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Name: 20061228_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 28, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Veteran journalist, former news producer,
The man that runs Rents.com, Jeff Rents, will be joining us for the balance of the next two hours in the next segment.
We'll get into the plunging dollar, we'll get into the police state, we'll talk about the mentality of the poser society and so much more.
He's a great political mind.
We're always honored to have him.
He's coming up in just a few minutes.
He doesn't do talk radio interviews.
He's done one with me about a year ago.
He's doing a second here.
You can't find where he's done other interviews, so we're very honored.
Let's go ahead and go back to Adam.
In New York, who said he had more he wanted to talk about or disagree about or raise.
Go ahead.
This is continuing on with the Middle East and stuff.
Just like the globalists are playing everyone off and doing a lot of manipulation, I mean there are terrorists in the Middle East who are doing just as much playing and stuff.
There is a documentary, I think it was about, they called it Pollywood or something like that, the Palestinian television and other things, where they would set up mock
Gun battles in the ground.
There's one clip I saw where they're having a funeral procession.
They're holding some guy.
The guy falls off the procession, gets up, stands up, and climbs back on the thing.
They do a lot of manipulation as well in order to create a bias.
I talked to an Israeli soldier who said that she interrogated, because she speaks both Arabic and Hebrew, a terrorist or supposed person who was captured, and he acknowledged after interrogation that they particularly shoot
Rockets and things out of communities and areas around schools.
They store stuff in order to... Let me ask you a question.
Let me ask you a question.
Have you seen the Harassment Journal and Post articles where Israel admits that Shin Bet was setting up fake Al-Qaeda groups and staging attacks as a pretext to expand the war?
Alex, I'm not in disagreement that there's a lot of manipulation going on on both sides.
Well, yeah, I mean, I agree with Barry Hamish, you know, who's lived there, who's Jewish, you know, written for major publications, that he'll tell you that the Palestinian Authority is controlled by the Bilderberg Group, and so is the Jewish leadership there, and Egypt wants the war to continue.
They get four billion bucks a year, like Israel.
I mean, that's the point.
Instead of... and I appreciate your call.
Again, this is where I'm different, okay?
And that's where Jeff Rentsch is different.
We're not here saying we're for Israel, we're against Israel.
We're not here saying we're for the Palestinians, we're against them.
We're against the Israelis running over Rachel Corey with an armored bulldozer.
We're against, you know, when Hezbollah's firing rockets, that plays right into what Israel wants to do, and then all those civilians getting killed.
Okay, we're against the globalists orchestrating... Look, the Pentagon's plan P-2-O-G.
AP, UPI, it's admitted.
It says a 6.2 billion dollar a year program to go attack Arabs, kill their families all over the Middle East to stimulate, quote, terror attacks so then the globalists have an excuse to expand the war.
So I'm saying instead of two-dimensional thinking of picking sides here, that's how the new world order wins.
It's like picking Democrat or Republican.
We have to realize that it's a controlled game where they manipulate this and just say no to war, say no to these groups, say no to what's happening.
And then it will stop.
Again, we'll get Jeff Rentsch's take on this entire thing.
I mean, take Israel.
They've been using DU since the 60s in wars over there.
Doug Rockey, Dr. Rockey, told you that two days ago here on air.
It's on the record.
This year, they used it all over Lebanon.
And if you look at how the main winds blow, they normally blow north to south.
They also blow, of course, east to west there.
Those winds are blowing directly into Israel.
I mean, take Israel, with $3 billion in U.S.
funding, from 1951 to 1961, irradiated 110,000 plus Sephardic Jewish children.
That's the, you know, the Arabic dark-skinned, dark-haired Jews.
Now, why would Israel do that?
I mean, and this is a confirmed holocaust.
Most of them died.
That's it.
That's on Israeli television.
This is not debatable.
It's a secret here in this country.
These people... It's just pure evil.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Weeknights, 9 to midnight.
Jeff Rents is right here on the GCN Radio Network.
Veteran radio broadcaster of what, 13, 14, 15 years?
And of course, before that, TV news producer.
We are very honored to have him with us for the next hour and 51 and a half minutes.
I know we've got loaded phones for the last hour.
We'll get to your calls.
Jeff doesn't take calls normally on his program.
It's an interview driven show.
He interviews me once a month.
We're having such a good interview Monday night.
I'm on with him once a month on that fourth Monday.
It was such a great interview.
I said, Jeff, I'm pushing your arm.
You've got to come on.
He doesn't do other radio interviews.
He doesn't take calls.
So this is a double blue moon here for everybody today.
His website is Rents.com.
We have a big fat link to it up on InfoWars.com right now.
Jeff, great to have you here with us.
Thank you.
I've got my arm in the sling.
You did twist it, but I'm here.
There's so much to talk about, but your view on what the New World Order is, what this elite society is doing, what their master plan is, basically the climber of the world today from your unique perspective.
You know, thanks for the kind words, by the way.
Yes, I did spend 12 years as a television news producer, news anchorman, news director, and I saw back then, and this is in the 80s, where it was going.
Where it was going was into the pocket of the controllers.
News became product.
It wasn't news anymore.
Celebrity and fame and notoriety became the driving force between, I'd say,
That and a little bit of journalism, but it drove most everyone who was in the news business to get into the news business.
It used to be in the old days, you'd go to Hollywood and want to become a star in the films and then television, but that became almost an unreachable goal for most people, so they found a shortcut, and the shortcut was to get on the nightly news on your local news channel.
Stand up close in the field as a reporter or even an anchorman or anchorwoman in time, and that was it.
And I'd bring many, many people into the business
And almost invariably, within a month or two, they would be sending out behind my back, not that I cared, videotapes to stations in larger cities, trying to climb the ladder of stardom.
They were never happy.
And there are some who are, but the idea is to get in and go as high as you can.
And it just got to be ridiculous.
We've talked about this before, Alex, and I just one day decided I had enough and walked away from it after a very successful career and some very nice offers.
I just said, this is not for me.
It's a lie.
So I walked away and stayed away for a couple of years and then decided that talk radio was really the last chance to reach people and to reach them at a level on a basis that they could really react to.
And that's the mental basis, the mind, theater of the mind, so to speak.
So we were doing that and started the program and I went into it.
And for those of you wondering how you get into this business, how I did it, just so you'll know, and there are always ways for people who want to achieve, I don't care what venue of life you're involved in or where you want to go, if you want it, you'll get it.
It's that simple.
No one will come knocking on your door as Alex will be the first to tell you and say, here, here's this nice career.
Would you like it?
No, I went to a local radio station in Santa Barbara and found that they had some time available to rent, so to speak, or to buy.
So I purchased a Sunday night three-hour slot and did my own program, just started doing it, and that's how it worked.
And then from there, one thing led to another, and here I am, talking direct to the underground.
Is it underground, your bunker, or is it above ground?
That's right, here in the Central Texas Command Center.
That's right, it sounds like Giuliani's Command Center in WTC7, but I know it's not anything as luxurious as that.
Listen, I got a question.
When we first connected about seven or eight minutes ago on the phone, your theme music at the top of the hour, I'm going to guess, was that Shostakovich?
You know, I don't know.
I hear classical music, I hear
I hear stuff I like and I just say, stick that in the show.
And I think it was a piece from a Shostakovich symphony.
And that's an interesting story in and of itself.
Dmitry Shostakovich was... He was Russian, right?
I grew up at the... And then he was persecuted and had to... Yeah, actually it is.
Now you're spurring my memory, sure.
Yeah, he grew up at the foot of the Lenin-Stalin machine and was writing his music actually reflective of the spirit and dignity
And freedom of the human soul.
But he couched it in terms that the Soviet proletariat, the communists, never really figured it out.
He was very shrewd and very smart.
His music sounded patriotic, but what he was really doing was mocking them and putting them down for their hideous, deadly, genocidal policies of control and mental subjugation.
But some great music, Shostakovich.
Anyway, I just thought I'd toss that out there.
Jeff, the other night when I was on your broadcast, we were talking about the young people, how they wear a mask.
And I think this is really a key to understanding things, because I remember being three or four years old and consciously realizing that I was make-believing.
You know, when you have a make-believe friend, or when you're acting like Superman or a pirate in the backyard with your friends, and you're playing a role.
And then I figured out that most adults today are literally playing out roles.
As you said, everything is like a
Mask they put over their face, Madison Avenue!
And again, this is the key to the shallowness that has pervaded and taken over our once great society.
Americans were known for being authentic and real and informed, and now we're known as the opposite, as being a bunch of hollow zombies.
But they tell the women they're inadequate when they're ten years old.
Well, that's a very important point.
And now kids, rather than pretending to be pirates and so forth, pretend they're Britney Spears and Michael Jackson and God, well, not him, excuse me.
Take another male role model, but you get the picture.
Their idols are all from the media.
And in the old days, we used to kind of make up our own idols.
That was interesting.
There is an attack on self-esteem amongst our children.
Our children are literally being bombarded with images all the time.
To make them feel inadequate, because once they do that, once they do that, then they're able to shell you what will make you adequate.
It's a setup.
It's a complete setup.
Self-esteem is completely destroyed in children, and what they're left with is this hollow emptiness.
And what do they fill it with?
They fill it with
Images and imagery and personalities and little cliched messages and pieces of personalities that they see on the television.
Now what this means to most young people is that they end up with a mask, as you said, a complete exterior shell which has nothing whatsoever to do with what is really inside of them as an individual on the planet.
And what is really inside of most of them as an individual on the planet is
The simple fact that they have no knowledge of who they are.
They've never been allowed to grow as individuals.
They've never been allowed to grow as unique beings.
They also, and I want you to elaborate on this because I've heard you speak to it, they don't have any real mission in life.
People say they have this big God-shaped vacuum in their life, and I agree it's there, but you're not going to find it at the big mega-church out on the highway telling you to worship George Bush or worship world government and render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and submit.
The real mission is what's in our DNA.
How God designed us is to want to build, want to craft, want to create, to be artists, and more importantly to stand up for the weak, to have values, to go through adversity, to explore.
I mean this is the last final frontier on this planet.
It is the fight against the New World Order.
It is the real adventure.
It is empowering to go up against this tyranny.
And at the base of human psyche is survival.
And they've really taken the survival mechanism away from people.
Folks just don't even have any idea what it is to be human.
You know, they've done that.
They've taken away accountability.
When little Johnny or little Mary falls down or screws up, oh, it's not your fault.
It's okay.
Don't worry.
There's no accountability, basically.
Now, there are exceptions.
There are some wonderful parents out there, but most families don't hold their children accountable for their behavior anymore.
They give up and they give in because the children are taught to defy authority and ally themselves with their peers.
Who are all equally as corrupt in their own self-perceptions.
And you brought that up.
That is absolutely central.
If you watch Fox TV, and it's every TV show, the male role model is stupid, decadent, he's untrue, he's unfaithful.
He's subservient to the female.
They're always lesser.
And that's exactly the slave training manuals from Rome and then later in the Caribbean of bringing the women into the house, making them the servant of the system, and it isn't any surprise now that Gloria Steinem admits that Ms.
Magazine and her whole operation was CIA.
It's hard for people to accept the fact that this has not happened
by some kind of devolution of our society.
It hasn't.
It's been fomented, planned, and implemented at a very high level by some people who are brilliant.
And this, of course, traces right back to Charlotte Isserbeet's magnificent achievement, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, her book in which she literally documents over the last century
Every conference, every key agreement, every... Well, all the people involved with the reconstitution of the American government school system to produce, not individuals, not to encourage individual achievement and uniqueness, but to encourage groupthink and hive mentality.
And folks, some of you who listen to me, and I think Alex and I may have talked about this the last time I was on the program,
If you ever want to see what's going on at your children's high school or junior high school, and I urge all of you parents to get involved, go and watch one of the dances.
Go chaperone one of the high school dances, for example, and watch what you see.
It'll scare the hell out of you.
These kids do not dance anymore.
They get together on the floor as one hive, and they begin moving almost in unison as one.
So the beat of a 100 to 110 decibel minimum DJ up on stage playing song after song, track after track for three hours non-stop with no timeouts to get to talk to each other.
Never mind the fact that at least half the kids at the dances I went to, and this is an upper middle class area I live in, were on drugs obviously.
In fact I saw one girl came over to me and I'm a chaperone sitting on the side watching what's going on.
And she went to her purse and pulled out a little pill box and started handing out, I assume, ecstasy tablets to three or four of her friends.
And she looked at me and saw me there and just smiled like I wasn't even there.
They don't care.
There's no accountability.
There's no fear.
There's really nothing but wide open, endless behaviors.
And they're just not tracked.
But it's just like the parable in Pinocchio.
They get them over on the island, get them partying, get them drunk, and then load them on the slave ships.
You got it.
They're slaves, of course, and they'll never realize it.
They'll be the last to know.
Well, that's really the key.
You submit to the government, and then you rebel against everyone else.
We'll be right back with Jeff Rentsch.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Jeff, I want to get into the Iraq War, get your take on that.
I want to talk about the surveillance crew going into place.
I've got a Lou Dobbs clip about three minutes long about the North American Union, which you've been covering for over a decade.
And of course, take calls.
But getting back to the central issue of the dumbing down,
They literally have mesmerized a large portion of the population, as you know, to where they cannot engage in critical thinking, and where people emotionally think they can basically choose their own reality.
I had a caller who calls in routinely yesterday, and I got emails saying there is no North American Union, we're lying, that Dick Cheney's a good conservative,
And then meanwhile, you've got all these individuals out there who just think they go through life never being involved in their government, never being informed about their government.
I mean, how do they think they're going to be free or even have any semblance of liberty if they're not involved?
They're not thinking.
They're just not thinking.
They're reacting.
This is a reactive society, not a proactive society.
People now, and you know, I remember years ago when I first saw people using remote controls in television.
Television scared me enough when I was in college, and then when the remote controls came on, I said, this is really the beginning of the end.
This is mass hypnosis of a culture, of a society, and a world, in fact, because the Chinese, as you know, the communist Chinese, had as a goal
I think?
And that's the key.
It is a psychological warfare weapon.
You know, the UT Psychology Department, much of it is classified and restricted, but I've been allowed into the unrestricted areas by one of the people high level there.
And the whole thing is DARPA funded.
They have whole departments publicly testing a flicker rate to mesmerize the population.
I mean, do listeners out there understand it is a weapon?
No, it's a total weapons system.
Even our best... well, and here's an example of how it works so well.
50% dropout rate at most American high schools now.
By the time someone gets to the 12th grade, they're either gone... 50 plus percent illegitimacy now in births!
Now, the results are all over the map.
All you have to do is look and honestly evaluate what's going on.
You can see why.
A kid is born, and as I've said so many times, the very first time a family, a mother or a father, or both, put their child, and they do it at the age of six, eight months, in front of a flickering television screen,
That is
It's divide and rule, Alex.
We've talked about this forever.
It's the oldest tactic of all.
Divide and separate.
And, you know, there was a program... I've got to do this one, too.
There was a program... I can't remember the name of it now.
I haven't watched television literally or even quasi-routinely or regularly or even infrequently for 20 years.
It was a program, a sitcom, a primetime sitcom.
Might have been on Fox, I don't remember what it was.
But the man came home from work and the woman, a dominant woman, dominant mother, which is a typical scenario in these soap operas, had the guy literally, and it was supposed to be funny, right?
Had him get down on the floor like a dog.
Okay, you're home from work, now get down on the floor.
And she put a leash on him, a collar on him.
That's married with children.
Thank you.
I guess that was it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You saw it too?
I mean, every show on Fox does that.
The man is a criminal, the man is crazy, the man is bad.
He was a dog.
He was a dog.
And she led him up the stairs, made him jump up into the bed like a dog.
Roll over, roll over.
I swear this is true.
The guy rolls over on his back.
She then ties his hands and feet
to the four corners of the bed, and then begins to gently whip him and flaunt him while sitting on top of him.
This is tele-time television for kids!
What talk about imagery!
Now Hitler said, first you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
What, 80 plus percent of network advertising targets women because they're the main buyers?
And again,
We're social animals.
We learn by watching other members of the pack, the tribe, the troops.
Especially if it's repeated a hundred, a thousand times, over and over.
Exactly, and I challenge folks, within several minutes, the brain rate, and this is mainstream news, the brain rate lowers to a mesmerized sleep wavelength.
You're literally hypnotized, because the flicker alone, now video games... The flicker alone, now the flicker, that does not leave TV quite yet.
The flicker alone.
The brain operates at four basic levels.
Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta.
Delta is absolute out of it, deep sleep.
Theta is napping, light sleep, barely conscious.
The TV will take you down to Alpha, Theta.
Right in between number two and number three.
And that's where it's got you, folks.
Because you can no longer exercise intellectual evaluation or judgment on the material going into your subconscious mind.
Stay there.
Stay there.
This is absolutely key.
We'll come back.
That's why I wanted to get Jeff here.
He's an expert on this.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I think so.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Rob, Dwayne, Dave, Greg, Ed, and everybody, we'll get to your calls here coming up in a little while.
I want to play a Lou Dobbs clip and get Jeff Rentz's take on it, but let's continue with television.
Now understand, I mean, I took some RTF in school, in college, and even the textbook admitted that the television's flicker mesmerizes.
You can read mainstream medical reports, psychological reports,
That the flicker brings you right down to the mesmerized state in between sleep and waking.
Now that is the exact area what Jeff Rents was just mentioning.
Now they found that video games, when youngsters, or anybody for that matter, plays a complex video game for more than 30 minutes,
That most people go into an unnatural state that is below sleep.
Lower brainwaves than ever existed.
Now that was in big Tokyo papers.
It was all over the news a few years ago.
Remember the children all over the world were having seizures by the thousands every time the monster's eyes flashed red?
That was a beta test by the way.
I'm convinced.
To see the response.
Yeah, and look, that happened, that was seven years ago.
You want to tell the folks about that?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, television puts you into that state, as Alex was saying.
Beta, alpha, theta, delta.
It will put you right down into deep theta, almost delta.
Video games will take you below delta, apparently, into a new, uncharted territory of brainwave control and manipulation.
But beyond that, now that
Thank you.
Rationally understand, process, judge, evaluate the material going into your senses.
It goes right into your subconscious mind with no alteration, no filtration whatsoever.
Okay, that's called programming.
That is perfect.
American television is the boob tube and it controls our masses with very carefully filtered information.
But beyond that, and Alex and I have talked about this, you've heard him talk about it, there is other technology.
That is utterly unregulated that is being used.
It's embedded.
It's enfolded in the sound.
It's in the imagery.
It's in the cadences of the flicker.
But, more importantly, it's in the cadences of the actual scenes used in especially television commercials.
I used to watch kids' commercials, Alex.
You got kids.
And I used to take a paper and pencil and watch.
A 30-second commercial would often have 50 to 60 different scenes in it.
And the audio would be
Well, they also admit that the average Westerners
Yeah, I think so.
And I'm watching ESPN, and everything's with timers now of 20 seconds.
And so even for adults, everything is like that.
It's all pace.
It's just cadence.
It's an amphetamine-based society, and I don't mean the kind you swallow down your throat.
You're being bombarded with it all the time.
No wonder kids can't sit still in classrooms.
Well, let's explain that.
The eyes, basically, are stalks that, in embryo development, grow out of the brain.
The eyes are literally windows to the soul, because they're literally a brain nerve that has grown out of your face.
And it is literally accepting this as real information.
And in the natural world, and in all of human development, and how God designed this,
You would, you know, see a monkey in a tree, you'd see a tiger, you'd see a brook, you'd see your mate, you'd see your neighbors, and it was slow, it was reality.
If something fast did happen, like a big cat rushing up on you, everything would slow down because your body would gear up and accelerate.
Now it is unnaturally flashing all this at you, and using violence, using sex, using key triggers
In the mind, and it is a drug, it also then conditions you to not be able to respond to real threats in the real world.
Can't do it.
You're right.
No, it's total control.
It's brilliant.
These people are not stupid.
And the technology involved in television and video games is, again, unregulated.
It's, in fact, not even known by most people, except the people who are embedding it and enfolding it in the signals.
Oh, they taught, you know, 14 years ago or whatever in college, it was in the textbook that billboards have subliminals, that everything... Everything does.
I mean, folks, it's all over the place and major studies have come out, and I'm not tootin' our horn, it's true, radio and reading increases your IQ, increases your knowledge because it exercises your brain.
Let's explain why it does that, Jeff.
Well, because it forces you to be proactive.
You're not getting everything served on a plate.
When we say to you, a tiger, you must visually, in your mind, create the image of a tiger.
You do it instantaneously.
When you're watching television,
You see the tiger.
There's no challenge.
Your brain does nothing.
It simply reacts.
And that's why it puts you, one of the reasons, not just the flickering, exactly in the dream state.
So, when I talk about an image of all the data, all the purchases being collated, the Google software accessing your microphone, listening to you, you image that and so it's developing the mind, reading
Thank you for watching.
I think?
The amount of definition you can lay on the images and perceptions you're taking in is almost limitless.
It's extraordinary.
So vocabulary is crucial.
That is essential.
You have just given them the key.
Folks, they do autopsies on 100-year-old composers whose brain is shriveled down to nothing.
Their brain starts dying at age 30.
But they were total geniuses when they died and totally fulfilled, bouncing off the walls.
There's now major scientific studies, mainstream.
I mean, this is not debated.
This is admitted.
One of the things causing Alzheimer's isn't just the toxins.
They've also found, even if you've been taking the flu shots full of mercury, that it compounds by old people watching, on average, six hours plus of TV a day.
So it's literally killing your brain.
They're medicated to, of course, our old people.
And then when we talk about content, few understand that in 1983, President Reagan signed one of those national security decision directives, it's number 77, and that formally began the process of our government taking control
of the news media with the help of the friendly folks at the CIA.
That tens of millions will see and read.
It's easy to do.
It's not a problem for these people.
And I've met these people.
They're on power trips.
They say, well, the public doesn't need to know this.
You know, we're the guardians of the system.
They're deciding for us what our lives should have and have not.
Now, I want to get more into television because I want people to realize that now they're going into these, and I've talked to Microsoft executives and others,
The plan is, and it's already come out now on the PlayStation 3 and the new Xbox... You saw the riots for PlayStation 3, didn't you?
To give you an idea of the addiction that our young people have to video escapism?
The riots for PlayStation 3?
Oh, people being shot, stabbed, people running over, the police foaming at the mouth?
That's right.
That's how severe, folks, and ingrained and insidious the addiction to this kind of, quote, entertainment this society is now enslaved to.
Well, I've talked to full-grown adults that run successful businesses, and they tell me I played the game Hitman for two years.
It's like I'm him.
It's my accomplishment in my life.
No, it's not real.
It's a virtual reality.
You're plugging yourself incrementally into the Matrix.
I think so.
Well, they're dying intellectually, if nothing else.
But again, if the intellect is never properly allowed to grow, how do you kill it?
There's nothing there.
And that brings us to the point we brought up Monday, Alex, which is crucial.
Our young people now are literally not only existing and growing and thriving in a virtual world, but they are virtual people.
The mask that we used to put together for our personalities was at least predicated upon reality, real people, real events.
The mask that our young people, in many cases, have assembled for themselves is derived strictly from MTV, from music videos, from video games, from video game heroes.
What we're dealing with now is a virtual populace living in a virtual reality.
These are not real people.
These are assembled from things that do not exist.
Our personalities were assembled from things that do exist, or did exist, essentially.
But it's different now.
And I don't know where it's going to go, but I do know this.
Tragically, go back and reclaim it.
The control is so damn dominant now, and our kids are so completely programmed.
You don't even know who your kids are, folks, most of you parents out there.
You don't know what your son or daughter are doing when they're 13, 14.
You don't know how easily drugs are obtainable.
LSD, meth, acid, it doesn't matter.
Drugs are awash in this country.
And even if they don't get on those, now 15% of the kids in this country, 8% globally, are on the psychotropics.
The New Freedom Initiative just got its funding.
The Feds are pushing for psychological testing and drugging everywhere.
Ah, they are.
And the trick questions, of course, the profiling of our elementary school children will follow them all the way through their lives.
They're building dossiers on everybody.
I want to, again, go back to what these video games are doing.
You know, Philip K. Dick wrote, you know, The Futurist, a sci-fi writer in San Francisco, that so many films are based on.
He wrote about wireheads.
Well, really, then Aldous Huxley wrote about wireheads, too, because his brother was working on it.
Quote, where they could plug your head in to the pleasure centers, and you'd never even want to get up, and you'd just starve to death.
Well, people are now dying.
They're already doing that.
Dying playing the video games for three or four days at a time, bringing him into such a mind-controlled state.
I remember playing Mario Brothers when I was a teenager and two hours would go by and I would wake up like I was mesmerized with my hands sweating and I still only played a few hours a week.
All my friends who I'd grown up with, that's right when video games were getting big,
We're good to go.
I think so.
While the screen's flashing in a mesmerized point, and now in the video games it's all, confiscate the guns, you're a U.N.
soldier, America's under martial law, torture people, rape women.
Oh, and don't forget about, yeah, hiring hookers and then killing them.
And getting bonus cash.
Oh yeah, bonus cash.
Can't forget that.
No, this is all playing out perfectly for these people.
It is the matrix, though!
I mean, this is how they're tricking us.
It's fashionable, it's cool, you get tied into it.
The parents, I mean, look,
Even when I was a kid, people were out front, they were barbecuing, they were talking, they were block partying.
Hey, they were porches.
Now I live, you know, in an old neighborhood.
You know, middle-class neighborhood, you drive by at night, all the windows glow blue.
If you're up in a high-rise visiting somebody, you look across the street.
I talked to a guy, he said, back when I grew up in New York 30 years ago, you saw people fighting, talking, eating, living, and you see a TV on in the background.
Now, everyone sits and watches the television and doesn't... Folks, we're all... they've already got us in the Matrix.
In the Matrix and most people actually sit in a subordinate position physically to the TV.
The TV's a little higher than they are often in the room.
They're looking up to it.
So get the imagery.
Understand that the aggression amongst our children today, I'm talking about six, seven year olds, is the hostility.
It's incredible.
And what happens to the kids who are sensitive?
Where do they go?
They go into the world of virtual reality.
They go into the video games.
They go into TV.
They go into music video.
Or they put the headset on and escape into a cadence-laden protocol of what they call music.
And remember, in the cadence of the music, the mind is taken to a state which it can no longer effectively and reasonably intellectually evaluate what's going on.
It puts you into a mesmerized state where it keeps hitting you so fast.
It flows right into your subconscious.
That's right.
And here's another little trick.
Deep bass hertz frequencies actually stimulate the reproductive hormones in the body.
They know this.
Those deep bass notes in rock music will stimulate hormones among young kids.
And they get high on it.
It's high to be, I guess the word is horny.
But that's what it does.
It makes them want to have sex.
And there's no restraint anymore, as you know.
They can get condoms by simply walking into any Planned Parenthood center.
So, yeah, kids are having sex at 12, 13, 10, 9, we know that.
Yeah, the control is incredible.
The battle is for you good parents out there to somehow cut your kids off from this terrible monstrosity of virtual control.
But the church is saying... Let them learn what it is to think again.
But the church is saying, oh, let them watch the good programs.
And, you know, I have to admit,
My children probably get an hour of TV a week.
They shouldn't even get that.
And in the past they got nothing.
I don't know how it snuck in.
I guess other children come over.
Things like that happen.
We've got to remove these things.
Well, and once I've had, and I'm sure you have, many parents tell me, you know, geez, we pulled the plug on the TV and after a couple days my kids stopped screaming and complaining and throwing fits and began drawing, began reading, began talking to friends again.
Having a life!
A real life.
You're only here once.
This is the real world.
A beautiful planet.
Third planet orbiting a standard sun.
On the spiral arm of a galaxy, the sun sets.
I mean, we live in a thin atmosphere on a huge asteroid.
I mean, there's huge plants and birds and creatures and humans walking around us.
God's given us all this.
And instead, you're playing some video game where you simulate millions of murders.
That's the Matrix.
That's where they want the people to be.
It's called Total Control, and they're doing it brilliantly.
One of the other aspects of it is how it is self-replicating and self-enforcing through peer pressure.
Well, that's right.
Then they take the programming they get in TV land and video game land and come out and manifest it in the real world and then demand we join them in the brainwash system.
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I think so.
I think so.
We're the watchmen on the wall.
We see the riders approaching, the four horsemen.
Yes, the great illusion, the great illusion is upon us.
Tell them, Jimmy.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
Said the joker to the thief.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Alright, I know we got loaded phones.
I'm going to go to you right now.
I got the Lou Dobbs clip coming up.
I'm going to talk about North American Union, everything with Jeff Rents, but I don't talk enough about, because I've tuned out of it.
Now, I do watch clips on the web people send me.
I do sit there and watch it, but it's always scientific.
I'm serious.
Here at the office, let me see the clip.
And I watch it, and I look at it, and I analyze it.
And even if I'm watching something a few minutes, I catch myself slipping into relaxation, into suspended disbelief.
That is a dream state.
This is admitted.
Again, this is not our opinion.
And you've got to be very careful.
That's why our films are so powerful.
We're using this medium with the truth.
And it's devastating them.
Please, go to Google Video, watch TerrorStorm for free.
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Give it as a Christmas present.
Because you're not going to go to your friends and family and tell them, quit watching TV.
You know, off the bat, get them to quit.
You teach them about the New World Order, they will reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce.
Every couple weeks I go see an actual film.
I know it's for Suspended Disbelief.
I know it's dangerous and it's a crutch.
I should quit it.
But again, I phased back to almost nothing myself.
It's funny.
I'm on TV.
I make films.
But I probably watch myself, and this is at work, two or three hours of TV a week analyzing small clips.
And then for pleasure, I don't watch TV anymore.
I mean, I've got cable to monitor it maybe once a month.
I might watch a movie on HBO with my wife, but it's in a locked cabinet.
We open up, and if my children do watch something, it's an adult documentary on blue whales, but still they're bad after they're allowed to watch 30 minutes of television.
And your neighbors will look at you like you're crazy, but they don't understand this is a scientific tool.
So use the tool.
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You can get it for $19.95 at Infowars.com.
We're good to go.
I have ADD and I was wondering if that's a direct cause from this?
Well, ADD is itself made up.
Psychiatrists don't have any evidence, but it is true that there's something underlying it, that the society has attention deficit disorder by the very neural pathways programmed in at young age, and studies show even moderate television watching by small children under the age of five during brain growth and neural pathway development that is set for life is massively retarded
By television.
Television brain damages small children.
Jeff Rentsch.
Ron, I don't know what your diet's like, but if you're eating processed chemical food, toxicity is a key factor in all of these personality disorders.
Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
And taking a pill to try to mitigate the issue is not the answer.
You need to go back to a wholesome diet.
Clean it up.
Purge your body of toxins.
And watch what happens.
Stop the sugar, stop the caffeine, stop the booze, stop whatever.
Hey, listen, food should stay organic and there shouldn't be more than 10-15 ingredients.
You look at this stuff with 50, 20, 30 ingredients, you can't pronounce it.
It's petrochemicals, right Jeff?
Leave it on the shelf.
I mean, listen, I've gotten to the point now, and I'm not even Mr. Health, that if I eat something processed, I feel horrible.
I get hangovers.
Well, you do.
You're becoming toxic.
You're poisoned.
Yeah, folks.
So, good to hear from you, caller.
We'll come back and take more calls.
Stay with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We really do have a rare treat for you.
He has done a handful of radio interviews in his, what is it, 14 plus years more on talk radio.
Former news TV producer, researcher, journalist, Jeff Rentz, rentz.com.
And we've got a big, fat link to it up on InfoWars.com.
I know we've been holding callers for about an hour, so we're going to go to your calls now, get some of the oldest calls out of the way, hear what you have to say.
Then we're going to get into the North American Union, play this little three-minute Lou Dobbs clip, very informative.
Play a few other clips on other key issues and get Jeff Rentz's take on that.
And then we're going to talk about the war, the casualties.
This is going to be a jam-packed third hour on this Friday edition.
Right now, let's talk to Dwayne in New Mexico.
Go ahead, Dwayne.
Hey, Alex, thanks for taking my call, man.
Thanks for calling.
Love the show.
Love Rents and Rents.com, too.
Thank you for everything you guys do.
I just had a quick... I wanted to get your guys' take on something.
I was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday, and we've been hearing all this stuff about the Democrats and their hate crime legislation that they want to get through with hate speech, so on and so forth, and people are talking about banning words now after we just had this
Michael Freemason Richards ranting black people.
Well, the neocons are all over radio saying ban our speech.
They're naming me by name.
Callers are now calling in saying they want to beat me up.
I shouldn't have free speech.
So yes, we're starting to hurt them.
So they're moving in now.
I think it's going to wake more folks up.
You want to comment on this, Jeff?
I'll tell you this.
If the hate law is passed, this country is going to be shaken right down to the core.
I think you'll see
Legal action filed by all kinds of groups and individuals against the full spectrum of talk radio and talk television.
I think O'Reilly will be nailed with a suit by the Muslim community in this country, and rightly so.
I don't think it can stand because those on the controlling edge of the spectrum are going to get hit with it just as hard as us.
But they're going to selectively enforce it.
Well, you've got corrupt judges.
Yeah, it could happen.
I don't know.
I don't know.
It's going to be interesting to see, but I think first and foremost we have to prevent it from being passed.
And that means get on the phone to all those phonies in Congress and tell them personally, you vote for this and you're out.
They'll listen.
And is the fact that Michael Richards happens to be a 32nd degree Freemason from New York right?
Is that coincidence?
Well I said day one I said I bet they just released something new and they just released a new box set of Seinfeld and that the AP report was I've got it here in the stack it's some headline like
Despite comments by Richards, Seinfeld rockets to number one on the charts.
And they just so happen to have Jerry Seinfeld queued up that night for Letterman, weeks before.
It's all staged.
And then they'll use it doubly to, oh yeah, we've got to have a hate crimes law.
Pretty slick.
Pretty slick.
Well, thanks guys.
Can you mind if I plug my site real quick?
I do a weekly radio show on Sundays.
I know people are going to be listening to you, so they can actually listen to the podcast at Revolution2008.net.
Alright, appreciate your call.
Yeah, I do a Sunday show from 4 to 6 p.m.
on KLBJ.
A lot of our weekday affiliates have picked it up, and we're very thankful for that.
Jeff, what do you see happening
In the old line media because there is a segment waking up.
There is a big segment tuning out of television now.
A lot of people are waking up to what's happening with this matrix.
Where do you see that going?
The old line media meaning what exactly?
You know, cable, television, newspapers?
I don't know.
When you've got six corporations controlling 90% of America's media, I don't really hold a lot of optimism for any major change.
You've seen Lou Dobbs, you've seen certainly Keith Olbermann.
Those two guys, I think, are carrying the torch for a lot of us.
And I hope that Olbermann is being supported at the highest levels of MSNBC with respect to all the text he's been putting out there.
That would give me some cause, I think, to be optimistic that there is potential change within the old line media.
That in and of itself is a light to me.
Well, let me get back though.
I'm going to go over a few of the positive facets of this and take more calls because I want to get your take on the fact that Mayfair Media is losing market share.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I always love taking your calls because it takes us in so many different directions.
Jeff Rents, riding shotgun with us on this live Friday edition, the first day of December 2006.
We'll be getting into the American Union, a Lou Dobbs clip.
And a bunch of other news.
What's happening with our currency, the dollar, and so much more.
But let's continue to go through your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Dave in New York.
Dave, welcome.
Alex, phenomenal show.
Thank you.
In the beginning, you started talking about smoking.
And the thing, my take on it, I ended up with a trick, and everybody thinks that I had cancer, but it had something else to do with a totally different thing.
But anyway, the doctor said, you don't smoke.
I said, you know, step out on Main Street USA.
Don't complain to me about smoking.
Because I don't smoke that much anyway.
But, you know, they use this big propaganda about smoke is unbelievable.
Compared to the exhaust fumes that come out of vehicles and everything else, but they won't shut them down.
The other thing is the tax on the cigarettes.
Cigarette smokers pay more tax than most people anyway.
And another thing is when they sued the
Tobacco companies.
What do they do with all that money?
Hospitals are closing down all over the place.
Oh no, they've used it for quote education, which they then used to brainwash the public.
I'm going to let you go because your phone's real bad, but I appreciate your calling to recap what I was saying in the first hour.
Smoking is very bad for you.
And what's even worse than tobacco and the tar and the rest of it is all the other chemicals they add.
There's over a hundred of them in the paper.
Exactly, but what I'm getting at here is the government doesn't care about you and want you to quit smoking because they love you.
They're cornering the market to tax and control something.
They're exporting it to China, India.
These are the big growth markets.
They're setting the precedent for the control freak nanny state where they're going to tell you what you can eat, what you can do, what you can do in your own house.
So this is the road to hell.
You want to comment, Jeff?
Well, beside that, there's big money in cancer.
1.2 million dollars is generated by the average cancer patient in this country.
And smoking, whether it be first-hand or second-hand, is a prime contributor to building the body into a diseased condition.
They know what they're doing.
Well, that's right.
They take the person's life savings, and they always get it at the end.
And it's documented.
And by documented, I mean I've read the medical reports, the studies.
Back in the 20s and 30s, all the big research facilities in the country were being funded by John D. Rockefeller.
He funded the big eugenics programs in Nazi Germany.
I have the New York Times articles from the 20s about how great he is and how good the Fuhrer is and how great the Nazis are going to be going right up into the 40s.
And they literally have engineered a society that is, and the cancer virus is all of it.
This is part of the larger eugenics program.
Jeff, can you speak to that?
Well, it's interesting you mention Adolf Hitler because it's been recently admitted, and I knew this a long time ago, that Nazi Germany under Hitler was literally decades ahead of all other countries in the world in promoting health reforms that we today regard as generally progressive or socially responsible, including a massive anti-smoking campaign in Nazi Germany, restrictions on asbestos, pesticides, and food coloring.
Now, this isn't Nazi Germany in the thirties.
You don't hear about that, do you?
So, again, it's managed.
History is written by the winners.
It's shaped and constantly rewritten to serve the purposes of our Masters today, which basically form a relatively small group, a very diverse group of global players who have been the planners and the instigators behind globalization, as you know, Alex.
And many of you listening know for decades they continue to push their agenda non-stop, 24-7, and use the American two-party political system pretty much as the perfect misdirection sideshow foil to keep people looking the other way.
But they change constantly through the media, our habits, their training our children to be literally servants to the matrix.
They're in it, most of them already.
And the primary driving force, many of you say, well why are they doing it?
It's all about greed and a lust for power.
This is what it's all about.
And they don't care.
Look at, I've got one story at Rents.com, Alex, you probably have it up at one of your sites.
It's called The Global Elite, Who Are They?
And I would urge all of you to read it.
It's up in my featured stories.
Just scan down there and read who's in the Trilateral Commission.
Read it.
Just understand.
This is the Congress of the Global Elite Controllers, basically.
And they meet and they talk and they decide what's going to happen.
It's right out there in front, hiding it in plain sight.
In fact, speaking of that, I played this yesterday.
Here's Dick Cheney at a CFR meeting on national television bragging
That he kept it secret from his constituents that he was the director of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Here it is.
It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations as Pete mentioned.
I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
Now there's a more lengthy clip and the post under it
Was what I found to be more important than the clip.
Neocons got on there calling us liberals, saying that he didn't run the CFR, he wasn't part of it, that he fought it, and that he and George Bush are wonderful people.
When it's video of him saying it, they still deny it.
What do you call that type of willful ignorance, Jeff?
There are many words you can lay on that, but let me say one quick thing about the Council on Foreign Relations, Alex, not to change the subject.
This goes back to the 1950s.
The CFR was explicit about the need for a world government.
This is nothing new.
And when Dick Cheney says it's good to be back, he's been a member for a long time,
This is literally a control mechanism, along with the Trilateral Commission.
David Rockefeller, all these people.
Read who's in it, understand what the agenda is, and why we're in the state of affairs we are now.
But they don't even attempt to hide it now.
No, no.
But the public was preconditioned that it didn't exist, so when they're saying world government's here... It doesn't register.
People attack us and say it's not real video of Dick Cheney!
That's right.
Well, yeah.
It's true.
It's true.
We're going to go to more calls in a moment, but here's a little clip, Jeff, of Lou Dobbs.
I don't know if you caught this.
I don't watch TV, so I missed it.
You missed it, but they're on the web.
That's where I seem to watch TV, is on the web.
Here it is, talking about the North American Union.
Now remember, this is watered down.
We'll give you the facts after you hear this clip.
When Mexican President Vicente Fox leaves office this week and Philippe Calderon takes his place, President Bush will be the last of the so-called Three Amigos.
Bush, Fox, and of course Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin were the originators of the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership, which critics call nothing more than a North American Union.
It means open borders, commerce at all costs, and by the way, without the approval of either American voters or the U.S.
Christine Romans reports.
Waco, Texas, 2005.
Under these three men, the Security and Prosperity Partnership was born.
An effort, the government say, to harmonize regulations and increase cooperation between three very different countries.
The Mexican president in Cancun this spring.
We need to elevate the competitiveness of our economy.
And a new Canadian Prime Minister joining the discussion as this North American partnership barrels ahead with departments and ministries of all three governments working quickly to integrate North America by 2010.
The official progress report boasting, quote, implementation is on track.
And now, Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderon, widely expected to keep the progress moving.
Critics, though, say there's too little transparency and no congressional oversight.
There's nothing wrong with neighboring governments talking to each other, synchronizing their watches to make sure they're all on the same page in the cases of emergency, or on trade issues, or even on the flows of goods and people.
But if policies are being made that the American people might oppose, or that are contrary to the law, especially as it relates to immigration, you know, they're doing something a bit more nefarious.
He points to SPP documents urging the free flow of goods and people across borders, and a wish list from business interests that borders remain open during a flu pandemic.
Worse, critics say foreign policy elites are promoting a European-style union, erasing borders between the three countries, and eventually moving to a single North American currency called the Amaro.
A Commerce Department spokesman, however, denies this, quote, there is absolutely no plan for a common currency.
Speculation about that erupted again this week after some in the Canadian Business Contingent included it on a list of their long-term goals for the STP.
But people involved with the partnership between the three countries are very quick to distance themselves, Lou, from that very, very unpopular idea.
The fact is, and everyone watching you and that report tonight, for any American to think
That it is acceptable for the President of the United States and this Executive Department of his government, his administration, our government, to proceed without the approval of Congress or a dialogue and a debate and a public voice from the people of this country.
is absolutely unconscionable.
The defense of those folks who are saying that they're involved with the SPP is that they're not doing anything that would require congressional approval or voter approval.
They're just harmonizing the regulations between the three countries.
What they're doing is creating a brave new world, an Orwellian world, in which the will of the people is absolutely irrelevant.
And I think we've had a sampling of what's going to happen to people who do that in the future.
I can't imagine this standing.
But then again, I couldn't imagine its beginning, nor the fact that it's gotten this far.
Christine, thank you.
Okay, so... Bravo, Lou Dobbs.
Well done.
And so what's happening here is that Bush and Martin and Fox didn't start this.
It was being built decades ago.
Now they're announcing it to everyone.
And under this, you have no Bill of Rights, you have no free speech, and it's not even a quote free trade deal.
It's merging the continent right now.
No, excuse me, harmonizing it.
They're just harmonizing it.
They're just integrating it.
Just a little harmony.
Just comparing notes in case of a disaster.
And did you get the part about that borders remain open during flu pandemics?
Look out, gang!
And by the way, Mr. Calderon, of course, the fraudulently elected successor to Fox in that stolen election that outraged the Mexicans, is going to carry on the same agenda.
And if any of you know anything about the upper levels of Mexican government, you'll know that most of it is Zionist, with Latin surnames.
If you've ever studied it, those are the facts.
Same people, those are neocon Zionists down there, the same folks.
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Look out your window, baby, and see you like to catch Bandits playing dixie, man got his hand out stiff Could be the killer, could be the local priest Yeah, sometimes, sometimes, you know he comes as a man of his word
Alright, let's continue with Kohl's, and then we're going to get back into the war, back into what's happening in Iraq, what's happening here in the United States.
But before we did that, yeah, Mexico, I learned this long before I saw this in some of the Mexican publications here in this country.
I was looking at the Mexican Congress, probably about seven or eight years ago, and I noticed they all had, not all, actually about half, didn't even have names like Gonzales or Spanish surnames.
It was like Schmidt and Kruger and Johnson and Swartz.
So yeah, a lot of European names, a lot of Jewish names.
And they're all like six foot eight or something.
They're all like giants.
And, you know, I'm a little short guy, 5'10", but the point is, I'm a giant compared to a lot of the folks in southern Mexico at 5 feet tall.
I mean, who is this foreign elite?
Well, the Mexicans down there know it, and they've been burning a bunch of cities this last month.
Well, they had their presidential election stolen, like we did.
Probably even more outrageously, and they know it.
Yes, they have taken to the streets in the hundreds of thousands, and so far they haven't been successful.
The globalists just keep pushing forward.
They just ignore it and deal with it if they have to, but it's a tough situation for them.
But they got their wake-up call.
They know.
They know who's controlling their country now.
But don't the Oslon take over the Southwest people?
Because I've read their publications.
They admit the New World Order is doing this.
Don't they know the New World Order is behind getting rid of the borders and using them to break down the U.S.?
Well, I've talked to them.
They say, yeah, we know that, but we're going to double-cross them and we're going to get both of you.
That's what they think.
Good luck.
I think they're going to ride the coattails of us and regain their homeland.
They're in shackles just as much as the rest of their people.
All they're doing is knocking down the one last free country where they had a chance to have freedom.
That's exactly right.
Let's take a call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Greg in Illinois.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, glad to talk to you.
Nice to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
Well, what's on my mind, and I don't mean to rub salt into a wound, but what Troy from West Virginia was talking about, not only did he insult you,
But he insulted your listeners, which I'm one of them.
And everything that you were saying is exactly true about the problem with the child prostitution in the White House.
If this Troy guy is listening,
He can... Let me tell you something else.
No, no.
But everything you're saying is true.
I, like you, heard some rumors about this, and I investigated these rumors myself.
I have met Larry King, the real Larry King from the credit union.
I have actually met the man, talked to him.
This was before all this came out.
I talked to John DeCamp in person.
Oh, you did?
I have read the Franklin cover-up.
I have read Troy in West Virginia.
Look up Ted Gunderson on, just Google him.
Hey listen, when you say anything to Troy, he goes, there's no FEMA camps.
And I said, Houston Chronicle, he goes, yeah, oh sure.
I mean, he was literally like somebody in the movie Idiocracy going, look, I got one that can read.
I mean, it's just, they don't, look, it's invincible ignorance, Jeff.
That's the perfect term.
Invincible ignorance.
He can look up Jim Rothstein.
These people don't want to do the research.
They don't want to be bothered with the facts because their mind is made up.
Yeah, I've interviewed Mr. Rothstein.
He was a high-level New York detective.
And Ted Gunderson was the...
Head of the, uh, L.A.
division of the FBI.
Yep, he sure was.
Ran the whole L.A.
operation, and, uh, you know Ted, I'm sure Alex for years.
Look, it runs the gamut from, you know, 14-year-old underage ones to blowing kids' heads off.
I mean, okay, that's what the globalists do on a fun weekend, is they, they're all into different stuff.
I mean, it's, it's just unbelievable.
We'll be right back with more calls.
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People sleeping in their shoes.
There's a warning sign on the road ahead.
There's a lot of people saying we should better off.
I see you openin' the night
Welcome back.
We have the highest rate of disease.
The most pathetic families.
We're the most physically ill.
The New World Order has poisoned us, taken the strongest, most loved, most admired people in the world, and used all of our weaknesses against us to turn us into a pack of fools, a pack of drooling, gibbering idiots.
Now you've got a huge mass of people getting back into nature, away from the television sets, getting into health, but you see the globalists moving to try to block all that, you see a huge awakening of the New World Order, you see newspaper circulation down by 60 plus percent in the last decade, 10 percent in the last year,
We see cable TV news imploding, we see the Internet, alternative media rising, but the globalists are now moving in with Internet 2, moving in with all these regulations, hate speech, they're moving in to ban file swapping and sharing.
Jeff, what are they going to do about the Internet?
Because if they don't shut it down, they're going to have a hard road, but if they're able to, they can just sail on through.
This banning of file sharing is the latest, I think, first-class effort that they've made to try to scare people.
I don't know.
They're flooding the Internet, as we all know, with disinformation, people with psychotics that they nudge in certain directions to do their kind of character assassination in dirt.
There's an astonishing level of actually
Contrived research that's being put out there, which always bothers me.
I mean, it's this whole issue of no planes at the Pentagon and no planes at the... Well, we know no plane in the sense of the Boeing at the Pentagon, but no planes at the World Trade Center towers.
This stuff's amazing.
It's utter fiction, and it does turn some people's heads.
Disinformation is what it is.
It poisons the whole medium.
Their number one line of defense is, if you're thinking in their shoes, these threats of banning files.
That's amazing.
We'll see.
Taxing emails for years and years, and people have even put trial balloons on the internet.
Alleged House of Representatives pieces of legislation, they've even named numbers, that would tax internet email.
The legislation doesn't exist.
It's a complete fraud.
But it has been proposed by the EU.
That was in the BBC.
That's right.
Now what they're doing over here, just to go back to the NAU, the North American Union, is the same thing that they did to Europe.
And I'm still appalled, Alex,
And how easily those wonderful countries of Europe rolled over to the EU.
But then finally last year they rejected the EU expansion and the EU bureaucracy said, we don't care what you want, we're going to continue.
That's right, that's exactly right.
Here you have a country, Germany, France, whatever, Sweden, with hundreds and hundreds if not a thousand years of history, tradition, culture, scientific, intellectual achievement.
They rolled over and they allowed this
It's just horrible.
91% don't want open borders.
We'll just do it.
90 plus percent don't like electronic voting machines.
We're just going to do it.
Is that not the biggest indicator for these sheep out there?
And I call them sheep.
At one point, they don't like what's happening, but on the other side, they won't just go berserk to stop it.
Well, they've had the berserk bred out of them by the media, by the control.
The last 30, 35 years of this has paid off big dividends for the controllers themselves.
Well, what's wrong with us then?
Because I feel, it's not because I'm even a goody two-shoes or some special person.
I have an instinct when my people, my country, my world are under attack by a group of criminals.
I know we're all in danger from them.
I know they're always doing evil stuff.
They're openly saying they want to reduce our population forcibly after, quote, the global police state is in.
I just want to survive.
I just want to fight a threat.
How have they bred out of people the will to resist, Jeff?
Through the media.
The whole counterculture media of virtual reality.
It's now dominant.
We have virtual people walking around, especially our younger people and our older people, who have adopted from the media their own lifestyle, their ethos, their ethics, and everything else.
It's just an incredible achievement.
I hate to use the term, but that's what it is.
Yeah, I mean, it's costumes.
It's costumes, like you said, like a mask.
People literally go look at a hundred different subcultures and they pick that and that's who they are.
Folks, I'm not saying it's bad to look some way or be into something.
My point is that you better be deeper than just that.
The last gasp was when over 30 million people worldwide took to the streets to protest Bush's pending invasion of Iraq to throw out Saddam Hussein.
You know how they played that down?
30 million people worldwide went to the biggest peace demonstration in the history of the planet.
The media just brushed it aside.
Didn't happen.
Doesn't matter.
Don't worry about it.
Now, who are these people, these men and women in Washington and the Congress, who have sold this country out?
Every single one of them who voted for the Patriot Act should be put on trial for treason.
And they all voted for it without even having read it.
And I've said this before, we talked about it last Monday on my program, if this new Congress, after it's sworn in, within the first four weeks, I'll give them four weeks, doesn't introduce at least eight or ten rock solid abrogations of these incredibly unconstitutional laws that have been passed and executive orders that have been signed,
I'm going to be the first to say, I told you so, and you'll be right there with me.
These people are phonies.
I don't know what happened to them.
The entire leadership has said that they're going to do nothing.
One senator says he's going to introduce a bill.
And it'll end up in committee.
It'll get stuck in committee.
And so meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
In fact, even worse, Bush has now said, well, at least I can work with the Democrats on amnesty.
Well, I wonder why.
Yeah, it's amazing.
Also, by letting the Democrats get in, it then fooled a lot of liberals.
It's misdirection.
That the voting machines really work.
It's all misdirection.
How many people do you folks out there listening know
Who have actually picked up the phone and called your congressman or woman either at the home office or in DC and raised hell with them.
How many?
Nobody calls.
Hardly anyone.
If we got 10,000 calls to be directed to the Congress, if we put a big drive together, I'd be shocked.
And they'll laugh.
10,000 people.
It means nothing.
They've got the media, they've got the control of the airways, and that's pretty much all they need.
Well, what do we say to the average police officer driving along, or a bureaucrat, somebody who in the past snickered at us, but now they know that everything we've been talking about is starting to happen?
I mean, what's our message to them?
Because if the police, if the military are educated, which a lot of them are now, by the way,
If they're educated to the facts, and if they don't follow these criminal orders to put people in FEMA camps, or go gun comp the state, which they said would never happen, you saw it in New Orleans, what would you say to them, Jeff?
I say it's wonderful.
I see no evidence at all.
When I see these jack-booted, black, combat-wearing cops, a lot of know-better, out there beating people, pushing people, gassing people, tasering people.
You sit those people down one-on-one, Alex, and many of them would agree with us.
But they're just doing their job, they've got a wife and family, they've got a mortgage, or whatever.
And then there's this whole ethic of following orders, of following orders.
There's some fear.
It's all fear-based, ultimately, anyhow.
Jeff, what do you think is going to happen with the economy?
I mean, the dollar... What economy?
...continues to slide... 15-year low.
And then, meanwhile, they tell us in our news the economy's never been better when every real indice shows it's in the toilet.
Total bull...
Again, it's all lies, and repeat the lie often enough and people begin to accept it.
Well, they told us that.
Would NBC lie to me?
Would our government lie to us?
I hear that too often, still to this day.
People look at the television, they think they're informed.
They pick up the newspaper, they think they're informed.
They read Time Magazine, they think they're informed.
They're not informed.
It isn't happening.
Let's take some calls.
Let's go ahead and go to... Who's up next here?
Ed and PA, then James, Tom, Paul.
I've got to hurry here.
Ed, go ahead.
Alex, fantastic show.
You've got to start talking down to Troy because he doesn't understand half the words you're talking, you're pronouncing.
And I went for a little jab at the yuppies out there because I live in the trailer out in the boonies here.
I've got a doe hanging up outside.
I'm butchering up right now.
And I know the yuppies will probably be snickering, you know.
The only thing you have to worry about is mad deer disease, and that's a real deal.
She's a big healthy one.
She's about 180 pounds.
And I stopped and talked to the cops about six months ago, Alex.
There were six cops in the BP.
And I walked in at three o'clock in the morning, and they look at you like you're like, this guy's coming up to us to talk to us.
You know, they can't believe it.
Oh, I know.
You're not supposed to do that anymore.
That's a threat.
That's a threatening behavior.
Oh, I'd look him straight in the eye and I hand him a bunch of papers with the police and military against the New World Order.
And I got your papers in there too, Alex, and they took them.
And then a couple months later, I was stopped at a DUI checkpoint, and the one cop goes, here's the guy that handed me them papers, because I still got them on my desk.
He goes, you know, he was super nice and everything, and they, you know.
But don't be afraid to get out there and confront people.
Well, no, that's the thing.
I do hurt the situation sometimes, because at a primitive, instinctive level, I get so mad when a cop treats me like a slave, or wants to search my car, or I see them treating other people like slaves.
But I know that that's what they're trying to ingrain into them.
And if I just attack them, the psychology's already been set up where the establishment plans for us to fight with them, and then that makes them compact more into their gang mentality.
It is so essential to reach out to police and military, especially military.
They are totally receptive, especially when they come back and they've seen the lies on our news.
They've lived the reality.
And our police, you can reach out to them.
In fact, I got real mad at the state police cop because she was nuts and was really mean to me last weekend, and so I went wild on air.
But, you know, all the other times the state police have actually, every time, have been fans and have let me go.
And they're still doing their job, though, Alex.
They're still wearing black and the SWAT teams are still running out, knocking down doors.
Well, see, that's certain brainwashed cadres.
That was my next point, yeah.
So, but all I'm saying is we can reach out to them, and we must reach out to them.
We must keep the dialogue going.
Well, let's go back ten years ago.
You and I would talk about North American Union, and people look at us like we have five heads.
Now, people go, yeah, there's a North American Union.
Unless they're a neocon follower, then they'll say, well, George Bush couldn't... I mean, imagine having video of Dick Cheney saying he covered up his CFR membership, and then people send me emails saying it isn't real.
He couldn't be.
He's against the CFR.
Yeah, well, good luck to them.
Facts are facts, you know?
Well, I mean, the CFR is publicly sworn to destroy our country.
I know.
And every person that is in a position of power in the government, almost every one of them is a member.
Read the article at Rents.com.
Read the material on Infowars.com.
We've got that story up and featured stories at the top.
Global Elite.
The Global Elite.
Who are they?
Read the list.
Read the list of members of the Trilateral Commission.
And you'll see it.
It's right there in black and white.
It certainly is.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to James in Texas.
James, welcome.
Alex, wonderful show.
I've spoken to you before.
This is James Bills, the director of Refuge of Last Resort, and you guys are right on the target.
Thank you, James.
In New Orleans, when Katrina hit, no one believed our stories when they came out, even though we had videos, still photographs, everything.
We were told we were liars.
We'd even take news stories, put them on our website.
We were told we'd manufacture them.
I don't know how Alex can stand up and do it day to day.
Oh yeah, I had you on the show, didn't I?
Yes you did, yes you did.
You guys need to talk about our film.
Are you ever going to send me some more of the videos so I can post it?
I've actually got 12 DVDs ready for you.
We're planning on going to Austin.
Our films are being released nationwide next week.
I told you, you have carte blanche all over our footage.
Anything you want, you can use.
I don't want that.
I might want to use 30 seconds of the film.
I mean, I just want to be able to put a few clips on the web and show people.
Tell folks the video you got in New Orleans, because you have the proof.
One good one that the American press wouldn't touch was of the prisoners in the prison, in the OPP jail, who were abandoned.
That was actually handed to me by a prison guard that we put up.
We tried to get it out everywhere.
When the press was saying there were rumors the prisoners were abandoned, but apparently that didn't happen.
I had the footage, and they didn't care.
The BBC ended up making a documentary about it.
We gave them all the footage, but the American press wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
And that really happened.
That was real.
I mean, the footage, you could see the guards' faces yelling the sheriff's name.
You could see a lot of the prisoners.
The water was rising and rising.
You could hear the prisoners rioting.
They were setting fires.
Press didn't care.
The American press did not care.
We also got videos of all the dead, bloated bodies.
We got lots of that, Roy.
We have tons of that.
In the final version of our film, we actually kind of took some out because a lot of people were, you know, a lot of the Katrina refugees were going into convulsions when they saw it, but we still have a few in there.
But, I mean, we have... People who don't believe in FEMA camps live through a Katrina.
People who don't believe in FEMA... I mean, you can go to the government's website.
They're proud.
In case there's another disaster, we have these wonderful FEMA camps.
Well, they said in the major papers they're going to put political dissidence in them.
Well, they also said, right, they said if an emergency doesn't happen, they can use them on potential terrorists.
Potential terrorists?
What is that about?
Terrorist suspects.
Well, I mean, Newt Gingrich is on television saying we need to restrict and shut down websites and free speech isn't good.
I mean... That tells you the story.
By the way, I said that to this Troy caller.
And he's serious, and he said, no, it's not true.
When I heard him on your show yesterday, I came unglued, and I was trying to get a hold of you since I could not believe the nerve of that guy.
But then he went on to say that I shouldn't be on air, though.
See, it's double things.
Newt Gingrich didn't say get rid of the free speech, but you don't deserve free speech.
I love how four major press agencies can say a story no one watches, and you repeat it in your show so you're the bad guy.
Of course, that's the way it is.
Listen to this real quick, Alex.
Trilateral Commission members related to the media, just a few of them.
David G. Bradley, Chairman, Atlantic Media Company, Washington, D.C.
Your buddy, David Gergen, is a member, of course.
Donald E. Graham, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Washington Post Company.
Karen Elliott House, Senior VP, Dow Jones & Company, the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, New York.
Gerald M. Levin, Chief Executive Officer, Ameris AOL, Time Warner, New York.
Fareed Zakaria, Editor, Newsweek International, New York.
Mort Zuckerman, Chairman, Editor-in-Chief, U.S.
News & World Report, New York, etc.
James, stay there.
I want to get your number again off air.
We'll talk to you in just a moment.
We'll come back and talk to Tom and Paul in the final segment with Jeff Rents and Rents.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Welcome back, Friday edition.
I'll be back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
right here on the Genesis Network from the studios of KLBJ 590.
Heard from Oklahoma down to Corpus Christi and on a lot of new affiliates picking up the show.
I hope that all of you will visit InfoWars.com and do some of your Christmas purchasing there because we need your support.
Plus we have America, Freedom to Fascism, my new film Terror Storm, Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State, all 15 of my films.
It's got to be 30-something other films we carry, a bunch of other books, books on tape, got a new 9-11 inside job t-shirt for as low as $9.95.
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Jeff, before we run out of time, I want to thank you for coming on today.
It's been amazing.
Let's take a call here from Tom in Arizona.
You're on the air, Tom.
Hey, guys.
Thanks so much for everything you do, and believe me, people are definitely waking up.
I see it all the time.
I've been handing out videos, turning over everything, and people are just waking up.
It's thousands of times better than it was just five years ago.
Oh, my gosh.
Hey, Jeff, I just wanted to say thanks for everything you do, too.
I'm really bummed that you and Dr.
Lorraine Day have gone in a separate direction because she was such a good guest on your show.
Hopefully you guys can work it out.
Jeff always turns the other cheek, and you notice Jeff never gets into stuff like that.
He just continues to get the info out.
Yeah, and I really appreciate that.
Aaron Russo had a great idea on your show that I heard the other day.
I think this was Jeff's show I heard where he said, let's take over the Republican Party.
with a candidate.
Yeah, he wants to flood New Hampshire with tens of thousands of people handing out his video, Alex's video, and literally work within the party to try to take it, usurp it from the power structures.
An interesting concept.
It is.
You know, why fight the system?
You know, go with the flow.
Well, you can certainly get a lot of attention and expose real issues.
That's right.
Yeah, and the other thing, I wanted to know if either of you have ever tried to have any of the family, it's a hot topic here in the Phoenix area, any of the family members of Pat Tillman on?
Because, boy, they would... Yes, I've talked, we've talked to Mr. Tillman's brother, we've talked to Pat Tillman's brother, was it Kevin Tillman?
And he's not ready to come on the air at this time, but boy... We read his letter on my phone.
What a great letter.
In fact, that reminds me, I've got to let you go, we've got to take one final call.
Paul in Texas, go ahead Paul.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, hi, Alex.
Jeff, great show.
I really had a good time listening to it.
Thank you.
I want to say thanks a lot for both your websites.
I think that they actually have helped me to gain a lot of mental stability in the last several years because it's helped me to understand the way that things are going on because, you know, reality that's presented in school and on television didn't make sense.
That's a great compliment, and we thank you for that because we are trying to create equilibrium in intelligent people.
It's hard to do nowadays.
Uh, it's tough.
Like, there's something that all people...Lin LaRouche had said, um, coined a term, or I don't know if he coined it, but he used a term of, um, of, ah, I'm sorry, I can't remember, middle, um, not discordance, but something like that.
Middle dissonance.
Um, you know, when different, different concepts don't meet.
And, and, um... Cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance.
Thank you very much, yes.
And I had a lot of that in my life.
Anyway, I was just calling about a tiny point.
Which was, um, I read something a couple weeks ago, and that, um, this is relevant to Mr. Renton's comments about television, and that, um, they have invented a, a tiny, you know, the white LCDs, uh, you know, that they put in telephones and things like that.
You got 20 seconds.
Okay, just that they've got them so that now they can cycle them at 60 hertz.
And they're going to be putting them on all of the flat screen LCD panels soon.
And that's the 60 hertz is the perfect rate for mind control.
Well, there you go.
That's right.
It's just getting worse and worse.
Jeff Rents, thank you for joining us.
My friend, it's my pleasure.
Glad to do it.
Thank you.
And we'll see you all back in 23 hours.
Just joking, Jeff.
21 hours.
Thanks for coming on with us.
You bet.
Have a great weekend, folks.
God bless.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in the next segment, we're getting an update from John Connor, who just goes out trying to get attention to 9-11, being an inside job, with a twit Gary Bonaduce, which the whole thing looks like a stage to come and tell for a lot.
How they're hyping and claiming 9-11 truthers have been threatening him and John Gibson on Fox News.
And it integrates with another clip I'm going to play later in the hour of O'Reilly with Kevin Barrett.
He doesn't want to debate 9-11.
He just wants to call him names and, you know, claim we're all a bunch of kooks.
I want to analyze media here and how they respond and the different operations they run.
We're going to get to Jim and John and everybody else is patiently holding as well.
David in Michigan called in and was talking about
Thomas Barnett, who openly, he's with the Naval War College, he's one of the top futurists, strategists, he gets up on C-SPAN, we play clips of it, and says that the military works for Wall Street and the New World Order, he says, for world government, and he just says it's all wonderful, and how wonderful China is, and how we're just going to merge with them, and it's totally sick.
And then I had him set up as a guest one time, and he refused to come on.
It was guest time, and it was this time about two years ago.
We were calling him during this segment for the second hour.
We tend to put guests.
I called him during the break, and I said, why won't you come on?
He was livid.
And let me tell you, you know when you're talking to one of them, he was, how dare you say the government was behind 9-11?
I'm not going to give you any credibility with coming on.
And I said, we're going to defeat you.
We're going to defeat the New World Order.
And he was like, no, you're not.
You just keep on dreaming.
I mean, imagine, you're on the phone with him.
I mean, this stuff's real, folks.
We're going to defeat the New World Order.
America will prevail.
And he's literally going, uh-huh, you just keep on dreaming.
Imagine, I'm going, we're going to defeat you.
And I know who I'm talking to.
We're going to defeat you.
America will prevail.
You just keep on dreaming, then.
So, yeah, there was a lot of suspicious stuff of people in the buildings, companies, all their CEOs gone for that weird Offutt Air Force Base meeting with Bush later in the day, but they were there early that morning told to wait for a secret meeting.
It was a way to get the CEOs out, I guess, without telling them everything.
But go back and finish up the point you were making about Barnett.
Well, it's just that, in Google Video, if you just type in Thomas Barnett, I think it's one of my two or three videos that comes up, it's just like an hour long, sit down and interview with him.
And he just says when he was working at the Naval War College, Cantor Fitzgerald commissioned him to play economic war games and hypothesize a terrorist attack and stuff like that, what that would do.
And Cantor Fitzgerald, just for the record, is a company, at that time they had over $70 trillion in annual transactions.
Obviously, transactions doesn't mean revenue or
Or non-profits, but they were a huge, huge company.
Now, it's worth noting that the CEO of Canner Fitzgerald, Harold Lutnick, his brother, apparently lost his life in the attack, so that would kind of be an argument against it, but it was just... I did my research on Canner Fitzgerald.
I'd never even heard of them before that.
You'd figure that there'd be a lot to talk about them, considering that almost a fifth of the people who lost the attacks were from this company.
But I just did my research on it.
You've got about 30 seconds.
Go ahead and come to the point.
I'm sorry, I don't have a broader point than that, but the Cameron Fitzgerald connection on 9-11 is worth investigating.
And really quick plug, your next guest might be interested in www.jamescameron.blogspot.com.
That's my site.
So keep up the great work, Alex.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate you coming on.
And again, I said I'd go to calls quickly.
I went to his call and gave him about seven minutes of talk time.
Because he's making a really important point.
He's bringing up an important individual, one of the technicians that operates the technocracy.
And whether it's Dick Cheney on C-SPAN bragging about how he kept his CFR membership secret, from his constituents and laughing, to Thomas Barnett saying we work for one world government, to off-air the guy, you know when I say the New World Order will be defeated, America will prevail,
And he just says, you just keep on dreaming.
Yeah, don't worry.
I mean, what's he saying when he says that?
He's saying, yeah, America's going down.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Ask for George.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Remember the young ten-year-old, now eleven years old, a few months ago, who was at the Steiner
Middle school and he during the computer lab went to Infowars.com and they told him that was a terrorist website.
He wasn't allowed to.
They reprimanded him.
They wanted psychological evaluation.
And then we wrote a big story about it, and now the principal's freaking out, claiming they're getting threatened.
The teacher, quote, wants him out of her class, claiming she's been threatened.
So let's punish the child.
You violate his rights.
You demonize him.
He gets called a terrorist at the front of the classroom by other kids.
He gets pulled out.
He gets in all this trouble.
And then somebody supposedly threatens you.
Now usually when they say this they're making it up.
But other cases we found that mental patients and crazies and feds and trolls and minions go out and they threaten people to then get the response they want.
To then be able to blame it on patriots.
Blame it on 9-11 truthers.
And this is just an example of how these people operate, and so now they're trying to punish this young man there at the school here in Austin, Texas, in Travis County.
John Connor has been doing a great job calling in the national talk shows, Larry King Live, television, over and over again, putting out key 9-11 information, skull and bones information,
He's been able to get a lot of publicity.
He took media in college.
He's a smart guy.
We should all be doing similar things.
I've been doing similar things, of course, for years.
Really kind of pioneered this more modern form of gonzo journalism and combining it with ambush journalism.
And we commend John Connor on what he's been doing.
We need leaders.
We need more of you to become leaders and do similar things.
He goes into big college rooms, dorms, buildings, the streets.
We're good to go.
Danny Bonaduce, excuse me.
Again folks, I don't follow these twits, but I do know that Danny Bonaduce has been all over Fox Radio, Fox TV, Glenn Beck.
I mean, I constantly see him and hear him, and I'm not watching much television, so he must be like one of their favorite little pet minions or something.
And so John Connor, along with his friend, the fellow that worked at the Bohemian Grove and shot that video for us last year that we put in the Order of Death, they were able to get footage
And here's the audio from that footage.
But first, let's go ahead and go to John Connor.
John, describe the video, audio, that we're about to play for our listeners out there since they can't see it.
It's up on Infowars.com and JonesReport.com right now, but for those that won't have internet and can't go see it, why don't you describe what we're about to play?
Codename Kyle and I were hanging out in Hollywood shooting a video on another related matter when he spotted Bonaduce sitting outside by himself at an outdoor cafe.
So we started rolling the camera and I just walked right up to him and said, can I bother you for two seconds?
Do you think 9-11 was an inside job?
The audio isn't the greatest for the first few seconds and then it becomes very clear.
And, uh, he brushed it off as, those are conspiracy theorists, and then as soon as I asked him if he heard of a plan for our own government to commit terrorism and blame it on someone else, he completely freaked out, started dropping the F word repeatedly, and I just started laughing.
uh... right in his face and he told me that i was nobody that nobody's gonna care about this interview and so i just started laughing and thought you know this we'll put this on youtube we'll see who cares about this and now the 9-11 truth movement and myself are under one of the biggest assaults
Uh, that I have ever seen, equating us not only with conspiracy theory wackos, but trying to make us seem dangerous with him alleging, uh, that he has received death threats for him and his family through his MySpace page.
Apparently, uh, posting links to TerrorStorm and posting pictures of collateral damage
And what happens to innocent people in wartime in his suicidal, drug-filled mind equates with death threat.
So this is absolutely ridiculous and appalling.
What do you mean by suicide, drug-filled mind?
Well, he's been in and out of rehab for numerous instances, and I didn't even know this until after we shot this video.
Apparently, on his VH1 series, Breaking Bonaduce, which is a reality show of him just being a lunatic,
He attempted suicide by slitting his wrists.
There needs to be an investigation to find out if these are false charges that he's leveling.
And we're going to put up a Fox News clip where, well we have another Fox News clip where they're saying that Matt Damon and all these other people who are just mildly criticizing the Iraq war and the police state in America, that we should all be put in camps.
Laura Ingraham has said, I'm American, Al Qaeda should be arrested.
Hannity has said similar things, by name.
Now they're just saying, all of us, or anybody that criticizes, and it's because we're kicking their hind ends.
We're going to defend this republic.
We're going to defeat the New World Order, and we're going to do it with your help, America.
So please don't stand behind us, stand right beside us.
Here you are talking, oh, by the way, I notice the tape kind of ends abruptly.
With him cussing at you, how did all this end?
I asked him another question after that.
I said, so do you actually think that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
And I said, you don't think that that was a complete fabrication?
And then he went on to say that his brother was in Iraq and got shot.
And he asked me if I still wanted to mess with him about this.
I felt really bad, and I knew this story was going to get hot.
And I didn't want the story to be focused on a quote, celebrity family member was shot in Iraq.
And I figured that's a very personal, private matter.
I figured that him and his family didn't want that kind of attention.
Have you looked into that though?
Is that even true?
I have in his emails and when I spoke with him on the phone, he called me and we addressed some of these issues over the phone.
He did say that it wasn't his brother, but rather his wife's brother, who he considers his family.
You need to check into that, too.
Let's go ahead and play this... Well, you're being quite friendly and respectful, and then they're calling you crazy.
Fox News is calling us all crazy.
We're crazy for bringing up official Operation Northwoods, Associated Press, Baltimore Sun, ABC News.
We're crazy.
Here it is.
Hey Danny, can we just bother you for two seconds?
What do you think about 9-11?
You think it was an inside job?
No, considering that was the source of this mess that we're in now.
I mean, we know that there were no weapons of mass destruction.
Now, most officials are saying that the war in Iraq was a mistake, and we're trying to get to the bottom of this so that the American people won't be fooled again.
3,000 people have been murdered, Danny.
So, have you heard that 9-11 was, at the bare minimum, let to happen on purpose?
I've heard rumors from ridiculous conspiracy theory people, yes.
So, Morgan Reynolds, former Bush cabinet official, is a conspiracy theorist, and the former German defense minister, Andre von Bülow, is a conspiracy theorist, and the former head of the Star Wars program are all conspiracy theorists?
If you believe that there was advanced knowledge of 9-11 and we didn't get civilians out, and that is their opinion, yes, that is what I believe.
Did you know that there's a declassified document in the National Archives where our government put plans to paper to commit terrorism in this country and blame it on another country?
What's that?
I'm sorry, what's your name?
What's your name?
Can you flag my name for just one moment?
Who the f*** are you to come up to me on the street and criticize my government?
I voted for President Bush.
I believe in what we're doing in the Middle East.
I don't f***ing know you.
I don't want to know you.
I don't give a f*** about your opinions.
We're losing the hearts and minds around the world and you want to help make us the enemy?
F*** off!
Well, my name is John Connor from the Resistance Manifesto.
I wish I had a book for you.
I would kindly give it to you, sir, so you could be enlightened to the truth that President Bush is a lying criminal, member of Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Grove, where they do mock human sacrifices every year.
He's also the President of the United States of America, you disrespectful little...
I do believe that we have a First Amendment here, which is the freedom of speech.
Did I say you shouldn't say it, or did I just say you're disrespectful?
I agree with you we have freedom of speech.
Feel free to make fun of the president of your country where you're free to do this little bull**** thing you're doing that counts for no one.
You're just trying to make yourself feel important by walking up and down the street with a microphone.
You're nobody, you're not going to amount to anything, but you get this chance because you live in a free country.
Well, uh, there we have it, spoken from a true Hollywood celebrity.
That's right, we don't count, only the elite scumbags count.
So, this is, this is how they roll, this is, this is how they operate.
But you notice, John's saying it's a total inside job, but Bonaduce doesn't even believe that the government ever had prior knowledge, which is totally now admitted.
Now when he and myself were on John Gibson's Fox Radio show, John Gibson asked him,
How he felt about one-third of the American people believing that 9-11 was an inside job, and he was utterly shocked.
He said that he found that hard to believe.
That was a Scripps Howard News Service Ohio poll, and of course the other numbers are 84% don't believe the official story, believe they're being lied to.
And we have a slight clip of him on that show making these claims that he has received numerous death threats through his MySpace page.
And then he contradicts himself because he says that the FBI called him and wanted him to turn over the names of the people who were, quote, threatening his life.
And he said he didn't want to cooperate with them because he believes in freedom of speech.
But then later on, in the end of the interview, he goes on to say that if anybody does threaten his life, he will turn it over to the FBI.
So I'm very confused.
This could be a COINTELPRO op.
The FBI contacting him or him contacting the FBI, they knew that this story was going to get hot.
And by mentioning that he was receiving threats and that the FBI is involved, it smears not only me, but the entire 9-11 truth movement.
And that makes me very aggravated.
Well, overall, this is a good thing because it draws more attention to 9-11 truth for the dumbed-down masses that only care about
These reality shows.
So it's a big score for the truth.
Good job.
John Connor will be back.
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Welcome back.
John Connor is our guest.
He'll be with us until about 40 after.
And then we're going to go to your calls from there until the bottom of the next hour.
We have another great guest coming on, the producer of The Scanner Darkly.
I've got a bunch of other world news that I haven't even gotten to yet.
I will at least graze over the surface.
There's just so much here.
But the reason we're covering this with all the other world news and the dollar and incredible inflation and just everything that's going on is because it's an illustration
Of how the other side doesn't have anything but blusters and claiming they're being threatened and we're all bad.
John, I want to get to this Fox Radio clip with John Gibson.
I'm trying to demonize 9-11 truth, but do you want to comment about some of the charges that Bonaduce makes?
...that his entire family, including his 12-year-old daughter, uses his MySpace page.
First of all, a 12-year-old isn't supposed to use MySpace.
The terms of service are a minimum of 14 years old.
And what in the world is his daughter doing using the quote, official Danny Bonaduce MySpace page for his fans?
That's completely ridiculous.
I would imagine that half of his emails are from fellow drug addicts and alcoholics wishing him a happy sobriety.
and uh... exchanging their stories of uh... their alcohol and drug abuse so it did just blows my mind that not only he lets his twelve-year-old daughter use myspace in general but use his myspace
And apparently he interprets pictures of collateral damage and links to films like Terror Storm as, quote, death threats.
That's right.
You went and looked at the stuff on the page, John, and then you talked to him and he was relaying to you what the threats were.
How is a link to Terror Storm terrorism?
I'm not sure, and I asked him to send me copies of the emails, send me the usernames,
He said that he would.
I have not received those yet.
And then in this interview, this clip that we're going to play... But wait, first he claimed the threats were on the MySpace.
Where's the beef?
Where's the proof?
I haven't seen it.
And then he contradicts himself again, saying that if he did get threats, he would call the FBI.
But then he said that earlier he wouldn't turn over the threats.
This is completely ridiculous.
Then he says in the interview that he received 20 people were sending him death threats.
I think what he means is 20 people were posting
9-11 Truth on his MySpace page.
So this man, I think his brain is soaking in alcohol and drugs, and he has lost his grip on reality like most celebrities, especially child stars, have done.
Well, see, I don't really know who this guy is, just that I hear him all over Neocon Talk Radio worshipping the whole agenda.
Who is this guy?
He was a former child star from the Partridge family who has done little bits and pieces in very, very small TV shows and movies throughout the last 20 or 30 years and is still most known for being a 10-year-old child
on the 1970s television show.
Let's go ahead and start playing this clip, and we'll come back and play the rest of it and let you respond to it.
Then we'll go to your calls and cover news, folks.
We appreciate John Connor joining us today, and we appreciate him going and talking to this twit on the side of the street and enduring all this demonization.
But it's overall for a good cause to get 9-11 truth out to the general public.
Here it is with Gibson, who looks like Count Dracula, a Count Dracula albino.
Here it is.
Danny Bonaducci joins me now.
Danny, thanks for coming on, and thanks for telling that little bleep to where he can shove it, bleep.
First of all, thank you for having me, and I gotta tell you something, I am
The most informed person on psychopaths today, if you'd have called me on Friday, the day that hit YouTube, I'd have said, uh, I'd have said, he's a certifiable lunatic and they should lock him away.
But then the tape hit YouTube and the certifiable lunatics came out and completely eclipsed him compared to the people who follow him.
He's, I'd like to have him as my next door neighbor.
But I'm not particularly politically inclined.
This guy and his nut job followers made me a political person overnight, and I didn't ask for the job.
By the way, I just realized we've never even been formally introduced.
Hi Danny, I'm John Gibson.
I mean, I know who you are, but I'm almost at a level 8 on my scale, and 10 is just spooky.
And you need to know that
This little tape on YouTube took on a life of its own and got so out... I've been contacted by the FBI.
We'll be right back.
We'll stop it right there with him being contacted by the FBI and the story changing a couple times.
And we'll finish up with John Connors.
Stay with us.
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First off, Bonaduce, Danny Bonaduce claims that he's not political.
He's a pro-war, pro-New World Order little creature who I, again, hear all over talk radio.
Glenn Beck, you name it, pushing all of this.
So number one, that's not true.
And he talks about how crazy and whacked out and wild John Connor is.
John Connor was calmly talking to him and talking about information that's mainstream news.
Let's go back to the clip where he says the FBI contacted him.
Here it is.
But I'm almost at a level 8 on my scale, and 10 is just spooky.
And you need to know that this little tape on YouTube took on a life of its own, and got so... I've been contacted by the FBI, because they wanted me to give them all the names of the people who threatened my life.
I said no!
I said, you know what?
I've got to.
I'm going to write them all back and say, don't threaten my life because I'm a real, live American.
I'll fight for your right to be stupid.
Just here's what you need to know.
And that's what I want to make clear, that John Connor, comparatively speaking, I literally went online to these people who threatened my life for standing up for my country.
And I wrote them back because I'm on MySpace.
I said, this is not my personal thing.
This is a MySpace that involves my wife's dress company, my fan mail, and my 12-year-old and her anime friends.
You're writing to the computer of a 12-year-old.
Two or three people out of the 20 with the death threats stopped writing or even apologized.
One guy, he actually wrote back, sorry I didn't know, and I couldn't believe it.
I wrote him back and thought I was proud of him.
But some of these nutjobs actually readdressed their death threats to my child, so she would get them directly.
She opened a MySpace thing with an anime picture of it, and it was a picture of a child on fire.
What do you think about the fact that some huge percentage of Americans, upwards of 30%, actually believe this stuff?
I have no idea that as many as 30% believe.
Now, what is it you're saying that they believe?
Because I would find that hard to believe.
That's one-third of Americans you're saying believe that the American government bombed the World Trade Center?
That frightened me.
It wouldn't have frightened me Friday.
It would not have frightened me Friday.
It frightened me today because the mail I got was so vicious and so mean and when I told them you're writing to a 12 year old they didn't care.
Then, out of nowhere, the FBI called me.
Because this YouTube tape of me... Essentially, as far as I'm concerned, I'm eating lunch and the moment is over.
And I gotta tell you, this guy, comparatively speaking, John Connor, in my opinion, may be crazy, I don't know, but he is at least informed... Wait a minute.
They contact him about the YouTube?
There's no threats on the YouTube?
And then he's not political?
And then there's death threats on the...
But you went there, John, and all you saw was links to TerrorStorm, and he starts whining, I guess, about, hey, my kids are on this page when it's his personal page.
So I guess people send pictures of Iraqi children going, look at what's happening.
I guess he probably then construed that into more threats.
And then Gibson's running with this.
This is how they counter 9-11 truth, never with debating the facts.
It's always, we're crazy, we're evil, we need to go to FEMA camps, we're terrorists, we're American Al Qaeda, we should all be arrested.
I mean, that's what O'Reilly and others have said.
John, where is he going with this?
I, again, refer back to his years of alcohol or drug abuse.
I don't think the man has a rational thought coming out of his mouth.
When I spoke with him on the phone, it was very, very difficult.
He did not want to listen to me whatsoever.
I kept trying to educate him, telling him that I'm not a liberal, this isn't a liberal issue, tried to suggest some of the evidence, and he kept cutting me off.
I don't care what you have to F and say.
I just want to make sure that your dogs aren't going to come and mess with my family.
And again, he said that the FBI contacted him because there's a video of him on YouTube.
I am very confused.
I emailed him again and I asked him,
What exactly the FBI said to him, why they were contacting him, if this was allegedly before the alleged threats that he was getting.
Yeah, there are threats.
It's probably some FBI or some FBI mole doing it, and they are contacting him to try to create some publicity.
It's probably all being run by Fox News.
I mean, Viet Dinh's on the board of directors, ladies and gentlemen, of Fox News.
They are in operation.
Yeah, this reeks of COINTELPRO, and it's the perfect opportunity, unfortunately, for the mainstream media to not only demonize the 9-11 truth movement, but to paint us like we're a bunch of dangerous... Who knows?
You know, he may really have been threatened, but you saw TerrorStorm links, or did he say these evil TerrorStorm links to the film TerrorStorm?
I saw links to various 9-11 truth videos, TerrorStorm included.
I saw a picture of some collateral damage on his webpage.
I saw pictures
Let's finish up the clip, and we're going to let you get back to work, John.
Here it is.
Because this YouTube tape of me... Essentially, as far as I'm concerned, I'm eating lunch and the moment is over.
And I gotta tell you, this guy, comparatively speaking, John Connor, in my opinion, may be crazy, I don't know, but he is at least informed and writes a reasonable email, compared to some of these other nuts.
And I want to make something perfectly clear to the nuts that are going to write me right after this.
The FBI gave me a beautiful tip.
A beautiful tip.
Because I think they were surprised that I didn't hand over all the names of the people who had emailed me.
And I said, I can't be a proud American and stifle somebody's right to free speech.
I can't be winning this fight by cheating.
So I can't do that right now.
But anybody who threatens me, I will certainly turn over their backs.
Your freedom of speech doesn't come into my house.
Stop right there.
So this is... So he says that he wouldn't turn people over unless they threatened him.
So I guess there he's saying he wasn't really threatened.
I mean, this guy's contradicting himself every other sentence, John.
Yeah, he was so irrational when I spoke with him on the phone, I couldn't even get an answer out of the man.
I felt like he was intoxicated when he was yelling at me and swearing at me on the phone.
Uh, and again, for the FBI to contact him out of the blue just blows my mind, unless they knew that this was going to be hot.
And again, this just shows the celebrity fixation.
Public officials, military officials coming forward and making allegations, and it just gets brushed over, but a washed-up child star all of a sudden makes insults towards the 9-11 Truth Movement, and he's all over Fox News, he's all over the web, this very, very, very fishy of COINTELPRO.
And he's probably being manipulated.
I don't think the guy's got his head screwed on straight enough to even be staging this.
Now I posted emails that he sent me and that I sent him on my site so anybody can just go through and read those and I asked him if I could come on as a guest
He was apparently going to host Glenn Beck's show, and I asked him, I said, can I come on as a guest and talk about these issues?
And he said he would consider it, but then he said he had another work obligation that may supersede it, so I hope that he calls me again.
That's right, he's such a neocon, he's co-hosting Glenn Beck's show.
Let's finish up the clip.
Here it is.
So I can't do that right now, but anybody who threatens me, I will certainly turn over their guts.
Your freedom of speech doesn't come into my house with a threat with my kid.
And the FBI gave me a great tip.
They said, put all your computers, the second business opens tomorrow, take all your computers through your server company or whatever it is, and put them all in your kid's name.
And I said, why?
And they said, because you can't write anything to a 12-year-old.
They said, if they write, and it's even addressed to you,
And you open it, and it's dirty language?
It's a picture you don't like?
They said, even if it just says hi, how are you going?
If it comes to the computer of a minor, and you report it to us, we have to investigate.
So write me again tonight, you freaks!
And the FBI will be on your door tomorrow.
Okay, so let's just stop right there.
First he says that he was threatened, but then he said if he was threatened he'd tell the FBI, but then he wasn't, so he isn't handing it over.
But now, so he can get everybody, he's moved the servers over into his daughter's name, which is using a child to troll for things without people even knowing.
I don't think you can put servers in a child's name.
I don't even think the FBI would really tell him that.
And so we've got some type of entrapment here, where if anybody writes to him, even if it's just saying, Hi, Mr. Bonaduce, then we'll claim it was to a child.
I mean, this is him talking about attempted frame-ups on national radio now?
I mean, this is getting
Crazier and crazier by the minute, the more I look at this story, it just... and the reason we're covering this, folks, is that we're looking at manipulation.
We're looking at control.
We're looking at the tricks they play.
We're studying, with this as a case point example, what they're doing.
Okay, that's why we're here talking about this today.
Now, I've gotten plenty of emails from the right wing saying, if I was Danny Bonaduce, I would have kicked your butt and this and that, and I'm sure he probably got a few emails from people saying,
You know, if you would have spoken to me, I would have done this.
But you're not running around wringing your hands like... I mean, there was a website
Saying, I want to hire someone to kill Alex Jones.
Contact me at this private address.
And I did say, I'm not going to put up with that.
And the FBI did call me, and I turned over the info, and I talked about it on air.
I mean, if you're going to claim you're getting threatened, you better then deliver the goods.
And I delivered the goods, and we told everybody on the web where the threat was, and everybody could see it.
But not with Bonaduce.
No, I have yet to get the emails.
And again, he contradicts himself there.
He says he got threats.
Now he says he didn't.
If he did, he was going to turn them over.
He said he got 20 death threats.
I don't know what this man is talking about.
I just wonder if the O'Reilly with Kevin Barrett yesterday is a setup for O'Reilly to address this.
All of a sudden they have Kevin Barrett on again asking him what this has done for his life.
And the basic message is, you're not a professor, ha ha ha.
And you know, Riley says, I don't want to debate the issues with you.
Let's just talk about how you're a kook.
All they've got is sophomore names and terms.
It's like when I was on Lars Larson last night.
He just basically said, so what if foreign companies take over the roads?
I'm a liberal because I don't want them to.
When it's admitted, they've just paid off the politicians to hand it over to them.
When John Gibson opened up with the segment, he said that if anybody believes even a fraction
Of what the 9-11 Truth Movement people are saying, that you belong in a mental institution.
So see, now they're in panic mode.
Now it's O'Reilly saying you should be arrested.
It's Ingram saying it.
Now it's open discussion of how we're all insane.
We're violent.
We're hurting 12-year-old children.
I mean, we must be really hurting them bad.
Well, we know we are.
Look at the poll numbers.
They keep saying upwards of 30.
It's 36% believe total inside job, 84% believe they're being lied to.
So apparently one-third of the American people need to be committed in a mental institution and he said that they were certifiably insane.
It's amazing.
I'm not going to play the rest of the clip.
Folks, you can go up to InfoWars.com.
We have links over to Connor's site where you can
Check that out at www.resistancemanifesto.com.
John, what is next in your bag of tricks?
I mean, were you just out there walking around in L.A.
and came across this creature?
We actually were doing a video just on the lack of morals in Hollywood and the sewage that spills from Hollywood into the living rooms of Americans across the country.
And we just so happened to bump into Mr. Bonaducci.
And again, I emailed him and I said, hey, so I guess that little BS interview that counts for no one, I guess you couldn't have been more wrong about that.
So hopefully Mr. Bonaducci will learn to bite his tongue.
And he doesn't know who he's talking to or what he's getting himself into here.
Well, these online media people think that was the attitude.
I mean, I remember ten years ago, twelve years ago, talking to a reporter for a paper.
These people were on unbelievable power trips.
They don't have their monopoly of media anymore, okay?
You see, we don't want a monopoly.
You guys want a monopoly.
We know the truth sells.
We want to be on an open playing field to beat you to pieces.
Okay, we're going to win.
We're going to ace you.
We're coming.
You cannot stop us.
This zombie never even heard of YouTube and in the last...
This video has gotten 130,000 views and it's still skyrocketing every day.
It's one of the most popular videos of the week on YouTube and this individual says that nobody cares about the interview, that I'm a nobody, and he wasn't even informed and he was shocked that one-third of the people agree with what I was saying to him.
Well, you're not a nobody, John Connor.
You've taken action.
You've woken up a lot of people, and folks should learn from the tricks you use to get attention to 9-11 Truth and the New World Order.
I salute you.
Take care.
Thanks for coming on with us, and we'll be talking to you in the future.
You got to keep up the fight.
Take care.
All right, we're going to go to your calls.
I know you've been holding patiently.
Jim and John and Lewis and Greg and Ron, we're going to get to everybody.
I don't have a guest until the bottom of the next hour.
But I do want to bring up Debbie Morrow for just four short minutes.
I appreciate her coming on with us.
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Let's talk to Jim in Texas.
Jim, you're on the air.
Hello Alex.
How are you doing?
That's good.
You know I poke him pretty much.
Oh, you should have told us earlier.
I wouldn't have kept you on hold all this time.
This is Jimmy Ritter, who has a TV show, long-time friend of mine, and helped out a lot with a lot of times with the police state, got a lot of good footage for us, and he had the Republican Party chairman on, and I talked about it, and the guy's just up there denying everything, and I was talking about just how even good conservatives like you, Jimmy, just can't see how bad things have gotten.
Well, who should I have voted for then, Alex?
I mean, you know, we agree on a lot of things, but we should disagree on a few things.
No, I wasn't saying vote for Democrats either.
We have to get third parties in this nation.
We have to stop saying lesser of two.
Bush is for blanket amnesty.
You were there acting like he wasn't for the assault weapons ban when he said he would sign it.
I understand what he said and I also understand that even Larry Pratt will tell you he knew
That's a good question, and I must admit that I was hurt by that.
I did not expect perfection when I voted for him, but I did not expect him to say that either.
Nonetheless, it still beat Senator Kerry.
He would have been even worse.
He would have been wonderful.
Because then conservatives like you would be forced to wake up.
We could rally the troops.
Listen, you listen to Neocon Radio.
I do too.
Like Lars Larson, he was there saying the North American Union is OK.
Yeah, he's trying to compete with the Euro Union.
As you know, their Euro dollar is more valuable than our dollar now.
Oh, so Jimmy, you're now buying into that because, I mean, how many years, over a decade I've been saying, they're going to bring up the Euro, claim it's defeating the dollar, then bring in the Amaro, and then merge the two.
This is a scam, Jimmy!
Yes, it is, but how do we fight it, Alex?
We fight it by getting involved locally and demanding people like that Republican Party chairman you had in there stop sandbagging conservatives.
We need leaders who rally.
I mean, it's incredible.
Jimmy, you called in.
You obviously have something else to say.
Anything else?
Yeah, you know, they're coming up with legislation this year.
Well, just stay there.
We got a break.
We'll be back in one minute.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.