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Name: 20061127_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 27, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We'll be taking a lot of calls in this hour.
At least I'll attempt it.
A ton of news I haven't even gotten to yet.
Bush was in Vietnam and said, you know what I learned from Vietnam?
Not to quit.
Talk about spin.
He said, you guys didn't quit.
You won.
We're not going to quit in Iraq.
And the Democrats agreed.
20,000 more troops on their way.
You vote in the Democrats to get out of the war and they say, you know what?
We're going to get out of the war, but first we're going to increase the troops.
Oh, you don't want to have all the toll roads, all the roads handed over to foreign companies.
Well, we'll just do it.
Oh, you don't like getting tasered over and over again when you can't even get up off the ground.
How about we just taser you some more?
Let's go ahead and talk to Crispin in New Orleans.
You're on the air.
Thank you.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Pretty good, sir.
Hey, I wanted to call and thank you and thank your staff.
You played an important role in helping me wake up.
I first started looking into FEMA's actions after the hurricane.
I'm from New Orleans here.
And uh... doing so I came across your road to tyranny and uh... I can't believe how much you've helped me wake up and I've been trying to speak the truth to people that I know here in town
And the main thing I'm confronted with is their inability to believe that the government is competent enough to do these kind of things.
Well, that's one of the most common things we hear.
The bureaucracy is designed to be kind of a jello-like quicksand at the lower levels.
But I assure you, the payoffs and the money deliveries are carried out with total precision.
And there is a lot of incompetence in New Orleans.
I'm not knocking the people there, but it is known as the real Sin City.
And it's been, you know, corrupt ever since.
It's been a pirate town, really the oldest city in the country.
And so, I mean, what do you expect?
So there is a lot of local incompetence.
But I assure you, there's not incompetence when the CPS is grabbing people's kids, you know, that's scientifically executed.
There's not incompetence when they put the fluoride in your water.
There's not incompetence when they have people totally poor, so they've got to join the military to serve the empire.
All of this, you know, the bureaucracy...
The government's also meant to fall apart, so then they can say, oh, let us privatize it, see?
There's a lot of different reasons for all of this.
It's very sophisticated.
Well, I just want to let you know also what a great tool TerrorStorm has been, and I appreciate very much that you allow us to copy and distribute your movie.
I don't allow you to, I want you to.
I ask you to.
Well, I certainly have been.
I'm fortunate enough, I work at a copy shop, which is a cultural hub.
We have district attorneys, lawyers, police officers, firemen, businessmen, service industry workers.
Everybody walks in this coffee shop and my boss allows me a space on the counter where I have been burning your movie and a few others and just leaving them with a note that says free movie DVD five stars and I cannot seem to burn them fast enough regardless of the packaging.
Are the police officers picking them up?
Uh, yes sir.
See, that's the psychology.
If you run up to them and say, it's important, it's important, take it.
They won't take it.
People just go, hey, free film.
You know, or just leave them out.
That's the way to do it.
And it's regardless of the packaging.
I mean, I'm putting handwritten on there, Alex Jones' Terror Storm, a history of government sponsored terror.
And they're like, oh wow, what's this?
And they grab it.
Uh, just the other day I gave a copy of your movie to the city attorney here in New Orleans.
Good job.
Well, what you ought to do
That's what really wakes up to my films is people who are in power positions because they've actually been on the inside, not normally high enough to be doing something really evil, but then everything makes sense.
How many special forces commanders?
How many generals?
How many congressmen and women have I talked to privately?
Or heads of hospitals, or you name it, who say nothing made sense until I saw your films.
Now, what I did in Korea, what I did in Nam, what I did in South, what I did in the U.S., what I did in Latin America, now I understand.
Because it's the truth.
And the truth shines through the darkness every time.
And hey, I don't care if you guys, if you have the money, give them out free.
If you don't, sell them for a dollar.
Get your mind back.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Fightin' the New World Order.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I am glad that you have joined us.
We're scheduled to have Michael Kaufman there, but the network's getting us contact info right now.
And then we've got a city council member, actually a mayor pro tem, coming on.
From one of these cities that's saying, look, we're not going to have illegal aliens here.
Illegal is in the word.
And it's causing the anti-American forces to go absolutely ape and assail them.
So he's going to be joining us briefly in the third hour today.
But before we go to Dr. Michael Kaufman, who I hope is still there when we try to contact him, let's go ahead and talk to Pat in Rhode Island.
Pat, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm from Rhode Island.
I want to let you know first, Alex, I'm a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
I've got an electrical engineering degree from there.
I'm also a graduate of St.
Anselm College in New Hampshire with a liberal arts degree.
So both sides of my brain work very well.
First of all, thank you for the investment you've made in all matters, and I know it goes back before 9-11.
I put you on the front lines.
You are the chief.
You are the general of this movement.
You know, everybody's been saying that.
Now it's getting really bad all over the country.
I have, like,
Old professors call up and call me the commander, and it really needs to stop, folks, because it's a good way to get me killed, real fast.
I am not the general, I am not the leader, I am just, I am one person in the fight.
You, all of you out there are your own leaders in this fight, but thank you, sir.
Let me come to the front lines right now with you.
Nothing is going to change, Alex, unless the people who know what the truth is realize the fact that the truth being pointed out alone is not going to change anything
When is this movement going to become a movement of action and not just a movement of preaching to the choir?
I'm asking you, Alex.
We need this rocket, okay, to move from the first stage to the second stage.
You know, I've talked to Eric Humschmid, who you probably know was probably the first American citizen
To put together, other than yourself, to put together a collection of pertinent relevance on video.
Yeah, actually his first film cited my film, and I don't care who's the first to do something, but then there's claims.
Okay, I'm just saying that there are people who have been talking about this for years, okay?
And I want to know, and I talked to him personally on the phone, I want to know when the change is going to be to civil disobedience and to real action, because how else
How else?
And again, remember, I'm a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
I'm not this guy that's looking to, like, go into battle on any issue.
How else are things gonna change, Alex?
I do not believe that if the American people, just by being informed of the truth,
I do not believe that is going to organically, somehow, just change the direction of things.
So, I want to ask you, are you willing to die?
Are you willing to go to jail?
Are you willing... Are you willing... Well, I've been to jail several times over this stuff, so... And I've been physically attacked, and I've gone through a lot of things I don't talk about on air, because I don't do the enemy's job for them, intimidating people.
Some of this stuff would scare people, but people can probably imagine.
Number one,
A lot of the folks calling for some violent clash or civil disobedience, they're not the people out there doing it.
They're telling us to do it.
Every day, and I'm about to go to Dr. Michael Coughlin, but your question is important.
Let me just go over it with you.
We are not done in the education phase.
For a full decade, and that was with serious folks that would go to war quick, it took a decade plus and committees of correspondence to get the colonies mad enough to go to war with the British.
Okay, and let them pull a couple more Waco's.
Let them keep going down this line.
Believe me, our strength is only going to continue to increase.
That's why they're trying to pump in as many illegals as they can and give them special deals on buying houses.
The big banks were in the AP two days ago.
I saw the article.
I heard Jack McClam talking about it.
I went and pulled it up.
They're quote trying to root them here.
To, quote, stop the move to kick them out.
I mean, they're doing everything they can to kill this country.
Handing over the infrastructure, grabbing all the land, you know, putting us in... and you're about to hear about this from a real expert.
So, we need to continue.
The general public is not informed.
The general public does not know the truth yet.
They're starting to wake up.
The government goes out and carries out terror attacks at OKC and other places just to create the illusion that we're violent.
So they can try to use force to suppress us.
It's not going to do anything to go out and burn down some buildings, have shootouts with dumbed down police in their little Darth Vader outfits.
That doesn't hurt the New World Order.
I'm going to expose David Rockefeller.
I'm making a film about the Bilderberg.
I'm going at the heart of the pyramid here, the eye of the capstone.
And so it's a process, but I do go out and demonstrate.
I tell people
Stand up in restaurants and start yelling that 9-11 is an inside job.
I tell people to make copies of my films.
I tell you not to take the vaccinations for your children.
Take them out of public school.
You know what?
I heard a talk show host this week, last week, and say that the greatest example of liberty and people coming out of Babylon
It's still in the air.
Yes, you're still there.
What would you like me to do?
Okay, Mike, I'm going to just make a prediction right now.
I mean, I appreciate you giving some historical context to the matter and going back to the revolutionary days, but the bottom line is that the kind of weaponry and the kind of capabilities that our government has right now to reap destruction, and I'm not talking about planned destruction, I'm talking about kind of like, okay, the government getting together with some of their people and saying, you know, in the next three days we need to make something happen.
My point is, if we don't make something happen, if we don't do something unexpected as a movement, I mean, if we don't have the cajongas to do what they have the cajongas to do... Well, I think at this point, I mean, people parachuting into football stadiums with huge banners out behind them.
I'm not saying do that.
You know, spray painting government buildings.
I mean, it is an emergency.
situation, and people need to non-violently stand up however they can.
But I'm not saying do that.
I'm using that as an example.
Somebody will parachute in naked just for attention, but they won't parachute in for their country.
I tell you, when you get the silver bullet, you call up and you tell me what it is.
I know this.
I, like a woodpecker, have stayed focused on fighting the New World Order.
When I learned about this 15 years ago, when I got on air 12 years ago, I had a mission to fight the New World Order.
And to not just sit around and strategize and talk about big grand plans, just to educate people, take action, tell people to stand up, do the right thing.
I have enough confidence in the native intelligence of the people to form a unified resistance.
Listen, they were putting thumb scanners in to get school lunches and face scanners eight years ago.
Now, in California, in London,
You know, in Sacramento, in London, parents are saying no, and they're having to remove the thumb scanners.
People are saying no to RFID chips around the kids' necks.
You know, the people now are getting mad.
I've got to let you go.
We somehow got our wires crossed, and my producer was out.
We didn't get the number to the network.
I apologize that Dr. Kaufman has been holding for about five minutes.
But I'm really honored to have him with us.
I haven't interviewed him in years.
We've only got about 45 minutes with him now, but I've got to get him up for two hours in the future.
I am carrying his new video.
It's absolutely amazing and powerful and something Christians need to have, but just Americans, period, need to have.
And his bio is too lengthy to ever even go through.
I want him in a nutshell to basically tell you who he is.
He, of course, put the map together with the government documents and information he had of where over 90% of the country will be restricted, over half of it total restriction of human use.
The corridors he put together in the mid-90s are now exactly where they're announcing their corridors now, where they're saying they're going to shut off human use.
Everything he's saying is happening.
He has done an incredible job on the North American Union, on all of it, and Dr. Michael Kaufman, a professor, thank you for coming on.
Tell us about yourself, who you are, the work you've done, in a nutshell.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It is a pleasure to be back on with you.
It has been about a year and a half, two years, I think, since we talked to each other.
But nonetheless, I have a PhD in ecosystems analysis, actually in environmental sciences.
But yet, when I began to see, I was leading a multi-million dollar research effort back in the 1980s, and I began to realize that the environmental leadership and many of our government agencies were not interested in protecting the environment.
They were interested in gaining control.
Which pricked my interest into finding out exactly why.
And I entered this whole battle scene in the late 1980s, investigating what in the world was going on with the environmental movement.
Well, it doesn't take long before you start connecting the dots, and it goes right back up to the global agenda, the Rockefellers, the trilateral commissions, and so forth.
Population reduction.
What is the grand plan?
And people get confused here.
Real environmentalism, conservation, is important and is real.
The people running it, though, are the ones dumping the chemicals in the ocean, making the genetically engineered crops.
They're the ones actually hurting the earth.
Well, their basic goal is to do two things.
One is to create a world religion, which they're doing through environmentalism.
It's basically the idea that the Earth is gone.
You've heard of the so-called Gaia hypothesis and so forth.
And this is official UN treaties, laws, they say this.
In fact, we came within just a few hours in 2002 of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg of having a New Earth Ethic, which is what they call it, but it's really a New Earth Religion instilled as a guiding ethic for the United Nations for every single person on planet Earth.
Christian, non-Christian, you name it, would have to ascribe to if they wanted to be sanctioned by the government.
We came within a couple hours of having that thing actually accepted by the United Nations, and we finally got the State Department to pull the language out of the consensus document.
Stay there, stay there.
We got a break, doctor.
When we come back, we'll get right to it.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back.
Glad that you joined us.
Dr. Michael Coffman will be with us in about five minutes in the next hour.
Then I've got a
Dallas Fort Worth Area Mayor coming on to talk about the illegal alien problem and what we're dealing with there, all part of the Global Plan.
Dr. Michael Kaufman, again, you've been studying this for decades now.
You've made quite a few films.
We're carrying your newest, which is just an amazing, World Events and Prophecy.
Because this really reaches out to Christians, which I count myself among, from a biblical perspective, but then showing the documents, and it does fit hand-in-glove.
The elite really do, at the end of the day, worship Lucifer.
And for atheists out there, they just can't get that.
That the elite do believe in God and the devil.
They just think the devil is God, but I'm kind of putting the cart before the horse.
How are they using the environmental movement?
What will life be like in America under this system if they continue?
Well, you know, one of the things that really we were fighting for back in 2002 was to keep this from becoming the United Nations religion that would then be forced down on every person and every nation because right on its heels was a brand new treaty
That would call the Covenant on Environment and Development that would have put this in the legal teeth that you would have been forced to at the point of a gun to adhere to these very principles of pantheism that the Earth is God.
And it's the very same stuff we see in Europe where if a ten-year-old girl is in a study group with a bunch of foreigners who can't speak English, she says, I want to be in a different group, they arrest her and put her in a jail cell saying it was hateful.
Yes, absolutely, same thing.
If you want to have
Private property rights, if you want to have the freedom of making a choice of how you use your property, be it a house or your land or even money, money's property too.
You're not going to be allowed to do that because everything is spelled out and everything is designed to protect Mother Earth, who they believe is God.
They believe that we've been basically destroying Mother Earth or God with all the modern conveniences and so forth.
We're not sustainable in their eyes and we would go back a hundred years in our technology
If they've ever gone into actual principle and into effect.
And that's the key word there is sustainability.
That's their excuse to grab property to control populations.
And again, in their real actions, the very global corporations funding this, they're doing the opposite.
They're the ones that are really hurting the earth.
You know, that's the ironic thing about this.
It's the major international or transnational corporations and the financial institutes, the major banks of the world and so forth, and I explain all this in the DVD, that are actually doing the damage.
They can care less about the environment.
And they can care less about homosexuals either.
They just make it all sound loving and liberal.
Oh, you're going to all be sweet to each other or the men in black uniforms will come and arrest you.
Yeah, and that is very true.
And the only way they can gain control is to impose this religion, because religion is the one thing that will unite people.
And they're trying to impose this.
They have been now for 30 years or more, and trying to impose it so that everybody is in favor of protecting the environment no matter what the cost.
And boy, have they been successful, because it's called the Greening of America, and I talk about it in the DVD.
They have changed us from an entrepreneurial viewpoint of
...of reality to an environmental viewpoint here in this country.
Which then gets us to hand away our own sovereignty and control and start thinking in groupthink at all the TV shows, all the children's shows.
The propaganda is everywhere that humans are bad and the state's going to punish those bad humans and keep them in line, but that's really just other humans who are going to be having the control.
That's right.
Which brings up the second point, the second goal that they have, is that they want total control.
They want to have a world government.
It's probably going to be administered through the United Nations, but the United Nations, as evil as it will be, will not be the people that are pulling the strings on it.
They will be the international financiers and so forth, the global elite.
Now, you're absolutely right.
You know, I found out that Dutch Royal Shell, ten years ago, and BBC broke this, put out the peak oil fraud.
I mean, when you open up National Geographic that's total anti-human, when you open it up, the whole thing is financed by Dutch Shell.
They must have five ads.
It's sick!
It really is.
It's an amazing thing.
They call it the public-private partnership.
I don't get that into this DVD.
I do in other DVDs that I've done.
But these public-private partnerships basically put industry, these international corporations, in charge of government.
I do discuss this.
You know, Carol Quigley, you've probably talked about him many times on your program in the past.
He makes it very clear that it's going to be these international banking communities, this cartel, that controls everything that we do.
Stay there.
We'll break down the global plantation on the other side.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I've seen one of his other films online years ago, but this one is really important.
You need to have it.
It's World Events and Prophecy DVD.
One world government, one world religion.
The Ten Nation Confederacy of Daniel.
The Mark of the Beast, a scholar of geo-politics and prophecy, Dr. Kaufman, has an opportunity to witness things that are kept from the general public.
Few people are aware that there are five major power factions in the world fighting among themselves over who will dominate the emerging world government.
Yeah, they all support the world government while fighting with each other.
That's the key.
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I haven't put that in the product code yet for them.
But you can go to InfoWars.com and get it right now or call 888-253-3139.
We're going to go back to Dr. Michael Kaufman, and then we're going to go to Bion in Vietnam, who's from Vietnam, holding.
We get calls all over the world now with his IP over phone.
Voice over IP, whatever you call it.
And Nick, Jeff, NWO, everybody that's patiently holding, we're going to get to you.
But TerrorStorm went to number 17 and went higher than that a few weeks ago.
And it sat there for many hours, more than 10 hours.
I quit watching it for 10 hours.
And now it's settled back to thirty-something.
But again, thank you for driving it now two-plus weeks that it's been in the top hundred or higher.
Just three weeks, really.
And it's at Amazon.com for twelve dollars and some change.
And it's the most powerful film I've ever made.
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The police state they're setting up.
The torture of children.
And then it's got 68 minutes of extras.
The film's almost two hours long.
And then it's got 68 minutes of extras on the same DVD.
So again, it's such an important film.
Please get Terror Storm, or get it from InfoWars.com.
You can get Aaron Russo's new America, Freedom to Fascism.
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The gift of knowledge.
Again, InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
We're going to be going to your calls here in a little while, but again, I hope you will call or I hope you will go to the website and get the World Events and Prophecy.
Dr. Michael Kaufman, please continue with basically what the grand plan is.
This is all written out.
What will life be like if they're able to get this program in place?
Well, basically, it means a controlled society.
You're allowed to make certain decisions by yourself, but everything else is controlled.
You can only make those decisions within very narrowly defined limits as to what you can do and not do.
In fact, this is actually part of... Brzezinski basically said this 30 years ago, that there will become a time when we finally get to that point where we
the global elite will control everything that everyone does.
And they call that interdependence, but in truth, they set it up with the balance of power where only they have control.
That's correct.
I think you really got it nailed on the head there, Alex, because we have to understand that they were going to use a lot of pseudonyms to describe this as something wonderful.
In fact, the whole idea of this environmental lockstep that they're talking about is supposed to be a wonderful life, to have this freedom of nature and so forth.
Well, in fact, it means abject poverty because we can't do anything to benefit mankind if it causes nature some sort of problem.
Well, there's nothing that we can do that doesn't impact nature somewhat in a negative way.
But let's look at the microscopic view here locally in Austin.
Ninety-eight, they grabbed 15,000 acres in one land grab for a decade before.
They wouldn't let people build on their own property.
That drove down the value by 90 plus percent in most areas.
Then they made a deal to pay the people about five cents on the dollar for their property and swore that the huge, you know, multi-hundred million dollar buy in southwest Travis County in a key, beautiful area to build, very valuable real estate, that there'd be this huge park
They took it.
There is no park being built.
It was then given to select Fortune 500 management companies.
Nature Conservancy Sierra Club are now building huge developments all over it.
They grabbed land in East Austin and built a five-star golf course, spa, and luxury retreat.
And so really, it's about stealing property.
It is.
In fact, if you look at the whole smart growth agenda, and I do have another DVD on smart growth that I'll be sending you so you can look at it, but the whole smart growth agenda is designed to take property away from the individual and put it into this never-never land that they can eventually use themselves.
In fact, the Wildlands Project, which was part of the Convention on Biological Diversity that we stopped back in 1994 from being ratified in the U.S.
That would set aside one half of the United States in the wilderness areas.
What's the purpose of this?
Well, it's supposed to be protecting biodiversity, but they don't care about biodiversity.
They want to lock that land up, one, as collateral on the national debt that you were just talking about.
And I had Joseph Stichlitz, Chief Economist, World Bank, Nobel Prize winner on three weeks ago.
He said exactly what you just said.
That is exactly what they're trying to do.
And once they have it, then they will start to develop that land through its resources and so forth.
The money will go in their pockets, not ours.
Well, I've got the video somewhere from 1998.
I need to find all these archived old TV shows and put them on the web.
But Mike Hanson has most of them.
I need him to dig those out of his storage before the three-quarter inch tapes fall apart.
But I didn't.
I mean, I knew it was a land grab, but I went to it.
There were thousands of people at the new Austin Convention Center at the time.
There were former Dallas Cowboys and Bank One Chairman and Bank of America Chairman and big Republicans and Michael Dell.
But this wasn't for the media.
This was for all the city managers of the whole country.
They just said, we're taking all the property, this is a great business operation, and I would go to press conferences and talk to them, and they'd say, yeah, we're taking the property.
And they'd laugh at me, doctor.
They know the PR on TV and radio is saying one thing, then they go right out in plain view and just say whatever they want, knowing the media is in on it and won't report it.
I know it.
And that's of course the fault of the liberal media.
And if you talk to some of these individual reporters, you'll find that they agree with it.
They think it's a great idea.
Because that's where they have been educated.
And that's why we should get our kids out of schools and teach them
The facts of life at home and hopefully they will stick with them when they go through college because right now our colleges are nothing more than indoctrination camps.
You've been to a lot of these meetings.
You've studied their documents.
You've talked to them.
When you talk to the minions though, the cannon fodder that buys into it, are you able to ever deprogram them and show the environmentalists that it has nothing to do with the environment?
In fact, Alex, when I've given talks in the past, they've had some of these plants in the Sierra Club.
Or the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which is an international environmental organization.
Very powerful, extremely powerful organization.
There to discredit me, and if they let me have the time to develop it logically, I've seen them go into a state of shock as they realize what they're involved in.
I've had people get up and apologize to the audience for their involvement in what they're doing.
And see, that's the key.
The truth is powerful.
If we're able to... Exactly.
I mean, look, all the liberals I know are buying guns.
They realize the environmental movements are fraud.
They still are environmentalists.
They're just really environmentalists.
I mean, none of us want to drink dirty water and air, folks.
But they don't... They've got to understand.
It is diabolical!
I mean, I know the ranchers and farmers that have their land stolen.
Then they build shopping malls on it.
It has nothing to do with the environment!
It has nothing to do with the environment.
It has nothing to do with the quality of life, even though they'll tell you that.
It's all a sham, all a fraud, in order to take your land.
And of course, the Kelo decision a year and a half ago, back in June of 2005, has just opened the doors to the floodgates of communities, these local governments, basically condemning land for ten cents on the dollar, and taking it for development of another private enterprise.
We're going to go to Vietnam and take a call here in a moment, but I want to tell a story about local environmentalists that save our springs.
Back in the early 90's when they were going to steal all this property, these guys were on TV, radio, they were worshipped, they were heroes.
And then now you want to see them, they've grabbed all the land.
They'll go protest now when they build a shopping mall or luxury million dollar homes on it, but now the news won't cover them and now they get it.
See, they were used.
They also used the locals to give it the illusion that it's grassroots.
Yes, in fact, that is the primary thing right there, is that the whole environmental movement is being used.
Once they have what they want, the local environmental leaders and so forth, they'll be out in their ears.
They can care less about the environment.
Well, you know, the biggest landowner in the United States is the Sierra Club.
No, Nature Conservancy.
Excuse me, I always get the two mixed up.
That's right, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club.
Excuse me.
That's the order, correct?
So the Nature Conservancy, I mean, they're a mafia.
It's just incredible.
It really is.
They started out on a good premise.
If you want it, you should buy it, but at the same time now they've got their power and they're using the government basically as, like you say, a mafia, and a poor landowner whose land they want.
They don't have a chance.
So how it works is, and by the way, all the big real estate councils of the country are for it, and it's not because they love the birdies or the snails or the worms or the spiders or the cave bugs that have caused the building to stop around here in many areas.
It lays off whole corridors and then instantly jacks up their prices and then everybody forgets, on average, after five years, then they end up going in and sweetheart deals with the government
The county-city government that now controls it, and then they're giving the land for almost nothing, then the restrictions are taken off!
I mean, they ought to all be arrested!
They really ought to, because it is extortion.
It's about every crime in the book, except it's the government.
They can get away with it.
Is our caller from Vietnam still there?
Beyond, thank you for holding.
I appreciate your call from all the way from Vietnam.
Bush is there.
I guess, or was there.
Thank you for joining us.
Hello, caller?
Sounds like his phone may have broke.
Put him back on hold.
I've never gotten a call from Vietnam.
I want to see if he's able to be there in a moment, or he might have stepped away from his computer.
And we're going to go back to your calls in a few minutes, folks, but I do want to talk to Bjorn.
Talk to him, John, until he gets back on the line.
I've gotten a call from Antarctica McMurtle Air Station, weather station.
I've gotten calls from Japan and everywhere else, but I haven't got one from Vietnam yet.
Dr. Colvin, let's just briefly, because I know we're running low on time, I want to take some calls.
What are the different power blocks, according to your research, inside this new world order?
Well, the first one is the Anglo-American faction that was described by Carol Quigley in his 1966 book, The Tragedy and Hope.
That is the all-powerful entity made up basically of the financial institutions of the United States and Great Britain.
The Anglo-American.
The Anglo-American.
Uh, they have the greatest amount of power.
They're involved in every aspect of our lives and you don't even know it.
They basically control the political process, the judicial process, the educational process here in this country.
And that's why we're in the problems that we are right now.
Then you have the socialist European faction.
Which is vying for power with the Anglo-American faction.
It's led by France and Germany.
Ever wonder why France and Germany never seem to support us on these international ventures that England always is there?
Well, that's why.
And I explain that on the DVD.
And going on, you have the former USSR, the Soviet Union, the Soviet bloc, I shouldn't say the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation.
And by the way, they put the hammers and sickles back on and now call themselves that again, and the general public doesn't even know it.
Yeah, nothing's really changed.
They're going back to what they had before, but they're still trying to gain power so that they have a niche in this, if not come out of the Domino Parker.
And so is China.
China is another major one.
If you wonder why all these things, and they're all the time, you never see it in the local newspaper, the evening news or anything.
There's all these tensions going on underneath the scenes.
They're trying to undercut us or us them at every step of the way.
And it's,
Attention that will never go away.
We're going to have a world government sooner or later, as far as they're concerned, and they want to be on top.
And finally, the Arab League itself, or the radical Islamists, are another one.
They're being used by the Muslims in general, or the Arabs in general, as a front.
They're being funded by this, as you well know.
They're being funded by the Saudi families and the rich, oil-rich Arab nations.
In order to destabilize the West and create a niche for themselves.
They want to dominate the world just as much as the Anglo-American factor.
But the Anglo-Americans helped set up a lot of those countries in the 1915 and 1925.
And so from my research, there's a major connection.
Also, they're involved in the secret societies.
Uh, and the Knights Templar, so I see a big connection.
I see the Anglo-American, the European faction, and the Arab faction, even though it doesn't look like that on the surface, a lot of undercurrent connections.
Yes, there are.
In fact, obviously, we set the whole thing up, the CIA set up Al-Qaeda, and all the rest.
The tensions that we're facing right now, the terrorisms that we are facing right now, were created by the CIA, as you have talked about on your program.
Once you begin to understand this whole process, it all starts to make sense as to why all these very strange things happen.
How long do you think until they start?
Because I know the North American Union, they're already operating under SPP.
They announced two weeks ago that the Asian Union had been in effect for a decade, but they publicly announced it.
That was in Reuters.
And now, through the North American Union, they're already making treaties with the EU, so they're really already connecting to each other.
We're already really going into a trilateral world government.
There's no question that they're
There's no intention of them failing in this.
This has been one of the goals of the Trilateral Commission right from its inception in 1973, is to create a North American Union, as well as others.
They've wanted to divide this whole world up into economic units since the 1970s, early 1970s.
So has the Club of Rome.
They even published a map back in 1973 showing ten financial kingdoms.
And that's what the Trilateral Commission is also doing.
I'll explain all this in the DVD, showing how they have actually intended to do this for over 30 years now.
This is nothing new.
They've been planning this for a long time.
For years, if you even mention the Club of Rome or the Trilateral Commission or something, people will look at you like you're from Mars, because everybody knew back in the 1970s and early 1980s that those organizations didn't.
It was all conspiracy stories.
Are you kidding?
I remember in 2000, the New York Times said I was a made-up Bilderberg.
I mean, they were still doing it then.
You're right, Doctor.
I mean, these people are incredible.
Remember when it didn't exist, folks?
The North American Union didn't exist?
Let's talk about their plans to kill us.
Let me get back, because that is the final plan of old Beelzebub, isn't it?
And we'll take your calls, I promise, on the other side.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
I'm going to keep Dr. Michael Kaufman with us a little bit into the next hour, and we've got Mayor Pro Tem coming on from Farmer's Branch up in Dallas, my old stomping grounds, where they're standing up against the open borders invasion.
But just in a nutshell, Doctor, please break down for us, I mean obviously the population reduction agenda that Dr. Pianka has been calling for, the 80-90% they publicly state, could you give us your analysis of that and when in the global government plan they'll start to fully implement that?
I mean we know they're doing it in China now and doing it through abortion and other things, but how are they going to really get the huge population reduction they say they're going to implement?
Well, there's two things.
One of the things that we tumbled onto when we stopped the Biodiversity Treaty from being ratified 12, 13 years ago was the fact that they call for a human population of no more than 1 to 2 billion people in planet Earth.
That's a two-thirds to three-quarter reduction of the planetary population.
And they say ideally 500 million, though.
Yeah, ideally it's 500 million, but they wanted to get down, within 50 years, to 1 to 2 billion.
And the way that they were planning on doing that, according to their own words, is that they wanted to make the environment so critically important that we could no longer use pesticides, we could no longer use herbicides and so forth in growing food, and food production would be cut by about one-half to two-thirds, and of course you know what happens if you don't have any food to eat, you normally will expire within two weeks.
Well, it's like how they banned DDT that really wasn't hurting the birds.
That kills tens of millions a year.
Now, Dr. Coffman, let me comment on this because this is really important.
Let's be clear.
They're not talking about advances in food production or good genetic engineering or any of these things.
They're going from the point of view that man's the problem and must be gotten rid of, not even thinking about what developments there'll be in the next 50 years.
Plus, the very people running this don't care about the environment and are doing everything they can to really destroy it.
So what is the driving force behind this psychopathic behavior?
I think the desire for control, power.
You can say money, but they've already got all the money they could ever possibly use.
Money is only a means to an end, and that is power.
Well, that's right.
People always say they don't want to kill us.
They need the money.
Folks, they print the money.
The money is a way to control us.
Sorry, go ahead.
And that's the key thing that we have to recognize.
They're not like you and I, who are really trying to get money just to survive.
They have more money than they could possibly use.
They do use their money to gain more and more power.
They want to be in control.
It's the age-old desire, even of Satan himself.
He wants to be in control.
And they want to have us at a subsistence level, because then we're totally desperate and under their control, which is feudalism.
So, hence, it's neo-feudalism.
In fact, in the Global Biodiversity Assessment that we gave the U.S.
Senate to stop the Biodiversity Treaty, we highlighted one of the sections which basically said they wanted us to reestablish the old feudal system of the Dark Ages.
In fact, I used that subsection of the Biodiversity Assessment at the end of Road to Tyranny, where it says we could... they talk about how wonderful human sacrifice is.
And of course, the whole concept of Mother Earth religion, or this pantheistic type of religion, almost always inevitably leads to human sacrifice.
Almost always.
It wouldn't be in this generation, of course, but it would certainly be in the next generation.
Dr. Kaufman, what are you doing in the next hour?
I've got a mayor coming on from Farmer's Branch, but I'm only going to have him about ten minutes, and this is so important.
I want to...
Forty-five minutes just blew past us.
I know.
Unfortunately, we were about to take off to go to my son's house for Thanksgiving.
Well, do that.
Let's do five more minutes on the other side and blitz through Jeff, Bill, and Nick's calls at least, maybe even Brian, and then we'll have to get you back up soon, sir.
I really enjoyed this.
Well, we're going to be back in 60 seconds.
Dr. Michael Kaufman, we've got the video, World Events and Prophecy, available at Infowars.com right now.
We'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
More than seven... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There's gotta be something wrong with someone who wants to go get a badge and a gun and go out and treat people mean all day.
Gotta be something wrong with you.
Today I'll be talking, later in the broadcast, I'll be detailing, I've written five pages of notes about the history of the police state, how it operates, what its goal is.
We've also got a bunch of other news, the new trade deal, that is, i.e., North American Union, Pan American Union deal, being piecemeal signed.
We've been in Iraq longer than our troops were in World War II.
We'll go over all of it right now.
Open phones now for the balance of the broadcast.
I will, later in the show, at the half hour, go into the police state and do a little treatise here for you.
But right now, let's talk to Kyle and Mass and Emily and others.
Kyle, welcome.
Thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to tell you that for the past two weeks, I've been trying to get in touch with, not in touch, but on the air with Stephanie Miller and
With the intent of bringing attention to 9-11 and having you on as a guest, I just want to know, do you think it's a good idea for a bunch of us to sort of form like a compact battering ram and just pressure them and keep on calling them or something?
That name rings a bell.
Who's Stephanie Miller?
She's a talk show host for Air America.
You know, I'm not saying it isn't good to
Call into these radio shows, you should.
But I would just call in live on the air and bring up 9-11 information and 9-11 websites.
Sometimes it works to lobby people, sometimes it doesn't.
Really, the key is, call in where there's big audiences.
Call in on C-SPAN in the morning.
That's got a pretty big audience compared to some of these other shows.
Call in to national shows.
A lot of people focus their time and energy on getting into the Air America stations, and they don't have that many stations.
I mean, if you go to, say, Alexa.com and look at the web ratings, I mean, one of my websites is thousands of times bigger than Air America's website.
A lot of these people are legends in their own minds.
So you think that it wouldn't be a good idea to kind of organize hundreds or maybe even thousands of callers to just jam the phone lines?
To one show?
Well, once we break down the wall of one show, we can just move on to another.
Well, I mean, you're here talking about the show, uh... Any show.
I mean, we can just target shows one at a time.
Well, they've got call screeners and they've got the delays.
So, I mean, again, I think it's better to tell thousands of people to just call into their local shows, their national shows, when you're driving to pick up the kids from, you know, baseball practice or whatever, you hear a local radio show, you've got a 25-minute drive, go ahead and call into it.
I mean, I think that's more effective than just targeting one show and trying to convince them of 9-11.
I think it's better just to call into the show and take it over.
I guess it's a better idea.
Well, I'm not knocking your idea.
I just, uh... No, no.
It makes sense.
What else is on your mind, Kyle?
Uh, nothing really.
Just keep up the good work and thanks a lot.
Hey, thank you, sir.
And again, I'm not... A lot of my ideas aren't that good, so I'm not here saying my idea trumps yours.
It's just that we have limited things that we can focus people in on.
I mean, I'd love to get the DPS substation number of this woman that treated us like slaves and humiliated us and yelled at us for no reason and was just trying to dig something up on us so she could get us into the clutches of her criminal system.
But I'm not going to give out that substation number.
I'm probably not even going to end up fighting the ticket even though I don't know it.
Because I've got bigger fish to fry, folks.
I've got to make a film about the New World Order Master Plan.
I've got to do a bunch of other radio interviews.
I've got to do two radio shows today, totaling three hours, and two hours of TV.
Let me see, that's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
I'll be talking on nine hours today.
That's my commitment.
Just grind your teeth commitment and believe me, if you think talking nine hours on the radio and TV is easy, you didn't.
We'll be right back.
Stay with me.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Thank you, Bob Marley.
Welcome back.
Okay, before I continue with your calls, Emily, Casey, Craig, James, Frank, and others, I want to make it clear, talking about the police state here today, that the police on the ground are where the rubber meets the road.
As Officer Jack McClam says,
Most highly decorated police officer in Phoenix, Arizona history, cop of the year twice.
He found out how they were being lied to, how they were being manipulated, how the whole system was being warped.
He's not against police.
He's against what police are being turned into.
Their dark journey into tyranny.
And so we actually help the New World Order here if I just get up on air angrily and get mad at police.
Without differentiating that it's the system that's corrupt and the system that protects bad cops.
You see, the mainstream media goes, well, there's a few bad apples.
The system is trying to throw out the good apples and then promote the bad apples.
They're trying to teach good apples how to be bad apples.
So basically, I can, I guess, boil it down to that analogy.
And throughout history, tyrannies want thugs in power.
They want thugs there to carry out their criminal aims, and that's happening.
And that mentality is being sold, not just to police, but the public, and we need to wake up to it.
So, if I just sit up here and bash cops, the globalists love that.
That's why they're always putting out bad news, bad information about police.
Because then the public starts hating cops, and then the police go into their own tighter and tighter gang culture, basic criminology, basic tribalism, and they tell them in those big squad room meetings, see they're all against you, and you've got to hold up society, and society's unraveling, and a lot of people hate you.
We're your brothers and sisters.
We're the only ones you can trust.
You're in great danger out there.
You're in danger of being shot any minute.
They don't tell them statistically it's going to be a car wreck, or they're going to get hit with their behind hanging out in the middle of the highway writing tickets.
They don't tell them that radar gun fries off their organs.
No, no, no.
They scare them just in the areas they want them scared.
So I'll talk about it more later, but if we just sit here and attack police, they then, the good ones out there listening, take it personally, and they think, well, see, I'm not bad, and this just proves that they all think we're bad, and so, so what would they think?
I'll just, you know, I'll just start being mean to them.
And also, people get pulled over by, you know, over the years by 10 or 15 bad cops.
Well, then the next time a good cop pulls somebody over, you're going to be rude to them.
I mean, I've never done that.
I wait and see how they act.
I give them a chance.
And then I don't get all, all, uh, fired up.
I don't start shaking.
I don't bug my eyes out.
I get real cold.
I'm the boss.
You're the servant.
And I'm going to end up owning your house if you make any wrong moves.
Do you understand?
And again, they get so shocked.
I've had cops pull me over.
Uh, mind if I search the vehicle?
And they're all looking in the back, looking.
And I just go, no, you can't search the vehicle.
What do you have to hide?
Officer, I plan on having children.
This is what I'd say five, six years ago.
And I don't want them growing up without their Fourth Amendment.
Police wouldn't think.
And by then they try to interrupt you.
And I go, hey, you asked me a question.
Why don't I want you to search?
I'm answering your question.
Now, do you want me to answer the question?
And by then they start standing at attention, because it's all a hierarchical thing.
When you grovel, they like automatically think it's their right to run all over you.
Be respectful, but firm.
In fact, I'm smiling and nice, till they start trying to put me under their thumb.
Listen, I'm not your slave, and I want you to know that.
You don't have any right to own me.
And by the way, I'm the best friend you've got.
You're just as much in the crosshairs of this system, maybe more than we are, the general public.
But I won't sit here and whisper in your ear and pat you on the back like a used car salesman.
I'll tell you straight up, okay?
So, I start explaining, succinctly, that I want to preserve the Bill of Rights.
Then they'll come back invariably with, well, driving is a privilege.
And that you
are using the roadway and it's a privilege and they're going to do a search.
And I say, wait a minute.
Why then did you ask permission?
Because even though they tell you it's the policy of your department or the policy of the state police to search cars when you feel like it, doesn't meet the standard of probable cause set out in the Fourth Amendment.
And then I say, can you quote the Fourth Amendment?
And they start getting mad.
And I say, listen, you're the one here wanting to search my car.
I'm being reasonable with you.
And usually they just write you the ticket and leave by then.
But I've been pulled over before at these quasi-checkpoints where they're just randomly stopping every third car where you're not even speeding.
And sometimes they'll make you sit there for 15 minutes, two or three more cars come, they start looking in the windows.
And I just, you know, at that point just start preaching to them.
But usually, it probably happened to me five times, six times, probably more than that if I really think about it, where they wanted to search my car and I said no and they've never done it.
Well, that's not true.
One time I was late getting to the radio studio.
This was in 1998.
It was the KJFK studios in North Austin.
By late, I wanted to always get there about an hour before and like to always have some extra time, some leeway.
And he wanted to search the car and I'm just sitting there in the back some mess with papers and books and videos and I just said listen normally I'd because he went on for about 10 minutes I said fine go ahead and look in there I gotta get to the radio studio and he and as soon as I quote let him he just opened the back door was a suburban looked in and said okay you can go and he felt stupid and just let me go so that's not true I did consent to one one time
Because what do you do?
You know, you've got kids to pick up, you've got to go to work, and you've got some highwaymen pulling you over.
That's what's so bad about these checkpoints, is that it's just random.
They don't even have the excuse that you were speeding, or they claim you were speeding.
And by the way, they hardly ever get those things calibrated.
I mean, take this lady that pulled me over Thursday night.
There's no way she could have radar'd me from the road.
She wouldn't tell me if somebody radar'd me down the road.
You know, before.
But I had it on cruise control.
A lot of them just randomly pull you over and just make up whatever speed they want.
Or they use that, I guess, telephone pole, the telephone pole system.
That doesn't work.
That doesn't work.
But I'm already digressing.
There's a reason you try to trick people into letting you search the car.
And it's because there is such a thing as the Fourth Amendment.
And you may try to train us if there isn't.
And you did, under federal funds, run checkpoints all over the country, but in more and more states you got your hind end sued off, so now you've got your front group, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, calling for checkpoints all over the country with federal grants, and for breathalyzers in all cars for everyone.
This has nothing to do with keeping the public safe.
It's all about control and taxation.
Let's go ahead and talk to Emily in Colorado.
Emily, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, howdy Alex.
Let me apologize for the trauma you and your family experienced over the holiday.
It's just inexcusable.
Well, I wonder how the police would like their family being treated like that.
Well, you know, hopefully it would even turn them around.
Well, that is turning a lot of them around.
That, you know, cops will send their daughter or son off to college and the same thing happens to them.
So, what comes around goes around, but go ahead.
Right, right.
I know you're extremely busy, but did you happen to catch an episode of Fox's new drama called Standoff two weeks ago?
No, but I've gotten emails that it basically is a character based on myself and that they... that it's a... I've gotten a bunch of emails about it.
Right, right.
Basically, I just wanted to see if you thought that that was legitimate.
Well, I was sent a synopsis by a listener who posted it on his website, and I couldn't make the video play for some reason to watch a clip of it, but it's where some talk show host is working with the kidnapper, and uh... yeah.
Right, yeah, that's probably me.
Yeah, hopefully I'll get a better copy.
I got it off of Torrent.
I don't really know anything about, you know, online video, but that was it.
Well, I'll definitely check it out.
I'll send it over to Watson and try to watch it and find out what it was about.
All right.
Well, God bless you, Alex.
God bless you.
Thanks for the call.
KC in Minnesota.
Go ahead, KC.
Hi, Alex.
I've got something really important to mention.
Well, to me, it's important.
On how the government establishes extra-constitutional jurisdiction over us, I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but in Title 28 of the United States Code, it says that the United States is a federal corporation.
Are you aware of that?
Yes, the District of Columbia authorized to sit there and basically control certain federal possessions.
Right, not only is it a federal corporation but in the Uniform Commercial Code, Article 9, it states that the United States is actually located
In the District of Columbia.
No, I understand, and this is, it's a charter, just like the British East India Company, or the Dutch East India Company, and it gets into admiralty law, and I've seen federal court cases where they argue it now, and, uh, yes, they are replacing the Bill of Rights and Constitution, uh, basically before they had the old Constitution running parallel with the new system, now they're totally replacing the old Constitution and bringing in the new tyranny.
Your name in all capital letters.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
Stay there.
We'll talk about it on the other side.
All of that is real and true, but they don't care what patriot mythology or what legalese you claim supersedes it.
It's backed up by the barrel of a gun, period.
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The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
Globalists are concerned with what's good
I think so.
We're good to go.
Alright, let me make it real simple.
The District of Columbia is a chartered private corporation through the central banks, the private Federal Reserve.
You can verify that in five minutes.
It's public knowledge.
That same group has now contracted with Canada and Mexico to form the North American Union
Every federal agency has been instructed, now going back 12 months, to finalize the agreements and to merge our governments.
Businesses all over the country are getting their new North American Union Tax ID numbers.
Congress is totally against it.
It's passed no law.
The people of Mexico are against it.
The people of Canada and the U.S.
are totally against it.
But it's being done.
They're pure evidence of open criminality that our entire government has been hijacked.
And it took them a long time.
You know, they took over in 1913.
In 1933, they declared martial law, set up the state police that are really federal police.
And they've been slowly taking over, infiltrating, replacing every institution.
Here's a microcosm example.
Coast-to-coast, the metro system set up in 1947 in Chicago, Metro 1313 is what it's called, have the incorporated cities dissolving, buying off, and taking control of the counties and abolishing the elected position of sheriff.
Again, removing local control.
So anytime somebody in the public can't figure out what the District of Columbia private chartered corporation owned predominantly by the Queen of England and the Dutch royalty as well as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and that's also in financial publications, you can find that in the scholarly works, that were owned by royalty.
Same folks that owned us before lost control for a while and they've got control again and they just hand over parts of it.
Juan Carlos is one of the biggest owners of Centra.
And the King's just been given all the major roads in Texas and now they're going to piecemeal start phasing in the roads.
I mean, there it is!
But the cop pulling you over doesn't know the state police are really federal.
They don't really know that they've been incrementally being trained how to abolish the Bill of Rights and to condition the public to accept it.
They just believe they're out there, quote, keeping you safe.
But there's all this patriot mythology about, oh, well, if you put your name in all caps or
You stay out of the system, or you send in a letter telling them that you're not part of the system, or retaining your state citizenship, that somehow they'll leave you alone.
Well, that may work for a while, but I'm just telling you that the system is predatory and doesn't care.
Do you think the District of Columbia cares that Congress isn't signing on to the North American Union?
They're going ahead with it!
You think they care that 99% of the American people in polls are against the Supreme Court ruling that private interests can take your land without just compensation?
No, they don't care.
You think they care that 90 plus percent don't want open borders?
No, they're just going ahead with it.
And they've got packs of armed goons who will eat their own guts and ask for seconds.
And by the way, you think the cops are bad now?
You wait until those hundreds of thousands, and they already are, rotate back and become police.
They've been running real live checkpoints.
They've been shooting whole families on the side of the road.
Hundreds dying every week over there.
Six hundred plus thousand dead in the last three and a half years.
They're coming back, folks.
Totally mentally ill, totally screwed up for life, should be in mental institutions after what they've done, or in prison.
Uh-uh, they're going to be ruling us.
Let's go back and let him finish up.
KC, go ahead.
What I was saying was, if it is true that your name in all caps indicates a corporation, this is very, very important with two major current events going on right now.
The income tax, truth and taxation.
What I'm saying right now is truth and taxation.
If your name in all caps is a corporation, that means you are making a corporate law.
It is under corporate law, and it is a chartered agreement when the paper has a square containing it.
All of that
Here's the thing, this strawman argument is going to be indefeatable with the microchip because that is actually implanting the strawman into you.
You have no way to rebut it.
You have no way to tell the truth.
Yeah, that's what that's about, with your ID number, with your entire life history on it.
But they're already doing that with the face scan, which creates a biometric access code.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
I just... You asked if I'd heard of this.
Yeah, I've been doing this coming up on 13 years.
Believe me, I know all about it, sir.
And I know I've seen hundreds of people do it.
It's so frustrating.
There is not a magic bullet to this.
Just because what they're doing is illegal and unconstitutional and a fraud, you have to first educate the public that the government isn't really our government.
You can prove that with the North American Union.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Alright, I want to break down what the police state is and go over some of the important facets of it.
And they get into a whole plethora of other news, but let's run through the calls quicker now.
Let's talk to Craig in Wisconsin.
Craig, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
You're pretty much nailing it on the head with the police state.
I would say that the war on drugs was the beginning of the real federalization.
And with the society so saturated with the alcohol and, you know, with sporting events, then they started with the criminalization of DUI and making that more
Well, they did it in phases, too.
Don't forget that they brought in prohibition, and that was used to federalize things and set up the BATF to run around, as well as the FBI.
And, of course, it crippled the size of organized crime, corrupted our police, and it was the very same criminal networks doing this.
I mean, the folks that run our country are the people that had the entire monopoly
I think?
What was it in 1709?
I mean, again, I study mercantilism.
I study who these elites are.
And you try to tell this to the general public, they just don't understand.
They were always making things illegal.
It was illegal to ship in silks unless they brought it in.
It was illegal to bring in opium unless they brought it in.
This drug war is nothing new.
And the very same families that are the heirs
Of these powerful global corporations are the ones that made narcotics illegal when they lost their monopoly in the 1920s.
You're right on Alex.
I would just say the connection with the whole incremental society or whatever you want, prison planet or whatever you want to call it.
The new one is, maybe I'm going a little paranoid, but this Michael Richards thing with the free speech
And they're going to sell... This is in the debate for the past two weeks now, and I think they're going to... They just won't let it go.
And he should be... Apologies, not good enough.
And then, of course, they have the hate crime bill coming up, and it just seems very convenient that they're going to... It goes from, you know, the criminalizing... The DUI... A 16-year-old kid gets a DUI, and he loses his license until 21 or whatever.
You know, it's worse... I mean, I got pulled over when I was 16.
They took my beer and sent me home.
That happened to me.
And they knew my name.
I lived in a town of 5,000 people.
It wasn't like it was a...
Big secret, you know.
It was a small town, we were bored, we were driving around.
You know, youthful indiscretion.
But now they got this whole... They have all that going on, getting in the system, and now it's literally...
Criminalizing on par for their speech.
By the way, England is usually about three or four years ahead of us.
They're pushing nationally to ban not just protesting, but you have to go get not just a permit to demonstrate anywhere, but you have to pre-file with them exactly what your speech is going to be.
It's pre-crime in case you were going to say something that hurts someone's feelings.
That's the whole ridiculous part is you have to get permission to protest.
I have a protest.
Can I, you know, that's completely diametrically opposed to the concept of protest.
They've already started it here.
It's like, well, when are you going to protest?
What will you be talking about?
Hmm, we're going to grant your permit.
And then now, oh, we're not going to grant your permit.
It's just like,
We're good to go.
I was down at the beach this weekend.
I was talking to some people at the hotel pool here in South Texas and the guy was telling me about his concealed carry and how it's a privilege to own a gun and how he sticks his hands out the window whenever he gets pulled over because then he can lose his gun license.
You jump through all the hoops, you get your concealed carry that turns a right into a privilege, and when the cops pull you over, you stick your hands out with your license and then leave them there while they, quote, search your car because you're an evil concealed carry person.
We need Vermont-style concealed carry where you're not a criminal, you got your Second Amendment!
I'll just say one thing, I'll let somebody else get in.
I just look at so many issues, but one issue that I don't see
Hammered very much in alternative media, or you know, it's certainly not going to be in the mainstream, but the real death toll and casualties of soldiers doesn't get talked about enough, I think.
I think that would be a really good point.
Last time I looked the numbers up, it was over 10,000 dead, and again, they play a trick.
If you die in Germany after they flew you out, if you die a month later in the U.S.
at Bethesda,
Or if you die on a ship, that isn't a combat casualty.
So the real number was over 10,000 months and months ago, and that's conservative.
So it isn't 3,000 folks, it's 10,000.
Under 3,000, it seems like it's never going to hit 3,000.
You know, it's just conveniently sticking, you know, it's ridiculous.
And that would be a really good point to wake people up.
I mean, because this whole idea of the war is bad enough, and they don't approve, but they're dying for absolutely nothing, and they're not telling the truth of how many anyway.
I agree with you, and I appreciate your call.
We're about to go to James, but he just hung up.
Frank in New York.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you.
I wanted to talk a little bit about what's happened with the assassination of Leon... Excuse me.
The assassination regarding the, I guess, double agent in London recently.
We've got Steve Watson coming up in 51 minutes.
I'm Alexander Litnevanka, and it's rather interesting because I've been seeing like a lot of media spin on the U.S.
over the past three days regarding the case, and I think people have to be sort of aware of what's, you know, what are the major players or who they are.
For those who don't know, a rare radioactive isotope was delivered to his body, and after a few weeks he died last week.
And he's the guy who'd been exposing bombs being planted in Moscow buildings by Putin when he was Vice President, the murder of a bunch of journalists, and now the news spin is the Zionists did it.
And this is what I get sick of.
When Israel does something, we'll talk about it, but everything under the sun, I mean if you slip on a banana peel, the Zionists didn't do it.
And now they're claiming Putin's good, and the Zionists are after him, and that, oh, that Israel really did this to blame it on Putin, with absolutely no evidence.
And it just gets old that we expose all corruption, and there's like this thought police out there that demands that Israel be behind everything, and then they even spin it and claim, I'm anti-Semitic now, because I don't believe Israel did it.
I'm not kidding!
No, I'm not saying Israel did it, but I think you have to realize that, you know, Leonid Nevly is the number two man at Yukos who went to Israel with two billion dollars of
Yuco Assets and set up his trading company.
Well, actually, a Yucos executive got arrested and then Lord Rothschild in the Times of London two years ago laughed because he was the secret owner and so Putin couldn't do anything.
No, no, no.
I'm talking about his partner because it's interesting that Alexander was actually working as an intermediary between the partners of Yucos.
And bringing assets out of Russia to Europe.
And it looks as if maybe he also, since he was working covertly with the Russian Federal Security Service, that he may have been also working for Putin.
You have to remember that it was Yeltsin who allowed the Soviet assets to be nationalized.
To be given to six oligarchs.
And given to the oligarchs for next to nothing.
So in a sense, what's interesting too is, uh, Nevlin
He's been pressing the Western Europe and the EU not to allow Russia full membership.
Let me just add something.
Obviously there's a lot of cloak and dagger going on and we don't know exactly what happened with this, but the claim that Putin isn't killing and jailing journalists and slapping hammers and sickles back on the tanks and airplanes
I mean, Putin is bad news.
He is in bed with Bush.
He is in bed with the globalists.
And when I brought up the fact that the real owner of the majority of the stock of Yukos, the big trans-Siberian oil company, was Lord Rothschild, you said no, no.
Are you saying that isn't true?
We don't have any direct evidence.
We do know that Bank Meditap and the Blackstone Group
Well, you may have missed the time.
Did you miss the time?
I know that, but the point is they have never been able to tie Rothschild directly in.
Possibly Bank Meditap and the Blackstone Group.
But even that's very, very shaky.
You just said that again.
It was in several papers that they were unable to grab the assets because Lord Rothschild was holding what was the Silent Partner.
Well, I didn't know if it was Lord Rothschild or if it was agents such as the Blackstone Group or Bank Metadat.
But the point is,
This gentleman had direct access, working as a courier, with number two, a man at Yukos, who Putin has attempted to get extradition for the last two and a half years to Israel, and Interpol has rejected, you know, placing the extradition on Israel.
Are you talking about Boris Barabosky?
Pardon me?
Talking about Barabosky?
Are you talking about Baravosky?
No, I'm talking about Leonid Nevlin.
Let me look at mine.
I've got a couple of stories right here.
Well, what's rather interesting about it is... Listen, you've got to come to the summation.
What are you saying?
Alex, if you look at what's coming into the Western media from Great Britain and the United States, a lot of what's actually been going on is sort of smoke and mirrors.
And it also... I would really question blaming everything on Putin, because Putin really
Has very little to lose, in fact.
You know, if Alexander Litvinovsky was working for Putin as an agent in the Federal Security Service of Russia, then everything is totally spun the other way, and I think you have to look at that.
You're very good on what's happening, but I think that's something that you missed, and I think that's kind of...
You know, something that I think we should be sort of critical looking at.
Well, yeah, I think we should be critical, though, of the fact that you're here saying that it wasn't in the newspapers that Lord Rothschild had came out publicly owned a large share of Yukos.
So I'm confused.
No, no, no.
All I'm saying is he may have owned that, but it wasn't Rothschild & Associates or Rothschild Inc.
or the Rothschild Bank.
It may have been other
financial agents such as Bank of Medina or the Blackstone Group.
Sure, I appreciate your call, sir.
Let's talk to Eddie in Ohio.
Eddie, go ahead, you're on the air.
Three things, and then I'll hang up and listen to your comments after.
The first one is, I have a policeman buddy from the gym who thinks DUI checkpoints are good.
He actually was pulled over by the state police while drinking a Mountain Dew because it might have been a beer.
So he thinks that's a reasonable cause.
Yeah, he thinks it's right.
Yeah, he thinks it's... The other thing is, I kind of see Kramer yelling out the N-word as kind of a psyops to try and pass these hate speech laws next year.
that have been getting turned down these last few years but by very close ears.
It is all really suspicious and once they can restrict speech and they're already arresting people for racial comments and no matter how distasteful it is you gotta fight to the death for the First Amendment to be there but they're abolishing the entire Bill of Rights so what do you expect you know?
And the third thing is I think uh... Terror Storm is excellent but I found
Something to be really good is when I give it the person 9-1-1 in plain sight with Dave Enclaves, then give your Terror Storm, your Terror Storm comes off much better.
That's my opinion.
I just thought I'd say that.
Well, fantastic.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin.
Kevin, where are you calling us from today?
Thank you, Alex.
You know, I think I do have the silver bullet, not to answer to the problems right now.
There's 300 million Americans.
The military personnel in the official Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines is a total of maybe a million-five.
And many of them are patriots that listen to this show and understand what's going on.
And they're trying desperately to hold the line of this country together.
No, I agree.
That's what's holding everything back.
But the silver bullet, I would ask every person of means that's listening to this show, you don't have to criticize the government or get active in that way, but if everyone would just go to www.awrm.org and print out what's there and prepare themselves.
They don't even have to become publicly active if they just prepare themselves.
300 million Americans.
If 1% had the means and the dedication to do that, that would be 3 million Americans.
Why don't you enlighten us on what you're talking about?
The AWRM is a well-regulated militia.org.
It's a webpage.
Oh yeah, sure.
It gives the national militia standards for people that are not radicals.
They're just people that believe in the Constitution and in their last means of defense to protect it.
And if 1% of the 300 million Americans
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
I'm going to hold off on calls for now.
I know we have a bunch coming in.
We'll get to you.
I want to get into the police state, its history, how it operates, what its main goals are.
Really, we overanalyze this.
We have to realize that there are a lot of people who are awake, but there's just as many who don't have the basic building blocks to understand what's happening to them.
Publicly, openly, private corporations have paid off our politicians, set up their own private corporation, called the Federal Reserve, and now they're merging us with Canada and Mexico,
They're overturning every bedrock law we have, while telling us it's for our own best interest, when it has nothing to do with, quote, fighting terrorists, even if you believe the official story that 19 guys attacked us being commanded from a cave.
This government is illegitimate!
This government is un-American!
This government is anti-American!
This government is dangerous to the security of America!
We're being destroyed from within.
And, I mean, it is an open secret.
Everybody you talk to, because there's so many articles in Vanity Fair, and Esquire, and all over the news, and C-SPAN.
The government ships in the majority of the narcotics, and by ships it in, they ship in a lot of it themselves using the military.
The CIA ships in a large portion of it on their own aircraft.
But the rest of it are controlled conduits.
They launder the money where they're told.
The cartels are just like a McDonald's manager, folks.
They don't own them, not McDonald's.
The franchisees do.
And then the franchisees follow the orders that entail their corporate contract with the boys at corporate.
The heroin, the cocaine, it's all shipped in here.
That's why the globalists hate, and it is a terrible drug, but they hate it for the wrong reason, methamphetamine.
Because it's cooked up in bathtubs and in places where they don't get a cut of it.
But they do get a cut through their asset forfeiture seizure.
Some of the drug war itself, the foundation of so much of the police state, is an open-faced fraud.
And they all want to laugh at police when they want to search my car for drugs.
I tell them, I don't use your boss's products.
Now get out of here, skedad, get on down the road.
What a joke.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
John, Robert, George, many others, we're going to get to your calls.
Steve Watson joins us in about 50 minutes to talk about what's happening.
The big debate raging about who really poisoned this spy.
He's a former KGB agent over in London.
But I guess we've got an hour and 54 minutes so far.
I haven't really plugged the films yet.
First off, if you believe in what we're doing here and you want to support us, you really should get Terror Storm, you should get Road to Tyranny, Martial Law, America, Freedom to Fascism, The Order of Death, the films I've produced and the other films and books by other great researchers and authors that we carry on the secure online video and bookstore that we have at InfoWars.com.
But more important than just supporting us, these are powerful films that will inform you to a higher level and will inform your neighbors, your friends, your family, people in your community.
I ask you, I beg you when you get my films, to make copies of them for non-profit educational purposes.
Believe me, if you weren't out there doing what you're doing every day, those of you that have gotten the films and made copies and gotten them out to people, we'd be in a lot worse shape today.
The people overwhelmingly in every major poll have changed direction 180 degrees.
In major polls a decade ago, people didn't believe in the New World Order.
They didn't know about the North American Union.
They trusted the political parties.
Now 80 plus percent don't.
We're actually winning the hearts and minds.
The problem is the system's consolidated and the elite are just going, we don't care what you do.
We've won part of the battle here.
So please get Terror Storm.
Please get Road to Tyranny.
Please get America Freedom to Fascism.
These are the gifts you should give this holiday season.
And if we get your order by the 15th, you will get it a few days before Christmas.
We ship it out UPS ground.
Sometimes the average is about three or four days.
But it takes us a few days to process your order and so we're going to cut orders off on that Friday the 15th of December.
That is cut them off for guaranteed delivery by December 25th so you can give them as a gift.
Or buy one copy of Terror Storm and make 20 copies and give that as your gift.
Or if you want to support us, buy 20 copies.
And we could do so much more if we had more support.
We do have a lot of great support.
And really, over the years, my focus has not been about capitalizing this operation, but I realize that when we're able to spend more, we can do more, make more films, make better films, have better websites, put out more reports, go more places, bring you more information.
You know we work super hard.
I mean, a lot of listeners email me and go, I heard you on the radio at 7 a.m.
and then I heard you at 3 a.m.
Man, you're working hard.
Yeah, I'm working hard.
I'm gonna do this three-hour show today.
Then two interviews, then two hours with Jeff Rents, and then two TV shows.
Nine hours of broadcast today.
And I like doing my own show.
It feels good during the three hours.
Sometimes it gets tiring.
Every time I take off a few days, it's exhausting.
And usually I'm not tired.
I'm really hanging on the ropes right now.
And trial by fire, I'll be really tired by the time I go to bed at about 2 AM tonight.
But you know what?
These criminals need to be brought to justice.
And do you have a passion in your heart?
I mean, who are you?
Do you have a passion to bring criminals to justice?
Aren't you sick of these bullies that run our society?
I mean, these are really evil people.
They admittedly run giant white slavery rings.
I mean, I want police listening to know, you work for a government that openly runs giant child kidnapping rings.
I mean, the people running this government produce snuff films.
Now that's mainstream news, but it's back of the paper.
I mean, I lose sleep at night, folks.
I'm freaked out.
And it's not because I'm some wild man from Texas.
I think of myself as just a normal person.
I picked the Chicago Tribune up and they're talking about giant child kidnapping rings run and protected by the government and DynCorp and Halliburton.
You think they'd just let me say that on air if it wasn't true?
I'd be sued in ten seconds.
It's true!
I mean, that's who you work for!
That's who's telling you that warrantless checkpoints are okay!
No, they're not!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It just gets richer and richer.
Rat singer, Benedict, is
In Istanbul, right now, he's having his big turkey summit.
There's riots all over the place.
Meeting with the 33 world religions.
How Illuminati does it have to get?
Calling for a world religion.
And the headline, this is out of the Associated Press, Kissinger to serve as papal advisor.
Excuse me, this is the register.
Pope Benedict has invited Henry Kissinger, former advisor to Richard Nixon, to be the political consultant
And he accepted.
So not only is Kissinger at the White House every week running things, now he'll openly be advising Ratzinger.
Heaven help us.
And how blasphemous is it that Pope John Paul II and Ratzinger, Benedict,
Both are saying we need all religions come together and all religions are one and calling for a new world order.
And again, I'm not here bashing Catholics, folks.
The Protestant leaders are a bunch of political pimps as well.
But I mean, heaven help us.
If you don't see the world government coming into view right now, Kissinger is the guy that was going to
Run the quote, Independent 9-11 Commission.
Independent, appointed by Bush.
Is there no end to it?
Alright, we get back from this next break.
I'm going to go over the history of the police state.
We'll get to your calls.
I'm going to break down just some of the thoughts I had this weekend.
There's really no rhyme or reason to it.
I wrote five pages of notes, just with different points I wanted to make about how far along the police state's gone.
But this mainly gets into the psychology of it,
And the history of it, not the gadgetry and the mechanisms of it.
You know, we cover that more than we cover the psychology of it.
But I got cut by the end of the hour there, and I wanted to say that for all of my problems, I mean, I'm not the best.
I certainly am humbled by the fact that I am the biggest thing there is in the fight against the New World Order in this country.
That's very humbling.
I don't like that, by the way.
I really am an artist.
I just want to live my life and spend time with my family, and I am forced to just fight the globalists.
And to have this knowledge, to know how evil they are, I mean, it's fathomless, but at least I can say that I know that they're as evil as it gets, and to know that they're just out in the open.
The country's dead.
They've signed the North American Union.
We're going into it.
They're abolishing every bedrock canon of our once great republic.
They're breaking down the family, breaking down the society, brainwashing the public, poisoning us in our air, water, and food by design.
Involved in just every crime you can imagine, openly.
And then you've got all these Dudley Do-Right police and social servants and school teachers and bureaucrats who empower this, all implementing their little control freak piece of the puzzle.
I mean, Target's paying all over the country to surveil the public and put up watchtowers.
Our cities are being turned into camps.
Target surveils all their customers.
I didn't mean to talk about that.
They're becoming more and more public.
I heard some NPR piece where they said they're really a high-tech surveillance company that just does some retail sales on the side.
They're consulting your major police departments.
It's just, how do you even try to drink the Atlantic Ocean with a teacup?
I can't even tell you how bad it is.
One has to simply behold it.
One cannot describe it.
It's big.
It's bad.
And it's here.
And so many people that serve this system think they're doing good.
You're doing the opposite.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In every society, in all cultures, throughout all of recorded human civilization and societies, going back 6,000 years, any armed force funded and financed by the people always goes bad, if it isn't bad from the founding, that's more the case than not.
Figure out that they could easily take control of the society because of their monopoly of the force continuum and they set up their own petty dictatorships, their own plutocracies, their own oligarchies.
And a more modern example in the scheme of time was two thousand plus years ago when Julius Caesar
Before, the Caesars weren't allowed to have their own police force in the city of Rome.
Because, if a Roman general, this is how they got the Caesars, ever brought in his troops, he could simply seize control of the seat of government, and make himself a dictator, and the Roman Senate wasn't stupid.
They basically had a posse comitatus law.
You couldn't have your legions in Rome.
You couldn't have them anywhere south of the Rubicon River in the north.
You couldn't have them north of a small mountain range in the south.
You couldn't bring your troops into the country.
Because generals can't be trusted.
Why do police wear blue?
Well, because we adopted it according to the Italian police uniform of dark blue, which itself, this is in the Encyclopedia, was adopted because of the Praetorian Guard, but I already jump ahead.
And so Julius Caesar crosses with his legions across the Rubicon.
He comes into Rome and makes himself the Emperor.
Well, by the end, in 410, when Alaric and the Visigoths sacked Rome,
Rome was a shell of itself because sometimes they had a new Caesar every month.
Sometimes they had multiple Caesars every year.
Then they split Rome into the Eastern and Western Empires to share power.
And who was the Caesar?
The Caesar always became the General.
And more often than not, it was the General who was in control of the Roman Legion in Rome.
Or his own little personal guard, the spoiled rotten Praetorians who wore the long flowing blue capes of Caesar.
They didn't wear a red uniform.
They wore a blue uniform, so our police actually wear the outfits of the very stinkers that finally brought down Rome.
In Rome's golden age, when it built itself up, it was very stoic, very serious, corruption was not
Accepted people's property rights if they were citizens, were absolutely sacrosanct.
By the end of it, it was just a bunch of greedy, corrupt police, literally ruling everything, greedily robbing everyone, totally decadent, and the thing fell apart and the barbarians took over.
And so, we have the Roman legions.
Coming into Rome, and whoever had control of the legions in Rome became the king.
And the local police force, the Praetorian, would figure out very quickly that, well, we can just go stab Caesar to death and I'll be the top dog, and then we make the general the top dog, and they make all these big payoffs to the police.
That's who they were.
Back then, stuff was so corrupt, the fire departments in Rome, you had to pay them protection money or they'd burn down your section of the city, the Greek, the Jewish, the Christian sections.
Fire departments today are great people, but back then, well that's what, you think the Italian mob invented the idea of pay us protection or insurance money or somebody will burn down your warehouse or burn down your grocery store or burn down your textile plant?
That was just, it was a repeat.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
And then now when Lacosa Nostra got exposed back in the late fifties, what we already knew was made public and that was they were modeling themselves off of the Roman legions, the Roman system.
In fact, that's how Julius Caesar's family made their money to position him for power was that his family owned the Roman fire department.
And you had to pay them tribute or they'd burn your building down.
So basically you had the fire department and the police department and then they became the rulers of the empire because they were there in the city where the government was located.
But it got to where there were so many coup d'etats that the government couldn't run and couldn't operate.
There was no debate.
There was no pious behavior.
Everything degenerated into sports and diversions and distractions.
And now we accelerate forward.
to the 1870s, there were gang riots in New York.
And the different racial gangs, the gangs of New York that was put out by Scorsese a few years ago is loosely based on that.
What did the city do?
They went and hired the biggest gang and put them in blue uniforms.
Previously it was the sheriff, previously it was the constable,
These were elected positions.
They served the people.
The people were pretty virtuous, by and large.
Crime was heavily punished.
If you did actually hurt somebody, they would hunt you down.
It was taken very seriously, so there wasn't a lot of crime.
But they set up with... I mean, from day one, the New York Police Department was a pack of criminals.
And they set them up and put them in little Roman outfits.
Okay, high authority, blue uniforms with lots of brass and badges to make everybody be real scared, and oh my gosh, they're the bosses.
And they'd go around and crack heads and keep everyone safe.
Then they figured out real quick that they could run the organized crime, which they do to this day.
That's mainstream history!
You think the average cop in New York even knows that?
You think the average state police officer in say Kansas or Texas knows that?
They don't know the state police were set up in 1933 by the federal government or really federal police.
They don't know anything!
They ignorantly pull you over and say they want to search your car with no probable cause and no warrant and just say because they say so.
And they intimidate you into doing it.
Now I say this.
The police want to treat us all like criminals and they're all taught that it's a thin blue line and the whole world's against them and society will implode if they don't get tough and get rough.
And I say this, history, the facts, the numbers convict you.
Police are twice as likely to be involved in all forms of crime.
That's an official Justice Department number.
We talked about CPS workers are five times more likely.
Truancy officers, it's off the chart.
But police are twice as likely.
Why is that?
Because most criminals really aren't stupid, and crime really does pay.
And there's little criminal networks in the police department, and they recruit in their young nephews and their cousins, and it's a family operation even in big cities.
And it's these little social networking groups, and they keep some of the drug money, they keep some of the cash, and they all live in houses too big and too expensive, and they drive Escalades and, you know, Mercedes, and it's just a sick joke.
Now the poor local beat cop, he's not in on that cut, but the higher-ups are.
And the Feds run their former FBI and BATF and federal marshals in all the small towns now.
And they're feeding, setting up their own little boss hog operations there.
So that's why now, suddenly, when the cops pull you over, they're not polite to you.
They'll scream at you, they'll yell at you.
Because that's actually encouraged, folks.
They're letting you know who the boss is.
The Feds even say the rudeness at the airport is encouraged because they're getting you ready for that on the streets of America.
Look at the history.
Look at Mexico.
Look at other countries, how the police treat you.
Again, these are corrupt systems.
They want you to be intimidated.
That's the whole point!
The government's gone completely criminal.
One of the reasons our country was so free compared to others is because we didn't have a lot of police, and the sheriff was elected.
And if he got out of line, he got run out on a rail.
And when he needed more people, he said, I need help!
And the men all held up their guns and said, let's go!
Now you go jump through hoops and get a concealed carry, and when you get pulled over like a criminal, you gotta put your hands up.
Oh, but a real criminal isn't gonna tell you they got a gun.
See how pathetically they treat us and how we just accept this?
And then some guy who had a concealed carry this weekend told me, oh, no, the Second Amendment's a privilege.
They taught him in the class.
Just like a cop will tell you driving's a privilege.
No it isn't!
You were lied to!
I know all the cases!
I know the jurisprudence!
I know the common law!
You don't!
You're ignorant!
And I know statistically there are a lot more criminals in your ranks than anywhere else in society.
So for you to sit up there all high and mighty and preach to me and mine
And yell at me, and prod me, and bug your eyes out at me while you put up all your cameras in your federal control system.
It makes me sick.
And then, I don't have to go outside Texas.
I mean, we got Tulea, Texas, where 56 black people were arrested, no drugs found, one racist cop getting thousands of dollars in bonuses, every person he shut up, all going to prison.
In Dallas, it was admitted they would just randomly pull over cars and throw bags of chalk in the back and take their cars and houses, no due process, under asset forfeiture seizure.
How'd you swing that one?
Houston, Texas, the police chief admitted more than 4,000 people who were totally innocent were completely framed in your crime lab.
Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, head of the FBI Crime Labs, told you the same thing federally.
In Boston, that movie, The Departed, is based on a true story, where the police department is basically half mobsters,
And the other half are scared of them getting killed?
Good cops are getting holes put in them?
Hey, that's how the real world works!
So, the age of the cop getting the cat out of the tree and changing your tires is over.
The age of the cops get slapped on the back so much their backs sore and everybody's trying to give them pie and pieces of cake, that's all over because you're not peace officers anymore.
You're not guardians anymore, you're an errand boy for the New World Order.
On the good side, you're out there raising taxes, out there generating revenue.
On the bad side, you're a mobster.
So, they want to point that in all these shows like Cops, where they show all the miscreants in America, but none of the good people, it's always meant to show the cops is good, we're bad, it's all brainwashing, and you're buying your own propaganda.
Some more key points straight ahead, stay with me.
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And why do we talk about the police?
The bureaucracy itself.
That's where the rubber meets the road.
How does the IRS take your house, your car, everything you've got without a judge, without a jury, without due process?
This is a private banking system.
They set it up.
They just tell you this is the way it is.
They have their own federally hired and trained enforcers.
Totally brainwashed.
And, you know, high level.
He was high level for only being in there, what, seven years.
Joe Bannister heard a talk radio show in California.
Treasury agent, you know, every week raiding people.
And he heard all these claims about private banks and the Federal Reserve and the IRS and the 16th and 17th Amendment.
He didn't believe it.
He spent two years, almost every day, researching it.
And he found out it was all true.
So listen, if you want to find out the reality here, and you want to just stop going off what your superiors are telling you, I'm confident we have the truth.
You know, how do you take people's private property without due process?
How do you take their children?
How does CPS do that?
How do they do that?
And then you get into the family court and there's no due process.
These are new courts and now they've got the administrative law courts doing the same thing with businesses.
And then you just, oh well, it's a new procedure.
You see, you're breaking the law.
When a cop pulls you over and doesn't have due process and asks, do you mind if I search, that means he doesn't have due process.
And you say, no, and they argue with you.
They're violating one of the billions.
I mean, there's only ten of them.
And they're confused that you're upset, that they're literally stomping on the soul of America.
What is America?
It isn't just our geographic boundaries, it's our
Bill of Rights, our Constitution.
Do you know how hard those were fought for?
Do you know what happens when you don't have those?
Do you know how bad tyranny is?
Do you want your children growing up in that?
I mean, I hear cops on the radio here.
One of them's got a radio show in Austin saying everybody needs a breathalyzer.
Guilty until proven innocent is good.
Cameras looking, scanning your faces.
Helicopters looking through your walls are good.
No due process is good.
Let's just trust the government to have no restraints on it.
Well, let me tell you, that's been tried before!
That's the way the rest of the world works, and it's real bad!
I mean, living under bondage is not fun, boys and girls, and we don't just have some good ol' boy boss hog system coming into place.
I mean, frankly, I could live with that, I'd fight it and speak out against it, but I wouldn't be sweaty-palmed over it.
And folks, I am sweaty-palmed over what's happening now.
I mean, this is focused, crafted, federalized, mechanized.
And I see what our country
is turning into, and I see there's so many people who in their lives have learned to just say, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to the system, and climb that social ladder, and just go along with whatever you're told, and whatever happens.
Why do you think the establishment, the big private banks that own this country, are racing with every cop show, and every TV show, and every fiction show to show the people as bad, to show the police as perfect, to show that the Bill of Rights is obsolete,
Because they plan to have a depression in this country.
We have the IMF World Bank documents.
They plan on taking everything we've got, stealing it from us.
They don't want a good economy.
They don't want a middle class.
They're killing this country right now.
And they plan, when people riot in the streets and go absolutely haywire, on rolling out the microwave guns and the sound cannons and
Putting people in FEMA camps and police, if you think that's going to be good for your bass fishing time, and you're deer hunting, and you're carousing at the local country bars, I got another thing to tell you here.
It's going to be the opposite.
And you're going to lose what you got.
I mean, this is not good for anybody.
I mean, listen, I'm your best friend here.
And I'm telling you, you've been brainwashed, you've been bent,
You've been brought over to the dark side, and I'm here talking straight to you.
You know, your captain doesn't tell you not to give your kids vaccines.
Your captain... Oh, it's sick.
And then how they're told to give illegal aliens a pass.
There are a bunch of police on record talking about that.
I got articles about it today.
And then how the police break all these laws, but it's okay when they do, but when we don't.
I mean, you're trying to run us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I was sitting in traffic listening to the radio
George Strait was singin' Seashores of Old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
The Longstar State should be renamed Texaco.
So long Texas, hello Mexico.
I'm gonna swim the Rio Grande at El Paso.
I'm leaving tonight, I ain't gonna pack.
I'm only taking the clothes on my back.
So long Texas, hello Mexico.
I'll drive a rattle-trap car with no liability.
I'll demand equal rights, though I'm there illegally.
I'll protest in the streets, till they finally grant them.
Sing English words to their National Anthem.
Hey Vincente, what's right for your people, should be right for me.
There goes controlling, that tide that keeps rolling across the line.
This old Texas cowboy, feels like my home state's no longer mine.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
I'm gonna swim the Rio Grande at El Paso.
I'm leaving tonight.
I ain't gonna pack.
I'm only taking the clothes on my back.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
Turnabout's a fair play.
Heck, I already love the food.
And tequila.
I'm gonna fly that Longstar flag at Old Flora every day.
I'm gonna celebrate every Fourth of July.
I'm gonna make them print them forms in English just for me.
I'm gonna marry me a pretty singer-reader.
We're going to have free medical care and free education for all our kids.
Heck, playing my old guitar is the only other skill I got.
Hmm... I wonder if we'll see old George Strait over there.
Hey, Gringo!
You're swimming the wrong way, man!
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Hey, amigo!
Hey, amigo!
You got fishnets?
Yeah, you try going down there, they'll beat you up, put you in a camp, and suck every dime out of your family.
Don't try it for a minute.
And of course, that is Johnny Tex and the Texican Song.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
That got sent into our office.
We appreciate that.
Got some pretty well-known musicians in that band.
By the way, Lou Dobbs just had a big poll.
94% oppose.
Federal government
Taking city-states to court over anti-immigration ordinances, which they're now trying to do to Farmers Branch Texas and others.
They just simply try to enforce the law.
And I heard about this last week.
I did confirm it.
TexasTwoWay.org, all over the state of Texas, the feds are coming in with grant money for this.
And they're telling teachers that can't speak Spanish they're going to be fired.
And they're going to teach core curriculum.
That's math.
That's English.
They're going to make you take that in Spanish.
They're going to make you speak Spanish.
That's a new world order for you.
So that's just some of the reports here I've got on that.
I know we've got a lot of phone lines.
We'll try to jam you in, but I wanted to get Steve Watson in here today.
He's written several big articles, so has his brother on this former KGB agent that got poisoned with this rare radioactive isotope.
And so many people want to say that Israel killed him.
Now, again, we're not saying Israel is as pure as the Durban snow.
We're critical of Israel on a lot of issues.
But this doesn't make any sense that Israel would poison this guy to, quote, blame it on Putin.
Putin's had a bunch of people killed.
Putin got caught planting bombs in a fourth apartment building that his FSB did.
His own FSB officers have gone public, including this guy they just killed.
Putin rode to the success of those bombings to get his approval rating up, to have the Chechen War, to get elected, to have a police state crackdown.
And I'm not saying Israel or the CIA or somebody else couldn't poison this guy.
It just doesn't make sense.
And so this has created quite a debate.
One bizarre neolib site says we're anti-semitic for not saying Israel did it.
Because we use the word neocon.
So we're saying Israel, it looks like, wasn't involved, so we're anti-semitic.
I mean, this is really starting to get weird.
But Steve Watson, you're there in London, a few miles away from where this guy got poisoned.
You've done a lot of research on this.
What's really going on, Steve?
Well, hello, Alex.
Yeah, it's good to be back on again.
Well, yeah, as you say, it's created quite a stir.
It's created quite a debate.
And as you say, today we've been labelled anti-Semitic, which is pretty bizarre, because last week we were Zionist gatekeepers.
So, you know, basically we're just trying to cover all angles on this, because we haven't really... no-one's really got all the answers.
So, we've just got to look at this, look at both sides, and it seems that there's a lot of speculation, there's not a lot of answers, so we've got to look at both sides, and there's basically two camps emerging.
One being, you know, that he was bumped off by Putin's government.
Well, for those who just joined us, Steve, are you on a cordless phone?
No, I'm not, no.
We've got a bad connection, but so what.
You're in London, it doesn't matter.
Tell us about this guy, who he was, the apartment bombings.
Let's cover that first, and then let's get into what happened to him.
Okay, well, basically, he's a former KGB officer who fled Russia around 2000 to come to London.
When Putin came into power, he's accused Putin of being behind the poisoning, obviously.
Experts have said that the use of the rare isotope could only be made in a nuclear reactor, so it suggests a powerful state is behind this poisoning.
He basically wrote a book, as he said, detailing the way that in 1999 there was a series of bombings carried out in Russia.
Which was blamed on Chechen separatists to justify aggression in that region.
During one of the bombings... Sorry, go on.
Yes, go ahead.
During one of the bombings, basically a load of FSB agents, which is the Russian version of the FBI, were basically caught in there planting explosives.
Uh, the explosives were pretty much the same ones that were used in all the other attacks of that year.
Um, so basically, this guy Litvinenko, uh, wrote a book detailing this, and there's two- today Raw Story put out a report saying that two former CIA officers have detailed this as well, saying that his death linked to- to these false flag bombings.
He was also investigating the death of, the murder of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
Now that's the key, let me jump in here for a second.
She had exposed the fact that the Beslan Massacre was an inside job, very prominent, with the biggest paper in Russia, very respected, just always been on target.
She'd been exposing the bombs in the buildings as well.
Well, it does, yeah.
We're trying to get to the, you know, to the facts of the story.
We're looking at all sides of this and we're getting accused of ludicrous things.
So we're just, we're trying to ignore that and just get to the facts of this story.
I mean, if we go back to the journalist, Politkovskaya, last week the UN Committee on Torture confirmed that there is, you know, Russian torture.
They've got secret detention centers in Chechnya.
Oh no!
Putin's good!
He's fighting the Zionists!
He's loving!
Well, yeah, I mean, that's why we're being attacked, but, you know, when you look at the facts, you can see that there's a clear line of events linked to this poisoning, and it's... and there's a motive.
Now, if you look at the other side of it, yeah, there's some things that you can say stand up, but, you know, there's not really a motive there, so... it's... you know, it's pretty clear what...
There's a motive on this side, and there's a motive on the other side, so... Well, they claim the motive is to embarrass Putin.
He doesn't care!
They've been openly killing reporters all over the place!
Openly arresting them!
The guys that... He's put hammer and sickles back on the... back on the tanks!
Well, yeah, I mean, they're also saying... The other side of it is they're saying that these exiled oligarchs, enemies of Putin,
Did this as a form of propaganda to make him look bad?
A reverse false flag, which could be the case.
But where's the evidence?
I mean, we're not saying that that is not definitively the case.
We don't know.
Nobody knows.
That's why there's an investigation.
That would be a triple cross, and triple crosses are just as common as double crosses.
Yeah, I mean, okay, but all we're saying is the evidence suggests that it's Russian intelligence.
Now, they're saying that, well, you know, they wouldn't have made it this public, they wouldn't have done it quietly, they would have just taken him out.
Well, not necessarily.
If they want to send a message to other enemies of, you know, Putin, that, you know, if you're going to do this, we're going to take you out, and it's going to be like this, you know, over the course of a week.
Yeah, it's part of a larger pattern.
These are people exposing what Putin did when he was Vice President,
Well, yeah, exactly.
It doesn't make sense.
But, you know, I mean, going back to the Beslan thing, that's an important part of it, and it needs to be looked into, because
We've sort of tried to expose on previous occasions that...
That was, at the very least, it was allowed to happen.
And now the local police say it's an inside job.
The reporters say it's an inside job.
It was the big school massacre.
For those who don't know, you've got government commandos in the black masks, posing as the Muslims.
They detonate a bomb.
They run out the back.
They're allowed to escape.
They go in and shoot people running out, the police outside.
Putin clearly did the same thing with the theater siege.
When you look into these things, you know, you can see a clear line of events.
But, I mean, we've got data pages on the Beslan siege, and you can spend a good couple of hours on the website looking into that, and it becomes quite clear that, at the very least, it was staged, it was allowed to happen.
Now, the journalist, Politkovsky, when she was poisoned herself, she was on the way to report on that massacre, and it was said that she'd never
You know, she'd never got over the fact that she was unable to report on it.
And so she was going to release information on that as well, before she was murdered.
Now, Litvinenko, apparently, was coming into possession of the documents and the information that she'd been about to publish.
And then, you know, magically he was poisoned.
So, it's a clear motive, and it's... you know, it's pretty fairly obvious when you look into it.
Well, you put out a report and your brother put out a report.
I was lavishing myself on a much deserved and needed R&R and I come back with everybody freaking out.
Yeah, it has got, you know, it's got to the point where, you know, getting to the truth has become kind of secondary to this sort of
Well, I mean, you know, it's funny.
This weekend, when I didn't even know all this was going on, I was thinking how stupid it is that whenever the Chinese are involved in a crime, or the CIA, or British intelligence, we can never talk about it, because with no evidence, it's always got to be the Jews.
And that's what's frustrating.
We'll expose the government-sponsored terror in Israel, the corruption, the murders.
I mean, certainly Israel's out of control.
But just to claim everything's Israel... With no evidence, you know.
Well, and then to have weirdo, neo-lib websites posing as libertarians with just childish name-calling, calling us anti-Semites, and I refuse to give them any attention when they do this, it's just jealousy, but I mean, it's so infantile, the attacks!
Well, yeah, I mean, it's pretty silly to say you've got all the answers to everything when you don't, and what we do is we present
You know, both sides of the story, we try to anyway.
We're not gatekeeping for the left or the right, and that's why you see all aspects of it covered.
The fact that we get attacked by lefties as righties, and we get attacked by righties as lefties, shows that we're not either, we're independent and we're just...
Because we know that the left-right paradigm is theatre.
And you know, you've got a PhD in political science and foreign affairs, but I mean, you bring more than just your degree to your analysis.
You just go for the truth.
You go after what the information shows.
We go wherever it leads, ladies and gentlemen.
You can't ignore the mainstream media.
And the mainstream media is, you know, is covering the fact that
These, you know, shady links to the Beslan massacre, etc.
You can't ignore that and just say, oh, well, you know, that's just the mainstream media again.
You have to at least address it.
And, you know, the sort of immature attacks that we've been getting for just doing that is ludicrous.
I mean, the blogger, there's a blogger today who even attacked the 9-11 truth movement over this issue, saying that
You know, Litvinenko was a wacko like 9-11.
Well, yeah, the individual seemed almost gleeful.
Oh, well, this person's dead now, and ha-ha, he tried to sell the 9-11 truth movement in Russia, and he failed!
He failed!
I mean, we got a bunch of FSB people, Moscow police, caught these individuals planting bombs.
They'd already blown up three apartment buildings.
Yeah, I mean, and the other thing is, it's all, it's all rationale for how
This is implausible that it could be the Russians because, you know, if they would have assassinated him, they would have done it professionally.
But then on the other hand... They did it to send a message!
Russians are known for using radiation as a weapon!
Yeah, but on the other hand, going back to the 9-11 Truth Movement, he then says his whole basis for that is that, you know, U.S.
intelligence is completely incompetent and, you know,
Yeah, there were gaps everywhere, and American intelligence always messes up, but Russian intelligence, you know, they never mess up.
So, it's flip-flopping between, between, you know, different issues to... Well, that's why people that run those type of sites have lost their... 90% of their audiences, and they'll lose them all.
Half the time I don't even understand it.
I don't even understand what they're attacking us about.
They're attacking us because we're successful.
Steve, stay there.
It's here.
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I know we've got a load of phones, and I apologize to the callers.
We're just out of time.
I wanted to get to you, but I can't.
Tomorrow we'll attempt it.
I really appreciate you listeners, and I apologize when you do hold and we don't get to you.
But we need to finish up with this story.
Yeah, Steve, we don't have an axe to grind.
You know, I have people that say I'm a devil co-agitator of the Grand Pontiff of the Twelfth Realm, jibble-dee-jabber,
Because I don't say that Pope Benedict runs everything and drinks goblets of blood.
And I get attacked because I don't say it's all the Jews, or I get attacked because I don't think it's the Reptoid Space Aliens.
And there's all these little factions who, it's like religions, it's about hating one group.
Now, I just criticize, not because you pressured me, but because I always criticize.
I read a mainstream news story where he's having 33 world religions meeting over in Istanbul, Turkey.
He's got Henry Kissinger advising him.
They're calling for a New World Order.
I mean, clearly the Catholic Church is in deep trouble and run by some very serious people.
And, I mean, my gosh, I mean, the Bible tells you not to have any other religions, and here they are saying they're all the same.
I mean, that's just 101 bad news.
But, again, it's a religion.
And, again, if I suddenly came out and said I hate all the Jews, then people would still say, well, you don't hate all the Catholics.
No, it's not the Jews, it's the Catholics.
No, folks, it's evil people.
And they're in control of almost every major organization.
Just like the police themselves aren't bad, the system is corrupt.
Any more comments on that, Steve?
Well, yeah, I mean, going back to Vladimir Putin, a lot of these bloggers have got an axe to grind, and I just find it strange why they're defending him, because, you know, it's well known that since he came to power he's been enslaving his people, he's been making the world less safe by becoming the biggest arms dealer to places like Iran.
Um, which are, you know, they're part of the axis of evil, aren't they?
You know, and he's, he's... But wait a minute, George Bush said that Pootie Poot, and that's his nickname, Bush has a scatological name for everyone because he's totally sick, uh, that, uh, Pootie Poot, he looked in his eyes and saw a soul of love!
So, I mean, George Bush says he's good, it must be true!
Yeah, I mean, also human rights record is appalling, isn't it?
You know, there's been a vast crackdown on civil rights.
He's shut down independent media.
Since he got into power, the Russian life expectancy of males has dropped by a decade, women by eight years.
I mean, something's going on.
Yeah, I mean, you know, we're not, we're not, we're not going to defend him when it's very clear that all these things are going on.
You know, it's in the news every day.
So to suggest that there's some kind of vast conspiracy against him,
You know, that's the kooky theory.
We're not giving out a kooky theory.
Yeah, I mean, we have high-level British agents on saying the government carries out most of the bombings.
We have high-level agents on saying the Russian government's doing it.
They caught them red-handed.
Our government's doing it.
Governments are doing this, and you've got a crowd that doesn't want the people to learn about government-sponsored terror.
And if they've got to spin it and blame Israel, by gosh, they'll do it!
But they won't talk about Israel when Israel, admittedly, is staging terror.
Oh no, then they won't talk about it.
Steve, thank you for your great analysis.
Are we going to see another report out in the next day or so on this?
Well, yeah, we're going to track it as it develops, and I think there'll be a few more developments.
So, yeah, we will.
Alright, thank you.
And you might cover just how mindless the attacks are without giving them attention.
It really makes them mad.
Send us all your readers.
We don't give you any.
That's our policy.
Alright, thank you, Steve.
Alright, you bet.
Back tonight, nine to midnight.
Back tomorrow, eleven to two.
I am back from a short vacation.
I love you all out there.
Thank you for fighting the new world order.
Remember, if you weren't out there fighting the globalists, things would be a lot worse right now.
Please get your copies of Terror Storm and America Freedom to Fascism at InfoWars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Have a great day.
God bless you all.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.