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Name: 20070403_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 3, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, welcome.
Thank you for joining us on this live April 3rd, 2007 edition.
We'll be live here for the next three hours.
We have a lady coming on who is the co-founder of the WTC Families for Proper Burial.
She'll be with us for about 30 minutes in the third hour, how they took the body parts, the bones, the clothing, the ashes, and just dumped it at the properly named Fresh Kills Landfill.
They're outside New York and they've been using the body parts, the bones, the ashes of thousands of dead people to fill potholes, Reuters reported, of course, last week.
And we'll be going over all of that today, in the third hour.
In the meantime, we're going to have wide open phones.
I'm really going to try to control myself, and I always say this, and sometimes you do, and many times you don't.
Try to go to your calls in the next segment throughout the show today.
Try to get your calls quickly.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I'd like to talk about the upcoming Iran conflict, the build-up.
Do you think it's coming this Friday, as the Israeli and Russian papers have been saying?
Or do you think it's coming in the next six months, which I do think is very probable?
Or is it all just bluffing and saber-rattling?
What do you think about the plunging dollar, the unraveling of the housing market, and the big mortgage companies?
The ongoing, now national, soap opera with Bill O'Reilly calling for the firing of Rosie O'Donnell and then lying about it.
And MSNBC calling for it.
And CNN calling for it.
From Glenn Beck to Scarborough to O'Reilly, they all suddenly backed off of it last night, which could mean two things.
It could mean they're going to fire her and now they don't want to be liable for it.
Or, what's probably happening, that they know they're losing the debate, but it's backfired on them, so they're now retreating somewhat.
But, this is really big news, big developments on that front.
I have several audio clips we'll be playing later in this hour on that subject as well.
The websites, of course, are InfoWars.com, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
They've all been freshly updated for you today, and are updated multiple times daily, sometimes even three, four times a day, but generally twice a day.
They are the leaders in alternative news and information, thanks to you, the listeners, spreading the word, number one.
It goes together like a horse and carriage, the fact that we have a hard-working, very small team that bust their butts and bust their brains trying to get the word out, the information out, and trying to do the best job we can.
And I relish, I crave, exposing the criminals in government, exposing the New World Order.
I know that there are more and more on the run, and I want to ask you, I want to beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to redouble your efforts
In the information war, when you get Terror Storm, or American Freedom to Fascism, or Loose Change 2nd Edition, when you get the great films that are out there, and my films like Terror Storm, and Road to Tyranny, and Order of Death, and when you make copies of them aggressively, and when you make copies of Martial Law, and when you spread the word about the websites, when you email our stories out,
When you post them on message boards, that's why we're turning the corner.
That's why we're in the fight.
That's why we're having an effect.
And you, you get the lion's share of the credit for that.
Intensify your attack on the New World Order superstructure.
Engage the enemy at point-blank range.
We'll be right back with the news and your calls.
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The answer is...
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congressman Ron Paul was on Bill Maher last Friday night and I wanted to just air a few minutes of this and then comment on it and then we'll jump into all the news on the economy, the build-up of a huge naval flotilla, a giant armada in the Persian Gulf and surrounding areas.
The huge influx of media, which is the key indicator, and U.S.
advisors, and the mercenary support staff for the IT system going into the Persian Gulf region.
We'll also get into the... I haven't spent enough time on this, actually.
I mentioned it, spent like 10 minutes yesterday, but we're at the center, here in the 9-11 Truth Movement, of the massive attack by Bill O'Reilly
And Fox and CNN and MSNBC and literally hundreds of newspapers against Rosie O'Donnell.
This is a key fight.
There's been several new chapters to this written in the last two days.
We'll get into that as well.
But we've got that Ron Paul clip ready, right?
Let's go ahead and roll a few minutes of this and then I've got a few comments on it.
You're welcome to call in with any comments that you've got.
This is Bill Maher who
Really is an establishment lackey.
I mean, he's right on, don't take the flu shot, don't trust the government.
But then, oh, 9-11 conspiracy theories are stupid.
But he may be softening.
As of late, a few weeks ago, he went on Oberman's program, the best show on MSNBC.
But still, that show makes you think the liberals, the Democrats, are going to save you.
It's just amazing how they try to corral people into those two left-right systems to keep you in that contained paradigm.
I know I beat that horse to death, but it's so central.
I know you know that, but you've got to get that out to the general public and shift their paradigm outside that controlled system.
And he said that, yeah, it was weird that Bush sat there for 16 minutes, it was really 20-something minutes, inside the Brooker Elementary in Florida.
And so he's starting to question it, but he really gets schooled by the congressman on several issues.
Here it is.
...on the Republican side.
He represents Texas 14th District in the U.S.
House of Representatives.
He wants to be the Republican nominee for President.
The Honorable Ron Paul.
Ron, how you doing?
So, you are a throwback Republican because you are a true libertarian, right?
That is true.
I believe in limited government, I believe in individual liberty, and there were some Republicans at one time that actually believed that.
I know, but see, I've always thought I was a libertarian, but I'm Chairman Mao compared to you, because you don't believe for... you think we should get rid of the CIA!
Well, I think we could do without the CIA murdering leaders in different countries.
I think there's room for intelligence gathering, but I don't like the secret activity of the CIA where they go about getting rid of people like Diem and others and installing governments.
Our CIA was helpful... But we're under attack by crazy Muslim fanatics, don't you think?
Even if they're doing a bad job, it's better than no job at all.
I would feel pretty naked without the CIA.
You'd feel naked, but you'd be a lot safer because you'd be less likely to be attacked by terrorists.
I mean, our CIA was in operation getting rid of an elected leader of Iran in 1953, and they never forgot that.
So that helped lead to the radicalization... But, Congress, you are pretty far out there as far as the libertarian thing.
I mean, I've read that you said that you don't think we should have fought the Civil War.
I think there would have been a better way.
Have you studied the history?
Every other major country of the world was able to get rid of slavery without a civil war.
So the civil war wasn't fought over slavery.
The civil war was fought over unifying and making a strong centralized state.
You could have paid for all the slaves and released them and there were proposals like that.
That's the way the British did it.
Every major country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war except us.
So it was not necessary.
And there were tariffs involved and many other reasons why the civil war was fought.
But if you read Lincoln carefully, you'll realize that Lincoln was not the greatest opponent of slavery.
And if you don't look at that, you're denying a very important part of our history.
All right.
Not for the Civil War.
What about global warming?
Are you on the page that there is such a thing as global warming?
Yeah, I think it's been around for a long time and it's probably going to be here with us for a while longer.
I don't think the ozone has settled on that yet.
I don't think everybody knows everything about global warming.
Because you have reputable scientists on both sides of that argument.
No you don't!
On the other side, you only have Professor Irwin Corey and the Shell Answer Man!
I mean, the reason I'm bringing this up is to say, even as someone who I consider myself somewhat of a libertarian, I think there are some jobs that are so enormous that only the government can do it.
And I would put, at this point in our very tenuous history,
Global warming in that list.
Don't you think the government has to do something about global warming?
Well, then you have to deal with the volcanoes and you have to deal with the pollution of China.
So do you want to invade China to make sure they don't pollute?
And what are you going to do about the volcanoes?
They are all contributing factors to global warming.
But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do what we can to slow up the emissions and stop subsidizing big oil companies.
I don't like subsidizing oil companies.
They've been doing that for years.
We go to war to protect oil so we can buy more oil, burn more oil.
So I would say our foreign policy contributes to global warming by subsidizing a policy that is deeply flawed, and that's why we're in the Middle East, to protect oil interests.
So yes, that would be one of the first things you could do if you're serious.
But still against the Civil War.
What about the FAA?
I mean, that does prevent planes from crashing into each other.
It is government-ling in a sort of absolute sense, but don't you think we would need something like the FAA?
Sure, you could.
You could have a private FAA.
A private FAA?
Of course, you didn't do a very good job with your FAA in preventing four aircrafts going down in the wrong places, where if it had been private, and you had not depended on the government for protection, you might not have had a rule that said you can't have a gun on an airplane, and that you can't resist.
So, because we were dependent on the federal government to protect us,
In the FAA, we weren't really protected, so I would say there's lots of room for an alternative to a government-monopolized FAA, and then we'd be just as safe.
But haven't we learned from Walter Reed and so many other scandals that actually private enterprise does worse, corporations are actually worse than the government because they have absolutely no conscience?
Well, what makes you think the Veterans Association is private?
I mean, this is a demonstration of what government-run medicine will be like.
If you like government medicine, go to the veterans hospitals and you'll find out what it's like.
I mean, as a physician,
And as one that had been trained in Veterans Hospital, most physicians and young doctors always knew what the quality of medical care was in many of our Veterans Hospital.
We need to allow every veteran to have decent health care, but we should permit them and pay for it to allow them to go to the doctor that he wants to go to and not make them stand in lines to get second-class care in some of our VA hospitals.
Okay, I appreciate that.
Input and food for thought.
Congressman Ron Paul, everybody.
Thank you, Congressman.
Well, you just heard the brain completely smash Bill Maher.
Maher was trying to attack him the entire time and fell flat on his face.
Because Bill Maher has his fake, neo, mainline, liberal, false world system, and then Ron Paul has the facts and history.
I gotta tell you though, next time I get Ron Paul on the show, which is going to be in the very near future, and probably for a full hour, they've agreed to do that.
They're just trying to find the time so we can talk for 30 minutes, do an in-depth interview, and then take 15-20 of your questions, quick ones, for the Congressman here on the show, who again is running now officially as a Republican for the Presidency, and just a dream candidate.
You hear me pausing a lot today.
I get allergies a lot, but I love the allergies I've got right now.
When I get the Cedar Fever, it's painful, I have a headache, my brain doesn't work.
This is just oak.
The oak is yellow, dust everywhere, it's blowing around, and it coats my lungs, and I have to cough and hack, but it doesn't really hurt.
I mean, it hurts a little in my lungs, but it doesn't give me a headache, so I love it.
So please, you're very nice to send me cures for it and stuff, and I just want you to know why I sound with even more of a deep voice or have to pause or start wheezing on air.
It's because I'm finding it difficult to talk right now, but I should, it's been like this the last week, but an hour or so into the show, it should clear up of its own, kind of like an engine that's sputtering.
If I just keep driving down the highway, it'll get better here.
Hold on one moment, please.
Well, now, let me go back to what I was saying about Congressman Ron Hall.
His comment about the volcanoes and other things putting out more greenhouse emissions is absolutely true.
One large gaseous volcano explosion like you saw with Mount St.
Helens puts out hundreds of times the emissions
That all human activity puts out an entire year.
So, we're talking a volcano can put out 100, sometimes 150, sometimes 200 times the emissions that man has ever put out in the last century.
Now, those are official numbers.
Now, the anti-car people, who really just want a world tax, and now that's official and admitted, it's stated on the record,
They will then go show you the type of volcanoes they have in Hawaii that just put out the slow lava flows and don't put out a lot of dust or gas.
And then they'll go, oh no, look at the readings here.
That's false.
See, they built straw men.
Very deceptive little creatures.
There's three different types of volcanoes.
Really four.
Go research the four types.
Just type in different types of volcanoes into Google.
You'll be on the major university site.
You can read about volcanic
But I'll finish it with Ron Paul.
Take your call.
Stay with us.
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This is not America.
Little piece of...
We're good to go.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
And I know we have loaded phone lines we're going to go to, but I want to just finish up with Ron Paul.
Only thing, I didn't like what he said, and it's the way it came off.
I agree with what he actually said.
He said we should cut back emissions.
There's no reason that the oil companies have suppressed
The fact that in the 70s, General Motors and Ford, forget the Japanese, they've just brought some of the stuff forward into market to be more competitive.
The fact that General Motors and Ford both had engines that would get 50, 60 miles to the gallon and give you 200 horsepower.
I mean, we're talking powerful engines.
And, of course, now the Japanese have brought forward systems that aren't that good, but that are close.
The Germans have it too.
My wife's got a four-cylinder Volkswagen that I've had up to 120 miles an hour.
I'm joking, police!
I didn't do that out north of Fredericksburg a few years ago.
That's not that fast, by the way.
Really asking for it though with all the white-tailed deer that come across the road.
No one was with me.
I'm joking, I'm joking.
I'm trying to act, you know, studly that I drive quickly.
The point is, a four-cylinder, it's a four-cylinder turbo.
But still, I remember my mom had a white Volkswagen Rabbit that was a four-cylinder back when I was a kid.
And the thing wouldn't go up big hills unless she got going fast.
Now compare that to Passat today.
I'm already digressing here, sorry.
And I was joking.
I'm told they'll go... Folks, it was going 120.
And I had the accelerator down halfway.
Lord knows how fast that little German car will really go.
I didn't buy it for speed either.
But, joking, joking, I wasn't driving like that.
Ah, okay, I'm being stupid here.
And I didn't write InfoWars.com on a $20 bill, you're staying on air either.
Oh boy.
I'm wheezing like a 95 year old with emphysema here.
Thanks to the wonderful oak trees and the gifts they give us.
At this time of year, those live oaks.
Um, alright.
Let me get back into Ron Paul.
First off, at least Milmar gave him some coverage, but it was an attempt to shoot him down.
Didn't bring up the fact he was one of the only Republicans to vote against the war and the Patriot Act.
Most Democrats didn't either, when it came to the Patriot Act.
Didn't bring up a lot of the important things Ron Paul has done.
He made the point about the Civil War.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that was British-funded in the South, and the North was manipulated as well.
It was meant to break the country up.
So it wasn't a glorious war and it killed, what was it, 800 and something thousand people?
It was not a good event.
That's just a stab in my memory banks.
I'll have to look it up during the break.
Number of dead in the Civil War.
And of course, Paul brings up the global warming thing to finish up there.
And he says, yeah, we need to cut back on emissions.
But he didn't
Make the clear distinction which I know congressman knows he's written about it, but it's the sun heating up the whole solar system and that the whole global warming push is to set a global tax on
on the people of the world to be paid into the United Nations and the private IMF and World Bank.
So even if you believe in man-made global warming, and that's your religion, and you run around freaking out about it all day, and you don't use grocery bags, and you don't consume a lot, and you feel real righteous about yourself, fine!
There's probably some good things about that.
You'd need to understand... I mean, I've had people in my studio who go, wow, you've got
You know, long-burning light bulbs.
You've got sustainable light bulbs.
Well, I have them because they put out the type of light that is good for your brain.
That you get through your eyes.
I have these light bulbs because if I'm going to be indoors all day, I might as well have the equivalent of sunlight minus the UV.
That's why I have these.
And if I can buy a light bulb that lasts two years, that's better.
If it makes sense, I'll adopt it.
Global taxes has nothing to do with it.
This is another hoax, another fear-mongering, and Paul wasn't clear on that.
And then... Well, I've got one or two more points I want to make on this.
We'll go right to your calls on the other side.
I want to talk about government-sponsored health care.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Finishing up with the discussion of Bill Maher going after Congressman Ron Paul, and that's what he did, and he failed miserably.
He then tries to claim, look at privatization!
Look at Walter Reed!
That's why we need government health care!
And Ron Paul goes, well, I happen to be a medical doctor.
I happen to have been trained inside the VA system.
He was in Vietnam as a flight surgeon and then worked in the VA for a few years after that until he went into his own private practice delivering babies down in South Texas.
So again, Marr fell flat on his face before the congressman
And it is... See, this is the confusion here.
You have real privatization, and then you have what the media and the culture and the Republicans and the Democrats call privatization, and that's where, in sweetheart deals, whole government institutions are handed over to be run by corporations with the umbrella of government enforcement power
And then they have little or no liability.
And their business model is guaranteed by the state.
And so that is the worst.
That is really a fascist or corporatist system.
And then you have horrors, of course, in the social system, the socialist or communist system.
And there's whole, you know, thousands of different factors that go into why that happens.
Anything that cuts out competition, anything that cuts out accountability, anything that restricts choice is going to bring you bad service.
That's just common sense, my friends.
Back when we had a totally free market medical system, we had the apple of the world's eye.
We had the big developments.
We had the best medicine.
Then the big corporations and insurance companies and banks came in, bought up healthcare, made it big healthcare, tried to guarantee their investment.
Set up government health care funding schemes to really conduit funds into their coffers.
They then jacked up the price of health care by restricting their competition and driving up the prices again because of a bunch of different reasons.
More government reporting, more regulation, control.
To where it drove out the smaller medical institutions, and then jacked up prices, and their answer is, oh, let's add more government health care, let's socialize it all!
So you can wait, on average, 18 months to have brain surgery for a tumor, or to have a skin cancer removed, and then you die because of metastasis, or bone cancer, or anything else for that matter.
And I got Tony Blair in the Commons admitting it's 18 months for any type of cancer surgery in England.
Of course, there's still a two-tiered system.
You've got really big money.
What is it?
Three, four times the cost of private doctors here?
I mean, if you've got hundreds of thousands of pounds, and you've got a half million U.S.
dollars, then you might be able to go get those surgeries you need.
Or you can jump on an airplane and come over here and throw down the cash.
That's the one reason I do try to save some money, and the one reason I do, you know, because I don't worship money or things or baubles or success or the trinkets of power, but I
I do try to save some money, you know, in case my children needed health care, or in case, you know, there was an emergency, or something along those lines.
I mean, this is a scary system of dependence they've created, and they've scrambled all the terms now, where you can't even communicate with the public.
The public, generally now, is being won over to socialist health care.
They have no idea, of course, and there's other contributing factors to why it's so expensive.
It's called anchor babies.
It's called jackpot babies.
Do I blame some poor southern Mexican family who literally make maybe a thousand dollars a year and live on their ancestral cornfields?
They got maybe 20 acres and now the Mexican soldiers and the taxmasters have told them it's a UN biosphere.
Why do you think there's tens of millions of Mexicans being staged in the maquiladoras in northern Mexico along the Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California border?
Well, I remember being in Mexico 15 years ago and seeing the UN biospheres.
Folks, they sent in Mexican troops with armored vehicles and literally drove them out of their villages, shut the villages down.
They literally went in and machine-gunned people, burned down towns.
They did it 20 years ago, 15 years ago.
Remember 7 years ago in 2000, all the smoke?
And they said, oh, it's agricultural fires, which you'd read in the BBC.
Armored phalanxes of troops entered four Mexican states and began burning the towns.
I remember one lady, Patricia Smith was her name.
She now lives in Guatemala.
She was deaf.
A deaf lady.
Friend of mine.
And she would come up to Access TV in Austin.
She had grant money and she would be her in a grass hut.
There would be Mexican troops in black uniforms.
God, if I knew what I had at the time, I would... I played clips on my show.
I should have gotten more of that from her.
I need to get in contact with her.
She runs a little community TV station.
Last time I heard in Guatemala, if she's even alive, folks.
It was so dangerous, the stuff she did.
She moved to Guatemala.
Patricia Smith, you know, we'll look her up.
And I mean, this was like something out of a Hollywood movie, folks.
She's in the grass hut, and there's troops.
There's burning huts behind her, and they're stomping around with machine guns.
There's chickens flying around.
I mean, that's the kind of stuff, okay?
I've seen the video.
All right?
And they drove all these people up into the north, and can you imagine?
Then they get here, and there's
Clear Channel and all this own media saying this is Mexico, drive out the lights, this is Mexico, 670 something billboards in LA owned by a Jewish guy saying that LA is Mexico and every Austin bus has a huge Mexican flag on it now saying the invaders, you know, we're the invaders, we're the rebels and that's the name of the stations, we're taking over.
The guy has a crazy look on his face with his thumbs up
All CFR funded folks.
Can you imagine these poor people driven off their land by the New World Order, driven up here, and then they're told it's the U.S.
that did it to them, and they know it's Chase Manhattan Citibank, that's not the U.S., that's Rothschild, down there doing this to them.
They drive them up here, Problem Reaction Solution, they create the crisis, the oppressive government, they drive them up here, and then over half of the budget,
In California, and it's close to that in Texas, and other border states, it's for the illegal aliens.
I mean, they come across the day before their water breaks, or when it breaks, they race to the hospital.
And they go in, boom, fully paid for, average, what, $7,000, and then they get all the welfare, the parents get to stay, then they get to bring in their immediate family, then they get to bring in their immediate family, then they get to bring in their immediate family, and their immediate family, and their immediate family,
And this is, again, meant to blow out the states and bankrupt them.
Then they tell the dumb cops, the state's broke!
You gotta go out and drop more tickets!
You gotta arrest more people!
Yes sir, I will!
Meanwhile, it's all by design.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
It's just... It is so... Do I look down on the poor Mexican
Uh, you know, literal dirt poor peasants?
These are moral, hard-working, good people.
But by the time they get here, folks, it is, you are here to take over, you are here to drive out the white, this is your area, total rulership!
Until you, and you know, you turn on HBO and they got the big, uh, I forget his name, I saw the clip on the web the other day, I meant to play that, I forgot to send it to the network.
He's the, he's probably seen it, he's the big Mexican comedian right now.
Not the guy on Comedy Central.
I've met him in Chicago when I was on Man Cow last year.
Uh, he... Mancia, I think?
I forget it.
But he comes out and he goes, La Raza!
We're taking over!
We run America!
And it just shows a crowd of tens of thousands going, Yeah!
All Time Warner funded, all government controlled.
And because America is to be brought down.
And it is being brought down.
And these people are being filled, and then she... Can you imagine if 50,000 white people got in a stadium and were screaming, The race!
The race!
We rule!
We're gonna take you down!
Can you imagine that?
You know what?
I know my producer's listening.
Type in the American Mexican, that's the name of the HBO show, and then you can print off
uh... the uh... his name although i have my memory was right uh... the historians say between six hundred and eight hundred thousand didn't have good record keeping at the time direct directly died from wounds of battle then of course ten years of reconstruction that was uh... literally tens of thousands conservatively when i had ancestors murdered at the hands of the northern troops that was the real crime
You let hundreds of thousands of people roam over a bunch of areas, having whoever they want, robbing whoever they want.
For a decade, you're going to get some resentment.
But, yeah, my family owned a hotel in Teague, Texas, right there at the railway station, and they burned that and had their way with the women.
And then, of course, the troops got killed.
But, uh, side issue.
Yeah, that's interesting.
That's actually in history books, too.
The Northern troops had a really bad time of it because these rebels kept killing them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Maryland.
Tom, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
It's been a long time since I've called.
I first wanted to say I happen to have all your films and I always like to
I just wanted to talk or mention how much I enjoy buying them and watching them and find them all well worth the money.
I also wanted to say that your character voices, I happen to love them, especially when you might point out Mercury and the vaccines or something along those lines and then tell us that Mercury is so good and loving!
I happen to love that.
You've made me laugh harder than
Well, that would have been in late 1999.
Yeah, and I happened to buy a shortwave radio for the most part because of your show.
My dad turned me on to it.
And one thing about 9-11, I've
I've done that a little bit, but I often, I have never had anyone ever approach me about it.
Or I just feel as if we, I hear about all this progress made and everything, but as far as getting the word out, now it's becoming more mainstream and with you like Rosie O'Donnell bringing it up, but I still feel like I'm still waiting
For someone to come to me and say, did you know, or do you believe this, or that it was an inside job, and it's just kind of, I don't know, it was sort of frustrating on that end for me to think about it along those lines.
Yes, I've done my part to get the word, but I've never been on the receiving end of it.
Sure, listen, I appreciate your call.
Let me comment on that.
Oh, something else, sorry, go ahead.
Oh, he's gone.
Thanks for the call.
Good to have you on board for all those years, my friend.
Oh, by the way, the name of the nightmarish comedian is George Lopez.
Our race is taking over!
We rule you!
Ha ha ha!
I mean... And he does it with a big American flag in front of him.
It's a big, sick joke.
But you can't take over Mexico, can you?
You'll do what's easy.
You'll do what you're directed to do by the Council on Foreign Relations.
You won't go down there and fight for the rebels.
You won't go down there and stand up.
You'll just do what's easy, and you'll be an El Jefe, a big mob boss.
That's all the Spanish and Mexican leaders want, to be like every other pig in government, whether they be black or white.
Just sit around and smoke on the big cigars, and ride around and live in the big mansions, and then just tell you the race politics you want to hear.
You're not going to have any revolution, you're not going to have any real freedom, unless you join the Patriot Movement against the New World Order.
But on the subject of 9-11 truth,
My point is we're making major progress.
I mean, I've got O'Reilly going, you know, this stuff's going mainstream.
It's not just on the fringe anymore.
And these people are nuts.
And they said on Scarborough Country, they were saying last week, my gosh, a lot of people are listening to them.
They're taking over.
And Mike Gallagher was on
With O'Reilly last week.
Or maybe it was Hannity.
We played it and he's going, they're taking over!
You ought to see it!
I've gotten thousands of calls from these people.
They'll load the phone lines!
And that's true.
And I saw a page on the web.
I sent it to Paul Watson and Steve Watson.
I told them to make a story out of it.
I guess they were too busy to.
I don't blame them.
But some website, I forget the page.
I think I printed it.
Just listed like 15 different polls.
And I'd seen all the polls individually by themselves.
I knew they were all real polls.
But I had to see them all together.
It was so many!
And the average was in the 80s.
Some polls were 75 or 68.
Some polls were 94 or 95.
Inside job, governments covering up 9-11.
And these were scientific polls.
And some weren't scientific polls.
But they were all mainstream polls, and the scientific ones were the higher ones!
So, we know that that's the numbers.
It's just that people still don't speak out.
They don't talk in the grocery store line.
They don't talk to their neighbors.
We've been taught to go work our 8 to 10 hours.
Go pick the kids up from extended school where they're being brainwashed against you.
Take them home.
Grab some KFC on the way.
Throw them down in front of the television.
Put on a Die Hard 3, Vengeance, Die Harder or whatever.
You know, the parents go smoke some pot upstairs.
The kids are taking a Ritalin.
And, uh, you know, you go to bed at midnight, you wake up at 6 a.m.
and, pfft, lego my ego, if the kids are lucky, and, you know, they drink some Coca-Cola and get all jacked up, and they go to school, and that's the day.
And George Lopez and George Bush are raising your children.
And they punch all your buttons and try to manipulate all the different niches out there, and it just rolls forward, all scientifically crafted and focused.
Number one, you've got to start turning the television off.
Just a few hours a day.
I mean, I... Yesterday was kind of a day off for me.
I only worked until about 8 o'clock last night.
It was, you know, that was kind of a day off.
And I went home and watched, I don't know, the first half of the party with my wife.
So, I mean, I watch television.
I watch movies.
But it's a treat.
It's a once a week occurrence.
You know, open up the cabinet in the bedroom, and there's the television, and pop the DVD in, and it's a treat!
It's not just, it's always on, flickering in the background.
Now, I mean, all day, like it's a scope, like it's a military observation, I flip on the TV and watch key clips of, you know, CNN or Fox, but it's, it's, it's, I'm in the analyzing mode.
I'm watching a CIA operative.
I mean, I'm realizing what it is.
I'm not just sitting there in a passive, suspended disbelief, accepting this Pentagon's psych warfare.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
Let's ask the question that the Bush regime hopes you will never ask.
That is, is the USA already bankrupt?
As the world's biggest debtor nation, we are borrowing in excess of 80% of the world's net savings.
That's $2 billion per day to finance the biggest deficit in history.
Our creditors are becoming increasingly concerned that the debt can never be repaid.
Japan and China, two of the largest holders of U.S.
debt, are looking to greatly reduce their exposure to dollars.
In fact, China has privately hinted that a U.S.
attack on Iran could result in China's dumping massive amounts of U.S.
Treasury bonds.
To find out more about this, call for a free report on the coming dollar collapse.
Call Whitehurst International at 1-888-892-6238.
That's 1-888-8-Xanadu.
Or 1-888-8-X-A-N-A-D-U.
And ask for George.
Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lift to Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big John.
Nobody seemed to know where John called home.
He just drifted into town and stayed all alone.
Didn't say much, kinda quiet and shy, but he spoke it all.
He just said hi to Big John.
Somebody said he came from New Orleans where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen and a crashing blow from a huge right hand sent a Louisiana fella to the promised land, Big John!
Big John!
Big John!
Big Bad John!
Welcome back!
Alright, I said I'd take a lot of calls and I'm going to.
Wide open phones in the next hour and
We're going to start taking those calls right now.
I'm not even going to plug my films or the online bookstore because I want to go right to your calls.
I'm also going to play several audio clips of O'Reilly and Scarborough and the attack on 9-11 truth, the attack on free speech, a lot of news on Iran, big developments on the economy.
It's all coming up.
Right now, I'm going to move quick now through your calls, folks.
Drew in New York, then we're going to go to a fellow in Switzerland.
Go ahead, Drew.
Hi, John.
It's Soldier of Truth up in Milwaukee, actually.
Love your show.
Okay, welcome.
Go ahead.
I got a few comments.
Actually, of course, while I'm listening, I think of so many other things I'd like to talk about, but I really would like to point out the importance of what Rosie is doing in my life because of me being able to point that out to the women in my life, which, unfortunately,
Very few of them want to even acknowledge the existence of a lot of this stuff, much less even let me talk about it to them.
You know, you must have a wonderful wife who supports you.
Unfortunately, mine, I can't even talk about stuff like this in my own home.
It's kind of sad that way, but with Rosie's comments... What do you mean you can't talk about it in your own home?
Well, if I do, it starts an argument and I get, you know,
Mean looks and you know people like in our backyard if we have a fire pit or something it's pretty much a I can't say it.
So you've got neighbors that want to live in a la-la land.
Oh absolutely.
You know if they didn't know deep down that something was wrong or that there wasn't truth to what you were saying they just laugh at you.
They get upset because they know this country is going to hell in a handbasket and they don't want to be told about it because then they know they have a responsibility to do something about it.
And I love talking about it because what is important, and you mentioned right before the break, what's important is the knowledge, being able to watch the TV, knowing what they're doing, you're able to watch it, the effects are nil by that.
You won't have the effects.
It's actually the opposite.
Once you know that most of them are actual government operatives, then it just freaks you out and makes you want to fight them.
Right, well, okay, I just like to say when I'm watching it, I'm like at work.
When the TV comes on, I say, okay, let's see what the propaganda is today.
And, you know, to me, I'm planting a seed in everybody's mind here that this is potential propaganda, that it's not actual news.
And the other thing about the 9-11 inside job, and this is all semantics, this isn't all very serious, but I'm just, the inside job part,
It bugs me because I don't consider these people Americans.
I don't believe they are even Americans.
I don't think they think they're Americans.
So saying that 9-11 is an inside job, just personally to myself, the semantics of that idea... Well, all inside job means is that it was done by those within the system.
But I hear what you're saying.
I appreciate the call.
By the way, I saw this last night and I'd forgotten about it.
We need to get it up on PrisonPlanet.com and
Infowars.com right now.
The scumbag, the un-American piece of filth, Bill O'Reilly has a poll from the right-hand side of his website.
Well, we'll tell you about the poll when we get back.
Stay with us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is literally
I don't mean this as a figure of speech.
It is literally in the top three stories now in the United States.
It's not Anna Nicole Smith now.
No, it's the Iran hostage situation, as they dub it, with the sailors.
It is Rosie O'Donnell, Charlie Sheen, 9-11 Truth, Loose Change film.
And then what would the third biggest story be?
Maybe the Attorney General?
He's lying.
And what Bill O'Reilly's tried to do is stick himself in the middle of this controversy.
Because of his falling ratings.
O'Reilly has lost a third of his audience in the last two years in a downward spiral.
And some neocon sent me an email going, look at the cable ratings page, he's still number one, you liar!
I didn't say he wasn't number one.
In his tiny demographic.
No, the History Channel and Discovery Channel and programs like that have more viewers, or ESPN.
For nightly cable talking head programs, Bill O'Reilly on average, in an entire hour, has about two hundred, two million, four hundred thousand people tune in, with about five hundred and something thousand at any one time.
Okay, so his quarter hour, in fact I printed the numbers out this morning, his quarter hour is 500 and something thousand.
Ladies and gentlemen, Rush Limbaugh has about 5 million people listening an hour.
Coast to Coast AM has about 3 million people listening an hour.
The biggest thing out there,
Are the top five talk radio shows and then the nightly broadcast television news.
That is still king.
Those two old line media bastions are still the biggest things out there.
Bill O'Reilly is an egomaniac.
He is a legend in his own mind.
He does have the biggest cable news program
On average, when there is a terrorist event or a missile attack or some type of tsunami, it's CNN.
And then CNN will have 10 million people an hour watching, instead of 500,000.
I mean, cable news is a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, 20 years ago,
CNN had 10 million people every hour, 15 million people every hour watching.
It was the only thing, it was it.
You had a lot of cable viewers and folks were watching it because you could only get news at 5.30 locally on broadcast TV if you didn't have cable.
And if you had cable, all you could get was CNN.
My point is, if you add up all the alternative websites and the alternative radio shows, we as a movement are many times bigger
than the Bill O'Reilly's.
But see, if you watch what cable news does, CNN, MSNBC, they do reports every day about Bill O'Reilly.
Because they're all on the same team.
They're there to promote him.
They're there to push him.
They're there to hold him up.
And why do they do that?
Because he makes them look good.
That propaganda is so childish, so comic book, that it makes the more sophisticated
Pentagon, and it's admitted, CNN's run by the Pentagon, Pentagon propaganda of CNN look tame in comparison.
Look real.
Look legitimate.
And you can take it to the bank.
That's what's happening with all this.
So, what did I say the news was with Charlie Sheen?
Up on, and I hate plugging this, BillOReilly.com, do you think actor Charlie Sheen will hurt his career by narrating a 9-11 conspiracy film?
Obviously, you want to go vote no.
But who knows if this is even, uh... If this is even real.
It's probably not even a real poll.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
Let's ask the question that the Bush regime hopes you will never ask.
That is, is the USA already bankrupt?
As the world's biggest debtor nation, we are borrowing in excess of 80% of the world's net savings.
That's $2 billion per day to finance the biggest deficit in history.
Our creditors are becoming increasingly concerned that the debt can never be repaid.
Japan and China, two of the largest holders of U.S.
debt, are looking to greatly reduce their exposure to dollars.
In fact, China has privately hinted that a U.S.
attack on Iran could result in China's dumping massive amounts of U.S.
Treasury bonds.
To find out more about this, call for a free report on the coming dollar collapse.
Call Whitehurst International at 1-888-892-6238.
That's 1-8888-XANADU or 1-8888-XANADU and ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Later in this hour, we're going to play Bill O'Reilly last night with Michelle Malkin,
Saying that he never called for Rosie O'Donnell's firing.
Now, of course, MSNBC then played him basically calling for her firing last week.
That saved us the trouble having to do it.
But then they went ahead and agreed with him and said, what's wrong with firing her?
And then one of their talking heads, who last week was calling for her firing, said, oh no, because this is a slippery slope for journalists.
No, what's happened is, they've gotten tens of thousands of emails saying, we know you're government trash, we know you're agents, and that freaks out Scarborough, the Republican operative from the Capitol, and admittedly, by the way, you had to leave under because, well, go look it up yourself.
And then, of course, it freaks out O'Reilly, the operative.
If anybody's an operative, it's him.
He's even slipped up on TV and bragged about it, and how he gets everybody sent to prison.
I mean, he's just...
Absolutely amazing.
We wrote a big article about it yesterday, so that's coming up.
We'll get into Iran, all of it.
But right now, let's go to Simon in Switzerland.
Simon, welcome to the Airwaves.
Mr. Jones?
Yes, welcome.
Thanks a lot for taking my call.
I'm calling from Switzerland.
I'm a little info warrior over here.
I would like to point your listeners to two stories I recovered recently.
And first, this would be
A documentary from Bloomberg Television about naked short selling on the stock market.
So they claim that about six billion dollar fails per day are made on the stock market by naked short selling.
That means stocks are not delivered.
Yes, I saw that Bloomberg report about a month ago, showed it to the network, but I never got around to playing it.
It's up on YouTube.
I didn't see it on YouTube.
What's the name of the clip again, and we'll find it.
It's called Bloomberg Special Report Phantom Shares.
Bloomberg Special Report Phantom Shares.
So now when I'm looking at the USA, I would compare it to Germany before the Second World War.
You know, all society is completely messed up.
Only mentally challenged people are on television debating about nothing, really.
And I'm really worried that this will go on for a longer time than we probably hope.
I would ask you if you know about, just a second here, Yuri Betsmanov.
Do you know him?
That rings a bell.
Why don't you fill us in?
Yuri Betsmanov, he's also on YouTube.
You can find him there very easily.
He's talking about
Demoralization and demoralization in America.
You have a spot on your radio show where somebody claims that the Clinton entourage entered the White House with a Stalin badge, right?
That's what Gary Aldridge, the FBI agent, said, yeah.
My question to you would be, do you think that
The Soviet Union really failed.
In my opinion, they failed.
Not as a society, they failed, but from the power structures, they didn't fail at all, in my opinion.
So I think that the same thing that happened to Russia will be happening to the USA shortly.
That could be the case.
How long have you been listening to the show?
For about two and a half years I'm a listener and I'm investigating myself and it's really, you know, it makes me sick sometimes.
It's really hard to bear.
It is, and then to see the ongoing theater of these criminals running things all over the planet, and just to see them get away with crime after crime after crime, and then the worst part is having to watch them pose as our saviors, when we know they're the terrorists, when we know they're the criminals.
It's just, it's hard to bear.
That's why I fight them so hard, is, you know, at least that gives me satisfaction.
To know that we're not going down without a fight.
Let me ask you a question, Simon.
Are folks starting to wake up in your beautiful land of Switzerland?
Well, to be honest with you, we don't have a public debate about it in our press.
Not at all, really.
We had a few leaks in major newspapers about could it be a conspiracy, but that doesn't
Really advanced.
Switzerland, as you know, claims to be neutral, but in fact we just profit from everybody all around the world, you know?
We don't really care.
The Swiss society doesn't really care about the USA, because in the Swiss mindset, the USA is a perverted country for a long time now, for about
I mean, development in the last 25 years.
The nation's been involved in a lot of evil for at least 40 years.
I appreciate your call.
Please spread the word in Switzerland.
Listen, you should start your own website, your own news site.
You should start your own newsletter in your town.
That's how big things start, sir.
And we do get a lot of emails and calls and orders from Switzerland, so there is a big movement there.
But I meant to make a point about Switzerland when I was playing that clip of Ron Paul.
from the Bill Maher Show.
Bill Maher says, well, we need a CIA to keep us safe from terrorists.
I'd feel naked without them.
What would we do without them?
The terrorists would attack us.
Well, A, all the big terror attacks were carried out by the CIA or FBI or by groups they provocateur.
That's on record admitted.
Absolutely documented.
We've made films on it, covered it, had guests on, had a British, you know, former ambassador and head of the Maritime Administration on talking about false flag yesterday.
Oh, don't have any terrorism to crack down on the public in this country?
Here, the CIA will fund a terror group to stage an attack.
I mean, so the government can come in and be your savior.
But, you know, the point I would have made if I was Ron Paul on that show is, what do you mean?
Switzerland doesn't get invaded, Switzerland doesn't get attacked by terrorists, because they're at least quasi-neutral.
And then, the good ol' boys out there, they seem to think, the average good ol' boy with a Bush sticker on their car.
Or when Clinton was in power.
You know, when they were attacking Serbia.
The Democrats loved that war.
They see it as America's the good guys, and we're spreading freedom and democracy, and yeah, maybe our corporations are going to get some oil, but that'll make our oil prices cheaper.
There's this underlying idea, especially by Republicans,
That is Republican mainstream neocon followers that we're getting something.
I mean, you've seen it in my film Terror Storm.
I mean, it wasn't just one guy we showed.
Every one of them we talked to said, yeah, let's take the Royal.
So what?
Yeah, we want the Royal.
That's how the world works.
Little man, you just haven't grown up yet.
You know, what's it matter if we got a bunch of soldiers dying?
That's a good price to pay for cheap oil in our economy.
They somehow think the elite that uses this country as its muscle is doing all this for the nation.
And I know I say this a lot, but I'll try to elaborate on it right now.
The elite that are attacking Iraq and that are there for four plus years now, and that want to go into Iran and Syria, and they're going to be in Iraq and Afghanistan thirty years from now, official Pentagon plans, not the stuff they say on the news, but their admissions,
That's Prasada Nangrata, uh, you know, on television, that the average yuppie knows nothing about, and will argue with you all day.
They think we're really there to get the oil, and then they act as a democracy at the same time.
The very people destroying Iraq, and dehumanizing, and literally engaging in total war, total siege, total extermination, and genocide, and that is the plan.
Destroy their first world status, never let them re-emerge, and cull their population.
They're destroying America too.
They're fighting free humanity.
The elite that openly said, Iraq's becoming first world, they've got first-rate universities, they're leaders in the region.
That can't be allowed.
We need to go in and invade the nation and break it up in three parts.
That was the Israeli plan in 83.
The Pentagon plans that followed.
Well, do you think the elite wants a middle class here in the US?
Do you think they want you to be healthy, wealthy, and wise, and in a good, independent position?
Hiring your own employees, hundreds of them, and that's a small business.
People think of a small business as two people.
A small one is 200 employees.
See, there's also scales.
People don't see the true scale of wealth.
You think somebody with a million bucks and a million dollar house and a fancy car is rich, that person isn't even lower middle class on the real scale of wealth.
Billionaires are just wealthy.
Okay, if your family owns major shares in the Federal Reserve and prints the money, and your great-grandfather's name is on the university down the street, and you go to Rockefeller-funded Rothschild meetings, then yeah, you are in the elite.
But again, most of you don't even know their names.
See, start learning the names of the rulers.
Start learning who the real enemies are.
Let's identify these people.
That's what my new film does, that I'm making.
This is so important.
And so the good old boys out there, they think it's national pride, and America's kicking some hind in, and boy power, pride, land of the free, home of the brave.
They really believe that.
And they believe they're supporting the troops, feeding them into this meat grinder, throwing them off the edge of a cliff.
They really buy into this psychology.
But you show them that this isn't our government.
You show them that the things they're doing to Iraq, they're doing here, just in a more sophisticated, more cloaked way,
Then we can take these people down.
It means a paradigm shift.
What's happened to Rosie O'Donnell?
She's not talking about these little fake rights and issues that don't matter anymore and liberal tripe.
She's starting to talk about Orwell and government-sponsored terror and the New World Order.
And she's starting to see that it's both parties.
You see?
And some people in our movement, most of them are really operatives that put this disinfo out, they panic and go, look, big people are going public!
It's staged!
They're co-opting!
We're winning!
We're getting big people to go public!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
We're going to continue with your calls now as quickly as possible.
It's just the listeners that bring up so many important points.
You know, I've got to finish this up.
Then we'll go back.
What's happening is, a Charlie Sheen goes public.
A Rosie O'Donnell goes public.
They're not the only Hollywood individuals that have gone public.
Others have, like James Broland and Dean Haglund, and there have been several others.
But the media ignored those because that was in the past.
And you've got... I was on a site last night that was listing all the Air Force officers and Army Colonels and Marine Colonels and Generals and... I mean it was just hundreds of them.
I didn't realize this many had gone public and I'd click through and there'd be their websites and there'd be their statements.
We're going to be getting them on here in the near future.
I mean, there's so many people going public now that we can't even cover it all!
And then, what do the government operatives do?
What do they do in COINTELPRO?
I'm not a fan of the Ku Klux Klan, folks.
I think it's a terrible organization.
But we need to look at what the FBI did to the Ku Klux Klan, back when it was the real Klan, back before it became a total federal front operation.
Or infiltrated, where literally half the people at a Klan meeting are FBI agents or informants.
Back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s when they broke it up, they would send letters to Klansmen's wives from women.
This has been on the History Channel.
The FBI would abduct members of the Klan and then drive them around in a car in front of other Klan members and let them see it.
Then the Klan members wouldn't believe it later when they said, hey, you were kidnapped.
They would do all sorts of this stuff.
They would claim that members of the Klan were getting paid off by the Feds.
And then, see, in my life, I experienced that very stuff when I was trying to help the Gray family.
Nothing to do with the Klan.
They were surrounded by the Feds.
It was suddenly, we here, the FBI, grabbed you and drove you around for three hours.
Instead of actually grabbing me, they just put, and they go, who told you that?
Oh, the former police chief here?
In the East Texas town they were in, I was like, what?
You believe a police chief?
And yeah, we heard you got paid by the news media.
See, it's classic COINTELPRO.
And so the main thing the feds are doing right now is they go on a half dozen of these sites that always get CNN coverage and Fox coverage and massive coverage.
Because again, they give coverage to their own people.
And I mean, there are operatives, folks, and we know when they're operatives.
And they go out and they start saying, the Jews run it!
The Jews do all of it!
And anyone that doesn't say it's the Jews needs to be killed!
They're all criminals!
They're all really Zionists running the 9-11 Truth Movement!
And then they say, these Zionist groups won't talk about Israel.
Well, no, we do talk about Israel being involved, just not being the absolute total player.
See, that isn't what they want, folks.
And I've gone over the analogy before.
Three guys rob a bank.
One's black, one's white, one's, say, Asian.
And then
I'm on air saying a black guy, an Asian, and a white guy robbed this bank.
And then there's this other group going, no, it's only a black guy!
It's only a black guy!
And I'm going, no, no, no, there was a white guy and an Asian guy involved too, and yeah, that black guy's involved.
Because there's no difference.
These intelligence agencies are all merged.
Of course Mossad and Shin Bet were connected.
I mean, they're interwoven with the Anglo-American MI6 CIA.
But our intelligence system was founded out of the British.
But the British, as Rothschild married in, he took over the economy, so yeah, you can say that, you know, that that's got that whole element in it.
It's just one big thing.
I'm just here fighting it.
I'm just here trying to wake the people up.
What do the disinfo agents do, though?
They just constantly show infighting, and everyone's in, you know, these people going public, they're doing it because they're Zionist, and they want to control the movement, and they want to... baloney!
People are waking up.
They're going public.
The lie is imploding.
It's falling apart on the war, and on the borders being wide open, and on 9-11.
We're winning the hearts and minds, but then, when people try to go get involved in the movement, the first thing they run into is the government agents.
The government agents engaging in COINTELPRO.
And that's how you know somebody's COINTELPRO.
They spend more than 10% of their time
Saying everyone's COINTELPRO.
In the movement.
They're a definite Fed operation.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I don't know.
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My friends, welcome back.
Yeah, I've got a whole section today on human-slash-animal clones, bionic prosthesis for humans, you name it.
We are in 2007, but technology's being used to enslave and control more and more than it is to empower.
Let me just finish up and I'm going to take a gamut of calls, and then I'm going to play these O'Reilly, at least part of this O'Reilly clip with Malkin, and then a clip.
I don't think so.
I know when it will be, but I'm not at liberty to say.
Charlie Sheen will be popping up sometime here on the show.
Might be this week, might be six months from now, but we'll just leave it at that with some interesting announcements.
But getting back to COINTELPRO, I never really talk about this because it's a distraction, it's a diversion.
But it just hit me how obvious it is.
That these Feds and Mossad agents and others squeal with anger when Rosie O'Donnell goes public on 9-11.
Or when Charlie Sheen does, or when some new colonel does, or some new CIA person goes public and says, yes, it's an inside job, they always, within seconds, they're a Zionist, or they're a Catholic co-agitator, supreme ruler, you know, they're a reptoid, whatever, immediately
To just show dissension in our ranks.
Listen, it's an idea.
It's information.
It's documents.
It's facts.
We know that the official story is a lie and a fraud.
We know that the government has used it to take our liberties and freedoms and has used it to launch illegal criminal wars.
We want the war to stop.
We want the Patriot Act overthrown.
We want to discredit government-sponsored terror so that they lose that ace in the hole.
And then we can debate all day about who exactly pulled the string and how they did it exactly, and that's important.
But, number one, we have to be ready to win.
We have to be ready for this to come out.
We have to act like we're going to win, because we are.
We have to expect prominent people to go public.
I'm not here on the air risking my life for no reason.
I really believe we can beat these people because I'm a student of history.
That's why they tell you they're invincible.
That's why they tell you they can't be stopped.
Because they're afraid!
You understand that?
And they better be afraid!
And so, look.
Take Zionism.
And the three different variants of it.
Two of them extremely virulent and bad.
Another, just more nationalistic.
But two very virulent forms of it.
Extremely virulent.
Atheistic, communistic.
I mean, that's just the facts.
Go research it for yourself.
Terroristic, Nazi-like, apartheid.
I mean, whatever word you want to use.
Very, very serious.
They actually supported Hitler from the time he was elected in 1933.
And I have the quotes by the head of the Zionists at the time and the head rabbis in Germany saying, uh, one cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Orthodox Jews in Germany.
And they actually wouldn't let the Jews get out and lobbied in New York and London to not let Jews immigrate to those countries on record so that they would have to go to Palestine and they had to pay the Israeli
Because the government hadn't been set up yet.
It wasn't 47, 48 yet.
But they already had their office there.
You had to pay them.
And they had intelligence agents who knew how much money you had.
In some cases, millions of marks.
Or if you were in Poland or in France after the takeover, millions to get out.
It was a big racketeering op.
I mean, hey, none of my family made Jews pay to get out of Germany.
None of my, you know, my grandfathers signed up for World War II and went and, you know, flew in B-17s and fighter aircraft.
So I don't want that stinking ADL stomping around and acting like everybody's a Nazi in America and we've all got to be guilty for World War II.
Excuse my French, but I'm not going to say it.
Just, just, you can, you know what I want to say.
I am sick of it.
But, but, if you read what the Zionists said, they said, we're going to create anti-Semitism.
We're going to go out and create anti-semitism, and push it, and promote it, to then pressure the majority of Jews to serve us and come under our control.
Hey, it wasn't Alex Jones' family that took 110,000 Jews and radiated them with the ringworm children operations.
That was the Israeli government.
But see, this is what the Feds do, and it's so hard for people to understand.
And I mean clearly.
Go on these websites and folks, number one, they say everybody is a Jew who isn't a Jew.
This is one reason I really knew 15 years ago when I was just waking up to not listen to the whole Jews run everything, Jews are the ultimate evil crowd, because they say everybody's a Jew.
I mean, they say, nowadays they say I'm a Jew.
They say Jones is a Jewish name and I'm Jewish.
And again, it wouldn't be something I was ashamed of if I was.
I'm not Jewish.
But it doesn't matter to them, man.
I am Jewish, which means I am the seed of the devil.
That's not what they really think.
They're feds, folks.
Every one of these major groups we've looked into that are pushing this, they want to attach anti-Semitism of the most grotesque, bestial, base, cartoon-sounding form to our movement.
And again, one of the big exhibits of evidence here is notice what O'Reilly and Popular Mechanics and CNN and every single program from Paula Zahn to
The anchors on the nightly news, they all say 9-11 truth, 9-11 conspiracy theories, Israel, Israel, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.
And then the so-called people policing the truth movement who say we're all covering up for the Jews, they're the ones going Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.
They ought to be happy, their buddies in the media are making it all Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.
You see, they want to make it about that because they know that is so unpopular.
Then instead of going, well, intelligence agencies of the U.S., England, and Israel are merged that they have, and these are bad governments and bad leaders.
No, no, no, no.
They say, no, it's inherently the Jew.
And it's a religion, like UFOlogy is a religion.
Or liberalism or conservatism are like religions.
Or global warming or ecology has brought on to a religion.
I mean, I can sit here all day as I've always done and expose Jewish organized crime.
I'm totally against it.
I'm against Italian organized crime.
I'm against WASP organized crime.
But see, that's not enough, folks.
You have got to say it is a Jewish conspiracy of Jewish fashion, and that it's all Jew-run.
And again, that's the Feds.
That's O'Reilly attacking it, but putting that idea out there above, and then below, feeding it so that O'Reilly can say that, is their operatives.
Now see, I've gone off into a diatribe here, and we've got a guest coming up, and loaded phones,
Tons of news, but we're winning this fight.
I guess I got off of this tirade because earlier Carl was saying, I don't see people waking up in Switzerland.
I don't see people bringing this stuff up in Michigan.
Another caller said, or Wisconsin, wherever he was at, you've got to do it yourself.
Believe me, the polls show the majority know we've been lied to, and a large portion, a majority of that majority know it's an inside job.
You've got to get aggressive with this knowledge.
You've got to be leaders.
And not spend your time ninnying on message boards about did the Pope run it or did some particular group of Khazarian Jews.
Okay, we know government's out of control.
We know it's too big.
We know they're setting up a North American Union.
We know that this mafia uses government to control us.
We've got to cut the size of government.
We've got to expose government as bad.
We've got to mobilize the people to resist it.
But no, they want us all... I mean, let's say there's a tank driving up the road to run over my house and kill my family.
I'm not going to sit there and argue about what color the tank is.
There's a tank coming up my street, it's attacking me, and we have every right to fight back against it.
Well, see, they don't want you to do that.
They want you to sit there and hesitate, and the tank is broadcasting off its loudspeakers, there's enemies in your hut!
There's enemies in your hut!
Fight with them!
We're not assaulting you!
I mean, this is basic COINTELPRO, ladies and gentlemen.
Go research the COINTELPRO.
They've run on the militias.
They've run on other groups.
Some good, some bad.
Stuff they've run on the Ku Klux Klan.
What they do to any political movement, they don't control.
And it's the exact same thing they're doing now.
But because of mass media communication, there's too many of us.
They can't stop us.
We're winning.
We're winning.
And they are pulling their hair out right now.
They are so upset about it.
You can hear it in O'Reilly's voice.
You can hear it in Lindbeck's voice.
You can hear it in Scarborough's voice.
They're having to address it.
It's not stopping.
It's not going away.
Even when Bush is out of office, it's not going away.
It is never going to go away because the fulcrum
On which all of this system turns is government-sponsored terror.
It is one of their central pillars.
It must be knocked out.
And instead of arguing about who carved the pillar or what type of marble it is and whether it's your favorite color, let's just knock the pillar down.
See, they want you ninnying around the sidelines instead of lining up
On your side of the field and running over the enemy.
Run them over!
Get TerrorStorm off Google Video and email it to the Four Winds.
Get TerrorStorm off of Google Video for free.
Google TerrorStorm.
And email it to everyone you know and do not stop.
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2 or 3 cups of coffee.
And that funds what we do and the webmasters and what we could do so much more if we had more members.
But the point is you can go there and download all 15 of my films in super high quality.
Burn them to disk.
It's almost television quality.
It really is crisp.
It's such an activist tool.
Get it out to everybody.
Just take action!
That's all I'm asking you to do!
I mean, Terror Storm, we exposed the British and U.S.
government was staging terror, the declassified admissions, the declassified admissions of Israel doing it, the declassified admissions of our own government doing it over and over again.
That's just how the film starts.
Then we go into 7-7 and 9-11 and
The fake news and the propaganda.
I mean, it's a powerful film.
Terror Storm needs to be copied.
It needs to be aggressively distributed and gotten out to people.
I don't stay up here until 2 o'clock in the morning, Saturday and Sunday night, working my behind in off because I want some glory.
Because I want people to come up and shake my hand on the street.
I'm doing it, folks, frankly, because I've gotten so deep into this, I'm a dead man if we don't win this thing.
It's like I'm in a, you know, sealed cylinder and the water level's rising.
And if I don't bang on the walls of it hard enough and get you to come open up the lid, I'm a dead man.
And by the way, you're dead too.
You're in the chamber next to me.
I mean, you've got to get that through your heads, ladies and gentlemen.
These people killed 200 million, and they did it through Nazis, and they did it through Communists, and they did it through Nationalists, and they did it through a hundred different fronts.
And they don't play games.
That's why they're in control.
And they're setting the table.
They're priming the pump and lining up their factory assembly line to make the last century's carnage look tame.
And I'm telling you, I'm trying to fix this peaceably.
I'm trying to do everything I can to wake you up and get you to take action.
And we may be able to back them off and at least slow them down.
But it may just go red level any day and it's going to be a shooting war then.
God forbid that.
But at that point, you just got to defend your family and you can't go anywhere with the police or the military.
You cannot go to the sports stadiums.
You cannot go to the facilities unless you want to be subjected to absolute carnage.
Don't be like the people in Germany.
And Hitler was bad.
He did kill millions.
And he killed Poles, and Jews, and Christians, and people's money.
He wanted... My grandfather, growing up in Dallas, there was a rich German who lived next door.
My mom's dad's family was upper middle class.
And they lived next door to the inventor of air conditioning.
German-American, but spoke German.
And uh...
When my grandfather got back, you know, after he'd been in the Air Force, that fella had had all his millions sucked out of him by Hitler, who threatened to kill his German family over in Germany, relatives, if he didn't do it.
That's the kind of stuff these people did.
And that's the kind of stuff Stalin did.
Conservatively killing three times what Hitler did, but we're always told he's some little angel.
And then if you say Stalin was as bad as Hitler, the ADL attacks you.
I'm tired of it!
This is the United States and you're not going to get away with it!
You're not going to get away with killing my republic and killing my country where my children and hopefully my great-grandchildren and their great-grandchildren are going to live!
And I want them to have the fruits of advanced technology and all the great things that humanity has to offer.
And I want them to have a good life!
I have a deep-seated need to serve.
A deep-seated need to help.
A deep-seated need to stand up and build good things for humanity.
That's my instinct.
That's who I am.
That's what I like.
I'm a nice person.
And I know most of you are good people, too.
And so you can't imagine how evil the New World Order is.
You can't get your mind around it.
Well, I have trouble, too!
But it's the truth!
And they've got to be resisted with every ounce of our souls!
They've got to be stood up against, no matter what it takes!
They've got to be fought!
And we've got to hit our knees and ask God to lead God and direct us, and to use us as vessels against this evil, and to give us courage, and to give us the spirit we need to stand against it, and to fill us with the words, and with the ideas, and with the information,
We're good to go.
Leave God and direct us and bless us for the nourishment of our bodies or something like that.
It's just a real simple prayer, but it's a good prayer.
Leave God and direct us.
I don't sit there and ask God when I pray at 3 a.m.
in the morning, when I wake up sometimes crying at my soul over the evil that we witness.
I don't tell God what I want.
I don't tell God what to do like these fake TV preachers do.
I ask God to totally use me for whatever His will is!
His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We'll be right back!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Hi, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Johnny, where are you calling from today?
Bloomfield, Missouri.
Welcome from Missouri.
Go ahead.
Hey man, I got a friend that, uh, she's from Venezuela, and she's got a naturalized daughter.
And she got a divorce last August, I believe.
She retained herself a lawyer.
Her husband wouldn't give her a green card to work, and it expired on her while they were married.
And she wasn't aware of this.
She spent $800 to retain a lawyer.
She put $3,200 into filing applications.
She has to send money in with each application.
Went through all the biometrics.
Yeah, that's how it works.
If you go through all the hoops, they'll kick you out.
But if you just flounce around like an illegal alien, your chances of being deported are slim to none.
But if she has a daughter here in the country, they shouldn't be able to kick her out.
Yeah, that's what I've been telling her and I've been trying to get her to go to givemeliberty.org and get organized with us and get out here and fight because I think she'd be a good voice.
But she got all the way through all the biometric stuff and come down to she had to send her passport pictures in.
I guess they still do that.
Her lawyer put it all in an envelope inside another envelope with all the directions on the inside and outside and everything.
Got a letter back here last week that they had lost all that information.
She needs to send them another one with another $180.
And that's how they're treating people that are trying to follow the rules.
But if you don't have a license, you get a bank account and do whatever you want.
And her husband wouldn't give her a green card because he said, you'll run off if I give it to you.
I told her, sis, that was the heads up right there.
You should have went ahead and got everything squared away right then so that you could do this divorce.
Um, we're out here fighting the fight, man.
I don't know if you caught the piece about the V's picketing the White House earlier, or last month.
Who was picking?
Oh, the V for Vendetta guys!
V for Vendetta, yeah.
That's been going on for like six months.
They go out and get a lot of press attention when they do it.
Dressing up like V for Vendetta, yeah.
If we can make it to the 26th of this month, uh, GimmeLiberty.org has got a redress for Congress coming up.
And we've got a representation outside the White House.
We're gonna picket them.
There's 535 letters going out to everybody on Capitol Hill.
Sure, let me ask you a question.
How old is her daughter?
Six, I think.
And the husband has her?
No, they have joint custody.
Okay, I appreciate your call.
Number one, they shouldn't be getting a divorce.
That child should come first.
And if it means, no matter how much they hate each other, if she's going to lose having her mother around, the father should know that that is not the right thing to do.
I don't know the specific circumstances of it, but that just sounds like a mess.
Let's go ahead and, yeah, I know that Bob Schultz and We The People and all the other groups bring regressive grievances to Congress and they use it for toilet paper.
I think it's fine to go petition, have hunger strikes, and do all that, because it illustrates that Congress doesn't care.
So I say keep doing it, and keep showing how illegitimate they are.
But I think instead of spending all our time going to the feds, we need to announce that they're illegitimate criminals, bought and paid for by foreign interest, and that this is not a legitimate federal government, and that we need to remove the government.
We have to get serious, folks, and realize how far gone it is, okay?
And take our states back.
In fact, it's in a major Vermont newspaper.
A call for the state to secede.
New Hampshire is very close to seceding.
Arizona is close to seceding.
And people are going, what?
I didn't hear about that.
Well, that's because they don't want you to hear about that.
You know all about Anna Nicole Smith's measurements.
The news keeps telling you that, but we don't know about the right to revolt.
Article 10.
That's in the New Hampshire Constitution, and in most other state constitutions.
There's just so much information.
Alright, thanks for the call, sir.
We'll come back and talk to Tom, Brendan, Matt, Phil, and others.
We've got a guest coming up, and we've got a ton of news, and I'll get to those Fox News clips, too.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Hello, folk!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now in to hour number three.
I will play the Fox News clips, the MSNBC clips.
Take your calls.
Got a guest coming up for one segment.
Tons of other news.
It's insane.
We'll get to it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in California.
You're on the air.
Hey, I just want to say that in the community that I live in, for the first time I saw an InfoWars sticker and 9-11 was an Inside Job sticker on the same car.
It fired me up and I was rooting that guy on because sometimes I feel like I'm the only one.
The level of ignorance is just on.
No, you're not the only one and that's why it's important for all of us to start communicating, to start getting involved, to start community media systems.
Just start reaching out and you will find people immediately even in the smallest towns.
A lot of the people that I know are open-minded to begin with, but when you start talking about the New World Order, they don't want to hear it.
They want to keep living in their fantasy world, which to me is not reality.
Well, a lot of people didn't want to admit the world was round.
A lot of people didn't want to admit slavery was wrong.
But in just a few decades, they became the minority.
And now, because of the Internet and technology, change has accelerated.
Exactly, and you need to keep speaking out.
You know, I heard that one guy talking about he can't say anything because of his wife and his neighbors, and I feel bad for that guy.
Well, it's time to get some new neighbors.
That's what I was thinking.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
And you know, I like your line from Full Metal Jacket, maybe silly, maybe eager, but he's got guts, and guts is enough.
You know, I think your new line should be, sound off like you got a pair.
That's kind of what I wanted to tell that guy, man.
You know, you can't, how do you, I mean, you know the truth of something.
At this magnitude, how do you keep quiet?
You know, how do you not say anything?
Well, people all day, and I totally agree with you, Tom, people all day tell me how much courage I have.
And I want to explain this.
I don't have courage.
I would have to have stupid courage to know what I know and then do nothing.
These are hardcore killers in control.
They're handing over our entire infrastructure.
They're selling us out.
They're butchering the Bill of Rights.
They killed 3,000 of us.
They're grabbing little kids all over the country to test drugs and pesticides on them.
These people are sick, man!
We gotta fight them!
I'm right there with you, man.
I am right there with you.
You know, sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was 18 and I didn't know any better.
My life consisted of my own little neighborhood and my girlfriend and my car.
And now that I know, it's, you know, that's...
That's the number one priority.
But deep down, aren't you more alive?
I mean, let me guess.
Back when it was just the car and the girlfriend, because I lived the same way.
Didn't something feel empty, though?
Because for me, when I was just... There's more to life, you know?
Pardon me?
Like, there's more to life.
Well, exactly.
I feel empowered and alive and really fulfilled doing what I'm doing.
I remember being 20 years old, real good looking, great looking girlfriends, going to the fun parties and camping with friends and doing all the neat stuff and all my friends at the gym.
But I was not happy.
And now, let me tell you, with black circles around my eyes and a pot belly, I am happy.
And by happy, man, I've got incredible energy, I'm focused, I'm obsessed with this, I know I'm on a mission, and I'm really livin'.
Well, hey, I'll tell you what, man, I pulled up that clip of you from 98 when you confronted Governor Bush about the Federal Reserve.
I think you should put that up on Prison Planet for the viewers that haven't caught that.
And I think you got guts.
I mean, I'm proud of you.
Well, thank you my friend.
I really do appreciate you and God bless you.
Alright, we get back.
Well, here's another analogy.
Let's say I owned some sheep.
It was just business.
And a wolf was killing them.
I would get out there and I would hide out in a tree or on top of a rock until the wolf came out and I'd shoot it.
Well, this isn't a wolf eating our sheep.
This is a wolf eating our children.
I mean, we've got to fight it.
It isn't too hard to figure out.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up, we'll continue with your calls, get into the Fox News, O'Reilly slash Rosie slash Charlie Sheen slash Luke Change soap opera.
But right now, we're joined by Diane Horning.
Kurt Horning and his wife Diane Horning of Scotch Plains, whose son Matthew was killed on 9-11.
And her co-founders of WTC Families for Proper Burial were recognized for their efforts at the 2006 Voices Luncheon along with
Other honorees of 9-11, family members who have been active since 9-11 and have remained active in support of the victims and survivor families.
Now, remember Reuters last week had the headline that the remains of victims of 9-11 were being used in potholes.
Associated Press reported 9-11 remains possibly used on roads, court papers.
Remember all the video of them loading the trucks with the quote aggregate
with like bone pieces and they and they've now found just a few months ago uh... you know they found uh... bones in nearby buildings were blown out of the buildings how that happened with a collapse man bodies blown I hate to talk like this or son died in in in in the horrible attacks but this is the facts here and uh... they won't let anybody into the landfills but now photos have been snuck out of you know piles of your shoes and parts and what looks like bones and uh...
They filed suit over it.
The government's trying to throw the suits out.
I mean, this just shows how cold-blooded they are.
They don't even want to give a proper burial to these people.
And then, hey, we're going to use it to cover the roads, mix in with the asphalt.
It just goes to the mind, and of course not give treatment for those that are breathing asbestos and concrete when the EPA's own internal reports that they were going to die.
And they just said, you're not sick, go home and die.
And they do go home and die.
So it's just government again, just like Katrina, anywhere else, this is who's going to supposedly take care of you.
That's my intro.
Diane Horning, thank you for coming on with us.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you for including our mission.
Yeah, the Fresh Kills landfill has human body parts in it.
I think that our court papers very clearly, through affidavits of people who worked there during this ten months that it was operational, have told us that in the first, specifically the first five weeks
They were planning to do this as a salvage operation.
They were not even thinking of human remains.
Giuliani wanted the World Trade Center site emptied out as quickly as possible, as cheaply as possible, so he could look like the can-do guy.
And in doing that, he scooped and dumped.
Instead of hunting for remains where they were, they took it to the landfill and essentially set up to salvage.
In other words, they were separating out metals
What was going to go to the salvage yards?
What was going to get out of there fast and furious?
And in doing that, in the first five weeks or so, suddenly seagulls started to inundate the area.
And they began to realize that there was only one thing the seagulls were after, and that was human bodies.
And so it was at that point that someone, a firm from Rockland County, New York, or Orange County, New York, came down and said, look, we've got sifting equipment.
We could do a better job.
Let us demonstrate they did, and after about five weeks they began a sifting process, which helped make it better.
But in those initial five weeks, they were just dumping things over the edge into the landfill, and it was the most recently used part of the landfill.
It had been accepting household waste as recently as March of 01.
So they had no regard for what they were doing.
Others of our affidavits show that workers asked that they wash what was coming in so that they could differentiate human remains from the other debris and they were told that would take too long and they wouldn't let them.
We have another affidavit where one of the workers
Um, tells us that they were given rakes and shovels and told to hit the piles.
Now, by the way, that was all a crime scene, too.
How they cut up the steel and hauled it under guard to China and South Korea.
How they guarded it, didn't want anybody to get any samples.
I wonder why?
Well, I wonder what's being hidden at Fresh Kills, myself.
And, in fact, one of the affidavits mentioned that, um, there was a cadaver dog, and to give the cadaver dog some rest,
His handler took him over to where the steel beams were lined up to be shipped over to the recycling area in Jersey City.
And the dog started going crazy, and he couldn't figure it out, so he called in one of the police detectives who was kind enough to do this affidavit, and he went and looked where the dog was just going crazy, and they found a part of a human body.
In the steel that was being shipped out to Jersey City.
And they were not checking the steel.
They were not interested in the human remains.
They were interested in get it out of here fast, get it out of here cheap, and make it look like Giuliani got us back quickly.
And then Bloomberg came in and adopted the same pose.
Exactly the same pose.
We know there are human remains there.
We know they were abusive with them.
Journalists have never been allowed to go with us to see the mess that's up there, and now we can show... But I mean, how in a free country can now journalists not go to a landfill?
I don't know.
See, I mean, this is such a free country.
Now, expanding out from there, I remember a few months ago the report of a building across the street, they found a thigh bone in it.
I mean, to me, how are bones being blown and having the flesh removed across the street?
This is amazing!
Well, this is a building.
It was the 130 Liberty Street, which is also known as the Deutsche Bank.
And it's not just a matter of one bone.
To date, they've found 785 pieces of human remains there.
Yeah, that was a building declared free and clear of all human remains.
And then in September of 05, working on the roof, some workers accidentally found pieces of human remains.
And it was at that point that it started to escalate and as recently as last week they found 30 pieces in that same building.
Now that building has twice been declared free of human remains and they're still finding them.
That whole area, I think worse than that building is the fact that Con Ed workers found human remains in October in a manhole.
Right at the edge of the site.
And this was an area that the Department of Design and Construction, under Rudy Giuliani's guidance and dictates, had decided they would take World Trade Center material without inspecting it and make a roadbed out of it.
And it was a service road.
And out of that service road, that whole road, they have found 272 human remains.
They found another 209 in manholes.
And this has all been since October.
So, you know, these are the people who are telling us... Well, I mean, why don't they just fence off the area of the landfill, put a memorial there and a road into it?
Why do they have to go, nope, shut up, and we're going to use it to fill potholes?
Well, I've got to tell you that if we wanted them to do that, they probably would.
But it's more complicated than that.
To begin with, it's on top of household waste.
And so,
That can never be what we consider a decent burial site.
And it's going to shift and fall and move.
And then they also cannot really do anything with that land for 30 to 50 years because of the methane gas, because of the settling, because of polluted waters that have to dissipate.
So, to us, it's a totally unacceptable location.
And we're open to other suggestions.
We've given them plans for other suggestions.
Yeah, I mean, they should have hauled the waste, you know, to some nearby national park and created a big parkland for it.
I mean, that would be the common sense.
Well, and we've given them some suggestions.
I mean, one of them is Governor's Island.
The city paid a dollar for it.
They're raising it.
I don't think so.
And doing investigations, because I'm just going to tell you right now, Diana, I'm sure you've heard the discussions, but it's not just people on the news talking about it, it's firefighters, it's police, and even the NIST report is now talking about something else in Building 7.
They're having to say that explosives could have been involved.
Do the families you talk to discuss that, about why there's a cover-up?
Some do, some don't.
Some do, some don't.
I have to say that mostly the group that we founded and that we deal with are dealing with the treatment of the human remains.
And certainly, when you see that human remains are treated in this fashion, you have to know that they're cavalier about other things as well.
And I have to wonder, what else are they hiding?
If they will not let us take them out of this dump and inspect it and bury them properly.
Do you know Bill Doyle?
He's the head of the biggest victims family group.
He said on the show last year that he now believes that 9-11 is an inside job.
He says he doesn't know to what extent.
And he says that over half the families in his group believe that.
What percentage would you say in your group believe there's a cover-up?
I really can't answer that because I've never really polled them on something like that.
I will say that they feel that the mistreatment of the dead has certainly been covered up.
And if one thing is covered up, why not something else?
I think it's important for us to realize that we're often being told that this is a political issue.
And our feeling is that both, that Independents, Republicans, Democrats, they all died there.
Well your son, and I hate to say this, I mean your son and the people he lies with are being used to pay highways.
So that's unacceptable.
If my son would have died there, I mean I would get violently angry about this.
I am very angry about it.
I am very angry and I have been to meetings where the Planning Commission is talking about what a wonderful thing they're doing with this piece of land.
And we've been told that we are being rude and we have to be quiet.
So you're right, we are not able to express our views.
When Mayor Bloomberg had family meetings and we wanted to bring up this issue, we were not allowed to attend those family meetings.
Yeah, so-called free country, folks.
Well, I mean, that's my point.
They're saying you're being political.
They're running this country like a whorehouse.
Well, they're certainly abusing my dead son, and I think enough has happened to him that I don't think he needs to suffer the indignity.
The worst indignity most cultures can think of is not letting you bury your dead.
You know, when I saw... I traveled out... Well, I'll tell you what, stay there.
Stay there, please.
I want to do one more little five-minute segment with you on the other side.
Talk about the organization, the website.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Diane Harding is our guest.
She lost her son Matthew in the tragic attacks of 9-11.
And his remains have been taken to a landfill.
They're now using
Some of those remains to pave roads.
And the government will block the families from even complaining here in the land of the free and home of the brave.
Diane, what would you like to see happen?
I mean, obviously people should get in trouble for this, and the remains should be removed and taken somewhere for a proper memorial for those that died.
Preferably, I would imagine, you'd like a pastoral setting, like a cemetery.
I mean, what would you like to see happen?
What needs to happen?
We are actually in court and hoping that our case is not dismissed.
We're not asking for any financial compensation, and that's important to note.
And we're not even asking that anyone be punished because we just don't, you know, we know what happens.
We are asking for the removal of the remains from the landfill and a proper burial.
And yes, we would like a cemetery.
We don't want it to pretend to be anything else.
We don't want it to be a Freedom Tower.
We don't want it to be a
A museum.
We don't want anything but what you get at a cemetery.
You don't want it to be a political statue.
They're saying you're political.
You don't want it to be political.
Like with a gold statue of Bush holding Giuliani or something.
Oh, wouldn't that be horrible?
Yeah, we would like to have markers that people can have names.
You know, the memorial at Ground Zero is going to be a farce.
The memorial they're building there has nothing to do with the dead.
The memorial at Ground Zero
Um, has stripped everyone of their rank, has stripped them of their ages.
You will never know that one little girl was two years old.
You know what makes me mad too, and I want to get your take in closing before you tell us about the website so people can support you guys, and then I'll get the word out about this travesty of just, you know, insult the families and the victims, that the White House and the media and the military wrapped themselves in the dead of 9-11 and constantly used them, but then they wouldn't even give them
A mass grave.
They would put them in a trash heap.
Well, I gotta tell you, Mr. Bush claims, whether you believe it or not, that we went to war because these people died.
And yet, he considers them garbage.
And yes, he does know where they are.
We have hand-delivered our information to him three times.
So he knows all about it.
He's choosing to ignore it.
He doesn't even respond to us.
But the point is, would you go to war?
Now see, Bush is dumb!
He could say, oh, we didn't know about this, we're gonna fix it, that'd be a great PR.
They just don't care!
It would be beautiful PR.
I mean, it's like he wouldn't meet with Sidney Sheehan!
His top political... My son is expendable.
My son was expendable.
And let me tell you, the memorial they're building at Ground Zero, you talk about the military, they're stripping the military of their rank.
The military will be listed that died at the Pentagon, but their rank and their affiliations will not be listed.
They will be listed in random order, there will not be an American flag, and there will not be anything that has the date September 11, 2001.
And you know why they do that?
It's because the bureaucracy is so lazy now.
Well, I think it's just because they want it to go away.
They don't want a remembrance of what happened there.
It will be historically inaccurate, and as my husband said,
In a few short years, people will be looking at these names and they'll think these are the names of people who paid to have bricks put in.
Because there's nothing there that's going to tell you who they were.
Nothing at all.
It will also be near impossible to find the name of the loved one you lost if it's not in order.
And the families have nothing to say about that.
But now they won't even let us bury the dead.
And if they let us bury our dead, we can each have a marker, a place where we can go for solace, a place like Normandy.
You know, 91 nations lost people.
The Canadians are livid.
We're heading for the House of Commons in Canada, because only half of their people were returned.
Well, I'm looking at photos from the last photos there with the shoes and bones and clothes.
They just dump it all right in there.
It's WTCFamiliesForProperBurial.com.
Well, our prayers go with you and we're going to bring the perpetrators one way or another to justice.
And I have to tell you, bottom line, I know you're focused just on this issue, Diane, but I am the father of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
I'm the guy who, from the start, knew about this two months before it was going to happen.
Just type Alex Jones, Warrens of 9-11.
I said they were going to attack the World Trade Center and that Bin Laden was a CIA asset.
And I put that out, and I really want to pray for you and your husband that you get through this pain.
And I'm really sorry that you lost your son, and I hope the people will help you at least get a proper burial for him.
On our website, they can go to the petition online and sign, which would be great.
We've got 65,000 signatures already.
And maybe the criminals that have done this will accept those and do the right thing.
We'll watch this as it develops.
God bless you and take care, Diane.
Say hi to your husband for me.
Thank you so much.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, I'm going to go through five of your calls quickly, and then I'm going to play some of the O'Reilly clip, and some of Scarborough country.
And then I'm going to jump into some of the Iran news.
We've got to move fast.
Matt in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how much of the communist threat after World War II was real?
I mean, the CIA overthrew Indonesia, Italy, Cambodia, Angola, Chile, and most importantly, Iran and Guatemala.
And the USA.
Well, you have to go research history on this subject, and when you do, which I'm sure you've done, for those that don't know, it was a real threat in that they were running around overthrowing governments and killing people, but it literally was financed by the very same banks that financed our fellow reserve, that controlled our fellow reserve, and then they would build up the enemy and then sell weapons to both sides,
I mean, they make money coming and going, and then they would use the Soviet menace, and it's now admitted, I knew this decades ago, but I couldn't believe it like five, six years ago, I always talk about this, History Channel had the former CIA section chief on admitting, our government put Mao into power.
Yeah, I think so.
When McCarthy was persecuting people, and taking people's free speech away, and going after leftists, Richard Nixon and others loved him, and it was all funny.
But when he said, I've discovered the army runs the communists, and I've discovered a group above them, man, he was gone so fast.
Because, I mean, McCarthy meant well.
But again, they wanted to use the Red Men as to take general liberties while they were running the whole thing, when he went to the next level, and found out that our government was behind it.
Oh my God, he was gone!
So the Rockefellers and Rothschilds exploited the communist threat to overthrow all these nations and basically turn our world into a capitalist nation.
Well, you see, I mean, that gets into terms like capitalist.
We've been sold that capitalist goes hand-in-glove with free market.
Capitalist means you believe in a free market with big robber barons holding the large purses.
I believe in a constitutional republic.
I don't believe in a robber baron crony capitalism or predatory capitalism where it's not free market and they operate like a bunch of mafia dons out criminally consolidating.
Alex Jones, thank you very much.
Thank you for the call.
I mean, look, the terms we've been given aren't real, okay?
So it's hard to even communicate.
That's what Orwell wrote about in 48.
And then he flipped the numbers to 84.
It's the terms aren't real.
These are not... Look, there's command and control with its 31 flavors.
Fascism, Communism, Socialism, and it always leads to cops in black uniforms, camps, secret arrests, and thugs, and red flags, and fascism.
I mean, you know, whatever term you want to give it.
And then you've got liberty on the other end, and it's an unknown country.
If you strive and fight and bleed for it,
And have incredible men and women of honor.
You probably aren't going to get it one time out of a hundred, okay?
I mean, it is like finding the Loch Ness Monster.
I mean, this thing is very elusive.
It's an idea.
Man, tyranny is as commonplace as cockroaches in the big city.
And it's one thing to have a boss hog corrupt system with high taxes and regulation.
That's bad enough, but I could live with that, and I'd be on air griping about it, but I wouldn't be freaking out.
We're going into a hyper-wild corruption.
I mean, just... nothing on Earth's ever been seen like it.
And you're like, what do you mean?
I'm telling you folks, I don't just say that for effect.
It's going to be worse than China, worse than Russia, worse than East Germany, worse than Nazi Germany, worse than the Killing Fields.
I mean, they are, never before have these people set up for 40 years.
They usually set up for 10 and do it.
I mean, they are really polishing this thing up.
And really getting it set.
And they're doing that because they know this is a big animal to take down.
But they think they know how to do it.
And they're going to go ahead and probably try it.
And my goodness, it is not going to be pretty.
See, I just said I'd go to your calls quick and play the clips, but it was such an important question I've been babbling for three minutes.
Phil in Canada, go ahead.
I wanted to talk to you, Alex, in a deep awe and respect of your courage.
Oh, please.
I'm just doing my duty.
But go ahead, Colin.
Listen, this is about the Ron Paul thing, and I'm so upset with Bill Maher.
I thought he had a brain on his head.
But this CIA is the center of this mafia, and it is an unconstitutional creation.
If you look at the American Constitution, the letters of marquee,
Which are crime licenses, in the old parlance that they used in those days, are only supposed to be granted by an open hearing of the entire Congress, including the Senate and the House of Representatives.
You're talking about a letter of mark in English.
That's right.
And this is where the, uh, it's a crime license.
And in 1953, uh, 19, I'm sorry, 48. 1947.
Well, the Defense Reorganization Act... Sure, sure, but the National Security Act opened the door for that in 1947, but you're correct.
The USC 5413B allowed the President to function as a mafiadon, and it created an elite, noble cabal
Of Senators and Congressmen.
And for those that don't know, that's when they set up the committees and everything and gave them, you know, preeminent power.
And it was all modeled off of the British MI6 Lord's system.
And literally, almost the entire leadership, and this is in the new film, The Good Shepherd, which is very accurate, by the way, they peopled it directly out of skull and bones.
The entire leadership, and then the sub-directives out of Yale and Harvard.
This is it.
This is successors of the pirates.
Sir Francis Drake.
This is the same concept that what Ron Paul is getting at.
They actually pray to pirates.
This is the axis of it.
This is the center of all evil in the United States.
And they go off of maritime law.
I gotta let you go because your phone's echoing.
You can call me back when you get a better connection tomorrow.
Great point.
Great caller.
No, they've smuggled out prayers that they say in Skull and Bones.
It's prayers to the devil.
And it talks about how the devil gives them power to come from being a common man to a thief, to a mob boss, to a crime captain, to a pirate captain, to a king.
He was a thief, he was a criminal, he was a
Pirate, he was a king.
And it's a big joke to them, see?
I re-watched last night, which is really based on a true story.
The names are changed.
And it's even worse.
It was kept to the governor and the rest of it in a mass up there in Boston.
And the film starts with Jack Nicholson playing the part of the Irish mob boss.
Going, if I have any problem with the black chappies is that they don't go and take it for themselves.
You know, you gotta, if you want something, you gotta take it.
Everything's by force.
Well, if we don't want to take from others, we just want to be left alone, we've gotta stand up.
You understand?
And kick these little demons right in the face.
And, uh, you know, you see things, I mean, I'm out watching this movie, and that's how it really is, with the mob going around into your store saying, give me your money.
I couldn't control myself.
I'd just beat him to death right there.
And that's how I react.
Somebody comes and starts threatening me.
And if you pull a gun, I pull a gun.
Mark Corny always put it well.
We're not wolves and we're not sheep.
We're sheepdogs, folks.
You're going to be a wolf, you're going to be a sheep, you're going to be a sheepdog.
I'm a sheepdog.
I want to be left alone.
I want to build my own life.
I want to run my own thing.
You understand?
I'm not your slave.
Get out of my way.
Now, how do these low-level mobs grow?
They would tell their people the same thing.
They'd say, well, we've got to stick together or the police won't help you, because they were corrupt and wouldn't help them.
But then, of course, that new government becomes oppressive.
And, uh, it's, it's, it's just, it's disgusting is what it is.
Ben in Ohio, you're on the air, we gotta move quick.
Hey, what's up Alex Jones?
Hey, what's going on?
We're doing a show, what's up?
Alright, well basically I have a couple of really important questions for you because at my college I'm trying to, uh, you know, wake people up, get people aware of what's going on.
I just found out just this October and I did a lot of research until I really made sure what I knew what I was talking about.
I want to link to your site, and feel free to disagree with me, except I want to link to your site, but some of the commercials... Yeah, you called before, sir.
You called before, and you don't agree with some of the commercials on my website, so just find another one to link to.
It's a simple deal.
It's a done deal, okay?
I appreciate your call.
I really do.
Let's go ahead and... I said I gotta move quick here.
David in Texas, go ahead.
How are you doing, my brother?
I'm doing alright other than having the stupid oak pollen coats my lungs.
I just wanted to call and tell you we are winning.
My wife has thought for years, I've been listening to you for about 10-12 years now, and she always thought I was kind of kooky, you're kind of kooky.
She logged on to Rosie's blog this morning and linked over to 9-11 Mysteries.
Forty minutes left of the film, she called me and said, I'm a total believer.
There's absolutely no way they weren't involved.
Well, that's why we need to go into the message boards and post Terror Storm, post the other 9-11 films, because we're winning with these films.
That's what I'm saying is that every mind we free is one inch closer that we are to defeating the globalists and stopping them from carrying out the next event.
And listen, folks, the CFR has said in reports and on C-SPAN and on Fox, I mean, I've got a score of clips, that we're going to be nuked and that we're going into total martial law.
Tommy Franks has said that.
Now, folks, they may not do it now because we've already done such a good job, but it's 50-50.
We've got to make that 60-40, 70-30, 80-20, 90-10.
We've got to eliminate that ace card.
We're trying to save lives.
Alex, that's about the only thing they have left to do.
We're winning so big right now.
But see, that's the catch-22.
They're going to do it, you're right.
They're going to do it regardless, probably.
So we want to force them to do it out of total desperation, as a wild car, shoot the moon, hail Mary, desperate gamut.
And it's not going to work.
Too many people know now.
Well, be sure and give your wife, who wouldn't listen to you, a terror storm now.
Oh, gee, I've got it on order already.
Well, God bless you and I appreciate your call.
I'm sorry we're going quick here.
I've just got to get to this clip as I promised.
Kevin in Ohio, last caller, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I've got some answers for you.
The trick is in the birth certificate.
They float a bond through you.
Your mother, when she signs a birth certificate, abandons the baby.
The state picks it up on salvage rights, floats a bond through the Federal Reserve.
Yeah, I've been covering that for 12 years, and I'm not saying I've been covering that for 12 years, I'm smart, I'm saying, yes, listeners, it's true, and the problem is that they now claim just by force, before they did the trappings of maritime, now they just by force claim that even if you haven't, that we're now a war zone and that we're all salvage.
So my point is there isn't any special thing you file or thing you do.
That's where we have to be careful.
Just because their laws and their admiralty laws say this, they even ignore that now.
Well, this is how they force you into their statutory law.
Yeah, I know, but next you're going to tell me you've got a way to defeat them?
Uh, no, not at this point.
Not with my research at this point.
Good, good.
I'm not poopooing you.
I just don't want people to get in trouble, because there's a lot of folks that say they got the answer, and I'm telling you the answer is political, the answer is will, the answer is called
I agree.
I agree.
He's got Michelle Malkin, who is just a piece of trash, who we've interviewed, who's a fake conservative, who wrote a book in defense of camps, how wonderful concentration camps are.
And so ban free speech, but now they're kind of backtracking.
Listen to this garbage.
Personal story segment tonight.
Rosie O'Donnell and her posse are off this week, but anger is growing over anti-American comments, like the British hostage situation is a set-up job by the USA and Britain, and 9-11 was an inside job.
Now, some of the media are reporting that I called for Ms.
Donnell to be fired by ABC.
That is false, but it will be interesting to see if there are any consequences here.
Who's not analyzed?
Kirsten Powers here in New York, and the Michelle Malkin in Washington.
See now, I think that Disney's got a big problem now.
Because you go over a certain line in America, you can't come back from that.
You know, you start to accuse your own government of murder.
You start to sympathize with the enemy, Iran.
There's no coming back.
You can call Donald Trump whatever name you want.
She never sympathized with Iran.
She said, our governments have staged provocative actions like Gulf of Tonkin before.
We should look at this.
That is not... She did not side with Iran for using her head and saying we should question the rush to war.
You're a lying piece of filth.
Back to O'Reilly.
There's no coming back.
You can call Donald Trump whatever name you want and not get hurt permanently.
The things that she did last week?
And Disney's going to have to deal with it somehow.
I agree with you, Bill.
I don't know that ABC is ready to distance itself from Rosie yet.
And I think that they've dug themselves in a very deep, deep hole.
Because their immediate reaction last week when she trafficked in this despicable 9-11 conspiracy mongering should have been to distance themselves immediately.
Let's stop right there.
The 9-11 mongering is by the evil criminals you work for, Malkin, that carried out 9-11.
You're the ones that used those murders that your boss has committed to destroy this country and this Bill of Rights.
Back to the, uh, New World Order whore.
Again, stop her!
She's a whore for the New World Order, whoring out their lives.
She's an intellectual prostitute.
Stop using those dead, witch!
84% know you're a liar!
That 84% though hadn't figured out yet their power and hadn't figured out that everybody else around them is awake.
You bunch of chelchescue trash!
Back to the... Back to her!
There are only two websites that deal with 9-11 that she has linked to on her own blog.
One of them is called WTC7, and the other one is the Scholars for 9-11 Truth.
These are the worst, most fringe, kookiest, discredited academic crackpots who believe that the Secret Service and the CIA... All right, stop right there.
The Building 7 site is excellent, and the other one's pretty darn good, too.
I mean, it's just government documents.
When you talk about the Jones arm it is.
I mean just absolutely incredible.
And she sits there all swole up with her pride.
All swole up with her indignation.
It's as fake as a three dollar bill.
Deep down that little girl knows she sold her soul for thirty pieces of silver.
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Alright, welcome back.
Look, I said I'd play all this.
I've got the Scarborough one where they do point out that O'Reilly is a liar and he did basically call for her firing.
But that's because he's getting so much heat over all of this.
And I told you that Rosie's on vacation in Florida.
I'm in contact with her.
We're trying to get her to go public on the show.
You've got to know that she's been testing the waters three and a half weeks ago, sticking her toe in with a 9-11 comment, then another 9-11 comment, then going public.
And we need more big heavyweights to start going public because it makes them harder for them to just target certain people.
They're trying to punish her now.
They're saying, fire her, fire her, fire her, fire her, to set this precedent to blackball with a new blacklist anybody that talks about 9-11.
In fact, that'll be our headline, a new blacklist.
O'Reilly, Fox, MSNBC, CNN call for new blacklist on anyone talking about 9-11.
What are they so scared of?
I mean, you talk about McCarthyism, that's an improper term because McCarthy was abusing people being used, but again, there was something real to what he was doing.
I mean, there was, you know, communist infiltration, but then he learned it was our government and then they shut him down.
Because it wasn't communist, it was a globalist.
But again, this is so sophisticated.
But in their case, we're trying to save this country, and they're saying, black ball, fire anybody that does, arrest anybody that does, arrest Mark Cuban, who's going to finance loose change, final cut.
I mean, that makes me really mad.
Folks, we've already risked our lives to get this information out, and they're trying to stop us.
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