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Name: 20061214_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 14, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right.
Today is December the 14th, Thursday, 2006.
And no, this is not Alex Jones.
This is Bob Dacey.
Substituting for Alex Jones for the next couple of days, Alex is out doing something else and I don't even know what he's doing.
But you're going to have to put up with me for a couple of days.
For those of you who don't know who I am, I have been involved in the fight against the New World Order crowd for about nine years now.
I host a local television talk show in Austin, Texas called The Simple Truth.
We are in our eighth year of operation there.
My producers are my good friends Kelly Taylor and Jeff Kantoff.
We make a great team together because we're all on the same page.
I started this trek or this battle back in 1998 when I met Alex Jones.
He was the guy that actually woke me up.
And quite frankly, I thought the guy was loony.
I thought he was nuts.
I thought he was totally out to lunch.
I'm a conservative Republican type.
That's how I was raised.
I was one day sitting at home watching TV.
I was dead tired.
My kids were gone.
My wife was gone.
I was just channel surfing and up pops this young punk Alex Jones on the local cable TV.
He was talking about the United Nations taking over the National Park System.
I was like, give me a break.
This guy is totally nuts.
He was rattling and raving about it, and I was just laughing because the guy had a really entertaining delivery style.
You know, really entertaining.
So I thought, well, I'll listen to the guy because it was funny, I thought.
Well, after he got off that topic, he switched to the topic of the Second Amendment and the true meaning of the right to keep and bear arms.
Well, in my hardware store here in Austin, Texas, where I have my real job, I own a True Value hardware store in Austin, Texas.
And I, as a small part of that business, I sell guns.
So I thought I knew something about the Second Amendment.
So I decided to listen to the crazy man talk about the reason for the Second Amendment.
Problem was that Alex completely, totally, accurately, concisely,
Explained the entire reason for the Second Amendment.
So this put me in a quandary.
I was thinking, okay, he's 100% right about the Second Amendment.
What's this stuff he's talking about the UN taking over the National Park System?
So I made the mistake of looking it up, researching it myself.
And what I found was that the man was telling the truth about that too.
And it blew me away.
Kind of a sea change event in my life.
I guess the main confirmation that I had of that event was I was staring at my computer at the website of the Kentucky State Legislature reading a resolution that they had passed in 1997.
I think it was Senate Resolution 35 detailing the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty and their Man in Biosphere program.
And now they're going along all over the world taking over these pristine areas and administering them.
And many of these areas, including many of the national parks, were within their biosphere, so to speak.
And the Senate, the State Senate of Kentucky had passed a resolution explaining all this, condemning it, and saying that they would not have foreign minions in control of Kentucky land.
So there I was, staring at my computer screen, going, OK, the crazy man I was watching on TV the other night is telling the truth.
So, I just had to find out what's going on here, because I thought I read the news, I thought I kept up, and I was angry that I didn't know this.
So, uh, when we get back from our first break, I'll get into a little bit more about this, and then we're going to proceed with attacking the United Nations with their own words.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones, we'll be back after the break.
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I think?
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey, once again substituting for Alex Jones.
I'm back and before the break I was talking about how I found out that Alex Jones wasn't a kook, despite his mannerisms.
He was talking about this
United Nations Biosphere Program.
He said they were taking over the National Park System.
And sure enough, I looked it up and gee, the whole state Senate of Kentucky agreed with Alex Jones.
So again, this put me into some sort of a tizzy because I was a conservative Republican and I thought I kept up.
I read the news and how come I didn't know about this?
So I had no idea who this guy was.
So I started asking questions, looking around.
Trying to find him again on the local cable access channel.
And then he popped up again and there he was in a videotape standing in front of a United Nations sign in front of one of the national parks.
And he was basically, it was as if he was looking at me saying, hey, you think I'm lying?
Look, here's the sign.
So this got me really, really, really fired up and I found out that
A guy that worked for me part-time in my hardware store.
I was going to the University of Texas.
He was pursuing a degree in radio, television, and film production.
He had a part-time job at the radio station where Alex had a Saturday evening show.
It was KJFK here in Austin.
And I was like, you've got to be kidding.
You know who this guy Alex Jones is?
And the fellow said, yeah, I know who he is.
And I said, well, is this guy for real?
He said, well, he thinks he's for real.
So I said, well, bring him in.
I want to meet him.
And lo and behold, KJFK Radio was only a block away from my hardware store out in Northwest Austin.
So a few days later, this fella comes in with Alex Jones in tow.
We go back into my office and spend about three hours back there assessing each other.
And it was quite a meeting.
By this time, I'd already started doing my own research.
About various things among them was I decided to look in my one of my son's senior level government textbooks He went to Anderson High School and actually so did Alex by the way here in Austin and I decided to see what the The government of the the school system was teaching my son about the Constitution So I looked in the back the book where they talked about the Constitution and they listed the Second Amendment
Well, gee, the government textbook that they were teaching my son with at Anderton High School back in 1990, I guess it was 1999, uh, 1998, they were teaching him that the Second Amendment doesn't exist.
And they stated it is a fact.
They said it was widely misunderstood.
That it doesn't, uh, it's not about an individual right to keep and bear arms.
So I was shocked that they presented this opinion of theirs as fact and I gave Alex a copy of the page.
Well, lo and behold, that evening he was on the radio spreading that all over Austin.
So I thought, gee, media power, you know?
And that was a long time ago and now here I am sitting in the Central Texas Command Center behind enemy lines doing the Alex Jones Show live to
Oh, how many people?
I don't know.
They say he gets about, what, five million a week?
So I guess I'm going to be talking to two million people in the next couple of days.
So it's funny how things work out.
Okay, I'm talking about the United Nations.
That gives me the excuse to do something I love to do, is attack the United Nations.
Now, my
One of the ways I decided to join this battle against globalism, against totalitarianism, against the New World Order crowd, was to join the John Birch Society.
And I am a member of the John Birch Society.
And JBS is an excellent source of information.
As a matter of fact, where do you think Alex got most of his stuff from in the good old days?
John Birch Society was the first organization, actually they were founded in the 50s, in the late 50s, to fight the New World Order.
Specifically, to fight it.
They claimed it was a conspiracy back then, and of course they caught all kinds of flack for it, and they're still catching flack for it.
But I would recommend that you go to their website www.jbs.org and take a look at it because it's been revamped.
They have a news section right there at the front, current news, similar to what WhatReallyHappened.com does.
And it's quite informative and if you want, you know, the research they do is impeccable.
I'm not saying they're perfect because they're not.
I'm not saying I agree with everything they do because I don't, but it's a fantastic organization and they are my principal source of information about the United Nations.
I'll give you an example of that.
There's an article posted there right now by John McManus, the president of the Society, South Korean Poised to Lead United Nations.
Alright, so now you've got this
Kofi Annan is going to leave here and he's going to have a successor by the name of Ban Ki-moon of South Korea.
And the commentary by McManus reads as follows.
In October, after being selected as the next Secretary General by the 192-member UN General Assembly, Ban Ki-moon thanked the assembled members of the world body.
He said he was honored to be the second Asian to hold the post following U Thant of
In 1970, while serving in the UN top post, Font heaped praise on Soviet dictator and mass murderer Vladimir Lenin, calling him a man of great ideals and claiming that they are in line with the aims of the UN Charter.
Lenin's ideals led to the death and misery of tens of millions of communism's victims.
Praising thought says a great deal about Ban Ki-moon.
In that same speech, Ban lonely referred to Kofi Annan, whom he will succeed on January 1st for having, quote, defined an ambitious agenda, end quote.
In 2000, Anon bared his belief that, quote, state sovereignty is being redefined by the forces of globalization and international cooperation, end quote.
During his ten years at the UN's helm, Anon made clear that his agenda included attacking national independence.
No stranger to the UN, South Korea's Ban served his country's mission for many years.
He claims to be committed to reform at the organization,
But in praising thought, he displayed his anti-Americanism and his pro-totalitarianism.
And in saluting Anon, he demonstrated his mindset toward independent nations.
The only course for a sane America is to withdraw from the trap that is the United Nations.
So that's kind of a current situation there at JBS.org.
But I want to do something.
I'm going to bash the United Nations unmercifully in this first hour, and I'm going to do it with their own documents.
Something I've done many times here locally in Austin, but now I have an opportunity to do it nationally, internationally, on shortwave, AMs, FMs, pirate radio stations, internet broadcast, re-feeds all over the world.
And so I would be remiss if I didn't take advantage of that opportunity.
Now you can follow along with me if you want to because I don't make anything up.
I'm kind of a stickler for documentation.
Part of that comes from the way I am.
Part of it comes from the fact that I'm a member of the John Birch Society.
They are also sticklers for documentation.
The best document in my opinion, the most concise,
An easy-to-understand document, in my opinion, if you want to attack the United Nations, is a United Nations-owned document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This document was written in 1948.
It is a founding-era document of the UN, and all you gotta do is go to UN.org, click on the English welcome, go up to the top, there's a little gold bar that says Human Rights.
You click onto that, and then you can
Look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
So let's just do that.
I'm looking at this from the UN.org.
Now therefore, the General Assembly proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.
Now you understand what that is?
This, they say, is a common standard for everybody.
In other words, this document that I'm about to go through is what you get.
In the United Nations system.
Let's talk about Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration.
In this declaration.
Excuse me.
They state in Article 2 that this is what you're entitled to.
So when we go through this, you need to realize that this is what you're entitled to.
According to the UN.
This is it.
My friends.
This is what you get.
So basically you're going to find out that you are entitled to be a slave.
I'll run out.
Alright, now let's go skip down to Article 4.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
Slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
You know, it sounds so wonderful, you know, but look at the darling of the UN.
Communist China.
People's Republic of China.
I mean, no one shall be held in slavery or servitude?
Have you checked the Walmart factories over there?
There are some pretty good documentaries out there.
They stack them like cordwood over there and they make them work from 7 in the morning to 10 in the evening, 7 days a week.
Then they of course charge them rent for the apartment that they give them and basically they're just slaves.
The slave trade?
I think prostitution is part of the slave trade.
If you follow wherever the UN goes to promote peace and love all over the world with their UN peace forces, you will find that the business that springs up around them is prostitution.
Forced prostitution.
Yeah, so let's talk about Article 4 and the hypocrisy that is the UN.
And when we get back once again from the break, we're going to go on to Article 8.
This is Bob Dicey for Alex Jones, Alex Jones Show.
Be back in a bit.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on GCN.
Again, my name is Bob Basie, substituting for Alex Jones.
And before the break, we were in the process of bashing the United Nations, and I'm going to continue to do so.
Even though I think it's illegal if you, as you'll find out, what I'm doing right now is illegal according to the United Nations, but I don't care.
Article 8.
Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals.
Okay, Americans listening out there, you have a right to a competent national tribunal.
Well, I could have sworn that Americans have a right to a trial by jury of their peers, not a tribunal, which is about a panel of crooked judges that are politically appointed.
So, again, this should cause you alarm.
United Nations is the engine for global government.
It is the policeman, the tool that the globalists want to use to create this one world government, this one world slave system.
And here you have it, a red herring here.
You get a tribunal, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, let's go to Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Once again, it's a restatement.
You get in trouble in the U.N.
system, you get a tribunal.
You do not get the Bill of Rights.
You do not get a trial by jury of your peers.
Now, right there, that should be enough.
This is a direct assault on the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution and you should know this.
And of course, gee, I never learned this in school and neither did you.
You ever wonder why?
Okay, let's go down to
Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to, among other things, attacks upon his honor and reputation.
Well, no one shall be subjected to attacks upon his honor and reputation.
Well, I got a question.
What if you don't have any honor and your reputation is terrible?
Why are you insulated from being attacked
If you're a dishonorable person with a horrible reputation.
See, that doesn't make any sense.
That's totally ridiculous.
Of course, the reason they stick that in there is because the crooks that run the U.N.
don't want to be criticized.
Because they don't have any honor, and their reputation is horrible.
I mean, that is if you believe in, you know, individual liberty rights, limited government, personal responsibility, things like that.
But these people don't believe in any of that, so they don't want to hear about it.
So, no one shall be subjected to attacks upon their honor and reputation.
I've done your right now.
Kofi Annan has no honor at all if you believe in freedom.
None at all.
And I'm saying it openly and publicly for the whole world to hear.
It's just the way it is.
I mean, Article 12.
Come on, give me a break.
You can't criticize people's reputation.
That's a human right you have in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, which is what we're discussing right now.
Let's go to Article 13.
Everyone has the right to leave any country including his own and return to his country.
Oh really?
Ask a lot of the people in Communist China whether they can just walk out and leave and come back.
Come on.
It's total nonsense.
This whole thing
I have described the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as an excrement sandwich covered with chocolate frosting and it's all sugary and sweet and it sounds real good but you bite into it you're gonna find out that's not what you think it is.
You know you listen to these ridiculous platitudes from the UN and you get all teary-eyed about all your glorious human rights but when you examine it
You realize it's nothing but sugar-coated slavery.
I'm going to skip Article 14 for right now because I want to come back to it.
Let's go to Article 15.
Everyone has the right to a nationality.
T. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
UN says that you cannot be denied the right to change your nationality.
Well, what if nobody wants to make you their nationality?
What then?
I mean, literally, if you took that literally, you'd have about, um, you know, a billion Chinese people that would just love to switch their nationality to American.
And then they'd all move over here and the Earth's axis would shift with a weight change and screw everything up.
I mean, it's a ridiculous right.
It's total nonsense.
And when we get back from the break, we're going to go into this nonsense even further.
Because it just goes on and on and on and I've got a few big films to make.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
Be back after the break.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
All right, this is Bob Dacey.
We're back on the Alex Jones Show on the GCN Communications Radio Network.
Websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Again, we were in the process of bashing the United Nations, and so now I'm going to continue to do so.
I was talking about skipping Article 14 because I've got to come back to it.
I talked about the nationality.
You know, you have the right to change your nationality in the UN system, whatever that means.
It doesn't mean anything because they don't believe in nationality.
One world government, everybody will be a citizen of the world and we'll all just be happy and we'll all just be slobbering little slaves.
Okay, let's talk about Article 19.
Everyone, this is their Freedom of the Press article.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference.
Without interference.
And to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
That sounds great.
Absolutely sounds great.
But they don't mean any of it.
It's a big, fat, ball-faced lie.
I'll give you an example.
A couple of years ago, remember the SARS epidemic?
Where the big disease SARS was gonna come and kill us all?
Remember that?
Okay, so they had a SARS conference at the UN building and...
Well, gee, the United Nations Press Corps was sponsoring this thing.
This is press correspondence from the UN.
Their own press corps.
Got it?
Okay, so they're sponsoring the SARS conference so they can come discuss ideas about how to save us from this global scourge, right?
Okay, well the UN Press Corps invited someone from Taiwan to show up.
You know, some doctor or whatever.
You know, because they have concerns.
It was an Asian thing, and Taiwan's over there, and... Well, Kofi Annan told the fellow from Taiwan that he, under no circumstances, was going to be allowed on the U.N.
Well, the U.N.
Press Corps just pitched a fit.
But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, sir!
What about Article 19?
This was in a press conference, by the way.
Kofi Annan talking to a member of the United Nations Correspondence Association and the correspondent asks his eminence, Mr. Annan, but sir, what about Article 19?
Don't you respect the freedom of the press, which is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
And Kofi Annan looked him square in the face and said,
Ah, yes, we like Article 19, but you must respect our principles, and one of them is that there is only one China!
You know, so, right there, right there, the United Nations proves Article 19 is a bunch of garbage, because they cancelled it.
And I'm going to explain why they were not inconsistent in so doing.
Later on.
So, Article 19, you're only allowed to have your freedom of expression and opinion if the UN agrees with it, basically.
Let's go to Article 21.
Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in this country.
You hear that?
You have the right to public service in your country.
That's right, you have the right to serve the state, rather than the other way around.
Just keep that in mind.
In the UN system,
You have the right to serve the state.
Article 24.
This is interesting article.
This is a big joke.
Everyone has the right, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Everyone has the right to holidays with pay.
We ought to talk to those people in China at the Walmart factory where they're working from 7 in the morning to 10 in the evening, seven days a week.
I wonder whether they get holidays with pay.
I'll ask them.
And of course, if you told, if they were able to tell you, probably the next thing that happened to them is they'd find themselves as a involuntary body part donor in the communist Chinese system of selling body parts of prisoners for profit.
Which has been in all the news, and the Chinese now even admit that they do it.
But their excuse is, well, we only take the body parts of prisoners?
Come on!
You see how disgusting this whole thing is?
Absolutely vile.
Okay, Article 26.
Article 26.
Everyone has the right to education.
Education shall...further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
In the UN system, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you have a right to be educated with propaganda
That promotes the United Nations system.
There you go.
It's right there.
Article 26.
Isn't this lovely?
Now, Article 28.
Nobody ever talks about Article 28.
But it actually says that you are entitled to a new world order.
It doesn't use those words, but it says it.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in
There you have it.
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you have a right to the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
And when you get your New World Order, all the garbage in this document can be fully realized.
Don't you feel special now?
You have a right to be a slave.
Okay, now we're getting close to the end of this thing.
We have Article 29.
One of my favorite articles, Article 29, Section 1.
Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
So you once again, Article 29 says you as a human being have a duty to serve the state.
You are like a little ant in an ant mound.
You have a duty to serve the state.
Otherwise you can't fully develop your personality.
Okay, Article 29, Section 2.
In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law.
Dot, dot, dot.
So, in the U.N.
system, your rights and your freedoms can be limited if somebody decides to pass a law against them.
In our system, in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, our rights are inalienable.
And you insist on, well, just pass a law against them and they go away.
But I'm sure they'll have a good reason.
Of course they will.
They always do.
Okay, Article 29, Section 3.
This is one of the big ones.
This is at the very end of the document.
There's only one article left.
And what does this say?
Article 29, Section 3.
These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Okay there you have it ladies and gentlemen 1948 founding era document of the United Nations they finally state that all these so-called rights that they give you in the first articles of this thing article 1 through 28 all these glorious human rights you have you may in no case that means no case means no case that means forget it these freedoms in no case may be exercised if you disagree with the UN
Now, think about that.
All of your rights are conditional upon UN approval.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is why when Kofi Annan told the UN press correspondent that he couldn't bring a representative from Taiwan to the SARS conference a couple of years ago, Kofi Annan was not inconsistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The correspondent
Invoked Article 19, this freedom of the press and expression and information.
Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, trumped it with Article 29, Section 3, when he said, you must understand our principles, and one of our principles is there is only one China.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Article 29 section 3 trumped Article 19.
It trumps them all.
If you disagree with the UN, you have no human rights.
Now, I'm not saying this.
They're saying it.
And they've been saying it since the inception of this demonic organization.
All right?
Now, let's go to Article 30, the last one.
The last one.
This is kind of a punctuation here.
Kind of an exclamation.
Nothing in this declaration may be interpreted as implying for any state, group, or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
So here you have in Article 30, the last article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you have it stated very clearly that you
I have no right to do anything to oppose any of this garbage in this document.
I mean, think about that.
And actually, the reason I wanted to go back to Article 14 last is because Article 14 is an enforcement clause.
Let me just read it.
First part of it sounds pretty good.
Article 14.
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
Okay, that's pretty cool.
You know, let's say you're living in Cuba in the early 60s and, you know, you were a lower-level member of the government and Castro's overthrown it and he's out to kill you.
And so you run over to the United States and say, I want political asylum.
And they say, okay, great.
Okay, that's fine.
Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
I got no problem with that at all.
The problem is Article 14, Section 2.
This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this right may not be invoked from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
So once again,
What they say in their own language, in their own words, is if the United Nations wants to persecute you, you have nowhere to hide.
So it's an enforcement flaw.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
This is why I decided to launch this attack on the United Nations on the Alex Jones Show here today.
It's because
They hang themselves with their own words.
And if you've never heard any of this stuff, if you're new to this topic, ask yourself why you were never taught this in school.
I never was.
I never was.
I was a little kid in the 60s growing up, you know, and all I ever knew about the United Nations back then was
Well gee, every Halloween they would give us a little orange box and tell us to go trick-or-treat for UNICEF.
You know, and I did it.
Wandering around through my neighborhood like a little...
Little dupe wanting coins for UNICEF and I didn't know at the time that that was during the Vietnam War and gee it turned out that my money little Bobby Dacey collected back in the 60s going from house to house saying trick or treat some of it was sent to North Vietnam during the 60s while the North Vietnamese were killing American troops.
Gee if I'd only known that at the time.
Oh well, such is life.
Alright, let me tell you a little bit about what we're going to be doing for the rest of the show.
In the next segment, after the break, I'm going to be releasing a new story that I have posted on Infowars.com.
It's up there right now.
It's called Treason 101, and it is an Infowars exclusive.
It's a Simple Truth exclusive.
That's the name of my
We're good to go.
As a matter of fact, that's what it is.
It's treason on our shores.
The article is called Treason 101.
Arizona State University promotes the destruction of the United States of America.
So when we get back from this break, we're going to talk about that.
Then we're going to get into the North American Union some more.
This is one of the most important things that you need to understand and that you need to do something about.
You know, the United Nations is the big dog, but the bottom line is they're trying to go to global government through a regional government process.
That's what the European Union is about.
That's what the FTAA, they were trying that.
It's about free trade area of the Americas.
They were trying to merge the entire Western Hemisphere.
into one big happy country.
But they ran into all kinds of problems with that.
Locally here in the United States, John Birch Society was instrumental in helping to stop that.
However, well, when they found out that they couldn't get it all in one big gulp, they decided, well, we're just going to take three countries at a time.
And of course, the three countries they picked were United States, Canada and Mexico.
And if you're new to this, if you're new to the Alex Jones Show, if you don't know what's going on, you better get up to speed pretty quick on the North American Union.
Because this is no theory.
This is no conspiracy theory.
This is no wild-eyed academic exercise by a bunch of kooky professors.
They're doing this right now.
And what's disgusting about it, among other things, is that
They're completely bypassing the United States Congress.
The process of merging the United States, Canada, and Mexico is not allowed in the Constitution.
It's just not there.
You cannot destroy the country by merging it with two other countries and turning it into some other entity.
That's not allowed.
If it were to be allowed, it would have to be done through constitutional amendment, a legislative process,
Or things like that.
But the globalists that run the administration here in the United States have decided, well, we realize that the Congress probably wouldn't want to go along with destroying the United States of America, so we're just going to go around them.
We're going to do an in-run around the Constitution, an in-run around that legislative protection that was built into the Constitution, this separation of powers thing.
They just decide to do it anyway, you know?
And the pathetic thing about it is, they're doing it right now.
And in the top of the next hour, we're going to have Jerome Corsi, a seasoned journalist from Human Events Magazine, which is an old, old, old, well-respected conservative magazine.
He's scheduled to come on and talk about this stuff with us.
So he's going to be on in the next segment.
And we're going to kick around this North American community.
But before we do that, I am going to go through an article that I have written called Treason 101.
And it's kind of interesting because it's just an example of how in-depth this treason has become.
It is absolutely obscene.
And this is something I discovered through some of my sources and turns out I just kicked a rock and out came another cockroach.
So when we get back from this break, we're going to talk about Treason 101.
Arizona State University promotes the destruction of the United States of America.
Back with you.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Okay, this is Bob Dackey for Alex Jones.
We're back again.
Today is December the 14th, 2006.
And I'm covering for Alex today and tomorrow.
And let's get to this story I was going to tell you about that I wrote.
It's posted on Infowars.com right now.
I believe it is anyway.
It's called Treason 101.
Arizona State University promotes the destruction of the United States of America.
Now, what is this about?
Well, you see, in the document, Building a North American Community, the Council on Foreign Relations document, written by the CFR Task Force, Report of the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, they state very clearly that part of the way to merge Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one country
Is to propagandize the intelligentsia in the country, get the professors behind it, get them to teach their students how wonderful it is.
So let me just read from this article I wrote.
Treason 101, Arizona State University promotes the destruction of the United States of America.
In May of 2005, a Council on Foreign Relations CFR task force released quote,
Building a North American community and quote a blueprint for merging the United States, Mexico and Canada into one country called North America.
The plan which is being implemented via the security and prosperity partnership agreement signed last year between the leaders of the three countries will destroy the sovereignty of the USA.
The United States will cease to exist as an independent nation.
The United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, will be extinct.
Implementation of such a plan is therefore, by definition, an act of treason.
No other word fits this crime.
Critical to the execution of this high crime is the careful application of propaganda.
To that end, the academic community within the United States is being enlisted to sell the idea that destroying America is a good idea.
On page 29 of Building a North American Community is a recommendation to, quote, develop a network of centers for North American studies.
We recommend that the three governments open a competition and provide grants to universities in each of the three countries to promote courses, education, and research on North America, end quote.
Arizona State University is one of the first is one of the first academic Judases to volunteer to sell out American sovereignty.
Traders at the Arizona State University have put up a website.
That's www.asu.edu slash CLAS slash NACTS slash BNA.
Let me repeat that for you if you want to write it down.
www.asu.edu slash CLAS slash NACTS slash BNA.
Yes, you can go on Alex's site, and I think there's a link there.
You can click right to what I'm talking about.
This is intended to be an instructional tool to assist and encourage professors to teach the concept of North America to their unwitting student body.
The site, appropriately titled, Building North America, was created in cooperation with the North American Center for Transborder Studies at ASU, which must therefore be the actual nest of traitors residing at ASU.
Now if you go to this website, they break it down into several categories, several topics, and they have a About Us-Who Are We page of the website.
And it lists the America Society Council of the Americas as a partner.
So they make no attempt to hide the fact that David Rockefeller and his co-conspirators at the CFR are behind all this.
So, when we get back, we'll blast David Rockefeller and this traitorous, treasonous activity at ASU.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, welcome back to the second hour of the Alex Jones Show on the GCN Communications Radio Network.
I am Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones today and tomorrow.
And if you've been listening the first hour of this show, I've been unmercifully bashing the United Nations and now I'm switching to Arizona State University and covering an article I've posted on InfoWars.com.
They're teaching their students to love the concept of destroying the United States of America.
It's talking about the America Society and Council of the Americas as a partner on the Arizona State University website where they promote the merger of the three countries into one.
They call it economic integration but that's always just one step to the whole enchilada.
I want to remind you that David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, has his hands in all this.
And he's proud of it.
He thinks it's a great idea.
I mean, he really does.
He thinks that treason, selling out your country, is actually a good thing.
And if you don't believe me, believe him.
I just have to quote Mr. Rockefeller in his book, Memoirs, which he published in 2002.
You have to check out page 405.
It's in a chapter called Proud Internationalists.
He says this, quote,
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists, and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure.
One world, if you will.
If that's a charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it."
So you have David Rockefeller and his Council on Foreign Relations behind all this stuff.
It's obvious.
It's right out there in plain sight on the Arizona University website.
And then they talk about all the various sections of how they're going to get this done.
They break the website into various components.
One of them is organizations and university-based centers.
And they list some of the universities.
You know, originally when I wrote the story,
It's kind of like, again, it's like kicking rocks and you find roaches.
And this rock got kicked and this roach popped out and it was Arizona State University.
And so I thought, well, this is the first university that's actually teaching this.
And then I sent the copy of the story to my producer, Kelly Taylor, and she said, no, Bob, I kicked up another rock and they're not the first.
They're just one of them.
Turns out that there's another
We're good to go.
There's an EGADE Institute Technological Day Studio Superiorist in Monterrey, Mexico that's been involved in this since about 1998.
They're members of the Pan American Partnership for Business Training, and this whole thing is run by yet another cockroach that we've found out about by the name of Stephen Blank.
Stephen Blank is a Professor of International Business and Management at Pace University's Lubin School of Business.
And listen to this guy's resume.
74 to 75, an International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations.
So go figure.
And it says he's served as a visiting fellow with the Royal Institute of International Affairs of London.
And he was a scholar and resident at the Rockefeller Foundation's Villa Cerbaloni in Bellagio, Italy in 1976.
My goodness, dude, it never ends.
Alright, when we get back from the break we're going to have Jerome Corsi come up and we'll discuss all this with him.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You're right.
This is Bob Dacey, once again, substituting for Alex Jones.
And we have a guest on by the name of Jerome Corsi.
Mr. Corsi is the author of a book called Atomic Iran, and the co-author of Black Gold Stranglehold, and the New York Times bestseller, Unfit for Command.
And he's also written a lot of other books, and he's got a Ph.D.
from Harvard University.
And Richard Corsi, are you there?
Hey Bob, I'm right here.
Oh great, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm glad you decided to come on today.
We ran into each other several months ago.
I don't know if you remember.
Oh sure, I remember very well.
I sent you a couple of links to some articles, an article I had written back in 2005 about
FDAA and the fact that the highway system was part of that deal.
I came to find out that, you know, people such as myself and Alex and other people in the, whatever you want to call us, truth movement or patriot community or I prefer to think of myself as a strict constructionist of the Constitution, found out that we've got allies and you're one of them.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
You were one of the main, the first guy, you are the first guy in the mainstream to actually
Assault this North American Union and I'm looking at some of these articles that you wrote and have written over the last several months.
North American Union to replace USA.
President quietly creating NAFTA Plus.
How did you get involved in the discovery of this process and disseminating the information?
Well Bob, I started writing the book with Jim Gilchrist.
Founder of the Minutemen Project, the book we put out together called Minutemen, The Battle to Secure America's Borders.
We published it earlier in 2006.
As we were doing the research for that book, I couldn't answer over and over again as I went to the border, you know, why President Bush would not secure the border.
It was obvious it wasn't being done, and we have a war on terror going on.
Well, in the research we did for the book, we were able to prove that
Hezbollah terrorists have gotten into the United States by crossing our border with Mexico.
We had incontrovertible proof.
And that the federal government has prosecuted some of those people.
There was a group up in Dearborn, Michigan.
They bribed Mexican consular officials in Beirut.
They got in through Mexico.
They set up shop in Dearborn.
And what they did in Dearborn was they started sending money back to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
So they're in federal prison.
Now, you know, President Bush, if you're gonna conclude that all the policies of the federal government have a reason, and that's the line we chose to pursue, I chose to conclude that President Bush was keeping that border open intentionally, and there had to be an explanation for it.
And, you know, expert after expert that we talked to kept pointing to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, which had been agreed to or declared, I don't think there's actually been any signed agreement,
At Waco, Texas, on March 23rd, 2005, when President Bush and Vincente Fox and Canada's Paul Martin, then the Prime Minister, decided we were in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
And as I pursued that, it became clear that, at that time, President Bush agreed to erase the borders.
And that's why they were not being closed.
An agreement had been made to keep the border with Mexico and the border with Canada wide open.
And the only border we were going to protect is the perimeter around the continent.
And so, that's how I got into the research.
It was the only way I could answer what to me was an apparent contradiction.
And that is a war on terror with a border with Mexico and Canada that's wide open.
So, you're talking about dissolving the borders?
Yeah, I mean, that was my first breakthrough.
There had to be a reason as to why the borders were being left wide open.
And the reason turned out to be the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
And that is a plan to ultimately, I believe, create a North American Union.
It's a regional government just like the European Union.
Well, apparently, I wonder if you agree with me on this.
I'm sure you've read the Council on Foreign Relations paper for the North American community.
It seems to be the blueprint for the whole thing.
Would you agree?
Well, yes.
In fact, one of the
One of the co-chairs of that panel, Robert Pastors, professor at American University, he's written and explicitly said that Council on Foreign Relations is a blueprint.
I interviewed him yesterday by telephone for an article I'm going to publish in WorldNetDaily tomorrow.
Pastor pretty much openly acknowledges that Council on Foreign Relations
Building a North American community is the blueprint behind the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
Well, that pretty much dovetails with what David Rockefeller says about globalism and working against the best interests of the United States.
I mean, they just really admit it.
It's just out in the open.
Yeah, we're doing this.
What's the problem?
They admit it and they do it in an incremental way.
In other words, Robert Pastor maintains that he is
Wanting to create only a North American community.
He'll say that a political integration is impossible at this time.
At this time?
Yeah, at this time.
That's the key.
And he won't deny that he's putting in place all of the infrastructure pieces that would lead there.
And that, you know, with these pieces in place, it's going to look different.
I mean, I even pointed out to him in interviewing him, and I continually write about that it's the same plan that
was done in Europe with the European Union in place over 50 years.
Now we have documents like we've got John Monet's memoirs, and Monet was the architect of the European Union from France.
Monet pretty clearly says in his memoirs that he used deceit, that he knew he couldn't reveal his true plan, which is to create a European Union.
If he did, it would be rejected.
So he intentionally did it piecemeal.
He put it in piece by piece, knowing that each piece put in would make the next piece more logical, more necessary, easier to achieve, and that he was patient.
It went from basically a steel and coal agreement in the Treaty of Rome in 1959, through various stages, to a European common market, to a European community, to European Union, and then the final stage was the Euro.
And they still don't have a constitution in place for the European Union.
Of course, the bureaucrats operating the European Union as a regional government in Luxembourg and Brussels don't care.
They're just operating business as usual, constitution or no constitution.
They don't care.
Well, that somewhat sounds familiar to me, everything you just said, because I think the NAFTA started out as a little steel union also.
Well, in fact, the steel component of NAFTA
It's still very central.
I mean, the SPP working groups, we obtained a thousand pages under a Freedom of Information Act request from SPP, Security and Prosperity Partnership.
It's organized in the Department of Commerce, although it draws throughout the bureaucracy from all the different departments.
And we've archived those papers on MinuteManProject.com.
And if you take a look there, you'll see quite a bit of stuff on the North American Steel Policy.
And that's been one of the central things that SPP.gov has done.
Just like it was done in Europe.
And I think it's the same model.
We'll go from NAFTA, and now Robert Taster is pressing to put in place some more components of what he considers important for a North American community.
And once we get that in place, they're all the time denying that they want to do a North American Union.
I expect they'll try to create some crisis.
In fact,
I've got past her on record now.
He published an article in Spanish, in which he basically said we need a 9-11 crisis to create a North American community.
And I read it in Spanish.
I'm married to a woman who was born in Argentina, an Italian woman.
I've spoken fluent Spanish for a long time.
By the way, I'm also not opposed to immigration.
We've sponsored people to be legally immigrating from El Salvador.
But at any rate,
Pastor says that it's going to take a crisis to create the North American community.
And so now that's the first time that's really been openly stated.
And I'm glad I got that on record before the crisis happened.
That makes me nervous when you say that because they like to create crises in order to get what they want.
It's kind of a standard operating procedure of these people.
I understand that Mr. Pastor is a Marxist.
Do you agree with that assessment?
Well, certainly, his early... I write extensively about that, too.
I mean, he began his career after Harvard.
He went through the same school of Harvard I went through.
He has a PhD from the Department of Government, the Littauer School.
I went through just a few years before he did.
And then he went to the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington and worked with them.
Now, the Institute for Policy Studies is a socialist-communist organization.
It was
Founded by the person who created Faberge, who was an admitted communist, and Cora Weiss, who continued a lot of the funding of the organization, another admitted communist.
And the organization, you know, there's a whole book written about the organization, which is called, what's it called, Covert Cadre.
It was a very famous book written a few years ago, just dropped it off my bookshelf, by a guy named S. Stephen Powell.
And it was inside the Institute for Policy Studies.
And he documented extensively, not only Robert Pastor's involvement with IPS, but the communist nature of the organization.
So that's where Pastor started.
Then he worked on the Lenowitz Committee, Saul Lenowitz, who was another socialist, and ended up on the National Security Council under Jimmy Carter.
The Lenowitz Commission called for giving the Panama Canal to Panama.
And that was one of the major assignments of Robert Pastor when he was on the National Security Council working for Jimmy Carter.
And if you will recall, if I may interrupt you, when Jimmy Carter was running for President, he openly, publicly stated that if he was President, he would not give away the Panama Canal.
And the first thing he did when he became President was do the exact opposite.
So, I mean, that's a historical fact.
It's not disputable.
Okay, we're talking with Jerome Corsi.
He writes for Human Events.
I think so.
I think so.
We're good to go.
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Okay, it's Bob Dicey for Alex Jones back on the Alex Jones Show.
We have with us Dr. Jerome Corsi writes for Human Events Magazine and we are discussing the North American Union
And we're discussing, I think we've pretty well established that Robert Pastor, one of the fellows who wrote this treasonous document called Building a North American Community, which is the blueprint for the merger of Canada, United States, and Mexico into one country.
We've pretty well established that this guy is a Marxist, Communist, Socialist type, and I don't think that's very good for the United States of America.
That's just my opinion.
Dr. Corsi, I wanted to actually punctuate that.
I wanted to add to that.
When I attended last October, I attended a, it was a year ago, October, for the New American Magazine, a conference at Baylor University having to do with this North American Union.
I was at a dinner at the beginning of the conference, and this keynote speaker was another communist, Dr. Subhachai Panajpati.
He's the former head of the United Nations World Trade Organization.
And this guy, he's the keynote speaker, and he actually, during his keynote speech, said that he was having a conversation recently with Bo Xilai, the Trade Minister of Communist China, and that, you know, his father, Bo Yibo, was one of the heroes of the Chinese Communist Revolution.
I don't know why he said that.
Maybe he wanted to impress all the intellectuals and all the business people there and all the nutty professors at Baylor.
I don't know.
But the man actually said, in a positive manner, it's like a bragging thing, that the son of one of Mao's murderers is the trade minister of China.
The guy's a communist.
So it doesn't surprise me that Mr. Pastor is the same thing.
Yeah, go ahead.
The whole thinking of Pastor, I think, he in particular is very anti-American in terms of his ideas.
He's written a couple of books.
He wrote a book with a communist, Jorge Castaneda, who was a Mexican communist candidate for president of Mexico.
Also turned out to be the foreign minister for Vicente Fox.
Pastor and Castaneda traded houses.
Lived in each other's houses.
And wrote a book together, in which they each wrote separate sections of it, and they wrote the final chapter together.
And you know, one of Pastor's themes in a lot of what he does is that the United States is too powerful, that we're too arrogant, that we exert our influence too much, and he wants to reduce and diminish the power of the United States.
I'd like to subjugate the United States more to Mexico and Canada, and he's very positively disposed towards Mexico.
I don't find that he's nearly spent the time in Canada.
And, you know, that's all an anti-American kind of wish.
And his thinking is often to subjugate the United States very much like the European Union sought to subjugate Germany.
Not realizing that Germany would probably end up dominating the European Union to everybody else's detriment.
Which is largely what's happened.
Well, in colloquial terms, colloquial terms that I coined, by the way, Mexico is a crookocracy.
How can anyone want to merge the United States with the crookedest country in the Western Hemisphere?
How in any stretch of the imagination can that come out good for the good ol' U.S.
of A?
Well, I think that's a good question.
I mean, I'm concerned about the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
We've got this Trusted Traveler and Truster Trader program where we're going to let, just on biometric and other electronic identification, we're going to let anybody from Mexico or any trucking company come across the borders.
And Mexico is a drug cartel controlled country.
A few oligarchical families control the wealth.
Corruption and graft
I can give a concrete example of that a few years ago.
I used to go to this gun show here in Austin all the time selling gun safes to keep the evil things out of the hands of people who weren't supposed to touch them.
At that time, during that period, it was probably 1999, I think.
One of the guys that frequented the gun show made the mistake of crossing the border into Mexico, and he had a round of .22 shell on his dashboard.
And boy, in order to get him out of there, they had to bribe him out.
So, that's just the way it is.
Okay, once again, we're coming up on a break.
We're talking with Dr. Jerome Horsey about the North American Union, and we'll be back in a few.
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Alright, this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
Once again we're talking to Dr. Jerome Corsi about the North American Union and I want to finish up on my little anecdotal story about the corruption in Mexico.
A fella crosses the border, accidentally has a .22 shell on the dashboard of his truck while the federales arrest him and they throw him in jail and they accuse him of smuggling arms to the Chiapas rebels.
So everybody in the gun show community was concerned about this and I, for one, I called my local congressman, at the time was Lloyd Doggett,
And I got a hold of one of his representatives and I explained the situation to him and the man just flat out said it.
He says, listen, you know how it is in Mexico.
The only way you're going to get anything done down there is to bribe somebody.
Well, that's right.
You know, that's just the way it works down there.
And so we're going to merge with Mexico and Dr. Pastor thinks that's a great idea, right?
Well, and also the idea that we're going to rely on Mexico for our border security while we've got a war on terror going on.
It just shows you that the war on terror is probably a joke all together.
Well, you say probably a joke.
Let's get this straight.
You just laid out a situation which has happened already where a bunch of terrorists have been caught, arrested, tried, and convicted, and they're in U.S.
prisons coming up through Mexico, right?
That's exactly right.
We'll give you their names.
Take a look at my book, Minute Men, Battle to Secure America's Borders.
I'm going to go right now.
Page 162, and I'll read you their names.
Yeah, let's do this, because we like to document everything we say, right?
That's right.
March 1st, 2005, Mahmoud Youssef Khourani pleaded guilty to federal charges.
They'd used the meetings in his home in Dearborn, Michigan to raise money for Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.
Page 162 of Minutemen, the Battle to Secure America's Borders, and if you look at the footnote, it'll even tell you the
Case number and give you the internet link to go look at the prosecutor's records up on the internet.
I mean, it's, you know, it's, um... I'm looking at it right now.
I mean, it's basically... We have the entire thing fully documented.
And then we also showed another couple of cases.
There was a, in 2002, Salim Bukardar Bukardafil, who had a cafe in Mexico, Tijuana.
It was, um, a cafe was called the Lebanese Cafe in downtown Tijuana, and he was using that restaurant to smuggle Hezbollah agents into the United States for cash.
It was a whole smuggling scheme.
It was busted by the, um, by the Federalis.
And November 12, 2003, as it's on page 164 of Minutemen, the Battle of Secure America's Borders, the, um,
Mexican authorities actually even arrested Imelda Ortiz Abdala, who was the Mexican council in Lebanon, and charged him with human trafficking charges for helping Buhadar organize a smuggling scheme in Tijuana in the Lebanese Café.
You mean, how much more documentation do we need?
Well, I don't think you need any more documentation.
I think it's well documented.
The question is, doesn't President Bush know about this?
You know, he's got to know about it.
If he does, I'll be happy to send him a copy of the book with this section outlined in yellow and make it easy for him to find it.
So once again, assuming that the administration, we all know that they're out to protect us from evil terrorists, right?
That's what they keep telling us, that they give us an anal probe at the airport and some of them give you your own private room for your anal probe.
Well, that's why, you know, the whole issue of we better fight them over there in Iraq before we have to fight them here.
It's a joke.
We're letting them in here through the back door.
Yeah, well, and the question is, why?
Well, that's a good question.
I mean, you have a Chief Executive Officer of the United States, the President, who is elected.
He puts his hand on a Bible in front of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which is required, actually, in the Constitution, and he swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
of America.
I mean, this is on national TV.
This is documentable, right?
Take a look at these things I'm publishing.
I got the article yesterday, and it's reprinted here today again on World Net Daily, about how this dollar collapse that we're in the very first stages of, dollar is being devalued.
We've got a huge trade delegation.
We've got two, five cabinet secretaries in China.
Secretary Paul
Also, even Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, our debt to China, our trade deficit, is huge and growing.
And I'm saying here that the dollar collapse is imminent.
Do you think the dollar collapse is imminent?
And I think what will result in that is that will be the crisis needed to put the Amaro in as the currency of North America.
Yeah, that's what I was just going to ask you.
You think that this is the crisis that you referred to earlier, that in order to give them an excuse to bring in the Amaro?
I think it's all been, you know, we take a look at these pieces and you've got to say, okay, if the dollar is going to collapse, and I've got a piece today in,
World Net Daily that shows out of this federal, you know, we're now required to, Treasury's going to release it on Friday, which is a report on the, they do one time a year, a gap accounting of the federal deficit.
Well, they've been saying the federal deficit is about $284 billion.
The true number that this report on Friday is going to show is $3.5 trillion.
It's a little bit of a magnitude of a difference there, isn't it?
Yeah, it's a trillion with a T. And the difference is that what the Treasury reports all year long is kind of a cash basis.
In other words, the Social Security taxes produce tax revenue, and the Treasury just uses it to pay current obligations, whatever they are.
But in the GAAP accounting, they're forced to address all of the Social Security liabilities that are not being reserved for
And the Medicare liabilities, forced to do it all on a GAAP accounting basis, not a cash basis.
And when you do that and you put all those liabilities in, instead of $284 billion as the deficit of the 2006 federal budget from George Bush,
It's going to be 3.5 trillion dollars or more.
Yeah, but I don't think you have anything to worry about there, because after all, you know, they just print the money out of thin air anyway.
It's just going to make the money worthless, but they'll pay for everything, you know.
Well, they've been monetizing our debt for years, and that's what they've been doing, Bob.
But there comes a point where you can't do it anymore.
And that point happens if the dollar seriously begins to collapse.
I mean, the stories I've done this past week have talked to some people who follow us very closely.
The Fed quit printing data on M3.
M3 is a money supply index that has been used, especially since Milton Friedman, to watch the growth of the economy.
Money supply is one of those critical indexes on monetary policy.
M3 is the broadest index.
It indicates really the full range of money that's around in the economy.
And M3 plus credit is just about all the money you can find.
It's been increasing at 11%.
I found some economists who have reconstructed the data, even though the Fed no longer prints it.
So they're backing into the amount, and they estimate it to be what now?
Well, the deficit is going to be $3.5 trillion, but not printing M3.
You see, M3, the economy is awash in liquidity.
There's all kinds of money around, and that's what's keeping the stock market up.
It's what's keeping a lot of things afloat.
And also, the yield curve is inverted.
Which means long-term interest rates are lower than short-term interest rates, which usually only happens when we go into a recession.
So what I'm saying is that the situation we're at right now is at the beginning of a pretty deep recession.
It's begun.
And the dollar is going to go into a crisis through that recession, in which it could dramatically be devalued and possibly even collapse.
If these kinds of things begin happening, then the American public are going to wake up to the reality
Uh, that, you know, the government has probably allowed ourselves to become bankrupt, and it's because of several things, but certainly the huge trade deficits were running with China under NAFTA, on free trade agreements.
All the manufacturing's going to China.
China's shipping in tons of slave goods here, and they're coming in through the NAFTA superhighways that are being planned, like the Trans-Texas Corridor in Texas.
With these goods coming in through ports like Manzanilla and Lazaro Cardenas down in the Pacific and Mexico.
Well, let's talk about that because that is, all this stuff is linked.
You know, the dissolving of the borders, the North American Union merging Canada, United States and Mexico into one unit both politically and economically and even culturally.
All this stuff is linked.
But when you talk about the economic component of it, the central beneficiary of this NAFTA superhighway is not the Mexicans, it's not us, it's the Communist Chinese.
Do you want to elaborate on that as to why?
Well sure, I mean all the manufacturing is going over to China.
China has slaves, actually literally slaves, political prisoners in concentration camps.
And they've also got people that are paid $.20, $.30 an hour to work in these 4,000 person factories.
They have to live there and sleep there.
And they're charged for their food and their rent.
And they're only paid $.30 or $.40 an hour.
They owe their soul to the company store.
That's right, exactly.
The old Tennessee Ernie Ford song all over again.
If we allow that to happen, previously we had free trade agreements that had anti-slavery or anti-dumping clauses in it, which would not let the goods from this kind of, you know, production come in.
But the Bush administration came on.
I guess it's wrong to have African-American slaves because we can see them.
But it's not wrong for these people to have Chinese slaves because I guess they're little yellow people we can't see.
Well, I want to tell you it's wrong in both instances.
And I'll say it's okay to use the Chinese labor like this.
It's immoral and wrong and it's going to produce the same kind of crises that, you know, using the African-American slaves did in the 1700s and 1800s.
Yeah, but now you have this high-tech, you have this high-tech slavery system where, you know, like, let's say some of the slaves misbehave too much, well they can turn them from slaves into prisoners and then once they're prisoners they can harvest their body organs and sell them on the open market.
Well, China's doing that, too.
I mean, that is not a joke.
They are doing it openly, and their excuse is, well, they're just prisoners.
I've documented that in the articles I've written, too.
I mean, can the listeners just back up for a minute and appreciate the moral horror that we're talking about here?
Well, everybody should appreciate it because it's unacceptable.
It's the same kind of thing we did in the 1700s and 1800s.
And if you allow capitalism to proceed in an unbridled way, I'm sure before the Civil War you could have found plenty of people who would have argued for you that slavery was part of the economic system and we needed it.
In fact, that's largely why the war was fought.
Civil War.
And, you know, again in this case, we're probably going to be facing another kind of war, eventually, to pay the price of this slavery that we're allowing to come into the United States.
While we're doing it, the manufacturing jobs are being sucked out of here, just like Ross Perot said they would be.
Even the jobs in Mexico.
Mexican labor is not cheap enough compared to Chinese.
And if we allow this to go on, you know, if China starts getting economically improved at all, we'll just move on to Indonesia, or to the Middle East, or wherever they can actually get more slaves cheaper again.
Because the international globalists don't care where the goods come from, just so they're cheap.
I would like to add to that myself.
Also, at the conference that I attended last October, over a year ago, at Bell University, this Free Trade in the Americas conference, one of the speakers at one of the talks was Victor Lopez-Villafane, who was the trade representative from Mexico.
He gave a talk, a PowerPoint presentation,
And he said that NAFTA, when it started, looked pretty good for Mexico, but that now, because of the Communist Chinese coming in, Mexico is getting the shaft, and he actually said that Mexico was the third partner in NAFTA, although they didn't have to sign the agreement.
China was the third partner.
And he was upset about it.
China is the winner of NAFTA.
No question about it.
The reason these superhighways are being
created is to allow the Chinese goods to come into the United States cheaper.
Yeah, because the most expensive component of the transportation of the communist Chinese slave goods is when they get to our shores and Americans actually have to touch them.
And they actually make a living.
And they've all got to come in through Long Beach or Los Angeles.
Okay, so that means Teamsters and Longshoremen.
And also they've got to bring them across the Rocky Mountains and into the center of the country.
And that means American truckers.
And also United Transportation workers on the train.
Or to minimize it to the extent it can be minimized.
By the way, I'm very well aware, and I'm sure you are, that this port of Lazaro Cardenas is how you pronounce it?
Lazaro Cardenas, yeah.
The Communist Chinese have a deal, that's the Hutchison Port Holdings, which is a subsidiary of Hutchison-Wampoa, the Communist Chinese humongous company, has a deal with Walmart to expand that port from its about 100,000 container capacity per year
to 700,000 per year to then 2 million containers per year.
And of course that causes a problem.
Dr. Corsi, how are they going to get all the communist Chinese slave goods from that port, which they're expanding like crazy, up into the United States?
How are they going to get them there?
First of all, the idea is if that port is below Kansas City, those trans-Texas corridor, which is going to get built first,
Go from Laredo, Texas.
Four football fields wide.
You know, highway and train corridor.
That'll allow the trucks and the trains in Mexico.
Kansas City Southerns already bought the Mexican trains.
So they build themselves as the NAFTA Railroad.
So you can have Mexican truck drivers, Mexican train workers, Mexican dock workers at Lazaro Cardenas.
They're also going to open up a little north of that, Manzanilla.
They're going to open up on the west coast, on the Baja, a port called Punta Colonet.
Also, they're going to deepen, and they're going to dig a new Panama Canal, which Hutchinson-Wampoa manages each end of that now, thanks to Jimmy Carter and Robert Pastor.
And they'll dig a deeper one, so these post-Panamax ships that don't fit through the current canal.
Now China's going to have container ships that carry 12,500 containers.
Now those are, that's more containers.
That's about three or four times the size of any container ship anybody's seen.
And, you know, when you get those containers stacked up in there, it's going to look like a skyscraper in terms of its height.
Those container ships will now go through the Panama Canal and they can go directly across the Gulf of Mexico and land in Florida.
Ports like Miami or Jacksonville.
So these corridors that are being built, like the Trans-Texas Corridor, you can have multiple ones of them.
You can bring these goods in by water through Mexico to, you know, or across the Panama Canal to where you're not having to lug anything east to west across the United States.
And Mexico is already going to have a customs office in Kansas City.
That'll make it easier, too.
All right.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, stay there.
Are you going to be able to hang with us for the next hour?
For a little while, sure.
I can hang with you for a while.
Okay, well we're going to be right back after the break talking with Dr. Jerome Forsey about the North American Union.
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This is Bob Dasey back with Dr. Jerome Corsi.
I think we ought to be talking about north to Kansas City because that's where the Napa Superhighway is going to have its Mexican customs port right in the middle of the United States and that's not a conspiracy theory either.
They're building that.
Dr. Corsi, again I want to get back to this problem here.
You've got these massive
Well, the basic idea here is the borders are going to simply be stopping points electronically.
According to SPP.gov, the Security and Prosperity Partnership Working Group, that got established after this Waco, Texas meeting, the Mexican trucks are going to be considered trusted traders.
They're going to get issued these Sentry chips, so they can put these electronic chips in their truck
And when they come to the border, it'll be like going through an E-Z Pass.
They'll get recognized as a trusted trader, and they'll go across the border.
Yeah, but we already established that Mexico is a crookocracy, and all you got to... I mean, who knows what's going to be in those trucks?
Well, and also, Mexican drug companies, cartels, have been buying trucking companies for decades to launder cash.
I don't think I heard you correctly.
Are you saying that the Mexican drug cartels are buying Mexican trucking companies?
You just said that?
They own a lot of the so-called legitimate businesses.
Well, trucking is one of the ones the drug companies use.
How do they get their drugs around?
They buy the trucking companies.
Okay, so I'm looking at a website from a company called Savi Technology.
Which is a Lockheed Martin company.
Yep, and I've been writing about them too.
I want to just read this here.
This is from 2005.
It's from a press release in there.
Saabi Technology and Hutchinson Port Holdings established new company to deploy RFID network to track and manage ocean cargo shipments.
That's right.
And not only that, that subsidiary that they set up together with Hutchinson Wampoa,
is negotiating a contract right now with NASCO.
NASCO is in Dallas.
They're a trade organization.
They're committed to North American Super Corridor Coalition.
And they're the ones who have been supporting this I-35 corridor.
I've been calling it NAFTA Super Highway.
So now, you know, Hutchinson, Juan Polo, the Communist Chinese are going to be able to have direct information about all the trucks and trains and everything else, RFID chips,
They'll know where they are in America at any given time.
I guess if you wanted to put a nuclear weapon in one of those containers, you could even track its progress through the United States until you detonated it.
If I detonated it through one of those RFID chips, if you wanted to.
I just kind of wonder again why our administration seems to be so oblivious to all of this information.
It's unbelievable to me, and you know, the Bush administration, all the things they've been writing, they've been telling people who call into the congressman's offices and everything else,
Normal course of business.
We're in a dialogue.
If you look at SPP.gov's website, they've got a myths versus facts section.
And they say, we're not building a North American Union.
Well, what are they doing?
Why don't we shut down SPP.gov?
We don't need all this integration and harmonization of our laws.
I need to get this straight.
You see, you've got this huge, the big picture here.
You've got American jobs and manufacturing.
We're good to go.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey substituting both today and tomorrow for Alex Jones here on the Alex Jones Show on the Guinness Communications Radio Network.
Alex's websites are www.infowars.com, www.prisonplanet.com and www.prisonplanet.tv to name a few.
We've been discussing the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico with Dr. Jerome Corsi.
He is a writer for Human Events Magazine and for World Net Daily.
Speaking of World Net Daily, Dr. Corsi,
One of the things I'm trying to communicate and get at is the physical process of getting the Communist Chinese slave goods from Lazaro Cárdenas to the border because the highway isn't there yet to the degree that it needs to be.
So the question is who is going to build the Mexican portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor NAFTA Superhighway?
Well that's a good question.
Robert Pastner is asking for there to be a
North American Investment Fund that would build additional highway infrastructure within Mexico and I'd probably take that kind of a structure because there's not enough traffic probably to justify the Spanish to come in and Sinfro is going to put 280 billion dollars building out these Trans-Texas Corridor highways next 50 years.
All the tolls are going to go to Spain but I don't think Spain is going to build the roads in Mexico yet.
Robert Pastor says let's get a public investment fund to do it.
You mean American taxpayer money?
American tax dollars.
Our money going to Mexico.
Okay, back it up, back it up.
More billions being thrown away into Mexico.
Wait, wait, back this up.
I want everybody to understand what he just said, and this is documentably true.
American taxpayers whose jobs are being shipped overseas so that the Chinese Communists can mill the slave goods
are now going to be expected through this North American Investment Fund to build the Mexican portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor to get the cheap communist Chinese slave goods up into America so that they can further the process of eliminating more American jobs.
Is this correct?
That's exactly right because you see this old build rose down into the center and south of Mexico.
Robert Pastor argues that's needed to develop Mexico.
And then you know of course
The taxpayers will pay for it, and the Mexicans will utilize it to transport the goods, but even the Mexicans are going to lose jobs in this process to China.
Yeah, they're just using Mexico as a conduit.
Mexico's a conduit.
Mexico's a transit point.
It's cheap labor to move the transportation of these cheap goods, and when Kansas City Southern says, oh no, we won't have Mexican train workers, we'll have United Transportation workers,
On the trains once they cross the border.
But you know, the railroads are already pressuring the United Transportation Union to reduce crews on the railroads running in the United States.
So the pressure from the Mexican railroad workers is going to add fuel to lowering wages of UTU workers and to lowering the number of trainmen allowed on an individual train.
So it'll be a downward pressure on transportation wages across the continent.
Oh, this is going to be good for everybody because it's going to just lower everybody's wages all over the place.
Lots of cheap goods ahead of you.
We're all consumers.
If we don't have any more money, we can't consume anything.
Is he working for Wal-Mart?
I guess he could be.
Is he owning stock in Wal-Mart?
I don't know.
I did ask him that.
You know, this is not theoretical stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
I know that Senator John Cornyn earlier this year got caught with his pants down.
And we interviewed him from World Net Daily because Senator Cornyn introduced into Congress
I believe it was S-3622, which was a bill to create the North American Investment Fund.
Yeah, let's talk about that after this break.
We'll be back.
We're talking with Dr. Jerome Coursey about this insanity of the North American Union.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, once again, this is Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones for the next couple of days, and we are honored to have Dr. Jerome Courtsey as our guest.
We're discussing the North American Union, which again, is not a theory, it's not an academic exercise, it is happening right now.
And we were just talking before the break about the fact that our own Texas Senator John Cornyn introduced a bill in the 109th Congress.
It was Senate Bill 3622, which called for the development of this North American Investment Fund, which is exactly what Robert Pastor calls for, to the word.
And the purpose of the fund was to create, improve infrastructure in Mexico.
In other words,
American taxpayers building the Mexican portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor, which is a subset of the NAFTA superhighway, so that the Communist Chinese goods can get here better and quicker and faster, and so that the American people's descent into poverty can be cushioned.
You know, Dr. Corsi, I'm not an economist.
I'm just a regular old Joe.
You know, I run a true value hardware store in Austin, Texas.
That's what I do for a living.
You know, that's what I do.
You know, I'm not a professional journalist.
I've been paid, I was paid by the New American to go up to cover that conference in Waco.
You know, they paid my hotel and a few bucks to write that article.
But I'm not a professional journalist, but I can think, I can see, I can hear, you know, and this entire thing is obscene.
Well, you know, the thinking starts as soon as you do what the globalists have done.
As you cross the line over and you say, OK, look, we're going to now create a North American Union, like a European Union.
They started this way back in George H.W.
Bush's administration to really push it.
Clinton signed it, going on for some time.
Once you start that thinking, and once you start believing that
World trade and globalism are going to solve all the problems of the world.
And, you know, Robert Pastor believes that.
A lot of the socialists believe that.
And you get pressure from both sides.
Because the unbridled capitalists just want the access to the cheap labor.
They just want to make more money.
More, you know, dollar bills.
They want to make more billions.
So, Wal-Mart doesn't care.
Wal-Mart is happy to take
All their goods from communist China.
They move into neighborhoods and shut down, you know, they've gone all through communities all across the country into small towns.
Build a superstore.
Pretty soon the hardware that's been there for three generations can't function anymore.
It closes up.
Everything closes up in the town.
All you've got left is a superstore.
They don't care.
Well, the thing that I, this economic theory that I'm about to propose, even though I'm not an economist,
It seems that the effect of all this in terms of as our standard of living slowly sinks into the West, as the wage scales go down, as America sinks slowly, slowly, slowly down so that our wage scales can more comfortably merge with those of the rest of the world, all this cheap Chinese communist stuff that's coming in is masking our descent.
We can't tell it.
You know, you used to go to the store and buy something for a dollar, and now you go there and buy it for 50 cents, you know, some consumer goods, because it's coming from China, so you can't really tell.
It's like a fake cushion on your descent.
When you hit, it's going to really hurt.
What do you think about that?
Well, I think, you know, certainly the whole idea that people are getting cheap goods at Walmart and other places is one of the things that's meant for people to say, hey, this is a good idea.
And if people don't think very hard about it, sure, it's a great idea to be able to buy things cheap.
When you start understanding that that's predicated on slaves, or near-slaves, producing those goods, and the two lines to go on, they come to the same point, is A, that's morally wrong, and B, it's stupid economically, because you undercut the employment here in the United States,
He closed down manufacturing and he put people out of work.
Now, labor and management are really not, and should never consider themselves, like I was raised in a labor family.
My father was public relations director for the railroad trainmen, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and he helped create the United Transportation Union.
And I mean, I remember this since I was a child, the discussions that, you know, labor and management are not on, are not enemies.
Labor's got to make management strong in order for management to understand the value of labor.
It's got to work both ways.
One side's got to make sure the other side is also healthy.
You can't win by destroying labor, and you can't win by destroying management.
Now, if it's communist Chinese slaves, Walmart doesn't care.
Because they're over there in China, nobody sees them, it doesn't make any difference, it's China's problem.
And if you object, they say, well, this helps China develop because we're putting... It doesn't help China develop as a middle class.
When these people who are slaves working in these factories get to be 20 years old, they fire them, put them out in the countryside, and get another 12-year-old or 13-year-old to work in that factory.
Nobody ever saves anything working in those factories.
It makes a few people... It'll make China look just like Mexico.
A few wealthy people and a few wealthy families, and they'll control the country.
And the great masses will be poor.
Well, the same thing will happen in the United States.
United States, the people of this country who have depended upon manufacturing jobs, virtually since the country was founded, are going to find that they don't have those jobs anymore, and there isn't anything else left, except a very few small wages.
Even our cars, nobody has made much of this.
Detroit General Motors and Ford just closed down a huge set of plants.
And laid off thousands of workers.
Now, those workers are going to find that instead of $30 jobs, they're going to end up with $10 jobs, if they can find one at all.
And to get the $10 job, they're probably going to have to compete with an illegal immigrant that came through Mexico.
Now, at that point, we don't have a middle class left.
And about, you know, one more generation of this, when the cars are now going to be started to be made in China,
And every one of the major car companies has gone to China to stake out a position.
Those container ships, to bring them in the container ships and put the cars in there, bring them in through the ships, and we won't need anything in the car industry in the United States except retail distribution.
And the capitalists don't think far enough to care that there won't be a middle class left to buy those products.
They figure that there'll be enough of a oligarchy left
You know, Goldman Sachs doesn't care.
They're throwing a billion dollar Christmas party this year.
A multi-billion dollar.
Everybody's getting huge bonuses.
Well, that's because they're hedge funds, and they want the companies they've invested in in China, thanks to Treasury Secretary Paulson, when he was there at Goldman Sachs, have done a good deal for those guys right now.
Even if they're closing down factories all over America.
It's just a bad deal for the middle class.
And the middle class is the backbone of America and always has been.
So the target of all this then is the middle class.
You're echoing the sentiments of Lou Dobbs on CNN.
Lou Dobbs, right.
And he has picked it up on CNN.
I'm honored to have been on his show with Minuteman, The Battle to Secure America's Borders, and I strongly support the book he wrote on the end of the middle class.
I've read that book, and I think it's an excellent book.
And he's right.
You know, the special interests have bought the politicians.
And, you know, look at Bill Clinton.
China bought Bill Clinton.
There were campaign fundraising scandals.
All the technology that's been shipped to China
Bill Clinton started engineering.
You gotta start asking, how did Hillary Clinton go from a $300,000 net worth to a $50 million net worth?
And I'll give you two words that explain it.
China and Dubai.
Between the two of them, she became a multi-millionaire.
And if you don't think Hillary and Bill are still working together, they may not be man and wife, but they're still, they're sure making sure each other get billions.
And Bill would sure like to be back in the White House, I guess.
For all of you who think this is a Republican problem, you better wake up, because it's not.
It's not?
The Democrats and the Republicans at the top of this heap are globalists, they're elitists, they're one-worlders, and both of them in concert are working to destroy the American middle class and to destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I'll write a story next week, Bob, when I show... I'm waiting until...
Friday we get this report.
I'll write a story and show that the financial report of the United States for 2006 shows the fact we're at least running this.
The $3.5 trillion, with a T, dollar budget deficit, fiscal budget deficit this year.
And I think that our negative net worth will now be closer to $60 billion instead of $50 billion.
But I'll also show that all this idea that Clinton had surpluses again was accounting gimmicks.
That Clinton was running trillion dollar deficits, too.
And I'm going to go back and correct those years so people don't think that, you know, it was great under Clinton.
It wasn't.
He was deepening this problem.
George Bush has deepened it further.
Started with George H.W.
I mean, it's gone on.
Probably go back to Reagan.
Reagan made a terrible decision in 1986 to allow that amnesty to be granted, and that was probably the beginning of the downward slope.
Well, you know, it sounds like my friends at the Council on Foreign Relations have been very busy for decades.
I wanted to ask you a question.
I noticed that you joined forces in some sort of an agreement or some sort of a union with the John Birch Society.
Can you elaborate on that?
Well, the John Birch Society asked me to come and give a keynote address to them at one of their council meetings in North Carolina, and I was happy to do that.
I also, they've been publishing and writing in their magazine, The New American, following everything that I've been doing.
So I think, in this battle, they've been in the lead for years, saying that this North American Union was coming down the pike.
I'll form alliances, as many as I can, to get this stopped.
Well, I think that's excellent because the Birch Society is doing the same thing.
They're reaching out to other Americans who are also trying to save this country.
And we're going to save the rest of this conversation for after the break.
We'll be back with Dr. Jerome Corsi.
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All right, Dacey, back with Dr. Jerome Corsi on the Alex Jones Show.
We've been discussing the North American Union and the plans of our elitist friends to merge Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one big happy slave country.
We're going to be opening up the phone lines for questions to Dr. Corsi.
The number is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
So after this segment, we're going to be taking calls for anyone who wants to discuss this with Dr. Jerome Corsi.
The man knows what he's talking about.
He has written extensively on this subject.
You want to go to humaneventsonline.com.
That's humaneventsonline.com.
I think Dr. Corsi is the second author.
When you click on the contributors button, just click on Jerome Corsi and you will find out the immense amount of work that this man has done exposing the North American Union for what it really is.
Dr. Corsi, have you gotten any flack for this work you're doing?
Well, I mean, you know, I get criticized on the Internet and other places by people who say that none of this is happening and it's all hysteria or an Internet conspiracy theory.
None of that bothers me.
I say if it's an Internet conspiracy theory, it's being conducted on government websites.
Because you've got a Security and Prosperity Partnership with SPT.gov.
That whole website is maintained by the Department of Commerce.
You've got the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Well, go take a look at KeepTexasMoving.com.
That's a Texas Department of Transportation website.
I document this $3.5 trillion federal budget deficit today on World Net Daily.
Well, I link to the federal government budget site that produces the report.
So if you don't believe me, go read the federal report yourself.
And that's, I think, what's made these articles convincing, is that I've thoroughly linked them.
To the government reports that document that what I'm talking about is substantiated.
Well, has anybody that actually has any financial authority over human events or World Net Daily or any of the publications that you write for said, hey, Dr. Corsi, why don't you just shut up or something?
Has anybody done anything like that?
Absolutely not.
I've been encouraged by both the editors.
Joseph Farah, who is the founder and publisher of WorldNetDaily, has been very supportive.
Robert Bluey, who is the major editor I work with at Human Events, has been extremely supportive.
I'm very close to the Human Events staff and to Regnery.
Eagle Publishing is the parent of Human Events.
I published with John O'Neill, Unfit for Command, against John Kerry, which was a book published by Regnery.
It was probably one of their
Biggest selling books ever.
I've gotten only support from the editors and publishers of the work I'm doing.
I think, again, it's highly documented.
It's all authenticated.
None of this is made up.
It's fully, fully in the public record or in interviews I've conducted that I've recorded and documented.
Are you familiar with the North American PPP 2006, the Infrastructure Finance Conference?
I knew they had a PPP, which stands for Personal Private Partnerships.
Public Private Partnerships.
They had one of those meetings that cost almost $3,000 to attend.
It was held at the Waldorf last year.
Are they planning another one or is that the one you're referring to?
This is the one I'm referring to.
I'm looking at their last brochure.
You people out there just think this is all nuts, we're just making this up.
Just go to www.euromoneyseminars.com slash ppp.
www.euromoneyseminars.com slash ppp.
This is an ad for this conference they had last September.
Absolutely bolder.
To teach foreign investors how to come carve up American infrastructure.
Yeah, well I just pulled that brochure right out.
I mean, exactly.
And look at the government participants.
You have the U.S.
Department of Transportation, the Department of Transportation of the various states.
Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Florida, Oregon, Alaska, Indiana.
It's a wholesale sellout of our infrastructure and more.
We'll be back after the break with Dr. Jerome Porcey and we'll take the call.
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I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
Military accommodation.
Municipal buildings.
Dr. Corsi, these people plan on gobbling up everything.
Well, the investment bank, first of all, you've got to realize there's so much U.S.
cash that's gone overseas.
They've got to have someplace to spend it?
They have to have, exactly.
In other words, the only alternative, and we're doing, we need to send more overseas all the time because the problem with this
3.5 trillion dollar budget deficit.
I'm not talking about a U.S.
This is an each year budget deficit.
A shortfall each year of three and a half trillion dollars in the budget.
That's what this report just released.
It's going to be released on Friday.
It's a 2005 report documented for the 2005 fiscal federal budget.
So it's each year?
Each year.
Because what they don't do when they say the budget deficit is only
$248 billion, which is what the Treasury has been saying, is that that's on a cash basis.
When you do a GAAP accounting, which is Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and you fully create the liabilities and account for them on Social Security and Medicare, they're just taking the Social Security money and spending it on the next obligation you've got, which is what the $248 billion deficit reflects.
Now the new fully accounted deficit is 3.5 trillion dollars.
Now we have to finance that deficit.
We end up selling treasury securities into the foreign exchange market.
So if China quits buying our treasury securities, we can't finance our budget debt.
So if I may put this in simple terms that hopefully people will understand.
Tell me if you agree with this.
If you were to boil this down to someone's personal finances, it's akin to somebody who is spending way more money than he's earning, and so he puts a second mortgage up on his house in order to finance his deficit, and pretty soon they're going to foreclose on his house.
Well, that's about right in personal terms.
What it is, is we're constantly borrowing, creating more debt.
To handle current liabilities, to pay for things that the federal budget has promised to pay for today.
And at the same time running a huge budget deficit, we're running a trade deficit to China, under the Security and Prosperity Partnership in North America, where we've just opened our markets, and the World Trade Organization, where we've done it too.
And now we've got five cabinet secretaries, Secretary Paulson, plus the head of the Federal Reserve,
Over there trying to convince the Chinese to allow their currency to go up in value, which the Chinese won't do.
Or to encourage Chinese to buy more from the United States, which they won't do.
And, you know, we've got hand-in-hand to China right now.
And it's unconscionable.
And what the investment bankers are planning to do in this PPP conference is that they're going to securitize and structure not only roads like this Trans-Texas Corridor,
But they're going to take a whole set of public water projects, all the water facilities in the cities and towns, schools, prisons, hospitals, you name it, and they'll sell it to the foreign investors.
It'll all be owned by somebody else, all the foreigners.
And this is stuff that we the taxpayers have already paid for, and now they're going to sell it to a bunch of foreigners.
America, you better wake up!
They're going to let Hutchinson Wampoa, a communist Chinese firm that manages ports with close ties to the Chinese military, they're going to let them manage the ports in Mexico through which these goods come.
And NASCO, the trade organization, the NASCO super corridors in Dallas, they're going to do a deal with Lockheed Martin
And a subsidiary owned by 49% by Hutchins and Wampoa to put the sensors all up and down the NASCO corridor to know where the trucks and trains are carrying these Chinese goods.
Boy, I feel safer already.
I mean, I'm saying that you might as well let a couple of Chinese gunboats come on up to Mississippi.
Who's going to stop them?
They'll probably own the Mississippi by the time they sail up it.
Well, turnabout's fair play.
That's what the British did to the Chinese back a long time ago.
I don't think the Chinese forgot.
I guess not.
Listen, we're going to take some calls here, Dr. Corsi, if you don't mind.
We'll see.
First up, we have Fred in Philadelphia.
Fred, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Fred, are you there?
Hi, Bob.
What's going on?
Hey, I'm just listening with rapt attention to this show.
One of the things that comes up in my mind is that we're getting a constant stream of government statements and what constitutes truth by the government?
How do we screen out basically the falsehoods by the government and also could you comment about the Constitution
As a way to screen out all these false statements and you know, what do we do as we run through our daily lives to basically have a better perspective on all of this?
Dr. Coursey, do you want to tackle that?
Well, the Bush administration is operating in complete contradiction to and disregard for the Constitution.
I've been urging Congress
I think
Bureaucrats, three governments.
And even if we could, I might add, even if we could do that, it wouldn't be the executive branch.
You've got to have legislation to do that, even if you could do it.
Or a treaty should be negotiated.
Or a treaty.
The legislative branch has to be involved.
Even NAFTA is not a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
NAFTA should have been a treaty.
NAFTA itself is unconstitutional.
It's just a law.
And it should not have been passed by one vote.
I mean, it should have been a treaty that demanded a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
They knew they couldn't do that, so they slipped it in as a law.
It's again a disregard of the Constitution.
So the Constitution, like George Bush is quoted as having said, in the Oval Office, is just evidently to have a G.D.
piece of paper.
That's what he said.
He was quoted as saying that.
And I hate to have to add this because I just kind of call it like it is.
If you took an oath to swear and protect and defend this country and this Constitution before you became President, and if the Constitution itself requires that you take that oath before you can become President, and if you break that oath
So viciously and so repeatedly and so obviously you don't have any business being the president and you should be out of there.
I mean that's, you're talking about constitutional remedy?
Well there's something called impeachment and there's something called treason and I think the two go hand in hand.
Well certainly treason is a high crime and misdemeanor and you know the problem is that the Democrats are the ones who should be all over this and should be out there representing the people.
They say that the
Well, the people are their constituency.
Yeah, but John Conyers... They're paid.
They're paid by the same groups that are paying the Republicans.
Yeah, unfortunately that's true.
John Conyers was making motions about looking into all this nasty unconstitutional rights-robbing stuff Bush was doing several months ago.
And now that the Democrats have the House of Representatives, they say, well, never mind.
Don't worry about that.
The only thing they want to expose the Republicans on is Foley writing
Sexual memos to the pages.
Well, they themselves do that and far worse.
That's a distraction to cure.
Fred, thank you for that.
Dr. Corsi?
I just wanted to say that could you tell me who was basically fighting the fight in the 90s over the truth about the annual deficits?
There was a female expert and one male expert that were predominant, especially on the internet.
And yet they were basically squashed and not allowed to get the story out.
There was no one in Congress that was fighting that fight.
There was no one in the government, but there were two independent people that were well known that I remember.
I don't remember by name.
Do you remember who knew the truth about that in the 90s?
I've been reading it for years, but this was the first time.
I got a hold of, the report I have published today in WorldNetDaily, when I got a hold of John Williams, whose blog I cite, he's an econometrician, he writes an extremely good analysis in this Shadow Government Statistics is his blog, if you take a look at WorldNetDaily.
Is that the site?
I'll give you the exact site here in a second.
He has documented it.
He did the analysis of these reports called the Financial Report of the United States, which will be issued on Friday.
Now, Shadow Government Statistics, by the way, their internet site is www.shadowstats.com.
S-H-A-D-O-W-S-T-A-T-S dot com.
All one word.
And John Williams had done the analysis, and I interviewed John, and so finally I had a federal government report that I could analyze with an expert who was willing to make the argument with me that we have a $3.5 trillion deficit.
I demand that much proof in things I write.
I mean, I have to have a government document before, or some authoritative expert on the record.
Before I'll go ahead and write these things, because I'm not interested in conspiracy theories, I want facts.
Okay, so we're going to go to ShadowStats.com.
Thank you for the call, Fred.
We've also got John in Missouri up here on the Alex Jones Show.
John, are you there?
Yeah, Bob.
How's it going?
I don't know.
It sounds like we're going down to two.
Oh, buddy!
Hey, I've got a couple of statements and a question.
Actually, two questions.
My son recently started school in Northwest Missouri State, up above St.
And I took him up there back in August to go to his dorm, and I noticed on I-29, just about the airport, KCI, there is a sign that says, Mexican Free Trade Zone.
Yeah, right.
And that stuck with me.
I was like, what in the heck is that?
And now listening to you guys talk here, I realize what it is now.
And does that remove all the taxes we would require for the trade going through there?
That's right.
And Mexico plans to put a customs office in Kansas City in their smart port.
Kansas City has gone about Mexican crazy.
They think they're going to make a lot of money shipping the Mexican goods through Kansas City because they view themselves as an east and west point as well as north and south for the railroad.
I've got news for Kansas City.
They're not going to make nearly as much money as they think they're going to make.
I don't think so.
I've got news for you.
Nobody makes money working with Mexico except Mexico.
And even in Mexico you don't make it unless you're one of the drug dealers or one of the families that got control.
I was working for Caterpillar in the 90s as I watched this whole thing roll upon us.
And in 92 I had an engineer, we were discussing NAPTA, and I had an engineer, a senior engineer, trying to explain it to us and he'd give it to us this way.
He said, what that is out to do
is to tear America's first world status down to a second world status and bring the third world nations up to a second world status.
And that stuck with me because I'd heard talks about first world countries and third world countries but you never hear about that second world country.
Well there's a tremendous resentment about the United States and our standard of living.
Oh yes.
There has been.
And people think the best solution to it is to destroy it rather than have other countries replicate it.
We have
Several things that are unique in the United States.
Our rights are inalienable and not given by the communist government.
Secondly, you know, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights did set out a structure of checks and balances that are designed to preserve liberty and to encourage private enterprise and to develop a middle class.
And like Abraham Lincoln said, we are unique and experiment, which Lincoln did not know whether it would long endure, and I don't know if it'll now long endure.
We're good to go.
What we're talking about here is government of the elite, by the elite, for the elite.
It'll make the whole world look like Mexico, economically.
John in Missouri, I want to thank you very much for that call.
I want to completely agree with what you just said.
If these people get their way, there's just going to be this third big giant third world country.
You know, it's going to be one big third world country and there's going to be a rich elite sitting on top of all the rest of it.
Yeah, in that third world country,
Nobody working at Goldman Sachs thinks they'll be in the bottom.
They'll be the ones with the billion dollar bonuses.
You don't think any of this is going to affect them.
That's because I kind of believe a lot of these academic types, they live in this academic bubble.
You know, they got a degree in whatever and they think they're all smart and they hobnob with each other and they're experts in their field.
Also, a lot of money being made here.
A lot of speaking fees being paid here.
And public repairs.
People are making money and so are the investment bankers and so are the capitalists who are owning these companies.
Stock markets have a huge party right now.
And it's having that party while the yield curve is inverted.
Long-term rates are lower than short-term rates.
That usually precedes a recession.
The housing market's about to have a bubble that's going to burst, and the dollar is slipping in value.
But yet the stock market's having a wild party, because M3, the liquidity's never been higher, the money's rolling, and the champagne is flowing.
And then they're going to have a hangover.
Well, go back and read the financial press of the 1920s.
It's about the same.
Okay, we have another caller up, John from Michigan.
John, here on the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, good afternoon, gentlemen.
Mr. Crosby, I've been listening to you all over the radio.
I'm trying to get you on the radio up here.
Well, just send me an email.
My email's easy.
It's jcorsey at worldnetdaily.com.
The links that say they're on worldnetdaily.com work and I get those emails and I read them.
jcorsey at worldnetdaily.com.
Okay, another thing.
This not only is going to bring all these
And immigrants and cheap goods, but isn't there a plan to totally eliminate our Constitution and go to a world court system?
Well, of course.
I mean, that's the whole issue here.
We've already got NAFTA Chapter 11 tribunals, and those tribunals, which is an informal structure, not even any rules as to how they're to be conducted, they can hold, if an investor wants to sue a state or the federal government of the United States, because let's say an environmental law is detrimental to their business interest,
They could win and the state or the federal law could be knocked down.
And they get millions of dollars in damages.
It already can happen.
Our laws can be overturned.
That's going to increase.
That's absolutely right.
John, I'm Michigan.
Thank you for the call.
We're coming up on our break and we're talking with Dr. Jerome Corsi about this obscene North American Union and we'll be back for a final segment after the break.
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Okay, we're back with the final segment on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones and we are once again talking to Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Dr. Corsi, before I take the next caller, I'd like to ask you exactly how does one get a hold of your book, Minute Men, The Battle to Secure America's Borders?
Thank you for asking.
It's available on Amazon.com.
If you'll just look up my name, C-O-R-S-I, Corsi, and I co-authored it with Jim Gilchrist
And I'll soon be writing a book on the North American Union.
I'm trying to finish it by the end of December.
I'll finish it up in January.
You better hurry up before it's too late.
No, this stuff is going to be fought on for a good deal of time yet.
This is not going to go away quick.
Yeah, and that's why we have to be in this fight for a long, long time.
Okay, we've got Dave from Canada up.
Dave, are you there?
Bob, hello Mr. Corsi.
How's it going?
Good, thank you.
I have a question for both of you.
I think it was Bob that made the statement that the Chinese was the other partner with the NAFTA agreement.
Was that because North America was importing goods from China through Mexico?
Yeah, they're just the beneficiary of it all.
They didn't sign any agreement.
They're just using Mexico as a conduit to bring all their slave goods into the United States.
Okay, so it literally was shipping through Mexico into North America.
It's one of the ironies of things.
The signatories, of course, of NAFTA were the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
But having opened up the markets to free trade, and then the World Trade Organization opening things up with China, what happened is that even the jobs, the low-cost jobs in China started getting shipped to Mexico, as well as our manufacturing jobs.
And China just decided to start opening up Mexico as a transit port to get the containers in here cheaper rather than bringing them all in on the west coast and having to lug them across the United States with U.S.
labor costs and unions being involved.
Did Mexico have a tariff imposed on Chinese goods at the time?
Mexico itself has been reducing tariffs with China.
And Mexico's also swamped with Chinese goods.
They're complaining about this down in Mexico, too.
And Mexico's lost a huge number of jobs, manufacturing jobs, to China.
I mean, the maquiladoras, the sweatshop assembly plants in the 90s, at the height of NAFTA, employed about 3 million people.
Today, as best I can figure, they employ about 1 million people.
Two-thirds of those jobs have gone to China.
It's one of the reasons there's additional pressure from all the
We're good to go.
You know, the Walmart millionaires to be able to go and get cheap labor in China and send all our manufacturing jobs over there.
That's the reality.
Dave from Canada, I want to thank you very much for the call.
I've got one more caller.
We're in a hurry here now.
This is Bill from Kansas City.
Bill, you've got just a few seconds here on the Alex Jones Show.
What do you have to contribute?
Well, I'm just wondering if the people of this country who are citizens who are being affected by all of the legislation and the way that the government is selling all the waterways and roadways and things.
I wondered if any of the citizens of the United States realized this is basically the same government that treated the natives of this land that way to begin with.
Yeah, I guess so.
Well, the point is, rather than going back and settling things that happened 200 years ago or 150 years ago, I think we've got to deal with this problem right now.
This problem is going to increase.
And America you got to wake up to this.
We're really just about out of time here on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey.
I want to remind you, if you want to learn about this, go to www.jbs.org and learn all about the American Union.
Because let me tell you something, you've got to do something about this.
It's not going away.
They're coming at us from all angles.
We'll see you tomorrow.
This is Bob Dacey.
Dr. Corsi, thank you for being here.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.