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Name: 20070330_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 30, 2007
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Listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it is the 30th day of March, 2007.
Three months of this supposed new year have already elapsed.
Three months have blasted past us.
And we are now into the final days of the Ides of March, and we conveniently have massive war fleets that have built up in the Persian Gulf and surrounding areas.
We have a convenient group of British commandos that have been captured, and now it's come out that the British rewrote the lines.
Now, there'd always been territorial disputes between the Iranians and the Iraqis there,
But this new map that the British wrote even went past those disputes.
So, in the lawyer double-think world, it's true, the British were in Iraqi waters.
Of course, with the admitted maps that have been agreed upon,
uh... even in the split the agreed upon waters both sides claim a little bit more uh... they were clearly in iranian waters but that won't matter and in a few years it'll come out in the media that indeed the british were in the iranian waters and it won't matter just like it'll it came out that they were not throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait and it came out that those were not mobile weapons trucks in nineteen uh...
Nineties that were sold to Saddam by the British, and that in 2003 they claimed were mobile anthrax trucks, and there were never any WMDs.
It all comes out.
The next fraud, or three or four frauds, would have been launched since then.
It doesn't matter.
There'll be lots of criminals on television
And it won't matter.
Posing and wrapping themselves in the flag and saying they support the troops and anyone that doesn't support sticking the troops into new meat grinders is un-American and hates the troops when we're not the ones sending them into a lie, sending them into a fraud.
You gotta love the criminals that run the media and the government and the military who give experimental deadly shots to our troops and who put them into harm's way with depleted uranium without proper protection.
Who lie to the troops and tell them they're going to be home over and over and over again and have automatic re-ups and stop-loss, which is a draft for those who have already served.
You've got to love how they puff up and sit up there on television all arrogantly talking about how they're the patriots and we're not the patriots.
No, it is the rat scum in the Republican and Democratic parties
That have completely dismantled our borders, our sovereignty, our laws, our Bill of Rights, and that have destroyed our name around the world.
And it is so disgusting to watch them up there on their high horses fooling these mind-numbed couch potatoes that sit there in their easy chairs watching Fox News thinking that everything's okay and that America's still in place and that they're the good old boys and everything's alright.
Let me give you a news flash.
Fox News is Justice Department slash Pentagon run.
So is CNN.
It just gives you the fake liberal brand.
They're there to destroy this country.
Mission number one.
And they've done an excellent job of it.
An excellent job of it.
And so, when you're bankrupt and they've taken your bank account, and there's been run-on banks, when they finally tell you that your money's not worth a red cent, you just remember, and you go grab a plastic flag, and you wrap yourself in it, and you see how warm that keeps you when the winter comes and you don't have any heat.
You just wrap that desecrated flag around you, and you get in a fetal position, and you lay there in front of your television set if it's still got power, and you just bow down to Bill O'Reilly.
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That toll free number again?
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're gonna break down surging oil prices, the gear up, the hype, the media hype for a war, an attack on Iran.
The new developments there, and of course, Rosie O'Donnell yesterday went public on 9-11 and the evidence pointing towards an inside job to 30 million viewers of The View.
And last night I was up here working on a new film, but in between we would go in and watch Hannity and Combs.
We would go in and watch Scarborough Country, O'Reilly.
And there were calls for her death.
There were calls for her to be killed, of course.
And there were calls that she, you know, basically worked for Al Qaeda.
And there was just the regular, ban her speech, fire her.
That's mainly what the Pentagon News Channel, Fox, was putting out.
And of course, the CIA channel, MSNBC, was putting out.
And when I say that, I'm not joking around, ladies and gentlemen.
That they have operatives at the highest levels and they steer the organizations.
Of course, probably only 5% of the organizations know that it's a black op, but those in command are black operators.
And that's come out, that's been documented.
It came out in 2000 that CNN had hundreds of members of the Army's Psychological Warfare Corps working there in plain clothes.
People with top psychiatry degrees, sociology degrees, marketing degrees, working against you.
Fake news, billions of dollars in fake reporters.
Do you understand?
Red alert!
And this is all base psychology.
Oh, they've captured our sailors.
Oh, it's so terrible.
Oh, it's so horrible.
It's primitive, and they show the woman.
Oh, they've got our people.
Remember how Panama started?
And I've seen it in the Panama Deception and other films.
Panama Deception.
They claim that two
We're good to go.
And it came out on some local television stations in Miami and a few other areas, but never on the national news.
The women going, well, we were in our dorm at the college and U.S.
troops came in in plain clothes and told us they were there to protect us because there was about to be an invasion.
We really want to thank the U.S.
Army for protecting us.
Never kidnapped.
Never captured.
We ought to find that clip.
It's somewhere in my office and do a piece on that.
And we want to thank them.
They're very nice, the troops.
And just everybody woke up on that morning in 1989 and the President has hit the evil dictator, Manuel Noriega.
He's hit him!
He stood up against him!
That evil drug dealer, look at his Swiss and Spanish palaces.
This palace was 55 million dollars and has 60 bedrooms in the Swiss Alps.
He's a drug dealer.
He looks like a toad.
Look at him.
He just is really bad.
He's terrible.
And there's all these photos of George Sr.
with him and it's well known that he was a CIA front man and laundered all that drug money with him and stopped paying his cut.
Got a little greedy, did you, Manuel?
Well, overnight, there's a combined military strike on Panama City.
And they tell everybody, because you kidnapped those women.
And Saddam had to be attacked.
He was throwing babies out of incubators.
Then last year we learned Iran made Jews wear yellow stars.
Of course, it turned out it was completely made up.
Absolute lie.
Total, complete fraud.
The Iranian Jewish community, quite large, went public and said, this is total lies.
And it turned out it was a complete fraud.
Put out by our friends in the ADL.
I say ADL, it was the International Congress up there in Canada at the command base.
It doesn't matter, I still hear neocons on the air saying they're making more yellow stars.
They're operatives, folks.
They don't care one red cent.
And it works, folks.
The scary thing is, they may be planning to pull the rug out from the economy right now.
You see, they had their stock market big dip of several thousand points, and then they carried out 9-11 a week later.
And it's the same thing here.
If they attack Iran, you're probably going to see a depression.
They will call it a recession.
We'll have lots of experts in fancy suits, looking straight at the camera, giving you all the answers that, of course, won't be the answers.
We'll have a few scapegoats.
It'll all be Ahmadinejad's problem, not the Federal Reserve devaluing the dollar, not the new world order running us.
He's got dark skin, he's got dark hair, he's got a little mustache, so we can feel all tribal against him.
And, uh, it'll feel good.
Of course, he didn't do anything, but at least it'll feel good.
It should be conned, as usual, and be scammed, and be fools.
It's just, it's just fun.
But, uh, Panama.
They went in there and blew up about a third of the city.
They had Puff the Magic Dragon, that's, uh, C-130s with howitzers and giant Vulcan gatling guns hanging out the sides and back.
Pounding their bases to smithereens.
There was a third world army with a giant sneak attack against them just out of the blue.
Just massive, giant sneak attack.
And we get to run around and again the flags all came out and everybody went out and got drunk and kind of stumbled around and went, Hell yeah, America!
Yeah, alright!
Meanwhile, you're a slave.
Fences were going up around the schools.
They were searching the children.
They were militarizing the police.
They were shipping in the narcotics.
The CPS was grabbing your children.
But you could stumble around sticking your belly out and feeling powerful and walking like a gorilla.
You could just, I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.
And I'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
But you don't actually defend her still today.
The Bill of Rights, disappearing.
Freedom, disappearing.
The currency, disappearing.
Everything, gone.
The country, red-level attack, disappearing.
North American Union, dying right now.
And you've got a bunch of stuff
Shirt traitors up on Fox and CNN and MSNBC acting like patriots, calling for the murder of Rosie O'Donnell.
And again, she's silly and she's ignorant, but she's got guts and guts is enough.
And I know she's woken up to the New World Order now.
I have it confirmed from personal friends of hers, people that vacation with her, live next to her, that she knows all about the New World Order, knows all about the show.
She quoted Terror Storm on her blog yesterday.
She quoted the opening lines from Terror Storm.
Nice nod, Rosie.
We appreciate that.
My voiceover from the film.
Go up there and read it.
And what do we have?
Danny Bonaduce, an admitted drug head.
Which I'm not knocking people that are on drugs, folks.
It's addictive.
It's designed that way.
I'm just saying, he's a compromised individual.
And he was a child actor and he talks like a toad.
I guess I do too, so I should watch it.
And he gets up on there and he says, she should be killed.
She should be hung.
And that's what they're all over the blogs.
I'm getting all these emails going, you need to die.
Look at the Enemy and Sedition Act.
We're going to kill you.
Ha ha ha.
Don't worry.
America's probably not going to make it back, guys.
You get pretty arrogant.
I know you think it's patriotic to destroy the nation and our name in the world and everything we are, and you may just succeed.
But what you don't understand is you're in the same crosshairs.
Here's part of the clip from Scarborough country, and folks, it just goes on and on.
We've got like five different newscasts attacking her, calling her a traitor, saying she should be fired.
This is what they do in America.
And I predicted yesterday, on air, remember?
I predicted in the third hour, I said, this is what you'll hear.
It'll be this headline on every newscast.
It will be, the traitor sides with Iran.
The traitor says we should trust them, and that they're good, and she talks about 9-11 conspiracy theories, trying to nexus the two.
And then they would throw in as a kind of reminder that, oh, and she's for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
No, she said you cannot trust a confession from someone who's been admittedly tortured and secretly arrested for four years in a camp
And whose sons were grabbed and threatened with torture, seven and ten.
That was Associated Press.
The government bragged about that.
Again, trying to sell you on evil.
We even got the little boys!
Yeah, and the same people that run this government will try to get your little boys in the real world at these youth commissions.
You understand who we're dealing with here?
You've got a bunch of childish, good little boys who think everything's still Mayberry and we're just a bunch of crazies.
You understand, thinking we're all traitors.
You think we're like nuts.
Because they're stupid.
They're low-grade morons.
And then you've got the controllers, who are a bunch of criminals, for whatever crime they're into.
Whatever their, whether it's money, or pervertedness, or evil, or psychopathic behavior.
They're in the power structure to exercise power.
And they hear us get up here and say all this, and they just, I just don't believe it.
I just can't believe it.
Them peoples is nuts.
And it's just so incredible.
And they'll make excuses for anything the government does.
They worship the state.
That's America to them.
This bloated, corrupt government with all of these preening, posing politicians just literally drunk on power.
You watch them.
And they've all got all these little power tics and these little isms they do.
It's disgusting.
They're not real, they're not simple, they're just... They're just disgusting evil.
Giant cockroaches.
We're ruled by a bunch of roach people.
With a retarded mass that just sits there worshipping them.
So fine!
Let me tell you something, neocons and neocon followers and dumb liberals and all you establishment types.
There is a price for everything we do.
There's a price for every mistake you make.
There's a price for being conned.
There's a price.
And we're all going to be paying it.
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Welcome back.
This is revolutionary, what Rosie O'Donnell did.
When do you see somebody with a number one morning show, 30 million viewers, get up on television and say, don't trust the mainstream media, tune out of it, get other views.
Why do we automatically demonize Iran?
Why don't we actually look at what they're saying?
Do the American people know that our government, by design, shot down two of their airliners, trying to get them to get into a fight with the U.S.
right at the end of the Iran-Iraq War?
Or that our government funded them 30-plus billion dollars, the Iraqis, to attack them?
Do they know that in 1988, our military launched a giant sneak attack, sinking two of their battleships, that's what they were, attack frigates,
And sinking several other large craft and blowing up a bunch of their oil refineries.
Massive sneak attack because they put some landmines, excuse me, some ocean mines right there in their own territorial waters.
I mean, can you imagine if America had been occupied by Iran in 1953 and had our leaders' heads cut off, and then set up giant death camps everywhere?
Do you know we did that to them?
No, you don't, America, do you?
Because you sit there and you suck your thumbs, and you drink your beer, and you watch your O'Reilly, and you think everything's alright.
Well, let me give you a newsflash.
The truth is the truth is the truth.
And the people that did that to Iran, their children run this country now, and they're doing all those same things to you.
But they do it real quiet, and neighbors don't know neighbors, and, oh, you don't see Bill no more, he went to prison for no reason, or, oh yeah, they took the neighbor's kids, but let's not talk to them, let's not get involved.
Millions of children, over a million grabbed each year.
There's evil going on all over the place, but you drive to work and watch TV, and it tells you everything's fine.
It isn't okay!
It isn't alright!
And government's evil.
People are evil.
There's evil in high places.
I'm not saying the Mullahs are good or Akhmedinejad's good, but compared to the New World Order folks, they are Tinker Toy.
I mean, the New World Order's built the Death Star, folks, and they're pointing at Tinker Toy builders and saying they're a big threat.
Now, it's been confirmed now, mainstream news, but it's back of the paper, that the British claimed that Iraq's territorial waters went several miles further than they did, there in that narrow river.
And that's very important, you know, navigable waters.
You know, the Iranian ships, when they try to leave and go do commerce, they're all grabbed, a lot of them are arrested, their stuff's stolen.
Can you imagine how sick they are of that, if every day all of our ships were being searched?
And so, the British, by the way, they had him out on that big cruiser, the British cruiser.
It's been confirmed.
And a bunch of newspapers interviewed this woman.
BBC videotaped her and got particular shots of her.
Folks, this is so staged.
And then they send her, I'm not saying they're involved, those on the boat.
But it's... and then they send them on a mission.
Well, you just go right up against their line, and the British have rewritten the lines.
They had them out there for days, just... just... you gotta read these quotes out of the paper.
For days, they had them just cruising around in Iranian waters, driving up with their machine guns, jumping on boats, pointing guns at people, searching them, and then the way our news frames it, the Iranian forces kidnapped them at gunpoint.
Well, you try going out there in the river by New York.
Just go cruising around.
Coast Guard will drive right up and point heavy machine guns right at your chest and jump on your motorboat when you're out there with your family and stomp around.
This is how it is to live in third world sass.
But the borders are all wide open.
Man, you talk about a third world country, I saw a bunch of clearly illegal alien Chinese people with babies in their arms walking in the rain down the side of 290 driving into the office this morning in tornado weather.
Green skies, tornadoes all over the state, tornadoes outside Austin, and here are just a group of about 15 illegal alien Chinese, guaranteed folks, look like peasants right off the farm.
Hell, we don't have to worry about the 30 million peasants from southern Mexico.
Because now the South Koreans land every day, tens of thousands a year, for their anchor jackpot babies to get full health care the minute they land on a tourist visa to have their kids here.
I'm not against Koreans.
I'm not against Chinese.
The point is, this country has had its throat slit, okay?
The final gouts of blood are spraying out of our aortas.
Spraying out of our jugulars.
And you're dancing around, sitting there in your easy chair, going, I hate Rosie O'Donnell!
I like... Sean's on!
Hey kids, come on in!
You're a great American, Sean!
Every militia member should be arrested, he said.
Every child should have a microchip, he said.
I was watching Fox last night, and they're going, we love Guantanamo!
We love torture!
They had some little graphic of Rosie like a frog opening her mouth with steam coming out of her ears the whole time on the screen.
It's like cartoon propaganda for a bunch of children.
Alright, I'll play the clips when we get back, get into the Iran news and a lot more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You can't run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Go tell that long-tongued liar.
Go and tell that midnight rider.
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter.
Tell them that God's gonna cut them down.
Tell them that God's gonna cut them down.
Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news My head's been wet with the midnight dew I've been down on bended knee Talking to the man from Galilee He spoke to me with a voice so sweet I thought I heard the shuffle of angels sing He called my name and my heart stood still When he said, John go do my will Go tell that long-tongued liar
Go and tell that midnight rider.
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter.
Tell them that God's gonna cut them down.
Tell them that God's gonna cut them down.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, God'll cut you down.
Sooner or later, God'll cut you down.
Well, you may throw your rock, hide your hand, working in the dark against your fellow man.
But as sure as God made black and white, what's done in the dark will be brought to the light.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, God'll cut you down.
Sooner or later, God'll cut you down.
Nice little message, the New World Order crowd out there.
You can run on for a long time, but sooner or later, God's gonna cut you down.
So we predicted that they would do it like this.
They would say, now she sides with Iran, she's for Iran, and she thinks 9-11 is an inside job.
They would couple those two together.
It wasn't hard to predict that.
Sure enough, they did that on every news piece.
In fact, in print, a couple hours after I made that prediction, newsbusters, Michelle Malkin, the fake conservative site.
Again, these are stealth cruisers, folks.
They're there to fool you.
You should understand this is a military op.
First neocon hit piece on O'Donnell after today's comments, and it goes on, Rosie sees only evil in US, not Iran, speaks on 9-11 conspiracy theories.
They always phrase it like, the American hating communists, or the American hating nuts.
You know, when you question the government's official story on anything, you're an America hater.
No, the people that carried out 9-11 that run our country, they hate America.
They're killing the country.
I'm not talking about their talk.
I'm talking about their actions.
Their fruit.
You judge a tree by its fruit.
You judge a person.
You judge a country by its fruit.
Look at the fruit of the land, my friends.
Diabetes is up by several thousand percent.
So is cancer.
The honeybees are dying coast-to-coast.
It's never been seen at this level.
It's happening all over the Western world.
They've got genetically engineered chimeras giving rise to super viruses.
They've got pharmacological corn growing open air with live AIDS virus in it.
And don't roll your eyes because you're ignorant.
Every time I say that I get... type in proteogene into Google live AIDS virus.
Do not sit there and laugh at me.
They have guys in
In spacesuits here in Texas, running around, freaking out, burning all these fields down, from Texas to Nebraska.
There's real crises going on.
You've got a bunch of jet airplane-owning, rich Hollywood types saying, Earth is dying, man-made global warming, global tax, when there is climate change, it isn't caused by man, and even if you believe it's a major crisis, a bunch of taxes isn't going to do anything about it.
I got scam after scam here in front of me, folks.
It's just...
Rosie O'Donnell, I'm going to play the clip.
Listen to what she said.
They come to the TV show playing this clip and then Scarborough, a former neocon top congressional operative, by the way, go investigate him.
You know all the scandals in Congress?
Why don't you go research why Mr. Scarborough left Congress?
Just interesting little
Ted Bitt, that's who they got working for them.
Just go find out.
Just type it in.
Not going to tell you.
Not going to tell you.
Just like last weekend on the radio, I covered National Geographic with IBM and that International Human Genome Project, quote, wanting to collect your blood types globally to track human migration.
But I'm not going to tell you what they're doing.
Just go research it.
You know what, I'm not... At a certain point, it's almost like I... Pearls before swine.
I don't mean my listeners.
Later, I'll actually tell you what it is.
I mean, you should figure it out for yourself.
Don't believe me.
Just go do research and see what you find.
Type in IBM Eugenics, IBM Nazis.
It's what these guys are into.
But I'm sorry.
Here's Scarborough.
It's seven minutes long.
I can't play it all.
Danny Bonaduce.
This is their resident minion.
Probably a monarch operative.
And, uh, he, uh, says she should die.
So does Savage.
I should be arrested.
All these shows are saying, uh, here it is.
In America, we are fed propaganda, and if you want to know what's happening in the world, go outside of the U.S.
media, because it's owned by four corporations.
One of them is this one.
And you know what?
Go outside of the country to find out what's going on in our own country, because it's frightening.
It's frightening!
You know, she's at it again.
While Rosie O'Donnell says the U.S.
media is feeding the American people propaganda, she has no problem serving up her own brand of crazy on her blog, writing today.
She claims.
Now in TerrorStorm it says 1.6 billion.
New numbers came out in 2004, 2005.
1.8 billion for one group of fake ad packages.
I've done more research.
Do you know how much they've spent since Bush got into office on what we know on war propaganda, Medicare, Medicaid, prescription drug programs, on No Child Left Behind, and these are the admitted ones that you can find out about.
Guess how much the Bush administration has spent on buying fake news, because I'm doing research on this for the new film, guess how much that we can learn of that's been ruled illegal by the General Accounting Office?
Guess how much?
Over 25 billion dollars in buying, I mean buying reporters, I mean owning them, giving them scripts to write off of.
And these national talk show hosts, many of them, folks, they're on the payroll.
And others are fellow travelers.
If they don't get with the program, they're gone.
Now, Rosie will probably get fired if this continues.
Just the show's got such insane ratings.
By the way, O'Reilly lies and goes, she's got low ratings.
Hey, quit!
Hey, Mr. Pervert, let me tell you something, Mr. Pervert.
Let me explain something to you, Mr. Pervert.
Mr. Phony Conservative Pervert, Twit, Bully, Liar, Un-American Trash.
Let me explain something to you.
The highest ratings you've ever got are 3 million a night.
You've now got 1.9 million viewers on your best nights.
You are in the toilet since your perverts scandal.
Two years ago.
You've been going down, down, down.
Your show is now the leader of Fox, but the whole thing's down.
People know that cartoon is propaganda.
I mean, you've literally got people who've got mercury and Prozac poisoning, who are, you know, got a year or two to live.
And I'm not knocking old folks, but you've got, what, an average age of about 78?
And the formula on O'Reilly's show is, next, dirty, naked teenagers that are dirty and bad and hardcore porn and we're going to blur it out.
And that's the excuse for old folks to sit there and be perverted and watch it because it's okay because we're bashing it.
And then next, dirty, evil liberals are scum and they need to be arrested.
And we need a police state in America.
That's the formula on O'Reilly, also on Glenn Beck.
We're going to show you blurred out porn actresses doing horrible things.
Isn't it terrible?
It should all be banned.
They have no intention of restricting it.
And the next traitors in America.
It's a formula.
Every one of those stinking shows.
I have to watch them and sit there and analyze it and I just can't even handle it.
How they manipulate you.
But I digress.
He starts then saying her ratings have plunged.
I went and pulled the Nielsen ratings for it last night when I saw that.
Well, guess what?
The show, for the last two years, is trending upwards.
So, you've got a graph here of jagged peaks going straight up.
The show is still going straight up.
But in the last two months, there was a slight dip, because you go up, then you have a slight down, then it goes back up again, on that growth trend.
He lied and said her ratings are down.
No, the ratings are going crazy with this type of talk.
You liar.
You liar.
You liar.
You are a loser.
You sniveling punk.
You are a loser.
Your bull isn't selling.
Let's go back to... Start the clip over, I'm sorry.
They're fed propaganda, and if you want to know what's happening in the world, go outside of the U.S.
media, because it's owned by four corporations.
One of them is this one.
And you know what?
Go outside of the country to find out what's going on in our own country, because it's frightening.
It's frightening!
You know, she's at it again.
Well, Rosie O'Donnell says the U.S.
media is feeding the American people propaganda.
She has no problem serving up her own brand of crazy on her blog, writing today that the British troops were taken hostage by Iran and it was their own fault.
The British did it on purpose into Iranian waters as U.S.
military builds up on the Iranian border.
We will be in Iran before the summer is planned.
She's kooky.
And for the first time today, she took her 9-11 conspiracy theories from the blogosphere to national television.
I do believe
That blog she did yesterday quotes Terror Storm.
She quotes False Flag Terror from Terror Storm.
The exact voiceover.
She quotes me, and then below it, she then says we'll be there by summer.
We should give us a link to Terror Storm, Rosie, but I guess you don't want to totally show folks whose side you're on at this time.
Again, I love it.
She's defecting over to the good guys.
This is exactly what we're talking about.
Here it is.
I do believe that it is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel.
I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Tower 7, Building 7, which collapsed in on itself.
It is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved.
World Trade Center 7.
World Trader 1 and 2 got hit by planes.
7, miraculously the first time in history, steel was melted by fire.
It is physically impossible.
So is Rosie crazy?
That's a rhetorical question, by the way, Mom.
And when will Barbara Walters and ABC finally decide enough's enough?
Here's Steve Adubato.
He's an MSNBC media analyst and still with us, Danny Bonaduce.
You know, we joke about this, but Steve Adubato, you talk about propaganda.
I think Rosie's dangerous, and I'll tell you why.
Because people that watch this show, and millions watch this show, this is what they've heard over the past couple weeks.
First of all, see, they're all jealous.
Scarborough barely has a million watching.
Most nights it's 800,000.
Folks, you understand this show has more listeners than that.
That's why these guys all try to go get talk shows.
See, O'Reilly was this big arrogant guy three years ago with three million viewers a night.
Number one on cable television.
Well, that isn't hard with 500 channels, Mac.
And so...
Believe me, I study media trends.
It's what I went to school for.
You can go check these numbers.
3 million maximum in his history.
Then he finds out that people on 10-15 big radio stations, small syndicated shows, have millions an hour.
So he scurries off to do the O'Reilly Factor on the radio, which I wouldn't call it a failure.
It's been called a failure.
I mean, you know, he's only on like 100-something stations, but still, that totally dwarfs
Uh, his TV show.
But see, it has the prestige of TV.
Even with advertisers, you can get a lot more money for television, uh, per viewer.
It's sometimes like ten times.
Uh, it doesn't fit reality.
But, again, it's all about hoaxes.
It's all about, so you got this jealous loser, this little, little bug-eyed creature.
He actually doesn't have a bug out.
He has little lizard eyes.
A little creature.
Scarborough, who left the Congress for interesting reasons.
Just go look it up, folks.
I'm just going to leave it at that for you.
He's there, just jealous.
You're jealous, you're jealous, you're jealous.
And don't worry, she'll probably get fired.
A couple days ago on her blog, she said she didn't know how long she'll be there.
She knows that.
She's got to talk to her family to see if she'll even be there.
What she's going to do.
I mean, she knows.
She knows the price she'll pay, but it doesn't matter.
At least she's not a cowardly twit like you.
Let's go back to it.
The British troops that have been kidnapped.
They're in the middle of a hostage crisis.
Rosie sides with the Iranians over the British troops.
Says it's their own fault.
They did it on purpose.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed... Stop right there.
She did not say that.
She said we've been lied to so much in the past about WMDs.
Then she led into that and said, you know, this stuff's happened before.
False flags.
You know, they're there.
They're saying, admit you were in our waters.
We'll release them.
And now it's come out.
Mainstream news.
British manufactured Gulf maritime border map.
There's like 15 mainstream articles we saw on this.
Called it an article.
No such agreed-upon border between Iran and Iraq exists.
Measurement shows ship was near Iranian coast.
And it says, it's claimed that the HMS Cornwall, that had all the media there to film them leaving, because they were ordered to go into the waters, was within Iraqi territorial waters.
The British government and the media have covered up the fact that there is no agreed-upon Iranian-Iraq-Iran maritime border, as other bizarre coincidences and dubious circumstances surrounding the hostage crisis begin to emerge.
Now, we told you this is how the war would start.
We said they're going to stick all these carrier fleets in there, British fleets in there.
They've got British aircraft carriers, two major nuclear aircraft carriers, support carriers, Coronata-class.
I call it Coronata-class.
It's the Marine Troop Carrier, Coronata, that type of mini-carrier.
They're gigantic.
They're just swarming.
There's like five fleets in there.
French aircraft carrier is about to arrive.
Their one mega-carrier, which is huge.
I mean, it's party time, baby!
And then they keep sending... I mean, we said they're gonna stick the ships in there, and they're gonna capture trips, or a patrol boat's gonna get sunk.
I wish I had the staff to go dig all these predictions up.
It isn't hard, though.
They've been doing the same tricks for hundreds of years.
It's 101.
The British are always pulling false flags at sea to get Britain into war.
It's their favorite trick.
We did it with the Maine, and Gulf of Tonkin, and of course USS Liberty, but that blew up in their face because the Israelis couldn't get the ship to the bottom.
The President's on the line going, I want that GD ship on the bottom.
To the admirals on the line, telling them to turn back planes to help the ship.
But Captain McGonagall kept the ship afloat with his guts tied in with ropes around his waist.
Thank God those men kept that ship up.
We'd already been in World War III back in the 60s.
So, it just never ends.
It just never ends.
And right on time, and now she sides with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Everybody said you can't believe that.
Republicans said you can't believe stuff under torture.
Secret arrest, four years.
But see how they frame it?
We come back, I'll try to shut up and play Gary Bonaduce saying she should be hung.
She should be killed.
Now they're calling for killing people.
We're doing an article on this.
It's going up on PrisonPlanet.com.
They're calling for our arrest, our murder, on a daily basis.
We've got to get some of the emails where they threaten to kill us.
These are the un-American trash.
They think that they want to kill us, okay?
They will man the camps.
You understand, they've got a group of people.
It'll be the only jobs they can get anyways, who will man the camps.
And when they come for us, we've got to fight them.
When these neocons come for us, we've got to fight them.
They are traitors to America.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's really simple.
America's always had a lot of pride.
We beat the British Empire.
We were the good guys.
And then we whooped up on a bunch of Latin American countries and became an empire.
Attacked Spain.
Staged an event.
It was always the same story at sea.
Took all their coaling stations.
Took scores of islands from them.
Took areas of Cuba.
And then World War I rolled around.
That was British Empire aggression against the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
That led to World War II, and the U.S.
and British financed Hitler.
That's history.
And we were the good guys in that.
The good guys that then gave half of Europe to Stalins, who could kill most of their populations.
But, you know, that's what the good guys do.
And I'm not defending Hitler.
The point is, government itself is evil, see?
Get rid of Hitler and become Hitler, but we all just feel good.
And then there's lots of cars and refrigerators, and with all the wartime machinery, and the government starts telling people, the government did this for you, the government's going to keep you safe.
Duck and cover, the terrorists are about to attack you any minute.
The evil Soviets, which we were financing the whole time, private bankers running it all, now admit it.
Those former CIA section chiefs write books about, yeah, we ran the Soviets and the Chinese, and it's all staged.
Ha ha ha!
But the public will never read this.
Ha ha ha!
I mean, it's sick!
And now we're the good guys.
After attacking Iran over and over and over again, blowing up their jet airliners, blowing up their battleships on purpose in ADA, trying to start a war with them.
All the things that have happened.
And now it turns out that the British, yeah, the British rewrote the lines and now suddenly claim that it's Iraqi waters into what was known to be Iranian for hundreds of years.
And so they can tell the public with a straight face, this was Iraqi water, which Iraqi means New World Order water.
They always use the Iraqis too.
Why, the Iraqi government agrees with us.
The Iraqi government is a puppet dictatorship.
If you think that election was real, I got a bridge I want to sell you.
But here comes Bonaduce, we'll try to get it in with him saying killer.
Here they are now, let's kill Rosie O'Donnell is what Bonaduce is saying.
And they're not playing games, folks.
They want to get to this point, because we're going to expose them.
They've got to.
Here it is.
The guy that killed 3,000 Americans on September 11th, she says he was an innocent man who was framed by the U.S.
And then of course our favorite, she says it again, 9-11 was an inside job, American government responsible for 3,000 deaths.
Steve, this is not a joke anymore.
This is serious.
Barbara Walters has no credibility left.
ABC News needs to talk to Disney and say, get her off the air.
This is an embarrassment to us.
Do you agree with me there?
Don't they?
Joe, here's what I agree with.
By the way, you just laid out a real case for her being fired, but I'm not a broadcaster who's going to advocate the firing of another broadcaster because it just doesn't seem right to me, but I'll say this.
Barbara Walters has a stone-cold responsibility to that show, which she owns half of.
ABC has a responsibility, not for me to say get rid of her, but at what point, at what point does Rosie O'Donnell say another, not just outrageous thing, because it's her right to be an idiot on the air.
That's the American way.
That's what free speech is.
But they have a responsibility to make her be accountable because she is on a major American network.
She's not just blogging anymore.
And those 3,000 people who died in 9-11, they, their families, and all of us deserve better from ABC and from Barbara Walters than allowing her to say those things without any evidence to back it up.
It's outrageous, embarrassing.
She has a right to be...
See, there they go.
They always wrap themselves in the dead troops.
Wrap themselves in the dead of 9-11.
When it's the criminal group that runs our government that carried out the attacks.
They wrap themselves continually in this.
Keep rolling.
You know what?
We'll just come back in the next five minutes and play the rest of it.
Then we've got a guest coming on.
We'll have open phones for that guest.
We're going to shift gears into a whole other subject.
But a big show lined up for you today.
And we have a really special guest about the International Banking System and the New World Order from an inside perspective in the third hour.
So we'll tell you about that surprise guest as well later.
PrisonPlanet.com is the website.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNLive.com or call 877-300-7645.
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Waging war on corruption.
This is a GPM.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GC Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got a major report coming out tonight.
This from Steve Watson.
And Steve, of course, has a Master's Degree in Political Science and International Affairs.
We're really lucky and blessed to have him on the staff at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net.
This just in.
Tell Alex we've got a major report coming tonight.
Iran war underway.
and Britain funding right-wing terrorists for regime change.
And yes, the war is ongoing right now in Iran.
They're being attacked and bombed and shot in their nation every day.
And they lay there and take it, folks.
After all they've been through.
And please don't call saying I'm siding with the Iranians.
Our country's gone.
It's been hijacked by the new world order.
We're being used to expand their empire.
And by saying this is not our government, again, that takes a lot of the blame off the American people.
Some people get mad at me for saying that and say, no, America is evil.
And I don't know.
We've had 50 million abortions.
Maybe we are.
Have the Iranians killed 50 million babies?
Well, that's different.
Let's go ahead and go back to Danny Bonaduce.
He's now the big expert on Scarborough Country calling for the death of Rosie O'Donnell for just questioning 9-11.
Here it is.
But there's a responsibility to deal with her.
I think she should go, but it's their job to do it.
And by the way, 600,000 new viewers from now to last year, right?
The increase?
That's what's given Rosie the power.
Shame on Barbara Walters for giving in to that.
It is just not worth it to have this type of hatred spewed on TV every day of the morning.
I agree.
Danny Bonaduce, you know what?
You know about show business.
We all know about show business.
But at what point does ABC and especially Barbara Walters have a responsibility to say, I'm just not going to let you spew hatred on my show anymore?
Well, the answer to the question is in the question.
Barbara Walters, why doesn't she, as executive producer, fire Rosie O'Donnell?
And the answer is because she's a good executive producer.
Rosie O'Donnell has brought in a ton of new revenue.
Barbara Walters, who used to be a real journalist and now qualifies as just a celebrity, can ride Rosie O'Donnell's back.
As a matter of fact, several people could probably fit on Rosie O'Donnell's back.
Uh, the fact that she is saying just vicious and vitriolic things.
Remember she is surrounded by people who disagree with her.
Everybody thought Rosie was going to break out into her own show after this.
In the view, she's a provocateur.
She's a raving lunatic and will not be tolerated.
But you know, Danny, the thing is, again, you talk about it all being show business, but ABC though, Danny, don't they have a responsibility, and especially Barbara Walters?
Again, as you said, used to be a real journalist.
Doesn't Barbara Walters have a responsibility just to say, hey, wake up!
There are 15 of our allies that are part of an Iranian hostage crisis right now, Rosie O'Donnell, and you're blaming the people who are hostages, whose families don't know whether they're going to come home alive or not.
At what point do they stop worrying about the new viewers and start worrying about their responsibility to their viewers?
Well, I think any corporation's main goal, we are a capitalist society.
Personally, I think at this point, if anybody had a rope thick enough, I think that Rosie should be strung up for treason.
But the point is, ABC is an entity in a capitalist society, and their first and foremost obligation is to earn money and pay taxes.
That's what they're doing.
Well, you can't be strung up for treason for being stupid, but go ahead, Steve.
Alright, so... We hear over and over again, she hates America, she's a traitor, she needs to be killed.
And all she said was, is we've been lied to before.
We need to at least talk to the Iranians.
They're saying they'll release them.
And by the way, 9-11's very suspicious.
And so what do they call for?
Her firing.
Now they admitted her ratings are up.
O'Reilly lies and says they're down.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Hey folks, Alex Jones here with an important question.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It has been confirmed that the British claimed more territorial waters and rewrote the map in the last month.
So, when lawyers speak, they're going, well, we were in Iraqi waters because they rewrote it and just claimed.
That'd be like if I owned land a lot next to yours and I just moved my fence over three feet and said, no, I claim it's your land.
I mean, I claim I own it.
We knew there'd be one of these provocations.
There always is in Panama or Iraq or anything.
Meanwhile, the folks enslaving these nations are the ones getting rid of our freedoms here.
And the point has been made that when you talk about hostage situations, they grab 15 people off their boat.
But when our government grabs people, they go into black holes for four or five years and admittedly get tortured, and the CIA brags how they're, quote, torturing their children, or threatening to torture their children.
The American people go, yeah, that's what Christians do, that's good!
Secret arrests, secret tribunals, and secret torture.
And then, secret confessions that are highly excised, that's good!
That's the American way, but those evil Iranians
Well, they grabbed 15 commandos sneaking around in their waters.
It's a hostage crisis.
Our allies are in trouble right now.
We gotta stick with the Brits.
Dirty French are probably behind it.
Okay, um... Here's the deal.
We've got Christian J. Pinto, the director of Riddles in Stone, and we've got Stephen Hyatt in the next hour, author of A Game as Old as Empire.
This is similar to the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman, another inside view on how the globalists operate, another defector over to our side.
Hell, Joseph Stickels, the former head of the World Bank, former chief economist, has gone public about how they set up the world to fail.
But you tell a neocon or a mainstream liberal that big global banks exist, that they're global elites, they say they don't.
I mean, everybody in human history for thousands of years knew there were always elites that could point to where the king lived on the hill.
Now they go, no, there's no elite, I'm the elite, no one can challenge me, I rule everything, because that's how self-centered people are.
I mean, a yuppie who drives a $40,000 sports car and lives in a $200,000 house and has a golf club membership thinks they're Bill Gates, folks.
And that's what the country club's about, strutting around feeling like they're elite.
I'm an elite.
I've got so much power.
We're about to attack Iran.
Yes, yes.
I mean, I hear them talk on radio.
We're about to do this.
We're about to do that.
You don't run anything.
You don't do anything, okay?
You're a slave who gives your kids the mercury-filled vaccines when they say.
Understand that.
Then you wonder why your kid has a seizure third round and never talks to you again.
You're idiots, okay?
You're fools.
You don't know the Bill of Rights.
You don't know the Constitution.
You don't know who's running things.
I'm not talking to my general listeners.
I'm talking to neocons and liberals out there.
You're part of a false political reality.
You need to wake up and listen.
I'm going to go to my guest here in just a moment.
I appreciate him joining us.
It's like I'm a fireman.
I've told this analogy before, but I'm going to set this parallel, this parable.
And we get a call that there's a two-story house on fire.
Bad fire.
It's now breached the roof and it's venting and the house is about to collapse.
And we pull up.
Yes, we are.
You know, the dollars plunging, illegals overrunning us everywhere, police states, CPS grabbing kids, every type of disease skyrocketing, all these environmental crises, real problems, not the fake ones they tell you about on the news.
And I start yelling, get up, get up, get up, help me, you know, I can't carry you out of here, and they're just like, whatever, you're an extremist.
Well, I'd probably start slapping you in the face, get up, stop, please!
How many years have we told you that giant pedophile rings run the Republican Party?
And the Democrats too, but Republicans, I mean, it's a prerequisite.
And that at the juvenile hall systems, they pretty much unanimously rape the children.
The CPS, thousands missing in Florida alone.
I mean, these are real reports.
DynCorp, Halliburton running all this stuff.
This is real!
And I know it sounds incredible.
It is incredible!
When I think about 3,000 plus children missing in Florida, that the CPS won't say where they've been.
And this is a three-year-old story.
And they find some dead and some in foreign countries.
I mean babies.
I mean toddlers.
And it's calmly just go, well, you know, the ball game's on.
Let's just, let's all freak out when there's an Amber Alert or when the government tells us to worry about one child.
It's all conditioning.
And then I remember hearing ten years ago
But there was devil worship going on at Bohemian Grove in Northern California.
I went and researched it, found mainstream news articles mentioning weird pagan idols and things and homosexual activity and all of a sudden I thought, that's ridiculous.
Then I found out that there had been a Harper's Magazine interview with Nixon and that he talked about it.
Then I heard the tape.
And British media was scared to sneak in and have liability, so they got me to sneak in, and at the prescribed time, there was the ritual, and there they were, and they were taking it very serious.
This stuff's real, ladies and gentlemen, and I know, to know that we live in a world where the people that run things have eyes wide shut parties, but it's not women that they're having orgies with.
I know that's the only difference.
I know that's scary, but it's real.
And look at how they tell you torture's good on TV, the cops dress like Darth Vader now, cameras everywhere.
I mean, do you understand?
Hitler's real, Stalin's real, Mao was real, evil's real, Vlad the Impaler was real, Napoleon was real, the norm is millions dead, mass carnage, cities burning, because this is what these people like to do.
Guillotine's going 24 hours a day.
All right, I'm going to shut up.
Be with us until about 45 after the next 30 minutes.
Then we'll take calls for that 15 minutes after that and cover news.
We've got another guest coming on.
All I can say, I wanted to introduce this film with that because he shows the occultic construction of DC and the obelisk and the pyramids and the pentagrams and the
It's Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.
I've been talking a lot about this the last few weeks.
We've had David Baye on twice, and now we've got Christian J. Pinto on, Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings, Volume 2, that we are carrying, by the way, at InfoWars.com, because it is such an important film, and it goes very well with my film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, and then Part 2 of that, The Order of Death, to really know your enemy.
Mr. Pinto, thank you for spending time with us and sitting there for the last five minutes while I was ranting.
It's my pleasure, Alex.
Good to be here.
How did you get into this?
How did you wake up with the New World Order?
How did you hook up with Cutting Edge?
And then let's get into the film and why folks should get it.
You know, I've been doing research on the New World Order, I don't know, probably about seven years now, and produced a couple of documentaries that deal with
With elements of it, I did a film years ago called The New Barbarians, training children to kill, which dealt with a lot of, you know, how children are being raised up in the Middle East, and conditioned to kill, you know, Jews and Christians and so on.
And kind of started there, but then I got into research on the New World Order, and I related, as a Christian, I related to Bible prophecy.
and uh... began working on a series called my ghetto the march to armageddon and compare prophecy with
The historical information over, say, the past 200 years that shows this new world order, this global agenda moving forward, and just documenting the historical evidence.
And there are two documentaries that deal with the world government first, and then the second, this whole concept of a world religion, this ecumenical movement to unite the world religions.
And that research put me in touch with Cutting Edge and David Bay.
I actually interviewed David for the first of those.
And then he and I had a lot of conversation and he had this idea for really a lot of work focused around Washington D.C.
and then Sir Francis Bacon and this whole
The New Atlantis!
They said that America would be the empire, and that it would run the planet, and lo and behold, what happened?
That's what's happening.
And so, uh...
And so we started working together on this and produced Secret Mysteries as kind of an introduction to show people the background for how America was launched, not only by Christians, because we do agree that many Christians came over here, but with them came these secret societies.
There's always that wicked doppelganger or that pilot fish, that parasite group always following.
There's always a counterfeit.
And I think Bacon's the Baconian circle, you know, with Bacon and then the Rosicrucian movement and then the Freemasonic movement, that really kind of disguise themselves as a form of Christianity.
And we talk even more about that in Riddles in Stone.
And there's a pretty shocking quote, I think, from Manley P. Hall, who's considered by some to be Masonry's greatest philosopher, and he talks about how the pagan intellectuals reclothed their original ideas in a garment of Christian phraseology.
And they did so to sort of normalize themselves and work their way into a Christian society to gain influence and the trust of the people.
And so that's a lot of what we talk about in Riddles in Stone.
And we show that while a lot of these leaders are professing Christian ideals outwardly, they have an inner program.
And that inner program is shown throughout the entire architecture, the statues, the monuments, the buildings.
Well that's right, Tony Blair and George Bush go to church every week for photo ops, but then when it comes out in the paper that Tony Blair falls to the ground every morning, have you seen that?
And is possessed by the spirit of light, and he channels it, and they go to all these weird sites to do rituals, and he screams and yells naked, flopping around in southern Mexico at an Aztec bath.
I mean, these guys are nuts!
Now that I'm not familiar with Alex, but that's pretty heavy.
Oh yeah, that's been in mainstream newspapers.
Type in Tony Blair Channels The Light, Tony Blair at Aztec Temple.
Two separate articles.
Oh yeah.
If you know where to look, it's just in the news.
You're just flopping around being possessed.
It's very Christian.
We'll be right back.
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When you wonder how Hitler and all these people could kill millions, well, it's on the History Channel that Hitler did all these weird black magic rituals, and they'd cut the head off of blonde-haired, blue-eyed SS officers and try to read portents with them.
I mean, folks, I've read scholarly history books.
I've read Nazi documents.
I mean, all of their uniforms, the death's head, all of black magic, the Thule Society, and other groups.
But again, in this they just cover D.C.
and it's so important, amazing architecture, and our guest is Christian J. Pinto.
You can get Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings, Volume 2, at InfoWars.com, and we've got some combo deals where you can get it for a discount.
We're good to go.
Well, what I really wanted to do, I mean, what you just said is absolutely right.
That's what's going on.
But when you say that to a modern audience, a lot of times, as you said earlier, people tend to think that it's just conspiracy information.
So what I tried to do in developing the script was to show that the principles, the occult principles that were involved in designing and building Washington, D.C., are principles that go back to the ancient world.
And the philosophy of Hermeticism, which is very common in the occult.
Hermeticism comes from the god Hermes, or Hermes Trismegistus, and it has to do with the concept of as above, so below.
That's the Hermetic maxim.
And it's a reference to the idea that as things are in the heavens,
So are they to be reflected, or so are they reflected on the earth below.
And that was the principle used by all the ancient societies, the Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, all of the ancient monuments, the pyramids, Easter Island, Stonehenge,
All of these things were to some extent designed and built according to that principle to reflect what was going on in the heavens and actually to be in some kind of alignment with the cellular constellations so that they could draw upon the spiritual powers in the heavenlies to empower that city or that monument or whatever to be successful and to be energized for those
You know, those members who believe in these things, and to give it a particular focus and direction.
And so, doing that, what I wanted to do is to show people that it's really not a far-fetched reality that the designers of Washington, D.C., who were Freemasons and who were involved in these esoteric concepts, that they would have inherited these concepts that were also used to build and design the cities of Europe for centuries and centuries, and that this was just the natural progression.
uh... that led to the design and building of uh... of america's capital city.
Now again, masons are just one front group of these people and ninety-five plus percent of masons have no idea what they're even part of and are what they call porch masons and that's how the globalists steer and keep their friends close, their enemies closer is by they tell them it's goodwill, rebellion against tyranny, oh we're a great society, be with us, but it was only to be a rebellion in a period when the Illuminati was trying to overthrow some of the monarchies
But those monarchies pretty much came from previous Illuminati groups, so they already had the same mindset.
So it was really like musical chairs.
They were just changing places.
How could anyone in the New World Order, because we know the Luciferians believe Lucifer is wonderful and sweet and good, and yes, people must die.
It's the yin and yang, and that they've got to have balance to the force.
You know, we see this occult stuff in society in movies.
But they've got to look at the fruits of what they do.
It's highly destructive and evil, and this elite is truly evil.
Then you have the Satanists, which are kind of like their lower minions, who are just into personal power and death and pain and power.
That seems to be the Luciferian servants.
Yeah, exactly.
And Luciferianism, you know, we touch on it.
We didn't want to go too far, because we're trying to hit a more mainstream audience, and to sort of introduce them to a lot of these ideas, and to convince them that these are not just conspiracy theories, but that, you know, it's based in heavy documentation.
But the headmasons from Pike to the fellow you mentioned earlier say they worship Lucifer.
I mean, how many did they admit it?
And that's, you know, that's something we
We show in the documentary, we give their quotes and whatnot.
We even have, toward the beginning, in the first 15 to 20 minutes, there's a discussion on the Masonic concept of God, which is based on the name Jebulon.
And we have, you know, a Christian researcher, Joe Schimel, who's talking about this, and based upon his Masonic research, and right alongside him is a grand historian,
From the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, Freemason.
Master Mason, who's describing the same thing, and admitting that the name Bale, which is... And of course, Jebulon is a loving black dragon that comes out of the death pit to lovingly kiss us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Welcome back!
I really am impressed with Volume 1, which was just excellent.
America's Secret Beginnings.
Volume 1, this is Volume 2, Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., available at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com via the Safe, Secure Online Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart, or you can also call toll-free.
That number is 888-253-3139.
That number again, have you missed it?
You can also write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
You can get a big discount when you get the new film Part 2 with Part 1 if you didn't already have it.
You can also get an even bigger discount when you get the Order of Death with Riddles in Stone.
And when you get Order of Death, you don't just get the discount on Riddles in Stone.
On the same DVD is Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, the film I made in 2000 when I snuck into the Grove and shot that video.
Only thing that changed is we added new material and updated it and just made the film even more powerful because I
I made Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove in about two and a half weeks after I got back with like 20 hours of video from Northern California because I was getting death threats and everything else.
Back in 2000, web video wasn't that good, but we'd put it up and crash our website.
Within days, we had it up there because I had to get the story out.
The British media I made dubs for, they tried to mail it in FedEx.
It got ripped open and stolen.
Then they tried to mail it in their bags.
The tapes got erased in their bags.
I mean, they were really trying to stop this from getting out.
And the British were scared after I gave them the footage.
They were supposed to stay another day.
They tore out in fear, folks.
And it was funny, when John Ronson wrote his best-selling book about it, he acted like I was scared.
Which, I mean, I'm not like, I'm not scared.
My daddy can beat up your daddy.
I mean, I'm not talking about I'm tough.
It just was interesting that, you know, this was serious.
So I hope you get Riddles in Stone, available at Infowars.com with the Order of Death, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove DVD Combo.
Again, that film's free when you get Order of Death, all on the same DVD.
So please make the call.
Get Riddles in Stone.
Give it to your pastor.
Give it to your neighbor.
Give it to these new agers who think that they're part of some new religion.
Believe me, it's the old time religion.
It predates Christianity quite a bit.
Again, even if you're an atheist and don't believe in God, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
Even if you believe that, even if you buy into that,
You need to understand that if you were just a criminologist trying to look at, say, serial killers, almost all serial killers believe in Satan, believe demons are directing them, to them it's real.
Why is that part of the pathology?
Their psychological MO, modus operandi.
Why do so many elites act like this?
Why do they believe it?
Why do they think they're getting power from it?
You know, that's an important question.
Obviously, you're a Christian, as I am.
Christian J. Pinto, and have now made Part 2 that is just as good or even better than Part 1.
I mean, can you comment on the statement I just made about how... I mean, give us your take on that, about how an atheist should look at this?
And maybe this would wake an atheist up.
I mean, why are the elite so obsessed with the occult?
Oh yeah, I think that's a great point.
Because when you look at just the mass of evidence
And the repeated amount of evidence that's used by elitists, that's used by all of these people who are pursuing power, and they're all a member of these ancient societies that go back for centuries and have been through all sorts of evolutions and so on, and yet they all have these pseudo-religious occult ceremonies, practices, and beliefs that go back to the ancient world.
All of the great
Empires of the ancient world were all theocratic.
They were based upon man's view of whatever they thought God was, or the gods, and so on.
That's true of, you know, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and Rome.
All of the great societies operated that way.
And even when you begin to study organized atheism in the modern world through the communist movement and so on,
There's a great book called Marx and Satan by the late Pastor Richard Wurmbrandt, who had suffered 14 years in a communist prison and so on, and he proves that Marx and his comrades, they were not atheists as many atheists think.
They were people who recognized that there was a God.
But they hated God, and they were at war against Him.
Well, in fact, it came out that Marx even tried to look like the caricature of the devil with the goatee.
Marx used the gold star on the red background.
Really high-powered, satanic-type imagery.
And they believe in the resonance of those symbols and colors.
We know that... I've got some of the quotes.
I ought to dig them out, where he's like, the essence of the Red Terror is total fear and blood.
More blood!
I mean, these guys are...
I mean, if they're not devils, what are they?
Yeah, they had all kinds of, you know, Mikhail Bakunin and all the guys that Marx hung out with.
They all wrote poetry and literature glorifying Satan and Lucifer as the original rebel.
And they were living their lives in rebellion against God.
And atheism was the instrument that they used to fight against God.
And they killed five million Ukrainians in one year alone.
I mean, they certainly had a delicious harvest.
Yeah, I often say whenever I confront atheists, you know, because they'll often talk about the evils of religion and government and they'll argue that, you know, religion has led to so many wars and bloodshed, but the atheist government of communism through the 20th century has been by far the deadliest and most bloodthirsty form of government I think mankind has ever seen.
According to the Black Book of Communism published in 1990, I think it was, the communists racked up somewhere around a hundred million
People that they had mass-murdered, you know, between Russia, China, North Korea, all the different countries.
Yeah, it's more than that.
Try 140 million, but that's a conservative number.
And then now, have you seen History Channel and read the books about it?
I mean, we already knew it, but now it's admitted that our government actually, in 49, put Mao in.
And then, of course, when Mao died in 76, Rockefeller wrote an editorial about how wonderful communism was.
Well, you know, I didn't know about Mao, but it makes sense.
I'm sure you're familiar with the book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, and how Wall Street bankers and powers at work here in America were helping to build up the Soviet Union.
And put them in power to create an antithesis to the Western Empire.
In other words, to manufacture an enemy that could oppose us.
Or at least that's the argument that's given.
But there's a lot of evidence that supports that.
Well, we also see, with the more extreme forms of Islam, very, very occultic, and we see the Illuminati going back thousands of years being involved with them, and we see the CIA and others fostering and overthrowing mild and moderate regimes and actually putting in what people like to call the Islamofascist.
Yeah, the stuff, I'm still trying to figure out a lot of what's happening in the Middle East.
And it's, you know, this news story that you were talking about earlier with the British.
The thing that they're even admitting on the news now, when these hostages were taken, that the British government would not allow their own people to stop the hostages from being taken.
Are you familiar with that story?
Yes, I am.
Uh, and that is, uh, you know, uh, you may have been talking about that all day, Alex, I'm sorry, but, uh, but, but that's still...
It's just further confirmation that there's something going on that just reminded me of Pearl Harbor.
You know, the continual warnings, they're coming, you know, they're going to hit, and yet nobody's allowed to do anything about it.
Five submarines attacked, were about to attack that morning, and were sunk, one entering the harbor, and everybody was still told to stand down.
Imagine, submarines are attacking, and they're told stand down because the subs attacked about an hour earlier, they got there earlier than the aircraft.
So they wanted that old fleet sunk as part of a profit, so they have the new ships out on maneuvers, and that is confirmed.
That is admitted.
Well, one of the things that we try to show in Riddles in Stone, we try to really bring it up to modern times, and we have several quotes from President Bush.
That I think even somebody who's very skeptical and who thinks a lot of this stuff is conspiratorial would have to consider.
We talk about the book Fire in the Minds of Men by James H. Billington, who's the current Librarian of Congress.
And he writes, he writes this whole big long book talking about these revolutionary movements that began in the 18th century, went through the 19th and up through the 20th centuries.
And he talks about how
The revolutionary faith, he says, did not begin with the French Enlightenment, as many people believe, but rather with the occultism and proromanticism from Germany.
And he goes on to explain that he's talking directly about the Bavarian Illuminati that was established by Adam Weishaupt.
And Weishaupt learned a lot from Machiavelli a few hundred years before that in the 1500s because they perfected these intermural warfare and fake revolutions because in the more Byzantine Italy it was city-states
And they were always constantly fighting with each other, and so there was continual warfare and subterfuge that brought it to a very high science.
And Weiss, one of the things that we talk about, just to get back on Weiss up for a second, his final treatise that he wrote describing the Illuminati plan right before the French Revolution broke out, his final treatise was called Pythagoras.
And it's a reference obviously to the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, but we find Pythagorean symbols and principles and philosophies embedded in the architecture of Washington, D.C.
And Billington's got a whole section in his book where he describes the Pythagorean passion.
And how all of these revolutionary movements were influenced by Pythagoras and his occult philosophies around numbers and geometric shapes, which forms the heart of much of Masonic lodges.
And as we come to 9-11, I know this isn't in your film, but look at all the Masonic numerology there.
I mean, it's just cornucopia.
Well, that would certainly fit in with, you know, because Pythagoras, it's said, was the first to assign esoteric or occult meanings to numbers, that every number had a special hidden meaning to it.
And Pythagoras, if you follow the history of Pythagoras, you find Pythagorean lodges.
In fact, Pythagoras called the pentagram the pent-alpha.
And when I was doing the research, there were a number of pent-alpha masonic lodges throughout the United States, all based upon this concept of the pentagram.
And you've got many masons who will argue that the pentagram is not masonic, per se, but once you understand it from the Pythagorean perspective, it makes all the sense in the world that it would be embedded in the street design of Washington, D.C.
Well, exactly.
And everything comes in fives.
They worship that.
And it's got the human being, the head, the two arms, the legs, five, five, five, leaves.
Things keep coming in fives.
They're into fives.
And in the Bible, God's into threes.
Things keep happening in threes in God's system.
And in their system, it's fives.
And they're totally obsessed.
They believe they get power out of this.
I mean, you go to small towns here in Texas.
They'll have shingles hanging out on a pole, little metal flags hanging down off of the entrance, and there'll be a skull and crossbones with a number under it.
Right next to it will be an upside-down star, a pentagram.
And then you talk to the masons, you go, you know, that's a pentagram.
Oh no, that's just a symbol.
I mean, it's so obvious.
It's right there in front of everyone.
I've interviewed a number of esoterics and we'll probably talk about this throughout the series later on, but one of the first people that I interviewed
was a woman, a teacher of esotericism.
She's taught at Masonic lodges and this kind of thing.
And her father used to work for NATO.
And when I was interviewing her, she confirmed right up front the principle of hiding things in plain sight.
And that this is what the occultists do.
They put signs, they put their symbols, they put them in plain sight.
And then as we show in Riddles in Stone and we have quotes from Freemasons,
Who explain how they develop an exoteric layer or definition for their signs and their symbols.
And it's a false explanation that's given to the public to throw them off the trail of what the symbol really means.
Exactly, the profane, those who have not yet been initiated into their order.
But in truth, you're profane with your child kidnapping rings, and your death cults, and all the evil and sorrow you bring to the world.
You are cancer.
You're a crew of nutcase scum who are going to be brought down.
Sooner or later, God's going to cut you down.
Well, you know, I definitely believe God will one day judge the world and that His wrath is upon the wicked who refuse to repent.
Well, bottom line, these people do bad, they create bad, they are bad, and they're bad.
I mean, so many of these Luciferians, as you know, think they're the good guys.
Well, a lot of them, and you made a point earlier about, you know, your average Freemason.
A lot of these guys, I think, really do believe that they're pursuing what Masonry says outwardly about itself, that it's designed to make good men better.
And I've met a number of these guys, and if you meet them in person, they're not bad people.
They believe in philosophies that we would disagree with.
But I wouldn't say that they're all necessarily knowingly a part of this, you know, really demonic conspiracy and so on.
I mean, clearly.
Some of them are.
You read the writings of somebody like... Look, you can go to a football game and just look at people, and you'll see somebody, because they'll be crazed.
You know, the kind of mid-level, you know, Luciferians get so into the power that they just can't control themselves.
You can just see them.
Now, the really high-level ones will know how to cloak it and hide it all, but these people are sick.
Well, you look at even, we show a number of pictures of guys like Albert Pike.
There are pictures of Pike where you just look at his eyes and the guy, to me anyway, looks completely demonically possessed.
And yet, when they show these same pictures on the History Channel, they'll have masons
On the History Channel, talking about Pike as, well, this sort of grandfatherly, you know, old wizard-looking type character, or they'll write these glowing reviews about him as though he's the classic Renaissance man and so on.
But he really looks kind of frightening.
Manly Hall is another one.
You look at his pictures, his eyes are kind of swelled up.
It's almost like he's trying to make himself look very sinister and almost demonic.
They're trying to act crazed.
Yeah, it seems that way.
And then of course you read their writings and they're talking about the seething energies of Lucifer and so on.
And then when the Masons try to defend these things, they're really trying to defend things that are indefensible.
And so this is why, you know, I'm sure you noticed in the film, we interview some of the leading Masonic apologists that are writing books and getting on the History Channel and Discovery Channel and defending Masonry against a lot of the criticisms that come against it.
Hey, let's come back and talk to Denise in California and a couple other callers for you in the final segment.
This riveting information.
Riddles in Stone, The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's jam some calls in for our guest.
I want to thank, joining us, the director of Riddles and Stone.
Let's go to David in California, then Richard and Tyler.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, David.
Oh, good morning, Alex.
How are you?
Good, sir.
What's on your mind?
Well, you know, I'm really amazed.
I was...
Really astonished at Rosie O'Donnell's public disclosure about her investigations of 9-1-1.
That just really amazed me.
It just shows how wrong we can be about people when we misjudge them.
Well people change.
She's been a big liberal and I'm not saying she's perfect.
The point is she's going public about 9-1-1 and this staged Iran situation and she's going to be demonized now and she's put a lot on the line.
Any questions or comments for the guest?
Actually I had a comment about the
A solution to the bad police problem.
I wanted to suggest that anyone who's been a victim of police persecution, file a complaint against the oath of office.
All police officers take an oath of office when they're hired.
In order to... Oh, you've had personal success with that?
Yes, I have.
A few years ago I was in a major confrontation with the Criminal Extortion and Racketeering Agency, also known as the IRS.
And we called the Sheriff wouldn't show up so the local police show up and we tried to explain that we were witnesses to a crime.
You know what I'm going to do?
You know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to have to put you on hold because I thought I was specifically saying callers for the guest and I thought all these calls were for my guest.
It's kind of... I'm not sure... Oh, he said he was for the guest?
Oh, okay.
You know, David, I'm going to have to get to you later.
Okay, let's go to Richard in Texas.
Richard, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I wanted to say that basically it seems like the only explanation for what's going on with the world and the things we're seeing happening is an absolute worship of evil and Satan.
But a question for your guest is that I'd be curious, now that these practices have been in place for so many generations, how much of this
They could, and this is probably tough to comment on, but how much of this is due to, you know, sort of self-delusional things that come from this form of worship and almost like a placebo effect and operating in fear versus true empowerment that these guys are getting from somewhere in these practices.
And, you know, I hope that's something that they could comment on.
Well, I think that it is something that they can get true empowerment from.
I mean, I don't agree with the source of power.
It's not coming from the God of the Bible.
I believe the power is coming from satanic forces.
But those forces are real, and historically you find a lot of... you find guys like Dr. John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, who were tapping into these powers, and they were giving them all kinds of scientific knowledge and so on, and worldly wisdom.
So, that power is real, and it has a long legacy.
In fact, one of the guys that I interviewed, he commented that he's not a Christian, but he's puzzled that these occult societies have been responsible for so many advancements, socially and scientifically, over the centuries.
And a lot of that comes from, you know, the word demon.
Oddly enough comes from a root Greek word that means one who knows or a knowing one and so they're often seeking after these powers for knowledge and information scientifically to drive their movement forward.
At the same time, wouldn't you say that there's almost like a propaganda theater being put on by Satan that is deluding these worshippers of his to the same extent that we're being deluded by our government and our media?
Oh, absolutely.
I think the delusion goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.
It's Satan through the serpent saying, partake of the tree of knowledge, and through knowledge your eyes shall be opened and you'll basically become your own God.
Thank you Richard.
We're out of time.
Tyler and David and others, I'll get to you later, but we've got to let our guests go now.
I want to thank you for joining us, Christian J. Pinto, the director of Riddles in Stone, Part 2 of Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings.
We'll have you back up soon, and again, Godspeed to your great work.
Thank you very much, Alex.
You bet.
We'll be right back.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into the third and final hour.
We're going to have a guest on for about 30 minutes, but the guests are always so good I end up holding them over longer.
I do want to take your calls.
I've got a bunch of news I want to get into as well.
They plan to go into Iran.
They're pulling this stunt with the British sailors.
It has now come out in a bunch of mainstream publications and British diplomats have gone public saying that the British just rewrote the lines and said, no, now your waters are ours.
And believe me, that's who Iraq belongs to, the British Empire, controlled by the Anglo-American bank chairman that literally owns us as their property.
British-manufactured Gulf maritime border map.
No such agree-upon border between Iraq and Iran exists.
Measurements show the ship was near Iranian coast.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Get it out to everybody.
In claiming the HMS Cornwall was within Iraqi territorial waters,
The British government and the media have covered up the fact that there is no agreed-upon Iraq-Iranian maritime border, as other bizarre coincidences and dubious circumstances surrounding the hostage crisis begin to emerge.
Former British Ambassador Craig Murray and others are highlighting the fact that the maritime border between Iran and Iraq is contested and that the British have essentially manufactured a border to make it appear as if the HMS Cornwall was within Iraqi territorial waters.
The mainstream media has uniformly failed to address this issue.
And of course the Cornwall was just a few hundred yards away when this boat got grabbed.
They just let it happen.
uh... the iran iraq maritime boundary shown on the british government map does not exist it has been drawn up by the british government only iraq iran can agree upon their bilateral boundary and they never have done this in the gulf only inside the shot
Because there is the land border too.
This published boundary is a fake with no legal force, claims Murray.
Accepting the British coordinates for the purposes of both the HMS Cornwall and the incident, both were closer to Iranian land than Iraqi land, and it goes on.
Go on, print out the map and measure it.
Which underlines the point that the British produced border is not a reliable one.
The former British official said, an illustration in the, in Carta Encyclopedia territorial map above, the position of the ship denoted by the red circle is nearer the Iranian border than the Iraqi border.
The blue circumference touches the edge of the Iranian border and gets nowhere near, nowhere near Iraq.
They were clearly there.
But see, that's the lawyer speak.
No, no, no.
It depends on what the word is, is, is.
I have these clips of Alberto Gonzales, and he said, I knew nothing about the firings of the U.S.
I knew absolutely nothing.
No one ever told me.
And then the memos come out that he was running the whole thing, and he goes, well, what I meant to say was, I didn't think I knew about it, but that I knew I could know, maybe not know.
You know what I mean?
In fact, you got those clips I sent you yesterday, right?
The Gonzales clip I sent you yesterday, John, where he's talking about how he's trying to backtrack.
And then I sent you another clip where he was talking about the habeas corpus isn't for U.S.
citizens and it's not in the Constitution.
I mean, this is how they operate.
And there are people, again, most people who want to attack Iran cannot find it on a map.
They've done national studies.
They know nothing, folks.
They know how to act tough at work,
And how to shred around, sticking their chest out.
But if a cop pulls them over and says, I want to search your car, they literally start groveling and begging and do whatever they say and don't say, hey, I got a Fourth Amendment.
They're cowards.
They think manliness is just supporting murdering innocent people, or getting in fights with other countries.
But when their real nation is being attacked, and the borders are being erased, and the sovereignty is being destroyed, and the country is literally ending, they won't lift one fat finger.
They won't do anything.
Neither will that pig O'Reilly or any of them.
This is who they are.
They are scum.
Hey, go quietly away from us.
Forget that we were ever your brethren.
They'll be cowards.
Go later on your belly like a fat hog and swamp.
And just shut up and stop calling yourselves Americans.
You're stupid scum.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, Stephen Hyatt has a long bio, and I've had a chance to hear him on a few other talk shows.
His info meshes with the data and research I've done, and he's got more to add to that picture.
Of course, the confessions of an economic hitman came out a year and a half ago or so, and it gets into how they go in and try to blow out third world economies.
They're never meant to pay back the debts.
It's all about consolidating.
We've interviewed Joseph Stiglitz, who says we're going into a worldwide economic depression by design, by the globalists.
He's a globalist, but he thinks it should be a loving, sweet globalization, and it could be good.
Yeah, if man's nature wasn't evil in high places.
I mean, sure, you could probably have a good world government, but it'll never happen, because global government just creates the mechanism to dominate populations.
And you're always, if you create the lever to oppress, somebody's going to end up getting that lever.
And then they're going to use that centralization to maintain and expand their monopoly of power.
But I'm already digressing.
When you hear public-private partnership, or when you hear privatization, you think, oh great, the private industry can build the roads and run the roads better.
No, no, no, no.
It means, in almost every case, and here's a microcosm in Texas, that a foreign Spanish company for ten years is going to come in and lobby with hundreds of millions,
And then they're literally given the existing roads, and the state says they'll pay for it in perpetuity and build new ones and upkeep it, and that the private toll company can collect and keep half the money and give the rest to the state and the feds.
I mean, that would be like if I went to the mayor of Austin and gave him two million dollars privately, you know, to him in some business deal, and then he signed over some government-owned building, and they got a bunch.
Most of the new building projects in Austin, it's like New York, are government-built, and then they're just given to private groups.
Look, it's total scams, it's total frauds, and it'd be like if I went and gave the mayor, you know, a thousand dollars, and he said, here, you can have five brand-new squad cars, and you can go sell them at auction.
And make $60,000.
See how that works?
I'm trying to boil this down.
Because they deceive with words.
And he's written for a lot of big publications.
And he's got a new book out, A Game As Old As Empire.
And he just basically gets into all of this.
He has done research for Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, Bechtel, Chevron, other players.
He says he basically pushed a neoliberal worldview, and so now he's just going public about some of the things he learned.
Thank you for coming on the air with us, Mr. Hyatt.
How are you?
Hi, Alex.
I'm doing all right.
If you can, just boil it down, put it in a nutshell.
What are we facing?
What's happening on the planet?
What's the real ballgame from your perspective?
Tell us about the book.
Well, our book, you could boil it down and say it's about the dark side of globalization.
It's about the globalization that's being defined, structured for us by wealthy elites around the world.
A writer named Jeff Faux is coined a term for these guys.
He calls it the Party of Davos.
And this refers to the
The meeting in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum every year, and it's attended by high government officials, Condoleezza Rice, John Kerry.
It's attended by leaders of multinational corporations.
Basically, it's a public Bilderberg Group meeting.
That's right, that's right.
And many an overlapping membership, as I'm sure you're aware, in those two outfits.
Leaders of the large banks,
World Bank, International Monetary Fund, other international institutions, they get together, and of course there's a lot of schmoozing and confabbing, and of course a lot of deals are done.
But what's interesting about the point of view of these people is that, if you want to boil it down, what they're trying to do is to create a world in which only dollars are citizens.
Not ordinary people.
Now isn't that the speech from Network where they call Howard Beal in and the owner of the entire corporation or the CEO explains that there is only stock and there's only petrodollars and rubles and dollars and pounds and that, yeah, people don't count.
That people don't count, that's right.
What these guys have done, and we go into this from many different angles and many different countries in this book,
These elites have leveraged themselves away from any commitment to the communities and the countries of which they are a part.
They make use of their power in the United States, or Argentina, or Kenya, wherever they happen to be from, but they don't give back.
They want to use control, they want to continue to extract... Well, they do give back to the ad agencies... Oh, I'm sorry, yes, they do.
I mean, they do put up billboards telling you they're helping you.
That's right.
They're full of proclamations.
We talk about the third world debt problem.
Those countries owe around $3.2 trillion.
We had a huge, a couple of years ago, a huge song and dance in Gleneagle, Scotland, when the G8 leaders met.
They were going to forgive $40 billion of that debt, and they thought they were incredibly generous to do so.
Let's be clear, these countries will, in the case of Nigeria, borrow $3 billion and it ends up being $55 billion at 25-30% loan sharking rates out of fiat currency just put on a ballot sheet at the IMF and World Bank.
Jim Henry, our economist and lawyer, investigative journalist, takes a look at this issue, and he says that about a trillion of this debt was simply stolen to begin with.
And here's how it might work.
Say you're in Ecuador, and you're going to install a water system in the capital there.
You're going to upgrade it or something, and you get a $50 million loan from Citicorp, guaranteed by the World Bank.
Right away, you steal $30 million of it, and that money often never really touches Ecuador.
It comes right back into deposits in Citicorp or one of its offshore subsidiaries within seconds, sometimes, when the loan documents are signed.
The President makes the deal on the spot that he's not going to pay it back because not only does city court get it back and then he gets some money to go retire in a villa when he leaves after he's done looting other areas, then they claim they own all the infrastructure of the country.
They can do that.
That does happen and what happens of course is the people in Ecuador are on the hook for the entire amount of
50 million, maybe they saw some of that was used in inappropriate ways.
But isn't it true, you're an expert on this, that of a debt is accrued through fraud, and that you've been scammed, you don't owe it?
I mean, the American people are in more debt than anybody in the world.
I don't intend to pay anything back to these people.
What he points out, other people have pointed out, is that there's a doctrine, a legal doctrine, called odious debt.
And it's not a new thing, it goes back to the 19th century at least.
And what it says is if somebody who's running a company or running a country takes on debt, gets a loan, steals it, it's used for nefarious purposes, it's not intended to be used for what it ostensibly is contracted for, then the people of that country or the people in that company are not on the hook for that.
If the lender colludes with this borrower, they should go after him.
And this is an actual legal doctrine.
It has been in use.
And people are advocating, in fact, to bring this back and say, let's look at some of these debts and see what is really an honest, legitimate loan that should be paid back, and what's really a scam, a fraud, and the lender was colluding with the people who stole the money, and it's not owed anymore.
Now let's go back, because you talk about how in the past you kind of pushed the whole neoliberal view, which, and maybe you should
Give people a definition of what a neoliberal is in your view, but going back, I mean, I'm in college and I'm learning world government's good, world government's going to run things, globalization's good, and then I go turn CNN on and they're saying global government doesn't exist, nuts, talk about it, there is no ruling class, there is no elite, and I went, wait a minute, I've read a lot of history books, there's always a ruling elite, it depends how tyrannical they are, or how big their oligopoly or monopoly is, are they imperialistic,
Uh, and so that's why I started this radio show twelve years ago.
That's why I got involved because I knew we were being lied to.
I've never seen a people in history
Who'd been so brainwashed that they didn't even know an elite existed, or they think it's the guy with the house on the hill who's just middle class.
I mean, can you speak to that programming?
Because what you're doing is shocking and radical, you know, as a pretty establishment guy, to come out and even admit there's an elite.
I mean, we'll get laughed at by yuppies right now who'll go, everyone knows there's no elite.
Why, I'm the elite with my, you know, Volvo.
Right, well, many issues here.
One is that Americans, we like to think of ourselves as democratic and, you know, anybody can make it, and we are so wedded to that view.
We like to tell ourselves that even though we look around and we can see that, you know, I don't have as much power as, you know, one of the Rockefellers or Rupert Murdoch or whoever you might want to pick out, we always kind of try to pretend that, you know,
It's really all the same, you know, and so we have a lot of trouble, particularly in the United States, as opposed to some other countries where you have traditional elites that everybody, you know, identified new, admitting that that's the case, that, you know, that is what has happened in this country.
We've got a concentration of wealth that's become much more
I don't think so.
What they've wanted to do is to construct international institutions like the World Trade Organization and NAFTA that are beyond the review of any kind of democratic accountability.
Their operations are not up to scrutiny, let alone any kind of decision-making.
For example, under NAFTA or the WTO, if a country has a problem with
Secret courts with more authority than the nation state.
Let's break that down.
This is the glorious new golden age of globalism.
It's called worldwide dictatorship.
We'll talk to our guest, the author of A Game As Old As Empire On The Other Side.
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Welcome back.
I really appreciate our guest joining us.
He's written a new book, a game as old as Empire, Stephen Hyatt.
See, this is a short segment.
I want to keep you into the next one to get more into this, but I've read part of your book.
I have heard you on the radio go over your facts and examples of this, but you were
You were starting to give some examples of how these groups operate secret courts.
And then articles are written going, there's no plan for North American Union, there's no plan for EU expansion, but they just had the 50th anniversary of the EU and literally no one showed up.
They had jugglers and people on the streets and parades, but no one, no one came out to celebrate it, and they're not even allowed to now vote themselves out of the EU, and the EU then has the power transferred to non-governmental private groups.
Break that down for us.
The EU, like NAFTA, and maybe NAFTA even more so, you know, suffers from what the Europeans who are dealing with this call a democratic deficit.
That is, again, you have decision makers who are very, very, very far removed from any kind of electoral review.
You can't vote them out of office.
Their decisions are not up for discussion, really, or you can discuss them all you want, but there's nothing you can do about it.
The NAFTA Treaty was passed and signed in 1994, and as a treaty, it has constitutional status.
It's part of the Constitution, and so its provisions in its 20,000 pages include a lot of things which are now, you know, have force of law over us, but were never discussed.
You know, opponents challenged Senator Hank Brown, a Republican from Colorado, on this treaty back in 1994.
He said, you know, have you read this?
And he said, well, I have, you know, it's 20,000 pages.
They said, read it.
He did read it, or most of it.
He said, you know, this is not what I was told it was about.
He ended up voting against it.
But I think not many of his other colleagues didn't.
So again, you have these secret tribunals that try disputes around trade.
Here's an example.
It's a pretty big website.
Blog Critics.
It's bigger than most major newspapers in its web ratings.
Get a grip.
There's no secret North American Union.
And it says that Lou Dobbs, myself, a bunch of others are totally insane and evil.
It says we're just making it all up.
And I run into this where I have actual government documents where they're setting us up.
Judicial Watch got the foyer request.
Well, you know, actually one of my colleagues in this book, Antonia Juhasz, this weekend is going to Ottawa.
The Canadian groups there are sponsoring an entire discussion of this issue, basically a convention of several hundred people to review what is going on, what we know is being planned from various documents and other information.
Well, that's my point.
We're already under secret tribunals.
It's admitted, but you tell the general public that.
It's like they've got a defense against anything that could threaten them.
They just deny it exists.
Well, yeah, because the people who are planning this are people who, you know, come out 4th of July, they're waving the flag constantly, you know, and it, you know, people would like to believe that the people in charge of stuff, the people who are elected are
Doing the right thing so that they could just, you know, turn their attention to the tasks of everyday life and feel like things are kind of, you know, on autopilot or something where they don't have to worry.
Well, let's talk about what globalization means with the people steering it that are in control and where you see it going and how we stop it, how we get out of this system that we didn't opt into, that we haven't voted for.
We'll be right back with our guest.
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Yeah, I would encourage you... I mean, I don't have a lot of time to read books these days.
I read literally 10, 15 newspapers, hundreds of news articles I scan each day.
Hundreds of emails, government documents, legislation, and there aren't a lot of books I have time to read, but I got the book, and I've scanned over it, and I've read some of it, and I think I'm going to take the time out to read the whole thing, because I can learn something from it.
And I've been studying globalization for about 15 years, but on air for more than 12.
By the way, Congressman Ron Paul, running for President, is going to be on with us in the next few weeks.
We are lining that up for an extended interview.
And also he's going to be on Bill Maher tonight.
He's written a new article that's out today.
He's in a new article.
He impeached George W. Bush over North American Union agendas as a Republican presidential candidate.
So we've got that up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Going back to our guest, Stephen Hyatt, again, the book is A Game As Old As Empire, available at all your better bookstores or Amazon.com.
We have links to it up on
Infowars.com and for your trendy liberal parent or neighbor or husband or son or daughter who just doesn't believe there's any powerful elite globally that thinks New World Order is good.
Because you've got the camp that says, yeah, there's a world government.
Isn't that the next logical step?
You know, we were agrarian, city-states, nation-states, and then now global government.
Why, we'll all be citizens of the world.
John Lennon.
That's not what people are talking about, okay?
This is a centralized bureaucracy with no liberty, no freedom, no control of your own destiny.
And for folks out there that don't understand this, the World Trade Organization was set up in 95.
It has more authority over our trade decisions than the Congress does, and the President does now.
Steve, can you continue talking about that?
This is by design.
These organizations will undertake decisions that will not be reviewable by a legislature, by chief executive, by people, by referendum, or however.
They'll be outside the political discussion.
This will basically be that the real actors are corporations, elites who have access to these organizations.
They run them and they will make decisions based on their interests.
They won't really have to consult anybody.
That's basically the idea.
So we have the structure for a globalization from the top down.
One that largely dispenses with any kind of real substantive democracy.
You have, you know, fig leaves for things, and we're all talking about the things like wardrobe malfunctions or something, rather than the real issues that determine, you know, economic and social decisions that determine how we live.
We're on the exact same page.
I was about to say, we'll get to decide, you know, what color the road signs are, but not where the roads go or how much it costs to get on them.
Yeah, these people will, of course, arrange kind of really passionate discussions.
Will those road signs be, you know, in the red or will they be blue?
You know, and we'll be at each other's throats about that.
There'll be a big national debate and the people won!
They're blue!
Yeah, that's right, that's right.
So, while the real decisions are being made, you know, elsewhere.
So, that's what these people have in mind.
Again, a world where
The dollar is a citizen.
The more dollars you have, the more rights you have.
One thing we look at, for example, is the role of offshore banks in this, because this is one of the main avenues of control and extraction of wealth around the world by these elites.
John Christensen, who was an offshore banker himself, came out of the cold writing about this, knows a lot about it.
He says that one third of all the wealth in the world is now held in secret offshore accounts.
What this means is, again, it's another way for the elites to abstract themselves from any real participation in our communities.
They take again, but they don't give back anymore.
They have no real allegiance to
country community you know all all protestations of being conservative or or nonsense but this is absolutely this is absolutely central and I'm going to give my my analysis on this and I'm going to try to boil it down simply not that I'm saying the audience is simple but so you can explain this to others audience and then Mr. Hyatt if you can put it in as simply as you can okay here's how it works
They come into a nation, a western nation, to get a funding mechanism and a military enforcement arm like England, Germany, France, the U.S.
They come in and they lobby.
We're going to have a great new society.
We're going to take care of everybody.
We're going to have welfare and build man up.
We go, great!
We're going to vote for big government and pay a lot of taxes to do this because it sounds wonderful and we want to share.
They do dole some of that out for a while.
Some good things happen.
Some bad things happen.
The point is now it's created the trough.
Then the global corporations come in, they're lobbying to take over the government the whole time to get most of that money that's being paid in taxes given to them in investments which they then take and use to buy off and pay off and blow out third world economies.
They then over the last 50 years get control of the third world as a kind of camouflage neo-imperialism.
They then amass that wealth, use it to totally buy off the Western governments.
They then basically drive up the debt of those nations in debt now owed to those very private banking institutions and governments that were already taken over in many cases hundreds of years ago.
See, I said this is simple.
It's not.
And they then take all of that wealth that they now have offshore, where they never have to pay tax, but then they manipulate our government to actually raise taxes and toll roads and all these other ways of getting fees, to then conduit more and more to themselves, and in the final phase they come in and pay off the government, to have the government actually write laws to cede government power into these multinational corporations, many of which are bigger than some of the largest nations,
In their GDP, and then they hire private intelligence agencies, private mercenary armies, like the Beers with the Diamonds, and so you have this world government run by these untouchable elites whose wealth is offshore, and then they basically just play nation states off against each other in globalization and economic warfare to have a domino effect to take over the next, and they end up truly being world rulers through the financial system.
That's a pretty succinct description of the aim of power, in this case.
And it is to, again, abstract themselves, if you will, from any kind of control, really, whenever it counts.
So again, we're saying... Yeah, they've got us under all these global laws.
I know I'm interrupting, but they've got us under a global straitjacket, and then they are like a Houdini who's free from it.
That's right.
So that they pull their wealth offshore and out of the tax base.
That's right.
Of course, it's not the taxes that go down.
Who ends up paying the difference?
Well, it's you and me and our listeners who have to pay the difference.
Because, you know, at the same time, there are big demands on government for intervention in Iraq, for example, many other things.
They're not going to pay it.
They're going to benefit from it.
In fact, they're looking to take over Iraq's oil industry.
We write about that in this book.
But in your words, sir, boil it down.
I mean, how does the process work?
Because I said it'd be simple.
I babbled for three minutes.
It wasn't.
Okay, well, I'll probably babble for three minutes myself.
We can take a look at what's being pushed on third world countries.
They've been told the way to develop is by taking out huge loans to
Build up industries, invite the multinationals in, open their economies to whoever liberalized, if you will, in that sense.
Rather than directing their own development, they basically hand the keys to the multinationals.
They pay all the freight on this, that is, they set up processing zones, they give tax holidays, they provide power, water, all these services.
Companies come in, they take advantage of it for a while, somebody else makes a better bid, they go somewhere else.
It's happened time and time again.
We write, for example, about the Philippines in this.
They have billions of dollars in loans based on these scams.
They're still paying.
They got very little benefit from it.
The companies that they tried to lure in, long gone.
Much of the money also simply stolen as well as being not well spent.
The country is now in the pockets of the bankers.
The IMF and World Bank come in and say, you've got to pay this money back.
They then basically have control of the country's budget.
They decide how much gets spent where.
You have, we talk about this, African countries where the percentage of school children actually in school is actually going down.
It's going down because two things.
Schools' education budget is being cut back because the government has to pay this debt.
Families are pulling their kids out of school to
Have them earn whatever they possibly can because they're impoverished.
The countries are told, well, you're having trouble commuting in the world economy because you don't have a workforce that's educated well enough to really get in there and go for the higher value kind of work that's going around the world.
Well, how are you going to do that if your school system is declining and people aren't getting an education?
Well, you see the problem.
These people are under the gun.
Well, you've done consulting for some of the biggest globalist companies out there, and so you've got kind of an inside view on all this.
Where do you see it going?
How much can humanity take?
How much obvious corruption and bid rigging and scams and foreign ownership and rulership can we take?
And so, what do you think is going to happen?
Good case, bad case, whatever.
Whatever you really think the case is.
Whatever the case may be, as they say.
And then, where do you see this going in the future?
How do we defeat them?
Well, we've talked about what these guys are trying to do.
However, I'm not a pessimistic guy, and I don't think our authors are largely either.
There are people all over the world who are fighting this.
For every economic hitman, there are thousands of people who are opposing these schemes.
In their countries around the world.
You've got the Party of Davos, the World Economic Forum.
You've got the World Social Forum, which is a vast network of groups from very different backgrounds, walks of life.
You've got farmers, commercial farmers, peasants, indigenous people in the rainforests in Brazil.
You've got housewives, environmentalists, students, small business people.
But you know the Lankers have infiltrated that group.
Well, these people don't all agree with each other, so it's not a group that you could take over, you know, top down.
But what these people are doing is, basically around the world, people are halting some of these schemes.
That's the good news!
We see that here in the U.S.
Ten years ago, you talked about the New World Order, globalization, the elite.
Most people laugh at you.
Now, most of them don't laugh.
They start crying.
So, I think the jig is up.
The worm has turned.
I mean, I see it accelerating.
And I agree with you.
I see explosive resistance to the New World Order.
Well, you know, what people are looking at is saying, yeah, if we talk about globalization, technology brings us closer together.
That's true.
We're going to have commercial relations with India or Argentina or Nigeria.
But what should be the basis on which we work with people in India or buy products from Nigeria, any other country?
That should be a two-way street.
What we want is
A structure in which nations relate to each other on the basis of equality in a world that works for everybody.
If it works for only a small elite, we think we're doing better because we're richer than, say, Ecuador or Kenya.
But I mean, bottom line, we say we're richer.
I mean, these private banks pay off our politicians to pay into their funds to then go run loan sharking scams in third world countries.
The way to fix all this is
Well, you know, if you look again at the offshore banking thing,
What we found is that corruption is really central now to the world economy.
Even compared with when John Perkins was an economic hitman in the 1970s, which was not an era of sweetness and light, it's vastly worse.
This offshore system involves all kinds of criminality.
It's a source for luxury.
You just brought us to the penultimate point.
Mexico can never get up on its hind legs because it has a tiny elite, the biggest group of billionaires per capita.
Yes, we are.
Sure, you know, I think that there's resistance here.
People are standing up and objecting to what's going on.
We're actually in the US, we've been a little late on this because we felt, well that's a problem for the third world, you know, that's not going to affect us.
And then we find that we are in this race to the bottom, being thrown to compete against each other just, you know, with people in the Philippines.
That's it, they're running the same blowout scam that they've done everywhere else.
That's right, that's right.
So they've turned it against us.
We felt, you know, we're the center, we're the empire.
These countries, you know, okay, they screwed up.
I remember good old boys when I'd be, you know, 10, 15 years ago at the bar, I remember good old boys laughing, of course the banks are scamming them dumb Latin Americans.
It's up, we're running things.
Well, they're finding out now, aren't they?
Because none of their kids can get a job.
That's right, that's right.
And the jobs they were told to get when the steel companies closed and the auto plants shut down, coal mines closed.
You can forget it!
Well, you know, I was reading a Denver paper.
They were talking about this issue.
A contractor building in a suburb in Denver said, well, you know, I can't find U.S.
citizens who will work on my site.
And, you know, I thought, oh, come on now.
You can't find U.S.
citizens who will work construction?
Oh, come on.
Well, it turns out what the guy wants, of course, is not people working, you know, let alone union wage.
What he wants is people
Well, sure then it becomes harder to find citizens who will work for that.
And you get people who are coming from Oaxaca, Milwaukee, to do that work.
And then the fake conservatives get on air and go, well that's how the free market works, lets you get up there on the hot roof for $4 an hour.
The point is they used a country that wasn't a free market system, that was run by an oligarchy, to literally, in economic warfare, debase the wages to the point of... I mean, this is by design!
Well, this is the race to the bottom, where you kill everybody to...
Absolutely, and then the big mega corporations stir up racial division.
All the buses in Austin have giant Mexican flags on them with a guy smiling with hatred and it says, The Revolution.
It's unbelievable.
All corporate funded.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
There must be some way out of here, my friends.
Is there?
There's too much confusion.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I really appreciate Mr. Hyatt coming on.
I've got to get him back up some day when I'm not so hyped up, but his book is excellent.
It's a compilation of writers and researchers, a game as old as Empire, and it's put out by Barrett and I believe Kohler Publishers, and it is really important work.
You can get it on Amazon.com, as I said, or simply at your better bookstores out there.
In closing, in the last minute and a half we've got here, sir, solutions.
I mean, I agree with you.
People are waking up.
How do you see the breaks?
What do you see happening?
And what can we do to stop this?
Well, you know, there are groups all around the world.
I've mentioned John Christensen.
He's head of something now called the Tax Justice Network, which has affiliates around the world.
It's a network of groups.
There's one in the U.S.
They just set one up in Africa.
In addition, he's based in London.
And these people have a program to bring the offshore banking system back under control.
There's a group called Hands Off Iraqi Oil.
That's one thing.
That is fighting this scheme to take over Iraq's oil fields.
You've got Jubilee USA, which is campaigning to drop all these, what we were just talking about, odious debts that are enslaving third world countries.
It's all fiat!
I mean, they need to hands off those infrastructures.
That's right.
That's right.
I'd say, based on my experience as kind of a
I've never seen one that isn't.
I mean folks, it boils down to this.
They come up and pay off your politicians.
They come by half the legislature and the governor says, you've got to take a dangerous experimental shot.
I mean, take Merck.
I mean, that's an example.
Or they just come by all the politicians and they just hand them the roads.
I mean, this is almost like a flying saucer landing, and they pay the president off with some type of new energy source, and the president says, here, pick any humans you want to eat.
I mean, it's literally, they're just buying our government, aren't they?
Well, yeah.
Withdrawal from taxes.
Governments need something done.
Citizens are saying, do this, do that, do the roads.
And they say, oh, well, we have this wonderful plan for you.
But what it amounts to is the government makes the investment and then
Basically, the cream of skin, the profits go to private corporations.
Yeah, they just administer it.
They get their own benefit.
You are right on target.
You've done incredible research for the book.
Thank you for joining us, and I look forward to speaking with you again, Stephen Hyatt.
And anybody else in the book or that you worked with that you want to recommend, just tell my producer, God bless you.
Okay, I'll do that.
There goes the editor of the book, A Game As Old As Empire.
It's a compilation of some of the best researchers and writers on the subject.
There is a world government.
There is a North American Union.
It does take away your national sovereignty, and that means your liberty and your due process.
It's called being a slave.
To all the snot-nosed yuppies that are writing hit pieces on us, this is real, okay?
There are secret tribunals that run our trade, alright?
Secret tribunals!
I'm sick of you!
Stop denying reality!
The whole world knows about it, and there's like pumpkin-head Americans that are still in denial.
Do you understand, folks?
Go to Infowars.com.
Get riddles in stone.
America, freedom from fascism, terror storm.
I'll see you this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
on the new Sunday live show, Syndicated.
We're doing.
I want to thank all the affiliates that picked that up, and the listeners.
Join me Sunday, 4 to 6.
And we'll get big Rosie O'Donnell news about how they want to kill her.
They said they want to murder her.
That'll be up on Prison Planet.
Get that out.
Big war news coming out on Prison Planet and InfoWars, too.
Get the word out to everybody.
God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.