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Name: 20070308_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 8, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, March 8, 2007.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And no, I have wiped the slate clean.
There will be no guest on today because I do want to take a lot of your phone calls.
On any news story, on any issue, any comment, any questions, you disagree with me, you agree, whatever, no call screening, your first name and where you're calling from.
By the way, a lot of times callers call up and John answers the phone and puts them on hold and they say, my name's Bob, but I don't want them to know my name, so I'm going to make up a name, like Hammer of Truth.
Fine, folks.
If you're going to make up a name so they don't know who you are, just don't tell us about it.
Just call and tell us your name is Keebler or whatever you wish and we will get you up and on the air.
Now, if you wish to give us more information, that can send you to the head of the line.
If you disagree with something I've said, and that means legitimately, most the time it's
I disagree with you.
I think you're better than you say you are, or I disagree with you.
It's worse than you say.
I mean, if you seriously disagree, let us know.
Unlike other big talk shows, we want you to the front of the line.
We want to hear... Well, I haven't heard from Troy in a few weeks, from West Virginia, since he called into Jack Bloodshub and was saying that, well,
John Connor was sitting in for him, and he said that he'd like to punch John Connor in the face.
He said he'd like to attack John Connor.
And I called in and told old Troy from West Virginia that he was an idiot and an intimidator, and that he shouldn't go around threatening people.
He hasn't called in since, and I'd like to give old Troy a chance to call in.
You know, people like that, because it's good to hear the type of people that we're up against, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, you've joined us, you want to know the news I have today, and it is all extremely important.
Since about 1997, I have been announcing, every month or so, that every major phone company, telecommunications hub, in the nation, by law, has part of a floor, or an entire floor, that is actually run by the National Security Agency.
They talk about this being so secret, and this being such incredible breaking news in the last year.
This was in the newspapers in 1996.
And there was even more information in the trade publications in the 1990s, the mid to late 1990s.
Nine billion plus dollars paid.
The early articles say six plus billion, but it turned into nine plus billion the last time I saw it.
To pay the phone companies to clear out whole floors, whole areas, whole office spaces, and the National Security Agency actually move in.
And Southwestern Bell and San Antonio and Austin's got it.
They've all got it.
Talk about hidden in plain view, but now there's this big debate about it and this big ABC news piece where they break the big story for everybody.
This stuff is hidden in plain view like so many other things.
So we'll go over that NSA blocked domestic spying whistleblower and pressured LA Times to kill Story.
We'll break down that report.
Also, out of the Washington Times today, folks, again, it was never canceled.
And others have been involved the entire time.
Admiral Poindexter did have to step down.
Homeland Security revives Super Snoop.
Total Information Awareness never went away.
So I guess now it's reality because the mainstream media is reporting it.
Israel's Prime Minister says Lebanon War was pre-planned.
Again, we don't need you to tell us that, but now it's admitted.
More gay porn stars hanging out with the Republicans.
It's all coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's plunge directly into a news overview before we detail it and take your calls on this live March 8, 2007 edition on this Thursday.
NSA blocked domestic spying whistleblower and pressured LA Times to kill Story.
We've got an ABC News clip that is extremely revealing, but whoever uploaded it kind of hammered the audio.
We're trying to find a cleaner version, but the audio is so important
Just to decipher the propaganda that we'll play it regardless in about 30 minutes, even if we're not able to find a better version.
We'll all have to bear through it together.
But my trusted sidekick, John, is on the trail right now, so he'll probably find it.
And dovetailing with that, this is the Washington Times today, up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Homeland Security revives Super Snoop.
Well, they never killed the Total Information Awareness Network.
Three years ago, under massive pressure, they changed the name and had a private agency, a private corporation, run it from the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
And they simply removed
Admiral Poindexter, the convicted five-time felon, from running the operation and removed their logo, there was an all-seeing eye radiating the entire Earth with its loving, caring gaze.
So we'll be getting into that report for you.
Israeli Prime Minister says Lebanon war was pre-planned.
Report, Reuters.
Now, back at the time, we reported the fact that Israel had run attack drills for two years and had liaisoned with the U.S.
with intelligence and planned to use any pretext to invade and take over Lebanon.
They failed in that attempted takeover.
And the controlled, fake conservative and liberal press got up and said it was a conspiracy theory.
It wasn't true.
Israel did this because they were hit by Katyusha rockets.
And there was no discussion of Israel bombing and its forays in the three weeks before the Katyushas began to be fired by Hezbollah.
It was all, oh no, they captured Israeli soldiers who happened to be over the border, and oh, they attacked for no reason, and there was no premeditated plan to attack.
Well, now
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has put out a report admitting it.
But again, we've got Neocon America, that 22% that still is for the war and buys anything they're told, still believing WMDs were found, believing that dirigible pumps were anthrax attack units, mobile trucks, still believing Yellow Cake was shipped from Niger,
We've got White House memos saying they staged it all premeditatedly, lying to Congress, lying to the UN, but so what?
I mean, who needs reality when you can have a virtual false reality?
Okay, fine.
And the dollar's strong, and Bush's guest worker program is not an amnesty, and just everything is wonderful.
Okay, fine.
I don't want to spend all day on this.
Paul Watson's going to do a report on it.
I do not enjoy having to traffic on these sites, but did do some research this morning.
And this is from News Hounds.
It's also been picked up by a bunch of other news sites.
And it is certainly true.
In fact, it's much worse, just in my 20-30 minutes of research, than what News Hounds and others have reported.
Remember the Gannon Guckert story of the male porn star slash whore slash madam who was in the White House bringing his tricks in with him to try to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the Christian conservative leadership of this nation?
And then there's all the other reports, you know, headline, top gay porn stars, service moguls at Bohemian Grove,
New York Post of all places.
One of Hannity's great Americans, a former gay porn star and male prostitute.
This is a guy on the talk radio and TV circuit with Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin all over Fox Radio and TV.
Just out of nowhere, this young marine and it turns out he's a top gay porn star.
And of course he's also a male prostitute.
And I have here in front of me his phone number and his websites, and he's posing here naked.
He says, I'm going to strive to make this page as informative as possible.
You can always reach me anywhere at 917, and the number continues.
New York, Midtown on the west side, and San Francisco, and he goes on.
He goes to D.C.
if you need him.
Very high dollar.
And he's got some other people he works with.
There's quite a few escort services he's associated with.
When he's not hanging out with the Republican bigwigs on television, or going and speaking at the colleges, or concocting psy-op lies about how he's been blocked from speaking at universities, he is starring in... You know, I'm going to spare you reading the names of these movies, these porn videos that he's been in.
Pretty much, if you see a young guy with a short haircut, because that's what the Republicans like, whose former military on television is one of their PR people, in every case we've seen, they're either male prostitutes, or porn stars, or both, or madams.
Was it called a madam when you're a male madam?
I don't know the name.
I don't know that nomenclature, but it's just par for the course.
I could spend hours on that.
Basically, to join the Republican leadership, the evidence is clear, you have got to, at the bare minimum, imbibe in this.
And it seems to be a rite of passage, even when some top Republicans don't seem to like it.
Of course, the Harper's interview had always been public since he gave it in the 70s, or in 1973.
Harper's Magazine, but we now have the audio of the last three years.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Richard Nixon speaks out on the Bohemian Grove.
It's a good way to Google it.
I can't repeat the things he said.
He used profanity in the Lord's name in vain, but he said that that's what they do at the Bohemian Grove and that you basically have to go to be part of the club, but that he didn't like it.
I've had these national Christian talk show hosts attack me and say that I'm a liar, the Bohemian Grove doesn't exist, going bones is no big deal, and they won't even begin to touch all this.
You've got to ask yourself why.
A lot of top preachers, it's been learned, of course, have been discovered, have the same taste, you could say.
The same sexual preference.
And that's legal.
That's their prerogative.
The problem is that that's kind of like the outer ring to progress into higher levels.
It involves stuff like you see in Eyes Wide Shut, but instead of orgies with a bunch of five-star female models, it's muscled male models, the cream of our military in there.
Again, we have a
We've only seen a few of them that aren't military, but even those that aren't military dress up in the military outfits.
I'm just letting everybody know the taste of our Christian conservative leaders.
That big mega preacher out of Colorado likes the military look.
Well, I mean, I guess that makes it okay.
It's at least conservative.
I mean, they like them to dress up in military uniforms.
They support the troops.
I mean, they're giving them big $2,000 an hour checks.
I mean, maybe I'm trying to support Al Qaeda.
Maybe this is how the Christian Conservative leadership helps the troops.
You know, because it's a way to give them a lot of money.
I see.
I'm just trying to hurt America.
I really should just support everything they do.
So, I'm basically done talking about that.
Interesting article up on PrisonPlanet.com right now that I'll read in its entirety in the next hour.
Sony brings real-life Matrix a step closer, sets precedent for future artificial utopias constructed to escape hellhole of real world.
And we'll be going over that for you in the next hour.
Continuing, Gates warns us on U.S.
immigration curbs, says if we don't have unlimited unskilled workers brought in, that we won't be competitive.
Yes, Bill Gates, we know globalization will really help us.
Thank you.
You know, they've already given us this great advice that's gotten us this far down the rat hole, and now, oh, there's problems.
The answer is more of these skilled workers being pumped in to displace everyone else.
Also, another report here that
More than two-thirds of construction workers are Hispanic.
And of course, as you would imagine, these are federal numbers.
The vast majority of them are illegal aliens.
This is out of United Press International.
But don't worry, everything's fine.
Bush is to push democracy in Latin America.
Democracy, sure he is.
And meanwhile, Hillary's running around saying, legalize the
50,000 illegal Irish squatting in this country and it shows that Irish groups are some of the biggest groups out pushing total legalization of all illegal aliens.
So the headline on the story is deport the Irish from V-Bear up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now I didn't get to this the last two days.
I mentioned it.
When we get back I will cover it.
Then we'll come back and take calls for the balance of this hour to continue with the news throughout the broadcast.
Reuters missing a huge chunk of the Earth's crust.
This is out of Reuters.
A team of British scientists has set sail on a voyage to examine why a huge chunk of the Earth's crust is missing.
Deep under the Atlantic Ocean, a phenomenon that challenges conventional ideas about how the Earth works.
The more they learn, the more they know they don't know.
The 20 Strong Team aims to survey an area some 3,000 to 4,000 meters deep, where the mantle, the deep interior of the Earth normally covered by a crust kilometers thick, is exposed by the sea floor.
We'll be right back to discuss what's happening in the Atlantic Sea Range, Mountain Range, and what's happening in Colorado and other areas.
We'll be right back.
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Scientists have claimed the last hundred years that things happen over hundreds of millions of years.
That sure in the past the crust would explode upwards and new mountain ranges would then form over millions, hundreds of millions of years.
And that we need not worry about asteroids hitting us and we need not worry because there's such a huge
scale of time here.
The problem is that all of the new data coming out from every different source, as the science gets better and better, it's showing that is not the case.
Remember back in the 80s when Jupiter was hit, or was it Saturn, by Shoemaker-Levy, the big comet that broke up into five parts and exploded?
And now they know that we get hit by large meteors a lot more often than we previously thought.
And the ancient history shows that too.
And now they're learning that the crust does things that they before didn't think it did.
This again out of Reuters.
A team of British scientists has set sail on a voyage to examine why a huge chunk of the Earth's crust is missing deep under the Atlantic Ocean.
We're good to go!
Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an open wound on the ocean floor that has puzzled scientists for five or so years that its existence has been known because it defies existing tectonic plate theories of evolution!
We know little about it, said Bramley Merton, a senior research scientist at Southampton's National Oceanographic Centre.
It's a real challenge to our established understanding of what the Earth's surface looks like underneath the waves, he told Reuters by telephone from the brand new high-tech British research ship, the RSS James Cook.
That'd be Captain Cook who discovered Australia or some of the animals there.
Mid-ocean ridges are places where new oceanic crust is born with red-hot lava spewing out along the seafloor.
What scientists are keen to know is whether the crust was ripped away by huge geological faults or whether it was never even developed in the first place.
The primary motivation for the project was to understand how the Earth continues to evolve.
Now, take Yellowstone.
Scientists had previously claimed that tens of millions of years ago there were huge volcanic eruptions, and Yellowstone itself is a giant volcanic crater.
Hundreds and hundreds of square miles in circumference, and now in some areas it's sunk as much as three feet in the last ten years, risen as much as five in others.
There's all sorts of new, bizarre, geological things happening, new geysers forming, old geysers dying, even Old Faithful isn't as true as it once was.
Geothermal geyser.
And now scientists, and I'm not saying this is going to happen, it's just a possibility,
As it's done in the past, that whole region could explode, and let's just say it wouldn't be very healthy for people in those surrounding states, much less for the atmosphere of the planet, because mega-volcanoes, just regular volcanoes, there's four different types of the type that eject a lot of gas and ash, put out more particulate that cause global warming, or global heating, depending on
Global cooling, depending on how much is ejected, goes through a cycle.
It all gets very complex, but a mega-eruption could make things quite dark.
High noon in certain regions, or even globally, could be much darker for several years or longer if a mega-volcano went off, as the volcanologists say.
You know what?
I want to get some top volcanologists, mainstream guys and girls on.
I think we'll get some of them on and talk about this.
Maybe we'll try to get some folks on about all the bizarre volcanic and tectonic activity.
Because all the indicators coming in are saying things are much quicker than they previously thought.
Just a bunch of Darwinists.
I'm not getting into the scientific debates about that, okay?
Who am I to say how God does things?
I think that's a false debate we're meant to get off into.
My point is, is that this universe is rapidly changing.
The sun is rapidly changing.
They thought the sun didn't go through these type of gyrations.
It is the brightest it's ever been in modern recorded history, and is set to get even brighter.
We've talked a lot about that.
The point is, is things happen a lot quicker than they've said, according to all the indicators coming in from every branch of science that researches this.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We'll get into a bunch of news.
Take your calls.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Let's go through some of your phone calls from all over the planet and then we'll get into this big NSA story.
I've got four articles today dealing with different angles of this.
We'll try to give everybody a clear picture and then maybe you can add to that picture chiming in.
Before I go to your calls...
There's a lot of new items we're offering on the online video and book store, and shortwave radio store, and FM transmitter store, and anti-New World Order, pro-America, pro-Second Amendment, t-shirts, baseball caps, all at incredibly low prices.
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That all four of them regularly would be $75.80 if you got them individually for $47.80.
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Get it as part of the package deal and what, they're like $12?
Just a very, very important documentary.
Aftermath, unanswered questions from 9-11, from Guerrilla News Network, the Sundance Award winning documentary producers.
This is professional, this is powerful, this is something that you need to get and get out to folks.
Also, 9-11 Press for Truth, we're offering that at a discounted price.
They lied, they all died.
Patty Casanza, one of the Jersey Girls,
And the Corrupt Exposed by the 9-11 Families is the sub-name of the film, and it is very professionally produced.
You need to have this film, 9-11 Press for Truth.
We also have a film that gets into the electronic voting fraud and the disenfranchisement of black voters.
It is a very real American blackout.
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An amazing film.
A muckraking indictment of the systematic disenfranchisement of African-American voters.
LA Times.
Again, these are very professional films.
All put out by the distributor that puts out Terror Storm now.
We're very honored to be... I mean, the same folks put out Outfoxed.
And another film, Iraq for Sale, by the fellow that made Outfoxed.
Robert Greenwald film, Iraq for Sale, The New War Profiteers, Who's Getting Killed and Who's Making a Killing.
You can get all four of these films for $47.80.
Regularly $75.80.
Now, when we sell them for $75.80, if you bought them all individually, that's a small discount.
It's deeply discounted, instead of $75.80, $47.80, to get all four, or you can buy them individually for $18.95 apiece.
That's Iraq for sale, 9-11 Press for Truth, Aftermath, Unanswered Questions from 9-11, and American Blackout.
You need to have these documentaries.
They need to be seen.
They need to be gotten out to the American people.
Again, go to InfoWars.com, the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart, or call toll-free.
They can answer all your questions.
Order Terror Storm, American Freedom from Fascism, Loose Chain 2nd Edition, all the other great books and videos we carry when you call.
There's big discounts on all of them, and there's even bigger discounts if you get even bigger package deals.
888-253-3139 or you can write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
You not only support us and what we're doing here with the websites and the films and the reports and the radio show and everything we're trying to do at a top flight level,
In the fight against the Globalist, you then support the folks that made American Freedom to Fascism, the folks that made American Blackout, the folks that made Iraq Reshell, the folks that made 9-11 Press for Truth, and Aftermath, unanswered questions from 9-11.
And then you support alternative, burgeoning, growing media.
You vote with your Federal Reserve notes that are rapidly being devalued.
And as the dollar devalues, do we increase prices?
We radically slash them because the goal here is to get the word out to fight the new world order.
Don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv.
Where all 15 of my films, my weekly TV reports, dozens of other films have been authorized to post.
Masses of special reports, hundreds and hundreds of audio interviews, thousands of pieces of media, PrisonPlanet.tv.
By the way, we upgraded PrisonPlanet.tv about a month and a half ago.
Everybody's been sharing their passcodes.
And instead of trying to restrict that, which, kind of control yourselves a little bit, folks, because then it hurts your service, we're just going to a server farm where we're going to have it on a string of servers across the country.
It's extremely
I think?
Rings of servers then test them with max load because it just gets into IT stuff and I don't claim to know anything about that but I know more than most because I have to.
But we're working it out and it's going to be even better for you.
Plus we've got to create a huge backbone for the new internet venture that we're going to be launching against the globalists in the next few months but while I sure up everything else and redesign the other sites and expand some things we've got to bring on some of the new crew to do this
My point is, big things coming, if God's willing, Lord willing.
So, you do support us when you become a member at PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day, come on, $5.95 a month, get a yearly membership, get 3 months free, but don't get a trial monthly membership, it's the cost of 2 or 3 Starbucks coffees.
Okay, let us now go to the calls.
Robert in Canada, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking the call.
Thanks for calling.
I'm from Halifax, Canada, and I've been a 9-11 Truth Seeker for about two years now, I guess.
I have a website, Speak911TruthToPower.com.
Good, I think I've seen it.
Yes, thank you.
I just want to tell you, a couple of weeks ago, it was kind of a good story.
I was walking into my workplace, and when I ran out the corner, there was a mailbox right in front of the building, and it was one of your bumper stickers.
9-11 was an inside job, and I was just really excited to see that, because, you know, I don't know how many people around here
I've been driving in Los Angeles and seeing InfoWars stickers.
I've been driving in New York and seeing it in a taxi.
I've seen it all over the place.
I saw InfoWars scribbled on a wall and on a bathroom wall in Ottawa.
Again, I'm just one person in this fight, one organization in this fight.
We are having a huge effect because of you, the listeners.
No, it's great.
I'm really excited about it, and I just hope your listeners, you know, won't be afraid to speak up and tell people the truth about 9-11.
I find myself, you know, opportunities rise every day to tell people about it, and every day I'm telling some people about the truth of it.
Well, the good feeling is the globalists are arrogant, murdering, hubris-filled creatures, and they thought they'd get away with this, and they keep telling us we don't have power, and we do have power.
We're not listening to them.
In fact, they need to just shut up!
We're not going to stop.
We're going to keep moving forward.
No, that's great.
One more thing if I could add, I just wonder if maybe you could get Alan Watt back in your show sometime soon.
Yeah, he was a good interview.
I need to get him back on.
I think I'll tell my producer.
Yeah, he's a smart guy.
Thanks for taking the call, Alex.
Thank you, Robert.
Let's get Alan Watt back on.
He gets all into the culture of mind control.
Very, very, very astute guest.
James from Canada, another fellow from the great north.
Go ahead.
Hi, Ed.
I'm calling from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada.
And I've been listening to what you've been saying.
I phoned a few days ago, and I'm glad to get back on again.
But I've been listening to what you're saying about how a lot of things started, you know, around World War One, to this New World Order movement to, you know, one global government.
Well, as us, as well, particularly myself as First Nations, we've had to deal with that simply because of three documents that were made, supposedly brought into law in the 1800s.
So you're a Native American?
Yes, I am.
One of the documents that I'm talking about is international law, signed by England, Spain... Which is really maritime law, which in modern terms we call administrative law.
And the other two are the 1820 detribalization documents and 1830 decolonization documents.
Well, I'm not real familiar with the Canadian documents under the Crown, but I am familiar with the raw deal natives have been given, you know, the original populations have been given here, and so everything the elites did to the natives is now being done to everyone.
It's basically the same type of operations, just with slicker propaganda.
Well, see, these two particular documents, the 1820 and 1831, were designed to deal with Aboriginal populations around the world.
Now, it's been modified to deal with the population period.
Yeah, that's what I was saying.
And the same thing happened with the amendment that they put into place, the 13th Amendment,
Or is it the 14th?
My brain's not working today.
Here at the end of the Civil War, let me get my pocket constitution out, it was in here in the office, and what they did was, they weren't about to make blacks free, and they'd already said they were only two-thirds human previously, which of course was a fraud, and so what they said is, okay, they're wards of the state, and they're given privileges, or civil Roman rights, and they started replacing the
The law from Mount Sinai, the Mosaic Law that then was expanded through the Magna Carta, 1215, the Bill of Rights, uh, 17...
You're also forgetting one more thing there, Alex.
You're forgetting the 1867 British North America Act, which not only does encompass Canada, but still encompasses the United States.
Well, that's the Empire claiming control of everything.
I have seen that document.
The other thing too, Alex, is that a lot of people talk about chemtrails.
They see chemtrails down in the states, all over the big cities.
But up here, especially in the northern part of Saskatchewan, a lot of people that I know who work in the mines up there see chemtrails being laid down big time up there.
And there are quite a number of people up here that have recognized what a chemtrail is.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
We're going to do a couple of shows next week on chemtrails.
Everybody really wants to get more into that and I've interviewed...
Scores of people over the years, done hundreds of shows on it, but I'll do a couple next week on it because just to mention it doesn't really, and you're welcome to, doesn't do it any justice and it just sounds, you know, some guy driving along in his car listening to Kansas City or Austin, Texas or upstate New York or Southern California right now or some lady listening going, what?
So, I mean, you're welcome to talk about them.
It's just that I want to do whole shows on it instead of just mentioning it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lucas in Texas.
Lucas, you're on the air.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, I wanted to talk about two different things.
One of the things I wanted to talk about was Larry Silverstein's pull-it comment.
Nobody has really taken and, you know, analyzed that to the point where... He says, pull it!
And people keep saying he means the fireman.
No, no one had been in there since early morning.
And the fireman had never engaged the fire.
And he says, we... In fact, just cue the club up instead of quoting him here from memory.
Then he says, we made the decision to pull it and they gave the order and we watched it come down.
They're talking about the building!
Well, let me explain something.
First of all, the science behind this is
First of all, why would the fire commander ask Larry Silverstein's opinion on what to do with his firefighters?
He has no say over who pulls the firefighters or who doesn't.
That comes from... So the firefighters weren't even there ever, and so it's made up, and it's a lie, and the debunkers just put out enough to confuse the general public so they read that and go back to sleep.
But you can't... Okay, you can try to ignore Silverstein.
But you can't ignore the firemen, the police, the emergency workers saying, we were told to get back.
The government was going to blow it up.
They were going to bring it down.
Get back, get back.
They're going to blow it up.
It's going to come down.
Literally 45 plus news articles quoting firemen, police, and others.
Dozens and dozens of video and audio clips.
It's ridiculous.
But here's Larry Silverstein.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
As a unit, we've had such terrible loss of life.
I think so.
They're blowing up the remains of other buildings and they call it pull it when they blow them up!
Well, the point I wanted to make was, well, two points I wanted to make.
One about this was the fact that he has no say over what firefighters, you know.
First of all, the fire commander would not call him and ask his opinion on what to do with the fire.
No, this is them trying to somehow publicly indict the firefighters later to blame them on blowing the building up when the firefighters would have had to be in there with demolition experts a month before.
Now the next thing... It was not the fire department that blew the building up.
They were told, get back, it's coming down.
And this is Silverstein and others trying to rope them into this in case it ever came out.
The next thing I wanted to mention, as you know, I told you Saturday when I met you down at the rally down here that I'm working on a documentary that I'm going to give you.
Well, in the process, I've gone through several hundred clips and somewhere out there is a Fox News clip where the ticker on the bottom says,
Building number 7 has just fallen.
But I didn't actually use that clip for my documentary, and I didn't think nothing of it because it was weeks ago.
I know, the stuff's sitting in plain view, I understand.
You know, and so that's an important thing to look at, is the tickers on the bottom of the news, you know, because right there they reveal a lot of information when it first comes out, and I'm pretty sure that this Fox clip is probably going to be at about the same time as the BBC clip.
Good, good.
I appreciate your call.
Can't wait to see what you put together.
Speaking of Building 7 and the new BBC footage where they're saying it's fallen 20-something minutes before it's fallen, and the CNN saying it an hour before, and the other BBC clip saying it 20 minutes before, are we going to let this die?
This story was huge for a week, and I guess we're not writing any more articles about it, and I guess it's just, I mean, I guess the article we should write, are we going to let this story die?
Are we going to just not demand answers from BBC?
Are we not going to demand answers from the locals?
Are we not going to
Demand the mainstream media cover this.
You see, they know this stuff can come out.
We could probably get footage of Bush in a smoky room going, ha, ha, ha, I'm behind the attacks, and it'd just be on the web and everybody would ignore it, and it'd be big on the web, but that'd be it.
I mean, it's like this with so many things.
Are we going to allow that story to die?
You should go to PrisonPlanet.com, look on the right-hand side of the news and focus, and get those original articles from the last two weeks.
And re-email them out to everyone.
Post them on MySpace, message boards, your email list, your Yahoo community websites, Yahoo message boards.
I mean, this is serious info war.
We know they blew it up.
We know they announced it early.
We know they carried out the attacks.
This is life and death.
I'm risking my life doing this.
I'm at the tip of the spear, folks.
I mean, I think about it every day.
I know the decisions I've made, because I want to bring these criminals to justice.
And none of us are safe.
Our families aren't safe, while people that'll kill 3,000 of us right in front of us, then pose as our saviors, are still running things.
I want it to hit you, right between the eyes, how big this is.
I want it to hit you, right between the eyes, how massive this is.
Consciously, every day, recommit.
Don't let yourself get conditioned and acclimated to just accept it.
Because there are a lot of people who are awake to this stuff and still just get conditioned.
I'm the same way.
On major issues.
Oh, here they are saying they want to make school kids take chips.
I've been covering that so long, it's kind of old.
Even if it's important to see you get acclimated.
We have to continue to be angry, continue to be focused, continue to be energetic and fighting these murderers.
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What we've got here is
Failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
No, you can get what we had here last week.
Which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
I don't like it any more than you do.
Look at your young men fighting.
Look at your women crying.
Look at your young men dying.
The way they've always done before.
Look at the hate we're breeding.
Look at the fear we're feeding.
Look at the lives we're leading.
The way we've always done before.
Their brainwashed pride being used by the very same elite that is butchering the soul of America, the Bill of Rights, the borders, the sovereignty.
Will you actually join with a real American Patriots in the domestic fight, the last ditch battle, the battle for the Republic?
By the way, Mark Kornke is scheduled to be getting out of prison on set-up charges of ramming the police with his car when they rammed him.
I have the squad car video.
Spent seven years in there, almost seven years.
I've been told by my producer, but we need to get back in touch with Nancy Kornke, and I want him on the day he gets out.
And I want to try to get Mark, at least at first, a weekend show here on the network.
Mark Gregory Kornke, getting out of prison very, very soon.
Let's go back to your calls.
So much news.
I'm going to get into this whole NSA thing in the next hour.
I'm going to get into a bunch of other stuff in the next hour.
I was just so much here, but let's go back to your calls, open phones today.
Let's talk to Daniel in California.
Thanks for holding.
I just wanted to bring up the situation about the recent trial of Mr. Libby.
The district attorney, I mean, I want to know who is this guy, number one, and why he has already said that he is not going to further investigate to go up to Cheney, which we all know Libby took in September.
Patrick Fitzgerald?
I mean, what do you expect?
This is what they always do.
They go after him on charges that aren't even connected to the leaks.
That aren't even connected to burning CIA controllers that then burned hundreds under her.
And then they're going to pardon him.
They'll string it out until the election in a year and a half.
I mean, it's all staged.
Take the Democrats.
Ooh, a tough resolution that Pelosi wants to bring up to start the pullout in fall of 2008.
That pushes out another year and a half and then no one will even think.
It's just, it's ridiculous.
It's just, it's all staged.
They're a bunch of crooks working together.
I can't believe that America just stands by and lets all this happen.
Have you seen Syriana based on a real book written by FBI agent, excuse me, CIA officer Robert Baer, who by the way has gone public on 9-11.
We've been pulling teeth to get him on.
Again, my distributor put out his book that Syriana was, you know, that the movie was made out of.
So I've got his number and I've got his, in fact, get Baer on.
We've been trying.
I just remember we've been trying for months.
But why did I bring that up?
Oh yeah, that film.
In it, it describes how they give the illusion that they're going after corruption.
We're gonna break, start the second hour, stay with us.
We'll be right back, right here on GCN.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already in the hour number two,
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Well, thank you for having me.
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Now when we get back from break, I'm going to go to Tim and many others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
And then I'm going to get into Israeli Prime Minister says Lebanon war was pre-planned.
We already knew that.
Now it's admitted.
Homeland Security revives super snoop total information awareness network.
How that integrates in with NSA block domestic spying whistleblower.
Unpressured LA Times the kill story.
citizens put under intense secret terror surveillance report.
And we will then, from there, get into a little bit more on more gay porn stars slash gay madams, homosexual madams, now contributing on Fox News, speaking and hanging out with Ann Coulter and all the rest of them, all part of the club.
Another great report here put out by Paul J. Watson.
Sony brings real life to Matrix a step closer.
We will get to that in full on the show today.
And then a really interesting group of stories here in front of me.
Headline, UK Daily Mail.
Robots to be programmed with code of morals so they don't attack humans.
And that dovetails with a Reuters report here.
In fact, I'll cover these when I cover the Sony Brings Real Life Matrix a step closer.
Israel Unveils Portable Hunter Killer Robot.
It's called a Hunter Killer in the first, what, 1980?
Was it 4 or 5?
Terminator, James Cameron.
Truth is, they had Hunter Killers then, but these work a lot better.
Kind of like the spiders you see
In Minority Report, we'll be back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Alright, let's go ahead and go back to the calls here.
And talk to Tim in Montana than Chad, Shirley, Matt, Richard, Ted, and others.
Go ahead, Tim, in the beautiful state of Montana.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
Calling you from where the most expensive home in the world is being built right now.
I saw that last week on the Associated Press.
How many hundreds of millions?
155 million dollars.
Well, I'm sure that it's good for you.
Well, luckily, it's
That's a little ways.
It's over on the east side.
We're a pretty big state.
But the reason for the call today, sir, is... Have you heard of this Babcock and Brown?
It rings a very saint bell.
Tell me all about it.
Australian company wants to buy Montana's main energy provider.
Now here's what they're selling themselves.
They're selling two core categories, but I did a little homework, and I don't know why I kind of jumped into this angle.
I found myself up quite late last evening.
Doing some work, and I want to connect some dots here, and you might be able to help me.
They're selling energy distribution and transmission, and then they're selling their transport infrastructure, but rather than getting too involved, here's what I did find.
Babcock and Brown is involved in public partnership, environmental investments, limited.
These are all separate companies.
B&B Japan Property Trust, B&B Wind Partners,
BNB Capital Limited, which, by the way, had an $8 billion takeover for IRCOM Group, the Irish telecommunications operator, on August 18th, 2006.
There's been an awful lot of activity out of this infrastructure group out of Australia just this last two years.
Also, they've got Everest Babcock & Brown Limited, which is a manager of absolute return investment strategies.
They've also got BNB Residential Land Partners, BNB Power, and BNB Structured Finance Fund.
The point that I'm getting to here, which, I don't know, this came in our Sunday paper and I just thought, let's do a little homework.
I found out last evening, in late 97, Babcock and Brown helped arrange a sale and lease back with a newly created Schwarzenegger company called Legend International, LLC of Delaware.
You familiar with that one, Alex?
I've heard of it.
Legend paid $133 million to buy a four-year-old 747 from Singapore Airlines.
Getting down to it here.
Over the past eight years, tax deductions generated by interest on the loan and depreciation of the jet helped Schwarzenegger's company generate paper losses of over $10 million between 1997 and 2001.
Now, I also found out that Mallory Factor,
You know, you're familiar with Mallory Factor.
Yes, well look, here's the thing.
You start trying to get into corporate interlocking directorates, and foreign investments, and domestic buy-up of infrastructure, and reduced prices, their cronyism, and lobbying, and legislators, legislatures.
I mean, it's just an endless web.
And you know, you're right about that, because I noticed that Mallory's wife, Elizabeth, is a tax attorney at investment bank Babcock and Brown.
And did you see yesterday with Pataki?
Pataki joined the law firm yesterday, this is New York Times, of Chadbourne and Park.
Now, Chadbourne and Park, and you probably know a lot more about these guys than I do, but these guys are heavily involved in renewable energy, and obviously a lobbying firm.
I hear you, my friend, and I appreciate your call, and no, I don't know a lot about that group.
Some of those names I've heard about, I've read about.
Let me just try to simplify it.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports, or Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.
I made a film about it.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports exposed.
They're all available on DVD and VHS at InfoWars.com if you want to just scratch the surface.
But this is basically what's happened.
Since the late 1940s, over 75%, just a few years ago it was 70%, but the experts we've had on the numbers we've looked at, it passed the 75% mark last year.
All stock market and then even private company holding investments are now owned by the tens of thousands of governmental agencies, water districts,
School districts, states, every state agency, federal agencies, every federal agency, cities, counties.
There are 13,000 plus counties in the country.
They've all got it.
Then there are sub-directorates, there are independent school districts.
And I mean, you'll take some little school district in Arizona and it'll have 45 million off books, not in pensions, total separate cream, none of the money ever comes out to run anything at the school district, and then you find out that people on the school board and the city manager later go and have investments there or are given jobs with the companies.
And I'm just using from memory one example, literally, of hundreds of thousands.
You look at this globally.
The whole western world does this.
What they did was they said, we're going to have a big socialist government, loving and liberal, we're going to pay for everybody's college, pay for everybody's tuition, welfare, milk and honey, the state's going to help you.
They got you trained, got you domesticated, got you dependent, and notice now they're saying they're going to take it all away.
Because now it's all been put into investments and now they're training you that you don't get any of it.
And I think it's bad to begin with because of the dependence and the problems and the control.
And you give that much control, anybody who can give you whatever you want can take everything away, folks.
As the saying goes.
And so, bottom line, take the University of Texas.
And the last time I researched this was like six, seven years ago.
Lately, I've had a chance to talk to some of the people who are in the UT Permanent Fund, and I've seen some of the news articles about it, but one fund, and there's just scores of them, has 36 billion dollars.
Now the last time I looked at it, it was $24 billion.
That was like four or five years ago.
So it's gone from $24 billion to $36 billion.
One fund.
None of it goes to build buildings.
None of it goes to pay tuition for scholarships.
None of it goes to the librarians who pay their cutting, or everybody else for that matter.
No, they're buying property and then putting in parking garages.
They're buying sports teams.
They're buying oil companies.
They're buying radio networks.
They're buying everything.
One university that owned all this land all over Texas with oil and gas on it, that doesn't go to run the school.
You go pay your tuition and federal grants and the rest of it, that goes into the budgetary fund.
That they advertise and have debates about and discuss in the media.
This is one of the biggest issues.
And so our governmental institutions have been investing globally, this is modern mercantilism, in foreign companies, in predominant commonwealth crown-owned companies, Dutch and British mainly.
Then they come back in and they lobby the politicians, hundreds of millions per program per year, I mean it's unbelievable.
They then go in and literally give the infrastructure.
As it turned out, as we already knew, but now it's mainstream news, the toll road companies are paying for nothing.
They're being given existing roads, and then the new roads are paid for with existing Texas Department of Transportation
Dollars, which had a six billion dollar surplus in 2005.
That was in the States when internal documents got leaked.
Plenty of money.
The gas tax only going up.
The amount of fuel being used only going up.
Revenues just rolling in cash.
The lion's share of that's taken and invested with what they have separately on budget.
They could build all the roads and all the infrastructure needs.
They just testified last week to this.
We have video of it.
We were there.
My cameras.
The day before Friday, when they had the big Senate meeting with hundreds of people there.
So, it's just a total and complete fraud.
This was a strategic plan by the British Empire, which is now the New World Order Empire.
To buy up everything.
They go, take control of your governments, have the governments invest the lion's share of the tax money they extract from you in their private companies.
Then the private companies come back, buy off the government, and then have the rest of the infrastructure transferred to them.
The ports, the lands, the energy generating systems, the power systems, the power lines, the water districts, the reservoirs, everything.
Being transferred.
Total domination, total usurping of our society.
And what does UT again as a microcosm do?
UT was free for almost everyone 20 years ago.
When my wife went to UT in the 90s, guess how much she paid semesters?
Everything else paid.
If you were in the top 10%, everything was paid for.
Now they're even getting rid of that.
If you were in the top 30%, most of it was paid for.
And they were rolling in money, and you had the best professors, and the classrooms weren't crowded, and you could get an incredible education.
Now you go in there, no education, $150 textbooks, somebody doesn't even speak English up there, give them the class, paying for parking $10 a day, incredibly expensive housing, total scam,
You want to see the future?
That's the future.
They don't need a free economy.
They don't want the free economy.
They trained you to transfer everything into government, then they transferred that out to corporations that came back and paid off the government to transfer the rest.
It's that simple.
And now they know you're aware of it, so they've turned the police into an occupation military force and militarized them.
Just like the police will come to a domestic disturbance in Baghdad, and they'll come out and do a few good things, but they're still there to keep the empire in place and in control.
And it's a hierarchical system, they're brainwashed and dumbed down and controlled, and they got transponders going in their cars to track them and GPS, so why shouldn't you?
And they'll do whatever they're told to get that measly paycheck.
And they keep the cops at subsistence level, thirty-something thousand a year,
And they'll tell them, well, they'll give them memos about budget shortfalls, the state's in trouble, the county, the city's in trouble.
Get out and give more tickets.
And these cops think, out there writing poor families that can't even pay their bills, a bunch of tickets for no reason, is paying your paycheck, you buffoon!
I saw a statistic last year where the average cop in a U.S.
city generates around $300,000 a year, and you get $30-something thousand, and you think you gotta do that to pay your check.
You're a joke.
This country's a joke.
And that's tough talk, but I'm tired of being fooled.
Let's admit we've become a joke, and turn this around!
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This is not America
This is not science fiction.
I'm going to get to it later in the hour.
They're already deploying them in Tokyo.
You're going to have armed robots, and if you don't submit to the government, a truck will pull up, three or four robots will get out of the back of the armored vehicle, they will come in and blow your door off the hinges, and they're armored, and they will walk into your house and they will machine gun you and your family.
They're also saying they're going to mount them with knockout gas if you're not going to be given a death penalty.
Basically immediately by these creatures or if you're not considered To be dangerous to the officers.
They're talking about just like a police dog They'll have half the cops in Texas show up in Houston and have a big 21-gun salute for a dog that's killed Well, you think their dogs are better than us?
The other talking about charges for assaulting Government property the precious robots.
I'm not kidding mainstream news.
And so it's a perfect coward's world, and they'll also follow orders.
They can be pre-programmed, or they can be controlled by somebody in an office building a thousand miles away, and it just, this is the future.
They'll also, they've announced for five years, they've shown prototypes on the news, armored tanks, mini-tanks, bristling with weapons that come in and attack you and your family, drone aircraft, the whole nine yards.
This is all part of you learning how to be slaves.
There are a lot of good ol' boys on steroids who like power, who will.
I think it's fun to sit in the back of their armored vehicle, with a joystick in the front, controlling the, really you should call it a drone, and it's just like a video game.
They'll just march in, blow your door off the hinges, and come in and kill you and your family.
You see, it's held the globalists back in the past, even with all their body armor and the rest of it, to assault patriots, because they know a lot of patriots will fight back, and statistically, some of their people will be killed or wounded.
This will not be the case with the robotic forces of the future.
And the future is now, folks.
We're now in the future, and this is all starting to be deployed right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chad in Utah.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Good day, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I was just knocked out by that BBC report, but I tell you what, I am blown away by this Dan Brown, or I'm sorry, Aaron Brown of CNN, outside in front of the World Trade Center, announcing the collapse well before an hour before.
I have that clip right now, if you don't mind me running it.
We've played it several times.
I mean, if you want to hear it again, we can play it off the computer.
It'll sound a lot better.
Gotcha, gotcha.
Listen, boy, I listen to you all the time, and I didn't hear you talking about that.
Listen, keep up the good fight, and I want to tell you, I got InfoWars as big as my back window on my truck, and I'm getting honked left and right, and, you know, passing out the DVDs got kind of expensive, so now I just print out a whole bunch of InfoWars and put them on people's windshield wipers.
And, uh, I don't know, I just, I just, man, I know you don't like the praise, buddy, but you know what?
You deserve it.
No, no, no, you deserve it.
It is you on the battlefield, on the front lines, in the trenches, putting those InfoWars.com cards on windows, having that on your car, and you're getting honks, you're getting support.
Is it every time you go out and drive past a lot of cars, or is it when you get on the freeway, or how often?
It's mainly the freeway, and I work in a different city, so I do a lot of driving, but I tell you, we're still waiting for your show up here on KNRS, and it's interesting, on the Sundays that you're supposed to be on, they have two hours of just dead silence, just nothing, so I have no idea what their deal is, but we're sure hoping that they'll pick it up.
Well, I know that K-Talk's a great station.
I've been a guest many times.
They said they were going to pick it up, but they had to get it in.
Here's the problem.
It's easier to get on almost weekdays.
You'd think it'd be harder, because they can come in and make a big change, and it's a big deal.
But a lot of these stations, it's hard to get their engineers in on Sundays, or it's hard to get them to set something up, and you're telling me it's dead air during that time?
Dead air, two hours, every Sunday.
Sounds to me like they hooked it up.
By the way, I got a huge response on that station.
So it's hard to believe a big station like that's got dead air.
We all love you up here.
That thing covers a bunch of towns.
It covers, of course, Salt Lake.
It does, it does.
Well, just call them and ask them why is that happening.
I call every week.
I have my wife call and a couple of friends call.
And, uh, you know, the owner, the owner of this station, he's clued in.
He's dialed in.
He knows what's up.
No, I know!
I talked to the owner.
And listen, it's a mom-and-pop station, but I get a huge response.
That thing has got great ratings, and I can't, I can't believe they said they'd pick it up, and then they said, oh, the new year, and then they didn't.
But we're getting new affiliates all the time, and we need to thank all those affiliates.
So listen, I appreciate your call.
All right, good to hear that from you, my friend.
Alright, I know we got Shirley and Matt and Richard and Ted and many others.
I'm gonna blitz through your calls quickly, then I'm gonna get to this spying news.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, real fast, because I've got to get to the news, folks.
Shirley in Washington, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
First, a real quick thing.
I got Masters of Terror last night.
It's an excellent, excellent documentary.
I had never seen it before.
And I got a little tired, so I shut it off during parts of your interview with Mr. Bushy.
But that is a very good documentary.
That's at the end, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, anyway, I got too tired and I shut it off.
Another real quick light thing was I finally watched a scanner darkly and I'll tell you what, if it hadn't been that I wanted to see my brother in Christ, you know, our repatriate favorite Texan, I don't think I could have stood
To watch that movie with all the hyper-verbal paranoia and everything?
No, it's the only unadapted Philip K. Dick book.
The only thing that's been changed is me.
I know, and that's the only sanity in the movie.
Well, it's supposed to show the hellish dystopic future.
Not a fancy high-tech dystopia, but one that's just falling apart, which is more like what the globalists are creating.
And the other thing is, I was a guest on your show January 3rd.
Yeah, your lady got beat up by the police for putting a letter to the editor.
Yeah, yeah.
Went to court yesterday, thought about you after I got home.
And I thought, and I had a little fun there.
And while we were waiting for the judge to come in, I played with the prosecutors, who were supposed to prosecute me.
And the prosecutors were like, when you get all diatribe about how stupid Americans are,
I thought, if Alex had been here, he'd have got the giggles, and then he'd have got all the dead people, these assistant prosecutors.
Because, um, I, uh, I was talking with a lady I knew, and I said, sirs, are we being too loud?
They said, no, but, you know, court was in session.
Now, what happened?
Bottom line?
Oh, bottom line, 60 seconds I was up there was fully dismissed.
So the cop beats you up and then tried to claim you assaulted him?
And then it was dismissed?
Fully dismissed.
Can you imagine trying to send a woman to prison who didn't even assault you when he splits your head open?
Breaks into your house.
Breaks into your house and kidnaps you to do it.
Yeah, well you need to go ahead and sue him now.
I'm glad that our show got you some help.
And I'm glad that some locals in that area came in and helped you.
Good to hear from you.
Good to hear stuff ending well.
Matt, in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I just wanted to call and talk to you.
Do you know about the movie, Bo-Rat?
Yes, I did see it.
It's been a nice.
Did you see the part where they were in the Civic Center, the Salem Civic Center in Virginia?
Where he sings the National Anthem, and he changes the words to his... He sings it to the tune of the National Anthem.
United States.
And before he sings, he talks about how his country supports the Americans' war on terror.
We support your great warlord leader, George Bush!
And then he goes on to say, he makes another comment about how his people would support, like he says about Bush drinking the children's blood, and the women and children, and all the people of Iraq and stuff, and all the fans just go crazy.
They're there for the rodeo?
Yeah, let's be clear.
Barrett, of course, does the Ollie G Show on HBO.
He's a comedian.
And yes, he went to a real rodeo, and they said, yes, drink the blood of Iraqis, and most of them cheered.
That is what America's turned into.
People that cheer for murdering children.
They didn't know it was a joke.
You know, we support your great war leader, great warlord Bush, kill and drink the children's blood of Iraq.
That's who we are.
It's a great illustration.
Like, this whole thing, that's not real, but like, whenever he talks... No, no, no.
The crowds are real.
Yeah, right.
I mean, they did go into... and I don't recommend anybody with children see this.
It's one of the most... I felt dirty after I watched the movie, but I did go to analyze it and then forgot to ever mention... I thought the very same thing.
I mean, running around naked at insurance conferences, that was real.
Running around naked in that hotel was real.
There's only a few things in it that aren't real, like the Pamela Anderson thing.
For the crowd there at her signing, it was real, but she knew he was about to try to put her in the wedding bag.
I mean, some of it's pretty funny, folks.
A few things in there are staged, but no, it's admitted that that is a real rodeo, and he's saying Americans want to drink the blood of Iraqi children and they cheer.
I'm telling you folks, about 22% of America will.
We'll man concentration camps, we'll blow your children's heads off, we'll take your property, we'll wear armbands, we'll do whatever this government tells them.
And they'll have plastic flags flapping all over their cars, Patriot insignias all over their bodies.
They cannot admit the government's wrong, they think patriotism is worshipping the government, and I'm not kidding, they will do whatever they're told.
Anything else?
Oh yeah, did you see the part where he was driving in that little, like, box, like, ice cream truck?
It's like half the size of, like, a normal ice cream truck, it looks like.
And he's driving in front of, uh, the, what, the Capitol, down in D.C.
And he gets stopped by the police there, and they start to question him, because he looks like he's from the Middle East, right?
And, uh, he asks him who he is, the cop.
He looks like he was a bicycle cop or something.
He says, who are you with?
He says, the Secret Service.
I think it's kind of odd that you're driving down here, uh, Pennsylvania Avenue, whatever, you know, uh, in a little box truck here, like, ice cream truck.
I wonder what you were doing.
Like, you just stopped and, like, profiling him.
Well, I think if I was a cop and I saw somebody acting like Barad, I think I probably would stop them.
That's probable cause.
But, hey, listen, I appreciate your call.
I mean, it is probable cause if someone's acting completely insane, stumbling around wild-eyed to question them.
What isn't probable cause is setting up a random checkpoint on a highway and asking to search everyone's cars.
That's criminal!
Okay, we've got to move quicker here.
Great calls.
Let's talk to Richard in Texas.
Welcome, Richard.
Alex, it was a pleasure to march with you on Friday and was pleased with the good turnout we had.
Thanks for being there.
Yeah, I just wanted to make, I guess, a big-picture comment.
You know, the situation that we're in now, I think humanity is truly on the cusp of either, you know, a return to the darkest of dark ages or possibly becoming enlightened enough for the elite never to be able to play these games on us.
That's right, we are at the crossroads of history.
This is the most critical time in our development.
We're not going to get a do-over on this.
You know, this is the one.
It's an amazing amount of
Available technology, things for the internet and all that, and distribution of video.
But instead, the globalists are using it for, as you said, the darkest types of oppression.
Yeah, you know, it's a two-edged sword, and fortunately we've got a good part of the sword working for us, but this is so important, and everybody's just got to realize that we've got to spread the word, because I think time is short.
The situation in Iran, and with the attitudes in Russia and China, you know, it's just very scary.
It is, my friend.
Anything else?
That's it, Alex.
Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for holding to tell us that, Richard.
It's a great point.
Ted in Virginia.
Then I'm getting the news.
Ted, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I'm in Vegas.
I was curious.
Have you ever heard of this book, Transformation of America?
Have you read it?
Okay, yeah, and they've got a video on Google, too, that talks about that.
It's called The Most Dangerous Game.
Yeah, Kathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips.
Yeah, it's some pretty sick stuff.
I don't know.
You know, when I first read that book ten years ago, I didn't know if I believed it, and I've interviewed them three or four times, and I don't know if what they're saying is entirely or partly or all true.
I just don't know.
I kind of get a weird feeling, but I do know that kind of stuff goes on.
Yeah, you can't really verify it.
There's no way to do that.
But if it is true, man, that's some crazy stuff.
Well, I do know the elites do do things like that.
Oh, sure.
So I know that stuff's going on.
I just don't know.
Probably that and worse.
But I have one other question for you.
I know you're pro-Second Amendment.
You think, what's your take on the NRA?
Is that a good organization to get involved with?
Well, let's be clear.
It's like, if you ask me, is the Red Cross a good organization?
The people that give money to it are good.
The folks that go dole out the soup and the blankets are good.
But the organization itself is completely controlled.
The NRA, and more comes from Illinois to federal cases in D.C.
to Texas, has fought for gun control.
They supported the 1968 Gun Control Act.
Look it up, folks.
They're loyal opposition.
Okay, you got 160 million gun owners.
If we had a real organization, we couldn't be stopped.
So, no, they're loyal opposition, they're controlled.
Gun owners of America, Jews, Preservation of Firearms ownership are the tickets.
Okay, gotcha.
Alright, I'm going to do some research on that.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
Yeah, I could go on for 10 hours.
Okay, you want an example?
1998, where is it?
Legislature was in session.
Was that 2000?
It was two battles.
It was in the Dallas Morning News.
And they had a bill that would ban people under 18 from touching guns.
And it had the Junior Olympics complaining, the YMCA was complaining, saying it would ban marksmanship courses.
They had a gun show bill, straw man purchase thing where you couldn't have private sales at gun shows.
Instead they just sting the daylights out of it and try to shut you down.
It's like a BATF shark feeding frenzy at those things.
And what they did was, uh, we were called extremist, my group, Texans for Freedom, and then the other group, uh, oh, what's the, my brain, what's the Texas gun rights group, it's symbol is a charging bull, they were fighting against it and they were called extreme, and the NRA said we're neutral on it and wouldn't lobby against the bills.
Okay, there is
An example of what I'm talking about.
And then I've seen court cases where they go in and argue as the pro-Second Amendment defenders or litigators, both sides in some of the cases, saying, well we're for gun registration, we just believe that, you know, under law, you should be able to have a gun.
Well that's not under law.
All these laws and regulations are violations of the Second Amendment, the Bill of Rights.
Shall not be infringed.
Stick it in your pipe and smoke it.
It's a big issue.
What I'll do is, I'm going to get into the NSA at the start of the next hour.
I'm going to cover news right now.
Here's a great article by Paul Joseph Watson that he put out today, and I've noticed that since we reported that Digg is rigged, where you get to drive the news up to number one, that a lot of you aren't digging our stories.
A lot of them still slip past their censors, and you don't want to just give up because they're fighting us.
It's the 50th, I think 51st now, biggest website.
Give me an idea, it drives like 500 and something.
And so in our story, if you get to the main page, we can get millions of readers from there.
So just attack it 110%, dig us all the way up, and make them censor, and then it causes an even bigger controversy.
We exposed Digg, and it ended up being in Wired Magazine.
It ended up being in major news publications.
Big controversy, Digg is really getting a lot of heat right now.
So be sure and continue to dig our stories.
Sony brings real-life Matrix a step closer, sets precedent for future artificial utopias constructed to escape hellhole of real world.
Sony is preparing to unveil a simulated reality world in which PlayStation gamers can create a new life for themselves, complete with their own apartment, friends, movies, shopping, entertainment, bringing the reality of an actual Matrix a step closer,
I would add that thousands are able to then get in together and play the game simultaneously.
They can even wear virtual headgear.
I know full-grown adults that spend five, ten hours a day.
They don't date.
They don't go play soccer, baseball, football.
They don't go to the park.
They don't go swimming in beautiful hill country streams.
They don't ride bikes anymore.
They just sit there and talk about how they're a hitman or a soldier or fighting aliens or fighting militias.
Half these games do that.
At the television set and literally it's like a wireless connection.
You interface.
Within a few minutes you shift into a lower brainwave mode.
You go into a sleep type state.
Just so happens the flicker rate is the exact best flicker rate found by major universities in the fifties to put you into a mesmerized state.
Remember how a hypnotist does it?
A flashing light?
A strobe light?
And so again I walk the dog a lot of times at like 11, 12 at night before I go to bed.
And people are still watching TV, or maybe I walk in at 8 o'clock at night and it's just all the windows are glowing blue.
Don't see children playing, people sitting on their front porches, no barbecuing going on, just watching your television.
So you're already in virtual reality.
You're literally interfacing with it.
But they're going to go many steps past that now.
Sony has unveiled plans for its own virtual universe for PlayStation 3.
Where users will be able to socialize, shop, and even go to the movies.
I've talked to a good friend of mine who makes movies now, who worked at a very high level at Microsoft, and this is literally, they say it's virtual reality, it'll be your whole life, it's meant to suck you in.
Oh, no, that's not the case.
Oh, we're just making it up.
Kind of like we told you South Park was meant to attack 9-11 Truth, but you were fans, so you couldn't believe it.
You said we were wrong.
South Park now went public and said they hate all 9-11 truthers, and the program was meant to make you look stupid.
But you still won't listen, will you?
That's fine.
Excuse me, I'm digressing.
I mean, folks, we know what we're talking about, okay?
Sony has unveiled plans for its own virtual universe for the PlayStation 3, where users will be able to socialize, shop, and even go to the movies, all without setting foot outside in the real world.
The service, a kind of MySpace niche,
Lyndon's Lab Second Life meets the video sharing site YouTube will become available for PlayStation 3 users worldwide in late 2007.
Sony announcement in a statement available here Thursday reports AFP.
The concept of simulated reality is understood to mean a computer generated world that is almost indistinguishable from reality.
And of course the big new wave is going to be porn, folks.
We're good to go.
Through Sony's home service, it is at the foundation, just a souped-up interactive entertainment platform.
The technology to, in effect, step inside the screen, similar to virtual reality experience, is close at hand, they reported.
That's Sony.
The technology to take a video capture of an individual, turn it into a kind of hologram, and then beam it to another end of the world and have the hologram interact with others already exists.
Within the next 15 years we will likely to see the transformation of online shopping to the point where buyers can actually walk through virtual reality stores and pick up and inspect the holograms of the products they are interested in.
The only problem is humans aren't designed for this and if it gets really real you get nauseated.
That's why they're saying they have medications for that.
And that comes to the next level.
Wireheads will actually be plugging in to unlimited pleasure centers.
Let me just add to this that James Cameron hasn't made a movie other than the Titanic show and the Christ hoax video he just made in many years.
That's because he's been putting his billions
Exclusively into giant hologram facilities and a whole new system for movie watching that he's patented that he'll be rolling out soon, where you'll go watch hologram movies in new industry, new movie theaters, much bigger halls, and it'll be holograms running up and down the aisles.
They're going to convert older movies into this, and it's going to be incredible, and this is the new future.
That's why he's done nothing but this, because he knows.
We'll continue with this article when we get back.
Projecting even further down the line, simulated reality allied with hologram technology will allow individuals to attend social gatherings, educational classes, sports events, and more without having to leave the comfort of their own nest, their own home.
Then it goes on.
So this is a total threat to the species.
It is here now.
And heaven help us.
We'll come back, continue with this, get into the NSA.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lift to the Big John.
Big John!
Big John!
Big Bad John!
Big John!
Nobody seemed to know where John called home.
He just drifted into town and stayed all alone.
Didn't say much, kinda quiet and shy, but he just spoke it all.
He just said hi to Big John.
Somebody said he came from New Orleans where he got in a fight over a Cajun Queen and a crashing blow from a huge right hand sent a Louisiana fella to the promised land, Big John.
Alright, we're back live.
I got a bunch of NSA news, more on the whole control grid coming up, more on virtual reality.
I'm going to continue with that, but I got a rule that even if somebody disagrees, I'll go to them, even if I'm covering news, if I can.
And when he's not busy here, saying he hopes I go to the next 9-11 meeting in New York on the memorial, because he's going to beat me up, and then he's busy calling in, telling host on Genesis that he'd like to punch him in the face.
He's called in again.
I wonder if he has more threats for us.
How you doing, Troy?
Yeah, I looked up zombie and yellow-bellied scallywag in the encyclopedia, and I didn't see a picture of myself.
I don't know if you're counting the days or not, but you do know it's 187 days until 9-11-07.
Well, let me just tell you something.
You've called in threatening before, and I may be in New York on 9-11.
Did you know, it's kind of pathetic I can be manipulated like this.
Last time, somebody threatened me that I better not go down there, so I decided to go to this year's memorial.
Are you threatening me, as they say?
Well, you have a good day, Mr. Jones.
Well, you're a punk!
Hey, punk!
Dummy, did you hear that?
Now, he's called in and verbally said he's going to assault me if I go.
And, uh... Oh, you're still on, punk!
You know what?
I will be in New York, you punk!
Hope to see you there.
You are such a cowardly piece of trash.
Under 87 days.
Hey, I'm right here in Texas, punk!
West Virginia to Texas is a lot longer than West Virginia.
You are such a little girl, you are such a punk, that you would call into a show and threaten people how you're going to physically assault them when they're at events.
By the way, and you did say that you'd like to punch John Connor in the face, and yes you did, and you have told me that, hey, I hope you go to 9-11 event up in
Up in New York, because I'll come up there and beat you up.
No I didn't.
Well you just said it again.
You didn't say it verbally.
Okay, so what are you saying is going to happen if I go to New York?
You have a good day Mr. Jones.
Oh yeah, it's so clear what you're saying.
No, you don't say bye bye, you little coward.
Is he still there?
Oh man.
You are such a coward.
You are such a coward.
Let me tell you something.
I am afraid of myself.
Do you understand that?
I am afraid of myself.
I'm afraid of some wimp like yourself hauling off and taking a swing at me and what I would do to you.
But let me just make something clear to you.
I am an adult, 33 year old adult.
I fight with my mind and we're cleaning your clocks.
We're cleaning your clocks, coward.
Folks, defeat him.
Go to Infowars.com.
Order Terror Storm.
Order America Freedom to Fascism.
Make copies.
Get the bumper stickers out.
Get the truth out.
Stop them.
Stop the bullies.
Stop the intimidators.
Stop people like him.
Take his hatred and turn it right back around.
Use it to defeat them.
We're going to win.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That cowardly creature, people that just joined us, Troy, called in four or five months ago and said, I hope you go to ground zero this year.
Because I'll beat you up when you're there.
And then he called in and started threatening John Connor when he was filling in for Jack Blood a few weeks ago.
And then he calls in here and says, 180-something days till then, New York.
It's easy for me to get over there.
And I reissue his threats.
I restate them.
For the record, and then he denies it and says, no, I didn't say that.
No, I didn't say that.
I mean, it's just, that's who they are.
Ann Coulter says we should be arrested.
Michael Savage.
Laura Ingraham.
Newt Gingrich.
I mean, I remember last time Troy was on, before this last call, I was talking about Newt Gingrich wanting to restrict free speech.
He's given a bunch of speeches saying it.
Shutting down websites is what he was calling for.
And he says, no, Newt Gingrich didn't say that, but I do agree you should be shut up, you should be locked up, you shouldn't be allowed to say what you're saying.
That's double thing.
No, I'm an American, I'm against people not having free speech, but I think you ought to be shut down.
And he held both thoughts in his mind at the same time.
And he's got to do that.
I mean, unbelievable.
Absolutely unbelievable that you do that kind of thing.
Oh man.
But you know, anybody strikes me down, it only adds fuel to fight the New World Order.
And none of us are going to make it out of this alive.
We have to commit to fight this, despite the fact that there are mentally unstable people out there who love this evil with every fiber of their soul.
They serve it with every fiber of their guts.
And they will never admit it's bad.
They will never admit it's wrong.
The point about Barrett, when he goes and does his piece in front of a full rodeo and says, we want to kill all the Iraqis and drink their blood, kill their children, and the crowd, huge cheer.
A huge cheer, a large portion cheering.
It's like Dr. Pianka gets up before two major universities last year, we have the transcript, it was mainstream news, and says we need to have 90% die.
We need to have a police state so we can enforce it like China has, word for word.
And there was a 95% standing ovation from the professors we interviewed.
95% at St.
Edward's and at the other university where they did it.
I forget the names.
Southeast Texas.
I mean almost the entire auditorium standing up.
Oh yes!
Oh yes!
Kill the Iraqi children, drink their blood.
Oh, yay!
Kill 90% of the Earth.
Ban free speech.
Oh, yes!
Oh, yes!
Because those individuals have made the mistake of believing they're part of the power structure.
They believe.
It's their war.
They believe.
That they are attacking foreign enemies.
They believe they're part of the system and this is part of their manliness.
And they infest the face of our beautiful planet.
Running around mindlessly.
Doing what they want.
When they want.
Let's just have a moment of silence for them.
Just a moment of silence for those who have been destroyed mentally and spiritually by a globalist.
All right, folks.
We can only spare three seconds for you, Troy.
Just unbelievably damaged.
Too ignorant.
Too stupid.
Too committed to a lie to be able to face the facts.
But some of us aren't, and it's up to us to fight for our very survival.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back!
Alright, let me just finish up with the Police State Technology section, get into the NSA, and then we'll take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Let me just continue with the article, Sony Brings Real Life Matrix a Step Closer, Sets Precedent for Future Artificial Utopias Constructed to Escape Hellhole of Real World.
And it goes into how they're rolling all this out now.
Let me find out where I was last here in the story.
Projecting even further down the line, simulated reality allied with hologram technology will allow individuals to attend social gatherings, educational classes, sports events, and more without having to leave the comfort of their own home.
He won't be allowed to without special passes, I would add.
Governor Ridge said that while head of Homeland Security.
Whether such events are actually taking place in the real world or solely artificial creations of the virtual environment.
Let me back up my earlier statement.
Every card or national ID, real ID, will have a tracker chip in it.
Tracks you everywhere you go.
Just like in companies.
Whether such events are actually taking place in the real world or solely artificial creations of the virtual environment will be down to the discretion of the user.
All this paves the way for a potential Matrix-like scenario where people are literally plugged in to a falsely constructed reality.
Whoever controls the Matrix thus controls the activities of its users, and participation may eventually become mandatory, with babies subsequently being born directly into the Matrix.
Or, on the other hand, the Matrix could act as a kind of subscription-based escapism, where users pay extortionate fees.
Never thought of that word, extortionate.
That's a nice word.
I think that's one of Paul's compound words.
He has a fetish for that.
Uh, extortionate fees to exist inside a mock utopia in order to flee the horror of the real world.
Well, no, that's how you'll be inducted into it.
The scenario was fictionalized in the popular 1990 UK
Sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf, where the crew partake in a total immersion video game called Better Than Life, a virtual reality paradise where one's every demand is instantly gratified.
In the novel of the same name, the characters aren't aware that they are living in artificial reality and the system even causes the users to imagine semi-plausible explanations for strange events so that they never come to the realization that their life is a technologically induced hallucination.
Meanwhile, the bodies of the users in the real world wither away and die while they are consciously locked into the game.
You know, wireheads.
Parallels can be drawn in an increasing trend that is particularly prevalent in Asia where individuals become addicted to online games playing for 50 hours straight before collapsing and dying.
Philip K. Dick covered similar territory in his book, The Time Out Joint, where the main character slowly comes to the realization that his existence in the 1950s construct bubble wrapped around people to prevent them waking up to the nightmare of the real world in the future and embroiled in interplanetary war.
The theme was touched upon again in a later Red Dwarf episode, back to reality, but this time the crew apparently die, but then are awoken to be told they have spent four years inside a virtual reality simulation, and that it's time to return to the real world.
What do you think sleep is, folks?
Your brain is designed to do this on its own.
The characters soon find out that they wanted to plug themselves into a contrived simulation in the first place.
Their lives are worthless, the world has turned into a socialist dictatorship, and demand to escape into an artificial utopia is incessant.
Though later it turns out to be a shared hallucination, the episode proves an allegorical warning to resist the human temptation to give up on reality and replace it with an induced nirvana.
Which many people are already in with the sports and the television and all the rest of it.
But this only takes it many steps deeper.
For those who doubt that the human race could be learned into such an all-encompassing matrix, consider the fact that our own eyes are merely windows through which our brain decodes information in different ways.
Anyone with a basic knowledge of how to control this process can influence our thinking patterns and thus is
It's been achieved through the medium of television which is in itself a kind of artificial reality where the viewer is put in a highly suggestible state and experiences suspended disbelief believing in the moment everything on the screen to be real.
Travel down any average suburban American street and no longer will you see people outside talking to their neighbors or children playing.
These artificial activities have been or these activities have been replaced with the blue glow of the television that can be seen emanating from every window.
There will also be a prominent segment of the population, the transhumanist movement, that will voraciously advocate the simulated reality nexus and call for those who refuse to participate to be punished, which they've now done, and regulated to the fringes of society as some kind of caste subspecies.
But they're already trying to make the Amish take transponders and national ID cards and animal IDs, so they're not going to let you even do that.
A concurrent theme that runs throughout almost all of this topic future is cinema and literature is the concept that technology is advancing at a rate far too quickly for humans to adequately judge its moral implications and eventual impact.
Sony's home service is another small step, I would say a big step, towards this and not so distant future in which human beings chose and are forced to exist inside a false reality.
While a tiny elite claim the real world as their own, ruling over it as they please, while the majority of humans are transfixed by the temptation to escape into a simulated environment.
And Troy, I know that's a little hard for you to grasp, but you need to, my friend.
And you need to be ashamed of yourself, threatening people.
You really need to.
Again, for those who joined us, he called in with his threats again.
His shameful, shameful threats.
This time more veiled.
And I actually would like to just hate him, but I don't.
I feel sorry for him, and I'm saddened, and I'm scared of how dumb these people are.
How willfully ignorant they are.
Because I know this stuff's real.
I know the mercury in the vaccines has caused autism by design.
I know they take children and test pesticides on them until they die.
I know they've had eugenics.
I know they funded Hitler.
I know they funded Stalin and Mao.
I know the globalists are setting up a horrible police state that'll hurt every one of us, including Troy.
And I just want to somehow be able to reach out to them.
Now, there is a report here
I'm trying to find the first report.
I've got like a hundred articles here literally in front of me.
Here it is.
I found it.
Let me read this one first.
This is the public consumption article to put you all at ease even though in Tokyo they now have police robots on the streets.
UK Daily Mail.
Robots to be programmed with code of morals so they won't attack humans.
The next generation of intelligent robots will be programmed with a code of morals to ensure they did not attack humans.
Scientists have warned with scenes straight from science fiction films in which machines turn on men with a real danger unless robots had built-in ethics microchips.
Already with the drones, they're controlled by bad men or can be controlled by bad people.
And whereas normal troops wouldn't gun down a bunch of children, at least some of them now have been trained to, most won't.
Well, the robots will.
If you don't have that ID or that proper chip that matches your face scan, you're dead.
That's basically how this will work.
Robots should also be fitted with a prominent on-off button so humans can disable them in case of emergency, scientists said.
Experts in South Korea and Japan with the latest thinking robots are being built.
Should the moral code for robots be based on the three laws of robotics created by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov?
The laws state, one, robots must never harm human beings or through an action allow a human being to come to harm.
And that's how they kill you is claiming it's for the greater good to help other humans.
Robots, number two, must follow instructions from humans without violating rule one.
Robots must protect themselves without violating the other rules.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
This is from Reuters today, same day.
Israel unveils portable hunter-killer robot.
Reuters, an Israeli defense firm, on Thursday unveiled a portable robot build as being capable of entering most combat zones alone and engaging enemies with an onboard armory that includes a machine pistol and hand grenades.
The Viper.
Roughly the size of a small television was invented as part of Israel's efforts to develop weaponry that could reduce the risk in forces from hand-to-hand fighting as Palestinian and Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas.
The manufacturer, Elbit Systems Ltd., said the Viper's small size and dual treads enable it to move undeterred by stairs, rubble, dark alleys, caves, or narrow tunnels.
As well as bomb sniffing and bomb disposal equipment, the Viper can carry an Uzi submachine pistol and plant hand grenades.
The weapons would be armed using an onboard video camera.
According to Elbit, which uses close links with the Defense Ministry, Israel plans to deploy the Viper among the infantry units.
After a field test, the robot, they already have Swords in Iraq and in several cities, much bigger.
The robot could also be of interest to foreign police units or U.S.
forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They've already got robots, but these are like 10-year-old models that are quite law.
Well, we show them in martial law.
The troops walk up, say, turn our cameras off, they blow up some cars, announce a terror attack in Belton, tell the public it's real, a few hours later admit it's not, and they got a robot driving around with a loaded shotgun.
And this stuff is exponentially growing, doubling every year now.
It was every two years, now it's every year.
And it is going to be deployed against you.
It's just horrible.
And I'll tell you how it's going to work.
Because Fox News, seven years ago, bragged about it.
The robot pulls up 18-wheeler and loads several robots and one large robot.
It comes up, demands you present yourself, hands up, demand you show an ID, it reads the chip on the ID, does a face scan, and if it shows you're a hostile, it gashes you, loads you up, or kills you.
They've got nerve gas, knockout gas, tear gas, machine guns, howitzers, everything.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, right now I'm going to air a few minutes of this ABC News clip.
And believe it or not, this is a whitewash in and of itself about NSA offices and every major telecommunications hub.
So we'll play this, come back, go into all the new big developments.
Here it is.
Thanks for watching our Internet edition of Nightline.
Today, a story about the power of the little guy, an ordinary American willing to stand up to his own government.
Mark Klein is his name.
He was working for the phone company when he stumbled across evidence of a top-secret government spying program.
This is the story of how and why he finally decided to reveal it.
He's spoken publicly for the first time to ABC's Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross in a Nightline exclusive.
The United States government has gone to great lengths to keep what 61-year-old Mark Klein knows from becoming public.
Anybody with a security clearance, they said, who reveals any of this sort of information will be prosecuted.
And that's when I realized that I was in something of a unique position because I was able to expose some of it without breaking any security rules because I didn't have a security clearance.
Until he retired, Klein had spent 22 years working at AT&T in San Francisco as a technician.
One of the faceless backroom union technicians who keep the phone lines and the internet connections running.
One day the site manager told us that we would be getting a visit from an agent of the National Security Agency.
From the NSA?
From the NSA, it was very explicit.
The NSA, headquartered outside Washington D.C., is the country's most secret intelligence agency, in charge of intercepting electronic communications around the world, assigned the task of tracking this country's foreign enemies.
And it was strange to me that the NSA would be in a AT&T office to begin with, because it was my understanding, going back to the 70s, that they do foreign interception, not domestic.
But Klein says he soon began to hear about a secret room being built on the sixth floor of this AT&T building.
Connected to cables for both foreign and domestic internet traffic.
This is a picture Klein says he took of the room.
The entry was highly restricted.
In order to get into that room you needed not only an ordinary key, you needed to know the code to punch into the keypad on the door.
And the only person who had both of those things was the one guy who was cleared by the NSA.
So I picked him up.
I looked at him.
And then I almost fell out of my chair.
After I studied it a bit, I realized what they had done.
Klein says the documents show how the NSA had installed what is known as a splitter in the secret room, connected to the trunk lines of 16 other major phone and internet companies.
And the purpose was to make copies of all the internet traffic going through the fiber optic cables, all of it.
This is domestic traffic as well as international traffic.
All of it that went through the splitter was copied and sent to the secret room.
So, in a sense, they are vacuuming up, scooping up every... In a sense, they are blindly vacuuming up everything going across those links.
And you're certain of that?
I'm certain of that.
That's the physical arrangement.
There's no dispute about it.
You saw that?
I saw that.
I looked at the cables.
I traced the cables.
I know where they went.
The documents show where they go.
They go to the secret room.
Our efforts are focused on links to Al-Qaeda and their known affiliates.
But Klein says it wasn't until he saw President Bush speak about his administration's surveillance program that he decided to go public.
And I'm watching all this and I'm getting angrier and angrier.
In other words, if Al-Qaeda or their associates are making calls into the United States or out of the United States, we want to know what they're saying.
So most people hearing that would think, well, I don't make calls to Al Qaeda, so it doesn't affect me.
That's what they wanted you to think.
They tried to make you think it was about phone calls.
But a lot of it is also about the Internet.
And it's about gobs and gobs of information going across the Internet, and it affects everybody.
And that's the part that they haven't let out.
And that's the part that I've decided
Has to be uncovered.
But getting the story out was easier said than done, Klein says.
He first went to one of the top reporters at the Los Angeles Times, turning over all the AT&T documents he had collected.
And he worked on it for weeks.
It's going to be a big story.
This is going to be big.
And then suddenly he told me on the phone one day, it's delayed.
Our top guy at the LA Times is going to have a meeting about this.
The then National Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte.
And I'll comment on this.
We're not going to play any more of it.
It only gets worse.
And we'll tell you what they're actually doing.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I guess the government's watching us.
This is a song from George Bush and Hillary Clinton and the New World Order to you!
Because you're so free!
Here it is!
Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you
In every word you say.
Every game you play.
Every night you stay.
I'll be watching you.
Oh, can't you see?
You belong to Big Brother.
You belong to me.
You're my dumb cattle.
Let us grab your pension funds.
And destroy your currency.
We'll get rid of your borders too.
And inject your children with deadly poison too.
And you'll love us, oh yeah.
We'll send nice men in black uniforms to take you to FEMA camps, oh yeah.
Oh, yeah, since you've gone, since you know I'm a criminal now, I don't like it.
So I'm gonna try to intimidate you now.
Oh, I'm gonna build little attack robots.
You better submit to me.
Oh, let's just hear more Big Brother songs.
Oh, baby, please come back to your abusive criminal government.
You know it's freedom.
Big Brother puts all the cameras up to make sure you know you're watched.
You've got to show your ID to get anything, but the illegals don't.
That's because there's... Can't you see?
You're the slaves.
Ha ha ha!
You belong to Big Brother, cattle.
Alright, I'm gonna quit screwing around.
Getting back to that piece.
Alright, there's a key little point in there, and of course it's all a whitewash to make you think it's one building and this guy stood up and by the end, well, maybe it's for your safety to fight Al Qaeda.
ABC News could have played the clip we played at Bush where he's going, I don't even know if John could find this from about a year ago, going, look, I promise, we don't watch any of you or listen to any of your phone calls without warrants.
That's a guarantee from me!
Well, let's go back.
George Bush runs nothing.
Starting in 1996, they have a Telecommunications Act, and part of that was hubs were paid for by the federal government in every telecommunications backbone trunk.
That every phone call, every fax, every email, everything over the major networks, and then all the little small ones feed into it, goes through it.
And everything.
Is pass through it.
And every radio transmission that they can pick up is passed through it.
And every major city has little snoop farms to even pick up CB.
It's all run through with AI computers listening for keywords.
It's 30-year-old technology.
And in the past, they just looked for keywords and flagged it.
Now they record and data store and data dump everything.
Because data storage, again, is now doubling every year.
It's all saved, it's all contained, it's all kept, and it just shows you the nightmare system.
Now, let me tell you that it has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda.
That is stopping Al-Qaeda.
It is meant though, and FBI agents have talked about this headline, I forget the exact headline, I think it was Associated Press,
Agents joked that Al-Qaeda had moles in FBI.
And it was quotes like, it's as if Al-Qaeda's our bosses.
They know everything we do before we do it.
No, no, no, no, no.
Al-C-I-A-D-A is running things, boys and girls.
One of the only functions of terrorism is when good FBI, in different compartments, good Defense Intelligence, NSA,
picks it up, it gets flagged if agents are learning about a government drug dealing op, or a government child kidnapping op, or snuff film ops, or porn ops, or money laundering ops.
And then that is sent so that the people running the grid have intelligence as they completely phase out any good stratas or compartments of the government.
So it's an intelligence network used against the good people in government.
Now, that is still a very small function of it, because you've only got to have certain key criminals that can look at that, so it's still highly compartmentalized, but shows like 24 and the rest of it, which the government admits is changing our morals, is meant to breed a larger group of people that will serve that.
The main function is not what you'd call anti-terror intelligence.
The largest function is economic warfare, and lawsuits have been filed, the EU's talked about it, they have InfoPoll 9 scanning everything, the Chinese have it, select corporations are given the data, microchips, processors, wiring, new energy developments.
They have whole offices over each company that isn't globalist allied, and very few aren't these days because they're all getting consolidated.
It's about when people are going to go public with stocks.
It's about company announcements.
It's decisions.
It's espionage.
Economic trade espionage.
Then a large portion of it is used to watch governors, county officials, city officials.
It is used to watch FBI, CIA, and others to find out if you're going to whistleblow.
They have giant divisions over that.
Uh, if they know you've got documents they can't stop and they can't cook up a charge to lay on you, a black ops drops by, you have a heart attack, or you drown down on the side of the highway in a puddle of water, or you're found, you know, injecting heroin dead in the back of your car, and they got black ops slaughter teams all over the place, just going around killing people in government every day.
Every day the murders go on.
They're always there in the news if you know where to look.
So it's used to surveil you, the most important cattle, the enforcers, who think you're part of the power structure.
It's used to surveil local government, but its main function is to steal economic data so the globalists don't have to play fair and they can continue to cheat.
It's not enough for them to own the money machines that print the money and that issue credit in the Federal Reserve cartel.
They have full spectrum data analysis on what companies are going to do and what moves they're going to make.
So, there you have it.
That's just a small slice.
Now, if I had the staff, I would have a segment every day where I tooted my horn just to let you know how credible this analysis is, because we've been paying attention.
We have good memories here.
The brains God gave us.
I, since 1997, when I learned of this, have been on air every month or so saying, hey, let me tell you folks, they're listening to everything.
They have whole floors and whole areas of every major phone company and telecommunications company run by the NSA.
And just as that news piece said, well the room, which is a whole section of the building, it's actually about half a floor, if you really read the San Francisco Chronicle that broke it, the stuff in there was secret, but all the wires that went into it, the blueprints, the schematics, drink some water, they weren't secret.
You see, and that's where you get the data, the trade publications, the things that are put in, the things that are designed.
The globalists know they can't control real intelligence, they just control the specific use of it, and then it can be hidden in plain view, right in front of you, and many of the technicians even putting it in, won't even think about what they're doing.
So everything is fed through this, and really,
Just as Isaac Asimov charted the future with the three laws of robotics, he charted in his foundation series, and major academics at MIT have sourced this, and said that they give it credit for, you know, he talks about 500 years in the future, an economist develops a way with computers to predict the future in general human movements.
Folks, they've had that for 20 years.
They're still
For seeing things that arise, so the computers will basically give them 10, 15, according to their probability scenarios, and then they go with those, basically war-gaming the entire economic strata.
And basically, that's the mind of man, made in the image of God.
What Isaac Asimov could think about in the 1940s and 50s, is now our reality.
Because what we imagine we can build,
We are creators.
And the globalists know that, and they want to seize humanity's development, they want to freeze it, and then have artificially suppressed technological strata that we live in while we're cold, while we're one-child policy, while the eugenics is carried out in an orderly fashion.
They can then get information dominance, paramilitary physical dominance, control us through the churches, while this culling takes place.
While the advanced technological spires as command systems have been built in amongst us with their connecting guide wires and tentacles basically culling out the information they need to more to more properly
We're good to go.
And then it will click with you and then you will understand.
That's one of our greatest powers that we have now, is that we're able to predict things 10, 15, 20, 30 years ago the old timers were, and now folks are reading books written 20 years ago, 15 years ago, they're reading documents, they're finding out how much the anti-New World Order crowd knew, they're finding out that we understand, that we understand the knowledge that the elite has to a limited level,
But we can see its manifestation all around us and can see the great evil in some cases even clearer than the globalists can because they're inside of it.
We're outside of it and have a different perspective that we've been able to chart much of what was going to happen.
From the bottom of my heart, I love you.
From the bottom of my heart, I want humanity to have great things.
And I love my children and I know I'm going to love my great-grandchildren.
I'll never meet much more than I love myself.
And I just want them to be able to live and be free and have children and enjoy life and enjoy the basic coding that we've been designed to live through.
And I don't fear technology.
I embrace it for all the good things it can do.
But it's just like a gun.
It can be used for good or bad.
It's like a hammer.
It can be used for good or bad.
It's like a knife.
A butcher knife can be used to chop up beef or it can be used to stab your wife to death.
And folks, it's being used for the bad.
The grid has been set up.
They're laughing at us.
Top scientist, the co-owner of Sun Microsystems, co-chairman, Bill Joy.
In 2000, he went to a big globalist meeting with 200 top owners of technology, and he came out of it sick, saying they were talking about how they're going to kill everybody, and how there's going to be total enslavement, and how with the economic system of consolidation, the people aren't needed now because of robotics, and how we're going to be eliminated, and he wrote why the future doesn't need us.
And beg people to listen to him.
I mean, they go to the meetings and they openly talk about it.
Please listen to us!
This is a worldwide emergency transmission!
They're setting it up quickly all around us!
It's much more advanced than you even know!
They admitted they put in these snooping grids.
They already had basic systems in, but they put them directly into the telecommunications hubs in 1996.
Your cell phone listens to you, tracks you.
Google admits they use the microphones and cameras on your computer to watch everything you're doing.
And even those of you that know it, still buy the computers, and you don't even put a piece of tape over the camera.
You don't even go in and disable the internal microphone.
I don't even do it.
None of us.
We're caught in it.
They know how to build the structures around us, and they know that we're designed
With our binocular color vision to just accept reality as if it is reality and accept things that we're put into as if that's the way it's meant to be.
And we're in a crisis.
We're being swallowed right now.
We're being grabbed by this boa constrictor and crushed like a little piglet.
And we've got a chance to struggle free, but not much more time.
You need us a little fat little piglet to bite the snake, and to kick it, and to flop around as hard as you can, and to vomit the mouth a bit, and jerk loose of it.
It's coiling tighter right now.
Years are the equivalent of seconds.
We've only got seconds here.
We've only got years.
It's coiling.
Your eyes are bulging out.
Bite it!
Bite it!
Now here's an example of a piglet.
I was thinking, what would a belter trick or grab that was a good size and a mammal that you could associate yourself with?
You know, they grab a lot of wild pigs, and they like piglets particularly because they don't scramble as much as a large sow or boar.
So I use the example of a piglet.
Sorry to compare us to a porcine.
So me, I mean, I'm squealing.
I'm caught and I'm going, VEEEE!
And I'm trying to bite!
I'm trying to bite!
I'm biting as hard as I can here!
You need to bite!
It just comes down to that!
I'm talking bite to your instincts right now!
And individually we are like little ten-pound piglets, but if we squill out enough, Mommy, a hundred yards away eating some grubs, may hear and run over and attack the snake!
Daddy may run up, and Daddy is all of us together!
Mommy is all of us together!
So individually, we're little piglets caught here, but together, we can first acknowledge this, get mad, start arresting government officials, ripping these systems out, calling them up on trial, having mass trials of these pieces of trash, getting... and of course they're not going to turn on us.
Man, they'll set nukes off, they'll do whatever they have to.
They're totally nuts.
They greedily want all the technology for themselves, the life extension and all the rest of it that is here.
They don't want you to have access to it.
They're just the most greedy, selfish people you could ever imagine.
I mean, look at this story right here.
They never got rid of this.
Homeland Security revived SuperSnoop.
They never killed it.
By Andrew Hudson.
Homeland Security officials are testing a SuperSnoop computer system.
When they say testing, they're just announcing what they've always had.
Computer system that sifts through personal information on U.S.
citizens to detect possible terrorist attacks, prompting concerns of lawmakers who have called for investigations.
The system uses the same data mining process that was developed by the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness Project that was banned by Congress in 2003.
Well, Congress didn't vote for the North American Union either, but it goes forward.
And remember in 2002 scofflaws get caught ordering pizzas was the headline in the USA Today and it was a positive article saying hey man it's great with the big pizza companies the big three and others are now signing on to a private Dallas company that hooks into the Justice Department that then has the service to local police departments when you order a pizza they know you give your real name and where you're really at
And that runs through a system, and instead of getting a pizza, the police are flagged for anyone who has felonies or even misdemeanors.
And if it's just a misdemeanor, they now know where you're at.
If it's not, they go ahead and send a SWAT team.
When you order a pizza, they run your name through a computer criminal database.
Remember four months ago, the head marshals on the air marshals saying, we're told to put innocent people into the computer database for no reason, just to show that they're a terrorist?
Every purchase, all the major credit cards, just... It's all there, folks.
And then that lying cokehead, when he's not hanging out with his porn star buddies, gets up there on TV and tells you they don't spout on you without a warrant.
They are murdering criminals.
And they are literally setting up a dehumanization slave grid.
So hear me now in 2007, and hear me in the future.
You've got to rebel, you've got to struggle, you've got to fight back!
The future is so black if you don't!
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Alright, final segment.
I don't have time to get to all your calls.
I apologize.
We'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
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What is that?
Four more times?
So you can tune in and hear it for yourself.
You can listen to it from, say, 6 in the morning until 10.
Whatever your time zone, you can listen to it at midnight.
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And you can listen to it whenever you like, and then dump it off your iPod and it downloads the new one.
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I certainly hope that you will do that with us, and help everybody about the free podcast.
I got into really serious issues in the last segment, and that's what my new film covers.
And when you really read the actual documents when they're talking about doing this to us, I was just out there during the break reading them.
That was eugenics.org, a great website, looking at all the documents.
This is just high-tech eugenics, folks.
Brave New World for real.
As Huxley told you, that was really the plan.
That's why he wrote the book.
And we're fighting it together.
I hope you'll get Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terror.
I hope that you'll get Martial Law.
I hope that you'll get Road to Tyranny.
I hope you'll get my films.
I've made 15 of them.
And your purchase makes this broadcast possible, the things we do.
But that's a secondary reason.
The main reason is these are great films.
And we've got my original seven films now on DVD at big discount.
We've got the four new films that we're carrying.
9-11 Press for Truth, 9-11 Unanswered Questions, Blackout on the voting, and then of course the new war film that's out by Robert Greenwald.
It's all available at InfoWars.com.
We're adding new items every week.
We've got these great little FM transmitters that
You can soup them up with a more powerful 6-volt plug or the 4-volt that comes with them, but it's FCC-approved with 4-volts, and double their range, or you can add an antenna and then double that to a quadrupling to broadcast to much of your neighborhood, but by itself it'll go in your house and out into the yard, or in your office, into the office above you and below you.
You can dial into whatever FM frequency you want.
Pick one that doesn't have any stations on it and it'll go much further, and tell folks about it, and plug it into your computer, and just play the show 24 hours a day, or the Genesis stream, whatever you like.
Or music you like, whatever.
There's a great deal on those at InfoWars.com.
9-11, InsideJob, InfoWars.com, bumper stickers, t-shirts, ball caps.
Everything we have and everything that we push is about information warfare.
I haven't moved into dietary supplements and stuff like that because I haven't had enough time to research them properly.
There's a few good products out there I know about that we might be promoting in the future.
Sorry, we don't have any magical cures for you or anything.
It's just information.
Real, hardcore information that you can take action with.
Remember, you're authorized and encouraged to make copies of all my films.
So go to InfoWars.com and get the films I've made and all the other books and videos we carry.
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Or you can write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And on the network, on the satellite, and on the internet, back from 9 to midnight, and back from 1 to 5 a.m.
for stations out there that want to carry the feed right off the satellite, or you can always record it and replay it whenever you like.
To all the affiliates, the listeners, the sponsors, the Genesis Network, God bless you all, all our listeners across this great planet.
You are the leaders.
You have the answers with God's help.
You are the solution.
You must take action in order to defeat these people.
I think they can call up and threaten us that it isn't going to work.
Intensify your efforts.
We've got to do it for our children and for the children that come after them.
And for humanity itself, God's creation.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
We shall prevail.
God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.