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Name: 20070411_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 11, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You are tuned in to the radio show that Congressman Ron Paul, the presidential candidate, has said is the most effective in the nation, that he has gotten the biggest response from of any media appearance he's done.
In fact, he said the majority of people that come out to his events around the country, the majority of people, the majority supporting his campaign come from this show.
Now, I've been told that privately off-air.
As of a few months ago, but I'm not bragging here.
I'm letting you know that we're having an effect.
People are listening.
Remember Greg Pallas from the BBC?
Years ago, four years ago, when we broke the IMF World Bank documents, he said he got a bigger response from this show than the BBC report he did got, and the transcript of that interview was published in over 500 newspapers.
And that all happened because a listener transcribed the interview.
That happened because of you.
And all over the world, people woke up to the IMF and World Bank paradigm.
They already knew the bankers were running scams on them and paying their politicians to blow out the debts.
But it really crystallized.
And yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have confirmed that that one interview did send shockwaves across the planet.
Now, you never know when you're going to hit the zeitgeist.
We can put out a story here that I think is really important, that I think should be earth-shattering, gets, you know, a few hundred thousand readers, but that's it, really doesn't have much of an effect.
Or we can put out something that I don't think is that important and it goes supernova and gets a lot of attention.
Or I can do a report a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, and suddenly it gets a life of its own later.
I have to tell you it's a great weight on me to realize that we have this much responsibility and this many listeners are having this big of an effect.
And I am blessed.
I am humbled to be in this position.
I am honored.
And frankly, I know I don't do the best job.
Frankly, I know that I don't have all the answers.
Frankly, I know that I've got plenty of personality traits that aren't the best, but you know what?
I'm trying to do my best, and I try to research my facts, and I put one foot in front of the other, and my heart's in the right place, and I've asked God for guidance, and so that's why we're the most effective here.
And so I do want to just thank all of our AM and FM affiliates, shortwave affiliates, internet affiliates.
I want to thank everyone that supports us and has promoted InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And all of you that have supported us and made this broadcast and the websites and what we do, the team here at the office that have made what we do here possible.
And that's why I've committed myself to work very long hours and to be dedicated in this fight because I know how important we are in the fight against the New World Order.
And that's why we're attempting to focus and streamline and be even more professional and more focused and more dedicated and more fearless in the fight against the Globalist.
So we're all on the same team together.
We're all in this fight together against the New World Order, and I am honored to be your radio talk show host.
I'm honored to be a writer for my website, so I'm just honored to be in the position that I am in.
We have two guests scheduled, as they say, today, coming up.
That Professor Walter F. Murphy, who was put on a no-fly list for giving a speech criticizing Bush, the expert on constitutional law.
Who pretty much is a middle-of-the-road or he's conservative on many issues like pro-life.
Just gave a speech saying we're turning into a police state.
The government said, it was televised, the government said, you know what?
You bet it's a police state.
It's an attempt to intimidate everybody to shut up.
And we've also got Commander Ted Muga, former U.S.
Naval aviator, retired Pan Am commercial airline pilot, a member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice.
Joining us to talk about 9-11 being an inside job.
We'll go right into the news on the other side and take your call.
Stay with us.
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network, and I have an urgent message for our listeners.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I will take some calls in this hour.
The total free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Just finishing up what I was saying in the last segment about Ron Paul coming on air yesterday.
What were his exact words?
The majority of the people that have supported him, the majority that have come up to him at events, on the streets, supporting his campaign, are this show.
This radio broadcast, this news transmission, this call to arms in the information war.
And I'm here to tell you that the lion's share of that credit does not go to myself, it does not go to this office.
It goes, when we're talking about this earthly plane, obviously all of the credit goes to God.
But on this planet,
It goes to you, the listeners of this radio show, just an example of the effect you're having when you go to the message boards, when you go to MySpace, when you email your email list, when you put an InfoWars.com bumper sticker on a road sign, when you have a meeting at your school, when you start your own organization, your school or college,
The credit goes to you, ladies and gentlemen, for having that effect as we continue to move forward against the New World Order.
So know that your actions are bearing fruit.
And if other patriots and other patriot radio shows and other movements would learn how to focus on the information and on exposing the globalists and giving people wide-spectrum analysis of what's happening on the planet,
And kept their eye on the prize, they would be just as effective.
But unfortunately, many people who are involved in the fight against the New World Order are doing it for ego, or they are unable to stay focused, or they start perseverating and obsessing on one racial group or one religious group, instead of just pointing out the structure itself and encouraging people to realize the power they innately have in themselves to take action.
Now we do have Commander Ted Muga, former U.S.
Naval aviator, retired Pan Am commercial airline pilot, and member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice, and Pilots for 9-11 Truth, to discuss the events of September 11th from the perspective of an experienced pilot.
Then we're scheduled, coming up in the third hour, to talk to the Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus at Princeton University, Walter F. Murphy, about having his name added to the federal no-fly list after giving a televised speech that slammed President Bush's executive overreach.
So, that is coming up later.
Right now, let me go ahead and get into the stack of news that I have here in front of me.
Two news stories from PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net from the Watson brothers respectively.
Steve Watson, global warming bandwagon to reach fever pitch on 7-7-7.
The new order just loves dates.
Live 8 style concerts will once again see every attention-seeking celebrity come out of the woodwork to lecture on something they know little or nothing about.
And he goes through the fraud of global warming being man-made and the fraud solutions that they're offering.
Also another important article from Paul Watson on PrisonPlanet.com.
New victims family support search for 9-11 truth.
Parents of United Airlines 175 flight attendant Alicia Titus on quest to find out what really happened on September 11 and they've gone public now saying they believe 9-11 is an inside job.
So we have that report up.
Now let me just go through some of the news that I want to detail here now.
Professor who criticized Bush added to terrorist no-fly list.
I'm going to briefly go over that before he joins us later.
Strikes out at U.S., launches trade cases, and of course that doesn't, in between our governments, that's all in the private run-for-profit World Trade Organization.
Security increases made Baghdad a deadlier battleground for U.S.
Remember when they put the surge into 14 different substations and undefended or lightly defended?
Substations in Baghdad, we said, well, okay, that'll massively increase troop deaths, and one week after they put out fake numbers claiming that it'd cause milk and honey to flow on the streets, that is not the case.
It's caused major increases in our troops dying, but like Henry Kissinger says, I don't agree with him, but he says that's what dumb, stupid animals are for.
The troops are dumb, stupid animals, and they're meant to die.
Ha ha ha, it's so funny.
Napoleon learned to pin a ribbon to your chest and you'll die for these scumbags.
Divide and rule, America's plan for Baghdad.
More on the war there.
And Iraqis face immense suffering, that from BBC.
And we have more numbers out confirming the British Lancet study of 600 plus thousand dead in the first three and a half years of liberation.
We're now four plus years into that.
On the environmental front, taxing us for breathing.
That's a mainstream headline.
Not just a car tax.
See, it's not going to stop there.
That's right, you're carbon dioxide.
You breathe as a pollutant.
But you exhale.
Actually, it's mother's milk to the plants and the plankton and the earth.
And it's a symbiotic relationship in that most of the atmosphere is not oxygen or carbon dioxide, the life-giving gases.
And so, all the major studies show that
That actually it's better for life, that they have more oxygen and carbon dioxide instead of nitrogen and helium and other things.
Doesn't matter now, because they're going to tax it.
And you're going to thank them for it, or they're going to shove a machine gun down your throat.
Because they're the good guys, they wear black uniforms.
Just so sick.
And all you yuppies love it, so go ahead and love it.
We'll be going over that, going over all their hypocritical garbage.
The head of Ford said Bush almost blew himself up a few days ago.
We'll tell you about that out of the Detroit Free News.
It's up on my website right now.
But let me go ahead and detail these stories now for you.
An example of how we're under world government.
Every facet, our trade disputes are judged by secret tribunals.
Tell a yuppie that again, they'll tell you that doesn't exist.
There's nothing secret in government.
Government never did anything but lay golden eggs.
Never did wrong, never could do wrong.
Government created God and the Big Bang.
China strikes out as U.S.
launches trade cases.
Financial Times of London.
Yesterday, China reacted harshly to a United States decision to take it to the World Trade Organization over
Piracy and copyright protection saying it would seriously damage bilateral cooperation and harm business ties.
The statement from China's Commerce Ministry followed the announcement by the U.S.
that it was lodging two cases in the WTO on intellectual property rights protection and market access for U.S.
movies, DVDs, books, and music.
So again, China certainly is engaging in mass bootlegging.
They certainly are blocking Hollywood Pentagon productions from making it into the country.
But does our government do what they do in the past and block their goods and make them stop that way, where our country calls the shots?
No, no, no, no, no.
It has to be the World Trade Organization set up in 95, a private group with more power than our Congress over trade.
There's your global government right there, run by corporations.
Security increases made Baghdad deadlier battleground, New York Times
And I mean, if you stick troops out of the green zone, the country's totally collapsed by design, but you stick them outside the green zone, in lightly defended little machine gun nests, they're gonna die!
And they are dying.
Nearly two months into the new security push in Baghdad, there has been some success in reducing the number of death squad victims found
Crumpled in the streets each day, whatever that means, and while the overall death rate for all of Iraq has not dropped significantly, largely because of devastating suicide bombings, a few parts of the capital have become calmer, as some death squads have decided to lie low.
But there's little sign that the Baghdad push is a
Accomplishing its main purpose, to create an island of stability in which Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds can try to figure out how to run the country together.
There has been no visible move towards compromise on the main dividing issues like regional autonomy and more power sharing between Sunnis and Shiites.
Or Shiites and Sunnis.
And it goes on, for American troops in Baghdad though, has become a deadlier battleground, and then it just goes through how significantly more troops are now dying.
Okay, let's just stop right there and decipher this propaganda.
The official Israeli plan that was implemented in 2002 in the Pentagon plans, written in 83, said, break the country in three to four parts, create ethnic enclaves in Baghdad, and basically oversee genocide and population reduction, and make it a third world nation instead of a first world so that it couldn't be a strong leader in the Middle East.
That's publicly stated now.
And then they use it with permanent bases to strike out and launch attacks into the surrounding areas.
But I've made the analogy of it's like they were baking a cake in Iraq, and they did bake it, but they burned it.
You know, now it's unraveling so bad that the troops aren't even safe in their green zone, and their other little, again, high-tech command centers full of topless bars and triple-X movie theaters and, you know, shopping malls and fitness centers.
They're still getting killed inside, so they're in danger of even being run out of those, so they try to go out and, you know, at least take small perimeter sectors around it, and then McCain can do a one-minute walk and have 15 armored vehicles and helicopters and troops all around him in body armor, and they go, look, the market's free!
So they've just overdone it a little bit.
We'll come back and get more into what's really happening over there.
Then we'll get into the fake environmental news and what's happening on that front.
Taxing you to breathe.
And we'll tell you about Bush almost blowing himself up.
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Come, you masters of war, Here to build the big guns, Here to build the big planes,
It'll build all the bombs.
It'll hide behind walls.
It'll hide behind desks.
I just want you to know I can see through your masks.
You that never done nothing but build to destroy.
Let's continue with the war news.
This is all mainstream, okay?
It's many times worse than this.
I talk to the Crips.
I don't just believe foreign newspapers when I read it.
You get different angles from the British, the French, the Iraqis, the Iranians, the Israelis, the Saudis.
I mean, I read South Korean newspapers, Japanese newspapers to get a picture of the war.
And let me tell you, it's not pretty.
There's really closer to a million people dead in the last four years in a month of liberation.
We know that over two and a half million Iraqis disappeared during the sanctions, which were siege, against that nation.
And I actually took time out to study what those sanctions really were.
They had lots of 60 Minutes pieces showing warehouses full of dentist chairs, going, look, Saddam won't even let them have the dentist chairs.
Why do you think Saddam let the cameras in there?
He was naive.
They wouldn't let him have the tubing or the electrical wire systems or the pumps because it could be used, they claimed, in military applications.
So the CR News would say, look, they've got all these warehouses full of things, and Saddam uses all the money for himself.
For every real biographer, even those that hated Saddam, and I'm not saying he was a good guy, a CIA officer, agent of this government who they set up, certainly cold-blooded killer.
Hired at 18 years of age.
But he certainly did, above all those regimes, he kept the smallest amount for himself.
He actually did engage in public works.
He actually did build universities.
He actually did have 60% of the graduates were women.
The women didn't wear the hoods, folks.
And the government wasn't about to allow that.
You understand.
They did not like him.
He was the leader in the region.
He had been a throwback to a more sensible U.S.
policy previously, and that policy ended with the policy of balkanization and order out of chaos.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
So more of our troops are getting killed by the surge.
That was a no-brainer.
You stick more of our troops in undefended areas, more are going to die.
That's 2 plus 2 equals 4.
More like 1 plus 1 equals 2.
Divide and Rule, America's Plan for Baghdad.
This is London Independent.
Now there was already a public plan now and they're announcing it like they just came up with it a few months ago to break it into three parts.
Oh, things are going so bad we have a plan.
Break it into three parts and U.S.
bases will run all of them.
Oh, a new plan.
Oh, it's so new.
Divide and Rule, America's Plan for Baghdad revealed a new counterinsurgency strategy to carve up the city into shield areas.
You know, the Romans would do that in
Jerusalem and Rome itself, and Alexandria.
The tactic failed in Vietnam, so what chance does it have in Iraq?
Well, it's not meant to succeed.
It's meant to just string you out a little more.
Every year or two there's a new, oh, we've got a new strategy!
And that's billions a week in no-bid contracts.
Faced with an ever more ruthless insurgency in Baghdad, much of it controlled by our government, despite President George Bush's surge in troops, U.S.
forces in the city are now planning a massive and highly controversial counterinsurgency operation that will seal off vast areas of the city, enclosing whole neighborhoods with barricades, allowing only Iraqis with newly issued ID cards to enter.
And of course, these tens of thousands of our troops that have been trained in this, they were already trained in Macedonia doing it, and Serbia, and Afghanistan, a hundred other nations,
They're all going to come here and be police officers.
Something like 80% of the troops that come back get into law enforcement, or at least try law enforcement.
Or maybe it's 80% of the new cops are getting out of the military.
I forget which one it is.
And man, I mean, you know, it's squad leader, ID, out of the car, up against it.
You ain't got the machine guns on you and you're just like, America 2010.
Our combat forces lead battles against the insurgency.
Brave men.
That's so sick.
And all these TV shows where it's all SWAT team this, SWAT team that.
We'd be in a lot of trouble, ladies and gentlemen.
So there's that report.
And when we get back, Iraqis face immense suffering.
This is from the British Broadcasting Commissariat.
This is the International Committee on the Red Cross.
This is a whitewash.
And I'm going to dovetail it.
I actually dug it back out.
Forget the British Lansing Journal.
I mean, they're non-partisan and have been proven to be accurate in the past.
Let's just ignore them.
How about a John Hopkins University at Baltimore study that shows the same amount.
A cool
Close to 700,000.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
I think so.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Good old Ted Nugent.
You know, I'm going to call and get him back on.
I know that Kyle, Jim, Linda, Robert and many others are holding the toll-free number.
Always a good idea to give it out.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Okay, let me just continue going through this Iraq News Show.
They plan to now seal off the city, and make you show ID cards like they do in Fallujah, and search you, and they said on NBC Nightly News, before Brokawf retired, they had the troops on there saying, if you don't have this card, we kill you on the spot.
And then the military clarified and said, yes, if you don't have a card, we shoot you in the head.
Man, that is liberation.
That is freedom.
I mean, the Nazis would take you back to a facility and kill you.
Not America.
We kill you on the spot.
Just like they had that private Gruckheimer in the Ithaca Journal, remember back in 2002?
And he said, yeah, it's great!
I love the war in Afghanistan!
We go into whole villages, kill everyone!
Men, women, children!
And then Fox News, two days later, said to clarify, the Pentagon explained, that that's only in certain hostile areas do they kill everyone.
I mean, ground troops up, but just, I mean, we're talking chasing three-year-olds down.
Boom, boom, boom!
Right in the back, baby!
And don't you sit there and roll your eyes at me, you neocon followers who don't want to face that.
You just type it into Google, Ithaca Journal, Gruckheimer, and you pull it up, and then you can pull up the clarification.
The Pentagon put out a clarification
And said, yeah, we do kill everybody, but this is why we do it.
Yeah, that's always been the good... Can you imagine, folks, if the military had invaded our country and would go in and kill whole towns of people?
How the screaming, the yelling, the freaking out... I mean, my gosh!
The British troops, now it's come out under orders, were saying that they were stripped and her guns were cocked.
I mean, can you imagine the torturing and the raping?
Can you imagine if the Iranians were torturing and raping, and if photos like that came out?
Like Abu Ghraib, the... the... the... the... But see, that's double-think public, folks.
That's a double-think public.
They're parking lot them!
Kill everyone of them!
They ain't human!
Kill them before they kill us!
It's a triple-double-think, because... It's a triple-double-think, because...
What happens is, when you look at this, number one, they'll say that we aren't torturing, but then they'll say, yeah, just kill them all, they're not human, once they get faced with torture.
But then if they torture, or there's even a rumor of torture, it's total freak-outs and, my gosh, we're high and mighty, we're the moral people, we're the good people, this is just terrible.
Alright, I'm already digressing and I don't want to go to your calls.
Iraqis face immense suffering.
This is out of the April 11th BBC Today on this Wednesday.
The international community on the Red Cross says the situation for ordinary Iraqis is getting steadily worse.
Four years after the U.S.-led invasion, the ICRC says the conflict is inflicting immense suffering and calls for greater protection of civilians.
An Iraqi woman quoted in the reports that people wanted help to collect bodies lining streets every morning.
I mean, folks, this is all by design, too.
You watch, they've already got their numbers down now by $3.5 million conservatively.
In fact, if you believe the $700,000 number.
And probably more like $4 million.
And ten years from now, folks, they go from $25 million to $22 million.
There'll be 18 million, there'll be 15 million, 30 years from now.
And we're even allowed to get news from there by then.
I mean, there'll be 5 million of them.
They'll have robotic swords, which are already deployed in Fallujah and other areas, stomping around, gunning down the final families.
I mean, this is how it works, folks.
You think I'm joking about this?
Three plus million are gone.
Gone, gone, gone.
And that was all the sanctions, ladies and gentlemen.
99.9% of it.
I mean, literally, Saddam killed hundreds a year, ladies and gentlemen.
Nothing compared to what our criminal government does, but it does it through slick propaganda, so the average person doesn't even know what's going on here domestically.
The torture, the murder in the prisons, the killing at the houses, the assassinations.
Iraq faces immense suffering.
The ICRC still has a presence in Iraq, despite the bombing of its Baghdad offices three and a half years ago.
In the report called Civilians Without Protection, the Ever Worshipping Crisis in Iraq, the Red Cross asked Iraqis what could be done to help them.
The answer was, a shock says IHCRC, Director of Operations Pari Kheranbulin, I'm sure I'm not pronouncing that right.
The suffering
That Iraqi men, women, and children are enduring today is unbearable and unacceptable, he said.
The ICRC calls on all those who can influence the situation on the ground to act now to ensure that the lives of ordinary people are spared and protected.
This is an obligation under international humanitarian law for both states and non-state actors.
The famously neutral International Red Cross will not blame anyone in particular for what it calls the current disastrous security situation, but the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva reports makes it clear that nobody, including the Iraqi government and coalition forces, has done enough so far, our correspondent adds.
And it just goes on for page after page.
Go read it.
And you're still here with the neocon talking points on Neil Bortz, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,
Michael Weiner, Beatnik, Savage.
You still hear them go, that's a complete lie.
You know, 655,000 haven't died, and those that did die, it's the insurgency.
When we know that there wasn't any real insurgency for the first six months.
And then the Israeli Mossad, the U.S.
government, the British, started blowing up mosques on both sides, and they've been caught continually.
I mean, they'll watch U.S.
troops, white guys, in front of international observers, walk right into a mosque, wire it for six hours, blow the thing sky-high, it's publicly admitted, it doesn't matter.
And then, because the Sunnis and Shiites had stopped killing each other for a month, there had only been a few bombings and just a few dozen killed, and that wasn't about to happen.
And you know, you can fool still 30-40% of the population.
Arabs are just like people in the U.S.
A lot of them are mainstream public, totally stupid and dumbed down.
And then they really believe the Sunnis and Shiites are attacking each other.
And then once you start killing each other, once they start the chain reaction, they really do kill each other.
Like I said, there was an overcooking though, and so four or five months ago they decided to cut back on the provocation of bombings.
And there is evidence that there's been some cutback in the provocation because they wanted to be able to say, oh, there's an insurgency, civil war, we can't leave.
So that's the excuse to stay.
But then it gets so bad, they may actually get kicked out.
And so they kind of, you know, turn the oven heat down a little bit, you know, kind of took the cake out of the oven.
It's the way they operate, folks.
British government admits 600,000 plus Iraqi death tolls, one independent, but then you read down deeper, the study concludes by researchers from John Hopkins University who looked at the British study in Baltimore and at the Al
Mustansiria University in Baghdad estimated that 655,000 more Iraqis have died since March 2003 than one would expect without the war.
The study estimated that 601,000 of those deaths were from violence.
So they found basically the exact same number.
Now that's just using, that came out six months ago.
That was just used in the first three years.
Now another year, because you know, statistics are always behind.
Now a whole other year plus, a year and three weeks has passed, and the estimates are coming in at over one million.
I mean folks, dead bodies everywhere.
Oh, I tell ya, that's good!
Parking lot!
Turn them into parking lot!
That's about all you can say while you drink your Diet Coke and give your kids your mercury-filled shots and wonder why they have organ failure on you or go into autistic seizures and never come back.
Because you don't know what the good mood is.
That's right.
Because you like being like this.
You like being stupid.
We like being kind.
I mean, literally, could I, like, wrap myself an American flag and come in your house and steal everything in front of you, you know, as long as I said, It's for America!
You'd go, Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright.
But they steal your life, they steal your country's name, they steal your currency, they steal your borders, they steal everything, and you fall down and go, Well, I still support the troops and the operation.
The operation.
By the way, the operation is a stunning success.
Over three million killed.
First world nation now in below third world squalor.
I mean, they're literally going into the Stone Age.
Permanent military bases being built everywhere and massive fleets staged and prepared, lined up in the pike to attack Iran.
All the enemies destroyed.
The US hated worldwide.
The border's imploding, total amnesty about to be voted on.
The enemy's defeated.
The New World Order is defeating its enemies.
It's having an incredible victory against humanity right now.
And you're driving around going, I love America!
With the very same people.
And I do that voice because I've talked to a lot of people who support the war, and that's how they talk, folks, around here.
I mean, it'll freak you out.
They'll just go, I like America!
I mean, you're just like, hey, man, this is a fraud.
Oh, man.
Of course, a lot of them are in business suits and real quiet.
Well, yes, it's a good price to pay for the oil.
It's part of the strategy, and the world's always been a tough place, Mr. Jones.
I know some bad things are happening, but if we weren't doing it, someone else would.
That's the other group.
And their pension funds are going to be sucked out.
Their dollars being plunged too.
Their kids taking the very same mercury shot.
Drinking the same aspartame.
Down over 9,000 foods.
They're eating GMO foods.
They're breathing all this toxic GMO pollen that's got everybody sick.
Got the honeybees dying.
But see, they feel like they're members of the elite.
Well, I've got a master's degree from Duke.
I've got a master's degree from Princeton.
Well, yes, there is some problems, but you've got to understand the end justifies the means.
There's that type who's a coward and who can't admit that they're slaves too.
Taxing us for breathing.
Let me shift gears now out of the Iraq News and that wonderful little picture.
This is the New York Times.
Last week the New York Times published an extraordinary editorial complaining that right now everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump.
Depositing carbon dioxide for free!
The Times editor suggested the government start charging for the privilege by imposing a carbon tax, and went on to say, on the very respiration, that's the word they used, and start taxing human respiration.
Now, again, let me just give you a newsflash here, for the little cult member
Oh the earth, that type, oh yes, that type.
We've got to shut down these corporations.
Which are financing you, you don't know that.
You'll find out in five minutes, which you refuse to.
Because it's your identity at the coffee shop, or at the tea shop, or hanging out at the park, going ooooh, ooooh.
And they actually, they all have like animal calls.
The good old boys go ooooh, and the liberals go ooooh.
I'm not kidding folks, they all have little animal calls.
And all their little cult groups, like sheep, different sheep brays.
And you talk to the liberals and they'll just go, mmmm.
You try to argue with them, the fake liberal, because that's their feeling good.
They're actually accessing in their mind, you know, their elitism and how they know everything and just creamily getting off on the cant of it, you know, the rote rhetoric.
I think so.
Tens of thousands of years from the ice cores showing that you have more greening and more life and that mammals would actually probably live longer and believe it or not be healthier in a higher oxygen environment.
You know about all the oxygen therapies out there.
And they'll just go, oh, you're saying there isn't problems with the environment.
And I'm saying no!
There is horrible problems with genetic engineering.
There are horrible problems with toxic waste and heavy metal dumping in the water systems.
We are drinking it, the dioxins, and all the rest of it.
I don't like it.
I don't want to die of cancer.
You know, I want to die when I'm 85, not 42, folks.
I mean, yeah, there's big problems.
Cancer's way up.
Diabetes is way up.
Allergies, everyone has them now, at least in this town.
All the big studies show the GMO isn't just killing the bees, it's hurting us.
Because it's got bacteria DNA, and insect DNA, and plant DNA, and other animal DNA.
Your body's going, what in tarnations is this?
Because our bodies, in our development, have never run into stuff like this.
I mean, the potatoes, most of the potatoes you eat have got amino acids that never existed.
In the history of this planet.
And your body doesn't know how to absorb those.
They're highly toxic.
There's petrochemicals in most of your refined foods.
Man, I'm all into taking care of the environment.
But let me tell you, the environment isn't going and using the city of Austin, because the banks and the Real Estate Council finance it and lobby, to go steal people's property and build five-star golf courses and hotels on it.
I mean, believe me, I use the green belts and I like them, but don't you go steal some family's ranch and not even give them but five cents on the dollar or what it's worth and then turn around and take the restrictions off and sit there and laugh at me and prance around talking about how you're an environmentalist.
Yes, I remember in Spaceballs, the comedy takeoff of Star Wars where the, uh, where the, uh, president or the emperor is like sitting there snorting his, uh,
He's got cans of air, fresh air, having to breathe it because there's no air.
That's hilarious.
Well, they're going to tell you that.
There is a living tax.
You already got that on property and sales and income and all that.
But now you're going to have a breathing tax.
And that's already what this is, a transportation tax.
They're coming out with diesel engine taxes and gasoline engine taxes and state and regional taxes.
And that's the number one agenda on the North American Union plate, is to start all this up.
Meanwhile, you've got John Travolta, and you've got all these, and Bono, and you've got Madonna, literally with fleets of their own jets, 5, 10, 15 mansions.
But see, they're the elitist.
You don't need resources.
It's just government training you not to have resources.
Government getting you ready to live in third world squalor.
You see, what they've done to the Iraqis, they're going to do here with Prozac and Ritalin and CPS in just a more sophisticated way.
You know, do you expect me to talk?
No, Mr. Bond, we expect you to die.
That's what they're telling you.
They expect you to die.
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About 15 minutes into the next hour, we've got a scholar for 9-11 Truth, a pilot for 9-11 Truth, joining us for the first time here on air to get into the inside job that was 9-11.
I'm going to go to your calls, Kyle, Jim, Linda, Robert, and Galen before he joins us about 15 after.
I do want to take out about 30 seconds to remind you I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made 15 films.
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And if you already have the film, start making copies, folks.
That's where the fight's at.
Kyle in Iowa.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How's it going?
Good, sir.
Hey, I got a couple of things I want to whip by really quick, and then one question, if you could elaborate on that.
I was listening to your broadcast, I think it was last week, and there was a guy who was talking about doing 9-11 Truth on the rubber stampers or whatever, and I got an idea for that.
What I'm going to do is put a window sticker on the back of my car that says, 9-11 Truth, jet engines are made of steel and they don't melt, InfoWars.com.
I think that might be a good idea.
I was curious, I'm assuming you have, but have you seen the Conspiracy of Silence video that was supposed to be put on the Discovery Channel?
I'm assuming you have.
Yeah, we put that on AXS TV about seven, eight years ago, and it's been on Google Video for about three years.
Okay, also really quick, I had called in and just talked to one of your guys' staffers,
Because I noticed you're complaining about your allergies, and there's a product I got that's helped me out quite a bit with that, and I didn't know if you'd gotten that information.
It's an air purifier, ozone kind of deal here.
So I don't know if you got that or not, but if you didn't, I will tell you what that is.
Okay, listen, I really appreciate your call.
I did get that info, thank you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Washington.
Jim, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'm a first-time caller.
I've been listening to your show for a while.
Well, welcome to the airwaves.
Alright, thanks.
I ran across a Google video of Norman Dodd last night doing the investigation of the Carnegie Endowment and non-profits.
Yeah, the Church House Committee hearings on the ruling elite of America and how the private banks fund the foundations to run both political parties.
Right, exactly.
And toward the end, when he was doing his investigation, it said that
Their objection to what he was doing towards him when he was doing his deal was his devotion to anti-Semitism.
This just goes back to Bill O'Reilly and everything he was doing.
It's like they read out of the same book, you know?
If you feel threatened, call your opposition a Jew-hater, you know?
It's the same old deal.
Absolutely and I mean literally now you can talk about global warming not being man-made and they say it's holocaust denial if you criticize the government I mean out of the blue they call Rosie like a Nazi like 50 times I've seen on TV and say that she supports holocaust denial and she's never said anything about that I mean then but that it's really starting to backfire it's it's not it's really getting stupid.
Right and I was also wondering about the dictaphone belts of Casper and Reese have those ever been
Can you get those through the Freedom of Information Act?
You're going to have to remind me what that is.
Uh, well... Uh, part of the investigation was Dictaphone Belt.
Oh, you're talking about the Carnegie Endowment hearings that are on tape.
No, I believe we only have the transcripts of those, but those were brought in under subpoena to Congress.
It's admitted.
All how Carnegie Endowment, that you always hear about pushing for peace?
No, it says how do we start wars?
How do we do all this?
Listen, I appreciate your calls.
That's what you're speaking of, correct?
Yes, and I was wondering where I would be able to get that information.
Oh man, I've interviewed
The person that interviewed Dodd before he died.
And that's G. Edward Griffin.
I mean, I've just covered it over the years.
It's kind of like knowledge.
You know, you get knowledge and at a certain point you don't remember where you got it, you just know it.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got a 9-11 pilot for truth, Commander Ted Muga, joining us.
Then we've got Professor Walter F. Murphy, who's a very prestigious professor at Princeton in jurisprudence and constitutional law, put on the no-fly list, the terrorist list, because he criticized President Bush.
And that's now been admitted, they do that.
There's a lot of examples of where they've put people on these lists.
And a course of neocons, I've seen them on the message boards, are posting that this just isn't true.
It's been admitted that they do this.
What are you talking about, you twits?
Let's go ahead and talk to Linda in Kentucky.
Linda, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to talk to you about the food supply.
And I tell you, Sunday, you just hit home with me and you were going on about these GMO foods.
I've got a whole list to cover.
I've got some important things to say.
First of all, Bayer had GMO rice that got out in California last year.
Did you know about that?
Where it wasn't approved?
Well, it's supposed to do that.
They accidentally put Starlink into the Shiloh hoppers into corn that just wasn't to be eaten but was for seed stock.
It's all by design.
Well, epistyte has GMO corn that produces antibodies that prevent conception.
You know, I remember... Give me more details, because I know about pharmacological crops, but I want to do more stories on this.
There's so much.
Well, I've got a whole list.
I've got to cover it.
You don't have time.
I estimate that, like, 87% of the corn is now genetically modified.
Yeah, no, that's an official number, like, five years ago, that 87% of the strains on Earth have been contaminated with one variety of Bt corn connected to killing the honeybees.
But let's just go back here.
I'm intrigued by it, because I know that in the 50s they had a declassified plan to ship
Rice that had sterilization chemicals to the Asians, and that indeed did happen in quote, you know, food programs.
Why Africans won't accept GMO donated food now.
But go back, what are they putting EpiCyte in?
What's growing EpiCyte?
EpiCyte is the name of the company now.
From what I understand they're denying this.
I've talked to a farmer about it.
And it produces corn that prevents conception and affects the semen, where it won't fertilize an egg in humans.
Well, that's exactly the type of stuff that we've caught them doing in the past.
I don't know about this particular company, but I'd like to see some documentation on that.
I have it, and I could forward it to you, but I'm not finished.
About the weed issue and the recall in the dog food.
We've known it for over a year that there's a problem with wheat and I can't get anybody to listen.
I can't get doctors to listen.
I can't get veterinarians to listen.
I tried calling the dog food companies I get hung up on and we have dogs and about three years ago they started blowing blood out their nose for no reason.
We traced it to the wheat and when we got them off wheat it went away.
And the farmer that I talked to says it's possibly a fungus.
Now, I called... Well, yeah, see, you talk to farmers, you keep talking about, I mean, I need some proof here.
You mention this stuff, and then I've read hundreds of articles about the fungus contamination of wheat and other grains, and that it's in the human foodstuffs as well.
And so I have proof of that, but I mean, and I'm not criticizing you, it's just... No, these are my personal dogs.
No, you see, you talk to a farmer.
Yeah, I can't say.
I can't say, because I'm trying to help him like I'm helping you get information.
Ma'am, you're missing what I'm saying.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
You're missing even what I'm saying to you.
If you type in fungus contamination of wheat into Google, you will see all these recalls and constant problems.
And I'm saying, ma'am, see, about 90% of the calls I get are, I heard from a neighbor.
Well, I heard there's a plan to build FEMA camps.
Have you heard this urban legend?
And I'm like, no, I have the Army declassified document.
It's at army.mil slash whatever.
Here's the Houston Chronicle.
And by the way, I went down to the camp here in Austin.
And so all I'm saying is, is that, uh... Ah, it doesn't even matter.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Commander Ted Muga will be joining us.
Pilots for 9-11 Truth coming up here in just a few minutes.
Some very important developments and information.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Robert.
Robert, where are you calling us from today?
Aurora, Colorado.
And I'm sitting in my living room burning copies of Terror Storm.
Good, thank you.
Alexander Ember Jones, I want to go a little bit off topic if you'll let me, but you always say open lines, open form, no subject is taboo off limits, so here goes.
Who are you liking in the NBA Finals?
I have not been.
I actually like basketball, but I haven't had time to watch basketball.
With all the R.I.P.s that have gotten fired, Alexander, I don't see how you have time to sleep.
Yeah, I don't even know who is in the finals.
Well, it doesn't come out until June.
I like the Dolph Merricks, but who cares?
No doubt you have heard the righteous indignation, the uproar, the, oh my god, I can't believe you said that about Don.
I must, um, I want to know where Alexander Jones sits as a radio broadcaster, as a citizen.
Uh, where are you on this?
Is it much ado about nothing?
You know, I'm going to be honest with you.
I ignored it for like the first four or five days or whatever.
And then, and I, I last night clicked on one or two and it wouldn't say what he said.
And they're calling for banning that type of speech.
And personally, I think Don Imus is an idiot.
And Don Imus just comes off as a complete slime ball.
But I mean, I want to know why black leaders get upset by that, but they don't get upset by CPS grabbing black children all over this country and testing drugs and pesticides on them.
So frankly, I mean, I get upset about that.
That really freaks me out.
I mean, if they can just kill little kids right in front of everybody.
And it's in a couple of papers and nothing happens.
There are 3,000 kids of all races that are missing in Florida.
Some are found overseas.
Some are found dead.
And right here in Texas, the governor has blocked the state from doing anything about giant child rape rings running everything.
I mean, that's even in the paper.
And I mean, I'm pretty freaked out.
So, frankly, yeah.
I mean, Don Imus is a joke.
And he probably did all this on purpose because his show is a joke.
I mean, personally, it's just... It's a big distraction to me.
But I don't even know what he really said.
Well just to bring up the speed, last week I think Wednesday or Thursday he was doing a sports show over WFAN radio up in New York, Big Sports Talk Station.
He's the newest guy but he works for them.
He's also syndicated with CBS Infinity.
They were talking about the NCAA Women's Collegiate Basketball Tournament and specifically the Rutgers University women's team.
Well, I mean, that shows what... He's a mean pig person, and I don't judge books by their cover, but I mean, believe me, that's probably the least of what Don Imus is really up to.
Oh yeah, I'm sure it is.
I'm sure it is, no doubt.
Okay man, I'll keep up the good work.
God bless.
Alright, thank you for the call.
We're going to get to Galen and Richard and Don and everybody because we're going to take calls while our guest is on with us.
You know, I've got his bio and it is a long one.
And we're honored to have him with us.
It's probably just better if he tells you a little bit about himself and how he woke up to 9-11 truth.
And he is Commander Ted Muga.
Ted, thank you for coming on with us.
Hello, Alex.
How are you today?
You're with Powell's for 9-11 Truth and you're also involved with some other 9-11 Truth groups.
Just tell us about your career in the military, what you've done since then, and why you've gone public on 9-11.
Well, coming out of college, of course, we had a draft in those days, as you remember.
And so I was sort of pulled into a new career because of the compulsory draft.
I was essentially coming out of college with an engineering degree, hoping to go into structural engineering.
And my plans changed there because of the Vietnam War.
And so I went into pilot training and that's where my career somewhat changed into a career of aviation.
So I had two cruises in Vietnam and coming out of there I went into Pan Am.
I went to Pan Am.
Let's go back.
What did you fly in Vietnam?
Oh, when I was in Vietnam I flew the E-1 and E-2 which is an airborne early warning aircraft.
Those are the aircraft with the radar.
What we do when we take off
Uh, we take the place of the control tower from the carrier.
And pull the aircraft in and out of the beach.
And then please continue.
And so, coming out of the Navy, my active duty ended in 1968.
I went to Pan American and I started flying for Pan Am out of San Francisco.
We had the old 707s in those days.
And of course, Pan Am was going through a little turmoil as they were growing and everything and bringing in the 747s.
I was furloughed there in the early 70s and I had a few miscellaneous areas of career, but then I was called back in in the middle 80s.
I went to Berlin actually.
I was domiciled in Berlin from two years before the wall came down to two years after the wall came down.
So I was flying strictly European routes all those years.
Bring us up to 9-11.
When that event took place, that very day, what was your first response?
And then over time, when did you finally wake up to 9-11?
When did you go public and join 9-11 Pilots for Truth and other organizations?
Well, strangely, the day of 9-11, because we were very, very involved in local politics and everything, we were actually involved in some local politics that morning, so I sort of missed all of it and everything.
But once we heard about it on the television and everything, the first item that came to my mind was blowback.
I thought they were getting back to us for all of the events that we had participated in the past and everything.
And so I didn't think that much about it for some reason, only because we were very involved in local politics.
But then, Charlie, thereafter, if you can remember, I think it was Discovery Channel or PBS, I can't remember, but NOVA came on with their explanation of the engineering and technical reasons for the demolition, or pardon me, of the destruction of the buildings or why they came down.
And actually, when they mentioned the pancake theory, that really got my attention because
In structural engineering there is no such thing as a pancake theory.
And so it was at that point that I knew that someone was intentionally misleading the public into believing the reasons why those buildings came down.
Now many of the supposed experts they trot out
Uh, for NIST or FEMA, it turns out, are getting big government contracts or work for the government, and it's only like ten or so of them.
It's a handful of, quote, experts.
And then every other expert you talk to, and every other engineer we've talked to, and you said you went to school for engineering before you became a pilot in Vietnam.
I mean, they all just go, no, something's wrong there.
Then you look at Building 7.
Uh, so, I mean, you started, so you saw that program.
What year was that?
Uh, gosh, it was in 2002, I believe.
And so did the lightbulb go off or was it a process or did you wake up at 3 a.m.?
The lightbulb came off and then I just started thinking about all of my experience in flying and everything.
Getting back to those engineers that you're talking about, have you noticed though that they will never come out and debate in public?
And I'm sure that there's a very good reason why they won't do that.
Stephen Jones, you know, has Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice, they have asked him specifically to come out and debate them.
And they will not debate in public.
And there's a very good reason because there is no engineering reason or technical reason that those buildings could come down because of strictly fires.
Steel structures just don't operate that way.
Well now, it's becoming almost a joke, but if it wasn't so serious, with all these firemen and police and medical workers and the video clips of the reporters saying, get back, they're going to blow the building up, they're going to bring it down, and then Silverstein saying, we made the decision to pull, and the next clip of the documentary shows them blowing up other buildings, calling it, when we pull a building, we demolish it.
I mean, I mean, it's...
And then now the BBC, everybody kind of forgot about it, it was a huge story and it just disappeared.
We should kind of do another story on that and try to point that out to people.
The BBC and then it turned out CNN and then another BBC channel reported twenty-something minutes before Building 7 fell that it had fallen and then stated the official story in the little press release they were reading.
I mean, we see total scripting.
There are so many events in the past.
I mean, 9-11 was just the most recent one and the most obvious one.
But then we just go back to the Oklahoma City bombing, even the USS Liberty.
I remember when I first heard about the USS Liberty, I was actually watching your DVD, Terror Storm.
That's what brought it to my attention.
And I couldn't believe it.
In fact, you know, recently there are some articles coming out.
I think it's in the free press out of Washington, D.C., because the 40th anniversary of the USS Liberty is coming up.
But there are so many events in our past history that the public needs to awake and connect to and open their eyes.
I don't know why the public is so hesitant to face the truth and open their eyes to some of these events.
Well, the people that try to debunk us, either build straw men or attack other researchers who are either mentally ill or by design are putting out this info, they can never really address the real core facts.
And they certainly don't want to address Operation Northwoods, a plan to carry out these style attacks.
They certainly don't want to deal with the fact that we have hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases.
That is confirmed.
They don't want to address
NORAD standing down and they don't want to address the Gulf of Tonkin was staged to get us into NAMM.
They don't want to address the overthrow of Mozadek, which Ron Paul brought up on Bill Maher.
They don't want to address that our government, that is criminal elements of our government, have staged terror or claim terror happened that never happened before to launch their own terror.
You're hitting the nail right on the head.
I'm not sure what it's going to take to get the public to wake up.
They have to understand, it's not the entire government.
You sort of said that it's an element within the government that seems to have a handle on all of this.
And we need to slowly open up the cracks.
I mean, even like Popular Organics with their story about
Stay there, sir.
We've got a break.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back.
Commander Ted Moog, a U.S.
Navy retired and retired naval aviator, running E-1, E-2s, retired Pan Am commercial air pilot, Boeing 707s and 727s.
He's with Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice, and also Pilots for 9-11 Truth.
Later, there's a website, PatriotQuestions911.com, and it just lists some of the former military and government people who've gone public, and I can't read them all, there's that many.
I've interviewed most of them.
No, I don't.
Constantly going public on 9-11.
So, I mean, in 2002, the light bulb goes off because you took engineering in school, and then you start thinking about the piloting.
And, you know, it's like that all the time in my own life.
You don't think about things until later.
You're, I guess, forced to look at them, and then it kind of, something clicks.
You go, how did I not see that before?
I mean, that's kind of how it's been with myself on a lot of issues.
I was aware of government-sponsored terror, sir, you know, before 9-11 happened, so I was kind of on it from the get-go, but there's lots of things I noticed, you know, later, and I wonder, how did I not notice that before?
When you talk to other pilots and your colleagues and friends and, you know, people about this, you know, what do they say to you, A, and then B, what, you know, made you think, with your knowledge of piloting, that didn't fit with the official story of these four hijacked aircraft?
Uh, getting to your first question, talking to other people, for them to actually come out and face reality and face the fact that there have been false flags, it takes them out of a comfort zone.
And when they acknowledge some of these events,
They're obligated to take action is what it is.
It takes them out of a comfort zone and it's a huge responsibility.
If you could imagine a person just coming off the street.
I've talked to so many of them and they just don't either don't want to get involved or they're afraid to get involved because of the responsibility that comes that follows acknowledging what the real truth is.
Well, I mean, I tell you, whenever I'm just working, there's no fear, there's no concern.
I'm totally committed.
But I talk a lot about that quiet times at night when you're going to bed.
Yeah, you know, reading a lot of literature about other people involved in dangerous situations, you know, talk about it is those quiet times.
It's not even a fear, it's more of a gutting up, and just going, I can't believe it's this bad, and I can't believe I'm in the middle of all this now, but then you're, but then I always am just reassured.
I go, well, you know, this is the right thing to do, and that'd be in more danger not fighting these people, and somebody's got to fight them.
I mean, when you went public, what was it like for you?
Well, with public, primarily with my wife and with our close friends, and real close friends, of course, pretty much we're willing to acknowledge it.
Once again, we're very involved with local politics, very progressive individuals, and so being willing to open your eyes to the truth isn't that much of a problem.
But once you go outside of that circle, it becomes very, very, very difficult.
Our organization, which is San Diegans for 9-11 Truth, here locally, we are very, very active in the local area.
In fact, this weekend our organization is having a citizen's grand jury event, of which we're going to have a number of people here.
Richard Gage, Stephen Jones on video, Kevin Ryan, a prosecutor, Don Paul from New Orleans who's coming up as the Chief Prosecutor, and I'm going to be actually testifying, an expert, a testimony concerning the
The probability that the planes were hijacked and the probability that if they were hijacked that they could have been flown and when you look at it from a standpoint of a commercial pilot
It's very, very unlikely that those planes could have been actually hijacked by those individuals.
What about Honey Honjour's supposed maneuver to bring it into the Pentagon?
Once again, it would take an extremely capable pilot to have done something that, especially without any first or second tries to begin with, and without any ground navigation equipment.
So, the probability that they were hijacked
Stay there, let's recap that on the other side with our guest, one of the 9-11 pilots, For Truth, on the other side.
Your calls as well and a lot of other news.
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I think so.
Please don't miss this brave destination.
Hope that you miss it.
I feel sorry, sorry for you.
We're all brothers and sisters, brother.
Welcome back.
I played that song a few days ago because I was re-reading over an old article from 2003 when Clear Channel and several other big radio networks banned that and hundreds of other songs.
Anything with the words love in it.
Anything with the words love in it.
I mean that's how manipulative and controlling.
Billions of dollars.
It's tens of billions.
I always talk about one purchase of 1.8 billion in fake news Bush did.
Tens of billions, over $24 billion since he's been in office, in fake news.
I mean, is that a free society?
Fake reporters?
PR people out putting out lies?
I mean, do you realize how far down the rat hole we are?
I know we've got a lot of phone lines.
We're going to get to your calls.
I just want to get these great individuals up and on the show, like Commander Ted Muja.
And, Ted, we were going to break there.
Honeyhungers maneuver what they claim.
Go through the maneuver they claim he did.
And then what supposedly happened there at the Pentagon, and then the maneuvers that were supposedly carried out that we see at both the Twin Towers.
I mean, go over that for us.
And then any other anomalies that made you question the official story after you knew scientifically from your training as an engineer in college that clearly the pancake theory was malarkey, as you said earlier.
But recap and elaborate, please.
Okay, well, the maneuver of the Pentagon was just a tight spiral coming down out of 7,000 feet.
And a commercial aircraft, while they can, in fact, structurally somewhat handle that maneuver, they're very, very, very difficult.
And it takes considerable training.
In other words, commercial aircraft are designed
Well, for a particular purpose, and that is for comfort and for passengers, and it's not for military maneuvers.
And while they are structurally capable of doing them, it takes some very, very talented pilots to do that.
And also, the pilots, a lot of times in the real world, would be wearing the pressure suits for blood.
They know how to breathe.
I mean, from other pilots we've interviewed here, they say that would take some breathing and things not to pass out, correct?
That's exactly right.
And then, of course, once again,
Depending on the speed of the aircraft, now the government's story on the speed, when a commercial airplane gets that high, it gets very, very close to getting into what you refer to as a high-speed stall.
And a high-speed stall can be very, very violent on a commercial-type aircraft, and you never want to get into that situation.
I just can't imagine an amateur even
We're good.
That a pilot would give up an airplane to hijackers, quite frankly.
In other words, you're not going to get out of that seat and walk to the back of the airplane.
Well, look.
I mean, look.
I mean, on average, if you try... I mean, most old ladies will start whacking you with their umbrella if you try to take something from them.
Men out there, even people we consider to be wimps, will start fighting back at a certain point.
And I assure you, with four different planes, with two different pilots in each one, you're going to end up getting some fighters on one of those.
I mean, maybe one plane might give it up from the studies we've done, but four planes giving it over to these people?
I mean, frankly, most of your pilots are former military people and are pretty macho.
I mean, can you tell us about the culture of military pilots just groveling to some people with box cutters?
I mean, I know if somebody came up to me with box cutters, I'd literally...
I don't say I'm tough or anything, but if somebody starts threatening my life, I'm gonna kill them!
Actually, the culture of pilots, especially the military pilots, is very much sort of what you're saying.
I can't even imagine anyone even coming into a cockpit that belongs to a couple of pilots.
It's a strange situation up there, and for anyone to believe that pilots would give up an airplane.
I mean, hell, a guy who doesn't give up a TV remote control, much less a complicated 757.
And so, to think that pilots would allow
We're good to go.
None of the planes ever switched on their transponder to the hijack code.
There's a very, very simple code that you put in if you suspect that your plane is being hijacked.
It takes literally just a split second for you to put your hand down on the center console and flip it over.
And not one of the four planes ever transponded to a hijack code, which is most, most unusual.
Other anomalies, I mean, again, because of your specific knowledge as a former military and commercial pilot of big planes.
Break it down for people, I mean, more of the reasons you have for questioning.
Okay, one of the other things is just actually getting into the seat itself.
If you can imagine, if you've ever gone into a cockpit, you sort of pull the seat back, you don't just comfortably slide into a cockpit seat.
You have to sort of climb over and slide in with your briefcase and everything.
Getting out is just as uncomfortable and everything.
A pilot getting out of there, if a pilot was ever confronted with anyone in the cockpit,
It would take a very, very simple maneuver with the yoke.
Just shut that yoke forward just momentarily and you would plant anybody that's not strapped down up into the ceiling.
The downside of that, anybody else in the airplane that wasn't strapped down would also be...
But I know pilots talked a lot about this, especially in the 70s and 80s with all the hijackings.
I mean, wasn't it kind of the inside thing that somebody busting that door, you're going to slam them up into the ceiling?
That's exactly right.
I mean, there's no way, unless you're strapped down, that you could survive it.
I mean, you'd plant them in the ceiling and then go back the other way and then lay them on the floor.
There is no way a pilot would allow anyone to come in and confront them in the cockpit.
That's just not the nature.
It's just ridiculous.
But again, they give us this official story we're supposed to believe.
What about them being able to, on both passes, T-bone those buildings without any type of beacons or knowing where they were at?
I mean, I've talked to a lot of pilots saying that, you know, without going into airspace that they were familiar with, that, you know, that that was some pretty good navigating right there.
That's very, very good, Navigate.
Actually, once you get over about 4,000, 5,000, 6,000 feet up in the air, it's nothing but haze up there.
And unless you're extremely familiar with an area, it's impossible to navigate without ground navigation aids or global positioning computers in your airplane and operating correctly and everything.
At that altitude, you're essentially flying on instruments up there.
No, at one of the flight schools, though, they said that Anna and others got in and threw a fit and couldn't even get the Cessna off the ground.
They lied and said they could fly it.
They were just creating their history, their ledger, their background in their black ops.
And we know that we're hired by the government for whatever nefarious thing they really did.
I mean, jumping out and throwing a fit, can't get a Cessna off the ground, but you're going to fly these big planes around and hit all your targets perfectly?
Yeah, these commercial airplanes are very, very complex pieces of machines.
And they're designed for two pilots up there, not just two amateur pilots, but two qualified commercial pilots up there.
And to think that you're going to get an amateur up into the cockpit and
Why, much less navigate it to a designated target, is the probability is so low that it's a border on impossible.
I mean, what would you say, 98%?
It is so close to 100% that it's negligible.
I mean, you can't even talk about it.
There is no way you can get an amateur into that cockpit and to fly a commercial airplane.
Well, I mean, we've had fighter pilots on the show and others, and they said they would have a lot of trouble, and they said they don't even know if a big plane would do that.
But they said in a fighter jet, it'd be quite a maneuver, but that they might be able to do it.
I mean, do you personally, from flying planes in Vietnam and flying big planes for Pan Am, do you think, I mean, how many times out of ten, if you had ten lives, you know, how many times out of ten could you do the maneuver they did and fly a passenger jet into the Pentagon?
Well, myself, I probably couldn't do it in the first ten times.
There have been some pilots that have tested it in a simulator with pilots in training and everything.
And in a simulator they would, out of ten times, not a one of them was able to do it the first ten times.
And this with all the assistance in the world to help them.
And this isn't trainings though, this is, I mean, you're saying pilots in simulators can't do it the first ten times.
That's exactly right.
I mean, some of the pilots that are in, pilots from 9-11-2, they tried it in a simulator in a 737 with some pilots in training, and they were not able to do it.
In fact, the instructor couldn't do it until his ninth attempt.
But the instructor on the 9th attempt, what facility was that if you can tell us?
It was a 737 simulator instructor somewhere that had sent a message over pilots for 9-11 Truth.
I want to dig that up because that's an important story to put out.
I'll get it to your folks.
I'll find it on the website and forward it on to you.
You're absolutely fabulous.
You've got to send it to Aaron at InfoWars.
I'll do that.
I'll do that.
Well, listen, I mean there's so many other facets and I appreciate your time.
Just take a few minutes in closing, sir, to talk about the grand jury deal you're having with two great ladies I know, personally, who've kind of organized that.
And then, you know, any other facets or points you want to make about government-sponsored or criminal elements of government-sponsored terror and where you think 9-11 Truth is going in the future.
Well, I think it's slowly opening up right now.
We are getting some higher profile people
Thank you.
Causing all of this problem.
Once again, you have to remember, they have over 2.3 trillion dollars of our taxpayers' money that they have to keep people quiet.
I mean, they do in fact have a lot of money.
And once again, getting back to our event down here, our little grand jury that we're having here, Don Paul will be the Chief Prosecutor, Jim Hoffman the Chief Investigator, and it's at San Diego State University, and it's an all-day event.
And we hope to get as much publicity as we can.
And the public is invited to that?
The public is invited.
We will be taping it and everything.
So we will have tapes for everyone and we will be getting them to the media as much as we can.
And getting back to your last question, I think we are slowly opening up the eyes of the public.
I really think it's going to happen here real, real soon.
And we're going to have some very, very exciting political times ahead of us.
My last question for you, sir.
We really appreciate you coming on, Commander.
Yes, sir.
And they all go, oh my gosh, those people couldn't do that.
We know something's going on.
We all know.
But we just don't know who to talk to or what to say or do.
So, I mean, really, it seems like the New World Order went way too far in that all the experts and all the technicians and all the pilots and all the engineers were going to be able to
Look at this and go, this is a load of baloney.
I mean, when you talk to other people, I mean, how many years after 9-11 did you start talking to folks and basically, is there a consensus?
Are people still buying into it?
People are still buying into it, but very slowly.
In fact, actually, I think it's picking up speed now.
More people are willing to open their eyes and accept the truth for what it is, however uncomfortable it may be.
And it is uncomfortable for many, many people.
But I think the story is getting out, and with efforts like yourself,
And Steven Jones and Jim Fetzer and all of the organizations that are really working hard to expose the truth.
I think it's going to happen real, real soon.
Well, God bless you, my friend, and I really do appreciate you, and I'd like to get you and other pilots up in the near future to maybe have a big roundtable discussion about this, and any websites, anything else you want to put out?
Okay, we'll just mention, everyone, our local website down here is sd911truth.org.
That's our local
9-11 organization down here that's sponsoring the grand jury and actually we have events going on every week and every month down here trying to expose the truth.
SanDiego911truth.com SD911truth.com, right?
Yes, SanDiego911truth.org.
Oh, org, excuse me.
SD, SD911truth.org.
Got it.
Well, listen, thank you so much for spending time with us, sir.
And thank you, Alex.
You bet, take care.
Well, another pilot.
There's a whole big long list we're going to be getting on the show here.
Including fighter pilot instructors and many others.
I mean, you just heard a pilot who flew planes in Vietnam and commercial aircraft, passenger aircraft, for many decades, telling you he couldn't do it the first ten tries.
He couldn't do it.
And then, of course, there would be just the physical feat of a train pilot breathing, wearing the pressure suit that keeps the blood, uh, you know, from going to your legs.
Concentrating on not passing out, and they're also trained to pass out.
They routinely pass out.
Then they have to pass out for a few seconds, and then, you know, instantly go back into, you know, command of their faculties when they wake up.
That's the maneuvers.
That's why, by 2011, half the fighter fleet will be robotic.
And after that, no humans in fighter planes, because those suckers are going to be able to literally fly circles around every other fighter plane out there that's got a human in it.
You understand?
It's the limitations of gravity.
I was reading how it was based on a true story.
It was a real event of a guy that killed his girlfriend by not having her in a seatbelt.
And then slamming on the brakes and slamming her head into the car and slamming it again.
And I heard that was actually in the movie Death Proof that Quentin Tarantino just put out part of that.
But I mean the point is people can be killed in cars just slamming on the brakes.
Say you're going 100 miles an hour and you slam along with good brakes and slam somebody's head, you know, they'll fly out the windshield.
I mean, can you imagine going 400, 500, 600 miles an hour?
And what would happen when those guys busted in the door?
Standard op for the pilots was, we're being hijacked, so what if somebody back there gets their neck broken?
We're going to go ahead and slam this guy's head in the wall.
That's what they do.
But no, these military pilots who, I mean, you read about their annex when they're on aircraft carriers and stuff.
You know, it's all about being super macho.
They're like worse than, you know, Marines.
Oh, we're just gonna, oh, get me up.
I mean, if somebody came to that door right now with box cutters, I would just assault them.
I mean, just an average man would do that.
I mean, you know that.
It's just, it's a lie.
It's a fraud.
We'll be right back with your calls.
Stay with me.
I've got a bunch of audio for you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are scheduled in about 35 minutes from now for a half hour to have that professor on, top constitutional law professor, who just mildly criticized Lord Bush and so was put on the no-fly list.
Lord Professor Murphy on.
For that next 30 minutes, we're going to be taking your phone calls.
I know we've got Galen has been holding for 45 minutes, Richard, Ken, David, and others there that are patiently holding.
We're going to get to you coming up here in just a few minutes.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Rob Belchamo has called in.
He's one of the co-founders of 9-11, uh, Palace of 9-11 Truth.
And we had a former Vietnam pilot and commercial airline pilot on, uh, talking about how he couldn't do the maneuver into the Pentagon that we're told Honey Honjour did.
And he was talking about, he knew about a pilot, pilots that had done it in a simulator and couldn't do it, you know, with ten tries.
The instructor did it on the ninth.
That's how hard this is.
And that's without the G-forces that would have been on them and would have been extremely violent.
Rob is a pilot himself.
Rob, fill us in on that specifically.
Thanks for calling in because I wanted to know specifically what pilot did the test.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I'll be real quick.
I know you have a full schedule.
Anyway, one of our pilots, when he joined up, he gave me a little summary of what he tried to do.
And actually, he was in the simulator on September 11th when the events were going down.
He's not only a simulator instructor, he is also a check airman, which means he gives the check rides, the tests, in the simulator and also in the aircraft, the actual aircraft.
So, they were trying to duplicate the hitting the day.
He said, after watching the events of that day, we decided to try and hit the towers with the 737.
None of the new pilots were able to do it.
And now, when he says new pilots, that doesn't mean that they were brand new pilots.
These are experienced pilots.
They were just new to the airline.
He says none of the new pilots were able to do it.
9 out of 10 times at high speeds.
450 knots plus.
He says, I couldn't even do it despite years as a Czech captain on the airplane.
I knew then that something was wrong with the story we were being told.
And then he goes on to say, please let me know how I can help out to get to the truth.
Has he gone public?
Can we interview him?
What's his name?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I'll forward the email to Kevin.
What's his name?
His name's Captain Dan Govatos.
He's flying Falcon 900s out on the West Coast right now.
And he's been a pretty good help to us.
I'll forward the email to him and also to Kevin.
Yeah, do that.
And send it on over to Paul Watson.
We're going to do a story on this.
And plug the website.
You've got a great website.
Yeah, pilotsfor911truth.org.
Of course, our film, Panora's Black Box.
That's right, Panora's Black Box.
I've been thinking about carrying that.
Thank you so much, sir.
Let's go ahead now and take a call here.
Galen's been holding.
Galen in South Dakota, thanks for holding here on the air.
Yes, good afternoon, Alex.
I'd just like to say, keep up the good work, keep spreading the truth.
I myself have been working real hard to do that.
I've been contacting friends and family.
And having listened to your show, I've heard several good ideas out there.
And I have come up with a rubber stamp
That I believe if all of your listeners out there were to get this stamp and use it, we could have as big an impact as those planes had on the towers.
Without killing anybody, what would the stamp say?
Go to Kinko's, go to Office Max, get it made for five bucks, what would it say?
Uh, actually, Alex, I've got a listing on eBay, and if your listeners will just search, Truth Loving Patriots, they can get hooked up with my eBay listing, and they can get the stamp for free, just to have to pay for the postage.
Sure, how much is it?
Postage will run about $8.00, a little less than $8.00.
What's the stamp say?
It says, Truth Loving Patriots Must See, with three exclamation points.
And then it lists 911files.net.
Two of your websites, and then 911truth.org.
Good idea.
I hope folks check it out.
We'll be right back.
Or you can just go out and make your own stamp.
It says 9-11's an inside job.
Whatever website you like.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have the constitutional law professor coming up in about 23 minutes from now who got on a no-fly list for daring to speak of the great leader.
And then we've got Richard Kinn, David, Jeffrey, James, and I'm gonna get to your calls.
I will get to your calls.
But, we also have a James Bamford clip.
It's like eight minutes long.
It's a compilation of three different news clips.
Two of them are him on local TV in New York and other areas.
Homer 2020 News Executive wrote books about government-sponsored terror, about Operation Northwoods, and then he expanded it on how they basically staged the Iraq War.
This is stuff you never saw on the national news, so I want to play that.
So let's get through this.
But I wanted to get him on today.
He's out of block.
He works, and I've known Adam for, even before he worked for New Millennium.
I've known, I've talked to Adam for about 10 years.
I don't think so.
But really it's simple.
It's made in America.
Highest quality American Berkies.
They've got British Berkies if you want them.
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Their main business, ladies and gentlemen, is selling to the big suppliers and to the Army, Navy stores and the camping supply stores and to missionaries and militaries and governments.
But Adam and Debbie Morrow handle, among other things, just doing the radio interviews and taking your calls.
Because I guess back in like 1999, Jim said, why not just go directly to the people?
And so that's what we do here with several of our sponsors like Calvin Pierce soap as well.
So Adam, great to have you on with us.
Alex, thank you.
Thank you once again.
Always a pleasure to be a little part of your program here.
And you're right.
Water is in the news.
It continues to stay in the news.
This time, we're going to take a look at bottled water.
Kind of interesting, of course, late last year, the American Dental Association saying, don't use fluoride for little children under one year of age.
Don't put it in their formula.
Don't use it in their concentrate.
And then two weeks later, the FDA turns around and approves fluoride in bottled water.
Well, it's because they care about us so much.
They want to help us.
Well, you know, and I'm sure you know, but some of your audience may or may not, modern studies have linked fluoride to arthritis, allergies, kidney and thyroid dysfunction, bone damage, and cancer, even at the low levels that dentists are saying is okay to help reduce tooth decay.
And then of course there's all the herbicides, the pesticides, the oil, all the stuff.
I mean especially if you live like in Texas or Florida or some place where all the rivers come down to the rest of the country.
Just throw up all that stuff and all the sewer and all the dead bacteria.
I mean the water we drink generally in these big cities is just been recycled sewer water.
But you know what?
I mean, we're wrong.
Mercury, chlorine, it's all nutritious.
You know what?
I'm going to trust my government and I'm going to drink the water.
And I'm going to eat pet food too.
I'm going to go out and find the banned pet food names and I'm going to eat those because I've got to trust my government instead of talking bad about them so Al-Qaeda wins.
Well, unfortunately the bottled water industry is not very heavily regulated and this is one of the big problems.
I don't know if you knew this or not, Americans are buying an estimated 25 billion single serving plastic bottles of water a year.
9 out of 10 of those, from our neighborhood of 22 billion, end up in our landfill at a rate of 60 million bottles a day.
That's a lot of garbage, and it doesn't need to be.
You know, we talked last time on the show, Alex.
There's been another recall.
The FDA issuing it for a brand of mineral water coming out of Armenia.
Five brands of that particular product have been recalled because they had potential for arsenic in the bottled water.
Typically, the bottled water, here's what happens.
They're filtering for taste and smell.
And that's it.
What else are you going to find in there?
You never know sometimes.
What's the answer?
Well, they had Dannon Water kill people up in New York, what, five years ago?
Before my time here.
Well, they've had a lot of cases.
Just type into Google, bottled water kills.
I still drink it sometimes when I'm out on the road.
I've got a few brands that I trust that are local.
I'll certainly drink bottled on average over tap.
But still, it's a... Have you guys done the ratio?
I think Jim did a few years ago.
You want an average filter that does 10-12,000 gallons in the life of the system.
And then you just get new filters.
Versus how much you save if you do that versus buying it as bottled water with some just ridiculous amount.
How long does it take to pay off the filter system if you buy it?
I did do some basic work on that based on the sport bottle that we have.
And you're looking at somewhere between $0.16 to $0.24 a bottle if you go out to the store to one of these big box stores and buy cases upon cases of water and haul the stuff home.
Well, things like a sport bottle, of course, you don't have to do that.
There's no more going to the store.
There's no more storing all this water.
And I am looking specifically for the price.
The sport bottle itself, you're looking at about $0.05 a fill.
Once you go and you need a replacement cartridge, now you're talking two cents every time you fill that bottle.
Adam, you're good!
I just threw that out at you unscripted, and you knew the answer.
Well, bottom line, you've got the big Berkeys, made in America.
You've got the British Berkeys, made in England.
They're all excellent.
You've got the American-made sport bottles.
You've got it all.
Tell folks about the Sports Bottle Discount, and tell them about one of the big filter discounts, and the free gifts they get, and then give us that number.
Well, even on your website, Alex, if I'm not mistaken, you've got that five generic sport bottle deal going on for, if it's not a mistake, $99.
You can also do that by calling Debbie at 888-803-4438.
She knows that you and I are talking today.
She is ready to hear from your listeners.
Love to talk to them because they're very, very intelligent listeners and she just gets a real tickle out of talking to them.
No, no, she's a sweetheart.
She's a wonderful, wonderful lady to work with.
B-E-R-K-E-Y-Water.com is our website.
If you go there, please make sure you mention there's a place you can do this that Alex Jones sent you to the site and that helps us track things and make sure Alex is taken care of.
Adam, thank you for coming on the show with us.
God bless.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
Folks, these are high quality filters.
I use it in my office.
I use it at home.
And I've got them with the post filters to knock out all the fluoride.
The sports bottles reduce it and cut everything else out.
The big filters reduce it down to 90 plus percent.
I want it all out.
I don't want my children drinking any of it.
They're going to get enough of it in the food because it's been sprayed on the crops and it goes through the membrane of the plants.
That's why they use it as a weapon because it's incredible.
Research how hard it is to filter fluoride.
It's unbelievable.
Just give them a call.
If you've been waiting and haven't done it, you're crazy.
And on top of it, you can go to InfoWars.com and order all the same stuff right off our shopping cart.
We just give them the orders each day.
And then they get them out to you.
Very high quality systems.
And I feel really good promoting these great systems.
And you get a discount.
Go try to buy a British Berkey or an American Berkey at a store.
And a $200 unit is $300 on average.
A sports bottle that's $19.95 is $35.
Go find out.
Go look into it.
Alright, let's go ahead now and go to some of your calls.
I'm going to move quicker so we can get to everybody.
Richard in Texas, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, just wanted to say that the numbers of pilots, engineers, structural engineers, and those sort of people in this country, not to mention the world, that have to be aware of the ridiculous story of the official 9-11 story has got to be just huge.
And I've got to believe we're right on the cusp of a lot of these people being brave enough and figuring out where to come forward to.
And surely this thing, in addition to all the other folks and things that are happening out there, has got to explode here shortly.
It's got the globalists scared.
We have to make sure that Bush doesn't just get the blame for it, and then America gets the blame.
We have to explain it's a larger globalist plan to get us into a war, get us demonized, get the dirty work of the New World Order done, domestically blow out our economy, and then blame it all on Bush.
Bush is horrible and needs to go to prison for the rest of his life, but Bush is a puppet, just that.
I'd also like to ask you, Alex, I'm sure you're familiar with a series of books, starting with the Handbook for the New Paradigm, and if you have any comments about that.
The origin's a bit obscure, and I think there's some good stuff in there that people might want to check out.
You know, I stand over that.
It's got some weird things in the back.
I, you know, I'm not too new-agey, my friend.
Well, yeah, okay.
I don't agree with everything that's in there, but it's interesting some of the concepts that are there in terms of people getting ready to, you know, stand on the correct side once everything does come down.
Sure, I didn't read the whole thing.
I scanned through it.
I think it's an interesting read.
I just want to really encourage people to put their money where their mouth is.
You know, Alex, all that you're doing, and you know that all the other people in the movement that are high profile, I mean, we need to buy the books, we need to buy the videos.
Money is so critical to what we're doing.
The other thing is, I want to mention five things that, or something that every individual can do, whether they're in a town with a group or
Let's say if they're not in a town with a group, just what individuals can do.
Then I want to mention five things that just show that the country is absolutely in this right-left paradigm coma.
One thing I did that anybody can do, and I encourage all the people in the 9-11 Truth Minutes to do, we've all got Wi-Fi in our house.
Rename your access point to InfoWars.com that I did.
I can see nine neighbors when I try to pull up Wi-Fi.
Um, I see what there says.
Now they're seeing Infowars.com, um, as the name of my Wi-Fi access point, and that'll get them to go there.
Um, but... Stay there.
We'll come back and real fast run through your points.
It sounds like there's ten of them, so... We got a guest coming up, and I want to get to everybody, but stay there.
It sounds interesting.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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Thus says Yahweh, if you will not keep my commandments by violating my covenant, I will bring upon you sudden terror!
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade
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The masters hung me in the spring of twenty-five.
But I am still alive.
I was a sailor.
I went aloft.
Alright, welcome back.
Let's go back to Ken in Atlanta.
Ken, go ahead real fast, run through your points.
Um, another thing people can do is just call Radio Shiz.
I called, I was on the air, on C-SPAN, and I said I'm upset that the national media is not covering what's going on in the youth detention centers in Texas.
That they did not cover what Terry Nichols released about the FBI informant.
And at that point, it's right back to the same deal going on with the FBI informant that was working with the FBI all the way up until the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
And they were totally stunned, you know.
But the whole thing got out over the air.
Let me give you a few things that I've seen on C-SPAN that just tell me this country's asleep.
Gingrich comes on, he spends 55 minutes saying that conservatives are losing because they're not physically conservative anymore, and then in the last five minutes of his speech, he says that
That American taxpayers should look at the drug money that's going into Afghanistan, and that we should replace that with American tax dollars.
And there was no reaction to it.
That is insane.
Are you kidding?
Mainline conservatives think open borders and gun control is now conservative.
On October 14, 2006 on C-SPAN, Brzezinski was in a little panel with Walter Russell Mead from Council of Foreign Relations, between him is sitting Margaret Warner from PBS, and they're talking about the consolidation of North American countries, and Brzezinski says consolidation is inevitable.
No reaction.
Yeah, that means North American Union.
Here's the deal.
I read the news articles about him saying the government might stage an event to go into Iran.
I read the news when he talked about North American consolidation integration.
I don't have the staff to cover all this.
I said I wanted to buy those from C-SPAN.
Can somebody get those and get them to me?
I will.
Because more than even monetary stuff, we need people to send us tapes and things with it labeled telling us where it is.
Because we just, there's so much media, we can't watch it all.
I'll try, I'll get it to you.
But that's the incredible thing, is they publish books, they go on TV, they admit all this stuff, and then when you say you're against it, they go, you're crazy, it doesn't exist.
Uh, Chertoff, Chertoff spent an hour talking about how international law is going to take over our law.
An hour he spent on this.
And then the crowd cheered when it was over.
The death of America!
Oh, we love being idiots!
And that was like a, I can't forget, I can't remember who they are, like a lawyers group, I can't remember what they were.
Yeah, you gotta understand folks, they all go to pose in their suits and look for business deals and act like they're elitists.
It's all about if I just lick the boots of the establishment, I'll move forward.
So don't feel bad because you watch hand-picked audiences worship a demon.
Let me tell you, the public's waking up, brother.
I work for a high-profile
I'm not in the website part of the company now.
I've got probably a million people a day.
By the way, I have a tool that costs my company $20,000 a year to get access to this data.
And I'm looking at the amount of traffic going to Infowars.com.
And people, we are winning.
Infowars.com is above Clark Howard.
Rush Limbaugh and O'Reilly sites are just tanking.
They're just tanking.
I had to deal with a situation where we had a fraud case of a guy coming in.
He's using hundreds of credit cards.
He's spending all day.
I can tell when this guy's sleeping, because when he's sleeping, he's not ordering with somebody else's credit card.
And I'm having to stop these orders and deal with all this stuff.
He had a Muslim name, not that that matters, but it was a name.
It's a known name.
Well, here's the deal.
Sure, listen, you're a great caller.
I love callers like you.
Just call back another day, man.
We're out of time.
I gotta go.
We got a guest coming up.
And I want to jam in the other calls later, too.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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The websites are jonesreport.com, that's jonesreport.com, infowars.net, and prisonplanet.com.
Very glad that you joined us today.
Professor Walter F. Murphy sits in the famous chair that was set up for President Woodrow Wilson when he was at Princeton.
And he is a jurisprudence scholar, a legal expert, lawyer, a constitutional law expert, you name it, one of the top people in the country.
And I've seen some of his papers in the past, just studying different cases, and he was the go-to guy, one of just a handful
And so one of the top people in the country, I guess it's what got the administration so angry, and they put senators on the list, congressmen on the list, they've
They put war heroes on the list, many anti-war activists with no criminal record that try to come to events we put on, don't make it, because they're just not allowed to fly, or you're on the watch list and they ransack and interrogate you and pull your pants down.
We were on a list that's international up in Canada.
Well, you ought to see it.
When I come back in the country, they just, their eyes, people come over there and look at the passport and you think a four-alarm fire has happened, but then I've been off the list for a while, so that hasn't happened.
But here's the article.
Professor, who criticized Bush, added to terrorist no-fly list on a Raw Story, a top constitutional scholar from Princeton, and they got this on one of the big legal sites, who gave a televised speech that slammed President George W. Bush's executive overreach, recently learned that he had been added to the Transportation Security Administration's terrorist watch list.
He shared his experience this weekend at the Law Blog Balkanization.
Walter F. Murphy, the McCormick Professor of Juris
Prudence Emeritus at Princeton University attempted to check his luggage at the curbside in Albuquerque, New Mexico before boarding the plane to Newark, New Jersey.
Murphy was told he could not use the service.
I was denied a boarding pass because I was on the terrorist watch list, he said, when inquiring with a clerk.
Uh, why he was on the list.
Murphy was asked if he had participated in any peace marches.
We ban a lot of people from flying because of that, a clerk said.
And then it goes on to talk about how he had never been part of the peace march, but in September 2006 had given a lecture at Princeton, televised and put on the web, highly critical of George Bush for his many violations of the Constitution, Murphy said.
to the publication.
The clerk responded, that'll do it.
And it goes on, they said, you will be ransacked.
And they did steal his luggage, tear it all apart, didn't get it, and they did ransack him.
That's how it works.
Then the neocons are denying this even goes on.
No, it's admitted they have an enemies list that makes Nixon or Hillary Clinton's look tame.
And again, joining us is Professor Walter F. Murphy, the McCormick Jurisprudence Chair at Princeton University.
Thanks for coming on, sir.
Oh, you're welcome.
Just out of the gates, let's just go to the beginning of this.
What did you say in the speech, you know, about the Fuhrer principle with the President declaring absolute executive godhood, basically?
I mean, let's go over that, the evil stuff that has you marked as a terrorist now, and then let's go into what actually happened to you at the airport, sir.
Okay, quickly.
First, I'm not a lawyer.
I have a doctorate of philosophy.
Princeton doesn't have a law school, which gave me much more freedom.
By the way, my luggage was lost.
I don't know whether it was stolen or not.
It eventually showed up.
The article says ransacked.
It was ransacked.
That's what one of the people I talked to at American Airlines said.
They would do.
I don't know.
I mean, as I said, my luggage disappeared for about six hours.
Seven hours, maybe.
Maybe even longer.
I don't know.
But it showed up sometime between 11.30 and 6 a.m.
the next morning.
My talk was essentially a critique of Bush's claim, I am the decider, that he could ignore acts of Congress, that he didn't have to go to the courts to get warrants, etc.
And I just put against his claims, this is only one of many,
James Madison had a definition of tyranny, and Madison wrote that when all power is concentrated in the hands of one man, one department, or one institution, you have the very essence of tyranny.
And then I contrasted that with Bush's definition, I am the decider, and how he didn't have to
Talk or be curbed by anyone else.
Then I compared it to, first of all, saying I'm not accusing Bush of being a Nazi.
I don't think he is.
But I did say it's interesting that the apologist for Nazism, a philosopher named Carl Schmitt, wrote about during the time of the rise of Hitler,
The parliaments and congresses, legislatures in general, were just not able to cope with crises.
And what you needed was a dictator.
A man who could have all power in his hands and could make binding decisions for the common good.
And that seems to me to be Bush's model.
I don't think he knew about it.
I don't think Bush could even read Carl Schmitt.
But without realizing it,
He was following Carl Schmitz.
would have vomited on George Bush.
He was not this kind of conservative, and his daughter has written a long article rebutting the neocons who claim to be Straussians.
They have nothing in common with Leo Strauss.
Okay, well, please explain that to us.
I mean, did Strauss really push Machiavelli?
Strauss, by the way, used to refer to Carl Schmitt as that whore, Carl Schmitt.
Uh, and Strauss had debated him in public in Germany.
Uh, Strauss was opposed to this kind of thing.
Uh, and I don't know where these neocons got their Strausses.
I took four courses with Leo Strauss as a graduate student and knew him well.
Uh, and they can't claim any heritage from him.
Why did they do that?
I have no idea.
I don't know any of these people and I frankly don't want to know any of them.
Okay, well please continue.
I mean, so you gave the speech, or is there more to the speech?
Yeah, I gave the speech.
It was televised and put on the web.
And the speech, as I said, I think I've summarized.
I didn't go into great detail, because it took 45 minutes to deliver.
But that's the gist of it.
Bush, by this dictatorial notion of the presidency, was destroying the Constitution, which is built on a notion of limited power.
The Congress checks the President, the President checks Congress, both check the courts, and the courts check both check the courts.
And Professor, doesn't history show that you want those checks and balances?
Because you always end up getting some rampant dictator over time, somebody bad is going to get the levers, and it always leads to insane excesses like Nero or Caligula.
I mean, how do they get in the mindset that
You know, this centralized power, like Alberto Gonzales has written, where, you know, I mean, they've said it.
I mean, it does sound like the German you were talking about.
Well, everybody, of course, thinks that he is above sin.
Not everybody, but a lot of people.
And they don't have to worry about themselves.
They won't abuse power.
And, of course, of that human nature being what it is, everybody
does eventually abuse power, even though they may start out with great moral thoughts in their mind.
But in any case, after the speech, well, not as long after the speech, I gave the speech in September, and then in March I tried to fly, and the clerk from the check-in man at American Airlines told me that, sorry, I couldn't have a boarding pass.
Because he said you're on the terrorist watch list.
I assumed it was my fault because I got... My children would say I'm so 19th century about working computers and so forth that I probably triggered the wrong buttons.
In any event, he said you have to go inside.
So I went inside and talked to a clerk.
And he said, yes, I was on the watch list.
I said, but that can't be.
And you know, I'm a retired colonel in the Marine Corps.
I fought in Korea, was wounded in battle and decorated for what the Marine Corps said was heroism, though.
I doubt it.
That's right, though.
I'd forgotten about that.
You're a combat veteran of Korea and a colonel in the Marine Corps.
And so I said, you know, that can't be.
I showed him my military carry.
Always carry my Marine Corps ID around in my pocket, and I showed it to him, and he was sympathetic.
So was the man outside.
Both were very sympathetic and said, well, the guy inside said, well, look, if you don't mind, let me take this, and I'll go inside, and I'll talk to the people.
He said, I assume the people were the TSA people, though I didn't see.
He went into a door, I mean, through a door, and came back in about, oh,
I guess it was ten minutes.
It seemed like ten hours.
Now, I mean, let's be clear.
A lot of times they just don't let you fly, so I guess because you're, you know, a veteran and a Marine Corps Colonel, maybe that even got you to be able to fly.
I don't know.
I mean, by the way, you know, I don't know whether you're familiar with the way the Homeland Security draws up its various lists.
Essentially, they get information from the CIA and the FBI and then draw up a list.
Now the list is drawn up, we don't know who draws it up, it's drawn up in secret.
And the Homeland Security has refused to tell us what criteria it uses to put people on or off the list.
So essentially what we have is a secret list, a list drawn up by people
Who's names we don't know, in secret, and who's criteria they use, we don't know.
I mean, Franz Kafka would have a marvelous time writing a novella about this.
It is Kafkaesque.
It is Kafkaesque.
I mean, that's the only word to describe it.
has apparently said that I'm not sure, I can't, I'm not sure I'm on the list.
Well, nobody's sure he's on the list because TSA and Homeland Security won't tell anybody.
And for those that don't know, with cop codes, it's kind of the precursor of 1984, but he's tried and executed and they never even tell him what he did, and the people that are sentencing him don't even know.
And literally here, now they have this international crime database, and they're telling check cashing places, if you're on suspected of crime, they can't cash your checks.
Now they're admitting that when you go buy a car or a house, you're being run through this.
Now they're saying that what meals you order, or what you've bought with your credit card history with the NSA, watching with the Total Information Awareness Network that's been enforced the whole time, that that's all indexed in here.
So it's even, I guess, computers, just some algorithm also decides this.
And what we think, but we don't know.
The Homeland Security people will not tell us what they use.
And we don't know, you know, if it's my computers, we don't know what the algorithm is.
Well, Doctor, I interrupt, you go back.
So he goes in for 10 minutes with your Marine Corps Colonel ID, he comes back out, what happens?
And he gives me my ID card.
I mean, he gives me my boarding passes.
You can go on board.
And it may not have been that clerk, but one other employee of American Airlines there.
It may have been the man
Uh, from the, uh, who tried to check me in first.
One of them said, uh, yeah, you can get on board, but they're going to ransack your luggage.
Uh, and one of them had asked me about how, as you recounted, had I been on any peace marches and that, that, that story, which is, which is true.
I mean, you were kind of exactly as it happened.
Uh, and I was allowed to fly, uh, and coming back, uh,
Maybe mere coincidence, but coming back my luggage was quote lost end quote.
It showed up
As I said earlier, I'm not sure exactly... Oh, no, no.
I mean, let me tell you, because I fly all the time, and I'm sure you do too, but no, I mean, it's been in the news.
So, your suspicion is correct, and I can pull the articles up and send them to you if you want them.
What happens is, basically, now we hear that after 9-11 and new systems, 20% is lost.
If they search it, they don't wait for the plane.
It's pushed over to a big pile, and then when they get to it, they get it.
It flies on the next plane, and then they ship it to your hotel.
So, it's also costing the airlines a lot of money.
Well, apparently what happened to me, because it wasn't there when I arrived, and it came... I finally went to sleep, because it was 11.30 my time, and it was 1.30 in the morning by the time I'd gotten up, but I was getting tired.
So I got up the next morning, the luggage was there.
So... Yeah, that's how it works.
So, I mean, have you contacted the Homeland Security?
I have.
I mean, this is even worse than guilty until proven innocent and some type of Napoleonic
Yes, I hope it does.
I've got a flight tomorrow.
I'm going to a conference tomorrow at the University of Texas Law School.
I hope.
And I may or may not make it.
I've learned to pack everything even if it's a week long business trip and fold suits up in a little bitty bag and then I just carry that sucker on with me or I never get my bags.
I mean, you're not checking anything.
It's all coming with it.
Now, Doctor, have you heard the latest?
They want to put, quote, Viper teams in all the subways and at bus terminals and in random searches at shopping malls.
I can send you Miami Herald.
Oh, my God.
No, I'm not kidding.
So now, see, they train us in the airports.
Now it's going to be everywhere.
Well, Big Brother is joining us.
I mean, does that validate your speech, though, about... Oh, of course.
I mean, this is... I mean, the only... Take a couple of...
Well, in fact, that's the point I make a lot.
Making dictators act like dictators, though, is a pretty quick way to escalate them out of business, isn't it?
It must be.
I hope.
I mean, that's why I've gone public.
I've waited several weeks before saying anything, you know, beyond speaking to friends.
But I just decided that if I lie back and do nothing, because at least I have some access to the news media, if not to any political power, if I sit back and do nothing, then nobody has
I'm in a better position than most people, because at least I have my Marine Corps background, I have academic background, and I have a number of friends and former students who are in the various media, and I have some access.
Well, I mean, isn't this really a new blacklist, but it's computerized and secret?
I mean, you can't even go into the Un-American Committee and say, hey, darn it, I'm not a red.
Here they just say this is the way it is.
That's exactly it.
And I filled out the forms for the online security to get off the list that I may or may not be on.
And they require a
A birth certificate.
Well, I've given them a passport, my marine ID, I've given them a copy of my award and distinguished service cross, but I suspect they're going to tell me I've got to go spend two weeks getting a birth certificate.
Yeah, stay there.
One final segment with you, Doctor, on the other side.
We'll be right back with our guest, a fellow thought criminal,
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Final segment.
I didn't get to play those clips of James Bamford from Operation Northwoods in his new book.
Yeah, we're going to get him on the show about the whole Iraq War being planned 20 years ago.
But that's coming up.
We've had Bamford on many times.
We'll get him back on.
I just wanted to play the clips.
I'm sorry I didn't today.
Too many guests, too much information.
Talking to the professor from Princeton, and got a chair there, and one of the big recognized experts on jurisprudence and the law, now on the thought criminal list.
Where would you like to see this go in the future?
Well, let me ask this first.
We were talking during the break about Bush's new Praetoriate.
Where the Capitol Police are Congressional, but they're following orders from Homeland Security now.
The Executive is basically bossing the Legislative around.
I mean, that's unheard of.
This is literal Caesar behavior.
We've got the Federal Pretoriate at the airports and now, in quote, infrastructure protection infesting everything with Secret List.
Well, I fear we're slipping that way.
And how do we stop it?
I think the first thing to do is, we've got to get, people have to become aware of what's going on.
I've found a lot of people to whom I've talked about this have shrugged their shoulders.
One very well-known attorney shrugged his shoulders and said, welcome to the real world.
Just taking this kind of conduct is what we should expect.
We shouldn't, and we ought to protest.
People who are treated as I was should go to the media.
People, and they should also get in touch with their senators and their congressmen,
Uh, a statutory bill of rights for those of us who have to travel and are subjected to these kinds of checks would set up procedures.
Hey, it's real simple.
If somebody doesn't have an APB out of them and you don't have a reason to arrest somebody, you don't stop them from flying.
Uh, yeah.
Well, I can see
If there is somebody who the CIA knows is a terrorist.
Yeah, but that's the CIA involved in our domestic life.
Yeah, but they could, and I don't like that, but they could notify the FBI.
Of course, they're both so protective of their own turf that whether they'll tell the FBI or not is another matter.
But they could, and I don't object to that if you have, say, Obama from Al-Qaeda who flies in from some foreign country.
Yeah, but see, that's international, man.
This is not me trying to fly to Dallas from Austin.
35-minute flight.
Yeah, well...
That, I mean, the more domestic you get, the more bothersome it becomes.
And, again, there are people in this country who might be terrorists.
Oh, the interesting thing is, you know, the people who blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Courthouse are all good native-born Americans.
Oh, they sure were.
Listen, we're out of time, Professor.
I really appreciate the time you gave us.
Any websites or anything you want to put up?
No, but thank you.
I don't have a website.
Well, people can just go to our website so they can look at the stories that you've been quoted in, and we hope you get off the thought criminal list.
I hope so, too.
I was, I think, purified.
Thanks for joining us.
Sure thing.
Take care.
See, there you have a veteran.
Served his country.
He still doesn't get the big picture.
He will, though.
Don't worry.
Well, we can have the CIA telling us who the terrorists are.
Running drills and flying hijacked jets in the World Trade Center and Pentagon that morning at the exact same time.
Yeah, I'm sure they could tell us.
And he's darn right.
The folks at Bomba City were native-born.
They came right out of Pennsylvania Avenue.
I'm out of time here.
God bless you all.
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And support us, because, uh, plus it's the InfoWar, the tools you need for the fighter right there.
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Alright, we will, uh, have more big guests tomorrow.
Your calls, tons of news.
I didn't get to half the stack, but c'est la vie, so is life.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Bon voyage!
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.