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Name: 20070124_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2007
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going in!
We're going in full throttle!
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm glad that you've decided to join us today.
It is the 24th day of January, 2007.
And before I go any further, let me tell you that we have
Ed Brown joining us, holed up in his home in New Hampshire, found guilty of tax evasion, and in the past they send in armored SWAT teams to murder anyone who resists the private collection agency for the private banks that own us as chattel slaves.
The people of the country are rapidly learning that the Federal Reserve is private,
They're rapidly learning that even Alan Greenspan wrote a book admitting it in 1966.
I'd said 68.
It was Capitalism the Unrealized Dream 1966.
I'd read it years ago.
I'd mentioned it and I now have found it, found the book.
People are learning that our government is criminal and funded Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, and Adolf Hitler.
The people are learning that the entire economic system is a fraud and a matrix level lie.
And they're getting angrier and angrier and angrier.
We are going to win.
We are going all the way.
So Alberto Gonzales and Viet Den and Fox News and the CIA, CNN can try to put their New World Order back together again, but all of your pomps and pimps and minions and viceroys and duchies
are not going to be able to resurrect your system.
Oh, your system's a train of its own momentum that's going to roll into the station, but it's going to be dead on arrival.
So coming up in the second hour from his home, hold up in New Hampshire, Ed Brown will join us.
And for those that don't know about this case, we'll re-air that local Fox News clip coming up in the next segment.
The number two former head of the Treasury Department, chief economist for Ronald Reagan, the father of Reaganomics, who's gone public saying clearly terrorism is predominantly an inside job, has written another incredible editorial that's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The empire turns its guns on its own citizenry.
We'll be going over that report.
Also, we'll discuss the ridiculous State of the Union that we witnessed last night.
And also, I had Aaron Russo coming on tomorrow.
He has his ups and down days, I'm just going to put it at that.
He's very tough.
Four years battling cancer, a bunch of surgeries, and I'm not going to go into any more detail.
But I had him scheduled for tomorrow, but I'm seeing if we can get him on today.
With Ed Brown, because when I learned of this, what was happening with Ed Brown a few days ago in New Hampshire, I had a sneaking suspicion that freedom to fascism, America freedom to fascism, was really one of the final straws that caused this man to say, this far and no further.
Talking to him this morning,
We indeed learned that not only is it one of the main things that's pushing him to stand up, he was obviously already aware of the crime syndicate and its activities, but the thousands of phone calls and letters and support and people coming to Mr. Lewis's and Mrs. Lewis's, it's Ed Lewis Brown's, home is young people, college and high school students, and it's because of America, freedom to fascism.
Another testament
To lone resistance having huge effects as he battled cancer, as he went through surgeries, as he went through hellish treatments.
He didn't tell anybody.
He was fighting for his life when he made that movie.
And it's just unbelievable that it's having this huge effect.
God bless Aaron Russo.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Ed Brown, up in New Hampshire, found guilty of tax evasion.
He's waiting for an armored SWAT team to try to move in against him.
And they do this every day in this country, for the private banks and on America.
And we had Aaron Russo coming on tomorrow for a full hour to talk about solutions and how to support Ron Paul.
He is an incredible fighter, but I'm not going to lie to the listeners.
He had surgery a few weeks ago.
He's got a, looks like, I just talked to him, he's not doing too well.
He's got to go in for surgery again.
He's at the hospital right now.
And it's just, it's so poignant.
That he wasn't complaining, he wasn't telling anybody how sick he was when he made America Freedom to Fascism, and everything he did to get that film promoted, and just all the stuff behind the scenes that I know about that I really can't share with you.
But to see that film now spreading all over the web, people getting the DVD, making copies, showing it at parties, showing it at groups,
Finally, everything that we've been pushing all these years to expose, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, its collection agency, the North American Union, it's really spreading like wildfire right now, and I hope you'll go to Infowars.com and get your copy of America Freedom to Fascism on DVD.
If you haven't gotten it, you need to get it.
It is so important to get that film out to everyone, and we're going to have
Ed Louis Brown on with us coming up in the second hour today.
I'd hope to have Aaron on with him because of the thousands of people that are contacting Mr. Brown, the hundreds that are coming there to support him, most of them are bringing up America Freedom to Fascism.
This is a new crop of people that have awoken.
People see the local news demonizing him and they rally knowing it's propaganda to his support.
And there's a whole other facet to this that
You've got somebody who just says, fine, this far and no further.
You want to come take my house?
You want to come in here?
I've got guns and I'm going to defend myself and I'm ready to die.
I'm tired of the tyranny.
Fine, you just go ahead and you come kill me in cold blood and then you see what that starts.
Just like in V for Vendetta when they gunned that little girl down in the back.
And all you punks and all you bullies out there that work for this system and who hate this country
You are just, let me just tell you, time's running out for you.
You see, all these years I've studied history and I know that tyrants always tell the people they can't win.
Tyrants always tell us we don't have power.
Tyrants always tell us we can't effect change.
Tyrants always tell us that you can't beat City Hall.
It's a fraud.
They're scared to death of us and they should be.
They should be.
Because they know history, and they know when their tyranny gets pushed too far, when push comes to shove, the people stand up.
Especially the American people.
We may have been fat, dumb, and happy, and a lot of people have gone beyond the point of no return, and you can't wake them up, and you won't wake them up, no matter how many evil things this global crime syndicate posing as our government does.
But they don't count.
The furniture
That sits there in the bleachers, a bunch of drooling spectators don't count.
What counts is people who are in the arena.
And 5%, really 2% started the war with the British when they pushed.
And we pushed back.
And 5% won that war.
Let me tell you right now, we've got a lot more than 5%.
We've got a lot more than 5%.
The key here is taking this country back in an orderly fashion.
Because believe me, the globalists have plans to let a violent revolution kick off, which will burn out of control, then they'll come in and mop up the pieces.
We don't want violence.
We don't want calamity.
We don't want breakdown.
We don't want dead cops laying all over the street.
I mean, do the people in the system and those taking all this FEMA and BATF training, do you have any idea how many millions of veterans and former special forces soldiers and black operators are just sitting there, running their
Businesses running their, running their construction businesses, their pool businesses, their car dealerships, their restaurants.
I mean, these are mainstream people just waiting with arsenals of guns, practicing, ready, ready for you fools when you try to crack down on the American people.
I'm trying to keep you from stepping on a bear trap here.
I'm trying to avert hundreds of thousands of you stupid minions getting your heads blown off.
Because let me tell you something, the New World Order plans to send you in in the first martial law waves that can go on for several years and have you completely depleted and chewed to pieces before they bring in their foreign merc armies they're already integrating into our military force.
So that's the bottom line.
I'm your friend.
But I don't sit here and tickle your ears, and I don't sit here and smile at you like your crime bosses do, propagandize you.
I talk to you straight.
I have enough respect for people to talk to them straight, and that's what I do here on air, six days a week.
And I'm begging everybody out there listening to get your heads screwed on straight.
And to realize that we're at a major crossroads in human history.
In the Long March.
In the saga that is humanity.
There's so much news here in front of me today.
This morning I was thinking, where do I start?
What do I cover?
And I think I'm gonna go here first.
Hundreds deported after L.A.'
's sweep.
The Feds are reporting that 761 people were arrested in the five-county region since January 17th.
More than 450 have already been removed from the country according to U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
They're Polish, they're Mexican, they're German, they're Japanese, they're Iranian.
And every few months they arrest 500-1000 people.
It's, you know, always 500 or 700 or 1100.
He averaged around a 700, but this latest sweep is 761, they say.
And people say, oh look, the government's finally doing something about the open borders and illegal immigration.
Folks, there's conservatively 30 million illegal aliens, but let's take the government's estimate of 14 million.
Off the 2000 census, as if the illegal aliens come to the door and tell the Census Bureau how many people are in the house.
14 million, so that means if a thousand were arrested a day, not a thousand every three or four months, is what they're doing, in dog and pony show staged events, if a thousand were arrested a day, that'd be 365,000 in a year.
Now, they admit, the Feds admit, 3 million new illegal immigrants come in each year with close to 900,000 legal immigrants.
So, we're talking close to 4 million new people and if they arrested 1,000 a day, that'd be 365,000.
That'd be like if you had a giant hole in your rowboat and it was sinking and was going to sink in 60 seconds and you had a thimble trying to bail.
That's your dog and pony show.
That's your dog and pony show.
Right there.
And it's fooling a lot of people.
They got Limbaugh and Hannity and all the rest of these people on talk radio every day saying, look how Bush is getting tough.
You want him to get tough on immigration?
He is.
Meanwhile, this is all just a prelude to Bush trying to sign the amnesty plan, which will end all of this and just legalize everyone as long as they go register and get their new regional North American ID card.
And that's what it is.
You know, it isn't just the American people under the REAL ID Act where they're federalizing and standardizing all the driver's license and ID cards.
You have to have one to have a job.
An internal passport.
If you read, it is a North American ID card.
Which Social Security paid to Canada and Mexico.
Out of our treasury.
So that's what's really happening there.
And I want to be clear about something here.
I care about Eastern European immigrants.
I care about Latin American immigrants.
I care about Asian immigrants.
I care about African immigrants.
I care about these people.
But they live in conquered New World Order nations.
They live in nations where they're forcibly inoculated under UN programs and forcibly sterilized.
They live in countries where the IMF and World Bank have taken control of their governments and blown out their economies by design.
We have the IMF-World Bank documents, internal documents, since 2002 when Joseph Stiglitz went public, Nobel Prize winner, chief economist.
He said here they're doing it all by design.
They have wrecked the third world.
They've insured it, it couldn't get on its feet.
These are global monopoly men.
They want no one to be independent.
From the family, right up to the state government, right up to the federal level.
And the very same people that are feeding on the third world, and then generating the need for these poor people, these desperate people, to flood here, wanting a better life for their children.
The New World Order is cynically using them to literally sink our lifeboat.
It's like having a lifeboat with a hundred people in it.
It can hold a hundred, and there are ten thousand trying to climb into it.
And people look at me and say, oh, you're being mean.
You don't like immigrants.
No, I care about these people.
I care about humanity.
I have empathy.
I understand what they've been through.
I realize the attack they're under.
I know they just want a better life.
I understand that.
But you can't put 10,000 people in a lifeboat that holds 100.
They're already swarming up over the sides.
The front of the boat's already going under.
And if we don't bail and stop these people from climbing over, we're going down into the North Atlantic Sea.
Into the frigid, sub-zero waters.
This is the reality.
I'm just here giving you the Machiavellian analysis of what they're doing.
This is the cold, hard facts.
That evil figurehead, George Bush, wants total open borders and unlimited illegal aliens.
And it isn't because he wants to, quote, help America.
It's because the globalists want to kill this country.
And they're doing a darn good job of it.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
Look out your window, baby, and see if you'd like to catch a man who's playing dickney, a man at his head upstairs.
Could be the fjord, could be the local breeze.
Well, there's sometimes peace, honey, and I'm coming home.
Welcome back!
Several program notes.
My producer got this backwards.
We've got Ed Lewis Brown from New Hampshire holed up, ready to fight to the death to defend against the private enforcers of the central banks that own us as slaves.
Literally, they say they do.
They've got another thing coming.
We're revolting.
It is a slave revolt.
At the same time, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts will be joining us to talk about his article, The Empire
that turns its guns on its own citizenry or the empire turns its guns on the citizenry.
There's a new story out just today up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll have open phones coming up later in this hour.
Toll free number to join us 1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231 and again
I haven't plugged this yet.
I should have.
I'd forgotten about it.
So much happening.
I'm going to be on with George Norrie for the last two hours of his Friday show this week.
He's going to be in Austin, Texas for TalkFest coming up Saturday at the Austin Convention Center with meal boards and others.
But I'm going to be in studio with him, co-hosting the second two hours.
He's got
Carol Moten Howell, I guess the first two hours co-hosting with him, coming up Friday, and usually he invites me then to TalkFest.
I don't know if he is.
I'm not too worried about that.
And then coming up Sunday night, right after I do my new Sunday syndicated show from 4 to 6 p.m., from 8 to 10 p.m.
at the massive, independently owned, gigantic book people bookstore, and they got some videos.
I mean, it's a giant, I don't know what,
Three story bookstore.
It's just humongous.
And at the little bitty Waterloo a few months ago we had like 200 people show up for the two hours I was there and they sold out of Terror Storm.
This is the only other signing I'm planning to do.
This was set up months ago for Terror Storm.
And they tried to get me to go to New York and Chicago and places to do it.
I'm just too busy.
But I said I'd do it here in Austin.
Because I'd like to meet you and talk to you.
So I'm going to give a speech.
I think I'll give a speech on the New World Order Master Plan.
Get into some more facets of it.
And then I'll take questions and sign DVDs for an hour.
That's this coming Sunday night.
I don't know.
What day is that?
If it's Wednesday and it's the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th.
I guess it's the 28th.
That's Sunday the 28th.
So, it booked people in downtown Austin off 6th and Lamar.
You cannot miss it.
They've got a six-story parking garage.
Let me see, it's three or four stories underground, a couple above ground.
A big parking garage.
It's right by Whole Foods.
The biggest organic and best organic.
It's the mothership where Whole Foods was founded.
It's nationwide.
Their big model store.
The biggest organic grocery store in the world, I'm told, is right next door.
So you can kind of make an event out of it.
Why don't you go?
You can go have dinner if you want.
Right there at Whole Foods.
They have like, I don't know, 15 restaurants or something.
It's ridiculous.
And then you can come over to book people next door.
It's in the old Whole Foods building.
And you can come over there and I'll give a speech and do all that stuff.
So I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Night, 8 to 10 p.m.
Like I said, make an evening.
Bring your husband or wife or girlfriend or boyfriend out to the event.
Bring your family out to the event.
Bring your neighbors out to the event.
I'll have some of the other films and books there as well.
Details are up on InfoWars.com.
They're going up on InfoWars.com.
I just told the webmaster about it last night.
Also, I'm tentatively going out to the thing next month in Arizona, the big 9-11 thing, but we'll see.
I'm trying to work the details out.
It's kind of hard because I do a Sunday radio show, so anytime I go do something, I have to fly back to get on air on Sunday.
So it's like, leave Friday, talk Saturday, fly back, but we're working that out.
Okay, those program notes are now out of the way.
When I come back, I'm going to run over some of the war news, some of the union news.
And I want to, well first I want to finish up with the immigrants.
Finish up discussing what's really behind that and how that's operating.
I forgot, that's what I was going to come back and talk about.
So we shall return on the other side of this quick break.
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People shuffling their feet.
People sleeping in their shoes.
There's a warning sign on the road ahead.
There's a lot of people saying we'd be better off if we don't feel like saving.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Welcome back.
It's perfect this song just happened to play because it's exactly what we're dealing with.
It says it all.
Basically, the New World Order crime syndicate, the private banks, went in, paid off the politicians, put dictatorships in, blew out economies by design so there could be no competition with their monopoly of industry and military power.
They then simultaneously have waged war on the family and on our morals in the industrialized world.
So we'd go along with their programs.
They've conditioned us to be wicked servants of their system.
To give power under the beast system.
And now, they are flooding the Western world with tens of millions of illegal aliens a year.
Three million here, you count Europe and the rest of Eastern European, it's tens of millions a year.
There are hundreds of millions of new births, what is it, 180 million new births a year, and the New World Order is doing everything it can through its different global government bodies to flood our countries, to lobby our nations, to lift our borders, to lift our internal borders, and completely capitulate to this, meanwhile setting up internal passports and internal tracking and control of the citizenry.
So I want to make it clear
I am not individually against some poor Mexican immigrant, hard-working farmer, who was run off his land ten years ago in southern Mexico, up into the city, as they call it.
Thirty-six million.
I keep saying thirty-three.
I looked it up this weekend.
Thirty-six million now in Mexico City.
Biggest city in the world.
Of the hundred million people down there.
They are using the U.S.
as a steam valve to stop revolution in Mexico.
Our government is funding big foundations, a $24 billion foundation like the Ford Foundation, to then fill these immigrants full of hatred for America, and blame all the evil things that Chase Manhattan and Citibank and The Globalist have done to Mexico and other nations on the U.S.
itself, instead of the people of Mexico and other nations, and Mexico's the majority, understanding that it is the elite using the U.S.'
's power to do all of these horrible things to their country.
So not only do the globalists bring down these nations and enslave them, they then use the U.S.
to take the blame for everything when it's only the globalists capturing the U.S.
and using us.
And so you've got hundreds of millions of new people born each year.
You've got tens of millions at any one time trying to get in.
And so they're using these hordes of disenfranchised, enslaved, literally starving people to batter down the borders, to batter down our sovereignty, to then create Balkanization, racial infighting and warfare, sectarian violence, Balkanization.
As Zbigniew Brzezinski then went public last year, called it the Global Balkans, is the strategy.
What is the strategy in the Middle East?
Go in, blow out the power system, blow out the water systems, fund different sectarian sides, have them all kill each other, and then export revolution and corrosion to the next country.
And that's exactly what they're doing there.
The strategy is to balkanize and break each one of those countries.
Iraq into three parts, Iran into five to six parts, Syria into three parts, Lebanon into two parts.
This is the plan.
Bringing people down.
Blowing up their cities.
Or, in the case of the U.S., blasting with economic warfare our dollar down by half in its value.
Destroying our industrial base.
Taking the greatest, most wealthy individual nation with the most wealthy individuals.
Four percent having half the world's wealth.
Blasting that.
Taking us to be the greatest debtor nation.
Private, corporate, state, federal.
That's what the New World Order does.
They bring you down.
They lay you low.
And then they control the central cities of the West and central control cities over each third world nation.
Baghdad is an example in Iraq with armored compounds where the true government, where the shadow governments operate and then continue to break down society, break down economies, create sectarian violence, create balkanization, create divide and conquer from within their high-tech platforms.
Literal high-tech nodes, command bases, in control, putting in the cameras, putting in the checkpoints, putting in the tracking control grids that then hook back in to the Pentagon-designed control systems.
And again, last year, MIT Magazine came out and said, oh yes, this is a control grid in the U.S.
with the cameras and the microphones and the checkpoints, and we want to use this in Iraq.
And the Pentagon designed it 20 years ago.
When you see these cameras, and you see these cops in black uniforms, and you see these emergency management centers, and these fusion centers, and you see the cell phones tracking you, and you see the RFID chips, this is a militarily designed control system to turn the whole country, and the whole world, into a prison.
They're doing it.
Right now.
So I say to all the immigrants in this nation, listening to my voice right now,
It is not going to help for much longer the third world populations to come here.
The country is already sinking beneath the waves.
That was the plan.
There is debate internally by the best minds in the fight on whether it can even be salvaged.
I mean, it's that bad.
And the New World Order hasn't even begun.
They're going to flood this country in the next 20 years with another 80 million.
That's the official number
The immigrant population is having on average 3.2 children.
Doesn't matter whether they're Eastern European or Mexican.
And so that's all, basically, those are internal ghettos and barrios now, which, so I pretty much count those children as immigres, so the number goes way above 80 million.
There's currently 30 million here.
So ask yourself, if 30 million immigrants have an average of 3 plus children, what is 3 times 30 million?
90 million.
So when you see that number of 80 million, you know it is a low number.
And they have been filled
With hatred of this country, all the horrors they witnessed in their native land was blamed on the U.S., which to a certain level is true, but it's the globalist controllers who used our power and used our treasure to fund their world government, and now they're running the gas out of the tank on us to bring us down, then the European Union will rise as preeminent, and we are going to be merged into it in a global three-block world government.
A trilateral system.
So that's the program!
And so, when Paul Watson, two days ago, three days ago, wrote this article, Racist Mexican Gains Ethnic Cleanse Blacks in LA, about 30% of the posters on our message board were angry at us, saying, well, okay, it's true, they're killing blacks, but blacks kill them too, and that's just the way it is, and you need to not be against, you know, all the Mexicans coming in.
The point is, the government's for it, the media's for it, Bush is for it, the Democrats are for it.
Those that support the New World Order and work for the New World Order are for it.
Can't you understand it's part of a larger strategia to bring this country down?
And you say, good, America's oppressive and bad, let it come down.
When you bring it down, you have nowhere to run.
They want to make our country like what they've done to your country.
So, this is what we face.
This is what we face.
And right now, conservatives are being prepared and are being ready for the complete and total capitulation and absolute legalization of all illegals here and for six years.
Anyone who wants to come can come.
Unlimited skilled and unskilled work visas.
If you think it's bad now, total acceleration.
You talk about surge.
And they're being prepared right now to accept this with the Democratic-controlled Congress in league with George W. Bush.
And they're conditioning conservatives with, every few months, these staged arrests of a few hundred or a few thousand people.
It's smaller than a drop in the bucket.
And it's also meant to scare the immigrant population and get them to energize and then push back to totally break down the borders, which is happening.
And then, meanwhile, they are abusing the immigrants, not giving them habeas corpus or due process, which everyone, including non-U.S.
citizens who are here, deserves.
They are breaking up families.
The CPS is kidnapping American-born children and shipping the parents out of the country.
It is off the charts outrageous!
And then again, they show those crimes against the immigrants.
That's then used by the news media and Hollywood to then make everybody feel sorry for them.
So they build the FEMA camps that are really for American citizens.
Houston Chronicle even admits it.
Senate hearings 1986 admit it.
And then the camps are there for U.S.
Again, very sophisticated, very well-oiled, and again, not my opinion, stated goal, stated operation.
Kevin in Illinois, thanks for holding.
You're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I'm going to shift gears a little bit away from the immigration, if that's alright.
Yeah, we're talking about just the whole state of the world.
The medical-industrial complex is
Something that I'm extremely passionate about.
It is becoming a eugenics program.
They're trying to phase out the Hippocratic Oath.
They're phasing out what doctors and nurses were, great caregivers and ministers to those that were sick.
One of the highest callings.
And yes, it's being turned into, as the Nazis did and as the Soviets did, a drugging and euthanizing corps.
There's a triad of terror that exists within this medical industrial complex.
And it nexuses in with law enforcement and the social workers, euthanizing, stealing the money of old people, grabbing children.
I've witnessed cops choke women into signing papers.
I mean, you open the door and the cop's choking the woman saying, sign it.
And then looks up at you and says, get out of here!
I mean, that's the type of hell I've witnessed, man.
I know the government's evil.
You got it, and it's downright despicable and sickening that the AMA, the pharmaceutical industry, and the insurance companies have been working together in cahoots, using humans, Americans, as guinea pigs, lab rats, to test their various pharmaceuticals.
Prescribe, prescribe, prescribe.
It's not a matter of prevention.
And it's a matter of treat symptoms, treat symptoms, and in the end they're all guinea... they become guinea pigs.
And what I'm here to tell people is to wake up, take care of your health.
Vitamin C, the Berkey Water Filter is wonderful.
The Herbal Healer Academy that everyone hears on your show.
Check into it.
Take care of your health.
If we're going to stand up,
and fight the New World Order.
We have to be healthy while doing it and continuing to buy into health insurance and pharmaceuticals to treat all of these different symptoms with side effects.
Wake up everybody.
Take care of your health.
I hear you and I appreciate your call, sir.
Kim in Texas.
Kim, you're on the air.
Alex, I was calling about McGovern
No, I haven't.
Well, I mean the Commission came up with a plan to accelerate the war.
Yeah, so, look, this is how the Dog and Pony Show worked.
Everybody wants the troops out, or 78% in major polls, and so Bush's answer is increase the troops, and instead of debating a troop bill down, they talk about a, okay, we're against the increase.
So that gives the Democrats the illusion of doing the people's will.
That was Bush is doing a favor for the client Democrats to keep the ball rolling so that their constituency wouldn't revolt.
It was a bait and switch.
Let me ask you this also.
With this new American Act or whatever it's called, where they're trying to connect Canada and Mexico.
North American Union, yes.
North American Union.
Now, I've been telling people to call Benny Thompson and John Conyers about this because this is a right to impeach.
The Democrats are more globalist than Bush!
They absolutely love it, and absolutely want it, and their answer will be, there is no North American Union, we don't know what you're talking about, when Bush signed it publicly, and it's totally admitted that they're merging the countries right now.
See, let me guess, and he said it didn't exist.
Well, the person that answered the phone said they didn't know anything about it.
That's a total lie.
It's a standard answer.
They'll say, we don't know about national ID cards.
We don't know about new freedom, forced drugging, psychological testing.
We don't know about amnesty plans.
It's not an amnesty plan when it is.
Look, they lie to you, okay?
I know what they're going to say to you because they're the enemy.
They're bought and paid for by foreign corporations that have set themselves up as the government.
There's been a hostile corporate takeover of the United States ongoing for over 80 years, and now they're completely rolling us.
They've been milking us, but now they think we're an old sick cow, and they're going to bring us into the squeeze chute and hit us with a gas-powered bolt in the head and bleed us out of the neck and quarter us.
Can you do me one favor?
We're being motioned right now.
Can you do one favor for me?
Can you read the Willie Lynch theory to people on the radio?
Because I've been telling black people, hey, y'all better listen, because this is what they're doing now.
They're using their conquer and divide theory all the time.
Now, you want me to say what?
The Willie Lynch theory that they use for slaves.
Oh, yes, you're talking about... Okay, yes.
Now, are you talking about the... See, I read that on air so many years ago, and it was actually in several major newspapers.
That was... There were handbooks in the U.S.
that were basically reboos of books from the Caribbean on how to control black slaves.
You want me to go over that?
Because I'd forgotten that... I think Willie Lynch was... Was he the... Was he the colonial...
I think it was another name.
That could have been the guy with the carcass.
His name was Leonard.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I was sitting in traffic, listening to the radio
George Strait was singing the seashores of old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
The Lonestar State should be renamed Texico.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Continuing with open song calls until the bottom of the next hour when Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us.
Then we've got the man
Who is holed up in his house in New Hampshire, Ed Lewis Brown, because the IRS saying they're coming to get him.
He's been convicted of not paying to the private Federal Reserve.
So that's coming up.
Before we go back to your calls, I...
I've made 15 films.
The latest is Terror Storm.
It's on DVD.
It's right under two hours long.
There's 68 minutes of extras from the famous 9-11 Neoconagentist Symposium we had last June in L.A.
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And that's $19.95.
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So be sure and go peruse the site and order via the Safe, Secure Online Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
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1-888-253-3139, or you can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, let's go ahead and let me answer, I mean she obviously knows about it, I guess she said a wrong name though, that's why I was confused.
Well, I know reading Julius Caesar's The Battle for Gaul and several other Roman history books written by emperors and others, and they wrote these themselves, it was a compilation of letters to the Roman Senate, what he would do over 2,000 years ago is when they were, well they had the Austrians working for them, they'd already conquered Austria, so they were going into Germania, they were going into Germany, into France, into Gaul, and fighting these tribes.
And so they would come up to some of those cities that even had crude walls.
I'm digressing, it doesn't really matter.
And they would say, we will kill you.
We will kill all your men and all your boys if you do not submit right now.
If you do submit, we'll just take your older men
And, uh, enslave them and take some of your younger men and put them into the, uh, training to be in the, uh, as kind of backup for the Roman legions.
They would actually be part of the Roman legions.
And, uh, and to be used against the next tribe.
And if they didn't submit, they would kill everyone sometimes, including all, but usually they couldn't help themselves.
They wanted the women for slaves, sex slaves, house slaves, uh, so forth and so on.
They take some of the bigger young boys and then train them and they were part of the Petroean Guard who wore the blue, who protected the Caesar.
That's why you get the blue uniforms of police today.
Kind of a navy blue.
But again, I'm digressing.
And he talked about how if he would threaten the city to kill all the children, the women would start rioting and the men would tend to listen to them and capitulate.
A lot of times they'd go ahead and kill them anyways.
So that's what happened.
And I read other Roman history books about how they controlled slaves.
And what they do at a slave camp, when they brought in new slaves, and say some of the younger men who they kept alive, 10-15 years old, were starting fights, stabbing people, biting Roman guards and foresters on the plantations.
I'll continue on the other side, is they would take those young men and they'd kill them.
And they tell the women, it's your job to enforce on them, it's your job to report on them, it's your job to control the men, or we're going to kill your children.
And so the women would become the most brutal foremen and enforcers and tattletales.
The house slaves.
The house slaves.
Which we'll pick up there.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number two.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is joining us to talk about a new editorial he's written, The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry.
Then the man holed up at his house, convicted by the IRS of not paying to the private banks, to the Federal Reserve, and making a stand.
He is coming up in the third hour.
We'll have open phones for Patrick, Nathaniel, Manuel, Greg, Greg, and many others that are patiently holding.
A lady called in earlier and wanted me to talk about slave management techniques from Rome.
And I was discussing that, how they would kill children, young men, in front of the mothers, and tell them, now it's your job to keep them all in line when we take you to the plantations, or once they got to the plantations, in Rome and surrounding areas, or when they took them to sell them on slave ships to different countries.
I think?
There's nothing new under the sun.
This was old slave management techniques that were used by the Romans and previously by others.
The first big group this was used on was white northern Europeans and central Europeans by other whites, the Romans, who themselves were
Pretty Germanic up until that time, but then more of the Mediterranean peoples moved in, more slaves were brought in, and so you get the Roman mix with quite a bit of Asian now, and even African in your average Italian.
Just side issue, continuing with what happened here, then it came out in a few newspapers.
That's how I saw it, and I actually went and pulled it up online.
It was about six or seven years ago.
I went to the library and got a copy of it.
It was a book written right after the Revolutionary War.
It was talking about slave uprisings, some of the first ones in the Carolinas and other areas.
Black slaves.
And an American went and got a group of books that were circulating in Spanish and Portuguese in the Mediterranean.
The Caribbean on the sugar plantations for making rum on how they control black slaves.
A handful of whites controlling a whole bunch of black slaves.
And it's the same thing.
The slave boat would pull up and they would sell the slaves and people would tend to buy them in groups.
Most people didn't own slaves.
The plantations would buy some slaves and they would then buy a whole bunch of women and men and children and they would bring them in to the plantation
And they would get a moment there, and they would claim that the biggest, strongest, smartest, whoever seemed to be the leader, black male, would then be taken and cat-or-nined or beaten with an axe handle until they died.
Might go on for hours with the cat-or-nine, ripping open their flesh down to the bone.
And then they would take a small child and beat them, but not kill them.
And it says how to do this, and makes little snickering jokes the whole time, and talks about how the Romans did this, and that's where this comes from.
And how then, how you tell the women, and of course most of these plantation owners couldn't even speak the African, a bunch of different African dialects, they would have already their housewomen, who might be one, two, three generations,
Going around with a bullwhip themselves.
And so they would be there telling the different African groups that were there, you don't do exactly what we say, it's going to be your fault if you don't keep the men in line.
They would tell the women that you're going to be the enforcers.
And so we move forward to the plantations here in the United States, and that's where you get the big black mammy, you know, the image of Aunt Jemima.
And believe me, my dad grew up in cotton farming, folks.
That's exactly how it operated.
And they even had the big black women out there telling the white workers what to do.
Some six-foot-four black woman beat you upside the head!
That's Oprah Winfrey!
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, and I'm not trying to attack Oprah Winfrey.
She does some good stuff.
My point is, she pushes an agenda that's anti-male.
Every show, men are basically bad.
They abuse women.
They're evil.
And certainly there are bad men out there.
But it goes back to the Romans.
They would set the women up over the slaves, the slave women.
They'd bring them into the house.
They were the trusted people.
And they told them in this culture, you suppress your own men for their own good, so we don't punish them or flog them or kill them.
And that moved into the plantations, the sugar cane plantations all over the Caribbean.
Then those same Roman books were adapted, changed, put into English in the colonies and in the United States.
And then in the 1960s, blacks are wanting their freedom, they're wanting equality.
And what's the government do?
Oh yeah, we'll help you.
We'll give money to your women.
And back then, you had very low black illegitimacy.
Well, it was only like 30-something percent.
Now it's over 90 percent, but 91 percent last time I checked.
And they're pretty good in just 35 years, because those numbers, it's been over 90% for over a decade now.
Whites, by the way, now have over half illegitimacy.
So they're doing a great job on whites as well.
Social engineering works like a dandy.
The government is, everybody always says the government's a bunch of buffoons and can't get anything right.
They can shoot cruise missiles down chimneys.
They can put satellites up in orbit with perfect precision.
What are you talking about?
Oh, down at the low-level bureaucracy, you can't get anything done, but that's by design too.
Alright, but let me continue.
So, it's called red tape.
So they would bring black women into the house, but that wasn't just black women, that was an old Roman system.
And they would set them up as the rulers and as the enforcers.
And a black woman could walk with her back straight and her shoulders up.
But black men would get beaten or attacked if they didn't look down at the ground.
You know, 80-year-old men got called boy.
They would stay in the barn.
They weren't allowed to learn how to read.
And of course, the black women, and this isn't all of them, but this is what the House of Black Women, this was the, I mean, you've seen the old movies, you've read the old literature, you've read the old accounts.
Running around telling everybody what to do.
Because they were put in positions of petty power.
And that's what the cops are today.
You know, because the cops think it's all for our own good, society's about to fall apart, which yeah, because your bosses are engineering it, and it's a thin blue line, and we've got to defend the state, and order, and so you've got to do all these things and treat everybody like slaves for their own good.
That's all it is.
That's all that's happening.
This stuff was worked out a long time ago by empires and controllers and social engineers who built complex cities and buildings and structures and aqueducts and charted the oceans.
I mean, these elites developed all of this and now we're here in 2007 and it's pretty darn sophisticated.
Very, very sophisticated.
And so you look at black men today and you see extremely intelligent, upright, successful examples
I don't
Basically, you know, act like animals, to be stupid, to not be informed, to not, you know, to basically have a life of crime.
And this is being sold, this hoodlumism.
And you've got black mothers, you know, who have all these children.
This is how they were raised.
And the black men, I mean, I remember growing up, you know, suburb of Dallas.
I played football and other sports.
I went to a school that was about 25-30% black.
I had a lot of friends, but I tended to gravitate towards blacks.
I was friends with blacks.
I went over to their houses on the weekend.
I went on trips.
You know, what you'd call, you know, you better behave.
We weren't in the hoodlum culture, but obviously I was around that.
I mean, I've been, you know, in the middle of the inner city.
You know, oh, I'm going to go to, you know, into downtown, or into far South Dallas with my friend who lives in Rockwall.
And, you know, I'd go spend the weekend in the projects in South Dallas, folks.
You know, there at the basketball courts and there by the crack houses.
That was an interesting experience.
Growing up, my parents let me do it, but I guess it did add to my understanding of things.
I've witnessed police being paid off and stuff.
I've seen a lot of things, but it was the same even in those families.
The black woman was the boss in the house and my friend's father's
Uh, they had jobs, but you know, they gave the paycheck to her and uh, they basically, uh, it was almost encouraged that they be involved in alcoholism.
And you know, there'd be two or three brothers and sisters and a couple of them would be hoodlums, even in the better families.
And I remember being at my black friends' houses where they were on welfare, and I remember black women, black mothers, who have an 18-year-old son, a 15-year-old son I was hanging out with, and a daughter, saying, you've got to go, Leroy!
You've got to go!
The social worker might come by and you know you can't stay here!
I mean, the black fathers are not allowed to stay with their children.
So, a black lady called in earlier and wanted me to tell this story again, and so I've told it.
I think gone further than I ever have.
And it tears my heart out to see them destroy the black community.
It tears my heart out.
My guts out.
to witness this type of thing.
It hurts my feelings to know that from the time those coffin ships pulled up in Africa with the transatlantic slave trade kicking off five hundred years ago and running through the mid 1800s and still today with the Arab slave traders to know
That, on average, half of the people died on the ship.
They tended to not want too many older, leadership-type black males, so they'd kind of give them an extra beating to ensure that they would die on the way over.
And that they got off the ship, and from that time on, they did everything they could to tear down their families, break down their culture, and then they, quote, have a great society and welfare.
We're good to go.
The Establisher did not like the fact that there were millions of black people marching in suits and ties and that they were well spoken and that black illegitimacy was low.
It was high compared to the white population but very low compared to what it is today.
A fraction of it.
And so they went in there with money and they went right back to the old slave system and they broke up those families.
And you see what you've got today.
Anytime an African country tries to get up on its feet, anytime an African nation tries to mine its own gold or diamonds or oil, they get invaded, they get attacked.
The globalists fund the country next door, or fund some other group to invade.
It just happened in Somalia again three weeks ago, two weeks ago.
And this is the reality.
So you ask, ma'am, and I've gone over, and that's all verifiable
Documented history.
And there are smart, wonderful, great black women.
I'm not here knocking black women.
But notice the media.
It's never the strong black male.
It's always the strong, fountain of wisdom, black woman.
And they want that stereotype.
It's like Aaron Russo got told by Nick Rockefeller, but Gloria Steinem has admitted it now in one of her books.
The CIA set up Ms.
Magazine, ran the women's liberation movement, because women were already getting mad wanting to have equal rights, which is a good thing, but see, they hijacked that movement and then used it to break up the family, turn women against men,
Both of the people in the household are paying taxes and working, so the children stay at school until 4, and now in many schools they're keeping them there until 8 o'clock of what the parents want them to, so the parents can go to the gym and go to the bar, and then they go pick the kids up at 8 o'clock after they've had a few beers.
Now they're talking about getting rid of summer vacation, cutting it down to a month.
Again, China's done the same thing, where they have factories built on to the middle schools and high schools,
And in some cases, even with the fifth graders.
And you go to school four or five hours a day, but just learning how to run the machines, and you go right over next door to the firework factory, or the tennis shoe factory, or the microwave factory, or the cell phone factory.
Same thing.
This is how they've engineered our society.
This is how they operate.
And they now again 60% of and I'm told the numbers about to go up of the college graduates are women 60% of the doctors
Are now going to be women, and it's going to be pretty much all women as news anchors.
It'll be women police chiefs, and then we will be their slaves.
Look, the Bible's a history book, and you look at Babylon and all these places, the Bible says when you become enslaved, your new owners and law, you know, will be, will set women above you.
And so women enjoy it!
I mean, you're going to have a completely destroyed society.
Look what's happened to black people.
And, uh, it's already happened.
Over 50% illegitimacy in whites.
And we'll be 90% making those mistakes soon enough.
And, uh, the media will put out an image of a male.
The cool thing is to walk with your shoulders bent over and your pants hanging down, looking left and right and shifty.
And so your young males learn how to act like that.
That's just how the slaves acted 2,000 years ago and 200 years ago.
And we act just like slaves, don't we?
It's cool to make jokes and be stupid and not be able to talk.
Because we're a social creature.
They show us this on TV.
Every Fox TV show where it's a sitcom.
The men are all complete scum idiots.
Total drunk fools who can't do anything.
The mother's the boss.
They tell you to be promiscuous.
Go ahead and get a divorce.
You see?
Because they don't want men leading families, being strong tribal units.
No, they want us to be a bunch of gang members acting like monkeys.
Well, stop acting like it.
You want to rebel, be straight and strong.
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Welcome back!
All right, let's go to some calls.
Got that big guest hold up against the IRS coming up in the next hour, Ed Brown.
Amazing story.
Let's go to Patrick in Ohio.
Thanks for holding.
I'm going to move quickly.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
It's Patrick here in Columbus.
I called a couple months ago, but this time I want to talk about Big Brother in action.
I was traveling and
From Florida back to Ohio and on I-75 near Atlanta, Georgia, I happen to see Big Brother in action with a billboard asking us to be profiled.
To prevent 9-11 from happening.
And I just thought to myself... And now they're using the Amber Alert, which I told you 10 years ago as I read the federal plan, is really going to be anti-gun messages, anti-terror messages, tattle on your neighbor messages, and now they are!
Right here in Texas and all over the country, report terrorists, 1-800, and yeah, profile everyone, help us spy on everyone, they're recruiting all the truck drivers, it's just hell on earth.
I ask your listeners if they could possibly maybe take a picture of that to send
Well, why don't you go buy a disposable camera for $8 and take shots and mail it to me and I'll post it.
Well, you know, I'm in Ohio.
This was in Georgia.
Where were you in Georgia?
It was near Atlanta.
It's maybe about 50 miles south of Atlanta on I-75.
I-75, 40-50 miles south of Atlanta, Georgia.
Yes, and that's where I saw it.
Kenny, I'm going to get back to Ed Brown.
I've been trying to gather information on him.
You know, it's funny.
Fox News portrays Ed as almost like a terrorist.
He's like an enemy to the U.S.
and I think that's despicable for this.
He's not paying his money into the private banks and destroying the country.
How dare him?
You know, and they act like his house looks like it's a battle fortress with guns hanging out of it.
It looks like a normal house to me when I look at the photos.
Well, they're mad that he's saying, go ahead, come kill me, that's it, I've had enough.
And wait till God forbid they kill a bunch of people like him.
It's just going to be Waco after Waco.
Every time they do it, our numbers swell.
Every time they do it, we're that much closer to arresting these people.
Just let them continue.
Let them continue.
You know, the Pentagon can lose $2.3 trillion.
That's an AP article from five and a half years ago, sir.
It's now $3.9 trillion.
They can't go find that, but yet they're going to go attack
This man, he's minding his own business.
Well, the average idiot out there thinks, well, we gotta pay taxes, we gotta pay for stuff.
Your gas taxes, your road taxes, your property taxes, your state income taxes, all of those things pay for the infrastructure which they then use to control us.
As Ronald Reagan said, as the Commission said, as Parker Roberts will tell you, not one cent of this money
We're good to go.
It's all about control.
That's why when you make money, they don't send you credit cards every day, but when you're poor and broke and living in a one-room, cockroach-infested apartment in college eating ramen noodle, you get credit cards every few days in the mail.
It's about getting you in the system.
It's about debilitating you.
It's about controlling you.
It's about making sure you're not independent.
It's about getting you into the system by hook or by crook.
I agree with that.
I mean, this is sad.
I'm just curious if somebody could actually find out how much George Bush actually makes.
Off this war, off these oil companies.
Well, George Bush is a mid-level puppet, and of course when you read Freud Magazine every year, they tell you his wealth is a couple million.
The Bushes are worth over $100 billion, conservatively, but that's just a mid-level family.
The real families are worth trillions.
Their real wealth has been estimated by the Russian publications and economists at over $300 trillion.
That's conservative.
So Bill Gates, people like that are nothing.
Some guy worth $10 billion, like Michael Dell, is absolute nobody.
It's all just fiat currency.
Again, the whole economic system is a fraud.
Everything we've been told is a fraud.
The economic numbers are frauds.
The Dow Jones is a fraud.
I've walked through all this.
Just baseline, ten seconds, you can prove each one a fraud.
Take the unemployment numbers.
They don't count somebody who's been off the rolls for six months as unemployed.
They count them, they just go out of the number crunch.
Totally fake numbers.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is 30 of the best winners, taking out all losers.
Same thing with the NASDAQ, Standard & Poor's.
It's the same scam, total fraud.
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is the real set of books for every government agency.
County commissions, city councils, water districts, they're all running giant surpluses.
Over 75% of total stock market ownership is by government.
Just all total fraud.
Good to hear from you.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's a corporate takeover.
That's what these global corporations have done, infiltrating our government, setting up their new world order, destroying our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was the number two in the Department of Treasury, the father of ergonomics, and he's becoming just a routine contributor here.
We've interviewed him many times over the years.
He was on last week with us while I was out of town with Bob Dacey.
I'm honored to have him just pop in for 20 minutes or so today because of an incredible story he's written, The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry, and also to get his take on the latest developments with the build-up and the carriers threatening Iran openly.
But I promised to get to your calls, so he's holding, folks.
He said this is okay.
I want to hurry through a few of the callers that have been holding the longest, so quickly, Nathan and then Manuel and Greg, and then I'll get to others later.
Nathan, you're on the air from Texas.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
Hi, go ahead.
I was just wondering if Mr. Russo had sought alternative cancer treatment.
George Gordon or somebody said they have nine cures for cancer right now.
Well, I'm going to try to get into a debate about cancer.
There are treatments, alternative treatments, but none of them are 100%.
And yes, Aaron Russo has been fighting cancer and had a whole bunch of surgeries.
He's having another one now, today or tomorrow.
And he's tried a bunch of alternative stuff.
He's now
Well, I was just curious.
One of the reasons I've sounded like an idiot on air instead of the idiot Savannah Am is I was under MD's care for insomnia and after Ambien and Lumestre did work they started giving me horse doses of an antidepressant that had the wonderful side effect of causing sleepiness.
Are you still on it?
Got off of that.
Wasn't doing me any good.
It's causing more problems than helping.
I've been having a little bit of problems with that, but since you got it down the track... Okay, well, I can't really do... It's a free podcast, so there's not a lot of customer service involved with it.
You can get all three hours of the show every day at the end of the show.
It downloads, and there's different applications.
If you have an iPod, there's one thing you click on.
If you have another MP3, there's another you click on.
What, you're just unable to get it?
Explain to me your problem.
Yeah, my brother's the one that's on the computer.
He knows his way around that stuff.
Sometimes he says it's missing.
We rely on it sometimes.
I look at today, I barely had time to call.
You know what I mean?
How often does the podcast work?
95% of the time, which is phenomenal, but you know how it goes.
Sir, I've only got 10 employees.
I can barely pay them.
We're totally fighting here.
We're writing articles, making films, doing interviews.
It's free, so I just really don't know what I can do for you.
That's even a criticism.
We love what you're doing.
We definitely appreciate it, but you know how that goes.
Yeah, I gotta go to my guest.
What else is going on?
Well, it was Jabari from College Hill.
On TV is an instruction module.
You talked about the Mammy.
Now Mammy is television.
If Kim from Texas, she was right when she said the Willie Lynch Theory.
My friend brings it up all the time around here.
But Jabari from College Hill, the only well-spoken, disciplined one, sort of eclectic.
It was a reality show.
They followed the college kids and they put them up and they beat them down on that television show.
That's all.
Well, all images basically of men now on TV are of weak, bad people, and this is the system.
I appreciate your call.
I'm going to go to Dr. Roberts now, because I said I'd get to some calls, but I just can't have him sit there.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, thank you for coming on with us, sir.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Oh, I'm pretty good.
Just so much is happening.
Let's get into Iran first.
They've got a bunch of different task force groups there.
Four different task force groups.
Two mainline carriers.
Another one going there.
They're openly saying they may strike them.
Israel's saying it.
You've been talking about this now for over a year.
What do you see on that front?
Well, yes, they intend to attack Iran.
The so-called surge, it only has one
Purpose, Alex, and that's to prevent a withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.
Before Bush can initiate war with Iran.
Let me comment on that, and I want to see if you agree on what I've said.
It's to give the Democrats shelter, because they're all a bunch of pro-war scum, too.
Pro-New World Order, pro-Empire.
And so, everybody in their constituency wanted them to force a pullout, so Bush puts in an extra 21,600 troops.
Now the debate can be about the increase, instead of having a debate about the reduction, basically a bait and switch.
Well, yes, you can say that.
I think it's even worse.
I think it's a red herring, a distraction.
Because it makes a non-issue the issue.
The real issue is... That's what I said, yeah.
If the issue is to pull the troops out, and the pressure from Congress and the military and the public forces them to pull the troops out, then the whole adventure in the Middle East will be over.
So he has to get a bigger war going fast.
And so the whole purpose of the surge is to distract everybody while they put in place the means to attack Iran.
And yes, Iran will be attacked.
I have said that the only thing that could stop it would be if the leadership of both parties, of both houses of Congress, went to the White House and told them he would be impeached before the week was out if he widened the war.
But they won't do that because they really don't believe
That Bush would have such audacity to initiate a water war.
Well, he had the audacity to have his black ops blow up those buildings on 9-11.
Hey, I didn't say he wouldn't.
I said what they think.
No, I agree, yeah.
Yeah, they think.
And I wouldn't put anything past whoever is pulling his strings, whether it's him or Cheney or the neocons or whoever it is.
I think that the Democrats are going to be surprised when they find that they're in a lot of war that they have to support in order to protect Israel.
Well, I agree with you, and the entire House of Cards is going to collapse if they don't do this.
People are on to them.
So, really, it's a Ponzi scheme.
They've just got to pump it up that much faster.
Do you think, though, they're going to need a prelude to it, maybe a staged terror event or a provocative event, either in Israel or the U.S.
or Europe?
It's so massive that then it can be blamed on Iran?
Well, they'll certainly use that if they need to.
I think they're doing everything they can to provoke Iran.
You know, they broke into that liaison office and arrested Iranian officials in Iraq.
And we have these teams inside Iraq causing trouble.
I mean, Iran.
And I'm sure that they're capable of staging an incident or having a carrier attack and blaming the Iranians.
There's anything they can do.
They won't have any trouble starting.
Uh, war.
Well, Alex, I don't know what they'll do.
I think that what the neocons believe is that the only way they can prevail against the Muslims and exercise American-Israeli hegemony in the Middle East is now to intimidate them with nuclear weapons.
That's right, they've openly said they may go ahead and nuke them.
Just open nuclear attack.
So they've understood that they can't occupy them.
They can't defeat them with conventional forces, so I think the notion is that if they use tactical nukes, it will make the Muslims realize that they don't have any recourse but to submit to the U.S.-Israeli hegemony.
But every major analyst, even people like Oliver North and others, or even neocons, are saying it's going to do the opposite.
It's going to cause the whole Middle East to explode.
Everybody's going to go absolutely ape, which is really what the neocons want, to then widen the crisis so big we've got to go into the draft and total escalation.
Well, I don't know what the effect would be.
I suspect what the effect would be more anger among Muslims and that we may see our puppets in Pakistan and Egypt, for example, overthrown.
And of course, Pakistan has nukes.
Well, I guess then we'll have to go in there.
I don't think there's any prospect of us going in with troops anymore in the Middle East.
I understand.
So why would the, so the neocons would nuke Pakistan?
The neocons have written several times that what's the point of having nuclear weapons if you can't use them?
Oh yeah, that's completely sane.
Yeah, so I think that they are prepared to use them, and what Karl Rove, I think, has figured out is that they don't really need to go so gung-ho in Iran.
If they just strike and hit some planes,
They can then announce that they've taken out Iran's nuclear weapons program.
And that'll be a victory?
And that this will be the victory that bears the defeat in Iraq.
And all the Americans will say, oh Bush saved us from Iranian nuclear weapons and his polls will go back up and he can finish out in good order.
Now that is another option that may also be the one that's in play.
So it might not be the big horrendous strike that we hear about.
It might simply be
I don't know.
I just don't know.
They may not know themselves.
They're trying to see what they can get away with.
What opinion is?
What the world's doing?
What Congress does?
They are hesitating a bit, aren't they?
Because the battle plan was, from inside, was to hit them around Christmas.
Why do you think they're hesitating?
Well, I think they're hesitating because there's not any support for the current war.
So to widen it is risky.
And so they have to do it in a way that works for them.
So interstate terror?
If they're going to do it, they've got to do it
Yes, that's true, but I mean militarily.
I was just reading yesterday that they're having the carriers come in closer and closer to Iranian territorial waters just begging for something to happen.
They would love a new Pearl Harbor.
They got a Pearl Harbor with 9-11.
They'd love one in the Persian Gulf.
I think the neocons would be very happy if both aircraft carriers sunk.
Because that would rally the Americans again.
Uh, to an all out war with Iran.
And they do the same thing over and over again with Tonkin, Maine, Lusitania.
I mean, they just love to blow up ships.
I guess that's because it's hard to get caught doing that out in the middle of the ocean.
Well, look, even if you get caught, you just deny it.
And most people are going to believe the government.
I mean, look, most people, despite, despite everything you've done about 9-11, uh, still only 40% doubt the
9-11 Commission reports conclusions.
So you've got a majority of Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden or somebody attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
So you can always... Look, the Israelis hit the USS Liberty in 1967.
The Johnson administration bared it.
You have to go on the website run by the Liberty Crew to find out that it was the Israelis who attacked the plane, killed 34 American Navy men and wounded 130 something and the United States government all pretends that it didn't happen or it was some kind of mistake.
So they can deny
Well, whatever, just like they denied the Gulf of Tonkin.
You know, that's still not set.
People still aren't even aware of that incident.
That's right.
The government, the CIA and NSA history department admit it was staged, but a lot of people still think it was real.
So they can get away.
With a lot.
Like you said, they always have.
Now, let's shift gears into the new story you've written, The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry.
Tell us about that.
Okay, this really, Alex, is a review of a report put out by the Cato Institute about the rise of paramilitary police raids in America.
It's about the militarization of your local police.
It's an amazing thing.
It turns out that there are now 17,000
Local American police forces that are armed with rocket launchers, bazookas, heavy machine guns, all kinds of chemical sprays.
In fact, some of them have tanks.
You have now local police departments that are equipped beyond the standard of American heavy imagery.
And what do they use these for?
For example, in recent years there have been 40,000 or more call-outs to SWAT teams annually.
So that would be 110 times a day.
Now, have you read about 110 hostage or terrorist events every day last year?
So what are they doing?
They're serving routine warrants to people who pose no danger to the police or to the public.
I think?
Because in a very high percentage of these cases, the SWAT teams have wrong addresses, they've got the wrong people.
Or they throw a flashbang into a baby's crib, or they shoot an old lady in the back, or they shoot one of their own officers and go nuts and kill everybody in the house.
Right, exactly.
There you have it.
There you have it.
It's become just a... It's a far greater source of terror for Americans than Muslim terrorists.
Because these things are happening 110 times every day.
But that's the whole point of it.
And now they're going to bring troops back.
We've been running similar raids in Iraq thousands of times to expand the paramilitary force and they admit the black mask, all of it, is about intimidation.
This is going to be the paramilitary Nazi force that comes for our guns.
That's part of the case.
You may know that part of the militarization of local police is that they give preference now to military veterans.
The military is totally different from police.
Police are supposed to be community related.
It's not supposed to have in its head the idea that you take out the suspect.
Police are guardians, they're servants, they're defenders.
The military kills people and breaks things and fights an enemy.
So if you have every town with a militarized military police, they're there to fight an enemy.
Who's the enemy?
That's us.
That's right.
That's right.
The suspect is the enemy, wherever he comes from.
Meanwhile, the border is wide open.
Dr. Roberts, stay there.
Final segment.
Let's continue with your analysis of this report.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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Welcome to Dr. Craig Roberts, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Go through some of the other details you found in this big report that came out about the SWAT team, sir.
Okay, it turns out that the source of information for most SWAT team raids are snitches.
Snitches are criminals who make a living by being police informers.
Many snitches are themselves drug dealers.
And they use their informant role in order to knock off the competition and in order to avoid arrest.
So what you have is many of these people that find a SWAT team in the middle of their home in the middle of the night shooting up the place.
Uh, they may be recreational drug users that a snitch sold a small amount of marijuana to that evening and went and told the police.
And a lot of police are on the take, too, from the mid-level drug dealers.
They're only going to bust small people.
They like snacks.
They need to create the illusion, you know, they're all on roids and they're snorting coke.
There's a federal program that gives money for drug enforcement.
And the feds, let me add this, the feds lobbied it 10 years ago and got it passed in almost every state.
State laws where if the state gets the money, the police only get about 10%.
But if the cops give it to the feds, they get about 70% back.
Go ahead, sorry.
The state doles out the federal money to the police forces based on the number of drug arrests.
So then you get the police forces out hiring drug dealers to
Sell drugs to people and tell the police, and the drug dealers of course use this role to keep themselves from being arrested, but they turn in all their competitors.
That's it, and it's the same reason with family violence, that if the neighbor hears people arguing, the cops come, no one's hurt, nothing's broken, they still arrest someone, because just the arrest gets them a bounty for that too.
Right, that's exactly it.
And that's the reason, and see, so the SWAT teams were created, the first ones were
In Los Angeles in the 60s.
They got a big boost from Ed Meese's war on drugs during the Reagan administration.
And they first called them Special Weapons Attack Teams, not Special Weapons and Tactics.
That's right.
Assault Teams, I think they called them.
And the military started giving military equipment.
And training.
And training.
And Congress passed a law in favor of that so that you now have
have these police forces uh... so heavily armored uh... that it's uh... ridiculous and they don't have any use for these SWAT teams because... Well we know it was all a cynical way to create paramilitary federally controlled many of them have been deputized federally in the MJTF multi-jurisdictional task forces this is really just a paramilitary group of uh... killers in every town to enforce you're right they can be used in that way uh... in the meantime
Since there's no real use for them, there are not many hostage situations every day, or terrorist situations, and they're expensive.
They use them to serve warrants on people who are no threat.
Well, Dr. Roberts, you've done an expert report on this, but let me add the caveat.
From Austin, Texas to New York City now, they put them out at checkpoints on the side of the road, and now guys in masks come and search you there.
I see.
Well, I would imagine it'll get worse, Alex.
I don't know where to stop it.
A lot of people believe in law and order, and they think the police are on their side.
We've got a one-minute break.
I want to hold you for just three or four minutes on the other side, because I want to ask you about Newt Gingrich, Hillary, all of them calling for free speech restrictions, and the Lobbying Reform Act with Section 220 to imprison bloggers if they don't register as lobbyists.
So stay there, Dr. Roberts.
I've got one more question for you.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Even PBS has reported that in the late 1960s, the Defense Department and the CIA approached Los Angeles about setting up special weapons attack teams.
This was a federal program and plan to introduce it, popularize it, then the federal government funded and helped with script writing for the show SWAT.
To then popularize it and now special weapons and tactics is becoming the norm.
With even normal beat cops carrying fully automatic weapons, the larger cities getting full bore tanks, rocket launchers, and it is to suppress the American people, as you saw in New Orleans, coming in and confiscating guns.
And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, I was interrupting because on this subject I just started frothing, I've been studying it for so many years, as you know I made three police state films, folks.
Let's get on to Gingrich.
I think we've covered the facts.
I mean, Gain Reach is saying attack free speech.
They want to register all bloggers who get 500 visitors a year or more.
Prison time if you don't.
They're attacking that neutrality.
I mean, this is incredible.
Do you think they'll be successful?
They may well be.
I think once a police state starts, it's hard to stop it.
And the only thing they don't control is the Internet.
They control what's called the mainstream media.
So I would imagine you will see these faults.
The funny thing that will result from this is the only place you'll have any internet that's critical of America will be in China or Russia.
They won't be able to reach and shut off those sites, you see.
At the same time, those sites won't be allowed to be critical of China or Russia, but they will probably be able to carry on about what's going on here.
The thing is, the people here who experience it see it.
We'll have a hard time getting the word out.
Well, that's it.
Yeah, it goes back to regionalized news like we had a decade ago where nobody knows what's going on.
Yeah, that's right.
I think that they will go after the Internet.
They'll go after it many ways.
And you're right that Gingrich, in fact, Hillary, any number of them, believe that it's necessary to suppress free speech in order to defend the nation from terrorists.
So, there you have it.
How do you think Newt Gingrich has so much nerve to give speech after speech, even at free speech meetings, saying, look, we've got to restrict free speech, and then before the Congress, Alberto Gonzales a few weeks ago came out and said there is no habeas corpus in the Constitution.
He said there's no guarantee of that.
And it says it twice!
Well, of course it does.
But you're saying, why are they saying all this?
They realize they have control.
They can get away with it.
They got away with 9-11.
They have started a war.
It's a war criminal government.
They're getting away with everything.
And so I think they can say whatever they want.
The Federalist Society, which is a collection of Republican lawyers, supposedly people who believe in original intent.
But what it really believes in is power in the executive.
And that's the basis for all the judicial appointments that the Republican Party makes.
And so who's going to criticize them?
I mean, other than the people on the Internet, like you and me, there's no way to criticize them.
So I think getting away with 9-11, it was the Reichstag fire, and this whole thing may go on until they have a Stalingrad.
Well, I think they're going to have a Stalingrad, they're going to have a Waterloo, because people everywhere are becoming enraged, and I've got big mainline talk stations calling up, picking up the show.
You know, they're owned by medium-sized companies where their CEOs are angry.
I think the worm's turning.
I think we've got a chance, though, Dr. Roberts.
Speaking out, isn't it, Alex?
So, good luck to you in everything you do.
God bless your courage and thank you for spending so much time with us, Dr. Roberts.
Your columns are all over the web.
People can find them there.
Take care.
We'll be right back with Mr. Brown.
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Remember in the last few months, I was going to have Aaron Russo on three times, and he just kept saying, oh, he had to cancel?
It was because he was having emergency surgeries.
And he's going to be having another surgery
He needs our prayers, folks.
He said I can tell people a little bit, but I don't want to get into too much details.
It's rough, folks.
I mean, the guy gave us an hour and a half and was ready to keep going, but he was so tired when I saw him a few weeks ago in Houston that I just cut the interview off then.
I mean, he is fighting for his life, folks.
He's been battling cancer for four years.
He almost died.
He was very, very sick.
When he made America Freedom to Fascism.
Having surgeries, undergoing all this treatment.
He's tried alternative.
He's tried surgery.
I don't know how many times they've cut stuff out of him.
He's tried chemo just a few months ago.
He's such a fighter.
That's really what got him down, obviously.
The reason I bring this up is we need to pray for Aaron Russo.
He's got a big heart.
He's a good man.
I think so.
Ready to go toe-to-toe with the criminal government, the SWAT teams, up in New Hampshire over the fact that they claim he owes taxes, there's no law, to the private Federal Reserve and the people that are destroying America.
And I was talking to him, and he told me that most of the support, a lot of the support he's getting is because of freedom to fascism.
It's college students, it's high school students, it's young people.
Hundreds have come out to his home to support him.
Thousands of phone calls and emails.
And this isn't really getting any... It's starting to get some national attention as they demonize him.
Here's a local Fox piece attacking him, and we'll go to Mr. Brown.
But I wanted to have Mr. Russo on with him today, but he can't do it.
And he's... It's, you know... Having to have a surgery every few weeks is tough.
And Aaron is... He's a trooper.
And we're going to be in the next few days putting a video up
For PrisonPlanet.tv members, an hour and a half long interview I did with Aaron Russo, an amazing interview where he went further than he's ever gone about the Rockefellers trying to recruit him and to shut up and everything else.
I mean, that's how real this is.
These demons will actually come to you.
I've had high-level globalist minions come to me, and I mean, this is real, folks.
I mean, with all the evidence we've got, when you actually get approached by them,
That really takes it home to you.
Let me tell you.
It really takes it home to you.
This is what we're fighting.
This is what we're facing.
Let's go to the clip.
Ed Brown, for those that missed it when we played it on Monday, and then we're going to go to this hero.
Here it is.
A New Hampshire man holed up in this house in anticipation of a tax standoff.
He and his wife have refused to pay any income tax for more than a decade.
And now they claim that supporters from across the country are on their way to New Hampshire.
The standoff is happening in the town of Plainfield, New Hampshire.
That's where we find Fox 25's Charman Sikheti tonight.
Charman, what's the latest?
Well, just a few hours ago, Ed and Elaine Brown were convicted of owing three quarters of a million dollars in back federal taxes for not paying their taxes for about ten years.
Now, Ed Brown is refusing to leave his home here in Plainfield, and he is preparing for an armed standoff.
They're just trying to steal the money.
I don't owe them anything.
I don't care what they say.
Moments after he and his wife were found guilty on federal tax evasion charges, Ed Brown is defiant.
He's holed up inside his concrete home here in Plainfield, New Hampshire, waiting for what he calls a fascist American government to make its next move.
And he says he has weapons.
I expect a war this time to magnitude like this world has never seen before.
Whether I survive this initial onslaught or not makes no difference.
Prosecutors say Brown and his wife Elaine, a dentist, owe $750,000 in back federal and payroll taxes.
But Brown, who refused to appear in court for the verdict, says the laws do not apply to him or his wife.
Right in courtroom, I said, show me the law where I have to pay the tax and I'll write you a check right now.
The driveway leading to Brown's home is blocked off by trucks.
At the other end, supporters have hung flags and signs.
Some of them read, Don't Tread On Me.
A self-described millionaire, Brown says he can live inside this home for as long as it takes.
He has battery power and water, and now he's waiting for what he believes are many more who feel the same, ready to confront authority.
I don't think you understand just how many are coming and what's going to happen here.
Now, the judge in this case has banned Elaine Brown from staying here at her home in Plainfield.
She's actually staying at a home in Worcester with a relative.
We understand the U.S.
Marshals, they tell us they have no plans to come to the house.
They have established an open line of communication, however, with Ed Brown.
Sentencing in this case set for April.
They could get three to five years.
We're live here in Plainfield, New Hampshire.
Sharmin Sikheti, Fox 25 News.
Now, remember the first thing Ashcroft did when he got in.
They raided the second largest church in America, the Indianapolis Baptist Temple.
Because the pastor found out that he wasn't supposed to be 501c3, the churches didn't need that, they never had it before, the 50s.
And so, of course, he just refused to go under IRS control and to be under political control.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And dumbo bureaucrats listening, you can't even tell me the law that says you can control the churches.
You can't.
You're criminals.
But they'll just say, I got a machine gun and I'll send guys in black uniforms who are completely stupid to enforce something that doesn't exist.
This is tyranny!
In May, is that what you said?
I mean, I'm asking you.
I have no idea.
It sounds like the same scenario that happened elsewhere with the Baptist Church.
You know, they're going to wait until everybody goes away, they think, this time, and then they're going to make their move.
But frankly, I don't mind.
You know, actually, I didn't hear that Fox report before.
That's the first time I heard it.
That's not untrue what I said.
So, I thought they had really demonized the thing worse than what it was.
Now, I said that.
Well, no, that's a local piece.
There's a national piece that does demonize it.
That's what I didn't like.
The national piece, yeah.
But at any rate, I'm not concerned.
So what?
Let them come.
It's against the law.
I'm not going to let anyone violate my rights, my guarantees, I'm the creator.
Well, I go back to this, and I commend your courage.
They said there's a law that blacks aren't humans.
But they couldn't really show the law, they just enforced it.
And finally black people just said, no!
I'm going to run away, they're trying to stop me, I'm going to kill you!
And just like they say, and they said, no it's the law, blacks aren't humans.
And you're saying this isn't a law, it's a fraud, it's a scam, it's a private cartel.
I mean, break down how you got to this point.
Tell us about Ed Brown, tell us how you got to this point, and then what transpired and why you're drawing your line at the sand at hopefully what doesn't turn into your Alamo.
Very quickly, I grew up with the attitude and philosophy of red, white, and blue, graham and apple pie.
Born in 1942, saw the World War II and saw the victories and came through the 50s nice and at peace and calm and relaxed and quiet.
In the 60s came in and began very tumultuous.
At any rate, it goes further on.
I had a
No parents of my own, so I kind of adopted that John Wayne philosophy as my father.
If I had to have a father, it would have been John Wayne.
So, you know, you never hurt people.
You certainly never hurt or abuse women.
So I developed this feeling and attitude to it.
Taking care of the weaker of them.
The infirm, or whatever.
That's my philosophy.
Yeah, mine too.
And so, as I got older and older, and things changed for me up and down, and by the time I hit 40, I was homeless for five years because of my second divorce.
Made sure my family had a house roof over their head.
They gave up the house, gave up the business for my wife so the children would still have a home, and I could go back and visit them.
So then, uh,
Long story short, through all that stuff, I met my wife, my current wife.
We've been together now for 22, 23 years.
And it's been one just beautiful relationship from day one to the present time until May 24th, 2006.
And all we do is grow.
I have no way that I'd break the law.
I have given myself the gift of honor.
And what happened?
Tell us what happened.
Tell us how the IRS first appeared.
Oh, that's beautiful.
So after our investigation over the past twelve years, we thought they'd be here ten years ago, they came in ten years later, two years ago, in November of 2004.
And they came, they arrived with twenty-eight approximate personnel.
Twenty of them were CID, IRS, two US Marshals, and one Postal Officer, and they had up on the hill a sniper with three observers,
Two state troopers backing them up behind them, and one state trooper across the street, uh, crossed by and they said, shopping mall.
Everybody was armed.
Everybody had body armor.
And that was just to download a computer.
My God, that must have been one nasty computer.
After that, I had decided that this is what we wanted.
We were waiting for them to do this because we knew though, we already knew that there was no law for the tax.
But we couldn't just go in there and sue them.
It wouldn't work.
You know, of course, we'd just dismiss them.
Now, I had a state case, a tort case, of damages.
They hurt my wife's business, they embarrassed me, they criticized me in a character assassination, all kinds of things.
So then we sued them, and five or six months later, in a state court, after we did up the court case together.
Stay there, Ed Brown, under siege, in New Hampshire.
We're gonna break, sir, we'll come right back to you, okay?
Quick break.
We'll be back with Ed Brown.
Details right now.
Links to a blog that has all his info on it at InfoWars.com right now.
Don't forget PrisonPlanet.com.
InfoWars.net and JonesReport.com.
We'll be right back.
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Day after day Alone on a hill The man with the foolish grin Is keeping perfectly still But nobody wants to know him They can see that he's just a fool And he never gives an answer But the fool learns a hint
Welcome back.
Ed Brown got a lot of courage.
He's chosen his battle after they SWAT teamed him and did all this stuff.
He said, uh, well, I'm gonna sue him.
We've gotten up to that point.
Please continue, sir.
I forgot where I was.
You got to the point of where now you had a tort against them.
You've been waiting for this for 10 years.
That's correct.
I had a state tort against them now and filed charges against four officials that were in charge of that operation.
Attorney, U.S.
Attorney Colin Tawano, his assistant, William E. Morris, John Hickey of the Postal Service, and the IRS officer in charge who ordered all of this mess, James John.
I don't
He notified me that the court has now been transferred to the federal court.
I notified them that there is no federal jurisdiction involved in this case.
Now let's be clear, let's be clear.
The IRS has it's own little special courts.
And anytime you try to sue them for violating your rights, you're supposed to be able to go through the process of the courts and then if it gets appealed it moves up.
But no, they just outside the law, outside the procedure, just pass it on.
That's exactly what they did.
Again, lawlessness!
The government is lawless.
Go ahead.
An inclusion with a state judge, Gene Berling.
Sanctioned by the governor.
We got a serious problem here folks.
Guess what?
They got no more courts in this country.
So now, the United States District Court
Hasn't he?
Asked me to come in.
I told him I can't go in because there's no federal jurisdiction here and I explained it to him.
He even sent him the information from a national attorney.
They turn around and dismiss the case.
Six months later they turn around.
Six o'clock in the morning, in collusion with the local police department, I had to come down to the water point.
I said, brother Mr. Brown, we're here with two police officers here at the water department to help you out.
I knew what it was.
I went down there and walked right up to them.
I said, yeah, yeah, yeah.
One hits me and then two more piled on top of me and screamed like the top of their lungs.
Stand up!
Stand up!
First they lied.
They've already raided you once.
You didn't do anything to them.
Now they physically assault you because they're criminals.
Okay, continue.
Now it gets really interesting now.
So, half an hour later, they picked up my wife, put her in handcuffs, and drove her directly to Concord.
But prior to that, they picked me up, and they got me in handcuffs, and up off the ground, shackles and handcuffs.
And then they brought me to the local police department, the Lebanon Police Department.
Cruiser brought me into the police department, and ready, stripped me, had me take all my clothes off, had me face the wall, bend over,
Spread the cheeks of my buttocks.
I understand.
It's all about rape and humiliation.
Please don't go any further.
That doesn't work.
Because I don't care.
That doesn't bother me.
It makes you hate him.
Because the people that can... It gives you power when they do that evil.
They think it intimidates us.
It only makes us commit more to fight them.
They're showing everybody what they are.
A bunch of mafia thugs.
You got that right.
These pieces of trash are in there.
They're all over your body.
They're doing all this to you.
So that's all, that's all this is.
Put fear into you.
It didn't put fear into me.
It put anger.
You're right.
What were you saying to him while they were doing this, these perverts?
Not a thing.
Not a single thought up to everything.
All I was doing was just baiting.
This was my case.
We started this case twelve years ago.
We were waiting for them to start doing stuff like this so we could file civil damages.
All kinds of damages.
Okay, please continue.
So then they brought me down to the District Court.
Yeah, I say District Court.
Cooling cell there for about eight hours.
I sat there twirling my thumbs.
Then they brought me before the judge.
Then that's the point where I sat down at the bench and the judge came in and seated himself.
They served me with the papers.
First time I've seen any papers.
I've asked the U.S.
Marshals why I was being charged with arrest.
We'll discuss that when we get down to the courts.
We're just told to bring you in.
That was all unlawful.
So no chance to get a lawyer?
No chance to get counsel?
No arrest warrant?
We could have afforded that very easily.
But they wouldn't allow that.
No time.
The first thing that the judge did was say, Mr. Brown, how about this?
This is just an arraignment.
How do you plead?
I said, I don't know.
What are you talking about?
Because I still don't know what they're talking about.
The judge, the attorney, the court-appointed attorney that was there, I didn't say get him or accept him.
It was all staged.
We don't have courts.
This is the Soviet Union.
America's completely... Stay there, stay there, sir.
We gotta break.
I mean, I want you to listen to this.
This is how it operates.
This is the new America.
Totally enslaved like Russia or Nazi Germany.
And it's only gonna get worse.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Pinch me, Bill.
I can't believe it.
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I know what you mean, John.
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This is not America!
We'll die for the system!
We're going to go back to Ed Brown here in a moment.
Literally, their last stand could develop in New Hampshire.
I'd like to hear from callers who specifically want to talk about this issue.
I know we've got a bunch holding, we'll get to you, but I want to hear from callers who want to talk about Ed's courage, what he's facing, how you can help him.
You know, some of my staff are like, pledge to help him, pledge to go up there to New Hampshire, be part of it.
The Feds are going to wait.
I don't pledge somebody my support unless I can give it to them.
I don't say, I'm going to stand right there with you, and I'm going to be there with you, and I'll guarantee you're going to be safe, Ed.
I'm here trying to support them on the air.
I'm trying to give them support.
We know when they're coming.
Or they start driving up with tanks and getting ready for an assault, I'll try to jump on an airplane.
You know, I was young when Waco happened, but I pledged after that to not stand by and watch this stuff anymore if we ever had a chance.
But the feds are smart.
They're not going to let their armor build up and then let people like Lexington and Concord show up.
They'll hit Ed three, four, five months from now at 3 a.m.
in the morning.
So I hope he's got alarm systems all around there.
We need people who will get together and agree.
I'll go for a week, I'll go for a week, I'll go for a week and just keep it there with witnesses for as long as possible.
Because they also won't want video cameras.
We need to get a web camera hooked in there that's wireless without the feds knowing that can then send it to a remote server.
I of course have those in my office and a lot of other security I won't mention.
And home, of course.
But that's what we need.
Because the few times we've, like BATF, remember in Tucson?
A couple years ago, they come in the gun shop, they've been wanting to shut down.
The guy hadn't, they passed a new law he hadn't heard about.
He had to have a permit as a pawn shop.
Even though it was a gun shop, they put it in there.
And then SWAT team, and the VHF's going, man, this is a $5,000 gun.
I'm going to keep that one.
All right, don't file it.
Listen, how are we going to plant something illegal on him?
And they're just throwing all these guns and trash cans.
Hey, Crooks, there was a VCR on 24-hour record mounted, and you got caught on video trash.
And we're mounting cameras everywhere, and we're showing more.
Like that cop when they pulled over, a fellow that has worked with Mike Hanson, Robert,
And he had that hidden camera in that car, and the cops started shooting his mouth off about how he'd like to kill Robert.
And we put that on the web, and now that guy's in danger of getting fired.
So you just keep your business up.
Because there's some of us who aren't afraid of you anymore, and afraid of your criminal masters.
And you are so stupid, most of you don't even know you're criminals.
You think we're here to be treated like trash and be abused by you while your bosses ship in the drugs, and while you ruin our society!
We're not putting up with it anymore!
Alright, I'm going to shut up.
I'm getting really mad here.
I'm about to go back to adding your calls.
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Now, let's continue and kind of condense it down if we can, Ed.
We'll do a part two if we need to here as this develops.
Condense down in this saga.
You're now in the courtroom.
Then I want to go through how America's freedom from fascism, you said, is what's getting you most of the support that people really have woken up.
And it's exponential.
It's going to double in the next year what it's already doubled.
How do you plead?
Excuse me?
Well, everybody please don't feel guilty.
Real fast, I guess.
Well, the next thing Mr. Brown is, is sir, the next thing Mr. Brown is, is let's just move along here, and I'm, you know, totally confused with this mess.
At any rate, we move along to Mr. Brown, we cannot release you unless we have the firearms out of your house.
We understand that you have, like, dirty guns in your house.
See, notice, they're now charging you with, I guess, tax evasion.
They won't even say what it is.
Now he wants you to incriminate yourself in front of court to say you have guns.
He would then try to claim that talking about your guns would be some type of threat to him.
They do that all the time.
Then they imprison you for a threat on a judge.
So this is incredible.
Please continue.
Well, he said, he said, he said, I'm concerned for the, I'm concerned about my officers' safety.
So I need to have... See, he wanted you to verbally talk about guns and officers and their safety to misconstrue it.
And by the way, we've never talked, I didn't know this part of the story.
This is the first for most listeners of their... She and I guessed, of course, what it would be.
This is how these criminals set people up.
Please continue.
So, I knew down the road, I mean, in the cell, I couldn't do any work there.
I didn't care what the attorney said.
You know, I'm there in my own capacity as I sit as a man.
Yeah, he just says, we're not telling you what we're charging you with.
Plead guilty.
Tell us about your guns.
There's your lawyer.
That's correct.
What lawyer?
I can't use a lawyer or an attorney.
I have no choice.
I'm not there to have someone to represent me.
I'm already there.
I am present.
So why would I need an attorney?
So what happened next?
So then I agreed and signed a paper to allow them, because I didn't care about the guns.
I knew where the guns were going.
He said, we're going to go to Riley's Sports Shop, blah, blah, blah.
We obviously have friendly terms with us.
And really, they just didn't have a search warrant for the house.
Let me guess.
They stole a whole bunch of stuff when they were in there other than guns.
Well, yes, they did, as a matter of fact.
Oh, see.
OK, this is OK.
Yeah, that's interesting you said that.
No, well, sir, they have a handbook.
OK, this is a model.
Yeah, I know.
Don't they, huh?
So they took about $15,000 worth of my guns and some miscellaneous other stuff.
If you've got gold, they always steal that and the cops all divvied up outside.
Well, they couldn't get the gold because I had that hidden.
Oh, don't let them know that.
They'll be out there with shovels.
It's already gone.
It's already gone.
At any rate, so I went home, by the way, so our agreement was, listen very carefully now, our agreement was
That my wife was in drive, she was already on her way home.
We'll drive home and show them where all the guns were.
I says, okay.
And I said, go ahead, I didn't have to tell them where all the guns were.
Literally, did you know there was already a SWAT team waiting, I'm guessing here, and the minute you acquiesced, all color of law, they were in your house.
What, were you there?
No, I studied the New World Order, sir.
Yeah, me too.
They were there at 11 o'clock, even before I went into the courtroom.
11 o'clock tomorrow, I went to the courtroom at 3.30 in the afternoon.
They'd already photographed every square foot.
Oh, so it was worse than I said.
They had... The judge had probably told them, hell, you already went in there without a search warrant, you can get in trouble.
We've got to now trick him into acquiescent.
Well, I acquiesced only to them getting the guns.
Not to go in any place else at all, but they went in every single drawer, every single... I know what they did, but I mean, so continue with the crimes, just kind of sum it up for us.
Okay, so then... I know there's thousands of them, but you know.
Yeah, I know.
So then I went... They let me go after that.
They got all the guns.
I went back home.
I ended up standing out there cooling my heels while I had to wait three hours for a ride to get home.
I had no phone or nothing.
So then I went home and waited for court, come court time.
Six months later, I filed 42 motions.
I don't
With this allowed in private?
And then would never even let you talk and before you could even... As the first word left your mouth, he would say... He would tell you to shut up.
You were never even allowed to talk or defend yourself.
He was a little more polite than that, but that's basically it.
Yes, sir.
Okay, please continue.
Okay, so then we went further.
He had a special meeting with us one afternoon for the prosecutor.
Second day of trial.
And he said, I was dying for this trial, by the way, because now I got a chance to really nail these puppies once and for all, you know, get my evidence out there.
But it wasn't working out that way.
So anyway, he had us come in after the court, the jury left the room and everybody else left the room.
So it's just a judge, my wife and myself talking about what's going to happen and what we needed to do.
So he tells us that we cannot show our evidence.
We cannot
Because if any of the evidence was what he didn't consider, you know, good enough.
You know, and he said all of our evidence wasn't good enough.
He finally allowed one video, that's all.
He disallowed all witnesses except for one.
Ten of my witnesses, which were witnesses for the prosecution, which were the U.S.
officers, he wouldn't let me witness to every single one of them.
Yeah, I can't even call the cops that did this to you.
He wouldn't even allow it.
I couldn't believe it.
It's not relevant.
It doesn't pertain to the case that you're suing them.
The people you're suing are not allowed to call.
That's exactly what he did.
I could not believe you know that much of it.
Good Lord.
It's always the same, sir.
It's not very hard.
I know.
I can finish your story if you like.
I've never heard it.
Yeah, I know, I know.
But now we're down to... Okay, our time to go into court.
We left court on Thursday.
In the afternoon, and we knew, right then and there, as soon as we saw the jury tampering on his decision to advise the jury on how he was going to make his decision to them, what they had to do, we said, I said, I'm not going back.
There's no way in the world I'm going back to this judge and this court.
That's a sham.
Well, it's not a real court.
No, it's not.
You already had them just ignore the whole process of the courts and pass it up to the feds the first time.
Totally gone.
Totally gone.
Okay, so then what did they later find you guilty of?
Oh, God, something called structuring and whatever that was, and, uh, willful failure to file, the usual stuff.
My wife.
She was absolutely in terror.
I mean, she's like half destroyed now.
She'll be... The damages are permanent for the rest of her life.
I'd rather live on your feet than on your knees and you just had enough with the terrorists.
I mean, I could choose at least the way I go.
And I'm not going to go as a coward.
I'm not going to go as... I'm just not going to go that way.
I'm not going to be enslaved for one second by any man.
I am a man of the Creator.
End of that story.
So, my wife... I have a responsibility to my wife.
My country.
And she's out of prison.
She's a prisoner.
She's a prisoner in a sun house with one of those lilac things on, you know?
Little flashing lights on them.
She turned herself in out of sheer terror.
I warned her not to do it, but I couldn't stop her.
She has her own decision to make.
Well, it's not women's job to fight, so that's okay.
She's out of the way.
She's out of the way, so she's safe down there where she is, but she's still a prisoner.
She can't leave.
We can't see each other.
Now, you better get a couple of those disposable track phones from Slave Martyr or whatever, because you know they're going to turn your cell phone and all your lights and power off.
No, they can't do that.
I don't know.
I'm prepared every day, 24 hours a day.
It's not so much the help that's why I'm here.
They're going to have to worry about what's going to come after.
And by that, you mean a lot of people are saying this is it?
We set this up a long time ago.
Remember, as I said to you, Alex, this is my case.
We knew what we were getting into when we got into it in the beginning.
We knew, like you, you know how they operate, so do we.
So, we knew full well, if they want to go full bore, you know, to the wall, then we had no other choice.
Somebody had to stand up for this country and make the move.
From the middle class.
Somebody that had some substance.
So you're ready to go down like Travis for a remember the Alamo crime?
That's what we call this place, the Little Alamo.
Well, you see, this is what the enemy can't understand.
They're so afraid to lose their lives.
They're so afraid of even people looking down on them, not having their little trinkets and signets of power.
And they don't understand that that's the whole point here.
We're putting ourselves in their way.
We're going to make them act like tyrants.
We're going to show everybody who they are.
And we're winning more and more ground every day.
And they're starting to figure that out.
And they may do like what they've done to other people that have stood up like you.
They may just leave you alone.
Well, they can do whatever they want to do, but I'm not going to leave them alone.
I've got some huge lawsuits here, and as a matter of fact... Sir, sir, Ed, they don't... They don't care.
Their courts are frauds, you know.
I know, but that doesn't make any difference.
That's why I can't tell you in law, you know, through proper litigation, how we're going to approach it, but just watch what we do through proper litigation.
Lawful property.
Well, it's the court of public opinion.
Waco woke this country up and the feds carried it out uptown the city on the same date to try to mask that memory that it was causing a revolution.
And if they kill you and they kill a bunch of other people, which they're going to do to some, it's only going to backfire on them.
Yeah, big time.
Waco is what woke me up, Alex.
Yeah, that's what woke me up too.
Yeah, it really did.
Enough is enough.
You're right.
I'm mad at Sel and I'm not going to take it anymore.
You're right.
So, this is where we stand right now.
We're here every day.
I just called the driveway.
We had a bunch of folks over the weekend.
We had a nice sledding party with a bunch of little babies and kids and stuff.
It was a good time.
It's nice weather today.
So, they're cleaning out the ice right now.
Maybe have a little ice skating party tomorrow or the next day.
Are there a lot of people at your place right now?
No, not a lot.
But, you know, we're getting ready for the weekend group.
You know?
The weekend cooks are usually more people come over.
The families come over and stuff with their kids.
So there's folks standing there with their children at the Little Alamo with you?
Not at the moment.
Just some others are standing here with me.
But they, yeah, they come over.
Oh yeah, one couple I was amazed.
I was almost in tears.
He brought in a one-year-old, a three-year-old, and a five-year-old with his wife, you know, and himself.
And they stayed the whole weekend here cooking and, you know, doing other things for everybody.
And they're really great people.
Lots of them, lots and lots of them.
That humbled me, Alex.
We'll be ready for a man and a couple men and women, but you'll be able to tell them the evil in their eyes, the fear in their eyes.
Be ready for them to try to infiltrate with undercover cops on them.
We already threw one of them out of here the other night, late in the night before last, and he's already caused us all kinds of mistakes.
He's one of those guys by the name of David Ridley, it looked like.
And he works for Fox TV in Boston.
We found that out, and I asked all everybody, nobody's to go to the second floor.
All of a sudden, I just happened to be coming up through the hallway, and there he is up on the second floor.
I said, what are you doing up here?
He said, I'm looking for bleach.
He said, so I can wash the dishes.
I said, what?
Who washes the dishes with bleach?
A toxic chemical?
Not in this house.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, Fox News is a central intelligence agency, so you really got to watch them.
The final segment, we'll try to jam in a call or two for our guest at the Little Alamo in New Hampshire.
It's here.
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I haven't wanted to talk about this until we were sure of it.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
We have a ultra massive
We're good to go.
Let's take two final calls here.
That's okay.
Dan in Ohio and then Anthony in PA.
Dan, go ahead.
Hi, this is Dave.
Okay, Dave, we've got to move quick.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to say that I think that the core to this issue is the essential thing that we're fighting against, this control by banks and fiat currency.
Yeah, we don't have a real court system.
It's totally corrupt.
Yeah, well, they bought everything and they own everything, so...
I hope Mr. Brown will fight them and win.
I think that you guys rule.
Thank you, sir.
I appreciate the call.
Anthony in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
My name is Anthony from Pennsylvania.
I'm a 22-year-old college student.
I major in regional planning.
And yes, this week was the first week of classes.
And my teacher, the first sentence he said was that some of you may think regional planning is communist.
And the second sentence he said was, we're friends with them now.
And I was utterly shocked, Alex.
Yeah, regional planning is trouble control grid, shutting down major roads, putting us in compact cities, thumb scanning to travel, total face scanners everywhere, and you got all the liberals thinking that it's a commie takeover, it's the banker takeover.
And a comment for Ed, there's wireless security cameras about $80 or night vision, put those around, should work.
And I had a problem with the sheriff of my town trying to get a concealed weapons permit.
I passed the security check, and before he handed me the little piece of plastic, he goes, I bet you don't have a girlfriend, do you?
I was just shocked.
All good men should come to the aid of their country.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
What are you going to do?
I mean, you've said that if they want a war, they're going to have one.
What are you going to do if that SWAT team comes down your front lawn?
I guess that's my statement, Alex.
I've got to protect and defend my property.
His phone just dropped.
That was interesting right there at the end.
You almost lost me.
I hit the button accidentally.
Okay, you're back.
That's it.
That's what I have to do.
Protect and defend, that's it.
And the sentencing is next month?
April something.
Right around the tax time.
Yeah, they might be planning to have you as some sacrificial lamb on that day to scare everybody.
I'm sure they are.
Look what we do!
Look at the power we have!
Do what we say!
Yeah, Star Wars.
I know.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, I appreciate you coming on.
We'll talk soon.
We'll stay in contact, and we'll all pray for you, Ed Lewis Brown and your wife, okay?
Appreciate it.
Thank you, sir.
I want to thank all those that are going up there to support you and stand with you.
All right, we'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, on the network, Genesis Communications Radio Network, often imitated, never duplicated.
And the show on the internet re-airs the full three hours.
As soon as this show ends, we re-air it again.
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I don't want to jinx it, as they say, so I'm just going to leave it at that.
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Because it'll be a grand slam, a royal flush if we get this sucker in.
God bless you all.
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Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic.
Alarming words for our time, but how do you protect your family during such a crisis?
The video sheltering in place surviving acts of terrorism from biological, chemical, and radioactive fallout was developed by Wayne LeBaron, a health physicist who has served as a specialist in environmental health, communicable diseases, and has worked as a nuclear specialist for the U.S.
Anyone can follow