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Name: 20061120_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 20, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends, welcome.
We are rapidly accelerating towards Turkey Day in this nation.
It is the 20th day of November 2006.
We'll be live for the next three hours on this Monday edition.
And we have a lot of really important news to cover.
We'll also have open phones.
High-level CIA, former CIA official, served as National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis.
He'll be joining us to talk about 9-11, the inside job,
We first interviewed him, the first to interview him, a few months ago when he went public.
He'll be on to talk about 9-11 and his recent trip to Palestine inside the Palestinian Authority and what he witnessed there in the aftermath of the attack on Lebanon as well.
So he's coming up.
I almost ran off the road this morning.
You know, every time I think that it can't get any crazier or more Orwellian, or that Big Brother can't be more out in the open, I'm proven wrong.
Now, I, of course, as I heard it, I was shocked at first, and then I remembered, wait a minute, I saw this in the news five, six, seven years ago.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving wants every car in the United States fitted with a breathalyzer
And when you get in the car, it will automatically engage in an analysis of your emissions, and of course report back via a cell phone GPS system that you're trying to drive while drinking.
They're not mentioning that in the press releases, but as I accessed my memory, I remembered that Toyota, Mercedes-Benz,
Honda, General Motors, they've all announced that there's not just going to be a breathalyzer in the car.
There's going to be a package of surveillance devices.
Now, we've written articles about this years ago.
I've got Paul Watson working on a big one right now.
I don't want to just report on the mothers against drunk driving.
I want to give you the big picture.
But what's more important is I was listening to one of the talk show hosts on a station that carries my broadcast, Sergeant Sam, who over the years has gone from being a libertarian, and I listened to the guy five years ago, he sounded okay, to now sounding like a sheeple.
And again, it's not attack of the body snatchers or the pod people, it's attack of the sheeple.
And he was saying, this is wonderful, everyone needs to be forced to do this.
The co-host said, well, but that's guilty until proven innocent.
He said, fine, that's good!
And there were police calling in going, yes, yes, make everyone do it!
So I called in and told him he was un-American.
He got pretty upset about it.
But that's what, and there were these whiny women calling in.
Well, I think if it saves someone, we should do anything, anything to save them.
Hey lady, drunks kill, what is it, 40-something thousand people a year?
That is a lot.
But prescription drugs kill over 200,000.
Malpractice kills over 300,000.
But again, the media hasn't told you to be afraid of that or upset about that, so you don't care.
By the way, half of the DWIs
In Travis County are illegal aliens.
In the Southwest, roughly half of them are, but they won't be talking about stopping the real problem, will they?
No, no, no.
They're going to make us all be little slaves.
So I'll break down what's really going on with this on the other side, and if any of you whiny people want to call in, you're welcome to.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, it is the 20th of November, 2006.
It is a Monday edition.
We do have the high-level CIA officer, former CIA officer, joining us coming up in the next hour.
Also, we will cover some of the new things that are happening with Iraq.
Bush and his Iraq study group coming out and saying exactly what we predicted they would say.
That wasn't a very hard prediction to make.
A lot of important information coming up on the broadcast.
During the first segment
I mentioned the fact that Mothers Against Drunk Driving has come out with a new plan to force every car in the country, retroactively, we'll have to go pay to have it put in, to have a breathalyzer system built into it.
And again, that's only part of a larger package of surveillance that all new cars will be equipped with.
By the way, Mothers Against Drunk Driving is a complete front group.
Six, seven years ago we began covering, out of industry publications, the fact that infrared cameras will watch you in your car, live time, hooked into the police department.
This is all official.
GPS will track you down to three feet.
Audio sensors will be in every car.
And yes, there will also be a breathalyzer.
Actually, when you hear it's a new, quote, ignition lock breathalyzer, they're selling you the system by just covering that one aspect.
Toyota, Mercedes-Benz and others are actually putting in surveillance blisters that are little combo arrays with all of this in them.
In fact, there was a big article on it, how wonderful it all is and how we all need it, about five years ago in the Houston Chronicle.
I remember that story.
And they had said that in the next six to seven years they were going to put this in all the cars.
We're five, six years later and it's now beginning!
But they can't just have the car companies announce that in a unified pattern, in a unified attack pattern, they're moving against us with the surveillance control tracking grid, taxation grid, control grid.
No, no, no.
They have to have their front group of a bunch of emotional people running around whining.
And so, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
I don't know.
I'm not attacking Mothers Against Drunk Driving themselves.
That is the individual members.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
But the leadership of it is clearly New World Order and is always pushing for globalist agendas that won't just kill people on the roads, but will kill this country.
And they know exactly what they're doing at the upper levels.
And if any of those individuals want to call into the show, they're welcome.
If you disagree with me on this subject, that's fine.
But what really shocked me was to tune into local radio and hear the resident cop on the show named Sergeant Sam saying, this is wonderful and anyone who's against it is basically un-American.
He then tried to liken the surveillance system to seatbelts.
Oh, well, everybody was against seatbelts, but we've got them now.
And then I brought up the fact, well, first they had checkpoints.
The police said, what do you have to hide?
Now they're going to people's doors from Dallas to Tucson, Arizona, from Dallas, Texas to Tucson, Arizona.
It's in the papers saying, hey, what do you have to hide?
Let us search your house without a warrant.
You know, when does it end?
So it's pretty amazing.
I want to go over these articles and let you know what it really means for society.
I then brought up the fact that the Houston police chief wants cameras in every Houston home that was in the Houston Chronicle a few months ago, remember?
Again, that's... it's like the police chief of Bergen County, New Jersey.
They have a police chief in the county, over two million people in his county, saying, I'm going to force you to take a chip.
I think you should be made to take a chip.
See, that's how bizarre they are.
Oh, we'll make you have a breathalyzer.
Guilty until proven innocent.
We'll make you have cameras in your house.
We'll make you take chips.
And they get up on TV, they get up on radio, and act like they're normal and we're bad.
We're normal and they're bad, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the reality.
People don't want cameras in their houses.
I mean, should I have to even say that?
So they're out there pushing the agenda that they're the majority and they're normal.
But there are a lot of weak-minded people who tune into that and they hear that and they buy into it.
By the way, I have a big article here with big newspapers across the country panicking
That actual newspaper articles to be written in this country are going to be outsourced to India.
Now, McDonald's and Burger King have announced, and they're doing this at stores all over the country now in pilot test, that when you go up to the window, it will be satellited over the phone lines, over the digital phone lines, to India.
We always joked they would outsource the fast food.
Well, it's now happening.
And you will actually talk to someone in India.
Well now, big papers coast to coast are outsourcing and they're going to use Indian writers in India using, I guess, nom-de-guerre or pseudonyms
Folks, this is mainstream news today, and they're going to then of course write canned news and put it in your papers.
You thought the newspapers were full of propaganda.
And just to describe how my weird brain works, when I saw that story, a group of stories on it this morning, because it's now being announced, and obviously the press is going to report on it, they're reporting on it in horror,
When I saw that, I thought of a story in the Statesman yesterday and another story in the Dallas Morning News, because it's all propaganda, how everyone loves the toll roads and how much money they're bringing to Texas, the Spanish-owned, foreign-owned toll roads.
And I thought, go ahead, reporters.
Go ahead and tow the line.
You're not going to have jobs very soon.
You see, go ahead and serve the globalists.
Go ahead and serve them in globalization.
I remember a few years ago, Dell computer workers, four or five years ago,
Who were delionaires, you know, they'd gotten in early on the company, so they had stock, and so they were worth a million dollars, or six hundred thousand dollars, and they'd say, oh, let them lay off the factory workers.
Oh, I love globalism.
Oh, let them lay people off at the factories.
Well, now they've even laid off their management jobs, and they're freaking out, and they'll send me emails apologizing.
So just go ahead, enjoy your globalism.
It's designed to destroy middle classes.
It's designed to criminally consolidate wealth.
It's designed to wreck our economies.
So go ahead and cheerleader for it.
You're just training your replacements right now.
Have riots over PlayStation 3s.
Go into deeper debt to buy your child the brainwashing box.
Just, just, again, don't listen to me.
Take your mercury vaccines.
Take all your prescription drugs.
You know, let Google sit there and use the cameras and microphones on your computer to listen to you and watch you.
Just, just, just wallow in it.
Don't listen to me anymore.
Just go along with it.
Just enjoy.
I'm in a dark mood today.
There is certainly no doubting that.
At the bottom of the hour,
I'm about to get into details on the breathalyzers in every car, part of a larger surveillance package.
But before I do that, at the bottom of the hour, it was a very successful venture for the 9-11 Truth Movement on Saturday night at 8 o'clock Central Prime Time on the Fox Government Propaganda Channel.
I couldn't go to New York because of family issues.
Family matters I needed to take care of, but I'd already committed to.
And so we sent my radio producer, Kevin Smith.
And he did a great job.
In fact, now I know why Mancow was so hateful last Thursday on the broadcast with us, the host of the show, and why he kept attacking Kevin, because he couldn't get Kevin to blow up.
I'd say Kevin did about a 95
score, job, and A+.
You have to understand they taped for over an hour and a half.
We're getting more and more frustrated and so the nine minutes they had Kevin on, which is actually pretty darn long, two segments, or a segment and a half to be precise, that he did a wonderful job.
So I want to play the clip later and then go over some of the tactics that Mancow used in the piece.
And I'm not just here reporting on this because it's about InfoWars.com and what we're doing.
I'm reporting on it because for some reason Kevin plugged PrisonPlanet.com but they never allowed that to get out.
I guess it was too similar to Planet Man Cow and his probably a rip-off of our name.
No, I'm just joking.
But it illustrates media complicity, media propaganda, and just the lowbrow tactics they used.
He said we were just trying to make money, he said we're liars, he tried to set us up against the firemen, like the firemen all think it's not an inside job, and that we hate firemen if we believe it is an inside job, and they failed miserably.
The firefighter then said that he didn't believe, Kevin, that the founding fathers had said, don't trust your government.
But overall, the firefighter looked like he was being won over to our side.
from the dark side so that's coming up we're going to play some excerpts of the man cow piece total it was 13 minutes with his introductions and the rest of it and comments he made on other shows but other Fox shows plugging it but we're just going to play about eight minutes or so coming up here in 13 minutes from now after the next break
After this break, the next segment, the next break.
Alright, we'll be right back.
You can watch the video at JonesReport.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We really do deserve the title of Land of the Cowards, Home of the Slaves.
And if you want to set about getting back the title of Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, we need to fully rebuke people when they get up on radio and TV and in print and say, of course every car needs a breathalyzer!
That will stop the drunk drivers!
And they even have industry specialists out on TV and radio going, don't worry, it's not like the previous systems where a child can blow into the breathalyzer for their father.
These are passive systems that weigh how much you weigh in the seat and then can tell if it's an adult.
And then there's an infrared camera watching, and if it senses something with its AI algorithm that tells it that it's not an adult, it will dial the police department that will then watch you over the video camera mounted in the dashboard.
You cannot make stuff up like this, okay?
When you hear them on TV and radios talking about, it'll stop 40,000 deaths each year,
It'll stop all this death if we just surveil everyone.
Well, by that account, if we all just force everyone to mount cameras on their heads, that will stop crime.
But we all know it won't.
Besides, the government creates more crime and engages in more crime than all the low-level criminals combined, as our founding fathers told us.
Who's gonna watch the watchers?
Now when the state police beat you up, they just edit the videotape.
Now when government surveillance cameras in a downtown city show cops beating people, they just don't release the video.
Or they release it and say, so what?
What you gonna do about it?
Imagine in the land of the free, home of the brave, they have Mothers Against Drunk Driving just announcing today on a press release.
Oh, they just thought of it.
Oh, it's independent from the grassroots organization that they want these passive breathalyzers in all the cars.
But then you read deeper and they go, oh we're so lucky Toyota and Mercedes-Benz are already putting this on their new luxury cars, on their top of the line.
We'd like a federal and state laws that everyone has to have this.
We'd like it immediately.
And the insurance companies announce all by accident on the same day, of course.
Again, all triangulating against the people.
Oh, we'll give you an insurance discount if you have it.
Oh, well.
Well, why shouldn't I have it put on then?
Oh, and then they announce, oh, the new GPS units will come with one standard, so it won't even cost you any extra.
Oh, the new cars come with it, no extra.
Just OnStar comes standard now on the GM's.
Oh, and the government admits they use it to randomly listen to you.
Oh, and they're using your cell phones to listen to you.
Oh, and to track you for traffic.
Oh, and to give you tickets when you speed.
Oh, and you see?
It's a total surveillance grid.
Remember three summers ago?
Four summers ago now?
Excuse me.
Time flies.
It's almost 2007, folks.
Can you believe that?
32 children died in one summer because, and a lot of their parents were on Prozac, and that puts you in a mesmerized, daydreaming brainwave state.
But I did see in the news that a lot of them, they would argue in court because they were on those drugs.
They would just walk into the Circuit City or walk into the Walmart or walk into work and leave the toddler to roast.
To roast.
And so, what is the answer?
Infrared cameras that scan for movement in the car.
And it has, again, an AI built-in system.
This is all technology developed by the government decades ago.
It sees movement in the car.
The infrared camera is... You can go pull... This is Newsweek Magazine, by the way.
It's going to be standard now.
It's coming into the new cars here in the next two years.
They announced within six years, and that was three, four years ago, so it should be, and they're now announcing it's going to happen.
The infrared watches, and if the car goes over 95 degrees, and there's someone moving in it, it dials the police.
And by the way, it will save children.
But, all cars will have cameras.
And guess where they hook into?
Via the cell phone system.
That's standard with all the OnStar cars and all the other variants.
He hooks into the Emergency Management Centers.
paid for by the feds in 99 in every major city medium-sized cities and then regionally in between four or five small towns they'll always have one usually two or three counties sharing it in rural areas and a CIA officer with Homeland Security sits over that integration facility what they're really called threat assessment emergency bunker compound you know it is traffic management when they show you the big cameras and the big TV screens and people walking around
Well, it does have that used too, you see.
It's a total federalization surveillance command base.
Imagine a science fiction movie 20 years ago where you type into a computer and it punches up every car.
Where you can look at every person.
Where you can... I mean, this is it, folks.
And they're going to use it.
They're going to shut your cars down when they're hunting you down.
It's going to be hell.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I want to play the Fox News hit piece against this, but I want to go to your calls first, because I would imagine that Bart and Wayne and Stuart and Kyle and Russell, I would imagine you're calling in about Mothers Against Truck Driving.
Being used as the front group to come out and say, oh, we just got this new idea today.
We want breathalyzers in all the cars standard.
And, oh, don't worry.
Four of the big manufacturers are already putting it on their high-end vehicles.
And, oh, there's all these other systems.
Again, your cell phone listens to you.
It tracks you down to a few feet.
I've been telling you that for 10 years.
Now it's mainstream news.
I told you they use the cell phone to track you down the road.
Now they're announcing, oh yeah, the emergency management centers do track that, but it's just for traffic.
Remember when they put the cameras up, it was just for traffic?
Now it's for fighting terror and crime.
Crime is terror, by the way.
You hear that every day on the news.
They're now mixing the two.
You see how they do it?
And then, oh, the cell phone, yeah, we are going to use that to track you.
Oh, but if you have nothing to hide, you know, let us go ahead and do it.
But then the government itself is all secret, running giant white slavery rings, running drugs, putting poisons in our water supply by design, putting heavy metals in the children's vaccines.
You know,
That's really the basis of all of this.
You can be a control freak out there, a person who doesn't know history and common sense and say, well, you know, 40% of the accidents are drunk drivers, and by the way, half of those are illegal aliens, but nobody talks about stopping a real problem.
That's an official number, by the way, in the Southwest.
That's not a national number, but in Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, right at half.
I was looking it up.
45% in some areas, 54% in others.
They were announcing it on the local news this morning that they were having to admit that yes, well, half of it.
He gives the precious illegals, and people are calling into the show, going, how dare you be racist and read those statistics?
It's the facts!
I mean, you got a bunch of people who never took driver safety, totally drunk, driving around like a bunch of psychopaths.
I've been bumped by them twice in, you know, parking lots.
And they just go, no insurance!
Run off!
I mean, you know, this is, we've all experienced it, but I'm digressing.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
The point here is, you can't trust this government to wipe its own nose.
And of course, that sounds like I'm saying they're incompetent.
Oh, they're incompetent at certain levels, but at the highest levels, they're totally evil.
And you want the government to have the least control over your life it can.
As the founders said.
As history shows.
As common sense demonstrates.
But it's not invasion of the body snatchers, it's invasion of the sheeple.
I mean, what's happened to our country?
It's just, they put all these prominent people up on TV to tell us toll roads are good, inspection stickers with tracker chips to tax us and track us are good, breathalyzers on all the cars are good.
I mean, I know Sergeant Sam Cox with the local KLBJ show.
He wasn't like that five years ago.
It's like it's invasion of the sheeple.
It's like they got him!
They ate his brain!
Well, no, it's just he goes along with the police union, who he used to work with.
He goes along with the system!
He knows how to go up the ladder!
He just says, yes, yes, yes!
Yes, yes, yes!
Yes, yes, yes!
It's called selling out!
Yes, yes, yes!
Yes, yes, yes!
That's just all they do!
Yes, yes, yes!
Yes, yes, yes!
They just say yes, yes, yes to everything!
And he was laughing and freaking out and calling me extreme because I don't think we should all be treated as if we're criminals until proven innocent.
Then he goes, hey, driving is a privilege, boy!
Well, actually, Sgt.
Sam, the Supreme Court rulings stated that the general
That is regular conveyances, horse and buggies, trains, things like that.
That was not a privilege.
It was a right.
But they tricked everybody and said, well these new motor cars are tearing up the roads and they put newspaper ads in and said they're causing a problem.
Let's charge them a small little tax, most areas it was like 25 cents, to get a little paper license that they go and they get.
Because it's a privilege to use those.
And here we are today, and now they told us we didn't own the roads we paid for, now they tell us we didn't have a right, and now they go, you don't have a right to those roads, we're gonna give it to a Spanish company!
You see how that works?
If we're not the bosses, if we're not the sovereigns, somebody else is!
And I see these media whores everywhere, but why do people put up with it?
I mean, it's not a radical position that I'm taking that I don't think we should all have to breathalyzer in every new car, but it isn't going to stop there.
The unit made by U.S.
and Japanese companies, because two different major companies are putting in these cars, both units have cameras in them, hooked into the cell phone that's in your GPS, hooked into the police department, the emergency center.
I've already talked about it.
I just, I cannot believe this has happened.
I mean, I can.
I knew it was coming, but they're now doing it.
New tech push against drunk driving.
That's CBF News.
Here's another one.
New strategies to thwart drunken driving.
Cars can be fitted with devices that sense alcohol levels.
See, first it's, oh, multiple offenders.
Then it's first-time offenders.
Then it's everybody.
You see, that's like putting every man on a sex offender list.
I mean, that's what it is.
That ought to be the headline.
It's the equivalent of putting every man in America to be put on a sex offender list because, well, you know, millions of men are sex offenders.
They've raped or they've molested or they've done something.
Doesn't matter that more than half of them were 18, had a 17 or 16 year old girlfriend really aren't sex offenders.
That doesn't matter.
Okay, we got millions of men who are sex offenders.
Let's just put everybody.
And some women are sex offenders too.
Not as many, but some are.
Let's just put all you on the list.
You see, that's... And by the way, they'll probably do that too.
You see, we're all going to have social workers in our houses.
We're all going to get monthly visits.
We're all going to be surveilled.
They're going to force us to take hundreds of vaccines.
This is their official plan.
Do you understand?
Mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday!
And all the corporation's got to do is go out and hire people that have the same view as they do.
And they just put them in the media, and they just sit up there and, yeah, we're all guilty!
Yeah, we need to be surveilled!
That same talk show host, and the other host is bringing it up, a month ago, and I was listening to it the morning he said it, said we need helicopters looking through everybody's walls!
That it doesn't violate the Fourth Amendment!
Hey man, that isn't America, and it's un-American!
And again, you're not going to get security out of that.
Any place they've tried things like this, you get hell on earth.
I mean, I got footage in Houston with peaceful protesters sitting on the sidewalk, and the police are riding over them with their horses.
But in the 60's people got upset about it.
Now they put it on the news and say, eh, big deal.
Or they taser you and 15 seconds later taser you again, because you won't get up, because you can't get up.
Again, they're setting all these precedents.
Oh, you're kissing on an airplane.
20 years in prison.
Oh, you're praying on a street corner in Philadelphia.
47 years in prison.
That's what they went for.
Praying on a street corner.
I mean, folks, this isn't a joke!
The economy is prisons and military sales.
And most of the new funds, the grants they're giving students at the colleges, most of the new ones are for homeland security.
I mean, they've got major colleges now where a third of the classes are homeland security.
They're going to make the new economy where if you want a job, you've got to do it!
It's like a Kurt Vonnegut book.
Which one was it?
No, no, no, it was the one where, it's a science fiction one he wrote, I read it like 15 years ago, where like half the people are guards, the other half are prisoners.
I mean this is sick folks, this is sick, and it's mechanized, it's focused, they know what they're doing.
Let's go to calls quickly.
Bart in Texas, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Well, if you recall, right after the Democrats, you know, got their little victory, you put a call out to all of us to redouble our efforts to try and get the message out about 9-11.
And I've been working on a short music video film that features you that does just that.
And if it's okay with you, I'd like to give the address where people can go and watch that.
Yeah, have you sent us an email link to it yet?
No, I spent the whole weekend uploading it to Google, to Yahoo, just posting it out there.
Just so you know, other than just plugging it on radio, which most people don't write it down, don't remember it, the best thing you can do to get your site linked is send emails to big sites.
Okay, no, I'll definitely... Send an email with the address, but go ahead and tell us the address.
The address is www.mkultra.tv.
It's a free site.
I don't make any money off that site.
That's fine, sir.
We don't care.
You're here plugging.
It's fine to plug.
It's just incredibly boring.
I understand.
I understand.
But just get that out.
Fight the Info War.
Send out as many of your videos, as many of these videos, as much information as we can overload the system right now.
That's what it's about.
No, I agree.
Just send us an email so we can link to it.
Yes, sir.
And I'll have that to you this afternoon.
Okay, Bart.
Thanks a lot.
Let's talk to Wayne in Texas.
Wayne, go ahead.
Hey, what's up, man?
Good job.
Thank you.
I'm doing a national radio show.
What's up with you?
I know.
I'm sorry you're in a dark mood today, but I had an idea.
I'm not going to do this.
I don't know if you got a chance to see it, I did that little Hank Hill clip.
Oh yeah, speaking of video activism, great job, and I told my guys to link to it, I don't think it ever happened, but tell folks how you re-edited Hank Hill to talk about the New World Order.
Well, I just basically took the words out and put my own words in, it was pretty easy, but what I wanted to do was take their propaganda that they're using against us, because you notice how they portray Dale Dribble as a conspiracy theorist,
As a little cockroach killer, you know, they try and make you look like you're not worth anything.
But basically what I did is I had an idea for you.
Maybe you could add a section to your website where people could go and they could, like a membership based thing, and they could actually upload their videos and all that.
You know, I've been desperately trying to do that for six months and we're just so busy.
But that is something we're going to be doing in the near future.
I mean, you could start your own little squadron of vigilante reporters.
No, no, I know.
I understand it's a great idea, sir.
We're desperately trying to do it.
Well, I could help with that.
I've been a web designer for 12 years.
You know what?
Send me your information.
In fact, anybody that wants to help us with this project that's coming up, you can send it to Ryan at InfoWars.com, Aaron at InfoWars.com, Kevin at InfoWars.com.
You better duplicate on each email to make sure I end up getting it.
Because we saw your Hank Hill thing, we didn't link to it, I don't know why.
Well see, there's a primitive thing that happens, and it happens here in my office too.
And I tend to do it, and I appreciate your call, sir.
We tend to think because we personally around the office talk about something, that that fights the New World Order.
That having a discussion about something, and going, look at this.
But see, I realize the entire fight is outside this office.
The entire fight is about getting the information out to the people.
The entire fight is about how we interface with the public.
So, yes, we'll get that video up.
Thank you for doing it.
Who's up next here?
Stewart in Florida, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Look, on the DUI and the drunk driving, I used to listen to a drunk driving attorney recently who I used to host a show about once a week.
And he's one of the most successful in the state of Florida.
And he was saying that when it comes to drunk driving, it ranked way down the list of the most dangerous activities on the road, and that number one, number one was speeding.
And what was interesting about it is that with speeding, you consciously know you're breaking the law, and with drunk driving, you think you're alright and you can do it.
No, that's right.
I've seen all the statistics and look, over 200,000 people die from getting the wrong drug prescriptions or drug interactions.
Close to 300,000 die from malpractice and a fraction of that die in drunk driving.
It's just, it's a, again, mothers against drunk driving, which is really mothers against freedom, are out there feeling wet good on their holy jihad, their holy crusade,
Alex, one more point, a little off-topic is, you know, I was concerned about the military and where is the military supposed to defend the country against, you know, enemies domestic and as well as foreign, and in that context, I was wondering if you'd consider having Don DeGrand pray on sometime?
Yeah, I have had him on many times over the years.
I don't think he's in too good of health right now, but I appreciate your call.
Who's up after him?
Russell in Florida, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you today?
Fine sir, go ahead.
Alex, you know, talking about the Surveillance Society, when we were out in New York for the 9-11 5th anniversary, did you see any of those listening plates?
Or those weird objects as plates that were up on top of all the buildings that seemed to run right down to the AT&T Long Lines building, which is really CIA headquarters in New York?
Well, I mean, I know there's surveillance grids and antennas and all over the place.
I mean, it's not... they don't hide it.
And they were cops with listening devices and cameras everywhere.
Gotta watch these evil Americans, but keep that border wide open and let drunk driver illegals smash into whoever they want, because they're God.
Well, you... Prison Planet picked up on a story about a month and a half ago about these listening plates.
You know, they're putting them all over the place, and I'd really like to know what the heck they are.
Are they listening devices that they can listen to, you know, the computers are listening to people on the streets for keywords?
Are they picking up cell phones?
Well, sir, they don't hide the fact that the feds have put cameras and microphones up in every major city.
There's over a thousand microphones in Austin, sir.
Well, yeah.
I know, but I mean, it's just so out in the open, and like you're saying... Hey man, land of the cowards, home of the slaves!
But, but, but, but, the incredible thing is, and there were cops calling into the show this morning who were admitting that their illegal aliens will get arrested three, four times, they just give fake names to the judges and we're released!
And just like they give them bank accounts with no ID, they give them home loans with no ID, but the scum slaves, that's us, the pathetic... I mean, we are pathetic though, we deserve it!
They're asking for it!
We have to jump through hoops, Walter.
You don't hear mothers against drunk driving saying crack down on illegals because they're a front group to push a police state!
Half of the drunk driving is the illegal aliens!
I hear you.
Hey, I got something I want to ask you about ManCow.
Yeah, go ahead.
Is ManCow... You know, ManCow did such a horrible job with Kevin that... You know, and I'm probably in the minority that might think this, but could ManCow be on our side?
Could he really be throwing the ball game, so to speak, on Fox?
You know, he did such a horrible job that I think he threw it.
And that's why I've known him for years.
I've met with him a few times personally.
And I really do think he knows the truth and has a conscience.
And I don't think he's going to end up getting a show on Fox because of it.
Because even though he lied about us and said horrible things about us, we timed it out.
He let Kevin talk.
52 percent, actually a listener did the calculation, 52 point something percent of the time and it was actually fair compared to normal Fox where they scream over you and don't let you talk.
That's right Alex and he knows that you're not a kook.
He knows you're a genius really and he knows that what you're saying is backed up by fact.
Hey look I'm not a genius man.
They've been putting cameras up and microphones since 98 in Austin.
I'm not a genius to think that we shouldn't have guilty until proven innocent.
I say you're a genius, Alex, because your recall is fantastic.
It's wonderful.
Well, it's not always accurate.
It used to be 100%, but after the age of 30, you start having massive brain cell death.
Actually, my computer has degraded.
So don't always believe everything I say.
We attempt to tell the truth, but we've only got about 99% accuracy.
Anything else?
He knows that you're factual on this stuff, and I really think he did such a botched job
I hear ya, I hear ya, we gotta jump!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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We're good to go.
I am angry.
I'm not trying to take it out on anybody, but I could just... I feel like I could take on about 15 people right now.
I mean, I just...
I mean, our country's gone, land of the coward, home of the slaves!
Home of the pathetic, stupid, dumbed-down, overweight, myself included, just idiots!
We had it so good, folks, and now a bunch of out-of-control criminals are running absolutely roughshod over us, and I love my family, and all I see is a bad future for them.
I mean, a really bad future!
Now here's Planet Man Cow a few minutes and we'll play the rest later in the next hour.
We'll analyze it.
I'll play it actually into the next segment.
This is Fox News Saturday night.
He introduces Kevin, out of the gates, claims we're just trying to make money.
That's why we put it on Google Video.
That's why we put it up for free.
That's why we sell it so cheap on Amazon and basically make nothing.
We spend almost all the money that comes in here in the fight.
I could care less about possessions.
I care about ideas.
I care about the mystery and wonder of life.
I care about standing up against bullies!
No, it's Fox News that wants to make the money to get the ratings out of shows like this.
It's Fox News that is producing and selling and promoting the book about O.J.
killing his wife!
You sickos!
Let's go ahead and play it.
And joining me here on the grassy knoll is Kevin Smith, who has one of those websites, InfoWars.com, and a firefighter that was actually there.
This thing is big business!
This is Brian Harvey.
What do you think about this guy making money off of this tragedy?
Well, I can't say I support people making money off of the country's worst tragedy to hit our mainland.
I just think that if people want to make movies or write books with all the special attention that's made to detail and keeping the conspiracy theories and political rhetoric down and take it off the whole movie project or book project, there's something wrong with telling it how it went.
It was an attack on our country by terrorists.
They believe, they're passionate about what they believe, and they want other people to join on board with them.
So you think he really believes this?
You don't think he's just some nut trying to make a buck?
I can't say that.
I don't know him well enough to say that.
I can assure you I'm not getting rich over this.
I make a salary just like anybody else with a job.
I report for InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones is... Stop right there for a minute and back it up a second.
Okay, you've got him selling... News Corp puts out the O.J.
book, If I Did It.
Anybody that buys it is sick.
Larry Silverstein makes over $7 billion off a $190-something million dollar investment on buying the towers, leasing them two months before he made his first payment.
That's all.
It's like you make a first payment on your house and burn it down and get a $100,000 insurance policy.
That's basically what happened.
And the New World Order makes hundreds of billions off the war, grabs trillions of oil, no-bid contracts.
They're the ones making money off this.
They're the ones, all they care about is this life.
All they care about is power and strutting around and acting cool.
I can't stand it.
I am the opposite of these people.
I'm not of the world, ladies and gentlemen.
And by that, I'm in it, but I'm not of it.
You think I care about all these baubles and trinkets and they claim we're doing that?
When I beat my brains out to fight the New World Order?
Almost no leisure time?
Because I'm so committed?
Again, they accuse us of what they are, a bunch of whores!
Go ahead.
Nah, we don't have time.
We'll break, come back, play some more of it.
It goes on for like... eight more minutes.
It's just lie upon lie upon twisting upon twisting.
I just don't think Mankow's heart-centered.
I don't even think he's quite a good guy.
It's more like he's just an entertainer and deep down knows the truth.
It's sick.
Just wait.
It gets powerful.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Bill Christensen, high-level section chief of the CIA, talking about inside job.
Just got back from Palestine.
Breaking down what's happening there.
It's all coming up.
I just want to add that the board of directors of Fox News, News Corporation, has Viet Dinh, the scumbag that wrote the Patriot Act, on its board.
It's a government op.
Let's go back to Mancow, the big Saturday program.
We're out of the gates.
First, before the program starts, he has a little special where he promotes on the previous show that we're a bunch of liars who live in a shack.
Then he never backs it up with any info.
Then he claims we're all just trying to make money when we give the videos out for free and tell you to make copies.
And when he works for the News Corp, we're putting out the O.J.
Simpson book about how he did it.
This is just making money off murders.
What do they do on 9-11?
Make money off murders there.
And then they accused us of that, but the firefighter wasn't biting.
Let's continue.
I report for InfoWars.com, Alex Jones' website and prison planet, but I'm mainly the producer of that show, which means I book the guests.
So, I talk to these military people, I talk to these professors, I talk to these underwriter laboratories and civil engineers, and it's across the board.
I mean, I'm not sure if you're aware, but CBS and New York Times did a poll this month.
53% of respondents say that the Bush administration is hiding.
28% say they're lying.
I mean, you're over 80% now.
This is not a fringe thing.
A third of the people in a Scripps, uh, Howard News Service said, a third of the people said the government did it.
Okay, this is not just a fringe conspiracy theory anymore.
It's a conspiracy fact.
And we can prove it to you.
Go to the science.
It's not, don't take my word for it.
Google WTC7.
Understand what that's about.
Understand what false flag terrorism is about.
How we orchestrate wars.
We've been doing it for a long time.
Not just us.
Not saying U.S.
It's the oldest trick in the book.
Can I ask you, then why isn't it out in the forum today with the 06 elections and all these other things?
You know, is it an anti-President Bush thing?
Is it an anti-United States thing?
Why isn't it front page or front and center on every major news program?
I'm as pro-United States as I can be.
I don't swear an allegiance to a person.
I swear my allegiance to the founding documents, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which have been eviscerated now.
Why is that out of the club right now?
I don't hear about it.
We're talking about mainstream media.
I don't hear about it.
The people that are just totally wrapped up in what Jen and Brad are doing constantly, it's not news.
They control it.
Television is called programming for a reason.
They want you to know what they want you to know.
But if President Bush was behind it or knew about it, if Vice President Cheney knew about it and was told to stand up, don't you think the mainstream media would expose that with all this proof that you say?
NBC that owns General Electric that makes the engines that make the guns sound.
But they have not been in this administration's corner for a long time.
I've never said that.
It's always the other way around.
The media attacks his president for everything.
If he orchestrated 9-11... I don't see where you're getting that.
There's a paradigm shift.
They are attacking him now.
But they weren't forever.
He was getting carte blanche.
He could do whatever he wanted.
And no one could question the leader.
This government can't keep anything secret.
They kept the Manhattan Project secret.
But they kept... Thousands and thousands of people... Let's talk about 9-11.
They kept 9-11 secret.
How many people were involved?
It's not a secret.
How many people?
Uh, it doesn't have to be very many.
It just needs to be moles placed into the top.
We had people in CENTCOM.
The colonels in Central Command were fighting.
Is Hillary involved?
I doubt it.
Listen, the Democrats aren't going to wreck the game.
Monsters may shoot each other under the card table every once in a while, but if someone threatens that game... So Hillary Clinton, the Democrats and Bush and all the Republicans, they all got together to make 9-11 because it's big business.
Intelligence agencies got together and work together.
They always have worked together.
They don't work for their governments, they work for the banking interests.
What if you're wrong?
I'm not wrong.
What if you're wrong?
What if I'm wrong?
We're just going to continue to go down this path?
We're going to start a war with anybody that has resources that won't come into a global banking system?
You said to me off camera you love Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, all of these, this great country.
If our government could do this, it makes all of this work.
Elements within our government.
Yeah, elements.
Rogue elements like the President.
Look what they do to the Congress right now.
They want to pass a law.
They say there's a terrorist threat.
They show up in Congress and point machine guns in the Congressmen's face and say, Get out!
And they pass things in the Congress.
Pause it right there.
I've been writing notes about all this.
When we start the third hour, after we talk to Bill Christensen, we'll play the whole thing and I'll analyze it piece by piece.
Key news on 9-11, inside job,
Key information from the front lines in Palestine.
A lot more.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com are the websites.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spy, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, a global crime syndicate, the IMF, the World Bank, and the private interest have seized control of both parties.
They have turned the United States into an engine of global empire and hegemon.
Neo-mercantilism is being practiced against the people.
The U.S.
is going into receivership.
Our roads, our ports are being seized, as Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiklitz told you just three weeks ago here on air.
A total surveillance grid is going into place.
The Pentagon told MIT Magazine last year that it is a surveillance grid to control the people.
North Com has now announced it's in domestic control of the U.S.
Bush has abolished the governors.
Bush has, during a crisis, he has abolished posse comitatus.
Senator Dodd, I've got to give credit where it's due, Nancy Pelosi and others are engaging in traitorous collusion, saying they're going to circle the wagons and quote, cooperate and not repeal anything.
Senator Dodd, we'll see if he's sincere, is now introducing legislation, he's written it, he promises to introduce it in the next session in the new Congress, when he's going to be a committee chairman.
And we've got the bill here.
He's now released the rough draft of it.
It will reinstate, this is great news, it will reinstate habeas corpus that was won in 1215 at Runnymede and then cemented in 1419 to great sacrifice in Britain.
That's where really all these ideas came from.
He will not allow U.S.
citizens to be secretly arrested or secretly tortured.
So we'll be talking more about that in the third hour.
So that's some good news for you.
Really, Senator Dodd is to be commended.
We'll see if he's just... This is smoke and mirrors, but it doesn't look like it is.
But right now, for the next 15 minutes, we're joined by Bill Christensen and his wife, Kathy Christensen, waiting in the wings.
They just got back from Palestine.
Up on Infowars.com, we have some of the amazing photos posted that they took that look like something out of a science fiction horror film, where they come up to these high-tech control gates, where landowners have to go through each day to get to their own farms.
Of course, the mass carnage is incredible.
Homes, businesses filled with children, schools being indiscriminately blown up.
It's very Nazi-like what's happening.
He's going to be talking with us, with his wife, who's also very brave, and we'll go there.
I'm not getting anywhere near it, folks.
They'll just run over you with a bulldozer and don't even get in trouble.
I'm talking about American citizens.
The Israelis will.
And if you're for justice, you're against injustice, whatever form it takes, folks.
I'm not against Israel itself.
I'm against what they've turned into and how they behave.
But first, I wanted to talk to Bill Christensen, a senior official at the CIA, retired.
He served as a National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis.
They spent October 2006 in Palestine.
Hey listen, we thank you for giving us this opportunity.
Thank you.
And I seriously mean that.
Well, thank you for coming on.
I appreciate you going there and reporting for us.
Before we get into Palestine, I want to spend a lion's share of the time on that.
Recap for those that just joined us.
I had you on a few months ago.
First time you really went public.
I mean, you'd written a few articles saying you didn't want to believe 9-11 was an inside job, but you looked at it and that all the evidence, what fits, points towards total inside job was the quote.
You've had time now, I guess, to do more study.
Break down that metamorphosis and 9-11 and give us your take on where things are going.
Well, what's happening now, it seems to me, is that increasingly people around the world, and I even saw a good deal of this in Ireland on the speaking show we were just on, increasingly around the world, more and more people are coming to accept the possibility or the probability that some elements of the U.S.
government were involved either in making the events of 9-11 happen,
Or in encouraging those events to be bigger and more powerful and more alarming and more fear-creating to Americans than used to be the case.
So it seems to me that whereas I'm a real latecomer to this, there are a lot of other latecomers also, and we're in a situation where
We've just got to do everything we possibly can to get a massive new investigation and an investigation not run by the United States government into what actually happened on 9-11.
And that's very important that we not let this one slide by the board.
I agree.
The Miami Herald and the Associated Press reported last week on the Parliamentary announcement by the leader of the Parliament and President Hugo Chavez that they believe it's a total inside job.
They laid out why and went public saying they're going to have a huge public investigation.
Is that positive?
Oh, listen, that is really positive and the more things like that
that can happen in this world, the better off we're all going to be.
We have a government in the United States today that has gotten this country into serious trouble, it seems to me.
And we're not going to get out of it just by cover-ups or coming up with some sort of a scapegoat who, like, for example, Roosevelt, who gets removed and is obviously
out there to take the blame and take the heat off to some extent.
He's a shield.
He's a shield and he's there to take the heat off Bush and Cheney and these are the two guys what is necessary in my opinion is immediate impeachment of both Bush and Cheney.
Are you worried about his psychology?
I just got two new video clips in the last week where he's stumbling off the helicopter obviously drunk
He's stumbling around at press conferences, obviously drunk, or on some type of depression.
Are you worried about his psychology?
Look, I don't know enough about psychology, really, to have a good opinion on that.
What I'm worried about, really, is him going to war, or encouraging Israel to go to war against Iran.
In other words, the whole concept would be, create another war,
That'll get us out of all the troubles of the previous wars.
I mean, the only trick in the book is when you're in trouble, blow it up.
I mean, increase the size of the Ponzi scheme.
Yeah, uh, hey, listen, I worry about him even if he's, uh, even if he is a sober person.
He's just doing, he is just pursuing really terribly bad policies.
As a matter of fact, you know, Bush loves to use the word evil.
Well, I'll use the word evil.
He is pursuing
He and Cheney are pursuing evil policies today, and we Americans are going to
Well, I'm going to talk about that and get your analysis because that's what you did for decades at the Central Intelligence Agency at the highest levels.
Your analysis helped steer this country, I guess, back in better days.
But I did want to get a little bit into the Pentagon Study Group.
I mean, these are the guys that were pulling the strings.
Look, this is the group under James Baker, right?
That's the group you're talking about.
And they were appointed
I don't
Of Bush and Cheney.
I wish I could say something differently.
Now, the CIA's own analysis and the British intelligence's own analysis, as you know, has been all over the press for two years, has been saying the troops being there makes it worse, makes there be more conflict and more sectarian violence.
So why are they keeping the troops there?
Well, you know, the minute they pull out the troops, that becomes a defeat
for the Bush administration as well it should be a defeat for that administration.
So naturally they don't want to do that and they will do everything in their power to avoid having to do that.
I don't care what all the talk around Washington is about how they're being a little more moderate and want to talk directly to Iranians or to Syrians.
These guys who are running the US government today
Do not want to be identified with a major defeat.
And that's where they're headed.
So they're just cynically claiming there's a debate to kind of put into this whole false collegiate bucket and then just keep it going for a few more years like they've been doing already.
You know, I have to confess, I don't have any real inside information about what's going on
Inside that committee, but I'm giving you my belief and that is my belief.
Well, I mean, your belief is accurate because that's what they said they're going to do.
I mean, McCain and everybody is saying more troops, and the Democrats are saying, okay, we'll do whatever the independent Pentagon study group says with James Baker, and James Baker said we are going to stay there.
Listen, don't count on the Democrats to help you very much.
There are a few good Democrats who want to see major changes in U.S.
foreign policies, but most of them
Do not, and most of them are literally bought and paid for by the same people who have bought and paid for the Republicans.
Well, the Pentagon's been telling us the last three years that we're going to be there decades, and I guess they'll probably keep that promise.
You think we'll be there in ten years?
No, I do not think.
I do not think that it'll last that long, because what is happening is so wrong, I personally can't believe.
The President's policies are going to last.
You know, I did the math and went and looked at the conservative numbers.
Not just Lancet in the last three and a half years, but the other numbers.
2.15 million dead Iraqis in the last 15 and a half years.
I mean, how many millions more have to die?
That's exactly the question that we all ought to be asking.
And somehow,
People like you and me, you and us, have to persuade an awful lot of people who live in the United States of America to stop being apathetic about this and to get a hold of themselves and start urging, calling for, day after day, big changes in U.S.
foreign policy.
I agree.
Let's talk about Palestine.
You just returned from there.
When we get back, stay with us.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
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Alright, let's bring up Kathy Christensen and her husband Bill Christensen.
Bill, of course, was a senior official with the CIA.
He served as a National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis.
You've been over there several times before.
Tell us about how you got involved in all of this and what you witnessed in the month of October in Palestine.
Yeah, let me start for just one minute to make sort of a transition from what we have been talking about.
I want to emphasize, in addition to impeaching Bush and Cheney, which we were just talking about,
There have got to be big U.S.
policy changes for the entire Middle East, and these changes are beyond just changing our Iraq involvement.
All U.S.
warfare, terrorism, and torture has got to end, and so does U.S.
support of Israeli warfare, terrorism, and torture against the Palestinians.
Kathy and I have visited
Palestine five times since 2003, and as we mentioned most recently last month, and I have to emphasize, U.S.
and Israeli policies toward the Palestinians are simply immoral.
Israel carries out this immorality, the U.S.
pays for it, and Europeans unfortunately condone it.
That has got to stop if we ever want to see
of reasonable peace in the area.
And let's be clear, Israel pioneered legalizing torture.
Even the Nazis did it, but they were smart enough to keep it secret.
They had some shame.
Israel legalized torture and is lobbying for it to be legalized here, which Bush has essentially done.
So now, two countries torture publicly, the US and Israel.
This is one of the tough things this government of ours and all American citizens
have to deal with the very special close relationship between the United States and Israel is one of the major factors behind a lot of what's wrong with the world today.
I'm sorry to say that.
And unfortunately in that region, the United States follows Israel.
As you said, Israel pioneered legalizing torture and pioneered a lot of other tactics and strategies that the United States has adopted.
But let's get down to the nitty-gritty, eyes on the ground.
What have you seen in your five trips in the last three years?
Kathy, you go ahead.
Well, I think we've seen, primarily, we have seen the situation get worse and worse.
You know, last year we were there in 2005, in September, this year in October, and in just in those 13 months, the spirit
The degree of despair is much greater.
It's almost palpable among Palestinians.
Last year and in preceding years, you could get some feeling of hope among the Palestinians that this couldn't go on, that it couldn't get any worse.
But this year it has obviously gotten worse.
We never have seen a whole lot of optimism, but Palestinians used to talk about having hope, at least for the long term.
There have been some big swatters in Gaza and in the West Bank in the last few months.
Can you tell us about those?
Well, we didn't get to Gaza.
But the situation there is almost unspeakable.
There's a very good Israeli correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, a man named Gidon Levy, and just yesterday he wrote an article about Gaza.
Where the Israelis have had Gaza under constant siege since the end of June, and of course they've had it under occupation for the last 40 years.
And the videos are on the web where they just mow down whole groups of peaceful women, they shoot little kids, and then they pose with the dead bodies.
I mean, this is a celebration of evil.
I know.
That's a good way to put it.
It really is evil and it is unspeakable, as I said.
But it's done in a celebratory way.
Yeah, you know, the Israelis did apologize for this shell shelling, which was not just one shell, but a dozen at least, on a housing complex in Gaza town of Beit Hanun just about a week ago, in which 19 people were killed while they're sleeping in their beds, and most of them are children.
I think 18 or maybe all 19 of the 19 are members of the same extended family.
I mean, people have lost mothers and sisters and brothers and fathers and so on, all in the same family.
And it is just horrific.
The Israelis did apologize for that, saying it was a firing error.
Well, it was obviously a multiple firing error.
Well, stay there.
We've got a break.
Long segment coming up.
Kathy Christensen and Bill Christensen.
Plenty of time to go over all this.
I mean, there's so many other cases where they're strafing at German boats and dive-bombing the French in Lebanon.
I mean, there's just this wild, aggressive militarism.
What's causing the Israelis to do this?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
We're good.
I think so.
By the way, Israel's domestic Mossad arm, the ADL, which is admittedly Mossad, openly has been brainwashing our police for 20 years, and now they're officially, with new hate crimes legislation, going to be taking over the training of the police departments with the feds, officially, if they're able to pass this.
And it says land rights activists are terrorists, constitutionalists are terrorists, we have all the training manuals,
And as distasteful as Nazis are, I can't stand them.
Still, they'll use them as poster boys to take our free speech and then take everybody's.
And so we've got to defeat that legislation the Democrats are swearing to pass.
And it is scary.
I want you to understand, the United States is going to adopt the Israeli tactics against its own people.
And all the big law enforcement magazines say they want to adopt it.
So, very, very scary.
And Israel is the most police state, you know, classical police state, physical police state in the world.
North Korea is the most vicious and truly evil.
And of course, we have a guy who would analyze countries all over the world, Bill Christensen.
Would you say that Israel is the most apartheid or the most oppressive physical police state, or is that inaccurate, sir?
You know, I think it's probably right if you're talking about exactly today, but the United States is headed in precisely the same direction.
And I would like to repeat, this combined U.S.-Israeli special relationship is one of the things that makes it much more difficult for people like us here in the United States to bring pressure to bear
on our own politicians to start to change some of these U.S.
Well, Israeli lobbyists don't have to register with the State Department as a foreign lobbyist.
I mean, it's fine for foreign governments to lobby, but they all have to register themselves.
Israel doesn't have to.
And by the way, folks, I have a stack of mainstream articles.
I've been sent by listeners from New Jersey, California, Texas, where it says Israeli troops, Israeli police train U.S.
And now L.L.
is going to train our airports.
I mean, folks, this is... Bill Christensen, do you think it's going to get really obvious and maybe we'll have a government made up of British, Israeli, and Chinese officials, but maybe we'll just be totally foreign run and in every town we'll have an Israeli over it or a Brit over it?
I mean, is that where it's going to end up?
I don't know.
As long as our present U.S.
policies continue,
We're going to have a more authoritarian government and a government which is interested in building
Uh, colonies in many parts of the world.
And they're going to build a colony here, too, though.
We want global dot... Well, I don't know about... What I'm saying is, what I'm saying is the mean things the empire, the abusive things it's doing overseas, it's using a lot of the same tactics here.
Oh, precisely.
And I think you're absolutely right on that.
But there's one good sign that I want to get in before we get off the subject.
This has to do with the part of the recent trip that we took
While we were in Ireland, it was a very great pleasure for Kathy and me to talk to a whole lot of Irish people who supported us vastly more than practically any place we have been
In the United States.
relate their own situation uh... experience with british occupation to what's going on uh... with the palestinians.
And how were the british able to occupy?
I've had high-level spies and bomb makers on who are in the british news right now saying the IRA was run by british intelligence and over seventy percent of the bombings were purely carried out by british intelligence as a pretext to militarize the north and turn uh... the UK into a police state uh... system wide
Now, getting back to Palestine, I know you guys have got a lot of stories to tell, things you want to relate, what life's really like there.
I don't think the average American can even find Palestine on a map, much less Israel, but for those tuning in, we have a more informed audience than the general public.
Break down key points you want to make about your five trips to Palestine and what it's really like over there.
It's hard to sum up in a sentence.
What we found this time, one of the most salient features of the occupation is the checkpoints that the Israelis have had going for years, since well before the Intifada began, this current Intifada began in 2000.
These checkpoints restrict Palestinian movement inside the West Bank and inside Gaza.
Actually the checkpoints don't exist inside Gaza anymore because it's just an open air prison.
But the checkpoints restrict Palestinian movement.
For instance, the movement of Palestinians from one city to the other from perhaps a village that's outside a big city into the city so that the people have difficulty getting to work and so on.
The checkpoints are set up largely to protect the Israeli settlements or colonies that are dotted all over the West Bank.
that are obviously inhabited only by Israelis.
Palestinians can't live there.
These settlements are connected by high-speed, limited-access highways that are also accessible only to Israelis.
All of this, both settlements, colonies, which is actually a better term for the settlements and roads, are built on land confiscated from the Palestinians.
And the checkpoints that I started off talking about are meant to limit Palestinian movement, the movement of people and goods.
It's a control grid.
It's a control grid, exactly.
A very good Israeli who works quite strenuously for the Palestinians, a man named Jeff Halper, who runs an organization called the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, calls it a matrix of control.
No, good term.
Yeah, it's really an excellent term, and it captures the extent of Israeli control through the settlements, through the checkpoints, through the roads that are accessible only to Israelis, that have ended up squeezing the Palestinians into small enclaves throughout the West Bank.
You know, most of the Israeli settlements, major settlement blocks
And the last three Israeli Prime Ministers have openly said it's about forcing them out and making life hell.
Now I want to go back and ask both of you a question right now.
And you've been over there five times, I've never been there, but I do study it and I've talked to other analysts and people who've witnessed it on both sides.
If you've got different polls, and I'm asking if these are accurate, 55 to 65, depending on the poll, but it's in that range, of Israelis
Or against the occupation.
They don't like what's happening to the Arabs.
They know it takes two to tango.
They know what's happening is wrong.
How, then, does the Parliament maintain the hard line, and how does this continue when... I mean, because so many people want to say, oh, Israel's just evil.
I mean, it's like saying Americans are for the war.
Seventy-plus percent are against being in Iraq, but it just continues.
I mean, so I'm asking, how does it just continue?
You know, the Israelis, just as the Americans do, as the Bush administration does in this country, the Israelis generate fear in the Israelis.
The Israeli leadership generates fear in the Israeli people.
You know, there was a rash for several years of suicide bombings, and the Israelis had genuine reason to fear for their security, but the Israeli government has, and this is Prime Minister after Prime Minister on the left and on the right and in the center and so on,
I think so.
All Palestinians and right now specifically Hamas wanted to destroy Israel, none of which is true, none of which has ever been true.
Well yeah, the BBC last year did a huge scientific poll, I forget the exact numbers, it was hundreds of thousands were polled and only 6%
And this was all over the region, said they want to push Israel into the ocean and kill all the Jews.
But the media only focuses on that 6%, or I'll ask both the Christiansons, is that an accurate number or do higher numbers want to kill all the Jews?
I think if it's 6%, that's a high figure.
I don't think it's any higher than that.
Among Palestinians, you know, first of all, they know that Israel is so powerful that they could never possibly destroy it.
400 to 600 nukes.
Yeah, exactly.
And they also are decent human beings who don't want to throw Jews into the sea.
They might... Well, I also think Mohammed's their patriarch, and of course we all know that story, but this is what I'm trying to understand.
Before 1947, the Jews and the Israelis... The Zionists.
Exactly, that whole crowd got along with the Arabs.
You had a few pockets where Jews got persecuted, but that was normally done by small fanatical groups.
But there were Jewish groups all over the Middle East too, Jewish communities.
Now all that's gone, what happened from 1947 through now?
From 1947 through now, the Zionists and Israel, Zionists who were trying to create a Jewish majority state before it was established in 1948, and since then, the Israelis have been trying to destroy the Palestinians as a nation.
And that has obviously aroused deep resentment, not only of the Palestinians themselves, but of Arabs throughout the Arab world, who consider that an evil
Yes, and of course now the Israeli maps from the 80s are public, showing the entire Middle East controlled by Israel.
That's what really gets them hopping mad.
But of course, the military industrial complex in Israel, the fifth largest complex in the world, by the way ladies and gentlemen, they make their own tanks, jets, helicopters, weapons of every configuration.
They want continual strife and conflict.
That keeps control of the Jews domestically to serve the Zionists, and it allows them to continue to have a conflict for continued weapon sales.
Is that accurate?
Alex, this is Bill.
I'm glad you mentioned that last point about the Israeli military-industrial complex, because I want to add right in here, the U.S.
government basically is controlled by
Our military-industrial complex, the Israeli government, is basically controlled by a very small number of very wealthy families who control Israel's military-industrial complex.
And the two groups, U.S.
and Israeli military-industrial complex leaders, are really very closely tied together, especially in this globalized economy today.
Where you have interchanging directorates, where you have lots of joint committees for almost any topic you want to name.
We know, Kathy and I know, many Jewish Americans who oppose what is going on in the occupation.
We know many Israelis who oppose what is going on in the occupation.
But the fact is, those people do not control the policies
All right.
Destinies in US Politics.
And we see the same fruits here.
Ninety-seven percent don't want toll roads being given to Spain in the U.S.
They still do it.
Seventy-plus percent don't want the war.
They still do it.
Ninety-plus percent don't want open borders.
They still do it.
I mean, it's the same thing.
The establishment does what they want.
What is this global oligarchy going to do, though, as it becomes more and more obvious that the people really don't have control of their own lives?
Well, you know, the hope is that
People like you, and I hope people like Kathy and me, and there are a lot of others who are just like us, but the hope is that we can bring about some change.
You know, I'm often asked, why don't you just move somewhere else if you're not happy there?
Well, the hell with that.
I'm staying right here because the rest of my life is going to be devoted to, in whatever tiny way I can contribute, to changing things in our own country.
I tend, on Israel-Palestine, I tend to be sort of optimistic, too, for the longer term, and I'm afraid it is a long term, but I think that, as you say it, it will become so obvious to Israelis what the Israeli government is doing, the horrors they're perpetrating on the Palestinians, and the horror
That results from Zionism being specifically established to set up a Jewish majority state, which is racist, and it's inherently racist, and I think I have some optimism that the Israeli people will eventually see
Because it will become so obvious what the consequences of this will be.
They will eventually force a change.
Last year there was a Jerusalem Post story.
I mean, this isn't David Duke writing it, folks.
The Jerusalem Post wrote an article where there were 10,000 Chinese workers brought in.
They were all given a form they had to sign promising they wouldn't date Jewish women.
I mean, and it's illegal for a non-Jew to marry a Jew in Israel.
I mean, they didn't have laws like that in the last 30 years in South Africa.
How does Israel get away with that?
These foreign workers are brought into Israel with the specific objective in mind to increase unemployment among Palestinians in order to keep Palestinians
Out of jobs that they used to carry out.
And it's the same thing here in the U.S., bringing in the illegals to drive down the jobs here.
But I'm asking, how does Israel get away with that?
You know, Israel gets away with it because Israelis themselves don't want to acknowledge, and therefore they don't even notice, or they studiously don't notice,
Some of the more horrific aspects of Zionism and its racism.
Well, of course, I break Zionism into three different groups of Zionists.
I mean, there are different variants of it, but certainly the Likudnik thing that grew out of the Labor Zionist is... I can only describe it as Nazi.
Well, it certainly is Nazi in a lot of ways.
Maybe not across the board, but certainly in a lot of its aspects.
And, you know, another
The reason that Israel gets away with this is that in the United States it's almost impossible to raise these subjects without being called, you know, unless you're called anti-semitic.
But I mean, come on!
I just want everybody to live in peace.
And I don't like Israel meddling in our internal politics.
I don't like Israel, you know, doing what they're doing and destabilizing things just so they can sell weapon systems.
And it's just... But you guys do see a light at the end of the tunnel then?
Well, a very long-term tunnel, I think.
And you know... I just don't think injustice like this can go on forever.
You almost have to have hope.
And I think our hope is now at a lower point than it was one year ago, two years ago, or three years ago.
But you gotta keep on trying.
And you gotta get somewhat more democracy, real democracy, both in the political life of
Israel and the United States.
All right, we'll be right back on the other side with our guests to talk about solutions.
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Alright, the next hour I'm going to run through the top stories.
Play the rest of that Fox News piece attacking our operation savagely.
This Saturday night, break it down.
Final segment with our guests, Kathy Christensen and Bill Christensen.
In closing, I want to talk about a few solutions or ideas you've got or any websites you want to give out.
But before we do that, what got you involved in the Palestinian cause
Or to go cover it and go look at it.
I mean, you know, you're a retired former, you know, senior level office of director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis.
Kathy, you've been involved in a lot of other things yourself.
I mean, when did you, what woke you up to this?
Actually, I guess the family interest in this started with me because I have worked on the Middle East, on the Arab-Israeli
I'm glad to be here.
But after Vietnam, I started working on the Middle East, and specifically on the Arab-Israeli problem.
So you guys were working late at the office back in 1969, and now we've got you.
No, no, no.
You were already born then!
But anyway, I started working on the Middle East in 1971, and we left the CIA, both of us.
Bill retired, and I quit in 1979, and I just continued my interest in this, and began to concentrate more on the Palestinians,
I did a book of interviews of Palestinian Americans probing their political views of Israel and so on that I started in the late 80s and have just sort of continued my interest and then Bill finally got interested too.
We have this division of labor in the family where Bill handles the world and I handle the Israel-Palestine situation but we went there first in our current round of trips in early 2003
We thought we were going to go to Iraq just before the war started, but we couldn't get visas to get into Iraq, so we went to the West Bank instead, and that got us started on this round of visits.
Yeah, look, I realize that we're practically running out of time here, but I want to make one final comment, Alex, if I may.
It is that the Middle East is the central issue in U.S.
foreign policy today, and in the entire Middle East
In the entire Muslim world, Palestine is the central issue there.
Without solving the issue of Palestine, we are never going to solve the war on terrorism in any satisfactory way.
So that's the solution.
But again, they don't want the problem to be solved.
They don't want the problem in Iraq to be solved.
The people who are now running the Israeli government, and the people who are now running the U.S.
do not want the problem to be solved.
You're absolutely right on that, but the problem will only be solved here in the United States.
Never going to be solved in Israel as long as the US supports Israel as it has in the past years.
It's got to be solved in the US and we have got to solve it by having a major political party be a party
Truly of the left.
We have now got a one-party system in this country.
I wouldn't even call it left and right, it's just an anti-war party.
In closing, did it mess up Israel's agenda to get a thumpin', as Bush would say, in Lebanon, or does that just encourage them now?
They're developing many robots to attack.
Did you see that?
Yeah, listen, it messed them up.
It messed them up, they expected.
A quick victory.
That didn't come.
It messed up the United States too.
The way they're going to try and get out of this, in all likelihood, is to go after Iran and figure they'll win in Iran and that victory will immediately wipe out any other defeats that have happened.
And that's what Hitler did with Russia.
That's what he thought he was going to do and it didn't work, did it?
Stay there one more minute.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mothers Against Front Driving is being used as a front group to put breathalyzers on all new cars.
The industry itself is already doing this and wants to force everyone to do it.
We'll break it down in the next segment.
Take your phone calls, get into the latest Iraq news, what the Iraq study group is saying, meet the new boss same as the old boss.
And I'm also going to break down the nine minute segment from Fox News where they viciously attacked us and lied about us.
Saturday, I want to go over that as well.
A jam-packed third hour, but in closing, with our guest, Kathy Christensen and of course Bill Christensen, both who worked in the Central Intelligence Agency at very high levels.
The headline they wrote for Counterpunch is, the Democrats don't care.
If you want to see their great writings and material, you can go to Counterpunch.
What are some of the other websites?
One very good website is called electronicintifada.net.
It's run by a young Palestinian-American young guy in Chicago named Ali Abunimah, who is himself a beautiful writer, excellent writer, very articulate, good on radio interviews and so on.
He's a one-man information machine.
There's a young British writer who lives in Nazareth
Who is a freelance writer, has just written a book.
His name is Jonathan Cook.
And I cannot think of the name of his website.
It has Cook in it.
C-O-O-K, not C-O-O-K.
That's okay.
Just Jonathan Cook.
Jonathan Cook on Google.
You could Google him.
And you were saying there's a good website to check from Ireland, too.
Yes, yes.
The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign's website is IPSC.ie.
This is a very live wire organization nationwide in Ireland with small chapters in practically every city and they have a constant round of speakers and so on.
They're very, very much on top of the situation.
Well I want to thank both of you for coming on and your courage going to Palestine to come back and report for us and have a good Thanksgiving.
Thank you, you too.
Thanks a lot, you too.
Take care, appreciate the time.
Folks, the globalists want us fighting with each other.
I'm not against the Palestinians, I'm not against the Jews, I'm not against the Germans, I'm not against the people in Ireland, the Chinese.
I'm against the New World Order crime syndicate that wants conflict, that wants crises, that wants wars, open-ended, unending wars.
Unending wars is what we're facing.
And this same globalist crime syndicate is waging war against you and your family, against your pocketbook, against your health,
Against your sovereignty, against your mobility.
We're under attack by the crime syndicate.
We've got to realize the allied crime syndicate in London, and Tel Aviv, and New York, and Berlin, and Paris, and Beijing, and Peking, and Tokyo, they are allied, and in Moscow, against the people of the planet.
And they have these staged wars, and these staged weapon sales, and it's all staged.
I mean, it's now come out, mainstream news, what we knew decades ago, the Zionists actually funded Hitler.
They wouldn't let Jews escape Germany unless they agreed to go to Palestine.
Wouldn't let them get out to England.
Wouldn't let them get out to the U.S.
And now top Jewish writers, top professors are writing on it.
The truth is going to come out.
We're against the 110,000 Jewish children that Israel radiated.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
We're against Israel creating fake Al-Qaeda groups.
We're against the British staging terror attacks.
We're against the U.S.
doing it.
And, uh, for putting in bad, uh, Islamicists in the Middle East and working with the Saudis, the nastiest group of them, of course, deeply in bed.
It is a legion of doom.
It is literally all the evil mafias teaming up together, as Kevin said on Fox News, to keep that card game going.
They'll shoot each other under the table occasionally, but if anybody threatens that game, they circle the wagons.
We've got to realize the great game, the great scam,
And resist it!
We've got to come together against the New World Order.
Alright, we're going to come back, get into the Fox News piece, take some calls, get into some other news items.
The websites are JonesReport.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com,
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Monday.
The 20th of November 2006.
James, Jason, Ron and others, your calls are coming up.
I told James to disagree, so we'll go to him first.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Alright, I'm going to get into this whole Man Cal hit piece on Fox News, but before I do that, I haven't plugged the videos yet in 2 hours and 8 minutes and 37 seconds.
It's always important to do that because that's how we run this operation.
It's how I pay my employees.
But that's really secondary.
But you need to know when you purchase the films from us, you do fund our operation and support us in what we're doing.
It's vital.
But I've made 15 films.
They're all available in DVD and VHS at Infowars.com, the secure online video and bookstore.
A lot of other great books and videos by other great researchers and filmmakers and authors that we carry.
We have the incredible film, America Freedom to Fascism, by Aaron Russo, in stock, $19.95, and when you get it, if you want Terror Storm, you can get it for $9.95, half price, when you get America Freedom to Fascism.
And we've got over 20 other specials, we've added a bunch of new specials.
For $12.95, we have a new, very handsome, designer black t-shirt, made of really high quality cotton, it's one of the good heavy ones, it's not cheap.
So, I mean, this is a great deal, folks.
It says $9.11 was an inside job on the front.
On the back it says $9.11 equals inside job.
When you get that t-shirt, if you want to get TerraStorm with it, $9.95 again.
So the t-shirt is... Let me see.
It's not half off.
It'd be about 40% off.
The t-shirt is 40% off and then the video is half off.
That's another great deal.
Great Christmas present for somebody.
By the way, we ship out to you UPS ground.
We're trying to get caught up to be shipping every day as the orders come in.
We're about two or three days behind now.
We don't have that big of a staff.
A lot more orders come in right around Christmas, so we're a couple days behind.
That's still pretty good, and we ship it out to you UPS Ground.
But we're getting caught up.
I'm actually bringing in some part-time help, because up until December 15th, by the end of this week, we'll be shipping on the day we get the items, unless something's backordered.
Then we'll ship what we have, and then send you a note saying the backordered item's coming.
But we're trying to get everything in.
Two or three things are backordered.
They're coming in.
One of them just came in Friday, but two other items.
But the point is, very few things are backordered.
What I'm trying to say is, if you order films from us, or books, by December 15th, you will get them before Christmas.
Because anything we get in December 15th will be shipped by December 16th.
And you're like, Alex, that's, you know...
Twenty-five days away.
Well, December 15th is a lot sooner than you think.
So, if you want to get your Christmas shopping done, and don't want to go fight the crowds and buy junk that doesn't work, or toys that nobody wants, or ties, or fruit pies, fruit cakes nobody wants, just go to InfoWars.com and get your shopping done.
Support the truth.
Support this broadcast.
Buy ten copies of Terror Storm.
Buy ten copies of America, Freedom to Fascism.
Buy 10 copies of 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
Buy 10 copies of David Ray Griffin's new film on 9-11.
Then you support David Ray Griffin.
You support myself.
You support Aaron Russo.
Yeah, I mean, this is so important.
But the reason you're doing this is to wake up friends and family.
So I think what you ought to give people this holiday season, this Christmas, is the gift of truth and information.
So please visit InfoWars.com and do some of your holiday Christmas shopping with us.
And know that our goal is getting the word out.
Our goal is fighting the New World Order.
Our goal is putting that capital back into the fight against the globalists.
Our goal is to... and we've got some new projects coming up.
The more money comes in here, the more... I mean, I spend it right back into fighting the New World Order.
That's one reason we've been so effective.
To me, wealth is knowledge.
Wealth is waking people up.
Wealth is living in a free country.
And so, again, is there anywhere else where you see more action?
With a small group, it's like ten people.
You know, two people in England, one person in Louisiana.
We see six people here.
One other IT person.
So, I mean, I got ten employees and
I mean, look at what we produce!
We're like a little bitty tree that just produces a million pieces of fruit!
I mean, we're like the tree that, you know, feeds the whole city here!
I mean, do you see anywhere where... do a cost-benefit analysis!
I mean, look at your ratio here!
Look at how we reach millions of people on the web!
Look at how we put all the films out for free on the web!
Look at everything we do!
So, I can't think of a better place for you to
Do your Christmas shopping at InfoWars.com or call toll free to ask about all the specials and order 1-888-253-3139.
You can also write to us, but if you're going to write to us, be sure and send that letter off by like the 10th.
So, you know, on average it probably takes five days for a regular letter to get here and we'll get it out to you.
But again, do your Christmas shopping now and don't wait, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, you can write to us at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, I'm already belaboring this.
I want to thank everybody that pushed Terror Storm back up into the top 20, got up to 17 and stayed there and then left the top 100.
That's about three weeks with it on average in the top hundred.
So that's really exciting and thank you for doing that.
It's really been successful.
That's our goal here is to reach more people.
This is a fight for our lives.
This is life and death for us.
We realize that.
All right, here's the Fox News hit piece.
Let me just go over what they do in it first.
The reason the headline is, we didn't spell this out, so people ask us, well, why is this the first time this has been on TV?
There's been lots of 9-11 on TV.
It's the first time hijackers trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station and the Monterey Defense School got out.
It's the first time on national television it was discussed, the fact that there was
Calcutta used by the CIA to attack the Serbs.
It's the first time national TV talked about the big poll where 84% believe they're being lied to about 9-11.
It's the first time that so many things came out.
It's the first time somebody was allowed to talk and give an equal time on Fox.
They lied and said horrible things, but still they let him talk, and that's probably why Mancow probably won't get a regular show now.
He wasn't vicious enough, even though he was vicious.
And then there's the stupid claim that we're just doing this for money, but Fox News puts out books about, you know, If I Did It by O.J.
Simpson, just totally evil.
The globalists make all their money and power off 9-11, launch all these wars.
We put the films out for free, but we're supposedly evil profiteers.
Kevin can't even afford to get his truck fixed, but we're all just bathing in money here.
Then at the same time, they say that the Founding Fathers never said we shouldn't trust our government.
They just can't believe that.
They say that they couldn't keep something like this secret.
Oh yeah, the Manhattan Project, the Skigi.
The sterilization of 400 plus thousand women kept secret for 40 years.
The atomic soldiers kept secret for 30 years.
I mean, give me a break, folks.
And it isn't really a secret.
It has come out, just the establishment can't deal with it.
They also don't know what Kevin's talking about pointing machine guns at Congress.
They told them to get out during the anthrax attacks and pointed guns at them.
A few months ago they did it again when there was a backfire in a parking garage.
On TV they pointed guns at Congressmen and said, get out.
Under executive control, telling the legislative what to do.
They then keep claiming that Bush planted the bombs and everybody in the government's involved.
The big tactic is to claim that if you believe 9-11 is an inside job, you're against the firefighters.
What does that have to do with anything?
It has nothing to do with anything.
No, the firefighters were heroes and they were sent in there and those buildings were blown up around them.
Most firefighters are on record saying it's an inside job.
We couldn't beat them off with a stick in New York thanking us and slapping us on the back.
Literally, 99% agreed with us.
I'd say 65-70% of the cops.
Police Cap is going, keep it up, we agree with you on video.
We've got all this.
Like 80-90 hours, I forget.
Put it in the film when we get around to it.
This is what we're talking about.
So just, just, just baseline, straw man, then they mixed in Bigfoot and everything.
They threw the kitchen sink at Kevin.
He kept his cool.
He won.
They kept saying cut, cut, cut for over an hour and a half, but the one time he said cut, they left that in.
Here it is.
We'll play it and come back and play the rest of the next segment.
Here it is.
And joining me here on the grassy knoll is Kevin Smith, who has one of those websites, Infowars.com, and a firefighter that was actually there.
This thing is big business.
This is Brian Harvey.
What do you think about this guy making money off of this tragedy?
Well, I can't say I support people making money off of the country's worst tragedy to hit our mainland.
I just think that if people want to make movies or write books with all the special attention that's made to detail and keeping the conspiracy theories and the political rhetoric down and take it off the whole movie project or book project, there's something wrong with telling it how it went.
It was an attack on our country by terrorists.
They believe, they're passionate about what they believe, and they want other people to join on board with them.
So you think he really believes this?
You don't think he's just some nut trying to make a buck?
I can't say that.
I don't know him well enough to say that.
Well, I can assure you I'm not getting rich over this.
I make a salary just like anybody else with a job.
I report for InfoWars.com, Alex Jones' website and prison planet.
But I'm mainly the producer of that show, which means I book the guests.
So, I talk to these military people.
I talk to these professors.
I talk to these underwriter laboratories and civil engineers.
And it's across the board.
I mean, I'm not sure if you're aware, but CBS and the New York Times did a poll this month.
53% of respondents say that the Bush administration is hiding.
28% say they're lying.
I mean, you're over 80% now.
This is not a fringe thing.
A third of the people in a Scripps Howard News Service said, a third of the people said the government did it.
Okay, this is not just a fringe conspiracy theory anymore.
It's a conspiracy fact.
And we can prove it to you.
Go to the scientists.
Don't take my word for it.
Google WTC7.
Understand what that's about.
Understand what false flag terrorism is about.
How we orchestrate wars.
We've been doing it for a long time.
Not just us.
Not saying U.S.
It's the oldest trick in the book.
Can I ask you, then why isn't it out in the forum today with the 06 elections and all these other things?
You know, is it an anti-President Bush thing?
Is it an anti-United States thing?
Why isn't it front page or front and center on every major news program?
I'm pro-United States.
I don't swear an allegiance to a person.
I swear my allegiance to the founding documents, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which have been eviscerated now.
Why is that?
We're talking about mainstream media, the people that are just totally wrapped up in what Jen and Brad are doing constantly.
When we come back, we'll play the part you haven't heard yet.
I played that earlier in the first hour.
We've got your calls coming up, a ton of news, a lot more.
Stay with me.
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Welcome back.
Let's go ahead and plunge right back into the Fox News propaganda.
Go ahead and go back to it.
They want you to know what they want you to know.
If President Bush was behind it or knew about it, if Vice President Cheney knew about it and was told to stand up, don't you think the mainstream media would expose that with all this propaganda?
NBC, that owns General Electric, that makes the engines, that makes the guidance.
But they have not been in this administration's corner for a long time.
I've never said that.
It's always the other way around.
The media attacks his presence for everything.
He orchestrated 9-11.
I don't see where you're getting that.
There's a paradigm shift.
They are attacking him now.
But they weren't forever.
He was getting card blocked.
He could do whatever he wanted.
And no one could question the leader.
This government can't keep anything secret.
They kept the Manhattan Project secret, but they kept thousands and thousands of people.
Let's talk about 9-11.
They kept 9-11 secret.
How many people were involved?
It's not a secret.
How many people?
It doesn't have to be very many.
It just needs to be moles placed into the top.
We had people in CENTCOM, the colonels in Central Command.
Is Hillary Clinton involved?
Is Hillary involved?
I doubt it.
But listen, the Democrats aren't going to wreck the game.
You know, monsters may shoot each other under the card table every once in a while, but if someone threatens that game, they'll reunify.
So Hillary Clinton, you know, the Democrats and Bush and all the Republicans, they all got together to make 9-11 because it's big business.
Intelligence agencies got together and worked together.
They always have worked together.
They don't work for their governments, they work for the banking interests.
What if you're wrong?
I'm not wrong.
What if you're wrong?
What if I'm wrong?
We're just going to continue to go down this path?
We're going to start a war with anybody that has resources that won't come into a global banking system?
You said to me off camera you love Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, all of these, this great country.
If our government could do this, it makes all of this work.
Elements within our government.
Yeah, elements.
Rogue elements like the President.
Look what they do to the Congress right now.
They want to pass a law.
They say there's a terrorist threat.
They show up in Congress and point machine guns in the Congressmen's face and say, Get out!
Get out!
When did they do this?
I didn't see this.
They point machine guns.
You better go see it.
They're doing that.
MP5s, baby.
You better go see it.
And the terrorists are alive?
Some of them may be.
They worked with the CIA, you believe?
These are Patsy's.
Listen, they were trained at, they were trained at, they were trained at the Defense Language School in Monterey, California.
They were trained at Pensacola.
The terrorists, the terrorists that we see on TV were trained by our guys.
They're intelligence assets.
Ask actor James Woods.
He saw Otta on the plane a couple weeks before 9-11.
Well that's where I go for my info.
That's where I go for my info, is actor James Woods.
The guy that plays Shark on a failed TV show.
What about Bigfoot?
Do you have info on Bigfoot?
Who brought down the Hindenburg?
Those are the wrong people.
I don't see any officials coming out saying this.
Any former government officials.
We can't believe in our government.
We have no right to believe our democratically elected leaders.
Our founding fathers would never believe in your government.
Never trust in your government.
Who said that?
Our founding fathers would say that.
What is their end game?
Don't you see it?
The New World Order?
They want us all to be slaves.
On the new global plantation.
You got it.
A global plantation.
And this guy's a sucker.
This firefighter's a sucker.
He's a dude.
He's a fool!
If everything you're saying is true, this man's a fool.
He just hasn't woken up yet.
He soon will.
He hasn't woken up yet.
He soon will.
Thank you, Mr. Orwell.
We'll be right back here on the grassy knoll.
Do you believe everything you read?
You can't.
Not on the internet.
Not on the world wide web of disinformation.
From time to time we're going to point out lies on the internet.
Hey, did you know I was the star of Alien vs. Predator?
It's true!
It was on the internet.
I've never even seen the movie.
And welcome back to the Gratsy Knoll here on Planet Man Cow.
Kevin Smith here believes 9-11 was a conspiracy done by our government.
This is a firefighter, Brian Harvey, who was there.
What do you think of this guy?
What do you think about what he's saying?
I don't believe it.
I think there's been more than enough opportunity for the 9-11 Commission and other committees to investigate this.
If this had any legs, if this story had any credibility, it would have came out.
Why is he doing this?
Why do you think he's doing this?
Do you think he's crazy?
I wouldn't say crazy.
Look at his eyes.
Do you guys want to arm wrestle and we can settle this right here, right now?
Maybe later.
Maybe at the end.
How can you stand it?
He said it was like a scab being ripped off.
Do you feel anything for this guy?
We have nothing but the utmost respect for firefighters.
They're the number one heroes for us in the United States.
And we do a lot of work right now with the victims, the people that helped to rescue, the EMS workers that went in, that are dying right now.
I mean, Christy Todd Whitman lied about the air quality, lied about the silica, lied about the mercury, everything.
These people are dead men.
Well, there's no doubt people are getting sick.
This guy can't be a firefighter because of his lungs.
How are you right now?
I have my days, good days and bad days.
Do you feel like they were lied to and they should have told you how bad it was?
No, I feel that they didn't know and that things were coming out of it.
Would you do it again?
Would you climb down into the wreckage again?
That's what firemen do.
Police officers do that.
They put their lives on the line.
We're going to come back.
I'll make a few comments about this.
We've got a little mini guest coming on.
I'm going to go right to your calls.
We've got somebody who disagrees there.
Stay there.
We'll get to you, James.
But did you hear that firefighter?
It's admitted they poisoned him and he doesn't even know that when he's sick from it.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns... Alright, I got Todd Madsen waiting in the wings.
Good friend of mine.
He shot film... well, shot footage for Scanner Darkly that I'm in.
I believe he even worked on Waking Life that I'm in, and I saw him up at the RNC in 2004.
He made a great film and then shot video of it and rotoscoped it.
I wanted to have him on just for a few minutes and plug the film.
I'm a little cameo in it.
They're running around the streets of New York, but it's rotoscoped, and I like the style he did it in.
It's an example of activist filmmaking, and then we will go to
The folks that are patiently holding like James and others that disagree with me.
James, Jason, Ron and others.
But here's the end of Mancow attacking me via my radio producer and attacking the 9-11 Truth Movement on Fox News Saturday.
Some of the points he just made I wanted to comment on.
They said no officials have gone public.
We've had Morgan Reynolds, the head economist for the Bush administration, go public, saying 9-11 is an inside job.
We've had all these top CIA people from their administrations go public, and other administrations.
We've had German defense ministers go public.
We've had Sybil Evans go public.
We've had the Pentagon Papers guy go public.
They've all gone public inside job.
So again, they make that claim.
Then, this firefighter doesn't even know that they admit Christian and Todd Whitman and the Bush Administration lied and knew they were breathing mercury and concrete and asbestos and didn't give them treatment.
That's been all over every New York paper.
He's got to know.
When I was there on 9-11 and it had just broken that week, it was in every paper, front page, on TV.
Every time I turned the TV on, I'd be in restaurants with the TV on.
They were saying it.
All the firefighters were hopping mad.
This guy's a high-level firefighter.
He knows.
And he says, oh, they just didn't know and they didn't understand.
I mean, just incredible, incredible denial going on there.
So let's go ahead and finish up the Fox News clip.
Go ahead.
Well, we can bring you William Rodriguez, one of the janitors from the World Trade Center, the last man to get out.
I can bring you Stephen Jenkins.
Do you know who that is?
Give me Stephen Jenkins.
The janitor here.
Well, did he have the building come down on him when he was pulled out from under a fire truck?
Did he win a Presidential Freedom Award for being a hero?
He will tell you bombs going off in the building.
Felipe David would stand peeling off of him coming up from the sub-basements.
They were cutting those basements out before.
It is a controlled demolition incorporated.
That's exactly what it is.
There was thermite, not just thermite, thermite cutting charges to cut and take that building down.
The debris that was falling from the higher floors was still falling as the building was coming out from under it.
It fell at pre-fall speed.
No pancake.
Explain it to him.
Explain it to him what happened.
I am not by any, I mean, just from my firefighting experience, everything you get taught is everything has, you know,
Have you seen a building come down like that before?
No one has, because it's never happened.
And the bigger question is WTC7.
Not hit by a plane.
Not hit by debris.
Small fires.
And at the end of the afternoon, they pull the firemen out and they pull the building down.
They brought that building down for insurance, right?
Do you believe they brought that down to collect insurance?
Hey, ask Mr. Silverstein.
Get him on this show.
He's the one with the facts.
You're talking about Andrew Dice Silverstein, the comedian?
Uh, no.
Larry Silverstein.
Got it.
So, so, the buildings, why were the buildings brought down?
Well, you might ask the Port Authority, too.
I got you here!
You're the expert.
I didn't do this.
I'm just reporting on it.
You're just reporting.
Just listen.
Google it.
Google it.
Go to Stephen Jones' report.
Understand what thermate and thermite are.
Understand how they did that.
So I have to understand what thermate is before I can... And then suddenly I'll believe George W. Bush brought down the World Trade Centers and caused all this.
Someone said to me, do you believe, Mankow, that it was some crazy man on dialysis sitting in a cave?
Or do you believe it was George W. Bush?
Do you believe it?
A guy in a cave?
Half way around?
That guy is Osama Bin Laden, sir!
A known asset!
A CIA asset!
You know what?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for him, and I'm sorry I brought you into this.
You know what?
Sometimes it's just a lone nut on the grassy knoll.
As Freud said, sometimes a banana is just a banana, Anna.
It is what it is.
Yeah, radicals brought down those buildings.
Kevin Smith and Brian Harvey, thank you.
All right.
And during that clip, I told John to find a clip we played last week.
Were you able to find it?
He's still looking.
You know what?
We have to.
We'll download it during the next break.
It's up on JonesReport.com, by the way, right now.
If you go to my MySpace, John, it's one of the top links there in the bulletins.
The headline, firefighters talk about molten steel.
We have New York firefighters on tape from a New York documentary.
A fire captain talking about steel flowing like lava or like a foundry, a steel mill.
Non-structural steel doesn't start melting until 2,750 plus degrees.
Structural until 3,300.
That's official numbers.
Just type in steel melt temperature into Google.
The numbers will come up from big engineering firms.
It's well known.
Jet fuel burns at 1,800 degrees.
It's impossible.
Just like in your fireplace with white hot 2,000 degrees and those white coals, the iron that melts a lot lower temperature
Doesn't even turn red in your fireplace!
Alright, I'm going to shut up about that now.
We'll find that, because yesterday on my new syndicated show I do from 4 to 6 p.m.
of the KLBJ studios, I played that clip with it, and boy it was powerful.
I just forgot to tell John to get it.
I'm not going to keep him long.
I appreciate him coming on.
We've got a link to his website up on InfoWars.com.
Good friend of mine, Todd Madsen, he made the film Doolittle's Raiders.
And it's a good film.
People really ought to get it.
I'm not carrying it, but I think you really should go out there and get it.
It's a great example of guerrilla filmmaking, and then adding a whole other dimension to it.
He turned it into basically a cartoon, but it's a real video that was shot.
It makes it really very viewable.
It's a great film.
I just got done watching it about a week ago.
That's why I had him coming up a week ago, and then I canceled him because I wanted to have time to watch it.
Todd, good to talk to you again.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
Give us the website and tell folks how they can get the new film.
Well, the website is Rembrandt Machine.
You know, like the painter with the R-E-M-B-R-A-N-D-T.
And you can go right there, and there's a link to buy the DVD, and it'll take you through the steps.
That's RembrandtMachine.com?
Yeah, that's RembrandtMachine.com, and you can also sign up to host a screening there if you want to.
And that will be through Braving New Theaters.
And basically, to host a screening, as far as I'm concerned, you have ten friends, and one of you got the best TV.
So, that's a screening.
Yeah, and tell them what the film covers.
Well, basically the film is about the opposition to Bush from within Bush country, both inside and outside the system.
Kind of a comparison between Democratic activists and war protesters, and sort of, you know, where the common purpose emerges and where it diverges.
And so, you know, basically, I followed a group of, you know,
Supporters up to Iowa for the primaries, and then followed a group of protesters from here to New York City for the protests there.
Well, it's a dynamic film.
I mean, it would be a good film without taking the digital video you shot and then turning it basically into a rotoscope.
Tell folks what rotoscoping is.
Well, basically what I did was I took the footage and
Then, you know, replaced all of it with animation.
And the type of animation that I was going for was kind of more of a painterly sort of look.
Not so much black lines and, you know, flat colors, but more, you know, kind of like a, I don't know, a 20th century realist painter.
Like Edward Hopper, you know, did Nighthawks, that, you know, diner scene painting.
And so that was kind of what I was going for there.
I want to continue with this, but breaking news.
I was going to talk about it today.
YouTube has been pulling all my Bilderberg footage that we shot ourselves, that we put on there.
One of them had almost 400,000 views.
So they pulled my famous speech there before Bilderberg.
We're going to re-upload it.
And now the Fox News piece, which I guess they could pull.
You know, it's their video.
But I wonder if Fox even complained.
The little 13 minute clip that you just heard, they pulled the video after it had about 15,000 views since we put it up a day ago.
That's been pulled.
I tell you man, this censorship is really starting to get to me.
But going back to, again, independent filmmaking, I wonder if you put a clip of your film up on YouTube of they'll pull it.
Well, I have the trailer that I did and it hasn't been pulled, but I tell you what was pulled.
And this may have just been copyright reasons.
But there was that little clip of that Robin Williams movie that had the example of waterboarding.
And, you know, go back and that thing was polled, I guess, by users.
Yeah, you got a bunch of scumbag telltales.
Yeah, well let me tell you something.
We've uploaded a video of them beating Iraqi children for fun, and YouTube and Google Video pull it within seconds of it going up, so it's not just users.
They've got controllers in there who don't want people to see what's really happening.
Yeah, it's just crazy.
You know, which is half of why I made this movie.
I just wanted certain things that were going to vanish into the annals of
Well, not even history, because people wouldn't even really know about them.
Well, that's why everybody's got to download whatever you think is important on YouTube or Google, folks.
You've got to start joining us in the fight.
As soon as you see it, you've got to save it to your machine, then share it with people and email it around, and, you know, even host it on your own server.
They can't take us all down.
That's why I've got you on right now, Todd, is to support independent filmmaking.
Hey, you know, I think at this point, it's one of those things where
I mean, if you have the drive to do this, you can get the skills.
And that's what it takes at this point to make a feature-length film, especially a documentary.
And this time in history, it's really important to document what's going on around you.
So that's my thoughts on that, definitely.
Well, it certainly is.
Again, the website, I'll give that website out for folks again.
Yeah, it's RembrandtMachine.com.
Well, listen, Todd, I want to play a clip on my TV show in the next few weeks.
Is it okay if I do that?
Oh, absolutely.
Play as much as you want.
Well, who knows?
You want me to play the whole thing on the cable show?
Oh, you know, I mean, you could give a teaser, definitely.
Sure, I forget how long the film is.
How long is it?
It's 90 minutes.
It's 90 minutes.
Yeah, okay.
Well, I mean, so I can play like 15-20 minutes or something?
Go right ahead.
All right.
Well, listen, I appreciate you coming on the show.
I hope folks check out that website, and who knows, maybe sometime I can drag you out to go on a camera job with us.
Hey, just, you know, a phone call away?
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Thanks for coming on with us.
Yeah, I meant to rant and rave about this earlier, and by the way, this probably won't be up there long either, but we've saved it.
This is Firefighters in a local New York PBS documentary.
We were trying to find out the source.
I'm told that's where it came from.
It's firefighters, a firefighter captain and others talking about how it looked like a foundry, like a volcano inside of the World Trade Center.
Here it is.
I think he just did it to... Who knew?
To be honest with you, I think he might have thought that was it for us, though.
You'd get down below and you'd see molten steel.
Molten steel running down the channel rails.
Like you're in a foundry.
Like a lot.
I mean, I couldn't stop.
I'm about to count.
There wasn't a lot of screaming.
There wasn't a lot of yelling.
Obviously, there was more machinery.
So, that's the clip.
And, uh, I mean, all ManCow had was a bunch of name-calling.
I bet Fox complained.
I bet they don't want that display being shown to the world.
Uh, but it doesn't matter, folks.
TerrorStorm, at least two times, and we know other times, had all of its viewers, uh, erased.
So it wouldn't be in the top 100.
You know, it's the same thing over and over again, even when it's your own film.
A bunch of my Bilderberg YouTubes were erased.
Last night I was doing some research on Bilderberg, came across my own clips and clicked on several of them, they were all gone.
Now, Google kept them.
But YouTube footage I shot, my cameramen, uh-uh, they said it wasn't permissible.
I'm so sick of it.
Why are they fighting to keep you from getting this information?
Because we're going to beat them if we're on a level playing field.
The people are hungry for the truth.
I am just so outraged.
I'm so sick of Google and YouTube.
And if any other big company pops up and lets you put videos up, they'll buy it up and start the same thing.
Let's talk to James in Maryland, who I'm told disagrees with me.
Go ahead, James.
Hello, Alex.
Your guest that you had on today,
Oliver, arguments were persuasive until you realized that the name Palestine is a misnomer.
There is no autonomous people or nation called Palestine.
It was created by the Romans to rub salt in the wound when they sacked Jerusalem and burned down the temple in 70 A.D.
I mean, the whole argument falls apart on that one misnomer.
Well sir, let me just stop you right there.
You know, you throw a fact out and then you claim that fact supports what you're saying.
There were always Arabic people
Listen, it is real evil that the leaders, or at least a small portion of them, of course look at
Look at their policy.
Look at the Israeli Supreme Court, which is the most... But let me stop you.
But because God gave the Jews that land, they're allowed to now go in and kill everybody.
Listen, don't twist my words, Alex.
The fact is... No, that's what the preachers... I put him on hold.
I'm not twisting any words.
That's what the preachers say.
No, God said Israel had been evil, and so they were going to lose that land.
And that's what the Orthodox Jews say, because they know how to read their Talmud, and they know how to read the Old Testament.
So, I mean, all I'm telling you is, sir, shooting toddlers isn't okay.
And certainly the Palestinians do stuff, too.
And then, but I mean, my gosh, you're going, well, the Romans shut that up 1,300, or excuse me, 1,930 years ago, and so these people, there's no such thing as an American.
You know, we've been here 200 and 300 and something years.
So there's, I mean, I guess, you know, 15,000 or 10,000 or 5,000, however long you believe.
The anthropologists all argue that people came across the Bering Strait into the Americas.
I mean, it's like saying Native Americans aren't native.
I mean, what are you talking about?
Go ahead, sir.
Am I still on hold?
Yeah, no, you're on here.
You're on here.
Go ahead, bro.
Okay, perfect.
Israel became a nation in 14 BC.
They were sacked by Rome and lived under occupation.
The land was given to Abraham.
If you don't believe scripture, Alex, that's fine, but I do.
Are they doing an evil thing?
Put him on hold again.
Sir, the Antichrist is going to say he's Jesus, but the churches tell you he's going to come and call himself the devil and attack Israel.
He's going to be in Israel.
I mean, you're just not... I have read the Bible.
I guess that's the problem you have with me.
So, I'm just here saying the policies that Israel has is wrong, and I don't think what Israel's doing is good.
Now, I'll give you some more time on the other side, but I'm gonna have to respond here.
I'm gonna have to have a little bit of time.
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You know, a lot of what's taught in churches isn't even in the Bible.
And we could have pastors on and have a whole debate about this.
Maybe we should, because it controls so much of our policy.
The Antichrist is going to say he's Christ.
He's going to have his likeness that speaks in the temple in Jerusalem.
And he will be worshipped.
He's the Antichrist.
He will be worshipped as Christ.
And you already see it set up where whatever Israel does, we have to follow it.
Well, see, it's already set up for the Antichrist to take over there, and then everyone to follow it.
And even if you don't believe in God, I do, for the atheists out there, this is what's playing out.
And most Christians will kneel to Antichrist.
They will take the Great Delusion.
And because they'll think it's impossible, because they think they had to be raptured if they were still here while the Antichrist was there, when clearly the rapture comes after they tie up the old serpent and throw him there in the cage for a thousand years to be on display.
But again, people will tell you that's not in the Bible.
It's what they do.
They say, lay down to government.
They say, do what the government says.
It isn't in the Bible.
They just, there's one little passage they twist.
The whole Bible is about standing up against evil.
Jesus said there won't be one stone left standing here at this temple.
You're going to be kicked out for what you've done.
You're going to go into bondage.
And then it turns into this whole debate and he gets real emotional and real mad.
So go ahead James, finish up.
Well, he did say that the temple would be thrown down and that they would be dispersed.
That was prophesied before.
And then it would be rebuilt and the Antichrist would move in.
Can I talk?
Well, yeah, but you just keep saying things that aren't right.
Go ahead.
No, I'm not!
You're twisting my words and talking over me!
In 1967, Israel captured Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem from Jordan!
Not a nation called Palestine!
That's my argument!
There is no nation called Palestine, Alex, and you know it!
Okay, so the U.S.
is 233 years old, and Texas is only 100-something years old, so because it was something else before, it really does belong to Spain, because the Palestinians have been there for 1900-plus years.
What do you think your father meant when he said, they parted my land for gain?
I think they're talking about the Pharisees sitting there selling it and trading and doing all this.
You have no idea what you're talking about, Alex.
You know what, sir?
Instead of just telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, what should we do?
Fall down and worship the great leader?
Boy, do you see you're the king of twisting words?
No, I'm not anything!
Tell me what I should do!
I should support whatever Israel does.
No, have I said that?
Okay, what are you saying then?
What do you disagree with?
Okay, then it's not really Palestine.
What should we do then?
What does that mean?
That statement means Israel's doing what it's got to do.
What should we do?
No, that statement doesn't mean that.
You tell me what it meant.
We're almost out of time.
I apologize to the other callers.
I can't go to you now.
Go ahead, sir.
Israel and her leaders are not following the Father.
But does that land belong to those people?
Yes, it does.
Okay, so they're doing what they gotta do with the Palestinians.
No, they're not!
They're wicked, evil people!
But that land does not belong to the Palestinians.
There is no Palestinian people.
But Israel should be there occupying it then.
There is no occupation that belongs to them!
Okay, so what they're doing is good then.
Read your scripture, Alex.
See, I've twisted nothing.
You're going to get so confused when the great leader rises.
Your leader?
Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace, doesn't he?
Oh boy, I get attacked by both sides.
I'm a Zionist agent on one day, and the next day I'm an evil white supremacist.
No, I'm for justice.
What's happening over there is wrong.
I didn't twist anything you said.
There you are.
They need to be there.
It's their land.
They're doing what they gotta do.
No, I didn't say that!
Quit twisting!
And you say exactly that.
Ha ha ha!
Boy, you're a... it's a joke!
You go ahead and worship your God, which is Israel.
Mine's Yahweh.
Alright, God bless you all.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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