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Name: 20070129_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 29, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the 29th day of January 2007.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
And there's going to be a lot of important issues covered in the next three hours so I hope that you will stay with us for as much of this transmission as you can or if you're busy at work or busy taking care of the family, doing chores, painting the house,
If you're online, you can always subscribe for free to my podcast daily.
of rebroadcast in a row, played consecutively.
Also, many of the best interviews that we do, we take the key interviews and post those for free or put them on PrisonPlanet.tv for the members.
Toll Road conglomerate silences nagging Texas newspapers by purchasing newspaper group.
Yesterday, on the News Syndicated Show, I'm doing the MS Communications in association with Genesis Communications.
We covered this in some detail with the founder of the Austin and the Texas Toll Party, Sal Costello.
And today, I'm going to be getting into more detail on this story because, well, obviously it's huge!
Buying off to silence their critics.
Absolutely amazing!
And it's a foreign company.
So, we'll be breaking that down.
In the meantime, look at this story out of the Boston Globe today.
Anti-terror cameras capturing crime.
Images aid police by nailing details.
And that dovetails with this story.
X-ray cameras planned for lampposts.
It's not enough that they have face scanning software hooked into most of the cameras, license plate reading software on most of the big cameras on the highways and even byways and side streets and neighborhoods, and cameras that have microphones where I live.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them.
No, my friends, under these federal grants all over the western world, x-ray cameras
Planned for your telephone poles, looking right through your clothes and even deeper.
This is the whole Pentagon strategy of isolation, domination, tracking and control.
We are the enemy.
Private banks have had a hostile takeover of the Western governments.
They are waging war on the people.
They didn't even have x-ray cameras in 1984.
They did have cameras in the bathrooms, though, and those are now proliferating from elementary schools to college campuses to highway rest stops coast to coast.
So we'll be breaking that report down as well.
They're pushing all over the country the intimidation tactics to tell the population it's mandatory to take vaccines and federal advisors endorse five-in-one vaccine.
So we'll go over that report.
And an American shadow points to LBJ.
More eyewitness accounts coming out of who really killed Kennedy.
It's all coming up on the other side.
Some surprise guests as well.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, now to the second segment.
8 minutes, 30 seconds in.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to be blasting through all the important news here in just a moment.
My voice is a little bit hoarse today because I went to Book People, a great largest independent bookstore, well, biggest bookstore and independent bookstore here in Texas.
And I'd say about 180, 200 people showed up.
And with really little promotion, I'd forgotten about it until last Wednesday and just plugged it three times.
So it was great to see you there on a Sunday night.
And I also, Saturday was live at TalkFest with George Noring, up there co-hosting locally with him and Mark Caesar, who does the morning show over there at KLBJ.
And of course that morning I was co-hosting with George as his guest.
From the studios of KLBJ.
So I feel good, but I've had a lot of stuff going on this weekend.
I think combined the last three days I've had about eight hours sleep and been burning the candle at both ends.
Public speaking and going to events and high pressure and being in front of thousands of people like we were at TalkFest and going on national, supranational radio.
And we were talking to 550 stations.
It's stressful.
Dingy, I guess you could say, but I'll warm up.
Probably haven't had enough coffee today.
I'll warm up today for you.
By the way, guys in the other room, I forgot to bring that cup of coffee in here and I need it.
Will somebody bring me that devil juice in here?
Lord knows it's not good for me.
Bring that stuff in to me, please.
Thank you so much.
And I do want to, before I get into the news,
Take some time out to, and I've been talking about this more and more because I really don't do it enough, and I've told you, the listeners, that I literally, every 20 minutes or so, want to fall to my knees in front of the Almighty and thank the Creator for
Everything in my life and just all the blessings I see in everybody else's lives.
I mean, this literally, this planet is a cornucopia of blessings and the water and the trees and the grains and the milk and the food, but also just the beauty of the sunsets and the stars, proof of God's handiwork.
The happy children, the innocence, and the beautiful women filled with grace and elegance, and the strong, handsome men.
I see beauty in the severely handicapped.
I see extreme beauty in the very old, just like you see it in an old tree.
With the twist and knots, I just see God's beauty everywhere.
And I have always been an aggressive person, but I've never liked bullies, and I always had that instinct.
I didn't know what that instinct was when I was young.
That was my manhood growing.
What any real man should do is defend the weak, and love innocents, and have a great drive to be a protector.
And just to see modern man turned into a bunch of monkey-like creatures in their jerseys, you know, getting drunk, screaming at the television set, and I'm not saying that I haven't done that in my life.
I understand it.
I'm just saying that's not what it's all about.
Your manhood isn't about strutting around acting tough.
That is an aberration of your manhood.
That is a shadow of what your manhood should be.
That is a joke.
And manhood is not trooping off when you're 18 to go beat up on some third world nation that's been under siege for over 16 years with 3 million other people dead.
Because, you know, it's one thing to just take your base instinct to want to kill and fight.
I mean, most of us have that.
But it's another thing to have your intellect and your soul tied into that and to know what you should fight for.
A lot of these cowardly men out there today, they go with whoever they think the winner is.
It's like these Monday morning quarterbacks or backseat drivers.
They cheer for the team.
I don't think so.
Just so they can have some trinkets and baubles of success.
And you get a whole society where people simply are doing anything they can to climb up the ladder.
That's what happens with these politicians.
A lot of them come from well-to-do families and they go to law school and they're 24 years old getting out of law school, 23.
And they go run for city council or county commissioner or they get on boards and they sell out their community, they take the payoffs, they do all the deals for the corporate chiefs and they're mayor five years later and then ten years later they're state senator and two years after that they're a congressman and then they're a governor someday.
And then there are always, you see these people are always old men later who've got cancer and had heart attacks and they're scared and they come out and give away all their money and they write books saying they were wrong and they try to fight to get it back and maybe there's some reprieve for them but it's a life wasted.
Who you are, what you stand for and what you build that helps others
Is all that matters in life and that will fill that vacuum in your soul.
I am so fulfilled.
I am so happy most of the time.
My great frustration is that I'm not worthy to do this.
I'm not good enough to do this.
I can't articulate all of my understanding, all of my ideas.
I falter and then I do too much.
And then I'm like a runner who's run too far.
And then I do an even worse job.
But you know what?
It doesn't matter.
At least I'm stepping up to the plate.
I'm in the arena.
And I'm not living in fear.
And you can have people who menace you, who get in your face, who threaten you.
And the sick thing is, I really feel sorry for them.
I pity them.
And years ago, I didn't understand
You know, what Christ was saying when he said, to paraphrase, what's the exact quote?
You know, forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.
Most of these people know not what they do.
They're products of mass mind control.
They're products of the advertising and PR industries.
They're products of a society in massive, complete failure.
I mean, I look at what the elite does.
Everything they do is to destroy the earth.
Everything they do is to destroy innocents.
They come to kill, steal, and destroy.
And they go around roaring, intimidating, seeing who they might devour.
And we need to tell their chieftains, their minions, their dark generals, from the top to the bottom, to get behind us.
To get out of our faces.
To get out of our way.
To get out of our road.
And we need to become aggressive.
And we need to commit totally to the fight against tyranny.
We need to go past the point of no return.
It's like that Janis Joplin song.
In fact, let's find that song and play it today.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
And I am not going to stand idly by while depleted uranium is used all over the planet including here in the U.S.
at Proving Grounds Open Air.
And I'm not going to stand by while DynCorp and the U.N.
and Halliburton publicly run giant child kidnapping rings.
And I'm not going to lay down.
And don't these people know I used to talk about that like
Once a month, and then I got threatened for the second time last year, and I talk about it every hour.
I'm sorry for stations and listeners that are sick of hearing about it.
But, uh, if I'm gonna get killed for something, you better believe I'm gonna make sure I do as much damage to them as possible.
And I, uh, I just, I don't understand
I don't understand how these people cling.
Again, I want to make this clear.
I'm not against owning nice houses, or having nice cars, or having nice clothes.
But those are way down on your hierarchy of needs.
Who you are and standing up for what's right comes first.
And I can't understand these people that cling to their jewelry, that cling to their clothes, that cling to their cars.
That cling to all these baubles, and signets, and logos, and images of success, and who you see them play-acting when they walk down the street.
It's very childlike.
You look at children, you know, but they're happily doing it.
And then you see these adults just play-acting, and they don't really have identities.
And to them, that's their salvation is some crap.
We'll all pass away.
Your bodies will pass away.
But your immortal soul.
And that's what I'm worried about losing.
I can feel my soul.
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Welcome back.
Just finishing up, then I'm going to get into all the news.
We've got David Stahl Corridor Watch coming on.
To talk about toll road conglomerate silences nagging Texas newspapers by purchasing the entire news group.
All key newspapers on the major toll road routes.
It's coming up.
It's huge.
It's important.
We'll get into x-ray cameras will be going up in an area near you soon unless we stop them.
Looking right through your clothes.
Strange days indeed.
But not strange if you know what's happening.
It's like Aaron Russo said, who's fighting for his life right now against cancer.
You know, he wants to feel good about himself.
He wants to do good.
That's how you're fulfilled.
And that doesn't mean going off and being conned by some organization or group.
It's like United Way been caught multiple times stealing tens of millions of dollars, giving the money that's supposed to go to flood victims or victims of earthquakes to gun control groups.
You have to also
Use your discernment and be informed because a lot of the New World Order's power comes out of actually using good people who believe they're doing something good.
So, you know, the way is truly narrow, ladies and gentlemen.
And that old devil and all his servants likes to get in our way and keep us from going down our road.
And God tests us every time we go past the fear, every time we stand up, every time we speak out, every time we do what's right.
You get taken each time like a step to another level.
And I just see these yuppies and I see other people in the bling bling crowd, just all these different groups who've got their gods, their idols.
You know, growing up I thought in Sunday school that idols, why wouldn't God want people just to have an image of something and love it?
Well, if you really read it, it's what they worshipped.
It was their possessions.
It was gold.
It was buildings.
It was symbols of power.
It was worshipping themselves.
It was telling themselves how good they were.
And I see these empty people.
They all have the same aggressive look in their eyes.
They all have the same little smirk.
They're all on these little sick power trips.
And they're arrogant.
They're not humble.
Please never take my aggression and just my desperation as arrogance.
People think my confidence comes off as that.
Please never think that I am with that ilk.
I am an extremely humble person for those that know me when I'm not turned on.
When I'm not in my, as they call it, A-game.
When I'm not focused on this fight.
Which now seems to be all the time.
I even dream about fighting the New World Order.
Because I want better things for my children and other people's children and future generations.
I just want to live a simple life.
I wish that we weren't in such a very dangerous and dark cycle right now.
But more often than not in human society and history, no matter where your people came from in this world,
They went through great trials and tribulations, and they made great sacrifices that are the reason we even exist.
And I want to live on through my accomplishments.
I want to live on through the good things I do for others.
I want them to pass that on, to pay it forward like the movie laid out.
Have you ever seen Pay It Forward?
You should see it.
And that's really what it comes down to.
I mean, not just mechanically going out and doing unto others as you'd have do unto you, or being willing to lay down your life for another.
It's a spirit.
It's an attitude.
It's a way of life.
And again, I'm not here telling you that I'm holier than thou, and I'm up on the mountain.
Laying out the law.
I'm just a common person who found out 15 years ago about a threat to the sovereignty of this nation and that an evil group was in control.
And I simply set out to fight that enemy and I know that if you will simply unleash yourselves and ask God to give you guidance, there are many of you out there who will become much greater leaders than I ever could imagine or that you could ever imagine.
You'll dwarf
The petty works that I and others have done.
So, step across the line.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
Welcome back!
Glad you joined us.
Toll Road Conglomerate silences nagging Texas newspapers by purchasing News Group and this is out in Australian papers is where this originally broke and I wondered why last year this
A huge toll road conglomerate had a partnership with Sentra in their Texas slash Oklahoma toll road operations.
Sentra of Spain.
And now we know they came in and spent close to 100 million dollars to buy up hundreds of tiny
And middle-sized Texas and Oklahoma newspapers and Sal Costello of the Texas Toll Party, the founder of it, who just now lives, eats, and breathes studying this, went and did an analysis and laid the list of papers over a map and it's at every key toll road junction and planned toll road area and it's every single paper that's had headlines like treason, land grab, extortion,
In fact, the Statesman even had a headline that said extortion.
The Chronicle had a headline that said extortion.
Concerning what the toll road giants are doing, the people are now forcing it to come out in the press.
But to see how for over 10 years they quietly came in, they have bought, depending on which toll company it is, but Central is mainly focused on Texas and they're also in Indiana and other places, and Oklahoma.
But almost all these companies are foreign.
In fact, I haven't seen any toll companies yet that weren't foreign.
Again, this is how globalization works.
You sell off, for pennies on the dollar, basically hand over infrastructure to foreign corporations.
In an example of this, I saw a story last Friday.
In fact, it was in my stack, and I left it in my wife's car.
I need to pull that up during a break.
And it was the Michigan, this is a parallel, and of course it's a foreign company, the Michigan lottery that made upwards of $700 million last year, it made $600 million the year before that, steadily growing, was sold to a foreign company for $1 billion.
And guess what?
Now, the money won't go to education.
See, they sell you on casinos and lotteries, the government running the gambling, controlling it.
That's why they make it illegal.
It's just so they can monopolize it.
Don't you know the big mafia families?
They go lobby for restrictions.
They go lobby to shut down the Native Americans who are doing it.
That's why they're so mad and lobbying with Jack Abramoff and others.
That's what the drug war is about.
Eighty-something years ago, a British East India Company, controlled companies, was losing its monopoly of opium because of all these other companies shipping it in.
And laudanum had gone, it was sold, opium, and other derivatives of heroin, were sold on store shelves.
You had less people, of course, selling it.
Everybody knew it was deadly, but mainly women got addicted to it for some reason.
That was the biggest group of addicts.
They would also give it to crying babies.
They were losing their monopoly and laudanum had gone down several hundred percentage points in price.
It had gotten down close to the price of sugar.
Or read your history books.
So they just came in and lobbied and banned it and now they get to ship it in and make hundreds of times what they were making when they had a legal monopoly.
And they get to federalize the cops by getting state laws passed where the police do asset forfeiture seizure.
And then they've got to hand it over to the feds because the feds lobby for state laws where the cops just keep it.
It has to go in the general fund.
But if they give it to the feds, the feds then give it back and the local police get around 80%.
I mean, how foolish?
Don't you police know that your boss has shipped it in to begin with?
And then you go bust little low-level dealers.
The former head of policy at the Treasury told you last week here on air, and the big Cato Institute study just came out.
It's been documented in a lot of cases.
The snitches that work for the SWAT teams report to the police, the narcotics teams.
They actually are the big, the medium-sized drug dealers, but big at a local level.
And they go shell the people that are busted.
And then we've tracked it how the big cartels own the stock in the big private prison industries.
So you buy the drugs from them, the SWAT team comes and busts you, and they put you in a prison where you then work for 20 cents an hour for the drug cartels.
And then the good old boys say, good, make them criminals work, when meanwhile the good old boys are now competing against people who work for 20 cents an hour.
I know I make that point every few weeks, but it's always important to add it.
But I'm digressing already today, and I'm sorry for that.
I truly am.
The point is that it's the ports, it's the lotteries, it's the roads, it's the colleges, it's the city buildings, it's the cities going quote bankrupt all by design, planned liquidation, and then the infrastructure
is handed over and then but taxes are still indirectly paid into the government who hands the payment to run the infrastructure and then toll roads or lottery money then all directly goes to the global mafia families.
I mean that's the numbers.
Normally if a business made seven hundred million dollars a year and it was a guaranteed business it would sell for close to a hundred
times its yearly profit.
And even in other businesses that aren't guaranteed or speculative, it would sell for 20, 30 times.
I mean, take YouTube.
It was losing money, but it was bought for what?
1.6 billion dollars.
That is hundreds of thousands of times more than what its startup and operational costs were.
I mean, you take any business, if there's a hamburger shack, a franchise you're wanting to buy from somebody that's making profit $2 million a year, and some of them do, you would have to pay $15, $20 million, and of course you'd finance it, to get that hamburger shack.
A car dealership that was making profit $20 million a year, you'd have to pay many times its value to get that mega dealership or that chain of dealerships.
Not with this.
$700 million profit sold.
$1 billion.
Again, that's globalization.
And it's the same thing with the toll roads.
8,000 miles of roads slated to be toll roads.
Every major state highway, every major federal highway, every major bridge in Texas.
Even roads like William Cannon, Ben White, the openly released plans for Phase 3.
14 major roads in Austin, Texas.
That's just where I sit!
I won't be able to drive a mile from where I live in southwest Austin without going over a toll road if they put them in.
And they're trying.
And they're putting in some of them right now.
And there's just all these billboards that have a picture of a good old boy with a western style mustache and a cowboy hat smiling, going into Texas Prud.
And it's got him sitting there going, better roads, quicker work, cheaper, good evacuation routes.
We got video of it.
and the ads for it all over radio and TV and he's got either a cowboy or the audio I'm going it's Texas quality we'll play around here we get we're bigger and better we got the biggest best tall roads around and this transport and this little tag you get makes it real easy and there's all these people all these white people mainly who've never ridden a horse or
Never roped any cattle, or maybe they rode a horse once, but they got lariats in the back of their pickup windows, you can see them, they wear Wranglers that are so starched they can't even walk, and they walk around acting tough, going, like, but they're for George Bush, they're for gun control, they're for open borders, and they just see that, and as long as it's that symbol, they just go, literally, this is what the, because, you know, Texans talk like I do, old line Texans didn't have this super pronounced accent, this is how Texans talk.
Listen to old recordings of Texans 80, 70 years ago.
Listen to the old country singers.
This is how a Texan talks.
This is what a Texan... This is a mainline Texas dialect you're hearing right here.
I talk like Texans talk.
I don't go... But see, they've got to prove they're even more Texan or more Southern or more... So they start going...
Literally, you ought to see these people.
They're sick.
They're sick.
And again, I'm just getting into the fakeness of it all.
That's all I'm doing right now.
You know, they pitch it with cowboys going, I like Texas pride.
Juicy Whopper drippin' with cheese.
Or no, that's Whataburger.
Double cheese jalapenos.
I'm sorry.
They pitch everything.
George Bush does that.
He goes out to the ranch.
He's afraid of horses.
Pacific Day Fox, where they have real ranches, has a real huge, what is it, like 50,000 acre ranch.
He seriously thinks it's bigger.
He shows up.
That's a culture.
That's where the cowboys come from, boys and girls.
He shows up and goes, let's go riding, man.
Let's go do something.
Let's go jump.
And Bush goes, are you kidding?
You know, in his little Kenny Bunkport, and I'm not knocking northerners.
If I went up there and acted like I was from Maine, I'd expect you to run me out on a rail.
And Bush in his, you know, in his Maine accent, because he switches in and out of it.
He's like, well, I'm afraid of horses.
I'm afraid of the Shenton.
So he walks in front of the cameras.
The cowboy had the chainsaw going.
Yeah, we're going to smoke them out of their holes.
And all these fakes all over the country.
You know, who think they're John Wayne, literally fall down on their knees in worship.
So they will accept the toll roads.
Now, 97% are against it, but not with the cowboy pitch.
Oh, no.
Oh, it's over.
Pretty soon they'll be, you know, just telling you, if you're not for the toll roads, boy, you're not a Texan.
I mean, it's just... I just can't handle these people.
I mean, I would not call myself a cowboy.
I would call my uncle, my dad's brother, a cowboy.
I would say my dad's a cowboy.
I remember when I was a little kid, my little daddy, I remember seeing him go down there to the corral down by my grandma's house and just, I guess, showing off for my mother or something.
One of them wasn't behaving, going in the chute, instead of grabbing him with a lasso.
My dad runs over to a steer that was probably, I don't know, more than half grown.
The thing was gigantic.
And it didn't even have horns and he just grabbed it by the head, you know, did the move, grabbed it and slammed it down on the ground.
It was wrestling and there was my little dad, you know, wrestling this giant cow.
I remember seeing that I was about three years old.
I can't do that.
And my dad and people like that would be nothing compared to the real cowboys.
And of course they can't make a living as cowboys.
So they live literally in little shacks.
Shacks, one shack, cowboy shack that I've been to is over a hundred years old.
It's just like, what's that movie?
The Three Burials of... I forget the name of the guy in the movie.
That's pretty realistic.
The one with Tommy Lee Jones.
And, uh, they, uh... I mean, these guys drive trucks.
They work seven days a week.
They drive trucks on short hauls.
And then they get on these horses that are just solid muscle.
And they go into these big beef productions, because I worked several summers doing this.
Part of a year.
One time I went down and lived in the country when I was getting in trouble in high school, getting into too many fisticuffs.
These guys literally just go into corrals with bulls that aren't behaving and just start intimidating bulls and just controlling them and grabbing them and slamming them into things.
I mean, I've been in sack corrals with like 300 wild cows because that's where the big beef production works.
These things are wild.
They're not fed any fed down in these areas of Texas.
They're just out there on the range and you just bring them in and dehorn them for sale with an electric dehorner.
And I'm in there with the cattle prod.
And of course the vet I work for, Jess Adkins, A&M vet, top of his class, he was almost killed a few years out of vet school when a bull ran him down.
And I mean, I'm in there in the middle of hundreds of these cows, and it's all a mental thing.
The minute you're scared of them, they'll sense it and run you down.
And there's all the little calves, they've separated in a pen next to them, and they're all in a wild stupor, going nuts, snot slinging everywhere, slinging their horns.
You've got to charge in and just
Take the cattle prod, because the electricity won't even work, and just slap them across the head when they come at you, or a big piece of PVC pipe.
And these cowboys, I mean for like 10 hours, are just dragging cows that won't get in the chute with their horses, with just sweat pouring off the horses, and snot everywhere, and just, RAAH!
Just working, RAAH!
Big de-hornets, RAAH!
We're good to go.
I mean, these guys all had presence because they were hard working and they worked around danger every single day.
And just because I can ride a horse and, you know, gotten on a few buck and broncos that we bought from Mexico, and just because I can, you know, maybe half the time get a rope around a, you know, around a steer's neck,
I'm not a cowboy, and I never meant to get off on this.
I never have in any detail, and I totally digress today.
It's probably because I'm tired.
The point is, that's why it's insulting to see Texans blamed for George Bush, who's never ridden a horse and is scared of horses.
I mean, a cowboy hat is not a monkey suit.
It's not a costume.
It's so the sun doesn't burn you.
And I just personally am sick of it.
I personally am sick of fakes and phonies and scum.
And I'm tired of the mafia types moving into my state.
I'm talking about a whole bunch of people right now.
Who come from places where there are immigrant populations who came into this country in the last 150 years who lay down to tyranny.
And I mean, there's a reason you didn't have the Asian Triad gangs in Texas or the Italian Mafia down here.
I mean, you had them doing illegal things, but not shaking down store owners.
Because even 50 years ago, you walked into a store and you tried to shake somebody down.
Brother, you're not going to probably make it out of there.
And that's how people operated.
And that's how it was in the North until about 150 years ago.
In fact, if you look at the Revolutionary War, it was the far northerners who were some of the most vicious.
Because they came from the same cloth.
But you've got all these immigrant populations from Eastern and Central Europe, who'd always been under oppression.
Much worse than British oppression.
That was freedom compared to it.
There's more revolutionary spirit in England.
And with the Dutch.
You know, the free ports of the Dutch.
And so you get these people here, and the Mafia goes and feeds on them.
When you cower to bullies and thugs, you get destroyed.
We'll be right back.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
I can't help it.
I'm going to let part of this song roll and I'll tell you the latest on the toll roads.
David Sculls joining us later.
We'll open the phones up.
But I just love my black brother, Paris.
He just says it all.
He's a soul mate to me.
I just love him.
God bless him.
I salute him.
What would you do if you knew all the things we knew?
Would you stand up for truth?
I see a message from the government like every day.
I watch it and listen and call them all suckers.
They're warning me about Osama or whatever.
Picture me buying the scam.
I said never.
You ain't tuned to a hard truth soldier spitting.
I say commit it, give it to me.
Well, thank you.
We're good.
Now ask yourself, who's the one with the most to gain?
No, he couldn't stand his name.
How even are we waving flags like they lost their mind?
Everybody got opinions, but don't know the time.
Cause America's been took, it's plain to see.
The oldest trick in the book is make your enemy.
A phony evil so the government can do its dirt.
And take away your freedom, lock and load, get in search.
Ain't nothing changed, but more colored people locked in prison.
These pigs still beat us, but it seems we forgetting.
But I remember 4-7-10 by how these devils do it.
Giuliani at Diallo, how he doin'?
We in the streets, holla, jail to the feet, follow.
Waving flag, bring these dragons to they knees.
Oil, blood, money, make these killers ride cold.
Suspicious suicide, people dyin' never told.
It's all a part of playin' God, so you think we need him?
While bein' ass-crossed, take away your rights to freedom.
Bare witness to the sickness of these dictators.
Hope you understand the time, brother, cause it's major.
Why thank you, really, what you do.
Give all the things we know.
So now you askin' why my records always come the same?
Keep it real, ain't no fillers, ain't no f*** blingin' Mine eyes seen the gory of the comin' of the beast So every story, every word, I'm sayin' f*** the beast See you could witness the Illuminati body count Don't be surprised, these is devils that I'm talkin' bout You think a couple thousand lies mean f*** the killers?
N***a, I swear to God, we the ones, ain't no villains Or any other word they think to demonize a country
Let's go!
I'm talkin' loud, but ain't nobody sayin' nothin' And with the Fourth Amendment going on, I own the first That's why I'm spittin' cyanide each and every verse I see the Carlisle group in Harris Bank accounts I see them plead the fifth each and every session now And while white stag firms see the public buy it I see the profile and see the media's compliance War is good for business, see the vicious make a savior Hope you understand the time, brothers, cause it's major What would you do if you knew all the things we do?
Every time that song comes on and it's in rotation, I think once or twice a week, I gotta play the whole thing.
So we might cut it back in the rotation, because I just can't let that song start without listening to it.
We need to get Paris on the show.
Alright, I'll come back, get into some detail on the toll roads, with the company running them, buying up the newspapers of silent dissent.
Then we got David Stahl, a city manager and the head of Corridor Watch joining us to detail it.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, blasting out nationwide on the AM and FM dial, and globally on the internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and worldwide on shortwave with a big blowtorch, WWCR from 11 to 2 Central, retransmitted from 9 to midnight.
Coming up is David Stahl, former police officer, city manager of two different towns,
The founder of Corridor Watch, one of the real experts on what the New World Order is doing with their toll roads that will fund their North American Union.
I mentioned Toll Road Conglomerate silences nagging Texas newspapers by purchasing newspapers.
Let me say that again.
Toll Road Giant buys newspapers to silence critics.
This is what's happening, and Paul Watson has written an article that condenses all the other reports and adds some new facets to this.
I also contributed to the story, and we had Chuck Estillo on the Sunday Syndicated Show, and that's what Paul wrote this from.
Big business buys silence of toll road critical newspapers.
Foreign corporation in desperate lunge to quell massive popular dissent against Trans-Texas Corridor and North American Union.
A foreign toll road corporation has agreed to buy dozens, and it's
We're good to go.
Australian toll road giant, Mercury, agreed Wednesday to purchase 40 local newspapers, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma, for $80 million.
Mercury Bank is Australia's largest capital-raising firm and has invested billions in purchasing roads in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.
Most recently, the company joined with Sintra of Spain in a controversial 75-mile lease of a 170-mile Indiana toll road, reports TheNewspaper.com.
And Paul, I want you to add to this story and back up with my statements on how it fits the bill and appears to be racketeering.
Because if you look at this, these companies came in for 10 years and they've now partnered with Sintra, so it's one group.
And lobbied both parties.
Then they went into secret agreements with the Texas Department of Transportation, and even told the legislature.
And members of the legislature have called it racketeering, called it extortion, called it criminal.
And told the public that it was secret, no one could even know what their agreements were.
Now we've gotten parts of it, and it's worse than we even thought.
Then they tell everybody it isn't going to be on existing roads, but they're setting them up on existing roads.
And it's just the whole thing is off the charts.
It's also illegal to put toll roads on existing roads, but they lobbied to quasi-change that, but not entirely.
And it's just off the charts.
And now to go buy newspapers in a clear conflict of interest, when it's a foreign company, and to buy those newspapers at above what the regular selling price would be, in key areas, newspapers that have been critical
of the Trans-Texas Corridor and the Napa Superhighway.
If it is a duck, you know, it looks like one, it quacks like one, it's yellow, it's got little pink feet.
It is a duck, ladies and gentlemen.
And you see it there swimming around in the pond.
And I'm calling for criminal investigations of this.
I am calling for investigations of this right now.
And I'm calling for grand juries to investigate this.
And I am calling for state and federal grand juries to look at this.
And I'm calling for the people
Look, I've got stories right here, where Lotto Matataka, an Italian company, for $1 billion, is buying the Michigan lottery that made $700 million last year.
I mean, see?
It's just strip-mining everything.
And of course, you know the big companies running the lotteries.
I mean, look at the Texas Lottery.
That's Mafia 110%.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Veteran police officer, been a city manager of two South Texas cities.
Towns around Houston.
Currently a city manager.
He's gotten the majority of Texas counties and cities to sign on to Corridor Watch and issue declarations against the internationalist takeover of our main infrastructure, the roads.
States like Texas are completely dependent on our roads.
Every state in the U.S.
is more dependent on the roads than any other nation.
Because we're not compact old line cities.
We are sprawling.
We're a large country.
And it just, it's so criminal, it's so out of control, it's so big, that it's hard to lay it all out.
And now there's been a new wrinkle to all this.
I want to go over the new wrinkle and then have David Stahl of CorridorWatch.org, who we have a link to up on InfoWars.com right now,
To lay this out for you in sequential order.
But before we do that, I forgot about this.
I totally forgot this was even coming up.
I've been to so many events and doing so many things this weekend.
Obviously, I was with George Norey in studio co-hosting with him a guest when he was in town for TalkFest Friday.
Then I was at TalkFest on stage with him.
At that event, we videotaped that.
We're going to be posting it on PrisonPlanet.tv.
And yesterday I went to book people, talked to a huge crowd of great folks that came.
They're at the bookstore for a Terror Storm DVD signing.
And this is huge.
I should have been promoting this for months.
I remember they set this up a few months ago and I kind of forgot about it.
And last Friday they're going, hey, you know about this, don't you?
A call to arms by Alex Jones, a lecture on state-sponsored terrorism, the emerging police state, and the neocons plan for the Middle East.
I'm going to do this event and then just a few others in the next few months and I'm done for a while.
I've got to make this new film.
I've got to stop running around.
But I hope you'll come to it.
It's in the UT Ballroom.
It's free.
That place is beautiful.
It's going to be great for shooting video.
I think I'm going to have a surprise guest or two there too.
I'm going to give a speech and take questions and I'll try to develop a good speech for you there.
It's free, Thursday, February 1st, 7.30pm, UT Union Ballroom, 24th and Guadalupe.
We have a map up on InfoWars.com, event information.
It's sponsored by Project for a New American Citizen, PNAC.org, and the C counts for the end of PNAC and Citizens.
So it's P-N-A-C-I-T-I-Z-E-N-C.
So it's not PNAC and then Citizens, it's PNAC with
We're good.
I'd call them, you know, mainline leftists at first, and now they're pro-gun, pro-Constitution, now they understand communism's controlled, now they understand how it's a controlled left-right paradigm.
They're on fire, events every week, marches every week, multiple every week.
Hundreds of people showing up at each event, without me being involved or really even plugging it most of the time, we've had them on once, and they're just firing everything, running around, just engaging the enemy and waking a lot of people up.
And it's two guys and now they've got a lot of support and help.
So it's more people now that are involved.
And they're not waiting for orders from headquarters.
That's exactly what we're looking for here in this fight.
They are articulate leaders in this fight.
And so they invited me down to speak in the UT Ballroom this Thursday.
Come out and support them.
Come out, we're going to have a great event.
It's free.
There's parking all over the place down there at night.
There's parking garages, you name it.
We're good to go.
I just like to fill things up and have big events and get everybody together and have it be really exciting.
So everybody, come to this event and I'll give you a special speech.
I'll try to rust up for it.
And I'm trying to figure out, I don't want it to just be me.
I know they think it's just me, but I think I'm going to probably get some, I might have somebody else or a few other people speak.
But for heaven's sakes, I agreed to do this.
Now it'll be some grasping person who calls and wants to speak.
Just let me decide who's going to come speak.
And it's going to be a really exciting event.
It's a lecture on state-sponsored terrorism, the emerging police state, and the neocon plans for the Middle East.
They kept asking me what I was going to speak on.
I didn't tell them, so I'm glad they came up with that.
I guess I'll speak on that.
That's what I normally speak on.
And it's a free event sponsored by PNACITIZENS.
We're good to go.
David Stahl of Corridor Watch.
For those who just joined us, big businesses buy Silence of Toll Road critical newspapers.
And you've got Foreign slash Spanish, because they're in a deal together, slash Australian Company coming in, buying up all these newspapers in Oklahoma and Texas, right along the key corridor and other projected toll road areas.
And this fits the classic bill of racketeering and influence peddling and
I mean, this is mafioso.
Do you agree with that, David Stahl, as a former police officer and a current city manager?
Would you call this what appears to be racketeering?
Well, it certainly seems to be improper influence.
There you go, improper influence.
Thank you.
Absolutely inappropriate.
But if you're involved in improper influence in large business deals involving multiple groups of people, and you're trying to silence criticism of your corruption, that fits the classic racketeering definition, does it not?
Yes, it does.
Yes, it does.
Please, I'm going to shut up.
Go ahead, you've got the floor.
Alex, it's absolutely shocking, and your listeners may be aware that this is happening, and may not.
But we have a huge push, a corporate push, to build corridors, NAFTA highways, super corridors, starting here in Texas and moving across the country.
And the movers behind that are not U.S.-based corporations.
They're foreign-based corporations.
And there are just a very few players.
There's the Spanish players and the Australian money men.
And in what seems to be an absolute incredible coincidence,
As a matter of fact, there's so much smoke, it's hard to imagine there's not a fire.
We have the money behind the big push for toll corridors in the United States coming in and making their very first acquisition of any of this kind of newspapers in North America.
And guess where they did it?
They did it right in the very corridor where there is the most resistance in the entire country.
That's a key point I'm going to have added to the article that Paul Watson wrote when he gets back tonight.
It's evening over there.
He's out with his girlfriend.
But I mean, this is just off the charts.
You've got them coming in.
There's massive resistance.
We've looked... Sal Castello went and spot-checked these papers.
These papers are all hypercritical.
And we're locally controlled by local editors, and now that's going to change.
I mean, just imagine that!
It is incredible, and if you look at the state's own record of the hearings they held last summer, where there's 97% opposition to this corridor plan, it's those very communities that are served by these small newspapers.
It is those communities where people have been voicing their opinions and beginning a fair hearing.
It's not the urban centers.
The urban centers have been pretty well controlled as it is, and they see it as a rural issue and not involved.
So if you're going to manipulate public opinion, the place to do that is in these small rural papers, and how about that?
They buy 40 newspapers in Texas, five or dailies,
One of those dailies happens to be in Wasatchee, one of the hotbeds of public hearings this last summer.
Now in another report I saw though, it said that they're buying hundreds.
I guess that's 40 plus than in Texas?
You have 40 local publications, 5 of those are dailies, and 19 are weekly newspapers.
Now this is their first acquisition.
They bought 100% of American Consolidated Media, which is based in Dallas, and mostly in Texas, and a little in Oklahoma, and 100% of Valley Newspaper holding.
Coincidentally, these all seem to line up right along the very corridors that are planned for the Trans-Texas Corridor.
And, you know, Sentra is a partner with these same money folks on what have been slightly less controversial roads, being the Skyway in Chicago and the 407 ETR in Canada.
And it's just incredible.
It appears to be, on its face, a blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion by controlling the media.
It's off the charts.
I'm calling for criminal investigations by state and federal grand juries.
Do you second that?
Well, we're looking at what role the FTC can play.
This does require, since it's a media purchase, it does require federal approval by the Federal Trade Commission, and it doesn't look like it'll impact
Any kind of monopoly on the media, but we certainly think that there may be improper influence here.
And we're going to ask the federal officials to take a good hard look at that before they approve the purchase.
But we know what the federal officials will do.
Well, interestingly enough, it turns out that the media acquisition has been moved from the FTC to do that job to the Department of Justice.
And guess what?
The Department of Justice is an appointed group, and appointed by the President.
Who's all for the North American Union and Agenda 21.
And it just seems to be a duplication of what's happening here in Texas, where they're moving responsibility for these things away from elected officials and into appointed bodies, like the Texas Transportation Commission, of which every single member is appointed by Perry, who's planned these corridors in Texas, at least, he has been the ramrod for.
So they've already lobbied hundreds of millions to get this through, now they spend $80 million to buy these newspapers,
David Stahl, do you see this as a desperation move?
I see it as an all-out push to overcome what is going to be just tremendous opposition in Texas.
They will be defeated.
This foreign takeover of our infrastructure must be defeated.
It's the funding mechanism for the North American Union.
David Stahl, stay with us.
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Welcome back.
Thank you for joining us.
David Skoll with us for the rest of the hour.
Then we'll get into global news.
Next week, cameras on light poles now, looking right through your clothes.
I'm not kidding, it's mainstream news.
You cannot make this type of stuff up.
Only in reality, not in science fiction.
David Skull, former police officer, city manager of two cities, current city manager down in South Texas in a suburb of Houston.
Well, we've been monitoring that.
We're good to go.
to take over the infrastructure within the state, the state infrastructure, which of course we think is absolutely wrong and something we've been working for a couple years to thwart.
We're starting to make progress.
Alex, it's encouraging.
You may know that the Chairman of the State Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee is taking this very seriously now and is looking at the impact that this corridor will have and has called for the first, the very first, serious public hearing.
on this matter.
His committee will hold that hearing on March 1st in Austin.
And the public is invited.
I'm sure they'll have some invited testimony.
But we now have at least one serious year on this issue.
And the citizens of Texas are starting to have an impact.
They're starting to be heard.
It's very encouraging to have Senator Corona recognize that Rick Williamson, the Chairman of the Transportation Commission, is not listening.
That they are taking care of corporate business and not the business of the taxpayers and citizens of Texas.
And has called for his removal, for his replacement.
His term is up in February.
At least this Senator, this very key Senator, would like to see the Governor put someone in there that's going to pay attention to what Texans want, need, and not.
The corporate desires.
Internal and classified, not for distribution.
That's not the term.
They were marked confidential.
Confidential, yes.
And it said, you know, we've got a surplus of six billion dollars.
We've got plenty of money.
We've got more gas tax money than ever.
These roads are already paid for.
It's like Kirk Watson, the former mayor, got Prop 1 passed to build freeways, and then that money goes to the toll roads.
I mean, can you explain to people, because I've seen the numbers, but explain it, because you're a city manager, you understand how to articulate this.
That they're not even really buying the roads that set up toll roads.
They're basically being given existing roads or new roads that were already paid for just because they lobbied the politicians to hand it over to them.
I mean, this is hijacking.
Yes, that is occurring across the state.
There are roads that were already funded that are being turned into cash cows.
And that money is being used to do additional toll roads.
So it's not like it's even paying for something that we'll be able to use for free.
It is a pyramid scheme of taxation through tolls.
And right now the big push is to do these public-private partnerships, which give the government officials an arm's-length arrangement so that they can feign non-responsibility when the tolls in coming years are outrageously high.
They'll be able to say that they're not in control, that that's something that's in the agreement.
And that's key.
That's key.
The toll road companies all over the nation and the world are allowed to charge whatever they want and to shut down existing roads if people are using those arterials to circumnavigate or circumvent.
They're allowed to shut down existing roads to make you use it.
You know, these agreements are being negotiated, fined, and secret.
And there's a reason for that, because they can't stand the light of day.
They did a tunnel in Sydney, Australia, and the traffic was not up to what it should be, so the government shut down lanes of existing roads.
And the reason they did that is it was in their agreement with the concessionaire to do the tunnel.
Uh... huge backlash on that.
No one's going to be in these agreements.
They were about five years ago, six years ago, they were trying to pass the trains, the white rail here, and just the day before the election, police all over town on Congress and all these bridges and roads just shut lanes down.
No construction, just APD out shutting down roads.
I mean, this is bizarre.
Yes, and your Transportation Commissioner says he thinks it's reasonable for there to be non-
It's off the charts.
David Stahl, stay with us.
We'll chronicle it all when we return.
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Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train When I was feelin' you, faded as my jeans Bobby found a diesel dam, just before it rained He rode us all the way to New Orleans
I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana.
I sang soft while Bobby sang the blues.
When she was wife and sleepin' time, I told Bobby's hand to mine.
We sang every song that Daddy knew.
Good enough for me and my Bobby
From the Kentucky coal mine to pretty California sun, Hey Bobby shared the secrets of my soul.
Through all kinds of weather, through everything we've done, Hey Bobby, baby, kept me from the cold.
One day I'll miss him and soon I'll know I'll let him slip away He's looking for that home and I hope he finds it But I trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday To be holding Bobby's body next to mine
Reading was just another word for nothing less to do.
And I told my father last May, when he was feeling good, it wasn't easy at all when he sang the blues.
Hey, feeling good was good enough for me.
Good enough for me and my father, yeah.
La da da, la da da da, la da da, da da da da.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
Well, that's a woman singing about somebody she loves.
That's why it's so strong.
And love is stronger than hate.
Love will prevail.
Love of country.
Love of your family.
The love of seeing other people you don't even know be able to live free.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thank David Stahl for holding.
Oh, I played that song, but I mentioned it in the last hour.
I never played it here before.
Might as well play a little Janis Joplin for you.
Going back to David Stahl,
And I love the work he's doing.
I appreciate him standing up for my country and my family and my state and boldly fighting against these individuals.
Let's walk through what this is really all about.
Globalization, the New World Order, SPP.gov, Security and Prosperity Partnership openly says that they're going to use the funds off toll roads that the state collects as its percentage to pay for building the infrastructure of the roads in Mexico to bring in even more slave goods.
And we're going to have our customs officials down in southern, southwestern Mexico, there at the main port facility where the I-35 Super Naphtha Highway starts, doing some of the searching.
And then we're going to have the Mexicans running it up in Kansas City, where it finally gets a full search, they claim.
And this is all part of internationalism.
Can you walk us through that and then tell us where they are right now and, you know, did they really shoot down Phase 2?
Clark Watson, the slimeball mayor, who's now the state senator who made himself the chairman of the CAMPO board.
And again, wherever you are in the country, this affects you.
This is the same group, same people.
He's openly now saying that he is going to
We're basically just bringing up an executive session later so they can establish in the back in the dark.
David Stahl, you got the floor.
I'm going to turn my mic off.
Walk us through it.
Yeah, Alex, they're just repackaging.
They're not changing anything.
And we'll be lucky if we have anybody down there monitoring a border.
We have state officials here, Rick Williamson being among them, that says that he'd like to dissolve the border entirely.
The Trans-Texas Corridor, AFTA Superhighway, that it is and that it will become and it will serve
It's part of that plan.
This is a threat.
This is a real threat to our country.
This is a homeland security threat.
It's an economic threat.
The grand plan here is extracting revenue, taking money away from citizens and taxpayers, whether they're Texas or Indiana or anywhere in between, and sending that money to the corporate sponsors and international corporate sponsors.
It's not even staying in this country, let alone this state.
This is just incredible, and we are turning over authority to these mega corporations, these international operators.
And there are people who will say that's not true, and I can tell you that it is a fact.
I can tell you, you can look at just what happened last week.
Last Thursday, here in Texas, we discovered that the international bondholders that hold the bonds on toll roads in the Austin area here in Texas,
Have control over what emergency vehicles can drive on those toll roads without paying a toll.
So here we have public safety entities who will have to pay tolls to these international operators to use what should be public highways.
We're not talking about fringe use of it.
We're talking about a fire truck that goes to a burning building.
You'll get to go to the burning building for free on that toll road that, theoretically, the citizens own.
But when they go back to the station, they'll have to pay a toll.
They'll have to pay a toll to those operators, to the bondholders.
This is not right.
This is not how this country works.
And this is the tip of the iceberg.
When you have government beholding to profit-motivated private interests, international interests,
I don't think so.
Corridor Watch.
We have a website.
We have information available from all sources.
We encourage you to get it from the government themselves.
This is not a secret deal.
It's certainly being done backroom and under the radar and they've put their best spin on it.
But these are all facts.
You can go to corridorwatch.org
And use that as a starting point and get the real information and then act on it.
We need to stand up today and secure our country, secure our borders, secure what should be public infrastructure for the public and not for these private, multinational interests.
Let me just add a few points and get your take on it.
You talk about these being international corridors.
These are international zones and going back to the mid-nineties and
I'm going to be interviewing an expert at Studio in the next few weeks on this.
We have the maps provided to Congress that show over half the country off human limits and they're going to use the roads to literally wall off populations and not let us travel to many areas.
And when you give all the ports away for pennies on the dollar to Arabs and you let the Germans and the Italians come in.
It's about money.
When government becomes tyrannical, even at the local level, it allows these international bodies, these corporations that are bigger than most governments, 46 of the 100 biggest economies are not government, they're corporations, who really operate as governments, and they come in, and that's what libertarians don't get, and I consider myself somewhat of a libertarian, at least I have that flavor to my view, but you know, libertarians are pure libertarians, it's like all corporations are perfect and good, it's government that's bad, no restrictions.
What they don't understand is,
That these corporations are governments.
They operate.
They have spy agencies.
They have private mercs.
They buy off politicians, they have the politicians sign over government authority to them, and so these corporations act as governments.
And it's true that it was the vector of government that illegally and improperly, in a fraud, signed this over.
So this power is null and void, but nevertheless you've got ignorant police and ignorant public that will believe because somebody has a signet
Yeah, it is despotism, and the line is blurred significantly.
For example, the lobbyist for Centra, the Spanish firm that's pushing the coal project here in Texas and has the presumptuous bid to build the first leg,
The lobbyist for that group works today in the Governor's office as the Director of Legislative Affairs.
And we have a lobbyist, a representative for Macquarie, the Australian banking organization, who's left his post in Washington, D.C., where he pushed public-private partnerships for his firm.
Let me add another parallel to that.
The head of border affairs for the governor's office is a Mexican citizen and a registered lobbyist in Mexico.
And when the Houston Chronicle reported it, the editorialist actually got threatening calls from the state saying, that's classified, you better remove that.
I mean, did you see that when that happened?
No, I didn't.
I missed that one.
So it also shows that they also just think they can just order people around because it's mafia.
I mean, sorry folks, this is not Mexico where you shove the poor people around.
And this is not Russia.
I'm getting madder and madder, David.
Well, you should be.
We all should be.
More people should be mad.
I think now that they've been arrogant the last few years, but trying to buy up newspapers and doing all this and pulling out the stops, are they starting to get desperate or do they still have that bravado, that chutzpah, that hubris?
Well, to this point they've been keeping the hubris.
Hopefully it's a front and it's about to collapse.
We have to keep the pressure on.
We have to make sure that it does collapse.
We are starting to make some inroads.
We're starting to have some well-placed people recognizing for the bullies they are.
But at the moment, the bullies are still in power.
They still have that authority and they're making these deals.
This is a mafia.
I mean, they can call it legal.
It isn't.
Have you ever gotten threats or intimidations, or did they come with a carrot instead of a stick and just sideways offer you deals or advancement if you just kind of went away or maybe became a shill?
I've been on the threat end of that.
I have been served with numerous papers threatening all types of legal action and repercussions.
We've stood firm against that, and we really think that there would be a mistake on their part.
A legal proceeding like that really opens it to the public, and they've got more dirty laundry out there than they can stand to have air.
Yeah, a lot of times it's just threats.
How long have they been threatening you?
Almost going on four years now.
But never actually dropping a bomb on you?
That's right.
Yeah, that's the ongoing crap.
You know these people don't want to get into a legal proceeding because, in fact I would like it, because then you can depose them.
That's right.
We can do that and we can also get access to other records.
You better have your closets clean if you're going to sue somebody.
I tell you what, it's just unbelievable what they get away with.
Well, their closet certainly isn't clean, Alex.
This is really a web that they can't afford to have exposed.
From my research, they've been creeping around, buying off the politicians for at least a decade, and of course longer with other international bodies, studying the country.
Well, there are a number of them that are creeping around and doing things.
It is like mercury, they seem to be balling together.
The Spanish interests are particularly strong.
Just this week, they announced that for the Indiana toll road, they've given a contract, I believe the value of the contract is $18 billion with a B, to another Spanish firm to do the vehicle tolling, which is tracking of vehicles on that toll road.
And that company, in their own press release that's on their website today, Indra, says that they believe this is an inroad to doing the same type of work in Texas and Florida.
And so we really have an organized foreign foray into the United States where they believe that they are going to be able to get control over infrastructure in the United States.
It's economic warfare.
It's usurping.
I mean, when the Trans-Texas Corridor was announced, when it became public information and knowledge, we had already sent people from Texas, from TxDOT to Europe.
Specifically, one of those trips was to Madrid.
And while they were holding public hearings in Texas, theoretically telling Texans what the Trans-Texas Corridor was, and by no means did they do that, it was a glossing over, at that same time we had the Spanish American Chamber of Commerce that TxDOT was taking around Texas
Showing them all of the opportunities they had to raise, pillage, and plunder here in the state of Texas.
It's incredible.
What about the disgusting billboards with a cowboy smiling in the ads going, I'm a cowboy and I like the trucker tag?
Isn't that interesting?
They've got those pro-corridor billboards out there and they're operating from behind a smoke screen.
You know what, I think I'm going to pay for some billboards and put a picture of King Juan Carlos who's involved in the stock of this and say, thank you for using my toll roads, slaves.
That's it.
I'm going to do that.
Well, you know, we used to fly the Spanish flag over Texas.
Maybe it's time to dust them off and iron them and get them ready to go again.
Well, that's globalization.
It seems like lands owned by Spain are being ceded back.
It's incredible.
It's absolutely incredible.
You know, we don't even know, because the terms of the agreement aren't finished and they'll be negotiated in secret, we don't know what authorities and powers we're going to give to these interests
We're good to go.
Yes, well we're using that here in Texas.
They're tracking the movement of people so they can do some things that are legitimate, I suppose.
Be able to tell you how fast traffic is moving on free highways.
Once the technology is in place, they'll be able to track people for any purpose that they want.
Remember the legislature?
Remember the legislature a year and a half ago, and it said that with the transponder, the day your insurance is up, they're going to arrest you?
Or when you speed from point to point, they'll give you a ticket?
Yes, well, the speeding camera is on its way.
They're talking about that again.
I think you'll see that.
I know TxDOT went to England and talked about putting the transponder tags and license plates.
Stay there.
Stay there, David Stone.
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Welcome back.
David Stahl is our guest.
We appreciate him coming on on short notice.
David, there can be no doubt, every indicator, every signature, every tell-tale sign, every textbook example of going into heavy-duty oppression and despotism for microwave guns to be used on the American people.
I've got an article here about x-ray cameras they're going to put up on the light poles, looking through our clothes.
How could any police officer listening out there who, you know, oh it's all in the name of good, not realize now that this system's going more and more criminal?
Or bureaucrats or people in the system?
I mean, I know the government's not made up of bad people at the bottom and the middle, it's just average folks, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
I mean, what can people do as a society inside the system?
We know there's folks leaking documents and it really helped us.
Do we need to see more of that?
What would you say to police officers, and this is on other issues, you're a former police officer, you know, who are enforcing warrantless checkpoints and searching people's IDs and meanwhile illegal aliens, the APA reported, don't have to show ID to even get a bank account or housing loan.
I mean, they've got to know that this country's dying.
Yeah, we are losing our system of law where the citizens are in control.
We're seeing more and more of a police state.
Unfortunately, there are some within criminal justice who see that as giving them more tools.
I think at some point the balance will tip and they'll see where we've gone way too far.
We're using Homeland Security as a shield to do things that are improper and not constitutional in the first place.
And there has to be a swing of that pendulum.
It's time for it to start coming back the other direction.
And we need those people who are on the front lines, who are seeing the abuses up close and personal, to be able to stand up and say, this isn't right, and to communicate that to people who can make the change.
You're right, there are good people in government at levels, unfortunately.
The money that's involved is co-opting them at a lower and lower level.
We're losing more and more control of our government.
It's no longer a government by the people, I'm afraid.
We really have lost control, and we need to regain that.
And I know you're a student of history, because I've talked to you on air several times and brought up historical points, and you just picked up where I leave off.
I don't think most folks, though, have studied history, David Stahl, and they don't know that once things start going bad,
If you don't reverse it, it then accelerates to the depths immediately.
That's how corruption works.
And I don't... That's right.
You become a landslide.
It just becomes a landslide.
And you had asked earlier about desperation.
And hopefully we can get this turned around before we hit that point.
Because that desperation is what drives it at even faster and faster rates.
As they attempt to recover the power that starts to slip away.
And they do desperate things, and the consequences of that are very grave.
They are doing desperate things, and so I think that shows that the hubris is an act.
I hope that's right.
And it should be right, because I think that we have started to turn that corner.
Yeah, I don't want to just see Jack Abramoff go to prison.
I mean, I want to see thousands of lobbyists go to prison.
And there are tens of thousands, by the way, folks.
I want to see governors going to prison.
I want to see the heads of companies being extradited and going to prison.
And for what we know, people should be going to prison.
And if we ever got into the real nest, good Lord, David, how bad would it be?
It would be mind-boggling.
I think people really would be blown away at what the level of improper influence peddling and the corruption that money has brought to our government.
David, I know you've got to go in a moment, but we've got a 70-second break.
I want to do five more minutes on the other side to talk about not just, hey, go to CorridorWatch.org.
I want to hear how people join you, really help you.
And don't forget, folks, I've made 15 films that are available at Infowars.com.
We have a bookstore and video store there.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming out this week on PrisonPlanet.TV for our members, we're going to have an in-depth, exclusive interview with Aaron Russo, who literally was in bad shape a few weeks ago in Houston fighting cancer when we interviewed him.
And he's had surgery again and we need to pray for him.
But he's gone further than he ever has.
Talking about how the Rockefellers tried to basically co-opt him and buy him off.
It's an incredible interview.
That's going up.
Also, video combined with the David Lynch interview.
That's going up a lot more for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Going back to David Stoll's final segment with the city manager down in a Houston suburb and also a former police officer and head of CorridorWatch.org.
How do we not just go to your site and get educated?
I mean, most of the counties have already joined.
Do we lobby the other counties and cities in Texas that haven't joined?
And give us the numbers on how many have joined, and then how people support you guys.
Yeah, we have members now in 199 counties.
That's an incredible number.
199 out of 150.
And how many are there total in Texas?
There's 254.
And you know, some of those counties have a population, like Loving County is under a hundred population and we doubt that we'll get a member there.
But a hundred and ninety-nine counties is incredible.
We need to have more counties pass formal resolutions opposing the corridor.
There's well over thirty counties have done that now, about thirty-six counties.
What we need to do is have people get involved, spread the word, involve others.
Demand that your government represents you.
Call your elected officials at every level, from the city and the county, state officials, and demand that they represent you and your opinion.
And you have to tell them what your opinion is for them to do that.
If you don't communicate with them, you can't expect them to represent you.
Also, a lot of city council members, especially in middle-sized and small towns, but even in big ones, don't get a lot of email and correspondence.
And so copy stories off CorridorWatch, off PrisonPlanet.com,
It is very important.
As a matter of fact, another excellent tool, and we have listed by counties more and more information, but get a fax number and send them a fax.
Well, they really look at those.
You know, that's a piece of paper.
They're stuck with it.
Send them a note, a fax.
Write your note on something you've printed off a website and send it to them.
Tell them this is something you're concerned about and get their attention.
You can also put stickers on your car and signs on your fence.
Order a watch.
We're a non-profit corporation.
Basically, our only fundraising is through signs that we make available to the citizens.
Yeah, people should go to the website and purchase some of those, quarterwatch.org.
And in closing, there are a list of these newspapers all over Texas and Oklahoma they just bought.
We need everybody to get the list of those and just pick
Some that are in your area and write letters to the editor.
See if they publish it.
Put it up on your website.
Send it to competing papers.
You need to call that paper.
Call the editor and go, you know, you're owned by them now.
And for those of you who've got money, play hardball.
I'm going to put a billboard up if you guys start writing pro-toll road stuff that you guys are owned by them.
I mean, we've got to get aggressive, folks.
We've got to put our money where our mouth is.
Do you agree, David?
I agree.
And the biggest sensitivity that those papers have are the people who place advertisements in the paper, the display ads.
That's really the source of their money, unlike the big papers where they have no choice but to make a placement.
In the local papers, it's a little bit different.
And you can really hit them where it counts, talking to those advertisers as well.
All right.
What about those that aren't on the Internet?
How do they get ahold of David Stroll?
You can drop us a line at CorridorWatch.org and that's Fayetteville, Texas 78940-5468.
That's all it takes.
CorridorWatch.org, Fayetteville, Texas 78940-5683.
Godspeed, David Starkey.
We appreciate you defending the Republic.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you very much.
Take care.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to be opening up the phones here in just a few minutes.
We're going to have some other important announcements coming up.
Important information you need to know.
The total free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Brian, Ralph, and others, we're going to get to you in a few minutes.
Every day, literally.
There are four or five articles I see where they go, hey, guess what?
Those traffic cameras that we put up with federal grants are really going to be used to fight terror and crime, and we're putting them up in your neighborhoods, and microphones are being added.
And this is all to fight Al Qaeda.
And all crime, because all crime is terror under Section 802 of H.R. 3162.
Past October 27, 2001, also known as the Patriot Act, the unpatriotic, the abominable act.
So, then they started announcing about seven years ago, oh we're going to use cell phones to triangulate and track you.
We're going to put up readers that track your cell phone by your name.
It was already built in, of course, by law in 96 to be in place by 2001.
And they started announcing in the last three years, oh, we're going to use it to help you now.
And by the way, we're going to fight crime.
And by the way, we're going to track everybody.
And by the way, law enforcement's watching.
And by the way, the Emergency Fusion Management Centers, the FEMA centers in all your towns and cities are going to have you live-timed.
They'll type your name in and your cell phone will pop up as a blip moving on the screen.
I've had police call me here and freak out, going, I work up here in North Dakota, and I thought you were a nut, and I work at the Emergency Management Center here outside the city, and they just told us soon they're going to install a new software that tracks the cell phones real time, and they were giving us a demonstration, and it was showing all these thousands of blips on the screen.
You can zoom in on them, and yeah, it's Pentagon MIT designed.
It's a prison grid.
We're all going to be prisoners.
We're pretty much there.
Social workers are going to rob and rule over us.
It's going to be bad.
It's bad now.
You think I'd make this stuff up?
Again, do you think DynCorp just lets me get on air and say they run child kidnapping rings?
You think they just let me do that?
You think big AM and FM stations just put me on?
You know, now getting on 50,000 waters owned by major corporations?
Because they got people that own them and run them that are mad, too.
They're figuring out that they're not part of the elite.
They're figuring out real evil's going on.
And people hear this show, that's a lie.
They type it into Google and there's 500 mainstream news articles they never saw.
That's all we're doing here is reporting the facts.
People roll their eyes about how they put cancer viruses in many of the vaccines and then you finally go research it and you find all these articles out of India, out of Africa, major institutions, universities have done tests and found it in there.
Powerful synthetic hormones that are very expensive to produce, found in all the U.N.
vaccines that are just given to women because it wouldn't hurt a man to sterilize them.
In one case, it was almost a hundred different manufacturers accidentally just had a powerful synthetic female hormone that would then sterilize the woman because it was bound to the tetanus pathogen in the body, would cause an autoimmune response to that.
Bio weapons on our women.
People go research that and they find out it's true.
I told you they weren't taking the mercury out of the vaccines.
They increased it by five times.
Now it's mainstream news.
They're sick.
They tell you, oh, it's safe.
It's out of there now.
First they said it wasn't bad for you.
First they said it wasn't in there.
Then they said it wasn't bad for you.
Then they said they took it out.
And then they increased it by five times.
I mean, that's all we're doing here is reporting the facts.
I mean, it's not hard.
It's like I'm in a rowboat looking at the Titanic listing, you know, with its nose sticking out of the water, about to break in two.
And I'm going, look, it's a big ship, sinking.
You're going, no, that's a porcupine.
And we're out here in the North Atlantic with big ice cold waves slapping the side of the rowboat.
And I'm going, no, no, no, we're in the North Atlantic, that's the Titanic sinking.
No, that's an Easter Bunny.
I mean, that's all we're doing here.
Hey, the sun came up this morning, deal with it.
It just freaks me out, though.
I just can't believe that human beings act like this.
I cannot believe that people are so selfish and want power.
But you see it every day in your life.
You see local people who are scum.
You see people who rule by intimidation and who are bullies and thugs.
You see people who think they're going to get away with it forever.
All the bullies I've stood up to in my life, the stalkers that I've sued and
And they've ended up losing their jobs, and you know, because you start messing with me, I just go all out.
And you know, people that threaten me, I'll never forget.
I told this story a few weeks ago.
Access TV, managed by a city quasi-private conglomerate, non-governmental organization, started trying to shut down free speech.
So I sued them and got some discovery and got their documents and stuff they wouldn't release in their minutes and found out where they openly said they were going to shut down free speech and basically make the channels private.
Time Warner was fluttering around in the background and the chairman of the board had done contracting work as one of their coaches for Time Warner, business coaches.
And then all these little arrogant people, I mean by the end of it, I'd be at the Telecommunications Commission of the City Council.
One of them walked up and poked me in the chest and said, you want to fight?
Let's fight right now.
You're going to get it.
You're going to go down.
You better watch your back.
And I said, that's it.
I said, that's it.
The gloves are coming off.
You know, people shoot their mouths off about hiring private detectives, and they don't.
I really did.
And John Villarreal went to prison.
He got, what, 40-something years in prison?
Pled it down to, like, tens.
It'll just serve a couple years.
But he's in Huntsville.
He's in Huntsville.
He's in the hardcore clink.
And, uh, you enjoyed poking me, didn't you?
You enjoy- I mean, I knew what you were.
I could look- see right through you.
I mean, everybody's got the sight, the discernment, you just don't know you have it.
I guess some of you don't.
But I don't ever go off my instincts and my discernment, only to a certain level.
I always verify.
I trust my instincts and my spirit, but I verify.
And we know about the others, but they were defeated, and so I don't have the time to go make sure that every single one of them involved goes to prison.
We didn't even get the kingpin.
But we ran the kingpin off his kill.
Now, Tom Warner's suing AXS TV and suing the city, openly trying to shut it down.
Lobbying at the legislature, they're shutting them down everywhere.
Now they openly shut the show off, flip the sound off, and they point-blank told AXS TV, yeah, we know what's wrong with it, we're not going to fix it.
Yeah, it's a lot more than that.
Because we're hurting them, and we're going to go on hurting them for the little people.
I'm going to go on locking my jaws on their big fat belly and tearing their guts out.
You see, because I don't care.
That's not right to say.
I care so much that I don't really care about myself.
I'm so down the road on this, so past the point of no return.
I think you're noticing I'm getting more and more aggressive, and it's not because I'm confident.
It's because I realize that's the example that needs to be shown, and that's what needs to be done.
And, again, that's just one little fight, though.
But that's the birthplace of AXS TV 34 years ago.
It's just ongoing fights to keep those three channels on TV that they've even had Nielsen ratings on that hundreds of thousands of people watch a day.
So the city said, hey, let us move the playback center over to AXS Television.
So they moved it over there, and then the city workers came in and laughed and didn't even hook it up, so they're having to manually play stuff on AXS TV now.
That's why it's a dead air half the time.
I mean, folks, it really wakes you up when you witness sabotage.
It really wakes you up when you get people threatening you and telling you to watch your back and smiling like it scares you.
You know what?
You do scare me.
Let me explain that.
You don't scare me.
You bring up things in me that make me scared of what I'll do to you.
Do you understand that?
And I'm just one person.
But when we move together, we're unstoppable.
There was some punk menacing me last night, and I was scared of what I would do to him.
And what if the APD plainclothes officer right behind him would do to him?
The only thing I'm scared of is not being able to continue my work and fight evil.
I am so tired of evil.
I am so tired of bullies and thugs and scumbags.
I want my friends to like me.
I want to nurture people.
I want to build things.
I'm a farmer.
And I just want to have a good life and see people grow up straight and strong.
That's what makes me happy.
And I guess I'm different from a lot of people.
I know there's a lot of good folks out there, and I'm not even saying I'm a great person, but one of my good attributes is, my whole life I give people the shirt off my back.
I love to give.
I know giving is better than receiving.
People are like, why are you always giving us stuff?
Why are you always buying everybody dinner?
Why are you always... One guy one time said, you do that to show off.
No, it's because I enjoy it.
I like giving my videos out for free.
I like giving of myself.
Because it feels good.
And I don't understand how there are people who get off on the opposite.
I mean, the few times I've been wicked in my life, in the respect of, I've been wicked in lots of ways, but in the respect of bullying, I was extremely embarrassed after it.
I was extremely embarrassed.
I've always been a very aggressive, dominant person in my whole life.
People have always made the mistake of taking my kindness as weakness.
But everybody knows it's the kind, nurturative, good people that are the strongest.
I just want to say what the founder of the Texas Rangers said, Bill McDonald, no man in the wrong can stand up against a fella that's in the right and keeps on a coming.
And until my last breath, I hope 60 years from now, maybe next month, until I draw my last breath, I'm going to live that.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
Welcome back.
Alright, let's go to some calls.
And I'll actually read the article about the x-ray cameras to go up on light poles.
Russia party barred from polls.
Russia's biggest party.
I mean, that's Putin.
Total dictatorship over there.
A bunch of other news is important, but right now, Ralph in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Ralph.
Hey, what's happening, Alex?
How you doing, man?
I'm doing okay.
What's on your mind?
I just want to give you a shout-out, man, for what you're doing, man.
You know what I'm saying?
I just came back from Puerto Rico, man.
I'm back home in New York, and I just want to tell you what's going on, man.
You got National Guard in Puerto Rico patrolling the streets.
You don't even have law enforcement.
You mentioned that in one of your shows.
That is martial law, man.
It's here.
You know what I'm saying?
I just went back to Puerto Rico on vacation with my family.
It's like martial law out there.
It's under U.S.
law and all the same rights, but none of it's followed.
You go to San Antonio, this goes back seven years, for a fiesta, and there's regular Air Force and Army MPs walking around with sidearms in downtown San Antonio arresting people.
They've just been slowly conditioning us.
Boy, we're in deep trouble.
Yeah man, I'm back home in New York and I'm back in Harlem.
Your name is mentioned a lot in a lot of the conferences happening here in the ghettos.
You know what I'm saying?
But I just got to give you a shout out, man.
You're the only person, man, that I got to take off my hat to, man.
You know, you're doing the work and hell will people think what they say about you, man.
I always see people, I always see your show.
People bad-mouth you a bad way, but me personally, man, I have to keep doing the work, man, and keep it up, bro.
Well, thank you and God bless you, my brother.
Well, they do that, a lot of them, because they're cowards and they don't like the fact that I'm demanding that people face themselves in the mirror and that people do the right thing and stand up like men and fight this thing.
And people never want to hear about a threat.
A lot of them don't.
They don't want to hear about a job they got to do.
But the alternative is total enslavement, and folks, you've been spoiled rotten, you've lived in freedom.
Slavery is not pretty.
Let's go ahead and talk to Larry, and recall it from Larry.
Mount Shasta, California.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you.
Hey, Mr. Jones, I don't hear nobody bad-mouthing you around where I'm at.
Everybody that I am friends with, man, they totally think you're one of the greatest patriotic Americans speaking the truth that's live anywhere.
Well, I don't think I'm one of the greatest, but I know I'm one of the most committed.
Well, you're my only source of news info, believe me.
And I'd just like to say, you know, my father, he spent 27 years in the United States Army, and I only seen the guy two weeks out of my life.
And when I was growing up and all the kids would talk about what them and their dads did that weekend, I would ask my mother and my sister about my father and
They would tell me, well, he's in the United States Army.
He's keeping America free.
And I'd ask and they'd say, yeah, he's fighting the communists over in Russia and around the world so that they can't just, you know, in Russia they can just take you to jail without charging you.
They can open your mail and tap your phone.
But he's keeping America free where this kind of stuff can't happen.
Now I turn on the news.
Man, and it's like they're tapping the phones, they're torturing people in the Middle East, they're dropping bombs with uranium.
They're reading U.S.
Citizens Mail.
Yeah, hey man, totally, and I will tell you that these guys are fascists, and anybody that supports them is a fascist, and we are not going to bow down
We are not going to bow down.
And they're going to do what bullies always do, my brother.
I can hear the love and the passion and the power in your voice.
And I want to tell you something.
They do what thugs always do and what bullies always do at the local level and at the national level.
They always push, and they push, and they push, and they push.
And a lot of us aren't going to make it through these times that are coming.
But in the end, these, from the lowest bureaucrats that were involved with this to the highest, they're going to prison.
And I want them to know, I want them to know,
I'm sorry, go ahead.
What are the signs when it's time to literally head for the hills?
I mean literally head deep into the hills.
When does that sign?
You don't want to get to that.
The federal government, criminal elements, will nuke cities or release a bioweapon or probably both at the same time.
Then they'll let things run rampant for six months to a year.
Total breakdown, starvation is their main plan.
If they decide to go with that, then they'll come in and restore order.
But that probably comes after the next attack.
They need another one to fully get us under the grid and the grids to wall us off.
Uh, you won't be able to really get to the hills unless you're already near the hills because they'll just set up troops that'll open fire on you as you try to leave.
They'll, of course, there'll be, uh, Mexican and, uh, other foreign troop contingents, which are now be the majority of our military, 20% already of the ground force.
Uh, it's army and Iraq's illegal alien.
And it's, it's hell on earth, brother.
It's hell on earth.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And understand, folks, you don't defeat the New World Order fighting with the troops.
Try to avoid them, be like a porcupine, defend yourself if you have to.
They want us to wipe out the first waves, okay?
They actually want us to wipe out the police and the military, so just stay away from the fools unless you're forced to.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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While you were sleeping, they came and took it all away.
The place is where you used to play.
It was an inside joke.
Found it well connected.
Your little protest.
So merrily rejected.
It was an inside joke.
Like it always is.
Chalk it up.
To finesse and future.
While you are dreaming This little island disappears While you are looking the other way
They'll take your right to own your own ideas.
And if an insider's job favors their kid, your trusted servants have left you one prediction.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Thank you for joining us.
I'll kind of jam in some calls.
I was about to go to Daryl in the UK.
He just hung up.
So we'll go to Doug, Graham, and many others that are patiently holding.
I said I'd get to this, so let me just cover it right now, and then one other little item.
X-ray cameras planned for lampposts.
Now, whatever happens in the UK is happening here.
And first it was four airports, and then five, and now they're testing them in 15, and then last time I heard it was going to be in most major international airports.
Which, how many do we have in this country?
20 or 30?
I don't know.
And it's where you walk through, and you're totally naked, and you're wearing clothes, but it scans right down to your skin, right down to the pores.
It's like, the vision is better than human vision.
It shows the contours of your skin.
And they record it onto a hard drive, your naked body.
Well, these systems, it's high-powered radio waves.
It's kind of like sonar or radar.
They're both sound waves.
It just zaps out at high power, hitting you, and they look right through your clothes.
Sounds like freedom to me, doesn't it to you?
Almost as much freedom as cameras in the school showers in Tennessee, as reported by the local news.
X-ray cameras planned for lampposts.
This is London Telegraph today.
Airport-style X-ray cameras, which see through clothes, could be installed on street lampposts in a bid to combat terrorism.
Ah, yes.
It has claimed last night.
The measure was suggested in a memo sent last week to one of Tony Blair's working groups at the Cabinet Office.
The Sun newspaper reported the move comes amid growing concern about Britain's surveillance society.
Now, there were four million plus cameras in London.
And there were over 60 million in the entire country.
That's almost one for every person.
That's government surveillance cameras.
And like Chicago now, they make businesses out of them.
They've been hooked into police systems.
They make you pay for it as indentured servitude.
And it didn't stop London bombing.
In fact, you'll notice the places that have all the cameras and all the police in black masks running around keeping you safe are actually the places that have the terrorists.
That's because their bosses are carrying out the terrorism.
It's a real simple equation.
They do it to make you go along with it.
And they've failed eight times now to bring in a national ID card in England, so now they're calling it the immigrant card.
But it's really for everybody.
Kind of the trick they're doing here with the North American Union worker ID.
Amnesty Program, Guest Worker Program ID, but you read it's what they've already standardized with a 50 state driver's license and four or five protectorates.
It's really a federal ID.
It's the same thing the illegals will get being legalized.
So it's a North American Union ID card.
National ID card.
Regional ID card.
The Home Office Memo to Prime Minister, the criminal MI5 agent, Working Group on Security, Crime and Justice reported said,
Furniture could routinely house detection systems that could indicate the likely presence of a gun, for example.
The government is increasingly finding new ways of using street furniture for security.
Architectural security improvements have been designed carefully on the basis of specific architectural advice to improve security measures in a widespread way, the Cabinet Office admitted last week.
But they allow illegals unlimited
Every night, every day, when the trains come in under the tunnel, they allow them to jump on the trains.
In fact, it even came out in major, what was it, ITN television, BBC, that they even leave, for some reason, open containers for the illegals to climb into out of France, mainly from the Muslim nations, but also Eastern Europe and Africa.
And even a lot of Latin Americans that have gotten into France.
And the Red Cross, International Red Cross, Committee on the Red Cross, one of the oldest intelligence agencies in the world, so they can go anywhere anytime, even in the worst war zones.
They were a lot of interest in Fallujah.
They set up a giant facility they built about, what was it, nine years ago, ten years ago,
It's a huge staging facility with thousands of beds, and they feed them, they give them advice, and then they openly load in front of French police on the train, and then just every day, thousands pour into Britain.
But the people are going to have to walk around having their... being scanned on the street.
I remember watching that ITN piece.
That was in 2001 actually when I first saw one of them.
And it showed the trains coming in and it showed literally hundreds of people jumping off and cheering and running right past the police who were told to stand down.
You talk about a completely open society where they're trying to flood that country and bring down its sovereignty by homogenization.
There it is right there for you.
Nothing to do with security.
Everything to do with tyranny.
Again, we're going to go to Doug and others here in just a moment.
But before I do that, I owe a brief comment to this because I had people last night at the Book People event, a few of them asked me about it, I guess three or four asked me about it.
And I had people walk up to me at a restaurant we went to afterwards to ask me about it.
And so I'll talk about it right now.
About two weeks ago, before I, what was that, January 11th, that Thursday before I left town for a well-deserved, it was an energizing week-long vacation with my family, my wife, children, my parents, down on the Texas coast.
Even cold weather is great.
Before I left, I lashed out.
At an individual who has just done uncountable things to myself and others that are near and dear to me and others I don't even know that I've now heard about.
And I had really bad allergies at the time.
I had a really bad headache.
I had it for two weeks as I was telling you and I was really irritable.
And I was just normally would have the control not to give attention to a parasite.
Because when you're a hundred times bigger conservatively, just in one aspect of internet streaming, than someone that's just pointless.
You know, you defend yourself, it turns into being a blessing for them.
But I'm just getting to the point where I just don't care.
And again, for stations out there that call me and ask, what are we talking about, or listeners that do, if you don't know about it,
Uh, it's a distraction, it's a diversion, other than the fact that locally, you know, the house has to be cleaned up.
And finally, enough is enough.
You know, there's a lot of dragons I'd like to fight and I can't fight them all.
And I've learned that.
But, this individual got on local radio and just whole cloth made up a terrible accusation about me.
I've always been honest about it.
It's about honesty on this show.
I don't even smoke marijuana.
I've smoked it before, never really liked it.
It's kind of depressing for me, you know, the times I smoked it in high school.
I haven't smoked it since I was 17.
I've been at a lot of events.
So much marijuana is smoked in Austin, Texas that you'll be at an outdoor restaurant with police walking by and people are smoking off one hitters.
So I've been at an outdoor restaurant bar and there's well-known personalities here in town smoking pot.
And everybody knows I don't smoke it.
I don't like it.
I don't use any illegal drugs.
Tylenol is about as heavy as I get or maybe Sudafed when I've got allergies.
I do drink
And for years I'd go like six, seven years not drinking and then I'd drink some and then quite frankly I need to just not drink any because I'll just drink one beer and then it's five beers.
That's about the extent of my crimes and I like cigarettes.
Over the years I go on and off of them.
I've been smoking cigarettes since I was 12 years old hiding in the woods with my buddy who stole a pack from his mama.
Killed my grandfather and my grandmother, my father's parents.
I'm a total idiot.
That's it.
I'm an honest guy.
I don't appreciate somebody getting on air, whole cloth lying and saying that about me when that could send the police to my house.
So I went on air.
Just for people that knew who I was talking about, and I said this lyrical guy who poses, the individual also over the years, in front of witnesses, acts like he was my boss when he's not even associated with me, and then would get contributions off my back.
When I don't even ask for contributions, I made the joke, I might as well, a couple times I've had, just because I'm saying if other people are going to do it in my name, I might as well.
We could do a lot more.
And so, I said some things back,
Then I left town, and I came back and I gave my lawyer the tape.
My lawyer said, yeah, you got these affidavits that people called and have this interpretation on what was said.
We could do something.
It'll cost this much.
You know, I'll do what it costs.
Family lawyer, good friend.
Sister went to school with his child.
My parents vacationed with him.
About the most high-powered lawyer in Austin.
You know, their family actually owns a
20-something story built downtown, 20-something story building.
He's a lawyer that made the ADL take a bunch of lies about me off their website.
They left one of them up there because they claimed they could defend it.
So I threatened to sue them and I wasn't going to sue them.
They did take it down.
But, you know, and then I started thinking about the country.
I said, you know, I need to make this film about the North American Union and the Global Master Plan.
I need to, I need to get to work.
I could, you know, the time I could do this, I could do hundreds of radio interviews and reach millions of people and do my own show.
You know, do better in business so I can pay my employees better.
You know, that's my goal because I want to feel good.
I want to take care of people.
And so I was actually on the border.
People are calling me, what are you going to do?
And I go, I don't know.
I may not do anything.
I just, I said I would in wrath, but I may not.
And then I'm like, I probably should.
And then I listened and I heard more little snipes about this network, more little, the same stuff.
And then some of the locals got sick of it, and they did something on their own, taking this individual off some of the micros.
And this individual, in front of witnesses, said that because there's this other great patriot who's just selflessly done things.
I mean, this individual put in a T1 for us and charges us the cost of it.
He does it for everybody else.
He's just a good person.
Very quiet, tall, strong guy, family man.
And I had discernment.
I could sense, you know, his strength.
But bullies don't.
They see it as weakness.
You've got to watch the quiet guy, folks.
And then this individual, this good quiet man who had no criminal record, who ran huge computers for huge corporations, systems, just a computer expert.
And I've had a lot of other computer experts say, yeah, he really knows the backbones information and code.
This individual just simply tried to move out of a house that was in association with this other individual because he knew that the landlord was feeding this individual all this info about him.
He just wanted to have privacy and get away from this individual and not work for him and phase it out.
And then he heard from two different witnesses how this individual said he was just going to call the police on him.
And you ask why?
Well this individual who had no criminal record until a couple years ago, got in with some of the hyper patriots who said when you get pulled over at a checkpoint, don't show them your driver's license, don't comply with anything, and he didn't get a resisting arrest.
He got a failure to ID and he got, what was the other thing?
He got a failure to ID and he also got a
Interfering with a police officer's duties.
Class B misdemeanor.
And he went to court, and he saw the state law that if they did drop the failure to ID, but they were still with the other stack charge, he knew that really wasn't proper.
And he saw he was being railroaded, so he just said, I've had enough.
See, people should see it as an indicator.
This guy could have gone and just pled and paid a few hundred bucks and got out of it.
No, he just went ahead and said, fine, they come arrest me, and I've got to spend six weeks in jail and pay thousands.
I don't care.
I'm not going to be part of this.
He didn't want to be pushed.
Well, this other individual, who he'd done all these things for, and literally built everything he did, literally everything.
The other person just sits around, shooting their mouth off, being a big shot.
This individual, this patriot, this wonderful family man, this quiet person, this good person, this person who really loves this country, owns the domain names of this fool's site, owns the equipment.
It was really his.
And he was cornered.
With police coming to his house, where his little babies live.
And what does that bully expect to happen?
When your carpet-bagging butt tries to corner a Texan, or any other American.
What do you think would happen?
And that... And I fully expect that scumbag to continue his trash.
And so... It's just the escalation of it.
I take on Dyncor and Halliburton.
I take on the New World Order and some of these other people, and we're in this movement because we're not slaves, and we're not going to be pushed around, and we're not going to be bashed.
And I was shocked by the response of the good man, but I understood it.
But it was like the nuclear option.
But it was all his.
And the bully had never even taken time out
To notice that.
And I fully expect the snitch to concoct more things to grab for people.
And so that's phase three is to take off the gloves.
Because here I am, not in a glass house, and here I am, literally with a nose as clean as a whistle, with no skeletons in my closet.
Oh, I'm an open book.
You got somebody who's got as many skeletons, as I said a few weeks ago, as there would be in a mausoleum the size of a Mall of America.
And so, just like all the others, God's on our side folks, like all the others, and all the others, it's all in God's hands, it's all God's will, and I have total faith and know that either the individual will fade away, or they will escalate and it'll just, it'll just be unbelievable.
It'll just be unbelievable.
And so that's it, I'm sorry for stations, I don't even know what I'm talking about, it's just, it's just,
You know, the government's corrupt, the media's corrupt, that doesn't mean everybody in this movement is good either.
And it doesn't mean, that's why I always say, trust but verify, as Ronald Reagan said, don't believe everything I say, check out and vet the things I say.
I mean, how dare someone try to sic the police on a family and small children?
You get everything you deserve, look in the mirror, it's all your fault.
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You know, I look to my ancestors and I look to my progeny ahead.
I had family at the Alamo, San Jacinto.
I had family on the Mayflower.
I had my ancestors at every level of the Revolutionary War.
And I'm not half the man they were, but I'm going to at least try to live up to that standard.
I wasn't born in as harsh a world or as tough a world, so I can't be the man they were.
But at least I can have the courage they had.
And I hope all of you will try to have courage and do the right thing in your lives and stand up to bullies everywhere.
Let's go to Grim in Brooklyn.
Thanks for holding, Grim.
You're on the air worldwide.
Alex, you hear me?
Yes, I do.
Oh, I'm in the Bronx, not Brooklyn.
Okay, I apologize.
It's okay.
Everybody in New York likes you.
The only people who don't like you are the people who never heard of you.
That's for everybody in New York.
But what I really wanted to call out was Chuck Schumer.
I remember I heard a phone call you, I mean not a phone call, a show you had about Chuck Schumer and he was making... Laughing and celebrating on the night of 9-11 at the Capitol and Dashiell came over and grabbed him by the arms and told him, stop it, stop it, stop it!
And I was taping it and it's somewhere in thousands of tapes and I never got it.
Is there any, so that's out there somewhere though, right?
I saw it as God as my witness.
Okay, I just wanted to clarify that, and also I have some music recommendations.
I hear you, you ever heard of Lauryn Hill?
I've heard the name, I don't really... She has the best songs.
It's MTV Unplugged.
You know, he has like the song called Freedom Time, another song called Rebell, and another song called I Get Out.
These songs are like exactly your format, exactly like should be coming on, like, you know, as your show goes off or as your show comes on.
They're beautiful songs.
I'll post the lyrics.
I'll email you the lyrics if you want.
They're really good.
I just wanted to tell you that because, you know, I just wanted to say it.
Thank you and God bless you.
Arden Kansas, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You know, this Brownback that's running for President's gotta be as sick as Bush.
He's claiming that road in Texas is just somebody's imagination, and he's got all the Kansas highway officials... By the way, CNN and MSNBC, I was watching both of them briefly this weekend, they listed the six Republicans running and didn't mention Ron Paul.
No, no.
Wildly popular, a congressman, a Vietnam veteran, and again, there's your control.
But he's got the highway officials here agreeing with him.
But that road is just an imagination.
Yeah, they're openly building it, it's publicly announced, but every time you call Congress, they'll say it doesn't exist.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, it's a butt-pack of liars.
I know, and he's aligned with all the neocons and the Zionists and the whole damn bunch.
I hear you and I appreciate your call, Art.
Mark in Texas.
Go ahead, Mark.
Yeah, hi, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I've never harassed you, and I think only good thoughts about you.
You kind of disagree with something about the rapture or something.
Go ahead and make your point.
We've got a minute and a half.
Okay, real good.
All throughout Scripture, evil is symbolized by the serpent until we come to Revelation 12.
And then with the advent of a special woman that Jesus was obviously not jealous of because he gave her a vision to his servant John, the serpent then
for fear of its destruction becomes swelled up into a great red dragon and I don't know of anyone who would think that we're not living in the era of the great red dragon because we're being, as American Christians, attacked by an avalanche of mistakes and so that means... Well, I'll tell you what, call me back tomorrow, earlier in the show.
I'll have open phones tomorrow.
I promise I'll give you more time.
We're out of time.
Don in Texas, last caller, go ahead.
Come on up, Don.
Yes, sir.
You've heard of Janet Karpinski?
Yes, I've interviewed her.
You've interviewed her?
Well, I was wanting to point out, and I know you somewhat are opposed to this, but the Israeli involvement in all the attacks on the Middle East, from the very beginning, and also the trench, you know, where they buried 20,000 people.
You know, I've never said Israel isn't involved in setting a lot of policy in the Middle East.
Well, I mean, you try to be reasonable about it.
And I am too, but a lot of people don't realize the goal of the whole program apparently is to weaken and destroy all the people around the periphery of Israel.
I hear you!
We're out of time!
God bless you all!
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.