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Name: 20070425_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 25, 2007
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This is the GCN Radio Network, home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I want to thank the guest host that sat in for me.
I have missed four shows, I guess five, counting the Sunday syndicated transmission that I do.
And part of it was vacation, the other part was very, very hard work on an important secret project that I've been working on a while in the fight against the New World Disorder.
And it is good to be back here with you today.
We got D.V.
Kidd just popping in for about 15 minutes in the third hour to give us an update on the National Trucker Strike that's been promoted by the grassroots the last few months.
And D.V.
Kidd, now a Texan, we're really proud to have her here with us in the Lone Star State.
She'll be giving us a report on what the trucker rallies are doing here in this state and hopefully in the third hour.
We can get calls in from other truckers and people involved in the demonstration against the North American Union coming up in the third hour.
I got a lot of clips, obviously, that have been gone a while.
I haven't been not checking into the news and following it.
There is a lot I want to discuss.
Huge 9-11 developments on so many fronts.
Other important news as well.
Rosie O'Donnell is leaving The View.
Now, I knew that she was leaving The View three weeks ago, but I was not at liberty to talk about it.
Basically, three weeks ago I was told by sources, I'll just leave it at that, that these are multiple sources inside the O'Donnell camp, while other sources
I'm not supposed to give my sources away, so I'm not going to.
Point is, it's guaranteed what I knew then was going to happen.
And it was that Rosie O'Donnell... Well, you know what?
I'll tell you about it when we get to that.
It's in the stack.
I'm going to get to it.
I know Paul Watson is listening to write an article about it.
And so we will cover what's happened in that saga in the next 15 minutes or so.
It's weird when I haven't been on the radio for three or four days.
Well, I guess I missed four shows, five shows, but I've really been gone a total of six days.
It's like going back ten years ago.
I'm just now getting on radio.
I've only been doing radio a few years, and I'm still a little nervous, and it's strange to hear the sound of my own voice in my ears.
Normally on autopilot, when I just do it day in, day out, continually.
So you never know what you get when I've been out of town.
I usually have a lot of pent-up energies.
Who knows?
Will there be fireworks today?
As I geek for the public, not on purpose, but that turns out to be kind of what the, quote, entertainment spectacle is in the mixture that is this transmission.
Giuliani caught in bizarre Building 7 lie.
So we got O'Donnell exclusive, that's what ABC said.
No kidding, she works for you.
We should have broken this three weeks ago, but I'm a man of my word, we didn't.
O'Donnell leaving The View.
Then we've got Giuliani Caught in Bizarre Building 7 Lie.
We'll tell you about that.
We have some clips as well.
Also, Steve Watson did a story, uh, The Mystery of the 9-11 Car Bombs.
Evidence points to multiple roaming backup teams with vans full of explosives.
Absolutely, in case the bombs didn't go off, the detonators, the cutting charges inside the structures, they're ready to bring them down by brute force.
Giuliani, back in the news on 9-11, warns of new 9-11 of the Dems' win.
Again, either party, the New World Order wins getting into power, doesn't matter, they're all puppets, but just shows the fear-monger who the real terrorists are.
I mean, that is terrorism.
If you let them win, the terrorists will get you.
That is terrorism.
Do what I want or bad things are going to happen.
Did I tell you my dad was a New York mob boss?
By the way, did you know that's admitted in mainstream news?
People go, yeah, that's how you get things done in America.
Big deal.
He needs to be the president.
I always dreamed that my son would be Senator Corleone.
President Corleone.
The one actually holding the strings.
But there wasn't time.
For now, my grandson
Roloff Giuliani can be that man!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are a nation literally ruled by organized crime.
That's all the New World Order is.
Organized crime with very sophisticated public relations firms and top psychological warfare experts, literally trying to keep the people divided from each other, fighting with each other, not focused on the real issues, to keep us all fractured so the special interests can come in and absolutely rule over us.
They know though that as things get worse and worse for the general public there will be resistance and so they're putting in a police state grid preemptively to block that.
I would hope that finally the police state grid being placed against us would be a big wake-up call to those of you out there who still haven't been able to look at the landscape right in front of your face and analyze what it is.
It is classical tyranny with a hyper
sophisticated high-tech system overlay and I'm just here in absolute horror looking at it being constructed all around us layer upon layer to see the brainwashed servants in their petty power trips who are actually carrying out the destruction of their family's futures humanity and to just see evil and wickedness and backstabbing and and and pettiness
And false competitiveness, and just all of these miscreant attributes, it just makes my blood boil.
Okay, Giuliani, the mob boss.
I mean, why not?
Daley's a mob boss.
This was hereditary power.
Hereditary power in Chicago.
Why shouldn't it be hereditary power in New York, or nationwide, or North Korea, for that matter, or presidentially?
Giuliani warns of a new 9-11 if the Dems win.
Again, if you don't give it all to Giuliani, the terrorists will get you.
And I think coming from him, you better take it real serious, because he's not playing games.
No, they're not playing games at all.
But we need somebody who's tough like him.
Listen to him overseas.
Giuliani will get tough with people.
It doesn't matter whether it's that
Mob Boss Hillary or that Mob Boss Bush and that whole crime clan representing the WASP Mafia.
It doesn't matter if it's the Jewish Mafia.
It's just all mafias.
A big nesting group of mafias.
They all get around the table every year at Bilderberg coming up in a month.
And they set the course and then their big regional governorships with all the top experts and the heads of every industry and bank and education center.
Just go out and roll forward, and it's all patronage.
They all hand out goodies to each other.
It's neo-feudalism.
I mean, really, it is what it is, and we're here looking at it, and it's got a smiling face, but it's the smiling face of a dead man, a rotting corpse with its lips curled back in rigamortis from its teeth, smiling at you.
The stench is overwhelming.
And I don't know how the general public doesn't recoil from it, and frankly, why the hair on the back of your neck isn't standing up, and why you're not seizing upon implements of defense in preparation to protect yourselves.
And I mean financially, spiritually, physically.
I mean, I'm literally
Literally, it's like I'm here just orbiting this giant mass of wickedness.
We're all caught in its orbit, being inexorably pulled into its atmosphere to plunge down like a meteor into the surface and pulverize ballistically into a million shards.
If you study history
Every preparation, every subtle nuance of Great Oppression, of Megadeth, of Xenocide, is being lovingly oiled and primed and tuned and massaged and hermetically sealed, all interlocking, inter-excerably.
You literally have a gibbering mass of people like monkeys wearing trinkets and bling and gaudy festooned portents of mental death, death of the soul.
Literal perfumed
Arrogant, self-centered nobodies everywhere, who have no idea about anything, history, culture, beauty, art, how their system even works.
They don't even have a cold-blooded desire to protect themselves, or even face up to any threat.
It's just a... It's just a pack of scum.
God being out in LA for... I don't know, three days, it's just... Ugh!
The fake people, the vacant,
I think so.
That was a term one of my friends used.
It's like they're infected.
They're infected with something there.
They're infected with evil.
I've got all this news here in front of me.
I just... Man, if there was a new planet to go to...
I mean, literally, this is the point I've gotten to.
The Associated Press reports, you know, they found a planet that they think's got our temperature and water and could sustain life, and I'm like, my God, if there was a hyperdrive ship that could get me there and my family and I could book passage today and know I could, you know, go there and it was habitable.
Literally, no matter the dangers and the unknowns, I would jump on that ship and be bye-bye in two seconds flat.
I want out of here.
I don't like it.
I don't like the people.
I don't like what they're into.
I don't like all the backstabbing, and all the scum, and all the liars, and all the egomaniacs, and all of it.
I just, I cannot stand it.
And I guess the Pilgrims, and I'm before them Jamestown,
I mean, they really did want something new.
Jamestown, you could argue, they were looking for riches in their own land.
And with the Pilgrims, there's been a big media push to demonize them.
But the point is, humans are humans.
Nobody's perfect.
But they really did want to come here because of religious persecution, and because they wanted to live their own lives, and because they wanted to be left alone.
And I'm sure that's why the people that came across the Bering Strait
Across the frozen land bridge from Asia into the Americas.
Millennia before the Pilgrims set foot here.
That's what they were looking for.
They were always being pushed by the bigger, more established tribe behind them.
Who was being pushed by the bigger, more established tribe behind them.
They were following the Mammoth.
They were following the Wildebeest.
They were following the Arctic Yak.
Wildebeest, that's not there.
And, uh, I just... You have to understand, too, I don't have a sardonic view in the base definition of it where I think I'm better, and so I look down on people.
That's not really what a sardonic view is.
A sardonic view is you hold the general public in horror.
And it's not because you have some high view of yourself.
It literally... Trying to talk to most people, and you know how this is, they are
They're not even dumb.
They're like so focused on things that don't matter, and so in their own worlds, that they can't even be outwardly focused and analyze what's around them.
And when you've got a public that acts and behaves and lives like that, they're gonna be enslaved.
They will be bondage slaves.
They will go into tyranny.
They will have bad things done to them.
And to see my once great countrymen, the late great United States, I mean we have been upstanding compared to many other societies and cultures and civilizations.
In art, in literature, in scientific exploration and development, in courage, in brute violence, all those things are attributes when used correctly.
All of it has been turned into a hollow shell or people like peacocks pose as if they were the former.
They pose as if, I mean, the people, the World War II generation were always called the greatest generation.
I would say they had a lot of attributes that were much better than what we have today.
But they, they literally, if you actually study history, couldn't hold a candle to the men of 1776 or the men of the 1830s.
They are not the greatest generation, and I'm sick of hearing it.
They're actually the last great generation of Americans is what they were.
They were the last in a long line.
They were not the best.
Compared to the cess we look at today, they're the greatest generation.
But they were the last in a degenerating group of people.
They were the last link to what our former greatness was.
They're not the greatest.
They were the last in a long line of the greatest!
And they were a sad shame compared to those that came before them that were forged in incredible diversity.
I don't care if you were a black African slave, or a white sharecropper, or a white indentured servant, or some European soldier that got stranded here in the innumerable wars.
They were the greatest generation, if you talk about the United States and its history.
Not the last generation
Of that great line who were seduced by the New World Order, and seduced by the transistorized public, and the stamped factory public, and who were seduced by the culture, and the refrigerators, and the new cars every year, and everything's fine, and everything's gonna be easy.
They were the generation that sold out, and then let their children turn into demons.
We'll be right back.
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I do want to thank Jack Blood for sitting in the last few days on the show.
Also, Michael Rivera of last week.
Thank you so much.
It's good to be back here with all of you, doing the Talk Radio Show, talking to the people across the globe.
And let's make it clear here.
I'm not saying I'm high and mighty and I'm a very moral person or that I'm perfect.
But at least I'm trying to be and I'm trying to be aware of the things I do and the way I behave.
And I try to have high standards and I try to do what God wants me to do.
And I am at least aware of these things.
The general public is not even aware.
They are not even aware of how precious life is.
I mean, the biggest indicator of this, and I'm going to get into the news, is that
We warehouse our old.
And we, many times, put them in the hospice before it's even their time to get them all dug up just to get rid of them so we don't have to, you know, go in and see them every week and smell the, well, you know what we smell.
And then a lot of people just warehouse their parents and don't even ever go visit them.
And all these trendies and the general public, people that do this,
What do you think is going to happen to you?
What do you think your children are going to do to you?
What do you think is going to happen when you get old?
If you loved somebody, how could you not want to be there with them when they were old and in pain?
How could you not want to hear them tell you stories about their grandparents?
You don't even want that knowledge.
You don't even have that instinct of sitting around the fire or sitting around that hospital bed, but going back to sitting around that fire thousands of years ago and learning and getting knowledge.
In the past, in all human societies, the old were revered and had the nicest little huts.
Uh, and they usually were up on the high ground in the village, the most protected in the middle of the society.
And they would look after the children during the day and give them knowledge when the men were off hunting or defending and the women were busy preparing and weaving and, and, and, and attending to medical needs.
And there were the elderly revered in the crying and the
I don't mean to get off into mumbo-jumbo, but I literally can feel my ancestors.
There's a lot been written about that, but I can feel their strength.
We have turned our backs on our fathers, on our mothers.
We have turned our backs on humanity.
We have turned our backs on everything we are and our development as a species.
And when you realize that you're just part of the species, and through that species you live on, and through the joys and the sorrows and the great discoveries and the exhilarations and the pains that people in the future coming after us will feel and live, you live through them.
Today, as you are alive, they're alive in you right now.
Don't you understand that?
And the New World Order understands that.
They're all about their ancestors.
They're all about the future.
They're all about greedily keeping that from the mass of humanity.
Ninety plus percent of us, they've made the decision in the ultimate of greed and selfishness to try to wall us off from that and try to destroy our very humanity so that we can't even defend ourselves because in that family and then in that larger tribal unit
Is the great drive that makes us free and makes us strong and fulfills us.
And to see our very fabric, the very bones, the very guts of humanity, of Homo Sapien Sapien being twisted before my very eyes.
And to see the literal code of the biosphere being irrevocably
Butchered, and vandalized, and twisted, and to see the levers being smashed in, and to see horrible things being done to the Earth, and to see horrible things being done to our species, fills me full of just black gulps of pain.
And the New World Order knows that you're upset by this in your subconscious.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
George and Sharon and Wesley, Nathan.
We'll get to all of you.
Paul will be first.
He's calling in on his own dime from the UK.
Hi, let me just run through... Some of the news and clips that I've got here in front of me.
All right, Giuliani warns of new 9-11 and of Dems' win.
We have the mystery of the 9-11 car bombs.
John Kerry Building 7 was deliberately demolished.
I know this was debated in the last couple days.
I'm going to play the clip again and weigh in on it.
Also, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
We've got an audio clip of the video of Luke Rudowski of 9-11 Truth, New York, exposing him.
They tried to get his camera away from him.
You hear the hissing public.
We're going to play that.
I did go see Sunday Night, or was it?
No, it was Monday Night.
If you're a truther, go see The Shooter.
And The Shooter really is an anti-New World Order film.
It was amazing.
Really amazing.
Paul had seen it a week ago in the UK and said I had to see it.
And then I did go see it.
It was amazing.
With Mark Wahlberg, newfound respect for him.
Paul's written an article, today's anti-smoking purge is borrowed from the Nazis.
I had seen that before, but Paul's put it in an article.
I'm no fan of smoking, but the point is it just starts there with the control.
And it's funny how much we mimic the Nazis today.
Also, there's big gun control stuff moving forward that we'll give you an update on.
We'll also take your calls on the Virginia shooting.
Just more evidence has piled up of evidence that that is a black op.
I mentioned this, but we will detail it.
Potentially habitable planet has been found.
That out of the Associated Press.
Chinese president calls for internet clampdown.
And sweeping forced abortions used in China's birth control enforcement.
They are the UN model.
They are the model.
So, you want to know what the new world order wants for all of us?
It is the Chinese communist model.
Which isn't communist at all.
No such thing as communism.
Remember Zhang Zemin, I don't know, five, six years ago, was in the BBC headline.
Zhang Zemin.
Headline, Chinese Communism, Greatest Expression of Capitalism.
And he went on to say, capitalism is communism.
That of course confused everyone, they laughed at him.
No, he was being, telling the truth.
See, they've taken everything and turned it on its head.
He meant, the way it really works is that, not the terms.
You see, the capitalist actually, and capitalist means centralized, doesn't really mean free market.
Big titans, that was their term.
They told you a hundred and something years ago, I'm already getting off into this now, I might as well do it.
They told you that free market and freedom was, quote, capitalism.
That was just the robber baron's name for consolidation.
Or what people properly term as crony capitalism, or monopoly capitalism.
But then people confuse it and think, oh, well, there must be a real capitalism.
It is a fact that our government put Mao in.
It is a fact our government helped put Lenin in.
It is a fact they supported Stalin.
It is a fact.
And it is a fact that they use it to consolidate, as Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, head of Georgetown Political Science, wrote in his 900-plus page book, Tragedy and Hope.
This is how it works.
There is no left and right.
There is command and control, centralization, and there is liberty on the other end.
Where are you in that spectrum?
But, again, I digress.
I'm going to get into O'Donnell in a minute, but let me just cover this first.
Let's just start with simple lies.
Gonzales testifying and
Scores of times saying he doesn't recall, he doesn't remember.
Let's play the Colbert Report, just about a minute and a half clip.
Here it is.
You know, last week I advised Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to eat lead paint and hit himself in the head with a wrench.
I'll tell you what, just start that over because I wasn't getting the audio on that.
It's okay.
I don't want people to hear the start of that clip.
Go ahead and start it over.
Here it is.
You know, last week I advised Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to eat lead paint and hit himself in the head with a wrench before his Senate Judiciary hearing so he'd forget everything he knew.
Well, evidently he followed my advice, saying 71 times he couldn't remember details about the U.S.
Attorney firings.
Of course, he only remembers saying it once.
Well, this morning Alberto got the only review that counts.
Some Senators didn't like his explanation, but he answered as honestly as he could.
The President's right!
Answering any more honestly would have been a huge mistake!
I got nothing more to say on that subject.
But see, it's funny.
Lying is funny.
You know, we sell this as healthy, laughing at this.
But really, if all we do is laugh at it, it's not funny.
This is a criminal.
An Enron lawyer, who's just a mid-level puppet, who wrote memos saying they could torture people.
And I saw his deputy on a PBS special I was watching this weekend, watching more TV, when I was out on business in LA.
And it was this big new PBS special that just came out.
And I had John Yoo just going, you know the stuff they do.
Just, oh, well, we don't need warrants anymore.
It's freedom.
It's how we keep you safe.
They were just admitting how everything's surveilled.
Ha, ha, ha.
This is the guy.
Well, you know what memos he wrote.
I don't need to say it anymore.
Well, I guess we got new listeners every second.
You know, the tortured children with pliers.
Small children.
And again, we just kind of get conditioned to that.
It's like, well, yeah, okay, that's what they do.
The good guys do that.
See, Jeffrey Dahmer isn't in some one-room, filthy apartment in Milwaukee, folks.
He's in Pennsylvania Avenue, and he's got bosses.
He's got a posse.
He's just a capo.
And they get up, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie.
Bill Clinton was there to drag the presidency through the mud, to lower your expectations, to condition you to accept it.
And then we get into lies like this one.
Rudolph Giuliani, clearly involved in 9-11,
There's a PrisonPlanet.com article up there today.
I think it's pretty darn important.
But see, as bigger and bigger revelations come out, there have been so many of the hundreds a month, that we all kind of get desensitized where incredible jewels come out.
And we just kind of glaze over them and move on.
Kind of like BBC reporting on Building 7 falling before it did.
By the way, there's still neocons online going, that was a blue screen behind them, the building had already fallen, they were just showing a tape.
No, BBC admits that they reported it beforehand, and they say it was a mistake.
Of course, we know it wasn't.
There's a whole area of discussion of why we've written about it, go read it if you want.
Well, you see, we just kind of moved on from that.
And we'll move on from Carey.
Clearly, he's being asked about Building 7.
He says, well, we didn't want that wall to be damaged, so we brought it down.
He's talking about 7.
You'd have to do mental gymnastics to say he wasn't.
And we just kind of move on from that.
And we just kind of move on from everything.
But Giuliani caught in bizarre Building 7 lie.
Claims WTC7 collapsed in stages.
Carey building 7 admissions.
Explodes on YouTube popularity charts, so this article has two different facets to it.
Rudy Giuliani has been caught in a bizarre lie about WTC7, in which he claims the building collapsed in stages over a sustained period of time, when in reality the structure fell in under seven seconds.
Yeah, like 6.4.
Giuliani also reveals that he expected the Twin Towers to collapse, but not in the way they did.
Giuliani was a speaker, along with former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron
How can we help you?
And he said, just tell these people to get out of here.
Tell them to go north.
Tell the cops.
I said, what do you need the police to do?
He said, we need the police to secure the area and get the people out of here.
Because I think what he was thinking was, this is going to be a day-long operation, and the more the people hung around, the harder it was going to be to get the ambulances in, to get the fire trucks in.
The other thing he was thinking was, the way the debris was falling, it was harming more of the people to the south and west.
Maybe the wind, maybe the way it was for the building, but the debris that was falling down didn't seem to be falling to the north, it seemed to be falling to the west and the south.
And you could see people getting hit by it, probably getting killed by it.
I don't know that we can accurately figure out how many people were killed before the building came down and how many were killed before by the things coming off the building.
Did it occur to you at all at that time that these buildings might actually collapse?
Yeah, but not the way they did.
It occurs to all of us that they would ultimately collapse over the way buildings usually collapse, which is in stages.
It looked like, at some point, the top of the building had come off, and then maybe the middle of the building, and then maybe there'd be a shell left.
The way No.
7 came down, 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, over a period of time.
But the idea that it would implode, the implosion that took place, I actually didn't realize that until much later.
Because when that happened, I was in the police department command post, so I didn't see it.
I heard it.
I saw the result of it.
The building started shaking and the desk started shaking.
Okay, did you hear him?
He thought it'd come down in stages, fall apart in stages, like Building 7 did.
And then there's news in the other comments he made there.
But, I mean, it's just incredible.
And folks, your children are going to be taught that Building 7 now fell in stages.
Doesn't matter if we got video of it.
Doesn't matter if we got Gonzales memos and Gonzales emails and all the admissions that he was at the meetings and he premeditatedly lied and he gave all the orders.
Doesn't matter if it's admitted.
And then the media talks about how there's emails that are lost.
Well, we have all the other emails.
He's already admitted he called the shots.
They'll now make it about, well, they won't release the other emails as if we haven't proven yet that Gonzales was a liar.
As if we haven't proven that Rudolph, my dad, was a mob boss Giuliani, isn't a complete piece of trash.
By the way, he was at the scene with the London bombings.
He's a smooth operator, let me tell you.
And I've just had enough of it, personally.
It's a big story, the John Kerry clip.
I want to think, I called Sunday night, I guess it was already about
It was probably already about four or five o'clock, six o'clock in L.A., I don't know.
And I called the guys and they all came into the office, some locals, and shot the video.
It booked people of Teresa Hines Carey and John Carey.
And I saw that a few weeks ago in the newspaper and I just groaned, because I don't like being around these people.
It's not that I'm afraid to go confront them.
I should have, I have in the past.
But I've sent my crew to do it lately, and I tell others to go do it, just because... I mean, I do do a lot of other work, and I'm trying to make a film, and doing all these other things, and I just... I know, you know, it puts me out there, and people like to see me do it, and... But more and more, I don't go out in front of these people myself, just because... It's just more like a sadness when I'm around them.
They're so pathetic.
I mean, it's like... Facing down a bag of rotten garbage.
It's not like it's...
I'm tough to face down the bag of rotten garbage.
I just don't want to be around it or smell it.
You know, it's kind of like, you ever get really drunk on something in college?
You know, crawling around the bathroom floor drunk?
As many of us did.
And then one time I did it on gin.
And a few days later somebody said, here, have some gin.
And I basically retched.
Almost threw up again.
And it's gotten like that.
To be around him and even look at Bush.
To be around Kerry.
To be around Hillary.
Janet Reno.
All these types.
Because it makes me sick.
They always have jowls, and they always have little ticks of pleasure, watching them feed on power pleasure, because they're actually so weak.
To be around them makes me sick, because they're always enjoying themselves lying.
They have endless energy to go out and greedily grab more, and greedily engage in lies, and compete with each other in evil.
But I am.
Next time I see that, I'll definitely... I could have been there anyways.
I had important business, but... I kind of like, you know, saw it in the newspaper, and, oh, I'll tell the guys about that, and then I kind of subconsciously didn't.
But luckily, other locals noticed and went and got the video of it.
Let's play that audio clip of Kerry talking about Building 7.
And then there's a key part here.
I've got the transcript, but... You know, there's a key part here that we need to play repeatedly, so I'll tell you where to back it up to, but... Go ahead and play that clip.
Do you have it?
Let's go ahead and roll that.
One question I have for you.
World Trade Center 7 was brought down on September 11th at 520 in the evening.
The leaseholder of the World Trade Center complex, Larry Silberstein, gave a public interview on PBS in 2002 and he said that they pulled that building, which is a demolition term for intentionally bringing down a building.
This man made over five billion dollars from those buildings' destruction.
And I want to know if there was ever a formal investigation into Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the World Trade Center Complex, and his ties to this entire event.
I don't believe there's been a formal investigation.
I haven't heard that.
I don't know that.
I do know that, uh...
That wall, I remember, was in danger, and I think that they made a decision based on the danger that it had of destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion.
You know, he's part of the construction, reconstruction effort for the memorial.
All right, stop right there.
Back in about 20 seconds.
You see, the slurry wall is there to hold back the bay.
It's there to hold back the river.
And they were always worried about that wall.
With other buildings, when they were getting rid of the wreckage of 5 and 6, but he's specifically talking about that day's events.
He's been asked about those days' events.
This is as clear as day.
Kerry is saying there that he doesn't know about Silverstein and insurance money, and should there be an investigation.
But he says, I do know, and he tries to back Silverstein up is what he's doing.
That yeah, there was a wall that was endangered, and that's what they kept saying.
The wall's right there by 7, by 5, by 6.
That they needed to have it come down in a controlled fashion to protect that.
Some people were emailing us, the minority, saying, no, no, no, they're talking about bringing down the wall.
No, they didn't want to bring down the slurry wall to let the giant river there pour in to
They didn't want the West River pouring into the bathtub, as they called it, the big hollowed out, below sea level area.
That would have flooded large areas of New York.
That's why it all had to be done very carefully.
These things must be done very delicately, as the Wicked Witch of the West says.
I remember Mark Kornke said that.
I've got to get him back on.
These things must be done very delicately.
I mean, it's clear English, what he's saying.
When we get back, I'm going to play it again.
Maybe I'll play it again.
And then again.
Then I promise.
I know we got people holding from England and you name it.
So we'll get to you on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
Don't forget the websites.
There are InfoWars.com.
There's PrisonPlanet.com.
There's JonesReport.com and InfoWars.net.
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Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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All right.
Paul, George, Sharon, Wesley, Nathan, we're going to get to you.
Wide open phones the next hour.
Tons of other news.
1-800-259-9231 is the number.
I haven't heard that.
I don't know that.
I do know that
Okay, back it up again.
Now let's be real clear here.
Building 7, okay, was brought down in a controlled demolition, he's saying, to protect the slurry wall.
He's being asked about Building 7.
And he says, I heard it was brought down in a controlled fashion.
Because of the wall.
To protect the wall.
Not to blow up the wall.
As the neocons are saying.
Now, you could do mental gymnastics and say he might have been talking about Papa Smurf.
He might have been talking about the Blue Bunny, too.
He might have been talking about Over the Rainbow, the Pot of Gold.
He could have been talking about Reptoids from Planet Klu Klux.
I haven't heard that.
I don't know that.
I do know that
That wall, I remember, was in danger and I think that they made a decision based on the danger that it had, destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion.
See, see, maybe later when we have time I'll play the whole thing again.
He's being asked, hey, you know there's been an investigation about Silverstein being involved, basically for insurance money on Building 7.
And Kerry's like, no, no, I hadn't heard that.
No, no, no, I heard they brought it down to save the wall.
The slurry wall, see.
No, no, no, we wasn't, there's no investigation.
I hadn't heard about an investigation.
The Silverstein, he's good.
I did heard they brought down 7, though, to save things.
And we have Silverton saying they brought down 7 to protect the other buildings.
And then people try to spin that.
And, uh... And again, everybody's entitled to their own opinion on this issue.
But, again, who could listen to that and not... It's like Bill Clinton saying, I didn't lie about not having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
And then he spun it and said, depends on what the word is, is.
How you interpret is.
I mean, yes, you can engage in lawyer, Olympics-level gymnastics.
And I get a perfect ten and maybe, see that's how propaganda works, just convincing enough people, well maybe he's not, maybe we should back off that.
Or maybe it is a blue screen behind them on BBC and maybe the seven had already fallen and they just got the tape wrong.
BBC says no, it was up a window and we were wrong.
No, no, no you're not wrong BBC, it's a blue screen.
And no, Silverstein's not really saying that.
And no, those really aren't blast squibs coming out.
And no, NORAD really didn't stand down.
And no, hijackers really weren't trained at U.S.
And no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I mean, come on.
If anything's wrong, if anything's disproven in the official story, it all falls.
And the whole thing's been disproven.
It's not up to us to prove exactly what happened, but we know that the official story's a lie, and then you go look at the evidence, and every flashing arrow
Points right at criminal elements of the government.
From motive, to capability to carry it out, to the actual evidence.
And now they're saying, do what we say or the terrorists are gonna hit you again.
Well, look at who's saying it, and they're the terrorists.
We'll be right back.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are now back into the second hour of this live worldwide broadcast, and we're going to be going to your calls now.
Coming up, the mysteries of the 9-11 car bombs.
Evidence points towards multiple roaming backup teams with vans full of explosives.
Also, Giuliani warns of new 9-11 if the Democrats win.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, of course, has suggested the false flag event could kick-start Iran war.
He had Luke Hradowski and others drug out of a meeting.
They even tried to get their videotape when they questioned them.
That's coming up.
Fellow Ranger was ordered to conceal the truth about Tillman's death.
Ranger alleges cover-up in Tillman case.
We'll get into why.
I said I'd do this last hour.
I haven't yet.
Why Rosie O'Donnell left The View.
We've got some inside information for you on that.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to your calls as promised.
Let's talk to Paul in the United Kingdom first.
Thank you for holding, Paul.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just want to tell you a quick story and ask you a question if I can.
The story is about, you know, recently I was in the ancient town of Bath here in the UK.
There's a cathedral and like a Roman spa and all this kind of stuff.
I think that's why it's called Bath, yeah.
Yeah, that's right, yeah.
And I was wandering around and there was some anti-war protesters.
And they were kind of like being ignored, but I went up and tried to speak to them.
And, uh, lo and behold, the leader of the anti-war protesters was an American.
Would you believe?
Uh, American girl, about in her mid-twenties.
And, uh, I tried to talk to her about 9-11.
I asked her if she'd seen Terror Storm or Loose Change, and she said no.
And when I tried to talk about the Pentagon, and, you know, this guy who couldn't fly, she then turned around and got a little bit annoyed with me.
And, uh, to try to distract attention because obviously the other protesters were listening to what I was talking about.
And then she said, well, I'm a pilot and that's possible.
You can do that.
And then when I started talking about the missing trillions and, you know, and all the other kind of, you know, the plane vaporizing and the autopsies, she's really, it was kind of weird.
You know, first of all, to see an American leading a protest in the UK and then kind of her behavior and reaction to my questioning and just, just talking to her.
I mean, she could have been an operative, but most likely a lot of these activists are control freaks, and they freak out.
They're real self-important about anything they do, and they're all real competitive.
They're not really in it to be against the war.
They're in it to be a leader, or they're in it to get all the credit for themselves, and they freak out and ninny over
No, I don't.
In the UK, in the US, in Europe, knows that 9-11 truthers have been taking it over.
So they're also very aggressive because they've been briefed that we're just very bad people.
Yeah, well basically that's what happened.
I just said, look, Google terror storm, Google loose change, watch it.
You know, and I just told her that.
And she got me to sign her petition or whatever.
But the point was, the other people behind her, you know, were listening to what I had to say and took note.
And we're interested.
But the leader, who happens to be an American, which I just think is a little bit odd as well, you know, obviously was not very happy to see me.
And the question I want to ask you... No, and that's it.
You always have... The peace groups are listening to us, but their leaders are always hissing to keep us away.
You have one more question.
Stay there briefly.
I'll try to answer it for Paul in the UK.
Then more of your calls straight ahead.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, welcome back!
We're going to continue with your calls.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul in England.
Paul, go ahead and finish up your question.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
Basically the question is, look, 9-11's an inside job, right?
7-7's an inside job.
People know.
A lot of people know.
Many thousands.
Do you think that this was planned, that people would know and find out, and this is just like hubris, as if to say,
Yeah, you know.
So what?
What are you going to do about it?
I mean, I think they allowed for the fact that it would probably come out in certain circles, but just like the JFK assassination, they thought that they could contain it.
Or do you think the amount of people, the number of people that know now, many, many people who generally aren't in, like myself, I mean, I've never been into any of this kind of conspiracy stuff, but, you know, obviously 9-11 and 7-7, these are global
Earth and life-changing things, and important issues.
Now, do you think this knowledge of the fact that, yes, they are inside jobs, they're staged, is that the number of people know this is something that's unplanned, and there's no foresight about the Internet and how people would find out.
Do you think this is something that these guys really didn't plan?
I think they planned for it, but I really think they didn't think it would get this big this fast.
Now the biggest problem, and I appreciate your call, the biggest problem we face though as a society is that the peace movement, the anti-war movement, the 9-11 truth movement is filled with a lot of good people.
But just like you ran into that anti-war person who was trying to keep you away from the mass of the people in their group, it's all about all these little groups and these people and all about their personal egos, because a lot of them don't realize just how serious, I mean, how up against the razor's edge we are.
Like, when I'm thinking about fighting the New World Order,
I'm thinking about surviving.
I'm thinking about trying to stop a war in Iran.
I'm thinking about, you know, how to effectively reach out to the people.
I'm thinking about, you know, is the government going to kill me?
Is the government going to frame me for something?
And when you're thinking about real issues like that, all of the petty stuff
I don't want to say it doesn't get to you, but all it does is make you depressed and shocks you.
And so I'm sorry that you were there trying to talk to some anti-war protesters and that the leader of it was trying to keep you away from them and being mean to you.
That woman's probably not a government agent, but they've been told and warned about 9-11 truth groups and told we're these bad people and so they're just afraid of eventually having their apple cart
I mean, it's basically really what it comes down to.
I mean, you ought to see the type of frothing phone calls we get at this office every day just because I don't respond to emails.
And I literally have been out of town for, you know, off and on for, I guess, five, six days.
And while I was out of town, I was working most of the time making phone calls.
Dealing with this, dealing with that.
If you don't call this person back, they'll be mad at you.
If you don't call that person back, they'll be mad at you.
Why didn't you return this email?
Why didn't you do that?
Why didn't you do this?
And it's just, it's because the general public has never experienced what it's like to actually do this 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Like this show is a platform.
A platform to have activists on, to support and promote activists, and to try to build those people up.
And I have to tell you, in about 50% of the cases or more, the people I've built up have ended up attacking me, and going after us, and hating us.
Because there's some type of perception that I'm like a movie star or something, and that it's all this fame, and there's almost a craziness
That enters into it.
And it's depressing.
I mean, here I am, sad, thinking about the end of the country, the end of the dollar, the dollar still plunging as we speak right now, all these serious things happening.
I'm completely freaked out.
I'm sad every night when I go to bed.
My crew worked so hard just to get materials out to people and just to try to fight the New World Order.
And to be effective.
And just the things I've seen in my own personal life.
Just the things around me.
It's just... Folks don't really, I think, realize how serious things are.
And... We have to get our heads screwed on collectively straight.
We have to get our heads screwed on straight because
Because we really are down to the wire here.
We really are down to the wire.
We have to understand that.
We have to understand that we're having an effect against the New World Order.
But as I've said in many speeches and many talks, this is not a game.
This is not a social club.
This is serious issues.
And that's why I promote PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com a lot.
Because we really see it for what it is.
We've got the clearest perspective
On how the New World Order operates and what its program is than really any other side or any other group out there.
And by the way, we don't have all the answers and we don't do the best job.
I mean, we could do a lot better job, but it's kind of scary to say we're the best.
We're the best there is.
And we've been around the longest.
And it's a daunting responsibility.
And I know it's depressing to
But I mean, you know, the Founding Fathers all fought with each other, and there were problems there.
And a lot of bad things happened there as well.
Alright, let's just go to your calls.
I said I'd go to your calls.
I'm looking for the call list here.
Who's up next?
George in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, George.
Thank God you're back.
Well, thank you.
What's on your mind?
I got together a great pound and I'm sitting there looking at history and I saw like a lot of police officers about the coming tyranny and they're sitting there going, well, I got a family to support.
And I just told them, I said, I read about the kids in Germany after Adolf Hitler.
I said, they literally cursed their elders for following Hitler.
And I said, your kids will curse you too for allowing it to happen.
Same thing with the adults.
I mean, they'll be cursed for allowing
This tyranny to come upon this land, just like the kids in Germany cursed their adults for not allowing, for allowing Hitler to come to power and do the things he did.
Absolutely, you're absolutely right.
And, I mean, to see it happening again here, but people always expect the new dictatorship or the new evil to look exactly like the last one.
Like they expected Hitler to look like Napoleon, so he didn't look like Napoleon, so he couldn't be the next tyranny.
And now we expect the next tyranny to wear a red armband and, you know, wear a brown suit and riding black riding boots.
I mean, right now, I'm down here, we're getting ready to shoot our own amateur documentary.
We're going to expose the fraud, the lies, and we haven't even covered information about pharmaceutical companies experimenting with drugs on foster kids.
Well, that's been all over the papers of the country, but they don't just experiment on healthy children with experimental drugs that cause liver failure, you name it.
All over the nation, sir, they test... Did you know they have to get a human test on pesticide before they can release it?
Well, they test pesticides on kids, in some cases, till they die.
I mean, in, like, Florida, you just passed a bunch of new laws just to take your kids easier.
I know.
You get a traffic ticket, and your license is suspended.
Instead of calling a relative to come get the kids, they take your kids.
If you and your wife get in an argument and there's no hitting involved, they come take your kids.
I know.
Maximum, maximum enforcement to get everybody into the system.
And also, too, there's like a new bounty hunter bill where a state employee, if he adopts a child out of the DCF system, they get a $10,000
Reward and I know people think it's bad now folks that each phase is only going to get worse and it literally makes my guts not up to think about it and I and you've got your head screwed on straight my friend you're concerned about what really matters and now we're just educating local law enforcement to say you're here to protect the people don't subject the people you sworn to protect especially the children to the horrors that befall them and it's it's a very uphill battle but I'm willing to take it
I hear you, and I appreciate your call, my friend.
Let's talk to Wesley in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I appreciate it very much.
No, no.
Thank you for calling.
I actually was going to talk about something else, but as I was sitting here waiting, I saw an ad on television for the next episode of 24.
And I just made up a quick little list of movies and television programs, and I'm sure that I'm missing, I probably only have 10%, but Hollywood is... I get so angry about it, I just... It's full of propaganda.
It is!
I mean, it's just, I'm looking at these television programs, and they give us their central themes,
The torture is acceptable and that lying is okay as long as the end justifies it.
And they have a program called SHARK with James Woods.
He promotes lying in court perjury.
It's fine with them as long as they get the bad guy.
Twenty-four is just absolutely rife with it.
Well, stay there.
I only read the synopses of these programs.
I rarely have seen them, but I do read the plot lines.
Yeah, it's training you that evil's good and the good guys are bad.
And the public is being seduced and baptized in evil and being brought into this system.
We'll be right back on the other side.
You can stay there and continue to comment if you'd like, Wesley.
Then we'll talk to many others.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, your calls are coming up here momentarily, but first off, let me get into Rosie O'Donnell.
As promised, we've got very interesting photos that we got from Rosie through our good source, who hopefully will come on the show soon to be able to reveal all this.
I don't know when we're going to be able to do it.
It was going to be a few weeks ago, but then Rosie didn't want us to at that time.
She was in delicate negotiations with The View.
And I can tell you that the producer of the show is described by her as a neocon gatekeeper.
Who has been blocking her from having people on.
They're not allowing her to have the guest on she wants.
They're telling her she can't talk about this stuff.
They're trying to control what she says.
And that basically they wanted her to stay on the show.
She was going to be paid a lot more money to stay on the show.
They all know that she made the show a lot more popular than it was.
And, but they did want to restrict what she could and couldn't say, and Rosie O'Donnell wouldn't agree with that, so Rosie O'Donnell left the show.
Now, this is not Rosie O'Donnell being fired.
They wanted to keep her there.
But my respect level for her, and she was being paid millions a year for this, just shot up even more, because she said no.
And I don't know many people who have said no.
I have said no.
I was offered millions of dollars, over a million dollars a year, with the millions and millions in the aggregate, I don't know, I guess it's seven years ago now, to sell out and join the New World Order.
And it was no more Federal Reserve, no more black helicopters, no more New World Order.
And I said, but the New World Order is real.
And they said, yeah, but the New World Order is good.
And they told me about, well, we've got to have globalization and lower our standard of living to help the third world.
And I go, it's not about that.
It's about consolidation.
And it was just basically the speech like they give in the shooter.
Hey, there's the haves and the have-nots.
Great movie, by the way.
I told you I saw that.
Same guy that gives the speech to Howard Beale from Network is the evil senator in this one.
I've got to look up his name.
I'm digressing here.
What was the point I was even getting into here is that
Rosie has been awake to 9-11 since last September, and specifically I was told that she saw Terror Storm, and you've seen her give full quotes on her blog from Terror Storm.
Just whole, you know, double sentences from the film she's quoted on the blog, kind of a nod.
She's linked to some of the work we've done.
And she's a great lady.
All I've gotten is an email from her.
But I have, again, talked to Christine Ebersole, who's gone on vacation with her, good friends with her.
I've talked to a very high-level, prominent 9-11 truther who has visited with her repeatedly, been to her home, and took pictures with her.
I want to get him on soon.
We know a lot more, but again, a lot of this is private.
I've been told, hold off on this until she knew what she was going to do with the show.
And basically, I was told about two and a half, three weeks ago that she was probably going to be leaving.
Because she didn't want to be restricted in what she was saying on the show.
I mean, think about that.
We literally have people now being blackballed in America.
This is much more real than the red list with, you know, communists being banned and restricted in this country.
This is really happening.
This is going on, and she was told, look, you'll get more money, we want you on the show, you're getting a lot more ratings, you're the most popular person, but you can't talk about this stuff anymore.
And so Bill O'Reilly and all of these pigs are killing America.
They're driving a stake directly through her heart.
And, uh, it's to the point now where people of conscience have to, whether you love her or hate her, man, the gal's got gut, she's a tough broad, and she's got guts, and that's enough.
I don't agree with her on a lot of things, but I've got to respect somebody who finds out the truth about something and has got a lot of courage.
And, uh, you know, went on air and did this, and she's been trying to get 9-11 survivors on for weeks,
Uh, just on the dust issue and supposedly that finally taped today.
It got cancelled last week because of the mass shootings.
Mass shooting.
Supposedly that tape today is going to be airing Friday.
But I've been told by the Rosie Camp that repeatedly, they edit her out by the way.
It's usually only live on Thursdays.
Sometimes it's live on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If not, it tapes one day and airs the next.
Like it tapes Friday and then airs on Monday.
And they do that so they can taper an editor.
And they've also got the live system run through some ten-second delay, and it looks like there's been delays with that.
So, I mean, they're editing, and I've known all this for over a month.
Now, some of the stuff about her, you know, pretty much she was going to leave in a few weeks, is what I was told, unless they gave in to her on the First Amendment.
So she said, no, I'm not going to be restricted anymore.
I'm gone.
She is a hero.
A hero.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, more of your calls are coming up.
We're going to play a clip here in just a few minutes of Luke Radowsky
Thanks for having me, brother.
Okay, my friend.
Let's get into this.
Breakdown first off, who's Zbigniew Brzezinski is for folks that don't know, why you went to discuss 9-11 Truth with him at an event, and what happened to you.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, you know, I like to call him New World Order scum because he's part of institutions such as the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group.
He actually founded the Trilateral Commission
With David Rockefeller.
He was Jimmy Carter's presidential advisor, where he established and basically financed Al-Qaeda in 1979.
And you can actually see pictures of him with Al-Qaeda in 1979, supporting the so-called Freedom Fighters, which he called at the time.
And basically, two hours before this event that you're about to hear a clip from, I found out that he's doing this event, and I just got all my stuff ready, put on a suit, and I just ran there.
And as soon as I got there, you know, I was by myself and I had my camera there, and the audio you're about to hear is the question I asked him and how I confronted him.
Let's go ahead and play the audio, and again, tell folks where this was, the date, give them the details.
This was last Wednesday at the 92nd Street YMCA here in New York City.
Absolutely, here it is.
Oh, it's still loading a little computer thing there.
Classic guy.
Here it is.
And thousands of innocents were killed.
But America is not the only country that has been the victim of terrorism.
In recent times, it's also been Spain and Great Britain.
Not such a long time ago, France, Germany, Italy.
In the course of the last century, great many other countries.
I should add to the earlier list also Japan.
My first question is a statement and not a question.
Earlier on this year you gave a speech to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where you alluded to the fact that the Bush administration may stage a terrorist attack to justify a military action against Iran.
And then in your book, you also acknowledge the fact that a memo was uncovered where Bush and Blair discussed painting a U-2 spy plane in UN colors so Saddam would shoot it down.
Now, although you have argued that deceptions to the American people may be necessary in order to deal with these enemies,
How are we to know how many other terrorist incidents have been state-sponsored false flag incidents, including the largest of one, the attacks of 9-11?
How do we know, how do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage, was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and Bilderberg Group, sir?
How do you know I wasn't sick?
It's a question.
Answer my question.
You sponsored Al-Qaeda, sir.
You are a criminal.
You sponsored Al-Qaeda.
In 1979, you gave them money.
That's true.
You're a CFR scum.
You are a CFR New World Order scum.
You and David Rockefeller will never have a New World Order.
National sovereignty will prevail.
Answer my question.
Answer my question.
You are scum, sir.
Answer my question!
Answer my question!
Answer the question.
If you don't sit down, you will be scored right.
The President imparts one of our things to the Terrorist Act.
You're not allowed to use a camera.
I'm pressed.
You can't have every right.
No, you have no right.
You have the right.
You're not the press.
Yes, I am pressed.
No, you're not.
Because you would have told us.
Let him answer the question.
You're being removed.
And that could then precipitate a conflict.
And that is a risk that we face, and I talked about it again tonight.
The second point is about terrorist acts more generally.
Who were they ascribed to?
I believe 9-11 was an Al-Qaeda initiative.
It has been correctly diagnosed and it has justifiably produced a numerical response which has been designed to eliminate Al-Qaeda and to eliminate its protectors in Afghanistan.
And that was an act incidentally which the entire international community supported.
I wish we had stuck to it.
We'd probably be doing better today if we had stuck to it.
I regret that we diverted into another military undertaking.
Of course, there's a lot that you can't see because it's the radio, but if you go to PrisonPlanet.com, we've got a link over to the video that Luke put up.
Luke, tell us about the organization.
You were the driving force in New York 9-11 Truth doing a great job, but now you've set up another auxiliary group.
Tell folks about that.
Yeah, we basically set up Change.
Our basic principle basically stands for EMA, which is Educating, Motivating, and Activating the people here in New York City about the real issues here in New York City, such as 9-11, the New World Order, and the destruction of American sovereignty and the Constitution.
And what we basically do is, you know, we basically do everything that the Non-Limited Organizations... We basically are.
Because all the people from that organization are in this organization.
You know, it was a sad situation.
I'm not going to get into the divisive situation.
But we just lost everything and we just rebooted.
We started again.
I'm not going to name no names because I'm not going to give these scum any attention.
But we started new.
We're strong.
We're doing a lot of great things.
And, you know, go on WeAreChanged.org to see what we're doing.
We are changed out, or to make a long story short, a lot of people, again, didn't want to make it fight the New World Order who carried out 9-11.
It was just about 9-11 and Bush.
So Hillary can come in and save us later.
You guys were the most active.
You guys were the engine.
And it's good to have more than one group.
It's good to have lots of people taking action.
And look, I've got to say it, you're effective.
We're good to go.
By its fruits, you have borne a lot of really good fruit.
So have we!
And then you get attacked, I get attacked, because people who aren't about action get very upset by that.
I mean, all the time I get accused of, I didn't promote this person enough, or I didn't promote that person enough.
When I'm here to promote everybody, I'm just so busy, so many things are happening, I can't pay attention to everybody.
I can't pay attention to every organization.
I don't get everything just right, neither do you.
But the point is, we're here, moving forward, taking action.
Now let's get back
...into the video for the things that people can't see.
Walk us through this because we've got an article out up on the website about this right now on JonesReport.com that Aaron Dykes did.
It's also up on PrisonPlanet.com and they were also trying to get your video.
But for those that don't know about Brzezinski, first back up what you were saying because everything you said is true.
This is a founder of Al Qaeda.
First of all, you just have to read the Grand Chess Board by Zbigniew Brzezinski to understand what kind of person he is.
And it's basically, it was like a start-up for PNAC, the Project for a New American Century.
And he basically called for Pearl Harbor, also.
He mentioned it in his book.
And you look at, you know, who's behind him, who supports him.
You look at how he's behind the scenes all the time.
How he's with David Rockefeller.
How he's with the CFR, you know, calling for, you know, basically treasonous policies.
You know, with his CFR doctrine.
And basically, when we came in there, you know, after I asked him the question, you know,
Uh, you know, the first time I asked him the question, you know, then he said, next question.
He wouldn't address it.
And that's when I got a little bit mad.
And that's when I started calling him scum.
And I, and I demanded he would answer my question.
Cause he said, next question.
He wouldn't even answer my question.
That's when I got mad and kind of made a scene.
And then, you know, I sat down, and then when he walked around the question, more security guards came and they grabbed me.
And as they were pulling me, as they were dragging me out of my chair, that's when I started screaming again that not only was it an inside job, and that's Brzezinski is Brzezinski's CFR New World Order scum, and that him and Dave Rockefeller will never have a New World Order.
You know, as long, you know, as long as we keep doing what we're doing, as long as you keep what you're, Alex, what you're doing, and I'm doing what I'm doing, we're going to stop these guys.
I actually believe that.
Well, I agree with you, and we've just got to, no matter what happens, no matter what gets thrown our way, we've just got to continue to move forward.
It's just sad that some of the biggest problems are in our own movement.
Oh, yes.
I mean, extremely.
I mean, you know, I got attacked from the movement and also from people outside, and you know, it's kind of disgusting.
Well, they're upset because you're taking action.
I mean, and that tells you who those individuals are.
It's an extremely serious situation.
Luke, anything else you want to add?
What's some of the new things you guys are planning there in New York?
We're doing a street action today by NYU at Washington Square Park, 530 today.
And then we're doing every Saturday for the past four years, I've been doing street actions at Ground Zero from 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock for the past four years.
Every Saturday, we're going to be out there this Saturday.
And after that, we're doing a free educational seminar.
At this great location that we have right next to Ground Zero.
All their information is on WeAreChange.org.
You know, check us out.
Get involved.
Help us fight the info war.
We need as much help as we can get.
And, you know, God bless you for what you're doing.
And, you know, keep up the fight.
Well, I appreciate you, my friend.
But just going back, last question.
Specifically, because we've got it in the article that they were also trying to take your camera.
We hear on the audio of the listeners, and you see it on the video, as he's saying, you're not allowed to have that here, and they're grabbing at your camera.
What actually happened?
As the security guards were pulling me and dragging me outside the door, there was other security guards that also ran up on me, and they were trying to grab my camera, and they grabbed my camera, they tried to turn it off, and they were pulling at it.
And then one lady turned it off and was pulling at it.
And as the security was backing me, I was right by the door, so I just grabbed it, turned the power button on again, and I walked right out that door, and I started running.
And they started chasing me, actually, down a couple blocks.
Yeah, that's the big story.
I mean, in our free country, you ask the question, and they don't like it, so they're chasing you down the street.
We have all this video in New York, where the cops just routinely take your camera, just like guns in New Orleans, and you never see your camera again.
Oh, not only that, if you go on WeAreChanged.org, we just put up a new videotape, where we're doing a street action by Building 7, where cops actually called this terrorist, and they took, I have it on film, they took the camera away from me.
And I was calling you,
When they took the camera away from me, I was going to call you.
They took my cell phone away, and they said that those are guns, and they wouldn't give it to me.
Now, see, here's the problem.
I can't even keep track of all this stuff that you're doing, Luke.
Just you alone.
We'll get that clip.
Where is that on your website?
We'll play that.
It's on WeAreChanged.org under the April 11th action.
A police officer actually took my camera.
He called us terrorists.
He said we had backpack bombs.
This is on WeAreChanged.org.
It's on there.
Check this out, and we were out there by Larry Silverstein's main office.
Larry Silverstein was there, he was pissed off, and he got these goons, these police officers on us.
And it's all on video, I have it all on tape.
Cops mocking us, making fun of us.
Check it out.
Alright, we're gonna get that and we're gonna play that coming up the next hour, Luke.
I appreciate your call.
And again, a lot of people in 9-11 Truth should be ashamed of themselves.
I'm not even talking about New York 9-11 Truth, there's a lot of good folks in that.
I mean, here you are, you've got Luke.
I literally can't even keep track of all the things one guy and some of his friends are doing.
One group of people.
I mean, I literally can't even, and I'm like, you know, what's the name of your new group?
What's the name of it again?
Plug it again.
I have them up on, you know, every week.
And I can't even keep track of it.
Who can?
I mean, it's good.
There are so many 9-11 truth groups.
There are so many people taking action that are involved.
That are out there doing so many great things.
It's just wonderful.
And the reason I raise that is not just the infighting they had in New York.
I can't even support the local 9-11 truth groups anymore here in Austin.
Because there have been weird people who have told them lies in the community and there's lots of envy and jealousy and just weird accusations that have been made at me.
So I can't support any of the local groups anymore.
And then over the years I just move forward and later they'll be asking, you know, a year from now, well, why doesn't Alex ever talk to us?
Why doesn't Alex come to our events?
Why doesn't he ever have a song anymore?
It's like, my God, there was an open door for anybody that called here.
Anybody that asked for anything.
But there's not now.
And I've learned just to cut people off, give them one or two chances,
And when they act nuts, man, that's it.
Just bye-bye.
Because I've got to move forward, and I've seen it with so many people.
So many people I've worked with and supported and nothing but promoted.
But I can tell you, Luke's a good egg, and that guy is the real deal.
He's going to continue forward and really have a big effect and a great effect.
It's just so sad.
It's so sad, and it's always so sad for people that get poisoned by COINTELPRO and Disinfo, that later, years later, they find out the truth, and then by then, I just won't talk to them.
I mean, I've been doing this since before 9-11 even happened.
I've been doing this since before 9-11 happened.
I've been here the whole time.
I'm the big target.
I take the risk.
It is a great weight on me, and I don't ask for your thanks.
I do ask for some support.
But I deserve a little bit of respect.
And we try to give everybody respect.
It's like being back in junior high again, or something.
Just the behind-the-scenes things that I've witnessed.
The things I've witnessed.
The really sick part is, I know that if the New World Order kills me next week, or next year, or does something horrible to me, that a lot of people in this movement will even celebrate.
Because they'll see it in some weird sick ego thing of like, oh, we'll be bigger now.
When actually I want more people in the movement.
I want to build more people up.
I want to wake more people up.
Because frankly, that makes my country and it makes me and my family safer.
I want more prominent people.
I relish people who race ahead of me in what they do.
You know, it's called synergy.
We promote everyone
We do nothing but give and give and give.
People do nothing but take and take and take.
And I've gotten to a point in my life just where I don't have time for it.
I just cut people off and cut people out of my life who try to push me around or who treat me badly.
Who treat anybody that works for me badly.
I mean, I'm done.
So, to all those people, you are completely cut off from me 100% for eternity.
And that's the way it is.
There's a lot of other people who've been in my life who've been listening for years, and they know that when I cut them off, they were cut off forever.
And I've had to do that.
Because you can't talk to pig-headed people.
And what Luke's gone through has really been tough and really been sad.
But you know what?
He's come back stronger from it.
And all of us that got our heads screwed on straight and are going in the right direction, that's what's going to happen.
We're in God's hands.
And we're trying our best to do the right thing.
And it enrages me, but the rage is actually a good thing because then I actually feel good.
Once I'm not mad anymore, it's just sad.
It's really sad that people can't even judge trees by their fruit.
That people look and give force in the mouth.
You know, I was out in L.A.
working on a bunch of things this weekend.
That city is depressing to me.
But at the same time, there's all the beautiful things in life, all the good things in life, that to make it all worth it and make me only redouble and re-triple and quadruple my efforts in the fight against the New World Order.
And I'm just talking about all of us in our general lives.
Don't fight with your husband.
Don't fight with your wife.
Don't fight with your children.
Let's all be a team.
Let's stop being such worldly people, such self-righteous people.
Let's get humble.
I mean, let's get humble as a society and as a nation and ask God to forgive us for all the things we've done.
And ask God to give us discernment.
Because, uh, it's just sad.
Alright, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Good job to Luke and his crew, the team up there in New York.
Another victory.
We'll come back, take your calls, cover more news.
Stay with me.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're taking phone calls here right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Who's up first there?
Sharon in South Dakota, thanks for holding your on the air, welcome.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I just want to tell you when I think of you, I can't help but think of a modern you and Luke and others of a modern-day Braveheart.
I was wondering if you have heard about the three hate crimes at least that are in Congress right now?
Well, we've constantly covered those whenever they have a chance of passing, but it's the ADL hate crime laws and then they've got a couple others.
They've got the Local Law Enforcement Assistance Act.
They're always changing the names, yeah.
Well, it's coming up Thursday in the house and it is a very dangerous bill and I just want to tell people to please go to, if you don't mind, a website.
Yeah, we always put out the websites.
It's truthtellers.org.
Yeah, that's Reverend Ted Pike.
In fact, let's get Ted Pike on.
For some reason, I was trying to get him on the last few months and it never happened whenever I would tell people to get him on, but now that won't happen.
We're going to definitely get Ted Pike on.
See, there's something I need to tell you.
It has to do with our government now trying to target bullhorns as a weapon of reckless endangerment.
And this is coming down through where Philadelphia pursues hate crimes charges.
That's also on TruthOrg.
Yeah, Philadelphia arrested a bunch of Christians.
Tried to get them 47 years in prison apiece.
That was three years ago.
We've covered that about 14 times.
But anyway, I just couldn't believe that they're actually trying to target a bull.
Are you kidding?
They want to arrest us for our speech.
They're moving forward to do it.
I appreciate your call.
And we will get Ted Pike on.
I am going to put the call in today.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Stan in Missouri.
Stan, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I just got through listening to Rush Limbaugh just about an hour ago, and he said the reason why our shooter, Chow, was rallying against Rich because he was a liberal.
I'm not buying into that one bit, Alex.
Let me tell you, I'm an ex-private investigator, and I analyzed that video of Chow, and I think that was Chow's handler.
And what Chow was saying in his video,
It doesn't have a thing to do with liberalism.
It has to do with communism, Alex.
The Communist Manifesto, if you read the Communist Manifesto... For those that don't know, let's go back and be specific.
Chow the Shooter, the videos that have been released, be specific what he said.
He said that he despised the rich, Alex, and he was talking about the classes there, you know, his rallying against the rich and his attitude toward Christianity.
It has to do with the Comus Manifesto, Alex, because you have to lower the classes and redistribute your wealth with the Communism, and it goes as far back as the French Revolution, Alex.
The Jacobian Club started the French Revolution.
They were aristocratic terrorists.
Yes, I'm fully aware that Communism is just a fake name for criminal consolidation, and then they use the underclass to attack the middle class for the elite class.
That's exactly what Cal was rallying about, Alex.
They want to start an eternal revolution just like they did in
I agree, I agree.
Let me just add to this, and I'll hold you over if need be.
I am against violence.
I'm trying to stop dead cops and military in the streets.
And every time I say that, I get emails going, you're threatening police.
We're saying we don't want this to happen.
The New World Order is setting it up where the people will fight back.
And I'm telling the police and military, you're being set up.
We don't want this to happen.
Stay there.
Stan, I'm going to let you finish up on the other side.
We don't want that.
We're fighting against that happening.
That's what we're saying.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, now into our number three already.
Can you believe it?
We're taking your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to get a quick update in the next segment from D.B.
Kidd on the National Truckers Rally.
As we continue to try to work as a team here against the New World Order and use this show as a platform to elevate all the other great Americans like DV and others that are fighting the New World Order.
I've been saying that today because it just always shocks and amazes me when somebody gets really mean and vicious to this office and goes, yeah, stop trying to give us attention.
You're not trying to let us get coverage.
You're trying.
I'm like, well, number one, remind me who you are.
How can I help you?
We're all about that, you stupid twits.
I'm just so mad.
I just get so sick of even working with people.
We're in a crisis here, ladies and gentlemen.
And I just can't believe it.
Let's go ahead now and catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
Nobody knows what I'm talking about.
I'm an emotional person.
It's just unbelievable.
The crap I look at, I see every day.
Just thank God that I'm walking with God or I couldn't do this.
Let's go back to Stan.
Stan, you were talking about how the New World Order wants to cause internal revolution.
Go ahead.
What they wanted to do was they wanted to insert riots and revolution and also they abolished Christianity in France.
Very few people know that.
They tried to go to a ten month calendar.
They tried to change the days of the week to, what, nine?
That's it.
You're exactly right.
They abolished Christianity and set up a goddess of reason, which was a prostitute, Alex.
And I believe the same thing was what they were trying to do.
Well, that goes back to the Greek temples, yeah.
They were trying to do the same thing with the 70s, with the American Communist Party who infiltrated the Weberman Organization on the college campuses.
Now remember, most communists are like Masons or any other group.
That's right.
They're well-meaning.
They think they really are fighting the evil bankers.
They don't know the bankers who are running them.
They have to have these shooters.
It's part of the anti-gun movement, too.
Alex, but they have to create terrorism in this country to get what they want.
Well, I mean, we've written a bunch of articles about it.
You can't even chronicle all of it.
But it was great to have all those students there on day one calling in great folks, you know, taking action.
You've got some smart kids on that campus, Alex.
Let me tell you real quick what we're doing down here in Missouri.
We've got bikers, motorcycle bikers, that are organizing against
Against child abuse and they're offering their services to protect these kids against child abuse and what we've seen happen at the college.
Well, we just need to get guns back into the colleges, and then this guy might have killed five people, but he'd have gotten, you know, taken out by then.
But these cowards don't go into areas where they know there's guns.
They go to the victim disarmament zones, where basically all the legless sheep are.
I mean, if you were a wolf, would you go try to take on a pack of sheep dogs, or would you try to go eat sheep?
They go where people are most vulnerable.
I actually make several good points.
Like I told you last week, that's their targets, where people are most vulnerable.
I hear you, and I really do appreciate you, my friend.
Take care.
Yeah, that's another great group.
Again, I can't keep track of all these names, but his name's Matt Kazee.
He called in before.
I've seen his website.
They have a big 9-11 truth group there at Virginia Tech, and the website is... We got links to it up on InfoWars and PresentPlanet.
We wrote stories and
And put links to all of their stuff.
I mean, that's my whole point.
That's what we do.
We take news and reports and we put it up on our site and we literally feed all of these other sites.
We build these sites.
We literally take our huge sites, PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com and we energize everyone else that wants to work with us.
We do nothing but promote and support them and then I get some locals calling me up going,
And I tell you to try to not give us the attention we know you're in a big plan.
And I go, who are you again?
You know who we are.
You know.
And I'm like, no.
Tell me exactly who?
You know, it just makes me so mad.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, more of your calls coming up in the next segment.
And I've also got some audio clips concerning truck bombs in 9-11.
We'll be going over that.
Also some international and national news concerning war propaganda.
Right now though, popping in, a fellow Texan, D.V.
For those that don't know who she is, most of you do.
D.V., tell us about News With Views that you write editorials for.
Tell us about some of your websites, some of the work you're doing today.
And then give us an update on the first day of this resistance to the North American Union and the Mexican truck drivers.
Well, I'm a citizen activist just like you and all of the people that are listening and I've been at this for 17 years.
I do write several times a week for newswithviews.com and my column that goes up tomorrow is on the so-called hate crimes legislation bill that's in Congress right now and also the latest one to take away the food supplements and of course I try to point out that
The FDA drives their jurisdiction under international treaty and the Constitution only makes criminals four types of conduct and none of this falls under any of those treaties and it's a jurisdictional issue and of course on both of these bills these craven scoundrels in Congress are trying to once again use the interstate commerce clause as justification for so-called hate crime legislation which is absurd
And I believe would be struck down by the courts as they did in Lopez versus the United States and Prince Mack on the Brady Bill versus the U.S.
The United States Supreme Court said that Congress legislated outside their authority.
But the only way it's going to get stopped is for everybody to pick up the telephone and call your House member and call your counterfeit senator and tell them to vote no on these bills.
They're unconstitutional.
And they don't have the right to take away our right, our God-given natural right, to take whatever vitamins and supplements that we want to take for our own bodies.
That's right, they've got that, they've got hate crimes legislation, they've now reintroduced the assault weapons ban.
Can you imagine what it's going to be like when Hillary's in there?
Well, first of all, I think there's some constitutional issues with a woman serving as president, and I'm sure I'll make the poop list.
I don't believe that a woman should ever be President, and I don't believe women should serve in the military, except in medical support roles, and I think that any man serving as President of the United States should serve in the military so they have a full understanding of what they're actually doing when they're the Commander-in-Chief.
So, as far as Hillary Clinton, it's the machines and the machine itself, besides the electronic voting machines.
That are going to decide, once again, because we have to remember that the Electoral College, the delegates are the one who chooses the president regardless of how we the people vote.
So unless and until enough constitutionally minded individuals become delegates, whether you're a Republican, a Democrat, or Constitution Party, unless you become, we get enough delegates in these conventions to nominate somebody other than New World Order lapdogs, we're going to end up with the same results.
You know, I get 100 emails every day.
Vote for Ron Paul!
Well, that's great, but you're not going to be able to vote for him unless he wins that nomination at the Republican convention next year.
And that will not happen unless a substantial percentage of the 3,000 delegates
Are for Ron Paul.
And most of them are neocon-worshipping little Nuke the Middle East cult members.
That's exactly right, and that's the point.
I try to make in my columns, you know, you have to learn to beat them at their own game using their own game.
And that is, the GOP and the Democrats, they have X number of delegates who serve.
If you cannot, you know, make yourself a delegate or get elected as a delegate in your district, then you have to get as many people together as possible to tell these people, look, this is why we need, you know, Ron Paul or whoever, if it's Tom Pancredo.
But if you don't make the effort to get rid of these robots that are the delegates to these conventions,
You're not going to see anything happen, and even then, you have to fight the machine itself.
I was at the GOP convention in San Diego back in 1996, and there was a huge contingency from Texas and other states, and they were adamant that the GOP platform include getting rid of the Federal Reserve,
And I will always remember Haley Barber standing up there and saying, shut your mouth.
That will never happen.
We aren't going to talk about it.
Haley Barber from Mississippi.
That's how it works.
They're all told to sit down and shut up and they do it just like grand juries do it when they're the bosses.
They do it also, Alex, I'm convinced, because these people let their damn egos get in the way.
Oh boy, I'm a delegate at the GOP convention.
I'm going to play little Napoleon.
They forget exactly why they're there.
No, that's what they do.
That's why the 9-11 Truth Movement has grown, but not as fast as it should.
It's filled with a bunch of little Napoleons.
I mean, it's just in the culture.
It's not just evil in the high places.
The society has gotten so treacherous.
I know, and like I said, if you want to vote for Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo or whoever,
Unless you have enough delegates at these conventions, the game is over.
It's simply over.
Now, Devi, I know a lot's going on.
The main reason I got you on is because you're going to be involved with the trucker strike.
Well, the truckers, the truck out yesterday, it started Monday yesterday and today in Austin.
I was there yesterday.
There was nobody there.
Not a soul.
There was no trucks.
There was no people holding signs.
There was nobody there.
And I asked the guard at the guard shack.
Um, if there had been a rally or a demonstration on Monday, because I was coming in from Alamogordo, and he said, no.
And he said, was there supposed to be?
And I said, well, yeah, there's supposed to be a big truck-out boycott surrounding the Capitol.
And he said, well, usually we get some heads up.
He said, but it's been real quiet.
Well, here's the problem with this.
About, and again, about three weeks ago, I, somebody said, have you heard of this?
And I got this little website, basic text.
It didn't really have a lot on it.
And I kind of forgot about it, and I thought, well, if I haven't heard about it and it's three weeks away, I said, it must not even be, like, real or it's somebody's pipe dream.
And then last week, a few people called my office and said, listen, you've got to get on this.
And so while I was out of town, I got Jack Blood to have some money on.
I appreciate him doing that and the lady coming on.
But that, I mean, you just can't have a national thing with a month's notice.
And I say a month's notice because I didn't hear about it until three weeks ago.
And that's why this happened.
Well, there might be some other, there might be some more behind it because, um,
I don't
The state troopers were out in force and they were stopping the trucks and telling them that if they didn't have a quote legal load with a bill of lading they would be denied access to the capital area.
Well that's how it's always worked.
I mean remember back in the seventies they would actually, there's video of the cops climbing up on the cabs, climbing up in the tractors and the eighteen wheelers and literally knocking people's teeth out with belly clubs.
That's your free country and I was about to say what we should do is a big concerted national
I don't think so.
You know, so they can dig in the sand and everything.
And driving down I-37 my whole life to Corpus Christi and Port Aransas, I'd see one or two state police.
D.B., I saw 21 state police.
I would stop at gas stations, there were cops.
I'd stop at Bill Miller BBQ, there'd be cops bugging their eyes out.
With their radios on real loud, sitting there eating.
They didn't act like cops used to act.
I mean, I'm scared.
I'm scared for the country.
And they're just, there's cops everywhere.
I mean, just all over the place.
They're passing all these laws for any reason to put you in jail now.
And literally, you know, always you went ten miles over, they'd pull you over.
Now you go three miles over the speed limit, the state police on I-37 pull you over.
Then they try to look for something.
They want to search your car.
I mean, I just, and you know what?
They're not stopping.
They're hiring more, more, more.
And then they tell these dumb cops that we've got to write lots of tickets because we're bankrupt.
I mean, a cop makes many, many more times in tickets every year what their salary is.
And all these troops have been running checkpoints and shooting women and children and all brain damaged and screwed up.
They're all becoming cops.
I mean, we're in deep trouble, D.V.
And it's going to get a lot worse because, of course, Mr. Bush's coup that he's trying to pull off for the North American Union.
It doesn't take a lot of research.
It does take some, but there's been some excellent
There's a lot of investigative journalism going on for people like Jerome Corsi and I've tried to do my part in connecting the dots for people that what you're going to see over the next year or two while they try to cement things, because the masters of the game are in hyperdrive now because the resistance out there is enormous and they know it, is the completion of driving the American people off the land into these huge inner cities.
One of the things that Jerome Corsi brought up, and there was, after we spoke in Alamogordo for the Paragon Foundation, and a woman in the audience, she's lived there all her life, she brought up the issue of water.
Now, this is not covered as much as it should be, but it is, of course, of key interest.
For 15 years, the IMF, the World Bank, have been backing European companies to grab it all up.
Well, not only grab it up, but the...
The city fathers in these towns and stuff, they've been working with the governors and the legislatures.
What they're doing, and it will get worse, is diverting the water.
And this woman in the audience, she's named these two reservoirs, and what's going to happen, and you're going to see this all over the place, is this water diverted so that it goes to only the major metropolitan cities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles area.
Cities like Alamogordo and the ranchers and farmers, it'll simply dry up.
And they're also bringing in, well we saw this of course, with what happened up in Oregon, Klamath Falls.
Oh, I talked about it in my speech last Saturday, that Klamath Falls is the perfect example of how the government sets out to completely destroy
And run these people off the land and up there in Klamath Falls.
For a non-indigenous sucker fish that had plenty of water.
Well, and it was also the sucker fish that 25 years before this happened had tried to get rid of because the numbers were so huge.
But of course all this, well, we'd have to go to break, but it's all good.
Yeah, one last segment with DBK and then we're going to get into another 9-11 info and your calls.
Stay with us.
Well, let's talk about that.
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There has been talk coming from the Council of Foreign Relations of forming an American Union combining Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.
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Lookin' out your window, man, there's a scene you ought to see.
Lookin' out your window, baby, there's a scene you'll like to catch.
Fendi, Saint-Dixie, man's got his hand outstretched.
Could be the fjord, could be the local priest.
Oh, but sometime the Elsie Bob.
Well, there's sometimes, there's times... He comes as a man of peace.
Yeah, you know, sometimes... DB Kid is our guest.
Alright, D.B.
That is very disappointing because like I just flew in last night.
I wasn't going to be back on Monday, but I flew in last night and my wife's
Uncle is on death's doorstep.
We've been dealing with that this morning, visiting with him.
That's another reason I got so mad earlier when some idiot called me up here.
I just get so tired of it.
Devi, you've been in this movement a long time, and you've seen our numbers grow, but how many times have you seen people, via egos, self-destruct local movements?
How many times have you seen that, Devi?
I've seen it over and over and over again.
It's sickening.
I mean, we're all sinking in the same ship, and these people get off on their ego trips, and it's their way or the highway, even though they don't have an inkling about constitutional law or how to attack, you know, some of these issues.
And one good example is when Richard, my friend Richard Mack, you know, he's a former sheriff, when he and Sheriff Prince went after the Brady Bill,
They did it brilliantly.
They went after a very narrow legal argument and the United States Supreme Court agreed with both of them.
And so they gutted a major provision in the Brady Law.
But you have all these little Napoleons running around.
They think they know everything.
I've made mistakes over the last 17 years.
You know, when I thought one thing was one thing, but then when I went to the law library or, you know, did some other research, I said, you know what?
I'm wrong on this.
I need to let people know that I'm wrong.
And I don't see that anymore.
All I see is a bunch of egos out there.
And they're getting in the way of progress.
I agree.
I mean, this is life and death for me.
I mean, I'm at the tip of the spear.
Everybody knows I'm in danger.
And it's made me so much more focused.
And I just get depressed.
But also, I get uplifted by all the good people that are out there.
All the good people that are taking action.
DeeDee, here's an example.
I'm surfing around on the internet the other day.
I see some guy on YouTube saying, I'm a liar, there's no North American Union, I'm a con artist.
You know, he says, I'm talking about it one week, the next week I'm not.
Where is it?
He doesn't know Bush signed it two years ago.
He doesn't know they're already merging all the treaties.
He doesn't know business owners have gotten the letters that they're now in the North American Union.
And I mean, they actually think we're lying, D.V.
They actually, they think that we're making it up when it's admitted!
These are people who refuse to do the hard research.
They're in a state of denial, and they're the biggest fools on the face of this earth.
Because it is an actual integration that's underway.
And if the American people, the line in the sand has to be drawn at the state capitals.
We have got, you know, Montana's governor just signed their legislation the other day, and so this is what's going to have to happen.
The people are going to have to go at the state level so that the states tell the federal government, because we have no representation in Washington.
It is little more than an open dictatorship.
They crap in our faces at every time we turn around.
They're busy passing law after law after law that has no constitutional foundation or justification, and they simply don't give a rat.
This morning I watched that cretin
John McCain make his big announcement to run for the presidency.
Who gives a fig what this dirtbag has to say?
Between him and Kerry, they've left our POWs to rot.
There's a single large... He was in... Listen, I've had special forces commanders and people that were in the thing.
He was in there like a week and was sent to a lavish hotel.
Oh, I... There's... He's just... He's a poltroon.
He's the lowest that you can get.
And of course, you know, we're fighting the media.
What have the media been spending all their time talking about?
Alex Baldwin...
He's got a stupid, you know, text or voicemail message with his daughter.
Instead of sounding the alarm to let the American people know that the death of this country is sitting at their doorstep.
The dollar just dropped a couple more points!
And just wait until they start using Kilo to kick everybody off their land.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Let's finish with that.
Two or three minutes on the other side.
That's all I need to be, and I promise I'll cover the news, play the clips, get to all your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'll send an S.O.S.
to the world I'll send an S.O.S.
to the world
You know, most people run from death.
And I don't want to die.
I enjoy life.
But I'm not running from it.
I'm not afraid.
I don't want to leave my children behind so I can't protect them.
But at the same time, I'm not even going to fear that.
I'm just going to do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may and leave it in God's hands.
I tell you, it is a wake-up call when you go see somebody in the hospital who's in and out of consciousness and having trouble breathing and they're saying he's going to die in the next day.
Like when I, just about a year ago, my best friend of childhood, I saw die right here in Austin.
On the respirator, still fully conscious until the minute he died.
That is a wake-up call.
And if you remember how short and transient life is, it'll help you get your head screwed on straight and think about the things that matter.
It's not a Rolex watch.
It's not some fancy car.
It's not everyone thinking you're cool.
Believe me, that's a burden.
It's doing the right thing and helping others.
I mean, I want to have the time.
To go help people in a Salvation Army Soup Kitchen.
Like, we did many Christmas Eve's.
I don't know, many three or four times I remember doing it in and around Christmas and many other times.
I mean, we would go work all day at a Salvation Army and I remember being a child wondering why when I was 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old my parents would go do that.
And it wasn't so they could feel good about themselves.
I didn't know why they were doing it then.
I just thought, look at these poor sad people and you know, I'm one of those donuts.
I mean, that was what was feeding their souls, and that's how I was raised.
It's not some bleeding heart thing, either.
It's that that's what you're meant to do.
That will fill the hole in your heart.
I give money to Meals on Wheels and things like that.
We need to give more money to that.
I'm so busy, I forget to even give to charity.
Yes, I'm going to admit it.
Some of the money I get from video sales and the things I do does end up going to Meals on Wheels.
So if you don't like that or The Salvation Army, I'm sorry.
I do give some money to those.
But more importantly than just giving money, you need to be there doing it.
But I'm so busy, I kind of weigh it and I go, well, should I make a film exposing a world government that wants to set up eugenics and kill us all?
Or should I go down and spend my time helping, donating, and then actually being there and not just giving them soup, but shaking their hand and talking to them?
Like I got friends sometimes when we're walking down the street or sometimes I'm here at the office and I go, let's go walk down the railroad tracks.
It's like all wild and pretty down the street in the middle of the city.
And you know, there's hobos living, you know, there in the trees and they'll be walking back from their day jobs and I'll shake their hand and talk to them and ask about their life.
And I'm not just being nice to them.
I want to know them.
I want to know their story.
And I want them to know that I know they're a human being.
They're always shocked by somebody and a lot of times they're really interesting.
I was in Special Forces in Vietnam and you can tell they really are.
It's some old man.
It's not one of these fakes on the corner saying that with the dog trying to get your money.
You know, the old guy doing carpentry from the day labor site coming back with all his teeth out.
You know, you just see that and it's just, you know, I forgot I have D.B.
Kidd holding.
I'm going to let her go in just a minute and we're going to go to
It absolutely does, and it also brings to me the forefront that we have been given all of these freedoms and liberties by the people who are and have left us.
And it is our duty, our responsibility to ensure that the next generations, our children, your children, your grand, my daughter, that they live free and to stop this communization, this sovietization of the United States of America.
And it has to be a battle for everybody.
It's not a spectator sport.
So, yes, these are the most important things in our lives.
And not these material things, and that's what, you know, America is so distracted by electronic gadgetry and fashion wear.
They can't see the forest through the trees, but they're going to because the trees are getting ready to fall right down on the top of their little homes.
And their comfort zones are going to get very... Hell, it's already happening.
The economy's in trouble.
I haven't seen the indicators for two years.
Oh, yeah.
The foreclosures, the dollar plunging.
I mean, it's not a pretty picture.
No, and it's going to get a lot worse, and that's why everybody has to step up to the plate.
Because it's basically a handful of people.
And I want everybody to know who did it to them, too.
I mean, they're going to do it, but it's so much more effective in our fight, and we have a chance of beating them, grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat.
If we're able to, before all this happens, go, by the way, these are the people that are doing this to you.
Oh, absolutely.
As far as I'm concerned, they're traitors.
Treason is aiding and abetting the enemy, or working to overthrow our legal form of government.
And to me, Rick Perry, our governor, you and me, I believe that he's guilty of it.
A sedition at the very least.
Well, clearly.
I mean, his Chief of Staff for U.S.-Mexico Affairs is a Mexican citizen registered lobbyist of Mexico.
That's right.
And they are seeking to overthrow the United States of America.
And that is a treasonable offense, in my opinion.
So yeah, we need to let people know.
And of course, like I said before the first commercial break, they've pushed tens of millions of people into these big inner cities.
They control the flow of information.
And so you see this majority.
And they're already using KELO, by the way, from Texas to New Hampshire, from Oregon to Louisiana to grab property.
And I talked about that in my speech Saturday at Alamogordo.
This is why I'm so keen on getting one state to challenge the 17th Amendment, because these
Senators that serve in office under a law that doesn't exist, they're the ones who could put a stop to all of this and these bad federal judges by throwing their asses off the bench, but can't do anything because they're stuck with people like McCain and Feinstein and Clinton and Schumer.
Oh my God, if you could have seen the exchange between Chuckie Schumer and Bill O'Reilly Monday night, I watched it in my hotel room, on the Second Amendment.
It was the most sickening piece of garbage I have ever heard in my life.
Bill O'Reilly wouldn't know what the Constitution said if James Madison... Well, let me guess.
He was taking the quasi-pro-gun view, but compromising and watering it down.
That's the false choice debate.
And then Schumer's basically for gun ban.
And so people would watch that, and they'd be with O'Reilly.
They'd been moved one step closer to gun control.
I didn't see it.
Is that what happened?
Basically, that's what happened.
But Bill O'Reilly said that this new gun bill that's
Supposedly going to sail through Congress, would only be opposed by those crazies out in the Rockies in Colorado.
The militia type.
So it's worse than I thought.
He was actually anti-gun.
He specifically smeared the word militia, having no idea that every able-bodied man is required under the Second Amendment.
What night did that gun-grabbing pig say that?
I wrote down some notes.
That was the 23rd, and Schumer, like I said, O'Reilly said that he smeared the militias.
If anybody's read anything by Dr. Edwin Vera and his amazing... So this was Monday night, that pig, and now neocons are going to watch this and they're going to be anti-gun?
Because if he says it, I told you folks, if they are anti-gun, it will now be liberal to be pro-gun.
I know.
It was absolutely...
I'm going to do something on it here shortly.
You know, conservative is whatever these pigs say it is.
Devi, it's clear I've got to get you up for a full hour very soon.
You write for News With Views.
Anything else you want to plug?
No, just stay well and keep on fighting.
Devi, God bless you and thanks for coming on.
Thank you.
Man, that lady's incredible.
I meant to get her on just for like 10 minutes about the truckers, and of course I went with her for like 40 minutes, but I've got to get her back up.
Great lady.
And too bad.
That trucker thing just wasn't promoted enough, and I guess it's my fault as usual, but I'll try better next time.
You know, she was... I don't know.
There's so many things running through my head when I'm doing one of these shows, and I've been gone a few days, because I really get more centered when I'm gone.
It gives me time to kind of pull out of things and see it from the outside.
But, you know, I do what I do with pure motives, and I
I really believe in what I'm saying and what I'm doing, and that's precious to me.
That's my identity, and I know it's rooted right in the base of my heart and soul.
I know it's the truth.
I know what I'm doing is the right course.
It doesn't mean I sell that course exactly right, but I know what the right course is, and I'm trying my best.
You know, it's like I've got the wheel, it's connected to the rudder in a high storm, and I'm fighting as hard as I can, because all of us are fallen, in everything in my life, to be truthful, to be honorable, to be strong, to help people, and I'm just trying as hard as I can to keep the ship aimed in the right direction in my life.
And there's so many trials and tribulations, and I'm not whining, I'm just saying there are.
And sometimes a big wave hits and I let go of the wheel, I get knocked down on the deck and I'm going the wrong direction and the sails are all screwed up and I try to get them back in order and start going in the right direction.
And it shouldn't make me mad when neocons and activists in our own camp and everybody says that I have bad motives or I'm a liar or I'm this or that, because I should know who I am.
And I do.
And it shouldn't matter what other people think.
And I've tried to get myself in my life where it's hard to push my buttons and hard to
I mean, I try to be centered and focused and unshakable, but none of us are, completely.
And it does, it enrages me sometimes when people have the nerve to claim that my motives are bad, or that I'm lying, or that I'm doing conniving things.
It just absolutely makes me see red.
It absolutely makes me see red.
And there's just so much subterfuge and so much manipulation in this society.
God help us.
Just God help us.
Steve Watson did a really important article for InfoWars.net.
You know, Aaron, without me even asking, has been writing like one or two articles a day at JonesReport.com.
A lot of exclusive stuff there, but up on InfoWars.net, Steve Watson, of course, is just on fire.
And there's a bunch of big articles up on PrisonPlanet.com, and all I ask is that
You help us, or if you've got ideas or information, you've been writing a lot of articles, a lot of blurbs, a lot of stuff for us at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com, get it up to us so we can get it posted.
If you've got some website you want to promote, more than happy to have that at the end of the story to get some synergy going.
Rising Tide raises all ships as we get in position to continue our assault on the New World Order.
This is war.
But the mystery of the 9-11 car bombs, evidence points to multiple roaming backup teams with vans full of explosives, in case I guess bombs inside didn't go off.
A much under-reported aspect of 9-11 attacks is one that concerns transmissions, sightings, reports and statements alluding to multiple mysterious suspects in different vans, packed with explosives that were stopped and detained in New York while the towers were burning, and in the aftermath of the attacks.
Some evidence even suggests that some of the vehicles actually exploded,
And at least one was reported by mainstream media, sourcing FBI as having been parked at the base of one of the towers when it exploded and aided in the collapse of the tower.
Let's play that Dan Rather first.
We got like 10 minutes of this stuff.
Let's play Dan Rather short clip.
Here it is.
A very recently tonight, within the last few minutes, repeated that he believes that there are some people still alive in the rubble in and around the World Trade Center.
And word laid tonight that two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was discovered
Around the George Washington Bridge, that bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson River.
Whether the discovery of those explosives had anything to do with other events of the day is unclear, but the FBI has two suspects in hand, said the truck loaded explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge.
But they arrested the two suspects and they're questioning them as we speak.
President Bush says the death toll at the World Trade Center and today's other targets is in the thousands.
Some people will move.
That's Dan Rather.
Somebody shot off their television, hence the echo.
Let's just play as much as we can as we go into break of a compilation of newscasts and emergency responder tapes talking about the truck bombs.
Here it is.
This morning, I saw the plane come at this point.
It was factory directed to the building.
Was it the first plane or the second plane?
Yes, it was the first plane.
The second plane.
No, second plane.
It was a bomb.
Bombing another building.
Not second plane.
It was a bomb.
But then there were other doors that were locked, so we were brought into another floor when there was another explosion and they finally let us continue to go down.
What was happening around you?
People screaming?
No, no, people were pretty calm.
When we got down to sixth floor, there was like another shake or another explosion.
Everyone started panicking, but... Rick Sanchez has been there throughout this morning for us.
Rick, tell us where you are and what the latest is.
I spoke with some police officials moments ago, Chris, and they told me that they have reason to believe that one of the explosions at the World Trade Center may have been caused by a van that was parked in the building that may have had some type of explosive device in it.
Joining me is Jack Kelly.
Now, he is a foreign correspondent.
He has some information about these attacks.
Jack, what can you tell us happened first in New York?
Apparently what appears to happen was that at the same time two planes hit the building that the FBI most likely thinks that there was a car or truck packed with explosives underneath the buildings which also exploded at the same time and brought both of them down.
Now that's the first time we're hearing that.
So two planes and explosives that were in the building, is that correct?
That is the working theory at this point.
That is still unconfirmed but that is what the FBI is going on at this point.
NBC's Pat Dawson is close to the scene of that attack.
Just moments ago, I spoke to the Chief of Safety for the New York City Fire Department.
He received word of the possibility of a secondary device.
That is another bomb going off.
There was another explosion which took place.
According to his theory, he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building.
Yeah, here's one of the guys who can tell you I'm okay, alright?
Here, hold on.
You wanna call your mother or something?
Don't worry about me.
You need to make calls right now.
The bomb in the building's not clearing up.
Sorry, sir.
There's a bomb?
What did you say?
The bomb in the building's not clearing up.
Got it.
It just went ba-boom!
It was like a bomb went off.
And it was like, it was like holy hell coming down them stairs.
And then when we got, finally got to the bottom, it was coming out, a mezzanine level there, and then another explosion came right from it, just everyone flying.
Like, it sounded like gunfire.
You know, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
And then, and then all of a sudden, three big explosions.
I was about five blocks away when I heard explosions.
Three thuds and turned around to see the building we just got out of.
Antenna tipped over and fallen on itself.
At 10.30 I tried to leave the building, but as soon as I got outside I heard a second explosion and another rumble.
Then a fire marshal came in and said we had to leave because if there was a third explosion this building might not last.
We stuck on the stairs for a while.
We finally got down to the lobby.
Then we get to the lobby, there's this big explosion.
As we were getting our gear on and making our way to the stairway, there was a heavy-duty explosion.
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of police, firemen, reporters, citizens, janitors saying bombs going off.
Bombs and fire marshals coming in and saying getting out.
Because it was bomb after bomb after bomb to bring those down.
Then, mixed in, there's the reports of all these truck bombs driving around.
And I guarantee you, the Feds had backups.
Because sometimes buildings don't fall.
They tried to blow one up here in Austin a few months ago.
The Intel building, it didn't fall.
So, you know, they had a backup.
I tell you, it's unbelievable.
It's here.
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This is real business here.
This isn't a drill.
It isn't a joke.
It's not suck your thumb time.
It's not junior high popularity contest.
This is blood.
This is guts.
This government runs giant public child kidnapping rings.
It's in major newspapers and no one stops it.
They write memos saying they can torture children.
Army reports say they do it.
You understand this is not a joke.
This is real.
This is grown-up time.
Now, I know we got a load of phone lines and I want to play more clips of these bombs going off and all the people saying it and the truck bomb news.
You need to go to Infowars.net and get this story and get it out to everybody.
Again, all we do is continue to go take the information that's hiding in plain view, that's getting no attention, and we magnify it.
That's what we've been able to do because you, the listeners, have done that, and I salute you for it.
I've been so busy covering the fight against the New World Order that I have not even spent 30 seconds today telling you about the books and videos that we sell at InfoWars.com and the films I've made that support all the employees I've got.
And I've got bigger things I want to do, more effective things I want to do, and we need the capital to do that.
So, if you want to capitalize us, and you want to get powerful books and videos that also support the other authors and filmmakers whose materials we carry, you've got to realize that.
We usually get about 50-55% off a book we carry.
Literally, that's how we support our operation.
Then there's all the other videos I've made.
Terror Storm and the rest of it.
We also carry American Freedom to Fascism, all those other great films.
Go peruse the Safe Secure online video and bookstore shopping cart and InfoWars.com and order as many as you can.
And get them out to people because I'm so busy and so focused on the info, I'm not even plugging stuff now.
And frankly, that ends up hurting our funding.
But I don't like sitting here plugging it.
I need to plug it.
It's one of the most effective things we do, both in funding this operation, but most importantly in the info war.
So please go to the website or call toll free 888-253-3139.
I'm going to try to give each caller about 30 seconds or 45 seconds.
I can get to all of you.
Who's up first here?
Judy in Kansas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I just got an update from the National Vaccine Information Center.
It's hard to talk to you though with the radio up that loud.
My husband on the California Committee on Assembly Bill Number 16.
Please everyone go to the NVIC.com website.
Look at the information that is on there.
Today they are going to pass a bill that would eliminate
The right of medical exemptions for our children.
Yeah, well, you know what?
I got a right.
I'm gonna physically stand up to anybody who comes in their dirty black uniform and try to force their brain damaging toxins by design on my children in a massive eugenics UN UNESCO program.
And, uh, I mean, the cops wouldn't take the smallpox shot, because they know.
So don't try to enforce it on us, you idiots.
And yes, I know they're introducing that.
It's happening all over the world.
They're coming for us.
And I know this was happening in California.
Where is it right now?
It's right now at 1.30 this afternoon.
They're planning on voting on this very bill.
This hearing, Assembly Bill Number 16.
It's being applied right now.
So they're planning on voting on it.
Sure, when they start doing stuff like that, folks, that's called tyranny.
We don't want to fight.
We're defensive, but it's like a rattlesnake.
We got a rattle, we're warning you.
Don't tread on me.
Just leave me alone.
Back off.
Let's talk to
A lady in Texas.
Ma'am, what's your name?
Jesus, Alex?
Yes, go ahead.
Hey man, um, you keep talking every day about, not every day, but you keep talking about these web projects.
You, um, a new website you're launching?
Yeah, I've been so busy, and I don't have the crew to do it, and other people I was going to work with are doing other projects, so I've got to, I'm going to hire the people.
I'm going to do it soon, sir.
Just, there's too much work.
We're trying to do too much here.
We're fighting as hard as we can.
God bless you all.
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