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Name: 20061229_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's the last weekday
Transmission that I'll be doing in 2006, the briefest year in my life, and I know in many of your lives out there.
Perhaps we can contemplate what's happened in the last 360 something days.
363 I guess if you want to get technical.
And we can contemplate and discuss what's going to be coming up in the next year.
I did take off four days of broadcast.
I meant to take off three, but I was marching around on a mountaintop a few days ago and I hurt my back.
So I took it easy yesterday.
Well, I did come in last night and do some video editing and some other work.
But I am here today on this 29th day of December 2006.
And we're going to be live here for the next three hours.
No guests today.
I want to be able to open the phones up and take your calls.
And yes, we have several days of important news stacked up here before me.
My greatest frustration in life is that I don't have the organizational skills or the funds or the time to counter every piece of disinfo, to break down and analyze every piece of propaganda.
I mean, I have probably 50, 60, 100 times just guesstimating the knowledge about the New World Order and all the fine delicacies and intricacies that I could ever even try to articulate here.
And I'm so sad for how dumbed down the public is, how childlike they are, how naive they are to listen to talk radio and to watch TV as I've done being off
Since last Sunday I did a broadcast on Christmas Eve.
It is infuriating at a point.
It's painful.
But it also fuels me to want to get out there and fight the New World Order.
So we're live on this Friday edition.
I will be live on New Year's Eve as well on the new Sunday show I do from 4 to 6 p.m.
picked up by Genesis 3 and MS Communications.
Here's the type of news I have in front of me.
High school to start random breathalyzer test.
Of course, it's under federal grants.
It's starting nationwide.
Here's another one.
I spy a pupil in the toilets.
This is out of a major mainstream paper.
Both of these are.
One is CBS TV 13.
The other is the Barking and Denham Record.
I spy a pupil in the toilet.
They're announcing cameras in the toilets, in the stalls, school district wide.
It's wonderful.
It's freedom.
Houston Chronicle Safety Project focuses on children's eyes.
They basically bring the scanners to school, and you're an evil parent that wants your child to be kidnapped if you don't scan them.
Of course, it's part of a federal identification program, part of registering them as little criminals, and I just so happen to have the grants.
This started seven years ago, but they don't tell you that in the Chronicle, but I know the names of the program.
The average person, I'm suspecting, reads this as usual.
And I boil with anger.
I just can't stand seeing us all get scammed and raped and it's the criminals that run our country.
Just scum-sucking criminals!
And running around talking about how good they are and how they're going to take care of us.
ID card to stop bullying.
Wear it around your neck like a dog tag.
Police charged with murdering duo on Bridge after Katrina.
We told you that the day it happened because police officers called into this show.
Now it's in the Associated Press.
There weren't really any armed gangs to speak of in New Orleans.
There were a few out robbing people, but they would run from the police.
The cops just went out shooting their own police, shooting innocent workers.
Just wait until they set off a nuke in this country.
At that point it goes hot.
And Lord knows it's gonna happen.
Lord knows they're going to do something horrible.
Alright, that's one stack.
I haven't even gotten to the global news, the national news.
It's unbelievable.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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First they came for the Muslim, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim.
Then they came for immigrants, detaining them indefinitely, solely upon the certification of the attorney general, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an immigrant.
On and out, sneak and peek, searching.
And I didn't speak up because I had nothing to hide.
Then they came to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinite, without any charges and without access to lawyers.
And I didn't speak up because I would never be arrested.
Then they came for immigrants and students from selected countries, luring them onto the requirements of special registration as a ruse to seize them and detain them.
And I didn't speak up because I wasn't required to register.
Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because it only aided the terrorists.
You were the target all along, that ranch, that farm, that company, that business, that idea, that computer program.
The tyranny is for you with the wealth.
It's for you, the middle class, and they craft it and shape it and sell it to you in the name of going after somebody else.
But you are the target.
Make no mistake.
Coming up in the second hour, I'm going to play about eight minutes of a gatekeeper, Noam Chomsky.
I've read several of his books, watched one of his films.
There are a hundred intellectuals who are of his ilk, that are smarter, more intelligent, doing better work.
The guy is a complete phony.
Years ago, I had him on the show, and he hung up on me after about 20 minutes.
And he's a gatekeeper.
He's keeping you in the false left paradigm.
Oh, the evil America is run by fascist corporations, but the loving, liberal U.N.
will save us when the U.N.
was created by the military-industrial complex, for the military-industrial complex.
And the good news is, everywhere I see his garbage posted, the vast majority, I'd say 70 plus percent,
I'm looking at postings right here.
Disagree with him.
Even when the film is meant to make him look good, people disagree with him.
They don't buy it anymore.
They don't buy the baloney anymore.
And they're not listening to phony conservatives on the radio.
Less and less.
You know, I'm not going to talk about Barack Obama.
I'm not going to talk about John Edwards.
I'm not going to talk about Newt Gingrich today, and who's going to be selected, who's going to get the lobbying money, and who the media is going to crown the darlings of the Democratic and Republican tickets.
It doesn't matter.
From the field they're selected from, they're all rotten eggs.
They're all stinking.
Who cares what those criminals do in Washington?
It's totally bankrupt, completely hijacked.
Our entire financial system is run by a private group of families that hold the stock in the Federal Reserve.
They have gotten 75 plus percent of the stock market's investments via government investments that have been handed over to private interest.
That's off the record, not with the pension funds, not with the budgets.
The entire economy you see on the news and read about the stock market on its face is a complete matrix-like fraud.
You can verify that in five minutes.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Don't know what it is, Mr. Banker?
Don't know what it is, Mr. Yuppie?
Don't know what it is, Mr. Liberal Driving Along?
Think you know it all right now?
Write it down.
Go down the rabbit hole.
Come on.
We can prove what we're saying.
We know.
The middle class, a free market, freedom, liberty, is in their way.
They're consolidating the last pools of open resources right now.
Here's the type of news I have in front of me.
I mentioned high schools to start random breathalyzer tests.
They're announcing that cameras are going in the toilets nationwide.
Retina scanning children nationwide at the schools.
That's just the one little
Stack of the pattern in the news over the last two days.
There's like eight other articles beneath that.
Let me actually count them.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
I'm sorry.
I have 13 articles on that.
I'm sorry.
It's far worse than I said.
Just all announcing how good it is and how wonderful it is and how, oh, it's so fabulous.
I am going to say a little bit about John Edwards and Hillary Clinton and Newt Gingrich.
Edwards says he's standing for president.
Saddam to be executed tomorrow.
Bush considers calling up 20,000 more troops.
It was 40,000 last week.
Prince Henry's going off to Iraq.
Here's the big news.
Military considers recruiting foreigners.
That's like saying Ford considers manufacturing automobiles.
Six years ago,
Before 9-11, in early 2001, the Washington Post and the Washington Times, I have the articles basically memorized, I've read them on air so many times, said they're not just hiring foreigners, they look for felons.
And they don't just look for felons, they want aggravated felons.
Aggravated, you know what that means?
It listed rape
Arson, armed burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, and don't roll your beady, decadent, grain-fed, liquor-fed eyes at me out there.
You go look it up, you trash!
You pieces of filth!
I know you're out there listing those who don't believe this show.
You idiots!
You don't know when someone is warning you of dire peril!
This is what happens when I take off.
This is who I really am.
This is how I really feel.
Military considers recruiting foreigners Boston Globe.
It's always years after they pass a national ID card and implement it, they tell you they did it.
Or years after the North American Union's already operating, they start mentioning that one might be coming.
Do you understand they put cancer viruses in your vaccines?
Do you understand how evil these people are?
And as soon as they've got their police state in place, they're going to do what they did in China, and Russia, and Germany here.
Military Consenters Recruiting Foreigners.
We're going to tell you about that.
Boston Globe.
Introducing it to you... 20% of the troops in Iraq aren't even U.S.
citizens right now.
They are proving cloned meat.
Yeah, it's science fiction.
It's 2007, ladies and gentlemen.
to approve clone meat.
But that's in the foreign news.
Guess how they spend it here?
Mmm, FDA's to protect you!
They're gonna want clone labeling!
See, everything's a spin.
And then I have a huge stack of articles.
London Mirror, The Death of Cash.
Another article, Euro Notes Cash In to Overtake Dollar.
Another one.
Coming of the age of European currency.
Euro notes cash in.
Bunch of others.
Actually double printed one of them.
Where's the other one?
China to stay with one child rule.
It's a nice way of saying they come and take your second child and take them to a medical facility for organ parts right in front of you.
In the past they just drowned them or bashed their brains out in front of the parents.
This is on the record.
Now we know that's a valuable goody.
Oh, but going along with governments that do this, they still care about you, though.
The government's going to keep you safe, though.
They just give China all the most favored trading status and the big UN grants and awards.
And China says they're going to expand their military massively to face the U.S.
That's wonderful.
But that's not a threat.
We've got to go kill the Arabs.
They're a big threat, because lying neocon trash on the radio lied and said so.
CNN says the GOP is fueling Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories.
Oh, sure they are.
Lawyer ends up dead after taking on Karl Rove.
Russia fingers Israeli fugitive in radiation poison probe.
And a lot more.
But let me just tell you about Gerald Ford.
Warren Commission pardoning a bunch of criminals.
Anti-gun, open border, piece of trash, and they're going to shut the stock market down for the day, and all this baloney for that piece of criminal trash.
Not a president?
The guy was appointed!
I guess that's what presidents are now.
I guess presidents are appointed now.
I mean, give me a break.
The stuff we know about Gerald Ford, oh, I'm not even going to get into it.
And then Newt Gingrich, he'll be the big front-runner with the Republicans.
He's busy giving speeches saying that they will restrict the First Amendment and not allow criticism of the government.
And shut down websites.
That's a guy, when his wife was dying of cancer, he came in and served her with divorce papers.
Just a heartless, self-centered, pot-bellied little old man.
Just an evil piece of trash.
Posing as a conservative, fooling throngs of scum.
And you ought to hear what I... I'll tell you what I heard on talk radio driving into the office this morning.
And we'll get into the foreign troops and the end of America and just everything they're doing.
We can't turn it around though.
People are waking up.
You gotta tell it like it is.
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I was sittin' in traffic, listenin' to the radio.
George Strait was singin' the seashores of old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
The Lone Star State should be renamed Texaco.
Alright, so I'm listening to talk radio this morning and the evil that I hear on it gets worse and worse.
This caller calls in.
And it's all about how we need another Churchill, lead us against the Arab, Nazis are going to kill us any minute.
And the host is saying it's going to take another, and it was a fill-in for Glenn Beck, it's going to take a Newt going off or something big happening to really show us we've got to get tough.
And boy, Newt Gingrich is great.
And then another caller calls in and he goes, what would be wrong with another big attack?
That's what we need to show these people and get them moving and get them to take action.
And the host is like, yeah, I see what you're saying.
The only problem is all the dead people.
And the caller's like, yeah, but it's what needs to happen.
Well, that's exactly the type of people they got in the government.
Okay, and it's about their interests, the oil, the weapon sales, the empire, the control domestically.
I mean, look at how many times they've killed Americans en masse in the past.
It's admitted.
Oh, it's in the back of the textbook, back of the newspaper, but it's admitted.
Numbers a lot larger than 2,850-something people.
I mean, you think they care about 3,000 people, you got another thing coming.
I mean, let's consciously let that burn into our brains.
There's no debating it if you honestly look at the facts.
9-11's an inside job.
We're going to play Noam Chomsky in the next hour, slipping up.
And he goes, so what?
I mean, even if it is an inside job, what are we going to do about it?
You can't do anything about Kennedy!
And earlier he's saying Kennedy isn't an inside job, and he's written and said it's not a government op.
I mean, how ridiculous is that?
You've only got 8% of people fooled, Noam!
92% in major polls on average believe it's a government op, and I guarantee you half that other 8% are afraid and won't tell a pollster when they're asked if they believe it's an inside job.
I'll bet my bottom dollar you got 4% of self-delusional, self-ignorant people who want to be ignorant, but he slips up.
Little Freudian slippy-woo there.
I mean, this MIT government operative has been suckering the left and keeping them in line like Limbaugh and Beck and all that trash.
I mean, it's real simple.
It's very, very simple.
The very same global interests that are dismantling our borders, our sovereignty, our nation itself.
Do you understand?
That's already happened.
They're the people running the war, too!
See, I mean, I hear these saps call in, and they mean so well, you don't know whether you want to slap them or cry for them, and they're going, we just got to support the troops in the battle for freedom over there in Iraq!
They really fought, and they always sound the same, just so stupid.
It isn't!
The government hates the troops.
They give them experimental vaccines meant to maim them by design.
They test biologicals on them.
They march them into chambers and nerve gas them and kill them.
It's admitted!
They know the troops are well-meaning people.
They know statistically that most of them are going to wake up to the fraud of a war within five years after being in.
They know that most of them will end up fighting against the New World Order, so they give them injections that are going to maim them in a delayed fashion.
Soft kill weapons.
But see, people out there tuning in to this, you just can't accept it.
You can't get it.
You cannot believe it.
Believe the Federal Reserve's good.
Believe George Bush's... I mean, if I could hear one more caller to a talk show with this voice and they go, Oh, the Democrats are evil, saying Bush didn't do a good job at Katrina.
Man, he went there 13 times.
They're lying liberals.
Those lying liberals are bought and paid for by the same people.
It's a political football.
It means nothing!
Do you like being scammed and conned over and over again?
I mean, is it fun?
Is it fun to have people laughing at you?
Do you like not knowing how the world works?
Do you like being ignorant?
Do you like thinking it's flat when it's round?
I want to beat these people.
But to do that, you're going to have to grow up, some of you out there.
And admit this is a scary world and there's real stuff going on.
And it isn't some easy brown person that's easy to hate in some tribal way.
We'll be back getting to the foreign trips.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's great.
Welcome back.
I mean, I listened to talk radio about 15 minutes this morning, and they were talking about how, yeah, Republicans need to go ahead and be rhinos, Republican name only, go ahead and just, who cares about conservative issues, just defeat the Democrats.
And then just made fun of Democratic candidates for the rest of the time, in between, maybe we need terror attacks, they're a good thing.
I mean, that's the type of bilge that people are listening to.
And endless discussions about which candidate will be the best, will it be Hillary or Obama or will it be Edwards or will it be Newt Gingrich, and they're all bad!
I gotta hear these sniveling people call in, uh, who, I like this one or I like that one.
I mean, it was one thing of 10, 15, 20, 30 years ago.
People didn't wake up.
I mean, it was corruption, there were problems, but it wasn't out in the open, North American Union.
Out in the open, 20% of the troops in Iraq aren't even U.S.
Out in the open, cameras everywhere.
Out in the open, cops being rude to everybody.
Out in the open, just illegal aliens running all over us.
Out in the open, the dollar devalued.
Our trade deficit's over a hundred billion dollars a month?
With China alone?
Now, again, I'm not being negative here.
This is our house is on fire.
The dam just broke.
The flood's coming down the ravine, through the valley, and it'll destroy everybody if we don't get out of here.
And I'm sitting here and I just can't get over how, because they did this incrementally, people are just sitting there like frogs in boiling water, not jumping out.
I jumped out a long time ago, but I need you to jump out.
And get unwedded to a Republican Democrat.
I mean, the Democrats are coming into office.
Republicans are going to roll over and aren't going to care.
The Republican talk show host, just like when Bush has done everything else he's done, when he's been anti-gun, when he's been pro-campaign finance reform that restricts free speech, with all the things he's done, they just make excuses each time.
So you're going to get your blanket amnesty, you're going to get your hate crimes legislation, you're going to get it all!
Because they're bought and paid for.
We have to get to the point of admitting the government is bankrupt.
We do not have a government.
It took the Founding Fathers a decade to finally convince a small percentage of the American people, then the colonists, that the government wasn't real.
The government was a fraud of stinking criminals in bed-rigging and back
Door deals, ripping the people off, trying to restrict their industry, taxing them, stealing the money, trying to take their guns.
Not protecting them from invasion over the French border or over the border with the natives.
The frontier border.
Exact same story.
Go read the Declaration of Independence.
But King George had mild taxes of just a few percentage points.
On this or that.
There were quite a few small ones, though, that added up.
We're at a much higher level of taxation and control.
And the government is in a bunch of eugenic psychopath inbred elites, totally obsessed with reducing populations through the vaccines, the water, the drugs, all of it.
Oh, have you heard they're going to have a new flu vaccine that cures all flu type A?
Including bird flu, and they may make you take it.
I mean, they're just never... Oh, and the cloned meat is so nutritious and delicious.
I know we got Bradley, and Kurt, and Joe, and Dino, and Robert.
We'll get to everybody.
But let me, um... I mean, I'll meat out.
There's a lot of news here, and I've got to cover it all today.
I want to talk about Sinan to be executed tomorrow.
All of it.
Where's my story?
Here it is.
I've got two of them here, actually.
Boston Globe and Associated Press.
Oh no, two Boston Globes and Associated Press.
Okay, the denials need to now stop about this, okay?
The Washington Post, the Washington Times admitted this six years ago.
We had gotten reports of it before that, but couldn't confirm it.
It's kind of like the news has been saying the last two years, special forces may get microchips.
No, most of them have gotten microchips.
Oh, there may be a National ID card.
It's law.
It's your state driver's license now under federal control.
Federal standardized.
There may be a North American Union.
We're in it right now, you see.
They deny it, they deny it, they deny it.
Once it's in place, then they say, okay, it might come someday, it might exist.
I want people to learn their basic tactics, okay?
Just like, it's all little spin tricks.
Mainly it's not lying, it's spinning.
Oh, we don't have mercury in the vaccines anymore.
Big announcements, TV, radio, newspapers.
Oh, it's safe now, don't worry.
Okay, it does cause autism, the mercury, we took it out.
And then you read the fine print, they made small lots available through regulations that aren't enforced where some companies have made non-thimerosal vaccines available.
And then I read in the AP two years ago that they more than quadrupled it.
What's five times?
They went from 50 times safe levels in an average white person to 250 times.
And then now it's back in the news.
FDA refuses to take mercury out.
People go, people go, you were right.
Well, they said that they hadn't took it out.
I mean, these people talk to you like you're an idiot.
But they talk to you real sweet, see?
They feel friendly with you while they're raping you.
See, I'm not like that.
I need you to get up out of the mud like a fat hog, and I need you to admit that we're in a lot of trouble.
You know, that Alex Jones, he's hard to take, man.
He gets upset.
Yeah, folks, I'm dead if we don't win this.
And you're not going to have a very good life if we don't win this.
And a lot of you aren't going to be alive.
These are the folks that run the Stalins and the Hitlers and the Maus.
They don't mess around.
And a lot of you are sick and evil.
You know it's bad, and you've told me point blank, hey, I'm joining them.
Yeah, I know it's bad.
Statistically, you're in a greater danger being in the outer party of this system.
You will be the most surveilled, the most controlled.
They see people like me as part of the wildlife.
I'm like some bear.
They're like an evil tribe of people running around abusing things.
I'm kind of like the big mean bear they just leave alone.
Oh, that's the big crazy bear over there.
Look at him.
But don't worry, they'll get me down the road or it could be next week.
But it's you in their camp, you fools!
Military considers recruiting foreigners.
Boston Globe.
So now it's being announced.
Folks, I read the Mexican newspapers.
They've got them in English.
And my wife reads fluent Spanish.
Grew up in Spain.
I forget how much it was.
I don't like to give exact numbers these days because my memory isn't what it was three years ago, five years ago, where I could get exact numbers.
Like last time I was telling a friend, yeah, Amazon had a record sales total this year of internet, four million orders, and I said, well, I better not tell you that, because my memory isn't on it, and then I looked this morning, it was that.
It's interesting, online sales, what it's doing to the stores, just a side issue.
But I did look, it was accurate, but I want to tell you how much they spent in Mexico City alone on an ad package, but I know it was in the tens of millions, just in one ad buy.
But you can go pull it up.
Billboards, TV, radio ads from the north to the south, from the east to the west.
Every TV station, every radio station.
Hell, I hear it here in Austin on the Mexican stations, on the Spanish speaking stations.
Army of One in Spanish, come into your recruiters today.
Defend against the terrorists.
Get good pay.
Get citizenship.
And I want to do stories on it.
I want to record it.
I want to transcribe it.
I want to do reports.
And I've really been floundering right now because, you know, people want to take off during Christmas.
It's fine.
So I go ahead and take off.
And then nothing gets done.
We're behind.
There's all these things I want to expose.
I mean, I want to show you because I know people are... Show me!
Show us!
Well, you are being shown.
They have huge recruiting drives all over Mexico.
I'll never forget that Washington Times article where they were naming names and it said they were hiring aggravated felons.
So they don't want American citizens who are aggravated felons.
That's what Stalin did.
Opened the jails up to get people to enforce because they're criminals.
They enjoy abusing people.
They enjoy doing bad things.
They like the power trip.
Oh no!
Now you need to be a foreign, a Hessian mercenary basically.
And that's a
Connection to the German mercenaries.
They brought in folks.
Please don't email me thinking that's some slander at Latin Americans.
It's the same thing today.
They're mercs, like the Hessians.
And they bring them in here, and they instantly get on the queue for citizenship when they sign up for the military, and that's where most of the recruiting is going on now.
Billboards, TV, video.
And I brought this up to my so-called conservative friends who've drunk the New World Order Kool-Aid, and they'll go, Yeah, well, we need them!
We're in a war against terror!
And I go, So you don't deny that it's foreigners?
I got a son in there!
I know it's true!
He's the only one in his platoon that can speak English.
But that's what we need!
Them Arabs is gonna get us!
Even if we don't!
Our government went and radicalized the Arabs.
Our government brings them in here.
Our government funds every Arab terror group I've ever looked at.
That's admitted.
No, no, it's not.
No, no.
I mean, see?
You just want to be abused by these people?
Do you know what it means when your military isn't just foreigners?
Your military.
See, I even... Our government.
It's not our government.
It's not our military.
We're not over there kicking hind end in Iraq.
Kill that Saddam New Year present.
Thank you Bush!
I mean, that's what I'm hearing.
Feeling power through that.
When the evidence shows that's not even Saddam.
Military considers recruiting foreigners.
Expedited citizenship would be incentive.
This is getting too big.
The people are learning.
We better admit it.
The armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of non-citizens in the ranks.
See, then it tells the truth.
Considering expanding
The number of non-citizens in the ranks, including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas.
See, because you read their headline, it's like, oh, they're going to start recruiting them.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
This just means, and by the way, we know going back several years, they've got recruiting stations all over Mexico right now.
But now they're talking about Europe, Philippines, Africa, the Middle East.
And if you don't think they won't come take your guns,
They won't matter.
You'll be out there with American flags marching with them.
I know how you are.
You're a scum.
I want to just grind my teeth off in hatred, okay?
I have to control myself to do not just... And there's something wrong with you that you don't get pulling your hair out mad that we're going to have merc foreign aggravated felon military.
And it went on to list rapes, attempted murders, assault with deadly weapons, arson,
They literally go cherry-pick out of the prisons, aggravated, tattooed, festooned, real deal gangbangers.
I don't mean the little fake guys out on the street.
And they say, you'll get your citizenship, most of those guys have already been in the Mexican military, and they take them right up here.
It's just like Celica Stillo told you four years ago, former head of the DEA in Latin America.
Highly decorated, army sniper, war patrol agent, he did it all before he became DEA police officer.
He gets up in front of the liberals here at UT and he talks about Los Zetas and the illegal aliens and the armies of drug dealers and they go, but you're Latino!
The drug dealers are good!
He's like, no they're not!
They work for the CIA!
And they literally go, huh?
They operate with impunity, they do whatever they want.
They have former death squad commanders from Nicaragua and El Salvador in Baghdad since the start of the war.
There, torturing, killing.
Don't you understand that these troops are coming back who've run a thousand checkpoints, who've raided a thousand houses, who've drug out families, desensitized.
Our own boys are coming back here.
And they're all going to be cops.
And they're going to be backed up by a regular army.
That Pentagon projections are now projecting by the end of this decade, half the infantry will be foreigner.
And most of them Mexican nationals.
And these people will line up parades, folks, and they will salute those foreigners marching past them.
They're going to love it.
And let me tell you, a lot of these so-called conservatives, they aren't going to have to turn their guns in.
They're going to be with them coming for your guns.
You're going to have a lot of brown shirts, folks, who are going to pick up guns against the American people.
With these mercenaries.
And Blackwater and the rest of them backing them up.
And it's going to be rough.
They're not going to wild extent of forcing a foreign military.
They're not going to the extent of bringing in mercs and hiring aggravated felons because they want to play tiddlywinks.
They're not expanding the funding of FEMA and building FEMA camps and telling you it's all coming.
I hear the neocons every time I tune in, they go, you just wait till the next attack comes.
We're going to arrest all you liberals.
Laura Ingram and all those snot-nosed scum.
People who would sell out everything so they could drive around in a Mercedes and live in some fancy townhouse in New York.
I mean, who cares about trinkets and junk?
There's people out there that will sell their soul just for status.
They're like peacocks.
You go to events, you go to parties, there's peacock people everywhere just strutting around and preening.
And they think out of all this they're going to get something.
So many of you are... I mean the overall economy is just falling apart.
And it's meant to.
And I don't even know what to say anymore.
Foreign troops.
Expanding them.
Foreign recruiting stations.
We're nothing but a blood supply.
To be sucked up by this New World Order tick.
And you're sitting there smiling at the ticks all over you like they're your family.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I want everybody to commit yourselves 110% to bring the New World Order down with God's help, to bring these criminals to justice, to try them by a jury, and to hang them until their heads snap off of their big, fat, bloated bodies!
I'm sick of them killing my country!
I love this country!
And I'm tired of the weak-minded souls out there posing as conservatives.
Acting like what's happening to this country is conservative, you make me sick!
And all the fake liberals, the Noam Chomsky's in the world, on government payroll, you're a bunch of whores!
I'm sorry, it just gets me really mad.
Joseph Stiglitz was on with us a few months ago, former Chief Economist of World Bank, Nobel Prize winner, said we may have a global depression.
He's got a new article out saying, will the dam break?
And he's saying that we could go ahead and just see a total implosion.
Thanks to our friends at the IMF and World Bank, of course, and they'll get to consolidate everything, and you'll thank them and worship them as they do it to you, and take all your lakes and farms and roads and hand it over.
You'll thank them!
At least poor, pathetic, third-world people know to hate the government and know to not trust them!
But not us!
Not us, man!
When we go bad, we gotta go really bad and love it!
For those that don't know history or don't have any basic inkling, having a large portion or any portion of your military domestically in your country or overseas being foreigners is an absolute no-no and finally brought down the Roman Empire.
First, their German groups of troops were just under a few centurions and it was more of a castle guard type, dog on a leash thing.
And then over the next few hundred years it turned into the majority of their forces and they just started overthrowing and taking over.
I mean, it's so dirty.
It's so bad for the United States of America to not just be hijacked by a bunch of foreign inbred bankers.
But now they've got the nerve.
They think you're so stupid that they've been quietly hiring foreigners who are aggravated felons.
That's their favorite.
That's who they look for.
Do you understand?
It's been done before.
You understand Hitler opened up the jails too?
You know Mao did that?
That's who they get.
I do not.
This is not our military.
This is not our country.
They are enemy combatants.
Do you understand that?
They are.
Everything they do is a sick joke.
They say Al-Qaeda attacked us because they hate our liberty.
Yes, it is Al-Cieda, and they did attack us because they hate our liberty.
Because our liberty allows us to be independent and have wealth and not under their thumb.
And so Al-Qaeda, Al-Cieda attacked us because they hate our liberty.
And they talk about enemy combatants, people inside America trying to bring it down, trying to overthrow it.
That describes them perfectly!
But you know what?
We can march these traitors in before juries and show how they signed on to the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
We can show how they violated the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We can show how they stole trillions of dollars.
And we can put them in the bottom of a cold, dark prison!
So yes, our government is enemy combatant.
And I'm serious when I say that.
Our country is run by enemy combatants.
Our military is now going to approach, by the end of this decade, half enemy combatants.
Literal foreign mercenaries who will blow you and your family's guts all over the wall and laugh about it!
And they're tough soldiers too!
They'll blow your heads off and put you in FEMA camps all day and all night long!
Now I ask you Americans!
Can you get up off your hind ends?
Can you wake up?
Can you get mad?
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, they're announcing all over the national news that they're going to expand the number of foreign troops in our military.
Our military.
That is, that we pay for it like a bunch of stupid idiots.
So we'll get more into that.
We'll get more into who they're choosing for the election, what's happening with the economy.
I've just... total surveillance grids.
Just, the news really got me mad today.
Bradley, where are you calling from?
We're going to take calls now throughout this hour.
We're going to take a lot of calls.
Go ahead, Bradley.
Hey, Joe.
Hello, go ahead.
Um, I was, last Monday, I was talking to Alex Jones about the cameras in the bathroom and you called him in.
Yeah, yeah, this is Alex Jones.
You're on air right now.
Um, just recently they just put a bathroom, or cameras in the bathroom in the hallways and everything at my school.
Well, I did hear you calling the Jack Blood Show Friday.
I called in and said that I'd like to talk to your parents.
You guys should sue them.
Again, if they can set an insane precedent...
To put mercury in your vaccines, cameras in the bathrooms, hire foreign troops to be the majority of our military, already 20% of the ground forces in Iraq.
If they can do that, see, they can do anything!
That's why they have drills at schools, unannounced, running in, putting guns to your head, as the children freak out and wet themselves.
It's to set precedence with the land of the cowardly scum-suckers!
And that's what we now are.
And I'm sorry, we've got to admit how cowardly and pathetic we are before we can set about getting our nation back.
And so I have a bunch of news reports here.
Here's the Barking and Denningham Record newspaper.
I spy a pupil in the toilets.
It says children as young as four are being filmed in school toilets across Barking and
Dagenham, the recorder, has discovered a number of CCTV cameras have been installed in primary and secondary schools.
Now, they've also caught, all over the country, pervert principals are selling this stuff on the web.
When they catch them, it's all kept very quiet.
So these are official pervert cameras for the government.
In Sacramento, the cops have access to the bathroom cameras at the major police department, training us that, again, land of the total scum, home of the slaves.
But I mean, I'm sorry, you called in, go ahead.
How old are you?
Tell us the story.
Um, 13, er, yeah, 13.
Okay, so what's going on at your school?
Uh, they're basically just watching us go to the bathroom at school.
It's freedom!
You don't like freedom?
You don't like foreign troops running you?
You don't like cops ordering your mommy and daddy around at checkpoints?
You don't like the dollar being devalued?
What's wrong with you?
So when did you discover the cameras or did they announce them?
Is this out in the open like it is at many schools?
No, like when you walk in the door, they're hanging in the corner.
What's the name of your wicked government brainwashing camp?
Your little prison camp?
What's that mean?
What's the name of your school?
Truman Middle School.
Truman Middle School.
Gives a new meaning to the Truman Show.
Are you calling from school?
I just hear a background intercom or something.
Well, do your parents know you're calling into the radio?
Yeah, my Uncle Troy knows, too.
Well, I would like to give you an email.
Aaron at InfoWars.com.
Kevin at InfoWars.com.
I'd like you to, number one, have your parents email me, and I would like to get them on the radio show.
But they really need to contact me.
Uh, well, well, I mean, are they upset about cameras in the bathroom?
Yeah, and also, uh, I, uh, I had a couple of my friends' mom call me and, uh, ask me what was going on at school.
Well, you see, this is their Al-Qaeda mind.
They don't like cameras in the bathroom.
That's because they're with Al-Qaeda.
You see, they're not good scumbags.
I'm sorry, young man, I...
I'm having a normal response to the death of my country.
I'm sorry.
We'll be right back.
Stay there, Bradley.
I want to hear a little bit more.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Dad, can we stop?
We need to go to the bathroom.
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Are we there yet?
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We're good to go.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the world of 2007 America, children were retina scanned into schools.
Thousands of school districts had cameras in the bathrooms.
The U.S.
military was becoming predominantly foreign mercenary hired.
The country itself was being dissolved into a greater union.
Freedoms were being destroyed.
Foreign corporations were taking over the entire infrastructure.
The Bill of Rights had been overturned.
Americans could be secretly arrested, secretly tortured, and secretly executed.
And the government, owned by private banks, had only begun.
And that's not the intro to some scary science fiction movie from the 80s!
It's America!
All right, quickly, Bradley, I just want to get to everybody else.
I was talking to you in the break.
Your parents know you're calling in.
That's good.
That's number one.
I don't want you calling in.
I mean, I guess 13 is pretty old, but still.
And then, at the same time, you said that they're not really doing anything?
They're not?
I mean, the fact that the school is trying to set the precedent to put a camera in the bathroom, that people just roll over to that?
I mean, are your parents upset?
Yeah, my dad's mad at him and everything.
So he's not going to threaten to sue him?
Because everywhere they do that, they pull him out.
It's just the school system, you know.
And statistically, it's those people that want to be near children who are running the school.
That principal and all of them need to be investigated.
And we've said this before, people are like, I can't believe you're saying it.
And then, oh, almost every time, information comes out.
Look, the government is criminal.
You may have some useful idiots up there who think it's okay to do this, but they need to remove it.
Anything else you want to add?
Not really.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
Let me tell you what they do.
Just like you're in the police lock-up and they're doing an interrogation of you back there in a smoky room, they got cameras in the classrooms, the halls, and now the bathrooms, the schoolyard, the lunchroom, and they got audio, and your child, I'll kill you!
SWAT teams, police, your child's in the system, they end up getting into juvie, they end up on drugs, their life's over, that's good, it adds to actual crime.
They like that.
It's all scientifically done with total precision.
And of course the local idiots enforcing it don't understand criminology, government history, the panoptagon or anything.
They just let the whole thing go forward.
Now this is all sciences developed by the French and British government.
And expanding here in the US.
It's meant to create crime.
They gotta get innocent people, get the men to keep that crime going to actually stimulate some need for the whole thug state.
You gotta have the over criminals that do everything totally unmolested, do whatever they want.
And then you've got to have the low-level things so they can feed on them and then have the illusion of doing good.
And so it's a total surveillance system, fences going up, thumb scanning, retina scanning to get in the schools, total control.
Let me just hit that now and then I promise I'll go to Kurt, Joe, Dino, Robert and others.
High schools to start random breathalyzer tests.
CBS 13.
And again, every week or two we see one of these from Texas or Illinois or
It's all over the nation.
And at first it was, well, if you want to leave school grounds to go to lunch, you've got to give blood, or urine, or breathalyzers.
And then, well, now if you're in band, or P.E., or any group, or to go on field trips.
And then now, just everyone!
First, it was the highway.
See, we said, well, you don't have a Fourth Amendment.
You can't violate the Fourth Amendment and demand to search my car without any reason.
You would be a mid-officer.
You have no reason.
What do you got to hide?
We told you, next it'll be the schools, your house, your business.
And now they got knock and talk from Dallas to Tucson.
And they come and... Mind if I come in and do an inspection of your husband's firearms, ma'am?
Because I'm a piece of trash.
You are.
You're scum.
When you do that, you're un-American Phil.
Don't worry, you'll soon be replaced with foreigners.
Go ahead and keep serving it, scum.
This is all meant so they can take everything you've got.
Go ahead and slit your own throats!
You see, that's the one good thing that comes out of all this.
You're going to go ahead and destroy this country.
You're going to win, aren't you?
You're going to destroy this country.
You're going to get everything you want, scum.
And then you're going to lose everything you've got.
So go ahead and exercise your power, you stupid, stupid scum.
High school to start random breathalyzer test.
Los Gatos High School plans to join a growing number of high schools that perform random breath alcohol tests on students at dances and other events.
Principal Doug Ramirez said he would institute the new policy after winter break because several students were found to be under the influence of alcohol at football games.
Meanwhile, the government's injecting them with mercury and shipping and heroin and cocaine and trying to put them on Ritalin and Prozac.
The school's chlorination ball, and even during class this year, oh my gosh!
It isn't okay that any of the kids are doing it, Ramirez said.
It probably isn't going to eliminate the problem completely, but what we want to minimize alcohol and drug use.
So, police dogs, searches, fences, retina scans.
Here's another one.
I have three articles today around the country telling you about cameras in the bathrooms.
I mean, we're talking about, oh, it watches you, okay?
I spy a pupil in the toilets!
Children as young as four are being filmed in school toilets across Barking and Danningham.
The recorder has discovered a number of CCTV cameras have been installed in primary and secondary schools.
Officials at the school council claim there is no secrecy around the cameras, but have refused to disclose where schools are involved in the controversial scheme.
Council bosses have in the past vigorously defended people's identities and have even refused to name youngsters pictured in Rochester articles.
Well of course it's about restricting you taking photos at football games.
You videotaping things.
It's not about them.
You understand that?
Yet questions are sure to be raised about the privacy and rights of pupils being caught on tape.
On camera.
Despite contacting every school in the borough,
Recorder received no responses, yet there have been forces submit an application to the details of the Freedom of Information Act request.
Revelations may panic parents worried about the tapes falling into the wrong hands.
The wrong hands statistically couldn't fall into worse hands.
Don't worry, you're gonna march through at the airports nationwide, you're getting them now, where your whole body's scanned naked and recorded on a tape in a computer bank.
I mean, what, you got a problem with that?
Have some foreign troops there jabbing old ladies in wheelchairs?
I mean, that's what it's about in America!
Some jabbering foreigner poking ya!
We gotta admit how far we've fallen before we can build ourselves back up.
We are the land of the cowardly scum!
The stupid, self-centered, know-it-all, you all think you're so important, you parrot and regurgitate stuff you heard on the news, you're all in the...it's just sick!
And I'm not talking to my general audience.
I'm talking to people all over the world, people right here in America, who I know are listening, who think this is funny!
Here's another one.
Safety Project focuses on eyes.
Technology can identify missing children and the elderly.
Remember we have the documents out of West Virginia where the Federal Bureau of Human Experimentation is running this?
And they've been taking everybody's DNA over 34 years old or younger.
It goes in a federal database.
No, it isn't a blood test at the health department.
Yes, one of the ampoules goes there.
The others go to state and federal.
They've been building it all, and now, all over the country, they just show up with a retina scanner.
They don't ask, in most cases, and they just retina scan your kids, and they're in a criminal database.
It has nothing to do with stopping them.
The government runs most of the child kidnapping rings, and it even comes out in major papers they do, and nothing happens.
I mean, this is, this is, this is, this is sick.
Safety Project focuses on I.O.I.s, Technology to Identify Missing Children, the O.D.
They put thumb scanners in in Texas in 93 they said it's to identify people when there's tornadoes.
Technology developed because the government cares so much about you.
Yes they do.
Technology developed to keep track of prisoners by scanning their irises became available Thursday to identify missing children or elderly people affected with Alzheimer's disease in Galveston County.
Oh my god the cops there are like God.
They just strut around
You're beating people on the head, literally.
I heard how bad they were, so I was down there six, eight months ago, and I was in a store, and I said, oh, hi, officer, do you know where such and such is?
I asked him directions.
He's like, huh?
I mean, it's just, don't you talk to God, boy!
But he was just like, I don't know.
I don't know.
What are you asking me?
You're supposed to be afraid of me!
This is scum country!
This is a land of scum, didn't you know?
Didn't you know that?
We're pathetic?
Didn't you know how pathetic we are?
A bunch of scum on power trips?
Killing America?
Learn to love us!
Technology developed to keep track of prisoners by scanning their irises became available Thursday to identify missing children.
The Galveston County Sheriff's Department is the first sheriff's department in Texas.
It's not true.
And 47th nationwide to join the Children's Identification Database or CHILD project.
The addition of Galveston County is part of an effort to image
The irises of five million children into a nationwide database.
Over the next few years, said Robert Melly, Vice President and CEO of Biometric Intelligence and Identification.
We have 1,800 Sheriff's Departments representing 46 states who have committed to participating.
Yes, there's nothing like unrolling the fresh meat for your grinder!
Most of these sheriff's departments are run by former CIA, FBI.
Most of them are dealing cocaine and heroin.
They live in big ol' two million, million dollar houses driving around in Cadillacs.
There's just a stupid, dumb public running around thinking they're good.
Makes me so sick.
So far, the Child Project in 26 states, after more than 18 months, had biometric president Sean Mullen.
Children with an iris scan on the national database cannot be identified unless they are in a county that has the Child Project equipment.
And just like Amber Alert, it's to stop the little kids when they're captured, and now it's forest fires, and then, oh, report illegal guns, and look for terrorists.
And now they're trying to tell radio stations that the government's going to be breaking in and taking hours unannounced every week in programming.
Oh yes, that's a trick country.
The government just breaks in with their little announcements.
Children hugging their teachers are being arrested.
Four-year-olds, five-year-olds.
Kurt, Joe,
Dino, Robert, everybody else.
We'll get to you after this break.
I'm on fire today.
I'm mad.
I'm mad at thugs and criminals posing as good guys.
Hi, this is Ted Anderson.
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I'm tired of government worshipers.
This government is not our government.
It's unaccountable.
It's criminal.
It's involved in every evil you can imagine.
Statistically, it does more bad than anything else.
We've got to start having that attitude.
That's what the Founding Fathers told us to have that attitude.
We didn't have it.
We're now pretty much slaves.
But it can get a lot worse.
It can get a lot worse, folks.
And I know there are a lot of good people in the military, there are a lot of good police, but the system itself is completely broken.
We talk about the military and police a lot because you're the front lines of all this.
You're where the rubber meets the road.
As they say, tyranny comes to your door in a uniform.
Kurt in Texas, and we'll go to everybody else.
Go ahead, Kurt.
Hello, Alex.
I know you said you don't watch the major media, so you didn't see what Bill O'Reilly said about us over the holidays, did you?
Well, I watched TV some, but not a lot, yes.
No, I didn't see it.
What did he do?
He said that people that didn't back Bush and believed the world in terror was a fraud and everything like that was
Equivalent to Tokyo Rose in World War II.
Oh yes, I know he's been saying that every week.
So have all the other neocons.
By name they've said I should be arrested.
They've said others need to be investigated.
That's because we're beating them.
We're exposing them as terrorist mouthpieces for those setting up the North American Union, for those getting rid of our military,
Four of those doing everything they're doing.
We're going to continue and let's see them try it.
Go ahead and show everybody just how bad you are.
But no, Newt Gingrich is out giving speeches every week saying ban free speech.
It's because they're criminals and they know they can't beat us in a war of ideas and they know we're getting scared.
Listen, they wouldn't be doing all this if they didn't know we can beat them, brother.
I wrote a letter to the editor of the paper and got it published about the national ID card and what it meant for the average American and the microchip situation.
You'd be surprised at the number of people that have called me up even though they've been blasting it on the news and everything else and saying, no it don't exist.
I checked with John Cornland and Randy Nagabauer here in the state of Texas and they said they didn't know anything about it.
Well, that's what they do to push people off.
I mean, you could ask them about the sun coming up in the morning.
They'd say they didn't know anything.
What do you think about the fact they're now admitting that a large portion of our military is foreign and they're about to go to half?
Yeah, it's terrible.
I mean, those people don't think anything about it.
When they bring them back here, they can say, okay, shoot that American right there, and they won't hesitate.
They won't think a thing about it because it don't affect them in any way.
Are you kidding?
Even Fox News, of all places, did a report
With Geraldo admitting that it showed Fort Hood, Texas in the video report.
We've got it.
We can play it right now.
I never even played the whole thing on air.
Admitting that the majority are now gang members.
I wanted to ask you something.
I started to give a lady a copy of your Terror Storm the other day.
And she countered me, well, we believe in the Lord and He'll make everything okay.
Yeah, Christians until a hundred years ago knew they had to stand up against evil, whether it was slavery, whether it was King George.
They were always the souls of the earth.
Now they are the scum of the earth because they're not really Christians.
And whether it's real or not, they believe that the worst things get, that's good, it means Jesus is coming back.
In fact, they want to make things work.
They say they're going to make Jesus come by starting World War III.
Oh Lord!
They're so afraid of the Antichrist
Uh, that they'll bow down and worship him and say, I mean, there's scum!
I mean, what do you say?
Well, I don't know what to say.
The last thing I wanted to bring up, I've got one of your 9-11 was an inside job t-shirts, the biggest one that you put out.
And even though it isn't too small, it's a little tight on me.
I'm a rather large person.
Have you ever thought about
Selling just the transfers where a person could put it on the size shirt that fit them.
That is a genius idea.
There's a bunch of stuff I'm meaning to do.
But yes, we will make Infowars.com transfers.
And if we can get them done cheap enough, we'll stick them for free in the orders.
Well, that would be wonderful.
That would be wonderful.
And then I could put it on a sweatshirt for this kind of weather or whatever.
It'd be real nice.
Maybe we'll just start making an XXXL.
Well, 3x would be fine.
2 fits me, but it just rolls a little bit at the bottom.
I'm a little large.
I appreciate it, Alex, and keep up the fight.
Well, listen, I appreciate you.
Yeah, you can go, hey, Chicago Tribune says Don Cort and Halliburton are running giant child kidnapping slave ranks.
Here, mainstream.
And people go, the Lord is coming soon.
Glory, glory.
And they'll go, that's fine.
That means the Lord's coming soon.
And I go, no, no, no, no, no, no.
White slavery's been going on a long time.
Slavery of any type's wrong.
We need to fight this.
That's up to the Lord, Alex.
We're supposed to lay here and take it.
Well, can you at least speak out against it?
No, no, no.
I don't want your news article.
I don't want it.
Oh, I don't want your video either.
I've got to go to church now.
Hee hee.
And that's how they act.
And we need to call them scum.
That's what Patrick Henry said.
Go away from us.
Forget you are a countryman.
May your chains sit lightly upon you.
I mean, I'm into this 110%, folks.
I'm mad.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Day after day Alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer, but the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head.
Welcome back!
Freedom is a incredibly precious, rare thing.
A tiny island that is to be loved and protected and constantly defended.
And if you man it and defend it, you will get incredible wealth and incredible liberty and freedom.
And just amazing creation.
And ingenuity.
And people will flood there, wanting to be part of it.
But then inevitably, you become decadent, you become stupid, and then others come in and want your wealth and take it over.
I mean, folks, we've got a government run by a bunch of perverts, a bunch of criminals.
They're just... We're in trouble!
I mean, it's scary!
Have you ever been to a third world country where there's troops with machine guns and there's kidnappings and corruption?
The elite love that, by the way.
They live in armored compounds.
They don't care.
They want things to be bad so they can control everything.
And I get upset knowing this country I love and everything in it.
I mean, it's going quick, folks.
It's going fast.
And we've got to change things inside ourselves first.
We've got to love our families.
We've got to, you know, I get really angry sometimes and frankly hateful.
Because, I mean, when I'm reading that
They're going to go ahead and just hire even more foreign troops to make up our military.
And when I read that they're openly putting cameras in bathrooms all over the country and breathalyzing the students, and when I read, and I hear people on talk radio going, maybe it'd be good if it was another terror attack.
I mean, now they're really showing you who they are.
And to know that in our name they've killed 654,000 Iraqis in the last three and a half years.
They admit that number.
Innocent people, and I have to hear these decadent, weak-minded individuals who are associating their power.
I mean, you ought to hear them grinding their teeth and getting off on it.
When they discuss killing Arabs and they don't know the history of the region, they don't know what the globalists have done to those people, they don't know how the globalists have radicalized those people, they don't know how they set them up like they're setting us up.
I mean, you think you're immune to all the stuff that's happening to them over here?
The New World Order is running game, as the old-timers say.
They run game on the sheeple.
You like people running games on you.
Do you understand?
75% of the stock market, plus, that's an old number, is owned by government.
But the government itself is chaired by corporate operatives, who now are having the government sign governmental power over the corporations.
You're in their way!
Let's go to your call.
I'm going to go quick now.
Let's go to Joe in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Joe.
How you doing, man?
Pretty good.
It's the last live show of this year, last weekday live show.
Go ahead.
Well, first of all, I wanted to say that thank you very much for helping me wake up, and through that, I've helped wake up
A lot of people that are close to me.
I took the red pill, so to speak, in July of this year.
I'd heard people like my sister, you know, four years ago saying, you know, Bush was in on 9-11 and I kind of brushed it off.
I didn't really, I mean, she didn't have any real solid kind of evidence to offer me to make me wake up.
But you did, and I wanted to thank you for that.
There's so many things that are going on in my area that just ring true with the whole police state and the crackdown on civil liberties and everything.
I live in Pittsburgh and we routinely set up checkpoints on this, there's a mile-long bridge here that connects, it goes over the Ohio River called the McKees Rock Bridge.
They have the black helicopter flying above and they have dogs on the bridge there.
They search for bad inspection stickers or
You know, drugs in your car, and uh... It's such a joke!
Drugs that their bosses ship in!
You think I like all the people destroyed by drugs?
You think I like drugs, you trash suckers?
Stop shipping your stuff in and having your dumbed-down minions pull me and my family over and act like a bunch of jacked-up wolves, bugging your eyes out and yelling at us!
We don't appreciate it!
Right on.
I love when you get all fired up.
No, but listen, man!
This is serious!
I mean, that's why I get mad!
I'm mad!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I could easily write a 400 page book about how many run-ins with the police I've had.
And a lot of them were my fault, but... We always talk about the police because that's where you experience the change in attitude.
I mean, you know, there have always been bad cops, but it's never been this bad.
I mean, I got pulled over by the state police and this woman was completely insane.
You know, we're sitting there calmly responding to her and she's acting like a complete nut.
They're nuts, man!
They're nuts!
America's nuts!
Another thing I wanted to say is I recently applied to a private college here.
I've been out of high school for ten years and I finally decided to stop living the pipe dream of being a musician and being in a successful band.
I want to go to school for computers.
I went down to go interview at the school for computer programming and the admissions lady was... She was real nice and she started talking about grants and things like that and she mentioned the good old FAFSA papers and I sort of mentioned that I'm not a huge fan of Big Brother because of
How I heard that they were using that for, like, data mining.
And, uh, well, she pulled on a plaque that I somehow didn't notice that was above her computer.
Said she was an associate member of the FBI.
And she said she worked for them part-time.
And I asked her, well, how can you work for the FBI part-time?
And she said that she does side work for them, and, uh, she realized the good connections that she has, and she wanted to keep them.
Then she told me I didn't have anything to worry about.
That the FBI wasn't worried about people like me.
And, you know, we're not... Her exact words were, we're not interested in what you're buying at the grocery store, or what kind of gas you buy at the gas station, or what kind of cigarettes you smoke.
So, you know, it's not really that big of a deal.
Yeah, let us violate your Fourth Amendment.
You know, I'm a petty clerk.
I'm part of the power.
I mean, give me a break, folks.
20, 30, 50, 100 years ago, the cops didn't come out for a fist fight.
The cops didn't come out for some petty thing, or if they did, they just broke it up.
But if somebody stole something, or somebody killed somebody, they didn't stop until they got you.
And you didn't have a lot of crime, and they were real police.
Now, they're just out there raising revenue and shoving people around, and I'm sick of it!
So am I, man.
Hey, listen, I appreciate your call.
Did you call in about something else, or are you done?
I just wanted one more thing to say to you.
I have experience with promotions and such, being in the Pittsburgh music scene up here, and next year in the spring or the summer I was going to try to organize an event up here, like a festival of sorts, a smaller festival, with bands and maybe a speaker or two, somebody to speak about the truth.
I was hoping or thinking maybe, I know you're busy,
Maybe if you are coming up this way, maybe we can get you on the bill or somebody... Sure, sure.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Let me explain this.
We do try to read all the emails, so I don't want to tell you not to send an email.
But we certainly can't respond to it.
And we want you to send your letters.
We do read them or scan through them.
But you can't expect us to respond.
I was on a talk show this morning and a guy called in irritated.
Because I hadn't gotten back.
I mean, how am I supposed to do it?
If I took off, I'd have to fly there one day, be there at least a day, fly back.
That'd be three days blown to talk to 500 people or whatever, instead of doing three or four radio interviews during that period, doing my own show, reaching millions.
So that's why I don't travel a lot.
I enjoy traveling.
I like going and seeing people.
I hate having to turn down almost everybody to travel to your towns and your cities.
But I suggest, sir, that you get other people, other... There's a lot of other patriots and truth tellers and people who like to go speak to crowds.
Let's go ahead and... But if you don't ask, I can't come.
I mean, there's so many things I'd want to go to, so I'm glad you asked, but probably isn't going to happen.
I mean, I could say I was working full-time just working on films.
That's what I really should be doing.
That's where I can really have an effect and craft what we're doing and make sure it's accurate and really make it hard-hitting.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dino in Oregon.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Dino.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
That guy should just go ahead and play music.
I don't understand why he just doesn't play music.
He wants to make it big.
He's buying into the New World Order crap of, I want to make it big and make a lot of money.
Make your music.
Sing about the truth.
Sing about 9-11.
Sing about the conspiracy of silence.
John DeCamp's investigation.
Things about things that are important, like you.
I think your job is done, Alex, quite honestly.
You've got out there and you've told people.
Nobody's moving.
Nobody cares.
A lot of people just don't care.
They see this and they say, yeah, but I don't want it to upset my life.
I had to scream at an old man the other day and say, look, your grandkids could have their skin melting off of them if the CIA is allowed to do this nukey hoax that they're thinking about.
I know.
They kill us and we sit here and lick their boots.
Let's be fair to the last caller.
He's trying to use his promotion skills to have a Patriot event, so I don't think he's bad.
I think it's okay for people to follow their passion in life if you're a musician.
That's what I was trying to say.
I want him to follow his passion and get out there and not worry about a career.
Get out there and make music.
That's the career.
Make enough money to live.
The main thing is I think we need to take action.
We need to get this whole federal, corporate,
central controlled system off of our state's back.
Can you believe they're announcing breathalyzers all over the country, retina scanning for the kids all over the country, cameras in the toilets, in the stalls, that half our military is going to be foreign troops?
I think those people back east, I think mainly it's happening east.
I moved to Oregon because I looked up the population per square mile and it was very low out here.
I'm telling those people back east, it's easy to round you people up out there.
You need to come West, come out from Texas and West, and let's fight these people.
Let's kick them out.
Take arms if we have to.
We've tried the Info War, but that doesn't seem to be working.
I think we need to be prepared for something big, and if we need to be prepared... Oh, don't worry.
Everybody keeps wanting to go ahead and start a shooting war.
They're going to start it.
And it's going to be clear to everybody when it's the right time to fight them back.
Good, because we're ready, and I think that we just need to support each other, stay away from the obsession of death,
They want us to be obsessed with death and mortality.
We're not afraid of our own mortality.
That's what we need to tell them.
We know we're going to die someday.
What they can do to me is kill me and I'm already going to die!
Oh, I agree.
You've got to get past fear.
That's the problem.
I realize it.
Anything else you want to add?
I've listened to you for five or six years and I've done every research that you told me to.
I've looked at every
It's coming to an end!
That's it!
And I love my family!
I can't believe these bastards get to do this to us!
I can't believe they kidnap little kids!
I cannot believe how evil they are!
God, I wish people knew how evil they were!
We need to stop buying their shit.
Buy local if you can.
Don't pay your federal taxes.
It's not legal to pay.
There's no law that says you have to pay federal income tax.
Don't file anymore.
If you work for somebody, claim 15 dependents and you'll get most of your money that way.
Then you can screw them.
May I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Uh, look.
Most Americans know something's wrong now, okay?
But I mean, it's really bad.
These people are really bad, okay?
I cannot tell you how bad they are.
When you study them, it is amazing.
I cannot believe they are this evil.
Because I don't want to hurt anybody.
I don't want to dominate anybody.
I don't want to run people's lives.
I just want to live my life.
I'm simple.
I'm a simple person.
And that's why we're not in control, folks, because normal people don't want power.
It's these sick freaks!
And they've brainwashed the country.
You know, most of these enforcers aren't even bad people.
They're just dumb!
They think it's like a dog herding sheep.
You know, they think it's their job to herd us and do all this stuff to us, and I mean... I mean, they knew Mercury was going to brain damage tens of millions of kids, and it has.
They knew what sodium and stannous fluoride were going to do in the water.
That's why they put it in there.
I mean, if it doesn't wake you up that they're going to... Well, I want to speak about fear, because I always mention it.
I really govern my fear down to almost nothing.
My fear is that I will die before I finish my works.
My fear is that I don't do a good enough job.
My fear is that I don't articulate the ideas and information I have.
My fear is that you have fear.
I mean, I want to live to make more films.
I want to live to make a film and put it out for free.
And hopefully you'll care about it enough to tell people about it, like Terror Storm and the new one I'm making.
The new one I'm making is just unbelievable.
It is totally new.
I mean, that's what I... I don't have a fear of, oh, I won't get to eat enchiladas and ride around in a boat and act cool and enjoy myself.
I mean, I have fear that I can't expend my life in a...
You know, that I'm not even worthy of it, that I'm not doing as much as I should do.
And you know, I'll try to take a little jog, hobbling a mile, around my house some nights, and I see people in a middle-class neighborhood, and there'll be a husband with his wife, they'll have a big stick, they're all afraid when you jog by, and there's just fear in their eyes, there's fears in the cops' eyes, and just fear in everybody's eyes, and just a nation of cowards!
And they're all, keep me safe government, oh keep me safe, oh please.
And it's the most evil people you can imagine.
And they revel in evil.
They revel in it.
You know, I want to play this Num Chomsky thing, but I'm going to continue with your calls.
Many others.
I'm going to play the Num Chomsky thing.
I also want to do kind of a year-end review of the things that happened this year.
What do you think is going to happen next?
So we'll continue with your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Take the movie Blood Diamond.
You know, I went and saw it a while back.
And they take the truth
They tell you the truth that somebody's buying up the diamonds to keep their price artificially high.
But that somebody's just a rogue diamond company in London, you know, small group.
But there's a big loving global group that wants to stop all the non-certified, non-monopoly diamonds.
And a blood or conflict diamond is any diamond that isn't out of a De Beers Oppenheimer mine.
They are the ones that created the world monopoly, that caused the type of hires you see in that film that are very accurate.
It's based on a true story.
Based on several true stories, kind of an amalgamation, like most things.
In Hollywood, they're based on true stories.
And I mean, here I am watching, and I guarantee you, Leonardo DiCaprio and all the stars of that movie think they're doing something good.
No, you're not.
You see, they also take well-meaning people, armies of them, in the CIA, the FBI, cops, and they give you part of the truth, and then you think you're fighting evil, and you couldn't be helping evil more.
You know, I was watching film footage from the 40s, thanking John D. Rockefeller for helping set up the First League of Nations.
Last night I was watching this.
And there they were.
Oh, how he set up the first system to stop white slavery.
Oh, because they run it.
And we have the proof of that.
Oh, how they set up the first step to ban narcotics in America because they were running them and they lost their monopoly and they got to make it illegal and still bring it in and make 50 times the profit and corrupt the police and use the money to buy them off!
I don't like heroin or cocaine.
I don't use heroin or cocaine.
I don't think you should take heroin or cocaine.
But we need to legalize it right now, because people will stop using it as much.
It'll stop infusing criminal systems.
Again, there's thousands of points like that.
I mean, I get mad when a cop pulls me over and wants to search the car.
I mean, I get mad!
I'm like, I don't use your stuff, okay?
You got a lot of nerve with your bosses shipping this stuff in here, and then you want to pull me over on a highway I paid for, you monkey!
And you want to search my car!
In the land of the free, home of the brave.
And it's all done in this attitude of keeping me safe.
America's safe.
Man, I'm really mad.
This is what happens when I take off, folks.
Look out.
I haven't been here to Adnone Radio in four days, and I just want to... I feel like tearing somebody's head off right now, because, I mean... What does it take?
A lot of it's the illusion of the news, and movies, and the culture, everything's still fine, and... La la la la, la la la la, go out and purchase some more junk, go into more debt, la la la la la la la... You know, everybody went out and did that, and there's more suicides, and drunkenness, and problems this time of year.
I like Christmas, but I don't like what it's become.
Look, I'm so mad today, I've done two hours of radio now and I haven't plugged my videos yet.
If you believe in what we're doing here, plus you want powerful films and you want us to be able to continue and expand in the fight, pouring ourselves out, then go to InfoWars.com and order a whole bunch of Terror Storms and give them to everybody you know.
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Or call this toll free number and get a bunch of my films.
Take action now.
Don't wait.
And have faith.
Alright, we're going to win this thing with God's help.
Second hour, some calls, and I will play the dumb chompski.
Get in a bunch of other news.
Stay with me.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number three.
This is my last live broadcast of 2006 for the weekday show.
I'll be there.
New Year's Day will be live on Genesis.
Sunday I'll be on 4 to 6 p.m.
on KLBJ on the Syndicated Show at Austin.
We'll be there.
Let's get to some more of your calls and I'll get back into the big stack of news.
More troops.
There are going to be foreign troops.
Our military will be made up mainly of foreign troops.
It's in-your-face mainstream news, okay?
Please stop denying.
We'll get into what's happening with the dollar right now.
I've got a big stack of important news here in front of me.
People out riding their bicycles don't have their driver's license.
The cops are arresting them.
It's just total control.
Let's right now go to Robert in California, IA.
Go ahead, Robert.
Good morning, Alex, from California.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
Okay, I just want to digress for a second.
You were saying that President Bush was calling for, what, 20,000 more troops?
He called for 40 last week, and now it's 20 today, yeah.
Well, that's my calculation.
It says 60,000 troops he needs, because they never really
Say that they don't need the 40 before.
But anyway, I've been, uh, I was in the military back in 79, working in, um, reading a lot of, uh, top secret documents.
And I sort of became aware of, of the, of the weirdness, you know, because there'd be like terrorist attacks and on embassies over in Thailand and, and then nothing in our, in our news at all.
And so,
Yeah, a lot of times those are real attacks.
Yeah, those are the real attacks because they already have the possible possible criminals who did it, or organizations listed on the top secret documents that I've read.
These ones now, and I agree with you that they're just gearing up for something that will probably put a lot of people back to sleep and
In this fervor of, you know, flag waving.
Let's wave our flags while they take the dollar's value and take over the infrastructure and enslave us!
Defeat them!
Oh yes!
Aim machine guns at me!
Defeat them!
I mean, you know, it's like that Hail to the Chief song we play, you know, and they play Hail to the Chief, the cannons are pointed at me, I mean, it's a joke.
Yeah, it's, uh, it's, and I've been
throughout the years trying to wake people up and say you know you should research this you should look deeper into what they're telling you and even get some read news from other sources throughout the world or talk to your buddies who you know that live in other countries and you know a lot of people are some are some are just lazy some want their information spoofed and then the others who just don't want to take action until they have to take action
And unfortunately, like you said, a lot of the Christians in the country don't... But I don't know how you do that!
I don't know how... I mean, it's scary to have evil people running things.
They're actively taking war power.
They're setting up a classical hyper-tyranny.
And, I mean, how are people not shocked into action?
I don't understand that!
Big enemies beating their chest, building systems to attack me, and I mean, I'm supposed to just sit here and roll over?
Well, that's because you've woken up.
You're using both sides of your brain.
I quit watching TV for a long time now.
I do catch some news articles.
I'm sure you've seen or someone's told you about the new articles to get our children to join the military.
You have this kid going, you know, Dad, Mom, I don't have anything going for me.
I'm thinking about joining the military.
Then all of a sudden they pan over to where they live.
You see the street gangs out on the corner.
Well, that's part of it.
They've destroyed the economy so much that we're just going to be a military colony of the New World Order.
We're just sending the supply of mindless fodder.
Also, when I was in the military, when I was in training, we were training troops from Iraq and Iran.
Uh, basic electronics, um, and theory classes.
Yeah, you want to tell people about that or you want to get off the phone?
Well, you know, they probably won't listen anyway.
Yeah, but you held a long time.
Anything else you want to add?
No sir, you have a good day though.
You too, I appreciate it.
Thanks for listening to me hyperventilate.
Alright, we'll come back and talk to a few others.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
The London Telegraph, the Associated Press, and others have been reporting that Saddam is to be executed tomorrow.
Now the press is reporting that Saddam could be executed any time now.
They could be killing him, if you even think that's him.
The Lord knows what the truth is.
That's the problem with congenital liars who stage events.
We know whoever that Saddam is was captured three weeks before by Kurds on the Kurd-Sunni borderland.
And we know, and this letter came out in major British and French papers.
It's not debatable.
Of course we all got the famous CNN footage of the Marine Corps colonel saying, do you understand men?
You found him in that hole.
Do you understand?
What's the story?
We found him in that hole.
Well it turned out that whoever that was had already been captured for weeks.
And then was stuck in that hole for that staged event.
Just like they hired the guy that did Pirates of the Caribbean and all these other big movies, Enemy of the State, Jerry Bruckheimer.
Three days before the Iraqis had left, Republican Guard, the doctors came down the road to the troops, braving machine gun fire, with a white flag and said, hey, we've got some of your people and some of the dead bodies.
Come get them.
We're taking care of them.
And then they were about to go in that day, and they said, ah, we've got to get advisement on how to handle this.
He was brought in as a consultant over sat television.
He told the Delta Force troops how to go in, how to kick down the doors.
She got scared, hidden under the blanket.
Turned out she cowered in fear, of course, the time before.
It was a Hispanic man, I forget his name, who had fought to the death of their shooting all the Iraqis and fighting them with a knife once they got there.
And then some other members of the unit said she didn't do anything, so they all, five of them, got killed.
Remember that?
I mean, they'd be at their house in Phoenix, in a nice neighborhood, in the cookout, in their backyard, and over the wooden privacy fence, somebody in a black uniform and a black mask would double-tap them with total precision to the head.
You know?
Others would be pulled out of their car and drowned.
I mean, they were really... And I got on there and I said, I'm not saying she was listening, I said, you better go public or the big hero is going to die in a car wreck in the next few days.
And that was how important it was to keep that propaganda going to push women in the military.
And then it came out, remember?
She said, it's all a fable!
None of it's true!
I hid in the back!
I didn't fight!
I didn't fight!
So you had a few people in the convoy unit, you know, just regular army folks, who did fight valiantly.
No, no, they don't get any of the credit.
It has to be some
Some little white girl.
See, because that fits in with the fable.
It fits in with the baloney.
And then remember Tillman and all the rest?
By the way, we've talked to Tillman's brother.
And I'm not going to say what he said to us off air.
By the way, that was two months ago, Kevin.
Call him back.
I want to get Kevin Tillman on the show, Kevin.
Yeah, he actually didn't like not being able to fight Al Qaeda.
So something happened.
It's not just friendly fire, ladies and gentlemen, from the evidence we have.
But again, it's good!
America's good!
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
I've got a bunch of news to cover.
This is the type of news I've got in front of me.
I've got stacks of this, okay?
The vaccine to prevent every strain of flu!
I will never take it.
DM man refused to give ID to police is arrested.
Des Moines Registered.
A man who refused to identify himself to a police officer in downtown Des Moines changed his mind when he learned he was going to jail.
John Tenacat, 34 of Des Moines, asked whether he could be unarrested.
But it doesn't work that way, Officer Lordship Garth House said.
We should call him Lord.
Of course, this has been overthrown in the courts hundreds of times.
Failure to ID.
You do not have to show an ID if you're not in a motor vehicle.
Austin has lost four times at the Supreme Court.
Austin's really big on it.
Famous cases going back over 80 years.
Last cases in the mid-80s.
I've had cops.
I've told the story one time.
I lived in these apartments in Northwest Hills.
Off Greystone and I lived at the Woodhollow Apartments literally 50 yards from some mini mart and I had Gatorade and Blue Bell ice cream.
Bachelor food and I've been to the gym, I'm coming back in shorts and flip flops walking literally 50 yards to my apartment and this cop pulls up and says let me see your ID.
I said, uh, I don't have one.
He goes, why don't you?
I could arrest you.
And I said, man, I just live right there.
I was going over there.
He goes, well, you're buying something.
I don't have your ID.
And I went, I paid cash.
And he had his partner with him.
And look, total gang members.
You know, I mean, they could work central casting for, you know, the rape guards in a movie, you know, something like that.
I mean, these are just thugs, scumbags.
And I'm sorry, you're scumming, they look like goons, they act like goons.
And I mean, I'm back then, really clean cut, handsome, nice, you know, perfect shape, standing there in shorts and a t-shirt.
And I don't start arguing, I go, well, why are you looking for somebody?
What's going on?
What's your apartment?
I said, well, it's right there.
And he said, I could arrest you right now.
And I just said, for what?
He goes, failure to ID.
And I said, I'm going to ask you again.
Are you looking for some... Do I look like somebody?"
And he said, No, punk!
I just want your ID!
And I just went, Okay.
Well, I don't have one.
And, uh, they just laughed at me like gang member thugs do.
And they just drove off.
You know, it's fun to be scum.
It's fun to kill America.
It's fun!
It's fun!
And listen to this article.
It's just written like a toady.
I can't believe how the press
He just kisses up.
I'll be at radio stations, you know, as a talk show host or on another show and I'll bash the corrupt system.
I mean, every day it's some new Texas crime lab framing people.
It was on the news last night.
I mean, it's totally untrustworthy.
Detectives constantly running whores and drugs everywhere.
I mean, I know of what I speak of.
Everybody knows.
And people get so shocked.
Oh, he talks bad about the government.
I mean, listen to the sick syrupiness of this article.
A man who refused to identify himself to a police officer in downtown Des Moines changed his mind when he learned he was going to jail.
John Tinnocat, 34 of Des Moines, asked whether he could be un-arrested.
But it doesn't work that way, Officer Garthout said.
Tinnocat was charged with harassment of a public official.
See how they're criminals?
They don't just charge you now with failure to ID.
No, no, no.
It's harassment.
Or being rude, disrespectful to a public official.
An official.
An authority.
A master.
Tennecat was charged with harassment of a public official, a misdemeanor that involves willfully preventing or trying to prevent a public officer or government employee of performing his or her duty.
About 4.15 p.m.
Tuesday, House spotted a man sitting on a bicycle between two businesses in the 200 block of 4th Street.
The man apparently was reading a bus schedule.
House said he asked the man why he was in the alley.
He became defensive and said he wasn't doing anything wrong.
How dare that slave not answer questions?
It's routine.
House wrote in his report, the officer explained there had been incidents of criminal mischief and urination in the area.
Oh, that's a sexual offense.
And he wanted to know the man's name.
He refused saying that he did not have to give it.
House said he claimed he was in a public alley and did not have to be harassed by the police.
Some middle class yuppie thinks he's still in a free country.
House said he informed Tennecat that it was private property.
He asked again for a name, and again Tennecat refused.
I told him that if he did not give us information, he would go to jail, House said.
He said, fine, take me to jail.
House then pleaded, placed the man in custody.
He asked if he provided us information if I would un-arrest him.
House said I advised him that once he was arrested, I could not un-arrest him.
Oh, really?
When you're pulled over, folks, you're under arrest.
State and federal code.
Don't try it.
Do whatever you want.
Like all your steroid cop friends, yeah.
Yeah, you enforce the law, alright, you do.
Nothing more pathetic than these guys get all roided up.
And after they're off, they're a bunch of chicken neck soft weaklings.
A bunch of chicken necks!
Oh, oh, man, I got stacks of it here.
Yes, I'm in a rageful mood, ladies and gentlemen.
What a way to end the year.
Listen to this.
Police charged with murdering Duo on Bridge after Katrina.
And they're only getting in trouble because they were killing cops and shooting emergency workers.
And they shot a bunch of other people.
They wouldn't let you walk out on the highways that were high and dry.
And they wouldn't bring you food.
They came to take guns.
That's America!
Police charged with murdering Dua on Bridge after Katrina.
Seven police officers have been charged with murder, an attempted murder, for shooting on New Orleans Bridge six days after Hurricane Katrina that killed two people and wounded four others.
The incident on the Danziger Bridge in the eastern part of the city on September 4, 2005 has come to represent the lawlessness that descended on the city in the aftermath of the storm.
At the time, New Orleans
Sweltered under a blistering heat, corpses littering the streets, and looters ransacked shops and businesses.
New Orleans police have described the incident as a shootout with snipers, but victims and their relatives claim it was a police ambush.
And there were at least five different instances of this.
They shot cops.
They shot emergency workers.
They shot National Guard.
Because the type of people that want to be cops probably shouldn't be cops.
They play video games all day.
They want to be tough.
They want to get a kill.
They want to make their bones.
They want to shoot people.
In this case, since they're getting in trouble for it, they shot Ronald Madison, a 40-year-old mentally disabled man, and James Bassett, 19, were killed.
One of them was shot seven times total, with five wounds in his back.
His mother was with him at the time he was shot, so they were crossing the bridge when a group of teenagers ran up behind them and started firing shots.
As they fired, seven men jumped out of a truck and began shooting.
I wonder why the London Times is reporting on this case.
This isn't really bad stuff.
They shot workers and police.
They're really stupid.
No, New Orleans cops aren't corrupt.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
They're good.
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Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
Calls now.
I'm going to play this clip, too, of Noam Chomsky propagandizing, but he slips up.
Wait until you hear it.
George in Indiana, then Linda.
And others.
Go ahead, George.
You're on the air.
I've got a couple things.
One thing on that meat there that the other night I was watching a video where this guy has developed something where he can take some sinew, put it in a petri dish, and grow a whole hamburger patty overnight.
Sounds delicious to me.
Sounds delicious and nutritious.
He couldn't get anybody to want to get involved with the patent of the thing, though, yet.
Look, I have 17 grandchildren.
I've talked to you before, Alex, and my oldest one is a baby boy, and he's about 13 months old now.
He's walking, running.
We've kept him away from all the vaccines.
The kid will bring me up something to share with me.
He doesn't put things in his mouth.
I've never seen a boy act like this.
He's amazing.
But he's not been touched by those vaccines, and I thank you for that information.
One other thing I wanted to mention, and I've listened to your show religiously, and the 9-1-1 has always been something I've been very interested in, but I found something two days ago.
You may already know it, but for your audience out there, the Boeing 757s and 767s are standard, the way I understand it, they're set up for remote control.
Yes, they are built to have the remote control systems.
Bush, I saw it on tape.
I mean I saw it live when it happened.
He was giving a speech a few days before 9-11 in New York at the police headquarters and he said, well I've been told we've got a way to remote control planes when they're hijacked in the future and somebody reaches up and grabs his arm and I didn't tape it.
Somebody's got to find that tape.
Oh my gosh.
Which shows he knew, but he's so stupid he probably wasn't running anything.
Well, it's like Rumsfeld.
He said something about a missile hitting the Pentagon.
He said a missile hit the Pentagon twice.
He said Flight 93 was shot down three times.
You see, there's so... There's so... The 50 most stupid things that Bush has said you have on your website right now.
I thought that was hilarious.
I printed it out.
I'm going to take it to all my friends.
Nigeria is a very important continent.
Well, thank you, brother.
I hope you have a happy New Year, and I'll be listening to your program to see how things go when you get back.
Hey, thank you so much.
I appreciate you calling in, George.
Let's talk to, who's up next?
Leslie in, where are you calling from, Leslie?
Hey, thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
You compare these people to prostitutes, the globalist
Well, I disagree.
Prostitutes and the whores have higher morals than these people.
Well, I don't mean it in that sense.
Oh, I know that.
I'm comparing you to a female lady of the night there.
I mean, I'm saying they're sold out.
Of course they are.
This country is financially, morally, and spiritually bankrupt, and what we need to do is... Nancy Bludsky just recently, she's been all over the airwaves.
Disgusting pig.
Of course, but she's saying that she...
That this Congress is going to be different because they're going to provide oversight of our agencies and we're going to have ethics and all this blah blah blah.
This is what I recommend, Alex.
Didn't Bush promise that?
What we're going to do is call her bluff.
I suggest that we call
As soon as they start the new year off with impeachment and investigation hearings.
There are huge groups.
Millions of signatures have been sent in.
The Democrats were sent there for that and day one she put the kibosh on all of it and said we're going to increase the troops and we're never leaving.
That's what I'm saying.
We need more people writing letters to the editors.
We need more people calling 202.
224-3121 calling Congress.
We need more people supporting your show.
We need action.
We need to get people to call in these talk radio shows with these idiots that listen and say, listen, the American people in polls don't want this.
War wasn't declared.
The CIA's own assessment says us being there makes it worse.
We need to leave.
That's what the people want.
Why aren't we leaving if that's what the people want?
Because they can argue the pros and cons all day.
The point is, we don't want it, why are we there?
And the point being, as you know, George Bush did not have the authorization to do that North American Union.
He has never been called to the table on this.
Hell, now the fake neocons are defending it!
First they said it didn't exist, now they're saying you're a liberal if you're against the end of America and open borders.
Folks, you're absolutely right.
Bush signed the North American Union in March of last year.
He signed an addendum in December of last year.
We are in it right now.
That's high treason, period.
No debate.
Impeach that little creature now for that alone.
Now is the time for impeachment, folks.
And keep this in mind, and Alex says you know.
Congress's ratings were at the lowest ever, and the point being that they were in there because the old batch was thrown out.
Not that it's going to make any difference, but the point being... We need to throw them out!
Just keep throwing them out!
Let them know we're going to vote against anybody who's pro-war, anybody who's anti-gun, anybody who's for amnesty.
Thank you for the call.
A couple final calls, and I'll play some audio clips and cover some other news.
Stay with me!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That toll-free number again?
While you were sleeping,
They came and took it all away.
The lanes and the meadows.
The places where you used to play.
It was an entire job.
By the well-conditioned.
You're a little frozen.
I don't think so.
This little island disappeared.
While you are looking the other way, they'll take your right to own your own ideas.
And isn't it time y'all made a decision?
Your trusted servants have left you a prediction.
If you want to go to JonesReport.com you can read this Will the Dam Break by Joseph Stiklitz, former Chief Economist, World Bank, Nobel Prize winner, saying we survived worldwide economic catastrophe, that's his quote, despite the implosion of the dollar and sky-high oil prices, and he goes on to say that it's going to be very hard to avoid a global meltdown in 2007, but he goes on to say the greater threat is the secret arrest, the torture, if you've got to read this, it's like I wrote it,
But of course, it's not the Newell-Dortes fault, it's all George Bush's fault.
See, they've got to hang him out to dry for it all.
And then it's Hillary, or whoever comes after that, or that idiot Edwards, or that criminal, openly running around the country giving speeches everywhere, saying, get rid of the First Amendment, Newt Gingrich, posing as a conservative, derailing and destroying the real conservative revolution of 94.
That he had nothing to do with.
I'm going to go to your calls really fast.
I'm going to play this Noam Chomsky thing and get into FDA-approved cologne, meat, and milk.
Oh boy.
And then there's not a debate about that.
The debate is should you be told now?
You're not told if it's irradiated now.
You're not even told if it's organic now.
Did you know that?
They changed the law last year.
And it's now started.
Excuse me, earlier this year.
I'm already calling it last year.
Early 2006.
Seventy-five percent of the food cannot be organic, but they can still call it that.
So now Bordens is organic, now all the mainline crud full of everything you can imagine, the hormones, all of it, now it's all okay!
It's like saying your Macintosh computer is organic.
I mean, these people... Alright, I'm already digressing.
I want to move really fast here.
Let's talk to
Todd in Indiana, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and thank you for helping me really read the mainstream news.
Well, thank you for calling.
What's on your mind?
Well, here's some more news about our loving government taking care of us.
Just before Thanksgiving, in the local Indianapolis paper, they started telling us about if you are on unemployment for any reason,
And I believe welfare as well.
They are now issuing debit cards instead of paper checks.
And they're passing this off as a good thing.
Yeah, I have a giant stack and this is used to track and trace to destroy any underground economy for the new national sales stack and the whole grid they're bringing in.
And as you probably already know, our main toll road across the north of the state that runs from Chicago east
was leased to an Australian company.
That's right.
And a state representative from that area was quoted in that same paper saying, uh, you wouldn't believe how many emails and phone calls I've gotten saying this is a bad idea, but I believe in it and I'm going to vote for it.
You know, when did we lose our representative government?
Well, no one's compiled the numbers, but this year alone 150 million was spent
Just at the federal level, trying to destroy the internet.
I mean, literally, folks, you'd be gone.
You wouldn't be able to go wherever you wanted on the web, and you'd have to pay to get to certain sites anywhere.
Okay, but no one's looked at the state levels.
Well, people have looked just at Texas.
Do you know how much foreign companies in the last decade lobbied in the state of Texas for them handing over our roads basically for free to them?
Oh, I imagine it'd be a ton.
Over 200 million dollars in one state alone.
I don't know what it is in all the other states.
It's just, you know, it's really, you know, starting to bother me.
Yeah, these criminal, and they are, they're criminal pieces of filth.
But the judges and the systems are also corrupt.
I mean, they'll bust some coppers, you know, running two or three whores or something, which isn't good.
Oh, look, they're busting the system, and then they leave these judges and these politicians in who are literally just... I mean, people become state reps and two years later have five million dollars when they had nothing.
Or Hillary joins the Senate and is worth a half a million, and then now she's worth fifty-something million in six years.
I mean, they're just a bunch of crooks.
It's like J.J.
J. Pickle
You know, who went to Congress worth nothing and got out worth hundreds of millions.
I mean, they're just all a bunch of crooks.
Well, maybe one day you can give us all a bit of a history lesson, because didn't, when our country was founded and we sent representatives from the states, or even representatives from the counties to either state or federal government, didn't they have, weren't they
Farmers or business owners, and they just went to take care of... And no one, and people would go ape if you served more than one term, and it was totally looked down on, and they were paid almost nothing.
Yes, I appreciate your call.
But now they're not servants, they're officials.
They're authorities.
We're civilians, and our military is foreigner.
So see, we're below the military, they're foreigners.
You see how it works?
Again, they've announced they're admitting they're going to make even more of our troops be foreigners.
Let's talk to Brenda in, where are you calling from?
Colorado Springs.
They're at our real capital.
They're at NORTHCOM.
Yeah, actually it's the Military Industrial Complex.
I'm right smack in the middle of it.
And I've got something interesting to share with you.
I do a job that takes me throughout a couple of counties right here locally.
I go out where people are digging and doing construction work.
to make sure they don't hit certain types of lines in the ground and sometimes I have to go down on Fort Carson and down on the tank range there's a tremendous amount of construction going on down there where they used to go out and do maneuvers and practice and so forth with the tanks and the firing range and everything there's just been a massive amount of construction and there's a bunch of underground lines running through there and so I went out there and I went further down than I had ever been before
It's a very massive range and I went way down there and there was just all these brand new buildings coming up and everything and I asked one of the contractors, I said, my God, man, what's going on out here, you know?
And I was informed that a new international airport was being built there on the tank range for international troops to come and land there.
And also these massive buildings, just tremendous amounts of them, really large ones.
Oh yeah, we've been completely folded in.
Look, the country is gone.
They're announcing that the majority of our troops by 2010 in ground forces will be foreign.
It's already 20% on the ground in Iraq, and they're openly announcing that they're just going to unlimited recruiting overseas.
And this is it!
I mean, look, they signed agreements with NORTHCOM to have foreign troops, quote, patrol America.
That is mainstream news.
It was in Army Times.
They're bringing in these people from all over the world and they've got these massive facilities being built out here to train them here.
And this little secretive airport to fly them in right here on the tank range at Fort Carson.
And Fort Carson has just quadrupled in size.
I have a very good friend that's retired from out there and she also does my job and she'd been out there quite a bit.
She and I had talked on the QT but she was so completely brainwashed that
All I could do was get information from her.
Trying to share anything with her was just a waste of time.
Oh no, that's where you fought Al-Qaeda.
It's all Al-Qaeda fighting out there.
And also I wanted to give you that piece of information.
Also last night I was listening to Pastor Butch Poth.
He was talking about the draft.
For the Iran attack and so forth.
My son is in college.
But they're not going to call it a draft after the Feds blow something up here in the U.S.
and blame it on the Iranians.
It's called National Service.
Yes, of course.
And my son is about 21, so I'm going to do whatever I can to secure him, because he's not going anywhere or doing anything.
But this morning on the History Channel, and I turn it on occasionally when I'm bored, I'm in the middle of a blizzard, so we couldn't work.
I got the History Channel on this morning and they had a little program on there where they had three Vietnam veterans that they pulled out of this VFW hall and they were putting them together at the Vietnam War Memorial Wall thing with three draft dodgers from the Vietnam era.
And they were really boosting up the draft and really... Oh, I know.
Listen, the PR blitz has been going for two years.
I'm out of time.
I appreciate your call.
It's sick.
This was an eight minute clip.
I don't have time in this segment to play it all now.
Can you fast forward it to the original cut part?
Because I know I took one clip off the web and then had you put it with the other clip that was in two parts on YouTube.
Can you go to the part where Chomsky starts flapping his lips for us?
Just like, fast forward it like two and a half minutes or something, I think that's when the guy stops asking his question.
It's at some university function and Noam Chomsky, the MIT military industrial complex front man, he's financed by them but he fights them.
And again, I've debated him on air, you know, we need to turn our guns in, well government will save us, the UN is loving and good, it's fighting the evil Americans who are all fascist.
Our government, okay, set up the UN, okay, it does the dirty work for them and then it takes the blame.
The U.N.'
's totally evil, folks, but it's run by the globalists.
It was created in San Francisco in 1945.
By the way, Gorbachev runs that base today.
I've been there.
Presidio in San Francisco.
And what they do is, they put him out there, and he, oh, the government didn't kill Kennedy.
Oh, the government wasn't involved in 9-11.
But at the end of this, he says, but so what if they did?
There's nothing you can do about it.
So what if they did?
And then he uses this stuff about you couldn't keep it secret.
Manhattan Project, killing black men with syphilis for 45 years.
They kept that secret and then they decided to announce it.
Radiating children.
All these whistleblowers have gone public.
The whistle has been blown.
Norman Mineta there when Cheney's saying the order still stands.
CIA drills.
I mean all this stuff going on.
Bush having troops mass in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the months before.
Having the launch orders on his desk to attack Afghanistan the day before 9-11.
Calling public officials, warning them not to fly?
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of points!
Official U.S.
He says the government would never think of this.
Our government admittedly carried out Ajax, attacking Iran, blaming it on their government.
Staged the Gulf of Tonkin, but nope, Chomsky says this stuff never happens.
And he said the people would know why they'd be in... What are you talking about?
They stage this stuff all the time!
Hitler didn't get caught blowing up his own capital!
Go ahead and play Noam Chomsky.
If the Bush administration gained from it, without proof, that doesn't seem to make any sense.
It just says they're just one of the power systems in the world, so they gained from it.
Did they plan it in any way, or know anything about it?
This seems to be extremely unlikely.
I mean, for one thing, they would have had to have been insane to try anything like that.
If they had, it's almost certain that it would have leaked.
You know, it's a very porous system.
Secrets are very hard to keep.
So something would have leaked out, very likely.
And if it had, they'd all have been before firing squads, and that'd be the end of the Republican Party forever.
And to take a chance on that, even if you could control it, further it was completely unpredictable what was going to happen.
I mean, you couldn't predict that the plane would actually hit the world very soon.
It happened that it did, but could easily have missed.
So you could hardly control it.
But what you could be almost certain of is that any hint of a plan would have leaked and would have just destroyed them.
Now if you look at it, there's a big industry in the United States on the left as well.
I mean, you should see the email that I get.
There's a huge internet industry from the left trying to demonstrate that there's books coming out that were best sellers in France and so on, that this was all fake, that it was planned by the Bush administration and so on.
If you look at the evidence, anybody who knows anything about the sciences
We're good to go.
I mean, when somebody carries out a controlled scientific experiment at the best laboratory, at the end there are lots of things that are unexplained and there are funny coincidences and this and that.
If you want to get a sense of it, take a look at the letters columns in the technical scientific journals.
So, like Nature or Science or something.
The letters are commonly about unexplained
properties of reports of technical experiments carried out under controlled conditions, which are just going to leave a lot of things unexplained.
That's the way the world is.
When you take a natural event, not something that's controlled, most of it will be unexplained.
There will be all sorts of
We're good to go.
I don't really think it's serious.
I should say that I'm pretty isolated on this in the West.
I mean, a large part of the left completely disagrees on this and has all kinds of elaborate conspiracy theories about how it happened and why it happened and so on.
But I think they're just, first of all, I think it's completely wrong, but also I think it's diverting people away from serious issues.
I mean, it just doesn't make any... I mean, even if we're true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares?
I mean, it doesn't make any significance.
But it's a little bit like the... Back that up about 30 seconds.
We'll play it when we get back in the final segment.
Even if it was true, who cares?
It's not important.
Oh no!
And to think that the government could even do this!
That they'd think about it!
No, we just have a plan where they talk about these exact type of attacks, Northwoods.
We have them admittedly staging other attacks, CIA.gov.
But I have Chomsky on, you know, and I mean, it's just nothing!
It's low-grade moron!
But he uses, he uses, his propaganda's for low-grade morons, he uses words like extremely unlikely, insane,
They have no facts.
You know, that whiny, know-it-all, beatnik, dirtball.
You know, just that NPR voice.
You know everything.
We're so smart.
You've totally exposed yourself as a shell.
Everyone hates you now, okay?
And now he's figuring it out.
I mean, even if it was true, who cares?
Yeah, who cares if they killed 3,000 people?
Who cares if we have murdering psychopaths who ran the attacks?
Who cares?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to be here Monday, live, and I'll be here Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
You can tune in to InfoWars.com or on some of the great stations that have picked us up.
We do it from live.
Sorry to all the callers.
We're out of time.
I need to play this clip again.
I mean, I wrote a bunch of notes, and it's an even longer piece of babble.
On Monday, I might play the whole thing.
It's like eight minutes long.
And there's other speeches with him saying the same thing.
But imagine.
He just says, you know, even if it's true, you can't really do anything with it.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
I mean, who cares if they did?
I mean, play that weird clip again.
Here he is.
I think they're just, uh, I think it's simply wrong, but also I think it's diverting people from serious issues.
I mean, even if we're true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares?
I mean, it doesn't make any significance.
It's a little bit like the huge energy that's put out on trying to figure out who killed John F. Kennedy.
Who knows?
And who cares?
Okay, so again on Monday I'll play the whole thing.
And it goes on and on.
So now, John F. Kennedy, we shouldn't be concerned about who blew his head off in Dallas.
Yeah, we just had his mistress on record, his lawyer on record.
They're saying, I'm going to kill that SOB tomorrow.
I mean, I've just interviewed both of them here on this show.
She admittedly had a son.
Now it's on record.
It's all coming out.
They've had government laboratories test the bullet and say it isn't the same bullet.
I mean, just, you know, who cares?
It was a military coup.
And that George Bush Sr.
was one of the head operatives that day there in Dallas.
And, you know, who cares if the government carried out 9-11?
Oh, and it would have leaked.
You mean the little Arab kids telling MSNBC that building won't be there in a week?
Or Odigo?
I mean, they weren't hiding it.
People say, well, that proves that Odigo somehow was involved.
No, it's the opposite.
Odigo's like telling the public, hey, we got a call here in Tel Aviv to get out of the building and four hours before we instant messaged all our employees and all of them got out, several thousand,
Their U.S.
headquarters was there.
And again, I'm not saying Israel wasn't involved somehow, I'm saying that particular company.
They're going, yeah, we got a call not to... You see?
And then two FBI agents went to prison for insider trading, but not for the big insider trading?
And all those other people that went to prison in New York for insider trading?
And people being warned not to fly?
And all of that?
And then lying about how they never heard of a plan to fly, and then saying the plane would miss?
They can shoot a cruise missile down a chimney!
Through a window!
They have had jumbo jets take off in L.A., fly to Australia with no one on board them, no one at the controls, and land perfectly, better than a pilot!
Oh, no!
The plane just could have missed it, would have flown right past it!
Oh, yes, they've... And you know, things didn't go as they planned them for them.
They meant for Flight 93 to go into the capital.
But the happy hooligans out of North Dakota, based in Virginia that week, refused to follow orders and fired two AIM-9s.
And that's on the recordings that have been released now.
That they got jets on them.
They're going to put AIM-9s into them.
The General just said, well, you know, two months before he had the power to shoot down aircraft.
He was taken away two months before.
Cheney had that power taken away, but they went ahead and just shoot it down.
Sidewinders, baby!
Eight and a half mile debris field.
You're right!
The military came through and shot that sucker down!
So they give you another Pat Tillman, you know, Jessica Lynch fable about how Let's Roll and all that baloney.
Give me a break.
In reality, Americans would have fought back if they hadn't been gassed on board those crafts.
And the few calls they've got real are stewardesses going, I can't breathe or something in here.
Hey, folks, get the films, fight the terrorists.
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See you in the new year.
God bless you all!
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