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Name: 20061122_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 22, 2006
2296 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Have you just joined us?
I wish.
Remaining composed in the last segment, but I was reeling with rage under the surface because I see the news articles where what happens is you homeschool your children, but when you sign that form, which isn't a law, but you sign a form letting them know you're homeschooling, that's handed over to CPS for harassment.
And this has been in the news, but they say it's good.
And then they drop by and try to trick their way into your house
Saying that they want to see the learning environment.
Not even that they even got a message from a neighbor now.
It's not even that.
Or have you had your vaccines and now it's flu shots.
And right here in Austin they get up on TV and lie and say it's the law to take shots.
There is no law.
They have giant things out at the park at Zilker where thousands of kids line up to get their shots.
It's just all color of law.
It's all frauds.
It's just giant fraud being practiced when you let the CPS in.
They're scanning.
Most of them were abused as children.
Most of them were CPS themselves.
And, uh, you know, this type of stuff, this type of stuff happens.
And again, in America, this is how we'll be ruled.
We'll have secret police in the guise of social lady.
It's already happening.
It's the new freedom initiative from ages 4 to 18.
Now they're saying in Illinois, everybody, pregnant women, and they come and they interrogate and there's no law, no judge, no jury, no due process.
It's already been going on what's in 6166.
You know, with Patriot Act, Bush said, well we've been doing this for years.
They have!
These family courts are just set up.
They have no legal standing.
They just declare their power.
It's all colored or law.
And they come in your house looking for dirt to take your children.
When did CPS come to visit when you were gone to work, sir?
Caller here in Austin, Texas, Jesse.
When did this happen?
I'm going to say about a month ago, Alex.
Describe what happened quickly because I've got a guest coming up.
Describe what happened quickly.
I understand.
I appreciate you holding me over.
They showed up, there was a very small minor discrepancy in which someone felt the need to put their business into our business and have CPS come out.
Oh, one of your neighbors?
Right, they found nothing.
What does your neighbor claim?
My neighbor claimed that the kids were left in the car for too long.
And, uh, you know, it's one of those things, you get the kids loaded up, oops, forgot something, run back in the house, get it together, run back out to the car.
No, no, no, that's your secret police America, they're just, they don't care if there's illegal aliens walking by their house, and they don't care if there's drug dealers, they don't care if the country's imploding and the president's a criminal, but, hey, let's tattle on our neighbors, sure.
Okay, so then they said, uh, they had their flu shots.
And then they come in, and like you said, they're scanning everything like robots, and, uh,
You know, and this is all according to my wife, but she also said that they asked, um, well, are they up to date on all of their shots?
And she replied, she, she laid it off on me and that's fine.
You know, she said, well, you know, Jeff, he's a little bit of a conspiracy theorist and he does not want them to have their flu shots.
And, you know, and, you know, so she, you know, tried to be as diplomatic about it.
Which is the absolute wrong thing to do.
I understand.
Well, this is a new awakening for her.
Um, so, as have been many events in the past few years, um, so, you know, she just said, no, they are not up to date on their shots.
Yeah, but you see, you should say, hey, there's no law, lady.
What are you doing here at my house with something that isn't a law, you piece of trash?
Hey, Alex, they better be damn happy that I was not there whenever they showed up at my door.
Listen, you don't answer the door.
The best thing is give them nothing.
The police gotta have a warrant to get in your house.
These people will try to push their way in.
Let me tell you, they profile and they hire mental patients.
Let me tell you, they hire somebody who was abused.
Generally, it's multi-generational.
Most CPS are foster children.
Most of them have been gang-raped and on drugs and they're mental patients or they're pedophiles.
And that's statistically, criminology will tell you that.
Five times more likely to be pedophiles.
And, uh, they're there to get a hold of kids, okay?
They're the scum of the earth.
They're the absolute, total scum of earth.
I want you to... FightCPS.com Yeah, FightCPS.com.
Is that what you said?
Alright, I appreciate you, sir.
You tell your wife she's woken up into the Matrix.
Don't ever open the door.
Because statistically, there's no one more dangerous for children than these creeps.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We have a Nobel Prize winner, former Chief Economist for the World Bank, joining us, Joseph Stiklitz, tomorrow.
And we are one inch away from Kevin Tillman, Pat Tillman's brother, ladies and gentlemen.
We are one inch away from having him here for you.
We had Gore Vidal earlier this week, Aaron Russo.
I tell you, Kevin is knocking them out of the park with his producing.
Give credit where credit is due.
We have Robert David Steele joining us.
We have a link to the Wikipedia encyclopedia run down on him.
I don't know how accurate that is, but it meshes with other research I've done on him.
And Robert David Steele.
is a former Marine Corps Infantry and Intelligence Officer for 20 years and was a second-ranking civilian GS-14 in Marine Corps Intelligence from 88 to 92.
Steele is a former clandestine service case officer with the Central Intelligence Agency.
He is the founder and CEO of OSS.net.
We have a link to that on Infowars.com if you forgot it.
And as well as the Golden Candle Society.
He founded that.
Steele also was a member of the adjunct faculty of Marine Corps University in the mid-1990s.
And he is one of the biggest, or the biggest, reviewer for Amazon.com of non-fiction books.
Over 700 books.
And there have been a lot of reports written since he decided to valiantly go public.
We had Bill Christensen, who was over the entire foreign threat analysis group of the CIA, in the top ten of the CIA for many years on, saying he cried over it.
He couldn't believe it took him two years of research
And unfortunately, all evidence points towards quote, total inside job.
That's the only, only, with the data he has in two years of research, it's the only one that fits.
Sure, let it happen.
We're involved a little.
That fits, but not with all the other info.
So, it's horrifying.
It's true.
It's here.
Robert David Steele has read a bunch of books on this subject.
Well, it's my pleasure, and as we were talking before, Amazon is really a very valuable place where people can read opinions that are almost as good as the books themselves.
So you can search for the truth on Amazon.
Well, that's right.
I mean, I catch myself some nights for an hour just on Amazon reading the reviews.
Some of them are 10-page treatise.
And I found out about other books and other videos.
It's great.
Well, they do have a thousand-word limit, and I actually do count my words before I post it.
But I try to write summative reviews, not just evaluative reviews.
And I believe we're paying the price right now for our entire citizenry dropping out.
Uh, we have let these guys just get away with murder for too long.
Now, you're a Republican.
You're a highly respected conservative.
Well, I don't know if I'm highly respected and a conservative, but I'm certainly a moderate, middle-of-the-road Republican.
Well, I did several days of research on you, and I know that you've been
You've been cited and quoted a lot by the Republicans, and I mean, I've been a Republican, you know, going back 15 years ago.
I stopped being one about 8 years ago, 9 years ago.
But my point is, you're not some liberal with an axe to grind.
No, as a matter of fact, it was the Tarpley book that took me to a new place, if you will.
I have said, I have said on air, and I've read them all, folks, that that is the most sophisticated, basically what I...
The conclusions I had come to studying government-sponsored terror for 10 years, and what I'd come to on 9-11, he put it all together in a way that I'd tried to articulate on air, but you really can't do in a radio format.
He gets it.
I agree with you, and I think what I would say is that I'm still not convinced, and I was just looking at the review that I did on Amazon,
I'm still not convinced enough to convict, but I am most certainly convinced enough to say the U.S.
government did not properly investigate this and there are more rocks to be turned over.
Well, I can read your quotes here.
They're actually pretty powerful.
You're saying you believe that there should be a criminal investigation and that there is enough to go after these people and that once that opened up that we would find quite a bit.
Can you go over your awakening, your research, when you started looking into 9-11 and kind of the rundown?
Well, my first impression was the impression that they wanted us all to have.
But where it really started breaking down for me was when I read about the, not only the 11 countries that had given us warning prior to 9-11, but the 9-11 Commission did not speak to the general in charge of the watch at the National Intelligence Command Center.
He avoided testimony.
And then when I heard about the 100,000 from the Pakistani Intelligence Service to one of the hijackers right before 9-11,
That really started a cascade of unexplained issues that Tarpley, I think, together with Crossing the Rubicon and several others, I've posted a list of books suitable for evaluating Dick Cheney.
There's no question in my own mind, but that Dick Cheney is the Tar Baby in this thing.
I agree.
He is the nexus point, clearly with the PNAC documents, clearly two months before 9-11, taking the shoot-down powers for the first time in U.S.
history, away from the Pentagon, away from NORAD.
You then have him in control that morning in the bunker saying the order still stands, it's 50 miles out, it's 30, it's 20, it's 10.
Of course the order still stands, if you heard anything to the contrary.
Then you get into the CIA drills, the lies, claiming they never heard of such a plan.
Clearly foreign intelligence was picking up InfoPoll 9 and Echelon feeds, picking up the back chatter.
FBI that picked up the chatter tried to go bust at least the patsies and the moles who were creating the legend and the story were being protected from the highest levels.
Would you like to continue?
Well, I'm not sure I'm as far over as you are in the conspiracy theory.
If I'm given a choice between incompetence and conspiracy, it would be U.S.
I usually go with incompetence.
But I am absolutely certain that WTC7 was brought down with controlled demolition.
And that, as far as I'm concerned, means that this case has not been properly investigated.
And that was a spookhive!
Well, it was a government building.
It was a federal government building, yes.
Would you call Defense Intelligence, FBI, CIA, the Army?
I mean, it was a spookhive.
Well, there's no way that building could have come down without controlled demolition.
And do you notice how they act suspicious and very secretive?
Not one word in the 9-11 Commission about it.
Five different reasons from FEMA and NIST for the collapse.
Now they're saying they're having to look at explosions.
I mean, clearly, why did they... I mean, obviously, Al-Qaeda couldn't sneak in there and plant bombs to bring it down with that perfect classical textbook job.
Well, I mean, you do have the whole issue of
The security cameras being disengaged, the bomb-sniffing dogs being removed, the family ties with Bush.
You know, I mean, if you smell rotten fish, there's probably a rotten fish somewhere around.
Well, I mean, taking your skills, I mean, you were in the field with the Marine Corps.
You did, you know, serious clandestine operations.
I mean, you've got a snout for smelling rotten fish, but I mean, we're in a giant, you know, bucket of rotten fish here.
I mean, it's hard to come away with a conclusion.
You think I want to believe this?
I don't want to believe this.
Well, there I agree with you, and I frankly am stunned.
I think the American public is just starting to wake up.
But I have been stunned that the numerous discrepancies haven't made it onto CNN.
Lou Dobbs is doing a very good job on broken government.
In fact, I'm featuring a secessionist speaker from Vermont at my conference in January because
I believe this is a republic and that the citizens can dissolve the government when it gets to a point of corruption and ineffectiveness so great as to warrant a new constitutional convention.
I think our government is indeed broken.
Well, but from their view, it's not broken.
We are seeing an imperium form of select global corporations that have brought off our government, and they're using dissolving us as not even an engine, but a fuel for an engine for global hegemon that I think we're later going to be basically broken up into the... You know, I think you're right.
I take a very strong interest in what's called predatory immoral capitalism.
And I would like to mention a book by Michael Lewis called Liar's Poker, which is basically an insider's look at how Wall Street gets into all of these investments early on, and then they leave the citizens holding the bag.
And so, in my view, we have never had as much concentration of wealth among the fewest Americans in our history.
And concentrated wealth is one of the things that leads to revolution.
Yeah, and the neocons will say, oh, you're against free market.
Much of this has not been gained through free market.
It's been gained through mafia triads working in unison to basically extract corporate welfare to fuel their expansion.
Well, one of the things, if you've read John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hitman... Yes, we have interviewed him, yes.
Well, that's good.
I don't think he worked for NSA, but I think there's enough meat to his story so that I'd buy 85% of it.
And what I find really astonishing, and there's another book called The Global Class War, basically the American elite has conspired with other public elites, they've bribed other governments, and essentially the American public is being ripped off at the same time that foreign publics are being ripped off.
Well that's right, it's a mass looting, I mean that's the CFR model.
Not only is it mass looting, but those foreigners blame us.
I mean, they blame us, the people.
That's what I'm saying, we've been set up to take the fall later.
Oh, you really, oh, I tell you, you've got it, absolutely.
I mean, in fact, I see Rupert Murdoch overseas attacking America, meanwhile he puts out domestic propaganda to keep us in line until it's too late, and they're just shutting us up.
It's a big scam.
Well, one of the reasons, I just published a book, and I gotta say, there's a really fantastic congressman in Connecticut, Congressman Rob Simmons, is a moderate Republican,
He's going into, he's running for his fourth term, he's on the Homeland Security Committee, and he has agreed to sponsor the Smart Nation Act.
And what I really want to do is create a public intelligence network that is of, by, and for the people.
Yes, that's what it is.
Stay there, stay there.
Well, just using only legal, ethical information.
But I absolutely believe now that the collective intelligence of the American people is superior.
To any orchestrator... Stay there, we gotta break.
Stay there, sir.
We gotta break.
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I tell you, we've got him for the rest of the hour.
We've got to get him back on as a routine guest.
Let him talk more about the book he just published.
An amazing individual.
High-level Marine Corps intelligence, then with the CIA.
And we're honored to have Robert David Steele.
In fact, he's never heard of me.
I've never talked to him.
And here he is talking about this organic intelligence network, the people, and how that interfaces with the Internet and how we're able to track the information and be so effective without the political
Blinders that are put on.
Please continue, sir, and then I want to get into 9-11.
Well, I believe in the common sense of the American people.
I believe that the American people have been dormant for too long, and they need to take their country back.
Not only from illegal immigration, but from corrupt Congress members, and from extremists in the White House.
The middle road is the best road and I am concerned that we won't do enough housecleaning in this November election and we're going to waste two more
We're going to waste two more years.
I will tell you some of the experts that I've talked to and listened to basically say it's going to take 25 years to undo the damage that George Bush and Dick Cheney have done to this country.
We have lost our moral standing in the world.
We have lost more dead in the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq than were murdered on 9-11.
And we have the bonus of 65,000 amputees whose lives have been ruined.
Uh, and a two trillion dollar future debt for this war.
And they've salted the earth with DU and Bush's signed H.R.
6166 that I've read and the scholars agree does affect citizens.
He's buying billions in fake news and paying off reporters.
I think they're going for broke.
I mean, using your intelligence analyst skills.
I mean, everything I see shows they're going for broke, and even Bob Woodward says he may be going for dictatorship.
They could start a war with Iran, they could stage more terror attacks.
I mean, what do you think the probability of that is?
I am very concerned, and there's actually a book out called The Endgame, in which a General McInerney and another officer basically lay out the neocon plan, and you can find that book on Amazon.
I don't particularly recommend buying it.
But it is a very, very serious agenda for basically after Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Jordan.
These guys are looking at nothing less than nuking them back into the Stone Age and keeping the oil.
That's just nuts!
But the real target in all of this is also the West, during this psychological clash like in 1984, but in the real world, Oceania being knocked back into the Stone Age liberty-wise.
I find it troubling.
Iraq is never going to be a democracy like ours.
And if they had a vote tomorrow, they would vote for a theocracy.
But the neocons said they never intended it.
They just told the public that they meant to break it in three parts and basically go into each country and break it down and make sure they never develop.
Well, I don't know what they were thinking, but I will tell you that the same week that Cheney was meeting secretly with Exxon and Enron,
Wired Magazine published a very intelligent cover story on alternative energies and the price points at which they become affordable.
Well, they all just became affordable.
So what do you see happening in the next two years?
I'm very troubled.
I mean, I'm really worried.
This is a wonderful country.
You fly across this country, you see so much wide open space and stuff, but you know, I have on my website, OSS.net, I have the 10 threats.
I have a public daily brief and the 10 threats identified by the United Nations, which our federal government ignores all but 8 and 9, proliferation and terrorism.
And then there are 12 policies, and one of those policies is water.
This country is running out of water.
There are going to be water wars all over the world.
We, and the Comptroller General, who's a very serious man, David Walker, he's appointed for a 15-year position, he's been telling Congress over and over and over, in the harshest possible terms, that we're not budgeting for the future.
Well, I mean, sir, look at LCRA here in Central Texas.
They're grabbing up all the water to shut it off to artificially jack up prices.
Well, that shouldn't be allowed either, but I will tell you that we should be paying, and this may shock you, we should be paying as much for water as we're paying for gas now.
It's just crazy.
I mean, you know, an aquifer, once it runs out of water and salt water comes in, is gone for 10,000 years.
We should be building, it costs a hundred million dollars to build water desalination plants.
We should be putting two into California, two into Texas, two into Florida, and we should be pumping fresh distilled seawater converted into plain water back into the aquifers.
Yeah, no one's planning for the future, you're right.
Stay there, let's get back into 9-11 on the other side with our guest, an amazing individual, Robert Steele.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
I think so.
Thank you.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Before this hour ends, we'll take a few calls for Mr. Steele, former Marine Corps Intelligence Officer, former CIA Intelligence Officer.
He's one of the biggest, the biggest fiction, non-fiction reviewer on Amazon.com, and he's reviewed a bunch of 9-11 books and videos.
Listen to this, 9-11 Synthetic Terror made in the USA, 3rd edition, and he says, among hundreds of books, the strongest approach to truth is with great sadness that I conclude that this book is the strongest of the 770 plus books I have reviewed here at Amazon.
Almost all non-fiction.
I am forced to conclude that 9-11 was at minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war.
See my review of James Bamford's pretext for war.
And I am forced to conclude that there is sufficient evidence to indict
We're good to go.
The connecting rod between the Nazi fascists and the neocons.
This is, without question, the most important modern reference of state-sponsored terrorism, and also the reference that most pointedly suggests that select rogue elements within the U.S.
government, most likely led by Dick Cheney, with the assistance of George Tenet, Buzzy Krongard, and others, close to the Wall Street gangs, are the most guilty of state-sponsored terrorism.
The author draws on historical examples of the U.S.
fabrication of events, the bombing of USS Maine and Havana Harbor, and many others, Jim Vamper's politicization of Northwoods.
It is an undeniable fact that the U.S.
government has been willing to kill its own citizens and fabricate attacks as part of moving the public.
Okay, let me, before we go back to our guest, while he's on hold there... I'm here.
Okay, good.
Please go to InfoWars.com.
That was a hint to the folks around the show.
Please go to InfoWars.com and please get Webster Tarpley's 3rd Edition that we have right now of Synthetic Terror.
It's been out for two years.
It's in its 3rd edition.
It's been beefed up.
And it's an excellent, excellent book.
And it goes through how they orchestrated, how they do it, how they control it, really from all the evidence, how they did 9-11.
You need to have 9-11 Synthetic Terror made in the USA by Webster Tarpley.
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Well, I think so.
And I'm here telling you, Terror Storm is the definitive video on government-sponsored terror, and Webster Tarpley's Synthetic Terror is the definitive book.
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Going back to our guest, back to Mr. Steele.
Robert Steele, let's get more into 9-11, more into your review, more of what you think the big smoking guns
I mean, that's pretty strong language of you to say, you know, you think we can have an indictment, and I agree.
Please continue, and from your research on 9-11, reading all the big books on it, looking at Tarpley's work, if it is an inside job, which the evidence points towards, then how do they do it?
Let me move you away from 9-11 and simply look at impeachment.
I've reviewed several books on impeachment, and it's now a documented fact.
And in fact, Al Gore was talked out of contesting the Florida election.
But it's a documented fact that Rove stole the Florida election with the connivance of Jeb Bush, disenfranchising 35,000 or more people of color.
That's a fact.
That election was stolen.
And they did it again in 2004 in Ohio, with 12 districts.
Again, Rove working through the Secretary of State in Ohio.
Stole the election.
And that's just unbelievable to me that then we would have an elective war in Iraq based on a web of lies.
General Zinni, myself, several others spoke out and said this is nonsense and we were called traitors.
Dissent is treason under this administration.
And then you have Katrina, which was an inexcusable bumbling that alone
Demonstrates this government is incompetent.
You see, I disagree with you.
Reading P-2-O-G, reading the Israeli plan of 83, where they said break Iraq in three parts, sectarian war, good weapons sales, cut off the oil, jack up prices.
Maybe you'll elaborate and maybe I don't disagree, but I look at Katrina, FEMA, jammed communications, cut police lines, police had to aim guns at them to stop, sabotaging communication, blocking
The Coast Guard coming in, blocking the police and local firemen and others coming in, blocking Walmart.
They wanted that to be as bad as possible.
Then it doesn't matter if they take a hit and look bad in the press.
Then they get to having a bigger disaster, hundreds of billions in no-bid contracts to Halliburton and others.
Then FEMA goes, oh see, we need more power.
I see it as another problem-reaction solution, just like Iraq.
Well, let me tell you what brings this home to us.
What brings this home to us is the explosion in suicide bombings.
There's a wonderful book called Dying to Win by Professor Pate from the University of Chicago.
Suicide, the willingness to commit suicide, changes everything.
Because it is the ultimate asymmetric factor.
What this means is that a suicide bomber is coming to a shopping mall near you, or to an elementary school, and unfortunately we have our own homegrown terrorists.
And we have our own, there's another book called Random Actors, where people just go postal.
So I am very, very concerned that the entire world is becoming very, very unstable
And I'm not sure that these elites really understand that ten years from today there's not going to be any gated community where they can hide.
They're going to have to do a Ken Lay and die before their estate can be contested.
Oh, that was real suspicious.
I'm just blown away.
And because he didn't have a chance to appeal, his hairs are allowed to keep his ill-gotten means.
That's just wrong.
Yeah, it's amazing.
No, no, certainly in the P2OG plan, they say they're going to stimulate terrorist attacks, they're going to go out and kill people's families.
It actually says this, Pentagon Plan, $6 billion program every year, in Iraq, the Middle East, they're going to go stimulate and create terrorists in the name of, quote,
Believe it or not, I believe in non-violence.
And I believe that Gandhi had it right.
I also believe in the truth eventually being discovered.
I personally think America needs two Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.
One for all the bad things we've done to the rest of the world, and one for all the bad things we've done to our own public, our poor, our working poor.
Working poor is an oxymoron.
It shouldn't be.
But there's a book by that name.
I mean, we're basically screwing the middle class, and we're screwing the earnest blue-collar workers in this country.
Well, let me bring this up to you.
If you look at the top list, and I've seen this on my shelf over and over, and I was listening to Derry Bravo today, and he had a guest on, talking about it.
And you go to UT to try to hire the top 25 engineering staff.
Three of them are American.
The rest are all from India and China.
You go to Georgetown, again, maybe one is American.
You go to MIT, maybe ten are American, and then hundreds aren't.
And then they all go back to their countries with the technology.
They all go back with what our forefathers and our incredible genius built.
We were the place where all the inventions came from, everything, and now we have literally... I know there's a big group that's intelligent and informed still, but
The average American literally has been turned into some type of low-level animal who just feeds their beast to you.
Well, that's exactly right, because we still have a school system that is not only created to manufacture factory workers, but it's funded based on real estate taxes, which means a lot of people don't get an even break.
You just said it, but see, that's by design.
It's by design they've dumbed them down.
I've got the Department of Education documents going back to the 60s and through the 80s.
I've interviewed the number two at the Department of Education.
They openly said they were there to dumb people down.
But then, Katrina isn't on purpose.
That is the response.
It is on purpose.
I mean, all the evidence shows this is coordinated.
Why do they want to destroy America that was such an engine of their dominance?
I don't know, but I'll tell you what I believe is the solution.
I believe the solution is a public intelligence network.
I think Larry Brilliant at Google is one of the most important people on the planet because of what he can do.
Jimbo Wales from Wikipedia has just put out word that he's willing to spend a hundred million dollars to free key information from copyright.
You have Brewster Kahle with the Internet Archives and he's digitizing books all over the world.
I believe that if we can create an open source agency, such as Congressman Simmons is planning to introduce, that within five years we can cut the secret intelligence budget in half.
Even by two-thirds, from $60 billion down to $20 billion.
Okay, well, sir, now you're an intelligence expert, highest levels of the Marine Corps and CIA.
Average people aren't going to get this.
Again, I organically have come upon this, the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of researchers vetting each other's info, scanning everything, doing research using the NSA-type technology of the search engine drivers to go out and collate as analysts, just because in a hobby
Well, first off, let me give you the bad news.
Your government is spending $60 billion a year for the 5% of the information they can steal.
They're spending less than $600 million a year on what's called open source information in multiple languages.
Yeah, they'll pay for millions to find out something that was in a news article a year before.
No, they'll pay billions to have a Lockheed Martin build a secret satellite that can't see into city streets or under jungle canopy.
The point I want to make here is that we are spending way too much money on spies and secrecy and not nearly enough money on education and diplomacy.
And if we just have consultants, I mean that's what real companies do, they just have people that go around finding out, I had a guest in here a few weeks ago, working for big companies that just track things for the stock market and different derivatives, and they've just got people all over the world going and talking to average folks.
I mean, they're getting on-the-ground intelligence.
Yes, and in fact, it's been proven that on-the-ground intelligence is better than what you can get from satellites.
And there's just no substitute for human beings.
Now, what the secret world doesn't want you to know is that public intelligence is a hundred times better than secret intelligence at a tiny fraction of the price.
Well, I mean, what is the power of Google?
Obviously the best search engine.
I mean, I can find out so much cross-reference.
I mean, that really is NSA-type power.
And these guys don't even have that many analysts, from what I've seen, even using that.
In fact, they spend most of their time trying to use the apparatchik of intelligence to cover up their own corporate crimes.
Well, Google has some growing up to do.
I really admire Google.
And I think one of these days it will eat Amazon.
And that'll be a good thing, because the next big thing in information is synthetic information.
That breaks the copyright chains.
So a Google can give you an answer that is synthetically derived from millions of pages that they own free and clear.
Which is new, yeah.
Yes, it is new.
And then if you want, you can pay for the footnotes.
With microcash, a penny at a time.
But that's what millions of Americans who are news junkies are now doing.
They go out and grab... I mean, I write articles that are 50 links.
Every sentence is a link documenting what we've said, and it's everybody else's information, but we're just collecting it and collating it.
Well, the world brain is coming into effect.
I think we're in about the fourth grade.
The day is going to come when you can go to your computer and type in your zip code
Select your issues that matter to you, education, water, health, whatever, and then print out a stoplight chart for who to vote for.
Now I saw Google reporting on five years how they're going to have that.
The problem is Google also says that they're going to use microphones with NSA keyword listening to sell you advertising packages or to sell it to others.
That's total surveillance.
And they're also saying that they're going to tell you who the good politician is, but I don't necessarily believe the coalition that they're going to do, you know, claiming a politician's either pro-gun or anti-gun.
Well, I think there will be cross-checking.
I agree with Eric Schmidt and Larry Page when they say that the answer to bad information is more information.
I think Google has made a very important strategic mistake.
In dealing with the secret elements of the U.S.
That is a huge mistake.
And I'm hoping they'll work their way out of it and basically cut that relationship off.
Please continue.
Well, you know, Google was a little hypocritical when they were refusing to honor a Department of Justice request for information because they were heavily in bed with the Central Intelligence Agency.
The Office of Research and Development, my old friend Rick Steinhiser.
Now, I think Google has to be purer than Caesar's wife.
And I have no problem with their accepting some censorship from China and other places as the price of entry.
But I do have a problem with their having a secret relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency.
Well, obviously they're getting a lot of their technology from NSA backbone type systems.
No, don't believe that.
Don't believe that at all.
I'll tell you why.
My friend Steve Arnold has written a wonderful book.
It costs $200.
It's called The Google Legacy.
It's the best book on Google.
And the bottom line is what Google has done is invented the low-cost supercomputer.
They have gotten their data centers to the point where they can install an entire data center in 72 hours.
It's plug and play.
They've eliminated the configuration management and the backup issues and their price.
For a rack is one-third of what IBM or Dell or anyone else would charge.
No, I understand.
In fact, we even know where those data centers are now.
Oh, good for you!
Well, no, I mean, I'm finding it interesting that, I mean, you're right, everybody else is paying.
That's what my IT guy has discovered, is that everybody else is paying two-thirds more than Google is.
That's right.
We're trying to keep that out of a popular understanding, but the point I'm trying to get at here is I've had Google censor us.
And they claim that it's an accident.
They censor our news.
They claim we're a news affiliate, but they censor it.
We've caught them deleting our page views, our views for Terror Storm, for instance, because they want it out of the top 100.
They keep claiming it's an accident.
So they are being evil.
They have started censoring.
That's very interesting, because Larry Page, I actually know him.
We go to a hackers conference together, and I respect him.
And one of the things he said is, do no harm.
So, if Google is in fact starting to do harm, I think it's important that that be documented and publicized.
Well, we've been trying to do that, and they admit, oh, we're accidentally erasing your views, but nobody else's.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
We're on Corruption.
We're going to take a few calls for our guest.
He's agreed to stay with us into the second segment with Webster Tarpley in the next hour.
He is Robert David Steele.
And you can go to Infowars.com and link through his bios, the book he just published, and some of the 770 books he's reviewed, the non-fiction he's reviewed, former Marine Corps intelligence, then with the CIA, doing field cases, and that's the stuff that matters.
We're honored to have him with us today.
Just briefly before we talk to Patrick in Michigan and a few others, back to Google and the CIA.
I knew they were involved with them.
I knew they'd moved into some old NASA offices and were interfacing and doing a lot of really creepy stuff and that's when we saw some of the changes start to begin.
Also, we'll have a story that say a million people have read.
And every other search engine has it posted, but Google won't have ours posted, but will have some little bitty blogs posted, because their filter missed it.
And we know Google is filtering us out, and they're doing it to other people now, kind of like
Kind of like you can't link through now, or a lot of the audio won't play on MySpace, won't play YouTube or Google videos.
And I noticed this weeks before, it was in the New York Post, with Rupert Murdoch fighting with Google and YouTube, now the same thing, saying you can't play your videos.
So we know there's a lot of stuff.
It's like Yahoo won't
Allow a YouTube instant message, URL to be sent through.
I mean, we know this stuff's going on, sir.
I've caught them red-handed doing it to a bunch of people.
Can you comment on their CIA connection?
The only thing I know is that they do have one.
And that is through who, again?
That is through the Office of Research and Development.
And then that ties off into DARPA, doesn't it?
Well, it's the CIA's equivalent of DARPA.
Now, DARPA's doing some very good things.
Strong Angel 3.
Is a free open source software package that can be shared with state and local governments and with non-governmental organizations.
And where I think we're going, and don't misunderstand me, I think Google is one of the greatest things since sliced bread.
Google, the Googleplex, combined with, um, with, um, gosh, what's this, uh, software?
Um, the Googleplex plus Strong Angel plus, um,
There's now an open source software for language translation.
Let me see if I can find it here.
That's the old one.
Here we go.
It's TeleLanguage.
TeleLanguage is a really fine company and it allows you to basically, if you have an employee that speaks a language, they can be logged on.
And if anyone in your organization needs that language, they can pinch hit.
And if they're too busy, or if it's not appropriate, it can default to a commercial translator in India or Indonesia or someplace else.
So let me just stop you right there.
Let's fast forward, though, ten years.
Technology now doubling every two.
That'll be every year, then every month, then every hour, then every second.
I mean, this is exponential.
I think?
I almost see this like a type of nanotech in the cyber zone with the RFID now tracking real-world items.
It's almost like the grey goo.
Well, let me give you a few groups here.
First off, I think the machine of choice is going to be the handheld cell phone connected to seeing glasses.
So, like the glasses that you wear.
I've worn them.
They're absolutely amazing.
It looks just like your PCs on your desk.
I am a real believer in Alvin Toffler's Revolutionary Wealth, his latest book.
I'm a real believer in C.K.
Prahalad, who's written The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
I am absolutely persuaded that we can, it's a term I use, information peacekeeping.
I'm absolutely persuaded that we can use information in order to
Basically established belief systems that lead to both wealth and peace.
And we also, frankly, have to root out evil belief systems.
And that includes... Well, stay there.
We've got a break again.
A hard break, sir.
Stay with us.
Your call's partly coming up.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I said I'd get to some calls, so I might as well do that now, then we'll go to Webster Tarpley in just a moment.
We'll get to one of them right now.
We're talking to Robert David Steele, High Level Marine Corps,
Intelligence, then with the CIA, clandestine operations in the field.
You know, the real deal, folks, not the person in a desk at a cubicle.
And he's talking about revolutions in science, technology, information, which threatens the elite, so they're trying to use it every way they can to track and control us.
And I'm not optimistic about it, because the public's so sluggish.
If we had Thomas Jefferson type for this power, with this information, it'd be over.
We'd be on Alpha Centauri's in ten years.
Not probably going to happen.
Probably going to be more like the Morlocks and the Eloy.
We're in deep trouble, but let's go ahead and talk to... He's been talking about 9-11, Inside Job, and his review of Tarpley's book as the preeminent book on the subject.
Let's go ahead and talk to Omar in Michigan.
Omar, go ahead.
How you doing today?
Good, sir.
Go ahead.
Mr. Steele, we're having a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan.
Michigan, do you think that has something to do with Bush and them backing them or something?
And the other question I have for you is do you think the October surprise will be the influx of Mexican immigrants that we've had here to the states?
They will be voting for Bush and them and that will turn the tables on the Democrats?
I'll listen to your comments off air.
I would be very concerned if the Ku Klux Klan was making a resurgence.
We do have neo-Nazi skinheads out West, and I think that's a real troublesome thing.
As far as the October surprise, historically, the Republicans know how to defeat the Democrats in a close election.
They know how to steal it.
So, if this next election isn't either dumping a whole bunch of candidates
Or everybody ganging up on the extremist Republicans and saving just a few moderate Republicans, then I think we're going to waste two more years and have two more years of violence and debt and despair.
Please elaborate.
Well, you know, I mean, if I ran my business the way Bush has run in this country, I would have been thrown in jail years ago.
He's got a multi-trillion dollar debt.
Uh, he has, uh, we're going to be paying, uh, for decades for the stuff.
And I gotta tell ya, once you have someone willing to commit suicide, once you have tens of thousands of people willing to commit suicide, there is no, this is an arms race we cannot win.
We'd better make peace.
But the neocons said they wanted to stir up the Muslims, and that's a point I've made.
They wanted to break Iraq in three parts.
They wanted to have sectarian and racial killing going on between the three or four grids.
But now it seems like they've overcooked it, and the black hole they created has gotten a little bit big for them.
Well, I think Paul Bremer is an intelligent man who does well in the drawing rooms of diplomacy, but the two stupidest decisions
That he made the first two decisions basically created the insurgency.
Was to disband the Ba'athist mechanism?
De-Ba'athifying the government gave them their leaders and disbanding the army put hundreds of thousands of pissed off guys with guns in the street.
I mean Bremer and Cheney and Wolfowitz and Feist.
Are four of the most dangerous people on the planet.
See, look, they're in power, they're in control, they're doing what people have never done before.
Taking over.
I don't think that's a screw-up.
I don't think that's dumb.
I mean, look at that.
Every time they know what their own documents say, they wanted that place to totally melt down.
Well, I won't disagree with you.
If that's what they wanted, they certainly got it.
But I'm not sure... I'm not sure... I think they...
They really did not understand just how ugly this was going to be.
No, I agree.
I think that, well, the Bible says that if you dig a pit for somebody else, you're going to fall in it.
Well, or dig two graves.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and let you and Webster Tarpley talk for a segment.
And then, Will, I'll let you get back to your important work, sir.
And a little bit more on 9-11 with both you gentlemen on the other side.
But I've got to have you back up and talk about technology explosion that's happening right now and the information.
It's like a whole new form of life!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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I'd like to, at least once or twice a week, thank all of our AM and FM affiliates, as well as Global Shortwave, WWCR, the Internet, all the folks that make that possible here in my operation, that is from Chicago to Louisiana to Texas to London, England and Sheffield.
And to my whole crew and of course you, the listeners, the sponsors, everybody, we're going to go to Webster Tarpley here in just about a minute.
I have one last question for you, Mr. Steele, before we bring up Webster Tarpley, whose book you said is really the definitive volume on 9-11 inside job and is enough evidence for indictment of Cheney and other co-conspirators.
And that is, you know, I ought to send you this, because looking at all the contacts, the generals, the intelligence agencies you work for, you know, the Google people you work with, I mean, you really are an influential person, and I'm really impressed now talking to you, and I don't normally start with... No, I wouldn't overestimate that.
Well, I'm just saying we're on the same page with what we see happening.
I'm just, again, a country bumpkin looking at this, who's been living in this, and watching how it works.
What we can do is seeing some of the future positives.
There's also a lot of negatives that Joy and others have discussed, and Warwick is pushing.
I am seeing hundreds of message boards, hundreds of postings, where the same posting is being attacking me, is being cemented in, being cut and paste.
I am seeing our information being censored.
We know the White House paid for tens of thousands of fake letters to the editor, paying off reporters, $1.6 billion in fake news.
They admit it.
We know there's a huge effort out there.
And I just haven't heard you speak a lot to that.
I'm not sure if you're aware of how widespread sectors of the government, and I guess private agencies or groups, they're hiring out.
I'm not sure who all is doing it.
But I am seeing these trolls on the web trying to spew it full of background noise and disinfos.
And a lot of it's mockingbird.
A lot of people just parrot what one real disinfo person puts out.
But, I mean, can you just speak?
I know I'm just giving you a lot of generality.
Can you speak to what I'm saying?
Well, I think that there is a clear pattern of the U.S.
government paying for news it can use.
I personally hope that the revolution that Joe Trippi and Howard Dean started picks up some momentum.
In fact, let me give you two websites, or three websites.
www.citizens-party.org just has a few basic documents on how I hope we can all come together
And basically vote out the corrupt and vote in people who will vote for their districts rather than for the party line.
On my own website, www.oss.net provides free public intelligence and free weekly summaries and forecasts of threats and policies.
And lastly, Amazon.
Amazon is a national treasure.
And I certainly commend anyone spending a little time on Amazon.
And if you see any one of my reviews, like for instance, my Tarpley review,
If you click on that and bookmark it, you'll have all my other book reviews and that's the equivalent of a free graduate education in international affairs.
Absolutely, and I would just add to the things that
You know that you're saying here that we have to get involved.
We have to interface with the information.
We have to get involved.
And people think it's boring.
It's horrible to read.
It's horrible to analyze.
It's horrible to get informed.
That's not true.
It makes you live longer, the studies show.
It makes you retain more neuron connectivity throughout age.
Well, all we can do is try.
Well, we are doing that.
Let's go ahead and go to Webster Tarpley.
Again, Webster, good to have you on, and now you're on with Mr. Steele, who gave you that glowing review.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you, Alex, very much.
And I've never met Mr. Steele, but the first thing I have to do is thank him for that very kind review.
He's been very generous, and I'm sure more than I deserve, but he's also very authoritative, and when he tells people that a book is good, they respond.
My book has gone up to about
250 on the Amazon rankings from being in the thousands, and I really don't know whether any 9-11 book of the critical type, the anti-government, anti-regime type that I represent has ever gotten quite that high.
So my hat goes off to him, and I have nothing but gratitude.
Actually, yeah, Rubicon got something in the top 80.
Well, that could be.
I've just had no way of knowing that.
Probably, too, though.
A lot of it was Steele's review.
Well, I think the progressive publisher also did some good work with advertising the book.
You certainly owe them a thank you.
But, no, I was glad to review your book.
I take your book very seriously.
I can't say that I would use your book to execute somebody, but I would certainly use your book at the beginning of an investigation.
A proper investigation.
And I think that's the idea.
It is a political thesis.
It is not, in any way, designed to be a court document.
A political judgment is the overarching framework for everything else.
And as soon as the lawyers come in, then everything changes.
And it's important to make the overarching truth, which again, for me, is my hop.
That is the made it happen on purpose.
The notion that these attacks did not come from any organization
Based in the Middle East, primarily made up of Arabs or Muslims or Bin Laden sitting in some cave or any of this, but rather from the bowels of the U.S.
intelligence community, the Pentagon, the Wall Street banking establishment, and therefore made in USA.
And I think this is really important because if we don't get to that,
We're always going to believe that this demagogy that we see now, the desperate Republican demagogues of the Bush camp, are attempting to freshen up fear.
Their entire neo-fascist galaxy orbits around the false flag terror-fear paradigm.
9-11 is the pillar of their church, right?
You are 9-11, and on this rock I will build my
Pagan Church, with this as a synthetic civic religion.
And of course, it's not just Bush, it's also Hillary Clinton.
She's there to tell you, well, there is a need for a war on terror, but Bush just doesn't do it right.
Elect Hillary Clinton, elect Rahm Emanuel, and these people, and we'll have the right war on terror.
And final thing is, the question of the drills.
That is, that these attacks are mediated, bootlegged in, under the cover of drills.
It shows us that where we have to look for the next attack is on the list of military operations, air drills, and so forth.
It's a little black cloud, an otherwise clear sky, that always appears right at the same time.
And again, Oklahoma City, running a drill.
BATF, the first World Trade Center attack.
FBI, running a drill.
Of course on New York 9-11 running tripod 2 drills moving the main command base of the city and the county and the feds out of building 7 out to the pier for a terror attack.
All the other drills of hijacked jets being flown into buildings at the same time to confuse
Norad and the FAA and the Interceptors.
And we saw a drill being hired by the former head of Scotland Yard Public Relations, Peter Power, telling BBC News Radio 5 and ITN Television that he ran exact drills, exact place, exact time of the exact same thing happening.
And Mr. Steele, can you speak to the bootlegging of False Flag Terror to Smokescreen in case any agents get caught?
They say it's a drill.
They also bootlegged the funding through it.
Can you speak to that?
Well, there's no question but that the Pakistani President is under an enormous amount of pressure.
I mean, he's sitting on a powder keg.
I believe that he needed something.
And I believe that Mr. Tarpon is probably right that this may have been intended to be a nuclear attack, that is to say an airplane going into a nuclear plant.
And they backed off from that, possibly as a negotiated compromise between the White House and the Pakistani Intelligence Service.
But the bottom line here is there is enough information out there to persuade me that our government has not been honest.
And I don't know if you've noticed this, Bill, but I've got you speaking in January with Michael Hiem, who wrote the book, Who the Hell Are We Fighting?, in which he talks about the way the U.S.
government lied to the people about numbers in Vietnam.
And I also have Thomas Naylor from the Vermont Republic Secessionist Movement.
And all three of you are centered on, can we trust our government?
But I think the answer is no right now.
Certainly not.
The only thing I would say is, if we look at Pakistan and the inter-services intelligence, these are people who may have some voice in terms of what happens in the northern Pakistani tribal zones.
Concerning what happens in the skies over New York, they count for absolutely nothing.
They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the CIA, MI6, they always have been, and any one of them who doesn't like that is going to find his body riddled with bullets and floating in a canal somewhere.
So I don't accept myself the notion that the Saudi government or the Pakistani regime has any role in determining the timing of this, or that there's anything to negotiate with them.
I just don't see that in any sense.
An impulse coming from Wall Street, from the City of London.
It's mediated through this invisible government.
But there is a major role in finance in these moles tied into Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, at least with the back story.
Well, of course.
I think the Rubicon has some of the detailed information on the Safari Club and some of these other things.
Buzzy Kroengart, certainly in my mind, he took a dollar a year job for a very good reason at CIA.
And certainly, you can say that the ISI is important as something that runs a stable of patsies, recruits patsies.
They've obviously recruited patsies for the British, but I think this just shows again, they are subcontractors of CIA, MI6, Pentagon, and this informal banking intelligence.
Again, it goes back to Grover Cleveland capitulating to
Morgan, it's been with us now for more than a hundred years.
And Webster, we're going to talk more about that.
This is where it comes from.
We're going to talk more about that after the break.
Mr. Steele is now going to leave us, and you can check out his website by linking through at InfoWars.com.
We have links to it right now up there.
I look forward to having you back on in the future.
I'm going to send you Terror Storm, and I would love to get a review from you, my friend.
Can you just, in the last 30 seconds, do you think the elite is scared right now with the information revolution and the sleeping giant awakening?
The short answer is no.
They're counting on the American people being apathetic through this next election.
Do you think that hubris is going to backfire?
I hope so.
I tend to agree.
I think a lot of their analysts are concerned.
But I think at the top they're just... Do you think it's a question of hubris?
You know, I mean, these guys have their own world view.
And in their world view... Hold on one moment.
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We're back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We are finishing up with Robert Steele.
I'm going to let him go now.
But sir, I wanted you to plug your free intelligence report.
You know, I think the key to this is free.
And it's an open source.
Like when I make a new film, it may cost me $100,000.
I put it out for free on Google Video because the goal is to get the information out and then
Hopefully now people will then support it and buy the DVD for us to support ourselves.
How do you support yourself when you do your big intelligence report every week for free?
Well, I have a couple of contracts and I run an international conference, but if people go to OSS.net, they'll find these public daily intelligence reports completely free on the left-hand side.
And they'll also find the conference information on the right-hand side.
And I'm looking to have an interesting mix of
250 international people this year and we're looking at the 10 threats to humanity and we're looking at the whole idea of collective intelligence and belief systems that threaten our belief system.
Absolutely, and there is a predatory, social-Darwinistic, Malthusian driver behind this Let Them Eat Cake very decadent elite.
It's kind of like a deep diver gets narcosis.
Well, it's the same thing in high places.
They get delusional, and it's very, very dangerous.
And can't people also vote for your reviews to drive them up Amazon so more people see the books you're reviewing?
Well, I can't solicit that, but I'd be very glad if they did.
I mean, if my reviews are worth your attention, of course I'd be honored to have your vote.
Well, folks, you should go do that.
It's a way to get good books to have attention, instead of some stupid book about Madonna crucifying herself.
Okay, good to talk to you.
Look forward to speaking with you again soon, sir.
All right.
Bye and bye, Bill.
Take care.
Let's go back to Mr. Tarpley.
Alex, let me just mention one thing.
He was talking about his free website.
I have a free website, too, and I have a birthday here coming up.
Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary on the Internet of Tarpley.net, or in a slightly different form, but basically that.
And above all, having this unauthorized biography of George Bush available for free.
And that went up on, looks like it went up on October 26th, 1996, just a week or so before the presidential election of that year.
And it's been up ever since, and I think it's the oldest continuous anti-Bush site, Bush dynasty now, that there is.
And I would recommend that people go to it.
You can go and find all the stuff about Prescott Bush financing the rise of Hitler, John Hinckley and Neil Bush.
Are you aware that there's also a PDF of your new book?
I'm not sure.
I saw it last night, and I would just tell people for a while it's important to buy the book so you can continue to, you know, I mean, get off beans and crackers.
But the one I wanted to mention is my chapter on Omaha.
It's a relatively short chapter.
I do go into the Omaha pedophile ring, the Craig Spence ring, these underage homosexual gigolos in the Bush White House back in 1989, getting on the front page of the Washington Times, and I think this is very relevant now to the
The existence of this semi-secret homosexual cabal in the House of Representatives that seems to be running things, and Speaker Hastert, again widely reported by Wayne Manson and others, as being a practicing homosexual, living with his lover in a townhouse on Capitol Hill, and the entire apparatus around that, which has been around for decades and decades, I would probably trace it back to Theodore Roosevelt,
And the origins of modern liberal republicanism.
But I think this is a very important topic.
And again, I don't do it out of any particular... No, no, it's true.
Listen, I've been doing this for a long time, too, and it just keeps popping up.
It's real.
We have a pervert guild running Washington.
Not just Republicans, but it's a higher percentage of Republicans.
And it's not enough for them to have boyfriends.
They've got to have underage.
And a lot of them are into that, and it's just totally evil, and they're turning the world into their sick playground.
And if you had a secret cabal of vegetarians or bird watchers or pinnacle players controlling the House of Representatives, the public would have a right to know that, and in this case, they unite around these questionable tastes that we've
It's a tremendous market of dupes, I think, where well-meaning voters have their votes convoyed into something that they would not approve of.
This, I think, is simply important for people to know, and if you want to go on the website there and look at this, the book is always for free.
You can download the Omaha chapter, and I think that's a good preface to the things that you find coming out.
With Wayne Mattson and other people these days.
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Alright folks, let's uh... Go back to Webster Tarpley, I apologize.
I start playing that song, I can't help but sing along there.
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It's why you tune in.
Clubster Tarpley, good friend of mine, a person I really respect, really great astute researcher.
Again, I hadn't read his book, Synthetic Terror, and it's exactly what I was saying on air, the exact connections I was making.
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And then you've got that same understanding.
You go read their book.
It's like, my gosh, you know, I wish I had the energy and the time to write this because this is what I would write.
This is how they did it.
This is how they operate.
This is all the frequently asked questions.
People get confused.
They don't understand cloak and dagger.
We carry it at InfoWars.com.
And we've got a lot of combo deals where you can get Tarpley's new book and my new film, Terrorist Corps, together for huge discounts.
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And let's say you already know all about the New World Order, you know all this stuff, you've seen the films, read the books, you were in intelligence yourself, you're a cop, you know how the world works, your neighbor doesn't, your grandma doesn't, your son, your daughter, your wife doesn't know, your husband doesn't know, the police chief doesn't know, your county commissioner doesn't know, your pastor, your rabbi, your imam,
They don't know.
Well, you need to be an information beacon.
You need to be a transmitter, a telemphysite blood cell, a white blood cell out there defeating the infection in the body politic that is grave.
So please go to infowars.com and please order
Tarpoli's book, 9-11 Synthetic Terror, made in the USA, 3rd edition.
Please get Terror Storm.
Please get all the other books and videos that we now carry, like the Blockbuster, and people are going nuts with this film.
I'm so excited about it.
Please get your copy today.
Get multiple copies of America, Freedom from Fascism.
Uh, Webster, just give us a preview, because I want to go through five calls right now.
Preview some of the stuff you want to talk about before the show ends, concerning the election, concerning the war fleet, three task force groups, two carriers, one loitering nearby, and another task force.
So really, four in the area.
Uh, just give us a thumbnail of what's coming up.
We're going to blast through some calls.
I got somebody who disagrees with me named Cecil I want to go to first.
I would say the following.
The New York Times CBS poll, I think, is the starting point.
16% of the American population still believe in the 9-11 terror myth, but 84% do not, to a greater or lesser extent.
And again, you have contributed a lot to that, and the 9-11 truth movement, I think, has scored a decisive victory with that.
Now, that has to be the prelude to a defeat of Bush.
It means that the spell, this terror brainwash that he's tried to do,
...is wearing thin, and that has now got to be translated into a colossal landslide defeat for the pro-Bush party.
It's got to lead to a massive repudiation of Bush, his war, and above all, the 9-11 myth at the polls.
A defeat so big that it'll go beyond just Iraq, important as that is, and get into this whole question of the global war on terror, which is the big fraud that covers everything else.
If people have 9-11 truth candidates to vote for, obviously they should.
They should do that.
They should vote for the Bob Bowmans and the Craig Hills in Vermont, and the Carol Brules in the Bay Area, or the Matthew Woodsons in Oklahoma.
If you don't have that, you can find people running for Congress, like Congressman Kucinich or Congressman Ron Paul, people who are clearly profiled in an anti-Bush, anti-totalitarian mode.
And other than that, vote against the ruling party.
And I think the interesting thing is the following.
This regime has never had congressional oversight hearings of any significant kind on anything it's done.
And if the Democrats take control, even if it's Pelosi, right, which makes me shudder in some ways, but still, because of Pelosi's ambition and her envy and her hatred,
And so forth.
She and her people like her are going to have to start significant oversight hearings.
And that's the classic subpoena, right?
Do just take them.
You show up and you bring these documents.
What did George Bush know and when did he know it?
Let's go to calls.
Let's talk to Cecil in Nevada.
Cecil, thank you for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks so much for having me on.
I really appreciate it.
I've been trying to get here for a couple of weeks.
I'll make this as quick as I can.
I want to preface my disagreement with you with I think the work that you're doing is very important.
Well, I appreciate that, but you don't have to preface it.
I mean, I am wrong sometimes.
I need help.
Well, this is a very sore spot with you.
I've heard you talk about it a number of times, and I just want you to know that even though I take the position that I do, I still promote you, your Terror Storm, all of your programming and so forth and so on.
I recognize it for the truth.
Let me guess, as Christians, we shouldn't fight evil, or is it something like that?
That's the one.
You got it.
You know it.
You knew it was coming.
And what I'd like to see you do, Mr. Jones, if you would, there's a gentleman by the name of William P. Grady.
I don't know whether you're familiar with him or not, but I would like to see if you couldn't get him on the show and kind of hash this thing out, because he pretty much has the position that you do, with the exception of
Just not being able to turn this thing around.
And I agree with him.
I agree with you that work you do is important, and I don't think it should stop.
I think we should know the truth, but I don't think it's going to get turned around.
I think it's important for the people to... Well, listen, regardless of that, we need to wake people up so they're not part of this evil system, so they don't get hurt by it.
I agree.
And, you know, I mean, the whole Bible is about people getting killed or imprisoned for standing up against evil government.
So you're saying you disagree with me?
I mean, what's the...
I disagree with you in the fact that this can be turned around.
Let's say this, Nineveh was given a hundred year reprieve.
You got that right.
Jonah paid for doing that though, I'll tell you.
I understand that, but I'd like to see you have Grady on and just talk about that.
I think he would probably come on your program.
I'm not like that.
Many of the people that I am with however,
That I associate with are under that impression, and of course they think I'm a nutcase, a fruitcake, but... Well listen, listen, I gotta jump, but I appreciate your call, and I'm sorry you had trouble getting through.
I want to go to more calls.
Webster, you've got the Christian Church that was the backbone of the war against the British in 1776, that was the backbone against slavery, that's been the backbone of so many great movements, suffrage in this country,
Now co-opted into different camps.
One of them is bush worship.
He literally has been likened to Jesus.
He is now worshipped as a living demigod saint.
Absolute pagan blasphemy, of course.
Yeah, it is.
But then there's other groups.
There's those that say he's the devil's henchman, but we shouldn't fight evil, we should lay down.
And then there's those that are just totally punched out and aren't even involved.
And there are Christians fighting evil, the biggest group in the country.
I mean, can you comment to that?
I would say this is the danger of taking one line of scripture and trying to turn it against the entire corpus.
It's why you need to read things in a way that is other than literal or fundamental.
You've got to look at the whole body.
The whole issue of Christianity is a resistance movement against the horrors of the collapsing Roman Empire.
And I think if you look at David Ray Griffin's recent book on the subject, he's got a whole part about the US as a demonic power
And how Christianity, if it's going to be faithful to its origins, has got to resist this kind of imperialism.
In other words, the notion of an empire reduces people to cattle, and this, it violates the commandment of love your neighbor, and the famous commandments about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, visiting the sick, visiting prisoners, burying the dead, in other words, charity.
It's a violation of charity up and down the line.
Also, standing before the king and saying you're a piece of filth, I mean, that's part of it too.
You've got to resist evil.
You've got to resist evil in an intelligent way.
I think there's no doubt about it.
I think, again, David Ray Griffin is a pretty good theologian, and I think he makes that argument in a convincing way.
Let's talk to Darrell in Montana.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, I kind of come from a whole different premise, but I've been trying to get in for a couple days and I didn't want to interrupt your guest.
Hey, we're all over the map.
Sure, go ahead.
Basically, the problem with society as a whole, they forget that evil, besides being manifested in the physical form, all exists in other levels of consciousness as well.
And part of the problem with society today is we seem to forget that.
Everyone wants to fight it in the physical, but it's the underlying... Well, I'll say this.
We fight evil, it starts at home.
Charity starts at home.
Not fighting with your wife, not being greedy, not being petty, not being insecure.
Yeah, I mean, I agree.
It starts inside your chest.
And when you went to Bohemian Grove, did you feel the evil from the statue?
Oh, that whole place?
Old men?
I mean, people can watch it and say, oh, it's just a bunch of old men dressed up in red and black rubs.
I mean, let me just comment.
Red and black rubs acting like a bunch of idiots getting drunk.
No, no, no, no, no.
I was in the crowd of men.
They were killing it.
Oh, yes.
Oh, no.
They get an adrenaline rush and they get pumped up from it because the evil rewards its servants.
Part of the problem with
Religion, and I'm not slamming you as being a Christian, is we forget that.
We forget that the mass consciousness of this planet right now is all looking for an outward being, a Christ or whatever, to come and save it.
And to be honest with you, most of these so-called politicians that consider themselves Christians, they laugh when you call upon the name of Jesus.
They just, you know, just shrug it off and say, well, you know, that doesn't exist.
If you look at the universe, and I'll make it brief, but if you look at the universe and what's been going on in the last, oh, ten years, science has discovered so many more new galaxies and solar systems, and kind of just the short premise, the essence of the One, whether you want to place a label on it as call it God or whatever, is coming this direction, and that is why the darkness is working so fervently
Well, I appreciate your call.
I've got to move on.
I've got a lot of callers here.
It's weird how we have themes.
I can be talking about one thing and then it's a theme of religion or a theme of this.
But in the real world, in this physical fourth dimension or third dimension, you can sit here and you can look
At how the technology's threatening the elite, but also a double-edged sword against us.
How they're losing control at every level.
I mean, the elite is worried, but they also have that hubris.
Do you think that hubris will be there in doing, Webster?
I think the neocons are the politically stupidest people we've ever seen.
They think that if you bomb Iran, that will somehow turn the Iranians against the mullahs.
And it won't.
It'll do the opposite.
About evil.
We have various brands of evil.
Right now, we've had one
A single faction of a single brand of evil has been controlling all the institutions, the presidency, the two houses of congress, and the courts for six years.
And we need a separation of powers to separate evil.
And we have, it's a basic conservative argument that we've got to get back to divided government, the checks and balances, the way the system is supposed to work.
Now, you can say,
Yeah, but the Democrats are evil.
Yes, in many ways they're another brand of evil.
But what we have to then do is play one brand of evil against the other.
With this, we can probably diminish the net amount of evil in the universe.
And what I'm looking forward to is when the Democratic House, which I think will come about, I hope it will, when they issue their first subpoenas to Bush administration officials on everything from 9-11 to Iraq, to Katrina, to prescription drugs, to habeas corpus, Pfizer,
NSA wiretaps.
Somebody like David Addington in Cheney's office is going to say, no, we won't do it.
We're not coming.
You get no job.
And then you're going to have a constitutional crisis.
You're going to have a constitutional crisis.
You'll have contempt of Congress, and it'll be impeachment.
Not because Pelosi doesn't want it.
She said she doesn't want it.
But here's the problem.
Pelosi's shown he'll hit the entire Congress with another huge anthrax attack.
Well, and then let them fight.
But that kind of fight is better.
And the thing that I also think is important is concerning the Democrats,
You've got the Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, warmonger position.
You've also got the Mertha position, which I think is much more moderate.
What do you think of this new guy, Obama?
I wouldn't trust him at all.
I think he's an unprincipled opportunist.
Yeah, he's basically a footstool for Hillary.
I think so.
But the issue is, if the Democratic Party, with a lot of the hand-picked candidates of Rahm Emanuel,
If they try to continue the war, or support a wider war, that will destroy the Democratic Party over the next two years.
Yeah, so we're seeing a prime move now into a real third party, or true second party.
If the Democratic Party fails that test, it will cease to exist, and this is all part of this party realignment.
We've got to remember for the past 40 years, since about 68, 70, or thereabouts, we've been living
Under a party system dominated by reaction and the collapse of the labor movement and political apathy, as you well point out.
Yeah, but let me go back, well I agree, but let me go back for a moment to God and evil and all of this, because so many people are scared right now and people get more towards their faith, which is a good thing.
But it's not a real faith, folks.
It's a counterfeit.
If God's telling you to lay down and not get involved, then God will do it.
God says you go out and you have faith and you take action and you stand up against adversity, and then I'll be with you.
And so for people who think that God's going to do it, all of history and common sense and the law of nature that God has set in motion shows that God rewards those that help themselves.
Isn't that true, Webster?
One is to love God.
This is safe.
But there's also that second one that says, love your neighbor.
That means good work.
That means clothe the naked, feed the hungry, house the homeless, and the rest of it.
And if you're not doing the second one, you're not fulfilling.
So you've got to do that part too.
And that means practical action in the here and now.
Yeah, I don't know how we got into this position of everybody just saying, oh, I'm a non-actor in history, I'm going to step out of the flow of history.
You can't step out of the flow of history.
Folks are going to be run over.
And that, again, that is not what Christianity was at the beginning.
That is not how it was forged in this terrible crucible of the Roman Empire, with Nero and Caligula running around.
Yeah, marrying their horses, sweating children's throats, gobbling their blood.
Exactly, and we're not far from that now.
And for those who don't know, that really happened in Rome.
Why don't you talk about Caligula?
Well, I have, one of my chapters in the Bush book is that Bush, the elder, is American Caligula.
They would essentially, he would go to the theater of Marcellus in Rome, and they would have a theatrical spectacle, and if the script called for somebody to die, it said let's, you know, at this point somebody's crucified, well that guy would really die.
And then can you imagine going to the Circus Maximus and presiding over the Battles of Gladiators, where hundreds and hundreds of people would be killed
As a part of an afternoon's entertainment for the greater benefit of the Emperor.
Remember, they used to say, Pana metrecense, bread and circuses, was what the Roman mob wanted.
Again, we have got to take urgent measures to prevent society from getting... Well, I'm sure, because you speak fluent Italian and have been over there a lot and are into it.
What about Nero would dress up like a werewolf and eat children at parties, gobbling them?
I mean, this is just...
He would disguise himself and go out in the streets and commit wanton murders, but he also thought he had to be the greatest opera singer in the world, and if anybody beat him in an opera contest, that person would be found dead the next day.
Did you ever read the part about dressing up like the werewolf?
I think a lot of it is from Suetonius, right?
The lives of the Twelve Caesars, but we also have Tacitus' Annals of Imperial Rome.
Yeah, we're about to go live.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
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I think so.
I think so.
Waging war on corruption.
I'll be on the radio coming up this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
from News Radio 590 KOBJ.
From as far north as Southern Oklahoma all the way down past San Antonio.
Yeah, afternoon.
I was just wondering if you were aware of the fact
Don King was a big player in John DeCamp's investigation out in Omaha, Nebraska.
Of the pedophile race.
You mean Larry King?
Not of Larry King singing in a big black guy named Larry King?
Well, this guy in Maryland, he appears to be the same one with the bushy hair and a white promoter, and he's endorsed... No, it's not the same.
It's not the same Don King.
Larry King.
Not the same guy, but since you talk about Maryland politics, I'm up to my neck in this.
And again, the issue again with Michael Steele trying to get the seat in the
In the Senate here against Ben Cardin is that Michael Steele is attempting to present himself as some kind of a stand-up comedian, rather than another warmonger vote for Bush.
In other words, a member of that same lockstep.
Marty, what's on your mind specifically?
Well, I just wanted to know if this guy Don King was the same one that was there in the butterfly ring.
You know, it's funny, they look a lot alike, but no, Larry King and Don King are two different men.
I think that's it.
I'm sorry about that.
Hey, you've got to ask the question to find out, brother.
Yeah, brother.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Barney's a good World War II vet.
I should ask him what he thinks of HR 6166.
Barney's been calling me for 10 years.
Let's go ahead and I haven't heard from him in about a year either, Barney.
We call back more often than that.
Let's talk to Zach in New York.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Zach.
You're on with Webster Tarpley.
I remember when they finally passed that legislation that Bush signed, the D.T.D.
Act, you spoke of looking at your kids all night and thinking about leaving, and if you were to decide to go or you were going to counsel someone who had made the decision to go or were advising family members to leave, I was wondering where would be the
Well, I'm not giving up the fort, I'm not abandoning the ship, but I think we have a good chance of winning.
I'm just saying it makes you think about evacuating your family, that I added the proviso to the end of it, that there's nowhere really to run.
I mean, Webster, if you were going to run, where would you run to?
I wouldn't think of running right now.
I would think about repealing that monstrosity that has abolished habeas corpus.
It means that Bush can declare anybody, you, me, the lamppost, enemy combatants,
Off to Guantanamo, key thrown away.
You say, but I'm a citizen.
You'll never get a hearing to prove that you're a citizen.
They'll say, you're really not a citizen.
You're some kind of a, you know, somebody who was smuggled in.
The other question, of course, is we've got a, looks like a fascist majority on the Supreme Court.
You can do two things about that.
You can impeach Supreme Court judges, or you can pack them, one or the other, or both.
Pack them in.
Pack in some new judges.
FDR tried to do it.
Would have been a good thing then.
Might get necessary now in the weeks and months ahead.
We have a known mob boss, Scalia, who literally does the meh symbol of reporters.
I mean, he's something else.
It's an absolute low.
I mean, I guess, you know, we've had very severe problems with the Supreme Court.
It's always been the most reactionary branch.
Thank you, Jack.
And he said you can deal with it.
Alright, David in Oklahoma, quickly, go ahead.
Yes, sir, you've got about 30 seconds.
I was going to make a comment about the caller that called in earlier.
Yes, go ahead.
There is a report out of KOCO at Oklahoma City that the Secret Service will be showing up in schools to give security updates and tell them how they can upgrade their security around the schoolhouse.
Yeah, the feds are taking control of the schools, yeah.
And there was a plan I reported on three years ago that if there's a natural disaster or terror attack, they're going to take your children to FEMA camps and then make you come and enroll yourself to get them back.
Thank you for the call.
Webster Tarpley, thank you for spending time with us.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
More power to you.
More power to you, my friend.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He's scheduled in this hour.
We talked to him this morning.
He's coming to Austin for the Texas Book Festival.
Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, who's criticized the IMF and World Bank's policies.
With huge guests like this, though, I really should never announce it.
Every time I do announce a big globalist guest, it gets scanned.
We'll see if we get him on.
We're trying him right now.
He's also probably accustomed to radio interviews starting at five after, but we're working on getting him right now, and we'll also be taking your phones throughout this hour.
We had Aaron Russo on in the last hour and a half, an amazing individual, and we had a caller call in earlier who doesn't believe in the North American Union, who doesn't believe in any of this stuff.
He just thinks we're making it all up.
And I've learned about the North American Union for, I guess I learned of it about 13 years ago, and I just can't believe that now it's in effect.
And people are in denial.
They just cannot, they cannot interface with reality.
They are in abject, willful denial.
I remember back, oh I guess it was in 2002, in fact I have the article here, March 4, 2002, InfoWars.com, The World Bank and Secret Argentine Plan, transcript of Greg Palast, journalist for BBC and observer in London,
And you go through the transcript of the interview with Greg Palast going over what those documents meant that were released soon after Joseph Stiglitz left the World Bank.
Well, I'll tell you two things.
One, I spoke with the former Chief Economist Joe Stiglitz, who was fired by the World Bank, so I on BBC with The Guardian basically spent some time debriefing him.
It was like one of the scenes out of Mission Impossible, you know, where the guy comes over from the other side and you spend hours debriefing him.
So I got the inside of what was happening at the World Bank.
In addition, he did
Not brief me, but I got some other sources.
He would not give me inside documents, but other people handed me a giant stash of secret documents from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
And it goes on to say that, and so one of the things that is happening is that in fact, I was supposed to be on CNN with the head of the World Bank, Jim Wilkinson, it's now
Paul Wolfowitz.
I guess you could have Wolf in your name to be there.
And he said he would not appear on CNN even if they put me on.
And so CNN did the craziest thing and pulled me off.
So now they're threatening total boycott.
Yeah, right.
So what we found was this.
We found inside these documents that basically they required nations to sign secret agreements in which they agreed to sell off their key assets in which they agreed to take economic steps which are really devastating to the nations involved.
And if they didn't agree to these steps
There was an average for each nation that signed 100 to 11 items, 111 items that they are required to sign off on.
If they didn't follow these steps, they would be cut off from all international borrowing.
You can't borrow any money in the international marketplace.
Now, no one could survive without borrowing.
And he goes on in the next, what, 10 pages, or the transcript is even longer than that, to break down what these documents entail.
He put a lot of them on BBC, but there was a news blackout with this.
We've always wanted to get Joseph Stiglitz on the show.
We're trying to get him on right now.
Have you had any luck yet?
It just rings and rings and rings and rings.
Of course, more often than somebody just not coming on, more often we get our time zone scrambled.
But I was at the office an hour before air time when Kevin Smith was on the phone with Stiglitz talking about the interview.
So he was scheduled.
We'll continue to try to get him on.
If not, we'll have open phones in this third hour.
Get into Bush's smoke and mirrors, so-called border fence, and a lot more.
Right here on the GCN radio network.
The websites are infowarriors.com, infowarriors.net, jonesreport.com, marshalllaw911.info, arnoldexposed.com,
There's a bunch of others I didn't list, but the two big ones are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Updated multiple times daily.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
Start going to your calls and hopefully getting Joseph Stiglitz on.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're trying to hook up a Nobel Prize winner, Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist, World Bank.
Either got our time zone scrambled or I've talked about it.
Whenever I have a big guest in the past, I've learned to keep my mouth shut until they just suddenly appear.
And I think if I would have done that, he'd been there.
But a lot of times they find out who I am and freak out and don't come on.
But we'll see what happens.
If not, there's no telling.
We get about 95% of the guests on that we do set up, but we'll see.
It's always best when setting them up just to give them no information.
But we try our best to do that without being dishonest with people.
Let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Joe had called in.
We ran out of time last hour.
I said, behold, we let him finish.
He's calling in about some manual about voting or something.
Go ahead, Joe.
Yeah, I've got the manual right in front of me, and it has procedures for everything.
Okay, what manual?
Whose manual?
The state of Wisconsin.
It's pretty much state standardized, but for each city it'll be a little different.
For people that can take time off on Tuesday.
Our polls are going to be open from 7 until 8 o'clock.
I understand.
What does the manual do?
Just tell us.
It's the Election Commission Poll Worker Training Manual.
For this year, it's have a certifier or whatever, so we've got those... But poll workers have no control over the wireless connections and hookups and... Actually, we don't have those kind of machines.
We just have the Scantron ones.
We still have the paper ballots.
Because they're just as bad, you feed them in, and it's then put on computer that can be manipulated.
Well, the thing is, if anybody wants a recount, we've got those ballots on hand, but they have to refeed, because we are... You're refeeding with the same county clerk stealing the election.
Well, that's why we also have the observers.
And if somebody wants to be an observer,
They cannot keep you out.
Now, if you have like 20 or 30 of them, that's why it's good to become an observer early on so that they don't say, well, we've already got 20 people.
So you have to document everything.
If you read through the manual, it'll say step by step.
And if somebody goes beyond that, if they add something they're not supposed to, if they take something out that they're not supposed to, make sure you catch it on tape.
And you can demand to have a police officer come and arrest them for election fraud.
Or at least give them a warning.
Look, you know, you've been caught doing this.
And it'll look horrible on the news for anybody if somebody sees ballots going someplace they're not supposed to.
I mean, this is just to protect your rights.
And if you don't... Sure.
Well, I mean, and I appreciate your call.
People should get involved in the election process to see it for themselves.
I volunteered in... what was it?
1998 and 1988 and I was there and I saw in the Republican primary that was at the Austin Convention Center I saw cases I mean I was there stacking the Scantrons to make sure they were being stacked correctly on the right order facing the right direction and then be fed into the automated
It looks just like a college or high school, you know, exam system.
You know, A, B, or C, or whatever.
And then it's fed through and read by a computer.
Optical scanner is the proper term.
And then put into a computer.
And I mean, Pat Buchanan had more than half.
I mean, it was, because I have to admit, I was stacking them.
I was looking.
I was asking other people.
I was saying, what are you seeing, Pat Buchanan?
And you're sitting there, and then I'd take them and cram them in the machine.
And then it came out that night he got 8% of the vote in Travis County.
And then they caught him in Arizona and other places where he'd really won.
They stole it from him.
I mean, Pat Buchanan won the Republican primary.
He should have been the Republican candidate running against Bill Clinton.
Not the corpse they ran, Bob Dole.
You know, the consummate insider.
And that didn't happen.
It was all over the country they stole it from Pat Buchanan because he has the popular ideas.
He's a populist.
He's what the people want.
And he's predominantly anti-war, anti-Federal Reserve, anti-open borders, anti-globalist.
He's what Republicans want.
They don't want Bob Dole.
So it's been going on forever.
And I'm told we've got another number for Stiglitz.
Did you have any luck?
You're getting him right now.
He told me that a few minutes ago.
I'm sitting here, salivating.
Well, we have him!
Better late than never.
We're so honored to have him.
Well, it's great to be here.
Sorry about the confusion.
Well, that happens sometimes.
It's probably on our end.
Just in a nutshell, sir, tell us about yourself.
Well, I'm an economist.
My theoretical work, for which I got the Nobel Prize, was called The Economics of Asymmetric Information or Imperfect Information.
It's about how markets work when some people know more than others, which is the case in all markets.
And what was so remarkable is that for 200 years, economic theory had been developed on the assumption of perfect information.
And it was just hoped that a world with imperfect information would be almost like a world with perfect information.
And I showed that that was obviously not the case.
But then the other thing I did is I was asked by President Clinton to serve on his Council of Economic Advisors and eventually
I served as the Chairman of the Council, which is his chief economic advisor for economic policy and a whole range of issues I dealt with.
And then after leaving that, in 1997, I went on to work at the World Bank as their Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, which is where I got really very deeply involved in the issues of globalization, which I wrote about in my book, Globalization is Discontent, in my more recent book, Making Globalization Work.
And rather than get into complex theorems and the unified theory of economics and all of that, because even for myself it's hard to understand, but for our general listening audience, some probably know as much as you do, but most probably don't have even an idea.
Can you boil down why you left the World Bank, why you were critical, your term coining the IMF riot, what's wrong with the way that the global system is being administered?
Can you crystallize it in maybe a two-minute statement?
Well, the most important thesis that I bring out in my new book is that we've become more economically integrated, more interdependent, more dependent on each other, but we don't have the political institutions that can help us address the needs that we have to act cooperatively.
We have to act cooperatively as we are one integrated world, world economy.
And the result of that is that, quite often, there are big losers.
And we haven't paid enough attention to those losers.
Aren't we really, Dr. Stiglitz, aren't we really seeing modern neo-mercantilism?
Well, we are seeing it in many places around the world.
We talk a lot about exports.
We want to promote our exports.
We don't think about it from a systemic point of view.
Our exports are some other country's imports.
So if every country just promotes exports, then of course the whole trading system doesn't work.
I know you're not here to dish dirt, but you did back in 2002 when you left as their chief economist at the World Bank.
What was your major... I mean, I have the transcripts here and things you've written, but in your words, why did you leave the World Bank?
What do you think they're doing that's wrong?
I mean, the predatory practices, the IMF World Bank documents that got
That came out shortly after you left in the BBC, your meeting with Greg Pallas, where, you know, it's this predatory system of going in and blowing out economies, so global financial corporations can come in and just take over.
Yeah, that's one way of putting it.
The more fundamental thing was that the whole system was rigged against the poor countries, rigged for the advanced industrial countries, and that the result of that is that there were an awful lot of losers.
To give you one example, the last round of trade agreements was so unfair that the poorest countries in the world were actually left worse off.
So while the advanced industrial countries, the big multinational corporations came out as big winners, there were unfortunately a lot of people who were losers.
But the documents that were released, I mean the premeditated nature of this, who were the players that are behind, you know, not just rigging it where the industrialized corporations that control the industrialized first world systems, I mean really it's a type of weight, you know, the IMF riot.
You're bringing in conditions that cause even greater collapses for greater consolidation.
Well that's right.
Part of the problem is they had an agenda that they talked about called privatization and liberalization.
Privatization meant selling off government assets, assets that had been invested in over decades to foreign companies, often at a fraction of their true market value.
So while the citizens of the country had worked hard, saved, invested that money over a period of 20-30 years,
When they sold the assets, the citizens of that country got almost nothing for those assets.
Other cases where water is a basic necessity of life... They would cripple it in a week, as you wrote.
I mean, the private corporation pays off the politician, basically, pays off the government, and then seizes the infrastructure, and then jacks up prices.
That's right.
I mean, what happened with many of these cases, they had privatization before regulation.
At least we understand that if you're going to have a natural monopoly, a company selling electricity, if you have only one company doing it, you need to regulate it.
And what happened in the IMF didn't understand what we do here in the United States and what every other advanced industrial country does.
If you're going to have a monopoly, you have to make sure that it doesn't overcharge.
So they privatized these government enterprises, didn't put in the regulation,
And sometimes the result of that is that the prices increased enormously.
And then the predatory nature was so great it would even then debase the economy to the point of where the privatization went belly up.
There were many cases of that kind, but the example in Mexico next door, they privatized the roads.
And then, of course, they weren't able to maintain those roads, and the government had to, again, take over the roads after the company had collapsed.
Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist, World Bank.
Incredible information.
Quick break.
You brought us into roads.
That was the next question I had.
We're on the same page.
Please stay with us.
You're very gracious to join us.
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Welcome back.
Dr. Joseph Stiglitz is our guest.
He's got a new book out.
We'll tell you about it before he leaves us.
He'll be here with us for about 40, 45 hours or so.
And we are honored to have him again.
You mentioned roads.
You were telling a story about Mexico, quote, privatizing roads.
Please continue, Doctor.
Well, the point was a very simple one.
They sold the roads to the private enterprise and the hope was that
They would be more efficient.
Of course, what happens is that they didn't maintain the roads, they couldn't generate enough revenue, and they eventually added default, turned the roads back to the government.
There have been lots of other examples.
Mexico has provided a number.
One of the more disastrous was they privatized the banks.
The argument, again, was that they would be more efficient.
In many cases, that happens.
But in the case of Mexico, the way they privatized led to a major banking collapse.
The government had to bail out.
A lot of people wound up with a lot of money outside of Mexico.
Chase Manhattan Citibank.
And it cost the people of Mexico an amount equivalent to about 40% of GDP.
It's really one of the greatest robberies that have ever occurred.
Exactly, and that was well publicized.
Now, speaking of roads, I was going to bring that up, but not Mexico.
Here, the Spanish company Centra does sweetheart deals, and they've done the calculations even mainstream news has, for about 5% of the true value of existing roads, they're being ceded them
But we're talking existing major arteries, and being given them to put transponders in the cars, taxes at exorbitant levels, to fund a lot of North American Union projects, some of the government funding goes into that, the new SPP, Security Prosperity Partnership, that's come out, and so I'm now seeing the same IMF World Bank vultures coming into the industrialized world.
Can you speak to that?
Well, this is a movement that's gone all over the world, a movement trying to turn over
Basic facilities, water, roads, to the private sector.
The reason for it, in part, the good reason is that it's supposedly more efficient.
Often turns out not to be the case.
The bad reason, which is really driving it, is that the governments today don't have to pay the budget constraints.
They get a little bit of money up front.
But then the problems are left to future administrations.
Isn't it also that 70 plus percent of the stock market ownership is by institutional purchasers and government?
I don't know the exact numbers, but increasingly a large fraction of our stock is owned by our pension funds, institutions of that kind.
Well, I looked at the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Texas a few years ago, and the lion's share was owned by companies.
I mean, not companies, but by government.
It could be.
I don't know.
I haven't looked at that particular set of data.
Yeah, it's such a huge field in economics.
I understand.
But can you speak directly to this?
So you agree there is a massive move now, not just in the third world, with this so-called privatization that I call hijacking and looting, but now in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Canada.
Yeah, it is.
Some of the failures have put a dampener on this movement, and in the UK they privatized the railroads, and everybody today recognizes what a failure that has been.
The railroads weren't maintained, the roadbeds weren't maintained, there were a number of accidents, people were killed, and so that a number of people are, on the basis of that experience, are rethinking this policy of privatization.
What has caused predatory globalization?
What has caused it to shift in such a predatory stance?
Well, I think, of course, everybody's always wanted to take advantage of others to the extent that they could.
I think the fundamental difference is a free market ideology that is being used, or more accurately, abused by those who have seen how to take advantage of that rhetoric.
So, it sounds good to say
Well, private enterprises are more efficient than government.
But take the Social Security Administration.
A couple years ago, there was an attempt to try to privatize Social Security.
The fact is, the Social Security Administration is more efficient than any private insurance company, because they don't have to spend all the money on advertising and trying to cream-skim to figure out who's the best risk, who's the worst risk.
In the UK, they did privatize the
Social Security system and at least part of it.
And the result of that was that benefits were reduced 40% because of transaction costs.
Dr. Stiglitz, final segment with you on the other side.
We'll be back in just three minutes.
Stay with us.
This is GCN Radio.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I got three or four final questions for Joseph Stiglitz.
We'll also tell you about his new book.
He's coming to Austin this weekend.
You can come hear him speak at the Texas Book Festival.
And we're coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, Texas.
The websites are InfoWars.com and JonesReport.com.
Dr. Joseph E. Stiglitz, of course, has written Globalization and its Disconnects.
His new book is out, Making Globalization Work.
He was the Chief Economist at the World Bank and the Vice President of the World Bank.
What do you think of the difference between the last head, Wolftonson, and the new head that we see here from the United States, Paul Wolfowitz?
I worked with Wilkinson very closely, and we tried to actually redirect the World Bank to focus more on poor people, reduce poverty, a comprehensive approach to development, to try to cut back a little bit on the privatization, the liberalization, it was called the Washington Consensus, a consensus between the World Bank, the IMF, and the U.S.
Treasury about
How to run development, but actually an agenda that really failed almost everywhere that it tried.
So that was what we were trying.
The current administration has not, Wolfowitz has unfortunately not really been able to put together a comprehensive approach to development.
It's only emphasized corruption.
But it hasn't even put forward a kind of an agenda for dealing with corruption.
For instance, there are these secret bank accounts.
There was an agreement among the banks in industrial countries to do something about the secret bank accounts that play such an important role in facilitating corruption.
But the Bush administration vetoed that.
In August of 2001,
Of course, in September 2001, we realized that these secret bank accounts not only facilitate corruption, they also facilitate terrorism.
But the focus was on increasing the profits of those who engage in tax evasion, all those who use these kinds of bank accounts for nefarious purposes.
But that would take a global authority to do that, so I think on the surface, it sounds good, but that would be dangerous.
But then it does show that Bush doesn't want to stop all of these other secret bank accounts.
What do you think about things like John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hitman?
Have you read that book?
I haven't read all of it.
I mean, what he's raising, the basic point that he's raising is that a lot of the aid
Do what you're supposed to do.
Much of it seems to be motivated by the interest of contractors.
And I think, unfortunately, there's a certain element of truth in that.
There's an overtone in this book, a little bit of a conspiracy.
I'm not sure it's as conspiratorial.
The effects are much the same as if they were a conspiracy.
And the effects are, we've got super powerful global corporations basically buying off even western governments and using the IMF and World Bank monies to basically go in and blow out economies and buy them up.
In fact, that was one of my main criticisms, that they push these policies called capital market liberalization that let money, speculative money, to come in, come out.
You can't build factories of money that can come in and out overnight, but what you can do
That kind of volatility destroyed the economy.
The financial markets made money when the money was coming in, then they made money when they had to restructure the devastation that they left behind.
What about the North American Union?
They've signed it, it's officially now being set up, the Asian Union's been officially announced, but it seems like it's the same corporations that are in there writing up all of the basic laws and tenets of these new global structures, and the people, by and large, aren't even aware of it.
Well, I think that is a problem.
Part of the thing is, there's something called the North American Pre-Trade Agreement.
If it were a real pre-trade agreement, it would just be a couple of pages.
We eliminate our tariffs, they eliminate theirs.
We eliminate our non-tariff subsidy and our subsidies, they eliminate theirs.
But these agreements are thousands of pages.
And of course no citizen can read that.
Dr. Stiglitz, I mean, whenever we hear North American Union or any of this, this is really just powerful interest groups getting together, rewriting the laws under a new framework that suits them.
Well, I think one of my concerns that I raise is that there is not the kind of democratic accountability and transparency that we've come to demand within our own governments.
We don't always get it.
But these international institutions, for instance, don't have a Freedom of Information Act.
Let me ask you, I've got two final questions and I want to plug the book and let you get out of here.
Global government.
I mean, it's here, it's being set up, the three unions are being slowly merged together, but still the mainstream media will call that a conspiracy theory when all the official documents say that this is really being set up.
Number one, I mean, what do you say about global government, or how it's forming, and why do you think there's so much denial by people that it's happening?
Well, first, the fact that we are economically interdependent does mean that we have to undertake certain actions together.
And if we don't, there are some problems that won't be solved.
For instance, there were these ozone-destroying gases that were putting holes in the atmosphere, letting in radiation that was causing skin cancer.
Absolutely necessary to deal with this problem if you don't want to get cancer.
And so there was an agreement, a very
Specific agreement only.
It doesn't run in the whole world.
It just says you can't produce those ozone-destroying gases that lead in.
But if you've got a global authority that knocks out secret bank accounts, and then of course that global power can selectively do that, that is the ultimate tenet of global government.
What you need is just very limited regulations that restrict certain kinds of bad behavior.
But then that's unified.
Doctor, that's unified regulations.
Well, no they're not.
They're just minimal.
Let me give you an example.
I used to see these old cowboy movies when we were growing up and there would be different states and the bandit would always ride on his horse across the state line and the sheriff couldn't stop him.
Well, if you're going to have safe havens for criminals going across state lines, it's not going to be good for our global economic system.
So unfortunately, whether you like it or not, we have become interdependent, and that means you have to address some of these problems that go across the borders.
Sure, sure.
You've got to go in a minute, but what I'm trying to say is this.
It's all the mechanisms, the apparatus of the IMF, World Bank, Ex-Im Bank, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, NATO, all of these are controlled by the same institutions, all the same money powers, and they're all causing the major problems, and then they always have a good cop, and I don't doubt you're probably a nice person, very intelligent, a good cop who comes out and says, we need a loving global framework, and a good one.
So, we're given the false choice of a loving global government, or an evil, nasty, fascistic, George Bushian global government, and at the end of the day, what of those of us that don't want interdependence?
Those of us that want to be sovereign?
I don't think globalization's been good for the U.S.
We've gone from the powerhouse to the, you know, to the uh... crap house, excuse me.
I mean, it's destroying us.
Well, in fact, I think, you know, if we hadn't
Thank you.
We're borrowing $3 billion from countries elsewhere.
But I don't think it's a mistake that he gives these corporations, they're always left with the bag, the taxpayers pick up the tab.
Well, I think that's right, and that's why we need more transparency, we need to have more accountability of what our government is doing, we need to know more about what it is doing.
But that won't be resolved if we walk away from globalization.
Well, I mean, regardless, the leaders of globalization, the people of prime movers, they're always grab the money and run, and it's just a revolving door, and it just keeps happening.
I say, you know, go back to the way it was previous, or the Bretton Woods Agreement.
You know, get back, I mean, look at what's happening to the dollar.
In fact, let me ask you, where do you think the dollar's going, the debt bubble, the real estate market?
I mean, I saw the Financial Times of London, what, three months ago, saying that the elite is saying, we've got to position our money to survive during a crash.
They're not even saying they can pull us out of it.
Now there's only a discussion of them surviving the crash landing.
Well, I am increasingly worried.
I've been worried about it for some time.
Real estate prices last month, new real estate, went down 10%.
So do you see a huge correction, global recession or depression?
I see a correction, and if it's well managed.
It will only be a slowdown.
If it's not well-managed, it could be a recession.
Okay, last question.
We know there are now the biggest splits in the ruling intelligentsia and the main owners of the wealth inside the elite.
We see this in publications.
We see this in splits.
I've talked to people inside.
The last Bilderberg Group meeting was in the Canadian press, screaming at each other.
Have you ever attended Bilderberg, and have you seen a split in the past?
Well, no, I haven't attended that meeting, but there are a lot of disagreements among the elites.
One of the things that makes me more optimistic, though, is that there's a beginning to realize that we are facing some serious problems.
That we can't go on as we have.
But I'm saying the same institutions that have always done the same thing in the past feather their own nest at the expense of the third world and the first world.
It doesn't seem like they're the people to continue.
Every time they put us in harm's way, then they come back with a new solution.
I mean, take debt forgiveness.
I mean, you take, say, Nigeria borrows $5 billion, they end up paying $33 billion, and then now we call it debt forgiveness to cut back some of what they owe.
If they've paid $30-something billion off of an initial, you know, $4 or $5 billion, then they don't owe anything!
I agree with you on that, and in fact, it's worse than what you describe, because accompanying that debt forgiveness is a whole set of conditions that make them give up their sovereignty.
And in some countries, the loans in the first place were
We're made for arms payments that go to arms dealers.
The money didn't even go to help the people of the country.
What elite do you think is preeminent right now in global politics, that is, outside countries?
44 of the biggest 100 economies are private corporations.
What corporations?
Is it Energy?
Is it Defense?
Is it the people at the Bilderberg Group?
The CFR?
I mean, who's the most powerful?
Who has the most influence right now?
Well, I wouldn't try to parse it that way.
I wouldn't put it quite that way.
All of these groups are powerful and influential.
I think, unfortunately, in this current administration, the defense industries and the energy industries have really been running the show, and it has been disastrous.
I don't think there's ever been a time in recent history where two groups, two industries like that, have exerted so much influence on policies to such disastrous effects.
So there's not enough separation of powers?
Well, we still have different groups in Congress.
We have the Executive Branch.
What do you think of H.R.
6166, the Enemy Combatants Military Commissions Act?
I'm not sure I know all the details of that.
Well, it abolished 9 of the 10 Bill of Rights.
That's been toppled.
Oh, I know what bill you're talking about.
It's the bill I think we're talking about.
I don't know the bills by all these numbers.
But if it's what I think you're talking about, I think it's a disaster.
I grew up... Yeah, but one past three weeks ago, dealing with torture... Exactly.
I grew up under the idea that there were certain basic things that defined us as Americans.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Due process, yeah.
Due process, rid of habeas corpus, you can't be put in prison without...
Uh, you know, uh, uh, government bringing charges against you.
I think that almost defined us as Americans.
Do you think that we are in danger of ending up having what you call the IMF riots someday here in America?
Uh, I don't think we're in danger of those kinds of riots, but I do think that we ought to be thinking a lot more about our basic rights and principles.
And that bill, as far as I can understand, really did compromise some of our basic rights.
And we thought of it as only compromising the rights of some people who were not Americans, but once you start breaking down these principles, you know, there's a basic golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Well, that's what's scary!
They said it didn't affect citizens, but it does say in there, it does, sir.
Well, and not only that, other countries are going to reciprocate.
And Americans are traveling all over the time, you know, doing business in other countries,
So in fact, it does put Americans at jeopardy and no matter what you look at it.
Do you ever talk to David Rockefeller?
Not very often.
What's on his mind when you've talked to him?
I haven't talked to him recently enough to be able to answer that question.
The last time you talked to him, what was he talking about?
I can't remember, actually.
You're going to be here in Austin this weekend at the Texas Book Festival.
Just type Texas Book Festival into Google, folks.
You'll find out all about it.
You're speaking Sunday at the Capitol, aren't you?
That's right.
On my book, Making Globalization Work.
Well, maybe we'll pop in with the news crew and get a five-minute interview with you from the local TV show.
Making globalization work?
I think it's a dead horse.
I don't think you can make something that's fundamentally been flawed and compromised work.
But we are globalized now, so who knows where we're going.
We can make it work better.
Yeah, I guess so.
That's true, what we're talking about.
Well, you're going to be there speaking about the new book?
That's right, and trying to explain how we can make, why it hasn't been working, the ways in which it hasn't been working.
And some ideas about how we can make it work better.
But they did get mad at you.
I mean, some say you left, some say you were fired.
What really happened at the World Bank to you?
Oh, well, it was a mixture.
What they said is that I could stay as long as I didn't say anything and didn't talk to the press, didn't talk on radio.
I had originally come there and said, you know, if I'm going to go accept this kind of job, I want to be able to speak my mind, talk about what I think is what ought to be done for
Making the world a better place, helping the developing countries, helping the poor in the United States and other advanced industrial countries.
They weren't interested in that, and so we amicably parted ways.
Did they get mad when all those documents magically were released?
Well, people at the IMF were not very happy when I criticized them.
I think they were particularly unhappy
Because I predicted that certain things would happen as a result of their policies.
I turned out to be right.
If I'd been wrong, I think they could have forgiven me, but the fact that I was right made them particularly upset.
And when you say correction, again, the Financial Times and others are saying they see massive upheaval.
I mean, when you say correction, are you talking about, I mean, openly the financial elite are talking about trying to survive what's coming.
Do you think the debt bubble will pop, or what's going to happen?
Well, I think it all depends on how well this whole thing is managed.
There is absolutely no doubt that there is a misalignment, is the euphemism that people use, and that there will be a correction.
I think if it's handled well, there'll be a slowdown.
We already see a slowdown.
The numbers that came out today on the quarterly growth figures show the slowdown.
If it's well-managed, it will go from the slowdown into a recovery.
It's going to be difficult.
How is the management right now?
Are they doing the right thing?
No, this has been perhaps the worst six years of mismanagement of the macroeconomy.
I think there's a broad consensus on both parties about the mismanagement of the economy.
When do you see it imploding then?
Well, as I say, I think that we can avoid an implosion if we manage this very carefully, but it's going to be very risky.
Okay, and you're talking the next 12 months?
24 months?
I think we're going to go through some very difficult times in the next 12 months.
That's 24 months, yes.
Okay, thank you, sir, for joining us.
Take care.
Okay, thank you.
You bet.
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I'm not bragging, but I want police and military and government people listening who don't study wide spectrum data
To realize that I can have an engineer in about the collapse of buildings.
I can have a Nobel Prize winner in economics on.
We can have somebody on about ranch management.
We can have somebody on about any issue.
If I'm going to speak on something, I know what I'm talking about.
World government's real.
They're planning to take everything you've got.
All the elite experts in economics and banking are saying that we are going to have a massive correction.
And most of them are saying, we're not going to make it out of it.
You heard him say really bad.
Global depression, Ron Paul saying it.
And I talked to stockbrokers, business advisors.
They don't know anything.
They play within the false paradigm that they're projected, that they're given by the global corporations that own the financial media.
And you try to talk to somebody who's a stockbroker.
What do you know about stocks, Alex?
Well, I know the Dow's rigged with only winners, and I know the money supply's been devalued by 44%, so the Dow's really at 6,200 and something.
Oh, what's that?
Money devalue?
What's that mean?
And again, I don't even claim to be that smart.
I just study this stuff.
And let me tell you, I see bad, bad, bad, bad all over the place.
And so we know what we're talking about on 9-11.
North American Union.
The economy, the dollar, everything.
Okay, this show needs to be on every talk station in the country.
It isn't.
If we had real information getting out there, we could save this country.
I know we got loaded phone lines.
I'll try to take calls here at the end quickly, each caller.
It's just... I'll be on the radio this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
We're going to have Aaron Russo on again.
Be sure and join us.
Bunch of news, and you can listen via Infowars.com.
Or hopefully stations out there that are picking up this show will pick it up, or if you can't carry it live, re-air the new show I'm doing.
A lot of new stations turning it on, I want to thank them.
And please get Aaron Russo's new film, America, Freedom from Fascism, available, showing the Federal Reserve, showing who these scoundrels are.
There's a reason they ran Joseph Siglitz out of there, because he wouldn't play ball with them.
He's a globalist, but he doesn't believe in hurting all the people.
Well, you're gone, buddy.
Nobel Prize winner.
And this is how it works.
He's got a soul.
He's got a conscience.
I don't think he's just playing good cop.
He is a good cop.
But he doesn't understand the full paradigm.
And he understands his limited spectrum of analysis, which is understandable.
He can go to higher levels than any of us when he studies one small sliver.
I study the full spectrum.
And I mainly go to history because humans tend to do the same things over and over again.
So I can see a condensed version of what's happening today in any aspect I wish.
That's what I've done.
Please get America Freedom to Fascism.
It exposes the banking system, what's really happening.
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Ron in Georgia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, I just had a comment about the gentleman that called in earlier.
If he doesn't believe anything that's going on and he believes that everything is just fine, why is he listening to your show?
And why is he calling in?
I think it's our own fears that keep us from realizing the truth.
We don't want to see the truth.
I wrote a quick caption, if I could read it for you.
Sure, go ahead.
The chains of our captivity are not bound so tight as to deprive the mind of free thought.
They lay rather on the foundation of the ever-shifting sands of lies and iniquity, shielded from the light of truth by the shadow of our own fears.
Well, I mean, I just had a 45-minute discussion with a Nobel Prize winner, former head of economics at the World Bank, and he agreed with everything I said.
And I said neo-mercantilism.
He didn't write that in his book.
I studied history.
It's mercantilism.
Globalism's mercantilism.
And I'm not tootin' my horn, folks.
I know what I'm talkin' about.
Thank you for the call, Ron.
Tom in California.
Sorry about Margaret and Eric and others.
Tom, go ahead.
Take us out.
I was wondering if you could give somebody some advice on starting a newsletter that basically copies all the headlines of Prison Planet from my local area here.
For people that don't read the internet, maybe would pick up a newsletter instead, read the same headline.
Do you have any advice?
I take the articles we write every week.
They're the best.
And I take four or five of those every week or every month or ten, whatever.
Do it that way.
And to get freedom to fascism in my local theater, well, that's the way to go about doing that.
Call Aaron Russo.
I'm out of time.
Vaya con Dios.
Have a good, safe weekend.
Ask God for guidance.
Love your family.
God bless you all.
See you Sunday on the radio.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.