to go.
There's the economics.
There's the disease.
There's the fact that they're on welfare.
There's the fact that they're above the law.
There's the fact that they can't be caught when they commit crimes.
There's the fact that they're nationalistic and want to bring down the country.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into the third and final hour.
Don't forget the free podcast served out daily to your MP3 or iPod device at the end of the show each day.
It is served out.
Go subscribe, and if you have subscribed, tell your friends and family about it.
That's how we spread the word and expand the number of people that are aware of what's happening.
I'll be on the radio Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
on the new syndicated show.
It's not that new anymore.
We're doing it in about eight months out of the studios of News Radio 590, KLBJ, Tammy, Tony, Joshua, Chris, Jim.
We're going to get to all of you in the next segment.
But I wanted to respond to Alice in the United Kingdom saying illegals contribute, they're really citizens, they're paying taxes, so they're good.
The Feds don't like to advertise this.
The state of Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, they don't like to advertise this.
But the numbers are all public.
And in states like California, an illegal on average costs three times what they contribute in taxes.
Three times.
That's because about half the prisoners in the state are illegal aliens.
That's because most illegal aliens do work full-time jobs and they have two or three identities and are on welfare.
That's why you see the illegals driving $50,000, $30,000 trucks with huge gold necklaces hanging around their necks because they're hard-working.
They are hard working, there's no debating it, and they show up on time.
But I don't hire illegals anymore because I'm not going to be a hypocrite.
Years ago, anybody you called would have them.
A contractor comes out with illegals, I go, I need to see papers on these people, because I can go to jail for that, by the way.
To make a long story short here,
You've got 6.5 billion people, 300 million in this country, and the numbers of illegals coming in are 10 plus times the highest levels they were at the peak of the 1890s through 1900.
I mean, back then they'd have 300,000, 200,000 a year.
Right now it's 3 million illegals, over a million illegals.
We're talking 4 plus million.
And we hear stories about 200,000 deported last year.
Ooh, Bush is getting tough!
That's like your leg being chopped off and blood spewing across the rim and they put a band-aid on it.
No, it needs to be cauterized.
It needs to be sutured and clamped and cauterized immediately.
With a big hot iron.
Or the country's dead.
But I know cops, you're too busy writing tickets and waddling around to even do your job.
You're not allowed to, so you'll just cowardly do what you're told.
Now again, the big global corporations are behind this to destroy what's left of the middle class in Europe and the United States.
All the nations are being flooded with immigrant, serf labor.
They're free human beings.
I want them to be free, but they come from serfdom to be used to basically flood and to overwhelm our lifeboat and sink it to where there's a huge peon slave class and a tiny elite.
All the big foundations, all the big think tanks, both political parties and all the big parties of other nations and the globalists want total, complete, open borders.
Now everything else they want is bad for the people and bad for the middle class.
Do you want that?
Do you think 30 million illegals is bad?
How about another 100 million?
They're all coming here.
And when I say that in 2005 it came out that there were 700 plus cases of wet leprosy.
That means transferable leprosy.
And folks, I've seen people with leprosy walking around in Austin.
You can tell.
The big red, black spots.
The nose looks like it's going to fall off.
Nobody's going to check it.
Nobody's going to stop them.
Now, they're going to CPS your kids and put them on Ritalin and Prozac and do forced psychological testing.
As the drugs they force cause more suicides.
They'll force even more drugging as the quote answer works like a charm.
But leprosy dripping everywhere, that's fine.
I mean, this is scary stuff, okay?
And they say, that's a classic thing to claim that immigrants carry disease.
Because they always have, folks!
You know, go down to Honduras and just let the mosquitoes bite you all day.
When we get back, I'll briefly go over, virulent new strain of TB, raising fears of pandemic.
It's untreatable.
And it'll kill you.
It's killing thousands every year.
And I'm surprised to even see it in the news.
They keep it real quiet.
And, uh, I don't want to be locked up for the rest of my life.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
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I'm getting some Cal-X.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We do have the ABC News clip where they're talking about Bush knowing about the towers being hit by a plane.
It looks like before it even happened.
We'll be playing that later.
We've got a bunch of clips to get to.
Right now, you have held long enough.
We're going to move quickly.
Tammy, where are you calling us from today?
Hi Alex, I just wanted to say that I called the South Carolina GOP this morning to politely complain about Ron Paul not being invited to the debate.
And when I did, the lady on the other line was extremely rude.
She interrupted me and started being real snotty and saying, he has been extended an invitation and he can show up if he wants.
And I just wanted to let you know that.
Well, they've gotten a lot of phone calls, too, you see, because somebody said that he wasn't invited to the one last night, now they're saying he wasn't invited to the next one, and that can actually backfire on him.
I mean, my office has had masses of calls, and I'm glad folks are active, but they've got to be active in the right direction or it can actually, then when we do complain, we won't be listened to.
I see.
So do you think that we're probably bombarding them too much?
You know what?
Just do what you want.
I mean, I mean, you know, to call up and accuse people of not including him when he is included isn't going to help.
And see, at that moment, I didn't know because I'd received two emails from... No, I understand.
It's a huge Internet hoax.
And it, I mean, literally yesterday the phone just kept ringing off the hook here in emails and, you've got to do something, you've got to... No, no, no, we've talked to Ron Paul's office.
No, it's not true, I have the email!
Listen, we talked to Ron Paul's office, he's going to be on the debates tonight.
No, no!
You know, and it's just like, okay, fine.
But I'm glad people are frothing, that's good.
They should all go froth and get the story.
The JFK assassination, and I appreciate your call, has now been blown wide open.
And thanks for letting us know that.
I mean, the JFK assassination, we now have the head of the shooters going public in an authentic tape released by his son.
It doesn't get any better than this.
It's nowhere in the media.
I mean, just St.
John Hunt saying he had some pages and his father told him was the cover of Rolling Stone, but then 60 Minutes came to him, everybody else came to him, they authenticated the handwriting and the tape, and they didn't do it.
No one's doing it!
It's up to us!
Go get the story off PrisonPlanet.com on the right-hand side of the page, News in Focus, and get it out to people!
Get this ABC thing we're about to play out.
You know, the Building 7 thing with the BBC reporting it had collapsed before it collapsed?
That's the smoking gun right there of the scripting.
It shows it.
We added everything else.
Again, it was big for a week.
Never heard of it again.
We've got to start having, like, the ten most censored stories of the month or something every month on the website.
Because, in fact, we can start doing a rundown of that with the stories we put together.
I just want to warn people.
I just want to expose what's happening.
Do you understand?
This is life and death.
Tony, where are you calling from?
I'm out in Las Vegas, Nevada, Alex.
Welcome, thanks for calling.
Alright, thank you for what you do.
I just wanted to give kind of an update on the after 40 some minutes of the debate last night and Ron Paul getting like one question the first 40 plus minutes.
After the debate, Drudge had a poll and it had Ron Paul at third with 16% behind Mitt Romney at first and Giuliani.
Which was a stunner, I think, for anyone.
They really carefully watched that, that you could only vote from your ISP one time.
And he had reigned in 16% of the vote, creaming McCain at 5%.
Can you send that over to Watson?
He's got an article on this that he's going to be adding to.
I can, because they shut it down.
I saved it.
I did.
I clicked and saved that, because I knew they wouldn't leave that up long.
And I worked late at night, and I was up until about 5 in the morning.
You got a lot of little blurb-like...
You know, Drudge Report pulls Paul as Paul was rising or something.
I want a screenshot of that and we'll post it.
Send it to Watson at PrisonPlanet.com and Aaron at Infowars.com or JonesReport.com.
Watch Jones Report and Prison Planet.
We'll have continual coverage throughout the weekend.
Absolutely will, Alex.
And I just want to say, with that little exposure, I really believe everyone that I know in my family, I call around, I've got family all over the country, they feel like he is a better, classier version, believe it or not, of a Ross Perot.
And they're scared to death.
This came out of Giuliani's mouth about a week and a half ago.
He said there will be probably a third-party candidate make a major shockwave in this election.
There has never been a time, not even back in the time Ross Perot got 18 percent, when the electorate was this volatile for a change from the Clinton- No, you're right, you're right.
I mean, all this goes without saying, but we should repeat it, and I'm glad you brought this up.
Please send the screenshot, write a one-paragraph blurb.
We'll get it up, okay?
Okay, thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
I mean, you've got the intellects.
I see the stuff you post on Digg and the message boards that's a lot more eloquent than what I even say.
Your analysis is excellent.
Where is it?
Put it in story format.
Send it to Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
Send it to Aaron at InfoWars.com.
Send it to Ryan at InfoWars.com.
And we'll get it out to people.
But yes, the electorate in the last hundred years, we've seen a major realignment away from both parties.
We have never seen in our lifetimes, no one is living right now that has seen an alignment this big.
But they're trying to manage it, they're trying to give you a fake liberal candidate, fake republican candidate.
We can position Ron Paul, he may not win the primary, but then he can jump into a third party race and at least inject real issues and catalyze the people to take action at the state level.
And he could win.
And I've talked to him privately, and he's even said on air he knows that would be very dangerous physically for him.
He's not stupid.
But we do need to ensure that he's in that Fox News debate, but reportedly he's part of that now.
His office told us so.
The minute we're told he isn't, we'll go absolutely ape.
But they're going to have a big problem doing that and keeping the congressman out of it.
Let's talk to Joshua in Oklahoma.
You're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
What's on your mind?
Well, my mind is spinning right now because there's so much I want to say.
I originally wanted to call about the debate last night.
I think that Ron Paul was the only one that was pretty much making sense.
And watching the debate was really frightening to me.
And I don't know, McCain going off on his little rant just wanted to make me sick.
But basically I just wanted to say that I think people really need to wake up to this because this is definitely real and this is really scary and you go down the street and I try to talk to people about this you know and I think the reason that people want to deny all this and the reason that people think you know that you're crazy or whatever is because that people are afraid that
Yeah, he's not going to be wearing a brown uniform with a crooked cross on his arm with a little mustache.
Look, if we let the New World Order know that we're aware that they're behind the dollar plunge, they're behind the manipulation of the currency, they're behind the terror, they'll have to stop and back off and regroup.
If they think they're getting away with it, they're going to move forward.
I mean, it's literal life and death right now trying to hold them back.
And I just think people are just afraid and they just want to deny all this from happening and it's just going to... What's going to happen is it's just going to get to the point where it's going to be a
You know, I think McCain was really wanting to say either take the national ID card or we'll prosecute you to the full extent of the law.
That's disgusting.
I appreciate your call.
Good points.
It's really simple.
Either we get the word out or we go into a one world government.
And we've never had more people awake.
We've never had more people waking up than are waking up now.
And there are a lot of people who are scared, who know the truth, who've stayed quiet.
They're not on the fence, they've just stayed hidden.
And there's a lot of people who haven't woken up, but have had the seeds planted, and they're going to wake up as the tyranny comes.
And I think the New World Order's top people, in fact I've seen some of their public policy reports, they know there's major rebellion.
I mean that British 10-year
Report about what the future is going to be like?
About how the people are going to unite against the elites?
And that it's going to be total, you know, rapine on the streets, basically?
I mean, they know, okay?
They know.
That's why they're accelerating the police and everything they're doing.
It doesn't have to be like this.
But police can decide to join the people again.
You've been brainwashed.
You've been twisted.
You've been lied to.
You've been turned against the people in the name of we're a bunch of cattle and you've got to mind us like you're a sheepdog.
That is not the case.
And you better join us.
I mean, you better choose sides.
Choose who you're with.
It really gets simple.
I mean, it's choose.
Choose sides.
Choose who you're with here.
Who are you with?
Who are you going to affiliate with?
Now, let's talk to Chris in Kentucky.
You're on the air, Chris, and Jim in Rhode Island.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, you're right.
We've got to take action.
I'm sick and tired of what I've seen out here.
I mean, it's just the secret police with out-of-state plates on their cars, with these men in black uniforms.
We've got the Kentucky Derby here.
We've got a total martial law set up where you can and can't go.
I mean, this is not freedom anymore.
Well, that's why the Queen's really, really here.
She always comes over every year for the Kentucky Derby.
And she does.
And it's just, you know, they condition people like it's for everybody's safety.
Now, there's a woman, I have left the public school system.
I resigned because they're going biometrics next year.
And it's real folks are going to do this to employees.
But a co worker is going to go to the governor's capital.
To do a catering thing, and you know what?
They've got to be scanned to get in there.
Well, it's for her safety.
I tell her that, and I tell her and tell her, and she says, well, what do you mean it's not there?
It's for her safety.
And by the way, you notice they put it in the last 10 years all over the country to get a driver's license, and they never tell you.
You just walk in, and the box is there to scan you.
But the illegals don't have to.
No, they don't have to.
And I tell you what, you know, it's just such freedom.
But I'm not stopping out here, because people are waking up.
People are concerned.
Well, I commend you.
You resigned from being a school teacher over this?
No, not as a teacher, but when the biometrics came in, I said, I'm leaving.
I'm done.
You're starting that next year.
Give me back the contract.
I'm out of here.
I'm not being put into databases.
It's over.
And I'm going to keep going with this, but those people, if they find out what tyranny is on the school board, it's over.
Good job, my friend.
Keep it up.
Alright, I've got a bunch of audio clips, a ton of news.
I never even got to the drug-resistant, drug-immune TB spreading like wildfire.
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Just the Castaway.
Paul Watson and his brother as well as Aaron Dykes are on fire right now writing multiple articles with so much news breaking on Ron Paul really winning the debate winning in many polls or showing in the top three which is very important for his position and get that out to everybody.
We also have this big ABC News piece concerning Bush knowing about the planes hitting.
We'll cover that in the next segment.
More on us being trained by the British Royals, how to kneel before them on CNN.
We've got six minutes of Ron Paul.
I want to air, as well, his comments from last night.
But right now, let's get to your calls quickly here.
Let's talk to Jim in Long Island, not Rhode Island.
Welcome, Jim.
Hi, Alex.
I got some encouraging news, and it relates to what you're talking about.
You woke me up.
I woke up my family.
I got two kids in college.
That truth is, and they took all sorts of heat, major universities in California, to the point where, you know, they were being attacked.
My daughter hooked up with Mark Dice and they put together a YouTube video
And they named it Babes in Bikinis.
That's a lot of really nice young ladies talking about 9-11 information.
It's all your stuff.
It's all your stuff.
That's great.
I don't care who's stuff it is.
Hey, but which one is your daughter?
Because I've seen the video.
Uh, she leads it off.
She does most of the talking on the, uh, the talking... Well, they do a great job.
By the way, we're going to do one of those contests.
We did one a few years ago with the, uh, Arnold ad, and I told my people Monday, well, next week we're going to launch a 9-11 truth jam that plugs Prison Planet, InfoWars, and TerrorStorm with a $1,000 prize plus 30 DVDs.
But Alex, the thing about this is, it's got 38,000 hits.
It's number 7.
Most talked about political
uh... video in the world.
No, I know that's exciting.
We linked to it back on Monday when we first saw it.
Yeah, now the thing with that is, you know, I would imagine there's a lot more than 37,000 of it.
It's 38,000 and it's going up slowly.
It went up 16,000 and it went to 35,000 and now it's slowing down.
I think they're playing with it.
But the thing was, you look at Lou Dobbs talking about the North American Union.
He got 80 hits.
But the reason this video took off
Psychological techniques against these guys because they're using it against us.
Well, they use psychological techniques for the lie.
I always talk about how we frame the truth, you know, present it.
How do you make a simple headline to give people the incredible import of what it means that Bush has been caught in three or four lies now with what happened that morning on 9-11?
There's a huge new development.
I don't even know how to even phrase it myself, what it means.
Alex, when I was in college, I studied it under the disciples of Milgram.
You know the famous Milgram experiments?
And my professor, Dr. Birkin, who worked with Milgram as his aide, said if you want to get to the youth, the way you get their attention, and everybody knows it, sex, drugs, rock and roll.
Now if you've got to trick them a little, and to bring them over to a discussion that's really valuable to them, then I don't see there's anything unethical about tricking them.
The title of that video, Babes in Bikinis, tell it like it is.
I mean, when you see the comments there, where you get some perverts on it, the truth is, smack them down right away.
And if somebody says, oh, they quote the Popular Mechanics article, the truth is, jump right on them.
And it's really encouraging to see that they're getting through to some of these young people, because my son was at San Diego State, 35,000 students.
My daughter's at San Diego State, 35,000 students.
I mean, and she was up against it any time she brought something up in class, like a political science class.
I mean, they stomp on these kids.
No, I know.
It's about stopping debate.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, we've done contests before and we are going to do one.
We're going to get it posted by Monday up on Prison Planet and InfoWars and Jones Report.
But you can go ahead and start now.
We'll have the contest run through because it is effective and it's a good thing to do.
We did that with the Arnold ads about two years ago.
What we'll do is $1,000, same thing as what Mark did.
Yes, we are.
Announce the winner June 10th.
How's that sound?
June 10th.
But we'll post all the YouTube and Google videos and that's how you submit them as you upload them to YouTube or Google and they promote PrisonPlanetInfoWars.com and TerrorStorm.
All three of those things promoted in there but mainly 9-11 Truth.
Getting the word out about 9-11 and you'll win the prize.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Yeah, I've taken on a lot of really big projects and we need the capital to hire more people to be able to carry out those projects properly.
I can only do so much.
And well, just to elaborate on that.
You support us by getting the documentary films.
I was so busy last hour, I didn't even plug them, and that's really how we fund ourselves.
I've made 15 films.
The latest is Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terror.
If you haven't checked out the secure online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com, you really are missing out on great books like David Ray Griffin's new book, Debunking 9-11 Debunkers.
We also have a documentary film about him with his information, his presentations that you can get discounted when you get it with the book or you can get them individually.
We, of course, have Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., a great new film we're carrying.
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And I'm not saying it's milquetoast or isn't hardcore.
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It's all available right now at InfoWars.com or you can call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Alright, let me just stop right there and also encourage you to join PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's a great activist tool.
All of my films, my weekly TV shows, all these special video reports from weather control to the 7-7 bombings to
Occult symbolism.
All my best audio interviews.
It's just all there.
Thousands of pieces of media.
Three plus years running.
Go get a monthly membership.
It's the cost of two cups of Starbucks coffee.
And that's really what funds us.
And I have had a change of course.
Slightly in the last two months here on air.
A few times.
You've heard me say, because a lot of people call me, and I've found that it discouraged people.
In the past when I would say, don't send us your donations, and a few people still did, and sometimes if they were large, I would call and it was usually, it was always the same great type folks.
Some old lady, or some old man, I'd say, do you have capital?
Because if you don't have this money, and this is going to hurt you, I did send back a few large checks.
Yes, sir.
And quite frankly, because we do offer the films free on the web, they're not in the highest quality on Google and YouTube, but they're better on PrisonPlanet.tv, that actually has hurt how much we sell.
I also have more people that work for me now, and it's a bigger nut to crack each month.
And I'd like to finance some other things that, frankly, take a lot of capital in the scale of things I'm involved in.
I don't want to fully exhaust any reserves we have that are for backup, but we're doing that now.
So I've made the decision, since I'm exhausting capital reserves that we have, that that's not a good thing to do, and I've tried to sell more advertising, I'm sure you've noticed, and I've tried to, you know, and I thought, why am I spending my time doing this to capitalize info war when I need to be engaging in info war?
And so you will see less advertising and you will hear less pitching if we just make it easy here and people donate.
Now again, you can call up and buy the Everything Special or you can go to the website and buy the Everything Special.
That really is a way to contribute to us.
Or if it makes it easy for you and you want to write us a check or a cashier's check or send cash to us, we will put it into the fight.
I will put it into bigger servers, more video editors, more webmasters, more writers.
I mean, I've had thousands of people want to volunteer.
I don't have the personnel to go through giant files we have of all these volunteers that wanted to volunteer.
But then I've also found that volunteers want to sit around and drink coffee with you and talk to you and once they find out it's not glamorous, it's all work, they kind of fall by the wayside.
Or fans, I've hired fans before, it always turns into a problem because fans, you know, it's just weird.
And then the people I really need to hire, it takes money to do some of the web things I want to do, and I'm so busy I don't even have time to call them.
I need to hire more IT people.
It's expensive, is my point.
And, you know, basically I carry the Genesis Network on my back.
It's a great network.
And I try to feed all the other hosts and try to energize them.
And that's really what it's turned into, is it orbits me.
And then I'm not basically like, let's say I'm a furnace here.
I need fuel to basically power this thing.
And that's what we're trying to do because we can really exponentially grow if we have the capital.
We have programs and plans that we know are effective.
All right, I got all your calls and clips to get to.
Just if you'd like to write to us, if you'd like to donate to us, if you'd like to support us, it's 3001.
South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
That's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And you can also email, we need to create a resume email because I am about to hire
I've already got two good IT people, but one's part-time, the other's semi-part-time.
He does a bunch of other stuff.
I need to vet two new IT people, preferably that are in Austin.
We're going to probably hire two webmasters.
That's four employees, see?
That's why we need donations.
And again, the harvest will be hundreds of millions on this.
And I don't mean hundreds of millions of dollars.
There won't be any money if we pay people.
Hundreds of millions of people
We've already done that, but I mean doing that every month instead of every year.
I mean accelerating our attack on the enemy.
So buy war bonds, ladies and gentlemen.
And what do you get paid back?
Living in a free society, living in a free country.
If you want to donate to us, if you want to support us, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
And you can go there and buy the books and videos.
That's the best way to do it.
Or if you want to write us a check, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
I want to thank those that have donated in the past or bought the books and films or have been PrisonPlanet.tv members.
I'm asking you to give again if you can, but I do not want you to give unlike the preachers who tell.
I've had so many old family members and stuff who had a couple hundred thousand dollars in the bank and before they died,
I don't think so.
We will put it to use.
We've proven ourselves.
Why have I been prideful?
It really was pride.
There are so many charlatans who I know constantly are all about money and all about million dollar houses and all about fancy cars and all about the baubles of success who I do hear beg for money and it drives me up the wall.
That's why I never did it.
But you know what?
Just because other people are doing stuff they didn't write doesn't mean that donations like we did to the Founding Fathers of the Continental Congress or to anybody else... I mean, I told you donate to Ron Paul.
I've donated to him.
Twice now.
I tell you donate to Luke Radowski and 9-11 Truth in New York.
You've done it.
I tell you to help those Christian young men walking across America.
I mean, we're here
I started thinking, why are we getting donations from everybody else when we literally are a major fulcrum in the fight?
We literally are a major... I don't even like to talk about this because it makes us more of a target, but we are a major nexus point.
A major engine.
A major... What do they call the areas in hurricanes that power the whole thing?
We're like a major energy cell.
Like in a big storm.
I mean, everybody knows it.
Why not just be honest about it?
And frankly, again, I get chills.
It's scary.
I don't like it, folks.
I know I am literally, you know, like an interdictor spacecraft going deeper into enemy territory at light speed, constantly deeper and deeper, you know, towards their, you know, towards their, you know, their main heart.
And I just don't, you know what?
I mean, if I'm going to give my life for this or give my treasure for this, if I'm going to go all the way, why not join me in the fight, ladies and gentlemen?
I'm going to spend 60 seconds on it.
It's just... Bottom line, 90% of the donations, 90 plus percent generally, but I'll just say 90% of the donations will go directly to pay people to not screw around or suck thumbs, but to take action in my direction.
It will go to making better films to give the public for free.
You literally are financing that.
It will go to be involved in other risky secret projects in the Infowar that will be disclosed soon enough.
We need the support.
It's that simple.
You can take that dirty Federal Reserve money while it's still got some value and put it towards something real.
That's another reason we're going to go ahead and just exhaust much of the reserves we have that are meager but still substantive for me.
I'm not pulling any punches now.
And getting in this mindset, just to decide to let it all hang out, you notice I have attacked more people now, and I have shot my mouth off.
I've even done a few things I shouldn't have done, fighting with people locally and things.
It's just because I've gotten to the point where, you know, I'm just committed here, folks.
All the fear is gone.
My only fear is not doing enough, not making my life be worth something, not standing up for those that needed it.
Here's Ron Paul, about six minutes last night, talking some of the highlights of what the Congressman had to say, then we'll play the George Bush
9-11 clip.
This is extremely powerful.
It's coming up.
Stay with us.
Congressman Ron Paul.
You voted against the war.
Why are all your fellow Republicans up here wrong?
That's a very good question.
And you might ask the question, why are 70% of the American people now wanting us out of there?
And why did the Republicans do so poorly last year?
So I would suggest that we should look at foreign policy.
I'm suggesting very strongly that we should have a foreign policy of non-intervention.
The traditional American foreign policy and a Republican foreign policy.
Throughout the 20th century, the Republican Party benefited from a non-interventionist foreign policy.
Think of how Eisenhower came in to stop the Korean War.
Think of how Nixon was elected to stop the mess in Vietnam.
How did we win the election in the year 2000?
We talked about a humble foreign policy, no nation building, don't police the world.
That is a conservative, it's a Republican, it's a pro-American, it follows the founding fathers, and besides, it follows the Constitution.
I tried very hard to solve this problem before we went to war by saying, declare war if you want to go to war, go to war, fight it and win it, but don't get into it for political reasons or to enforce UN resolutions or pretend the Iraqis were a national threat to us.
It's time.
Congressman Paul, Pete from Rochester Hills, Michigan, wants to ask you this.
If you were president, would you work to phase out the IRS?
That's what they call a softball.
And you can only do that if you change our ideas about what the role of government ought to be.
If you think the government has to take care of us from cradle to grave, and if you think our government should police the world and spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a foreign policy that we cannot manage, you can't get rid of the IRS.
But if you want to lower taxes and if you want the government to quit printing the money to come up with shortfall and cause all the inflation, you have to change policy.
We go after them because we celebrate life.
This life issue is not insignificant, it's not small.
It separates us from the Islamic fascists who would strap a bomb to the belly of their child and blow them up.
We don't do that in this country.
Dr. Paul, how do you reconcile this?
Moral, moral leadership kind of role of conservatism, with the very libertarian strain of conservatism, the very Goldwater conservatism that you represent.
How do you put together what he just said within what you believe in a unified national purpose?
Well, you do it by an understanding what the goal of government ought to be.
If the goal of government is to be the policeman of the world, you lose liberty.
And if the goal is to promote liberty, you can unify all segments.
The freedom message brings us together, it doesn't divide us.
I believe that when we overdo our military aggressiveness, what it does, it actually weakens our national defense.
I mean, we stood up to the Soviets.
They had 40,000 nuclear weapons.
Now we're fretting day in and day nine about third world countries that have no army, navy, or air force, and we're getting ready to go to war.
The principle, the moral principle, is that of defending liberty and minimizing the scope of government.
I'm sorry, we have to go on.
We have to go on.
John, Congressman Paul, Bob Hussey from Minnesota writes that perhaps the most important skill a good president must have is the ability to make good, sound decisions, often in a crisis situation.
Please cite an example when you had to make a decision in crisis.
I wonder if he's referring to a political decision like running for office or something like that.
I guess in medicine I made a lot of critical decisions.
I mean you're called upon all the time to make critical life-saving decisions.
But I can't think of any one particular event where I made a critical decision that affected a lot of other people.
But I think all our decisions we make in politics are critical.
My major decision, political decision, which was a constitutional decision, was to urge for five years that this country not go to war in Iraq.
Dr. Paul, that's all.
We have to get down the line again.
It's always fun to ask these questions down the line.
We have Mrs. Reagan here.
The camera will not focus on her, but I will tell you it will now focus on you.
Mrs. Reagan wants to expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
Will that progress under your administration, Governor?
Dr. Paul, yes or no on federal funding?
Programs like this are not authorized under the Constitution.
The trouble with issues like this is in Washington we either prohibit it or subsidize it.
And the market should deal with it and the state should deal with it.
Dr. Paul?
Well, in my first week I already got rid of the income tax, so my second week I would get rid of the inflation tax.
It's a tax that nobody talks about.
We live way beyond our means with a foreign policy we can't afford and an entitlement system that we have encouraged.
We print money for it, the value of the money goes down, and poor people pay higher prices.
That is a tax.
Congressman Paul, Carrie from Connecticut asks, do you trust the mainstream media?
Some of them.
But I trust the Internet a lot more.
And I trust the freedom of expression.
And that's why we should never interfere with the Internet.
That's why I have never voted to regulate the Internet, even when there's the temptation to put bad things on the Internet.
Regulation of bad and good on the Internet should be done differently.
But, uh, no, there's every reason to believe that we have enough freedom in this country to have freedom of expression, and that's what is important.
And whether or not we trust the mainstream or not, I think you pick and choose.
There are some friends and some aren't so friendly.
Thank you, Doctor.
It's time.
Oh, should the Clintons come back to the White House, especially Big Bill?
Dr. Paul?
We're making that happen.
I am known for sticking to principle and not flip-flopping.
I voted to impeach him.
It would mean that we were back on defense against terrorism given Senator Clinton's recent position.
Finish the last minute of it then play this Bush clip about 9-11.
But as you hear him talk about the inflation tax, there's lots of hacking and coughing and red faces.
They don't want you to know folks, the economy is totally gone.
We have a 1.6% growth rate.
We've been doubling the currency in the last six years.
We have been robbed, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, we have been absolutely gutted.
And the average yuppie has no idea.
They're feeling too powerful about themselves, too.
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You know what?
I know we have loaded phone lines.
I'm just sorry.
I've got to get to all these clips.
If you want to write to us and support us, it's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, as well as InfoWars.net and JonesReport.com.
A lot of big stories up there today.
Be sure and get them and get them out to people.
It's about the fight, ladies and gentlemen.
Here is the last minute.
Now, Giuliani, in the clip we have, we're going to be posting on Jones Report, is laughing at Ron Paul, but you can't really pick this up on the video, when Ron Paul is talking about keeping due process and habeas corpus.
I mean, then it's a Kafka-esque world where you can be arrested and not even know what you're charged with if you don't have this.
This is the basis of the Bill of Rights.
The bedrock of due process.
And it's real funny to the son of a known mob boss, Giuliani, who likes to do mafia imitations.
Here it is.
I am known for sticking to principle and not flip-flopping.
I voted to impeach him.
So why do we... What?
Mayor Giuliani!
It would mean that we were back on defense against terrorism, given Senator Clinton's recent positions.
And the reality is, in the 1990s, we were on defense in dealing with Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.
When you had this debate last week and all the Democrats were up here, I never remember the words Islamic fundamentalist terrorism being spoken by any of them.
Mr. Giuliani?
I think we should remind ourselves, because I remember it every day, that on September 11, 2001, we thought we were going to be attacked many, many times between then and now.
We haven't been.
I believe we had a president who made the right decision at the right time on September 20, 2001, to put us on offense against terrorists.
I think history will remember him for that, and I think we as Republicans should remind people of that.
Dr. Paul?
I agree with that.
I certainly would continue on my earlier theme that foreign policy needs to be changed.
Mr. Republican Robert Taft.
We have a statute of him in Washington.
He advocated the same foreign policy that I advocate.
I would work very hard to protect the privacy of American citizens, being very, very cautious about warrantless searches, and I would guarantee that I would never abuse habeas corpus.
This is hardly the end of the... Gianniani laughs at that.
There's so many points I wanted to make about all of that.
But here is ABC News talking about Bush now knowing about the first tower being hit before he even left his hotel over 30 minutes before he got there.
Then he learns 15 minutes in the second tower has been hit and then he stays another 20 minutes.
This is smoking gun because he lied about all this and has changed his story three times.
Here it is.
I want to check in very quickly with the President of the United States, John Cochran, who is the President in Florida.
Peter, as you know, the President is down in Florida talking about education.
He got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave.
Reporters saw the White House Chief of Staff, Andy Clark, whisper into his ear.
The reporter said to the President, do you know what's going on in New York?
He said he did, and said he will have something to say about it later.
His first event is about a half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida.
Thanks John.
John Cochran with the President.
President from Florida today pushing his education reform.
It will get wiped off of the agenda today in view of this extraordinarily serious accident.
For those of you that don't know... Play it again for people that missed it.
I want to check in very quickly with the President of the United States, John Cochran, with the President in Florida.
Peter, as you know, the President is down in Florida talking about education.
He got up out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave.
Reporters saw the White House Chief of Staff, Andy Clark, whisper into his ear.
The reporter said to the President, do you know what's going on in New York?
He said he did, and said he will have something to say about it later.
His first event is about a half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida.
Thanks, John.
John Cochran.
So, so, reporters ask, 30 plus minutes before he even gets to the elementary school, do you know about this?
And he says, yes I know.
Already knew.
My God.
And then he claimed he didn't know until he was at the elementary school.
Caught in a lie, man.
It's just unbelievable.
By the way, you can see what they're going to do.
They're going to put Democrats in, claim they're soft on terror, so the Feds can hit us again with another attack, and then take even more rights.
Because, see, if they carry out a big attack and then let us get hit again, it's, oh, the police state can't keep you safe.
They're going to claim, oh, look, you deviated away from the police state.
That's why Al-Qaeda nuked Chicago or Dallas.
Or Denver or Cleveland, as the CFR has said.
See you this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
God bless you all.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
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