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Name: 20061215_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 15, 2006
1931 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, once again, we take you out.
It's not Alex Jones for the second day in a row.
This is Bob Dacey.
Substituting for Alex Jones while he's off doing something else.
I have no idea what he's doing.
Again, my name is Bob Dacey.
I am the host of a local cable TV
Show, an access show, it's a news and political talk show called The Simple Truth.
I've been on the air as the host of that show.
I'm in my eighth season.
I've known Alex ever since about 1998 when he was primarily responsible for waking me up to what was really going on in the world.
And I've been dedicated to fighting the New World Order ever since.
And the show that I do, in case you just happen to be in the Austin area and you have Austin Time Warner Cable,
Which of course is going to be a very small fraction of the people that are listening.
It's on Tuesday nights at 8 o'clock on Channel 10 on Austin Time Warner Cable.
Access Channel 10.
So, you know, if you're able to watch the simple truth, go right ahead.
That's what I've been doing again for, I mean, my eighth year now of doing that.
Yesterday, we started out the show bashing the United Nations, and I'm not going to bash the United Nations too much today because I already did that.
However, when I covered a story that I had written on Infowars.com, which is up there now, called Treason 101, and after the show was over, I realized I hadn't finished making a point about what Treason 101 is all about.
Arizona State University promotes the destruction of the United States of America.
Well, I did point out that they have a new website up, and you can link to it off of Infowars.com, but if you've got a pen, it's www.asu.edu slash CLAS slash NACTS slash BNA.
But it's easier just to go to Infowars.com and click on the article.
Because it takes you straight to this website Arizona State University has put up a website basically what they're doing is they it's a mechanism to teach how to get rid of the United States of America at the college level and that's what it is.
I talked about how the Council on Foreign Relations is behind it and David Rockefeller's people and all that yesterday and that's in the article but I didn't
I didn't get into the organizations and what is actually on the site, and I'm going to take the opportunity to do that now.
Now, you've got organizations and university-based centers as a section of the of the website.
And the universities listed are American University, Texas A&M, University of California at San Diego, and the University of Texas.
And they're all involved in this.
They're all directly involved.
Now, American University, of course, is the home of
of Robert Pastor, the Council on Foreign Relations Marxist whose paper, Building a North American Community, is the blueprint for the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico into one country.
So Robert Pastor here, I guess you could call him the Traitor-in-Chief, you know, the pencil-necked, pseudo-intellectual Traitor-in-Chief whose great plan it is to merge the three countries into one and how great that's going to be.
So that's his university, no surprise.
And of course, one of the organizations listed on this website at Arizona State University is the North America's Super Corridor Coalition, NASCO.
And of course, NASCO, that's the group that is promoting the construction of the NAFTA Superhighway.
You can go to that website, nasco.org, and look at it yourself.
You know, it's quite amusing.
So, that's the spider web of corridors that's going to be their infrastructure requirement for this thing.
And when we get back, we'll continue with Treason 101, Arizona State University.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was talking about the fact that the NASCO Super Corridor Coalition, North America's Super Corridor Coalition, is one of the organizations on the Arizona State University website.
And that's very important because this is an integral part of uniting Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
You have to have the infrastructure necessary to make it work.
You know, last October, a year ago, when I attended the Free Trade Area in the Americas Conference for the New American, which is the mouthpiece of the John Birch Society, Dr. Supachai Panichpakti, the former head of the WTO and the current head of the United Nations Trade and Development Council, said
Point blank, he said, you know, if you're going to have a trade area, you've got to have the road system, the infrastructure necessary to link the various areas of the trade area in order to make it work.
So, you know, this communist right there out in front of everybody and his brother, in front of all these pointy headed intellectuals at Baylor who don't have a clue about what's going on in the real world, you know, they all just, they think it's great.
That's what he said.
He was 20 feet away from me giving his keynote speech.
So you've got to have this infrastructure to create the North American Union and of course the North American Super Corridor Coalition is on this Arizona State University list as an organization.
And then of course you don't want to leave out the North American Development Bank because the North American Development Bank
It's proposed by Robert Pastor, the trader-in-chief running this thing, in order to fund the Mexican portion of the highway that is going to go from Lazaro Cardenas to the Texas border up through middle United States into Kansas City where the port, the Mexican Customs Port, is being built.
It all sounds obscene, it all sounds ridiculous like somebody made it up, but unfortunately, you know, it's true.
Kansas City Smart Port, that's what it's called.
Go look it up, you know, it's there.
So the North American Development Bank, we talked about this yesterday with Dr. Jerome Corsi, that's supposed to be the funding mechanism so that American taxpayers can build up part of the Mexican portion of this highway.
From the Mexican ports up through into Texas.
And John Cornyn, Senator John Cornyn, twice, not once!
Now this is very important for you to understand.
Twice, John Cornyn, the Senator from Texas, introduced bills in the Senate to create this North American Development Bank to build infrastructure in Mexico.
And if you think he's alone, Kay Bailey Hutchison has done similar
Axe in the United States Senate.
Wanting to make sure that previous laws extended, you know, deeper into Mexico so that American taxpayers can build highway and railway in Mexico.
So, none of this is theory, it's all fact.
So, uh, it's ridiculous.
You got American taxpayers supposed to build a Mexican road, okay?
Then you have government agencies listed in this Arizona State University website.
And the point I make here is that this is not just some economic pie-in-the-sky theoretical university professor nonsense.
Government agencies listed or the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, that's SPP.gov, and the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security.
So you think this is just some sort of a little economic project?
I'm sorry.
It's encompassing all areas of government as well.
And then there's an archive section.
And this is, just go there.
It's like academic works for these people to read, to absorb, to pull from, so that they can build their course, which, you know, should be entitled Treason 101.
You know, if you're going to teach your students how to sell out the United States of America, if you want to accurately title the course, it should be Treason 101.
And of course, one of these source documents listed on the archive is
Robert Pasteur's CFR Building a North American Community document, which of course is the blueprint for the entire thing.
I mean, it's in there, of course, but that's only one.
This is an extensive list of links to treasonous documents designed to convince professors to teach their students that we need to go.
The United States is over.
You know, we need to merge with the crookedest country in the Western Hemisphere, Mexico, and that'll make everything alright.
And then there's a couple of more sections on the website which are actually the Meat and Potatoes teaching modules.
You know, if you have like a lazy professor who wants to do this because he wants to go along and get along, you know, publish or perish, you know,
Uh, well, he doesn't, all he has to do is just get some teaching modules and he doesn't have to do any work.
You know, you can spoon-feed the guy and he can spread this treason throughout his, um, his student body there, right?
And then, of course, they have syllabi.
And this, this part of this website is under construction.
I guess if they're too lazy to be spoon-fed, then you can just bottle-feed them.
You know, say, here, professor, here's a course.
Ready to go, right out of the can, you know?
And then you can teach the destruction of the America without even having to lift a finger.
Just, you know, paw-parroting.
I mean, you're an intellectual.
You can paw-parrot things, can't you?
And the last thing I want to talk about in my article is I just want to read directly from a little question I have about these professors at all these universities which are participating in this.
One has to wonder if the professors that the globalists are conning into spreading the glory of driving a knife into the back of America have any concept of what they're doing.
Disauthors of the opinion that most college professors live in an academic bubble insulating them from the real-world consequences of their actions and of the implementation of their pie-in-the-sky socioeconomic theories and beliefs.
Most of them trapped by their own inflated opinion of their intellect
Sadly, I do not have a clue.
Perhaps these people at Arizona State University would not be duped into teaching Treason 101 if they had a clue.
If they were given a copy of the United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.
Perhaps these professors need to be taught a lesson in the rights and responsibilities of being American.
I wanted to finish up on that because I neglected to do that yesterday because I got so busy with the other things.
If you want to learn about the North American Union, and you want to learn about what to do about it, and you want to get up to speed on it, and you want to help to stop it, one of the best places to go is the John Birch Society's website.
That's www.jbs.org.
Specifically on the North American Union, it's www.jbs.org.
That's North American Union.
If you go there, you get the whole package.
You know, what is it?
Who's working to do it?
What's the security and prosperity and partnership about?
You know, why is this a bad thing?
And why should I care?
You know, I mean, you can go through the whole thing.
And then, of course, more importantly than all of that is what you can do about it.
You know, yesterday we were pretty strong on criticism, but not real long on solutions.
And just carping about it isn't going to stop it.
You know, that's a problem Americans all over.
I mean, this is not a liberal conservative issue, you know?
This is an elitist versus the rest of this issue.
And I don't care whether you're a pot smoking hippie or a beard guzzling redneck.
You know, when you're talking about these intellectual types,
Run by the Council on Foreign Relations in the background trying to dissolve the United States of America.
It's not a theory and it's going on right now.
So, you know, also on the John Birch Society website, jbs.org, there's links to everything.
You know, this is an educational tool and you should take advantage of it for sure.
Now, as an example of that,
There is a special report out that was put out in the New American.
It was dated October 2nd.
And this thing has been selling like hotcakes all over the place.
It's a special report of the New American on the North American Union.
And it, in detail, spells it out.
And if you go to JBS.org, I'm sure you'll be able to find it.
You can also go to the American Opinion Book Service, which is AOBS.com, I believe.
And you can order a bunch of them and pass them out to your friends.
Rig the thing.
Educate your thing.
If America knew what was happening to it, we could stop it.
And as an example of one of the articles in this vast compendium of what the North American Union is, is an article by our own Kelly Taylor and it's called Super Slab Paves the Way.
Kelly Taylor, of course, is one of the producers of the TV show, The Simple Truth, that I host.
Along with, you know, I'm the host.
Jeff Gentoff and Kelly Taylor are the producers.
And Kelly Taylor is now also a writer for The New American.
She's written a couple of them, and she's fortunate enough to have one of them appear in this special issue.
And this is in the article.
It's called, Super Slab Paves the Way.
The NAFTA Superhighway, nicknamed Super Slab by some, is a planned system of roads, rail lines, and more that will speed up the unification of North America.
And when we get back from the break, I'm going to excerpt from this article just to give you a taste of what's inside this special edition of the New American called the North American Union.
Back after the break.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
All right, this is Bob Basie back once again in the saddle in the Alex Jones Show on December the 15th, 2006.
And we're talking once again about the North American Union because it's the most important thing you can talk about.
You're talking about this globalist crowd trying to destroy the United States of America.
Well, this is their baby.
This is something that they're doing right now.
It's not tomorrow.
It's not down the road.
It's right in your face right now, and this is something that all Americans can get excited about.
That's why this issue of the New American is selling so well.
It's because it appeals to everyone who considers himself to be an American.
You can wake people up with this thing.
Let me just excerpt from Kelly Taylor's article.
Kelly Taylor, once again, one of the producers of The Simple Truth, the TV show that I host.
This is called Super Slab Paves the Way.
In 2004, Austin residents heard rumblings of plans for converting local roads, enjoyed by drivers for years as free ones, to toll roads.
Soon we learned that plans for new toll road construction, conversion of existing roads to toll roads, property confiscation for land acquisition, awarding of building contracts to a foreign consortium,
Shady campaign contributions and passage of the largest spending bill in Texas history had slipped past Texas voters unnoticed.
Local polls later revealed that over 90% of residents opposed the policy, yet officials proceed with construction despite overwhelming opposition.
An investigation into local toll issues led to the discovery that tolls will be the funding mechanism for the larger Trans-Texas Corridor, a segment of the massive NAFTA Superhighway.
The Superhighway is important in developing the North American Union.
Now, she goes into detail on this, but that's the bottom line.
Something that looked like a local thing quickly morphed into something much larger than that because it was always something much larger than that.
Any of this local toll stuff has never been local and the people that were trying to figure out how come they wouldn't listen to us, they didn't understand the big picture.
We on The Simple Truth on our TV show way back in 2004 immediately saw what was going on and immediately said so.
He said, this is not local.
This is a plan to build highways up into Canada and down into Mexico as part of a plan to merge the countries.
We said it in October of 2004 over and over and over again.
And people said, man, y'all are crazy.
This is just local.
No, it's not.
It never was local.
And no, are we so smart?
No, we're not so smart.
We just read the battle plan.
You know, that's it.
We just read the battle plan, we know what we're doing, and we're out doing our best to expose it.
And, you know, you can help expose it if you go to jbs.org and go to the North American Union section, get yourself up to speed, and, hey, help us out, because, hey, it's your country, and we're trying to prevent you from going into a burning ring of fire, which is what's going to happen to this country when they destroy it.
A few months ago I wrote an article for Infowars.com which I want to restate some of.
It's called, It's the Law, Feds Pave the Way to Toll and Privatize the Interstate Highways as Part of the American Union.
I did that on June the 29th on Infowars.
I was a guest on Alex's show and this article I wrote went all over the place and basically what it
Exposes is the fact that it's already the law that the it's already in place.
It's not a bill.
It's not a proposal section 1604 of HR 3 signed by the president in 2005 is a How to for tolling existing interstate, I mean you do you think this is all just for new roads?
Well, you're wrong
And I want to read one sentence from this article because it's a summary of the entire big picture.
Imagine for a moment what must have been going through the minds of the six-legged elites when they thought up this diabolical scheme.
The question is, how do you destroy the national sovereignty of the United States, merge it with the rest of the Western Hemisphere,
Bill, the infrastructure system needed to link up the entire landmass, confiscate private property on a wholesale level, spy on everyone's comings and goings, and trick American suckers into paying for their own demise all in one fell swoop.
The answer?
Toll everything.
So, that's what they're doing to you, ladies and gentlemen.
And when we get back, we're going to go into what you can do about it.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're back again on the Alex Jones Show.
This is December 15, 2006.
This is Bob Dacey sitting in for Alex Jones.
And Kevin Smith just handed me a report, which goes quite well with what I'm talking about right now, in regard to the fact that all this nonsense about the toll roads that they're going to be foisting on us throughout the country, selling off our infrastructure to foreigners, making us pay for roads we already paid for, the whole
Kitten Caboodle is unnecessary.
I have a report here from Sal Costello who is from TexasTollParty.com.
Be sure and go to TexasTollParty.com and see what we're doing about this nonsense in Texas.
A&M report, don't need to raise gas tax, don't need tolls.
See the problem is Governor Rick Perry, who is a lying snake, has been, who
falsely said he thought up the trans-texas corridor.
Now get this, the governor of Texas who is a lying snake says he made up the concept of the trans-texas corridor.
So Governor Perry is really smart.
See, he realized that in order to get the communist Chinese slave goods from the slave factories over in the far east that they would have to build with Walmart the great port facilities down there at Lazaro Cardenas and Manzanilla
And he realized that in order to facilitate moving more jobs, manufacturing jobs, over to China from America and lowering the standard of living of Americans, that he would have to build this trans-Texas corridor.
I'm sure Governor Perry thought that up.
No, he was handed it.
Say, here Governor Perry, think this up.
And that's the truth of the matter.
So the guy's a liar.
Because he's been saying, well, we can't do this any other way.
That's the wave of the future.
Public-private partnership.
That's what we need in order to build these tolls.
Because Texas is going to grow like a weed in the next several years.
All these people are coming in and we're not going to be able to handle it.
Of course, he doesn't tell you where all those people coming in are coming from, which is of course south of the border illegally.
But, you know, we don't want to talk about that, do we?
Anyway, let me read this report.
Texas Department of Transportation over-inflated needs by 30 billion dollars.
And this report pulls the rug out from under the pro-toll arguments.
Austin, Texas, December 13, 2006.
In a stunning admission that increasing the gas tax and tolls are not needed for future transportation projects, a Texas Transportation Institute report called Shaping the Competitive Advantage of Texas Metropolitan Regions, the Role of Transportation, Housing, and Aesthetics
Affirms what San AntonioTollParty.com and citizens groups across the state have been saying.
The report discussed in testimony before the House Transportation Committee also revealed that the Texas Department of Transportation, TxDOT, over-inflated their funding gap figures by 30 billion dollars.
This is a quote from Terry Hall, Regional Director of San Antonio Toll Party.
This is proof positive.
We do not need to toll roads or raise the gas tax at all, much less a dollar nine a gallon, as TxDOT claims, in order to fix our roads and keep people moving.
It's TxDOT who lacks credibility, not the folks who have questioned TxDOT's figures and brought their misstatements to light.
And this was, again, Terri Hall, Regional Director of San Antonio Toll Party, who it says in this article is elated, because guess what?
She's right.
We've been lied to.
The report further bolsters the grassroots movement taking hold throughout Texas, which are working to promote non-toll transportation solutions and rid the state of the controversial and detested Trans-Texas Corridor.
The second most important thing, this is another quote from
We're good to go?
And another quote from Terry Hall.
Our legislature cannot ignore the truth and facts this report reveals, and we believe they'll finally take action to rein in this out-of-control agency that has purposely inflated their figures to push an agenda against the public's best interest."
Hall contends.
With several toll roads set to go to contract in early 2007,
This report certainly gives citizens the ammunition they'll need to keep TxDOT's version of tolls from coming to San Antonio and elsewhere around the state.
So there you have it.
That's very interesting.
Now we just more proof, just more proof that we don't need the tolls.
However, once again, the big picture of this is they don't care.
See, they don't care.
In order to, you need to stop thinking about this issue as a local toll issue.
It's not a local toll issue.
It's never been a local toll issue.
It's an international issue.
It's an infrastructure project to link Canada, the United States and Mexico.
It's a necessary project to merge the three countries into one as part of the North American Union.
Which will effectively destroy your country, America, you hippies out there, and you rednecks, and all the people in between.
So, you know, hey, get in the game.
Don't sit around carping about it.
Get in the game.
How do you get in the game?
Well, here, I'll give you an example.
Since this is an international issue,
And since the United States Congress is supposed to be regulating foreign trade, and since the trader Robert Pastor from the Council on Foreign Relations claims, oh this is just a trade thing, it's no big deal, well the Constitution mandates that the Congress of the United States mandate foreign trade.
Dr. Pastor, you traitor!
Let's talk about the United States Congress.
Now there has been
A resolution introduced into the Congress in the 109th session and then they're going to reintroduce it as as the new session comes up.
But for now it's called a House Concurrent Resolution 4A7.
And let me just read this.
This is something you need to call your congressman, whoever you are, wherever they are, look him up, call your congressman, write your congressman, email your congressman, pester your congressman, hassle your congressman,
Harass your congressman.
Plead with your congressman.
You got the picture?
Don't just sit around listening to the Alex Jones Show and say, Boy, those guys sure are right!
Because it's not going to do any of us any good if you don't put the screws to these people.
All they care about is getting re-elected so they can get all their goodies and stuff.
And they respond when they think they're being watched.
These congress people love to get away with whatever they can get away with if they think you're not looking.
But if you put the screws to them, they have to respond.
Let me just read this resolution.
Resolution 487 expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American free trade agreement, NAFTA superhighway system, or enter into a North American union with Mexico and Canada.
In the House of Representatives, September 28, 2006,
This is Congressman Good of, uh, I think he's from West Virginia.
For himself, Mr. Paul, Mr. Jones of North Carolina, and Mr. Ten Credo submitted the following concurrent resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Committee concerned.
That was a mouthful.
Here's the concurrent resolution.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA superhighway system or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.
Whereas, according to the Department of Commerce, United States trade deficits with Mexico and Canada have significantly widened since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA,
Whereas the economic and physical security of the United States is impaired by the potential loss of control of its borders attendant to the full operation of NAFTA.
Whereas a NAFTA superhighway system from the west coast of Mexico through the United States and into Canada has been suggested as a part of a North American Union.
Whereas it would be particularly difficult for Americans to collect insurance from Mexican companies which deploy Mexican drivers involved in accidents in the United States, which would increase the insurance rates for American drivers.
Whereas future unrestricted foreign trucking into the United States can pose a safety hazard due to inadequate maintenance and inspection
And can act collaterally as a conduit for the entry into the United States of illegal drugs, illegal human smuggling, and terrorist activities.
And, whereas a NAFTA superhighway system would be funded by foreign consortiums, and controlled by foreign management, which threatens the sovereignty of the United States, now for, be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that, number one,
The United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA superhighway system.
The United States should not enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.
The President should indicate strong opposition to these or any other proposals that threaten the sovereignty of the United States.
Now, that's a resolution and you need to back this resolution
But you need to do a lot more than that.
You need to back legislation and all kinds of other stuff to stop this.
Now the third part there, the President should indicate strong opposition to these or any other proposals.
Well, you can forget about that because George Bush has been backing the free trade area of the Americas and the North American Union ever since his daddy told him to do it.
I mean, you can just forget George Bush.
You know, I was trying to make a point yesterday.
I don't think I ever really finished making it.
And let me just make it now.
George Bush and anybody else who became President, the Constitution requires that they take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
And if they don't take the oath, they can't be President.
That's in the Constitution.
Okay, so George Bush gets up there in Washington D.C.
in front of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and thousands of people in attendance, and millions of people watching on TV, and he swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
After such time, he's sworn in as President.
So in legal terms, swearing an oath to protect and defend the Constitution is a conditioned precedent
to taking office as president.
I don't think there's any dispute there.
When he willfully engages in a process designed to merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one country, he is violating his oath of office to protect and defend the country.
You know, the powers
That the executive branch that the United States government has listed in the Constitution are few and they're well-defined.
One of them is to protect our borders from invasion.
Now you've got this invasion of illegal immigrants that's been coming up here for years.
Of course, Clinton's guilty of it too.
Bush Sr.
before, they're all guilty of it.
But right now, you know, Bush Jr., W.A.
is the president.
When he willfully, knowingly,
refuses to do his duty to protect the United States of America from invasion, he is in violation of his oath of office.
I mean, I don't see how you can have an argument there.
It's not.
I mean, just it's in black and white.
When he lets these people come up in this country and
Most of them, of course, are just, you know, it's not their fault.
You know, you open the door, they're going to walk through.
But you have all these drug dealers coming up here, all these drugs coming up here, this slavery brings coming up here, all the violence on the border, all the people getting killed.
You got, you got these sexual predators from Mexico coming up here.
You got illegal aliens murdering Americans every day, you know, and all the crime attendant with all this.
And the President of the United States, who knows that this is happening, oh yeah, and Dr. Corsi mentioned yesterday, they have arrested real live, genuine terrorists.
Arrested them and convicted them.
You know, coming up through Mexico.
And you know, while he pretends like, oh we need to save America from the evil terrorists, he's leaving the border wide open.
This is an act
Which means that he's not supposed to be president anymore.
He has violated his oath of office to protect and defend this country.
And there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
And of course that's only one small segment of what this man has done as the puppet
of the New World Order crowd, this is the puppet of his daddy and his friends, this is the puppet of Dick Cheney and his friends, this is the puppet of the Council on Foreign Relations, which in turn is the puppet of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, which in turn is having their strings yanked by these international banker types, you know, the top, the cream of the New World Order crowd.
When the President acts in this manner
He no longer needs to be president.
He needs to be impeached.
He needs to be removed from office.
You know, and of course, the problem with that is the current crop of Democrats is a bunch of wimps.
I mean, they made motions in that to that effect a few several months ago before the election that what President Bush was doing is, you know, worthy of impeachment.
And of course, I think the majority of Americans in polls have said that, hey, you know, the guy needs to be impeached.
But now the Democrats have taken over the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Oh no, Pelosi says, well no, impeachment's off the table.
And John Conyers says, well no, we can't be impeaching this guy.
So what needs to be done is massive, massive pressure.
I mean, that's what needs to be done because they're elected every two years and he needs to go and this North American community thing needs to go because it's one of the reasons he needs to go.
He is promoting this.
In, was it March of 2005?
Did the Security and Prosperity Agreement with Vicente Fox and Prime Minister Martin of Canada in order to facilitate the merger of the three countries into one country.
And I'm afraid, I'm sorry, that's an act of treason.
And I don't want to overemphasize that.
It's just, it's the definition.
It's just the definition of treason.
You want to merge the United States with Mexico, which is the crookedest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Drugs and everything.
That's treason.
And it cannot stand.
And we need to do something about it.
When we get back, we're going to go under the North American Community Document.
And we'll be back in a few minutes.
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Yeah, that's right.
There must be some kind of way out of here and we're trying to tell you what that way out of here is in regard to this North American community monstrosity.
And in the last segment here, this first hour, I'm going to refer to this document.
Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.
Building a North American Community.
Report of the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America.
This is the blueprint.
Robert Pastor, who was the chief architect of this treason, actually admits, he admitted it to Jerome Coursey.
Yeah, this is a blueprint.
This is what we're doing.
It's cool.
It's not a problem.
Just destroy America.
It's just a wonderful thing, you know, just to merger with Mexico.
It's, you know, this is great.
I have this document right in front of me and I'm just in the next few minutes going to excerpt from some of these things in it.
Number one, I did a little research and I found out they list the task force members and 71% of the Americans on this list are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Go figure.
Go figure.
What an amazing coincidence.
On the subject of the border, to talk about the necessity to expand border infrastructure, in addition to allowing for continued growth in the volume of transporter traffic, such investments must incorporate the latest technology and include facilities and procedures that move as much
as processing as possible away from the border you know just forget about processing the goods at the border forget about the sovereignty of the country you know we're going to have the communist Chinese in conjunction with Lockheed put the little smart tags inside the Mexican trucks driven by the cocaine hyped up Mexican truck drivers rattle down the road and
And that way everybody will know nothing, no kind of contraband is inside of them, because the communist Chinese are going to help run the thing.
You got it?
And of course, the expanding border infrastructure is the real reason, of course, for the trans-Texas corridor, Governor Perry, you lying person, you.
And they say that what we should do by 2010 is, quote, lay the groundwork for the freer flow of people within North America.
Diminishing the need for the current intensity of the government's physical control of cross-border traffic.
Yeah, you don't want to check people coming into the U.S.
about it.
You don't need to do that anymore.
You need to lower that down.
They say that the long-term goal for a North American border action plan should be the elimination of most controls over the temporary movement of these travelers within North America.
And they talk about law enforcement and military cooperation, and among them, joint training for law enforcement officials.
Now, you know, there could be an advantage in that, I have to admit.
There could be an advantage in joint training for law enforcement officials.
The Mexican police can teach our police how to accept bribes.
And you can, you can, like, get out of tickets.
You know, if you want to, you know, just throw them, throw them some money and poof, you know, no more tickets.
You can make the tickets go away.
So I guess there, there are some potential small advantages of merging law enforcement with, with that of Mexico.
I mean, you know, law enforcement could become what it is in Mexico, an entrepreneurial enterprise.
And then they talk about what we should do now.
Expand NORAD into a multi-service defense command.
You know, I just can't wait to have the Mexicans in charge of protecting the southern border of North America.
You know, I just hope none of those crazy terrorists coming in has a $20 bill, because if they do, we're going to be in big trouble.
We'll be back after the break.
We're scheduled to bring on Daniel Abramson of FaultsFlagNews.com, and we're going to solve the Middle East crisis.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to have Mr. Abramson hooked up here in a little bit.
As soon as he's ready, we'll bring him on.
Let me just continue a little bit more with my attack on this North American Union and the
The document building the North American community CFR task forces blueprint for how to destroy the United States of America and be happy about it the whole time.
Another thing they say is we need to increase information and intelligence gathering at the local and national levels in both law enforcement and military organizations.
Law enforcement cooperation should be expanded.
from its current levels through the exchange of liaison teams and better use of automated systems for tracking, storing, and disseminating timely intelligence.
This should be done immediately.
Okay, there you have it ladies and gentlemen.
The American military and the Mexican military need to share information.
Oh boy.
Mexican military.
That's great.
They're just as crooked as the rest of everything in Mexico.
You know?
We talked about it yesterday.
You know, you got these few rich families in Mexico.
The drug cartels run everything.
Dr. Torcy was talking about the fact that the drug companies are buying the Mexican trucking companies right now.
Come on, ladies and gentlemen.
Wake up to the insanity.
Okay, what we should do now.
We need to intensify Mexican efforts to accelerate its economic development.
We need to increase the federal tax base.
You see, one of the things that the globalists love to do to encourage their pie-in-the-sky schemes of global government is to lend some poor, dumb country a bunch of money, and then once they've done it, make sure they can't pay it back, and then they got the squeeze on.
That's what they do, and in order to put the squeeze on, then the local crooks that run the country have to increase the tax on their poor, dumbed-down slave population.
And that's what the CFR is suggesting here.
They say, explore with the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank ways to use multilateral development funds to most effectively address the North American development challenge.
English translation, tax Americans to pay for the Mexican portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor.
There's a right here.
Establish a North American investment fund for infrastructure and human capital.
The United States and Canada should establish a North American investment fund to encourage private capital flow into Mexico.
Yeah, private capital flow from your wallet
Use the American taxpayer into the wallets of the contractors who are going to build the Mexican portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor so the Communist Chinese goods can get up here much, much more efficiently without having to deal with any disgusting American workers like Longshoremen or Teamsters or American Truckers.
We can't have that because, you know, Walmart needs to get those goods in here cheap.
And they talk about counterpart funding to higher tax revenues for Mexico.
Again, tax the slaves.
The fund design should consider such issues as incentives and debt absorption.
And they say we need to enhance the capacity of the North American Development Bank.
And that is what Senator John Cornyn is doing in the U.S.
He introduced that bill earlier this year, 3622, to do exactly that.
And, you know, he was kind of not careful about it because the wording he used in the bill is exactly, precisely the wording in this document from the Council on Foreign Relations.
So he got caught with his pants down and he withdrew the bill temporarily.
But don't worry.
It'll be back!
Because, you know, we've got to build the North American superhighway.
You know, because the Communist Chinese are demanding it.
Okay, well we're going to take another break and when we get back hopefully we will have Daniel Abramson from falseflagnews.com.
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Alright, we're back on the Alex Jones Show with Bob Basie substituting for Alex Jones.
And before I bring on our guest, Daniel Abramson of falseflagnews.com, I'm kind of on a roll here right now in this North American Union.
And I would be remiss if I didn't cover this.
Kevin Smith just handed me a new report by Dr. Jerome Corsi, the man we had on our show yesterday, writer for Human Events Magazine and WorldNetData.com.
If you go to WorldNetData.com, you can click on this article just posted under the topic of New World Disorder.
North American Union leader says merger
Just a crisis away.
Leading intellectual force behind the effort toward the EU-style unity looks at the future.
And this is, of course, about my friend, the traitor, Professor Robert Pastor, the Marxist, Communist, CFR trash, who is the principal architect of building a North American community.
The paper that I have been reading from the last several minutes
I'm not going to go over this whole thing right now, perhaps later on in the show, but he actually in this paper, let me just read a little bit of it.
Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American community, told WorldNetDaily he believes a new 9-1-1 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
I want to read that again.
I'm starting to grasp this.
Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American community, per WorldNet Daily, he believes a new 9-1-1 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
Pastor, a university, a professor at American University says, in such a case, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, launched in 2005 by the heads of the three countries at a summit in Waco, Texas, could be developed into a continental union, complete with a new currency, the Amaro, that would replace the U.S.
dollar, just as the Euro has replaced the national currencies of Europe.
In May 2005, Pastor was co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force that produced a report entitled, Toward a North American Community.
Which he claimed is the blueprint behind the SPP declared by President Bush, Mexico's then-President Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-Prime Minister Paul Martin.
Ladies and gentlemen, you need to go to worldnetdaily.com and read this whole thing.
I'll probably get back to it later on in the show.
Gee, what do you know?
Everything I've been saying is being confirmed by American University, Robert Pastor,
A professor here, Robert Pastor, who is a traitor to his country, a sellout, a Benedict Arnold, a Judas, a too-brute, a Brutus, backstabbing the United States of America.
Thank you, American University professor Robert Pastor, for confirming
In an interview with Jerome Corsi for WorldNetDaily, everything we said about you, sir, you are pathetic.
Okay, now we're going to change subjects.
We have with us Daniel Abramson from FalseFlagNews.com.
Daniel, are you there?
I am here.
Thank you so much for having me.
Well, gee, you know, I don't even really know much about you.
I got handed this thing, and I understand that you're a young kid, aren't you?
You're like 23 years old?
Yeah, 23.
That's dead on accurate.
Who are you?
What do you do?
And let's get into this website of yours, False Flag News.
The microphone is yours.
Have at it.
Absolutely, and thank you.
It's a good question to start with.
Yeah, I'm 23 years old.
I'm a college student.
I'm a journalist.
I'm a researcher.
I'm a musician, and I also host a daily radio show from 9 to 10 Eastern Time.
That's 8 to 9 Central on RBN.
That's Monday to Friday, so I do the radio gig every night.
In the meantime, I monitor the war games and the terror drills.
That's become a specialty of mine because
When we look into the origins of false flag terror, whether it's in the 9-11 attacks or the attacks of 7-7 in London, what we find is a propensity of drills which clearly mimic the attacks that happened.
So in the case of 9-11, you had the military, the NRO, and the CIA running drills where hijacked jets were flying around the country, some of which even crashed into government buildings.
And the drill then is flipped live and becomes the terror attack using government taxis, often set up as Arabs.
And then in the case of the 7-7 bombings in London, you had drills being run by Peter Power, Advisor Consultants, and Scotland Yard, which very closely mimic the exact same buses, trains, and spots where the bombings went off.
So what we see is that drills and war games and movements around the world can be a good prognosticator both of upcoming false-flat terror attacks and also potential wars.
You know, one of the things I've been covering recently on my program
It's movements in the Persian Gulf.
We now have the Eisenhower Strike Group, which is moving into the Persian Gulf for a potential strike on Iran.
So, by monitoring these different movements, the military movements, you can kind of see the news before it happens.
So, that's my specialty.
And, you know, in the meantime, I do a lot of music.
I'm putting out a CD with a lot of songs about the New World Order.
It's hip-hop music.
So, there's a lot more for younger people so that, you know, a lot of people don't have the time to
Read a 450 page book or to sit down and even listen to an hour long radio show because sometimes that's just not the medium they're used to.
It's become a very, you know, the society's become dumbed down to the point where people's attention spans are very short.
So sometimes in order to educate people, you have to do it in the shortest amount of time possible.
So I'll make songs that are three and a half, four minutes long and try to educate people who may not otherwise want to listen to a lot of this important material.
Okay, so you're talking about, your website is devoted to letting people know, watching, kind of reading the tea leaves, hey look, they're doing some drills over here, and you know what happens with drills, they tend to morph into reality, that's what you're doing.
Well listen, you know, the fact is that they might run 10,000 drills a year, but if one of them goes live, we've got a big problem.
Well that's the question, if I was, let me play devil's advocate here for just a minute,
Okay, we know that on the morning of September 11th, the United States government was running several drills having to do with hijack aircraft, right?
I mean, that's not even debatable.
That is a fact.
In fact, Richard Myers and Ralph Eberhard in front of the 9-11 Commission admitted as much.
Okay, if I was them and I wanted to cover my tracks and say, well, don't you know, look, you people say we were running a drill
on involving hijacked aircraft on the morning of September 11th.
I said, oh, we run those drills every day.
We run, we do that every day.
Do you have any kind of sense of correlation there that would diffuse that argument?
That, oh, you can't, you're just leaping to conclusions.
We're always running drills involving hijacked aircraft.
Well, in fact, you know, what's interesting about 9-11 is that it was the highest concentration of drills and war games ever in one day.
So it wasn't just that they were running one hijacking drill, they were running so many that the air forces were depleted.
So normally NORAD would have intercepted those planes.
And what you had was as many as 27 different jets, which were supposedly hijacked.
So when we look at the NORAD page, which came out in Vanity Fair, the flight controllers are saying, I think it's a damn input.
And they thought it was part of the drill.
What this did was it delayed the response.
Now, you could argue that perhaps Al-Qaeda or the hijackers knew that these drills were being run that day.
You could argue it was just a case of bad luck.
But then you look into the war games that were being run that day, because there are two things that were happening on 9-11.
On the one hand, we had the hijacking drills.
One of them being run simulated a plane crashing into the National Reconnaissance Office headquarters.
That's a very shadowy group.
The NRO has a budget bigger than the NSA.
Bigger than the CIA, and very few people talk about the NRO.
They're running a drill, where a hijack jet crashes into their building.
So we could say, that's very similar, right?
But then we look into the war games that were being run that day, simulating an all-out nuclear war with Russia.
And in fact, they were simulating a nuclear strike on the Russians, and then a counter-strike back at the United States.
And General Ivashov, who is the head of the Russian Army, during September 11th, said at a recent conference that
Not only did the Russian military know that 9-11 was an inside job, he said, furthermore, the war games that they were running were so realistic, they thought it was going to be World War III that day.
They thought it was going to be nuclear Armageddon.
What the drills were, were a backdoor, that if the attacks go live and then things become escalated, they then have the war games in place.
So, it was a high concentration of drills.
Furthermore, when you look at the 7-7 attacks, you have to ask yourself,
What are the chances that Scotland Yard and Visor Consultants would be running the exact same drill, with the exact same buses, the exact same trains, being bombed at nearly the exact same time?
The kind of chances of that happening are just...
Too great.
And, you know, we have to look at the reason these drills are used.
It's to confuse good people within the intelligence agency.
Although a lot of people were looking into Mohammed Atta at the flight schools, and they're told, back off.
He's part of the Able Danger Program.
Then the drills that morning.
Not everybody in the FAA is a traitor to our country.
Not every person in NORAD is a traitor.
So they're told, well we've got as many as 27 hijacked jets and they're being flown all around the country to a lot of dead ends.
I think that the drills are used to confuse the good patriotic people within the intel agencies and the government bureaucracy.
Okay, so we're having a multi-level attack, false flag terror attack, at a station in the United States of America on September 11th, and they've got multiple redundancies built into the plan.
Yeah, and this is a way for them, look, if I were going to engineer a false flag attack, this is exactly how I would do it.
Because you know that if you have a few coup plotters at the top, you know, to carry out a successful false flag attack, what you need is moles within different intelligence agencies.
People in the FBI, who when their lower people were saying, you know, out of the Phoenix Memo, or out of Minneapolis, were saying, we think that there's Arabs at flight schools and they may hijack a jet and crash it into the World Trade Center.
In fact, that was remarked by Kenneth Williams in the Phoenix Memo.
He says, we think they may crash a plane into the World Trade Center.
I think he also said that 70 times, I believe, except when I read he was screaming it.
He didn't just issue a memo.
Yeah, well, what I'm saying is that who in the FBI, there were higher-ups, people like Dale Watson, and people like, um, you know, who's the other fellow, Dave Frasca.
Dave Frasca and Dale Watson were in positions to have this information, but it was never passed along.
You know, so you have certain people within the intelligence agencies who just, let me say, for legal purposes, fail to do their job properly.
But then within the FAA at NORAD,
I mean, if you look at the NORAD tapes, a lot of these people were begging.
They're saying, do we have the shoot-down order?
What the hell is going on here?
And they're just being sent all over the country.
Now, the thing about those NORAD tapes is, all we saw was the ground-level people.
We never saw the communications between Larry Arnold and Colonel Barr and Ralph Eberhardt, the higher-ups in NORAD.
Hang on, we'll be right back after the break.
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Okay, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
This is December 15, 2006.
This is Bob Dacey.
Substituting for Alex Jones, we have as our guest Daniel Abramson of FalseFlagNews.com, who specializes in looking at what our little government agencies are doing as a potential indicator as to something nasty that just might happen.
Because for some strange reason, when bad things happen, the government seems to be running drills having to do with the exact same thing.
What an amazing coincidence.
Daniel, before the break we were talking about these NORAD tapes and I want you to go ahead and continue on with that line of discussion.
Tell us what these NORAD tapes were and what they reveal.
Yeah, absolutely.
Michael Brunner wrote for Vanity Fair Magazine.
He was given the exclusive access to the NORAD tapes.
And they're quite telling.
For a long time, 9-11 alternative researchers like myself have pointed to the drills and suggested that not only were these used to confuse the good people within NORAD and the FAA, but in fact, one of these drills may have been the one that went live.
I just want to read to you a drill.
This was not run on September 11th, but was actually created by NORAD before September 11th.
This is from CNN.com.
It was called Amalgam Virgo.
It said, two planes, a Delta 757 with actual Delta pilots in the flight deck, will be hijacked by FBI agents as it makes its trip from Salt Lake City to Honolulu.
The plane will be diverted in midair.
And it talks about how they had FBI agents posing as hijackers in drills before September 11th.
It's very possible that during that day, the actual attacks were bootlegged through a drill, sort of a lost terror drill, which was not reported.
We don't know a lot about some of these drills that were going on that day.
For example, Apollo Guardian.
Very little is known about what was going on during Apollo Guardian.
And again, you know, one of the things people often say about a conspiracy theory is it's difficult and it doesn't meet the merits of fact because
There would be too many people involved.
You know, if there were a real conspiracy, wouldn't somebody have come out and said something?
But in fact, what you do is you use the drill as a means to confuse people.
For example...
You know, like I said, the people in the FAA and NORAD would not have seen that as a conspiracy.
They would have said, what an unfortunate thing it was that we were running drills that day.
We were so confused.
The shoot-down orders didn't come through.
It was just a disaster and poor planning.
Furthermore, when you look into a lot of the backgrounds of the alleged hijackers, Mohammed Atta had strange connections to the Able Danger program being run by SOCOM.
The intelligence group of the military.
Furthermore, at least five of the alleged hijackers were training at U.S.
military bases.
For example, the Pensacola Air Base in Florida.
Muhammad Atta trained at the Maxwell Air Base in Alabama.
You had Muhammad Atta at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California.
And this was all testified.
People say, where are the whistleblowers?
Colonel Steve Butler
A 25-year Air Force veteran said, I trained Muhammad Ata as a spy at the Monterey base.
So I think when a lot of the FBI agents who were, for better or worse, fairly patriotic people looking into these flight schools, looking into the identities of some of these people, were going to their higher-ups and saying, look, we've got a problem here.
We think there may be a terror attack up lower Manhattan.
They were pulled back off.
This is part of a top secret program.
It's part of a drill.
Just don't say anything.
We'll take care of it.
And this is the way that good people are neutralized.
I was reading the mainstream media and they said that Mohammed Atta was a crazed fanatical Muslim.
I mean, how do you get a crazed fanatical Muslim to work for the United States government?
Yeah, and look, you know, this goes to the, you know, mythology of Al Qaeda.
When you begin looking into it, and the amazing thing is, is this is all very mainstream.
You look at Osama Bin Laden, and it's reported in Le Figaro and The Guardian that two months before 9-11, Osama Bin Laden meets with the top two CIA agents.
In the Middle East, at the American Hospital in Dubai, while he's receiving dialysis.
This has landed on the FBI's 10 most wanted.
You know, Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's right-hand man, and really, supposedly the brains behind al-Qaeda, has been protected by the British government and MI6 for 25 years plus.
You look into somebody like Ali Mohammed, who worked at Fort Bragg.
He was in special operations with the Delta Forces.
This is supposed to be Osama Bin Laden's top tactician, and he was working at Fort Bragg.
I mean, every time we look into the funding of these groups, you know, the Mujahideen being funded by the CIA with billions of dollars, when we look into who was running the drills that day, where these supposed hijackers came from, and furthermore, you know, somebody like Mohammed Atta was at Huffman Aviation, trick-taking flights there.
Huffman Aviation was busted with 43 pounds of heroin on one of their flights.
And this flight school, which was, you know, front-owned by Wally Hilliard, had been tied up in the drug-dealing game.
So, you know, you get into this network of Iran-Contra drug-running and weapons-smuggling and the same people involved here, and it shows that this terrorism does not emerge out of a cave, doesn't come out of Afghanistan or Waziristan or whatever they try to claim, that this is a functionary of the intelligence agency, created in-house,
And then they use their drills and they use their programs to confuse the good people within the business.
Alright Daniel, we'll be right back after the break.
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All right, we're back.
This is Bob Dacey, substitute for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
We've been talking with Daniel Abramson of FalseFlagNews.com.
You want to be sure and go there, FalseFlagNews.com.
Before I get back with Daniel, I want to read an article that just came out yesterday from Paul Joseph Watson on PrisonPlanet.com, which punctuates
What he's saying, actually, he said a minute ago that all the people that doubt September 11th was an inside job say, well, where are the whistleblowers?
How come people aren't coming out?
And what you don't know is they are coming out.
It's just the mainstream media won't touch them.
There's lots of them, and a new one has come out.
Let me just read from Paul Joseph Watson's article.
Boston Air Traffic Controller says 9-1-1 an inside job.
A former Boston Center air traffic controller has gone public in his assertion that 9-1-1 was an inside job and that Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon tracked three of the four flights from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets.
In an astounding telephone interview, Robin Horden claims air traffic controllers have been ignored or silenced to protect the true perpetrators of 9-1-1.
Later on it says he quickly concluded on the very afternoon of the attacks that they could represent nothing other than an inside job.
On September 11th, I'm one of the few people who really, within quite a few hours of the whole event taking place, just simply knew that it was an inside job.
And it wasn't because of the visuals, the collapses, whatever.
I knew that it was an inside job, I think, within about 4 or 5 o'clock that afternoon.
And the reason I knew is because when those aircraft did collide, and when we got the news and information on where the aircraft were and where they went,
If they knew where the aircraft were and were talking to them at a certain time, then the normal protocol is to get fighter jet aircraft up to assist."
Gordon said that from personal experience he knew the system was always ready to immediately scramble intercepting fighters and that any reversal of that procedure would have been unprecedented and abnormal.
He had also personally handled both real hijacking situations in his airspace and other emergency procedures.
Gordon said the only way the airliners could have avoided being intercepted was if a massive electrical and communications failure had occurred, which it didn't on that day.
Adding there was, quote, no way in, quote, hijacked airliners could have reached their targets otherwise.
So, Daniel, there you have another another one of these non-existent whistleblowers coming out.
Tell us, again, go back to these NORAD tapes.
What happened to these tapes?
Can you tell us that?
Well, you know, they were hidden from the public for a long time, and obviously what we're told is that Vanity Fair was given the complete tapes.
Who knows?
These could have been like Nixon's tapes, and there's gaps in the middle.
Uh, but what you see is, even at the lower level, the confusion.
As Richard Clark said in front of the 9-11 Commission, they thought as many as 27 different jets were hijacked that morning.
And it led to great confusion.
But eventually, they're able to find a lot of these things.
And what they then begin asking for is the shoot-down order.
Do we have the order to shoot these things down?
And the order just never comes through.
And then we need to begin looking into the history that a few months before 9-11, these shoot-down powers, which were normally given to some of the generals in NORAD, were then taken by Don Rumsfeld.
And that was a totally new precedent for this to happen.
And so, Rumsfeld is absent from the National Military Command Center, and absent until about 10-30, when all these attacks are going on.
His whereabouts are fairly unknown.
He's not in the conference call.
So when you look at the standout, you have to think, how high did this chain of command go?
And so we're only seeing the ground level where they said, we think it's a BAM input.
They thought that these hijack jets might have been inputs, part of the drill.
They were saying, is the drill going live yet?
Is this part of the exercise or not?
This is what a lot of the flight controllers in Boston were asking.
And then what I want to know is what was on the tapes between Larry Arnold, Colonel Marr, Ralph Eberhardt, and a lot of the people who were operating out of Kindle Air Force Base in Florida.
I want to hear the tapes between Don Rumsfeld and the NORAD people.
And furthermore, you know, I was talking about the drills that day, but also I talked about the war games.
A lot of these nuclear war games were being run out of STRATCOM.
And this is a window into the coup faction that is actually controlling the United States right now.
They give us this shadow game with these puppets in the front, Republican, Democrat, and play these phony paradigms off one another.
And the agenda always stays global tyranny.
Of course, we have the European oligarchs.
And the Masters of the Federal Reserve, but within this country, we also have the Stratcom faction.
And those are the people at Beaufort Air Force Base and Barksdale Air Force Base that were running the nuclear war games that day.
Well, it gets interesting because Bush, after he's flown out during reading My Pet Goat, the Secret Service stands down, lets him read for 25 minutes while the country is under attack.
And this is a man who is not in control.
He's taken up his
Air Force One plane is not given any cover.
They don't give him any planes to protect the plane.
They then send him where?
To Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.
Where does he then go next?
So he goes to the two STRATCOM bases to meet with a lot of people that were running the drills that day.
Furthermore, at the STRATCOM base in Oak Foot, Warren Buffett is there meeting with 100 of the top CEOs, many of whom worked in the World Trade Center.
And this is not conspiracy, this is very verifiable stuff, so it's amazing to watch Bush, the tinfoil puppet who they put out there, being flown around to a lot of the places where these drills were run.
I think that is a window into the cool faction that was running the drills and really running the attacks that day.
I know that on your website, I want to read something here and I'd like to get a comment on it.
I am interested primarily in drill and war games research and exposing the agencies, corporations, think tanks and media conglomerates, financiers and social engineers who are deliberately dumbing down the world population.
Unfortunately, the growing American police state means I must offer this disclaimer.
Some people involved in the 9-1-1 truth movement in the past have been accidented or suicided.
Who in the 9-1-1 Truth Movement has been accidented or suicided?
Can you elaborate on that comment?
You know, there was a lot of talk that Hunter Thompson, for example, was writing stories about the collapse of towers before he was, you know, before they said it was a suicide.
And there was a lot of strange stories.
People could never really figure out how those gunshots came in.
Additionally, Gary Webb was rumored to be working on a bunch of 9-11 stories.
He suffered two gunshots to the head, and that was called a suicide as well.
I mean, we don't even know how many whistleblowers may have tried to come out.
I know that many people have been threatened.
You know, for example, Alex Jones said that he tried to call Colonel Steve Butler, the man who I mentioned before, who said, I train Muhammad Atta.
And he said, Colonel Butler's wife was on the other end going, you get off that phone right now!
So I put it out there as a warning.
There was a guy named Danny Casarello back in the day who began to investigate the Octopus, as he called it.
The different intelligence agencies which were really running the finance system and certainly the Iran-Contra drug and weapons smuggling.
And he turned up dead in a bathtub.
So I don't mean to say that I'm the one that they really want to go after.
Certainly, intelligence agencies have a way bigger threat than Dan Abramson.
I'm sure they are far more interested in other people, but I put that out there because I don't put myself in dangerous situations, and I think a lot of people don't realize the risk people take in going after the truth.
The intelligence agencies have a vested interest in preventing this information from getting out.
We know that they have blue lists.
We know they have red lists.
We know they're building at least $385 million worth of haliburton camps, that they're setting up detention camps around this country.
They passed the Military Commissions Act saying it is now legal to declare Americans enemy combatants, to torture, detain, and even murder them in military tribunals.
So I just put that out there.
As a disclaimer, I live a very safe life and I hope to continue to do so.
Well, speaking of people that kind of had an untimely demise, and this has to do with the potential of what you were talking about, the London bombings, the 7-7 bombings in London.
Do you have any authoritative information about what happened to that Brazilian electrician?
Do you have any knowledge of that incident?
No, you know, there was a lot of speculation, I know, on Prison Planet that he may have seen something he wasn't supposed to.
Because the manner in which he was gunned down, they claimed that he was armed, and then it turned out he wasn't.
And then they fired so many shots into him that it definitely, there were no warning shots.
He was hit in the back.
Certainly he knew something he wasn't supposed to, but as far as the details of it, I think it would just be speculation on my part.
If I may, on just that topic of 7-7, I want to read this quote from Peter Power of Visor Consultants, just to flesh this out for people.
Now tell people who Visor Consultants is again.
Visor Consultants is a crisis management advice company.
It's better known as a PR firm, so they do crisis control, disaster situations, and public relations.
They were working with Scotland Yard on the morning of 7-7, and this is a quote from Peter Power, head of Visor Consultants.
As he spoke to the BBC, he says,
So there you have it, the head advisor consultant saying, we were running the drill that exactly mimicked the attacks that day.
Now, you know, you can either be a coincidentalist, or you can say something else is going on here.
You begin to look at the funding of these organizations, who runs them, and we begin to see that false flag terrorism is a vehicle to scare the population into giving up their rights.
It's also a way to prop up their economic house of cards, which is collapsing right now, as the dollar collapses, and as you mentioned, as they try to push us into the Amaro and the North American Union.
Yeah, so it's all related.
If anybody doubts what has happened in regard to September 11th, go to one of these financial websites and find out, track the price of Halliburton stock on September 11th versus what happened to it in intervening years.
Coincidence theorists, they are interesting people.
They always talk about conspiracy theorists and how you're all nuts and you come up with a couple of weird things and you spin this conspiracy theory with no facts to back it up.
These coincidence theorists, they take the cake.
I mean, they really do.
They really do.
Another false flag event, Daniel, I don't know if you know about this.
We were going to have another guest on with you today, but he couldn't make it.
This is Nafis Mosaddegh Ahmed.
I was wondering, there's another false flag terrorism event that happened a few months ago in Iraq regarding the British SAS troops.
Are you familiar with that incident?
Yeah, absolutely.
These British SAS were attempting to bomb a mosque in Iraq and they were dressed up as Arabs with traditional head garb.
They were arrested, put in prison, and then broken out of prison.
The prison walls were destroyed and they were broken out
So, here again you have the obvious evidence that intelligence agencies have actually been stroking the violence.
They actually want Sunni and Shia and Kurdish people at each other's throats.
You would say, well why would they want a civil war?
How would this be conducive to Iraqi freedom or Iraqi democracy?
Well, we need to look a little bit back into the past and understand that going back to the Project for the New American Century, and going even further back to the Zionist document, which was the policy for a clean break outlined for Benjamin Netanyahu in 1997 in the Likud government, they were talking about splitting Iraq into three different parts, and taking control of the oil fields.
And so splitting Iraq and doing a federal government with three different states has always been part of the plan.
It is what they call their new map for the Middle East.
And one of the ways to do this is to actually get a sectarian war going.
And I think this is evidence of it.
So what you're saying, and I would have to, I think I would have to agree with you, what you're saying, if I may put words in your mouth, is that the situation that's going on in Iraq right now is what they want.
Yeah, and I think when you look into a program called P-2-O-G, the Proactive Preemptive Operations Group, I really encourage people to look into P-2-O-G.
This is a secret program designed by Rumsfeld to quote, stimulate reactions amongst terrorist groups, and they're actually trying to get
Terrorist groups to strike the United States, to strike countries in the Middle East, and actually putting billions of dollars into this to try to get real organic terrorist groups to either hit this country or create sectarian violence in Iraq.
There's been some out there who say that all of the violence is coming from the Americans.
Now, look, I'm not enough of an expert to say that, and I certainly don't think so.
I think when you see, you know, 150 people murdered in one day, I think the U.S.
got the ball rolling, and now they're just going to watch, you know, it's like a puppet master.
Well, I think that when you, you know, the old thing, when you take a couple of cats and you throw them in a sack and shake them, they're going to fight.
You know, but the question is, who threw the cats in the sack?
And now the question is, how are they going to expand the war?
And that's where you see the differences between the neocons and Baker-Hamilton are very different.
Baker-Hamilton is saying, we'll have a larger regional Middle East war, we'll carve up Iraq into three parts, we'll send in 50,000 more troops, we may even get Syria and Iran involved in a regional war, we'll try negotiations.
So the amazing thing is that the ruling class oligarchs
We're good to go.
And yet again, we're watching history repeat itself right now.
Another one you left out, another one of these well-known pieces of literature that came out in 1997 was Zbigniew Brzezinski's book, The Grand Chessboard.
In The Grand Chessboard, Zbig, who was a member of the Trilateral Commission, one of David Rockefeller's proteges, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, my favorite organization,
In his book, The Grand Chess Board, this was published in 1997, he just flat out said, you know, what you've got to do here is you've got to keep the barbarians from coming together.
I mean, he said, you know, we've got to keep these people in the Middle East where all the oil is from unifying, and we want them fighting amongst themselves.
I mean, he actually said that in the book.
So, it's amazing.
Yeah, and I think this has always been part of their plan, and I think it will continue.
You know, what I wanted to cover in this program, hopefully, is to talk about
The different plans for war with Iran right now, and a lot of people look at Iraq and the failed occupation, that by Johns Hopkins estimates at least 650,000 Iraqi civilians have been mass murdered since the shock and awe of genocide began, and that does not count the depleted uranium,
We're good to go.
Hundreds of generations.
And then you look furthermore at the sanctions regime under Bill Clinton.
Because this is not a left-right thing.
At least one million Iraqis killed under the regime of Bill Clinton.
And Madeleine Albright saying they thought it was very worth it.
So this genocide goes far back into the Democrats.
It crosses a party line.
And look at Zbigniew Brzezinski.
He's somebody who, again, he says he's against the Iraq War, but he's talking about invading Russia.
He wants World War III, or World War IV, as they call it.
They just want to manage it slightly differently.
And, of course, Brzezinski talked about the Technotronic Era, and he says it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society, such a society would be dominated by the elite.
So, you know, he is talking about microchips.
You know, 20 years ago, he says,
It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the health or personal behavior of every citizen in addition to more customary data.
These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
He wrote this in 1971, so what a visionary to see the kind of
We're good to go.
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I was sitting in traffic, listening to the radio.
Okay, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Once again, my name is Bob Basie, substituting for Alex Jones.
We're talking to Daniel Abramson of falseflagnews.com.
And I just want to, again, start this segment with a story that I was given by Kevin Smith, one of the producers of this show, having to do with what
Mr. Averson was just talking about this.
This is out of the Toronto Star.
Posted December the 10th by Kevin Haggerty.
A generation is all they need.
One day we will all happily be implanted with microchips and our every move will be monitored.
The technology exists.
The only barrier is society's resistance to the loss of privacy.
I just want to read a few lines from this extensive article.
From this point forward, microchips will become progressively smaller, less invasive, and easier to deploy.
A series of tried and tested strategies will be marshaled to familiarize citizens with the technology.
These will be coupled with efforts to pressure tainted social groups and entice the remainder of the population into being chipped.
This, then, is how the next generation will come to be microchipped.
In the West, chips will first be implanted in members of stigmatized groups.
Commercial success is contingent on making serious inroads into tagging the larger population of law-abiding citizens
Employers will start to expect implants as a condition of getting a job.
The U.S.
military will lead the way, requiring chips for all soldiers as a means to enhance battlefield command and control.
Following quickly behind will be the massive security sector, security guards, police officers.
The remaining holdouts will grow increasingly weary of Luddite jokes and subtle accusations that they have something to hide.
What might Hitler, Mao, or Milosevic have accomplished if their citizens were chipped, coded, and remotely monitored?
While we cannot anticipate all the positive advantages that might be derived from this technology, the negative prospects are almost too terrifying to contemplate.
Gee, I bet you that Dole was a big Neanderthal when he read that.
He got all excited.
What do you think, Daniel?
Yeah, absolutely, and this has been a goal of theirs from the beginning.
You know, authors have been writing about this for 20 years, suggesting that there would be a time when brain implants and microchips would be put
Into the human population and everyone said, well no one will support it.
Well they're fundamentally right about that.
You know in major polls over 90% of Americans, whether it's children or adults, are against getting in a plantable microchip.
So if you look into documents like the Revolution in Military Affairs document from 1994, the military tries to think of ways that they will market these to people.
And fundamentally it is the same group that were behind the tagging of
The concentration camp and death camp victims in the Holocaust, IBM, which used their most advanced computers to document people and put them behind the camps.
In fact, when you look at the numbers on people's arms, that was thanks to IBM.
IBM is now the number one backer of Verichip Corporation, which is designing a lot of these implantable GPS-tracked microchips for the human population.
Furthermore, you have a company called
Cyberkinetics, which has the brain gate chip.
And all of this is coming quickly down the pipeline.
You know, Bob, there was an interesting article a few days ago which said
By 2026, scientists are estimating that we will be able to store all of our memories and our entire history in a computer the size of a sugar cube, and that we will really begin to download our consciousness into computers.
You know, the globalists are sitting on a wealth of technology, nanotechnology, which will undermine their oil empire, so they push this peak oil stuff on us.
They're sitting on microchips, brain implant chips, they're using EMF weapons,
But it's amazing to see the wealth of technology that they have.
And in order to get people in a control grid where everything can be monitored, tracked, and traded, the microchip is the key.
You take away paper currency, the fiat currency, and you just push everyone into a system of numbers.
Hang on, Daniel.
Hang on.
We'll be right back after the break.
We're up against the break.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey back for the third hour of the Alex Jones Show here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
And we've been talking with Daniel Abramson of False Flag News.
He said you wanted to get into this business about this potential war with Iran, I believe he said.
Is that what you said, Daniel?
Yeah, absolutely.
It would unfortunately be my pleasure to do so because I think we need to start making people aware of the potential that in spite of the globalists losing their war in Afghanistan to redeploy the opium crop.
In fact, you know, part of, when we're looking at the Afghanistan invasion, a lot of this is to try to build this trans-Afghan pipeline for natural gas.
That's right.
...was a 1400% increase in the amount of opium being produced in that country.
That money is then funneled by the intelligence agencies, primarily MI6 and CIA, into the Wall Street banks, where it is then pumped up through the hedge funds, the derivatives markets, and that hot money is then used to keep this fiat system running.
Let me emphasize that point, because you are really talking a mile a minute, and I talk less than a mile a minute.
So, let me emphasize that.
For those of you who do not know, and you think that these people, these phonies up in Washington are debating, you know, when we're going to get out of Iraq,
They are, what Daniel said is true, they're building 14 hardened, massive, permanent military bases in Iraq.
And you think that they're just going to pull out and leave those things?
Oh, come on!
What fantasy land do you live in?
However, let's talk about this impending war with Iran, which may or may not happen.
If you read the mainstream media,
Just reading their stuff and their political cartoons about the leader of Iran and all that, and all their giant nuclear program, you get the impression that Xerxes and the Persian Horde is about to go kill all of us Greeks.
I mean, is that not the case?
Well, I think what you have is a group that got into this war.
I think they underestimated the situation in Iraq.
Although I don't buy this, you know, that they really thought that they were going to be treated as liberators.
I think at this point, when you look again back into their documents, I think that they're a hardcore group of Iran-contra criminals and Nordcom and Stratcom guys who still need their invasion of Iran.
And a lot of this, again, comes out of Israel.
And I'm not picking on Israel.
And I know there's a lot of people out there who claim that somehow Jews and Zionists are behind everything.
And those people really make my skin crawl.
Are you Jewish?
I am.
I mean, I'm not a particularly religious character, but by birth I am.
By birth you're Jewish, and you dare to criticize Israel?
Oh, I'm quite the self-hater, Bob, absolutely.
Are you insinuating that there is a difference between the people that run Israel, the Zionists, and the regular Israeli people?
Yeah, and when you look into the polls, you see that that's exactly the case.
Ehud Olmert has something around a 22% approval rating right now.
The IDF enjoys about a 13 or 14% approval rating.
The majority of Israelis are against the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
They are against the construction of the Apartheid Wall, which is infringing on territories of the Palestinians.
They're against the torture of tens of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners.
Furthermore, over 70% of Jews in this country oppose the war in Iraq.
So that isn't to say that there aren't top-level criminals in the Mossad, Shin Bet, Israeli Knesset, you know, Ehud Olmert's cabinet, absolutely, who are trying to direct these war policies.
But it's important that we see the nuance of things.
I think that so many people look at Israeli war crimes and they use that as an excuse to blanket one religious group and to say all Jews are behind it.
Not only is that anti-intellectual, it's just factually wrong.
Yeah, but I heard that the Jews done it.
That's what I heard over and over and over again.
We'll be back after the break with Daniel Abramson.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this is Bob Mason returning once again on the third hour of the Alex Jones Show, substituting for the inimitable Alex Jones, and we're talking with Daniel Abramson of falseflagnews.com.
We're going to take some calls in this segment.
I'm going to put up the number at 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 if you want to ask Daniel a question about his endeavors.
Daniel, I want to ask you a question.
Why is it, this is kind of a simplistic question, but it comes up, why is it that criticism of Israel always is equated with anti-Semitism?
Well, I think, you know, for part of that you have to look into the ADL itself, which is very much a functionary of the Zionist government in Israel.
And anytime you go ahead and criticize the state of Israel, even for their admitted war crimes, for example, in the Guardian yesterday there was an article which quoted Israeli soldiers from the IDF admitting that they would go around murdering Palestinian children, and this was approved by their higher-ups.
Well, what you have is these organizations, so-called media watch organizations, like the ADL, which has actually been convicted of spying on Americans and creating dossiers on Americans, which use their contacts in the media.
Also, you have a lot of media influence.
Don't forget that there is tremendous Zionist influence in the media.
Now, that doesn't mean that the Jews control the media, but there is an influence of
You know, certainly, people that want to have the State of Israel and all of their crimes covered up are certainly justified.
So when it comes to Israelis using white phosphorus in Lebanon, that has to have a justification.
When it comes to Israelis, you know, mass murdering Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, there's an excuse for that.
And I just, you know, I want to say to people, there's a lot of evidence of things going on here.
You have the Israeli art student spy ring, the dancing Mossad agents on 9-11, you know, Dov Zakhaiman, the 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon.
There's a lot of things to investigate.
Unfortunately, when people choose to do this, they are labeled as anti-Semites, and a lot of this comes from the ADL, a lot of it comes from media self-censoring, and a lot of it comes from people who are just too afraid, because they've seen other people's... other people have their careers smashed, and they don't want to take the risk.
So basically...
It allows you to get away with so much.
From what you just said, I would take it that the average uninformed person would think that you were a Jewish anti-Semite.
At the very least, I'm a pretty good self-hater, but again, it's unfortunate that there's people out there who mix this very real information and then say Jews did it because what it does is it delegitimizes the very hard research that's out there and it makes us all look like idiots and it's unfortunate.
We don't have to resort to those types of tactics, that type of Judeophobia, because it's just not conducive to progress.
What do you see coming down the pike here in regard to Iran?
Yeah, let me try to do it as quickly as possible.
Because we're going to be taking some phone calls here in this segment, and we're going to have Rob from Kansas up here in a minute, but go ahead, let's get it rolling.
On December 11th, the Eisenhower Strike Group moved into the Persian Gulf, accompanied by the USS Anzio, a guided missile cruiser, and this supports as many as 100 fighter jets.
Now we know from Colonel Sam Gardner, the former Air Force Colonel,
who correctly predicted many of the movements in the Iraq war including the timing that the Eisenhower strike group had been given prepare to deploy orders by the chaining regime as far back as October when they deployed from Norfolk, Virginia.
They have now arrived in the Persian Gulf and this also includes a war frigate, a submarine escort, a US Navy supply ship, minesweepers, cruisers, destroyers,
And a nuclear battleship.
So this is a major armada moving into the Persian Gulf.
Now, we know that they are not there for landlocked Afghanistan.
We know they are not there for Iraq, with their small little piece of land which is covered by, you know, their small sea... I can't even get the coastline, I'm sorry, my brain slips me here.
But they are there for Iran, and there's two possibilities here.
One, that the attack has been ordered.
And that seems to be the idea behind Seymour Hersh's article for the New Yorker.
He suggested that the Israelis and the neocons inside the Vice President's office are once again putting through raw, unvetted intelligence, just like they did with the Office of Special Plans that the attack orders had been given.
Let me just do one more thing here.
I talked about war games.
NORCOM has just finished 10 days of war games, which ran from the 4th to the 14th, called Vigilance Shield 07.
And guess what, Bob?
It simulates nuclear war on Iran, which then spreads to North Korea, Russia, and China.
And we must understand that China has at least $250 billion worth of oil and gas deals with Iran, and that if the United States and Israel choose to attack Iran, it will be a major disaster.
It will provoke an endgame against Russia and China, which are emerging as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
They are now a major military and economic bloc.
If the Israelis attempt to do a preemptive strike,
Bush has said he will understand it.
Cheney says he will support the Israelis, but we are at great danger right now with the Eisenhower strike group in the Gulf position, ready for an attack.
And I might punctuate what you just said.
That's quite a mouthful.
It sounds like what you're saying is the crooks that run the country right now aren't just a New World Order crowd.
They're crazy.
Because something like that can spiral out of control.
But I'd like to point out that Scott Ritter, the former head UN weapons inspector, he has a new book out.
And he very specifically says that Iran, just like Iraq,
Doesn't have anything.
They cannot threaten anybody with anything because they don't have anything.
And yet they're making all this stuff up.
I just want to elaborate really quickly on that.
The same Seymour Hersh article says, Dick Cheney went to the CIA and said, show me what you know about an Iranian nuclear program.
The CIA came back and said, there is no Iranian nuclear program.
So now they're using the Israelis and phony intelligence to say that there is.
But even though Mossad says they're two to three years away from a bomb, the military in this country says five to nine years, and the CIA and State Department say nine years away.
The reason that the globalists and the neocons are rushed right now
It's because Iran is beginning to trade their oil and currencies other than dollars, specifically the Euro and Iranian Rial.
This is putting tremendous pressure on an already embattled dollar.
Their currency is collapsing as we speak.
The dollar is falling apart.
They are losing their wars right now.
And the only way that they'll be able to send 50,000 more troops into Iraq is by using false flag terror to once again get our eye off the ball, get people saying, Zieg Heil, mein Fuhrer, and to get us all marching in lockstep behind this criminal regime.
Okay, Daniel, let's take a few phone calls here.
I've got Rob from Kansas up here.
Rob, are you there?
Go ahead and have a shot at it.
What's going on?
I was just wondering, the level they produce money, I was just wondering how long do you think it will be before it crashes, before the dollar crashes?
Well, you know, you want to take this first, Bob?
Well, I'm not an economist.
I have read on it.
I know Jerome Corsi has been writing on that subject on WorldNet Daily recently.
So, that's an area that I have no expertise in.
However, from what I've been able to understand, this collapsing dollar thing, they may not be an issue in 2008, but shortly thereafter it will be.
I mean, they've been pumping up the M3 money supply like it's going out of style, and they took the information down so people couldn't track it.
But I think some economists have kind of reconstructed it, and they are just printing dollars like they're going out of style, and I think maybe that is the endgame, that they do go out of style.
They're also running the Plunge Protection Team right now.
I encourage people to look into this.
This is Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are working together to artificially prop up the stock market as they did in 1987 with the Plunge Protection Team.
Because what we're watching is a collapse in the dollar.
I want to read a few quotes from Alan Greenspan who said to expect the dollar to be down over the next two to three years.
He says, quote, I expect that the dollar will continue to drip downward until there will be a change in the US balance of payments.
There has been some evidence that OPEC nations are beginning to switch their reserves out of dollars and into euro and yen.
It is imprudent to hold everything in one currency.
What we're witnessing right now is central banks across the world, including the Chinese, with their $1 trillion in reserves, moving out of dollars.
You're seeing the same thing.
Venezuela is now trading in euros for their oil.
You have the opening of the Russian trading bourse in June, which is now trading oil in different currencies, including the ruble.
The Shanghai Petroleum Exchange in China opened on August 18th, trading in currencies other than dollars.
You have the Iranian oil force, which is soon to open.
So the dollar is under tremendous pressure as the petrodollar standard declines, as people no longer require dollars to buy oil, as the central banks begin to liquidate the dollar.
There will soon be, it's like a parabolic curve.
You watch it happen faster and faster until there is a free fall.
And when that happens, they will sell this country out and push us into the Amaro.
I think that has been the plan.
A lot of people need to begin looking into the Bank of International Settlements, the BIS.
They are the central bank of central banks and they are a lot of the people who are behind this currency manipulation.
Well, and you have the article I read earlier today referred to American University Professor Robert Pastor, the architect of the North American Union, is saying that the collapse of the dollar will be a good excuse to bring on the Amaro.
I mean, you know, he thinks it's a good idea.
And this is another good excuse for false flag terror.
Don't forget that Wall Street is in many ways the backer of the CIA, and the connections are very strong.
You know, there was a short selling of stocks before 9-11 to put options on airline stocks and insurance stocks, but it goes far deeper than that.
And the Federal Reserve owners, the people like the Rockefeller and Rothschild families that own the private Federal Reserve, as well as the owners of the Bank of England, are terrified right now as they watch their dollar standard collapse.
Much of this is outside of their control.
It's happening faster than they wanted it to.
And the only way they can control it is with the Plunge Protection Team, or their other option is that they have a false flag terror attack, they sink the economy, and then they blame Arab or Persian tattoos for it, and they say, see, Al Qaeda got us again, you know?
That'll be their plan.
That's gonna be extremely disgusting, no matter which way it falls, isn't it?
I mean, what are you supposed to do?
Well, you're darned if you do, and you're darned if you don't.
Yeah, we're watching hedge fund collapses right now.
The Amaranth Fund, a $6 billion hedge fund which collapsed.
The Goldman Sachs hedge fund is down 11% this year.
We have $400 to $500 trillion in the derivatives market moving around every day, unmonitored, unregulated.
There is so much hot money going around in the mortgage and housing market, and we're watching a housing market collapse right now.
Collateralized loan obligations are collapsing.
The subprime loan market is collapsing.
All of these things happening at once, and this creates a very nervous oligarchy, which may do something extreme in order to get the population back in the line.
Sounds like a lot of fun.
Do we have any other callers online?
OK, we're going to go to break.
Can you hang on for six more minutes, Daniel?
Absolutely, it would be my pleasure.
OK, after the break we'll be back with Daniel Abramson of FalseFlagNews.com.
Baby, baby, I'm going to leave you.
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Alright, we are back on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones and we're talking with Daniel Abramson of falseflagnews.com and we've got a couple of callers we want to bring in right now.
Dave from Illinois.
Dave, are you there?
Yes, I am.
What's on your mind?
Good afternoon.
Well, first of all, I want to commend Mr. Abramson for his knowledge.
I mean, I listen to
I've reached my own conclusions, and mine are very similar to his, and so I assume that he is right.
And also, I would like him to be like a Schindler.
He's not a self-hating person.
He's a person who believes in justice and integrity, and an honorable person.
I commend him for that.
I read a book, Dangerous Liaison, Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship, several years ago.
Are you familiar with that?
I haven't read that one, although I've read a lot of Viktor Orchovsky's work, and I've followed the AIPAC scandal closely.
Tell me about this book, though.
Well, this book, it's strange.
It's a major publisher, HarperCollins, and it's Andrew and Leslie Coburn.
It's spelled C-O-B-R-N.
You know, it was pulled, it was withdrawn from libraries and I called Borders to see if it was available and they said no and it was very strange that they didn't have a record of it.
But in there, it was written in the late 80s and the end of it was written at the time of the First Gulf War and they said in the build up to that,
The attack on Iraq will happen if Neil Bush is indicted.
I mean, that was like the leverage that a reluctant George Bush, you know, wasn't sure about bringing this country into war, but it saved his boy from being indicted in the Silverado Savings and Loan thing.
But again, the book is dangerously aged on the entire story of the U.S.-Israeli covert relationship.
It talks about how
In the fifties, that the CIA appreciated the information that they could get from Eastern Europeans, who are now Israelis, about Russia and about, and they could use, they used the Mossad, and respected the Mossad for the information on communist Russia and communist East Europe.
You know, obviously it's a well-written, long book.
There's much more than that in there.
And my education comes from several different sources.
But I just, you know, there's so much different, there is some crackpot conspiracy stuff that tends to obfuscate and make, it's hard to see the force through the trees.
But I think you very clearly elucidate
You know what the situation is, and I commend you for it, and I think to say anti-Semitic or conspiracy is more effective than it should be at quashing legitimate discussion.
Okay, Dave, thank you very much for the call.
So another person who doesn't believe that the Jews did it all together is some monolithic organization of people who all think alike and act alike and do alike.
Up next we have Steve from Kansas.
Steve, are you there?
Yes sir.
Daniel, I do commend you also.
Thank you very much.
I'm on your website right now and I'm looking for more information on immigration.
I'm putting together a letter, an ordinance similar to Hazleton and Farm Branch to send to my local government.
And I was just wondering off the top of your head if you knew, has the United States ever closed their borders before?
And what I can do or where I can go to make this letter more powerful?
You know, I'm not an expert in terms of the history of whether the border has been closed.
I know certainly that since the
I think?
As much as I oppose the Pan-American Union, as much as I oppose the Amaro, and what the CFR is trying to do to destroy American national sovereignty, I am not convinced that building a wall like the Great Wall of China is the best idea.
Now, I ask you to hear me out here.
The $2.5 billion contract which has been handed out to Boeing.
You know, you look at Boeing, this is a company which has been used in CIA torture flights,
I do not expect Boeing to really stop the flow of humans or drugs into this country.
I think that a wall may be used to trap Americans in this country after orders like Rex 84 or Operation Garden Plot are carried out in a martial law plan.
I worry that a border wall may be used to trap Americans in this country.
Now look, we need to stop the flow of illegals into this country.
We're coming up on a break here, Daniel.
Hang on just a minute.
See you from Kansas.
Thank you for the call.
We'll be back after the break.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright, we're back on the Alex Jones Show, talking with Daniel Abramson of FalseFlagNews.com.
I want to give out his email address, because he asked me to do it, in case any of you people out there listening would like to contact Daniel Abramson.
His email address is FalseFlagNews at Yahoo.com.
That's FalseFlagNews at Yahoo.com.
Okay, I've got one more caller on the line, Jeff from Texas.
Jeff, are you there?
Yeah, I'm there.
Bob, thank you so much for all that you do, for standing up to members of the King Commission in public, and thank you, Daniel, for keeping on top of the devil in the details for all the craziness that's going on right now.
I wanted to just draw attention to the editorial page of U.S.
News and World Report.
I think it's from this week.
It's called The Threat from Within by Mort Zuckerman, and he basically
It comes out boldly with very little evidence and states that the next big attack is going to come from within our borders from new homegrown types that are using the internet as the new jihadist training ground and that
On the last page of the article, and you can see it online at usnews.com, in the opinion section, he says that the greatest threat to civil liberties today is not preventative measures, but failing to take them.
And I know this is nothing new to you guys, but it just seems like the talking points are starting to come out now, and go down to people like Zuckerman, that the next big thing's coming.
That sounds to me like the old deal out that the Democrats have taken control of the House and Senate.
The big enemy now is going to be them rednecks in America with them guns.
Yeah, or something akin to the subject matter of that new Showtime show called Sleeper Cell.
I mean, they may use both that group you mentioned, Bob, and the Arab Americans or Islamic Americans as well.
Yeah, those crazy militia types who believe in the Second Amendment are going to get us.
Daniel, just a small point.
You mentioned a nuclear-powered battleship.
I didn't know we had one in our inventory.
Which one is that?
Is he still there?
Oh, Daniel's gone.
Oh, I didn't realize he was gone.
Oh, he's gone.
I'm sorry.
Okay, that's fine.
We're going to have to have that for later on.
Okay, well, I'll tell you what.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate the call.
Okay, I didn't realize that Daniel was gone.
I want to appreciate Daniel Abramson for coming on.
I meant that guy talks a mile a minute.
That's quite a contrast with the way I do.
I'm from Texas.
I was born and raised here and I kind of talk kind of slow.
He sounds like he's from somewhere on the east coast or something where they go a mile a minute.
Again, you want to go to falseflagnews.com and check out what he's saying because it's interesting.
He's tracking the military and the drills they do and how that correlates with certain nasty things that happen.
I want to cover some more news.
I want to go back to this article that was written by Jerome Corsi posted today on World Map Daily under the New World Disorder section.
North American Union leader says merger just a crisis away and this is all tying in.
I mean even Mr. Abramson was mentioned in the CFR and how they want to impose the Amero on the American people.
And here it is in this article by Jerome Corsi.
Let me go over it again and continue with it.
Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American community, told WorldNet Daily he believes a new 9-1-1 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
Pastor, a professor at American University, says that in such a case, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP,
Now, gee, isn't it just amazing that something that Mr. Pastor has been working on at least since 1998 is coming to fruition and he's
Just thinking is a major coincidence.
A big crisis might just push us over the edge so that this communist, Marxist traitor from the Council on Foreign Relations can get his way.
Let me continue with Dr. Corsi's article.
In May 2005, Pastor was co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force that produced a report entitled Toward a North American Community
Which he has claimed is the blueprint behind the S.P.P.
declared by President Bush and Mexico's then President Vicente Fox and Canada's then Prime Minister Paul Martin.
At American University in Washington, D.C., Pastor directs the Center for North American Studies where he teaches a course entitled, North America, a Union, a Community, or just Three Nations.
As WorldNetDaily has previously reported, Pastor is on the board of the North American Forum on Integration, that's the N-A-F-I, a non-profit organization that annually holds Mock Trilateral Parliament.
Oh, Mock Trilateral Parliament.
It's a judicial branch for 100 selected students drawn from 10 universities in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
Pastor had published an interview in Spanish
You create these crises and you get the poor dumb sheep to scramble for... they get the reaction that you want them to do.
Oh help us!
Save us from the crisis!
And then you guys come out with the solution to the crisis that you created.
Which inevitably leads to more slavery and more world government.
So it's no surprise that he told the Spanish magazine here that a crisis can force decisions that would otherwise not be made.
The 9-1-1 crisis made Canada and the United States redefine the protection of their borders, end quote.
Pastor explained.
Let me read that again.
This is just too funny.
The 9-1-1 crisis made Canada and the United States redefine the protection of their borders.
That's Robert Pastor.
Mr. Pastor, you know darn well that the border between the United States and Mexico is wide open, and you like it that way.
How exactly did we redefine the protection of our borders?
The border between the United States and Mexico has been wide open before, during, and after September 11th, and he knows it.
So here we have here Robert Pastor caught in a bald-faced lie.
And he continues, the debt crisis in Mexico forced the government to adopt a new economic model.
The crises oblige the governments to make difficult decisions.
Yeah, that's right.
They do.
And who was the people who imploded the Mexican economy?
All these bankers lending them all this money, all these globalists and internationalists.
I think it was you guys, wasn't it, Mr. Pastor?
Problem, reaction, solution.
Continuing on with the article.
This was the first time WorldNetDaily had found a major intellectual leader behind the push to integrate North America, suggesting that a crisis of 9-1-1 proportions might just be what was needed to advance the process toward establishing a North American Union and the Amaro.
WorldNetDaily reached Pastor in his office at American University and conducted a telephone interview to make sure the Spanish publication accurately reflected his views.
He affirmed the Spanish interview represents his thinking.
So Mr. Pastor is looking forward to a 9-1-1 type event to usher in the Amaro and merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one big, happy, totalitarian, socialist, communist state.
Oh, gee, that's great.
Here's another quote from Mr. Pastor.
What I'm saying is that a crisis
is an event which can force democratic governments to make difficult decisions like those that will be required to create the North American community.
It's not that I want another 9-1-1 crisis, but having a crisis would force decisions that otherwise might not get made."
Pastor noted, for example, that Europeans facing the crisis of two world wars turn to the European community as a means to prevent war and advance their economic interests.
And I would add to that, of course, Mr. Pastor, because it's exactly what the EU was, and it's the same thing, it's the same model.
The European Union model is being followed here by you globalist one-world traders in the Western Hemisphere.
And here he says it again, here he is.
The pastor says, the United States turned to the Marshall Plan when faced with the crisis of Western Europe falling into the hands of communism.
So I'm not advocating or encouraging or wanting a crisis.
I'm only saying that in order to take important initiatives, sometimes one manner in which this occurs is when there is a crisis, to which leaders need to respond.
Isn't that great?
So when there's a crisis, you just toss the United States of America into the garbage heap of history.
Is that right, Mr. Pastor?
Pastor Tower, on that day, he lamented that the leadership of the three North American countries is not positioned
To make the type of tough decisions needed to advance a North American community agenda.
What do you mean?
They've already signed the deal!
Go read it!
Come on, Mr. Pastor!
In his interview with Poder and Negotios, he argued, quote, Canada has a minority government and Mexico will soon have a minority government that will be confronted with what amounts to an uprising that we hope will be peaceful.
The United States has a lame-duck president whose principal preoccupation is the war in Iraq and the instability in the Middle East."
Pastor further told World Net Daily, Mexico's Fox made a tactical mistake by laying out an overly ambitious agenda to integrate with the United States.
So what does that mean, Mr. Pastor?
Fox shot off his mouth a little bit early and started to scare the Americans into starting to realize that they plan to merge his krakocracy with the United States of America and just screw up the entire region.
Is that what you're saying, Mr. Pastor?
Quote from Mr. Pastor.
Again, President Bush then took on the issue of illegal immigration and it proved to be much more difficult than anticipated.
End quote.
That's what he said.
In the absence of strong North American leadership, is a crisis the way greater North American integration can be expected to happen?
You know, you might as well take this guy and dress him up in a cheerleader outfit.
You know, this Mr. Pastor, he keeps repeating the same thing.
You guys just don't seem to be getting the job done.
You know, you ought to get him a little, kind of a red cheerleader outfit.
You know, red for commie, and put a big T on it.
You know, give me a T for traitor!
Let's see, what else does this old boy have to say here?
Uh, there are alternatives to a crisis for getting a major decision adopted by the President and the Congress.
But what I am saying is, is that we lack the kind of North American leadership we need
Our Founding Fathers created a system of government that was not designed to be efficient, but was designed to protect freedom.
Therefore, you created checks and balances that did protect freedom, but it also made it difficult to move forward on important issues.
Okay, Mr. Pastor, you just confessed right there that you do not like our form of government.
You are saying that the Founding Fathers screwed up because they're making it difficult to move forward on important issues because they actually, those dead gum old guys, they created a system of government that protects freedom!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a direct quote from Mr. Pastor.
Let me read that again.
Let me read that again.
What I am saying is that we lack the kind of North American leadership we need.
Our Founding Fathers created a system of governance that was not designed to be efficient, but was designed to protect freedom.
Therefore, you created checks and balances that did protect freedom, but also made it difficult to move forward on important issues.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Robert Pastor, Counsel on Foreign Relations, American University Professor, author of Building a North American Community, doesn't like the checks and balances system that has made this country what it has been, the greatest country on the face of the earth.
Pastor was asked what North American leaders would need to do to move toward integration.
Quote, we need to form a customs union to move North American integration to a new level.
End quote.
Pastor argued.
A customs union would eliminate rules of origin on the border and agree to a common external tariff.
This would not be easy but not as difficult as NAFTA was and it would lead to
I don't know, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm about to fall over here.
This is the most disgusting, obvious, pathetic lie, or one of the most disgusting ones in this whole thing.
Yeah, all NAFTA did was exactly what the little general said.
Ross Perot, a giant sucking sound of jobs leaving this country.
Yeah, this is going to contribute to a better standard of living for all parties.
Yeah, especially those slaves in Communist China.
They're bringing all the Communist Chinese slave goods over here.
Now they're going to have a great standard of living because there's going to be more and more of them stacked up like cordwood in those slave factories in communist China working for Walmart as they de-industrialize the United States further and further and further and as they bring that cheap stuff over here and bring it up through the trans-Texas corridor with no border check run by a company there at the border that scans them with a little Vera chip inside the boxes which is run by the communist Chinese.
Come on.
Yeah, we're going to have a better standard of living for all parties.
It's nonsense.
The idea is to take the American standard of living down.
That's the idea, ladies and gentlemen.
To take the American standard of living down.
So we can be more comfortably merged with the kookocracy that is Mexico.
And later, of course, the entire Western Hemisphere.
Which is the next step.
They tried it in the FDAA.
We're good to go.
Pastor also called for a North American Investment Fund to invest in Mexico's infrastructure.
Well, there you have it again.
That's the same thing we've been talking about.
The North American Investment Fund funded by you taxpayers so that we can build the Mexican portion, once again, of the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Man, this guy is so transparent.
This is so transparent.
Here's a quote from Mr. Pastor.
If we had a North American Investment Fund, over the long term,
You would narrow the income gap between Mexico and the U.S.
end quote.
This is funny.
I mean this is just hilarious.
The guy is overtly communist.
Overtly communist.
Okay so in other words Americans are making too much money according to Mr. Dr. Trader Pastor and if you had this fund you could take our money and turn it into their money and therefore you would lower the income gap
Yeah, you see, in order to lower the income gap between U.S.
and Mexico, what that means is American income has to fall precipitously.
And that's a mathematical certainty.
You can't even argue with that.
You're not going to get the Mexican income to come anywhere near ours.
It's just going to take ours down, Mr. Pastor.
So how do you explain that as prosperity for America, you traitor?
We'll be back after the break with the next segment.
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This is the final segment of the Alex Jones Show, and I'm substituting for Alex today.
I'm sure he'll be back on Monday.
I'm attacking Robert Pastor, the author of the Building a North American Community.
Right now I'm reading from an article from Jerome Corsi, which has extensive quotes from Robert Pastor, which is posted on WorldNet Daily right now.
Well, not that he previously reported.
Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, dropped his support for legislation S 3622.
He introduced in the 109th Congress to create a North American investment fund.
After Walnut Valley pointed out the proposed law would advance an important part of pastors agenda to create a North American community.
Now I'm going to add to that, that John Cornyn got caught with his pants down because it exactly
Word-for-word came out of that North building in North American community document the same wording and and John Cornyn does not have the excuse that oops oh gee what a horrible coincidence I'll just take that out right now because he introduced the same bill the year before you know even before this this document came out so Cornyn you got some serious problems there when it comes to protecting your country
Pastor was careful to distinguish that his proposals were designed to create a North American community and that he had never proposed to create a North American Union as an EU-style regional government.
Quote, What I am recommending is a series of functional steps that are more than incremental.
Pastor admitted, Each of the proposals I have laid out represent more than just small steps
But it doesn't represent a leap toward a North American Union or even some confederation of any kind.
I don't think either is plausible, necessary, or even helpful to contemplate at this stage."
Yeah, Pastor.
Frog in the pot, boy.
Yeah, even helpful to contemplate at this stage.
That's right, you incrementalist son of a gun.
Yeah, that's the next stage, isn't it, Mr. Trader?
Continuing with the article, the idea seems to be to put new structures in place that change the look of the landscape.
Well, then he pointed out to Pasteur that this step-by-step approach is the same approach taken to create the European Union.
The memoirs of Jean Monnet, regarded as the architect of the European unity, finally disclosed that he had used the strategy of deceit, knowing his plan to form a European Union would never succeed if it were openly disclosed.
Pastor asked if he thought the North American Union was a bad idea.
No, he replied.
I don't think a political union of North America is an inherently bad idea, nor do I think it's a good idea for North America right now.
I teach a course at American University in which I look at the different options for political integration of North America, and I put the options before the students.
Yeah, he poisons the students with his treason of destroying the United States of America.
That's what he does.
And then they ask him, why is the North American Union a bad idea right now?
And he says this, the reason the political integration is not a good idea at this stage now, perhaps never, is because of people like yourself who immediately begin to fear that their sense of America would disappear.
Pastor responded, quote, somehow if you're fearful that America's sovereignty will disappear, you won't even take small steps forward.
You just get mired in the status quo.
The problem is that the world is moving very rapidly and you can't stay competitive if you don't move.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Staying American is not going to allow us to stay competitive according to this traitor, Robert Pastor.
Listen, ladies and gentlemen, we're out of time on the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Bob Dacey.
I've been very happy to sit in for Alex this last few days.
And he will be back on Monday.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.