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Name: 20070227_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 27, 2007
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We're good to go.
You're listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the last five days, the massive Oklahoma City story has broken.
More evidence of government involvement.
Huge BBC story broke yesterday during this broadcast, thanks to listeners paying attention and finding it.
Concerning the British broadcasting communist,
Live on 9-11, up there propagandizing, and 20 plus minutes before Building 7 fell, they started reporting that Building 7 had already collapsed, getting off script, going a little early with their script.
They then cut to a reporter on the ground a few miles from Building 7.
You see it clearly in the background.
And then she steps aside and describes how the Solomon Brothers Building, that's the name of Building 7, had fallen.
And there it is, smoking, nothing, had fallen.
This is a huge story and they pulled it twice off Google yesterday.
They pulled it again last night.
This really was an illustration for folks about the real-time censorship as they were scanning the entire millions of videos that are posted on Google to bring it down.
It was posted on YouTube and was brought down.
It's now back up as they desperately scramble to stop you from being able to see this.
We have the audio of it right now.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
If you've seen the video, if you've heard us talk about it, if you want to discuss it, and if you have any questions or comments or statements you'd like to make, we'll be talking about Oklahoma City, 9-11 and Building 7, the new revelations in this first hour, the toll-free number to join us.
And again, we're live the 27th day
It is the 27th day of February 2007.
By the way, coming up on March 2nd, on Friday, there's going to be the huge Texas Independence Day rally that I really should have been promoting more in the past.
We've mentioned it some.
We've got a big banner with a list of some of the speakers and details up on InfoWars.com.
Please go get that report.
It's a story we've put together and get it out to everyone.
We're good to go.
This is a duty for our country against the Trans-Texas Corridor, the NAFTA highways that will fund the North American Union.
We've got Hank Gilbert joining us for about 20 minutes of the second hour to discuss this.
We've got Jimmy Vaughn who's going to be part of some of the music and entertainment there coming up on Friday as well.
He'll be joining us in studio tomorrow.
We appreciate him coming in for that.
So again, tell everybody you know, be there.
We're going to be meeting downtown, it says at 2.30, but we need to start getting down there about 2 o'clock so we can have the parade down Congress to the Capitol and then several hours of speeches.
Texas Independence Day, that's when they were able to get the Capitol Mall, that's when they were able to
I don't think, frankly, the 2.30 is the best time, but let's not have excuses, ladies and gentlemen.
That's when they can shut down Congress, and it is Texas Independence Day, and so be part of this.
Get down there.
Absolutely, you must be there.
And everybody needs to help us.
Call the media.
They need to get a hundred calls apiece.
All the local news, national news, AP, tell them to be there to get coverage on this so we can show that Texans and Americans are against the New World Order.
We're going to get into the latest developments concerning this huge information that's come out via the BBC, and we'll give you the details if you missed the report and replay those clips.
We'll also get more into Oklahoma City and the new developments coming out there.
Just so much breaking news, and I'm so honored that my team is right in the middle of breaking it.
Incredible news concerning Iran as the propaganda floodgates are open for the attack.
The carriers are in line.
Cheney takes refuge in bomb shelter after Afghan blast.
Totally staged.
We're now hearing Al Qaeda tried to get Blair.
This is just total hype.
This is part of war hysteria being ratcheted up.
The websites are JonesReport.com, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The phones are wide open.
And I'll go to you at the bottom of the hour directly.
The toll-free number to get involved on air is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be talking about the North American Union today and the big fight right here in Texas to resist it.
We'll get into the latest Oklahoma City developments as that continues to break.
Clear evidence of government orchestration and also the new incredible BBC archived footage showing how they were scripting the fall of Building 7 and announcing it had fallen almost 30 minutes before it fell.
We'll be going over all that today, airing more of those clips, and breaking it down.
But over the weekend, the London Telegraph reported, as well as the Globe and Mail and others, headlines reporting that aircraft carriers are set to strike, set to hit U.S.
aircraft carriers, two main battle groups and three other subgroups, troop-carrying ships, amphibious attack carriers,
You name it.
Total, there's really five aircraft carrier class battle groups there.
Two mainline carriers and then several of the mini-carriers.
Just amazing to see all this happening.
They're announcing they found another major cache of Iranian component explosives.
Clear evidence that Iran is funding the insurgency and they need to invade right now.
Iran must be dealt with.
Meanwhile, our glorious leader Dick Cheney barely survives a bomb blast.
And of course, I'm sure it'll be linked back to Iran.
A bomb.
Of course, what was it?
Two years ago, Peraj Musharraf, the Pakistani dictator,
About 30 minutes after he drove over a bridge, it blew up and they announced, oh my gosh!
Al Qaeda Taliban tried to kill the glorious leader!
And then it came out about a month later that indeed Pakistani intelligence, this was mainstream news, Pakistani intelligence had staged the bombing as a pretext to have a police state crackdown and to make him look like he was some daring leader.
Well, it's the same thing on this, I have no doubt.
Cheney takes refuge in bomb shelter after Afghan blast.
Vice President Dick Cheney was whisked into a bomb shelter immediately after a Taliban suicide bomber struck the main American military base.
He was visiting in Afghanistan on Tuesday.
Up to 14 people were killed, including one U.S.
and one South Korean soldier, in the Bagram Air Base attack, which rebels said was aimed at Cheney.
He had been in his room at the base where he had unexpectedly had to stay the night after bad weather forced postponement of his trip to the capital Kabul about 60 kilometers away.
So this is the exact same type thing in Pakistan two years ago.
This is in Afghanistan.
At 10 a.m.
I heard a loud boom, Cheney said.
Base authorities sounded a red alert and Secret Service officials told Cheney there had been a suspected suicide attack.
And this could be some real Islamic extremist that's not on the payroll doing this, but that's not what past M.O.
Here's another one.
Taliban knew of Cheney's visit.
Islamabad, a suicide attack at the Afghan air base where U.S.
Vice President Dick Cheney was staying, shows the Taliban and al-Qaeda have penetrated local intelligence agencies, analysts and officials said.
The blast early on
Tuesday at Bagram Air Base near Kabul also highlights the increased sophistication of the extremist outfits as they prepare for a feared spring offensive against Western troops, they reported.
But don't worry, Cheney's okay after the blast.
Meanwhile, guess who else is in grave danger?
Now we've had fake Ryerson plots foiled later to come out that the government staged it.
They constantly every month have raids on some new safe house and it turns out there was no bioweapons, no terrorists, totally innocent.
But that's back of the paper, small retraction.
Okay, the government was mistaken.
Or they have street kids in Miami that for a year they pay over $100,000, $50,000 at one time.
Tell them they're Christian soldiers that are going to preach for Jesus.
By the end of it, they say, we'll give you 40-something thousand more of you, swear allegiance to Al-Qaeda, and go videotape the FBI building in Miami.
Or up in Toronto when the Royal Mounted Police mailed
a bunch of fertilizer to their door and then that turned out to be staged but not not after there's a week of fear-mongering and oh my gosh it was they're gonna wage war on us and just destroy everything well it's the same thing with Blair.
Al-Qaeda plotted to kill Blair in front of the Queen.
Oh the Queen and Blair just so daring.
Oh they're so strong.
Tony Blair
See how brave he is?
Oh my gosh!
Tony Blair defied an assassination threat from Al-Qaeda, he means British intelligence, to take part in the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations in central London.
It can be revealed for the first time the wrist of the Prime Minister was disclosed to a BBC documentary by Lord Stevens.
Oh, the Lord told them.
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner in 2002
He positioned marksmen around Buckingham Palace in readiness for an attack by bombers or snipers.
Lord Stevens, talking for the first time about the alleged plot, said there was a threat against the Prime Minister over the Queen's Jubilee period.
It was an assassination threat.
There was good reason to believe that the threat was credible.
But Blair stood up bravely and said, I don't care.
I've got to show strength to the British people.
I mean, do you believe any of this, ladies and gentlemen?
And they spoke to Blair and said, don't do it.
But he just had such courage, he didn't care.
I mean, there's hundreds of examples.
Oh, there's a plot to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.
Turns out it's an FBI informant.
It's all made up.
A lie.
Then at Mainstream News, AP, World Net Daily, others reported that they were issuing fake terror alerts for political gain.
Every time something came out, they got in trouble for it.
It's just the same story over and over and over again.
And don't forget, U.S.
generals are saying they will quit if Bush orders Iran attack.
This out of the Times of London.
Some of America's most senior military commanders are preparing to resign of the White House orders, a military strike against Iran according to highly placed defense and intelligence sources.
Tensions in the Gulf region were raised.
Fears of an attack on Iran is something increasingly likely before President Bush leaves office.
The Sunday Times has learned that up to five generals and admirals are willing to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack.
There are four or five generals and admirals who know
Of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran, a source with close ties to British intelligence said.
There's simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon.
A lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible.
Well, it'll be effective to escalate the crisis and create more civil war and more destruction and suck us into a widening third world war.
And the propaganda continues.
finds major weapons cache.
Two and a half weeks ago, remember,
Oh, they found very sophisticated super-weapons.
That headline itself was deceptive.
You read deeper in the New York Times, the same reporter who put out the aluminum tube false report, who we know is clearly an operative, comes out and says, oh my gosh, they've got incredibly high-powered super-weapons.
And you read, it's the plastic explosive cores out of 88mm mortar shells, which is literally a World War I level weapon.
But no, super sophisticated, only Iran could do it.
They trace the plastic residue.
And then you look into it and, oh wait, the photos they show, they were so lazy, they think we're so dumb, they were British 88mm shells printed in English.
Well, it didn't matter.
The retraction came three days later.
They broke on Friday.
The Pentagon then got caught up with their operatives at the New York Times and broke it Sunday and said, yes, it's true.
The Sunday shows all panicked in fear.
Mortar shells!
And then, three days later, by the Monday, they were saying, well, it looks like it's not true.
Then by the next week, oh, it's not true.
Well, it doesn't matter to them.
finds major weapons cache in Iraq.
See, they've got to be attacked.
Iran's got to be invaded.
officials said Monday they had discovered a factory for assembling a sophisticated roadside bombs from Iranian-made components.
The first such facility uncovered in a religiously mixed province north of Baghdad.
The officers who displayed weapons for reporters at a U.S.
base in the capital said the find
Provides more evidence that the Iranians are providing weapons used to kill Americans.
They include EFPs, Explosive Form Projectiles.
Oh my god, super weapons!
And it says that fire a slug of molten metal capable of penetrating armored vehicles.
Notice how they talk about a mortar shell like it's some type of Martian space gun.
...that fire a slug of molten metal capable of penetrating armored vehicles and have been blamed for killing more than 170 U.S.
and coalition soldiers.
The display was the latest in a series of... presented by the U.S.
military to bolster its allegation that Iranian weapons are being supplied to Shiite militants.
Iran has denied the charge.
Now, we have the headline that came out a few days ago
Out of mainstream British newspapers, headline, U.S.
funding terror in Iran, and it's admitted.
They're blowing up dams, they're rocketing buildings, they're shooting Iranian police, they're killing Iranian troops.
Special and British Special Forces, two and a half years ago, New Yorker magazine confirms, Seymour Hersh, are running around leading squads.
I mean, they're trying to overthrow their country.
And Iran is just sitting there taking it.
They don't even want to announce it, because it makes them look weak.
They are weak.
And so, I mean, there's just unbelievable a globalist-funded insurgency in the West and all the way into the Central Area and even the Eastern Area and some of their provinces.
Assassinations are going on.
They're reporting yesterday that Ahmadinejad had a heart attacker, was poisoned, and then we don't know what happened with that.
Now they say he's okay.
And they admit on, what, three months after the Iraq invasion in 2003, remember there was the big fires and rioting all over Iran?
Again, an attempted CIA overthrow.
Israel, the whole nationwide nuke attack grill.
Now the New York police are saying they think Iran's targeting New York.
Again, the carrier attack fleets are ready.
You see how they're getting ready?
The question is, will the globalists blow up something?
Will they sink a ship?
Will they set a nuke off?
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We're good.
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Let me, let me simplify this
When Adolf Hitler told the German people that they were fighting evil, in many respects he was telling the truth.
Now let me be clear on that.
Hitler claimed he was fighting the Soviet Communist Red Terror evil, that by the time he came to power in 1933, had already killed close to 20 million people.
And so that's why the Germans predominantly bought in to what he was saying.
He also blamed the central banks for what they'd done in the Versailles Treaty with the victors, England and France.
But he himself was evil as well!
And I bring this illustration up because the Germans were very moral people on average, very well educated, upright individuals,
And Hitler said, as the war got worse and worse, you've got to support the troops, we've got to widen the war, we've got to attack more countries, and he could rightfully get up and say, the communists have killed millions, they're evil, they want to take your farms and private property, we've got to fight for survival.
And so they turned east, and he broke his pact with Stalin and attacked him.
Well, it's the same thing with Iran.
Iran is evil.
There's not a debate about that.
But compared to the globalist sophistication and scope of evil and actual bad things that the New World Order is doing in hundreds of countries, Iran is nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
And compared to threats to this country, when you stack Iran up against China and Pakistan and North Korea,
They are no threat to this country.
But see, the media and the government and the propagandists can go, oh, look at the Mullahs, look at their corruption, look at the bad things they do.
Look at the evil of government.
Well, yeah, government always becomes evil, as the Founding Fathers said, and yeah, you can point out a lot of bad things.
And I have no doubt they're not funding some insurgency to try to get control in Iraq.
What else would they do?
You know, it's a country neighboring them.
And the U.S.
and England are trying to fund insurgency the other way to take over their country.
They've got to to survive.
They already had 30 plus billion funded by the U.S.
publicly to fund Saddam to attack them.
Over a million Iranians died in that war.
What do you expect them to do?
Has Iran killed a million Americans?
Did Iran overthrow the U.S.
in 1953 and set up a regime of torture and extermination until 79?
You see, the average American can't even find Iran on a map.
They have no history of what's happened in Persia, no idea what the Globalist and British Petroleum, leading the operation, have done to those people.
And by the way, all these threats of war and invasion actually strengthen the radical extremist control in that nation.
When they had a moderate three years ago, he was snubbed.
He was told, no, we don't want to work with you.
They want war, and they're going to attack Iran, barring a miracle.
And our economy is going to further tank, and you can stick stickers all over your car and feel good all day.
You are like Germans!
And you're going to pay the price the Germans paid.
We're all going to pay.
The New World Order always destroys who they use as their bully.
We're being used as a wind-up toy.
We've been set up.
We're being demonized worldwide by the private central banks that own this country.
We're being used, and it's all part of a larger plan.
I've been breaking down for you two years before the attack on Iraq, and everything we told you would happen has happened, because we're going off Pentagon and Israeli documents.
And that's the bottom line.
So, just remember, I want you, and you'll still have stickers on your car, uh, you know, pro-war, after all this happens.
After you're bankrupt, after your dollar's worth five cents on the dollar what it was, it's already fifty cents on the dollar, and after all this happens, you're still gonna, most of you are still gonna enjoy it.
So, enjoy!
You'll go to the, uh,
You'll put flowers at your son or daughter's grave?
And you'll frankly get in your car and cry about it and go to the VFW hall and feel powerful.
Everybody will pat you on the back and you'll be a hero.
But you won't have your son or daughter.
But I know you don't care.
It feels good.
It feels manly.
You don't understand how we've been set up.
You don't want to listen.
And so, you're going to get to have foreign companies on the infrastructure of this nation, you're going to be a slave, tracked and controlled and traced, and there's going to be one-child policies, and just enjoy it!
Enjoy the death of the country!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're going to your calls here in just a few minutes, finishing up with the Iran situation.
They're claiming Iran's shipping in weapons.
They're claiming Iran will have nukes in days or weeks when the CIA's own report says nine years.
The Israeli report three to four years.
And then you have this at Newsweek.
Big cover story.
New York targeted by Tehran!
Oh my gosh!
Increasing tensions between Washington and Tehran have revived New York Police Department's concerns that Iranian agents may already have targeted the city for terror attacks.
Such attacks could be aimed at bridges and tunnels, Jewish organizations and Wall Street, NYPD briefs,
Told security execs last fall, according to a person with access to the briefing materials, who asked for anonymity because of the sensitive subject matter.
See how they're pulling out all the stops?
There's literally hundreds of articles every week now about, Iran's about to hit us, Iran's about to get us.
Magically, all this propaganda turns on as the aircraft carriers line up.
And those carriers can't stay there more than four or five months.
And most of the experts are saying, look for the attack in the next few months.
So here we are at the edge of this happening.
It's just disgusting.
Here's Reuters.
developing contingency plan to bomb Iran.
Despite the Bush administration's insistence, like they did with Iraq, that it has no plans to go to war with Iran, a Pentagon panel has been created to plan a bombing attack that could be implemented within 24 hours of getting the go-ahead from President George W. Bush.
The New Worker magazine reported in its latest issue, the Special Planning Group
was established within the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in recent months, according to an unidentified former U.S.
intelligence official cited in the article by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in the March 4th issue.
The panel initially focused on destroying Iran's nuclear facilities and on regime change, but has more recently been directed to identify targets in Iran that may be involved in supplying or aiding militants in Iraq, according to an Air Force advisor at the Pentagon consultant who were not identified.
And of course it's the same Office of Special Plans that cooked up the WMD reports out of Iraq.
They've just reconstituted it under the same name, and it came out, what, three weeks ago that it's going to be a much wider attack, this from Pentagon officials, hitting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of targets, all of their major ships,
They're destroyers.
They're smaller ships.
They have these oil rigs, these converted oil rigs out in the Persian Gulf that are military blisters of weaponry.
Those are to be destroyed.
Their entire airport system is to be bombed.
Their main infrastructure, all their major military bases, ground forces.
We're talking massive, continued bombardment, blowing Iran back into the Stone Age.
And if Iran lifts a finger and fights back in any way,
They'll be called terrorists.
Anyone who fights back is a terrorist.
And here in America now, you're hearing that basically all crime is terrorism.
If you raise your hand while cops are beating you with billy clubs, it's terrorism.
If you're selling knock-off Rubik's Cubes, it's terrorism.
Downloading music is listed as terrorism.
All misdemeanors are terrorism under Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act.
Think I'm joking?
Go look it up.
So they're gearing up in a massive, massive way and Israel has gotten three Gulf states to clear an air corridor for them to fly through to start the attack on Iran.
Now will we see a false flag staged event in Europe or the US or in the Middle East to kick this off?
Will generals threatening to resign, will the fact that every
Mainline expert in military affairs is saying this will be a disaster.
Will that stop them?
I don't know.
We should hit our knees and pray to God.
But that's basically where we stand on that.
Later I'm going to get into the huge breaking news on the BBC.
Just to recap it, archived footage from live BBC surfaced yesterday and it's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Of the BBC, 25 plus minutes before Building 7, known as the Solomon Brothers Building, fell.
And it's 4.50 something and they start announcing from the BBC headquarters in London that the Solomon Brothers Building 7 has fallen.
Then, 5-6 minutes later, they cut to a live reporter on the ground approximately 20 minutes before it falls
And she's saying the Solomon Brothers Building, and again, that's the name of 7.
We list them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
7 was its designated number in the complex, but its name was Solomon Brothers Building.
We have links to all that on the website.
New York skyscrapers, you can go look at them all.
It's called the Solomon Brothers Building.
It shows Building 7.
It's the Solomon Brothers Building or Building 7 is its name.
She says both.
Because there's denials now that that's what the Salomon Brothers is.
The debunkers will just, because they know the general public's dumbed down and mindless, so they just say, oh no, that's another building.
People will hear, oh okay, fine, that's not true.
And they won't check it.
It's just any way to deny it's real.
That's how they operate.
Fine, you're going to get to have the wages of being an ignoramus, of not caring and not being involved.
You're going to be enslaved.
If you buy lies and propaganda long enough, you will be enslaved.
It's simple.
Real simple.
Land of the dumbed-down cowards, no longer land of the free, home of the brave.
Sorry to have to say that.
Sticking a plastic, desecrated flag made in China on your car doesn't make you a patriot.
That flag symbolizes the Bill of Rights and Constitution that's being put to the sword, that's being burned at the stake.
Let me get back so I can go to your calls.
They cut to her and she talks several times about the Solomon Building has collapsed.
It's collapsed.
And she steps aside and looks and they zoom in on Building 7.
It's standing there.
Clear as day.
Building 7.
Clear as the nose on your face.
And then, as soon as this got reported, they jerked it off Google in real time.
Then they jerked it down again.
Then they jerked it off YouTube.
And then other people started uploading it who'd gotten it.
Jerking it, jerking it, taking it down.
Again, we've never seen them move this fast, real time.
We're going to play that later in the next hour and get more into it after Hank Gilbert joins us for about 20-30 minutes to talk about the NAFTA superhighways and a big rally against it coming up on Friday.
Right now, let's go to Drew in Vermont.
Drew, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to call and let your listeners know that on March 6th in Vermont, that's Town Meeting Day, that's one of our last, I guess, forms of direct democracy in this country, and the city of Burlington has got it on the ballot to demand that our congressional representatives demand a new, thorough, and truly independent forensic investigation
That fully addresses the many questions surrounding the tragic events of September 11th.
If your listeners would like to maybe get on BurlingtonFreePress.com and send in some letters to the editor, just to get the issue in the town's face, I think that would be a huge help.
Well, for those that are listening, you know, what's some town calling
Yeah, and I just wanted to thank you for all your help.
You've been a huge help to me in waking other people up.
I think so.
You're doing a great job.
And the public is so dumbed down that, like on Digg.com and other websites, they're attacking us saying the video isn't real.
They're attacking saying, well, there's no time stamp.
Clearly, it's before five o'clock, then it's after five.
She's standing there saying it's collapsed, by name, and it hasn't collapsed.
But they're just in total denial.
Yeah, I mean, that's a signal of our strength, I think, if that's their
They're only really a defense against these questions.
It shows that we're winning.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Let me just mention this because I want to do a test here.
This is how it works.
Dig.com is rated in the top 50 websites in the world.
Give me an idea how big that is.
The tens of millions that read it today.
The Drudge Report, who claims he's the biggest thing since sliced bread, is 500 and something.
World Net Daily is 1,000 and something rated.
Prison Planet is 6,000 and something.
InfoWars, 12,000 and something.
InfoWars.net, 40,000.
This is the ratings.
And again, most major town newspapers.
Take the Austin American Statesman.
It's like 15,000 or something.
Rush Limbaugh is like 20,000 now on the web.
They're plunging.
We're exploding.
For the first few weeks, our listeners, what you do is you dig the article, you read the article on Prison Planet or InfoWars, you think it's an important article, and you click the dig link, and then you register as a dig user, and then you vote it up, and it's supposed to go to the main page.
I don't know, ten times or so, a few weeks ago, our stories got on the main page of dig.
And then dig admittedly banned PrisonPlanet.com.
Anything with PrisonPlanet.com in it was then banned.
Keyword, presentplanet.com.
In anything, it's banned.
We're also banned from the search engine.
You can't find us on the search engine.
People emailed, they called, they freaked out, because supposedly it's all about, you know, this democratizing news.
What you think is most important goes to the main page.
Well, they're squirreling with it.
They said we were spam.
They said that we were fake news.
Yeah, breaking major news stories, having lawyers on, breaking key information.
They just said it's not real, it's spam.
Well, people complained, and so they allowed us to, they allowed submitters, you can submit our stories too, to start reposting.
But then we started running up against people who would come post to the message board on the story that, oh, don't worry, we're all digging you down.
Because, according to the algorithm, how it works, less people can vote against it than vote for it, but if a bunch of people still vote against it, it buries it and kicks you off their site.
Or puts you into the buried area and then you're kicked off.
So we can have 2,000, 1,500 digs.
There's stuff on their main page with 200 digs.
I mean, you get a couple thousand in one day.
You're guaranteed front page where tens of millions go.
Cheated us again.
We won't let us up there.
And frankly, I don't think that dig users could be digging us down this much.
I think it's staged.
They've already banned us before.
So let's test it.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com right now.
It's the third story on the right-hand side.
It's the original article that we put out yesterday.
BBC, Building 7 Revelations.
It's got like 1,200 digs on it.
And again, they're in there voting against us, taking our digs away.
Go in there, overdrive them, register, push it over the edge.
Let's see what they do.
Let's test this.
Now remember what Google did.
And they put out a press release and admitted they did it.
But it was an accident, they claimed.
Of course it wasn't.
Because they weren't doing it to other videos.
Then they started doing it to other truth or videos, other Patriot videos.
There were like 15 different versions a few months ago.
Now it's over 50 of Terror Storm that people have uploaded.
They just upload it so there's all these different postings of it.
I think so.
It's like you're winning the ND500, you're two laps ahead, and for no reason they make you park and let all the other cars get ten laps ahead of you.
Every time you're winning.
Now, we know it happened because we got word of it, but by the time I was watching it, they did it two more times.
So we called them, they put out a press release saying, oh, it's an accident, we're sorry.
So, again, I don't care about being number one on some website or number one on Google just for the trophy.
Or, you know, the Piston Cup.
What I want is being on... It's basically now, it's so big, it's bigger than being on CNN.
To be in the top ten or so.
It's more viewers, more readers.
It's basically like they took us off national television.
We, in this democratized system, as they call it, and it is a pure democracy, what you watch is what goes to the head, they cheat us and make us go back to the end of the line.
It's like you're running a marathon and you're two minutes ahead of everybody else and they come up and say, sorry, you've got to go to the end of the line now.
And they fly you by helicopter to the end of the line for you to start.
And then you get ahead of people again.
And they say, no, we're going to take you back again to the back of the line.
And then you get ahead again.
And they say, no, we're going to bring you back to the end of the line again.
And it's because they're scared.
And they should be scared, okay?
Listen to me, punks.
You're not going to stop us.
Do you understand?
You sit-com operatives on Dig, and sit-coms announce they've got bloggers posting all over and staging stuff.
It's the same guys, same comments.
You'll see the same guys' comments on a thousand message boards.
I'm not kidding.
It's just everywhere.
They've got a few hundred people just posting, posting, posting.
Different identities on the web, voting us down, doing all this.
And it's not going to work.
Because people are just going to learn that PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and InfoWars.net and JonesReport.com are being censored.
They're going to find out why.
Because it's powerful information.
So they're pulling the videos.
They're pulling our numbers.
They're knocking us off dig.
Wherever we find a chink in the armor to reach the people, we win.
Whenever we're able to put our information out, the truth wins.
So they try to keep us from getting on the field.
They're cheaters.
But I don't expect them to play fair.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
Go ahead, John.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I'm calling from Houston, the chemtrail capital of America.
Every time I look up in the sky, all I see is artificial chemtrails.
It's nutritious.
The government loves you.
I know.
It's day and night, too.
I've been out there at night, 2 o'clock in the morning, check on my car, and I look up in the moonlight, and I can see him up there.
So, I don't know what it is, but nobody wants to talk about it.
There's a lot of shows that talk about it.
We talk about it all the time.
I know, I'm saying officially.
I mean, our local media don't want to talk about it.
The newspapers.
I called up Ellington Field, the Air National Guard base here, and they said, well, we don't know nothing about it.
It's not our planes.
So, uh... Well, here's the deal.
Eight years ago... You know, I keep saying eight years ago.
I guess it started in 96.
Eleven years ago.
Man, time's really... I just keep saying eight years for the last few years.
No, it's now almost eleven years.
Eleven years ago, you never saw a trail last more than 30 seconds.
And they were always about 20,000 feet.
Now they're at 4,000, 5,000 feet.
They're there for two, three hours.
I mean, they're there in hot weather.
Something's changed.
The Earth is now 20% darker.
NASA reported.
You can see the satellite photos of the whole world crisscross with these trails.
You hardly ever see blue skies anymore.
I've looked up in the sky and just about every cloud up there has been man-made at times.
Well, the government loves us, sir.
You know, they admit that they've had projects to manipulate the weather and do other things, but it's okay.
They know best.
Let's just trust them.
Let's take all the vaccines with live cancer viruses, and let's use cell phones up against our heads when all the evidence shows it causes massive cancers, and let's drink aspartame, and let's eat MSG, and let's give our six-year-old cell phones, and let them fry their brains, and let's just... It's all wonderful, sir.
I got another question I wanted to ask you.
Sure, go ahead.
What's the official name for the Pan American Union?
Some prosperity or something?
The Security and Prosperity Partnership.
Ain't that sort of like the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Spirit that the Japanese tried to impose on Asia during World War II?
Sort of similar, ain't it?
Well, they have APEC now.
They have the Asian Union already in force.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in California, and then we'll go to Aaron, Wayne, Kenneth, and others.
Go ahead, Robert.
Well, good morning from Mexifornia.
You know, I was paying my state tax the other day, and I came online to ask for a relationship test.
And it said, you know, the person had to be single, married, and was a citizen or national of the United States, or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
And then yesterday we get a little document from our heads of chief in the Department of Social Services in California stating that the discontinued the policy of suspending investigations or recommendations of dismissal or petitions of adoption cases involving non-citizens suspected of being in the United States without lawful immigration status.
In other words, green light them, go ahead.
Oh yes, the private corporations, the banks, the government, they're saying illegal aliens are literally above the law.
Again, they tell the major apartment complexes in secret deals with the feds, because I know people that work there and are inside, you are to let them have as many as they want staying in the apartment, but if citizens have extra people staying, you are to evict them.
Everything is being done to incentivize bringing the third world population here.
Yeah, and with going into the tax part, definitely it's integrating our money and monetary system with them as well.
Now, you say you work as a social worker.
Do you work for the county or city or state?
Actually, I work for the county and I'm just a pencil pusher.
I understand.
So, this is big news.
I wish you'd fax me this new directive or email it to me and you can black out your name or your office number.
But this just fits in with everything else we already know.
Be clear with the listeners.
They're saying leave the illegal aliens alone.
Specifically how?
Specifically like if a person wants to adopt, right?
Or puts in a petition of adoption.
Now before to adopt a child, I'm not adopted.
My sister is adopted and I was 14 when they adopted her so I know the process.
I mean, they basically would go over you with a fine-tooth comb.
Oh yeah.
But now it's just, hey, you don't even have to be a citizen.
Just forget it.
If it's a lord, if it's an illegal alien, you just let them do whatever they want.
Pretty much.
And how can we check criminal background checks in Mexico?
Which is totally reasonable.
If somebody's going to be adopting a child, they need to be vetted.
Oh, but no, no, no, no, not if you're this special class.
Then you're untouchable.
Do me a favor.
Do you want to fax that to us or do you want to email that to us?
How can you get that to us?
I can fax it to you.
Okay, I've got like three fax numbers.
I don't even know which one we're using currently.
Let me give you an office line.
I want you to call right now and then we'll just give you a number and get this from you because this is big news.
Stay right there.
I'm going to talk to you during the break.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Smoking gun evidence on bombs, clearly in Building 7, a controlled demolition.
New developments, the BBC caught with their pants down coming up.
More on Oklahoma City, the Iran attack.
Your phone calls.
Hank Gilbert will be joining us for a couple of segments to talk about the latest on the Napa Superhighways, the Animal Identification Act, and the fight against it.
Right now, let's go through your calls.
Let's talk to Kathy in Texas.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Oh, hi.
I'm so happy to hear from you, and I believe you're a godsend.
Well, I'm just doing my job, ma'am.
What's on your mind?
Well, I called because I believe, like you believe, that these are evil powers that have a hold of our country and the world.
And I was wondering if what you think is about coming up with a small, maybe not even a 60-second prayer to put out on your website to have everyone pray, that has access to it, to pray every day at the same time wherever they are in the world.
And maybe in unison, our voice maybe will have more power to God to help us.
That sounds like a good idea.
I just don't... I'm not a big prayer writer.
I usually pray from the heart privately, but that's an interesting idea.
What else is on your mind?
I wanted to thank you.
My husband and I took our 17-year-old to you and Jack Blood and Mr. Humphreys at UT, and I went up to you and introduced my son to you, and he asked you about how to verify the sources and so forth.
And you told him to Google and make sure the sources were legitimate.
And he started doing that, and that night when we got home, he's been handing stuff over to his teacher at school here, and they're actually reading it and going to websites and looking stuff up.
So I think, you know, he put a little bit of kernel in his brain there, and it's working terrifically.
It's all of us doing little things like that.
The Globalists didn't build their crime syndicate overnight.
We're not going to tear it down overnight.
It is a process, and that process is ongoing.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate your call, Kathy.
Aaron in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Good, sir.
I just wanted to say thanks to the BBC for the mortar shell they gave us here for the Infowar.
And for those who just joined us, boil down in your view what this story means.
To make it real simple, I just think it's a great way to open up people's eyes who haven't seen anything yet, you know, because the time frame I don't think really has much of a bearing on everything.
You know, people want to say, you know, oh, there's no time frame signature, you know, on the video.
I don't think that really matters, because you can see the woman talking about, you know, the building just came down.
Yeah, I think it was a distraction that we even put that in the article, but c'est la vie.
I mean, the point is, they're saying Building 7 has collapsed, and there it is behind her, it hasn't collapsed, and then they zoom in on it.
Yep, so I don't think the time really has any bearing on the situation.
Just look at the building while she talks about it being on the ground, you know.
And that fits in with the police and firemen and others.
Hours before, they said, we're gonna pull it.
We're gonna bring it down.
We got cops saying they're bringing it down.
Get back.
It's gonna blow up.
I mean, so it just fits in with everything else.
Yep, I think it should be a great eye-opener for, you know, people that are so, don't want to believe it.
It is a huge eye-opener, and people need to go get it off prisonplanet.com and Infowars and get it out to everybody.
The problem is, I looked at some of the message boards doing some research last night, and some people don't even understand.
Well, they go, what does that mean?
What does it mean that it hadn't collapsed when she said it would?
You know, they can't even think at a base level.
Yeah, I think a lot of them maybe haven't even seen the video yet, because like you said, they pull it off as quick as people post it.
You know, I think maybe some of them are just going from people explaining the video... And a lot of them have never even heard of Building 7.
They're like, building what?
Exactly, you know, and that's gonna bring a whole lot to Building 7, which is great, because like you said, a lot of people don't know about it, and now they will.
And once this video starts staying up at more places, you know, once it gets posted somewhere where it's not going to get pulled down every two minutes, you know, more people will be able to see it.
It's just going to take a
A few days, because, you know, they're pulling up.
Yeah, as of 30 minutes ago, we've got another clip of it live up on theprisonplanet.com story.
We'll see if it's still there.
But folks, get it, download it, save it on your hard drive, share it, swap it, get it out to people.
They're scared.
I've never seen them scramble to get a clip down like this, web-wide.
But they've got a good reason to be scared, don't they, Aaron?
Oh, I think they really do.
Yep, they better watch out.
Yeah, we're not going to stop.
We're going to bring the criminals to justice.
We'll be covering that more, coming up in about 25 minutes.
Hank Gilbert straight ahead, then more of your calls.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he ran for the head of the Department of Agriculture in Texas, and he got very close to winning, I think, election fraud, which is clearly going on in this state, with the different Diebold and Hart InterCivic machines kept him out, because the polls show that he should have won, like many others.
But that doesn't matter.
The point is, he's taking action, and he is a multi-generation Texas rancher,
Right here in the great state of Texas, and if you're listening in Colorado, New York, Minnesota, Florida, California, Oregon, Indiana, Kansas, this is happening everywhere.
Foreign corporations are having our roads basically given to them, this is part of globalization, that they're handed over to destroy the sovereignty.
They're going to put toll roads on existing roads.
They always try to lie about it, and now they're doing it right here in Texas.
We have our own documents.
Texas also has implemented, through the feds, it's still voluntary in the rest of the country, the national identification, the national animal identification system, also the premises identification, and in the rest of the country, they're telling 4-H students to be in 4-H, you've got to register your family's property in this, to show animals you've got to register, and the school says it's the law, there's no law, it's a fraud, just like there's no law to take vaccines, another fraud,
They're trying to tell vets that they'll refuse care if you haven't registered.
And then that means thousand-plus dollar fines if you don't tell them within two days your cows died.
It'll cost you as much as a chicken cost to tag them.
But then big producers, they get to buy premises IDs and don't have to tag all their stuff.
This of course was written by the big agribusinesses to drive the small farmers and ranchers out of business.
That's the name of the game.
And so the toll roads, the national
Thank you, Alex.
Everybody needs to get out there.
Tell folks why we're having this event and basically what the lineup is and where everybody needs to report to coming up at 2.15, 2.30 on Friday.
There's also an event coming up on Thursday.
Tell folks about it.
Well, on Friday we're going to have a march up Congress Avenue that's going to start around 1.30.
We're inviting people to bring tractors, animals, the whole nine yards.
And we have people coming from all over the state, we have people coming from the D.C.
area, and I think we have people coming out of Indiana and Florida and a few other places.
And then we're going to march to the Capitol, and then on the Capitol ground at around 2.30 we're going to have a rally.
And Alex, you know, and the people listening know that rallies are effective in one area, and that's body count.
The more people you turn out, the more serious the people in the state capitals take it, because those are potential voters.
So it's imperative that we have tens of thousands of people in Austin, Texas on Friday for this rally.
And it really looks good.
I mean, a lot of the organizations have, anti-toll organizations have jumped in on this, Teamsters Union, AFL-CIOs, Steelworkers.
The trucking associations, the biking groups, they've all joined into this and we hope to have thousands of people there and it really would mean a whole lot to have people from out of state there because like you mentioned, this is going on everywhere.
I get calls and emails from people all over the country when I do one of these shows saying we've got the same thing going here.
And there's no doubt, there's no doubt, Texas is the front line.
No, we're the linchpin to this whole thing.
We never got to vote on NAFTA or CAFTA or any of those AFTAs, and none of those can reach the desired effect that the corporate brokers and the big money politicians want them to achieve without this roadway.
This roadway is the key that paves those trade agreements into perpetuity in this country.
And we, Texas, is the linchpin to the entire thing because we are the connecting point closest to the ports in Mexico.
That make this highway work.
And so it's imperative that we stop it here.
Not only for Texas, but for this country.
And let me be clear on something here.
This is literally the cancer trying to establish itself because it's come out in the SPP documents to the FOIA request.
That's right.
And as one World War II vet we interviewed for the film we're making said, if we stop it here in Texas, we stop the new world order.
So we've got to stop it here in Texas.
That's true, and you know, it's really made its way to Washington in a quiet kind of way, because a couple of weeks ago the U.S.
Department of Transportation came out with a memo basically wanting to fast track TTC 69, or they refer to it as I-69.
I want to fast track it because it is going to be the NAFTA superhighway.
Now they've got articles in Canada and in Washington making fun of us saying it doesn't even exist as the billboards are up everywhere showing a good old boy in a cowboy hat going, I love the toll roads, I love the Trans-Texas Corridor, and they're building the things, they're grabbing existing roads, and then you call Congress and they deny it's even happening.
Oh yeah, they're taking a blind eye to it and trying to turn a deaf ear to it in Washington.
Well, I'll tell you, there's a groundswell movement going on in this state, and I think that's one of the things that prompted the Department of Transportation to come out with that fast-track
And then the toll road company, a month ago, bought up almost all the little papers on the key routes where these roads are going to be.
They're playing hardball.
Sure they are.
You know, what is kind of interesting is the state audit report that just came out a couple of days ago, where TxDOT has tried to manipulate invoices, and they've tried to manipulate figures, and according to the audit report,
You know, the estimation that we were given for all eight of these toll roads in Texas by Rick Williamson was anywhere from $145 to $184 billion.
Which automatically makes me wonder, why are we even talking about that if no state money is supposed to go into it?
And let's be clear, that's really what happens.
The TxDOT documents two Christmases ago got released on December 24th.
It was in the Austin American Statesman.
Internal TxDOT documents saying, not for publication, secret.
And it said, we've got plenty of extra money, why are we basically giving them the roads
Folks, we pay to upkeep the roads.
Private corporations just get them because they paid off the politicians.
This would be like if I went down and paid the governor a million dollars to give me, you know, ten billion dollars worth of state property.
I mean, this is incredible.
Well, the state audit report was really fascinating because using TxDOT's figures, they found discrepancy in 19 of 25 invoices.
Uh, where they were trying to bill costs associated with TTC-35 to other road projects.
But based on the state audit report, TTC-35 alone is going to cost an estimated $105 point something billion dollars.
And they plan to pay for that with tolls, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's going to pay for roads in Mexico.
Now, where are people going to meet up on Friday?
I mean, obviously, most folks aren't... Who gets to be in the parade?
Anybody who wants to be.
Okay, where do they meet?
That's important.
We're going to meet at First and Red River, or Cesar Chavez and Red, right across the street from Iron Works.
There's a big parking lot there.
There's another joining parking lot about a block away.
And we're going to be escorted from there over to Congress, and then up Congress.
And you're leaving at 2, so people need to really start getting there.
Try to shoot for getting there at 1.30?
If we have the kind of crowd that I think we're going to have, you might want to try getting there at noon.
Because we're going to have one heck of a traffic jam out there on I-35, coming in and out of Austin.
And then a lot of people, of course, will go directly to the Capitol.
And a lot of the buses that are coming from different parts of the state, of course, will unload people at the Capitol grounds itself.
Now, how is this parade going to work?
Because I want to have cameramen in the parade shooting video of it.
This is how I want to end my new film.
I've already told you about this.
And I want to have cameramen up at the Capitol videoing it as we come in and then videotaping the speeches.
I mean, if folks want to be part of the parade, do they walk in the parade?
Yes, yes.
Some people are going to drive.
Like I said, we're going to have tractors there.
We're going to have, I'm sure, motorcycles.
The Teamsters are talking about bringing a truck.
People are bringing animals.
Horses, cattle, sheep.
This is going to be great.
The whole nine yards.
And what we're going to try to do is organize people by groups.
I don't know.
I'm going to walk.
I'm going to be right up in front of the march.
Uh, but we are going to have people, you know, with tractors pulling trailers, kind of like a hayride type situation.
It's going to be crazy.
People need to try to shoot for noon.
They need to shoot for noon.
Folks, take off Friday.
This is Texas Independence Day.
Could you believe UT banned even having Texas Independence Day like it's bad?
Well, it's a statement, you know, and I picked this date purposely because we need to express our independence and we need to let the people up there in that big white building know that we're unhappy.
This is 1836 all over again.
I hear you.
We're going to be right back with Hank Gilbert, one more segment to talk more about this event.
Folks, I want to see you there Friday.
You've got to be there.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the National Animal Identification System that they were able to launch in Texas and no other state basically shuts down farms and ranches and they're intimidating people through color of law to sign up.
We're going to be fighting that.
Trans-Texas Corridor, the Napa Superhighway, the funding mechanism for the North American Union.
This is the frontline attack.
They're buying up newspapers, the toll company is.
They're doing everything they can.
Washington's trying to pump money in to get this fast-tracked.
Now, the people are getting madder and madder.
Call everybody you know.
Tell them, be there.
Take off Friday.
I want to see you there.
We need to see everybody there coming up this Friday.
And what I'll do is I'm going to have some type of sit-in host.
I haven't even thought about that yet.
And then I'll do live cell phone call-ins the last hour from down there as the rally masses.
But you better shoot for being in downtown by the latest, by 1230 or 1.
Find parking in garages.
You may have to park a ways away and walk in.
Do whatever you have to to be there.
Be there.
Be in the mass.
No later than 1.30.
This is so important.
If you go to Infowars.com, we have a press release out on this, a big banner.
Click on it.
Email it out to everybody.
Go to some of the other websites they've got set up to deal with this.
We've got links to those.
Hank Gilbert, other key points that need to be made.
Well, on Thursday, the day prior to the march, Senator John Corona from Dallas had called me six or seven weeks ago wanting to have an event in conjunction with this, and he's having a public policy forum inside the Capitol.
I believe it's in the basement auditorium, where he's invited all the legislature, and he's opened it up to anybody in the state that wants to come testify, give a three-minute testimony,
About public-private partnerships, toll roads in general or the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Go online to CorridorWatch.org.
You can download a registration and comments form.
What time is that Thursday?
It's from 8.30 in the morning until 6 p.m.
My goodness!
Yeah, he's opening it up all day.
He's expecting a lot of people.
And what we're encouraging people to do that can't be there, go to CorridorWatch.org.
They have a copy of the form that you can download.
And it's just like you were there.
Your statement's put into the record.
There you go.
You get your statement in the record and as long as it's submitted either by fax or by email before 6pm on Thursday, March the 1st, it will count as if you were in the room.
What are some of the other websites folks should visit?
Farming Ranch Freedom.
Don't tag Texas.com.
D-O-N-T dash tag Texas dot com.
All of those will tell you or give you information about both events.
I believe San Antonio Toll Party, S-A Toll Party dot com also has it up on their website.
Alright, listen, I want to see everybody down there.
Again, tell them where the meetup point is.
Meet at First and Red River, across from Iron Works.
Uh, and that's where we're going to start the march.
Or you can go directly to the Capitol grounds and the rally itself will begin around 2.30 PM.
So basically go to South Congress right before it hits the river.
And then just, you won't be able to miss the crowd.
Uh, and everybody's going to be massing there.
And again, folks, we need to, we need this thing to start on time at two o'clock to march down, uh, Congress.
It's, it's only about,
Liz McIntyre, the co-author of Spy Chips, David VanHaus who ran for Lieutenant Governor, Terry Hall with the Toll Party, David and Linda Stahl with Corridor Watch, of course myself, Judith McGarry with Farmer Ranch Freedom Alliance,
And we still have hope that we're probably going to have one, maybe two national speakers with either one of the trucking associations or the Teamsters Union or somebody.
Also, you've got one of Ron Paul's Chief of Staff coming.
Yeah, Ron Paul's Chief of Staff lady is coming.
We thought we had one of the people that helped try the Kelo case in Connecticut, but he couldn't get out of an event on Friday, but he had sent in some people from his
Because it's all tied together.
This is global corporations coming in, buying off the politicians, grabbing the infrastructure, jacking up the price to fund even bigger takeovers.
If you want to fight the New World Order toe-to-toe, and it isn't just about getting a bunch of numbers out there, that's important, it's also about making the media locally and nationally cover it.
I know Hank Gilbert and others have all contacted the media, but you, the listeners, call CNN, call Fox,
Call all the local Texas stations, call the newspapers and say, are you covering this?
Get our press release off InfoWars.com and get it out there.
We're going to have more guests on throughout the week to the build up to this.
Folks, I'm asking you, be there this Friday by about 1 p.m.
the latest, downtown Austin on South Congress.
Hank Gilbert, I want to thank you for coming on, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
I'll see you Friday.
You bet.
We'll be right back to shift gears into your calls, the latest Building 7 revelations, and a lot more.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's a high-tech charity.
It doesn't come with armies and military, at least at the first wave.
They are setting that up as well for physical oppression.
No, it comes with lawyers and banks and legislation and laws.
And it's... The country has been invaded by globalist interests.
They have basically already bankrupt the nation and are now grabbing all the infrastructure.
And every red-blooded human being that loves liberty and freedom worldwide should be against what's happening here in the U.S.
We are on the front lines in the U.S., and Texas is the very front line of the front lines.
It is the thick of the battle here.
And again, I want to see you out there Friday.
Take work off.
Be there.
Bring the family.
Take the children out of the government training camp on Friday.
I want to see you there.
All right.
I want to go to these loaded phone lines, and then I'm going to get back into the latest revelations concerning Building 7.
This is huge.
If you've missed it, or if you heard what we talked about yesterday, or if there's been new developments, stay with us for that.
We've got a bunch of clips coming up in the next hour.
Quite frankly, there's this big national women's show.
It's on in New York, LA.
They want me on for 20 minutes to talk about the
Human papillomavirus vaccine and I don't normally do this but we're gonna I've got a bunch of clips I was gonna play anyways of Lou Dobbs with Ron Paul again last night big developments there several other clips we're just going to from 20 after
Until about 40 after play several of those clips.
I've already seen them so I can then come back and comment on them and I'm going to go pop on that show for 15-20 minutes and do that as I multitask here.
A lot of times when shows just want to interview me when I'm on air I just say no or we simulcast and they've got a different break structure than us so I can't do that.
But that's all that Lou Dobbs stuff and other things are coming up at the 20 after in the next hour.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to Wayne in Canada.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Greetings from Vancouver.
Alex, back in, I guess it was June of last year, you attended the Bilderberg Conference.
I didn't attend it.
I wasn't inside of it, but I did cover it.
You came to Canada.
You were detained at the border for some 15 hours or so.
And at that time I was totally outraged by that, as were a lot of Canadians.
And I wrote a letter to our Prime Minister up here and to Stockwell Dave, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, which is like the equivalent of Homeland Security there.
And I also posted a form letter all over the web asking people from everywhere to write to them and complain about your transaction.
Well, thank you!
Some of my friends in the UK, in Texas, in Australia, they had a reply within a couple of weeks about that.
I can't remember exactly what was said, but I came home from work yesterday and I got this official-looking letter in my mailbox, and here it was from Stockwell Day, who's basically, like I said, the head of Homeland Security up here.
Pertaining to your incident, would you like me to read the letter to you?
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, it says, Dear Sir, Thank you for the correspondence concerning Alex Jones' border clearance.
First, please accept my apology for the extended length of time it has taken to reply to your concern, which you sent me some months ago.
A combination of factors, including the need of my officials to explore fully the matter you raised, along with the requirement to assess the response in the light of similar and sometimes competing factors, added to the sheer volume of requests
Which come to me, uh, has created a delay which is not appropriate.
I'm pleased to, uh, at least I can finally respond.
The Privacy Act precludes me from discussing the details of Mr. Jones' border clearance without his written consent.
However, I can provide you the following general information about the Canada Border Services Agency, CBSA.
CBSA plays an important role in the law enforcement community as border officers are uniquely positioned to interview travelers and importers and to examine personal and commercial goods entering and leaving Canada.
The challenge of our mandate is to ensure that only admissible people and goods have access to Canada.
The CBSA takes seriously its commitment to provide high quality service to travelers while ensuring that Canadian society is protected through the responsible enforcement of our laws.
I can assure you that a considerable part of our officers training is devoted to topics such as interviewing techniques and interaction with the public.
The CBSA makes every effort to convey to its officers
Uh, the necessity of being sensitive and responsive to the needs of the traveling public while performing their duties.
Thank you again for... So I guess that includes yelling and cussing at people?
That, uh, seems to be the case.
Now, they did say the one thing that I picked up in there is that without your consent they would not be disclosing anything else.
So, maybe that's something you want to consider.
Well, I mean, what are they going to say?
They just interrogated me forever about the Bilderberg Group meeting, and what was I planning to do?
Well, listen, I appreciate you doing that.
Why don't you send me a copy of that?
I will do that.
Alex, I have one more thing.
I'm with the Vancouver 9-11 Truth Movement.
Three or four weeks ago, we held a couple of screenings in Vancouver of America's Freedom from Fascism and Alex Jones' Terror Storm.
It was quite successful.
We've got a few people who have joined our group again because of that.
We're growing and expanding.
We put up a new website here.
It's called v911truth.org.
And we're urging people in the Vancouver area who are fans of Alex Jones, please visit our website, find out about our meetings, and join us.
Get up your behinds and do something, because we've got to do it.
Good job, my friend.
Keep it up, and I appreciate that call.
Zip me off a copy of that, and I can make it through your customs.
I'd like to read it.
I'd like to have it.
Since he raised that, here's something in the stack I probably would have never gotten to today.
This is out of the San Francisco Chronicle.
Visitors to Canada with minor criminal records turn back at the border.
And it goes on to say there was a time not long ago when a trip across the border from the United States to Canada was accompanied with a wink and a wave of the driver's license.
Those days are over.
Take the case of 55-year-old Lake Tahoe resident, Craig Fellish,
Stopped at the border in Vancouver this month at the start of a planned five-day ski trip.
He was sent back to the United States because of a DUI conviction seven years ago.
But they didn't just have his car turned around, they took him into custody.
Not that he had any idea what was going on when he was told at customs, your next stop is immigration.
And it says, Felish was ushered into a room.
There must have been 75 people in line, he says.
We were there for three hours.
One woman was in tears as a guy was sent back for having a medical marijuana card.
I felt like a felon when an ankle bracelet.
Well, this is the new Canada, the new America.
If you're not an illegal alien, now they get bank accounts, they get to adopt children.
No documents.
It's officially been announced.
But citizens, we're the dumb cattle.
We're the marks, as criminals call us.
We'll put up with anything.
We are mindless.
We are groveling slugs.
And we're going to be put through the wringer.
We're already in the grid.
They're just trying to lure the illegals here to get them in the grid.
And in the grid they are.
Oh, don't worry.
There'll be lots of crackdowns on them later, along with everybody else.
And it goes on through the example of this misdemeanors, you name it.
Now, no candidates.
See, I don't even have a misdemeanor, folks.
But now they're talking about Class C's, just normal tickets, being criminal.
You see, everybody's going into the system.
Now, if you're a big corporate raider and involved in real crime, nothing will ever happen to you.
You'll get awards from the President.
But just the general public has this new world to look forward to.
It goes on.
Or ask the well-to-do East Bay couple who flew to British Columbia last month for an eight-day ski vacation at the famous Whistler Chateau, where rooms run 500 a night.
They made the trip many times, but were surprised at the border to be told that the husband would have to report to a secondary immigration.
There is a room, he estimates, filled with 60 other concerned travelers.
He was told he was a person who was inadmissible to Canada.
The problem?
A conviction for marijuana possession in 1975.
And folks, they have international databases.
This is the North American Union security part of the partnership.
It's all been integrated.
Now with your new national ID card number that's already law.
Your driver's license is a national ID.
It's already in a UN global database.
And I just got to say, thank God, I have absolutely nothing, but that's not going to stop them, folks.
Bad credit!
You're going to have a yellow rating and not be able to have jobs unless you go work it off for Homeland Security.
I saw Ridge say that.
Folks, you want to be slaves?
I mean, I cannot explain to you how bad it's going to be.
And the troops are going to all be Iraq veterans who have been running checkpoints, raiding houses, doing all this.
The majority of them are going to be foreign born, illegal aliens.
Already 20% are in the army.
You want enslavement, folks?
You're going to have foreign cops who hardly speak English beating you and your family, taking your houses, raping your daughters.
And you think I'm joking about all this?
This is the plan.
Do you understand?
This is what they're going to do.
America is slated for destruction.
On purpose.
You think the airports are bad?
Daily life is going to be like that.
And the heroes are all going to be black ski masks and Nazi cops.
Your daughters will worship them.
They'll be the movie stars.
You're going to have to have these fat hogs sitting at your dinner table bossing you around.
They'll wear armbands.
Everyone's going to worship them.
It's going to be sick.
But you know what?
You fat yuppies, you deserve it.
So just go ahead and laugh, because you're going to be living it real soon.
You want the death of this country?
You're going to get it!
You want to be tracked and traced and tapped everywhere you go?
You want to be out on your butts homeless and then go into a FEMA camp?
You are!
You wanted it, you got it!
You wanted to laugh at us and make jokes about all this?
You're gonna find out!
Alright, I'm ranting.
Welcome to the new world of border security.
Unsuspecting Americans are turning up at the Canadian border, expecting clear sailing, only to find that their pass, sometimes their distant pass, is suddenly an issue.
Now, the U.S.
is what set this up.
And it's now the law, you've got to have a passport to leave to go to Canada or Mexico, and there doesn't have to be an APB or an arrest.
If they just put you on a list, you can't leave the country.
And they're saying, misdemeanor convictions, you won't be able to leave.
And there's nobody you can complain to.
There might be one or two news articles about it if it gets bad enough, and you'll just submit.
You're now prisoners.
Anyone who wants to come here can come in, no problem.
But if you want to leave, you can forget it.
You wanted to be slaves, you're going to get to be slaves.
You wanted to sit around and snicker and laugh at it all.
I can't wait till all these slack jaw punks go on the message boards and make jokes about what we cover.
I can't wait till they got bad credit or some misdemeanor in their past and you think you're going to fly down to the Bahamas or you're going to go on some trip to Mexico.
But you're so cowardly you'll make excuses and just whine about it and you'll just go home and go back to watching your TV and make excuses for it.
But then it's going to get worse, and one day you're going to cry.
You're going to cry in your bed at night, wishing you'd have done something, you fat hog.
And I don't mean physically fat, I mean your soul is slovenly.
They're all shocked to hear that the sins of their youth might keep them out of Canada, but what they don't know is that this is just the beginning.
Soon other nations will be able to look into their past when you want to travel.
And it goes on.
See, all the countries are doing it.
It's the New World Order!
It's the New World Order!
There's going to be cops with metal detectors at the malls, random checkpoints, you'll just be told, line up against a wall, walking down the street, whole groups of people.
And let me tell you, seeing these Canadian border guards, man, they were sickos.
They were getting off on the power, they loved it.
You could tell a bunch of them were perverts and everything, you just see it, they're just criminals.
And you could just look at them and get their MO immediately.
And then they were just getting off on the power and they got our computers and they said, we find one image of porn, you're going to prison for years.
They got matter and matter that none of us had misdemeanors, none of us had records.
They screamed at me, they cussed at me, and I said, porn?
Those are computers from work.
I go, you mean, you know, legal, mainline porn?
And they go, yes, any porn.
Any porn is illegal to transport over borders.
Thank God nobody in my office had accidentally clicked on it.
I don't know how you miss it, it's everywhere.
You know, your new mortgage ad, boom, click it and it's a woman with a horse or something.
But thank God there was nothing and they just sat there getting madder and madder and madder, not able to find anything.
This is the new life, being yelled at, being screamed at, being lined up, people in black uniforms stomping around with evil in their eyes, weakness in their eyes,
Scum, evil, ruling us!
Like in the Soviet Union and China!
You want to be slaves?
You want to be downtrodden?
You want to be shoved around and told how to live and what to eat and when to go to work and what to do?
You're going to have it!
And a lot of you deserve it.
A lot of you scum out there who love this system and love it all.
You're going to love every minute of it.
Just get ready for it.
And it's going to incrementally happen or I'm out of control.
I'm just so mad about this.
I've got a whole stack of police state news ten times worse than what I just covered.
Mike in Chicago, you're on the air.
Alex, how are you?
I'm getting fired up.
Yeah, I can tell, brother.
Hey, I was watching the BBC News last night.
I don't really watch TV ever, but they had mentioned that the refueling tankers are on their way to Southwest Asia.
Yeah, they've got the entire battle fleet arranging itself, and now there's all this war propaganda of what they found.
We moved six or seven carrier groups into the region over the last month and a half or so, and it was just in passing.
It was just kind of like a side note, just said matter-of-factly.
And now we're moving the air tankers in.
And you don't do that unless you're gonna bomb them.
And then they simultaneously say they may strike them, but then when we say we're against it, they come out and go, it's a conspiracy!
Look at these crazy people!
They believe there's a North American Union!
They believe there's a plan to attack Iran!
They believe the government might not be telling the truth!
The biggest problem we have in this country is our fourth estate.
We get Anna Nicole Smith for two and a half weeks, and that's it.
That's what people are basing their view of reality on.
That and Jesus's tomb, some stunt by James Cameron.
Yeah, well, that's part of breaking down society.
But people are forming their viewpoints.
Oh, that's total Rosicrucian.
He was married to Mary Magdalene.
It's just their same agenda.
I know, I know.
But it's the fourth estate that's keeping people in the dark.
So when you actually tell them things, it sounds so far out in left field.
How could it possibly be like this?
Because no one's been paying attention to anything for two, three generations.
Oh yeah, the general public knows nothing.
They don't even know where their state capital is.
They don't know the three branches of government.
They talk to people.
They know nothing!
But they all argue with you!
Oh, and they do it all the time.
And the Constitution's a huge one to argue with people over because they don't know anything about it.
You ask them to name three of the first ten amendments of the Constitution, they couldn't tell you.
And if they can name one, they can't tell you what it protects.
They have no clue.
They have no clue how this place is going.
They think freedom is Jack Bauer's right to torture children.
Well, we had, you know, when I was going through school, we had, and I know you've covered this before, but we had Mach-U.N.
We didn't have Mach-U.S.
We didn't learn our systems of government.
They've been indoctrinating generations of people.
No, there's no plan.
Everything's fine.
Well, keep up the good work there, Alex.
Hey, I appreciate it.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, yuppie, driving along, giggling right now.
Your bank account is half the value it was six years ago.
Enjoy yourself.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Alright, I got to get to this new Building 7 information, but I want to go to all your calls as well.
I just get really mad to see a bunch of free people brainwashed, dumbed down, and brought into chains and bondage and enslavement.
I mean, being a slave is not fun, folks, and this is going to be a high-tech system.
And they admit they're going to put up federal cameras already doing it that watch our every move and pick up suspicious behavior so they have an excuse to interrogate you.
And it's some moron idiot who's on a power trip will be prodding you with a billy club.
It's just, I can't believe my once great country is turning into a complete cesspit.
But again, everybody is waking up.
I mean, folks are mad about every major issue.
Eighty to ninety plus percent.
But that's why they're accelerating their police state.
The criminals are going, hey, they're waking up.
Let's just put in the police state.
I just can't believe what happened to us.
Let me take some time out right now to remind the listeners that I'm a filmmaker.
My latest film is Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terrorism.
The documentary is right around two hours long.
There are 68 minutes of extras.
It covers all the admissions of where our government has declassified.
They stage terror attacks.
Then it goes into 7-7.
We go to London, show how that's an inside job.
Then 9-11.
Then we expand out from there to Iraq, the plan to go into Iran, the police state they're setting up.
It's such an important film.
And then it's the highlights from the 9-11 Neocon agenda 9-11 conference, the biggest ever that's ever been held that we had last year out in Los Angeles with the highlights of it.
68 minutes of that, key info on 9-11.
$19.95, but get it for $9.95 when you get it with America, Freedom to Fascism.
I've got some of my other films where you can get them, when you get multiple videos, you can get films as low as $5.95 apiece.
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And I want to thank all the members of PrisonPlanet.TV.
All right, I know we got Summer and Shirley and James and others.
I'll get to your calls before the 20 after, but I do want to spend some time when we get back getting into the new Building 7 revelations.
These are so important.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alan Greenspan warns that we're headed into a recession.
Cops may check crashed drivers' mobile records to see if they were on the phone when it happened.
Random breath tests for drivers.
Scientists triumph in battle over ban on human embryos.
Yeah, they're cloning humans right now.
It just goes on and on.
We're continuing here through the news.
Let me just take a few calls right now in the next segment.
I'm going to get into the latest Building 7 info, but this story that's up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com is so incredibly important.
And we'll break down why after this break.
Right now, let's talk to Summer in California.
Summer, welcome.
Thank you for taking my call.
Thanks for holding.
There's a couple of things I actually wanted to talk about.
First of all, I had a couple of personal experiences with the increase in the police in the area.
First of all, my boyfriend was actually
Um, beaten by seven police officers.
One of them was a SWAT officer.
Yeah, enforcement in New York is up over five-fold in the last two years.
On average, it's up double nationwide.
They'll say, good, we're doing our job.
It's good we've gone from one million in prison to seven million in the system.
No, folks, this is about getting everybody into the system.
The criminals run the system.
Go ahead.
Um, well basically he took a medication that was a prescription medication because he was unable to sleep for a few days and the police officers for some reason assumed that he was on illegal narcotics and proceeded to practically beat him to death.
He wasn't, he didn't have any severe head trauma.
He actually tried to fight back and one of the SWAT officers
Barely hurt his arm and so they had him hogtied on the ground.
They continued to kick him in the head with steel-toed boots and beat him with their batons.
And now they're charging him with assaulting God.
Well, the officer tried to get him in trouble even though he was on a medication and they found that he was legally insane at the time because of the medication.
And the officer went ahead with the charges, even though the D.A.
and the judge wanted to drop them.
Well, they always tell you that.
They want somebody to be in a prison owned by the drug cartels, by the drug dealers, displacing everybody else by working for 20 cents on the dollar.
Look, it's just modern slavery again.
And I'm not saying society is unraveling and cops don't have a tough job either, but this is going to get worse and worse.
We're a godless, scumbag country.
So that's what's going to happen.
Anything else?
Other than that, I had a couple questions.
I was wondering if you were aware of what Ron Paul's status was on medical cannabis and whether or not... Ron Paul is for drug decriminalization.
And I also wanted to mention that the ASA, which is the Americans for Safe Access,
is filing a lawsuit against the federal government for claiming that medical marijuana has no medicinal value.
Now I saw that report.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's jam in one more here.
Let's talk to Shirley in Washington.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Two real brief things.
Two or three.
Chuck Baldwin, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, put out an article a couple hours ago
So I sent it to your producer because... No, we've got it.
It's about why aren't the evangelicals supporting Ron Paul?
Okay, good.
And the other thing was that you frequently state that accountability by the global elite and other criminals will be before God.
And I questioned today with this phenomenal PrisonPlanet.com expose if the reality has occurred to BBC executive Mr. Guy Smith and if he now wants to change his idea about who's a dropout.
Well, what'll happen is they'll just spin it and claim something.
I mean, it won't matter what they... It'll be a lie, whatever they claim, but they count on the public being complete idiots.
Well, you know, you call it dumbing down, but the day... And I think it's an excellent term I never heard of before.
The day of 9-1-1, the Organized Christian Church was already putting strides up, prayer vigils to be held.
Uh, a day that will live in infamy.
A new Pearl Harbor.
Even they were preemptively scripted.
Stay there.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's go back and finish up with Shirley in Washington.
She brought up a key point.
We'll get into Building 7 and then back to your calls.
Within 30 minutes, and I've timed it, of the second plane hitting, they were saying it was bin Laden all over the news, saying we need a new world order, we need to give up our liberty for security, this is a new age, a new way of life.
And I know that churches all over the country were already saying it's Bin Laden, it's a Pearl Harbor, we've got to basically pray for the President.
It was all scripted.
And then you expand out from there.
We've had a lot of troops call in, and I've talked to troops on the ground, who were at Army bases, Marine Corps bases, when the first plane hit.
At some bases they were called in and told, you are to watch this, we've been told you are to watch this.
Troops are listening right now, this happened to.
Even folks overseas.
In some cases they were told to go into the TV room, which they've never done before, or since, before it happened.
They were all told, we've had these calls and I've talked to folks this has happened to.
That's another story we've got to track down, get all their names, have them on record as witnesses about this.
In some cases they weren't called in after the first hit,
But again, they already had orders to call them in within minutes of it being hit, so that was already set up.
In some cases, they were told to get in the auditoriums and in their barracks to watch TV before it happened.
Then they turned the TV on and a plane has hit.
And then the whole thing was laid out and they said, see what we've got to do now?
We've been attacked.
That's not saying that the officers who were told this were part of it.
They're just told, get everybody in to watch TV.
And they think we're so dumb, we'll just accept it.
It's like they told the firemen and police we're going to blow up Building 7.
Get ready?
They blew it up and later said, no, the fires did it.
And people go, but you said you blew it up.
Well, let's just move on.
And the average American still doesn't even know what Building 7 was.
But let's go back to Shirley.
Shirley, talk about what you witnessed or what you're talking about with the churches.
Well, I had, you know, I'd gotten all the live feed on the net and then I went to this church.
The sanctuary is open.
There's a huge screen descended from the altar with the words on it, a day which will live in infamy.
And the time that a prayer vigil would be held.
I go back to the prayer vigil, and the senior pastor is up there.
And I later found out they have an underground bunker in this church, of which the public is not aware.
And now we learned, even before 9-11, FEMA was, this is now mainstream news, secretly recruiting preachers in 13,000 counties.
Yeah, yeah.
Paul and Steve, and you did an article on that many months ago.
Anyway, what the pastor wanted to do was screen troublemakers.
He wanted everybody.
I went back to the vigil.
His first trigger words were Roosevelt's address to Congress on December 8th, 41.
Parts of that.
And the Pearl Harbor.
And then he wanted people to pray aloud.
And he was most definitely screening for patriots.
Oh, FEMA admits, and we got their documents, that they do script, and that they're watching out for dissenters, and thousands and thousands of pastors in every county in the country have been recruited for this, and they're to tell their people to go to FEMA camps, to turn their guns in, to submit.
And they will do it.
They will break up families.
They will say bye-bye to small children.
Americans will submit and worship their government.
Did you interview last year a pastor that came forward and admitted he was just FEMA?
Yes, Genesis broke that and then we got the documents and then they called him in and yelled at him and now he's scared, but it later came out in the news and was public.
Good for you.
Well, I am so proud of you guys with today's... I don't know how BBC is going to account for this.
All of a sudden, when that woman broke up on the screen,
You know, it was like in a movie where you have a continuity person to make sure when you do a reshoot that the background stays the same.
They're going to have to start getting continuity before they do their pre-script, I guess.
Thanks for the call.
For those that don't know, it's a huge story that broke
Major, on PrisonPlanet.com yesterday, the videos have been jerked over and over again by YouTube, Google, you name it.
It was up during the last break.
I went and checked it.
We keep finding the new links and linking to those.
They keep pulling it for content reasons.
They do not want you to hear this information.
The fiasco of the BBC journalist reporting in advance that Building 7 had collapsed as it loomed large behind her strikes at the very root of how the media were complicit in the actions and as facilitators for the official myth that was manufactured on 9-11.
After this debacle, how can we trust anything we are told about September 11th from the mainstream media?
Though the video was almost immediately purged by the Crown Kings of Censorship Google, it has since been re-uploaded to YouTube and feverishly copied elsewhere.
Watch the clip below for an extended clip where the Building 7 farce is clearly anointed.
Click here and skip forward to 14 minutes to the key section.
The central facet of the debate raging against 9-11 truthers and charge leveled by moronic debunkers is that there is no time code on the clock or the video, so how can we verify that the BBC reported Building 7's collapse 20 minutes before it fell?
Does it matter?
Does it matter if the BBC reported that collapse 23 minutes before it happened or 30 seconds before it happened?
The fact remains that the building is there in the background, behind the reporter's head, and she is telling us that it is already collapsed.
Don't get tangled up in the minutia.
The building is still standing for 20 minutes while they talk about how it's fallen.
With her in New York, the BBC reporter with it behind her.
She has reported its collapse.
Debates about time stamps and time zones aren't relevant.
They are irrelevant.
This is amazing.
Others charge that Building 7 was expected to collapse before it did, which is true.
And the BBC merely jumped the gun.
But that begs the question.
How did officials know the building was going to collapse when no modern steel building in history had collapsed from fire alone?
And why were the BBC reporting its collapse in advance with the added knowledge of why it collapsed?
A question that is still being investigated by NIST five and a half years later.
The government won't say why it fell.
Whoever the BBC source was for reporting the collapse of Building 7 were ahead of NIST by five and a half years and have already determined why the building collapsed before it had collapsed.
Is that not at least a bit suspicious?
Now, then others say, okay they really did have bombs in there but they planted them that day.
They planted bombs in the Intel Building for over a month before and tried to blow it up Sunday here in Austin and they couldn't even blow it up.
It failed.
Just type in Austin Intel Demolition.
The photos and video of it will pop up.
We should do an article about it and integrate it with this.
But that's how these double thinkers work.
First, they claim the video's fake.
Then they go to the BBC website and find out it's there in their archives at archive.org.
It clearly shows that almost 30 minutes before, they start talking about how it's collapsed.
Then, 6-7 minutes later, they cut to the lady you're about to hear and she keeps talking about the Solomon Building has collapsed.
Then they say, Solomon Building isn't 7.
That's its official name.
Each building had a name, but then they were designated 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
We have a link to the New York Skyscraper webpage, and it shows it as Solomon Brothers Building 7.
But you can look at it.
It's Building 7.
This is the willful denial we deal with.
Let's play the first clip right now, where they're about to introduce her, and then we skip forward about 6-7 minutes, and we go to the lady on the ground.
Here it is.
We'll leave it there for the moment.
We've got some news just coming in, actually, that the Salomon Brothers building in New York, right in the heart of Manhattan, has also collapsed.
This does fit in with a warning from the British Foreign Office a couple of hours ago to British citizens that there is a real risk
All right.
Now let's go to the next clip seven minutes later from the live feed at archive.org and BBC's own archive directly off there.
Let's now go to the next part where they cut to her on the ground.
Here it is.
Now, more on the latest building collapse in New York.
You might have heard a few moments ago I was talking about the Salomon Brothers building collapsing.
And indeed it has.
Apparently that's only a few hundred yards away from where the World Trade Center towers were.
And it seems that this was not a result of a new attack.
It was because the building had been weakened.
During this morning's attacks.
We'll probably find out more now about that from our correspondent Jane Stanley.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
Well, only really what you already know.
Details are very, very sketchy.
There's almost a sense downtown in New York, behind me, down by the World Trade Centers, of just an area completely closed off as the rescue workers try to do their job.
But this isn't the first building that has suffered as a result.
We know that part of the Marriott Hotel
Next to the World Trade Center also collapsed as a result of this huge amount of falling debris from 110 floors of the two twin towers of the World Trade Center.
As you can see behind me, the Trade Center appears to be still burning.
We see these huge clouds of smoke and ash and we know that behind that there's an empty piece of what was a very familiar New York skyline, a symbol of the financial prosperity
So there you have it, and they're saying building 7, the Salomon Brothers building has collapsed, and they zoom in over her shoulder, she steps aside, and there it is standing.
Then all of a sudden, she goes on for about 8 more minutes, and then the satellite feed cuts out, and they go, oh, then they cut back later, oh look, you see it collapsed, boom.
And then notice the key smoking gun here.
Is that they've already reported that, oh, it fell because it was weakened.
They've already got the official story.
It fell because it was weakened, and it hasn't even fallen.
Now, when we come back, we're going to play a clip on the bird flu.
This is in Austin.
This is a report at the University of Texas.
They're doing this at Austin and at their research facility down in Galveston, where they're splicing human flu with bird flu.
But it's all a big accident, no big deal.
Then we'll go to break, come back, play Lou Dobbs from last night, again with Ron Paul, and then we're going to come back after that, and I'll analyze both the bird flu and this new piece from CNN.
So those are straight ahead, and I'll be back about 40 after, after these next two clips.
So be sure and stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
UT dodges a bullet in the form of a hybrid flu virus.
Good evening, everyone.
I'm Loriana Hernandez.
And I'm Mike Warren.
There was an accident at the university's most secure lab involving part of a strain of bird flu.
From that, some serious questions have come to light and accusations of a cover-up and threats to public safety.
Inside the Moffitt Molecular Biology Building is UT's Level 3 Biosafety Lab.
The University admits that last April a researcher in full protective gear put a test tube containing a hybrid virus of human flu and parts of bird flu into a centrifuge.
The researcher was working with a centrifuge similar to something like this and he had a test tube inside this area here and what we're told happened is that this part is what actually came loose and broke.
What did that researcher do after that?
He basically waited a period of time, then began decon procedures for both the centrifuge, the room, and then himself before he left the laboratory.
Part of those decontamination procedures included wiping down the centrifuge with Lysol.
So did a hybrid flu escape into the lab?
Was the researcher infected?
He was given Tamiflu as a precaution and the University says there was no contamination beyond the lab, which has safety measures for such a release.
The University filed a report with the Travis County Health Department.
But a biosafety watchdog group called the Sunshine Project isn't so sure about what really happened.
The University tried to cover up and try to prevent release of additional information about the accident and we had to fight through a process with the Attorney General in order to get documentation of it.
The initial report refers to one kind of virus that was being worked on in the lab and then after that report came out they told reporters that it was in fact a different virus that was being worked in the lab and the inconsistencies in the University's story really bother us.
They're also bothered about just how dangerous that hybrid virus was.
This particular cross of these two kinds of flus is exactly what many scientists fear could happen in nature and could result in the next strain that's pandemic for human beings.
If it had gotten out of the lab,
The likelihood of it being an issue for the general population would be very low.
The university says the hybrid flu was mostly the regular human flu we all can get, and added to it was one non-disease-causing gene from the bird flu.
But no matter the disagreement between the Sunshine Project and the university, these issues bring out the fact that on this campus, researchers in the past and present have worked with parts of dangerous and deadly viruses, things like bird flu and anthrax.
I think they have it pretty much under control because they wouldn't make it unsafe for us to be in the same building and do that kind of research if it wasn't safe.
I was totally not cognizant that something like that was happening, but I should expect something of that gravity at a university like this, so I'm not shocked.
But no, I wasn't aware of it.
You would think they would have it under control.
You know, if, I mean, it's a big university, they should have stuff under control.
As for the incident with the centrifuge, the university maintains there was no contamination, the researcher is fine, the incident is over with, and UT meets its research responsibilities.
Well, as long as the procedures are in place and are followed correctly, I think there's no reason why it couldn't be worked with.
But this is not over for the watchdog group, the Sunshine Project.
Their concerns remain.
They are still requesting documents from the university regarding the incident.
IUT also tells Fox 7 that following last year's incident, protocol for using the centrifuge in the lab has changed.
Administrators hope this will prevent another accident like this from happening again.
Wake up, boys, there's a light at the window.
I can hear someone knocking on the door.
There are voices in the street and the sound of running feet.
And they whisper the word, REVOLUTION.
There are men coming down from the valleys.
There are tall ships flying off the coast And they carry the light in the dark of the night Like a whisper in the wind Revolution!
Bring my gun and a handful of silver By the sea we will gather for the fight
It's been so many years So many tears We have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The field for candidates for the 2008 presidential race continues to grow.
Now this past weekend Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas announced that he is forming a presidential exploratory committee and Congressman Paul hopes his strong opposition to illegal immigration and the war in Iraq will set him apart from other Republican candidates.
And he joins us now from Houston, Texas.
Thanks for taking the time, sir.
Thank you.
It's nice to be with you.
You know, you're one of only six Republicans who voted against the war.
You also stood against sending 21,000 more troops to Iraq.
What should the Iraq strategy be now that you are declaring yourself in the race?
I think we should come home as quickly as possible.
There were a lot of false information on the reasons we went in there and there's no good reason to stay right now.
They say that
The main reason for staying now, after he's given numerous reasons, we're supposed to stay now because if we leave there'll be chaos.
My argument is there's plenty of chaos right there now and a lot of Americans are being killed and it was never in our national security interest to go over there.
Besides, one of the reasons that was given for us going there was to enforce UN resolutions.
And I'm a stickler for the Constitution.
I was annoyed because they wouldn't declare war.
If they thought it was important to go to war,
The people's representatives should declare war and they should fight it and get over with and win so I didn't like the way they went and I didn't think we were ever threatened by Iraq.
Let me just play for you President Bush said something today so let's listen to that for a second.
If we leave before that country can govern itself and sustain itself and defend itself there will be chaos and out of chaos will come vacuums and out of vacuums will come an emboldened enemy
They would like to do us harm.
Sir, that is a real worry.
What have you to say about that?
Well, I think he's very sincere, and he believes it, but he believes it just as sincerely as I do, that the Al-Qaeda is there now, and it is a problem, but they weren't there before.
And it's our foreign policy that I object to.
We used to be allies with Osama bin Laden.
Now he's our enemy.
We used to be allies with Saddam Hussein.
Now he's our enemy.
This on-again, off-again thing is what bothers me.
You know, 9-11 had nothing to do with Iraq.
15 of the 19 came from Saudi Arabia.
So they're our bosom buddies and we're their best friends.
Pakistan is probably where Osama Bin Laden is.
We have essentially forgotten about him.
So it's the foreign policy overall.
But yes, there's going to be problems and chaos, but my argument is that it's time that American soldiers quit being killed and it's time for us to quit killing a lot of other people that have not attacked us.
Your Iraq policy is very clearly defined.
Let's move to the domestic front.
You ran for president in 1988 on the Libertarian line.
And you now say there are two parties in Congress right now, big government conservatives and big government liberals, and the only difference is what they want to spend money on.
Now, are you running because you think that there are, of the declared candidates, the true conservatives are not coming out of this pack?
Well, certainly the Republican leadership in the last six, eight, even ten years, and especially in these last six years, we have been the big party, big spender party.
We have spent more money on subsidies than ever before.
We have doubled the size of the Department of Education.
We brought in one of the biggest new entitlement programs, the prescription drug programs.
Big, huge highway expenditures.
So I would say that in some ways, yes, they have some differences, but in other ways, I think Republicans have grown to act just like Democrats.
In the foreign policy, certainly, we can't afford $700 billion in protecting an empire.
That has to come to an end, because the truth is, is we're flat-out broke, and we have to borrow every single penny to fight that war from the Chinese.
Sir, I really can't, we're almost out of time, but I want to get to your immigration platform.
You're calling for action and not talking.
Here's a couple of points for our viewers that you want.
You want to physically secure our borders and coastlines, enforce visa rules, no amnesty.
No welfare for illegal aliens.
You want to end the birthright citizenship and pass true immigration reform.
Would true immigration reform include a guest worker program in your judgment?
Well, you know, those words are tricky because sometimes if you say for a guest worker program, all of a sudden they construe that now.
The conventional wisdom is that there will be amnesty.
Now, we've always had workers come to this country, but they have to be legal.
And we have to deal with the welfare state.
We can't allow the illegal immigrants to qualify for Social Security after working here for 18 months.
We just flat-out can't afford it.
All right.
Thank you very much for laying it out so clearly for us, Representative Ron Paul.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Good evening.
I would like to report on the state of our war against the American people.
We're mounting a sustained campaign to crack down on every American, and every person of every faith, and every nation, and to bring them to justice.
All missions are being executed according to plan, without warning or provocation.
Americans are being swept up in an international dragnet.
Thousands of FBI agents are on the trail of other citizens here in the world.
It has everything to do with hate and evil and murder and prejudice.
America Strong!
What would you do if you knew all the things we know?
Would you stand up?
What would you turn away to?
And then what if you saw all of the things that's wrong?
Would you stand tall and strong?
Or would you turn and walk away?
What would you do if you knew all the things we know?
All the good things that's gone
I see a message from the government, like every day.
I watch it and listen, and call them all suckers.
They're warning me about Osama or whatever.
Picture me buying this scam.
I said, never.
You in tune to a hard truth soldier spitting.
I stay committed, give up, either die or lose commission.
It's all a part of fighting devil's state mind control.
And all about the battle for your body, mind and soul.
And now I'm hoping you don't close your mind, so they shape you.
Don't forget they made us slaves, gave us AIDS and raped us.
Another push season mean another war for profit.
All in secret so the public never fit to stop it.
The Illuminati, triple six, all connected.
Stole the votes, they control the race and take elections.
It's the Skull and Bones Freemason Kill Committee.
See the dragon get in every city.
I think so.
Now ask yourself, who's the one with the most to gain?
Well, 9-11 must be the one who couldn't stand his name.
Now even now, he's waving flags like they lost their mind.
Everybody got opinions, but don't know the time.
Cause America's been took, it's plain to see.
The oldest trick in the book is make your enemy.
A phony evil so the government can do its dirt.
And take over your freedom, lock and load, get in search.
Ain't nothing changed, but more colored people locked in prison.
These pigs still beat us, but it seems we forgetting.
But I remember 4 September, how these devils do it.
Juliani, ask Diallo how he doin'.
We in the streets, holla, jail to the thief, follow.
Waving flags, bring these baggins to they knees.
Oil, blood, money, make these killers ride cold.
Suspicious suicide, people dying, never told.
It's all a part of playing God, so you think we need him?
Walk in, ass crossed, take away your rights to freedom.
Bare witness to the sickness of these dictators.
Hope you understand the time, brother, cause it's major.
Why don't you do it?
What you do is more like things we do.
So now you askin' why my records always come the same?
Keep it real, ain't no fillers blingin' Mine eyes seen the gory of the comin' of the beast So every story, every word, I'm sayin' peace See you can witness the Illuminati body count Don't be surprised, these is devils that I'm talkin' bout
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I'm talkin' loud, but ain't nobody sayin' it.
And with the Fourth Amendment gone, ours are on the first.
That's why I'm spittin' cyanide each and every verse.
I see the Carlisle group in Harris Bank accounts.
I see them plead the fifth each and every session now.
And while white stag burns, see the public buy it.
I see the profile and see the media's compliance.
Wars cut for business, see the vicious make a savior.
Hope you understand the time, brother, cut this major.
What would you do if you knew all the things we do?
Well, you were sleeping They came and took it all away
Alright, that syndicated radio program, National Women's Show, with Rolanda Watts, held me a few minutes longer.
This is my life.
I did eight hours of radio and TV yesterday.
I'm not whining about it, it just gets more and more insane.
In our complete and total dedication against fighting the New World Order.
Did you hear that earlier clip?
Where, oh, they're accidentally splashing the human flu with the bird flu, and oh, the government's accidentally mailed out thousands of samples around the country in other reports, and oh, we're doing level four bioweapons experiments at UT Austin and UT, uh...
Galveston in Level 2 facilities, but it's no big deal.
They wouldn't do anything that wasn't safe for the students.
The government's nice.
I mean, they're telling you Al-Qaeda's gonna kill you any minute, and they've got nukes and bioweapons totally made up.
Meanwhile, they've got 36 Level 4 bioweapons labs, most of them operating in Level 2 or 3.
These things should be underground in sealed bunkers that are ready to incinerate themselves.
That's what real Level 4 does.
Surrounded by minefields and machine gun nests,
Oh no, they're just in facilities with glass windows and little containment rooms and the students go in and they mail deadly superflu around.
What was it?
Two years ago, 5,000 doses of it all around in testing kits to random facilities.
People breathing it when they open it up to quote test against local flus they're seeing.
Again, and that's their plausible deniability if they ever launch a real superflu or something along those lines.
I cannot stress to you
The importance of the BBC saying Building 7 had fallen 20 plus minutes before it fell, and in the video of it not falling, as she sits there and goes on script, it's not just one reporter, it's the BBC in London, the BBC in New York, on 9-11, and we've just got to get this story out to absolutely everybody.
I know I've been gone for a while here.
Who do we go to next, Cole Weiss?
James in Maryland, thanks for holding.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I was wondering if you had heard, I think last week, when Pat Robertson said that he got a word from the Lord that... Will be attacked in 2007.
The 33rd Degree Mason.
Just more fear-mongering.
And I was wondering if you could clarify something for me, Alex.
Is it propaganda, the reports that I've been hearing, that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had said some 12
Imam, or some such, was supposed to be here on March 21st, or have you heard that?
I mean, a few months ago they were saying that Imam was going to come kill us and it was the end of the world.
It's all made up.
They claim they make Jews wear yellow stars.
Total lie.
They just lie about everything.
This is pre-war propaganda.
It's like babies out of incubators.
It's like WMDs in Iraq.
Same thing.
That's amazing.
So that's completely fabricated.
Okay, thank you.
Well, that's fabricated, but so many other things are twisted.
Like he quotes the Ayatollah Khomeini, and I'm not saying these are good people, but saying the Zionist state needs to be wiped from the pages of history, needs to be removed.
And then it turns into Israel needs to be blown off the map with nukes.
Didn't say it.
But you got a public that can't find Iran on the map, and they're brown and they need to die.
Let's go to Robert in San Diego.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This is the RTV student.
We ran out of time before we got the big payoff on that audio clip about the retarded Patsy hijacking the plane.
Yeah, you called it a long audio clip that we couldn't understand.
The audio wasn't good.
Why don't you just verbally tell us about it, sir?
We're good to go.
And there was no way that he could have hijacked a plane, but they arrested him anyway.
No, look, every week they bust somebody who argues with a stereotypist, and it's Al-Qaeda.
Tried to hit, we stopped him, and then two days later, footnote, retraction, it was a mentally ill person, had a seizure.
The thing is, they try to stay on script after they announce the guy's retarded, and they say, well, this just goes to prove Al-Qaeda is trying to keep hijacking planes, but boy, it's another victory for the, you know, anti-terror threat.
And it's just so perfect.
Yeah, that's the thing.
They were announcing on Building 7 on 9-11, it's gonna come down, we're gonna blow it up, we're gonna bring it down, like somebody screwed up and let the truth out, because they're trying to tell the cops and firemen this, so they go along, so they start announcing it, they go, no, no, no, no, no, building hit it, building hit it, and then before it even falls, BBC's announcing it fell because the tower fell on it.
Why don't you wake up to this pattern?
You start to see this propaganda placement all over the place.
Look, look, it's simple.
Most of your local newscasts, the three major networks, get all their major feeds out of CBS Broadcast Center in Manhattan.
This was set up back in 2000, and it's Fox, CBS, and NBC.
ABC isn't part of it.
And that's why, like five years ago, they go on CBS, KI, and Austin, and they say,
They say openly.
Mercury is now good for your brain.
Federal studies show that it actually helps your brain development for children to have mercury in them.
And I went, you know what?
I know that was written at CBS Broadcast Center.
If I type in that headline, I'm going to find it on every CBS station in the country.
I typed it in, guess what popped up?
Hundreds of the same headline.
So all they do is they, T1, or at the time, Satellite, the feeds in with the canned teleprompter text and the video, and then your local news reader, give it a local feel, sits there and reads off the prompter while that national news feed they recorded
You're exactly right.
From somebody who's in the industry, I'm a news anchor, you know, it's out of the college thing, but you can quickly find out that it only takes a few gatekeepers
To make sure only certain news gets out there.
It's really simple to understand.
And that's who goes to the top.
Most of these reporters aren't operatives.
They stay on script, even when the buildings behind them hadn't fallen.
She keeps looking at it and turning and going, it's fallen, and she can tell she's freaked out.
But they just stay on script.
These reporters, they don't have time to match up with what they're reading on the teleprompter with reality.
They're paid to read the teleprompter.
And to have nice hair, and to wear a $3,000 suit with a $200 tie, and they have Q-scores.
They have Q-scores for facial expressions, believability, they have archetypes.
One is the father figure, one the mother figure, one the younger brother, one the daughter.
And this is taught in radio, television, and film in the later classes.
It's all about making you feel at ease, all helping you.
Thank you for the call.
Alright, final segment straight ahead.
I'll blitz through some other news and maybe jam in a few calls.
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Come, you masters of war.
Here to build the big guns.
Here to build the death planes.
Here to build all the bombs.
Here to hide behind walls.
Yeah, that hide behind desks I just don't want you to know I can see through your masks
Welcome back.
Yeah, we've never been in greater debt or more set up for a fall, but the very people that did it to us will give us the next solution.
And that's government employment, mass welfare.
When you get this far away from recession, invariable forces build up from the next recession, and indeed we're beginning to see the sign.
I thought we just left one.
Greenspan said via satellite link to a business conference in Hong Kong.
For example, in the U.S., profit margins have begun to stabilize, which is an early sign.
We're in the later stages of the cycle.
While, yes, it is possible we can get a recession in the later months of 2007, most forecasters are not making that judgment and indeed are projecting forward into 2008 with some slowdown, he said.
The truth is we live in a total fiat economy, like a heroin addict strung out on so much heroin they can't even get high off of it anymore.
They just gotta take more and more or they get sick.
It's all by design to get control of this society.
I am out of time here, ladies and gentlemen, and let's just jam in a few final phone calls.
Give me the last two in line.
I guess it's Mike in Florida and Gary's.
Mike in Florida, go ahead.
Yes, hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
I'm a big fan of your show.
I just want to let you know I've got my own radio show that I run straight from my website, just trying to get the truth out, just like everyone else, you know.
It's called Revolution Radio.
I ran it about seven, eight months ago.
And I had a few guests on there, Jim Fetzer, Ray McGovern, and I'd like to get you on sometime.
Maybe so.
What else is on your mind, sir?
Well, this BBC piece with the Building 7 and the woman talking about how it was
She said it was going to come down.
I'll tell you, she said it had come down.
She said it had come down.
That's one of the biggest smoking guns that I've seen so far.
And it's up to everybody out there to get it off PrisonPlanet.com and get into the Four Winds right now.
Right, and it's also on my website.
I like to give that out.
It's TruthOrLies.org.
Listen, I've got to jump, man.
I'm out of time.
I appreciate it.
Gary in L.A., last caller.
Hey, Alex.
God bless.
I want to talk about the BBC video.
I don't want the truth movies to jump all over this and then have it debunked.
Well, it can't be debunked.
It's BBC video with him saying Building 7 collapsed.
It's hooked in with everything else.
We can go listen to fake debunking and say it's been debunked.
Back in 1994, ABC World News Tonight got busted putting Cokie Roberts, what looked like in front of the Capitol building, when she was in a studio in an overcoat with wind blowing in her face.
I know, they're saying though that they're going live, so it could be that they were doing that and that's a point we'll have to check into it.
But the BBC isn't saying that.
Believe me, they're saying it isn't 7.
They're saying the Solomon Building isn't 7.
They're saying it's fake.
I mean, they're going to say that.
So people can run around with whatever they're going to debunk all day long.
We know the firefighters, police, everybody.
I heard ABC News report they were going to blow up Building 7.
Okay, I heard that that day.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, don't forget the free podcast of the show you can subscribe to at InfoWars.com.
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Don't forget, I'm a documentary filmmaker, and I have made 15 films.
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God bless you all.
Get out there.
Get the BBC Report out to everybody.
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