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Name: 20070118_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 18, 2007
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I tell you, I feel like myself again.
For the last, I don't know, what is it, almost two weeks, I have had the worst allergies of my lifetime.
And I know I've been starting a lot of the programs
Discussing that.
I don't normally talk about, you know, how I feel or what my health is like.
It's just so amazing to live in a city where everyone I know has horrible sinus headaches and something that mimics a chest cold.
And you talk to everybody and it wasn't like this in the past.
You've got to ask yourself, what has changed?
Why are allergies all over the country?
But especially in Austin, Texas, known as the national capital, the worst place in America, in the U.S., for allergies.
Why has it gotten so bad?
So in the last week and a half or so, if I've sounded like a toad or been a bit grumpy, it's because of a strange effect that the allergies have had on me.
I guess when you feel bad, you make yourself go to work, you're a bit curmudgeonly.
But I am honored to be your host and honored to be here.
And I am blessed that I'm going on a short vacation for part of next week to visit family.
Maybe I can fully escape the allergies then, but I'm going to have Jack Blood and Bob Dacey for the days I'm out sitting in next week, so you definitely do not want to miss that.
It is Thursday, and it is the 11th day of January 2007.
Still getting used to that.
And obviously I want to have open phones today.
I want to give you a chance to respond to Bush's lengthy speech that he gave last night.
I watched a lot of it.
I was also working on a film while we had it on in the background.
And we already basically heard all of this propaganda spewed by his different surrogates and his different handlers and his different front people, but I've had a chance to read the transcript.
I've got several audio clips of it I want to play, but I want to give you a chance on air, all of you, to respond to what George Bush has said.
We've got one of the head spokespeople from World Can't Wait, the lady who basically destroyed Bill O'Reilly a few days ago.
We've got one of the ladies who led the shutdown of the Democrats, a little press conference.
She's going to be joining us for about 30 minutes in the next hour.
Other than that, we're going to have wide open phones today.
We can talk about any issue, any news story, anything you wish to discuss, you are welcome to call in at 1-800-259-9231.
But as I said, I will go over Bush's speech.
Also, some news that's really sensational.
It's so important and no one seems to be pointing it out.
Well, it's in a few British papers, but it's a footnote.
And that is that
Our government, our illegitimate criminal government, is openly funding, in a takeover of Somalia, the very warlords that killed our troops in 1993.
The real agenda of the global elite in Somalia, neocons are backing the same warlords that slaughtered U.S.
troops in 1993.
That's a story by Steve Watson up on Infowars.net, another one by Paul Watson, that added the information that we got yesterday with our
Our expert on Somalia we had on.
Bush administration empowers Somali warlords who killed US troops.
Bombing clears path for re-emergence of Black Hawk Down savages to cost of Somali people.
We'll break this down.
Bush's speech.
What it really means.
We kind of had an epiphany this morning.
And a lot more today.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Good evening, this is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm here at 8 after instead of 12 because the traffic was a killer getting here.
So we played a little replay for the first five minutes.
Once again my name is Bob Dacey.
Today is the 18th of January 2007 and we're going to talk about
Principally, we're going to talk about NAFTA, the NAFTA Highway, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and how important it is to all you people out there.
At 12 o'clock, we're going to have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts come on.
We'll be interviewing him in the second hour.
But for right now, this is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones.
I am a personal friend of Alex Jones.
I've known him for many years.
He was the guy that woke me up to what was going on.
Yes, we are.
Who is the guy responsible for the Building 7 footage you've seen over and over and over again over the years?
It was him that had the wherewithal to record everything on that day.
I also have written for the New American and of course I'm a frequent contributor to InfoWars.com.
The most important thing that people can do right now to stop this juggernaut, this
New World Order crowd, these globalists, these elitists, these international bankers, whatever you want to call them, the most important thing you can do right now is to fight the NAFTA Superhighway because the NAFTA Superhighway is an infrastructure component of the North American Union.
If you
Unless you're asleep or watching the mainstream media all day, you know that this North American Union thing is coming down the pike right now.
Many years ago, G. Edward Griffin, a couple years ago, he was in town and he made an analogy about a cruise ship being like the United States of America.
And everybody's aboard the cruise ship.
And they're doing their thing, having a good time, and a small group of
of the passengers noticed that pirates have come aboard and have taken over the cruise ship.
They killed the captain and they killed the crew and they threw them overseas and they dressed up in their uniforms and now they're running the cruise ship and the vast majority of the people don't know it.
Well that's the way it is with this Trans-Texas Corridor thing.
You know, you can fight the globalists on many levels and you can oppose, say, for example, the war in Iraq, which I'm sure we're going to be talking about later on.
But the problem is these pirates that have taken over the ship of state, the United States of America, are heading it for a bunch of icebergs right now.
And that's what this North American Union is.
That's what the Trans-Texas Corridor is.
So if you want to prioritize,
Before you go fix all the other problems that the globalists are creating, you have got to stop this North American Union, because the ship's going to hit this iceberg, and it's going to sink the whole ship, and everything else is going to be irrelevant.
They're trying to merge Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one big happy country right now.
Right now of course the mainstream is not covering it with the notable exception of two journalists.
One of them is Jerome Corsi who writes for WorldNet Daily and for Human Evidence Online.
The other one is Lou Dobbs of CNN and I understand he's got some bizarre arrangement where he actually controls the editorial content of his show.
Both these two guys have been on it
But people the likes of Alex Jones, myself, Kelly Taylor, Jeff Kentoff, we have been on this thing way longer than the mainstream media.
And I want to start out talking about an article that I wrote for the New American Magazine way back in November of 2005.
The article was called Texas Keystone State of the FTAA.
And I wrote it for the New American when they sent me up to Waco to cover the Free Trade Area in the Americas Conference.
The Free Trade Area in the Americas Conference was a follow-up to an earlier deal they had at Waco where Vicente Fox and President Bush and Prime Minister Martin of Mexico did this Security and Prosperity Partnership or SPP.gov deal where they agreed to have an economic
A cultural and security merger of the three countries, Canada, United States and Mexico, into one country.
They want to do it now.
I mean, they're doing it right now, by 2010.
So, I went up there to Waco to attend this conference, this follow-up conference, and the chief speaker there was Dr. Supachai Panichpakti.
And Dr. Panchapati is a communist.
I mean, you know, just look him up on the internet.
He's a proud communist and he was the featured speaker at this meeting full of economics professors and business professors and representatives from Canada and Mexico at this confab up at Baylor.
And I was attending this dinner that he had, that they had, of course, at the beginning of this thing, and Dr. Subhachai
He was about 20 feet away from me when he said that it was very important when you have, when you're going to create this new structure, this free trade area, and of course at this time they wanted to encompass the entire Western Hemisphere, but now they're settling on three countries, you know, a smaller bite, Canada, United States, and Mexico.
But he said you have to have an infrastructure
In place in order to make the free trade area work and he mentioned a project in Southeast Asia.
He said it was he said it was critical and of course right there.
You knew darn well that that's what the Trans-Texas Corridor is the Trans-Texas Corridor is a is the first segment of the NAFTA Superhighway the NAFTA Superhighway.
is a is the main artery of a gigantic spider web of corridors that's going to just basically ensnare the whole area thus creating this infrastructure that Dr. Supichai said you had to have in order to create this this this trading union this trading area so another thing Dr. Supichai said and I I have to point this out because it shows you
The ideology of the people that are working on this.
He said in passing that he had been meeting with Bo Xilai, the current trade minister of China, the other day.
And then in passing he said, oh by the way, he is the son of Bo Yibo, one of the eight immortals of the Chinese Communist Revolution, a close associate of Chairman Mao.
And of course, this went over the head of all the pointy-headed intellectuals there, but I'm going, OK, wait a minute.
I looked it up.
It's true.
Bo Xilai is the son of Bo Yibo, and he was one of the eight immortals of Communist China.
And he was instrumental in helping Mao murder, what, 30, 40, 50 million people?
Panipatti Clown was saying what a great deal that was.
He called him a hero.
The son of a hero of the Chinese Communist Revolution.
So, you know, you've got to wonder about these people when they're the ones that are pushing this free trade area of the Americas.
Well, since that time, the last thing I said in my article was, let me just read the last paragraph,
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the great state of Texas, the fight over the Trans-Texas Corridor continues, with little awareness of the elaborate design for hemispheric convergence of which that scheme is a part.
Dr. Panitch-Pakhti pointed out that a unified trade region requires infrastructure, and it is therefore up to patriotic Texans to see that the corridor never gets built.
It is up to the American electorate to put pressure on the Congress
To ensure that the FDAA never comes to fruition.
And I mentioned an international banker here, Robert Fisher, who knows that the political road to a successful free trade area of the Americas goes straight through the U.S.
So do we.
It's up to us to build a roadblock.
Now that's what I said in the New American back in November of 2005.
Well, the New World Order crowd must have been listening because they decided to make our roadblock imagine a line.
They've decided to go around it.
I mean, if you follow the law, Congress is the only body.
It's Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
Congress is the only body that can regulate foreign trade.
I mean, you know, it's not like ambiguous or anything like that.
But they've decided, well no, we realize that Congress could be a roadblock to this because the American people, well they really do not want to merge their country with Canada and Mexico and destroy the whole thing.
So we're just gonna do it anyway.
And so that's why they had their Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in 2005 and they are implementing this thing right now.
You know, who's behind all this?
Well, I wrote another article for InfoWars.com, or an article for InfoWars.com specifically, called the FTAA and the New World Order Plan, and that was published June the 21st, 2006.
And you have to lay the blame square on the elites, square on the Council on Foreign Relations crowd, square
On David Rockefeller and his people.
And again, you've heard this quote before, but it's so important because you have to see the big picture of what this NAFTA superhighway is.
You've got to understand who's pulling the strings.
And when we get back, I'm going to read this quote from David Rockefeller and you will see in his very own words, Mr. Rockefeller and his crowd.
He says, Hey, I'm a traitor and I love it.
We'll be back after the break.
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Mother, should I build a wall?
Mother, should I run for president?
This is Bob Dacey, once again substituting for Alex Jones on the 18th of January 2007.
Alex is taking a little vacation.
I'll be here today and I'll be here tomorrow.
And before the break we're talking about the big boys behind this thing.
That little song I heard, Mother, Should I Run for President?
Well, you know, it'd be nice if Ron Paul was president.
I know he has announced, although all the media is fawning over Barack Obama.
Gee, it kind of reminds me of back in the 70s when all of a sudden, like somebody turned on a light, all the mainstream media were fawning over Jimmy Carter.
He came out of nowhere and all of a sudden he gets to be president.
I mean fast forward a few years and next thing you know there's this backward state north of Texas called Arkansas full of drug dealers and I got this crooked womanizing governor, drug dealing womanizing governor who is really a nobody nationwide and all of a sudden just like somebody turns on a light
Wow, all of a sudden, Bill Clinton is THE man.
You know?
It's just, wow, how about that?
And now, fast forward a few more years, poof!
Barack Obama, all of a sudden, every single media outlet all across the country, that's all they can talk about.
Well, all that means is that someone higher up has told him to turn on that little light and start promoting him.
So Barack Obama is going to be one of these CFR approved candidates for president.
Because if you're going to run for president, you can run if you want to.
But if you're going to get elected, you have to be CFR approved.
Council on Foreign Relations.
And now back to the subject.
I got off the subject there.
We're talking about
Who's behind the Free Trade Area of the Americas?
Who's behind the North American Union?
And I was talking about David Rockefeller.
Hey, you know, David Rockefeller is a traitor to his country.
You know, he is.
I mean, he loves it.
He admits it.
He thinks it's a great deal.
Now, if you don't, you think, how can you say that?
Well, I didn't say it.
He said it.
Let me read a quote from his book, Memoirs, David Rockefeller's own book, Memoirs, on page 405, in a chapter entitled,
This is David Rockefeller himself.
For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists, and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global, political, and economic structure.
One world, if you will.
If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
There you have it.
Out of the mouths of traitors.
Right there.
David Rockefeller admits that he works against the best interest of the United States of America and he's proud of it.
And one of his latest projects is the North American Union.
And of course you probably know, or maybe you don't know, I don't know if you're new to this kind of information, if it's all new to you.
You may not know that a couple years ago the Council on Foreign Relations published a paper on one of their task forces called Building a North American Community.
The chief proponent of this in the CFR was a Robert Pastor who is an avowed Marxist.
And this plan is the blueprint for the merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one
Happy country.
And that would, of course, destroy the national sovereignty of the United States of America.
We would be no more as an independent nation.
And, of course, if you look that up in the dictionary, I think that's a definition of treason.
Anyone who would work to destroy the United States of America, if he's an American, if he's an American citizen, would have to be characterized as a traitor.
I mean, that's not a stretch at all.
That's just the way it is.
So when we get back we're going to talk about how the Feds at the national, international level are planning to do all this.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show on the GCN Communications Radio Network.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I just don't want you to know I can see through your masks.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey once again, substituting for Alex Jones, and we're talking about the North American Union.
And I have to point out that if you want to learn about North American Union, if you want to really understand what's going on, your best bet for information is to go to the John Birch Society website.
That's www.jbs.org.
Please do that.
They have a section on the North American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
And they go through the whole thing.
They'll tell you what the North American Union is, and who's trying to create it.
David Rockefeller and his CFR buddies.
They'll tell you what the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement is.
And of course, if you really want to get bogged down in the minutiae of it, you can go to SPP.gov.
That's a government website.
Talks all about how wonderful destroying the United States of America is.
I mean, it's right out there where you can read it.
No conspiracy theory here.
And of course, the Birch Society.
I am a member of the Birch Society.
I am not a spokesman for the Birch Society.
I am not a high official of the Birch Society.
I am really a lowly rower at the oars, so to speak.
But the Birch Society is obviously against this thing.
And of course, they've been against it before it ever started because they knew it was coming down the pike.
That's the thing about the Birch Society.
They've been at this fighting New World Order
Longer than anyone and so go to www.jbs.org if you want to learn about the North American Union.
Now I was once again I discovered something last year that no one had reported in the press either mainstream or alternative.
And I was doing research on these corridors that are going up from Mexico up through the United States up into Canada and I discovered last June that, well gee, if you don't believe this thing is federal, I just found out then that they had passed a law
President Bush signed the thing I think in June, July of 2000, July 29, 2005 is when he signed this bill.
It was a big highway appropriations bill.
And it was a big old fat thing, telephone book size thing.
But section 1604, this is H.R.
3, if you don't believe me, 2005, H.R.
3, section 1604, it's the law, it's been signed.
The title of my article was, It's the Law, Feds Pave the Way to Toll and Privatize the Interstate Highways as a Part of the American Union.
Yeah, you see, none of this stuff we're talking about in terms of tolls is local.
None of it.
It's all coming from David Rockefeller, it's all coming from the Council on Foreign Relations, it's all coming from the elites, and it's all coming, therefore, from the federal government.
That's where they've got the lock on, you know?
Basically, let me just read a few sentences from this article I wrote on Infowars.com.
On July 29, 2005, President Bush signed a bill which permits and promotes the charging of tolls on existing and planned interstate highways, bridges, and tunnels.
Before the passage of the bill, known as SAFE-T-E-A-L-U, or Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, a legacy for users,
It was generally illegal to charge tolls on roads built with federal funds.
What's more, the tolls collected will be automatic, requiring universally compatible toll transponder tags on every vehicle.
And then I went through six different pilot programs that were set up at the federal level in order to commence the process of tolling and privatizing not only new, but existing interstate highway systems.
And I guess the summary of my article is this paragraph.
I want to read this because this sums up the whole thing.
Imagine for a moment what must have been going through the minds of the six-legged elites when they thought up this diabolical scheme.
The question is, how do you destroy the national sovereignty of the United States
Merge it with the rest of the Western Hemisphere, build the infrastructure system needed to link up the entire landmass, confiscate private property on a wholesale level, spy on everyone's comings and goings, and trick American suckers into paying for their own demise all in one fell swoop.
The answer?
Toll everything.
So, that is what's going on, and let me
I'm going to be concentrating for most of this show on exactly what's going on in the Central Texas area.
And you think, oh well that's just Central Texas.
No, this is a test case for the entire nation.
The first part of this Trans-Texas Corridor has been built and it's toll highway 130 east of Austin.
and of course it was built by uh... you know it's it's uh... this scene trial organization is going to be controlling the thing that's concesiones infraestructuras de transporte from spain with a texas company kind of tagging along the side called Zachary and uh... you know make people americans think that's okay and so you know they're going to be
Tolling this thing and the profits are going to go to Spain.
Isn't that wonderful?
And that's just the beginning.
That's what the point is.
It's just the beginning.
Number 130 is only the very first part of the Trans-Texas Corridor, which is going to go all the way up through Texas.
But that's only a segment of the NAFTA Superhighway, which is going to go all the way up through Canada and down into Mexico.
And eventually, if these people have their way, it's going to go all the way down to
South America.
So that's why what's going on in the Austin area is so vitally important to the rest of the world.
The rest of the United States.
It's a test case.
And we have local groups here fighting this system.
Now, right now, what's going on in the Austin area is
They set up, they had a bill they passed a couple of years ago, several of them, but House Bill 3588 in 2003 in the Texas Legislature was what set up most of this.
They set up all these regional mobility authorities and in Austin we have the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and we also have the CAMPO Board which is the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Now, what is that?
Well, that's just a bunch of politicos that all got together to decide how to spend federal road money in the Austin area.
They are now in the process of trying to stop this Campo Board from tolling existing freeways around Austin.
I'm looking at a map right now
of Austin, and I see that the proposal is called Phase 2 Tolls in Central Texas, and it's basically encircling the city.
There's Loop 360 on the west, there's Highway 183 on the east, 290 on the north, 71 on the
Basically, there's a proposal to basically toll an almost entire ring around the city of Austin of, and this is important, existing highways that we already paid for with our tax money.
Now, other than the fact that that is vulgar, disgusting, immoral, violent, putrid, and un-American, not too bad.
But you think about it.
These people actually want to toll existing highways.
You think about that.
And it's all coming from the federal level.
They didn't think of this themselves.
And which is the point.
This is just a test case.
Now, you say, well, they say, they say, well, no, no, no, you guys don't understand all of the money that we're going to raise
from tolling these existing roads is going to stay in the local community so shut up and don't worry about it you know that's what they're telling us well the problem is every single dime that they squeeze out of us here in Central Texas to maintain and build and do whatever with these feeder roads these these major roads around Austin which don't
necessarily tie in with the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Some of them do.
Every dime that the Texas Department of Transportation doesn't have to spend out of their funds on our local roads, well guess what they're free to do with that money?
They're free to spend it on their pet project.
And their pet project is the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Don't let anybody tell you that the money in your area, when they try to do this to you, if we fail and they do it in your area, is going to stay in the local community because it's just a big fat accounting lie.
Like I say, if they don't have to spend it on those roads because they took it from you as you were driving along, then they've got more money to play with for their pet project.
I'm holding, there's a brochure that I've got in my hands here, Stop Highway Robbery.
This is from TexasTollParty.com.
Actually, this is AustinTollParty.com.
And this is an example, a glorious example of activism.
I mean, this is great.
They're passing out thousands of these flyers.
And by the way, if you do live in the Austin area, you can come pick up one of these flyers at my, my place of business, which is the Hardware Store Incorporated.
Which is located at the intersection of Highway 183 and Spicewood Springs Road here in Austin.
Come pick up one of these flyers and it kind of gives you a summary of what this local board is trying to do to shift paid-for roads to toll roads.
And, you know, it's not a bad idea to do that.
You can come pick up this flyer and AustinTollParty.com has a
A website where you can actually send a message to all 23 members of this Campo board.
Some of these people are actually on our side.
But unfortunately, I think probably a lot of them don't know what the heck's going on.
They all think it's local.
They're just going along to get along.
But unfortunately, some of these people on this Campo board know exactly
What they're doing.
They know what the big picture is.
And that's kind of sad.
It's extremely sad.
I want to go over some of these people with you here in a minute.
For example, Kirk Watson.
He is on the Campo board.
And he is a brand new state senator from District 14 here in Texas.
He used to be the mayor of Austin.
This guy knows exactly what he's doing.
Why do I say that?
Because he likes to go up and hobnob in New York up at the U.N.
He did that when he was mayor and when you hobnob with the U.N.
that means you're a globalist and that's what Kirk Watson is and so he's on the CAMPO board and that's very bad news.
Now my favorite member of the CAMPO board is State Representative District 52
Mike Crousey.
Oh boy.
Mike Crousey came into town, oh years ago, I think it was 92 when he got elected to the state legislature and his emblem on his campaign posters was a broom.
And in political parlance of the broom, that's the broom reform.
You know, he's going to sweep the state clean of corruption.
That was his logo.
Well, lo and behold, many years later, Mike Rousseau has sold out to the other side, and he's just furthering his own political career at the expense of everybody else, taking humongous contributions from the highway lobby.
He's the guy that snuck the bill through the state legislature.
He's the chairman of the House Transportation Committee.
And he's the guy that snuck House Bill 3588 through the state legislature, setting up this Trans-Texas Corridor, giving them all the, or not all of, but giving them a start to the process of tolling everything.
So Mike Creasy knows what he's doing.
He absolutely knows what he's doing.
And, uh, as a matter of fact, if you don't believe me, you think he's just a duke, I have a report that has his name on it that was published in 2004.
House Committee on Transportation, Texas House of Representatives, Interim Report, 2004.
Uh, Mike Creucy, Chairman.
And this is all about these roads.
And he has a segment on tolling where he discusses new technology.
And he says, new technology allows motorists to purchase an electronic toll tag which is affixed to their windshields.
Scanners mounted above the toll road read the tag and deduct payment or charge payment to a credit card while the car is traveling in a normal rate of speed.
A camera snaps a picture of the license plates of those who do not have tags and they are mailed the notice of payment.
Most who receive the notices pay up promptly.
Wow, how about that?
You know, and that's exactly, here it is, 2007, and that's exactly what they're doing.
You know, you can't escape these things.
They're coming after you, no matter what.
You drop through those things and you're going to get, you're going to get, you're going to have to pay.
Then they have a, this is again, not 2004, it is predicted toll tags will eventually be used interchangeably with other systems on a nationwide basis.
No, it's not predicted.
Predicted my hind leg.
It's mandated.
It's something that they call inter-operability.
That's what they call it.
And later on, we talked to Mike Crucy.
I told you he was fully aware of the big picture.
He's encouraging the big picture.
He's encouraging the NAFTA superhighway.
He says this.
It is important that Congress and the U.S.
Department of Transportation give priority to nationally significant corridor systems already identified as high-priority corridors and that support the U.S.-Mexican-Canadian trade patterns.
See there?
This is right out of his own report.
Mike Crucy's got his name on it.
Let me read that again, just so you don't think that Mike Crucy is an unwilling duke.
It is important that Congress and the U.S.
Department of Transportation give priority to nationally significant corridor systems already identified as high-priority corridors and that support U.S.-Mexican-Canadian trade patterns.
This means that priority should be given only to north-south high-priority corridor routes and border improvements connected to them that will enhance the flow of trade to and from border crossings in that direction.
There you have it.
Right there.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
He's no fool.
And he's got some bills and legislation that says the bills would require the U.S.
Department of Transportation to direct funding only to projects on high-priority corridors that connect to Mexico or Canada, giving priority to corridors where the trade traffic has increased under NAFTA.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright Bob, thanks for back once again.
Substituting for Alex Jones this Thursday, January the 18th.
And we're talking about our friends here in Austin who are trying to tow local roads in order to basically fund this Trans-Texas Corridor.
And I was talking about Mike Crewcy and I've just shown you via his own report that he knows exactly what he's doing.
He is encouraging this NAFTA superhighway system
Which by the way, IH35 of course and the Trans Texas Corridor is going to be the central hub of this spiderweb of corridors.
Now Mike Crucy, gosh I hope I don't get in trouble for saying this, Mike Crucy is an interesting guy.
I did a little research on how much money he gets and from whom a few years ago and the guy is just dripping with construction money.
Just dripping with it.
I mean he gets these thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars for his campaign finance account from highway contractors.
I wonder if there's any connection there.
I don't know.
Maybe it's just a coincidence.
I think?
Staples and paper and mailings and and you know things like that posters and advertisements on the radio and TV and print media.
Most people spend their campaign finance money on that.
But Mike Creucy, Mike Creucy, let's see if I can remember.
He spent about two thousand some odd dollars in one six month period at the King Ranch Saddle Shop.
See that's a big fancy gift shop.
So he's just passing out gifts to his buddies.
Wow, that's a lot of money.
I think they would tick me off if I gave him money to find out that he was buying gifts for his friends at the King Ranch Saddle Shop.
Let's see what else does he know.
Oh yeah, he spent about $600 some odd at the Aziz Salon and Day Spa.
The Aziz Salon and Day Spa out of Mike Crucy's campaign finance checkbook a few years ago.
That was a good expense.
I mean, you've got to relax, get a massage.
These are gifts.
They're gifts for his buddies that help him out.
And then my favorite of them all.
I mean, Mike Crucy.
I mean, you really have to have some cojones to do this.
Mike Crucy wrote a check out of his campaign finance account
To an outfit called Skydive San Marcos.
That's right.
Skydive San Marcos.
Now you know, skydiving lessons or whatever the heck that was, of course that's a legitimate campaign expense.
Skydiving lessons?
We all have to have skydiving lessons for our friends, now don't we?
So that's what we're dealing with when we're talking about Mike Kruse.
Who was the current, who was on this Campo board
Which is fixing to possibly vote to toll roads we already paid for.
So, you know, that's what we're talking about here.
Now we got some other members of this Campo board that are interesting.
Sarah Eckhart, Travis County Commissioner Precinct 2.
She is a new member of the Campo board because she replaced
Karen Sonnleitner, who used to be the Travis County Commissioner of Precinct 2.
What happened to Karen Sonnleitner?
Well, she was a 10-year incumbent.
You know, a shoo-in.
A Democrat 10-year incumbent in Travis County, Texas.
Travis County is kind of a weird county.
It always goes Democratic, whereas the rest of the state goes Republican.
She was the Commissioner, but she got beat by this Sarah Eckhart, because Karen Sonnleitner was a tolerant.
So, that's what can happen, you guys.
After the break, we'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, this is Bob Basie once again substituting for Alex Jones.
Seems like I'm making a habit of this lately.
This is about the fifth time I've done this in the last few months and I'm very, very honored to do it.
You know, I think that the fact that Alex trusts me to sit here in his Central Texas Command Center every once in a while and do my thing, to me that is a tremendous honor.
I don't get, you know, on my TV show I only get to talk to a few thousand people and sitting here at this microphone I get to talk to a couple of million so I think it's a pretty good deal and I want to thank Alex for giving me the opportunity to do that.
Okay we're talking about this local issue which is really a test case for the nation about tolling highways making you pay for roads you already paid for.
Pretty soon there's going to be a meeting here in Austin
of the Campo Board and these guys are going to be meeting on Monday and it's going to be great.
They're going to have a public meeting and everybody's going to come and I would like to talk to them and let me just tell you what I want to tell this board that's starting thinking about even thinking about tolling existing highways.
Let me just tell you what I want to do.
I want to talk to them.
I want to talk about the big picture.
What I've been talking about with you.
I want to focus international and national attention on this local thing so these people will have the heat on them.
That's the point.
That they can't get away with this.
That they've got no excuse for thinking it.
They didn't know what they were doing.
That they were just going along to get along and they didn't realize that what they're doing is empowering this Trans-Texas Corridor.
It's funding this Trans-Texas Corridor by voting to toll local roads.
So the TxDOT is free to spend its money elsewhere.
So you give them the big picture, you know, you tell them about the Rockefellers and their friends behind all this tolling, you let them know about the North American Union, the building of the North American community, the fact that they're trying to merge the country, and it says mainstream news now, it's no conspiracy theory, it's mainstream news, completely documentable, that's bye-bye United States of America, and you understand, you have to explain to them that this infrastructure project
Highway 130, east of Austin, is part of the Trans-Texas Corridor, which is the main start of the NAFTA Superhighway, which is a spiderweb of priority corridors that is going to ensnare the whole area.
And, uh, they've already started the process.
The law is already in place.
The total of the interstates, uh, H.R.
3, Section 1604, passed in the 2005, uh, legislature at the federal level.
And, of course,
Another thing I want to let them know is that the Department of TxDOT is a participant in the North American Public-Private Partnership Conference that they held just a few months ago at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City.
Now, they sent a representative up there, James Bass from the Texas Department of Transportation, to explain to foreign investors how to confiscate paid-for American infrastructure.
That's what I said.
PPP, North American PPP 2006.
I'm looking at their little advertising brochure.
Realize the potential.
Be a part of this exciting new industry as it takes off in North America.
The Infrastructure Finance Conference.
Text dot is up there.
You know, explaining, well, hey foreign investors, you know, tell you what, this is how you confiscate existing highways and bridges and tunnels and you force people to pay for what they already own and then you transfer the money that they give to you over to you guys and you can take it over to Spain or Australia or wherever the heck you're going.
I mean, literally this is going on right now.
There is no doubt about it.
There's no question about it at all.
Uh, that's what we want to talk to you about, uh, TxDOT and all that, and the CAMPO board.
And, uh, hopefully we're going to put some international pressure on them.
When we get back, though, we're going to change gears, and we're going to be talking to, uh, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, uh, right after this break.
This is Bob Daisy for Alex Jones on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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That toll free number again 1-877-928-8822.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Once again, the canned announcer has it wrong.
This is Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show here on this 18th of January, 2007.
In this segment for the next hour, we have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on.
Dr. Roberts, this guy is an interesting guy.
I've never met him.
He doesn't know me.
I don't know him.
I've never talked to him.
However, I do know something about him.
He's an economist, and he's an AFSCME syndicated columnist for Creator Syndicate.
He was once the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration.
I believe he had something to do with supply-side economics, and he's the former editor, columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and Scripps Hour News Service.
Now, you're thinking about this guy as some lightweight, right?
No, I don't think so.
According to his biography, in 1992, he received the Warren Brooks Award for Excellence in Journalism, and in 93,
The Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States of America.
Dr. Roberts, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you, Joe.
I'm sorry, Bob.
That's all right.
Bob Dacey, I'm a local local TV show host here in Austin, Texas.
I have a show called The Simple Truth.
I've been on the air for eight years and I've known Alex for about nine years.
And gee, he must trust me or something because I'm sitting in front of his microphone.
I'm sure he trusts you, Bob.
So yeah, I was kind of informally told I was going to be talking to you right now.
So what I would like to do, I want to go through some of your
Some of the things you've said in the past, and just to get you to comment on them, if you will, and eventually we'll get into some of this newer stuff.
Do you stay for the whole hour?
I can stay for about ten minutes to one.
About ten minutes to one.
Okay, well that's what we'll do then.
That's what we'll do then.
According to your bio, you wrote an article calling for Bush's impeachment.
Why did you do that?
Well, I've called for it more than once.
Well, this was about the Downing Street memo?
Which one?
The Downing Street memo?
Well, that was a long time ago, but I called for it two or three times since then, including this week.
Why do you think our illustrious, imperious leader needs to be impeached?
Well, he needs to be impeached for a lot of things, but the one you're talking about, I called for it because we then had absolute, total proof from a top-secret British document for I's only cabinet members.
That the head of the British intelligence had been to Washington and he came back and told them that the decision had already been made to attack Iran and that the intelligence was being fixed around the policy.
That was Iraq, right?
Iraq, yeah, Iraq.
But they were, you know, it was all being contrived to justify a decision they'd already made and they were still pretending that
They might need to attack it if he has weapons of mass destruction.
Yeah, but what about Colin Powell before the U.N.?
Yes, Colin Powell later went to the U.N.
with the falsified information that the Bush administration had given him.
Yeah, my favorite one was the balloon inflators.
If you don't know about the Downing Street Memo, it's a stunning thing.
A top-secret memo only for the British Cabinet, only for Tony Blair and his top ministers, eyes only, and it's a direct statement from the head of British intelligence who had just come back from Washington where he had learned from talking to his American counterparts that the United States government had already made a decision to invade Iraq and
So the bottom line in English there is that President Bush lied to get us into a war.
Of course it's an impeachable offense.
Not only that, but an aggressive invasion is also a war crime under the Nuremberg Standard that we established ourselves when we tried the Germans after World War II.
So when the President of the United States commits a war crime, that is also an impeachable offense.
So you had two
Major, probably the two greatest reasons that you could have to impeach a president.
I remember that before the war started, Scott Ritter, the Chief Weapons Inspector, had been in Iraq for years after the first Gulf War.
He had a press conference in Washington.
It was televised
Not everywhere, obviously, but at least it was probably on C-SPAN and a few other outlets that he was saying, listen, these guys don't have any weapons of mass destruction.
They don't have any.
If they did, I'd be in favor of going there and getting them, but they just flat don't have it.
I mean, it wasn't exactly a mistake, was it?
No, it wasn't a mistake.
But for Scott Ruff saying that, they went to work on him, and smeared him, and smeared him, and smeared him, and they used all the TV people to do that for them.
So, no, they didn't make a mistake.
It wasn't... They knew... Look, if the head of British Intelligence tells the British Cabinet... I've just come back from Washington and they've told me that they don't care whether the guy's got any weapons or not, they're not really interested in that, they've already decided to attack him, but they're making up this
So they have an excuse.
I mean, you don't have any more proof.
What other proof could you need?
Do you see what I'm saying?
Well, yeah, I mean, you've got, that is a tremendous amount of proof.
As a matter of fact, it's a smoking gun.
However, it doesn't stand alone.
There are so much more.
Oh, you're right.
That's right.
The weapons inspectors themselves said they couldn't find any weapons.
Yeah, but Rumsfeld said they had them.
He said he knew exactly where they were.
That's right.
And we heard about mushroom clouds.
Yeah, so basically we were tricked into a war where over 3,000 Americans have been killed, 20,000 or so have been wounded and maimed and screwed up, and who knows how many Iraqis.
I think they think the Iraqis are like vegetables or something like that.
They don't care how many of them.
I mean, I've heard estimates as low as 100,000 and as high as 600,000 Iraqis have died.
uh... because it's almost entirely civilians women and kids yeah women mostly mostly civilians because there's no it's not like a napoleon and you know out there on the field with our troops versus their troops shooting each other and counting who's dead i mean it's there's no uh... army in iraq that we're opposing it's a bunch of uh... what we call them insurgents don't we?
well bush calls them terrorists yeah well yeah they're terrorists yeah i guess they're yes they're terrorists
They are, I suppose, guerrilla insurgents.
I wonder what we would be called if there was a giant Iraqi army in our country.
Freedom fighters.
Oh, okay.
A little semantic problem there, I don't know.
There's another view you took that was somewhat radical if you talk about mainstream media.
That you were talking about September 11th attacks saying that there was a large energy deficit in the official account of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings and I was wondering if you could just kind of go over what you mean by energy deficit and what you were trying to say there.
Oh, okay.
Well, I was an undergrad.
My undergraduate degree was from Georgia Tech and of course we
That's a science and engineering school.
And it's very simple.
The two World Trade Center towers, which just sort of suddenly collapsed, they, those towers, comprise a certain amount of gravitational energy.
That is, just the, should the
We're good to go.
And what could cause it to pulverize all that concrete?
Because when the buildings collapsed, we didn't see a great high pile of concrete slabs
There was no slabs.
It was all pulverized and fine dust.
So where could the energy have come from to do all of that?
And we know with the gravitational energy in the buildings, it can be calculated, and it's nowhere near enough to account for the collapse at near free-fall speed and the pulverization.
And so what is?
So it has to be some other
We're good to go.
No one officially.
And all the witnesses, the eyewitnesses say they heard a series of explosions.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Massive explosions in the basement.
Alright, Dr. Roberts, we're going to be back with you talking about this subject after the break.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones on Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Back in a few.
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Okay, it's Bob Basie back for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
Talking with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
We were talking about World Trade Center collapse.
I think we pretty much covered that.
You know darn well that something else happened at the World Trade Center that caused those buildings to collapse.
And of course, you know, we didn't even get into building number seven, which of course is the biggest glaring boo-boo that they made that day.
No plane hit that building and it's basically free fall speed too.
Dr. Roberts, I want to get back to something you said earlier about impeaching the President.
You have a recent article from LewRockwell.com entitled, U.S.
Hypocrisy Reaches All-Time High, and it's about U.S.
Army Lieutenant Aaron Watada.
Can you give us a little synopsis of what your position is on what that Lieutenant Aaron Watada is doing, what he's doing, and why?
I'll be glad to.
First, Bob, let me say that one of the reasons that people don't know anything about 9-11 is that the scientific and engineering community can't afford to say what they think.
There's hardly a physicist anywhere in the United States, certainly not in universities, whose career is not dependent on government grants.
And so if they come up and say that the government's story is a load of crap,
They've ended their careers.
Stephen Jones would be an example.
Stephen Jones is an example.
The federal government forced BYU to retire him early or they would cut off federal funding for the university.
Now, you also have the same problem with engineering firms.
An engineering firm, many of them are dependent on government contracts and all the rest of them are dependent on people's opinion of them.
If you've got the population brainwashed into thinking that
I don't know.
Officer concluded, and I think he's correct, is that under the Nuremberg Standard, the war crimes tribunals that were used to sentence Germans to death, he cannot order his troops into a combat in Iraq when the war itself is a war crime and is illegal.
And if he does, then he is complicit
And would be guilty under the Nuremberg Standard.
I don't think the lieutenant expects that if he were to do that he would actually find himself in a war crime trial.
I think he's doing it, he's sacrificing himself to make the point.
I think he could be just, he could have gone on and ordered his troops into battle and they could have killed all these people and he would have got away with it because Bush is getting away with it.
Because we're not going to
Be defeated by Iraq and put on trial.
The victor gets to decide the law.
But he's doing it in a sincere, honest effort to make the point that this is an illegitimate war.
And if every officer abided by the international law that we established in Nuremberg,
It kind of reminds me of what the old hippies used to say back in the 60's when I was a kid during the Vietnam War and unfortunately I think it rings true.
They used to say, hey man, what if they gave a war and nobody came?
What if the President of the United States declares an illegal war based on lies and everybody says no?
No, sorry.
That's illegal.
We're not going to do it.
You know, Lieutenant Watada seems to be the reincarnation of Specialist Michael New from back in the Bosnia days where he refused to wear a United Nations uniform.
He showed up as a United States soldier and he got bad conduct discharged because he refused to go under a U.S.
He was a mercenary under a foreign flag.
Yeah, so you know, I got news for Lt.
Aaron Watada.
The Michael New case is still going on.
It's still out there.
They're before the Supreme Court right now trying to get the Supreme Court to listen to Michael New's case.
And the interesting thing about Michael New is, to this day, although what happened to him was way back, what, 1995 or something like that, to this day, he has never been able to present
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All right, that's Bob Dacey back for our last segment with Dr. Paul Gregg Roberts and we don't need any thought control and that's what the mainstream media seems to be like.
There's nothing but thought control.
We've been talking about several subjects with Dr. Paul Gregg Roberts.
We want to get into what's going on over on the other side of the world right now.
Iran seems to be
In the sights of our imperious leader right now, Dr. Roberts, what is going on in your opinion with this impending attack on Iran?
Well, Bob, what's going on is a couple of things.
One is they're shifting the attention from Iraq.
To Iran, just like earlier, they shifted the attention from Osama Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
You know, all of a sudden we started hearing, when they were talking about 9-11, it shifted from hearing about Osama Bin Laden and Afghanistan and the Taliban to 9-11 and Saddam Hussein.
We're good to go.
Despite this being the speech, the focus has already shifted to Iran, because you listen to Bush, you listen to Cheney, Rice, the new Defense Secretary Gates, or the National Security Advisor Hadley, what they're all talking about is Iran, Iran, Iran, Iran.
So, in the President's speech, he has all these propagandistic statements about why we have to have these troops in Iraq and Iraq, but after you get just over half way,
Iraq disappears and he says that succeeding in Iraq depends on addressing Iran and Syria.
In other words, it doesn't depend on the surge of troops to Iraq.
It depends on Iran and Syria.
And then he goes on to say that Iran and Syria, particularly Iran, are responsible for the insurgency in Iraq.
And Iran is the reason
That our troops are getting killed.
You mean it has nothing to do with all the Iraqis that are irritated that we're there?
That's right.
So, in other words, of course it's preposterous on its face because the insurgency is drawn from the Iraqi Sunnis.
Iran is Shiite.
Explain that.
I read this article of yours, The Urge to Surge, and people, and I'm included, you know, you get these people confused.
You know, Sunni, Shiite, what?
So, explain that, what the difference is and why.
There are two big groups that split up in the interpretation of Mohammed and Islam.
And Iraq has a 60% Shiite population, 20% Sunni, 20% Kurd.
And it was the 20% Sunni ruling Iraq under Saddam Hussein.
So we went in and said, oh, well, and the Sunnis had always had to keep down the Shiites because they were like the Iranians.
They wanted a theocracy.
They wanted to be ruled by the Koran and not by a secular leader, which Saddam Hussein was.
So they have that animosity.
And the Shiites have not joined the insurgency because we were insisting on democracy.
They have 60% of the people.
That means they will have power.
So they haven't joined the insurgency.
It's been drawn from the Sunnis.
The insurgency against us is minor in terms of what's going on now.
It's mainly Sunnis and Shiites killing each other at a very high rate, several hundred a day, or either killed or wounded.
And the Iranians are allied with the Shia, the Shiites.
They would never arm the Sunnis, because the Sunnis are spending most of their time not fighting us, but killing Shiites.
So the notion that Iran has anything to do with this is absurd.
And yet they're telling this lie, and then to try to give some evidence for it, the other day they went and attacked, they invaded an Iranian consulate in northern Iraq, arrested the five Iranian officials, and claimed that they were supporting the insurgency and were involved in plots to kill Americans.
So they're still a propaganda lie.
Now why is Bush
Yeah, what's the end game here?
I mean, you kind of wonder, well gee, if we're going to go attack, we attacked Afghanistan, then we turned it to Iraq, we attacked Iraq, and even though they didn't have any weapons, and you know, they weren't supporting Osama, and now we're turning it to Iran, where are we going to get these soldiers?
You know, we're running out of troops.
Guess what it is, Bob?
The reason they're going to attack Iran, there's several reasons.
I'll give you the
I'll give you the Bush reason, the Karl Rove reason, and that is that they've been defeated in Iraq.
There's no prospect of winning there.
So they're shifting the attention to Iran.
What they'll do in Iran is they will bomb.
They're not going to send any troops in, because as you said, we don't have any.
They'll bomb Iran.
They will then announce they have wiped out Iran's nuclear weapons program.
This will make them heroes.
They'll say, ah, we've saved Americans from the threat.
I'm good.
A non-existent, actually, nuclear weapons program.
But Americans won't know whether it exists today.
Anyway, you said something, I want to make sure that the listeners heard that.
Because you are in agreement, once again, with Scott Ritter.
He's written a book, I don't recall the name of it.
He says that Iran's nuclear program is nothing.
It's civilian, it's low-grade.
And that they're making up this same nonsense about Iran that they did about Iraq so they can go do the same thing again.
I mean, this is insane.
See, it's not just Scott Ritter.
It's the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Their inspectors, until recently, have been in there going all over everything.
And the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says we can't find any clue, any evidence whatsoever of a weapons program.
Yeah, but Fox News, you know, Fox News says, ooh, they're going to get us, you know.
Of course, but Fox News is a propaganda arm of the Bush administration.
Now, let me give you the... That's Bush's thing.
Ah, look, I'm defeated in Iraq, I can't admit it, so I'll go attack Iran and claim victory.
And I'll bury my defeat in Iraq in the victory in Iran by claiming to have knocked out their nuclear weapons program.
So that's the propaganda
I know what the American people get out of this, which is nothing, but what does Bush get out of all this?
I said, he gets to bury his defeat in Iraq with victory in Iran.
By murdering a bunch of people who can't hurt us.
Uh-huh, right.
Now, keep in mind that the neoconservatives and the Israeli government have been pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing for an attack on Iran.
And the reason they want to attack Iran is part of their planning document.
It's now more than a decade old.
It's available online.
Anybody can go get it, the Project for the New American Century site.
And their goal is to overthrow all non-US puppet governments in the Middle East in order to get rid
of the Muslims that will not accept Israel's theft of Palestine and Israel's theft of the Golan Heights.
Okay, so you're saying that behind the scenes the Israeli government is pulling a lot of the strings here?
Oh yeah, hell yeah.
The Israel lobby is the most powerful lobby in the United States.
But I don't think you're allowed to say anything bad about Israel.
See, I don't think that's allowed, is it?
They've used the
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Everybody is anti-Semite, so it doesn't mean anything anymore if you call one.
Do you see what I'm saying?
If you're not an apologist for Israel, you're an anti-Semite.
That's the way it works.
It's kind of like a name you get painted with when you say anything against Israel.
They use it to try to...
Stop anybody from pointing out any facts.
So they make no distinction between the Israeli citizenry and the Israeli government.
It's according to this theory that Israel is perfect.
Well, actually, a tremendous amount of Israelis are called Antisemites.
My friends in the Israeli peace movement are all said to be Antisemites.
They just hate their own race, right?
They hate anybody who
I don't think anybody has a right other than Zionist settlers.
Okay, so we have the distinction between a Zionist and a Jew.
There's a big difference there.
You want to elaborate on that?
Most of the intelligent Israelis, and the successful ones, they're prepared to live with the Palestinians.
The Zionists, they don't want there to be a Palestine.
We're good to go.
Well, I understand that it's happened thousands of times where a representative from the Israeli government will knock on some poor Palestinian's door and say, hey Bubba, this house you've been living in for a couple hundred years, it's going to be gone tomorrow, so you've got 24 hours to get out.
I think people wouldn't like that.
And of course, they'll come in and just knock the house down, whether you're in it or out.
And even if an American peace protester is standing in the way.
That's right.
They just ran her over and killed her.
That's exactly right.
Now, in this country, they have tremendous media power because Clinton allowed massive media concentration in the 90s, and the Jewish people have managed to be owners and controllers of most of this empire.
Plus, they have tremendous power through advertising contracts.
And so editors that say anything about Israel find out from the publisher that, you know, they've just pulled out 10 million advertising contracts.
So you see what I'm saying?
Everybody is in control.
That's how this Bill Kristol got the Time Magazine column the other day.
I'm absolutely certain that Time Magazine was promised tens of millions of dollars in advertising contracts if they would appoint Kristol.
A columnist.
Well, now, Crystal's never been right about anything.
There was a big article in the Iraqi Mountain News the other day pointing out all the absurd statements he made about the Iraqi war and the outcome and how easy, blah, blah.
And so the guy's been totally wrong about everything.
So how does he get a column in time?
Well, somebody had to buy it for him.
I'm absolutely convinced that's the way it works.
I mean, I was in journalism enough to see how people use the power to
Advertise or threaten boycotts or whatever to control editorial policy and news reports.
Well, under this scenario you're describing, okay, so at the behest of the Israeli government, we go ahead and attack Iran so we can overthrow one of the governments that opposes Israel.
Okay, so we're still sitting in Iraq, we've nuked Iran or whatever we're going to do, bomb the snot out of them or whatever we're going to do to them.
Now what?
We're still stuck in Iraq.
That's not going away.
Yeah, listen, I don't know what, but you have to see, you have to get the difference between the reality and the propaganda.
And the propaganda can work for the administration, because they can say, we've eliminated the nuclear threat.
Seems like they've messed us around so much, so many times, it just might backfire on them.
Well, we can hope it does, but
Then you have to say they're not smart enough to realize that in advance.
And of course, support the backfire would be great.
We could finally get him impeached and maybe even hand him over to the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague.
By him, do you mean him and his whole crew?
Well, good luck.
It doesn't much matter.
If one goes, everyone gets the message.
And everybody says, oh, if you impeach Bush, we'll have change.
You think if the President gets impeached that Cheney won't get the message?
I mean, everybody... All you've got to do is once.
But I think I can't predict what the outcome will be.
No one knows.
The administration is betting that Iran will not retaliate militarily.
You've got to be kidding.
No, because it makes a certain amount of sense.
If they don't retaliate, then they are another victim of American-Israeli aggression.
Another Muslim victim.
Do they actually think that they're not going to retaliate?
The anger seeps throughout the Middle East until none of our puppet governments are safe.
So the intermediate to long-run consequence of us attacking Iran is we lose Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates.
You see what I'm saying?
Yeah, it doesn't benefit the United States.
Iran's a 5,000-year-old country, like China.
They're not impatient.
They're not facing two more years.
I got two years to save my reputation.
Iran doesn't think like that.
So they can say, huh, they've attacked us.
Now, what'll happen?
If we sink the aircraft carriers and knock out the oil in the Middle East, they may nuke us.
Or they may nuke us harder if we've already nuked them.
And maybe the winning strategy is just to sit here and let the anger seep, because Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and our puppet there is shaky.
There have been a whole bunch of assassination attempts on him.
He doesn't really have the support of his own military.
If they fall, if he falls, then the Muslims have got
I think so.
We're good to go.
Well, we'll see what happens.
Dr. Paul Craig Robertson, I want to thank you very much for coming on the Alex Jones Show.
I appreciate it.
Good talking to you.
Well, Bob, I enjoyed talking to you.
You're a very pleasant guy to talk to.
I'd like to do it again sometime.
Alright, I appreciate it.
We'll be back after the break.
Take care.
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Alright, this is Bob Basie once again back substituting for Alex Jones on this 18th of January and the last part of this second hour.
Interview with Dr. Paul Greg Roberts.
I'll tell you what, it seems as though these people are nuts.
You know, there's got to be a reason for all this, and it doesn't make any sense.
I mean, you're talking about risking Lord only knows what in the Middle East by attacking the Iranians.
Makes no sense to me.
I have an article here from the North American statesman on Monday.
Bush, no going back in Iraq.
Democrats hope to stop build-up.
This is from Ben Feller of the Associated Press.
Digging in for confrontation, President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more troops to Iraq, no matter how much Congress opposes it.
Democrats remain wary of appearing unsupportive of American troops.
And a defiant Cheney pointedly reminded lawmakers that Bush is Commander-in-Chief.
and I would have to say that yeah he's commander-in-chief in a war that he lied to get us into which was not declared which is the Constitution requires that a war be declared hadn't done it correctly since 1941 and of course you know he's the commander-in-chief of a big fat lie you know later on the article it says
When asked whether he owes the Iraqi people an apology for botching the management of the war, he said, not at all.
We liberated that country from a tyrant.
I think the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude.
Can you believe that?
We've gone over there, knocked the snot out of their whole country, busted up all their infrastructure, destroyed everything,
killed between a hundred and six hundred fifty thousand of their people mostly civilians the vast vast majority civilians screwed up everything for that country and he says the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude now what is this guy been sniffing up his nose what where do you get that kind of logic coming out of the mouth
of our imperious leader.
That absolutely doesn't make any sense.
Which, however, does make me want to think, well what I want to do for the rest of the show, I want to give you my take on President Bush's speech on Iraq and we want to take some phone calls.
The number is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231 if you want to get involved here on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be taking calls for the rest of the hour as I go through some of this speech that our Imperious Leader made the other day, telling us how glorious everything is going to be when we get the more troops in there.
It's going to fix
Everything isn't it so that's what we're gonna do for the rest of the hour and Should be fun.
I want to go through this some of this speech Arcada terrorist and Sunni insurgents blew up one of the holiest shrines in Shia Islam and The result was a vicious cycle of sectarian violence that continues today so one of President Bush's claims of course is that Al Qaeda is out there
And Sunnis are out there just blowing stuff up.
And when we get back from the top of the hour, we're going to remind everybody of at least one case where it wasn't them.
So, again, this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones, and we'll be back after a very short break.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, once again, this is Bob Dacey on the third hour of the Alex Jones Show, substituting for Alex, who's going to be back next week.
Before the break I was quoting the President saying how all these Al-Qaeda people are blowing stuff up in Iraq.
I'd like to remind you that back in September of 2005, this is mainstream news.
This is not anything but mainstream news.
Two British SAS operatives were caught dressed as Arabs in a car, planning to bomb a police station or something like that, or the public square in Basra, and they got caught.
You know?
They got arrested.
They got thrown in the jail, and the British sent their whole army to break them out.
I mean, they had wigs on, you know, they had Arab dress, everything.
The car had all kinds of ammunition in it, and I think it was also booby-trapped or whatever.
I mean, it had... Give me a break!
You know, the fact of the matter is that there was a long history of the elites using their operatives to make up
attacks and to inflame problems and blame it on somebody else so when the president of the United States the decider in chief says that who was blowing up who you really just can't believe it I mean they got caught red-handed you know British operatives dressed as Arabs stirring up trouble so please you know when you do that you just lost it right there later on in his speech
Our imperious leader says, where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me.
Well, sir, if the responsibility for the mistakes we've made in Iran rests with you, then you need to check yourself into the nearest jail.
I mean, what a huge mistake to deliberately invade a country based on a humongous cacophony of complete and total made-up lies, and then have 3,000 plus Americans die for your lies.
I mean, people just don't seem to understand.
They don't grasp what that means, that the leaders of the United States would concoct
A big fat lie and go get a bunch of us killed for some geopolitical aim of theirs.
It's so immoral, it's so obscene, it's so disgusting that I don't know what the words are for it.
I really don't.
I think, of course, treason really fits, but it just doesn't sound good enough.
It just doesn't.
Alright, I understand we have a couple of callers here on the line.
Dave, are you there?
Yes, I am.
I'm going to turn the speakerphone on.
All right, Dave.
This is Dave from Illinois.
You're on the Alex Jones Show and you're listening to a whole bunch of people.
Are you nervous?
Oh, I have been, but I'm not for some reason.
Well, you shouldn't be because I'm not nervous and I'm sitting here in a room all by myself and I can't see any of them and neither can you.
What do you got going on?
As Paul Craig Roberts said, you seem like a nice man to talk to.
I enjoyed that segment, by the way.
I was a little disappointed through three-fourths of it because I didn't hear Israel mentioned and I think, you know, obviously that Israel is the thrust of all this and supporters of Israel.
We did bring it up in the last segment there.
We talked about it pretty good.
Yeah, that was good.
And that's the reason we went to war in 1991 with Iraq.
That was pushed by Zionists and
You know, we encouraged, we gave false information to Saddam Hussein to invade.
Dave, the break is coming up.
I'm going to hold you over until we get back from the break and then we'll go into what you wanted to, what you want to talk about.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, Bob Dacey back again for Alex Jones and we were talking to Dave in Illinois before the break.
Dave, what do you got in your mind?
Well, just a few interesting facts here.
When we did go to war in
Neil Bush was under indictment, Silverado Savings and Loan under criminal indictment.
That all went away once George Bush decided to attack Iraq.
And another, just doing some arithmetic here, there's been at least 500,000 Iraqis killed, and we have spent at least $500 billion, which is $500,000 million.
That translates
into a pretty inefficient kill.
It hasn't cost American taxpayers because we borrowed the money.
It will cost our children and grandchildren if it ever paid back.
It will cost a million dollars apiece to kill these people.
Wow, that's pretty bad.
And then I'm concerned too, obviously, of the consequences of Obama and Iran.
Um, you know, we're going to be pushed into it because Israel is saying, if we don't do it, they're going to do it with nuclear weapons that have been provided to them by the United States.
Um, and I think, you know, there's a possibility of myself, my, my children, my grandchild, um, you know, I mean, just speaking purely, this is wrong, everything is all wrong, but speaking purely selfishly.
This is very dangerous right now, and it's not even being talked about.
I mean, this could be the final days.
Well, I'll tell you what, Dave.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
That doesn't transpire.
I really do.
We don't know when the final days really are, but we do have a madman puppet at the helm of the U.S.
government right now, and somebody else is yanking his strings.
And I hope that up at the levels higher than our imperious leader, they decide that it's not a good time to start World War III.
They screwed everything up bad enough.
I was just handed an article
That was on PrisonPlanet.com back in February 2006.
I was talking about all this, our president telling us that one of those moths got blown up and that's why all these people are out there killing each other and that's why we have a civil war.
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern believes that there is a good case to be made that our operatives blew that moth up.
To get, you know, to get their little civil war going.
He says, there's lots of evidence that the government in the past has used these things for its own purposes for overthrowing governments as it did in Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954.
The Gulf of Tonkin was a little different.
LBJ did deceive Congress and the war went on for seven years.
That's Ray McGovern.
And, you know, the question is, you know, who benefits, you know?
Uh, certainly isn't the Iraqi people.
Uh, Kevin Smith was telling me that the Shias and the Sunnis were holding hands after that loss blew up, saying, hey, we didn't do this.
We're not going to go to war over this.
But, gee, that's happening anyway.
And again, I wonder whether that had anything to do with all these British officers were running around, uh, uh, dressed as Arabs, um, with explosives in their car.
You do kind of wonder.
We have, um,
Looks like Sam in Virginia is up here next.
Sam, are you there?
Is Sam there?
I guess we don't have... Sam, are you there?
Okay, we're gonna move on.
Sam must have hung up.
Okay, we got John in Arizona.
Hello, how are you today?
Oh, I'm doing just fine.
What's on your mind, John?
Well, I wanted to talk about the current situation in Iraq and possibly Iran here.
I think their ultimate goal is this complete occupation of the entire Middle East to bring the power of the Antichrist.
And I think that they need to get this war started in Iran to actually start World War III or IV, whatever you want to call it.
I have currently read Jack McLam's newsletter.
I don't know if you know Jack very well.
I know who he is, yeah.
From aid and abet police and military against the New World Order.
And he said that the international bankers have already had this war plan for many years in the making, and this is their ultimate goal.
This is their third chance here of bringing in the New World Order within the last hundred years.
Well, the one thing that these people, the Arabs, have in common with other
Other some other people is that they don't want a new world order.
They do not want to be a subset of the world government.
I don't think they like that too much.
I don't think there are any Boy Scouts themselves either, but you can't blame them for wanting to maintain their or try to obtain their national sovereignty.
Oh yeah, I totally agree with you.
They are actually fighting the new world order.
Just like Alex says, they're actually using our military and our superior power
To bring in the New World Order and that consists of taking over the entire Middle East and some of the countries south of here like Venezuela and Argentina and those that are not participants in the One World Government and New World Order and therefore they're demonized in our media.
Well, that's true.
Now, John, thank you very much for your comments.
I appreciate that.
The thing that I want to point out, and this may differ from what a lot of other people think, but he talked about Venezuela and Hugo Chavez.
I think that was what he was alluding to.
Hugo Chavez is doing a tremendous job down there stopping the free trade area of the Americas.
In that way, he is fighting the New World Order.
However, the guy ain't your mama.
He is not a good guy either.
You know, just because he is opposed to President Bush doesn't make him your mama.
It doesn't make him a good guy.
He's a Marxist commie.
You know, let's face it.
He's not our friend either.
So, it's one of these weird politics makes strange bedfellows things.
Okay, let me go on with this speech a little bit before I take the next call.
I've got, who do I got up next?
I've got Ron in Canada up in a minute and Fred from Philly.
But before I talk to them, y'all guys hold on there for a little bit.
I want to read a little bit more of our Imperious Leader's speech.
My national security team, he says, we consulted
With distinguished outside experts.
He talks about the Iraq Study Group and James Baker and Lee Hamilton.
You know, again, it's all dog and pony show.
James Baker is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Lee Hamilton is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
I mean, give me a break.
You know, it's all for show.
It's all, it's a load of
Horse feathers to dump on the American people so that they will be pacified, so to speak.
It's all, it's all phony.
It's all dog and pony.
And then he says this, the most urgent priority for success in Iraq is security.
Hey, whatever happened to democracy for the people of Iraq, Bush?
Whatever happened to that, huh?
Of course, that was a lie, too, after the weapons of mass destruction thing went away, and the link to Osama bin Laden turned out to be false, and, oh, we've got to give democracy to the Iraqi people by killing half a million of them.
Oh, yeah, well, I guess that went away, too, didn't it, President Bush?
And now the most urgent priority for success in Iraq is security.
What about the hearts and minds, Mr. Bush?
Remember you were going to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people?
Oh yeah, too late.
You know, we had the Abu Ghraib prison thing, which y'all let out.
to make sure that we wouldn't win their hearts and minds and then of course remember the famous video of the American tank running over the little Iraqi car because there was a few sticks of firewood on top of it and American soldiers shot the thing up with their pistols and then they ran over it with an Abrams tank backward and forward and
Every Arab in the whole world has seen that video of the U.S.
military doing that to some poor Iraqi cab driver and his family.
Remember that?
Remember that, Bush?
What happened to the hearts and minds?
I guess it kind of, when you blew Fallujah off the map,
Couple years ago, that didn't help matters either.
So I guess the priority went from weapons of mass destruction to Al Qaeda terrorists and Osama Bin Laden.
Oh, democracy.
Hearts and minds.
That didn't work either.
And so now the urgent priority for success in Iraq is
And part of his effort, he's going to have some military commander and some national police and the Iraqi army and they're going to go door-to-door!
Ha ha ha!
I'm not going to lie, this and the conducting patrols and setting up checkpoints and going door-to-door to gain the trust of Baghdad residents.
Oh, give me a break!
Checkpoints and going door-to-door, that'll make everybody trust you, won't it, Mr. President?
Okay, we have, uh, coming up next we have
I think that's Ron in Canada.
Did I read my old riding rack?
Ron, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
First off, I just want to say thanks for you guys doing all that hard work.
You're winning the battle.
It might be slowly, but hey, a win's a win.
I wanted to talk about that watch list.
I was caught the news.
I don't watch a lot of the CNN, but every once in a while I'll spend, you know, a couple minutes on it.
Okay, what's a watch list?
Well, they're talking about, you know, this border stuff, right?
Now you need to have a stinking passport in order to go anywhere.
I don't have a passport.
I'm not going to get a passport.
It's not saying I don't want to visit you guys in the States.
It's, I don't want a passport.
But this watch list, how big is the list going to get?
You know, like with Alex Jones going over to the UK there, they added him to the troublemaker list.
Does that put him on the watch list?
Does that mean he can't travel to Canada anymore?
You know, these are certain questions that
I just think you're wrong.
You must have your purpose.
You have to have your purpose.
That's exactly it.
My second comment, also I don't really want to talk about Iraq.
I saw that video though of the tank going over there.
They're just onroids.
A bunch of meatheads.
I want to talk about UNESCO.
Yeah, I think so.
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We've been talking to Ron in Canada.
He's still there.
Yeah, I'm still here.
Alright, go ahead.
So if I can moan and complain about UNESCO a little bit there.
I was doing some research on this land that we were looking at close to Jasper and I found out that, well first I found out that UNESCO has got Jasper Park under their belt.
Not only that, but they, out of Canada, I think Alberta's got hit the hardest by UNESCO grabbing parks.
Yeah, it's the end of Canada.
We're talking about UNESCO going around grabbing pristine areas, right?
Oh yeah, yeah, like that's the reason I wanted to move out there.
I don't want to be in the city anymore.
I don't want to be one of these guys, you know, having to punch a clock and stuff.
I'd rather, you know, do something in camping or outdoors or outfitting or whatnot, and that's where my dream started.
But just outside of Jasper there, they have a mining coal operation going on that I think it's an American company called Shevet, but they've hired local guys from Hinton and the area surrounding there
I don't
Jasper, do you think it's possible that maybe not next year, maybe not five years, but down the road, they're going to let these stupid miners come in and strip away all the clean?
It upsets me quite a bit.
Well, I'll tell you what, that is an issue that I really don't know much about.
As far as UNESCO, that's interesting.
It must be under their scientific deal, scientific organization.
UNESCO is mainly about education, or should I say propagandizing the children of the world to go kiss the UN somewhere, you know what I'm saying?
I do.
If you did want to look up a bit more, just search, uh, Making Mountain Park a Reality.
It's a website that I found when I was searching for maps about where I want to build my future home.
And I started looking.
It's an old, old city.
Well, not city.
A little town back in about 1910.
They started coal mining out there.
Well, 1950 they went up.
They kicked everybody out.
A couple of months later, down go their houses, of course, and now currently, like, I just stumbled upon it, and it's just so shocking that they went through all that land so fast.
Then, now that they've reconditioned the land, they build a little waterfall over there, because that's just got tons of rivers and waterway through it.
Sounds like that biodiversity treaty stuff.
I don't know.
Well, that's just one.
Go ahead.
I was wondering about that Chevette company, if that would be an American company that's working out there, like, would UNESCO eventually be able to give them the right to, you know, maybe not, if they can't go east, if they can't go, you know, a little bit northeast or southeast, would they be allowed to just cross the border there into BC and UNESCO says, yeah, come on, come on, mine and Jasper, it's okay.
I have no idea, but that sounds like an interesting topic for another day.
Ron, thank you very much for the call.
I appreciate it.
Have a good day, sir.
Okay, I want to get back to this Bush speech on the Iraq War here, because he said a lot of other neat things in here.
One of the things he said is this.
If the Iraqi government does not follow through on its promises, it will lose the support of the American people, and it will lose the support of the Iraqi people.
Okay, so President Bush, how do you lose something that you don't have?
These Iraqi people hate our guts.
Got it?
They didn't.
See, they don't like the fact that we invaded their country, we killed half a million of them, and we won't leave.
See, they don't like that.
That public government you set up is not the Iraqi government.
They don't have a government.
You destroyed it, such that it was, and we cannot lose the support of the Iraqi people because they are all shooting at us.
They don't like it, you see.
And he says, a successful strategy for Iraq goes beyond military operations.
Ordinary Iraqi citizens must see that military operations are accompanied by visible improvements in their neighborhoods and communities.
And what that means is, and there was an article in the paper about it here locally in Austin, that they're going to go hire a bunch of people to paint their schools and sweep their streets.
I'm not kidding.
That's part of the plan.
Okay, next up we have Fred in Philadelphia.
Fred, are you still there?
Hi, Bob.
Hey, what's going on in Philly?
That's where my wife is from.
Yeah, you know, Queen Lane and Schoolhouse Lane and Shelton Avenue and all that stuff, you know?
I want to bring up something very serious.
Actually, two things.
The first thing is the destruction of the Jamiat police station in Basra.
All the media coverage in print that I have seen has been a complete reversal of the facts.
It's been pure propaganda.
There's been actually a revolution in that province.
Hey, when we get back from the break, because we've got one coming up, I want you to detail that.
We'll be back right after the break on the Alex Jones Show.
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Yes, we do need our own personal Jesus because we're in a world of hurt right now.
We're talking with Fred in Philly.
Fred, I want you to get specific.
Are you talking about the same police station attack that I was talking about earlier in the show with Dr. Roberts?
Actually, there's two parts of that story, though.
You said in June 2005, did you say that was the start of a lot of trouble in that area having to do with British covert action in Basra?
Yeah, we had the two British SAS agents that got caught dressed as Arabs, yeah.
Okay, they were convicted locally.
They were then held in the jail in that locale.
I don't know if it was in the police station or it was close by.
And the British then stormed that
That facility to free them, but they lied about it in the media.
Yeah, that's what they do.
Right, now fast forward to December 22nd, 2006.
British and Iraqi troops free 100 in police station.
The ostensible reason was they wanted to prevent
It's re-occupation by criminal enterprises.
That British spokesman said, this is pure nonsense.
There's been a revolution in that province.
The governor of that province is vehemently against the British.
The central government, what you call the central government under Maliki, it hasn't even been able to remove that governor.
So what was the real reason for that?
There are facts that are just going against what the media is saying.
You can't get the story out about the conditions and about the opposition to the British in Basra.
So, there's just so many things.
You have a police station that went up, a giant police station that was just blown up.
The Basra's police commander condemned the operation, saying the British military did not give him and other police in the city enough notice.
The head of the Basra Security Committee was set up by Maliki as a compromise to quiet things down after the first upsurge in violence down there because of what you said.
He said this group had no
Well, we know that the mainstream media is largely controlled, especially in the United States.
The BBC seems to have a little bit more leeway.
I don't know.
It's just another chapter in a sad episode.
Fred from Philly, thanks for the call very much.
I appreciate it.
And we're going to go on now to David in Texas.
Are you there?
Yes, Bob.
Thank you.
I wanted to thank you for your hard work, along with Alex, although he's not there.
But I kind of wanted to take the discussion a little bit into a larger kind of perspective.
I think that sometimes what happens is that all of us
And to focus on smaller issues, not smaller, but more of a finite kind of lens, if you know what I'm saying.
What are you specifically referring to?
Well, I'm kind of referring to the fact that, you know, everything we're bringing up, everything that you bring up, and many things that Alex brings up, refer to a kind of duping of the American people, a duping of the world, so to speak.
And I think that that to me is one of the
The core issue is that we, as truth-seekers, as whatever you want to call us, we look at the disease many times, or we look at the symptoms and not the disease.
And I think that that is really the disease, is that our whole reality, when you really look at it, is just a series of lies over and over and over again.
One lie after another lie after another lie stacked on top of each other.
The Iraqi War is a lie.
Our government, if you really look at it, is a lie.
I mean, if you read the history of the UCC, the Uniform Commercial Code, the War Powers Act, all of those things point to the fact that we've been living in this country under this idea that we're free, when in actual fact, we've never been free.
You read the Treaty of Paris signed in 1783.
It was signed by British agents.
It was signed by Benjamin Franklin.
Seeding land back over to the king after we supposedly won a war.
We've been paying tribute to that king ever since that day.
Yet we're told in our, you know, our propaganda machine public education, we're the land of the free, the home of the brave.
So we sit here as people, intelligent people, and we kind of quibble back and forth about whether Bush is really the commander-in-chief, whether he's following the Constitution.
Well, he's got a gold-fringed flag, right?
That means that he is the law of the land, and he's been the law of the land.
It's debatable whether it was 1933 or whatever it is.
It goes all the way back, some people say, to the Civil War.
We've been operating under this War Powers Act, and as I said, if you go even farther back, since 1783, the entire foundation of what we stand for as a nation is a lie.
David, listen, I want to thank you for your call.
I want to comment on what you just said.
People get into that fringe flag and all the deal with the King of England and all that stuff back there.
Listen, there's a lot of stuff about that and I really, really, really don't want to get into that ancient history stuff.
The fact of the matter is the United States when it was formed
Was the freest country ever to be on the face of the earth and there is no doubt that in relative terms the American people have been for the last few hundred years the freest people on the earth.
The problem is that you have all these people go up to Washington and they keep passing laws and they keep passing laws and they keep passing laws and everything every time they pass a law
What is a law?
It means you either have to do this or you can't do that.
That's what a law is.
Every one of them.
Either you must do this or you can't do that.
And when you have a couple hundred years of these control freaks going up into Washington, and also at the state level too, passing laws, you must do this or you can't do that, by definition that erodes our freedom.
I don't subscribe, really, to the fact that we've all just been a bunch of slobbering slaves all of our life, and we don't have freedom, and that there's nothing to defend.
I don't believe that.
I think that the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and what's wrong with this country is that we don't follow it.
And the people at the top, this country is screwed up from the top down, not from the bottom up.
And I don't think, you know, that's where it is.
If you compare this country
To a fish.
The fish is rotten at the head and healthy at the tail.
And at the grass roots so to speak.
And you can't fix it at the very top because the executive branch is just totally corrupt.
Totally criminal.
And the car was right.
We've been fed so many lies that an average American can't tell the difference between up and down in regard to that.
But as far as all those little
Legal mumbo-jumbo from back then, you know, frankly it's boring to me.
It's like, oh well, we've never had a chance from the beginning.
We've always been slaves and we might as well just put up with it or what.
I don't know.
I just don't go into that fringe flag stuff.
Okay, we've got Paula from Florida up next on the Alex Jones Show.
Paula, are you there?
Yeah, hi, I'm here.
There's something that y'all need to understand about this whole mess, is that back in 1940, there was an actual article in the New York Times about the New World Order, and it's for the Jews.
And this is what this says, the New World Order is pledged to the Jews.
But anyway, the Jews are behind all of this.
They want to take over the whole world.
They want us dead.
They want the Arabs dead.
And they want to take over the world.
And you're talking about the British throne and all that.
Our President is from the British throne.
So is Al Gore, so is Bill Clinton.
I mean, they're all family.
But the thing is, is that we've got a fight on our hands.
And like right now, if we don't do something about this NAFTA program, there's going to be no jobs here, period.
They said, and McAfee Press just brought, they said, everybody's going to be laid off.
And the companies will have to shut down and go out of the country to survive.
Okay, we've talked about two subjects there.
Thank you for your call.
I want to address both of those things you just said.
Again, I hate to be confrontational, but I guess I'll have to be.
Whenever someone says the Jews are behind everything, it just makes me want to hurl, really.
Listen, the Jews are not some
monolithic, all-seeing, all-encompassing little robot that all think alike.
You know, it's ridiculous.
Pinning everything on the Jews as some sort of an enemy, anybody that's Jewish as an enemy, is ridiculous.
There are thousands of very patriotic Jewish Americans that are fighting the New World Order.
There are a lot of Jewish people in Israel that are fighting the New World Order.
Why people can't distinguish between the Zionists and the Jews is beyond me.
It really is.
I keep hearing this stuff about the Jews all the time.
Well, the Jews done it.
You know, the Jews did everything else.
Well, the Jews are behind this.
You know, give me a break.
You know, the Jews are not all on the same page, okay?
You know, that's...
I just don't like hearing that kind of stuff.
And as far as the second thing you said, Paul, I agree with you.
Yeah, NAFTA is a big deal.
But it's not just the Jews.
It's not the Jews done it.
You know, it's the globalists and some of them have Jewish heritage.
I'll acknowledge that.
That's great.
Some of these people claim to be Jewish.
You know, the Rothschilds, for example, in Europe.
They're part of the problem.
But don't broad
Yeah, I just wanted to comment about something, but I wanted to comment about Paula's comment.
You know, what about Vince Russo?
He's a good guy, and he's helping us out.
Aaron Russo, yes, and he's a good guy.
No, but he's Jewish, he must be bad.
Has to be, by definition.
That's ridiculous.
So yeah, it is, it's a ridiculous statement.
And I think sometimes that maybe the New World Order sends people like that in to try to discredit the whole thing.
That could be.
So what else you got on your mind?
They stepped up to the police state here in L.A.
and they did it right
Underneath our noses.
We didn't even know they were going to hit us.
We were preparing for them to come straight ahead or whatever.
What are they up to now?
They shut down every single medical marijuana shop.
I know that might not seem important.
But in LA, that's like the gun to a Texas man.
Okay, wait a minute, let me get this straight.
Okay, so in Los Angeles you have medical marijuana shops?
Yes, and this is where the sick, people with AIDS, ex-veterans... Well, I know it has medicinal applications and there's always a big joke about, you know, get your doctor to prescribe some reefer and everything will be cool.
Everything will be nice, right?
So there were those people, those knuckleheads that were actually going out there and doing that that had nothing wrong with them and smoking.
Uh, but that's, you know, you can get that in the real medical industry.
I mean, or, you know, you get that at, you go to the hospital and get a guy to give you some Vicodin.
So they shut down the medical marijuana shop?
All of them, now you've got all these people, all these real God-fearing people that have to go to the third ring of hell to, uh, to get their stuff.
Well, I know that marijuana is a treatment for glaucoma, right?
Exactly, yeah, and a lot of pain, a lot of back pain, headaches, insomnia, the whole works.
But, uh, the whole point is, they said that,
If you are within a thousand feet of a school or park or whatever, you can't sell medical marijuana.
I understand that, but for the last two years, three years, they've been alluding to these people, letting them think, yeah, you're okay, you're okay, and then boom, they hit them.
Now, I think the next thing they're going to do is say, people, individual people, within a thousand feet of so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so.
They've already done it with cigarettes.
So, they've really stepped it up here and there.
I mean, there's like almost riots here with these kids.
Well I know, this reminds me of something crazy that happened here in Texas.
Was it about last month?
I read an article in the paper that says that if you want to adopt a child, like do a foster care situation on a child, that pretty soon you're not going to be allowed to smoke in your own house.
That's right.
That's crazy!
Yeah, that's nuts.
That is absolute lunacy!
They're trying to do that here in L.A.
You can't smoke on the beach at all.
You can't smoke in certain cities.
Whole cities, you cannot have a pack of cigarettes... Well, I'll tell you something.
Nobody takes a second chair to me when it comes to hating cigarette smoke.
I can't stand it, you know?
But I'll tell you something.
What I can't stand even more is having somebody from the government telling me that I can't smoke in my own house if I feel like it.
Because it's going to hurt the children.
I mean, give me a break.
So that's what's going on in L.A., huh?
Yeah, so I just wanted to get your thoughts on that.
Maybe we'll hear more about this in the coming weeks, but I think it's going to get bigger than just this.
Well, thank you very much for the call.
I appreciate it.
Okay, what do we got now?
We got Joe in Georgia on the Alex Jones Show here.
Joe, are you there?
How you doing?
Pretty good.
What's up with you?
Thanks for filling in for Alex.
I appreciate it.
Well, I work real cheap.
I love the old shows and the repeats, too, because I miss a lot of it, but it's good to hear a live voice on the other end.
I just can't get over that Paula that called a few minutes ago.
It's the Jews!
It's the Jews!
It's the Jews!
You know, I listened to her.
There was a show right before Jeff Runts last night, and I'd like to find out who these guys are, because they were dissing Alex.
And they were saying, yeah, Federal Reserve bad, but then when he gets into all these other rants about, you know, just pay attention to what he's saying.
Take notes.
Hit the web.
Look these things up.
Everything is true.
What he's saying, everything is true.
That's absolutely true.
And the way he rants and raves, that's entertainment value.
I've called him and told him myself, that's entertainment value for me because I feel the same way.
I'll tell you something about what you said about the entertainment value.
I've known Alex for about nine years and yes, there's definitely, he uses entertainment value to attract an audience.
Oh yeah, I mean what he does is imitation.
There's no question about that.
There is no question about that.
However, anybody who knows Alex knows that the personality that he projects on the radio
It may be somewhat exaggerated, but Alex Jones has an A-squared personality.
And that's no faking.
You be around this guy for very long.
The guy radiates energy.
It's weird.
We're fixing to come up to a break right now, and we'll be back with you in just a minute.
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Alright, welcome back to the last segment of the Alex Jones Show here on DCM.
We were talking to Joe in Georgia.
Joe, what's your central point you wanted to make?
Okay, I wanted to ask a question, actually.
And, you know, maybe the answer would have to be held over to Alex, or maybe you can elucidate on it.
I've listened, or I've watched
Alex's presentation on the comprehensive annual financial reports and realizing that the government has bought into stocks and bonds across the board, and they're hiding the fact that they own tremendous amounts of stocks on the state, federal, local,
Yes, I think so.
When they fail the economy.
That's a good question.
I don't know the answer to it.
I do know that every year the government, either city, county, state, federal, does purchase more and more and more of what there is to invest in.
And that's a fact.
It's a fact.
It's sad because when you take it to its logical conclusion, eventually if they own everything, what do you call that?
Well, I mean, Benito Mussolini called it fascism.
Man, you can call it communism, fascism, whatever you want to call it, but whatever it is, it stinks.
The perfect integration of business and government.
Yeah, that's fascism.
You got it.
Thank you very much for the call.
We're running out of time here.
I've got a couple other calls I want to get in here.
We've got Paul in Ohio.
Paul, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
You there?
Hi, Bob.
What's up?
Well, I just, you know, this Iran situation is really, really dangerous and, you know, it's scaring me enough to start reading the book of Revelation, I'll tell you, because, you know, I see a pale horse and its rider is death, you know, and that's what's scaring me.
Well, you got a bunch of, you know, I wish I could fully understand it myself.
I can't
I'm a nice guy.
I'm a live and let live kind of guy.
I don't understand the process of murdering a whole bunch of people for geopolitical ends.
I don't get that.
I'm a live and let live kind of person.
So it's hard for me to grasp the insanity that's going on with George Bush at the titular head of this neocon oligarchy which has its grip on our country.
Yeah, well, I mean, these madmen are really pushing us to the brink of Armageddon, the way I see it.
I mean, if they're even talking about using nuclear weapons, I mean, that is just horrendous.
Well, they already use low-grade nuclear weapons and depleted uranium.
They spread it all over Iraq.
The poor man's nuke.
No, it's not the poor man's nuke.
It's the rich man's nuke.
It's a gift that keeps on giving forever, and it's beyond vile.
It's disgusting, and they do it anyway.
A person with morality and conscience cannot grasp this.
That's part of the reason why so many people turn it off.
They just can't handle it.
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, I can't believe that any admiral of the U.S.
Navy would ever sail a carrier battle group into the Persian Gulf.
I mean, they're just sitting ducks in there, just waiting to be blown up.
Yeah, and also, you know, what the heck is a battle group going to go in there to fight an insurgency on the ground in Iraq?
What's a carrier battle group doing doing that?
It has nothing to do with that, now does it?
Okay, Paul Ohio, thank you for the call.
I've got one more call here.
Steve in Utah.
Steve, you better make it quick.
Hey, what's up?
I just had a comment on the Jews.
Hey, my step-mom's a Jew, and I don't think she's involved with the New World Order in any way, shape, or form.
It's the people with all the money, the ungodly amounts of money.
And then another thing, I like to call my local AM radio station, take notes from the Alex Jones Show and the Jack Fletch Show, take notes, call up and discuss what I heard earlier, and that's what the people listening to the show should be doing, and I encourage everyone to do so.
Take notes, listen to what you hear, call up your local AM radio station.
When they have a free talk, get on there and talk about... Alright!
Thank you very much, Steve, from Utah.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
I will see you tomorrow at 11 o'clock, Our Time Central.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.