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Name: 20070228_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 28, 2007
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You're listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we have a very important broadcast lined up for you today.
It is already Wednesday, the 28th day of February, the final day of the second month of 2007.
As we accelerate deeper into the New World Order global prison grid, and as the resistance intensifies by the millisecond,
We have Jimmy Vaughn, legendary guitarist and singer in his own right, and of course in the same band with his legendary brother Stevie Ray Vaughn.
He'll be joining us for about 30 minutes, maybe longer if he'd like to, coming up in studio in the next hour to talk about Texas Independence Day that's coming up this
Friday, March 2nd, and we're going to march from the river where Congress meets it, up to the Capitol, about 500-600 yards away, and then have three hours of speeches against the National Animal Identification System, against the NAFTA superhighways, the North American Union.
It's going to be amazing.
I'm going to be speaking.
Jimmy's going to be playing.
Many other great speakers are going to be there.
We'll be discussing that in the next hour.
I have rarely seen stories go what I call supernova.
You know, we've had a lot of celebrities on this show talking about 9-11 or other
We're good to go.
It was all over international television and the front pages of many papers.
I got a lot of attention to 9-11.
We see that as a key tipping point.
Then Charlie Sheen wanted to have some type of symposium or film festival in L.A.
That was really all his idea.
I didn't talk about that until after because he didn't want the credit.
But that's why I said, okay, we'll do it.
Something we say we do, we attempt to deliver on.
And then from that point on, we then had C-SPAN a month plus after they taped it, air it four consecutive times.
C-SPAN reported the biggest viewership, tape ordering, and video clicking, that is people visiting their site and watching it on their site.
The most visits any piece they've ever put out got.
That includes Ahmadinejad interviews, or George W. Bush interviews, or Ronald Reagan speeches.
No, ladies and gentlemen, that was another bellwether.
All of this, a chain reaction, because of Charlie Sheen.
Love him or hate him, his courage.
And people resonated with that, and the enemy was stupid enough to lash out at him and attack him, thinking that they still had air superiority in the Infowar, and it actually backfired on them.
Their offensive backfired.
There have been a lot of other things come out concerning 9-11.
Since then, the movement just continues to grow by leaps and bounds.
All the scientific polls conclusively show that.
But I have to tell you that
Three days into this, a preliminary analysis shows me, with traffic, buzz, information, and gut, that this new Building 7 story is going to move us into the next phase, and as each phase in the growth of awakening and understanding eclipses the last,
This is going to certainly eclipse the C-SPAN and the Charlie Sheen and all the rest of it.
This thing has gone super ultra nova and we need to absolutely, aggressively, insanely, I'm talking about ripping your clothes off, running down the street, and I mean that figuratively, getting this story out to everyone.
Stick your head out the window.
Scream WTC7 was a controlled demolition.
We don't just have the BBC tape.
We have a new BBC feed, because they have several saying the same thing.
And we have CNN saying it had fallen before it fell.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have them.
Open fire!
Their shields are down!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're making history.
A week ago, one of the
Tens of thousands of researchers alone here in the United States discovered that at Archive.org there were complete high-quality digital copies of BBC, ABC, CNN of the day of 9-11.
CNN had also just recently on the 5th anniversary released their archives on the web.
And researchers, and almost every major story that breaks now on 9-11 is just average people out there who are spending hours, sometimes many hours, every day, every week, researching.
So hours and hours of this were watched.
And they saw that the BBC World Service, their main global channel, their biggest news channel,
was reporting at almost thirty minutes before building seven fell uh... that yet had already followed the solomon brothers building also known as building seven
And then about 23 minutes before it falls, they cut to the reporter who's on the ground, and you clearly see Building 7 behind her.
Then she steps aside, and they zoom in on smoking Building 7.
Nothing has collapsed.
We know it fell at, what, 6.6, 6.7 seconds at almost vacuum free fall speed.
But there was no time stamp on the program, but it didn't matter.
Here they are saying it's collapsed, and then behind her it hasn't collapsed, and some said, well, it must be a green screen or blue screen.
They were playing the wrong video, but clearly it's windows behind her, and that's not the case.
She's up in a building.
Well, now CNN footage of Aaron Brown on a rooftop with it behind him, and they're telling him it's collapsed, and he's going, well, they say it's collapsed.
It's collapsed, or it's going to collapse, and he's smart enough because he lived in New York to turn around and go, huh?
Unlike the BBC reporter reading off her script.
So they're all getting the same thing, saying the same thing.
Oh, it fell!
It fell because of debris from the North Tower hit it, and it was damaged.
They're all putting out the official story, and then BBC has several news feeds, BBC 24,
was also going live at the time with reporters on the ground and at the exact same time before it collapses there on the air reporting that it has collapsed and we now have all three of these clips the trifecta we have it in triplicate and we have listed over
I said 45.
I counted it last night.
51 AP, Reuters, other reports with firemen, police chiefs, fire chiefs, fire captains saying we're told to get back from 7, that we're going to demolish it, that it's going to be brought down.
Control demo.
We have all these quotes.
There's got to be, you count that in with the 25 or so.
It's more than that.
It's growing every day as people discover all these firefighters and police on video, on audio, emergency workers.
We played a lot of them saying we were told to get back, get back, it's going to blow up, it's going to be brought down.
We have Silverstein saying we made the decision to pull it and gave the order to watch it come down.
That came out in 2002.
So this is just ongoing, more and more, more and more.
Now it's reaching fever pitch.
And we're going to play those clips here in a moment.
Now the supposed debunkers,
You have to understand, I was here at the office at 1130 last night, just finishing an article I wrote with Aaron Dykes to go up on JonesReport.com.
It's now linked up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com as well.
I'm not bragging that I was working so hard.
I'm just giving you an idea of how I was scrambling.
Then I ran home and did an update on Coast to Coast AM.
And then after I got off air for about two hours, I did research on this.
Great stuff is dug up by the truth seekers on the Digg forums and the 9-11 blogger forums and other places.
So I'm scanning that and I notice it's the same people under different file in names posting the same disinformation.
So I checked a bunch of other sites and found them there going down the line to every news site mainstream or alternative that had this and I identified it.
This is clearly government.
Okay, now once the government posts their disinfo, posing as bloggers, and they've admitted they do this, CENTCOM does it, Department of Justice does it, Department of Agriculture, Department of Labor, they spend billions a year, and a large portion of that is fake bloggers.
That's been on Nightline, and it's been on Frontline, and it's been reported.
That's part of the record.
If you don't know about that, you better go find out.
It's very easy to do.
But to see them actively out engaging, going, there's no time stamp, or, okay, now there's a time stamp, we checked it on Greenwich Mean Time, and it was daylight savings, so it's an hour off, and so it's really, you know, 6 o'clock.
And then all these mainstream sites and others went and looked it up and said, no, they flip over with us.
It was early.
Plus, you've got the buildings behind them, Aaron Brown and the BBC reporter, the CNN, it's all there.
But that's how propaganda works.
They try to plant disinfo just so people who don't want to believe it, who are already scared, they don't even need good propaganda, just enough to make them rationalize and say, oh no, it's not true.
But it's confirmed with the time stamp, two BBC programs now, CNN and you've got the building behind Aaron Brown and behind the BBC reporter saying almost the exact same thing.
But I want to tell the CENTCOM individuals, Department of Justice and others, I know good and well that the people in the bowels of CENTCOM, as reported by the Associated Press and CENTCOM press releases, who go out and quote, engage the disinformation as bloggers,
And other people in the Justice Department, most of you doing this, and others, and the private corporations that have been hired to do it, and again, it's been admitted that Viacom, everybody else hires, whole buildings just full of people to go, and they go off scripts, and they go post everywhere to try to shape opinion.
You're doing this, and I know you got into this, and you rationalize, and so you make excuses and think we're kooks, and you look at strawman arguments your bosses have put out on realness info that's been put out about 9-11.
You try to accredit that to real researchers, and you make excuses for yourselves.
But when you go out and you lie about something like the pulling of seven, number one, you're going to lose.
This is going to come out.
You're not going to stop us.
Number two, you're now an accomplice after the fact to the murders of 9-11.
And I want to ask you, do you want to be part of killing 3,000 people?
Do you want to be part of what happened?
Because there's no doubt now, there's no debate now, we have it from so many angles, firemen, police, emergency workers, the list goes on and on, that
I just can't imagine how you still go along with this.
I wish it was just weak-minded, pasty-skinned,
We're good to go.
Under different screen names, and that shows why it's a government op more than anything.
There's a lot of indicators why.
But if it's the same person, and we've seen this, they're very proud of themselves if they're an independent moron who's just out doing this, quote, fake debunking.
But when it's government, you'll see 10, 15 different screen names for each person on different sites, and they'll slightly change each post.
So they've got different variants.
Hell, it could even be AI computers doing it.
We know they've got those that are just out logging and serving and doing this.
It's disgusting.
But there are people loading those and writing the programs for those.
And I think it's come out and they actually have those.
I say they could have, but they actually do have those.
And think about how BBC was scrambling to pull it off their own archives, to pull it off of Google and YouTube and threaten everybody else.
Until the genie was out of the bottle, they couldn't stop it.
And now the head of BBC World, the editor of the biggest branch of the BBC, I mean in the top five execs, we went and looked it up, puts out on the BBC World blog.
You can go read it at PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com and Infowars.com.
There's so many reports, different variants on all of them.
Go check it out.
That, oh, you accidentally lost all the tapes in a foul-up.
In a cock-up, as he calls it, not a conspiracy.
And then I know a CNN archivist I've talked to, another one's emailed us and posted,
That's not how it works, folks.
They archive everything.
They record key events on multiple machines and computers, even in 2001.
It is put in vaults.
I know from what the CNN folks have said that these go in locked vaults, that multiple copies have been made, and now you're saying that, oh, there's no tapes of it, but then you don't deny that, indeed, your reporter and the BBC headquarters are reporting the building had fallen 20-plus minutes before it did.
Folks, we have got to drive this story over the edge.
We've got to push it.
It's got legs.
It's strong.
And people are able to understand it.
And once they learn about this, then they click under that and see all the firefighters and police.
And they watch a video of them saying, get back.
We're about to bring it down.
It's about to blow up.
Cops and police saying, yeah, we were told that the government was blowing it up for everyone's safety.
Then they ask how they plant bombs that fast in a burning building.
Then these bloggers are saying, well, how would they sneak in and put it in a building without the people finding out the government did it?
The CIA, the FBI, Defense Intelligence, the entire building was a giant spook compound.
That's not debatable, it's on record.
And they'll go and deny that!
They just deny everything.
It's like Rick Perry.
He says, uh, this is the number two form of cancer.
40 plus thousand people a year in Texas die of it.
Real number is 240 something.
He just lies.
There is no North American Union.
There are no NAFTA highways as they build them, as the billboards go up.
Same trans-Texas corridor.
They just lie, lie.
It's like Waco.
When that tank's smashing into the building and they're saying, this is not an assault, this is not an assault.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
Remember, Mars attacks?
The analogy?
The aliens are running around in Las Vegas killing everyone with ray guns and they're saying, Don't run!
We are your friends!
Broadcasting that.
And some of the humans are going, Okay, I'm your friend too!
Shoot them with a laser.
I mean, how much more are you gonna take?
Don't run!
We are your friends!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
The entire media propaganda campaign against the free peoples of Earth is all military.
And that's classic military operations, is to say, this is not an assault, open your gates, we're going to be friendly with you, everything's okay, while the siege engines are battering the main gate and setting fire to the castle and firing flaming arrows over the parapets.
And so, that makes so many people step back.
There is no CFR.
There is no world government.
There is no SPP.
There are no NAFTA highways.
I mean, I remember learning three, four years ago that illegals don't have to show IDs to get bank accounts, and people would just deny it to me.
Now, it's all over the news.
But then they spin it and say it's good.
But they say, oh, it's just in California.
Oh, well, okay, it's in all 50 states.
And they're doing this on every issue.
We had a social worker call yesterday.
That deals with adoptions from California.
He did send the documents.
And illegal aliens do not have to show residency or citizenship or that they're legal to adopt children.
But a citizen's got to jump through a hundred hoops.
Again, this is a two-tiered system to destroy the borders, incentivize bringing in the third world hordes.
It's the key to bringing down this country.
And sure enough, they're trying to pass a law in Florida, I have this here out of the Associated Press, to ban using the word illegal alien.
I'm not kidding.
In government documents, government discussions, or any government official, it's a thought crime.
You cannot use the term.
We've got the article here, they've introduced legislation in Texas to have all the state, city, and county police, except consular matriculars,
The leader of the Republican Senate in Colorado a few years ago, we had him on in a couple hours, got four matricula under fake names.
It's designed, they've set up consular matricula offices in Houston, Dallas, Austin, Chicago, LA, San Diego, New York, Miami, all over, hundreds of them.
Embassies, just issuing, issuing, issuing, issuing.
And then people can go get on welfare, four or five different welfare checks.
I mean, this is incredible.
Don't run!
We are your friends.
This is not an attack.
That's what they say.
But then the state police are going to pull you over for going five miles over the speed limit.
Sorry, gotta give you a ticket.
Now it's a point system.
When you get three of these, we'll take your license and charge you thousands of dollars on top of the court fees and even if you plead guilty.
See, making petty things super crimes while making real crimes legal.
This is what happens when you have tyranny, when criminals run the government.
Now after the break, I'm going to get into these audio clips.
Let me just start reading now on Building 7.
CNN-BBC 24 reports conclusively prove media prior knowledge and false start scripting of Building 7 controlled demolition.
From Jones Report by Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones.
It has now been discovered that BBC 24 also reported the Building 7 collapsed before it fell.
Furthermore, CNN's Aaron Brown reported the Building 7 had collapsed or is collapsing over an hour before it fell.
These clips both reinforce the shocking newly discovered BBC coverage wherein Jane Standley reports the collapse early with the building still standing behind her.
The early timing of these reports is now verified twice over.
The BBC 24 separate channel is stamped at 2154 or 454 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
See World Time Zones, we have a link.
Secondarily, CNN's Aaron Brown states the time is 415 Eastern Daylight Time, announcing Building 7 has fallen more than one hour before its actual collapse.
That's about
One hour and seven minutes.
Furthermore, both BBC reported that Jane Standley and CNN report with Aaron Brown clearly show Building 7 still standing, billowing with smoke as the collapse is reported.
So premature reporting is confirmed visually as well.
The Simcom boys want to argue about time zones.
We're right on the time zone.
We're right on the time stamp.
Obviously, there's the buildings behind them.
It's been checked.
They're counting on you being too stupid to know how to go look it up.
And they're just... Simcoms and others are just stonewalling right now.
That's right.
The government, the military, is engaging us so that we don't find out how their bosses murdered those people.
You sick, scum traitors.
There is no longer any doubt that they will be all reading off the same script.
Reports mirrored testimony of scores of firefighters, police, and emergency workers who were told to get back from the building in the two hours before the Solomon Brothers building, better known as WTC-7, fell at free-fall speed.
Rescue workers were told the building was to be brought down in a controlled demolition.
We have links to every claim we make.
All the videos, the audio, the AP, you name it.
The group that carried out the demolition of Building 7 was in a position to feed the media and local authorities an official story.
We have the controlled demolition of Building 7 hidden in plain sight, including an admission by the building's 99-year leaseholder, Larry Silverstein.
More on this report, the audio clips of the video, your calls, Jimmy Vaughn, straight ahead!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Again, repeating, there is no longer any doubt that they were all reading off the same script.
Reports mirrored testimony of scores of firefighters, police and emergency workers who were told to get back from the building in the two hours before Solomon Brothers Building, better known as WTC 7, fell at freefall speeds.
Rescue workers were told the building was to be brought down in a controlled demolition.
The group that carried out the demolition of Building 7
The group that carried out the demolition of Building 7 was in a position to feed the media and local authorities an official story.
We have the controlled demolition of Building 7 hidden in plain sight, including an admission by the building's 99-year leaseholder, Larry Silverstein.
We are witnessing the unraveling of the 9-11 cover-up.
New video and audio clips of emergency workers who were told the Building 7 was to be purposely brought down are coming out on an hour-by-hour basis as thousands of 9-11 researchers investigate publicly available archives.
Alex Jones in his car on the afternoon of 9-11 also heard ABC News report
Many of you heard those reports as well.
Now we have them!
This isn't going to wait until we dig up those actual radio reports where they're saying the government said they were going to blow it up.
We have firemen and police saying it, but now it's going to be even more damning.
So go ahead, sit calm debunkers, just keep doing what you do.
We need to do another article identifying how they post on all the same sites under different names and then post under that the fact that the government admits they're propagandizing to prove that.
That's a whole other story in and of itself.
BBC says they lost the tapes.
Total lie.
They're now trying to get it expunged off the web, only accelerating the fact that people want it even more.
Okay, let's go ahead and get into these clips, and let's do this properly.
Let's air the original clips first.
This is the one that broke three days ago, when folks were going through archives that have been posted on the web and found them.
This is the clip, almost 30 minutes before, where the BBC in London is reporting they've gotten word this just in, they say, Building 7.
The Solomon Brothers building has collapsed.
Then they talk for about seven minutes, and then they go to a ground reporter, and then she's standing there with it behind her, saying the same thing, and then when it becomes evident it hasn't collapsed, she starts turning and looking, and you see some concern in their eyes, and then the satellite feed cuts out, and you want to go watch the whole clip, you can, and then it cuts out, and then she comes back later, and it's collapsed.
I mean, this is amazing!
This is amazing!
So let's go ahead and air the original clip, then the new BBC clip on their sister channel, and then the new CNN clip of Aaron Brown, never before heard on this radio show, just surfaced yesterday.
Here is the original clip.
We'll leave it there for the moment.
We've got some news just coming in, actually, that the Salomon Brothers building in New York, right in the heart of Manhattan, has also collapsed.
This does fit in with a warning from the British Foreign Office a couple of hours ago to British citizens that there is a real risk
Let me get the exact words.
The British Foreign Office, the Foreign Department of the British Government said there was a strong risk of further atrocities in the United States.
And it does seem as if there now is another one with the Salomon Brothers building collapsing.
We've got no word yet on casualties.
One assumes that the building would have been virtually deserted.
Whether this latest collapse is going to influence the President, who...
Okay, now about seven minutes later they skip to the reporter on the ground and she goes on and on and on.
We're not going to play all of it.
You can go watch all of it online if you want.
She goes on and on and on about how the Solomon Brothers building has collapsed and it's behind her smoking and it doesn't collapse for another 20 plus minutes.
Here it is.
Now, more on the latest building collapse in New York.
You might have heard a few moments ago I was talking about the Salomon Brothers building collapsing.
And indeed it has.
Apparently that's only a few hundred yards away from where the World Trade Center towers were.
And it seems that this was not a result of a new attack.
It was because the building had been weakened.
During this morning's attacks.
We'll probably find out more now about that from our correspondent Jane Stanley.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
Well, only really what you already know.
Details are very, very sketchy.
There's almost a sense downtown in New York, behind me, down by the World Trade Centers, of just an area completely closed off as the rescue workers try to do their job.
But this isn't the first building that has suffered as a result.
We know that part of the Marriott Hotel
Next to the World Trade Center also collapsed as a result of this huge amount of falling debris from a hundred and ten floors of the two twin towers of the World Trade Center.
As you can see behind me the Trade Center appears to be still burning.
We see these huge clouds of smoke and ash and we know that behind that there's an empty piece of what was a very familiar
Presumably there were very few people in the Salomon Building when it collapsed.
I mean, there were, I suppose, fears of possible further collapses around the area.
That's what you would hope, because this whole downtown area behind me has been completely sealed off.
And then it goes on and on, her repeating it.
Now, folks, the debunkers out there, the operatives, trying to fool you, as they always do, because they work for murdering criminals.
History's replete with that.
Ought to be ashamed of themselves, but I'm sure they're quite proud of it.
I know how they work.
Well, yeah, we did carry it out, but...
You know, the Islamofascists are so dangerous that we just had to do this to be able to go deal with them, because if we didn't deal with them, they would nuke us and kill millions.
I know how you work, sickos.
You make me sick.
The Islamofascists were funded and generated and almost created, not completely, there was something real there before, by your bosses.
Now, they tried to claim that, oh no, there's no timestamp, the video's fake.
Now BBC admits the video's real, but says that it was a mistake.
So they had to back off that, but still they're saying it's fake at the same time.
Then they said there's no timestamp.
Well, the other BBC channel did have a timestamp.
BBC24 was there carrying live feeds, and their reporter is reporting that it's collapsed as well.
And this has the timestamp showing they're reporting this 20 plus minutes exactly, again, following the script.
This just in, it's collapsed.
So they're reporting that simultaneously as well with a timestamp.
So here it is.
Intense and long-term.
Professor Lieber, again, as you were talking, news is continuing to come in, as you can imagine.
We're now being told that yet another enormous building in New York has collapsed.
It is the 47-story Salomon Brothers building, which was situated very close to the World Trade Center, right there in this financial capital.
Professor Lieber, the implications of what you were saying...
Now, did you hear that?
We'll play it again one more time, and it goes on from there.
This is a short clip.
You can watch the video up on JonesReport.com and PrisonPanda.com right now.
Also, the neocon followers, the killers, the killer supporters, and when you support killers and don't cover up for them, you're accessory after the fact, shame on you.
You're going to go to prison, too, when we win this thing.
You need to understand that.
We're going to get the records, and you're going to be arrested.
We're not playing games about this.
You're murderers.
Now you've become murderers too.
We're not going to be stopped.
Now, they're also all over these blogs saying that Solomon Brothers is not Building 7.
Now, it's designated name was Solomon Brothers, but the media, to make it simple, designated it according to how the city had it laid out.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
You heard him say 47-story Solomon Brothers.
On our websites, and as if we had to prove this, we have multiple links to skyscrapers of New York and New York official websites where it shows Solomon Brothers building, a picture of it, and after it, it says 7.
Now, I'll expect BBC and others just to say it isn't seven.
I mean, you can look at it.
It's seven!
It's the Salomon Brothers!
It's seven!
But no, it's not seven!
This is not an assault.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
I mean, again, it's the same thing.
There is no North American Union.
There is no mercury in the vaccines.
There is no adverse reactions to the HPV virus.
We're not going to grab your property.
There's not tyranny.
There aren't 30 million illegal aliens.
The amnesty plan is not amnesty.
There is no SPP meeting in Canada when they're on TV meeting.
There is no CFR.
You heard Rush Limbaugh say it.
We're all just evil liberals.
Now, let's go to Aaron Brown.
This is the longest clip, and he is a little bit more slick operator.
And he starts turning around, and he's looking, and he's going, he's saying, it is a collapse, that it's fallen.
And he turns around, and he goes, well, has collapsed, or is collapsing, and he's going, uh, uh, I mean, you can really see it in his face, because he's a New Yorker.
Now, he's given this new news, and he's reading off a teleprompter on the CNN roof.
He's getting seen.
Once you know how to watch newsreaders, you can tell when they're looking at a teleprompter how the eyes follow, how they have this dead stare.
And he starts saying, and then he turns around after he reads it, but he knows not to get off script.
So he just keeps going with it.
So here is, and we have the transcript of it as well so you can follow it that way, up on JonesReport.com right now.
Here is Aaron Brown of CNN.
This is an hour and seven minutes before it collapses.
And there's going to be more.
In fact, reports are just coming in.
More videos have been found.
Looks like ABC.
Well, this is sick!
Go ahead and play Aaron Brown, CNN.
We're good to go!
complex of buildings that is the Trade Center.
There were, and that is the right way to put it, there were the two towers, but then there are a number of support buildings around it, retail spaces, restaurants, office space, garages, the trains come in from New Jersey bringing commuters, taking commuters back, come into the complex that is the World Trade Center, and now we are told that there's a fire there.
And that building may collapse as well as you can see.
We can see as we look now back downtown, we can see the billowing smoke.
It is extraordinary to us, I guess, how long this scene has gone on.
The smoke has not cleared at all.
It has not lightened at all.
There was that horrific moment when the towers collapsed.
And then we've been in this sort of situation ever since, as the fires continue to burn.
Rose Arce, one of our producers who has been slowly and diligently making her way to the building, described the fires that she saw in the area of the towers themselves, and clearly those fires continue to burn at about 4.15 Eastern Daylight Time today.
In an unbelievable and awful scene in New York.
So, he says, it's collapse, turns around and goes, or is going to collapse.
I mean, this is off the charts.
And again, it's not just reporters screwing up.
We have the firemen, the police, police captains.
They're all going, yeah, we were told it was going to be brought down for controlled demolition for everybody's safety.
Well, the question is, why does the government then claim it fell from fires?
And how would they plant bombs in there in a few hours with fires in the building?
In fact, go pull Silverstein up in case people just tuned in.
Here's Silverstein in 2002 on PBS on a program voiced by Spacey.
And on the show, he says they've been such a terrible loss of life that they made the decision to pull it, and they gave the order, and they watched the building come down.
Then the next clip, it shows them destroying Building 6 months later, and they go, getting ready to blow Building 6, and Controlled Demolition, that's the name of the company, blows it up!
They blow it up, they have cables added so it doesn't fall into the legislary wall, whatever that is, is what they call it.
And so, there they are.
In the same film, pull it means blow it up.
I mean, everybody knew this in New York.
And the government says, no, you didn't hear that.
No, they did.
We didn't say... The police reported there was a ten-second countdown.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
They had a countdown!
And then, we're not saying the police and firemen are involved.
They just...
We're so trusting.
It's, oh, they say they're gonna bring it down.
Oh, now they say fires did it.
Well, I better not question.
Ah, okay.
But I did, you did say get back.
You were gonna pull it, Iowa.
Shut up, conspiracy theorist!
Shut up!
Do you have Larry Silverstein there, the owner?
Let's play Silverstein in the next clip where they describe what pull it means from the same PBS documentary, America Rebuilding, that aired in 2002 that we discovered in 2003.
I remember getting a call from the fight department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
If this is what I was going to do, is pull.
And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building.
They made the decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.
And then the next clip, just a few minutes later, they're blowing up the rest of the wreckage months later, and they call it, pull it.
Because that's the term.
By the way, that was in the term in demolition manuals and in online mining websites.
Now they've suddenly, in the last two years, had to change industry nomenclature.
They're even now trying to rewrite history now.
They're so desperate.
You're going down.
Let's play the next clip.
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction had leveled World Trade Center Buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull Building 6.
We had to be very careful how we demolished Building 6.
We were worried about the Building 6 coming down and then damaging the slurry walls, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
Now, did that have the clip in it of getting ready to pull a belt in six?
Okay, good.
I was busy reading something, kind of paying attention.
I've heard it so many times.
Let's play the firefighters saying it was molten steel pulls of it.
Can you find that?
Now, here it is.
You'd get down below and you'd see molten steel.
Molten steel running down the channel rails.
Like you're in a foundry.
A lot of screaming, there wasn't a lot of yelling.
And then when we get back after the break, we'll play that CNN clip that was shot live as the cops are saying, get back, get back, it's coming down, building's about to come down, it's gonna blow up!
And then now we have a bunch of other clips of the firefighters and police on record, emergency workers saying, yeah, they told us to get back, they were gonna blow it up.
But you wanted to ignore them.
CITCOM said they weren't real firefighters, real police.
Sitcom said, well now we've got their own propaganda channel saying it, we've got you murderers and we're going to expose you for the Republic.
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It is the 28th day of February 2007, coming up this Friday.
Big event, Don't Tag Texas, against the Trans-Texas Corridor, the NAFTA Superhighways to fund the North American Union, and to build the Super I-35 NAFTA Corridor.
Also, the No National Animal Linification System, the tagging of destruction of farms and ranches.
Jimmy Vaughn will be with us in studio for 30 minutes, and we're also going to have
One of the ladies on from Spy Chips, who's going to be at the big rally on Friday.
Be there about 12.30 or so, because we've got to mass all the tractors and the people.
March down Congress from right there at the river up to the Capitol.
And Jimmy's going to play a lot of great speeches.
I'll be giving about a 10-minute speech.
There's so many speakers, they're all limited down to about 10 minutes.
The only person who will be playing more than that is Jimmy Vaughan.
He's just playing two songs.
Okay, we're excited.
I hope you play more than that.
In fact, let's just go ahead and go to Jimmy.
I'm talking about all this crazy news that's going on.
It's just hard to sit here in studio before we go to you next hour and not talk to you, my friend.
How you doing?
How you doing, Alex?
Good to be here.
Yeah, good to see you.
We're going to break here in about three minutes and we're going to come right back and talk about toll roads and animal identification and why you're involved in fighting this, my friend.
So that's coming up with Jimmy Vaughn in the next hour.
Folks, I cannot, again, describe to you how big this Building 7 story is.
We've always said Building 7 is the key.
Building 7 is the key.
Not hit by a plane.
North Tower fell.
Some of its debris hit.
A few windows broke out.
Fires didn't start until many hours later.
They were small, contained fires.
Firefighters were never told to fight it.
They told them because it's going to be brought down.
And they did bring it down.
And it is up to you to get these
These clips, these news articles, out to everybody.
Again, I mean it when I say it.
Email your whole email list.
Go on the MySpace accounts.
Go on the message boards.
Fight these CENTCOM operators.
Fight these propagandists.
They are scared to death.
And only more and more of this is going to come out as hundreds of thousands of people scan the web, find these clips, dust off VHS tapes in your closet that you taped that day.
And all of you should be doing that
Because more and more is coming out.
I want to play that clip now.
This is of CNN where two different police are telling the public, get back.
7 is about to come down.
It's about to be brought down.
It's about to blow up.
Go ahead and play that clip.
We are walking back to the building.
Just in the last few seconds, another building, building number seven, one of the buildings in support of the World Trade Center towers has collapsed.
Again, that's Aaron Brown, the same guy, who an hour later, an hour and seven minutes later, when seven actually collapses, he goes, okay, seven has now collapsed.
But we just played you an hour before saying it had collapsed.
So it finally collapses at, what, 522.
But he was saying over an hour before that it had collapsed, and BBC was saying it 20-plus minutes before it collapsed.
And now they're claiming they've lost the tapes, and they're panicking, they're in trouble.
Revisit this subject and take your calls.
And I know we have loaded phone lines at the bottom of the next hour and 30 minutes.
We're going to shift gears into another big fight against the New World Order and the NAFTA superhighways as one of the major taxing mechanisms for this new system.
Jimmy Vaughn in studio.
We're going to play a song he did on spy chips and a lot more.
Stay with us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I like to count him as a good friend of mine.
He and his wife are just great, wonderful people and friends of the family.
Our children are friends.
Jimmy Vaughn has been busy last year into this year, been out touring with Bob Dylan around the world, and he calls Austin his home.
Another great Texan in the fight against the Globalists, and he'll be with us for the next 30 minutes talking about why he's going to be playing at this Friday's March 2nd Texas Independence Day there at the Capitol and taking part in the parade.
Jimmy Vaughn, again, it's great to have you here.
It's great to be here, Alex.
How are you doing?
It's awesome.
You look slick, man.
I should have gotten slicked up for the interview.
Hey, you never know what's going to happen, so you better get your hair combed.
Later in the next segment we're going to play a song you did, Spy Chips, but before we get into that, because that ties into this, in fact I've got the flyer here for the event, and it says don't tag Texas, because it's tags on the cars, it's tags on the chickens, the cows, tags on the property.
Jimmy Vaughn, why have you gotten involved in all of this?
Well, as a born in Texas, free, independent,
I'm a citizen of Texas.
I just, I don't, you know, I don't even like, uh, I remember when our records used to come out and they would have the barcode on there.
I remember feeling like a can of beans, you know, and, uh, I just don't want anything to do with it, any kind of tracking and tracing.
And, uh, you know, like I say, I'm free and independent, so I don't want anything to do with it.
And I don't think anybody else does either.
You know, even when I was a little kid, um,
Go to Vacation Bible School.
They tell us about stuff like this.
Whether it's the same thing, I don't know, but I believe it is.
I don't want anything on me, in me, or that I don't choose.
In fact, this is serious.
Legislatures like Wisconsin and one other are passing laws saying the government can't make you take this because the Mexican Attorney General made his employees take chips.
We had a police chief on a few years ago from Bergen County, a big county in New Jersey, saying he wants everybody to be made to take them.
These companies are really pushing this.
How does it tie in with the roads?
Because we've also got the tracker chips they want to put in our cars for those.
Well, basically, I think they want to tag everything on Earth and track us 24-7.
Basically, I mean, that's what they want in the end.
Now, the people don't want it, but... No, not the people, I'm saying... I mean, I agree, the people don't want it, but they're still doing it.
Well, that seems to be the...
The regular thing that's going on these days, doesn't it?
People don't want it, but they still do it.
So that's why I'm here, just exercising my free speech.
And I want to tell all my friends and loved ones and people that might like my music or something that I think you need to study up on this a little bit because I don't think you want it as soon as you read about it.
You know, I'm just a regular guy that read and I looked at your website and I read Spy Chips, the book, and I
You know, I'm not a particularly smart guy, but I figured it out.
Oh, that's not true.
Well, I'm just saying that if I can figure it out, most of you can.
So, you know, I just love freedom, and this is not freedom.
This is the opposite of freedom, and I just want to warn everybody.
I do everything I can.
Well, you also love cars, and I love cars, and I love the open road.
They're going to ruin that.
Yeah, I mean, you know, they want to take away everything that I love, and they're trying to already.
So, I just want to warn people, and I couldn't stand it not to say anything, and this is what I have to do.
So, I'm doing this because I love you.
Well, we love you too, Jimmy.
Now, I tell you, you got pretty riled up.
Just a few months ago, I heard when you went down to one of these meetings around the state concerning the Trans-Texas Corridor, I heard you got pretty fired up.
Well, it was bizarre.
I mean, they had this crew come in.
It was one of the local meetings and they had this crew come in from people from, obviously, people from out of state.
Some of them were from out of the country.
They had some guy that was leading the presentation who had a
Uh, very, uh, German-Austrian accent.
You know, uh, it was pretty scary and there was all these people, two, three generation families sitting there listening.
I tell you what, we got a break.
When we come back, tell us, tell us the climax of this and what they were trying to push.
Jimmy Vaughn's our guest.
Stay with us.
It's here.
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Jimmy, so much is happening.
We're going to have Ron Paul's Chief of Staff out there at the meeting, at the big rally in March, coming up on Friday, March 2nd.
And we're going to get more into that, and we've got the lady from Spy Chips come on, who's also going to be speaking there, coming up for just about five minutes with us on air from the 24 to the 30, that little mini-segment we do in the middle of the hour.
But right now, let's finish up with that story.
You went to one of these myriad Campo slash Texas, Trans-Texas Corridor meetings.
There were a bunch of people there.
No one was for it.
They've had meetings where there's 1,100 people and six people raise their hand for it when they ask who's for it.
And then you were talking about how surreal it was with all these out-of-towners there trying to pitch people.
Go through that.
Yeah, they sat behind their little desks and tables in front of us.
And they had the microphone you had to walk way up in the front to speak So you couldn't they didn't want you to looking at the people right when you were speaking and and then the guy behind the podium you know had like a Nazi sounding Accent, you know, it was very weird and then they explained to us how they were going to take the land and and if they if you had so much time if you didn't
Go along with them and how they were going to get it.
That's right, they're using the new Supreme Court ruling to snatch your property without due process.
But you couldn't really understand what the guy was saying because he was talking like this, you know, whatever he was doing.
He had the monocle.
Yeah, so you couldn't understand and you couldn't really hear him.
And there was a lot of nice little old ladies sitting around me that have probably been, their families have been there for 200 years, you know, in Bastrop County, right?
And they're all going, well, I guess
It's for the good and you know I mean it was just sickening and so at the end they called her you had to sign in and you have to give them your address and everything you know if you're going to talk and you get up there and so I got up there and I just asked them I said how do you people sleep at night?
How can you do this?
I mean how can you go around like this and tell the people that you're going to do this you know take their stuff so I just told the people I said I think they're going to come and take your stuff
And kick you off your land.
Maybe worse.
I don't know.
I heard it was powerful.
I wish we had a video of that.
Now, to understand this for those who just joined us, this is where all the key growth belts are.
All the most valuable land.
8,000 miles of roads.
We're talking about 10 miles of land they could take on either side.
And the legislature tried to see these agreements with foreign companies like Centra of Spain and Zachary of
And they should know it's secret agreements because it's corporate privatization agreements.
And so no one can even get the actual facts.
And now they said they wouldn't put them on existing roads.
Now they've announced they are.
We already have the documents.
I mean, this is a bunch of foreign crooks coming in here with a bunch of slick advertising and telling us what they're going to do.
Well, yes.
That's what it sounds like to me.
And I don't want any part of it.
And I don't think anybody in Texas does either.
And I don't know how they're going to do it.
I know how they might think they're going to do it, but it's not going to work.
They can have all the fake elections, and they can say they're going to do this and say they're going to do that, but I don't see how they're going to take the land from the people.
If just 5% stand up, it's an impossible job.
Growing up, being born in Texas, your music born out of Texas, the whole culture, I mean, I love it.
I'm a Texan as well, born and bred proud of that.
And I'm also sad at the same time proud that the fight is here.
The fight on cancer vaccines that are deadly.
The fight on open borders.
The fight on the Trans-Texas-Napa superhighways.
The fight on so many issues is taking place right here in Texas.
It's unbelievable.
It's a very interesting time to be alive and I reflect on this kind of stuff daily.
I really, just a few years ago, had no idea about this, except what I heard when I was a little kid from my grandmother.
I remember one of my teachers, one time in school, read the Bill of Rights and told us about the Constitution, and we heard a little bit of history about it.
They don't even do that now.
They don't do that now, so that's the reason I'm saying that.
I remembered what she said.
She read the Bill of Rights.
I'm just not going for it.
This is not what Texas is about.
I'm trying to wake up.
I'm a student of liberty.
I'm a student of the Constitution.
I'm a student of Texas.
I love it here.
My family's from here and been here a long time.
I just want to do my part so my kids and my family can have
Can be from Texas like me.
Were you excited when you heard that Ron Paul is running for president?
Ron Paul sort of, he was the guy that really sort of got me into the Constitution.
I started reading stuff that he wrote and seeing him on TV.
I watched the Libertarian Convention one year, several years ago.
I started reading little pamphlets and watching his speeches, and then some other guys around town, Badnarek, and I started going to Constitution classes, and that was interesting.
I don't know, I just like to read this stuff, and it's interesting to me.
Now you say you just woke up, but I've talked to you before, and I remember you saying that... Well, I mean over the last few years.
It's not something that, you know, say maybe when I was 40,
Something I started you know you still used to watch television shows the outer limits you think that's pretty far out Yeah, the the real stuff that's going on is a lot more interesting and a lot more far out than outer limits Well, you are extremely informed and so is your wife It's got to be great to have a partner in life who is just as awake as you are absolutely She's wonderful, and we sort of came into all this stuff together reading about all this and just really waking up and
You know, what can I say?
I mean, what are we going to tell our kids?
We have to do this.
We have to do it.
We don't have a choice.
People say, well, can we beat it?
It doesn't matter.
We're going to have a better world if we do fight it.
We know if we give in to them, it's going to be horrible.
Do you think the New World Order will be able to ever even get fully built before it starts falling, or do you think it's going to be dead on arrival?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know anything about that.
I know that I only I don't have to move the rock I heard somebody say this all I got to do is push and God will move the rock.
I just have to push so I don't really Want to make any predictions or everything?
I think they're in trouble and Like I say, I'm a student of Liberty and that's that's what I love.
So I'm just trying to do my little part here and I
You know, there's not going to be any gig if everything keeps going on like it is now.
I try to tell my musician friends, hey, you guys better wake up and you better listen, you better read this and what about this, what about that?
And they're like, oh, well, man, we just got to go to the gig.
And there's not going to be a gig.
Well, look at the dollar.
In fact, at the bottom of the hour, we're going to play that song, because I don't want to burn the time up we've got here with Jimmy.
We're going to come back and talk about Spy Chips with Liz McIntyre on the phone, whether she's going to be here Friday for the event.
But if I can, Jimmy, keep you a little bit into that segment at the bottom of the hour so we can play the song and have time to talk about what inspired you to write that song.
But talking about this rally, I'm begging everybody to come out to this.
This is so important.
Don't tag Texas.
Join us in Austin, Texas on Friday, March 2, 2007 at 1.30 p.m.
Try to get there earlier, right down at the end of Congress, right where it meets the river.
It's so important that you be there at Cesar Chavez and Red River in Austin, right off the side of Congress.
We're going to march down about 600 yards or so to the Capitol and have three hours of speakers.
It's important to have a big turnout and also call the media and tell them to be there to let the globalists, the New World Order, know we're not going to put up with this.
What are the songs you're planning to play at the event?
Well, I'm going to play the tune I wrote called Shackles on Me.
And I'm just going to do it a couple of times.
You'll just have to hear it.
You guys have it here.
It explains itself.
Oh, we've got a couple of these?
Can we play Shackles on Me later?
Yeah, play it now.
You can play it.
We're about to go to break, and we're going to come back and talk to Liz McIntyre, but then we will play the Spy Chips song and then Shackles on Me.
Two separate songs?
No, no, no.
It's one song.
Okay, good.
Spy Chips, you know, Shackles.
It's the same thing.
Okay, gotcha.
Now I understand.
I've been so busy, Jimmy, I haven't had a chance to hear it.
That's OK.
Nobody's heard it.
Oh, really?
Yeah, it's never been played.
This is going to be the maiden voyage?
This is the first time.
Well, I'm extremely honored.
I tell you, folks, I really like Jimmy.
I know a lot of celebrities and people that are popular in the public eye, but I tell you, he is really just a sweetheart, a nice fella, and his wife and children are just great people.
And I am honored to be in this fight, Jimmy, and get to rub elbows with
Conscientious, upright individuals like yourself.
Well, that's nice.
Thank you.
And thank you for everything you do.
You and your guys, and people like Ron Paul, and all the people who are fighting for liberty out there.
I appreciate it.
Well, we're all in this together.
That's right.
I mean, the world they're building is just so amazing.
What's it like when you see these yuppies, or I don't know if you've talked to the yuppie types, and I hate to oversimplify, you tell them, hey, the dollar's been devalued by half, hey, we're losing our sovereignty, there's a new world order, and they're like, oh, none of that exists, everything's fine, there's no corruption.
I mean, how could people not know that things are going down the tubes?
Well, I think a lot of people, you see that glass, that gloss over in the eyes, and they turn around.
But most of the people that I know are starting to wake up about this stuff.
Oh yeah, I agree.
And people that I don't know.
I mean, everywhere.
You can go anywhere and you can see it.
The difference is, after doing a little investigation and a little study, you can read the headlines in our Austin paper, or any paper, New York Times.
It's all right there.
You can read the headlines and understand the spin now.
It's like knowing a new language.
It's just like that book, The Unseen Hand.
Did you ever read that book?
Yes, Ralph Epperson.
Ralph Epperson, one of my favorite books.
I read that book over and over and over and it sort of explains how it works.
The Unseen Hand, how they spin history and try to make it
Seems like it was all a big accident.
We had to do this.
It was a big accident.
We didn't mean for this to happen.
We'll be right back with Jimmy Vaughn in studio.
The music's coming up as well as Liz McIntyre.
Stay with us.
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Jimmy Vaughn in studio with us.
He'll be with us into the next segment.
We're going to play his new song, Spy Chips.
Shackles on me.
Spy Chips, Shackles on me?
No, just Shackles.
Okay, because they told me it was Spy Chips.
That's where the confusion comes in.
Well, I wrote it.
I read the book, Spy Chips.
And I went and saw Liz McIntyre talk.
And so, I'd actually written the song before then.
Because I'd been going to her website, and your website, and different websites, right?
Reading about it.
And so, I was inspired to write the song.
Well, this is the first time it's going to be heard, and it's coming up in just about seven minutes.
Let's go to Liz McIntyre.
Liz, we're honored that you're going to be here in Austin, Texas with us on Friday, March 2nd, for the big Texas Independence Day rally.
Well, Alex, I am so excited to be there, and also that you're going to be there, and Jimmy's going to be there.
It's going to be not only an important event, it's going to be a very exciting event.
Are you going to drive one of your cool old cars in the parade?
I don't know yet.
I don't know yet.
I'm thinking about trying to go rent some old convertible and have all my crew in there.
The InfoWars Cruiser.
Who knows though, but I'm going to end the new film I'm making with this rally.
This film I'm making is going to blow everything we've made before out of the water.
Liz, how do spy chips tie into the National Animal Identification System and the tags they want to put in all the cars and the inspection stickers that tax us down the major roads?
Well, as you know Alex, for years you've been following this issue with RFID.
You know, it's a technology that uses these little microchips to communicate by radio waves from a distance.
And the plan is ultimately to tag and track everything.
I mean, every pair of pants, every shoe, every car tire, every car, every animal, and even you and I. Every guitar player?
Liz, what's your speech mainly going to be about?
Give us a little preview of what's coming up on Friday.
Well, it's going to be my pleasure to introduce Jimmy Vaughn and his song.
I'm so excited that he'll be playing that today and also Friday at the rally.
The world premiere of it's coming up in five minutes.
Yeah, that is just... and I've heard it, by the way.
It's fabulous.
I'm envious of you.
Oh, wow.
I was so excited when he told me he had written the song.
I don't
They control us and of course our food and our transportation.
Now some good news.
Walmart just announced last week that they've had trouble implementing a plan.
They claimed all products.
They ordered all their manufacturers.
They're 30 plus percent of global sales of all retail products.
That they had to have these in there.
So did the Defense Department by 2005.
But that whole program failed.
The RFID industry is on the run.
Consumers hate this technology.
People like you Alex are telling consumers about it.
They had hoped to push it past.
Consumer objections, and they're not going to be able to get away with it.
Tony, that's the exciting thing here, is that on every issue, the establishment keeps moving forward, but slower and slower, and in the process, they're making everybody mad, they're pissing everybody off, and literally, the whole world's waking up.
And you know what's going to happen, we hope, is that Walmart's going to be holding that great big RFID bag, and it's going to be something we never implement at the item level.
That's what we hope.
Well, for those that don't know, literally like Google or a search engine tracks everything in the cyberspace world, if they're able to put RFID into all the products, from your tires to your razors to your Campbell soup can, as they've tried to do, they will be able to track the real world in real time.
This is total surveillance.
Absolutely, Alex, and it's silent and invisible.
These RFID tags have unique numbers that can link to virtually unlimited information about all of us in a database.
And they're talking about putting them in our shirts and our shoes and our pants.
We could walk through the doors of a public building or a retail store one day, and someone could scan us and know everything about us.
Well, actually, for six years, that store Prada in New York had it where you'd already bought their clothes.
When you walked in, it would say, Hello, Jennifer Johnson.
You know, we've got your size in today and some new products.
So they admit that's their plan with it.
That's absolutely their plan.
And, of course, in our book, Spy Chip, we uncover, you know, the behind the scenes
Behind closed doors conversations and secret confidential materials that support that.
I mean this is not a conspiracy theory as you know.
This is all a big plan and they're planning to tag and track everything on planet Earth.
We're going to break here, and Liz, I want you to stay with us just briefly after the song because I want to get Jimmy's take on it, your take on it, and later we'll open the phones up and also get the callers' take on this new song that is coming up on the other side of this quick break.
Everybody needs to be there.
That's this Friday, the second day of March, 1-30.
You need to meet where Congress comes up against the Colorado River that they call Lake Austin.
And it's going to be at Cesar Chavez and Red River is where we're going to meet up.
And the march starts at 2.
Be there.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Jimmy Vaughn's new song.
It's a new sound for you.
I wanted you to introduce this, tell folks the type of music this is, and then we're going to play it.
Well, this is just really a Texas-style blues.
It's just me and the guitar, tapping my foot on the ground.
That's all it is.
So, you know, it's in the tradition of Little Son Jackson or Lightnin' Hopkins.
Like that.
Well, here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Shackles On Me by Jimmy Vaughn.
Here it is.
Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me I sat down with Big Brother Don't like those RFIDs
Got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I sat down with Big Brother and the National ID.
Don't want a chip in my wallet Chip in my car And if I want to travel It's nobody's business how far Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me I said shame on big brother Always tracking and tracing me
Don't want a chip in my mother, a chip in my wife, a chip in my babies.
Stay out of our lives, don't want no shackles, don't want no shackles on me.
I said down with Big Brother, no more slavery.
Now do you want a chip in your forehead?
A chip in your arm?
Always tweaking your brain and causing you harm.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
I sat down with Big Brother in the good old USA.
I said down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Don't want a spy chippin' me!
I said down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
With Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother, baby!
It's all about liberty!
Hey, that's great.
So you can sing along with that.
It's made for a crowd.
Yeah, yeah.
If you want to sing along, you can express your opinion with me at the end.
Now, during the break, I was saying, I know you've got another appointment.
I don't want to keep you too long.
I just want to be able to say bye to you before you left.
Jimmy, that is absolutely fantastic.
Well, thank you.
I'm glad you like it.
I hope the people like it.
No, no.
It's going to be great to be able to say down with Big Brother with the crowd.
On the steps of the Capitol.
It'll be great.
Well, I mean, this really is the second Texas re-independence.
This is, remember, the Alamo.
I mean, we're here fighting the New World Order at point-blank range.
Liz McIntyre, what do you think of that song?
I mean, people are going to be dancing and they're going to be singing at the end.
What could be more awesome?
Well, I'm going to play that again before the show ends in the third hour so people can have a clean listen to it without me screaming down on Big Brother at the end.
Or maybe I'll get my cadence together there at the end and sing along with it.
But just a fabulous job, Jimmy.
And again, with people like you and so many others joining the fight, we all bring our own talents to this.
I think Big Brother is going to be falling down.
He is going to be going down.
Well, I hope so.
And thanks, Alex.
Thanks for everything.
Thanks for having me.
Well, I will see you out there on Friday.
What time do you think you'll get down there?
Whenever I'm supposed to.
I don't know.
You're going to be in the parade, though.
I think so, yeah.
Well, for everybody out there listening, it could be 50,000, 100,000, who knows how many thousands.
So try to get down there by noon or 1 o'clock to get your car parked in a garage or on some side street or at one of the meters.
Or meet us at the Capitol at 2.30.
But the march starts
I'm actually going to be driving down from Dallas.
And I'll be down there.
I'll be marching right along with you, Alex.
Well, I've interviewed you many times.
You and Catherine on air in your fight.
And it'll be great to be able to meet you in person.
I look forward to seeing you there as well.
Fire out your website for those who don't know it.
That's spychips with an S.
All right, fantastic.
Thank you for joining us and take care.
Drive safe.
Thank you, Alex.
Down the NAFTA Superhighway I-35.
Jimmy Vaughn, I'm going to let you get to your next engagement and I look forward to seeing you down there on Friday, my friend.
I look forward to screaming down with Big Brother as you stand up there on the side of the highway.
Yeah, everybody's got to sing along with me there.
Help me out a little bit.
Oh, man, it's going to be fabulous.
Again, good job, my friend.
Thank you, man.
Thanks for having us.
I salute you.
Thanks for coming in.
There goes Jimmy Vaughn, ladies and gentlemen.
I tell you, we're fighting it as hard as we can, but please don't ever say that down here in Texas, for some reason it's all happening here, that we weren't fighting.
It's the second most populous state.
It's now, what, 27 million?
California's like 32 million.
And they're reporting that Texas may surpass California in the next decade.
And so, that's why they're after us.
That's why they're trying to do everything here.
This is literally... I mean, you can say New York's the heart of the New World Order.
It is financially London.
But when it comes to their prototypes, their actions,
What they're doing, as goes Texas, as they've said back since the 40s, so goes the rest of the nation.
And we're right here, literally in the geographical center of Texas, and in the political center of Texas, fighting these people toe to toe.
Shifting gears back into the WTC7 News, I know we've got loaded phone lines.
We are going to go to your calls.
We're going to go to Sue and Tony and Mike and many others.
I know you've been holding since the last hour.
We're going to have open phones now just for the rest of the broadcast.
A toll-free line to join us.
Some of the news that I'm going to get to in the next hour, and I will cover it in detail, is the global tax.
This is out of the United Nations press release.
This is from the United Nations website.
Climate panel recommends global temperature ceiling carbon tax.
Now, you knew what all this hype was about when we read their own documents, but now they're being public about it.
No more debate.
That's what the hype's all about.
Nothing to do with helping the Earth.
It's just a tax for the global government.
Also, they're getting into how Al Gore is a hypocrite with his gargantuan light bill at his mansion, just showing how it's about them being piggish and taking our resources.
It's not about saving the earth.
We'll also talk about the stock's wild ride up and down today, and how we had a huge global stock market correction yesterday worldwide, and a lot more.
We'll be getting into that.
We also finally have the audio and the video.
It had been reported that Rupert Murdoch said, yeah, Fox News tries to control the agenda and was pro-war, but we failed.
Of course, the neocon bloggers got up there and said it wasn't true, it was a lie.
Ah, well, C-SPAN aired it Saturday, and I've been so busy all week, I haven't played it yet.
We have the video.
We uploaded it to YouTube.
So, you can actually go watch the video, too.
I'm sure CENTCOM bloggers and propaganda bloggers and government bloggers will get up and say, it's not true, either.
It's a fake video.
Murdoch didn't say it at the World Economic Forum.
So this is the type of scams they're running.
I've got several other clips we're going to be playing as well.
Before we go to your calls, we are one hour and 43 minutes, 44 seconds into this transmission against tyranny, and I have not yet plugged my documentary films or the other videos and books that we carry in the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart.
All 15 of my films are there.
All 15 of my documentaries, my book, many other books that we carry, other great videos like Aaron Russo's America, Freedom to Fascism, Loose Change 2nd Edition.
I mean, have the actual DVD, have the hard case, have the color cover, have it in digital quality.
9-11 Mysteries, Demolitions, Terror Storm, A History of Government Sponsored Terror, my film, and so much more.
And there's discounts on all these films.
I mean, we've got videos discounted as low as $5.95 apiece.
You can get Terror Storm for $9.95 when you get America Freedom to Fascism for $19.95.
You can get t-shirts as low as $9.95.
You can get black baseball caps at sayinfowars.com on the front, $9.11.
Equals inside job on the back as low as $5.95.
I mean, there's just so many deals.
We're trying to get the information out.
Everything we do is about information.
We have these great little FM transmitters that plug right into your MP3, iPod, right into any audio jack of a boombox, or into your car, or into your computer.
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So you can broadcast to much of your apartment building.
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Little FM antennas are usually about 15 and the little 6 volt plug that does go into it.
I don't know.
One of those ten bucks.
I don't know.
But, uh, this is a great little unit.
Sixty-nine dollars.
C-Crank puts it out.
That's the cost they sell it at.
We have it up on Infowars.com as well.
You really and truly need to get the little transmitters and then tell everybody, hey, if you tune into 90-whatever, you know, it's a little FM transmitter, and then you can tell, you know, four or five of your neighbors about it, and they can tune in, and in some cases, even further.
Maybe the whole block.
Maybe part of the neighborhood, depending on what you're able to get out of this.
What you kind of a soup it up to do, you could say, but it's a great system.
We have them here and we just love it and I hope you will purchase those and then that makes this show possible and what we do here possible.
Again, InfoWars.com for the inside job and Pro Second Amendment.
T-shirts for the baseball caps, for the books, the videos, all of them.
When you get Terror Storm, I don't want you to get it unless you're gonna get another DVD burner and make copies.
I want you to take action and don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv.
All 15 of my films.
My book, Paul Watson's book, is an e-book.
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It's slowed down, so we're going to have to go to a load balance super server.
I don't care.
Frankly, I love the fact you're sharing passcodes.
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If you want to get behind us and what we're doing, prisonplanet.tv.
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And you get great films and books and t-shirts and materials to get the word out and FM transmitters and shortwave radios, the whole nine yards and little wristbands that say 9-11 is an inside job, defend freedom.
It's all there.
But at the same time, you also make what we do here possible.
And I want to thank all of you that have supported us.
I want to thank all of you that have gotten the books and videos.
You've made it all possible.
Everything we do here, we couldn't do without the support you gave us.
So I salute you.
I thank you.
I commend you.
And I ask you to support us again.
When we get back, I'm going to blitz through calls.
I'm going to move quickly.
I'm going to get to everybody immediately.
Sue, Tony, Mike, and many others that are holding.
We'll take calls, and then I'm going to recap and get into the main news again, and some of the new developments.
We're learning there's new news clips, not just CNN, not just two BBCs, an hour and then one of them twenty-something minutes before announcing Building 7 had already fallen.
Now people are going through all the archives, they're scanning everything, as I've been telling you to do.
We can't do it all.
Together we can do this.
They blew up Building 7, the government blew it up, there's a CIA compound, that's public, and we're going to defeat them.
We're going to win this fight.
All right, I want to thank Jimmy Vaughn for being in studio.
I want to thank Liz McIntyre.
I want to see you all out there on Friday.
Be out there by 1, folks, or you're going to have trouble getting down there.
We'll be right back with your calls.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Alright, let's go straight to your calls.
Sue in Texas, you're on the air.
Welcome, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex.
I'm calling you from Houston, and I'm a great fan of yours.
What'd you think of the Building 7 revelations?
Well, I think it's great, and I just hope I live long enough to see these terrible criminals
Thank you.
Remember you said you were going to try to get him on?
Yeah, I've been in contact.
I've been playing phone tag.
I've been on a hundred different stories.
For those that don't know, he is a IDF veteran and he now lives in the U.S.
an American citizen and he was in the cemetery by a wall and he heard these guys talking about when the towers get knocked down.
Is he going to come on your show?
You know, again, we've been working on it.
The fella at the Mugrig Reports called me a bunch.
I've called him back some.
We're working on it.
Oh, great.
We can't do it all.
I mean, hell, I couldn't go watch all the... I couldn't go watch hundreds of hours of archive news footage to find all these clips.
I know.
You're a dynamo, and I hope you never burn out.
I mean, I'm on Dr. Deagle's show when this show ends, and then I'm on another show tonight.
I mean, I've got to cut back.
Frankly, I can't do more.
It's insane.
I know that.
Now, listen, here's a small criticism, and I absolutely think you're fantastic, but listen, when you're doing these interviews sometimes, you finish these sentences for these guests of yours, and I want to hear what they say, but you get so enthusiastic, sometimes you cut them off.
And I can't get to hear the end of their sentence.
Well, you should have heard me a few years ago.
I think I've gotten better about that.
Well, keep up the dynamic work.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.
I'll listen to you here in Houston on the Genesis satellite from 3 to 6 in the morning.
You know I think you're fantastic.
Well, I don't care if you criticize me.
You don't have to apologize for it.
I know how I am.
Frankly, it's obnoxious what I do, but it's not trying to show how much I know.
When a caller calls in and starts talking about a story, I like to finish it so people know it was in the stack.
And so the naysayers out there, because I know that freaks them out, and it also shows them that the person, the guest, isn't making it up, because I can finish the sentence.
This is real stuff we're talking about.
These are real issues.
And we're going to win this fight.
But I would also tell you,
A lot of people give me criticism, and I know I'm so important for the movement.
They say I need to do this, and I need to do that.
I'm only one person.
I'm 33 years old.
I've been doing this for 12 years.
I'm not perfect, and frankly, it isn't all about me.
I do a radio show.
It's never going to be perfect.
It's never going to be delivered perfect.
We bust our butt to bring you the best guests, the best information.
I'm up here working almost every night until midnight.
I make a lot of sacrifices.
I mean, I started working out again and I just quit because I'm too busy.
I haven't hurt my own body in the process to do this.
So it doesn't irritate me when you criticize me.
It's just, you know, what do you want me to do?
You know?
And I also don't think I owe people a lot.
You know?
I mean, I'm doing what I'm doing.
I'm doing my job.
I try my best.
I am who I am.
And I'm in the arena.
Long live the fighters!
Alright, I'll be right back after a 70 second break and we'll go right to your calls.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into hour number three.
Masses of important news on global taxation, the economy, the stock market.
Audio clips will re-air that maiden voyage of Jimmy Bond's new song.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
I want to move quickly.
Tony, in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Jimmy sounded great, even through a cell phone.
So, that was great.
No, no.
Jimmy Bond was in studio.
Yeah, I know, but I'm listening to him through my cell phone.
Oh, okay.
While I was on hold, he sounded great.
Oh, good.
Anyway, yeah, thanks.
That was a real treat.
Alex, if it wasn't in the context, the BBC video wasn't in the context of 9-11, it would be absolutely comical.
There's this back and forth, and the debunker's trying to naysay it.
It stands on its own legs.
It shouldn't require any explanation.
But now the BBC says they've lost the tapes.
Now they say another BBC channel did it.
Now CNN did it.
I mean, we got them with their pants down off the same script.
Well, of course.
Well, they lost Kennedy's brain after the assassination, too.
So, they're good at losing things.
Real quick, Alex, I think maybe, if anyone in the sound of my voice is listening to the broadcast, anyone that knows anyone that works in an independent forensic lab,
They can look at their video feed and do the research on the net.
Anyone that can do a dispassionate, third-party analysis of this, I think would be great.
Why would we need to do a video analysis?
They now admit that she, quote, made a mistake and announced it was going to fall, but she didn't make the mistake.
The BBC presenters in London were announcing it seven minutes before.
Then they go to her and she announces it, and simultaneously on another BBC channel, they're live saying the same thing.
Yeah, well, you're preaching to the choir.
I'm just thinking, you know, if we have to prove the sky is blue, okay, we'll prove the sky is blue.
Yeah, but they're saying it's after it's collapsed, and that it's fake video, and they're saying the timestamp isn't right, and they're saying... None of it's true anyways.
It makes you want to beat your head against the wall.
Real quick, Alex... But, sir, most of them are government operatives.
They just want to confuse the issue.
They want to confuse us to fight over the story instead of getting the story out.
Well, I guess at the end of the day, then let's get it out.
Maybe at some point in the future, like I said, if they need to prove, you know, that the damn thing is real, we prove it.
Well, at first they were saying that.
Now they're just saying they lost the tapes, and then they admit it, okay, it's real.
They're not saying it's not BBC footage.
Yeah, well, it's pathetic to try to debunk what is obviously self-evident.
Well, again, they say there's no formation of the North American Union.
Just like in the 1980s, they said there was no plan for an EU.
Is there an EU?
Well, of course.
And to touch on that, yesterday, Alex, I looked up my local congressman, Joe Barton, and the senators here in Texas.
From the time I went to the web, got their information, called their offices, had a polite conversation, spoke to their operators, and expressed my views on the NAFTA Superhighway and the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
I made it very clear that I'm against them.
Uh, it took me less than ten minutes.
Actually, it took me about seven minutes.
If everybody listening would take ten minutes a week, be a ten-minute-a-week patriot, pick up a phone, call your representatives.
I know it's mundane, but if everybody would do that...
And not stop.
I mean, it's consistency.
Well, I think that's good, but it's got to be multifaceted.
Get the news articles about it.
Get their own four-year documents where they admit it's all secret and they want to enslave us.
I mean, it's all public.
And email those out to all your friends.
Educate people.
Because that's the biggest part of the solution is waking up the sheep.
There you go.
There you go.
Like I said, I was asleep, you know, up until a few years ago.
And then I did some research on my own and I'm just, I'm livid.
I mean, but think of the power of this new footage.
Alright, Alex, you're preaching.
I saw it.
My jaw dropped.
I watched it again and I just... Wow.
And good on you.
You've got it captured now.
You've got that little gem tucked away in a nice vault.
And nobody can take that away from you.
So... They can't take it away from us.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Thanks for holding.
Okay, Mike, Alan, George.
Others, your calls are straight ahead.
Always great to talk to the callers.
They take us in so many different directions.
The biggest bombshell of 9-11 truth I've ever seen.
It's this Building 7 story.
We gotta go crazy with it.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, let's go straight back into your calls.
Let's talk to Mike in Washington, then Alan, George, Tony, Frank, and others.
Mike, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
Hey, I called you last September about that Air Force whack job that wanted to wipe us out with all those new fancy weapons.
Yeah, that was in the Associated Press.
The Secretary of the Air Force said we need to test the new microwave guns in the American people because it violates treaties to use it in war.
If they focus it, it can kill you on the wide beam.
It just burns your skin, and they want to deploy them to police departments nationwide.
Yeah, it's incredible nothing was done about that, but hey, I want to play a little bit of devil's advocate here on this WTC thing.
Because I think I know how they're going to try to spin this.
And they're going to say, when you look at that Silverstein documentary, Rebuilding America, they're going to say, well, look, he said that we were going to pull the building, the decision was made, and then we watched it collapse.
And what they're going to say is, hey, that proves prior knowledge of the building coming down.
So they're going to say, well, we probably heard it from him that he was going to do that.
And then we just misconstrued it and said it was already down.
Okay, here's the problem with that.
You have the firefighters, the police, and emergency workers in over 40-something mainstream news articles saying, we were told they were going to demolish it, we were told to get back, we were told they were going to bring it down.
Then you have the science that the central column's blown, the outer column's blown, you see blast squibs, classic top-down controlled demolition.
No, I agree.
I agree 100%.
I believe that's how they're going to try to
Try to play this off, but the key is, and I know the BBC will never admit, is I wish they would just tell us who told them.
It's just real simple.
That's the key.
In fact, we need a headline.
BBC, CNN, tell us who gave you that information.
Where did those reports come from?
Why did you say that?
That right there is the key.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Great point, sir.
I agree with you.
Let's talk to Alan in Illinois.
Alan, you're on the air.
Yes, Mr. Jones, it's great to speak with you.
I was wondering if you've seen Keith Olbermann's comments where he showed us the Twilight Zone scene where the aliens are standing back and if they push the right button they can get in fighting amongst the citizens?
No, I haven't.
When did he do that report?
It's been on a couple of his comments to the President.
No, I haven't seen it.
My point in bringing that out is, do you think that's what they're doing in Iraq with having the Sunnis funded from Saudi Arabia and the Shias funded and trained through British forces?
That is exactly what's happening.
If you read the Pentagon report from the year before the war or the Israeli battle plan in 1983, it's to split the country in three parts, Kurds, Sunni and Shia, and then to fund sectarian violence to keep them from becoming a first world nation
And then securing the oil for limited sales, but to keep the price up by not allowing over-pumping, which they were mad at Saddam for in 1990.
It's called Order Out of Chaos.
Again, do defense contractors want us to be there a year or 30 years as they've now said?
30 years at $300 billion a year.
In another year and a half, Ron Paul projects, and so does the Congressional Budget Office, the war would have cost $1 trillion, and that's not even counting medical costs for the troops later.
So, they wanted to go in and butcher the place, and then, oh my gosh, there's an insurgency, we can't leave now.
So, let me move to the U.S., and you have Elizabeth De La Vega's book, U.S.
vs. Bush, and the Illuminati symbolism on the cover clearly shows U.S.
vs. U.S.
They're going to want to cause the insane infighting here.
With all the racial programs CNN is showing.
No, it's U.S.
vs. Bush.
Right, but if you look at the Illuminati symbolism, it's us vs. us.
They've got the two W's in there, they've got the Illuminati arrow, they've got the three Mason squares.
They're going to try to cause infighting here in the U.S.
I can guarantee you that.
Well, I've always said that the globalists out of Europe that own this country's Federal Reserve, and then hence almost everything else, have set the economy up to implode, to continue to consolidate, as they did with the 1929 crash.
But we're able to navigate all this by exposing it, and the European elite intended for some of 9-11 to come out, and then that just be blamed on Bush, instead of it being blamed on a larger global system, then Europe rises as the good cop out of all this.
See, they know that the public is aware of a New World Order.
And so, they said this about eight years ago in a big U.N.
They said, so we'll give them the choice of a European liberal New World Order or the American Anglo-American establishment vicious right-wing New World Order.
Back to fake left-right paradigms.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to George in Indiana.
You're on the air.
Thanks, Alex.
A couple of things I wanted to mention.
Both of them involve the BBC.
After watching their documentary,
Uh, if they would check out and just do reverse engineering, start in the basement and work at the molten iron and work their way back from that, they can't go anywhere.
Well, they do what everybody else does in the establishment.
They say, we're not going to address the molten 2,500 degree steel a month later.
And how did 1,800 degree jet fuel do that?
They're not going to address how Building 7 fell.
They're not going to address Operation Northwoods.
They wouldn't discuss admissions of where our government has planned terror attacks or carried terror attacks out to be blamed on a different group.
I agree, I agree, but if you bring to them, and there are pictures on the internet, I've captured them, of these giant slugs of molten iron that are also... Well, we have all the firefighters, we have the government flew planes over every day taking photos of the heat signatures.
The second thing, Alex, is on the Building 7 issue, if we take this back to JFK,
And say, let's say that a news reporter got up 25 minutes before Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald and announced that Lee Harvey Oswald has just been shot by Jack Ruby.
This is the same scenario.
That's another great headline.
I thought of that last night.
We need a headline saying, who told the BBC Building 7 was going to collapse?
Who told CNN that it had collapsed?
Who told BBC it had collapsed?
And the other headline is,
To get people's attention, News Reporter reported 25 minutes, or News reported 25 minutes before Kennedy was shot, that he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
And then rehash everything after that.
But guess what?
That did indeed happen, my friend.
Get ready for this.
It was printed four hours before on newsstands, because back then every major city had multiple papers that came out every few hours.
New York had like 40 of them.
That in Tokyo, and I even have the copies of some of these, and this is even covered in the film JFK, in Tokyo, in Australia, it was on newsstands literally the same hour he was killed.
So they'd already gotten it, already printed it, not only that Kennedy had been killed, but that he'd been shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
So that did happen, sir.
That did happen, sir.
You're doing great work, Alex.
If I wasn't in Indiana, I'd be at all your rallies out there in Texas.
I hope you guys do come east sometime and Indianapolis would welcome you.
Is that even coming east?
Aren't you just pretty much straight up?
No, no.
If you're in Texas, you want to come east.
Yeah, well, I guess... We're in the center of the state of Indiana.
Sure, I understand.
I'm just trying to think of the map of the U.S.
I guess you are a little bit over to the east.
But let me just break this down for just a second.
What you just brought up.
Indiana's got Sentra and other foreign companies grabbing your roads for the superhighways.
It's the same deal.
Hey listen, good to hear from you.
I appreciate your call.
And that's why I love the callers.
You're so intelligent.
You're so on target.
You're bringing up real points.
You're making me think of things.
Because I think of so many things.
Driving in the car.
Walking in the office.
And I can't even give enough orders.
I can't even have enough staff to do it all.
We're just wallowing in evidence.
It's just amazing.
Let's go ahead and make another call.
Let's talk to Tony in Canada.
Thanks for holding, Tony.
Hey Alex, it's actually Johnny, and I wanted to say I'm not a big fan.
I respect you for what you're doing.
I'm not a sports fanatic where I think, oh, you're a fan and you're my hero.
You are doing what you feel is right for yourself and your country, and that is, like you said, a patriot.
And I like to say I respect your country.
I love my country.
We've got to keep our own countries.
And when people call and say, Alex,
You know, you've got to do more.
Alex, you know, I want to come there and volunteer.
No, that's not right.
What they've got to do is they've got to do their own investigations, and they've got to fund their own little projects, and they've got to build respect so you can trust them and let them into your network, because they don't seem to realize that a lot of these networks are overtaken by, you know, the corporate spies and all this stuff.
And I'd like to say in my own little time, in six months that I've seen the light, found the truth, whatever you want to call it,
I mean, I've done my own investigation.
I found out that a character named Civil Engineer from the University of Berkeley had come out and made statements on the evening of 9-11 on how the buildings collapsed due to fire and the jet fuel.
I also found out that he was in a movie where he's standing beside one of the structural, the pillars, Building 7, and they're showing how big it is, and his name is there, L-something.
I think so.
How big this global nation is, and how much we have to do to stop them.
Oh yeah, all these experts they've got are on some government or corporate payroll.
I mean, they're sick!
The government prints the money, they just hand it out to whoever tows their line.
And these people care more about a fancy house or a fancy car than they do about the murder of these people.
I've been fighting with my friends and my family.
I've been telling them this.
They think I'm crazy.
It's never going to happen.
I say, you know what?
Don't believe me.
Don't believe whatever you think.
Look at the documents.
And they don't even believe the documents.
I tell people, I say, just look at them.
I give them the website.
And I move on to the next person.
And I'm in the process of making a little movie.
I'm in the process of hopefully building up your respect to get into your network.
And I'm in the process of
You know, I found out in Canada, on the big clock in Canada, when you went and did your little thing on the cultic symbols, our clock has the Star of David on it.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
We're out of time for this segment.
We'll come back.
Go straight back to your calls, and then I'm going to get into a ton of news.
Stay with me.
Are terrorist cells or prime terror targets located near you?
Where are military bases and hazardous waste sites located?
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Coming up in about nine minutes, we come into the 33 after.
We're going to play Shackles on Me by Jimmy Vaughn.
Jimmy and I turned our mics on and started singing along at the end, down with Big Brother.
I want to play it so you can get it without us on it.
Let's just blast through your calls.
Frank in Missouri, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, yes Alex, I think you're doing a great job, buddy.
Don't let anybody turn your back.
I do have a quick question.
On the CNN clip that you were playing, it has a time stamp of 4.15, is that correct?
Yes, so you're talking about an hour and seven minutes roughly before Building 7 fell.
Right, right.
Wasn't, during that time, weren't all aircraft supposed to be, all commercial aircraft supposed to be on the ground?
Yeah, you hear planes flying over, clearly they're military.
They are military planes?
I can't tell, but I would imagine.
Well, usually military planes have a very high-pitched, high-screeching whine to them.
But, I don't know, maybe we... Well, we know the Bin Ladens were flying out of the country, only people authorized, but yeah.
There you go.
Well, I'd just like to say to everybody, look, look in your own community.
You're going to see Agenda 21 right here in your own community, communitarian.
And that's what regional government is, toll roads, all of this, green space, exactly.
Exactly, and this is what we need to be fighting right here in our own communities.
And that's all I really had to say, and thank you again, Alex.
Thank you, my friend.
Yeah, folks.
I mean, look, you can't just listen to the show and then tell me what I need to do, and then we're going to beat the New World Order.
We have all got to start blogs and websites and analyze, and it's you, the listeners, that find all this stuff that you bring to us.
Like, it's big news that illegal aliens can adopt children and don't have to show any ID in California, and I've got the state ruling and the new change, and it was sent to me by the CPS.
People inside that system.
But most of them aren't in the child snatching business.
This is folks who are involved in adoptions.
And I don't even have time to do an article on that.
I'm just, again, wallowing in evidence, wallowing in news.
But this is what you send us.
Let's talk to Lance in Kansas City.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
First time caller.
Long time listener.
Calling from Kansas City.
We just had a primary yesterday for the mayoral election, so I plan on making
The Preservation of American Sovereignty an issue in the upcoming mayoral race here.
I wanted to let you know, I think you're doing a great job.
I got a couple years on you back in the early 90s when I was in college.
I found out about Jim Jones and the People's Temple.
And it kind of woke me up, but not until September 11th of 2001 did I really wake up.
FoundInfoWars.com, and I really appreciate all the effort you've made.
Got a couple points here.
Number two, TruthWiki.
We need to start a TruthWiki next time you get a website shut down.
I think you ought to start a wiki site where users, you've got hordes of supporters that can get on there and actively edit the content.
You've got many, many supporters that will police it.
And, uh, prevent, uh, disinformation operatives from sabotaging the site.
So, are you familiar with wikis?
Actually, I'm planning a site that's going to have all that in it.
There's a great wiki that just got started.
It's called wikileaks.org by some Chinese dissidents.
That's where they put documents.
Yeah, yeah.
It's not, it's not actually, it doesn't have any, uh, documents on it right now.
I think it's going to be operational there pretty quick.
But, uh, the third point I wanted to make was, uh, with respect to this new story developing about the Building 7 collapse, and, uh, I'm a lawyer here.
The most important thing that I tell my clients when we're dealing with the police is, you don't want to talk, you don't want to tie yourself into a story.
And that's the biggest, most important thing I think we've got going here, is now they're tied into a story.
They cannot now back away from it and say, well, it collapsed by surprise.
They are limited to either somebody... That's right, they can be sued and subpoenaed, and they can be drug into court and then ordered, who gave you those documents?
Who told you that it had already collapsed?
Right, so either somebody was prescient enough to know that that building was going to collapse because of their allegation that the steel had weakened, or as the implosion expert Danny Jowenko from the Netherlands says, somebody got in there and wired it up, there's a pretty good
A documentary clip up on YouTube, a Dutch documentary, where he was interviewed about the fall of the Twin Towers, and he seems to back the official story, saying, well, it's possible it could have just collapsed like they say.
Then they play WTC7's collapse form.
He'd never seen it before, and he says, well, this is clearly different.
You can see how it starts at the bottom and progresses.
This is a controlled demolition, no doubt in my mind.
And that's what he does.
And now he's got another report, more detailed.
Now he's done research.
He is saying he believes inside job.
We need to get Danny Jalinko on the show.
I mean, look, Underwriting Laboratories did a secret test of Building 7.
They'd underwritten it after it fell, and they said it's impossible.
And then when Kevin Ryan wanted to go public about it, they fired him.
I know about that story.
It's only within the past couple of years here that it's really occurred to me that you're just an average guy like me.
I can do the small stuff here too.
I've been sending out emails.
We can all do it together.
Are you listening on KCXL?
Okay, thank you so much for the call.
And the reason I say that, I know they carry the last two hours.
A lot of our affiliates do that.
I guess I need to replay the new CNN clip and the new BBC.
It's not just the one saying it already fell.
Now it's three.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me I sat down with Big Brother Don't like those RFIDs
Got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I got the blues about my freedom.
Got the blues about tyranny.
I sat down with Big Brother and the National ID.
Don't want a chip in my wallet Chip in my car And if I want to travel It's nobody's business how far Don't want no shackles Don't want no shackles on me I said shame on big brother Always tracking and tracing me
Don't want a chip in my mother, a chip in my wife, a chip in my babies.
Stay out of our life, don't want no shackles, don't want no shackles on me.
I said down with big brother, no more slavery.
Now do you want a chip in your forehead?
A chip in your arm?
Always tweaking your brain and causing you harm.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
I sat down with Big Brother in the good old USA.
I said down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Don't want a spy chippin' me
I said down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
Down with Big Brother!
It's all about liberty!
It's all about liberty!
I am honored that Jimmy Vaughn premiered his new song here on this broadcast the 28th day of February 2007.
No shackles on me and he will be there this Friday playing that song twice for the crowd at Texas Independence Day.
And it's not about going around and waving a bunch of flags and eating cake and fireworks.
It's about defending Texas right now that is in the jaws of the New World Order.
Details on the rally and where you should meet up and all the details are up on
Infowars.com right now.
I think we need to get that posted up on PrisonPlanet.com as well.
Listen, no excuses.
Take the day off if you can.
Take the children out of the government training camp and be down there, ladies and gentlemen.
Join us in Austin, Texas on Friday, March 2, 2007 at 1.30 p.m.
March on the Capitol to protest the Trans-Texas Corridor and the National Animal Identification System.
The Trans-Texas Corridor would make one million acres of Texas land
It would take it to establish privately owned toll roads.
The National Animal ID System is an industry government plan.
To require everyone who owns even one livestock animal, a horse, chicken, cow, goat, sheep, etc.
to register their property individually, identify each animal, and report movements to a database or face multi-thousand dollar fines and inspections, which will already be happening with the inspections.
Speakers and a musical performance by Jimmy Vaughn.
Meet at the corner of Cesar Chavez at First Street and Red River in Austin, Texas.
That's right off South Congress there, right where it meets the river.
You can see the Capitol from there.
No later than 1.30 p.m.
to march to the Capitol.
Tractors, horses, and cows will be part of the march or join us at the Capitol at 2.30 p.m.
for the speakers and performance.
Please see the website for more information.
That's farmandranchfreedom.org or call toll-free 866-687-6433.
I don't care if you're in Kansas, if you're in Ohio, if you're in Oklahoma, if you're in New Mexico.
It doesn't matter where you are.
If you're in California, if you're going to be here already for something, be there.
Or come down here.
This is important.
Texas Independence Day.
Remember the Alamo.
That's what it comes down to, my friends.
You want to fight the New World Order?
This is a great way to do it.
If you can't come, at least help us.
Whether you live in Canada, the UK, email all the local Texas TV stations, newspapers, national TV, radio.
Tell them, cover this.
Texans on Texas Independence Day, fighting the National ID Card, fighting the Tracker Chip Tags, fighting the toll roads, fighting this takeover.
We're doing it.
We're standing up, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, I promised to play this.
It was a few months ago, but they didn't air it on C-SPAN until Saturday.
Davos, Switzerland, World Economic Forum.
I was actually, about a month ago, it was the 26th of January, and it was reported by the news that Rupert Murdoch came out and said, yeah, well, we tried to influence the war and be pro-war, but it didn't really work.
The people are against it.
But don't worry, you got us into the war.
It doesn't matter what we want, does it?
And of course the neocons and sites said it was all lies, part of our lies.
Well, you can go watch the video of him from C-SPAN.
Just type into YouTube, Murdoch admits he tried to shape public opinion in Iraq.
Or just type into YouTube, Rupert Murdoch.
And it should pop up for you as one of the first links there.
It's up on jonesreport.com, prisonpanda.com, infowars.com.
It's really the best way to find it.
Let's go ahead and play this little minute and a half clip as he's being questioned by Charlie Rose, the moderator of the Davos Switzerland World Economic Forum.
Here it is.
Rupert, is there any agenda that you want to shake?
No, not at all.
I think that we don't have a power to change it.
Obviously, if you're in media and you're concerned with what's going on in the world, you'd like to make a difference by putting forward your opinions.
But you're not going to change the world completely by that.
I think we can't change elections.
I think good, strong news organizations can, by disclosing things, can help shape the agenda.
But only in a limited way.
For example, take the war.
I'm not just talking about the United States, but in terms of you having a global media enterprise.
Have you shaped that agenda at all in terms of perceptions of the war, in terms of how the war is viewed?
No, I don't think so.
I mean, we've tried.
Tried in what way?
Well, we basically supported our papers and television.
I would say supported the Bush policy, at least.
We've been very critical of its execution.
But our support hasn't meant very much, because clearly public opinion now has grown very, very tired of the whole enterprise.
All right.
So there's the clip.
Now, notice the ha-ha-ha.
Do you try to shape public opinion, everybody?
Of course they do!
It's a big joke with all the elitists.
Then he says, not at all, but then he goes on to say that yes, they do, but that the people don't listen to them anymore.
He also later talks about the blogs they're taking over.
But he still knows the elite's in control.
It doesn't matter what we want or what's constitutional or what's right.
So for the 22 percent or so of major polls that are pro-war, you think you're running things.
You think that, you know, somehow it's 50-50 and you know best.
No, no, you're not running anything either.
You don't run anything either.
So stop being delusional and thinking you're part of the power structure.
Of course they shape public opinion.
So, there it is.
It doesn't exist.
We've got to do an article on that.
Go find the neocon sites that said, look at him again lying and saying Murdoch claims he shapes opinion.
This is ridiculous.
These people lie.
There's no North American Union.
There's no nothing.
Rick Perry's good.
He's not on the payroll of Merck pushing this dangerous vaccine.
The guest worker program is not an amnesty, even though it's a total amnesty, but it's all lies!
Don't listen to them!
The government loves you!
Everything's fine!
Rush Limbaugh's a conservative!
This is not an assault at Waco.
It just goes on and on.
I know we've got a lot of phone lines.
I had my call list here, and now I've lost it.
I could do this by computer, where they IM me.
They're up in Minnesota, but I don't like that.
I always write the names down, and I always lose it in the stack.
So I'll get to your calls later.
You can just feed them to me.
Let me run through a bunch of other important news here as we get down towards the end of this transmission.
To set the table on this,
The official UN documents, going back 30 years, plan to have a world carbon tax, a tax on oil at the wellhead, a tax on your car, taxes on toll roads, taxing energy and transportation to fund global regional bodies, North American Union, EU, Asian Union, all enforced now.
And we got the SPP four-year documents in January, thanks to Judicial Watch,
That came out.
The first agenda was how to keep the North American Union secret, but implement it and integrate the three economies, and governments, and law enforcement, and inspections, and media, and everything else.
And then the next agenda was how to get the North American Union tax to join in, and of course, Condi Rice and all of them were for it, and the big kingmaker, George Shultz, was running the whole thing.
And we've got the minutes now of how to have conservatives be able to buy this.
Because while Bush is saying he's against it, he's really implementing it.
Right along with the Democrats.
So we know this, but...
So you see almost every mainstream radio show, TV show, liberal, conservative, The Weather Channel, Inconvenient Truth, Full Court Press, Global Warming, Global Warming, Global Warming, Catastrophe!
Florida will be totally covered!
Millions dead, tsunamis, total destruction!
Well, we've always had tsunamis and earthquakes, but now they say it's global warming, it's all over!
Meanwhile, the sun's heating up, and NASA and others have admitted that's what's heating the Earth, the whole solar system is.
We're not debating that there's climate change.
It's massive, it's ongoing, and it's always been happening.
The UN's own report they put out a month ago said, well, humans are 6%, but that 6% of climate change with the sun and everything else is triggering it.
Meanwhile, real environmental crises, genetic engineering, entering the food chain, major crises, whole diebacks, major problems, that's all happening.
Oh, ignore all that.
Let's not stop any of the real stuff.
The environmental groups are really just big oil company fronts, funded by Dutch Rochelle and others.
They funded the peak oil scam.
This is about neo-feudalism, so the elites can put in global economic policies that cause famine and death, and they're going to blame it all on global warming.
This is neo-serfdom to control and destroy middle classes.
And people keep denying it.
Well, here's from the United Nations press release.
This was posted on News VOA.
So, voanews.com.
It's up on Drudge, up on Infowars.
For you, United Nations press release by Peter Heinlein.
Climate panel recommends global temperature ceiling carbon tax.
This is to fund.
You got your world government, world court, world laws, world army, gotta have a world tax.
A panel of scientists has
Present to the United Nations a detailed plan for combating climate change.
VOA's correspondent at the UN, Peter Heinlein, reports the strategy involves reaching a global agreement on temperature ceiling.
A group of 18 scientists from 11 countries is calling on the international community to act quickly to prevent catastrophic climate change.
You actually read the real reports.
If humans even cause this, there's no way to reverse it.
In a report requested by the United Nations and partly paid for by a privately funded UN foundation, see,
Requested by the U.N., paid for by the U.N.
The panel warns that any delay could lead to a dangerous rise in sea levels, increasingly turbulent weather, droughts and diseases.
And they got weather control.
They want to blast a city, direct an earthquake, a hurricane.
They've always been able.
We've had the father weather weapons on.
They did the studies in the 60s.
They can create or stop hurricanes.
The report was issued three weeks after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conducted the global warming is real and causes, in large part, by human activity.
The actual report says 6%.
See, I'm a weirdo.
I actually read the report.
But unlike the IPCC report, the latest document makes policy recommendations and it calls for a global
Tax, and that's the Kyoto Protocol, where the US, England, and about 15 other first world nations have to pay a global tax.
You don't stop using your car, you don't stop using power.
It's a global tax shared at state, county, federal, and international level.
The UN gets about 30% of it, the different plans they've got, the locals get about 30%, and the feds get about 30%.
And then corporations, they then go fund rental mobs with the other 10%,
Non-governmental groups, which they then say are grassroots.
I mean, this is sick and they pay corporations to implement.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
Meanwhile, Al Gore has five houses, but the media is just focused in on the one.
Gore a hypocrite over power bill.
He has a large stately mansion in Tennessee and his average bill was $1,200 for his 10,000 square foot home.
That's one of five homes he has.
Gore used about 191,000 kilowatt hours in 2006.
The typical Nashville home uses about 15,600.
So he used many, many times
What is that?
That's like 15 plus times more power and that's just one of his houses.
But Gore says he does other things that help the environment and they'll do stunts like turn the Eiffel Tower off for five minutes or Prince Charles won't fly somewhere.
It's about training you to pay a global tax and so they can have all your resources and control you because they're threatened by you having resources and being independent.
And that's why Al Gore is this big superstar and out there pushing his lie, his fraud.
And if you want to be suckers and you want to buy into it, C'est La Vie.
January new home sales fell by 16.6%.
You saw the stock market tank yesterday and slightly rebound today.
It's still gyrating.
I don't know where it's at right now.
Also, listen, don't ever take vitamins again.
They've got government reports that are completely shoddy.
When you read it, you realize there's nothing there.
Vitamins, A, N, C, and E, don't help you live longer.
A review of dozens of studies delivers low to popular antioxidants, and it says it actually kills you.
So we've got a media, this is Associated Press, that tells us that vitamins are bad, but mercury is good for your brain.
We have that clip.
So, you know, believe them, folks.
There's no North American Union.
Mercury's good.
Vitamins are bad.
The government loves you.
Go back to sleep.
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We're out of time.
I don't have time.
I'm going to get a few calls in to play all the new BBC clip where they say Building 7 has fallen 20-something minutes before it does.
There's two BBC clips now, two different BBC channels and a CNN one, but those are up on PrisonPlanet.com for anybody that wants them or any other talk show host that want them.
We've got big reports up on PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com.
It's so important to get it out to everybody.
I'm going to blitz now.
Each caller gets about 40 seconds.
Joe in New York, go ahead.
Alex, just two things.
Do you have a fact sheet on Ron Paul that I can mail out to everybody just to give out information?
Well, you know, he just launched his campaign.
His new website is RonPaulExplorer.org.
I don't remember the exact site.
It's Ron Paul's new site.
At PrisonPlanet.com, we have a banner at the top.
Right there in the top that goes to his website.
And the other thing is, I have a daughter who is four years old and is going to start school next year.
I'm not going to get her vaccinated.
And I'm wondering if you could just go into more about what happens when I
Don't do that.
I know they come after you.
Well, usually they don't.
If they think you're poor or if it's a bad area, they know to target poor people because they can't defend themselves and generally aren't as informed.
You just say, no, I'm taking the conscientious or religious objection and federal rulings and state rulings say I don't have to even fill out the waiver form.
There's no law.
Yeah, Alex, how you doing?
Well, they have a mandatory bill here to get all the preteen girls these shittin' vaccinations now for cervical cancer.
Well, again, they claim it's mandatory, there's no law, color of law, and again, even if you're for the shot, folks, find out there's no law and then get mad.
Anything else?
I just also want to say that they're also putting cameras in all the city buses now.
Big Brother is watching.
This is your freedom.
And they want you to know they're watching, but don't point a camera at them or they'll try to arrest you.
That's just part of being in the new freedom.
Hey, for all the cops that enforce it, don't worry.
They're going to take your pension fund, too.
Go ahead and laugh.
Enjoy it.
Enjoy your masters.
All right.
Thank you, Chris.
Mary in Michigan.
Go ahead.
I want to make three points quickly.
Hello, am I on?
Yes, you are.
I saw the original broadcast of the BBC where the woman was saying the building was collapsing.
I was looking at the building behind her on the screen and it wasn't collapsing.
So I was a little confused.
And then she looked and I saw her little reaction.
And then later, she was collapsing.
And about a few months before that, or a few weeks before that, I watched a documentary on the demolition and imploding of a building.
Every detail, everything, it was very detailed.
And it fascinated me.
And I don't know if I videotaped it or not.
I can't remember.
And also they're getting the MyChip in Michigan.
The Masons are funding the whole thing and it's voluntary and of course it sounds good.
Keith Impressions and videos of the child.
What do you think this new video coming out is going to do to them?
To the... To the New World Order?
It's helping expose, which is what we want to happen.
Call me back again.
We'll spend more time with you.
Craig in Ohio, you take us out.
Last caller, tail gunner.
Okay, I'll tell you what.
Building 7, I do believe that we have a whistleblower.
The BBC report and all that, I think someone was trying to get that information out covertly.
You know, I forgot that.
Remember when ABC and CBS released pre-election results that were exactly right the day before?
Remember the time they released the bombing run with Dan Rather the days before the attack on Iraq the first time?
There's been a bunch of examples of that.
Yeah, that's all I have, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, like they got the script and then somebody put it forward.
All right, folks.
God bless you all.
Take care.
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Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic.
Alarming words for our time.
But how do you protect your family during such a crisis?
The video sheltering in place surviving acts of terrorism from biological, chemical, and radioactive fallout was developed by Wayne LeBaron, a health physicist who has served as a specialist in environmental health, communicable diseases, and has worked as a nuclear specialist for the U.S.
Anyone can follow the simple instructions.