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Name: 20061222_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2006
2388 lines.
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It is Friday.
I've already said this in the last few weeks, but I can't believe it is already December 22nd, 2006.
2006 will be gone in what?
Just about 8 days.
And I will be live for part of the week next week.
I'm definitely taking off Monday and Tuesday, but we have some great rebroadcast for you if you're going to be in your town, your city.
Would like to tune in?
Or let's say you're on vacation.
You can always tune in via shortwave from 11 to 2 central, and of course from 9 to midnight we retransmit on WWCR.
You can always listen on the internet at Infowars.com.
We re-air the show every day after it ends at 2 central over and over again, continual loop, and you can subscribe for free to our podcast.
People email me saying, your podcasting link is dead.
No, that's how podcasting works.
You link to it, and then that link that you think is dead, a dead page, is what you put into your podcasting program, and then it works.
We put some instructions up there for people that are semi-novices like myself.
I know how to use the internet, send an email, download things, download programs, do different things, but when it comes to just basic procedures,
I am a babe in the woods.
The podcast is really getting popular and tens of thousands of people a day are downloading it, so I hope that those of you that don't, start using it for your MP3 players or for your iPods.
We've got an important broadcast today.
The North American Union is absolutely central.
We're, just in the last year, in 2006, seeing it forced into public consciousness.
Around this time last year, Bush had concluded meetings in March and had another meeting in December.
On Christmas Day, the Dallas Morning News reported that Bush and Vicente Fox had hired
The big PR company Rob Allen & Co.
in Dallas to foment in the next four months the illegal alien pro-open border demonstrations that you saw across the country.
We pointed that out and then you saw the aftermath of it.
So we've got Dr. Jerome Corsi joining us coming up in the second hour today to talk about some of the big new developments concerning the North American Union.
We set him up about a week ago and we appreciate the fact that he's coming on in the middle of the holidays with us.
In the meantime, there's an audio clip I want to play from CBS News in the 80s concerning the Bohemian Grove.
Somebody with access to the CBS and ABC archives is posting on YouTube because it's got the internal time stamps
from the tapes at the networks that are used just for their records, not for rebroadcast.
And it's the same person posting all this stuff.
I want to commend them.
They've also plugged this website and put links to us, so they're obviously listeners who visit the websites, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And they also posted a 2001, the now deceased Peter Jennings, talking about skull and bones.
I had had the shorter clip just where he was showing the video that Ron Rosenbaum of the New York Observer who we interviewed, the person that got the footage, but this is the whole newscast.
It's like five minutes long.
We're going to play that coming up in this first hour.
We're also going to have wide open phones at 1-800-259-9231.
And I will go to your calls in this first hour.
And then the really big news, the liberals have finally woken up to it.
Privatized concentration camps in America.
We're going to read that article.
Also, Putin has seized U.S.
Rochelle fields.
And the big news, they're gearing up for the national draft.
We'll tell you about that first when we get back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, it of course is Friday the 22nd of December 2006.
We do have Dr. Jerome Corsi coming up to join us in the second hour.
I know that we're already loading up the phone lines at 1-800-259-9231.
But let me first get into the draft news for you today.
Of course, it's not going to be called a draft or conscription.
It's called National Compulsory Service.
And I've seen White House officials on Fox News, we've played the clips here, say, well, we're not for a draft, but we're for national service.
It's like everything else they say.
They perpetually lie, but they do it in a lawyerly way.
And so they will deny it up until the minute they announce it, so that opposition can never form against it.
Oh, we're not going to attack Iraq.
We have no intention of attacking Iraq.
We just are letting Saddam Hussein know we're serious.
Then it turns out we now have all the memos where they planned to attack first day in the White House,
They talked about staging WMD fines.
They lied to the public.
They knowingly lied.
Now all these White House officials have testified to it.
CIA section chiefs.
It's not debatable.
And the Democrats, Bill Clinton, when he was president,
called for a commission to be set up by Congress which was set up to study the draft and their finding was a draft would be needed because of the expanding role that America was going to play as the guardian of a global democracy.
And that means bombed out cities, total enslavement, petty dictators put into power, genocidal operations, U.S.
troops dying en masse.
That's democracy.
Again, it's always the opposite.
It's like Bush calls for total blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens.
It clearly says total blanket amnesty, unlimited skilled and unskilled workers being brought in, anyone who's here being legal.
And he says in the State of the Union two years ago that it is not amnesty.
It is total amnesty.
I mean, imagine if you had a neighbor.
Who had lied to you once, twice, three, four times, five times, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, and you still let them come water your plants, you still ask them to house-sit for you, and every time they house-sit, things come up missing, and you just... and then you've got another neighbor who says, you know, they've house-sat for me, and they've asked permission to, and the stuff comes up missing, and then you say to them, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
I don't care if they've lied to me hundreds of times, admittedly,
I'm going to let them house shit.
Or, no, no, no.
I'm going to sign over all my bank accounts to them.
And, and, and, and, I'm going to, you know, ask them to have a gun and protect me.
I mean, that's basically what the government is.
And that's what they've done.
So, Bush gets up there in Florida and says, uh, there's going to be a draft.
There will be a draft.
I mean, I mean, no draft!
No draft!
See, you can't get
The real discussions he's having behind closed doors with the catapulting the propaganda, as he said, onto the public.
It's like Rumsfeld three times has said on television that they shot down Flight 93 over Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
He said twice a missile hit the Pentagon.
These guys just... Well, it's really simple.
They cannot get their lies straight in front of the American people.
This is fresh out today.
And when I'm on a show like Mike Gallagher, or I'm on a program like Large Larson, these big national shows, and I raise this point, they say, that's not true, that's a conspiracy.
Four years ago, the National Draft Boards had their funding roughly doubled.
They set up the draft boards again, Selective Service activated draft boards in every county and city in all 50 states and protectorates, holdings, possessions, and massive recruiting campaigns were launched.
Did you know that in Mexico City, I've seen video of it, there are billboards everywhere recruiting.
Openly recruiting foreign military now, open mercenary forces.
And then you go sign up and then instantly when you sign up and then serve a tour, you are then allowed to become basically a U.S.
citizen instantly.
Isn't that just lovely?
Maybe we'll have an old Russian military or something.
Well, Russia doesn't border us.
Mexico does, and so that'll be our new military.
But they're not getting even enough recruits there.
They're like, I don't think so.
You know, I can just walk up to America and become instantly legalized without even jumping through these hoops.
So that's what's happening.
So they have to have a draft.
It isn't just Rangel.
Republicans have introduced legislation for national drafts.
And they're already drafting, they're already conscripting people in the military who have served, who've signed up for a 10-year stint.
Their 10 years is up.
They served the last two years in Iraq.
And they say, sorry, you didn't read the fine print of your contract.
We are doing a stop-loss automatic re-upping.
You've now got to stay in another four years.
And by the way, we're not going to give you a rest.
You're going to serve tour after tour after tour after tour something that's never happened.
Even in the Revolutionary War, they would only make colonial soldiers serve one year.
And there's Washington being beaten by the British over and over again.
He gets out in front of his troops and he begs them not to leave, but they have no shoes.
His shoes fell apart marching
Thousands of miles, in some cases, over the year.
Up and down the East Coast.
And their families are at home starving to death.
They've got to go feed their family.
By the way, they couldn't pay them.
They paid them, in many cases, around a tenth.
You can go read the history books.
Very small percentages of what they said they'd pay them.
They didn't have the money.
And George Washington couldn't stop them.
And most of them would leave.
But then he would get a new crop in who had their family supplied and were volunteering.
Mainly because of British butchery and war crimes.
The British would have won, but they committed so many arrogant crimes against the population that Washington was sure to lose.
He had been beaten in all the battles, fighting 6-1, 8-1.
The most modern mechanized military at that point, the British Invincible Redcoats.
So, no one has ever forced our military men and women to serve more than one tour.
Folks, there are people about to start their fifth tour.
And you're like, wait a minute, the war only started almost four years ago now.
Yeah, but there were people who were already supposed to get out a year before the war who were stop-lost.
So, they're about to start their fifth tour.
Five years!
Three and what, three quarters, almost four years now in front line, house to house combat.
And they're basket cases.
Instead of one third having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and falling apart, no matter how macho you are, your glands literally burn out.
Okay, they're not meant to have sustained combat every day for years.
This happens to professionals, heart surgeons, dentists, lawyers, people who every day, people who are type A personalities, who stay at a high level.
It's happened to me.
You get to where you can only perform once you're on the air.
You're exhausted when you're not.
You have to hype yourself up.
It's ten times worse when it's actual combat.
Kicking down doors every day, being shot at every day, not knowing when a bomb is going to go off every day.
You get hyped up.
Celica Stillo, Colonel Craig Roberts, many others here in studio.
You know, who served as police officers, as snipers in Vietnam.
And they'll tell you, you get addicted to it.
And because once you... and then you become SWAT team commanders, and helicopter pilots, and DEA agents.
Because you get addicted.
It is a drug.
And then you get more and more burned out from it.
Thrill-seeking, because you now are addicted.
But you take that, you put people in combat for four years, and folks, it just can't continue.
It just can't go on.
Record suicides, record deaths, and all the toxins, the DU, the toxic waste, the sand mites, all the spiders, the stuff that's over there.
And they sleep down in these dank bunkers,
One of my cousins was in a base right by that big ammo depot that blew up, and he was down deep in the ground, and some horrible spotter bit him.
And last time I heard, months later, pus was just pouring out every day of his head.
And of course, he doesn't even ask for time off.
He doesn't even ask to get a medical leave.
He's got to fight Al-Qaeda!
With pus dripping out of his head!
For America!
Because you know, we're fighting for America over there!
Just these well-meaning, good people.
But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
You know, there were a lot of good Germans, folks, on the front lines, fighting the Russians at Leningrad.
And they thought that, you know, they believed it.
These were Christian men.
They thought they were good guys.
You know, you'd meet them, they'd buy you dinner.
Nice guys, have a drink with.
But they were part of an evil army.
And you can't explain that to them.
I mean, 70% of them want to come home and know something's wrong.
But there's that 30% who just, I mean, it's like cult member, folks.
Absolute cult member.
And you just can't get through to them.
Hey, listen, they put Saddam in.
Hey, they staged all this.
They lied about it all.
You're not meant to win.
Here, let me show you official Pentagon documents where they said they want to keep the war going and break the country up so you're not meant to win.
Now, I don't want to see that.
I don't want to see that.
I don't want to see that.
I don't want to know!
No, it's not true!
Okay, fine.
What has led me to this whole line of discussion today?
Privatized immigrant detention facilities for families revealed to be modern day concentration camps.
Oh, that was another story, sorry.
Selective service to test draft machinery.
That's Associated Press.
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I think so.
Way up north, to Alaska Way up north, to Alaska North to Alaska, go north, the rush is on North to Alaska, go north, the rush is on Big Sam left Seattle in the year of 92
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He talked to his team of huskies as he mushed on through the snow.
Welcome back.
Sounds good to me.
Not the gold, folks.
The river winding and the northern lights are running.
Johnny, Omar, Jeff, Lewis, we're going to get to everybody.
Uh, some people have been emailing me going, hey man, it's Christmas time.
And fine, we'll dig up some Christmas music and play it for you.
I like Christmas too.
But it'd be like, let's say I lived in a little village and there were enemy barbarians pouring through the woods about to attack the village.
And I looked out the window and saw them coming.
I shouldn't ring the alarm bell, I shouldn't tell, I should just go, well, it's Christmas and so I'm not gonna warn people what's happening.
I'll just because I'm on all these talk shows doing interviews all week and they're they're just you be sure you have a good Christmas boy you should got a bad view on things well yeah we used to have one in 25,000 with autism and now it's below 168 it's even worse than the numbers we got a few years ago and
And a lot of really bad things are happening.
Our money's pretty much been cut in half.
It's value in the last six years.
I'm pretty upset about that.
And they're openly setting up the draft mechanisms and saying they're gearing up for it.
And all these public officials, Republican and Democrat, are going, you know, it'd be a good idea.
We sure need it.
But oh, no, we're not for it, though.
And all this stuff's happening.
And there's a plan to send our troops to die in a war that's not meant to be won.
But I should just be mindless and stick an American flag on my car and not really care about the troops.
Just say I do and then good ol' boys will pat me on the back.
So, I mean, yeah, we'll just play.
It's a holly jolly Christmas.
It's the best time of the year.
La la la, la la la.
I mean, I would really like to do that, folks.
I'd like to take off two weeks and, you know, drive out
Go up the mountains and camp out.
I like to go rent an RV and let my kids run around in the woods and, you know, go fishing.
But, you know what?
I'm not going to do that.
I'm going to take off a few days next week, spend time with my family.
But, you know, I'm not going to have a country.
We're not going to have any freedom.
We're going to be in a very deep depression.
All the indicators show, in the next few years, if we don't turn this around,
And we turn it around, by the way, by letting everybody know who's behind it.
If the globalists do a cross-reference test, they're always testing focus groups, and if they know you're going to blame them for the depression, they won't do it.
No, no, no.
You've got to love them and worship their experts and thank them for helping you, sparing some basic government welfare that will all be going on.
You have to learn to worship your abusers.
You have to thank them, never knowing they did it.
So see, I'm desperately trying to tell you who's behind it now, to stop it from happening.
When you're completely broke in a government line, and getting signed up to work in a government factory, our new system, or to be a government homeland security minion with an arm patch, it may get that bad, folks.
I know, a lot of you will just decide to serve it, and just ignore what I said anyways.
I understand.
I understand.
Have a holly jolly Christmas, it's the best time of the year!
VA head, draft beneficial to society.
Veterans Affairs Secretary says military draft beneficial, but he doesn't support it.
Which is exactly what all the RNC guys have been saying on Fox and CNN for years.
They say, well we really need to have a national service, but not a draft.
Oh no, this is different!
President Bush's Secretary of Veterans Affairs said Thursday, that's yesterday, that society would benefit if the country brought back the military draft, then clarified that he doesn't support such a move.
Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nichols' son spoke a day after President Bush said he is considering sending more troops to Iraq when they don't have them.
They're now press-ganging them out of the Navy and out of the Air Force.
Making them go to front line battle.
You thought you'd sign up with the Air Force?
No, no.
You thought you'd avoid it?
No, no.
You're going in the meat grinder.
The administration has for years forcefully opposed bringing back the draft.
And the White House on Thursday, that as a position, had not changed.
But after they blow up a city, belatedly they'll have to.
And they admit here that, well, we'll get to the key part of this article when we get back.
We'll go to your phone calls and get into a bunch of other news about concentration camps.
Open discussions of them.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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Americans never thought they'd see a draft return.
But after Al-Qaeda hit Chicago in 2008, Americans demanded a swift strike.
Under President Hillary Clinton's leadership, both the left and right came together.
Dissenters were immediately arrested.
Huge Al-Qaeda networks were discovered in the alternative news media.
Security was brought to the internet.
And hate speech was banned.
The first empire of the United States was launched for global security.
One-child policies were instituted within the empire due to strict new environmental rules to follow UN organizations sanctions and agreements to stop global warming.
They're building the police state grid all around you.
They have national talk show hosts everywhere talking about how they need to put Americans in camps.
And here I am looking at a national news story reporting on a FEMA camp outside Austin, Texas.
Oh yes, I'm going to get to that later.
But reading from the Associated Press, Selective Service to Test Draft Machinery.
And it goes on, the agency is planning a comprehensive test
Selective Service to Test Draft Machinery.
The Selective Service System is making plans to test its draft machinery in case Congress and President Bush need it.
Even though the White House says it doesn't want to bring back the draft, doesn't want to attack Iraq, knows there's WMDs, isn't buying fake news, turns out all lies.
The agency is planning a comprehensive test, not run since 1998,
Would not likely occur until 2009.
So see, there's all these articles going, yeah, there's talk of a draft, get ready for it, but it's far off!
It's far off!
Oh, that crazy guy Rangel's saying it, and the head of the Selective Services is saying it, and the head of the VA, and generals are saying it, and Democrats are saying it, and Bill Clinton called for it, but it's not happening.
Scott Campbell, the Services Director for Operations and Chief Information Officer, cautioned that the readiness exercise does not mean the agency is gearing up to resume the draft.
Just like the build-up of troops in 2002-2003 wasn't for an attack on Iraq, or the carriers aren't for an attack on Iran right now.
No, no, no, no.
We're kind of like a fire extinguisher.
We sit on a shelf, Campbell told the Associated Press, unless the President
When Congress get together and say, turn the machine on, we're still on the shelf.
Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson prompted speculation about the draft Thursday when he told reporters in New York that society would benefit if the U.S.
were to bring back the draft.
Later he issued a statement saying he does not support reinstituting the draft.
So you've got to get out both messages.
Let me make this perfectly clear.
There will be a draft.
There will be a draft.
No draft!
No draft!
Can you find that clip from a year ago?
Was it two years ago?
There's thousands, literally thousands in the computer up there.
A treasure trove.
So, there's your reports there.
Paul wrote an article back in November called, The Draft Just Won't Blow Away.
Despite Democratic disinterest, plans are carefully laid for reintroduction of conscription absent one catalyzing event.
And they're going to announce North American Union to you that we're already in after one catalyzing event.
They've just been ahead of the CFR.
Deputy Director has been saying that.
This is what they're doing.
They're not playing around.
They have built it.
They have funded it.
They have gotten it dusted off.
They have gotten it ready.
Just like they had the aircraft carriers and the troops masked in the months before 9-11, and had the launch orders to attack Afghanistan on Bush's desk on September 10th.
I mean, the government can try to have everything be secret, but the machinery of what they gear up on a mass scale can be read like writing on the wall.
I mean, how do I know a camera's face scanning?
Well, I can walk up, read the serial numbers,
Off the side of the camera.
How do I do that?
Just zoom in with a high powered video camera.
I can videotape it.
I can go look at the name of the company on the digital box down the road on the highway.
I can go type it into Google and find out that camera is hooked into a face scanning software.
Then I can do a search on the company and find them bragging about the government contract they got right here in Austin, Texas from the federal government to put them in.
And then later, of course, now they announce it's all scanning your plates, your face, your car, everything.
You know, now it's all admitted.
But the point is, you see, we can tell with a draft, because they're gearing it all up.
And draft board heads will shoot their mouths off and go, we need it!
We're desperately under manned!
Yes, we're getting ready, but it's going to be more of a top of national service.
It's not a draft, it's a national service.
It's like David Rockefeller.
Oh, we're not setting up global government, we're setting up global governance.
The exact same thing.
It's like tomato, tomato.
No, no, no.
There's no tomatoes in... No, there's no tomatoes in this sauce for your spaghetti.
There's, uh... Tomatoes.
There's no tomatoes.
There's no tomatoes.
There's tomatoes.
I gotcha!
I understand.
You know, it's like, well, our police wear black ski masks to protect them.
Yeah, it's not to hide their identity like an executioner or an inquisitor.
It's not for terror.
Of course, you can read their actual manuals, and it's for intimidation more than anything, and to hide their identity.
But let's just, again, just believe them when they tell us the black ski mask is loving.
Again, it's not amnesty.
It's just total amnesty.
All right, let's go to calls.
I said I'd go to your calls, and I want to take them.
Take them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Johnny in Hawaii.
How are you doing, Johnny?
Hey, thanks a lot, Alex.
Yeah, about three weeks ago, I sent you a PowerPoint presentation that we use at the facility I work with.
It's an Army facility.
It's on depleted uranium training.
And it's watered down.
There's some false information and a few truths, but most of it's false.
I'll ask my people where it is.
They show me a lot of things and I get busy and don't see them.
Yeah, I send it to tips at InfoWars.com.
Oh, you sent it to an email.
You didn't mail it.
No, no, I just... You might send it again to say Aaron at InfoWars or Kevin at InfoWars.
And feel free to use it.
Just don't mention my name.
But I work at an Army Medical Facility here in Hawaii.
And basically, we treat people coming back from
I reckon Afghanistan with various sicknesses, but they keep it pretty well secluded.
You don't really get to talk to them or see them that often.
Well, that's freedom.
Sickness is good.
And you're talking about keeping people over there.
I had a co-worker whose husband was in the Air Force, and he's just in the reserves.
He's been extended enough time to be on active duty for four years now.
He keeps getting three-month extensions, six-month extensions.
Let's be clear about it.
The American people don't want the war.
It's unconstitutional.
About 22% of the public does want it.
And so when you're in an argument with them, you go, hey, isn't this a free country?
We don't want the war.
And they go, President knows best!
I mean, this is the attitude.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
But this depleted uranium is an enormous, enormous problem.
No, they admit it.
We've got top scientists, doctors on it.
It's killing them.
A lot of these parents actually get off on their kids dying.
They want to be given the little triangle flag and they want to hang their dead kids' picture up and feel powerful.
I'm telling you, it's human sacrifice.
Deep down, they want their kids dead.
Yeah, and they're keeping people over there that are still sick on active duty.
That's how you abuse the troops.
And again, abusing them is supporting them.
Cutting them loose is good.
Folks, I know parents of troops and they do get off on it.
They get off on it.
They think it's manly.
They think it's tough.
They think their sons and daughters are Rambo.
They get off on it.
The people that launched this war are dissolving our borders and dissolving our country.
The people that launched this war are killing America!
Your children should be here!
They should be fighting for this country right now!
Go ahead.
That's exactly right.
This new draft has been in process for about three years or so.
I believe that's going to also have people working in the U.S.
just like the Nazi Brownshirts were.
Oh no, that's insane!
Sir, we've written articles and everything we claim we source with mainstream admissions.
Sixty percent of the people in the new National Service will serve domestically.
In industries it says you'll be assigned to companies and the government will pay you to work inside critical infrastructure.
We'll all have ID cards.
It's going to be...
Similar to what the make-work programs that Roosevelt had, but instead it's all going to be militarized.
Look, ITT Technical Institute now is having to shut down teaching electronics because there aren't jobs in that, and it's cop and security guard.
We're going into tyranny.
The banks already own almost everything, folks.
It isn't free market.
Now it's about them controlling you, and they're going to gear the economy where they pay people in fiat money
In a bankrupt society to just police everybody.
That's the new America!
I want the scum out there that have supported the death of this country to know you've put yourself in a prison box.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, that's exactly right, Alex.
And one other thing about Timothy McVeigh.
That is him.
I mean, there's no question about it.
That's Timothy McVeigh in those pictures.
And that person you had on talking about meeting Timothy McVeigh.
A normal black ops scenario, you know?
On most cameras, unless you're right up close, you look at photos of me, my eyes look dark brown.
They're blue.
Blue is the Atlantic Ocean.
I have dark blue eyes.
The point is, first they say that, then we show all these side-by-side photos that are admittedly him, where they look brown.
Then they say his ears aren't right.
I hoped it wasn't right.
I went and looked.
It's the exact same ears.
Exact same teeth.
And then we showed Army photos of him where he looks young.
It is a spitting image.
Did you see those new photos?
Oh yes, I sure did.
On your website.
Another thing, he could still be alive.
That might have just been a setup.
He may be somewhere.
Mainstream reporters, two different ones.
One out of Indiana and another national TV.
One of them is a big famous black reporter.
I forget his name.
It will pop in my head in a minute.
We have the articles posted.
That was a few years ago.
He said when McVeigh rolled out, he was breathing.
Another reporter said, yeah, he was breathing.
Oh yeah, they staged deaths, staged executions.
They staged, quote, Al-Qaeda arrest all the time and claim they execute them.
In Pakistan, then they admit, oh, he's really a CIA operative and they let him go.
Oh yeah, there's hundreds of cases.
That's classic black op.
But look, we don't know.
All I know is this.
They did a voice test.
High match.
The scientist at a major university says that he would testify at Smig Vav.
We have those documents posted.
It looks just like him.
People say, well, he's a grade lower.
Well, if he's in a black op, he probably even had a fake name.
Of course, yeah.
He probably has a different face now, too.
If he's still alive.
And a new identity.
You know, he could still be working for the government.
Some capacity.
Who knows?
Just the way they work.
It's how they roll.
Anything else from Hawaii?
Well, one sideline, I did get one of those shortwave radios and it's great.
I got the Kato KA08, I believe it is.
And the sound is just tremendous.
I'm really glad you're selling those.
How long did it take you to get it after you ordered it?
Only about six, seven days.
I was surprised.
It came pretty fast.
Over here, you know.
Yeah, that's quick from here to Hawaii.
Well, thank you, sir, for your support.
Yeah, we're really trying to get our shipping down to the day of.
But frankly, it's usually the day after.
We have a small operation.
But instead of being a week behind, we've really tried to bust our hind ends and get up to the day.
Sometimes we ship stuff the day it comes in, usually the day after.
But, uh, so I hope that makes everybody happy.
People's been demanding that, you know, because they're used to eBay and Amazon.com, you know, this instant gratification.
We're a small operation.
We're trying to, to, to, to, to do what you want.
We've actually had to hire another person on top of it, just with our little bit of shipping.
It's cost us a lot, but that's okay.
As long as that makes you happy, that's good.
But here's an example.
Everybody's going to be off Monday and Tuesday.
I know you're going to talk about the FEMA camps a little later.
One thing I never come across or hear too much is
Asian-Americans or Asian-Canadians really speaking up about these issues.
I think it's a big surprise because they know it could be a reality.
In Canada here they put them in camps.
I guess they'd be willing to do it again.
Well there have actually been Japanese groups.
Who's the star?
What's the name of the Japanese actor from Star Trek?
He's been going... I forget the real name.
I need to get him on.
I know he's been on some other shows.
You know, just the average person.
I just never hear, you know, too many.
Well, culturally, and this isn't... Culturally, compared to what Americans were like a hundred years ago, Asians generally are more passive to government corruption because they've been under it longer.
But if you compare Asians in South Korea or even China, they're now less docile than Americans.
They'll actually riot and fight and take on the police and win.
I mean, not really.
When I say land of the cowards, I'm of the slaves, folks.
I'm saying that because that's really what we've become.
That doesn't mean you individually.
But as a nation, land of the coward, home of the slaves, and home of the surveilled, we need to turn that around.
That's for sure.
It's an uphill fight because there's so many different facets of this.
I just can't stop thinking about when people always call and say, well, what can we do?
What can we do?
To me, I think really it's the Federal Reserve or the fiat system.
Truncate it from there because without that, without the money to dangle the carrot in front of people, they can't carry out their agenda.
Exactly, it's simple.
You've got private families that own a big private banking system worldwide who control the issuance of money.
Of course they're going to run things.
And they don't like free market.
They're not capitalists.
Everything they do is about monopoly and using their capital to smash competition.
Well, I don't think there's a lot of Joe Bannisters, people like that, who are willing to walk away from a good job and make a stand.
And it's going to get worse!
See, that's another reason you want to make the economy bad.
You've got plenty of people who do want to join the military.
And as things get worse, you have to join the government to have a job.
Well, up here, it's ridiculous.
I'm in construction.
I can't get people to show up for $30 an hour to start.
That's how lazy people are up here.
The Bible says, and I forget the exact passage, but Paul always reads it, says that the devil destroys civilizations with plenty.
And I think that's true.
We are destroyed by the incredible hard work of our ancestors.
We're living off what they built.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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Have a holly jolly Christmas It's the best time of the year I don't know if there'll be snow But have a cup of cheer Have a holly jolly Christmas And when you walk down the street Say hello to friends you know And everyone you meet
Welcome back!
Yeah, I really shouldn't be... I really shouldn't be here looking at this news article about a...
FEMA camp running outside Austin, Texas.
I really shouldn't be upset about all this.
It's good.
It's good.
The trips fill the DU.
It's a vitamin.
It's a mineral.
It's a bone-boosting fortification.
And I've been wrong.
The government doesn't lie to us.
It's good.
It's run by good people.
There's no corruption.
There's no stealing going on.
There's not trillions missing.
They're not building FEMA camps everywhere.
The border isn't being destroyed.
Everything's fine.
I'm wrong.
I admit it.
George Bush is a good Christian man.
There aren't gay prostitutes being brought in continually to the White House or to Bohemian Grove.
And Bohemian Grove doesn't exist.
Stone Bones doesn't exist.
The Capitol isn't a giant.
I mean, I wish we could just have a holly jolly Christmas and I do intend to have a
I do think it's a nice time of the year.
I have to try to save my country.
You did hear a caller earlier from Hawaii talk about how great his Cato Troy radio is.
These are really excellent radios.
They're as good or better than Sanjian.
I think they're kind of like Sanjian clones.
They're a lot less.
Let's say a $109 radio would normally be about $150 if it was Sanjian.
We sell them for less than anybody else I know of out there.
You can go check the prices.
Really big discounts on these Kato radios we're carrying.
We carry five different ones up on InfoWars.com.
And that way when you're away from your computer, or you don't have an AM or FM in your area, you can tune in.
WWCR is a great choice station.
Comes in grade 11 to 2 during the day, 9 to midnight.
Got frequencies posted on the website, InfoWars.com.
And it's good to have an emergency.
You get hundreds of foreign radio stations, many of them in English.
The Dutch and the French have English services.
The British have a lot of radio stations on shortwave.
You can hear a whole world of Patriot and Truth Radio information on shortwave as well.
So I would encourage you to get to some of these radios.
Go peruse the website.
Also, all of my films, the first seven that I ever got on DVD, kept saying, put them on DVD, put them on DVD, The Matrix of Evil, The Police State Films, America Destroyed by Design, The Masters of Terror, they're all on DVD now.
In fact, you can get all three of my Police State films, about seven hours, three different discs in one box set, for $34.95.
That's almost half off, it's 45% off.
So take advantage of that up on Infowars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
And you can get those Kato radios at Infowars.com as well.
Alright, we'll start the second hour.
Go to some of your calls.
Then we'll get Dr. Jerome Corsi on about the North American Union.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic!
Alarming words for our time, but how do you... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We'll be plunging into the North American Union.
We'll also get into Latina Lista.
It's a big Hispanic magazine online journal.
Privatized immigrant detention facilities for families revealed
To be modern-day concentration camps.
And this was actually... Shadows of this were in the Houston Chronicle in January of this year.
About the camps that will be for the illegal aliens and American citizens.
And I said, uh-uh.
It's not going to be for the illegal aliens.
And by the way, illegal aliens do deserve due process.
But on purpose, they won't do that.
And then they'll get their rights, but citizens won't.
And it talks about one right outside Austin, Texas.
So we'll be getting into this situation for you.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is coming up though.
Let's talk to Jeff in Texas and Louis, Mike, Kevin, and others.
Go ahead, Jeff.
Hello, Alex.
Well, I don't know, this might not seem like a big deal at first, but you know, I've noticed it used to be if you were on the Internet and you were buying something, if you, you know, you had like a drop-down menu to select your country, it used to be that the United States was in big, bold letters, and now it's just all, every website you go to, if you have to put in your address,
The United States would be in lowercase letters, way buried at the bottom in the U section.
You think that's just one more way of belittling the U.S.
and just, you know, we're just a nothing country?
When the CIA got involved as the OSS with Madison Avenue, they would craft everything like that.
But of course, for other propaganda purposes, it would be other issues, other examples.
But, oh yeah, they would go and say, we're about to have a war with Korea.
We want the style this year to be camouflage, or women with military style.
And you saw that right before the last Gulf War.
And right before the one in 1991, the style was military right before.
Go check it!
I mean, they craft it down to just the most minute.
They're slick, brother.
And so, yeah, you just get a few big software companies that are supplying the shopping cart technology, and then that happens.
Or, see, there's also international standards.
So if you want to get accepted with your shopping cart and have it all be under international standards and certified, everybody's driver's license now has the same number of numbers, whether it's Europe or the U.S.
or Australia.
See, I saw a story in the Sydney Morning Herald, what, six years ago or more, where there was a big U.N.
They're, in Australia, merging the world's ID number of characters.
So see, I mean, we're already under global government.
Now they're just openly announcing the Asian Union, the North American Union, the European Union, and now they're already merging those by the time they even tell the public that the first step exists.
When they announce something, it means it's already been in place for several years.
I just can't believe the American people are just sitting back, letting this country, just giving it away.
Oh, we're negative!
We should be just playing Christmas music, and talking about how great George Bush is, and just feeling good, maybe getting drunk.
I mean, according to the average American, I should be drunk at home right now, with big rosy cheeks, with a big bottle of Jack Daniels, cramming cookies in my mouth, and I'm just not going to do it.
And you know what?
I'll tell you more.
I'll be working Sunday night.
I'll be on the radio Sunday night.
And it's because I want to spew my hate on Christmas Eve, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why I'm going to be there.
Because I'm the Grinch, and I want to ruin your Christmas, so I'll be talking about the enemy pouring over the gates and the end of the country Sunday night, too.
Well, I'm glad, you know, there are... I didn't cut him off.
His phone dropped.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic here, folks.
I love Christmas as much as anybody.
All the childhood memories, everything.
But I have gotten just a few emails and a few people call.
I've been on other talk shows and they've said, hey man, lighten up, have fun.
You know, just forget about it.
Have a good time.
Hey, I look in my children's eyes.
I can't.
I love America.
For me it isn't skin deep.
It isn't plastic deep.
You know, one hundredth of a millimeter thick like a plastic sticker that says, these colors don't run.
These colors don't exist anymore unless you resurrect them!
Those colors don't even have a country anymore, you fools!
You love that flag, you better get up off your hind end!
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're going to have open phones to discuss our open borders while the federal government, through Executive Fiat, pulls our country into the North American Union by hook and by crook.
On the next hour I'll play a CBS newscast from 1982 about the Bohemian Grove and an ABC news piece about Skull and Bones.
You need to know what
Our conservative leaders, most of them, will be celebrating over the holiday.
Let's just say a deity that predates Jesus.
And we'll get into another article here concerning a FEMA camp right outside Austin, Texas.
People are always asking where these places are.
We'll tell you about it.
But joining us right now is Dr. Jerome Corsi who's written many best-selling books and is a frequent contributor to human events that are just good guys over there, even though they've attacked me because they haven't figured out that they're really liberal yet.
I'm not really being sarcastic here.
Human events, I agree with a lot of what they have to say.
They've attacked me on 9-11 and stuff before, but not Dr. Corsi.
He's been coming around, too.
He'll actually look at the evidence and says that it is pretty suspicious, but I like human events.
I also like World Net Daily.
They do a lot of good.
They do some neo-connish things, but I think they'll come along someday.
In fact, I've been seeing that start to happen.
Speak of the devil, the John Birch Society.
Mr. McManus has kind of attacked me on radio shows, even after I interviewed him, saying, well, I don't really believe it's an inside job on 9-11.
But now, William F. Jasper has written an article getting into Building 7, getting into 9-11.
So they're starting to broach it.
It's hard to be right, and it's hard to be first, but the truth will come out.
But that's all a side issue.
I really respect Dr. Jerome Corsi and appreciate his fine analysis and his good work and really getting the word out on North American Union.
And every few days he writes another article about it and we've got a link to one up on InfoWars.com right now.
North American Union leader says merger just a crisis away.
He's the co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and he wrote this towards a North American community.
He calls for the North American Union, which we're really already in the mid-stages of.
Dr. Corsi, thanks for coming on.
Hi, Alex.
Always a great pleasure to be with you.
Thank you.
Well, I know we're going into the holiday weekend, so I appreciate your time with us even more.
Well, that's all right.
I'm hard at work.
I'm trying to finish a book here on the North American Union.
I want to get it done in January.
Man, you are a busy little beaver.
Well, it keeps me out of trouble most of the time.
Well, that's good.
The best thing I can think of to do with time, Alex.
Now, I remember ten years ago, twelve years ago, talking about North American Union.
I had the documents, and people couldn't even believe that there was a plan.
Now that we've signed on to it, through FIAT, now that we're going into it, people are, some of them are now discovering, okay, maybe it exists, but I was on with a big national host two nights ago, Lars Larson, and he was basically arguing for it.
So, I'm getting pretty shocked now that the Neocon Talk Show hosts are being forced to admit it's real, but say maybe it's okay.
What's going on here?
Well, I think, first of all, Alex, you've got some proof positive that it's going on.
I mean, I guess the push keeping the borders wide open, you know, saying, okay, we'll pass a secure fence law and have a fence being built 700 miles.
That was a wink-wink, defense will never get built.
And you always said that, and now they announced they never funded it, they just said they were allowed to later fund it, when it was a paltry sum, and then now they've said, Homeland Security had said, we're not going to build it.
Well, the giveaway was when they gave the project to the Department of Homeland Security, because Chertoff is on record as saying he thinks that an electronic fence is the way to go.
Well, that's first of all nonsense.
Electronic fence.
You may be able to take pictures of the people crossing the border, but you'll never stop them.
Offense is necessary in this kind of an invasion.
You need that physical impediment.
That's right, you do.
You absolutely do.
I mean, look, this doesn't take a flash of divine inspiration.
The Chinese do this when they built the Great Wall.
I mean, you know, it's fairly clear that if you want to... They were hateful towards the Huns, though.
They were being mean.
The Huns just wanted jobs.
They didn't appreciate cultural diversity.
You see, though, if you want to have a secure border, you're going to have to build a wall.
And the second big tip-off is this Security and Prosperity Partnership with North America.
And now all the documentation we've gotten.
I've posted a thousand pages on Freedom of... that we got from the Freedom of Information Act on Minutemanproject.com.
And I've got an organizational chart of all the working groups.
Got the membership in the three countries from the bureaucrats.
They're participating in the working groups.
We've got a lot of their agendas.
We still don't have their work products.
We don't have the agreements they're coming up with.
But it's indisputable that they are fundamentally rewriting
Our regulatory structure in the three countries to be a continental regulatory North American structure.
We don't have a US steel policy, we have a North American steel policy.
And I think what we're going to steal is the oil, natural gas, and water from Canada.
Well, let's look at a microcosm of this and then go back and talk about what facets it controls.
Take Texas.
The legislature had to call for criminal investigations, had to start litigation against its agency that supposedly works for the American people, the people of Texas.
The state agency said, no, we made private agreements with the Spanish company, Centra, for these 8,000 miles of roads, and we don't have to show you our agreement.
Well then, a few months ago in Canada, with the CEOs basically writing, and that's what the leaks and the papers said, they're there setting the policy in the North American Union, bureaucratic push, or coup, and then the public isn't allowed to know.
I mean, this is racketeering!
Well, I think when we got the documents, Mel Hurtig, a politician and noted writer up in Canada, got us the agenda and the attendees from this North American forum meeting that they held up in Banff, up in Alberta, Canada.
Of course, they had a Wall Street Journal press reporter attend, but she was not allowed to report anything.
A very typical CFR tactic where they bring in reporters to brief them with the understanding nothing will be written about the meeting.
Yeah, that's the power trip payoff.
That's right, and so we got the entire agenda, we got the working groups, I was able to call up the State Department.
This guy Sessions was State Department for the Western Hemisphere Undersecretary.
His office confirmed that he attended, he confirmed that the American public
He paid for it.
He confirmed that he hosted a panel where Robert Pastor, the American University professor that you referred to a few minutes ago, the guy who's now saying it'll take a 9-11 crisis to cause North American community integration to be advanced, which I quoted him on last week after he said that in a Spanish interview he gave.
I guess he thought no one was going to read Spanish, but he said it.
I called him up and he affirmed it.
So, you know, when we get these things in,
Print that are now confirmed.
Here's a secret meeting where we can now publish the agenda and the participants in the State Department confirms it happened, though they won't tell us anything that went on substantively.
And that's now painting a record that, you know, no one can say is not going on.
It's clearly going on.
And let's be clear, it's sinister.
I mean, it's one thing if they were saying, let's get rid of America and trying to sell us on it, which is bad enough, they're sneaking around doing it.
Well, that's right.
I mean, Alex, when you've got a meeting, the State Department confirms that we paid for it, confirms that there were business leaders attending it from the three countries.
I think there are certain laws that it violates not to make the whole thing public.
Well, I agree, but this is really sick.
When they've got the nerve, the very people that have gotten rid of our southern and northern border, there's 2,000 less border patrol than there were before 9-11 because they went to become air marshals getting more money.
And they know full well, and then they've got the nerve to say, oh, the North American Union will give us security.
Here's a tip for you, Dr. Corsi.
The Wednesday after 9-11, not the week of, but like eight days later, the next week, I was watching Nightline.
And I saw U.N.
General McKenzie, he had just stepped down as U.N.
Head Peacekeeping General, say, I have been in meetings with your different think tanks in your government and I'm telling you what will keep you safe and what you will see in the next few years is a North American Union security perimeter around the continental border from southern Mexico to Alaska.
I can't do the European accent.
And this is exactly what Pasteur's saying.
Well, that's right, and I've now, in the book I've researched and I've gotten statements of Pasteur in meetings with the Council on Foreign Relations where in the weeks just before 9-11 they were saying the same thing.
I mean, the report that came out around the Waco, Texas meeting in 2005 that Pasteur wrote, the Building the North American Community, was not the first report.
That task force
They began to organize their task force in the Council on Foreign Relations before 9-11, and they were doing this planning before 9-11.
And let's be clear, UN generals know about it, military generals know about it, from foreign countries, but you can't know American people!
And when 9-11 happened, they just advanced the agenda, and they put in it, it was before a prosperity agenda, and suddenly the
Terms security and prosperity start coming into the agenda.
And I documented that too, that they went and modified certain of the agreements in place.
The Guantanamera meeting, which was in 2001, with Fox and Bush, where some of the primary agreements were made.
At that time, 2001, before 9-11, it was just a prosperity agreement.
Right after 9-11, it becomes a security and prosperity partnership.
And that change is obvious and clear and it's in the record.
Now, you know, whether the... It's clearly they're using 9-11.
Now, Pastor, what upset me about Pastor saying in Spanish and then confirming it, that a crisis like 9-11 would be needed to further North American integration... His quote was, his quote was, redefine our borders.
Yes, that's right.
It was first time that he or anyone like that had
They openly acknowledged they were willing to use a crisis to advance that agenda.
And there's no doubt that that's what he was saying.
Does that only confirm your suspicions about 9-11?
Well, you know, as I've told you before, Alex, my mind is open on the subject and I'm looking at all the evidence.
Stay there, we've got a break.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
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Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
Dr. Corsi, we get you on every month or two and you always give us great new updates on this threat.
There are so many facets.
I'm somewhat of an expert on it.
You're an expert on it.
A lot of our listeners know the basics of it.
But the point is, whether you're for it or against it, obviously 90 plus percent of Americans, what Lou Dobbs has had polls, whether it's 98 percent are against it.
This is un-American, and these are private groups coming in, lobbying our executive branch to merge, and then they set up the new governmental deal where there's no due process, no property rights for the American people.
This is a hellish system.
That's another reason they want global government, is because they get to set it up and set the new rules.
Can you speak to that and speak to what life will be like if they're able to get their plans in the time frame we're talking about, Doctor?
Well, first of all,
Alex, you've got the globalists.
I mean, take a look at Walmart or any of these companies.
They're paying both Democrats and Republicans alike.
And I want to know, you know, Bill Clinton just about sold America out to Communist China for giving them military secrets, technology secrets, and this Johnny Chang, you know, illegally raising money for Clinton.
I mean, it was a disgrace.
And I want to know how Hillary Clinton's
Net worth went from $300,000 before she was a senator to some $50 million today.
I wonder what happened.
You know, you've got the same thing with the Bush administration, our Treasury Secretary Paulson.
I think I'm going to call him Mr. China.
He's a multi-millionaire because of all the Chinese investments Goldman Sachs made and all the deals he put together with U.S.
companies to ship manufacturing over to China.
And he's, you know, Secretary of Treasury.
It's obvious and on the public record.
I've been writing increasingly about what I'm seeing is a potential, a lot of signals being given, that the dollar is certainly going to very seriously devalue in 2007 and maybe even collapse.
Well, it's already been devalued by 45% in the last six years.
Right, but I'm saying... I know, even more.
Well, look what happened just before Thanksgiving when China said that they were going to move out of dollars
At least some of their foreign exchange currency.
China now has, with all the trade surpluses going to China... Over a trillion.
Over a trillion dollars in foreign exchange currency, and $700,000 of that is held in U.S.
assets and security bonds.
Now, the Treasury securities about $300 billion to China.
That funds our national deficit.
Now, if China starts moving out of dollars, in any significant proportion, it's going to force the dollar devaluation.
And that move is going on.
And now they're floating the idea on MSNBC and in major newspapers that the answer is the Amaro, which we always warn people they were going to bring down the dollar, claim the Euro did it, when really it was the devaluation done by the Federal Reserve, and then the answer is, oh see, North American Union will save us.
Well see, I think the severe currency collapse, the revaluation of the dollar into a new currency, and the argument that
We need to have a continental economy in order to compete with China and Europe.
That stage is what's being set right now.
And that was the plan all along.
They had to kill the dollar to do that.
And I hope you're listening, folks.
They've robbed you of 45% of your money, and now they're going to take the rest away.
You know, they're talking about bringing it down to 20% of its value.
Well, Alex, I wrote these articles.
I've been writing a lot of financial articles lately.
I wrote two articles on the true nature of the U.S.
budget deficit.
The Congress has forced the federal government to do a gap accounting once a year and this 2006 financial report of the United States was just published on last Friday on December 15th.
And the budget has been reported in deficit about 284 billion dollars.
Now that's on a cash basis.
A cash basis means that when our Social Security taxes come in
The federal government just uses that money on any liability they want to meet at the time.
Yeah, that's what's owed right now, not the whole note.
That's right now.
So there is no lockbox, there is no Social Security trust fund, there never has been any money put aside for future Social Security or Medicare obligation.
It's all being spent, and they're in deficit, even spending all of it.
That's correct.
Now when they did the GAAP accounting, and they accounted for
The net present value, the today cost, that was accrued for the future, today accrued for the future, social security benefits that are going to be due.
In other words, this year you pay social security tax and that earns you future benefits.
Those benefits, when they're accounted for today, the true deficit is $4.6 trillion.
And that's reported by the Department of Treasury last Friday.
And the Dallas Morning News has reported
Four years ago, that it's $44 trillion in overall commitments.
We'll be right back with Dr. Jerome Corsi to talk about where all this is going.
Stay with us.
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The empire's on the run.
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Hello Dr. Corsi, I hope you're having a good day.
Yep, I'm doing fine, Alex.
Have you been on talk radio interviews this week and had people go, call in, hey, don't have such a bad view on things, be positive.
Why are you being negative?
They haven't complained, I've been on talk radio all week.
I've been on five or six shows a day this week, and I've not gotten a complaint.
I intend to write an article next week in Human Events that will say we're headed into the 2007 Bush recession.
That would be my good news for the new year.
Well, you know, it is good news that we know who's behind it, we know what policies deliberately caused it, and it is positive to admit the problems we have and to stop denying it.
Again, I've only had a handful of people on talk shows I've been on.
I've done like ten or so in the last week.
Two of the shows, Deb said, why are you so negative?
Why don't you be positive?
You know, it's not being positive to deny what's really going on.
Well, the signs of a recession happening are all over the place.
I think the recession actually began in February of this year.
They just revised the third quarter estimates for the gross domestic product, GDP growth.
They revised those downward again.
It was supposed to be 2.2%.
It's now revised to 2%, and the first quarter grew at 5.6%.
So you can see the dramatic slowdown of the economy that's evident.
If we get three quarters in a row that are as low as 2% growth, you'll see mainstream economists on CNBC and, you know, on talk shows talking about that we're in a recession or going into a recession.
It started.
The housing bubble is bursting all over the country.
I'm estimating there are as many as maybe 22 million Americans holding mortgages that could collapse on them.
But let's be clear before we go through that evidence.
Globalization caused this.
The central banks that are the owners and the drivers of the global system and the global government infrastructure
They build the crises that in a centrifugal way consolidate wealth in booms and busts, and then they always put their advisors out on TV blaming it on some red herring, and then give us the next policy that'll get us out of the crisis, which only leads to more dependence and more bondage and more control.
You know, they shoot their mouth off about,
Well, North American Union will give us prosperity, it'll give us security.
It gives us the exact opposite!
And they're doing it by design.
They didn't do this by accident, devaluing the dollar.
They didn't, two years ago, start saying, the housing bubble, the housing bubble.
And sure, it was overvalued, but at least there was some real value in real estate versus fiat currency.
They're just trying to burst a dollar sink.
One of the last things that was holding up our economy.
The big banks of the world have openly bragged they want a consolidation so they can come in with a devalued dollar with their hyped-up foreign currencies and buy this country up cheap.
Well, as I was saying just before the previous break, I mean, the negative net worth of the United States is 50 trillion dollars.
I think it's actually 53.
According to that 2006 financial report of the United States, the Treasury released
Last Friday.
So it's grown from 44, as the Dallas Morning News reported, five years ago to that?
Yes, its current number is 53 trillion.
Now, Alex, these are real obligations.
I mean, the 4.6 trillion deficit in the federal budget this year is a real number.
Those are current, that's a net present value of the future obligations to Social Security and Medicare.
It means that there's no way future Social Security benefits or Medicare are going to be paid.
The only alternative, you can't raise taxes, it politically won't happen.
And you won't cut benefits, that won't happen politically.
So the only way to pay these is to dramatically devalue the dollar.
In other words, you might get your $2,000 Social Security check, but good luck in trying to buy a hamburger with it.
You won't be able to.
That's how they'll monetize all this debt.
I've talked to a lot of other experts, but I want to get your take from what you've been looking at, Dr. Coursey.
How low do you think the devaluation of the dollar will go?
I think the dollar is headed for, I think it's going to be another 30%.
That's what I believe is being set up right now.
Yeah, 20-25% of the value it was six years ago.
Yeah, I agree.
I think it's going to go down another 30%.
I mean, I think you're looking at a dollar against the euro.
It's right now at about $1.32, $1.33 to the euro.
That means dollars worth about 75 cents to the euro.
I think it's going to go to about 1.5 or 1.6 Euro.
And then they'll blame all that on Bush, who's just been a puppet of the globalists, and then I guess tell us Hillary will save us, and then they'll just change horses, and then we'll all worship her and thank her for getting us out of it with the North American Union.
Well, it's all this... I'm sure that, you know, if Robert Pastor is saying another crisis will get us into further North American intervention, this is the crisis I see coming.
Well, that's what the Colateral Commission said in the 70s, that they'd build up the Euro, it would cause dollar instability, they would drive down the dollar, then they'd sell it to the North American Union, then they'll have the two currencies fight it out, they'll say that there's not stability in this bipolar currency, then they'll peg the currencies to a global benchmark, and we're into the global currency.
Right, and this last meeting where all these Cabinet Secretaries, including Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman, went to China,
China basically conceded nothing.
China did not agree to take their Yuan and let it have free-floating value.
Right now, China is pegging the Yuan, and they're keeping it cheap.
Now, that favors exports from China, and if they don't make that change, that's going to put increasing pressure on the dollar.
What's China going to do when they have $2 trillion in foreign exchange currency and $1.5 trillion in dollars?
There's no way they're going to continue holding dollars.
What do you say, Dr. Corsi, about the phony conservative talk show host, and we all know who they are, who, number one, wouldn't admit there was a North American Union and called it a kook detector, and then now that it's here, they're going, eh, so what?
It's the next pace.
Well, you know, a lot of the conservatives who opposes conservatives are truly just Republican supporters.
I'm not a Republican supporter.
I don't find very much in the Republican Party that appeals to me.
Yeah, that's right.
They're not conservatives, they're Republicans.
They're Republicans posing as conservatives.
Their agenda is to promote Republicans.
They might beat up on liberals, but they're only doing it because typically it's work to beat up on liberals to promote Republicans.
It's a political football, then they go along with the exact same policies.
Right, so no matter what the Bush policy is going to be, these so-called conservative commentators are going to support the policy.
If one Bush decides that he's going to be more open about the Security and Prosperity Partnership, they'll suddenly get on board, and now it exists, and they'll support it.
Well, what they'll do is they'll beat up on something that doesn't matter, like Kwanzaa for an hour, and the next hour, oh, the North American Union isn't that bad.
So they act like conservatives on issues that don't matter, little petty things, and then on the key meat and potato, you know, bedrock pillars, they just chop them down.
Yeah, now I've been very pleased with, you know, human events and
Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily, they've continued to publish and very actively publish and support what I've been writing.
You've had other neocon, and I wouldn't call them neocon, but you've had other big mainline Republican publications attack you though.
Oh, all the time.
All the time.
I just go read what they write about me on Free Republic these days.
Those guys are total Kool-Aid drinkers.
I mean, I don't know what has happened to them.
I mean, seven, eight years ago they were great.
Now, they found WMDs, there's no North American Union.
I mean, that place is a shame.
They're Republican supporters.
They're increasingly Bush-bots.
They're like robots who support Bush.
The pushbox.
That's what... and you can tell it on these kinds of issues.
But don't they love them?
I mean, don't they care about this country?
They're Republicans.
They want to elect Republican presidents, Republican congressmen.
That's what their focus is.
They've identified themselves with party.
Well, if they would have made the Republican Party truly be conservative, Republicans wouldn't be out of office and we wouldn't have this new world order.
Well, we have very few Republican conservatives, unfortunately.
Very few.
I think there's some in Congress because there are a few secure congressmen who don't need a lot of money to run for office because they've been re-elected repeatedly in their districts.
People like Steve King in Iowa, Ron Paul in Texas, Ken Credo.
These are the people who supported 487, the Congressional House concurrent resolution to have no North American Union.
Virgil Gould and
Virginia, Walter Jones, North Carolina.
I've been thinking a lot about these guys, because they don't need the money to run.
So they don't have to get, you know, indebted to Walmart to raise the millions that other people have to raise to get re-elected.
And they are true conservatives.
You'll find Pancredo, Ron Paul, exceptionally critical of the Republican Party.
The Republican Party has moved into a... It's indistinguishable from the Democratic Party.
You've got Bush yesterday,
Saying he wants to support a minimum wage.
I mean, Bush might as well become a Democrat.
He said it after the big electoral defeat, his first press conference the next day, after the November 2006 election.
First thing he's saying is, well I'm really happy I've got Democrats in Congress, now I'll get my immigration reform through.
Well exactly, now the countdown is for the end of the border, total blanket amnesty,
And the neocons will go on radio and say it isn't, to neutralize conservatives' base, and then we'll be called liberals for fighting for the border.
I mean, we all... I wasn't joking when I said this would happen, folks.
This is... This is... The push, Alex, for slave labor is two-fold.
One, open borders allow an impoverished Mexican slave laborer to enter the country.
You'll see that at SWIFT.
Even at SWIFT now, very little notice.
The Wall Street Journal carries an article saying that other employees at SWIFT are suing SWIFT
Because hiring the illegal immigrants depresses everybody's wages 20% or more.
That's slave labor.
They are free to get it.
Kirchhoff does one.
You know, big publicity, round up, and then drops it.
They'll probably all get released in the next few weeks.
And let's be clear, if they arrested thousands a day, it would be just a few percentage points of the tens of millions that are here if they arrested thousands a day.
But once or twice a year, they go arrest a few thousand people to, again, create that illusion.
And also, the other slave labor is in China.
And I guess, you know, Walmart thinks it's fine.
It's a high-definition television, cheap prices.
You know, it's just, they can't have Chinese slaves, they're just little yellow people with slanty eyes, and we can't see them.
Well, you know, Alex, it was wrong to have African-American slaves, and it's morally wrong to have Mexican slaves or to have Chinese slaves.
Well, you also pay the piper when you use slavery because it ends up turning you into a slave, because it debases... But look, we know globalization... It destroys the middle class, and look at the price we paid the Civil War.
We'll probably be headed towards a bigger price for using the Chinese slaves and the Mexican slaves.
Just wait until we get into a deep recession, where you've got 20 million people losing their jobs.
Well, that's what I wanted to talk about.
So, going into the new year, they're now admitting we're in a recession.
We have a higher debt ratio, a negative debt ratio of any time in U.S.
Greater personal, private, corporate, and government debt than we had at the depth of... the former record was late 1933.
The average American doesn't have the skills of farming or
We were still 70% agrarian at that time.
I mean, if we have a depression... By the way, Joseph Stikliff, Nobel Prize winner on this show, said the globalists are setting up an economic climate that could bring us into a worldwide depression.
What do you think the 30 million illegal aliens and then all these soccer moms and yuppies and inner city people are going to do if the economy totally goes belly up?
That's exactly right.
I mean, how are people going to feel?
Losing their homes, having their jobs sent to China.
Let's go up to Detroit where the, you know, GM and the others have just closed another series of plants and gone off to China to stake out positions, making the cars in China.
I guess they'll import them on these super tankers.
And Chrysler's laying off 4,000 and moving to Mexico.
Okay, so now up in Michigan, where are you going to find a job?
And yet you've got hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens demanding, taking the lower paying jobs at less than anybody would work for them.
And then demanding social benefits, so your taxes, your schools, your hospitals are crowded with illegal immigrants.
Did you see the AP report?
The headline was, what was it, Top Lenders, I'm going back to like a few months ago, Top Lenders Help Immigrants, or something like that, and I read it on air, and it was 500 lending institutions going, oh, we don't even demand IDs to get home loans and bank accounts.
So citizens have to jump through 14 hoops, but the illegals don't even have to have IDs.
Oh yes, this is real security and prosperity.
Well, I've been reminding people, this is what's going to crash.
The talent field, everybody thinks they're living in a house that's doubled in value.
Okay, so you bought the house for $100,000 and now you think it's worth $200,000.
Well, that's also a gimmick.
You can't today buy for $200,000 what five or ten years ago you could buy for $100,000.
If it's not, if the money's increased in a quantity, we've had liquidity increases which have boosted these prices, but it doesn't mean you're that much richer.
And if you're holding a mortgage, you know, if you've gone into a property and you're still holding a mortgage that's 80 or 90% of the value of the house, and that house decreases by 30%, you're 10% under.
You could sell the house and you'll still owe mortgage.
But most Americans have now gotten double mortgages.
That's right.
Well, I think we're setting up a period where you could see 20 million people lose their homes.
And we have not had that kind of a break in the mortgage market since the Depression.
Well, Dr. Corsi, they're going to do whatever the government tells them.
The government will say, do what we say, and milk and honey will come back.
And they're going to pull the lever for gun control.
There's going to be a huge crime spree.
There always is when the economy goes down.
The illegal aliens will probably riot and burn down every U.S.
city, as they've said they'll do.
And then the police state will be used against the American people like it was in New Orleans, not against the criminals.
I tell you, we're in deep trouble.
And the country is technically bankrupt with these kind of $4.6 trillion deficits.
Future obligations are going to have to be cancelled or paid off at worthless currency.
You might get your Social Security check, but you'll get it at a Merrill's.
The only way these obligations are going to get paid are if we monetize the debt.
If the dollars that are paying off the debt, as we've been doing, we're going to have to do it at a much more rapid pace.
If the dollars paying off these obligations are dramatically worth less than they are today,
Like I say, think about it.
You might get your $3,000 Social Security check, but good luck buying a hamburger and going to a movie with that $3,000.
You've got to think, these things have happened in economic markets.
Let's be clear about this.
Let's be clear about what you're saying.
They've already cut the dollar value 45% in the last six years.
Since 1913 it's been devalued to 1.5 cents to the dollar.
And so now they're going to accelerate the devaluation of that 1.5 cent value.
Yeah, I think it's headed for another 30% decline.
Right now.
Yes, so you're talking about a massive decrease.
It could collapse in that process.
They might not be able to do it slow.
It might collapse.
Well, that's what the Financial Times of London and others are saying.
The globalists want this to happen, but they say they want it incremental, so the public doesn't notice.
Well, they might not get the soft landing.
It might just collapse.
Well, that's what they're now... Well, obviously, you're reading the same stuff I am.
Yeah, very credible information.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Open phones in the third hour.
Mike in Ohio.
Kevin in Kansas.
Bill in Chicago.
Many others.
Kevin Smith's coming in with a report.
Big 9-11 developments.
We have a top congressman alleging that Sandy Berger stole Able Danger files.
That's our government protecting Al-CIA to Al-Qaeda.
It's that little piece of trash.
Why do you think Bush is protecting him?
Because they're all working together.
And there's been some other, it's just masses of news the next hour.
Dr. Corsi, we were talking during the break.
How do we avert this?
Well, I think the answer is we really can't avert it.
We can just soften the crash landing.
I want to get your analysis on that.
We respect that and appreciate it.
And then, also, I think the key here is let everybody know who to blame.
When all this comes down, don't let the very same globalists that set the policies that did this to consolidate, because they want this to happen.
Alex, first of all, I think it's going to crash hard in terms of the mortgage market.
I've been telling people to get out of debt.
Both credit card debt, get out of it.
Whatever you have to do, don't rip them up and throw them away until you get them paid off.
And secondly, mortgages.
Most people have not really lived through a serious collapse in the housing market.
But if housing prices start going down 30-40% in some markets, and they will,
Look, we're down 50% in some markets.
You won't be able to sell a property without taking a loss.
Now, many people will then be faced with huge mortgages, not as many employment opportunities, where that mortgage is going to be hard to maintain.
You could lose the house very easily.
Or if you sell the house, you're still going to lose, because you'll have a mortgage you can't pay off with the sales price.
It'll be too high, the mortgage that you currently have.
So I'm telling people, before the housing markets totally collapse,
If they're worried about being in a mortgage right now that's too hard to afford, sell the house and go into something smaller.
Downsize yourself before you lose what you have.
But if you're going to do it, you better do it quick.
Even mainstream analysts are saying by the middle of next year, we're going to be in the toilet.
Do it now because, you know, most markets, the housing market is extremely soft but has not yet collapsed.
To sell something today, you're going to have to discount it.
It's not worth as much as you thought it was, no matter what you own.
So, you know, take 10 or 20% off of it.
If you can still sell it, go for it.
Because you may be holding something that's down 50% and you're stuck paying that mortgage.
Well, if you don't have the current job you have, it's already tight.
Forget it.
You're going to be into an extremely difficult position.
I think we've already seen Americans who will lose their homes.
In the last year we've seen a 22% on average reduction in housing prices and most of that is in the classic areas of Texas, Colorado, Michigan, Florida, and now we're even seeing it though in areas of California like San Francisco where you'd never think it would go down.
How soon do you think we really start seeing a reduction?
It's happening right now.
I think in the first months of
2007 will begin playing out as big news.
How low do you think?
Some are predicting we could see a 60% reduction.
Oh, I think many, many markets across the country will be at least 50.
And I think, in general, it's going to be 20 to 30.
California markets that have gone up so... California could easily be 50% or more.
And California is going to get hit very hard.
You know, with the Midwest, Ohio,
Michigan, Indiana, Illinois are just going to get clobbered.
They're all going to start looking like West Virginia.
You're going to have the Appalachians being spreading throughout the Midwest.
Because people are going to be no jobs.
Manufacturing jobs are gone.
But actually the illegal aliens are going to thrive in that though.
That'll actually trigger probably a bigger influx.
There won't be any money to throw them out.
They're renters.
Everybody will want to keep them.
And they're already at the bottom of the market.
So they can't get much more hurt.
They'll probably be benefited marginally.
That's what's happened historically.
Death of the Republic.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now in the third and final hour of this live December 22, 2006 edition.
This year has exploded past us.
Trillions have been stolen from the Pentagon.
The borders are wide open.
The North American Union is now in effect.
The big private banks are openly waging war against their housing prices to drive the middle class out of one of their final refuges.
Don't worry, the middle class will worship and thank the banks and the Fed Chairman and the President and Hillary as they rape us.
So that's always what makes me the maddest.
Doesn't that make you mad, Dr. Corsi, to study this, to know who the players are, to know what's behind all this and then to know that they'll just trick everybody again?
And we'll blame it on some other group or some other organization, and just the same globalists will keep raping us financially and just get away with it yet again.
Is there any way to fight them or expose them?
I mean, sure, people are starting to wake up, but are they waking up fast enough to at least know who their enemy is?
People are getting increasingly mad, Alex.
I'm sensing that, that they've about had it.
They don't want to take any more of this.
It's like the old film, Network.
You know, bad as hell, won't take it anymore.
You remember that film, Open Up Your Windows?
Shout out, you're mad as hell and won't take it anymore.
Go to the window, open it and stick your head out and tell them!
That was a great film.
So the people are back there again.
I think the soft underbelly of the Bush administration is China.
And I think China is going to be something that
We'll keep Hillary Clinton from being elected.
I don't think Hillary Clinton's got a chance of being president.
Now there's one thing... I'll write a book on her.
If she's going to go at it seriously, I'll go after it.
She's a horrible criminal and a warmonger, but how are they going to
China has already formed an alliance with Russia and Iran.
They formed this Shanghai Cooperation League.
The last meeting they held, I believe it was in May, they invited Iran to attend it.
They told Iran, Iran will be a member of it.
Now that's an anti-American league if there ever was one.
China and Russia held military exercises together at the end of 2005.
It was unprecedented.
Why do we have four groups of carriers there right now then?
Well, that's a good question too.
I mean, I think the events in Iran are heading toward a war.
My most recent book was Showdown with Nuclear Iran, my second book on Iran, with Michael Evans, and I've been saying repeatedly that we're pursuing the wrong policy in Iran.
We should be supporting everything we can do to support the dissidents around the world, the Iranian dissidents, who want to come in and take control of their own country.
Instead, we're saying, no, we've got to ramp up the military in Iraq.
That's the wrong thing to do.
We don't have a plan there to get out of Iraq.
In fact, Ahmadinejad is very unpopular.
Well, that's right.
He could easily be destabilized.
But the State Department does not have regime change in Iraq.
They don't want that.
They want a big war.
They want a big crisis.
And they do not.
They won't release the money in the State Department that's been allocated.
By the Iran Support Freedom Act to go to these expatriate groups around the world.
If that money were released and it got into the hands of the expatriate Iranians or the expatriate Iraqis, both countries could move in a positive direction.
And it wouldn't take much.
The students were protesting again in Tehran last week.
But Bush does not get on the television.
Well, we're out of time.
Let me just ask you, do you think they're going to attack Iran?
Do you think the military will?
Yeah, Israel, I think Israel is getting ready to attack Iran.
That's the worst possible thing that could happen, but they're going to do it.
They'll do it.
I think you're going to hear the... When Olmert said last week that Israel's nuclear power, that was not a slip.
He intended to say that.
I'm firmly convinced that was a signal to Iran and the world that Israel's about had it.
Well, let's just say this.
We're going to find out real soon, and we live in interesting times.
And give out the website to Dr. Corsi.
Well, I don't really maintain any websites.
You can see my work on Human Events Online and WorldNetDaily.
And my two most recent books are Showdown with Nuclear Iran and Minutemen, the Battle to Secure America's Borders.
Thank you for joining us.
We'll talk to you again soon.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five
But I am still alive.
I was a sailor.
I was born upon the tide.
With the sea I did abide.
I sailed a schooner around the Horn of Mexico.
I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a blow.
And when the yards broke off they said that I got killed But I'm living still I was a dam builder Across a river deep and wide Where steel and water didn't collide A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado
I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below.
They buried me in that grey tent that knows no sound.
But I am still around.
I'll always be around and around and around and around and around.
I'll fly a starship across the universe divide And when I reach the other side I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can Perhaps I may become a highwayman again Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
And no, somebody email me.
That's a song about reincarnation.
I actually read a news article years ago where Johnny Cash was asked about that.
No, it's about the renegade, the explorer, the trailblazer spirit.
That spirit will live on again.
Clearly, I love that song.
We're here trailblazing on the front lines of the Infowar.
We're here going where no one has gone before in the fight against the globalists.
We are.
We are having victory after victory, and we are not going to stop.
Kevin Smith is going to be in studio in a few minutes with some huge 9-11 developments on multi-levels.
But right now, let's go to the calls.
You've been holding patiently.
Mike in Ohio, then Kevin, Bill, Andrew, Michael, and others.
Go ahead, Mike.
Merry Christmas, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
That's a crime to say Christmas.
You need to learn to take your Christmas trees down.
You're very evil.
Yeah, I just wanted to say I'm an Iraq War Veteran, and I'm a big fan of yours, and I'm a career truck driver now, and I try to inform people about the stuff on my CV going across America, and I also hand out your videos, well loose change I hand out, and I'm going to start handing out Terror Storm, but I called too to see if you knew about NASCO,
Which is the North American Super Corridor Coalition.
Yes, and that's...
When Delta Force comes to do training drills to take over your city, they tell you, your city's special.
You've been chosen.
It's only happening here.
Or they have some federal program for forced psychological testing.
They say, oh, you've been chosen.
It's only here.
It's the Trans-Texas Corridor.
The Trans-Highway Integrated Systems of Florida.
I forget the exact name.
Every state has similar or the same names.
And they always tell them, oh, you're just the first.
It's local.
And, yes, that organization you mentioned, I have the organization's seal, I have documents, there's thousands of pages.
Of course, he just got a thousand of secret.
I've spent several hours, multiple times, trying to read it all.
We're just wallowing in evidence, and our entire infrastructure is being handed over to neocon-controlled companies and foreign companies, and I go on national, supposed conservative shows, and they sit there and say it's good.
I mean, give me your comment on it.
Well, I was just looking at it on a website this morning, and I couldn't believe it.
I mean, they have blueprints already drawn up.
You know, if people want a proof of a North American Union, all they've got to do is see this website.
And again, you've been in the military.
You understand the... What do you secure first?
You secure the roads, don't you?
Yeah, I mean, they're going to be able to do NAFTA.
You know, it's part of NAFTA.
Listen, our country more than any other is built on transportation and sprawl and cities.
It's how we're designed.
They're seizing the roads for regulation, taxation, and surveillance.
And I've seen that site.
I've printed that stuff off.
It's not here in front of me.
So for everybody else out there and myself, give us the website so everybody can go look at it themselves.
I just looked at it this morning.
I'm still learning it myself.
All you have to do is type in Sixth Highway into Google and you'll come up with several websites talking about it.
Yeah, and a shimble is the American, Canadian and Mexican flag like in a weird kind of German iron cross shimble.
Yeah, I did see that.
I know what you're talking about.
Corsi now has probably surpassed me because he just woke up to this two years ago.
I've been talking about it since I got involved, and there's a lot of other Patriots that know more than I do, because I try to study every discipline, every area, and I literally... Well, Kevin, you've been up here at night when I've been spending two, three hours just on the NAFTA stuff, and you try to study it.
How are we old?
It's so bad, we can't even explain how bad it is, Kevin.
Oh, and we can't keep up with it either.
I mean, every time we get to the end of the line, then, whoa, there's something else.
Look at SPP now.
Uh, you know, there's Hlink, and now they, what, on SPP they said, what is it, Myth, and...
They have a whole section on dispelling the myths.
You go to the SPP.gov website, they admit everything in there, knowing people won't read literally, there's got to be 2,000 pages on there and links, but then they've got a little section that says dispelling myths that denies everything.
It's like the CFR will say on CNN, there's no plan for North American Union, then you watch the very same CFR member on C-SPAN admitting it.
Because they know there's different... It's like Cheney saying, I wouldn't tell my constituents what I'm involved in, you know, that I'm in the CFR.
Ha ha ha!
It reminds me of those horrible creatures up at the School of Public Affairs at UT, where they can debate with you and lose every single argument on point, never break, never lose the smile, the crocodile smile, and at the end claim victory.
And a general dumbed-down public just knows they believe the guy in the suit that sounds the best.
I mean, you've gone down, what, that summit they had three years ago, two years ago, it was called the New World Order, and you went to it, and there's the former CIA director going, we're going to have one world government, we're going to put people in concentration camps, I mean, we have the video of this!
Well, it was a series, War on Terror, New World Order, that was the name of Ann Marie Slaughter's speech, and then
We had General Montgomery Magus come in there January 1st, start running the School of Public Affairs, at least a high-level professor.
And this last January 1st, we had James B. Steinberg become the dean of that school, and he is the scribe, or the recording secretary now of Bilderberg, and he's trilateral too.
So, I mean, it is just a cauldron of news.
So instead of getting their spooks just out of Yale and Princeton and Harvard, now Texas A&M, great university, great school, great people.
I'm not knocking it.
I've got a lot of family who went there.
Total New World Order hive of brainwashing and evil.
Total Nazi-ville.
UT totally taken over by these criminals.
Well, my school down there, formerly Southwest Texas State, now Texas State, has a 300-acre anti-terror training camp with Bechtel and Wackenhut and Halliburton and DPS and everyone.
What is it like for you, who was in the military, to now, and I believe you said you served in Iraq, right?
Or did I forget, or did I not hear you say that?
When you first called in, did you serve in Iraq?
Yes, I've been there a year and a half.
I was there a year and a half.
What is it like to hear people say, we can't leave until we've had victory, but then to know that the battle plan is to have a quagmire that makes the most profit.
You weren't sent there to win.
Yeah, the goal was never to win.
There is no winning now, I believe.
I just think we need to pull out.
But now I know the Democrats and Republicans are working together because they just said they want to send more troops.
They're in agreement with each other.
And I don't know how long you've been listening, but did I not say that would happen?
Yes, oh yeah.
And the reason I keep saying, we told you, we told you, is because we have their blueprint.
It isn't hard!
In fact, if I have the script of a play, and I say the next line is going to say, you too Brutus, and then they go, you too Brutus, it's not like I'm doing a magic trick here folks.
It's not like I've been pulling stuff out of a hat.
They're telling you they're going to kill the country, they're killing it right now.
You got these idiots running around saying it's patriotic to go along with it.
I think the only solution is a second American Revolution, but that's my opinion.
I believe the only solution to all the problems that America's got is a revolution.
I know this.
They come to take your guns, then they've made the choice and they forced you to fight back.
Kevin, you wanted to say something?
Is it Mike?
Is that correct?
Hey Mike, what did you do in Iraq?
What was your job description?
I was a motor transport operator, truck driver.
So you're driving.
You know, something we miss in the media here, they do not show it to us, but I want to hear from you.
You guys are driving down the road in trucks, you know, we know back from the old days of ambushes in Vietnam.
We're almost out of time.
You throw out candy, the kids gather around, the day the kids don't come around you know you're in for an ambush.
What was it like looking down at those little children running around, the ones that, you know, tattered clothes, starving, how was that, how did that affect you looking at the faces of those little children?
Well, it was horrible.
You know, you felt like you were doing a good thing, you know, getting rid of Saddam, but when you find out there's all these other agendas besides, you know, just getting rid of Saddam, you know, it's just, it's a horrible thing.
Who the globalists put in there to begin with?
I mean, do the troops know that he was our boy?
What's that?
Do the troops know that Saddam was Armenian?
No, I don't believe that.
A lot of people don't know a lot of this stuff.
They'll just call you a kook or whatever.
And the people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
We're glad you're back home in America to defend the country.
And I think you're right.
It probably is going to come to resistance.
Violent resistance.
We'll be back with more calls.
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There are many here among us that think that life is but a joke.
They're gonna find out it's serious.
Crank it up.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
Say that joker to the beat.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Mr. Spaniel, drink my wine.
Come and dig my earth.
None will level on the mine.
Nobody up in his grave.
Two riders were approaching, and the win began to howl.
No reason to get excited.
The baby can't expose.
There are many here among us, who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I... This is not our fate.
It is getting late.
Let us stop talking falsely now.
Let's bring it right out in the open.
Let's admit this country is on its knees to the New World Order.
They're getting ready to decapitate this nation.
And you're out there thinking you've got to have victory in Iraq.
It was never meant to give anybody a victory.
Here's the best part right here with a guitar.
I'm sorry, I just got to play it.
Oh, Jimi Hendrix.
What a treasure.
Let's go ahead and go to Kevin in Kansas.
Bill, Andrew, others.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
How's it going today?
I'm having a holly jolly Christmas.
It's the best time of the year.
I'll tell you, the one thing that people still can do is they can prepare and they can work on prevention along with the financial situation.
The other crisis at hand is the health crisis and the likely quarantines that are just around the bend.
Well, I'm going to cover that.
They're actually hyping bird flu again.
It'll be hyped forever until they actually launch it.
And I've got Concentration Camp News and Kevin's got 9-11 News in the next segment.
Yeah, I sent an email in to your department to see if I can get some advertising there on a natural product to boost people's immune system.
It's absolutely critical that people get their immune systems built up.
You've got to do the prevention or it's going to be too late and people have got to use something besides these antibiotics that aren't working.
Uh, people need to be aware that the vaccines are unsafe and they don't work.
If they don't do the prevention, they're going to be in serious trouble.
Well, that's why they told 14 million emergency workers, firemen, police, doctors, nurses, school teachers to take it, and they just, what, 4,000 took it?
I remember three years ago the whole program fell apart, it was in the LA Times, and that's because deep down people know not to trust the government, especially people who work for the government.
I mean, and then they had to admit that the smallpox vaccine wouldn't even cover weaponized smallpox, it would actually cause smallpox in the population.
Well, a lot of these things have mutated and they've changed, and we know, I mean just speak to anybody in the field, pharmacists, nurses, anybody, they know that
Today's antibiotics are not working.
They're ineffective.
They also know that, God forbid, you have to go to the hospital and you pick up one of those staph infections, you're lucky to walk away.
Well, that's the thing.
There's flesh-eating bacteria everywhere, but not just flesh-eating.
There's a really bad strep.
And, I mean, I've got a bunch of friends in the last two years that have died.
We're talking 45, 55, 65, 76, you know, stuff like that.
And they go in healthy as a horse to have knee surgery, and they die of infections.
They go have gut surgery, routine.
I mean, hell, I've got a hernia that I'm afraid to go have surgery done on, that I got trying to get back in shape, lifting weights years ago, because I'm afraid to go have surgery in these hospitals.
I want to find like some private plastic surgeon in his own... I've just been too busy to go get it done.
Try to avoid a place that has high traffic.
Uh, you know, that's... No, no, especially old big city hospitals, like Breckenridge, I wouldn't get within a thousand feet of that.
But on a Sunday when I cut my finger off one time, I had to go there.
And then I had to... It's incredible.
Uh, listen, I appreciate your call.
They had this red carpet for the illegal aliens.
I had to start yelling after an hour.
That's not true.
About 45 minutes going, look, you will give me service.
You will give me service now.
Alright, uh, because I wanted to keep my finger.
But it's kind of neat to have a finger that's numb on one side.
I could do parlor tricks with that.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Look out your window, babe, and have a scene you'd like to catch.
Man, he's playing Dixie.
Man, that is hand-out stiff.
Could be the viola.
Could be the local priest.
Well, there's some time in season.
You know, we come as a manner.
Let's just lay down to the New World Order.
Let's just be peaceful!
Alright, I've got to ram through these calls quick because I've got a ton of news, three clips I want to place, concentration camp news.
Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, let's go to Bill in Chicago, go ahead.
Alex, I have an update on Beach Grove for you.
I talked to a city worker on Wednesday about Beach Grove.
They have free tours to go through there.
You're on a cell phone, aren't you?
Yeah, you're too far away from the jack, my friend.
I'm right here, I'm right by it, but I left a number.
Can you hear me better now?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, I called Beach Grove on Wednesday.
I talked to a city worker.
They said as of November 12th, they're allowing tourists to go through it.
When I asked the gentleman about the wind socket, he couldn't answer.
When I asked him why the marine locomotive was there, he couldn't answer.
Tell people what Beach Grove is.
Beach Grove is a Amtrak station that is being converted into a FEMA camp.
It roughly covers all of District 2.
I talked to Tim Schwaller down there, and in fact... Yeah, there's some famous photos out of there.
He did tell me that he has photos from 1920 where the fence is the same direction, where it's pointed inward.
And that it takes a lot of red tape to get them to reverse the fence.
Now, I've installed fence for three years, and I know that if I mess up a job, I have to go out for free and fix it.
They deny that.
Listen, I understand.
I appreciate your call.
Let me just do camps now.
Where is it here in my stack?
Oh, now I can't find it.
A bunch of articles got plopped down here.
I'm literally wallowing in information.
Oh, I'll find it in a minute.
Folks, the Houston Chronicle admits camps for American dissidents.
You saw them put people in camps in New Orleans.
You saw them come and take guns.
National talk show hosts Mike Gallagher, Laura Ingram, Bill O'Reilly, they've all been calling for putting people in camps.
We have transcripts, audio clips, and news articles on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com with them saying it right now.
And so everybody goes out, and I'm not knocking you for doing this, and they spend all their time on these facilities that could be dual use.
They got Pier 57 that holds thousands in New York right now as an admitted mass holding facility.
They got one at the old Robert Mueller Airport here in Austin.
I got a newscast of them admitting it with bolts and chains in the floor.
It's in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
They've got an article here admitting that they're holding a bunch of illegal aliens at an emergency facility which they admit could be dual use for American citizens in Taylor.
Let me just... I found it.
Privatized immigrant detention facilities for families were revealed to be modern day concentration camps.
One of the more disturbing stories that surfaced after the swift meat plant raids was how too many children were left without a parent and or farmed out to friends and families.
That was a problem with no immediate word.
This is what happens when you get communities here.
You know, you've got to deal with it, but at the same time it's painful.
With no immediate word on how they will be reconnected with their families.
And it goes, this is from Latina Lista, that's a big Hispanic website and newspaper magazine.
But, if news filtering out of one of the newly designated immigrant detention centers from families is any indication, no undocumented parent is going to open their mouth and claim their children if the whole family is going to be subjected to what is becoming known as the first known concentration camp on American soil in the 21st century.
The T. Don Hutto Residential Center.
We're going to go out there after Christmas, folks.
In Taylor, Texas, on the outskirts of Austin, Texas, is a private detention facility operated by Corrections Corporation of America.
See, folks, this was on the Houston Chronicle, just not the locations.
They're all over Texas.
We have more... Texas is number three in the world for prisons.
The U.S.
is number one, then China.
Texas taken out of that is number three.
It says, it and a smaller center in Pennsylvania are the only two facilities in the country that are authorized to hold non-Mexican immigrant families and children on non-criminal charges.
What does it mean?
And it goes on to say that 400 are held there now, at least 200 are children, and it says all of the families that can be held there for whatever length of time without due process and being conducted in a timely manner.
And I'm going to go out there.
And it goes, uh, the age of the children is from infants on up.
Folks, in Police State 2000, we show Marines, we show Colonel Love admit that this is for American citizens during terrorist attacks.
We ought to get that audio and play it.
For those that will never get the video, never watch it on Google, never buy it from us, it's now on the DVD box set, all three Police State films, for $34.95.
You ought to buy it.
It's a total education.
And it shows them.
Women go here.
Children go there.
Men go here.
They're practicing with role players and they're interrogating Americans.
Where'd you get the gun?
Where'd you get the helmet?
Where are you from?
San Francisco.
Why are you fighting us?
They let me videotape it!
We got Marines bragging about how they've got sound cannons to knock us down and how they're... and it shows them doing mock executions of American prisoners.
Marines put you down on your knees and they blow your head off!
It isn't a conspiracy theory.
It isn't over the next hill.
I have these people calling for me, Alex Jones, to be put in camps on national radio.
Kevin, let's get to your 9-11 news and then I'll get to the calls because I don't want to not get to this news.
We've got to go do a story on this.
In fact, I don't think this can wait.
I'll probably just do it this weekend.
Maybe I won't even do Christmas Monday.
Maybe we'll just be here live.
I wonder if I can make somebody at the network come in to do that.
No, no, no, no.
Let's have a holly jolly Christmas.
Forget the camp.
We shouldn't go out there, right Kevin?
Have a holly jolly Christmas!
It may take a couple days to coordinate our aerial armada, but I think we ought to do an aerial recon mission over the Kansas.
Well, you're a pilot, but your old plane is in mothballs up in Dallas, right?
A little expensive to fly right now, let me tell you.
So yeah, it's in the hangar.
But we can arrange something.
We're already doing our reconnaissance mission next week over the Trans-Texas Corridor for footage we're shooting for a new film.
It's not far.
With Barbara McLeod.
She's not helping Mel Gibson.
She's our Air Force.
I really should read this whole article here about the camps.
According to lawyers who visited their clients in the facility, the children received one hour of education, English instruction a day, and one and a half of indoor recreation.
Jeans and t-shirts have been replaced with jail uniforms.
Children are issued uniforms.
But the point is the government under Rex 84 in the 80s.
I have the Senate hearings.
Jack Brooks and Chairman Inouye, and they're talking to Oliver North, and they go, well, the Miami Papers were reporting a plan to put American citizens in these camps, and the cover story, what North planned then, was they'd claim it was for illegals at first, get them open, and everybody used to them, but it's really for citizens.
Kevin, is that not Rex 84?
Well, you know what, Alex?
I was just watching that clip last night on a video, and, I mean, you're reading kids in orange jumpsuits now?
They're part of it?
They're going to be
Well, I mean, they're arresting four-year-olds that hug their teacher, AP.
That's sexual assault, man!
When I just asked that previous caller... You pull over in Wyoming on a highway to urinate, you go to prison as a sex offender.
I just asked that military guy earlier about the children, and I'll ask you...
When I was a little kid, it was airplanes.
I was always looking in the sky.
It was my favorite thing.
Hey, if the kids go bang, bang, you're dead, they arrest them.
That's all we did was run around the lane.
You're dead!
Get him!
I'm the Indian!
You're the cowboy!
You know, hugging people, pinching them.
I mean, you know.
Oh, prison time.
Life's over.
What is it with your children?
Is it trains?
Or is it big construction dozers?
What's the thing that your son is doing?
Yes, we are.
Well, I was watching this clip from Fallujah last night, and what crushed me, I saw a little boy, you know, maybe three years old, just getting good on his feet, or maybe he's a mountaineer six-year-old, but he's straddling his little bicycle, and he's looking into the sky, looking for airplanes, and it wasn't the same look I had on my face when I was a kid looking for airplanes.
At three years of age knew that I've got to watch the skies because they're coming.
They're going to... Well, he's Al-Qaeda, though.
The glass parking lot, just kill all of them.
That's the Christian thing to do.
Oh, but you didn't know the same government that's killing them is going to take everything you've got because you're slaves, too.
Okay, let's get to the 9-11 news.
We've got to hurry really fast now.
Well, a few months ago, you had the head of the John Birch Society on McManus, and to our knowledge, it was the first time that he ever acknowledged anything about Building 7 being fishy.
Coming out on December 25th, we've got an article in the New American from William F. Jasper, and it's detailing 9-11 Press for Truth and the Jersey Girl.
This is up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And it says, Henry Kissinger nearly fell off the couch.
He spilled his coffee on himself.
He was visibly shaken.
The next day, he announced that he was stepping down as chairman of the 9-11 Commission.
The day before the resignation, Dr. Kissinger invited a small group of 9-11 family member peons, I put that in there, to meet with him.
And he was trying to make these women assured that he would get to the bottom of it, and they said, well, wait a second, we've got a problem with Lori Van Auken said, I want to see your client list.
You know, are you representing the Saudis?
Do you represent anyone in the Bin Laden family?
They're calling it independent, but Baker had just blocked the Saudi suit against the Saudis, and what happened to Kissinger?
Well, uh, Kristen, uh, Britweiser, another 9-11 witness was there, and she gives this account.
She said,
And the next day he resigned.
So, I guess the peasantry, the serfs, the subloids got a little closer.
They've seen me, they know who I am.
Yeah, they're aware and they live, they live sunglasses.
Now give us the other 9-11 news.
Well, if you guys have been following, Kurt Weldon had been just pushed out of Congress, and it was because he had been funneling lobbying money to his daughter's lobbying firm.
Oh my goodness, a congressman funneling money like that.
That's what they all do, folks.
But they went after him, and it seems that... The problem is he didn't steal $4 trillion from the Pentagon.
Yeah, he's bad.
He talks about able danger.
But this ties in, we believe, to Sandy Berger, Mr. Berger.
March 31st of 2005, he pled guilty to a misdemeanor
Crime of treason, I suppose.
He's in a high security dome there at the Capitol looking at the highest level security stuff.
He's stealing documents in his pants and in his shoes and in his socks and it turns out, Weldon's saying, lo and behold, that it's Able Danger documents, the government protecting Al-Qaeda documents.
Yeah, he said he was reviewing the materials to help determine which Clinton administration documents to provide the Independent Commission investigating 9-11.
It was an honest mistake.
He denied any criminal wrongdoing.
And, you know, it goes on, we even got Mr. John Gibson from Fox News saying, I made a mistake having him on my show.
Berger didn't just stuff the odd paper in his socks, he ran a dead drop operation to get certain documents out of the National Security Archives.
Well, of course, because Bill Clinton protected Al-Qaeda, and so did George Bush, because they are Al-Qaeda.
Kevin, thank you for those reports.
You have something else there?
Well, you know, just the last part about Kurt Welding saying, hey, the CIA is out of control, the FBI, they're coming after me because I am exposing the Able Danger Intelligence Program.
Oh yeah, you can steal hundreds of billions, just don't go after any real corruption or they'll come after you.
Thanks for coming in, Kevin.
Hey, everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a great New Year.
Stay safe.
Keep up the fight!
And this evening, getting under the skin of the Ivy League, those eight old, definitely distinguished colleges that are known for their ivy-covered buildings and their sometimes superior attitudes to other colleges and universities, which often gets under the skin of people who went elsewhere.
Yale University is 300 years old this year, and were you to visit its campus, you would see that it still has exotic clubhouses, which look like tombs where Yale's legendary secret societies meet.
Their prestige and importance have largely evaporated, but the rituals are still a secret.
And so when we heard that some enterprising characters had managed to spy on the famous Skull and Bones Society, we couldn't resist.
Here's ABC's Dan Harris.
The videotape provides a grainy glimpse into what appear to be the initiation rituals of a secret society that's been around since 1832, whose members have gone on to be leaders of Wall Street and the White House, the Senate and the Supreme Court.
They're sort of trying to scare the initiates, make them, you know, disorient them, frighten them.
New York Observer investigative reporter Ron Rosenbaum accompanied a team of Yale students who shot these pictures nine days ago.
Rosenbaum's curiosity about skull and bones was permanently piqued when, as a classmate of George W. Bush, he lived right next to the tomb, the group's heavily fortified home.
From their perch, Rosenbaum and his cohorts taped the tomb's courtyard.
What they captured, they say, was initiates known as neophytes being forced to kiss a skull
Then, members performing a mock killing.
It may look like your average fraternity nonsense, but Rosenbaum says it's not.
Even though it may seem silly to us, it seems to mean something to them, and you can't argue with the success of Skull and Bones.
Famous alums include Senators John Kerry and John Chafee, to name two, Cabinet Secretaries, such as Averill Harriman, and three Presidents, William Taft, George Bush, and George W. Bush, who have been reluctant to talk about Skull and Bones.
Does it still exist?
The thing is so secret, I'm not even sure it still exists.
In recent years, by many accounts, the on-campus influence and allure of Skull and Bones has waned dramatically, and there is no proof that the rituals recently caught on videotape are the same ones performed by the current president.
Still, Rosenbaum says the tape is a valuable artifact, an extremely rare view into the secret society that groomed the American ruling class for generations.
Dan Harris, ABC News, New York.
And founded our CIA, which is the new movie coming out today, which I'm going to try to wrangle going to, if I have time.
And that is The Good Shepherd.
Helping everyone.
They're so good.
Funding Hitler, then protecting the Nazis, and staging terror attacks like Oklahoma City and 9-11.
They're good Christian men.
We need to trust them.
And when they're not with gay porn stars at Bohemian Grove, they're at church praying.
So they must be good.
Let's just trust them.
Alright, we'll be right back with Bohemian Grove Club.
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We're out of time.
Everybody can call me back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., out of the studios of NewsRadio 590K LBJ.
Going out all over the country, quite a few affiliates signing on, a bunch of new ones in the New Year as well.
Been doing the show about three months syndicated.
See you this Sunday.
Here is CBS in the early 80s talking about Bohemian Grove and whitewashing it, but here it is for those national talk show hosts, national Christian shows,
Especially saying, I'm of the devil, I'm lying, Bush doesn't go to this, it doesn't exist, it's of the Lord if it does.
Here it is.
Now a question.
What have Herbert Hoover, Mark Linklater, Jack London, and Richard Nixon all had in common?
Well, they've all been members of the exclusive all-male Bohemian Club in California.
Where every year at this time, the elite from around the country get together for two and a half weeks of fun and games.
Steve Shepard has this special assignment report.
More than 2,000 members of San Francisco's exclusive and all-male bohemian club have once again descended on Northern California.
These men will spend most of the month of July encamped on some 2,700 acres of pristine and privately owned redwood forest.
Forest very much like this.
The place is called Bohemian Grove and it's located just 80 miles north of San Francisco.
The Grove is the Bohemian Club's summer retreat, and its facilities are hidden beneath lush forest canopy extending south from the banks of Sonoma County's Russian River.
For more than a century, the camp has been a place where club members and guests from all across America gather to relax.
The retreat is divided into dozens of small camps, the most prominent of which is called Mandalay.
Among its members are businessmen like Leonard Firestone and Edgar Kaiser, and political figures like Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, William French Smith, and George Shultz.
President Reagan, Vice President Bush, and Defense Secretary Weinberger are members of other camps.
Richard Nixon is a bohemian, and so are high-ranking executives of such companies as Eastern Airlines, Standard Oil of Indiana, and Bank of America.
For the most part, the men of Bohemian Grove are over 50, highly successful, and, according to many employees, politically conservative.
Well, each year, many of them seem to have a stunt, or try to come up with a stunt.
Last year, 1980, the popular button was Free the Fortune 500.
Membership in the Grove is by invitation only, and is determined by such factors as social standing, occupation, and personal connections.
Privacy is one of the Grove's most cherished virtues.
Members may not photograph, record, speak, or write about activities at the retreat.
While many public officials are Grove members, the press is a distinctly unwelcome guest.
We're from ABC News.
Well, get back there then.
Get back there.
Can we talk to somebody in there?
Get back there!
Anyone willing to navigate a boat up the Russian River can get a glimpse of the northern edge of the compound, but that's about all.
Still, there are outsiders who have researched the grove.
Sociology professor William Dumhoff found out enough to write a book on the place.
Well, I think it's a playground for the powerful.
It's a place where wealthy men from all over the United States gather for two weeks to
There's two minutes left of it.
I just don't have time to play it all.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com right now.
And somebody is in the CBS and ABC News archives, because it has archive marks on all of it.
This stuff, the clip you just saw, I've never heard of it, never seen it, very rare.
We've got some new stuff, won't be too rare now that we're airing it.
Please support us.
I've been so busy I didn't even plug videos last hour.
I'm not really going to plug them now.
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Plus, they're really good videos.
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Hope you have a great Christmas, a great New Year.
Hope you're safe and I hope you think about defending the Republic.
And I hope you get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.