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Name: 20070430_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 30, 2007
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Monday, the 30th day of April 2007.
Absolutely amazing that the fifth month of 2007 is almost elapsed.
Isn't that just incredible?
We're, of course, going to be taking your phone calls throughout the transmission today.
We have physicist, former professor, Stephen Jones, joining us in the second hour to talk about the collapsed bridge.
Big difference between that collapsed bridge
New to a 18-wheeler filled with gasoline crashing and ramming one of the main pylons and then exploding over two plus hours and what happened on 9-11.
Now when I got up early this morning and learned that there had been a fire and that a bridge had collapsed due to the explosion,
I knew that I would be attacked, 9-11 Truth would be attacked, but I got into the office and was informed that Neil Bortz had already been attacking me and Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen and everybody else, laughing and poking fun and saying, oh look, the bridge collapsed, oh look, this is why the towers in Building 7 fell.
So, we'll walk through the difference.
Now, this morning, before I even, because I had IMs and emails I was reading, hey, they're on radio and TV, and the network was IMing me as well, up early in the morning, producing other shows, that hey, we're being attacked, they're saying this bridge has collapsed.
And before I even looked it up, I said, it's going to be an asphalt bridge,
It's going to have the pig iron or the rebar in it.
They're packed with sand and they're basically predominantly made up of petrochemical.
Highly flammable and they're going to say that this now proves that buildings collapse when there's fires in them.
Sure enough, I pulled up the AP photos.
I watched four or five different videos from different news outlets.
And that's exactly what happened.
Right in an area where no one's measured it yet, but looking at it, it looks like we're talking at least 50 yards between pylon to pylon.
One of those big stretches.
You know, when you drive under them, you go, my God, that's a huge distance.
How is that held up?
And you look up underneath it, and it's a thin layer of concrete.
And a few support sections underneath it, and then all over Texas they're building these toll roads and the Napa Superhighway, so we get a chance to see them building it.
They build a weak skeleton of literal quarter-inch and half-inch rebar, and then they pack it with sand.
The bulldozers dump sand in it, and then they pour asphalt over that.
And sure enough, of course the asphalt when it gets up to 110 sometimes here in Texas, when you walk on it, your shoes, your shoes will literally sink into it.
I've been out in Phoenix in the summer when it was 122 degrees and instead of your shoes, you know, if you stand still here in Texas at high noon when it's 110, your shoes will sink in a little bit.
No, not in Phoenix.
Sometimes your shoes will sink in a couple millimeters.
What is it made up of?
It's made out of oil.
Basically out of motor oil mixed with gravel and sand and then they heat it up and they throw it onto the ground and then roll over it while it's hot and actually smoking.
A few weeks ago they actually re-topped the parking lot here where my office is located
And I watched them out of the broadcast window out there with their shovels throwing it down and then, you know, rolling over it and it was the same thing.
So what we see here is a wide extension section.
Well, I'm going to walk through it and we'll have Professor Steven Jones on.
We have all these other huge developments today.
Just so much news.
It's going to be a jam-packed transmission.
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The answer is at 1-800-686-2237.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
CBS 5, San Francisco Bay Area, Source 4 News reports, tanker explosion causes I-80 connector collapse.
The truck ran off of the embankment and exploded.
Right underneath a very wide extension, very long extension.
I've been eyeballing it.
It looks like it could be over 50 yards wide.
And you're talking about asphalt, highly flammable petrochemical mixed in with gravel.
And of course, we've seen this many times, many times in U.S.
We have had tractor trailers loaded with chemicals, flammable chemicals, gasoline.
By the way, gasoline is extremely much more flammable than jet fuel.
It normally burns at 1200 degrees.
It's kerosene.
They don't want kerosene to burn at a high level.
They don't want to be flammable up there in those fuel tanks.
They use it so in case the aircraft is struck by lightning.
They've done major tests and it shows that most of the time it won't even ignite.
You can take a match, a lit match, and put it in a bucket of kerosene and it won't explode.
Though I don't advise you try that at home.
It's very dangerous.
Because if it's aerosolized, it will explode.
It will combust.
So we have gasoline that can burn at over 2,000 degrees that can certainly weaken steel.
But this isn't even steel.
They use pig iron.
They use rebar, which is of a very low grade in between on the scale when you leave the iron area of the scale and enter into the non-structural steel area.
Also, these highways are famous
Extremely famous for having shoddy workmanship.
We had a big story here last year with some of the inspectors out on the I-30 connector.
They're building outside Austin, Texas with how they were using substandard materials.
Anywhere in the country where they're building these roads and extensions, you can go witness them.
They are wood, they are rebar, and they are concrete and asphalt.
In fact,
Many times I've commented driving around Central Texas and down to Houston and Dallas and other areas where they're building connectors and overpasses and cloverleafs.
How do those things stand up?
How do they stay up?
Because you'll have huge, 50, 60, 70 yards in between these where the cars are just driving, where huge trucks are driving.
And so the angle here to attack this is to go find, do a Google search, because Paul's listening, doing an article right now,
And we all contribute together.
I'll put out some of the ideas.
He'll get his own.
We'll interview Stephen Jones, physicist.
We'll interview engineers.
We'll codify the whole program together.
Every few weeks, you read about an overpass collapsing, a bridge collapsing.
There was one up in Temple about two years ago, just north of Austin, collapsed.
Some people died of memory serves.
Another one of these big extensions over a highway, 50, 60 yards.
Big 18 Wheeler goes across.
So see, you have a history of these bridges collapsing without having an 18-wheeler filled with highly explosive gasoline.
We haven't learned what octane.
It can go up hundreds of degrees each octane level from 89 up to 93.
So we don't even know what octane.
But you're looking at 2,000 degrees if it's 89.
We're looking at, and I went and pulled a chart up this morning, 23 to 2400 if it's 93 octane.
So, we have a big history of bridges collapsing all over the country, extension ramps, cloverleafs, sections collapsing.
Of course, there have also been earthquakes in San Francisco, LA, San Diego that have caused
Thousands of yards of this to collapse, and in fact, I did some research.
It looks like, because they've changed the names of some of these roads and extensions, it looks like this was part of one of the hurried repair jobs back in the 80s with a major earthquake.
So you then even add more shoddiness because of how they race to repair it.
So, by the way, we know there's routine earthquakes in the area that have weakened these bridges.
There have been big controversies on these highway extensions and off-ramps and on-ramps and figure-8s and cloverleafs and these spaghetti works.
There have been big articles, if memory serves, about engineers complaining, saying they've got to shut down roads and repair them because of the earthquakes.
This is San Francisco, the hottest
Tectonic activity in the United States.
In the lower 48's, baby, San Francisco is the king kumudgeon.
I mean, it is the big kahuna.
More earthquakes, more highway collapses in the Bay Area, San Francisco, Oakland.
In fact, we ought to get Marty Schachter on.
He's a sponsor of the show.
He lives right there in Oakland.
If you live in Oakland and you want to call in about this, you're welcome to.
But A, these things are built to the minimum of tolerances because of the incredibly corrupt construction lobby at the state and federal level.
That's A.
B, we've had a lot of these collapse in the past.
I mean, multiple times a year, you hear about these big extensions.
It's always, you know, where they're 50 to 60 yards, or sometimes more, in between support columns.
My gosh, they've built them all over Austin now.
They're pretty scary when you drive under them.
You wonder, how does that stand up?
And when you're watching them build them, they're jacketed in a thin coating of concrete.
They're jacketed in kind of these Lego pieces that go together.
But I would have to say, just from looking at them, upwards of 80% of the material is rebar, wood, yeah, we're talking about 2x4s, and tar paper and asphalt, which is oil.
These roads are built out of oil.
Oil, ladies and gentlemen.
And you notice, though, even though they're built out of oil, and even though it oozed down and melted and collapsed, still, much of it didn't catch on fire.
In fact, if you look at the photos and the video, it is this asphalt-topped extension oozing down, and within minutes of this happening, there were already articles out within 30 minutes of this last night, and I went and did a search on it.
When I found out this morning, and they were already reporting, oh see this shows how building 7 fell.
This shows how tower 1 and 2 fell.
The newscast, AP this morning was calling it the pancake.
It pancaked down just like 9-11 onto another overpass under it.
Now, what do we have with 9-11?
No modern steel building had ever fallen from fire, though we had buildings in some cases that burned for more than six days.
We had Madrid that burned close to two days, with 100-foot white-hot flames, no major steel, even bent.
Small little rebar in the roof certainly did melt and cave in.
That's where the tips of the white hot flame for over a day were hitting it.
But no major support even was damaged.
Aluminum desks didn't even melt further down where the flames were red.
That's how a flame works.
It's red and then orange and then yellow and then white and then blue.
When I say white, it also had blue tips on it.
100 plus foot.
The reason we know that, as you can see, flames shooting up for at least 30 stories.
So I say 100 plus foot.
How many is 30 plus stories?
That's a lot more than 100 feet.
We're talking several hundred feet.
I mean, we're talking about a giant Roman candle.
It looked like an acetylene torch tip there in Madrid.
Nothing collapsed.
Nothing collapsed.
We have the people in the gouged out wounds in Tower 1 and 2 waiting for help for 20 plus minutes on their cell phones and then suddenly you hear AHHHHH explosion and it blows up and you hear their phones cut off.
We can play those grisly clips again if you'd like and we ought to post those in the story we're doing on this and then it all perfectly drops.
Did you see with this highway collapse pyroclastic flows?
Did you see?
Dust rolling out for five plus miles into the bay, into the East River, into Brooklyn, across the water.
Thousand-foot giant plumes of aerosolized concrete, glass, and structural steel blasting out like Mount St.
Helens had just exploded in a gaseous ejection of tectonic volcanic fury.
As if the god Vulcan had just thrown a giant conniption?
You didn't see that!
You saw for over two hours a tanker truck exploding and burning and shooting up white hot flames up into concrete that jackets petroleum products and little tiny rebar the size of your thumb.
And it oozed down and sagged, and then they sprayed a bunch of water on it, and it collapsed down just like the Pentagon.
That's what you saw, period.
These buildings are all going to collapse now from fire.
None of these insurance policies are safe.
No one is safe in a building.
There have been fires in both the World Trade Center towers.
There have been big fires and nothing collapsed.
It came out today, up-close video of Building 7.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com with tiny fires.
We now have up-close video.
And we have on tape eyewitnesses reporting bombs going off in 7.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't let the terrorists distract us with this highway collapse, this one little section collapsing, and keep us from getting the new bombshell information on 7 out to the public.
We've had the Cary news breaking, we've had all this other major news breaking.
Let's not allow this to be smokescreened.
Let's get out ahead of this and point out, that without 18 wheelers full of gasoline burning for hours, underneath an unsupported long section,
That we have highways collapsing all the time.
Then there's no pyroclastic flow.
Where is the dust blasting out for miles?
Where is it?
Where is the flows of concrete turned into dust by explosives?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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In 1914 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
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There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
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Welcome back.
That's how you do it.
You just keep firing in the Info War.
You never stop.
You just keep firing and firing.
You don't listen to the enemy's propaganda, or how they claim they're winning, or how they're going to beat you, or all the things they're going to do to you.
You just keep fighting.
We're going to bring them down.
Okay, here is a disgusting piece.
And notice the AP local...
CBS, all of them were on the same page, reporting just like the towers on 9-11, the steel beams, you mean the tiny little rebar, melted.
Those highways collapse all the time without anything hitting them.
That's how shoddily built they are, and there's also been big reports how the highways need to be shored up and repaired because of all the earthquakes.
We could dig those articles up.
So you've got earthquake damage, the evidence shows, at least an area where this happens to a lot of the roads.
We know earthquakes have happened right there in Oakland.
You have highways routinely collapsing.
You have gasoline that burns a lot hotter than kerosene right up underneath these things that are filled with sand and rocks.
Go look at how they build these overpasses!
And, nope, it proves 9-11.
It proves it.
So, but next, but there's been a bunch of other big building fires in the last six years, five and a half years, and none of them fell, but it doesn't matter.
You see, this shows the propaganda, how they want to tell you this, how they were just waiting, how Neil Bortz was just waiting, how all these big national shows are just waiting.
Mike Gallagher was just waiting this morning.
Laura Ingraham.
They're all attacking, guess who?
We got Steve Jones,
Physicist joining us to talk about this in the next segment, in the next hour.
Let's go ahead and go to some of this clip.
Listen to this propaganda.
Alright, now it's a question that every driver has got to be asking tonight.
How long is it going to take Caltrans to fix this mess?
An entire chunk of Interstate 580, as you saw there, is going to have to be replaced.
And major repairs are needed to fix that portion of 880 that takes drivers from Berkeley to the South Bay.
It got damaged too, remember?
Emanuel Ramos is near the collapsed freeway ramps and has the latest on the plan now to get all this up and running, Manny.
Well, at this point, Kenny, they still don't know it, but you can see behind me, they're putting the heavy equipment into place, so they hope to begin demolition soon, as soon as the Highway Patrol's Accident Investigation Team gets out of the way.
Now, the toughest part is going to be replacing those steel girders.
They melted the same way that steel beams did, at the World Trade Center.
Caltrans says the maze is a big mess, and there's no way they can tell commuters when it will reopen.
At this point, we have no estimate of the time it will take to complete the work.
Obviously, we're going to be operating under emergency procedures, so that contract work will all begin very, very quickly.
Under its emergency powers, there's no need to get a repair budget approved.
Contractors can be hired right away without going through a bidding process.
And it goes on and on.
Just like they rebuilt those highways in the last big earthquakes on an emergency basis with no vetting, no
No engineers basically blocking any of the construction, the normal permitting process out the window.
Now again, we're going to do a search.
I don't need to do one because we remember via memory, but everybody remembers.
All the time you hear about highways collapsing.
I'm repeating this because we need to tell everybody this.
Highway extensions collapse all the time on their own.
Because basically, the construction business is a mafia, owned and run situation.
Just like waste management is.
Most of your major trash companies are mob run.
That's why you pay double, triple the price you should.
Most of the big highway firms are mob connected.
This is nationwide.
And folks, I don't mean to cliché, they've got Italian last names.
No, they've got names like Jones and Johnson and Smith and, you know, Schmidt.
Uh, and you know, Finkelstein.
But the point is, uh, that, uh, massive corruption in this.
We've done stories right here, on the Genesis Network, where the engineers, where the inspectors have gone public saying, this is a complete joke, I can't believe it's even standing.
They use substandard concrete that wouldn't pass inspection.
They're using more dirt and more sand than they should.
They literally just build concrete skeletons and stick sand in them, and then dump asphalt over the top.
Oh my God.
But no, not according to Neil Bortz.
Building 7, 47 stories high, tiny fires.
Collapses perfectly and symmetrically on its own footprint.
Something controlled demolitions can't even do in weeks of planning.
All the firefighters and police say they were told the government was going to blow it up.
But we're supposed to ignore all that now because a segment of highway fell down.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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An earthquake weakened long extension overpass interchange that has gasoline blasting up under it for over two hours into the petrochemical laden structure is not a 47-story building.
Jacketed in asbestos, with huge steel columns, with the central column blasting perfectly, squib blast points along the floor lines, detonating at the exact same second with squibs, and the implosion with hundreds of police, firefighters, and medical workers on record, saying there was a public countdown, they were told to get back, the building was brought down to quote, save the other buildings,
Then no one asked why the official story says it fell from fire.
Now they've had to retract that.
NIST says it may be because of explosives.
Then there's no discussion of why or how explosives could have been put in there while it was burning in a few hours.
Obviously that's impossible.
They tried to blow up the Intel building here in Austin a few months ago and they couldn't even get it to collapse completely.
Many floors were still standing.
That happens about one out of ten times.
So there's the basic facts, but what really tells you here, you know, who do cops, back when we had cops that actually did their job in this country, as we still have a few, they would normally look first at the first person to report something, or someone reporting something who shouldn't have all the details, because a lot of psychopaths, a lot of criminals like to bribe, they like to play games, they like to
You know, come out with what they've done.
They like to play the part of the good guy.
They've got a lot of firefighters and firefighters are great people.
I'm not, it's a small minority, you know, setting fires to show up and save the day because they're obsessed with fire.
They're, you know, maniacs who love to engage in arson.
Pyromaniacs and when they're kids they burn down buildings and then they go join the fire department and nobody knows for 15 years that they're lunatics until they get caught in the act.
They've got a lot of fire marshals and they're always catching cops planting pipe bombs so they can show up on the scene and find it and be the hero.
We all know about that in criminology and we've done one-on-one study of it.
It's very interesting that we have reporters and news media and national talk show hosts within just a few hours of this breaking nationally already paralleling it with
The World Trade Centers, you see.
Methinks you protest too much.
We know you're on the defense now, and you really show yourselves by making this about 9-11.
People are actually going to go look at the facts now, and they're going to find out the truth that it was an inside job.
So, I like it.
I like it when you attack us.
I like it when you get out on the field with us.
I like the fact that you're not just ignoring us.
I like the fact you're trying to have a debate with us because we've got the facts and you've now gotten in our arena and we're going to clean your clocks.
You have been lured out into a fight now, a fight you cannot win because we have the facts and physics and common sense.
Hey, Neil Bortz, when you call me a traitor and all these names.
Hey, Neil Bortz, you fake libertarian neocon liar.
You're out there pushing your national sales tax, which they're going to keep and have the income tax on top of it.
You're being discovered every day.
And people are going to find out that other highways collapse and other extensions collapse just because of the weight of a couple trucks on them.
And the people are going to find out that there's a big difference between some asphalt bridge and a 47-story structure.
And they're going to find all of that out, Mr. Bortz.
I know we got Eric in California, John in Ohio, Alan in England, Richard in Mississippi, Alex in Washington, and many others.
Before we go to your calls and more into Building 7 and the new revelations that came out just yesterday and today on this front.
Before we do that and cover the war news and the economy news and the police state news and believe me it's all important.
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I know since I mentioned it I've gotten hundreds of people wanting to work with us.
But then I'm so tied down trying to make a film, deal with other stuff, I'm doing another project, a secret project, involved with filmmaking, that I just have to leave it there, that normally somebody would do full-time just that.
I'm not whining, it's just the reason I can't respond to your emails, or I can't thank all the groups that are out there, and I can't jump through all the hoops, is, is, is... Well, last night was an early night.
I got home at midnight.
So, and the reason I talk about how much I work is, is because you have to realize then,
We try to get it all done.
Sometimes we don't get it all done as good as we could, but at least we're trying.
And I'm already digressing here.
It's just we need your support.
If it makes it easy for you to write a check to us, go ahead and do it.
I mean, I've never done this over the years.
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I mean, frankly, I don't need to spend an hour a day doing ad sales.
I didn't even really sell ads.
They came in, they did, because I didn't care about capital.
But then I realized I need capital to fight this fight effectively.
So yeah, I can go on the phone like I did Friday for two hours and sell a couple ad contracts.
So I can then pay employees and pay for bandwidth and pay for everything else.
Bottom line, I don't like to do that.
And so if you'll just financially support us,
You won't hear as many ads and I mean it's a catch-22 here.
And I never really get into this on air, but there's things I need to do and I need the capital to get it done.
It's really that simple.
I've got the new office space.
I don't even have the capital to people it and staff it with the folks I need to get the job done.
If you want to know the bottom line, I don't like doing this on air, but that's the fact.
So if you want to write us a check, write it to Alex Jones at 3001
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Again, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
The time is short.
The enemy is moving against us right now.
I want to up our attack profile.
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This is not a joke.
This is not a drill.
This is the real deal.
So, I'm not going to belabor it anymore.
I mean, we've got all these special reports from England, special reports on weather control and weather modification with Ben Levinson, the father of weather weapons.
Wall Street Journal just came out and talked about chemtrails to save the earth from global warming.
Just like a federally written textbook for 8th graders is saying that.
I mean, they're now starting to put the story out.
And we've got reports on, you name it, the mass shooting.
It's all up there.
Prison Planet.
We've got American Freedom to Fascism, Loose Change 2nd Edition, 9-11 Mysteries, Demolitions, Riddles in Stone, amazing new film on the occult activities in D.C., Iraq Resale, the war profiteers, who's getting killed, who's making a killing, Mind Control by Dr. Nick Begich, 9-11 Press for Truth, we've got Terror Storm, the history of government sponsored terror, we've got Blackout, how the vote fraud's happening,
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Okay, let's, Eric, John, Alan, Richard, Alex, everybody, we're going to go to you.
Let's go to Eric first.
He's out in California where this bridge, a small section, collapsed.
And so they're saying, oh, see, that explains why the laws of physics were changed on 9-11, showing me thinks they protest too much how desperate they are to win back the hearts and minds of the people.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Eric.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
I met with you at the L.A.
Symposium and
I'm a member of the San Diego Minutemen down here, and they told me to get a public access channel, and I'd very much love to do that, but I'm just struggling for the time to do that.
You better find the time, my brother.
I understand how it is working a couple jobs, and you just gotta make the time.
I mean, don't even... Tell you what, stop watching television, you'll have time, and I'm not patronizing you.
I'd imagine you don't watch a lot of TV, but I bet you watch a few hours a week.
I watch a little bit of, you know, Science Channel or TLC or something like that, but mostly I'm working or, you know, just hanging out with my family, just enjoying that.
I understand.
Now, that's a good reason to not go out and because I understand spending time with your family.
That makes sense.
Go ahead.
Yes, this is kind of unrelated to what you're talking about, but I've been trying to get this information to you for some time.
As you know, the Eagle Men and Men down here are
We're basically doing battle with the San Diego Police, who have kind of exposed themselves as working with the illegal alien activists.
I don't know if you've heard of John Monti and what he's going through.
I have a headline right here, NBC News.
Illegal immigrants say local law enforcement doesn't care if they're here illegal or not.
Karen Austin and in Williamson County mainly and I saw this a few years ago in films that show Meet the Effers.
I saw the second one of that series on an airplane because I wouldn't normally watch that and I was watching it with Robert De Niro and others and when they arrest him with his grandson
Who's like seven years old or something.
The CPS comes and takes the child just for a parking ticket.
I mean just for being pulled over with a regular citation.
See that's how they get you ready for it.
Now CPS takes your kids if you're pulled over if you don't have up-to-date insurance.
You really have insurance but you forgot to get your new card in there.
Which I've gotten tickets for that many times.
Now they take your children.
But if you're an illegal alien they let you go.
That's what's so sick.
Of course the police work with illegal aliens.
The police are here to kill America.
I'm sorry, even if cops don't know that, that's your job.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yes, well, John Monte, he's a great school teacher in a pretty, you know, illegal alien type area, you know, in Orange County, I believe it is.
And he has been doing some work with us as far as an illegal encampment.
It's surrounded by million-dollar homes down here in San Diego, just south of Del Mar, which is a pretty ritzy area.
There was, for 20 years, three to four hundred illegal aliens living in this encampment, and we shut it down, and the very same day we were shutting it down, he was at a day labor site taking pictures of day laborers getting picked up, and he was attacked by nine illegal aliens.
A passerby in a vehicle stopped to assist him,
And, you know, they filed a police report.
He didn't know the driver of this vehicle who helped him out.
They filed a police report and until, oh gosh, I think March 9th, the police were telling him, yeah, we're looking for your attacker and we're going to get him and all this.
And then an illegal alien activist gets on Hannity and Combs and says on national TV that, no, actually, he is not
You know, they're not looking for his attackers, they're getting ready to charge him with assaulting the alien activists, or the illegal aliens.
I know, I know, and I did hear about that.
So for people that don't understand this, we have video in San Diego of illegal aliens beating veterans, Hispanic, white, black veterans, until blood pours out of their heads, and then the cops go and go after them.
This is how it works now in America.
And they are literally above the law.
You'll get the full scoop on it on immigrationwatchdog.com.
That's John Monti's thing.
Your phone cut out when you said that.
Say it again.
Cut out again.
ImmigrationWatchDog.com, I'm sorry.
ImmigrationWatchDog.com, okay.
Yeah, that's John Monti's site and it's got all the pertinent videos.
You know what?
We'll get him on.
In fact, I learned about that case just last week.
Again, one of the many things I see that I mean to get my producer.
We're going to get him on and I appreciate your call, sir.
And this is what makes me mad.
Do you understand that many police now nationwide, if you're insurance, if you just don't have the new card,
They will take your children and then they will interrogate your children for a day to ask them, are you spanked?
And in many cases, you know, they'll trick your kids.
They won't feed them.
I know you don't believe this, folks.
It's that bad.
Believe me.
Check it out for yourself.
They'll get your five, your ten-year-old, your three-year-old.
They'll say, no food until you tell us that they abuse you.
I'm not kidding.
This has been in the news.
They don't feed your child.
They publicly torture them.
They don't even hide this.
And then they take them.
You see, it's all about getting you in the system.
But the illegal aliens?
They are literally unstoppable, ladies and gentlemen.
They are absolute gods among us.
They are above the law.
They can do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Bank accounts, credit cards, housing loans, no ID.
This proves how criminal the government is.
In fact, I have stacks.
I have stacks today.
I have stacks right here.
Illegal immigrants say local law enforcement doesn't care if they're here illegally or not.
This is W-A-V-Y-T-V.
And it's how they let them go when they're drunk driving.
They let them go no matter what!
Because they're going to use third world populations to vote for gun control, they're going to use third world populations to threaten the middle class with riots, they're going to use them for the North American Union.
This is only the beginning.
But the cops are going to take your children if your insurance isn't up to date, but the illegals are just let go.
Now the cops will tell you to your face, that's the truth.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I had a state police goon.
They used to be good here in Texas.
Now, they're turning into total scum.
I leaned it in my car a few months ago, getting ready to search it.
And I said, you know good and well, when you stop illegals without insurance and without tags and the rest of it, you let them go.
And he just said, alright, get out of here and left.
And I'm like, that's right, isn't it?
That's right.
It's a joke!
The NSA listens to us to track what we're saying and what we're doing so they know how to propagandize us.
And so they can steal patent secrets.
They're behind Al Qaeda.
You understand that?
And look, I'm not saying police themselves are bad.
But what you do and the things you do.
I heard a talk show host yesterday on the air from Round Rock, Texas here locally in Austin talking about how he saw him arresting a woman because her insurance was not expired but she didn't have the card.
And it just made my blood boil because I read about that all the time and hear about it.
And they take your kids, but then the illegal aliens are above the law!
You can march right into Bank of America or Wells Fargo right now if you're an illegal alien.
No ID.
Get a bank account.
A citizen is treated like dirt because we're the idiots that have been trained how to be slaves.
We're not a free country anymore.
We've got little pockets of free speech left.
Those are almost gone.
Look, here's a local newscast.
This is out of North Carolina saying exactly what we're saying.
Here it is.
Virginia Beach police say an admitted illegal immigrant was behind the wheel of the offending car.
Now the community wants to know what people can, what police can do when they come across someone who isn't supposed to be here.
Here on your side, Tina Kim takes a closer look at the controversy.
Well, David Alveda, many people assumed if an officer came across an illegal immigrant, the person would be deported.
That's not so, as we found out from those directly involved.
Undocumented workers behind bars.
How each of these inmates got to Newport News Jail is a different story, but the endings are all the same.
Jail officials say once these men are done with the American criminal process, immigration agents are scheduled to take them for possible deportation.
Inside this maximum security facility, the inmates have not been able to hear the outcry over illegal immigrants accused of crime.
Debleins Gomez says he has only been arrested once, and before it happened, he did not worry about police.
No, no, no, because there are millions of immigrants here and we're all illegals.
Gomez is last up on assault and malicious wounding charges.
The two men to his left, Juan Gomez Burgos and Vincente Santiago Flores, are both charged with robbery.
The men say before they got in trouble, officers did not bother them.
But even after breaking the law, Burgos says local police never asked if he's allowed to be in the United States.
In South Carolina, they caught me with cocaine and mota.
Was he surprised that he was not deported?
Burgos says that was... Alright, let me stop right there.
We're going to air the rest of it in the third hour, but here's the deal.
You pull over and you take women's kids so a bunch of fat pedophiles can have their way with them.
That's what you do, officers!
And don't give me some slack-jawed look!
That's the facts!
You act like a bunch of monkeys!
And you run around doing whatever you want in a self-centered, satisfied way, self-righteous, and you all know that you catch them with cocaine, whores, marijuana, nothing's done.
But you pull over some 16-year-old yuppie kid, their life's over.
The book's thrown at them.
Because their sappy parents are full of cash.
For your bosses and these judges all living in multi-million dollar houses on $40,000 a year salaries.
Let me tell you, when I'm in wealthy areas or out at the lake or out visiting family or friends in well-to-do areas, I see nothing but cops and FBI and people living in all these rich houses.
Right next to all the top surgeons and lawyers.
Let me tell you, this country's gone.
And the sooner we start admitting it, the government's totally lawless, the police aren't the police, it's all a scam!
Yeah, that's right.
You can do whatever you want as long as you're an illegal alien, because the New World Order is using them as a dagger to slit this country's throat.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I don't want to steal coast-to-coast AM's thunder, so we're not going to interview him until later this week, because he went on Ian Punnett's Saturdays on George Norrie tomorrow night.
John Hunt, the son of the top CIA clandestine operative who overthrew multiple nations in Black Op, staged terror attacks.
John Hunt, we're going to be getting him on the show.
We do have the audio clip.
He hasn't aired the full 20 minutes, just the first four as a teaser.
We do have that in the third hour today.
The first ever, he was the commander of the shooters.
George Herbert Walker Bush was also a liaison officer there on the scene, photographed.
But we don't need E. Howard Hunt to go public on his deathbed and tell us how he was there running the op to kill Kennedy.
We don't need that.
Because we have the Dallas Times-Herald and Dallas Morning News both taking photos of him and two other top, well-known CIA officers.
I mean, it's spitting images of them posing as tramps, as bums.
Hobos, homeless, whatever the politically correct term is today.
They were called tramps back then.
But now it's public.
I mean, I've interviewed LBJ's lawyer, Barr McClellan, about how he bragged about how he had Kennedy killed.
I've interviewed his mistress, his admitted mistress, Madeline Duncan Brown about it.
I mean, I live right here in Austin.
They even did some of the shooting range practice right out here.
So that's the bottom line on what happened there, but we'll be playing that in the next hour, the four minutes that have been released, and then after he goes on coast-to-coast for a bigger interview tomorrow night, because that's where I've been trying to get a hold of him, but I got a hold of him through them.
So I'm going to wait until he goes on there, but that's coming up not after tomorrow.
We'll be getting him on.
But we're going to play that in the next hour.
Professor Stephen Jones is coming up.
I know we've got loaded phones here.
We'll be getting your calls during the interview with Stephen Jones.
I'm going to take that illegal alien video that you just heard, where they admit that they can have cocaine, marijuana, they can be drunk driving.
Now, I've interviewed sheriffs here on air years ago, where they do arrest them, and then they call the feds, and the feds say, release them.
We're not even going to pick them up.
By the way, they actually hire them.
The Washington Times reported a few years ago they hire aggravated felony legals.
We need to do an article on this.
Arson, rape, armed robbery to join the military.
20% of the ground force, roughly, is a legal alien in Iraq right now.
They will rule over us.
You see, people haven't figured this out yet.
These are the modern Hessians, just like the British used Germans.
To suppress and control the predominantly British and Dutch population during the war in 1776 through 1785, you're now going to have Mexicans predominantly and Latin Americans as the ruling class for government.
It's going to be a servant class given carte blanche with mafia-type tactic powers for Mordido, kickback, beak-dipping, whatever you like to call it.
We're going to kind of go into an old Napoleonic slash Portuguese slash Spanish colonization mode.
And the peons are going to teach us how to be peons.
And I mean that quite literally.
So I hope everyone enjoys it.
They've already got, what, seven South Texas towns fly the Mexican flag.
No U.S.
or Texas flag allowed.
No English in-court proceedings in major courthouses in El Cenizo and other areas.
No federal monitors.
Nobody goes down there.
Illegal aliens can beat people at will.
If you resist when you're being beaten, you are then charged.
Do you imagine if somebody fought back against the illegals?
Well, you can.
They're being charged.
As you just heard earlier.
Doesn't matter if you have video.
Doesn't matter if you have witnesses.
You will be beaten in the head with a 2x4 or stabbed and you will lay there and say thank you and still be charged.
Again, I'm not even against these poor immigrants.
Most of them are hard-working, good people.
But a large portion, because it is their criminals that are being exported here, just like, you know, Fidel Castro and his criminals with the boat people.
A lot of them are criminals, and they have been... I mean, imagine being able to go to a country where you can rob, steal, get all the welfare you want, drunk drive all you want, kill whoever you want, and no one stops you.
And it's nothing but ninnying, limp-wrested liberals who have guilt complexes, stumbling around, licking your boots.
Not here, not on this show.
Alright, that's the bottom line.
We'll get into the collapsed highway overpass in San Francisco with physicist Dr. Stephen E. Jones.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There have been big new developments in the Kennedy assassination.
We always knew E. Howard Hunt was one of the key operatives running the operation to kill JFK in 1963, just north of me in Dallas.
Now a tape!
The first 4 minutes of a 20 plus minute tape has been released by his son, St.
We're scheduling him for the show.
We're going to air the first 4 minutes of that coming up in the next hour and we're going to get St.
John's on later this week to air the rest of it.
He hasn't released that yet.
And again, we could have already had him on, but Coast to Coast AM got him first.
I'm waiting until they're done with him.
They're having him on tomorrow night.
So that's coming up.
Also, illegal aliens are above the law.
I'll explain why that is the case.
Why they're allowed to rape, rob, do whatever they want.
And why now the government with CPS will take your children for anything, including not wearing a seatbelt.
That's now happened in Austin.
Not your children not in seatbelts.
You're not in seatbelts.
They take them.
Or your insurance card being expired.
Not your insurance.
They now CPS your children.
But the illegal aliens literally can drunk drive, have cocaine, have marijuana.
I mean, we have newscast admitting it.
We have police admitting it.
Because they've been ordered to.
Now, that makes the government totally illegitimate.
And you have this massive police presence with them out there just throwing the book at everybody.
But again, I had a state police guy wanting to search my car a few months ago.
And I said, you know what?
You let illegal aliens go, don't you?
I don't need you to tell me.
And he started looking real upset and guilty.
And I went, yeah, you're not allowed to really take them in.
You're not encouraged to do that, are you?
You're just out here to give tickets to us, the dumb cattle.
He just said, just pay your ticket.
Just sign it.
And he stomped off.
Hey man, you're not a cop.
You understand that?
This government isn't legitimate.
When you start CPSing people's kids for expired driver's license or whatever, and when you start leaving the borders wide open and letting the illegals do whatever they want, and when I gotta show three forms of ID to have a bank account or cash a check, and the illegals don't, there's a problem!
Do you understand and do you get me?
I'm sorry, we got Professor
Former Professor Stephen E. Jones, Businesses Holding.
I even forgot he was there.
I'm so upset about what's happening.
Let me now introduce our illustrious guest, because I know we're going to post this interview.
We don't want to mix apples and oranges with the two subjects.
There has been a section, they're saying now 20 plus meters, or well over 60 feet, has collapsed.
I would just add here that every few months I hear about overpasses or sections of cloverleafs or extensions collapsing because there's a lot of shoddy workmanship and bid rigging that's gone into this nationally.
Just a few years ago up on I-35 near Temple they had a big section collapse when a truck drove over it.
And so, for Neil Bortz and all the other national talk show hosts that are saying, oh, this proves that everything on 9-11 was normal.
Tower 1 and 2 falling.
Building 7 falling.
This overpass was able to melt.
The steel melted, proving that fire melts steel.
The problem is, we know how these are constructed.
They are jacketed in concrete, then they have sand and wood frames inside with rebar, which is quarter inch to half an inch to inch in thickness, and then it sets.
These are built very inexpensively.
That's also an earthquake-prone area.
They're then coated with tens of thousands of pounds, depending on the length
We're good to go!
It melted an area and it grouped and fell.
It had no vertical...
steel supports.
It melted in between the steel concrete jacketed main pylons.
The steel jacketed concrete pylons did not melt the center area that had no supports bigger than an inch around, ladies and gentlemen.
Joining us is physicist and former BYU physics professor Dr. Stephen Jones.
Thank you for coming on, sir.
How are you doing today, Alex?
I am extremely fired up.
I know you just had a few hours to look at this, sir, and for those that just joined us, why don't you recap your investigation of the World Trade Center Complex 1, 2, and 7, and then launch us into your expertise on the difference between an extension on a highway overpass collapsing from a hot fire versus these steel structure buildings.
Yeah, well, to recap,
World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7.
Saturday I did that with a group.
I gave a talk and it took me over an hour, so probably you don't want a complete recap, Alex, but I'd like to point people now to the journal of 911studies.com, where there are over 35 articles by physicists, including myself and Professor Griscom, as well as mechanical engineers.
And others.
So we go through, Kevin Ryan has a nice paper in there.
And we're getting papers all the time on this subject.
To get right to this freeway, section of freeway overpass that collapsed, actually as I look at the report, and we're still waiting for more data of course, but it was not that the steel beams that melted, no.
They're not claiming that at all.
They're saying that the bolts melted.
And I am a bit dubious about that.
Now, steel will warp when you have a significant fire, like from a gasoline tanker.
But that's a different matter from melting.
Melting does require around 2750 degrees for structural steel.
And it's unlikely.
Very unlikely that the fires got that hot.
Well, sir, you rightly say that AP and others are not saying the steel melted, but local news, national news, and Neil Bortz and other neocon fake conservatives are reporting that, quote, giant steel girders melted.
Well, you know, I always like to see data.
I'm a stickler for experiments and data and of course I'd be glad to do an experiment actually with a steel beam and gasoline burning under it.
See if we can get that puppy to melt.
I'd be extremely surprised because this is just a very high temperature to reach.
I do have a kerosene burning stove made of steel.
It's never melted on me, and I don't anticipate that anytime soon.
Well, to be clear, non-structural steel begins to melt at 2755, but the harder structural steels go well above 3000, according to mainline papers I've read.
That's a good point.
Yeah, the temperatures can go way up.
And you know what, Alex, even if
There's several papers now in the Journal of 9-1-1 Studies that talk about, let's go ahead and concede, just even though we don't think it'll happen, but let's just concede that somehow the 47 core columns in the tower
And the 240 perimeter columns fail.
We're talking about the main towers now.
In such a way, just let them fail.
And by the way, that's after about an hour or so, right, of burning office material.
So it's not like it's an immediate thing.
You can't melt people in the holes, feed away from giant columns that magically shatter, and then aerosolize all this, but let's just go ahead and agree with it, sure.
Let's just go ahead and start with that as a premise, okay?
Yeah, the Tooth Fairy's real, okay.
Okay, go ahead and start with that as a premise.
Now let's look at the time for the fall of these buildings, and see what we get.
Now, when I was on the radio with Leslie Robertson, had a bit of a debate there,
I asked him if he'd ever looked at the timing, how long it took for the towers to fall.
And he said, no, he just had never looked at that.
And I said, well, you really should, because there's a lot of information in the rapidity of the fall of these buildings.
For the South Tower, the 9-11 Commission report actually did go to the trouble of giving us the number.
10 seconds free fall is 9.2 seconds, so it's just about free fall.
That's a lot of material.
They're talking about the roof now, to reach the ground.
That's a lot of material.
The timing for this, if you look at it, now this is important data.
So we have to look at the totality of the facts that we have before us, not just will steel melt with gasoline or kerosene fires and we're all done.
No, there's more to it than that, even if you can see that point, which I'm not willing to do yet.
But nevertheless, you look at the rest of the data, and you have a great paper by Gordon Ross, mechanical engineer, another by Dr. Frank Legge, Ph.D., and Tony Zambotti recently has a paper or letter in the journal.
And all of these conclude that the timing, the fall is much too fast.
No, I mean, boil that down in Newtonian physics, the basics.
All right, let me boil that down.
Newtonian physics says we must conserve momentum and energy.
So even if we can see that the buildings fail in such a way that the collapse initiates, even if you can see that, now the question is, will the collapse continue?
And even if you look at that, how long will it take?
It takes a lot longer than 10 seconds for these buildings to collapse because there's so much material, about 400,000 tons of steel and concrete in the way.
This would be for the North Tower below the region where the plane went in.
And so the time is much longer.
Gordon Ross makes a very effective argument looking now at the energy consideration.
And he points out that just because the building starts to collapse doesn't mean that it'll keep collapsing.
I mean, the buildings are designed to stand and the floors below will...
Also, you'd have a big, neat pancake sitting there.
Instead, we have aerosolized the building turned into dust.
Stay there and break down how long the estimates are for if it really pancaked, how long it would fall versus how fast they did fall.
Then we'll tie it all together with this section of freeway collapsing.
We'll be right back with Dr. Stephen E. Jones.
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We have a new eyewitness to bombs inside the WTC.
We're going to be airing that coming up in the next segment.
I promise we'll get to your calls.
John, Alan, Richard, Alex, others that are patiently holding.
Go to Richard or Alan first in England.
Professor Stephen Jones is with us into the next segment.
Please continue, sir.
With their so-called pancake that they claim fell in 10 point whatever seconds, that is floor a second.
Boy, that's almost bowling ball speed.
Please continue.
Yeah, well again, Alex, I refer people to these papers where the detail is given, the refutation of the official story, and the papers, this recent paper by Tony Zambotti, I think you'll find is quite good, he's a mechanical engineer, and of course Gordon Ross's paper's been around, and you have one,
By Dr. Lakey as well, which looks at the collapse of the towers.
Now, my own work also contradicts the idea that just simply, even if you can see that steel melted, you see.
What I have found now is that the spheres, these tiny microspheres that occur in the World Trade Center dust in abundance,
are not melted steel.
See, this is a crucial point.
You may remember at Austin when I was there, Alex, at the University of Texas there, giving my talk, I showed the data.
One of the very first things I looked for... They're the by-product of an accelerated explosive cutting.
I mean, is that a good way to say it?
Yeah, exactly.
The point is, with thermite analogs, you have a signature which includes
Iron, yes, you find that in steel, but also sulfur, which you and I have talked about quite a bit.
I think people are catching on the importance of this sulfur and how unusual it is.
Sulfur without calcium now.
An accelerant!
It's an accelerant, and of course aluminum, 20% by weight.
And you compare the exact signature of laboratory tests with these globulins that froze the data in that space and time as they froze, and by freezing when they got back down to room temperature, and then now it's almost the exact same signature.
This is literally like something out of a Sherlock Holmes novel.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
It's a forensic analysis that we're doing and establishing that these thermite analogs are the only explanation we can find for these microspheres.
And so you see, even if you say steel can melt, that may be, but these are not melted steel.
I did melt steel with an oxyacetylene torch with a friend of mine.
He did the melting, actually.
I did the analysis on the spheres, and they look like steel with oxygen added because they're melted in air, and so you get oxidation.
But these microspheres in the World Trade Center desk, the preponderance of them, do not look like steel.
Containing the signature, the chemical signature of thermite analog.
It's amazing research and we've got big articles in the video from your speech here at the PNAC meeting at UT a few weeks ago up on prisonplanet.com.
But Professor Jones, going back to the research about the pancake, they've done several different studies of this.
How fast, if it did pancake, would it really have fallen?
You see,
Okay, there's a paper that will soon be published.
A very nice analysis by a math professor.
Professor Cutler has looked at the towers now.
Pancaking is the assumption he's looked at.
And he's getting numbers.
Now this is ignoring the steel columns.
Just simply the concrete floors pancaking and being slowed.
That is one moving floor hits a stationary one and of course that slows it down.
Now you've got two floors and they hit a third and so on.
But they're being slowed by the stationary floors, and he gets around 40 seconds, which is much longer than the collapse of the towers.
And then he did throw in the towers, and it's much longer again.
You can look for that paper.
So almost four times longer than what they claim, and then we look at seven.
Yeah, you can observe that the towers fell very rapidly.
Yeah, and of course, with explosives,
Then that's understandable.
The rapid fall of the towers is understandable.
In this section of failed highway.
I predict that as those engineers look more closely, that they'll find that the steel did not melt.
But that's almost beside the point.
There's so many other facts that go towards use of high temperature steel.
Well, the steel didn't melt in all these other highway collapses.
I mean, they've had a bunch of earthquakes there, too, Doctor, as you know.
That's an excellent point.
So do you have weakening in that sort of thing?
You've got earthquakes, you've got shoddy craftsmanship, and you've got big gasoline fire, and the thing's built out of asphalt.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the final segment with Dr. Stephen Jones.
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No, they point the cannon at you.
Sounds good.
But it ain't me.
It ain't me, no.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, we will go to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Big 9-11 news today.
It just keeps happening.
They're talking about having Roseanne Barr replace Rosie.
She has been in the news the last month speaking out against the New World Order.
Using that term and speaking out against... Well, we'll talk about it later.
I mean, that's like throwing Rosie out of the fire into the frying pan and then throwing in a...
A nuclear explosion.
I mean, this should be even more hardcore than Rosie.
Witnesses inside WTC7 reported explosions before collapse.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't get desensitized.
So much is coming out.
This is a big development, folks.
Get it out to people.
Also, the Nassau Telegraph says engineers say World Trade Center collapse was planned.
And this gets into Stephen Jones and all the folks that are going public.
I mean, every day now there's mainstream news.
This is being taken serious.
They just set up this new group a few months ago and already 30 plus physicists and engineers and mathematicians and others.
Professor Jones, this is getting exciting!
It is, yeah.
The data are coming together and what's exciting to me, Alex, is to have so many people jumping in now and contributing their skills and their analysis to this and yeah.
We do have a steamroller effect here as we're gathering more data.
This is very common.
I've seen it in fields of science where a line of inquiry opens up new avenues and thoughts and people tend to jump in.
You will have opposition, of course, but the truth keeps rolling along.
But there hasn't been much opposition, because real physicists and engineers go crunch your data and go, oh my god, the official story is a lie!
I mean, aren't you finding, in fact I've already seen this, but I mean, in your daily interactions with your colleagues at your level of scientific research, in that fellowship, are you finding that when they do try to challenge you, it's actually converting them?
Well, that's right.
That's exactly right.
I had one professor, we've been friends actually for some time, when he heard about my 9-11 research, he sent me a mocking email.
I could go into detail, but it was really just mocking me.
And I wrote back and I said, well, have you read my paper?
And he said, no.
Well, why don't you read my paper first and then see what you have to say.
And of course, his attitude changed completely.
As you read my paper.
Building 7, by the way, is one of the top things that stuck with him.
I won't mention his name because I might embarrass him here, but I point out in the collapsing freeway section, Building 7 still stands in the way, too, because it wasn't hit by a jet.
We have to keep that in mind always as we consider little pieces of information that come along.
Folks, we were going to do a big article on him, but we got to watching his two-hour presentation and trying to get all the data and compile it.
By then, other people had written articles about his presentation three weeks ago here in Austin, Texas at UT when the student group PNAC had him in.
We're good to go.
There's also a problem here, Professor, a doctor, in that so much data, I mean, two years ago, the stuff coming out every day would have been earth-shattering.
It's almost like we're now getting a little bit jaded to the bombshells that are exploding almost on an hourly basis.
I mean, I find myself becoming jaded.
Yeah, I know what you mean, Alex.
There's just so much data momentum.
What we need now, I think, is a little political momentum, if I can put it that way, or social
Change and action.
I don't know quite how that's going to come, but I can see that that would be a next major step.
Can't you?
I mean, it seems to me that somehow this has got to proceed now to the next level.
I agree.
Alan and John and others are not for you.
We're going to go to Richard and Alex, who are, and then we're going to let you go, Professor.
But first off, before we go to these calls, any other speaking engagements?
Any websites that people need to know about?
Any plugs in the info war?
Well, I appreciate that.
I mentioned journalof911studies.com.
I started a little website of my own for me, profjones.com and that'll tell where I'm giving talks.
I have one next week in Payson, Utah.
Last week I was in Idaho Falls and Logan.
So, you know, I'm traveling around locally here.
My wife's going with me.
Increased dramatically.
Well, that's great because you weren't only slandered by the establishment and the mainstream media, known CIA fronts, but by some dark horse individuals, supposedly our own movement due to mental illness or whatever.
And it's just good to see you at the forefront of the scientific leadership with your credibility, sir.
Well, thanks very much, Alex.
I'm pleased to do what I can and working with you and other good people on this.
It's an honor to work with you, my friend.
Let's talk to Richard in Miss.
You're on the air, Richard.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to mention something.
I don't know if you've seen the story about Kevin Barrett going to Morocco to attempt to apprehend one of the alleged hijackers.
Yeah, that's a ton of intrigue.
Is that something you guys are aware of?
Well, he has a degree as a satirist.
That's what he has a degree in, in philosophy.
And so I believe that's satire.
It is.
Yeah, but I have said that it's a good idea to try to go to Morocco and Saudi Arabia and interview the living hijackers, seven to nine, according to the BBC.
Professor Jones, would you like to comment?
Well, yeah, Kevin's a good friend, and yeah, his wife is from there somewhere.
I'm not exactly sure where, but he told me he was planning to go down to interview one of these living so-called hijackers and demonstrate that, in fact, like
Oh, what was that satirist's name?
Mark Twain said, uh, reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
So, yeah, it's the same sort of thing.
But listen, if I had the money and the time, that's exactly what I would do.
I'd go to Morocco.
Saudi Arabia is such a police state, I wouldn't be able to get anywhere near it.
But Morocco, I'm told, is pretty nice.
I just had some family a few years ago visit there.
But listen, anything else, Richard?
No, that'll do.
Thanks, guys.
Appreciate your work.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, I gotta talk to Barrett, but it's written like it's satire.
Yeah, it is.
Just a way to illustrate this.
Alex in Washington.
Go ahead.
You're on the air with Professor Steven Jones.
Yeah, hello.
Um, it's great to talk to you guys.
Uh, I just wanted to bring up some points that, uh, I never hear get mentioned on the, on the mainstream news.
And today, uh, Kirby Wilber on Fox and, uh, also on TV cable.
Fox is already spinning it.
You know, they all have the same bullet point propaganda that, uh, oh yeah, the steel beams melted.
Well, I happen to be a special inspector.
We're good to go!
Well, let me just say something, Alex.
I'm going to hold you over.
Maybe get your numbers so we can use your expertise in an article that we're doing on the subject that Paul Watson is writing right now.
I don't claim to be an expert like you.
I'm just going off what other experts have said and what I've read and what I know about the construction of these overpasses.
But going back here, what's suspicious is within hours of this, they were all on, they were attacking me by name this morning on national radio.
Out of the gates, they were all trying to use this for 9-11 propaganda, which shows, you know, me thinks you protest too much, as they say in Macbeth.
It's very suspicious to see them all on the same page, propaganda-wise.
Professor Jones?
No, I have to agree with that, particularly when the argument, as Alex and D.C.
is saying, is flawed to begin with.
We don't have the fundamental data, and even if the
Alex, in a nutshell, why do you think the tanker did melt that and why steel couldn't melt from gas?
I've been dying to tell you.
Yeah, I'm in Bothell, Washington, by the way.
Okay, a couple points here.
I've gone to, I've looked at all your information, just doing Google searches.
I've looked at the blueprints of World Trade Center 1 and 2, compared to this bridge.
You can't even begin to compare 5-inch thick steel plate core columns
Approximately 2 foot by 5 foot rectangle, 5 inch thick boxes, to what you were saying, the 1 quarter inch and 3 quarter inch dowels that connect the steel to the supporting members.
I mean the heat sink, the heat sink, there's so many points I could overlook briefly.
We're good to go.
Hey, uh, just bullet point real quick, you know.
Distance equals 32.16 times time in second squares.
Anyone can go to Wikipedia, Google, and look up Law of Falling Bodies by Galileo.
And like Stephen Jones said, you know, that's 10 seconds for the South Tower, 8.1 seconds for the North Tower.
Now when you factor a fraction of a second for bolts and welds breaking by 110 floors,
We're good to go.
We're good to go!
The steel doesn't fall apart.
It's a lot of work.
There's many more points, but I'm just glad you guys are attacking it.
I'm glad to do that, Alex.
And nice to hear from you, Alex, and Bothell.
I grew up in Bellevue, so I appreciate what you're doing, jumping in like this.
Alright, we'll talk to you soon, Dr. Jones.
Thanks, bye-bye.
Thank you.
There he goes.
Alright, going back to you, Alex.
You still there?
Yes, sir.
Go over all this.
We've got a lot of other welding experts and people on.
And I want to, you know, as a source, get you to talk to Paul Watson, who's doing a story on this right now.
But we'll just do it all here on air for the whole world to hear.
Why then do we have these highways falling down all the time with just a truck driving over them?
Obviously, they're not building them properly.
Those weren't burned.
Why, from looking at
And obviously you're not there, just like the media wasn't there, you know, they haven't been able to test it yet, so they can't say why Steele, you know, did this or why this happened.
Why do you think this section of highway collapsed?
Well, because I saw pictures on Fox News briefly this morning, and I saw that steel girder intact, and I didn't see any pyroclastic flow, I have to make a logical deduction.
You know, I wasn't there, but that you said.
The next logical deduction, in my opinion, is that the rebar steel was exposed horizontally, that whole bridge surface,
And it was exposed in tension, not like the fires that were lapping up fire-proofed five-inch thick plate columns in the World Trade Center.
These little bars had no heat sink, and after two hours, you know, in tension with all that weight on them... Yeah, you have a perfect roof!
You have a perfect roof to absorb all that energy.
It's like comparing apples to dump trucks.
I mean, how does that work?
You know?
I agree.
Please continue.
Okay, so there were the points, there was the points that the preheat on the on the small bars and the bridge are not consistent.
We talked about the free fall speed not adding up when you add the fraction of a second and
You know, this also ties into your earlier points before Stephen Jones came on.
The same people pitching us this official story, who never interview any scientists, only strawman people that they can beat down, are the same people that signed, you know, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, and who looked the other way against Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution.
Now, I mean, it's clear they've got the motive and the know-how and they did it.
We know that.
But what about...
What about the suspiciousness of now anytime something has fire damage they say oh just like the World Trade Centers when no building before it ever done this but that's what's suspicious here but but I'm asking you because you're involved in all this why do we hear about highways falling down all the time anyways why do they fall down so easy why aren't they built right?
I have more of a background in structural steel and welding, but I'll tell you this.
You know, in Santa Barbara, I remember 10 years ago, a highway bridge collapsed, and I think there's just some small dowels that tie into the structure, and it's easy to mess them up.
I just want to say, if I could,
Uh, you know I got pulled over too by Washington State Patrol a little while ago and I asked him why he pulled me over and he said my seatbelt wasn't on correctly.
I said it was under my arm.
He said, well it's a federal lot, it has to be over your shoulder.
So after he came back and gave me the ticket I said,
Well, you know, let me take a second in your time.
I said, you know, there are only 18 powers given to the Congress, and seatbelt laws aren't one of them.
And I said, are you familiar with the 10th Amendment, that all powers not given to the federal government are given to the states and then the people?
And, you know, he said, just like you said, he said, you can look it up online, just pay the ticket.
But he's letting illegal aliens go and their bosses are the same ones giving us the baloney story about 9-11 and you got all these neocon sheep running around believing it.
And if we're second class citizens in our own country, I just had to call and bring up some of these points.
And I so much appreciate it.
I appreciate you too.
Listen, do you want your full name used in the article?
It's better for sourcing if we do that, or do you want to remain private?
I'll do whatever I can, sir.
I mean... Well, do me a favor.
Write up your basic findings, what you first said when you came on, write it up right now and send it to Watson at PrisonPlanet.com and cc it to Aaron, two A's, at InfoWars.com, okay?
Okay, Watson at Prison Planet dot com.
Prison Planet dot com, yeah.
Okay, thank you, sir.
Thank you.
I mean, we already know this, but it's good to have somebody who's, you know, does this for a living saying it.
Again, highways fall down all the time with nothing even hitting them, because they're built by the mafia in most cases.
So they got a big fire and explosion there.
Of course the piece of junk fell down.
It's jacketed in asphalt, which is flammable.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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John, Richard, Doug out there.
We're going to get to your calls.
I do have St.
John Hunt, the son of E. Howard Hunt, the commander of the op.
His lieutenant, of course, George Herbert Walker Bush, in Dallas, killing the president.
That stuff's all just coming out.
No big deal, you know.
Government loves you.
Oh, yeah, they made three shots with a gun through a tree at, uh, 100 yards away, perfectly.
It's impossible.
And steel melted those towers and made them fall.
Uh-huh, because the, because Neil Bortz, the fake conservative, says so.
Ab-solutely pathetic.
Right now, let's go to John in Ohio.
John, thank you for holding, sir.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was trying to listen through the bad reception.
I never get any good reception on shortwave.
And I just heard you mention the Kennedy assassination.
I didn't know what I was going to say, but I was reading an article on workers.org that brings up a lot of the information that many scholars in the Kennedy assassination have been pointing out that George Bush and this group of Operation 40 under the National Security Council
That included Porter Goss, David Phillips, CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and interestingly this... Yeah, let me just stop you.
Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt...
Three Dallas Times Herald photos, two Dallas Morning News photos, we have them, spitting images, even their style of clothes, with trench coats over to act like bums.
Hunt starts trying to cover his face up, and then now Hunt's admitted to it.
But we don't need Hunt to admit.
George Herbert Walker Bush, two separate photos, it's him.
No debating, clearly standing there, you know, right before it happens, right after it happens, and they were there running the op, and that's just the way it is, and now it's admitted, yeah.
And another person who was there is, right, should be in the news now, but has been deliberately blacked out, Luis Posada Corrales, who was the long-time CIA terrorist.
And the Feds, he just got caught for admittedly staging terror attacks and blowing up jet airplanes, filled with an Olympic team, to be blamed on enemies, and now the Feds have ordered his release from a Texas prison.
Did that happen last week?
That happened last week, and he's now free along with his co-conspirator in that blowing up of a Cuban airliner, killing all civilians aboard, walking free with Orlando Bosch, who was also pardoned by George Bush Sr.
These guys are treated as heroes, and at the same time, Bush is claiming that he's fighting a war against any country that... Well, imagine, we have photos, and some of them are all together, with Bush Sr.
Frank Sturgis, and E. Howard Hunt, and then one other well-known CIA guy, and these are all top operatives at the time, all walking as bums.
I mean, it's a joke!
It's a joke!
Yeah, it's... It's how dumb they think we are!
We have photos of them there at the scene!
Well, they've got an army of multi-millionaire paid whores in the media to cover this up, the fact that this man, this should be huge, dramatic news, even if all we care about is ratings.
That this man has been involved in bombings of Cuban hotels, blowing up Cuban airliners, plotting to blow up Panama University.
He was convicted for it.
He brags about these bombings.
And there's no coverage of this.
He's going free at the same time that the people who infiltrated some of these CIA-connected groups went to the FBI, warned them about these terrorism, and they are now spending the rest of their lives in prison.
Well, I'll say this, and I appreciate your call, John.
I know you're a big liberal, but let me just say this.
I'm a real conservative.
And I've had even some of the Cuban community, who used to be really big fans of me in Florida, back when I was bashing Bill Clinton, kind of threaten me.
And I don't appreciate that.
I'm not the one setting up a North American Union.
I'm not the one destroying our sovereignty.
And you get so into being anti-communist that anybody that criticizes the Republicans is the enemy.
They're not conservatives.
They're in one world order people who funded, you know, the guy that's about to kick the bucket over in Cuba, Castro, and all the rest of them.
And who do you think carries out the terror attacks, folks?
Because it's always done for a greater good, isn't it?
Just like Luis Correlius, just like Posada carried out those terror attacks.
I mean, it just never ends.
Thank you, John.
Alan and England hung up, so we'll go to Doug and Richard and others on the other side.
We've got a bunch of stuff coming up.
Stay with me.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, bridges fall down every month.
Highway overpasses, interchanges.
Two 18-wheelers drive over at the same time, they fall down.
They've fallen down all the time on I-35, right here in Texas.
We've had a bunch of earthquakes out there in the Oakland area.
You've got a hot gasoline fire underneath all that asphalt and those little quarter and half inch rebar.
And it did buckle and come down, but you've got to ask, why do they come down without fire?
Because they're shoddily built many times.
They're trying to compare this to 47 giant, I keep saying four foot, they're actually five foot around steel beams, falling, building seven, the police saying, get back, the building's going to be blown up.
We've got a clip, a new Building 7 clip where they're talking about bombs inside the building coming up.
Then we're going to get into E. Howard Hunt, never before heard, just came out a few days ago on his deathbed talking about the killing of Kennedy.
Not only the first 4 minutes of 20 have been released, we've got St.
James Hunt coming on Wednesday.
He's probably going to play more of it.
But it's his son, that's coming up.
But we gotta go to the calls right now.
And Robert's at the end of the line.
We're gonna get to Doug and Richard and Stan and George.
But Robert is first, because Robert disagrees.
Robert in Arizona, you go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, go ahead, sir.
Yeah, we've talked before, and believe me, I'm on your side, but I disagree a little bit about your analysis of this kind of bridge construction.
It's a steel box beam
structure with a light thin concrete deck port on top and all the rebar is in the deck and probably some post tension cables as well.
And this steel box beam is quite deep.
There's some good pictures on it on a news story at Yahoo where you can cycle through a series of pictures.
I've actually done that in that very Yahoo box.
Let me just stop you.
The top of that is asphalt, sir.
You're saying there's not asphalt?
It's poured concrete, and if you look closer, there's rebar sticking out of it, Alex.
It's gray.
No, I just said there was rebar in it, but sir, it's blacktop.
I mean, you're saying that's concrete?
It is concrete.
There could be an overlay of an inch of asphalt on top of it.
But what's underneath is concrete, and it's probably initially poured between 6 and maybe as much as 10 inches thick, depending on how much traffic.
Sure, I understand that.
I mean, these bridges fall down all the time, I'm asking.
They do.
They do, but the important point is when you look at the end of the box beam, those sections are welded together.
They go from column to column.
There's a beam, and then in between that beam,
You've got long steel I-beams or box beams running lengthways and sometimes they're set... Well, I agree that because it's horizontal, that's why these break on their own a lot when two trucks at the same time drive across.
You've got it horizontal with all that tension.
Well I agree with that part, but the point is, just so you don't get misquoted by the mainstream media,
All it takes for a long span of a steel structure like that, that has a hot fire under it for a long time, is for a fire to burn for a couple hours.
If the steel, which is not probably structural steel like was, which was used in the central core of the World Trade Center, but this is steel that, while it's going to be, have a certain amount of high strength characteristics to it, it's also going to have toughness designed into it to absorb vibrations and
You know, stresses.
And when you build a fire under something like that that has a hundred foot span between the vertical columns, all it has to do is sag about a foot to pull off of the post.
I understand.
I understand.
That's what I'm saying.
A road supported by two pillars, with all that weight between it, is going to be easier to fall than a building that's vertical and built like a brick you-know-what.
Do you agree with that?
Yes, I hear you, sir.
I mean, these things fall down every month without anything hitting them.
I mean, case closed.
It's not the World Trade Center.
Buildings don't fall every month.
These roads do.
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It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
TerrorStorm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
TerrorStorm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spy.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Any way you slice it, the difference between this overpass, this connector, is that, yeah, you've got a hundred feet separation with the two support points, with it welded, with a hot gasoline fire under it, with non-structural steel.
These things are mass-produced.
That's why they collapse all by themselves, literally every month.
I mean, every few weeks, some overpass collapses.
It's constantly happening.
Very dangerous.
People get killed all the time.
It's a miracle nobody died here.
A whole other facet to this is the guy got burned.
His hair burned off.
Part of his clothes burned off.
He ran around for an hour begging for help.
Now you get pulled over and don't have your insurance up to date.
That is you have insurance but your card is expired and they take your children and CPS them and then try to get them to report on you so they can take them.
But when you run around with your clothes burnt off begging for help for an hour, the scumbag citizenry won't help you, the scumbag police don't help you, because we really are a nation of scum.
I just want to say that.
By the way, the people drive worse than Mexico now.
Suddenly overnight in Austin, every day people come out of the lanes five or six times, they pull right out in front of you.
I think they're like using some type of ray beam that's turning us into monkeys or something.
Because everything's degenerating right now in front of my eyes and everybody I talk to agrees.
I mean, they literally drive better in Bangladesh or in Mexico City than they're now driving here in Austin, Texas where I live.
Look, I'm going to go to Doug and Richard and Stan and George and Art and Richard and everybody.
I'm going to get to your calls.
I'm going to get to the E. Howard Hunt thing and I've got a bunch of other news here.
But I'm going to cover this now.
I'm going to cover the police.
Friday night at around midnight,
Aaron Dykes and I completed an article.
Remember Friday I said, I'm gonna call Watson and have him do a story on Luke Rodowski and New York 9-11 truth and WeAreChange.org and having the police walk up and say, he's got a bomb, look, I saw a bomb in there.
And then admitting, hey, we're just doing this because we don't like what you're saying.
We know you're not a terrorist, but you're gonna go to jail for 30 days.
I mean, this is a massive frame-up on video.
The police are so corrupt now.
These are New York Port Authority detectives of some type, is how they identify themselves.
They did command local NYPD when they showed up, so they're definitely cops.
Or, who knows, is the mafia commanding the cops?
I guess they always have, so I guess they are now.
Who knows?
But they say, Larry Silverstein doesn't like you out here in front of Building 7, where he's based.
So that happened.
And me and Aaron, Aaron did most of the work, cobbled together an article.
It went supernova.
We did track some of the web stuff.
I don't know, like half a million people plus had read it over the weekend.
It had over close to 2,000 digs on dig.
You can go up to JonesReport.com.
JonesReport.com is the best place to find it.
It's right there, still on the main page.
Screenshots, stills of these gangster cops.
And then people went on to dig, and then on to our own message board, two separate places to post on our stories, and I'd say about 10% said, I wish they would have beaten you in the face.
I wish they would have arrested you.
You need to go to concentration camps.
We need to ban your free speech.
This is the attitude of the neocons that are on the web, is we want you to die.
We want you to go to camps.
We want to stop your free speech.
And they agree with police walking up with their face filling the camera and saying, he's got a bomb, I saw a bomb, I think he's got a bomb, I saw wires.
Hey, you know, we're not terrorists, we don't have a bomb.
Yeah, I know that, but by the time the government figures it out, you're going to be in jail for 30 days.
Guess who's going to jail?
Guess who's going to jail?
Hee hee hee!
You know, and all this bizarre giggling and snickering.
That story is up.
Right now, on JonesReport.com, get it, get it out to everybody, because the story went huge, without me even talking about it Friday and Saturday, you know, without even plugging the story, but a lot of you haven't seen it, see it, get it out to everybody.
It's so important, but see, that then dovetails with this.
Play the clip, I didn't play it all earlier, first hour, play the illegal alien clips, where they admit cocaine, marijuana, drunk driving, no arrest, above the law,
I've had APD tell me, well I told you the story about a month and a half ago, a month ago, I pull up at my office and there is one of my employee's cars pulled up, he's in handcuffs and I walk up and the officers kind of freak out, start putting their hands on their guns.
I didn't walk up menacingly, I walked up very slowly and with a smile on my face.
I know how to approach these people.
And all of a sudden the black cop goes, Hey Alex Jones!
I'm a fan!
He was an officer, a sergeant or something, and his boss showed up and he was a fan of the show too.
I don't want to get him in too much trouble.
They were there backing up the little female cop.
I'm not bashing female cops.
There may be a few good ones, but I've never seen them.
I've never met you yet.
It's unbelievable.
Anyways, she's there and she's got him in handcuffs.
And she was Hispanic, she got really mad when I said, let me guess, if he was an illegal alien, you wouldn't be cuffing him right now.
And she said, that's it!
Slammed her car, drove out of there.
The other guys, the white guy and the black guy start laughing, going, yeah, no, it's true, Alex, we're told, leave him alone.
Remember when Vicente Fox came to town, he gave the APD an award for not stopping illegals?
He goes, I know, none of us like it.
He goes, things are changing, though, because they're killing so many cops.
This is a black cop talking, and the white cop's going, yeah, it's true, you heard about them killing a Houston cop last week, and the guy had been arrested 14 times, or something like that.
Now, I'm sitting there and I go, so, I go, what happens if you arrest illegals?
They go, well, we can arrest some, but if we do, we get called in and, you know, we get reprimands and we're told that we're a sanctuary city and we're not.
And I go, but even when they're doing stuff that you'd take me to jail for it?
He goes, absolutely.
I got to take you to jail.
It's all reviewed.
I get reviews on that squad car video right there.
And, uh, I'm like, you're kidding.
He goes, no, of course I've heard all this, but to have cops.
He's like, I'm retiring in one month, man.
By the way, here's my rock and roll band.
Come see us play sometime.
I've been listening to you for, you know, 15 years.
I go, no, I've only been on 12 and a half.
All right, whatever.
And, uh, so I mean, you know, and they're even nice guys, but they're getting to the point where, and I told my wife, we've got to keep our insurance up to date.
We've got to keep it.
Because, I mean, folks, almost every time I get pulled over, I get a no insurance ticket and it's ten dollars.
Because I've always got insurance, but then I have to mail it in.
Because, you know, it's only good for six months.
I always forget and don't put it in there.
I'm busy.
And I never really wash my cars either.
I'm not into stuff like that because I don't have time.
I've got all the stupid stickers and all the rest of it, though.
And in the past, they just give you a ticket.
It's happening in Williamson County.
It was in the paper.
I read about it nationally.
Now, and it's the minority.
We've got to stop this now.
Of the officers.
They are taking your kids now, folks.
Oh my God.
And I mean, that just makes me literally go into a red rage.
I mean, I'll never forget seeing state police pull over old women and they got their stuff all over the street and they just pull off and let the old women put their stuff back in the car.
And one time I walked up to a state police officer while I was about 100 yards away.
He came over and he goes, what are you doing with that camera?
Big ol' like 6 foot 7 long hair blue eyed guy, I'll never forget him, he's on tape.
And I said, well we're here covering what you're doing, you need to, you know, do you have a warrant to search that car?
And he goes, he goes, you know I'm just doing my job, back off!
And I said, listen, we've already got millions of people in prison.
We have more people in prison than any other country.
He goes, that means we're doing our job!
You're not doing your job.
Let me give you a newsflash, officer.
You work for the mafia that owns America.
Let me say that again.
You work for the mafia that owns America, and you're supposed to give tickets to us schmucks out here who jump through all your hoops and put up with it.
They take the money you collect, and they buy foreign stocks and bonds with it, and then those foreign companies control our government.
America's already gone.
The dollar's gone, the sovereignty's gone, and the globalists know we're going to throw fits when we find out, so they're brainwashing you, doubling and now tripling the police presence over the last 15 years.
There's now been a tripling of police the last 15 years.
It was doubled, and Bush doubled it again.
I mean, increased it again to triple what it was.
And we're in deep trouble!
You will take people's children for no seatbelt now.
Not on the kids, not on them.
You will take people's children...
By the way, five times more likely to abuse children than CPS workers are.
Police are more likely to be involved in organized crime, drug dealing.
Those are federal numbers.
You are illegitimate.
You aren't fit to clean toilets.
You aren't fit.
And I don't mean all of you, but as a system-wide, you are the most criminal group, as the founding fathers told us.
Government always goes bad.
You've got to keep it small.
You've got to desperately fight against it.
You've got to restrict it or your country is dead meat.
We're going to go to break, come back and play the Illegal Aliens Above the Law, then take some calls, then play the St.
John Hunt audio.
Well, he's released it.
It's audio of E. Howard Hunt talking about the Kennedy hit.
This is part one.
It's going to be released in several other parts.
This is the first time we've had one of the actual... He's not one of the assassins.
We always knew that he was commanding the op.
With George Herbert Walker Bush's second command.
God, we're in so much trouble, folks.
This is the guy that ran the overthrow in Guatemala.
He was even involved in Mossadegh op.
He is hardcore.
And he died a few months ago, a month and a half ago, as you know, and his son has now released this.
So when we get back, we will play the Illegal Aliens Above the Law.
Now remember this.
When a high and mighty state policeman pulls you over, now, I used to drive down to the beach, you'd see one or two state police, I saw 21 last time, and they now give you tickets for 5 miles over, and if you say, hey, I thought it was only for 10 miles over, they'll tell you things are changing.
Because they tell the dumb cops that the economy's broke and that the state's broke and they've got to raise money when they've got record amounts of cash.
Just like the toll roads, they got record money in gas receipts, but then they tell you in gas tax receipts, and they tell you, oh, we gotta have a trans-Texas corridor tax to pay you.
They just tell you that.
Don't you wonder, do you like being fooled?
Do you like being lied to?
Why were police appreciated 30, 40, 50 years ago, and why are you hated now?
It's not just you.
The society's unraveling and degenerating, too.
But you're not helping it.
No, you're there to ruin families, get kids in the system, hand them over to pedophile CPS.
That's what you're there for.
And I want you to look in the mirror and figure that out every time you let an illegal alien go while you throw the book at U.S.
We're going to come back and go right into this newscast from North Carolina.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with me!
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Okay, so the next time the police pull you over, and they're all real serious, and they want to search, and they're doing this for America, they're looking for drugs, and they're... Just remember, the illegal aliens in 800 plus cities are above the law, are not even arrested for hardcore offenses.
And this is an absolute fact!
And they don't have to show IDs for bank accounts, anything that's Associated Press.
We knew this, of course, four years ago from my observation, now mainstream news, because it's part of setting up the North American Union.
Okay, none of this has to do with keeping you safe.
The government doesn't care about you.
It's about getting you in the system.
All right?
We are in a giant prison grid, ladies and gentlemen.
And they own all these fancy PR firms and propaganda and ad council announcements of how they want to take care of you.
It's all pure bull.
They want you brain damaged, folks.
They put mercury in the shots when you're little to dumb you down.
You've got to get your mind around how evil the elite are, okay?
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
Virginia Beach police say an admitted illegal immigrant was behind the wheel of the offending car.
Now the community wants to know what people can, what police can do when they come across someone who isn't supposed to be here.
Here on your side, Tina Kim takes a closer look at the controversy.
Well, David Alveda, many people assumed if an officer came across an illegal immigrant, the person would be deported.
That's not so, as we found out from those directly involved.
Undocumented workers behind bars.
How each of these inmates got to Newport News Jail is a different story, but the endings are all the same.
Jail officials say once these men are done with the American criminal process, immigration agents are scheduled to take them for possible deportation.
Inside this maximum security facility, the inmates have not been able to hear the outcry over illegal immigrants accused of crimes.
Diblein Gomez says he has only been arrested once, and before it happened, he did not worry about police.
No, no, no, because there are millions of immigrants here and we're all illegal.
Gomez is locked up on assault and malicious wounding charges.
The two men to his left, Juan Gomez Burgos and Vincente Santiago Flores, are both charged with robbery.
The men say before they got in trouble, officers did not bother them.
But even after breaking the law, Burgos says local police never asked if he was allowed to be in the United States.
In South Carolina, they caught me with cocaine and molta.
Was he surprised that he was not deported?
Burgo says that was in 2003.
Just this past February, Newport News Police arrested Florez, he says, for being drunk in public.
And he, too, never heard them ask about his immigration status.
No, nothing.
They only held me for about 8 or 10 hours.
Then they let me go because I was too drunk.
I couldn't even walk.
When they let me go, I was fine.
Just signed papers that I have to come to court on the 13th of March.
After the arrest of this illegal immigrant in March, many in Hampton Roads have come to learn Flores and Burgos' experience is not unusual.
Local police often do not ask about immigration status if the person under arrest is facing a misdemeanor or lesser charges.
Alfredo Ramos had been arrested for several misdemeanors, but only until police accused him of manslaughter for the drunk driving deaths of these girls in Virginia Beach did local officers notify immigration enforcement about Ramos.
What do these men think?
Well, I don't know.
That's up to the justice.
With him, he was drinking and driving.
Yes, yes, it's a crime.
He committed with his vehicle.
The deaths of 16-year-old Tessa Trishant on the left and 17-year-old Allison Kuhnhart brought such intense outrage, Virginia Beach's police chief
...explained in a news conference April 5th why his officers did not alert immigration when they first came across Ramos on a charge of public intoxication, a low-level crime.
Chief Jake Jaycox said Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE, is both understaffed and underfunded... ...and typically does not respond to calls from local police who have undocumented aliens in custody unless the charges or major felonies are otherwise high profile.
In fact, ICE has told us there is nothing they can do unless the individual is arrested for a felony, and that we shouldn't bother calling them otherwise.
ICE agents would not speak on camera, but ICE reps do say... Yeah, we're gonna play the rest after break.
Uh, dig up the Washington Times article.
They hire the aggravated felons.
They come pick them up and put them in the military.
Did you know that?
That's who's going to rule this country, folks.
Illegal alien, hardcore felons.
And they don't even pick them up when they are felons, okay?
If they do, they have them join the military or they deport them back.
And that's what they do.
And then Vicente Fox comes up to our cities and gives awards to our criminal police chiefs for breaking the law.
By the way, I've talked to Austin Police.
Most of the time when they're found, they don't have a driver's license, ID, nothing.
They just let them go.
But again, not when it's you and your family.
Cop walks up.
Famous case, the lady had CPS grab her kids, remember?
Right by her house.
She'd just taken her seatbelt off, got in the communal mailbox, driving 200 yards back to her house.
That was out in the hill country, and they took her kids right there on the spot.
We interviewed her and her doctor husband.
After he spoke out, the police went to his house and beat him down on his front porch.
Ha ha ha!
That's the freedom of America!
We'll be just like Mexico, where you bow down to the El Jefe.
All you gotta do is get a uniform, you can tell your neighbors to mow your yard, and they say, yes-a, boss.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
There must be some kind of way out of here Say that joker to the beat
Oh yeah!
Come here!
Alright, I will get the Doug Richards, Stan George, Art and Richard, but that's all I can take.
And we gotta go quick for your call because I want to play the C. Howard Hunt thing.
But let's finish up with the police chief saying, hey, the feds won't come get them, they're understaffed.
Yeah, they can build a $5 billion fence covering 70 plus percent of Afghanistan through the mountains.
They can build fences all around Iraq.
The federal government has no intention, they've legalized him.
Bush's amnesty plan, I heard him all this weekend, we gotta get tough!
We gotta have reform!
And his reform is total amnesty, but that'll fool most neocons.
Hell, if Neal Bortz can fool them with national sales taxes, he's conservative, they're gonna keep both taxes, folks, income and that once they get it, then they'll fool them with that!
I mean, most people don't even know Bush is anti-gun, even though we've had NRA board members on telling ya.
They just don't care about America.
They want to feel good and stick plastic desecrated American flags on their car made in China.
It's easy, it's quick, and they can go home and watch TV.
They don't really want to fight for this country, they just want to feel good.
Now back to it, and again, I have been back-ended
Four or five times over the years, and at least three of the times it was illegal aliens.
Then another time, I back-ended illegal aliens about seven years ago.
My girlfriend was with me at the time, in a Wendy's drive-thru.
I just wasn't paying attention, sort of dented the back of her car.
The guy said, no, no, no, no, no, senor.
Forget, forget.
I felt bad.
I dented his car.
That's another thing.
He couldn't even get help.
He couldn't even get insurance because of it.
I'm not saying these are all bad people, but the criminals of Mexico who commit murders down here run up here, and it's like heaven!
They have no ID, no one knows who they are, they're in no database, and they can do whatever they want, and then my employee out front has an expired driver's license, so he's arrested, and the cops go, yeah, he was an illegal, we wouldn't.
I mean, the country's gone, folks!
It's not about the law, it's what about fat cats want!
But you've got to remember now, they're taking your kids now a lot of times.
If you don't have that insurance up to date, you may have insurance, but that card doesn't show it.
They call in CPS folks who they're increasing the size of.
And it doesn't matter how much money you've got, folks, they will try to take your kids.
And what they do is they don't feed them.
They don't feed them for a day or so, and then your kid's ready to say whatever they want.
When your kid starts throwing fits, boom!
Riddling Prozac instantly.
Then they triple the amount of cash they get for each one.
These are cold-blooded killers.
And yes, they're five times more likely to abuse or kill your children than any other group in America.
And so, we make them the people that run things!
See, that's how it works.
Those are hard numbers.
Let's finish up with this and go to your calls.
And typically does not respond to calls from local police who have undocumented aliens in custody unless the charges or major felonies are otherwise high profile.
He wouldn't call them illegal.
The cops won't call them illegal.
They'll snatch your five-year-old right out of your car screaming.
They'll snatch your one-year-old.
They'll snatch a one-month-old nursing baby.
They'll snatch him right out of mama's lap in that car for no driver's license or expired license.
But they won't even call an illegal alien illegal.
Back to that scumbag.
...unless the charges or major felonies are otherwise high profile.
In fact, ICE has told us there is nothing they can do unless the individual is arrested for a felony and that we shouldn't bother calling them otherwise.
ICE agents would not speak on camera, but ICE reps do say Jaycock's statements are not true and agents can detain a person no matter how serious the crime.
There are police chiefs all over the country, I'll tell you, and sheriff's deputies.
They've arrested vans full of 15 people, and ICE won't come pick them up, with the coyote in piles of cocaine.
You heard the illegal earlier, how he had cocaine, and nothing happened.
But again, this is the ICE run by the Israeli Mossad agent Michael Chertoff, so what do you expect?
Back to it.
Other Hampton Roads communities, like Norfolk, do allow officers to question people about their citizenship during any type of arrest.
And whether it's a felony, a rapist, or a robber, or a misdemeanor, we'll notify immigration.
If they suspect the person is illegal in the country, says Norfolk Public Information Officer Chris Amos.
He adds after that, it's up to ICE to enforce immigration laws.
We don't follow through
Once that notification has been made, that's according to our general order, that's all that's required.
Okay, I've heard enough of that scumbag.
I've heard enough of it.
You can go watch the whole clip up on PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.com.
It's up there right now on the main page if you want.
But I forget the exact headline.
I know the number was 400, I think it was 450,000 was the headline.
Last year, Houston Chronicle headline, 400,000 plus felons
released from Houston jails.
And that was 400,000 plus felons was the headline.
And it said in Houston, in the previous year, 2005, almost half a million felony arrests released.
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Including, remember the railway murderer who killed more than 15 people?
Oh yeah!
But they're going to take your kids.
I've studied the whole nation.
There's probably nowhere worse, except for a few areas in Florida, than Williamson County.
Up there, you forget to take a video back.
On the fourth day, it's late, they come take you.
And they'll have an arrest warrant issued out, and they randomly pull everybody over in that town, and they'll take your kids right there while they're arresting you because you forgot to bring that video home, or fell under the couch in Williamson County.
I live just south of that hell hole and I feel like I ought to get on air like a beacon and every hour go, do not live in Williamson County, do not live in Williamson County, do not live in Williamson County, alert, alert, alert, alert.
Because all these fools move into there.
I mean, the Austin Police are little angels.
In fact, I haven't heard a lot of the cases of them CPSing for, you know, petty things.
But they do in Williamson County and boy, they got a nice crew of CPS up there, let me tell you.
Alright, let's break through your calls, and I've got to go fast here.
Doug in Tennessee, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey there Alex, how you doing?
Good, go ahead.
I just wanted to point out, there's a huge difference between gasoline and diesel.
In fact, with gasoline, they make a cutting torch.
If you go to petrogen.com, you can cut two into three.
No, no, gasoline burns a lot hotter than kerosene.
Uh-huh, a lot hotter.
And another thing I wanted to
Can't you convert them?
First of all, I've got to get to a different platform that has... Yeah, let me break something down.
There's only a couple employees out here.
And so it may take us, you know, say we've got 10 hours of video from some conference, it may take somebody a week to edit that up just to give it to you for free.
And then we've got to have it on a free platform because we can't pay to give it out with the bandwidth.
Even a free clip we give really wasn't free.
We had to have the cameras, the people hired to shoot it, we have to edit it to then give it to you, and then we can't give it to you in a download format because that's not being offered by a free platform where it's not our bandwidth.
I appreciate that.
That's why I'm a PrismPlanet.tv subscriber.
You're awesome, sir, and we couldn't operate without you.
Thanks for your help.
Hey, listen, if we have listeners that volunteer to take the free clips we put out and convert them to a download format, and then they have a place to, if people want to offer to give the free bandwidth away, we will link to those.
How does that sound?
That sounds like a good idea.
And what I've been doing, like this World Trade Center 7, I've been getting all the videos I can off of Google, off of YouTube.
I gotta go to a Linux box to do it, and they compile them on a CD, which are cheap.
They're like 13 cents a piece to build.
I put a player on the CD, and it automatically starts with an autorun.inf file, so that I can get it to somebody.
They put it in their PC, and there's World Trade Center 7 falling from eight different angles.
You're beautiful.
Love you, Doug.
Keep it up.
That's why we need your financial support, because we can hire more employees to do more things like that.
I mean, it's all in outreach here.
PrisonPlanet.tv, that's how you donate, that's how you support us, and you get such a great value.
Fifteen cents a day, $5.95 a month, get three months free with a yearly membership.
Or go to the trial membership, PrisonPlanet.tv.
All my films, all my TV shows, special reports, my book, Paul Watson's book, a bunch of other films, download them, burn them to disk.
It's a great activist tool, Prison Planet.
Bob TV.
Or if it strikes your fancy, you know, you can straight out donate to us.
I mean, I won't shrink from that now.
Because our work's just too important.
I mean, I make a $100,000 film like Terror Storm and put it out for free on Google Video.
And if the money doesn't come in to pay for the next film, I'll just get up here and start quacking and bleeding and begging for money.
And then hell, if the money doesn't come in on that, I guess I just won't make films in the future.
But it's just about getting the info out.
I want to give all this away for free.
And I appreciate those that have bought the high-quality DVDs and books and materials that we offer from InfoWars.com.
You make it all possible.
And I want to see a flood of support right now, because I've got a bunch of big operations I want to carry out, and they're going to take a lot of capital, and I need that capital to go to the next level.
So InfoWars.com, go get your PrisonPlanet.tv membership, or buy the DVDs at InfoWars.com or the books or tapes, or if you just want to write us,
And put Federal Reserve notes in there, wrapped in foil, I don't care as they say, or write us a check, fine.
I tell you that over 90% of that will go.
uh... to find a new order and you know the rest of us i can eat enchiladas and put shoes on my feet and on my children's feet and that's all part of the fight too we are dedicated people don't know where to put my friends know where to catch me then call up here at midnight and I answer the phone folks I'm here I live this I am your machine my mother likened me to a locomotive ladies and gentlemen let's face it I'm pulling a lot of a lot of cars behind me okay and I can't help it it burns in my bones like Ezekiel said I cannot control myself I literally
Just burn to expose evil.
I burn.
And I just realized we need more capital to do it.
So bring in the capital.
Bring it in.
Twelve years on air and I haven't been asking for it.
I'm asking for it now because our business model, it's working to kind of carry on like we are.
But no, there's things I need to do that I know will be effective and we need the capital and we need it now.
So let's get to the E. Howard Hunt thing now and then we'll get to the rest of it.
We'll take your calls in the final segment.
There's a big
Wall Street Journal.
There's a big article in, got another Wall Street Journal article I'm going to get to here, but we won't have time, that was in the Rolling Stone a few weeks ago.
We talked about this, The Last Confections of E. Howard Hunt.
This is four minutes of twenty minutes that will be released at the end of the week.
And we've got St.
James coming on Wednesday here.
I don't want to steal the thunder of Coast to Coast.
We could have got him on earlier, but I'm going to have him on after Coast to Coast.
Has him on tomorrow night and the rest of the tape.
I heard from Frank that LBJ had
designated Cord Meier Jr.
to undertake a larger organization while keeping it totally secret.
Cord Meier himself was a rather favored member of the Eastern aristocracy.
He was a graduate of Yale University and had joined the Marine Corps during the war.
and lost an eye in the Pacific fighting.
I think that LBJ settled on Meyer as an opportunist parent like himself a parent and a man who had very little left to him in life ever since JFK had taken Court White as one of his mistresses.
I would suggest that Kord Meier welcomed the approach from LBJ, who was, after all, only the Vice President at that time.
Of course, could not number Kord Meier among JFK's admirers.
Quite the contrary.
As for Dave Phillips, I knew him pretty well at one time.
Wait a minute.
You're actually listening to the commander of the killing.
I mean, it's happened.
Publicly, on his deathbed, admitting it.
Listen to him laboring to speak.
This is actually when he was on a deathbed three years ago, but they didn't release it until he died a month ago.
Here it is.
During the Guatemala project, he had made himself useful to the agency in Santiago, Chile, where he was an American businessman.
In any case, his actions, whatever they were, came to the attention of the Santiago Station Chief, and when his resume became known to people in the Western Hemisphere Division, he was brought in to work on Guatemalan operations.
Friends of Morales and people of that yoke stayed in apartment houses during preparations for the big event.
Their addresses were very subject to change so that
Where a fellow like, uh, Wallace admitted one day, you're not necessarily associated with that same address the following day.
In short, it was a very mobile, uh, experience.
Let me point out at this point, that if I had wanted to, uh, fictionalize, uh, what went on in Miami and elsewhere during the run-up for the big event, I would have done so.
But I don't want any unreality to tinge at this particular story or the information I should say.
I was a bench warmer on it and I had a reputation for honesty.
I think it's essential to refocus on what this information that I've been providing you
And you alone, by the way, consists of.
What is important in the story is that we've backtracked the chain of command up through Kordmeier and laying the doings at the doorstep of LBJ.
He, in my opinion, had an almost maniacal
Stay there.
Back that up about 30 seconds.
We'll come back and finish the last minute.
My God, E. Howard Hunt.
And again, folks, we have Hunt's photos there.
With Sturgis and the rest of them.
I mean, this is just to live to see this.
And your goal, a lot of you are going to live to hear it come out on 9-11.
Oh yeah, you'll hear the operatives.
Why we did it, huh?
Why we blew the towers up?
We'll be right back.
It's here.
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E. Howard Hunt, Deathbed Confession, Part 1.
Please continue.
A story, or the information I should say.
I was a bench warmer on it, and I had a reputation for honesty.
I think it's essential to refocus on what this information that I've been providing you, and you alone by the way, consists of.
What is important
In the story is that we've backtracked the chain of command up through up through Kordmeier and laying the doings at the doorstep of LBJ.
He, in my opinion, had an almost maniacal urge to become president.
He regarded JFK as a
As he was, in fact, an obstacle to achieving that.
He could have waited for JFK to finish out his term and then undoubtedly a second term.
So that would have put the LBJ at the head of a long list of people who were waiting for some change in the executive branch.
Alright, so there he is talking about building up the hit job on Kennedy.
The rest of it will be released later this week.
Boy, that was St.
James Hunt.
I'd be getting that out quick.
We've talked to him.
He's coming on Wednesday.
We'll have more for you then, if not sooner.
I'll play that again tomorrow.
Paul Watson's done a big article up on PrisonPlanet.com that's super important on the subject.
I hope you get it and get it out to everybody today.
Here we are.
JFK assassination.
The guy over the shooters saying this.
Of course, he was photographed there as well.
Uh, let's do your calls now.
I gotta move fast.
Richard in Mississippi.
Go ahead.
Uh, hello?
Yes, go ahead.
Well, Alex, the confession of the killing of John F. Kennedy, we cannot wait another 40 years to expose what happened at the World Trade Center.
We need to expose it now.
We're trying.
And Alex, there's also something that may be unrelated.
Something that's called the electric car.
I heard about a movie about it.
You may be interested in it.
Why our government killed the electric car?
Well, that's because they didn't want people being self-sufficient.
I gotta jump.
Call me back tomorrow about the electric car.
Let's talk to George in Ohio.
George, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to comment.
I'm a police officer at a medium-sized university in Ohio.
Oh, I wish we'd have got you on earlier.
Well, I wanted to verify what you said about the illegal aliens that are here.
We had one that we stopped and arrested.
And INS said that unless we had a busload, they didn't want to do anything about it.
And, um, I listen to you regularly, and you kind of, lately, are paying cops with a white paintbrush.
I know it's wrong.
Well, imagine being frustrated.
They're taking our kids.
I'm scared to death of police now.
Well, I've never taken anybody's child, but just simply because I didn't have insurance.
I'm not saying you're a bad cop, sir.
I'm saying the system is.
Well, the way I handle it is that I have people bring me their insurance at a later time rather than improve before I even... Well, it sounds like you're the kind of cop we had 50 years ago, sir, that people were bringing coffee and pies to.
That's not how it is now here where I live.
It's scary, sir.
Well, that's not the way it is.
Apparently, I live in a different section of the country because I don't know anyone who does that.
Well, maybe I need to move where you live, then.
Maybe you do.
But, anyway... You know what?
I'm sorry you've been holding for like 45 minutes.
Call me back tomorrow, because I'd love to hear from police officers.
And tell them it's George, the police officer, and we'll get you to the head of the line.
Will you call me back tomorrow?
I probably won't be able to tomorrow.
Probably next Monday.
Okay, call me next Monday when you're off, sir.
God bless you.
I'm sorry to Art, I'm sorry to Richard.
I run on at the mouth, and I played all those clips, but...
I'm not against police individually.
I told you about the nice officers out here, but they were still arresting my employee.
And then saying, well, if he was an illegal alien, we wouldn't.
I mean, you know.
I know.
Look, imagine being us, how threatened I am.
It's scary.
It's scary to go outside the house now.
This stuff's real.
I won't get anywhere near Williamson County.
God bless you all.
Big news on Prison Planet.
Get it all.
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