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Name: 20061130_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 30, 2006
2371 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
I was surfing around doing some research on the North American Union at about 1 a.m.
last night and came across the first message on a popular page on YouTube where an individual was openly soliciting for my murder.
And the only reason I mention this is it just illustrates how out of control these neocons are.
I went to the guy's page.
It sounds level-headed.
The videos are
You know, somewhat decent.
I don't think it's someone, you know, even basically screwing around.
They think it's their right to talk about how we all need to be basically killed.
And it says, I will pay $50,000 to whoever kills Alex Jones, private message me, and I will respond.
And doesn't that fool know that even if they're not serious, that doing that is a crime?
Doesn't that fool know that a lot of times people joked around about hits and put contracts out, and it has indeed happened?
Now the individual lives in England, but I have filed a complaint with YouTube this morning, and I'm considering calling the British authorities.
You know, about five and a half years ago,
This came out in the Tennessee newspapers.
I got an email saying that basically they were going to kill me, and they were going to kill Bush, and they were going to kill all these people.
I thought it was some type of setup.
If I didn't respond, so I sent it to the Texas Secret Service.
They went up to Tennessee and arrested this guy.
He admitted that he was, it must have been cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, because the paper said he admitted that he made the threats.
He did spend some time in prison.
So this is the kind of stuff I have to deal with.
I want neocons to know out there, though, that if you threaten me or elicit my murder, I guess I'm going to have to spend the time making the phone calls, sending the emails, demanding, because it is illegal in the UK as well to solicit someone's murder.
And it is a clear solicitation to do murder, and I don't appreciate it.
And I want you to know that, scumbag.
You know, I'll fight to the death to defend your free speech, but your free speech does not authorize yelling fire in a theater or calling for someone's murder.
But national talk show hosts call me American Al Qaeda.
They call me a traitor.
They say I deserve to go to a camp.
So what do you expect?
What do you think neocon followers are going to do?
They think all this is normal.
They think that their disgusting tactics of intimidation are acceptable.
And you don't intimidate me.
I'm just going to redouble my efforts with what I'm doing.
And we're just going to bring it right out here on air.
Anybody sends me threatening death threat emails, or you threaten anybody else with death, I'm going to report you because I'm going to use the system against you, so you just better be aware of that.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
What a way to start the show.
I was debating whether I should talk about that or not, but now I have.
The Iraq Study Group about two weeks ago said, oh, we may call for a controlled pullout, and then I said, you watch, that controlled pullout will be staggering down the troops over the next few years and not giving a date.
The exact White House policy, and James Baker and co.
have now released exactly that this morning.
We will go over it.
We will get into the fact that seven million in the U.S.
are in jail, on probation, or on parole.
New numbers coming out there.
Federal government launches marketing campaign for psychiatric industry.
It is the new freedom initiative.
The physicist
Stephen Hawking is saying humans must colonize planets.
The Earth is going to die.
Basically the same thing another scientist said two days ago.
Walmart is saying it's for the first time has slowing and dropping sales.
Well yeah, you've sucked the host dry.
You've killed the golden goose.
Pope Benedict begins Turkish mosque visit.
There's so much important news.
Open phone.
Stay with us.
It's here!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, as you know, all the big global leaders have been trouncing around the Middle East, Asia, big developments there.
Not a big surprise, though, what the Iraq Study Group came out with.
More of the same will be going over it.
Also, I've got an amazing Keith Olbermann clip where he goes into the actual text.
It's worse than what we first read, where Newt Gingrich, speaking at a free speech awards banquet, said we need to restrict free speech or the terrorists are going to destroy a U.S.
And I also want to basically correct a few things that Oberman says, coming from the left, part of that controlled paradigm system.
But right now, let's just go ahead and start with a clip I saw yesterday.
This is from a video piece put out by the JBS a few years ago, and I had read about Cheney making these comments, but I'd never seen it.
And we do have it via a
YouTube clip.
We're posting it, in fact, right now at JonesReport.com and then it will propagate out to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well.
And this is where they're having a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and David Rockefeller, whose family actually founded the organization with the British intelligence,
comes up and says how pleased he is that Dick Cheney is pushing the free trade area of the Americas, and then Dick Cheney says, well it's good to be back here at the CFR because I was formerly the Director of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Of course, I never told my constituents that out West, ha ha ha!
And a lot of you who've been in this fight remember back in the 80s, back in even the 90s,
If you talked about the CFR, there were hundreds of major newspaper articles that would say it doesn't exist.
In fact, I have police training manuals that say that people that talk about an imaginary group called the CFR that wants to overthrow America, that that's code for terrorism and anti-Semitism,
I mean, just the most base propaganda, and that they claim there's a North American Union, and a plan to overthrow our country, and that we're just lying terrorists.
This is what they've always done.
In fact, in my film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, I have Ashcroft saying that if you talk about the Patriot Act affecting the Bill of Rights, you're aiding Al-Qaeda, and then he does a kind of double-speak and says, then you are a terrorist.
So he says, these people claim that we're saying that the Patriot Act affects the Bill of Rights.
Well, no, we're not taking anybody's Bill of Rights, but if you do say it, you are terrorists and you will pay.
I was amazed to see Jonathan Turley, the professor on with Obermann, even mentioning that.
So, I mean, just the layers of propaganda, it's amazing.
So let's go ahead and play this clip, and you'll hear the narrator in between the clips.
I'm trying to get the raw C-SPAN footage now.
This is from 2002, in July of 2002, and we've now gotten the video.
Here is the audio of David Rockefeller in an exchange with the dutiful servant Dick Cheney.
A special televised meeting of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations provides a window to the real story.
The speaker, Vice President Dick Cheney, takes a question from David Rockefeller.
Vice President, I just enjoyed so much your whole speech, but I was particularly pleased that you gave such a strong endorsement for the free trade agreement for all the Americans.
It's a subject that has been of great concern to me for many years, and particularly recently, and I think it's absolutely essential for the strength of our economy.
Rockefeller's role in the drive for an FTAA was a lot more central than he portrays.
Rockefeller cultivated Latin American leaders who could be counted on to support such a proposal.
Both the 1994 Miami Summit and the FTAA proposal were conceived and nurtured by a Rockefeller-created network.
Prominent among the organizations sponsoring the Miami event
We're good to go.
Rockefeller's influence also extends to the current administration.
He was chairman emeritus of the CFR when Vice President Dick Cheney once served as a director, a relationship that Cheney concealed during his congressional career.
It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
So there you have it.
I never mentioned that when I was back home campaigning.
And then there were comments on the YouTube video clip where somebody uploaded this snippet.
And I wanted to read to you the denial of a neocon.
And the first
Quote is by Nike Nico.
That's his screen name.
He says, wait a minute, Dick Cheney is not chairman of the board.
He was once served as director from 87 to 89.
Very interesting video.
He is basically an anti-establishment figure.
So I think that a person like Cheney cannot be a chairman of the CFR.
Wrong title, isn't it?
The chairman of the board is the chairman.
You see how they play little mind games with themselves?
Or is this person one of the tens of thousands of paid operatives that the government admits they've had for years out on the web?
I don't know.
Now I've met these type of people on the ground.
It's probably any mental gymnastics they can.
Dick Cheney says he ran the organization on the video clip.
The Council on Foreign Relations has a whole page on him saying that he was the chairman.
But they place some mental gymnastics because a title can have dual names.
The same thing was on my MySpace account yesterday and I tried to print it.
It's not in my stack this morning.
But if you go to my MySpace account, it's still there at the bottom.
I saw it a few minutes ago and it's a nice person and they say, Alex, I'm confused!
There are people saying that
You know, you're lying!
It's not true that Dick Cheney was in control of NORAD!
They're saying that General Myers was in control of NORAD.
That's like saying if I said George Bush is in control of the military, and somebody said, no, actually, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is, Alex, the Marine Corps officer.
It's mental, it's mental games.
Of course the President's in control of the military!
Of course!
He was... I mean, this is incredible!
So I wanted to answer that first, but I guess I'm going to it second.
Dick Cheney and the President, the Vice President and the President have always been in control of NORAD.
They're in control of the nuclear launch codes.
They're in control.
It's called Commander-in-Chief.
And Vice Commander-in-Chief, you know, Air Force One and Two.
And specifically, on June 1st, 2001, Dick Cheney ordered the Defense Secretary in a public memorandum to take the shoot down powers for the first time
In air defense history, even predating the 1957 setup of NORAD, so that they could not have the default position of shooting down errant hijacked jets or passenger planes or private planes meant to be used as missiles or weapons.
That was the set standard before, on the record, after the June 1st memorandum, which you can read at the Defense Department's own website, which I put in martial law.
What you can find?
Type in Cheney Stand Down Order Found.
That's the best way to Google it.
It'll come up.
You'll be on the government's own website.
So see how there's that middle game?
Oh, Alex is lying!
He says Cheney was in control of NORAD!
Look, look, look!
It was General Myers, the head of NORAD!
Of course General Myers was the head!
And he is the designate commander nominated by the President and the Vice President
And the Secretary of Defense confirmed by the Congress.
He takes orders from the President.
See, they play mental games.
And I always get amazed that they put out this elementary stuff and it works.
It's like this.
Big hit pieces were written in conjunction about a month and a half ago by five different major news services and websites.
With combined readers of millions.
And you know it's a government op when they do it in concerted efforts within two days of each other.
And they said, Alex Jones is lying!
He says the CIA ran drills of hijacked jets flying over the World Trade Center and Pentagon on the morning of 9-11.
That's not true!
It was the Pentagon and the Pentagon Protective Services!
Yes, and according to CIA press releases and AP reports and even the USA Today
The commanders of the combined agency operation were CIA and it was a CIA conceived and commanded drill, group of drills.
See how they play little semantical word games, little lawyer games?
And it's what these guys do right here.
Cheney says he ran the organization.
He says he was secretive about it.
Video of him on national television, and what do these neocons say?
Wait a minute, Dick Cheney is not a chairman of the board.
He was once served as director from 87 to 89.
What do you think director is?
Is it the chairman?
93, 95, very interesting video.
He is basically an anti-establishment figure, so I think the person like Cheney cannot be a chairman of the CFR.
So now they're saying he's against the CFR!
Because he's anti-Eastern establishment!
Now they're... Now they're saying he never was even a member!
And then the next guy... Gets even worse!
You see?
I mean, this is the willful... Mindless mental gymnastics we deal with every day!
And I'm sick of it!
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I don't think so.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
So we're talking about C-SPAN.
Three plus years ago, Vice President Dick Cheney gets up and says he ran the CFR.
Says he kept it quiet from his constituents.
And we play the clip.
The clip goes on the internet.
It just now gets attention because of proliferation of online video viewing.
And they play little mind games here, saying he is basically an anti-Eastern establishment figure, so I think that a person like Cheney cannot be a chairman of the CFR.
So now, they're saying he doesn't, he's just not even a part of it.
And then it goes on.
Another poster, called NC Day 4 for Life at YouTube, says, Thank you, Nike Nico, for contributing some sanity here.
The title of the video are both dishonest.
Cheney was never CFR chairman and never concealed a CFR membership.
The clip at the end of the video is obviously of him having a chuckle about the public image of the CFR, not admitting any kind of betrayal or deception.
Dick Cheney is a true American patriot, which is why the globalist left detest him so they see him as a universalist.
And it goes on.
Okay, let's play what Dick Cheney actually said again.
Here it is.
It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
I never mentioned that when I was running for re-election back in Wyoming.
And then they all just laugh and cackle.
The clip actually goes on.
There's a lot of laughing and cackling.
There's actually two versions of it on the web.
One's a few seconds longer so you can hear the laughing.
I guess we sent the network the shorter clip.
We're going to post both of them, I guess, on JonesReport.com if it's not already posted.
So this is the type of denial.
Oh, Alex Jones is lying.
The CIA didn't run drills.
Because the CIA was involved with other agencies doing the drill, they claim that means the CIA didn't run the drills.
They don't debate the drills of the planes flying into these exact same buildings at exact same times.
They just nitpick.
Make stuff up.
Claim I'm lying.
And then they claim that Dick Cheney wasn't in control of NORAD.
He'd specifically taken full control of it.
He always had control, but he took away any default powers that the Air Force, the Army, the Navy had before.
The Civil Air Patrol, all of it.
And that's what happened.
But it doesn't matter.
We'll just say he wasn't in control.
We'll just say it was General Myers who was under his command.
You see, this is how they play their little games.
Another thing they do is, in my film Terror Storm, I say that LBJ was in complete control of the ship.
That he had specific control over the USS Liberty and had made a deal with Israel to attack the ship.
Now, why do I say that?
From all the documents, the reports filed by Ward Boston, who then became the Hedgehog Officer, everybody we've interviewed over the years, a lot of them dead now, but those interviews are posted, former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Moore, a bunch of those admirals, you've heard them all here!
We interviewed some of the living just a few months ago.
And they said clearly that ship was under National Security Council control, the White House was in control of it, it was outside Navy control, it was parked there on a spy mission.
It's like Delta Force is under the President's direct control.
He gives the Security Council the orders when they do those clandestine missions for the Navy SEALs, you name it.
It's the same thing here.
And so I'm not absolving Israel from attacking the ship.
Israel was certainly involved.
But then you notice that I've interviewed the admirals.
They're on the phone on the aircraft carriers.
They're all listening via the radio link to his telephone.
And McNamara knows about it right when they call him and just says, well, don't launch planes to defend the ship.
And then they say, no, we're going to defend the ship.
And then the president comes on and says, listen, that GD ship's going to the bottom.
I don't care if it sinks, I want it to go to the bottom.
Do you understand?
Now that's what multiple admirals on this show said.
And we know the President was in control of that ship.
And see, it's the same nitpicking, it's the same straw man.
The people who... The government's gotten slick though.
They can't attack us
For exposing our government, exposing Israel, exposing the British, exposing other criminal elements.
So they'll go in and just make something up like that.
And claim that we're absolving Israel of guilt because we show that it was in collusion with our government.
No, that shows how even more premeditated it was.
And that's what the people who were on the ship and the people that saw the engagement have said on this show.
We report in terror storm what the men who lived it said.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That toll free number again 1-877-928-8822.
We don't have any guests today because I want to have time to cover all the news and take your calls.
I just do that sometimes.
I go through phases where I want to have a bunch of guests and I go through phases where I just I might not have a guest for two weeks and then sometimes I kind of mix it in between work in one of those phases right now.
Some guests but not as many.
Believe me, we've got an endless list of great folks we could have on, but we're not because I want to have time myself to talk and discuss things I haven't had time to go over and also hear from you.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Or Johnny and many others.
Your calls are coming up.
We will have Kevin Smith in the studio for about 10 minutes in the middle of the next hour.
He went by Bank of America to do something with a check yesterday.
And it's just all in Spanish.
No English.
No English.
And by the way, I've seen this when I've been to Bank of America a few years ago.
Like 80% of it was Spanish.
Big placards.
Big signs.
You know, those wall displays where it's big cardboard fold-outs, where it's like a wall, and it's got all this Oslon stuff in there.
And I'm tempted to send Kevin over there with a camera just to shoot some video of this.
He did give me the brochures.
I've got them.
There have been some new big developments with the border situation.
We'll go over those too.
But I wanted to play another clip, this Keith Uberman clip, where he talks about Gingrich and free speech, and we'll do that in a moment.
But I do hope that all of you listening today, you know, I put all of my films out for free.
You know, we put Terror Storm up first for members at PrisonPlanet.tv, because you cannot get the same quality on Google Video that you can get at PrisonPlanet.tv, because
We upload it for people that have got T1s and then down to medium connections and then slow connections.
We normally put three different variants, sometimes four different variants up and the highest quality variant on PrisonPlanet.TV looks almost as good as regular TV.
I mean, when they encoded it, I've watched it on the site, it just looks incredibly good.
Incredibly good.
Now, we did our best job encoding it up to Google, but the problem is they compress it again.
We're trying to figure out the best ways to give it to you free.
Who does that?
We're killing ourselves, basically, financially, but c'est la vie.
We're having a big effect.
That's what matters.
That's what war is all about, putting it all the way, you know, just committing 110%.
And we're trying to figure out the best way to encode it where then it matches the encoding to upload to Google or YouTube.
The two seem to vary, but my point is,
That we're about having an effect here.
We traffic in information.
We traffic in information war.
We traffic in defending liberty.
That is our payment.
We're zealots.
We're true believers.
I love it.
I love the fight we're engaged in.
I love the effect we're having.
I try to think of better ways to fight the New World Order, more effective ways to do it.
And bottom line, get a prisonplanet.tv membership.
You get all 15 of my films.
You get my weekly TV reports.
You get my in-studio videotape interviews.
When I go out and do events, you get those.
And you can find some of that stuff for free, but it's not as high quality.
But bottom line, you support us and make our broadcast possible and you get stuff instantly.
I mean, I put Terror Storm up a month before it was publicly available on PrisonPlanet.tv.
A month before.
My book, Paul Watson's book, is there.
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I mean, basically, by the time, you know, one out of 50 orders gets lost out in the mail, or something gets broken, we've got to send it out again, or some people take it off their front porch, you know, even with UPS.
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That's the point.
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All these stations, I can't list them all.
There's a lot of them.
It's 50-something that carry us.
And I'm told it's even more than that.
I don't have an accurate list here.
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It's a bunch of crazy people attacking every other Patriot because they're in it for the wrong reason.
They're in it because of egomania.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
I said I'd get to this clip, get to your calls.
There's a ton of news.
It's just, I never spend a lot of time, I hate plugging stuff, I just kind of, yeah, yeah, I get my videos, good deal, buy them, here they are, blah, blah, blah, support us, make copies.
Well, listen, folks, who do you know fighting the New World War and more?
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Here's Oberman.
He's wrong, implying it's the right, the Republicans that want to restrict free speech.
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton pushed for laws to restrict free speech.
The Democrats have been voting for the War on Terror and the police state.
They voted for the Military Commissions Act.
They voted for the Defense Authorization John Warner Act of 2007.
They did all of this!
Please don't send me an email saying, how did they vote for the Act of 2007?
This is the nitpicking.
They call it that for the next fiscal year, and it happened October 16th.
I said that because I got an email going, I heard you lie and say they passed the thing and for 2007, it's 2006.
So that's the stuff I deal with.
It's incredible.
I'm not trying to whine.
I digress.
The point is, the point is that
And then they talk about the best way to counter hate on the internet.
Turley, I'm going to get Turley on.
We've interviewed him a couple of times over the years.
Professor Turley.
Oh, the answer is more free speech to counter the hate.
And that overall is true.
If you're talking about the Klan or, you know, some black racist group or whatever, the La Raza people, Mecha people, the Mexican racists.
But, uh, no, no, no, no, no.
Newt Gingrich and the boys are talking about, quote, shutting down the conspiracy theory.
Johnny, you're savage, and Limbaugh, and the rest of them.
Because we're beating them.
It's exactly because they can't sense risk, we're beating them.
So let's go ahead and play this clip.
Good evening from Los Angeles.
You're in the quintessential movie about this city, Chinatown.
Morty the Mortician turns to Jack Nicholson's character and says, middle of a drought and the water commissioner drowns, only in L.A.
Tonight, a real-life equivalent.
Middle of a dinner honoring the sanctity of the First Amendment, and the former Speaker of the House talks about restricting freedom of speech.
Only in the Republican Party.
Our fifth story on the Countdown.
It might have been his first attempt to fire up his base for a possible presidential run, or it might have been something more ominous.
But Newt Gingrich has actually proposed a different set of rules and invoked the bogeyman of terror.
Gingrich was the featured speaker at the annual Naki S. Loeb First Amendment award dinner in Manchester, New Hampshire last night, where he not only argued that campaign finance reform and the separation of church and state should be rethought because they allegedly hurt the First Amendment, but he also suggested that new rules might be necessary to stop terrorists using freedom of speech to get out their message.
Here is his rationalization.
My prediction to you is that either before we lose the city, or if we are truly stupid, after we lose the city, we will adopt rules of engagement that use every technology we can find to break up their capacity to use the internet, to break up their capacity to use free speech, and to go after people who want to kill us to stop them from recruiting people before they get to reach out and convince young people to destroy their lives while destroying us.
If you're going to destroy freedom of speech, Bob, you've already lost all the cities.
To paraphrase Pastor Martin Niemoller's poem about Germany in the 30s and 40s, first they came for the Fourth Amendment, then they came for habeas corpus, then they came for free speech.
And there was no one allowed to speak up.
The politics in a moment.
First to discuss the constitutionality of this, I'm joined by George Washington, University Law professor and constitutional law expert,
Jonathan Turley.
Jonathan, as always, thanks for your time tonight.
Thanks, Keith.
So the conventional wisdom on this is he's trying to breathe life into the same scare tactics that worked so well for the president and the vice president until four weeks ago.
But could this be more nefarious than just politics?
Could any president really gut free speech in the name of counter-terrorism?
They could.
I mean, it's bizarre it would occur at a First Amendment speech.
God knows what he'd say at a Mother's Day speech.
But, you know, this really could happen.
I mean, the fact is the First Amendment is an abstraction.
And when you put up against it, the idea of incinerating millions of people, there will be millions of citizens that respond, like some Pavlovian response, and deliver up rights.
We've already seen that.
People don't seem to appreciate that you really can't save a constitution by destroying it.
We asked Mr. Gingrich's office for the full speech.
To their credit, they provided most of it to us late relative to our deadline.
But let me read you a little bit more of this that we've just gotten, Jonathan.
I want to suggest to you that we right now should be impaneling people to look seriously at a level of supervision that we would never dream of.
If it were not for the scale of this threat, that's one quote, this is a serious long-term war, Gingrich added, and it will inevitably lead us to want to know what is said in every suspect place in the country.
It will lead us to learn how to close down every website that is dangerous.
Jonathan, are there not legal methods already in place to deal with such sites that do not require what Mr. Gingrich has here called supervision that we would never dream of?
Well, there are plenty of powers and authorities that can be used to monitor truly dangerous people.
But what you see here, I think, is the insatiable appetite that has developed among certain leaders for controlling American society.
We saw that with John Ashcroft not long after 9-11, when he said that critics were aiding and abetting the terrorists.
There is this insatiable appetite that develops when you feed absolute power to people like Gingrich.
And people should not assume that these are just going to be fringe candidates and this could never happen.
Fear does amazing things to people, and it can cause a sort of self-mutilation in a democracy, where we give up the very things, the very rights, that define us, and theoretically, the very things that we are defending.
So, and also, when you talk about closing down internet sites, who is the one who's going to decide which those are?
I mean, it could be the Daily Kos, it could be Citizens for Legitimate Government, it could be the sports website Deadspin, for all we know.
If he doesn't like any one of them in particular.
Alright, we'll be right back to analyze that clip, then launch into your calls and global, national, and news around different regions.
It's here!
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Some folks are born to make the way to fly.
Ooh, some red, white, and blue.
Red, white, and blue.
And when the band plays, hell to the cheeks, Lord knows, they point the cannon at you.
Stop that!
Welcome back!
Think how
Amazing it is that, I mean, it isn't just Newt Gingrich.
What Keith Olbermann will do is show Laura Ingraham, Limbaugh, Hannity, all of them.
I've seen Hannity on TV say every militia member in America needs to be arrested.
I saw that like seven years ago.
I mean, boy, with conservatives like that, we're really in good shape, aren't we?
And they're just out there constantly.
And then under Clinton, with the ADL and the police and the training manuals, arrest anybody that makes frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution and ban websites.
I mean, this is what the government wants.
They have to, because they're criminals.
The government has been hijacked, simply put, by criminals.
And they get up at CFR meetings and snicker and joke about how they're getting rid of the country and how they don't tell their constituents.
Because they know their constituents don't watch C-SPAN.
David Rockefeller, in his last book called Memoirs, put out in 2003, and I own it, it's on my bookshelf, says, I ought to go pull the quote, it's not here at the office, but I can find it online, to paraphrase, he just says, yeah, people say I'm in a conspiracy for world government to get rid of the sovereignty of the U.S., and if that's the charge, I say guilty.
And that's basically exactly what he said, he says, if that's the charge, I say guilty.
And then I've got a, I mean, in this YouTube clip,
From C-SPAN.
Dick Cheney says, I ran the CFR.
I kept it a secret from my constituents.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
David Rockefeller's there thanking him.
And then the neocon posters under it say, he actually fights the evil people like Rockefeller.
He actually fights the Eastern Establishment.
No, he was never, he never was in the, never ran anything there.
This is all lies!
It's Dick Cheney saying it!
I mean, that's the type of denial.
Just like when I went to a gun shop a few months ago to do the Dick Cheney shooting test, I went and bought basically the same shotgun, a cheap version of it, but the same choke, the same round, you know, the same load, and uh, not a round, a load, and went out and did the test, and when I was there, I had guys going, you know Alex, I like you, but I don't like you lying about him being for the assault weapons ban.
He was against that.
And then the manager goes, no, no Bob, he was for it.
Just please, please stop it!
Do you owe your allegiance to these sniveling Republicans or to the Republic?
And look, the Democrats have gone in, they're not going to investigate anything.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Let's go ahead and go to Josh in Oregon.
Josh, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, just giving you a call.
I did some calls with congressmen here in Oregon.
In reference to that North American Union, it was a complete fiasco.
Yeah, let me guess, they said it doesn't exist, right?
Like the CFR doesn't exist!
Right, so I brought up, you know, Ron Paul, it was another Congressman in Colorado, and also, you know, detailed information, and then she turns around and says, well that's just one lane of a highway, I said, you know, and then I brought up the driver's license thing,
With another office, and he completely said, well that was... Stay there, I want to hear this.
You see, I didn't talk to you before you came on air, did I?
I didn't ask what you were even calling about, did I?
No, I, I... No, no, but I want to make the point is I knew what they'd say.
Because I get people send me copies of the letters.
They say, it doesn't exist, this is not an assault, just like Waco, the tank's ramming down the building, and they're saying this is not an assault.
There is no world government, lay down, stand down, everything's fine, stay there, we'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number two.
In the first hour, I played a clip where Dick Cheney was on C-SPAN saying that he was the head of the CFR in the past, that he kept it secret from his constituents when he was a congressman.
Isn't that just pretty?
And then there were comments under it on the video blog, people going, it's not true, it's a lie, the video's not real, I mean, it's just delusional!
And we were just talking to a caller, we're going to take a lot of calls now in this hour and cover a bunch of news, Josh in Oregon, who called a bunch of his congressmen and women, trying to bring up the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the North American Union, the Globalist and CFR documents that run this say
You know, they wrote the document towards the North American Union, and I get the letters, I've seen it published in newspapers, where different Senators and Congressmen say it doesn't exist, it's a lie.
Now, remember ten years ago they said the CFR didn't exist.
The Mildenberg Group didn't exist.
Now they're all over TV calling for world government.
So it's basic propaganda to say this is not an assault, or no, we're not attacking, or no, we're not doing this, while they do it.
It's amazing.
Go ahead and finish up, Josh.
Yeah, Alex, anyway, I brought up the driver's license, and he said it was voted down.
I said, well, what about the Department of Transportation?
He said, what was voted down?
Hold on, hold on.
What was voted down?
Well, according to him, I brought up the national ID.
Right, and he comes back to it.
Total lie, the Real ID Act was passed in early 2005 and becomes law in 2008 and it's already been implemented by 48 states, standardization, so they said that doesn't exist either.
Right, but I know that, but what he did was try to hide behind the driver's license of the Department of Transportation, all this is going into a federal database.
Yeah, what they do is, sir, they lie to you, and they know what they're doing, they're there to pacify you.
Well, anyway, here's the deal, Alex.
You know, anyway, I want to encourage everyone to call the congressman up and turn the heat up on this thing.
And also, I want to talk to the techies out there.
We've been punching your CDs out, taking them to the people, and it's got a great response.
If you don't have the money, I'm talking to the techies out there and people listening, if you don't have the money for the CD,
Then get with a couple of people, order the CD from Alex Jones, and get Aaron Russo's CD.
Also, you techies out there, it's got some parts and pieces in your boxes, or maybe in your storerooms from your networks.
Part some more boxes together, get them online, get these CDs out.
People's gotta know.
Hey, Alex Jones, we love you, man.
Well, listen, I've been interrupting you because I wanted details.
Stay with us for a moment.
So, you're calling him up about the National ID Card.
You're calling him up about the North American Union.
And, I mean, describe how these calls go.
Well, the calls first go, you know, you bring up the NAFTA highway, for example, it goes from total denial, and then when you start bringing up information or evidence, you know, for example, Congressman Tacredo,
For example, is against federalism.
Yeah, Lou Dobbs, we have their own documents.
They then say, oh yeah, it's just one road.
No, it's 82 of the federal highways and then all the major feeders and side-connecting state roads.
But see, it proves they're liars because they first deny it to you, then when you show facts, they then try to limit the facts.
Right, well what they do, they do the backstroke and then the best she could come up with was, this is just an additional lane.
And the bottom line is this, you know, you've got two, and I'm not talking parties people, you know, like Republican, Democrat.
You've got two segments of American government.
The first one wants to go with the Constitution.
The other side don't give a crap.
They want a North American Union.
That's right, you've got a very small minority that wants the Constitution in Congress, and then you've got the majority of the Democrats and Republicans totally bought and paid for, just looting the daylights out of the entire economy.
Right, so get it out of your head this is a Republican or Democratic issue.
It's not, because you've got people on both sides of the party that are completely against this.
And the truck drivers, the longshoremen,
Everybody that does transportation and moving and stuff ought to be up in arms because this is going to take your jobs away.
Yeah, but that's just the start.
You're right.
We'll be back with more calls.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Alright, let's go right back to your calls.
Then I'm going to get into the Pentagon Working Group, study groups, propaganda.
Oh, there's so much here in the stack.
It's all very important.
We've got some more audio clips we'll be playing as well.
Open phones, though, for the entire broadcast.
In about 20 minutes, I'm going to have Kevin in the studio for a few minutes to tell you a story about going into Bank of America yesterday with a check he had, and it was just all in Spanish, and it was all big maps of Mexico, and he brought some of the brochures back to the office this morning.
Let's go ahead and talk to Frank.
Frank, where are you calling us from today?
From New York, Alex.
I called on Monday, and you cut me off really quickly.
You wouldn't let me... When I said the Alexander Litvinenko... I'm going to stop you right there.
I'm going to stop you right there.
That's a lie.
You were on for...
For I think like four minutes.
And I remember your call and I let you say everything.
I let you repeat the same thing like three or four times.
And you just said I cut you off really quickly.
Let me finish.
No, no.
Hold on.
Hold on.
What time did you call on Monday?
What hour was it?
I'm going to go pull the clip right now.
You called... I just said the London media and the U.S.
media had the story completely wrong, and I've been proven that today.
In Europe, the stuff is coming out that the assassination... No, I know.
I'm going to stop you, sir.
I'm going to let you talk in a minute, okay?
But you're not going to come on my show and imply I'm censoring you when I didn't.
I don't appreciate that.
We didn't ask you what you were calling about.
We just asked your name and where you were calling from.
And then you come on my show and you fight dirty.
You come on my broadcast and you tell me that I didn't let you talk and I cut you off quick the other day.
I'm sick of it!
I'm sick of being misrepresented.
Now I'm gonna let you talk here in a second.
But on this whole case, when I was out of town last week,
And that was in my notes to talk about today.
That's why I canceled me yesterday, so I had time to talk about this.
When I was out of town last week, Paul Watson and Steve Watson both wrote articles, and we usually agree with each other on about 97% of stuff, and Paul saying, you know, it looks like Putin could be involved in this.
Why is everybody saying it's gotta be Israel?
We think Putin's evil.
We know he was involved in blowing up his own apartment buildings.
We know the Litvinenko guy was involved in exposing the fact that Putin carried those out.
We know that Putin has clearly been killing, or having reporters killed, that have been exposing Beslan and other things.
So all we're saying is, Putin is not a good guy and not some savior.
Now, I told Paul Watson two days ago that I want him to do more research, because I've been doing it,
And I'm too busy to write a bunch of articles, and that this thing is a super mystery now, because they have found at Litvinenko, some of his associates, the billionaire Israeli and others, they have found this same isotope at his office.
They have now found it in planes going back and forth to Russia and then the question is why would Litvinenko then on his deathbed say and name the Russian intelligence agent he believed killed him?
Why on your deathbed would you lie and say it was Russia if you thought that Israeli agents had killed you?
Oh, he hung up.
Go ahead and call back in sir, but I'm going to make my points.
See, that's the only way he could make his point.
Do you remember when he called?
I think he called... I think we got to him in the middle of the second hour.
And did he say he called Monday?
I remember him calling him.
Will you go find his call?
Find his call, and then just time out how long it is.
Because, again, he claimed that I, uh... But anyways, let me just finish what I'm saying.
And so, there is a lot of evidence that Israeli intelligence was involved in this.
This is not some dictatorship of the mind here.
You know, Aaron Dykes writes articles, a lot of times with zero input from myself.
I normally agree with almost all of it.
Steve and Paul write articles I don't totally agree with sometimes but I did agree with their article in that it was asking questions and saying why are we immediately saying it's Israel and then we had Steve on Monday saying we don't know there's evidence on both sides but then people choose to then claim that because we're being deliberative and trying to really find out who's involved here that we're covering for Israel always the same story
Okay, now I'm saying that 55%, maybe even 60% of the evidence is pointing towards Israel or Israeli Mafia, subgroups there.
But, again, the strongest piece against that is Litvinenko's deathbed, and he said it a few days before he died, too, that he believed the Russians had done it.
Now the question is, is that deathbed statement a lie?
Well, reportedly there were police there.
Are they lying?
I just can't put it past them.
But then you've got to look at the other side.
Did somebody in Baravosky's, you know, the Jewish billionaire who was in business with Len Fadinko, the former KGB agent, did they plant, did the police plant evidence at his place of it?
So we've been posting pro and con on all sides of this.
And that's what happened.
Did he call back?
Did Frank call back?
Frank, again, you made a false statement here.
I wanted, because you were going to try to talk over me, I wanted to make my statement.
And you're welcome to call back in if you can get back in at 1-800-259-9231.
And we will put you on air and I'll give you a couple minutes.
And I was nice to you the other day.
I let you talk a bunch.
If memory serves,
I think it was most of the middle of the small segment.
I think it was from 24 to 30.
Yeah, I think it was only about 3 to 4 minutes of that 5 minute segment.
In the middle of the show.
And again, I'm tired of that!
I'm tired of the fact that the mainstream media censors people, and then you don't ever call in and talk about their call screeners and their control, and then we get accused of the opposite of what we do here.
So, just amazing.
So, there you have it.
I don't know.
What I don't... I'll just go... In fact, I meant to talk about this today.
I'll just go ahead and do it now, then we'll go to more of your calls.
I set about looking for the truth.
Whatever that truth is, whatever the reality is, we will cover it here.
Twelve years ago when I got started in this, I didn't know about skull and bones.
I guess I was just starting to learn about it.
I didn't know about Bohemian Grove and Illuminati ceremonies.
I found out it's true.
It's bizarre.
It governs much of our society.
Their symbols are everywhere.
It is real.
And so, I cover that fashion.
There is clear corruption in the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is clearly pushing for a One World Government, calling for a New World Order, and saying all the religions are the same, and meeting with 33 leaders, and all the rest of it, and going to mosque, and all of this.
But that doesn't mean that I'm blaming Catholics, or saying that's what runs it.
But certainly the New World Order is in control of it.
Does it matter either way?
We know the New World Order is running it now!
Then we have some big debate about, well, what came first, the chicken or the egg?
The Protestant leaders, by and large, in this country,
You know, push a pro-New World Order, global military attacks on countries.
Same group!
Israel is completely run by the New World Order and a global mafia, and clearly is involved in manipulating our government and blackmailing.
So are the British!
So because I sit here and try to give you a wide spectrum, that's my telltale sign, that's my marker, I cover it all.
I hit it all.
And then people say, oh, Alex Jones is nuts, you know, he says there's evil Luciferians at the top running this whole thing, when it isn't!
It's the Catholics, it's the Jews, it's the Chinese, it's the... Well, it doesn't matter if it's the Jewish leadership, the Chinese leadership, the Russian leadership, they're all involved!
Tony Blair goes to weird occult activities.
It just keeps popping up!
It's real!
I mean, look at the Israeli Supreme Court building, giant Al-Singh eyes and pyramids with lightning bolts, completely Illuminati.
You cannot avoid that.
You cannot ignore that.
And I really think it blocks out a lot of debate, and it's factionalization.
The New World Order doesn't want us fighting the central banks, whoever runs them.
The New World Order doesn't want us fighting the open borders.
Okay, they don't, and you notice the people constantly talking about Catholics all day, are constantly talking about Jews all day, are constantly talking about all this stuff.
They, it's never about the open borders and how to fix it.
It's never about how to get us out of the UN.
It's never how to defeat the New World Order.
It's never educate the people about how the banking system works.
It's just literally parroting Catholic, Catholic, Assassin, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Reptoid, Lizard, Jew.
I mean, I got sites criticizing me because I won't say it's the secret alien reptoids running things.
Folks, I stick with what I can document and what I can prove, and that is legion.
And I'm just so tired of it switching off debate, switching off discussion.
People think they've broken some big taboo when they attack Jews or they attack Catholics or they attack, you know, the normal rubrics.
And it does nothing!
Actual Zionist ADL documents say they want to encourage anti-Semitism because then that forces Jews into serving that Jewish elite.
It's the same thing here in America.
You know, they use the Muslim threat to then get everybody to serve the government.
to corral us under their control.
I mean, I really sit here, and number one, try to tell the truth, try to work hard, try to make films, write articles, bring you guests, cover issues, show you different sides, have real debates, and there's this orthodoxy, where everybody's fighting with each other, going, he's a co-agitator, adjunct of the Jesuit general!
He's a Scientologist!
He's a Zionist!
Alex Jones is a Jew!
Which is quite offensive.
Not that the fact that it would be offensive to be Jewish, but that it's offensive that you guys are so nuts that you think if I was Jewish, that would be some evil thing.
I'm not!
Just all the incredible things that get made up.
And all these anti-Semites that started out years ago going, it's just the Zionists, it's just the Zionists, it's just the Zionists.
We're not against Jews.
Now it's Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews.
You couldn't help the New World Order better.
You couldn't be empowering them more.
I mean, we wrote an article about Hitler being bad the other day and got an email saying, actually, the pure was good and... Just give me a break!
Give me a break!
It's a fact.
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Look, we've got a lot of phone lines, a lot of people I want to talk to.
But this goes to the heart of the disinformation.
If you disagree with somebody, and you didn't actually know Koehler, then I'd probably actually agree with you.
The evidence is starting to point towards Israeli intelligence, because Israeli interests own a lot of the property in Russia, and a lot of the control of the oligarchs, and now they're losing some of that control, so there's some infighting.
But you had to come out and try to discredit me by saying that I've been cutting you off and not letting you talk.
We tried to listen to the entire call recorded from a few days ago live on air, and we stopped it over six minutes.
So it was actually another longer segment.
And John Harmon, who runs the broadcast, is there with it still playing in the background.
John, over six minutes I gave the guy, and I'm accused of not letting him talk.
He had plenty of time to talk, he made his points, and yeah, he came on here barking at you, complaining that you cut him off right away.
And then he hung up because I was going to put him on hold and counter the propaganda, and I guess that's the only way he could make his argument look good, maybe hoping somebody thought we hung up on him.
Is he still talking in the background?
He's still talking, you see?
It's been playing ever since the last segment.
So what, about 17 after?
Or when did you start listening to that?
Oh God, I'd be 15 after or so.
Oh, so now it's, I gave him 10 minutes.
Plenty, plenty of time.
Well, let's get the exact timing out.
Who knows, at the end of the show I may play the call.
You see folks, there's a lot of disinfo out there.
I get accused of not letting people talk, and the average talk show gives you about 60 seconds.
I end up giving the average caller about, well in the past it was about five minutes, now it's about three.
But see, I actually comment, ooh, not supposed to do that!
Not supposed to do that!
So again, can't actually counter what we're saying, make false claims that we're censoring.
I'm tired of it.
John, anything else you want to say?
No, that's about it.
Thanks for letting me come on.
Hey, what do you think about the Russia thing?
I tell you, there's evidence on both sides.
I actually haven't looked at all the information to clearly understand what's going on with all that, but yeah, it looks suspicious.
Well, my point is, are we even allowed to have a debate now?
All these people out there who have views, it's like you've got to say it's this group or it's that group.
I'm just not going to do that, folks.
I'm going to continue to study the overall structure of this.
Evil existed, by the way, in this world before Catholics or Jews or Protestants or Germans came on the scene, and it's always been easy to say one group is behind all the evil, and then to shut off all real debate and just repeat the same name over and over again ad nauseum.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's go to Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi Alex, and thank you for taking my call.
When you first came on the air, I thought I heard, and I wasn't sure because I was interrupted, and did you say that someone put a contract or somebody on the internet for your life?
What I was doing is, I was actually doing something I should do more often.
I was reading blogs, emails, message board comments.
There was a video of myself at Ground Zero speaking on a bullhorn.
And the first poster came on and said, I'll pay somebody $50,000 to kill Alex Jones.
Private message me and we'll make arrangements.
And so I was just illustrating that these neocons think it's their right to talk like that.
And if I actually follow this up,
I mean, I know how the government works.
This person will be arrested for soliciting murder for hire.
And the point is, I may not even follow it up.
I mean, my point is, it just shows how they think we're subhuman.
They think we're going to roll over to them.
Well, that's the reason why I'm calling.
I buy tapes and other items, books from you.
But today, I'm going to contribute $200 to you because we need to send a message to them.
That we're not going to put up with it.
In fact, we want you stronger, we want you bigger, and we are very thankful for this broadcast.
Well, I'm very thankful to you, but I would just say, you don't need to give me $200.
No, no, no.
You never asked for it.
Buy $200 worth of DVDs, then you know you've gotten something that will go towards the fight.
Well, Alex, we are very, very grateful, but we've got to send a message, and we have got to go in our pockets.
When I say
He was the House Speaker that was the grand sponsor of NAFTA, and we're financing our own slavery out here with NAFTA and these other trade agreements.
We are, and you know, when Laura Ingraham attacks me and says I'm a traitor Al-Qaeda, when these national people do it, I mean, I'm being attacked by national hosts, they're saying I should be arrested, there are people saying I should be killed, openly contracting for my murder, even if they're joking, it's not a joke,
I mean, it just shows what we're up against, folks.
This isn't a game.
This isn't a drill.
I appreciate your call, and I appreciate your fine points.
Please call back again.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to go through some of the calls that have been holding the longest.
Then I'm going to have Kevin in for about five minutes to talk about what he saw at Bank of America.
Then I'm going to go through some more news and continue with the calls for the rest of the show today.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
We have the guy's call from a few days ago, and I don't want to spend too much more time on this, but the reason it's important is, he was saying that he believed that somebody else was involved in the killing of this former KGB agent who'd blown the whistle on Putin carrying out terror attacks and other things, than Putin.
And I was saying, we didn't have enough information,
I was saying, I was mainly arguing with him about the fact that it turned out that Lord Rockefeller, excuse me, Lord Rothschild, it was in the Times of London and other publications, had been the secret owner of Yukos when Putin grabbed one of the directors.
That had come out, and then he was saying, no, no, no, and I was saying, man, I read that in the newspaper, so are you saying it isn't true?
So if I debated with him on anything, it was about that.
Then he called in earlier,
Saying that we had cut him off and hadn't let him talk the other day.
Well, it was over a seven-minute call.
We went and taped it.
We're not going to play it again.
You can go back to the archives.
What day was that, John, so folks can if they want to?
So I'm just illustrating that we get accused of this all the time, and I'm tired of it.
Alex cut a caller off when he brought something up key.
Not true.
I mean, that may mean I argue with him, but I tend to actually agree with the caller that there is something rotten in the state of Denmark, and it could be bigger than was first thought.
And that's really what Steve and Paul have been saying from the beginning.
I guess Paul had one article that was leaning towards Putin.
But then he just called in and was telling John Harmon, who you heard on there earlier, who runs the show, that he was mad and he's Jewish and he's not anti-Semite.
Sir, I'm not talking about you.
I'm saying people that have attacked this, articles that have been written, things that have been said on this subject.
And I was talking about a bunch of other issues
I think you've done some interesting things opening up the political discourse, but I think you're burning out and you're melting down on the air.
And I wanted to say this, and allow me to say this, that
I had said that Putin, I don't believe, was behind this.
Look to the executives that left Yukos with all the assets.
And what's come out today in the media in Europe is the fact that Boris, one of the oligarchs that escaped with assets, is in partnership with the second in command at Yukos that's now living in the Middle East, and Neil Bush is in on a business deal with him.
So when you begin to connect the dots,
You know, maybe it's time to look at those that have been screaming the loudest, the Yukos executives left with the assets from Russia, and see basically how I still don't understand how a former chairman of Yukos Oil can go down to Washington and instruct the Congress
At a conference on why they should not allow Russia to join the GATT or the EU.
Let me go back now.
Let me talk for a second here.
You've got seven minutes to go.
What I'm trying to understand here is, number one, you called in and said I didn't let you talk the other day.
Number two, you just said I'm burning out on air.
I've never been happier or healthier.
My trademark is blowing up on the air.
I guess you haven't been listening very long?
I've listened quite a bit and I've called in with many insightful remarks that you've agreed with.
Okay, but I mean, now you're telling me that it's all over for me now, too.
That's a nice attack.
You have to be a little more calm, Alex, or people are going to not follow the message.
Yeah, that's a condescending... more people are following the truth than ever.
It's not my message.
But a nice little elitist, high and mighty, condescending comment, sir.
Let's go back to your first claim, your ad hominem attack, that you were not allowed to talk and that I cut you off.
Why'd you make that false statement?
No, I'm not making a false statement.
Ultimately, Alex... You know, you didn't back up your evidence.
Put him on hold.
Put him on hold.
You didn't back up your evidence, sir.
Prove I censored you.
Prove I cut you off.
Prove I didn't let you talk.
Go ahead.
Because, Alex, when I was raising the point about the possible people behind the murder of the former Soviet KGB agent in London, you immediately started to say that, oh, you're all going to say blame it on Israel and the Jews and blah blah blah blah blah.
And I never raised that point, and I think that was really a very short cut.
In fact, it was bizarre.
Well, I mean, hold on.
Who do you think?
Now I'm really confused, because clearly it is Israeli interests that are involved there at Yukos, and most of the oligarchs just so happen, not most, all, were Jewish.
So now I'm really confused.
There's only one oligarch that has Israeli citizenship, who is number two at Yukos, and he's actually... Yeah, but anybody who's Jewish can go to Israel.
The point is, not all the oligarchs are Jewish with Yukos.
Well, no, there's only six oligarchs.
No, actually... Every executive is not an oligarch.
If you look at the Forbes list of the richest Russians, you'll see there's a list of a hundred.
I suggest you do this.
Well, Frontline only says there's six oligarchs, and there's six big guys, and I think they've done some pretty good research.
You're welcome to write this up in an article for us, and if you'd like to put your findings in footnote, we'll post it on Prison Planet or InfoWars, or perhaps both.
Do you have our email addresses?
To be a little kinder to your callers, and you have to be willing to understand... Sir, I think we've spent enough time with you, thank you.
See, I just gave the guy all the opportunity in the world to be friendly,
To be nice.
To not make false statements.
It's a bizarre phone call.
And again, it just illustrates the type of stuff we deal with.
Okay, I promise I'm going to get to James and Omar and Gary and a few others before I get into some other news and play some other clips.
But Kevin has a fan in his hand of brochures.
And I talked to you about, what, 10 o'clock last night?
You were at the office working.
I was on IM talking to you.
You were pretty hot then, Kevin.
Give me that same description that you told me about last night of what you witnessed at one of the big branch banks here in Central Austin for Bank of America.
Well Alex, you know we do some of our business banking with that company and I was out and about running errands and I thought I'll just go cash this check instead of depositing my own bank.
I went in and I go in there from time to time but it's been a few weeks.
I go in and the branch manager wants you to steer you outside, use the teller machine.
I said, no, I need to use the tellers, the actual people.
And I look up on the wall behind the tellers and there's this new three-dimensional graphic map that actually sticks out into, you know, it's a three-dimensional map and it's a map of Mexico.
And basically it's heralding the fact that it's SafeSend and it's trademarked.
It's called SafeSend.
It's so easy to send money to Mexico for free.
And I just, and I looked, and there wasn't the normal bilingual language that we've been used to for a while here.
It was only in Spanish.
There was no English, and I look at the flyers on the, in the little display, and they're all Spanish.
And a few of them have an alternate version that's in English, or maybe you can flip it, and it's in English on the other side.
But the point is, all the people in these photos, in these brochures, are Hispanic.
uh... every single one there's not a white person there's not a black person in any of these ads and
It was just so over the top yesterday and it just made my blood boil.
I don't know.
Now we're going to go to Spanish.
And it actually, I mean, it's not going to be even English.
Do you understand, folks?
And this is all part of the New World Order plan, like there's going to be French Quebec or something.
This is all part of their plan, just like the Mexicans are riding in Mexico, and I don't blame them riding there now, but the globalists have got them in every major city, they give one order to their groups, they'll burn down every major U.S.
This is the New World Order
You know, way to destroy America, you know, kind of like in the James Bond movie where they got the exploding microchip in the head.
Well, that's the exploding microchip in the head of America, or maybe Baron Harkonnen with the heart plug.
You know, you pull the plug and it pulls a hole in the heart, and the blood all spills out.
And, I mean, the globalism is moving against Europe, moving against the U.S.
It's about destroying middle classes.
The majority of Hispanics see through it, but the corporations are funding this and selling this and doing this.
So, now, I've been in a few back of Americas.
And I've seen this myself at other banks.
Wells Fargo is even worse.
It's just giant, huge displays, everything in Spanish.
I told the story about being at Bank of America years ago, and I'm sitting there, and I'm watching illegal aliens, you know, clearly illegal aliens in the work boots, the cowboy hats, don't speak a lick of English.
They're outside in trucks, ten of them, they come in, and the guy goes right up to a Spanish speaker, and I'm seeing no documents being shown.
Well, now the AP three weeks ago, I heard on Zach McClam's show and got the AP article, said that hundreds of these lenders, thousands of branches, they asked for no ID, but citizens then all have to have it.
So, literally, racketeering going on.
Sorry Kevin, go ahead.
Well, you know, one of these brochures that it was only available in Spanish, and it's not like there was a Hispanic section that you could understand how to bank like everyone else.
No, it's all Spanish.
It was all Spanish, and it makes me think we had this bilingual education in the state of Texas for quite a while now.
See, that's another article I've got to get us to write.
It's Texas Two-Way, that's what it's called.
They are getting rid of English.
Well, I was thinking about it.
Now, if that was what their goal was, bilingual education way back when, I guess they should have been teaching us Spanish, not the Spanish speakers English.
You know, they could have, of course, done it with an accelerated program, got them up to speed fast, but instead they'd like to slow the whole class down, bring everybody down.
But, I mean, it was just so blatant in my face yesterday, and the message it was sending to me was just,
You are not going to get a loan.
We don't care about your IDs or your financial worth, your ability to pay back a loan.
It's not about you.
It's about this immigrant third world population coming in.
I mean, how can they have a brochure from Bank of America to give these people housing loans?
How on earth?
If you don't dot an I or cross a T on your loan application, you get denied.
These people, like you said, do not.
It's not even a matter of having the matricular consular card.
They don't have anything.
So, I mean, it was just...
I don't know why yesterday, but it hit me square in the face and it was so offensive to me.
And I said, you know, when the guy was trying to push me out the door, I looked at that sign and I said, listen, buddy, this is still America.
I'm offended.
I'd like to read what that says in English.
I don't speak Spanish.
And it's not Audubon just yet.
And everybody in line, you know, turned around, three quarters of them.
They all knew what that meant.
Oh, he knows.
We got one that can see.
It's like in They Live, you put the sunglasses on.
Yeah and then when we walked out I walked out of course there's a couple gangbanger types out there you know giving you the the look you know the what's up but it just kind of hangs and where they're kind of making a threatening posturing towards you and I just
I don't know.
I didn't know I was supposed to not like Hispanic people.
This is a new thing to me.
I've got cousins that are Hispanic.
I've had fraternity brothers that are Hispanic.
I've had girlfriends that are Hispanic.
And it really only in the last... That's what you all say.
You're going to die, Gringo.
Planet San Diego.
We're killing every one of you.
Apparently, yeah.
That's the thing.
I mean, the head of U.T.
Chicano Department says we will all be killed as soon as possible.
And he's giving U.T.
Ford Foundation funding.
This is to bring down America, they're doing a great job, and everywhere it's going to Spanish only, and that's why Farmer's Branch in Dallas had to pass a law saying you can't make somebody speak Spanish to have a job, and the feds are coming in to sue them to block it.
Yeah, exactly.
I just, I mean, I'm still in kind of a quandary, I'm in this limbo weird, you know,
Surreal kind of a feeling right now, but I mean think about what this is.
This isn't like a corner grocery in a predominantly Hispanic part of town that's decided to do this.
This is a bank.
This is the big boy.
You went to the big huge one down the street?
Yeah, right around the corner down here, but I mean it's a bank.
It's the banksters.
They seem to know what the plan is long before the rest of them.
No, no, no.
I mean, is the big one on Congress or the big one on Old Torf?
On Congress, just down from Old Torf, yeah.
Yeah, the big one.
Mm-hmm, yeah.
Yeah, not a little small branch, and it was different.
Yeah, because I was in an Albertsons where they had a branch bank I won a few months ago, and it was all in Spanish too, and I was like, is this a joke?
And I was busy and kind of forgot about it.
What was that Texas Two way thing?
I guess I need to go in there and watch to see that, you know, if I go in, since it's not my bank, it's an account with a business' bank account, I have to thumbprint.
To cash that check.
And I'm wondering, do these Hispanics... No, they don't have to.
And if they did, why would they?
There's no database.
No, no, no.
Listen, they have special tellers.
Listen, I learned this because, you know, I guess it was ten years ago, I banked at a bank, and then Bank of America bought it.
That's why we still have one account there.
And I want to get away from them.
And I'm in there, and I've seen it over and over again.
They have total service for the illegal aliens.
American Hispanics walk in, blacks, whites,
You'll sit in line 45 minutes, and man, they'll have like two or three people just for the illegals.
They're right there, they're very, oh yes sir, oh, and they speak to them in Spanish, and then there's no ID giving, and they just, and then boom, the bank account's set up, the loan's given, and again, I have a family friend, it's my parent's friend, I've known her since I was three years old, manages the biggest apartment complex in Austin, works for the biggest company in the nation.
Three years ago was the Christmas party, Christmas corporate meeting, it was like a week up in Dallas.
I'd get her on air, but she still works for him.
I already asked her to.
She won't.
And they said, listen, we're in a program and an agreement with the government.
The federal government is paying us a subsidy, but you've got to keep this secret.
This is confidential.
To open the door for immigrants.
And so let as many as they want stay because normally you put somebody else in an apartment they kick you out or you know they fine you but they said if citizens do it get them out we want to make room for the illegals and this was a middle-class apartment it is now everybody's leaving it's all crime-ridden
And I mean, they've got a plan, Kevin.
It is to displace the middle class, destroy it.
This is economic war.
And the Democrats and the Republicans are together.
Now they're going to have blanket amnesty, a Pan-American ID card.
It's here, Kevin.
It sure seems to be.
And the only thing that Paca Crooks, the Republican House, was
We're good to go.
It's horrible and we had Tim O'Heron, the pro-Tim from Farmer's Branch, and the ACLU is out there saying, well, they made it English only, they're xenophobic or racist.
That's not the case.
They made it illegal to discriminate against someone for not being able to speak Spanish.
Here's the deal.
We can't do it all.
People need to go into Bank of America, they need to go into Wells Fargo, you need to try to send money to Mexico.
Okay, even if you have to send it to some car dealership or something, just to get the transfer down there, and then watch them not give it to you.
Or try to go get a housing loan without ID, but the banks will pay the lawsuits, they don't care.
This is a strategic plan, this is key to bleed out this country.
You know Alex, that song we played two days ago, Johnny Tex and the Texicans, about
You know, goodbye Texaco.
He's going to flip it and he's going to go to Mexico.
And yesterday, Lou Dobbs said it.
And it was on Lou Dobbs' site yesterday.
So, I mean, how would that fly?
You go to Mexico, you say, I'm not going to speak Spanish.
I'm only speaking English.
I'm going into your bank.
I want you to money transfer my money for free to my accounts in America.
Yeah, I don't get that.
No way!
So, anyway, I'm done.
I'm just flustered.
It's not a level playing field.
Okay, and it's like, oh, we just take jobs you don't want.
That's because the wages have been driven down to nothing.
The globalists have shed its economic warfare.
Thanks, Kevin.
You bet.
We'll come back.
I promise we'll run through the callers and continue.
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I think so.
I think so.
I think so.
Let's go straight back to your calls.
Let's talk to James in Maryland.
Thanks for holding that Omar and others.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I was calling, I called about a week and a half ago and got very excited and we argued and I love the truth too Alex so since then I've been studying very hard about the claims that you were making and boy
I just don't know what to think anymore about Israel.
I was shocked and very sad.
For those that don't remember, you called in and we're basically talking about, you weren't saying, but we're talking about the doctrine where we're not supposed to ever criticize Israel, we're supposed to support the State of Israel.
And, again, I've been neutral on this subject.
My only point is that in my Bible, the Antichrist was going to rule from there for a time, and then the churches don't say that.
They say the Antichrist is going to try to attack Israel.
Well, no, the Antichrist basically... And then there's an army that comes in.
It's all very complex, and all I was saying is that it's more complex than what we're hearing from the preachers.
What have you found since you started researching?
Well, I've known for some time from scriptural, well, prophecy that the Antichrist is going to come from the tribe of Dan.
That's the majority of rabbinical thought and Christian apologists throughout the ages.
And I've also looked at the Israeli Supreme Court and the fact that the Rothschilds funded it and the Masons built it and things of this nature.
The Knesset and the
Refounding of the Sanhedrin a year ago, October, or two years ago, October, and just some of the things that have been done by Ariel Sharon and Ehud Omer and these different people.
I mean, you really don't even have to look too hard.
I apologize to you for
I was speaking out of turn, and I just don't know what to think about that.
Well, I didn't even know what we were fighting about.
I mean, you seemed like you were... Well, you had a guest on that was talking about the Palestinian people had been dispossessed, moved out of their land and the Palestinian land and this, that, and the other.
And you were saying the land was given to Israel, which it was given to Israel by God.
I wasn't debating that.
I was just saying, if the Palestinians had been there since 70 A.D.
when Titus sacked it, and by the way, folks, they were there before.
Everybody was getting along with each other.
It was a multicultural city.
There were Greeks.
There were Romans there.
Before all of that happened, the city was in rebellion in 1870, and that's why the Romans came and did that.
I'm not defending what the Romans did, I'm stating why it happened.
The Romans were there before that.
I mean, my only point is, is that Christ says there won't be one stone on top of another when he returns, and then we're not hearing that from the churches.
We're hearing we've got to go build a new temple, and that Jesus is going to reign from there.
Well, that's what the Antichrist says he's going to do, is he's going to say he's Jesus.
And I'm saying the churches are ready to just accept Antichrist.
I agree with you 100%.
And I agree with everything that you just said.
I've known these things for a long time, but I still did believe that
The Hebrews, I thought that Hitler was birth pains, and that the Jews had been returned to Israel by the Father according to prophecy, but upon deeper inspection, I begin to question that premise.
Well, what did you find?
Tell us what you found, quickly.
Just that I don't...Yahushua, the Messiah, cursed the fig tree that is National Israel.
He did say that their house was left to them desolate.
And that they would not see him again until they learn to cry, blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh.
So... Yeah, he said until they accepted the Messiah, Israel wouldn't be founded again.
See, that's what I... And again, it's my fault, I guess, because I've actually sat in Sunday School and actually read the Bible, and so then I hear these preachers, and it's... Again, we ought to have a bunch of pastors on and have a big debate about it, because it's so important.
Even if you're not a Christian out there, this is what's driving all the policies right now.
Thanks for the call.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I can't believe we're already into hour number three.
Bob Dacey writes for the
New American Magazine.
Good friend of mine.
I'm the, as many say, the person that woke him up, I guess over a decade ago now.
He heard me on the radio and didn't believe the things I was talking about, so he went and researched them and found out they were true.
He'll be joining us just for like 5-10 minutes.
I want him to comment on the Dick Cheney clip at a CFR meeting on television about how he kept his CFR membership secret from his constituents.
Hi, how are you doing?
I just wanted to comment about the caller you had on the other day saying, you know, it's time to make a move.
I disagree.
I think there's a lot of people that still need to be educated.
I mean, half the people have never heard of the Trilateral Commission or the CFR or the Federal Reserve.
Let me say this, because what you brought up spurs a thought I've been having privately and never articulated on air, at least not lately.
Folks are saying, we're losing, we're losing, and they're setting up, they're moving forward with their new world order.
But 10 years ago, maybe 5% of people knew what the CFR is.
Now, like, half the public do.
And so, but there's still a bunch of other people we've got to wake up.
We are bringing in a huge harvest in the Info War, and the globalists would love for this to go hot.
They'd love for this to go violent.
So they could have, they're already saying they want to stop our free speech.
I mean, imagine, top neocons and democrats have to get up on TV every day and talk about restricting speech.
They're having to broach it because we're beating them!
We're beating them that way!
I'll shut up, go ahead.
People realize that it's these nefarious institutions like the Fed and the CIA and NSA and so on that need to go, then the problem is going to continue.
You know, they wouldn't need an NSA, they wouldn't need a huge spy agency if they weren't
Making a living hell of everybody else's life around the world.
That's why, you know, people in a way, they hate and they love America.
Exactly, but the crowd that would have us just blame one group of society for all our troubles, they don't want us to cut back the power of the NSA.
They don't want us to cut back the police state.
Regardless of who runs the New World Order, if you cut back and reduce their mechanisms, their conduits of control, their levers,
Well, I guess there you can do it here.
It's pretty difficult for us to exert the power from the regional level, but at least you still have that option there.
I guess until people get
You know, educated enough that, you know, I was watching Glenn Beck, he had Netanyahu on there, and they're gunning for the, you know, looking for more cannon fodder for the Middle East.
Yeah, let me say something about Glenn Beck, and I'll hold you over if you've got more to say, but let me just, well, I'll say it after the break, go ahead.
Well, I just wanted to comment, you know, they're sitting there, and they both basically admitted that Iraq was really about Iran, that somebody, quote somebody, I guess that means America, needs to take out their nuclear capabilities,
And that they're so insane that you can't deter them, and that that means you basically, we need another war, we've got to invade, we might have to get into a nuclear conflict.
And they're talking to people, it's crazy.
Beck says, no, no, you know, we can't talk to people, that's crazy.
So, you know, it's just war, war, war, fight, fight, fight, we need more cannon fodder, you know, so on and so on.
Absolutely, thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
And when we get back, that's a great lead in with Glenn Beck to then talk about the Iraq Study Group.
What they've come out with.
And then after I do that, I'll go to Gary, George, and many others.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
I tell you, there is just so much happening.
It is a very interesting time to be alive, is it not?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
George, Troy, Art, John, and others, your calls are coming up, so remember to join us on this live Thursday edition, 30th day of November 2006, 1-800-259-9231.
Alright, I want to get into Glenn Beck.
The fear-mongering.
I want to get into the Iraq Study Group here briefly, and then we'll go to those calls.
Good old Troy always calls in disagreeing.
This ought to be interesting.
But before we do that, I do want to encourage all of you out there who have not gotten Terror Storm to get it.
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That was too expensive, too much time.
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This is expensive.
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This all takes time.
So I said, you know, we'll just have a subscription service, and then we'll tell the members, burn it to disc, burn it to CD.
And that's what you're doing, and you like a particular TV show I did, a particular interview in studio I did, you like some speech I gave, it's all there.
I mean, it's such an incredible activist tool, presentplanet.tv.
Alright, let me, before we go to these calls, just get into what's happened.
Really, it's not hard to toot my horn.
The globalists have to give orders to all their minions, so much of what they're going to do is hidden in plain view.
They just basically tell it in deceptive little riddles.
But the headline will be, I've got it right here, Iraq Study Group says pullout needed.
Another headline, Iraq Study Group recommends pullout of Iraq.
And I picked it up, and I read it,
And it said exactly what I knew it would say, because they'd already stated it before the group ever got set up.
They said, we want a controlled pullout, build down, but first we have to build this force up.
That's how they've gotten us from a low of $130,000 up to over $160,000 before we pull out, and we're not going to give a timetable for that.
Then, to make that sound like it has credibility and is different, Bush comes out and calls Iraq withdrawal unrealistic, and quote, stands by Iraq Prime Minister, who's their puppet, who then calls for them to stay.
So it's already official.
The UN, who's the real boss, has already authorized another year.
That was signed yesterday.
And then the Iraq Study Group, run by James Baker, who's been in control of the administration the whole time, former Secretary of State, banker to the Carlisle Group, and the Rothschilds, and the Queen of England, publicly.
The guy that blocked the 9-11 victims' family suits against Saudi Arabia.
He comes out and then says, oh, I'm going to punish you, Bush.
You've got to pull the troops out in a phase withdrawal in an unspecified number of years, between two and five, but we still won't set a date.
And then Bush goes, oh, no, that's terrible.
How dare you?
I've been defeated.
Oh, my daddy's man came and made me look stupid.
I fell on the sword when they're saying the exact same thing.
Sure enough, I got emails and saw on message boards.
I go and scan this.
People saying, look, he was wrong.
He said they would recommend they stay.
They're saying pull out.
Can you not read the second line of their press release?
That there not be a date set.
That they build up the troops first.
And that's now what the Democratic leadership is saying, too, and they'll let one or two, quote, hothead Democrats call for a withdrawal now, and, oh, we can't now, it's in total civil war.
Then they have the other angle of propaganda for the diehard, sheeple, humanoid, ultra-liberals that think they're conservative.
These Sean Hannity-type listeners.
They still think WMDs were found.
I hear them every day I tune in.
I'm not kidding.
Every time I tune in on an extended period on some two-hour drive, it's not every day, okay?
Every few weeks I hear it.
I don't listen that much, but if I listen, let's be clear, I listen every day to talk radio, but usually it's 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there, 30 minutes here, 5 minutes there.
But if I ever am on a road trip and listen for hours, I always hear it, okay?
And I hear it about every week when I listen, just by tuning in.
I know you've all heard it.
They say the WMDs were found, and they list the mobile weapons trucks, admitted to be for pumping up balloons, sold by the British serial numbers.
They don't care.
They still say WMDs were found.
Doesn't matter if British commanders say there's no Iranians supporting, no Iranians coming across, it's all lies, because the government can't control all the troops, or all the officers.
They're going to tell the truth.
They just keep regurgitating the same lie.
Even when Bush comes out and says no WMDs were found, he didn't have them, they still say they did.
I'm driving to the office today.
I tune in to Glenn Beck on WAI 1200.
I listen to 20 minutes of it.
And he says that the Muslims are going to kill us all.
They're sworn to murder every one of us.
He never mentions though that Bush should close the borders or stop letting them in.
I mean, if you really believe that, why is there record numbers of immigrants from those nations?
Well, because they love it.
And they will provocateur certain segments to act like that, and then they'll take our rights.
It's just so sick how they operate, okay?
So it gives you all these problems, no solutions.
Then he says Iran's gonna nuke us, and then he goes into how, oh, there's this press report about fake Iraqis putting out propaganda about truck bombings and kidnappings and mass murders, and it turns out it's all lies.
Even the AP got fooled into promoting a lie.
And then he goes on to say, why is it a lie?
Because the Iraqi government has now said that it wasn't true, but then they give no source.
And then Glenn Beck went on to say, anyone who repeats and says it's a civil war, anyone who says that we're losing, anyone who says that we're engaging in massacres, are liars and are aiding Al Qaeda.
And Al-Qaeda, again it's the same thing, Genrich and they're all saying it, sometimes by name they attack me and others.
You see, we're American Al-Qaeda folks, because we didn't fund Al-Qaeda, we're not in bed with the Karloff Group and the Saudis, again, because we're actually against Al-Qaeda, we're Al-Qaeda.
And so this is what they do, this is how they operate, this is how they get their job done.
And they just... Of course it's a civil war!
With the Israeli 83 plan, the Pentagon 2002 plan said, strategy, attention, break it in three parts, turn the different ethnic and religious groups against each other, the Sunni, the Shiite, and the Kurd, have them all slaughtering each other, de-industrialize the nation, shut off oil supply, jock up prices, oil company memos,
But now if you say it's a failure and the troops are getting killed, it's all bad, it's horrible, why, that's enemy propaganda!
Yes, yes, it's all lies.
There aren't truck bombs, there aren't car bombs, there aren't kidnappings, there aren't mass graves, there aren't U.S.
coalition-controlled hit teams all over just killing hundreds a day.
The British Medical Lancet Journal
Which is normally pro-Neocon.
They must be lying.
There's not 654,000 dead in the last three and a half years.
There's not 2.15 million in the last 16 years.
Oh, it's all lies.
Everything just roses over there.
DU's good for you.
Open borders are good for you.
Gun control's good for you.
National ID cards are good for you.
It's just, it's all good, and big government's good, more money spent than all presidents before him combined, the Democrats are all for the war, just everything, it's just, let's take free speech away, let's arrest Alex Jones, it's good, or let's kill him, even better!
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Yeah, there are, uh... Yeah, keep it rolling.
I love this song.
There are...
I've been sent probably 20 of them.
It's been all over the news.
It was sent at the House tonight.
They passed a national ID card a year and a half ago.
And now it's going in.
Just like there's no North American Union.
Just like there's no nothing.
Just like George Bush and the neocons aren't a bunch of un-American trash, and those talk show hosts that defend them aren't a bunch of trash.
Yeah, you're traitors.
You're the ones that are going to go into prison for your traitorous service to the New World Order and the treason against this country.
You want to talk about putting people in prison?
You're the ones that have committed real crimes.
And we're coming for you, trash.
We know we can win, and we're going to win with God's help.
Yeah, they told people to lay down against Hitler because he was the Antichrist.
He couldn't be beat.
He was beat.
And they're all going to be beat.
Driver's license changes will cost you time and money.
Local Austin newscast.
The exact same newscast.
You know, the same words, the same spin.
We've been seeing it for a few months as they prepare the public for their new national ID card.
We're going to play that in the next segment.
George and Indiana holding like a trooper, then Troy and others.
You're on the air.
Yeah, Alex?
Yes, sir?
Just a couple things I wanted to mention.
I'd like for you or some of your partners out there to go and look at www.silentsuperbug.com and tell me what you think.
This thing has kind of shook me up a little bit, but I want you to look at it before you say anything.
Well, what is it?
Well, here's what it says.
Description series revealing video footage about a man-made environmentally resistant and contagious human pathogen.
Oh, it's another TV show hyping the fear to show us how to behave when the Feds release a bio-weapon on us in the future.
Is that right?
I'm just guessing, and they have a hundred TV shows doing it.
Well, this seemed like it was something right from a laboratory, and visitors to the site are just amazing.
Anderson Cancer Center, University of Michigan.
I mean, got a stream going below it that is showing
Virtually everybody that's anybody going to this thing.
Well sure, I mean I was just saying it sounds like one of their TV shows.
Look, it's big business hyping it.
Listen, remember three months ago they had the big North American Union meeting in Canada and it was secret but it leaked out the minutes of it.
It was all the top CEOs, the heads of the State Department, the Canadian and Mexican State Departments, the U.S.
And they were giving them their marching orders, and then you see suddenly, hey, no more IDs, free legals, hey, they do everything in conjunction.
So they have the TV shows hype, the superbugs, then they sell us drugs that don't even treat it, like Tamiflu and Cipro to fight it, which then the globalists make money off of.
Then the shows all show you martial law, how to go to a camp, how it's good to go to a camp.
They're drilling everyone as social creatures to know how to respond when they do this.
Okay, well, one thing I can say about this site, though, it doesn't look like it's something that normal people would go to.
Okay, you know what?
Just email it to me.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go to Troy, good old Troy from West Virginia.
Troy, what's on your mind today?
Well, I've come to the conclusion that you, your guests, your employees, and all the listeners out there are insane fruit loops, total nut balls, mentally ill,
And pathetic losers, basically.
Who was that snickering in the background?
A co-employee.
So this is what you guys do at work, is sit around snickering and... Listen, you goofballs can laugh our butts off.
I got a 60-person dealership that comes back here to listen to this stuff.
It's absolutely hilarious.
So everything's great.
You're selling your cars and having a good time.
That's right.
Like your Bohemian Grove movie, you infiltrated a play there, big boy.
It wasn't a sacrifice.
Sorry to say.
You know, you show your ignorance.
You infiltrated a play.
There was a 1,500 to 2,000 person audience.
Yeah, let me stop you.
When you're at church, and they're up there doing the singing, and that's where plays came from, is stylized religious rituals.
When you're at church, are you at a play when you're in the pews watching the stage?
I haven't been to church in a while.
Okay, but have you noticed that, you know, let's say the rituals in the Catholic Church, it's all ritualized, it's all stylized.
You know, that's how religion is.
I assure you, sir, it was done like a play, and we state that.
There was no sacrifice, nobody was killed.
Trust me, nobody was killed.
I don't say anybody was killed in the film.
Yes, but you're not sure if it's a sacrifice.
Let me tell you, there was no sacrifice, nobody died.
I can assure you of that.
It was a stupid play.
It means nothing.
What about, are you sure, so Skull and Bones, Tony Blair, admittedly, constantly channels a spirit called the Light and falls on the ground flopping around.
These guys are all, they believe it, sir.
Are you saying that there isn't an elite who is into the occult?
As far as I know, there are just a bunch of locals.
Oh, so now the elite doesn't even go to Bohemian Gruff?
I'm sure some do.
They're allowed to go and have a good time.
No, sir, it's a 15-year wedding list, even if you can get into it.
I'm sure they have a good time up there.
Hold on, did you see Helmut Schmidt, the German Chancellor, in his autobiography say it's religious rituals?
I don't care what the guy says.
I know what I saw, and I know there ain't a bunch of... Stay there, stay there.
The German Chancellor now is a liar, too!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
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Troy calls in every few weeks and listeners send me emails accusing me that it's my cousin and this is staged.
No, he's real, folks!
You heard the snickering, the employees... German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt...
German Chancellor wrote in his autobiography, Men and Powers, I show the book, the cover, I show the text, blown up on screen, where he says they do druidic rituals in Germany at a grove, but he really loves this grove the most for their rituals.
Now, he calls it that, but you know, just let's not listen to what he has to say.
Obviously it's stylized.
That's how religious services are.
Look at the Pope over in Turkey right now.
It's all stylized.
Your preacher is on a stage.
We made no secret of that.
The point is, this is mainly Christian conservatives doing this.
Troy, I can't spend all day with you even though
I don't want to say you're entertaining because it's sad.
We told you about the North American Union, it's now here.
We told you about the National ID Card, it's now here.
Let me guess, that's all made up too?
All I can tell you is nobody's putting me into a camp and nobody's killing my four children like your buddy Kevin seems to think.
Y'all, I mean, that's just totally wacky and crazy and just nutty.
My buddy... Kevin seems to think, I mean, the Houston Chronicle reported... I don't care what the Houston Chronicle reported in 1937!
No, no, they reported it this year.
Or 2004, January 2nd, page 3.
I know, it's all you ever do.
No, but, no, it wasn't 2004, it was this year.
It was in January.
Yeah, I'm sure in 2003 they reported aliens abducted some woman and she had... Did you hear Newt Gingrich said they need to restrict websites and free speech?
He said free speech.
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
Wait, I just played the audio, sir.
Well, he probably should in some instances.
So, do you think he should restrict us?
I've come to that conclusion, yes.
Listen, when you call the Vice President a rapist and a woman beater, you should probably be sued.
I think it's kind of funny how you want to go after somebody that threatens to kill you, yet you can sit there and say the Vice President is a rapist and a woman beater without any evidence whatsoever.
He could sue you for that.
I hope he does!
And he should, because that is absolutely not true.
You're just making stuff up as you go along because you hate this country.
The country is the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
You just said there shouldn't be a First Amendment.
When did I say that?
You're making up stuff again.
You just said they should restrict my free speech.
When you're slandering people, yeah they should.
No, that's not how it works.
Truth is the ultimate defense for libel or slander, and knock on wood... Yeah, so you're saying half the Republicans in the government are gay, and having gay sex, and planes flying in everywhere.
I heard all your BS.
It's all a bunch of lies.
Oh yeah.
Hey, you know what?
I ought to get John DeCamp on.
Put on John DeCamp, I'll tell him he's an idiot too.
And then you ought to give your full name because he didn't like me brother.
My name's Troy Thick.
Hey listen, a Virginia TV station said he was lying.
He's suing them and won 1.3 mil.
You better watch yourself.
93539, tell your boy DeCamp to call me right now.
We're happy to talk to them.
Sir, I have BBC today about the UN running a giant child brothel.
I know, here's the fear monger.
Everything's this and that, you know.
So the Chicago Tribune did not report that Dyncor and Halliburton run giant slave rings.
Well, just whatever.
Yeah, I know.
Did John Yoo not write memos saying they can torture children sexually?
Are you talking to me?
Yeah, I'm talking to you!
You want to shoot your mouth off, you little boy!
Shut up, Fat Man!
Shut up!
What did you say?
Here, here, go ahead and turn it up again.
I just heard what he said.
Are you going to be in New York City on September the 11th, 2007?
It's a Tuesday, Fat Man.
Are you going to be there?
Oh, are you going to beat me up?
That'd be a big mistake.
Yeah, I know, but you'll go running to the law enforcement that you always bitch about.
That's what you'll do.
You'll go crying to them.
That's what you'll do.
Yeah, that's what I do when somebody hits me.
You know what?
You've got a lot of great folks in your state, but you're a shame to West Virginia.
No, I'm not.
You deserve your senator there, Mr. Rockefeller.
Well, thank you.
Let me tell you something.
You didn't listen to a thing I said, and we have an educated, informed audience that has read the Chicago Tribune, they've read the torture memos, they know everything I said was true, and you sat there making light of it.
And you better think about your immortal soul when you sit there making jokes about what's happening to small children.
Well, I was a free man to do what I wanted to do.
And you threaten somebody with physical assault and then make jokes about me getting people putting contracts out on me on the web.
You think it's all real funny, don't you?
Yeah, I do, actually.
Do you think Bush is for controlling the border?
Maybe, maybe not.
I hope he is.
But George Bush is going to be nothing in two and a half years.
He's going to be retired, sitting behind home plate at Houston Astros games.
That's right.
And that whole agenda of the New World Order... He's going to be nothing in two and a half years.
The whole agenda... Put him on hold.
The whole agenda of the New World Order is going to keep going forward because he's a puppet.
Look, I'm done talking to you.
I just can't believe it.
The sad thing is, Troy, that... that...
It's just your ignorance is so fathomless, and I don't even know what to say to you.
Believe me, sir, I try to disprove our conclusions.
I wish they weren't true.
I lose sleep at night.
I'm really freaked out.
And what I'm saying is real, and the DU is bad for the troops.
There is a North American Union.
I just brought all that up to you.
Let me play this newscast.
Any congressman you call, maybe other than four or five, will tell you there's no national ID card.
Here is KVUE, then we'll go to Bob Dacey.
This is local ABC News telling you about the new system.
Tonight we're tracking massive changes that are coming for anyone with a Texas driver's license or state ID.
If you thought you could avoid the lines of the DMV and renew by mail or perhaps the internet,
Twenty-four, twenty-five.
Right now, states have different requirements to get a license.
Congress, driven by Homeland Security, passed the REAL ID Act.
That means Texas will have the same standards as California or New York.
Right now, one of these costs $24.
One day that may seem like a bargain, because even though it's a federal mandate,
I didn't send any money!
That's enough of a clip.
I want to get to Bob.
But notice that the Associated Press, and I've got to dig that article back out.
I asked my guys to do a story on it.
They're all too busy.
We need more writers.
Maybe you listeners can go
Put it together.
It was in the AP and a few other publications about three weeks ago.
All these big lenders.
It was something like national lenders to illegal immigrants or something like that.
And it said...
Well, it's happening right here at Bank of America in Austin and Wells Fargo that no ID is required to get housing loans, bank accounts, everything.
But, see, no restrictions on them, total restrictions on us, and through no law, just the Bush signed an executive order saying anyone that wants to leave the country in 31 days, January 1st, anyone who wants to leave the country
Let me be exact here, people nitpick.
They were going to do it January 1st, but because of some problems implementing January 16th, excuse me.
January 16th to leave the country.
You will have to swipe your passport.
Only a passport.
No driver's license.
To go to Mexico, to go to Canada Cross, they swipe it.
It's got a chip in it.
All the new ones have chips.
The old ones, they swipe.
And they decide like a no-fly list if you can leave.
The Soviet Union had that.
Russia had that.
All the free countries of the world never had that.
That is a sign of major tyranny.
But the illegal aliens, they want incentives to bring them here, so they've got the red carpet.
And this is a national ID card, ladies and gentlemen.
Total federalization.
I remember a Texas Department of Public Safety employee, what, three years ago?
We put it in a weekly TV report.
It's there.
It's one of the first things we put up whenever we started presentplanet.tv.
Shot video inside his office of the forms that they're entering with people's driver's license on the other side of the turnstiles there.
And it says national ID card number for your driver's license.
So you've got a national ID number.
But I mean, it's in the law now.
It is a national ID card and number.
Now it's in the law and admitted.
But this was before they passed it.
It was already in.
It's already in, okay?
Bob Dacey, thank you for coming on.
Thanks for holding while I talk to that poor person.
I'm not even mad at him.
Can you believe they're getting to all say and restrict our speech?
They want to physically attack us?
Could you believe that?
Of course I believe it, Alex.
They're trying to restrict everything.
That fellow you were just talking to, I kind of feel sorry for him.
He's in that category of American that if they're walking down the street and they get hit in the back with a 2x4 and they wake up a week later and they want to know who did it, well, if they don't know who did it, they're ignorant.
But if you could show this guy a videotape of who hit him with a 2x4, he still wouldn't believe it.
He refuses all your documentation and just believes what he wants to believe and it's kind of sad.
Well Bob, you're the kind of person I like though.
I don't mind if somebody disagrees with me.
What was it, 10 years ago you were listening to me on KJFK, you didn't believe it?
You started researching it and what'd you find out?
Well, you know, I thought, actually the first time I saw you was on cable access.
You were talking about the United Nations and the takeover of the National Park System.
And I thought you're a raving idiot.
You know, I really did.
I was just laughing at you.
And then you said something about the Second Amendment, and everything you said about the Second Amendment was dead on accurate.
So this put me in a quandary as to who is this guy?
So I researched your contention about the UN and the National Parks, and sure enough, you were 100% right.
I mean, the state of Kentucky passed a resolution
In 1997, condemning the Biodiversity Treaty and the Man in the Biosphere Program, and the UN taking over all these pristine assets all over the world, and they said they're not going to put up with it in Kentucky, because they don't want foreign minions in control of Kentucky land.
And right there, right there in the Freeford area, the Americas Agreement, it says we go under total UN regulation when they sign that.
You document what you say, and if somebody somewhere can't figure it out, you know, you could hit that person over the head with a two-by-four, and they wouldn't understand.
You could show them the tape, and they wouldn't get in.
You know as well as I do, that guy is in that group of Americans who you like to call furniture.
They don't matter because they cannot think.
I wanted to read a few quotes here.
The John Birch Society put out a great video using C-SPAN footage of them admitting global government, and one of the clips, David Rockefeller gets up at a CFR meeting to talk to Vice President Dick Cheney, and Cheney admits that he was the head of the CFR, and then the neocons under it put quotes in here I read in the first hour saying it's not true, he fights the globalists, he couldn't be involved in it.
I mean, when it's video of him saying it,
Then they're saying he didn't say it.
I mean, my goodness.
One of the standard things that the mainstream people do when they do talk about the CFR, which is infrequent, is they say it's a liberal, left-leaning think tank.
And of course, you throw Dick Cheney in there as a director, and that kind of messes up that, you know, the liberal conservative thing.
No, that's what they say.
They say he wouldn't be part of that liberal group.
Liberal group?
In fact, let's play the clip.
Let's play the clip.
It's about two minutes long.
We'll go right back to Bob Dacey.
Here it is.
A special televised meeting of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations provides a window to the real story.
The speaker, Vice President Dick Cheney, takes a question from David Rockefeller.
Vice President, I just
I enjoyed so much your whole speech, but I was particularly pleased that you gave such a strong endorsement for the free trade agreement for all the Americans.
Subject that has been a great concern to me for many years, and particularly recently, and I think it's absolutely essential for the strength of our economy.
Rockefeller's role in the drive for an FTAA was a lot more central than he portrays.
Rockefeller cultivated Latin American leaders
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Rockefeller's influence also extends to the current administration.
He was chairman emeritus of the CFR when Vice President Dick Cheney once served as a director, a relationship that Cheney concealed during his congressional career.
It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
Now, let me read to you what one of these guys said.
He says, Dick Cheney is not a chairman of the board.
He once served as director.
And then it goes on.
Very interesting video.
He is basically an anti-Eastern establishment figure, so I think a person like Cheney cannot be a chairman of the CFR.
Wrong title, isn't it?
If you listen, they said David Rockefeller was honorary chairman at the time that Dick Cheney was director.
But they take that and claim that they're lying, saying he was chairman.
Then they say he's against the group.
The next guy says, oh yes, he fights them.
I mean, Bob, this is... How do these people do this to themselves?
Look, here's the facts, here's the facts, okay?
Dick Cheney was a director of the CFR from 1987 to 1989.
And, then again, from 1993 to 1995.
Now, that's a fact.
My source for that document is the 1999 Council on Foreign Relations annual report.
He just said it out of his mouth and they're denying it!
You know, some people just can't get it.
You know, earlier on in the show, you were looking for that quote from David Rockefeller about how he tells us he's a traitor and he's proud of it?
This is the actual quote you were looking for.
Here it is.
This is on page 405 of his book, Memoirs, that he published in 2002 in a chapter called Proud Internationalist.
And here's the quote.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists, and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global, political, and economic structure.
One world, if you will.
If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
Now that's right out of his mouth.
You read that to people and say, Oh no, David Rockefeller couldn't have said that.
No, he published it in his own book.
You know, some people just, they're so in denial that they cannot, they cannot grasp the reality.
Well, I mean, all Spanish is going in the banks here in Austin.
The businesses are getting North American Union Tax ID numbers.
I mean, we're getting national ID cards.
Forced psychological testing for the children.
I mean, it's all foreign troop agreements to be in the U.S.
I mean, if you can't make this stuff up, it's too bad.
I mean, it's just, it's horrible.
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It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
If this was a ship in an SOS, it's on fire, the boiler's exploded, it's sinking, I'm in the radio room going, SOS!
Global attack!
Global attack!
They're killing the country!
And there's swaggering, mindless, phony conservatives going, LIAR!
He didn't say he was part of it!
I mean, it's just... It's incredible, Bob Dasey.
Yeah, but you know, we're going to have to save these people too, aren't we, Alex?
I mean, you know, we have a vocal, informed minority that's getting larger and larger all the time.
And I guess like a rising tide, we're going to save their ship too, aren't we?
Yeah, I just can't believe how thankless and stupid they are.
I mean, they're threatening me with my life.
Some of them are.
I just don't understand it.
And then they tell me I hate America, Bob!
Well, they just don't get it.
They don't get it.
You know, that particular video clip, I think Kevin was asking me about this.
I think it's in a JBS video called Stepping Stone to World Government, the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
So, you know, it's not an audio clip, it's video.
I mean, there he is, Dick Cheney, standing there at a CFR dinner with the word CFR, CFR, CFR behind him, the little backdrop they always put up, talking straight to David Rockefeller.
So, you know, if people want to not believe that, I guess, you know, whatever.
Hey, you got the hardware store at Spicewood Springs Road 183.
You teach a concealed carry class.
You sell guns.
You sell my videos.
It's a great outfit, folks.
I ought to drop by and see you.
Let's take a few final calls quickly.
Art in Kansas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I don't know if I can follow Troy, but I'll tell you, he just proves that hillbillies do intermarry.
I was going to say that to him, but I don't want to be mean.
That's all right.
The guy that called in about the Bank of America,
He shouldn't be surprised.
The Bank of America is a corporate member of the CFR.
That's right, they are, aren't they, Bob?
Most of the major banks.
Oh, they could be.
I could look that up.
You know how I don't like to say anything unless I'm 100% sure?
No, I've seen it before.
I got this from the Insider paperback book.
Yeah, they do have a list of corporate members.
They're back with all the other biggies.
You can't do business without dealing with them.
Yeah, and they're all concerted.
Again, they helped.
The C.F.R.
recommended the national I.D.
card, and then they recommended illegals don't have to show licenses to get bank accounts.
And why didn't the illegals come up here to take over when the Indians ran the show?
They could have done all those jobs that they didn't want to do.
You know.
They didn't want to have to fight them.
Buffalo, making arrowheads, mowing the prairie, while the Indians sat by the pool.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
That's funny.
Let's talk to John in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I just wanted to comment on the Overman commenting on the Newt Gingrich.
And, you know, before the election he was totally saying stuff about
You know, the Military Commissions Act and how, you know, how bad the Republicans are.
Yeah, exactly!
That's why I said Oberman isn't perfect, because he's telling us the Democrats will save us.
Yeah, he totally thinks they're going to save us.
I don't know if you saw it, like September 28th, he had something on there about how Clinton's telling the truth about 9-11.
Yeah, he's getting away with what he can.
He's on a very short leash.
Thank you.
Real fast, Sean in New York, or is it Shane?
Go ahead.
Sean, yeah.
Thanks, Alex.
Listen, I wondered if I could talk about depleted uranium for a minute.
I've got a hypothetical question for you.
Depleted uranium, as you probably know, is a waste product of the nuclear power industry.
Now, would it be feasible to assume that
That the usage, or the over-usage... We'll have to answer it tomorrow.
Thanks, Bob Daisy.
Thank you, Caller.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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