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Name: 20070130_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 30, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The first month of 2007 is very long in the tooth and has a big white beard.
Hard to believe we're in 2007, even hard to believe the first month of the year is almost elapsed.
It is the 30th day of January and I appreciate you joining us today.
We have two incredible young men, activists from the University of Texas who run the
Well, an organization that is just doing more and more good when it comes to fighting the New World Order and exposing the globalist agenda.
That's a project for a New American Citizen or PNACcitizens.org and they will be in studio with us in the second hour coming up today because we're having a big event
This Thursday at the University of Texas UT Union Ballroom on 24th and Guadalupe.
It is free.
I was going to be the only speaker for two hours, but I decided to bring in a couple other mini-speakers.
One of them is going to be Jack Blood.
Frankly, I get sick of hearing myself talk sometimes.
I want to bring a little bit of flavor into it, but I will give you a great speech on
State sponsored terrorism, the latest developments emerging, the police state and the neocons plans for the Middle East.
Also, Steve Watson told me two weeks ago, or almost three weeks ago, that he was working on a huge story, but even as the editor-in-chief of Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.com, and
Infowars.com, obviously because of anonymity, I really wasn't going to be able to know about the source until it developed for his safety.
He couldn't even talk about it over phone lines.
This is a giant story and we'll be covering that at the bottom of this hour.
And it's been posted since last night on Infowars.net.
And it's an eyewitness who was on television and in the newspapers and admittedly on the Hackney bus that was directed to Tavistock Square.
And well just wait until you hear what he witnessed and it dovetails with what happened on the trains as well.
This is a huge story and we're just blessed to have somebody like Steve Watson on the team who
He took journalism, political science, international affairs.
He has a master's degree.
His master's degree is in international affairs, I believe.
I'm going from memory, but he's just, he's a real journalist and he just does amazing reports four or five times a week.
And of course, then his little brother, who's his boss, Paul Watson, does an amazing job as well.
So we're blessed to have those fellas from the UK on the team.
There's also Ryan Schlichheisen at InfoWars.com, Aaron Dykes at JonesReport.com, both doing excellent jobs as well.
I really have to single Aaron out, because I have to make him go home.
Literally, a lot of nights I'm up here at 1, 2am and I go, listen, I want you to go.
You need to leave.
In fact, he's taking tomorrow off for his daddy's birthday.
He's going to go see them in South Texas.
And I told him, pick off more time if he wants to.
I don't think he's had a day off in a couple of weeks.
And again, that's the type of dedication we have here at the InfoWars team.
Alright, we get back, we'll plunge into just massively important news from around the world and here domestically.
And we'll also have open phones today at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, blasting out border-to-border, coast-to-coast, and worldwide.
Keep it locked in.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There is a really important story broken by InfoWars.net exclusive up on InfoWars.net there on the news and focus right hand side bar InfoWars exclusive 7-7 bus bomber survivor describes agents at scene in immediate aftermath witness claims a group of Secret Service operatives and intelligence officers were already inside the cordon before the bus arrived in Tavistock.
Now we already knew this
We already knew that the bus was directed, the only bus out of hundreds, off its route directly there, because for some reason the bomb that the British intelligence had planted hadn't detonated that was under the bus.
They directed it into the cordon, they got back, and some type of other bomb was planted on the bus because it sat there for a while, or we're not even sure, they could have even gone in and put a hand grenade in, we don't know.
The bus looked like somebody shot a rocket into it.
But we know this.
We have multiple witnesses in the trains that there was a bomb going off under the train.
And they've now released a video of one of the supposed bombers on 721 who starts freaking out and going, something's popping in my bag.
Going, huh?
Looking and panicking and saying,
I'm going to try to get Steve Watson on today.
I've said much going on yesterday.
I learned of this exclusive story he put out, but I didn't have time to get in touch with him to get him on.
But we'll be going over this in some detail at the bottom of this hour.
It's huge.
In the meantime, later in the third hour, I want to cover the new UN Global Warming Climate Fear-Mongering Report.
And break that down.
You know, they have the Cold War that was staged, and they have the War on Terror that is completely staged, and they have global climatological, climatotogical, certainly I can't talk, propaganda that they are using.
And I'm not debating the fact that there isn't massive climate change going on.
The point is, all of their solutions have nothing to do with solutions.
It's all about global government.
So for those of you out there that have global warming as a religious sacrament and a belief, and you just walk around constantly parroting the same propaganda, we've been right in the past.
We've done the research.
We know what we're talking about, and I would really suggest that you listen carefully when I get into this, because
It's another monumental hoax and fraud being perpetrated against the people of this country and the people of this planet.
So we'll be going over that.
Also, New York Times, Bush signs landmark executive order increasing power over federal agencies.
Another story here.
Smoking is healthier than fascism by Paul Watson today.
Smoking ban is about government control.
Believe it or not, the state really doesn't care about your health.
I want to get a little bit into that report.
Now they want to ban it in all your houses.
Also, confidence in Tony Blair slumps to all-time low.
And it's the same with these western governments across the board as the people discover just how criminal they are.
Also, via RFID these billboards know you by name.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's a New York Times story and it shows the individual driving in his car and the big billboard advertises directly to him.
Now I remember four years ago they had the big RFID convention in Chicago and we read
I spent two hours on it one day, we had Catherine Albert on and others, where they were openly talking about how just as Google or Dogpile or Yahoo search engines have cookies that they place on your computers that track where and what you do,
And they keep a record of what you search and where you go.
And they know where you live.
That's why when you go on to Google or you go on to MySpace, you go on to other big sites, advertisements will flash up saying, uh, hot singles in Austin, Texas.
Or, uh, you know, drop by the local Austin Toyota.
We've got Toyotas you'll like.
That's because they are tracking us.
It's admitted, going on for about 10 years.
And now it's really getting bad.
Well, just as Google takes every written word on a computer, or every posted photo, or all these keywords, and then you, with the proper word searches, literally can go anywhere you want in cyberspace, that isn't behind guarded firewalls,
And it literally is a whole nother, I guess you could call it a fourth dimension.
I mean, that's what computers are.
It's a whole nother world that then mirrors itself and manifests through those zeros and ones on your computer screen or on your Blackberry or on your computer slash cell phone iPod.
And they can track everything in the world, basically, through this system.
They can track the world of cyberspace.
But by putting RFID, and the plan was in 2000, it wasn't until the late 80s, 1986, that the universal product code, or the barcode, was finally adopted.
Until 86, a lot of things still didn't have barcodes, they had price tags.
Or product codes.
Basic numbers.
It'd be in a big book they'd have at the grocery store, or hardware store.
Well, Walmart and the Defense Department at the time, together, they were the biggest purchaser of goods from manufacturers, what you'd call retail suppliers.
And they demanded that by 86 everyone adopt or they wouldn't purchase.
And so there was universal adoption of the Universal Product Code that is scanned or read by a laser at that time.
Then, expanding out from there, in 2000, and it was in the paper in 2001, USA Today, the Defense Department and Walmart, Walmart again is basically the Defense Department, by itself, Walmart is now 37%, I keep saying 34%, it's gone down to 37, I looked it up the other day, 37% of global retail sales
Walmart, in the Western world, and now even in China, you add it all together, 37%, so it's even higher than that in the U.S.
and Canada and other places.
They're all over Mexico now.
So, what am I getting at here?
I was talking about RFID.
They have demanded in 2000 that all product suppliers
From Michelin Tires to Gillette Razors to Campbell's Soup.
I mention those because they were already adopting in 2001 in the USA Today article.
Must, by 2004, have RFID.
Well, boycotts were launched.
We knew we could knock out the first few companies that did it, boycott them, attack it, demonize it, expose the program, that would slow it down.
We have slowed it down.
Now, only about 14% of products have RFID, and most of it are items above $25.
But they are now, many hundreds of products are putting it, they cost a couple cents a piece, into even every razor,
Every can of soup, that is being adopted.
So it's in the mid-teens right now, and they are three years behind.
We're having a victory.
We're slowing them down.
And with these chips, they say, MIT states, the Pentagon designed it, that this will integrate the real world into a cyberspace four-dimensional map, okay?
All right?
They state, so now your shirt will have it woven in.
In fact, they've been weaving them into shirts and clothes since 98.
A lot of people, you know, accidentally rip open their coat and there's this big chip in it.
Some of the more primitive ones.
I don't mean the one that came with the package and they took off.
I mean it's in them.
State legislature, again, we barely beat it in Texas.
Other states are adopting where your inspection sticker has a tracker chip.
That way you don't have to go get the toll road strip.
The Text Tag, or K-Tag, or Smart Tag, whatever name they use in your sector of the FEMA New World Order, Slave Grid.
The Cashless Society Control Grid.
Another term I coined many years ago.
And that's what it is.
And then I saw the Pentagon calling it a control grid and literally almost fell out of my chair.
I was at a restaurant slash bar one night after work eating a hamburger.
Last year, and I uh... there was a magazine little rack and I just picked up MIT Magazine and I just, you can't escape this.
I already read references to how the Pentagon designed it all, but there it was, bragging.
I just... how they use it in Iraq and how they'll use it here.
So, a Pentagon, and of course the Pentagon said you've got to adopt it too, working with Walmart as usual.
And so now they're adopting, and then you pick up the New York Times.
It's all a fun little article.
Oh, it's so great.
They're going to market directly to you.
Have you seen the Minority Report by Philip K. Dick, where when they walk past a billboard in a subway, you know, it scans your eyes, your face.
And it knows who you are and starts advertising directly to you?
Well, that's not really how they're planning to do it.
Though they do have face scanning cameras and x-ray cameras going up, as reported yesterday.
Via RFID, these billboards know you by name.
Each day it seems markers go further in their quest to deliver messages so engaging and personalized that one cannot help feeling special.
See, it's special.
This is for the buck-toothed yuppies.
They'll put a, mm, I'm special, mm.
I like it.
I like it.
And another article about, could x-ray scanners work on the street?
As they're already being put in.
By the time they tell you about it, it's already in place.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
It ain't me.
It ain't me.
I ain't the fortunate one.
Let's go.
I think so.
It ain't me, no.
I ain't no millionaire son, yeah.
It ain't me, no.
It ain't me, no.
I ain't no fortunate one.
Some folks I know, Inherit the rainbow light.
Only to send you off to war.
Welcome back.
More, more, more.
What a beautiful Caribbean voice.
Welcome back!
Let me boil down exactly how the RFID works.
Let me make it clear to you.
It will be in every product.
It will be
Literally hundreds of them in every major vehicle, implanted in every machine piece, in the dashboard, inside of the seats, in every product, in your clothes, in your shoes.
It's already happening.
Some clothing lines openly advertise it and brag when you walk in with a sweatsuit or jacket you bought there at Prada.
This goes back seven years.
Big TV sets in New York say, Hello Mr. Johnson.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Hello, Mrs. Brown.
This is happening.
This is going on.
And now they just advertise it about how you're so special and how it's neat and how the billboards are going up off products you bought that they then mark your identity on.
And then when you drive under the billboards it flashes ads at you.
And now they've done deals where a lot of the new stereos and
CD systems, MP3 systems that come in the cars.
Have it mark down your ID, your name, who you are.
So when you go through these billboards that also are able... Any receiver also transmits at a very low level.
So these billboards they've had up for nine years.
They're in every major city.
You'll see antennas sticking off billboards.
And of course it'll always be a radio station or TV station or media billboard that's doing it.
You'll see some federally paid for billboards that do it because they want to collect data.
It is listening to what you're listening to and marks down what everybody's tuning into.
They were trying to replace Arbitron as a rating system with it.
But that's very primitive compared to what's going in now.
Then of course with the RFID that goes in your inspection sticker or your toll tag sticker, they have your exact name and wed that to all of it.
So literally, through their secret networks, that they're now publicizing, that law enforcement and government will have, and corporations will have, they type into their private type Google network, and they just type in, okay, let's see where Alex Jones is.
Okay, well we could track off where his cell phone is, down to 15 feet under federal law, or we could type in and see where RFID and products he's got is,
And the cell tower readers also can pick it up.
They're fitting those with those systems now.
And so I just wanted you to know that.
And it's all going into place right now.
And it's being introduced to you simultaneously in hundreds of newspapers in the last month.
But they're telling you how good it is, of course.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We at The Bible Says want to alert the world to the topic of the Mark of the Beast.
Soon, it will be upon us as an overwhelming surprise.
The world is pressing toward a forced one-world religion.
The real issue behind this is the union of church and state nullifying our First Amendment.
Americans will have to give up their peculiar beliefs and accept what the new world religious leaders prescribe.
In 2005, President Bush signed the Real ID Act.
We're good to go.
I think so.
We're good.
I think so.
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Welcome back!
Thank you for joining us.
Alright, there is so much here to go over, but I want to cover this Infowars.net exclusive 7-7 bus bomb survivor describes agents at the scene and immediate aftermath.
And Steve writes articles almost every day, sometimes multiple times daily, but this is an exclusive, usually it's analysis on what's already available or different looks at legislation or announcements
And it's incredible.
Some little story we write might get millions of readers, and something super important like this gets little or no attention.
It should already be giant all over the web, and it is not.
I hope you'll go to Infowars.net and help get it out to everybody.
It's there on the right-hand side.
7-7 Bomb Survivor describes agents at the scene and immediate aftermath.
Wait until we cover this here in just a moment.
We're going to be getting Steve Watson on today or tomorrow to detail this more and I even want to get the individual himself on here in the next few days.
But before I do that, PrisonPlanet.TV.
PrisonPlanet.TV is coming up on its third year coming up April 1st.
That's when we launched it almost three years ago.
There are hundreds of weekly TV reports
There are hundreds of special video reports I've done out in the field.
There are all the extras of my films, all 15 of my films, dozens and dozens of other films we've been authorized to post by other filmmakers like JFK2 or Ted Pike's different films on what's really happening in Israel and hate crimes.
It's just, there's so much there.
My book, Paul Watson's book, which by the way is out of print.
You can still get my book, Descent into Tyranny.
We've got some left.
I don't think we'll be reprinting it, but his book, Order Out of Chaos, is available there.
You can just print off all the copies you want to read online.
Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
In the last month, I wanted to count these up last night, but I ran out of time doing other stuff.
The last month, it's got to be like, I know it's been four or five special reports a week.
So what is that?
We're talking like close to 16 reports that we did.
Like on the occult, from England to Canada to Austin, I go around and show all the monuments, the capitals, the obelisks, the black pentagrams, and the Russian TV following me around, it's video of that.
Special reports in studio, an exclusive interview with Aaron Russo over an hour long.
Where he goes further than ever before on how the Rockefellers tried to hire him and tried to co-opt him and how he woke up and why he made America free of fascism.
By the way, I went to Houston, folks, and he'd just gotten out of the hospital from another surgery.
He just had another one last week.
I've been having trouble getting a hold of his wife.
By the way, put more calls in.
I want to see how Aaron's doing.
I need a report on that for people.
Man, I haven't been answering when I've been calling.
Such a great guy.
I mean, literally, I had to sit down there for a little over a day until he was even well enough to get up and get in a chair, folks.
And he looks great.
He just turned it on once he got on camera.
But this is a very important interview.
I think you can obviously know why.
Not just the content, but for other reasons.
It's the last interview he's done.
Hopefully there'll be a lot more, but that's up on PrisonPlanet.tv and there's just been so much more.
I mean it's just there's tons.
We're increasing the content.
All the best audio interviews.
It's just there's thousands and thousands of pieces of media on PrisonPlanet.tv.
And it's a great activist center.
You can go to PrisonPlanet.tv
And take all the interviews we've done, all the special reports, TV shows I've done, whatever you think is most important, whatever you think will fit a niche to wake up somebody in your area.
Just thousands of audio and video reports up there, documentaries, books, and you can just dump them to disk.
Dump the books to disk, the Sentence to Tyranny, Order Out of Chaos, you can just sit there
Burn down to just a regular CD, my films, and when we have it, the films we put in four formats.
The other reports we put in two or three, depending on how important it is.
But we have super high bandwidth, high bandwidth, medium, and low, depending on your connection.
Folks, if you've got a fast cable modem, or a T1, or something that really, and even if you've got a slow computer, it'll just take hours.
But if it's fast, just, you know, a few minutes.
You can download my films in super high quality.
Light years ahead of the stuff you'll see on Google and other places piecemeal.
I mean you can download it in super high quality where I mean I've watched these and literally you have to watch for like 10 minutes to find one little blip or one little pixel.
We're getting better and better at our encoding.
It's actually caused a problem with encoding the last six months or so, because I've gone exclusively to high-definition cameras.
And then, sure enough, we found with all the experts online, and some of you are out there listening, that trying to then compress high-definition HDV video to... But we finally are perfecting it.
It's getting better and better.
But you look at these high-definition video that's been shot,
Like Terror Storm, the super high quality that's up there.
It looks like... It looks better than VHS.
It doesn't look as good as digital DVD.
But it's just amazing.
What an activist tool.
I mean, so crisp, so clean.
Just go have at it.
Go in there and just burn them to CD all day long.
And to DVD.
And get them out to people.
PrisonPlanet.tv is a workhorse in the fight against the New World Order and also funds our operations.
So I want to thank current members and I want to ask members who maybe let their membership lapse, you need to go get a membership again.
A monthly membership is $5.95.
A yearly membership, you get three months off.
We just ended the special.
We extended it, I think it ends today.
Where you get five months off, five plus months off when you sign up for a year.
But normally you get three months off when you sign up for a year.
So PrisonPlanet.tv.
Alright, I'm done talking about it.
If you want hard copies of them all on DVD, available at Infowars.com, at the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart, or call toll free 888-253-3139, or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, let me now get into the news here.
Infowars Exclusive by Steve Watson.
And I know I did work on other stories, but Steve is a real sweetheart here.
I guess somehow I contributed to this, or he wouldn't have put my name in this, but I don't know how I contributed to this article.
So all the kudos go to Steve and the man who had the courage to go public.
I look forward to interviewing here on the show who is a listener to the broadcast.
What's the odds we have a listener that was on the bus?
Well, God works in mysterious ways.
Now, when I was in England, we probably had about, I don't know, seven or eight people while I was in England a few days back after 7-7 that came up to us.
We had hundreds that called us and wanted to meet with us.
We had bus drivers who heard
The shop talk at the very bus depot where the bus left from and we had a mechanic who I talked to and who said, oh yeah, they were weird technicians in there working on the cameras on that bus.
Of course the cameras were then broken.
And there were weird technicians under that bus and others and strange things going on.
And then when the people came back and city workers said, yeah, there were secret type police there on the scene when the bus drove in.
Then it sat there for a long period of time and then blew up with the authorities saying, stay on the bus.
I mean, how obvious is that?
So we already had that from bus drivers, bus mechanics,
I shouldn't say mechanic, it was actually somebody else who works on buses and I'm not going to... I'll just leave it at that.
Because they didn't want to go public.
They didn't want to come on air, they just wanted to tell us.
And so we knew about it, but really, and they sent us their material and sent us their IDs and who they were so we could mention it in past articles.
And of course those were shredded immediately after we vetted who they were.
We had to make phone calls to England,
And, you know, ask if that person was there after we got their ID to make sure, indeed, it wasn't a setup.
This is the type of vetting that we do.
Well, this new one, we can vet immediately because this gentleman was on television.
This gentleman was listed as one of the victims.
This gentleman is on record.
He helped some of the people.
And this is what he saw being there by the bus.
And, again, I'd rather have Steve on about this, but I didn't think to get a hold of him yesterday.
I was so busy with other things.
So he's out right now.
This is night time for them.
The chairman had to get a hold of him.
He was already out.
We'll get him on later today or tomorrow.
InfoWars Exclusive!
7-7 bus bomb survivor describes agents at scene in immediate aftermath.
Witnesses claim a group of Secret Service operatives and intelligence officers were already inside the cordon before the bus arrived in Tavistock Square.
So they got a cordon just waiting for that very bus, the only one pulled out to be directed there.
Now that's on record, that's admitted.
And of course, three bombs went off simultaneously, go read the timelines online, it's in my film Terror Storm.
And simultaneously, and the police for an hour and four minutes are on the news and TV saying, stand down, it's not a problem, a gas main blew up.
Or there was a power outage, they put out two different stories.
First it was a gas main, then they said a power surge.
Cause something with gas to happen.
And so three separate places in the city, miles apart, they claim it's a power surge or gas.
But soon people are coming out with their faces blown off and fingers blown off and dead.
And there's wrecked, smoking hulks of buses, excuse me, trains on fire.
Three trains.
And this bus gets radioed to go way off its route and drive several miles off its route and go to Tavistock Square, which is the birthplace of modern mind control and propaganda.
I mean, this is a spook nest.
Just, you know, the British Royal Medical Society, next to the British Society of Surgeons, next to the, you know, next to the original MI6 building, next to the, and it's just all there, by that square.
And, we know that they directed the bus there, it sat there for a long period of time, he's got the timeline here, and then suddenly, it just blows up, and the police aren't letting anybody off the bus.
Monday, January 29, 2007, Daniel, and again, I need to talk to Steve with the right pronunciation, Oberzeich, the man who was on the lower deck of the number 30 bus that exploded in Tavistock Square in London on 7-7-2005, has exclusively provided InfoWars with a preview of a new section of his soon-to-be-published narrative, The Fourth Bomb.
Last month, we detailed how Daniel's forthcoming book will claim that the Hackney bus was diverted to Tavistock Square by two unmarked cars, which then left the scene at high speed after the drivers had conversed with the police in the area.
Quote, this is from the book.
First time released here.
Standing by the doors, I see a blue BMW 5 Series and black Mercedes squeal to a halt in front of the bus.
Halting its progress along Euston Road, four minutes passed, then a police motorcycle arrived at the blockade.
The BMW driver said something to the cyclist, who sped off.
Ninety seconds later, the BMW suddenly drives off.
The Mercedes waits until the bus diverts east to Upper Woburn Place towards Tavistock Square before it speeds away.
Daniel claims that in the immediate seconds after the blast, a man dressed all in black was filming him with a handheld camera.
Special Ops.
Same folks that were seen.
Five of them around the body of Dr. David Kelly, who was going to blow the whistle on bio-weapons and you name it, and said they're going to kill me and put me in the woods.
I've been threatened, tells co-workers.
And then the police come up in the park
And uh... in the middle of the woods and they see five guys in black uniforms and masks run away and then his wrist was slit with no blood at the scene and they call it a suicide.
I mean how dumb do they think we are?
Daniel claims that the immediate seconds after the blast a man dressed all in black was filming him with a handheld camera.
He claims he was
Subjected to a program of surveillance and harassment for months by the police, and was only asked to provide a witness statement six months after the event.
In a second section entitled, The Angels and Agents of Tavistock Squared, Daniel details what and who he saw in the immediate aftermath of the explosion.
Including claims that operatives who were positioned inside the square, ready to deal with the immediate aftermath.
Agents directing police to take them there.
Then they arrive and there's agents handling it.
This is so sick.
He says that amidst the chaos, he witnessed individuals calmly observing the events and activities without any signs of grief or shock.
Just like in what's based on a true story, the names are changed.
The Quiet American.
Graham Greene.
If you haven't seen it, go in it.
He says that amidst the chaos, he witnessed individuals calmly observing the events and activities without any signs of grief or shock, as if they had assigned tasks.
Daniel states that these individuals proceeded busily, workman-like, almost as if they had already displayed their grief and horror prior to the explosion.
On his website he provides the following four images of an injured woman who he says was at least 45 meters ahead of the bus despite the fact that images show the blast blew backwards.
Indeed the image further below shows that even people that were on the bus at the front were not killed or badly injured.
So Daniel asked the question, how is it that a 45 meters in front of a bus was a suspect, was someone subject to blast injuries?
Well I talked to the guy that manages the park, the park
Greensman or whatever you call it and he didn't want the camera on but we ended at the ground and he didn't want that so we didn't put it in the film but it's on record going oh my gosh that whole thing blew up and then a hand blew out and flew into the park a few feet in front of him he pointed right to where the hand had fallen and I was there just you know a few weeks after they had a big tent up over and there was still blood on the walls
And the story just goes on and on.
It just gets worse.
Is it possible that the man walked or ran away from the bus after the explosion?
However, Daniel notes that he did not have a speck of blood on him while others close to the blast were showered.
Daniel says he remembers seeing both the bandage around the man's head and the neat tear in his trouser leg within 60 seconds of the explosion and claims the person was some kind of intelligence operative
That was quickly whisked away after the bomb had gone off.
And that famous photo, something about it, I just saw evil.
And I remember even saying, that person just looks evil.
Looks like a spook.
Oh man, I tell you, instincts are powerful.
When Daniel was finally asked to make a statement, police questioned him for four hours.
It goes on and on, folks.
There's two more thick pages.
Tightly packed.
Small spaced.
Yeah, yeah, we're gonna expose you.
We'll be right back.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Get your copy today at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So let me restate this.
We'd already gotten these reports from bus drivers who heard about it in the shop, from technicians that work on certain parts of the buses, I'll just leave it at that.
This had leaked out in the papers, too.
That it was managed.
Cars pull up to that bus.
They direct it to the square.
There's people there waiting.
You've got operatives doing their classic thing of, you know, coming out and posing for photo ops as wounded people.
It's just like Oklahoma City where the BATF comes up to one of the doctors that was a local coroner who was driving by and within minutes was helping people.
And they came to him and said, we were on the ninth floor.
Bandage us.
And he said, you're not hurt.
You know, one guy pulled up his pants leg, he was in full bomb gear, and he said, there's not even a bruise here.
I'm not gonna... And they said, look, bandage us.
Of course, later, he mysteriously died like everybody else.
Yeah, these guys don't play games.
They're pretty serious.
We deal with some of these same criminal networks here locally, and it just gets so old.
to witness how they just win and attack and feed on society and just get away with it.
Daniel says that he remembers, back to the gentleman who is the eyewitness to this, seeing both the bandage around the man's head and the neat tear in his trouser's leg within sixty seconds of the explosion and claims that the person was some kind of intelligence operative that was quickly whisked away after the bomb had gone off.
When Daniel was finally asked to make a statement, police questioned him for four hours.
A clip of the interview is on his website.
They asked him
To mark points where he thought police were on a diagram of the bus layout that was totally wrong, which he believed would render his statement inadmissible.
He claims he was then followed around by the same three operatives from Enfield Town Police Station, North London, for the following six months, saying that the surveillance was more overt than covert.
Well, it's intimidation.
They were letting him know that he was being watched 24-7.
Clearly, neither the claim of unmarked dark cars nor operatives in the area can be verified.
They are just that claims.
We merely report them here as a matter of public interest.
They are also served as a testimony, a first-hand witness to the bus blast.
There are many more facts surrounding the 7-7 events that have been verified and put to the official narrative in severe doubt, showing that at the very least a public inquiry is needed.
Check the London bombings data page for further research.
How now is the section of Daniel Obachyte's narrative to provide to InfoWars?
Again, here now is the section of Daniel's narrative as provided to InfoWars.net.
The Angels and Agents of Tavistock Square by Daniel Obachyte.
The morning, that morning, many good human values immediately came to the fore amidst evil in one of its purest forms.
I'd hurriedly left the death strewn by the blast in the wake, but was befuddled by what I saw ahead of me.
I stopped, turned around, and was even more dumbfounded by what I saw.
Strangely, I found myself drawn back to the scene of the crime and meandering between the angels and agents in Tavistock Square, headed back towards the bus.
Again, the angels are the people that are helping everyone.
The angels I referred to were the health care professionals and staff that were quickly on hand in such shocking circumstances trying to do whatever they could despite initially being aghast at the dead pieces of human flesh and bodies littering the square.
The agents, on the other hand, were conspicuous by the way they diligently adhered to their assigned tasks, proceeding busily, workman-like, almost as if they'd already displayed their grief and horror prior to the explosion.
We'll finish up in the next five minutes and we've got guests in the studio and we'll have wide open phones as well during the next hour.
Steve Watson from London will be joining us in the final 30 minutes in the third hour.
Keep it locked in.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into the second hour of this live Tuesday, January 30th, 2007 edition.
Coming up, we have Matt Dayton and John Roberts, two UT college students that are taking the city by storm.
We've got a huge event coming up at the UT Union Ballroom this Thursday night.
I'll be speaking, along with a couple others I've chosen, from 7.30 to 9.30, two hours.
Hope everybody comes.
It's a huge and beautiful ballroom.
We'll tell you more about that coming up.
A huge breaking story, exclusive, Infowars.net excerpts of a new book by an eyewitness, a hero who helped some of the people who was on the bus that blew up on 7-7 and was directed by Secret Service types, MI6 types to the square where other police were waiting in a cordon and then the bus blew up and they were all business.
So we'll be breaking that down with Steve Watson coming up in an hour and a half.
He's going to be on with us the last 30 minutes.
And we have set up an exclusive first-time breaking interview in the near future with Daniel Obechik.
So he'll be coming on, the eyewitness and one of the heroes of 7-7 with us.
Continuing with his statement,
The agents, on the other hand, were conspicuous by the way they diligently adhered to their assigned task.
Proceeding busily, workman-like, almost as if they'd already displayed their grief and horror prior to the explosion.
They were there the second it happened.
They were waiting.
Apart from the obvious foot soldiers, the blokes in blue, there were one or two more covert ones that stuck in my mind for different reasons.
Their cover was blown, not because of what they did, but because of what they didn't do.
Faced with such an unprecedented and horrendous event, most reactions would come down to fight or flight.
After my own flight and initial rage at all the things and persons, transport for London, bus driver in particular, I turned to confront a shocked victim showered with blood who had been walking alongside the bus at the time of the explosion.
Those few who did, neither were notable.
They stood back, observing the events and activities in its entirety, positioned in the same spot.
The man with the hat was one such individual, but his case is particularly intriguing when compared to the plain intelligence officers and foot soldiers I referred to.
I was going to make a point of highlighting him in my forthcoming novel, The Fourth Bomb, but editorial considerations meant his fifteen minutes
Yes, sir.
That the smartly dressed man in gray was fully aware of what was about to take place and was prepared to be part of the aftermath but got caught out because the bus blew up just a couple of meters in a Tavistock Square while he was positioned 60 meters away further down from the blast.
Images show the main force of the blast went backwards and one victim, a woman, died because she crossed the road from the square behind the bus at the time of the explosion.
So how can anyone 60 meters ahead of a bus
to be hurled aside or sustain any kind of physical injuries.
I knew his injuries were improvised, immediately putting two and two together when I saw his hat lying on the ground next to him.
He wore a large bandage around his head and hand and a tear along his trouser leg that went neatly along the seam.
The bandages, 60 seconds after the blast,
This was way too fast, long before any medical assistance had arrived.
The blood on my own shirt is derived from a woman who was showered with the victim's blood.
She had been walking beside the bus at the time.
The gray suited man had no blood on him whatsoever, indicating he was far from the bus.
We'll finish up with this and get our guest in here after the break.
Stay with us.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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I was a highwayman.
Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five
But I am still alive.
I was a sailor.
I was born upon the tide.
With the sea I did abide.
I sailed a schooner around the Horn of Mexico.
I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a blow.
And when the yards broke off, they said that I got killed.
But I'm living still.
I was a dam building, across the river deep and wide, where steel and water didn't collide.
A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado,
I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below.
They buried me in that gray tent that knows no sound.
But I'm still around.
I'll always be around, and around, and around, and around, and around, and around.
And here comes Johnny Cash, God bless him.
I'll fly a starship, across the universe divide, and when I reach the other side, I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can.
Perhaps I may become a highwayman again.
Welcome back folks, I'm glad that you have joined us.
I got the front page of the Metro and State section here.
From the Austin American Statesman on Sunday, and it's a day of protest in Austin with a giant photo, 9-11, remember, rethink, react, exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
And all over the country, every day, there's news articles where 9-11 truth activists are exposing the military-industrial complex
Surgical strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centers and Building 7 on 9-11 and all over the country.
More and more people are waking up every day to the truth.
Why is this so important?
Because if we don't expose government-sponsored terror paradigm, they will continue as Hitler and as Stalin and as Putin and as Bush and as the Israelis and many others and as Eisenhower and as many others have done throughout history.
The same thing, of course, happened in the Gulf of Tonkin, happened twice with the Gulf of Tonkin, and then, of course, the USS Liberty with LBJ.
This is one of their main pillars of control.
And I tell you,
I tell you over and over again, we're not going to save this country and this planet and have any chance for this species in the future with this current parasitic completely out of control elite in place unless all of you become leaders and start websites and start organizations and get involved and start shooting your mouth off in grocery store lines or at Circuit City or Best Buy or at church or at Sunday school or in your elementary school classes.
I don't care.
We've even got people in the fifth grade doing this.
They're being told they're terrorists and being suspended and again that just exposes it even more to everybody.
This is the reality of what we face, and Matt Dayton and John Roberts are two amazing individuals.
Their website is PNAC, or Project for a New American, citizens.org.
We have links to it up on InfoWars.com, and I hope that doesn't crash your servers if a lot of people go visit it.
But coming up, this
This Thursday evening they've set up an event.
They have events every week, a lot of times multiple events every week.
Tell folks first about yourselves, how you got involved, how you woke up, some of the actions you've taken, as Webster Tarpley calls it, truth squads, and then either one of you can go first, just announce who you are so they know your voice, and tell us about what effects you've been able to have down on campus.
Uh, first of all, thanks for having us on.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, thank you very much.
So I know who you are now, too.
I'm John.
This is John Roberts.
And this is Matt Dayton.
We're good to go.
No, we're good.
And it's worked out really, really well with like support from yourself and just local Austinites.
Brave New Books has been great.
Harlan and Steve have been great.
And so has Radio Free Austin.
And Radio Free, yeah.
I mean everyone's been, the radio coverage, we've gotten so much help and it's been really pretty great.
It hasn't even been a year actually since we've seen.
Yeah, all this started happening actually last March.
We saw this change and
Um, you know, I was actually really skeptical, and I saw this change, and I said, if any of this is true, there's something really, really wrong.
Oh yeah, I mean, if one piece is true, and almost all of it is completely documented, then it all falls.
So I started looking into it, and we decided to have a screening at our co-op, and at our co-op, a guy named Harlan shows up.
So we become friends with this guy Harlan.
It turns out we end up driving to the Chicago 9-11 Truth Conference.
That was last June.
This was last June.
There at the 9-11 Truth Conference, Harlan meets a guy named Steve.
He bums a cigarette off a guy named Steve.
Steve happens to live in his neighborhood here in Austin,
They get together over the summer and decide to open a bookstore.
So while they're getting ready to open a bookstore... This is chain reaction.
This is all chain reaction, all coincidence, you know, or fate, whatever you want to call it.
And it's all coming together and we're, you know... Well that's our goal here is chain reaction.
It's like an enzyme.
Yeah, and what we're trying to do now
We're good to go.
Yeah, and it's just drawing more and more attention to this subject, and that's what it's all about, is not necessarily convincing people, because the evidence is overwhelming.
You've got to fire and forget plants and seeds, and most of them will sprout that day, six months later, or two years later.
Just like it happened with us.
I mean, we saw one video, and this is sort of where we've come.
And so, if that just happens in, you know, two or three other people, then it's well worth it.
It's so exciting.
Let's get into some of the events, some of the things you've done off-campus, on-campus, and for examples for others out there who again are waiting for some leader to rise and lead them in their area.
They need to look in the mirror.
Yeah, absolutely.
I've never considered myself a leader and I don't know how much John has either, but you know, I think there's a leader in everybody.
It's just a matter of stepping up and not being afraid to put your reputation on the line or what other people think about you.
I think that's the biggest fear that people have.
Yeah, we're good.
We thought, you know, our presence is much more important here at UT, you know, trying to have this protest.
No, it's important to have it everywhere.
And every major city and even a lot of small towns had hundreds of people, thousands of course, in New York on the streets.
Yeah, like Matt was saying, our presence was really probably more effective here.
And we got the rally area on West Campus, which is an area that hundreds, if not thousands, of students pass by every day.
It's a big mall.
Right, yeah.
It's right next to the tower that everyone knows.
And we had some really great, these huge vinyl banners.
They're actually some of the banners that are in the Statesman.
Those are the same ones.
We used those to just advertise and put up and we had George Humphrey speak, I believe, and just people talking to all students that were coming.
I think we had like two or three hundred people at least at one point just standing and listening and looking.
And you've had a bunch of other events with two hundred, three hundred, four hundred people just over and over and over again.
The Celia Castillo event was probably the biggest event we've had.
I think your event will probably top that.
But we had about three hundred people at the Celia Castillo event and that was remarkable.
We've had three front page stories in the Daily Texan as well as some other newspapers and some radio shows.
We've just been having a lot of screenings and passing out a ton of DVDs.
You didn't wait for orders from headquarters.
You went to the sound of the guns.
You took action.
Which is what other people need to do right now listening to this show.
I don't care if you're an old black man or a young white woman.
It doesn't matter who you are, Hispanic, what area of the country you're in, what your resources are.
Start small.
It will grow into big things.
This is what we have to do.
What about your politics before this happened?
Were you guys pro-gun?
Did you know about the New World Order?
What did you think about people like me?
Did you even know who I was?
Personally, I didn't.
As far as pro-gun, I'd seen Bowling for Columbine.
The point of being pro-gun because I didn't understand the whole protect yourself from the government thing.
So we did both come from a very left viewpoint, which I mean, I guess if you could see us, you'd probably think the same thing right now.
Actually, I definitely came from a sort of
More left-leaning.
But I was under the spell that most people are, as far as 9-11 goes.
I was actually in an argument with someone about the President's right to be able to spy on citizens or wiretapping.
I was still under... Stay there, I want to come in.
We've got a break.
I want to find out how your paradigm flipped, or was it a process?
Because this is important.
We've got leftists out buying
You know, AK-47s every 10 seconds.
And that's good.
We'll be right back.
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We're back live.
Steve Watson joining us from London, England.
Huge breaking news.
Eyewitness account.
Clear inside job behavior on the 7-7 bombings.
Eyewitness to their federal services all over it.
We're breaking that down in more detail coming up in the last 30 minutes.
We have in the studio with us Matt Dayton and John Roberts for the PNAC Citizens.org.
Explain why you came up with that name for that organization.
I want to get up, get into your awakening.
Please do that for our listeners.
I guess really that's probably one of the best ways to segue into it just because that was one of the main things for me personally, what woke me up.
And just reading Project for the New American Century,
It made me aware that that belief was even out there.
Just in the first sentence of their introduction saying, we support American global leadership.
That concept is something I joked about with friends about us being in the Middle East.
An empire.
They say we're an empire and they go on to say we need a catalyzing Pearl Harbor type event.
Yeah, so we sort of saw PNAC or Project for the New American Century as
We're good to go.
You know, that idea, this idea of that it's okay to deceive the people in order to, you know, fulfill a greater means, the means justify the ends, or the ends justify the means, sorry.
That whole Machiavellian ideal.
And so you guys are saying, no, we're going to use the truth to counter your lies.
And it's, again, had a great effect.
Now getting back to your awakenings, I mean... That sort of goes into the neoconservative thought in that
Actually, looking at the neoconservative philosophy and realizing they come from a socialist background, and seeing all, and sort of seeing our generation, and seeing all the leftist movement, and everybody just being so, you know, them being... Co-opted.
Yeah, co-opted, and against Bush because he's a Republican or a conservative, but really absolutely having no idea
Yeah, I think so.
Right, exactly.
And Carol Quigley admits, one of their top strategists in Tragedy and Hope, that no, the elite wants big government, they sell the left that's for the people, but really it's an apparatchik to control the population and extract wealth from the middle class and transfer it to them.
So how is that for the people?
Right, yeah, it's not.
And so, you know, how we sort of broke down the paradigm is that we just
We sort of looked at our peers and looked at what they were looking at versus what we had seen and realized that it made no sense.
So 9-11, you know, not only was a catalyzing event for the war, it was a catalyzing event to completely destroy all the paradigm that had been created that we had thought.
Well, they kept saying, within minutes of the attack, this changes everything, it's a whole new system.
Right, yeah.
I mean, yeah, they were absolutely right in a lot of ways, because that's what, you know, in reflecting on how 9-11 affected us, it was all, you know, all kinds of, I think you've mentioned it numerous times, like, all kinds of words entered our vernacular, that, you know, terrorism, terrorists, Iraq, Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, all these things that, like,
Right, absolutely.
Domestic terrorism.
All the stuff that the general populace had never thought of, and now everyone is paying attention to this color-coded... And suddenly there's 15 TV show dramas about it, and they have to torture children to get the answers, and they have to have camps, and you've got to do what the leaders say, and then the president starts paying off the media.
I mean, just overt tyranny.
Do most people at YouTube you talk to now, are they mirroring the polls we see where the majority knows it's an inside job?
I think a lot of most people we talk to, if they're interested at all, they've seen this change.
So I would say, I don't know what you'd say, like half and half?
Yeah, I'd say about half and half.
And a lot of people actually know about it, but they're just not at that point where
They feel like they can do anything about it.
They feel apathetic, or I don't know what it is, or they feel like there's nothing they can do as an individual, which is a horrible, horrible mindset that we've been sort of conditioned to believe, that we are helpless as individuals.
And that's something, you know, John and I are really trying to change.
Well, you are changing.
A big event coming up Thursday night.
We'll tell folks about that.
And I also want to get into how the sniveling neocons on campus try to tear down your flyers.
They're doing that right now.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are going to open the phones up now for the next hour until Steve Watson joins us from London, England with just amazing breaking news on the Inside Job 77 attacks of 2005.
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And we'll get you up and on the air.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, MartialLaw911.info, ArnoldExposed.com, and a couple others.
That's right, we're launching something big on the net in the next few months, my friends.
And it's going to be highly effective against the globalists.
We've already vetted it and checked it, and it's going to be very good.
Can't wait to be able to tell you all about that.
But it's going to be a great activist tool, and that's our goal here.
Gentlemen, we've got this event coming up on Thursday.
Tell us about the event.
Okay, well, yeah, the event is this Thursday, so February 1st at 7.30 p.m.
in the UT Union Ballroom, which is located at Guadalupe and 24th, I believe.
If you know the drag, it's right across from the co-op.
So, it's right there off the drag.
I think so.
So yeah, just go to our website at PNACitizens.org and you can see a link for parking as well as just the location of the venue.
PNACitizens.org, links to it up on InfoWars.com.
There's a big banner up on InfoWars.com that has a link to all the details, the flyer, you can help us flyer, and there's a reason we're going to get to that in just a moment.
And at the same time, there's a map there for you for those that are outside town coming up this Thursday night.
I remember, oh, it had to be nine years ago, I guess it was about 1998, so about nine years ago being invited down by the young conservatives, UT Longhorns.
I didn't even know, I thought Texas Independence Day, I was there talking about how great Texas was, I didn't know how political it was.
And I got there and people were dressed up in Aztec outfits and came to grab the cake and were eating it and practicing, you know, gagging themselves and vomiting bias.
And a big black guy came up and grabbed the microphone away from me and, you know, was basically threatening me.
And I didn't know that UT had banned, UT officially sanctioning it.
I didn't know that it had been so demonized it was seen as evil.
And that group of young conservatives, and I was more mainline, you know, just anti-Federal Reserve, anti-New World Order,
I wouldn't talk about their god, Bush, at the time, so I was invited down there.
It was a success, but that's when I first really learned about Mecha and La Raza, which means the race.
But now this group, I know they've shot their mouth off about me, they've had speeches, they've attacked me, they've written things.
I don't think so.
And they're also now sending in Crystal, they're sending in the head of NIST to propagandize at UT.
Break down what you've been facing.
And I guess they are taking the page from the Trotskyites slash Straussians from the Chicago school up there.
Newt Gingrich is saying ban free speech.
Hillary is saying restrict free speech.
I mean, they're trying to shut down and restrict the web, pass hate crimes, speech laws.
These guys really are doing a great job following their master's basic manifesto and operations manual, owner's manual.
We know the Republican Party nexuses in even more than the Democrats in many respects with their student groups.
And we know Karl Rove was the head of the Student Republicans, and that's when George Bush Sr.
recruited him.
And so these guys are trying to get their brownie points sabotaging free speech.
So I want everybody to go to my website, go to your websites, get the free flyer we have there posted, aggressively print off $200, aggressively go out and get yourself a bucket of glue, or that spray glue.
Yeah, I've been a
We've been fliering on campus since last semester, and as our name gradually got out there, there seems to be a definite opposition to what we're doing.
Well, they've had official marches against your marches.
Yeah, it's bringing together the Democrats and the Republicans because it shatters both of their paradigms.
It calls into question both of them.
They don't want to leave the Matrix.
No, absolutely not.
They're trying to stay in the back of the cave.
I don't know exactly who's doing it, but we put up flyers and I'll be walking by the kiosk and see them just aggressively ripped off or torn in half.
And you were saying within an hour.
Yeah, within an hour.
It definitely gives credence to what we're doing, though.
If you can get people that angry and passionate about something... I talked to a bunch of students Sunday night after the book people did when we went to eat at the Tavern.
Yeah, I've actually seen those, but I'm definitely not surprised by it at all.
Like I said, you said they brought down Bill Kristol and also John Gross, the head of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
And now NIST is saying that it could have been bombs in Building 7.
Oh, really?
Yeah, well, they're having to reverse themselves just to add a paragraph in there.
Well, it could have been, you know, some type of explosions that did cause it to fall, because the last five reasons they gave for it falling, fuel oil tanks, bad structure, North Tower falling into it, they've had to remove all of those reasons.
Yeah, when John Gross came and spoke, we asked him three questions.
We asked him about the molten steel.
He says he is unaware of any molten steel, and there's no... We've got firefighters saying there were pools of it.
In fact, find that clip, can you, from a few months ago from where the firefighters say there were molten steel like a volcano running down the channel rails, John?
Go ahead.
And, uh, we asked him about Building 7.
He said he's not at liberty to talk about it because the investigation is not through.
Five years later, they can't explain how a building's gone.
Five years later, they give five different reasons.
He also told us, um, that there is no explanation, or they didn't do a scientific, um, analysis about
We're good to go.
Uh, you might want to get in touch with him.
I got a sneaking suspicion you might end up on the big screen.
Okay, I have a feeling, yeah, this is pretty good footage.
You need to give it to him.
Yeah, he, um, it was really, I'd never heard this before, but yeah, we were asking, you know, about the collapse.
So you joined the Rebellion just six months ago and now you're going to be getting in the next one.
Going in against the Death Star.
We'll get the missiles in, hopefully.
And so, yeah, I mean, so, we had our 9-11 protests.
A couple of weeks later, they happened to bring Bill Kristol, the head of, one of the heads of PNAC, and it was, I don't think it's just a coincidence that a UT student organization that is fighting this at one of the biggest universities in, I guess, the world, or just the United States,
No, it's the biggest university in the world.
Both in capital and in number of students.
Um, and, you know, so we're just going to keep pressing at it until... Let's play this clip.
This is firefighters off New York TV.
Again, normally this stuff wouldn't slip out, but some of it has gotten out because the editors don't know what they're seeing.
This is a fire captain talking with other firefighters about how it was like a volcano.
Here it is.
You'd get down below and you'd see molten steel.
Molten steel running down the channel rails.
Like you're in a foundry.
We're good to go.
With the gross clip.
Matt was editing that last night, actually.
And there's no argument about the molten steel.
We have video of it.
And you have the aircraft infrared scans of it three weeks later.
Right, exactly.
At 3,000 plus degrees when jet fuel burns at 1,800.
That's not how fires work, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, I was actually in an argument with a couple of engineers last night, and they were just saying, well, you know, just trying to, you know, pick their brain to find some other explanation.
It's like, no, there's no other explanation.
It's there, the video's there.
Actually, John Gross even said, when I asked him about the analysis about converting the potential energy to the kinetic energy and how the buildings actually could have collapsed at the rate they did,
He said, it's clear from the video evidence that the bottom floors didn't stop the top floors from coming down, so there was no analysis that we thought would be necessary.
Well, listen, people say, well, where's your engineers?
There's a bunch of them that have gone public, and physicists and others, but Kevin Ryan was the head of an entire underwater laboratories program, and he knew that they had done an internal, secret, year-long study with models.
And found that it was impossible for 1800 degree maximum.
That's with oxygen being injected into the combustion.
People hear jet fuel and think like rocket fuel.
No, no.
Jet fuel burns at a lower temp.
It's less volatile than gasoline, than even 87 octane gasoline, because you don't want it exploding.
It's kerosene, basically.
It's purified kerosene.
Don't try this at home, but it's in videos.
The test has been done.
I went and got kerosene.
Did it in my backyard.
You can take a match.
Do not try this, folks, unless you're an engineer or unless you do this in a control.
I had goggles and metal gloves on, mesh gloves.
Take the match, because I didn't just want to believe this on videos and engineers doing it, and you stick that big match directly into the jet fuel and it doesn't catch on fire.
This is light-burning stuff, folks.
But again, 1800 degrees with oxygen injected.
They've got to inject oxygen into it to get it to fire, and that's how they do it with these jet engines.
And so you've got this cool burning...
Makeup, and you've got cold burning fires, very light orange, and again the scale of heat with fire is red, orange, and then you go into yellow, and then you go into lighter yellow, and then you go into white, and then you go into blue.
Okay and so those are the hottest temps there and so we're talking low orange fires as you know right down next to the very lowest temperature people standing right next to giant four foot around columns waving their shirts help me for 20 minutes not melting the skins not melting but then giant pillars perfectly fragmented and then you have all this video and photos of them all perfectly sliced all right at the perfect 45 degree angle
Uh, and then there's a patent for the thermite.
The thermate uses an explosive reaction to instantly cut columns.
And you do it at an angle because you can just cut them and the great weight will make it just, you know, fall down on top itself.
But if you do it at an angle, it shears and slips off.
So they even blew it up, uh, in one and two story sections to perfectly load it on trucks.
Right, yeah.
It was all loaded off.
And like you said, it's not an argument of logic or reason or science.
All of it's there.
All of it's there.
It's the faith-based sort of society that 9-11 created.
9-11 happened and it created this faith in our government to protect us.
Well, you're right.
In fact, that's what David Ray Griffin has, you know, come forward with, and he's a theologian, is this is really a religion.
I mean, like, neocons call and talk radio every day.
And they say the WMBs were found.
It's a mantra.
And I told the story before, I was in the car with Charlie Sheen out in L.A.
And he said, when they're releasing, they still found WMDs?
He goes, no, everybody knows they did, and this is like last year.
And I go, no, Charlie, watch this.
I said, you've got XM Radio, let's scroll through on your, or whatever he had, it's some kind of satellite radio, let's scroll through your radio.
He flipped to one, and the guy was talking about something else.
I go, go to another.
And as he flipped to it, it was G. Gordon Liddy saying, we know they found the WMDs in Iraq.
Now, I mean, folks, that's because you tune in, it is literally like they parrot the same thing over and over again.
You know, we gotta get them before they get us.
Al Qaeda said it.
Bush, in his State of the Union, mentioned, what, four times, well, they tried to attack a big building in L.A.
Turned out that was totally made up and fake, not true.
He even got the name wrong, called it the Freedom Tower, knowing that it had to have some freedom sound, and he even makes up buildings.
You know, literally gives a building a new name, just so they wanted to attack the Freedom Tower.
Yeah, and that gets back to our student organization and what PNAC stands for and that is to create, you know, or to propose a sort of philosophy for people to break, you know,
Stop thinking that way.
Stop, you know, break that faith in their government that this couldn't happen.
It did happen, and what are we going to do about it?
And that's what, you know, sort of PMAC is proposing.
Right, yeah, we don't want to look for easy answers.
Just go with, you know, everything we've been indoctrinated with, where we're this candid nation that's, you know, fought all these wars for benign reasons.
We really are looking for, you know, to get away from that faith-based mentality like you were just talking about.
Well, and the liberals have got their religion.
Right, oh yeah.
I mean, it's just, it's incredible.
Like Noam Chomsky.
We have that clip.
In fact, find that clip.
I don't want to play the whole ten minutes, but it's right there at the end, and I'm not talking to the John who's here, John Roberts.
I keep talking to John Harmon up at the network.
Remember a few months ago, I played him saying, well, who cares if the government did it?
It doesn't matter.
I've actually had an email exchange with Noam Chomsky right around the time we were finding out about this, because I wanted to ask this intellectual person... He just uses emotion!
It's dumb-dumb!
It's stupid!
Well, right.
He was saying that there were more important things to be addressed.
It wasn't worth looking into.
Yeah, we've got a government that blows up buildings and kills 3,000 people, and it's just fine.
We need to move on.
At the L.A.
convention, Barry Swicker was talking about his book.
He quotes in there that Chomsky even says that the term conspiracy theory has become the intellectual equivalent of the four letter word.
It's something people say when they don't want you to know what they're talking about or don't want you to know what's really going on.
So, I mean, yet, so Chomsky knows the power of that term.
And he's not a dumb man.
He has to know.
Well, he's MIT funded.
He's a gatekeeper.
He's a judoscope.
I mean, if anybody is, I had the guy on, and he was going, world government is good, we need the UN world government to save us, and all this stuff.
And I go, no, no, no, our government founded the UN, they control it, Anglo-American establishment.
He says, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous.
Well, 1945 Presidio, I mean, I've got the minutes.
No, you're just out of your mind.
Well, gun control, you know, the elite wants gun control.
We need to not turn our guns in.
Oh, guns are just horrible.
I think I'm just going to not do this interview.
I'm just so smart.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.
All right, we'll be right back, gentlemen.
I want to hold you over to the next hour a little bit to take calls.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back!
Jimmy, Martin, Andrew, everybody, we're going to get to you as soon as we start the third hour here in just four, five and a half minutes.
But before we do that, just to show the mind control of the so-called left that's bought and paid for by big U.S.
government-backed corporations through the foundations, they had a big peace rally scheduled downtown, and I was invited.
And I told Kevin, who books some of that here in the office, I said, watch, they're going to cancel me.
He goes, no, they're not.
They like you.
And then the email came back and said, no, you're against the La Reconquista.
The groups have asked that you not be there.
And sure enough, it's all the red shirts and red banners and red stars.
You know the Soviet Union is going to save us and all of this other business which is all financed by the New World Order publicly.
It's all publicly available.
Again any fascist, communist, anything that's not free market, anything that's not
Based on our Constitutional Republic, anything that's command and control.
They just confuse you with different labels on different forms of tyranny, which they finance.
It's all about controlling populations.
And this guy gets up, and it's not the Bilderberg, it's not the New World Order, it's these evil racist groups.
That's what's got to be dealt with.
And you guys seem to know a little bit about who this individual is.
Tell us about what he said.
I actually don't.
I don't know who the guy was.
We attended the rally.
I mean, you said, oh yeah, that idiot.
Right, yeah.
And we were listening to the speakers that ended up coming up at the Capitol and this guy came up.
And he started off his speech saying, you know, there's some people who think it's the Bilderbergers or the attacks against 9-11, you know, that are the real problem in the world.
And really, it's right here in front of us.
And I was waiting.
I was like, okay, what is this guy going to say?
And he said, it's racism.
He said, that is the problem, is racism.
And actually what's funny is he kind of got into this contradictory thing where he was saying, he brought up this thing about how Palestinians are very oppressed by the Israelis, and he kind of brought up, I felt, like a racist argument against Israel, which was a funny contradiction, like, in his speech.
He was just, he was speaking, he was preaching against hate, but at the same time, you know, obviously, obviously, you know, hating.
It was just complete... But the point is we're not supposed to talk about the elite.
Let's go ahead and roll that clip.
I come today to talk to you about the plague of racist violence that currently afflicts the world today.
And I want you all to ask yourselves for a minute, how is it possible that 2% of the world's population controls more wealth than 60% of the world's population?
How is it possible that
This group, outnumbered by hundreds to one, can maintain this system.
Well, the answer is right in front of our faces.
There are those who would tell us that it is because there are masons hiding in our closets, and Bilderbergers hiding under our beds, and there are vast conspiracies to concoct attacks like 9-11 to increase the grip of power that the ruling class has on our world.
But in fact, it's right in front of your face.
The problem is, is racism.
And what is racism exactly?
I'm going to be referring to my notes a lot because I didn't memorize this.
Okay, well first of all...
The ruling class needs racism to create fear and mistrust between people of different races just as they use homophobia and sexism to divide men and women and gay and straight people.
Alright, that's enough of it.
Okay, so there's a ruling class, but then we list exactly who the ruling class is, how they're setting up the plan, the program, but then we're bad, and then the ruling class is using terror to oppress the Palestinians and people, and us, but then that's not important to talk about.
I mean, this is insane!
No, Alex, it's just racism.
Some nebulous term.
Again, with that simplicity thing, it's this cognitive shortcut that people use, like stereotyping.
Well, it's like the liberal chants.
They're just mindless.
It does nothing.
You're out there to educate the public with facts and documentation.
No, there's always a little leader who says, no, chant some mindless baloney.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I tell you, time flies when you're fighting the New World Order.
I promise to go to your calls now for the next 30 minutes.
Steve Watson, joining us from London, England with huge breaking news concerning government-sponsored terror.
We're joined by Matt Dayton and John Roberts of PNACitizens.org.
I'm Alex Jones.
Big event coming up this Thursday.
I want to tell the story you just told during that one-minute break about how the left doesn't want their controlled members to know who the elite are.
And you were telling another story at another event where they were actually saying all this, and we're going to discuss that coming up.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to calls.
Jimmy in Kansas City, you want to talk to our guest?
You're on the air worldwide, sir.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Hey, keep up the good work.
You guys are all doing great jobs there.
I wanted to comment about something I've noticed lately, and then I'll get off the phone and listen on the radio to your answer, what you all think.
I've noticed since the election that there are some people who, you know, are awake knowing what's going on, but have fallen into a complacency since the Democrats have retaken control.
We have seen that too in the last month since Christmas.
And the Democrats who were so concerned about the New World Order and so worried about all the control that's coming in and so worried about the war and they're about to attack Iran are just suddenly, well, at least Nancy Pelosi's in there now.
You know, it seems like they've just gone so complacent.
Well, it's like after Bush won in 2000, Republicans were against the New World Order, against gun control, against open borders.
They all went to sleep.
You're right.
You're right.
And I've had so many people who know what's going on and saying, well, you know, it's okay that the Democrats have taken in and they're ignoring the fact
And they're not repealing the Patriot Act or Patriot Act 2 expansion.
They're not renewing or calling for a review or a removal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act that makes Bush a dictator.
New news on that today out of the New York Times with a new executive order.
They are not trying to remove the incredibly horrible, I mean, have the left
And you notice suddenly that the guy on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, has forgotten about how concerned he was with 9 of the 10 amendments to the Bill of Rights being completely removed with the enemy combatant designation for American people under the Military Commissions Act.
Guys, you want to comment on that?
The left is going into a coma?
Yeah, it's actually quite ingenious, actually.
They've got to keep the paradigms and keep it to where it doesn't get out of control.
So they have to satisfy the left just enough to where, like the caller is saying, they will be complacent.
And that is what's happening.
They have to give them sort of this false victory.
I don't think so.
But at the same time, I think there is a sort of glimmer of hope in that a lot of people who expected some change out of the Democrats are not seeing that change.
In fact, we're seeing an acceleration of all the programs.
Right, yeah, exactly.
And Democrats lining up.
And of course it was obvious why Bush put in 21,600 more troops.
That way the Democrats could have a fake debate about that, a troop increase, instead of having a debate about removing troops.
Or the attack on Iran.
It's just to distract the public from what's really going on.
It's as simple as that.
The difference between what you hear and what you see, what someone says and what they do.
And that's why I respect you so much, Alex.
It's because you're connecting the dots.
Most people aren't connecting the dots.
And they want to say it's a conspiracy.
It's all mainstream news, and you're just putting it all together.
Well, this is like connecting the dots book you buy at the store at the five and dime that already has all the lines drawn.
Or, you know, they connect the dots for five-year-olds where you can already see the picture.
Oh, that's a boat.
That's a bunny rabbit.
That's a clown.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, gentlemen, we're going to go back to the calls here in a moment, but Matt Dayton and John Roberts of PNACCitizens.org finish up with the story you were telling me about during a break.
So we're talking about these speakers getting up at a peace rally down there, and you've got 9-11 signs, and they're saying, we don't need to talk about the Bilderbergs and the elite, we need to talk about racism, and then you were saying that you were at another meeting, and describe that story.
Okay, well yeah, there was some event going on at Monkey Wrench Books, there was a
A group of artists called the Beehive Collective and they had a piece of artwork up that sort of illustrated this faceless character that they were working on that was controlling a lot of what's happening.
And a member from the audience sort of suggested that it's a good idea to maybe even rethink that piece of artwork because
I don't know.
They don't want to hear.
They don't want to hear the conspiracy.
They don't want to get into it.
They don't want to talk about the CFR.
You said they were saying it would be great to know who they were.
It would be great to know who the faces are behind this, but we didn't.
And like a hundred years ago, 150, 160, there were huge debates in Congress.
Everybody knew they were.
It was the global banking cartels.
Right, exactly.
And that was just a perfect illustration of how controlled the left is.
And they want it broken down into these simple terms.
They don't want to talk about the CFR.
They don't want to talk about the Bill of the Birds.
That's because the CFR is the right and the left, really as good old boys in a business combine to project their influence, set up by the British in 1921 because their League of Nations had failed, which is really a governmental body to give the illusion that there isn't really a world imperium running it.
Yeah, and CFR has a website.
Go to it.
To all the left and to the right people.
And they openly call for world government.
They openly call for taking our freedoms.
They openly call for erasing our borders.
The Republicans and Democrats are together on all the major issues of taking our guns, opening our borders, jacking up taxes and regulations and control.
Everything to control.
Gentlemen, I want to thank you for being here with us.
Thank you very much.
And you're not leaving.
I'm just saying that because the tapes have now run out and we forgot to reload them here in between the breaks.
But you've got your camera rolling.
You guys are making a documentary out of this yourself.
We'll put this together and throw it up on the local TV station and we'll also put it on the web at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Let's go back to the calls now.
Marcel in Canada, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding Marcel.
Hello brother Alex.
Hey, how you doing?
I just want to say God bless you for your work and your guests here.
I admire their courage to stand up and stand against the New World Order and stand up for the truth.
I was just wondering what advice could you give to me because I try to talk to people like 9-11 being portrayed by the government and stuff and people think I'm a nut.
Okay, well, Canadians are great folks, but I've found that they are even more so than Americans in a wonderland.
They're really educated on average.
They're nice.
They're friendly.
They're creative.
I like Canadians.
I'm not being mean.
It's illustrated by how many Canadians we have listening per capita.
It's a bigger audience, as many people as California, but a lot more calls from Canada than California, and emails and orders for the videos.
There's a lot of different gauges and meters that we have, indices.
When you go up to Canada, either people know all about it or they know nothing about it.
And the Canadian press has actually been better about the North American Union reporting about how that's going forward and how it's real.
Kind of like Lou Dobbs, you know, his ideas and understandings are much more plentiful and widespread.
But then you have an even bigger group in Canada that's in total law land.
We're totally free.
We're good.
America's what's bad.
When Canada's bought and paid for by the very same interest,
They're restricting free speech.
A lot of bad things are happening.
And people up there in Canada, you know, a lot of them do seem to be completely delusional about being free.
Here's an example.
I can ship stuff into Russia, no problem.
I can ship stuff into China, no problem.
I can ship stuff into Japan, no problem.
But I have a lot of trouble, though now we do it just UPS to Canada, so it's gotten a bit better, but it's still bad.
It's not perfect.
And Australia is hard to get into.
It's all these Commonwealth countries.
And now the U.S.
is hard to get stuff into.
And now they're domestically opening our mail here in the U.S.
But you tell a Canadian, don't you know you have... and everybody knows who's in shipping.
I mean mainstream people who sell books on cooking.
Mainstream people who, you know, sell videos on just mainstream subjects.
It's hard to get in.
They rip every package open.
They read your mail in Canada.
And they have more draconian free speech laws than even Germany does.
And again, they always use it in a test case.
Like the U.N.
has a... and the World Court has its first big case where they're going to try someone who trains child soldiers.
Well, I'm against child soldiers and what happened.
The point is that should be done regionally or locally.
And if the country's broken down and doesn't have a court, some other court can do it.
You know, but again, they're always going to set a precedent of, we're taking that horrible white Klansman's free speech away or we're taking... I know all both of those guys.
Yeah, but they do it in case points where it sounds good, but no, no, no, no, no.
You can't take anybody's free speech or everybody loses it.
First off, you want to comment on free speech, gentlemen, and the attacks on it, and then comment on how to approach people.
I mean, I fell on 9-11.
It's better just to give them Loose Change 2nd Edition, Terror Storm, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, or give them a free link.
The stuff's all on Google Video.
Yeah, I mean, even if you don't have any videos to talk to people, I think the best approach that you can do is asking people questions and to expose their ignorance.
And so, they immediately feel exposed, basically.
And so, you know, they maybe be more willing to listen to you.
So, one approach that we took is, you know, just asking regular people about how many buildings they remember falling on 9-11.
And that's such a simple question that they feel like they should know it, but they know that there is a reason why they're being asked such a simple question.
And so I think that's a really good approach in talking to people and then definitely just getting out those DVDs.
And that's a good approach.
I personally like to shake them up.
And because people are so cowardly and dumbed down nowadays on average, even though there's a huge minority growing that's very informed and dynamic, that they take everything as confidence.
And so, I know when they finally check out my claims, they're going to find out it's true.
But I'm confident, and I say, listen, this country's in deep trouble.
You know we're in deep trouble.
Deep down, you know it's deep trouble.
9-11 is an inside job.
There's a declassified plan northwards to carry out the same type of attacks.
Copa Tonkin's now admitted to be staged.
Our government staged terror attacks overseas to blame it on foreign governments and rebels, or whoever they were against.
Putin's been caught doing it.
You understand they do it to take their freedoms away.
And talking to, like, 15-year-olds, I'll go, have you seen Episode 3, Attack of the
We're good to go.
And young people will repeat the plot and understand it.
Adults who aren't awake will go, no, it didn't make sense to me.
Now, this is something a child can understand.
And after we wrote an article about it, even the Washington Post and even a bunch of other big blogs and a bunch of other publications wrote basically the same story.
Because other people did see it.
Now, let's walk through it.
And I wrote an article about it, just type Revenge of the Sith, New World Order, Infowars.com into Google, and it'll pop up for you.
It's like an article I wrote, like 14 pages long, trying to lay all this out, because it's an archetypal thing.
George Lucas even then said, after it came out, he said, no, I mean, I'm paralleling real things that are happening, the war, you know, who's behind the terror.
Remember he said all that cryptic stuff?
He basically is a 9-11 truther.
Whether you love or hate George Lucas.
I hate we did the last three films, it doesn't matter.
The point is, you know, that is the acting and the rest of it.
The point is that this is a societal phenomenon, the biggest films ever.
And let's just briefly walk through that before we go to more calls.
In episode one, you have a little-known senator, there's thousands of senators, in the Galactic Senate.
And he's Palpatine.
And he makes a deal, but of course he's wearing a hood so you can't see his face, with the Trade Federation, this guild, to run a blockade through a free trade deal to basically claim that they're violating a trade deal to attack his planet.
Then out of that crisis, he already is manipulating the people that are running the Senate, he has them stand down so it looks really bad, and he gets more powers voted to the Senate, and then raises himself in everybody's eyes.
Then Episode 2 comes, he's hired Count Dooku, who's really a Dark Lord of the Sith, Osama Bin Laden folks, he's hired him
To go to this desert planet to cause a crisis.
And he gets himself elected emergency powers and gets elected to be Chancellor.
And he goes and attacks and defeats the enemy.
Of course he defeats them, it's a staged event.
It's like Afghanistan and Iraq.
And then, from that point on, he gets, as Chancellor, he announces emergency powers like Bush has done, or Hitler did, or everybody else did after they staged attacks.
And then, he is now, he's not Emperor, but he already has the powers of an Emperor.
He then stages a space fleet attack, with a space fleet he owns and controls, through Count Dooku and Grievous, General Grievous, to attack their own planet.
They then attack their own planet, he says that's it, total martial law, and then at that point he gets the Jedi, that is the government, there's always a knight of the long knives, out all over the place, he orders them to execute order number 66, they kill almost all the Jedi, then he goes in and announces himself Emperor, and that's the end of it.
He created the crisis and at the end they say, look at those clips, you know, this whole attack was really on the Republic.
This whole attack was really on the Jedi.
This whole attack was done to destroy our liberties and freedoms and overturn the 10,000 year old Republic.
And then he sets up regional governors and now he's the Emperor.
And he's got people in black masks that go around enforcing everything for him.
He's killing people.
So, there it is in a movie.
You talk to a 15 year old, they get it.
A 15 year old understands it.
You talk to an adult, they go, it made no sense.
It's like they have a blind spot.
They can't even understand a children's movie plot because there's somehow a conditioned blind spot in here.
We'll be right back and go to Jim, Andrew, and others in the final segment with our guest.
Big event coming up in Austin Thursday night.
Be there.
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Steve Watson coming up in the next second with huge breaking news.
Matt Dayton, John Roberts, thank you both for being here.
Coming up, this...
Thursday evening, what, 7.30 to 9.30?
7.30 to 9.30, we can push it to 10.30 if we need to.
Oh, I thought we only had two hours, and I'm definitely going to have a couple other speakers.
Yeah, I think I can definitely push it.
Okay, well I'm going to pick one or two other speakers if that's okay.
I'll give them 20-30 minutes if we've got more time.
I want to have Jack Blood there.
He always gives a good speech, and I'm going to be giving folks a great speech.
Details, maps, it's free.
It's coming up.
Beautiful UT ballroom.
It's going to be great.
UT Union Ballroom, 24th and Guadalupe.
Right off the drag in Austin, Texas.
I want to thank you guys for putting this together.
Thank you for coming.
We hope to have more events.
We're planning a pretty big event in March.
Hopefully it's going to be pretty big.
Trying to put some pressure on some of the UT faculty.
Yeah, just keep it up.
We'll definitely plug that as it develops.
Jim in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, good afternoon, happy new year.
I have a question.
Have you been following the Ambassador Leo Wanta story regarding the Ameritrust?
Yeah, I don't believe that.
It's very interesting.
Have you heard any information whether
Henry Paulson was arrested in Germany over the Christmas holidays after he had met with Angela Merkel.
Yeah, I was wondering what you were talking about yesterday about the American Al-Qaeda.
I didn't get to hear all that.
Well, I mean, the government's always saying there's American Al-Qaeda.
It's really Al-Shi-Aida.
Were they referring to a certain group or something?
Were you listening to this show?
Uh, you know, I might have got it mixed up with another show.
Yeah, but I mean, they're...
American Al-Qaeda, the media is always trying to make the bridge between Al-Qaeda and the domestic groups that are under every rock.
But if you look under the Patriot Act, Section 802, it's all misdemeanors.
Everything's terrorism.
And they admit they're using it.
The federal courts have ruled they can use it in non-terror related cases.
Okay, did you see that show on the History Channel about 9-11?
I think we've had quite a few shows.
Which one are you talking about?
It was just pure propaganda.
You know, they're talking about how the people who checked in, Mohammed Atta for their plane and stuff like that.
And they showed people jumping out of the buildings.
You know, because the buildings were on fire.
And just jumping to their deaths is pretty disgusting.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Who's up next?
David, New York, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I wanted to give you a take on the buildings.
The day that that happened, when they first pancaked down, as you know what the hell happened, and a friend of mine said, well, that's what they're made to do.
As well, I don't ever want to walk in a building that does that.
Yeah, and then Building 7, I guess, was made to pancake, too.
No, they're made to withstand fire and multiple jet impacts.
It's total propaganda.
Then, the other thing is, people don't understand that heat rises.
How does it go to the bottom of the building and start melting everything down?
And secondly... Well, 1,800 degrees can't even weaken steel, much less cause it to become molten.
Steel, depending on its grade, melts between 2,774 degrees and upwards of 3,300 degrees.
The other thing is, the next day, we're folding the $20 bill.
Have you done that?
Yeah, about five, six years ago.
Right after 9-11, people noticed that you could fold it and it would show the towers and it would show the Pentagon.
It's pretty weird.
Sounds like classic Illuminati stuff to me.
They love to brag before they do it.
Can I give you my take on global warming?
Well, I don't know if anybody thinks about this, but you know with all the cell phones and all the satellite dishes and everything, I think we're turning the world into a microwave oven.
Alright, sir, I appreciate your call.
I really do.
I believe there's climatological change.
There always is.
But we know the sun is heating up and putting out more radiation in the form of light and other solar emissions than it has in the last hundred years since they've been recording it.
And we know the entire solar system from radio satellite and conventional satellite and other readings is heating up.
Seas on moons of Saturn and Jupiter are melting, that were frozen.
And they can see volcanic activity under it.
And so, even if you believe in global warming, the point is the solutions that the globalists are pushing are global taxed.
Even if you believe it's carbon emissions from industry and automobiles and other industries,
That's not going to fix it.
So, so just, again, but it's another religious thing.
I tell leftists that, and they go, but, but, you know, it's the cards.
I go, well, here's all these studies.
Just please.
Gentlemen, I want to thank you for coming in.
And we'll see you Thursday, Thursday night at the UT Union Ballroom.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Welcome back.
Glad that you joined us today.
Let's go right to Steve Watson in London.
Steve, I guess you continue to blow me away and impress me with the great stories that you're breaking.
I think it's important to go through what happened on 7-7, the basics, and what some of the other witnesses said, and then this new bombshell you've turned loose on us with an eyewitness who's going to be joining us on air very, very soon.
Steve Watson from London, England, who of course is the head honcho over at Infowars.net, my editor over there, and chief writer, and of course the brother of Paul Watson of PrisonPlanet.com.
Uh, break down for us how this developed, please sir.
Okay, uh, basically around, around about a month ago before Christmas, um, I was contacted by this individual called Daniel, um, who provided links to his website and some information.
Um, and he basically, he was claiming that he's, he was on the lower deck of the number 30 bus that was, uh, diverted into Tavistock Square.
On the 7th of July 2005, where it subsequently exploded.
So, I did a bit of, you know, I checked this out and he seems to be quite credible.
I've had a few sort of back and forth contacts with him and he has, he has actually today provisionally agreed to come on the show at some point either later this week or sometime next week.
So we'll see if that, if we can get that
to happen.
But he has got a publishing deal.
He's about to release a book which is called The Fourth Bomb and it's specifically about his experience on the bus.
And it's not out yet but it's currently sort of going through the motions of being, you know, published and printed.
What we have at the moment are a few sort of extracts that he's provided us with and some further information from
Yeah, I think so.
Right in front of the Tavistock Institute.
We know that there were police waiting there.
We know it exploded.
We know that people that work at the bus company told us weird things were going on, that it had been diverted.
People that worked on the buses said there were strange technicians there on that bus in the weeks before.
But let's go back and set the table on how an hour later, after the three train carriages get blown up, and the police are saying, oh it's just a power surge,
Then they divert the bus and then it explodes.
Let's set the table and explain why that's important and then let's get into these newest revelations.
Okay, well like you said, the bus was diverted from Euston Road.
The explanation was it was diverted because of the bomb that had gone off in the Kings Cross area.
Basically, there were no other buses diverted into that area at the time.
As you say, we were there a week or two after the event, and we checked for ourselves that the number 30 bus was indeed diverted there.
It doesn't normally go down that route.
And basically, the claims that the individual is making is that he specifically witnessed the bus being diverted there by unmarked vehicles.
Uh, which, you know, that hasn't been reported anywhere before, so it's quite, you know, new information that we need to cover.
But the press did report that it was diverted, now we know how it was diverted, so that checks out, and then please continue.
Okay, well, I mean, getting straight into what he claims, uh, he says he saw two dark cars holding up the bus.
Um, one of which was a, he says, was a blue BMW 5 Series, and the other of which was a black Mercedes.
Now he says they squealed to a halt in front of the bus, halting its progress, while it was still on Euston Road, and then four minutes passed, and a police motorcyclist arrived at this blockade that these two cars had made.
Now he says that the BMW driver said something to the cyclist,
He then sped off, followed by the first car.
Mercedes hung around for a while and diverted the bus east into Woburn Place and then into Tavistock Square.
And so the bus driver just took the order from this guy?
Well, yeah, obviously.
I mean, the bus driver must have thought he was being diverted because of the bomb that had gone off in Kings Cross.
The important question is... You've got all these buses driving around.
This one gets singled out and gets diverted and then it blows up.
Please continue.
Well, yeah, and the question is, what were these cars?
Were these cars police vehicles?
They were unmarked.
So if they're police vehicles, what are they doing diverting traffic?
Surely, you know, the traffic police should be dealing with that at this time, as they were.
So the single bus is singled out.
Yeah, and it's diverted into Tavistock Square, where
Daniel says it made a stop and quite a lot of people got off, quite luckily, because obviously it was going the wrong way, so they got off the bus.
Then it moved on, stopped, and that's when the explosion occurred.
He also claims that, contrary to witness reports, he claims that there was no Asian male on the lower deck of the bus, which is important because
You know, a couple of witness reports immediately after located the bomber, the bombing suspect, on the lower deck of the bus.
And then, of course, they accidentally planted one of the supposed bomber's IDs at two different bombings.
It's just always the same.
So, I mean, later on he was relocated to the top deck.
So, I mean, basically what happened, after the bomb went off, Daniel
He says he obviously fled away in panic, but after he reached a safe distance he sort of turned around, waited and then went back to help the injured.
Now this time he says he saw people filming him, and we're talking seconds after it's gone off.
He says he saw officials dressed in black with handheld camcorders filming the scene, filming him specifically.
While he was trying to go back and help the injured.
So what's strange about that is... Well, that's to track witnesses later.
Well, yeah, exactly.
But what's strange about it is you've got everybody at the scene either running away or trying to help people that are horribly injured.
But these people, you know, stood there calm as if they've got assigned tasks and they're, you know, workman-like.
So that immediately caught his attention.
And I've detailed that more in the article I've written.
He also provides four different images, which I've included, which highlight another individual that he says he believes was pre-positioned.
He says the individual was lying 45 metres ahead of the bus with blast injuries, despite the fact that the blast
From images we've seen, and from witness statements, blew the back of the bus out.
So, he asked the question, how come this man is lying 45 metres ahead of the bus with blast injuries?
He also claims that he had a bandage on his head within seconds, this is what he's saying he saw, before medics even arrived on the scene, and he was then quickly escorted out of the area.
And he says he saw several
Individuals like this.
And, you know, what's important about this is this is a first-hand statement from a witness.
So, he's going to be a very interesting individual to come on the show and give this statement to us.
Now, in the aftermath of what happened, he says, Daniel says he attempted to report this to his
You know, whichever police station he was nearest, that he was, you know, a first-hand witness.
He was basically told to call an emergency hotline to give information, which he did.
But they didn't even ask him to even go into a police station to give a statement, which immediately is very strange.
Now investigators afterwards chose to rely on four other witnesses who were all injured and were all being attended to by medics after the explosion occurred but they didn't even want a statement from this uninjured man who was actually on the bus and had fled after the explosion.
He claims that instead of taking a statement he was overtly surveilled by police i.e.
they wanted him to know that they were
Surveilling him.
He says he was watched and followed for six months by three individuals from the same police station and he says this went on for months and then finally he says he also received a few strange phone calls which clips of which he's posted to his website and then he says finally after a few months he was asked to go in
The police station and give a statement.
Whereupon they questioned him for four hours, provided him with recordings of this, which he has.
And asked him to do several things, one of which was mark points on a diagram of the layout of the bus, of where people were sitting, etc.
on the lower deck.
But he said the layout they provided him with was totally wrong, it wasn't the right layout for the specific bus he was on.
So he thought that would make his statement inadmissible, so he refused to do that.
He also had a shirt, the shirt he was wearing, he asked them if they wanted to take that away for examination, forensic evidence, etc.
They didn't want to know.
I'm just basically, he says that the official narrative is full of falsehoods and vague generalizations.
And now the publisher's going, let's not put the part in there about the guy with the fake bandage and the perfect rip in his pants that you saw 60 seconds before, right after the blast, who was fine and there was no one there to put bandages on him.
Let's not, that's not interesting.
Let's not put that in the book.
I'll just say this on air and I would imagine he's probably listening right now.
I know you talked to him earlier today.
Steve, I know I've been very busy.
You've been trying to get in touch with me about this and I'm sorry I didn't get back with you.
I've just been crazy with 15 other things I was doing.
But I'll just tell him right now, he needs to get on this show tomorrow.
In fact, if he would go on Jack Blood's show today, it would be better for him to do it within the next two hours.
Because it's one thing for him to have a written narrative and video clips of him being interviewed by police and him admitting he was there and that being in the record.
It's important that he have his verbal statement in its entirety and whatever else I can ferret out on air.
And I know he thinks he's in a few days, but he needs to come on.
As quickly as possible to protect him, because once he's disgorged the entire story, that will give him 99% protection.
Right now, him just being partially public is extremely dangerous.
Obviously could care less about who they kill.
They've staged hundreds of terror attacks in Ireland and England.
We've had former MI5, MI6, British commandos on air breaking down how 75% of the bombings were not IRA, but British intelligence.
The shootings, the beatings, you name it, all in the name of the IRA.
These are cold-blooded killers.
And we know they were running drills that day.
We know the whole thing was a staged event.
We have the other witnesses saying the bombs were under the buses, blown upwards so they covered them with tarps, wouldn't let anybody see them.
It just goes on and on.
Hundreds of pieces of evidence, all in TerrorStorm, which of course you contributed to and you're in, Steve, just for the listeners to know, which you can get on DVD from us at Infowars.com or watch for free on Google Video.
But just addressing new media, Steve, this guy was smart.
He started a website, he got his info out, he contacted us, which gives him a measure of protection, more than he would being under this surveillance.
And it's got to throw these spooks for a loop that this is the old paradigm where there was controlled press, no internet, there weren't shows like this, and people, even if they wanted to speak up, couldn't find a venue to reach the public.
It's very important that listeners everywhere go to InfoWars.net and get this story now because Daniel's wife is an Obochai, am I pronouncing that right?
I think so, yeah.
A handsome African gentleman and I'm told by you very well spoken.
We need to get him protection now and getting the story out because believe me this is all surveilled.
Your phone call is being listened to right now.
I want to say whoever you're listening, I know you weren't involved in the killings,
Uh, probably.
You're compartmentalized.
You passed this on.
When you are involved in this type of stuff, you're involved in the murders.
And you really ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Well, this is it, exactly.
I mean... Would you like to say something to MI6 and MI5 right now, Paul?
And the product contractor agencies they use?
I mean, Paul, Steve.
Speak to them, Steve.
Well, I don't really need to say anything to them.
I think they know enough already.
Basically I was going to say, Daniel, you know, he was a first time witness.
He tried to go with information to people and they just didn't want to listen to him.
So what do they expect him to do?
I mean, this is the only way he can get this information out.
Well it's the same thing with a local here in Austin who was under massive
Intimidation and other things.
People say, well, why didn't he speak up earlier?
Why didn't he go to the police?
Because they won't listen.
They won't help.
He didn't want to tear up the Patriot community.
He didn't want... It's a separate issue.
But people ask that question.
There's their answer.
But this guy had the courage to go public, out of the gates, try to talk to the police, and they just tried to basically surveil him and intimidate him.
Yeah, and basically this made him, you know, it made him say to himself, well, what's going on here?
And he's done a lot of research on
You know, the inconsistencies and everything that we've documented.
When did he find us?
Um... Well, I think it was... He probably must have seen a lot of our stuff immediately afterwards.
Well, yeah, if you type London Bombing in, number one on Google was PrisonPlanet.com.
Yeah, but it basically was about a month ago that he first contacted me.
We need to get this out immediately.
This is a five alarm fire.
It is so important in the InfoWars.
That's your coordinates.
Get the info.
Push it.
Drive it.
Defend this man of courage.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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If you had ever told me I'd live in the cloak, curtain, dagger world of fighting the New World Order, I would have laughed at you.
And here I am.
Here Steve Watson is.
Steve, did you ever think your brother would get hooked up with the likes of me, and that your specialty would be, uh, what, foreign affairs, and that you'd have a PhD, and that you'd ever be exposing government-sponsored terror in London?
Did you ever think that you'd end up living like this by the time you were, what, 26, 25 years old?
I know you're older now, but when you got started, when did you get started in this?
Um, well I've been, I've been helping out for quite a while behind the scenes.
It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I started.
So how old are you now?
So you've been doing this since you were about 24.
And your brother, your brother since he was 19.
Well yeah, he was a prodigy, wasn't he?
Or was he 18?
Something like that.
What did your parents think about it at first?
They said that's British steel.
Yeah, something like that.
Hey, you guys are from the steel town of Sheffield.
That's correct.
All right, I'll shut up and quit being goofy.
This is a big story.
I'm really proud of you and I hope everybody gets it out to the four corners of the globe.
Anything else there, Steve?
Well, yeah, just to say that he will be a very interesting guest if we can get him on.
He's got theories about the follow-up bombings on the 21st of July.
And, you know, that's all very relevant at the moment, what with the actual case going on.
There's little bits of it that keep getting leaked out in the British media.
All we ever see is the CCTV footage of the suspects on the train.
We don't actually learn any details of what their defence is or anything like this.
It'll be interesting to see what he thinks about that and of course the shooting of the innocent Brazilian.
Yeah, you know, it was 77% now, it's almost 90% know that the government killed Diana.
80 plus percent know the government killed Dr. David Kelly.
The British people now, in polls, believe the government was behind the foot and mouth.
Of course, it came out they were.
Kelly was there at Porton Down when it happened.
Probably the main reason he was whacked.
I mean, it's just, their baloney isn't selling anymore, is it Steve?
No, it's not.
The fact that we haven't even had any kind of inquiry into this event, despite the massive amounts of inconsistencies with what they say happened, that, you know, are easily provable within five minutes of research.
It is.
Well, it's like V for Vendetta when the police inspector goes, what if it was our own country that launched the attacks?
What if the target was the people to get control?
So to all the people listening right now, stop being naive, stop denying.
If you weren't directly involved, you know the truth.
And just think about what you're doing to jolly old England and the U.S.
as we're all teamed up together in this evil.
It's time to reverse it, time to stop it, time to stand up!
I mean, bottom line, you know your government killed those people.
And you know your queen is a complete imposter from Germany and it's just all a disgusting mess with a bunch of inbred filth running rampant over you.
Steve Watson, I want to thank you for joining us and the great job you do at Infowars.net.
Is there going to be a part two on this soon?
I'm sure there will be, yeah.
Well listen, get in contact with Daniel.
Let's set up a time soon.
In fact, I'll call you in about ten minutes if you can call and get a hold of him.
We need to get him on tomorrow.
And Godspeed, we'll talk to you soon.
Okay, thanks Alex.
Take care.
Steve Watson from London, England, site of the British intelligence terror attacks of 7-7 and 7-21.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Get out there and stand up for liberty and freedom.
Have courage!
And stand up against the lying bullies, whether they be local or national or international.
Stand up and have courage, and the good will take the day, and we shall prevail.
Alright, you know the score, the ball's in your court.
We'll see you back next time.