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Name: 20070125_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 25, 2007
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...consigned by Wild Deer Farms and Hudson Farms have 15 charlays.
They have calves by their sides and they'll be selling Saturday along with 25 black, black and baldy, good young cows with babies.
Now, Steve Jordan will be selling 18 fancy charlay, very gentle heifers, bred to light, birth-weight charlay bulls.
800 Head will be selling this coming Saturday, January the 27th.
That's this Saturday at the Milan, Missouri Livestock Auction.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
Thank you so much for joining us for this special 25th day of January 2007 edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up in the third hour, we have a very special guest today.
It's confirmed, it's scheduled as they say across the pond, and I will announce it in the third hour who will be joining us to discuss several key issues that are very important to everyone.
So that is coming up
In the third hour today, I'll tell you, the first 30 minutes of the third hour, we have Terry Anderson of the Terry Anderson Show, who will be discussing the most awfulest clowns of them all, as he puts it, with the latest information on Mexican troops coming across and attacking border stations, driving out
National Guard, the racial killings that are going on, and then after Terry leaves us the last 30 minutes of the show, we'll have our very special guest.
In the meantime, I have a whole plethora of really important news here for you today that we're going to be running over.
And we're also going to have open phones in the first two hours.
Any news issue, any story, any question, any comment, anything you'd like to discuss, the economy, the hate crimes legislation, the blanket amnesty the government's pushing for, Hillary Clinton running for president, aspartame, mercury, toxins in the water, anything that you think's important, we'd love to hear from you at 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Ohio poll workers convicted.
Associated Press.
Two election workers were convicted yesterday, that's Wednesday, of rigging a recount of the 2004 presidential election to avoid a more thorough review in Ohio's most populous county.
And we told you they stole Ohio for Bush.
Now, Kerry was also a winger, took a dive, never contested any of it.
You can't just stage the election results.
You have to have a staged candidate when it's something as big as the presidency.
And it was one of Bush's secret society frat brothers and a cousin on... What was it?
Nine different sides of his family.
And you go, I thought there's two sides.
Every relation is related to another relation.
It's like a breed of dog.
Your blue tick hound
Is related to every other blue tig hound.
You know, they come from original breed pairs.
It's the same thing with these people.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Third cousins, fourth cousins, ninth cousins, tenth cousins, you know, just... Everyone's related to everyone.
Going back 300 years.
It's totally sick.
But Ohio poll workers convicted... Continuing...
Congress hell-bent on mass amnesty.
We'll go over that.
We will continue.
Gienrich's 24th scenario.
U.S.-Israel face potential second holocaust, which could lead to greater dictatorial societies.
He's giving speeches every couple days all over the U.S.
This speech he gave to a large gathering here in the United States, but over satellite television to groups gathered all over the planet.
And Netanyahu is giving the exact same speeches simultaneously.
We'll break that down.
London Telegraph mobile phone use linked to tumors.
The biggest threat to U.S.
drinking water out of Reuters.
We'll tell you about it.
And much more.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the third hour today, very special guest.
It's gonna be big.
I like to keep these type of guests as surprises.
Everybody likes surprises.
I'm sure the New World Order will really enjoy its surprise.
But they surveil us, so it won't be a surprise to them.
Alright, in the last segment I ran down some of the news.
We've got a major break in the case exposing the fact that there was total election fraud in Ohio.
As well as New Mexico and several other states.
Convictions, but it's in the AP, but you won't hear a lot about it on the news.
At least I'll be surprised if you see it as a major news story in the news cycle.
Every day, thousands of major stories of very important topics come out on the news wires, come out in newspapers, but never get picked up by the big national news cycle, so the general public doesn't even know they exist.
Congressman Tom Tancredo, again, is talking about how they're hell-bent to completely destroy our sovereignty in the new Congress.
But let me start with this first.
This is extremely important.
For several months, we've been chronicling it, so I know that most of you are aware of it.
Newt Gingrich, who is a total New World Order stooge, has been running around giving speeches, including at international free speech conferences, saying that free speech needs to be restricted for our safety.
And that multiple U.S.
cities are going to be nuked by Al-Qaeda.
And they've had a bunch of other Council on Foreign Relations members.
Gienrich is one of the co-chairs on several of these committees.
And Benjamin Netanyahu is simultaneously running around doing the same thing.
So let me cover this Raw Story article, then I'll cover
The French News Agency reporting on Netanyahu today.
Gienrich's 24 scenario, US-Israel face potential second holocaust which could lead to greater dictatorial societies.
Echoing the plot line of the popular television show, which is a government propaganda arm, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and a potential Republican candidate for President in 2008, warned attendance at a conference that Israel and the United States could face a potential second Holocaust in the future, and if the two or three cities were destroyed, the two democracies may develop into greater dictatorial societies.
Now let's just stop right there.
Remember, as soon as Tommy Franks left three and a half years ago, the head of the Iraq invasion operation, four months after the invasion, three and a half years ago, he left.
And the media made a big deal out of the fact, there's always little tell-tale signs that he was now an independent, and he wasn't a Republican, and he wasn't a Democrat, and he was just going to speak his mind about what needed to be done.
And I said, oh, that's it.
He's on the payroll.
Absolute indicator.
Because the first thing they announced, hey, I don't have an agenda.
You can go read the transcripts.
I'm independent.
But I think we need to stay in Iraq forever.
And by the way, it's real sad.
But there's going to be a major attack in the U.S.
And we're going to have to set aside the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The people are going to want it.
I don't particularly like it, but it's what they want.
For a military dictatorship.
Then it came out two years ago, after a year and a half of his being on television every single day on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC Nightly News, that he was being paid $454,000 a year in a covert payment plan, part of the 1.8, I keep saying 1.6, it's now 1.8 billion that they spent in that two-year period.
Four fake news.
Just type in Bush purchases, fake news, fake news, really legal, you'll get literally hundreds of reports on it.
The tip of the iceberg was Armstrong, Williams, and people.
Just every issue, every case, tens of millions spent on it.
Together, billions that we know of.
And so he's out on the payroll, off the script, I'm sorry, martial law's coming, even use that term, it's what the people demand.
It's real sad, but that's what's coming.
I'm sorry to have to tell you.
You know, generals throughout history just hate having to have military rule.
We just hate power.
So that's what he said.
And he said it to Cigar Aficionado, and he said it on Fox News, and he said it on CNN.
We played the clips here.
In fact, there's somewhere in our computer that has literally thousands of clips.
What, we play three or four clips a day?
In three years, there's thousands of them in there.
In fact, I'm wondering, how many files are in that computer, John?
You might want to dig those Franks clips out.
He would always preface it with, now I'm independent, don't even support Bush, but we're going to need martial law.
Well, what did Dean Rich just say?
Oh, and I have Netanyahu saying the same thing in the next article.
Oh, we're going to get attacked by nukes, and let me read the exact quote, greater dictatorial societies.
And, oh, we need to start banning free speech.
And, oh, we need to start arresting people.
And, oh, and then what do you hear from Michael Savage and Medved and all of them?
Let's arrest everybody.
If you criticize the warrior aiding Al Qaeda, you should be arrested.
Remember the Deputy Attorney General of California in 2002?
Was it named Calhoun?
And it was in the Oakland Tribune saying, we may start arresting all anti-war protesters because we're in a war against terror.
He's a Democrat.
We're in a war against terror.
And because we're in that, if you protest the war, you're aiding terrorists.
So they want to do this.
They're openly saying this.
And you should be really concerned because Newt Gingrich, one year before 9-11,
wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses, a Council on Foreign Relations policy report put out by Warren Rudman, Gary Hart, and Newt Gingrich.
We play a clip from that commission three days after 9-11 in my film Road to Tyranny, where Gary Hart says we need to use this disaster for what President Bush's father called for, I think, only once, and that was a New World Order.
That's an exact quote.
And they get up there and they brag.
They say, we predicted this.
We told you this would happen.
And then they wrote 50 recommendations for a Homeland Security Department.
They wrote this a year before 9-11.
And then they brought it forward on C-SPAN three days after.
And every recommendation they suggested was implemented and put into the recommendations of the Homeland Security package.
And no surprise, guess who else was on the commission that wrote this a year before?
The co-chairman of the 9-11 Commission, Lee Hamilton.
So it's the same guys, over and over again, saying, on the payroll, with covert, illegal, Defense Department funding, for fake news, domestically, that the people want martial law and that's what's going to happen when we get attacked.
So, we have these treasonous traitors on the record.
Now, remember, it was Bush's grandfather, Prescott, and this came out in Senate hearings, and we actually have the film of these.
I'm putting in the new film I'm making.
We actually have the newsreel reports.
Attempted coup to overthrow U.S.
government funded by fascists.
And it turned out that they went and tried to hire Smedley Butler, the Marine Corps Congressional Medal of Honor winning general, who'd overthrown over 10 nations.
And he said, look, I discovered this wasn't for America, this was for the global elite.
And he said, they tried to hire me to lead
The Marine Corps against the U.S.
Government and arrest the President and put in a fascist dictatorship.
And of course, Prescott and the rest of them were on Adolf Hitler's payroll.
This is mainstream history, but the average American doesn't know.
So the grandchildren of these people are now all over TV and all over the newspapers saying... Do you realize the magnitude of this?
We've got to write an article about it.
Saying that, oh, we're so sorry, but there's going to be another attack and we're going to have to have a dictatorship, a military dictatorship, a military form of government.
These are quotes.
Greater dictatorial societies.
I'm reading quotes right now.
From them.
They're not playing games.
This isn't a joke.
This is for real.
And they've been trying to take control for 70 years.
And folks, it looks like they may succeed.
And they're going to do it by blowing up U.S.
And then the very murderers that implemented and orchestrated the attacks and the following policies will be worshipped on national television.
And many of you in your fear will, who even know the truth, will decide to willfully become ignorant when this happens and to serve it.
Go ahead!
Because once it's fully in place, they're going to take your pension funds, your private property, everything.
Enjoy the forced inoculations.
Enjoy the complete end of our borders.
And I know a lot of you aren't going to listen.
Later you will.
Later you'll remember what Alex Jones said.
You see, I think we can defeat this, but just in case we don't, we'll defeat it later.
Because, see, we have the power of prediction.
We know their game plan.
And that's why everybody listens to the show now, and why people are waking up everywhere, because they heard us make all the predictions that have come true so far.
So we're laying out what they're trying to do.
Well, they're laying it out.
So when we get back, I'll go over what Gingrich is saying, I'll go over what Netanyahu is saying, yesterday.
Then we'll get into mobile phone use linked to brain tumors, Lennon Telegraph, and then the biggest threat to the drinking water, what's in it right now, Reuters, and much more.
I'm Alex Jones.
I'm just a good old boy from Texas who found out there was a plan to destroy my country.
I swore to fight them, and that's what I'm doing right now.
We'll be right back.
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
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Big John!
Big John!
Big Bad John!
Big John!
Nobody seemed to know where John called home He just drifted into town and stayed all alone Didn't say much, kinda quiet and shy But if he spoke at all, he just said hi to Big John Somebody said he came from New Orleans Where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen And a crashing blow from a huge right hand Sent a Louisiana fella to the promised land, Big John
Big John!
Big John!
Big Bad John!
Big John!
Then came the day at the bottom of the mine when the timber cracked and men started crying.
Miners were praying and hearts beat fast.
Everybody thought that they'd breathed their last except John.
Welcome back!
So Newt Gingrich is saying the U.S.
and Israel will be struck by this holocaust of the evil Al-Siadis and that our country will devolve into greater dictatorial societies.
They're letting everybody know.
Israel is facing the greatest danger for its survival since 1967's victory.
Gingrich said via satellite
At the Herzliya Conference, sponsored by the Institute for Policy and Strategy in Israel.
Israel maintained its dominance in 1967, even after the 1973 failure.
Gingrich continued that in 1984, I wrote that WMDs... Well, yeah, because you guys are the ones cooking it up.
You're the top strategy people writing the policy.
You're just something else, Gingrich.
In 1984, I wrote that WMDs and terrorism would pose a threat to U.S.
national sovereignty.
security, excuse me, if two or three cities are destroyed because of terrorism, both the U.S.
and Israel's democracy will be eroded and both will become greater dictatorial societies.
And Raw Story goes on to quote this, but it just shows the delusional nature.
Fox Television 24 features Keither Summerlin as a sort of super-hero-ish counter-terrorism agent who sometimes uses torture to gain information.
And this season's plot
Concerns the race to stop nuclear bombs exploding across the United States.
They've had Homeland Security meetings on C-SPAN to just thank 24, folks.
They know it's propaganda.
A lot of the viewers don't know that if you're aware of the New World Order, you see it for what it is.
The general public just gets conditioned to torture, nuclear bombs.
There's a real terror threat.
It creates the illusion in their minds with suspended disbelief.
The subconscious mind is seeing that show as real.
So to create the illusion of a real threat and mass roundup, secret arrest, that's what's on the show.
And notice Gienrich and Netanyahu and all of them are parroting the same line.
The fourth episode ended with a nuclear explosion in Los Angeles which prompted some characters on the show to argue for mass arrest and deportation of Muslims in America.
But again, it isn't really for the Muslim folks.
They're going to test it out, set the precedence with them.
It's about gun owners, conservatives, landowners.
Although many critics slam the show as being slanted to the right, or anti-Muslim, the current storyline also touches on the importance of civil liberties to democracies, and even the scenes regarding torture aren't so clear-cut.
Sutherland's character, Jack Bauer, is often portrayed as wracked with guilt and forced to resort to brutality in order to get people to talk, and sometimes the show suggests that he went too far.
But you're still being conditioned and bathed in this.
We have the full transcript of Gainridge's speech up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It gets even worse.
And here's another one out of agency French Press, French News Agency.
Netanyahu urges trial for Iranian leader fearing new holocaust.
So they want him arrested.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Called Thursday for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be put on trial to prevent what he warned could be a new holocaust by a nuclear-armed Iran.
Comparing events in Iran to those of Nazi Germany, in the 1930s Netanyahu told BBC Radio he was here as part of efforts to raise international support for such a trial.
Both Britain's ruling Labour Party and opposition Conservative MPs are trying to drum up support here in Britain, a country that finally stood up against another hateful, apocalyptic, hateful fanatic sect and ended up stopping it.
And he went on to talk about how there's going to be big terror attacks.
Let me go over that when we get back.
Take some of your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Ohio poll workers convicted of election stealing.
We'll cover that.
Telephones linked to tumors.
It's all coming up today.
Got Terry Anderson the first 30 minutes, the third hour, and a special guest lined up for the last 30 minutes.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Tim, Lucas, Phil, many others, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
We'll continue with how the Neocons and the Democrats are running around saying we're going to be attacked, and the martial law is coming.
They're so sad about it.
They just hate all the power and control.
I had Debbie scheduled for the show a few days ago.
You know, she pops in every week or so, every two weeks on average now, for just a few minutes to talk about the high-quality American-made water filters.
They also have high-quality British-made filters.
But this morning I saw this story, and I would have covered this anyway, but I thought, well, this is perfect timing.
She's coming on.
This is from Reuters today by Christine Stibbons.
Biggest threat to U.S.
drinking water.
And guess what it is?
And that's a nice word for some of these 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80-year-old pipes, sometimes over 100 years old.
I've talked to plumbers, I've seen it myself when they've been bulldozing old houses up, where you'll have, say, a pipe that's got a two inch diameter or an inch diameter, and half of it or more is just buildup.
Dead bacteria, dirt, mineral deposits, and folks, the big city mains, the connections, the leaks in them.
And so the government pumps in all this chlorine, and all of this fluoride, and all this other stuff, and all it does is, when they're lucky, kill the bacteria.
And then you've got all the herbicide, and the pesticides, and the motor oils, and the chemicals, and the industrial chemicals, and you go to the EPA's website, there are thousands of chemicals listed.
I spent hours one time just reading it, and there's all these quote, allowable levels.
But you add it all together, it's all way over safe levels.
When you add it all together in the aggregate, a large percentage of what's in the water is deadly chemicals.
They don't clean it up, folks.
They just kill the bacteria.
They just dump chlorine in there, and then that breaks down and creates styrene and ammonia.
I cannot articulate how poisonous and toxic the water is.
And if you are drinking, and I mean heavily purified,
Heavily filtered.
I don't mean just running it through some charcoal thing that's been on your faucet head for two years.
By the way, then those get more toxic.
It builds up to a super toxic level and then all of a sudden it starts dumping it to you in mass.
You better keep your filters clean if you're using those cheap ones.
They're only good for a few months.
And then it just reduces, which is better than nothing, all the toxins.
Big Berkeys take it to non-detectable levels.
Scientists, they have several universities who study, scientists will never say there's nothing in it.
They say the electron microscopes and the pathogen tests find nothing.
They can find nothing.
That's a new standard, folks.
It's gravity-fed, using God's own technology, just like the limestone makes the purest spring water.
Same thing here.
And it goes on to say, from an attack by militants to a decline in the snow melt caused by global warming.
Look how they put propaganda everywhere.
Public fears about the water supply have heightened in the United States.
So who would have thought the top worry among water experts turns out to be rusty pipes?
Because that's because they're actually water experts, not propagandists.
They're just studying the water.
If you clean up water and then put it into a dirty pipe, there's no
There's not much point, said Timothy Ford, a microbiologist and water research scientist at Montana State University.
I consider the distribution system to be the highest risk and the greatest problem that we are going to be facing in the future.
In the future?
It's already bad.
Towns and cities across the United States spent more than $50 billion each year cleaning water sources from rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers.
More than 170,000 public water systems are orked to keep tap water flowing to American homes and meeting the standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974.
But after the extensive purifying process, water ends up in your glass after traveling through pipes laid under city streets 50, 60, or 100 years ago.
The pipes made mostly from iron, until plastic was introduced 30 years ago, span almost 1 million miles in the United States.
And it goes on to talk about the iron, which is very toxic at high levels.
It just goes on and on.
It's a three-page article.
I just read half the first page.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com.
Let's go to Debbie Morrow.
Debbie, I think people need to get the water filters.
I think they need to stop drinking the tap water.
Hi there, Alex.
I'm in total agreement with you, and I'm
Really, you know, go to your website and get a copy of that article and have it for the future because that is really amazing that they're actually admitting that there's a problem when it gets to your house.
Look, look, look, look.
Here in Austin, we've got aquifer water, but then they still add a bunch of chemicals to it, but it's better than most cities, but I wouldn't drink it.
At my house, I guess we've got newer pipes, because my house is only 20 years old.
My office is 60 years old.
The water tastes like kerosene, and it's not from the main water supply.
It's whenever pipes are coming in here.
Yeah, and if you burkey your water, at least you're going to be getting all those heavy metals out.
At least up to 95 percent of them.
There's a burkey 15 feet from me.
That's where our water goes through.
There you go.
Protect yourself and protect your staff and your loved ones.
Using a Berkey is one of the only things you can do, Alex, that you know that you're actually taking control of something in your life.
You can test a Berkey to be sure it's working.
You don't have to guess.
You don't have to sit back and wonder if it's taking out the contaminants because you can test it with food coloring.
And here's an example.
I've always done the food coloring test with the five or six I've used personally in the last, now, I guess it's eight, nine years since I got one in 88.
But the one at the office, we did the food coloring test, food coloring went through it, and I said, uh-oh, we didn't seat them right.
We screwed them back in.
Next time, it didn't go through.
That's it.
That's exactly what happened.
You know what?
I'm not going to tell a lie.
It was a weird, I didn't have food coloring, I poured coffee in it.
No you didn't.
I just, yeah, the last, the times at my house I did food coloring, because my wife had it, but I just, simplifying, I used coffee, a little bit of it came through, and then we reseated them when we, because I do test it as you recommend.
Oh, I didn't know.
It isn't a lie, I just like simplify things.
I guess in a way I could say coffee's a food coloring, and I was just a coloring, but yeah.
Oh, that's pretty interesting.
I'm going to have to try that and see what happens.
Yeah, I'm like, we've got to test this.
I'll go to the store and get food color.
He said, no, just pour coffee in it.
And we poured a big old tanker of coffee in there.
And it came through brown at first?
Well, a little bit.
Yeah, yeah, because you're supposed to test it when you see them, when you screw them in.
And so I said, OK, let's do a test.
I took a coffee pot, half full of coffee.
Oh, that's great.
Well, there you go, everybody.
I don't know.
Since you mentioned it, I'll tell the story.
I think I'd do red food coloring.
That'd be good.
That's a lot better, yeah.
For the listeners, do red food coloring.
Anyway, but we sure are ready to take their Berkey order and start the new year out with people taking control of their life and what they're putting in it.
So I'd like to hear from your listeners.
All of our phone lines are open and we've been working really diligently to get the water filters out really quick to people.
And did you hear, Alex, about what happened in Los Angeles?
That they lost their battle against flood?
No, but I know there's a vote up today to renew fluoridating Austin's water here in Austin.
Oh really?
Oh yeah, I did hear about L.A.
where the judge said, they voted to take it out and the judge said, you're not allowed to, it's so important, we're going to make you drink it.
Because they love us so much.
Yeah, the thing is, they didn't have fluoride.
Apparently, from my understanding, they've been fighting putting fluoride in the water for years and years and years.
And they finally just lost the battle.
I mean, they have lobbyists and all kinds of stuff, you know, trying to keep it from happening.
Because the government wants your teeth to be healthy.
They care about you.
That's what they say.
And fluoride is so deadly that everything is knocked to non-detectable levels, but fluoride with a standard filter only reduces it.
You get a post filter and it does completely knock it out.
So it's hard to get it out, but you have those systems available.
When you get a Berkey, you get a free gift, a sports bottle.
Uh, that does 600 and something refills of tap water.
It only makes it safe to drink.
Doesn't remove everything.
Only reduces it.
The big systems do knock it all out.
Uh, you get a free gift of that.
Uh, to take with you to the gym or work.
Or you can get a shelter in place DVD.
Here's the number to call Debbie, folks.
Give her a call.
Get a free catalog or order today 1-888-803-4438 888-803-4438 or Berkeywater.com and in the comment section tell them it's an Alex Jones special to get the big discounts and to get the free gift and tell them what free gift you want they have those listed there on the site again 888-803-4438 or Berkeywater.com there's also a banner on InfoWars.com
And we do help support your airtime, too.
The shortwave airtime.
So that's really important, too, for people to call in to help support your airtime.
That's right.
Debbie, thank you for coming on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
Have a wonderful day.
You too.
Have a great week.
And to be clear...
Our Global Fort Worth Outreach is an outreach and with that sponsor we're able to pay for that WWCR six hours a day from eleven to two central, nine to midnight central time.
And they are made in America.
They have the American made black Berkeys, the British made white Berkeys if you want those.
They have stainless steel and Lexan.
They have travel Berkeys, they have a whole product line, and they're patriots.
They support this broadcast, and I hope you'll give them a call.
888-803-4438 or Berkeywater.com.
Okay, let's go to some calls.
Tim, where are you calling us from today?
Hello, sir.
How are you doing?
Just fine.
I'm calling in.
I had heard you talk about a black dot on the computer screens, and I tried to verify that story.
There could be a camera somewhere.
And I had found that Apple had a patent for an all-screen screen or a tell screen.
I was wondering if you could tell me more about that?
I think you misunderstood me.
There have been reports, and I know there have been patents, but we don't know if it's been implemented to have a screen itself that acts as a camera so you can do video conferencing.
What I've said is, you can go verify this with Apple right now, all new Apple laptops
Have a built-in camera, a little black dot camera, in the frame around the screen in the middle at the top.
Just walk into an Apple store or an Apple dealer and walk up to the laptop and you'll look at it.
It's about three millimeters across, three millimeters tall, it's a round circle, and it's a camera, and there's a microphone built in on the base by the control hand pad for it, quote, for video conferencing.
And most PCs or laptops now have these built in.
Most of, in the last four years we've looked into it, of the existing boxes, old-fashioned PCs and Macs, have built-in microphones.
You have to read the owner's manual to find it.
And so the point is Google announced what six months ago now that they're going to start using the microphones and cameras to listen and watch without asking what's happening in your house and they say don't worry though a person isn't watching an AI computer system scans and records all the words and noises even registering dog barks then they pitch dog food ads at you over the Google Ads just like when you visit sites they go
Uh, you know, hey, you're in Austin, get a mortgage in Austin, because they know from your cookies that you live in Austin.
Well, now they'll know off the audio in your house, and of course that'll also be sold or given to the government.
And this is a huge story just announced in plain view, sir.
Well, thanks.
Keep up the great work.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, sir, it does.
Thank you.
Lucas in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Hey, I was wondering if you have ever had a chance to see the movie, the 1927 film by Fritz Lang called Metropolis?
Yes, I have.
Okay, well I thought that was pretty, that was a pretty good warning that was done almost a hundred years ago.
Yeah, the government turning the people into slave automatons.
Yeah, I mean it was, I just saw it for the first time the other day, it kind of blew me away.
I'd advise everybody who's interested to actually find a copy.
That's probably pretty hard to find, but go check that out.
Oh no, you can buy a DVD of it online or you can rent it at any kind of art house, video store that are in most major cities.
Another thing I wanted to mention about the Ed Brown situation.
I think something that would help him out a lot.
Well, back up, because some people don't know who he is.
I got some mean posting on my MySpace after I interviewed Ed Brown yesterday, and after I've been talking about it all week, saying, how dare you, Alex, not talk about Ed Brown!
When I had him on the show, but for those who don't know, tell folks about it.
Well, basically, Ed Brown is holed up in his house.
He has followed the plan of not paying income taxes, because it's not mandatory, as we've all been lied to.
I think so.
I don't know.
Well, I mean, the best thing to do is have it at other buildings with people you work with who you know nearby you, so even if they shut your system off, there's cameras recording from across the street.
We'll just put it to you that way.
It's one of the most effective things to do, and this is important for anybody who's in the fight big time to surveil yourself.
It's a very powerful tool.
Get those cams out there.
You know, we didn't get the full coverage of the WACA because, of course, they suppressed half of it.
Well, yeah, then people tell me, well, Alex, are you for Big Brother?
It's like a gun.
I'm pro-Second Amendment.
I'm pro-gun.
The gun isn't the bad thing.
It's the bad people.
It's the same thing with cameras.
It's a double-edged sword.
They're power in our hands.
You know, we're not out surveilling the general public.
We're not out making people live and work under this.
It is used as a tool against them.
I wanted to thank you, too, for putting my Hank Hill video up on your webpage there.
It got a lot of traffic after you did that.
Oh, you made that?
That was really funny.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm working on some more stuff, too.
A few other truth videos.
I've got some ones... Basically, I've created what I call sniper videos.
You label them with something like Uma Thurman and have 9-11 Truth.
Yeah, people are doing that.
I'll type my name into YouTube to see what else has been posted every day.
5, 10, 15, 20 sometimes great videos people are making using my work and I'm very honored.
And then I'll see something like, you know, hot Japanese women and I'll go, what?
Alex Jones?
And they just label it that to get all the dumbbells to go watch it.
Yeah, you know, there's no hot blondes or Japanese women, but you go and it's clips of my films.
It's very effective.
Oh yeah, I kind of brainchilded that and basically I've gotten a couple million hits on my videos now.
See, it's very, yeah, somebody goes into our MySpace and it says, you know, I don't want to repeat what it says, it'll say like, super hot women, and you click on it and it's all this anti-New World Order stuff.
I haven't done that.
I've debated doing that, but I don't want to get it, but if other people do it, whatever.
It certainly is effective.
You just said you've gotten a couple million hits.
Yeah, I mean, I think you're doing good with what you're doing, and you don't want to associate yourself with tricking people, but at the same time, they don't know who I am.
You know, so all I'm doing is getting the truth out there.
Hey, it's a war, my friend.
Good to hear from you.
When we get back, I didn't ask you, John.
Did you get that Andy Griffin clip?
Okay, I want to play that first when we get back.
We've got several other clips we're going to play today.
The military surveilling Austinites.
That was on mainstream news.
That's also in the stack.
That's coming up the next hour.
And Warrior Calls.
The whole next hour is going to be up in phones and news and clips.
But Kevin, as a fan of Andy Griffin, so am I. I guess somebody sent him this clip of Andy Griffin because his son is surveilling somebody and catches him.
And without a warrant, and his dad says, uh-uh, that's not how America operates.
So I wanted to bring you a blast from the past and play that after the break, and then we'll go to Phil and Mike and many others that are patiently holding on this live, hard to believe it's already Thursday, edition 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
I'm Alex E. Jones.
I'm your host.
And I'm here doing the best job I can to inform the public.
And I really appreciate all your support out there and how you're helping us spread the word.
Don't forget the free podcast at InfoWars.com with a full show daily, served to you free.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Welcome back.
This is the kind of news I have in front of me today.
Big Brother storms the playground.
School library fingerprinting scheme is giving children a record.
Military shows off new ray gun to suppress the American people.
Burns the skin.
Supermarket asks 87-year-old man for ID.
It's happening nationwide and in Europe.
They're training you for the new national ID card.
Also, government reportedly monitoring anti-war groups in Austin, Texas.
Paramilitary assault teams terrorizing America.
I mean, the stack goes on and on.
Just a police state stack.
I hope all of you will visit InfoWars.com and get America Freedom to Fascism, as well as other documentary films that I have produced and carry.
Aaron Russo produced American Freedom from Fascism.
I produced Terror Storm, the history of government sponsored terror.
You can also call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
I got my wires crossed.
I thought Terry Anderson was coming on for 30 minutes at the next hour.
He's coming on in about 10 minutes, but we'll continue with your calls here before we get him on.
But right now, let's go to
This clip from Andy Griffin, where he's explaining that we don't violate the Fourth Amendment.
Here it is.
Wait a minute!
What are you talking about?
We bugged Mr. Blake's cell!
You what?
We bugged the cell with Arnold's tape recorder!
Just listen to this, Paul!
I can't listen to that!
But Paul!
Opie, I can't listen to that!
I'm not permitted!
But Paul, you don't understand!
Opie, I can't listen to this!
Now, I told you about eavesdropping!
But Paul, this is different!
Yes, it's worse!
You overheard a conversation that was supposed to be private.
Now, I can't be a party to that.
But, Pa, if you just listen to this... Opie, I can't listen.
Pa, you're erasing the tape!
That's what I mean to do.
You bugged a conversation between a lawyer and his client.
Now, that's violating one of the most sacred rights of privacy.
But, Pa... No buts.
But if it helps the law... Opie, the law can't use this kind of help.
Because whether a man is guilty or innocent, we have to find that out by due process of law.
Oh yeah, they can torture U.S.
citizens and then they put you before a kangaroo court and even if the kangaroo court finds you not guilty, the president can then still say you're guilty.
Boy, that's something new.
And they've been spying on people's lawyers in the last five years and arresting them.
And using it in non-terror-related cases.
So things have changed since the days of Mayberry and Andy Griffin.
That's because the criminals, the terrorists, run the government and stage the terror attacks, just like they ship in the drugs and orchestrate every other major crisis.
And then humanity itself's got a lot of problems, and they start the crisis, ball rolling, and then we just help it snowball.
So the government doesn't get all the blame, but they are pushing and setting fires.
They're arsonists in our society, burning down our society.
They wreck things, order out of chaos.
It's what they do.
It's how they operate.
And the sooner people who are compartmentalized, who work for this system, wake up, then the sooner you start speaking out and standing up, and not being cowards and social climbers.
The sooner we can turn this thing around.
All right.
Phil, Mike, and many others, your calls are straight ahead.
And then we've got Terry Anderson joining us.
We'll continue with your phone calls.
He's coming with us in about 20-30 minutes.
And I'll get into the military spying on the Austinites.
See, I don't have to travel far to find FEMA camps or cribs.
I mean, it's right here.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ohio poll workers convicted of election fraud.
Mobile phones, use linked to tumors.
Military spying on Austinites here in Austin, Texas.
It's all coming up.
Right now, let's move quickly through your calls.
Phil, where are you calling us from today?
Arivaca, Arizona.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you.
And, you know, it's a funny coincidence, because I'm calling in from my YouTube site.
I've been recording this checkpoint they've been running in Amato for Homeland Security Border Patrol and uploaded the videos and have them out there for people to watch.
What's your screen name?
Well, the easiest way to find it is www.youtube.com slash amatocheckpoint, all one word.
My username is BurritoPhil, but I don't think it's spelled right.
But yeah, it's got, uh, pictures of the Wackenhut buses.
Those are, uh, really popular.
The, uh, third-party contractors they have, uh, moving the people.
Uh, you might know them from, uh, they run about ten percent of the, uh, privately run prisons.
All the Wackenhuts are famous.
They went into Colorado and other areas and murdered men, women, and children by the hundreds, uh, just a hundred years ago or so.
Uh, when you see movies like, uh, what's the one with Clint Eastwood where he's at the gold mining town and they send in the regulators?
Those are based on, uh, true stories.
They just change the names.
And they just send in a bunch of guys.
Yeah, it's, Wackenhut's something else.
Yeah, that would explain why it's the most popular.
Listen, it was Wackenhut busting strikes back east 75, 80 years ago where they just machine gunned whole crowds.
Yeah, and now they're running security for nuclear power plants.
Yeah, I know Wackenhut's pretty serious.
Send me some info on that.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Mike in Michigan.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Long time listener, first time caller.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you for calling.
I was showing The Light, I suppose, this summer actually with a film.
I don't remember who showed it to me.
It was Loose Change.
And since I've searched, I found you and all sorts of other stuff.
Well, that's how it works.
It all feeds into itself and just gets bigger and bigger.
Yeah, definitely.
I'm actually working right now on
Collecting as much information on fluoride and stuff.
I'm going down to some meetings in my local small town in Michigan.
Well, the head dentist who got Canada fluoridated 15 years ago for the last four years has gone public and apologized and said he didn't know.
He just thought it would be calcium fluoride, which is actually good for your teeth and low levels.
He didn't know that the stannous and other types of fluoride that they're putting into the water
He had no idea that it wasn't just that.
It was toxic waste with hundreds of chemicals in it, directly from the fertilizer production, chemical plant production.
They use fluoride to crack the oil molecules and break it down into gasoline.
They put toxic waste in the water.
It's a big joke.
So I'll just take that.
The head guy in Canada that got it put in is now running around freaking out.
And so is everybody else who actually looks at the facts.
Where can I find that at?
Oh, it's been all over the Canadian papers.
It's just everywhere, sir.
I'll have to check that out.
So something like, like, Top Canadian Flourishion or something, you know, says fluoride's bad or... I forget the headlines.
It was like four years ago.
Okay, you were talking about elections earlier and all sorts of other stuff, maybe?
A couple of films I've seen and found.
One I haven't seen in stories yet, but maybe I haven't looked for it.
I saw Votergate the other day.
That was excellent.
American Blackout by Cynthia McKinney about the, you know, the diabolical election systems in Sequoia and ES and S election systems.
Yeah, I know.
Yeah, I was trying to get Loose Change played in the local state theater here, and the guy that actually seen it, his name was Trevor.
But he got shut down, actually.
He couldn't pay for it.
Well, I appreciate your call, and I appreciate you waking up and taking action.
Good to hear from you.
We're scheduled to have Terry Anderson on with us.
Continue with your phone calls.
We'll get into the military spy on Austinites.
I mean, this is America.
Spying on U.S.
Be right back.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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That toll free number again 1-877-928-8822.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've had regular US Army surveil me
And openly walk right up to me on the street and threaten me.
That was six and a half, seven years ago.
Well, it's actually happened five times in the last nine years.
And I mean, I've even had them right in front of me.
Of course, they always know it's when you don't have a camera, like at a grocery store or at the TV station parking lot.
And they're in their government, you know, cars, government plates.
And these guys are not just your regular army.
You know, they get out high and tight.
They're wearing sports jackets, suits.
And they just, hey, you better watch it.
You better watch yourself.
And you know we're watching you.
You understand?
I'm just like, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
And I'm going to go back in now and try to get a camera.
Well, we'll see you later, Jones.
You take care.
Another time.
Hey, you planning anything violent, Jones?
You know, who's this team you're talking about?
Who's this team?
What's the team planning?
And I go, I've said on air, my team in the Info War.
The Info War.
You know what that means.
Don't try to, you know, claim it's something violent.
I'm talking about my team is here and ready and covering things.
Well, we're watching your team.
And it's in the Austin American Statesman, it's in KXAN, it's in several TV reports that they admit that they're surveilling Austinites, mainstream anti-war protesters, people that protest recruiters.
It's totally illegal, totally criminal, and it's declassified.
It's disgusting, is what it is.
Because our borders are wide open.
We've got Mexican troops shooting and killing border patrol and coming up to sheriffs at gunpoint in Texas and putting guns to their head.
We've had the sheriffs on and taking drugs back from them they've seized.
And we've got American citizens being kidnapped, I remember two years ago, and just all the deaths and the rocket attacks in Texas.
It goes on and on.
It goes on and on.
And it's all kept real quiet.
But that doesn't matter.
See, the military can't have guns or bullets for that.
But don't worry, we can have them harassing Alex Jones.
Because I'm here exposing their martial law plans.
Terry Anderson has a nationally syndicated program, Sunday Nights.
And we're truly honored to have him with us.
We appreciate his work.
I just got into the military thing, because I'm going to get into it in about 35-40 minutes.
Terry Anderson, it's good to have you on with us, my friend.
Alex, what do you hear, what do you say, buddy?
Well, whenever I get a chance when I'm not driving around or at work on Sunday nights, I tune in and in one hour I get a really good, condensed news report from all over the nation of what's happening here on some of the biggest stations in the country.
And we're just so blessed to have somebody like you.
I wanted to get you on because you're a black man.
Hold on, let me look.
Yep, you're right.
And I wanted to get it specific because you've talked about this in the past and I have a lot of black friends who have gone through the same thing.
We've seen the spray painting here in Austin.
We've seen it all over the news.
We know about blacks being targeted.
We know that big gangs have said there's a bounty on blacks.
And just scores are killed a year just in LA and San Antonio and in Houston a year.
And I wrote an article, well Paul Watson did, that is my team wrote an article, Racist Mexican Games Ethnic Cleansing Blacks in LA.
And they got a guy on the tape on CNN saying, yeah, they're dirty, they're bad, we don't want them around here.
And then they claim the blacks are taking over, when it's really the blacks that are being overrun.
And again, I'm not here bashing Mexicans, Mexican-Americans.
The point is, there shouldn't be denial about this.
And usually on our message board, 95% agree with us.
About 30% disagree with us this time, saying, how dare us make this up?
Or, well, blacks are bad too when they're targeting us.
And I'm sure that does happen.
But I'm really object... I'm a white guy.
I don't have a dog in this fight.
I'm trying to really look at the facts over the years studying this.
And it looks like 9 times out of 10, it's the Mexican gangs who are much bigger and more powerful.
And especially in prison, and now in the public schools, targeting blacks.
I mean, if you look at the local news, they admit that the illegal alien gangs at the schools, that are 80% in many of these schools, are targeting blacks.
They seem to mainly leave whites alone.
There's cases of them killing them, too.
So we know this is going on, but by the time it gets on CNN, it's blacks and Hispanics fighting.
It's like if an old lady gets mugged, and they say, well, the old lady got in a fight with the mugger.
No, she got mugged.
Terry Anderson, break it down for us.
Well, I had a problem with the article you guys wrote, and that problem is...
You didn't hit it hard enough.
You guys just skimmed the surface of it.
If you see, if you get my point here, Alex, it was a great article.
It really was.
No, I'm sorry.
I know it's just not hardcore.
I'm sorry.
I also read the comments that you're speaking of, the 30% who disagreed.
These are people who are naive and have no idea what my reality is here in Los Angeles, California.
They have no idea.
Zero, zero idea.
Now, let me say in their defense,
It is so unrealistic to believe that in 2007, in the United States of America, that one ethnic group would be targeting the other ethnic group in a city for extinction.
And I understand when people say, oh, this is just too far-fetched.
When I used to hear about La Reconquista from Glenn Spencer and others, I thought it was far-fetched, until I got into it and saw for myself, and I became a believer.
And these people will become believers also when they see it for themselves.
But let me say this about the article.
Your article hit it right on the money.
Right on the money.
They are systematically killing us in this city.
And let me do the disclaimer, Alex.
Not all Hispanics are doing it.
Not all Hispanics hate blacks.
But a lot of them do.
And here, if I leave here with one point today made, I want it to be this one.
Regardless of if it's one person who's killed or a thousand people are killed, there is no documented case of a black person killing a Hispanic in this town because he was Hispanic.
They are the only ethnic group that's doing it to us.
And I'll say again, it might only be a small percentage of them doing it, but they are the only ethnic group that has targeted another ethnic group.
Whites are not killing blacks or Hispanics or Asians.
Asians are not killing Hispanics, blacks or whites.
They are the only group that's doing this, and this is what must be brought out into the open.
They have a hatred for black people, not all, but some Hispanics do, and here's what angers me about those who don't have the hatred.
They're not standing up and condemning what their fellow Hispanics are doing.
And that angers me.
Terry, go over some of the historical examples in the numbers.
Well, let me put it to you this way.
You mentioned a very good point a few minutes ago about the schools.
Jefferson High School, which is, oh, I guess a couple miles east of me here, traditionally black school.
When I was in school about 100 years ago, Jefferson High was about 95 percent black.
It was a tough school.
We played football there.
We ran track there.
It was hard getting out of this place without a fight because it was a traditional thing.
They wanted to fight everybody that came there and beat them.
That's how schools are here in L.A.
But there was no racial animus.
It was just about... It was the same thing for me growing up in Dallas.
I was fighting black guys, white guys, rednecks.
We just all beat the hell out of each other.
There you go.
But there was no racial animus.
And let me tell you this.
That when that school was 80% black, no violence.
70% black, no violence.
When it was 50-50, Hispanics and blacks, no violence.
And when it crept up to about 75% Hispanic, guess what happened to Jeff Ein?
They started to attack the black kids on a systematic, daily basis.
Now, Jefferson High School right now is officially, by L.A.
City School numbers, 94% Hispanic.
Went from 94% black 20 years ago to 94% Hispanic now.
Now Alex, that was driven by what?
The illegal alien invasion.
We do not have a change in demographics like that unless somebody's coming here illegally.
And they now have 300 kids in a school of 3,500 that are black and they are being attacked.
Every single day.
What does our Mayor Antonio Pancho Villaraigosa get on the radio and the TV and say?
We have to learn to get along.
Blacks and Hispanics are fighting each other.
The same parable you just used.
One of my employees growing up in New York, he told me the story from memory.
He saw a black get stabbed by Hispanics there when he was in high school.
Well, it's happening here.
We had a black man who was stabbed taking his little girl to the grocery store one evening out in Harbor City.
That was two years ago.
We had five black men killed in Hawaiian Gardens, four or five miles east of L.A.
in the last ten years.
The Highland Park incident, which is mentioned in the article, where three black men were killed just because they were black.
There was another one in Azusa.
There was another one in Torrance.
There was another one in Carson.
This is happening every day.
And let me say this to you.
We've got some rough, rough housing projects here in L.A.
The Jordan Downs, the Nickerson Gardens, the Imperial Courts, all 100% black.
As the Hispanics, and I'm talking newly arrived Hispanics to this country, began to move into those housing projects, not one, not one event of violence ever happened.
Never one time did the blacks say, no, you can't come in here.
But if black people go, just drive through East LA, they'll get bricks and rocks thrown at them and worse.
What about this young black girl that just got killed?
That was out in the Harbor Gateway area, Harbor City.
Let's talk about the specifics of what happened to her by these two shaved head hardcore gangbangers.
And it's weird, they look like they even have the tattoos.
It's like they're Hispanic, white supremacists.
They look and act just like it.
The skinheads.
They were looking to kill a black person.
204th Street is a dividing line.
They told the black people, do not come south of 204th Street.
There's a grocery store right there, a small grocery store that was off limits.
Black people couldn't go in there and get a quart of milk!
Because if you go in there, we're going to kill you.
And guess what?
This girl was standing on the wrong side of the street, talking to some people she knew.
They drove by and shot her because she was black.
Two days later, a man is picking up his daughter from a birthday party.
They shot him in the chest because he was black.
Two days after that, they killed another black man out there in the Harvard Gateway area.
And the whole time, we're getting the same thing that you said about the lady being mugged.
We're getting the whole thing about this black and Hispanic unrest.
They're killing us.
They are killing black people.
And that's the bottom line.
That's the bottom line.
There's going to be some retaliation, of course, but it is all started by them.
Certain parts of Highland Park where those three black men were killed, if you even drive down the street and you're black, they will attack you.
It is that bad.
Now, they're not doing this to whites, though.
No, they want to be white.
They want to be white, Alex.
I remember when Hispanics were white.
I remember when I was in school, we had a Spanish in the neighborhood.
They were white!
They were Caucasian!
They never claimed to be Latin people!
That's new!
And you know why it's new?
It happened in the late 60s, early 70s, when they started handing out the affirmative action.
They said, we can get some of these goodies if we're brown instead of white.
It's bizarre.
Let's break it down some more.
I mean, let's talk about the plan of San Diego.
I mean, this is stated.
And it says kill all the whites and the blacks, but for some reason, I guess the blacks may be getting picked on though because you're a small minority.
I'm sure, I'm sure it'll get around to the whites here.
We'll be right back.
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The New World Order just loves what they're doing.
Pump in 30 million people, fill a bunch of them full of hatred for everybody else, balkanize the nation, divide and conquer.
Terry Anderson, you know, growing up, I was like, what is this racism thing?
I'm always hearing from the liberals about racism, racism, which is really a tool to get everybody divided and thinking about their race.
But now as I've gotten older, I have found racism, and I've really found most of it emanating from one group, and that is a large minority of the illegal alien population who is just completely nuts.
And, uh, completely out of control.
Then you have the head of Chicano Studies, University of Texas at Arlington, Dallas, openly saying we need to kill all white males 16 and older, Plano San Diego.
He says that word for word.
He says, now he just says we must Plano San Diego for all whites, and in Plano San Diego it's also blacks.
And, uh, this is, I mean, this is, what is wrong with these people?
What's wrong with them is their lives are based on race, Alex Jones.
You and I, we're Americans.
You know, we love this country.
We don't particularly love our government, but we do love our country.
And as a result, we care about the country and fellow Americans.
These people's lives are based on race.
Let me tell you something.
They identify along racial lines.
You know, the Olympics come every four years.
The guys in the ring boxing.
If this guy is some white kid from Wisconsin, I'm cheering for him because he's an American, okay?
If he's some Asian kid from San Francisco, I'm cheering for him because he's an American.
Most Hispanics, and I say most on this because it's true, most Hispanics, and a lot of other races also, but mostly Hispanics will cheer for the Hispanic from Mexico, from Colombia, from Brazil, anywhere against an American white black fighter.
They will even cheer against an American Hispanic fighter because they feel more connected racially to those people from outside the country.
Their lives are centered on race.
Mine is not.
My life is centered on being a good American and doing what I can to preserve this great union.
I mean that.
Let's talk about some of the mainstream Hispanic leaders who openly shoot their mouth off with racism, and the corporate media funds them, corporate contributions, and it's supposedly... We're not supposed to talk about it, Terry.
No, you're not supposed to.
You're not supposed to know it, but look who funds these people.
Ford Foundation.
All these companies are funding these racist organizations.
Listen to the names of these organizations.
This is what gets me, Alex.
Mexican-American Legal Education Defense Fund.
League of United Latin American Citizens.
The National Council of the Race.
Every one of these organizations has either the word race or some name of some race or ethnicity in their title.
But I mean, David Duke has started an organization for Europeans and they demonize him.
Why is it bad for him but okay for LaRosa?
Well, it's not fair.
It's not fair.
There should be a National Association of White People.
Well, really, they're just bought and paid for to manage, I hate to use the term, but
You know who stays in that cabin and basically there for the establishment to take control of people and basically Jesse Jackson just goes around shaking corporations down.
He's good at it too boy.
He should write a book because this guy could write a book about Tempology 101.
You know what I mean?
He's one of the best.
But he won't talk about
I mean, here's the thing, and I think it's distasteful, but it was done as a joke at this Texas fraternity with the fried chicken and the forties of beer and dressed up, making fun of ghetto black people.
But the media's making a big deal about that.
Why doesn't the media talk about all these black people getting killed in racial hits?
Let's talk about something that really affects our lives.
That doesn't bother me in the least.
I mean, that's just somebody having fun doing what they like.
Do I like it?
Does it bother me?
Let's talk about something that affects our lives.
You can't get Jesse Jackson to go against this illegal invasion, and let me tell you why.
Jesse Jackson hates white people.
And when you hate white people, you will do anything you think will affect and dilute the white people's power in this country.
Now, having said that, I don't think any one race of people should be in power, but I think the multiculturalism and the diversity will handle itself over the period of time.
When you start forcing it by bringing people in here in these numbers, you're going to upset the trends in this country, you're going to upset the fabric of this country, and you're going to have problems.
Jesse Jackson came out here.
The janitors in Century City and Beverly Hills, Alex, were making $14 an hour 12, 13 years ago.
All of them were black, a couple white guys.
The owners broke the union.
And hired illegal aliens from Mexico and El Salvador at five bucks an hour.
Well, guess what?
As soon as they got all the blacks and whites out of the jobs, they then went on strike and said they needed more money.
Who comes out here and marches in downtown L.A.
with them with a broom in his hand talking about justice for janitors?
Jesse Jackson.
Messy Jesse.
Didn't leave in mind that his people were put out of work, but he marched with the illegals to get them a raise.
Well, he's bought and paid for by the NWO.
Stay there.
Final segment with Terry Anderson.
Then your calls, a bunch of news, and a special surprise guest scheduled in the next hour.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Here's a little clip from that CNN piece I played a few days ago, and people think this is a hardcore report.
They're watering it down.
It was in the local papers that it was the Hispanics that attacked the blacks, but by the time CNN was done, it was just, oh, they're fighting.
But here's a clip where a Hispanic gentleman on the street is saying things about black people.
I just wish they would just leave and go wherever they gotta go and just leave us the way we were and everything would be cool.
We had a nice little, nice little community here and it's not nice anymore.
Because of them.
What does that bring?
It brought low life just... It's dirty, man.
You guys know, man.
Black-brown tension isn't confined to gangs or this nation.
So, oh, black-brown tension.
And the insane thing is that L.A.'
's majority-minority group just thirty years ago was black.
Now they're completely dwarfed by the illegal alien population, but they now think that it's the blacks!
And they say, everybody get off our continent!
This is our continent!
I mean, the people from Mesoamerica have no claim to Central North America.
They weren't here.
It'd be the Plains Indians.
It'd be the coastal natives.
Native Americans.
It's an ideology funded by the government, the Ford Foundation, liberation theology.
Meanwhile, Bush wants total amnesty.
That should wake the illegals up that they're just being used as a tool to destroy our economy and to come in and pull the lever to abolish the Bill of Rights.
Terry Anderson comments on that clip.
Uh, he's a racist bastard.
That's the best I can do.
I hope you don't dump me on that one.
That's what he is, Alex.
He's a racist person.
He's a racist person because what he did, he characterized us as being dirty.
There's areas here in South Central L.A.
where I live, let me tell you something, he couldn't afford to live.
They're million-dollar homes, totally kept up.
Yeah, there's some bad sections of this town, but I tell you what, when you think L.A.
can't be run down any worse than it is, you bring in a bunch of Central Americans and Mexicans and you watch what happens.
Let me characterize somebody.
Let me do the stereotypical comments.
We don't have corn growing in our yards, Alex.
No black person I know grows corn.
No black person I know has a goat tied up in their front yard.
No black person I know in L.A.
has chickens running loose in the street.
No black person I know hangs their laundry on the fence.
No black person I know has five, six, seven families living in a two-bedroom house.
Yeah, we're dirty.
That's the most racist thing I've ever heard.
Well, I mean, I just want to say this.
They don't have toilets in many areas of Latin America, and I'm just tired of going into a... when I'm in a shopping mall or anywhere else... And seeing the paper in the trash can or on the floor.
Poop everywhere.
Thank you.
They put the toilet paper in the trash can or on the floor next to the toilet, but we're dirty.
Yeah, give me a break.
Well, you know... Oh, and Alex, I want to ask you something else.
When's the last time you've been to Washington, D.C.? ?
Uh, about six years.
Okay, now you know Washington D.C.
was a predominantly black town for a long time.
Yeah, the mayor of New Orleans would call it chocolate.
He would definitely say it was a chocolate city.
Now let me say this.
You go there now and you see nothing but Salvadorans and Mexicans everywhere.
I got a buddy that lives in the 4th Ward.
In Washington, D.C.
He is being pushed out of his community in the 4th Ward of D.C.
Just like I'm being pushed out of L.A.
He's got Salvadorans everywhere.
Now the violence has begun.
They're drinking in the streets.
They're urinating in the streets.
They're doing everything that they're doing in L.A.
there now.
In the nation's capital.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And it's not just there, Alex.
The Carolinas.
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Memphis, Tennessee.
Everywhere in this country it's happening now and all because our sorry president has allowed this to happen.
Well the scariest thing is my wife speaks Spanish because she lived four years in Spain.
So she can read what's on the grocery stores and hear what's on the radio.
And the radio stations are all like the invader, the conqueror, the rebel.
And it's on air.
Big Clear Channel, corporate owned and others are openly saying, we're taking over, we're going to get you.
The purge will soon commence.
These are not idle threats, Alex.
This is the real deal.
They are taking over this city.
There used to be a guy named Xavier Hermosillo, who was a talk show host here, on an English language station.
He used to say all the time, we're going to take L.A.
house by house, block by block.
They are doing just that.
Every single house that comes up for sale.
House next door to me, for instance.
I've got Salvadorans living on both sides of me now.
House next door to me.
Came up for sale.
Had a for sale sign on it.
Black folks came and tried to buy the house, Alex.
They would ask the guy about the house.
The guy would... He would... No hablo inglés.
This guy wouldn't talk to him.
And when the English-speaking real estate guy was there, he would try to talk him out of buying it.
They didn't want to sell them the house!
Did you see the article in AP a few months ago?
The headline, 500 top lenders support Hispanics, or something like that.
Or no, immigrants.
And then you read it, and it said... It's the New England Aliens.
Well, they said, they don't have to have ID for a housing loan, or... And it said this, and they said, well we're trying to... It was of course a white corporate head,
He's the head of a big bank, and they interviewed several of them.
Well, they need help, and so they don't even have to show ID for a housing, car, or bank account.
And then a citizen, whether Hispanic, black, or white, has got to show three forms of ID.
I mean, that's the government and banks in collusion.
You have to practically get a colonoscopy now to get a house in this town if you're not an illegal alien, and that's the truth.
These people want every type of document you can present, but if you're illegal, you walk up, okay, well, where'd you been?
If I walk up,
With $20,000 to put down, they want to know, where did you get this down payment from?
These people walk up with $20,000.
I knew a guy that sold a house to a Hispanic.
It was actually two Hispanic families.
They brought him $47,000 in cash to put down on the house.
No questions asked.
Nobody asked, well, where did you get that?
Well, the point is, why is there this discrimination?
I mean, all these liberals want to find the discrimination.
They want to fight the inequality.
They want to say, okay, well, let me tell you where I found the majority of it.
And it's going on in this country.
Why is the media, the government, the banks, the corporations, why are they rolling over, doing somersaults, playing Twister, to do anything they can to bring in as many illegal aliens as possible?
Well, let me tell you, one of those bank chairmen said in the AP article, they said it all!
They said, well, we know there's a move to push them out of the country, so we think they're so important for our economy, that if we help them grow roots and get homes, they can't be forced to leave.
Yeah, well that is one way to see it.
So I'm asking you, why is the establishment... The money.
It's about the money.
And one other thing.
These are now the chosen people, Alex.
They are the chosen people.
They are getting things that I, as a black person, never got through affirmative action.
Not that I ever wanted it.
But let me say this to you.
They are getting things that we were never given as a black community.
When my kids were in school,
Elementary, junior high, and high school, there was no books.
They couldn't take books home, Alex.
They couldn't take the books home.
There was one set of books for that classroom for every period of the day.
Now they're building 160 schools in the city, not county, in the city of Los Angeles, 160 schools for these illegal alien children and these jackpot babies of these illegal aliens.
They're building 160 schools where my kids couldn't get books.
When the schools were almost completely black, they wouldn't give us nothing.
Now that these people are infested in our schools, guess what?
They get it all.
Well, it's simple.
They make everybody pay their taxes in this country to subsidize, to bring in the cheap labor, to drive down the wages and sink the richest middle class country in the world.
And it's being cynically done by the elite.
Now the good news is a lot of Hispanics, who are even illegal I've talked to now, are starting to get this.
But there's a large group that'll say, yeah, we know we're being helped by your government, but we don't care.
We're going to stab them in the back too.
I mean, this is nuts.
It really is.
It really is.
And let me tell you what's building.
When you see this uneven playing field, when you see what they get that we don't get, and I'm talking about Americans, when I say we, guess what?
The animosity grows.
And when Bush said in his speech, we gotta fix this without animosity and without amnesty, he was wrong on both.
The animosity's here.
The animosity is here, and from animosity comes hatred.
And I don't want to see that, but it will come.
Well, plus, his guest worker program is total amnesty.
That's what it is.
It's always been that.
He ought to stop being such a liar and just say it.
He wants amnesty.
Okay, now we fight you on that.
But that's what it is.
It's nothing but amnesty.
That's all.
It's all it's ever been.
A pathway to citizenship.
Well, guess what, Alex?
I want to fight the pathway to citizenship because the pathway to citizenship that we had in 1986 was a disaster.
I want to take a few calls.
I agree.
I want to take a few calls, Terry, and then let you go because I know you're a busy man.
But what about the fact that 20% of the ground force in the army in Iraq is illegal alien?
And what about, did you see the AP and the Boston Globe of three weeks ago, where they announced that they're going to go ahead and open even bigger recruiting offices in Manila, Mexico City, Ukraine, everywhere?
This is outrageous.
I don't want any foreigners in my
I'll take a legal resident alien who's been here a while in my armed forces, but to actively recruit people from outside the country, where's the loyalty?
Who are they going to be loyal to?
Well, that's dangerous.
Extremely dangerous.
Foreigners will shoot Americans under orders.
Most Americans won't.
No, they won't.
Most Americans will not do that.
And if the government turns on the people, which it already has, but if it turns on them viciously, guess what?
They're going to have a ready-made army to keep us in check.
Well, that's the plan.
And they're going to let the Southwest secede as part of the North American Union.
It's going to be a huge race war, as Glenn Spencer has been saying.
And it is going to be just unbelievable blood in the streets.
I predict... Well, the race war... Here's what I'm afraid of, Alex.
The race war is going to begin and everybody's going to forget how it got started.
It's just going to be blacks and Hispanics fighting, and then blacks and Hispanics and whites fighting, but everybody must remember that article that you wrote, that fabulous article on Prison Planet that your guy wrote that says that the Hispanics are attacking others.
That's what we have to remember.
That's where it begins.
And then there will be retaliation.
Well that's... it's incredible.
And again, I have so many Hispanic friends.
So do I. And they're freaked out about what's happening.
And then last year they had a big La Raza march.
And I wasn't going to go protest it until I called the directors.
And the heads of it would laugh and go,
You know, what's wrong, gringo?
And I was like, hey, man, I got Hispanic friends.
Oh, you got a Hispanic friend.
That's what you all said.
I'm like, no, man, come on.
You know, this is a racist thing on Mexican Independence Day.
And I said, I was calling to confirm this, and you're calling me a gringo.
And I said, I'm going to be out there.
And he said, you won't dare.
You'll be afraid to.
Well, we saw he was afraid once I got out there.
We all go out there and protest.
Nobody's afraid of them.
And well, I wasn't going to go until I got the threat.
And I'm just not going to put up with it.
People threatening me.
Now, if you want to see how racist and how threatening they can be, read some of the emails on my website, the TerryAndersonShow.com.
What do you mean?
I've got a video of black men, white men, Hispanics with their heads split open, and the cops stand there and take it.
Yeah, oh yeah.
Read, but go read under mail received on our website, the TerryAndersonShow.com.
Read some of the hate mail, some of the vicious, nasty, racist hate mail that I get from these people.
That'll let you know who hates who and who's the racist.
But see, Americans, blacks, whites, Hispanics, we've been conditioned not to be racist, and it's bad.
So we're all kind of like these little chicken-neck, pathetic, limp-wristed, guilty people.
At least whites are.
And most whites.
It's really pathetic.
And living in the past 50, 100 years ago, meanwhile you've got
There you go.
And it's happening.
It is happening.
Well, what do you say to the white liberals out there?
Because they're the main ones mad at us about an article that just had the facts, going, it's not true, or even if it is, they're downtrodden, or the blacks are doing it too, I mean, you're bad, or the loving.
I mean, here's an example.
We had
Silica Stillo, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, former Border Patrol agent, and he was, you know, head DEA agent down there.
And he's not what you'd call conservative.
He got up at a speech at UT and was talking about the threat of the illegals and how they're being allowed in, the CIA's involving on drug dealing, and these liberal whites were getting up going, but you're Hispanic, how can you say that?
He said, look lady, this isn't about being Hispanic, the facts are the facts!
Yeah, you know, if Hitler says it's raining outside, guess what?
It's threaded!
I mean, I don't like him.
I don't like the Ku Klux Klan.
I don't like any of these racist organizations.
But if they make a legitimate statement, it's still a true statement.
You know?
It's just like when you're a child and your parents tell you something and you want verification on everything.
Well, you know what?
They were right the first time.
You don't have to look for verification.
I don't care who you are.
If you've got a mind and you've got eyes in this country, if you're an American, you can see what's going on.
Your race matters not.
That's just stupid.
But they think it's liberal to go along with this.
Well, so does the Congressional Black Caucus.
The Congressional Black Caucus in this country is selling out America, first of all.
But they're so pro-black and so pro-race consciousness that they are selling out their own race
To people who are coming here and taking the low jobs, the middle jobs, taking over their communities, taking over their schools, taking over their whole culture.
And guess what?
The Black Caucus, I have gone to their offices in Washington, D.C.
We've almost been thrown out of... Me and my son and my buddy Carlos from Washington, D.C., we went from Black Caucus office to Black Caucus office.
They are some of the nastiest people you have ever met in your life to try to reason with.
Well, let me expand on that and then we'll take a few calls.
Because this is very important.
A year and a half ago, I discovered the plan of San Diego that was mainstream, I just didn't know about it.
And I wrote an article about it.
And the Texas Civil Rights Review attacked me, white guys wrote the story, and they said, well it's true there's a plan to kill all the whites, 16 and older, but you know, Hispanics have been downtrodden and they're allowed to talk like that.
I mean, that's crazy.
It really is.
These people are nuts.
You're not allowed to talk like that.
Nobody should be allowed to talk like that.
I don't care how downtrodden you've been.
You know?
Well, downtrodden?
I mean, you got a bunch of chicken-necked white people who are running around guilty, licking everybody's boots.
I mean, what have whites done now?
I mean, I don't even know what they're talking about.
Well, you know what's going to happen?
Those same whites have to be bit.
When they get bit, when those liberals get bit, oh, I've got liberal blacks here and black folks in my neighborhood here who told me to lighten up on these people.
They were people of color like us.
They were just like us.
They were minorities, a term that I never used, like us.
And I should leave them alone.
Some of those black people have knocked on my door and said, man, how did you know it was going to come to this?
How did you start waking up?
When did that happen?
Oh, I guess it was the mid-eighties, right around the time of the amnesty.
When I heard amnesty was going to happen, I was very unpolitical.
When I heard they were going to do an amnesty, Alex, I said, they must be crazy.
I'm the most unpolitical, unaware person in the world, but I know that ain't going to work.
That's not going to work, and it didn't.
And that's when I... Well, it worked for what the government really wanted, was to bring... I mean, look, you've got six and a half billion people in the world.
Six billion of them want to come here.
There's 180 million new births a year.
We just can't do it.
Can't do it.
Can't do it.
But yeah, it did work for those who wanted it.
The businesses loved it.
And even they didn't love it because guess what?
Once those people were legalized, they couldn't exploit them anymore and they had to get a new set of illegals.
So, that didn't even work for them.
It worked for the government.
Well, that's a key point.
You know what?
One more segment.
Just five more minutes.
I want to come back and give callers a chance.
Robert, Walt, Paul, a few others to get on air with Terry Anderson.
And the third hour is going to start.
I'm going to get into the U.S.
Army spying on Austinites, the Pentagon spying on us, a special guest as well, scheduled.
We'll see if that happens.
And a lot more.
I'm Alex Jones, Coast to Coast, Border to Border.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Welcome back!
Terry Anderson is our guest.
TerryAndersonShow.com, Sunday nights, hardest sitting hour radio I've ever heard.
You know, it's not comfortable talking about this stuff.
I don't like it.
It's very upsetting, and it's our government doing it, along with the Mexican government.
It's the North American Union.
It's simple.
Robert in California, you're on the air with Terry Anderson.
Thanks for holding.
Good morning, Alex.
No, good afternoon and good morning to you, Terry, out here in California.
I lived in Pomona for 18 years, Terry, so I've actually seen the demographics change.
Tough, tough place.
It's still a little tough.
We actually went out last night and
They sponsored like a homeless count where we went out in groups and counted the people that were just living on the streets at the time.
But let's get back to the point.
First one that you brought up was Jesse Jackson.
Adrian Krieg brought out in his book on Satori New Mandarin that he was actually one of the members of the Council on Foreign Relations as well.
So I'm not sure if he's still a member.
I don't know if they ever contacted him.
No, I'm confirmed.
He's a total front man.
And then the other thing is that I was watching, like everybody else, watching the State of the Union address and as Bush was leaving and getting his royal fanny kissed on his way out,
There is a man over on the left-hand side, just before you exit the door, giving him the horn sign to him and a thumbs up.
I would like to know if anybody's got that video and take a look and see who exactly it is.
Sure, probably a UT fan.
What else is on your mind, sir?
The other thing is that I totally agree with this immigration thing.
I really don't blame them too much because they've been downtrodden for a long time.
But, you know, just like anything else, if there's a rabid dog coming towards my house, I'm going to shoot it.
Well... Well, I mean, here's an example.
The Germans got downtrodden for 20 years after World War II under the Treaty of Versailles, and Hitler used that to then hype them up to go crazy.
So just because people, you know, had it tough, doesn't mean they have a right to attack everybody.
Hey, I've had it tough, too.
Who do I... Who can I attack?
That's my question.
It is tribalism, and we've been conditioned not to have it, and then the third world populations do.
Yeah, they do.
That is true.
I mean, we're all tribal to an extent, but I'm not going to get tribal and violent.
You know what I mean?
That's where I draw the line.
I appreciate your call, Robert.
Let's talk to Walt.
Walt, where are you calling from?
Hello, Alex.
Yes, go ahead.
I'd like to ask Terry several questions.
Yes, sir.
Two days ago, Hutton Gibson talked about the Vatican.
And I'd like to ask you this question.
What is the religion of the majority of the Latin Americans coming into this country right now?
What were the religion of the people that were the illegal or flood of immigrants that come in in the 1850s in the United States from Europe?
What religion were they?
I couldn't tell you.
Irish Roman Catholics.
Okay, Roman Catholics.
Okay, the point is, the United States was formed by Protestants.
And the remainder of this country, okay, what's left of the Protestant Reformation, is the purpose of all the illegal immigration, all the racial tension and destruction that's going on in this country right now, is directed by Rome.
That's the problem.
The world government, as Alex Jones has talked about, is controlled by the Vatican.
The Pope wants to be the ruler of the world.
He claims the title of temporal
and spiritual leader of all men worldwide.
Here's my problem with that.
I can't fight that.
I can fight the guy that's illegally in my country and I can fight the government for letting him come here.
I'm not disputing you on it.
What I am saying is that's hard for people to get their hands around and fight.
That's what the problem is, Terry, is the racial wars, racial tension and division is the tool used by the Vatican to destroy any nation internally.
Well, I mean, you can't debate that the public's been calling for one world government, so when it all started, I guess you can debate, but you can't debate it now.
All right, we'll be right back.
Terry, do five more minutes with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Continuing with your phone calls for Terry Anderson from Los Angeles, California, dealing with illegal alien immigration and the open call to kill blacks that's been engaged in by the radical race supremacist.
Let's go ahead and talk to Paul in Texas.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Well, I appreciated what Terry had to say.
I was just going to... I've had a hell of a lot of time.
I wanted to ask you a question, Alex.
Were you aware that Hugo Chavez was a Freemason?
I've heard that.
I haven't been able to prove that.
Well, I've sat in Lodge with him in the Grand Lodge of Texas in Waco in the early 90s right after he had been elected president.
And he couldn't speak English, but he had an interpreter there.
And his speech was, you know, my people this and my people that.
The curious thing, I just wanted to let you know that so maybe you could figure out a way to fit in.
Now, I live in Houston.
I have the same problem that Terry has with the illegals.
I have a man that moved in behind me that doesn't work, lives in a shack and goes in a slop jar and then has it pumped out into a hose in my backyard.
I had to ask him not to do that.
And the man across the street from me bought a house next door to me for $103,000.
Now that doesn't sound like a lot in most of the country, but in this little area of Houston it was quite a bit of money for that house.
And he brags about how he celebrates two birthdays, one for his Mexican name and one for his American Social Security number.
I'm sick of the immigration issue.
It's what turned me against Bush.
I voted Republican all my life.
I was a Freemason in 92 for about 15 years.
I guess I still am, I guess.
I don't know.
But the thing about the issues just got to me.
I appreciate you.
Well, thank you, sir.
Comments on what he said, Jerry?
Yeah, I can sympathize with him.
Houston's a tough town when it comes to this issue.
Most border states are, but you know what?
He and I have to realize that we're no longer exclusive.
These border states are now up into Illinois and Indiana and Kentucky and Tennessee.
It's all over.
I understand.
And I also understand what he said about Bush.
A lot of people voted for Bush.
If you have no other reason to hate this man, this is a good one.
Well, I mean, let's say we've got, let's take the government's number, 14 million.
The real experts say over 30.
What number do you get?
I mean, because I'm told it's even well above 30 million now.
I don't know.
I would go with the 30 million.
That's pretty close for me in all the studies I've done.
That looks about right.
It's unbelievable.
Or maybe more.
I mean, you know, it could be a hundred million.
We have no way of knowing.
We can't know because they won't let us ask.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Texas.
Go ahead, Chris.
Last caller for Terry Anderson.
We'll get to others later.
Yes, Terry.
Thank you very much.
Enjoyed talking to you.
Expect to be speaking with you today.
I have experience in a rural environment, so it's not just a constraint to large cities.
No, you're right, Chris.
And I'm hearing from people here in California, in the San Joaquin Valley, in the farming areas, same problem as what you just said.
And I'm seeing people do things that are dangerous to the common good, like putting fence lines across creek beds and that sort of thing in order to keep cattle in a non-restricted area.
Well, it should be restricted, but it's not.
Alex, I call for a couple of other reasons I've been on hold for a while.
So I mentioned Metropolis earlier.
There's a moment in Metropolis in another version, not the Giorgio Moroder version, the popular one, where you actually get to see the protagonist with a vision that sees the machine that the servants are feeding
...becomes a vision and becomes MOLLE.
And they actually have a screen.
It's a silent film.
They have a screenshot with the text, MOLLE, in very big block letters.
Wasn't that an Italian version?
Uh, it's a film by Fritz Lang from 1926, and I think that was the Italian version.
I'm not certain.
I found that very fascinating.
And one quick thing, also, one... The only thing that I've been able to find that President Bush has done that's good, and this ties into something you did earlier, was I believe he awarded Andy Griffith the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Yeah, but he does that as a stunt to make himself look good by giving good people awards.
Thanks for the call.
TerryAndersonShow.com, I appreciate you coming on with us, Terry Anderson.
My pleasure, Alex, as always, buddy.
All right, we will talk to you soon.
In fact, hold on, I'd like to talk to you briefly during the break.
All right, on the other side, I'll continue with your phone calls.
Tons of global news.
The troops spying on the American people.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We got a really big guest coming on in 30 minutes, actually 20 minutes now, 21 minutes, 30 seconds.
And he is a bit owl-y.
I've got some background on, you know, not doing interviews or the cell phone disconnects or things like that happen if certain things are asked.
I'm going to try my best and we'll see what happens with it coming up at 33 after.
And it's a confirmed interview but I just
I've learned with Murphy's Law, it's like the time I had Charlton Heston on, and then he was trying to get on with us, but his power went off about five minutes before he was coming on.
You know, stuff like that happens.
And we did get Charlton Heston on.
So we'll see what happens.
I'll just, I don't like to count my chickens before they're hatched, as they say, or count something until the job is done.
So we'll see what develops there.
I'm going to tell you in a few minutes who the guest is.
But let's get to this first.
Government reportedly monitoring anti-war groups in Austin.
Now, by the way, I happen to know Veterans for Peace in Austin.
I know it's a real liberal organization, but Don Darling was a submarine rescue ship captain.
I mean, this guy was, you know, forty-something years old as a captain doing emergency dives.
Just an amazing individual.
They lied to him.
About radiation they were dealing with.
They also gave him orders one time to do an emergency shutdown for a test on the first nuclear submarine.
What was its name?
It had the same name as the submarine in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
It's the famous one.
He was in there before that in the nuclear corps.
He had a degree in... What do they call it?
Nuclear physicist, even though you're an engineer in that.
And they gave him an order to...
Emergency power down which they knew Would radiate everybody and they told it wouldn't be a problem, but he was a Scientist he knew that wasn't the case.
He followed the order and he said there was a good chance it would have blown up And gone critical and that he would have been when it killed everybody he would have been blamed later
But he still followed the order.
Of course, he's been radiated.
That crew was radiated.
They were radiated other times.
And he just found out they don't care about you.
They hate you.
It's their enjoyment to hurt the troops.
Because they hate you.
They know you're a good American who thinks you're fighting for America.
So they use you in New World Order ops.
And then they revel in doing bad things.
Giving you experimental vaccines.
Abusing you.
Ripping you off.
Not giving you your pension.
My point is, one of the heads of Veterans for Peace here in Austin is Don Darling, who I've been friends with for about six, seven years.
Captain Don Darling.
I mean, later again, left the Nuclear Submarine Engineer Corps and then did Nuclear Submarine Rescue.
And if you know how hard it is to go through, he's one of the oldest people to ever go through.
I don't know why I'm off on Don Darling right now.
These are the great people I get to meet.
He was one of the oldest people to ever go through the Navy Diver Program, and if you have any idea how hard that is, just unbelievably dangerous.
Super deep water dives, all sorts of things.
Those full body suits, the big metal suits, you name it.
But side issue, these are good people.
I know them, they're not a bunch of dirty commies, as the media likes to say.
But even if they were a bunch of dirty commies,
The point is, it's illegal to have the military spying on the American people, but it goes on everywhere.
Man, I've been at mainline anti-war protests, and there's official U.S.
Army, not even reserve, out there with video cameras, scanning everybody, taking photos and videotaping.
And I've never really told these stories, I've vaguely mentioned it, but I've had Special Forces troops assigned to Black Ops threaten me five separate times on the ground.
Well, no, one time they didn't threaten me.
They were just following me around and getting in my face and stuff.
But that was a long time ago.
That stuff all quit about six, seven years ago because they were trying to intimidate me then.
They've now had a chance to assess and they know I'm never shutting up.
You can put a gun to my head and say, shut up or I'm going to blow your head off and I'd say, pull the trigger.
I mean, you people are evil.
I'm committed to defending this country 110% and none of it works on me.
Now, last year, an even more mainline peace group in Houston brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and coffee to Halliburton workers as they were going in by the front gate, telling recruiters how dangerous DU was and how dangerous it was in Iraq, trying to educate them.
And they had the military infiltrate their groups and spy on them and all this.
You saw that in Fahrenheit 9-11, two others spying on the little peace group in Northern California.
And this is what they do.
But it's a lot worse than this, okay?
I mean, I've had the internal hit team types threaten me repeatedly.
And they ought to be so ashamed of themselves.
You know, what you've done is, you only confirmed to me how bad things were years ago when you did that.
You know, when you walk up to me in a parking lot and
Get back in your government car right in front of me.
You are a shame to this country and to every veteran, true veteran we've had.
I mean, you are despicable.
Then we've had other variants of it we did catch on video where, you know, we're on the side of I-35 and troops come up and say, turn your cameras off, or we're in Belton and troops come up yelling saying, turn your cameras off, and we say, no we're not.
You're the ones that filmed me before!
You're absolutely right, we filmed you before and we'll film you again.
We're free Americans!
We're not going to let our forebearers down that fought and died to give us freedom.
To give us a foundation.
To give us a chance so we can fight to keep it.
You always got to fight to keep it.
Let's go to this KXAN whitewash piece.
Listen to it.
A new report that says the federal government is monitoring anti-war groups in Austin.
Shannon is live near the UT campus with more.
Good evening, Robert.
According to the ACLU report released last week, the Department of Defense has been monitoring peace groups around the country.
At least two of them, in Austin, were put on the government radar because of a protest outside of an Army recruiting station in Derby Mall.
Some would say protests are part of the spirit of Austin.
At an anti-war gathering in April of 2005, the group Veterans for Peace participates in a protest
Outside the Army Recruiting Office at Dobie Mall, much like this one two years before.
But this unclassified document released by the ACLU shows that a 2005 protest at Dobie Mall was reported by the Defense Department's Threat and Local Observation Notice, or TALON, database.
At one protest in Austin, Texas, it reads, The protesters blocked the entrance to the recruitment office with two coffins, one draped with an American flag and the other covered with an Iraqi flag.
A certain amount of my activist spirit is angry, for sure, and it fuels me.
Because it requires... it's saying, do something about this.
You can't live with this.
Tom Heikkila was just 21 when he was drafted in 1967.
He spent nine and a half months in Vietnam.
When I came home from the Vietnam War, I knew I had participated in something that I shouldn't have done.
And it plagued me.
So he joined Veterans for Peace, and as the chair of the Austin chapter, he talks to young people about non-violence.
Is Veterans for Peace a threat to the United States?
No, it's an asset.
It's unfortunate that it's not as unusual as we might suspect.
The local ACLU chapter echoes the national group's call for further investigation.
It's a misuse of taxpayer dollars and resources when there are actually very real threats out there that the government should be targeting.
No justice, no peace!
Now the ACLU report also acknowledges that the Pentagon has admitted that much of the information gathered on anti-war activities should not have been in the TALON database or classified as a threat to the U.S.
But the ACLU argues also that far too little is known about how this information was gathered in the first place.
They are now calling for congressional hearings.
We're live on the UT campus.
Shannon Wilson, KXAN, NBC Austin.
The TALON threat database.
The Talon Threat Database.
Hey, for people in these units, if you want to see the threat, turn on the State of the Union.
If you want to see the threat, go down to the Pratt House, where the Council on Foreign Relations is based.
And don't roll your eyes at me.
Go read Council on Foreign Relations publications.
The end of the free market, the end of private property, the end of the Second Amendment, and if you twit,
Don't understand, who are part of this system, that the Bill of Rights and Constitution is what you swore an oath to.
I can't help you.
And I know you went through all the special training and have done black ops in other countries, a lot of you, and since it's all about the elitism and the culture you're in, you're in a gang culture.
You are in a mind-controlled capacity and you're too weak-minded to break out of it.
If you had moral courage, you'd do what Svendly Butler did, you'd do what Don Darling did, you'd do what Colonel Donna Grand Prix's done, you'd do what General Benton K. Parton has done, you'd do what so many real patriots have done.
When they see a threat to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, they break with it.
And if you don't know they're violating every canon of this free society, I can't help you anymore!
If you think I'm a threat, and you don't know,
That I am 100% dedicated to this Republic.
It's you who are tearing it down.
And you're not stupid.
You know they blew up those buildings on 9-11.
You've done demolitions training.
You're not stupid.
But you're so cowardly that you won't even face that.
Stop being cowards!
Stop it!
Don't you care about this country?
The people that are running us into the ground are very, very evil.
And if it isn't even for the country, it should be for your family, your mothers, your wives, your children, your neighbors, your community.
Again, I'm just an average person that learned about a group that wanted to destroy my country, and all I've ever done is fight it.
That's all I'm doing!
You work for the terrorist.
And when you do evil, you are a terrorist.
You literally are the enemy combatants.
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Come, you masters of war It'll build a big guns It'll build a death planes It'll build all the bombs It'll hide behind walls It'll hide behind desks
I just want you to know I can see through your masks You that never done nothing but build to destroy You play with my world like it's your little toy You put a gun in my hand
Welcome back!
Glad that you joined us today.
We just talked to his office again and reconfirmed that coming up in the next segment we're scheduled to have
David Lynch on the legendary director of television shows and of course movies.
His new film is Inland Empire and he was here in Austin yesterday to show it and then of course he's going to have a book signing with his new book.
Very busy man at Barnes & Noble in North Austin coming up later today and we're scheduled to have him on the telephone.
I was flattered to know.
We were just talking to his
His scheduler that we were listening to the show today.
He's finishing up an interview right now and we're scheduled to have him on with us.
There is so many other news reports and things that are happening.
I've got one here out of the Times of London.
I have another one out of the London Telegraph.
It's breaking all over the world.
More and more major studies
Confirming that cell phones are causing brain tumors.
Now, they're microwaves.
And when your cell phone goes off at my office around electronic equipment, I mean, screens, computers, speakers, it's horrible.
Well, again, we're all addicted to using them.
We still continue to use them.
We tend to forget to use our hands-free.
I try to most of the time.
Last time I mentioned this, Lister sent me a hands-free from the type of phone I use, a Razr.
We've just got to get control of our lives and stop this.
Long-time users of mobile phones are significantly more likely to develop a certain type of brain tumor on the side of the head where they hold the handsets according to new research.
A large-scale study found that those who regularly use mobile phones for longer than 10 years were almost 40% more likely to develop nervous system tumors called gliomas near to where they hold their phones.
We've got to stop this.
And you use them in front of your children.
They've got toy cell phones.
I see six, seven-year-olds with their cell phones.
Oh, get them a cell phone.
Keep track of them when they're at school.
You know, ten-year-olds.
And now they're putting Blackberry systems and video games and iPods into cell phones so the kids are all going to have them.
This is all part of the eugenics program.
The new research to be published later this year in the International Journal of Cancer
Is the second study to suggest, the second study, there's hundreds, an increased risk of specific types of brain tumors in regions close to the mobile phone emissions enter the head.
However, a number of other studies have found, financed by the government, so they can then claim cell phone companies that manage it, but the cell phone companies, they lobby and the government funds these fake studies.
However, a number of other studies have found no increase in health risk associated with mobile phone use.
Professor Laurie Chalice, the chairman of the government-funded Mobile Telecommunications Health Research Program, said last week that most research has shown that mobile phones were safe in the short term, but there was a hint of something.
Yeah, back in the 40s.
Smoke more camels.
It's good for your health.
Come on.
For longer-term users.
Professor Chalice, who is negotiating funding for a long-term international study, said that last night, I agree with the authors that this is a hint that needs further exploration.
It's for the reason why a long-term study is necessary.
Folks, there's no doubt they're bad for your brain.
It's no doubt it's a high-powered microwave transmitter.
No doubt!
It's no doubt these things buy schools, you know, where they get the extra money for putting them on the schools and businesses.
There's no way!
There's a bunch of studies in Australia, US, and England, and the Netherlands, and Germany, where they have these big high-powered cell towers in the top two floors of the building.
Half of the people get cancer.
I mean, you know.
That's just numbers off the chart, but the cell transmitters are giant microwave transmitters.
Super deadly!
So that's a lot more deadly than a little cell phone up against your head, but it's a powerful transmitter.
Alright, we will get our illustrious guest on.
Talk about his new movie and a lot more.
Got a new coffee line out too.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is the GCN Radio Network, going in through and beyond.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, you were sleeping They came and took it all away
We're good to go.
I think so.
This little island disappears While you are looking the other way They'll take your rights to own your own ideas
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I know what I've done wrong, I am acquainted with the night.
I know how hard it is to always walk out in the light.
And it's an inside job to learn about forgiving.
It's an inside job to hang on to the joy.
All right, welcome ladies and gentlemen.
We got about 24 minutes left in this broadcast today, and I'm really honored to have an amazing director and writer on with us.
I'm a fan of so many of his films.
The Elephant Man, Eraserhead, the TV show Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway.
It goes on and on.
I even like Dune.
What an epic film there.
And he is a prolific individual.
He's got a new movie coming out.
He was just screening it here in Austin.
He has a signing at Barnes & Noble today in North Austin.
We'll tell you about that.
We have links to it up on InfoWars.com right now.
And you know he's also made headlines with some of his statements in politics lately.
He is David Lynch and the new film coming out is Inland Empire.
Mr. Lynch, it's a real honor to be able to speak with you.
Good to talk to you, Alex.
Tell us about Inland Empire.
I haven't gotten a chance to see it yet.
Tell us about the film.
Well, all I say about it is it's a story of a woman in trouble.
And I'm told it's like quite a few of your films.
It's pretty complex.
Well, you know, Alex, I love stories, and particularly stories that
Alright, one level concrete stories and but hope that hold abstractions and abstractions are things that cinema can say things that are you know we experience in life but cinema can say them so it's an experience that may be difficult to put into words but cinema can say it and people can feel think it
And it's a beautiful language of film.
And so I would say Inland Empire holds some of this.
I mean, how would you describe it, though?
I mean, if you could say there's a plot to this David Lynch film.
I've just read a synopsis of it, and it's getting, obviously, rave reviews.
I've got several here, New York Times, Austin American Statesman in front of me.
I mean, for those that... I mean, to give them some handle, what's the basics with Inland Empire?
Well, you know, Alex, bless your heart, man.
It's a story of a woman in trouble, and that's it, you know?
I always think I don't like to know too much about a film going in and I love the experience of there you are and the curtains are opening, the lights go down and we get to go into a world that didn't exist and now we're going into that.
No, you do bring the journey of mystery, and that's why your films are so powerful.
In fact, a lot of your DVDs of your previous films don't even have chapter markers, do they?
No, you know, I sort of, I understand that people, you know, like it, but I really believe... I never skip ahead.
I never go to the back of the book.
Well, you know, the thing is that, you know, this chapter thing started, and DVDs, extra content started,
And the film seems to get pushed to the back when it should be forefront, big, you know, giant thing.
And so I just like to protect the film.
No, I understand.
I've got to ask you this question.
We'll get back into Inland Empire and some of the other things you're doing in your new book.
But Lost Highway, I mean, I have my own interpretation of it.
And, you know, basically like an alternate reality or a total hallucination, somebody who's insane.
I mean, any comments from the director on Lost Highway?
Well, you know, I've been saying lately that, you know, looking back on Lost Highway, I wrote the screenplay with Barry Gifford.
He and I wrote the screenplay together.
And we never really talked about this, but
It was at a time when the O.J.
Simpson trial was going on and you know similar things with the character Fred Madison.
How a human being can do a thing that is so horrible and keep on living and smiling and as O.J.'
's playing golf.
So there is a thing that we've discovered
A psychogenic fugue, where the mind tricks itself to hide the horror of something done.
That's what I thought.
In fact, I was arguing with some of my staff last night, and they were saying it was one thing, and I was saying, no, it's two different personalities.
Well, you know, I won't say any more, but the thing is that more often than not, well, in the long run, nothing stays hidden.
Well, I'm having a psychogenic feud right now, because I want to get you on about all these great subjects, and I'm such a big fan.
We have some mutual friends.
One of them, when I was out in Hollywood a few weeks ago, said, you talked to David Lange, because I talked to Emilio Estevez, and he was saying how great you were in the talk you guys had had about a subject, and then I was talking with Charlie, and he was saying, yeah, have you talked to him?
Well, the new book is called Catching the Big Fish, Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity.
A book about my 33 years of meditation and how it works with catching ideas because I say in there that ideas are like fish and we can catch these ideas and if we can expand that container of consciousness, we can catch ideas on a deeper and deeper level.
And we can get creativity flowing!
By learning how to dive within and contacting that unbounded, infinite ocean inside every human being.
And it feeds the creativity, and it feeds the joy of doing things.
Oh, I agree.
In fact, you're a prolific guy.
I mean, you're working hard, I mean, on this multifaceted tour right now, just shifting gears, talking about, you know, things in your subconscious.
In Twin Peaks, the owls, the owls are omens of evil, the owls, the owls.
In more Western or Greek mythology, it's wisdom.
I don't know.
Evil is a strange thing to think about.
There's plenty of it, especially just on the surface of our world.
It's in a ball with negativity.
Negativity is like a dark, black cloud.
We've all got a bunch of negativity and stresses and all kinds of things floating in us.
We've got a big cloud of it on the world.
And if you want to blow that negativity away, all you have to do is learn to dive within and ramp up that light of unity inside everyone.
You grow that light up, and the side effect of that is negativity starts to recede.
The key to enlightenment, the full potential of the human being is there, and the key to peace on earth is there.
It's very, very beautiful.
Mr. Lynch, we're speaking with legendary director and writer David Lynch.
Earlier you talked about how in Lost Highway you were kind of paralleling, in a way, O.J.
and how he could live a normal life and then be involved in other things that aren't so positive.
Any of your latest films or works?
Is there any archetypal images that in your mind are representing things happening in the world with the war in Iraq or politics or the Patriot Act?
You know, they say that all kinds of art reflects our world.
And I think that ideas come out of our feeling the world and hearing and seeing things.
But the ideas themselves that I get are separate.
They're not made to show a message.
They're not made to, you know, do anything.
It's just ideas that you get, you fall in love with them.
And you see the way cinema, for instance, could translate those ideas.
And then you're rolling.
And a whole thing comes out.
I understand.
My listenership will crucify me if I don't at least mention the Dutch TV interview
I knew they were going to bring it up.
You saw what I said.
We're all light detectives.
Human beings are light detectives.
We look at our world and we keep looking at it and we get these feelings that there's more going on than meets the eye.
It's a world of clues, a world of mystery, but the mystery can get solved.
You know, but you can find these answers for, you know, a lot of these things within.
As far as 9-11 goes, there's, you know, there's things that, you know, we saw that conjure questions and wondering and something, it doesn't seem quite right.
So it makes us wonder.
And the next step is we need answers.
We need answers.
That's all.
Well, I certainly agree with you.
You know, two months before 9-11, I can send you a video clip of it.
In fact, we ought to go post it on your website.
We should talk about your website.
You've got a lot of artwork there from different perspectives on 9-11 that you're allowing folks to submit and post there.
We've got a link to your site up on InfoWars.com right now.
And we'll give out that web address before you leave us at any other sites that you think are important, Mr. Lynch.
But, you know, the establishment told us, or an arm of it, that this is a foundational event.
And now we've got Newt Gingrich talking about open martial law and the end of free speech in America.
So it's literally survival of my family now and my country to expose this and I did get the questions and I did talk about what was going to happen two months before it took place because I saw preparatory actions in the media and so that's why I am compelled
To do what I do, exposing what happened on that day.
You say you have questions.
What are a few of the questions that you have concerning 9-11?
I have the same questions that were brought up in all the things you mentioned.
And I just don't have the answers.
In the Dutch piece you mentioned how the towers fell at the speed of... one of them fell at the speed of gravity.
Uh, which every engineer that's looked at it says is impossible, uh, unless there were, uh, controlled demolitions.
I understand, Alex.
You know, um, there's, there's, um, there's questions arising from each of the events that day, and, um, I don't have the answers.
I just have the, the, you know, um... Is it your instinct?
It's instinct means I'm hungry, I want to eat.
Intuition is the thing.
Intuition is higher than intellect.
It's emotion and intellect.
It's a flowing of knowingness.
Now, going back to meditation, when you learn to dive within, which is so beautiful an experience, a human, human experience, you contact the ocean of knowingness, pure, vibrant consciousness, knowingness.
Intuition grows.
Intuition is like an ocean of solutions and you get that knowingness going, it feeds all artistic processes and all creative processes.
Nothing we do as man, it starts with an idea.
Catching those ideas and seeing away.
I think so.
Well, also we know that only 2 or 3 percent of our intellect is focused in the cerebral cortex, so the more powerful centers of the brain really already know the answer.
But like you said in that Dutch interview, people can't handle what their intellect deep down is telling them at the conscious level.
Yeah, well, there's... What did you just say in the beginning?
Well, I was just saying that the cerebral cortex... Let me just tell you one thing about that brain of ours.
They say we only use 5 or 10% of it, but now with brain research, they can show you that when you transcend, when you really experience the deepest level of life, the full brain is engaged.
And it's the only experience that brings the whole brain into, you know, coherence.
Oh, this is amazing.
I totally agree with you.
I call it super brainstorming.
Do it every day.
Thinking, you know, doesn't do it.
Stay there.
Tell us more about it in the final segment.
Quick break.
David Lynch.
Come back.
Tell us more about it in the final five minutes on the other side.
We'll be right back with David Lynch.
The new film is coming up.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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David Lynch is our guest's final segment.
I'll tell you, 25 minutes goes by really, really fast.
I just got a note here.
Aaron Russo is real sick right now with cancer and we all need to pray for him.
David Lynch is again our guest.
Sir, finishing up with what you were saying about using more of your brain power, you know, turning I guess your intellect on or your soul on.
I mean, describe exactly what you're getting at.
Well, you know, Alex, it's something we just don't hear so much about in the West.
There's so much misunderstanding about meditation.
There's so many different kinds of meditation.
But there truly is a within.
And if you think about it, so many sentences we've heard have the word within.
Within the sense.
The kingdom of heaven.
First seek the kingdom of heaven which lies within.
And all else will be added unto you.
So the sleeper must awaken?
The sleeper must awaken.
And you can awaken it by experiencing that deepest level, that kingdom of heaven, within.
We were talking during the break, and I was saying 9-11, I think, is the key to exposing the soul.
Jen, you're saying that's the surface.
I guess we've got to change our... There's so many problems on the surface, Alex.
The ocean of solutions is within.
Enliven that.
The unified field of quantum physics
I don't know.
Well I would say that not just getting to a higher level, the general public is almost mesmerized by the culture and not even awake at a basic level.
But then, why did you go public and question powerfully, and I commend you for your courage, 9-11, we were talking during the break and you were saying more people need to go public.
Why did you go public then?
Because, you know, they ask me questions.
You know, when you see that,
Does it make you wonder about things?
Does it seem like what we were told actually happened?
It just makes me wonder.
I see things that don't add up.
Well, you mentioned some key points.
You mentioned some key points, and we all have questions.
I'm glad you do, and I'm glad you had the courage to speak out.
What about Bush massing 44,000 U.S.
troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, having the launch order to attack Afghanistan on his desk two days before?
That was in Newsweek.
I mean, how obvious does it have to get?
Here's the deal.
There's so many problems in our world.
So much negativity.
Don't worry about the darkness.
Turn on the light.
Darkness automatically goes.
Ramp up the light of unity within.
Help do that for yourself.
Help do that for the world.
It was peace-creating groups.
And then we're really doing something.
Well, it does start at home.
Well, I agree with you that charity starts at home.
We have to start changing ourselves, one person at a time, and I guess that's what the new book, The Big Fish, covers?
Exactly right, Alex.
And you're going to be at a book signing tonight at, I guess, the Galleria area up in North Austin at Barnes & Noble's.
Just an amazing interview, and I
I appreciate your courage.
What did you think about Charlie Sheen and others speaking up on 9-11?
You know, if people have questions, they have the right in this country, by golly, to raise the questions.
So you support them raising questions?
Yes, sir.
You know, I support enlivening unity.
Bring out the full potential of the human being by doing that.
Everyone has that, you know, ability.
And let's start working on real peace, dynamic peace for the world.
Yes, sir.
All these other problems, you know, mostly ridiculous absurdities will vanish.
So they're symptoms of the disease.
Thank you.
Thank you.
God bless.
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