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Name: 20061211_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 11, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Monday, the 11th day of December 2006.
We are here Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time on the one and only GCN Radio Network.
That's Genesis Communications Radio Network, often imitated, never duplicated.
Coming up, we've got some of the organizers of the Boston Tea Party that's coming up.
They're going to throw 9-11 whitewash commission books into Boston Harbor.
It's also going to be happening out in San Francisco and other coastal cities around the country.
These events are important because it'll get media attention and force 9-11 back into the news.
That's the whole point of having demonstrations and protests around the country.
I know most of you understand that.
Some people, though,
I get emails saying, why are they doing that?
That's dumb just to throw those books in the water.
It's a symbol.
And it's reenacting what our forebearers did.
And I'm not talking down to people I know.
Most of you understand that.
I just got a couple emails saying, this is dumb.
Why are they doing that?
So that's for the benefit of those that don't understand why.
Oil producers are shunning the dollar.
This is extremely scary.
New developments there.
We'll be covering it.
Also, U.S.
has most prisoners in the world due to, quote, tough laws.
No, that's partially true, but not entirely true.
We'll break that down.
Ex-spy, who we had on Friday, calls for bombing inquiry.
This is out of the Sunday Sun.
There in the UK, former spy David Shaler has cast doubt on who was responsible for the London bombings and called for a public inquiry.
There has been a huge new development that will be breaking concerning this case on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net in the next 24 hours.
In fact, I had Paul on the phone this morning.
I should just go ahead and get him on for maybe 10 minutes at the bottom of the hour.
I know he's listening right now.
To tell us about this new development before it even hits print.
So much is happening.
He notified me of this this morning.
It's a big development on the 7-7 bombings.
And I didn't think to get him on.
But we'll attempt to do that.
I was about to make a joke on here.
I'm not going to do it.
He'll probably not answer his phone now.
I'm just joking, Paul.
He hates coming on the radio.
That's actually not true.
So busy writing stories or updating the website, so he doesn't have time to, but we need his expertise on that.
So, it's like we're projecting the Batman symbol into the night sky, into the cumulus clouds.
We need you.
You will come on the show.
Ex-spy calls for bombing inquiry, so we'll be talking about that.
Good news here, net neutrality.
Killer Bill dies.
And this is predominantly thanks to the chairman
We never played this clip.
We should play this clip.
The chairman of the committee starts going, it's tubes!
The tubes are all clogged up!
We gotta do this to fix the tubes!
And actually, his net neutrality bill would foul up the entire internet.
And it just shows the incredible ignorance of these bumbling people that are running the system who are then manipulated by a bunch of telecommunications lobbyists who want to charge you to get on the internet even more than you're being charged now.
Cynthia McKinney introduced a bill in the last days of the Congress, last Friday, to start impeachment against Bush and there are impeachment rallies across the nation right now.
We'll be telling you about that.
Here's the headline.
Apocalypto, the most powerful film of all time.
And yes, that's my statement.
I've never said this before.
I believe Mel Gibson is the greatest living director.
So we'll break that story down and go over why this film is so important.
Also, you know now that what we already knew, the government was spying our government on Diana.
Cash payments were made to her driver hours before she died.
We'll be right back.
We'll break it all down today and take your calls.
Stay with us.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're going to be getting an update a little bit later from some folks from Gun Owners of America.
The Associated Press reported last Friday there is a case in federal court right now in the District of Columbia, the District of Criminals, where the federal government is openly arguing
Along with the district that there is no right, individual right, to own firearms.
And then it will go to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court saw a similar case and refused to even hear it out of California.
And so they are moving forward steadily to set the precedent that there is no individual right to own guns.
And you have eight of the nine members
Now on the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans.
And what are you seeing?
Massive gun control.
You see, if you have a pro-gun control, pro-victim disarmament ruling by a lower federal court, and the Supreme Court refuses to hear it, that is the tacit approval of the ruling.
And so all over the country, there are anti-gun rulings taking place.
This is one of the more draconian ones we're witnessing, an open argument by the government that there is no Second Amendment, you have no right to own guns.
And folks, if they rule that you don't have a right, they're already telling police you don't have a right, that it's a privilege now, the police will come out and they will follow orders and they will come for your guns.
We saw that in New Orleans, we've seen that in Oshkosh, up in Wisconsin,
We have seen it in California.
We have seen the troops trying to take our guns.
They're not playing games.
And this is really, really scary.
So we'll talk more about that a little bit later.
And I mean, Bush didn't triple.
Now, if you heard me a few years ago, I said double.
He's now tripled.
The average size of the federal government has more than doubled.
Some agencies quadrupling and tripling.
Well, the BATF has now roughly tripled in size.
Tripled in size.
They didn't triple it for nothing.
They needed bigger muscles, bigger mechanisms to attack the Second Amendment so our journey into enslavement can be complete.
And liberals like myself are against turning our guns in.
See, you're now conservative when you're for open borders.
You're now conservative when you're for North American Union.
You're now conservative when you're for the government more than doubling in size.
You're now conservative when you're for foreign entanglements.
And you're an evil, liberal, commie American Al-Qaeda when you're for the Founding Fathers and the Bill of Rights.
And I'm sorry to have to report that to you, but that's how these PR firms and these slick
Manipulators have turned the entire debate around.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
And Bush has got his Democrats in place now for the blanket total amnesty, North American Union, for the gun control.
Let the reign of evil begin!
But there is some good news.
Let me just play Senator Ted Stevens bumbling around.
This bill was sure to pass.
They had the votes.
The telecommunications lobby had dumped more money on this than they had dumped on anything else in the past to shut down the old internet and force us on to quote, Internet 2.
And listen to how Stevens tries to bill this legislation as a bill of rights.
You know, you gotta love it.
Campaign finance reform, and it doubles the money corporations can give and restricts what individuals can't.
It attacks free speech.
It attacks who I can interview six weeks before an election.
They call that a reform.
They call that giving you more rights.
You know, that's like tying you up with 50 pounds of concrete and chains and throwing you into the Atlantic Ocean and saying they're helping you swim.
No, it's the opposite.
So here he is,
I don't think so.
Bumbling what the internet is and millions of people watch this video online that you're about to hear the audio of and it became quite a joke even in major technology magazines and newspapers and so this is what killed the bill but they're going to be back repackaging it in the new Congress that starts in January but here is Ted Stevens.
We should have played this before but we're finally getting around to it.
Here it is.
I would call your attention to Title IX.
It really is the Internet Consumer Bill of Rights.
Now, we have consumers who use this Internet, and we have commercial users who use this Internet.
Unfortunately, your comments bring them together.
I would call the Committee's attention to an article that was called to my attention by my wife, as a matter of fact, in the International Herald Tribune.
We talk about the World Wide Web.
This demonstrates that nowhere, nowhere in the world today is there the kind of decision, has the kind of decision been made that is recommended by those who really want to create a two-tier system.
The position you've announced is a two-tier system.
As a matter of fact, if you look at this article, I would hope so if you read it,
It says this.
In addition, many of the companies that oppose legislative net neutrality do so because they believe the speed and capabilities of the internet are being improved on their backs.
They are putting the bill for building ever faster broadband connections that others, like you and me in effect, are benefiting from.
In Europe,
Deutsche Telekom and Telekom Italia are among the corporate voices starting to express this view.
Deutsche Telekom expects to spend $3.8 billion on building a fiber optic network with 25 times the speed of today's broadband, and it wants to keep its competitors off that network.
But the Eastern European Commission believes that the German telecommunications market is not competitive enough for such a restriction.
The Commission is, by and large, following procedures set up by the EU, while white papers, as far back as the Bengelman Report in 1993, calling for interoperability and minimal regulation.
Now, it closes by the same thing.
My biggest fear in this debate is that we don't know enough about the consequences that turn the Internet into a two-tier system.
Which is exactly what those who are pleading for net neutrality would do.
Now, when you look at this bill, we have a Consumer Bill of Rights.
We expect what it is.
The consumer is fully protected.
And we have network security, worms virus, denial of service, parental controls, blocking child pornography.
We have sections to protect the consumer, protect the application of the First Amendment, and we prohibit the
Uh, commission from Ishing Regulations to change what we have provided in the bill.
Now, why did we do that?
We did that because when you look at it, uh, this is the non-discriminatory portion of the bill.
We demand that the internet not discriminate against consumers.
Now, the heart of non-discrimination is really the heart of carry regulation.
What the Center is talking about is allowing all of these entities that support this to provide streaming stuff going on the Internet.
Now the Internet, you know, let's go back.
The Internet started with the concept of
Local to local connections across the country, and you could go from here to Alaska, but you only had to go through local connections to get there.
Industry wisely provided for streaming, in effect, a new kind of long distance, and that's what we've got.
We've got a service that's immune to distance, and it's there for the consumer.
But when we take and really indicate that anyone that wants to use this system for massive, massive commercial purposes, there's one company now that you can sign up and you can get a movie delivered to your house, daily, by delivery service, okay?
And currently it comes to your house, you put it in the mailbox when you get home, and annually or monthly you change your order.
But you pay for that, right?
This service is now going to go through the internet, and what you do is you just go to a place on the internet, and you order your movie, and guess what?
You can order ten of them, and the delivery charge is free, right?
Ten movies streaming across that internet, and what happens to your own personal internet?
I just the other day got internet, was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday.
I got it yesterday.
Because it got tangled up with all these things that are going on the internet commercially.
See, when you want to talk about the consumer, let's talk about you and me.
We use this internet for communication.
We're not using it for commercial purposes.
We're not earning anything by going on the internet.
Well, I'm not saying you have to discriminate against those people.
I'm not saying we haven't seen anything yet that indicates there is discrimination.
And until you can define it, I'm opposed to concepts that are applied by your recommendation.
We have already had unfair competition.
I've already said if you want to make a special provision with regard to... Stop it right there!
Okay, I mean, it's a long clip, and he's just bumbling around, he knows nothing he's talking about.
Then he starts saying, it's a bunch of tubes, and the tubes are all tangled up, and you know, that's the big problem here, and so we've got to, you know, get rid of this net neutrality.
What he doesn't know is if Netflix starts serving videos up, they have to pay for the bandwidth to stream that off their servers.
You pay for it, and then your internet connection attaches to it.
So everybody's paying for the internet with their connection rate, and the pipe's getting bigger and bigger.
It's getting better and better.
But they're trying to sell it.
To the dumbed-down public like, oh, you're not going to get a good connection if we don't have this net neutrality.
Then he claims it's to stop Internet 2.
When it's Internet 2 pushing this, later I'll break it down.
We've got Larry Pratt.
He's about to get on a plane to tell you about this Second Amendment attack.
He'll be with us briefly on the other side of this break.
And then we'll continue with the net neutrality attack bill getting shot down.
Good news and a lot more.
You'll want to stay with us.
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Alright, we're going to get back into net neutrality.
We've got it down to the clip where Senator Stevens is saying we've got to regulate the internet because the tubes are all tied up.
And the bumbling idiot says he got an internet sent to him the other day.
It's like Bush calling it the internets.
And meanwhile, industry is telling them they're going to protect it by basically shutting it down.
We'll break down what's really happening there.
I'll get into Apocalypto, an amazing film.
We'll talk about what's happening with the dollar.
We'll take your calls.
But Larry Pratt joins us right now.
He's got to run and catch a plane here in just a few minutes.
But we have Parker vs. DC.
They're going to be ruling on the appeals court.
Uh, they're in D.C.
here in the next few weeks.
Uh, they've gone to deliberation now, I guess you could say.
We've got other attacks on the Second Amendment, but the AP, you know, has the headline Friday that, Federal case may decide right to own guns, as if courts can tell us suddenly we don't have right to own guns.
And the Feds are arguing that it is only the right of the National Guard and the Federal Government to own guns.
The Federal Government is arguing you have no right to own guns.
Okay, for anybody who's in denial about how they want to disarm us, here they are.
And there was a similar California case.
The Supreme Court refused to hear it.
So if the Supreme Court refuses to hear it, they're going to run around nationwide saying, oh look, this ruling stands.
So joining us is Larry Pratt.
Larry, pretty serious business.
Alex, yes it is.
Actually, it's the D.C.
Corporate Council, but your point's the same.
If it is not dealt with properly, it's going to be viewed as the end of the subject, as if, as you pointed out quite correctly, I couldn't agree more, as if courts make the law, as if they make the Constitution.
The Constitution tells the courts what to do, and in the case of the Second Amendment,
There is so much that we know about that word, militia, and about why it's in the main body of the Constitution in Article I, Section 8, as well as in the Second Amendment, that it just really... Well, the only reason we're having an argument is because some people want to take our guns away, and the only way they can get at them is to get through that pesky little Second Amendment and the rest of the language
Well, every time the Constitution or Bill of Rights says the right of the people, it means individuals.
And we have the Federalist Papers, we have the debates, we have the news articles written by the founders in the debates in the newspapers.
We know, you know, that lying professor just got defrocked for lying and claiming that nobody owned guns, and it turned out his research was all falsified.
So there's no end to what they'll try.
In fact, real scholarship, such as that done by a
A PhD attorney, Dr. Edwin Vieira, points out that for 150 years of colonial American history, it doesn't matter what colony you might choose to look at the legal codes, they all had a concept of militia that was mandatory.
They would have lists of exceptions, and that would vary, but usually it had ministers and sometimes millers, usually politicians.
Everybody else otherwise was subject to the militia and they had to have a military rifle and keep it at home.
It had to be their gun and in fact they were so loath to provide for guns from the public treasury that when somebody said he didn't have enough money and they thought he really did, they would buy him a gun, give him the gun, and garnish his wages or his crops or whatever and only the most
Totally impoverished guy would sometimes a municipality actually give him a gun.
And in every town they had a little cottage industry where they made rifles.
A lot of towns made rifles.
That was the whole business, the big business at Concord.
The same day the Battle of Lexington that the Brits got whooped up on a little bit.
I mean, how dare the... and of course the Feds have argued in many cases that the gun ownership is for the federal government and its designates and this will go to the Supreme Court or should.
Tell us about the case.
Well, there's a bunch of folks in Washington, D.C.
that collectively
I had the case named for Parker, a lady that's been threatened by drug dealers in her neighborhood in D.C.
where, of course, legally she may not own a gun to protect herself against the thugs that the police can't protect her from.
And there are other people in the city that were very carefully selected.
A lot of it had to do with the Cato Institute libertarian outfit here in Washington.
Looking for different kinds of plaintiffs that would be such a set of facts that since eventually the court is likely to take a Second Amendment case, Cato was concerned that they choose the best set of facts possible so that this would be the case that would end up going, if anything, to the Supremes.
And so Mrs. Parker is a very presentable plaintiff.
Let's talk about that story and that case.
We've only got you for about seven minutes on the other side.
But break that down and what we can expect from the Supreme Court, who's been ruling in an anti-Second Amendment nature.
We'll be right back with Larry Pratt of Gunners of America.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
We're good to go.
Thank you.
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President Bush has radically expanded the size of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
They have their giant new building in D.C.
Larry Pratt joins us from D.C.
Highest crime rate in the country, then after that it's New York City, L.A., places that have Detroit, places that have massive gun control.
That's where all the criminals move.
You don't see them busting into a lot of houses here, or they wait until you leave and then they home invade when you're gone.
Because every week you hear about some scumbag coming in a house in one of the states in the south of the west, Arizona, Texas, Nevada, Alabama, and they get filled full of holes.
Now still, the crackheads do it sometimes, but they get killed.
So let's talk about this court case, Larry.
The case has been kicking around now for, golly, two or three years.
And that's how long it takes to, quote, get justice.
And the arguments have been, as you said, the D.C.
Corporate Council has been saying no such thing as an individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Even putting it in those terms is not really accurate, because the Second Amendment doesn't create the right.
It only protects something that exists whether the government likes it or not.
And they have been selected, I think, in D.C., among other things, not only because the plaintiffs
We're carefully chosen, but also because the DC is directly under the Constitution of the United States.
There's no intervening states.
It's just straight, these people say they need to have a gun.
It's a vassal of the federal government, so you don't have to jump through the process of going to the different courts.
You go right to... Bingo.
It's exactly right.
It starts out in federal court and, by the way, some of the questions that were being asked by this one judge sounds like somebody, if he ever retires, we ought to put him on our advisory board.
This guy, Silberman,
It was pretty tough on some of these corporate council types that were there.
They said, show me anybody in the 19th century who interprets the Second Amendment the way you do.
It doesn't appear until much later, the middle of the 20th century.
That is a very important statement, because he's saying that historically, it's just what you and I have been laying out.
Well, the Associated Press told a lie, and it just repeated what the prosecutors are saying, and said that, well, the court has never decided, the Supreme Court's never ruled, so this is important because it'll probably go to the Supremes.
How many Supreme Court rulings are there saying it's an absolute individual right?
I mean, it's a lie to say it's never been decided.
Well, the Miller case has been variously interpreted by people who are on both sides of the issue, but I think it's pretty clear that if Miller case was chosen in 1934 by the Supremes... That's the sawed-off shotgun case.
The sawed-off shotgun, and the guy was a professional bank robber.
And the court chose the case, even though this fellow, nobody was arguing he belonged to any organized militia, but they chose it anyway because they thought that this was a case that ought to be decided.
It wasn't something that on its face they would throw out.
And in fact, while they were kind of cute about the way they wrote it, it wasn't a very well-written opinion, and the guy that wrote it wasn't very much of an individual in private life, nevertheless,
He had to come to the conclusion that anytime you found a gun that had military application, that was protected by the Second Amendment.
Well, the only reason that the sawed-off shotgun wasn't a no-brainer for that test
Is that Mr. Miller had died and there was no attorney representing him.
Exactly, so what they do is they go get specific cases, played games with legalese, to then claim some power to regulate guns, which they never had before.
Now today, many police think owning a gun is a privilege.
They tell concealed carry owners here in Texas, this is a privilege to have a gun.
They're now brainwashing everyone, turning a right into a privilege.
You know, if folks want to see what Dr. Vieira has argued, it's really brilliant and it's in-depth.
It's on our website at gunowners.org.
And if they go there, they just look for the tab that says op-ed pieces or opposite editorial, whatever it is.
But we've got a bunch of his columns that he's written in that collection.
And you can see that the word militia
means individuals owning guns and for the politicians now, as Silberman on that bench was implying, for them to change that meaning of that word unilaterally would be the same as if the House of Representatives sent a message
I don't
It's so basic because it had 150 years of unvarying definition.
The introductory clause, which deals with militia, is simply there as one of the reasons.
You know, we think that a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.
Okay, I know you've got to go and catch a plane, Larry, but here's my final question for him.
This is the key.
Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America.
We're very thankful for him to come on with such short notice, but I saw this Friday and wanted to get an update today from you on it.
Okay, two weeks ago the court went into recess.
They're supposedly going to be giving their ruling soon.
How long until we hear the ruling?
And then, if it goes to the Supreme Court, number one, what do you think the ruling's going to be?
Number two, what do you think the court's going to do?
Because in the past,
They have agreed with anti-Second Amendment court rulings by simply passing the buck and letting it stay there and not questioning the ruling, which is the same thing as going along with it.
Well, first of all, it's anybody's guess as to how long they're going to take.
They're under no time constraint, and it could certainly be months.
We just don't know.
The attorneys for Parker were cautiously optimistic.
Now, one can never walk out of a hearing and say, oh yeah, I know how it's going to come out.
Well, it doesn't work that way.
But from the questions that were being asked, they were guardedly optimistic.
If Parker were to prevail and the D.C.
government to lose, the D.C.
government's going to appeal to the Supremes and vice versa.
Whether the Supremes would take it, I don't know.
Probably this is the court that's in about as good a shape as we're going to get for a long time.
And Alito ruled in a very technical way on a machine gun case in favor of machine guns.
And he did that because he knew that he had to do something that the Supremes, which quote, make the law, wouldn't overturn.
And so he very cleverly took little bits and pieces of previous rulings and wove them together.
And I think
His would be, perhaps, the swing vote, replacing Justice O'Connor, and hopefully, if it got that far, we might see something.
Larry Pratt, finally, because people are probably wondering.
Briefly, tell folks about the Parker case.
Well, this case was something that was gathered together at the
I guess there was a number of local people in D.C.
and they somehow got in touch with the Cato Institute.
And then they began looking for people.
I know one of the plaintiffs has been a gal that bought a shotgun after seven months of incredible bureaucratic fatigue.
She finally got her permit.
She had to go out to Virginia to get it.
Now she has to keep it in a safe in her apartment in the district.
There were other people that had been, I think a taxi cab driver, somebody that had been on the taxi council.
Who had spoken in favor of arming taxi cab drivers.
The kind of logical people, reasonable people, who clearly have a demonstrable need.
Not that anybody doesn't.
But there's this, you know, very clear and easily understood need.
And I think understandable even to maybe a soccer mom.
That, gee, you know, a taxi driver, yeah, that's one of the most dangerous professions in the world.
More dangerous than being a cop.
Maybe they should be able to arm themselves.
And so those are the kind of folks that have been arrayed in this Parker v. D.C.
And they're literally suing to overturn the DC gun ban so that they can get a permit to have a gun.
Now, remember the NRA, what was it, two years ago?
And we actually read what their lawyers were saying in that case, and they were arguing that all guns should be registered.
It was actually an anti-gun argument from the pro-gun lobby.
Boy, that was amazing.
Well, in this case, admittedly, as far as I understand it, even if they were totally successful,
They wouldn't overturn the D.C.
permitting system, but they would throw it back to where it was before 1976 when you could get a permit, you could even arguably get a permit to carry concealed, but you could have a gun in your home, you could have it in your store, and that would be quite an improvement because you look at D.C.
right now!
And people are living behind bars, it's the crooks that are out in the streets!
Let me let you go to get that plane, but there's a question I've been meaning to ask you before you catch that jet plane.
And that is, Larry, all over the country liberals are emailing me, they're writing me, they're calling into the show.
Saying, we're not liberals anymore, we're constitutionalists, people are getting away from labels, and I see liberals everywhere buying guns now.
It seems the tyranny of Bush with the Military Commissions Act and the Patriot Act finally convinced them that government isn't this wonderful, god-like, beneficent thing that, you know, rains sugar drops from heaven and that hung the moon.
Are you seeing something similar?
Well, I know that among some of the really hard left, there's always been an appreciation of being able to be armed.
And I hadn't seen what you're talking about, but then, of course, I don't have the particular audience that you do, reaching so many different people.
And if that's what's happening, I think it's very remarkable, because it means that, finally, we've seen that you don't have to become... You know, the old thought was that a conservative is a liberal that just got mugged.
And if we're seeing people become constitutionalist without having had to go through the horror of a personal encounter such as that, that's quite remarkable.
That's quite a bit of intellectual reorientation that a lot of people normally don't go through.
Larry Pratt, thank you so much for joining us.
I really appreciate the time.
Give us the website.
Give us the website and the phone number.
The website is gunowners.org and the phone number toll free is 888-886-GUNS.
I want you to have a great holiday, a great Christmas.
You too.
Thanks so much my friend.
Say hi to your son for me.
Take care.
All right, there goes Larry Pratt.
Now I'm probably going to miss a plane.
I kept him longer than we should have.
All right, let me get into net neutrality here.
All right, the Internet was developed by DARPA, developed by the federal government.
They had it 20-something years ago, sending email to each other with the different classified agencies also.
The universities research staff were able to send each other emails.
The Saudi Arabians, I have now discovered back in as early as 82, had their own private email system with each other.
That is the Royal Princes.
There's something like 4,000 of them.
I mean, it's amazing.
So the government builds it, allows data to be sent over the phone lines and through other systems.
And what builds the internet is internet customers, okay?
And phone company customers, and cable customers, and anything that's sent over lines.
And as that capacity is built up, we all pay for the internet by our internet connection, and by the products we buy on the internet.
Because, you know, let's say PrisonPlanet.tv.
We have members but we have to pay to store the data that we serve and then to serve the data out.
And so we are paying for that connection.
We are paying to have that sent out over the internet.
So you're paying for the connection and then we in turn are paying the provider.
All right.
But the people that want to regulate and control the net and tax it do the same thing they did in the 1920s.
They said, hey, we built all these new roads and we paved these dirt roads and now there are hundreds of thousands of people that have motor cars and we don't want to tax you, you know, the Sunday driver that's bought a Model T. We want to tax these big trucks that are tearing up the roads.
And so we want to make them have a license.
We want to make it be a privilege to be involved in commerce on the roads.
And the people said, yeah!
Tax them!
And today you're all taxed and basically raped to use the roads and it's incredibly corrupt and there's all the bid rigging and giving it out to select corporations.
Well, it's the same thing.
They're pushing Internet too by saying, the Internet's clogged.
The Internet is congested.
There's all these people engaging in Internet trafficking of information.
And they're clogging up the Internet and so they're making money off of it!
We need to end Net Neutrality!
Well, Net Neutrality ends the Internet.
It doesn't allow peer-to-peer.
It doesn't say
Through the regulations and through the profit agreements that the different chunks of the telecommunications giants that make up the internet and those of us paying for the bandwidth are financing it all, they're making huge profits.
It's stating that no, they can all build walls to where there are basically dozens and dozens of internets that will basically kill the old internet.
Oh, but don't worry, they've got a new internet for you, Internet 2, which the federal government has paid for, 50 universities and a bunch of private corporations, and it's super high definition, wonderful bandwidth,
But when you go sign on for it, you've got to pay more, and you have to basically have a subdomain like MySpace.
It'll be similar to that.
This is what they've stated.
Where you sign an agreement, where you have no free speech, where they can delete your account, where they claim that they own your content like YouTube and Google Video do, and where they can track and trace, and they want you to enter an ID number so that they can track who you are when you're on the web.
It ends any anonymity.
It ends the freedom!
And if you just type in the Internet is dead, because it's always the same mantra, you'll see Internet 2 meeting a few years ago in Austin, meeting in London, meeting in Chicago, meeting in New York, they meet a different place every year, saying, quote, we're going to kill the old net, we're not going to upgrade the big switching centers, we're going to, even if they don't pass a net neutrality killing bill, we're just like cogent and level
What is it?
Level 3 did last year?
Remember when like a third of the net was shut down for a couple weeks?
Where they just had a fight with each other and wouldn't allow peer-to-peer traffic?
Basically it's like we pay for and build the highways and then they just seize bridges and say you've suddenly got to pay a toll to go across it.
Or they just shut down the bridge claiming it's their right to do it.
That's the end of net neutrality.
Now, they're building the end of the free internet as a way to really save the internet and juxtaposing it and turning it around.
The good news is, net neutrality, killer bill, has died.
It's dead.
It was going to pass.
All the indicators showed that until Senator Ted Stevens made a complete fool of himself.
We'll play a minute and a half clip on the other side.
We've got a little guest coming on for about 10-15 minutes to plug the 9-11 Boston party and a lot more.
It's here.
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You're on personal, Jesus.
Someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares.
Welcome back!
You're on personal,
Let me put it simply.
They're beginning to kill the internet by shutting down peer-to-peer systems after they've already built their internet tube.
A couple months ago, China announced they have an internal controlled internet, which is on the same internet tube system.
And they're now forcing everyone to go on with IDs, trying to regulate and control that information.
I mean, we're killing the newspaper industry, we're killing mainstream TV, killing mainstream news.
The head of the Washington Post said they've had a horrible year, that old newspapers are starting to implode.
We don't want your lies and bilge anymore!
That's why.
So they cannot give us a choice.
They have to shut it down.
It's sink or swim for them.
But the people have now been given a taste of the alternative.
There is now the appetite out there and you cannot stop it.
You cannot stop this migration into open source free information.
You cannot do it.
You have failed.
All right, the hunger is there.
As one person I talked to this weekend put it, the Gutenberg press is out and the people now have been freed.
But there's going to be many battles along the way.
They can slow it down though while they try to put in their worldwide police state.
So what they're doing is they're already making moves in the private sector to shut down and restrict and congest the internet.
Then they go to bumbling fools like Senator Ted Stevens and tell him that it's because everybody's dumping too much stuff on the internet.
That's why he's having trouble with his computer when somebody sent him on internets.
He goes on the internets and he gets sent on the internet and it takes a few days to get his internet.
All right, so here's this fool.
So they're already killing the web, and then telling him the problems are caused because there's too much freedom on it.
Here it is.
They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet.
And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on.
It's not a big truck.
It's a series of tubes.
And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled, and if they're filled, when you put your message in and it gets in line, it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material.
Enormous amounts of material.
Now, we have a separate Department of Defense.
You know that?
You know why?
Because they have to have theirs delivered immediately.
They can't afford getting delayed by other people.
The security of the United States requires a separate net for defense.
Now, I think these people are arguing whether they should be able to dump all that stuff on the internet, or to consider whether they ought to build a system themselves.
Maybe there is a place for a commercial net.
But it's not using what the consumers use every day.
It's not using the messaging service that is essential, I think, to small business.
It's essential to our operation of families.
The whole concept is that
We should not go into this until someone shows that there's something that's been done that really is a violation of net neutrality.
That is you and me!
If one of the big corporations that want this net neutrality concept adopted... So see, I mean, the guy doesn't even know what he's talking about.
He's contradicting himself second to second.
He's talking about protecting the Internet, and the way you do that is having a separate Internet.
Did you hear that?
Or the government needs its own Internet.
Oh, don't worry, they have a whole bunch of different systems.
I mean, can you imagine that guy?
He doesn't know his head from a hole in the ground, and he's making decisions on this.
Hey, at least he's trying.
Most of the bills, they don't even read them.
They don't even look at them.
Alright, folks.
We'll be right back with the second hour.
Ton of news.
There's so much we haven't even gotten to yet.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Now into the second hour.
The good news is net neutrality killer bill dies.
A draft bill by technological wizard Senator Ted Stevens, which would have meant telecom companies could charge sites for access for the use of their pipes, has died a death.
The U.S.
Congress ran out of time to discuss the bill in current session, and when a new Democratic Congress comes back in after the holidays, the bill is unlikely to get a sympathetic hearing.
The presentation of the bill did manage to amuse most of the technological community, as Stevens presented the Internet as a series of tubes and pipes which would get blocked if the bill never went ahead.
Eli Pazer, Executive Director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, said the death of the bill was a huge victory for real people.
He said it was a clear signal to the next Congress that standing up for big, bold ideas was a winning political provision.
It is estimated that AT&T, Verizon, Bell, South and Comcast shelled out more than $150 million dollars to push the bill through.
That's a record for lobbying for one bill.
It looks like they would have done better putting it on a horse.
So there it is boiled down without my 20 minutes of babble on the subject.
Here's some more good news from Raw Story up on presentplanet.com.
Impeachment rallies held coast-to-coast.
This Sunday's Human Rights Day has been renamed Human Rights and Impeachment Day as groups hold rallies across the United States calling for President Bush and Vice President Cheney to be impeached.
This Sunday marks the 58th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The purpose of these events is to organize people to lobby their Congress members for investigations and impeachment, and to lobby their local and state governments for resolutions in support of impeachment.
Absolutely, and Cynthia McKinney, her parting shot before leaving Congress, being run out for the second time by concerted efforts by both parties, being railroaded, being lynched.
McKinney introduces a bill to impeach Bush, it was,
In what was likely her final legislative act in Congress, outgoing Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney introduced a bill Friday to impeach President Bush.
The legislation has no chance of passing and serves as a symbolic parting shot, not only at Bush, but also at Democratic leaders.
Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat California, has made clear that she will not entertain proposals to sanction Bush and has warned that liberal wing of her party against making political hay.
It isn't making political hay out of impeachment.
It's doing what's right!
This monster lied us into war premeditatedly.
We have the Downing Street and White House memos.
This monster single-handedly killed the Constitution.
That's what Paul Craig Roberts has said.
Dr. Roberts, on record, Bush's one victory was against the Constitution.
The Democrats don't want to lose that now.
They want to keep that power for Barack.
And Hillary and just the rest of them, Obama folks, is such a New World Order minion.
The mainstream military industrial complex media hyping him like it's the second coming of Christ.
I mean, that guy, you should run from him.
Oh, but he looks like he might be 10% black!
So that means he's perfect!
That guy's about as white as I am.
Folks, I would vote for somebody who was 100% African.
You know, ebony skin.
I could care less what color you are.
I'd be out there campaigning for a black man that was for the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Of course, they'd get their head blown off like Malcolm X. Or Martin Luther King.
Let's be technical.
They'd get shot in the chest like both those men were.
But oh, he's black.
You can't criticize Nancy Pelosi!
She's a woman!
Yeah, and she's a New World Order whore, too!
She'd be a whore if she was a man, whoring out this country!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are now into the second hour, eight minutes into the second hour of this worldwide broadcast.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 and we'll get you up and on the air.
Of course, the news has now come out that spies paid
Diana's driver, 2,000 pounds, or roughly 3,000 plus U.S.
dollars, before Princess Diana's death.
Also, it's being reported that our federal government was spying on Diana the day she died.
Of course, any one of any significance is being spied on.
It's land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
The only people who aren't spied on is the illegal aliens who don't have to show ID to get bank accounts or housing loans.
That's Associated Press.
They are invisible because they're here to bring down the economy and drive down the wages.
And in the U.S.
as we know it, everyone else is under total surveillance, continually, by the National Security Agency.
The phone companies are the NSA.
They have whole floors in every major facility listening to everything you do.
As we told you for years and it's now broken in the news.
Just like they have NSA listening to everyone's phone, randomly every single week you have the NSA dialing into your phone and sampling discussions.
That's what it is to be a slave.
Let's just get down to... Let's stop... Let's stop letting them just slowly bring the news out to us.
Let's get right down to how bad it is, okay?
But let me get into this report right now.
Oil producers shun the dollar.
This is out of the Financial Times of London.
Now the dollar has dropped to a low of 133, almost 134.
The points
After the decimal got right up to almost $1.34 the euro trading against the dollar and they've got different Treasury minions and Federal Reserve components meeting with the Japanese and the Chinese and the Europeans asking them to dump slower.
Saying, hey, we do want to devalue the dollar, but we want it to be a controlled slide while we're able, as the Financial Times reported a few months ago, and again today, while we're able, i.e.
the globalists, this is what they're saying to them, while we're able to position our wealth.
And that's why we have the headlines over the weekend of record stock dumping by Fortune 500 CEOs at a level not seen in the last 20 years.
Which always leads into a serious recession.
So you have that real news in the background, meanwhile the mainstream news that people hear on the radio, or read in the newspaper, or see on television, is everything's great, great manufacturing numbers in, you know, everything's wonderful, everything's great, get into more debt, triple mortgage your house, man, the economy's never been better.
And meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has doubled the money supply again in the last six years.
Now, they're saying they're going to double it in the next two years, and that goes back almost a year ago, so it'll be doubled again within the next year.
They also now, since they announced they were going to double it again, made those numbers secret.
Oil producers shun dollar.
Oil producing countries have reduced their exposure to the dollar to the lowest level in two years and shifted oil income into Euros, Yen and Sterling according to new data from the Bank of International Settlements.
The revelation is the latest BIS quarterly review published on Monday confirms market speculation about a move out of dollars and could put new pressure on the ailing U.S.
This is like somebody's balancing act.
You ever gone to the circus and the guy balances on a bench with two balls under it and then two more balls and then another plank with another ball and finally he falls off?
Or somebody juggling.
You could liken it to juggling lead weights and they're adding more and more.
The best analogy is like one person gets up to go to the door and another gets up and suddenly there's a stampede.
And it's on a stampede yet, but now there's kind of a crowd at the door.
Everybody's starting to get up.
Market liquidity is traditionally low in December, and many traders have locked in profits, potentially reinforcing volatility.
Russia and other members of the organization, the petroleum exporting countries,
OPEC, the oil cartel, cut their dollar holdings from 67% in the first quarter to 65% in the second.
A 2% is huge move in one quarter.
Meanwhile, they increased their holdings of Euros from 20% to 22% the BIS shed.
And again, just a few years ago, it was like 90% dollars.
See, the dollar is not the world reserve currency anymore.
The slide has begun.
The speed of the shift may help to explain the weakness of the dollar, which recently fell to a 20-month low against the euro and a 14-year low against sterling.
That's the pound.
The BIS, the central bank for developed world central banks, is customarily cautious in its language.
However, it noted, while the data are not comprehensive, they do appear to indicate a modest shift.
And see they're downplaying that.
Over the quarter in the U.S.
dollar share of reporting banks liabilities to oil exporting countries.
The review shows that Qatar and Iran, whose foreign exchange policy has sparked widespread market speculation, cut their dollar holdings from 2.4 billion to 4 billion respectively.
So they cut it from 2.4 billion to 4 billion respectively.
As untoward attention could hit the dollar, lowering the value of depositors' remaining dollar denomination assets.
So again, it's an incremental move, a slow decline, not going out with a bang, going out with a fizzling whimper is what's happening.
America's dying, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
We're in the North American Union right now.
The last time oil-exporting countries cut their exposure to the dollar in late 2003, it pushed the euro to an all-time high against the dollar.
Eighteen months ago, the exposure to the dollar of oil-producing countries was about 70 percent.
BIS data in the Best Guide Financial Markets have to the currency investment trends of oil producers, which otherwise do not provide figures.
The rise in oil prices since 2002 means oil producing countries have amassed a current account surplus of about 500 billion according to IMF.
This is two and a half times the current account surplus of China.
Overall OPEC's dollar deposits fell by 5.3 billion while Euro and Yen denominations, deposits rose by 2.8 billion and 3.8 billion respectively.
Placements of dollars by Russians rose by 5 billion, but most of their 16 billion additional deposits were denominated in Euros.
So not only dumping modest amounts of dollars, the majority of their new purchases are in a basket or hedged in a large spectrum of world currencies.
And folks, if you don't know how the currencies work, and you don't know what inflation means, and you don't know what all of this means in a historical perspective, you better find out real quick.
Because I know this is Greek to some people, but this Greek is very, very important.
And again, I'm not being sardonic here.
This is not discussed in our country.
It's discussed in Mexico and Germany and Japan.
It's big talk in older newspapers.
Here, it's Britney Spears and the Rose Bowl.
And how to act cool.
And how to be a stylish yuppie.
And how to have the proper iPod accessories.
That is not what's being discussed overseas.
And not being discussed by the elite here.
And let me just explain a basic tenet to what we're facing.
After World War II,
The military industrial complex, the big corporations, the banks and the defense contractors, got together and set up the Chicago 1313 model.
And they went in and started paying off and taking over cities.
And they made backroom deals to have the cities invest the lion's share of their gross receipts into private funds and into private investments.
And we're not talking about pensions here.
That's all on budget.
And now the budget is about 25% compared to the 75% that is actual government.
Water districts, school districts, county, city, state, federal, every federal agency.
Even small school districts can have hundreds of millions of pure cream.
Then take state colleges that are paid for by state taxes.
Take the University of Texas.
I was talking to somebody involved in their funds just the other day, and I've been using old numbers of $24 billion.
It's over $26 billion that UT has in just a solid cash account.
I don't mean other investments.
I'm not talking about the things they're bought into, sports teams, you name it.
I'm not talking about their pensions, okay?
26 billion in one fund, 8 billion in another, 10 billion in another, I don't know how much is that?
And I went and pulled those numbers up and lo and behold, that's the public numbers!
These people have got, let me see, 20 plus, we're talking over 40 billion?
That's just University of Texas.
And why do I bring that up?
I'm at a restaurant over there against the wall.
They've got the Daily Texan.
And it's this big cover story with a big speech for the students explaining how there's no money and they've got to raise tuition again.
UT used to be free, folks!
All the state colleges used to be free if you had good grades.
People paid taxes to do that.
Now the scholarships are for foreigners.
This country's gone.
It's gone.
Total raping!
Total raping!
And so now, 70 plus percent of the stock market is owned by private corporations that were able to buy it up with government funds, and then the politicians are paid off in the revolving door by being hired by the companies where they made the investments.
Total corruption!
Total evil!
The country's totally gone!
Let's be honest about how bad it really is, then we can set about getting it back.
We'll be right back.
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Travis, James, Alex, many others.
I'm going to directly kill you in the next segment.
I'm going to give you my review of Apocalypto, which I think is the most powerful film ever made.
I'll tell you why.
But let me just finish up with a comprehensive annual financial report.
You can type in CAFR and I do it in bold all caps and then just add Travis County or add Jones County or Hayes County or Gonzales County or right here in Texas or whatever the county or township is you're in.
And up until about 2000 it was all public because no one knew about it.
After we started exposing it
With Walter Beran and others.
They redacted, but the basic numbers are still all there.
And when we looked at it from 1998 in Texas, Texas every year had 400 plus billion.
Total cream.
Now we're not talking about
Pension funds.
We're not talking about budget.
That's all on budget.
Just total cream that was invested.
And see, now it's given to private corporations, as long as a percentage goes back to the government trust.
So see, now the corporations have control of the governments.
And so now they've bought up almost the entire stock market and every other private asset, so now they're being ceded the highways.
They're being ceded the water districts.
And it's just like the Nobel Prize winner here a few months ago told you, Joseph Stiklitz, these are backroom deals where water systems and roads are basically given to the multinational companies.
Stuff we paid for!
It isn't enough they took our tax money and invested it in private corporations.
Totally criminal!
Now they're using all the wealth to come in and buy up everything.
And at the beginning of that scam, 1913, the private families control the treasuries, which then issue the money.
So they own money machines, then they run a scam buying off the politicians and set up a deal where in the comprehensive annual financial report system, and again, every county, every city has one, you can go read.
You know, the best stories are where you'll use some Nevada town or some New Hampshire town.
We've covered these with the actual documents here on air.
Where they're telling everybody, we're bankrupt.
There's no money for a new roof on the school.
And it turns out some tiny school district has $27 million.
You know, I've had even, quote, patriot city managers here on air about some other issue, like David Stahl, and I think he is a good guy, but still they're so immersed in this.
I brought up Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports in the second set of books and he turned red and started smiling like he was a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
It's like when my son goes in the pantry and tries to get up to the cookies.
And I catch him pulling a chair over and going up and he laughs and turns red.
Because that's just how the system works!
That's just how this goes!
That's just how it is!
And there's so much money in these.
We've invested so much of our tax money in this that you would never have to pay taxes again.
Let me say that again to you.
And the numbers have all been crunched.
There is so much
Money in the investments that you could off just a simple profit each year at a 3% yield pay all of the current expenditures of government.
We're good to go.
100 trillion!
They've been taking 70 plus percent of every tax dollar, of every... and there's hundreds of taxes on your tires, your batteries, on the road, on your business, on your property, your state income tax, your federal income tax, all the other taxes, the telecommunications taxes, the tariffs on goods coming into the country.
The toll roads, and they've just been putting it in private corporations.
And then those private corporations use your tax money to come in and lobby and buy off your government.
Take the Net Neutrality Law, where they were trying to shut down internet freedom.
It says here in the register, let me find it.
How many millions did it say?
150 million spent last year alone at the federal government by AT&T, Verizon, Bell South, and Comcast to try to ram through that legislation.
150 mil!
Folks, when you've got 400 trillion dollars, 150 mil isn't even a penny in your pocket.
They took our money!
They've got the cops barely able to pay their bills, the stool teachers, and they're always telling them, we could pay you more if we had more taxes, and you buy into it like suckers!
You buy into it like suckers!
Comprehensive annual financial reports.
We'll be right back with your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Well, the union's a big business, man.
And it's going down like a dinosaur.
Well, they used to grow food in Kansas.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Let's talk to Travis in Seattle.
Travis, you're on the air.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I just got a
Get your comment or your information on this idea.
It's not really an idea of what's going on with people.
Anyway, you've got a CEO of one of these companies that is actually doing the eminent domain takeovers and whatever, but all he says is, I've got a responsibility to the shareholder.
Well, the fruits of the labor... Well, will you give me some specifics of what you're talking about?
Because I'm confused.
Okay, well, like you say, there's six major incorporations that pretty much own everything.
Okay, well the head of that, the CEO of that corporation, makes the comment, when asked, what his job is, is, I got a responsibility to the shareholders.
Well, the fruits of your labor, if you're a shareholder, go towards buying some of the shares in these companies, if you own a mutual fund, or etc.
If you look into it, it goes into the company itself.
So, in turn, you are destroying yourself.
Basically by supporting these companies by holding shares in the incorporation.
Well, it's more than that.
That's why they have Bilderberg Group meetings and CFR meetings with the heads of all these companies and government media coming together, is that it's about those that are the captains of industry.
They steer all of our wealth.
They blow out economies and steal hundreds of billions like Enron disappears.
You know, that money was being transferred in the two years before they blew it.
It was basically a drug and money laundering front, and that has come out.
And then, of course, they just killed Ken Lay.
That was so obvious.
So, I mean, this is how they operate.
This is what they do.
Don't you, if you're a shareholder in one of these companies, be morally responsible for what these companies are doing?
By the fruits of your labor going to purchase that stock?
Yeah, I mean, you would at a certain level, but the point I was making is that government takes your money through taxes and invests it in these companies.
They don't take my money, Alex.
I don't let them.
I morally can't let them do that.
I understand, but I don't own any stock.
Good to go.
Anyway, Alex, I got another question.
Well, let me just tell you why I don't own stock.
I don't have time to mess with it.
I don't have time to watch it.
I don't have time to see what it's... and I can't... and morally, I can't research each stock to see what it's involved in.
So... and in so many of these... and so I don't want to be caught up in the thing like Michael Moore, where he owns some portfolio that's got Halliburton stock.
Bottom line, I don't either.
That's why I go to the Ma and Pa store and I'll spend twice as much money to get the item.
I'll just eat half as much because I feel better about that.
Anyway, I got another question.
The speech that Charlie Sheen, God love him, I love the guy, but the speech that he read said that we're going to unleash a jaggernaut of truth.
Now, do you know the spelling of the word jaggernaut he was referring to?
No, I don't.
I mean, I know a juggernaut is an Indian word for kind of like a titan.
So what I was getting at is the spelling of it is real important.
There's a couple of different spellings of it, but either one of them... Well, I don't think he put that much thought into it.
He's using the classical English interpretation of juggernaut, meaning it can't be stopped.
Okay, yeah, that's what I was hoping.
But I didn't know if his speech was written for him, or if he actually knew what that word meant when he wrote it down.
No, I saw him writing it in the hours before he went up on stage, sitting there, watching people speak.
Okay, yeah, that's good then.
I try not to pick people's words apart too much, but that one kind of stuck.
Yeah, you start, what is Juggernaut Evil?
Well, there's a couple of references that I found, and one of them was like a science fiction book written from a lady in 1955, and she was referring to, it was almost like a
Dianetics type of Ron L. Hubbard book mixed with a Star Wars fiction novel.
Sir, you're going to find millions and millions of books and references using the word juggernaut.
Okay, I didn't know the origin of that.
Listen, I really appreciate your call, but that's a little too much for me.
I mean, that's just... Juggernaut's like a 4,000 year old word.
And the popular use of the word juggernaut means like a runaway freight train.
And some woman in the fifties wrote a book and used the word juggernaut?
I don't know anymore.
I mean there's so much stuff just right in front of our face happening.
And then, I would just call that conjuring right there.
I mean, looking for things that aren't even there.
James in Maryland, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I was hoping to get back to the financial topic.
Yeah, go ahead.
I was reading that Dick Cheney had recently dropped a great deal of his dollar holdings in his portfolio, and I was wondering if you could just continue in that vein of thought.
Well, that came out about five months ago that a bunch of people in the administration were dumping dollars.
And what do you expect?
That's what they do.
These are globalists.
They could care less about this country.
Everything they're actively doing is bringing down America.
But all these teary-eyed people look at Bush and Cheney and literally cry and go, They're fighting Al-Qaeda!
We've got to support them!
They're fighting for America!
Oh yeah, send the troops off to a meat grinder.
That's patriotism.
But meanwhile, dismantle the country itself.
I mean, it's just the height of folly.
Well, I think that you're certainly going to be better at this than me, but I mean, having predicted 9-11, that was really... your ability to see propaganda is wonderful, so I was hoping, you know, to maybe have a little bit of foreknowledge, and if you watch the money, that's the place, right, Alex?
So, I mean, I was just hoping that you might get into that and
Sure, I appreciate your call.
Let me try to briefly comment on it.
I mean, this is not hard to understand.
I'm not that smart, folks.
This is what they're saying.
This is what's happened historically.
When governments
Inflate their currencies.
It works for a while, but then always in the end, rapidly, the currency declines and is devalued.
Well, they've already devalued it, then the devaluation is discovered, and then you have hyperinflation.
Meaning your money isn't worth as much as it was before.
I mean, all money is is an agreed upon mode of exchange.
Whether it's seashells, or coconuts, or salt, or gold,
It's our tally sticks.
I mean, it's been many things throughout history.
In ancient England, it was little sticks with groove carvings down the side.
Okay, that's just a way to store the symbols of wealth.
But the problem is, people found out, the goldsmiths going back, you know, dark ages Europe, a thousand years ago, and their trade had been learned, you know, in Asia and the Middle East before that.
But the gullible Europeans were new to this.
These were barbarians basically who had just been civilized by the Romans and were ready to be conned.
The goldsmiths would have a pawn shop and you would go down there and it would serve as a bank and they'd have a safe.
They'd have a big iron door.
But you didn't want to carry your gold around.
You wanted to go around and do business.
So you'd put your 20 pieces of silver and your 10 pieces of gold, or your 1,000 pieces of silver, 100 pieces of gold, whatever, in there.
And you'd get a receipt for that.
And then you could write script on that.
It was a checkbook.
Well, the goldsmiths found out real quick that they could inflate.
They could loan out more script, 5 to 1, 10 to 1, 20 to 1.
But they found there's a rule in goldsmithing that if you went over 10 to 1, that would usually cause a run on the bank problem.
Okay, so they would loan out, and that's the number today, fractional reserve banking.
Banks, for a dollar, your dollar in the bank, they're allowed to loan out ten dollars to other people.
And it's just zeros and ones.
It's a line of credit.
There's only 1.5% actual paper money in circulation, much less in the banks.
And so if, you know, a fraction of us wanted to get our cash, it wouldn't be there.
It's zeros and ones.
And so, I mean, it's a matrix-like fraud when it comes to finances.
So the goldsmith, through fractional reserve banking and through paper money, removed gold altogether.
So whereas your local bank, your private bank, can engage in fractional reserve banking, but only 10 to 1.
And that fractional reserve banking number is set by the Federal Reserve.
But it's well over 10 to 1 now.
But the private banking families that control the treasury and control the policy, they're able to go 100 to 1, 1,000 to 1.
And then they go out with the money they just granted themselves into their computer accounts and buy up shipping lines and casinos and politicians and highways.
And then they go in and put in the chairman and the controllers of major universities.
And then they jack up tuition and jack it up and jack it up and jack it up and have tens of billions in each major university that they then use to invest.
And it's just laughing and smacking and giant mansions and jet planes and twenty mistresses and just ha ha ha!
And the public is busy thinking Barack Obama runs something.
They're busy thinking Hillary's a boss, or George Bush is some leader, or Bill Clinton is.
Total puppets!
And the problem is, is that they've basically bought up the entire economy, all the major institutions, they're seizing all of the infrastructure.
They don't even need us anymore!
But they're so greedy, now they've passed laws to grab your pension funds that you don't even own your pension funds.
Under the cash balance account, now they're just going after the final pools because it's military domination.
Any capital outside their control, any middle class system, any nouveau riche, any new wealth is a threat to them.
I mean, when Bill Gates was forced into Justice Department agreements, he had about a hundred billion dollars.
That was nothing compared to the elite.
You know, they told you he was the richest man in the world.
But he had reached higher-level elite status, so he had to then go into their club and put his money into a tax-free system, thus doubling it overnight, but putting it into regulatory control of the people above him.
You know, he did graduate into upper-crust, elite-level.
The Harrimans, you know, the Sachs-Coburg Gophers, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers.
The Seagrams, you know, that's the Brothmans, that level, the Oppenheimers.
But I mean, they're in the trillions!
And so they create these huge debt bubbles, these big spinning financial vortexes, these black holes.
Okay, let's go ahead and
Talk to Alex in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Three quick things.
I just want to know, have you, I wanted to know if you're going to have Kevin Trudeau on ever?
I don't know if you've ever heard of him.
Yeah, I don't really know about him, so.
But apparently this guy was an insider on the whole, he knows about the New World Order and stuff, but he's on this whole book thing about natural cures they don't want you to know about.
You've been on the TV a lot, and I actually think you should have him on.
I think you'd actually like to talk to this guy, because he knows about... Everybody knows who he is.
I don't know who he is.
And I just want to know if you're going to have him.
He told you in a polite way that I'm not too sure about him.
Oh, okay, okay.
And the other thing was about Wesley Snipes, something about tax fraud.
Is that just them, the government, trying to
He was involved in some fraternity suit that was a fraud that he won, and the very same group went back after him and claimed something, and it's a couple million dollars.
The guy makes like five, six, seven, some films ten, fifteen million a piece.
On the low end, five million.
On the high end, he's made as much as fifteen million a pitcher.
And he just said that it was a fraud, so he didn't pay that part.
And so now they have indicted him and he turned himself in, what, last Thursday in Florida.
And it's just horrible.
Absolutely horrible.
He's friends with Aaron Russo.
So he really didn't do anything wrong then?
They like to go after Willie Nelson.
They like to go after famous boxers.
You know, Joe Lewis gives
There's been example after example of this, the things they do, and it's despicable.
And the last thing, and I won't keep everybody else, I just wanted to know, I sent in a fax, just wanted to know about if you could prove you're a public access producer and stuff.
Send in tapes for free or something like that.
I just wanted to know if you got our fax.
I remember getting a bunch of faxes asking for free films from the Access Facility and I handed it to someone here and said mail it to the Access Facility.
Okay, because we had a fax over about two weeks ago.
Yeah, it's probably sitting in a pile.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, here's an example.
I've done an hour and 47 minutes and I haven't done a live plug for my films or the books we carry.
And that's how we fund this operation.
But then I get to where I don't even plug it and then we don't have the capital to hire more people to effectively answer all the questions, do all the things, and respond.
I'd like to give you free DVDs.
I instructed someone to send them, and I don't know if that was done.
And I'd like to give everybody free DVDs.
We don't have the money.
I appreciate people that do support us out there.
You know, we're not the government that takes your tax money to give it to private corporations to overthrow the United States in your liberty.
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But if you want to get it before Christmas, you need to have your orders in by this Friday, the 15th.
By midnight Friday.
And then we can get it out to you
Well, we'll be shipping stuff that comes in during the day on Friday, out on Friday, and the rest of it on Monday.
And UPS ground, the average is three days in the U.S., five days max.
So you should be getting it by the 20th, 21st, 22nd, if you order by the 15th.
And we'll still continue to ship out as they come in, you know, on the 17th and 18th and those dates, and you'll probably still get it.
It's just not, I can't guarantee we're going to do it.
We're breaking our backs to get it out to you here.
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And if you go to PrisonPlanet.TV and get a 15 cent a day membership, $5.95 a month, or get a yearly membership until the end of the month and get five plus months free, almost half a
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We'll come back, take more calls, get into the new film Apocalypto, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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Big News 7-7 developments.
I'm going to get into that in the next hour.
We'll continue with the phone calls.
I also want to say about 10-15 minutes breaking down Apocalypto.
I think the best film I've ever seen.
Just from the research, the cinematography, the casting.
Just amazing.
And we'll also get into
Some of the things that are happening in Iraq.
I've got a big stack of news here.
I haven't even gotten to the spying on Diana.
That's how pervasive all of this spying is.
But before I go back to your calls, I wanted to mention again, shortwave radios, even if you listen over the internet, when you're at work, when you are out in the field, when you're camping, when you're in a hotel, when you go out of town,
Shortwave radio is really great, and we're on a big shortwave radio station, WWCR, 11 to 2 during the day, back from 9 to midnight.
And you can tune in anywhere.
And these Kato's are really great systems, and it's a new item we're carrying on the online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com.
And I really would encourage you not to go fight the crowds and the traffic.
You know what I hate about Christmas?
Here in Austin, there's double the traffic, everyone driving like psychopaths, everyone stressed out being rude, because they've got to buy all these gifts.
I mean, that's not what Christmas is supposed to be about.
It's supposed to be about family, and about remembering the birth of Jesus.
It's about cooking good food and hanging out with your family.
I mean, we're giving family little drawings and paintings our children did, and we're giving some of the children in the family toys.
But we're not out fighting crowds.
I mean, it's just like a bunch of grazing, you know, cows or something fighting for grain.
Why not do your Christmas shopping at InfoWars.com?
Why not get it all over with and just go buy America Freedom to Fascism, Terror Storm, Loose Change 2nd Edition, 9-11 Mysteries, Demolitions,
Why not get these materials, these books and videos, and give those to friends and family?
Why not give the gift of truth, something that will save the Republic and fund this operation?
So I'm done talking about that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Omar in Toronto.
Welcome, Omar.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, you just mentioned the Oppenheimers again.
I was going to... I wonder if I could talk about them a bit more.
You mentioned about the De Beers and...
How they had sort of orchestrated this whole scam to do with diamonds.
I don't know if it was the same program that I saw years ago with Frontline, had done an expose on the De Beers.
And one thing that they did do was, this is how they get people under their, you know, the fiat system was the people living on the land, just minding their own business.
Their life was good.
They instituted what they called a poll tax, a hot tax, to try to force these people onto the system so they would go work in the mines and produce the diamonds to make them their own money.
And I think De Beers should be probably voted, maybe the... They also x-ray the predominantly black miners every day looking for diamonds they've swallowed.
That's so bad for them.
Yeah, and they were completely worthless.
You could pick them up off the ground.
They were just all over the place.
And they created a myth.
When I got married, I told my wife, I'm not buying you a diamond ring.
It's amazing because there was a lot of kicking, screaming and crying.
And uh... you know it's it's it's almost hypnotic the way they've programmed it.
Well they show all these TV ads especially during Christmas with the guy smiling next to his wife with the jeweler.
He's really doing it.
Honey, I'm letting this get ripped off and buying you something that's absolutely worthless that's got blood all over it.
Baby I love you.
You got more you want to add?
Stay there.
Stay there Omar.
Rick and Eric and many others, toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Third hour, straight ahead.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free, 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number three.
I've got a story here out of the Toronto Star.
A generation is all they need.
One day, we will all happily be implanted
With microchips.
And our every move will be monitored.
The technology exists.
Only the barrier is society's resistance to the loss of privacy.
There have been hundreds of articles just pushing and pushing and conditioning, bathing, basting us, marinating us until we finally give in to this.
They're not playing games.
We'll talk about that.
I'll get into some new developments with Princess Diana.
Right now, let's continue with your calls.
Omar in Toronto
brought up one of the things I'm really upset about it is admitted that diamonds are semi-precious like rhinestones but they only come from certain geographic areas allowing the Oppenheimer family backed up by the Queen of England was all set up by Cecil Rhodes to first monopolize the fields in Africa
And in Australia and a few places here in the U.S.
and Brazil.
And they come in and they buy it up and then they artificially jack up the price.
They have huge warehouses full of diamonds.
And people will mortgage their house.
Guys who want to get married.
You know, I got to get her that big $10,000 ring.
You know, I only make $20,000 a year but it doesn't matter.
It proves I love her.
Turn to the last century.
De Beers paid for huge print ads, and then in television, Diamonds are Forever, that this is how you show love.
This is wealth.
This is power.
It's like Coca-Cola invented the modern Santa Claus in the red outfit.
That was Coca-Cola in the 20s, 30s.
This is how they do it.
And they know.
And they sell you on what reality is.
So, they take a semi-precious stone,
I mean, they slaughter and enslave the people.
They have slave camps.
The people live like prisoners, going down to these dangerous mines.
And we were just mentioning, you had one more thing you wanted to say.
Go ahead.
Well, they also control, they pretty much control, well, they do control every diamond that's sold in the world.
And during World War II, in that program, they had mentioned that when the German invasion seemed to be imminent, De Beers refused to remove the diamonds from England.
Because if they were captured, they're crucial to the war effort, industrial diamonds, and they wouldn't ship them to the States because they knew that as soon as they'd ship them there, they'd be seized under U.S.
law, their principals would be arrested.
But of course, they sent them here to the Socialist Republic of Canada, and there was no problem.
So it just shows how maniacal, how much they control things.
They're willing to destroy a whole society like South Africa, create the apartheid system,
And people buy into it and support it.
So I told my wife, there's just no way in this world I'm buying you a diamond ring.
And it took her about five, six, seven years, but eventually she figured it out.
She found out on her own how... Well, why do you want to be part of a scam?
Why do you want to be ripped off, people?
Why do you want to be laughed at?
I mean, imagine a piece of carbon that literally would be worth a couple of dollars.
This is mainstream, okay?
A couple bucks for, say, a pure, you know,
One carat diamond, and you'll pay $10,000 for it.
Some are priceless.
That's all.
The myth is so big that they've made some diamonds priceless, when in fact they were actually worthless at the time, and the royal family made it, you know, fashionable to wear.
Because they own the mines.
Yeah, and they controlled the percent of the stock market in South Africa.
The whole thing was, it was the slickest campaign ever, as far as I was concerned, from what I saw.
Another question, Alex.
Do you think we can get Freedom to Fashion past our friendly customs officials up here?
We need to, yeah.
I don't know.
I've been looking for it on your website.
I've been watching the trailer online, but that's about all I can see so far, so I don't know if you could tell me.
Well, I'm confused.
America, Freedom to Fascism is on Google Video.
You can buy a DVD of it from us on the website.
Thanks for the call.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
8 minutes, 45 seconds into this third and final hour today, continuing with wide open phones.
I love all the different directions our listeners take us in.
At the bottom of the hour, I will be doing an analysis of what I think is the most powerful film ever made, and that's Apocalypto.
I'll tell you why.
Just total immersion, total suspended disbelief, like I was teleported back in time.
And we'll get into some other news, but when this
When this issue of diamonds gets brought up, and it reminds me of every holiday season, because if you watch any TV, you see the ads.
When I'm at the gym, you know, on the treadmill, or the stair-stepper, or whatever, a couple times a week, all I see is diamond ads in between the football, or ESPN, or Oprah.
Huge diamond stores.
Huge... I mean stores where they don't even sell other stones.
It's just... They're building a... They built a gigantic one down the road from my house.
Just filled with idiots, pulling in there, buying them.
And I know it's also...
A lot of people who aren't fools, who know that they're semi-precious and it's all a big monopoly and a scam and artificial scarcity, but they still do it because it has been ingrained through a PR process that's only about a hundred years old.
And it's just as big a scam to say that it supports the troops.
To have them over there in Iraq, breathing depleted uranium, being shot at, dying.
It's a big scam to say the war is failing.
The war has done exactly what it was supposed to do, break the country up, balkanize it, and shut off the oil supply to create artificial scarcity.
I mean, take the Hamilton, Lee Hamilton 9-11, Keene Hamilton Commission.
Same book, same cover, same publisher.
They now put out the Iraq Study Group.
Many of the same players on that.
Appointed by Bush.
They call it independent.
This is how the scam works.
This is a carnival trick they play.
And so they have James Baker, you know, the Bush crime family's conciliary, their main lawyer.
And I mean that when I say conciliary.
He is the conciliary.
He comes in, and he says, oh, you've made some mistakes, some big problems, we've got a way to fix it.
And then Bush's surrogates come out and attack it, and Bush says, well, there's some good ideas, but not all.
The left sees Bush attacking it, suddenly all piles on, going, we're defeating Bush!
We're for the Hamilton
Baker Commission, Iraq Study Group, oh my gosh, the Working Group's got the answer, shut up Bush!
How dare you not go along with what these reasonable men have called for?
That's a pardler trick.
They're all on the same team.
If you'd listen to what Baker and Hamilton have called for, it is build up the troops before you then build them down, train the Iraqi National Guard divisions,
And we're going to exit, but we're not going to give a timetable.
And it's going to happen in the future, and we're listening to you, the Democrats.
Then the Democrat leadership comes out, the chairman of the committees that control it, and say, yeah, we need 30,000 more troops before we start withdrawing them.
People go, wait a minute, that Democrat was
Was anti-war, now he's suddenly for it.
It was smoke and mirrors.
So now, because 70 plus percent of the troops, 70 plus percent of Americans in major polls want to come home, are against the war, even those that were sold on it have now woken up.
What do they do?
They put it into a process.
They go from wanting it to be political to keep the fight going.
Now that that's failed, and the left-right paradigm imploded on that issue, as it is on every other issue, now it's a process of, oh, we're putting it into this discussion now, and we're figuring out what to do, and by the time they come up with their final recommendations, we've all just kind of forgotten about it, and now it isn't a Bush-bashing thing.
It's just, okay, it's kind of like the war, kind of like Bill Clinton attacked Serbia, and most Democrats liked it, because, you know, as long as it's their warmonger,
So all that incredible momentum is having the air taken out of its cells.
The wind taken out of its cells.
It's a parlor trick.
Just good cop, bad cop.
Let's go ahead now and take another call here.
Let's go to Mike in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Hey, I wanted to bring up an issue that just passed here in Ohio, and it's basically a draconian smoking law.
And it basically boils down to, you're not allowed to smoke in a company vehicle, you're not allowed to smoke in bars, you're not allowed to smoke in restaurants, you're not allowed to smoke anywhere anymore.
Now, I'm a smoker, and I understand it's bad, but I don't think it's the right of the state to tell me
I can't smoke walking down the street or something.
Well, you know what they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
So, the Commerce Department, the Department of Agriculture, why they're involved, for some reason they're involved in it, have said that they're going to start with smoking because most people don't like it.
We all know it's bad.
I'm no fan of it, though I've had problems with it off and on.
And what they do is they come in
And they're going to set the precedent that the government's involved in our lives, kind of in a socialistic system of, well, we have to pay for your medical care because of your smoking, so now we're just going to outright ban it or restrict it.
And then it's going to be fast food.
New York banning trans fats.
It's happening all over.
Oh, now regulators come to your restaurant.
The government doesn't care about your well-being.
I mean, hundreds of people die a week from prescription drug interactions.
Hundreds of thousands every year.
That's admitted.
See, see, they don't care about your health.
It's about new, brave new worlds of ways to regulate and control your lives.
Obviously they don't care about us because, I mean, if they really cared about us, Alex, I think they'd just do away with the cigarette companies and tell them to quit making cigarettes.
Well, look, all over the world, sir, they are making normal behavior illegal.
It's about having an excuse to interface the social workers with the general population.
Just remove the word social worker and add jail guard.
And I've got the report here about the U.S.
as record prisoners.
And it's not getting any better, it's only going to get worse.
And they're going to pass more and more laws that affect things that weren't previously criminal to have more people to put in their system.
Right, exactly what it is.
It's to put people in the system.
You know, today I had to go put in some job applications, okay?
And I own some commercial property.
I can't even smoke on the commercial property that I own.
There's a bar on the commercial property that pays me rent, okay?
And I can't even smoke in the bar that I like to frequent every now and then.
Well, I'll tell you what happens.
All over the country they ban smoking in bars and the business hall drops off because even non-smokers grew up being around it so they want to go be in that atmosphere.
And so here in Travis County everyone ignores it and they just put out cups of water and people just smoke and the police completely ignore it.
Yeah, people gotta go, like, go 30 feet away from the building to smoke.
This is better to ignore it.
Let me tell you, right here in Travis County, it is ignored.
Well, what it's doing is it's causing more crime.
Because I just had a friend of mine who parks in the street near the bar, and he had his car broken into, you know, and this is right after they initiated the new anti-draconian smoking laws.
It's ridiculous.
I can't explain enough.
I can't express enough how angry I am.
It's absolutely ridiculous, Alex.
Well, sir, this is the nanny state.
It is.
Where everything's going to be micromanaged, everything's going to be watched, everything's going to be controlled.
I appreciate your call.
Folks, I told you it's in official plans that we're going to have a national sales tax
Along with the income tax.
They have fake conservatives pushing a movement to abolish the income tax, but they're going to keep it.
They're just going to call it a social security tax, cut it down to 10 or 11 percent.
Then you're going to have a national sales tax, but so there's not, quote, fraud, because it's going to be graduated.
Poor folks won't have to pay a sales tax, but then they're going to, quote, catch the poor folks going and buying items to then resell it or being paid to buy groceries or electronics or whatever.
To then give it to someone who's in a higher bracket.
So to stop that, they've got to swipe your card with your ID to assess the sales tax.
That then brings federal control into every terminal, every shopping cart, every cashier, every business, and total tracking.
And it's a whole new tax.
That's how they've passed almost every new tax is the replacement for another one.
They never get rid of another tax.
They change its name and reduce it.
Then within five years they've jacked it up to what it was previously.
Like they say there's not an income tax in the state of Texas.
They say there's not a state income tax.
They just got them under other names.
You know, they come by and they have your business tax and they assess some $1000 computer that's worth $5000.
Some old ratty desk, you know, that's worth $3000.
And then they let you go contest it if you have time, which I don't.
And then let's say you say your stuff's only worth half of what they say it is, then they'll take 20% off if you're lucky.
And then that's what you can do.
There's no other recourse.
It's just taxing authorities just running around doing whatever they want.
And that money's taken and invested in private corporations that the county and city and school managers are involved in.
And then they, as soon as they get out of their five-year stint, they go get a job for $400,000 a year at that company doing nothing but playing golf.
That's the delayed kickback.
And it's done right in front of everyone.
It's going on everywhere.
It's total criminality.
The system, you heard Mr. Steele, high-level CIA on, saying that around 30% of the economy globally is crime now.
And that it's going to take over the entire economy.
But it's not going to call itself crime.
It's going to call itself Homeland Security.
That's what tyranny is.
It's when criminals take over.
Criminals with fancy PR firms, fancy propaganda, brainwashed, militarized police.
Corrupt admiralty courts, maritime law courts, and this is what they're doing.
There's no due process in family courts.
There's not due process in most... I mean, right here in Travis County, you get arrested for no seat belt.
They walk up to your jail cell and say, just sign here, we'll let you out.
And then you read the fine print that says you are agreeing that you committed family violence, drug dealing, drunk driving, assaults,
And you're on probation now.
That's the Soviet Union.
But the Soviet Union, they hid it in underground torture centers.
Now in America, it's out in the open.
That's how stupid the public is.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
I don't know.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space.
And when you're out there, was out there, yeah I was out of touch.
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
I literally have a stack of over 50 stories just like this one today.
In the UK, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the exact same programs, exact same policies.
Just like diamonds are really worth as much as agates that you find by the Great Lakes,
Semi-precious, folks.
The stuff you buy for two, three dollars, you know, at a roadside souvenir shop by the Great Lakes.
Some polished stone is the value of diamonds.
Just like the entire stock market, 75 plus percent is owned by the government, but controlled by the private corporations.
The average person doesn't know that.
It's absolute truth.
You can verify it in five minutes.
Take this story out of the UK Sun.
You can verify this anytime you like.
Murder cop!
Take baby's DNA!
Britain's most senior murder investigator has called DNA to be taken from babies.
Commander Dave Johnson said it would build up a database to solve crimes and prevent others.
He said samples could be taken from Britain's renewing passports and from migrants arriving here.
The head of the Met's Police Homicide and Serious Crime Unit went on to say, we have 300,000 unsolved cases and he goes on.
To say we had to take a profile at a crime scene but have not yet matched it.
So guilty until proven innocent.
And it says that a national DNA database was set up in 99 in England.
See, it starts here in the US with, oh, felons will be DNA tested.
Then it's, oh, anyone who's arrested for a felony charge.
Then a misdemeanor charge.
And see, now different states are doing that.
The problem is DNA is not 100%.
Oh, the test is!
If properly done and not contaminated.
But every major crime lab in the country has been caught, quote, making mistakes, or hundreds have been caught engaging in premeditated frame-ups.
And I don't mean a one guy they know is a killer, and that's bad enough, because once you start at slides, I mean of everybody.
What, two years ago the police chief had to resign and admitted that over 2,000 people had been framed in one year alone?
Remember Dallas?
Also, two years ago, where the cops pulled over hundreds of cars, they would just randomly pick nice cars and throw a bag of chalk in the back?
They targeted mainly illegal aliens.
We always talk about them getting a better deal than everybody, but not on this case, because they found out they wouldn't fight.
They would seize their car and then their home without ever taking them to court.
Oh yes, under asset forfeiture seizure, they do it
When they quote find the drugs or other contraband.
I mean how warped have their minds gotten?
And then they got caught framing because the cops are a bunch of drug dealers up there.
Dallas cops have been corrupt forever folks.
Big time Dixie Mafia.
That's why they picked Dallas to kill Kennedy in because they'd play along.
And I don't mean beat cops.
You're doing a good job most the time out there with wrecks and
People hurt, and it's a dangerous, tough job sticking your hind end out on the highway.
I mean, I see it every day.
I'm not attacking you.
I need to be clear about that.
I'm talking about the detectives, and the vice squad, and the internal affairs, and the captains.
I mean, how many captains are living in $500,000 houses and driving $50,000 cars?
You shouldn't be on your salary.
Well, take Austin.
I mean, every time they bust a big whorehouse, that's why they never do.
It ends up some, you know, vice cops running it.
And if you're a worldly person, folks, you know, when those vice cops get around all those women, it's hard to not become the pimp, make money, and imbibe in it.
That's the nature of evil.
That's why you don't want vice cops.
Before we had vice cops in this country, we had a lot less vice.
Stopping vice starts in the heart.
Starts in the family.
You know alcoholism tripled under prohibition in those nine years?
And organized crime more than tripled?
Those are official numbers.
Go pull them.
You've all heard that.
You all know that.
It's common knowledge.
You make something illegal, it becomes risky and cool and stylish and radical and rebellious.
You put untold amounts of money into something that was dirt cheap before, now true criminal elements get involved in it?
It corrupts your police?
That was designed to corrupt police more than anything.
This has been written about.
Because cops weren't about to ban alcohol, most of them were drinking!
So if they're going to get paid off to protect the pooch runners, I mean I had family that was involved in all this folks, I know about it.
I know the Germans right here in town that
Ran the liquor for Al Capone.
They're called the Steiners.
Alright folks, we'll be right back.
Just, it's incredible.
See, I know history.
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The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
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We're good to go.
All right.
Eric, Andrew, Peggy, Mike, everybody, we'll get to you.
I can only take those four calls, though.
Sorry to all the others.
Because I need to, uh... I need to... Well, see, this is how my brain works.
I started reading the headline, Murder Cop Takes Baby's DNA.
That's the headline.
He's the head of the murder investigations over there.
And I just wanted to tell everybody that it's been in the Australian papers.
I first heard this
From Mark Kornke, back in the mid-1990s, he was claiming on the radio that there was a national database in Detroit that every baby at birth for decades had their blood taken and it was kept in a federal database.
And I believed him, I checked out a lot of what he had to say and it was true, but I kind of forgot about it.
And then about, it was about nine years ago, or about eight years ago,
I saw mainstream, this is when I really started spending a lot of time on the web, mainstream Australian papers where members of parliament and the head of their federal police were saying, hey, we've got this research database of all babies born going back 20 plus years.
We should just use that as a DNA database.
Then I went and looked it up.
It is a DNA database.
But see, it was done under research funding.
Then I found out England had it.
Then, what was it?
Six years ago, I had a congressman on.
I forget his name.
He was a Republican out of North Carolina.
Even my memory's pretty good, but it fails me.
This is too much.
But we had him on the show, and it was in some of the papers.
And then he discovered that in North Carolina,
Going back, at that time, 20 plus years, now it's 34 years ago, if you add it all together, that 34 years ago, every child in the United States and Canada, and it was implemented the same year, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, England, it's always the same.
The programs even have similar names, sometimes identical names.
And I call them the Echelon Group of Countries because in the fifties they all adopted the same snooping system and one country, and that's what they are, companies, spies on the other country because back then they had laws about spying on their own citizens so they got around it that way.
Now any pretense has been removed.
It's even worse having the foreigners spy.
Well it's like all this news about the US was spying on Diana!
Oh my gosh it's terrible!
Well that's how they do it!
That's been admitted!
We spy for them, they spy for us!
And then quote, what they found out was that the official story is true from the wiretaps.
That's another way they'll trick you, is come out and say, oh we got busted, we fell down on the job, we screwed up, here's the document, and it's what they want you to hear.
I mean, they killed her.
Well, 87% of Brits believe they killed her, the evidence is there.
It's a long story, most of you already know it.
Turns out what we always knew, the driver was in the employ of intelligence agencies.
We said that back in 97 when she was murdered.
You see?
And now it's all come out.
But I'm already digressing.
I have to get into Apocalypto and take your calls.
But getting back to my main point.
I was born at Parkland in Dallas, Texas 33 years ago.
And it had been adopted by then in the United States nationwide.
So I was right around the cutoff date.
It's about to be 34 years.
So right around the time I was born, this was started.
Now let me explain how this works.
They could do the smear blood test.
It's simply a kit.
And we would do this in vet work, blood testing cows.
You've got a little tablet with these chemical reactions, and it's got, you know, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, depending on the test, different patches, and they test for different things with that.
They could do those blood tests right there at the hospital.
You know, they claim for rare blood diseases, and to see if your blood's missing key coagulation proteins.
You know, other things.
Oh, we send this to the health department to test your baby's blood for diseases.
Well, why don't you ask them?
Why don't you just do that here at the hospital?
I'll be glad to pay for that here.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They'll tell you, because I've had these conversations.
Oh, no.
This is state law.
That we do this.
Oh man, I see the state law.
Let me go talk to the doctor.
Why are you asking?
I want to see the state law.
They come back.
Well, there's not a state law, but it's a mandate.
We've been doing it for over 20 years.
And if you watch, they take three ampules.
Why do they take three ampules?
Because with a lawyer trick, they're telling the truth, but lying by omission.
One ampule goes to the city health department.
The other two are sent to the state.
The state keeps one, freeze-dried, and the other is sent to one of four national databases.
We all are in DNA databases.
And just like there's no law you've got to be vaccinated, though Harry Reid's talking about trying to force it now, they tell you it's a law, they tell you it's a law to take the blood, and
They do test it at the health department.
What business do those individuals have?
Why is it done in the hospital?
It's about, and it goes back, how did it all start before that?
This relationship with the health department and the hospitals?
If your mother, you had six children and one of them was Down Syndrome,
Millions of parents were ordered to never have children again and their children were seized and had their uteruses cut out or in some of the more primitive operations in the twenties and thirties were castrated.
They just did the tube cut on the men later.
So I don't want to hear the government can't engage in tyranny.
They've already done it!
I was just last night watching Nuremberg trial tapes.
Yes, we have Nuremberg speeches.
We have the film with the stinking Nazis up there using Rockefeller Foundation documents to argue, well, we were just cleaning up the state, sterilizing and killing people, but you funded us and recommended it, and it was all true.
Okay, that stuff comes from America!
It comes from London!
And it's going on all around us right now!
If you are 33 years old or younger and born in a hospital, your blood is in a state and federal DNA data bank.
And large portions, they took so much blood, I mean a little ampule, that is a lot.
However many CC's it is.
There was a court case four years ago, and I remember it was in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Where they were going in and to the human tissue research facility that the state has there and Big Pharma was paying to be given parts of those samples on hundreds of thousands of people and were isolating key compounds in your blood by your name and somebody found out about it and sued them and the court ruling was by the federal court that they, the state, owns your blood.
So they're also doing experiments with your blood.
You know, now you hear about a national initiative to save the umbilical cord?
Hey, I'm all for saving the umbilical cord, freeze drying it, banking it, but that should be private corporations where they have a contract with you where that is yours.
No, the feds are talking about paying for it because they care about you so much.
So if you ever get sicky sick, it'll be available for you.
They're trying to get federal laws through to save umbilical cords and placenta.
Freeze-dried so they got your number and can do whatever they want with that stem cell material.
You see, these people are out of control.
And they're obsessed with breeding, genetic engineering, they're obsessed with all of it.
Let me get into a pocket laptop and we'll go to your calls.
Let me get my notes here.
I even wrote notes about this.
Mel Gibson, in my opinion, is the greatest living director
He has set what I call the Gibson Standard.
He, I believe, for realism, cinematic quality, casting, just total avant-garde, has outdone anything I've ever seen Kubrick do.
He transports you there.
You know, no amount of cell phones ringing and people gasping in the theater here in Austin Friday night could keep me from being fully immersed in it.
I've done quite a bit of research on the Aztecs and the Mayan culture overall, the Toltecs,
And I've been to many of the sites, and I've read quite a few books on the subject, and it is an incredibly accurate film.
The performances are off the chart, and the reason it's so successful is it's the same formula, what we really want.
We want real heroes.
And just like The Patriot is the amalgamation of three real people into one, it's a true story, as true as it can be in the cinema.
There's a few things like Colonel Tavington really wasn't killed and he went back and became the mayor of Liverpool and stuff like that.
So there's some inaccuracies there, but they had to simplify.
Again, true story, ragtag band standing up against oppression.
The elite demanding they be able to sleep with your wife on your wedding night.
The elite slitting people's throats, torturing them, killing them for no reason, just as an exercise of power.
Instinctively, we know that this is the real threat, and he shows the state for what it is throughout history, an abomination and a great danger to the family, and how it wages war against the family.
Well, Apocalypto does that.
It shows effectively the horror of an unrestrained elite on a power trip.
The cult of power.
State-sponsored spectacles with the human sacrifices, similar to the Roman Colosseum and Circus Maximus, which itself was a form of human sacrifice, and getting the people to go cheer for their own enslavement, their own degradation, their own humiliation.
The standardizing and institutionalizing of a predatory elite feeding on their own people.
That's shown in the film.
Gibson was criticized by some crackpot UT assistant professor for, you know, she said, well, this is a pious, you know, very religious thing, human sacrifice.
He makes it look bad.
No, he shows historically what it was.
And she says, you know, how can you judge cultures?
Let me give you the actual quote.
You just hate this movie.
I hate it.
I despise it.
I think it's
It's offensive to Mayan people, it's offensive to those of us, she's not Mayan by the way, who try to teach cultural sensitivity and alternative world views that might not match our 21st century western ones, but are valid.
See, every time I've knocked the Aztecs, the most bloodthirsty of Mesoamerica, the Nazis of the region, I get calls saying, how dare you knock their culture, it's just another culture, you can't make a moral determination.
You will say the Nazis are bad, which indeed they were.
That's a culture gone wrong.
The Romans ripping children apart in the arena by the end of it, by the end of their decadence.
You would say that was wrong.
Oh, but no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Not the precious Aztecs, because the Dr. Piancos, who were into population reduction.
This needs to be added to the story we did.
They, uh, the UN documents that I show in my film Road to Tyranny,
on the biological global biosphere assessment says, oh, primitive culture sacrificed to keep down population numbers.
We need similar things today.
I mean, I've got official UN documents where they're calling for human sacrifice.
They're into this.
This is a human hating group.
They don't like the Romans killing humans in an arena.
I mean, they don't mind the Romans killing humans in an arena.
They just don't like the fact that the Romans were throwing rhinoceros in with lions and tigers and bears.
Oh my!
You see?
And why does the state, why do elites always push this?
It's an emotional salve.
It's a psychological excuse and a rationale to kill people en masse and to enslave.
It's, oh, we're guardians of the earth.
We're doing this for the betterment of the ecology and the betterment for the more elite humans that are allowed to go forward into the future.
This is the exact attitude of the Mayan priests and the Mayan cultures.
You see?
So elites throughout history have always had this, the peasants are scourges, because it's a predatory attitude.
They're seen as vermin.
They're seen as roaches or rats.
And the elite are calling for the betterment of society, and it's institutionalized.
So of course that infestation that is the University of Texas, with Dr. Pianka and all the rest of them, and here's this professor,
Julia Guernsey.
I want to get her on.
Saying this was pious.
This was... Let me find the exact quotes.
I lost my article I had that was marked.
So I'm trying to find it here.
Scan for another copy we printed.
She calls it pious.
This is done very... in a sacrosanct way.
This was noble.
This was... There's nothing noble about sacrificing 10,000 people in one day.
You know, four or five pyramid sacrifice sites.
They were telling so many people they'd have sacrifice altars up on the tops, and then down at Chichen Itza, down in the bottom, they've just got chalk mules lined up.
That's a person sitting.
You know, sitting, laying down, up on their elbows, up on the backs of their feet.
And then they would lay you across his stomach with his hands there and cut your heart out right there on the spot.
Gibson held back.
Okay, his film should have had five, six altars, non-stop slaughtering people.
And he shows a little image of this where it shows this huge field just filled with piles of dead bodies, but that's not accurate according to the anthropologist I've interviewed, the books I've read.
Most of those cultures down there, the main meat supply was, and their favorite was small children, and they found that to be the most delicious,
They would kick them down the stairs, which the anthropologists in this article actually meant they do, and then they were cut up by a lower priest class that funded the higher priest class with meat sales.
Oh no!
Let's not criticize, you know, in the film they show them marking babies for sacrifice, but you wouldn't know that if you hadn't read the anthropology on it.
So it shows adults being killed, the warriors, they're different types.
The number one sacrifice was the taller you were, the stronger you were, the harder you fought.
Those guys got flayed and tortured for days.
So that's not quite accurate either.
They would really torture them longer because the God liked the power.
I see all these cars driving around with asterisk calendars on the back.
I don't know why you guys are proud of that.
I mean, that's shameful.
That, by the way, reduced the height of the Mesoamerica compared to Plains Indians by almost a foot.
Because they killed the tall people.
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I think so.
Yeah, if you want to wonder how sick these academics are and how anti-human they are.
Sacrificing babies.
Oh, it's pious.
That's the attitude of control freaks and their guilds.
I got loaded phone lines here.
I don't know how I'm going to cram everybody in here.
I didn't even do justice to talking about Apocalypto.
We've written a big article about it up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Hope to get it out to everybody.
You know, just the hunting rituals.
It shows what those aboriginal populations were like.
You know, why people are into hunting.
It's the passing on.
The story of not being afraid.
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Peggy in Pennsylvania, then we'll try to jam a few more in.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex.
The Governor has announced that he is seriously thinking of either renting or selling the Pennsylvania Turnpike
to a company in order to get money to fix our roads.
Yeah, what they do is they don't fix... I mean, listen, we got a text document two years ago saying we've got more money than we've ever had, the gas tax bigger than ever.
Why are we saying we have to give our roads to foreign countries and companies to do this?
And they just said shut up.
Okay, government has so much money, they print the money, they have plenty of money.
This is about... they have to tell you though they always need more money.
Well, the thing is, if they sell it, and they do use that money, they won't have anything left then to generate more money, you know, when the roads fail again.
Look, it's about subdividing.
The politicians have been bought off, and they're selling out the entire infrastructure for nothing right now.
If I were to argue this, what would I tell an opponent?
Well, there have been a lot of articles.
I mean, you can go print up the article we did with Joseph Stiklis, Nobel Prize winner, former head of the World Bank.
Chief Economist, World Bank, saying that this is part of the final phase of going into receivership.
We've just been hijacked, ma'am.
I would just say, look, it's a scam.
It's not a money-making scheme, it's a scam.
Well, listen, the global corporations run this country and they're just taking over everything.
We've been hijacked.
It's like a pirate, you know, pulling up next to you and taking over your ship.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Mike in Arizona.
Mike, go ahead.
Yes, hi Alex.
Just a bit of news locally here in Arizona.
There was just a news broadcast this morning from the Public Affairs Manager, Linda Gorman, AAA Arizona, saying that Arizonans are frustrated with traffic and 52% would appreciate toll roads as an alternative.
So, you know, I've been wondering for the last two years why there's been such a frenzy of construction
Destruction on the roads, and I think they're trying to push us in that direction.
And in real polls, 97% are against this.
They go do their own private sample and just make that up.
Again, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, AAA, all the big institutions are totally bought off.
I mean, does anybody you know want toll roads?
Not anyone I know.
Yeah, you got plenty of money.
Alright, we're out of time.
God bless you all.
Sorry to the other callers.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.