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Name: 20070413_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 13, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen welcome and thank you so much for joining us on this live Friday edition the 13th day of April 2007 and we're going to be live here for the next three hours
We have another 9-11 individual, another person going public on 9-11 and questioning the official story.
A well-known actor from television and film, who currently has a highly rated television program, coming on to talk about 9-11 and why he believes it is an inside job.
That is coming up in the next hour.
We'll tell you a little bit more about that individual just a little bit later.
I mentioned this story yesterday, but I want to, at the start today, to spend more time on it.
That's a report out of News Target.
Monsanto's GM corn, MON863, shows kidney, liver toxicity in animal studies.
At the end of the show I mentioned this, so for those of you listening to a
Rebroadcast of yesterday's program that bumps right up against my live one.
You just heard me talking about it.
But for new listeners tuning in on the AM and FM dial, or Global Shortwave, or other places, we're going to spend some time on this.
The corn in question, MON863, is made by the Monsanto Company.
It isn't grown, it's made.
I guess it is grown, but that's all designed.
And approved for use in Australia, Canada, China,
The European Union, Japan, Mexico, the Philippines, and the United States.
This is the stuff that's approved.
It had a gene inserted from the bacteria Bacillus thrunigenesis, Bt, which causes the plant cells to produce a pesticide.
Researchers fed rats either unmodified corn or diets containing 11 or 30 percent of MON-863.
For 90 days, and we'll tell you when we get back from break what it did exactly to their bodies, what it did to their livers, what it did to their entire metabolic system.
In the meantime, I'll also just give you a rundown of some of the news here.
I don't even know where to start.
CBS has fired him from his radio show.
He has lost his TV show, of course, first.
And most people are running around celebrating, including Bill O'Reilly and others.
Because they love censorship.
They love to set the precedent of everyone being fired but themselves.
Every show O'Reilly seems to do, it's fire this person, fire that person, arrest this person.
I've never liked Don Imus.
Very abrasive.
A big bully.
Somebody on a power trip.
Relishing their petty power.
And so it illustrates how transitory power is and well how transitory life itself is.
All of this stuff is just going to be blown away.
It doesn't matter.
All of us die.
None of it lasts forever.
None of it even lasts really for the twinkling of an eye.
But it's not just because I'm in the media that I do have a concern and get a chill up my spine to see this.
Because, I mean, other people are being fired just for repeating what he said like it's some type of blasphemy.
So we'll talk a little bit about Don Imus as well, and political correctness run amok.
And we'll take your calls in this first hour, second hour, and third hour.
It will be open lines today.
Stay with us.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, my friends, it is Friday the 13th.
I just noticed that.
It is April 13th.
It is Friday.
Why is Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th?
I'm not going to pull the exact year and history on this, but in the 1500s, there was a big raid or putsch or counter coup d'etat
By the Catholic Church against the Knights Templars, Templars, who you could call the ancestors of the modern day Illuminati, and they hunted them down and went to all their palaces and towers across Europe and the Middle East and killed them.
On Friday the 13th, that was the set day across the known world for the military forces of those different countries under the Pope's control to go in and kill them.
And that certainly happened, kind of a night of the long knives.
And certainly I'm not saying that the Catholic Church was the good guys.
That's how they knew where all the Templars were based.
That's how they knew how much wealth they had because many people in the church were Templars and so it was just basically a bunch of backstabbing going on.
But the Templars then ran to Scotland, that's why you have the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and set up their whole base of operations there.
In fact guys, will you pull up the history of Friday the 13th for me so I get all my facts straight and later I'll go over that if I have time.
Here's a few things I've just got in front of me that I found to be interesting and I want to get out of the way before I get into this Monsanto corn causing serious liver and other organ problems in mammals.
Kerry Gienrich debate global warming.
This happened a few days ago and when you read into this it has Newt Gienrich saying yes global warming is real and Republicans need to do something about it and embrace it and get green
And we need a carbon tax.
So, Newt Gingrich, we need the Tobin Tax, we need the, I guess, the Wellhead Tax, we need the Carbon Tax, we need the World Government.
This is the guy that says we should abolish the First Amendment, literally get rid of it.
This is the guy who says torture's good.
I mean, Newt Gingrich was put into power.
Now maybe conservatives will listen to me, because I studied it.
He was put into power in 94 to derail those Republican freshmen that did want to abolish different federal departments and did want to reduce the size of government.
He came in and said, hey boys, we're only supposed to say that, okay, to the constituents.
The corporate bosses want big government.
That's what they feed off of.
So they are definitely circling the wagons.
I mean, when the NFL and Sports Illustrated come out for global warming and say we need global taxes,
And when the weather channel does, I mean, it's everywhere.
When they're all over the place pushing a global tax, you know they mean business and they're not playing around.
I'm not saying there isn't climate change.
We've gone over this over and over again.
There are real environmental crises that have got me very concerned because I've looked at the actual data.
I didn't just go, you know, 15 years ago
Well that's what liberals believe in, global warming, when nobody was talking about it.
So it just must be a lie.
I don't set about politically or sociologically with factoids to just prove what I already believe.
I have an open mind.
And I've interviewed the experts on both sides.
And it is conclusive, iron clad
That man-made global warming is a complete and total fraud.
A. B. Every major study shows there are more benefits to global warming than there are problems.
Higher carbon dioxide has nothing to do with heating.
Carbon dioxide comes several hundred years, between 200 to 800 it depends, but it's always after the heating.
Because it causes more life, ladies and gentlemen, with the heat.
Thus, more carbon dioxide is off-put.
Both from rotting life, dying life, and of course, the process of respiration.
More carbon dioxide, more of the life-giving gas for plants, that then put off more oxygen.
Here, let me suck in some of that pollutant.
Still oxygen there.
There's a lot of GMO pollen, but we're surviving.
Oh yes, they're listing carbon dioxide as an evil pollutant.
God forbid the plants put off more oxygen for us.
So, I already said I'd get into the news and I'm digressing.
I have that article here in front of me.
Let me
And I'm not going to get into the Wolfowitz scandal.
The guy's a puppet, runs nothing at the World Bank.
I'm not going to get into Gonzalez caught lying over and over again.
He should be in prison for writing memos ordering the military that this was their authorization to torture children.
But he's still a puppet.
And so that's a distraction in and of itself.
When we start hearing about indictments of David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of Orange and Queen Beatrix,
When we start hearing about Prince Philip about to be clapped in irons or Lord Rothschild, then folks, I'm going to be covering it.
But they laugh at how we go after their birdcage liners, who they just remove and put in new ones.
You just wait.
When the Bush leaves office, if he does, Hillary's going to rule with an absolute iron fist of hell.
And you will suddenly see most of these Democrats that could see the Patriot Act as bad, that could see the Military Commission's Act as bad, they're suddenly going to be running around with little glinting eyes going, it's our time now!
No, no, no!
The war is good now!
And she's arresting evil militias and gun control's good!
We've got to bolster now and wake up the liberals that are tuning into these type of shows because we're going after Bush and go, no, no, no, no, you've got to shift your paradigm.
You've got to understand they own both parties, they move forward with an agenda, they have different rhetoric, but the agenda is a carbon copy.
Okay, let me get into the Tasmanian Devils.
I was clued into this last night while I was cooking dinner with my wife and listening to NPR.
You know, we monitor the National Petroleum Radio.
Brought to you by Rothschild Industries.
Brought to you by Rockefeller.
The Statenberg CPB Foundation.
Tasmanian Devil, so I didn't pull this up this morning, Tasmanian Devil relocated
Tasmanian devils are being relocated to an island off Australia to avert their extinction by a contagious cancer.
Contagious cancer.
Let me say it again.
Contagious cancer.
The diagnoses, depending on which type of cancer, which family of cancers, is up on average over 2000% since the 1930s.
Then you learn that since the twenties there have been massive zoological studies with guinea pigs and rats and monkeys and dogs, hundreds of different types of animals, different varieties, in the US, in Germany, in England, in Japan, in China, in Australia.
And you learn that they've open-air been released, and then you learn that the Rockefellers cornered cancer treatment on the market, and also pioneered vaccine research, and pioneered cancer virus research, and then suddenly, with their big Rockefeller Cancer Hospitals, the stuff starts becoming like a case of the flu!
And boy, do they have some special injections for you.
And then we have all the articles.
I've got it for the new film I'm making.
I've been doing all this research.
You know, because you get the knowledge, you come across it over the years, but it becomes like knowledge.
A lot of it, you don't remember where you got it, you just have it.
And then you're able to say it, and then you go pull it up, and you're exactly right.
You know, I'm always amazed by, you know, I say something, and I go, is that right?
Because I'm like, how do I know that from ten years ago?
And I go, pull it up, and it's exactly right.
But the point is, go look it up for yourself, all this research into cancer viruses, and then magically it pops up, and you find out the Rockefellers are behind the German and British and other schools of eugenics, and they're obsessed with it.
And they're obsessed with it today.
Now, there were naturally occurring communicable forms of cancer.
And frankly, most cancer is communicable.
And you get the viruses in your body, and then once your body has divided its cells enough times, and once your immune system gets out of whack, either jacked up too high or too low, then your body isn't able to fight it, and doesn't recognize it, and you die of cancer.
So I want you to know, those of you that have lost children, or husbands, or wives, or sons, or daughters when they're older, or people who've lost cousins and friends, and all these young people you know who've got cancer,
You can thank the New World Order.
You have been under a eugenics attack.
And of course, you'll notice rates of cancer are higher in Asians and higher in blacks.
And of course, they can't understand it because the genetics aren't very different from one country to another.
But you'll have one group of Orientals very similar to the next country, but they'll have a much higher rate, even though their diet's the same.
But you'll notice there's higher incidences of IMF-funded World Health Organization vaccine programs.
Of course they don't care, because now they can just engineer it right into the food.
So I thought I'd mention these Tasmanian Devils.
They're pretty much all got the virus.
Most of them are dying.
They're very close to being extinct now.
We'll tell you what the virus does to them when we get back.
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Welcome back.
Alright, let me get into these Tasmanian devils.
Now notice, they're in Tasmania, they're already on an island, they've been there for eons, and then suddenly,
It says that 90% of the devils have died of the cancer that makes their face swell up and their mouth become a bloody mess.
Now my only point is, I get up here and I tell you that most cancer is communicable from all the top scientists, virologists, and the major studies that are out there.
This is well known by people within the system, but they don't ever tell you this.
It's really bizarre.
Just your body malfunctions and this just happens.
And there are some forms of that cancer.
But very interesting that just suddenly this is happening and they're having to relocate them.
Tasmanian devils are being relocated to an island off Australia to avert their extinction by a contagious cancer.
Contagious cancer!
Some scientists fear the move could endanger rare birds and other animals on the island.
But other experts say it is a last resort and should pose no problem since the devils are scavengers not predators.
The path to extinction is looking pretty certain on Tasmania said William Karish of the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society who organized a workshop in Australia to help the government and biologists develop a plan to save the devils.
Basically, if they just test their blood, make sure they don't have it, put them on the other island, then all the others will die, they say, over the next few years.
Then the virus will burn itself out and they can put them back over there.
Unless it's some other animal that's been introduced that's carrying the virus, like the European brown rat.
It continues.
The fox-like animals with powerful jaws and blood-curdling growls are being wiped out of the island state of Tasmania by contagious cancer that creates grotesque facial tumors.
The disease was first noticed in the mid-90s in the state's northeast, where 90% of the devils have since perished.
It is spreading south and west, and scientists estimate that within five years there will be no disease-free populations in Tasmania.
The only place in the world where the devils exist is outside zoos.
And it goes on.
Well, what about people, ladies and gentlemen?
What about us?
I don't like my loved ones.
I don't like, you know, living on the street where I used to live, where two kids died of leukemia, little babies and little toddlers in one year.
And then, boy, that's really linked to the mercury and the rest of it, not to mention the cancer viruses.
If you take their vaccines, run by a criminal group of eugenicists who have been caught doing it in the past over and over again, you're crazy.
I mean, again, you wouldn't trust your neighbors or an employer if they'd done one or two things to cross you or that had been deceptive and sneaky.
But you're going to trust a government and an elite.
Well, I guess most people just don't know how nuts they are.
I do.
I've done the research, and let me tell you, it's fathomless how bad they are.
And you're going to have to say no to the system.
And they'll fear monger, and you know, well, your kids might die of another disease, or they might get one of the naturally occurring things.
Yeah, they might.
They just might.
Of course, the problem is that some of this stuff is so communicable that once another child has it at the school your child goes to, they can still get the different viruses and things from them.
It's like HV40, the human cancer-causing virus that they admit has caused hundreds of millions of cancers worldwide in humans.
Every sewage system in India, in a major study that was done a few years ago, had HPV-40 in their sewage.
It's a tough virus.
It can live in really harsh environments like that.
And it causes all sorts of cancers.
When we get back, I'll tell you about it.
About how to put the pollen into your potatoes and into your corn.
And a lot of it is in there.
It's too late for a lot of us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I don't know.
We're good.
I think so.
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Don't you know that it's time to get on board?
And let this train keep on riding, riding on through
I think.
Yeah, we've played this song
A few times this week, because I was just reminded that it was one of hundreds of songs banned, just remember that, by Clair Channel and others, in the months leading up and a few months after the attack on Iraq in 2003.
That's the level of psychological control.
And some will say, well that's a commie song, you know, they use that world peace and love thing as a front for their world government.
And they do.
Anything good, anything laudable, anything uplifting, the New World Order is going to try to take control of or counterfeit.
But I assure you, you may see corruption and backstabbing and subterfuge in your daily lives.
You may see problems with your fellow man, but I assure you the evil you see of the general public is nothing on average compared to what we will find in elite circles.
The New World Order is totally and completely out of control in every way.
I know we've got Sean in Australia, Chris in Canada, Linda, Joe, David, Linda, many others.
I'm going to go to your calls here in a few minutes, and then we've got a very interesting guest joining us coming up in the next hour, but we will have open phones throughout the broadcast.
And I've just got a host of things I want to cover, but we already talked about the communicable cancers.
They admit there's a lot of communicable cancers in humans.
But if you type into a search engine, pharmacological crops, you will learn that they have corn, they have other plants, but corn really works well.
That grow chemicals in the corn.
I mean, where the corn literally has different high-tech, very expensive chemicals.
I mean, that's what engineering can do now.
Where the plant will actually create little polyps of a different type of chemical, or polyps of a particular type of AIDS virus, HIV virus, or different types of other pathogens, or live agents, or bacteria.
Amazing what plants can do.
And there are literally thousands of different varieties of genetically engineered plants, mainly food crops.
And I remember seeing articles ten years ago where the UN was funding studies of an HIV inoculation in a potato, or in corn, or hepatitis
Antibodies, or hepatitis virus that would then supposedly cause you to have the antibodies, a weakened hepatitis, or an altered hepatitis.
And, oh, we're going to bring it and plant it in Africa, and we're going to feed it to the people.
But, you know, all those Africans, they're ignorant.
They will starve.
They will refuse.
They let it rot at the docks.
The governments do.
When the big free ships come in with the huge granaries filled with corn and wheat,
And all these other grains.
They just won't eat it, those dumb Africans.
Oh, the Africans when the U.N.
comes to give their children inoculations from Central Africa to the West Coast to the Sahara to Southern Africa and Zimbabwe.
Why, they will run into the woods!
They will run into the jungles!
And then you can pull up articles where it says, but the U.N.
has a mandate, so they pay the local soldiers, and the local soldiers go and forcibly make the families come to the centers for their own good, and to the local sports stadiums, usually the soccer stadium, and then they lovingly inject them, those dumb Africans.
They're just ignorant.
Folks, a hundred years ago, because I've read the accounts,
I've read many national geographics.
I've read books on it.
I go through different phases back when I had time to read.
I read a lot of books about, you know, the English and the Dutch and others and French colonists 200 years ago, 300 years ago in Africa, 100 years ago.
I mean, they would beg you to give them big medicine.
Because back then, let me tell you, the Western doctors didn't come with cancer virus and HIV virus laden injections.
Of course, again, the doctors themselves aren't part of it.
They think they're giving them the good medicine.
I mean, the Africans, you know, they wanted the big medicine, because back then the white man did have the big medicine.
I mean, we're talking big medicine!
Ooga booga!
And the witch doctors wanted to know what their big medicine was.
Not anymore, folks.
Because they're down to earth, and they know, you take that stuff, bad stuff starts happening.
Village gets sick.
Village gets Ebola.
Scientists, you know, big medicine men come.
Then, most of the village die.
And those are the accounts now.
They literally run screaming with their children in their arms.
Not the dumb Americans.
Not the know-it-all white bread yuppies.
Not the know-it-all blacks in America.
Not the know-it-all Mexicans.
Not the know-it-all, you know, the fat, dumb, and happy Americans.
We got it all figured out.
By the way, in southern Mexico down there with the Yucatan and other areas,
Those people won't take an inoculation.
They run from it.
They don't want the government's medicine.
Because they're not stupid, ladies and gentlemen.
They can see that their baby takes a shot and an hour later is having convulsions and word spreads.
You don't take that stuff, okay?
You don't take their medicine.
So we can learn a little from the aboriginal people of Latin America.
A little bit from the Africans.
And a little bit from the tribes in Asia.
Oh, they're just ignorant savages.
They won't take it.
They don't trust us.
They did in the past, because they saw cause and effect.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls, but this is important stuff here.
With that said, let me just read one article.
Now again, this is in German medical journals, this is in university studies from China to Germany to England to the US.
Remember, they don't put it all together in one article though.
On Monday I was covering how this very BT corn has been conclusively linked in multiple studies to causing an intestinal change in the honey bee.
Now most insects won't eat this.
It's a pesticide that if they do eat it, it'll kill them.
Now, this is admitted.
This is a pesticide in the plants.
And it's not just in corn.
Corn and wheat each year neck and neck together of what is the biggest spiller in foods and soybeans trying to rival it coming in a close third.
Point is, just go research it for yourself, please.
You've been given the warning.
Here it is.
Monsanto GM corn MON863 shows kidney liver toxicity in animal studies.
Now, again, I've interviewed all these top scientists over the years.
We told you the same thing.
People were making millions of dollars a year.
They were hot shots.
And they would do the studies and go, wait a minute, we're feeding potatoes and corn and wheat that's been changed.
And in almost every case, it causes massive organ failure in the rats, in the guinea pigs, in the other test subjects, in the monkeys.
And it's causing major liver problems.
And the rat's life expectancy is more than halved.
And it's causing bizarre mutations, not generationally, but what they didn't think was possible in the animals during development.
I mean, a rat's body won't grow as fast as it should, but the intestines will double in size.
A lot of Crohn's-like type disorders.
By the way, those are now in major studies.
Vaccines are massively linked.
I'd say it's conclusive, but totally linked to Crohn's, where you have an autoimmune response and they've got to cut your guts out of you.
So, let me continue.
What you need to know.
Conventional view.
The corn in question, MON863, is made by the Monsanto Company and approved for use in the Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, the United States.
It has the gene inserted from the bacteria Bacillus thrunigenesis, Bt, which causes the plant cells to produce a pesticide.
Now, let me just stop.
A pesticide that kills bugs?
Gee, should we be eating that?
Folks, they know most people can't tell you where Iraq is, how many continents there are, who their governor is, who the Speaker of the House is in their state, much less the federal level.
They don't know who one of their city, maybe two of their city council members are.
That's why you find out David Rockefeller and Jay Rockefeller, the governor, or the senator, there in West Virginia.
That's why you find out Prince Philip, they are obsessed.
They have their own gardens, folks.
They actually have their own food flown in, okay?
They literally drink water that's been filtered like five times.
I mean, they know.
And it's the ultimate selfishness they're doing this to all of us.
The ultimate sickness.
They should all be arrested immediately.
Oh man, I'm so angry at them.
Because you even try to get regular organic.
It's hard.
It's hard, folks.
Pesticide is in most of the food.
Not pesticide they sprayed, folks.
It's in the food.
The animals eat it, they die.
The people eat it, we die.
And I know you're not going to stop.
You're going to keep using cell phones up against your head.
And you're going to keep eating all the GMO food.
So am I. We're all just going to die.
You see, they have discipline.
The elite have discipline.
We don't.
And they say, well, that's the reason you're going to die.
That's the reason you're a slave.
That's the reason we're going to do this to you.
You're not going to get involved and fight us, they say.
You're not going to get involved and stop the electronic voting machines.
You're not going to get us out of Iraq.
You're going to let us keep militarizing your police.
You're going to let us keep building more prisons, and we're going to do it to you.
Researchers fed rats either unmodified corn or diets containing 11.3% MON-863 for 90 days.
The rats who ate the modified corn were found to exhibit signs of liver and kidney toxicity as well as signs of hormonal changes.
You can go read the study itself.
They died much earlier.
They lost body weight.
The young ones didn't develop as fast.
The mechanism that causes the toxicity is not yet known.
Gee, it's not yet known.
Because these studies are so stringent they won't ever make claims.
Let me see, it's a pesticide that kills bugs.
And oh gee, the honeybees are eating this and getting sick and dying.
Honeybees just love corn pollen.
Have you ever seen corn pollen?
Those big old stalks of yellow up there?
It's like, I mean, it's a bonanza with the bees just
I mean, it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Poor little critters.
They go over there and eat this stuff, and they go off and die.
Meanwhile, none of the environmentalists are talking about this on TV.
It's all some stupid text on carbon dioxide!
Let the plants breathe!
We're all breathing the stuff.
Again, no one I knew, very few people growing up had allergies.
Very few.
I say no one.
I mean, literally hardly anybody.
Now everybody I know has got it.
My kids are literally hacking and coughing.
Everybody else I know is coughing four or five months out of the year.
I got, I don't want to go into details, but I'm constantly having to stop and blow my nose here.
You can hear me stopping.
My nose is constantly stopped up.
Everybody I know, people who never had allergies their whole life have got it.
And there's hundreds of studies showing it's the GMO pollen.
What do you think your body does when some pesticide laden pollen with bacteria genetics, insect genetics, other plant genetics, human genetics, blowing around all mixing with everything else goes in to your nose and goes in to your sinus?
Your body is like, my gosh, I better have an autoimmune response to this!
I better rush in and deal with this and create mucus to block this and wall this.
And so Alex will blow it out of his nose.
That's what my brain says.
That's what the olfactory nerve says.
It says, alert, alert, alert, and alarms are going.
And I'm right here living in a growth belt with every type of agriculture you can imagine all around me.
And then all the normal allergies, all the normal pollens compile on top of that.
I'm breathing pesticides in, not, of course we're breathing regular pesticides too, from all the exterminators everywhere and all the toxic fertilizers and all the stuff in the water.
I mean that's all real environmental crises.
The New World Order are masters, ladies and gentlemen, at misdirection.
They've got you with your religion.
You're going to go to the rock concerts and feel good.
I mean, even if you don't really believe in man-made global warming, you know, your girlfriend's going to believe in it.
Your boyfriend's going to believe in it.
They're going to want to go to the big concerts coming up in the seventh month of this year in every major city.
You're going to want to go pay $50 to get in that goes for more brainwashing that we need a global tax and go into the global government's coffers with all the big movie stars and
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
Hey, I'm a lot less worried about the fluoride and the cracking of the molecule chains, which is very toxic.
And I don't like them to happen in the water, and it's a big problem.
But compared to... Franken... Franken-dust everywhere!
Pesticide everywhere!
I mean, no, it's not... I mean, you know, we gotta get... I know I said I'd go to your calls, but I've been wanting to talk about this.
I mean, these... The globalists are just laughing at us.
So you better get informed on that and you better get involved.
And real environmentalists and conservationists out there, stop giving money to Nature Conservancy and Sierra Club.
All they do is go around grabbing land.
They are criminals.
They are horrible people.
They're land barons.
It's a joke.
And they make you think you're doing something about the environment.
And all you slack-jawed hippies that get in my face and you're all holier than thou.
You don't know your head from the hole in the ground.
And I'm tired of you
I've analyzed what you do and you spend about 5% of your time on GMO and serious issues.
Now deep down you know the truth.
You go and stuff your face and go look for organic stuff for yourself.
But, you know, I don't see you picketing outside the schools telling them don't eat GMO foods, don't have GMO BT corn, just one species that has pesticide in it.
I don't see you doing anything real.
You just run around and steal people's property and, you know, hopefully get little patronage, little peerage jobs out of it.
And you need to be slapped upside your face.
Because... I just can't believe what scum you are.
I just... I just... Because, again, you're really bad.
You're not just a dumb public.
You're out there thinking you're doing something and you're actually having your energies used to set up a world tax so these killers can really nail us to the wall.
We'll talk to Collier in Australia, Canada, everywhere when we get back.
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Alright, thanks for holding.
I want to go right to your calls.
I'm even going to dispense with plugging the documentary films on the online video and bookstore at Infowars.com.
That is kind of a plug, isn't it?
Let's go to Sean in Australia, then we'll go to many others.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call, mate.
Listen, you've been on fire in the last few weeks.
It's been really great.
I called you up a few weeks ago and you were pretty upset through that whole period and I know it's been terrible, the stuff that's been going on, the perversion and the treatment of children and all the sorts of things that have been going on and it's all tied in with the way that they think they can manipulate our minds with this fear and they'll never get to our souls though, mate.
They'll never get to our souls.
But I wanted to tell you about something that I didn't notice on PrisonPlanet.com.
This was a story on Raiders News and it was titled, Experts Warn Terrorists Could Launch Nuclear Attack on the U.S.
Well, I did see that about a week ago.
I mean, the experts are always saying, we're gonna be nuked, we're gonna be hit, give up all your rights.
Yeah, now this guy, the two experts were Sidney Drell, CFR, and Robert Gallucci.
That's Carlisle, that's the former head of the Carlisle Group.
Yeah, he was the one that put in, what was his name, his name was?
Yeah, Douglas.
Yeah, and now I don't know what you know on William Cooper, but he goes into all of the disclosure, you know, like the secretive Thai technology and stuff, and he had said in his, what his research had found was that the New World Order plans were
To disrupt any disclosure would be through a nuclear attack.
Their contingency plan would be that if the information started to become public, or should any information get close to being widely available, they called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an atomic weapon.
It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city.
Martial law would be declared and all persons with implants would be rounded up, blah blah blah, all these sorts of things.
When you look at this article that Drell and Gallucci are featuring, this is their warnings to Congress too, they had said things like that Al Qaeda could launch a massive attack
And I'll tell you what's scary.
The CFR board, but at that time chaired by Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, put out a report 11 months before 9-11 saying that there'd be attacks on New York, big attacks, and then they called for Homeland Security.
And they love to basically openly brag about what's going to happen.
Yes, the cards are on the table.
It is in the game.
They are seriously considering detonating atomic weapons in this country.
Now what's frightening is how, like you mentioned, they love dates.
And here they are looking at this 7-7-7, you know, silly thing about global warming.
It's a frightening prospect that they could utilize that type of placid public
At those sorts of times.
I mean, if we can preempt it by pointing out their stupid, futile plans, then let's do it.
But the truth is, this is how crazy they are.
And then he goes on to say in this article, she said that one of the comments that Gallucci made was,
We will be telling them in advance that we will treat them as though they were the one who launched the attack and they should expect devastating retaliation now.
Yeah, what they're going to do is, and they may well, very well may, and this is what the CFR is saying, detonate a bomb, claim that Iran gave it to Hezbollah, or something like that, and then they've been saying that.
That's what the neocons say every day.
I tell you Iran's going to give the nuke to Hezbollah.
They're going to nuke us.
And so they get to nuke us, the globalists get to set up a police state when they did it, and then they get to go attack their enemies.
Yeah, and then Gallucci's written this article in a journal of the Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science that was titled, Averting Nuclear Catastrophe.
Yeah, I did see that a few weeks ago.
Why don't you email it to Aaron at Infowars.com right now or I'll just try to Google search it and pull that up and we'll get that reposted.
I did have that in the stack.
Was it like a week or two ago?
Maybe three weeks?
I don't remember.
It was a while back.
Alright, we'll be right back with the Checkin' Hour.
More of your calls and a special guest.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got a special guest coming up in the next segment, Daniel Sunjata.
Talk about 9-11.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
I just want to make the point that during the one minute breakup, as the last hour ended, I was thinking, I'm on the air calmly talking about CFR reports that are saying we're going to have Al Qaeda hit us with nukes.
Before the 2004 election, Dick Cheney told U.S.
News and World Report, quote, we will be nuked by the election.
So it doesn't mean they're always going to do it.
I mean, they love to scaremonger, but sometimes the threats they put out is exactly what they carry out, and then blame on these shadowy, imaginary enemies.
And they get to have their cake and eat it, too.
They get to, who says you can't?
In tyranny, you do.
I guess for a while, you can go on for a long time.
Go on for a long time.
But sooner or later, God's going to cut you down.
And they get to carry out the attacks, play the part of the savers and the heroes, set up the domestic police state, launch the wars.
It's unbelievable wickedness, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's talk to Joe in Pittsburgh.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
What's up, man?
I called your show last Friday, and I advertised my Craigslist posting for the truth group that's forming here that I'm trying to put together.
And we had a decent response.
I just wanted to take the opportunity to try to get more people involved and to go to Craigslist, Pittsburgh.
I'm going to tell you about philosophy, though.
I let people call in and do whatever they want, but I like it when people call in and talk about a subject and then put a plug in.
Also, if it becomes habitualized continually, it will make stations turn off the show.
About seven or eight years ago, my show just turned into, hey, I've got a tractor for sale.
We're good to go.
I just don't have the personnel to do it.
But can you imagine, though, if it's just kind of every week, hey man, here's my plug for my Craigslist, whereas I want you to meet and set up a 9-11 Truth Group.
I'm so busy covering news and trying to go to your calls and trying to cover the key stuff, I haven't even plugged the last two days that there's a big 9-11 conference tomorrow and Sunday here in Austin.
But go ahead.
Well, I'd like to say our first meeting is going to be coming up soon here.
We're trying to get everybody together for that, and what we're trying to do is, as part of the TruthAction.org, what they're advocating is an action on the 11th of every month, and it's a perfect opportunity for us.
We're going to go to Latrobe, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles east of Pittsburgh, and the Lord and Emperor George W. Bush is going to be speaking at St.
Vincent's College that day for
We're going to mobilize and videotape and pass out DVDs and flyers for all the media that want to get their pictures of the Lord.
We're going to have banners present, so hopefully we'll get that on the media.
I like the way you put it.
Our Supreme Defender, the Great Defender.
What's the date of that again?
That is May 11th.
And that's going to be where in Pennsylvania?
Latrobe, Pennsylvania at St.
Vincent's College.
Alright, good job my friend.
And listen, I'm not criticizing you.
It's just I've even had calls with people on air going, hey I got a website where I sell your videos but I don't borrow them from you.
And then they're, you know, it's $5 for all of them.
We won't even be here if that continues.
But I don't even have time to stop those people, plus it's not good quality and it's all just burnt on there.
You know, it's a catch-22.
I'm like, hey, make copies of my videos.
Do whatever you want with them.
Uh, and then, but then there's the catch-22 of, my gosh, I can't even allow the promotion on my show of that.
You know, of, of, oh, here they are for free at this place, you know, or, or, here they are for, it's just, sometimes it becomes mind-boggling.
I get emails like, why do you got advertisers on your website?
You shouldn't even do that!
Uh, we wouldn't be here, ladies and gentlemen, unless somebody wants to give us a big endowment.
Tell you what, big enough endowment, I'll stop selling everything.
I will give it out for free.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
We're now about 8 minutes and 45 seconds into this second hour.
We will have open phones throughout this hour, into the next hour.
I have a huge stack of important news I'll be covering.
I guess about three weeks ago I learned that Mr. Franchi here on the Genesis Network, who does a show a couple nights a week on the Genesis World Report, had interviewed another celebrity who had gone public on 9-11 being an inside job, Daniel Sunjata.
And I don't watch a lot of television, but I had once or twice actually seen the television show because it's very popular.
One of the most popular on cable, on FX, Rescue Me.
The star of Rescue Me.
And he plays the fireman Franco on the program.
And he's had a lot of other roles, of course, in television and movies.
But the point is, he has the courage to go public on 9-11.
You know, frankly, Kurt Vonnegut didn't
It was never clear if Kurt Vonnegut wanted his views on 9-11 to be public, so I didn't make his full views that have been relayed to me and through him to me on 9-11.
We put a story out yesterday about was Kurt Vonnegut a 9-11 truther.
The headline probably should have been, Kurt Vonnegut was a 9-11 skeptic.
I found out that he'd seen my films by one of his business partners, his associate.
Then I got in contact with him.
I sent him more of my films per request.
And Kurt Vonnegut then sent me a signed, you know, one of his lithograph paintings of the open birdcage, you know, the freedom of the mind, I guess, or freedom of the soul is what it symbolizes, he said.
Or just, you know, freedom.
And, you know, hand signed.
And I just felt like, you know, the guy died two days ago, it was public yesterday, and that's important historically.
I mean, he said the only difference between Bush, this is an exact quote,
The only difference between Bush and Hitler is that Hitler was elected, and he was elected the President, and then he became President and Chancellor, abolished those offices for the office of the Fuhrer.
When von Hindenburg died, he became the Chancellor as well.
So, yes, bottom line, Kurt Vonnegut, another, you know, just an icon, was investigating 9-11, and I can tell you knew that it certainly wasn't what we were told.
But I'm going to leave it at that, because some of that stuff that was relayed to me was private.
But we deserve to know that, so I'm going to leave it at that.
There were a few skeptics on the message board going, what are you doing?
What are you posting this for?
You know, so you claim he sent you this letter, and he sent you this little picture, this hand sign.
Oh, I bet.
Well, folks, I mean, it's really true that James Brolin's gone public on 9-11, and Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen.
And frankly, if I told you the people that I know personally that know about 9-11, it even dwarfs those huge celebrities.
Of the top five biggest people in Hollywood, I personally talked to three of the biggest, okay, who've known for years it's an inside job, but they're not going to go public, and I'm not going to blow their cover.
But I'm going to shut up about that.
Daniel Sanjata has incredible courage and he joins us now via cell phone.
Are you in Chicago or Los Angeles?
I'm actually in New York City right now.
Thanks for listening for three minutes while I babble.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, about your TV show, why you like playing the fireman, some of the easy stuff up front, and then how you woke up to 9-11 and what you think happened and what the repercussions have been of going public.
Well, there really haven't been too many repercussions at this point, Alex.
I think I'm a small enough fish in the pond that my coming out publicly about 9-11 being an inside job has not created any tremendous seismic disturbances.
I did want to say, though, I think it really is getting to a point where it's... I don't know the quote exactly.
I've heard you say it many, many times, though, that, you know, and I'm hoping that you can repeat it for my benefit, maybe for the benefit of your audience members who might also not remember it.
Something about when a patriot first speaks out, it's something that's dangerous.
Sure, sure.
It's Mark Twain.
I usually flummox it myself, but, I mean, the full quote is,
A patriot in the beginning is a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
That was my point.
Amen to that.
I think it really is getting to the point where it's, I wouldn't say it's getting to the point where it maybe costs nothing to be a patriot, but it certainly seems like it's getting to that very critical tipping point where speaking out about 9-11 truth is something that's becoming almost popular to do.
And I don't know what exactly it is.
You know, it's almost like I'm watching this huge dam that seems like it should have broken about three, four months ago.
And maybe when loose change hits theaters this summer, maybe if we can finally get a very public platform for people like Professor Stephen Jones.
Uh, yourself, other people who have come out publicly, Rosie, Charlie, to actually talk about these issues.
Maybe then, maybe then it'll, the dam will completely break and it'll become, we'll have an opportunity to really debate the actual facts of and points of contention in a public arena.
That's what I'm really hoping for.
In terms of my background,
You know, I'm just, again, I'm a small fish in the pond.
I'm just, I'm a working actor in New York City.
The only reason why I felt like me speaking out may possibly be important in any way is because I happen to be representing, me and the other guys on the show, we're representing these heroes, these men and women who died that day and who risk their lives daily doing a job that most of us do not have the courage to do.
And my moral conscience just wouldn't let me, would not let me remain silent considering the grave importance of this particular issue.
Well, I wouldn't call you a small fish, but I would say this.
I mean, I'm a nobody, but we're all a somebody at the same time.
And it is courage for a school teacher that goes public, or a professor, or a police officer, or a fighter pilot, or somebody with one of the most highly rated TV shows on cable.
I mean, you're not a small fish.
It does take courage.
And you're right that it's getting a little bit safer for people to go public.
I just wish that some of the really huge names
I'm not sure.
I mean, there's just so much going on.
This is do or die.
I mean, these globalists, I mean, they may set off a nuke, they could start a new war, they could release bird flu.
I mean, you can't put anything past them.
Give me your response or your angle on what I just said there.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, I really do think that it's crucial, especially before the 2008 elections.
I mean, I've heard your predictions and I've heard predictions from other pretty credible experts who are very good at kind of analyzing the weather patterns, so to speak, and being able to... You predicted 9-11.
Other people are now saying that, you know, we're militarizing the area right around the borders of Iran.
And all of the same indicators are present that were present before 9-11 for some kind of terrible, terrible event.
And I think that unless, I agree with you, that unless we call enough attention to 9-11, unless we're able to bring this out into a public form of debate, it's very possible that we could see another false flag event or any excuse that would give Bush and his administration a reason to declare a national state of emergency would then plunge us into, you know, it would just plunge us into a horrible, horrible time in human history.
And I think it's still possible to stop it.
I want to believe that.
I'm an optimist.
I would like to believe so anyway.
What response have you gotten from people, A, in the whole Hollywood slash New York, Chicago scene?
What response have you gotten from just the general public?
And then, when you're talking to people, and I would imagine you warn them and make the same points you just made here, of, hey, we've got to get the word out now.
Hey, do you know about false flag terror?
What do your colleagues say when you talk to them?
Well, you know, it's interesting.
There are a couple of my colleagues, people that I actually worked with on Rescue Me, who at first were, you know, they listened to some of the information, they tried to, you know, their knee-jerk response was to start offering some excuses.
Well, couldn't it have been that, and maybe it was this, and wouldn't everybody have had to have been in on it?
What are you telling me, the whole government is in on this conspiracy?
Um, but after looking at the information a little bit more carefully, uh, soberly kind of comparing the inconsistencies that are being highlighted by very credible experts, uh, to the official story and what we have been told, uh, now there are a number, a number of them who are starting to, who have come to me privately and are voicing, uh, their very deep concerns.
About 9-11.
Some of these people are firefighters who work with us every day on the show.
A couple of these people are actors who work with us on the show.
But in my personal life, you know, some of the stuff that I've been doing aside from going on Lone Lantern and Resistance Radio and now coming on your show, has been just hitting the streets.
Just hitting the streets with leaflets, with DVDs, copies of Loose Change, or 9-11 Mysteries, or Terror Storm, and just, you know, passing out the information.
Couple sometimes you know here in New York City it's almost like you a lot of times you feel like you're preaching to the choir when you're expressing these kind of views not necessarily about 9-11 but you know it's a it is a very blue state but moving past the left-right paradigm I think that a lot of people are
Are very concerned about 9-11, don't really know, haven't taken the time to actually educate themselves.
I haven't gotten into any verbal arguments on the street with people.
I haven't been attacked by anybody as I've been passing out the information.
Actually, most of the responses that I get are sometimes people just don't take the information and say, yeah, I know already, or yeah, we're aware of it.
You know, it kind of varies.
It varies.
Stay there, stay there Daniel.
Daniel Sanjata is our guest.
We're honored to have him.
Just an amazing person, whether he wants you to know that or not, it's true.
A lot of courage.
One more individual charging the machine gun nest to try to stop these monsters, ladies and gentlemen, who are absolutely bloodthirsty and completely ruthless.
They must be met with force of information.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Friday the 13th, but that's a lucky day for 9-11 Truth.
Daniel Sanjata is our guest, and of course he is the main star, the big star on the FX hit program, Rescue Me.
Continuing, talking to your friends, what's the response that you're getting?
I've been getting more candid responses from people, you know, that I'm not approaching, let's say, at work, or strangers that I'm approaching on the street.
You know, from friends and family, the response has been less self-censored, shall we say.
Definitely, you know, most of them are completely on board once I actually point out the inconsistencies with the official story, or at least the ones that I've been able to memorize so far.
I mean, there's so many, so many thousands of them.
You know, I also wanted to say, Alex, that I think it is actually perfect for people who happen to have a lot of baggage, let's just say, or maybe the way that they've lived their lives.
It might be preventing them from actually coming out publicly about 9-11 because they're worried about ad hominem attempts at character assassination.
I mean, one of the reasons, for instance, and you pointed this out maybe a week or two ago when Rosie first came out, it's perfect, it's absolutely perfect that she came out.
Because they're going to, obviously, their MO is instead of addressing the actual points that she is trying to, that she's addressing, they will attack you on your past, on the fact that you happen to be maybe a celebrity and therefore why should you even open your mouth about anything of consequence.
That is actually a perfect entree for us to redirect and to say, well, why is it every time we say something about partially evaporated steel columns in the wreckage of Building 7 or, you know, the law of falling bodies and how can buildings collapse at free-fall speed, why every time we bring up some piece of credible science, why do you say something about the fact that, you know, so-and-so happens to be, you know,
Leading an alternative lifestyle, you know, as gay or lesbian, or why do you attack me because of the fact that I used to do drugs and run around town with bunches of women, as they've done in various cases with other people who've come out in the past.
So, you know, it really just makes them look complicit in an obvious cover-up.
It doesn't lend any credibility to their denial.
No, you're right.
I mean, they can't help it, and it blows up completely in their face.
But first off, I'm really honored to find out you're a listener.
I didn't do any pre-interviews, never talked to you before, until you came on, Daniel, and I... Oh, Alex, I'm a huge fan.
I'm a huge fan of yours.
Well, that just humbles me because it always shocks me how many people tune into this show to hear me bumble around in my redneck fashion.
But thank you so much, my friend.
But no, you're absolutely right that
They ignore it when physicists and scientists and underwriting laboratory engineers who underwrote the buildings come out and say it's a fraud and impossible and a hoax, because they have to.
But still, they take the bait on celebrities because they can't ignore it.
They blow it up.
They try to chill free speech, and then that blows up in their face.
I mean, just at certain levels, this New World Order is really incompetent.
Yeah, they really are.
They really are.
And I think it's that they're operating just on, you know, a really, really old paradigm.
That's it.
That's it.
In terms of, you know, in terms of controlling the public mind.
These are tactics that used to work, but they're not taking into account the telescoping of evolution and the fact that the human species is now beyond the point of their old methods of control.
And before they're able to come up with something new to control the public mind, hopefully we're going to be able to crack this thing wide open and make sure that it never happens again.
And it's really just gotten away from them.
I mean, they've got a lot of geniuses and high-tech people in their technocracy that I know are giving them new ways to control us, but these old elites are still making the decisions.
I mean, literally, folks, and I'm not knocking old people, old people are great, but it's like 85-year-olds, and I mean, Prince Bernhard was running most of this out of the Netherlands, died a few years ago at 93, and was still calling a lot of shots.
At Bilderberg.
Henry Kissinger every week's been at the White House, it turns out, for six years, literally running things with George Shultz.
I mean, Kissinger's almost 90.
George Shultz, I think, is over 90.
I mean, I'm sorry, folks.
We're gonna kick their butt!
That's the truth.
I mean, Alex, how are they marginalizing?
How is it that they're able to prevent the opinions of people like Robert Bowman, Ray McGovern, Kevin Ryan, David Shaler, Stephen Jones?
How are they able to keep such credible, expert opinions completely marginalized?
It's something that's hard.
I work in the media, and it's hard for me to fathom how they can ignore what these people are saying.
I can understand them ignoring me.
I can understand them ignoring maybe even Rosie or Charlie or whoever.
But when you have people who are obviously in the know, you have retired Air Force pilots, people who train the top guns, who are coming out and saying 9-11 was an inside job, and CNN, BBC, none of the major media news outlets are even giving this, you know, giving it even a moment of attention.
How is that possible?
You know what, when we get back, I'll try to give you my take on it, and I'll get your take, and we'll also take some calls.
And Daniel Senjata is our guest.
He is the star of the hit TV show on FX, Rescue Me.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and this is the GCN Radio Network.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're good to go.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Wow, this is a really great interview.
I enjoyed getting the perspectives and talking to Daniel Samjata, who again has the hit TV show, one of the stars, one of the most popular stars up there on the hit TV show that's on FX, Rescue Me, where he plays the part of a firefighter.
And they're in New York, I guess, producing the TV show.
They have a chance to talk to a lot of the firefighters in New York, and I had this experience when I was in New York at several different memorial services over several different anniversaries, and I've been there to cover the RNC as well.
And four years ago or so, about half the cops really hated us, and a lot of the firefighters said, yeah, we know something's going on, but we don't know if it's an inside job.
Now that's totally flipped, where the majority of the firefighters...
Literally, we're going, oh yeah, we know, and telling us all these facts and statistics and numbers.
Most of the cops knew my name.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
Keep it up!
And then they'd turn away and smile at us.
I mean, it was amazing.
That's why I'm going to go back this sixth anniversary on 9-11.
We're just going to have spontaneous demonstrations there on the morning of 9-11.
Hope to see you all there, and I'm sure there'll be more events as well as that develops.
Daniel, what were we talking about before we went to break?
There was some point and then you got cut off by the break?
Yeah, I was just wondering, Alex, I mean, with your intimate knowledge of the way that the media works, and the way that they try to manufacture consent-bound debate, etc., etc., how is it possible that they're marginalizing the opinions of such credible experts as, you know, Robert Bauman, Ray McGovern, and the list goes on?
I mean, people who actually are in the know, and whose opinions should be listened to.
Again, I said before we went to the break, I can understand them ignoring somebody like me,
Well, Operation Mockingbird, number one, because
Going back to the 50s, we have the CIA documents where they brag about how they already controlled almost all the major newspapers.
All you've got to do is have the editor of the New York Times, the editor of the Washington Post,
Or the sub-editors at those key papers.
You'll have a whole nest of them.
Key people inside CNN.
I mean, at Fox, it's open.
You've got, on the board of directors, Viet Dinh, who wrote the first Patriot Act and contributed to torture memos.
I mean, at Fox, it's just open.
You've got Tony Snow with the revolving door as the White House Press Secretary, former Fox contributor.
He co-hosts the Rush Limbaugh program.
You've got fellow travelers with the elite system on the left and the right who are all controlled by the same private corporate structures.
Then you've got CIA.
Then you've got thousands of top reporters.
We're good.
After he got out of the military from the Defense Department in a CIA contract to go around talking about how martial law is coming, but you know that's what we have to have.
It's too bad.
I mean, that's chilling, folks.
They paid him to go out and say that on all these TV shows.
And at the time I said, that guy's a spook.
Then I saw him on the cover of Cigar Aficionado, you know, wearing CIA cufflinks.
I mean, it's a big joke to these people.
And they think it's all real funny.
And then you've got others who just don't even really consciously think about it.
Hey, Armstrong Williams, we want you to take $240-something thousand dollars just to go say as a black conservative that you're for Head Start, which is really just a big government program to CPS the kids.
Sounds good, you know, to help the kids, but still it's big government.
Why is Bush doing it?
Well, it's corporate welfare.
It's control.
But the point is, that's the lighter end of it.
I mean, $1.8 billion just in fake news for the prescription drug program.
I added up, just propaganda, in the first four years of his administration, the contracts we can find.
Almost $25 billion in fake news.
Brother, that's how they're doing it.
But when a star comes out, they know that they can't contain that, even in the alternative media or in some of the B-tier and C-tier tabloids.
So they go ahead and try to use that as kind of a cultural zeitgeist to demonize it because they know there's a subconscious envy and general hatred in the public, a love-hate relationship of anyone who's a celebrity.
And so they try to act, you know, it's kind of like the thing with Imus.
I hate Imus, don't like Imus.
He certainly should have probably had some repercussions, I don't know of this much.
But again, everybody kind of likes it because, oh, he's rich, let's get him.
So, I mean, it's hard to even describe how this whole thing, you know, is this big cauldron that kind of mixes together.
But basically, it's being steered by, and of course the big corporate chiefs, a lot of them may have an editor under them who's CIA.
They're not CIA, they're members of the CFR, where they all just get on the same, because they have so many intersecting agendas in their empires that they have to get together and basically try to steer everything.
That's kind of a nutshell.
Give me your take.
You know, to be honest, the reason why I asked you, Alex, is because I really am having a hard time understanding, and it's hard for me to conceive how, you know, without the inside knowledge that you have, as I said, of the way that the inner workings of the media, Operation Mockingbird and the like,
It's just hard for me to conceive of how people whose opinions are so informed, people who actually served and worked in the system.
If you have people with that kind of a pedigree who are at least raising questions, at the very least they're raising questions, and in the most extreme cases they're actually pointing fingers.
The American free press needs to be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
The fact that they can just ignore these things, or if they do address them, address them in such an obviously biased and twisted way, really just, this is, to me, this is an eye-opener, because I really, I was aware of the, you know, the manufacturer of consent, borrowing a title from Noam Chomsky.
I know you're not a big fan of his, and I'm starting to have serious questions about him myself now.
Well no, I read two of his books, I watched one of his videos, I read a lot of his papers.
Tells me 95% truth, but then gives me false solutions.
You know, the UN is going to save us.
Well, I'm sure there are good people at the UN who mean well at the mid-level and the low-level.
It's like the Red Cross.
I'm not against the Red Cross itself.
There are good people in it.
The leadership is corrupt, and knowingly collected blood with AIDS and hepatitis in it, and knowingly sold it for blood products, you know, and knowingly steals a lot of the money for themselves.
Noam Chomsky puts out a lot of good info.
It's just that when it comes to 9-11, I've got a clip of him.
He said, so what?
Even if it's true, so what?
Well, what is he talking about?
I saw that.
That was a jaw-dropper.
I couldn't believe he said that.
Because, I mean, I had read a number of his books.
I had seen his most famous documentary, Manufacturing Consent, and some others.
And once I started doing my own 9-11 research, immediately I was like, oh, I wonder what Noam Chomsky has to say about this.
He's probably going to have something scintillating, something penetrating to say about it.
And to hear him say that it doesn't matter, I mean, I was like, what?
Does he really mean that?
Who does this guy work for?
Whose book am I reading?
He knows 9-11 truth threatens the entire structure and you see the left, a lot of these guys that are elitist but they delude themselves so they can sleep with themselves at night so they can get rest so they don't feel guilty.
Well, yeah, there is always an elite, but we need a loving, guided, you know, kind of Plato elite that understands, and then they just argue over who's going to run the power levers, you see.
Well, you know, I think that's one of the reasons why it's really important that we have people like you doing the work you're doing.
Other people that you often mention on your show, Gary Franchi at Lone Lantern, Mark Dice with his Resistance Radio, Aaron Russo coming out and making these very important films.
I mean, it really is important that people, as you've said a number of times, stop waiting for orders from headquarters and just join this leaderless resistance of spreading the truth.
I mean, 9-11 is a watershed issue for so many reasons, not the least of which is the larger issues towards which it points.
Uh, and it's a perfect, you know, they really left themselves overexposed here.
They really, really did with this particular thing.
I think their hubris got the best of them, and we now, you know, it's that proverbial soft spot on the belly of the dragon.
We have to take this opportunity to reveal this horrific truth so that we can then go forward and dismantle all these other horrific truths of which this is but the most obvious precursor.
I totally agree, but there's also a converse, or the reverse of that, or I guess the mirror image of that.
Not only use 9-11 to break up on all the other truths, but if you go, okay, did the government let black men die of, and the evidence shows gave them syphilis when they didn't have enough test subjects, and then allowed them to spread it to literally hundreds of thousands with the Tuskegee experiment over 45 years in Tuskegee, Alabama, and surrounding states.
Did the government radiate tens of thousands of American children in nuclear testing?
Did they know Agent Orange would do this and they still used it?
Did they, in Operation...
Gladio and Gulf of Tonkin and with the USS Liberty and Ajax and Iran.
Did our government stage attacks or claim attacks happen that didn't happen?
You see, there's so many admissions in history where this has already gone on.
That's what I do with my film Terror Storm.
I don't know if you've seen that film, but we start out, Daniel, showing, for those that haven't seen it, showing the admitted examples.
What did you think of Terror Storm?
Oh, I thought it was fantastic.
I mean, you know, one of the reasons why it's so important is that it gives you, it shows the precedent-setting either events or plans that have been made but were not actually carried out, as in the case with Operation Northwood.
It just speaks to, you know, the types of minds that we are dealing with, the kind of things that they will either do or that they will entertain doing in order to advance an agenda.
And it does not stop short of murdering civilians.
It does not stop short of attacking soft targets.
You know, as you say, firefighters carrying dead children in their arms, as in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing, is something that does get the public really, really upset and willing to do almost anything to protect what they perceive to be security.
So you've looked at Oklahoma.
What's your view on that?
Um, you know, I don't want to... I actually have not done even a tenth of the research on the Oklahoma City bombing as I have done on 9-11, so I'm afraid I can't really speak with any real, you know, with a very informed opinion on that.
But you've got questions.
Oh, serious questions.
Serious questions.
I mean, starting with the...
Following the pattern that I, uh, the path that I took with 9-11, I started in the Oklahoma City bombing, uh, my research regarding that with, um, just the physical inconsistencies, the physical evidence.
You know, how does a truck filled with fertilizer, uh, you know, create the kind of damage that you saw there in the wreckage of the Oklahoma City bombing?
Uh, what about, uh, I don't remember the woman, her name, but you've mentioned that there's a woman who worked in the building who saw these guys dressed up in, you know, uh,
I don't know, hazmat suits or something with sticks of grey butter?
Yeah, James.
Byron Graham.
You know, again, I haven't done a lot of research into that, but it sounds just as suspicious in many of the very same ways.
You can see the same fingerprints all over that job as we find all over the 9-11 inside.
Well, the point I made yesterday is really elementary, but it needs to be made again.
I mean, a lot of us don't consciously think about the different mindset of the military leadership, and that's definitely the type of MO, the type of individuals we're talking about.
I mean, they'll send 10-20,000 troops into a battle, into a position that's untenable or undefended, just to suck in the enemy to attack them.
I mean, that's just a 101.
No guilt goes into it.
No thought goes into it.
No remorse goes into it.
It's a no-brainer.
It's military tactics.
It's what you do in big battle settings.
And so, for that same mindset, those same individuals,
Yeah, yeah.
It really is, even at this point for me, such a hard pill to swallow.
But, you know, no matter how much there's a certain part of me that reacts against this dawning knowledge, I cannot ignore.
Well, that's number one, because your subconscious, and the same with me, I'm not saying you're afraid, but your subconscious senses the danger, and you pull back from the flame.
That the only way to defeat this flame is to grab it and smother it, and it's going to hurt at first, but we're going to be consumed by it if we don't.
So we've got to just grapple with it.
And then secondarily, you wouldn't behave like that.
That isn't in your code.
That isn't in your heart and soul.
And so it's just so alien.
But I mean, it's alien to think that Ted Bundy would convince young women to get in a car with him so he could go tie them down and bite chunks out of them for five hours before he raped them and killed them.
You know, it's really hard to believe that there are people out there in the world like that, and you don't want to believe that they have their hands
On the reins of power of your country.
But that is the horrible reality to which we are waking up.
But for them, it isn't the enjoyment of biting the chunks out.
I mean, certainly some of them have that same mindset.
It's just cold-blooded.
You know, we always sacrifice people.
There's too many of them anyways, you know.
Yeah, exactly.
According to some people.
Well, that's their whole religion.
And when you study Prince Bernhard and Philip and all this scum.
Let's take a quick call here.
Let's talk to George.
George, where are you calling us from today?
I'm from Indiana.
Welcome, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Three things on 9-11 I was wondering, or two things on 9-11, then a comment.
Did they ever have any more information on the stolen 9-11 steal, mob or mafia took or something?
Well, I mean, they cut it all up, put GPS trackers on it, wouldn't let the people stop to even have lunch when they took it to the ships, and most of it was taken to China, some to South Korea.
But now they found some in warehouses the government kept for some reason, and we've been able to get samples from those, and that shows that the explosive compounds in there are thermate.
Do you want to comment on that, Daniel?
I don't know much about it.
Actually, it's new information to me.
The fact that they've actually found samples that were kept certainly fits the MO of criminals.
You know, they just can't help themselves.
They have to keep some trinket of their, you know... Trophy.
Yeah, some kind of trophy from the murder.
Yeah, you know, Alex, have those samples that have been found actually, have we been, for example, has Professor Steven Jones been given access to those samples?
Well, let me be clear, there were several sites, there's over 20 of them in the country, one, I'll just tell you, is in Michigan, another's in New Jersey, another's in New York, he's got lots of other samples, and some of them
We've been able to get from inside sources, and we've seen the video tape that they shot of a couple warehouses in New York that does still have some of the steel, and I really can't get into how we're getting this.
I mean, I've just been told this by good sources.
I know doing an autopsy now might be difficult to see if there was thermite or thermate left in a body, but they could resume a dog and do an autopsy on that dog and see if there's thermite in the lung of that dog that had to breathe it.
I'm in court order for that.
There were femur bones blown 100, 200 yards plus.
They found thousands of body parts.
They just found more last week, the week before that.
I mean, bones were being blasted out of bodies.
These explosions were so big.
Again, if a building collapses, number one, it wouldn't fly out hundreds of yards.
Number two, it wouldn't all be burned to a crisp.
And so all there was was little bitty body parts, a few pieces that got
Excuse me even talking about this for family members that listen.
You know, blown across the street.
I mean, it's just like Oklahoma City.
You've got a truck bomb that supposedly blows into the building, but the building blows out and blows chunks of it the opposite direction of the truck bomb's main blast on top of buildings across the street.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's so sloppy how they do this, but again, they count on us
Just buying into all of it.
Thanks for the call.
Rory, you're up next.
We can keep our guests another five minutes into the next segment.
We'll take a few more calls, then let him go.
I've got to get him up again in the near future.
I know he's a very busy individual.
And Daniel Sanjata is his name.
You can check out his TV program right there on the FX Channel on cable.
It's called Rescue Me.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic!
Alarming words for our time!
But how do you protect your family during such a crisis?
The video sheltering in place surviving acts of terrorism from biological, chemical, and radioactive fallout was developed by Wayne LeBaron, a health businesses who has served as a specialist in environmental health, communicable diseases, and has worked as a nuclear specialist for the U.S.
Anyone can follow the simple instructions.
It's presented by a housewife as they walk you step-by-step through the process of preparing your home as a shelter.
If you're not the type who waits till it's too late, then you need the video, Sheltering in Place.
Get the critical information you need now for only $29 plus shipping by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438.
Or order on the web at murkywater.com.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here.
I want you to imagine waking up one morning to find out you've been burglarized.
An intruder has taken your personal possessions.
Credit card numbers, social security cards, banking information, and more, all in the hands of a total stranger.
What's worse is, you realize he got it through your front door, because you left it unlocked.
We're good.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, hopefully, next time I'm up in New York, I'll get a chance to meet Daniel Sanjata in person.
Just, you can tell what a personable and intelligent fella he is.
I just thought I'd throw that out there.
Talk about total pop, ladies and gentlemen.
Daniel, before we take a few final calls, how do folks tune into your television show?
Our show, again, I just want to say, and I know you know this, Alex, I didn't really come on the show to necessarily plug Rescue Me.
Well, why not?
Well, I mean, it's... The show, when we come back on the air, I believe it's Tuesday nights at 9 or 10, and sometimes, you know, listings change, so I would, I guess, tell your viewers to, I guess, check their local listings or what have you.
But, um, you know, I think that it has, in terms of most of what's on television, I think that there's an inherent social relevance to Rescue Me's premise, and I would love to see them address this directly, although, you know, as FX is a subsidiary of Fox, I don't know if that will happen, necessarily.
And you're Rocco on the show, for those who don't know.
Yeah, Franco, Franco, but Franco.
I was going from Franco to Rocco.
It's okay.
Yeah, I don't watch a lot of TV myself.
But yeah, that's when our show comes on, and I just hope that the fact that we're representing these guys on television will lend some, maybe draw somebody's attention.
And if they hear me say something about 9-11 being an inside job, I really hope they'll do their own research, that they'll go to InfoWars.com, that they'll pick up a copy of Terror Storm, or 9-11 Mysteries, or any of the great documentaries that have been made exposing the inside job that 9-11 obviously was.
I totally agree with you.
One last question.
I should ask this before.
When did you wake up to 9-11?
You know, it didn't happen immediately.
You know, my best friend Joey, he actually, on the day, was like, that looked like an inside... He didn't say it looked like an inside job, but he said, these buildings look like those things were brought down by controlled demolition.
He said it from the very beginning, and I was like, no.
I mean, I kind of thought that it was just... I had known... I knew at that point about America's horrific history in terms of our foreign military and economic policy, and I kind of looked at it as chickens coming home to roost, in a certain sense.
Even the targets made sense from that perspective.
But over time, you know, I would hear a little bit of this, I'd hear a little bit of that, and I started, you know, the concern started welling up within me, and I don't remember the exact moment, but it was something about Charlie Sheen having come out publicly, and then, you know, kind of a confluence of circumstances and coincidences.
I also remember you appearing in one of my favorite films by Richard Linklater, Waking Life.
I didn't even know who you were when I saw the film.
Well, what you're telling us
I think so.
And then it was his idea to have the conference.
That got put on C-SPAN four times, built up a big audience by the fourth showing.
All the other things that happened.
And that's now caused Rosie and Ebersole and so many others to go public.
And me.
And Brolin and yourself.
And then now all these pilots and all these CIA people and all these other folks.
There is a mass exodus out of the lie into the truth.
And again, sir, I think you're actually early on in the avalanche that we're going to be seeing.
It looks like an avalanche now, but I assure you, if things continue, it's going to be even bigger.
So, Daniel, I really want to thank you for coming on with us, and I look forward to talking to you again in the near future.
Thank you for having me, Alex, and God bless you for all the work you're doing.
Be well.
God bless you.
Now, I'm going to put you on hold here and give you a phone number here in a second for William Rodriguez, because he would like to talk to you.
Again, thank you, Daniel.
Daniel Sanjato spent an hour with us.
We appreciate it.
Alright, I promise I'll get your calls out of the way.
Been holding a while.
We start the next hour and I'll cover tons of news.
Stay with me.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We were just talking to Daniel Sanjato.
What a first-rate guy.
Really intelligent.
A lot of courage.
That is the operative word.
Let's go right to your phone calls.
Look, I know we've got a lot of you holding for a while, but we're going to go to all of you right now.
Chris and Richard and Ken and Rory and everybody else.
Chris in Canada, if you're still there, welcome to the Airwaves.
Hey, it's incredible when somebody comes forward with the truth.
It's like
Like you've been given a sack of gold or something, you know?
It's wonderful.
It is.
Hey, I just wanted to relate something to you about the depths of government involvement in our personal lives here in Canada, and actually this is happening all over the world.
Sure, tell us about it.
I just had a baby girl two weeks ago, beautiful baby girl, and we had to go to great lengths just to have a natural birth.
The hospital here, the cesarean section rate is 49%.
And a lot of people think that's just normal, you know.
No, that's because they make about five times more money off of it, and it's not needed.
And it's actually caused higher infant mortality and more women to die.
I have the numbers, but they're not going to stop.
And one day, it'll be the law that you've got to have your babies cut out.
Well, I'm glad you're always included, aren't you?
Alex, so we thought we would have a midwife.
And here, the midwives are part of the government program.
My wife would have been transferred.
They had about a 30% cesarean section rate where they shipped her off to the hospital.
She had a two-day labor, which is actually normal.
You know, that's fine.
It was a healthy birth.
We had to get a midwife who was unregistered, who can't call herself a midwife because it's illegal, because that name is now owned by the government.
She delivered a thousand babies.
She was a midwife before that was controlled by the government.
She refused to be regulated.
She went to jail because she took the blood pressure of a
of a mother and the heart rate of a baby.
And so we had to pay her out of pocket.
I mean, you know, here it's socialized medicine, right?
So whatever.
And we had to get somebody who went to jail just to have a natural birth.
It's 95% cesarean section rate in Brazil, in private hospitals, it's going to be that.
It's going in that direction in Australia.
It's just sick and wrong.
And it really hurts your wife, and it also
It brings down the number of children that your wife can have.
After one or two cesareans, they tell you don't have any more.
And it's just an absolute travesty.
But no, I mean, in another generation, they'll say it's an Al-Qaeda lie.
Babies were always removed.
They always had machines that did it.
This is the way... No, I mean, that's how they operate.
They'll say it's Al-Qaeda.
That it's Al-Qaeda.
I mean, I'm being halfway sarcastic, but I'm not really.
They'll say it's Al-Qaeda.
It's a sure Al-Qaeda sign.
No, I don't think so.
That's not how women had babies thousands of years ago.
Another thing is they give women these glucose IVs.
I've got my wife here.
What does that do again?
It raises the blood sugar of the baby, right?
And then it causes the baby's blood sugar to crash when the baby is born.
Then they get to put it in the NICU and suck a tripling out of you.
How can you be 33 years old and have figured all of this out?
No, no, no.
I experienced it with our first child.
I've actually lived it, brother.
Hey, if it wasn't for you, I'd be completely nuts, because this is the only place where people are telling the truth.
Well, not the only place, but one of the few.
Well, we try.
I mean, we don't get it all right, but I appreciate your call.
In fact, here's a correction.
In the first hour, I talked about the Templars being killed in the 15th century.
I immediately said, though, that wasn't right.
I had to get the date.
I knew it was either 12th or 13th.
I don't know why I said 15th.
It was October 13th, 1307, when the Knights Templars were killed by King Philip the Fair, Philip the Bell.
Okay, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic!
Alarming words for our time!
But how do you protect your family during such a crisis?
The video sheltering in place surviving acts of terrorism from biological, chemical, and radioactive fallout was developed by Wayne LeBaron, a health physicist who has served as a specialist in environmental health, communicable diseases, and has worked as a nuclear specialist for the U.S.
Anyone can follow the simple instructions.
It's presented by a housewife as they walk you step-by-step through the process of preparing your home as a shelter.
If you're not the type who waits till it's too late, then you need the video Sheltering in Place.
Get the critical information you need now for only $29 plus shipping by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438.
Or order on the web at murkywater.com.
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Ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Richard, Ken, Rory, Trent, everybody, we're gonna get to your calls.
But I got a rule, if somebody disagrees and he just called in, but
You gotta be fair here.
That's my rule.
They go to the front of the line.
Let's see if he really disagrees.
John in New York.
Go ahead.
Uh, Alex, this is John from New York, and I have to offer some corrective information about the CFR, if I may.
The Council on Foreign Relations.
Go ahead.
The Council on Foreign Relations was started in 1921, and this was a result of the United States Senate refusing to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, and that would have taken the United States into the League of Nations.
Yeah, so what are you... Let me keep going.
And the very first thing that the CFR did was to purchase the policy, not the newspaper itself, but the policy of all the major newspapers in the country
And as media through radio and talking movies and TV evolved, they just got into those avenues as well.
I have two sources that I can offer for documentation of this information, if I'd like to give them, if I may.
Yeah, you've got the floor, but I want to be clear here that we don't disagree about anything.
I mean, people are going to think that I don't agree with what you just said because you've made the spurious claim that you disagree with something.
What specifically do you disagree with me on?
Well, I think it's important when you talk about the CFR in the media, this isn't something that's just evolved in the last few decades.
This is the very first thing that they did.
Well, I didn't say that.
Well, excuse me then, but I want... Well, I don't want you to say excuse me.
We're in agreement, my friend.
What you're saying is all true from what I know.
I mean, I don't know about every policy, but I know they have the heads of every major media institution already.
That's who the British intelligence helped set it up, because the League of Nations with Woodrow Wilson's and Mandelhaus' plan failed.
And they've written about it themselves, and they admit it.
They're in control of the big five, really big four now, media conglomerates and every major newspaper.
And I said the corporate good old boys in the CFR, because of their intersecting interest, that's why they set that up.
And they set it up to control things, to consolidate things further, and that's sure enough happened.
I totally agree with you.
I mean, that's an absolute... I think it's important that people understand that this happened all the way back in 1921, and that's when the process started.
It didn't just happen, you know, like I said, in the last few decades.
And that's really the point that I wanted to make, so that people understand how far this has gone back.
Well, what you ought to do, and I'm serious because you are very knowledgeable,
Is write up a two-page article with the basic facts, with a good headline, email it to Aaron at Infowars.com, email it to Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
We need more content.
We need more information.
We'll scan your article and if it's good material, and frankly, the stuff you send us is good material, but A, most of it we get, we don't have permission to post by you, we just get it.
B, you know, you haven't slapped a headline on it, so we don't want to do that for you because it's your words.
Let me just tell you something.
I go to dig every day, and we're going to set up our own message boards and stuff.
I just want something really good.
I don't want to just launch some junk.
So people email us, tell us what you think we ought to set up, what we ought to have.
We're doing all that right now.
But to make a long story short, I go to, because we link to Digg, and then people go and post on the message board and try to vote our stories up, but we're banned from Digg being in the top, so it doesn't matter if we get 5,000, we're not allowed to be in the top, it's censored, but still, we don't care, we're infesting Digg, people are going to find the material.
But I read, like, five-page posts, basically, or one-page posts, of eloquent, intelligent, well-spoken, just incredible stuff, much better than I!
I mean, let me just stop you, because I'm saying something here.
I mean, just amazing stuff.
I mean, incredible writers.
The wit, the turn of phrase, the connections, the research, and only a few thousand people are reading those posts.
You need to write that up for us, ladies and gentlemen.
You need to send it to us and authorize us to post it as stories, because then millions will read it.
I'm telling you, the stuff I see on message boards,
It's either you're a bunch of idiots who need to die and go to FEMA camps, or, you know, sophomoric-level idiocy, or it's genius-level writing.
And I guess those people posting must not be listening to the show, because, you know, I've been putting this call out and I'm not getting stories from these people.
Send them to us.
Sorry, you go ahead now.
The only other thing I'd like to do is offer these two sources of information that I have, if that's okay with you.
Sure, take your time, go ahead.
Okay, the first is a book
And the title is called The Shadows of Power, and the author is James Pirloff.
The second is a video that is narrated by John McManus of the JBS, and both of the book and the video are available through the bookstore at JBS.
And people who are really interested in discovering and learning about the evolution of the CFR, and they're the most
Horrible organization in the country.
Need to get those two books, or that book and that video and they can get right to it.
Sure, I appreciate your call.
Since we've had endless plugs for other books and videos today, I think we're going to even exist and be here.
You know, I've had McManus on, I've been nice to him, but they've sniped at me and they've never retracted it like they said they were going to do.
And they shoot their mouth off about me on radio shows.
I'm just going to tell you right now, the JBS is a suspect organization.
And I reserved judgment on it.
I said I'd wait and see what they were going to do and if they were going to retract things.
And I've seen a little bit towards that with them saying, yeah, now they question 9-11.
But I want to see retractions about some stuff that was said about me a few years ago.
I haven't seen that yet.
I was the one assaulted by them that I had McManus on this show and then I've seen further stuff after it.
Now, I think the JBS members are great people.
And I think the JBS members are doing yeoman's work and the JBS is helping a couple states now have passed resolutions against the North American Union and so I've got mixed feelings about them.
And then I get beat up by other talk show hosts on this very network because I won't come out in a jihad or
I guess the word could be crusade against the JBS, which I think would be destructive.
I'm not into infighting, folks.
It's not my MO.
But I've gotten to the point in my life where I just don't like to hold back on people anymore.
I mean, I'll be frank with you.
And if somebody hits me, knocks me upside the head, I'm going to say something back to them.
But we need to stop sniping at other patriots.
And we need to all work together.
And that's what I've tried to do, bearing the hatchet, when I've been hacked in the head, you know, with the leadership of the JBS.
And I've seen some encouraging things happen, but I've also seen some discouraging things.
But yes, I've read that book by Perloff, and I've seen the video.
We put it on AXS TV a few years ago.
Bunch of videos they made.
They're excellent.
Of course, I plug them all the time.
Probably, you know, sold thousands of videos for them.
What do I get in return?
Absolutely squat.
But that's what I'm here for.
I'm here to be used and drugged to the mud, because I don't care.
I literally am, folks.
I'm here to get a job done, and I don't care if I'm in the gutter.
And I've spent two hours in
15 minutes and 52 seconds and I haven't really plugged my films yet.
I'm going to spend 60 seconds now because I want to go to your calls and cover news and I've literally got a giant stack of incredible important news here and I'm going to attempt to cover it.
Then I'll be back Sunday on the radio 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Live and you can listen to me on KLBJ 590 from Southern Oklahoma down to Mexico and there's, I don't know, like 15 other affiliates picking us up.
A few more have been calling wanting to pick it up.
So it's a pretty successful little show for just starting off.
You know, we need your support.
I put my films out for free on Google Video.
I mean, I actually upload the film for free there.
You can see it in better quality.
It looks a lot better, a lot clearer, and download it to disk and burn it and make copies for people when you have a prismplanet.tv membership.
And I get emails saying, why isn't it free?
I spend tens of thousands of dollars on IT every month, okay?
I mean, money comes in here, and boy, believe me, 96% of it goes right back out.
And we could do so much more if we had the capital to do it.
And no, I cannot promote people who shell my videos that are bootlegged.
I mean, I can let you bootleg them, but I sure can't promote it on my own show.
I get criticized for that.
Because think, think, think, there won't be any more videos if that continues.
I mean, my goal is to defeat these people.
But I'm just telling you how it is.
I gotta hustle and sell some more advertising, have some more ads on the show.
I don't like having to do that.
But if that's what it takes to finance my operation, if I literally have to finance films with advertising so I can lose money on films, I will do it.
I will make films, folks, to the point of robbing banks.
And I mean that figuratively.
I don't care about money.
It's fiat dirt.
I like a car that runs well under me.
I like a house that's, you know, warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
But I mean, it's not my totem.
It's not my idol.
It's not my God.
But you need to support us and finance us and help us.
And the best way to do that is at Infowars.com.
Go to that secure online shopping cart and you look at all those videos and books we carry and the films I've made and you support us and the other authors and filmmakers whose films and books we carry.
It's real simple.
Get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
$0.15 a day.
My weekly TV reports, all my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, which by the way is out of print.
Two e-books on there.
A bunch of other e-books and films have been authorized to post.
And at $0.15 a day, folks, that just pays for the bandwidth and the webmasters.
And we will expand as more funds come into there.
I've got a lot of things I want to do, but the funds are not there, so I'm actually working more now, and I'm just going out and hustling and selling advertising for the websites and things.
So, I'll do it by whatever means to fight the New World Order, but I'm just telling you, it's more effective for you to just get the films from us, and get them and make copies of my videos.
Man, I want you to make copies of the high quality DVDs.
And there's going to come a time when people buy one copy of my video and put it on the web in DVD quality.
That time's almost here, and at that time, when you don't support us by buying the original from us, there just won't be any more films.
You would have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs, really, that lays the bombs, the info bombs, that blow holes in the New World Order.
So, I'm literally totally dedicated and focused, like a laser beam in the fight against the globalists.
And we need to support us, and I want to thank you for supporting us.
InfoWars.com, by simply buying the books and videos right there.
InfoWars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
You can simply write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I just spent like 15 minutes with that caller and commenting on what he'd said.
Let's try to hurry, there are more calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Richard in Texas, then Ken, Lori, many others.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, just wanted to comment on some things.
You know, down here in Wimberley, it seems we've got no honeybees that I have seen at all yet this year.
I've not even seen any wasps or hornets.
I don't know if there's a tie-in with that, but none of those around.
I read today on the Rents site about a permit for Livermore Labs to blow up 450 pounds of depleted uranium in the San Joaquin Valley.
And my point is, I guess with all this genetic stuff going on and the radiation poisoning and all the other poisonings that we've got in our world out there now, even if we're successful on 9-11 here before too long, it sure is going to take a lot of additional education and additional undoing, if even it can be undone, to try to correct what's been done already.
Well, humans and life have lived in a vat of radiation forever.
And the radiation is a problem.
It's poisonous and toxic and radioactive.
But frankly, from the studies I've seen and what I've looked at here,
Genetically modifying major food crops that then infest all the other similar strains.
Like basically all corn has now been infected.
Every major strain on earth is found to have this in it.
And different strains have higher levels of it with live pesticide.
We have an elite that grows corn that kills bugs.
And then we just eat it.
We want it while the honeybees are dying.
Because they're eating the pollen.
And that's just one of these.
They're putting pesticides in most of the food crops now.
Because then you don't have to spray them with pesticides.
These bastards avoid ingesting this stuff themselves.
Literally, Senator Rockefeller admittedly has his own farms and has a whole chain to bring him and his family nothing but fresh food he cooked himself and they bring containers of food and a chef everywhere he goes.
David Rockefeller is the same.
The Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of England.
I just watched a two hour documentary for research
On the House of Windsor and on Prince Philip.
It was just on one particular palace.
I was actually on Buckingham and a couple others.
I forget.
The point is, it was all about Prince Philip and that's all.
He has his own farms on his own palace.
That's all he eats.
His own meat, everything.
It's all specially certified.
They multiple times filter all their water.
They haul it with them everywhere they go.
This is their sick eugenics operation against us.
They've done all this by design.
These people are the scum of the earth.
Well, I'm sure he wants to avoid that virus he dreams he could be.
Well, that's the thing.
Listen, here's an example.
Prince Bernhard had an operation in South Africa, supposedly, and then in Zimbabwe to kill all the elephant poachers.
But it turned out his people were actually running the elephant poaching op and involved in trying to support different programs down there.
It's always the opposite of what they say.
These people are, I mean, I just keep saying it, they're just psychopaths.
Their religion, though, is being control freaks and not letting us have good lives and killing us.
Devil worship and pedophile and all the rest of that sinister, just unbelievable stuff.
These people are literally hellions.
They are right out of the gates of hell.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Rory in Michigan.
Rory, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
I appreciate it.
I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and there was an article in the Grand Rapids Press.
William F. Cohen, former U.S.
Secretary of Defense under Clinton, made some comments at a 58th anniversary dinner of the World Affairs Council of Western Michigan.
And he made some comments on 9-11, Hurricane Katrina response, on the Patriot Act, and on nuclear proliferation.
On 9-11, his comments were, we got hit because we got lazy, and we dropped our guard.
That is crap.
The next thing, on Hurricane Katrina response, the chain of command was broken.
We didn't know who was in charge.
Wouldn't that be the President of the United States?
On the Patriot Act, technology is racing way ahead of us.
We haven't thought about what it's going to do to our liberties.
We are going with terrifying velocity into this new world order.
On nuclear proliferation, he states,
There will be some nuclear explosion that takes place in some country and there will be no fingerprints and the world has become much unsafer place to be.
Isn't that awful?
And they carry out attacks to create fear to stampede populations.
We must terminate the fear.
People should be afraid of being afraid.
Who are really concerned and really want to survive.
They want to defend liberty.
But it's about survival now.
Must get control of themselves.
Must take action and realize that the only course is fighting these people.
Thank you for the call.
You're a great caller.
I'm sorry we're low on time.
We got the PNAC men popping in.
Tell us about an event this weekend and more of your calls and more news.
Stay with me.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Lookin' out your window, babe.
Lookin' out your window, babe, and there's a scene you'll like to catch.
A man who's playing dixie, a man that has had a shift.
Turkey in the fjord, turkey in the local breeze.
Well, there's some time in season, you know he comes as a man of peace.
We got sweet chips to get We got harmonious time So every song of love That ever has been sung To the attention can be bought Both hands can be fun and free So there's fun times, there's times Times that they're meant to be
Well, first he's in the background, and then he's in the front.
Both eyes are looking like they're on a rabbit hunt.
Nobody says cheese to him, not even the chief of police.
You know, there's fun
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, a known criminal has called for Rosie to be fired after Imus, we told you that was coming, that they would nexus those in.
Well, I'm going to comment on Imus and Rosie here.
I've got a bunch of other really serious news, but I've got loaded phone lines.
I want to get to everybody.
But there is a big 9-11 event coming up this weekend.
It will take about 550 people in the audience at UT.
They have another room that will have other presentations going on that holds about 250.
So come on down.
I think you're going to get a chance to get in.
And it starts, what, tomorrow at 11 and then it's also on Sunday.
Professor Stephen Jones will be speaking tomorrow.
I'll be speaking tomorrow evening as well.
We've got Daniel Abramson, the Genesis host, is going to be there.
We've got just a bunch of other great people that are going to be in attendance.
And I'm also going to be part of a roundtable discussion the next day, the following day,
Uh, there, uh, on Sunday.
Then I've got to scurry away at like 3 o'clock.
It goes from 1 to 5 at Roundtable.
I've got to scurry off to... Oh, Bob Bowman's gonna be there.
I've got to scurry off to do my radio show from 4 to 6 p.m., and then they're going to have a march, and I plan to have Matt Dayton who's on the line with us now.
The march starts at 5.30, but as they're marching to where they're going, I want to have him on the cell phone at the end of the radio show.
But folks, now they put it out at first just to fly the people here and stuff that you could, you know, reserve with a donation.
You can just donate there if you want to reserve.
It doesn't matter.
There's only reserved about 100 seats.
But you watch, it's going to be packed.
It might be smart to reserve.
But regardless, it is a free event.
That's the biggest room they could get.
Matt Dayton from the Project for New American Citizens there at UT that's done so much good work.
Tell folks a little bit more about the event, the websites, and where it's going to be held, and how people can come to it.
Well, thanks for having me on, Alex, and yeah, the event is called Rebuilding America's Census, Exposing False Flag Terrorism to Prevent a New 9-11.
So, basically, the conference is on the historical, present, and future uses of state-sponsored and false flag terrorism.
So, we'll be having you, Webster Tarpley, Stephen Jones, Bob Bowman, and Chris Emory, and Dan Abramson,
Maybe a few others, but just trying to expose this idea so if there is another attack, we will have been trying to expose it so when it does happen, if something does happen, another pretext, then people won't react the same way they did with 9-11.
So the event starts tomorrow at 11 a.m.
at the University of Texas.
In room Berdyne 106, and all the details are on our website at pnacitizen.org.
That's pnacitizen.org.
And we're reserving rooms online.
You can email us with a reservation in the subject line.
We also have parking information and everything you need to know on there.
What else?
It's going to be hopefully pretty awesome.
We're expecting a good crowd.
Then we've got the protest coming up at 5 on Sunday.
Tell folks where that's going to be.
Even if people can't get into the meeting in the next two days, which I'm sure most will be able to, but even if you can't, we're also going to videotape the conference and put it up on PrisonPlanet.tv for the folks there.
Breaking this down for people, where, if they just wanted to go to the protest, would they meet up for that, and where is that going?
Okay, yeah, just go, it's basically at the UT Tower, so if you know where the main UT Tower is, that's where it'll be.
So it's called the Main Mall, which is... Yeah, the Tower of Mordor, the Tower of Death there.
Right, exactly, so that's where it'll be.
It'll be right in front of it.
We're going to be having George Humphreys, Jack Blood, and Webster Tarpley be speaking.
So that should be pretty awesome.
It's called Protest the Empire, so we're basically just protesting everything.
It's all-encompassing as far as the attacks of 9-11, the devastation of our Constitution, the wars in the Middle East, the use of torture, the coming war with Iran, everything.
I think most of your listeners understand the severity of the sort of times we live in, so if you can make it out, that would be great.
Absolutely, and again, so it starts at 5, and I definitely, at least for several check-ins during that demonstration, want to be able to tune in and hear a little bit of the speeches, and then get a report from you there while we're live with the new Sunday Syndicated Show that we're doing.
Alright, Matt, well thank you so much for coming on with us, and I'll see you there tomorrow at the event, and thanks a lot for doing this.
Oh, also, I wanted to mention that we're having a press conference tonight at 7, so
I don't know if you were going to be able to make that, but that will be here at Brave New Books.
That's 1904 Guadalupe.
I am going to pop in.
I've got to come back and video edit all night, and I've got to see my family, but I am going to race over there.
I'll be there for that press conference.
Folks, call the Austin media and tell them they need to be there.
News 8 needs to be there.
Call the statesmen and call everybody and say this is real news.
We've got all these real experts.
The physicist, Bob Bowman, former head of Star Wars, and so many people there.
Supposing this is an inside job, you need to show up.
Yes, please, please, all you listeners out there, try and get the media here, because that's ultimately what we need, so we would really appreciate it.
Just try and put pressure on these local news outlets.
Fantastic, my friend.
Good to hear from you.
All right, thanks so much, Alex.
You bet.
All right, I'm going to do this.
I'm going to take your calls.
I'm going to get to everybody.
Not this Sunday, but the Sunday after April 22nd is going to be the big anti-amnesty rally in front of the White House.
Followed up by the Hold Their Feet to the Fire Talk Radio Rally.
Are you going to participate in that in any capacity?
Well, I can't participate in everything, but I'll try.
I mean, I'm participating right now.
I'm on the radio.
You're on the air plugging it.
All right.
The New York Daily News reported, the news, by the way, is another neocon, warmonger newspaper owned by Mortimer Zuckerman, who also owns U.S.
News & World Report.
And they reported that the Washington Post reported recently that Rupert Murdoch claims that Michael Bloomberg is his man for president.
I really find that kind of interesting.
Bailey, Tancredo, too.
Like they don't even exist.
But what's interesting, mostly... Well, let's be clear.
Tom Tancredo doesn't hold a candle.
He hasn't even been in the same league as Ron Paul.
I mean, let's be clear about that.
And I know Tom.
He's been on a few times.
And I mean, he's better than most of them.
And I don't think he's an evil New World Order.
But he has bombed the snot out of the Arabs.
You know, he is wrong on that.
That's why I probably won't support him for president.
And why I would support Paul.
But Bloomberg is thinking about an independent run, and he has denied it up until this time.
Murdoch saying that this is his man as an independent.
Well, we know Murdoch's man isn't a man.
Murdoch's man is a woman.
It's Hillary Clinton.
He's been running fundraisers for, and Roger Ailes is advising her campaign for Russell Limbaugh's papa.
I appreciate your call, my friend.
So yeah, they do have Lumberton running.
It'll be a shuck Republican votes to ensure the princess wins.
And that whore, and that's what she is.
She's a New World whore who sold out this country.
That she'll end up being your president.
And God help us.
The reign of terror.
You think it's been bad so far?
And I will not vote for a Republican against her.
I say bring the judgment on America.
I will not vote for some lesser of two evils, because there is no such thing as lesser.
And believe me, when she's president,
You don't try to tell Republicans that she's Republican-controlled, and they'll just laugh at you.
They're such scum.
Yeah, your whore Limbaugh is behind her, they're all in bed together, Clinton's vacation with the Bushes, it's staged, you fools!
I'm sorry to talk like that, but man, you're just idiots.
I'm talking about neocon followers.
You don't know what you're doing.
You're stupid.
It's time for you to grow up and look into what we're saying.
Don't you giggle, you slack-jawed...
You go check into what I just said.
The country is gone already, basically.
We've got a last-ditch effort to try to salvage something, and you're still running around getting conned.
And you too, you dirtbag mainline liberals.
I might slap somebody in the face if they come up to me on the street when Hillary's running and go, well, she's better than Mitt Romney.
She's better than Jeb.
She's better than Gingrich.
They're all the same.
I mean, I hate to be gross, but it's like literally... I'm not going to say it.
I said it.
It's like in a latrine saying, you know... There's no difference.
It's the same latrine, okay?
You're pointing at a latrine and going, that one looks better than that one.
I'm not going to take part in any of it, okay?
Do you understand me?
I'm freaked out, folks.
Stuff is not in good... Oh, man.
What have I gotten myself into?
What are we all in?
I mean, it's just hell on earth.
See, I said I'd hurry, but that was one caller and five minutes has gone by.
Who's up next in order here?
I want to go to these in order.
Sebastian in New York.
Go ahead, quickly.
Yeah, Alex, I wanted to say thank you for everything you do.
Having Daniel St.
John on today was great work.
I first heard him on LoneLantern.org when Gary broke that story with him.
You know, something that you mentioned last week was that there was going to be a flood of new people coming out this week, yet we have yet to see that.
And I think that, you know, and tell me if I'm wrong... That is not, that is not what I said.
That is not... I said you're probably going to see some people this week or next week.
What are they waiting for?
Well, let me see here.
They're now shifting all this Imus stuff, which I'm starting to think might have been a part of something large.
Not that he was, not that Imus was part of it.
May have been, probably not.
But I said two days ago, I said, you watch.
They're going to go shift all this now onto Rosie.
They've all been saying on the media that we need to start firing everybody now.
And now they're calling for Rosie to be fired.
This is AOL news.
After Imus delay calls for Rosie to be fired,
You don't know what's going on behind the scenes with Rosie, do you?
I know a little bit, and it isn't good.
Okay, do you think people maybe get threats?
Do you think maybe their children get threatened?
Do you think maybe their job gets threatened?
She's already had courage.
Do you know what Charlie Sheen went through?
Being called every dirty name in the book on TV.
And that was an RNC dirty trick, by the way.
I happen to know the details, but he doesn't want himself to be defended.
So I appreciate your call.
And I understand you're saying, what are they waiting for?
What are the people that haven't gone public waiting for?
You know?
This is scary stuff, folks.
And they do need to come public.
But... Oh, it's just, you know... Oh, man.
And I kind of gave the whole thing away there because I wasn't thinking, you know, because I started talking about why hasn't Rosie done more.
Uh, and some other people.
Just, you know what?
Why didn't Kurt Vonnegut go public about knowing 9-11 is an inside job?
You know, why was... And then if somebody didn't want people to know his full opinion about it, should I go on air and tell you it?
Or maybe that wasn't his opinion, you know?
I just don't want to betray people, and I don't want to sit here... I could sit here and list some really big names to you right now.
Okay, but the media will call them up and they'll probably deny it.
And that may keep them from ever going public.
You know, I can't sit here and burn people.
And I'm not going to do it.
And hey, look in the mirror.
It's up to us to go public and get the word out.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another one here.
Let's talk to Trent in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm actually calling from Houston.
Okay, whatever.
I was told New York.
You're calling from the United States.
Go ahead, sir.
Okay, yeah.
I just want to bring up two quick points.
The first one is something that I recently read about Tommy Franks discussing what he thinks is the worst thing that can happen to our country.
But I mean, see, you don't expect him to come out and say, Marshall Law's great, gee, we won.
He says, oh, it's so terrible that the terrorists are probably going to attack, and then the people are going to want a new form of government, a military government.
Oh, it's too bad.
And that's exactly what he knows is up, you know, the next thing to happen to us.
He just clearly mentioned that the people are going to be so scared they're going to be willing to give up their constitutional liberties.
It just goes to show how serious this whole thing is and I'll be real quick here I just want everyone to know if you go to Wikipedia and look up Tommy Franks you can see this for yourself and see how real it is and the second point I just wanted to bring up is that I live in a town that's right outside of Houston it's a very small town called Porter and recently I've noticed the cops it seems like they have been up to some really fishy stuff almost like they're practicing for setting up roadblocks or something like yesterday I saw like six or seven cops that were just
Hovering around this little two-lane road.
Why do you think they're hiring more, more, more, more, more?
No, no, no, sir.
You can go look it up.
They admit.
They, I mean, and I appreciate your call.
I mean, they admit all this.
This is admitted, and I told the cops, go ahead, do it!
Go ahead!
I mean, you want to kill the country?
Just sit there?
You like to have power?
You like to do all this?
You are literally
You know, I said this last week and some idiot sent me a threatening email about it.
I don't like you threatening people.
I'm gonna call the police on you.
I filed a... I don't want violence.
I don't want it to turn into a bunch of dead cops and military on the streets when they try to bring in this New World Order.
A New World Order that's gonna take their pension funds and shoot their kids up full of mercury and cancer.
But you're so dumb out there, you can't even understand it when I tell it to you in plain English.
You realize this show isn't entertainment.
This isn't a joke.
This is real.
This is happening.
It's here.
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Alright, I said I'd get you all your calls.
I just can't if I'm going to cover this news.
Look, again, I'm going to say it.
They'll dump pesticide down black kids' throats that CPS has grabbed.
I mean, they don't just test aids of drugs and other drugs on them.
They kill them with pesticides.
Mainly blacks, for some reason.
Because they've broken up their families, they can't protect themselves.
They've done a real good job of that.
Black leaders don't do anything.
Al Sharpton is a political whore, makes me sick.
They'll run around and
We're good to go.
It's not the American way, but the big corporations and Bill O'Reilly and all of them got on the bandwagon to have him fired, because they like that precedent, because they know it's going to be politically incorrect stuff that's said that's going to get people fired.
Sure enough, CNN, Tom DeLay is calling for all Republicans to call for her to be fired, because she's anti-Chinese, showing his ignorance, and that she also thinks the President did 9-11.
Now, he didn't say anything back when it was, you know... And by the way, Rosie just acts stupid.
I mean, folks, when I do a fake Japanese voice, which I'll do to my kids... I've been doing it since high school.
It's not against Japanese.
It's like James Belushi.
Or Jim Belushi?
Did they fire him when he did the crazy samurai?
See, that's how far we've come since the 70's.
I remember being a kid and watching that and laughing.
I mean, you know, they say that's to be mean to Asians.
No Asians would laugh at that.
I mean, I get up here and make fun of rednecks.
It's having fun!
It's not making fun of Asians to go... It's me acting stupid doing... I mean, my wife speaks French.
And I'll go... Because she has a degree in French and lived in France for a lot of years.
So I'll go... That's not French.
I need to be fired, folks.
I'm anti-white European now.
I'm anti-black.
Uh, I've even made fun of whites before, acting like, you know, what blacks will call Uncle Tom, going, yeah, so boss, I do what the government says.
Does that mean I need to be fired for some cultural symbol?
This is how they operate, this is what they do, and this is political correctness gone awry.
You know, they had hate crimes 60 years ago in Soviet Russia.
And if you criticize somebody, they would selectively send you to a work camp.
They're arresting people in England who say the word homosexual because that scientific term has been deemed hate.
Now they're talking about denying man-made global warming is a hate crime arrestable in Europe.
They're trying to add that.
See, there's no end.
Remember, they locked up Galileo for saying the world was round.
This is the way governments and elites act.
And now they want to fire... That's why we've got DefendRosie.com.
It's gotten over 13,000 signatures, and I quit plugging it last week.
We're going to print those off next Monday.
I'm going to mail them now more than ever to ABC.
You need to call there.
You need to support her.
Because Tom DeLay, this fake conservative criminal from Houston,
I'm calling for conservatives to take on Rosie O'Donnell.
The lay said during an interview with CNN.
She criticized and ridiculed Chinese-Americans.
No, she didn't, folks.
She said I was acting stupid.
Making fun of myself.
I mean, I gotta tell you, folks, growing up, I mean, I would sit there at the dinner table and go, and my dad would stop that, knock it off the dinner table.
I wasn't knocking Asians.
I guarantee you little Asian kids in China make fun of English.
Just the sound and the inflections of it.
That's what you do!
If I'm outside talking, a mockingbird's going to hear me talk and try to imitate me or the lawnmower.
You draw a picture of your dad who's a captain in the army, or was a Marine Corps, you're arrested.
Because you can't show a gun.
You know, I had 50 other articles.
I didn't get to them.
I didn't even plug my videos this hour.
I guess I did this hour.
If you want to support us, go to InfoWars.com.
Get the videos, hard copies.
Get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
See them online.
And I'll see you tomorrow at the big 9-11 conference here in Austin on the radio, Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all!
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.