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Name: 20070327_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 27, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it is Friday.
It's been an amazing week for 9-11 Truth and
Well, anyone who wants to bring down the New World Order and expose the corrupt oligarchy that runs our planet today.
We're going to have wide open phones in the first, second, and third hour.
We do have David Bay joining us of Cutting Edge Ministries to talk about just an amazing film, Part 2, that he has produced of a series of three that they're putting together.
The newest one is Riddles in Stone, and it's very professionally produced, and it gets into all the occult imagery in Washington, D.C.
and other areas around the nation.
That DVD has now arrived, is now available at Infowars.com, and we also have some big discounts on it and other films we carry, like The Order of Death, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Combo.
So we'll tell you more about that a little bit later.
We also have a whole host of clips I want to play.
I've got Jim Cramer of Real Money in the most bizarre interview I've ever seen where he is on this Yahoo video news show.
It's carried by Yahoo News and he's just laying out
How the stock market is a complete fraud and a scam, and almost completely staged.
Now, we know this.
For anybody that actually has studied the stock market or how the global financial system works, we already know this.
But to have Jim Cramer just up there admitting crimes that he has committed
And saying, you know, that he'll never get in trouble for it, it just shows how widespread it is.
So, we'll be playing that clip.
Obviously, there have been big new developments with the Charlie Sheen slash Rosie O'Donnell slash Loose Change soap opera.
Yesterday morning, I learned that someone, or multiple parties, had leaked information to the New York Post, page 6, the biggest gossip column in the country.
That Charlie Sheen was going to be voicing and was involved in Loose Change Final Edition.
Now, I've known about this since its inception, even before the great Loose Change crew knew that Charlie wanted to contact them and talk about, you know, redoing and re-releasing it.
Because we had been talking about the best plan, the best way to get 9-11 Truth in theaters nationwide and we had the idea to just make a full-length feature film with actors.
and uh... obviously it'd be hard to raise fifty a hundred million to make a film that would take that type of quality and be much easier to try to fight the new world order by just reissuing redoing loose change and then boom off the races there they went getting very close to that happening i can't get into details of it but it would be cinematic legendary it would be uh... cinematic history i mean rosebud citizen kane orson welles got blacklisted blackballed
Completely, for making a film that vaguely attacked Hearst Publishing, and William Randolph Hearst, the lord of Hollywood and print, and Hearst Castle and the whole nine yards, there in California.
The king of yellow journalism, the king of popular mechanics today, the king of government black ops.
And he was blacklisted, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the hottest directors in Hollywood.
Well, I mean, putting loose change in theaters, and boy, you ought to see what the redo looks like in the script.
It's very powerful.
Can you imagine putting loose change in theaters?
Well, O'Reilly, in a thuggish, mafioso manner, went on TV last night, very threatening as usual, and said, It's over for yous.
It's over for you, Matthew, you make that film!
You'll never work again!
Or worse!
I mean, total thuggery.
We'll cover it.
We'll play the clips.
I don't know where to start.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're going to shift gears today in the second hour and get into the religion of the elite, a cult architecture in the Western world, predominantly in Washington, D.C.
We're going to do that with David Bay in the second hour.
Very important new film out, part two in there.
We're going to have three parts.
We're now carrying that at InfoWars.com.
Then I'm going to briefly have 9-11 Truth from Philly on, who really upset Alan, I Love Torture, Darchewicz a few days ago, and just did a great job bringing up 9-11 Truth inside a neocon love fest where they were calling for eternal war and a great glorious police state here domestically.
Also, I have really serious news on the immigration front.
They have introduced a modified blanket amnesty plan as a guest worker program, but they're calling it a temporary, temporary guest worker program.
The last temporary guest worker program was complete and total amnesty for anyone who was here in the United States illegally, anyone who can get here for six years.
And it also allowed corporations to fund, on buses, trains, and airplanes, unlimited visas for skilled and unskilled workers.
Two days ago I learned of this legislation that has just been reintroduced.
I have since scanned over the legislation and it is the exact same thing, basically.
It just calls it a temporary temporary, so they're playing more word games, so the end of the nation, I mean if your nation doesn't have borders, and doesn't have controls, and if anybody can come in and be part of the country, and have instant welfare, then you don't have a nation, and this is the globalist plan to kill the country, and they're literally strangling the nation to death right in front of us, the country has turned blue, now it's turning white, the country has passed out,
And they can take their hands off our throat.
We're probably still going to be a brain-damaged country.
I mean, we're probably done for.
It's just how deep will we fall?
How bad will the peon ship that we're all going to enjoy be?
How bad will the police state be?
Do we have any chance of climbing out of this hellhole?
That's being decided right now.
But the globalists have done everything they can to destroy this nation, and they have done an absolutely fabulous job.
And the drug war has gotten 7 million people in the system, and there's more drugs than ever on the streets, and the government ships in the narcotics that launders the money through their banks, and uses that to finance the buy-up of government and so-called privatization.
They're looting everything wholesale.
Total criminality has been unleashed.
Both parties are bought and paid for by the same people.
So we have that as well here in front of us today.
The websites again are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
They've all been updated today for you.
Aaron Dyke stayed up here until...
I'm told about three in the morning, finishing an article that he put together last night.
Paul Watson wrote another article this morning, which would be around the same time in England.
He's six hours earlier than us.
And they're both excellent stories that need to be put on the message boards and dug and gotten out to people.
I must sound like a complete beatnik when I said they need to be dug.
Some good old boys going, Doug, that's some kind of hippie, yippie, commie.
Doug is, again, one of the biggest websites, and you can vote it up to the top news page.
When I say Doug, that is a nomenclature for that.
Dig it, daddy-o.
Like, totally cool.
Let's go ahead now and get into the news here.
Where to start, first off,
Back on Monday and Tuesday, we did our best to force the mainstream media to report that Rosie O'Donnell, in three separate detailed posts last week, went public on 9-11 truth, detailing that Bush obviously would have been whisked out of the
Elementary school in Florida, that his itinerary was known internationally, there were airports nearby, that it was standard operating procedure to remove him, that he looked like he already knew and they came up and told him, that building 7 was clearly blown up and she gave all the evidence.
She didn't just link to what really happened, as the media said, how dare her just cut and paste something.
She put dozens of links, I mean there was probably 20 something links in one post she did.
I don't
I don't think so.
They tried to set up Sheen and demonize him and run those black ops on him.
That blew up in their face.
He's more popular than ever.
His show went from number three to number one.
His stock just went up.
They tried to demonize everybody else to again set the precedent and it's not working.
The dam is breaking on them and they know it.
Total public acceptance that 9-11 is an inside job.
The destruction of their myth
That it was an outside attack, hence we need to lose all our liberties, kill the Bill of Rights, kill America, and have endless war and all these slaves.
And so we did everything we could, you did, the listeners, and you already before this went supernova, and it did go supernova yesterday, you had already pushed it over the edge and mainstream news was starting to break Thursday.
Morning and then you have the added combo and I guess the individuals that linked it to the page six are trying to kill the project, but it looks like it backfired because the publicity is just Accelerating the project now.
I've been told by inside sources and so that's certainly good news But if there's any ever doubt there was ever a doubt that we're literally just seeing old-fashioned, New York gangsterism where
My mom went and saw a documentary that had South by Southwest.
Let me digress and tell this story.
I didn't see it.
I even forget the name of it.
I was with her the other night.
We went to the rodeo with the kids and she spent like 30, 20 minutes or so telling the story of this film.
It's something I've seen a hundred times in my own life about an upstate New York flea market.
This is where O'Reilly would do nicely in his life.
He'd be the shopkeeper who bullied all the other shopkeepers 150 years ago.
He'd be like a fishmonger and he'd go around intimidating people and bossing them around until somebody stood up to him.
He's that type of person.
A thug.
Nothing against tall people.
I'm of average height.
I don't care if you're short or tall.
It doesn't matter to me.
Some tall guys like to lean over you and get in your face.
They think it intimidates you.
You want to break their neck.
That's the instinct.
Back when I was a fighting man,
I've gotten a few fights, people my own size, and I can never seem to really get turned, you know, get fired up, get turned on.
When some big guy, or a couple of big guys, it was even better, would get me down, boy, it would just, incredible hulk would come out and his bones would start breaking, teeth would start popping out.
Why am I digressing?
I just, I'm sorry, I'm thinking about O'Reilly and his intimidation, his bullying behavior, and old instincts are rising.
Sorry, we fight in the info war here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me settle down a little bit.
My mother was telling this story as we were driving to the rodeo in the livestock show about how she went to South by Southwest and saw some of the films at the film festival.
She saw this documentary about this spontaneous flea market that had popped up in upstate New York and all these poor people who were there trying to make a living and they were squatting and how this kind of thuggish type
This guy just showed up and started shaking him down and then became the boss and how he would go around intimidating everybody and there was he had no authority he had no power he just had a couple thugs with him and he would tell them he was the boss and tell them he had the authority and then the city wanted to kick him out of this shut down mall parking lot and so he actually helped set them up and get them kicked off of there for it's alluded to you know some type of payoff
And I just thought about that, and I'm not knocking people up north.
I mean, there's plenty of boss hogs and small-town corruption in the South.
And there's plenty of the same type of behavior in the West.
But not as bad, because... Well, I mean, I know my Eastern history.
200, 230 years ago, you told somebody up North, or in the South, in the Carolinas, or wherever, that I'm going to shake your business down for money, or I'm going to tell you what to do.
They would say, let's go out in the street and have a shootout.
Let's go have a duel.
And, uh, you know, it was the New Englanders and the rest of them, you know, that led the charge against the Redcoats.
But, then, in the last 130 years or so, massive influx of people from Eastern and Central Europe and other feudal states where there was no history of freedom,
Where they were used to having tribal bosses and mob bosses ruling over them.
And so, when you go to New York, you experience the culture of the police bossing you around and telling you you're a slave, and, you know, fat-bellied guys waddling around who are Italian, who everybody thinks they're a gangster and has power and you better be scared of them, and, you know, everyone being threatened, everyone being scared, everyone stooping over and, you know, bending their backs and bending their knees to this type of stuff.
There are many famous cases of classical mafia trying to come into the South or the West and it just didn't work.
Now it does work now because now we're cowardly, chicken neck, land of the coward, home of the slaves down here on average.
And so now you have the mafia starting to flourish and people being ordered around in fear.
I don't understand it.
I mean when somebody
I don't know.
I'm like a porcupine.
Just leave me alone.
I got a bunch of spines sticking out.
Go find some other, you know, uh, slaves to feed on.
I'm not one of those.
So when we get back, I'll get into O'Reilly and his mafia threats.
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Welcome back!
Alright, let me make a long story short because I want to come back and cover some more news and take your calls at 1-800-259-9231 here on this Friday edition.
O'Donald Sheen back at 9-11 Conspiracy Theory.
This is CBS News, New York.
A controversial new film about 9-11 is raising eyebrows not only for its content but for the people involved in the project.
Rosie O'Donald and Charlie Sheen.
Now, literally, folks,
It's like 30 or 40.
I didn't count them up.
I had to stop counting last night and this morning.
I just didn't have time to click through each story, but I saw all the links.
Hollywood Reporter and Variety and just Inside Edition and five Fox TV shows and they're all reporting.
Everybody but O'Reilly did.
That Rosie O'Donnell is making loose change final cut.
That is totally false, and again, I'm... Well, we're in contact.
I'm in contact with folks now.
We're probably going to be able to get some interesting folks on next week, maybe even Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
We'll just see.
We're working on it.
You know, Charlie's only come on my show, and then on Jimmy Kimmel, talked a little bit about Building 7 when he got asked.
And I don't want to... I could twist his arm and get him on, but...
We wanted to get him on again when they were about to launch the film as part of the promotion for it.
But, uh, we'll see.
I'm going to talk to him later today.
But that's not who we're talking about.
You know, somebody else.
Rosie O'Donnell, we're working on it.
We're working on it, so keep your mouth shut!
Anyways, I'm going to stop joking around here.
There's no research they put into any of this.
They're just all saying that Rosie O'Donnell's involved in this now, because the people writing these articles are so dumbed down, a lot of them aren't even operatives, that they can't even differentiate.
They've just heard through the grapevine, through all the emails and stories that have been suppressed, as we've been pushing the last week and a half to get this story out, that Rosie O'Donnell has gone public on 9-11 Truth.
So that must mean she's involved with loose change, because that's kind of become the cultural signpost, or the symbol.
Of 9-11 truth.
I mean, it really has.
And that's great.
We need, though, to have multiple symbols so they can't shoot down individual symbols.
We need to have Terror Storm or Government Sponsored Terror or Inside Job.
Inside Job is one of the other signposts we've got.
It's probably a little bit bigger cultural meme or semantical hieroglyph, signet, logo, than the term was changed.
But Alex Jones has become somewhat of a diminutive form of the symbol.
But we need to get Terror Storm out there.
Again, simple term.
As well, more juggernauts, more
cultural logos, signets, symbols.
But they couldn't even get that straight that it was not Rosie O'Donnell.
But regardless, it's broken now, and they can't stop it.
Now, another major national discussion and debate, and the enemies of freedom and liberty are going public, saying there is no inside job, we're all liars, and they said five separate times on O'Reilly last night, in about five minutes, that it's Holocaust denial, people hate Jews, anti-Semitism, Jews, Jews, Jews.
And that's the good news.
I mean, there's no discussion of Jews in loose change.
But they kept saying it's white denying the holocaust.
Rosie O'Donnell's denying the holocaust.
They're denying the holocaust.
Third Reich.
We're Hitler.
Third Reich propaganda.
Man, everybody's Hitler.
Bin Laden.
Now us.
Now, I want you to remember, and by the way, both these, Diedl, who looks like a mafioso, acts like one, and O'Reilly, the other mafioso, I mean, at the beginning of the show, we didn't send this up to the network, but we should,
He just starts the show going, yeah, shut up, be quiet, it's the O'Reilly factor.
I mean, these are people that want to sit there in their chairs and have some guy act tough, and he literally, his propaganda isn't even good.
It's like third grade level, second grade, first grade level.
He just keeps going, that's your opinion, eh, prove it, eh, eh, eh, oh, the White House wrote a memo saying we torture children, eh, prove it, do you haves it?
Shut your mouth!
Shut your pie hole!
Shut your pie hole, eater!
I mean, you're a punk, O'Reilly!
You're a cowardly chicken-neck!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Shut your pie holes!
The O'Reilly Factors and Stoughtonses!
All of you better keep your mouths shut!
I'm gonna call the FBI on ya!
You see, don't forget, we can compile all this.
Every week it seems I'm sent clips or we play clips.
Where Bill O'Reilly gets up there and he says, well I called the FBI on this guy and got him arrested, and yeah, the guy was found not guilty.
He has a guest on he disagrees with, and he goes, that's it, I'm calling them on you!
The original mafia, the FBI.
I'm going to
You're gonna lose your TV show.
You better stop it.
You better shut up.
The New York Post said, just shut your mouth!
It said, shut up!
Just shut your mouth!
In fact, the exact quote was... I've got the New York Post here somewhere.
Some celebrities don't know when to keep their traps shut.
And then it goes into all of it.
That's the New York Post.
And then, it's universal.
They say we're Nazis.
The President, who's the puppet who helped carry out the attacks, his grandfather was the admitted head Nazi agent in the U.S.
I mean, don't you love how your Americans, your grandfathers fought Hitler?
Both of my grandfathers were in World War II.
Both my grandfathers enlisted.
One of them was in B-17s in Europe.
The other flew in smaller planes and crashed one and got out of the military.
But the point is that I resent that.
I resent that the media has now turned it around that Americans are Nazis.
Have you noticed everything is Nazi?
And that only the good people that run the media, they're good, they're going to take good care of us, and everyone else is Nazi.
We lost World War II.
We were Hitler.
I mean, you don't believe in global warming?
It should be banned.
It's like denying Hitler and the Holocaust.
You question official stories?
You're like Hitler.
You're not for the Iraq War?
You support Saddam.
He was like Hitler.
Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.
In fact, instead of me just saying this, listen to this five-minute clip of O'Reilly last night as he just
Folks, he literally didn't start the piece.
He started the show by saying, shut up!
It's the O'Reilly factors!
And again, I like old folks.
A lot of old folks are great patriots in a way, but his main audience is old people sitting there who are scared, who want their Social Security check.
Oh, and by the way, I ought to write a book about O'Reilly.
Here's the formula.
Terrorists are going to get you.
There's liberal commies everywhere.
He says liberal on the show, on every other piece, like every ten seconds.
The far-left liberals wrote this.
The far-extreme left.
Who's the worst leftist of them all?
And they're not even leftists.
The leftists are all part of the same power structure.
But it's there to entrench and brainwash people.
Let's show you lots of blurred out porn video!
And then after that we'll show you more porn!
So it's the terrorists that are going to get you, the liberals are going to get you, but let's sit there and make it okay for the 75-80 year olds to look at porn on the O'Reilly Factor when he's totally obsessed with it and been in all that trouble.
I mean, this is just, it's pervert television, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what it is.
I mean, you can assess it.
And it's tailored for a bunch of people who are basically two inches out of the grave, uh, who just want to believe the lies and are totally brain dead.
That's the only audience he's got.
Two and a half million dead people every night that tune into his garbage.
Now, here it is.
In fact, segment tonight, the far left fringe has embraced the conspiracy theory that elements of the U.S.
government carried out the attacks on 9-11.
It's unbelievable, but that's what they're saying.
Now, some mainstream individuals are buying into it.
Rosie O'Donnell discussed it on her blog, and the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, billionaire Mark Cuban, may distribute a movie called Loose Change.
That piece of propaganda may be narrated by Charlie Sheen,
And it says the U.S.
government was criminally negligent on 9-11.
With us now, Bo Dietl, former New York City detective, knows about the local investigation on 9-11.
From Miami, Gerald Posner, the author of the book, Why America Slept, The Reasons Behind Our Failure to Prevent 9-11.
Alright, Gerald, I'll begin with you.
When you hear this conspiratorial stuff, what goes through your mind?
Well, you know, Bill, it used to surprise me.
Now, nothing surprises me what these wackos can come up with.
What goes through my mind, though, is I get angry.
And then when I see mainstream figures like Rosie O'Donnell, she essentially did a cut and paste.
She took it from one side and put it on her blog.
You know what?
You can't do that.
It would be like putting on something that said the Holocaust didn't exist.
And she has... she should be socially responsible.
Stop it right there.
She can't do that.
It's wrong.
He's saying this, it's like saying the Holocaust didn't exist.
She can't do it cut and paste.
Gerald Posner, despite the fact that 90 plus percent of Americans know the government killed Kennedy, all the evidence is overwhelming.
This guy writes these operative books and has given unlimited attention, and he is a former high-level Clinton operative.
Clinton-Gore operative.
I mean, this guy is a thoroughbred operative.
He worked for him.
That's not our opinion.
And remember, a lot of these people are openly on the payroll.
And they also say a detailed study later by Popular Mechanics.
Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Publishing, the literal name in yellow journalism, and black ops.
And the first cousin of Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff ran the piece against me and lied to me and said that it wasn't a hit piece and swore it was just an objective piece.
I knew it was a fake straw man debunking.
The federal government and FEMA have said that they don't know why seven fell now and that it could have been bombs.
They can't put a report out saying why because they know scientists will look at it.
Underwriting laboratories went public and said that fire couldn't have done that.
Okay, their chief engineer over a whole project.
They had a secret year-long internal test.
They underwrote those buildings.
But no, don't confuse us with the facts.
Then they mention Oklahoma City, excuse me, World Trade Center, the first attack, 1993.
New York Times, CBS News, admitted we have the tapes, we can play them here, we've played them many times, where the informant who they gave the money, the FBI did millions to build the bomb, gave them the detonators,
First you said, hey, we were supposed to build a dummy bomb.
Then you said build a real bomb.
Now I built a real bomb.
Then you gave me detonators.
Now you're going to let the bombing go forward?
And they're like, yeah, we're pulling you off.
I mean, the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, like they always do, folks.
I mean, this is incredible!
And this cop...
Uh, former steel worker, I bet he did some arm twistin's, is it?
Uh, he's sitting there, he's been forced over the unions!
And now I'm a cop!
And now I'm a contributor to Fox News!
And these are potato chips falling down, is it?
Alright, I'm gonna stop it.
You didn't like me doing hick imitations when I'm a hick, folks?
Well, I'm gonna have some fun with our New York friends, who I love to death, by the way.
I'm just, I just, these guys are thugs.
They're cretins.
And they're ashamed, you know, that they represent the great people in New York, by the way, who almost universally know that there's a cover-up and an inside job.
Alright, I'm gonna shut up.
Just go back to the piece.
It goes through my mind, though, as I get angry.
And then when I see mainstream figures like Rosie O'Donnell, she essentially did a cut and paste.
She took it from one side and put it on her blog.
You know what?
You can't do that.
It would be like putting on something that said the Holocaust didn't exist.
And she should be socially responsible to know better.
Mark Cuban, he may be great at making money.
He's worth over a billion dollars.
But this was the guy who said, remember, when Kobe Bryant was arrested, it'll be good for the NBA.
And he says on this issue he's agnostic.
He does things that are good about 9-11.
He also distributes this because it's on the other side.
We don't have an opinion.
But guess what, Mark?
You don't get to be agnostic on this.
You have to have an opinion.
Either 19 hijackers, Muslim fundamentalists, who wanted to destroy the West, flew those planes into the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon, killing 3,000 people on 9-11, or otherwise you're right and it's a conspiracy.
And you know what?
You don't get to straddle both sides of the fence.
You have an obligation to come clean on this.
And not distribute that film.
The same with Charlie Sheen in narrating it.
It's a disgrace.
How do you see it, Bo?
All right.
You were down here when it happened.
You actually worked on the World Trade Center when they were building it.
I was an iron worker back in the late 60s before I became a cop.
And you know, the whole construction of the World Trade Center was heavy, thick steel walls around the outside with six inches of concrete floors.
And what happened that day is when that melted, that went down and it became like potato chips.
And I watched the buildings go down.
It looked like they were imploding.
They were imploding.
Let's stop right there.
How many of the victims' families have we had on here?
How many police?
How many firemen?
How many emergency workers?
And not just on this show, how many interviews have we played from other shows?
How many news articles?
It's in the hundreds now.
Bill Doyle, head of the biggest victims family group, the chairman, the head of the group, lost his son Joey.
Bill Doyle says over half know it's an inside job, and he knows it's an inside job.
I mean, I remember being up in Minnesota visiting Genesis about four years ago, being in the hotel room, I wish I could have taped it, and they said, there's a protest against Bush saying he was involved in 9-11, and it's around the White House, and it showed all these 9-11 truth signs, and victims' families saying Bush did it, Bush knew, around the White House.
But you never see it other than that.
I mean, again, they misrepresent everything.
And I'm sorry you don't have a monopoly in the media anymore.
The people are learning.
We wrote articles.
Paul did.
Aaron did.
For PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com.
Two different articles.
Go get them, folks.
They're excellent.
Get them out to people.
Every statement's a hyperlink.
Every statement's backed up.
We say the federal government said something, we link to it.
We say a fireman said something, we link to it.
We say that steel melts at a temperature?
We link to it.
You know what?
You don't link to nothing.
You're just counting on a bunch of people to sit there and buy your lies.
Go back to the tape.
The victims.
What about the firemen, the cops that died down there, their families?
And the people down there that lost their husbands, wives, daughters, and sons.
This is complete moron stuff now.
I saw the engine of the plane that was down there on the ground.
It went right through the building.
I saw people down there, when we got down there, when number 7 came down, they say about the building number 7 coming down the same way.
Yeah, because so much heaviness came off from the World Trade Center coming down onto 7.
7 came down, the foundation was all out of whack because of them coming down.
There could have been more buildings coming down around.
Why it happened that way, only architects and only... Well, we went over it with the popular mechanics, people who have done exhaustive study.
I agree with you that I think that, you know, bringing this stuff up, accusing your own country of murdering your own citizens is painful for people who lost people.
You go back... We're not accusing our own country of that.
We're accusing criminal elements of doing it.
We didn't say America.
The United States gave black men syphilis over 45 years and let them spread it and tens of thousands died from it.
We didn't say that America radiated over 10,000 American children, tested radiation on them, and killed them.
Declassified public.
We said criminal elements did.
So shut your mouth.
You're the ones trying to put the blame on America.
It's parasites like you that support the criminals in government that are to blame, you piece of trash, O'Reilly.
Back to it.
I agree with you that I think that, you know, bringing this stuff up, accusing your own country of murdering your own citizens, is painful for people who lost people.
You go back, you go back with the blind cleric, and then with Yusof, the connection was right there when they bombed World Trade Center 1, and they go to... But don't confuse anybody with facts.
Don't confuse them with facts.
But I will say this, Gerald, I believe that if Charlie Sheen puts his voice and name on this, he's through.
I think that people won't watch his television program, they'll hold it against him.
Now you said something earlier, you said it makes you angry when these conspiratorialists put this stuff out.
They have freedom of speech, I mean, you know, they can say what they want.
Why does it make you angry?
It makes me angry, Bill, because they're making up, in some cases, what they call facts.
They're distributing false information.
In many cases, they know it.
Okay, what?
What is it true?
Again, Posner, you little Al Gore, Bill Clinton operative, you piece of filth.
Get back to him.
Why does it make you angry?
It makes me angry, Bill, because they're making up, in some cases, what they call facts.
They're distributing false information.
In many cases, they know it.
And the product today is much slicker.
You know, in the old days, you used to get a right-wing revisionist who would stand up and say, oh, by the way, the Holocaust is a myth, and they would just deny it, and we all knew they were crazy, and that was the end of it.
These films that they're putting out are very slick.
They tend to show things in a way that if you watch it and you're impressionable, it's like JFK that Oliver Stone did.
Look, it was a good propaganda film.
I view these often as propaganda films, as good as anything that the Third Reich turned out, but they can change impressionable minds.
So the reason I get angry as a journalist is the same reason you would as a journalist.
You see the historical record here being completely muddied up on a case that should be straightforward.
No, I'm stopping.
So, there you go.
They admit that their false history, their lie, their myth, their religion of government worship and tyranny worship and black ski mask worship is falling apart.
They admit that we're engaging them and beating them and stopping them.
I mean, everybody knows JFK is extremely accurate.
You've been totally disproven, you kook.
You're going to be exposed on 9-11.
You know, how dare you?
Charlie Sheen's got more viewers.
He's more popular than ever.
Look at the polls, you twit.
You're a loser.
You don't control history.
You're going to lose.
The people do.
You understand that?
You understand that, you rat?
And there he goes back to Hitler.
We're Hitler now, man.
We're slick.
We're Hitler.
No, we've got the news and we've got the facts.
Back to that Al Gore operative.
You hate the country!
You hate the country, O'Reilly!
You're helping kill it!
But most of these people buy into this.
They just hate the country.
You know, it's just something that people have to be negative.
Look, we're all not happy with what the President's been doing.
I was a Republican.
I'm not happy with my President, what he's been doing, and what's been happening.
But you want to know something?
I'm not going to go against
Well, I was a Muslim.
You know, Muslims try to blame it on Islam.
It's devastating to me.
The one most important thing, Bill, is the people that died there on September 11th and their families.
This is a disgrace to them.
And Martin Sheen's kid there, better watch it.
I agree.
I wouldn't watch anything.
We're looking out for you, Charlie Sheen.
Don't do this.
You're not going to come back from it if you do.
And that's not a threat.
I know the country.
I'm just telling you.
Bo knows the country.
Gerald knows the country.
We won't watch that two and a half kids thing at all.
Not going to do it any good.
Gentlemen, as always, thanks for... Alright.
So, watch yourself.
You know, I'm not going to burn down your grocery store, your gas station here.
But if you hire my cousin Billy and pay him, you know, four or five times regular wages,
Somebody won't burn you down.
How's your daughter doing?
I saw your seven-year-old daughter walking to school the other day.
It's not a threat.
I just want to, you know what I'm saying, I'll look out for her for you.
Would you like me to look out there for you?
I've been really happy to do this for you, dear.
Does that sound good to you, sir?
No, it doesn't sound good to me, sir.
Okay, sir?
We're going to do what we want, sir.
You understand, sir?
And we're going to clean your clocks, sir.
You got that?
You understand me?
You're not going to stop us, you murderers!
We are coming for you!
We are coming for you, New World Order!
We're committed!
We're ready to die!
You're never going to stop us!
And all your intimidation and all your garbage won't put your fraud together again.
All the king's horses and all the king's men will not put your stinking New World Order back together again!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Don't make us break your legs!
Don't make the movie!
Sit down and shut up!
It's disgusting.
Some people are impressed by that mafioso swagger.
I'm not.
This isn't your thing.
This is the American people's thing.
We're gonna run over the top of you.
You got that?
Just keep pushing people around and see what it causes.
See what happens.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
We got a big guest coming up.
Let's just start going to them.
Matt and Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Matt.
Okay, he's gone.
Let's talk to Gary in New York.
Gary, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
God bless.
Finally glad to be on your show.
I just want to issue a warning about a 9-11 Truth member.
I represent New York 9-11 Truth, and there's a character by the name of Wes Jameson that stole our account, that has been selling DVDs at Ground Zero.
And he's splitting up the whole group.
So we're basically issuing a warning about him and making it public.
And we expect that... You know, I've met Les a few times.
He seems like a nice fellow, sir.
And I just don't know about this laundry.
And so that's why it's kind of hard for me to... I mean, this is a big show.
People will... This will turn into a whole big issue.
And I know groups split up and people have fights.
And I've heard some inkling about split-ups and things and that's too bad and stuff like that happens.
But anything else on your mind?
What do you think of this whole Charlie Sheen, Bill O'Reilly?
I mean, I'm talking about Bill O'Reilly.
It's all over Fox.
It was covered on Hannity and Combs.
That David Gibson guy.
I mean, it's all over everywhere.
It's sad that they didn't cover our protest by ABC Studios.
And it's very sad how, you know, you look at the TV set and you just want to break it.
I just, you know, it's really see-through for what it is.
There's really nothing to say about it.
These guys are the lowest scum of the earth.
They're going to be tried very soon.
This thing is splitting up every day.
There's new evidence coming out.
They're very worried.
They can't sleep right at night.
And it's really over for them.
And unless they create some big economic collapse, some big disaster in the big open-minded cities like LA or New York, they're gone.
And they're done for.
I agree with you, sir, and I really appreciate your call.
Is there any website or alternative group you guys are setting up?
Well, we're part of... I'm actually friends with Luke Rutkowski, and... Sure, so the website is... WeAreChange.org, and we're basically working on a website every day.
We're going to make it an everyday news website.
We're adding new materials.
We're working on a new movie, probably going to be called America Double Crossbones.
What do you think of O'Reilly and all these guys with a mafioso?
You better watch it.
You better shut up.
I mean, this is... And then other shows, he says, I'm going to call the police on you.
Well, that's just exposing their tactics.
They're just killing their credibility more and more.
It just shows how they're very, very nervous.
And this show is just about to collapse.
They're losing ratings.
No, it's in the toilet.
Right, so everything they've ever built on, everything they've ever stood for is about to collapse on them and they're really afraid because the higher up you are, the harder you're going to fall.
Absolutely, I appreciate your call.
Absolutely, yeah.
He's like King Kong up on the top of the Empire States Building and you know how that ends.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan.
Dan in Detroit hung up.
Ken in New York.
Ken, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I'll hold you over too.
We're about to break, but go ahead.
Alright, thanks.
You were talking about the New York Post and we just heard all that propaganda and all those threats on the Rupert Murdoch-Owen Fox Network.
And a post in its March 4th Sunday edition had a full page ad on an interview that they had with Newt Gingrich.
And I think you might be interested in seeing that.
Well, is he still giving the speech of the First Amendment must die?
We'll be right back.
Be right back.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
Second hour.
We've got a guest coming up.
I'm going to shift gears.
Incredible topic.
In the third hour, we'll get back to the 9-11 truth and all the other audio clips and stock market fraud news.
I mean, remind me in the third hour, John, to make sure I go to all those clips.
Such important stuff.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Ken in New York.
He was making a point about the New York Post, which is Rupert Murdoch-owned, Fox News, and it's the same theme, shut up, shut up, you shouldn't have free speech, you're Nazis, you're Hitler, you want to kill Jews, when you question 9-11, which I think you protest too much.
Why do they keep bringing Jews into this?
Pretty obvious what they're doing.
Me thinks you protest too much, as Shakespeare said,
This is very, very suspicious.
You were going to make a point about their Sunday edition.
Go ahead.
Right, this is on March 4th.
Full page, post-opinion, it's called, of their regular feature.
And it's entitled, Make It Work.
And the subhead is, America, the war, and the world, according to Newt.
So right below that, there's a big picture of him gesturing with his hand.
And I'll just read you the introduction to the interview that they had with Gingrich.
And it says, note,
The Post's editors sat down with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich last week to discuss the state of American politics and government during the War on Terror.
Themes core to his forthcoming book, American Solutions.
And then it gives a basic transcript or an excerpt of their interview.
And basically Gingrich is saying that the War on Terror is what the next president should all be about, that that's the only overriding concern.
And of course he had nothing but praise for Giuliani, and the Post obviously is pushing the Giuliani presidency, and also Gingrich.
And, you know, Alex, I don't scout the papers as much as you do, and maybe your staff, but I bet my bottom dollar that the New York Post, which I used to read until about seven years ago, I couldn't take it anymore, but the New York Post is probably warmonger paper number one in this country.
And I think this is deliberate.
I think Murdoch is just absolutely demented.
Well, we played a clip of him from Davos a few weeks ago where he said they try to control opinion.
Did you hear that clip?
Yes, I did hear it.
And I urge people just to boycott anything of Rupert Murdoch, whether it's Fox News, whether it's the New York Post, Zondervan Publishing Company, which he bought out a few years ago.
And that's the company that published Rick Warren's book, The Purpose Driven Life, and Rick Warren joined the CFR recently.
And that's all part of taking over Christianity.
Well, undermining it, at least.
I mean, they're taking it over, man.
I mean, most mainline Christians think world governments to be worshipped, that George Bush is to be worshipped, that Israel can do no wrong.
I mean, it's bizarre.
And then laying down to evil is what you're supposed to do.
And lastly, just listening to that interview, or the Fox clip, I heard Posner at least four or five times make references to the Holocaust.
I think four or five times.
Anybody like you, or anybody else who wants more facts to be known about 9-11, or more research to be known, we are all basically complicit in a way, in some kind of mass murder scheme.
Well, that's it.
And we're involved in Hitler propaganda, as slick as Hitler's.
We're just like them.
Yeah, just like them.
I mean, this is off the charts, mindless.
But listen, America's a changing place.
I've got an article here.
And it says Florida City to seize homes over $5 parking ticket.
And this is mainstream news.
This is the Brooksville City Council.
I have their website.
I'm going to get these folks on next week.
I mean, look, petty things will mean ten years in prison in a work camp.
Petty things.
I mean, in the Soviet Union, you didn't go to, you didn't lose your house for a five dollar parking ticket.
And they'll just have lots of local bullies on radio and TV, telling everybody, shut up, shut up, it's good.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, I'm in the New York Post.
Look, Tony Snow at Fox is now the White House press person.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is a definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I remember about a year ago being sent Part 1
In a series, Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings, Volume 1 of the Secret Mysteries series.
And I mean, this was Discovery Channel, History Channel quality, but it was even better.
And I've known David Bay for many years.
I don't know, five, six, seven or so.
I don't remember.
He can probably tell you.
And I called him up and I said, who made this?
He goes, well we found this really good director and film producer and he financed it.
And he made Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 1.
It was excellent.
Well, a couple days ago the DVDs came in because I knew I wanted to carry it.
And so I got a copy of the DVD to watch.
And I was just, it's even better.
If that's possible.
And I've always meant to make a film about, I mean actually I have, a small section of the Order of Death that I made two years ago, a year and a half ago, a small section of that 46 minute film
does get into the occult architecture in D.C.
and other areas.
I've done a few special reports where we show how they always put the goddess Andromeda or the goddess Diana or Eulogia looking down over war memorials in D.C.
or in Europe.
That's the sacrifice to her.
I had Russian TV here with me a few months ago.
Yeah, I think.
And it's also admitted that the Masons got in an argument with the folks in D.C.
because there's these little internal courts they have about their... because they believe architecture gives them power and these are like their temples, these ambulances, and they put them on key positions on the Earth's surface.
I mean, this is crazy stuff, okay?
I'm not saying I believe this stuff.
I'm saying they do.
It'd be like if I was a prosecutor prosecuting a hillside strangler who had a pentagram card in his hand and worshipped Lucifer publicly.
I mean, I don't worship Lucifer, but he does.
It's crazy, but truth is stranger than fiction.
And there's this whole underworld out there that's real.
And if you go to D.C., it's the worst I've ever seen.
Well, Paris is worse worldwide.
I mean, it's the worst, but London's next, and then D.C.
But the globalists and the New World Order Illuminati crowd, with their frontmen, the Masons,
We're able to kind of build D.C.
So you could argue that it's got the most Masonic influence, but I don't know.
I've been in other foreign cities and it's just ridiculous.
You ought to see Ottawa.
That thing's like something out of Lord of the Rings, what a fortress looks like in Mordor.
Skulls, demons everywhere, pentagrams.
I mean, it's un... I mean, that thing's like a...
You ever lived in a big city and when you were younger went to one of the big fancy haunted houses where they just built this big scaffolding of a dark tower?
I mean, that's what Ottawa looks like.
Look, I want to go to our guest.
I'm already digressing here.
My point is that this professionally, and it shows both sides, walks through it and shows the history and the admissions and then
All of the occultism, you know, the National Press Clubs, the owl with the staff and the Aladdin's lamp, the three things they use in the rituals at Bohemian Grove, and then of course the press founded that, and the Western Press Club did.
And you go to the Supreme Court building and it's devils and owls and gargoyles and everything else.
They admit that the Canadian Parliament, this is mainstream news, has the sun calculation of 666 in its major room and has an Ark of the Covenant redo inside a marble box.
But when they were asked about it, they admitted they've got a... I mean, these people, folks, they are obsessed with this.
And their architecture is everywhere.
And so let's play the trailer to Riddles in Stone.
We've got it for you at Infowars.com.
If you want to order it, we just started carrying it.
It just came out.
We hope that you get Riddles in Stone.
And we hope you get it out to everybody at $29.95, because it cost a lot for them to make.
And we appreciate them allowing us to carry it.
Now, if you get it, we've got a deal where you can get a discount on the Order of Death when you do get it, if you'd like.
If you haven't gotten the Order of Death, which is a pretty good film I made,
We're good to go.
You also get my original Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, cut from 2 hours and 5 minutes down to 130 minutes, with new information added and re-digitally mastered.
We went to the original tapes we had.
When I got back from Bohemian Grove in 2000, I ran in with the digital tapes, but edited
Digital, linear, editing, three-quarter inch deck, folks.
And I did it in two weeks while I was getting death threats.
I mean, I literally almost didn't sleep.
I'd do the radio show.
I'd have to get into the studio when I could.
I'd stay up there all night because nobody was there at night.
And it was a decent film, but I've redone that one, too.
But I'm going to shut up and play the trailer, and then we're going to go to David Bay, who was the visionary on getting this done.
And we're going to have the director on next week, by the way.
Who's a genius.
Let's go ahead and play the trailer for Riddles in Stone.
You can watch it up on InfoWars.com right now.
Here it is.
We have a unique nation, a republic, like no others.
And so this must be unique.
This will be our nation's capital.
Clearly, a lot of the designers and architects of Washington D.C.
were masons, starting with George Washington himself, who was a guiding force.
I do not believe that there are any secret plans or designs related to Freemasonry.
Well, it was definitely designed according to Masonic principles.
The streets are laid out that way.
The buildings are laid out that way.
Conspiracists are always looking under their bed for evidence that there is some vast conspiracy.
And Masons may very well say that they really aren't influential as far as Washington, D.C.
is concerned, and yet the cornerstone was laid by Masons.
You see the inverted five-pointed star, which is the Goat of Nimbus, built into the streets of Washington, D.C.
No, there are no satanic plans in the street plans of Washington, D.C.
A pentagram to the north of the White House.
But the streets don't actually connect to form a pentagram.
This is geometry.
It happens.
No one can have that happen accidentally.
The anti-Masons want to show that there is some demonic conspiracy.
It's veil worship.
That's what you're involved in.
That is what Masonry is based upon, the power of the dragon.
In a word,
When you want to talk about symbols and what they mean, you really have to look at who's authored these symbols.
The symbols, they're always multiple levels.
Symbols reveal and they conceal.
And that's why they're used and that's why they're so important.
They reveal to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
If I would have told you this 15 years ago, I might have gotten shot.
When they're shooting at you, you know they're serious.
Alright, folks.
David Bay, a long intro, but I tell ya, this is just fantastic.
Out of the gates, tell us about yourself, and then tell us about the director, and how Part 1 and now Part 2 got made.
And I love it when, as the parts get better as you go, that's not normally the case.
But congratulations, and good work.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you very much, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be here.
The research behind
These seven series of films that we are going to produce all under the Secret Mysteries of America's Beginning headline.
It's not three.
Then I was ignorant.
Was it originally three?
Now it's going to be seven?
It was originally four.
There is so much material that we just feel like we have to extend this because there's just so much more material we couldn't fit into the first video or the second video.
And so we are now going to make seven.
But this represents 14 years of research.
And like I said, last year when we talked, I found this excellent filmmaker, Chris Pinto.
He's a Christian filmmaker, probably the only one in the industry, but he's really, really terrific.
I'm so pleased the way he took the material that I presented him and
And some material that he found on his own and just, uh, uh, you know, uh, he, he, uh, weaved into a magnificent storyline, I think.
Now, again, the Loose Change guys have put out a powerful film.
You are the guy that put out some documentaries and Get Better and Better and basically an online video and bookstore.
You did this.
I mean, I think that you're showing how you can trailblaze and, you know, tip my own hat.
I have a few feathers here.
I've kind of trailblazed a few things myself.
That's right, you have.
But the point here is, is everybody can do this with God's guidance.
If you ask God to lead, guide, and direct you, and I know you've done that, David Bay.
Yes, I mean absolutely.
Cutting Edge Ministries has been the Lord's work ever since I started in 1989.
But this is the film that I felt that the Lord wanted me to put out.
It shows masonry for what it really is.
And it shows that while America's cultural foundation is people's values, we're Christian, it's leaders, we're secret society pagans.
And what I wanted to do is... Well stay there, stay there, we're going to get back.
And you know what, I'm going to dig that clip up.
Of the Hellfire Club.
Stay with us.
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We're good.
I think so.
Day after day, alone.
Welcome back!
David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries is our guest.
We are carrying his new film, Riddles in Stone, Part 2 of the Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings.
An unbelievably good film.
First off, I wanted to play a clip from about a four-year-old TV program about Benjamin Franklin, who ended up dying in England, and the satanic worship he enjoyed.
Now, this is admitted mainstream news.
For anyone who knows history, the general public will laugh all day.
Franklin was really a British agent, all evidence shows.
Tried to throw the war, but he failed.
Here it is.
America was born in rebellion, and a few of its greatest icons made alliances with the host of hell.
In the late 1700s, a group of Englishmen formed the first Hellfire Club, a fraternity dedicated to drinking, sex, and at times, ridiculing Christianity and mocking its sacred rituals.
Members met at ruined monasteries to revel in black masses and drunken orgies.
An occasional participant was the American ambassador to Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin.
Alright, David Bay, your film goes a lot deeper than the History Channel.
This is documented.
Break down the film and why folks need to get it.
Well, the film documents the fact that our founding fathers
We're following the Illuminati plan set forth by Sir Francis Bacon, Queen Elizabeth, when they founded this nation.
And that plan was that America was to be the leading nation of all the nations of the world, gradually leading them into a global economy, a global religion, and a global government, a global dictatorial government.
And then, you know,
You know, uh, phase out of it, you know, once it's led the world into the, you know, into this new global system, then America, America's influence would phase out, America would shrink to just another, just one of the, just one of the nations, you know, in the, in the global system.
Yeah, that's right.
Use the United States as an engine for global hegemon and empire, working with the British Empire, and then phase those out into the larger global government structure.
But once that's done,
Then, the Illuminati plan is to stage a Masonic Christ, and he will then lead the world into a thousand years of peace.
And they really believe this, and they've written books about this.
Supreme Grand Headmasons have said this, and that they believe Lucifer is Christ, or that Christ is really the devil.
Well, they believe in the as above, so below maxim, which means, among other things,
Means that Lucifer and Jesus Christ are opposite but equal gods.
And they serve Lucifer, and not Jesus.
But they don't look upon Jesus as being omnipotent God, as the Bible says, and Lucifer being a beaten foe.
Oh no!
They believe that Lucifer is an equal to Jesus Christ.
Absolutely, and that's admitted, and they feel the power of Lucifer seething in their hands in the words of Albert Pike.
And they believe they're energized by this power.
Then you've got the general public who sees the pyramid symbols, the all-seeing-eye symbols,
Interlocking triangles, symbols, hundreds of Illuminati symbols.
They're everywhere.
It's a whole language and the general public isn't even aware.
How does architecture come in?
Because we know it's their central temple.
We discovered that the architecture of Washington DC tells this story.
If you know what you're looking for, it tells this story.
That America is to lead the nations of the world
To a man whom they call, you know, not only their Masonic Christ, but they call him Destiny.
And when a Luciferian creates a symbol, whether it's on a piece of paper, or whether it's on the ground as the street layout, or whether it's a building, they believe, not you and I believe it, but they believe that that
Uh, that, uh, that symbol, that design, that building, that street design, uh, begins to pulsate with a cold power from the supernatural realm 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
And that that power will move the, move
The world moved the nation in the direction that they want it to be moved.
Yeah, they believe it's a focusing tool or a vortex.
A giant amulet.
And they believe further that when they dedicate
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
Look at your young men fighting.
Look at your women crying.
Look at your young men dying.
The way they've always done before.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
David Bay is our guest.
And if you go up to Infowars.com right now, you can get Riddles in Stone for $29.95.
If you'd like to get it as a combo deal with Secret Mysteries of America, we've got a little discount.
We've got a huge discount if you get it with my film, The Order of Death, that is pretty darn good if I don't say so myself.
And it comes free with a whole other film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, remastered, recut, and updated in 2005.
So you get the new film Order of Death with Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grub on the same DVD over three hours and then you two films are not over it's two and a two and a half hours now because we cut some out that's right to make it
No, I don't.
Reynolds and Stone's Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.
will continue to explore the fascinating history behind the origins and focus of the world's most powerful nation, America.
And it is such important work, and we're blessed to have David Bay and his director, who together collaborated to make Part One, which I thought was, again, amazing.
It's, they're both good, but this one I've got to say is stronger.
Just because it's more, you know, it's closer into history, it's closer to our time, and you can see the evidence everywhere.
And again, this is admitted by the elites.
They're totally... I mean, Tony Blair every day is possessed by the great white spirit, he calls it.
He flops around on the ground.
He goes to weird Aztec temples and does rituals and goes to Greece and does them.
Ronald Reagan gave speeches down to the exact minute of when the astrologer said, do it.
That's kind of low-level occult stuff.
The point is, you need to get this new film.
It is extremely powerful.
Riddles in stone.
Available at infowarriors.com or by calling 888.
Alright, going back to David Bay, then we're going to go to these loaded phone lines.
David, again, just kind of in a thumbnail sketch, walk through why the elite do this.
They really believe there's going to be a world government leader.
They're Christ.
They're Masonic Christ.
One world religion.
They want to reduce our numbers.
I'm making a film parallel to this right now that just gets into the actual politics of it.
You know, instead of the history of it.
But, I mean, break it down, because I want people tuning in to understand.
You know, you're 14 years of research, and I've done the same amount of research.
Unfortunately, it's horrifying that this is real.
We're not telling you about... I mean, take Ghostbusters.
I mentioned that, and then we ran into the break.
In that movie, which of course is ridiculous, most of it, but it says there's a crazy architect in New York who built a building to channel spiritual energy.
Well, the truth is, that's what they admit capitals are built for.
The Frost Bank building downtown looks like the building out of Ghostbusters.
There's weird crystal pyramids throughout the building and pyramids all over the place.
I mean, they believe they get power from this.
David Bay?
Not only that, Alex, but they use our hard-earned tax dollars to build those things.
But yes, the capital was made to
What was made to reverberate with a very powerful occult energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
And they felt that America would have to be this leader into this global system.
For somewhat over 200 years, people with this system could come into play.
They also build them on key meridian lines.
Washington, D.C., as we show in Volume 1, the New Atlantis was on the southernmost city, built on a line with each other.
It was Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, all built on a ley line.
And as you extend that line out over the Atlantic, the line goes right smack-dab through the middle of Stonehenge, which is, you know, a tremendous pagan black magic symbol.
But Washington, D.C.
was not only the southernmost city on that ley line of the five cities, but she's also on a north-south meridian, on the 77th meridian, which is considered by a cult to be God's meridian.
No, no, no.
Elaborate on Atlanta.
That's really key to them.
Atlantis, you mean?
No, Atlanta, Georgia.
Well, Atlanta, Georgia was named after their mythical city, Atlanta.
And it's a city that's just alive with all sorts of occultic goings-on.
You know, it's amazing.
Denver also is a major power site.
Austin, San Francisco, why are those cities so important to them?
They are all believed to be on an occult, sacred site.
Not secret, but sacred site.
Denver, for example, is, you know, the occultists believe that Denver is sitting right on, you know, openings in the ground that go into the inner earth.
And cultures believe that there is such a thing as an inner earth.
The inner earth that's been depicted in movies, they believe in that.
It's amazing.
They've got your tax dollars.
They command our armies and our forces and all of our weapons.
It's a force that is absolutely to be reckoned with.
Earlier I was babbling, I didn't get to the story because I moved on to something else, but a couple of months ago, Russian TV was here.
And I was explaining that capitals themselves are heaps, you know, they're breast, that obelisks are of course the male sexual organ.
That's 101 anthropology in college.
It's not, you know, some secret occult studies.
That's what those are fashioned after.
But I explained to them that it was, you know, goddess Diana
That was on top of the tower, on top of the Capitol building here in Austin with the Lone Star in her hand.
And the Russians, you know, were rolling their eyes.
We get into the building and they put up some display about the goddess of the building and how she helps the building and the history of the goddess and how it's a temple.
And the Russians had their mouths, one particular Russian lady, had her mouth hanging open.
So, I mean, that was kind of fortuitous or a blessing that that happened.
The goddess is prevalent in Washington, D.C.
In fact, one author, who has now become a Freemason, David Oberson, has written a book about the Masonic secret architecture of Washington, and he says that all of Washington is about the goddess.
Well, that's a half-truth, because what Washington is really about is the right-angled triangle.
There's always both sides.
There's always the male and the female.
There's always the goddess and then the horned stag.
But see, they picture, in the layout of Government Center, they have two right-angled triangles.
The larger Lawn Fawn triangle and the smaller Federal triangle.
And according to their reinterpretation of the Pythagoras right-angled triangle,
The Divine Child, the Masonic Christ, is produced by a mystical reunion between the male, which is the upright part of the right triangle, and the female, the Goddess, which is the horizontal.
They mystically unite sexually, and the Divine Child is formed, and he is pictured by the hypotenuse.
So, Pennsylvania is the hypotenuse of both the Federal Triangle and the Law and Bond Triangle.
And so, in the street design of Washington... And then, of course, you have the Oval Office, that is, the ovaries, and then you've got all the obelisks, it's all coming together there at the White House, and then down at the bottom of the pentagram, you've got the Capitol.
Yeah, well, not the pentagram, but the right angle triangle, right.
Yeah, the Capitol is at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
The White House is at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
That's the hypotenuse.
That is the Divine Child.
And then, on the National Archives building, facing Pennsylvania Avenue, you know, Pennsylvania Avenue is the hypotenuse, which is the Divine Child.
You've got the man, Destiny.
Uh, uh, uh, depicted in the Tempanium, uh, at the very top of the Archives Building.
And he is sitting on a throne of the world!
And he is ruling the world!
And above him are six stars, and of course, six is the number of a perfected man, to the occultist.
So he is overlooking Pennsylvania Avenue, which is the Hyde Park.
And the Bible tells us, let he who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast.
And they put it right out in front of us.
They hang their sign right out.
They hang their shingle out.
Well, Adolf Hitler used to love to say that the best way to hide something is to put it out in the open.
And that's exactly what they've done.
They've counted on the fact that as Americans,
That as America rolled through its history, got further and further away from the Great Awakening revival of the late 1700s, that the people would become less and less aware of occult symbols and occult beliefs.
Well, if you want to get into occult symbols, what about all the... I mean, once we get into this, we realize it's everywhere, though.
Most of the churches have these male member steeples.
Yeah, right.
Well, yeah.
Occultists claim that church steeples are disguised obelisks.
And of course, in many, many of your mainline churches, if you look in their graveyards, many of the graves are obelisks.
I mean, it's been in American society since the very, very beginning.
Now, we're not saying that every church has got a steeple, that your preacher is a devil worshipper.
No, absolutely not.
The point is, this stuff is just everywhere.
It's everywhere.
And, you know, it's just permeating our society.
What people need to understand is, and I go back to it, the foundation of America
As far as the people's values are concerned, the cultural values, was based on Christian principles.
But, the government itself was steeped in paganism, and it's the kind of paganism that the Bible foretells at the end of the age.
And this is going to fulfill Bible prophecy when this is fully worked out.
Now, from my research, about what, 60% of the Founding Fathers were Masons?
Probably, yeah.
Well, probably.
Although, Manly P. Hall,
Who is declared by masons to be the greatest modern mason ever.
He said that 50 of the 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence were free masons.
And we run into similar, you know, 50, 52, you know,
But let's be clear though, a lot of them were porch masons, that is, they weren't at the highest levels worshipping the black dragon in the pit.
That's true, that's true.
That is a fact.
There are two types of Masonic lodges, the visible and the invisible.
And the visible lodge is what is visible, of course, everybody sees it.
And about 95% of all Masons at any one time are members of the Visible Lodge.
And that's not even an outer gate to their real temples.
That's only one outer gate that could lead to their real temples.
They have many gates, many front groups.
Yeah, it's a smoke and mirrors society.
But Manly Hall says the purpose of the Visible Lodge is to hide the very existence of the invisible.
And what we're talking about here are mostly our guys in the Invisible Lodge.
I mean, the Invisible Lodge.
And that lets the Invisible Lodge have false motives for mainline masons so they can also keep an eye in a secret brotherhood on many of the good and prominent men.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's an organization that is not only smoking mirrors, but it is
It's as deceptive as you can imagine, and the people in the Visible Lodge are lied to all their lives.
Guys can be a 33rd degree mason, have been a mason for 40 years, and not realize that everything they've been taught is a lie.
And, you know, Albert Pike said in his book, Morals and Dogma, it is not necessary for members, for Freemasons to actually learn the meaning of the symbols,
It's only necessary that they think they know the meaning of the symbol.
And so they lie to their own people.
But that's, you know, that's Freemasonry, but that's the kind of society that founded our country and rules it today.
We quote the House Resolution number 33, which was passed in January of this year.
And it says that most of the founding fathers
Were Masons.
Now that, the House Resolution number 33, passed just this year.
Now of course, 33 is a very important number to them.
Oh yeah, it's the, you know, number 11 to them is the number of their Masonic Christ.
And anything times 11 is considered also to be a number of their coming Christ.
So, 22 and 33 are very important.
33 also goes into Pi.
Yeah, they just love it.
Yeah, it all just seems to flow together, you know?
But this film, Riddles and Stones, Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., shows the story that's being told in
In Washington D.C.
and how it all flows.
The obelisk, which you mentioned, is the male shaft.
To be exact, it's Bale's shaft.
It's the devil's member.
Well, the bail is considered to be, you know, has become synonymous with the devil.
But the corn, wine, and oil ceremony, which the Masons have, you know, used to dedicate, they dedicated the ground originally that the Capitol was built on, they built, they dedicated with corn, wine, and oil every single major building, you know, in the government center, all the way up through the
The time of Franklin Roosevelt.
Explain why they do that.
Well, corn, wine, and oil, according to Hosea chapter 1, is a bail ceremony.
And God said, you did not know that it was I who gave you the corn, wine, and oil, which you then prepared for bail.
So it is veil worship, and it's interesting, we allow Freemasons apologists pretty good time on this video.
We let them have their say.
And occasionally, they came out with some unexpected gems.
For example, Trevor McEwen... Stay there!
Stay there!
We're going to come back and talk to George in Arizona and others.
Got this segment, one other left, and we're going to get to all your calls.
Coming up in the third hour, also got a special guest joining us, a bunch of audio clips.
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I think so.
Imagine the leaders of almost every major nation striving for a one world government of total tyranny and oppression so they're
Their leader, the one with destiny carved on his head, can be our ruler.
I know he has special presence for all his servants.
Don't worry.
The churches will hail it as Jesus.
People wonder how this could happen.
They're already set up to do it.
Meanwhile, 15 soldiers detained by Iranian Navy and our government, the British, sent a man to have confrontations in their waters to grab Iranian ships
And the Israelis are saying that embassies in Tehran are preparing escape plans.
So it looks like they're trying to start it.
I mean, this could happen any time, but we're seeing all the tell-tale signs.
That's coming up in the next hour.
David Bay is our guest.
We've got to get him up again in the near future.
We're going to have his...
The director who made the film up as well, Riddles in Stone, Secret Architecture in Washington, D.C.
Such an important film available on Infowars.com.
I hope you get it.
Let's go to George in Arizona for David Bay.
You're on the air, George.
Hi Alex and David Bay.
Thank you for letting me come on.
I wanted to ask the question and then I'm going to read you the answer, okay?
What is the connection between Freemasonry and the Rothschild Bank of England?
And what I'm going to read is page 74, Mortals and Dogma, by Albert Pike.
All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Jewish Kabbalah and returned to it.
All of the Masonic associations owe to the Jewish Kabbalah the secrets and their symbols.
So all secrets and symbols of Freemasonry come out of the Jewish Kabbalah.
Now let me read page 321, one or two sentences.
This is the second most secret of the Freemasons.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer.
Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of darkness.
Lucifer, the son of the Eastern Star.
It is he who bears the light, and with its splendors, intolerably blinds feeble and selfish souls.
Doubt it not.
So, the tie-in is always, why is the Rothschild Bank of England a Freemasonry?
And the answer is, it's the Walla.
Sure, let me comment on that.
Have you seen the new Israeli Supreme Court building?
It's a giant, all-seeing eye.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
DIP sent that to me, that's correct.
With Thunderbolt shooting out of it, but let me...
And again, I'm not defending Israel or defending the Kabbalah here.
People take this out of context.
I'm saying it all comes out of the same place.
So for Pike to say it's all Jewish is really deceptive.
It's the same thing.
It's like if you have, again, three bank robbers.
They're all three bank robbers.
Okay, so I'm not defending, I'm saying that's bad and wicked, and we're exposing it.
The point is, where did the Jews learn that?
They learned that in Egypt, when they were in captivity.
In Babylon.
Well, I understand, but Egypt had its own construction mystery schools, then they went into captivity in Babylon, and then you got the Zohar, and all that later.
But it didn't matter, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Egyptians were all doing the same thing too.
That's right.
It's a combined Gentile-Jewish conspiracy.
The fact that the Kabbalah formed the cornerstone for their belief is true, but it doesn't mean that this is all a Jewish conspiracy.
It's a Gentile-Jewish conspiracy.
I agree with what you're saying.
It looks like God moved His people west and ended up here in the New World, but also God moved the bad guys west.
Uh, you know, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and then they went to Greece, and then they went to Rome, and then they went to Paris, and then they went to, you know, London, and then they went to, uh, what's that called?
The, uh... New York.
New York City, but I can't, uh... What's the name of that hotel that's with the big, uh, uh, British, uh, spy base?
Um... I can't think of it.
Anyway, one of those guys went down with it.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Stay there, caller.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're very close.
Just an afterthought.
I'm getting Cynthia McKinney on today.
We were having the director, the producer of Blackout, American Blackout,
A powerful examination of voting rights in America.
Hollywood Reporter was the winner of basically every film prize you can get.
This is ridiculous.
It's that well done.
And it just focuses on one sector of election fraud.
A sure thing is what Variety called it.
The New York Times called it a provocative look at the 2004 election.
And this was several years in the making, folks.
This is amazing.
Proving massive election fraud.
So we're going to have the director Ian Inababa on, and he's trying to get Cynthia on right now.
It was his idea.
So that's coming up in a few minutes.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to your calls here.
I want to move quick.
I want to get to Lori and Shannon and Andrew and everybody.
But Tito in Vancouver, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, thanks Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I've been a long-time listener, first-time caller.
Discovered you off Rents and followed your links and eventually I was awoken too.
I got a couple quick stories here to relate for you and your listeners.
Sure, thank you.
Okay, on the weekend, this is sort of a story of the microcosm of your US border with Mexico.
Up here in Canada on the weekend, we went out for some St.
Paddy's Day drinks, me and three fellas.
We went to a local drinking establishment, and while we were in line, the doorman, with the black leather gloves on, stopped us, asking for a copy of a government ID that they were going to photocopy, and keep a copy of, while we were in their establishment.
One of my friends, of the four of us, failed to have any ID with him.
He apparently had left his wallet home.
And instead of turning us all away, or turning him away,
He said, the three of you are going to pay her $5 and get your ID photocopied and do the regular things that law-abiding citizens do.
And the guy without any ID is going to walk in, he's not going to pay anything, and he's not going to have any ID noted of who he is.
So he walked in, and we had our ID photographed, and I asked the lady why she was doing it.
She said it was because they wanted to, in case something happened at the bar, they had a record of who was in there.
And I just, I told her that I thought it was kind of funny.
By the way, this is how the corporations are getting us ready for the National ID Card.
Literally, IDing 85 year old, I don't want to exaggerate, I've seen them ID like 75, 80 year old women.
I mean, women who can hardly walk, folks.
I mean, they're probably 80.
And I've seen like 75 year old men.
One time I saw an 80 year old one buying pipe tobacco.
Had to be 80.
50, 60, grey-haired women, 45.
I mean, folks, I try not to drink and I've totally quit even drinking that one glass of wine with Italian food, but we'll have friends coming over and I'll go buy some wine.
I look really old, folks.
I mean, I'm a little bit overweight.
People think I'm like 45.
I'm 33.
They card me, folks, when I'm buying liquor or alcohol.
I mean, this is insane.
Uh, this is nuts.
I mean, I've been on vacation, decided to buy a cigar, and the old card.
And I told the story, this is about three years ago, he since quit and works for another company.
This old, uh, fellow I know, veteran, and well, he listens to the show.
I'm walking in there one night, and there's an old lady, about 65, 70, and she's, uh, buying, uh, she's not an old lady, hell, I'm getting old now too, myself, you know what I mean, older.
Buy a beer, 12 pack of Bud Light, and he said, ID please, and he swiped it, and I said, what are you doing?
He goes, Alex, you're going to love this, and I told the story, he brought me around behind the counter, and he goes, look at this, I know if she's got any warrants or anything, and we're told to do this, you see that camera?
That's hooked into Diamond Shamrock, it's now Valero, computer systems, and they're watching us, and I've got to do that with any beer or cigarette sales.
And I went, wow!
And now they do it everywhere.
But again, if you're an illegal alien... See, it... This is so important.
I wish we weren't out of time as the guest was coming up.
Anything else you want to add about it?
I just wanted to add that's sort of the joke of the whole situation.
And I had one last quick comment.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to get to you after the break.
You know, I end up running over people because they bring up points and I want to add to it.
This is real, folks.
This is... It's not just the illegal aliens.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A muckraking indictment of the systematic disenfranchisement of African-American voters, the LA Times wrote,
Winner of every major film festival you can think of.
I'm not going to go over it all.
It was the Special Jury Prize at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.
And I had a chance to meet its director, Ian Inaba.
Oh, I guess back at the 2004 Project Censored Awards, when he was just starting the production of this, it took two years to make.
I mean, this
It is a film that deserves to be seen to learn the dirty tricks.
I can't describe this film.
I mean, it's not just about the disenfranchisement of blacks, but it's a window.
You can't, you know, focus on everything.
The world's too big, but it's just amazing.
And how they set up Cynthia McKinney and all the things that happened to her.
I mean, she's a lady that'll get Rumsfeld in front of her and say, where are the trillions missing from the Pentagon?
Why do you run giant child kidnapping rings?
You know, why do you let DynCorp do that?
And then the Governor of Illinois talked about it.
She will bring up stuff that I mean, I think I would have the nerve, but I frankly have this, the hair on the back of my neck stands up to think about sitting in Congress with General Myers, then Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, definitely involved in 9-11, Rumsfeld and others, and saying, you're working with child kidnappers.
You've stole trillions.
They cheated her in one congressional election.
They cheated her again.
They just set her up again.
And a man who's been following her for, what, two plus years to make this film, American Blackout, joins us.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
We are selling this video.
We hope you will get it.
I think it's some of the best work from the Guerrilla News Network.
And the director, Ian Inaba, joins us.
Ian, thank you for coming on.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Run through just kind of an overview, you know, hitting the key points of why you decided to make the film, how this progressed, you know, in the middle of it, just documenting it as it happened, and what really happened to Cynthia McKinney and why she's been targeted more than any other congressperson that I've seen in recent history by the Bush crime syndicate.
That's right, Alex.
Well, you know, at the Guerrilla News Network, like yourselves here at InfoWars, we try to cover stories that we feel the mainstream media doesn't properly cover.
And so, back in 2002-2003, we started to write a book called True Lies, where we were looking at different stories, including certain elements of 9-11, how we treat our soldiers with the anthrax vaccine, electronic voting machines,
And one story in particular that I was watching was what was happening to this Congresswoman down in Georgia.
And at the time, you know, Cynthia McKinney had started to raise some issues, and she started to vote for a Palestinian state, and she had a lot of enemies.
She started to build a lot of enemies.
She had been in Congress for 10 years, actually, at that point.
And they mounted a very large campaign to get her out.
Um, in the state of Georgia, and they were successful.
And, um, why I was looking at her story was because this was at the time period after 9-11, but before the war in Iraq, where the Bush administration really was taking to task anybody that raised, um, these types of questions, or questioned what they were doing.
Um, and Cynthia McKinney, like you said, is somebody that fearlessly, um, kind of has gone out in front and raised these questions before anybody else, and really put herself out in the media and in the public
Um, to take those first arrows, you know, and so, um, she was somebody that I really wanted to profile and to get to know and to learn more about her story because I felt it was this important time where here was this one single congressperson that was willing to raise these questions while the mainstream media was nowhere to be found.
Um, so, as I started to meet her and follow her, um, I really, you know, there were a couple key issues that kept on coming up.
She had followed a lot of the same stories including, you know, electronic voting machines and certain vaccines that are run by government contractors which make our soldiers sick.
We forget she questioned the official 9-11 story and said it was a cover-up.
I mean, what, in 2002?
I mean, this woman's incredible!
That's right.
She was the one and she has been a leading figure on the 9-11 truth movement ever since.
Here again is a sitting public official who is willing to raise these questions.
She's a trailblazer, so they spend all their time demonizing her.
That's right, that's right.
And so, as I was following her, though, one thing really came clear, and that is how important the vote is, and how they're able to silence her and this important voice of dissent by controlling the voting system.
Yeah, 12% of the country is black, and that is a key swing vote.
That's right, that's right.
While they're only 12%, 90% of them vote typically for a Democratic candidate.
So it very much affects the Democrat races.
So if they're able to manipulate it like they do in her case in the primary, they can actually control which Democratic candidates get into office as well.
So I continued to follow her and I wanted to tell the story of what happened back in the 2000 election and then what, as I was following her, then happened again in Ohio.
And for most people that don't know these stories, but may have heard of them before, back in 2000 in Florida, how the state of Florida was won by the Bush administration was that they essentially removed about 90,000 voters from the voter rolls in Florida.
That state was again won by 537 votes.
And so, if you consider that you're going to remove 90,000 names from the list, and probably prevent at least a couple thousand of those people from voting on Election Day, you probably have the differential for how Bush won that state.
So again, by controlling and targeting black voters in key swing states, where the political strategists have determined that the races, particularly presidential races, are going to come down to, because remember, because of the Electoral College,
The political strategist can calculate down to almost the precinct where the presidential election will take place.
And that's why what Blackwell did in Ohio is so key and now it's come out in court and been admitted and people have been arrested for organized election fraud, blocking voters, predominantly blacks.
That's absolutely right, and that's why you saw Ken Blackwell overwhelmingly get defeated in Ohio.
And there's no debating it, folks.
They stole the election in Ohio.
Now, I don't like Skull and Bones Kerry, and of course he was a ringer too, because you can't just stage it at the state or electoral level.
You've also got to have the candidate, once he's been robbed, take a dive.
So it's two components there.
But clearly, Al Gore won in 2000, John Kerry won in 2004,
George Bush is literally installed like a dictator and then trying to physically be one.
That's right.
And it's all done by trampling on the voting rights of African Americans in the United States.
Absolutely amazing.
That is the story that I wanted to tell going into the 2006 election.
And then you discovered all these dirty tricks and everything else.
Let's get into that, that key area.
We all remember she was saying racist things.
Her bodyguards, the police, all of PSYOP.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, so we released the film at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008.
And let's be clear, you've been following her around everywhere.
I mean, I saw her, I was there to interview her at the Project Centered Awards, and I was getting second place.
And there was Cynthia McKinney, the keynote speaker, I'd already interviewed her before, but I mean, you're constantly covering her, go ahead.
That's right, yeah, I followed her around the country for about two and a half years.
Um, as she was in office, then out of office on the anti-war circuit and 9-11 truth movement circuit, um, and then as she came back in office and won in 2004.
Um, and then so as we made the film and released it then in early 2006, we were gaining a lot of momentum.
Um, the film placed at the Sundance Film Festival with a jury prize.
There were a number of networks and theatrical distributors interested in taking the film out and really exposing this issue to a larger scale.
And we continue to gain momentum at additional film festivals throughout the beginning of 2006.
But then one day, I got this call in March, where somebody from Cynthia McKinney's office called me and said, Ian, you know, something's happened to Cynthia.
They're saying that she's hit this police officer.
And at that moment, Alex, I knew.
I said, you know, here they come.
I knew they were going to come after her again.
But I didn't know, I didn't think it would be that early.
I thought it would be closer to 90.
And Alex admitted, first they said they had cameras and they admitted that wasn't true.
Then it turned out they did, they didn't want to show them.
All she did was pull her hand back.
That's how that, that's so sick.
And that's the executive branch in control of those cops doing this.
This is the executive, literally, they have the drills, the gun takeover drills, ordering Congress around.
This is so dangerous, but go ahead.
No, that's right.
I mean, you know, so what they claim is that, you know, she hit this police officer as he was attempting to check her ID, walking her way into Congress.
And, you know, what she had told me is like, look, this happens to me once a month, at least, that they harass her.
And so I went to Capitol Hill because once that event happened, it really affected our ability to put this film out.
The major broadcasters pulled back their offers, the theatrical distributors also pulled back, and we were left on our own.
Yeah, it was a massive demonization campaign.
That's right.
And so she was plastered, once again, all over the news media as being this racist, anti-Semitic, crazy black woman, you know, who doesn't know what she's talking about.
And I've been around her and interviewed her many times.
She's extremely intelligent.
Yeah, no, she is.
She's a very well-studied, hard-working individual.
And so, um, I went to Capitol Hill, though, to try to find out what the real story is, and I got actually four black police officers who were willing to talk to me, um, and that is actually on the DVD, so people can actually see that as a DVD extra if they get in.
It's incredible.
And what they paint is a much different picture.
What they tell is a story where there's a standing class action lawsuit between the Black Police Officers Association and the rest of the general police officer organization on Capitol Hill, where they claim that they've been harassed and racially harassed for a number of years and that unequally treated.
And Cynthia McKinney was one of the only Congress people to stand up and sign their petition and actually ask for a few resignations in cases where there was an explicit use of racialized language.
So let's be clear.
She was already fighting with the Capitol Police Union.
They hated her.
That's right.
So you've got the retribution right there.
She was sticking up for the black police officers.
She had called for the resignation of the general counsel of the police officers force.
And of course, you never heard that in the media.
It was just this crazy, wild-haired, that's what they were saying, black woman in little racial terms about what her eyes look like and all this stuff, and ha ha ha ha ha, and isn't she nuts, and all of it was acceptable, just out of the blue, crazy black woman.
But in truth, she was standing up to him.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss
You know, Ron Paul is running for president.
Welcome back.
The demonization is already heated up.
They have stolen elections and shot her down twice, but she came back and fought them each time.
Pray she'll do it again.
We've got Cynthia McKinney on with us and the director, Ian Obama, of American Blackout, an unbelievable film, winner of the jury prize of the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.
The establishment was scared this was going to hit theaters.
And they used the police union that she'd already exposed as involved in a lot of problems to come after her, harass her.
All she did was pull her hand away.
They let her have to admit that.
See, the first few days, she was wild and crazy and hitting people for no reason.
And then they said, we got video of it.
They said, we'll show it.
Well, we don't.
So Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney joins us.
Pop in any time, Ian, the director.
Congresswoman, this is a short segment right now.
Can you just, in a nutshell, explain the succession of dirty tricks?
Well, I guess you could say, well, the dirty trick started from the day I was sworn in, but if we just go to the year 2006, in January I had an encounter with the Capitol Hill Police and what they did was they had a special training session where they passed my photograph around to all of the Capitol Hill police officers within the Capitol complex and said, know her face.
Because Capitol Hill police officers are required to know the faces of all 535 members of Congress.
Then in February, when it happened again, they posted my photograph around at the stations.
Now let's be clear, let's be clear, it happened again, them stopping you, grabbing on you?
Well, there was no physical contact in the first two instances.
And that's, you know, but then in the third time it happened, this particular officer was particularly aggressive.
In addition to the fact that he totally failed to secure the building, which was his secondary responsibility, aside from recognizing me, and all I'm doing is going to work.
And then, of course, there was the physical contact, which was totally uncalled for, for someone who had failed to do their job.
But at any rate, the bottom line is that this had been a form of harassment, but it never, ever crossed my mind that there was a possibility that there was retribution being sought for some actions that I had done previously.
And it was then, through the work of Guerrilla News Network and Ian,
That, um, when he spoke to black Capitol Hill police officers, they exposed the rest of the story.
And that rest of the story is on the American Blackout DVD.
Now, for those that don't get to film, everybody should have us show it to everybody.
Explain what the black officers revealed.
Well, Ian, why don't you talk about your experience in getting with them.
Well, you know, first of all, it took a long time to build the trust of the police officers to get them to speak on camera.
But once we did, they revealed a story where, because Cynthia had stood up for their interests, they really believed that she had been repeatedly targeted by the white officers.
Um, that there was this kind of running joke that, oh, here she comes up the stairs, I'm gonna stop her, I'm gonna stop her, and that they were specifically harassing her more so than even the other black members, who in general, they say, are harassed more than the white members.
Well, this is literally like a Pretorian guard who would routinely just become the Caesars themselves.
I mean, Bush is already, with his control of the surrounding federal police, I know Congress controls the others, you know, there's a backfire in the garage, so they shut half of D.C.
down, and I've seen congressmen, these are white congressmen on TV doing an interview, and they run up with machine guns and say, get out of here, and start shoving them!
That is, listen, Congress is the boss, because they work for the people!
Congresswoman, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney comments?
Well, I mean, you know, Alex, you have a knack of saying it exactly the way it needs to be said, and there's nothing more that can be said.
But the bottom line is, you're absolutely right.
These people are employed by the public to protect the members of Congress, to protect the Congress, to protect the public.
And unfortunately, after my incident, I heard from
Tons of people around the country who also had tales to tell of what they considered to be improper treatment at the hands of the Capitol Hill Police.
But Alex, if you also look at the differential between right after McKinney's incident with that incident with Congressman Kennedy, you know, where he was driving, you know, under, inebriated, right, and got into an accident.
How many, did he run into like ten cars or something?
Well, he ran into the, actually, the barricade that they're protecting the congressional bill with.
He was whisked away while McKinney was pressed charges and sent to a grand jury.
Yeah, but it was also in the press, wasn't it?
He also careened into cars as he was just like,
Yes, yes.
We'll stay there, Congresswoman.
Stay there, Cynthia McKinney.
We've got a break.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Final segment with both our guests.
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A sure thing is what Variety called it.
The New York Times called it a provocative look at the 2004 election.
A muckraking indictment of the systematic disenfranchisement of African-American voters.
But it's the extras.
The film's great.
It's the extras about then Chapter 2.
It's like a whole other film on what happened to Cynthia McKinney.
Congresswoman, you were trying to finish up a statement about
The congressman driving around smashing into barricades and cars and driving around half-passed out and they covered all that up and then with you, if I've got this story correct, because they first claimed they had video of it and they admitted they didn't, was it they grabbed on you, you just pulled your hand back and that was called, you know, a Tyrannosaurus attack that you'd launched.
Tell us what really happened there.
Well, of course, I think it's really clear that what happened was
The political hound got involved in something that unfortunately was a normal occurrence for me now.
It wasn't quite so normal that I would have my physical person attacked in such a way by
uh... a capitol hill police officer but that this routine kind of you know subtle you know uh... we're going to pick on her kind of thing.
That's normal for me.
But let's make it clear now we've got members of capitol hill police that are able to cause controversies to get people kicked out of congress.
Maybe we should just have them all move into the seats and be our kings.
We can give them little crowns to wear.
Well I mean you know I think what happened in my case
With the involvement of the Fraternal Order of Police was totally unprecedented.
But they got involved.
It's their right to do that.
And it's also my right to continue to speak out.
And that's what I intend to do.
And that's why I was at the Pentagon on, oh gosh, it was the coldest day of my life out there with the wind blowing.
And it was my birthday, but it was necessary.
Well, they really tried to demonize you all over the country for simply talking about the traitorous treason that's been engaged in by this government.
Who could deny how treacherous and traitorous this administration is?
I don't think anyone could, but one of the things that I think it's important to know, and that is
It's important that you and I have this discussion and that I have the opportunity to present myself to your audience because the last thing that the powers that be want is for the
The people of all backgrounds, all ethnicities, races, religions, to come together.
And that's what we represent.
Things have gotten so bad, we don't have anyone who will speak to the people's interest, and so now all of us are throwing off all of those superficial divisions that they
Typically used to divide us.
Now that we're throwing those off and we're all coming together.
Well, all the polls, Congresswoman, you're right.
All the polls show that because, I mean, both parties have like a 14% approval rating.
Both parties have been exposed as working for the big central banks and private interest.
I mean, it's all starting to come out and the left-right paradigm is shattered.
Do you think the establishment is worried?
Well, they ought to be.
They absolutely ought to be.
Because it is clear now when the American people go to the polls and vote with one expectation that there will be a sea change in public policy.
And they don't get that sea change in public policy.
Why is the Democratic majority not repealing the Military Tribunals Act, the Secret Evidence Act, the Patriot Act?
Why are these things not being repealed?
Why is it that they are not protecting posse comitatus so that we don't get that militarized state that
We are slowly creeping into... Well, Bush said he wanted a dictatorship, and it looks like the Democrats want to damage Bush, but basically take the new powers that he's unjustly secreted into the executive branch.
Anytime Ian wants to pop in, he's welcome to the Director of American Blackout that we offer at InfoWars.com.
But Congresswoman, Part 2, it looked like they weren't going to be able to shoot you down
Because it came out that indeed you'd been grabbed on and you didn't hit anybody, and that it was all lies, but the Capitol Police put out the story, they had a video, when they knew they didn't, they were just lying, but knowing people would hear that, then they didn't stop there, then they started claiming that you'd been heard saying all these things, and they were taking stuff out of context, and secretly recording, and all this stuff.
I mean, break down the black op that you went through.
Well, you know, now, the secret recordings, you know, I don't know.
All I know is that I have been apologized to so many times by the leadership of the Capitol Hill Police Department that at one point or another we have to begin to question the leadership because they apparently can't even get the hiring process right, that they can hire people who respect due process, who respect the members of Congress, and who respect the public.
What I'm saying is, Part 2 though, they weren't done attacking you, then they tried to claim some big controversy out of nothing about something you supposedly said.
Oh, I don't know it.
You gotta refresh my memory, I don't remember that, I've been through so much.
You remember all the stuff with the police bodyguards and all that later?
Oh, that was, um, well, you know, I don't really know the whole story behind that because that was something that took place with people who are very close to me.
But apparently the FOP had their, what do you call those people?
The instigators.
They had their instigators at my
Campaign headquarters.
Yeah, provocateurs.
The provocateurs.
That's right.
They were there.
And I know that because I have many former police officers who were there, former Atlanta police officers.
And they told me that, you know, they pointed out that among the media were these FOP provocateurs.
Oh, believe me Alex, it was often interesting that then the FOP, you know, gave money to her opponent, you know, to fund his campaign against McCain.
But be clear about what the FOP means and some of the details of what happened.
Well, that's the Fraternal Order of Police who, you know, essentially was responsible for bringing the charges and sending her to the grand jury.
So, another interesting fact about this case was, you know, so once we discovered what these other black police officers, the alternative story, the actual, the real story of how this all came about, we tried to release this to the mainstream media.
This was just in the lead up to her primary, and actually also then in between her primary and her runoff election, which they forced her into in 2006.
Well, actually, go ahead Ian, but then I want to say that they didn't
We're in court over that election and there are a whole lot of anomalies there, but go ahead.
Right, so we tried to release this to allow the mainstream press to actually cover this alternative version of the story, since the mainstream media had put her face about this crazy black woman slapping this police officer all over the country.
And we couldn't get a single mainstream media outlet to, even though we had documented this on video, we supplied them with it, even the AP reporter from down in
The AP reporter said, you know, as long as I can validate your sources, then I will cover this story.
So I jumped through a number of hoops, got these black police officers to call in from an undisclosed location where they were morphing their voices with an untraced number.
So that they could talk to this reporter.
We talked to her for 45 minutes on the phone.
They validated who they were, and what they knew, and how this all came about.
And she said she was going to go write the story.
She then, but never wrote the story.
We followed up with her.
She claimed that her editor would not allow her to, because it would actually affect, they felt it would affect her race, and that it would actually benefit McKinney.
It's okay to do something if it hurts her, but I've had Reuters and AP reporters tell me all the time, look, we know we're controlled, we have people above us.
You know, with Reuters it goes to London, with AP it goes to New York or other places.
It's staged.
Congresswoman, they've shot you down a couple times, but you've always bounced right back up.
Are you going to run again for Congress?
Well, we're assessing that right now, and the situation is in court.
We are about to put a huge number of documents up on our website.
www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com and we invite people to stay tuned because we not only had the voting machine cards on sale for my district on sale at eBay, we've got legal affidavits from voters all over metropolitan Atlanta who are not in the 4th District but who had the 4th District show up on their computer screens and so they voted in the 4th District.
So we don't know who voted, and we don't know whether or not... It's all designed to do that, and that's why these people are so arrogant.
But I see, again, the establishment, even though they can steal a lot of elections, they're not as arrogant as they once were, because the jig is up, the people are aware of the trick, they know what's going on, all things cindyandmckinney.com.
We'll get links to that up on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Congresswoman, I know you've got to leave here in just a minute or two.
Any closing comments or key points folks should know.
Well, I think what Ian has said about taking the truth to the media and then them refusing to print the truth is a very, very important aspect of why you are so important.
We have got to rely on the truth-tellers now
Who are the true revolutionaries and the true patriots, because the corporate-controlled media refuse to tell us the truth, and we have to have the truth.
So I just want to thank you for doing what you do every day, and I know it's not easy, but thank you for being there so we have the opportunity to tell the people the truth.
Congresswoman, thank you so much for our listeners in Georgia.
I hope in a year you gear back up to runner.
When would that election be coming up?
Well, um, 2008 of course, um, and um...
Well, I've got lots of announcements that I've got lurking in the back of my mind.
Well, what I love is, I've never seen anybody stand up to them about the child kidnapping rings, the deadly vaccines, the trillions missing from the Pentagon.
And you kept bringing that up every year, and Rumsfeld didn't look like the Emperor or the Lord of the Sith anymore.
He looked totally deflated.
You've got a lot of courage to stand up against those guys, because you know they're wicked.
Just in closing, why don't you tell folks about what it's like to be in the room with them as you bring up the trillions that have been stolen.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's pure evil, but I mean, I was bipartisan because we did the same thing with Madeleine Albright, we did the same thing with Colin Powell, and so, I mean, you know, I just relished the opportunity to do the same thing with Condoleezza Rice.
Well, I may not have that opportunity now,
But we will continue to do what we do for the people, for the truth, and I just ask the listeners to stay tuned to 2008.
Congresswoman, we hope to have you back up in the near future as you fight again, and we certainly hope you'll run, and we certainly hope that you and Ron Paul both stay in Congress, and we certainly hope he wins for President.
Take care, and we'll talk to you soon.
Thank you.
All right, there she goes.
Thanks for getting her on, Ian.
Ian, in closing, American Blackout, we carry it at Infowars.com, and we carry another Guerrilla News Network film, Aftermath.
Unanswered questions from 9-11.
Very well done.
Ain't It Cool News from right here in Austin, Texas.
Everything you wish the news was.
Aftermath serves as a primer to understanding 9-11 with both a compassion and a critical eye.
We carry both of these films put out by the Guerrilla News Network and distributed by this information that also puts out Terror Storm.
I hope everybody will go to Infowars.com and order American Blackout and Aftermath, Unanswered Questions of 9-11.
Any more comments or points you want to make about American Blackout?
Yeah, once you get the DVD, you can go to AmericanBlackout.com and you can sign up and host a house party so that you can share it with other people in your area.
These house parties are happening all across the country, even still today, so you can just check to see if there's one already happening also in your area.
Yeah, don't let them suppress this.
This is very well done.
This should be on, you know, HBO everywhere.
Get this out one house at a time, one person at a time, one group of friends at a time.
American Blackout.
It covers so much.
Not just the film, but the extras themselves.
How many minutes of extras?
There's almost another full 90 minutes of extras.
It covers everything from the Carlyle Group to AIPAC, all the different forces that came after McKinney, we do cover in the extras.
Yeah, we've got it as low as like $12, folks, when you go with other films, or $18 by itself.
86 minutes of the film and then almost another 90 minutes of extras that is, I think,
Not as produced as well, obviously, because you spent years making the film, but just incredible to see all the extra stuff you've got.
So I would say two films in one.
I think your extras are award-winning.
Thank you for coming on with us.
Thanks so much, Alex.
God bless you.
Well, there goes the director.
The award winning, I mean it won the Sundance Film Festival, it won everything.
I mean it's just, it's just unbelievable.
And you need to get American Blackout.
I'm just honored to be put out by the same distributor with Terror Storm.
Get Terror Storm.
Get America Freedom to Fascism.
Get American Blackout.
Get them.
With my videos, you're authorized to make copies.
Put them on AXS TV.
Show them at house parties.
We're not going to keep this going.
Folks, they're moving to get rid of the elections, to have martial law for total control.
They're not playing games.
They're building FEMA camps everywhere.
That's why I start yelling and screaming and freaking out on air, because this is life and death.
This is hardcore serious.
This isn't a game, it isn't a drill, it isn't a joke.
We've all got to come together against the New World Order.
That's why I hate having to get up here and attack illegal aliens.
I'm not against illegal aliens that want to come up here and have jobs and live.
I don't blame them.
They live in a third world police state.
And we're becoming a third world police state, but the New World Order is for it.
The New World Order, it's their number one agenda to break down the borders and have a North American Union and drive all our wages down to peon slave level, serf level.
Every time I say peon, I get an email going, how dare you say that term?
It's Spanish for serf, peon.
It means serf, okay?
They've been using it for over a thousand years in Spain.
It just means serf, slave.
It's Spanish for serf.
for plantation slave.
And I don't want to be a peon, and I don't want my children to be a peon, and the New World Order is using these poor people as a weapon.
And they're filling them full of nationalistic pride.
I mean, it's on record.
In-flight magazines on major Mexican airlines say, you know, we've captured the Southwest.
Major professors are saying, from Texas to California is gone.
Gone because the people have been brainwashed and told that it gives them some power to make this Mexico.
Mexico is owned by Chase Manhattan and the Citibank.
Mexico is a vassal state of the New World Order.
I mean, you're not winning anything.
Join us in the fight against the New World Order.
You know, I mean, it's that tribalism.
It's so strong and it just tears my guts up because I have to fight this racism and this weapon.
And so many of my friends are Hispanic, and they're not for this.
I say 68, but some are 75, some are 65.
You know, it depends on which poll you see, but it's right around 70% of Hispanics want the borders controlled.
They want nationals who are pro-America.
But the media tries to act like if you're Hispanic, you've got to be for open borders and la reconquista.
Why is the corporate media promoting that?
Meanwhile, demonizing Cynthia McKinney.
Meanwhile, not covering Rosie O'Donnell exposing 9-11.
Meanwhile, demonizing Charlie Sheen.
They're not leftists.
They don't care.
It's corporate media.
And I mean, if you want your children to be slaves just like they are in Mexico for the la reconquista crowd,
Then all I can say to you is, I mean if it's just about having Mexican flags on your cars and feeling good and saying you took something over, no you took nothing over.
You were used to destroy America.
And you're only one part of that.
I mean, the corporate globalists are doing everything they can, telling the police not to arrest you, telling them you're above the law, telling them not to give you tickets, telling them not to give you DWIs, telling them to give you bank accounts without IDs.
The point is, they're doing that because they want to have the incentives to bring the billions of people here.
Another 30 million illegal aliens, we're gone, folks.
The economy is almost bankrupt right now.
It's blowing out social services.
It's designed to bankrupt the states for federalization, for internationalization.
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Alright, final segment.
I'm sorry to all the followers I didn't get to.
I'm gonna get to Janet and Andrew right now.
That's all we've got time for.
Maybe I'll have open phones tomorrow or Friday.
I've got to look at the guest schedule.
I know we've got some big guests lined up.
But man, there is so much here to go over in so little time.
I do hope you'll get American Blackout from Infowars.com or call toll free to get it at 888-253-3139.
You can get big discounts on it when you get it with some of the other Guerrilla News Network films and materials that we carry.
888-253-3139 or Infowars.com as I mentioned.
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I mean, folks, we're in a life and death fight.
I don't know how much... Look at what they're trying to start World War III.
They admit they're building FEMA camps.
They're brainwashing everybody.
I mean, it's just out of control!
This is out of control!
Every night I go to bed and I go, I wonder how soon they're going to kill me.
You know, I mean, I'm really on the front lines of this, folks.
I'm doing this to try to defend people.
I'm doing this because somebody's got to fight these people.
But there's so many of us, they can't get us all.
That's the reason we're alive and because of God's grace.
Again, Janet in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
About 20 years ago, I used to work at a hospital and
Just the other day, um, I had to go get some lab work and I thought it was really strange if they wanted to see my driver's license to have lab work done.
Yeah, that's because if they find drugs they go ahead and rat you out to the cops.
Okay, they took a photo ID of it and put it with my insurance and then they sent me over to the lab but before they did that they had to put code numbers down
To build my insurance company.
Yeah, ma'am.
Anyone 34 or younger who was born in a hospital was put in an illegal federal database.
I've had congressmen on who discovered this 6-7 years ago.
I knew about it, of course, 15 years ago before I got on air.
And they take your blood.
Now, they do test it for diseases, but that's part of the lie.
One ampule goes to the health department.
They can do it at the hospital.
They don't.
It's a blotter test.
The other goes to a state and federal database.
They have all of our DNA.
It's all illegal, but they're total criminals, okay?
I'm telling you, it's a military industrial complex, military run, system owned by private banks.
Okay, now I have this other one that really was something else, too.
Just recently, I know somebody that had a baby, and they paid her $20 for the baby to have her first set of shots, and gave her a gift package.
I never heard of such a thing.
Well, that's because a large portion of parents are refusing to take the shots now, but they care so much a gift packet.
Let us inject the baby.
Anyone who trusts these psychopaths is nuts.
I appreciate your call.
And again, the nurses and doctors aren't bad.
They believe it.
They're just totally oblivious.
They just trust everything.
Let's go ahead and talk to Andrew and Mass.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'm calling about order 46484.
I placed it January 31st, 2007.
I've placed numerous orders with your Infowars store, and normally it takes six weeks or longer to get here, and that's not the real problem.
Okay, let me just do this, sir.
I can't.
Most people get their order in about a week.
You've had bad luck.
Let me just get you off air.
It's a great way to finish the show.
I could quit selling videos and just shut down if that's what you prefer.
I mean, I don't have the money to have more people.
People should just send me donations.
Because I don't have enough money to have enough people to do it all right and stuff to go on.
So I'll put you on hold and we'll find out what your order is.
You said you've ordered before and gotten your stuff.
That's good.
We'll find out what's going on.
It's probably shifted over to UPS.
You might have been a mail order and we still have problems with the Postal Service, but not with UPS.
Sometimes we have stuff back-ordered too.
And we normally will tell you that with your orders, so we'll... Great way to end the show, but it was a great show today.
We'll put him on hold.
And I'll give you my backline office number, and somebody will answer that and take care of it.
And get the films, folks.
Get them out.
Make copies of them.
God bless you all.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-300-7645.