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Name: 20070215_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 15, 2007
2221 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congressman Ron Paul will be joining us in the third hour today on this 15th day of February 2007 edition.
We will also have wide open phones throughout the broadcast and cover a host of really important issues and play a whole bunch of different audio clips from mainstream media and alternative press and basically break them down and analyze them.
So that's coming up later in this hour as well.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'm a syndicated radio talk show host, documentary filmmaker.
And I operate the news websites InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com and others we believe in redundancy but also each one of those sites has different information along with a lot of the same information posted on it daily that way we can't be brought down like Rents.com was due to
accident or by design for four or five days.
I guess hypothetically we still could be taken down but that's one of the reasons people ask why so many websites and that is the the main driving reason.
All right.
There is just so much today.
Every day it gets worse.
And by worse I mean just so much to cover and so little time
Great story from Infowars.net by Steve Watson.
Why is Britain protecting Jihadist select British suspects saved in Africa, flown back to UK, then released?
And this continues a pattern of where it's known terrorists, known operatives, who are protected
who are saved and then released by British authorities because most terror on the planet I would have to say the majority emanates out of three places the United Kingdom being numero uno in the real world 007 is a terrorist ladies and gentlemen 007 is a killer 007 is a murderer of men women and children in most cases
007 is not the good guy.
And it's the same thing with the covert operations out of the CIA, the Mossad, Shin Bet, FSB, and Russia.
That's why they're in control.
They're the ruthless killers.
They do the nasty stuff.
They blame it on their enemies.
And they've got big, fancy, sophisticated, scientifically crafted public relations firms washing the public's brains.
They're a bunch of feel-good baloney.
So we'll be breaking that story down.
Some good news, I ran official hints at halting atomic work paper reports.
Feds to court, this is not good news, say seize tax evaders property.
This out of the Associated Press last night.
We'll be breaking that down.
The case of Mr. Brown.
Also there is a big BBC documentary coming out primetime Sunday that is a likely hit piece and I want to spend a lot of time first today going over that.
Breaking it down.
We've now got a clear picture, a clearer picture of what they're planning via some of the news stories that BBC has posted in association with this special and some of the clips.
Also, mental health bill is moving forward in Congress.
It ties into the New Freedom Initiative.
The Arabs and Central Asians and many others are refusing to take UN vaccines.
It's all coming up today.
So scrap yourselves in.
It's the one and only GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's here!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to play them again today, one more time, and there's another clip we missed that's up on the BBC website from the new documentary, 9-11 Conspiracy Theories, that's going to be airing on the BBC coming up this Sunday evening.
And the reason we're talking about this today as one of our top stories is not because I'm in it.
We're talking about it because it is, from all indicators that we have, going to be a huge hit piece.
And of course, I have indications from the producer and the director of the piece, when they were right here in Austin, Texas, when they concluded their off-and-on, week-long interview with me,
I have three different articles up on the BBC website, promoing and promoting the piece.
And then we have, again, three separate clips, two of which we played yesterday.
The third clip, because I was told there were just two, and then last night I discovered right there on the site another clip, is one of the producers of the X-Files, who they interviewed for the film.
And we're going to play it later, if we can find it.
And he is talking about how, and it's the standard thing that they put professors on C-SPAN and CNN.
It's the same thing that the ADL puts out.
It's the same thing that they all say.
Well, there's these people that are upset about society, and they want to bring order to things, and they want to believe there's a wider controlling force, even if it's bad.
They don't want to believe that lone gunmen could act alone, or that life is so random.
And they believe they're special, and it's a religion.
They go off of faith with their conspiracy theories.
And they're just poor, pathetic people.
They're so sad.
And then he mentions what happened with Kennedy.
Now back on the 40th anniversary, three years ago, sitting in my office at my home, I spent several hours doing what focus groups do.
I went out and I found 12 different polls.
Some were scientific, some were web polls, but they all came up with basically the same numbers.
I don't just go off one poll.
And I averaged them together and I got 92%
of Americans believe that the government and the CIA were involved and there were more than one shooter in Dealey Plaza now 43 years ago.
92% when you average 12 polls together.
Some were 95, 97, others were 85.
And you've all seen the polls.
It's in the high 80s, low 90s every year.
The numbers increase.
I mean, someday I guess it'll be 99 percent, but it doesn't really matter, I guess, if the general public knows the truth.
The mainstream media sits up there and still makes their grassing knoll joke.
It doesn't matter that if you actually study the Kennedy case, there are literally hundreds of things that are impossible.
Namely, you couldn't shoot through the live oak tree from the book
depository building because it completely obscured two of his three shots.
You literally couldn't see any of the car.
This was pointed out so they closed it up where you can't get up to the window now by the way.
But plenty of TV cameras have been there and shot the video from the window and photos have been made to show this.
Or you can stand where Kennedy was shot and yourself and the trees have been cut and kept the same length and notice that you can't even see the window.
From the place where two of the supposed shots were fired.
Then you have all the witnesses that saw the poofs of smoke and the men behind the railway and the police even arresting some of them and ordering to release them and you go into his head going back not forward.
You shoot somebody in the front, they go back.
You shoot them in the back, they go forward.
You've got LBJ having the car grabbed and loaded up and completely refurbished and stripped in one week.
Sit back to the plant.
You have magic bullets found on stretchers that aren't even damaged.
What if you fire a bullet into water?
It will deform.
Hundreds and hundreds of things.
But they just say it's a religious belief we have.
I remember six, seven, eight years ago being on radio talk shows and I'd bring up the Gulf of Tonkin, 1964.
I mean, we already had captains and others go public.
That's where the conspiracy theory quote came from back in the mid-sixties, because people came back, and it first broke in the San Diego newspaper, and said, look, nobody attacked us, it was staged.
Well, now the NSA and CIA history department have declassified the full history, the LBJ tapes have been released, and they staged the entire thing.
It is now admitted.
Oh, our religious belief was proven to be accurate.
For decades it was said that the CIA overthrew Mohammed Mosaddegh.
Then that was admitted.
Then the man who carried out the operation wrote a best-selling book before he died in 1999, Kermit Roosevelt, bragging about how they staged terror attacks and shot people and handed out handbills.
And by the way, I didn't even know about that.
I knew that there was a coup there, but I've told the story many times about five years ago.
Six years ago, I'm driving to get light bulbs at Home Depot and I turn on NPR.
And there is Kermit Roosevelt, a few years after he died, they were re-airing the tape, where he admitted all the things he'd done.
My gosh, we've got our government admitting they blew up mosques and shot people and blamed it on Mohammed Mosaddegh.
Doesn't matter.
They got so-called debunking websites, you know, saying TerrorStorm's a lie and it isn't true.
Just everything's a lie.
Every firefighter, every policeman, every emergency worker that goes public, they're just all liars or they're crazy or they're part of this cult, this 9-11 virus.
People were called conspiracy theorists when they first announced and first got reports from private doctors that black men had been exposed to syphilis and allowed to spread it.
That didn't exist.
Now it's totally admitted that the government premeditatedly did it.
The atomic soldiers, Project Shad, our government killed our own soldiers.
I mean, knowing they were going to die, had them march into chambers and nerve gas them and then dissected their bodies.
Admitted, public, out there.
But the establishment media, the BBC, Popular Mechanics, all of them, they don't stop.
They just keep saying, we're a cult, we're nuts, we make it all up.
It was a conspiracy theory that the Patriot Act was going to be used in non-terror related incidents.
Remember Ashcroft in 2002, it's in my film,
Police state 3 total enslavement.
He got up and he said, if you say the Patriot Act will be used in non-terror related cases, you were aiding the terrorists, you were a liar, these are phantoms of lost liberty.
Now you can read the AP headlines, used in thousands of cases, per state federal court's rule, you can use it in non-terror related cases.
Again, just, just, he said, it is a conspiracy theory!
It is phantoms of lost liberty!
It is a lie!
Oh, we're not torturing!
It's a conspiracy theory!
Then their own memos go public, and it's worse than we could even imagine.
I couldn't imagine that White House counsels and people who are now the Attorney General would write memos about torturing small children.
It's public, it's admitted, and they get up in public and admit it at universities!
Ha ha ha!
Doesn't stop the debunking sites.
Oh, by the way, the BBC quotes the State Department's
debunking section that, amongst other things, attacks this network, Jeff Rents, myself, others, and they say that it is an urban legend and a lie that China sells organs, period!
Of course, a whole separate
Report put out by the State Department before, I guess they were totally political, a few years before it reported on it and said how horrible it was and now the Chinese government admits they do it and put full-color ads in medical magazines around the world and it's all over the news and admit it.
China openly kills political dissidents and sells their organs.
It's a two-week wait instead of a year and a half wait.
But it's a conspiracy theory!
Why they even quote that here!
Basically, government's doing nothing bad.
Everything's fine.
It's a conspiracy theory that the Federal Reserve is private.
You can call them and they'll tell you they are.
They're in the white pages.
It's a conspira- Remember Robert Pasteur and others?
They told Lou Dobbs?
They put out a report on the SPP website saying Lou Dobbs is a conspiracy theorist?
Oh yeah, we just have the four-year documents where they're meeting last year saying we've got to keep it secret that we're setting up a North American Union.
We have THE Fourier Documents!
And it's a conspiracy theory!
We're just making it up!
Oh, man, I am so sick of it.
I am so tired of the lies on top of lies on top of lies.
That are spewed.
And we've got to write a big article, not just about this BBC hit piece, but just going through these examples.
And going and pulling where they said, it's ridiculous, you're a complete liar, and then later, oh, so what, it's the North American Union.
What's the big deal?
In 1998, they had an $844,000 a year grant starting to put up microphones.
The grant said it was for listening devices, and the statesman, it said, oh, gunshot detectors.
You ever heard of them busting somebody with a gunshot detector?
You ever heard of it on the news?
And then local talk show host called me a conspiracy theorist.
They're gunshot detectors, they're not microphones.
But then now they admit, yeah, they're microphones.
It's like Waco, when the tank is ramming the building, and knocking down the whole back third and running over people, and they're blaring on loudspeakers.
This is not an assault!
It's like in Mars Attacks, when the aliens are running around particle beaming everybody, and they're going, Don't run!
We are your friends!
We used to play that clip as an outro.
Don't run!
We are your friends!
And I'm going, They're not our friends!
They're not our friends!
Yes, we're your friends!
Stand still!
It's just, we'll come back and go over all of it.
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Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to play this clip from Frank Spotnitz.
He was the producer of The Lone Gunman, also involved with The X-Files.
And I guess he's in the BBC documentary.
And he explains how we're basically a religious cult and, you know, we just want to bring meaning to the world and we think we have special knowledge.
No, we have knowledge that's pretty easy to discover at CIA.gov where they brag that they staged terror attacks.
And then we see when they admit it, we like to warn people.
Why, there's conspiracy theories.
In fact, I have Reuters today.
There's conspiracy theories that the vaccines are being used by the World Health Organization to sterilize people.
Uh, no.
The World Health Organization was caught doing this from Asia to Africa, to Latin America.
This is a major program.
So, do you blame people in Pakistan from having their clerics drive around with bullhorns in the back of trucks going, Don't take it!
Don't take it!
When the World Health Organization comes through with their special injections.
I mean, if a group's been caught doing something over and over again, you'd be nuts to trust them!
I'm not saying vaccines, if they were
Prepared properly and incredible watchdogs and massive research and testing of every lot to make sure it didn't have other virus or DNA fragments.
Because just accidentally they're really dangerous.
Knowing that you've got people on purpose doing stuff to it.
I mean come on!
But I mean they've been caught over and over again.
How do you trust them?
You cannot do it!
But these insane Muslims, why in some Muslim areas 60 plus percent are refusing the shots.
What do you expect someone who's got their head halfway screwed on straight to do?
By the way, I know several doctors
Who work in delivery rooms, pediatricians, you name it, and they say that in the wealthy hospitals, the well-to-do, private branches and upscale branches, that upwards of half, and this is years ago I learned this in the hospitals, are refusing.
It's just, oh absolutely, we understand, the nurse, I wouldn't give it to my children either.
Then you go to the poor hospitals, or even go to ones that are associated with those,
They will scream at you and say, CPS is coming to take your baby, you take the shot.
And if you don't have backup, they will take your child on the spot.
If you do have backup, they'll suddenly go, oh there wasn't a law, we were wrong, we apologize.
This just happened to friends of mine, friends of friends of mine, last week.
I mean, there's no conspiracy theory about that, that they lie and say it's the law and threaten to snatch your children.
Go experience it for yourself!
Is that a free country?
Is that a free society?
Where they lie and say there are laws that don't exist?
And if they find out you're poor and don't know your rights, a cop will come in and actually grab you by the neck?
I've witnessed it.
One event we covered, and you see them kicking us out of the room, we got the video camera, them threatening to arrest us.
Just the child grabbers.
What was the name of the episode?
Mike Hanson on the call in and tell me.
I mean you open the door up and the cop's choking her trying to make, got her by the neck going sign it!
And they did and that baby was gone.
I mean you talk about...
It's the equivalent of child kidnappers waiting.
You don't even know.
They're in the nurses' outfits.
It's the CPS inside of the hospital.
They're in their own little weird cult themselves of belief.
Well, there isn't a law.
This one nurse at the hospital after she got confronted and the CPS came and had to admit there was no law.
She said, well, it doesn't matter.
That woman that didn't want to give her baby shots is crazy!
And so I told her that for her own good!
She's crazy!
And of course, other nurses were going, no, no, no, no, no.
But see, these people, they're the cult members, folks.
You go into a hospital, there's no law, they threaten to take your children, they take your children, when there's no law!
And you can verify that in 30 seconds online.
Just type in Texas Immunization Laws.
Go read it.
It's the same in all 50 states.
And I know I keep getting off into this subject because now we got Perry jumping around on the payroll of Merck.
And lazy twits out there, don't email me and say I just made an unsubstantiated claim.
It's in every single AP and Reuters article.
You're just too dumb and too lazy to go read it.
Every time I say something, I don't have to source it.
That's common knowledge, you morons!
Some idiot I saw, he's got some website saying I'm lying about that, I lie about everything.
No, it's you!
It's you!
It's you that's a weak-minded twit!
I mean, just, I just can't handle it.
Alright, we'll play these clips, we'll get into a bunch of it on the other side.
Stay with me.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We all remember where we were on the day the world changed.
But do we know what really happened?
Look closer through the smoke and horrors of A Conspiracy Series, and you'll find that not everything was as it first appeared.
Bottom line, 9-11 is an inside job.
It's a self-inflicted wound.
It's a false flag fare operation.
Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th.
Many say the official account doesn't add up.
Listen, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
And the questions keep coming.
As Sherlock Holmes was fond of observing, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
There are more than 50 different conspiracy theories about 9-11.
It's the first global event in the age of the internet.
We're just civilians, man.
We're people who have questions.
If a large passenger jet crashed into the Pentagon, why was the hole in the exterior wall apparently so small?
Was wreckage found miles from the crash site of one of the hijacked planes, which proved that it was shot down?
Our government will willingly kill its own citizens for whatever gain it seems necessary, and then lie as much as they need to to cover it up.
Could a controlled demolition have caused this building to collapse at the World Trade Center?
I don't believe it was a controlled demolition.
I know it was a controlled demolition.
If these theories were true, then why did my brother go to work that day?
Did he want to die?
So why do so many people doubt what the American government tells them about 9-11?
Well, there's the old saying that just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
And they got two-minute promos running all over the main BBC channels and this is a huge show, massive promotion going on.
Let's just walk through some of the propaganda you just heard.
They say there's more than 50 conspiracy theories.
No, everyone in 9-11 Truth believes it's a government-slash-corporate-sponsored op.
Then there's four different events.
The Pentagon, Tower 1 and 2, 7, and of course, Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
So I guess that's really five different events.
And so they like to say, it's the same thing they do when you talk about the shadow government.
You talk about Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Skull and Bones,
Well, it's like state capitals.
It's different arms.
It's different management groups.
And it's only a couple hundred people that chair and sub-chair and direct all of those groups I just mentioned.
It's like going, hey, he says there's a conspiracy that there's a federal government and 50 state governments.
Well, which one runs it then?
It's like a corporation that has 20, 30 different divisions.
Do those corporations exist because they're different divisions?
So they try to confuse you with that.
They also speak to laziness.
They speak to people... Good propaganda is just simple and mindless and easy to buy.
There's a scary guy with a beard who looks like the bad guy in every old movie and he's gonna get you.
He's the Goldstein of 1984, the turban bearded man.
And so, just believe us, don't believe... I mean, it's hard to accept the facts, even when they're legion, that it is an inside job, because it does shake your whole worldview, and it lets you know you're living in a dangerous world.
And the people with great control over our lives are very wicked.
But it is the truth.
And they have some poor woman saying, well, if that was true, why did my brother go to work that day?
And you know what that's going to be.
It's the same thing CNN and Fox have been doing, where they get a
Poor people up on television, fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers who are Jewish, who lost Jewish members of their family that day, because a lot of Jews did die in the towers, and they say, oh, they claim, the conspiracy theorists claim that the Jews did it, and that's a minority group that says that, less than 10% in major polls.
What is it, 7% in the Gallup poll?
And they say, there's just nothing to this, it's just made up.
No, the story developed, and clearly Israel at some levels was involved, that is their black ops, because you can't distinguish CIA from Assad from MI6 at the top, because Heratz and the Jerusalem Post and Newsweek all reported, and they've never retracted, that Odigo, the instant message company based in Tel Aviv and New York,
I am their employees and called them hours before saying don't go to work!
It's admitted that at nine o'clock in the morning, those towers were only at half the capacity.
Half the number of people that were normally there were there.
The Arabs weren't there either.
Newsweek reported Arab kids and it's confirmed that those won't be there next week.
There were local FBI doing insider trading.
The only people to go to jail for insider trading were two FBI agents and the guy they did it with.
Then people think, oh, that's who did the insider trading.
No, that was less than one percent of the insider trading.
It led right back to
Buzzy, Krongard, and Alex and Brown, and those companies.
So see, that's how they do it.
Oh, this poor woman lost her brother, but they say no Jews died!
No one has said that!
Even the people saying Israel purely did it, which is ridiculous, are not saying that no Jews died.
Several hundred did.
So see, those are the tricks they play.
And there's going to be hundreds of them from the clips I've seen and from the interviews they did.
I would want to bring up Northwoods.
I would want to bring up Tonkin.
I would want to bring up Mozadek.
I want to bring up all these admitted cases where our government did it before.
I'd want to bring up where even the BBC has reported that the British government's been involved in terror attacks.
And no!
They only wanted to talk about the wildest facets that couldn't be completely proven.
Or other people who put out kooky theories.
Now, let's go ahead and skip to the third clip.
This is the writer and director and producer of the X-Files and Lone Gunman, Frank Spotnitz, I believe is his name.
And they interviewed him for the piece.
They told me they were interviewing him because the Lone Gunman piece came out months before 9-11 where the government hijacks a jumbo jet by remote control to blame it on terrorists in Afghanistan to fly it into, we've played it many times, to fly it into the World Trade Centers.
And at the last minute they get remote control back and the Lone Gunman crowd, you know, is able to, with Dean Haglund, you know, starring as the main hacker, saves the day.
And Dean came on this show and said, look, CIA would approach us and say, these are good ideas for your plots.
So we have Dean on record.
Do they go interview Dean?
They go to Frank Spotnitz, the head honcho over there, and he poo-poos it.
So, let's go ahead and play him, talking about how this is just our religion, and we have to believe all this.
Here it is.
I think the idea that conspiracy theorists are looking for a bigger reason is absolutely right.
I think the most potent targets for conspiracy theories are events of disproportionate tragedy.
The President of the United States is assassinated, this hugely charismatic popular figure, by a lone gunman.
It doesn't seem fair.
It doesn't seem right.
It can't be.
It's so disproportionate to the magnitude of the crime committed that this one guy could have done it.
That there must be larger forces at work.
And I think that's the same thing that happens when you look at a 9-11.
It doesn't seem right that these 19 hijackers and this small band of terrorists could be responsible for such enormous tragedy.
And so I think people are trying to balance the scales, if you will,
By looking for equal and opposite evil forces to explain the evil event.
And it is like a secular mythology that we live with today.
Just like people had Greek gods or fire gods in the past, we now have these conspiracy theories that make sense of these unseen forces.
Okay, so they interviewed him.
Sorry about the noise.
They interviewed him in some parking lot, so it was noisy.
Traffic in the background.
So it's a secular mythology, it's a new religion.
I would think it would be religious belief that a passport, two of them, would go through the plane, through the metal, through the fireball, out of the superstructures, and land on the streets below.
I would think it would be secular mythology that on the 7-7 bombings that one of the supposed bombers IDs was dropped
Undamaged at two different locations.
No, the spooks screwed up.
Planting their evidence.
I would think that that would be a religious belief.
Or that no modern steel building had ever fallen and building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft and had some small fires in it, but then magically fell, and underwriter laboratories did a study of it who underwrote the building and said it was impossible.
And NIST has given five different reasons, and now revoked all of those.
But it doesn't matter.
BBC interviewed them, and is going to use the other fake reasons that have now been... NIST admits aren't real, and that they were wrong.
They say they're having to look at explosions now.
But see, oh, it's the religion.
We're kooks.
We're crazy.
It's disproportionate.
It doesn't make sense.
It doesn't fit.
We just think we're special and that we have the knowledge and we like to hang out with just our little friends.
And they say that in all the articles.
They're going off the script.
Everybody against us in these pieces is saying the same garbage.
And then they have, on the same area of the BBC website, I can link through to it at prisonplanet.com,
It says a new, it says conspiracy test.
A new BBC TV series explores some of the biggest and most troubling conspiracy theories of modern time.
Do you trust everything you were told or do you think there's usually truth in conspiracies?
See, you're a conspiracy theorist and you just don't believe everything you hear.
Yeah, don't even question or you're a nut!
Psychologist Dr. Patrick Lehman, by the way, they now have all these new psychological terms for people that think that the government's corrupt, and they say that's mental illness, just like the Soviet Union.
Yeah, you're crazy if you think Stalin's bad.
You're crazy if you think Bush is bad, or Hillary.
Psychologist Dr. Patrick Lehman of the Royal Holloway University of London has devised a test to see how conspiratorial you are.
There's 15 questions
And they calculate your score in Dr. Lehman's analysis.
And it's 15 questions.
One, you strongly agree.
Two, you disagree.
Three, you don't know.
Four, you agree.
Five, you strongly agree.
Number one, there was no organized conspiracy involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
And if you say, strongly disagree, you believe there was an organized conspiracy involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
As 92% of Americans believe, when you go to the end it says you are basically a paranoid schizophrenic who is completely delusional and has no friends.
It actually says that you trust no one and you're nuts.
Okay, 92% of us.
Alright, fine.
Number two, for the most part, government serves the interest of a few organized groups, such as business, and isn't very concerned about the needs of people like myself.
Well, in the past, there have been some good governments that did serve the people to a certain extent, because they had enlightened elites that knew that that would create synergy and that they would just become more wealthy and have more power.
And the few empires that did that, the Greeks and the Romans, during their golden age, then they didn't want freedom and did become centralized and fell apart.
But there have been a few, the U.S., another example of this, under the Bill of Rights Constitution, a few special examples.
So see, these questions are too simple.
Obviously, today in the world, the government, for the most part, does serve the interests of a few organized groups.
Everybody knows that.
Such as businesses.
And isn't very concerned about the needs of people like myself.
And if you agree with that, you're completely nuts.
Because a doctor says so.
Doesn't matter how many congressional and private studies there are.
Let's look at the evidence.
97% don't want foreign-owned toll roads and existing roads.
Almost every politician is on the Sentra and Zachary payroll.
They just do it.
91% in Gallup polls don't want the Blanket Amnesty.
Bush and the Democrats are set to try to pass it.
How many issues are you against?
How many issues do the people not want?
How many issues are only for special interests that get rammed through?
Are there two lobbyists for every member of Congress?
Is there a lobbyist for every member of the state legislatures?
Was $150 million spent last year by the big telecoms according to the Associated Press and the Register?
Over $150 million to shut down net neutrality and net freedom?
Is Newt Gingrich on the air saying restrict free speech?
Is Hillary doing it?
Is there lobbying?
A special interest taking over?
Everybody knows that!
You're insane!
A psychiatrist, funded by Big Pharma, through his grants at his university, says you're crazy, and he's the high priest!
He's smarter than everybody else!
We've got to believe his conspiracy theory!
I mean, you talk about religious belief, believing the official 9-11 conspiracy theory is the craziest of all!
Number three, I can normally do what I want to do in this world today.
Well, as long as you jump through 14, 15 hoops to have a small business, as long as you do all the paperwork just right, you might be able to do what you want there.
I mean, how many things really are restricted?
Can you do everything you want to do in this world?
Absolutely not!
We're losing more and more of that.
If you say that, you're just a loser who's bitter and who isn't happy, and you're just a fool.
Princess Diana's death was an accident.
It's over 80% in England in major polls.
Some of them are as high as 90% believe that the government killed her.
Gee, our diary was released saying, Prince Charles told me two days ago that he will kill me and it will be in a fake auto accident.
And there's a hundred other pieces of evidence times a hundred.
But if you say you believe that she was killed, you are a complete nut.
Number five, it is difficult for people like myself to have much influence in public affairs.
So see, this is saying, if you're a conspiracy theorist, you believe you have no power, that you're basically a loser.
We seem to live in a pretty rational and well-ordered world.
No, the world's going completely nuts at the highest levels.
Yeah, the general public's pretty rational.
So again, too simple of a question.
My closest friends are very unpredictable.
I never know how they're going to act from one day to the next.
So see, these questions have nothing to do with the New World Order and being involved in real politics and real issues and fighting the global empire.
It's just all about how, oh, they put these questions in which are prejudiced in their own right, implying that conspiracy theorists, again, don't trust their friends and are basically a bunch of scared hermits.
When I am with my closest friends, I feel secure in facing unknown situations.
By the way, I put on here that I trust my friends, I feel good with my friends.
It still told me at the end that I don't like my friends and I'm a loser.
Go take the test!
Which I'm sure goes right to Tavistock.
Number nine, most politicians are sympathetic people and do a good job.
No, most of them are bought and paid for.
A bunch of yuppies aren't thinking about tomorrow, they're just thinking about their mistress and their golf game.
And getting the latest $150,000 Mercedes.
I feel very uncomfortable when my closest friends have to make decisions which will affect me personally.
See, you're afraid of loss of control.
The attack on the Twin Towers was not a terrorist action, but a conspiracy involving certain Western governments.
And if you say you believe that again, you're a delusional psychopath.
Number 12, the American moon landings were faked.
I said, I don't know.
I am certain that my closest friends would not lie to me, even if the opportunity arose.
See, it's all about... It's just nuts.
Of course, statistically, the people that die the youngest in this nation are psychiatrists, and they have the highest level of drug use and suicide.
So again, they're nuts, telling us all we're nuts.
I'm sorry, we have the official government numbers.
You're a pack of lunatics, on average.
Alright, we'll finish the last two when we get back.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
I forgot that there was a second part to that clip.
That's why I was saying
And then the Lone Gunman X-Files creator, producer, uh, goes on to basically say we're our own little elitist religion, basically.
And then John said, hey, you didn't play that whole clip.
So here's the rest of that clip where any of us that don't trust things and know there's corporate interest involved, we're just, we're just, we're a cult.
It's a religion.
We're fruitcakes.
Here it is.
I think subscribers to conspiracy theories feel like they are in a elite club.
They're the people who have been clever enough to seek out the pieces of information that connect the dots of this puzzle and this mystery.
And having found that information, they're very eager to protect it and to share it with like-minded people.
And it's an emotional thing, because it actually does require some faith on your part.
You can't prove it.
It is akin to some kind of religious faith in this unseen, unproven idea.
And like religious faith, you become very emotional if you are attacked or somebody's going to take this away from you because it's your security blanket.
It's what you're clinging to to comfort yourself.
So there, you heard it.
It's our security blanket.
Yeah, it really makes us feel secure.
You know, I mean, I'm sitting there in college and they're teaching me that America's bad and world government's here and that gun confiscation will come one day and that just all of it.
And then I'd go watch CNN and they'd say, there's no plan for a world government, it doesn't exist.
Then I'd go read the documents.
See, it's my security blanket.
I want to believe they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines because it makes me feel secure.
I want to believe they're about to start World War III with Iran, that they led us into war with Iraq on lies because it makes me feel secure.
I want to believe that
Criminal elements of our government blew up three skyscrapers and attacked the Pentagon and flew a plane into the ground in Pennsylvania.
Because that makes me feel real secure.
That's what that Scripps Tower News Service Fox News analyst lady did when she wrote an article, attributed some threat she got to me.
Later she had to retract it.
And then said, well they just are afraid and they need to believe that it's too scary that Muslims did this.
They need to believe the government did it because it's their government.
I mean, this is a script!
It's so tired!
And they've got this psychological questionnaire where the psychologist tells you you're insane!
It says, governments are suppressing evidence of the existence of aliens.
That's the last one.
And I just said, I don't know.
See, I don't... They love to mix in that and the moon landing and then these are all tactics they do.
Because that, you know, just because the government lies and is involved in all this stuff doesn't mean every conspiracy theory you hear, every person out there speaking, is telling the truth or has all their marbles together in one bag.
So that's what they love to do.
I mean, I'll never forget a 60 Minutes piece about 12 years ago.
More than that, I'm sitting there at my grandparents' house watching 60 Minutes with my late grandfather.
He watched it every Sunday.
And they had something about government corruption in Area 51, and the guy they interviewed was so drunk at the bar he could hardly talk, and that was their expert from the conspiracy files.
So now they've gotten more sophisticated.
They're advertising this thing like they're going to ask questions, and they're going to look at the truth and find out.
No, at the end of a week of interviews,
At my home, and at my office, and in Dallas, and at the radio studio at KLBJ.
At the end of all this, Guy said, I want to go to dinner.
So we go to dinner and I'm there with my wife and children and my kids eat quick and are tired and they want to go because they were there two hours late because the guy kept me longer than he said he would at the interview and they leave and then he just starts laughing at me with the other guys.
So you think they killed Dr. David Kelly?
And I go, well he said in emails they're going to kill me and find me in the woods and he was seen with guys in black uniforms around him by the police and there was no blood at the scene and undigested pills.
He goes, well all that's true but that's just circumstantial.
So you think they killed Diana?
And I go, well of course!
He just starts laughing at me.
And I go, you're not going to put Northwoods in there.
And he goes, no, I'm not going to put it in there.
It was just this elitism started laughing at me.
It's so funny!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ron Paul, running for president, is scheduled to join us sometime in the third hour.
He almost always makes his engagements here.
Once a month with us occasionally.
He reschedules to the next day when Congress is in session.
You never know when something's coming up for a vote and our champion gets called away.
We're scheduled next ten minutes or so to have Congressman Ted Poe, a Texas Republican, joining us about what's happening to Campeon and Ramos.
The Valiant Border Patrol Guards, who have basically been crucified.
So we'll be getting into some of that as well.
But again, Congress is in session, so I've learned with these congressmen, you never know when they're going to pop in.
Whether it's Wangle, or Dan Credo, or you name it, but they generally do a show.
So we should get one of them at least today.
Last hour for stations that just joined us, I went into this huge BBC
hit piece that is coming up Sunday, and I'll get more into that later.
But it is shoddy and it's not going to work.
Their tactics have gotten a little more sophisticated, but it's still not going to work.
The people know they're being lied to.
The people know that scams are being run on them.
They know there's corruption.
They know that there's problems.
They know there's special interests.
They know there's a ruling elite.
Humans throughout recorded history have known always of the ruling elites, whether they were good or bad.
And the question was, was it going to be a good elite or a bad elite, or in between?
But in modern history, they somehow condition the general public that no elites exist, and there's no power structure, and there's no lobbying going on, and you shouldn't be concerned about undue influence.
Just go to sleep.
Go play your golf.
Go to the movies.
Go to the shopping mall.
Go get all the beauty products.
Wear all the latest fashions.
Talk on your cell phone ten hours a day.
Just go be a modern American.
Be a modern Westerner.
The dollar hasn't been devalued.
The economy isn't in trouble.
The Federal Reserve isn't a scam.
It's great to join the military.
Everything is honky-dory.
Well, everything is not honky-dory.
It is rapidly degenerating, and I am simply here attempting to get the world to listen to the facts and to wake up.
And the good news is, in every major poll and every major sampling that's been taken across the planet, the people are waking up.
The people worldwide, at great numbers, from Africa to the United States to Asia, are saying no to the vaccines.
In some cases, upwards of 60%.
All over the world, people now know about the central banking cartels.
All over the world, populations now know who their enemy is, the New World Order.
All over the world, populations are anti-war and anti-globalization.
And so I say to BBC and ABC and Fox and CNN and MSNBC and all of them, your system is not going to work.
You are going to fail.
Clean skies, this is out of Christian Science Monitor, without a viable jet fuel alternative, air travel in 30 years may only be for the wealthy.
Again, neo-feudalism.
That's what globalization and the carbon tax is all about, is restricting development and movement to freeze out the middle class and create a giant underclass.
So we'll break down both of these articles as well when we get back, while we're waiting for the congressman to join us.
And again, Ron Paul scheduled
In the next hour.
We'll also be taking phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are JonesReport.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.com, and Infowars.com.
Please put them in your favorites list, tell your whole email list about them, your MySpace accounts, your message boards.
It is you that helps us get the word out, so intensify your efforts.
And don't forget, the free podcast, all three hours of the show, served out free every day.
All you've got to do is subscribe.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now eight minutes, 27 seconds into our number two.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Congressman Ron Paul is scheduled in the second hour.
We're not sure exactly when.
That's standard operating procedure when Congress is in session.
Talk about his presidential run and a lot more.
Let me get into a subject we covered back on Tuesday, and we've been covering it, of course, a lot longer than that, that Bank of America is issuing credit cards without ID to illegal aliens.
Now, what they do is, without an ID, and this was announced by the Associated Press last year, that 800 major lenders were doing this, quote, to help illegals grow roots here so they, quote, can't be deported.
And I have Dick Cheney saying similar things today, asking corporations to work with the government to make sure all of this happens.
This is what they do.
Corporations combine with the government, it's called fascism, to destroy the sovereignty of this nation.
But when you hear this piece, listen to Homeland Security say, oh they don't think it's a problem and Bank of America says they're complying with the Patriot Act.
Where they want three forms of ID and the know your customer legislation that was rolled into the Patriot Act for citizens.
Now before this was ever in the Associated Press last year, I have seen it at major banks.
Years ago.
I have sat there and watched illegals and I'm watching carefully while I sit waiting for an hour
To try to get some banking done, or get something special done, or open an account, and I watch the illegal alien march over, and I watch lines of them, and they're just no ID, no nothing, they give them big wads of cash, and the bank account is open, and quote, if they don't overdraft in a couple months, then they're allowed to have housing loans, that's in the new articles by the way, LA Times and AP, in the last two days, and Reuters,
And they just let them get on welfare, you name it.
And of course the federal numbers are out that it's the illegal aliens are the biggest group of welfare cheats out there.
Because they can go have two, three, four identities.
Remember what, three years ago, I had the head of the Senate from Colorado on, and he did a stunt where he went out in one day and got four different IDs off a matricula card.
He's a white guy from Colorado.
So, any talk of fighting terror, any talk of the Patriot Act, and all the surveillance, and tracking everything you do, and warrantless wiretaps, and data mining of your bank accounts to stop Al-Qaeda, it's all a complete and total fraud.
It's a joke.
Here's Lou Dobbs, and people are thankful for this piece.
I think it's a whitewash.
Here it is.
Tonight, an amazing development in banking directly benefiting illegal aliens in this country.
Bank of America is now issuing its credit cards to people with no social security number who've broken the law and who are in this country illegally.
To Bank of America, apparently, they are simply a new market.
Kitty Pilgrim reports.
Bank of America has a new target market for credit cards.
People without social security numbers.
Translation, illegal aliens.
Bank of America today says the program has nothing to do with illegal aliens and defends the program, saying it's only a pilot program in 51 banks, saying this initiative lets customers build a solid credit history with a leading bank.
But the bank only requires a taxpayer identification number, something many illegal aliens have, something the IRS website says should not be used as identification.
Well, there's no question that the intent of this new policy is to give credit cards to illegal aliens.
They're hoping to tap a new market.
They're hoping to make some money.
So, anyone who suggests otherwise is just silly.
The worry is the program aids and abets any illegal alien to stay in the country, establish credit, and put down roots.
This has given very serious concerns to people in the intelligence community about the ability of people not just in Mexico, but around the world
to forge documents and uh... to be in the country illegally and many of them could do things other than just work such as move money illegally
on behalf of terrorist organizations.
The Department of Homeland Security today said, we are not privy to all the details of the program.
We will be looking at it very carefully.
And added, it facilitates the risk of identity theft.
And said money laundering through the program could be entirely possible.
Bank of America, when questioned about the identity theft and other security issues, responded that this program was compliant with the Patriot Act and other sufficient protections were in place.
Now the bank outright defends the program saying it's not an immigration question, it's about providing services to the local community.
And the bank spokeswoman says she was surprised and disappointed about the strong negative reaction they've been seeing about this plan, saying it's been blown out of proportion.
Well is she just some kind of idiot?
Why would she expect there not to be a reaction to providing services from the Bank of America to people who do not have Social Security cards, who are in this country illegally?
What kind of moron would expect any kind of reaction other than that?
They're clearly in denial and the reaction that we got was extreme.
People are quite upset about the security implications of this.
Thank you very much.
We want you to know that we invited the CEO of the Bank of America, Kenneth Lewis, to join us on this broadcast to explain the outrageous policy that his bank has decided to follow and its really silly and outrageous statement in defense of its approach.
I wanted to tell him the statement saying the bank isn't marketing to illegal aliens is fundamentally, absolutely, and unequivocally a lie, and that perhaps he would like to talk to the people representing the bank who uttered such lies.
Maybe Bank of America should take its own advice here.
After all, its slogan is higher standards.
Okay, let's be clear.
The first bank to do this in my knowledge was three years ago
Well, they got an award three years ago from Vicente Fox for doing it, that's when I learned of it, that they issue a bank debit card, okay, not a credit card, to anyone, frankly, as long as you're Latin American.
It is discriminatory.
In fact, I challenge a German, we need to do this, there's so much stuff going on, but we need to have an immigrant, a legal immigrant, go in there and just go, my name is Hans, I am here to get the account.
And no, you're not going to get one.
And citizens, you can forget it, we're absolute trash.
And you watch, the federal government is behind this.
He was in the AP last year, what, three or four months ago.
Where it had different lenders in there, big bank chairman going, well we're doing this because there's a big move to force these good people out of America and this will help them grow roots.
That was a quote.
That's why you heard that in the Singin' In piece.
They're saying it's to aid people who are felons.
It's to help criminals.
Because the White House, going back to Clinton,
And the current administration has, quote, asked corporations to help the illegal aliens.
It's like the big meat packers, uh, last year for the big, uh, stage demonstration of millions in the streets of America, illegal aliens.
Oh, you get two days off!
Oh, we're shutting down the meat plants!
You're paid!
Just go protest!
Oh, we love you!
And I mean, I wrote down a bunch of notes here of just all the lies.
They set it to no more than 51 branches.
Folks, we've been in two Austin branches months ago and told you about this.
We just noticed it.
Kevin was over there cashing a check somebody gave him.
I've seen it.
I have an account with these guys.
And yes, I'm busy.
And yes, I promise I'm going to end my relationship with them.
Because again, they bought a bank I had.
They bought my mortgage.
They bought everything.
And this is going to be selective enforcement.
That's how they do it.
They talk about it being a new market.
It's just silly to say it's anything but a new market.
It was Bank of America a couple years ago that lost 3 million people's account info.
It's the banks and big transfers that are causing 80 plus percent of the identity theft.
But the media all tells you, owned by the same cartels, that it's the internet doing it.
And certainly there's some fraud there, but it's tiny.
It's tiny.
First is the banks and financial institutions and theft inside their systems and sales and scams.
Next is the restaurant or the place owned generally by foreigners.
There have been big stings where you go in and pay with a credit card and they keep a copy of that.
They keep that number and then their cousin in India, their cousin in Iran, their cousin in Nigeria, their cousin in Mexico, or their cousin in New York then steals with it.
And the smart ones just take small amounts out of your accounts.
Does the media tell you about that?
Absolutely not!
They just say, don't buy on the internet, it's evil!
So that's how they operate.
Bank of America saying this wouldn't be a problem with identity theft.
Oh yeah, you can just walk in and give them any name you want.
You get a bank account with no ID, and then with that you get a tax ID number, and then with that you get a credit card,
It's just off the charts.
And if CNN wanted to, they could have told you about the housing loans, the car loans.
They could have had the quotes by bank chairman about this is to make sure they can stay here and can't be forced out.
And you want to see an example of government doing this on another issue that fits into globalization?
Fox News, Associated Press.
Cheney urges top manufacturers to help push free trade in Congress.
It's not free trade.
It's further deindustrialization.
It's nations having huge tariffs on us and we have none on them.
It's paying corporations to leave the U.S.
Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday urged the nation's top manufacturers to lobby Congress in what he says will be a difficult battle to expand trade promotion authority to President Bush.
That's just part of the North American Union giving up their final authority.
The authority, which expires on July 1st, allows the President to negotiate trade agreements that must be considered by Congress on an expedited basis that bars any amendments.
That's unconstitutional right there.
I think it's going to be a tough fight, Cheney said in a speech to the National Association of Manufacturers.
We're strongly supportive of it.
It's very important for us to continue to have that authority, but we're going to need help on Capitol Hill.
Just like they give in speeches.
I mean, folks, you go to a LULAC meeting, you go to their website, it's funded like God's funding it or something.
I mean, it's... IBM, General Motors, Miller Brewing, I mean, it's just...
The streets are paved with gold because it's to bring down the U.S., de-industrialize us, and create sectarian warfare.
It's balkanization, divide and conquer.
We'll be right back.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
The ring of fire.
I know we've got Nick and Nicholas and Robert and Larry and Peter and everybody holding.
We're going to get to you in the next segment.
I'm just covering important news.
So Cheney is telling the manufacturers, pile on, accelerate the globalization, the de-industrialization.
You know, don't let the people have their will in Congress.
And meanwhile, the BBC is reporting there's no lobbying and no powerful interest trying to stop people's will.
You know, it's how they work.
And here's one out of Christian Science Monitor.
We've told you this.
The globalist plan is that you not be able to fly, you not be able to move.
They want you isolated to small areas, living at a subsistence level.
Total control.
Global prison.
Prison planet.
Global gulag.
Global plantation.
Flying the clean skies without a viable jet fuel alternative, air travel in 30 years, may only be for the wealthy.
Just a few decades from now, people may look back on the 21st century, both with fondness and horror, as the era of cheap airline flight.
They may wax nostalgic for the days when visiting district relatives and taking vacations in exotic locales were easily affordable for the masses.
I hope you all enjoy it, folks, what we've done to ourselves.
But then, they also may be alarmed at how long it took the world to realize the havoc that unfettered air travel was wreaking on the world's climate.
Air traffic's doing absolutely nothing.
Other than the chemtrails, some of the aircraft are spewing out behind them.
And, uh, again, Prince Charles.
Oh, I'm not going to fly as much now.
Oh, we'll turn the Eiffel Tower off.
Oh, we've got to have a global tax.
You won't be able to afford it.
At least one travel industry official predicts that in 30 years long-distance flying will be undertaken only by the wealthy as ticket prices rise dramatically.
See, and that's how they want it.
They already own the banks, they own the money printers.
It's not free market, it's all consolidation.
It's stated!
I've heard them brag on NPR that we're going to have nothing!
Because we don't deserve it.
No, because it controls us.
At least one travel industry official predicts that in 30 years long-distance flying will be undertaken only by the wealthy as ticket prices rise dramatically and the number of flights shrinks proportionally to curb the emissions of greenhouse gases created by air travel.
Jet engines burn kerosene which gives off carbon dioxide.
Oh no!
The plants breathe and they put out more oxygen!
A leading cause of global warming, see?
Airline flights today
Make up less than 3% of man-made CO2, though they also spew nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, soot, and water vapor that may double their total warming effect on the climate.
Now two factors are conspiring to make air travel a hot topic in the global warming debate.
If current trends continue, the number of airline tickets sold per year will double to more than 9 billion in 2000.
According to a new study by Airport Council International, at the same time, experts see no viable jet fuel alternative to kerosene.
While some modest fuel conservation measures can still be taken, more and more people are concluding that fewer flights may be the only way to cut
Airline emissions significantly.
In Britain, a prosperous island country that makes heavy use of air travel, CO2 emissions from flights will surpass those from automobile trips in the next six to eight years, says Alice Bowes, a senior official.
And then it goes into how there needs to be a global cut, and that's a global tax.
And you'll just have to pay, you know, maybe double your ticket or more to the global government because it hurts the Earth.
And they have stated that this is their plan.
No reality, no basis in reality, this is the way they're going to control us.
And it's every conservative, liberal publication, mainstream, it's just hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, hype, on top of hype.
Bottom line, it's just pull your hair out crazy.
There's a lot of other points I can make about this.
It's just, there's no end to what these shysters do.
Fluorocarbons were not eating the ozone hole.
DuPont and Dow Chemical's patents ran out.
They publicly lobbied to have it banned, and they did.
It's all consolidation.
It's all about control.
I mean, we're not kidding that we're going to have one-child policies.
We're not kidding they're going to force vaccines on you.
They're already claiming they have the power.
This is a hellish world they're building right now.
Oh, by the way, under Kyoto, 160 plus third world nations have to make zero cuts.
Again, it's globalization.
It's meant to attack the middle class and consolidate.
Just like you're not going to be able to fly.
Not going to be able to have a car.
We'll be right back.
Enjoy your compact cities.
Really, enjoy them.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That toll free number again?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Ron Paul is scheduled to pop in sometime in the second hour to talk about his presidential run and what's happening.
New legislation to abolish the Federal Reserve he's introduced.
There's legislation introduced out in New Mexico to start impeachment.
We'll talk about that more later, too.
I'm working on getting a clip, because people have asked for it.
Ron Paul talking about this celebration, this worship of government he did last week.
Hopefully we'll have that clip to play before he joins us.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Jeff disagrees.
He's the last caller in line, but he jumps ahead.
We'll go to Nick Nicholas, Robert, Larry, Peter, and others in a minute.
Jeff, in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I listen to the show sometimes, and I've heard Troy call in, and I do agree with most of what he has to say.
He's definitely got you a couple times.
Oh, yeah.
It's easy to say, he got me.
You don't give the proof, you just say you've won.
Hey, good for you, man.
That's a really good tactic.
That's two-year-old behavior.
Well, anyway, I happen to own
American flags that are made from a plastic material in China and they're not desecrated as you claim because they're made in a different country.
I think the fact that they were made overseas highlights our uniquely
American Free Trade Union.
The Associated Press.
Yo, it's great.
It didn't shine a great, the things they do there.
The Associated Press did a report showing them, showing the fabric flags, the cotton flags, and it was in one of those slave wages factories.
They have over 700 slave factories in China alone where they make the children as young as six work half the day in the factory, the other half in the dormitory.
I mean, are you defending the policies of China?
Well, their one-child policy maybe we could learn from because there's a lot of orphans that are blocking up the, what's it called, the foster system.
Are you putting me on?
I mean, is this a joke?
So, how many children do you have?
And you think there should be a law that we only have one child?
I mean, can't you already see there's so much traffic?
I've called in before.
Let me stop you.
You think that's the American way is to have the government say how many children you can have.
You think that's the unique American way?
Look, if we're going to save this planet, and we need... Look, too many children are just going to end up costing us more money in social programs, so... I don't think... Well, you know, that's the argument.
They get us into socialism first, and they say, oh, we're all together, we've got to have rules for everybody, because everybody has to pay for everybody else.
Do you understand the financial system is set up for control?
They can print as much money as they want, they control the economy.
Do you understand economics?
Sort of.
Well, you tell me what you disagree with.
You've told me that you think these Chinese, American-made, these flags made in China are wonderful and that they're not desecrated.
Okay, fine.
That's your opinion.
You can have your opinion.
Tell me where Troy has defeated me on there.
Well... Come on!
Give specifics!
You know what?
I guess I'm going to have to correct myself.
I'll take that back because I can't think of a specific point right now.
And the support our troops magnets that you talk about.
I do have a support our troops magnet.
Did you ever stop to think that supporting our troops also means the commander in chief?
The commander?
Tell me about the commander.
I hear you're about to have Ron Paul on your show, and he does sound like a great guy, but if he were president, I think our national security would be in trouble.
Oh, boy!
Gee, Wally!
People are forgetting that there are terrorists out there, so-called Islamofascists, that want to
That just want to, you know, detonate a dirty bomb in a city or have attacks and we need tough homeland security policies.
Like giving all the illegals bank accounts without any ID?
Well that's a different issue because maybe in some regard we sort of owe it to the people of the hard-working
I don't know what you mean about that.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you think it's okay in every city and every town of any size, every day, they threaten to take people's children if they don't take vaccines, and they say it's the law when it's not the law, and in many cases they do Shanghai them and take their children.
Is that a good thing?
Well, sir, I work as a social worker, and with the vaccine issue, the parents have to understand that
It prevents the spread of virus.
Okay, listen to me.
Listen to me.
I want you to use, have some logic and use your brain, okay?
Just for a second, Jeff.
There is no law.
You're saying it's okay to threaten people and take their children when they haven't broken a law.
Is that what you're... Because you know best.
You're the nanny state.
If the kids want to go to school, they know it's
They know it's a law?
It is not a law!
It is a directive to the Health Department to say it's recommended and then they lie through color of law and say it's the law.
Well look, if I... Have you heard about Rick Perry saying people gotta take live cancer viruses and even his own party is saying this isn't gonna happen and that there is no law?
Look, it's an HPV vaccine.
Prevents girls from getting... There is no... Listen, so you don't deny that you guys lie and bluff and color of law and terrorize people when there's no law?
What about the vaccines?
Well, on the issue of the vaccines, it's... The vaccines are gonna, in the long run,
So, you should lie and say there's a law when there isn't, because it's the best, you're helping, you care, you know best, don't you?
Well, if one of these children didn't take the vaccine and went to the school and made all the other kids sick, you see, it's a liability issue.
That's not how it works.
Even if you believe that these vaccines work, the other children have taken it, so they're protected.
Oh, science!
You have a problem with that?
Well, I didn't think of that there, but with Ron Paul, he has a less government is better mindset, and I think in
The post 9-11 age, that's a bad thing.
The post 9-11, so you think I'm just lying about 9-11 being an inside job?
In fact, let me ask you, do you think I'm lying?
Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
USS Liberty was staged.
I heard they only said half of Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
Or that's what I heard.
It was only like a small part of it.
The Vietnamese did not attack the destroyers.
It was a U.S.
attack and they were smart enough not to fire back, knowing they were being lured into war.
It's declassified now.
Let me guess.
Do you believe, because in the past they didn't admit the North American Union, now that they do, people like you are now for it, but before you denied it existed, are you for the North American Union?
What do you mean, NAFTA?
No, sir.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership that in their own four-year release documents is the North American Union, towards a North American integration.
The Security-Prosperity Partnership, you're leaving out the security part, and I think that's something most... Oh, yes.
Don't make undocumented foreigners show any ID for housing loans or credit cards or bank accounts, but then we all need to be data-mined and harassed.
Look, I'm sure the immigrants are going to require ID.
Look, it's only in Texas.
You're sure they are?
Look, you've called four or five times over the last few months.
Now I recognize you because you said you're the social worker.
For heaven's sake, Jeff, I know Troy's for real.
Are you really for real?
Yes, I mean, I have a best friend that listens to your show and I stop over sometimes to visit and he has you on.
But I don't listen every day.
Well, let me just go back here, because you are the new man.
I mean, you really are.
The old man that came across in dangerous sailing ships through storms, the old man that traversed the length and breadth of the continent, the old man that was based in freedom and liberty and strength and honor is, I guess, a dying breed.
And the new man is just an individual who can't even put two and two together, who can't think,
And who just accepts whatever's crammed down their throat, and it's for a one-child policy.
Let me ask you a question.
How do you enforce the one-child policy?
Well, I suppose you would have to have... Well, you know what?
I haven't researched the one-child policy.
Oh, you just have a very strict law with a very strict punishment.
Or, uh... Let's see, I guess people might just...
Get pregnant anyway, so then the next logical thing would be to make sure they can't get pregnant.
Well, that's been done here to almost 500,000 women.
Margaret Sanger and that whole program went into the mid-1980s until 1986 and still is covertly going on.
Wow, it went that far?
It's pretty hard to believe.
Well look, with Ron Paul
There's terrorists out there that are plotting right now.
Plotting right now and the border is wide open.
Do you believe any of that?
I mean, you really... Let me ask you a question.
Do you think I'm making up that our government staged terror attacks to blame it on the government of Iran in 1953?
Are you saying that isn't real either?
Well, do you?
Well, as far as I...
I understand the UK had an oil interest, and we decided to help out, but it was all in good business of having control over the oil there.
So the end justifies the means, you feel like you're part of the power structure in the system?
Not necessarily.
But during the State of the Union, Bush said that he was actually going to get tougher on illegal immigration, and I don't hear you talking about that.
He said he would double the size
He's been saying that all along.
There's 2,000 less on the southern border now than there were before 2001.
Attacks... I mean, you just believe... Let me ask you this question.
Do you think the government ever lies?
Do you think there's corruption?
Do you think there's any problems?
Or should we just believe whatever we're told?
Look, there's scattered pockets of dishonest, corrupt people, but they're not working together in some way.
How many children do you remove out of their homes a month?
Well, in this part of Pennsylvania, close to Philadelphia, you said in a month?
You know what?
It's probably only about 50 to 60.
I think.
Sometimes a little less.
Now, is Pennsylvania like Texas?
You get bonuses for reaching a quota?
Oh, there's no quota.
Do you get a bonus?
Do you get paid more on your performance of helping children?
Well, it's kind of like a bonus, yeah.
How much money do you make a year?
Well, I graduated from college two years ago, so I'm fairly new, but about
Yeah, if you're for real, I just want you to know, in your life, your precious system will, if there is a God, and I know there is, your precious system will do horrible things to you and you're probably so brainwashed you'll be like,
Winston Smith's neighbor, who in his own family denounces him, and they drag him off to the torture camp.
He's thanking them.
I appreciate your call.
I really appreciate you.
You're scum.
You're just depths of hell, is what that person is.
Hell revealed, ladies and gentlemen.
Heaven help us.
Nick in California, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Happy belated birthday, Alex.
Well, thank you.
What'd you think of that guy?
Yeah, I was pretty much yelling in the phone as if I was actually on the line.
What do you want to say to him?
I don't really want to say anything to him.
That's kind of the reason I called because I'm dealing with people like this.
It's a different issue.
That's not what I want to talk about.
What I want to talk about is how we haven't heard anything from Dianne Feinstein in a while.
The gun control assault rifle ban out here.
Well that's because it is the one issue that's been keeping the Democrats until now out of Congress.
It's almost 70% now are against gun control.
And so their brainwashing has now been reversed.
It's not working anymore.
And so they're using regulations, state laws, and lawsuits against gun manufacturers, and mainly Republicans, to do their dirty work.
The governor of New York, Pataki Giuliani, now running for president, because they've learned if they just let the Republicans do it, most of these neocon listeners will, they're for gun control now.
I've had them call in and email me and go, well you're not reasonable Alex, I'm an NRA member and we should
Compromise and Bush is good.
Yeah, but I mean at least you'd expect him not to have a concealed carry permit.
Einstein Boxer's got one too, but at least Boxer isn't, you know, out.
That's what it's all about.
I mean, look at the mob boss's son, Mayor Daley in Chicago, going after the Second Amendment.
It's because he's a mafia family.
I mean, he's an actual family Don.
And you think Dons want the people they feed on their cattle to be able to defend themselves?
It's like, uh, you know...
You cannot get a concealed carry permit in California.
I mean, you just can't.
Like, it's the same as if I applied for a permit to have a nuclear reactor in my backyard or something.
It's about the same chance.
But see, they know best.
They're the government.
They're going to protect you.
She goes, uh, yeah, if it was up to me, I'd take them all.
When she was on 60 Minutes, she said, I'd take all the guns.
All of them.
Pretty amazing.
But the one that she's got.
Now, the best tactic they use, I think, as far as, uh,
We're good to go.
Who can then claim innocence based on the fact that they can actually own a gun.
Well, yeah, I mean, it's a huge gun shop, and so it's one of the biggest sellers in the country, so they can crack it back and say that it's their fault.
Well, not that it's a big gun shop, it's the only friggin' gun shop in the whole Bay Area, which has had like 8 million people.
I mean, it's really the only gun shop, so everybody comes there.
And of course, where else are they going to get the guns from?
Hey, let the chicken necks have what they want.
Let the gun control come.
Let all the yuppies have what they want.
It's all gonna be taken from them.
They'll still love it though.
They love it all.
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Alright, the congressman is scheduled for 15 after.
I'm going to try to keep him for longer than the customary 20 minute interview.
Coming up, the other one did what they routinely do, rescheduled.
But Ron Paul coming up.
No, I don't think that collar's a joke, folks.
You have to understand, look at all the evil around you.
These are the specially brainwashed, culturally brainwashed, selected individuals.
I mean, how could you live falsifying documents, making people sign documents, grabbing children from screaming families?
You just, it's good, it's good, it's good, we need to sterilize the women, we need the one child, we need to... I mean, Dr. Pianka said forced sterilization using a Chinese police state model.
He said police state.
He said the words, police state!
And 95% in a hall of over a thousand people at a major Texas university on audio tape got up and just, oh yes, oh yes!
And again, it's a very small number, but in the key positions.
And to know they're there just makes me so angry.
Nicholas, Robert, Larry, others, we're going to get to your calls here in a few minutes.
I will play about a five-minute clip of Ron Paul before he joins us.
I'm glad we did get that on time.
I want to thank those that got that to us of his little talk last week.
He gave an even more powerful one today on the floor of the house, where he talked about abolishing a fellow reserve.
We'll talk with him about that as well, depending on how long we have him.
But before I end this hour, listen.
I didn't block my videos last hour.
I mean, I've been so...
You know, hot and heavy on the trail of the New World Order, that I haven't even been really plugging my films, and that's wrong, because they're a big part of the solution.
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We'll be right back with the third hour.
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Do you know... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congressman Ron Paul running for President.
Scheduled to join us in the next 20 minutes.
Right now we're going right back to your phone calls.
Let's move fast.
Nicholas in New Jersey, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex.
I'm sorry to call about something annoying like this, especially after that caller a few minutes ago.
But this has been bothering me a lot.
On the InfoWars.com website, you go on there, and the first thing you see at the very top
It's something that says, take this and live forever.
I know, but it's real fish oil.
That's just meant to grab your attention.
It doesn't actually say that on the literature of the website.
So, you know, you have to make small compromises with advertising, but it doesn't... It's real, you know, high-quality fish oil, and I think fish oil is really good for you.
Then once you go to the site, that's just a slogan.
It doesn't say that.
I agree with you about the benefits of fish oil, and I understand that you have to make compromises, but that is something that really serves as a discredit, because
I try to show the website to people to get them interested in this, and people are skeptical, especially about stuff that has to do with 9-11 and the truth.
Tell you what, just send me a bunch of donations and we won't have that up there.
Come on, support me!
I've got a bunch of employees, I've got to pay them.
But I mean, you wouldn't have pornography advertising on there?
Well, there's a lot of advertisers I've turned down, and there's stuff I've found out we've accepted that later I don't accept.
Well, look, there's going to be this BBC report on, what is it, Sunday or Saturday of this weekend, and... But I told you again, I'm not your leader, and I'm not perfect, and I told you I believe in that product, and so, again, it's not my job to live up to everybody's standards.
I recognize that, and I recognize that you're not our leader, and you're not the only person who's fighting this battle.
But InfoWars is a very important part of this battle, and it's... Well, I got another advertiser that says... I got another ad... Hold on, somebody's talking to me.
Sorry, I've got people coming in the studio.
I got another advertiser that says, don't drink water.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Uh, you know, if Jeff really wants sterilization, I think we should take a Bunic and he should be the first one to volunteer.
Well, that's right, because he could accidentally get somebody pregnant.
So he needs to go in and ask them to castrate him immediately.
Yeah, that's true.
Anyway, I'm glad that Ron Paul is going to be on there.
I'm trying to... I don't have much money, but I have plenty of time, a copy machine, and plenty of paper.
So I'm trying to put out those flyers for Ron Paul for President.
That's awesome.
Yeah, I've been very lucky or very blessed in many ways to be where I needed to be.
I've worked in the government for many years.
I'm also working now with support staff with social services.
Always in a supportive field, supportive role, but I get the... No, I know there's social services that doesn't do the bad stuff.
It's special little groups.
Yeah, I mean, I work in supporting the adoption parts of it, so basically the detaining or anything like that is pretty much over, but I've read some awful things.
See, that's how compartmentalization works.
It'd be kind of like you were eating a steak and you thought it was a cow, but really it was human.
You know, you didn't go out and bushwhack the person and cut them up and serve it as beefsteak or pork.
None the less, and I know there's bad stuff going on.
The point is it should be criminal.
This is an industry and it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
And you've only got certain compartments that are involved in the bad stuff.
Anything else you want to add?
Yeah, there is a... We'll stay there.
I'm going to come back to you.
I'm going to play a clip of Ron Paul, and then I'm going to go to the Congressman.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
The websites are JonesReport.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, and of course many others.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ron Paul will be joining us coming up in a segment or so.
Right now we're taking your calls.
Robert in California had another point he wanted to make.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, now Jeff is just an example of these kids that are being brought up today in school.
I'm lucky that I got custody of my son when I went through a custody battle.
He's able to question what goes on, and I show him books and articles, but Jeff seems to have been indoctrinated and just doesn't question anything.
And that's the whole part about education, is to question and to learn, and to increase your knowledge, and not just from your own little focal point.
I mean, I worked in the Navy, and there were many things that we had to do.
And I worked in the Naval Unintelligence Department,
You know, I've read many reports that come across that didn't make sense until, you know, sometimes an article would come by that was from a foreign news operative, and then it would be shoveled through our department, and then by the time they rolled out to the general public, it was completely changed.
Well, I mean, the government admits they're involved in propaganda, and you can't convince people like Jeff that they're even doing it when they admit they're doing it.
I mean, the president purchasing almost two billion dollars in fake news, and it's rurally legal, and he says, I will continue it, and people don't, like Jeff, it's called surrender.
It must feel good at a certain level to just not care, not worry about anything, and just be totally oblivious.
Totally oblivious.
I think the surrender you're talking about is a part of giving up your will.
I mean, the surrender that we do in the spirit with the God of my understanding is something totally different than the surrender that... Oh, no, I agree with you.
I mean, that's a surrender to then be enlightened and take action and stand up against evil.
No, I'm talking about a surrender, yeah, no, a total surrender of will and just groveling like some type of animal who just buys
I mean, the government can put out propaganda that's 180 degrees from what they put out the day before, and people like Jeff will buy it.
I appreciate your call.
Now, Ron Paul does these legislative updates every week.
And I know some of the local radio stations play these over some of the bottom of the hour, top of the hour news that plays on some of the shows.
And I can't say I disagree with them.
Boy, the news is just amazing.
Talk about propaganda.
And so I get a chance to hear it, but for years, in fact Genesis years ago would play this over the first five minutes before Gary Brownfield started.
We should re-institute that in my humble opinion, not that what I say doesn't hang up at the network, but I'm too busy to even try to be involved.
But here's Ron Paul talking about this worship of the state, this worship of government.
Here it is.
Hello, this is Ron Paul with the Weekly Update for Monday, February 5th.
With the elections over and the 110th Congress settling in, the media have been reporting ad nauseum about who has assumed new political powers in Washington.
We're subjected to breathless reports about how so-and-so is now the powerful chair of an important committee, how certain candidates are amassing power for the 2000 election, and so on.
Nobody questions the use of the word power or considers its connotations.
It's simply assumed in Washington and the mainstream media that political power is proper and inevitable.
The problem is that politicians are not supposed to have power over us.
We're supposed to be free.
We seem to have forgotten that freedom means the absence of government coercion.
So when politicians and the media celebrate political power, they really are celebrating the power of certain individuals to use coercive state force.
Remember that one's relationship with the state is never voluntary.
Every government edict, policy, regulation, court decision, and law ultimately is backed up by force in the form of police, guns, and jail.
That is why political power must be fiercely constrained by the American people.
The desire for power over other human beings is not something to celebrate, but something to condemn.
The 20th century's worst tyrants were political figures, men who fanatically sought power over others through the apparatus of the state.
They wielded that power absolutely without regard for the rule of law.
Our constitutional system, by contrast, was designed to restrain political power and place limits on the size and scope of government.
It is this system, the rule of law, which we should celebrate, not political victories.
Political power is not like the power possessed by those who otherwise obtain fame and fortune.
After all, even the wealthiest individual cannot force anyone to buy a particular good or service.
Even the most famous celebrities cannot force anyone to pay attention to them.
It is only when elites become politically connected that they begin to impose their views on all of us.
In a free society, government is restrained and therefore political power is less important.
I believe the proper role for government in America is to provide national defense, a court system for civil disputes, a criminal justice system for acts of force and fraud, and little else.
In other words, the state as referee rather than an active participant in our society.
Those who hold political power, however, would lose their status in a society with truly limited government.
It simply would not matter much who occupied various political posts, since their ability to tax, spend, and regulate would be severely limited.
This is why champions of political power promote an activist government that involves itself in every area of our lives from cradle to grave.
They gain popular support by promising voters that government will take care of everyone, while the media shower them with praise for their bold vision.
Political power is inherently dangerous in a free society.
It threatens the rule of law and thus threatens our fundamental freedoms.
Those who understand this should object whenever political power is glorified.
Thanks for calling this update at 888-322-1414.
The text of this and previous messages can be found at www.house.gov.
Thanks for calling.
Alright, there is the Congressman.
He's scheduled to call in in the next five minutes.
I wanted to spend some time now.
We'll get to your calls later if we have time when the Congressman leaves us.
I wanted to go over the speech he gave today.
This is the Honorable Ron Paul of Texas before the U.S.
House of Representatives.
Statement for hearing before the House Financial Services Committee, Monetary Policy, and State of the Economy.
Transparency in monetary policy is a goal we should all adopt.
I've often wondered why Congress so willingly has given up its prerogative over monetary policy.
Astonishingly, Congress, in essence, has ceded total control over the value of our money to a secretive central bank.
At the end of this, we probably won't have time to read it all, he calls for abolishing the Federal Reserve yet again and introduces the legislation.
Congress created the Federal Reserve, yet it had no constitutional authority to do so.
We forgot that those powers not explicitly granted to Congress by the Constitution are inherently denied to Congress.
And thus, the authority to establish a central bank never was given.
And it's a private banking cartel, is what it is.
Of course, Jefferson and Hamilton had the debate early on, and the debate seemingly settled in 1913.
And the British banks and French banks predominantly, publicly lobbied for over a hundred years to finally get that.
And on his deathbed, I would add, Thomas Jefferson, they said, well, what are you most proud of in your life?
Not Thomas Jefferson.
Old hickory, Andrew Jackson said, I killed the bank.
He stopped it in the 1830s.
Continuing, but transparency and oversight are something else, and they're worth considering.
Congress, although not by law, essentially has given up all its oversight responsibility over the Federal Reserve.
There are no true audits, and Congress knows nothing of the conversions, conversations, plans, and actions taken in concert with other central banks of the world.
We get less and less information regarding the money supply each year, especially now that the M3 is no longer reported as of
The start of last year when the new Fed Chairman, Edward Bernanke, came in, I added, the role the Fed plays in the President's secretive working group on financial markets goes unnoticed by members of Congress.
The Federal Reserve shows no willingness to inform Congress voluntarily about how often the working group meets, what actions it takes that affect the financial markets, or why it takes those actions.
But these actions, directed by the Federal Reserve, alter the purchasing power of our money.
They've devalued it by almost half.
I added.
But these actions, directed by the Federal Reserve, alter the purchasing power of our money.
Let that sink in.
And that purchasing power is always reduced.
The dollar today is worth only four cents compared to the dollar in 1913.
That's about a two-year-old conservative number.
It's about 1.5.
Again, the dollar, but what does it matter?
Four cents or a cent and a half?
The dollar today is worth only four cents compared to the dollar in 1913 when the Federal Reserve started.
This is profound consequences for our economy and our political stability.
All paper currencies are vulnerable to collapse, and history is replete with examples of great suffering caused by such collapses, especially to a nation's poor and middle class.
This leads to political turmoil.
And continuing with Congressman's speech, you can just simply go to the Liberty Committee,
His website that we have a link to up on Infowars.com and read it for yourself.
The speech has several pages left to it.
That's the speech that he gave today.
We now have the congressman on the line, but we've got a break here in about 45 seconds.
I'll just bring him up now and say, congratulations congressman that you're going to be running for president.
Well, we've formed this exploratory committee and that's the first step in that direction.
And how long until we get a up-and-running big website and campaign gear?
Because I know people are very excited.
I've never seen such excitement.
I think everything is in place.
There were a few of the banking details to be worked out, which should be within hours, not days, that it should be all in place.
All right, we've got a quick break, sir.
We'll be right back on the other side.
I want to talk about your run for the presidency.
I want to talk about reintroducing the bill to abolish the Federal Reserve and a host of other issues, the conflict with Iran.
It's all coming up on the other side.
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Welcome back!
We've just got the congressman for this segment and part of the next because he is super busy.
Again, we're honored to have him running for president.
Congressman Paul, I got good news yesterday, and obviously you had it before I did, that you're going to be in the debates, some of the first debates on CNN, and finally get some badly needed attention for your presidential run.
That is right, and I think that is going to be April 4th, and if I'm not mistaken, it's 7 o'clock Eastern Time.
What are some of the issues you're going to be talking about to the American people when you're there with tens of millions watching?
Well, to me it will always be the same issue that I guess I've been talking about for 30 years.
How big government destroys personal liberty.
And why we need to get rid of things like the income tax and the Federal Reserve and shrink the size of government and come up with a sensible foreign policy.
First, we have to learn to live within our means and not trust so much in government to take care of us from cradle to grave.
My meager suggestion is to also bring up controlling our borders, obviously, as the zeitgeist, and defeating and reversing the North American Union.
Can you speak to those issues?
You know, I've worked that into the foreign policy because what we don't need to be doing is spending $700 billion overseas.
We need to
Bring our troops home, save a lot of money, deal with our borders, deal with our national sovereignty, get rid of these proposals for highways going from Mexico to Canada, and once again believe that national sovereignty is a legitimate position to take, rather than thinking that we have to work to a North American Union and develop a new currency, the Amaro, and turn us into something what the European Union is like.
And those plans are, you know, pretty much on their way, and we still have a lot of work to do, and yet I think
When the American people know what's going on, they're going to resist it.
Once they realize how much property is going to be confiscated, it's just to build some of these highways they're talking about.
How do listeners support your campaign?
When is it going to really officially kick off?
Well, for legal reasons...
We're not allowed to be talking about campaign as much as exploring, because we do certain things under exploring versus campaign, but obviously in an exploration you're looking for two things.
You're looking for supporters that you could be helpful in a campaign, and you're looking for donors, which they're allowed to donate to an exploratory committee.
So the goal is to locate
Individuals and that's been the biggest task and that's where I've been the most surprised because and maybe you won't be as surprised but we're getting a lot of inquiries and like you say we have so many inquiries and because we don't have everything in place it's almost overwhelming us because we are literally getting thousands of emails and we don't have the staff yet which we have to get put together but eventually that's exactly what we want.
We want people to communicate with us and
They would do that with RonPaulExplorer.com and they can do that now but it's going to be in much better shape I believe by morning.
Okay, so the website's been basic the last few weeks since your preliminary announcement, but you're going to be beefing the site up and getting it up to speed here in the next day or so.
That is the case, and we've unbelievably gotten so many inquiries and spontaneously people have been sending us checks.
That website does have a mailing address on it.
Things are going rather well.
Well, we've told the listeners to support you, and certainly we're going to be supporting your campaign 110%.
And I really can't think of any other candidate who fits to constitutional muster like yourself.
You are heads above some of the other candidates.
Tom Tancredo is good on a few issues, but compared to you, Congressman, there's no talk of abolishing the Federal Reserve, there's no talk of getting us out of the North American Union, there's no talk
I think you've got a great chance of winning.
Well, we'll find out what it's all about, but I think one thing I like about you and your audience is that you have an understanding about the importance of civil liberties and protections of our liberties here at home.
You understood the evils in the Patriot Act and, you know, the FISA courts and the military courts and tribunals, you know.
Those kind of things, a lot of conservatives don't want to talk about, and yet they're crucial.
Just the fact that they can declare martial law in this country and they get rid of posse comitatus and actually
Weak in the Insurrection Act that, you know, right now, a president, if he so desired, could declare martial law rather easily here.
The only thing that would be the resistance to would be the will of the people, which is pretty strong as well.
But sometimes things move along too quickly, you know, in a time of a crisis, you know, in times of hurricanes or you have another 9-11 incident, people might say, well, we need a strong president to come in and protect us and take care of us.
Well, I think it's important to do what you're doing, to talk about that issue, to beat that drum, to pre-emptively pre-empt that type of action, being some type of emergency being seized on.
But the law has been changed where the President has much more authority to make a declaration of an emergency.
Let's elaborate on that in our final segment with Congressman Ron Paul running for President.
I'm proud he's a Texan.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
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Alright, just a little bit of time left with the Congressman and he'll be joining us in the near future to speak at greater length and hopefully even take your calls.
But he's got a big vote on the Iraq Resolution coming up tonight and big events this weekend as well.
Congressman, I want to bring up a separate issue from what's happening across the planet.
A few months ago I talked to you during a break and I said, please sir, run for President.
We're going to draft you.
Well, it was about five weeks ago or so, and it was gradual.
Of course, I had to make a final decision.
Probably Kent Snyder with the Liberty Caucus, an individual I've worked with now for four or five years, but actually I've known him for a lot longer than that.
He typed up a memo using the arguments that you have made and others.
And convincing me that not knowing the outcome is not the reason you don't do it, that you don't know what the outcome is, but he convinced me that some good could come of it.
And that's about the way I've operated over the years, whether I ran for Congress the first time, not ever believing once that I'd ever be in Congress.
And things happen, so you don't know exactly how events will transpire.
And I got to thinking, you know, well, maybe some good could come of it, and I know it would be hard work.
And then I finally made that major step and said I would go along with somebody formulating this exploratory committee.
Was it also the knowledge that there was a lot of support out there?
Well, suspicion.
Because I think the absolute knowledge is still yet to be proven.
But, like I told you earlier, I've been pleasantly surprised.
The spontaneity has been pretty great.
And in many ways, I've been as much involved in education as you have been trying to tell people what's going on.
As much as being in politics.
So I would say that since the 70s, education, economic education and political education has been my main goal.
But a lot of other groups are doing that too, and I think we're starting to see the results.
Congressman, I think you have a chance to win, even with some of the vote fraud that's going on with these electioneering companies.
I think you've got a really good chance of winning, and I think, as you said, the indicators are there is massive support there, just as you formed your Exploratory Committee.
But what about, let's talk about it, the danger to yourself?
We know that real grassroots populist candidates have had elites come after them with not just smear campaigns but physically and obviously you've thought about that.
Can you give us your thoughts on it?
Well I have and I guess right now I reassure myself that the establishment and the opposition right now are very very content to ignore me and so as long as that is the position I guess I'm not going to have a great deal of concern.
If something breaks loose and our numbers are much greater than even I or you believe and things go very well, then I would have to reconsider those issues and maybe deal with it.
But right now, I don't think about looking around corners.
I understand.
Are you saying that earlier it's a win-win?
Because you do have a chance to win, but regardless, you're going to get to educate the country at a greater level.
Yeah, I think that's part of it, but the people who are interested in me running don't even want to hear of the other one.
They want a firm conviction that you're running a serious race and doing it in a serious manner.
So I still think you can do both.
I mean, not everybody can win, but I think
There can be few more serious than I am, and few that have more to offer as far as a true, truly philosophic difference to what the status quo has been like over these many decades.
If you were elected president, what would your first act be?
Well, there's so much you could do, but it would be limited in its ability.
You know, you might say, well, let's just write an executive order and get rid of the IRS or something.
But you're going to follow the Constitution, so you couldn't do that.
No, that's right.
And so you would want to find out how much you can do, how much repealing you can do by executive orders.
I don't like executive orders, but maybe you can repeal executive orders and still be very consistent.
With the Constitution.
I told somebody the other day the first thing I would do is probably have a meeting with the Congress because a true meeting of the minds with the Congress.
Because in many ways the Congress are derelict in their duties and the President should be, he should be the CEO.
He should be looking to the Congress and the Congress should be the Board of Directors.
So you're basically going to say you guys are free, you gals are free, you're no longer the lapdog.
That's right, and you should put the burden on them, on most of these things, the spending, and my challenge would be to repeal, or you know, to veto these spending bills, and look for a coalition of getting a third of the Congress to sustain vetoes.
And expanding the Liberty Caucus!
Yes, that would be it.
But you know, the other thing you could do as president, you could start changing an attitude toward borders, and you could change your attitude about the war, and you could say, well, the war was accomplished when Saddam Hussein was killed, and start moving our troops home and bringing them home and saving not $10 billion, but maybe hundreds of billions of dollars, and probably diminishing the threat of terrorism a lot by extricating ourselves from the Arab and Muslim holy land.
Last question, we've got to let you go.
The big Iraq vote's coming up tonight.
How do you see that shaking out?
Well, I think we got, I got, maybe you misled a little bit on that.
It's tomorrow night at midnight that the vote is occurring, and I think it'll pass rather easily, and there'll probably be, maybe, my guess would be maybe 30 Republicans supporting it.
And that means that they'll be on record as saying that we should not have a buildup.
The truth is, the Republicans who are arguing against this are correct in that this doesn't have any meat to it.
And my argument yesterday when I gave my five minutes was that if you're truly opposed to this, you have to do it with the funding.
We have the authority and the responsibility.
Wasn't the build-up really about making the debate about the build-up instead of a draw-down?
Yeah, that is it.
And I also called it a distraction from the events going on with Iran, where both leaders sides of the aisle are supporting.
You know, these threats toward the Iranians, and that's what is really frightening me, that we're going to take on another country on top of the mess we have in Afghanistan, the mess we have in Iraq, and of course, we literally used a proxy army to take over Somalia, so we need to reverse that attitude.
Well, Congressman, you've got my support.
You've got the support of my listeners all over the nation.
You've got the support of the country.
We're going to be praying for you and supporting you 110%.
Go out there and take on the New World Order.
With God's help, we can bring it down.
Thanks a lot.
Good to talk to you.
Good talking to you.
Take care.
There goes Congressman Ron Paul.
We did have him for longer, but then they found out there was more on the schedule.
And so, we're going to be having him in the near future on, I hope for a full hour, so we can take some of your phone calls.
But, anti-New World Order, 110% perfect constitutional voting record.
You could not ask for a more thoroughbred, founding father level quality.
You could not ask.
He is the silver bullet.
And if he can get in there, but instead of being a dog-and-pony show like Ross Perot, really have strong showings in Ohio and in California, in New Hampshire, because they're trying to shift it out to California.
It is curtains for the New World Order on many levels.
And obviously he knows they'll physically come after him at that point, but again,
He knew he had to seize this.
This is destiny.
And his 30 years of hard work are going to pay off.
He has a chance to win.
That's why they pre-positioned the electronic voting machines.
They knew there'd be a rebellion.
All the poll numbers show every issue that Paul supports is wildly popular with the American people and is constitutional.
And you heard him using the executive power that's even limited.
He can repeal the unconstitutional executive orders.
Thousands of them put into power by previous presidents.
And he can go to the Congress and let them know that they are not bound by the unitary dictatorial executive.
He can use the presidency as a bully pulpit, as a gigantic global bullhorn.
The president cannot be ignored.
And even if he just does a good run, he will inject real issues into the presidential debate.
And that, in and of itself, is a nightmare for the establishment.
Go ahead Larry.
Hi Alex.
You do a good job.
You have a tough job.
Because the manifestations of basically events and actions that are carried out are hard to explain unless you... It's very unwieldy.
It's all based on philosophy and religion and before that, providence.
And to explain the tools they use
It takes time and some of the tools is micro and macro mind control and you know it's been marginalized by one of their tools the media.
Every time you see something that's probably actually pretty true it becomes a movie and that in a way is just another marginalization because that's supposed to be unreal that's something made up.
And there's semantical word games, and there's conditioning, and there's changing the language, and there's denying big issues, and then repackaging it as something else.
Yeah, it's just, it's a whole science, with all the top experts working to enslave and control the people, because that's why they're in power, because they do that.
We have a hard time convincing people, well, you know, that black and white, you know, these officers or these
Agents, they wish they should do the right thing, because that's what we see on TV, that people, in spite of their situations, their vested interest in maintaining the status quo, they go ahead and do that, but it's not as easy.
In an agrarian society, when you were self-sufficient, and you knew how to survive, it was easier to do the right thing.
You know, we live in the world we live in today.
Because you can't starve us out and you can't make us run.
And now we've been domesticated.
And one great story that I've tried to document and always maintain this dissonance because you have to.
Nothing is absolutely true unless you try to fortify it or disqualify it from all different directions.
I don't know if you've ever heard of the story of Gunther Russbacher and Raylon Russbacher, concerning October Surprise and Paul Wilcher?
Her chronology of how she married him, and shortly thereafter he went to prison, and the manipulation, even amongst their own intelligence officers,
You know, it's just mind-blowing.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
I gotta jump.
I appreciate it, Todd.
Let's talk to Terry in California.
You're on the air.
Hello there, Alex.
I just wanted to tell you that the forefathers of this country are proud of what you're doing.
Well, thank you.
I mean, you are a true American, and so is the Congressman, and we all need to stand up like this.
I'm a fellow broadcaster.
I've worked in broadcasting for 35 years, so I know what you're doing to put this show together, and you do an incredible job.
I was going to ask.
You sound like you've got a radio voice.
Started at the age of 14.
People ask how we get these voices.
I think we already have deep voices, so that tailors us for radio.
But then my voice gets deeper over the years.
I think it's the tons of talking that makes it get deeper.
Yes, it does.
I've been listening to what's going on with BBC and what's coming.
I just want to give you a suggestion.
After this program runs on the weekend, I wanted to suggest that you call the producer next week.
And record the conversation and invite him to come on to your show.
And then ask him why he didn't put Northwood on.
Why he didn't put the other material on showing 9-11 for what it is.
You know, that's a good idea.
I've actually got his contact number at home.
Guys, I don't want to wait on this because they're listening in the other room.
Call my wife, get Guy Smith's number, get me all the numbers.
It's probably in your email from when they were here 5-6 months ago.
Let's get all that together and let's invite him on the air.
Yeah, if he doesn't come on the air, it'll discredit him.
If he comes on the air, you'll discredit him.
So, you know, you get blasted like this all the time from guys like this who are trying to prove you wrong.
The thing is, it doesn't work anymore.
No, it doesn't.
I mean, I honestly, a couple years ago, I had a really smart friend of mine point me in your direction.
I have downloaded your videos.
I have gone through them.
I've researched independent videos, official footage from the networks, the whole routine, because I was one of those who said, nah, this can't be real.
And now I know.
You're telling the truth.
As a matter of fact, here I am.
I'm taking care of my mother who's 80 years old.
So I've got a lot of free time.
So I've been researching on the internet, looking at all the videos.
You're telling the truth.
It's just really hard for people to accept it.
And I thought, well, what can I do?
So I started recording stuff off TV.
And calling into the Republican radio stations.
I live in Bakerfield, California right now.
And it's Republican Central here.
It's a joke.
And they got Republican radio guys, you know, saying everything is bad.
So the day after everybody voted Democrat, I went on to a guy named Jazz's show here in town.
He ended up yelling that I'm a conspirator, blah, blah, blah.
He hung up on me.
Made one big mistake.
I air-checked it.
And I took it and posted it up on YouTube along with other things.
And everybody could do this.
They can record the material, they catch it, it goes on.
So you recorded their lies, then let me guess, then added video clips with even mainstream media admitting it.
And one I've done completely blew me away.
I just looked at it on YouTube.
I simply called it Cell Phone FBI.
Can listen even when phone is turned off.
And the other ones I've had thousands of viewers
I've had that posted on YouTube for 40 days.
Currently, I've had 53,600 viewers.
Well, that's the thing, is their monopoly has been broken, and this BBC piece also covers that, and the fact that the establishment is panicking.
So, what did they do?
They lobbied 150 plus million to shut down net neutrality, folks, and that will shut down most of the web.
I mean, they're openly trying to do it because they've got to.
They cannot let this continue.
Yeah, we've got to fight back, because this is our true freedom.
The internet is true freedom for not only the United States, but for the world.
Well, I agree.
Send us some of your clips.
Email us some of that information, because we're posting a lot of the independent YouTube producers that are doing work.
This is how it works.
You talk about the free market, the free market of ideas.
You've got the state individuals inside the main networks, inside the big powerhouses.
And then you've got good, hard-working, smart people in those systems that won't compromise, who are kept at low level or fired.
And so all you get left with at the top
Is a bunch of people playing the game from 30 years ago when they had no one to air check them, no one to show how they're lying, no one to dissect what they're doing.
And now they're still playing the 30-40 year old game where they can just sit there and laugh at us throwing boulders.
But the problem is we're not two inches tall now, we're as big as they are and growing even bigger.
And so, I hope they keep their hubris for a little while longer.
I think they're starting to figure it out though, my friend.
I think they're starting to find out that they're like the dinosaurs.
Yeah, but it's too late.
America's waking up.
It is.
I mean, I don't get up here to just say that to be a cheerleader at a pep rally.
I go on hundreds and hundreds of talk shows every few months where the host is attacking me and almost every caller agrees with me.
It's not just the shows where they agree and then the callers agree.
Folks, they are losing control.
The only illusion that's left is that we still individually feel like we're the minority.
Anything else, Terry?
Yeah, I actually wanted to mention something about what you were just talking about.
Well, thank you.
All other talk radio, they do.
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Welcome back.
Final segment.
I'm going to talk to Robert and Jared.
Who's the last caller that was in that line?
Holland, and that's going to be basically it.
I'm not going to belabor it.
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Robert in San Diego.
I'm kind of bumbling today.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I'm the college RTV student.
We've talked several times before.
Yes sir, what's on your mind?
Let me say God bless you and Ron Paul's campaign.
I just wanted to say that demon piece of trash you had on earlier is an enemy of God and a mercenary for hell itself.
To receive a bounty for the souls of children is so despicable I can't even believe it.
You know, God said it would be terrible.
You need a radio talk show.
You need to get this guy's number and give him to Ted Anderson to give him a weekend show.
I love that!
Mercenaries of hell with bounties on children!
God said that it would be better that he had never been born at all, than to, you know, come up from behind the tribe and attack his little innocent ones.
At the very least, he should have a millstone put around his neck and thrown into the deepest part of the ocean.
That kind of loving treatment was done to my family when I was only six.
And for anybody out there who still thinks this government wouldn't gladly kill you, you just heard the voice of Satan and the New World Order itself.
But the reason I call it that, I have an awesome clip of
The day of the liquid bomber, remember that?
At the airport?
Turned out to be totally fake.
I have a 70 second clip of MSNBC going to breaking news of a terrorist hijacking a plane only to find out it was a retarded patsy.
Go ahead.
And here it goes.
I'm sorry to the other callers.
Repeating announcement, you can't do that.
Um, but it sounds, it looks like it's going to get even deeper there because it's moving so slowly.
Are you seeing, a lot of people circle, circle, circle.
They're trying to pull over and park.
It's a little bit of both.
I think people are trying to get around to their terminal.
They're also trying to park and unload their bags.
And you're right, Alex, we are seeing cars 2 and 3D.
And there is a stronger police presence out here, most definitely.
And they are trying to keep the traffic moving.
And they're also trying to tell people what is going on.
Because, of course, it's a little unsettling if you haven't heard the news this morning and you arrive at the airport and you see the somewhat controlled chaos and you see the police officers
With the bomb-sniffing dog.
So they're doing their best to get the word out and keep the traffic moving as best they can.
Okay, Jen.
Busy day at LAX.
I have to jump in here.
This is a control room.
Check out your urgent wires.
Al Jazeera's reporting an attempted hijacking of a Cutter Airlines plane foiled.
Okay, Meredith Anticontrols was giving us what we're getting right here, and Amy and I are both looking at our top lines and our hots, and this is just pretty much all we have at this point.
Al Jazeera Television reporting that there was a cut or airway.
Let's stop right there.
I gotta stop it.
I apologize to Jared and Holden and everybody else.
Just call me back tomorrow.
I'll go to you first.
Just tell them that we didn't get to you.
Thanks to all the affiliates, the sponsors, you the listeners,
John up there running the show, everybody.
God bless you all.
Have a great day.
See you back tomorrow.
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