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Name: 20070214_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 14, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There are multiple cold fronts settling down as far south as northern Mexico.
It's about 36 degrees in Austin, Texas.
That's cold for this time of year.
They had to cancel a big global warming meeting at the Capitol because the roads were shut down in D.C.
with the unseasonably cold weather.
They've had record snow in Michigan and other areas, over 160 inches.
In just a few days.
My gosh, the global warming is just unbelievably devastating, isn't it?
And that's all we hear, full court press on the Weather Channel and CNN and even Fox and all these different media stunts.
Oh my gosh, it's over.
If we don't have a global carbon tax, then the Earth will be destroyed.
Though there is no doubt that there is climate change going on, most of it generated by the sun's increase in radiance in the last twelve years intensifying.
Continuing with some of the news that's coming up today, on this Wednesday, the 14th day of February 2007, top Cheney aide, 2007 is the year of Iran-U.S.
attack, a real possibility, a real
We'll be breaking that report down.
Also, waivers to Army recruiters with criminal backgrounds double.
For Army recruits, double.
From 2003 to 2006.
We'll integrate this with the fact that they're aggravated felons.
Many of them.
Chrysler to eliminate another 13,000 jobs after massive layoffs last year.
Toyota is surging past Ford and GM to be the largest auto maker.
It's just the continual erosion of our industrial capacity.
We'll be breaking that down.
And we're also going to have open phones today.
I know that
We've been having a lot of guests the last few weeks, and calls have been, I don't want to say few and far between, but we've been isolating the calls to 30 minutes here, 20 minutes there.
We're going to have open phones throughout the broadcast today.
The toll-free number to join us on any news item, any issue you wish to discuss is 1-800-259-8000.
9231-1800-259-9231 and we will get you up and on the air.
But I do want to get more into the latest hype surrounding global warming, the latest information concerning target Iran and the war clouds darkening and intensifying.
We'll also break down a large section on police state developments that have come out today as well.
And there's some news out of Africa.
10% of South African nurses have HIV, clearly tied to a bioweapons program.
Back to Iran, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is saying the world can halt Bush's crimes by dumping the dollar.
Another report out by Canada West News Service.
Canada, US and Mexican officials held secretive meeting on integration.
More news coming out as more FOIA requests aren't granted and as more documentation begins to come out.
Jerry Spence
The legendary Western lawyer has won a huge lawsuit against the Feds when they tried to set somebody up on false terrorism charges in the U.S.
tied to the government terror operation of the Madrid bombing.
Mexican drug gangs are slugging it out on YouTube.
This out of the register and much more.
We'll also look at some of the new toll road developments here in the United States as well as Germany, the UK, and many Western nations.
The same program, the same plan is being implemented all over the Western world as a new form of financial rape against the people.
It's all coming up today.
The websites are JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.com,
Did I mention InfoWars.com?
There's several others.
They have a lot of the same info, a lot of different info.
They all have their own webmasters.
They're excellent.
Check them out.
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We're good to go.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Not even a week has passed, and the mainstream media has now had to admit that the report that I ran was shipping in incredibly sophisticated weapons.
Then you read deeper, it was supposedly these 88 millimeter mortar shells, and now it's been admitted that they are actually a British manufacturer.
And remember,
The London Guardian, the London Independent, of course, after we reported on it, have now reported in the last week that triggers bought in New York, put together and packaged in Ireland, have been shipped, quote, to the insurgency in Iraq, and in previous reports it's been admitted, and we've had the individuals on who purchased them,
Uh, former commandos and secret, uh, police agents, uh, for the British Crown reporting that it was the British government staging those terror attacks and delivering those detonators.
And we've also caught British Special Air Services dressed up like Arabs running around bombing and shooting people.
And of course, the mosque about a year and a half ago was blown up clearly by US forces to get the two sides fighting with each other.
Every time the Sunni and the Shiite stop killing each other, some atrocities are committed to reinvigorate the fight.
I guess you could call it COINTELPRO on steroids.
But ThinkProcess has picked up a few snippets out of mainstream news.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com concerning what's happening in Iran.
Top Cheney Aid 2007 is the year of Iran US attack a real possibility.
Yeah, all those carrier task force groups have now arrived.
They're not there for nothing.
Every time they've had that type of buildup in modern history, I guess since the Cuban Missile Crisis, it's been for real and there's been attacks launched against nations.
Top Cheney Aid 2007 is the year of Iran- U.S.
attack a real possibility.
As the Bush administration ratchets up pressure on Iran, Vice President Cheney's Top National Security Aid has been quoted by the Washington Post in the 10th paragraph of page A18 that war with Iran is a real possibility this year.
Some senior administration officials still relish the notion of a direct confrontation.
One ambassador in Washington said he was taken aback
When John Hanna, Vice President Dick Cheney's National Security Advisor, said that during a recent meeting that the administration considers 2007 the year of Iran, and indicated that a U.S.
attack was a real possibility, Hanna declined to be interviewed for this article.
Those who have knowledge of the build-up to war in Iraq will recognize John Hanna's name.
In Bush's second term, he replaced Scooter Libby as the head of Cheney's National Security Staff.
During Bush's first term, he personally wrote the first draft of the infamous speech that Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered to the United Nations with the violent anthrax, according to Powell's former aide, Lawrence Wilkerson.
And it just goes from bad to worse from there.
Moreover, Hanna was the top source for false pre-war intelligence from Iraqi exiles that was stove-piped intelligence agencies and sent directly to the White House.
Vermont's Cheney's office has denied that the Veep bypassed U.S.
intelligence agencies to get intel reports
From Ahmad Shalabi's Iraq National Congress, a total convicted criminal.
But a June 2004 memo written by INC lobbyist Khunbar to the U.S.
Senate Committee lists John Hanna, senior national security aide on Cheney's staff, as one of two U.S.
government recipients for reports generated by an intelligence program being run in the INC.
The Special Plans Office, and which was then being funded by the State Department.
Under the program, defectors' reports and raw intelligence are cultivated and analyzed.
The info is then reported to, among other appropriate governmental and non-governmental international agencies.
The memo not only describes Cheney's aide, Hannah, as the principal point of contact for the program, it even provides his direct White House telephone number.
Let's back up here.
The New York Times reporter who wrote the story about aluminum tubes, clearly for intercontinental ballistic missiles, is the same reporter now putting out the report last Friday, two days before the Pentagon even put out the disinfo that Iran was shipping in quote the highly advanced weapons and it turned out that wasn't the case.
They are also saying there's no plan to attack Iran if they do the right thing.
The exact same propaganda we were given in the build-up to the Iraq War.
We then got the White House memos and other White House and Downing Street documents out of Tony Blair's office where they intended to attack all along and quote, the intelligence was to be fixed around that.
So we stand here at the precipice of the kickoff of what could lead into World War III, and even if they just strike Iran, and Iran lays there and takes it, you're going to see major economic problems.
They're talking about a conservative tripling in oil prices, a doubling in gold prices, and a continual plunge of the U.S.
So that's where we stand right now.
Another story here out of global research.
Iran War Agenda.
Trigger an accidental conflict as a pretext to justify limited strikes.
Now, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a top globalist, think tank king, overlord, top technician, I mean, he wrote a book in 1973, Between Two Ages and everything he said would happen, happened exactly.
Not because he had a crystal ball, but because, as Henry Kissinger said, the Trilateral Commission is government in exile.
It is the real policy directive on major issues of war, finance, international banking between Japan, the US, and Europe.
Hillary Mann, the former National Security Council Director for Iranian and Persian Gulf Affairs under the Bush administration from 2001 to 2004, has issued a sober warning to the public today concerning the Bush administration's intentions in Iran.
Echoing what Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about, how there could be a staged attack in the U.S.
to be blamed on Iran.
For him to be going public is just off the charts.
In an interview this morning on CNN, that clip's up there if you want to go see it, she accused the Bush administration of trying to push a provocative, accidental
conflict as a pretext to justify limited strikes or crucial nuclear and military infrastructure as opposed to a large ground war as is the case with Iraq.
When asked why the Bush administration was seeking to do this, she responded that it was part of Bush's broader agenda for the Middle East to bring about a democratization, peace and stability when the actual Pentagon plan is total destabilization and break each of the nations up into multiple parts along sectarian racial lines.
Of course, one only has to look back to history to see the Bush Administration's real agenda behind confronting Iran.
Iran is only one piece of the puzzle in a broader, century-long struggle by the U.S., Britain, and its Western allies to secure the Middle East oil reserves.
And then they go through a chronological history of what's really happened in Iran.
Again, your calls are coming up in the next segment and throughout the broadcast interspersed with key news from around the world and here in the United States on a wide spectrum of key areas of human activity.
This is by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
By the way, Rents.com is back up, so I got this from there.
World can halt Bush's crimes by dumping the dollar.
What would be the consequences of a U.S.
or Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear energy sites?
At the 2006 Global Peace Forum, Australian medical scientist Dr. Helen Caldicott provided an authoritative analysis of the devastating impact of human life that would result from the radiation release from such an attack.
The doctor described the catastrophic deaths that would result from a conventional attack on nuclear facilities
And of course the ensuing fallout and the long-term increase in cancer deaths from radiation release.
By the way, the different airstreams go right over the middle of the U.S.
from Iran.
Routinely here in Texas we get red dirt on our cars and the news announces properly that it came from Mongolia, Iran, you name it.
Should the attack be made with nuclear weapons, as some of Bush's criminally insane neoconservative advisors advocate, the populations of many countries would suffer for generations from radioactive particles in the air, water, and food chains.
Deaths would number in the many millions.
That's right, because when you detonate a hydrogen bomb in the atmosphere, there's little radiation compared to detonating at ground level, because it combines with all different metals and other isotopes, especially if you're bombing nuclear sites filled with uranium and plutonium, and it then ejects that into the air.
Just go do some research on what's the big problem with ground or sub-detonations.
That's why dirty nukes that they have designed, the Russians and the US have designed, are jacketed with cobalt or other metals, turning them into super-radiation weapons.
Such an attack, justified in the name of American security and American hegemony, would constitute the rawest form of evil the world has ever seen, far surpassing in evil the atrocities of Nazi and Communist regimes.
Dr. Caldecott detailed the horrible long-term consequences for Iraqi population from the U.S.
military's current use of plutonium, the equivalent of 44,000 A-bombs, I would add, the size of Hiroshima,
In explosive ammunition used in Iraq, Caldecott explained that depleted does not mean depleted radiation.
She explained that each time such ammunition is used, radioactive particles are released in the air and are absorbed into people's lungs.
We are yet to see the horrific civilian casualty rate of the American invasion or the true casualty rates among US troops that are well over 11,000.
Caldecott expressed bewilderment why the rest of the world does not stand up to the U.S.
and force a halt to its crimes against humanity.
And then he goes into talking about how a plunging dollar could counter that.
I don't know.
We'll read more of it later after we take your calls.
We are live!
It is the 14th day, Valentine's Day, St.
Valentine's Day.
And I'm Alex Jones, your host.
A lot of key information coming up today.
You'll want to stay with us, right here, on the GCN Radio Network.
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Coming up, we'll get into all the new developments with the huge snowstorms and how that ties into our global warming.
We'll also break down some new information concerning the illegal alien invasion, the North American Union, and much more.
Right now, let's go to your calls as promised.
Skeo in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you doing today?
Good, sir.
I called you yesterday, too.
We were talking about the anarchist.
I was going to start a website.
But today I caught something very interesting.
Let me ask you a question, Alex.
Do you think that car bombings are spectacular?
Do I think that what?
Car bombs are spectacular.
Yes, they're spectacular.
Well, George Bush thinks so.
George Bush, I just caught the presidential news conference on TV and I recorded it, where he's talking about Al Qaeda and how spectacular their car bombs are.
Would you like to hear it?
Well, it's spectacular to use the word spectacular, especially in a presidential speech.
I knew he was giving one.
I didn't have a chance to see it.
I was on the radio.
But to have him using terms like spectacular just shows it's pure hype.
Go ahead and play the clip.
Here we go.
Then I'll comment on it.
Yeah, it's way too low.
You know, I like to have folks play clips sometimes, but half the time it doesn't work.
Yeah, we just can't do it, sir.
Put him on hold, and he'll figure out later that we were unable to do that.
It'd be really nice to be able to hear it, and later we'll get the clip, but people call in and say, can I play a clip?
And I kind of go, yeah, go ahead, but a lot of times you just can't hear it.
We'll get the transcript and talk about it, but let's bring up what we know.
I appreciate your call, Ski-O.
Sorry that didn't work.
The Associated Press, World Net Daily, and others reported that members of the FBI have gone public, that they were ordered to issue terror alerts every time bad news came out about anything that was going on in the President's office, anything at the White House, anything with his policies.
Bad economic news, corruption news.
And by 2002, by late 2002, there were reports of this, and by 2003 and 2004, remember when they constantly had the new color-coded system and they were hyping it, and then major polls showed a majority of Americans believed, something like 70% believed it was being done for political purposes, and now Keith Oberman in the last year has talked about it, it's kind of old news.
That they issued these, and then even Ari Fleischer, White House Press Secretary at the time, back in 2003, admitted that it, well, they said, why are all these alerts coming out of nowhere?
He said, well, it's for political reasons.
Why do you think?
Then he resigned a few weeks later.
Who knows what was going on behind the scenes there.
I guess he had a breakdown.
I guess you can only tell those lies so long before, you know, they had to break down.
And we know that they fixed Iraq intelligence and they're going to kill us with WMDs in 45 minutes.
You know, they can hit us in 45 minutes and it's all over if we don't attack them.
I mean, they're constantly terrorizing us.
That's what you'd expect from terrorists.
That's the definition, the old definition of terrorism.
To paraphrase it is basically threatening harm or threatening some devastating event if a population or a country or an individual doesn't acquiesce to your demands.
So basically, let us turn America into a police state, let us have unitary executive dictatorial powers, let us abolish the Bill of Rights and Constitution, or Al-Qaeda is going to get you.
I mean, there's no doubt we have a government trying to set up a police state, trying to set up a dictatorship.
And they also have had thousands of terror drills that create the psychological image at the subconscious level that terrorism is real.
Blowing up buses, blowing up cars, having these drills from Seattle to Chicago to Belton, Texas.
Army running around.
Urban warfare drills in every major city.
It's just all part of an acclamation.
The television shows, the dramas, the news programs bathing you, both in fiction and non-fiction, bathing your minds, your souls, your intellect in this.
And remember Bush last year said they were going to blow up the Freedom Tower and he shows some big skyscraper in LA.
The building
Was never called the Freedom Tower.
It's name's not the Freedom Tower.
But they know the public's so dumbed down, they would just call it the Freedom Tower for the added effect.
And then it turned out that was not a real threat, wasn't real.
And every one of these other major terror alerts.
They were gonna blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.
They were gonna attack the FBI office in Miami.
More often than not, it's something an informant claims that isn't even connected to real people.
In other cases, it's street people the FBI's been funding for two years with, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars to finally go videotape the FBI building.
Meanwhile, illegal aliens don't have to show IDs to get bank accounts.
Kenneth, Brett, Tom, Tim, your calls and a lot more are straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Glad that you were spending some time with us on this live Wednesday, the 14th day of February 2007.
Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day.
Boy, the women are happy on this day.
They're just running around, smiling.
My wife's happy.
Family's happy.
They just love it.
They love love.
And so do I. That's what this is all about.
It's why we do it.
Coming up, I want to talk about Hearst Publishing, and I want to integrate it with a little five-minute clip from Keith Overman and analyze it before this hour ends.
But right now, we're going to go back to your phone calls.
Before I did that, I wanted to continue what I was saying.
Remember, middle of 2006, there was the report that Bush had foiled a
Highly coordinated, imminent Al-Qaeda, Al-Shi'aida attack on the Freedom Tower and within ten minutes even mainstream media reported that they were confused because they couldn't find anything named Freedom Tower in Los Angeles.
The building has had two names and neither one of them are anywhere near that name.
Freedom is not in the name.
So we're talking about
But 70-something story buildings, and the White House writes up these scripts and goes, they won't know the difference, call it freedom!
They wanted to blow up freedom!
And more importantly, it came out within a week, or less, we wrote articles about it at PrisonPlanet.com, but so did even the mainstream media, that within two minutes of Bush announcing it, under a false name, Fox News, within two minutes, it was timed, within his press conference,
was already rolling video of the Freedom Tower.
And what was the video they rolled?
It was Independence Day made back in the early nineties with an image of a giant black flying saucer firing a particle beam and blowing up the structure.
So, archetypal War of the Worlds, H.G.
Wells, Orson Welles-type fear-mongering and hysteria.
So, A, they used a movie with flying saucers blowing it up as news.
They had it within two minutes, showing the whole thing was staged.
Because how did they find the right building and the right video under a wrong name?
I mean, I could see him there in the Fox archives, all on computer, going, what building is that?
Find it!
He's saying it's the Freedom Tower, before his speech was even done.
And before they'd given their press conference, there's images of a flying saucer blowing up a building.
This is the type of stuff we forget about.
And then it came out that there was never a threat, that it was, quote, some unspecified, unconfirmed shatter.
So there is no end to the links that these people will go to.
And look, Viet Dinh of the Justice Department is on the
Board of Directors of Fox News, the guy that wrote the Patriot Act, the guy that believes that the President is above the law, and Tony Snow has always been an operative and worked at Fox, and now he's just a public operative as the White House Press Secretary.
But don't think that Fox is where it ends.
CNN in many ways is worse, because it's slicker, and mixes in more liberalism to fool the liberals.
I mean, all of them are operatives.
Take Wolf Blitzer.
I mean, he was a former super-lobbyist for AIPAC, like many of the other people, like Jack Abramoff going off to the Hooskow.
Let's go to Kenneth in Louisiana.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
In 2 Peter, Chapter 2, it says, in their greed, they're going to exploit us with false words.
You mentioned a lot of times prison planning, and if that is true, then we're succumbed to false words and repetitious words and witchcraft.
And if a Muslim tells the truth, he's labeled a terrorist.
If a black man tells the truth, he's labeled an Uncle Tom.
If a white Christian tells the truth, he's labeled a racist.
Do you see that?
What's happening?
That we're being exploited with false words?
uh... in the sixties and seventies because that was considered a hateful word it's it's just like heterosexual homosexual negro anglo uh... if you use the word negro a lot of people think that you're being racist uh... or if you use the word homosexual uh... the BBC reporter robin page just said that uh... rural communities deserve deserve the same rights as in 2002
at a speech as Muslims and homosexuals and they arrested him saying you're not allowed to use that word.
Well that's right out of the Soviet handbook.
And so they have all these words they say you can't use and then they demonize it so you can't even communicate with the basic language.
And the government could care less about the gays.
I mean the government clearly used them as a vector population in New York and San Francisco and LA
And Chicago with the hepatitis shots filled with the bioweapon in the late 1970s.
And we have the documents.
So it's just any way to get different groups out there to be in support of hate crimes legislation, and not even just legislation, just a chilling effect.
A chilling effect on so many issues where you can't even have a conversation.
Paula Zahn, she's having every day to try to turn into her show at 7 central time on CNN.
She's doing shows on intolerance and racial crimes.
And it's aimed at putting guilt on whites.
And I wrote a letter, sent her an email and told her that 91% of the interracial crime in America is black on white.
Well, it is true that black-on-white crime is ten times more frequent.
That's the Justice Department's own numbers.
And I do think that is the case, but I think those numbers are overblown.
I think it's serious.
It's real.
Because a lot of blacks feel like that they've been put down so it's their right to attack whites.
There is more racial crime against whites now in every indices you look at by other groups because whites are seen as the king daddies.
I think there's a little bit of over-reporting because police are more apt to enforce against blacks and get confessions against blacks and prosecute
When there is black-on-white crime.
And whites feed into this because a lot of whites think they're part of the power structure and go along with the system believing that they're elite just because they're white.
And I assure you, whites are peons just like everybody else.
There's a crude way of putting it, but we're all in the same boat.
Together, and we are going to figure that out, or we're going to sink, but I appreciate your call.
And why do they want such guilt of rights?
Because then they can sell taxes, then they can sell open borders, then they can sell all these different agendas.
Bottom line, the globalists always talk about how they love blacks and how they want to help them with the Great Society and you can't have a man in the house and break up the family.
Blacks had very low illegitimacy in the 1940s and 50s.
Within a decade of the Great Society, launched in the mid-1960s, the black family was a rare commodity indeed.
And cocaine was shipped into the black community.
And black men were trained and socially engineered to not rise in society.
So blacks have really been, everything's been tested on them from the cancer viruses to syphilis to the social engineering.
I like black people.
I genuinely like black people growing up around a lot of great black folks in Dallas, Texas.
And I know that blacks have been to the ringer.
But I know that all of this multiculturalism is made to make them hate whites and make whites feel all guilty.
And it's not to help black people, but it's actually to stop their integration into society.
And a lot of black intellectuals and others have said this, but we have the government's own documents on this.
It's a very sophisticated, complex issue.
But as Tony Brown has said on this show, what's done to the blacks is done to the whites ten years later.
So whites like to sit around and snicker with racial profiling and beatdowns and shootings in the back and CPS grabbing blacks.
Here's an example.
The CPS has run out of blacks and other minorities and illegal aliens are good folks when it comes to their families.
They'll run.
CPS knocks on their door, they're gone in five hours.
Nothing's more important than their children.
Because they've got their heads screwed on straight at many levels.
Because they're more of the old model of what humanity used to be, they haven't been totally conditioned yet.
And brought into this modern system.
So I admire Hispanics, but you see Hispanics after one or two generations being Americanized, and it's some of the worst squalor you've ever seen, and the families unraveling, and everybody's shooting each other.
Basically, anybody that follows this system, and follows the social mores that are pushed, will see your communities destroyed.
Whites are now at about 50% illegitimacy, and it was less than 10% 50 years ago.
Blacks are at over 90% illegitimacy by design.
I've already done this talk several times in the last few months, but it's so central.
And I think about what blacks have been through, and I identify with it, historically, what other populations have gone through.
And I identify with people like Malcolm X and others who just say, I've had enough, I'm standing up, and if you want it, come and get it.
And if more of us had that type of attitude, we wouldn't be slaves.
But white communities are unraveling at the seams, bursting at the seams, completely falling apart.
Everything's falling apart.
Every indicator of societal de-evolution is there.
And all of this multiculturalism is to get each other
To get us all at each other's throats, and we all need to rebuke it, and say no to it, and step back from it, and see what it is.
But if I was a black man, can you imagine if I was a black man?
I mean, I'm mad about the violations of my rights, I'm mad about what's happening, I'm mad about the tyranny, and I'm a white guy.
I mean, can you imagine being black?
And see, they know that, so they play on that.
And, you know, to create that bitterness and to basically forge blacks, the black community, into being a tool of the New World Order, just like they've done with the illegal aliens.
And we need to just realize what the scam, and we need to come together against the New World Order and say no to it.
And that's what's happening.
But, I also have to tell you that black people are probably the most awake group out there.
Black people, and I never even reached out, because I reach out to everybody, but black folks have always really resonated with this program, and also Hispanics.
Hispanics are the, of quote, minority groups.
It's way disproportionate, the amount of orders we get for films with Spanish surnames, the fans on the street in Austin, it is unbelievable.
love this show and and and and that is if they're able to understand my the language english and able to hear me out then they get the big picture i mean mexicans have been under tyranny in mexico latin americans are incredibly awake people it is american white middle class that will basically buy anything they're shoveled anything they're fed and now they're waking up to they're waking up to
But, the group holding up the New World Order right now, more than anybody, are white intellectual wannabes, white yuppies, white liberals, and white conservatives.
And if you really study what they believe, it's very similar, except for a few social issues.
They're a bunch of warmongers, they love the police state, they think the police state's for everybody else.
And over and over again, in Wisconsin, and Michigan, and New York, every time I get a mainstream news report, and then it's always ten times worse in the sites that watch the CPS and study this, the different activist groups, you actually interview the people, it's much worse than you read.
But imagine New York Daily News, and other publications in New York, where it says they come to black women,
And I mean, this actually gets my blood pressure up, okay?
I feel violent when I think about this.
Whether it was a white woman, a Hispanic woman, black, it doesn't matter.
It's a human being.
None of us are safe when this is going on.
I empathize.
I do feel the pain.
Because I know you reap what you sow.
I know what comes around goes around.
I know that if it can happen to them, it can happen to me.
And, I mean, you read where they come and they say, we're gonna take the one-year-old and the three-year-old to some black woman working two jobs,
This is one case I'm talking about.
There's many.
Thousands in New York City alone.
But they feed mainly on the blacks because they've been set up for it.
They don't have a family.
They don't have any support structure.
But they're strong people.
They'll get real mad when you do it.
Then you can send in the cops.
They set them up.
I mean, they got black's number, folks.
They got their number.
They've been doing it for hundreds of years!
And they come in and they say, you sign the papers and let us take the eight-year-old, and we won't take the other two.
And they take that little black boy and they take him to a private pharma facility, administered by state employees and city employees, and they test, they make the black boy drink pesticide, and two months later, he's dead.
They murder black children all over this country!
And that piece of trash, Jesse Jackson doesn't say a word about it.
And all the rest of these scumbag black leaders that are just paid off to sit there and tell you all the right racial stuff and make you feel like they're in your corner, they're not in your corner.
And I just, I just, it just makes me so mad to see things like this happening.
And it gives me courage, and it makes me redouble my efforts.
When I see things like that, it enrages me with righteous indignation.
And so, then I see the scourge of black on white crime, because blacks have been filled full of all this unrighteous anger, because they've been taught, as the whites have been taught, that somebody driving around in a
Late-model Cadillac living in a $200,000 house is richy-rich and they're the ones that did the oppressive.
That's why there's so much black-on-white crime.
Most of it isn't even, quote, racially motivated.
It's motivated because that's who you rob is whitey.
But you have a disproportionate level of black-on-black violence too.
Because blacks have been set up for a fall.
Now the people they've ruined culturally, societally,
It doesn't mean that they shouldn't go to prison or shouldn't go to the chair.
The point is, is that you have to understand the product that they are.
The product of absolute, just horrible things that have been done to blacks!
And I just wish they had a community to defend themselves.
Alright, we'll be right back with more of your calls, but that subject got me going.
Stay with us.
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Black leaders give the black people in this country false revolutions, false issues to be concerned about.
Can you imagine the hay that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson could make with the black community over murdering black children?
Not a single word out of their mouths, and I've gone and done Google searches, and you're not going to hear a word out of them.
It's staged.
Let's talk to Brett in California, then Tom, Tim, Todd, Ken, and others.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Brett.
Alex, it's Brad.
I'm in ReVista.
First off, I've got to tell you, I'm a relatively new listener.
I'm 62 years old.
My son is a former Marine Logistics Officer, Jeff, who calls you occasionally.
I've witnessed everything you've seen.
I've worked in Oakland.
I've worked in the high-end car business.
If you're not driving an Escalade, you should.
Leaving that aside, I was listening to Jeff Wrench.
You turned me on to him.
And by the way, you have the best website of any website I've seen in this country.
I'm a Christian.
I believe in what you're doing.
Our biggest problem is getting the word out.
And I listen to you on the internet.
And I listen to you real-time, real-stream, whenever I can.
And I listen to you daily.
You're a patriot, you're a man of the cloth, and you inspire people, Alex.
And all I want to do is tell you that there's a lot of people out here that are waking up.
We work in a hard, middle-class area.
White people, black people, Chinese people.
This is Silicon Valley.
But what's going on here is a dreadful crime, and I'm talking about Lawrence Livermore.
And what they're doing, all those dirty bombs that end up in Iraq and the company back in Michigan that Bo Nichols was talking about.
This is a crime against humanity.
And people need to be woken up.
And that's all I really want to say.
And by the way, a belated happy birthday.
I wish you and your family the best.
You have helped reunite me with my son.
And I just can't congratulate you enough.
Well, thank you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
You know, I have a lot of enemies and a lot of people attack me and the enemy does come against us, but that is all a blessing in the end.
And if you look at the fruit that this tree has borne, we have, with God's help, created millions of activists.
Hundreds of them that are extremely prominent and cite this transmission as the place where they first woke up.
And it is sad, occasionally, to see people you've woken up
Completely blinded by darkness and fallen into the wicked one's hands.
But that's what happens.
And it isn't appointed to everybody wake up or stay awake.
But overall, people are waking up.
They are taking action.
We're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
And I appreciate all your kind words, sir.
Tom and many others, your calls are coming up when we start the second hour.
Continue, we'll open phones throughout the next two hours.
I'm going to get into yellow journalism a little bit in the next hour, and a piece Oberman did on hers publishing.
I meant to do it this hour, but we've already run out of time, because I got into the subject of the literal rending and feeding and cannibalism by the New World Order, particularly against blacks in this country, because a caller mentioned it.
But before I do that, in the last 30 seconds of this hour, please go to InfoWars.com, peruse the Safe, Secure Online Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart, look now at the hundreds of titles of films and books and books on tape and t-shirts and bumper stickers that we have available there, because it gets the word out and it's a very effective tool against the globalists and it makes this broadcast possible.
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Second hour, 70 seconds away.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Wide open phones throughout this three-hour broadcast today.
Now into hour number two.
We'll be getting more into the incredible, intensifying global warming hype as record cold hits large areas of the United States.
Over 160 inches of snow in some areas has fallen in the last four days.
More on the Iran situation, more on the dollar.
It's all coming up and I'll do an analysis, a basic analysis of
Yellow Journalism and some other important announcements coming later.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Tom in Indiana, thanks for holding your on the air.
Happy Valentine's Day, Alex.
Well, happy Valentine's to you.
Hey, brother, you are America's sweetheart of the airwaves.
Oh, please, listen.
I know everybody does that on talk radio, but I'm just an average fella and I appreciate the support.
Hey, I got some encouraging news for you, your staff, and all the listeners.
Okay, tell me.
I received a letter from Ron Paul last Saturday, thanking me for my $20 campaign contribution.
This letter is dated February 7th, which was last Wednesday.
Oh, by the way, Ron Paul's on tomorrow.
Oh, great, great.
Can I read it, Alex?
Just three short sentences.
Sure, go ahead.
I want to get it right.
It says, today, CNN invited me to participate in the first in the national presidential primary debate.
to go.
CNN Radio and CNN.com.
They've been ignoring him, so this is a good start.
We'll see if he stays on the debate roster.
A lot of times they remove people.
And also, I tried to email you with this information.
As soon as I got it, I can't get through to tips at infowars.com.
What's happening?
I just get that from Yahoo saying that they couldn't send the message.
Yeah, you need to go to the web form that says Contact Us.
And you can just put it into the web form.
We started getting, I don't know, 5,000 emails a day and it was crashing everything.
So we're trying to go to those web forms there.
But then a lot of people are unable to contact me because they don't know about that, but you can contact me through InfoWars.com.
Hey, I've been riding a storm out here for two days.
I thought that would be a good piece of music to put on your show.
REO Speedwagon, riding a storm out.
Hey Alex, I just want you to know I'm praying for you, your family, and your staff every day.
God bless you, brother.
Keep up the work.
Well, I believe in it, I know it, I have faith in it, and it just helps keep the prayers going.
And I can skin a buck or run a trout line.
That's a good song for us to run.
Hank Williams Jr.
There you go.
In fact, I'm going to get him to download that and we'll play that for you today.
REO Speedwagon, riding out the storm, and Hank Williams Jr.
He can't hold a candle to his late
Daddy, but we'll play Country Boy Can Survive.
That's why they want to run us all off the land.
All right.
Yeah, you know, that's the sad thing about how we're losing our roots.
My dad can fix a tractor.
He can fix an alarm clock because he grew up on the farm where they did that.
He can rope and ride.
Me, I can rope and ride a lot better than most people, but I can't even hold a candle to people like my daddy or my uncle who lives out there on the family ranch in East Texas.
That's what I'd really be doing.
I'd probably just be doing ranch management and shredding and driving a tractor and having a big ol' organic truck farm.
I'd be doing what Hutton Gibson did out in Australia.
I've got the land to do it, but I just can't.
And that's what I'd like to be doing.
I'd like to be skinning a buck.
I'd like to be running a trout line.
But, uh, can't do it.
Alright, we'll be right back after this quick break to continue with your calls.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones.
It's the one and only GCN Radio Network.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's go right back to your phone calls.
It's open phone lines on this live Wednesday edition.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Pittsburgh.
Tim, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking the call.
You bet.
I wanted to ask you to clarify two things that I've heard in the past week.
One, with regards to Chick Burlingame's daughter and the events that happened with the fire in her apartment building.
I heard you say at the end of the conversation just something about it being firebombed.
I wanted to know if any other information came out.
I know there was an initial kind of mysteriousness to the reporting of it, but I hadn't seen anything since.
And then secondly, I wanted to know, I heard when you were talking about mainstream media or mainstream people coming out and talking about 9-11, you mentioned Don Henley.
And I noticed that his album, Inside Job, was released in 2000?
No, that was about six months ago I said that, and I was corrected instantly and corrected that on air.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I thought I heard you say recently.
But with regard to Chick Burlingame, I just want to know if you could maybe say if anything new had come out other than the initial... Sure, sure.
Let me answer that question for you.
Chick Burlingame was the former military pilot who supposedly
I was flying flight 77 and then I got hijacked and honey on here and did this impossible maneuver and flew it into the building and the whole thing disappeared.
But then Chick Burlingame's family was given his wallet.
I mean, unburned.
I mean, believe any of this.
It's a complete joke.
Where did they get the wallet?
I'm going to let you go.
I appreciate your call.
Let me comment on the part about his daughter.
Let me comment on that.
His daughter moved to New Jersey, what was it, like four months ago?
She died, and I googled it the other day, and on Google News, which just filters for news, nothing.
I had the exact headline for the New York Daily News, but it didn't show up.
It had been blocked.
But then I typed it into Google Web, and links to that news article came up.
I believe Paul wrote an article about this, and I only spent about 10 minutes looking for it because it came up in some behind-the-scenes conversations.
I couldn't find the Newark paper and some of the others I'd read, but I did find the Newark Daily News, and it said that firemen were saying it was very suspicious.
Some of the other papers did report that she'd just gotten married in the last few months, that people heard yelling and screaming and what sounded like fighting, some type of fracas.
going on and that there was a huge, just a very quick fire in a hallway that burned her to death and she was unable to get out and the police and firemen and others in those articles were saying that it was being investigated, that it was very suspicious.
Then that got shut down and now I can't even find most of those articles.
I didn't find the New York Daily News.
They just had a mention of the firefighter saying it was suspicious.
But nothing came of it.
And yes, Chick Burlingame's daughter, you can see photos of her on the web and stuff,
Uh, she, there at the funeral, she died.
And she was involved in a steering committee of a foundation set up for some of the 9-11 victims.
The whole thing is very, very suspicious.
that uh... there was a small contained very hot fire but to me sounds like some type of foul play or they never told us what exploded and her new husband got out and we're very thankful that he made it out because he needs to be questioned about exactly what caused it but no no follow-up you'd think that there'd be follow-up I said I did ten minutes of research I did about thirty actually it's just unbelievable let's go ahead and take a call again that's the daughter
Of Chick Burlingame, the pilot of Flight 77, which was all very mysterious, dying in a quick blast of fire in the hallway of her apartment with her new husband making it out.
With the neighbors saying they heard a big, what sounded like some type of yelling and a fight going on.
Hmm, I don't know.
I don't know.
That might need to be investigated.
I don't know.
The police and firemen at the time said it was very suspicious.
And again, that was in the Newark paper.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ken and KC.
Ken, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
I don't speak that clear, so... It's okay.
Sound clear to me.
I want to mention on Sunday night, first of all, that they had a White Boys piece on DU.
They played to Uranium.
Was it a TV program about how it's nutritious for you?
And they were
Supposedly countering this argument that the D.U.
is killing all the troops and everything over there in Iraq.
Well, where did this air?
It was on CNN.
And they were, what, reporting that it wasn't true, that it was bad for the troops?
Or what were they saying?
They were saying it was good for the troops.
Because it knocks out the enemy?
And then they, what, had some scientists saying it wasn't bad for you, or what did they say?
Well, they said that they had a report from the military that DU was not that bad for you.
Well, do you have any further comments on that?
I want to mention, too, that they have an apartment complex here in Grandview.
I live in Grandview, Missouri.
And they have an apartment complex where they
We have the mining college documents, we have the geological survey documents, we have all these big federal documents from even the early 80's that we've read on air that we've covered.
Where they say just mining uranium, which is not even purified, it's usually less than even 1% in the ore they dig out, causes massive lung cancer, just huge problems.
And we've had top scientists, doctors, radiologists on the show, a whole bunch of them.
We've, of course, probably 10 times or more had Dr. Doug Rockey, the former head of the Pentagon's entire DU program, who literally wrote the book on depleted uranium.
It was a weapon developed in case the Soviets poured across in the seventies or eighties into Western Europe and there was already a nuclear war going on.
They would go ahead and pull out all the stops and use it for infantry and tank-killing helicopters and Abrams tanks to knock out the, what was it, five to one Russian superiority in armor.
It was a
Weapon to be used basically during apocalyptic type situations.
And then Israel started using it, and then the U.S.
started using it, and they used it in Iraq in 1991, they used it in Serbia, they used it in Bosnia, they used it in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Just tens of thousands of tons of it each case.
The amount used in Iraq and Afghanistan, 44,000 A-bombs.
The equivalent was either Hiroshima or Nagasaki size.
And it's a deadly heavy metal, number one.
Number two, it's a tiny particulate.
And number three, it puts off a type of radiation that cumulative effects are highly documented and deadly.
And it just sits up against the cells.
The worst area it hits is your lungs.
And it just sits in the delicate lungs.
Uh, and it penetrates into the deepest area of the lungs and is causing all sorts of problems and lung cancers and, uh, just for them to get on the news and deny it is just... Well, I mean, we've got the newscast where they say mercury's good for your brain.
I mean, I... Sodium and stannous fluoride's good for your brain.
Next, jumping off a thousand foot cliff into spikes will be good for you without a parachute.
Thank you for taking my call.
I want to commend you Alex, and I'm not gobbling to you, but I
Every time I hear you try to correct many of the callers to call in and try to grovel and flatter you with being a great guy, you're very, very humble and you take the position of giving all the credit to God.
And it just reminds me of the scripture in Revelations 20 where the Apostle John fell down on his knees to an angel that had been sent to give him the vision, you know, of Revelation.
And the angel told him, don't do that.
Because all the credit goes to the Heavenly Father.
And I think, you know, a lot of callers, I know they have good intentions, but I really commend you and appreciate how you try to tell them, just like that angel told John, you know, you don't want that creature worshipped.
You've been blessed with the ability and intellectual knowledge to get the truth out to a lot of people out there and say,
In many cases, a lot of people's lives because of your accurate knowledge of the current events that are going on.
And I think God will remember you and his book of life for that, and many others who take the same position.
Well, let me just be clear.
Well, thank you, Roger.
And I'll hold you over.
We've got other issues you want to talk about, so I don't think I'm cutting you off here.
But let me just say this.
I know that I'm a fallen person.
I know.
And I try every day to be a good person and to be moral and do the right thing.
And I can easily be killed, imprisoned, die in a car wreck, get cancer tomorrow.
So it doesn't need to be all about Alex Jones.
And I see that in the culture.
It's always disgusted me on talk radio.
And I like people complimenting my work.
I like people spreading my work.
I like people being leaders in their own right.
It's just, it doesn't feel right.
I'm not mad at callers that tell me I'm doing a great job.
It's just, I don't like how it feels for some reason.
Because I don't have that high of a view of myself and I don't need to be built up because I can be knocked down.
It's about the movement.
It's about standing up for what's right.
It's about standing up for the weak.
It's about standing up to bullies.
It's about doing the right thing.
And that's basically what I'm saying.
Anything else, Rodney?
Oh yeah, of course.
I wanted to talk about some information that you discussed many months ago regarding Margaret Sanger, Eugenics... Yeah, stay there, stay there.
Eugenics, sure.
We'll be right back with Rodney in Texas, then we'll go to Brian and many others that are patiently holding open phones today.
I will get into Yellow Journalism, I will get into a bunch of other news, but right now, it's open phones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let's go back to Rodney in Texas.
Rodney, go ahead and get into your next point.
Yeah, I just want to say many times, Alex, when you bring up different subjects like eugenics and Margaret Sanger, if people go out and they do a little research, they'll find out that many times the information that you share with us on the air is ten times
Some cases, even a hundred times, even worse.
And I recall many months ago when you were talking about Margaret Sanger and her disdain that she had for black people and even with that she made the cover of Time Magazine.
I did a little research on her and found out that, just like many other stories that you covered, it was ten times worse than what you had discussed on the air.
Well, see, that's the thing, is that I was up at three in the morning last night doing research.
I mean, I really do my homework, and then there's no way to even disgorge all the knowledge here, because this is what I do.
And yeah, she gave awards to Hitler, got awards, she wanted one-child policy, she wanted to sterilize all the minorities, and then they call her a loving liberal and defend her, and then you go into all the black communities and they just love the Planned Parenthood.
And you know, you hear Jesse Jackson talking about that, and it's just so much bad stuff.
Tell us some of the stuff you discovered.
Well, it's just like what you were saying with Jesse Jackson and many other black leaders.
Margaret Sanger, she started her eugenics program through a thing they call the Negro Project.
And one of the reasons why she was quite successful in the Negro community during that time is because she used a lot of the black leaders, i.e.
Jesse Jackson, even though he wasn't a Negro.
Oh yeah, she's a pioneer!
She's a pioneer!
And she used the black leaders to go into the black communities and convince black people, most especially unwed mothers, that, you know, it wasn't called Planned Parenthood at that time, it was started out as Negro Project, that getting abortions and this sort of thing, that this was good, and so on and so forth.
But, you know, the method, the modus operandi that she used back then is the same one that they still use today.
And she was their friend while she wrote books calling black people animals.
So I just wanted to put that out there for a lot of people.
A lot of black people are very familiar with the Tuskegee experiments.
Would you compare that with the Negro Project and Planned Parenthood?
Well, that's why I mentioned Tuskegee.
Most people have heard about that.
No, I mean, there's thousands of horrors.
You can't even learn about it all.
I could be like a professor.
That's all I studied was Margaret Sanger, and I couldn't learn all the evil she did in a 90-plus year life.
I mean, you cannot learn all the evil they've done.
It's so much.
And then we tell the listeners that the globalists want to kill us and sterilize us, because it's real, folks!
I mean, this stuff is real!
Well, Planned Parenthood, I know you would agree, is probably many, many times worse than the Tuskegee, but most people... I have to say, it's affected hundreds of thousands of times more blacks, and everybody else for that matter, than, yeah, the Tuskegee.
You know, this is the reason why I would encourage people, when they hear you speak on different topics, just do a little research, just a little ounce of research.
That's why I always say, don't believe me.
That's why I always say, don't believe me, because they're going to find out it's a lot worse than I even said.
And just one final point, Alex.
God forbid anything does happen to you, but you know, the information that you share with us is the truth.
But we have to be just like the apostles when Jesus was unjustly murdered.
We have to be able to bounce back from any unforeseen occurrence that may, and I'm saying God forbid anything happens to you or me or any other people who are out there trying to preach the truth and save lives.
You know, we have to be able to have the intestinal fortitude and the spiritual knowledge to be able to bounce back and go out there and be leaders.
We shouldn't be out here doing
A human worship, because that wasn't what God put us on this planet to do anyway.
But the bottom line is, I just hope that you keep up the good work.
Not just you, but many others out there to listen to you.
Rodney, good to hear from you.
We're out of time.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you.
You know, the movie V for Vendetta has a lot of problems, but overall it has some good messages in it.
But it's V at the end, when he's taking down his archenemy, he explains that
Ideas are bulletproof.
Not people, but ideas.
As I said on CNN, ideas are bulletproof.
And it's about the ideas of liberty and dignity and freedom.
And those ideas are eternal.
And truth and goodness will win out.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's bad.
That's it.
You got it.
We'll play part of this song, and then we'll go right back to your calls.
Stay with us.
The future man says it's the end of time, and the Mississippi River, she's a-goin' dry.
The interest is up, and the stocks market down, and you're only gettin' mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see.
My woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
I've got a shotgun, a rifle, and a four-wheel drive, and a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
I can plow a field all day long.
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn.
We make our own whiskey and our own smoke too.
Ain't too many things these old boys can't do.
We grow good old tomatoes and homemade wine and country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
Because you can't starve us out and you can't make us run.
Because we're the small boys raised on shotguns.
We say grace and we say ma'am.
If you ain't into that, we don't give a damn.
We came from the West Virginia coal mines and the Rocky Mountains and the western skies.
And we can skin a bus, we can run a trot line, and a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive!
I had a good friend in New York City.
He never called me by my name, just Hillbilly.
My grandpa taught me how to live off the land, and he taught him to be a businessman.
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway night, and I'd send him some homemade wine.
But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife.
For $43, my friend lost his life.
I'd love to spit some beach nuts in that dude's eyes, but shoot him with my old .45, cause a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive!
We're from North California and South Alabama and little towns all around this land.
We can scan a bus, and run a trot line, and a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive!
And a country boy can survive!
Country folks can survive!
Well, I think that song says it all, and that's why they've got the trans-NAFTA highways, 83 of them.
That's why they've got the trans-Texas corridors.
That's why they want to wall off all the rural areas.
The Animal ID is meant to destroy rural communities.
And there is an exodus.
We saw the urbanization in the last hundred years going from a rural population to a city population and massive control.
And now we see a reverse exodus.
We're good to go.
But I promise to get into yellow journalism.
So first we're going to play this Keith Oberman clip, a part of it.
And notice he goes into the history of Hearst Publishing, as we have many times.
Then I'm going to comment on yellow journalism and the build-up to a possible war with Iran and the ramifications of that.
And how Hearst Publishing ran the hit piece on the 9-11 Truth Movement.
They are the standard in government operations.
Here it is, Keith Oberman.
The telegram is part of American history.
The U.S.
battleship Maine exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898 and the infamous yellow journalist William Randolph Hearst, Orson Welles' model for Citizen Kane, immediately had his newspapers pin the blame on Cuba's Spanish masters.
Hearst and the Hearst papers insisted this country should attack Spain and anticipating the conflict, the publishing giant sent the famous illustrator Frederick Remington to Cuba to draw the pictures of the battles there.
From Havana, Remington telegraphed Hearst that he couldn't find any war in Cuba
You furnished the pictures, Hearst telegraphed back.
I'll furnish the war.
Our third Syrian account down tonight.
Imagine if William Randolph Hearst had owned a cable television network.
The first admission from the evil overlord of Fox, Rupert Murdoch, that his news operation tried to lead America into the war in Iraq.
Mr. Murdoch's remarkable confession coming at last month's annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in Switzerland.
First, Murdoch bemoaning how big media has lost much of its power to set agendas to things like blogs and news sites on the Internet.
Then panel moderator, Charlie Rose, following up with a question about whether News Corp had managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq, to which Mr. Murdoch answered, quote, No, I don't think so.
We tried.
Follow-up answer?
We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East.
But we have been very critical of his execution.
Time now to call in Rachel Maddow, the host of the conveniently named Rachel Maddow Show on Air America Radio.
Good evening, welcome.
Hi Keith, thanks for having me.
Many will no doubt react to our doing this segment by saying, and this is news, why?
But is there ambiguity here?
I mean, we won't get access to the actual tape of what he said for a couple of weeks, but the print reporting simply says he was asked if his company managed to shape the agenda about Iraq, and he said, no, I don't think so, we tried.
Is there more than one way to interpret that?
I don't think so.
It seems to me to be a fairly unambiguous statement, which wouldn't be a problem if he was talking about a PR firm, or if he was talking about some sort of ideological think tank with an axe to grind.
The problem is that Fox News Channel bills itself as the thing that's trying to unspin America, right?
The thing that's fair and balanced.
It's trying to spin Americans
Well, it's a sales pitch phrase.
I mean, it's a catchphrase.
It doesn't mean anything.
It's just fair and balanced.
It might as well be green and purple.
But if the meaning is as obvious as that,
Why on earth would Murdoch ever admit it?
To me, that's the most interesting question here.
I don't think that he's out of it enough at this point that he thinks, oh, I said it in Switzerland, nobody will know about it in America.
I don't think it's that.
I wonder, though... Ask Eason Jordan about that, in particular.
Yes, exactly.
I wonder if there's a certain fatalism and a certain kind of flippancy born of fatalism among a lot of the really big deal people like Rupert Murdoch who did bang the drum so loudly for this war.
I mean, nobody in the world thinks this war is going well anymore except for the Cheney family.
And people like Rupert Murdoch, who have to know how responsible they were for ginning up the support for it, I just wonder if he's a little bit self-destructive and flippant on this issue because he feels fatalist and
And how else would you feel about it?
Were you in his position?
He's got to be carrying at least some guilt if he's a human being.
Well, presumably there could be some spin forward, too, to the follow-up, because the follow-up that he said was, we basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East, but we have been very critical of its execution.
Is he talking about one of his British newspapers?
Is he trying to get people to feel that there has been some criticism of the war?
Because I don't know anybody at Fox Noise who would admit they've been very critical of the Bush policy in Iraq.
No, and they continue to be incredibly critical of
Alright, now I've been talking about this for several years.
He has TV networks and hundreds of newspapers from New Zealand to Australia to Tasmania to Germany to London to New York to Los Angeles to Mexico City.
Outside the U.S.
he demonizes America.
Outside the U.S.
they have an agenda for the one world government being unipolar based out of London, Berlin, Moscow.
Then domestically, so America plays the part of the bad cop internationally, he keeps Americans asleep, making everybody think it's okay, and that we're the good guys.
So, it's hubris.
It's arrogance.
It's, yeah, we tried to influence it, but it didn't work, but in the final equation, so what?
The government does what it wants now.
People don't want open borders and amnesty.
They don't want toll roads on existing roads.
They don't want any of this, but you're still going to get it.
Until we fundamentally take the system back.
They've got the voting machines in place.
And of course he knew at Davos World Economic Forum that that would be picked up.
Now the question is why is MSNBC running with it?
They certainly, a large portion of it owned by defense contractors and the Rockefellers.
Why are they doing this?
It's because there's an inner fight between the globalists on how to execute the Iran attack or whether to execute it.
And then notice
That Keith Olbermann, though I like him, he's better than most.
Not as good as Lou Dobbs, in my opinion.
Oh, Air America is going to save us.
The Democrats are going to save us.
The liberals are going to save us.
So again, it's pretty simple to analyze.
Still inside that nutshell.
Of course, in that controlled paradigm.
Of course, Murdoch has been saying that the mainstream media is dead.
But it's going to fall apart.
The newspaper circulation and the mainstream TV is in deep trouble and will be a remnant of what it was.
It basically already is a third of what it was, almost a third of what it was.
It's not quite 60 plus percent yet, but it's rapidly going that direction.
So, it is a clash of civilizations and it's the establishment battling to maintain control
With a bunch of arrogance and intimidation and hubris, but I think a lot of that is calculated to intimidate people and it's not going to work.
They can't make us run.
Whether it's low-level scum or high-level scum, once people just get committed to something, it's 110% and further threats and FEMA camp threats and A-bombs going off threats.
If it's going to happen, it's going to happen.
I mean, things do not look rosy, but at least we're fighting.
At least people are waking up.
There's going to be a bigger battle and an escalation, but at least we're in the fight now and have a chance of winning.
At least we're not laying down and taking it supine on our backs.
I don't want to spend all day on this because I want to go back to your calls and other news items as promised, but we haven't written a proper response to Popular Mechanics and the book they published and the two cover stories they published.
In the Hearst Publishing House company, Popular Mechanics.
The stuff we've seen the last two years from them.
I mean, we wrote articles countering some of their lies and how they built the straw man and how it's a piece of propaganda.
But I think it's more effective to simply, because we've done the debunking of their facts, it's more effective to point out that literally in the encyclopedia
Next to the word, the term, yellow journalism, you see a picture of William Randolph Hearst, a globalist, a New World Order minion who owned thousands of publications and who was just incredibly corrupt and who staged wars and was intimately involved with the government.
I mean, he wrote the book on the media teaming up with the government to propagandize the American people.
And Popular Mechanics and Hearst Publishing is no different today.
So they also need to be attacked going through the things that Hearst Publishing did in Vietnam, the things that Hearst Publishing did in the Spanish-American War, the things they did in the Mexican-American War.
I mean, literally staging events, making things up, lying.
And look at it today.
The first cousin, good family friends, Benjamin Chertoff of the Homeland Security Director, Michael Chertoff, writes a huge hit piece on myself and others.
And so I get the question every week in email or sometimes on air, hey what about this, what about this book, what about that?
And I finally did read the book.
On the website they had some forward by John McCain attacking me.
I mean, it's kind of scary at a certain level of my psyche to have John McCain
And the editors of Popular Mechanics naming Alex Jones in the foreword.
Because they put the first chapter on their website.
I mean, my gosh!
I mean, the literal eyes of the New World Order are staring directly at me.
That's why it's so comical when local thugs and gangsters and ne'er-do-wells think they can intimidate me
It's like the Janis Joplin song, freedom's another word for nothing left to lose.
Nothing if we ain't free.
And that's where I stand.
In fact, pick up that Janis Joplin song.
We've got a couple minutes before we go to break.
I want to play the first two minutes of that.
Then we'll go to break.
We'll come back.
It's Bobby McGee.
We'll play that.
We'll come back and go to your calls and continue for everybody that's holding.
Todd and Justin and Dave and Andrew and many others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I really haven't properly plugged the films yet today, either.
We'll do that later in the next hour.
I hope you support us by visiting Infowars.com and everything that's available there.
Alright, here's Janice Joplin, the late great.
Play a few minutes of this and go to break and come back.
He rode us all the way to New Orleans.
I pulled my harpoon and my dirty red bandana.
I sang soft while Bobby sang the blues.
When she walked through serpentine, I told her, Bobby, sing to me.
We sang every song that driving knew.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
I mean nothing, honey, if it ain't freedom.
Yeah, feeling good was easy love when they sang the blues.
You know, feeling good was good enough for me.
Good enough for me and my Bobby Ray.
From the Kentucky coal mines To the California sun Hey Bobby shared the secrets of my soul Through all kinds of weather Through everything we've done Hey Bobby, baby, kept me from the cold
We're good to go.
Reading is just another word for nothing left to lose.
That's all that Bobby left me.
When he's feeling good, what's easy now?
When he's sang the blues.
Hey, feeling good was good enough for me.
Good enough for me and my Bobby, yeah.
La-da-da, la-da-da-da, la-da-da, la-da-da.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
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Alright, let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Todd in Tejas.
Been holding patiently.
Welcome, Todd.
Hi there, brother.
How you doing?
Just real quick, I'm a proud subversive working in one of the government training camps for our children.
I heard you addressing the fact that every time there's a build-up to war, there seems to be a plethora of military clothing made available to the general populace at target.
Let me be clear, I'll let you finish.
Edward Bernays wrote in two books, and I cover this in Terror Storm,
I'll go you one better.
I've seen two sweatshirts in the junior high where I teach here in Texas
And one of them was of the all-seeing eye pyramid, put on a very fashionable, it's mostly the hip-hop wear that it seems to be, that some seem to be appearing on.
I've seen that.
An all-seeing eye, the Illuminati eye symbol.
That's all-seeing eyes and skulls.
And skulls.
And check this out, the other day this kid walked into my class, he had a Pepe Jeans sweatshirt on.
Well, you know, you get catalogs in the mail, and a few of them are laying there on the coffee table for jewelry.
And I opened up two different little magazines, and both of them just had page after page of different jewels made, you know, skull and crossbones.
And you go to Target, or you're walking down the street, it's just skulls everywhere.
And not just on the young people, but just all, and people say, well that's a pirate motif.
No, now it's integrated with war as well, and you can tell where a culture is going by its fashions, and they are doing it.
Right, and one more thing I got for you, kind of related with education.
There's a gentleman by the name of Alan Quist, are you familiar with him?
Ring my bell.
Okay, he's a former Minnesota legislator, and he has written a book called, um... I don't know what it's called, but anyway, he talks about how the government against the 10th Amendment is now federally mandating curriculum.
Well, they had been for a while, but he's just fascinating.
He's got a book called Fed Ed.
No, it doesn't ring a bell.
I don't remember.
I don't think I've seen that.
But he really goes into the... I think I've heard of Fed Ed, though.
It touches upon the difference, especially to the social studies, because that's how social studies is a main force in manipulating our culture.
Oh yeah, that's where they really spend no time on the Founding Fathers and half the book on the Civil War.
No Second Amendment.
I've got social studies books used right here in public schools in Austin where it says, popularly thought to be an individual, right?
It is not.
Well, yeah, exactly.
But it's fascinating.
I'm doing a paper on this right now for my master's degree.
It's unbelievable stuff.
Well, when you're done publishing your thesis, send it to us.
We'd like to... We post the people's papers from high school up to graduate level.
If I can do battles with this globalist university, I'm working for it.
Listen, I'm out of time for this hour.
Third hour.
Tons of news.
Your call.
Straight ahead.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Time flies when you're battling dehumanization and tyranny.
Now into hour number three.
It is Wednesday, the 14th day of February, 2007, known as St.
Valentine's Day.
Your phone calls are coming up, as I promised.
Wide open phones.
1-800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
I will get into some of the new
It just gets worse every day concerning the global warming fraud.
I'm not saying there's not climate change.
The point is their solution is a fraud.
The cause they're claiming is a fraud.
That's admitted in their own literature and studies.
More on Iran.
More on the U.S.
I've just got a whole plethora here.
What's happened to our economy with Chrysler and Ford and GM eliminating more jobs.
It's all coming up.
But let's continue.
With your phone calls, let's talk to Brian.
Brian, where are you calling us from today?
Texas, man.
Yeah, I got three points, so stay with me.
One, kind of what y'all were talking about earlier, is that if you're a white American, you're more likely to be a victim of a crime, a violent crime, from another white American as opposed to a black American.
So the stereotype stays, and there's no stereotype for when
Blacks are the victim of white crime.
Well let me be clear, there are more whites, so you're going to have more white on white crime, but it is a number that's come out for the last few decades, and is a pretty solid number, that per capita versus white on black crime, classical crime, I don't mean cops beating or shooting black people in the back, that crime doesn't get recorded, I mean white crime on blacks, a classical violent type crime,
Uh, is, is, is a lot more rare than black versus white crime.
Those numbers are real.
All right.
Well, um, my second point is, um, why, why do, um, what am I saying?
Uh, why do many, uh, white Americans, um, I guess kind of either downplay or criticize the idea of black victimhood.
I don't know if you're familiar with, um, Alfonso Jackson's statements about, um, black victimization.
Well, number one, the government and the media and the foundations who are openly killing and destroying black families and blacks physically and imprisoning them at rates that are clearly discriminatory.
Why are they the very ones talking about how you need to have this feeling of victimhood?
It's a control mechanism to make you think they're on your side.
And so many blacks don't think this anymore, but in the years past, you know, that the government was their friend.
And, I mean, the government is not your friend.
It's nobody's friend, but themselves.
Alright, and the last point is, I was watching the Black State of Virginia last weekend, and one important thing that one of the speakers said was that we don't really have any black leaders anymore.
We have leading blacks who are pretty much bought and paid for to keep us within the box.
And I totally agree with what you said there, and that's all I gotta say.
Well, thank you, sir, and I appreciate your call.
Thank you for holding to tell us that.
We don't have time to get to another caller in the minute and 20 seconds we've got left.
I'm doing good today taking calls.
I think we've already taken about 15 or so.
We're going to just blitz through calls.
The last half hour, I've got some important news I want to cover.
And then we're going to continue with your phone calls.
So, 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231, and we will get you up and on the air again.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, MartialLaw911.info, Infowars.net, Infowars.com, JonesReport.com, ArnoldExposed.com.
Those are the main websites and we're going to be launching the mega bumblebee of websites in the next few months.
I'm behind schedule dealing with trying to make a film and a hundred other irons in the fire.
But we are accelerating our program to defend the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
And you will like the new thing we're going to be launching in the very near future.
Alright, we'll be back after this quick break, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There are just a few things that I love and defend in my own personal life.
I guess there's a few things that are near and dear to me, and those are probably things that are near and dear to most of you out there that have at least your heads screwed on partially straight.
I don't claim that any of us have our heads screwed on completely straight.
We are fallen creatures.
I'm going to go to your calls.
We've got the BBC preview, huge attack piece on me and others, but I'm the main person, they admitted, being attacked on the main BBC channel Sunday night.
Oh boy, it's going to be fun.
I'm joking, because this is slick.
I'll tell the story after it airs Sunday, and we'll play clips of it.
But we've got some preview clips that just came in from Paul Watson in the UK.
That's coming up.
We'll continue trying to get to all your calls.
I've got some other news I want to go over.
But I have to apologize to aminatum affiliates out there, because in all the years of talk radio that I've done, now 12 years, and TV that I've done, I have never
I am a person who stays focused on the issues
I'm a person that doesn't, as you know, like to talk about myself unless it's in context of the news to illustrate propaganda.
I see my main job as setting bushfires in the minds of men, as Thomas Jefferson said, or Johnny Appleseed planting apple trees.
I'm sowing the seeds to get people to awake, to resist.
I'm going to every hill and mountain.
I'm yelling that the time is now at hand to stand up and to realize that we're under a eugenics New World Order crime syndicate assault.
And I've always been here as a platform to build others up and to try to get a synergy going to do good things.
And no one can deny if they're honest and rational
And if they've watched my work that I have borne very good fruit compared to the other trees in the orchard.
To God it is all rags.
But I've done the best job I could and just a few times the last month and a half I have lashed out.
Really in a vague way and because for 90 I have to say 5% or more of the audience Driving along in their pickup trucks or listening on the bus or listening on an iPod on the airplane tomorrow You won't know what I'm talking about and you'll send me emails or call me and say what were you talking about?
And, you know, I have similar quandaries in my life.
Say, with the people that are claiming no planes hit Tower 1 or 2, or space beams did it.
Because if I go and attack those people, even though I know it's very destructive what they're doing, I have the biggest audience in alternative media.
Man, what a responsibility.
It is a weight.
As they say, great power comes with great responsibility.
And I don't like it.
Unfortunately, I do have a great deal of power.
In this limited temporal world we all live in, and I don't like to attack the Spacebeam crowd because it'll just give them attention and it's what they want.
It's definitely a government op with some useful idiots and people that have been bullied into going along with it.
I don't like to go to my own network and say, folks, if you don't hear me endorsing a sponsor, I'm not saying it's bad or good, just there's some stuff, you know, you need to check into.
I mean, I really respect Dr. Dean O'Dell.
I don't like Dr. Dean O'Dell, basically, because he says vitamins aren't good and he attacks everything that's decent.
I don't like him for all of that, but then my respect level went up for him a few weeks ago when somebody called in and said, well, you've got a sponsor on this local station that's claiming, you know, this magic cure and it'll heal people 100%.
And he said, I know, I know, and he just went off on it.
Most people won't do that.
I think he's the only other talk show host I've ever heard do it.
That's because I don't like feeling bad about myself.
I don't like being involved in anything that violates my moral compass that God's instilled in me.
So about a month and a half ago, I guess it's that long ago now, I was talking about things that embarrass me in the Patriot Movement.
And maybe 10% of what I was talking about, vaguely even in my own mind, I had really bad allergies, really bad headache,
Sinus Headache, Sinus Infection, I'm sitting here griping about it on air because I heard something I didn't like and it kind of got me on a diatribe and some local took that as something about him and just did the most foolish thing you can imagine which the person takes no responsibility for and that's fine because it will be seen through to the end.
But others knew exactly who I was talking about, mainly a separate group, and boy, they were hopping mad about it too.
I mean, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I tell the truth, and it's very insulting to me to have people hold themselves out as good, and to hold themselves out as victims, and to hold themselves out as just these sweet little creatures, when you're on the inside and you see it, and it's just as bad as... it's disgusting.
And at a certain point it just becomes too much.
So to try to just fill this in, imagine you're the syndicated radio talk show host who is involved in no forms of crime.
No forms except maybe civil speeding.
And imagine being someone who is upstanding in your community, and who risks their life, and who does nothing but try to help people, and you go listen to a recording of someone in the town you live, and also all over the country, saying that you are into heavy-duty crime.
I mean, hardcore crime.
It absolutely outraged me.
But then I became more outraged by the response of some of the locals saying that's no big deal.
That doing... and maybe it's true.
And then I later learned from eyewitnesses that it was completely manufactured, and we have affidavits of this, just totally made up to quote intimidate and terrorize me
I mean, we misjudged.
Who do you think I am?
I have John McCain in four words to books mentioning me as the enemy.
I have Limbaugh saying I'm the leader of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
That makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, folks.
Just like when you're standing up on the edge of a cliff looking over.
It's not fear, it's instinct.
You don't even give me the most microscopic tingle
And frankly, when you've done this long enough, you get addicted to it.
There's a sick side of me that just likes it all.
And that's embarrassing.
But the overwhelming drive is disgust.
Can you imagine someone in front of people laughing and joking how they were going to go concoct?
I mean, I have malice of forethought with intent to do harm.
And that well passes the benchmark
In the definition of slander, even from public figures.
And then it doesn't stop there.
Then, huge, complex lies, 95% lies, with small little tenuous truths, like spider webs, you know, attached to blades of grass.
But this huge spider web, and it's in between maybe four or five little pieces of grass.
Total, complete lies on top of it and whining and puling and playing the victim.
After this individual and another one of his cohorts, well, one of my friends got this email about, you know, it's just it for you.
Clear threats.
Walk away.
And I'm just like, oh man, I've already had to go to the lawyer's office.
I've already had to give them all that stuff.
They said I had a case before, now with eyewitnesses of it all being set up.
But basically, it's like running out in your backyard and stomping on dog doo.
It just does nothing.
But then you have to.
I mean, my time is valuable.
I have things I want to do.
I have films I want to make.
I have
I mean, I turn down huge radio interviews now every single day, multiple times, because I'm just burnt out doing radio interviews, and I can only do so much, and this film I'm working on is the most important thing.
And you, my audience, that I know takes action and is involved, and I'm just sitting here, and I listen to just delusional, totally delusional, and I know those people believe their own delusions.
You know, it's insulting to me that the people who were being attacked along with myself didn't even tell me what was going on until the stuff was on the internet.
Even the other people that are being attacked, and then it just makes it so comical later.
And it's all the individual's fault who knowingly went on the radio and lied about me to damage me.
Lied about me to damage me.
I mean you never find cases like that where you've got the witnesses where the individual saying it's to damage this person I'm going to do this.
It's just off the charts and then to hear but I guess I should know that from studying people whose minds are scrambled that most of them doing it believe it's good.
You gotta know George Bush probably thinks he's doing good
Um, you gotta know that these people think it's good.
And so... I'm done talking about this subject.
It's just... People alienate and drive folks away from them and do all these terrible things and then they always blame the people they've abused for what's happening to them.
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We all remember where we were on the day the world changed.
But do we know what really happened?
Look closer through the smoke and horror, say conspiracy theories, and you'll find that not everything was as it first appeared.
Bottom line, 9-11 is an inside job.
It's a self-inflicted wound.
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Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th.
Many say the official account doesn't add up.
Listen, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
And the questions keep coming.
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There are more than 50 different conspiracy theories about 9-11.
It's the first global event in the age of the internet.
We're just civilians, man.
We're people who have questions.
If a large passenger jet crashed into the Pentagon, why was the hole in the exterior wall apparently so small?
Was wreckage found miles from the crash site of one of the hijacked planes, which proved that it was shot down?
Our government will willingly kill its own citizens for whatever gain it seems necessary, and then lie as much as they need to to cover it up.
Could a controlled demolition have caused this building to collapse at the World Trade Center?
I don't believe it was a controlled demolition.
I know it was a controlled demolition.
If these theories were true, then why did my brother go to work that day?
Did he want to die?
So why do so many people doubt what the American government tells them about 9-11?
Well, there's the old saying that just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
Alright, that's one of the promos, and there's another one.
And, let me tell you, they're pulling out all the stops on this one.
You heard that one little clip.
They like to say, they're going to try to mix in anti-Semitism, they're going to try to mix in, you name it, it's going to happen.
And I was talking to the producer of it, the director, Guy Smith, and I go, see, you won't let me talk about Northwoods.
You won't, you won't get into all this stuff.
You're not going to put that in there.
This is all on the last day after a week of them following me around.
They've been making this thing for like six months.
And they just always wanted to bring up the most tenuous evidence.
They always wanted to argue about that.
And at the end, he started laughing at me.
He said, let's go to dinner.
And at the end, he just started laughing at me, going, I don't believe any of this.
I don't believe in it.
It's going to be one mega hit piece coming out this Sunday night.
We've got time now.
Let's play the second clip from the promos for this.
Here it is.
Jim Mars, here we are in 103 degree heat in Dealey Plaza, 43 plus years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
And there's so many similarities, so many parallels.
In fact, it's the same group that carried out both crimes.
At 125, the motorcade moves into the downtown area.
Death is six minutes away.
It is amazing that it's only five years after 9-11, and yet national polls show that a third to a half of the people in the country are not buying the official story.
And the parallels are amazing.
Do you think the establishment, the New World Order, overplayed its hand, their hubris?
They seem to be really shocked, even in public statements.
Bush, a few months after 9-11, said we should not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.
And, well, the people haven't been buying their propaganda.
That's true, but I don't think they care too much, because they control the four or five corporations that totally dominate the U.S.
And I'm not just talking about news, I'm talking about magazines, films, billboards,
Yeah, they control it all.
And they have been very successful in keeping the facts of 9-11 away from the majority of people.
This is why you never hear a national politician recently refer to the Republic.
They only talk about democracy.
We have to save democracy.
Because democracy is ruled by the majority.
Lynch mob rule.
And they know if they can control the majority through their control of the mass media, then they control the majority.
But Jim, the good news is in.
The alternative media is rising.
It's exploding in its readership and viewership and the respect and the quality of it.
And at the same time, all of the studies show that mainstream media, newspaper circulation, television viewers,
CNN had a big story bemoaning the fact that we used to control culture and set it, but now it's all these niches and people are fragmented and people aren't believing us anymore.
So at the same time, I see the establishment really losing more and more credibility.
They are hemorrhaging out.
The question is, what are they going to do to try to shut that down?
And that's the type of stuff they're running on national TV over there.
There's a bunch of other ones that we've been told about, but those are the only two ones.
Right, John?
That's the only two on the BBC website?
That's it.
Alright, we'll come back.
Rattle through some of your great calls.
Plunge into the news.
And play the best clip from the Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall film, Open Range.
Continual information warfare from the front lines.
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We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're good.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go straight to your calls.
Justin in New York, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Good afternoon, good brother.
This is Justin in Rochester.
I just wanted to thank the good affiliates up here, 1590 AM.
And 1310 A.M.
in Rochester, New York.
They're a great set of stations.
You know, I love Dr. Wolf, and then no one told me for like three weeks he died a few years ago.
And I literally got a tear in my eye, and so did my wife, because he would always call up to the house just to say hi and tell us, of course, he's a pastor, a Baptist preacher, but very tame, but still funny jokes.
He reminded me of the Calvin Soap guy, Marty.
Just real sweet, funny, smart, but he had a passion for liberty and freedom, and we're just so blessed to still be on those affiliates up there that his son is a pastor in another state, but still owns.
And yes, of all the great folks there at that station, I appreciate them carrying the show.
And I believe they're now carrying the Sunday show too, aren't they?
Yes, they are, sir.
4 to 6 p.m.
Central, 5 to 7 p.m.
Go ahead.
That's right, and I tune in every Sunday and every day that I can.
What I wanted to say, I'll hit this real quick, is that I've been listening for a number of years now, I'm a college student, and I'm doing as much as I can in my capacity to get the information out.
I've woken up a number of people, I'm fighting this info war, but Alex, as I've called and said before, I mean this with the most constructive, loving criticism possible, I believe that our info war against the beast system is almost impotent if we do not
Yes, I'm talking to the audience and you and myself.
Like, just for instance, your Order of Death film, which is fantastic, and at the end you go through how we can stand up against this horrible evil, but you omit the name of Jesus Christ, which, you know, I'm not... Well, I mean, listen, I'm a news broadcaster, sir.
I mean, I made a news documentary.
Right, right.
That's why I'm saying to the whole audience, Alex has restricted to the news, in a way, but we have to... Well, I mean, I have pastors on, and I talk about the church, and I make... I'm proud of my faith, but my point is that, you know, like there had to be people who were pastors in the Revolutionary War.
There were brewers like Sam Adams.
There were, you know, George Washington.
I mean, you know, there's Paul Revere, who was a silversmith.
You know, he made basically jewelry and silverware.
I mean, we're not all going to have...
Oh, yes.
I'm not calling for a religious program.
I'm just making a statement that for everybody who is involved in this info war, we have to remember that we are not the power within ourselves to be able to take down... Well, I say every time I say, we've got to fight this and ask God for help and ask God to guide us.
I say that every hour because I know that's true and I know that's real.
And I have a relationship with Jesus.
I appreciate your call.
And then we'll get into the whole argument about Yahweh.
I love God.
I love the goodness.
And I want to be good.
And I don't want atheists and agnostics out there to think that Christianity are these TV evangelists in the Vatican calling for a new world order and all the rest of it.
That is not what we're talking about here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in Connecticut, up there in scum and bones country.
Welcome, Dave.
How are you doing, Alex?
You're damn right.
It's Callum Bowen's country up here.
I live in Fairfield County.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the geography, but we're about 30 miles from downtown Manhattan.
This is literally the nest of the yuppie globalists.
You're pretty close to New London.
Actually, New London's almost a good hour away from where I am.
What happens in Fairfield County is there's such a class stratification that literally there is no middle class in this county.
You have Greenwich, Connecticut...
Um, New Canaan, Stanford.
And people just revel that they're in the lower middle class.
People making a hundred grand a year at the golf club think they are literally God.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, they get off, they think they're like David Rockefeller or something and they just grovel at the system's feet.
Oh, absolutely.
And, and you feel like saying to these people, you know, you make a hundred thousand dollars a year, you are not the one in charge.
You are just as much, you know, asleep as everybody else.
They're just making you think you have power.
You know what I mean?
And so you have some of the richest towns in the United States, and then you have Bridgeport, Connecticut, which is in the same county, the largest city in Connecticut.
It is also the poorest and the highest crime, and is jokingly referred to by the people in Greenwich and Stanford and New Canaan as the slave quarters.
Now, let's accelerate past that.
Finishing up your point, because I've got to play a clip.
My point was that if you want
Oh, look, I think this is a good example of what they are moving towards in the rest of this country.
I know Connecticut's big time New World Order.
Thank you, sir, and I appreciate the call.
I want to play a clip in a moment.
Mike in Maryland, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Mike.
Yes, thank you very much for taking my call.
I'm off from work today, so I thought I'd give you a shout.
Thank you for calling.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you.
I wanted to briefly maybe talk about a movie I saw that you and your audience might be interested in called
Children of Men, but can I give a plug to our 9-11 Truth Group here in the D.C.
Children of Men, within five minutes, says the government carries out terror.
In the first five minutes, an amazing movie by a Mexican director.
The three great Mexican directors out right now.
Incredible new blood and talent.
Yes, we are.
Yeah, it was a good movie.
Michael Caine's short performance alone was almost worth it.
I think it was one of his best performances.
Really good, really good.
By the way, he's in movie after movie now about government-sponsored terror, like The Quiet American.
Have you seen that?
That was a good movie, too.
I'm a big movie buff.
Pan's Labyrinth was a good movie, but I don't want to sound like a movie critic here.
But at any rate, though, I want to give a shout-out to www.dc911truth.org.
Say hello to Hollid, Matt, both Greggs, and Wester Tarpley, who are members of our group.
And we were at the Peace Demonstration.
Very effective there in D.C.
Yeah, we coordinated with some other groups from Ohio, New England, New York, and Pennsylvania.
We handed out 14 copies of DVDs.
Greg, who's got a Ph.D.
in Physics, he managed to squeeze 8 hours of DVDs on a 2-hour disc.
Terror Storm, 9-11, Mysteries, and 2 other videos.
So we handed out 40 copies, and the day before, me and Lewis Wolf were in front of DHS.
I never thought I'd see myself doing this in front of DHS, handing out copies of Terror Storm for the employees of DHS that were leaving, saying 9-11 was an inside job.
That's the bold type of initiative that's going to let us take the field and win the day with God's help.
And that's the Department of Homeland Security.
What type of looks were you getting?
Well, it was a cold, blustery Friday afternoon, and we weren't
Most of the people were leaving by car, and they weren't too enthused about rolling down the window, and we didn't get a very good crowd, but I managed to hand out maybe about a dozen or so DVDs.
You made, if you would have handed out one, the courage, the taking the step, is, I salute you, you're my hero.
Well, you're my hero, but we all have to, you know, there are people in a group that do a lot more work than I do that actually have a life, unlike me.
Well, it's everybody doing a little something every day.
What you should do is shoot video of everything you do, put it on YouTube, and then tens of thousands will see it conservatively.
Thank you for the call, my friend.
Thank you so much.
Or, if you don't know how to do it on YouTube, you shoot good video, send it to us with a letter saying we can put it on YouTube, and I'll pay for the time and energy to put it up.
Let me just stop right there.
We're going to take more calls and cover some other news.
I was at my parents, I don't watch that much TV, but I was at my parents for my birthday Sunday night.
They made me a meatball spaghetti dinner and my great grandmother's chocolate cake.
Not that I need it.
Why am I digressing?
The point is I'm there and there's this little colored television my mother got when I was five years old.
And it still works so I always like to turn it on.
It's in the kitchen.
And I turned it on and it took a minute or two to heat up and it was that very scene
From Open Range with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall came out about four years ago, I guess, where they're free grazers.
They're just, and this went on until 1910 or so, but this is earlier than that.
I think this was supposed to be in the 1890s.
And they're just running their cattle over public lands, and they come by a town, and these people show up and beat one of them half to death when they're asleep.
They then stand up and fight back.
They had then just killed one of the group of cowpokes that worked for Robert Duvall, and there's so many real stories of this.
You read about the Old West, you go to the old newsprint, it's riveting stuff.
I could spend all day.
There are whole publishing houses that just put out big binders of old newsprint.
It's just really interesting.
I don't claim to be a buff, but this kind of stuff happens all the time.
We're good to go.
And they see the sheriff come in, so they finish their food, they finish their coffee, they're trying to get out of there not to cause a problem, and the corrupt thug sheriff basically calls them out and they explain, hey man, you're not the law, and you're not in the right, and you're in the wrong, and we're going to stand up against you.
And that's what the American people have to do to corruption at every level.
You have to stand up against bullies and criminals.
You have to exercise your soul, not just your legs and your feet like they did out at the Department of Homeland Security.
I didn't read about that.
I didn't see video of them down at D.C.
You've got to just start doing it and get past your fear and do the right thing.
So here is a clip from Open Range.
Then they go outside and argue about how to take them on.
Here it is.
I'll be having words with you two.
And we'll be having more than that with you, Marshall.
No need to make the cafe messy with folks.
I've got a warrant sworn out for your arrest for assaulting Baxter's men.
And we got a warrant sworn for attempted murder for them that tried to kill the boy who's laying over there at the docks trying to stay alive.
Swore out another one for them that murdered the big fella you had in your cell.
Only ours ain't writ by no tin star bought and paid for, Marshal.
It's writ by us.
And we aim to enforce it.
Is that so?
We got no quarrel with none of you folks.
Bachelors men bushwhacked our friend, shot him dead!
Shot a 16 year old boy too, and clubbed him so hard!
He might not live.
Tried to take our cattle.
Your marshal here ain't gonna do nothing about it.
You don't like free grazing in this town.
We don't much like being here.
But a man's got a right to protect his property, and his life.
And we ain't letting no rancher or his law man take either.
We got no intention of harming bystanders.
Anyone who helps or comforts these goddamn law-breaking free grazers is gonna have to deal with me!
Your call, Marshall.
We don't have to settle this here and now.
You ain't going nowhere in this weather.
But I'll be seeing you gents real soon.
You can count on that.
That marshal ain't gonna wait.
I saw him just gonna get some men come looking for us.
You're gonna need us locked up nice and tight in that jail by the time Baxter hits town, because if we ain't, Baxter's gonna start to think that maybe Marshall Poole ain't worth what he's paying.
Got something on your mind, just spit it out.
Well, I say we take him right out of jail.
Lock him up, wait for Baxter to come riding in.
What the hell, Charlie?
Why don't we just ride out onto Baxter's ranch and go straight to him, too?
Well, I'll fight wherever you want, boss.
Just make the call.
Damn it.
Now hold on, Charlie.
Hold on.
When you asked me, I told you.
Charlie, come on in out of the rain, would you?
Come on.
Come on.
Just getting tested in my old age.
Sounds like it's not such a bad idea.
Well, just roll it around, is all I ask.
What do you think of my speech in there?
Like it.
Maybe I ought to run for mayor.
Well, I believe officeholders ought to be living, boss.
Alright, I apologize about that mild, well it's not mild, Lord's name in vain.
I'd forgotten that clip was in there.
I told them to find it.
I'd seen it the other night and I guess in between my wife and kids talking I didn't hear that.
I should have cut that out.
We apologize to folks out there that offended me.
But it's really important because we face these same type of issues large and small every day in our own lives and scum for whatever reason
Always seems to think it's their right to rule over you.
I heard Jack Bloodshow yesterday had Mack White on with talking about a friend of his down in Montana, where we have an affiliate.
And the fella just runs an antique store and he had a couple old roulette wheels and dice cage from the movie Gunsmoke worth $76,000.
The BATF just came in and stole it because they wanted it.
And we've gotten video inside gun stores and they didn't know there was a hidden camera where the BATF is grabbing $10,000 rifles saying, man, I'm going to keep this.
We're going to get a lot of money for this.
They're criminals.
And they go back over 100 years ago to the whiskey rebellions when people wouldn't pay a tax on making whiskey.
It's how they were living.
And that's what the BATF grew out of.
And they're just a pack of criminals.
And in the real world, then, to hear them claim they were going to destroy some of the antiques the fella had.
And in truth, they're just going to keep them and sell them for themselves.
And I heard Mack White say that we've become like Mexico.
That's how it is.
The cops just pull you over, steal your wallet, shake you down.
Sometimes have their way with your wife or girlfriend.
And I'm not going to live like that.
And I'm just not going to go along with it and I'm not going to go along with people that slander me to hurt me knowing they're lying and then sitting around whining and puling and making up stuff people have done to them that isn't even true on top of it.
I mean it just becomes so ridiculous with what the government and the locals and the society and the police and everything's turned into.
I think you can probably tell the last few months on this show I've just gotten to the point where I don't care anymore.
And I'm laying it all out
I've been a lot calmer on air because I'm just being myself and I'm sick of it.
I want to just go ahead and have confrontations with the system.
I want to go ahead and just go head up against it.
Because I don't have reverse in my repertoire and I probably should have it, but I don't.
And when you're in the right, you can't be stopped.
It's like the founder of the Texas Rangers said, no man in the wrong
Can stand up against a fellow that's in the right and keeps on a coming.
And the threats and the intimidation and the things that go on in my life and people I care about's lives does the opposite.
Doesn't intimidate me.
People thought I took the gloves off before?
I'm taking them off now.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north for Russia's home North to Alaska Go north for Russia's home
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Below that old white mountain, just a little south-east of Nome, Sam crossed the majestic mountains to the valleys far below.
He talked to his team of huskies as he mushed on through the snow, with the northern lights a-runnin' wild in the land of the midnight sun.
Yes, Sam McCord was a mighty man in the year of 1901.
Where the river is wide... Welcome back!
Final segment.
I'll try to jam Don and Tim in, but I gotta plug the video sometime today.
I am the maker, the producer, the director of Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terror.
And it goes through it all.
It's an absolute must-see.
Everybody's got to have it.
Please get it at InfoWars.com.
You can get it as low as $9.95.
You can get, in some of the package specials, you can get America Freedom to Fascism as low as $9.95.
So many great films there that are available.
9-11 Inside Job t-shirts as low as $9.95.
It's just all there.
Go produce the specials.
Check them out at Infowars.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Don't wait.
Don't procrastinate and wake up dead.
Wake up, you know, 80 years old and on your deathbed never doing nothing for freedom.
Not that we'll even go that long if we don't stand up with these people running things, but do it now!
Take action now!
And Terror Storm, America Freedom to Fascism, Loose Change 2nd Edition, 9-11
Mysteries, demolitions, they're all available at the secure online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com.
Or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Alright, don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv either, great activist tool.
And it's excellent.
Don Inmash, you're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
First of all, I'd like to say I thank God that you're a voice in the wilderness, a modern-day saint, in a sense.
Well, you guys are doing a great job out there.
It's all of us together.
Well, I'm disappointed that the meteor hasn't brought up Salt Lake City that last
Terrible event in the mall.
Well yeah, the police did their job so that guy was dead in ten minutes instead of three hours plus like it was with Columbine.
Off-duty cop blew that piece of garbage away.
I agree, but you know what the sad part about it is they never told the media or the media didn't tell the people who that person really was.
Are you aware who he was?
I haven't had time to look at it yet.
Who was it?
He was 18 years old and he was a Muslim from Russia.
He also supposedly had some connection with bringing in some nuclear bombs in suitcases.
Where did you hear this?
We heard it on the internet.
I mean, where?
What source?
It was a Google search, and I happened to pick it up.
Alright, listen, listen.
It's important.
I'll look into it.
I'll talk about it tomorrow.
Thank you, Don.
I'm sorry we're out of time.
Tim and KC, you've got about 40 seconds.
Fellow Americans, go to Ron Paul's website.
Click on and get his speeches weekly.
February 5th, he had the most wonderful speech on there.
I've been making copies of it.
I've handed it out to my friends at church.
I'm hanging them up in truck stops.
All kinds of places where you can... Was that a speech about tyranny?
It was a speech about new congressional power and how we should fear the power.
Oh yeah, the power of government and the celebration of power.
Okay, I'm going to play that.
I meant to play that yesterday.
We'll play the audio tomorrow.
Ron Paul's on the show, by the way, tomorrow.
God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.