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Name: 20070318_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 18, 2007
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Prepare yourself for a talk radio experience like no other.
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He stands for truth.
He stands for justice.
He stands for what's right.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now, toll free at 877-590-5525.
Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Sunday edition.
We're here every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, 5 to 7 p.m.
Eastern, depending on which area of the country you're listening to us.
It is the 18th day of March 2007.
We're going to have wide open phones and cover a huge spectrum of important news and information.
I come to you from deep in the heart of Texas out of the studios of News Radio 590 KLBJ.
I want to thank all of our AM and FM affiliates.
She added some new stations this week.
We also added WWCR Global Shortwave, the biggest shortwave station in the country to broadcast to the world.
Still a lot of shortwave listeners.
As well as WBCQ The Planet.
Millions of listeners per station worldwide.
And then of course we also continue to have the number one program on Shoutcast with the most internet listeners for any radio program that offers streams on the internet.
Just go check it out for yourself.
Go check out the Shout Cash and the other rating services.
My weekday syndicated program is one of the streams.
We've got now over ten of them is number one.
Just making the point that the truth is making headway.
The truth is
Having an effect, the people are waking up to corruption and are realizing that there is a North American Union being formed, there is a One World Government being formed, there are corrupt globalists setting up a New World Order that must be defeated.
It's not about left and right, as the cliche says, and it's true.
It's about right and wrong, ladies and gentlemen, and both political parties are bought and paid for by these international crime syndicates and their lobbyists
And they're big think tanks that come in and basically have absorbed our government and are now using governmental powers in a tyrannical fashion to extract the wealth out of the disappearing middle class.
This is literally a war against the middle class because the middle class is independent.
The middle class historically has been a threat to the elite.
Alright, let's get into the news here.
There is so much.
Dollar sags on subprime troubles.
Well, this is just now getting in the news.
We've been warning you for the last ten years about the dollar.
I was worried ten years ago that they'd devalued it.
Of course, now it's been devalued almost down to no value, 1.5 cents actual value compared to what it was.
In 1913, and these are federal numbers, you can go pull them up.
Now, you have to understand, 10 years ago, the dollar had about 30% of that value.
So, there's an acceleration
Since the Federal Reserve took over in 1913, and most of the loss of value has accrued just in the last couple decades, and the majority of that decrease in value happened just in the last six years.
You see, Alan Greenspan, in his last six years, and the 20 years he spent as Fed Chairman over the private shareholders that own our economy and our government,
He doubled the money supply his last six years in office, and then Edward Bernanke, the new Fed Chairman, said that he would double it the next two years, and then made the actual money supply number secret for the first time in U.S.
Now I was on the exercise bike at Worlds Gym today, and I was watching CNN for an hour,
And it was all a big joke to them, and they were giggling while they talked about it, and really making it all a fun announcement that we've got massive inflation and all these other serious problems, but that it was really no big deal, and the economy's still in great shape.
Okay, fine.
If you like your money being devalued down to almost nothing, it's a huge form of taxation, by the way, then all right.
You just deny that this has happened, and just call me a kook, as you always do, and everything will be okay.
But that's fine, because it will crash.
It will finally fall.
And then I just want you to know, then, when that happens, who did it to you.
It was the New World Order, all by design, to get you under their control.
To consolidate.
These are monopoly men.
They're not free market.
And they confuse you with terms like communist and socialist and fascist.
All those, you know, terms that they invented in the last hundred years.
What we're dealing with is the old classical equation of liberty versus tyranny and monopoly men and women who run the global crime syndicate trying to consolidate the wealth.
But I've already... See, I just wanted to run through some of the news we're covering.
I'm already getting into this.
That's just the first story.
Dollar sags on subprime troubles.
Some good news.
Texas House of Representatives defies governor on mandatory Gardasil vaccine.
That's the live HPV vaccine causing so many problems that cost $900 and they're lobbying in all 50 states.
And Texas was to be the leader of trying to forcibly enact this.
Other states, like Bill Richardson in New Mexico, that governor last week announced, you quote, gotta take it.
That in itself is a giant hoax, even if you're for these deadly vaccines.
Then why not just go ahead and get angry about the fact that they're lying to you and saying it's mandatory.
The House of Representatives introduced a bill to overturn the governor's executive order, ordering the Texas Health Department to put it on the list of recommended.
You see, that's all he did, but it's presented as if it is the law.
Now maybe you like giant orchestrated fraud being implemented against you.
That tends to make me a little bit angry.
I think it made the legislature mad because they voted 118 to 23 in the legislature, in the House.
Of course, the Senate are historically very corrupt.
It's easier to buy off the Senators.
There's a lot less number of them.
We'll see what happens there.
They'll probably come out and say that Perry's actually God or something.
I mean, hell, Attorney General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales have both written in White House memos that Bush is the law, thus God, and can't wait till Hillary's president and then she'll be God.
Of course, I actually can't wait, but the point is that this is very dangerous.
Another big report here that we've broken.
We've broken this news and it's on PrisonPlanet.com and it's on InfoWars.com and it's big news!
But you're not hearing about it in page six of the New York Post or in any other major publication and I've broken many of these stories and I've followed many of these stories and I know when there is a blackout going on
You know, we get Christine Ebersole to speak out, and it's on page six and makes the news, and she's tiny compared to the person that's now gone public on 9-11 being an inside job.
And, you know, Charlie Sheen goes public on my show, massive international headlines.
We literally got tens of millions of new readers just off of that story to the websites.
And, of course, they tried to ignore it for two days, then it finally broke.
Rosie O'Donnell has gone public on 9-11.
And the media is completely ignoring it, and that's because they're scared.
It was one of the biggest stories for like a month, and I have to say it was a big distraction.
Who cares if she says Donald Trump is going broke?
We know he's leveraged to the hilt, I wouldn't say he's broke, and he starts calling her a fat hog, and all these other names, and then it was a big hype between them, and that was top news, wasn't it guys?
And the controlling, I mean that was all over the news, all over radio, all over TV, all over the press.
And now she's coming out,
Saying that it looks like 9-11 is an inside job and giving her reasons.
And she first went public on Tuesday on her own blog.
I didn't find out about it until Wednesday.
Nobody else picked it up.
We wrote a big story about it on Friday and another one Saturday.
And even the 9-11 truth sites aren't picking it up.
And I know why.
And I'm really sad.
Because all I do is link to all their sites and try to build everybody up.
I believe in synergy.
They're jealous.
I don't know why they're jealous, but I noticed that a lot of the other even alternative sites that could push us over the edge are now kind of not liking to link to us because we're the 800 pound gorilla.
I don't know why you're envious or jealous in our own movement of all of the incredible stress I'm under in the 18-hour workdays.
I literally worked 18 hours yesterday in the black circles around my eyes.
I do this because I'm trying to save the country.
So the mainstream media, the alternative media, shame on you for not picking up this story.
I'll tell you about it when we get back after the break.
I'll get into the detail first on Rosie O'Donnell.
Goes public on 9-11.
This is big because it's not that she's a celebrity and so what she says matters.
It's that the media normally would cover something like this.
I mean, if she burped on television, it'd be headlines.
But, no, they're ignoring this because they're scared of it blowing up, and it's going to be a big news story.
They're not going to stop us.
All the king's horses and all the king's men aren't going to put the 9-11 fraud back together again.
Then we'll get into Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the ultimate patsy confesses to wanting to blow up a bank that didn't even exist until three years after he was arrested.
Totally staged.
We'll get into that, too.
And take your call.
Stay with me.
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This is the GCN Radio Network, home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Coming to you from the capital of Texas, broadcasting the truth coast to coast and worldwide, this is the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back.
You know, we have a rule here, unlike other mainstream radio shows, who fight to keep people that disagree off the air, who call screen and try to restrict dissenting opinions, and a lot of them do.
We want you to go to the head of the line if you disagree with me, and the number to join us is 877-595-525.
There's no excuse.
Let me give it to you slowly.
I mean, I know that it's
Only a few percentage points of the people out there that disagree with me on major issues, that we have out-of-control corruption, that we're losing our freedoms, the government's gotten too big, that our sovereignty's in danger.
And that two or three percent out there that do disagree, I know don't have opposable thumbs and it's hard for you to dial a telephone, but, you know, if they can train a pigeon or a chicken to type on a keyboard, they should be able to train you to call in.
Alright, I'm being mean, I'm trying to taunt people that disagree to call in.
I'm told SHIP does.
And then we got Scott, and we got Mark, and Matt, and TJ, and I think they agree.
They've just got questions.
We're going to get to all of you.
I said I wasn't going to get into Rosie O'Donnell.
Let me just tease it right now, give you some of the information.
Then we're going to come back, because I don't want to go to calls right now.
We're going to come back and cover it in the next segment.
In the really serious news, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed to being the snake in the Garden of Eden, slithering down out of the tree.
By the way, I said this on air the day they released this transcript, and then two days later I saw major national cartoons, two separate ones, showing him as the snake in the tree.
So I know people are stealing my lines here.
But no, he did crucify Christ, he was there to sink the Titanic.
with explosives and uh... he's behind everything folks so we're gonna and you know i'm pleasantly surprised that no one is buying it not conservatives not liberals uh... they've got polls as high as ninety five percent of people disagreeing the day it came out it was seventy five then as more details came out i've got polls what ninety four percent don't believe that obviously you can't believe well wait till we go through the evidence of that uh... it's amazing actually folks he uh... he did
He did tempt Darth Vader.
He's also responsible for turning Anakin Skywalker to the dark side.
He's actually the Emperor.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is, uh... If you slip on a banana peel, folks, he placed it there.
He was behind Napoleon Bonaparte.
Alright, I'm going to quit screwing around here.
This is a very serious issue.
O'Donnell out of the 9-11 closet as a 9-11 truther.
You know, the incredible part is that I remember just railing against her for gun control.
And I disagree with her on a lot of issues.
But I gotta tell you, she's got a lot of nerve.
Now, again, three weeks ago, four weeks ago, I told you that she's clearly a 9-11 truther.
I know people that know her.
I mean, I know people who are on the show with her.
I'll just leave it at that.
I don't mean just guest.
I mean guest host.
Well, I mean, let's not make it a secret.
I'll tell you about it.
Actually, I'm allowed to talk about it, so I'll talk about it.
I always get stuff in confidence, and then other stuff isn't in confidence, but I just treat everything dealing with Hollywood people as a confidence, and then I end up just never talking about it.
But I can actually get into this.
The story here isn't just that she went public, it's what she said, it's the key points she brought up that can't be refutable.
Walk through those.
And then there's the sidebar to this, the caveat, the addendum, the sidebar, that she went public last week on her blog, Tuesday, and then really went public
Friday, and then Saturday, put out even more on the official Rosie blog, and we broke it, and by breaking it, we went and covered it, and no one else is covering it!
No one in the alternative media, it's like they're all on vacation, the national media, I mean, when Christine Ebersole, who's been on a lot of big TV shows and movies, and got the number one show on Broadway right now, when she went public on the Genesis Network, she went public on John Connor, who I got on the talk radio,
Uh, and then I've talked to her since, uh, on the phone about Rosie and others.
Uh, you know, she went public.
It was covered page six, which is the biggest gossip column in the country, New York Post.
It was on some national TV shows.
Some people talked about it.
I think Drugs talked about it.
It didn't go super, like when I interviewed Charlie Sheen or, you know, any of those other people, or Rick Linklater on 9-11 making an inside job.
But it still got big.
This is Rosie O'Donnell, the big kahuna of controversy.
And the media loves to go after her and loves to cover her.
And she's coming out saying it's an inside job.
And there's a cover-up.
But let's go ahead and go to Chip.
Chip is calling from Seattle.
And Chip says he disagrees because he has a chip in his brain.
Really bad puns here, folks.
Go ahead, Chip.
Nice to talk to you.
Hey Alex, I love you man.
I've been watching and I've seen all your movies and I've been listening to you for a long time.
Now wait a minute, did you say you disagree to go the hell of a line?
Morally, no, but I do disagree with just about everything you say.
In fact, most of the issues I do, but you, like Rosie, have a lot of nerve to be out there saying it, I must admit, so I love you.
Okay, okay, but specifically what am I wrong about?
Specifically, well, you know, I don't see that you're necessarily wrong as much as contradictory.
Don't you think there's a
Somewhat of a contradiction between you railing against open borders and yet speaking about free humanity and anti-police state.
I mean... No, no, you don't... No!
Sir, I'm a constitutionalist.
Do you know the three things the Constitution says the government's got to do?
And of course there's three things they don't do properly.
Defend the borders, of course.
Defend the borders, issue the money, which the private federal reserve does, not the government,
I know you criticize the U.N.
a lot.
The United Nations Charter is modeled after the United States Constitution.
Oh, really?
And the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Can you tell me what Section 29 and Section 30 say?
Aren't they very similar in nature to the 10th?
Let me see.
Let me go to Google right now.
You just keep talking.
I'm going to move over here, and I'm going to type it in so I can read the actual quote in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and I will read it to you after the break, I will.
It says you have absolutely no rights, and you're a complete slave.
I don't believe that's the exact quote.
Well, of course it's not.
It's in lawyerese for you.
No, but it says you have absolutely no rights if the UN deems it.
It gives you 28 great rights.
It's kind of like what goes on here in America, where you really have privileges rather than rights.
Well, that's under 14th Amendment.
But, sir, let's expand out of there.
I'm telling you, if you go read the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights... Right.
He gives you all these great rights.
Obviously, just like the Constitution, correct?
No, the Constitution doesn't have trick clauses in it and trap doors every five feet.
Let me ask you a question.
Have you ever read the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights?
Actually, no, but I've been intending to and I've heard a lot about it.
Of course, I'm familiar with several of the articles.
But I must admit, I probably haven't read the Constitution.
Yeah, read Article 29 and 30.
In fact, I want to get one of your little pocket constitutions that you're always talking about.
Well, we sell them at Infowars.com at cost.
I think they're a dollar apiece.
Little 70-something page, color-covered booklet.
That tells me that I'm a slave by the UN.
I think the UN generally fights against the corporate interest.
Let me ask you a question.
Who founded the UN?
Are you going to say corporate interests?
Where was it founded?
I mean, let's do a quiz here.
Uh... See, the U.N.
has gone through... 1945 at the Presidio Naval Base in San Francisco, California.
Again, where did the U.S.
Constitution start?
It started right here in the United States.
Well, it's back to ancient Greece.
I mean, call it... No, it's not true either.
It's not true either.
Listen, I appreciate your call, sir.
I guess a couple founding fathers did say, well, we'll talk about it when we get back.
Very complex issue.
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I think so.
The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
Globalists are concerned with what's good for big
I think so.
I think so.
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Raging for the truth.
Exposing corruption.
Dismantling a false left-right paradigm.
He's Alex Jones.
I'm on the United Nations website looking at Article 29 and 30 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
And it says, 29, everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of the personality is possible.
So you have these duties of the state.
And the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as is determined by law.
They do that with the Second Amendment.
They go, well, yeah, Bush says you've got a right to keep and bear arms as long as prescribed by law.
Well, the laws are under the Bill of Rights.
Those are the big laws you can't change.
But they're saying, no, no, no.
If we pass a state law or a city law or a federal law saying we can take your guns away, it's okay.
And then it goes on.
In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morally public order.
Oh, public order!
Oh, and the general welfare in a democratic society.
So you have no rights if the state decides your activities could hurt the general order.
And we see this in the UNIDIR, U.N.
Small Arms Organization, in July 7th of 2000 they wrote, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
And I agree that civilian ownership of firearms threatens the power monopoly of the state.
I agree with that whole statement except for one word, legitimate.
There's nothing legitimate about a power monopoly of the state.
When you have a power monopoly of the state, it's called tyranny, it's called despotism, it's called enslavement.
Power monopoly.
In this country, with the power shared by the people.
But see, now we don't call government
Servants anymore.
They're called Officials.
Your Excellency.
You see how they've changed everything around and it goes into 30.
Nothing in this declaration may be interpreted as implying for any state, group, or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth therein.
And so that's the opposite of the Declaration of Independence, saying it's your right, it's your duty to throw off oppression.
You see, and it goes on and on.
And then you ought to read the subsections.
Then they flesh it all out in hundreds of pages of policy per section.
And no free speech laws, no private property laws.
The UN was set up by big global banks at the end of World War II.
They tried to set it up at the end of World War I.
Woodrow Wilson got conned into pushing it.
Then right before they murdered him, he was poisoned on a train while he was traveling.
He'd just written letters saying, I'm going to expose a group of private bankers.
They conned me into getting the Federal Reserve passed.
It's a new world order.
I'm against it.
They want to destroy U.S.
But he started speaking out and wrote a few letters and then got poisoned to death.
He didn't shoot his mouth off anymore.
I'm not kidding.
Go read.
I've got actual copies.
I've got the photos from the Library of Congress.
The scans of letters from Woodrow Wilson.
It's just unbelievable.
He, again, was a president, ladies and gentlemen, and they set up Edward Mandel House from House Park, right here in Austin, Texas, who later wrote a memoir admitting that they'd overthrown the U.S.
and were setting up the system to take over with the Federal Reserve.
The book is called The Actor.
It's a rare book, but I'm sure you can find it at the proper library if you so desire.
The Actor, by Edward Mandel House.
House Park, right here in Austin, CHAOS.
So, uh, then again, I'm one of those weirdos.
I actually read memoirs of these people where they admit everything.
You ought to read Helmut Schmidt's memoir.
I actually dug that back out of storage, and I had one of my guys I'm making a film with go over it.
He goes, oh my gosh, it's worse than you said in here!
He's talking about how he devil-worships!
And I'm like, that's your German Chancellor!
How he loves to devil-worship with our leaders!
I mean, folks, this is written by him!
But again, they know that maybe one-tenth of one-tenth of one percent read memoirs.
You ought to read David Rockefeller's memoir he put out in 2004.
It's called Memoirs of David Rockefeller, where he calls us all slaves, and says he's setting up one world government, and says he is destroying America.
Oh, it's so useful, the new film I'm making, to have the actual scans of the pages.
Very, very useful for those out there that are in denial.
Now, I know we've got Paul, Scott, Mark, Matt, TJ, everybody, and I'm going to get to you, but first, let me, right now, jump into the Rosie O'Donnell news.
And you're only going to hear this here.
She's trying to get attention.
She's trying to test the water.
She stuck her toe in, then her leg in.
Now she's up to her neck in three different blog postings over the week.
No one else is covering it.
We're covering it.
Rosie O'Donnell, who literally can
Pass gas in her own bathroom, and there's international news teams there.
Okay, an attempt at humor, folks.
Potty humor, yes, but do I have your attention now?
She could have a crooked toenail.
She says anything about Donald Trump, it's huge news.
I talked to Christine Ebersole, who's big in movies, TV, and Broadway.
Big Broadway director right now.
Number one show on Broadway.
I talked to her a few weeks ago.
She went public on the network I'm on with John Connor about 9-11 being a total inside job.
And it got covered.
But why is it being covered when Rosie O'Donnell does?
And of course, Rosie then went on TV and said, 9-11's an inside job!
9-11's an inside job!
And she said, that's what people are saying on the street.
Then she would like give evidence and websites.
And they had Brolin on there.
You know, hundreds of TV shows and movies.
James Brolin said, just, you know, check out the 9-11 truth sites.
Tell me what you think.
So that they all know about it.
I've talked to folks that co-host on the show, that are guest hosts, and they say absolutely.
They all know.
It's total 9-11 truth.
That's why you can see Barbara Walters, though, who doesn't particularly like it.
She's just scared of it, freaking out.
I've learned some of the behind-the-scenes stuff.
Barbara Walters, literally, when they bring up 9-11, turns red, closes her eyes, purses her lips, and looks down.
But she's fighting a smile, because she wants it to come out.
But she's just so scared when they start doing this.
And the point is, if many more big stars go public, if you knew the stars that I've had a chance to get to know, some of the biggest in Hollywood know all about 9-11 truth, and they won't go public.
And people say, well, who cares what the stars think?
Well, regardless, it's big news what they wear and what they do.
Okay, the point is, is that this should be covered, it should get attention, it will make more people look at it and investigate it.
So this is from Infowars.net.
Rosie O'Donnell, out of the closet as a 9-11 truther, talk show host, lays out WTC7 facts in blog.
Friday, March 16, 2007.
This is our second report on it.
It has been evident for a number of weeks now that talk show host Rosie O'Donnell has been trying to cover 9-11 truth the best way she can without being yanked off the air.
Now her latest blog posting confirms this.
I'm going to try to get O'Donnell on.
We're working on it right now.
Hi, Rosie.
Boycotted you back with the Kmart gun deal, but it's good to have you on the team now.
In her latest blog dated March 15th, O'Donnell
Dispenses with a small talk and gets to the nub of the matter by stating some of the facts surrounding the demolition of Building 7 on 9-11.
Here is the long entry in full.
At 5.30pm, 9-11, 2001, WTC collapsed.
This is her second post, she's done three.
For the third time in history, fire brought down a steel building, reducing it to rubble.
Hold on folks, here we go.
Third time in history, all in that day.
The fires in WTC7 were not evenly distributed, so a perfect collapse was impossible.
Silverstein, the owner, said to the fire department commander, the smartest thing to do is pull it, a demolition term.
Firefighters withdrawing from the area stated the building was going to blow up.
We have literally dozens of clips of them saying it.
We've been told it's going to blow up.
We're bringing it down.
Get back.
The roof of WTC7 was visibly crumbled, and the building collapsed perfectly into its footprint.
Molten steel and partially evaporated steel members were found in the debris.
WTC contained offices of the FBI, Department of Defense, IRS, which contained prodigious amounts of corporate tax fraud, including Enron's, U.S.
Secret Service, Securities and Exchange Commission, which with more stock fraud records on Citibank, Salomon Brothers, Smith Barney, the Mayor's Office and Emergency Management and many other financial institutions.
The SEC has not qualified the number of active cases in which substantial files were destroyed.
Ah, we're gonna come back and finish up with what Rosie O'Donnell had to say.
And the newest stuff she said, then your calls, then Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
He stole the Lindbergh, baby!
We'll be right back.
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Corruption never had a worse enemy.
You're locked into the Alex Jones Show.
That's right, syndicated broadcast every Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
all times.
We've had loaded phones since the beginning of the broadcast.
And I do want to go to your calls.
Let me just finish up with the Rosie O'Donnell thing.
It took her a lot of courage to go public and add hyperlinks to facts and documents to all of her statements.
She's done her research.
And she does have one of the highest rated TV shows on ABC.
She continues to talk about what was in buildings.
Some people always say, well how would the government get in a building to blow it up?
It was a giant
It's a spook compound.
This thing had more agencies in it than Pennsylvania Avenue.
I mean, it's just CIA, FBI.
The SEC has not quantified the number of active cases in which substantial fires were destroyed.
Files were destroyed by the collapse of WTC7.
Reuters News Service in Los Angeles Times published reports estimating there are going to be 3,000 to 4,000.
They include the agency's major inquiry into the manner in which investment banks divvied up hot shares of initial public offerings during the high-tech boom.
Ongoing investigations at the New York SEC will be dramatically affected because so much of their work is paper-intensive.
said Max Berger of New York's Bernstein, Leibowitz, Berger and Grossman.
This is a disaster for these cases.
And she gives her source there, a New York lawyer.
I mean, everything she says, there's a source, online journal, ABC News, Tech TV, every line is just to a mainstream report, mainstream document.
Citigroup says some information that the committee is seeking about WorldCom was destroyed in the September 11th terror attack at the World Trade Center.
Salomon had offices in 7 World Trade Center, one of the buildings that collapsed in the aftermath of the attack.
The bank says that the backup tapes of corporate emails from September 98 through 2000 were stored at the building and stored in the attack, destroyed in the attack.
Suddenly can't read.
Trying to hurry is why.
Inside WTC7 was the U.S.
Secret Service largest field office with more than 200 employees.
All the evidence that was stored at WTC World Trade 7 in all of our cases went down in the building according to the U.S.
Secret Service Special Agent David Curran, Tech TV.
She says, let's start here.
Okay, go slow.
Remember to breathe.
Use Google.
And clearly anticipating a huge response, O'Donnell has suspended the comment section from her post.
And where is the national media?
Why aren't they covering it?
Why aren't they discussing it?
Why aren't they getting into it?
Why isn't this newsworthy?
You should go to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
You should grab the three reports we put out on this, that Steve Watson has put out on this.
You should email them to the alternative media first and say, why in Hades have you not posted this?
Why have you not put this out?
Why are you ignoring this?
You don't have to give Alex Jones credit for noticing the blog and noticing that O'Donnell had done this.
Just write it up yourself!
I mean, come on!
This is big!
We need to force the mainstream media to cover this, and I guarantee you they know all about it.
It's just incredible.
Alright, I'm done talking about that.
We'll take calls now.
We'll start the next hour.
I'll get into the bizarre confession of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and why everyone from Matt Lauer to Robert Baer, senior CIA agent, to you name it, doesn't buy that it's a real confession.
And should you even look at the confession when they admit it comes out of torture and secret arrest?
Now, we'll just wait until we get into this.
The CIA, by the way, was holding his young sons and admits that they torture children in White House memos.
The good guys torturing children.
Well, I guess Jack Bauer does it on TV.
And it gets good results in that fantasy land.
And since Americans live in a fantasy land, we'll just keep living in a fantasy land about the value of your dollar, too.
Just keep thinking that our country is really run by people that care about this nation.
Just keep believing your delusions, because you're going to be brought to reality.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul in Canada.
Now, Paul hasn't been holding as long as Mark or Matt or TJ or Scott, but Paul, it looks like, disagrees.
So he has to go to the other line.
I'm really sorry to the other callers, but we'll make it quick.
Go ahead, Paul, in Canada.
Where are you listening to us in the Great North?
Yeah, Alex, how are you doing, man?
Can you hear me?
Yes, well, where are you listening to us at there in Canada?
I'm in Ottawa.
So you're up there in the big city.
What's going on?
Uh, well, like, I am a fan of yours, right?
But, um, I do disagree just, like, in the way you go about things.
For example, like, I think you hyperbolize issues quite a bit.
Just, and if I give a quick example, uh, let's say you, you, you, you badmouth all environmentalists, right?
Which, on, on the surface, is pretty, like, accurate.
But, like, for example, there are some people who just have a problem.
They don't want to take someone's ranch.
They just don't want, uh, to see, like, circus animals get electrocuted.
You know what I mean?
Well, you know, it,
You are bringing up an extremely valid point and I appreciate your call and I agree with you.
But it's not just on the issue you raised.
I have a lot of family that are police.
I like most cops that I meet at the gym or in daily life or over the years or cops I've had that are neighbors.
Funny, nice, smart, brave people generally.
But I hate the system, and I hate what the police are doing on an everyday basis out there, and I hate how they're trained, and I hate the fact that I've seen police treat people like absolute pieces of trash.
They wouldn't want their family treated like that, and there are a lot of bad cops out there.
So I get up here and yell and scream.
I need to make it clear because it'll do more damage, because it isn't reasonable to just say cops are bad, and sometimes I do come off like that.
Number one, I'm in a hurry.
I got all these callers I want to take, all this news I want to cover,
And, uh, that's the nature of talk radio is it's sped up and we got, you know, these commercials and news and traffic and everything else when I'm on there in the week and I just have to kind of condense it.
Now, I've been getting better the last few years in explaining that mainline environmentalism is totally co-opted and totally financed by big banks and by big corporations.
Dutch Rochelle brought up the peak oil fraud.
Oh, there's not enough oil.
We've got to jack the price up.
BBC, Greg Pallis broke that.
Good friend of mine.
Got the documents.
I'm saying, look, the honeybees, like half of them are dead worldwide, okay?
Total disaster.
Key in the food chain.
The pollinators, planktons having major problems, all sorts of things.
It's out of genetic engineering.
It's genetically engineered food we're eating.
It's killing most of the rats it's fed to.
All sorts of problems.
Diabetes up several thousand percent.
It's not just the corn syrup.
All sorts of real dioxin in the plastics we drink out of and eat out of.
It's what's making our girls go into puberty at 8 years old and our boys to be feminine.
Total red level emergency.
Cell phones, thousands of major studies causing massive brain tumors.
I can't stop.
I'm using it.
Again, we're creatures of habit.
We habitualize stuff.
I've said that I'm for real conservation, real environmental policies, but what you're being seen with global warming, which is not man-made, and all the science shows that, there is climate change, their solution, even if it was man-made, is a global tax, which goes to the private corporations that the UN is basically controlled by.
See, liberals think you vote for big government, and that big government will then go extract the wealthy's money and dole it out to them.
What they don't know is that big corporations, and again, 46 of the biggest economies of the top 100 are corporations, not governments.
They act as governments, and they go lobby governments to take your tax money and pay it to them in all sorts of investments and scams and you name it.
Now, conservatives aren't really conservatives.
They just think they are, and they're gonna leave corporations alone!
They're gay!
They don't do nothin' wrong!
Oil companies ain't involved in no cartellers, and everything's alright!
Uh, again, you think corporations are perfect?
No, most of the big ones are actually mechanized, organized crime syndicates.
Literally, folks, they're like the Mafia Dons.
And most of your tax money actually goes to them.
And they're moving everything offshore.
You don't even get any of the trickle-down.
So your whole political paradigm is scrambled.
It's a fraud.
I remember going to a Smart Growth Conference when they stacked the 15,000 acres outside Austin and wouldn't let people build on it, and then took it, and then took the restrictions off, and they're building hotels and everything else on it, and million-dollar ranchettes.
And I went to a Smart Growth Conference.
It was all these bank chairmen and Dallas Cowboys, and they were just up there going, we're taking all the land, we're going to make huge profits.
Ha ha ha!
They didn't even lie!
Kirk Watson was there, Michael Dell.
It was just a big business, baby!
It's feudalism!
See, the government doesn't come now with a gun like they did, or a sword, 500 years ago, and say, we're taking your land because we've got the power.
They say, it's for the Earth!
Oh, we need to tax all fossil fuel usage!
It's for the Earth!
This dirt is dying!
Look at the polar bears floating on the ice floes!
Which they always do to hunt seals.
They're dying!
They can't swim!
Look at them!
Man, they just can't swim 300 miles.
Oh, the poor babies!
We need to have new environmental laws where you... One drop of oil, you go to jail for five years on the ground.
Oh, dear me!
We're going to come back and I promise we're going to blitz through everybody's calls that are currently holding.
Then I'm going to get into Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Folks, this is unraveling.
This has backfired bigger on the government than anything I've ever seen.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
That's right, syndicated coast-to-coast, border-to-border.
The websites are infoawards.com and prisonplanet.com.
Thank you so much for joining us.
All right, look, I want to run through the phone calls of those who have been holding the longest at 877-590-5525 or locally in Central Texas, 836-0590.
And then Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the ultimate Patsy, confesses.
And then later, some really scary news about what the smallpox inoculation is causing.
Rare infections.
Rare autoimmune problems.
I will uh... break it down and go over it and then dovetail that with the HPV human papilloma live cancer virus inoculation that uh... the legislature is moving against the governor to block him trying to shice the public and uh... shill the public and claim that you have to take it by law.
That is a complete fraud.
We'll be detailing part two of that and if you're listening in Virginia or Ohio or New York or California right now this affects you because they've lobbied in all fifty states
And last time I checked, 20-plus governors are moving to try to force young girls to take this experimental vaccine.
For Merck, the same people that brought you Vioxx are trying to get themselves out of the hole with this new $900 vaccine.
That's how much it is.
$900 plus for the three shots in the three-round regimen.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's see who's been holding the longest.
Let's talk to Mark in Atlanta, Georgia.
Mark, thank you so much for holding.
You're on the air.
God bless, brother.
Listen, I think I want to clarify.
I heard you say, God helps those who help themselves, which is a proper Oxford proverb.
I believe it's in 2 Timothy.
But that's all the chicken
It doesn't matter.
The point is, if you're living for God, you're going to be fighting evil, not sitting in the church having, you know, giant hairspray hair and long fingernails talking about Mercedes.
Yeah, one other thing I thought, if you don't mind, I heard it by one of your sponsors say, basically the King James Version of, I believe it's 2 Peter 2.15, no prophecy is a private interpretation.
When I hear people use that, my alarm bells go off.
Because when you look at the Greek or other translations, what it's really saying is that the prophet is not the agent of bringing things about.
It is God who speaks through the prophet who brings things about.
And they have a legitimate point... But listen, that's a sponsor.
I have nothing to do... Listen... Oh, I'm not faulting you.
I'm just... Listen, I'm not knocking sponsors, and I'm not promoting sponsors, and I appreciate your call.
If you hear me endorsing something, I'm endorsing it.
Okay, I mean, and I couldn't endorse sponsors that I don't know about because I haven't investigated it.
Okay, and this is not a religious show.
I'm not ashamed of the fact that I'm a Christian.
I try to lead my life that way, but I just, you know, there's so many theological programs and how many angels dance on the head of a pin and the rest of it.
I know the New World Order are a bunch of sick occultists.
I know the elite know the devil's real, and for all you atheists and agnostics out there, you just haven't researched.
So there is a fight between good and evil, and you can count me in with the good guys.
I'm certainly trying to be a good guy.
And remember, I don't claim to be some holier-than-thou person either, folks.
I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life either.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to TJ in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
How you doing today, Alex?
I was getting a call.
I had two quick comments.
One was, uh, during your weekday show, I hear you talking a lot about your new film.
Yes, Endgame.
I totally believe that you should be the narrator for it.
You shouldn't get someone outside to do it.
Well, speak of the devil, I was just up here talking to one of the ladies that does voiceovers for the station.
I'm in a big complex of stations here.
And I think I'm going to have a couple voices in it.
I think we're going to have a woman's voice.
Maybe the lady that works up here doing the quotes in the film.
And yeah, when I said that I was going to have another male narrator narrate it, I probably got 200 emails saying, don't do it.
Yeah, that should be you.
Your compassion and, you know, how
Whatchamacallit, your conviction on your issues come through like that.
That's what makes your films how good they are.
Well, thank you.
I'm trying to make them better.
And the other comment is about the supposed confession we have.
Oh, yes.
If I strapped you down and imprisoned you for four years and tortured you, I could get you to tell me two plus two is five.
Well, here's the deal.
If somebody had my children and said they were going to torture them, I would say whatever they wanted.
And no one holds up to torture.
Look, it's a fundamental, and I appreciate you holding to tell us that.
It's a good point.
It's a fundamental.
If they captured Adolf Hitler at the end of 1945 instead of him committing suicide in that bunker, with cyanide and a Luger, 9mm to the temple,
I would have expected him to have a fair trial.
Not because I like Hitler, but because you have to give everybody a fair trial, and because you have to see what the state really had.
A lot of times, the things we hear aren't true.
They have to have a chance for a defense and a prosecution, and you're guilty until proven innocent.
That's what America's all about.
That's what the Magna Carta in 1215 was all about.
It's what Mount Sinai was all about.
This is 3,000 years old.
This is what we fought for.
This is not Napoleonic, guilty until proven innocent.
Because if the state's got the proof, they need to put it down on the table.
But they push through pop culture and the media to tell you, oh no, it's a new age, we can't have due process anymore.
And I remember in late 2001, just a few months after 9-11, it's in my film Road to Tyranny, the Washington Post had the CIA section chief in it, back when they were riding high in high cotton after the government had staged those attacks.
Going, yeah, we're torturing people.
We even take their family members, wives and children, and quote, pressure them in front of them.
And I put that in the film.
I made a big deal of it back in 2002 when I made 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny.
It was out in February 2002, the first 9-11 film.
I've made four total since to cover it.
It's such a big subject.
Latest is Terror Storm.
It's open and shut.
We have our own documents planning the attacks.
There's criminal elements of the military-industrial complex.
Again, who have all the motives, and you look at who has the motive, and magically they're behind it.
That's the way crime investigation works.
That's why you normally go after those that kibono, Latin for who benefits.
So, how did I digress off into that?
Oh, yeah.
So they said they're torturing children.
Well, as if that wasn't enough, Alberto Gonzalez, while he was Chief White House Counsel,
In 2002 and 2003, wrote three memos.
And John Yoo, his deputy, wrote six memos.
And in those nine memos, they say that we can torture people to death.
We can use it in secret trials.
We can use that evidence against them, and we can torture children.
And they said, we're giving an example to the military to take pliers and put them on the genitals of small children and crush them in front of their parents.
Now, I'm sorry if you don't want to hear that, folks.
It's what the criminal attorney general wrote, okay?
He's now attorney general, and look at all the other trouble he's into.
I mean, John Yoo, not born in this country.
Gonzales, not really of this nation.
He's a member of Mecha and La Raza, folks.
He's anti-U.S.
I mean, I'd be against an attorney general who's a member of the Klan.
I'm against Alberto Gonzales.
Mecha calls for killing all whites.
I don't know how he's allowed to do this.
Don't believe me?
Just type Alberto Gonzales Mecha into Google.
You'll get mainstream news.
But it's...
Regardless of all of that, this is what's being carried out.
This is what's happening.
And John Yoo has been at UT, he's been at other universities, and has been asked about the child torturing, it's really sexual torture, and he said, yes, the President has the power to order that.
Does the President have the power to barbecue children on the White House lawn, whether it's Bill Clinton or George Bush, I don't care, no they don't.
So, number one, number one, you can't torture
Somebody, and you can't have secret arrest and four years in a black hole and then believe any confession.
That's just on its face.
We'll explain this, okay?
When Stalin did it and Hitler did it, it wasn't acceptable.
It's not acceptable now!
When the Vietnamese did it to our troops in Vietnam, when the North Koreans did it to our troops in the Korea War, it was not acceptable and it's not acceptable now!
You understand?
You scum!
We'll be right back.
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Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Crushing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I gotta have time to go over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
And I also want to get into that other vaccine issue.
What happens to people who take the smallpox shot in some cases?
But let's just blitz through your calls.
Folks, be ready because I'm moving to the next person quick.
I want to get to everybody.
Let's talk to Matt in Virginia.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Good, sir.
You've been on fire all week.
You've been listening all week.
It's been a great week for you.
Thanks for tuning in.
Oh, no problem.
I have an info alert.
I just wanted to let all the troopers know that Ashcroft is coming to Syracuse University on the 27th and we need to get up there and everybody needs to have their trooper signs and we need to protest that.
I'm going to try myself to get up there if at all possible.
Everywhere these creatures go, they need to be confronted.
Absolutely, and I hadn't heard that anybody had announced that.
If anybody wants to know where, they can go to the Syracuse website, and they can find out where, and it will be on the 27th.
What do you think of the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confession?
You know, I read the Prison Planet story this week, and I think it's pretty amazing.
I thought Paul did a great job with that story, and it's unbelievable.
You know, I took your advice,
I started a website and it's been just completely satisfying and uplifting.
Oh, good.
What's the website?
Plug it.
It's the truthmovement.net.
Oh, that's an awesome name.
Yeah, the Truth Movement Network.
So we're online and I appreciate everything.
Alex, keep up the good fight.
Well done.
All right.
I love to hear it.
Got to entertain the guys in the control room with a little emperor on the side.
All right.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
This new phone system shows me how long they've been holding, so I tend to like loiter, looking at it, deciding who to go to first.
Let's go to Scott in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for exposing the corruption, and hey, don't quit.
I won't quit until I die, but go ahead.
All right.
Hey, I wonder if I woke up from one dream only to find myself in another dream, and that's...
And that's why I've got to check everything, including you.
I'm a big follower of the show.
But you know, we encourage you to check out what we say and what we cover.
Well, that's exactly what I'm doing.
And with regard to libertarianism, you have said, I'm a libertarian.
I've heard you say that on the air, so I really got into it.
And double think... Didn't you call a few weeks ago with the same comment?
I called last Sunday.
Last Sunday.
Well, go ahead and make your point.
Well, the point is that you say, you know, I'm a constitutionalist, but I've looked up constitutionalism, and I've looked up libertarianism, and they are opposites.
And I can go down the points.
Libertarians are for NAFTA.
The Constitutional Party is against NAFTA.
Libertarians are for GATT.
The Constitutional Party is against GATT.
You know, under libertarianism... Number one, let me stop you for just a second.
I know the founder of the Constitution Party, okay, and he will tell you he's a libertarian.
His name's Aaron Russo.
Okay, I happen to be friends with Congressman Ron Paul, now running for president, a frontrunner in many polls, but he's an underdog, a dark horse.
He is the Libertarian leader in this country, ran as a Libertarian, got in in the seventies, got kicked out, re-ran as a Republican, but he'll tell you he's a Libertarian.
He was against NAFTA and GATT, and he'll tell you he's a Libertarian.
There are fifty brands on the spectrum of Libertarianism, and you're getting into extreme, almost anarchical, Libertarianism.
I'm a Constitutionalist, sir, and that weds perfectly with the Libertarian ideas.
So, you're oversimplifying this.
Well, if you go to Wikipedia and look up libertarianism, it's going to say these things.
Well, listen, let me encourage you to do something, sir.
Number one, I'd like you to focus on the news we cover, and you can focus on Libertarian all day if you'd like, but it's not all about Alex Jones, either.
And so, once the show starts getting into... I mean, I'm kind of missing what you're saying.
Are you saying I'm being deceptive about my views, or I don't know who I am, or... What's the point of all this?
Okay, if I succeed, if I get what I'm here to accomplish, you will say, you know, Alex Jones will say, okay, I'm a constitutionalist, and Alex Jones will stop saying he is a libertarian.
Okay, listen, I appreciate your call.
I have said a hundred times on air, sir, and I told you this last week, that you can't put me in a box.
Call me a truther, call me a patriot, call me a constitutionalist, a libertarian, we're all
Basically agree on most of the basics.
And people call themselves different things.
I'm sure you can go listen to some tape and hear me go, yeah, I'm basically a libertarian.
And then I can explain to you that there are different types of libertarians.
Well, just type different type of libertarians into Google.
You'll see hundreds of articles and big debates about it.
I'm telling you, there's a whole debate here, sir.
It's like, what type of Republican are you?
Or what kind of Democrat are you?
There's different types, and you're not hearing what I'm saying.
You've called two weeks in a row, and I'm happy to talk to you, but I'm frustrated because maybe I'm inarticulate or something.
Ron Paul is a libertarian.
He's against Daft and GATT and open borders.
There are some libertarians who believe we should have totally open borders and all the rest of it.
Oh, man.
Makes your head spin sometimes.
Let us now go ahead and talk to Billy in New Jersey.
Billy, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, Billie.
Hi, I'm a first-time caller.
By the way, I'm 18 and in high school, by the way, junior.
Okay, great.
Great to have you listening.
I had a question.
It was about our school system.
In our progress report, it's stating that it's starting to construct a new security system.
We're going to have to wear ID cards and use them to slip into everything, like slot machines and everything.
Yeah, and then they'll track what you buy and what you do, and then if your parents don't put enough money on there, then CPS will come and claim you're not being fed right.
Let me break this down for you.
It's illegal.
It's been thrown out all over the country.
It's a violation of your privacy.
But it doesn't matter how many schools throw it out.
They come in with federal grants.
And then they put in a system called the Raptor system.
Westlake, outside Austin, put it in.
And it's hooked into the Travis County and the federal criminal databases.
Your grades, your tardies are all in there, opening criminal files on you.
It makes parents wear badges when they come to the school.
It totally controls you.
It's training your children that your parents have to show IDs to get you, that the state owns the children.
Even the high schools have these.
And it's all about getting you in the system.
If the government can't get you on welfare or into the criminal justice system, they're going to really press to try to get you into a financial bankruptcy.
Everything is about enslaving you.
And I can't believe Westlake parents and parents in Arkansas and parents in Ohio allow them to do this.
And again,
Statistically, school teachers, administrators, truancy officers, CPS workers have a higher level of child abuse and child molestation.
That's because that's where smart child molesters go to get jobs.
So, what's to protect the kids in the schools from the teachers?
And I'm not saying you're bad if you're a teacher out there.
I'm saying, statistically, you've got a lot of perverts trying to join up.
Just like I'm not saying all scout leaders are bad.
I'm sure my children will want to be in the Scouts, and they're getting up to that age, I'll probably have to go join, because I won't let them be in there unless I'm watching.
So that doesn't mean I'd be like that, or that 95% are.
But statistically, there's more perverts in the Scouts.
Because that's where you go.
Why do you go to fish in the ocean?
It's where the fish are.
Where do the perverts go?
Where the kids are.
This is nothing to do.
Zero with keeping children safe.
It's about training you to be a prisoner with barbed wire fences and police searches.
Anyone that has their children in a government training camp is insane.
And that's why you've gone from one million homeschoolers six, seven years ago to over four million homeschoolers a year, and that's growing, and that's why they're trying to ban homeschooling.
Hey, state, you don't own the children, you don't own the population, and you're not going to get away with it anymore.
Take on... I'm sorry, I'm going to put you on hold, okay?
You want to come back and talk about it?
You know what?
You go with that ID card.
You tell the other kids to say no to it.
We'll be right back.
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...to you from the capital of Texas, broadcasting the truth coast to coast and worldwide.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Look, I'll tell you what these I.D.
cards are about.
They're about training the children that their parents are slaves and have to show I.D.
to get into prison camp, but you've got to have one.
They're making 80-year-old women show I.D.
to get beer now.
It's happening all over the planet.
And it's also about you can't come into school and see the kind of brainwashing your kids are going through.
These are federally funded and controlled schools.
They're not local.
They're not independent.
I've had the number two former head of the Department of Education in Charlotte, Iserby.
A big elite East Coast family from Connecticut.
They have a skull and bones, everything.
A big Republican.
And they were in there, and the whole thing was about brainwashing the children.
She has the document.
She put it in a book.
Okay, I've got to finish up with this caller, and I've got to get into Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and then we'll get into all the other calls.
But let's go back to Billie in New Jersey.
I went into a rant there, Billie.
Just finish up.
They're telling you you're going to get ID cards.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and they're saying that we're going to have to swap it for everything for this new security system.
And I mean, sometimes during periods we can't even go out in the hall without having a pass or the show ID or etc.
I mean, ever since our former principal passed away, it's becoming so big brother now.
Oh yeah, that's the thing.
Checkpoints inside the school, and hell, all over the country they're putting cameras in the bathrooms.
I mean, that's 1984.
See, if they can get away with something as extreme as putting a camera in the bathroom at literally hundreds and hundreds of school districts, and making parents scan to get into the schools, and all of this,
What else can they get away with?
See, they're setting the precedent.
The state is God.
You're the slave.
But illegal aliens, when they're arrested, they don't have to show ID, or they're left alone and not arrested.
Anything else?
Yeah, well I want to talk about two other things, but coming off of that subject, we have this new project in my physics class.
It's about global warming.
But all the sources are given to us, and hold on, I'm going to check.
They're from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
Who's saying it's all real, yeah.
Yeah, most of the sources are saying all about them.
Because we can't use any outside sources.
Well, that's because the government wants you to pay a global tax.
So they're going to tell you that humans are causing the global warming.
It's a total lie.
I know.
I don't know how to go against it with all other sources because that's not allowed.
I don't know how to speak about, you know... Well, I'll tell you what.
You go to prisonplanet.com and you watch the Channel 4.
International 90-minute program, Global Warming, you know, the Great Global Warming Swindle is the name of the program.
We've got to leave it right there because I wanted to get Trey in there in the control room.
During the break he was telling the story of how they got ID cards years ago.
He's just now getting out of college at UT, graduating this year.
But, you know, I guess four years ago or so in high school they put these things in.
Trey, what was your take on it?
My whole issue was it was what teacher doesn't know her students in her classroom?
They said it was for your safety because people came in off the street and they didn't know who someone was.
So Al-Qaeda wouldn't get you?
I mean, every teacher knows every single one of her students who are in her classroom.
She doesn't need an ID hanging around their neck to tell them that's a student and that they go there.
But again, do you understand that statistically you're going to have more child abusers and perverts working in the school system than you have even on the streets?
It's only logic.
That's stolen logic.
So, but let's make it secret so they can do whatever they want.
Have you heard about these anti-terror drills all over the country where they make the children use trash cans to use the bathroom in the classes?
Have you heard about how they do these drills where they put guns to the kids' heads, unannounced, and they soil themselves, traumatizing elementary school students all over the country?
I've been through drug searches, room searches.
I mean, they take your bags.
It's a shakedown.
It's training you to go into prison.
It's training you how to be a prisoner.
And here in the land of the cowards, home of the slaves, we allow our children to be put through this.
It's a load of bull.
Yeah, I mean, you know, I even heard them commenting as they went through my bags and just making fun of what maybe the CDs I would have in there.
And it was just dehumanizing.
No, it's Gale Guard!
To have somebody just sift through all your personal items when you've done nothing wrong and they have no evidence.
Well, take the State of Texas Whole Youth Commission.
They scandal their end, raping the kids.
I was in honors classes and they still came in there and raided our classes and, you know, honors physics.
Which indoctrination camp did you go to?
Well, this is out of the Alding District in Houston.
Oh, yeah.
Well, thanks for talking to us about that.
Let me now elaborate on that.
I guess it was Wednesday night.
Was it Wednesday?
Yeah, it was Wednesday night.
I had the distinct pleasure of pulling up to my office and there is one of my employees standing there with four squad cars around him being put in handcuffs.
And so I stop my car and I walk up and I say, what's going on?
A couple of cops were already putting their hands on their weapons, because citizens walking up were devils, folks.
But this senior black cop, who was an officer, I think he was a sergeant or something, said, Hey Alex Jones, how you doing, man, blah blah blah, what's going on?
We pulled this guy over, and he pulled over in this parking lot,
And, uh, he was trying to, uh, the lady, it's always the lady cop.
I don't know why everybody has trouble with them.
I have trouble, everybody I know has trouble with them.
I'm not knocking women at large, but I think women who want to be cops are women who've got something to prove.
Not all women cops, but some of them.
I mean, some screw looses or something's going on.
And, uh, his license was expired.
Remember the lady outside Austin a few years ago, big national news, got arrested for no seatbelt on herself in her own neighborhood.
She stopped at the communal mailbox and got her mail and didn't put it on and the cop pulled her over and just took her to jail.
Now they do that routinely.
Remember they said they never would.
And they're taking him to jail and
They're loading him in, and I guess she took it personal because she was Hispanic.
I would have asked this of a black cop, a white cop, a purple cop, a green cop, a pink polka-dotted cop.
I said, let me guess, if he was an illegal alien, he wouldn't be going to jail.
And she kind of went, I'm not going to talk to you, and drove off and left with my employee in the back, because it was South by Southwest.
It took him like a day to get out.
That's how crazy it was.
And then I talked to the white cop and the black cop who were there, and another supervisor shows up.
They're all fans of the show.
And they're going, yeah, it's horrible.
But yeah, we're told that we'll get written up if we take an illegal alien to jail for not having an ID.
Besides, if you do, the judges just let them off.
And we've been told just leave them alone.
And we've been told to accept Mexican driver's license and consular matriculas that aren't even driver's licenses.
Of course, I already knew all that.
It's been in the news.
Let me give you a little news flash, folks.
I told you four years ago, because I was sitting in a Bank of America there to set up a bank account.
And there are illegal aliens all over the place, and I'm watching them, because I'm waiting for service for like an hour.
They've got like the two desks for the illegal aliens.
Literally, that's their main business.
And I'm sitting there, and I notice they're never giving IDs.
They're never showing paperwork.
They're just being given bank accounts, because I'm sitting five feet from them.
And I asked the guy, when he set my bank account up, he goes, well, uh, different circumstances, I can't really talk about it.
And, uh,
Then one time, one of my friends just had a couple credit problems, and they weren't willing to give him an account, and I went in and called the manager up and said, I remember you give illegals this, you better give him one.
But, now it comes out, you have no ID of any type, they give you bank accounts, then you get a tax ID number, then housing loans, car loans, welfare.
This is the point, folks.
We're the right whale.
Americans, black, white, Hispanic, we're the right whale.
You go, what does that mean?
The right whale was a slow, happy, sweet, fat whale with a lot of whale oil.
And that's why it was called the right whale.
It's the one you wanted to find and kill.
Sperm whales would fight you.
Blue whales would dive.
It was hard to get them into the boat.
The right whale.
We're the fat, dumb cattle to be fed on.
We're like a goonie bird or something.
A dodo bird.
That's why they're extinct.
No feathers.
The sailors got off the ships.
They were easy to catch and eat.
We're the idiots!
I mean, we're the mark!
The system wants open borders, wants to get rid of our sovereignty, wants to merge us with the other American nations on the continent to drive down the wages and all the rest of it.
They're just going to tell the cops they live by different rules.
And Vicente Fox, three and a half years ago, I went and bullhorned him at the Capitol and shut down his speech there at the governor's mansion.
Got tape of that, just type in Alex Jones, confronts Vicente Fox into Google, the video will pop up right for you.
And, uh, he gave the city an award for not following federal law and doing this.
It's criminal!
The cops are criminal, their bosses are criminal, the police chief, it is criminal.
You understand?
And congressmen have said this.
Tom Tancredo has called it criminal.
It's criminal to violate federal law.
I haven't even gotten to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
You know what?
I'm sorry to Chris, Greg, Mark, Emily,
I'm sorry to everybody.
Ron, we can't take your calls.
I've got to spend the last ten minute segment on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
I could have spent three hours on this.
This is so important.
When we get back, I'm going to cover it.
PrisonPlanet.com is the website.
Stay with us.
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Are you tired of searching for great talk radio?
Well, search no more.
We are the GCN Radio Network.
Raging for the truth.
Exposing corruption.
Dismantling the false left-right paradigm.
He's Alex Jones.
Okay, number one.
There have only been two convictions of, quote, Al-Qaeda operatives in the war on terror.
And one of them was an American citizen, Padilla, who they admitted that they had tortured, and who they then on the news announced had pled guilty to carrying out 9-11, when his trial wasn't even about that, and that basically all got thrown out.
This is the type of bizarreness we're witnessing.
Then we've got Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,
Who they grabbed out of nowhere, claimed as the number three guy back in 2003.
They'd had him for almost four years.
And I wanted to do a flashback for you out there.
I wanted to show you the London Telegraph.
This was also in the Associated Press back in September of 2003.
CIA holds young sons of captured Al-Qaeda chiefs.
Two young sons of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the 9-11 attacks, are being used by the CIA to force their father to talk.
Yusuf al-Khalid 9 and his brother, Habib al-Khalid 9.
Khalid 7 were taken into custody in Pakistan last September when intelligence officers raided a flat in Karachi where their father was being held.
And it goes on to admit that last night CIA interrogators confirmed that the boys were staying at secret addresses and being interrogated by the CIA and it goes on for two pages.
Oh yes, those 7 year old kids.
Man, Jack Ballard tortured him, and you know, it's a fantasy world.
Just like your dollar still got the value it had, it's a fantasy world.
Our government's not criminal, it's a fantasy world.
Just keep living in your fantasy!
Just keep thinking the government's your friend, you idiots!
I'm talking to those out there that'll buy anything.
The founding fathers are literally rolling in their graves.
You do not trust a government.
Who secretly arrests someone for almost four years, and then never lets them have a real trial, and then has some confession read out with an Air Force officer with his hand on Mohammed, with a shock stunner around him, in chains, to a secret tribunal, and then even that transcript is heavily redacted.
We pointed this out the day after it went public that the government says that Al-Qaeda didn't exist in 1993 and the Khalif Sheikh Mohammed didn't get active until 1996.
And again, Al-Qaeda is really Al-CIA.
Um, and then they got a few patsies they throw in.
But they claim that he ran the bombing in 93, which the New York Times admits the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the drivers, I've made films about it.
The point is, the government bombed the World Trade Center the first time.
That's on record.
Not debatable.
I told you Oklahoma City was an inside job now.
The former Deputy FBI Director has gone public saying government may have been involved, there should be a new investigation.
The name's Danny Coulson.
BBC, AP, you've all covered it.
It's all going to come out and you're going to look really stupid.
But no, you'll just rationalize it yourself and say it was a good thing when it all comes out.
Like that good old boys go, of course the government did it.
Alex's business.
So we get things done.
You know, like you're part of the system when you agree with it.
KSM, the ultimate patsy, confesses.
Go back to sleep.
You can trust a press release from a heavily redacted secret military tribunal of a torture detainee conducted by individuals representative of an oligarchy whose every deception, gross violation of U.S.
law, and act of imperial bloodletting over the last six years rests on maintaining the orthodoxy of the official myth.
So number one, you can't believe someone who's been secretly held for four years in his camp and admittedly tortured
Whose children have openly been threatened, and the CIA talked to the press about it.
Oh yeah, we got his kids and they're threatening them.
Oh yeah.
And they're trying to set that precedent with you.
You also can't believe a government who's been caught lying about WMDs, yellow cake, aluminum tubes, mobile anthrax weapons trucks.
They knew the whole time that was lies.
We have the White House memo, where they didn't accidentally lie, they said, we're going to lie and say they have WMDs.
By the way,
Iran's still shooting their mouth off.
It's the only way Ahmadinejad, Dinejad, looks strong.
They've suspended the reactor at Bashar.
The Russians aren't helping and they haven't paid the Russians.
It's all in mothballs.
That's all over the foreign press.
It's a big embarrassment for the Iranians.
The Brinkman ship worked.
The government's still going to attack them.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, again, I could talk for two hours about that, but we're almost out of time here.
Oh my gosh.
And then the really big issue
Where is it in my stack?
He confessed to planning an attack on a bank complex that wasn't built until 2004, and that wasn't owned by the company until 2006.
And I'm having one of those moments, normally when this happens, I'm able to go to break and come back with it, but I had literally 10 different articles on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and I'm trying to find the one.
We broke the news, we discovered it, and
Oh, here it is.
I found it.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
KSM confessed to targeting bank founded after his arrest.
That's right.
The fallacy of testimony exposes a story as the story blows up in the Pentagon's face.
Again, he confessed to targeting a bank founded after his arrest.
The fallacy of testimony exposing a story as it blows up in their face.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's alleged confession testimony has been thoroughly discredited after it emerged that one of the targets he identified at Blank Plaza was not founded until 2006, four years after the Al-Qaeda mastermind's arrest.
In his confession, KSM claims it was responsible for planning, training, surveying, and financing for the new or second wave of attacks against the following skyscrapers after 9-11.
He went on to say, Bank Plaza, Washington State,
KSM was arrested in March of 2003.
According to the Bank Plaza's website, the organization was founded in early 2006, making it impossible for KSM to have even been known of the bank's existence before 2003, never mind plotting against it.
The building wasn't even built, ladies and gentlemen.
Skepticism about the legitimacy of KSM's confession has gushed forth from all quarters, leaving the credibility of the Pentagon and the process of military tribunals it runs, and provoking additional questions about why the Al-Qaeda mastermind admitted to involvement in such a vast range of plots.
He also used American nomenclature, saying they were going to attack everything A to Z he planned at all.
A to Z.
And they've had linguists and other speech experts and language experts look at this.
He's talking the way a New Yorker would talk.
Again, these are patterns.
We know what Muslims and we know what Arabs, and depending on what's even subgroup, their speech patterns, the words they use, they have whole groups of science, whole groups of different sciences to look at this.
But again, you can show the American people a fat Bin Laden who's gained 150 pounds, whose nose has grown two inches, and then they do voice prints and it's not him.
They can edit old videos of Bin Laden in 99-2000, release them every month as new Bin Laden tapes, the public believes it.
It's always discredited back in the paper a week later.
They've already admitted this is all fake now, mainstream news, but it's a quiet mention.
Meanwhile, you'll have idiots at coffee shops and work go, hell, the government ain't involved in 9-11!
That Khalid-er Mohammed man!
Uh, I can't say the name.
He admits he did it!
Okay, fine.
Just keep believing all this bull.
And, uh, it goes on.
Senators urge the probe.
9-11 suspects claim of torture.
CNN had a poll the day they released it.
And 74% said they doubted the confession and believe it was obtained under torture.
I have other polls here now as high as 95%.
So, three or four days after, now everybody knows.
And this is blowing up big time.
I mean, he confessed to 31 attacks and hundreds of others being planned.
He confessed to attacks of buildings and companies that didn't exist.
He confessed to 93 bombing, which is admitted the government ought.
That's admitted!
And don't sit there out there in Radio Land, if you're an enemy of truth, and tell me I'm making that up.
You gonna prove me wrong!
You call in here next week, and you tell me how I'm wrong, or you email me and you tell me how I'm wrong.
Because you're gonna go try to do it, you're gonna find out it's true.
I mean, I got tapes I can play right now of the informant for the FBI going, you gave me the money to build the bomb, I built it, they're gonna bomb the World Trade Center, let's stop it, and they go, no, we're not gonna stop it.
And he knew rightly they were setting him up, and he recorded them.
Yeah, I mean, the government doesn't like to have to attack the buildings themselves.
They like to, you know, find some nut job to do it, or hire a... Usually it's some... one of their informants, military trained, who they're paying, who goes and sets the people up, and then tries to direct it.
But that never works right.
They didn't park it up against the column properly, so it didn't bring one of the towers down.
But, so they totally cut out the middlemen on September 11th.
Don't believe me?
Just go research it for yourself.
And as for Alberto Gonzalez, they're trying to say, well Bill Clinton fired all 100 U.S.
Yeah, and it was wrong.
Because they wouldn't engage in corruption for him.
But just because that was wrong, doesn't mean this is okay.
And the problem here is, we've got U.S.
Attorneys going public.
Saying, look, I'm a Republican.
But they called me, I had senators calling me up saying, give me information on corruption probes and hurry these up, and I said I couldn't do it, so the Justice Department fired me.
He goes, that's illegal in sealed indictments.
It's about them doing illegal things!
It's not about them firing the U.S.
Yes, they can fire U.S.
But you can't fire a U.S.
Attorney for not engaging in crime.
But again, Berto Gonzales says the President's above the law.
He's in trouble for that.
The FBI illegally spying on everybody.
Now they've admitted it was illegal.
It's ongoing, ladies and gentlemen.
That is the tip of the iceberg.
The tip of the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
God bless you all.
Have a great week out there.
We'll see you at InfoWars.com, JonesReport.com, PrisonPlanet.com, to all our affiliate sponsors, everybody.
God bless you.
You're great.
Great job to the crew.
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