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Name: 20070321_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 21, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Luke Rudowsky, good friend of mine,
He lives up in New York.
He's only 20 years old.
He's been a 9-11 trick for several years.
Led huge demonstrations all over the country.
He's out front ABC television studios in New York right now demonstrating for Rosie O'Donnell who's gone public on 9-11.
And we talked to Luke just a few minutes ago.
Rosie O'Donnell's people have come out.
They say that
As soon as she's done with work inside the building, she is scheduled to come out anytime in the next hour to two hours and talk to the group.
We also got word that some of the disinfo operatives, as usual, had shown up and were screaming and yelling and causing their normal problems.
It's not going to work.
You guys are failing.
The truth is getting out.
So, we're going to get a report from Luke here in about five minutes on the other side of this first break.
on exactly when she's going to be coming out, or if they know, and why they're there.
And the reason this is important, again, is because if Rosie O'Donnell does anything, it's massive news.
I mean, she's the queen of controversy, evidenced by the last month and a half of non-stop coverage of her and Donald Trump controversy, where she says he's basically bankrupt and he threatens to sue her.
It's well known that Trump's way over-leveraged and been in trouble for years.
But I guess when you're that wealthy it's kind of hard to go bankrupt because you have so many assets you can keep leveraging them.
But the point is that was big news, that's a petty news story, who cares?
The fact is the mainstream media, now World Net Daily and the National Ledger and a few neocon-ish publications have attacked her, have talked about it.
Limbaugh mentioned it, a few other national shows have mentioned it, but no mainline corporate controlled
ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox have covered it.
You know Fox News would love to attack Rosie O'Donnell.
They're not doing it.
We're trying to force this into the mainstream consciousness.
Now, they got video cameras out there rolling.
I hope they've got them rolling right when she comes out.
We need to get that video up immediately on YouTube, on the web, as soon as they get it.
And Rosie O'Donnell saying what she wrote on her blog three separate times.
Details about the controlled demolition of Building 7.
Hyperlinks to all the facts.
Well spoken.
Then, if we can get video of her,
And I haven't really been working as hard as I could.
I put in a call to Ebersol and a few others and talked to people that know O'Donnell, but I haven't been even following up with phone calls I got back.
I need to get on that and try to get O'Donnelled on, but it looks like we're about to get what we want today.
Cross your fingers, because this is basically a detonation cap.
It's a detonator.
That ignites a larger explosive, and then that ignites a larger explosive in the Infowar.
Just like Charlie Sheen was a very powerful detonator one year ago yesterday, that we can trace a long chain reaction to what we're seeing now.
With so many people, so many prominent Hollywood directors and stars and actors and actresses going public.
Leading now up to Rosie O'Donnell, then in this culture where folks are so obsessed with the petty, the inane, you know, stardom, frankly, to have heavy hitter people going public is so integral to our information warfare operation against the globalists, against the crime syndicate that carried out the attacks on 9-11.
In fact, I'm just curious, were you able to get a hold of Luke, John?
You were able to get a hold of Luke, John?
You got him on the phone right now.
We're going to go to break in 30 seconds.
We're going to come back with Luke and we will get his analysis there outside ABC Television Studios on exactly when Rosie O'Donnell is going to come out.
In fact, this is going to happen so spontaneously
It's like when we had Governor Rick Perry just show up on the show, that we, he probably needs to have that phone continually rolling so we can get her on air immediately.
Be right back.
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Okay, during the last three minutes, I was talking to Luke Rodowski, the police are all around him, cussing, telling him and a group of people that they can't be on the street of New York, that they don't have a First Amendment, and that to stop talking on the radio, because that's recording the police.
Yeah, you put your cameras up, you track, you trace us, but then when people call in to talk radio shows in America, you tell them to turn their phones off.
Well, Luke hadn't done that.
I mean, we're out here with about 20 individuals, you know, great citizens of New York City, activists out here trying to support Rosie O'Donnell.
We were just harassed by the police officers.
The police officers came out in drones
About four police cars just bum rushed us trying to harass us.
They detained me.
They called me the so-called leader.
I told everybody I'm not a leader.
We're here just waiting for Rosie O'Donnell to come outside.
We have signs saying, Thank you, Rosie.
Rosie's a true patriot.
Rosie's a true American.
And the cops are giving us a whole bunch of problems.
Here in the free country, it's like the Soviet Union, where you're being harassed for having signs.
Now, I've been in New York, either the cops are nice or they're vicious, and I've just been walking down the street with a video camera, and they run up and say, you can't have a video camera, but they've got plenty of cameras on us, Luke.
These cops are extremely vicious.
I mean, I have a camera right in every cop's face, and they tell me not to record them.
Well, I've had them tell me that, too, in New York.
I mean, imagine, they put cameras and microphones up everywhere for us, and then they come get in your face until you turn your camera off.
Yeah, we're here by the ABC Studios.
There's cameras everywhere.
There's security guards and police officers everywhere.
We just want to come out here and show our support.
We were out here when the people were coming in, and everybody who came into the view today got a DVD of TerrorStorm, Martial Law, F.L.Y.E.R.S., and a paper with Rosie O'Donnell's blog talking about Bill O'Keefe today.
So, again, repeat.
What did you hand out today?
TerrorStorm, Martial Law, and Loose Change.
So, everybody that came to see the view today.
That is so exciting!
Well, I mean, this illustrates what's happened to our country.
You're there, trying 20 of you, it's her birthday too, and then you've got police arresting you when you're just trying to meet with Rosie O'Donnell.
Now, which one of her representatives told you that she'd be coming out after the taping, which ends somewhere right around now?
Somebody from the near, there's people from the office
And a few from the New York Post that just told us Rosie O'Donnell is coming outside just to see us.
They said she made some statement today.
That's why the New York Post is here and they want to get us with Rosie O'Donnell here.
Oh my God!
So they taped the view the day before.
You're saying that she made some statement today.
This is exclusive!
This is exclusive!
Did the New York Post tell you what the statement was?
No, they didn't tell me what the statement is, but this is why the New York Post is here.
That's what the New York Post told me, and as long as they're not lying, it has to be true.
I can't verify that.
Hold on, Luke.
It must have to do with 9-11 Truth if they want to get her with New York 9-11 Truth.
That's everything I'm getting from the New York Post guy.
He's out here with a photographer, and as long as he's not lying, that's 100% true.
Looks like they're going to have trouble containing it, Luke.
They definitely will.
They're trying to give us trouble here with the police.
We will stand up.
We have every right.
We are citizens of New York, and we will not fall.
We will always stand up, and we stand up for the truth.
Well, they know.
They know.
Guaranteed New York Intelligence Branch, which is basically CIA, knows that you're about to make major news with Rosie O'Donnell, and they're there to stop you.
Oh, they definitely do.
They're here.
They were here waiting for us, you know.
I'm told the police arrived right when, without saying his name, one of our favorite disinfo operatives popped up.
Yeah, that was a whole, you know, really negative situation.
A lot of screaming and it almost got everybody arrested.
Yeah, that's the plan.
So we've got major provocateur actions by the space beam no-plane crowd.
Yeah, you know, cops come and this gentleman starts screaming and screaming at these cops, you know, right in the sky.
I'm trying to have a conversation with these police officers.
No, you've got to be calm.
You've got to be firm.
You've got to let them know you're in control.
The minute you blow up, they win.
Yeah, we had to kick this gentleman out.
We pushed him out the way.
And you know, and then we just started having a conversation with these police officers and let them understand we're not doing anything illegal.
This is America and we have every right to do what we're doing.
Yeah, that one cop I could hear him during the three minute break from five after to eight after, I could hear him saying, you don't record me, you're not allowed to record me.
You know, trying to claim some law about recording.
Hey, it's a public place, you're news gathering, and it's your First Amendment right.
You're triple covered.
Public place, news gathering.
What I don't understand, what I don't understand is the officer just called me over to his car, detained me, took my ID
questioned me about what I'm doing, and I told them I'm not doing anything against the law.
Look, you're family, you're family, Luke, I mean, you were born in Poland.
How old were you when your family fled from Poland?
I was about 10 years old when I came here, but my family, my father came here during the 80s, and he fled from communism.
I came here later on, but this is just as worse as martial law in Poland.
I mean, this is sick and ridiculous, and
We patriots have to stand up and make sure what happened to Poland doesn't happen here in America.
Well, we're not going to stand by and watch it.
We're going to defeat them.
That's what we're doing right here.
We're standing up.
We're fighting.
We're not going to let them get to us.
And we're going to expose not only what it is, and that's an inside job.
Now, Rosie, the New York Post said that she made some statement and that she's coming out.
I wonder if they'll edit that out of the view when it airs tomorrow.
I heard from sources that they did edit her sometimes before, but she didn't make statements about 9-11.
But, again, anything to add right now?
I don't know.
I know they're letting the people out of the view right now.
I'm here outside the main view.
I'm staying away from the cops and I'm here just waiting on Chuck Rosey to come up.
Well, even if they edit it.
Even if they edit it.
They're not going to be able to stop her coming out and talking to you if she's able to.
They're not going to be able to.
And I know how it works.
They're going to have managers and people that handle her going, no, no, don't do it.
I mean, same thing with Ebersole.
When she went public on The View and then when she went public here on Genesis Communications with John Connor.
Uh... on his weekend show, uh... they got, you know, really upset, really came down on Christine Ebersole and tried to scare her.
But they're not going to be able to stop James Brolin, Charlie Sheen, David Lynch, uh... all these other people, uh... Dean Haglund.
So many stars are now starting to go public.
It's that exponential.
Each person that goes public, it makes it that much safer for the next person to go public.
And I'm telling you folks, some of the biggest stars in Hollywood want to go public.
I mean, it's amazing.
It's coming out, and even though she's a celebrity, she reaches out to many people, and, you know, her reaching out, her, you know, promoting All In The Truth is going to be a big success, and, you know, we're really winning this battle, and they can't contain us.
They can't stop it.
They can't.
They're not going to stop us.
And Luke, you are flying down the shaft there in the canyons going towards the exhaust port.
And nothing's going to stop your info war torpedoes, my friend.
We are going to bring down the New World Order.
We're going to blow their Death Star.
Another thing I wanted to share with you.
We're out here on ABC Studios.
We just saw Al Sharpton.
I ran up to him.
I put a camera in his face.
And I told Al Sharpton, 9-11 is an inside job.
What do you think about it?
And he just ignored it.
Nah, he looked on his face and he just walked in ABU Studios and ignored us.
Well, who's got those cameras?
Because we need to get this up on YouTube tonight.
I have a camera.
Yeah, we're going to be editing the footage late tonight.
We're going to be working on the footage and it should be up tonight.
Tomorrow we're going to get it out.
We're going to get it up everywhere.
And tell them about your new website.
Our new website is WeAreChanged.org.
Check us out at WeAreChanged.org.
We just had another press release.
There shouldn't be much editing, just a clip of Sharpton, a clip of the cops, and a clip of Rosie if she comes out.
Now they're letting people out of the view, they always have meetings after they let people out, but are people just now coming out?
What happened?
I'm sorry.
The cop's here.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead, go again.
What is the cop doing?
The cop's telling us we can't have our sign.
But we can't have our sign.
But hold on.
Alright, alright.
It's cool.
I'm sorry, can you ask that question again?
Oh, I can hear him again.
Well, why don't you get closer to Bozo so we can hear exactly what he's saying.
Well, he just stopped.
He just came over and said we can't have any signs showing.
Why don't you tell him to move to Russia or China?
He's making me sick.
Or communist Poland or in the 80s.
I mean, where does he think he lives?
What makes him think he's God?
I have no idea.
I'm tired of this!
I'm tired of it!
Stop killing my country!
These guys do what they want here in New York City.
As you know, I was a victim of police brutality myself.
The cops here, they're some good, they're some bad, but these guys really give a bad name to the police officers in New York City.
Well, they back up the bad ones.
They want them to be mean.
They can't help the fact they're some good cops.
But I've seen it for myself many times.
It is disgusting.
I haven't been treated like that in Nicaragua.
I haven't been treated like that in Southern Mexico.
No, where have I been treated like dirt?
In England, in Canada, and in the United States.
That's where the people are pathetic, bug-eyed slaves.
In the supposed free countries.
Luke, my comment was...
My comment to you was that you've got the people coming out.
Now, you said the people are coming out of the view, the audience?
Yeah, the audience is coming out right now and I heard from the near post that Rosie O'Donnell is coming out.
Okay, we've got to go to a four minute break.
Stay with us.
This is our network break.
If she comes out, we're cutting out the ads.
We have to do that.
It's network ads anyways.
We'll just refill them for sponsors.
I never do this.
But stay there, Luke.
I'll be talking to you continually.
If Rosie comes out, we've got to capture this spontaneously.
In fact, network, get another computer going.
Make sure this is recorded during the break.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Here's the deal.
We've talked to the New York Post reporter and others.
We won't come on air.
Because obviously they don't want to get scooped or be quoted on the radio.
That's how they are.
But yes, they heard from inside The View that Rosie O'Donnell does plan to come out to the 9-11 Truth Group led by Luke.
He's a leader whether he likes it or not, and that she should be coming out sometime in the next, well, anytime from now in the next hour, unless somebody convinces her not to do it.
And that supposedly there's some new report also on her blog, and that she did make some statement inside The View, and that other reporters have shown up.
And it looks like it's obviously associated with 9-11 Truth, but it looks like they're not going to be able to block this thing much longer.
You know, Luke, it's very strange that she went public last Tuesday, last Friday, last Saturday, and 9-11 sites, I mean the mainline 9-11 sites, would not cover it when we wrote articles about it.
And I don't know why they, I mean 9-11 sites, all of them, not just mainstream media, why wouldn't the 9-11 sites, do you think, pick up stories we wrote?
I mean, are they just tired of us always getting the scoop?
It's not about that.
It's a fight together to survive
All I do is have everybody from 9-11 Truth on, all the groups, to try to promote it itself.
I don't know why they... I mean, I think it was, frankly, just envious jealousy that we broke the story that she'd put on her blog.
I mean, who cares, Luke?
Yeah, I mean, it's really strange.
I mean, the Truth Movement kind of, you know, washed it out just like the mainstream media did.
And, you know, I think that may be because of egos, but, you know, we here in New York City, I don't even want to waste no time on these people.
You know, if they want to be like that, then they'll be like that.
But we're here with family members, rescue workers.
We're doing it for the truth, not for money, not for egos.
And we're doing it for the right reasons.
I just wish people would understand that.
Well, absolutely.
Now, who all is out there today of the 20 people or so that are there to show support to Rosie O'Donnell with this kind of spontaneous demonstration that you thought of a couple days ago?
We have a lot of great activists from Youth, Not Love, and Truth.
From Change, from even Truth Move, a lot of great, hard-working, dedicated people.
About 20 of us.
There was one of us later on.
We were getting smaller by the minute, but a lot of great people here.
You know, we gave out hundreds of DVDs, hundreds of flyers, and this is something we've been doing for about three years, and we're going to continue doing it.
Well, we need to get people over there, because you said about 20 now, more earlier, people have to come on lunch, then they have to leave.
We need more people to get down there to ABC News Studios, because you'll be there for at least another hour.
Anybody who's nearby needs to get over there.
Tell folks the location.
It's on 66th Street West, by West End Avenue, in New York City, Manhattan.
66th Street West, West End Avenue, ABC Studios.
And we're here by the side entrance of The View, by West 66th Street.
So that's pretty far north.
Yeah, that is pretty far north.
It's all the way on the west side, 66th and West End Avenue.
Right by UBC Studios.
There's a whole bunch of us.
We have a big banner that says 9-11 is an inside job.
We have a couple signs that says, Thank You Rosie for Exploding 9-11.
You know, Rosie's a patriot.
We have a lot of 9-11 was an inside job.
Posters, signs, informational sheets.
And, uh, you know, we're really, you know, affecting a lot of people out here.
Do I hear another cop barking?
I don't know what they're waiting for.
I don't know what they're doing, but they're very rude.
They're just harassing us.
We have every bit of footage.
I will be releasing the footage tonight or tomorrow, and it's really disgusting what these cops have been doing to us.
Don't wait, man.
Dump that stuff on Raw and just get it up on YouTube immediately.
Are you going to upload it to YouTube or Google or something else?
Google, YouTube, whatever.
I think Google, most likely.
Well, that's good because we've got our writer standing by.
We're going to write a report about this right now that 9-11 truthers were basically harassed and told to turn their cameras off by police out there showing support for Rosie O'Donnell, that she's made some type of statement, that New York Post reporter, won't go on record, but did tell you guys that there's some connection to 9-11 truth and she was going to come out and talk to you guys.
Yeah, we don't know if that's going to happen.
We're standing by to see if that happens.
Because, again, it's going to be very newsworthy once we visually have her saying it, not just on her blog three separate times.
We have the media desperately trying to block this and ensure this doesn't break.
Because if this does break, it's going to be a major controversy.
And it's going to get a lot of attention on 9-11 Truth.
And a lot of people are going to think about Inside Job.
A lot of tumblers are going to lock in place.
A lot of light bulbs are going to go off above people's heads.
Three-minute break.
Murphy's Law says she'll come out right now.
We'll see when we get back as we continue to talk to Luke, who's down there in New York City at ABC Studios.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com are the websites.
Your calls are coming up as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend The end Of all the elaborate plans The end Of everything that's done The end
We're back live here.
Yeah, he has specifically talked to the New York Post reporter who was in there and heard this, but you never know that's going to happen.
But more often than not, this stuff does happen.
So we're waiting to get breaking news, a statement from Rosie O'Donnell.
They just let out, about 15 minutes ago, all of the studio audience of The View that they taped the day before.
And then, it'll probably take her 20-30 minutes, bare minimum, to get out of the building, talking to different execs and different producers.
She's probably arguing with them about whether her statement will be edited or not.
All sorts of things go on in those buildings.
And we're trying to find out what the statement is, but we know it's associated with 9-11 Truth.
We're trying to see if she will come out.
Luke is out there.
Luke Rodowski, along with about 20 other people.
There were more earlier, but a lot of them are having to leave.
The police have been harassing them, telling them to leave, telling them they can't have signs, telling them to turn their cameras off, telling them to get off the phone.
And we're just waiting to see what develops here and see if we can catch Rosie O'Donnell live.
This is perfect timing.
I would say that we will know by the end of this hour whether she's going to come out or not.
The New York Post reporter also said there was something on her blog about how she supported the group that was saying they were going to come out and demonstrate in support of her and that she was going to come out.
We'll see if that indeed is the case.
But there are reporters there that showed up right as their protests were starting.
That's correct, Luke.
This is the cop.
This is the cop.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What's the cop doing?
The party's over.
We got away with a few problems.
They just told us... Alex, you there?
They're trying to get us to leave again.
They just came into the ABC studio.
They just told us to leave.
We will not be leaving.
We're staying here.
He said, uh, that's it.
Party's over.
Uh, time to leave.
Now, did he come out of ABC Studios or did he come up off the street?
He just walked up the street, came to ABC Studios, came out, and now, and now told us to leave.
So basically, because they're trying to get ABC to say you've got to leave, you tell them that you've been told by the reporters that Rosie's coming out to talk to you.
They're there trying to stop this from breaking.
They're there trying to stop her from going public.
That's what they're doing.
Tell me exactly what he said!
He said, that's it.
Party's over.
Uh, Rosie's not here.
Get out of here.
Party's over.
That's all he said.
And now the cop car's pulling up here.
And I don't know what the hell's going on.
Uh, he is not talking to me directly.
He's talking to a larger group.
I'm staying away.
And, uh...
I don't know, we're staying here no matter what.
Go over, Luke, if you can, if you think it's advisable, you're there, you know better than I. Go up with the phone so we can hear this guy.
The cop just walked away, now he's pulling up in his car.
You've got him in his car, his car's pulling up alongside us right now.
I'm gonna go up right next to him, see if he says anything to me.
I don't want to aggravate him.
Well don't then, don't.
Yeah, but he's here, I'm standing right by him.
And the cop car's right behind me.
And he just told me party's over, get out of here.
Let me hear him.
Hold the phone up.
He just said that.
He's not saying anything no more right now.
He just said that he's in his cop car right now.
Notice it's all color of law.
It's all intimidation.
Get out of here!
I mean, just ordering people around.
Just bossing people around who don't know their rights.
Well, you do know your rights.
But they don't care.
They've got a corrupt city that will just pay out any amount of lawsuits.
They don't care.
This is the city where they rape people with toilet plungers for no reason.
And it's just absolutely disgusting.
They're trying to get you out of there before she comes out.
I think exactly.
That's what we're doing.
We're not moving.
We're going to stay here.
Cops just moved alongside us.
What is that?
Is the New York Post reporter still there?
New York Post reporter is still...
Still there?
Yes, he is.
Yeah, notice he hasn't left.
You tell him you're reporting for Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network, okay?
You tell him that you report for one of the biggest alternative radio shows, the biggest alternative radio shows in the country, and you do report for me routinely, Luke, and you explain to them you've got just as much right as that New York Post reporter.
And I'm told there's other press there.
What other press is there?
I just see a New York Post reporter here with us.
That's all the press we have here.
No other press.
Okay, earlier I heard somebody talking about some other press in the background.
Um, how many cameras do you have?
We have about three cameras.
My battery just died when I was talking to the cop.
We have two cameras.
Two cameras.
We're still waiting.
We're not moving.
We've got to get you another camera.
I mean, more batteries, my friend.
Oh, yeah, man.
We got some.
That definitely would be a lot of help.
But, you know, we're not leaving.
We're staying here.
And no matter what happens, we're going to be out here.
And, you know, whatever the police want to do... And know the folks that have the other two cameras.
Make sure they keep those on you.
And make sure they save some for Rosie if she comes out.
Of course.
So let me get this straight.
More cops have shown up now?
The same cops are still here.
They just told us to leave.
They got in a cop car.
They're waiting for us to make a decision.
And, uh, we're just staying here.
We're not going to move.
Oh wait, did they say, you better leave, we'll give you a few minutes, or what did they say?
They just said, alright, party's over, leave, and they took their car and parked their car right along the side of us.
We're on a public sidewalk, they're on the street, and they just parked along the side of us.
Well, that's their excuse.
See, they're going to claim the issue, this is what they tried on us every time I'm in New York, they're going to claim just by you talking on the street that you're blocking the street.
But since the street isn't really blocked, they will block it to then say that you have blocked it.
Exactly, that's what they did before.
They had about four cop cars on the street blocking traffic.
They're the ones blocking traffic, making a big scene out of everything.
And they're the ones that say, I can't talk to you right now.
Remember at Ground Zero, they make you keep like 50 feet wide on that giant sidewalk, where it widens there, right in front of the train station.
And then they tell you, you can't stand anywhere there because it blocks people walking.
When no one's there, then the cops will block it and say, see you're blocking people and arrest you.
Yeah, go ahead.
Is he talking to you?
No, the cop's not talking to me.
I'm outside waiting for Rosie.
I'm still outside the ABC studios.
Yeah, you just tell him, Luke, and you make the decision for yourself if you want to go to jail, but it'll blow up in their face if they do.
I'm not telling you what to do, but what I'm asking is, and obviously it's what you've already said you're going to do to me privately, just stay there.
You're a reporter for InfoWars.
Just get over there by the New York Post writer and say, hey, I'm reporting for National Radio, Alex Jones, Genesis Communications, right now.
Yeah, I'm not leaving and you know, I won't, you know, they can try to arrest me.
I'm not doing anything illegal.
I do not care.
You know, I, you know, they have no right to arrest me.
So they, so they shouldn't arrest me.
But the cops here in New York City do what they want.
And no matter what happens, I'm not leaving.
They can arrest me.
They can do what they want.
I'm not leaving no matter what.
He just detained my friend.
He just detained another one of my friends.
And he's taking his ID right now.
The NYPD police car is 1790 from 20th Precinct.
Just detained one of my friends for no reason.
Taking his ID.
And he's taking all his information down right now.
I don't know why he just did this without... Well, they're trying to run off the final people to get a smaller number so they can do it in the dark.
But it's already been done publicly.
Did they go after the cameraman?
Uh, this is one of my cameramen.
Yeah, they're trying to shut your cameras down.
Tell them don't turn the cameras off.
The minute you turn those cameras off, they're going to beat your heads off.
We're not going to do that.
We always have the cameras on no matter what.
Battery's a little bit low, but, you know, I don't know what they're doing right now.
It's really suspicious.
They just stopped doing our problem calls.
I'm right by the police car right now with my friend, and I don't know why, but they're taking all this information down.
Can you, uh, how far away are they from you?
A couple feet, I'm two feet away from... Why don't you just walk over with the phone and just... and don't get near the Lordship's godly space, but just get the phone angled his direction and then so we can hear it.
Alright, hold on.
Officer, can you just tell me why my friend's being detained?
You're being very nice, Luke, but it makes me really mad to hear you have to be nice to that guy who shows no respect to you.
I know, I know.
We turned into just begging to this scum whose paychecks we pay these
I never knew what black people meant by calling bad cops pigs, but now I know.
They're pig-like.
They're big, rude hogs.
Not all cops are bad, but, you know, these guys really give the NYPD a bad name.
No, exactly.
I mean, good cops give cops a good name, but the other ones act them all hog-ish.
You call somebody who's rude and mean and domineering for no reason a pig.
I mean, I've always heard that term, you know, that guy's a pig.
Well, now I understand what it means.
Yeah, I mean, one of my best friends, Craig Barber, is a police officer, one of the rescue workers from Building 7, you know, and he gives the NYPD a good name.
These police officers from, you know, Police Call 1790, they're giving the NYPD a bad name.
They're harassing us.
You know, I just detained my friend.
What did they ask you?
He just took all his information.
Let me talk to your friend.
Who's your friend?
Alright, hand him the phone.
This is my friend Ryan.
He has a second camera.
He's gonna talk to you right now about the police stop that just happened between him and Alex Jones.
Hi, um, yeah I'm out here just peacefully protesting out here in ABC.
The officer came here.
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, listen to me.
You're out there news gathering, and it's your First Amendment right, and it's political news gathering even stronger.
You are there news gathering just like that New York Post reporter.
That's right.
That's right.
Is he talking to you again?
Um, no, no.
They pulled away.
They parked right next to us right now.
Okay, what did he say to you?
Um, basically he's just asking for my information, uh, for no reason, uh, we're just here peacefully demonstrating.
Yeah, ask him to see your papers, like his Russian or Nazi German, just to find out if you had something so he can arrest you.
Yeah, looking at my information, looking at my ID, uh, you know, trying to find a reason to, uh, you know, detain us.
This is the same officer, he's, uh, had a really bad attitude with us all day, um... What's his badge number?
It's NYPD Officer badge number 23611 Officer Hardy.
Okay, Officer Hardy.
And this is disgusting, the things he's doing.
By the way, Woody Harrelson's father has died in prison.
Reported to be one of the main shooters of JFK.
Charles Harrelson was in prison for shooting a federal judge from 400 yards away with a .243 in the neck.
He was a top mafia hitman.
Has died in prison.
I know, Woody, that's too bad to hear that that happened.
Woody's hair catches on fire if you talk about his dad and JFK.
Alright, Ryan, anything else you want to tell us?
We're just out here trying to spread the truth.
We have law enforcement giving us problems.
This officer, party badge number 23611, NYPD has had a bad attitude all day.
He was ready to detain one of our fellow protesters, Niko Hopps, who was out here.
Oh boy.
He's out getting in several of our faces.
You know, I'm really unprovoked.
We're out here doing what we do every week.
I think it's maybe because we're part of Offensive Target ABC.
They called the police.
Alright, Ryan, thanks for talking to us.
I'm glad you didn't get arrested.
Thank you, Alex.
Let me go ahead and talk to Luke again.
Yes, Luke, go ahead.
I'm right here.
Alright, first, I'm still waiting outside no matter what.
Well, let me just go over this for people that just joined us.
Recap why you're there, where you are, and why you're there today.
We are here by ABC Studios in New York City to support, to do a public demonstration of support for Rosie O'Donnell and her courageous support of 9-11 Truth.
We're out here with about 20 people, 20 New York City citizens representing New York 9-11 Truth and Change.
Trying to support Rosie O'Donnell.
We gave out DVDs, we gave out flyers to everybody coming in to the view to see the show.
Everybody who came to see the view got a terror storm, got a martial law DVD, got a flyer.
Rosie, we heard Rosie O'Donnell is going to come outside.
We're waiting outside right now for Rosie O'Donnell.
We're being harassed drastically by the police department.
The police department is taking all our information down independently and telling us not to film them.
We are continuing to film them and we will not stop here and we will be here no matter what.
You know, that's incredible.
Any demonstration, even mainstream groups biking for bicyclers' rights, have undercover FBI, this is in the news, CIA with the local police and intelligence units spying on them.
They come out with the military and publicly videotape everybody.
It's in my films.
But then they don't want you putting cameras on them when you're at a news event.
Yeah, there's even a video of a police officer on bikes during a mass bike demonstration here in New York City, that when whole bicyclists get arrested,
The one officer says he's on the job.
There's actually a video of that.
And they let these guys go.
These are undercover detectives.
Peacefully, you know, infiltrating police.
Peaceful movement.
Like the bike riding movement here.
Mass movement here in New York City.
No, I know.
But did you know that there's actually a CIA liaison office with New York, Chicago, and L.A.?
They were the pilot cities.
Now Dallas just opened one.
And that was being federally orchestrated under anti-terror funding?
Yeah, and also in New York City, the NYPD has the NYPD Intelligence Unit, which was just started after 9-11, and it's owned by David Cohan.
David Cohan, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, David Cohan, he's helped running NYPD Intelligence.
And NYPD Intelligence does a lot of harassing to us, too.
They're also responsible for the Hurt Police Teams, the Gladio Teams, police officers, the other police officers with the M-16s,
And notice they call them Gladio teams.
And what was Operation Gladio?
A CIA terror op?
I mean, I've been there and seen continuity of government North Com Colonels marching around with the police.
They run the whole city.
It's been rolled up by the feds.
And that's why there's another big op.
It'll probably be in New York because they've got total control there to carry out their ops and then run around posing as saviors.
And I have no doubt that these probably aren't even that bad of cops.
They just have been told you're bad and they've been told to go out there and get you.
And they're being brainwashed, and they don't even know about the intelligence unit.
They don't know that it's been in the newspaper that it's a CIA run.
They don't know any of that.
They've just been fed baloney.
They're compartmentalized.
Their children have no future.
They have no future.
They have no idea what they're doing to their country.
I get mad at the cops when they're bullying you, but then I start pitying them because they have no idea what they're doing to their country.
They're just mindless dogs that don't know what the hell they're doing, and they're destroying the Constitution of the United States of America.
In America, we have posse comitatus.
I don't understand why the NYPD intelligence officers have to walk around with M16s and full military armor on, you know, scaring people here in New York City.
Well, it's all about scaring.
You stay there, Luke.
I want to keep this going about 10-15 minutes in the next hour.
And then, as soon as you hang up, she'll come walking out.
This is just absolutely amazing.
Stay there.
Three-minute break.
We're going to come back with Luke in New York City.
I'm Alex Jones.
They're there at ABC Studios to support Rosie O'Donnell, who we're told has made some big statements today on The View.
We'll see if it's edited out.
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Alright, welcome back.
Nearing the break, the police started detaining more people.
Representative of The View came out and said that Rosie had left, that the police basically, all the fracas, she didn't come out because of the police.
That just happened.
I reportedly have that on tape.
Right now there's a fracas with the police doing stuff.
Let's go right back to Luke.
Luke, what's going on?
My friend, my second and my third friend who was just walking up the block got detained by another police car.
Police number one nine four seven.
20th Precinct just stopped and detained him.
Took his ID without probable cause.
I have no idea.
They're looking at me.
I'm recording them with the video camera right now.
Now is your friend arriving or leaving?
My friend is leaving.
He's on the corner.
I don't know why they just detained him.
So what they're doing is they're waiting until you're alone.
You guys have to leave together.
That's what we're doing right now.
We're all gathering up together and they're looking at me right now.
I got the camera right in their face.
What is wrong with these people?
They think it's a job in America of police to harass demonstrators and reporters?
Police officer just got out of his car.
Hold on one second.
How can I help you, sir?
I'm alright, sir.
Can I help you?
I'm on national radio.
Can I help you?
Oh, that's fine.
I'm just filming you.
I'm on the street.
I'm a reporter for GCN.
Alex Jones?
Am I being detained, sir?
All right, sir.
All right.
Well, that was a more reasonable cop.
Is that a new cop?
All right.
Get your rights fulfilled.
All right.
All right?
Yes, it is.
All right.
Yes, it is, sir.
All right?
Yeah, that was a more reasonable one.
Is that a new cop?
Yes, it's a new cop.
Badge number 11724, Nato.
Yeah, I mean, either I found the cops were all fans of the show.
I mean, literally, I mean, we got video of this.
We're down in New York at the last round zero.
They're, hey, Alex, like the show.
Hey, buddy.
Or they just totally hated us.
And it was about 20, 30% that hated us.
But, yeah.
I'm free to go?
Thank you.
All right.
I just walked away.
And I'm walking away right now from the police car.
And, yeah, he just tried to stare me down.
He just tried to intimidate me.
Oh, so he wasn't nice?
So that cop, I mean, we're trying to be... I mean, give him the benefit of the doubt.
He wasn't being nice?
He wasn't being nice.
He stared me down.
He looked me down.
And I said, am I being detained?
He said, no.
I said, am I free to go?
He said, yes.
And he said he has every right to question me.
I just told him, well, you heard the conversation.
I'm on speakerphone right now.
He just heard him.
I'm walking over there right now from the police car.
I don't know why he just stopped us.
I don't know why he just detained us.
He detained one of my friends and he tried to intimidate me.
Well, then he's not a nice cop.
I thought he was one of the nice ones.
He sounded friendly.
I guess he was being smart-mouthed.
Yeah, he saw me filming him and he asked me why I was filming him.
I told him I have every right to.
I told him I'm on GCN.
I'm a reporter.
No, I heard that part.
I misheard him.
I thought he said you have every right to film.
I guess he said I have every right to question you.
Yeah, he said he has every right to question me.
He says I know that.
I told him I have every right to film.
And I'm recording him right now.
I'm not doing anything illegal.
And they're still staring me down in that cop car.
I don't know what the hell's going on.
Luke, Luke, how long are you planning to stay out there?
I don't know.
As long as you want me out here, I don't know what the hell is going on.
This is a total police state here in New York City.
You can't even have a camera and you get questioned.
You can't even peacefully demonstrate and uphold the Constitution.
This is really sickening.
It's the same thing in England, same thing in Canada.
It's just, again, they want to put cameras everywhere on us, but don't you have one yourself?
Yeah, there's cameras all over ABC.
All over the whole ABC building, there's cameras everywhere.
The police have cameras in their cars, but yet we can't even record them for a reason.
Well, it's not going to work.
It's not going to hold water.
Look, we've got a break.
I just want to come back in for the next break, finish up talking to you on the undercover news and take calls.
But Rosie probably has left because of the big frackish.
We will find out exactly what the new developments are.
We'll see if they edited it on The View tomorrow.
I'm going to work even harder to get a hold of Rosie O'Donnell or one of her associates to get them on the show.
But Luke, this video again will be out tonight.
Give folks your website again.
We are Change.org.
Stay there.
Seventy-second break.
Second hour will start, folks.
Be sure and support us at Infowars.com.
Go visit the video and bookstore at Infowars.com.
Join us in the Info War.
Come in for the big win!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And now, to the streets of New York City.
9-11's an inside job!
9-11's an inside job!
9-11's an inside job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job!
9-11, please start a job
Look, I am here.
Are you guys marching out of there?
We're marching out together with the manor open!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job
Uh, New York City is a total police state.
There's about 40,000 police officers here in New York City alone.
And, you know, there's always someone here, but right now I don't see nothing.
We're just walking, marching with the banner open, and we're doing everything legally, you know, with the Constitution.
Good, good.
I'm going to keep you on line until you get away from there.
You guys need to stay together until you hit the subways.
Have you gotten to the subways yet?
We're walking to the subways right now, and we're all coming together.
There's a bunch of us now, 10 of us, and, uh, you know, we've got the banner open.
And we're just walking the streets, giving out more Terror Storm DVDs, more Martial Law DVDs, and giving out flyers.
And now that was an inside job.
Good job.
How many Terror Storms and loose changes in Martial Law did you give out today?
We made 100 copies of Terror Storm, 100 copies of Martial Law, and 100 copies of loose change.
God, you're good.
Well, I just want to commend you.
We're going to get Rosie on this show.
I'm on the track.
I've got her number.
Other people's numbers.
So we're going to work on that intensely, and I just want to commend you, and we'll see what the big statement was she made that the New York Post was there to cover tomorrow.
But as you said, we heard from sources inside The View that they've edited what she said in the past, but they can't edit the statement she made in the last week.
We just need to get those reports from PrisonPlanet.com and other places out to everybody.
Luke, have you made it to the subway yet?
We're walking to the subway.
We're going to be there in a couple minutes.
No cops.
That's good.
And you know, we still got the banner open and they have no right to buffer us.
I think we're safe.
We have the Constitution, that's all we need.
Well, and the people back the Constitution up.
The Constitution, as you know, points out our God-given organic rights, that no man is a slave, no woman is a slave.
We are not the property of a bunch of boobies whose salaries we pay.
We're not the property of Lord Rockefeller, or Lord Rothschild, or all these people with titles of nobility.
We are going to defeat the New World Order with God's help.
And thanks to you, Luke, and people like you, we're going to win this fight against the New World Order.
Thank you Alex, man.
You're the one who inspired me.
You're the one who made me do what I'm doing right now.
And I just really want to thank you sincerely because if it wasn't for you, when I got beat up by the cops, I wouldn't have known none of this.
And it was really you who really changed my mind and really made me do what I'm doing right now.
God bless you for all the leadership you've shown, Luke, but this is the key here.
We're all leaders.
Exactly, we're all leaders.
They attacked you and then that woke you up and probably kept you on the straight and narrow because you told me you were a wild child when you were what, 16 when I beat you up?
I was 17, yeah man.
I was really ignorant, stupid, doing the stupid things.
But see, you ran into the New World Order and that put you on the path to find out about the police state and then you found my material.
What did you say you watched, like Police State 2000?
Police State 3, Police State 2000 was the first really documentaries that changed my mind and they're the first really great documentaries that...
You know, it made me who I am today.
But see, the evil, the oppression of the New World Order activated you and put you on the path to righteousness, put you on the path to leadership, and put you on the path to glory.
Listen, I appreciate you coming on with us, Luke.
God bless you.
Call in if there's any problems, okay?
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you so much for everything.
You bet.
Good job.
Another leader on the front lines of the war.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Walter, Paula, Steve, Andrew, Tito, I'm going to move your calls quickly.
Obviously, George Bush is in deep trouble.
The New World Order is piling all the anger of the American people about the economy, the war, everything on George Bush.
And I've always warned folks.
In fact, by the last two, three years of Bill Clinton's reign of terror, I said, listen, it isn't about Bill Clinton.
He's horrible.
He's a capo in the New World Order structure.
He's bad, but he's a puppet.
People are like, why aren't you bashing Bill Clinton anymore?
Well, I mean, we hate his guts.
He's a crook.
What else is there to know?
Let's move on.
And with George Bush, I'd like to see him impeached to punish government.
To let the system know, to let the bureaucrats and the politicians know they will be punished, but the Democrats are pro-war, pro-world government, pro-police state, anti-gun, pro-amnesty, just the same.
We need to punish all of them!
There's all this news today, that I'll get to later in the hour, about the Democrats being pro-war, and let's expand it, let's keep it going forever!
So until we realize that both parties are owned by the same people, and that it's a rigged boxing match, a rigged shooting match, a rigged horse race.
You know, horse racing, I've read a lot of stories about it and seen little bits and pieces in the news and talked to folks that are into it, and there have been famous cases where it leaked that the mob owned all the horses.
And they would own most of the horses the whole day at these big derbies.
And it's the same thing with the boxers.
That's what's really hurt professional boxing.
Because only fighters that are owned by the mob ever get to fight in the big bouts to begin with, and then a lot of them are rigged to control the betting.
I mean, who wants to go see that?
I'm telling you folks, it's rigged, it's rigged, it's rigged, and then you get somebody real like Ron Paul, who's very popular with both parties, Libertarians, Liberals, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, across the spectrum, anti-war, pro-gun, pro-sovereignty, just anti-Federal Reserve, anti-UN, the best you can get, anti-globalist, and you never see him on national TV other than Lou Dobbs,
He wins all the big straw polls, and then they remove him from polls saying, well, his people must be cheating.
This isn't accurate.
I mean, a bunch of polls have said that.
I mean, they're disqualifying him because he's winning!
It's just like we keep getting into the top 100 of Google Video, which is like being on national TV, because tens of millions a day go watch there, and that's where they do their viewing is on the Google top 100, predominantly.
And they just cheat us and knock our numbers out and take us off there.
Every time we search the main page of Dig, they admittedly just erase us, and they've got their internal people that rig it, and it just takes, you know, one dig to every ten pro digs to remove us, and they do it, and it's all big, big, and funny, and again, that's in the top 50 websites.
Again, that would surge Prison Planet and InfoWars into the top thousand, instead of the top 5,000 sites.
The drug is five hundred and something.
We would win this fight if we weren't being cheated.
But you know what?
It's only buying them time.
I want you to go insane.
I want you to, I mean, by insane, I mean just aggressively buy a DVD burner, aggressively burn copies of Terror Storms, aggressively get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership and burn.
We have high quality downloads.
Burn those to disk.
I mean, make ten copies every night while you're sitting there surfing the web.
Just be burning copies in the background of Terror Storm.
Depending on the computer, what, it takes me 5-10 minutes to burn a DVD of Terror Storm?
Or, I mean, this is incredible!
Might take you hours to download it.
Once you download it, just burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, just burning them, burning them, burning them, burning them!
Knowing they're circumventing them.
Knowing there's nothing on earth that can stop us.
Knowing that they're desperate right now.
Knowing they're clawing at us with everything they've got.
They're holding the door.
They are literally putting their shoulders up against their castle gates.
And we have a giant siege engine just ramming and ramming and ramming.
And literally just millions of us pushing our giant battering ram.
And just ram that door down!
Ram it down!
Ram it down!
Ram it down!
Ram it down!
Ram them!
Ram them!
Ram them!
Ram them!
Crush them!
Never stop!
We're coming for you!
Go to a song, man.
I'm in war mode!
Just go to some music!
Play Renegades, Revolutions, something.
I gotta take a break.
Or I have a heart attack.
Wake up, boys, there's a light at the window.
I can hear someone knocking on the door.
There are voices in the street and the sound of running feet.
And they whisper the word, REVOLUTION.
There are men coming down from the valley.
There are tall ships flying off the coast And they carry the light in the dark of the night Like a whisper in the wind Revolution!
Bring my gun and a handful of silver By the sea we will gather for the fight
It's been so many years So many tears We have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
Watch and wait, get ready for the sun There are many here among us now who have not seen the light We're not saying a word to all the people in the land Go to every hill and mountain for the time is now
I think so.
I know we're going to defeat the New World Order with God's help and God's standard.
We are not going to stop.
The idea cannot be stopped.
The idea is invincible of liberty and freedom.
We are going to win the fight against the New World Order.
It is the destiny of humanity.
New World Order, we're coming for you.
And all your criminals, and all your scum, and all your servants are going straight to hell!
Man, I got pumped up earlier.
My little biceps are about two inches bigger.
I literally just got pumped up, went into, went into, uh, canna-you-know-what mode.
I just cannot do that when I get on the air.
I just get so mad imaging our enemies.
Imaging everything they've done.
All the things they're involved with.
And I just know that we are that much closer to bringing them down and defeating them and that they are desperately trying to block us in everything they do because they are afraid.
They wouldn't be trying to block us.
They wouldn't be trying to shut us down.
They wouldn't be trying to censor us at every step of the way if they didn't know that we've got our hands around their skinny little throats.
We have got our hands around their throats and we are going to squeeze until their eyes pop out.
We are not going to stop!
We are committed!
Liberty or death!
Victory or death!
The New World Order has fallen!
It has failed!
It will fail!
It is dead on arrival, this rotten, sickening system that is engaged in so many millions of crimes.
Folks, I want you to go to Infowars.com and I want you to get America Freedom to Fascism if you haven't gotten it yet.
Get the DVD.
Burn the copies.
Get Terror Storm.
Burn the copies.
Put them on AXS TV.
Do whatever it takes to get it on.
Don't screw around.
Don't dawdle.
Don't wait.
Get energized.
Get mad.
Get fired up.
Get angry.
Get focused!
I'm talking just get in the Infowar.
Just swell up like the Incredible Hulk.
Just rip your shirt off.
Just go absolutely wild.
Run down the street.
I mean, we're talking about getting
I think?
Step into the shoes of George Washington!
Step into the shoes of Colonel Travis!
Step into the shoes of John Paul Jones!
Step into the shoes of those that brought the King to heel with the Magna Carta!
Step into the shoes and the flow and the stream of history!
Join us in the Info War!
Never surrender!
Never back off!
Never give up!
Never give in!
Just move forward against the target!
Move forward against the New World Order!
By force of weight, we will destroy them.
By force of will, we will vanquish them.
By force of our souls, we will defeat them with God's help, energizing each and every one of us.
Ask God to lead, guide, and direct you in the war!
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Hey Alex, I just wanted you to know that we're all behind you.
I'm going to quote a little tiny thing from your booklet about, uh, Citizen's Rulebook.
That's not my booklet, but sure.
Where the people fear the government, you have tyranny.
Where the government fears the people, you have liberty.
And you are right on, Alex, and there are tons and tons of people right behind you, supporting you in every single thing you do.
Don't blow your stack because we need you.
Just because, you know, at a primitive level you want to physically fight these people and then your brain gets confused about what you're really doing.
Of course, this is my Aunt Lil out in East Texas who calls in about once a year.
How are you doing?
Oh, we're doing great, but we need to see you.
Everything's so pretty out here.
The dogwoods are blooming and it's peaceful.
People who live out here know what real peace is like until they start listening to you and find out what the real truth is.
Yeah, well, I need to come out and see you guys.
I only got to come out and see you once during deer season and I just never had time.
I got to bring the kids though.
They really love it out there.
Well, come on out.
We love you and we just wanted you to know we're totally behind you and praying for you every minute.
Well, call my wife and lobby her to go out there with me because she just never has any time and then I always drag her off somewhere, but I know she wants to come out.
So, we'll come out there and see you soon.
We love you, Alex, and keep your head on, okay, honey?
How's the big vegetable garden?
I know you guys just put that in.
How big is it?
One of them is about 100 by 75 and the other one is about 300 by 150.
Wow, so a lot of goody goods there.
Yeah, we need some fencing and some tubes for water pipes and stuff like that, but we're going to have plenty of food for everybody who needs it.
That's good.
Well, I love you.
I'll talk to you soon.
Okay, love you.
Okay, I did skip ahead to her.
Let's go to Walter in Connecticut.
Walter, thanks for holding.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I would have liked to say hi to Luke, a friend of mine.
He's involved with a 9-11 troop down there.
But what I'm calling about is, I think we have a very narrow window of opportunity to save this country.
Oh yeah, it's down to the wire.
Well, I think Dr. Edwin Vieira touches on that key to it.
And I believe that Achilles' heel, these global leaders, Achilles' heel is really in reviving the constitutional state militias.
And he lays it out a blueprint with real clarity in his new book.
Um, it's called Constitutional Homeland Security.
Yeah, I've heard of, uh, I've heard of that Dr. Edward Vieira.
He's on, um, uh, D.B.
Kidd mentioned it just at the very end.
Yeah, I'll get him on.
I've already told my producer to get him on.
Oh, great, great.
I just brought him up to New Hampshire.
We were just driving, we went up to New Hampshire this past weekend.
What'd you think of what the police were doing there with Luke and the guys?
It's unbelievable.
Luke and I and Tom, we were working together down there on the steering committee, but that's a whole other thing, which I think has been subverted, our group down there, but I don't want to get into that right now.
Oh, there's no doubt of it, you know.
That's a whole other thing there.
All those trouble-making jumping jacks everywhere, yeah.
The thing that we had back during the Revolutionary War was we had
For 150 years prior to the American Revolution, a constitutional militia.
And the way of life of the people at that time, it was a part of their way of life.
We don't have, we haven't had that.
We had the most powerful gun culture ever.
When we went to war, the world shook.
The marksmanship was incredible.
That's all dying.
We've got to get our young people involved.
We haven't had a militia, a state militia, in over a hundred years.
And the problem is anytime you try to set one up, the feds run in and start provocateuring.
Yeah, well that's private militia.
They'll categorize it as private.
I'm talking about... Well I understand having the governor constitute it and then saying that every able-bodied man is a part of it.
You're talking about the Swiss model.
Yes, but it'll be more along the Swiss model.
And it's for natural disasters and everything else.
We'll get the master of militias on in the next few weeks, Mark Kornke, who can really break down the entire history of it to do two hours.
He went into the colonial state militia.
Do you know Mark Kornke?
Yes, I knew Mark.
I mean, Mark knows the history of it.
But I just said I'll get Vieira on.
I just said I'll get Vieira on, too.
Um, anyway... Listen, I gotta go.
I appreciate your call, okay?
Thanks a lot.
Uh, we'll be, uh, right back, ladies and gentlemen.
And, uh, we will, uh, continue with your phone calls for everybody that is, uh, patiently holding.
Paula, Andrew, and, uh, Steve, many others.
We'll get into, uh, well, all the news, and we'll continue with your calls.
We'll talk about American Blackout, too, in the third hour.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, Paul, Steve, Andrew, Bob, many others that are patiently holding.
We're going to get to your calls.
I've got some clips concerning Bush telling the Senate that he'll only let his people testify in secret.
This is the executive claiming dictatorial powers.
We also have clips of O'Reilly trying to cover up torture of children by the military-industrial complex.
For about 30 minutes of the next hour, we're going to have the folks on from American Blackout, an award-winning film on election fraud.
But I always love talking to him, but what I like even more is his product.
It feels so good to get on air and promote a family-owned, American-made, three-generation company founded in 1947.
This is their 60th anniversary.
His father started it, Marty Schachter.
His son helps him run it.
FiveStarsSoap.com is the website.
It's Calvin Pure Soap, and I tell the story every time he comes on, but just in a nutshell,
They had never advertised.
And they only sold wholesale to nicer hotels and hospitals because they wanted real soap that didn't destroy their linens, that didn't cause people to have allergic responses, that was plant-based.
There's no animal, there's no chemical, there's no, you know, the bad stuff in it, the petrochemicals that are in the Procter & Gamble lever stuff.
And so, back in 1947, they created this.
It's all organic.
with the, you know, the cherry oil, the vegetable compounds, the oil that comes out of the almonds, the bar soap, the hair soap, the face soap, there's really just three big lines of things.
So Genesis contacted him because one of the sales people liked the product he'd run into, he was into organic stuff, and got him to sponsor.
They've had a huge response and then they sent me a three year supply and it ran out in like a year and a half.
My wife said, I want more of this.
Where'd you get this box you brought home from the office?
And I said, it's Calvin Pierce soap.
So she called to order some and they said, Oh, we're going to send you more.
And then that ran out another year later.
And so I just said, why don't we just give this guy as a sponsor?
We love it.
And it's 85% off what the detergent soap is.
And then normally organic stuff, which we were using some of before, is double the price of the chemical stuff.
This is super organic and 85% the cost of the toxic chemical.
And then when regular organic stuff you can buy is on average double what the chemical stuff is, this is organic and it's 85% off the chemical.
If I'm making that clear.
Marty, thanks for coming on with us.
I get calls and emails every day saying thank you for putting us onto this soap.
It saves you money.
It's made in America.
It doesn't dry out your skin.
Used to if I used chemical stuff.
I've told the story.
Leave some under my arm.
Three hours later, I'd be at work, it would start burning, because I'd be in a hurry in the shower, you know, I've got a radio interview in five minutes, I've got to shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, I've forgotten about the interview, this happens all the time, I rush down, water dripping, no shoes on, blue jeans and t-shirt towards the telephone, and then three hours later at work, my arm starts burning, or sometimes between my legs, wherever you put soap, and you've got to go into the laboratory, pull your shirt off, splash water under your arm, or rush home and take a shower,
I can leave soap under my arms now.
It doesn't do that.
Marty, why is your soap so good?
Well, because we only use two basic ingredients.
Alex, we use coconut oils and we use vegetable oils.
These oils are called USP, which means United States Pure.
The highest grade oils to make the products.
And we've been doing it, like you said, for 60 years.
And my father and I thank all your listeners
He's not around anymore, but I know he's rolling over in his grave right now, knowing all the consumers and all the listeners that are calling us every day, weekend night, 24-7.
And it's very much appreciated.
We're the only company in the country that could save you money, save your skin, save the environment, save your equipment, save your clothing, save your hair, save shopping time.
All this together, no one can even say anything like that.
We do.
Pure soaps.
Nothing like it in the country.
It's absolutely amazing.
5starsoap.com or calbinpuresoap.com.
We have a big fat banner on the left hand side of prisonplanet.com.
We have text links up on prisonplanet.com.
We have a banner on infowars.com.
If you forget that, 5starsoap.com or calbinpuresoap.com.
Give them the number, Marty.
If you call at night or call on the weekends, we'll get the message and call you back.
That's 800-340-7091.
Now, you've got a sampler pack.
Tell folks about the sampler pack for people just to get an idea of what you carry.
Well, people are so reluctant.
They've been burned before.
They've been ripped off.
They've been lied to.
And we feel we've got to get some products in their home.
We put together what we call a one-month tote bag.
It weighs out about six pounds.
It's good for a family of four, anywhere from four to eight weeks.
It's got four bars of our wonderful Pure Soap, 18 ounces in a jar of our beautiful laundry soap with a little tiny scoop, 16 ounces of our triple concentrated cocoa butter shampoo, 16 ounces of our liquid cream dish soap for pots, pans, utensils, floors,
Windows everything.
It's got a large nylon scarring pad to replace Ajax's Comet and Steel Wall and SOS pads.
It's got a book of instructions all put together in a box.
It's $16 plus United Parcel to your home.
No sales tax.
If you're in California, we've got to charge you a little tax.
But all around the country, it's tax-free.
Marty, they don't care.
They don't care about the sales tax issue.
Give them the number again.
It's 800-340-7091.
They can also call and get a free catalog, can't they?
All the information that you see on the website is in our printed catalog with pictures, prices, and the thing is that we price everything out.
Go to your supermarket and see if there's prices on anything right now.
They've got barcodes.
No prices on anything.
You don't know what you're buying.
You're getting ripped off.
Call and get a free catalog.
1-800-340-7091 or 5starsoap.com.
Marty, give me a limerick in closing.
This is a hundred years old.
It's not bawdy.
Most of the limericks are bawdy.
But we feel that the clean ones are better.
This goes like this.
It says, There was an old man of Nantucket.
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan, ran away with her man.
And as for the bucket, Nan took it.
A body.
Both of you don't even know what body means.
You're funny.
Alright, well good talking to you.
We'll talk to you soon, my friend.
Yes, I've got some more questions for you.
Please call me when you can.
Oh, fantastic.
God bless you.
Good to talk to you, Marty.
Marnie, I gave you a call.
I was asking about somebody that gave him a call.
Some network or something.
Some other.
Let's go ahead now and go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Paula in Florida.
Paula, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I heard you a while ago.
I tell you, hon, you're awesome.
Anyway, I want to know if it's okay with you.
I need to tell some stuff that everybody needs to know.
So that it'll help them to understand things?
Well, you can say whatever you want.
I mean, we don't screen your calls.
What's on your mind?
The thing about the Democrats not doing anything about GW, there's something I need to explain about this, because they're scared to death, and it's something that I told them about that has stopped them.
But in the book of the House of David, it tells about that if you take one of David's sons off his throne, there is a payment from God.
And this is what happened in Germany.
This is what happened in the Holocaust.
Because the Jews took Frederick off the throne, or taught the people into doing it, and this was judgment from God.
And GW is from the House of David, and this is why they're afraid to do anything.
Okay, Paula, thank you so much.
Paula, listen, I appreciate your call.
We've got to move quick so we can get to everybody.
I really appreciate it.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Steve in North Carolina.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Give me a huge favor, turn your radio off.
Because I want to be able to focus on you and listen to you and not have the delayed radio in the background.
Hey, Tiberio, can you turn that down?
Okay, go ahead, sir.
Hey, um, I sent you guys a manual from Marine Corps on our terrorism awareness, and it had a bunch of... Yes, you sent me that, it was in the pile.
Aaron was going to write an article about it.
He's got it somewhere, and we never got around to scanning it or doing it, and I apologize.
Oh, that's great.
And after I saw that, I did some more looking, and I found a lot of different manuals with depleted uranium training in it that Marines and people in the military just don't receive.
That should be on the agenda.
Well, we interviewed Doug Rocker, the head of the DU program, who wrote the manuals off previous federal documents saying it's deadly, but you're right.
Now they don't issue it, they tell you it's good for you, doesn't hurt you, fortifies the bones, I'm being sarcastic, but they do say it doesn't hurt you, you know, don't worry about it, and feel free to send those to us, but you know what, I'm glad you called.
Because it reminded me, Aaron's got that, or it's somewhere here in a stack.
He was writing an article about it, and he never got around to it because we have limited staff here, but you just reminded me.
Tell folks what was in that Marine Corps manual.
It mirrored what was in other... What was it, Army manual you got in the Marine Corps?
It mirrored the other training manuals by the FBI and others telling local police that constitutionalists, land rights activists, gun owners are terrorists.
Tell folks about it.
Basically outlined what to do if you encounter terrorists and how to prevent yourself from being harmed by them as either a civilian or someone in the military.
There was absurd things about what to do if you think you're being followed to go through traffic lights and not obey traffic laws to keep you safe.
It outlined animal rights groups, privacy advocates, any constitutionalists as terrorists included them in like vegans, vegetarians,
I've got to find that.
I mean, literally, that kind of stuff comes in all the time.
We post a lot of it, we write about a lot of it, but it's like, I'm trying to eat an elephant here, and I don't have enough pygmies to do it, but keep sending the stuff.
God bless you.
Good job.
Anything else?
I'm still handing out the America Freedom messages and DVDs and TerrorStorm DVDs, and I'm getting mixed responses.
I almost sense fear.
It's overwhelming to some people.
Are you talking about you're giving it to people in the Marine Corps or outside the Corps?
But in the Marine Corps, it's almost overwhelming for a lot of Marines.
It's almost like a betrayal, you know?
Well, they need to know how they've been betrayed, because the very people betraying our troops in Iraq are the ones dissolving the borders, signing us on to the North American Union, imploding this nation.
Well, they've got us busy looking over there.
The destruction is happening.
The death of the country is happening right now.
I appreciate your call.
Anything else?
Did he drop already?
He's gone.
Keep calling in with those reports.
I appreciate that.
Keep it up.
And remember,
Most people you reach out to aren't going to respond positively at first.
But you planted the seed.
And it's going to lay there in the ground, in their soul, in their mind, until the tyranny comes to them.
And that's the water, that's the sunlight.
Or until something good happens in their life, something bad happens.
You never know what's going to activate them.
Plant the seeds.
Just keep planting seeds, ladies and gentlemen.
It's working.
Let's go ahead and
Talk to Andrew.
Andrew, where are you calling us from?
Yeah, I just called Alex Bennett.
He's a talk show host on Sirius A.L.I.
I don't know if you've heard of him.
No, I haven't.
Well, I tried talking about Ron Paul, but as soon as I mentioned his name, he twisted it around and said, I have an agenda, which is a political show, so people call and talk about Giuliani and Clinton and everything.
He says I have an agenda.
He called me a fringe nut and all that stuff.
Yeah, Ron Paul, Vietnam veteran, doctor, most conservative voting record.
And let me guess, this is a so-called conservative show?
No, he's supposed to be bipartisan.
Oh, they're even worse, the ones that act like Glenn Beck.
Oh, I'm nonpartisan.
And then they're for torture and everything else.
I mean, so you, I mean, give me an example.
You called him and said, hey, I like Ron Paul.
He's really great.
And he said that was an agenda or what happened?
Well, I called in, uh, I wanted to hear what he thought about him.
And, uh, I guess he looked him up.
He pretended, uh, not to know anything about him.
He looked him up and insulted the way he looked and told me a fringe nut, basically.
I mentioned freedom to fascism.
Well, I mean, who could deny that we're losing our freedom?
Who could deny our police wear black masks and black helmets and there's cameras everywhere?
Who could deny the country's in crisis?
Who could deny that things aren't in trouble?
And, I mean, but listen, you gotta love these talk show hosts.
He laughed at how Ron Paul looks.
See, he's talking to a fifth grade level.
That's just unbelievable.
Sir, let me tell you a secret about Sirius and XM who have now merged.
Together, they only have about 7 million subscribers.
7 million.
Most yuppies that buy it don't even end up using it that much.
I've looked at the numbers.
The numbers are available.
They've got big think tanks and consumer groups that track this.
Howard Stern is the biggest thing on Sirius XM right now and maximum of the 7 million subscribers there might be only 500,000 to a million tuning into his whole show now but each one of those
Several million listeners that tune in at different times, you know, are paying 30, 40, 50 bucks a month.
That's how Stern can be paid hundreds of millions of dollars.
But it's all, I mean, in my opinion, it's a Ponzi deal.
And then you've got all, you've got 500 and something channels, hundreds of channels of music, hundreds of channels of talk.
You can even go pay now to get on those channels and have maybe 10,000 people listen to you.
I mean, it's a joke.
These people
I mean, it's fine if you're already syndicated on AM and FM and Internet to then be picked up by Sirius or XM, but everybody's falling over themselves to get it.
I mean, they haven't done the analysis.
I mean, one good AM or FM talk station that has, you know, 200,000 listeners an hour, something like, say, KLBJ here in Austin.
You know, it goes from Dallas to San Antonio and up into Oklahoma.
That thing's got a couple hundred thousand listeners an hour.
And that's just, you know, it's a marquee station, but it's not in the top 50 in the country.
I mean, you get a WABC, that sucker's got a million plus listening an hour, conservatively.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
So who cares about some talk show host
Believe me, he's not going to get listeners up there making fun of Ron Paul.
I mean, anybody who doesn't know who Ron Paul is, literally has a political show and doesn't know who Ron Paul is, give me a break!
He's been endorsed by Lou Dobbs in the Wall Street Journal.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
And you could have it all.
My empire of dirt.
I will let you down.
Welcome back.
You're not going to live forever.
You can't take all your toys and junk with you.
It's all about loving your family.
It's about having children and raising them right.
It's about building things that help society.
It's about doing the right thing.
It's about trials and tribulations.
Because anything worth anything, you're going to have to fight for.
And if you don't go through tribulations, you're not living the right life, folks.
I mean, if you don't have some tests in your life, and I'm telling you, after you go through those tests, it only gets better.
God only rewards you, and that's not why you do it.
You do it because you're compelled, it's in your soul, but you just get rewarded after you go through each tribulation.
Then the next tribulation comes and it's even greater.
And God doesn't even expect us to make it through these tribulations, it's just the fact that we try.
It's like Jimmy Vaughn said a few weeks ago on the show, we don't have to move the rock, we've just got to push it.
That's all God asks
That's all the laws of the universe ask.
God's universe is that you put yourself in the way of the evil, that you stand up against it no matter how big and bad it is, that you resist it, that you dig your heels in and you let it run you over if need be.
Because you're not going to escape it running.
You're only going to ensure it wins.
Let's continue with your calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bobby in California.
Bobby, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for walking point, man.
Gotta congratulate you for that.
I'm down here in the center of Nouveau-Riche, yuppiness, Orange County, and it's just like you said, when I walk through these Madison Avenue malls and see these women with their $2,300 handbags, you can look in their eyes and see how soulless and unhappy they are.
They're not going to be happy living like that.
They'd be happy, you know, living in some little house with a bunch of kids running around them with a happy life, going to the park and eating dinner on a bench.
I was wondering if I could read you a quick quote from Alexander Schultz Meaton.
You inspired me to read this book, The Gulag Archipelago.
Own nothing, possess nothing.
Buddha and Christ taught us this, and the Stoics and the Cynics.
Greedy though we are, we can't seem to grasp that simple teaching.
Can't we understand that with property we destroy our soul?
Own only what you can always carry with you.
No languages.
No countries.
No people.
Let your memory be your travel bag.
Use your memory.
Use your memory.
It is those bitter seeds alone which might sprout and grow someday.
God bless you, Alex.
Thanks a bunch.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
And then there's the quote about what would have happened, oh, though we burned in the camps.
In fact, Kevin, will you get me the Shelton Eatson quote?
Oh, how we burned in the camps wishing that we would have taken on the secret police.
Let's type in Alexander Schultz and eat some How We Burned into Google.
It'll come up.
See, I should have a computer in studio.
See, I'd be typing that right now and not thinking.
So I've got to have it printed.
It's the only way I can do it, because the surfing on the computer, I've tried it many times, it doesn't work.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're very close.
We're just an afterthought of getting Cynthia McKinney on today.
We were having the director, the producer of Blackout, American Blackout,
A powerful examination of voting rights in America.
Hollywood Reporter was the winner of basically every film prize you can get.
This is ridiculous.
It's that well done.
And it just focuses on one sector of election fraud.
A sure thing is what Variety called it.
The New York Times called it a provocative look at the 2004 election.
And this was several years in the making, folks.
This is amazing.
Proving massive election fraud.
So we're going to have the director Ian Inababa on, and he's trying to get Cynthia on right now.
It was his idea.
So that's coming up in a few minutes.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to your calls here.
I want to move quick.
I want to get to Lori and Shannon and Andrew and everybody.
But Tito in Vancouver, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, thanks Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I've been a long-time listener, first-time caller.
Discovered you off Rents and followed your links and eventually I was awoken too.
I got a couple quick stories here to relate for you and your listeners.
Sure, thank you.
Okay, on the weekend, this is sort of a story of the microcosm of your US border with Mexico.
Up here in Canada on the weekend, we went out for some St.
Paddy's Day drinks, me and three fellas.
We went to a local drinking establishment, and while we were in line, the doorman, with the black leather gloves on, stopped us, asking for a copy of a government ID that they were going to photocopy, and keep a copy of, while we were in their establishment.
One of my friends, of the four of us, failed to have any ID with him.
He apparently had left his wallet home.
And instead of turning us all away, or turning him away,
He said, the three of you are going to pay her $5 and get your ID photocopied and do the regular things that law-abiding citizens do.
And the guy without any ID is going to walk in, he's not going to pay anything, and he's not going to have any ID noted of who he is.
So he walked in, and we had our ID photographed, and I asked the lady why she was doing it.
She said it was because they wanted to, in case something happened at the bar, they had a record of who was in there.
And I just, I told her that I thought it was kind of funny.
By the way, this is how the corporations are getting us ready for the National ID Card.
Literally IDing 85 year old, I don't want to exaggerate, I've seen them ID like 75, 80 year old women.
I mean, women who can hardly walk, folks.
I mean, they're probably 80.
And I've seen like 75 year old men.
One time I saw an 80 year old one buying pipe tobacco.
Had to be 80.
50, 60, grey-haired women, 45.
I mean, folks, I try not to drink and I've totally quit even drinking that one glass of wine with Italian food, but we'll have friends coming over and I'll go buy some wine.
I look really old, folks.
I mean, I'm a little bit overweight.
People think I'm like 45.
I'm 33.
They card me, folks, when I'm buying liquor or alcohol.
I mean, this is insane.
Uh, this is nuts.
I mean, I've been on vacation, decided to buy a cigar, and the old card.
And I told the story, this is about three years ago, he since quit and works for another company.
This old, uh, fellow I know, veteran, and well, he listens to the show.
I'm walking in there one night, and there's an old lady, about 65, 70, and she's, uh, buying, uh, she's not an old lady, hell, I'm getting old now too, myself, you know what I mean, older.
We're good to go.
And I went, wow!
And now they do it everywhere.
But again, if you're an illegal alien... See, it... This is so important.
I wish we weren't out of time as the guest was coming up.
Anything else you want to add about it?
I just wanted to add that's sort of the joke of the whole situation.
And I had one last quick comment.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to get to you after the break.
You know, I end up running over people because they bring up points and I want to add to it.
This is real, folks.
This is... It's not just the illegal aliens.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A muckraking indictment of the systematic disenfranchisement of African-American voters, the LA Times wrote,
Winner of every major film festival you can think of.
I'm not going to go over it all.
It was the Special Jury Prize at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.
And I had a chance to meet its director, Ian Inaba.
Oh, I guess back at the 2004 Project Censored Awards, when he was just starting the production of this, it took two years to make.
I mean, this
It is a film that deserves to be seen to learn the dirty tricks.
I can't describe this film.
I mean, it's not just about the disenfranchisement of blacks, but it's a window.
You can't, you know, focus on everything.
The world's too big, but it's just amazing.
And how they set up Cynthia McKinney and all the things that happened to her.
I mean, she's a lady that'll get Rumsfeld in front of her and say, where are the trillions missing from the Pentagon?
Why do you run giant child kidnapping rings?
You know, why do you let DynCorp do that?
And then the Governor of Illinois talked about it.
She will bring up stuff that I mean, I think I would have the nerve, but I frankly have this, the hair on the back of my neck stands up to think about sitting in Congress with General Myers, then Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, definitely involved in 9-11, Rumsfeld and others, and saying, you're working with child kidnappers.
You've stole trillions.
They cheated her in one congressional election.
They cheated her again.
They just set her up again.
And a man who's been following her for, what, two plus years to make this film, American Blackout, joins us.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
We are selling this video.
We hope you will get it.
I think it's some of the best work from the Guerrilla News Network.
And the director, Ian Inaba, joins us.
Ian, thank you for coming on.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Run through just kind of an overview, you know, hitting the key points of why you decided to make the film, how this progressed, you know, in the middle of it, just documenting it as it happened, and what really happened to Cynthia McKinney and why she's been targeted more than any other congressperson that I've seen in recent history by the Bush crime syndicate.
That's right, Alex.
Well, you know, at the Guerrilla News Network, like yourselves here at InfoWars, we try to cover stories that we feel the mainstream media doesn't properly cover.
And so, back in 2002-2003, we started to write a book called True Lies, where we were looking at different stories, including certain elements of 9-11, how we treat our soldiers with the anthrax vaccine, electronic voting machines,
And one story in particular that I was watching was what was happening to this Congresswoman down in Georgia.
And at the time, you know, Cynthia McKinney had started to raise some issues, and she started to vote for a Palestinian state, and she had a lot of enemies.
She started to build a lot of enemies.
She had been in Congress for 10 years, actually, at that point.
And they mounted a very large campaign to get her out.
Um, in the state of Georgia, and they were successful.
And, um, why I was looking at her story was because this was at the time period after 9-11, but before the war in Iraq, where the Bush administration really was taking to task anybody that raised, um, these types of questions, or questioned what they were doing.
Um, and Cynthia McKinney, like you said, is somebody that fearlessly, um, kind of has gone out in front and raised these questions before anybody else, and really put herself out in the media and in the public
Um, to take those first arrows, you know, and so, um, she was somebody that I really wanted to profile and to get to know and to learn more about her story because I felt it was this important time where here was this one single congressperson that was willing to raise these questions while the mainstream media was nowhere to be found.
Um, so, as I started to meet her and follow her, um, I really, you know, there were a couple key issues that kept on coming up.
She had followed a lot of the same stories including, you know, electronic voting machines and certain vaccines that are run by government contractors which make our soldiers sick.
We forget she questioned the official 9-11 story and said it was a cover-up.
I mean, what, in 2002?
I mean, this woman's incredible!
That's right.
She was the one and she has been a leading figure on the 9-11 truth movement ever since.
Here again is a sitting public official who is willing to raise these questions.
She's a trailblazer, so they spend all their time demonizing her.
That's right, that's right.
And so, as I was following her, though, one thing really came clear, and that is how important the vote is, and how they're able to silence her and this important voice of dissent by controlling the voting system.
Yeah, 12% of the country is black, and that is a key swing vote.
That's right, that's right.
While they're only 12%, 90% of them vote typically for a Democratic candidate.
So it very much affects the Democrat races.
So if they're able to manipulate it like they do in her case in the primary, they can actually control which Democratic candidates get into office as well.
So I continued to follow her and I wanted to tell the story of what happened back in the 2000 election and then what, as I was following her, then happened again in Ohio.
And for most people that don't know these stories, but may have heard of them before, back in 2000 in Florida, how the state of Florida was won by the Bush administration was that they essentially removed about 90,000 voters from the voter rolls in Florida.
That state was again won by 537 votes.
And so, if you consider that you're going to remove 90,000 names from the list, and probably prevent at least a couple thousand of those people from voting on Election Day, you probably have the differential for how Bush won that state.
So again, by controlling and targeting black voters in key swing states, where the political strategists have determined that the races, particularly presidential races, are going to come down to, because remember, because of the Electoral College,
The political strategist can calculate down to almost the precinct where the presidential election will take place.
And that's why what Blackwell did in Ohio is so key and now it's come out in court and been admitted and people have been arrested for organized election fraud, blocking voters, predominantly blacks.
That's absolutely right, and that's why you saw Ken Blackwell overwhelmingly get defeated in Ohio.
And there's no debating it, folks.
They stole the election in Ohio.
Now, I don't like Skull and Bones Kerry, and of course he was a ringer, too, because you can't just stage it at the state or electoral level.
You've also got to have the candidate, once he's been robbed, take a dive.
So it's two components there.
But clearly, Al Gore won in 2000, John Kerry won in 2004,
George Bush is literally installed like a dictator and then trying to physically be one.
That's right.
And it's all done by trampling on the voting rights of African Americans in the United States.
Absolutely amazing.
That is the story that I wanted to tell going into the 2006 election.
And then you discovered all these dirty tricks and everything else.
Let's get into that, that key area.
We all remember she was saying racist things.
Her bodyguards, the police, all of PSYOP.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, so we released the film at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008.
And let's be clear, you've been following her around everywhere.
I mean, I saw her, I was there to interview her at the Project Centered Awards, and I was getting second place.
And there was Cynthia McKinney, the keynote speaker, I'd already interviewed her before, but I mean, you were constantly covering her, go ahead.
That's right, yeah, I followed her around the country for about two and a half years.
Um, as she was in office, then out of office on the anti-war circuit and 9-11 truth movement circuit, um, and then as she came back in office and won in 2004.
Um, and then so as we made the film and released it then in early 2006, we were gaining a lot of momentum.
Um, the film placed at the Sundance Film Festival with a jury prize.
There were a number of networks and theatrical distributors interested in taking the film out and really exposing this issue to a larger scale.
And we continue to gain momentum at additional film festivals throughout the beginning of 2006.
But then one day, I got this call in March, where somebody from Cynthia McKinney's office called me and said, Ian, you know, something's happened to Cynthia.
They're saying that she's hit this police officer.
And at that moment, Alex, I knew.
I said, you know, here they come.
I knew they were going to come after her again.
But I didn't know, I didn't think it would be that early.
I thought it would be closer to 90.
And Alex admitted, first they said they had cameras and they admitted that wasn't true.
Then it turned out they did, they didn't want to show them.
All she did was pull her hand back.
That's how that, that's so sick.
And that's the executive branch in control of those cops doing this.
This is the executive, literally, they have the drills, the gun takeover drills, ordering Congress around.
This is so dangerous, but go ahead.
No, that's right.
I mean, you know, so what they claim is that, you know, she hit this police officer as he was attempting to check her ID, walking her way into Congress.
And, you know, what she had told me is like, look, this happens to me once a month, at least, that they harass her.
And so I went to Capitol Hill because once that event happened, it really affected our ability to put this film out.
The major broadcasters pulled back their offers, the theatrical distributors also pulled back, and we were left on our own.
Yeah, it was a massive demonization campaign.
That's right.
And so she was plastered, once again, all over the news media as being this racist, anti-Semitic, crazy black woman, you know, who doesn't know what she's talking about.
And I've been around her and interviewed her many times.
She's extremely intelligent.
Yeah, no, she is.
She's a very well-studied, hard-working individual.
And so, I went to Capitol Hill, though, to try to find out what the real story is, and I got actually four black police officers who were willing to talk to me, and that is actually on the DVD, so people can actually see that as a DVD extra if they get in.
It's incredible.
And what they paint is a much different picture.
What they tell is a story where there's a standing class action lawsuit between the Black Police Officers Association and the rest of the general police officer organization on Capitol Hill, where they claim that they've been harassed and racially harassed for a number of years and that unequally treated.
And Cynthia McKinney was one of the only Congress people to stand up and sign their petition and actually ask for a few resignations in cases where there was an explicit use of racialized language.
So let's be clear.
She was already fighting with the Capitol Police Union.
They hated her.
That's right.
So you've got the retribution right there.
She was sticking up for the black police officers.
She had called for the resignation of the general counsel of the police officers force.
And of course, you never heard that in the media.
It was just this crazy, wild-haired, that's what they were saying, black woman in little racial terms about what her eyes look like and all this stuff, and ha ha ha ha ha, and isn't she nuts, and all of it was acceptable, just out of the blue, crazy black woman.
But in truth, she was standing up to him.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss
Welcome back.
You know, Ron Paul is running for president.
The demonization is already heated up.
They have stolen elections and shot her down twice, but she came back and fought them each time.
Pray she'll do it again.
We've got Cynthia McKinney on with us and the director, Ian Obama, of American Blackout, an unbelievable film, winner of the jury prize of the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.
The establishment was scared this was going to hit theaters.
And they used the police union that she'd already exposed as involved in a lot of problems to come after her, harass her.
All she did was pull her hand away.
They let her have to admit that.
See, the first few days, she was wild and crazy and hitting people for no reason.
And then they said, we got video of it.
They said, we'll show it.
Well, we don't.
So Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney joins us.
Pop in any time, Ian, the director.
Congresswoman, this is a short segment right now.
Can you just, in a nutshell, explain the succession of dirty tricks?
Well, I guess you could say, well, the dirty trick started from the day I was sworn in, but if we just go to the year 2006, in January I had an encounter with the Capitol Hill Police and what they did was they had a special training session where they passed my photograph around to all of the Capitol Hill police officers within the Capitol complex and said, know her face.
Because Capitol Hill police officers are required to know the faces of all 535 members of Congress.
Then in February, when it happened again, they posted my photograph around at the stations.
Now let's be clear, let's be clear, it happened again, them stopping you, grabbing on you?
Well, there was no physical contact in the first two instances.
And that's, you know, but then in the third time it happened, this particular officer was particularly aggressive.
In addition to the fact that he totally failed to secure the building, which was his secondary responsibility, aside from recognizing me, and all I'm doing is going to work!
And then, of course, there was the physical contact, which was totally uncalled for, for someone who had failed to do their job.
But at any rate, the bottom line is that this had been a form of harassment, but it never, ever crossed my mind that there was a possibility that there was retribution being sought for some actions that I had done previously.
And it was then, through the work of Guerrilla News Network and Ian,
That, um, when he spoke to black Capitol Hill police officers, they exposed the rest of the story.
And that rest of the story is on the American Blackout DVD.
Now, for those that don't get to film, everybody should have us show it to everybody.
Explain what the black officers revealed.
Well, Ian, why don't you talk about your experience in getting with them.
Well, you know, first of all, it took a long time to build the trust of the police officers to get them to speak on camera.
But once we did, they revealed a story where, because Cynthia had stood up for their interests, they really believed that she had been repeatedly targeted by the white officers.
Um, that there was this kind of running joke that, oh, here she comes up the stairs, I'm gonna stop her, I'm gonna stop her, and that they were specifically harassing her more so than even the other black members, who in general, they say, are harassed more than the white members.
Well, this is literally like a Pretorian guard who would routinely just become the Caesars themselves.
I mean, Bush is already, with his control of the surrounding federal police, I know Congress controls the others, you know, there's a backfire in the garage, so they shut half of D.C.
down, and I've seen congressmen, these are white congressmen on TV doing an interview, and they run up with machine guns and say, get out of here, and start shoving them!
That is, listen, Congress is the boss, because they work for the people!
Congresswoman, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney comments?
Well, I mean, you know, Alex, you have a knack of saying it exactly the way it needs to be said, and there's nothing more that can be said.
But the bottom line is, you're absolutely right.
These people are employed by the public to protect the members of Congress, to protect the Congress, to protect the public.
And unfortunately, after my incident, I heard from
Tons of people around the country who also had tales to tell of what they considered to be improper treatment at the hands of the Capitol Hill Police.
But Alex, if you also look at the differential between right after McKinney's incident with that incident with Congressman Kennedy, you know, where he was driving, you know, under, inebriated, right, and got into an accident.
How many, did he run into like ten cars or something?
Well, he ran into the, actually, the barricade that they're protecting the congressional bill with.
He was whisked away while McKinney was pressed charges and sent to a grand jury.
Yeah, but it was also in the press, wasn't it?
He also careened into cars as he was just like,
Yes, yes.
We'll stay there, Congresswoman.
Stay there, Cynthia McKinney.
We've got a break.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Final segment with both our guests.
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Welcome back!
A sure thing is what Variety called it.
The New York Times called it a provocative look at the 2004 election.
A muckraking indictment of the systematic disenfranchisement of African-American voters.
But it's the extras.
The film's great.
It's the extras about then Chapter 2.
It's like a whole other film on what happened to Cynthia McKinney.
Congresswoman, you were trying to finish up a statement about
The congressman driving around smashing into barricades and cars and driving around half-passed out and they covered all that up and then with you, if I've got this story correct, because they first claimed they had video of it and they admitted they didn't, was it they grabbed on you, you just pulled your hand back and that was called, you know, a Tyrannosaurus attack that you'd launched.
Tell us what really happened there.
Well, of course, I think it's really clear that what happened was
The political hound got involved in something that unfortunately was a normal occurrence for me now.
It wasn't quite so normal that I would have my physical person attacked in such a way by
uh... a capitol hill police officer but that this routine kind of you know subtle you know uh... we're going to pick on her kind of thing.
That's normal for me.
But let's make it clear now we've got members of capitol hill police that are able to cause controversies to get people kicked out of congress.
Maybe we should just have them all move into the seats and be our kings.
We can give them little crowns to wear.
Well I mean you know I think what happened in my case
With the involvement of the Fraternal Order of Police was totally unprecedented.
But they got involved.
It's their right to do that.
And it's also my right to continue to speak out.
And that's what I intend to do.
And that's why I was at the Pentagon on, oh gosh, it was the coldest day of my life out there with the wind blowing.
And it was my birthday, but it was necessary.
Well, they really tried to demonize you all over the country for simply talking about the traitorous treason that's been engaged in by this government.
Who could deny how treacherous and traitorous this administration is?
I don't think anyone could, but one of the things that I think it's important to know, and that is
It's important that you and I have this discussion and that I have the opportunity to present myself to your audience because the last thing that the powers that be want is for the
The people of all backgrounds, all ethnicities, races, religions, to come together.
And that's what we represent.
Things have gotten so bad, we don't have anyone who will speak to the people's interest, and so now all of us are throwing off all of those superficial divisions that they
Typically used to divide us, now we're throwing those off and we're all coming together.
Well, all the polls, Congresswoman, you're right, all the polls show that because, I mean, both parties have like a 14% approval rating, both parties have been exposed as working for the big central banks and private interest.
I mean, it's all starting to come out and the left-right paradigm is shattered.
Do you think the establishment is worried?
Well, they ought to be.
They absolutely ought to be.
Because it is clear now when the American people go to the polls and vote with one expectation that there will be a sea change in public policy.
And they don't get that sea change in public policy.
Why is the Democratic majority not repealing the Military Tribunals Act, the Secret Evidence Act, the Patriot Act?
Why are these things not being repealed?
Why is it that they are not protecting posse comitatus so that we don't get that militarized state that
We are slowly creeping into... Well, Bush said he wanted a dictatorship, and it looks like the Democrats want to damage Bush, but basically take the new powers that he's unjustly secreted into the executive branch.
Anytime Ian wants to pop in, he's welcome to the Director of American Blackout that we offer at InfoWars.com.
But Congresswoman, Part 2, it looked like they weren't going to be able to shoot you down
Because it came out that indeed you'd been grabbed on and you didn't hit anybody, and it was all lies, but the Capitol Police put out the story, they had a video, when they knew they didn't, they were just lying, but knowing people would hear that, then they didn't stop there, then they started claiming that you'd been heard saying all these things, and they were taking stuff out of context, and secretly recording, and all this stuff.
I mean, break down the black op that you went through.
Well, you know, now, the secret recordings, you know, I don't know.
All I know is that I have been apologized to so many times by the leadership of the Capitol Hill Police Department that at one point or another we have to begin to question the leadership because they apparently can't even get the hiring process right, that they can hire people who respect due process, who respect the members of Congress, and who respect the public.
What I'm saying is, part two though, they weren't done attacking and then they tried to claim some big controversy out of nothing about something you supposedly said.
Oh, I don't know it.
You gotta refresh my memory.
I don't remember that.
I've been through so much.
You remember all the stuff with the police bodyguards and all that later?
Oh, that was, um, well, you know, I don't really know the whole story behind that because that was something that took place with people who are very close to me.
But apparently the FOP had their, what do you call those people?
The instigators.
They had their instigators at my
Campaign headquarters.
Yeah, provocateurs.
The provocateurs.
That's right.
They were there.
And I know that because I have many former police officers who were there, former Atlanta police officers.
And they told me that, you know, they pointed out that among the media were these FOP provocateurs.
Oh, believe me Alex, it was often interesting that then the FOP, you know, gave money to her opponent, you know, to fund his campaign against McCain.
But be clear about what the FOP means and some of the details of what happened.
Well, that's the Fraternal Order of Police who, you know, essentially was responsible for bringing the charges and sending her to the grand jury.
So, another interesting fact about this case was, you know, so once we discovered what these other black police officers, the alternative story, the actual, the real story of how this all came about, we tried to release this to the mainstream media.
This was just in the lead up to her primary, and actually also then in between her primary and her runoff election, which they forced her into in 2006.
Well, actually, go ahead Ian, but then I want to say that they didn't
We're in court over that election and there are a whole lot of anomalies there, but go ahead.
Right, so we tried to release this to allow the mainstream press to actually cover this alternative version of the story, since the mainstream media had put her face about this crazy black woman slapping this police officer all over the country.
And we couldn't get a single mainstream media outlet to, even though we had documented this on video, we supplied them with it, even the AP reporter from down in
The AP reporter said, you know, as long as I can validate your sources, then I will cover this story.
So I jumped through a number of hoops, got these black police officers to call in from an undisclosed location where they were morphing their voices with an untraced number.
So that they could talk to this reporter.
We talked to her for 45 minutes on the phone.
They validated who they were, and what they knew, and how this all came about.
And she said she was going to go write the story.
She then, but never wrote the story.
We followed up with her.
She claimed that her editor would not allow her to, because it would actually affect, they felt it would affect her race, and that it would actually benefit McKinney.
It's okay to do something if it hurts her, but I've had Reuters and AP reporters tell me all the time, look, we know we're controlled, we have people above us.
You know, with Reuters it goes to London, with AP it goes to New York or other places.
It's staged.
Congresswoman, they've shot you down a couple times, but you've always bounced right back up.
Are you going to run again for Congress?
Well, we're assessing that right now, and the situation is in court.
We are about to put a huge number of documents up on our website.
www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com and we invite people to stay tuned because we not only had the voting machine cards on sale for my district on sale at eBay, we've got legal affidavits from voters all over metropolitan Atlanta who are not in the 4th District but who had the 4th District show up on their computer screens and so they voted in the 4th District.
So we don't know who voted, and we don't know whether or not... It's all designed to do that, and that's why these people are so arrogant.
But I see, again, the establishment, even though they can steal a lot of elections, they're not as arrogant as they once were, because the jig is up, the people are aware of the trick, they know what's going on, all things cindyandmckinney.com.
We'll get links to that up on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Congresswoman, I know you've got to leave here in just a minute or two.
Any closing comments or key points folks should know.
Well, I think what Ian has said about taking the truth to the media and then them refusing to print the truth is a very, very important aspect of why you are so important.
We have got to rely on the truth-tellers now
Who are the true revolutionaries and the true patriots, because the corporate-controlled media refuse to tell us the truth, and we have to have the truth.
So I just want to thank you for doing what you do every day, and I know it's not easy, but thank you for being there so we have the opportunity to tell the people the truth.
Congresswoman, thank you so much for our listeners in Georgia.
I hope in a year you gear back up to runner.
When would that election be coming up?
Well, um, 2008 of course, um, and um...
Well, I've got lots of announcements that I've got lurking in the back of my mind.
Well, what I love is I've never seen anybody stand up to them about the child kidnapping rings, the deadly vaccines, the trillions missing from the Pentagon, and you kept bringing that up every year, and Rumsfeld didn't look like the Emperor or the Lord of the Sith anymore.
He looked totally deflated.
You've got a lot of courage to stand up against those guys, because you know they're wicked.
Just in closing, why don't you tell folks about what it's like to be in the room with them as you bring up the trillions that have been stolen?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's pure evil, but I mean, I was bipartisan because we did the same thing with Madeleine Albright, we did the same thing with Colin Powell, and so, I mean, you know, I just relished the opportunity to do the same thing with Condoleezza Rice.
Well, I may not have that opportunity now,
But we will continue to do what we do for the people, for the truth, and I just ask the listeners to stay tuned to 2008.
Congresswoman, we hope to have you back up in the near future as you fight again, and we certainly hope you'll run, and we certainly hope that you and Ron Paul both stay in Congress, and we certainly hope he wins for President.
Take care, and we'll talk to you soon.
Thank you.
All right, there she goes.
Thanks for getting her on, Ian.
Ian, in closing, American Blackout, we carry it at Infowars.com, and we carry another Guerrilla News Network film, Aftermath.
Unanswered questions from 9-11.
Very well done.
Ain't It Cool News from right here in Austin, Texas.
Everything you wish the news was.
Aftermath serves as a primer to understanding 9-11 with both a compassion and a critical eye.
We carry both of these films put out by the Guerrilla News Network and distributed by this information that also puts out Terror Storm.
I hope everybody will go to Infowars.com and order American Blackout and Aftermath, Unanswered Questions of 9-11.
Any more comments or points you want to make about American Blackout?
Yeah, once you get the DVD, you can go to AmericanBlackout.com and you can sign up and host a house party so that you can share it with other people in your area.
These house parties are happening all across the country, even still today, so you can just check to see if there's one already happening also in your area.
Yeah, don't let them suppress this.
This is very well done.
This should be on, you know, HBO everywhere.
Get this out one house at a time, one person at a time, one group of friends at a time.
American Blackout.
It covers so much.
Not just the film, but the extras themselves.
How many minutes of extras?
You know, there's almost another full 90 minutes of extras.
It covers everything from the Carlyle Group to AIPAC, you know, all the different forces that kind of came after McKinney, we do cover in the extras.
Yeah, we've got it as low as like $12, folks, when you go with other films, or $18 by itself.
86 minutes of the film and then almost another 90 minutes of extras that is, I think,
Not as produced as well, obviously, because you spent years making the film, but just incredible to see all the extra stuff you've got.
So I would say two films in one.
I think your extras are award-winning.
Thank you for coming on with us.
Thanks so much, Alex.
God bless you.
Well, there goes the director.
The award winning, I mean it won the Sundance Film Festival, it won everything.
I mean it's just, it's just unbelievable.
And you need to get American Blackout.
I'm just honored to be put out by the same distributor with Terror Storm.
Get Terror Storm.
Get America Freedom to Fascism.
Get American Blackout.
Get them.
With my videos, you're authorized to make copies.
Put them on AXS TV.
Show them at house parties.
We're not going to keep this going.
Folks, they're moving to get rid of the elections, to have martial law for total control.
They're not playing games.
They're building FEMA camps everywhere.
That's why I start yelling and screaming and freaking out on air, because this is life and death.
This is hardcore serious.
This isn't a game, it isn't a drill, it isn't a joke.
We've all got to come together against the New World Order.
That's why I hate having to get up here and attack illegal aliens.
I'm not against illegal aliens that want to come up here and have jobs and live.
I don't blame them.
They live in a third world police state.
And we're becoming a third world police state, but the New World Order is for it.
The New World Order, it's their number one agenda to break down the borders and have a North American Union and drive all our wages down to peon slave level, serf level.
Every time I say peon, I get an email going, how dare you say that term?
It's Spanish for serf, peon.
It means serf, okay?
They've been using it for over a thousand years in Spain.
It just means serf, slave.
It's Spanish for serf.
for plantation slave.
And I don't want to be a peon, and I don't want my children to be a peon, and the New World Order is using these poor people as a weapon.
And they're filling them full of nationalistic pride.
I mean, it's on record.
In-flight magazines on major Mexican airlines say, you know, we've captured the Southwest.
Major professors are saying, from Texas to California is gone.
Gone because the people have been brainwashed and told that it gives them some power to make this Mexico.
Mexico is owned by Chase Manhattan and the Citibank.
Mexico is a vassal state of the New World Order.
I mean, you're not winning anything.
Join us in the fight against the New World Order.
You know, I mean, it's that tribalism.
It's so strong and it just tears my guts up because I have to fight this racism and this weapon.
And so many of my friends are Hispanic, and they're not for this.
I say 68, but some are 75, some are 65.
It depends on which poll you see, but it's right around 70% of Hispanics want the borders controlled.
They want nationals to be pro-America.
But the media tries to act like if you're Hispanic, you've got to be for open borders and la reconquista.
Why is the corporate media promoting that?
Meanwhile, demonizing Cynthia McKinney.
Meanwhile, not covering Rosie O'Donnell exposing 9-11.
Meanwhile, demonizing Charlie Sheen.
They're not leftists.
They don't care.
It's corporate media.
And I mean, if you want your children to be slaves just like they are in Mexico for the la reconquista crowd,
Then all I can say to you is, I mean if it's just about having Mexican flags on your cars and feeling good and saying you took something over, no you took nothing over.
You were used to destroy America.
And you're only one part of that.
I mean, the corporate globalists are doing everything they can, telling the police not to arrest you, telling them you're above the law, telling them not to give you tickets, telling them not to give you DWIs, telling them to give you bank accounts without IDs.
The point is, they're doing that because they want to have the incentives to bring the billions of people here.
Another 30 million illegal aliens, we're gone, folks.
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Alright, final segment.
I'm sorry to all the followers I didn't get to.
I'm gonna get to Janet and Andrew right now.
That's all we've got time for.
Maybe I'll have open phones tomorrow or Friday.
I've got to look at the guest schedule.
I know we've got some big guests lined up.
But man, there is so much here to go over in so little time.
I do hope you'll get American Blackout from Infowars.com or call toll free to get it at 888-253-3139.
You can get big discounts on it when you get it with some of the other Guerrilla News Network films and materials that we carry.
888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com.
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Download all 15 of my films in super high quality bandwidth.
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I mean, folks, we're in a life and death fight.
I don't know how much... Look at what they're trying to start World War III.
They admit they're building FEMA camps.
They're brainwashing everybody.
I mean, it's just out of control!
This is out of control!
Every night I go to bed and I wonder how soon they're going to kill me.
You know, I mean, I'm really on the front lines of this, folks.
I'm doing this to try to defend people.
I'm doing this because somebody's got to fight these people.
But there's so many of us, they can't get us all.
That's the reason we're alive and because of God's grace.
Again, Janet in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
About 20 years ago, I used to work at a hospital.
Just the other day, um, I had to go get some lab work and I thought it was really strange if they wanted to see my driver's license to have lab work done.
Yeah, that's because if they find drugs they go ahead and rat you out to the cops.
Okay, they took a photo ID of it and put it with my insurance and then they sent me over to the lab but before they did that they had to put code numbers down
To build my insurance company.
Yeah, ma'am.
Anyone 34 or younger who was born in a hospital was put in an illegal federal database.
I've had congressmen on who discovered this 6-7 years ago.
I knew about it, of course, 15 years ago before I got on air.
And they take your blood.
Now, they do test it for diseases, but that's part of the lie.
One ampule goes to the health department.
They can do it at the hospital.
They don't.
It's a blotter test.
The other goes to a state and federal database.
They have all of our DNA.
It's all illegal, but they're total criminals, okay?
I'm telling you, it's a military industrial complex, military run, system owned by private banks.
Okay, now I have this other one that really was something else, too.
Just recently, I know somebody that had a baby, and they paid her $20 for the baby to have her first set of shots, and gave her a gift package.
I never heard of such a thing.
Well, that's because a large portion of parents are refusing to take the shots now, but they care so much a gift packet.
Let us inject the baby.
Anyone who trusts these psychopaths is nuts.
I appreciate your call.
And again, the nurses and doctors aren't bad.
They believe it.
They're just totally oblivious.
They just trust everything.
Let's go ahead and talk to Andrew and Mass.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'm calling about order 46484.
I placed it January 31st, 2007.
I've placed numerous orders with your Infowars store, and normally it takes six weeks or longer to get here, and that's not the real problem.
Okay, let me just do this, sir.
I can't.
Most people get their order in about a week.
You've had bad luck.
Let me just get you off air.
It's a great way to finish the show.
I could quit selling videos and just shut down if that's what you prefer.
I mean, I don't have the money to have more people.
People should just send me donations.
Because I don't have enough money to have enough people to do it all right and stuff to go on.
So I'll put you on hold and we'll find out what your order is.
You said you've ordered before and gotten your stuff.
That's good.
We'll find out what's going on.
It's probably shifted over to UPS.
You might have been a mail order and we still have problems with the Postal Service, but not with UPS.
Sometimes we have stuff back-ordered too.
And we normally will tell you that with your orders, so we'll... Great way to end the show, but it was a great show today.
We'll put him on hold.
And I'll give you my backline office number, and somebody will answer that and take care of it.
And get the films, folks.
Get them out.
Make copies of them.
God bless you all.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-300-7645.